[royal blazon or coat of arms]

At the Court at Whitehal, September the 11th 1667.

HIS Majesty having taken notice, and been informed of the daily Concourse of very many Persons of the Romish Reli­gion, unto the Chappel of Her Majesty the Queen at St. Jamese's, as likewise unto the Chappel of the Queen-Mother at Somerset House; and also unto the Houses of several Forain Ambassadors, contrary to the Law; It was thereupon Or­dered by His Majesty in Council, That if any Persons what­soever being His Majesties Subjects, except the Family of Her Majesty the Queen, and the Families of the Queen Mo­ther, and of Forain Ambassadors, and the Children of the respective Officers in their said Majesties Families, shall from henceforth repair unto the said Chappels or Ambassadors Houses to hear Masse, or perform any other exercises of the Ro­mish Religion, that then such Prosecutions shall be made, and such Penalties and Punishments Inflicted upon them and every of them, as are by Law pro­vided in such Cases. Hereof all Persons concerned are to take Notice, and Con­form thereunto accordingly at their utmost peril.

In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1667.

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