Taken out of ALHACENT, the Emperour's Historian, and some other Arabian Manuscripts.

By the Lord de Sainctyon.

Now Englished by M. D'Assigny, B. D.

LONDON, Printed for S. Heyrick, at Grays-Inn-Gate in Holburn, 1679.


IF Tamerlan the Great were this day alive, he would doubtless ap­prove of this most worthy Choice that I have here made of your Graces Noble Person and Name, to place at the Frontispiece of this exact Narra­tive of his Life and Conquests.

He was a Soveraign Prince, of an Heroick Spirit, of an undaunted Cou­rage, [Page] and of an admirable Conduct in War. He was call'd betimes to make use of these great Virtues at the Head of an Army, where Providence always Crowned his Actions with Suc­cess. At first he rose out of a small Province of Asia, but in a few years, he spread the Glory of his Name and Victories, all over that part of the World. He was a Prince so exact in the Execution of Justice, and of so singular a Piety and Goodness, that the Christian Profession, as well as his own Religion, flourished all over his Dominions under his Protection, And his greatest Enemies thought them­selves happy at last, to have been Con­quer'd, and to be Govern'd by a Ta­merlan.

The whole Nation, Great Sir, if not the whole World, sees your Graces Noble Soul enrich'd with the same ex­traordinary Virtues, and divine Qua­lities. [Page] Providence hath also led you out betimes, and caused you to march after Tamerlan, in the same Paths of Honour. The safety of Europe hath called your Grace into the Field, to shew your Valour and Conduct, to give Laws to unruly Enemies, and set Bounds to the unjust Greatness of am­bitious Neighbours.

Your Graces noble Mind, your Cou­rage, your Fame, and Victories, ap­pear to us as glorious in this Nor­thern World, under our Monarch of Great-Britain, as Tamerlan's ever did, either under the King of Parthia his Father, or the Grand Cham of Tartary his Ʋncle. And your Gra­ces sincere Devotion for our Protestant Religion, your mild and courteous Be­haviour, your great Affection and daily Services for the English Nati­on, have render'd your Name Sacred every where in City and Country, and [Page] caused us all to look upon you as a second Tamerlan.

Did Providence put into your Hands the same Power, Opportunities, and Authority, we should doubtless see, through your Graces Wisdom and Cou­rage, the English Name render'd as famous all over Europe, and as dread­ful to our proud and insulting Neigh­bours, as ever the Parthian was to the Moscovites, the Turks, the Mam­meluks, and other Barbarians, forced to submit to the Empire of Tamerlan the Great.

This notable Resemblance, together with your Graces Affability, Mildness, and most sweet Disposition, hath encou­rag'd me to this Presumption, for which the greatness of my respects, the Excellency of the History, and the Nobility of the Subject will, I hope, mediate for, and obtain a pardon from your Graces goodness.

[Page]If I may be so happy in this Address to give your Grace some little satis­faction, and delight you in the reading of the brave Exploits of this Heroe, as Alexander was in the perusal of the War-like Actions of Achilles, and cause your Grace to cast an Eye of Fa­vour upon this small Treatise, and its mean Author, I shall attain to the chief End aimed at by this Dedicati­on. God preserve your Grace for the good of this Nation, and give me leave to be in word and deed, with all humility and submission,

Great Sir,
Your Graces most humble, most faithful, and devoted Servant, M. D'Assigny.


THE Divine Providence seems to take a delight sometimes to surprise and startle the minds of men, with the strange and unexpected Revolutions and great Changes that happen in the World: Such as are the terrible Earth-quakes that bury Ci­ties and Provinces in their Ruines, the irresistable Floods that carry all before them, the sad Fires that turn into Ashes in the twinkling of an Eye the beautiful Works and the proud Fabricks of ma­ny Ages. This Divine and wise Providence seems also to take a delight, to produce in the World, in the greatest times of need, those admirable souls and Great Men, who come as Blessings to Mankind, to banish away all Confusion and Disorder, and settle Peace and Happiness amongst men; like so many skilful Physicians they come to purge Nature from all its ill humours.

Cyrus, Alexander, and Caesar were Agents of this Divine Providence, employed for that charitable [Page 2] purpose. So likewise when Bajazet, that cruel Em­perour of the Turks, destroyed the Provinces of Asia and Europe, and made a havock of his Neigh­bours, Gods Providence chose Tamerlan the Great, to give a check to his Pride and Cruelty, and stop him in his full career, wherein he intended to Con­quer the World.

The History of this great Hero I shall now re­present, that it may encourage and direct all Mar­tial Spirits in the Employment of War, and inform the rest of the World with a just and true Account of the brave and glorious Actions of this Noble Conquerour.

CHAP. I. Of the Birth and first Years of Tamerlan.

TAmerlan signifies Celestial Grace. He was the Son of Og King of Zagatay, or of the Par­thians, Nephew of the Grand Cham of Tartary, and not the Son of a vile Shepherd and Robber, as his Enemies have basely invented to discredit him, out of malice or ignorance; that the geatest Revenues and Riches of the Eastern Kings consist in the num­ber of their Flocks and Herds, rather than in their Golden Mines, which nevertheless are also there to be found in their Dominions.

The Province of Zagatay, or Sachetay, lies West from the Sogdians, and is properly the ancient Par­thia. The chief City is Samarcande, seated upon the River Issarle. It grew so mighty in riches and number of men, as well as in beauty, during the Reign of this Prince, that it may now be compared to any other City of Asia.

[Page 3]When Tamerlan was happily born, in his person were discoverable from his Infancy so many rare signs of a great Courage, and of a sweet Disposition, that gladded the heart of his old Father, and ob­liged him to incourage those Gifts of Nature, by the tuition and teaching of the rarest persons and Doctors of the Country. After a good and spee­dy proficiency, this young Prince became the de­light, the love, and the wonder of his people. Before he was full fifteen he had learned from his Masters all that they could teach him for the exer­cise of his body, or to grace his mind. He had some insight in the Mysteries of Astrology, and skill in Talismanical Figures, which is called the Astro­logy or Divinity of Zoroaster and of the Bactrians, and which since hath been much us'd by the Arabi­ans, aswell as in riding of a Horse, handling of a Lance, drawing of a Bow, and wrestling. The King his Father looked upon him then as worthy to Govern the Kingdom, in which he employed him a little after; and the rather, because he saw himself aged and weak, and desired nothing more but to sequester himself from business, and to serve God the rest of his days in the contemplation of his glorious Works.

But before he accomplished this great Design, though he had for his Son all the esteem and good opinion that he deserv'd, he was not so unadvised as to venture in such young hands the Government of his Realm, without a precaution and sufficient provision for his advice and counsel; for if he had done otherwise, he would have but expos'd his Kingdom to those dangers and losses which are not easily repair'd.

To prevent all mischiefs of that nature, he [Page 4] placed near his Son, to ease and direct him in the management of Affairs, Odmar and Haly, the two greatest and wisest men of the Kingdom, noted for their Noble Birth and for their Experience in Affairs, aswell as for their other Vertues and fide­lity to his Interest.

Tamerlan received these two great persons from his Father as the tokens of his love, and since he never undertook any thing without their advice. He embrac'd them always with so much respect and affection, that for fear of forgetting one after his decease, he wore his Ring upon his Finger, aswell to call to mind the good services that he had re­ceived from him, as to hinder him from forgetting two rare Precepts which he had given him, when he was to sit in Judgment, and to do justice to his Subjects.

This noble way of acting soon won him the hearts of all his Subjects, so that they looked upon him as their life and soul. From hence we may observe, That a mild and loving disposition, together with an acknowledgment of good deeds, is the strongest Charm that a Prince can use to win the souls of his peo­ple, and get their prayers and affections.

In his young days, and at his first coming to the Crown, he enjoyed quiet and peace at home, through his Fathers care to scatter and send at a distance all troublesome spirits, who might have di­sturbed the State. But this peaceable time he em­ployed rather in Study than in his Divertisements; instead of spending his hours in a Bath, the great­est delight of the Parthians, he spent them in read­ing of Arabian Books, and in meditating the Pre­cepts of Astrology, at such moments only when he had finished his weightier Employments relating [Page 5] to the Government of his Kingdom. In the dis­charge of which he often said, That his good Genius did assist and help him, and that having so much fa­vour from Heaven he could not but succeed in all his Designs.

He had so great a care of and so much esteem for divine matters and things, and for whatsoever concern'd the Religion of his Forefathers, that he would not be perswaded to suffer any alteration. Nevertheless he gave liberty to all Religions that teach to worship one God Creator of all things, gi­ving this as his Reason, That his Divine Majesty did delight to be served and adored in divers manners. But he was a declared and an irreconcileable Enemy of Idols and Idolaters, whom he always vexed.

He was of a middle stature, his shoulders were but narrow, his legs beautiful, his body full and well set, a comely face with good features, and his eyes so full of goodness, mildness, and majesty to­gether, that it was no easie matter to look sted­fastly upon them. Therefore the Prince was wont to turn away out of modesty his eyes from him that spoke to him, that he might finish his discourse with more confidence. He had but little hair upon his Lips and Chin, it was curl'd, very thick, and of a fine Ash-colour; he wore it long, contrary to the custom of the Tartars, who shave their Heads be­fore, leaving but some few locks behind, which they cover over with their Caps, but he had almost always his head uncovered. Therefore when one of his Favourites asked him why he had not his Head shav'd as other persons of his Country; he answered, Ʋnderstand my Friend one thing which I will tell thee, because I will thereby acknowledge thy af­fection to me, That my Mother was of the Race of Sam­son, [Page 6] therefore in remembrance of my Forefather, she hath commanded me to preserve my hair: This is the cause of my long hair. This secret being afterwards spread abroad, gain'd to him the respect of all his Subjects, chiefly of his Army, who imagin'd there­fore some extraordinary vertue in his hair. This belief was confirmed by his wonderful skill and strength in wrestling, because the strongest Tar­tars were not to be compared to him, and that such as were foiled thought it an honour, though over­come, to struggle with a Prince of so much repu­tation.

This being the right description of Tamerlan, it is easie to be imagin'd, that rest and a quiet life was not pleasing to him. But though his aim was at Glory and Honour, he chose rather to check his Martial temper, than to invade his Neighbours, and trouble their Peace without cause. Providence that had adopted him suffered not long his courage to be without exercise: It led him upon this great Theatre of the World, there to appear in an emi­nent manner. We shall see him next in his first go­ings out.

CHAP. II. Tamerlan's War with the Moscovites.

THE Moscovites broke the Peace: they were weary of that Rest which they had long en­joyed; thinking themselves therefore so dreadful, that all their Neighbours were to stand in awe of them: They made some In roads upon the Terri­tories that are on this side of Cazan and Astracam, [Page 7] and that border upon both Empires. They had never received any dammage from these Inhabi­tants: Their intention was only to conquer them without any Right or Claim. They enter'd there­fore amongst them with their Army, and cau'sd e­very thing to pass through Fire and Sword, sparing neither Towns nor Villages; besides, they plun­der'd a City bordering upon Zagatay, or Sachetay, and under Tamerlan's protection.

In this surprise, these poor Inhabitants, being not able to stop the fury of those Northern Barba­rians, sought a remedy from their Tears and Com­plaints, and from the Power and Justice of their Protector. Tamerlan was sensible of their wrongs, and the affront done to his Person and Government, by the Insolency of the Moscovites, who had disco­ver'd so little regard of him. He promis'd there­fore to punish them, and check their cruelty and boldness: For that intent he takes advice, what to do in this juncture, from his two faithful Counsel­lors, who encouraged him to declare an open War with the Moscovites, in defence of his People and Confederates.

In the mean time Odmar and Haly, according to their Princes expectation and Orders, were busie in gathering together all their Troops dispersed in Garrisons, to raise new Souldiers, and form a con­siderable Body, with the assistance of their Allies. At the first beginning of the Spring, Tamerlan, at the Head of his Army, marches against his Ene­mies, who were encamped upon the Borders, near the River Maspha.

The Moscovites were in all one hundred thousand Foot, and fourscore thousand Horse; most of them old Souldiers, who had been in many Encounters with their Neighbours.

[Page 8]Of this fourscore thousand Horse, ten thousand were Polanders, sent from the King of Poland, new­ly re-united by a League with the Moscovites: Be­sides there were eight thousand Hungarians, and many Noblemen of that Nation, under the command of a great Lord, called Ʋladislaus. Tamerlan had in his Army threescore thousand Horse, and one hundred and fifty thousand Foot-men, brought up in Armes, but they were not to be compar'd with the Moscovites, who had exercis'd themselves in several Campagns; whereas the Parthians never saw an Enemy during the Government of their King Og, who had always been at peace with all the World.

At the sight of the Enemy, Tamerlan's warlike Courage and Martial fury was kept in by the fear of a mistake: He thought it therefore wisdom to take a view of their Camp, by which he understood that he could not go to them without passing at the foot of a little Hill, which they were possessed of before his coming. They had planted there six thousand of their Foot, who might have strangely gawl'd Tamerlan's men, had they attempted to set up­on the Moscovites, on that side, and yet they were ne­cessitated to begin the assault there; but first Ta­merlan judg'd contrary to the judgment of his Privy Council, that they were first to beat the Enemy from that advantageous Post, and that without engag­ing themselves in a Battel. The Moscovites were so well fortified in this place, that it was no easie matter to force them. Tamerlan therefore draws them down by a Stratagem: He gave Orders to twenty thousand Foot, commanded by Haly, seem­ingly to assault the Hill, and when he saw the rest of the Army drawing near to their assistance, he [Page 9] caused his whole Army to pass over the River of Rosna; by that means he reduced the Enemy to a necessity of fighting.

This proceeding of Tamerlan was succeeded by two advantages: First it put his Cavalry in securi­ty from the Guns and Darts of this little Hill, unto which they had been otherwise expos'd: Next it caus'd him to succeed in his design of ending this War, which the Moscovite was resolved to pro­tract. He was perswaded that he could draw away his Men from this Post at his pleasure, in case of ne­cessity; and that in a Night, as he was wont, he could retreat back twenty Leagues. But he found by experience this to be a real truth, That humane wisdom, in that very moment when it is the most enlight­ned, is but dark and blind.

These two Armies in the mean while were in sight of one another without engaging; for they stood at a stand, looking at what pass'd upon the Hill, where the Parthians, recruited from time to time, and in season, endeavour'd to drive from thence the Moscovites, who, being assisted with continual suc­cours, made a stout resistance. The Fight lasted two hours with equal advantage on both sides: for both Parties were encouraged by the many Witnesses that beheld them. But Haly, at last, took this equality for an affront, or a kind of de­feat. This made him call upon his Men to do their uttermost, to force Victory to declare for them. They obeyed his perswasion, and gave such a vigo­rous onset, that their Enemies, weary and tired out with the former assaults, began to give back by degrees; which when Tamerlan's Men perceived, his Parthians set upon them so stoutly, that the o­thers had no time to rally again together, but [Page 10] shamefully fled, and forsook their Station.

This unexpected disgrace, instead of affright­ing the Moscovites, and filling them with fears, which are the usual sequels of such kind of defeats, filled them with impatiency to be revenged, and make amends for their losses; chiefly because they were reduced to a necessity of fighting by the near­ness of the Enemies approach, who had pass'd the River for that purpose, and from whom there was no flying with safety. This made them pas­sionately desire the signal.

The Moscovites Army was thus embatteled. The Van, led by the Prince of Russia the Emperours Son, was composed of five and twenty thousand Horse, Poles, Hungarians, and Moscovites, in a Body. They charged with their Lances in double Files, leav­ing behind a sufficient distance to retreat, but this prov'd to their disadvantage.

The main Battel, where their greatest strength was, consisted of forty thousand Horse, followed by all their Infantry. The Emperour was there in Person, with the greatest part of the Lords of his Court. The Reer was a great Squadron of ten thousand Horse, in a square Body, of their best and compleatest Troops.

Tamerlan's Army march'd in another order: This Prince had divided all his Cavalry into nine­teen squadrons, every one consisting of six thou­sand Horse, only his own squadron had ten thou­sand, and his Infantry stood in Battalions.

Odmar led the Van of nine squadrons of Horse, having forty thousand Foot upon the Wings, twen­ty thousand on each hand.

The Body was commanded by Tamerlan, ha­ving ten squadrons of Horse, his own in the mid­dle, [Page 11] and fifty thousand Foot, all chosen Men, the ablest of his Army.

The Prince of Tanais, his Cousin, brought up the Reer, having forty thousand Foot in six Divisions, and three thousand Horse, named Oliacks, or Dra­goons, to second them.

The Parthians, encouraged with a prosperous suc­cess upon the Hill, waited for nothing but for the Signal, to fall on their Enemies. And Tamerlan himself, when he saw them advance in so good or­der, to save them the trouble of marching part of the way, met them in the middle, sending his or­ders to Odmar to go forward: But this wise and ex­perienced Captain, who alone was authorised by his credit and long experience in War, to oppose the desires of his Prince, sent him back word, that he would stop where he was; that he would wait upon the Hill for the Enemy, and would not lose the advantage gain'd already of the higher Ground, of the Wind and Sun. Three things that help'd them to win the day, and that incommoded so much the Moscovites Army, that during the Encoun­ter they had always Dust in their Eyes, so that by this means they were less able to see to the wants of their Army.

Though at this time Tamerlan saw nothing in the Countenances, and on the Faces of his Souldiers, but that which promis'd success and happiness, yet to annimate them the more, he thought it fit to speak to them in this manner.

[Page 12]

Tamerlan's Speech to his Army.

'TIS neither for Riches, my dear Companions, nor for larger Bounds to my Empire, that we are to fight this Day: 'Tis for that which is far more excellent and noble: 'Tis for the Glory and Honour of our Na­tion: 'Tis to shew these Enemies before us, that we are the same Parthians who put a stop to the Roman Conquests; the same who were not to be daunted by those Lords of the World. These that stand against you have neither their Courage nor Virtue. They are but a rabble led on by Insolency and Brutality, who would never be so auda­cious were it not for their numbers. I shall only recom­mend to you the remembrance of your Ancestors Glory, and these considerations; that your Prince is in the Encounter with you; that he never knew what it is to run away, or flye from an Enemy; that he hath made you pass over the River never to go back without Victory in your Hands; and that he puts all his trust upon your undaunted Coura­ges and Faithfulness.

These words caus'd strange Transports in the minds of the Souldiers, which made them break out into loud cries to be led on to the Battel. Their furiousness was so great, that they were not to be kept in at the sight of the Enemy. Odmar soon satisfied them, by sending to Tamerlan for the Sign, and word of Command, when he saw the time convenient; but he was prevented by the Moscovites, who charged first, and gave a furious onset. The Parthians received them with an un­daunted resolution, which had caused them to give back, if Odmar, at that time, had not by his fall disorder'd his squadron. By this accident his Ca­valry [Page 13] began to shake, and was afterwards broken, and himself hurried away in the Croud; so that he was forced, after a considerable loss of Men, to shelter himself under the left Wing of his Infantry, on that side of the Mountain whither the Prince had sent already six thousand Horse as a recruit.

When he was mounted again, he rallied all his Men that he could pick up, and fell upon the sides of the Moscovites Army, where the Hungarians were, who this day behaved themselves so bravely, that only with three thousand Men they broke through Tamerlan's Battel. At this he retreated, according to the Parthians manner, which made the Enemies imagin them to run away. This fond conceit had so puft them up, that they thought the Victory to be already in their Hands: But assoon as the Reer was come up, led by the Prince of Ta­nais, who had rallied together about fourteen thou­sand Horse, and all the Foot; he obliged the Moscovites to run away in their turn, after such ex­traordinary resistance, that one may justly say, that their Vertue and Courage was forced to yield to the greater number.

When the Parthians perceiv'd that Victory smil'd upon them, they pursued their advantage so fierce­ly, that their Enemies had neither time to rally nor to understand themselves.

Tamerlan was here wounded in the Forehead, and near the left Eye, having left two Horses kill'd un­der him.

The Moscovites Army was totally routed, many Lords and chief Officers taken Prisoners; the Em­perour himself was once fallen into the Hands of a Parthian Souldier incognito, but he happily sav'd him­self, and met with ten thousand Horse that had not [Page 14] been broken; with them he retreated ten Leagues, and for his greater security he pass'd over a River in the Night, beyond which he rallied together all that he could save of his Army.

His Cavalry behav'd themselves in the Battel like Men of Courage, but when they saw them­selves forsaken of the Foot in the hottest Encoun­ter, when they were fiercely charged, and Fortune seem'd to turn them her back, they were then forc'd to yield to the Conquerour. They suffer'd therefore more than the Infantry, that sav'd them­selves along the Mountains in the dark of the night, which favour'd them in all their flight.

Tamerlan, having pursued them three Leagues, return'd to the Field, where he solemnly gave God the praise for the Victory obtained.

The next day assoon as it was light he review'd all his Army, and understood that he had lost not above seven or eight thousand Horse, and between three and four thousand Foot; whereas the Mosco­vites wanted seven and twenty thousand Foot, and about fifteen or sixteen thousand Horse.

We must acknowledge that Odmar, this day, was the safety of his Prince and of the whole Army; and that after his disgrace he behaved himself won­derfully well and wisely, in that he assaulted the Enemy upon the Flanks, when they had beaten both the Van and the Main Battel, and were going to fall upon the Reer, led by the Prince of Tanais, under whose Wings Tamerlan was retreated. If Odmar had not acted in this manner, the Moscovites would have doubtless, and with ease, defeated the Reer, and won the honour of that glorious day. By this 'tis easie to understand, how great is the advantage of that Commander, who having pitch'd [Page 15] upon a Field, and chosen a favourable Ground and Place, waits stedfastly for his Enemies coming, chiefly when he hath both Wind and Sun to fight with him. Tamerlan forgot not to mind his Soul­diers and Captains of this happiness. It is also certain, that when the Reer, is well commanded it is able to restore the Battel when it is in a most de­sPerate condition, and to snatch the Victory out of the hands of the stoutest Enemies.

Assoon as Tamerlan, as I have already said, had given thanks to God, and taken a review of his Army, he commanded all the dead, both his own men and the Enemies to be buried, and afterwards he rewarded all those that had well behaved them­selves in the Fight. But his joy for the Victory was qualified with the grief for the death of Haly; he was killed with an Arrow, as he was going to the Fight, after that he had gain'd the Mountain, and performed Actions worthy of an Immortal Glory. Tamerlan caus'd his Body to be embalmed, and to remain with him in his own Tent, till he return'd to Samarcande, where he caused a stately Sepul­chre to be made for him, which renders his name famous in succeeding Ages, and gave a beginning to the glorious Structures, which he caused afterwards to be erected in his Capital City, and which have made it to be one of the most famous Cities of the World.

Tamerlan, after this Victory, was not puft up with Pride, as some of his Age are in such great successes; many times they are so apt to forget themselves, that they become unsufferable to their best Friends. But after the slaughter, when he be­held so many thousands reeking in their Blood, he lamented at the hard and unavoidable fate of such [Page 16] as command in great Armies; and addressing him­self to those that were about him. O how happy is my Father in his choice of Peace, and in preferring a solitary and quiet life to this troublesome, painful, and cruel employment of a Souldier, which he must sometimes embrace that governs a Kingdom. Is it not grievous, that such an one cannot purchase to himself Glory, but by the Death of so many millions of his own Species, and oftentimes the destruction of his dearest Friends. In this manner Tamerlan receiv'd, with displeasure, such bloody successes purchas'd at the price of so many lives.

In the mean while he supply'd the duties of his place, and gave Orders to advance into the Mosco­vites Country; marching after their flying Army that were rallied into a Body of thirty thousand Horse, which, together with the Foot, seem'd to be willing to venture another Battel, but their Em­perour had no such resolution, when he saw the Par­thians so soon at his Heels, ready to enter into his Country, where the People were frighted at the approach of so victorious an Army. To secure himself and his Men, he passed over the River of Nifort: on the other side he called together a Ge­neral Council of Officers, who advis'd him, for the preservation of his Subjects, to send a solemn Em­bassie to Tamerlan, with Overtures of Peace, rather than to hazard another Battel against a Prince who had justice on his side. They were the sooner in­vited to this, by the generous behaviour of Tamerlan with the Prisoners that he had taken; for thereby he seem'd to give an assurance, that he would not refuse reasonable offers of Peace, and that after he had shewn sufficient proofs of his Courage and Power, he would likewise give some Tokens of [Page 17] his Moderation and Generosity. In pursuance of this Design, the Moscovite sends him Embassadors to treat of Peace, and offer all possible amends for the wrongs sustained by his Subjects In-roads into Tamerlan's Country.

When the Embassadors were arriv'd at Tamerlan's Camp, they found a most obliging reception. He was so far from insulting over their unhappiness, that he seem'd to pity them, and treated them with so much kindness, that though a Conquerour, he seem'd to have as much modesty as the Conquer­ed. They declared that they were come in their Masters name to desire a Peace, upon such Condi­tions as he should propose, which they expected would be favourable, for they were confident that he would use his Victory with moderation, which he was to take rather as a kind gift of Fortune, upon which no person can settle his assurance, than an evident proof of the greatness of his Forces. He answer'd them, that he had taken up Armes only to protect his Subjects and Confederates from the insults of the Moscovites; and if they had prov'd happy and successful, he acknowledg'd him­self to be therefore indebted to the great God of Hosts, who had favour'd the justice of his Cause: That because he held and had received this advan­tage from his pure goodness, he was not therewith puft up with pride; that they might have learn'd so much from the manner of proceeding of the Parthians, who had it recommended to them from their Predecessors, not to want courage in adversity, nor to be insolent in prosperity; but to observe a mode­ration in both, and seek the execution of Justice. He told them, that it was but just that they should give some satisfaction to the Conquerour, and promise [Page 18] never to molest or trouble his Allies; that they should pay down all the Expences of the War, which amounted to three hundred thousand Du­cats, and that they should become Tributaries, and give him yearly one hundred thousand Ducats; and that for the performance of these conditions, they should deliver Hostages, which were to be re­newed every year; and that he for his part would grant them peace, and send home all their Priso­ners of War.

These Conditions were readily accepted, so that Tamerlan, full of glory and satisfaction, return'd to Samarcande to his Father, who was so much dis­interessed in the affairs of the world, that these pro­sperities of his Son wrought no alteration upon his countenance, and in his discourse, no more than in his mind.

But every where in the Princes march he was re­ceived in State with Arches of Triumph, with Sports, and all the marks of a publick joy and pomp, which Tamerlan accepted as the signs of his Subjects affections with a grateful acknowledg­ment of their love.

In these great causes of publick joy he seem'd to be very moderate and modest; when a solemn Embassy came to him with rich Presents, to con­gratulate his Victory, from the Grand Cham of Tar­tary his Ʋncle, with the offer of his only Daughter in marriage, promising to cause all his Subjects to acknowledge him as the Heir of his Empire, be­cause he was his nearest Kin, and had no hopes in his old age to be Father of any more Children.

This pleasing news was welcom to this young Prince, and the rather, because by this great Suc­cession, he was in hopes to be able to put in execu­tion [Page 19] the mighty things that he design'd in his mind, which should immortalize his Name. He prepared himself with all possible diligence for this journey towards Quinsay, where the Emperour his Uncle liv'd. He was by his Orders received, as in Tri­umph, by all the great Lords of the Court, as well as by all the Inhabitants of this great City, who ho­nour'd his arrival with the richest shews, because he was one day to be their Soveraign, and the dispo­ser of their lives and fortunes.

The days immediately after his magnificent En­try were spent in sports and gallantry, in Plays, Races, Encounters, and other Divertisements, in which the vain-glorious Tartars were glad to shew their address and dexterity.

Yet Tamerlan met with none there that could beat him in all these Exercises. He was so expert in them, in shooting with Bow and Arrows, and in fencing with a sharp Sword, that he gain'd the ad­miration and love of all his Subjects.

At the end of six days spent in these delights, the Emperour caus'd him to be solemnly crowned, with the applause and consent of all sorts of men, for the Prince was desirous that this Solemnity should precede that of his Marriage, that his Right to the Imperial Crown might be better secur'd, and that it might not seem that the Empire fell to him by the marriage of his Wife, but by a Lineal De­scent, for Daughters in that Country cannot inhe­rit the Crown.

Immediately after Tamerlan was married with all the splendour and glory imaginable. In this occasion, all the magnificence and pomp of the old Rome seem'd to appear at Quinsay, to render this Solemnity more glorious.

[Page 20]After the Consummation of the Marriage, Ta­merlan spent two Months at this Court, with all the satisfaction and honour that he could desire; for he was mightily beloved, and generally look'd upon as the only hope of the Empire of Tartary. But at last his natural inclination to return into his own City of Samarcande, where he took more delight than in any other place of the World, together with the desire to shew himself to his own Subjects as the Successor of the greatest Empire of the World, prevail'd upon all other considerations, and oblig'd him to take leave, with his beloved Spouse, of his Father-in-law, and of all the Friends that he had got in that Court. He arriv'd in safe­ty with the Princess to this City, where he was ex­pected with the longing of his people. We must acknowledge that the abode is very pleasant, as well in regard of its situation, as for a beautiful River that waters it, and renders it one of the richest thereabouts for Trade, and the fertility of the Soil. At his arrival he met there with the Em­bassadours of several Princes, some were come to congratulate him upon his new Promotion, others to make a League with him, others to avoid his displeasure, that they might not have him for an Enemy. The most pleasing Embassie was that of the Emperour of Moscovy; for besides the stately gifts, several beautiful Horses, and the richest Furs of the Country, as black Foxes, and Sables, which the Embassadours brought, he saw himself freed from the apprehension which he had conceiv'd up­on the news that this Prince did gather together his Army. He understood that it was to march against Poland, and some other Neighbours. The Poles so­licited in vain the Prince by their Envoys, and by [Page 21] some of the chief of the Court, whom they had gain'd to send Succours. They alledg'd to per­swade him, that the Moscovite was but a reconciled Enemy, that he would quickly become more dread­ful if he met with success in this attempt; and if he could overcome so great a Kingdom as Poland is, to add it to his former Dominions, that then it would be too late to seek a remedy to prevent an evil, which was now to be hindered by sending some succours and assistance to the Polanders, who would ever after become the Parthians Scouts on that side of their Empire, and watch over the acti­ons of their common Enemy: Besides, it is a gene­ral rule amongst Princes, not to suffer their Neigh­bours to grow too great, for fear of the usual con­sequence. These reasons made no impression upon Tamerlan's mind: This was all the answer he re­turn'd, That he had given to the Moscovite the dear­est thing that he had in the world, namely, his Faith, and that he would not be the first to break it; but if on the other part he did offer to violate the Treaty, he knew how to punish and bring him to reason, seeing that he had been able to overcome him when he had nothing but the Kingdom of the Parthians, which is but a little Province of Tartaria; and that now that he was be­come the Lord of so great an Empire, he had less rea­son to stand in fear of him: that he was fully perswa­ded, that in observing the rules of Equity and Justice with all the world, he had reason to expect that his Sword would be able to make way into new Empires, and other Kingdoms; and that whiles the Moscovites were imployed and busie in their designs, he would endeavour to proceed on in his purposes, to get to himself honour and glory: that the Peace concluded and sworn to the Moscovites, was known to all the Neighbours, and [Page 22] should never be broken by him; besides, that it was ho­nourable to himself, and advantagious to his people. He told them, that he knew for certain that God pu­nishes commonly Princes who lightly ingage themselves in unjust wars and quarrels; and that this Lesson having been learn'd and carefully practis'd by his Fore-fathers, had been a means to raise and establish his Family, and caused it to continue for three hundred years safe and se­cure, by this observation of the Rules of Justice; so that in all that time none of his Predecessors have ever been cross'd with unsuccessful attempts, for the God of Hosts is a lover of Right and Justice. He told them, that if he had, as some declar'd, so great a delight in War, and so earnest a desire to appear in action, he had means enough, without committing injustice, to satisfie his mind, by requiring from some of his Neighbours the Lands which they had taken from the King his Father, who had never demanded any restitution, out of a care­lesness for the world, or an earnest inclination for Peace: that in case of a refusal, it would be just and glorious for him to recover his poor Subjects, and free them from the tyranny of an unlawful Power.

Odmar, who had been one of the most earnest persons to perswade him to assist the Polanders, with an intention to weaken the Moscovites, yield­ed, or seem'd at least to yield to these reasons. He was mightily ravish'd with the justice and equity of Tamerlan's discourse, and to consider how he mo­derated his courage with the Rules of Reason: And though the judgment of many of the wisest of the Privy Council, grounding their opinions up­on the antipathy of both Nations, and the diffe­rence of Religions, was contrary to that of Ta­merlan, they could not prevail to make him alter his resolution. Odmar alone knowing the cause, [Page 23] strengthen'd it the more; so that it overcame the advice of those who supported their opinion by undeniable Maxims of State, and the experience of many Ages. Tamerlane nevertheless understood very well that they had good reasons on their side, and that by resisting their judgments he acted a­gainst the rules of humane wisdom; and it may be he had followed their advice, if it had not been for another great design which he had found, the Great Cham was the first Author of it in a Confe­rence at Quinsay, he caus'd him to resolve upon it: only Odmar had been privy to it; for there dis­coursing of the weighty Affairs of the Empire, they took together a resolution to carry the War into China, as well to drive those people into their an­cient bounds over which they had pass'd, as to se­cure on that side the Empire of Tartary. In the mean whiles preparations were secretly made for this great Enterprise, for which the Prince had a mighty fancy, without discovering his mind. He depended upon the succours which the Emperour his Uncle had promis'd, and with which he was confident to re-establish the Tartarians in their an­cient possessions, and that he should gain the Vi­ctory, because he had Justice on his side, which doubtless would favour him in his undertaking. Whatever inclination he had naturally for War, he had thought it a crime to ingage himself in a quarrel only out of a motive of ambition, or for pleasure, and he had look'd upon himself as the Author of all those desolations, disorders, and mi­series which accompany and follow War: There­fore he often desired of God the Spirit of Wisdom and Discretion, and the power to overcome his own passions, which he would sometimes say was a [Page 24] more glorious Victory for a Prince, than that which wins for him Kingdoms and Empires. Therefore when he could find Justice on his side, and see that she did incourage his strong inclination for War, then his Soul was fully satisfied in it self, sending forth out of his eyes, and upon his countenance, certain motions which signified his joy and inward contentment; chiefly when he was to demand his own Territories, to free his Subjects from slavery, or deliver his Allies from an apparent oppression.

There was never a Prince less guilty of presump­tion: he was never angry when his judgment was oppos'd, but rather well pleas'd when he was o­vercome by stronger reasons than his own; there­fore he honour'd and respected so highly wise and vertuous men, that without any regard to their Rank or Dignity, as soon as he could hear of any, though in the deepest misery, he was wont to send for him, receiving him in this obliging manner; My friend, I intreat thee let me be a partaker of thy Wis­dom, and I will make thee a partaker of my Riches.

Upon this subject he did often complain, that he had many gifts offered to him of Gold, Silver, Jewels, and rich Moveables, but very few did offer him those Ornaments and Graces which are needful to govern well so many differing Nations that he had in his Em­pire.

Amongst the chief Officers of his Court, and dearest Friends, there was a Genoese, a Christian, named Axalla, who had been brought up with him from his Cradle, and for whom the Parthians had a great respect. He was the chief incourager to set the Prince on to great and noble Actions, and wor­thy Enterprises. The difference in Religion never hinder'd Tamerlan from listning to him, and be­lieving [Page 25] him; for, as I said before, when God a­lone, the Creator of Heaven and Earth was wor­shipped, he never troubled himself, nor enquir'd into the differing Modes of worship. He was wont to say, that it did become the greatness of the Divine Majesty, to be served and adored by all the Nations of the Earth, in divers manners, according to the diversi­ty of people. But he hated all Idolaters, and would not suffer them to abide in his Dominions: So that the Christian Faith which Axalla profess'd openly, hinder'd him not from enjoying and possessing the greatest honours and dignities of Tamerlan's Army and Court.

CHAP. III. The War proclaim'd by Tamerlan against the King of China, but stopt by the Revolt of a Calix, a great Lord of Tartary; his defeat, and Exe­cution.

WHen Tamerlan had privately made suffi­cient preparations for the Expedition that he had promis'd his Uncle, not only for the reasons already mentioned, but also because it tend­ed to the Publick Peace, to imploy the Subjects of so great an Empire in a Forreign War; for other­wise either their numbers, or their stirring disposi­tions, might have proved prejudicial to the State, every one was surprised to see that the Cloud that had been long a gathering, was going to fall upon China. The King of this large Country, who is named the Off-spring of the Sun, expected no such matter: But to acquaint him with the reasons of [Page 26] such great preparations, Embassadours were sent to him, to require a restitution of all the Lands, E­states, and Feedings, which he had taken from the Tartars, contrary to the last Treaties. These Lands are lying beyond a River called Tachii, and beyond that famous Wall which bound both Empires, and which the King of China caus'd to be built to secure himself and people from the frequent Inroads of the warlike and restless Tartarians. What answer this proud Monarch would make to this Embassie was known before; therefore all the Troops were commanded to advance and hasten to their general Rendezvous.

The Parthians were to meet at Hirdas of Baschir, where the whole Army was to joyn them; but the Tartarians were ordered to gather together in the Wilderness of Ergimul, where Tamerlan with all his Forces was to come to them at a certain day.

The Grand Cham's Army had two hundred thou­sand fighting men, all well disciplin'd and inur'd to labour and pains. In this Army besides were seve­ral considerable Lords, and worthy Commanders, who had render'd themselves famous in many En­counters and Wars, in which the Emperour, before the decline of his Age, had been ingag'd, and by which he had inlarg'd the bounds of his great Em­pire.

When Tamerlan's Embassadours were return'd out of China, they brought this insolent answer, that this proud Prince, puff'd up with a strange conceit of his own power, wonder'd that the King of the Parthians was so bold to make War upon him; that he judg'd it more reasonable for him to rest satisfied with that which he could take away from him with his mighty Army; that he regarded [Page 27] not the progress that Tamerlan had made with his Forces, nor their successes already, they were too weak to be compared with the numerous Armies of the Chineses.

This proud Answer caus'd all deliberation to cease. Tamerlan instantly sent a Messenger to the Emperour, to let him understand the posture of Affairs, and this vain-glorious Answer of the King of China. In the mean while, he gave all necessary orders for Provisions and Ammunitions to be sent to the Rendezvous of the Army from all parts, and for the Tartars Army to advance forward, with an intention to joyn both his Armies in few days. But before his departure, he was willing to take his leave of the King his Father, and recom­mend his just Cause and Expedition to his Prayers.

This good Parent being sensibly mov'd at the goodness and piety of his Son, imbrac'd him seve­ral times. After many hearty wishes for his pro­sperous Expedition, he spake to him in these terms, Farewel my Son, I shall see you no more: I feel my self departing to my final rest; I am going to exchange this perishing life, so full of misery, for ano­ther more happy. Then he took his Royal Ring from off his Finger, and gave it to his Son, without en­quiring into the causes of his Wars. The old Fa­ther call'd Odmar, and spoke to him to recommend his Sons concerns to his care and fidelity, in a man­ner so full of gravity and goodness, that he seem'd to have something in him more than humane.

After this the Prince return'd to Samarcande, where the Empress his Spouse was, whom he in­tended to carry with him in the wars, according to the Custom of that Nation. And as he was natural­ly very thankful for the services that he had recei­ved, [Page 28] he visited the Tomb of his faithful servant Haly, and according to the manner of his Law, he caus'd prayers to be said, during three days entire, for the peaceable rest of his Soul. Finally, he gave order to the Government of his Kingdom, and for the preservation of the Frontier Towns, and committed all to the inspection of Samay, a man of great worth and experience, who had tu­tor'd him in his young days. Tamerlan could not easily forget such kind of services, he had a parti­cular respect for those that taught him Vertue; he kept for them as much affection, as if he had been still under their tuition. This generous inclinati­on, so full of goodness, made him highly reveren­ced and beloved of his People. He went from Sa­marcande to Hirdas of Baschir, where his Army was quarter'd, consisting only of one hundred thousand Foot, and fifty thousand Horse. There he gave orders to the rest of the Army, to march as soon as he should send them word.

His greatest dependency was upon the Forces of the Grand Cham his Uncle, who mightily incou­rag'd this War. But when he was at the Rendez­vous, he was forc'd to make a stop, because of his indisposition, occasion'd chiefly through the change of the Air, as his Physicians imagin'd.

In the mean while the Army of the Grand Cham was upon the march, under the Command of Ca­libes; and for fear the rumour of his Distemper should cause any disturbance in the Empire, unto which he was newly promoted, he was careful to inform by Messengers, very often, his Uncle, of the condition and temper of his Body.

He had good cause to suspect, that a certain great Lord of the Country, named Calix, was nei­ther [Page 29] his Friend, nor content with his Promotion, because he had not been with him, to acknowledge and render him homage, as the other Lords of the Empire. Though at that time men discours'd of Calix, in a manner, that was able to beget a jealou­sie in Tamerlan, his good disposition would not suffer him to take any notice of it, neither did he think it convenient to attempt any thing during his Uncles Life, or trouble the Peace of an Empire newly put into his hands. Some thought that what he had done was out of policy, to oblige more strongly to himself the hearts of his new Subjects, who had already a love for him; and to render him­self more dreadful to those that were angry at his Promotion, he had craftily suffered this Cloud to gather together, and the beginnings of a Civil War to ripen, that he might gain to himself more ho­nour, credit, and reputation, by dissipating and de­stroying it; that he was able to stifle it in the Cra­dle, for Empires are gotten and kept by the affe­ctions of the Souldiery, by treating them well and civilly, as his manner was; and that it was easie to disappoint such as are of a stirring nature with a little patience, for in time they may be destroyed in divers Expeditions, or they may be removed in­to several quarters, far from the places where they have credit, or they may be imployed in long and tedious services, where they may alter their minds, and the power of doing mischief.

In the mean while, Tamerlan's delays and long a­bode in one place was subject to divers censures, some thought it was caus'd only by his distemper, others better inform'd, imagin'd that it was the product of a faithful advice, and good knowledge of that which was acting against him, which [Page 30] doubtless would break out as soon as he should be on the other side of the Mountains of Pasanfu. Calix expected this with great longing: as soon as he had understood that the Forces of the Grand Cham were beyond the River of Meau that runs on the other side of the Mountains, and that they were incamp'd at Bouprou, he thought it high time to discover his design.

For this purpose he gather'd together his chief and most intimate Friends, declaring to them, that now the time was come to disappoint all the inten­tions of the Parthian, who purposed to subdue them, and keep them under his Command; that seeing their Emperour was so unadvis'd of his own head, without the approbation of those who ought to have a share in such Elections, they for their parts should not neglect so fair an opportunity of redeeming their precious Liberties; that Tamer­lan was diseased, the Grand Cham aged, the greatest part of his Army at a distance, and that there could not be offer'd a fitter opportunity to set on foot such a design; that their Enterprise was so likely to succeed, that as soon as they should set footing in the Province of Cattay, that the whole Country would declare for him, because his Father had go­vern'd it many years, and because the Inhabitants, not knowing Tamerlan, would believe all that he should tell them; that the Province of Zagatay was at a great distance from them, that Tamerlan would have much ado with the powerful Enemy who had mock'd his Embassie sent to prevent the War▪ therefore their Enterprise would doubtless succeed happily, when he should have sent to assure the Great Cham, that their intentions were not against his Person or Government, with promises not to [Page 31] forget the Allegiance and Fidelity which they had sworn to keep for him, their armed posture being only to shake off the yoak of the Parthians, their ancient and unreconcileable Enemies, whose Ty­ranny they would never be perswaded to endure. Moreover, he assured them, that the Emperours decrepitage, and weak body, loving ease and rest, would not intermeddle in this quarrel, because he had no Heirs-male to succeed him: And that it was easie to destroy Tamerlan's Army, by waiting for him at his return, and besieging of the Streights of Tenduits, after his Forces should be weakned by the Encounters with the Chineses, for then they would endeavour to retreat into the Province of Zagatay, out of which it was no [...]ficult matter to keep them, by besieging those [...]ow passages.

Calix's Speech had a good colour, it was streng­then'd with many Reasons and Insinuations. He had spent a whole year in winning the peoples fa­vour, that he might be able to use them in due time. He prepar'd all manner of Ammunitions, and had spar'd no cost nor labour to compass his design. But though all things were carried secret­ly, without any noise, Tamerlan had intelligence of all these practises against his Person. At first he made light of it, or seem'd so to do, wisely con­cealing all the reports of the Rebellion of this am­bitious Fool, that it might break out to the eyes of the World, and render Calix more guilty, and himself less blameable, by bearing Arms in his Uncles Dominions, whose displeasure he was loath to draw upon himself. It is very likely that he could have prevented this mischief in its begin­ning, but he had good cause to deal otherwise. His long abode at Cachobach, near a Months time, [Page 32] because of his indisposition, as was pretended, had a good reason.

In the mean while, the Tartarians Army, com­manded by Calibes, hearing of the mighty prepa­rations and intentions of the Chineses to assault them, murmured because they were idle, and let slip the opportunity of shewing their courages to their Enemy, and their new Prince. The Comman­ders endeavoured to pacifie and quiet the Souldiers martial disposition, with news that came at every foot of some unexpected obstacle that staid Ta­merlan from joyning with them. It was easie to i­magine, that his quick and speedy temper in exe­cuting his resolutions, was stopt by the knowledge of Calix's Conspiracy [...] and that he delayed the time only, that he might have a favourable occa­sion to punish him: Nevertheless, he was willing that Calix should believe, that he was pass'd be­yond the Mountains, to assault the famous Wall de­fended by all the Armies of the Chineses; for that purpose he gave an express Command, that care should be taken that none might forsake the Reer, to give notice where he was with his Camp.

This wise proceeding succeeded well; for Calix imagining that his Enemy was at a vast distance en­countring with the Chineses, though he was on this side of the Mountains, cast off all dissimulation, and with as much indiscretion as he had hitherto shewn wisdom in his secresie, commanded all his Forces to march against the Prince, to surprise and intangle him. But all this while Tamerlan seem'd to be asleep, and expected nothing else, that he might give a Check to the ambition of this Foo [...]. He went forward with his Army a days journey towards Calibes, unto whom he had dispatch'd a [Page 33] Messenger with the news of this Rebellion. Ta­merlan called together his Council, and Chief Offi­cers of both Armies, and spoke to them in this manner.

Tamerlan's Speech to his Council of Officers.

I Am perswaded, my Friends, that you will all ad­vise me to set by the Enterprise against China, and endeavour the quenching of these Flames that are kin­dled in the Bowels of our Country, that I may preserve that Kingdom where you desire that I should Reign, and where all the faithful servants of my Lord and Ʋncle have received me with applause, and expressions of joy. I am in duty bound to help him to punish Calix for his Rebellion and Insolency: He alone hath resisted the Em­perours intentions, and refus'd to acknowledge me, and yield to my Promotion to the Empire of Tartary: But we must also think at the same time of resisting our For­reign Enemy, whose vast Armies are as likely to assault us, as to oppose our attempts.

It is very likely that the Chineses are made the bol­der by Calix's Rebellion, with whom it is probable they hold Correspondency, and to whom they may have pro­mis'd assistance and protection, with a design to divert our Forces, which they saw were all coming against their Country, to re-take what they had usurped upon us. Therefore, my Friends, I think it best, that whiles I shall go back to chastise the ambitious Rebel, Calibes should stay upon the Frontiers with five and twenty thousand of the Parthians Cavalry, and forty thousand of the Emperours, and with one hundred thousand Foot to hin­der the Chineses from breaking into our Country. I shall leave at his Command all the provisions of Victuals and Arms which we have gathered for our Army, and put [Page 34] into some place of security our Artillery and warlike Engines. In the mean while, I will march back with the remainder of the Army against Calix, and order Samay to meet me with fifty thousand Horse; and when I shall see convenient, I will stay to wait for the Em­perours Commands.

This Discourse of Tamerlan was well lik'd of by all the chief Officers of the Council, though some that had not understood this Rebellion were of a contrary judgment: They said, that it was a te­merity to ingage in a War with the King of China, in such a time when a Civil Dissention breaks out like a Cancer that consumes the Entrails of the Kingdom, and disappoints all foreign designs; that it was wisdom to secure the Heart of a Country, before one attempts the Conquest of another. But these persons were not well acquainted with the Princes Secrets; for the long knowledge of the re­bellious practices of Calix, had made him keep up an Army always ready to march at his first motion. They knew not that Tamerlan apparently displeas'd at this Rebellion, was not really angry to go into his new Empire with weapons in his hands, for a Cause that his Uncle judg'd to be just, because this would gain to him the affection of the Souldiers, and give him a new possession of, and Title to the Empire that had been given him, and because this tended to the security of his Dominions for the future; for by the punishment of this Rebel, others would ever be discouraged from making new at­tempts.

We must confess that Tamerlan's wisdom ap­pear'd as well by this separation of the Tartarian Army, as by obliging Calibes to stay upon the [Page 35] Borders, though he knew very well that this Lord was desirous to follow him, to be an Eye-witness of the event of this Civil War, that he might go­vern himself according to the good or bad suc­cess.

The Prince of Tanais, who had an eye upon Calix, and without whose advice he never did any thing, commanded the Van of the Parthians Army that was left behind. Thus both Armies were di­vided. The King of China was a long while with­out understanding any thing of this inward Rebel­lion: He thought the whole Army of the Parthians and Tartarians had been at hand; for Tamerlan had taken great care to stop the passages, that no News could pass. This favour'd Tamerlan's designs not a little.

The Army where his Person was, marched back with diligence, and great hopes of success. The Van, led by Odmar, staid upon the borders of those Provinces where Calix had his Agents, until the Prince had sent to acquaint the old Emperour with all things that had passed. But when the Messen­ger was return'd, he understood that the Emperour was desperately sick, and that the whole Empire was inclineable to Rebellion. This News made him leave his Infantry behind, and to draw with more haste nearer to the Enemy with all his Ca­valry. His coming was to him unexpected.

Calix had been with his Army of one hundred thousand men before the great and proud City of Cambalu, the Metropolis of the Province of Catay. The Inhabitants had open'd their Gates, and re­ceived him with as much joy, as if he had been their lawful Soveraign. They were so blind and foolish, as to send some of their own Citizens, [Page 36] with the Deputies which the Rebel had dispatch'd to the Court held then at Quinsay. They had Or­ders, in his name, to assure the Emperour of his o­bedience and fidelity, and with studied expressi­ons to impose upon him, by colouring his Revolt with the hatred against the Parthians, and their so­lemn League which they had lately made never to own Tamerlan for their Prince. They beseeched his Majesty to substitute in his place Calix, that their glorious Empire might not be inslaved to a Stranger of Zagatay.

At this same time there was news secretly flying, that the Prince of Parthia was already upon the borders of Catay, and that he was followed by the best Troops of the Empire. Calix could never stifle this Rumour, to keep on his side such as had too unadvisedly ingaged themselves in this Quar­rel, out of a perswasion that Tamerlan would not be able to return in eight Months from his Expedi­tion into China, whatever success and happiness he met with. Calix, with all his subtle fetches, could not work upon their minds already possessed with the fear of the punishment which their Rebellion had deserved: They were as much surpris'd and affrighted, as are a company of Scholars when their Master finds them quarrelling, and in a disor­der, contrary to their duty. At this time the Tar­tarians were Courting of Calix at Cambalu, where he received the Homages of the Provinces that yielded to him. But this unexpected coming of Tamerlan was a dreadful news that dasht all their joys; some of them were asham'd of their sudden and inconsiderate Rebellion, which so much the more deserved a punishment, because it was acted against their lawful Lord, and against the greatest [Page 37] Captain of the World, whose Vertue was worthy to command not only the Empire of Tartary, but also of the whole World. The rumour of his march spread every where amongst the people, and as the Moon, which never continues two days the same, this report increas'd and decreas'd, ac­cording to the affections of the Authors and En­tertainers of it. But this caus'd the most passionate persons for Calix's Interest to grow cold, and al­ter their intentions. The Inhabitants also of this great City gather'd together in Companies, some of five hundred, others of a thousand, others of two thousand, to consult, but not able to come to any setled resolution, for they were afraid of Ta­merlan's just displeasure, having incens'd him by their baseness and infidelity; for they had been sworn unto him, and by the Emperours Command had acknowledged him for their Lord. They said amongst themselves, that he was lawfully descended from so many Monarchs who had reigned over them very justly; therefore their troubled Consciences fan­cied him at their Gates, ready to punish them for having rashly open'd them to a Rebel, who had plotted against his lawful Prince.

Whiles these people were thus justly troubled with several disquieting apprehensions, Tamerlan expecting the Forces that he had sent for out of his own Kingdom of Zagatay, drew nearer by degrees to the City of Cambalu. His Army had pass'd Cain­du, and march'd strait to Calalia. The Inhabi­tants of Cambalu had been deceived with the de­ceitful promises of Calix; and as many persons do, they had flattered themselves with large expe­ctations of prosperity, without thinking how de­ceitful the affairs of the World are, and how sub­ject [Page 38] to change. When therefore they saw the Prince upon their borders, they were mightily per­plex'd with fear and displeasure for their Rebelli­on. As soon as Calix understood it, he went out of the City, with a firm resolution to fight Tamer­lan with all his Army. He gathered his men from all parts, intending to try the fortune of a Battel. At the same time he received ill news from the Court, that the Emperour was so far from being pleased with his undertaking, that he had com­manded his Souldiers, in considerable numbers, to gather together out of all the Garrisons, and to march to help his Nephew, unto whom in his most desperate sickness, when he thought to have left the world, he had sent his Imperial Ring, giving out an express Command, that all his Subjects should obey him as his own Person.

This news, together with that of Tamerlan's ap­proach, caused him to hasten to hazard all in a Battel: For that intent, he took out of Cambalu fifty thousand men, partly Inhabitants, and partly Garrison Souldiers, plac'd there by the Emperour. This Garrison was in number thirty thousand: Calix had won them by the means of their Officers and Governours, who were of his Party, and had consented to deliver up into his hands this great City.

When all his Souldiers were together in a Body, they amounted to fourscore thousand Horse, and one hundred thousand Foot. His design was so well ordered, that if the Moscovites, whom he had sollicited under-hand, had answer'd his expectati­ons, and enter'd into the Province of Zagatay ▪ to stop the march of the Parthians Army, in whom Tamerlan had the greatest confidence, it is certain [Page 39] that Calix might have put this Prince to a non-plus ▪ chiefly because he had the City of Cambalu to assist and favour him. It is therefore very dangerous for such as govern to anger great ones, or not to mind their behaviour. If their displeasure be in­couraged by their Credit and Interest in the Pro­vinces, they are more inclineable to stir and cause disturbances.

We must here acknowledge, that the Emperour of Moscovy was a great Friend to Tamerlan in this occasion, by refusing to assist a rebellious Subject a­gainst his lawful Prince. He had in vain endea­voured to disswade him from his wicked purpose, and reduce him to obedience. Odmar much taken with this just proceeding, was wont to speak of it often to Tamerlan, so that he was an useful Instru­ment to preserve friendship between these two Princes.

As soon as the Succours of the Parthians were come to Tamerlan, he march'd with diligence a­gainst Calix. He understood, by the means of two thousand Horse whom he had sent before, that the Enemy came to meet him in good order. This news caus'd him to detach two thousand more to seise upon the passage of a River named Brior, as well to secure his Provisions, as to stop there, and suffer the Rebels to think upon their fault, which either a little time would infallibly call to mind, or the want of food, unto which he hoped to reduce them, or at least to put them in disorder. In this particular, Rebellious Armies differ much from Royal Armies, where Order and Discipline joyn hand in hand, and preserve Union and Plenty.

In this march of the Prince against Calix, he forgot not the Command of the Emperour his Un­cle, [Page 40] to make a notable example of this Rebel, and of his Confederates, to secure by that means the peace of his Empire, and of his days.

This consideration made him act with caution, that he might not miscarry in any thing. He saw that his own Army did increase every day by the arrival of new Levies from all parts, whereas the Enemies Army wanted already Provisions, because they could scarce have any from Cambalu, a Wil­derness lying between the City and the Camp, and certain Mountains at the end of the Wilderness, where a Subject of the Grand Cham commanded, named Cangi. This Lord had promis'd to let the Provisions pass when Calix was in his Territories, but as soon as he was at a distance, he refused it, and took all that came into his hands; he had a greater power to perform this, because Tamerlan had sent him four thousand Horse to guard him and his Country.

This grievous accident, which Calix never could foresee, caus'd him to resolve upon a Battel: But Tamerlan understanding his wants, and the cause of his speedy resolution, had seized all the Passes and Fords of the River of Brior for his own Army; it had fourteen miles behind it a fat and a plentiful Country, besides the Salt Lake, and the River of Ostan, which was beyond: so that he could stay till the Enemy did assault him; for this wise and expe­rienced Prince judg'd it advantagious to him to suffer the Enemy to spend himself, and his Provisi­ons by degrees.

The two Armies stood two Months looking up­on one another: All this time was spent in light skirmishes. When Calix understood the intent of Tamerlan, he resolv'd to return back to Cambalu, [Page 41] where he knew that he should have all things in a­bundance; and the rather, because he understood that some practices were acting against him there. As soon as the Prince perceiv'd it, he pass'd over the River with all his Army, which consisted of one hundred and fifty thousand Horse, and two hun­dred thousand Foot. After that he had consulted his chief Officers, he resolved to try the fortune of a Battel.

This resolution was grounded chiefly upon two reasons; first, because he was afraid that Calix would return, and spend the Winter at Cambalu, where he should be forc'd to go and fight him. This would cause the total destruction of that fa­mous City, for he doubted not of the Victory: secondly, because if he did win that City by as­sault, he was afraid that his Army should grow too rich and wealthy with the plunder, and by that means would be less fit for the great Actions, in the prosecution of which he intended further to imploy them. This resolution that he was forc'd to take griev'd him; he was not willing to enter into the possession of his Empire by Bloodshed and Cruelty. This consideration caus'd him once more to summon Calix, and advise him to lay down his Arms, with promises of pardon, and to receive him into his favour.

The unadvised Calix, whose courage was not contemptible, slighted all these gracious offers; his ambition render'd him cruel to himself, and caus'd him to look upon all other conditions of life, under that of a Soveraign, as unworthy of him. He could not submit, but chose rather, though but for a day, as a Prince to govern, than to live many years as a Subject. He could not trust nor relye [Page 42] totally upon the promises of his Prince, with whose generosity and good nature he was never acquaint­ed: He thought the destiny of men in his conditi­on, condemns them either to a fatal Ruine, or raises them up to a Throne.

Tamerlan's Army went over to Chincy, marching seven Leagues: as soon as the Enemy understood it, they alter'd their design, and returned back, with an intention to venture a Battel. It is report­ed, that Calix turning himself then to some of his followers, told them, with his eyes lifted up to Heaven, that in all his life-time he had never received a more pleasing news:. The Parthians, saith he, have pass'd over the River, and are coming towards us: If therefore Tamerlan, who dallied with us before, will suf­fer us now to end our Quarrel by a Fight, my happiness is great, whatever be the event, it must needs procure me an immortal glory: If the advantage happen on my side, what Prince is there in all Asia that may contend with, or be compared to me, for I shall be Lord of all Tartary and Zagatay, for I fight against the Armies of these two Kingdoms which I have divided: but if I be overcome, the greatness of my undertaking will leave behind me a great deal of Reputation in the world, see­ing that I have stopt with my Army, during two Months, between the Rivers of Brior and Ostan all the Armies of Zagatay: Therefore if we chance to lose the Victory, it will prove for our honour. During this discourse, his Attendants took notice in his looks of a Noble Air, which made him esteem'd and ad­mir'd of every one.

When the Armies drew near, the Scouts met, and those of Tamerlan's Army were driven back into their Camp, which accident vext Odmar that com­manded then the Van. The Prince told him, that [Page 43] at the approach of the Enemy he ought to have increas'd the numbers; he excus'd himself, in that he imagin'd that Calix would not be so bold as to advance three Leagues towards the Army at that instant.

The next day was spent in giving out Orders to every one: The Captains went about in the Ranks, exhorting their Souldiers to behave themselves well; and both Captains and Souldiers incouraged one another to fight valiantly, by declaring the En­counters where they had been already.

Calix was forty years of age, much respected be­cause of the Nobility of his Blood, and the consi­derable Rank that he held in his Country. The Em­perour esteem'd him so much for his experience in War, that before Tamerlan appeared in Tartary, he was always look'd upon as worthy of the Em­pire.

The Armies stood one against another, for eight hours in the morning, skirmishing some­times according to the Tartarian manner, before the Battel: A great Plain, and even ground lay between them. Odmar commanded the Van, where were sixty thousand Foot, and forty thousand Horse, which he separated into four great Squa­drons, causing one to go before the other to the Fight. Tamerlan marched on in the same Order, but his Squadrons were stronger. The Infantry of the Van, and of the Main Body, were on the right hand, and on the left. He had taken out of his Army, to make up the Reer, six thousand Parthi­ans, and two thousand Tartarians, giving the Command to Axalla a Genoese; but, as I have said, had been brought up with him from his Infancy: He had by his affection for him, by his vertue, expe­rience, [Page 44] and valour, deserved his Princes esteem and confidence. Tamerlan order'd him not to fight but in the extremity, and to have a care to gather to­gether all that should be broken in the Army. Ax­alla performed this so exactly, that he did this day notable service to his Prince. He was no less e­steem'd by the Men of War, though he professed a Religion contrary to theirs; for he was a Chri­stian, and imitated by many whom he had sent for out of Georgia, and beyond the Pontus Euxinus; these accompanied him with their courages and persons in the Battel.

Calix on the other side was Eloquent, and natu­rally a great Speaker; he incourag'd therefore his Souldiers with the honour and liberty of their Nation, to play their parts like men, and follow his example. He had divided his Army into three Bodies, only he had placed his Infantry at the right hand, and his Cavalry at the left; he himself was in the middle Body, surrounded with his Foot, as with a Circle, according to our manner of fight­ing. Odmar, a crafty and experienced Comman­der, stopt when he saw the Enemy coming, and ob­served their motion; but when he perceived that their greatest Body was shaken at the onset of his first Squadron, he caused his two others, the one to charge at the right hand, and the other at the left: They were so furious and happy, as to put the three Bodies of Calix's Army into a disor­der, so that they were forc'd to reunite in one.

At that time Tamerlan came in, and cut in pie­ces all that stood before him, nothing was able to resist his fury: he made way through the thickest of his Enemies, some he put to flight, others he laid in heaps; the cries and lamentations of the [Page 45] dying were heard in every place; the disorder and hurley-burley was generally all over the Field: here you might have seen weak Squadrons disarm­ing others more numerous; there you might have beheld Troops of Horses taken by such as were more greedy of prey than honour; every where Tamerlan's Army seem'd to have gain'd the Victo­ry, when fifteen thousand fresh Troops, led by Calix himself, came into the Field, and gave a fu­rious charge upon the Princes Battalion, and broke it all to pieces. This Reserve proceeded from some that at the first onset fled to the Carts and Carri­ages, where they had rallied, whiles Tamerlan's men were pursuing the victory, and killing. When therefore this Body of Horse appear'd first, Ta­merlan's Army being in disorder, they had no great difficulty to overcome them: The Victory was al­most lost.

This oblig'd him to retreat in fighting, accord­ing to the manner of the Parthians: The Prince had been dismounted, but rescued at the same mo­ment, which caus'd him to look to his Reer, which could not yet come up to him. His Infantry had open'd it self when he gave the onset: It had not yet been assaulted, but only upon the skirts in the several Encounters. At the same time therefore that Calix pursued so vigorously the Princes Army, that by a stout resistance had lessen'd the number of the Enemy, Axalla, who commanded the Reserve, or the Reer, came up to the Infantry which had scarce been ingag'd in the fight. The Clouds of dust hindered Calix from perceiving this Body that was in the Reer, and that was falling upon him and his men, who advanc'd in very good order, bearing all down before them. At that very in­stant [Page 46] these words were often heard repeated, Give back, give back, give back. Axalla had command­ed a thousand, or twelve hundred of his Body, to advance, and free the Prince: They charg'd home to the Enemy, so bravely, that Calix began to con­jecture what would become of his Empire, of his Glory, and ambitious designs, by what was then acted: The displeasure made him pensive a little moment, but resolution caus'd him to send a Party to stop the Enemies fury, while he rallied his scat­tered Troops. He gathered together about ele­ven thousand, with them he thought to have beaten Tamerlan's Reer: But he was not a little troubled, because the dust hinder'd him from distinguishing the Foot from the Horse; he imagin'd therefore that all Axalla's Party were Horse. In this occa­sion he shew'd his courage and resolution with a setled countenance, by exhorting his men to play their parts, and pursue their good fortune which they had already; and assuring them, that the re­mainder of Tamerlan's men before them were no­thing, but such as had already fled, who endeavou­red to rally; and that with a stout onset it was ea­sie to hinder them. Whiles he was speaking, his Party increas'd: But Axalla considering that his Master had put into his hands that day the fortune of two great Empires, was resolved to answer his expectation, by hazarding his life for his interest and glory, with a resolution of dying upon the place, or of carrying away the Victory, he call'd to such as were nearest to him to follow his exam­ple; therefore with an incredible fury he broke through the Squadron led by Calix. This Prince was wounded with a Lance in the mouth, when he had performed the duty of a Commander, and [Page 47] common Souldier, and express'd sufficiently his undaunted courage. In the hurley-burley he was taken Prisoner by Axalla himself. It was imme­diately nois'd abroad all over the Field, together with the advantages that Tamerlan had obtain'd, for he himself had defeated a Body of Horse, by charging them in the Flank. Axalla before had broken them, but they were rallied together again, and had not Tamerlan seasonably come in, they might have snatch'd the Victory out of his hands. This bad news broke the hearts, as well as the Troops of the Enemy that fled immediately up­on it.

In this Fight there died above fifty thousand men on both sides; so that Tamerlan purchas'd the Victory at a dear rate, and was forc'd to confess, that in all his life-time he never was more likely to be undone than at that time. He imbrac'd and ex­toll'd Axalla for his couragious behaviour and wise Conduct that day. This Noble Captain pre­sented Calix before him, wounded with a Lance in the Mouth, and with an Arrow in his Side. Ta­merlan ask'd him some questions, but Calix's pride and insolency would make no answer, pretending that he could not well speak. He was kept till the next day, the last of his life, for he was judg'd worthy to die by a Council of War. His Head was chopt off, and sent as a Present to the Inhabi­tants of Cambalu. All the other Commanders were treated in the same manner: There was a necessity for this severity, to hinder all Civil Broils from ri­sing again; it was therefore needful to cut off the Chieftains.

After the Fight, Tamerlan's Army meeting with no resistance, march'd into the Province of Catay, [Page 48] which is full of all kind of Fruits, Grass, Beasts, and Fowl, more than in any other part of Tarta­ria. The Prince gave a severe Command to all his Souldiers, not to offer to abuse the Inhabitants, whom he would deal with as with his best Sub­jects.

The Cities of Cangi, Sochgi, Gonzae, Tagin, To­gara, and Congu, that had revolted, staid not for a Summons to yield, but wisely sent their Deputies to Tamerlan, to implore his mercy.

This good Prince forgave them, requiring no­thing from them, but that they should furnish his Army with Provisions, telling them, that for the future they should be better advised, than to be so easily perswaded with the empty promises of am­bitious persons, who would endeavour to draw them from that obedience which they owe to their Lord and Master.

This kind and courteous dealing being divulg'd all over the Provinces, wrought a great change in the minds of those, who expecting no favour from Tamerlan's hands, were yet resolved to venture all, and ruine themselves and their Country. The Citi­zens of Cambalu had taken this strange resolution, to sell their lives at a dear rate, if they were to lose them; for this City was full of those Mutineers, who knew themselves as guilty as their Comman­ders that had been punish'd already; expecting therefore no mercy for themselves, they thought it might mitigate their punishment, if they could but draw into it the rest of their Citizens.

But this kind and gracious dealing of their Prince put other thoughts into their Souls, and rais'd their hopes. Nevertheless, the Armies ap­proach to the City, increas'd daily the fears and [Page 49] apprehensions of the people. Tamerlan had no­tice of all that was there acted from those that favour'd his Interest: They sent him word, that at last every one was resolved to obey the Con­querour, and perform his Commands; therefore he left his Army at Gonza, only thirty thousand men he order'd to march thither to fill up the or­dinary Garrison. When they were enter'd, they put all things in a good posture, and caus'd every one to submit to the Princes pleasure without murmuring. He himself was received into the City two hours after his Garrison in a triumphing manner, for the Inhabitants laboured, in this oc­casion, to make him forget the wrong they had done him. He had only pardon'd the meaner sort of people, the rest he left to the will of the Emperour his Uncle, unto whom he had di­spatch'd a Messenger, to inform him of the Vi­ctory, of Calix's death, and of the imprisonment of some of the chief Commanders and Leaders of the Faction; and to desire to know what pu­nishment he would have inflicted upon those of Cambalu, who had been the greatest Mutineers. By this kind and insinuating dealing, he purchas'd to himself in this great City the reputation of a merciful and gracious Prince. He gain'd also the love of every one by courting them, chiefly those who had been faithful to his Party.

After eight days stay in this place, he went a­way with a thousand prayers and praises, which were again reiterated a little after, when news came from the Emperour, that he would have Ju­stice done upon the Authors of the Rebellion. This was perform'd in the Cham's Name, and by [Page 50] his Officers two hundred of the Inhabitants were executed, and their Heads were lifted up in the publick view, for an example to all such as should afterwards attempt to rebel. This cruelty of the Great Cham, condemn'd by the common people, caus'd them to extol the goodness of Tamerlan, who by this yielding to his Uncles will, laid a greater Obligation upon him, and nevertheless purchas'd to himself the universal esteem of the Country.

In the mean while, the Emperour began to rise from his sick Bed, which caus'd him to have an earnest desire to see the Prince, who delayed this Interview till he had been with his Army, where he intended to advise, whether it were not best to stay first, and expect what news he should re­ceive from his Army upon the borders of China. Thus he went as far from Cambalu as he could, that he might not be thought to have any hand in the execution of the Citizens.

In this manner this dangerous and Civil War was ended, to the advantage of Tamerlan, whose diligence had been notable in the extinguishing of it: One may justly say, that he conquer'd this great Empire, for there was a dangerous and a general conspiracy and rising against him: His vigilancy disappointed all his Enemies. In such like cases, speedy and early appearances in the Field, are of the highest importance for a Prin­ces Affairs, to incourage his own Party, to terri­fie such as are wavering, and to prevent all false reports, with which the common people are usu­ally cozen'd. His chief endeavour should be to perswade, and make it appear, that the Rebels [Page 51] are not to be fear'd, and that he himself dreads them not; but this he can never do, unless he commands his own Army: By this means he will have a great advantage over the Rebels. It is not to be imagin'd, that a Revolt is to be stifled by weak Remonstrances, for that perswasion savours of as much indiscretion, as the Authors of the Rebellion have had craft to cause their injustice to be entertain'd under the notion of Equity: Therefore without delays, a Soveraign Prince must fall upon the Rebels, scatter and destroy them with the fear of a speedy punishment. By no means let him be prevail'd upon to grant pardon to the Chieftains of the Rebellion.

Tamerlan dealt in this manner with Calix. He knew his designs a great while before he was in a capacity to put them in execution; therefore he provided a timely remedy, a powerful Army in the Province of Zagatay, to be ready to march at his first Command. In the mean while, he pre­tended to be busie in his Expedition against China, that he might by that means better discover the chief of the Rebellion, and their wicked inten­tions; by this act of wisdom he disappointed Calix, who doubtless might have prevail'd upon a negligent and weak Prince given to his plea­sures: But Tamerlan had better qualities, he found the benefit of his cares and vigilancy; for before this he was not well setled in the Empire; but by this Victory he became such an undoubted Successor and Owner of it, that the death of the Great Cham could not cause any alteration or op­position of his Right. From hence it is easie to conclude, that as his kindness and moderation [Page 52] were strong Chains to bind the hearts and souls of his good Subjects, his courage and severity knew how to punish the Rebels, and seditious persons, and bring them to obedience. As soon therefore as Tamerlan had overtaken his Army, Odmar who expected him, and caus'd them to march in good order, and slowly, received him with the Captains and Souldiers, with acclamati­ons and expressions of joy, calling him in the Tar­tarian Language, Most great and victorious Empe­rour.

In the way he discours'd with his Captains concerning the Greatness and Beauty of the City of Cambali [...], till he was come into the Tent pre­par'd for him, where he remain'd alone with Odmar. He told him all that had been acted in that rebellious City; afterwards he desir'd his ad­vice, whether he should visit the Great Cham, his Uncle, at that time or no. Odmar understood by his words, that he remembred what Honours he had received at Quinsay when he was there, and that he had a secret inclination to spend the Win­ter with the young Empress, and to go in the Spring into China.

But as he was an Enemy of Flattery, and loved his Prince entirely, as one of his most faithful and chief Officers, he spoke to him boldly in this manner; Brave and Invincible Emperour, let all the world understand, I beseech you, that Tamerlan knows how to use his Victory, as well as to gain it. Do not you mind, that the Army which you have left upon the borders of China is busily imployed in fight­ing with the Enemy above six months; that the Chief Commander is a Tartarian, and one of the most con­siderable [Page 53] of his Nation. Know you not that the Tar­tarians and Parthians never think a Prince worthy to reign, if he cannot go with them to the War: And do you not consider, that you have undertaken this War to increase the glory of him who hath made you his Successor, and inlarge the bounds of his Empire, by re-taking the Lands which the Chineses have usurp­ed: It concerns you therefore in gratitude to reco­ver them with speed. Consider likewise, that your Glory and Reputation will appear to him greater at a distance, than near at hand, and more pleasing, be­cause it will at a distance tend to inlarge his Empire, and render his Affairs more prosperous, whereas near at hand your Fame will but diminish his Repu­tation, and it may be cause a jealousie in him. Prin­ces sometimes are subject to change, and by a sudden repentance to strive to ruine the person whom they have exalted too high. What need have you to un­dertake a journey so much destructive to your Ho­nour and Glory? Is it not better to spend the Winter bravely in your Tent with your Army, than in the stately Palaces of Q [...]insay, in an Effeminate Court? where such as are not afraid to slander, will not spare you, but will ask, where you have left your Army? whether you threaten the King of China only at a di­stance, who in your absence may perhaps cut all your Troops in pieces? In such a case, what a trouble will it be, to gather together your dispersed Army; b [...] ­sides, your example will have an influence upon the Parthians, they will desire also to return to their Country, and the Tartarians to theirs; whereas if now you march immediately to the Frontiers, you may easily get a Victory, which otherwise you may lose. No doubt but the King of China believes that you [Page 54] are much ingag'd in your own Country with your hands full, that your Army is daily weakned by the Rebels, who had almost snatch'd the Empire from you. He believes your designs are disappointed, con­sidering the weakness of the Army commanded by Ca­libes; their behaviour causeth him to conceive, that they are sent thither rather to secure Tartary, than to assault China. It may be he hath heard some per­sons tell him that which many of your own people su­spect, but I dare not affirm it as true, because it is not lawful for me to enquire into the wise counsels of Princes; that the cause wherefore you have left Ca­libes the Chief of the Tartars upon the Borders, was only to secure his person, and to remove the cause of your fears, rather than out of any desire to proceed on in the Conquests which you pretended to make. Lose not therefore, mighty Prince, such a favourable op­portunity to succeed, which God offers to you; oppor­tunity is bald, catch hold of her whiles you may: But if I have offended your Majesty with the freedom of my discourse, use me according to your pleasure, I am your Slave, and here is my Head.

This Speech of Odmar made Tamerlan sad; he chang'd countenance often, but Odmar neverthe­less continued on, being so much the more ani­mated by his zeal and affection for his Person and Glory. He repeated to him again the same dis­course, kissing the Hem of his Garment, as they use to do to the Emperours. The Prince, with his eyes fix'd upon him, told him, that this was the cause of his pensiveness, he was overcome with his affection and faithfulness, and was not in a power to reward him according to his de­servings; that in this particular he had found, [Page 55] more than in any other thing, a sign of his Fa­thers wisdom, in that he had chosen Odmar to be near him, and assist him with his wise Counsels: That necessity, that made him cast away all thoughts of rest, taught him, that Soveraign Prin­ces are like their Creator in this, that his Glory hath no limits, and consists in action; that though he had flatter'd himself with the thoughts of resting a while from his former labours, he now saw himself forc'd, unless he would renounce the new Laurels that waited for him, to prefer all the inconveniencies and troubles of the De­sarts of Cipribit, to the pleasures and delights of Quinsay; that he was nevertheless resolv'd to quit his first intentions. Alhacent the Arabian Historian declares, that he hath often heard Ta­merlan confess, that at this instant Odmar seem'd not to speak to him as a mortal Man, but as a Messenger of God, whom he had sent, to divert from him a mischief that would have perhaps fallen upon him, and to give him an opportunity to increase his Glory.

In the mean while, the news of the Princes go­ing to visit the Emperour his Uncle spread every where, to the great satisfaction of many, who i­magin'd that they should also go and visit their Parents and Country. But the next day he com­manded the General Musters of the whole Army, and spoke to his Souldiers in this manner.

[Page 56]

Tamerlan's Speech to his Army.

WE had sometimes since an intent, brave Souldiers, to go and assault the King of China, to oblige him to restore what he hath taken from the Tartarians, and recover the Lands beyond the Mountains which he hath usurped upon us, to the great shame of our Nation, whose Glory we purpos'd to restore; but to our grief we have been hindered by the sawciness of Calix, who forced us to return back to punish his insolency. With the assistance of your Arms, and Invincible Courages, we have quenched the flames of the Rebellion that he had kindled with his blood, and with that of his Companions; I could have wish'd that this Victory had been rather upon Strangers, and a Foreign Nation, than upon our own unfaithful and rebellious subjects. In such a case I had been as joyful, as when at my first appearance in Arms with you, we overcame the proud Muscovites: I must confess I am more oblig'd to you for this, than for that, because your courages and valour appeared more visibly in this Civil War; for you were to en­counter with some as brave as your selves, you were to encounter with Tartarians, who had forgot what they were, their Allegiance to their Prince. I cannot call to mind this mournful passage without tears, I could willingly bury in Oblivion this unhappy Victory, though I have gain'd by it much honour; I mind you of it at present, only to make you understand, that I can never forget your faithfulness and services, expressed suf­ficiently in this occasion. But we must not stop here, we must turn our Arms next against those that think that we are lost for ever; whereas we are victorious, [Page 57] we must go to our Companions that wait for us, who have delayed the execution of their designs till they hear of our successes, and victory; we must go and spend the Winter with them. All our Ammunitions are there, doubtless the sleeping Enemy expects us not in this season of the year; they rest with confidence upon the weakness of our Troops, whose intent they i­magine is only to defend themselves, as not in a ca­pacity to assault them. You shall have double Pay to buy Cloaths, and arm your selves against the Cold; and I hope that with these new Garments we shall pur­chase to our selves new honour and glory.

As soon as his Discourse was ended, the Soul­diers cryed out with a loud voice, One God in Heaven, and one Emperour upon Earth. At the same time they bowed their Heads to him, to ex­press their reverence; and declared, that they would perform whatsoever the Prince should command them. After this, every one went strait to his Tent. The Army abode in the same place eight days without stirring, only Zamay was sent with five and twenty thousand Horse, and fifty thousand Foot to Zagatay, to secure that Kingdom. He sent also an Express to the Emperour his Uncle, to inform him of all his Resolutions, and to intreat him in the Spring to send him fifty thousand men, or thereabouts, to recruit his Army, with Money to pay his Soul­diers, and Ammunition of War, with provisions for the Belly.

Thus when he had given all necessary Orders, and caus'd publick Prayers to be made, according to Custom, he commanded the Army to march to­wards the Mountains.

CHAP. IV. Tamerlan's Expedition against the King of China.

THE Provinces of Leaotum and of Pekin, which the Chineses had taken from the Tar­tarians, were the Causes of that anger and dis­pleasure which they could not dissemble. They found themselves by this means, and by a pro­digious Wall of a vast length, built in the pas­sage of the Mountains, deprived of the benefit of that Prey which they were wont to make in that Kingdom by their frequent Inroads. They always brought back Herds of Cattel, with which China abounds above all other places, because of its good temperature, being neither too cold nor too hot. This Consideration, together with that of their honour, engag'd in the recovery of the Provinces which the Emperour of the Tartarians esteemed and valued at a high rate, obliged Ta­merlan to prosecute this Enterprise, to please his Uncle and new Subjects, and satisfie his own Passion.

The Army march'd softly to avoid wearisom­ness, and in thirty Days got as far as Cipribit, where news came to them of Calibes, who was in his way to meet the Prince that entertain'd him ve­ry kindly. He told him of all his happy Successes, and then, taking him aside, he discover'd to him his design, and Calibes gave him an account of all that he had done against the Enemy.

The next day the Prince took Horse, and rid as far as Pazanfu, where Calibes Army was quarter'd: [Page 59] They had often encounter'd with the Chineses in Skirmishes, and small Parties, and by the experi­ence they had got, they judg'd themselves better Souldiers than their Enemies in Courage and Skill. He caused them all to appear upon the Parade, going from one Rank to another he took notice of every Souldiers Countenance and Behaviour; he caused them to muster next and receive their Pay; they return'd him Thanks, Acclamations, and Wishes for his health. When Calibes left his Army to go and meet Tamerlan, he had left the chief Command with the Prince of Tanais, Ge­neral of the Parthians, who thought himself ob­liged by this opportunity to give some Testimo­ny of his Zeal and Courage. He went out with a small party, and met with four thousand Horse, commanded by the Kings Brother of China. He drew them cunningly to the Fight, and charg'd them so vigorously and successfully, that he broke their Order and put them to flight. The Night favour'd their Retreat; they left behind five or six hundred dead to pay for their Companions, and witness the Victory and Courage of the Prince of Tanais, who return'd from this Encounter with many Horses and other Spoils taken from these Barbarians. Tamerlan receiv'd him kindly, and caress'd him in that obliging manner that his late generous Action had deserved, and many o­thers, for he scarce suffered them to breathe. He was the Son of one of Tamerlan's Sisters. His no­ble Qualities, as well as his Birth, gain'd him the Love and Respects of all men: He was yet but young, but he had already done great Services to his Prince, chiefly in that famous Battel against [Page 60] the Moscovites, where he commanded the Reer, for he was a good and experienced Commander. The Prince of Tanais, as we have represented him, out of an earnest desire of Glory, let slip no occasion to manifest his Courage and Skill in Arms: As he was nearest to the Enemy, he had an opportunity to discover in what places the Wall that stopt the Tartarians Inroads might be assaulted. He had sent some Spies into China by secret and by-ways in the Mountains that are at the passage: From them he understood all that happened there; but his prudence had succeeded chiefly in winning, by his insinuations, one of the greatest Lords of the Mountains, named, The Lord of Vauchefu. This Lord was displeas'd with the passages of the Chineses and Tartarians over his Ground, or rather he had been won with the picture that the Prince of Tanais had given him of Tamerlan, and of his obliging dis­position. This caus'd him to change his Master, and make an agreement with the Tartars. He went and discovered his mind to him who had first spo­ken to him of it, telling him, that he was ready to serve the Emperour, and assist his Army against the Chineses. The Prince of Tanais, having kept this secret from Calibes, discover'd it first to Tamerlan, who with great joy sent for this Lord to speak with him. He was mightily pleas'd with this invitation, and appointed a day for this honou­rable Enterview. Tamerlan, without moving his Army, went to visit the Quarters of the Prince of Tanais, near the River of Lanquenne; at the place appointed. The Lord of Vauchefeu came to him thither to pay him his respects▪ to offer him his [Page 61] Services, with protestations of his faithfulness to his interest. The Prince, by his Interpreters, told him, that he would protect him against all his Enemies, and that he would give him such Testimonies of his Love, that he should never have cause to repent his kind offer; after this Vauchefu discover'd to him a secret passage that he knew, and leads into China, by which it was easie to go in and surprise the Souldiers that were to guard the Wall. That which troubled the Prince most, was that Calibes, an old and tryed Captain, had re­presented this passage, after a diligent search, dif­ficult to be won, and that it was kept with fifty thousand of the best Souldiers of China; the King was there in person, and always on horse­back, to oblige every one to be diligent and ready, and that the Forces he had there were suffici­ent to guard the Wall against all the World, if it should offer to be assaulted. The Prince gain'd this Lord by his kindness and gifts, which were the richest Furs of Tartary, many beautiful Horses, and all the rarest things that he had; with these he purchas'd his Affections, and oblig'd him to discover his mind in these terms. Know for cer­tain, mighty Prince, that you will but trifle away the time, if you believe it possible by force of Arms alone to force and win the Wall which the Chineses have built to hinder the Inroads of your Subjects; let your Courages be never so great; let them be heightened by your example, and the remembrance of your former Victories, and of the people that you have overcome; let them be never so obedient to your orders, which have obliged them to contemn the greatest dangers, and death it self: In a word, all the skill of [Page 62] these worthy men, whom you alone are worthy to com­mand; all these advantages will not prevail against the Wall of the Chineses, which is guarded by fifty thou­sand men of the best Souldiers, and which at the least notice shall be assisted by fifty thousand more, commanded by Xianxi; and when you shall be engag'd in fight with them, weary and tyred out, the King himself will come with two hundred thousand Horse, and two hun­dred thousand Foot to assault you. Suppose you should beat him also, this cannot be without much Blood-shed on your side, and then it will not advantage you much. But to shew you, great Prince, that I am wholly yours, and that the Civilities and Respects of your People have won my heart, I will discover to you a way for fifty thousand men whom I will lead into China my self. They shall fall upon those that guard the Wall before they are aware. In the mean whiles you shall with your Army assault a place that I will appoint, that your Souldiers may become Masters of a Mountain over a­gainst the Enemy, which will gall them, for when the Chineses shall see that they are assaulted behind and before, they will no longer guard the Wall, but will suffer you to enter and assist those that I shall lead in; and for your security, and my fidelity which I promise, I will give you my only Son in hostage, together with two young Daughters, and my Wife; and for my Brother, I am perswaded he will follow my directions, and serve you every where as affectionately as my self.

When this Lord had ended his discourse, the Prince was wonderfully satisfied, and began to hope that his design would take effect, but he desired that the business should be managed so se­cretly, that he suffered not the Prince of Tanais to know by what means the Lord of Vauchefeu [Page 63] would give an entry into China to his men; none was admitted to his Conference but only an Inter­preter.

This Lord went away very well contented with his gifts, and Tamerlan's Kindness and respects to him. The Prince of Tanais had orders to conduct and guard him with all possible honour and civility. Tamerlan likewise return'd to his head Quarters. The next day he discover'd all the Plot to Odmar, but before he would venture upon the Execution, he desired to understand from Calibes what he had learned concerning the intentions and preparations of the Chineses; in obedience to his Command he spoke to him in this manner. Worthy Prince, I am ready to put in execution, without examining, all your Commands, as your most obedient slave; if therefore you desire from me to know what I have understood concerning the pre­sent State of China, having had sufficient time to learn, during six Months that I commanded your Armies upon the Borders, to defend them against the Inroads of the Enemies, I must tell you, that the King of China, that reigns now, is a Prince of a great reputation, gain'd by his inlarging the limits of his Empire, more than any of his Predecessors before him; He is proud and insolent, for he names himself The Lord of the World, but all his strength consists in the defence and guarding of this famous Wall which stops us here. I confess 'tis great, and is as I judge guarded by fifty or threescore thousand men in Garrison along these Moun­tains. They are the best Souldiers of the Kingdom▪ so that I judge it not possible to force away through, without endangering your whole Army; I have heard that about the Lake of Hogeen there is an easie [Page 64] way to go into that Kingdom, but we must march seven or eight days to it, and go through strait passages long and tedious for so numerous an Army as yours is; so that the King of China would have time to provide for his defence. He thinks at present that none opposes him but I alone; and that I am here but only to defend the Country, by your orders; for my part I think that it is the best for you to direct your course that way; it is doubtless the most secure for the conve­niency of Provisions, the strength of War, and of an Army, without which there is no marching to a Fight with Courage: This, noble Prince, is my judgment of that you desire to know of me, I cannot discourse of the Country till we enter into it.

The Prince, who knew more, listened with at­tention, and discovered nothing to him, nor any body else about him, of that which he had discours­ed with the Lord of Vauchefu. When every one had spoken his mind, he answer'd, That the great God whose Glory he maintain'd against such wicked Idolaters, would assist his good intenti­ons, strengthen the Courages of his Souldiers, and would facilitate that which they look'd upon to be difficult or impossible. In this manner the Prince discover'd his designs, and the strength of his Army, which consisted more in cunning than in courage, more in the Foxes Taile than in the Lions Skin.

Thus the Emperour craftily concealed the as­sured means that he had to open a passage to his Enemies, that being ignorant of the facility to overcome them, they might ascribe the good suc­cess to his conduct alone; and by that means that his Reputation might be more increas'd, and his [Page 65] Wisdom, Skill and Courage more esteem'd. But before he attempted this great design he gave rich presents to the Kings, Princes, and Lords that were there with him, to win them; and ap­pointed next the Rendezvous of his Army.

Assoon as it was together in one Body, he drew out fifty thousand men of his best Troops, making the Prince of Tanais their Captain, and gave him for Assistant Axalla, the Genoese, an ex­perienced Commander, faithful and courageous for his interest, he desired the Prince to act no­thing without his advice, and to believe him in every thing.

At the Day of the departure, the Lord of Vauchefu came with his Brother to meet the Emperour; they assur'd him that the success would answer his expectation; for they had been to visit the way which was to be forc'd, and that led into the Kingdom of China; they had found it as unpro­vided as they expected. The Prince, after a short Conference upon the place, resolved to march in person with all his Army and draw near to this fa­mous Wall over against Quaquifou, whiles the fifty thousand chosen men, commanded by the Prince of Tanais and Axalla, should gain the passage into the Country in that order that he had prescribed to them; which was, that Axalla should lead twenty thousand men in the Van, and the Prince of Tanais should follow in the Reer with thirty thousand, and that each Party should have with them one of the Lords of China to guide them, that the Enterprise might be the easier. After this, they left the Prince and march'd ten Leagues to the passage, which they [Page 66] took without resistance; a little while they stopt there to rest themselves, and then went on ten Leagues farther, to the place where the Chineses were to guard the Wall. They never dream'd of any such surprise, but minded only those that were commanded by Tamerlan; they hop'd well that the great advantages which they had would enable them to repell all the assaults of Tamerlan's Army. They found themselves deceived and at a loss, for no sooner did the Prince's Army draw near to their Walls, but they saw at the same time Axalla coming to them by another way, with twenty thousand men, seconded by the Prince of Tanais with another Body. They went directly to assault them, but the Chineses in that urgent occasion, divided their Army, and unfur­nished the Wall, which gave an opportunity to Od­mar to win it with his Infantry which he command­ed that day; he made such speed, that the Chi­neses found themselves on a sudden encompassed about with two Armies, when Axalla begun the onset. The Battel was Bloody, the Chineses were totally routed by this noble Christian, before the Prince of Tanais with his Troops could over­take them, so weak was the Enemies resistance. This Victory enrich'd all the Souldiers of Tamer­lan's Army, for they found much Gold about them, upon their Clothes, Arms, and Horses; one of the King of China's Kinsmen, who was stiled King, was taken Prisoner, with the chief Com­manders that were saved from the furious slaugh­ter which was made amongst them.

The sadness of this overthrow spread every where, and soon came to the Ears of the King [Page 67] of China, who was then at Quanton. It filled all his Court with Sorrow, Displeasure and Fear▪ every one wept for his Friend, or his Relation; but this Prince, who had always till then thought himself the happiest of all men, was inwardly surpris'd, without discovering himself to any of his Court, as a man that commanded himself and his passions; he gave orders to gather his Soul­diers from all Parts, and sent for his Priests that kept his holy things, commanding them, as their Lord, in a passionate manner, to offer Sacrifices for him to the Gods, and chiefly to the Sun, the greatest of the Gods, whom they think to be immortal, impassible, the Cause and Author of their Beings, that appears to men only for their benefit; he sent likewise his orders round about the Neighbouring Provinces of his Empire, to call together all that were able to bear Arms, ap­pointing them their Rendezvous at Pekin: He imagined that Tamerlan would direct his course that way, for it was the next City to his Camp; and the great Lord of China, called the Xianxi, fail'd not to be ready with his fifty thousand Men to strengthen such as were to guard the Wall. He hasted to oppose Tamerlan in his March into the Country, and as his Men were all Horse, well ac­quainted with the By-ways and narrow Passages, they were a continual plague to Tamerlan's Army. This wise Prince, to secure his retreat, caus'd the Wall, and all the Forts that were there builded to be demolished, that the passages might be open, for the Garrisons they had all submitted themselves to the Conquerour after the Victory. He treated the people of the Mountains so lovingly, that [Page 68] he caus'd them almost to forget that they were under a new Lord.

He rewarded well the Lord Vauchefu, by giving a little County wherein were seven good Towns, as Archii, Ymulii, Falisq [...]iem, Fulii, Cohensin, Qui­alii, Pulii and Quiamlu, all which were adjoining to this Lords former Territories; so that the Inhabitants were so much the more willing to obey him. He made him also Governour of the Province next to that of the Xianxi, and declared to him, by his liberality, that he was a Prince of his word; his Brother he intended afterwards to gratifie.

This kind dealing of Tamerlan was very ad­vantageous to him, in making way for his succeed­ing Conquests; for he that will subdue Kingdoms and Lands with ease, must first conquer the hearts of the Inhabitants. The Chineses are great admirers of those vertues that are not practi­sed by them, as of Love, Affability, Kindness and Mercy, which Tamerlan's Souldiers were ordered to express to them, and which is contrary to that cruel dealing with which they use to treat their Enemies that fall into their hands; this Custom they borrow from the Indians their Neighbours.

When therefore they saw that this Prince handled them in a manner contrary to theirs, and that he expressed so much affection for them, they began to admire and honour him.

After the destruction of the Forts, Tamerlan took advice which way he should march with his Army: He had heard that the King of China had furnished his strong places, and that with as ma­ny Men as he could gather together he was in his way to meet and fight him. This news caus'd him to [Page 69] be not well resolved what course to take; first whether he should assault a Town in sight of so powerful an Army, or whether he should leave behind him places unconquer'd, which might cut off all his Provisions, and march directly to fight the King of China's numerous Army. In this ir­resolution he desired to know his Officers minds; He called them together, and propos'd to them the business, which could not be quickly resolved, because of the diversity of opinions; but at last this advice prevailed above the rest, that no Town was to be left behind; that they were to make speed and take it before the Battel, that the Army might draw from thence Comfort, Assi­stance and Provisions, and that in case the Enemy would be so bold as to offer to relieve it, that then they would hazard a Battel; for this is the or­dinary practice of a Conquerour and Assailant, to venture a fight with the Enemy, as it is the wisdom of the assaulted to decline it, and never to yield to it but in necessity; for by delays and light skirmishes, and without engaging in a whole Body, the Conquerour and Assailant is weaken'd and tyred out; and by this means Fortune is of­tentimes forc'd to declare for him, and side with the assaulted.

The King of China ought in reason to have taken this course, if he had been well advised, but his ill fortune suffered him not, as we shall see by the following Relation.

This design to march forward being resolved upon in a Council of War, the Army went streight to Pekin to lay siege to it. This is a great, rich, and populous Town, well walled, and adorned [Page 70] with many stately Structures. Tamerlan thought that the King of China would rather venture a Battel than lose this City out of his hands. He flatter'd himself with the hopes of winning it, and the victory at once; for the wonderful riches that were in it encouraged the greedy Souldiers to venture their lives boldly, chiefly the Tartarians, who are unsatiable for Prey and Plunder.

Odmar was order'd to march forward with fourteen thousand Horse to surround it, and hin­der the importation of Provisions, that they might be useful to their own Army.

Axalla was appointed to follow him with all the Infantry, amounting to one hundred and fifty thousand Men, which he commanded as chief Collonel. This Office, given to him as a reward of his former services, caus'd him to be look'd upon both in the Army and in the Court. Tamer­lan followed next with all his Horse, and with his Engines, his Artillery and Ammunitions.

Odmar went the first day twenty Leagues; so that when he came to the Walls of Pekin, the Citizens expected their King before the Tartari­ans. He took into his custody all the Beasts there­abouts, and seated himself in a convenient place, to wait for the coming of the whole Army, leav­ing the City between himself and them.

In the mean while, to affright the Enemy and learn news, he sent many Parties abroad; and a­bout three or four days after the Infantry, led by Axalla, came to him: They sent then their Summons into the Town, to command them to yield; threat­ning, That the Citizens should otherwise suffer all the Calamities that usually happen in cases of [Page 71] resistance, when they are overcome. They return­ed this answer, That they would live and dye faith­ful Subjects to their Prince. This strong resolution proceeded from a new Colony that the Chineses had setled there of their own people, after they had driven away the ancient Inhabitants, who forty years before had been conquered by the Father of the Cham of Tartary, and were his Subjects; so that in the City there was no remembrance of the Tartarian Empire, but in the Country round a­bout they had a love for their old Masters; for the Deputies of the little Towns came to submit themselves to Tamerlan. This caus'd his Army to be full of all manner of Provisions, and in such plenty, that in the Province of Catay they could not have more; this gave him great hopes and assurance of the success of his Enterprise; for without doubt the want of Provisions and For­rage is the ruine of the greatest Armies, and that which disappoints their most likely de­signs.

Thus the large and proud City of Pekin was regularly besieged, and our Infantry commanded to draw near the Walls round about within a Musquet shot. This dreadful sight of so many E­nemies affrighted neither the Citizens nor the Garrison: Tamerlan left nothing unattempted to reduce them, and they used their utmost endea­vour to defend themselves, as much as could be expected from brave and resolute men.

In the mean while Axalla went to view a Suburb encompassed about with a Wall about half a League round; when he had seen it, he wisely ima­gin'd that the keeping of it would not be easie for [...] [Page 70] [...] [Page 71] [Page 72] the Inhabitants, who would hazard too much in de­fending it; he resolved therefore to assault it in the Night, when he had first told the Prince: All his men were ready at the first Watch, with their Ladders and needful Weapons: When the time was come, the Assault was made in several places, and the Tartars were beaten of; but at last Axalla enter'd the Suburbs, and cut in pieces all that were found in Arms, about eight thousand men; ma­ny of his Souldiers were killed, before the Walls, in the place where they expected them most likely to enter, but in that which they won scarce any body was killed on their side. The Plunder was rich, and given to the Souldiers. This loss, together with the Courages of our men, terrified the Inhabitants of the City, and surprised them strangely; so that then they began to despair of their safety, of which they doubted not before. They found themselves disappointed in their ex­pectation of the coming of their Prince, who had promis'd to be with them in fifteen days, which were expired. They saw this dreadful Army gaining every day Ground upon them, and in a Post that commanded their City, and from whence with the Artillery they intended and were preparing to batter it. These conside­rations funk deep into many timerous Souls of the chief of the Town, who desired more to gain the favour of the Conquerour, by yielding in time, than to deserve his displeasure by a long, a fruitless, and too obstinate a resistance. But the Governour, a great Lord of the Country, well respected by his Prince, assur'd them that the King was at hand, that he would not fail to re­lieve [Page 73] and succour them in due time; that they were not yet in any great danger; that the City was yet theirs; that the loss of one of its Sub­urbs was their advantage rather than a loss, be­because the keeping of it was difficult and dange­rous; that now all their Forces were together to defend themselves, and beat off the Enemy; that for his part he was fully resolved to hazard his Estate and Life, and give his Prince all the signs that he could desire of his Courage and faithful­ness.

This discourse coming from such a noble and worthy person, who acted himself what he re­quired from them, made a great impression upon the minds of the people, and obliged them all to return to defend their Walls, with a resolution to bury themselves in the ruines of their City, ra­ther than to yield basely.

Pekin is a large Town, of a difficult access, scituate in a plain, surrounded with Mountains at a considerable distance: There is only a Hill on the North-side which is nigh the Walls; a River runs at the Foot of this Hill, and near to it are the Suburbs that were storm'd; so that on that side it was not easie to relieve the City, or put in­to it any succours, because the Tartarian Army commanded all the passages of the Mountains, which were of old the Borders of China, when Pekin belong'd to Tartary, and serv'd as a Bridle to stop the Inroads of the Chineses. They had no other way to succour the Town but along the River, over which the Tartars had built many Bridges, for the conveniency of their Army, that kept the passages of the Mountains; so that it [Page 74] was impossible for the Chineses to relieve the Town, without the hazard of a Battel, which Ta­merlan desired, and which should be the aim of all Conquerours in his Power and Condition. In this posture, the Army being passed before the City, Odmar, Calibes and the Prince of Tanais, were often sent out with Parties into the Country, to learn and understand something of the Enemy, and to cause the Cavalry to subsist the better, and keep the Provisions in the Camp for a greater necessity: Besides, the Souldiers were command­ed to provide themselves before-hand with great stores of Victuals, that they might be better able to subsist, and not be obliged to raise the siege for a­ny want, in case the Enemy did offer to beset them. This caus'd them to plunder several small Towns that would not bring them in Provisions; so that though the Tartarian Army was numerous they had plenty of all things.

In the mean while the Chineses were more in number and stronger, advancing towards us by little and little. Tamerlan intended to meet them himself with his Cavalry, and to leave the great­est part of his Infantry before the City, to conti­nue the siege, which he prosecuted vigorously; but the Inhabitants resisted and fought with Cou­rage. But to trie once more to win the Walls, he commanded to plant against it all his Engines of War, and to make a breach, that his Souldiers might come to a handy-fight, and assault the Ci­ty with more ease. This proceeding waken'd the resolutions of the besieged, and terrified them wonderfully; chiefly a Mount which was raised upon some ruines about a Bow-shot from the [Page 75] Walls, upon an high place: From thence the Tartars saw and discover'd the Guards within, and shot into the City, so that by day none dar'd appear upon the Walls. This inconveniency ob­lig'd them to watch and work more carefully in their own preservation. For that purpose they began to retrench themselves, to secure their Bo­dies by a Wall that was to be two and twenty Foot high, as many broad, and fifty Foot in length: As soon as the Besiegers perceived it, they thought it not convenient to stay till this work should be finished, but rather to try Fortune, and endea­vour by an assault to win the Walls.

In prosecution of this design and resolution, the Prince sent for Axalla into his own Quarters, because it concern'd him most, in regard of his Office, and because during this siege he had been most active, he told him his intentions, desiring him to prepare himself and his men for the next morning. As soon as Axalla had drawn out his Souldiers, he assaulted the Wall, which was stoutly defended by the besieged; but at last this Cap­tains Valour, assisted by twenty thousand of his Men, took it by force, and fortified himself there. He could scarce keep back his Souldiers in their heat and fury from breaking in further; according to the commands of Tamerlan, which he was per­swaded to give, for two reasons: First, because he did not desire that the City should be won by assault, for it was rich and full of all good things; he was therefore afraid that the Enemies Army should come at that Instant when his Souldiers were busie in plundering the houses, which would have caused their utter overthrow; for rich Soul­diers, [Page 76] who have much to lose, can never fight well: Secondly he stopt his men from taking the City by assault, because he intended to make of it a Magazine to furnish his Army, and carry on his designs with greater security.

The loss of the Wall abated not the Courages of the besieged; they defended themselves as ob­stinately and bravely as before, in hopes of re­ceiving speedily some succours from their King, who was near at hand as they were rightly in­form'd. But in their greatest expectations, the accident of a shot cast from one of the Engines, which struck down a piece of Wood and wound­ed the Governour dangerously, caus'd them to lose their Courages. This worthy person, so af­fectionate to his Prince and Country, died of this Wound a few hours after, leaving his Soul­diers without heart or resolution; for this brave Commander, by his example and perswasions, obliged them to hold out so long. This unex­pected accident forc'd them to consent to a Trea­ty with the Emperour, before he should hear any news of their misfortune, and of the loss of the numbers of men who had been killed in de­fending the Wall. They expected better and more honourable Articles.

Tamerlan began to be weary with the long siege, eight days were spent since the last assault, and he saw no change in the Citizens resolutions, and understood not that the King of China made any haste to fight him; but when the King heard the Governour of Pekin was kill'd, he was afraid of the consequence; this made him draw towards the Besiegers with more speed with his Army in [Page 77] Battel. Axalla, who lodged upon the Wall, perceived the Enemy first: he went therefore to inform the Prince, he rejoyced to hear such good news, but his joy was much more increased when he saw the Deputies of the City, who came to yield themselves and their City into his hands. The Emperour receiv'd them with his wonted kindness, promising the Inhabitants his protecti­on, if they would continue to him faithful, but he threatned them with severe punishments, if they offer'd to revolt.

The Articles were agreed to, the Garrison, in number about eighteen thousand men, went out, they were the remainder of thirty thousand in the beginning of the siege, which lasted two full Months. The Citizens were confirmed in all their priviledges, and were mightily taken and enamoured with the sweet and loving disposition of their new Lord.

At this same time the King of China, who was at hand with all his Army, understood that the City was delivered up by the Garrison that he met in his way. The Lieutenant Governour he commanded to be executed, with many Captains, for their Cowardice, but he pardonned the Soul­diers who were not so guilty. He commanded all his Army to stop their march in the very place where he received the news of this Cities sur­render, thinking more convenient to wait for Tamerlan there in a Ground that lay well for his Forces to draw up. The Tartars spent eight days in repairing the breaches, and furnishing the Town with all necessaries fit to abide a siege, whatever happened. The Emperour also mu­stered [Page 78] his whole Army, paid off his Souldiers, increased their Wages, and rewarded every man according to his deservings: he ascribed the ho­nour of this Conquest, so considerable, to the cares and wise conduct of Axalla, therefore he offer'd him the Government over this City and the Country which he had already conquered; but he very fairly refused it, desiring the Prince to bestow it upon some other Body, because he desired no other reward but to bear a share in the labours of his Master, whose Glory should be his chief aim and desire. This answer pleased the Prince, for he had offer'd it to him, only because he had well deserved it, but he was not willing that he should take it; for he was desirous to have him always nigh his person, knowing that he was courageous, faithful and ingenious, and well ex­perienced in the Affairs of War: When he re­fus'd it, the Prince of Tanais accepted it, with the Title of Vice-Roy.

Tamerlan, having set all things in good order, and dispatched some Messengers to the Emperour his Uncle, and all his Friends to inform them of his happy successes, and satisfied his Souldiers, who were ten thousand men less than before, he caus'd Prayers solemnly to be offer'd up to the God of Hosts during a whole day. After this he march'd to find the Enemy, who was with all his Ar­my of his Subjects and Allies at Sinteh [...]. As soon as the King of China had understood that our Army was passed over the River of Culifu, he caus'd it to be proclaimed all over his Camp, that every one should be ready to fight, for he did not desire to see the Tartarians farther in his Country, [Page 79] to eat it up and destroy it. But there was no Wis­dom in that resolution, for it caus'd him to lose his own advantages, and run head-long into the mischief that was at hand; for had he lengthened the War as he ought, the many and strong Towns, which were to be besieged one after another, would have undermined Tamerlan's Army, and render'd it unable to stand against his fresh Troops; and for the Tartars, they could not in reason ad­vance so far as to leave behind them any one Town, which might have cut off their Pro­visions. Reason and Justice obliges Comman­ders of an Army to deal in this manner, other­wise they may soon destroy the most flourishing Army.

Therefore the Emperour could not but say, privately to some about him, not in a boasting manner, for he never us'd to boast of the greatest advantages that he hath had over his Enemies, That the King of China was ill advised to desire a Battel; that he would doubtless have cause to repent of this folly at his leisure, because his Souldiers were not to be compared to his Men in Strength and Cou­rage.

When the King of China understood that the Tartars were marching towards him, he advanc'd with his Army to meet them, in such a glorious manner, as if he had intended only to shew them his Grandeur and Riches. Nothing appear'd to the Eye but Gold and Silver in his Army, and the Chariot, upon which he was mounted, was so beset with Diamonds, Rubies and Pearls, that it was not possible stedfastly to fix the Eye upon it in the Sun.

[Page 80]This Prince, of about thirty three years old, had been brought up from his infancy in the delights and pleasures of the Court, and not in the trou­bles of the War, which requires a Body inur'd to pains, and hardened against the inconveni­ences of the Seasons. He was in his discourses insolent, from his Mouth drop'd nothing but Threatnings, Words of Contempt and Defiance, complaining that he had been surpris'd by the Tartars, and engag'd in a War without notice given, as it is the Custom of his people: Three or four of his Neighbouring Kings accompanied him in the same State and Splendour; so that the hopes of such rich Spoils as were to be gotten with the Victory, strangely encouraged the Tar­tarian Souldiers to behave themselves like men.

Whiles the two Armies were drawing nearer together, Tamerlan took the Town of Thiauchevoi in his march, which happened to be very useful to his Army, in regard of its good scituation in the midst of Waters and Pasture Grounds for Cat­tel, so that when Tamerlan saw it first, he resolved to pitch there his Tents, and see whether the E­nemy would have so much boldness to attempt upon him in that place that would prove disad­vantageous to him. To engage the Chineses the sooner to a Battel he sent them a defiance, and at the same time laid siege to Panihu, which was a little behind him. This Town was strong and well furnished with a stout Garrison; Panihu was distant from Thiachevoi about ten Leagues, so that it had not been convenient for the Empe­rour to return and assault it himself, for then he had been forc'd to turn his Back to the Enemy; [Page 81] he judg'd it therefore more fit for him to beset it with his Troops of Horse, for these two Reasons; First, to hinder the Enemy from breaking in upon his Army; and next, that he might with more ease approach nearer to the King of China But this Precaution was not needful, nor the Consultati­on that happen'd thereupon; for when Odmar was return'd, he assur'd him, that the Chineses were within a Days March, and that in all likely-hood the Battel would be the Day following.

At this news the Prince sends for Calibes, who was with ten thousand Horse before Panihu, com­manding him to come to him with speed. In the mean while he was careful to provide all things needful, and to seek his advantages to win the Victory.

The Army advanc'd softly within a League of Thiauchevoi; and the next day understood for certain, that the Chineses were in their march to­wards him. The Emperour, with a merry Coun­tenance, as soon as he had acquainted Odmar with the Order that he intended to observe, and drawn up his Men in the Field that he had cho­sen, look'd upon the Enemy in their march, at the head of six thousand Horse, with which he ad­vanc'd before his Army, having Calibes with him. He used thus to view the Enemy himself, without trusting to other Mens Eyes. He endeavour'd to draw them into the Field, where his Army was ready for the Battel. When he had well considered this vast Army, he commanded Cali­bes, as soon as he should be assaulted, to retreat back in good order, and draw the Chineses nearer to the Tartarian Troops. He returned after­wards [Page 82] to his Army to prepare them for the fight, disposing of his Infantry upon the decline of the Hill with their Artillery to defend them. They were in number sixscore thousand men, armed ac­cording to the Christians fashion, under several Captains who obeyed Axalla as their Lieutenant-General.

The Cavalry was drawn up in a plain Ground, having their Enemy at their right hand, and their Infantry at the left to withdraw towards it in case of necessity. They were in number fourscore thousand Horse. Cali [...]es, with the Tartars, led the Van: He was to command thirty thousand divided into three Bodies of ten thou­sand a-piece, who had orders to join to him as soon as he should have drawn the Enemy into the Field, according to the Prince's Orders. Odmar was commanded to second him with thirty thou­sand more, and Tamerlan led the Reer, which he placed near one of the Wings of the Foot, which he look'd upon as the chief strength of his Army.

His intention was to let those threescore thou­sand Horse begin the Battel, led on by those two great Commanders: He hop'd, when they should have broken the Enemy, or shaken them, he would quickly defeat them. He commanded them therefore to advance forward, staying be­hind with his Infantry, and twenty thousand chosen Horse, able to win another Battel, if his Men had been beaten. When these things were thus or­der'd, Calibes, by retreating from the Enemy, drew them on forward, but sometimes he charg'd them home. It was a beautiful sight to behold [Page 83] that great Army stronger than ours, full of arm­ed Chariots, with which the Chineses expected to get a great advantage over Tamerlan's Army. The Chineses were full of Gold and Silver, their Ar­mour, Horses and Cloths, were so loaden, that the Tartars had just cause to wonder.

In the mean while the Emperour's Eye was eve­ry where; he was well pleased to see Calibes exe­cute his Orders so punctually, and to behold the Chineses draw towards him in good order. He endeavour'd to understand in what place their King was; for that purpose he had near him the Lord of Vauchefu, who was well acquainted with their Rules and Manners. This Lord caus'd the Prince to take notice that they had but one Body which was not divided into Van and Reer, and that the King was in the middle of his Chariots and Infantry. Upon this Tamerlan turn'd back to his Men, telling them, That they must scatter that Golden Cloud, and that the King of China must give them a share of his Riches. As soon as he had spoken these words, he gave not time to the Ene­my to rest after a march of a long League, but sent order to Calibes to begin to charge with his Van-guard, and that he should send back his ten thousand wearied Horse to him. Calibes could not prevail upon them to retreat, but they, as soon as the signal was given, desired earnestly to go in the Front, and give the first On-set, under the Command of a young Lord named Ziocoatanes. This Lord charg'd the formost of the Chineses Army so stoutly, that he made them give back. The Battel was Bloody, for every one endea­vour'd to shew his Courage, and fight for the [Page 84] honour of their Prince, and the safety of their Nation. In an hours time it was not known which Party had got the advantage; but at last, when Calibes had been wounded; and his Squa­drons broken, the Enemy for a time seem'd to have won the Victory.

The Prince, who was an Eye-witness of this first charge, before he withdrew back to his Reer, saw this dishonour without any alteration in his Countenance: His mind was so setled and un­moveable in prosperity and adversity, he only said, That the vast numbers of his Enemy, though in a Confusion, had oppress'd the courages of his men.

These thirty thousand Horse already defeated were almost all Tartarians, that fight not in the same manner as the Parthians, nor in that good order. Two thousand of them retreated with their wounded Commander behind the Prince, who caused his Wound to be search'd be­fore him, and ordered him to go back behind his Infantry with the other wounded Men, where a great many other Tartars rallied.

That which Calibes could not perform with the Tartars, Odmar did with the Parthians; he charg'd and broke into the Enemies with that fury, that he made a way through their whole Army, and afterwards fell upon one of their Wings, forcing them to retreat to their Chariots where the King was in person. It had been wisdom to stop there, or turn another way, but his fury made him think nothing impossible for his Courage to perform: this perswasion caus'd him to assault that dreadful Barricade that kept in the King of China, who [Page 85] had march'd forward to help his Cavalry in their Retreat, and obliged them to rally after they had been broken by Odmar. But in this Attempt he found a strong resistance, and lost a great many Men to no purpose. This caused him to stop his Men, and send to the Prince for Infantry and Artillery, with which he assur'd him that he should gain the Victory. At this news the Prince commanded his Party to stand, and sent him fifty thousand Foot, with some of his Artillery, un­der the Command of Axalla, whom he had order'd to force the Barricado of Chariots. This brave Captain with all speed march'd up to Odmar, and having put his Artillery in the Front, with which he caus'd such a disorder amongst the Cha­riots that their Governours oblig'd the King to fight the Tartars. He had an hundred and fifty thousand Men about his Person, but Axalla was not terrified with this vast number of Enemies; he was thereby more encouraged to fight, so that he was never observ'd to have behaved himself more bravely, and with greater success.

In the mean while Odmar slept not, he knew that the Kings Cavalry that he had broken were rallied behind their Body of Foot; he charg'd them again afresh, scatter'd and put them to flight.

At the same time Tamerlan came in with a choise Body of Horse, and the rest of his Infantry which he had commanded to advance to succour Axalla; without any delay he charg'd and cut all in pieces that stood before him, getting as far as the second Barricado of Chariots, where the King of China was with forty thousand Men un­touch'd. [Page 86] Here the Fight was cruel for two or three hours, every one striving to overcome; but at last the Reserve of Horse with which the Prince had charg'd so vigorously, assisting the Foot in good time, got the Victory, and put the Chineses to flight.

The Day was won in this manner, after a bloody Fight of eight hours; the Night put a stop to the Slaughter, and favour'd the Chineses in their Retreat. Their Camp was taken and plunder'd by the Tartars, the King himself wounded with an Arrow in the Arm became a Prisoner; two Kings that assisted him lost their Lives in the Hurly-burly, and two others were taken with him.

This compleat Victory enrich'd the Souldiers with Plunder. The Spoils were infinite and inestimable, nothing but Precious Stones, and Vessels of Gold and Silver appear'd every where, with such rich and beautiful Chariots that they could not be too much admir'd.

After this happy success the Prince rode round about the Field, as well to hinder more Effusion of Blood, as to rally his Men and place his Guards; he unburden'd himself of the rest of his cares up­on Axalla, leaving the King of China in his Cu­stody in the middle of his Infantry. He intended to see him the next day, in the mean whiles he gave order to have him cured of his Wound, and well treated.

There was nothing more beautiful to the Eye than the rich Armour which the Chineses had put on that day, and the many Ornaments with which they had trimmed themselves; for the diversity [Page 87] of colours yielded at a distance, the most satis­fying prospect in the World. Their Army was more numerous than the Tartars, but they had neither the dexterity nor the courage of Tamerlan's Men. They say, that the King had in the Field three hundred and fifty thousand Horse, and two hun­dred thousand Foot; but the most part of them were unskilful Brutes, who suffer'd themselves to be butcher'd without resistance, and without ma­king use of their Numbers; for they had no know­ledge in the Art of War, or so little that they were not much the better for it. Threescore thousand Men died in this Battle.

Tamerlan gave his orders for the burying of the dead, and for thanks to be given to God for the Victory; afterwards he caus'd all the wound­ed to be carefully healed, of both Armies. He went to visit Calibes, who was ill with the Infection of the Air, and of a Wound, which hinder'd him not from performing his duty and commanding the Van, as carefully as if he had been in perfect health. The Prince was well pleas'd with him, he look'd upon him as the chief Commander, next to himself, amongst the Tartarians; for he was so well beloved by them, that he was very well o­beyed.

Tamerlan received news, that one of the King of China's Brothers was fled with fifteen thou­sand Horse; he sent thirty thousand to pursue him, and commanded Panihu at the same time to yield. This City readily obeyed, sending their Keys, which caused the Army to advance forward into the Country.

Tamerlan had been almost a day and a night on [Page 88] Horseback, from which he lighted about two a Clock in the Morning; they brought to him a Loaf of Bread and Water, for he never drank any Wine; afterwards he laid himself down upon a Carpet, discoursing with his Officers afterwards till Sun-rising. I was, saith Alhacent, always near him at that time, and could never hear the least word from his Mouth which might discover any pride that he took in his good success; he only pitied the King of China because of his unhapiness, caused by his refusal of surrendring into his Hands what be­long'd to him by right. He told Odmar that God had led him as it were by the Hand to obtain that day, without the loss of any of his chief Officers, a great Victory; that he was sorry for the death of his other Souldiers, but he thought them happy because they had lost their Lives in the service of their Prince, fighting couragiously against the Heathens who worshipped false Gods.

The next day Tamerlan caused all his rich Tents to be spread, and placed his Guards in such a manner as might make his Grandeur to appear the more: the chief Officers of his Army being near his Person to wait upon him, he then sent to Axalla that he should bring before hime the King of China. As soon as he understood that he was coming, he went out of his Tent to meet him. This great Prince was not cast down by his mis­fortune, he appear'd at this instant with the Countenance of a Man of courage. As soon as he had enquir'd of Axalla, by his Interpreter, which was the Emperour, he spoke to him in this stately manner; My Gods have been so displeas'd a­gainst my Country, and my happiness, that they have [Page 89] made me thy Prisoner: And if it be true what Fame speaks of thee, that Tamerlan fights for nothing but for the glory of his Nation, this that thou hast now purchased ought to satisfie thy mind, to have subdued with thy Sword the Off-spring of the Sun, and the Lord of the World, who is now in thy power and at thy disposal. He spoke these words with a free and bold air, and not as a Supplicant. The Emperour saluted him first very civilly, and caus'd him to be led into his Tent, where he answer'd him by his Interpreter, That an unjust cause is hateful to every Divinity, whether true or false; that for his part, he gave thanks to the immortal and incomprehensible God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, whom he worshipped, for the late Victory which he acknow­ledg'd to have receiv'd from his bounty alone; as the King of China ascrib'd the cause of his mis­fortune to his mistaken Divinities: but he pro­mis'd that he would not abuse the advantage that he had got upon him, but that he would endea­vour by all civil and courteous dealing to cause him to forget his present condition. The King of China, surpris'd with this unexpected dis­course, return'd him his thanks. At the close of this discourse Tamerlan drew back a little, to observe the motions and behaviour of this great Prince, whom he beheld stedfastly with delight. He ask'd him afterwards, what he thought of the Actions and courage of his Souldiers in the Fight? The King answer'd, That when he saw so feeble an Army, in Comparison of his, came to him, he was fully perswaded to get the Victo­ry, but the Gods had otherwise order'd it. He enquir'd from Tamerlan, whether his Brother [Page 90] had been killed or a Prisoner. Before the reply was made, one of the Commanders there present desired to know whether he did fight near his per­son. He told them that he commanded in the Battel the Cavalry, and wore as himself a Prince­ly Attire. They answer'd him that he was taken; then he fetch'd a deep sigh, which caused some to be so inquisitive why he was displeased, that his Brother should run the same hazards as himself, and fall into the same condition. He replyed, That in his misfortune he had this comfortable perswa­sion, That his Brother (the second expectation of the Chineses) would not forsake him, but would attempt every thing to re-establish his Affairs, and the reputation of his Countrymen. He lamented pittifully at his mishap, but praised his Courage: But Tamerlan knew very well that he was escaped and out of his reach, for he had rallied all the broken Troops of Horse and was fled. Odmar had been sent after him to hinder him from ga­thering together too numerous a Body.

The chief Prisoners were brought next, they were loaden with so much Gold and precious Jewels, that it is not to be conceived. The two Kings, Confederates and Tributary to China, appear'd first. As soon as this Prince saw them coming, he arose to honour them, and they fell down and worship'd him almost in their salutati­on; he wish'd them to rise from the Ground; Ta­merlan ask'd who they were; the King of China answer'd that they were his Friends; one the King of Chiampa, the other the King of Cochin­chine; and that he was sorrowful for their mis­fortune as much as for his own, which made him [Page 91] willing to follow them in death. He spoke in this manner, imagining that the Tartarian Custom was like that of China, to kill and destroy all their Prisoners of War, and sometimes, in a savage manner, to feed upon their Flesh. But the Em­perour receiv'd them with expressions of kind­ness, and assur'd them, that he would use them well and gently.

The King of China felt a great satisfaction at this unexpected civility and humanity. He was not above thirty years of Age, but had a long Face, great black Eyes, a Nose of a middle size, a long Beard, which he handled often, a grave and lofty Air, like that of a great Prince. His Kingdom contains two hundred thousand For­tresses, fifteen great Provinces or Governments; in them are to be found many Golden Mines, and some Silver, and a certain Herb which we call Rhubarb, They reckon that he hath seventy Kings wearing Crowns, his Tributaries. This large and wide Country which we call China, is named by the Inhabitants Tame; and the Peo­ple, whom we call Chineses, are named by them Tangis. This Country is full of Fowl and Fish, because of the many Rivers that run through it. Silk is here so plentiful, that the Beggars are cloth­ed therewith. Wool is here scarce, but this want is remedied with much Cotton and Linnen. The Climate is temperate. The Men have liber­ty here to have as many Wives as they can con­veniently keep: They wear their Hair long, but the Women have short Perrukes. There is al­ways a General, or Governour over the whole Kingdom, next to the King, called by them [Page 92] Tuton. The Brother of the King of China had this Office, which is of so great importance, that the Laws command him to be always with­in the Kingdom. But this man intreated the King his Brother so earnestly, that he might be present at the Battel, which he was perswaded to win, that he yielded to his importunities. He had plac'd in his stead a Lord which the King did not trust. This griev'd the King when he consider'd that he had been guilty of so great a fault, as to suffer him to hazard with him his person in the same fight, and to have left the Government of so large an Empire in unfaithful hands.

Tamerlan called afterwards together his Pri­vy-Council, to advise what was to be done with the Prisoners, and how they should use their Vi­ctory. At that time news was brought, that the King's Brother was safely arrived at Quanton, a City which he had fortified, that he was endea­vouring to furnish it with all manner of Provi­sions, and that he was busily employed in ga­thering together an Army. As soon as Tamer­lan heard this, he sent the Prisoners, with two thousand Parthian Horse to Pekin, for his Army had rested themselves several Days: he com­manded them to stop there a little, and carry them over the Mountains to Burday, a City that had been always faithful to the Tartars, and that they should there keep them till they had further or­der. Malaxan, Axalla's Lieutenant General, was to command that Party; by him the Prince writ to the Emperour his Uncle, and to his Vice­roy of Sachetay, to acquaint them with his happy success and Victory, where he had lost but few [Page 93] of his Men, but the Chineses many. By this means he freed himself from a great many Cha­riots and Baggage that incumber'd his Army, sending them with the Prisoners. He order'd also the Recruits to be hastened, and forty thou­sand Foot to be gathered in Parthia, and thirty thousand Horse in Tartaria, that they might come to him before the Forces of the King of China could be able to make head to stop him. He ad­vis'd what was best to be done upon this news, and it was resolved, That Quanton should be spe­dily besieg'd, and, if it were possible, to shut up the Kings Brother in the City.

This place is one of the chiefest of the King­dom, very populous, and naturally strong. It was about forty Leagues from the Field where the Battel was fought. Odmar took in his way thither many small Towns, without opposition, and was march'd as far as the Walls, dispersing his Troops round about, with an intention not to depart without the Prince's order, to whom he had dispatch'd a Messenger, to understand his pleasure. An universal fright had seiz'd upon the hearts of all the Inhabitants of the Kingdom, though the Kings Brother endeavour'd to settle their minds, and oblige them to take Courage. The Humanity of Tamerlan, and the Civilities that he had expressed to the King of China, and to the rest of his Prisoners, being nois'd abroad in the Country, satisfied their minds, and made them bear their misfortune with patience. Every one knew already that the Prince was of a mild and obliging temper; that he took a great de­light in shewing his mercy to such as deserved or [Page 94] desired it, by their behaviour and repentance; and that when he was angry, by an indiscreet fierceness, he was loth to be cruel and rough to any: But in regard his design was to bring down the proud, and to raise up the humble, he ob­serv'd an equality in his Rewards and Punish­ments, to prevent by that means all occasions and inclinations of mischief. He had another good quality that caus'd him to be admir'd and cherish'd by all the World: he was a religious observer of his word, and no Person durst at­tempt to make him break it, without deserving his displeasure. The fame of so many good qua­lities, and of so rare a Virtue in Tamerlan, spread­ing about amongst the ignorant Chineses, pro­duc'd this good effect; that when once they had obtain'd his word, they depended upon it as if he had put it immediately in execution. This is of an high importance to settle the interest of a Conquerour amongst his new Subjects.

After all these orders given, Tamerlan com­manded publick Prayers to be said, to implore the Divine assistance. He distributed Moneys afterwards to the Captains, that they might have a care to heal the wounded, and provide neces­saries for them; and with the rest of his Army, in good order, march'd towards Quanton. He had order'd Odmar to Post himself on the other side of the Town, to hinder the Kings Brother from carrying into it his succours, in case he should attempt to put any in; willing him to oppose himself with all his power, and to fight him in case of necessity; for he inform'd him that he was coming with the Army to besiege that City.

[Page 95]At this same time the Kings Brother sent Em­bassadours to Tamerlan, to Know how the King did, and to desire leave to visit him. Tamerlan was glad of this request, because he feared that he would have Proclaim'd himself King of China, and by that means have created him much more trouble than his elder Brother. In the mean while, the Prince of China having understood in what condition the Citizens of Quanton were, he resolved to succour them, and adventure ano­ther Battel; because, as he thought, he had the Troops of his Allies, and his own Army, nume­rous enough to do this business: for that purpose he march'd straight to Porchio, scituate upon a great River, where he intended to build a Bridge with Boats, having Materials in abundance.

As soon as Tamerlan had understood his moti­on, he caus'd a Ditch to be made at the end of the Bridge that was over the River, with a For­tification to prevent all sudden attempts; pla­cing there three or four thousand of his best Souldiers to Guard it. In the mean while, as the Enemy drew near, he stood with his Army drawn up on this side the River, and took notice of their countenance and motion.

Both Armies continued in this manner ten or twelve days, without performing any thing wor­thy of notice. At last Tamerlan had news brought him, that the Kings Brother had ga­thered together a great many Boats, and was making of a Bridge, at a narrow place called Cambin, about ten Leagues from his Camp. At first he took no notice that he knew it, staying in the same place with his Troops, without attempt­ing [Page 96] any thing; but when he understood for cer­tain, that the Bridge was perfected, he gave or­der to fifteen thousand Horse to attack such as were passed over the River, commanding his Body of Foot to follow after. He had left be­hind him at Porchio as many as were needful to secure his Camp; the rest of his Horse, Com­manded by the Prince, brought up the Reer. He stop'd, or advanc'd his Army, according to the news that he received at every foot in his March, of the number and posture of his Enemies that had pass'd over the River. About Midnight they left their Camp, and came to their Rendez­vous about Noon. Odmar was there half an hour before the rest, but as soon as he understood that there was no more of the Chineses on his side of the River than he was able to beat, he stop'd with his Party without medling with them; be­cause he wish'd that more would adventure over, and he staid for Tamerlan's coming. He thought fit to send some Scouts to understand how their number increas'd: when he perceived that there were about fifty thousand passed over the River, he sent news of it to Tamerlan; who was at hand, and march'd directly to attack them. His com­ing was not expected, for they knew nothing of his March: He found them in disorder, so that at the first On-set he put them to flight. Some of them resisted with courage, but not so stoutly as they might have done in so advantageous a Post as they were in; for they had the River on the one side, and a large Marsh on the other side. It is certain, that if they had but known their strength, and the advantage of the place, a [Page 97] small resistance had been able to stop the Tartari­ans. But as soon as Tamerlan's Infantry had got as far as the Rivers side, and had pierced through to the Bridge of Boats, they began to break and sink it. They had a great Ship in the manner of a Fire-ship, coming down with the Stream; as soon as it was within a convenient distance, the Tartars set it on fire. This flaming Engine, car­ried with the strength of the Water, beat with fury against the Bridge, broke some of the Boats, scattered others, and burn'd those that were nearest. This strange sight astonish'd the Chineses that were passed over the River, because they saw no hopes of saving themselves by a Re­treat. Twenty thousand of them were kill'd in the place, and amongst the rest the Prince of Cochinchine, at the first On-set, where he behaved himself like a Man of courage. The Brother of the King of China saw his Men destroyed and drowned, and himself unable to assist them. Though he had lost in this Encounter but the third part of his Army, and had yet one hundred thousand fresh Men, there was no likelihood that he would hazard to fight with them against Ta­merlan, who commanded the Head of the Prince of Cochinchine to be cut off, and to be sent to the Inhabitants of Quanton; for he was one of the noblest Subjects of the Empire: this sight there­fore would be able to make them believe the Victory, that they might not expect any other succours.

Axalla besieged them so close, and gave them so little time, that though they endeavoured to defend themselves vigorously, and were continu­ally [Page 98] at handy-blows with his Men, they found themselves every day weaker, and their Ene­mies draw by degrees nearer to their Walls. When they found themselves thus wearied with watching and fighting, and no likelihood of safe­ty by an obstinate resistance, they resolved to fly to the Conquerours mercy. They sent word to Axalla, that they desir'd to treat with him. He sent them word back again, that they had more reason to rely upon the Emperours mercy, than their own strength; and that for his part, he would so order the business, that they should have no cause to repent of their resolutions. After a few Messages and Discourses of yielding, they desired eight days to send to the Brother of the King of China, to acquaint him with their estate and condition; and that if within fifteen days they were not relieved, they promised to yield up the City; upon condition that Tamerlan should maintain their Priviledges, and treat them in the same manner as the Kings of China had done be­fore. Axalla returned them this Answer; That he had power to treat with them, and receive them favourably when-ever they would fly to the mercy of his Prince: And that though the time they required was long, he would nevertheless inform him of their desires, and write for them. But that immediately, without delays, they ought to give him Hostages for his security; and that upon that condition all Acts of Hostility should cease, and that he would grant them a Truce, till he understood further of his Princes mind. He sent therefore to Tamerlan, to acquaint him with this good news, which he received with much [Page 99] more joy, than for the late Victory obtained of the Enemy. He granted all that the Inhabitants of Quanton had desired, at the Request of Axalla, sending him a Commission to end this business as he should judge most convenient.

In the mean while the Prince was watching, to observe what motion and course the Kings Bro­ther would take after his late overthrow. He intended, if he did not forsake the Banks of the River, to pass over and pursue him to the Sea side. After three or four days staying, he was advi­sed by his Captains, to get over the Water only with his Cavalry. His intent was to march three or four Leagues into the Country, to hinder the Chineses from seeking a Ford, which they intend­ed, that they might more speedily succour Quan­ton that was besieged.

This fear quickly ceased, as soon as the Prince of China had seen the Tartars on his side of the River; for not thinking himself safe near so powerful an Enemy, he retreated with speed to­wards the Sea, sheltering himself amongst the Mountains; into which the Cavalry could not easily approach, and where his Army could in­trench and fortifie themselves with ease. When he was come to that place, and had rested his Men, he consulted with the Grandees of China that were about him, what resolution was best to be taken. They advis'd him to seek the fair­est means; and for that purpose, that he should send to Tamerlan Overtures of Peace, to ran­som the King, and save the rest of the Provinces; telling him, that he should endeavour to purchase Peace with Gold or Silver, seeing that so much [Page 100] Blood had been spilt in vain: That they perceiv­ed that the Gods were wroth with their Nation, seeing that they had favour'd their Enemies so apparently; and therefore they had best yield to necessity, and to the conditions that Tamerlan would impose upon them: for that purpose, the Kings brother sent for a safe Conduct for such as he should send to treat with Tamerlan, which was readily granted to as many as he should ap­point.

In the mean while Quanton was surrender'd in­to Axalla's Hands, who caused the Garrison to depart, and received the Inhabitants in the pro­tection of Tamerlan, and all such as were wil­ling to stay there without Armour. He march'd into the City amidst the general applause of the People, who were desirous to see their new Prince. They received him very honourably; Axalla put thirty thousand Men there in Gar­rison, giving them some Money to supply their necessities until the Army could Muster and re­ceive the three Months pay due to them, which amounted to eight hundred thousand. Tentins, which are worth four hundred and fifty thousand Crowns, or thereabouts. The Inhabitants of Quanton readily paid this Money.

Whilst these things were acted, the Emperour sent Alhacent to Axalla. He found him treating and feasting his Captains, in expectation of his Princes commands, which he brought to him; to stay at Quanton, and send him all the Infantry. He took this course, to fright and strike a ter­rour into his Enemies the sooner, who might perceive after the taking of that City, when the [Page 101] Army should be all in a Body, that Tamerlan's in­tent was to march further into the Country, and conquer more of the Kingdom. He thought this to be the best way to succeed in his design, to ob­lige them the sooner to seek an honourable Peace, and settle his own interest in those Parts. Alhacent returned back from Quanton to the Prince, being much satisfied to have seen that beautiful and great City, so well fortified and so populous, standing in a fruitful Soil, abounding in all manner of good things. The Army was two Months and a half about it, without suffering any want of Provisions; and might have continu­ed there three or four Weeks with ease and plen­ty; for there was no lack of any thing in the Ci­ty, unless it were of Men; for many had been kill'd during the Siege. To supply this want, the Kings Brother advanc'd with his Army, to cast in some recruits. Many also of the Tartars were dead, through the unwholsomness of the Air, and the violent Heats unto which their Bo­dies were not accustomed. Therefore they wait­ed and watched the Recruits that were coming in haste to the Army, before it could advance further into the Kingdom, or assault any other place. Axalla, who staid in the Town, spent his time in making up the Breaches which the Artille­ry had made, and win the affections of the Citi­zens. It was a very strange thing, that not one of the Inhabitants went out with the former Go­vernour when he left the place; he led with him thirteen thousand Men only, which were remain­ing of thirty thousand that he had in the beginning of the Siege; some of them were dead and [Page 102] killed in the Assaults, some staid behind in the Town with the Inhabitants without Armour, willing to obey the Conquerour. This was a re­markable Passage, which caus'd Tamerlan to con­clude from thence, that they were but an uncon­stant People so soon to forget their former Lord, who with his Predecessors had Commanded them and Govern'd them in peace, above two hundred years. This is a good Lesson for those that Go­vern Republiques and Empires, not to have too great a confidence in the common People, let their profession of zeal and affection be never so great. This consideration oblig'd Axalla to doubt of the future, and to confess to Alhacent, that he knew not how so great a Multitude could be kept in order and commanded, in case any loss or mis­fortune should happen to his Party. He com­manded him therefore to tell the Prince, that he should not proceed on further in the Conquest of the Country, but endeavour to treat with the Enemy before his Army should decrease; and that he should consider, before he left the Coun­try, how he should be able to keep under such a Multitude of People in his absence, which were so inclinable to change, and so uncon [...]ant.

A whole year had been spent already in this Expedition, and the Companies that decreas'd daily through the Distempers of the Autumn, dis­covered the weakness into which they should in­fallibly fall. The Prince considered all these things; besides, he feared that a too long and tedious absence would cause some disturbance in his Empire, as it happens very often: He thought therefore it was as much honour for him to keep, [Page 103] by his wisdom, what he had gained, as to win and conquer it by his Valour. Therefore it was his mode never to refuse reasonable offers of Peace, and to value that more which he obtain'd by that Method, than that which he purchas'd with his Sword. He consider'd also that if he could preserve all that Country which he had over-run, which made the third part of the King­dom, and receive from the remainder a yearly Tribute, he should be able to bridle in the King of China, and hinder him from revolting; and that before he would attempt any such thing, he would think a while upon it: And that he would take such a course to secure his interest against the natural inconstancy of the Nation, that by the punishment that he would inflict upon the Of­fenders, he would scare and terrifie all others from a Rebellion.

He was therefore resolved to hearken to the first reasonable Proposals of Agreement, and to bound in that place the Conquests of China; see­ing that what he had already taken was almost the third part of the Kingdom, and he had enough to bridle the King of China, and to hinder him from revolting, if he should at any time desire it.

The Ambassadours, who were some of the chief Lords of the Kingdom, came to Tamerlan; who received them as courteously as could be ex­pected, shewing to them all the Grandeur and State of his Court, and the strength of his Army, that they might have a stronger inclination to be at peace with him. When they had saluted Ta­merlan, they told him that the Prince of China [Page 104] had sent them to treat with him about the Liberty of their King, and the Peace of China. That the Fame of his mildness and humanity had invited them to try it by experience, before they would again complain of the ungratitude of their Gods. That they were now highly displeased at their own neglect. That they had not prevented his entrance into their Kingdom, by yielding to him all those things that he requested of them with so much equity and Justice. That now they were come to make him full amends, and receive from him such conditions as he should require. That they were at present sensible, though too late, that nothing was able to stop the progress of his Army, and that they were willing to be Examples of this to future Ages.

The Prince listened with attention to their dis­course, which he caused to be interpreted to him, and made this reply: That they had good reason to rely upon his humanity and mildness, but that they had done wiser, if they had made trial of it before they had experienced the strength of his Army. In such a case their condidion had been better, and they had been more kindly used. But as the design of War is to make such persons hearken to Terms of Peace, as were not willing without it; and, in regard they desired it, he assur'd them, That he was willing to yield to Peace, and grant them that which was the first Declaration of his mildness and humanity to them; but that on their side, they ought to pro­pose and make offer of such just and reasonable Conditions, as his Council would yield to after a due examination. Tamerlan after these words [Page 105] departed from them, wishing them to declare the Conditions in Writing, and that they should have an answer. They appeared to be very joyful for the kind expressions that the Prince had given them, being in their minds most confident of concluding a Peace.

The Conditions that they offer'd were, That they would yield Pekin, with all the Gountry be­tween that and the Mountains, with their For­tresses: That they would satisfie all the Charges of the War till the Peace was concluded: That they would give two Millions of Gold to redeem their King. The Prince answered them. That he was resolved to keep whatever he had conquer'd, which belonged to him by the right of War: That he was willing that the River where his Army was encamped should be the limits of both King­doms, as far as Porchis and the Sea: That the King of China should pay to him and his Successors yearly, as a Tribute, two hundred thousand Crowns, which he should send to Pekin, and five hundred thousand Crowns ready Money for to defray the Expences of the War; and that in consideration of this sum, the King should be re­leased and sent home; that all the other Prisoners should pay to such as had taken them, Ransoms according to their Qualities; only the Kings should pay down each of them one hundred thousand Crowns for their releasement: That no Chinese, within his Territories, should hereafter be kept Prisoner or sold as a Slave: That there should be a free Trade between both Kingdoms: That the King of China should leave as Hostages for the performance of the Treaty, his Brother and [Page 106] the two Kings that were Prisoners; and besides them, twelve other Lords of China, who should be exchang'd every year by a like number that should take their rooms, and bring with them the Tribute of two hundred thousand Crowns.

These conditions, though hard and grievous, were accepted, because they were not in a con­dition to refuse them; for their Armies were de­stroyed, their strength was weakened, the best Men and the flower of their Army kill'd or wounded, and the remainder were affrighted; their King taken, two Battels lost, the two chief Cities of the Kingdom snatch'd out of their hands, and all their chief Passages at their Ene­mies command. In regard therefore that they were threatened with a general desolation, and all the Country was full of fears and apprehensi­ons, they reckon'd that favour was shewed to them, to spare that which was left of their King­dom, which would infallibly and totally be ruin'd, if the Peace was not concluded, and their King set at liberty. They were well inform'd, that the Emperours Army was to be recruited with other fresh Troops, that were in their march towards the Army. All these things considered, caus'd them to resolve and yield to the conditions re­quired, without any further debate, taking a strong resolution to bear with patience the Yoke of their Bondage, until such time as they should have a favourable opportunity to assert again their own liberties, and free themselves from the Tartars.

In the mean while the Prince had dispatch'd two thousand Horse, with a Commission to bring [Page 107] with them the King of China from Burda, that he might swear to the Peace in Freedom. At Quan­ton he took the Oath: Tamerlan departed imme­diately to Pekin, carrying with him all the Hosta­ges; and amongst the rest, the Kings eldest Son and Brother. The King went into his Kingdom, to appoint all things for the performance of the Articles agreed upon: He was received by his People with strange transports of joy, insomuch that they seem'd to adore him. Tamerlan's vigi­lancy was mindful of every thing that might se­cure his conquered Countries: He look'd upon Odmar as the fittest Person to leave behind him, and govern in his absence; he made him there­fore his Vice-Roy, giving him an absolute pow­er over all the Country, with thirty thousand Horse, and fifty thousand Foot, well furnish'd with all needful things: they were to be dispers'd into all the Garrisons and Strong-holds. He wish'd him to make his ordinary abode at Quan­ton, to cause good and strong Guards to be kept all along the River; and to build a Fort at Der­mio, to secure that place. He recommended to him the Person of the Lord of Vauchefu, who had express'd so much zeal and affection to him in this War, and so much experience in Publick Affairs: for his Brother he was willing to keep him near his own Person, and give him an Estate in Sachetay; where he enrich'd and enobled him. He invited also several of the Inhabitants of Quan­ton, and of other places, to serve him; with an intention to settle them in his own Country, and send thither Parthians in their stead; to arm him­self by that means against their inconstancy.

[Page 108]All things having been thus order'd, the Ar­my took the way to Cambalu; but before they be­gan to march, the Prince sent to the Emperour, his Uncle, to inform him of his happy successes and return. In this Court were several jealous Heads, that blam'd Tamerlan for what he had done, because he had not subdued and destroyed all China. But they understood not the difficul­ties that were to be overcome, and that it is not always good to pursue things to the uttermost; that turnings of Fortune are too ordinary: that such as would have too much more than they ought, lose often what they might have kept with honour and safety. In trurh, by keeping what he had conquer'd, Tamerlan could justly name himself King of China. He had in his Possession two of the most beautiful, and greatest Cities of the Kingdom, with an infinite number of lesser Towns, with an hundred Leagues in the Coun­try limited with a great River, which could not hinder him from going over to the Enemies at his pleasure, and yet stop'd them from coming into his Dominions without danger and trouble, in regard of the easiness of the guard and defence of it. The King of China could not fail to pay his yearly Tribute, but he must at the same time draw upon himself the inconveniences of his Ar­my: So that by this Peace Tamerlan got more honour, and deserved more praises, than if he had destroyed all China with Fire and Sword, and ruined a People that had yielded themselves into his Hands so freely to pay him Tribute.

One thing chiefly surprised the Chineses, and caus'd them to be strangely grieved: It was the [Page 109] Command that the Prince gave Odmar before his departure, to break down all the Idols that should be found within his conquer'd Country; for he order'd them all to worship but one only God, according to the Custom of the Parthians, unto whose Religion he wish'd that they would join and accustom themselves. The People ex­pected no such proceedings, but they hoped to enjoy all their ancient liberty in all respects; but now they saw that they must of necessity yield to this Order, seeing that the Prince had left Odmar to Command them, one of the wisest and most experienced Captains of his Empire, who had always a care to observe and put in execution his Lords Commands. When Odmar took his fare­wel of the Prince, he humbled himself as low as his Feet, according to the Custom of the Coun­try; but the Prince raised him up with a smiling Countenance, I perceive, saith he, that thou art become a Chinese, seeing that thou offerest to worship me as they do their King; but the greatest worship that I require of thee, is, that thou shouldest put my Commands in execution. I intreat thee above all things, to establish amongst my new Subjects the Honour and Service of God, and next my Authority; and remember that all these Persons that I leave at thy command have been subdued by the Sword, and not by Love, or their own Inclinations: so that they are to be kept in and under by fear, and not to be trusted too far. I recommend my affairs to thy care, Farewel. The Assistants took notice at this separation, that the Prince never left any Body with so much regret and displeasure, as he did then Odmar: But it was absolutely needful to leave such an one [Page 110] as he was in this Country, a Man of that ex­traordinary wisdom, faithfulness, and experi­ence.

The Army in their return homewards, carried with them all their sick People; and after two days March, they met with the new Recruits that were coming to assist them. The Prince order'd them to proceed on no further, but to return home towards Cambalu; whither he intended to go and meet with the Emperour, who intended to see him there, and give him a triumphing Re­ception, with all the Pomp and Magnificence imaginable.

It is remarkable, that after Odmar was absent, the Prince loved Axalla above all other Persons; he trusted him more than any other with the go­verning of his Army. His reputation and cre­dit was always very great, but it was mightily increas'd by the taking of Quanton, which was his doing alone; for Tamerlan had left to him the management and carrying on of this Siege; every one remember'd how well he had behaved himself, when with the Prince of Tanais he en­ter'd into China. The Correspondency that he had to advance his Prince's Interest, and all his other noble and discreet Actions flew abroad, and were known all over the Empire.

Calibes led the Van; Axalla, unto whom the Prince had given two hundred thousand Crowns per annum, Commanded the main Body. This Axalla, whose mind was meditating upon great designs, could not see his Lord idle. He accom­panied him into his own Country, but it was to perswade him to undertake some noble Enter­prise, [Page 111] which might redound to the glory and quiet of the Christian Common-wealth, for which he had always a great affection; so that his Edu­cation amongst People of another Religion could not oblige him to alter his mind.

After many days Journeys, news came to the Army, that the Emperour was already at Cam­balu. This caused our Prince to send his Army to their Winter Quarters, into a good and plen­tiful Country, and with all expedition to hasten to that City. He made that speed, that in a few days he arrived within four Leagues of Combalu; where all the Princes and Grandees of the Em­perour's Court, with some of the chief Inhabi­tants, met him, to congratulate his safe arrival and return from such a glorious Conquest. The Prince embrac'd every one according to his De­gree and Quality, with a Countenance full of goodness and Majesty. The Empress, his Wife, was then with him, she had always accompanied him, and was likewise welcom'd by all the Peo­ple with extraordinary rejoycings. The next day the Emperour himself went out of the Ci­ty to meet him, with a glorious and magnifi­cent Train. The Prince paid him all the re­spect at the first interview that could be expe­cted, and presented him with the richest Chari­ots, and the most beautiful Horses of China. It was observ'd, that when the Prince lighted from his Horse to pay his respects to the Emperour, his Uncle, the old Man wept for joy. He offered to go down from his Chariot, but Tamer [...]an in­treated him not to do him that wrong; and with all the submissions and respects that he could ex­press [Page 112] to his Lord and Prince, he hindered him from his purpose. This old and grave Empe­rour, being very desirous to see his Daughter that had been absent from him so long, caused her Chariot to be uncovered, and desired her to come up into his Chariot, that he might discourse with her at his pleasure. In the mean while the Prince was on Horseback, drawing upon himself the Eyes of all the World, that could not suffici­ently admire him. He presented afterwards Ca­libes to the Emperour, praising him for his good services and faithfulness; which caused him to increase his Pension, and give him one hundred thousand Crowns. Axalla came next to him, and in few words he was told of his Valour and noble Deeds; to him he appointed one hundred thousand Tartarins of Gold, to be paid him out of his Exchequer, after a kind reception; and gave him a Principality, to reward his Virtues, and express the esteem that he had of his Per­son.

CHAP. V. The War of Tamerlan against Bajazet, the Turk­ish Emperour. His defeat and imprisonment.

ALL the Winter was spent in Sports, Plays, and Divertisements; but before it was o­ver, the Prince heard that Bajazet the Turkish Em­perour, a stirring and a warlike Prince, had an intent to conquer the Empire of Greece; that he had won a Battel and put the Christians to flight▪ [Page 113] intending to lay Siege to Constantinople, the chief City of the Empire. This news, together with the earnest intreaties of the Embassadours sent to him from the Emperour Paleologue, made him re­solve to send some of his Court to Bajazet, to in­form him that the Prince whom he assaulted was his Confederate, and therefore he was obliged by that Alliance to intreat him not to attempt a­ny thing to his prejudice, but to suffer him to live in peace in his Dominions. All this proceeded from the sollicitation of Axalla, who was related to the Family of the Paleologues, and had found a means to oblige his Lord to defend and protect him and the Empire of Greece, in the Profession of the Christian Faith, from the Invasion of Ma­hometanism; for he had been born there of Genoese Parents. Tamerlan's Ambassadour was roughly treated; Bajazet proudly answer'd him, That his Lord should meddle with his own business, and give Laws to his own Subjects; without making any such application to him, who owed him no subjection nor respect. Axalla aggravated this Answer with the most hainous Circumstances, and endeavoured to incense the Prince against the Ottoman Family, thinking himself oblig'd to oppose its dangerous growth which might prove as destructive to the Tartarian Empire as to their weaker Neighbours. After a due consultation, the Ambassadour of the Palcologue was dismiss'd with this joyful news to his Master, That Tamer­lan would not fail to assist him. Bajazet was not then asleep, he advanc'd every day forward in his conuqests, and his happy successes had so be­sotted him, that he would not hearken to nor be­lieve [Page 114] the reports of the Tartarian succours, but look'd upon them as idle contrivances invented to scare him from his designs.

Tamerlan seem'd to be weary of rest before the Winter was past; the fresh Lawrels of new Victories called him into the Field in the opening of the Spring, to dis-ingage his word and per­form his promise. Axalla never left urging him, until the Prince sent him into Sachetay to gather together his Troops from all Parts, that in the beginning of the Spring he might appear with them in the Field.

This Army made the more haste, because news was brought by an express Messenger, that there had been a Battel fought between Bajazet and the Greeks, who were overthrown in such a man­ner that their Affairs were utterly lost without a speedy assistance; and that they would be forced to yield to the mercy of the Ottoman Family. Ta­merlan had procur'd from the Emperour, his Uncle, one hundred thousand Foot, and fourscore thou­sand Horse, for this glorious expedition. He ex­pected the same number from Sachetay, and ima­gin'd that the Princes and great Lords, that would accompany him in this War, would be able to make up fifty thousand Men more. With these Forces he imagin'd that there was some likely­hood of obliging the Ottoman Family to hearken to reason, and free the Grecians from their appa­rent danger and oppressions. Axalla soon sent him word that all things were ready, and his Souldiers prepared for a March in Sachetay. The Prince at this news took his leave of the Empe­rour, his Uncle, leaving behind the Princess his [Page 115] Spouse to comfort his Father in his decrepit old Age. These adieux of the Uncle and the Ne­phew, and of the Prince and his Spouse, were grievous and troublesome; and the rather be­cause she had never forsaken him in all his Tra­vels and Expeditions. But when the glory of his Empire, the ease of his people, and the delive­rance of his Friends were concerned, nothing was able to keep him. He often declar'd, That he had been born for War, and that he ought to take there his delights and pleasure, and that all other things that he acted out of this Sphere he performed not with any affection. And he de­clared, That he was appointed by God to bring down the pride of imperious Tyrants.

The Night immediately before his departure from Cambalu, he had a Dream which we may not pass over in silence. He thought he had seen a great Company of grave and old Men stretch­ing out their Hands to him, intreating him to lend his assistance to free them from certain proud Tyrants that afflicted them with divers Tor­ments. He often said, That to his imagination he never beheld a more venerable Company that deserved a greater respect and consideration; some of them seem'd to him in his Sleep to be cloathed in white, beautiful Garments; others were attired in Cloth of Gold; some of them, as he thought, had Crowns on their Heads. The re­spect and compassion he had for them, obliged him in his Sleep to reach out his hand to them, and draw them all out of a very low place where they were shut up. The Prince discover'd this Dream the next day after his departure to many [Page 116] of his Attendants; but as no person then could presume to tell him the meaning, he never men­tioned it afterwards.

He went from Cambalu, conducted through the Town, followed with the Prayers and Wishes of all the People, and receiving all the expressi­ons they could give him of their Love and Loy­alty. Several persons of quality offered him ma­ny Gifts, in return of his kindnesses that the City had received from him during his abode there. Calibes, and the Prince of Tanais, attended upon him. The Prince was made chief Colonel of all the Infantry instead of Axalla, who had been be­fore appointed to be Lieutenant-General of the whole Army, and Chief Commander of the Van. Calibes was to bring up the Reer. Ta­merlan never had more hopeful Troops, nor a more numerous Army. Every day fresh Com­panies were coming in from all Parts to join the Army. The Lord of Vauchefu, of China, earnestly desiring to express his thankfulness to his Benefactor by some noted Action, had leave granted to him by Odmar to accompany him in this glorious expedition. He brought with him twenty thousand of the Chineses, who were glad to serve their new Lord, and understand the Tar­tarian Customs and Manners in War. Odmar was afraid of some mishap during the Prince's ab­sence, not so much from the unconstancy of the Chineses, as from the unconstancy of Fortune. Tamerlan had sent him word of his designs and expedition, unto which Odmar advis'd and en­courag'd him, telling him also, That he was come on purpose to bring down the Proud and [Page 117] raise up the Humble. Therefore there was no­thing could more displease and anger him than the sight of a proud and haughty mind. He made this inclination of his sufficiently appear when he was in China, for casting his Eyes, and con­sidering that lofty Nation, he saw nothing but an empty vanity in all their proceedings. I am sent, said he to his Officers, to bring down the unsuffera­ble pride of these people, and I hope I shall abase them.

After a few days March Tamerlan's Army got as far as Ozara, the General Rendezvous of all his Troops: And, because they were not all ar­rived, he went with his Guards to Samarcande, the place of his Nativity, from whence he had been absent about three years. Zamay came out to meet him with an infinite Multitude of people, who filled the Air with Acclamations, Applauses, and Prayers, for his prosperity. All the Prin­ces and Lords of the Country met him also to pay him their respects; and the whole City did ring with joy for the happy return of their noble Prince whom the people loved intirely. He staid there about a Month; in the mean while Axalla came with his Troops to the rendezvous at Ozara, where he made all things ready for a March, and waited for his Princes orders. He had sent him the news of the progress of Bajazet, and of all his proceedings.

Tamerlan had sent word to the Muscovites, and acquainted them with his intentions to march a­gainst the Turks, requesting him to send him a few Troops. This Prince had heard of the great preparations for War that the Tartars [Page 118] made; he was jealous that they were intended against himself, but he was eas'd of his fears, and rejoyced to hear that Tamerlan was marching with his numerous Army against the Ottoman Fa­mily, whose prodigious growth had given him cause to be afraid. He sent therefore his Em­bassadours to Tamerlan, to offer him in his expedi­tion all the assistance that he desired. The Prince intreated him to send him fifteen thousand Horse with some Monies due to him, and a free passage over his Country. All this was readily granted by the Czar, who continued faithful in his Allyance and League with Tamerlan.

This dreadful Army of the Tartarians caus'd all Men to expect the abasement of the Ottoman power, which in a few years was grown dreadful to all the World, and insupportable to all their Neighbours: for this cause, as well as for the Confederacy contracted with the Paleologues, Ta­merlan was resolved to withstand Bajazet with all his might. He chose rather to assault him in his new Conquests, than to stay to be assaulted by him in his own Country amongst his people to their unspeakable damage and loss. This wise resolution of Tamerlan was intended for these two purposes; first, his Army would live upon the Enemies [...]Country, and spend of his Sub­stance securely; if Fortune should frown upon him there, his own Territories would be never the worse, and he should lose none of them thereby, so that all the advantage would prove to be on his side. Prince Axalla was the chief Agent of this Expedition; he govern'd at this time both the Empire and the Emperour. His great Au­thority, [Page 119] being a Christian, gave a jealousie and displeasure to several Grandees of the Court; but his discreet Behaviour and obliging Dispositi­on, together with his rare Vertues that appear'd in all the course of his life, and the notable Ser­vices that he had perform'd, stopt the mouths of all envious persons, and kept him up in his emi­nent Station. He was as welcome to the old Emperour as to Tamerlan himself, unto whom he cunningly gave the honour of all successes, though his Wisdom and discreet Conduct had the greatest share and hand in bringing them to pass; so that if his Power was great, his Worth and Vertues were answerable. There was never any person more courteous, more affable, more merciful and kind. He incited Tamerlan to nothing but to Glorious Actions, to Noble Designs full of Ho­nour; and when they were to be executed, he was always the first man that would adventure his Life and Person, without sparing himself. And though Tamerlan had always next to his Person many illustrious Princes and noble Lords, their Glory was darkened by the Splendour and Mag­nificence of Axalla, who exceeded them all in number of Servants, in beautiful Horses, and in a stately and glorious Train. He had a great Soul, adorned with many Vertues, and a Dis­cretion able to maintain his own interest. He never gave any Counsel but he offered himself to put it in execution; in which he always was so happy that all things succeeded to him that he un­dertook. His Policy appeared chiefly in listening to all persons that had any Errand to him. He would lend an Ear to the meanest with that mild­ness [Page 120] and Humanity, that never any Person went from him dissatisfied; but he had the art to cap­tivate their affections, and win the hearts of all Men that knew him. One day the Prince check'd him because he was so courteous and kind, and so easily to be spoken with; for which he blamed him before Alhacent: But Axalla reply'd, It may become you, my Emperour, to be stately; but I ought to be humble, as your Slave and Servant: Grandeur agrees with your Place, but Humility is my greatest Ornament. I am near your Person, my noble Lord, for no other purpose, but to cause you to be honoured; if therefore you be respected, it is sufficient. It mat­ters not how I behave my self, so I perform my Duty. If I were stately and proud, I should become odious to all the Lords of your Court, and disoblige them so as to think ill of your choice of my Person. I shall de­sire that they may honour me, not for my sake, but for yours, that your service may be better advanc'd. This Answer gave a great satisfaction to the Em­perour; for he had a particular art to gain the love of every one, and he was respected also more than he desired.

I have, saith Alhacent, made this little Digres­sion from the History, to give a Description of Ax­alla; because without it many things cannot well be understood in this Relation.

The Prince sent orders to Axalla to come to him to Samarcande, to advise about the march of his Troops, and till his return, to leave the Command of the Army with the Prince of Tanais. Axalla took Post, and in obedience to this Com­mand, went to the Prince: After a serious De­bate, it was resolved in Council, that the whole [Page 121] Army should march over the Borders of Muscovy, straight towards Constantinople, the chief City of Greece, whither Bajazet with his Army were go­ing apace; for he was in Asia Minor. Tamerlan sent a Relation of Axalla, to inform the Empe­rour Paleologue of the coming of his Army; for whose subsistance great stores of Provisions had been laid up in all the considerable Cities of the Empire.

Tamerlan therefore, in pursuance of his Expe­dition, went from Samarcande to Ozura, where the Rendezvous was appointed of the whole Ar­my. There it was debated again which way to take; that of Capha, by the Borders of Muscovy; or the other way, on the other side of the Caspian Sea, through the Confines of Persia. At last it was resolved that the Army should march to Ca­pha, and from thence to Trapezuntium, or Tre­bisonde, through the Borders of the Georgians, and enter that way into the Dominions of the Turks.

Thus, when Prayers had been solemnly offered up to God, to implore his aid and gracious assi­stance, for the Prince did put in him his greatest confidence, the whole Army went straight to Maranis; where it abode three days in expecta­tion of the Troops sent from Odmar, who were near at hand, as well as the other Succours com­ing out of Muscovy.

In this place the Emperour caus'd a General Muster and Review of all his Army, which was obliged to march twenty Leagues through a De­sart Country, where they found no comfort, not so much as a little fresh Water. Tamerlan had [Page 122] provided beforehand for this inconveniency, for he had ordered all the Ships and Vessels in the Harbours of the Caspian Sea, to attend upon him and the Army, near the Shore. In these Ships were Provisions sufficient, a great deal of Ammunition, and the most part of his Equipage. This foresight help'd them in season, and hinder­ed the Army from meeting with want. In the march the Prince went along the Sea-Coast, sport­ing himself in Hunting, or discoursing with his Attendants; he was commonly about ten Leagues from the Army, and none came near him but those that carried Provisions from the Ships. This Army was so numerous, that they stretch­ed along twenty Leagues into the Country.

When it was come to Mechet, there the Army went over the River Edel, by a Bridge that was there, and two or three more made on purpose for a more speedy passage. During this time the Prince abode at Sarasick, where he understood for certain that Bajazet was going to besiege Con­stantinople, that he had conquered all Bythinia and Bursa, the chief City of this Kingdom: that he had commanded it to be well fortified, and many other Towns where he had exercis'd his cruelty upon the Inhabitants: That all the Neigh­bouring Provinces, for fear of him, yielded with­out resistance, and became Tributaries to him. The news that displeas'd Tamerlan most, was, that Capha a strong City, where Axalla was brought up, and received under his protection at Axalla's request, had followed the Example of the rest, and opened their Gates to the barbarous Enemy. This unworthy contempt of his Autho­rity [Page 123] Tamerlan was resolved to punish; he sent therefore to summon them to appear before him, and give an account of their revolt from him. The Citizens were troubled at this Message, they apprehended his just indignation, and the punish­ment due for their Rebellion. They sent there­fore some of their Citizens to pacifie his wrath, with many rich Gifts and rare Furs: They pro­mis'd in the name of the rest, that they would never be guilty of any such Crime for the future, but would endeavour to make amends for it by their future behaviour and faithfulness. The Emperour understanding of their true repen­tance, he pardon'd them for Axalla's sake, unto whom he gave the Soveraignty of the City. Ax­alla went to visit there his Friends and Relations, and settle there a good Order and Government for the security of the place; giving his Citi­zens to understand that he loved his own Coun­try, and would see to preserve his Country-men. In his way he took Tana which belong'd to the Genoeses, he recover'd Aches and Lopeso, three considerable Towns which the Prince bestowed upon Axalla, willing him to fortifie them and furnish them with all necessaries.

Some may wonder what moved this Genoese Prince, who had refus'd the Government of the Kingdom of China, and many considerable Towns, to accept now a small Territory with more sa­tisfaction, and to prefer such narrow Limits to greater Dominions. This discovers that strong affection that we have naturally for the Coun­try where we came first into the World. Ax­alla accepted of this Gift the rather, because [Page 124] he might hereafter retire himself in Capha in case of necessity. Though he held the second place, and was next to the greatest Monarch of the World, he seem'd thereby to confine all his am­bition to this little Territory, and preferr'd a small Portion of the Caspian Sea, to a large Com­pass of Ground limited by Scythia and China, and all the Countries conquer'd by his Master, though he were well-beloved by the Souldiers, and highly respected by all other Persons.

The Army continued sometimes about Mechet, to refresh themselves: The Prince till that time had employed himself in Hunting, having left the whole Command of the Army to Axalla; but now he took charge of it himself, and caused it to march forward towards the holy Mountains; where the Circassians and Georgians sent Ambassa­dours to him, to offer him their assistance. These People are numerous, all professing the Christi­an Faith. They have been always Tributaries to the Roman Emperour, since the time that they were conquer'd by Pompey; before that, they were under the Jurisdiction of Mithridates, whom this Roman General overcame. They were joy­ful to receive Tamerlan's Army, because his de­sign was to free the Grecian Empire from the Ty­ranny of the Ottoman Family. Axalla perswa­ded a great many of that Country to joyn them­selves with the Army, for they are noted for their courage and strength. They are a sort of People, tall, well-set Bodies, and very War­like; they have often resisted the Power of the Turks, partly by their stoutness, and partly by the scituation of their Country, which is Craggy [Page 125] and Mountainous. At the first noise of War they burn their Houses, and waste the Country; so that they are able to withstand by that means the Assaults of a powerful Enemy. The Empe­rour was well pleased to behold these proper Men with their long Hair, and took a delight to un­derstand their Warlike Dispositions and Actions. Therefore he gave an express Command, That his Army should not do any injury to that Country. They were at that time part of the Empire of Trapezuntium, which belonged to Greece. The Prince was received every-where with Honour, and his Army supplyed with Provisions, as much as could be desired here. It was reported for certain, That Constantinople was besieged by Ba­jazet, who, with a very powerful Army, was set down before it, and kept in the Emperour Paleo­logue: and that all his Dominions were in a great danger to be lost. The Turkish Prince could not believe that Tamerlan dared oppose his Designs. Therefore when the fame of the Tartarian Armies coming spread about amongst his Souldiers, he forbid, by his Proclamation, any person so much as to mention the Tartarian Army; so highly did his proud mind despise and contemn it. All the In­habitants of the Country, where this Army pass'd, prais'd the Souldiery, and wish'd them all happiness, because they were orderly, quiet, peaceable, and just in their dealings: If a Soul­dier had stole but an Apple, he was sure to dye for it without Mercy.

This severity was observed in all the March, because this expedition was undertaken for no o­ther purpose but to deliver these people from the [Page 126] fears and slavery of the Turks, and force proud Bajazet to listen to some reason. In this order the Army came to Bachichich, where it stopt to take some refreshment eight days. There the Embassadors of Guines, a Man highly esteem'd for his Holiness, met the Prince. They offered him, in their Masters name, all the help and as­sistance that he could desire or want in this expe­dition; they brought him some beautiful Horses, and assur'd him, in their Master's name, that he should succeed in his designs, for Guines was a learned Astrologer and a Prophet in those Parts. The Emperour declar'd to them, That he thought himself honoured by their coming in Embassy from such a Prince, therefore he sent a rich Pre­sent of rare Furs, and some Golden Plate.

Here at Bachichich he mustered and viewed his Army, and gave them all their Pay, both Horse and Foot, exhorting them to behave themselves valiantly. It was his constant practice to do so at such times. He caus'd them also to exercise themselves with feigned Fights, that they might be more expert and keep their order; he was very careful of this, which he recommended always to his Captains. In those days every private soul­dier had the liberty to behold their Emperour with more confidence than at other times; for the Prince gave them access, and seem'd to cast off the Majesty and State which at other times hin­der'd their approach, that he might converse the more familiarly with them, and encourage them to be brave and couragious.

At the departure of the Army from Bachichich, it consisted of three hundred thousand Horse, [Page 127] and five hundred thousand Foot of several Na­tions. Tamerlan had heard how the Turks had conquered all Greece; he imagined therefore, That as soon as Bajazet should hear of their ap­proach he would depart out of Asia into Europe for his security, as Wisdom and Reason oblig'd him, had he been well-advised: but his Pride and Presumption caus'd him to take a contrary course to all the Rules of the Art of War; for as soon as Tamerlan's Army was at Buisabuich, be­yond the Country of the Georgians, Axalla left the Van, which he commanded to ride back to the Prince, to acquaint him with Tydings that he knew would please him, That Bajazet had left the siege of Constantinople, and was marching with all diligence to protect the Countries of Asia; That he intended to fight him, and that for that purpose he had sent for all the Troops that were in Greece, and gathered all the Soul­diers that he could possibly get from all Parts. He did not trust so much to their Numbers, as to the Courages, Boldness, Skill and Experience of his Janisaries, who had been train'd up in War, and knew not what it is to flye away. The Em­perour was joyful at this news, but not insolent; for he foresaw the Event of a Battel, and con­fessed, That a small number well-govern'd and bravely led on, is able to carry away the Victory from a more numerous Army.

Three days he stop'd at Buisabuich whiles his Troops were drawing towards Euphrates, that they might pass over that River and live in the Enemies Country, and ease that of the Confe­derates. Here the Prince sent an Express to [Page 128] the Emperour, his Uncle, to inform him of the raising of the siege of Constantinople, and of the resolution of the Turks, to fight him in a pitch'd Battle. He intreated him, not knowing certain­ly the hazard of War, to prevent the worst, and give order that the Borders of the Empire might be well-guarded and secured with Soul­diers: That the Cavalry might be always ready with their Horses, because the Neighbouring peo­ple, who are wont to fawn upon the Conque­rour in his prosperity, change their minds, in­sult, and labour to spoil them when Fortune begins to frown. Therefore wise Princes, when they are ready to adventure their Army in a conside­rable Battle, always labour to secure the entry of their Dominions, for fear that victorious Enemy, in pursuance of his advantage, should deprive him of the power of recovering his loss by winning from him his Country. This was Tamerlan's constant practice in such occasi­ons: He was more careful to call upon his peo­ple, and advise them to provide for their defence, than to send them notice of his Victory.

The Army left Buisabuich, after that a Coun­cil of War had been held of the chief Officers and noblest Persons, whom the Prince was wont to call together to propose his designs, and de­sire their advice. By this means he won their Affections, which he knew how to reward: such persons as were the farthest from him did sometimes receive Testimonies and Marks of his goodness and of his esteem, with which he ho­noured them, in the places where the Army conti­nued a while, and when it was at a stand: But [Page 129] chiefly the Officers of Forraign Nations and of his Allies did often receive expressions of his bounty. He did frequently invite them to eat at his Table, where he did converse with them in a very obliging manner, setting aside for a while all gravity and incommodious reservedness. Amongst these strangers the Lord of Vauchefu, a Chinese was one of the most esteemed and ho­noured by him: He often said, That the Vertue and Courage of Axalla, together with the Af­fection of this Lord, had made him Master of one of the noblest Kingdoms of Asia. Therefore to shew how thankful he was, the Prince had him often near his person, and discours'd with him concerning the Customes and Man­ners of the People, through whose Country they march'd. This Lord brought with him some Troops out of China, which kept company with the rest of the Army, and observed the same Order and Discipline.

Thus the Army arrived at Garga, where it pass'd over the River Euphrates; the Van having gone over before at Chinserig. The Rendezvous of the whole Army was appointed at Gianich, which was surrendred at the first summons. There Tamerlan understood, That Bajazet was within thirty Leagues of that place, which caus'd the Tartars to march more warily and more compact together. The greatest part of the Cities and Towns in the way were yielded up into the Prince's Hands, who treated them very kindly; but those that offered to resist were severely pu­nish'd, if the Inhabitants were Turks; but the Christians were commonly pardoned and set at liberty, for the sake of the Emperour Emanuel [Page 130] Paleologue, whom the Prince was resolved to gra­tifie in all things. Axalla, according to his or­ders, caused them to take an Oath of Allegiance to this Prince, whom he intended to re-establish in possession of his whole Empire, and punish his dreadful Enemy, whose ambition carried him to attempt the ruine and destruction of the once flourishing Empire of Greece, without minding how much the Tartars were obliged to defend it.

This War undertaken by Tamerlan, against him who was commonly called the Thunder-bolt of Heaven, could not have a more just and rea­sonable ground; for besides the horrid Cruel­ties that he committed upon both Sexes, he en­deavoured to take away the Empire from a Con­federate Prince, under a pretence of pacifying the troubles, and rob one who had never offend­ed him. He often flattered him with fair pro­mises which he never fulfill'd, so that he had re­duc'd him to that extremity, that of a large Em­pire, he had only a few small Towns remaining to him about Constantinople, unto which he had laid Siege. This undertaking therefore of Ta­merlan was very honourable, to free this Empe­rour from an apparent Tyranny and Oppression; and to pluck out of the unmerciful Hands of so barbarous an Enemy, a flourishing Empire, and the most Magnificent City of the World. In the prosecution of so honourable a design, he expect­ed with good reason, the blessing and assistance of the great God of Hosts.

In this little digression, I have thought fit to shew the greatness of his courage that led, and inclined him naturally to help the feeble, oppres­sed with unlawful Powers; and to oblige the [Page 131] proud to listen to reason, in imitation of God, unto whom all Soveraigns should endeavour to be like.

The Army left Granich with joy, and assurance of success. Axalla, who Commanded the Van, sent before Chianson, Prince of Ciarran, with four thousand Parthian Horse, to learn some certain news of the Enemy. He commanded to destroy all places thereabouts with Fire and Sword, and to bring him word where Bajazet was, and what manner of Country was beyond Sannas. This Captain, who was highly esteem'd in the Army, and Commanded in Axalla's absence the Van-Guard, sent before his Party five hundred Horse, Commanded by a Parthian Captain, who had not gone above ten Leagues but he had news of the Enemy; for as soon as he had surpris'd Sannas, he was told that the Turkish Army was at Taraya, in their march to meet Tamerlan. Axalla sent notice of this to the Prince, who commanded him to keep the place till the Turks were come up, and to let him understand every hour all the news that he could learn. Tamerlan had no de­sire to march any further, because he was already in a large and spacious Field, fit for a Battel. He was forc'd to precaution himself, and take care of his great business; because he had to do with a War-like People us'd to fight against Christi­ans, a cunning People that want nothing to manage the business of War. He consider'd therefore, that though his Army was more nume­rous than his Enemies, it was compos'd of many Nations, who were to be govern'd with discreti­on; for they were then to fight, not with the Chi­nese, a delicate and effeminate People; but with [Page 132] true Souldiers, who had no other hopes but in Victory. Therefore the Prince forgot nothing that might be useful to him, and help him in his business; for that purpose he sent Axalla to take a view of the Ground unto which he intended to draw Bajazet, to have his advice whether it were fit for a Battel. It is scituated between the Sea, or the Pontus Euxinus and Gianich, near Sannas: on the one hand it is bounded by a little River that runs into Euphrates. He sent him word a­gain, to have a care to keep Sannas as long as he could; and that in case they could not keep it, they should set Fire to the Houses and burn it, that the Enemy might not stop there, but advance to­wards the Plain where he was resolved to expect him, because he was stronger than Bajazet in Horse.

At last Bajazet's great Army, incourag'd with the hopes of victory and a desire to engage, be­gan to assault the Tartars in Sannas; but the great­est part of them were gone, only some hun­dreds of Horse having kindled the Fire, at the Enemy's approach fled with all speed in some dis­order.

The Prince of Ciarcan having divided his Par­ty into two Bodies, and given special order to the first, that as soon as they should see the hun­dred Horse issue out of Sannas and fly away, that they should receive them and retreat behind him; for he had Posted himself in a Valley with the other Body of Horse, near a Wood, from whence he saw two thousand Turkish Horse, the Scouts of their Army, pass by him. He charg'd them in the Rear, so speedily, and with that cou­rage; that when they saw themselves so briskly assaulted and had not the time to look about, [Page 133] they yielded and fought but faintly; retreating, many of them were killed, and taken Prisoners. This was the first Encounter between the Turks and Tartars, wherein the Victory fell to the lat­ter. All the Prisoners were sent to Tamerlan, and amongst them the Bassa of Natolia, their Com­mander. The Prince spoke to him, and ask'd him what had caused Bajazet to forget himself so strangely, as not to regard him, and to de­spise his Army; that he hoped that in a few days he should find one that would bring down his pride, and make him more tractable. The Bassa answer'd, that his Lord was the Son of the World, that he could not endure a Partner; and that for his part, he had good cause to wonder at Tamer­lan for undertaking so long and dangerous an Expedition, to stop the Progress of his Prince's good successes, whom Heaven favour'd, and to whom all the World yielded obedience; and that there was no discretion in him to withstand him. Nay, said Tamerlan, I am sent and appointed by God, to chastise this proud Man, and to teach him that Insolency deserves the vengeance of Heaven; and that God delights as much to abase the proud, as to raise the humble Souls: That the raising of the Siege of Constantinople was a beginning of his suc­cess against his Master. And thou may'st, said he, though I pity thy misfortune, understand what a diffe­rence there is between my Parthian Horse, and that of Bajazet's. But, thinkest thou that thy Master will fight with me? The Bassa reply'd, He desires nothing more passionately. Afterwards he fell down at Ta­merlan's Feet, with these words; Noble Prince, I intreat you, suffer me, out of your generosity, to assist my Prince that day. Tamerlan soon yielding to [Page 134] his Request, answered in this manner; Go and tell thy Master that thou hast seen me, and that I shall be in Fight in that place where there shall be a green Flag hung out. The Bassa surprised with such a noble Grant, promis'd him, when he took his leave, that next to his Lord and Master, there was no Person in the World that he would serve with more affection, and sooner than him.

At his return to the Turkish Army, he told Ba­jazet all the discourse that he had with Tamerlan, and chiefly he told what he had wish'd him to say to him. We shall understand all these things very shortly, reply'd Bajazet, and before I have done, I will make him repent of his folly. The Bassa ac­knowledg'd the favour that he had received from Tamerlan, and publish'd every-where his Gran­deur and Goodness; extolling highly his Gene­rosity in giving him a very beautiful Horse, though he knew that he would use him in fighting against him. The next day the Turkish Army marched two Leagues, to come in sight of the Tartars, who were at Even about a League distant from it, expecting the day following, in which the great Dispute was to be. The Night was not very peaceable, the noise of Men, and the neighing of Horses filled the Air, and caused every one to desire the return of the Sun, to give liberty to their courages to act in this Field of Mars. The Scythians, that love Prey and Plunder, were en­courag'd by their Leaders, to behave themselves valiantly, in hopes of the rich Spoils which the Victory would deliver into their Hands. The Parthians, who were ambitious of the glory and honour of their Nation, were obliged to do their uttermost endeavour to overcome the [Page 135] Turks, who alone were able to dispute with them for the Empire of Asia. The Christians, who were very numerous in the Tartarian Army, for they were near the fourth part, were animated with a hatred against their mortal Enemy, whose defeat would prove the liberty of Greece. In this manner, in the night, the several Nations en­courag'd one another according to their several dispositions. The Prince walk'd about his Camp in the night, hearkening to their Discourses, which rejoyced his heart because they had a cer­tain assurance of obtaining the Victory.

Alhacent walk'd along with him: The Prince told him, That the night before his Fight with the Muscovites, his Camp was full of Songs of Triumph and Rejoycings, and that none of the Souldiers could sleep, which caus'd him to be perswaded of the Victory he obtain'd: I see, said he, the same presage now of the next days hap­piness and success. When he had gone round his Camp he return'd to his Tent, at the end of the second Watch, and laid himself down upon a Carpet to take a little rest, but could not sleep, for he was impatient to see the appearance of the next day. In the mean whiles he commanded Alhacent to bring him the Book, which he com­monly read, containing the Histories of the Acti­ons of his Forefathers, and the worthy deeds of the most famous men of his Country. He light­ed, in opening of the Book, upon the Relation of a great Battel which his Grand-father lost, fighting against the Persians, which he thought before to win, and had got it, had he not at­tacked them indiscreetly, and neglected the ad­vantages that were offered him, trusting too [Page 136] much to his own and his peoples Courages. He commanded Alhacent to read over that passage once more, with this saying, I read often this description of that Battel before I engage in a fight, that I might not trust so much to my Lyons Skin, that I neglect the use of the Foxes Tail to cover my head; That this fault of my Grand father, in leaving his advantagious ground, against the advice and intreaties of his Servants, to assault an Enemy in his Trenches, might cause me to be more wary and cautious. A lit­tle after he ask'd whether it were day, and sent for his great Chamberlain to cause the Trumpet to sound, that his Horses might be made ready: He rested himself a little longer, and ask'd for Ax­alla, who came to him with several other Lords and chief Officers of his Army. He advis'd with them what was best to observe, and took Horse, sending them all to their several Com­mands. Immediately after news came to him, That the Turks were drawing near, and entring into the Field. He was very desirous to see them in their march, that he might be better able to order his Army according to that manner. He moved them from the place where he stood, sending before three thousand Horse to begin a light skirmish, whiles he appointed to every one his Rank and Place.

In this view of the Enemy he had taken no­tice, That the Turkish Infantry, named Janisa­ries, kept the middle, having upon each Wing two Bodies of Horse, amounting to about thir­ty thousand, and that there was another Body that went before and covered all the Foot. This order seem'd to him very strong, and not easie to be broken. I was once resolved, said he to Axalla, [Page 137] to fight on foot, but now I see I must be on Horse­back to encourage my men to break through that great Body of Janisaries, which I shall suffer, advance as far as they please. I will have fifty thousand Foot on each Wing, and forty thousand Horse of my best Cavalry in the middle; behind them there shall be fif­ty thousand Horse in three Bodies, which you shall command, and I will follow and second you with four­score thousand Horse more, where I intend to be in person; behind me I will have one hundred thousand Foot, who shall march in two Battalions; the Reer shall be composed of forty thousand Horse, and fifty thou­sand Foot, who shall not strike a stroke till I shall want them. The reserve shall be ten thousand of my stoutest Horse, whom I will send to the places that shall have most need.

The Prince of Ciarcan, a famous Commander of great worth, led the first forty thousand Horse. The Lord Synopes, a Genoese, and Re­lation of Axalla, his Lieutenant-General of the Infantry, a Captain of a great Reputation, was at the Head of the first Infantry; Prince Axalla followed him with fifty thousand Horse.

Bajazet's Army seem'd to be very beautiful and numerous, marching towards the Tartars, who stood to their Ground without stirring; only some single Troops, Scythians and Muscovites went sometimes between the two Armies to skir­mish a little; but these bold Fellows performed no­thing of consequence for the winning of the Vi­ctory.

At that moment a Spy was taken who inform'd Tamerlan, That Bajazet, who was then on Horse­back, encouraging his Men, intended to fight that day amongst his Janisaries a-foot. These [Page 138] Janisaries are certain brave and faithful Souldiers, brought up from their Infancy in Feats of Armes, and chosen out of all the Christian Nations; beau­tiful and strong of Body, and of a good Constitu­tion. They are train'd up from their Child-hood together, and are esteem'd invincible. They fight for their Prince and Lord with a strange re­solution, in the form of a Half-Moon about his Person: They were then about thirty thousand in number. Bajazet confided most in them, not regarding the rest of his Infantry, which was nu­merous; for they were People gathered toge­ther from several places. He had a brave Com­pany of Horse, about one hundred and forty thousand, very well experienced in all manner of Fights. He had also above thirty thousand Ma­meluks, very good Horsemen; and forty thou­sand Foot, sent to him from the Souldan of E­gypt to help him. So that his Army seem'd to be as great as Tamerlan's, which stood closer toge­ther and march'd in several Lines; whereas Ba­jazet's had but one, and appear'd in one Front: It march'd on with a great noise, and grievous threatnings; whereas Tamerlan's Army observed a great silence, in expectation of the Signal.

As soon as publick Prayers were ended, the Emperour appear'd in the Van, to be witness of the first On-set, causing Axalla to advance for­ward; he himself returned to his resolved Stati­on, when he had called upon every one to be­have themselves well. It is not to be imagin'd how furiously the Turks assaulted the Prince of Ciarcan, who had orders not to fight until the Enemy were in their march, and had begun to at­tack him. The place was a large Plain of a vast [Page 139] extent, where the advantage was equal for both Parties; only there was a River on Tamerlan's left hand, which he look'd upon as a benefit to his Army; so that he gave an express and a strict Command, not to suffer the Turks to take it from them, because of that side which he esteem'd the best for his Men to fight. It was always his Pra­ctise in War, to suffer his Enemy to begin the Encounter; therefore he ordered the Com­manders of his Van-Guard to stay till the Enemy did first assault them. In the mean while the Prince of Ciarcan, with his forty thousand Horse, was almost overthrown. He did all that could have been expected from a great courage, and a judici­ous Commander: He broke into the middle of the Janisaries, where Bajazet was, and disorder'd them; but his valour, that overturn'd all things in his way, was soon stop'd with an Arrow that struck him to the heart. At that time Axalla went on with his Men, and charg'd one of the Enemies Wings, where he meeting with no great resistance cut them all to pieces. His Infantry came then up to him, according to appointment, and with it he assaulted the Janisaries. The Prince considering the difficult Task that Axalla was to have, sent him ten thousand Horse out of his Bo­dy; as well to favour the rallying of such as should be disorder'd, as to charge a Body of Foot which were marching on to help the Janisa­ries, who behaved themselves gallantly for the glory and safety of their Prince. The Fight last­ed a full hour before any Person did offer to re­treat. The Turks and the Parthians, with a won­derful obstinacy, killed one another in heaps: Men and Horses covered the Ground, in their [Page 140] Gore-Blood, lying one upon another. Here you might have seen some falling dead upon those that they had newly kill'd: There you might have beheld some breathing out their last Gasp with threatning looks. In every place were heard la­mentations, groans, and the cryes of the wound­ed and dying Souldiers. The Prince beheld this fight patiently, looking for the end; but when he perceived that his Men decreas'd, and seem'd to be too weak, he sent ten thousand Horse to second the ten thousand appointed for the Re­serve, and commanded them to fall on as soon as they should see that need requir'd. In the mean while the Emperour enter'd into the Battel with his Party, and broke through all that stood in his way; and the Infantry, Commanded by the Prince of Tanais, advanc'd and assaulted the Janisaries where Bajazet was yet in Person. They found no easie work to overthrow them; but when the Emperour had again charged them the second time, and followed by his Reer, he over­came them rather by his number than by valour or courage; for they performed all that could be expected from brave Men: but so many On­sets one upon the Neck of another, by fresh Soul­diers, oppress'd them.

Bajazet forsook this Body of Janisaries, and took Horse, wounded, but he fell into the Hands of Axalla; unto whom he yielded himself Pri­soner, thinking he had been Tamerlan. He was at first taken for some great Lord of the Turkish Army. Twenty thousand of the Tartars never acted, but after the Fight in pursuit of the flying Enemy, whom they kill'd by heaps. The Prince had his Horse run through, and kill'd with a [Page 141] Lance; but he was quickly mounted again. One may justly say, that his Conduct alone won the Victory; for had his Army ingag'd all at once, they had been in that strange confusion that might have overthrown them: but his cunning to wea­ry the Turks in fighting, and recruit his own Par­ties when they were in want, got him the Victo­ry. Threescore thousand Men were kill'd of the Turks, and about twenty thousand Tartars. The Prince of Ciarcan, and the Captain of the Georgians both lost their Lives, to the great sorrow of the whole Army. Calibes, that brave Com­mander, who brought up the Reer, was vex'd to meet with such small resistance, and to have had so little hand in the Action. The Despot of Ser­via, a Christian, who fought for Bajazet, was taken Prisoner; every one prais'd him for ha­ving well behaved himself that day. The prince received him very kindly, after that he had bla­med him for serving Bajazet, against him that in­tended nothing but to assist and set at liberty his Emperour. The Despot answered, That what he had done was not out of Duty, or Inclination for the good of Bajazet; but only for fear of losing his Dominions, which he saw were exposed to the ambition, and at the mercy of him, to whom all the World before seem'd to yield obedience. Tamerlan, pretty well satisfied with this excuse, gave him his freedom to depart when he thought convenient. The Emperour had a great care to secure Bajazet's Children, and to cause their Fa­ther to be cured of his Wounds; afterwards he commanded him to be brought before him: Ba­jazet shewed no sign of humility. The Prince seem'd to be displeas'd at his proud carriage; he [Page 142] told him therefore, That his Life depended upon his will, and with a word-speaking he could take it from him; Speak the word, I intreat thee, re­ply'd Bajazet; for it will be my greatest happiness. How comest thou, said Tamerlan to him, to be so bold, to take away the Empire from the Prince of Greece? The desire of glory, answer'd Bajazet, and of enlarging my Kingdom. But wherefore, said the Prince, dost thou commit so many Cruelties, and use thy conquered Subjects so barbarously, as to spare neither Age nor Sex? I act thus, answered he, to terrifie mine Enemies the more. For the same Rea­son, replyd'd the Prince, thou shalt be treated in the same manner. With that he sent him away, and turned to his Commanders; Behold, said he, a proud and haughty Man, that deserves to be punish'd and made an Example, to all such cruel and barba­rous People as he is. I confess God hath this day sub­dued, and put in my power, a great Enemy; I am bound to return him thanks. Afterwards he sent for Ba­jazet's Children to be brought to him, he seem'd to pity their misfortune, and commanded them to be civilly and courteously treated, as the Chil­dren of a great Monarch. He commanded next that, to bury the dead. The Body of the Prince of Ciarcan was found amongst the Janisaries, where he was ingag'd; Tamerlan express'd a great deal of sorrow for the loss of this young Prince, who was his Kinsman, and likely to do him great service. A great number of Captains were killed this day, and almost all the Officers of the Turks, for the Fight was fierce and bloody, for the Fight continued from seven a Clock in the Morning, till four in the Afternoon; and then it was not well known who should win the Victory.

[Page 143]On the third day after the Fight the Army march'd away, for the first was employed in bury­ing the dead, every one render'd that Duty to their Friends and Kindred. The Body of the Prince of Ciarcan was Embalmed, and conduct­ed with a Guard of two thousand Horse to Samar­cande, to be there kept till the Emperour's re­turn. The other Corpses were buried in Sannas, with honour. Axalla was grieved for the death of his Kinsman, a brave bold and couragious young Man, well beloved of the Prince: His Command was given to his Brother, who shew­ed then great signs of a noble courage.

Alhacent saith, That he could not but make that day a Reflexion upon the unconstancy and vanity of worldly things, sufficiently represent­ed in this Battel. At the beginning Bajazet, the dreadful Emperour of the Turks, thought him­self above all changes of Fortune, having met with nothing on Earth able to withstand his Pow­er; but a few hours after he is cast down, and with a blow his flourishing Estate overthrown when he least expected it. This caused him to confess since, that he had been deservedly punish­ed for having despised great Armies, and placed all his confidence in the valour of his Horsemen, and of his Janisaries. He was three days as it were in a despairing condition, fretting and tor­menting himself; he sought to kill himself, and called for Death to deliver him out of his Cap­tivity. Tamerlan, who was the mildest, the most courteous and compassionate Prince, yet could he not be perswaded to pity him; for he dealt with him as with a furious Beast, so that when he mounted upon his Horse, upon solemn Festivals, [Page 144] Bajazet was brought to him that his Shoulder might serve him as a step to leap upon his Horse. This he did not out of any Ostentation, but on­ly to humble Bajazet, and discover to him the folly of Men; who seek in themselves, and not in God, all their greatness and confidence.

The next day the Army marched the way that leads to Bursa, whither the sad remains of Baja­zet's Army were fled, under the Command of Bassa Mustapha. All the Country through which Tamerlan pass'd, submitted. He commanded all the Fortresses to be demolish'd, and punish'd se­verely those that offered to withstand him and endure a Siege.

Tamerlan had caus'd several Pris'ners to be led in Chains after the Body of the Prince of Ciar­can to Samarcande: He intended to enlarge that City, and increase the Inhabitants; that it might be a Testimony of his Glory, and a Monument of his Grandeur to future Ages. For that purpose he had caus'd many Chineses, taken in the former Battels, to be carried thither, and some he had invited out of Pekin and Quanton. This famous Battel that overthrew Bajazet filled all his Sub­jects with fears, and obliged them to submit to the Conquerour. Nothing was able to resist Ta­merlan, till he arrived with his Army before Bur­sa, whither his defeated Troops were fled and shut up, with two of his Male Children, very young. In the mean while Axalla advanc'd forward, with forty thousand Horse, and an hundred thou­sand Foot without any incumbrance, or Baggage: with them he hinder'd the Enemy from rallying, and made a terrible destruction of the Turks; freeing the Grecians from the Tyranny of the Ot­toman [Page 145] Family. At last he came to the Walls of Bursa, from whence all that were able [...] fly a­way were gone. The two Children of Bajazet were sent to the Greek Emperour, to be Educa­ted and brought up. The rest of the Turks were fled to Gallipoli, and passed over to Adrianople; a City which they had taken from the Greeks.

But to return to Tamerlan, he had dispatch'd to the Emperour his Uncle, and the Empress his Wife, one of his most trusty Servants, named Lieban, who was as the first Gentleman of his Chamber, to carry them the joyful news of the Victory, which was far more glorious than any that he had ever gain'd before: He sent them also the Bow and Cymitar of Bajazet, and the Trap­pings of his Horse, which were valued at above two hundred thousand Ducats.

Lieban was mighty welcome to the old Empe­rour, and the young Empress; chiefly when they understood that the whole World render'd Ho­mage to Tamerlan, who nevertheless received all these advantages from the hand of God, without growing insolent or proud: When Providence favour'd him most, he seem'd to be mildest and most courteous. He was never rough but im­mediately before a Battel, that he might there­by deliver his Orders with more State and Ma­jesty. None could describe his temper in an adverse Fortune, for he had always Prosperity to favour him. But it is commonly seen, that those whom good successes cannot puff up with pride, are not cast down in adversity.

When he had given these needful Orders, he marched to Bursa, loaden with the Spoils of his [Page 146] Enemies; which yet increased daily, by the sur­rend [...] of many Towns that were yielded up to him. He treated them all as he had done the Cities of China, where the Inhabitants, that brought him their Keys and submitted, were kindly used; but those that refused to yield were cruelly pu­nish'd: for it is wisdom in a Conquerour to treat the People in that manner.

In the March of the Army, news were brought that Axalla had taken Bursa, and capitulated with the Citizens in the Emperour's Name; but the Garrison had been driven out by the Inhabitants, and cut in pieces. Axalla sent the Prince word of the coming of a solemn Embassie, from Ema­nuel the Greek Emperour, of the most illustrious Persons of his Court; but that he had hinder'd them from advancing further until Tamerlan should send him order. He wished them to stay where they were, commanding them to be well treated till Tamerlan's arrival; which happen'd a few days after. All the Inhabitants went out to meet him with their Heads uncovered, to sig­nifie their submission and subjection to him. He was carried in great Pomp and Glory: Axalla met him also with the Embassadours, whom the Prince received very honourably and courteously, shewing before them his Glory and Magnificence. He led them about his Army, which in a Camp appear'd as a great City. All manner of Provi­sions were brought into it every day from all Parts; for there was an admirable Order ob­served.

These Embassadours had Orders from the Greek Emperour, Emanuel, to offer and yield up his Em­pire [Page 147] and Person to the Prince's pleasure; to hold his Dominions, he and his Posterity after him, as his Vassals and Subjects. The Embassadours were also Commissioned to tell him, That he offer'd him all his good, as due to him, for the great be­nefit he had received by the deliverance from the cruellest Tyrant of the World; whatsoever there­fore that he would send for, he should have. That he was so much oblig'd to Tamerlan for his pains and great labours in so long and tedious an Expe­dition, and for the Blood of so many thousands of his Subjects, that he could not possibly requite him, but by yielding himself and all his People into his Hands. That he engag'd himself, and promis'd to serve him and obey him faithfully. That so many rare Vertues and excellent Qualities, which had render'd his Name famous to all the World, had won his heart and affections. That he de­sired earnestly to see him in his chief City, to put it into his power, and yield him up the Empire of Greece; where he intreated him that he might continue, only that he might oblige his People to be more obedient to his Orders.

After this Audience, the Embassadours expect­ed nothing less, but that they should fall under a new Master. What they had offer'd, so great and so delicate a thing, to such a Conquerour as Ta­merlan, that it was not to be refused. All that they desired was, that their offers might be ac­cepted kindly and civilly. But the Prince's An­swer to their Message, caused them quickly to change their minds and their thoughts of him; for, with a mild and courteous speech, he told them; That he was not come so far, and had not [Page 148] taken that pains, to subdue new Kingdoms and Empires: That the advantage to be expected thereby could not make him amends for the greatness of his labours and dangers: That the Motive which had oblig'd him to act and under­take this Enterprise, was more noble and more worthy of Tamerlan; for he purposed to himself no other benefit but glory and honour, and to render his Name famous to the succeeding Ages all over the World: That he desir'd them to un­derstand, that he was there only to assist the Em­perour, Emanuel, as his Friend and Ally, and at his request; and that his designs had succeeded well, because God had blessed his just intentions: that he knew very well, that by the help and assi­stance of the Almighty, rather than by the Mul­titude of his Souldlers, he had overthrown the Power of the cruellest Enemy of Mankind: That it was his desire to re-establish the ancient Family of the Paleologues in the full and free possession of the Greekish Empire, of all their Rights and Pri­viledges, and in a peaceable enjoyment of the City of Constantinople; that he might render thereby his Name the more famous: That he scorn'd that any Person should say of him here­after, that he had falsified his Faith, prejudic'd his Honour; and that under Colour of helping his Friend and Ally, he had taken from him his Empire and Estate: That he desired the Services that he had render'd to the Emperour Emanuel, might never be forgotten by his Posterity, and that they might acknowledge them with thanks: And that for his part, he was fully satisfied with the honour and glory of the success alone, with­out [Page 149] any other benefit. He told them also, That it concern'd the Emperour Emanuel to take such a course at present, and give such Orders, that his Army's presence might secure his Interest for the future, and settle his Empire in peace, so as that he might have no cause to fear a relapse into the same danger as before. That he would commit the two Sons of Bajazet into his Hands, to treat them ac­cording as he should judge most convenient; and that he advis'd him to be more circumspect and careful in the choice of his Ministers, that he might not be mis-led; and that he intreated him to value and esteem his friendship, which should never fail him in time of need.

It is not to be imagin'd how joyful the Embassa­dours were, to hear this courteous and generous Speech from the Prince's Mouth; to refuse a large and rich Empire, and the most stately and magnificent City of the World; few Princes would have had that extraordinary moderation. But it is not to be expected that many Tamerlans should live in these corrupt Ages.

Axalla had Orders to treat and feast the Em­bassadours, and to shew them all the honour and courtesie possible. One of them was sent with all speed, to carry news to his Master of their suc­cessful Embassie, which had proved more pro­sperous than could have been expected. When therefore the Greek Emperour had understood fully the the truth, the whole City was transport­ed with joy, the Churches were throng'd with Votaries; and there was nothing to be seen every where, but Bone-Fires, feastings, and a publick rejoycing of all the People, that extoll'd Tamer­lan's [Page 150] Name, and prais'd him for his wonderful moderation. The Greek Emperour called his Council, to consult whether it were not conveni­ent for him to go and meet Tamerlan, and ex­press to him his thanks Personally, for all his fa­vours and labours. It was resolved that he should, without delay, go in Person. Tamerlan under­standing of this intent, seem'd to be very joyful. He commanded Axalla to meet the Emperour, the first day of his departure, to assure him that Ta­merlan would look upon it as a very great honour, and would be mighty glad to see him in the City of Bursa. When the Greekish Emperour was near the Gates, the Prince went to meet him, and re­ceived him in great State and Pomp. They were together one whole day, which was spent in ex­pressions of kindness, affection, and acknow­ledgment, which they exchang'd one with the o­ther. The next day the Greekish Emperour de­parted out of the City, and the Prince accom­panied him with the same obliging and noble manner as he had received him. After his depar­ture Tamerlan discover'd an inclination to see the famous City of Constantinople, which was then look'd upon as the Wonder of the World; but he desired to go incognito, that he might avoid all jealousies and fears. Axalla mannag'd this busi­ness so secretly, that the Prince's departure was not known. He was there received by the Em­perour Emanuel, without Ceremony, as a private Person: But he endeavoured by all possible means, to satisfie Tamerlan's curiosity, and to shew him all the Rarities of the City: every day he enter­tain'd him with new delights and satisfactions. [Page 151] He was the more pleas'd, because he was known to none but to those unto whom he desired to dis­cover himself; for he and all his Train were clothed in Greekish Habits. Therefore, when he was gone, the Citizens were surpris'd to hear that Tamerlan had been to see their City. The Greek Emperour had shewn him all the pleasant Gardens, and beautiful Palaces that stand near the Sea, about a league or two round the City. They walk'd together as two private Persons: Thus they spent five or six days, with much satis­faction on both sides. Tamerlan did often confess since, that he had never seen a more glorious Ci­ty: that it was worthy, in regard of its advan­tageous scituation, to command the whole World. He look'd with admiration, upon the rich and stately Buildings; the rare Pillars, with all their Ornaments; the wonderful Pyramides of such a prodigious height, which Constantine the Great had erected, in imitation of those of Egypt. He admired all the beautiful Gardens, so neat and curious; and declared that he was never sorry for his Expedition, because he had thereby saved from burning and plunder, the noblest and most beautiful City of the World. He was often heard to praise the Emperour Emanuel, for his mildness and humanity. When he knew that Tamerlan delighted in beautiful Horses, he gave him thirty of such a rare shape, strength, and ex­cellency, that they could not be matched in the World. He presented him also with the richest Cloaths of Gold and Silk in the Country: and sent great Gifts to all his Lords and Princes of the Army: And whilst it continued in that place, [Page 152] he provided all things needful for the Souldiers, in such plenty, that no Person had cause to com­plain of want. At last, after fifteen days stay at Bursa, and a strict Alliance concluded upon between the two Princes; Tamerlan, in pursu­ance of his design, resolved to visit the Sultan of Egypt, before his departure to his own Country, to chastise him, because he had assisted Bajazet against him; for in all his proceedings he shew'd himself dreadful to the Enemies that had offend­ed him, and mild and courteous to his Friends.

CHAP. VI. Tamerlan's War and Expedition against the Sultan of Aegypt.

THe Army departed very well satisfied from Bur­sa, which Tamerlan delivered to the Greekish Emperour, after that he had driven away the Turks from all strong Holds, and recover'd all that they had won, since the beginning of Bajazet's reign. All his Souldiers were fled, either beyond the Mountains, or over Sea into Europe. There was no place in all Asia, that held for him; so dreadful had Tamerlan's Army been to the Turks, that they forsook all their Pos­sessions in Asia. Andronicus Palealogus, the Empe­rours Nephew, accompanied the Army with ten thousand chosen Horse, which his Unkle had sent with him to serve in the Wars against the Sultan of Aegypt, with whose Army Tamerlan had several en­counters, when they assisted Bajazet.

Amongst all these successes and prosperities, the Prince received the joyful news of the birth of a Son, of which the Empress his Wife was happily delivered: This caused the whole Army to congra­tulate their Princes happiness, by publick feasting, Bone-fires, and all other tokens of an universal joy. He understood by the same express, that all things were in peace in the Empire, that the old Empe­rour, his Unkle, was in perfect health, which pleas­ed him well; for he was afraid, that he should drop away in his absence, and that some great Persons, [Page 162] or certain Favourites should cause a disturbance and a division in his absence amongst his Subjects, tho the example of the other Rebels, who had been suf­ficiently punish'd for their folly, ought to have made them wise; and besides, when a Prince hath his wea­pons in his hand, and is become dreadful to Stran­gers, he need not much fear any rebellious in­trigues and practises at home amongst his own Sub­jects. For commonly men, that are the most am­bitious, follow him in the War; but when a Prince is soft and effeminate, the Souldiers, that are with­out imployment, runs to him, who makes the great­est complaints, and who commonly vails his ambiti­ous pretences with an appearance of a just grievance. In such a case, before a disarmed Prince is able to gather together his Troops, and make new levies of Men to compose a Body of an Army, the Rebellion may chance to be increas'd, and the Rebels grown so numerous, that they may perhaps be too power­ful for their inconsiderate Prince.

Six months were spent since Tamerlan's leaving of Samarcand. This time seem'd tedious to some, whose earnest desire to see their Country gave them a longing to march that way. This caused many of them to murmur in the Camp, because the Prince began to undertake a War in a far Country, which would not suddenly end. This report, which might have had a dangerous sequel, obliged Prince Axalla to acquaint the Emperour therewith.

He presently called his Army together, as soon as they were arrived to a place convenient, and spake to them at the general muster, in such terms as were able to oblige them to undergo all hardship for their Princes service.

[Page 163]As soon as they were arrived at Calestrie a gene­ral review was order'd, where the Emperour was in person, and spoke to the Parthians in this lan­guage.

Tamerlan's Speech to the Parthians.

I Cannot imagine, my dear Companions, that the de­sire of seeing again your Native Country is so vio­lent in you, or that you are weary to purchase more Glory to our Nation, seeing that all the people of the World adventure all things for that advantage which you have in hand, we have together for many years obtain'd great Victories, which have rais'd the Parthians in re­putation above all other Nations, and spread their fame round about the World.

If you be weary to fight under my Command, Ta­merlan shall accomplish his glorious designs by other Na­tions than his own, and the Parthian, so much re­nown'd by the late successes obtained upon many people, shall see themselves forgotten or miserably despised, through the shame that you shall have brought upon them. I cannot think any such thing of you, fellow Souldiers, whose Reputation is spread all over the World, I will not, nor ought not to believe it. Follow me therefore, and let us go courageously and fight the Mamelucks. You know very well, though they live at a distance from us, they have endeavoured to withstand our successes by joyning their forces with the Ottoman Armies to oppose us: Will you suffer me to revenge my self upon them without your help? Would you have the Tartarians and my Allies have a share in my Victories, whilst you shall go and be idle at home? Will you lose the benefit of so glo­rious an enterprise?

[Page 164]As soon as the Prince had ended his speech, all the Parthians cryed out with a loud voice, that they would die with him; and that, saying they had at­tended upon him in China, they would now follow him all over the world; but they intreated him to have compassion of their Wounds, of their gray hairs, so as at last to set some bounds to their labors, and his Conquests. This he promis'd them in such an obliging and mild manner, that they were all very well satisfied. The Emperour spoke not a word to the others, for they were glad of the ad­vantage they had over the Parthians, to have seen them ready to disband and forsake the Army. So that, when Tamerlan rode before the Scythian Ca­valry, they all cried with one voice, Victorious Em­perour, what mean you, March on, March on, we will follow all over the World. These words gave a great contentment to the Prince, for the Parthians and Scythians were his best Souldiers. He was there­fore glad of an opportunity to encrease their emula­tion. To oblige them the more to be faithful to him, the Prince commanded a strict inquiry to be made for all persons diseased or wounded, and besides their ordinary salary he appointed them and others to receive from the Treasurer of the Army extraordi­nary wages.

Then the Army marched forward with much joy and assurance of success. The Vanguard, com­manded by Axalla, and Andronicus, went before. Tamerlan had news how that the Sultan of Egypt was very active in gathering his men together to defend himself and his Country; though he could easily guesse how difficult a matter it was to stop the Ter­ror and fury of a victorious Army, that had over­thrown [Page 165] the most dreadful Monarch of all Asia.

These considerations made the Mamelucks look about. But the Sultan was a young Prince pro­moted to that high dignity by his extroardina­ry courage and rare Vertues, but he had no great insight in War. But since his Election he had not given any proof of his valour and affection to his people. He saw himself the Lord of a large Continent and of many strong Towers well provided and fortified; therefore out of an high conceit of his own greatness, and of the confidence that he had in himself, he resolved to try whether fortune would fa­vour him; but rather than to lose so fair an opportu­nity of declaring his courage, he was willing to ha­zard his own ruine. As the wining of a battle was all his hopes, he made for that purpose all necessary pre­parations to be ready to fight when ever he should be required; and in case the victory should fall to his Enemies share, he had so order'd his affairs, that he might fly to some safe and secure place of ad­vantage, where he might recover his loss, and be in a Condition to venture a second Battel.

As soon as the Emperour was well informed of his intention, he advised with Axalla and Andronicus which way he should turn the head of his army, that he might force the Enemy to come the sooner to a battle. It was resolved by them, that it should take the way through Caramania and march strait to Gevolach. This was the first frontier Town belonging to the Ma­melucks, and nearest to the Turks dominions, who had conquer'd all the Countrey as far as that place, when the peace had been concluded between these two Nations. Bajazet had endeavoured to have it, that he may receive sure succours that [Page 166] way from the Sultan, and strengthen himself the more against the powerful enemy, that was com­ing against him. Therefore this Town, which was of a strong scituation, had been furnish'd with all necessaries by the Sultan for a stout resistance.

Axalla advancing with his Van-guard sent a Sum­mons to the Townsmen to yeild speedily, or to expect a severe punishment for their foolish confi­dence and temerity. The Inhabitants return'd this answer. That they were obedient Subjects, and had express orders to fight it out, and resist as long as they could, and that they would rather suffer death than fail in their duty and fidelity to their Prince and Country.

When the Emperour heard their obstinacy he was wrath, that a small Town should be so bold as to attempt to stop his power, seeing that he had met with no place able to resist him since his depar­ture from Samarcand, for all Cities sent him their Keys when he was yet at a distance from them. But seem'd to dissemble a while his displea­sure, and commanded Axalla to go beyond it to­wards Aleppo, which willingly was surrender'd, be­cause there was no other Garrison there but of the natural Inhabitants.

In the mean while Tamerlan, being highly in­cens'd at this great affront of those of Gevolach, was resolved to besiege it; for that purpose he caus'd it to be surrounded, and his Infantry to make their approaches by the means of his Engines and Artillery. They gave a furious assault, but were driven back with the loss of about twelve hun­dred. Tamerlan, more angry than before at this re­pulse, caused the Town to be assaulted the second [Page 167] time, the Prince was then wounded, but mauger the enemies stout resistance, Tamerlans men won the Walls, from whence they shot continually and killed a great many within. At this same time the Prince was informed that the Sultan was ha­stening to succour and relieve Gevolach, according to his promise to the Inhabitants. This news caus'd him to repent, that he had suffer'd Axalla to ad­vance so far before the rest of the Army. To a­mend his fault, he resolved to go and joyn with him, hoping by this means to surprize the Enemy, who doubtless would think that Axalla was alone, and would not imagine, that Tamerlan could be so near at hand, for this purpose he left the Prince of Taenais, with thirty thousand men, to continue the siege, and march'd with the rest of his Army with­out baggage towards Borgas. There he heard that the Sultan was gone over the River at Confingan, with about threescore and fourteen thousand horse, and one hundred thousand foot. In pursuance of his design, he understood at Aleppo the place where the Enemy was encamp'd, intending to surprize him, for that purpose he sent Axalla about half a dayes journey before, and followed him with the remainder of the Army. Fourteen or fifteen of the Scouts were cut in pieces before their Comrades could help them, because the wayes were uneven and crooked.

The Enemy was misinform'd, they Imagin'd that only the Troops about Aleppo were near them which Axalla commanded.

They fell therefore upon him sooner than he ex­pected; without delay he gave notice of it to the Em­peror, at the same instant intreating him to make all [Page 168] speed and advance forward, and that he would endea­vour to dally with the Enemy to give him more time to come up to him, and for that intent he would pitch upon a convenient ground to fight.

At this news the Prince dispatch'd away Calibes with twenty thousand horse, they were so happy as to joyn with the rest in good time, because of a long and narrow passage which led into a valley, through which the Enemies were forced to go softly.

This accident gave time to Axalla to send Tamer­lan word, and to post himself in the most favourable place that the Country afforded; for otherwise he had been constrain'd to retreat back to the Emperour in the best order that he could possibly observe.

Having therefore planted himself in that place, he assaulted the Enemy with small parties as they came down from the Mountain. For at the bottom they intended likewise to draw up their men for the fight; in the mean whiles Cabiles was come in with his Ten thousand horse, which encouraged Axalla the more; for before he had but thirty thousand horse and Ten thousand more led by Andronicus, but these were for the most part of Albania very good Souldiers. This Prince desired of Axalla to grant him the first on-set, which he dar'd not to refuse him for fear of displeasing him. He begun the fight so furiously that he overthrew and killed a great many Enemies, but he was one of the first killed; mortally wound­ed in this charge and unhappily killed for want of a timely releif. He was without doubt a Prince of an Heroick Spirit, for in that tender age he shewed sufficiently that he did not degenerate from the Honor and Noble minds of his Ancestors.

Axalla succeeded him with his Body of horse [Page 169] partly Parthians, partly Christians, who were paid by Tamerlan: with this Body he prevailed so well upon the Sultans Troups, that he scatter'd them and broke in as far as the Infantry, where he had need of new courage and resolutions to withstand the fury of that body of foot. But his party, who had been alwayes used to overcome, wherever he led them, ingaged against the foot, which so much success, that they had almost defeated them and put them to flight, but Axalla recalled them back.

In the heat of the Battle, a body of five and twenty thousand of the Enemies horse, where the Sultan was in person, charg'd Calibes furiously, and was received with the same gallantry at that instant. Axalla return'd back from the Infantry, which he had left half overthrown, and seeing Ca­libes ingaged and worsted, he assaulted the Mame­lucks upon the Flanks and disorder'd them, but a body of fifteen thousand horse, which stood behind the infantry, with orders not to fight, but when they saw great need, broke in upon Axalla's party, in the same manner put them in disorder, kill'd Ax­allas horse, wounded him and took him Prisoner. A cowardly horse man at that instant, without stay­ing to observe what followed, clap'd spur to his horse, and with all speed went to meet the Emper­our to tell him this news, which afflicted him to the heart, because he repos'd himself much upon Axalla's courage, skill and experience. This caus'd him therefore to make the more haste, he came into the Battle so seasonably, that had he not arriv'd as he did the Victory had been lost, he had sent before Ten thousand horse, and followed with five and twenty thousand more of his stoutest Souldiers, [Page 170] besides he had five and twenty thousand of his Auxillary Troops upon the Wings.

His coming chang'd the face of the battle, for the Sultan, not knowing any thing of this body of men that were going to fall upon him, he being not able to discover them at a distance, because of a Valley through which they passed, he was strange­ly surpris'd, when he saw them first appear; at that very time, when the Troops Commanded by Calibes and Axalla resisted in a disorder. The ten thousand Horse sent before, came in fresh and charg'd the Mamelucks, who thought they had already won the day, the Emperour also at that instant followed with all his Cavalry and Infantry. So that the Sultan was forc'd to sound a retreat, for he was not able to withstand so great a fury, and saw that the whole Army was come against him. Then he perceived, but too late, his rash­ness and unadvisedness in that he had not sent to view his enemies Army. In the mean while Ax­alla had disingaged himself from the Souldier that had taken him prisoner. He was a foot a little while, but being known by one of his men he was mounted again, and they understood that he had but a light wound.

The Emperour, to hinder the Sultan from ral­lying his men, pursued his Victory three full leagues. This unhappy Prince had three Horses kill'd under him, in the ingagement, where he per­form'd the duty both of a Captain and of a com­mon Souldier. But he had committed a fault that was not to be remedied. Tamerlan was guilty of as great a mistake, by sending the Vanguard so far before which might have cost him very dear, [Page 171] had it not been for Axalla's subtilty in dallying with and keeping off the Enemy with light skir­mishes, for otherwise the Emperour could not have came in timely enough to succour his oppressed and disordered Troops.

Thus it happens frequently, the greatest faults and mistakes in War are turned by Providence in­to Stratagems of Wars, when it intends to favour the party, as it did Tamerlan in this occasion. His diligence in assisting his men caus'd him to win this notable Victory, which broke the heart of the War, and brought it to a period sooner than most men expected. It was known afterwards that the Sultan had been conselled to lengthen the war, which was a wise and a safe advice, but his fury and courage could admit of no delayes, he made too much haste to his ruin.

This battel was bloody, near Fourscore thousand men lost their lives on both sides, but no person of any note of Tamerlan's Army, but Andronicus and three Parthian Captains of great worth. All the equipage of the Sultan was taken the next day, and a great deal of plunder.

The Prince sent messengers to all his Allies to acquaint them with the Victory, and chiefly he sent to the Greek Emperour to express his grief, for the Death of Prince Andronicus, intreating him to appoint some other person in his stead, to com­mand the Greeks. He sent also messengers to pub­lish the News of this great victory in all his King­domes, and to give an account of it to his Unkle the Emperour.

In this place the Army was not able to subsist long, because it was so numerous, and the Coun­try [Page 172] between the Mountains narrow and barren in many places; Tamerlan therefore sent his Troops a­bout, and caused his Army to take a little more Elbow room, but he sent Axalla with all the Ca­valry of the Vanguard to pursue after the Sultan, and not suffer him to have any time to rest. He fled towards Aegypt with forty thousand horse.

The happy News of this Victory soon came to the Ears of the Prince of Tanais, who sent it to the besieged within Gevolach. They were mightily afflicted when they heard it.

A while after Tamerlan sent him orders to punish them for their folly by destroying the City with fire and sword, and sparing none, that they might be an example to all other places, and hinder them from resisting his power. This command was soon after put in Execution; for the Town was won by assault, the peoples courages failing them, through the many losses they had suffered, and the daily watchings and skirmishes; for the Prince of Ta­nais gave them no time to breath: After this he came to the Emperour, who was refreshing himself in Aleppo.

But after the Sultans retreat into Egypt, he forti­fied all his Towns, and sent for supply of men and mony from all his Allies, he placed his Garri­sons in all the places needful, and caus'd all the Coun­try to be ruined and burn'd, through which Tamer­lans Army was to pass in the road to his Country. He spared nothing that could be serviceable to him, to make him, if it were possible, quit the desire of marching that way; this caused so great a scarcity in this numerous Army, that the Emperour was obliged to review his Companies, and leave be­hind [Page 173] all useless persons; afterwards he divided his Army into three bodies, the first he commanded, the second was led by Axalla, the third by Calibes; the carriages and baggage he left behind guarded by a party of foot. Calibes was order'd to take the way towards the River Euphrates, through that Country which confines upon Persia, to subdue it. The Emperour himself took the way along the Sea Coast. And Axalla through Arabia. The Prince commanded threescore thousand horse and an hun­dred thousand foot. Axalla fifty thousand foot and forty thousand horse, and Calibes thirty thousand horse and fifty thousand foot. All that Country seem'd to be cover'd over with men; nevertheless, there was such an exact discipline and a rule ob­served in the Army, that provisions were brought in plentifully, and there was nothing wanting for man or beast.

In the mean while Axalla pursued after the Sultan, and obliged him to make more speed to divide his Army, most of his men in his necessity forsook him. It was said that he fled into Ara­bia, where it was not possible for the Tartars great Army to follow him; onely with four thousand horse, it was possible to defend himself and vex a more numerous party, because of the scarcity of provisions. In this juncture of affairs, all the Mari­tine Towns open'd their gates to Tamerlan, as Megate, Arnan, Tortosa, Gibellete, Barnt, and Nephtha­lim. But Damascus, where there was a Garrison of the Sultan, oblig'd Tamerlan to besiege it, this was a strong Town, where the Sultan had appointed Prince Zamadren to be governour. He behaved himself well, and made a stout resistance, but when [Page 176] the Artillery had open'd a breach in the Wall, the Prince of Tanais assaulted it and won it, only the Cit­tadel an admirable Castle, look'd upon as impreg­nable, held out; but the Governour, admitting all that sought shelter there, hasten'd the surrender; for when provisions began to fail, men pin'd away with hunger, which caus'd them to offer to surrender it upon composition; but the Prince would not grant them any, to punish them for their unadvised resist­ance, when necessity began to press them they yeild­ed themselves at the Conquerours discretion, he caus'd some to be kill'd with the Sword, and others were made Prisoners of War. This severity nois'd abroad in the Country oblig'd all the Inhabitants, thirty leagues round to bring the keys of their wall'd Towns to Tamerlan, who caused them to be us'd civily and courteously, and impos'd no other burden upon them, but to contribute according to their ability to the Armies subsistance.

When Damascus was thus taken Tamerlan march'd strait to Jerusalem, from whence the Citizens had driven their Garrison, as all the Towns of Judea had also done, they all yielded themselves to the Emperour, he received them with many expressions of his goodness, restablish'd them in the free enjoy­ment of all their priviledges, promising to visit the Sepulcher of Jesus Christ, according to the custome of the Mahometan Law, and for his sake he denied them nothing that they could ask. From thence the Army went to Corazin, where a Garison of six thou­sand men had orders from the Sultan to defend themselves and their Town, which they seem'd to be resolved upon at first, but when they saw the Army planted round about the walls with an intention to [Page 175] carry them, their hearts failed them; so that they chose rather to implore the Princes favour, who granted it to them freely, than to hazard a resistance without hopes of releif. Some Troops were here left behind to give a check to certain Mamelucks of Nassavia, who cut off many about the Army, Calibes had orders sent him to besiege them and scatter the Troops that gathered themselvs together about that place to incommode and rob the persons, who brought provisions to the Army.

This retreat of the Sultan into Arabia was but a meer pretence, and a flying report. He was gone into Aegypt towards Cairo, having left behind seve­ral parties to disturb and assault the Army in their march, and chiefly in the narrow lanes and passages. He caus'd a grievous destruction to be made in the Country round about to famish the Army, but Ta­merlan's Cavalry followed him so closse at the heels, that he had not time to do all the mischief that he intended. The Inhabitants also for their own as well as for the enemies sake, opposed and hindred the full execution of his design. When the Empe­rour was at Miserit, he caused a Proclamation to be made, to forbid any to go beyond Jordan, that he might the better preserve the Country from whence his Army had their Provisions. He went as he had Promised to Jerusalem in the company of his great­est Favourites, guarded with a party of Horse, to visit, as a religious Prince, that Sepulcher, which is honoured by all the Nations of the world, and to present his gifts. When he was in the City, where the Inhabitants received him with all possible ho­nours, he saught for all the Antiquities of the old Temple of Solomon, and was led, as the Pilgrims, [Page 176] through all the places where Christ had preach'd and wrought Miracles. When he had ended his Prayers at the Sepulcher, he gave large gifts. Two things chiefly gave him great content, when he in­quir'd of certain Monks and Religious Men at the Sepulcher, where their Lords Body was? He is, said they, in Heaven at the right hand of God: Then turning to his Mahumetan Train, he ask'd them where they thought that this Prophet was? The Cherif, that stood next to him, replyed, that he was a true God, that he was gone before to sit in the first place in Heaven, where he should be received al­so. As he came from Heaven so he was departed thither again. Then the Prince fell upon his knees, and held his Name in great veneration. And at his return to Samarcand, he built him a sumptuous Temple, taking a great delight to hear men tell of his Miracles, and commanded that some should mention them often in his hearing.

The other thing, that gave him a delight and admiration, was, when in viewing all the places of devotion, he came to that at last, where Christ leav­ing his Disciples ascended up into the glories of Heaven. There he left behind the fashion of his foot, which caus'd him to wonder at it extraordi­narily: And when one told him that a Pilgrim had been here ravish'd in Spirit, he thought him happy. Axalla with many other Christians were then with him.

In this manner, Tamerlan, by visiting the holy places and relicks, gave a great satisfaction to all the people, but the Jews could not indure but ex­claim'd against him openly. He had never any af­fection for them, but named them Wicked Men, and [Page 177] Cursed of God. He loved to see men sincere in their piety and devotions, and was glad to have seen Ax­alla so liberal of his offerings to the holy Sepulcher. In the mean whiles the Army was in their march to Te­ma towards Aegypt, the Emperour had notice, that the Slutan gathered his Troops togeher from all parts, and was then at Alexandria. He himself, af­ter the performance of his devotions, followed the Army, and commanded the Van-guard to go to­wards Damietta. He had been told that it was not to be taken by force.

The Sultan had secur'd it with a strong Garri­son: It was a maritine Town, one of the most not­ed of all Aegypt, so that it was in great reputation. Many of the Emperours followers labour'd to di­swade him from attempting it, advising him to ad­venture upon something else, telling him that it was no discreetion to run his numerous army into a narrow peice of Land, but that he should rather march higher into the Country, but all their rea­sons could not perswade him from going thither, for he judged, that there was nothing that could put a stop to his good Fortune. He therefore commanded Axalla to block up the Town, and he followed him thither with the remainder of the Army.

When Axalla was there he sent in a summons, commanding them to submit, and declaring to the Christian Inhabitants, who were there very nume­rous, what a folly it would be for them to oppose his Emperours power. That his mildness and good­ness should rather oblige them to free themselves from the Tyranny of the Moors and Mamelucks, who oppressed them beyond measure. He told them, that he was a Christian as well as they, and [Page 178] therefore should be alwayes very glad to serve them. He caused also some of the Greek Cap­tains to argue the case with them. They dealt so effectually, that they perswaded them to adven­ture their lives and endeavour to drive out of their City the Mamelucks, and all those who held for the Sultan. They delayed not in the execution of this design, but with their weapons in their hands, they got the command of one quarter of the City, and open'd one of the Gates to Axalla. All the Mamelucks were either kill'd or taken Pris'ners, and Damietta was yeilded to the Prince. This News, which the Emperour received in his march, caused him to expect a happy success in the pro­secution of his great design. He could not have hoped for such an easie accomplishment of it, if this strong City had been in the Enemies hands, for by its advantageous scituation upon one of the branches of Nilus, it would have ruin'd his Ar­my and cut off all their provisions. But now, that it was in his power, he could reasonably expect from all parts of Greece, as the Emperour Ema­nuel had promis'd him all manner of things ne­cessary for his Souldiers, which were already coming to him by Damietta. He appointed there a strong Garrison of two thousand Grecians, with a Gover­nour, to keep for him the City. They took the Oath of fidelity.

The Prince found this place according to his mind, and stronger than he had at first imagin'd. The Inhabitants of Larissa submitted likewise, and would not stand out against his invincible power. Garrisons were placed in all the places scituate near he Sea, that provisions might not be hinder'd to [Page 179] be brought to the Army. This was one of his greatest cares to provide well for so vast a multitude, that they might not want.

Tamerlan stopt a few dayes in Damietta, but sent his vanguard towards Alexandria, but immediately after he followed them, and caused them to march about towards Grand Cairo. The Sultan, who had provided himself for a stout resistance in Alexan­dria, was surpris'd to hear of this unexpected charge: he had no time to deliberate, but with all speed made what haste he could to prevent Tamerlan. He enter'd into Cairo as the Army was in sight of it, with a strong resolution to stop the entry of the Tartars, and preserve the passage of the River that leads to Alexandria. It was reported that the Sultan gat into Cairo with forty thousand horse, and threescore thousand foot; but Tamerlan could not believe it. However he arriv'd there in very good time to preserve his interest, for the Tartari­an Army was at Buldat, seven leagues from the City, at that time the slaves, who are very numer­ous there, had an intent to revolt and open to us a gate, which they might have done with ease, had not the Sultans coming hinder'd them. This there­fore was a great let to the success of the Tartarian Army, and the consequence of it troubled them not a little; for fear of not being able to get provisions, which if they had happen'd to fail them, they had been forced to raise their siege and depart. Not­withstanding the Prince, whose courage nothing could terrifie, drew near to the City with all his Army, causing them to intrench themselves chiefly to preserve his Cavalry from sudden attempts. He caused several attempts to be made upon the City, [Page 180] wherein his men had alwayes the advantage, by these assaults he had a trial of their courages and resolutions, and endeavoured to offer an oppor­tunity to the slaves to venture out and acquaint him with the posture of affaires within the City. The Emperour was afraid of what might happen, and of the tediousness of the Siege; therefore for that reason as well as to try the disposition of his E­nemy, if▪ he might oblige him to venture out, drew up his Army before the City. He hop'd that if he had been so bold as to venture out, during that absence, there might be some stirring and re­volt in the City amongst the Inhabitants, weary of the Tyranny of the Mamelucks, or amongst the Slaves, unto whom underhand he had promised their free­dome. None dared look out, all the benefit that he reap'd by this action was, but to understand more fully the situation of Cairo, and shew the In­habitants the strength and number of his invinci­ble Army. But at the same time he caused them to be dealt withal by Slaves of their own Nation, who, flying from us unto the City, caus'd them to understand, that the Emperour intended not to ruin them; that he had no intention but to fight with the Mamelucks his enemies. This underhand dealing caus'd such an impression in their minds, that they all agreed to free themselves from the company of these troublesome Guests.

When the Emperour understood what success of this subtil negotiation, he resolved to draw near with his Infantry, at half a mile from the Town, that his approach might encourage the Ci­tizens the more; for th [...]y had sent word, that they would rise in arms and fight for us against our ene­mies [Page 181] and theirs. Upon this news, he sent for the Cheiftains of his Army, to open to them his mind, to hear their advice, and give them the necessary orders for the carrying on of his design with suc­cess. He told them, that he was come before that City, imagining that it had been unprovided and without any Garrison, easie to be won, that it had been able, if taken, to have caus'd his Army to sub­sist a long time, and procure them great advanta­ges, but that being prevented by the Mamelucks, who were got in possession of it with all their Ar­my, there was two great inconveniences, that would attend upon him, if he did continue in the siege: the first was the difficulty of getting provi­sions, for by endeavouring to famish the besieged, he run the hazard of starving his own Army. The second inconveniency was the excessive heats of the approaching Season, which would prove so much the more dangerous to his men, because they were not us'd to them; and if diseases and distempers should enter amongst them they would ruin him and his designs. He told them also, that he had re­solved to confine all his desires to Cairo and Alex­andria, and to proceed no further in his Conquests: That after the subduing of these two places he would return to Samarcand loaden with the Spoils of Asia: That it would be a shame to them to flie away from an enemy, whom they had lately bea­ten, and who, to avoid the sight of them, had wandered up and down the Mountains and Desarts two Months: That they were got into that City, because they trusted more to the strength of its walls and bulworks, than to their weapons and courages. That it did become them to shew the vanity of [Page 178] this confidence of the Mamelucks; for if they shel­ter'd themselves in strong-Holds and Walls, the Parthians and Tartarians had a more numerous Ar­my than theirs, and stouter courages, more used to overcome all difficulties; therefore they were able to render those heaps of stones and mortar useless, for at the first assault, they would be able to leap over all the walls and barracado's with which the Enemies had fortified the streets of the City; that all these things would not be able to secure the Mamelucks from fear, and from flying before them. That if they would attach their enemies unexpe­ctedly, whiles they thought themselves safe within their Walls, and not to be forced: That the ve­ry surprising attempt would half overcome them.

It is far more honourable (said he to them) to as­sault them than to fly away from them shamefully, and and turn our backs to those who have seen our faces so often to their loss. This is a special favour that the great God of hosts hath granted to us these twenty years, that we have been fighting with many Warlike people, that we have never turned them our backs. We must therefore disown the Parthian name, and forget all our former Victories and glory if we forsake this Siege and depart; for it is certain in such a case our enemies would never fail to pursue us, and cut short our pro­visions, and to publish abroad, to our eternal shame, our flight; this would cause many of those that fight for us forsake us in our need, and turn against us, and we should see those, who have yeilded to us, betray us, and become our enemies. The Emperour made this dis­course to his Captains to give them to understand that there was but two wayes to take, either to for­sake the City and the Seige, or to fight with the Enemy.

[Page 183]This speech astonish'd them with the Novelty and the greatness of the enterprise; for they had never endeavoured to force an Army retrench'd within strong Walls, and they were afraid of the sequel of such an attempt. Nevertheless their honour and reputation, which they saw ingag'd, prevail'd upon them, and caus'd them to contemn all the dangers, and death it self, which they fore­saw as infallible. Whiles every one was thinking upon the enterprise, with their heads hanging down with a great silence, Tamerlan desired Axalla to speak and discover his mind; which he did in this manner. Worthy Prince, wherefore do you de­sire to search our minds? Do you not yet know the in­clinations and courages of your Captains and Soldiers? Do you doubt whither they will prefer the advance­ment of your glory to their own lives? wherefore do you inquire from us our resolutions? Lead up only, and you shall see, whether the great affection we have al­wayes had for you be now deminish'd: do you think that the walls of Cairo are strong enough to resist our Cou­rages and stop your Cavalry? The first horse-man, that shall put his head within the walls, will open a way to the whole Army.

Assoon as Axalla had ended his speech, all the Captains cried out, and intreated to be led to the fight, protesting that they were ready to Sacrifice themselves for the Honour and Glory of their Prince.

The Emperour was mighty well satisfied with their affectionate expressions, for which he return'd them his hearty thanks. Therefore at the same time he gave Orders for the assault, and divided his Infantry into three Bodies. The Lieutenant [Page 184] General was to lead thirty thousand men. The Prince of Tanais was to follow him with fifty thou­sand more. Axalla was to succeed him with a like number of Infantry, with four thousand Horse arm'd with Lance and Buckler. The Prince came a little after, with ten thousand Horse before him, and he himself in the midst of fifty thousand Foot, who were followed by the rest of the Cavalry, whom he commanded in person, having given the charge of the Infantry to Axalla, in whom he pla­ced his chiefest trust.

The Princes intent was to win one of the Towns of Cairo, and there to lodge himself, that he might be able to advance by degrees. But it concerns us to know, that the Sultan was in the City with all his forces, which amounted to threescore thousand foot, and fifty thousand horse, of whom thirty thou­sand were Mamelucks, brave Souldiers train'd up in the art of war. The Tartars had found what they were by experience. But his Infantry were not so skilful, for they were but fresh Souldiers, newly rais'd in Arabia, Persia, and Lybia, and a great ma­ny were but Slaves lately set at liberty, for his or­dinary and standing Foot had been overthrown in the last Battles.

The Prince had discovered to none but to Axalla the hopes that he had in the rising of the Slaves and Moors. When therefore all things where readily provided, he caused the first bo [...]y of Foot to ad­vance to the place that he had appointed to attack the Enemy in the Front, when he saw them charge home, and force the Sultans men into their Tren­ches, he caused them to be followed and seconded by the Prince of Tanais with fifty thousand under his [Page 185] command. Then the fight was most cruel and bloody.

In the mean whiles Axalla march'd along cer­tain palm trees, in a place that he imagin'd was for­saken, to go to the assistance of his men by another way. He was not mistaken, he found little or no resistance, so that with ease he broke into the Tren­ches; he applied himself next to perform Tamerlans orders, and fill up with boards and other materials, the holes and ditches, that the Horse might get over, but as he was busie in this work, the Enemy came upon him with twenty thousand men to hinder him. Axalla left three thousand to end the work begun, and make a way with all speed for the Ca­valry, and with the rest he charg'd the Enemy.

The Mamelucks were coming to him in good or­der. They were too hard for the Prince of Tanais, and had some advantage upon him, but it lasted not long, for as soon as the way was made for the Horse, the ten thousand men charg'd the Mamelucks in the Rear, where the Sultan was in person, after these, ten thousand more were sent by the Prince, who with all his Cavalry followed next. All toge­ther broke in upon the Enemy without delay, so that they had no time but to fly to the second Trenches, which they had made, in the second Town. The fight lasted seven whole hours, all this time it was not to be judged, which party should gain the Victory. The Enemies defended them­selves stoutly, but when the Prince had driven them from their first Trenches, he sounded a retreat, and was contented to lodge all night in that place, re­solving the next day to pursue the Victory.

One third of the Town was already in Tamerlans possession, whose Infantry were quartered next to the [Page 186] Enemies second Trenches, which gave occasion to several small skirmishes which hapned most times to the advantage of the Tartars, who behaved them­selves most couragiously.

That day fifteen or sixteen thousand men were killed on the Enemies side, and seven thousand of Tamerlans. Dragnen Lieutenant General of the In­fantry of the Sultan died, with many other Officers who were in the heat of the battle.

It was generally confessed that Axalla's experi­ence and good judgement, this day were very useful in getting the Victory.

The same night news being brought to the Prince, that the Sultan had a design to pass over the River, he gave order to ten thousand horse to post them­selves along the banks, when the Sultan heard of it, he imagin'd that all the Army had been there, therefore he was not so bold as to venture his per­son at the passage. At the break of day, the Em­perour caus'd the Trenches to be fill'd up, and the fight to begin by the Prince of Tanais of one side, and by Axalla on the other. But after a slight resistance, when the Sultan perceived that his Infantry drew back and left their Trenches to their enemies, the fear of the coming of the Cavalry, caus'd him to forsake the Town. He performed this design, which he had fail'd of in the night, by drawing up his Army in the void space between the River and the Town, that he might be able to escape over into Alexandria.

In the mean while the Prince having taken by force the second Trenches, the Souldiers broke into the City and kill'd every one they met with, none being able to keep them in, when the Emperour was inform'd of the way the Sultan took to pass [Page 187] over the River, he followed him with all his Ca­valry and all the foot, that he could pick up from the plunder and spoils of the City, unto which they were furiously bent. But the Sultan had provided in time, to secure his retreat and passage, by getting into his power a narrow peice of ground secur'd from the Rivers violence with strong stakes, there he posted fifteen thousand of his best Souldiers, whom he called his slaves. The scituation was such that they were able to defend themselves, and could not be forced without Infantry. Such as were brought to find them, were loath to leave their companions, to take all the plunder, therefore they march'd but slowly and without courage until the Emperour himself had promis'd them, to take notice of them and give them rewards. At their first coming up they assaulted these Troops, not without difficulty, and loss of many men, but the enemies made an honourable retreat, they cast themselves into the River, with one hand they swum, and with the other held their Weapons. In this manner they escaped to the other bank. Part of their Cavalry was cut in peices, another part in the confusion ventur'd into the River and were drown'd, for they could not get over.

This was the last endeavour of the Sultan, who beheld with sorrow this great and Stately City from an high place, when it was pillaging. He told his people to comfort them, that they were not men who had ovecrome them, but a God, who had sided with his enemies. So much, valour, prudence, and di­scretion, he had taken notice of in the Tartarian Army.

The next night after the fight, he judged that the Tartarians would be busie in dividing the spoyls [Page 188] and that they would have no time to pursue him. He withdrew himself with nine or ten thousand men, for the rest were either scatter'd abroad or drown'd in the River.

As soon as it was day he took the way of Alex­andria, after that he had thank'd some of his slaves, who were a live after they had saved their Prince by their stout and brave resistance for two hours against all the Tartarians Army, and their honour­able and glorious retreat at the end of this Noble action. Tamerlan himself was so great an admirer of them, that he commanded those that were taken to be brought to him, and out of a desire to use them in his service he treated them kindly, and with gifts and other favours endeavoured to win them to himself, and though they all refused to forsake their former Masters interest he sent them to the Sultan. The Prince was us'd to deal thus in that generous manner with those whom he had overcome. He delighted to express his bounty and clemency next after his valour and courage. There is nothing more proper for a great Prince than to cause himself to be beloved by his merciful and loving temper, as well as to render himself dreadful and respected by his power and noble mind.

After this furious fight the Prince retreated a little back, lodging his men between the River and the City, that he might secure and cover the rest of his Army, which might otherwise have easily been defeated during the plunder of that rich and wealthy Town.

This caused him to continue all night on horse­back with some of his chief Officers, for with them he rode up and down his Camp visiting every [Page 189] corner, and praising his Soldiers for their cou­ragious assaults. As soon as it was day he went into the Town to take possession of the Castle, the ordinary abode of the Sultans, where all their riches were treasured up. There he lodg'd and caus'd all his Army to be quarter'd round a­bout this Castle, which stands at one end of the Town. He commanded by a Proclamation that all plundering should cease, which had lasted four and twenty hours, and every Soldier had orders to return to their colours, and to lodge in their quar­ters; the next day he sent out another Proclamation to declare all the Inhabitants free, commanding that all Prisoners should be releas'd. In the Castle he found wonderful Riches and inestimable Trea­sures laid up there by the Sultans, many years. There was the more, because they had a law that forbid them to meddle with any thing there but in great necessity, when the Kingdome was in want. It was thought that the Sultan made the more hast to get into Cairo before Tamerlan for fear of los­ing these Treasures. Some say that he took out in the night many jewels. Others speak as if he never enter'd into it, that he diminish'd nothing, for fear that his men should imagine that he intended to for­sake them, and they should suspect the retreat he re­solved to make. Others think that he never med­led with these Treasures, because he could never dream of being faced in such a City, accompained with such and so many faithful Soldiers. And when he saw himself driven out against his expecta­tion be ascrib'd the Victory to none but to a Divini­ty, who had so powerfully assisted the Tartarians Army against his men secured in such strong forifi­cations.

[Page 190]The Emperour sent word to Calibes to inform him of his successes and progress, and to deliver him a Commission to be Governour of Aegypt. This happy news was welcome in the numerous Army under his command, which march'd along the River Euphrates, it increased daily by the ren­dition of many Towns, which would not oppose the Princes happiness; all Persia trembled at this sudden alteration, at the fall of the Sultan. This Country, was then govern'd by several petty Princes, some of them were Mehometans, but others Christi­ans. The Emperour had an intent to subdue them all.

In the mean while he gave all necessary or­ders for the preservation of Cairo, and caus'd his Army to pass over the River, that he might com­pleat his Victory, for that purpose he march'd to Alexandria, where the Sultan had taken sanctuary. But before the departure of the Van-guard with Axalla at the head, he rewarded liberally e­very Souldier, according to their deservings, and courages.

He caus'd the Oath of fidelity to be administer'd to all the Inhabitants of that great City, and of the Towns thereabouts, setling every thing in as much peace as he could in so short a time; for that pur­pose he left in Garrison there ten thousand men, car­ried away all such persons as he suspected, and placed others in their stead. Therefore he led with him many persons in his Army to place and settle in the conquered Towns, after this, the people came to him from all parts, to submit themselves, and receive his commands from as far as Cana. Em­bassadors arrived not only from Arabia Felix, but [Page 191] also from Africa, to acknowledge Tamerlan's Em­pire; for his Victories had struck a dread into all neighbouring Nations and People at a distance. He would not settle the affairs of Aegypt till his re­turn to Cairo from Alexandria. The Rear of his Army he sent thither with the Prince of Tanais, but he and his Houshold servants embark'd them­selves upon the River Nilus, for their pleasure. It is said, that he took a delight to take notice of the rapidity of this River in some places, and its slow­ness in others.

The News was soon carried to Alexandria, that the Army was in their march to besiege it, this made the people to rise up in Arms, the fear of a total ruin caus'd them to send to the Sultan to intreat him to compassionate their weakness, and to re­present to him, that he could not make the same resistance against so powerful an Army as he had done against others before. That it did be­come him to yield to the present necessity, that he should do well to retire into Lybia, whether Ta­merlan's Army would never follow him, that if he would do so, they would keep for him that faith­fulness they had sworn to him. That he need not doubt of their affections for him. That they de­sired him to save his own person, and suffer time to perform the rest. After this message the Sul­tan saw that all things turn'd against him, he re­solved therefore to depart, he was in hopes, that if the Army continued any long time about Alexandria, as they were likely to do, that there would some change happen, which might alter the face of his affairs, and offer him an opportu­nity to attempt something, with this expectation [Page 192] he pacified his troubled mind, and with tears in his eyes, he left the City, repeating often these Words, God is angry with our Nation, that the time of the ruin of this flourishing Empire was come, that every one ought to submit to the orders of Providence. That he had done all that could have been expected from him to perform his duty in the defence of his people, and answer their great esteem at his Ele­ction: that he hoped to gather up more Troops, and return with a sufficient Army to free them from the slavery of a Forreign Prince. These words spoken before a great multitude, were re­related to Axalla first, for he went before with the Van. He caus'd the Prince to understand the News, and sent him word, that not only out of Alexandria, men came to submit themselves but also from fifty leagues round about. The Prince re­joyced to hear this prosperous march of his Army, because he saw a speedy end to all his labours, and a possibility of returning to his own Country. He was troubled that he had not got the Sultan into his custody, this consideration hindred him from treating all such as held for him with that kind­ness, that he expressed to all the World be­sides.

When the Princes Army was within one days march of Alexandria, Axalla was sent for to meet him, and to bring with him some of the chief Citizens to take their Oaths of Allegiance and Fidelity. After this he made his entry with all his Army, but caus­ed them to go out again, and incamp about the Walls, only six thousand horse and twenty thousand foot, he kept for his guard, and sent Axalla with his Van-guard to pursue after the Sultan. In the mean [Page 193] while the Emperour continued a long time about Alexandria, in expectation of some news from Calibes. He had sent Lochistan, his great Cham­berlain to succeed him, a man of great worth, who had alwayes commanded a party of ten thousand horse, and had alwayes been with him.

Calibes took from his Army the same number of horse-men to accompany him into Aegypt with his equipage to wait upon the Prince, whom he had no need to solicite, for Tamerlan knew so well the deservings of every one, and that which they were able to perform, that in their absence as well as in their presence, honours and Governments, em­ployments and affaires were conferred upon them without their seeking, the Prince was so just in the distribution of his favours. Therefore no body did bribe for the Offices of his Army, for the employ­ments in his House and State; for they proceeded al­wayes from his free motion.

When Axalla was departed out of Alexandria, the sad news was brought that the Emperour his Unkle lay very sick. He had left with him the Em­press his wife, the Daughter of this old man, whom he knew to be wise and prudent, this consorted him not a little. He knew, that if by chance his Unkle should die, she would take care to keep the Kings and Princes his Vassals, and all his other Subjects in peace. But he could not easily imagine, that after so many victories and successes, which were nois'd all over the World, any would be so fool [...]sh and bold as to attempt a rebellion against him▪ the Empress sent him also word, that in expectation of his return she would provide all things need­ful to circumcise the Son, whom God had given [Page 178] them, and who was able to undergo that painfu [...] ceremony. All these things settled his mind s [...] that he resolved to depart home wards, assoon as he had secured the Conquest of Aegypt.

News came to him also from China, that the Chi­neses had endeavored some stirs, but Odmar had severe­ly punish'd them in a bloody battle, where the Kings brother had been kill'd, this had secured the Em­perour on that side. Odmar after the rebellion had inlarg'd and prosecuted the conquests of his Ma­ster, but the Old Emperour had sent him orders to appease all things, and to preserve only what he had conquered beyond the River of Flezan.

When Axalla was departed with the Van-guard, he terrified all the Inhabitants of Africa; for the people imagin'd that all the Emperours Army fol­lowed him, so that two and twenty petty Kings of that Country sent to him their Embassadors to submit themselves to his mercy. But the Sultan in his flight was forsaken of all men, his Soldiers return'd back in Troops to yield to Axalla every day. Arsambei also his Lieutenant General sent to have the Em­perours safe conduct, which was granted to him. He came therefore and intreated him, that seeing his Master had been driven out of all his domi­nions, he would be so gracious to him as to admit him in his service; the Princes humanity received him kindly and granted him all that he could de­sire; so▪ that Arsambei swore to be faithful to him. But this perfidious Traitor had another design in his mind. He had promis'd the Sultan to assassi­nate the Emperour. That he might succeed the better in this execution of this Villainy, he had caused four thousand Mamelucks to be received in [Page 179] the service of Tamerlan in Alexandria. They were to assist him in this wicked attempt in Alexandria, where he was busily employed in setling his conquered Coun­tries in peace. The Execution was intended in a morn­ing, when the Prince, according to his custome, should give publick audience to the complaints that were u­sually made to him. His guards were ten thousand men, but then there were not above twelve hundred that waited upon him every day. The Traitor Arsembei had made several of the inhabitants of the Town ac­quainted with their design, they were to rise up in Armes at the same moment of time that the Prince should be kill'd, which they thought to be more feasable than really it was, the four thousand Mamelucks were in the Town to act as soon as they shall have a command. Three weeks more pass'd after the murder was appointed and resolved upon before the day appeared for the execution of it, it was but the day before, that the Prince had given him one of the most beautiful and stoutest Horses of his Stables. He had also given order to his people to pay him a great respect, this Villain therefore drew near to the Emperours person in his Tent, which was open to all, that desired to make their addresses to him.

We must take notice, that the City of Alexan­dria is built in such a manner, that all the Houses are flat on the Top, so that it is possible to pass over them, from one to the other. In this place Arsembei had appointed those persons to be ready, to help him at the same moment, that he should have accomplish'd his wicked purpose: at a distance the Prince perceived him drawing towards his person, he ask'd him what he desired, for he won­der'd to see him in this place, which was designed [Page 196] only for such as could not have access at other times to his person, as Soldiers and the meaner sort of people, and not for a man of the quality of Arsembei. He could not imagine, what might be the cause of this appearance. He observ'd him again, and saw that his countenance chang'd its co­lour, which caus'd him to fix his eyes upon him, and take notice of his motion. Arsembei at that instant, with his drawn Sword in his hand ran to him, but the Prince drew his likewise as speedi­ly, and leaping back two or three paces to avoid the stroak, with a back blow, he cut almost in two the Varlets arm, lifted up to aim at him; at that moment every one ran to help, and succour the Prince. The first man struck him down with a blow upon the head, the wound was not mortal, the Emperour would not suffer him to be kill'd there, that he might learn from him his associates, but this Villain broke out into Lamentation, and complaint at the destiny of his good Master, because this last attempt, an expression of his affection for [...]im, had been useless. The Prince ask'd him, wherefore he had spared him in a just War, and in the fight, to assassinate him now in a trea­cherous manner, after so many protestations of his service and love, but he made no other answer, but this, Let me dy, let me dy. The great Cady or Lord Cheif Justice seiz'd upon him, who together with the Lords of the privy Council examin'd him. In the mean while the City and Camp were all in Arms. And the Princes Guards were mount­ed on Horseback. All the Guards were doubled, the Haven was secured, and the Emperour went home to his Lodgings, glad of so narrow an escape, [Page 197] without harm from so a great danger.

But the Captains and Souldiers crowded about the Palace with an earnest desire to behold him with their eyes, offering to face the Guards, that would not suffer them to enter. They ask'd to look upon him with threatning words; for they would have thought him dead had they not seen him. The Prince had a mind to rest himself, but at last he was forc'd to yield to their impatient desires. He went out to them, assuring them that he was well and in health, but the Army was not satisfied, he was constrain'd to get on horseback, and to ride about the Camp. Then the apprehensions, that had possessed the Souls of the Officers and Souldiers, vanish'd away by the presence of him, who they loved as tenderly as their lives, and were succeed­ed by extraordinary motions of joy, so that the Sky was filled with their loud acclamations and ex­pressions of gladness.

The Offender was examined at the rack, he con­fessed all the design, and required courageously that he might be brought to his end: according to his de­position they went to seek the places where his asso­ciates were yet in number about three hundred, they were all bound and carried to prison, and inquiry was made for all others round about the City. Some of the Inhabitants, who had been acquainted with the business, and had received Letters from the Sul­tan were not spared. But the Prince, who was na­turally an Enemy to all cruelty, seeing that there was likely much blood to be spill'd, resolved to depart out of Alexandria, with an intent not to return to the Ci­ty again, till all the guilty persons should be discover­ed and punish'd.

[Page 182]This great City appeared with a sad countenance. In every Corner persons were taken, and all suspe­cted inhabitants were led to prison. As soon as they were convicted they were executed publickly. Ar­sembei suffered first. He was strangled, and for a re­membrance of his horrid Treason, his head was fixt upon a Pole in the Market place, and his Body quartered. All the Complices were dealt with in the same manner, but some of the Citizens, that were unsuspected, were cast into prison▪ and after­wards sold for slaves, and transported into another Country.

This was the end of this Tragedy, which was to begin by the Princes life, but the Majesty of his looks, and his courageous resistance, help'd to save him. I have oftentimes, saith Alhacent, heard him confess, that when Arsambei stood before him, he imagined, that this Villain had some wicked design in his mind, and that if he had not been afraid to break his promise that he had given him, and injure that Re­putation that he held in the World, he would have caused him to have been stayed, as soon as he saw him appear, but he thought it sufficient to look upon him. He protested for his part, that he feared no assassinati­ons. That he had a good Angel at his Elbows, mean­ing his guardian Angel, whom he named Meaniel, he said, that he had orders from God to preserve him from all ambushes. He caused his Image to be carried in his colours, and pluck'd down all signs of the Cres­sant; the badge of the Ottoman Family, and instead thereof, he erected an image of his Guardian Angel.

All this time Axalla was not idle. He had mar­ched a great way into Africa with the Army, and had subdued all the lower part of Lybia. The Em­perour [Page 183] went thither, and finding it a delicious Country he staid there to refresh his Army, and dis­pers'd them about, that they might have more conveniency: Onely Axalla was with the Body of an Army. So that in expectation of the arrival of Calibes, he was busie in setting these conquered Countries in peace. The heats at that time were so violent, that the Souldiers were much the worse particularly the Parthians, who live in a Country inclinable to cold more than to heat.

When the Prince understood, that all was quiet in Alexandria, he return'd to the City, where at his first arrival, several Ambassadors came to him, from the Lords and Princes of Lybia and Barbary, to submit to him, and acknowledge him for their Soveraign. Tamerlan requir'd Hostages from all whose Countries where bordering upon Aegypt, but he desired from the rest nothing but their Faith, and some outward expressions of their good will. Thus every one yielded homage to this new Mo­narch, and by their submissions publish'd abroad the largeness of his Dominions.

After all this, the Prince seem'd to have a strong­er inclination than ever he had before to return into his own Country. Age and Labour incline us naturally to seek for rest. He often said, that he had heard his Father declare, That when a man is five and forty, if Fortune hath favour'd him till then, he ought, if he be wise, to rest satisfied with the favours he hath received, and endeavour only to preserve what he hath, than to get more. That unconstant Fortune at that age is apt to change as suddenly as our bodies, and that the wrinkles, which appeared upon his face, told him, that his youthful [Page 200] days began to pass away, and that this decline made him fear that Fortune would retake from all that she had given him. He was the more earnest and pas­sionate to return home, because he was resolved to imbellish the City of Samarcand, and eternize there his name and memory; for that purpose he saught every where for all skilful Artists, and men of in­dustry, and of comely Bodies and Countenances, to carry them to this City, that they might adorn it, and cause it to be distinguish'd from all others. As this had been his Cradle he was resolved to make it his Tomb, and to restore to the same ground, that which he had borrowed from it. A certain Heathen, unto whom the Prince had shewn the stately Sepulcher, that he built for his body, which this man wondred at, and ask'd him, where he would build another for his Soul. The Prince, with his eyes lifted up towards heaven, answered him, That his Soul should return to the place from whence it was taken, seeing that it was of a Divine Sub­stance.

I may take notice of one remarkable passage more, he was reproved by a noted Priest of the Mahome­tan Faith, because he forced not all the People that he subdued to make profession of the same Religi­on. My Friend, replied Tamerlan to him, I shall ne­ver do that. I cannot but think that God delights in the diversity of Religions amongst men. He hates only those that have no Religion, or that deny him, such Per­sons I would willingly banish out of the World. It is not but that I am fully perswaded, that the way and method of my worshipping of him is the most pleasing to him. But I shall give liberty to every one in all places of my Empire to adore him as they all believe that he [Page 201] ought to be, in case their intent be to honour him alone and not to disgrace him by irreverence.

Therefore he thought that every one ought to continue in the Religion where he was born, and brought up, in case one only God was worship­ped. I thought fit to publish these particulars of Tamerlans Religion, for there was no man, that spoke of God with more respect and dread, which was so great, that none could imagine a more sin­cere and more extraordinary devotion than that which he expressed outwardly.

To return to the history. The Emperour received news that Calibes, in whole place the great Chamber­lain govern'd the Army, was in his way and near Alexandria, which report caused an universal joy all over the Army, for his coming was likely to hasten their departure to their native Country, where they should rest from their labours and dangers, after the conquests of so many Nations. Axalla was commanded at the same time to return with his Army, and the par­ties that were dispersed abroad had orders sent them to gather together in one body: the Emperor thought fit to take out of Alexandria seven or eight thousand Inhabitans, placing other people in their stead, and to leave in Garrison six thousand horse and ten thousand foot.

Whiles these things were doing Calibes arrived, and was received by the Prince in that kind man­ner, that his services had deserved, he gave him his Commission and Instructions what to do in his absence, and placed him under him as his Lieute­nant General, in Alexandria, and the Country round about. Zamolzan a man of great reputation, he ap­pointed forty thousand horse and fifty thousand [Page 186] foot, to remain behind with Calibes. Some of them were placed in Garrisons, in the strong Castles, and near the Sea-side, and the rest were to be in readiness together in one body, and to be com­manded by Zamolzan until Calibes should return from Cairo, whither the Prince intended to lead him, to take possession there of his Government of Aegypt and Syria, and of all the Countries of Lybia and Barbary, which had submitted to him.

When the Emperour had thus settled all things, and understood, that all his new subjects were ravish'd in admiration of his kindness, moderation and justice, and were not sorry to be govern'd, and overcome by a Prince so worthy to command, because of his rare qualities, and good inclinations, when he had caused the Inhabitans of Cairo, Alex­andria, and Syria, and of the Country thereabouts, to swear to be faithful to him, he caused his Army to march homewards.

The Van was commanded by Axalla, and the body of the Army, by the Prince of Tanais; he had given his orders to Calibes, how he desired that he should behave himself in his Government, and at his departure he embraced him as a friend. From Cairo he marched strait to Jerusalem, whither he returned with few of his followers, he staid there eleven dayes to visit again the Sepulcher of Jesus Christ the God of Christians, every day he went thither to perform his devotions He caused also some of the Ground of this place to be carried with him to Samarcand to honour and sanctifie, as he said the places there of devotion.

He visited again the ruines of the Temple of Solo­man, that he might after that model build one like [Page 187] to it, at Samarcand. When he considered this Ci­ty which heretofore was the Royal Palace of Da­vid and Solomon, he lamented to look upon the ruines, because it was not yet in its former splendor and glory, which caus'd it to be admired heretofore by all the World. Such was the Love and Inclina­tion, that he had for things esteem'd Holy and Reli­gious. He had a contempt for the Jews and could not endure them, for he expressed a detestation of their cruelty in murdering him, who came to save them. The Emperour therefore out of his affecti­on for Jerusalem, made it a free City without taxes, or subsides, or Garrison. He gave great gifts to the Monasteries, whom he respected while he con­tinued there.

As soon as the great Chamberlain was received as General in the Army, which Calibes had left him, he went to besiege Meleg, a Town scituate up­on the River Euphrates, but when he had batter'd the Walls and reduc'd the Inhabitants to great wants, he was forced to raise the Seige, for the City was re­leived by the Princes of Quillean and Caldar, and others, who had united together, being thereunto incouraged by a false report that the Emperour had been defeated. This news had caused all the neighbouring Provinces to rise up in Arms; before they were afraid to stir, but now they gathered to­gether in an Army and march'd against the great Chamberlan to fight him, he had no orders from Ta­merlan to adventure his Army in a battle, he there­fore retreated back and retrench'd himself along the River Euphrates, waiting there for the coming of the Enemies. They attempted several times in vain, to force him to go out of the Trenches. But he [Page 204] sent News to the Emperour of the present posture of his affairs, that he might have some succour sent him, for he thought that the Enemies would not be so bold to adventure upon him in his strength. But they were so proud to have obliged him to depart from before Meleg, that they resolved to assault his Camp, and the rather, because they imagin'd that they had filled his Army with fears and apprehensi­ons. They thought to succeed and to increase thereby the Glory of their Souldiers, because the Chamberlain was but a young man, whom they judg­ed to be without experience in War, and fitter for a peaceable Court, where he had been train'd up, than for a Camp and an Army. They had ne­ver been so bold if Calibes had yet command­ed there, for amongst all the Commanders of Ta­merlan, Calibes was look'd upon to be the most ex­perienced and valiant Captain next to Axalla. In a morning therefore they lodg'd their Army near the Chamberlains Camp. He had given a strict com­mand that no Soldier should offer to go out, but to resist stoutly if they were assaulted. He drew up all his men in order of battle, and with the advice and direction of some of his chief Officers placed them in such a manner that he could succour and relieve them in any place, where they might be as­saulted, in this posture they waited for the Enemy, who made to them with fury and great cryes. There was fifty thousand foot divided into two parties, that they might attack the Camp in two several places. But the Tartarian Camp was so ordered that there was a place for the Cavalry to go out and fight under the shelter of the Trenches. The E­nemies had not minded it, therefore they had sent [Page 205] away theirs beyond a small River, whether they imagin'd that the Tartars would retreat in haste, for fear of their foot, and by that means they would pursue and cut them off. In the Chamberlains Camp were eighteen thousand horse and forty thousand foot, with a great deal of baggage and many prisoners, whom the great Chamberlain had caused to work so briskly in the Trenches, that they were stronger than the Walls of the Town of Meleg. The fight last­ed three hours, the Tartars defended themselves bravely. And so many of the Enemies Army were destroyed, that the Chamberlain imagin'd that he was able to assault them in his turn; for that purpose, whiles his men dallied with the assailours, to keep them in heart, he commanded out his Cavalry by that way mentioned before, which broke in up­on the Enemies infantry, so furiously, that they killed them at their pleasure, till they were weary. At that instant he understood that the Enemies Horse were coming back over the River to help their foot, which caused him to sound a retreat into the Trenches, for he was not willing to hazard any thing but upon good terms, knowing that this Cavalry was composed of thirty thousand men. The Enemy lost this day five and twenty thousand of their best Souldiers, not only by the sally of the Horse, but also at the assaulting of the Camp. The General or chief Commander of this expedition, being the King of Armenia named Elea­zar, lost his Life in giving great testimonies of his courage and valour.

As soon as the Emperour had received the news sent to him from the great Chamberlain of the rising of the Princes of Persia and Armenia, and of the re­lief [Page 190] of Meleg, he dispatched away Axallae with the Parthians Cavalry, but he had not marched three dayes journy, but he received the news of their overthrow. He sent word of it to Tamerlan expecting at Damascus other orders.

As soon as the Emperour understood these things he caused them to be publish'd abroad, and sent word to Calibes, that he might, by dispersing the news amongst the Troops, satisfy all discontented minds, who were perswaded that the Chamberlains Army was totally defeated, the Emperour expressed more joy of this Victory than for all that he ever won in his own person, some think that it proceeded from a satis­faction to have not been mistaken in the choice he made of the great Chamberlain, to act in an employ that seem'd to be beyond the capacity of a young man, for had he miscarried many would have ex­claimed against the Prince, to have pitched upon him, his wise conduct and valour won him the praises of every one, and of Tamerlan also, who could not forbear to commend him. It was then report­ed that the Emperour having a great desire to re­ [...]urn to his Kingdome and Patrimony, that he might secure it by his presence; for fear that a longer absence or some other disgrace, should beget an in­clination in some of his people to be troublesome, was resolved for the future to govern his Armies by his Lieutenants, and therefore before the Winter he would pass over the Mountains of Imaus. He sent orders to Axalla to return and stop in the road, in all strong places of Judea he places his Garrisons, and in Syria. Of other Cities that he had no mind to guard he pulled down the Walls, some people whom he suspected, he carried with him, put others [Page 191] in their room, and in several Provinces he made new Collonies, as he had done in Aegypt and else­where. He sent home about this time, the succours of the Greek Emperour, he caused the meanest Souldier to receive his pay, and treated so liberal­ly the Officers of the late Prince Andronicus, that they departed wonderfully well satisfied, that Tamerlan was as much to be admired for his mag­nificences: And gratitude, as for his other rare qualities, about this time his Chancellour, whose ad­vice he followed in many things, moved him in this juncture of time, to seize upon the Empire of Greece before he returned to Tartary, shewing him how needful those Countries would be to him, now that he had conquered the Territories of the Sultan, that great Princes are not to keep their word and promises, no longer than they are useful for their Countery. He represented to him, that he was the man, whom all the World look'd upon, as their Prince, that many Nations lived peacably under his protection, that he ought not to neglect an advantage which would procure to the Parthians and Tartarians much honour and glory, and that it was needful for him to take that Empire into his hands, that he might make Constantinople, the chief seat of all the conquered Countries, that he might have nothing but the Sea to limit his do­minions. Tamerlan returned him this answer, that he desired that the Empire of the Parthians might have narrower bounds in observing the rules of Justice, than to inlarge them by the commission of a crime. That the Emperour of Greece was his friend, his neighbour and his Ally, that if he did offer to forget himself, and break the bonds of aimity [Page 208] that tied them together, and the faith which had been solemnly sworn, he would make him experi­ence his power, and that God would doubtless as­sist him in the prosecution of a just cause. I think, said he, to him, my friend, I cannot do any thing more honourable, and more glorious, for my Em­pire and for the Parthian Nation, than to make Posterity to understand, that an Emperour of that Nation came from a far Country on purpose to give a check to the boldness, and insolency of Bajazet, and to free the Nobility of Greece from his unmerciful Tyranny, and though I could have taken all their Country into my hand with ease, I have abstained from the surprisal of a Great Em­pire, and of the most beautiful City of the world, so that I have neglected all the motions of ambition to follow the rules of Justice and equity, I may with reason boast, that I have not gained a more glori­ous Victory than this, though I have conquered so many Nations and differing people, and that my Armies have alwayes been happy and successful. It is an ordinary thing to win battles, and subdue Kingdomes, and Empires, many have performed these things before me, but few of those Conquer­ours are to be found, who have caused their ambi­tion to submit, and be ruled by their justice, they have for the most part when power was in their hands for their conveniency, seized upon other mens estates, and plundered the Provinces belong­ing to other men. I shall recommend this example to Posterity, that equity hath been alwayes the rule of my actions, the faith I keep to my enemies makes them to become my most assured friends, what ef­fect, think you, that it will have upon those who are [Page 209] already mine, Will not my honourable and just proceedings secure and increase my well wishers? Approve therefore my dealing, and perswade me not for the future to act contrary to it. The Chancel­lour, who was a wise man, but inclinable to ambi­tion, submitted to such strong reasons and departed.

He told Alhacent immediately after all the parti­culars of this discourse, he hath therefore inserted it in his History, that the World might know the excel­lent temper and the noble courage of this Prince. Therefore he, who shall see in him so many rare ver­tues, will not easily ascribe, to meer chance or blind fortune, which favours wicked men as often as it doth the best natures, his great successes and glori­ous conquests: but he will doubtless confess, that his prosperities were blessings of Heaven, and rewards of his Piety and Vertues in this life.

When the Emperour was at Damascus, he ut­terly ruined that City, because it had resisted him, his Army lodg'd there eight days. Axalla, who expected him there, had orders to send six thousand horse to the assistance of the great Chamberlain: That he might pass more securely and more bold­ly over Euphrates to the siege of Meleg, he took it in three days as well as Raffan. All the Coun­try thereabouts submited to the Prince, but chief­ly the Cities upon the River Euphrates. The Prince of Tanais commanded his party to stay for him at the passage, that he might march with all his forces together towards the Emperour, who embraced him very kindly, and in the presence of all his chief Offi­cers, extolled his valour and courage. He sent him afterwards to his Government with order to send back the six thousand horse, which had been sent to [Page 210] him, that they might joyn with the Van-guard com­manded by Axalla, from whence they had been taken The whole Army marched in a line, Axalla upon the right hand, the great Chamberlain upon the left, and the Emperour in the middle of the Troops. The Prince of Tanais was with him, I shall not busie my self in reckoning up all the Cavalry and Com­panies of Infantry in the Army, nor the great Cap­tains and Princes who commanded there, for fear of being too prolix in this narration. I shall on­ly say, that the Emperour arrived at Meleg, where he went over Euphrates and separated ten thousand horse and fifteen thousand foot, to send back to Cali­bes, that he might use them in case of need. The Prince of Aracen had the command of them.

He was ordered first to march to Babylon and take it. The Emperour remain'd still at Meleg, to wait and see the success of this Commission from Babylon, the Prince of Aracen was to send to Calibes to know whether he should not want greater assistances, for Tamerlan had notice that the Sultan was in mo­tion with a strong party. Calibes sent word that he saw no likelihood of any Rebellion, because from all parts everyone submitted to the Empire of Tamer­lan. After a few days repose, in the same place, he caus'd his Army to march directly towards Armeni [...] sending a party through Diabreroth, to chastise some petty Kings, who had revolted from him, and sub­due the Provinces that reach as far as the mouth of Euphrates. All these things succeeded very happily and the little Kings sent their Ambassadours to yield and promise him obedience. But for the better un­derstanding of this History, we must know that since the Christian or Roman Empire, these people had [Page 211] been govern'd sometimes by the Turks, sometimes by the Sultans, now by the Caliphs, at another time by the Lieutenant Generals of the Romans, so has the strongest alwaies held and commanded them▪ they were continually pillaged and ruined by the se­veral invasions of Forreign Armies. But the Em­perour seized into his hands the passages over Eu­phrates, that he might with more case succour Aegypt in case of need, which happen'd but little after, for the Army was not farther than Armenia, when a mes­senger came post from Calibes to desire help. The Prince of Aracen was immediately dispatch'd and sent towards Aegypt, and Tamerlan went himself to Babylon, to terrifie the more the Inhabitants in case they would offer to withstand him, and to assure them of his bounty and mercy in case they would ac­cept of it. He sent away Axalla with the Vanguard in the way towards Armenia, to proceed on without contrary orders.

In Eleven dayes Tamerlan marched to Babylon, which yeilded, as all other places thereabouts. He appointed the great Chamberlain to fortifie Rome­dat, because it was an advantageous post, and gave him the Government of all the Country, near Euphrates as far as Armenia, recommending to him the Inhabitants of Babylon, who had shewn a great respect to their new Master, for they were for the most part descended from the Tartars. For this City heretofore was taken by the Prince of Sa­chetay his Father, who transported thither a Par­thian Collony to s [...]cure it, but since that time▪ they were so much vex'd by the Persians and Ma­melucks, that they were obliged to submit to them▪ Nevertheless, they had a great affection for their [Page 212] Country, and a remembrance of their Country-men: for this cause, was the Prince favourable to them, and look'd not upon their City as a conquered place, but as his own Patrimony newly recover­ed from the Enemy. It was first taken by Sa­hali, one of his Fathers Lieutenant Generals, who had left a good name and esteem behind him in Sachetay, because of his great services that he ren­der'd to his Country. From this City the Prince made haste towards Armenia, for Axalla had sent him word that a Persian Prince, named Guines, was com­ing to make peace with him, and render him ho­mage for his Country. This news caused him with all speed to march towards him, and out of a respect to him to meet him in the way. For Tamerlan had a great esteem for him, because of his reputation of holiness, he thought him­self happy to be acquainted with such a religious and devout person. He left the conduct of the Army with the Prince of Tanais to follow him, softly advancing before to the place where Axalla waited for Guines to receive and welcome him.

The Emperour had also dispatched the Prince of Liseaceau and his Chancellour, to assure him of his affection and joy to see him. For he was re­solved to shew him all the honour that he could possibly express, and to gratifie him in all things. Tamerlan had news brought him that he was hard by coming to him with a mean attendance ac­companied with beasts of all kinds with which, he said, he instructed men. The Emperour went to meet him in great State.

As soon as Guines perceived him at a distance, he lifted up his eyes to Heaven, and prayed for the Prin­ces [Page 213] greatness, and the propagation of his Prophets Re­ligion, but he excommunicated and cursed the Turks, as the Enemies of his Faith. The Emperour was surprised to see him in such a contemptible garb and appearance, but he was so far from despising him for it, that he honoured him the more. And because he was naturally a great admirer of such sort of people, he gave him a present which the other accepted with Joy. He gave him fifteen or sixteen thousand Prisoners taken from the E­nemy, that he might instruct them in the Prin­ciples of his Religion. This gift was so much the more grateful to him, because thereby his power increas'd, and he hoped to make these men imi­tate his manners and receive his Doctrine. But this seeming devotion was not so pleasing to the Courtiers, as it was to the Emperour. For they had good reason to blame the proceedings of this Persian Prince, who, under a colour of holiness and piety, knew how to take from his neighbours their Country and Estates.

They blamed also Tamerlan, for suffering him­self to be cozen'd with his hypocrisies, and go­vern'd by that subtil Bigot. But when all things are considered, that reverence that is due to Reli­gion, and Tamerlans charitable thoughts of others answerable to his own sincerity, will cause all won­der to cease, for his undeserved respects to this great Cheat. I am not of opinion of those that be­lieve that a Sovereign Prince might ought not to have so much regard to Religion, for it is a thing that never any man had cause to complain of.

It was not without design that Guines visited the Emperour with all that outward appearance of hu­mility [Page 214] and devotion. Onely his private bene­fit caused him to take on this Mask. He was not strong enough to maintain a neutrality or stop the passage of the Army. He desired therefore to insinuate himself into the favour, and obtain the protection of its chief Commander. And as he found the Prince inclinable to Piety, he thought that the best means to secure his interest would be to make a profession of Vertue and Religi­on. He seldome went from the Emperours Elbows, and declared himself to be the Pro­tectour of the Nations that confine upon Persia, exhorting them all to imitate his example, and yield obedience to the Emperour. This forced and interested humility proved advantageous to him and to his successours, for it laid a foundati­on to his and their future greatness, by his means all Persia submitted to him, Tauris onely except­ed. This is a great rich and powerful City, hav­ing a great many Towns belonging to it. It was governed by a Commonwealth, and could not suffer the rising greatness of Guines, whose designs it labour'd to thwart.

There was a Captain named Talismahar chosen by the Inhabitants, for the General of their Mi­litia. And at that juncture of time they had made him their Soveraign to command them in chief. This Captain understood how welcome Guines had been to the Prince, and that without doubt, he would not fail to solicite him, to be­siege Tauris, and alter the Government. But he hoped that Tamerlan, very passionate for his return, would not insist nor continue obstinate in this de­sign, if he should perceive the people resolved in a couragious defence.

[Page 215]As soon as he had setled every thing in his new principality, he dispatched away Embassadours to Tamerlan to understand his intentions. They had orders to tell him, that Guines by a pretence of devotion and reformation in Religion, usurp­ed the lands of his neighbours, and by a damnable hypocrisie seized upon other mens estates and in­heritances. The Emperour seem'd to be surpris­ed to hear that which he desired not to believe concerning Guines, and sent back word to Talis­mahar, to come to him in person, and accuse Guines of the things he laid to his charge. He sent him also word, that he intended to re-enter into the possession of his ancient Rights in Persia, and that he would force all those that would offer to with­stand him or refuse to render what belong'd to him. He was very attentive to the Embassa­dours discourse, for by it, he discover'd the means to enlarge his Empire through their divisions. He understood likewise, That the Cloak of Religi­on is fit to hide many base Cheats. But he would not discover his intentions, only he march'd forward with Guines in his company, and wheresoever he went, all people and persons submitted and yield­ed obedience. According to his usual custome, he put new Colonies into all fortified Towns, which might give him any jealousie. The exam­ample of Guines had a great influence upon all the Inhabitants, to oblige them to obey Tamerlans Commands.

But his most earnest desire was to get Tauris, a considerable City, for its greatness, strength, and power, and the chief of the Country. He endea­voured to win it by policy, for he sent thither his [Page 216] Agents to promise Talismahar, another Govern­ment in his Empire. Which doubtless, he would have accepted willingly, had it not been for Guines, his mortal Enemy, whom he saw so welcome to the Prince. The fear therefore of his malice, caused him to perswade the Inhabitants to endure all mi­series rather than to fall under the command of that false Prophet. The Emperour was vexed to understand their resolution, and that Guines's fa­vour with him and company was the greatest obstacle to the surrending of this great City. Ta­merlan acquainted him with it very kindly to be sooner rid of him, for that purpose he loaded him with honours and gifts, and obliged him to return to his own Country after fourteen or fifteen days abode with him, Guines's Country stretches it self from Sancausan, as far as the Caspian Sea. Axalla was then commanded to go forward with his Vanguard into the Territory of Tauris, to de­stroy all that should offer to make any resistance with fire and sword. By this means, and the ad­vice of Guines, he subdued the Provinces of Glau­ture and Taperestan, which till then resisted the de­signs and invasions of the Tartars.

As soon as Talismahar understood that the Ar­my was approaching into his Country, he resolv­ed to draw towards them with his Cavalry and Infantry to strengthen the places which might stop and hold out against the Enemy. He had with him thirty thousand good stout horse able to make resistance, commanded as they were by an experienced General. The Tartarian Army was tired out with their tedious journey and con­tinual march besides they wanted provisions in [Page 217] this season, in the beginning of the winter not fit for a Camp. But Talismahar was chiefly troubled at the unconstancy of the Inhabitants of Tauris, who were inclinable, if any mishap should fall upon his Army, to rise in armes against him and mutiny in the City. This apprehension staid him in the place, and caused him to send against the Tartars his Cavalry, under the command of his Lieute­nant, named Camares, a man of experience and faithful. He order'd him to weary his enemies as much as possible, and not to venture to fight, but upon surprizals, and in cases of advantage. For Talismahar knew for certain, that a great Ar­my, that must needs cover over a great compass of ground, could not but scatter about. His de­sign therefore was to cut off the loose Troops and the skirts of the Army.

The Emperour foresaw his intent, therefore he wisely commanded Axalla to be upon his guard, and to take heed lest his men should be surprized unawares, for he was already in the Country be­longing to Tauris, and had sent his summons to a Town, named Cafechion, which Camares had strengthen'd with a party of Souldiers. The Go­vernour refused to yield, which caus'd Axalla to block up the place, and with all speed he raised a mount on a sudden, from whence the Tartars dis­covered their enemies upon the walls, and killed great numbers of them. But this disadvantage was so far from affrighting them, that it seem'd to encourage them the more. So that Axalla weary of their obstinacy commanded a general As­sault, which forced them rather by the numbers of the besiegers, than for want of courage in the [Page 218] besieged. The Tartarians spared none within the Walls, but kill'd every man. Whiles they were busily imployed in plundering the Town, Cama­res arriv'd with a party of horse to relieve it, not knowing that it was taken. In his way he met with ten thousand Horse sent to wait in the road. For Axalla had imagin'd he would make this at­tempt. Camares sent four thousand of his men to attack them, which they performed so couragi­ously, that they drove them to their body of horse, where Axalla was in person: in the mean whiles Camares staid with the rest of his Army in good order, animating and encouraging his men. But when he saw what had happen'd, he was afraid of the coming of the whole Tartarian Army, there­fore he sounded a retreat, and marched still in good order, with an eye upon Axalla's motion not to be surprized. This experienced Captain soon perceived his intent, therefore he order'd six thousand Parthian horse to follow close after him, and to assault▪ if they could, the enemies Cavalry, which was accord­ingly performed with courage. The fight there­fore was renewed between these six thousand Par­thians and the four thousand enemies horse with­out any appearance of victory on either side, but they still continued in their retreat observing a good order till they came to the passage of a River, where Camares seem'd to intrench himself; for that purpose he drew up all his men in order of battel, and seized upon all the passages sending often his Troops to relieve them that were too hardly be­set by the Tartarians: but in the mean while Ax­alla had caused his Infantry to advance, and to force one of the passages, but they found that Camares [Page 219] with his men were gone a great way, having left behind them a garrison in Gorgechin, a small Town, able to hold out eight or ten dayes; this was the way that he took to weary and tire out the Tarta­rian Army: besides he made a destruction every where of provisions and fodder, that his enemies Army might meet with no relief in their march, hoping by this crafty proceeding to lengthen the war. But the Inhabitants of Gorgechin had no such re­solution, they had fresh before their eyes the sad ex­ample of a neighbouring Town sufficiently punish­ed for its obstinacy in resisting the Tartarian Ar­my, they were not willing to fall into the same calamity, but to improve the folly of their neighbours. This caused them to desire to capi­tulate, which was granted, and the Town yielded up.

Axalla there understood that Camares was at Archiech, ten leagues off. He detached ten thou­sand Parthian Horse, six thousand Scythian, and ten thousand chosen Stradiots to see to surprize him. The better to compass his design he sent a report before, that Gorgechin did yet hold out a­gainst him in expectation of being relieved, only to cause Camares to stay. He advanced still with that chosen party, and gave order to the rest of his Army to follow speedily after him. By this subtle­ty he surprized the Enemies unawares in a morn­ing, as they lay encamped about a Country Town. In the way he met with a thousand Horse, whom he put to flight, and pursued as far as their Camp. Then he drew up his men in battle, in the avenues and wayes thereabouts, that his enemies might not escape without fighting. And because they [Page 220] were so pen'd up, that there was but one way for Camares to retreat with his Army. Axalla placed there all his infantry in the enemies view: when he understood that Camares had nothing but horse with him, he caused several Trenches to be drawn to hinder the horse from getting out. Of all these passages he had sent word to the Emperour, who was marching speedily after him, having sent before in all haste, the Prince of Tanais, with twenty thousand horse.

Camares thought that the whole Army had sur­rounded him, seeing therefore a necessity, either to yield without resistance, or fight with disad­vantage, there being but one way for him to e­scape out, which was also strongly guarded, he re­solved to save himself betimes. For that purpose he had made a Trench a long a little hill, under which he drew up his men with a full purpose to break through four thousand Tartarian horse pla­ced there to guard that passage. He thought that he could easily cut in pieces so small a number, that stood in his way, Therefore about midnight, the Moon yielding a great light, as Axalla was ri­ding about to visit his Guards with two thousand Horse, he understood, that the Enemy was kind­ling fires about that Trench. He soon perceived their intent, therefore he gave orders to have all his Horsemen ready mounted. This could not be so soon done, but the enemies were making a way through the Guards at the passage. They assaulted them at first with two thousand Horse, who found the Tartars for the most part a foot and unprovi­ded, so that they easily ran over them. But as they were advancing, they met with another [Page 221] Trench which had been drawn in opposition to theirs. This stopp'd them a while and gave time and leasure to the Tartars to arm and succour their Companions. Their enemies wanted no courage to resist and assault them, for they won the Trenches, which they laboured with the assistance of some foot to level. In this place the hurly burly was great, and the fight bloudy, for the Infantry being sud­dainly broken, could not easily rally, but were al­most all cut in peices. But as they advanced fur­ther than they should have done they gave an oc­casion and time to six thousand of Axalla's horse, who were upon Guard about half a mile distant, to come in good time to charge them in disorder.

In this manner Camares passed over the first Trenches, and was advancing forward to disingage his men, when Axalla came in suddainly to him with two or three thousand horse, whom he had found ready, seeing therefore the danger of his men he charged without dispute, the enemy who was looking about for a way to retreat with no in­tent to hazard a battle. Doubtless, they had es­caped through a passage, where they thought there had been no body, if they had not met with six thousand men, whom Axalla had appointed to stop there. Cameres attackt them in vain, he was dri­ven back with loss, which caused him to try ano­ther place lower with a purpose to fight his way through, if he could not break through otherwise. When he saw himself pursued so close at the heels by Axalla, with seven thousand Parthian horse and Stradiots, he faced about with twelve or thirteen thousand men that he had yet left, and then like a furious beast in despair, he fell upon Axalla's par­ty. [Page 222] In this moment of time he shewed his wis­dome and courage, and received the enemies charge without losing much ground. At the second charge Axalla's horse was killed under him with a Lance, but he was as soon mounted again, had it not been for the coming in of Damacen, whom he expected, and who had orders to follow him with eight or ten thousand fresh horse, he had been forced to a retreat. When this party came in they found Axalla's men broken, though they yet obstinately held out against the furious enemy. But the coming of these fresh Troops, routed and utterly defeated them. When Camares saw unto what necessity he was dri­ven, he endeavoured to rally all his broken Army, and to make way through his enemies, but in this last attempt, he was killed in the fight perform­ing actions worthy of an immortal Name. All this was done in the night by the light of the Moon. The Prince of Tanais was then in the Camp to guard it. The next day the Emperour himself arrived, where the battle was fought, when he saw the number of the slain, he could not sufficiently praise Axalla for his wisdome, care, and carriage, but he would not pardon the unworthi­ness, the negligence, and slothfulness of those Captains, that were then upon the Guard, who had been surprized unawares. He caused two to be examin'd and tried, they were found guilty, and punished according to the Law of Arms.

The Inhabitants of Archiecho had received in­to their Town, five or six thousand of the sad re­mains of the Persian Army, but when they saw the rest defeated, and Camares head they had no courage to withstand or make resistance, they de­sired therefore Articles.

[Page 223]The Emperour granted them peace upon condi­tion, that those Souldiers, that were within their Walls, should not return to Tauris, but to any o­ther place whither they desired to go. They intreat­ed leave to march to Lovain, and promised to per­form whatsoever the Inhabitants of Tauris should agree to. This misfortune of Camares astonish'd them all, they could not but wonder that he had shut himself up. If he had had, as they thought, more discretion, he had easily found work for the E­nemy a while, and doubtless in a retreat he might have met with an opportunity to fall upon the Tar­tars with advantage. At that instant the Empe­rour caused his Army to decamp, and went to lodge at eight leagues from Tauris. The body of the Army was at Sederva, and the Van at Chiara.

As soon as Axalla had appeared with his Van­guard, before the Walls of Tauris. The whole City was full of fears, but much more when Tamerlan had sent in a Trumpeter with a message. They were then in their Town house. The faction of Guines, though the weakest began to lift up their heads, when they saw the contrary party troubled, requiring earnestly that the Emperours commands might be obeyed. When they saw the others wa­vering they seized upon one of the Gates of Tau­ris, resolved to let in Tamerlan with his Army, for they trusted in his generosity and good disposition. But that we may better understand in what trouble these people were in, we must know that as soon as they heard that Tamerlan was upon their bor­ders, they chose Talismahar for their Prince, who before had been but their General. They swore to [Page 224] him to die rather a thousand deaths than to yield to the Empire of the Tartars, or to hearken to any accommodation, when they saw how all things were changed, they repented of their former re­solution, and of the choice they had made so un­constant are the minds of the common people. They were so much the more dissatisfied with Talismahar, because before he had declared that he was strong enough, not only to withstand the Tartarians, but also to drive them again into their Country. Now all these promises seem'd to be but vain, on the contrary they saw the enemies Army victorious and full of many sorts of people, Cama­res and his men lately overthrown, and the Tartars drawing near their Walls to block them up and punish them, if they offered to resist. They knew also that the Emperour had sent them word that if they would submit to him, he would deal with them kindly, and not suffer the Army to approach nearer than four leagues of their City. Their Priests were the most obstinate to hold out, for fear of being constrain'd to submit to the reformation of Guines. But his superstitions began to appear less frightful to these Inhabitants. They common­ly said to one another: Shall we for fear of that which may chance never to happen, run headlong in­to our certain ruine? Shall we be any longer cozen'd with the promises of our new Prince, who hath been defeated? Have we not heard of the plundering of Cairo, and of the many Towns which Tamerlan hath conquered? Who knows whither he will force us to be under Guines? Whither he will not rather choose to keep us in his own hands, that we may watch over that ambitious Prince, whose wicked designs, he perceive [...] [Page 225] cloak'd with an appearance of Devotion and counter­feit Piety? Let us free our selves from these fears by a bold resolution. Let us acknowledge him for our Lord, who is the greatest of all men, and is best able to maintain us in Peace and Plenty.

These discourses were openly spoken amongst the people, and the chief men were not against this resolution, though they found themselves a­ble to hold out a siege of three months and more, but they knew at last that they should be forced to yield, for to expect Tamerlans Death, a young and lusty Prince, was a folly which they could not entertain. Therefore they concluded that the on­ly means to save themselves was to submit to him. Axalla, who was the nearest to the City, was inform­ed of the things that happen'd there, by his spies, he was careful to let the Emperour know all. He thought it not expedient to be too hasty in this juncture, whiles so many differing passions di­sturb'd the Inhabitants of Tanais, because they would oblige them to surrender and yield up their City. When the faction of Guines saw the Citi­zens irresolution, they sent Deputies to Tamerlan to understand his pleasure, and know what he would grant them. This faction was scarce the sixth part of the Inhabitants, but a body politick, as well as physick, cannot be wounded in one of its members, but the whole must suffer an alterati­on, division in a politick body is a gangrene, which increaseth continually and devours the soundest part. When Talismahar understood of this deputation, which had been without his pri­vity, he knew not what remedy to apply to the publick distemper.

[Page 226]He saw a powerful enemy at the Gates, a great division in the City, he was loath to increase and anger it, and cause a general revolt by the punish­ment of the guilty. He chose rather with patience to withdraw himself, and observe at a distance how affairs would be transacted. It concerned the fa­ction of Guines not to stop where they had be­gun, therefore they concluded with the Emperour, though of themselves they could not make up above thirty thousand men in case of need, but the Prince had promised them all the assistance that they should want. So that when the Depu­ties were returned back, they proclaimed every where his mildness and goodness, that he intend­ed not to do any wrong to the City, and that he desired but a submission from the Inhabitants, and that the new Prince should be yielded up to him. They said moreover, that tho some fantastical Fools had elected him, they would not, to please their humour, lose and destroy such a flourishing City, and so many brave men. When the tumult increas'd by little and little, the chief Inhabitants were perswaded in their assembly to send for the Deputies of the faction of Guines, to hear from their mouth, what the Emperour had spoken to them. They came with a great Train of their followers, and declared publickly, that the Emperour had assured them that he would not injure their per­sons or goods. That he would preserve their Ci­ty in all its priviledges, in case they would own him for their Prince, and forsake him whom they had lately elected, and his party. As soon as these words were spoken every one cried out, Let the Em­perour live, and let them perish, who will not acknow­ledge [Page 227] him. The tumult increased and became so violent, that neither the Senators nor the other Magistrates, nor the fear of the Souldiers were able to hinder it from spreading all over the Ci­ty. Talismahar was fled into his Palace, and had it not been for some that desired him to stay with­in, and not meddle with publick business, he would have imployed his Authority to stop the Tumult. But then he found his own weakness, and took a resolution to depart out of the City into the Mountains. The Emperour was well informed of all th [...]se proceedings by Axalla, who went to acquaint him with his resolution, if he had ap­proved of it, to take Talismahar in his retreat. After a serious consideration the Emperour chose rather to suffer him to depart, and take Tauris with­out bloud shed, than to draw upon himself the [...]atred of the chief Inhabitants by the overthrow [...]nd Captivity of their late Prince. Therefore he commanded Axalla to let him escape, and suffer­ [...]d him not that day to send his Troops abroad. That the Citizens of Tauris might have more con­ [...]dence in him, when they saw him deal so mildly [...]nd lovingly with his Enemies.

The next night Talismahar departed out of Tau­ [...]is with some of his party, after he had governed as [...] Prince fifteen dayes, and as a General eight and [...]wenty years with a continual prosperity. He had [...]appily apposed and resisted the Tyranny and [...]uperstition of Guines. And he might have yet [...]efended himself from Tamerlan, had it not been [...]r Camares's overthrow and surprisal in a narrow [...]ace, without Walls or Infantry. There is no [...]tion of our humane life, which requires a grea­ter [Page 228] precaution and foresight than War, and yet events are very uncertain, and all things are ha­zardous. If Camares had continued in Tauris, and had not misemployed the forces that he led away, that Town had been able to withstand Tamerlan a­bove six months. And in so long a time there might chance some misfortune or alteration in so large an Empire, as that of this great Monarch, besides the most numerous Armies are ruined with long Sieges, Tamerlan's was tired out with a tedious march and continual labour. And the nearness of their own Country, from whence the Souldiers had been ab­sent so long, would have obliged many and tempt­ed them to disband and forsake their Colours, But the Princes good fortune had ordered matter [...] otherwise, and the destiny of Tauris was that i [...] should acknowledge another Lord without bloudshed. The new Prince Talismahar lately elected had doubtless many worthy qualities, and was mo [...] deserving of this Principality than Guines.

At last all the City of Tauris agreed together, t [...] send Deputies to the Emperour to intreat him [...] grant them eight days of respite, to treat with [...] Majesty about yielding up of that City into [...] hands, and the conditions. He made no dif [...] culty to grant this request. The Inhabitants h [...] desired this time, that they might find a way [...] to fall under the command of Guines, for they we [...] afraid, that he would force upon them his supers [...] tion, and the reformation of their Prophets La [...] Their Deputies were sent, and carried with the [...] th [...]se Articles, which they requested of Tamer [...] ▪ First, they intreated his Imperial Majesty to g [...] them a Governour of his own people, such a [...] [Page 229] as he thought most fit, promising him all obedi­ence, as the faithful Subjects of his Majesty, upon condition that they might not be separated from his Majesties Empire, nor be forced to yield to any other Prince, particularly Guines. This Article pleased the Emperour well, though he had suffered Guines to ex­pect, that he would give him the government of that Commonwealth. Secondly, they requested, that they might be maintained in the enjoyment of all their priviledges, as true Subjects of the Tartarian Em­pire, under which they desired to live and die, and belong to the successours of Tamerlan, and not to the Empire of Persia. The third related to the Tri­bute, which they were willing to pay, but intreat­ed his Majesty to moderate the taxes in regard of the continual Wars, which they had maintained a­gainst Guines, in defence of their own liberties.

The Emperour after the hearing of these re­quests granted them freely, and his design was to prevent all future mischiefs and divisions amongst these people, he enacted that every one should enjoy a freedome to embrace what Religion he liked best, whither that which was according to Guines's Rule, or the pure Law of Mahomet, or according to Haly's interpretation. And that the Jews and Christians likewise should have full liberty to pro­fess their Religions, as they had formerly.

All things being thus ordered, they submitted to the Prince, and the very next day three hundred of the chiefest Citizens, in the name of the other Inha­bitants took the Oath of Allegiance.

The Emperour was desirous to make his Entry into the City, for that purpose, he sent before him Axalla, with five thousand horse and thirty thou­sand foot, to provide all things needful. The In­habitants [Page 230] put all the fortifications into his hands, he took possession of the Gates of the Town, and caused all the Arms of the Citizens to be brought, and that without noise, for the people were perswaded that they should live in peace, under a Prince able to keep them in peace, and defend them against all enemies. When all things were ready, the Emperour arrived with much Pomp, and attended upon by all his Courtiers. He was received with great applause, and adored by every one.

Tamerlan was not a little joyful to have gained so great a City to his Empire without bloudshed, but the next day, the sad news of his Unkles de­cease dash'd all his joyes. The Empress sent him word, that his Death had occasioned some stirs in the Empire, but she had crush'd them, by the taking and imprisonment of the chief Authors. This loss afflicted him, but not so much as if he had not prepared to receive it. Had it not been for the great care of the Empress, the Old-man in his painful and tedious sickness had been carried away by Death long before. Tamerlan wisely suppressed his grief as well as the news, and would not suffer it to fly abroad in his Army for fear of any new motions: But he pitch'd upon Prince Axalla, in whom he placed his greatest confidence, to send him to the Empress to help her with his good ad­vice, and assist her as Lieutenant General, with a large Commission and Power, for he was well be­loved by, and had a great Authority with the Soul­diers. This faithful Servant left the Army and set forward with thirty thousand horse, publishing every where, that the Emperour followed him at the heels. But he staid sometime behind to se­cure his interest there, and frustrate as much as [Page 231] he could the intentions and designes of Guines, upon that Country.

Axalla, who hated all hypocrits, caused Tamer­lan to be perswaded, that this devout Knave aim­ed at the Monarchy of Persia. He wished him therefore to weaken as much as he could that mans faction. The Emperour was alwayes inclinable to believe that Guines was a very real and honest man, whatever was told him by others, therefore he could never be obliged to ruine or cross his affairs. This Indulgence and too great credulity, proved hurtful to the Princes Posterity, for while he was alive, Guines kept himself within the bounds of moderation, but after his decease, he published a­broad his ambitious intent. This is an excellent Lesson for the greatest Monarchs, who commonly look no farther than the time present, and are content with the submissions and outward homages which their vertue and reputation draw from such as stand in awe of them. They neglect to look into the time to come, and endeavour to secure for their posterity, things that Death is going to take from them. In truth the ruine of this faction of Guines, setled peace in the Kingdomes of Persia, and caus­ed Tamerlans successours to enjoy it a long while.

This subtil man had won the Chancellour, and some of the chief of the Emperours Council, by perswading them, that his manner of serving God was the most agreeable with the Law of the Prophet. Tamerlan had no intent to imitate it, but he would not contra­di [...] it. He sent for some of the most learned persons in the Law to reconcile the differences. At last when much time had been spent in vain, and he saw that the reconciliation was impossible, and that e­very [Page 232] one held to that interpretation which he fancied best he never attempted it any more. After this con­ference about Religion, he caused the Persians to take the [...]ath of Allegiance. He paid off his army, and re­warded every man according to his deservings. He gave the Government of Persia to the Prince of Ta­nais to command there, as his Vice-Roy, and left him b [...]sides, the Troops appointed for the guarding of the Province one hundred thousand foot, with orders to send them abroad to Winter in the Towns, as well to refresh his Souldiers as to oblige, by that means the whole Country to continue faithful to him. He led with him the rest of his Troops and Prisoners, for he had given a great many to Guines, to instruct them in his Religion, but this Hypocrite trained them up in War, and after Tamerlans death, used them with success to fur­ther his affairs in Persia. The Prince had Guines then with him, he laboured to perswade him, that his desire to have Rule, aimed at nothing, but the advancement of the Prophets Religion. Tamer­lan pretended to believe him, yet nevertheless Guines, a cra [...]ty man, perceived that the Emperour suspected and understood him. But to remove out of his mind this Jealousie of his person, he followed and attend­ed upon him every where, with great care and dilli­gence. He saw that his absence could in no case injury his affairs, and that the Tartarians would furnish him with wayes and methods to succeed in his purposes.

The Emperour perswaded also many great Lords of Persia to undertake with him a Journy to Samar [...]d. He was glad of their Companies, that he might draw them from their homes and cure them of their fierce­ness and haughty spirits, which made them look upon [Page 233] themselves, as so many petty Princes and Kings. He was willing that they should see his Court in all its glory, his Pomp and Magnificence, and by his mildness and kind dealing, oblige them to conti­nue faithful to his interest: this wrought so much upon them, that whiles he lived all Persia was obe­dient to him, and furnish'd a great many good Soul­diers to fight under his banners, and people out of its bosome to secure Syria, and the Sultans Country.

Tamerlan therefore having left the Prince of Ta­nais to govern Persia in his absence, he departed with his Troops towards Sachetay. This march of the Army was much like a Triumph: The prisoners went before, and amongst them was Ba­jazet the Turkish Emperour, who was chain'd for fear that he should offer violence to himself. This was an instance of the Worlds unconstan­cy, but his misfortune had neither made him milder, nor more tractable. In his lowest mise­ry, he abated nothing of his pride and haughty mind. All the people of the Country, through which Tamerlan passed, sung forth his praises, and loaded him with Prayers and Blessings for his Vi­ctories. At last he arrived at Samarcand with all the riches and spoils, and was received in a most glorious manner. Near two months were spent in feastings, playes, and all manner of publick rejoycings. The Emperour then called to mind a Vow that he had made, to build a most glorious Temple with an Hospital. Accordingly he now laid the foundations, and Dedicated it to the On­ly Immutable and Incomprehensible GOD. And for the better carrying on of the work, he had sent for all the able Artists, to employ them in build­ing [Page 234] this Temple and Hospital, and in other glo­rious structures for the embellishing of this great City, for he had an intent to enlarge Samarcand and to render it as big again as it was before, for that purpose, he had marked out the streets, and caused ground to be given to such as desired to build, and if persons, were poor and not able, he de­liver'd to them out of his Exchequer monies to carry on their work. He gave liberty to all pri­soners, that would dwell in the City, and settle their abode, and granted large priviledges to all the Citizens. And though he spent much time in ordering the affairs of this new City, he neglect­ed not to manage and preserve the affections of his Souldiers. He had caused all the names of the worthiest of them, who had behav'd themselves well, to be recorded, which Records he now called for, and, when they expected no such matter, he gave them gifts and things answerable to their behaviour and services, and promoted some to employments, sutable to their Capacities and Ta­lents.

Whiles he staid at Samarcand, the Auxilliary Troops of the Moscovites were refreshing them­selves. Afterwards he dismissed them with their full Wages, and desired them to return his thanks to their Prince. Sinopes, a Nephew of Prince Ax­alla, was ordered to conduct them through the Emperours Country, that they might not be dis­orderly, and to renew the Alliance with the Great Duke, that he might be secure of the borders of Pa [...]thia, whiles he should be further at a distance. At this time Tamerlan discovered in his privy Coun­cil the old Emperours death. He caused his ob­sequies [Page 235] to be performed in the most glorious man­ner, answerable to his Unkles deservings and gran­deur. He spent eight dayes in these funeral Cere­monies, and afterwards left Bajazet in the keeping of the Governour of Sachetay at Samarcand, to go and visit the Empress his Wife. But as his grea­test desire was to live in Peace and Union with his Neighbours and Allies, and to preserve the Coun­tries, that he had conquered, he thought fit for that purpose to send N [...]bazes one of his most un­derstanding Ministers to continue with the Prince of Tanais, and assist him with advice either in War or for the suppression of the Cabals, which might rise to disquiet his Government and Kingdome, or about the borders, and to help him to carry on the Emperours interest and designs. During his absence nothing had happened amiss, but he charg­ed Nobazes to have a special care, to cause order and discipline to be observed amongst his Soul­diers as the best means to make them capable of the services he expected from them.

The Emperour departed for Quinzay with all the Court, and his ordinary guard of forty thousand horse and threescore thousand foot. After several days march, he arrived through the acclamations and publick rejoycings of all the people at C [...]mba­lu, where he received the news of a battle won by Odmar, from one of the Generals of the King of China. He gave him an account by letters, that in pursuance of the Victory, he had taken three or four great Cities of that Kingdome. So that the King had been forced to sue for peace the second time, Odmar desired therefore instructions upon what conditions he should grant him peace.

[Page 236]The Emperour sent him these conditions, which he should require. That the King of China should pay him all the arrears of the Tribute of the for­mer years, unto which he was engaged by the first peace. That he should be obliged to come to him and render him homage, as a vassal of the Em­pire. That whiles he should be in the way the Army should depart. That all the Towns taken in this last War should be restored, three onely excepted at the Emperours choice. That for all other things, they should be reduced to the same condition as they were before this last break­ing out, and that upon this condition, he should pay the Emperours Army six moneths with all the charges of this War, which he had kindled of his own accord.

The Emperour at the same time considered how to reward Odmar for his services, he imagin'd no better way, than to promote him to the honour of his Alliance, by giving him his own Sister in Mar­riage. He sent her therefore with a stately equi­page and Train. So great a token of his respects and love he conceived, would ingage him the more, to be true, faithful, and careful, for his Princes in­terest and person, and the good of his Empire. It is not to be imagin'd with what state and in what glory Tamerlan was welcomed into Cambalu; for the Inhabitants of this great City, to take a­way from him the remembrance of their former rebellion, endeavoured, beyond all others, to express their zeal and affection for him. The Prince was so well pleased with them, that he restored all their priviledges, which had been taken from them during Calix's revolt. Every where when he [Page 237] passed by, there was nothing heard but Prayers and Blessings from all the people, and thankful ex­pressions from himself, for he labour'd to win the hearts of his Subjects of this great Empire, which was fallen into his hands. Not only the Towns and Cities did ring with applauses, and shouts of joy, but also the Country round about were glad to see him well and safely returned, when he passed by the Herds, these are certain Families, that have no setled abode, but wander up and down the fields, when they are weary in one place, they tra­vel to another, and alwayes stop where they meet with most grass for their Cattle.

The Empress came to Cambalu to meet the Em­perour, having left behind Axalla at Quinzay, to command in her absence. And because this great City is nearest to mount Althay, where the Scythian Emperours called Great Chams, are usually interred from this City. The Emperour caused the Corps of his deceased Unkle to be carried with all the Pomp and State imaginable. He himself follow­ed the Herse; and though it is not usual to see women in such occasions, he desired (to express more honor to her Father) that the Empress should accompany the body with him; they walked toge­ther. This he did, to give a greater authority to the Empress in the Eyes of the World, that in case God should take him away, before their Chil­dren were at Age▪ she might be thought worthy to govern the Empire during their minority, as he himself judged her, by all the publick signs, that he could give in all occasions. The Prince was so much taken with her behaviour and vertuous carri­age, that he would not love any other women, [Page 238] nor suffer his affections to wander up and down upon meaner objects. Here he had fixed his mind, here he had confined his desires and appetite. He look'd with contempt upon all other, neither their beauty, nor the charms of Wit, nor the amorous inclinations of the female Sex, could prevail upon his inflexible soul, and oblige him to that variety of amours, in which men of his Religion and Ele­vation commonly indulge themselves. For as he was naturally very chast, he intended no other thing by his Marriage, but to have Children to perpetuate his Name and Family, and succeed him in the Empire.

As soon as the funeral Ceremonies were over, and the Emperours Corps laid in the Sepulcher of his Ancestors, he returned to Cambalu, spend­ing the Winter in Races, in Tilts, and hunt­ing all manner of Beasts. He had pi [...]ched upon that City, as nearest to China, from whence he desired to hear News often, intending to go thither the following Summer, if necessity re­quired, for he was resolved to take care to pre­serve what he had Conquered there by his va­lour and good Fortune, and to enjoy the fruits of his Labours. He was likewise busie in per­fecting the buildings, that he had begun at Sa­marcand, and in compleating them as soon as he could.

In the mean while, Axalla dwelt at Quin­zay, well beloved of the Souldiers and Inhabi­tants. They had an affection for him, be­cause of his Mildness, Liberality, Courage, Justice, and other admirable qualities. They all knew what credit he had with the Empe­rour. [Page 239] Therefore they made their address to him, to intreat him, to perswade the Emperour that they might have the advantage to see him in their City, and to choose it, for to bring up the Prince his Son. At his request the Empe­rour granted them their desire, appointing Ax­alla to govern him with all the Country of Quinzay, as far as the Sea, beyond Cambalu, which contains above four hundred Leagues, and more than three hundred Cities, with an infinite number of Towns and Villages. This was properly the Empire of his deceased Un­kle. He made Axalla Lieutenant General un­der the Prince his Son, and made him like­wise the Governour of his person, so great a Confidence he had in his Virtue, Fidelity, and Abilities. In this manner he rewarded him, for his notable Services, and for the great Victo­ries that he had got for him, by his Vertue, Experience, and Courage. He looked upon him therefore as most able to teach his Son, the Art of Keeping and Governing those ma­ny Nations, which Axalla had helped to Con­quer.

CHAP. VII. Cairo relieved with Provisions and Souldiers, when besieged by the Sultan. His overthrow and Death. The Emperours Journey to Quinzay. The Set­tlement of his affairs in China.

WHiles the Emperour was ordering his affairs at Cambalu, news was brought him, that the Sultan had besieged Cairo three moneths with a powerful Army, and that the In­habitants of that great City, were so far from fa­vouring his designs, that they were very zealous and courageous in their defence for Tamerlans in­terest. For that purpose, he had placed there a great many strangers.

Without this precaution, doubtless in this jun­cture, there had been many Seditions and Plots for the betraying of the City, because Calibes had not then forces enough to oblige the Sultan to raise his Siege without other assistance. But in regard this business was of the greatest consequence for the Em­pires preservation, he sent to the Prince of Tanais, Vice-Roy of Persia to send him a party. This Prince was alwayes desirous to purchase glory, and ready to obey his Emperours orders, who had commanded him to assist his neighbour in time of need. He ga­thered up therefore his dispersed Troops, old Soul­diers, Parthians, and Tartars, to the Number of about one hundred thousand, who had accompanied the Emperour in all his Battles and Victories. They were desirous of Axalla's presence, but next to him [Page 241] they thought none was better able to command them than the Prince of Tanais, the Emperours Cosen German, who had been trained up under Axalla; for in all the greatest difficulties and dangers, where Axalla had gained so much ho­nour, this Prince had accompanied and learned from him the uneasie and hazardous Trade of War. In which he had in the Judgements of all men, profited so much, that Axalla and he were looked upon, as the two Eyes of the Empire and Tamerlan the Head, they were the [...]ore seated at the two most dangerous extremities of this great body, one in Syria, the other in Quinzay.

With this considerable body of an Army, unto which were added some Troops of the great Cham­berlain, which were at Babylon, the Prince of Tanais marched into Syria towards Aleppo, where he met with Calibes, and found that he had got together two hundred thousand good Souldiers. The Sul­tan was not ignorant, that this Army was draw­ing to him, which had formerly overthrown him, but he conceived some hopes, because Tamerlan was not there in person, nor his good fortune, which al­waies accompanied him; and because he was to fight with a young Prince full of life and courage, whose too greedy desire of honour might oblige him to undertake things too hastily or unadvised­ly. He resolved therefore to be wary, and by his late misfortune, to learn not to hazard a bat­tle in plain ground, but to wait for his enemies behind his Trenches. For that intent he drew his Trenches along the River of Nilus; for onely by that way the City expected to be relieved; for it was not probable that so many mouths could be [Page 242] supplied with necessaries, by Carts, or Camels, or by any other carriage by Land. Therefore he digg'd his Trenches with ease, because the Prince with his Army marched but softly. His most ju­dicious Commanders advised him not to approach too near the Town, till the provisions were ready to be carried in. For that purpose the Prince of Tanais and Calibes had sent Purveyours round about Syria, and upon the Sea Coast, and about the Islands of Greece, to make provisions of Corn, w [...] was to be carried to Alexandria, and from thence to Cairo. All their orders had been punctually executed.

In the mean while, the army was coming on, which as soon as the enemy perceived upon the banks of Nilus, where the Sultan lay with his Souldiers on both sides, with a bridge of Boats stretched over the River, he withdrew himself into his fortifications. When the Prince was in sight of Cairo, he found that the enemy could not in­compass about all the Walls, that were too large, but left a passage free to go in or out of the Ci­ty. He went therefore in, carrying with him se­veral Carts and Beasts loaden with provisions, which he distributed by his Commissaries into all places that wanted.

By this he understood, that they had all things sufficient for fifteen dayes. A Council of War was then called, where it was resolved that they should endeavour to famish the Sultan, by cutting off his provisions, which he drew from three or four Towns, which had yielded to him again, and sollicited him to besiege Cairo, assur­ing him, that it was to be taken with the En­gine [Page 243] of Hunger. For this purpose, whiles things and necessaries were providing at Alexandria, to be sent to Cairo, whiles a Fleet of Ships of War were making ready to fight with the Sultans Fleet, he posted himself above Cairo, and sent a Sum­mons to the Inhabitants of Maviare, commanding them to yield to the Emperour of Asia his Master, threatning Fire and Sword, if they offered to re­sist▪ Their refusal, caused the Army to besiege them, and with all speed to make their approaches, there was a Tower very strong, that hindered the Tartars proceedings, for from thence the be­sieged cast upon them artificial fires and killed a great many men. The chief Engenier went to view this Tower, and offered the Prince of Ta­nais to undermine it in four dayes, which accord­ingly was performed. When the Tower was down they searched the Wall which was found but weak and unable to resist the violence of the Engines, which soon cast a great part to the ground. This encouraged the Tartars to assault the Town. They won and plundered it, and put all to the Sword, except Women and Children. The other Towns, terrified with this speedy expedition, seeing no likelihood of succours to be expected from the Sultan, were yeilded up at the first Summons and admitted to composition. The Prince of Tanais placed in these Towns, between two and three thousand horse and four thousand foot. He judg­ed next, that he was to lose no time, but with all speed relieve Cairo, for fear it should be [...]educed to necessity with his Army. He saw that the Sultan, as a judicious Commander, had so or­dered his affairs, as either to cause him to perish [Page 244] for want, or to render his attempts vain. The Governour of the Towns lately taken, might have held out longer, as they were able and had promised the Sultan, who had furnished them with all that they had required. A delay of fifteen days had forced Tanais to forsake Cairo and the best part of Aegypt. The Sultan was not totally dis­couraged, though he had reason to be troubled at this infidelity, and want of resolution. He sent for his Commissaries of Provisions to know what he had in store, from them he understood that he had enough for thirty days. He drove away from his army all useless and idle persons, setting the [...] on the other side of the River, there to shift for themselves and ly at his enemies mercy, such as were not to be useful to him in the fight. He had news of the coming of the naval Army from Alexandria, which caused him to provide betimes to oppose it.

In the mean time, the Prince of Tanais incamp­ed with his Army beneath Ethied and Sebeis near a River, which was a stream or a branch of Nilus, and was fordable in divers places. But the Sultan was with his Army at Buldao, whe [...] he had strongly intrenched himself near the Ri­ver on both sides of it. His Army containe [...] threescore thousand foot, and forty thousand horse, the only remains of his former unhappy Troop [...] He had caused them to expect the retaking of Cairo, which would probably have open'd him a way for the recovering of his Kingdome. But when all passages in the upper Aegypt were stopp'd and nothing came to them from thence, they be­gan then to despair of success. The Sultan labour [...] [Page 245] to prevent all discontents, which might from hence arise, by assuring his Souldiers, that in fif­teen days for the most, the Tartarian Army would be constrain'd to depart for want of Provisions, and that then the City would be forced to yield for hunger. This perswasion caused them to abide still in their Trenches without attempting any thing, for their chiefest care was to provide for their own security near the River. They had a great number of armed boats all over the River to stop the coming of any relief to the City. When the Prince of Tanais saw that the enemy was so strong­ly fortified in his Trenches, that it was not pos­sibly to force him without running the hazard of a misfortune, he employed his men in making a­nother Trench, and other fortifications for his own Camp, like that of the Enemies. For it is against all policy and prudence, to stand with a naked Army near and against an enemies Army well intrench'd. The Tartarians were three times stronger than the Sultan, both in horse and foot, but they were obliged for their safety to continue, thus incamped near them, because they waited and expected the coming of Calibes, who was with the Fleet, with an intention to carry in Provisions into Cairo. And the Prince of Tanais was to assist him by Land, whiles he should endeavour to make his way by water to the City.

Every day some parties went out to skirmish with the Enemies, to oblige them to keep closer together in their Camp, and to understand the best place for to assault it, when the time should serve. At last the Prince of Tanais had news of the coming of Calibes, who desired him to send [Page 246] him twelve thousand of his Army, and imbark them privately, at a rendevouz unknown to the enemy, for Calibes trusted not too much upon the Troops, which he had picked up at Alexandria, and because he intended to fight in person upon the River, to open away for his Ships, or to perish in the attempt, he was resolved to have such persons to assist him, whom he knew to be brave and resolute men. The Prince of Tanais could have wished that Calibes had yeilded to him the honour of commanding the Fleet, but all his Cap­tains represented to him, that it belonged to him to chuse, because he was in his own Government, and that the chiefest and fiercest action was like­ly to be at Land. That doubtless, the Sultan would send men aboard his Ships to help them, that in this case the Trenches would be less guard­ed, and more easie to be taken; for the two Ar­mies were but two thousand paces from one ano­ther. And that in all likelihood the day would not pass without an encounter at Land.

The Prince of Tanais desired it with passion, as a young Hero passionate to win honour: But to qualifie this natural heat within him, the Em­perour had placed near his person two great Lords, to keep in his courage and not suffer it to run headlong, but to advise him and lead on the Souldiers, who were accustomed to Tamerlans good fortune, and ready to attempt the greatest difficulties, and overcome the most apparent dangers. [...]anais sent therefore thirteen or fourteen thou­sand of his stoutest Souldiers to Calibes, under the command of Sinopes, Axalla's nephew, Major General of the Infantry, or rather Axalla's Lieu­tenant, [Page 247] who had that office all over the Empire, and when the Emperour himself commanded in chief. Sinopes was a man of a great reputation, having much improved himself in Axalla's tuiti­on. When the Prince of Tanais judged that the Fleet was at hand, near the Enemies Bridge for­tified and strengthened with Chains and Ropes, he caused all his horse to be ready, and drew up his Infantry, sending forty thousand men to a place, that he had taken notice of, less guarded than the rest. For the Enemies seeing him in­camp'd between them and the City, they ima­gin'd that the greatest assault would be there, therefore they provided that side accordingly. They had neglected to fortifie a little Hill, which was of a great advantage to the party that should have the command of it. Therefore the Prince of Tanais sent this day to assault and take it. He had employed his men upon the water only to deceive the Sultan, for after the taking of the Hill, he marched forward to the second Trenches, as if it had been his design to assault and force them also, but it was onely to cause the Sul­tan to look that way, for he thought the whole Army had been there, he prepared therefore for to defend himself on that side.

Whiles the Tartarian Army by Land, was thus at handy-blows with the enemy, their Naval forces broke in upon the Boats, after a small re­sistance overthrew them, before they could receive any help. For in the beginning of the dispute the Tartars perceived that there was an Island in the River, where the Sultan had raised a battery to shoot against them, they assaulted and carried [Page 248] it, forcing their enemies to retreat into their Tren­ches▪ by this means they lost the advantage of this place▪ which was fit to defend their bridge against the Tartarian Navy. Next to the Island they as­saulted the bridge, but at the first onset, Calibes was sunk and drowned, and his party in disorder and discouraged, but Sinopes, who commanded under him, growing more desperate by this loss, renewed the fight with a greater resolution, and utterly broke the bridge, setting the Fire to it with a Boat full of Wild-Fire. This courage of Sinopes forced Victory to declare for him, and opened a passage for the Navy to the City in view of the Enemies, who could no longer hinder or stop it, for the Fleet lying under the Island, and some En­gines that were placed upon the Land shot into the Camp, so that they could not lift up nor shew their heads.

This loss of Calibes was much lamented, for he was a man that had rendered great services to the Emperour, who loved him well and trusted him. His body was sought for amongst many others that perished in the Waters, but none could distinguish it.

It was thought that twenty thousand men died on both sides that day, for few escaped of Calibes left Wing. Sinopes gain'd much honor and reputation, by his good conduct and undaunt­ed courage. This action gave a beginning to his preferment: It deserved to be well rewarded, for there was no possibility of relieving the City, but by that way, for being in great want and so large, many convoys had been required to furnish it, with Provisions till the succeeding harvest, unto which there was then three months.

[Page 249]Afterwards Sinopes incamped in the Island with some of the Army, to hinder the enemies passage over the River. Nevertheless, for all his watch­fulness, the next night being very dark, they passed over to the other bank undiscovered, in order to their retreat, which every one imagin'd would not be by Land, for they had no Towns on that side, nor intelligence in Cairo nor Alexandria, every thing was changed against them. So that had they resolved to go that way, they must first have overthrown the Tartarian Army, which was too difficult a Task for them. They were therefore obliged to pass over the River, and retreat that way, for only on that side they had yet a Town that held for them. In the mean while, the Prince of Tanais had alwaies a watchful eye upon the Sultan and his designs. But he was as much troubled what to do. In case the enemies after their passage over the River, had obstinately hover­ed about Cairo. He had been then constrained to remain there also, and so numerous an Army had famish'd that great City, which had Provisi­ons but for eight days. It was resolved in Council, that the Army should decamp, as soon as possible, seeing that the City had been relieved. They thought that the enemies Army being less in number, and better provided with Provisions, would stay upon the place a longer time. It was therefore concluded that the Army should be di­vided into two bodies, and should attend on the further bank, and the hither side, and that Sinopes should stay in the Island, to favour all the Convoys and Ships of Provision, intended to sail to Cairo, and hinder the enemies attempts upon them. This [Page 250] resolution was taken and kept very secret. But when the enemies had spent all their Provisions, they sought to retreat as well as the Tartars, which they endeavoured to perform in the night. All the Boats and Ships, which they had near the banks they made ready to go aboard, but the Eve before they seem'd to resolve to march into Syria, for that purpose, they sent out of their Trenches some parties to assault the most advanced Guards, as if they had intended to open a passage that way, by force of Arms.

Whiles this is doing, a great part of their Army were ready at the Rivers side to go o­ver. In the beginning of the night Fires were discovered more than ordinary upon the bank, and most part of their Army was carried over. Sinopes could never hinder them, for the nights obscurity helped them in their retreat. The Sultan passed over first, leaving behind him his Lieute­nant General to keep the Camp with all his Infantry.

As soon as the day appeared, it was known that a part of their Army was on the other side. The Prince of Tanais was willing to attack those that were left behind in the Camp, but the old­est and most experienced Captains were not of his opinion. They said that it was no easie mat­ter to face threescore thousand men in strong Trenches. And that it would be more wisdome to send a supply of men and Engines to Sinopes, to strengthen him, that he might stop the passage of such as would afterwards venture to go over. Nevertheless, it was resolved, that when the re­mainder should endeavour to follow after their [Page 251] Companions and their Prince, that then the Tarta­rian Army should break into their Camp, and charge them in their retreat.

The Sultan, seeing that his passage had been successful, sent word to the remainder of his army to adventure over the night following, and that as many as could should get aboard. And to in­courage his men the more and hasten them, he passed over again himself to them, for he knew nothing of the supply of men, which Sinopes had received from the Land Army. As soon as Sinopes saw the enemies he charged them desperately with­out delay. The Sultan himself was wounded in performing the duty of a great Captain, he passed over the water with a great number of his men to joyn with the other party. In this dispute, the Sultan lost a great many men and some Boats were sunk, only twenty thousand were remaining behind in their Camp, without any hopes of retreat to their Prince. The Tartars assaulted and won their next Trenches, but the innermost were so well fortified and guarded that the Commanders thought it no wisdome to venture upon them, but rather to stay where they were than to hazard all upon an uncertainty. They incamp'd therefore within the Trenches, in ex­pectation of that which they were to have by rea­son and the rules of War, sooner than by force. Which happen'd accordingly, for as soon as the enemies saw themselves pen'd up, and not able to look about, by reason of the Tartars approaches, they sent to desire to parl [...]y with them, which was granted. They sent to the Prince of Tanais a Parthian Officer, who had a long time served [Page 252] under him, but being left behind sick and taken by the Sultan, he enter'd himself in his service. After some demonstrations of his strength, this Prince had made him Major General of his In­fantry. He desired to speak with the Prince of Tanais. He told him that he had been sent with his Comrades from the Troops, which he besieged, to intreat him to shew them mercy, and not to spill any more humane blood, but without it to accept of the Victory, which they offered into his hands upon the conditions that he should propose. As the Prince of Tanais was visiting the Trenches he heard the offer of this Collonel with Joy.

He gave them liberty upon this condition, that, for the time to come, they should be Sub­jects and Slaves to the Emperour, and serve him in his Wars wheresoever they should be command­ed. All which they promised to perform. Some were commissioned by the Prince of Tanais to receive their Oath. Only the Lieutenant Gene­neral of the Sultan, and some other Captains departed in a Ship the night before, to follow after their Master.

This Prince, as we have taken notice, was wounded at the passage of the River, which caus­ed him to retreat with his Cavalry twenty leagues, to a place that belong'd to him yet. As soon as he was arrived, he died of his wounds, to the great sorrow of his followers. The Prince of Ta­nais, who, as soon as he could, pursued him, en­tered into this place, named Palema, a few dayes after his death, and finding that he was not buried, shed Tears for his unhappy end, commanding that he should be interred according to his Quality, and [Page 253] received very courteously all his Servants. He had left behind him a Son, who had carried with him all that would not yield to the Emperour. They fled to the borders of Lybia, into certain Towns of a difficult access, because of the Wilderness that lies in the way to them. There these poor men liv­ed in hopes to be revenged of the Tartars, and one day to restore their broken and ruined fortunes.

In this manner ended this last War with the Mamelu [...]ks. The Emperour was so troubled at it, that he once resolved to march thither him­himself, but the news of the Victory, and of the Sultans death hindered him. The Prince of Ta­nais was mightily applauded for his prudent con­duct, but Calibes's unhappy death dasht all the Emperours joy. He was so worthy a man, that he could not be sufficiently lamented, chiefly by Tamerlan, who lost in him a faithful servant and and a Great Captain.

The Prince of Tanais had his Offices and Go­vernment bestowed upon him, with order to make his ordinary abode in Syria and Aegypt, to watch and look over them, and keep those Provinces in peace. Sinopes was made Major General of the Im­perial army, which was commanded to return in­to Persia, under the leading of the great Cham­berlain, who came to the Army at the close of the War, with a considerable body of men. For it was Tamerlans custome to cause one Army to march after another, towards the places that wanted as­sistance. This happy success of his Lieutenants shewed how much it concerns a Prince to dwell in the midst of his Dominions, that he might with more ease, and more speedily send forth [Page 254] his succours to defend any part or Corner.

The King of China was then at the Emperours Court, to wait upon him, according to the Arti­cles of agreement concluded with him, which he confirmed in the Princes presence, and swore o­bedience, and did him homage. The Emperour endeavoured to render himself dreadful to this Heathen King, who never kept his promises, but when he pleased by shewing him his strong Towns well furnished with people. He was astonished to see so many men cloathed so simply, chiefly the Emperour, that wore nothing but a garment of co­loured Cloath, without any Ornament. He took notice also, that all his attendants and Officers a­bout him look'd as so many Kings by their Ma­jestick contenances and behaviour. Whiles he was at the Court, news came of the Victory obtained upon the Sultan, he was eye witness of the pub­lick rejoycings, which lasted eight dayes, spent in sports, feasting, and other divertisements, af­ter that he returned to his own Country. The Emperour gave order next to distribute double pay to his Army, which was returning out of Ae­gypt into Persia, with the Great Chamberlain and Sinopes Major General. Afterwards he went to Quinzay, to see his Son, and satisfie the impatient wishes of this great City, that desired passionately to enjoy him. His presence was also needful to regu­late all affairs, as he had done in other places. Axalla had no mind to be too busie, because he had to do with a numerous people, inclinable to commoti­ons. He was therefore afraid so far to concern him­self as to give Tamerlan a disgust, or cause the people to murmur. Therefore he often spoke it, [Page 255] that the ordering of the publick affairs was a great business, which none was capable of, but the Emperour. For the intent of Tamerlan was to appoint the same Laws every where in his great Empire, to command the use of the same Weights and Measures, that the same Tributes should be setled in all parts, according to each mans ability, resolving as soon as his Incomes were regulated, that he would make provision of Victuals, which should be carried from place to place, according as his Army should need. He was wont to compare an Army with the humane body, saying that the Captains were to be look'd upon as the head, the Souldiers as the feet and hands. Mony was the strength and the spirits, which keeps this body in motion, and food as the belly from whence it was entertain'd.

Therefore he said, that when an Army can represent a perfect man, in all respects, it is invin­cible, because it fights when it pleaseth, and may chuse whether it will hazard any thing, but up­on good terms. When an Army miscarries, this proceeds from some imperfection in the body, which may be lame or wounded, or from the starved belly or the diseased head. Therefore when he sent the Prince of Tanais against the Sultan, he was afraid of the head, and of the belly of his Army. For the Prince was but young, and his men unfurnished with necessary provisions▪ for he was wont a year before hand, when he intended to make War, to gather up stores of food and fill up his Magazins, now this year they had neglected this piece of policy, his victory therefore he ascribed to his good fortune, which was loath [Page 256] to forsake him, rather than to the Wisdome of his young General.

When the Emperour was near Q [...]inzay, Axalla went out to meet him at two dayes journey from the City, with the greatest Lords of the Coun­try and the chief Citizens, whiles the rest were making ready to welcome him in the most mag­nificent manner, that they were able. This City is one of the richest in the world, and one of the larg­est, very well scituated upon small Islands or Chan­nels, cut from one end to the other, with stately buildings, and a great many bridges for the con­venience of the Inhabitants. It is a place of so great Trade, that there comes to it continually all sorts of Goods, Stuffs, Precious Stones, and chiefly spices. Tamerlan at his first arrival was presented with the richest things of the City: They were valued above two Millions of Gold, to not reckon many other rare things, which were given him, as tokens of their subjection to him, and affection for him.

He seem'd to be very desirous to see his Son, who was then but about seven years old. He was brought up with much state, and with the care answerable to his Quality. When he was first brought to him, he took notice that his head was carefully covered, but he commanded that they should keep it uncovered, because as he said, He that is called by his birth to govern Nations ought to use himself to heat and cold, and to painful exercise, and not to indulge himself in an effeminate life. Some told him that the Child was but tender, what reply'd the Emperour will you make him a Woman? If he be not able to en­dure [Page 257] the troubles and inconveniencies of War, he is not worthy to succeed me, for there must be no dainty and soft Prince to keep up the Em­pire of the Parthians. He had sent the Empress to Samarcand, to be there brought to bed, she was received with all the honours due to her Dig­nity, and the affection that the people could ex­press. This was the first time of her visiting of this City.

A little after, the Emperour had news brought him, that she was safely delivered of her second Son, which he publish'd abroad and seem'd to re­joyce at it, appointing Tilts and magnificent Sports to express his gladness for several dayes. In this time, nothing but feastings and publick diver­tisements were seen in all parts. The Emperour himself took a great delight in such pastimes, be­cause it gave him an opportunity to shew the agility of his body, and his dexterity to his Court and people, for he was judged the more worthy to command them, the more he excelled in such like exercises.

After a months abode in Quinzay, and after he had visited the maritine Towns near adjoyn­ing, he went to Samarcande travelling softly, for in the Road he employed himself in hunting all sorts of beasts, and yet in the mean while took a great care to provide for the safety of the Em­pire, for it was his usual saying, that Pleasures and Sports were to him, as Wings to lift him up and ease him from the Labours, which God had put upon him for the preservation of his Subjects in peace.

The Inhabitants of Quinzay had so sincere a [Page 258] Love for him, that when he called them toge­ther to oblige them to receive and submit to his new Laws, they made no difficulty to yeild to him, but embrac'd them with as much respect and devotion, as if they had been commanded by God himself, for their reverence and affection for his per­son made them submit. Whiles he continued in the City, the most part of the people were employed in looking upon him, as the chief object of their affections. Some of his Courtiers took notice of it, particularly Axalla. Therefore they told him, that this City was worthy of his constant abode. Not at all, reply'd the Emperour, if they did alwayes see me, they would quickly despise me, for it is a Maxime of State, that the Soveraign of this great City, must not come to it oftner than once in ten years, and then he must act as if he were upon a Theatre in view of all the World, he must act a serious and grave person, because the Inhabitants are naturally apt to be disgusted with their Prince. He ought therefore, if he will be esteem'd, to seek to give them the best impression that he can.

Before his leaving of Quinzay, he sent with all speed Prince Axalla towards China, with a Com­mission to examine, and end some differences be­tween Odmar and the King of that Countrey, that he might be able by his Wisdome to com­pose them, and give him a just account at his re­turn: As he had a great affection for his faithful servants, he long'd to see Odmar with him who had been absent many years. He desired him to take the time of Axalla's abode in those parts. The Emperour was resolved not to leave Camba­lu, [Page 259] till after Axalla's return from China. This was a very pleasing, and an honourable Commis­sion to be sent into those parts, where his cou­rage was so well known and fresh in the remem­brance of all the Inhabitants, by his late noble ex­ploits, but he was overjoyed to go thither that he might do service to Odmar, his intimate friend: Tamerlan had an excellent maxime, but contrary to that of most Princes, he laboured to keep all his Servants at Unity, and recommended to them love to one another, and faithfulness in his ser­vice. The chief cause, that obliged the Emperour to send Axalla into China, was to put a period to a dispute between that King and Odmar a­bout the restitution of a place, which had been promised to the King. There seem'd to be some personal differences between them. So that Axalla was judged as the most pleasing person to this King to terminate this affair, because of his mildness and courteous behaviour.

When Axalla was upon the borders, he met with Prince Odmar waiting for him, who receiv­ed him with great Pomp and State, and feasted him three dayes.

After this he gave him an account of the pub­lick affairs, and departed to the Court to see Ta­merlan. But Axalla went to Pekin, where he was welcomed by the Governour in that manner, that becomed the second person of the Empire. Axalla gathered his Souldiers together and with the Army, he marched to Parchio upon the bor­ders of both Empires, as had been agreed upon before with the King of China, but in his way passed by Quanton, that strong and populous Town, [Page 260] which he had taken in three moneths contrary to the expectation of the whole Army, and of the Emperour himself, who judged that it would have held out at least six moneths. The Report of his coming caused a great multitude of people to meet and welcome him, for every one could have de­sired him instead of Odmar, because his way of dealing was so amicable, and his v [...]rtues so much esteem'd of all the World. The Emperour, one of the wisest Princes of his time, saw plainly that Odmar was not so fit to govern those Provinces, that he was too grave and reserved, and not flexible, but that Axalla was of a contrary disposition, that he had the gift to please all sorts of humours, and therefore that he would be more grateful to these people. But Axalla could not be spared from other places, where his presence were more needful, for he looked upon him as the only per­son of his Empire, upon whom he could trust the whole concern of his Kingdomes in case any accident or a disease should disenable, and take him from the publick management of affairs. From Quanton Axalla march'd directly to the ap­pointed rendevouz▪ whither the King of China was going. When he had advanced about fifty leagues into the Country lately conquer'd by Odmar, he thought he should wrong the Majesty of his Em­perour, whose person he did then represent, by proceeding any farther to meet this Heathenish Prince, and that it did more become him, to oblige him to come to him there, than to advance into the Country, which had been restored to this King by the last Treaty, and for which he paid Tamerlan a considerable Tribute.

[Page 261]When the King was arrived with all his Court to a little Town, at a league distant from Porchio, he went out into a large Field where Axalla met him, with more attendants than he had. He gave place to Axalla, and respected him as much as if he had been the Emperour. Three times they met to confer together, for the King of China insisted alwayes upon the rendition of a Town, which the Emperour had granted him, but Odmar refused to yield it, because it was a strong place of importance. At last he seem'd to be content with another, farther in his Country, than the former, which stood in the midst of the Tartarian dominions.

Axalla the judge of this controversie put him in possession of the latter, because he perceived that the King had no sinister design, and that all his aim was, but to have a place, where he might divert himself and take his pleasure. But Odmar, an old Jealous pate, having been of­ten deceived by this unconstant Prince, had a contrary opinion of him, for he thought that he desired that place, but to plot and contrive new designes to disturb the State. He had sufficiently punished him for the last commotion, when the Emperour was in Persia, for by one battle he won from him five and twen [...]y or thirty Towns, and above fourscore leagues of good land. So that Quinancifu was yeilded up to him, according to his desire. This Town he seem'd to like better than the other, for it is scituate upon a River, at the entry of a beautiful Lake, which surrounds it, and is full of many little Islands, where many state­ly houses were built for the pleasure of the former Kings of China, who after preferr'd this abode to their [...] [Page 260] [...] [Page 261] [Page 262] glorious Palaces in their great Cities.

The last meeting was under a rich Canopy, which Axalla caus'd to be erected: The King of China came to him with the chief Officers of his Court. After some disputes, this agreement was concluded; that the King should have liber­ty to dwell in Quinancy, as often and as long as he pleased, but should not put in it any Garri­son or fortifie it, that he should live in it as a pri­vate person, or a Subject to the Emperour. That he might have three hundred men to guard him, but that he should have no other mark of Sove­raignty, but with the consent of the Governour for the Emperour. That he should be oblig'd e­very time, that he intended to go to Quinancy to give notice of it to the Governour, and that be­fore he set foot upon any of his Imperial Maje­sties Lands. That he should nevertheless, enjoy all the Lordship of the City, without any molesta­tion from the Emperours Officers. This Heathen King accepted these offers in such a manner as discovered plainly, that all his engagements, promises, and oaths, would not hinder him from a rebellion, nor from an endeavour to sieze upon that pleasant abode, if an opportunity were offer­ed to him, that he might shut himself up in that City, the rest of his dayes, for he had an intent to give over the Kingdome to one of his Bro­thers, because he was weary to suffer the Tarta­rian bondage. In this particular, he shewed the signs of a noble courage, which deserves a better name than that of a barbarian or a heathen, u­sually given to all his people, who are neverthe­less, lovers of Learning and Civility. As soon as [Page 263] Prince Axalla had dispatched these weighty affairs, he sent news to the Emperour, to understand how well he would like his actions, and know when he should return. In expectation of an answer he visited all the places newly Conquered in China.

Tamerlans custome was to remove often the Governours of Cities and Provinces, and to pro­mote such as had well behaved themselves to better employments, or more honourable and more pro­fitable Governments: Odmar, being very old and sickly, and therefore not fit to be upon the bor­ders of an Empire, where the Governour ought to be alwayes in action, he resolved to keep with him, to assist him with his good counsels, and the rather, because Odmar was not well beloved by the People or the Souldiers. He purpos'd therefore to send in his stead the Great Chamberlain, a young and brave noble man, of a strong and healthy body, more likely to please his Souldiers, and new Subjects than the other, and better able to undergo all the labours and troubles, which such an employment at such a distance would require from him, for these reasons, he would not suffer Odmar to return thither, but for Axalla, he had orders to come back speedily. He was once think­ing to send thither the Prince of Vauchefu in Od­mars place, that he might by that means reward him, for all the notable services that he had re­ceived from him in so many occasions in his Ar­mies, but when he considered, that the Parthians are not obedient to strangers, and that such a proceeding would give him an absolute command in his own Country, and expose his faithfulness [Page 264] to a strong Temptation, he kept him near his per­son, for some other employment.

He had not forgotten also the brother of this Lord, who had been useful to him in his Armies, Tamerlan had no need of recommendations or so­licita [...]ions, to oblige him to recompence his faith­ful Servants. He alwaies kept in mind every one that had well behaved himself in some brave action. Many times, when they never thought upon any such matter, he would send for them, to place them amongst his Counsellours, or give them a Government or an Office. No body was so bold as to ask these things from him, for he knew for certain, that those that bribe these ho­nours and advantages, will never behave them­selves in them for the Princes good or the be­nefit of the Subjects, but onely to gratifie their own Ambition and Covetousness, for this cause he was wont to change his Governours often, that their Governments might not become here­ditary to their Posterity. Those, whom he thus removed, were not thereby displeas'd, nor did they think, that it was a token of the Emperours anger, for it was a rare thing, if when he had thus removed a Governour, he did not bestow up­on him another, or some employment in his fa­mily. But when he pitch'd upon a man to at­tend upon him, or command in his Armies, e­very one look'd upon this choice, to be the high­est honour and promotion, for all over the Em­pire, that man was obeyed as the Emperour him­self. I have, saith Albacent, seen in the beginning of his Reign two Men, chosen in this manner, af­terwards four, at last he increased them to seven, [Page 265] who were as the seven Pillars of this large Empire. For the Prince trusted all his greatest and most weighty affairs in their hands. They were obliged to give an account of their actions only to him and at such times only, when they were called toge­ther to advise about the great affairs of Peace and War. These were the things that could be asked from him, which he would grant without scruple, Gold, Silver, Moveables, Houses, Lands, and other such things, which were not of such concernment, as to belong to the publick manage­ment of his Empire.

To end this digression, and return to Cambalu, where the Emperour was with Odmar and Axalla, we must know, that the former being grown hea­vy, by the number of his years, and unfit for acti­on, whisper'd to him nothing but Peace, and wish'd him to settle the affairs of his Empire. But the latter was desirous of War and Battles, an enemy of rest. He discours'd to him of nothing but of new expeditions and conquests. This fu­rious passion made him wish heartily, that the Prince would honour him, with an employment sutable to his temper and inclinations, and to be­stow upon Odmar a Government in a peaceable Countrey far from the borders. In regard Odmar was related to the Emperour, Axalla judged him the fittest person, because of his Age, Wisdome, and Experience in all affairs, to be Governour of the young Prince brought up at Quinzay, for he would be able to keep the people with ease in o­bedience. But this change could not come but from the Emperours own inclination. No per­son was so bold, as to presume to motion it to [Page 266] him. But providence favour'd Axalla's wishes by giving him this opportunity to discover his mind.

The Idleness and Wantonness, which the Ge­neral Peace all over the Empire had begot, caus­ed some troubles and mutinies in the Army, which was as the soul of the Empire, and the terrour of the whole World, for the Cheiftains had been care­less and negligent to keep the Souldiers in or­der. The irregularity was so great, that the ancient discipline was slighted, and the Souldiers grown insolent in regard of their late services and victories, refused to perform their duties, or mutinied whensoever they had a desire. They cal­led in a threatning manner, for the Emperour him­self to command them in person.

When he heard first of these disorders, he was not a little troubled. Must he to gratifie a hand­ful of Mutiniers, forsake that rest and quiet, which he desires to enjoy for the few years that he hath to live in the World? Must he now expose him­self and undergo new labours and pains, which he hath endured so long, and by which he hath with the hazard of his Life setled the whole World in Peace? In this unquietness of his mind, he sent for Odmar and Axalla to advise with them. Ax­alla without delay endeavoured to perswade the Emperour to go to his Army, and leave the ma­nagement of affairs at home to Odmars Wisdome and Conduct. Now Tamerlan had begun to relish in the Cities a sweetness and pleasure differing from that life, which men lead in the midst of Souldiers, and the disturbances and dangers of War, though the latter had been formerly more pleasing [Page 267] to him. This made him loath to ingage himself afresh in such perils and such an unquiet life. He was more desirous to enjoy in peace the fruits of his Valour and Courage. And the rather, be­cause he was then about fifty years of Age: an Age that called upon him to see to preserve and se­cure what he had purchased by his Victories. At last he turned himself towards Axalla with these words, I should be esteem'd ungrateful to Odmar for all his good and faithful Services, if in his Old age, I did not contrive a way to settle him in peace the rest of his dayes. The advice, that you have given me in relati­on to him, I accept, and shall follow it. I consent therefore, that Odmar take the Government of my Son, and of all the Country of Quinzay and Cambalu, and that he end there his dayes peaceably in my ser­vice. But I intend to reside in Sachetay, that I might be nearer Persia, where I will have my Army incamp, unto which I shall add thirty thousand horse more, that it may be able to keep the Country from Rebelling. But for you, I will have you go and com­mand it in person, I look upon you as the only man of my Empire best able to perform the duties of this Office with credit, not only because the Souldiers have an affection for you, but because I have alwayes seen you careful to observe the discipline of War. I trust my whole Empire in your hands by trusting you with mine Army, which only is able to keep quiet so many large Provinces, and so many Nations differing in manners, language, and customes, which you have help­ed to subdue. I will take care, that nothing shall be wanting to this Army, and that the clearest and most certain part of my Revenues shall be appointed to pay them, and to reward those whom you shall judge wor­thy: [Page 268] I would have you take a great care to oblige the Troops, to observe the Parthian discipline without alteration. Let them lodge alwayes in the Camp in the open Field. You shall change this Camp every three moneths. Let them buy all necessaries themselves and pay for them, without wronging any body, and let those that shall break these orders be punish'd severely, I would have also my Army be incamp'd in Persia, because the people are there more inclinable to rebellion than else­where, and not so willing to obey, and because Syria i [...] near adjoyning. The Army therefore, will be sooner ready to carry a remedy to the troubles that may arise in those parts.

After this discourse to Axalla, the Emperour told Odmar, that by putting as he did, his Son into his hands, he did put his dearest treasure, and the chief of all his Riches, and gave him the command of the two thirds of his Empire. That he could not shew him a greater assurance of being well satisfied with his former services, than by delivering unto him this precious Pawn. That he should command in Chief in his richest Provinces, where the people should honour and respect him as himself. That all things were quiet and in peace, and fit for his weakness and years. He sent also for his Chancellour, who was not present, when these things were con­cluded. He commanded him to cause two Com­missions to be drawn, one for Odmar to be Go­vernour of his Eldest Son, and his Vice-Roy in all the Country of Quinzay, and Cambalu, as far as the Sea, and the Mountains bordering upon Chi­na; and another for Axalla to be Lieutenant Ge­neral of his Army, with an express command to [Page 269] every Province, where it was to march, to obey him as himself.

The news of this Commission, given to Prince Axalla, being noised abroad every where as far as the Camp, made the Souldiers and Captains re­joyce in an extraordinary manner. Every one was glad of it, not only because of the worth and deservings of the General, but also because of the good turns and expressions of his affection, which he had given to every one. Chiefly Sinopes, was overjoyed to hear this pleasing news, because he was related to Axalla, and had been promoted by him to the chiefest Commands of the Army. Odmar was left at Cambalu, to prepare for his Journey to Quinzay, and was mightily glad of his employment. The Emperour gave him In­structions, how he should behave himself in his Government, for the publick good. He command­ed him, that as soon as the Young Prince his Son should attain to ten years of Age, that he should bring him up in business, and that he should acquaint him with all affairs, that he might learn betimes to do service to his Country; but before that Age, he would not suffer him to know any thing of business, but that he should live as Children of his Age. He was called Cam Sentrochio or Ta­jochien, which word in the Parthian tongue signi­fies, the Love of Men. This Name had been given him by the Old Emperour his Grand-Father in his Fathers absence. And this Name was not improper, for he was mighty well beloved, chiefly in the Province of his Nativity, from whence his Father could never take him, to carry him to Samarcande, where the Empress his Mother lived, [Page 270] for the Inhabitants of Quinzay imagin'd that if they lost the sight of him they should lose all. Therefore the Emperour, was willing to gratifie so extraordinary an affection, and their earnest intrea­ties, to leave him at Quinzay.

When Tamerlan had setled all his affairs, he took the way to Samercande, where he intended to make his constant abode, and to enrich and embellish this place of his Nativity, that it might be worthy of his suc­cessours, and that there they might constantly dwell. The Prince was grown solitary, for his inclination to devotion had inclined him to a me­lancholly temper. He was so much delighted with contemplation, and was weaned so much from the disturbances of Courts and Armies, that some think that he would have forsaken the society of men, had not a Principle of honour, and the in­terest of his Family retained him: He was there­fore, so far from thinking upon any new expe­dition, that all his thoughts were employed how to keep what he had Conquer'd, for he was afraid of the unconstancy of Fortune, that had alwayes smiled upon him. He knew that her frowns are not to be avoided, if men are not contented with the favours that she hath bestowed upon them, but still press her for more, and weary her by their importunities. But we must not ascribe to Fortune alone, all the happiness and the conti­nual successes of Tamerlan, but to God, to the Great God of Hos [...]s, for whom he had a great respect and reverence. Therefore God favoured all his designs, gave victory to his Armies, and defeat­ed all his enemies.

In the mean while, Axalla was glad of his Com­mission, [Page 271] was busie in reducing the Imperial Army to that posture that the Emperour desired. For this purpose, he gathered together all the Old Souldiers, who had been disbanded, and who had been too long at rest in his judgement, with them he formed a new Militia. He sent towards Mos­covy, to take from the Frontiers, some Troops of horse for his own Guard, for he knew their faith­fulness and courage! He march'd some dayes in the way with the Emperour, discoursing with him about the concerns of his Army. And to that which he proposed to the Prince, he either di­minish'd or added what he judged convenient, for without flattery one may very safely say, that no man, was more skilful in affairs of War than Tamer­lan. Axalla was esteem'd next to him, best able to contrive or execute in the same manner, and as pun­ctually as the Prince was wont to do great designs.

The Emperour in his march was very slow, that all his attendants, who were many in number might follow him, and because of a great deal of baggage and carriages. Axalla only was weary of this slow pace, he long'd to be at Samarcande, where he was to enter into his office. So that when the Prince, who loved hunting, because it is an image, of War, and an exercise that prepares the body for greater labours, was desirous to stay in any place fit for this sport, Axalla endeavoured to draw him from it as much as he could towards Samarcand. Tamerlan arrived thither about the end of the Summer.

The Empress had been brought to bed, and was up again. The whole City for the birth of this young Prince, and for the safe arrival of the [Page 272] Emperour was full of sports, playes, and other divertisements, which were again renewed at the Childs Circumcision. But Axalla endeavoured to lose no time, he sollicited the Emperour and his Ministers to furnish him with his Instructions, for in the greatest times of pleasures the Emperour had his hours, which he spent in the publick affairs, from which nothing could take him off. When all things were ready, Axalla took his leave of his Im­perial Majesty, to go to the Camp. He had with him twenty thousand horse, most young men of the Court, for the Emperour desired these young blades to be brought up rather in the exercise of Arms, than in the pleasures of a Town. It was his cu­stome not to promote any to an employment, till after he had been actually in Arms. Those persons only excepted, who attended upon him.

About his time the Emperour received news, from the Prince of Tanais, Governour of Syria and Aegypt, that all things were quiet in his Pro­vinces, which gave him a great content. He took then a delight to embellish his City of Samar­cande, and chiefly in building a most glorious Tem­ple, which he named the Temple of Solomon; and appointed it to be his own and his Successours Tomb.

He caused the chief spoils, which he had taken from his enemies to be hung up in it, and caused the several battles that he had won, and the Na­tions that he had conquered to be ingraven for Posterity to view. (And as he said) for to ac­knowledge to his great God, the favours that he had received from him. He had with him a great many Christians, skilful in several Arts and Sciences, [Page 273] whom he had brought from all places, where he had been with his Armies, or who had been re­commended to him for their skill. For them he built a Temple and called it by the Name of Je­sus Christ the Son of God. Axalla, and many o­thers of the same Religion, were the best and chiefest Souldiers of his Army, for the Prince had confidence in them. He trusted them as much as his natural Subjects, and more than the most of the zealous followers of Mahomet. He had given orders, all over his Empire, that Christians should have free liberty to exercise their Religion, and that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, should be ho­noured and reverenced by all the World. The Christian devotions were performed every day in the Army, without molestation or hindrance. And the Emperour had in his dominions many Countries where the Inhabitants were all Christi­ans. He gave orders that they should have liber­ty to profess their own Religion, and be in as much esteem and favour as those of the Mahome­tan profession, because, as he said, they worship­ped but one only God, and that they denied all pluralities as well as himself. He hated all Ido­laters in such a manner, that wherever he went he pulled down their Idols, he enslaved their persons, and commanded them to be esteem'd so. He could not have a greater joy than when any of his own or the Christian Religion discoursed to him of holy princi­ples and precepts. When their lives were without vain-glory he esteem'd them the more. When they were not like certain hypocrites, who had nothing but an outward sanctity, by which they endeavour'd to surprise the minds of the people and to get an e­steem [Page 274] amongst men. He wondred most at the relation that was given him of men, who of their own accord have forsaken the World, for Jesus Christs sake, to live only upon dry meats and without taste, in loan­some Desarts, denying to themselves all the plea­sures of life, to embrace that which they judg'd to be most pleasing to God. When he heard of the strange persecutions, which Christians suffered under the Heathen Emperours, he was grieved, and this grief stirred up in him an inward affection for those that were of that Religion.

So that this great Prince had in him two good qualities, which caused him to be well beloved by all the World, Piety and Justice. Three times e­very week, he executed Justice to his Subjects in the City of Samarcande, seating himself in his Throne with a Majesty well becoming the Mo­narch of the greatest part of the World: But all this glory, in which he appeared, hinder'd him not from valuing the case of the poor and despicable, more than that of the rich. Other days were designed to sit in Council with his chief Mini­sters, to consider of his weighty affairs of State. In that place no person could be so bold as to disguise the Truth, or to act or speak passionate­ly without hazarding his Princes displeasure. In this occasion, he shewed not that indulgence, which he ex­pressed in all other occasions and actions of his life.

In this manner, he caused himself to be dread­ed and beloved of all his Subjects, and chiefly of his Domesticks, whom he never put out of their employments, but when he was thereunto forced by some ill behaviour or relapses in wickedness, which could not well be pardoned. He never [Page 275] dismiss'd those who had served the Emperour his Unkle, but retain'd them all in his service and in­creased their wages, to remove or quallifie in some respects, the displeasure they had conceived for so great a loss. He bestowed great gifts upon strang­ers to win their affections, and use them in times of need. This wise and judicious dealing was not unknown to many great men of the Moscovites Court and Council, who were the better every year for the Tribute, which their Master sent in monies to the Emperour. For he scarce kept any part of it for himself, but gave it to them, that he might oblige them the more to be his Crea­tures, and send him intelligence of any thing that related to his interest. He was so punctual and exact in his Revenues, that those, who had the management of them, were obliged to give him an account every three months. In an hour he viewed over the Receipts and Expences of his large Empire. He had a great respect for his Super-Intendant or Lord Treasurer, for he was a man of noted integrity, free from bribes or corruption. He received his orders from the Princes one mouth at every moment. He had orders to pay off the Pensions of the Princes, and chief Officers of the Crown without leaving this business to under A­gents: Such persons were to satisfie meaner Of­ficers, and pay off the other expences of the Em­pire. But of all these payments the chief Trea­surer was to be answerable in his own person, and of all the misdemeanours of his underlings.

Therefore this Employment, was very dangerous in this Empire. Two were put to death by the Ex­ecutioner, because they had not prefer'd the Princes [Page 276] interest to their own private benefit. Now the Revenues of the Emperour were not certain, for he increased or diminish'd them according as need required.

After the death of the last Emperour, he caused all the currant Coyn to be Stamp'd with his own Image, prohibiting all other of any former impres­sion. When he was at Samarcande, he reformed many things in his Incomes. The report went about that he was resolved to make a great stock of monies, but no man knew the cause. He was naturally very liberal, which gain'd him the hearts of all the World. When he had passed over a day without bestowing some Gift, he commonly said that he had spent it in vain. By giving, he said, Men became like God, whose Gifts never any body refused.

But to return to Axalla. As soon as he was in the Army, he caused all the Old Orders to be renewed and publish'd, which the Emperour ob­served, when he was with them. They had been neglected every where through the Chieftains fault, who, to destroy the ancient discipline, had brought in forreign customes not fit to be observed by the Parthians and Tartarians. When therefore he had called together all the Chief Commanders and other Officers, he represented to them the disor­ders intreating them to endeavour with him a re­formation, to bring all things to their first State, and re-establish the ancient discipline, which ob­liged them to be confined within their Camp, and there to cause their Souldiers to subsist, who were grown heavy and idle by their abode in Cities and Garrisons, whereas in the Camp the Souldi­er [Page 277] is used to work, every one in his turn to strengthen their fortifications. For which pur­pose, there were alwaies in the Imperial Armies thirty thousand men appointed. To avoid all con­fusion in the receiving of orders, amongst the In­fantry, he gave an under Officer to every ten Soul­diers, which Officer was to be governed by ano­ther, who was over one hundred men: And he was to be commanded by a Collonel, who had a thousand, and he by another Superior Officer, who had ten thousand under him: but all were to be govern'd by the Major General. Amongst the Cavalry there was this Order, one hundred horse men were commanded by a Captain, who was under a Collonel that was to be over a thou­sand, and he to be under a Superior Officer, that commanded ten thousand. So that orders were to be distributed all over the Camp, by the seve­ral Officers from the General. That he might better establish this order, he muster'd all his Ar­my, and setled it in that manner. It contain­ed threescore thousand foot, commanded by six chief Collonels under the General, and forty thou­sand horse with four chief Officers. Amongst them were a thousand light horse named Stradiots. Besides these, the General had his particular Guards to wait upon his person, they were in number two thousand horse and four thousand foot. This was the condition of the Army styled Imperial, the others had not that name. That which was in Syria was composed of twenty thousand horse and forty thousand foot. That of China had the same number, and that about Cambalu were as many. There were two others, [Page 278] one upon the borders of Moscovy, and the o­ther towards the Chersonessus, each containing the same number of men. These inferior Ar­mies were not to keep the Field, but when need required, but the Imperial Army was one entire in one Body, governed as we have said before, and able to strengthen the others, and assist them in case of need.

Axalla, who could by no means endure idleness, employed all his care to settle in good order the Army under his Command, and endeavoured to find out all the Engines of War, and Artillery used by Christians with so much success, as well to attack as to defend Cities and Towns. In these arts he en­deavoured to be skilful, and for that purpose, he made use of the Jews. For by their Trade in all parts, they brought to him all the new Inventions, that they could meet with in forreign Countries to communicate them to others, to whom they were unknown. That which pleased him most was the Invention of Guns, which a Grecian brought him, after the death of Andro­nicus with Powder, which he tried in the pre­sence of all the Army to their great astonishment, for they could not imagine how it came to pass, that it should have so great a power and strength. The advantages expected from it, caused the Emperour to be at a great expence, to purchase some from Christians, and to fetch persons out of Europe, that could make Gun-powder and cast Canon, and other pieces of Artillery. In the Tartarian Army before this they had certain En­gines able to cast great stones or other shot with an incredible swiftness, but that was not to be [Page 279] compared to great Guns and Powder. The Em­perour commanded that the honour of bringing in this new Invention should be ascribed to Prince Axalla, and caused it to be recorded in the History of his time, for a remembrance of this great service, which he had render'd him by this Invention for the glory and increase of his Empire. The Emperour was not ungrateful to him, for he gave him above a million of yearly Rent besides o­ther gifts. Odmar had almost as much. And the Revenues of the Prince of Tanais were very great. I shall not mention the pensions of many other per­sons, who were rewarded beyond their deservings.

The meanest Souldier, that shewed himself cou­ragious by some noted action, was sure of a re­compence, which encouraged all the rest to be­have themselves well, and opened a way for him to rise to the highest Dignities of the Empire. In this manner honours and rewards were distri­buted equally according to every mans merits. This Justice which Tamerlan religiously observed was like a Chain, that bound together all the se­veral parts of the Empire, so that they were there­by kept from falling asunder, and united against all assaults and attempts.

As soon as War was kindled it was speedily extinguished, because every one brought his help­ing hand to stop the progress. There was an admirable order established in all the new Con­quests, that the people could not easily rebel. But when any revolt happen'd against all expectation and precaution, the severe punishment of the first offend­ers frighted the rest into a peaceable compliance.

By this means, through the courage and wise [Page 280] conduct of the Prince, this Empire was become the greatest and most flourishing of the whole World, and was doubtless at its highest pitch and growth.

Tamerlan was become heavy by the number of his years. His Children were advancing in age, and all men began to adore the rising Suns, but the Emperours affection for them, hindered him from being Jealous or displeased for the extraor­dinary respects paid to their persons. He was afraid that after his decease, indiscretion, flatte­ry, or wicked Counsels, would separate and divide their hearts with the Empire, which he deliver­ed to them in peace. This fear made him often sigh and wish for a third Son, that he might be able to reconcile the two others together, when they shall be divided as it happens often in great families.

This foresight of the time to come, proved to be well grounded, for in a moment this great Mo­narchy was overthrown, by the divisions and ha­tred of the two brethren, who could never be re­conciled. About this time news came of a revolt at Babylon, but Prince Axalla's suddain appearance there stifled all commotions in their beginning and returned to his Camp. A little after, he had another occasion offered him, to express his va­lour; for Natolia, began to revolt to the Turks with some of the neighbouring Provinces. He sent to Tamerlan to give him information and re­ceive his orders to march thither with his Army to pacifie all troubles and settle the Country in peace.

CHAP. VIII. Callepin, Bajazet's Son promoted to the Empire, after his Fathers death. His War with Tamerlan. He is defeated by Axalla. Tamerlan's sickness and death.

AS soon as Bajazet had ended his dayes in the City of Samarcande, and the news was brought to the Turks, they took his second Son named Callepin to advance him upon his Fathers Throne. This promotion, together with the fair hopes, that he gave of his person, had encourag­ed them to raise a powerful Army to retake again Natolia, which they judged the easier to accom­plish, because the divisions of the Greek Emperours family would not suffer him to intermedle in the War, for his Brothers were in Rebellion a­gainst him, and kept him so employed, that he had no leasure to look abroad to the affairs of Asia. But Axalla being informed of their de­signs, sent word to the Emperour to acquaint him with all their proceedings. This attempt of the Turks was not only against the Greek Em­pire, but also against Tamerlan, who saw himself obliged to prevent the mischief intended. De­mocares was secretly employed to gather together Souldiers in Persia, to send them to Callepin, with whom he purposed to joyn with his party. Ax­alla could not well proceed, before he had the Emperours orders in so weighty a business. He sent him word, that his Army was in as good a condition, as could be expected and ready for acti­on. [Page 282] And that he thought it best to meet the e­nemy in his own Country, and not expect h [...]s com­ing into Persia: for all the frontiers were secure and in peace, but in Persia the Inhabitants were unconstant and not well confirmed in their obe­dience.

He sent word also to the Emperour that Li­chibanes the Governour of Natolia, had taken away all his Souldiers out of Bursa, pulled down the fortifications, because he was not able to keep it, and that he was retreated with all his Cavalry and Infantry to the foot of the Mountains, which he had seised with a resolution there to expect the orders of his Imperial Majesty with more men, which he wonted, because in all the Pro­vinces, there was no Town of any strength to make a resistance against the enemy. When the Emperour heard all these things, he called toge­ther his Council, where it was resolved that Prince Axalla should without delay with his Army march into Natolia to joyn with Lichibanes. That Odmar, with the forces of Quinzay and Cambalu, should go thither through the borders of Moscovia, and Zeri­sanes should strengthen his Army with twenty thou­sand horse. That an Embassadour should be dis­patched to the Prince of Moscovia, to desire the ten thousand horse, which he was obliged by his Treaty of Peace to send in such like occasions to assist Tamerlan. That the Prince of Tanais like­wise should secure his Government, and take with him all his horse to meet the Army at the rendevouz.

That in the mean while, the Governour of Babylon should raise twenty thousand horse and [Page 283] fifty thousand foot in Persia, besides other levies should be made in all other Provinces. That to hasten him the more, Commissions should be sent him from the Emperour with Commissioners to choose proper and able men, some to bear arms, others for the works and labours of the Camp: Orders were also sent to all the chief Cities of the Empire, commanding the Magistrates to make provisions of victuals and other necessaries, and convey them safe to the Army, by men appoint­ed for that purpose. Zamay also the Governour of Sachetay was ordered to go with all speed to Deristan to receive all the Troops, that should come thither with the provisions for the belly, and other necessaries for Souldiers, and send them to the Army. The Emperour caused it to be raised a­broad, that he would be himself at the Head of his Army, and punish the Turks for their bold attempts.

In the mean while, the Imperial Army was marching to the borders, increasing dayly by the accession of new Troops. Axalla their General was overjoyed to be employed in this glorious expedition, he had secret orders to put a period to this War, and not to expect the Emperours coming, who advanced towards the Army with a slow pace, being retarded by the indisposition of his body tormented with a disease. He was de­sirous that Axalla should put an end to this War; for that purpose, he had given him the whole Command over so much of his Treasure as was needful, as well as over the Army.

The Prince of Tanais, who had orders to se­cure his Government, and then to joyn with Ax­alla, [Page 284] sent several parties of horse before him to the Imperial Army, with ten thousand foot, which he took out of Tauris, and eight thousand horse. They were commanded by a Lord named Abi­ran, a faithful Servant of the Emperours, and Axalla's real Friend.

In his way through Armenia, he drew out of the Garrisons twenty thousand horse to joyn them with the Imperial Army, which consisted then of fourscore thousand horse and one hundred thousand foot. Tamerlan had as many more gathered out of Moscovy and the province of Sachetay, but he could not in six months joyn with Axalla, for he was so diseased, that he could not make more haste. There were some fears amongst his Courtiers, that his distemper would increase and grow more dange­rous, and that it would oblige him to return to Samarcande, because the pain, which he felt in his side, became every day worse and worse, so that it tormented his body, and had taken away his stomack, by degrees he grew feebler. None but his chief Officers and Domesticks knew this, they were all afraid of death, which was not to be avoided. A certain Astrologer had foretold that immediately before his death, he should win a battle against all the East. Another sent him word to take heed of the thirteenth day of the Moon and the ninth moneth of the year. These predictions made the Emperour believe, that he should die in a battle and not in his bed, but this thought of leaving the World, did in no wise trouble him, but often would speak of his mor­tality, and of the debt he owed to Nature. He was expecting every day Odmar, who was com­ing [Page 285] to him with the Young Prince his Son, for as he said; he intended to present him to the Ar­my, and to shew him those persons who were to serve him, as soon as God should take him out of the World. But he was very desirous to embrace him once more, before he gave up the Ghost, and send him afterwards to the Empress, his Mother, to Samarcande with Odmar. And though his disease was very troublesome, he had taken a resolution if need required to go over the Bosphore of Thracia, to Canstantinople and into Greece, to encourage his men by his presence, to endea­vour to cut off, and root out all that dangerous brood of Turks and secure his interest by that means in his new Conquests from all future invasion.

Whiles the Emperour staid for the Prince his Son with a great longing, Axalla was busie in his Army, spur'd on with an earnest desire of Glory. He was so speedy, that he entered into Turcomaniae at the same time, as fifteen thousand Georgians, strong and warlike men, overtook his Army. He marched to Gorga, where the Governour of the Provinces met him to welcome him and re­ceive from him, the Orders that Axalla had to deliver to him in the Emperours name, but he would not undertake any thing till the com­ing of the Prince of Tanais, for that purpose, he made all speed possible with fifteen thousand horse and thirty thousand foot, which he brought with him. As soon as he was come up with his party to the Imperial Army, Axalla according to Tamerlans orders, gave the Prince the command of the Vanguard. The Governour of the Coun­try had the Rear. He was a person well esteem'd [Page 286] by the Emperour, because of his virtuous dispositi­on. His Government reached as far as Persia and Syria.

But that we may better understand this part of the History, we must take notice, that as soon as Tamerlan had conquered all Natolia, he gave a great part of it back to the Greek Emperour upon condition, that he should pay as a Tribute every year four hundred thousand Ducats of Gold, and eight hundred thousands Livers of Silver. Axalla sent therefore to this Prince to acquaint him with his coming to Gorga, where he gather­ed all the Troops together, which Tamerlan sent from all parts to make up the body of an Army, which he himself was in his march to command to do him the same good Offices, which he had formerly done to his Father, therefore he intreat­ed him to reconcile the differences of his own fa­mily to prevent a forreign evil, which increased visibly to the eye, and which would cast him in­to the same inconveniency as his Father was before him, if he did not remedy it betimes. He sent to advise him, that if he did not quench the domestick dissentions and troubles of his family, he would but give an advantage to his mortal enemy, who would become stronger through his weakness and troubles. This seasonable and whole­some advice, made no impression upon the minds of this Prince or of his Brothers. They had shar­ed the Empire amongst themselves, and were at variance about their portions; contrary to their de­sires, they help'd to increase and enlarge the Tur­kish Empire, whereof the Prince was likely to succeed their Father, without being any wayes [Page 287] related to him. They were so foolish as to be Jealous of Tamerlan's Embassadours and angry at the message, for they believed at first that the succours that Axalla brought, were not a­bove ten or twelve thousand horse, but when they understood from the mouth of the Embas­sador, an able and a wise man, that the Army had so many thousand horse and foot as to make a dreadful body, instead of rejoycing or expres­sing their thankfulness, they began to fear that Tamerlan had sent his men against them, as well as against Callepin: Neither the remembrance of Tamerlans former generosity expressed to their de­ceased Father, nor the Embassadours endeavours, to assure them of the Emperours good and sin­cere intentions to do them no harm, could not remove these ill grounded suspitions out of their minds. They were so blind and brutish, that they would not admit of a Truce amongst them­selves, so great was their hatred for one another. At the return of this useless Embassie, Axalla understood where Callepin lay with his Army, and how many men he had. Therefore after the general musters, he marched to seek out the Enemy in Caramania Callepin was at first astonished at the dilligent proceedings of the Army, but much more, when at the return of the scouts, he un­derstood its order, discipline and number of men; for he had imagined that it would not be above ten or twelve thousand men. When he had learned the truth, he called together his Council. All the Commanders advised that Callepin, who was the only person alive of the Ottoman family, should not hazard his person in the battle, that he was [Page 288] to be desired to stay at a distance, and see the conse­quence and end of the fight. That though his Army was strong and powerful, because the Persians and Mamelucks, two warlike Nations, made up the grea­test part of it: It was to be feared if things succceded not well with them, they would conclude a peace to the prejudice of the Turks with the victorious enemy. When Callepin understood that the Em­perour in person, was advancing after Axalla with another Army, as numerous and as brave as the former, he began to repent that he had awakened the drowsie Lyon. The Greek Empe­rour also imagining, that all this Army was designed to take from him his Country, as well as to drive away the Turks, sent to conclude a league with Callepin, which after it was agreed too the Turk desired some succours, to help him against Tamer­lans Army, which was there purposely to defend the Greek from the Turk the common enemy of both. He alleadged these reasons to strengthen his ridi­culous fancy: That in all appearance the Empe­rour would not be content, with such narrow li­mits to his Empire as the Egean Sea, but would enlarge it beyond Constantinople. That they ought to joyn together, for the security of their domi­nions, and repulse that ambitious Prince into his own Nest in Tartary. That he could not approve his Fathers proceedings, nor would follow his foot­steps, for after his Fathers decease, he had refus­ed to give any encouragement to Tamerlans Go­vernour in Natolia: That his Army had advanc­ed into that Province without his knowledge and consent, and therefore he should endeavo [...]r to beat him out. He laboured to make the Turk [Page 289] sensible of these things, that he might conclude a confederacy with him to his own ruin; but the Tartars were so advanced, that tho they had both [...] desire to joyn, they could not have then the means; for the Ottoman Army could not give back without destroying themselves. There was a ne­cessity for them to fight. The greatest part were Persians and Mamelucks, and banish'd men driven but of their Country, because they would not sub­mit to Tamerlan. It was therefore very dange­rous for them to delay the battle, or to retreat.

The Bassa, who commanded in the Turkish ar­my, had fifteen thousand Persian Horse, good figh­ting men, and thirty thousand. Foot led by the Prince of Tauris, one of the banished men. The Mamelucks were in number about twenty thousand Horse commanded by him that was chosen their Sultan, who near five years had been making war in Arabia, but had been driven from thence by Tamer­ [...]an's men, and entertained by Callepin, whose Confederate he was, in hopes, that if their affairs succeeded, he might receive from him such assi­ [...]tance as might help him to recover Syria and Egypt, and all the Dominions of the Mamelucks. Besides these, there were twenty five thousand Tur­kish Horse, and thirty thousand foot, with six thou­sand more, that Callepin had chosen for his Guard. The grand Bassa was an experienced Warriour, and a brave Commander. With these Troops he imagin'd himself able to overthrow the enemies Army. And was the more encouraged to fight, because, he supposed, that the greatest part of the Tartarian Forces were no cordial Friends of the [...]arthians, nor well wishers to their Empire. This [Page 290] Bassa was the same who had been taken the day before the great Battle, where Bajazet was made Prisoner, unto whom Tamerlan gave his freedom and a stately horse. He boasted amongst his own men, that he was acquainted with the Tartarians manner of fighting, and that the greatest advan­tage which they had obtained was by the taking of Bajazet, but that more had been killed on their side than on the Turks, which was very true. There­fore in the Counsel of affairs, which Callepin had called together, this was his advice, that they should not suffer their Prince to be in the Army the day of the fight, for fear that he should fall into the same misfortune as his Father before him.

Now in the Survey and Mustering of the Empe­rours Army, Axalla found that it had fourscore thousand Horse, and one hundred and threescore thousand Foot. Threescore thousand were old Troops kept in pay by Tamerlan; brave Souldiers accustomed to fight. Sinopes, an excellent and a skillful Commander, led fourscore thousand Foot, chosen men, of a stout resolution.

As soon therefore as the enemy drew so near, that Axalla had notice of their march, he called a Council of War, and caused his Army to ad­vance softly towards them. He knew that Goualach, about thirty leagues off from the place where he was with his men, was an advantageous p [...]st to him, who should first recover it; he caused therefore all his Army, very desirous of a bat­tle, to march thither. The Turks went slowly and would not forsake the Sea-side, that fur­nished them with plenty of all manner of pro­visions. [Page 291] In the Tartarian Army there was no such abundance, for want began to be a com­plaint.

Axalla commanded a Parthian Captain, na­med Stucan, a Collonel of the light horse, to ad­vance towards the Turks, and to observe their mo­tion, that he might not be surprized unawares. This Officer, a man fit for a great undertaking, very active and ingenious, had under his com­mand a Soldier of that Country, where the Turks were then incamp'd, who, understanding the lan­guage of the place, and being faithful to his Lea­der, was able to do him service, in a design that he had thought upon, and imagin'd to be f [...]sable. But before he would attempt it he took advise with Prince Axalla, who approved of it, and en­couraged him to accomplish it▪ For that purpose Stucan with three thousand Horse advances before his Army ten leagues, as far as Regeni, where he met with some Turks, whom he made Prisoners, and by them he understood, that the Van of the Turks Army was in sight. He went out upon a high ground to take notice of it, and resolved in the dark to enter into their Camp by the means of this Souldier, that knew the language, and should pretend, that he had been sent to shew the way to two thousand Persian Horse, which he brought with him, and at the same moment Stucan with his followers should enter in amongst the Turks, and surprise them in disorder. All this happened according to the project and their expectation; for two hundred men going before with this Souldier, they entered in amongst the Turks, and were imme­diately followed by Stucan and his party, that kil­led [Page 292] above three thousand of the Van-guard. The rest were afraid to stir, for though all the Caval­ry mounted at the first Alarm, they were not so bold as to pursue after Stucan in his retreat, but stood to their ground, imagining that the whole Army was at hand. They chose rather to lose a few fore-runners and loose Troops, than to indan­ger their whole body. When day began to break the Turks Bassa wondered at his mistake, and to understand that onely three thousand Horse had done that execution and disorder'd his Army, for he learn'd that the Tartarians were yet about ten leagues from his Camp. He was highly incensed at this affront: When therefore he understood, by some Runawayes, that provisions were but scarce in the Tartarian Army, he resolved to wait for it, in the place where he was and to fortifie himself in such a manner, that he might not be forced to fight against his will. For by that delay, he hoped to waste all Axalla's provisions and so to weary him, as to oblige him to retreat back again. Now Axalla imagin'd not that the Bassa was so well informed of the condition of his Army, but to prevent that de­sign, he purposed to lay a snare for him, and cause him to fall into it. A little after his Army marched within five leagues of the Turks. Whiles the Trenches were making, Axalla drew up his men in order of battle, and advanced with them, within two leagues of the Turks Army in a plain ground, from whence he went in person to take notice, how they lay intrenched in their Camp, from whence they had their provisions, and what road their Convoys of victuals and their Purveyours kept. When he had well observed all particulars▪ he [Page 293] resolved either to force the enemies to fight him, or to lodge between them and the Sea, so to cut off their provisions: For that purpose, he ad­vanced with his Army to their Trenches, as if he had an intent to assault them. In the mean while, without noise, he had employed some to fortifie a Camp and prepare lodgings for his Army, to­wards the Sea. The Bassa would not look out of his Camp, therefore he knew not what was preparing. He had taken notice, that the Tar­tarian Army had faced him eight hours in or­der of battle, and expected to be assaulted in his Trenches, which he earnestly desired, but when instead of that, news came to him that they were incamp'd near his fortifications, between him and the Sea, in a place where they would intercept all his provisions, and that he should not be a­ble to recover any without great danger and dif­ficulty, he was strangely surprised and astonished, which caused him to call together the Officers of his Army, to advise what to do in this juncture. It was there resolved, that if they understood that the Tartars would hinder them from all cor­respondency with the Sea, that then they must fight, but before it was resolved to endeavour by strong Guards and parties to draw provisions into the Camp; according to this advice the Bassa, as soon as day appeared, sent out six thousand Horse of his best Souldiers, towards the Sea, with orders if they met with any opposition that then they should return into the Camp. They hapned to light upon the Tartarian main Guard, that charg­ed them so vigorously that they were beaten back, and forced to return faster than they came [Page 295] on. When the Bassa saw what had happen'd he understood the Tartars design, and that there was a necessity for him to hazard a fight. There­fore the next night he drew out some of his Army to take possession of a Hill, which was nearer to him than to his enemies, with an in­tent to annoy them with his Artillery, which he caused to be planted there, as likewise to hin­der Axalla from placing any Troops upon it, because it was able to do a kindness to him that should have it first. As soon as it was day Ax­alla had news that there was a stirring in the Turks Camp more than ordinary, as if they in­tended to decamp. To understand the truth, he put himself at the head of twenty thousand Horse, and with them he advanced to observe their motion, resolved to fight them if they in­tended to retreat. But when he took notice nearer of their Actions, he perceived their pur­pose, he called therefore the Prince of Tanais, and Sinopes, telling them that he was not willing that the Turks should intrench themselves upon the Hill which he shewed them, because it would be prejudicial to his Army, and that therefore it was requisite to drive them from thence, be­fore they were there well setled.

Sinopes had immediately orders to assault them with twenty thousand of the stoutest Infantry of the Army. Axalla doubted not of the Victory, if he could but succeed in this attempt upon those that were upon the Hill, which was scituate in such a place, that the Horse were not able to get near it, because of a morish ground lying round about, near a league from the Hill. But the [Page 295] foot could march up with ease. Axalla had great hopes of success, because he knew the courages of his Infantry that he employed, which was the stoutest in the World, and the noble and brave soul of Sinopes their Captain who led them on, and would do all that could be expected from a skilful and resolute Commander.

The Tartarian Army stood in order of battle over against the Turks. The Infantry was Com­manded to advance, that it might back Sino­pes, and be ready at his motion to assist him. He was resolved, if the Enemy was obstinate to de­fend this Hill to fight on foot, and to employ all his might and force to drive him from thence. The Prince of Tanais was at the Head of his Cavalry over against the Turks Horse. Neither of them was able to do any good to those that were to fight for the possession of the Hill. Sinopes by Axalla's advice, had taken a Compass round under a high piece of ground, which hin­dered the enemies from receiving his motion, whiles he stood ready to assist them.

So that Sinopes broke in upon them with his twenty thousand foot and disordered them, before they were aware. An Enemy surprised, is half over­come. The Turks, astonished with this suddain on­set, knew not whither all the Infantry or but a part, had assaulted them. This conceit filled them with ap­prehensions. At that time the rest of the Army stood in order of battle at one end of the Marsh, and both Armies were in sight of one another very silent, but when the Turks perceived what was acted upon the Hill, they made all haste to help their Com­rades and ressist the Tartars. The Bassa being a [Page 296] very skiful Commander, sent away all his Infantry to s [...]ccour his men, who had been broken at the first charge of the Tartarian foot, and had left them the possession of the Top of the Hill. By this means, they got the advantage of the ground, so that they encountered the Turks with more ease, where­as the Turks stood upon a shelving ground, which hindered them from using their Weapons with that advantage as the others could. But the great companies of Janisaries, who were march­ing to the assistance of their companions, had doubtless overpowr'd the Tartarian foot, in pos­session of the Mountain, if Axalla, upon sight of their approach, had not dispatch'd away at the same moment, twenty thousand more to renew the fight, and keep up his mens courages against the Janisaries. And after them he provided five and twenty thousand more, that he might march himself at their Head, as soon as he should see any more advancing the Hill from the Ottoman Army; for that purpose, he alighted off from his Horse to command them in person. When the Prince of Tanais understood his intent, that he would hazard his person in the battle upon the Hill, he sent to intreat him to leave that to one of his Collonels of the foot, and to stay be­hind to give his orders; telling him, That the whole Army made him the same request. Ax­alla reply'd, that the business then in action was of a high concernment, and that if the Hill were once gain'd, the Victory would follow with ease. And that he was resolved to obey his orders that day and become his Souldier. At that instant the rest of the Turks foot was observed to move. [Page 297] These were most of them Janisaries, they gave a furious assault to the Tartarian foot, but when Axalla came in with a chosen party, he beat them back and won all the Hill. Before his de­parture, he caused Trenches to be drawn on that side which look'd towards the Turks Army, and left there to command Sinopes, who had pur­chased to himself much honour and glory, by his brave conduct.

The Tartarians lost in the several assaults be­tween fifteen and sixteen thousand men, but the Turks near thirty thousand. The fight lasted from eight a Clock in the morning till night. The Cavalry all that while stood still without acti­on looking upon the passages upon the Hill, for they could not advance to it, because of the deep Marsh.

The Turks discouraged with this loss depart­ed the next night, marching back ten long leagues before they stop'd. The Prince of Ta­nais, Stucan and the light Horse followed them close at the heels, and Axalla with the rest of his Army made after them, and incamped near the Sea, about two leagues distant from the Turks, who were drawing towards Caramania.

As soon as the Bassa, had recollected his Spi­rits and was returned to himself, he resolved to incamp and intrench his Army. But the Prince of Tanais, angry that he had not been concerned in the Glory of the day before, would not give him the leasure to fortifie himself. Therefore he advanced forward to fight him, so far and with such indiscretion, that when the rest of his Ar­my behind were about to fix their Tents, news [Page 298] came to them, that the Prince was ingaged a­gainst the Turks, and that unless he was spee­dily relieved, he would be cut off with his par­ty. This Report caus'd Axalla to sound a march and with his Cavalry to advance before, when he was come to the banks of a small River in his way, he saw the Prince of Tanais's mistake in venturing over, before he had sent to see what enemies were on the other side, for the crafty Turks had ordered ten thousand Persian Horse to stop the Princes party, by skirmishing with them. They behaved themselves so brave­ly, that if the Bassa had not sent away more to relieve the Persians, the Tartarians had cut them all in pieces. But as his intent was but to keep them busie and employed, and to hinder them from all possibilities of a retreat, he dispatched away twenty thousand Horse more, to second the Persians, who seem'd to be almost all brok­en. Then the Tartars were forced to give back with great loss, if the Lord D' Halicen had not come in with a fresh party, to assist the Prince of Tanais, they had been routed, for the Prince lost two Horses under him, and was mounted upon the third. Stucan was kill'd, and all his light Horsemen overthrown. When Axalla per­ceived the fault of the Prince of Tanais, he was in dispair to see so glorious a Victory, which God had given him useless or lost through o­ther mens miscarriage, and folly. Turning there­fore to his men in haste. Now my dear Com­rades, Cryed he, we must fight not so much for the glory of the Parthians, as for their lives and safety, and for the preservation of the whole Army, [Page 299] Go, said he, to a body of ten thousand Horse, which he commanded to ride forward, Go and keep up the fight, I will follow to relieve you or dye with you, that our enemies may see that we will not part with the Victory out of our hands, at so cheap a rate. A few minutes after, he advanced at the Head of forty thousand Horse, divided into th [...]ee bo­dies, which marched all three in a front keep­ing a Trot. And with them he charged the Turks, who were already grown insolent and proud of their success. For since the first onset of the Prince of Tanais, they had alwaies had an advantage upon him, and overthrown him in the third charge, this poor Prince was cast to the ground and left as dead, so that his fall had left them the Victory, had not the ten thousand Horse sent by Axalla given a furious onset and beaten the enemies back. By this means Axalla had time to advance, He was desirous to revenge the Parthians losses and snatch the Victory out of the Turks hands, and because it was then within two hours of night, the shortness of the time required them to make haste. He marched therefore strait to the Enemy with an intent to oblige him to fight.

At that time the Bassa having yet had no hand in the action, wondered to see his men, in­stead of driving before the ten thousand Horse led by the Lord of Halicen, give back and retreat. He advanced therefore with fifteen thousand fresh Horse, with a resolution to end the difference and gain the Victory. His first charge caused the Tartars and Parthians to give back, but Ax­alla entered into the fight in that moment, with [...] [Page 298] [...] [Page 299] [Page 300] all his Horse, and forced the Bassa's men to give ground, for they were not able to abide the fu­rious onset of the Parthians, who had a full in­tent to be reveng'd for the loss of their Compa­nions; for that purpose, they cut in pieces a great many Spahis, and of the rest of the Tur­kish Ca [...]alry. A Governour of Natolia named Le­nauen, who commanded a reserve of ten thou­sand Horse, coming up to Axalla to joyn with him, adventured against the Turks, but to his loss, for he had been broken and his men disorder'd. The greatest part of them rallied near Axalla's person, and charged with him to be reveng'd. They drove back the Turks Cavalry with that success that they made them run in upon their Infantry, and forsook them immediately afterwards. Fear had so great a power upon their minds, and infused a swiftness into their heels. The Tartarian Horse, seeing all out of order amongst the Turks foot, dallied not with them, but broke in amongst the thickest; had it not been for the dark night they would have killed every man of them. Above twenty thousand, most part Janisaries, retreated in good order, they got over a River and hindered by that means, the Tartarian Horse from obtaining so compleat a Vi­ctory as they desired.

The next day, as soon as it appeared, Axalla sent a party of Horse with the Governour of Natolia to pursue after the flying Turks, and to hinder them from rallying together in one bo­dy. It was a difficult matter to overtake them, for they had marched all night, without stopping and that in good Order, commanded by the [Page 301] Captain of the Janisaries named the Aga. They complained of their Horsemen, who had for­saken them basely, when they were couragi­ously resolved to die for the Service of their Prince, rather than to yield or give ground.

Axalla, remaining still behind upon the blou­dy field, caus'd all the dead to be put into the ground, the wounded to be taken care of, and sent the Prince of Tanais into a secure place to be healed of a dangerous wound in his Leg, received by an Arrow. He marched next after the Turks, for he had heard that the Bassa had got together near fourteen thousand Horse. And that he might be able to follow them with more speed, he left behind him all his bag and baggage. And to separate them from the bo­dy of Janisaries, he took a nearer way to them that he might get in with them, before they were joyned together.

The Janisaries also marching a great pace got as far as the Sea side. Axalla had com­manded ten thousand Horse to follow them, and all his foot, that had not yet been ingaged to pursue and hinder them from escaping if it were possible. They had marched a great way be­fore and frustrated all the speed that could be made after them, at Gallipoli they took Ship­ping and sailed over into Europe to seek for Callepin, who was mightily incensed against the Bassa; for he accused him, for having forsaken his Army by a shameful slight, because he had not chosen an Honourable death to the safety of his Life.

In this last ingagement, the Turks lost above [Page 302] five and forty thousand men, and Axalla about twenty thousand. In both, his courage and prudent acting met with great success and hap­piness. Much was ascribed to chance and for­tune. Stucan was found dead under his Horse and his Buckler over his Face. His death was much lamented all over the Army, though his furiousness and indiscretion was likely to have ruined them all. They rejoyced all for the safe­ty of the Prince of Tanais, who had been as it w [...]e snatched out of the Jawes of death by a Miracle.

Axalla congratulated him for his deliverance; but afterwards with mild and yet significant words, shewed him his unadvisedness, in ven­turing to fight as he did, and obliged him to purchase the Victory at a very dear Rate, with the loss of twenty thousand men, whereas they might have gained it without any danger or spilling of blood with a little patience. The Prince of Tanais laid the fault upon Stucan and his light Horse, who were advanced too far, and protested that he imagined not the body of the enemies Army so near him as it was. Prince Axalla told him that the fear of what might happen, had obliged him to draw with his Ar­my as near to the River as he could.

All these great successes and Victories, which were able to puff up the minds of the ambi­tious, raised in him no sign of joy, his Soul was rather drooping in a great sadness, which proceeded from the news of the Emperours sickness, of which the Physicians had no good opinion. The great fear of the mischiefs that [Page 303] were likely to follow, and the notable altera­tions in the Empire, made him wish that his employment would have suffered him to have gone and paid his respects to his dear Master and Lord, and taken of him his last farewel. But his Duty could not permit him to be ab­sent at that time, he was forced to put off his departure till another opportunity. He onely writ to his Majesty to acquaint him with the Victories that he had won. He caused his Letters to be Read in the Council assembled for that and other purposes.

But to hinder the enemies retreat into the Mountains, he sent after them many Troops of Horse, and followed them himself with the rest of the Army, for he wished he could speedily put an end to this War.

The Persians came in every day by Troops, to submit themselves, and desire the Conque­rours Mercy and Pardon for their Revolt. They said, that they had been earnestly sollicited by their Prince, who was killed in the last ingage­ment. But that which surprised and rejoyced the Tartarian Army most was the Head of the Grand Bassa, which was brought into the Camp by a Souldier, who had killed him as he en­deavoured to fly away, after that the Persians had left him. This was the same man, who had been Tamerlans pris'ner before Bajazet was taken, whom the Emperour sent back so gene­rously. Axalla was alwayes in pursuit of the flying Troops of the Turkish Army, all the Mamelucks, he killed and allowed them no quar­ter, because most of them had deserted the Prince [Page 304] of Tanais and forsaken him shamefully. But all the rest were so well treated that in fif­teen dayes the whole Army was broken and scattered, and all the Maritine Towns taken without much resistance; for they heard no news of Callepin, who was gone into Europe.

After all this successful proceeding, the season of the year drawing towards Winter, made the Army ask for their Wages. It was thought fit to please the Souldiers, to send them to­wards Gevolach there to pass the Winter, in a fat and plentiful Country, where they might live with ease and pleasure.

The Prince of Tanais, fearing least the Em­perours sickness should cause an alteration in mens minds, and troubles in his Government, resolved, after he had discoursed with Axalla, to depart with his Troops into Persia. These two Princes ingaged themselves one to the o­ther with an Oath to seek to promote and fa­vour one anothers interests. Axalla delayed the attempt upon the Empire of Greece till the fol­lowing Spring. He intended then to destroy it, because he was resolved to disable that Em­perour from helping the Turks, he having been so indiscreet, as to side with them against his best Benefactor. He soon recovered all the Towns that he had taken from the Tartars.

The Prince of Tanais was not advanced a­bove twenty Leagues from the Army, when the news of the Emperours death was brought to Axalla. He had been long in expectation of a change, he was desirous of news, and yet afraid to hear what would grieve him to the heart. [Page 305] He understood by the messenger, that this great Prince was dead two dayes after he had re­ceived Axalla's Letters of the Victory, which he had won. They caused him to rejoyce, for he had a sound judgement, till the last moment of his Life, and gave orders for the Govern­ment of the Empire, with as much care as he had ever done before.

When Axalla received first this sad news, which he expected, he withdrew himself aside to give way to his tears and violent grief: but he would not suffer the Army to know what they had lost for some dayes, he suffered not therefore his sorrow to appear before them, but sent speedily after the Prince of Tanais, to acquaint him with the news, and intreat him to appoint him a place, where he might meet and speak with him, that they together might consult about their private concerns. Accor­ding to his desire they met at a rendevouz.

The dispatch that Axalla received was signi­fied by Sentrochio the new Emperour, who sent him orders to leave, with the Governour of the borders, forty thousand men, and to return with the rest of the Army through Persia. This messenger was followed by a favourite of the new Emperour, who had orders to assure Ax­alla of the Emperours affection, that he should have as great an interest in him as in the Old Emperour deceased, and that he would ever acknowledge the services that Axalla had ren­der'd him, and those which he yet expected from him. This Complement proceeded from [Page 306] his desire to win and prevent him, and his fear of his power; for to speak Truth, he was as it were the Commander of all the forces of the Empire, he had an authority over them, and was highly esteem'd, because of his noble behaviour and late Victories over the Turks, which all the Army acknowledged to be due to his ex­perience and resolution. But Sentrochi [...] knew him not well, for Axalla was a just and a ver­tuous man, unable to commit a base action, which might blemish his reputation or be con­trary to his duty. Therefore he assured his new Lord, that he would be true and faithful to him.

Whiles the Army refreshed themselves, Axalla and the Prince of Tanais had an enterview at the place appointed. They promised to one a­nother, with an Oath, to be true and faithful to their several interests, and to make no distincti­on of their concerns, whether they related to their governments, offices, or pensions. They thought it convenient to conceal some few days the Emperours death, but when Axalla was returned to his Army, the news was spread all about, as commonly ill news is known before good. He called therefore the Army together, and declared to them, That the Emperuor was dead.

When this was spoken, it was a lamentable thing to hear the Cryes and the Sighs that were all over the Camp. All wept, Captains and Souldiers, all lamented for the loss of so good a Master and Benefactor. When silence was made, he ask'd them whether they would [Page 307] not have for the Young Prince his Son, the same affection as for the Father, and promise the same fidility. They answered all, That they would. The General afterwards caused the Of­ficers of the Army to ingage themselves by an a new Oath, all the Colours to be covered with black, and the Army to be paid off. He exhorted them again, to honour the memory of Tamerlan the Great, who was not dead see­ing that he survived in the person of his Son, which he left behind him for their good. He told them, that this Young Prince ought to be dear to them and esteem'd, because of his vertues and good qualities. That for the time to come they should all fight under his Co­lours, and receive from his bounty the rewards due to their services and labours. That therefore they ought to go to be known to him; and that for him he would never for­sake them, whiles breath was in his body, he would assist and recommend them to his Majesty.

After this discourse Axalla chose the Souldiers whom he intended to leave with the Governour of the Province to keep the Country in awe, and hinder the enemies in­vasions: after some other Orders given, he marched away with the rest of the Army, and advanc'd two great days journey towards Persia.

Whiles Axalla is in the way, let us take notice of some particulars of the death of this great Prince, who left not behind him his fel­ [...]ow in the World. He had often sought in [Page 308] vain for help from the skill of the most fa­mous Physitians, but when he saw, notwith­standing all their endeavours, that his distem­per increased more and more, and that he could not avoid the payment of the ordinary tribute of Nature. He called for Sentrochio his eldest Son, to whom he spake in the presence of Odmar, and of the chief of his Council. He gave him an account of all the actions of his life beginning by the retreat of his Father the Prince of Sachetay, from all worldly busi­ness to employ himself in divine contemplation and Prayers. He told him, that when he left him the Soveraignity of his Dominions, he gave him three great men to assist him to bear part of his burden, and advise him for the best. That onely Odmar, the youngest of the three, was then alive. That he had been willing to submit to their good Counsels in things relating to Peace and War, and had never any cause to repent of it. That the great credit and reputation that he had gain'd, when he was very young, by the famous Vi­ctory over the Moscovites, who were become so dreadful to all Asia, was the effect of their wise counsels, rather than the work of hazard or fortune. He told him, that the bringing down of the Moscovites, whom he had made to be tribu­tary to him, and the lusire of some vertues that shined in him, had obliged his neighbours and his kindred to seek his acquaintance and affi­ [...]ity, and caused the Emperour his Uncle to alter his design of dividing his Empire a­mongst [Page 309] the greatest Lords of his Court, whom he loved best before; but then he rejoyced to prefer to them the Conquerour of the common enemy of their Nation, and a Nephew for whom nature and the nearness of blood pleaded in his heart. That it was this that had raised him to the Empire of the Tartars, that gave him the Emperours Daughter in marriage, because he hoped that he would ease him of his burden in his old age, by manag­ing for him his publick affairs and scattering away all divisions and parties through the repu­tation, and dread of his forces. He told him, that the Emperours expectation had not been disap­pointed, that whiles he lived he honoured and loved him as his Lord and Father. That he had behaved himself so uprightly as well towards his Father as towards his Subjects, that when the Emperour died he succeeded to the Throne with­out any contradiction or commotion, for all shew­ed themselves willing to obey. So that he succeed­ed, as well to the affections of the people, as to the authority over them. That since twenty years that he had enjoyed this vast Empire, he had been alwayes faithfully served. That he gave God thanks that the promises; which the Empe­rour his Unkle had made of the rewards, which were due to his Subjects for their services, he had had opportunity and means to discharge; for the happiness of his Armies had inabled him to pay all his Unkles and his own obligati­ons and debts. He continued to him his discourse in this manner. I leave thee, my Son, these for [Page 312] thy Servants, who deserve all of them to be Kings. Honour them and reign amongst them. They will serve thee affectionately, and will pardon the mi­stakes and miscarriages of thy youth. Their re­membrance of Tamerlan, and their own vertues will oblige them to be true to thy concerns, and to their duty.

After this, taking Odmar by the hand, he removed him from the place where he sat to make him go to the right side of his bed, and then casting once more his eyes upon his Son on the left side, he spoke to him thus again. This side shall be kept for Axalla, who is absent. His faithfulness and his affection for me, and his Noble Actions are so known and famous all over the Empire, and to my self, that I will say no more of him. I command you, my Son, to believe Odmars and Axalla's Counsells, as I have alwayes done to my advantage, for the Prince of Tanais I shall say nothing of him, his service [...] and fidelity speak sufficiently for him. He told him also, that because he was his Kinsman, he knew that the Prince would suffer death rather than act contrary to his duty. That he recommended to him all the Princes, Lords, and Captaines, who were then before his eyes, and those that were absent, who had served him so faithfully in so many Wars, whereof the Victories and successes had gained so much glory to the Parthian name, and rendered the Empire one of the most flourishing of the World. That he left it to him to command it, because he was his Son, though there was [Page 311] no other deserveing in him, but the hopes that he gave of his person. Afterwards he reached out his hand to all the Princes and Lords about his bed, with these words directed to his Son. In these persons cheifly your Empire and happiness will consist. Then he beckned to his Chancellour to draw near, and ask'd from him his Seal, which he delivered to the young Prince, and caused the Prince to restore it again to the Chancellour. He was afterwards a while without speaking, but presently he began again, my Son, said he, Love justice, shew it to the poor as well as to the rich; to the mean man as well as to the great; it is your Office, your Chan­cellour will sometimes help you: Remember that the sword that you bear is only to put in exe­cution [...] the decrees of justice; therefore the Wars that you shall undertake must be just, then you may promise to you self success.

Whiles he was talking thus to the Prince, the Chancellour being near his person, a great noise was heard in the next Chamber. The Emperour enquired what might be the cause. A Lord at that instant coming in, sent from Axalla, brought with him tydings of two great Victories, which his Army in Natolia had obtained against the Turks. This mes­senger gave him an account of all the pas­sages of the two ingagements, which had been manag'd with Wisdome and valour by his brave General; he told the Emperour at last that his Valliant Soldiers were in hopes to see his Majesty amongst them assoon as the [Page 312] season of the year would permit, to subdue the Empire of Greece, which would be easily accomplished, because the enemies were dis­couraged and in a great fear. But the Em­perour, who was then no longer desirous of earthly honours, answered with a smiling coun­tenance▪ That he had never questioned the affections that his Soldiers had to promote his glory, but that he knew himself called by a greater Lord than himself to a happyer conquest and to a higher place, unto which he was going. Tell, said he, to that Lord, Tell Axalla, that I desire him, for the time to come, to obey my Son. Then taking from his finger a Ring of a great value, he delivered it to him with this order. Carry this token of my Love to your General, and let him take it as an assurance, that I am well satisfied with his services and fidelity. He inquired after­wards whether all the Officers, that were known to him in his Army were in health, and recommended every one of them to his Son according to his quality and deservings. Then the Prince of Tanais came again into his mind. He desired his Son to love him as his Kinsman▪ and to maintain him in the Offices and Governments, which he had given him, because he was worthy of them; for he assured him, that the Prince would be faithful to him. Then with a louder voice than before he told Sentrochio. That if ever he had a [...]y reason to be absent from his Army in times of War, he should not trust [Page 313] it in any other persons hands but Azalla. But he advised him to command it himself as often as he could, for it was dangerous to trust it in other hands, and it was the duty of the Parthian Emperours to dwell with their Souldiers in the Army, as a Fa­ther amongst his Children. He told him by the practice of this lesson he should be able to keep the great Empire that he left him, and render himself by his vertue wor­thy to succeed him. At last he advised him to be mild, courteous to his friends, dreadful to his enemies, but when they shall sue for Peace refuse them not, forgive your pri­vate wrongs, but punish severely the wickedness committed against the state of your Subjects. All this while the young Prince wept bit­terly, but Tamerlan, when he held this dis­course, had a greater Majesty and beauty upon his countenance than ordinary. He sent away afterwards his Son to the Em­press his Mother to endeavour to comfort her by his presence.

When the young Prince was gone he cal­led for Odmar, and recommended to his care his young Son, intreating him to Love him, and to be faithful to him. He told him also, that it was his will that his se­cond Son should be brought up and taught to obey his Elder Brother. I know for cer­tain that the peace and preservation of this Em­pire depends upon the Ʋnion and Love of the Brethren.

[Page 314]He sent for them both a while after to give them his last blessing, when they were before him he commanded the young­est to be obedient to his elder Brother, and both, he commanded to honour the Empress their Mother; when he gave them his blessing it was observed that he touch'd the head, of Sen­trochio, and put it down lower with his hand, but he lifted up the head of the younger by hea [...]ing up his chin. This was look'd up­on as a presage, that Letrochio the youngest should rise to the Empire, and overthrow the power of his brother, as it happened afterwards, when they quarrelled, by their variance they ruined the Empire of Tamer­lan.

The Emperour passed the next night very quietly, about break of day, according to his custome he called for those persons who had any business with him. The Letters▪ that were to be sent to Axalla, concerning the victories that he had got, were brought to him, which he signed without pain or without discovering any alteration in his countenance. But a few minutes after, when sleep began to cease upon his senses, they that were about him perceived that his soul was departing to another world. They sent to call for the young Emperour, who came in good time to close his eye lids, shedding a fountain of tears as well as the rest of his Servants.

Two hours after Sentrochio was proclam­ed [Page 315] Emperour, and Letters were dispatched to all the Governours of the Provinces, signed with his hand: After this the Army was called together by his orders, to the Souldiers he gave mony and great gifts, to his Fathers old Servants entertaining them with a speech. But would not offer to change any thing in the Army, till he had seen Prince Axalla, and bin with the Im­perial Army. When this young Prince came to be Emperour he was not above nineteen years of age. He was beautiful and much like his Father. Every one judged that he would be able, with the assistance of his wise Consellours, to maintain with Honour his large Empire. But the too great affection of the Empress for Letrochio caused a jeal­ousie in the eldest Brother, which set them at a distance, and divided them and the Em­pire. In this particular, They became like their fore-fathers, and imitated their follies, for they ruined, by the divisions and hatred of Brothers, the Empire of their predecessors, which Tamerlan had recovered and raised up by his vertue and courage, and render'd the most glorious and most flourishing Empire of the world.


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