¶ The newe Testament / dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Willyam Tindale: and fynesshed in the yere of oure Lorde God. A .M. D. &. xxxiiij. in the moneth of Nouember.
¶ W. T. vnto the Reader.
HEre thou hast (moost deare reader) the new Testamēt or covenaunt made wyth vs of God in Christes bloude. Which I have looked over agayne (now at the last) with all dylygence / and compared it vnto the Greke / and have weded oute of it many fautes / which lacke of helpe at the begynninge and oversyght / dyd sowe therin. If ought seme chaunged / or not all to gether agreynge with the Greke / let the fynder of ye faute consider the Hebrue Phrase or maner of speche lefte in the Greke wordes. Whose preterperfectence and presenttence is ofte both one / and the futuretence is the optative mode also / and the future tence is ofte the imperatyve mode in the actyve voyce / and in the passyve ever. Lykewyse person for person / nombre for nombre / and an interroga [...]ion for a cō dicionall / and soche lyke is with the Hebrues a comen vsage.
I have also in manye places set lyght in the mergent / to vnderstonde the text by. If anye man fynde fautes ether with the trāslacion or ought besyde (which is easyer for manye to do / then so well to have translated it them selves of their awne pregnant wyttes / at the begynnynge withoute foren sample) to the same it shalbe lawfull to trāslate it them selves and to put what they lust therto. If I [Page] shall perceave ether by my selfe or by the informacion of other / that ought be escaped me / or myght be more playnlye translated / I will shortlye after / cause it to be mended. Howbe it in manye places / me thynketh it better to put a declaracyon in the margent / then to run in to farre from the text. And in manye places / where the text semeth at the fyrst choppe harde to be vnderstonde / yet ye circūstāces before and after / and offē readinge together / maketh it playne ynough. & ce.
Moreover / because the kyngedome of heaven / which is the scripture & worde of God / maye be so locked vp / that he which readeth or heareth it / cannot vnderstonde it: as Christ testifieth how that the Scribes and Pharises had so shut it vp. Mat. xxiii. and had taken awaye the keye of knowledge. Luke. xi. that their Iewes which thought them selves with in / were yet so locked out / and are to this daye that they can vnderstonde no sentence of the scripture vnto their salvacion / though they can reherse the textes every where & dispute therof as sottelye as ye popyshe doctoures of dunces darcke learninge / which with their sophistrye / sarved vs / as ye Pharises dyd the Iewes. Therfore (that I myght be founde faythfull to my father & lorde in distributinge vnto my brethrē & felowes of one fayth / their due & necessarye fode: so dressinge it & ceasoninge it / that the weake stomackes maye receave it also / and be ye better for it) I thought it my dutye (most deare reader) to warne the [Page] before / & to shew the the right waye in / & to geve the ye true keye to opē it withall / & to arme the agaynst false Prophetes & malicious ypocrytes / whose perpetuall stodye is to leven the scripture with gloses / and there to locke it vp where it shuld save thy soule / and to make vs shote at a wronge marke / to put oure trust in those thinges that proffit their belyes onlye and slee oure soules.
The ryght [...] the onlye waye to vnderstonde the scripture vnto oure salvacion / is / that we ernestlye & aboue all thinge / serche for the profession of oure baptyme or covenaū tesThe ryght waye into the scripture. made betwene God & vs. As for an ensample: Christ sayth Mat. v. Happie are the mercifull / for they shall obtayne mercie. Loo / Here God hath made a covenaūt with vs / to be mercifull vnto vs / yf we wilbe mercifull one to another: so that the man which sheweth mercie vnto his neyboure / maye be bolde to trust in God for mercie at all nedes. And contrarye wyse / indgemēt without mercie / shalbe to him that sheweth not mercye. Iaco. ii. So now / yf he yt sheweth no mercie / trust in God for mercie / his fayth is carnall & worldlye / & but vayne presumpciō. For God hath promysed mercie onlye to ye mercifull. And therfore the mercilesse have no Godes worde yt they shall have mercie: but contrarye wyse / yt they shall have iudgemēt without mercie. And Mat. vi. If ye shall forgeve men their fautes / youre hevē ly father shall forgeve you: but & yf ye shall not forgeve mē their fautes / no more shall youre [Page] father forgeve you youre fautes. Here also by ye vertue & strēght of this covenaūt wher with God of his mercie hath boūde him selfe to vs vnworthie / maye he yt forgeveth his neyboure / be bolde when he returneth & amēdeth to beleve & trust in god for remission of whatsoever he hath done amysse. And cōtrarye wyse / he that will not forgeve / cannot but dispeare of forgevenes in the ende / and feare iudgement without mercie.
The generall covenaūt wherin all other are cōprehended & included / is this. If we meke oure selves to god / to kepe all his lawes / after the ensample of Christ: then God hath bounde him selfe vnto vs to kepe and make good all the mercies promysed in Christ / thorow out all the scripture.
All the whole lawe which was gevē to vtter oure corrupt nature / is cōprehended in theLawe. ten commaundements. And ye ten commaundementes are comprehended in these two: love God and thy neyboure. And he that loveth his neyboure in God and Christ / fulfilleth these two / & consequentlye the ten / & finally all the other. Now if we love oure neyboures in God & Christ: that is to wete / if we be lovinge / kynde & mercifull to them / because God hath created them vnto his lyknes / & Christ hath redemed them & bought them wt his bloude / then maye we be bolde to trust in God thorow Christ & his deservinge / for all mercie. For God hath promysed and bounde him selfe to vs: to shew vs all mercie / & to be a [Page] father almighty to vs / so that we shall not nede to feare the power of all oure adversaryes.
Now yf anye man that submitteth not him selfe to kepe the cōmaundemētes / do thinke yt he hath anye fayth in God: the same mānes fayth is vayne / worldlye / damnable / develishe & playne presumpcion as it is above sayde / & is no fayth that can iustifie or be accepted before God. And that is it that Iames meaneth in his Pistle. For how can a man beleve sayth Paul without a preacher. Ro. x. Now reade all the scripture and se where God sent anye to preache mercye to anye / save vnto thē onlye that repēt & turne to god with all their hartes / to kepe his commaundementes. Vnto the disobedient that will not turne / is threatened wrath / vengeaunce and damnacion / accordinge to all the terrible curses and fearfull ensamples of the Byble.
Fayth now in God the father thorow oure Lorde Iesus Christ / accordinge to ye covenaū tes & apoyntemēt made betwene God & vs / is oure salvaciō. Wherfore I have ever noted ye covenaūtes in ye mergētes / & also ye promises. Moreover where thou findest a promyse & no covenaunt expressed therewith / there must thou vnderstonde a covenaūt. For all the promyses of ye mercie & grace yt Christ hath purchased for vs / are made vpon ye condicion yt we kepe ye lawe. As for an ensample: whē the scripture sayth. Mat. xii. Axe & it shalbe geven you: seke & ye shall fynde: knocke & it shalbe opened vnto you. It is to be vnderstonde / if [Page] that whē thy neyboure axeth / seketh or knocketh to ye / thou then shew him the same mercie which thou desyrest of god / then hath god boūde him selfe to helpe ye agayne / & else not.
Also ye se that two things are requyred to begin a Christen man. The fyrst is a stedfast fayth & trust in almightie God / to obtayne all the mercie that he hath promysed vs / thorow the deservinge & merites of Christes bloude onlye / withoute all respect to oure awne workes. And the other is / that we forsake evell & turne to God / to kepe his lawes & to fyght agaynst oure selves and oure corrupte nature perpetuallye / that we maye do the will of god every daye better and better.
This have I sayde (most deare reader) to warne the / least thou shuldest be deceaved / & shuldest not onlye reade the scriptures in vayne & to no proffit / but also vnto thy greater dā nacion. For the nature of Gods worde is / yt What the nature of gods worde is whosoever reade it or heare it reasoned & disputed before him / it will begynne ymmediatlye to make him every daye better & better / till he be growē into a perfect mā in the knowledge of Christ and love of the lawe of God: or alse make him worse & worse / till he be hardened that he openly resist the sprite of God / & then blaspheme / after the ensample of Pharao / Cora / Abiron / Balam / Iudas / Symon Magus and soche other.
This to be even so / the wordes of Christ Ioh. iii. do well confyrme. This is condemnaciō (sayth he) the lyght is come into ye worlde [Page] / but ye men loved darcknes more then light for their dedes were evell. Beholde / when the light of Godes worde cometh to a mā / whether he reade it or here it preached & testified / & he yet have no love thereto / to fassion his lyfe therafter / but cōsēteth still vnto his olde dedes of ignoraūce: then beginneth his iust dā nacion ymmediatlye / & he is henceforth without excuse: in that he refused mercie offered him. For God offereth him mercie vpon the condyciō that he will mende his livinge: but he will not come vnder the covenaūt. And frō that houre forwarde he waxeth worsse & worsse / God takinge his sprite of mercye and grace from him for his vnthankfulnes sake.
And Paul wryteth. Ro. i. that the hethē because when they knew god / they had no lust to honoure him with godly lyvinge / therfore god powred his wrath vpon them & toke his spirite frō thē & gave them vp vnto their hertes lustes to serve sinne / frō iniquite to imquitie tyll they were thorow herdened and past repentaunce.
And Pharao / because when the worde of god was in his contre and gods people scattered thorow out all his land / and yet nether loved them or it: therfore god gave him vp / and in takynge his spirite of grace from him so hardened his herte with covetousnes / that afterward no myracle coulde convert him.
Here to pertayneth the parable of the talentes. Mat. xxv. The Lorde cōmaundeth ye talent to be takē awaye from the evell & slouthfull [Page] servaunt & to binde him hand & fote & to cast him into vtter darcknes / & to geve the talent vnto him that had ten / sayenge: to all yt have / moare shalbe gevē. But frō him yt hath not / that he hath shalbe takē from him. That is to saye / he that hath a good harte toward ye worde of God / & a set purpose to fassiō his dedes thereafter & to garnishe it with Godly lyvinge & to testifie it to other / the same shall increase more & more dayly in ye grace of Christ. But he that loveth it not / to lyve therafter & to edifie other / the same shall loose the grace of true knowledge & be blinded agayne and every daye ware worsse and worsse and blinder & blinder / till he be an vtter enemye of the worde of God / & his harte so hardened / that it shalbe impossible to convert him.
And Luk. xii. The servaunt that knoweth his masters will & prepareth not him selfe / shalbe beatē with many stripes: that is / shall have greater damnacion. And Matt. vii. all that here the worde of God & do not therafter bylde on sande: that is / as the foundaciō layed on sande cānot resist violence of water / but is vnderminded & over throwen / even so ye fayth of them that have no lust ner love to ye lawe of god buylde vpon the sande of their awne ymaginacions / and not on the rocke of godes worde accordinge to his covenaūtes / turneth to desperacion in tyme of tribulacion & when god cometh to iudge.
And the vyneyarde Matt. xxi. planted and hyred oute to the husbandmē yt wolde not rē der [Page] to the Lorde / of the frute in due tyme / and therfore was takē from them and hyred oute to other / doth confirme the same. For Christ sayth to the Iewes / ye kyngdome of hevē shalbe taken frō you & gevē to a nacion that will bring forth the frutes therof as it is come to passe. For the Iewes haue lost the spirituall knowledge of god & of his cōmaundementes and also of all the scripture / so yt they can vnderstōde nothynge godlye. And ye dore is so locked vp that all their knockynge is in vayne / though manye of them take great payne for godes sake. And luke. xiii. the fygge tree that beareth no frute is cōmaūded to be plucked vp
And finally / hereto pertayneth with infinite other / the terrible parable of the vncleane spirite (Luke. xi.) which after he is cast oute / when he cometh & fyndeth his house swepte and garnysshed / taketh to him seuen worsse then him selfe / and cometh and entreth in & dwelleth there / & so is the ende of ye man worse then the begynnynge. The Iewes / they had clensed thē selves wt gode worde / frō all outward ydolatrye & worshippinge of ydole. But their hertes remayned still faythlesse to godwarde and towarde his mercie and truthe and therfore without loue also and lust to his lawe & to their neyboures for his sake / & thorow false trust in their awne worke) to which heresie / the childe of perdicion / the wycked bysshope of Rome wt his lawyers hath brought vs christen) were more abhominable ydolaters then before / and become ten tymes worse [Page] in the ende then at the begynnynge. For the fyrst ydolatre was sone spyed and easie to be rebuked of ye prophetes by the scripture. But the later is more sotle to begyle withall / and an hundred tymes of more dyfficul [...] to be weded oute of mennes hertes.
This also is a conclusion / nothynge more certayne / or more proued by ye testimonye & ensamples of ye scripture: yt if anye yt fauoureth the worde of God / be so weke yt he cānot chast his fleshe / him will ye lorde chastice & scourge euery daye sharper & sharper / wt trybulacyon & mysfortune / yt nothynge shall prospere wt him but all shall go agaynst him / whatsoeuer he taketh in hande / & shall vyset him wt pouertie / with sycknesses & deseases / & shall plage him with plage vpon plage / eche more lothsome / terryble and fearfull then other / tyll he be at vtter defyaunce with his fleshe.
Let vs therfore yt have now at this tyme oure eyes opened agayne thorow ye tēder mercie of God / kepe a meane. Let vs so put oure trust in ye mercy of god thorow christ / yt we knowe it oure dutie to kepe ye lawe of God & to loue oure neyboures for their fathers sake which created thē & for their lordes sake which redemed thē & bought thē so derely wt his bloude Let vs walke in ye feare of God / & have oure eyes opē vnto both partes of Godes couenaū tes / certified that none shalbe partaker of the mercie / saue he that will fyght agynst ye flesshe / to kepe ye lawe. And let vs arme oure selues wt this remēbraūce / that as christes workes [Page] iustifie frō synne & set vs in ye fauoure of god / so oure awne dedes thorow workynge of ye spirite of God / helpe vs to cōtynew in ye fauoure & ye grace / into which christ hath brought vs / & that we cā no lenger cōtynew in fauoure & grace thē oure herte are to kepe the lawe.
Furthermore cōcernynge ye lawe of God / this is a generall cōclusiō / yt ye whole lawe [...] whether they be ceremonies / sacrifices / ye or sacramētꝭ ether / or preceptꝭ of equitie betwene man & mā thorowout all degrees of ye worlde / all were geuē for oure proffyt & necessyte onlye / & not for anye nede yt God hath of oure kepynge thē / or yt his ioye is encreased therby or yt ye dede / for ye dede it selfe doth please him That is all yt God requyreth of vs when we be at one wt him & do put oure trust in him &Loue is the fullinge of the lawe loue him / is yt we loue euery mā his neyboure to pitie him & to have cōpassyon on him in all his nedꝭ & to be mercifull vnto him. This to be euen so / christ testifieth. Mat. vii. sayenge: this is ye lawe & ye prophets. That is / to do as thou woldest be done to (accordynge I meane to ye doctryne of ye scripture) & not to do that thou woldest not haue done to the / is all that the lawe requyreth & the Prophetꝭ. And Paule to the Roma. xiii. affyrmeth also the loue is the fullfyllinge of ye lawe / & that he which loueth / doth of his awne accorde all that the lawe requyreth. And .i. Timo. i. Paul sayth yt ye loue of a pure hert & good cōscience & fayth vnfayned is ye ende & fullfillynge of ye lawe. For fayth vnfayned in christs bloude causeth [Page] to loue for christes sake. Which loue is ye pure loue onlye & ye onlye cause of a good cōscience. For then is ye cōscyence pure / when ye eye loketh to christ in all hir dedꝭ / to do them for his sake & not for hir awne synguler aduauntage or anye other wycked purpose. And Ihō both in his gospell & also pistles / speketh neuer of anie other lawe thē to loue one another purely / affyrmynge yt we haue God him selfe dwellynge in vs and all that God desyreth / if we loue one the other.
Seinge then that fayth to God & loue & mercifullnes to oure neyboures / is all that ye lawe requyreth / therfore of necessite the lawe must be vnderstōde & interprete by thē. So yt all inferiour lawꝭ are to be kept & obserued as longe as they be seruaūtꝭ to fayth & loue: and then to be broken ymedyatlye / if thorow anye occasyon / they hurte ether ye fayth which we shuld have to godward in the confidence of christes bloude or the loue which we owe to oure neyboures for Christes sake.
And therfore when ye blynde pharises murmured & grudged at him & his desciples / that they brake ye saboth daye & tradycions of the elders / & that he him selfe dyd eate wt publicās & synners / he answereth. Mat. ix. allegynge Esaias ye prophet: go rather & learne what this meaneth / I requyer mercie & not sacrifyce. And Mat. xii. Oh yt ye wyst what this meaneth / I requyer mercie & not sacrifice. For onlye loue & mercifullnes vnderstōdeth ye lawe / & else nothinge. And he that hath not yt [Page] writtē in his harte / shall neuer vnderstōde ye lawe / no: though all ye āgells of heuē wēt aboute to teache him. And he that hath that grauē in his harte / shall not only vnderstōde ye lawe but also shall do of his awne inclinacion all that is required of ye lawe / though neuer laweLoue onlye vnderstondeth ye law. had beē gevē: as all mothers do of thē selves without lawe vnto their childrē / all that can be reqvyred by anye lawe / loue ouercomynge all payne / greffe / tedyousnesse or lothsomnes: & euē so no doute if we had cōtynewed in oure fyrst state of innocēcie / we shuld euer haue fullfilled ye lawe / without cōpulsiō of ye lawe
And because the lawe (which is a doctryne thorow teachynge euery mā his dutye / doth vtter oure corrupt nature) is sufficiētly described by Moses / therfore is lytle mēcion made therof in the new testamēt / save of love only wherin all ye lawe is included / as seldome mē cion is made of ye new testamēt in the olde lawe / save here & there are promyses made vnto them / yt Christ shuld come & blesse thē & delyuer thē / & yt the gospell & new testamēt shuld be preached and publysshed vnto all nacions.
The gospell is glad tydynges of mercie &Gospell. grace & yt oure corrupt nature shalbe healed agayne for christes sake & for ye merites of his deseruingꝭ onlye: Yet on yt condiciō yt we will turne to God / to lerne to kepe his lawes spiritually / yt is to saye / of loue for his sake / & wyll also soffre the curynge of oure infirmyties.
The new testamēt is as moche to saye as aNew testament. new couenaūt. The olde testamēt is an olde tēporall couenaūt made betwene God & ye carnall [Page] childrē of Abraham / Isaac & Iacob other wise called Israel / vpō ye dedes & ye obseruynge of a tēporall lawe. Where ye rewarde of ye kepynge is tēporall lyfe & prosperyte in ye lande of Chanaan / & ye breakynge is rewarded wt tēporall deeth & punyshmēt. But ye new testament is an euerlastynge couenaūt made vnto the childrē of God thorow fayth in christ / vpō the deservynge of christ. Where eternall lyfe is promysed to all that beleve / & death to all that are vnbeleuynge. My dedꝭ if I kepe the lawe are rewarded wt the tēporall promyse of this lyfe. But if I beleue in christ / christes dedes haue purchased for me the eternall promyse of the euerlastynge lyfe. If I commyt nothynge worthye of deeth / I deserue to my rewarde that no mā kyll me: if I hurte no mā I am worthye that no mā hurte me. If I helpe my neyboure / I am worthie that he helpe me agayne. &c. So that wt outward dedes wt which I serue other mē / I deserue that other men do lyke to me in this worlde: & they extē de no further. But christꝭ dedꝭ extende to lyfe euerlastynge vnto all that beleue &ce. This be soffyciēt in this place cōcernynge ye lawe & the gospell / new testamēt and olde: so that as there is but one God / one christ / one fayth & one baptime / euē so thou vnderstōde that there is but one gospell / though manye wryte it & manye preache it. For all preache the same Christ & brynge the same glad tydynges. And therto paules pistles wt ye gospell of Iohn & his fyrst epistle & the fyrst epistle of saynt peter / are most pure gospell & moost playnlye & [Page] rychlye described the glorye of the grace of christ: Yf ye requyer more of the lawe / seke in the prologe to the romayns and in other places where it is sofficientlye intreated of.
¶ Repentaunce.
COncernynge this worde repētaunce or (as they vsed) penaūce / ye hebrue hath in ye olde testamēt generally (Sob) turne or be cōuerted. For which ye trāslacion that we take for saynt Ieromes hath most parte (cōuerti) to turne or be cōuerted / & some tyme yet (agere penitenciā) And ye greke in the new testamēt hath perpetually (Metanoeo) to turne in the heart & mynde / & to come to ye ryght knowledge / & to a mannes ryght wyt agayne. For which (Metanoeo) S. Ieromes trāslaciō hath: sometyme (ago penetēciā) I do repēt: sometyme (peniteo) I repēt: somtyme (penitror) I am repētaunt: somtyme (habeo penitenciā) I have repētaunce: some tyme (penitet me) it repēteth me. And Erasmus vseth moche this worde (resipisco) I come to my selfe or to my ryght mynde agayne. And the verye sens and significaciō both of the hebrue & also of ye greke worde / is / to be cōuerted & to tourne to God with all the hert / to knowe his will & to lyue accordynge to his lawes / & to be cured of oure corrupt nature wt the oyle of his spirite & wyne of obedyēce to his doctryne. Which cōuersion or turnynge if it be vnfayned / these foure do accompanye it & are included therin: Confession / not in the prestes eare / for that is but mānes invēcion / but to God in ye hert & before [Page] all the cōgregacion of God / how yt we be synners & synfull / & yt oure hole nature is corrupt & inclyned to synne & all vnryghteousnes / and therfore euell / wycked & damnable / & his lawe holy & Iust / by which oure synfull nature is rebuked: & also to oure neyboures / if we have offended anye person perticularlye. Then contricion / sorowfullnes that we be soche / damnable synners / & not onlye have synned but are holye inclyned to syne still. Thirdlye fayth (of which oure olde doctoure have made no mēcion at all in ye descripciō of their penaūce) yt God for christe sake doth forgeue vs & receave vs to mercie / & is at one wt vs & will heale oure corrupte nature. And fourthlye satisfaciō or amendꝭ makynge / not to god wt holye workes / but to my neyboure whome I haue hurt / & the congregaciō of God whome I have offended (yf anye open cryme be foūde in me) & submyttynge of a mās selfe vnto ye congregacion or church of christ / & to ye offycers of the same / to have his lyfe corrected & governed hence forth of thē / accordynge to the true doctryne of ye church of christ. And note this: that as satisfaction or amendes makynge is counted ryghteousnes before ye worlde & a purgynge of the synne: so yt the worlde when I haue made a full amendꝭ / hath no further to cō playne. Even so fayth in christes bloude is counted ryghteousnes and a purgynge of all sinne before God.
Morouer / he yt synneth agaynst his brother synneth also agaynst his father allmyghtie [Page] God. And as ye synne cōmytted agaynst his brother / is pourged before ye world wt makynge amendꝭ or axynge forgeuenes / euen so is ye synne commytted agaynst God / pourged thorow fayth in christes bloude onlye. For christ sayth. Io. viii. except ye beleue that I am he / ye shall dye in youre synnes. That is to saye / if ye thīke yt there is anye other sacrifice or satisfacciō to godwarde / then me / ye remayne euer in synne before God / how soeuer ryghteous ye apere before ye world. Wherfore now / whether ye call this Metonoia / repentaunce / cōuersyon or turnynge agayne to God / ether amendynge &ce. or whether ye saye repēt / be cōuerted / tourne to god / amende youre lyuynge or what ye lust / I am content so ye vnderstonde what is meant therby / as I have now declared.
¶ Elders.
IN the olde testamēt ye tēporall heedes & rulers of ye Iues which had ye gouernaunce ouer ye laye or cōmen people are called elders / as ye maye se in ye foure euangelystes. Oute of which custome paule in his epistle & also peter / call ye prelates & spirituall gouerners which are bysshopes & prestes / elders. Now whether ye call them elders or prestes / it is to me all one: so yt ye vnderstonde yt they be offycers & seruaūtes of the worde of God / vnto the which all men both hie & lowe that will not rebell agaynst Christ / must obeye as longe as they preache & rule trulye & no lenger.
¶ A prologe into the .iiii. Euangelystes shewynge what they were & their auctoryte. And fyrst of S. Mathew.
AS towchynge ye euāgelystes: ye se in ye new testament clearly what they were Fyrst mathew (as ye reade Mat ix. Mar. ii. Luke. v) was one of christe apostles / and was with christ all the tyme of his preachynge / and sawe and heard his awne selfe almost all that he wrote.
¶ Marke
OF Marke reade (actes xii) how peter (after he was loosed oute of pryson by the angell) came to Markꝭ mothers house / where manye of ye desciples were prayenge for his delyueraūce. And paul & Barnabas toke him wt thē frō Ierusalem & brought him to Antioche / actꝭ .xii. And actꝭ .xiii. paul & Barnabas toke Marke wt them when they were sent oute to preache: from whome he also departed / as it apereth in the sayde chapter / & returned to Ierusalem agayne. And actꝭ. xv paul & Barnabas were at varyaunce aboute him / paul not wyllynge to take him wt them / because he forsoke thē in their fyrst Iorneye. Notwtstondynge yet / when paul wrote ye epistle to ye collossyās / Marke was wt him / as he sayth in the fourth chapter: of whome Paul also testifieth / both yt he was Barnabas sisters sonne and also his felowe worker in the kyngedome of God. [Page] And .ii. Timothe. iiii paul cōmaundeth Timothe to brynge Marke wt him / affirmynge yt he was nedefull to him / to mynister to him. Finallye / he was also wt peter when he wrote his fyrst epistle / & so famylier yt peter calleth him his sonne. Wherof ye se / of whome he learned his gospell / euen of the verye apostles / with whome he had his cōtynuall conversacion / & also of what auctoryte his wrytynge is / and how worthie of credence.
¶ Luke.
LUcas was Pauls companyon / at the least waye frō ye .xvi. of the actꝭ forth & with him in all his trybulacyō. And he wēt with paule at his last goynge vp to Ierusalem. And frō thence he folowed paul to Cesarea / where he laye two yere in pryson And frō Cesarea he went with paul to Rome where he laye two other yer [...]s in pryson. And he was with Paul when he wrote to ye collossyōs / as he testifieth in ye fourth chapter sayenge: the beloued Lucas the phisiciō saluteth you. And he was wt paul whē he wrote ye secōde pistle to Timothe / as he sayth ī ye fourth chapter sayenge: Onlye Lucas is with me. Wherby ye se ye auctorite of the man and of what credēce & reuerēce his wrytinge is worthie of / & therto of whome he learned ye storye of his gospell / as he him selfe sayth / how yt he learned it & searched it oute with all dylygence of them yt sawe it and were also parttakers [Page] at the doynge. And as for the actes of ye apostles / he him selfe was at the doynge of thē (at the least) of the moost parte / & had his parte therin / and therfore wrote of his awne experyence.
¶ Iohn.
IOhn / what he was / is manyfest by the thre fyrst euāgelistꝭ. Fyrst christes apostle / & yt one of ye chefe. Thē christes nye kinsmā / & for his synguler innocēcie & softenes / singulerlye beloued & of synguler famyliarite with christ / & euer one of ye thre wytnesses of moost secret thynges. The cause of his wrytynge was certayne heresyes that arose in his tyme / & namelye two / of which one denyed christ to be verye man & to be come in ye verie fleshe & nature of man. Agaynst which two heresyes he wrote both his gospell & also his fyrst epistle / & in ye begynnynge of his gospell sayth yt the worde or thynge was at ye begynnynge / & was wt God / & was also verye God and yt all thynges was created & made by yt / and yt it was also made fleshe: yt is to saye / became verie mā. And he dwelt amōge vs (sayth he) & we sawe his glorye.
And in ye begynnynge of his pistle / he saith we shew you of ye thynge yt was frō the begynnynge / which also we heard / sawe wt oure eyes & oure handes hādeled. And agayne we shew you euerlastynge lyfe / that was with ye father and apered to vs / & we heard and sawe. & ce. [Page] In that he sayth that it was from the begynnynge / and that it was eternall lyfe / and that it was with God / he affirmeth him to be verie God. And that he sayth / we hearde / sawe and fealte / he wytnesseth that he was verie man also. Ihon also wrote last / and therfore touched not the storie that the other had compiled. But wryteth most of the fayth and promyses / & of the sermones of Christ. This be sofficient concerninge the .iiii. Euangelistes and their auctoritie and worthynes to be beleued.
❧ ❧ ❧
¶ A warninge to ye reader if ought be scaped thorow necligence of the prynter / as this text is yt foloweth / which if thou fynde anye more soche: cōpare ye englyshe to ye other bookes that are all readye prynted / & so shalt thou perceaue the truthe of the ynglish.
In the xxiii. chapter of Mathew & in the xxxiii leffe on the seconde syde and last lyne / reade the sentence thus. Thou blynde pharisaye / clense fyrst the ynnesyde of the cup and platter / that the outsyde of them maye be clene also.
Willyam Tindale / yet once more to the christen reader.
THou shalt vnderstonde moost dere reader / when I had taken in hāde to looke ouer the new testament agayne & to cōpare it with ye greke / and to mende whatsoeuer I coulde fynde amysse & had almost fynesshed ye laboure: George Ioye secretly toke in hand to correct it also by what occasyon his conscyence knoweth: & preuēted me / in so moche / yt his correccyō was prynted in great nombre / yer myne begāne. When it was spyed and worde brought me: though it semed to dyuers other yt George Ioye had not vsed ye offyce of an honest mā / seinge he knew yt I was in correctynge it myselfe: nether dyd walke after ye rules of yt loue & softenes which christ / & his desciples teache vs / how yt we shuld do nothynge of stryfe to moue debate / or of vayne glorie or of couetousnes. Yet I toke ye thīge in worth as I have done dyuers other in tyme past / as one that have moare experyēce of ye nature & dysposiciō of yt mānes cōplexion / & supposed that a lytle spyse of couetousnes & vayne glorie (two blynde gydes) had bene ye onlye cause yt moued him so to do / aboute which thynges I stryue with no man: & so folowed after & corrected forth & caused this to be prynted / without surmyse or lokynge on his correctyon.
[Page]But when the pryntynge of myne was almost fynesshed / one brought me a copie & shewed me so manye places / in soche wyse altered that I was astonyed & wondered not a lytle what furye had dryuē him to make soche chaunge & to call it a diligent correctiō. For thorow oute Mat. Mark & Luke perpetually: and ofte in the actees / & sometyme in Iohn & also in the hebrues / where he fyndeth this worde Resurrecciō / he chaungeth it into ye lyfe after this lyfe / or verie lyfe / and soche lyke / as one that abhorred the name of the resurreccion.
If that chaunge / to turne resurreccion into lyfe after this lyfe / be a dylygent correccion / then must my translaciō be fautie in those places / & saynt Ieromes / and all ye translatours that euer I heard of in what tonge so euer it be / frō ye apostles vnto this his dylygēt correccyō (as he calleth it) which whither it be so or no / I permyt it to other mennes iudgemētes.
But of this I chalenge George Ioye / that he dyd not put his awne name therto and call it rather his awne translacion: & that he playeth boo pepe / & ī some of his bookes putteth in his name & tytle / and in some kepeth it oute It is lawfull for who will / to translate and shew his mynde / though a thousand had trāslated before him. But it is not lawfull (thynketh me) ner yet expedyēt for the edifienge of the vnitie of the fayth of christ / that whosoeuer will / shall by his awne auctorite / take another mannes translacion & put oute & in and [Page] chaunge at pleasure / & call it a correccion.
Moreover / ye shall vnderstōde that George Ioye hath had of a longe tyme marvelouse ymaginaciōs aboute this worde resurrecciō / yt it shuld be taken for the state of the soules after their departinge frō their bodyes / & hath also (though he hath been reasoned with therof & desyred to cease) yet sowen his doctryne by secret lettres on that syde the see / & caused great division amōge ye brethrē. In so moche that Iohn Fryth beynge in preson in the toure of Londō / a lytle before his death / wrote yt we shuld warne him & desyer him to cease / & wolde have then wrytten agaynst him / had I not withstonde him. Therto I have been sence informed yt no small nōber thorow his curiosite / vtterly denye the resurreccion of ye flesshe & bodye / affirminge yt the soule whē she is departed / is the spirituall bodye of the resurreccion / & other resurreccion shall there none be. And I have talked with some of them myselfe / so doted in that folye / that it were as good perswade a post / as to plucke that madnes oute of their braynes. And of this all is George Ioyes vnquyet curiosite ye hole occasion / whether he be of the sayde facciō also / or not / to that let him answer him selfe.
If George Ioye wyll saye (as I wot well he will) that his chaunge / is the sence & meaninge of those scriptures. I answer it is soner sayde then proved: howbeit let other mē iudge. But though it were ye verie meaninge [Page] of the scripture: yet if it were lawfull after his ensample to every man to playe boo pepe with the translacions that are before him / & to put oute ye wordes of ye text at his pleasure & to put in every where his meaninge: or what he thought the meaninge were / that were the next waye to stablyshe all heresyes and to destroye the grounde wherewith we shuld improve them. As for an ensample / whē Christ sayth Io. v. The tyme shall come in ye which all that are in the graves shall heare his voyce & shall come forth: they that have done good vnto resurreccion of lyfe / or with the resurreccion of lyfe / & they have done evell / vnto ye reccion or with the resurreccion of damnaciō. George Ioyes correccion is / they that have done good shall come forth into the verie lyfe / & they that have done evell into the life of damnaciō / thrustinge cleane oute this worde resurrecciō. Now by ye same auctorite / & wt as good reason shall another come & saye of the rest of ye text / they yt are in ye sepulchres / shall heare his voyce / that ye sence is / the soules of thē that are in the sepulchres shall heare his voyce / & so put in his diligent correccion & mocke oute ye text / that it shall not make for ye resurrecciō of the flesshe / which thinge also George Ioyes correcciō doth manyfestlye affirme. If the text be lefte vncorrupt / it will pourge hir selfe of all maner false gloses / how sotle soever they be fayned / as a sethinge pot casteth vp hir scome. But yf the false glose be [Page] made the text / diligentlye oversene & correct / wherewith then shall we correcte false doctrine & defende Christes flocke from false opinions / & frō ye wycked heresyes of raveninge of wolves? In my mynde therfore a lytle vnfayned love after the rules of Christ / is worth moche hie learninge / & single & sleyght vnderstondinge that edifieth in vnitie / is moche better then sotle curiosite / & mekenes better then bolde arrogancye and stondinge over moche in a mannes awne consayte.
Wherfore / concernynge the resurreccion / I protest before god and oure savioure Iesus Christ / and before the vniversall congregacion that beleveth in him / that I beleve accordynge to the open and manyfest scriptures & catholyck fayth / that Christ is rysen agayne in ye flesshe which he receaved of his mother ye blessed virgin marie / & bodye wherin he dyed. And yt we shall all both good and bad ryse both flesshe & bodye / & apere together before the iudgement seat of christ / to receave every man accordynge to his dedes. And that the bodyes of all that beleve & contynew in the true fayth of christ / shalbe endewed wt lyke immortalyte and glorie as is ye bodye of christ
And I protest before God and oure savioure Christ & all that beleve in him / that I holde of ye soules that are departed as moche as maye be proved by manifest & opē scripture / & thinke the soules departed in the fayth of Christ & love of the lawe of God / to be in no worse case then ye soule of Christ was / frō ye tyme [Page] yt he delivered his sprite into the handes of his father / vntyll the resurreccion of his bodye in glorie & immortalite. Neverthelater / I cōfesse openly / yt I am not persuaded yt they be all readie in the full glorie that Christ is in / or the elect angels of god are in. Nether is it anye article of my fayth: for if it so were / I se not but then the preachinge of the resurrecciō of the flesshe were a thinge in vayne. Notwithstondinge yet I am readie to beleve it / if it maye be proved with open scripture. And I have desyred George Ioye to take opē textes that seme to make for yt purpose / as this is. To daye thou shalt be with me in Paradise / to make therof what he coulde / and to let his dreames aboute this worde resurreccion goo. For I receave not in ye scripture yt pryvat interpretaciō of any mānes brayne / without opē testimony of eny scriptures agreinge thereto.
Moreover I take God (which alone seeth ye heart) to recorde to my conscience / besechinge him yt my parte be not in ye bloude of Christ / if I wrote of all yt I have wryttē thorow oute all my boke / ought of an evell purpose / of envie or malice to anye mā / or to stere vp any false doctrine or opinion in the churche of Christ / or to be auctor of anye secte / or to drawe disciples after me / or that I wolde be estemed or had in pryce above the least chylde yt is borne / save onlye of pitie & cōpassion I had & yet have on the blindnes of my brethrē / & to bringe them vnto the knowledge of Christ / & [Page] to make every one of them / if it were possible as perfect as an angell of heavē / & to wede oute all yt is not planted of oure hevenly father / & to bringe doune all that lyfteth vp it selfe agaynst the knowledge of the salvacion that is in ye bloude of Christ. Also / my parte be not in Christ / if myne heart be not to folowe & lyve accordinge as I teache / and also if myne heart wepe not nyght & daye for myne awne synne & other mennes indifferētlye / besechinge God to cōvert vs all / & to take his wrath from vs / & to be mercifull as well to all other men / as to myne awne soule / caringe for the welth of the realme I was borne in / for the kinge and all that are therof / as a tender hearted mother wolde do for hir only sonne.
As concerninge all I have translated or other wise written / I beseche all men to reade it for that purpose I wrote it: even to bringe them to the knowledge of the scripture. And as farre as the scripture approveth it / so farre to alowe it / & if in anye place the worde of god dysalow it / there to refuse it / as I do before oure savyour Christ & his congregacion. And where they fynde fautes / let them shew it me / if they be nye / or wryte to me / if they be farre of: or wryte opēly agaynst it & improve it / & I promyse them / if I shall perceave that there reasons conclude I will confesse myne ignoraunce openly.
Wherfore I beseche George Ioye / ye & all other to / for to translate ye scripture for them [Page] selves / whether oute of Greke / Latyn: or Hebrue. Or (if they wyll nedes) as ye foxe when he hath pyssed in ye grayes hole chalengeth it for his awne / so let them take my translacions & laboures / & chaunge & alter / & correcte & corrupte at their pleasures / and call it their awne translaciōs / & put to their awne names / & not to playe boo pepe after George Ioyes maner. Which whether he have done faythfully & truly / with suche reverence & feare as becōmeth the worde of God / & with soche love and mekenes & affeccion to vnite and circū spexcion that the vngodlye have none occasion to rayle on the verite / as becōmeth ye servauntes of Christ / I referre it to the iudgemē tes of them that knowe and love the trouth. For this I protest / that I provoke not Ioye ner any other man (but am prouoked / & that after the spytfullest maner of provokynge) to do sore agaynst my will and with sorow of harte that I now do. But I nether can ner will soffre of anye man / that he shall goo take my translacion and correct it without name / & make soche chaungynge as I my selfe durst not do / as I hope to have my parte in Christ / though the hole worlde shuld be gevē me for my laboure.
Finally that new Testamēt thus dyligētly corrected / besyde this so ofte puttinge oute this worde resurreccion / and I wote not what other chaūge / for I have not yet reede it over / hath in the ende before the Table of the [Page] Epistles and Gospelles this tytle: (Here endeth the new Testament dylygentlye ouersene and correct and printed now agayne at Andwarp / by me wydow of Christophell of Endhouen. In the yere of oure Lorde. A .M. D. xxxiiii. in August.) Which tytle (reader) I have here put in because by this thou shalt knowe the booke the better. Vale. ☞ ▪ ☞ ❧
¶ The newe Testament.
¶ Imprinted at Anwerp by Marten Emperowr. Anno .M. D. xxxiiij.
¶ The bokes conteyned in the newe Testament.
- i. The Gospell of S. Mathew.
- ii. The Gospell of S. Marke.
- iii. The Gospell of S. Luke.
- iiii. The Gospell of S. Ihon.
- v. The Actes of the Apostles / writtē by S. Luke
- vi. The Pistle of S. Paul to the Romayns.
- vii. The fyrst pistle of S. Paul to ye Corinthiās.
- viii. The secōd pistle of S. Paul to ye Corinthiās
- ix. The pistle of S. Paul to the Galathians.
- x. The pistle of S. Paul to the Ephesians.
- xi. The pistle of S. Paul to the Philippians.
- xii. The pistle of S. Paul to the Colossians.
- xiii. The fyrst pistle of S. Paul to ye Tessaloniās
- xiiii. The secōd pistle of S. Paul to ye Tessaloniās
- xv. The fyrst pistle of S. Paul to Timothe.
- xvi. The second pistle of S. Paul to Timothe.
- xvii. The pistle of S. Paul to Titus.
- xviii The pistle of S. Paul to Philemon.
- xix. The fyrst pistle of S. Peter.
- xx. The second pistle of S. Peter.
- xxi. The fyrst pistle of S. Ihon.
- xxii The second pistle of S. Ihon.
- xxiii The thyrd pistle of S. Ihon.
- The pistle vnto the Hebrues.
- The pistle of S. Iames.
- The pistle of S. Iude.
- The reuelacion of S. Ihon.
The Gospell of S. Mathew.
¶ The first Chapter.
A THis is the boke of the generacion of Iesus Christ the sonne of Dauid / the sonne also of Abraham.Dauid and Abraham are first rehersed: because that Christ was specially promised vnto thē, to be of their seede
- Abraham begat Isaac:
- Isaac begat Iacob:
- Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren:
- Iudas begat Phares andGenesis. xxviij. g.zaram of Thamar:
- Phares begat Hesrom:
- Hesrom begat Aram:i. Parali. ij. a. Rut. iiij. d
- Aram begat Aminadab:
- Aminadab begat Naasson:
- Naasson begat Salmon:
- Salmon begat Boos of Rahab:
- Boos begat Obed of Ruth:
- Obed begat Iesse:
- Iesse begat Dauid the kynge:
- Dauid the kynge begat Salomon / of herij. Regū xij. f. j. Parali. iij. v.that was the wyfe of Dry:
- Salomon begat Roboam:
- Roboam begat Abia:
- B Abia begat Asa:
- Asa begat Iosaphat:
- Iosaphat begat Ioram:
- Ioram begat Osias:
- [Page]Osias begat Ioatham:
- Ioatham begat Achas:
- Achas begat Ezechias:
- Ezechias begat Manasses:
- Manasses begat Amon:
- Amon begat Iosias:
Iosias begat Iechonias & his brethren abouteij. Paral. xxx vj. j. Parali. iij. c. ye tyme they were caryed awaye to Babylon.
And after they were brought to Babylon /
- Iechonias begat Salathiel:
- Salathiel begat zorobabel:
- zorobabel begat Abiud:
- Abiud begat Eliachim:
- Eliachim begat Azor:
- Azor begat Sadoc:
- Sadoc begat Achin:
- Achin begat Eliud:
- Eliud begat Eleasar:
- Eleasar begat Matthan:
- Matthan begat Iacob:
Iacob begat Iosph the husbande of Mary / of which was boren that Iesus / that is called Christ. ⊢
All the generacions from Abraham to David C are fowretene generaciōs. And frō David vnto the captivite of Babylon / are fowretene generacions. And from the captivite of Babylon vnto Christ / are also fowrtene generaciōs.
✚ The byrthe of Iesus Christ was on thys wyse. When hys mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph / before they came to dwell togedder / she was foūde with chylde by ye holy goost. Thē Ioseph her husbande beinge a perfect [Page iii] mā & loth to make an ensample of hir / wasEnsample that is to saye, to bringe hir oute to punyshemēt for the ensample of other. A promise. Esaie vij. c. mynded to put her awaye secretely. ✚ Whill he thus thought / behold ye angell of ye Lorde appered vnto him in a dreame / saynge: Ioseph ye sonne of David / feare not to take vnto ye / Mary thy wyfe. For that which is cōceaved in her is of the holy goost. She shall brynge forthe a sonne / & thou shalt call his name Iesus. For he shall save his peple from their synnes. ⊢
D All this was done to fulfill yt which was spoken of the Lorde by the Prophet / saynge: Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde / & shall brynge forthe a sonne / and they shall call his name Emanuel / which is by interpretacion / Emanuel God with vs. ⊢
And Ioseph assone as he awoke out of slepe / did as the angell of the Lorde bade hym / & toke hys wyfe vnto hym / and knewe her notIesus / yt is a sauyoure. tyll she had brought forth hir fyrst sonne / & called hys name Iesus.
¶ The .ii. Chapter. ✚
A VVhen Iesus was borne at Bethleem in Iury / in the tyme of Herode the kynge. Beholde / there came wyse mē from the eest to Ierusalem saynge: Where is he yt is borne kynge of ye Iues? We have sene his starre in ye eest / & are come to worship him.
When Herode ye kynge had herde thys / he was troubled / and all Ierusalem with hym / and he gathered all ye chefe Prestes and Scribes of the people / and axed of them where Christ shulde be borne. And they sayde vnto hym: at Bethleē in Iury. For thus it is written [Page] by the Prophet. Miche. v.And thou Bethleem in the londe of Iury / art not the leest concernynge the Princes of Iuda. Ioā. vij. fFor out of the shall come the captayne / that shall govern my people Israhel.
Then Herod prevely called the wyse men / B and dyligētly enquyred of them / ye tyme of the starre that appered / and sent thē to Bethleem saynge: Goo and searche dyligētly for ye chylde. And when ye have founde hym / bringe me worde / yt I maye come & worshippe hym also.
When they had heard the kynge / they departed: and lo the starre which they sawe in ye eeste / went before them / tyll it came and stode over the place where the chylde was. When they sawe the starre / they were marvelously glad: and went into the house / and found the chylde with Mary hys mother / and kneled doune and worshipped hym / & opened their treasures / and offred vnto hym gyftes / gold / frāckynsence and myrre. And after they were warned of God in a dreame / that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod / they retourned into their awne countre another waye. ⊢
When they were departed: beholde the angell C of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse / and take the chylde and his mother / and flye into Egypte / & abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod wyll seke the chylde to destroye hym. Thē he arose / and toke the chylde and his mother by night / and departed into Egypte / and was there vnto ye deeth of Herod / to fulfill that which was spoken [Page iiii] of the Lorde / by ye Prophet which sayeth / Ozee vij. a. out of Egypte haue I called my sonne.
Then Herod perceavynge yt he was moocked of the wyse men / was excedynge wroth / and sent forth and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem / and in all the costes there of / as many as were two yere olde and vnder / accordynge to the tyme which he had diligētly searched oute of the wyse men.
Then was fulfilled yt which was spoken by the Prophet Ieremy sayinge:Ieremie xxxj. c. On the hilles was a voyce herde / mornynge / wepynge / and D greate lamentacion: Rachel wepynge for her chyldren / and wolde not be conforted / because they were not.Were not: that is, be cause they appered no where. ⊢
✚ When Herode was deed: beholde / an angell of ye Lorde appered in a dreame to Ioseph in Egypte sayinge: arise & take ye chylde & his mother / & go into ye londe of Israel. For they are deed which sought ye chyldes life. Thē he arose vp / & toke ye chylde & his mother / & cam into the londe of Israhel. But whē he hearde yt Archelaus did raygne in Iury / in ye roume of his father Herode / he was afrayde to goo thither. Not withstondynge after he was warned of god in a dreame / he turned a syde into ye parties of Galile / & wēt & dwelt in a cite called Nazareth / to fulfill yt which was spoken by ye Prophetes:Iudic. xiij Esaie. xj he shalbe called a Nazarite ⊢
¶ The .iii. Chapter. ✚
A IN those dayes Ihon the Baptyst came Mark. j. a. Luk. iij. a. esai. xxj. c Esa. xxj c. & .xlv. c. zacha. j. a Esa .xl. a Ioan. j. c. and preached in the wildernes of Iury / saynge: Repēt / the kyngdome of heuē is [Page] at honde. This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay / which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes / prepare the Lordes waye / and make hys pathes strayght.
This Ihō had hys garmēt of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes.Mark. j. a Hys meate was locustes & wylde hony. Thē B went oute to hym. Ierusalem / and all Iury / & all ye regiō roūde aboute Iordā / & were baptised of him in Iordā / cōfessynge their synnes ⊢
✚ When he sawe many of ye Pharises & of ye Saduces come to hys baptim / he sayde vnto thē: O generaciō of vipers / who hath taughtLuk. iij. b you to fle frō the vengeaūce to come? Brynge forth therfore the frutes belongynge to repentaūce. And se that ye ons thynke not to saye in your selues / we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you / that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldern vnto Abrahā. Euē nowe is ye axe put vnto ye rote of ye trees:C soo that every tree which bringeth not forthe goode frute / is hewē doune & cast into ye fyre.
I baptise you in water in tokē of repentaū ce:Mark. j. b Luk. iij. c Ioan. j. d but he yt cometh after me / is myghtier then I / whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy gost & with fyre: which hath also his fan in his hōd / & will pourge his floure / & gadre ye wheet into his garner / Luk. iij. d & will burne ye chaffe with vnquēcheable fyre ⊢
✚ Then cam Iesus from Galile to Iordan / D vnto Ihon / to be baptised of hym. But IhonMark. j. b Luk. iij. d forbade hym / saynge: I ought to be baptysed of the: and cōmest thou to me? Iesus answered [Page v] & sayd to hym: Let it be so now. For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all rightwesnes.All ryghteousnes: that is to do all the ordynaū ces of God for soche purpose as god ordayned them for. Then he suffred hym. And Iesus assone as he was baptised / came strayght out of ye water. And lo heuē was opē over hym: & Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende lyke a doue / and lyght vpon hym. And lo there came a voyce from heven sayng: Thys ys that my beloved sonne in whom is my delyte. ⊢
¶ The .iiii. Chapter. ✚
THen was Iesus ledd awaye of ye spirite A into wildernes / to be tempted of ye devyll. And when he had fasted fourtyeMark .i. b Lu. iiij. a dayes and fourtye nightes / he was afterward an hungred. Then came to hym the tempter / and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God / commaunde that these stones be made breed. He answered and sayde: yt is wrytten / man shall not lyve by brede onlye / but by every worde yt proceadeth out of the mouth of God.Dutero. viij. a.
Then the devyll tooke hym vp into ye holy B cite / and set hym on a pynacle of the tēple / and sayd vnto hym: yf thou be the sonne of God / cast thy sylfe doune. For it is wryttē / he shallPsal. xc. c geve his angels charge over the / and with their handes they shall holde ye vp / that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone. And Iesus sayde to hym / it ys wrytten also: ThouDut. vj. c shalt not tempte thy Lorde God.
The devyll toke hym vp agayne and ledde hym in to an excedynge hye mountayne / and shewed hym all the kyngdomes of ye worlde / & all ye glorie of them / & sayde to hym: all these [Page] will I geue ye / if thou wilt faull doune & worship me.Dut. vj. c. & .x. d. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym. Avoyd Satan. For it is writtē / thou shalt worshyp ye Lorde thy God / & hym only shalt thou serve.
Then the dyvell left hym / and beholde / the angels came and ministred vnto hym. ⊢
✚ When Iesus had hearde yt Ihon wasMar. j. b. Lu. iiij. c. Ioā. iiij. f Mark. j. c Lu. iiij. c. Esa. ix. a taken / he departed into Galile and left Nazareth / & went & dwelte in Capernaum / which is a cite apon the see / in ye coostes of zabulon and Neptalim / to fulfill that whiche was spoken by Esay the Prophet / sayinge: The londe of C zabulon & Neptalim / the waye of the see beyonde Iordan / Galile of the Gentyls / ye people which sat in darknes / sawe greate lyght / and to them which sate in the region and shadowe of deeth / lyght is begone to shyne.
From yt tyme Iesus begāne to preache / & to saye: repēt / for ye kīgdome of hevē is at hōde ⊢
✚ As Iesus walked by the see of Galile / heMark. j. a Luk. v. a. sawe two brethren: Simon which was called Peter / and Andrew his brother / castynge aPeter & Andrew. neet into the see / for they were fisshers / and he sayde vnto them / folowe me / and I will make you fisshers of men. And they strayght waye lefte their nettes / and folowed hym.
And he went forthe from thence / and sawe D other twoo brethren / Iames the sonne of zebede / andIames Ihon. Ihon his brother / in the shippe with zebede their father / mendynge their nettes / & called them. And they with out taryinge lefte the shyp & their father and folowed hym. ⊢
✚ And Iesus went aboute all Galile / teachyng [Page vi] in their synagoges / and preachynge ye gospell of the kyngdome / and healed all maner of sicknes / & all maner dyseases amōge ye people. And his fame spreed abroode through oute all Siria. And they brought vnto hym all sicke people that were taken with divers diseases & gripinge / & them yt were possessed with devils / & those which were lunatyke / and those that had the palsie: & he healed thē. And ther folowed hym a greate nombre of people / from Galile / ✚ and from the ten cyties / and from Ierusalem / and from Iury / and from ye regions that lye beyonde Iordan.
¶ The .v. Chapter. ✚
VVhen he sawe the people / he went vp into a mountayne / and when he was set / his disciples came to hym / and he opened hys mouthe / and taught them sayinge: Blessed are the povre in sprete: for theirsLuk. vj. d is the kyngdome of heven. Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted. Blessed are the meke: for they shall inheret the erth. Blessed are they which honger and thurst forCouenaū tes. rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled. Blessed are ye mercifull: for they shall obteyne mercy. Blessed are the pure in herte: for they shall se God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God. Blessedi. Pe. iiij. c are they which suffre persecuciō for rightwesnes sake: for theirs ys the kyngdome of heuen. Blessed are ye when men reuyle you / and persecute you / and shall falsly say all manner of yvell saynges agaynst you [Page] for my sake. Reioyce & be glad / for greate is youre rewarde in heven. ⊢ For so persecuted they ye Prophetes which were before youre dayes.
✚ ye are ye salt of the erthe:Salt. Mar. ix. [...] Luk. xiiij a. but and yf ye salt B have lost hir saltnes / what can be salted ther with? It is thence forthe good for nothynge / but to be cast oute / and to be troadē vnder fote of men. ye are ye light of the worlde.Light. Mar. iiij. c Lu. viij. c and .xj. c. A cite yt is set on an hill / cannot be hid / nether do men lyght a cādell and put it vnder a busshell / but on a candelstick / and it lighteth all that are in the house. Let youre light so shyne before men / yt they maye se youre good workes / and glorify youre father which is in heven.
✚ Thinke not yt I am come to destroye the C lawe / or the Prophets: no I am nott come to destroye them / but to fulfyll them. For truely I saye vnto you / till heven and erth perisshe / Lu. xvj. d one iott or one tytle of the lawe shall not scape / tyll all be fulfilled.
Whosoever breaketh one of these lest commaundmentes / and teacheth men so / he shalbeIaco. ij. d called the leest in the kyngdome of hevē. But whosoever obserueth & teacheth / ye same shalbe called greate in the kyngdome of heven. ⊢
✚ For I saye vnto you / except youre rightewesnes excede / the righetewesnes of ye Scribes and Pharises / ye cānot entre into ye kyngdome of heven. ⊢
ye have herde howe it was sayd vnto thē ofExo. xx c. & Dut. v. b. ye olde tyme: Thou shalt not kyll. For whosoever kylleth / shall be in daunger of iudgemēt. But I say vnto you / whosoever is angre with [Page vii] hys brother / shalbe in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha / Racha shalbe in daūger of a coūsell. But whosoeuer D sayeth thou fole / shalbe in daūger of hell fyre.Hell.
Therfore whē thou offrest thy gifte at theReconcylynge. altare / and their remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the: leue there thyne offrynge before the altre / and go thy waye first and be reconcyled to thy brother / and then come and offre thy gyfte. ⊢
✚ Agre with thyne adversary quicklye / whylesLu. xij. [...] thou arte in ye waye with hym / lest that adversary deliver ye to ye iudge / & ye iudge delivre ye to ye minister / & thē thou be cast into preson. I say vnto ye verely: thou shalt not come out thēce till thou have payed ye vtmost farthīge.
Advoutre.ye haue hearde howe it was sayde to thē ofExode .xx. c Ecclesi. xij. d. olde tyme: Thou shalt not cōmitt advoutrie. But I say vnto you / that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe / lustynge after her / hathe cōmitted E advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert.Mar. ix. g
Ryght eye.Wherfore yf thy right eye offende ye / plucke hym out / and caste him from the. Better it is for the yt one of thy membres perisshe / then that thy hole bodye shuld be cast into hell. AlsoRyght hande. if thy right honde offend ye / cut hym of and caste hym from the. Better yt ys that one of thy membres perisshe / then that all thy body shulde be caste in to hell. ⊢
Deuorcement.It ys sayd / whosoever put awaye his wyfe / let hym geve her a testymonyall also of the devorcement.Mar. x. b Lu. xvj. d i. Corin. vij. b. But I say vnto you: whosoever put awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) [Page] causeth her to breake matrymony. And whosoever maryeth her that is devorsed / breaketh wedlocke.
Agayne ye haue hearde how it was sayd to F Leuiti. xix. c. Exo. xx b. Du. v. b. Iac. v. c thē of olde tyme / thou shalt not forswere thy selfe / but shalt performe thyne othe to God. But I saye vnto you / swere not at all: nether by heuē / for it ys Goddes seate: nor yet by the erth / for it is his fote stole: nether by Ierusalem / forSwere. it ys ye cyte of ye greate kynge: nether shalt thou sweare by thy heed / because thou canst not make one white heer / or blacke: But your cōmunicacion shalbe / ye / ye: nay / nay. For what soeuer is more then yt / cōmeth of yvell.
ye have hearde how it ys sayd / an eye forExodi. xxj. c. Dutero. xix. c. Leuiti. xxiiij. c Luk. vj. c an eye: a tothe for a tothe. But I saye to you / that ye resist not wrōge. But whosoever geve the a blowe on thy right cheke / tourne to him the other.Ryght cheke. And yf eny man will sue the at the lawe / and take awaye thy coote / let hym have thy cloocke also. And whosoever wyll cōpell the to goo a myle / goo wyth him twayne. Geve to him that axeth / and frō him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye.G
✚ ye have hearde how it is sayde: thou shalt love thyne neghbour / and hate thine enimy. But I saye vnto you / love youre enimies.Leui. xix d. Leui. vj. d Blesse thē that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you / that ye maye be y• chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on ye yvell / and on the good / and sendeth his reyn on the iuste [Page viii] and vniuste. For yf ye love them / which loveLu. vj. f. you: what rewarde shall ye have? Doo not the Publicans euen so?Publicans. And yf ye be frendly to youre brethren onlye: what singuler thynge doo ye? Do not the Publicans lyke wyse? ye shall therfore be perfecte / evē as youre father which is in heauen / is perfecte.
¶ The .vi. Chapter.
A Almose.TAke hede to youre almes. That ye geve it not in the syght of men / to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in hevē. Trōpet.Whē soever therfore thou gevest thine almes / thou shalt not make a trōpet to be blowē before the / as ye ypocrites do in the synagogis and in the stretis / for to be preysed of men. Verely I say vnto you / they have their rewarde. But whē thou doest thine almes / let not thy lyfte hād knowe / what thy righte hād doth / yt thine almes may be secret: & thy father E which seith in secret / shall rewarde ye opēly ⊢
PrayerAnd when thou prayest / thou shalt not be as ye ypocrytꝭ are. For they love to stond and praye in the synagogꝭ / and in the corners of ye stretꝭ / because they wolde be sene of men. Verely I saye vnto you / they haue their rewarde. But when thou prayest / entre into thy chamber / and shut thy dore to the / and praye to thy father which ys in secrete: & thy father which seith in secret / shall rewarde the openly.
Bablynge.And whē ye praye / bable not moche / as the B hethē do: for they thincke that they shalbe herde / for their moche bablyngꝭ sake. Be ye not [Page] lyke them therfore. For youre father knoweth wherof ye haue neade / before ye axe of him. After thys maner therfore praye ye.Luk. xj. a
The Paternoster.O oure father which arte in hevē / halowed be thy name. Let thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be fulfilled / as well in erth / as it ys in heven. Geve vs this daye oure dayly breede. And forgeve vs oure treaspases / evē as we forgeve oure trespacers. And leade vs not into tēptacion:Mar. xj. c but delyver vs frō evell. For thyne is ye Ecclesi. xxviij. Couenaunt. kyngedome and ye power / & ye glorye for ever. Amen. For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases / youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you. But and ye wyll not forgeve men their trespases / nomore shall youre father C forgeve youre treaspases.
✚ Moreoure when ye faste / be not sad as ye ypocrytꝭ are. For they disfigure their faces / that they myght besene of mē how they faste. Verely I say vnto you / they have their rewarde. But thou / whē thou fastest / annoynte thyneFastinge heed / and washe thy face / that it appere not vnto men howe that thou fastest: but vnto thy father which is in secrete: & thy father which seeth in secret / shall rewarde the openly.Lu. xij. d
Se that ye gaddre you not treasure vpon ye Lu. xij. d erth / where rust & mothes corrupte / & where theves breake through and steale. But gaddre ye treasure to geder in hevē / where nether rustTreasure nor mothes corrupte / & where theves nether breake vp nor yet steale. For where soever youre treasure ys / there will youre hertes be also ⊢
The light of the body is thyne eye. WherforeLu. xj. c. [Page ix] if thyne eye be syngle / all thy body shalbe full of light. Darcknes.But and if thyne eye be wycked then all thy body shalbe full of derckenes. Wherfore yf the light that is in the / be darckenes: how greate is that darckenes.
✚ Two masters. Lu. xvj. cNo mā can serve two masters. For ether he shall hate the one & love the other: or els he shall lene to ye one & despise ye other: ye can not serve God & mammon. Therfore I saye vnto D Luk. xij. c you / be not carefull for your lyfe / what ye shall eate / or what ye shall drincke / nor yet for youre body / what ye shall put on. ys not ye lyfe more worth then meat▪ / & the body more of value then rayment? Beholde the foules of ye Foules. ayer: for they sowe not / nether reepe / nor yet cary in to ye barnes: & yet youre hevēly father fedeth thē. Are ye not moche better thē they?
Which of you (though he toke thought therfore) coulde put one cubit vnto his stature? And why care ye then for raymēt? Lilies.Considre ye lylies of ye felde / how they growe. They labour not nether spynne. And yet for all yt I saye vnto you / yt euē Salomon in all his royalte was not arayed lyke vnto one of these. Wherfore yf God so clothe the grasse / which ys to daye in the felde / & to morowe shalbe caste in to the fournace: shall he not moche more do the same vnto you / o ye of lytle fayth?
Therfore take no thought sayinge: what shall we eate / or what shall we drincke / or wher wt shall we be clothed? After all these thyngꝭ seke the gētyls. For youre hevēly father knoweth that ye have neade of all these [Page] thyngꝭ. kingdome of heavenBut rather seke yefyrst the kyngdome of heuen & the rightwisnes therof / and all these thynges shalbe ministred vnto you. ⊢
Care not then for the morow / but let ye morow care for it selfe: for the daye present hath ever ynough of his awne trouble.
¶ The .vii. Chapter.
Iudge not. Lu. vj. f.IUdge not / that ye be not iudged. For as ye iudge so shall ye be iudged. And wt A what mesure ye mete / wt the same shall it be mesured to you agayne. Why seist thou a moote in thy brothers eye / & perceavest not the beame yt ys yn thyne awne eye. Or why sayest thou to thy brother: suffre me to plucke oute the moote oute of thyne eye / & behold a beame is in thyne awne eye. ypocryte / fyrst cast oute the beame oute of thyne awne eye / and then shalte thou se clearly to plucke oute the moote out of thy brothers eye.
Dogges & swyne.Geve not that which is holy / to doggꝭ / nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne / lest they treade them vnder their fete / and ye other tourne agayne and all to rent you.
Axe & it shalbe geven you. Seke & ye shall B Couenauntes. Luk. xj. b fynd. knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you. For who soever axeth receaveth & he yt seketh fyndeth / and to hym that knocketh / it shalbe opened. Ys there eny man amōge you which if his sonne axed hym bread / wolde offer him a stone? Or if he axed fysshe / wolde he proffer hym a serpēt? yf ye then which are evyll / cane geve to youre chyldren good gyftes: how moche moore shall youre father which is in [Page x] hevē / geve good thynges to them yt axe hym?
Law and Prophetes. Luk. vj. Luk. xij. aTherfore whatsoever ye wolde that men shulde do to you / even so do ye to them. This ys the lawe and the Prophettes.
Strayte gate. Narow waye.Enter in at the strayte gate: for wyde is ye gate / and broade is the waye that leadeth to destruccion: and many ther be which goo yn therat. But strayte is the gate / & narowe ys the waye which leadeth vnto lyfe: and feawe there be that fynde it.
✚ False prophetes. Luk. vj. f.Beware of false Prophetes / which come C to you in shepes clothinge / but inwardly they are ravenynge wolves. Ye shall knowe them by their frutes. Do men gaddre grapes of thornes? or figges of bryres? Euen soo every good tree bryngeth forthe good frute. But a corrupte tree / bryngethe forthe evyll frute. A good tree cānot brynge forthe bad frute: nor yet a bad tree can bringe forthe good frute. Every tree that bryngethe not forthe good frute / shalbe hewē doune / & cast into the fyre. Wherfore by their frutes ye shall knowe thē.
Not all they that saye vnto me / Master: Master. Luk. xiij. e. f.Master / Master / shall enter in to the kyngdome of heven: but he that dothe my fathers will which ys in heven ✚. Many will saye to me in that daye / Master / master / have we not in thy name prophesied? And in thy name have caste oute devyls? And in thy name have done many miracles? And then will I knowlege vnto them / that I never knewe them. DepartePsal. vj. from me / ye workers of iniquite.
Who soever heareth of me these sayingesTo builde on the rocke / what it is [Page] and doethe the same / I wyll lyken hym vnto a wyse man which bylt hys housse on a rocke: & aboundance of rayne descended / & the fluddes came / & the wyndes blewe and bet vpon that same housse / and it fell not / because it was grounded on the rocke. And whosoever heareth of me these sayinges & doth thē not / shalbe lykened vnto a folysh man which biltTo builde on sande. hys housse apō the sonde: & abundaūce of rayne descended / & the fluddes came / and ye wyndes blewe and beet vpon that housse / and it fell / and great was the fall of it.
And it came to passe / that when Iesus hadMark .j. c. Luk. iiij. e ended these saynges / the people were astonnyed at hys doctryne. For he taught them as one havynge power / and not as the Scribes.
¶ The .viii. Chapter. ✚
VVhen he was come downe from the A Mark .j. d. Luk. v. c. moūtayne / moch people folowed him. A leper.And lo / ther came a lepre and worsheped him sayinge: Master / if thou wylt / thou canst make me clene. And Iesus put forthe hys hond and touched hym / sayinge: I wyll / be thou clene / & immediatly hys leprosie was clensed. And Iesus sayde vnto him. Se thou tell no man / but go and shewe thy selfe to the preste / & offer the gyfte that Moses cōmaunded / in witnes to them.Leui. xiiij
✚ When Iesus was entred into Capernaū Lu. vij. a. Centuriōther came vnto him a certayne Centurion / & besought hym sayinge: Master my seruaunt lyeth sicke at home of ye palsye / & ys greuously payned. And Iesus sayd vnto hym: I will [Page xi] come & heale him. The Centuriō answered & sayde: Syr I am not worthy yt thou shuldest come vnder my rofe / but speake ye worde only & my servaūt shalbe healed. For I also my selfe am a man vndre power / & have sowdiers vndre me / & I saye to one / go / & he goeth / & to anothre come / & he cometh: & to my seruaūt / do this / & he doeth it. When Iesus hearde yt / he B marveled & sayd to them yt folowed hym. Verely I say vnto you / I have not foūde so great fayth: no / not in Israel. I say therfore vnto you that many shall come frō the eest & weest / and shall rest wt Abraham / Isaac & Iacob in the kingdome of hevē: Vtter darcknes& the chyldren of ye kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge & gnasshing of tethe. Thē Iesus sayd vnto ye Centurion / go thy waye / and as thou belevest so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was healed the selfe houre. ⊢
Mark .j. c. Luk. iiii. [...] Peters motherꝭ sawe.And then Iesus went to Peters housse / and sawe hys wyves mother lyinge sicke of a fevre / and touched her hande / and the fevre left hir: and she arose / and ministred vnto them.
When the euē was come / they brought vnto him many yt were possessed with devyllis.Mark .j. d. And he cast out ye spirites with a worde / and healed all yt were sicke / to fulfill yt which was spokē by Esayas ye Prophet sayinge. He toke on him oure infirmities / & bare oure sickneses
Whē Iesus sawe moche people about him / C Luk. ix. [...] he cōmaunded to go over ye water. And ther came a scribe & sayd vnto hym: master / I wyll folowe ye whyther so ever thou goest. And Iesus [Page] sayd vnto him: Foxes & byrdes.the foxes have holes / and the bryddꝭ of the ayer have nestes / but ye sonne of the man hath not wherō to rest his heede. A nothre yt was one of hys disciples sayd vnto hym: master / Burye.suffre me fyrst / to go & burye my father. But Iesus sayd vnto him: folowe me / and let the deed burie their deed.
✚ And he entred in to a shyppe / & his disciplesMar. iiij. d. Luke .viij. d. folowed him. And beholde there arose a a greate tēpest in ye see / in so moche yt the shippe was covered wt waves / & he was a slepe.Iesus slepeth in ye shippe. And his disciples came vn to him / & awoke hym sayinge: master save vs / we perishe. And he sayd vnto them: why are ye fearfull / o ye of lytell faithe? Then he arose & rebuked ye wyndes & the see / & ther folowed a greate calme. And the men marveyled & sayd: what man is this / that bothe wyndes and see obey hym? ⊢
And when he was come to ye other syde / in D Ma.. v. a Lu. viij. d to ye coūtre of ye GergesitesGergesites. / ther met him two possessed of devylles / which came out of the graves / & were out of measure fearce / so yt no mā myght go by that waye. And behold they cryed out sayinge: O Iesu the sonne of God / what have we to do with the? Art thou come hyther to tormēt vs before the tyme be come? And ther was a good waye of frō them a greate heerd of swyne fedinge. Then ye devylꝭ besought him sayinge: if thou cast vs out / suffre vs to go oure waye in to the heerd of swyne. And he sayd vnto thē: go youre wayes. Then wēt they out / & departed into ye heerd of swyne And beholde ye whoale heerd of swyne was caryed [Page xii] wt violence hedlinge in to the see / & perisshed in ye water. Then ye heerdmē fleed & wēt their ways in to ye cyte / & tolde every thinge / & what had fortuned vnto the possessed of the devyls. And beholde all the cyte came out & met Iesus. And when they sawe hym / they besought hym to departe oute of their coste.
¶ The .ix. Chapter. ✚
THen he entred in to a shippe and passed A Mar. ij. a Lu. v. d Palseye. over & came in to his awne cite. And lo / they brought to him a mā sicke of ye palsie / lyinge in his bed. And when Iesus sawe ye faith of thē / he sayd to the sicke of ye palsie: sonne be of good chere / thy sinnes be forgevē the. And beholde certeyne of ye scribes sayd in thē selves / this mā blasphemeth. And whē Iesus sawe their thoughtes / he sayd: wherfore thinke ye evill in youre herte? Whether ys esyer to saye / thy synnes be forgeven ye / or to saye: arise & walke? This myracle shalbe a signe to you, that I have power to forgeve synnes.That ye maye knowe that ye sonne of mā hath power to forgeve sinnes in erth / then sayd he vnto ye sicke of ye palsye: arise / take vp thy beed / & go home to thine housse. And he arose & departed to his awne housse. And when ye people sawe it / they marveyled & glorified god which had gevē suche power to mē. ⊢
✚ And as Iesus passed forth frō thence / he B Mar. ij. b Luk. v. f. sawe a mā syt a receyuinge of custome / named Mathew / and sayd to him: folowe me. And heMathew arose & folowed him. And it came to passe as he sat at meate in the housse: beholde many publicans and synners came and sate downe also with Iesus and hys disciples.
[Page]When the Pharises sawe that / they sayd to hys disciples: Publicās eate with Iesus.why eateth youre master wt publicans and synners? When Iesus herde that / he sayde vnto them: The whole neade not the phisicion / but they that are sicke. Goo and learne / what that meaneth: Mercie & not sacrifice. Oze. vi. cI have pleasure in mercy / and not in offerynge. For I am not come to call the rightewes / but the synners to repentaunce. ⊢
✚ Then came ye disciples of Ihon to hymIhons disciples fast. sayinge: why do we & the Pharises fast ofte: but thy disciples fast not? And Iesus sayde vnto them: Can ye weddynge chyldren morne as longe as ye bridegrome is wt them? The tyme will come whē the bridegrome shalbe takē frō them / & then shall they faste. New and olde agre not.Noo man peceth and olde garment with a pece of newe cloothe. For then taketh he awaye ye pece agayne from the garmēt / & the rent ys made greater. Nether do men put newe wyne into olde vessels / for then the vessels breake / & the wyne runneth oute / and the vessels perysshe. But they powre newe wyne into newe vessels / and so are both saved togeder. ⊢
✚ The rulers daugter. Mar. v. b Lu. viij. f.Whyls he thus spake vnto thē / beholde C ther came a certayne ruler / & worshipped him sayinge: my doghter is euen now deceased / but come & lay thy honde on her / & she shall live. And Iesus arose and folowed hym with hys disciples. Bloudyssue.And beholde / a woman which was diseased wt an yssue of bloude .xii. yeres / came behynde hym & toched ye hem of hys vesture. For she sayd in her silfe: yf I maye toche but [Page xiii] even his vesture only / I shalbe safe. Then Iesus tourned him about / & behelde her sayinge: Doughter be of good conforte / thy faith hath made the safe. And she was made whole even that same houre.
And when Iesus came into ye rulers housse / & sawe the minstrels and the people raginge / he sayde vnto them: Get you hence / for ye mayde is not deed / but slepeth. And they laughed hym to scorne. Assone as ye people were put forthe / he went in and toke her by ye hond / and the mayde arose. And this was noysed through out all that lande.
And as Iesus departed thence / two blynde D men folowed hym crying and saying: O thou sonne of David / have mercy on vs. Two blinde are cured.And when he was come to housse / the blynd came to hym And Iesus sayde vnto them: Beleve ye that I am able to do thys? And they sayde vnto hym: ye Lorde. Then touched he their eyes / saying: acordynge to youre faythe / be it vnto you. And their eyes were opened. And Iesus charged thē saying: Se yt no man knowe of it. But they assone as they were departed / spreed abroade his name through oute all the londe.
As they went out / beholde / they brought to hym a dome mā possessed af a devyll. And asmar. vij. c Lu. xj. b. sone as the devyll was cast oute / Domme.the domme spake: And the people merveled / sayinge: it was never so sene in Israel. But the Pharises sayde: he casteth oute devyls / by the power of the chefe devyll.Chefe deuell.
And Iesus went about all cities & tounes / [Page] teachynge in their synagogꝭ & preachyng the glad tidinges of ye kyngdome / & healinge all maner sicknes & desease amōge ye people. But when he sawe the people / he had cōpassion on thē / because they were pyned awaye / & scattered abroade / evē as shepe havīge no shepherd.
Then sayde he to hys disciples: Harvest is great.the hervest is greate / but the laborers are feawe. Wherfore praye the Lorde of the harvest / to sende forthe laborers into hys harvest.
¶ The .x. Chapter.
ANd he called his .xii. disciples vnto A Mar. iij. b Lu. vj. b. hym / & gave them power over vnclene sprites / to cast them oute / & to heale all maner of sicknesses / & all maner of deseases.
The names of the xii. Apostles are these. The fyrst / Simon called also Peter: and Andrew his brother. Iames the sonne of zebede / aud Ihon his brother. Philip & Bartlemew. Thomas and Mathew the Publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe / and Lebbeus otherwyse called Taddeus. Simon of Cane / and Iudas Iscarioth / which also betrayed hym.
The Apostles are sent.These. xii. sent Iesus / & cōmaunded themLu. ix. a. sayinge: Go not in to ye wayes yt leade to the gentyls / & in to ye cities of ye Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to ye lost shepe of the housse of Israel. Go & preach sayinge: ye the kyngdome of hevē is at hande. Heale the sicke / clense the lepers / rayse the deed / caste oute the devils. Frely ye have receved / frely geve agayne. Posses not golde / nor silver / nor brassse yn youre gerdels / nor yet scrip towardes [Page xiiii] your iorney: nether two cotes / nether shues / nor yet a staffe. For the workmā is worthy to have his meate. In to whatsoever cite or touneLu. p. c. ye shall come / enquyre who ys worthy yn it / and there abyde till ye goo thence.
And whē ye come in to an housse salute ye B same. And yf the housse be worthy / youre peace shall come apon it. But yf it be not worthy / youre peace shall retourne to you agayne.
And whosoever shall not receave you / nor will heare youre preachynge: Dust.when ye departe oute of yt housse or that cite / shake of the duste of youre fete. Truly I say vnto you: it shalbe easier for the londe of zodoma & Gomorra in the daye of iudgement / then for that cite.
Shepe amonge wolves. Wise as serpētes. Innocēt as dovesBeholde I sende you forthe as shepe amō ge wolves. Be ye therfore wyse as serpētes / & innocent as doves. Beware of men / for they shall deliver you vp to ye cousels / & shall scourge you in their synagoges. And ye shall be brought to the heed rulers and kynges for my sake / in witnes to them and to the gentyls.
But when they delyver you vp / take no thought how or what ye shall sspeake / for yt shalbe gevē you / evē in that same houre / what ye shall saye. The spirite speaketh in vs.For it is not ye that speke / but ye sprite of your father which speaketh in you.
The brother shall betraye the brother toIohan. v deeth / & the father the sonne. And the chyldrē shall aryse agaynste their fathers & mothers / & shall put them to deethe: & ye shall be hated of all mē for my name. But he that endureth to the ende / shalbe saved.
[Page] C When they persecute you in one cite / flye in to another. I tell you for a treuth / ye shall not fynysshe all yt cities of Israel tyll ye sonne of man be come. DiscipleThe disciple ys not above hys master: nor yet ye servaūt above his lorde. It is ynough for the disciple to be as hys master ys / & that the servaunt be as his lorde ys. yf they have called the lorde of the housse beelzebub: how moche more shall they call them of his housholde so? Feare thē not therfore.
There is no thinge so close / that shall notMar. iiij. c Lu. viij. c and .xij. a be openned / and no thinge so hyd / that shall not be knowen.
What I tell you in dercknes / that speake ye in lyght. And what ye heare in the eare / that preache ye on the housse toppes.
Feare.And feare ye not them which kyll the body / and be not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym / which is able to destroye bothe soule and body into hell. Sparowes.Are not two sparowes solde for a farthinge? And none of them dothe lyght on the grounde / with out youre father. And now are all the heeris of youre heedis numbred. Feare ye not therfore: ye are of more value then many sparowes.
Confesse Marke, viij. d. Luk. ix. c and .xij. bWho soever therfore shall knowledge me before men / hym will I knowledge also before my father which is in heuen. Denye.But whoso ever shall denye me before men / hym will I also denye before my father which is in heven.
Thynke not / that I am come to sende peace D into the erth. Lu. xij. f. A sweerde. I came not to send peace / but a swearde. For I am come to set a man at varyaunce [Page xv] ageynst hys father / and the doughter ageynst hyr mother / and the doughterlawe ageynst her motherlawe: And a mannes fooes shalbe they of hys owne housholde.Michee .vij. c Worthie of Christ who. Lu. xiiij. f Crosse.
He that lovith hys father / or mother more then me / is not mete for me. And he that loveth his sonne / or doughter more then me / is not mete for me. And he yt taketh not his crosse & foloweth me / ys not mete for me. He that A fyndeth hys lyfe / shall lose it: and he that losith hys lyfe for my sake / shall fynde it.Lu. xiiij. f
Receaue. Io. xij. c.He that receavith you / receavith me: and he that receavith me / receavith him that sent me. He that receavith a prophet in ye name of a prophet / shall receave a prophetes rewarde. Couenanus. Mar. ix. f And he that receavith a righteous man in the name of a righteous man / shall receave the rewarde of a righteous man. And whosoever shall geve vnto one of these lytle ones to drincke / a cuppe of colde water only / in the name of a disciple: I tel you of a trueth / he shall not lose his rewarde.
The .xi. Chapter.
ANd it came to passe when Iesus had made an ende of cōmaundinge his .xii. disciples / that he departed thence / to teache and to preache in their cities.
✚ Lu. vij. c. Iohn sendeth to Christ.When Ihon beinge in preson hearde ye workes of Christ / he sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto him. Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another. Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye have hearde & sene. The blynd [Page] se / the halt goo / the lepers are clensed: the deef heare / the ded ryse ageyne / and the glad tidinges is preached to the povre. And happy is he that is not offended by me.
And as they departed Iesus begane to speake vnto the people of Ihon. What for to se wēt ye out in to the wyldernes? wēt ye out to se a rede shakē with ye wynde? other what wēt ye out for to se? A man clothed in soofte raymēt? Beholde they yt weare soofte clothīg / are B in kynges howses. But what wēt ye oute for to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you / & more thē a prophete. For this is he of whō it is wryttē.Mal. iij. a Beholde / I sende my messenger before thy face / which shall prepare thy waye before ye ⊢
✚ Verely I saye vnto you / amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven / ys gretter then he.Christ whiche vmbled hym selfe to the crosse was lesse. &c. Lu. xvj. d From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto / ye kyngdome of hevē suffreth violence / & they that go to it with violence pluck it vn to them. For all the prophetꝭ & the lawe prophesyed vnto to the tyme of Ihon. Also yf ye wyll receave it / this is Helyas which shuld come.Malachie iiij. b He yt hathe eares to heare let him heare. ⊢
But wher vnto shall I lyken this generacion?Lu. vij. b. It ys lyke vnto chyldrē which syt in the market & call vnto their felowes / & saye: we have pyped vnto you / & ye have not daunsed? We have morned vnto you / & ye have not sorowed.C For Ihon came nether eatinge nor drinkinge / and they saye / he hath the devyll. The [Page xvi] sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge / & they saye / beholde a glutton & drynker of wyne / & a frend vnto publicās & synners. Wisdome. Lu. x. c.Neverthelater wysdome ys iustified of hir children.
✚ Then begā he to vpbrayd the cities / in which most of his miracles were done / because they mēded not. Chorasin Bethzaida. Sidō. Tire. CapernaumWo be to ye Chorasin. Wo be to ye Betzaida: for if the miracles which were shewd in you / had bene done in Tyre & Sidon / they had repented longe agone in sackcloth & asshes. Neverthelesse I say to you: it shall be esier for Tyre & Sidon at the day of iudgemēt / then for you. And thou Capernaū which art lift vp vnto hevē / shalt be brought doune to hell. For if the miracles which have bene done in the / had bene shewed in zodom: they had remayned to this daye. Neverthelesse I saye vnto you: it shalbe easiar for ye londe of zodō in the daye of iudgemēt / thē for ye. ⊢ D
✚ Lu. x. c.At yt tyme Iesus answered & sayd: I prayse ye o father lorde of hevē & erth / because thou hast hid these thingꝭ frō the wyse & prudēt / & hast opened thē vnto babes:The wise knew not. Babes knewe. evē so father / for so it pleased ye. All thingꝭ are gevē vnto me of my father. And nomā knoweth ye sonne but ye father: nether knoweth eny mā ye father / save ye sonne / & he to whome ye sonne will opē him.God is not knowē as a father, but thorow christ
Come vnto me all ye that laboure & are laden / & I wyll ease you. Take my yoke on you & lerne of me / for I am meke & lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules. For my yoke is easy / and my burden is light. ⊢ yocke.
¶ The .xii. Chapter. ✚
[Page] Corne.IN that tyme went Iesus on the Sabot dayes thorow the corne & his disciples A were an hōgred / & begane to plucke the eares of coorne / and to eate. When ye pharises sawe that / they sayde vnto him: Beholde / thy disciples do that which is not lawfull to do apon ye saboth daye. He sayde vnto thē: Saboth.Haue ye not reed what David did / whē he was anhon̄gered / & they also which were with him? How he entred into the housse of God / & ate ye halowed lovesi. Regum xxj. b. Haloved loues. / which were not lawfull / for him to eate / nether for thē which were wt him but only for ye prestes. Or have ye not reed in ye lawe / how that ye prestes in ye temple breake the saboth daye / & yet are blamlesse? But I saye vnto you: that here is one greater then ye tēple. Wherfore yf ye had wist what this sayinge meneth: Mercie & not sacrifice.I require mercy & not sacrifice: ye wold never have condēned innocētes. For ye sonne of man is lord even of ye saboth daye.
mar. iii. a Luk. vi. bAnd he departed thence / & went into their synagoge: Wetherde hande & beholde ther was a man / whiche B had his hande dryed vp. And they axed him sayinge: ys it lawfull to heale apon ye saboth dayes? because they myght acuse him. And he sayde vnto thē:Saboth whiche of you wolde it be / yf he had a shepe fallen into a pitte on ye saboth daye / that wolde not take him & lyft him out? And how moche is a man better thē a shepe? Wherfore it is lefull to do a good dede on the saboth dayes. Then sayde he to ye mā: stretch forth thy hād. And he stretched it forthe. And it was made whole agayne lyke vnto ye other.
[Page xvii] ✚ Then ye Pharyses wēt out / & helde a coū sell B agaynst hym / how they myght destroye hym. When Iesus knewe yt / he departed thē ce / & moche people folowed him / and he healed thē all / & charged thē / that they shuld not make him knowē: to fulfyll that which was spoden by Esay ye Prophet / which sayeth. Esaie xij. a.Beholde my chylde / whō I have chosen / my beloved / in whō my soule deliteth. I wyll put my sprete on hym / & he shall shewe iudgemēt to ye gentyls. He shall not stryve / he shall not crye / nether shall eny man heare his voyce in ye streetes / a brosed rede shall he not breacke / & flaxe that begynneth to burne / he shall not quēche / tyll he sende forth iudgement vnto victory / & in hys name shall the gentyls truste. ⊢
C Mar. iij. [...] Lu. vj. b. Blynde and domeThen was brought to hym / one possessed with a devyll which was both blynde & domme: & he healed hym / insomoch that he which was blynd and domme / both spake and sawe. And all the people were amased / & sayde: Ys not this that sonne of David? But when the Pharises hearde that / they sayde: This felow dryveth ye devyls no nother wyse oute but byBelzebub. the helpe of Belzebub ye chefe of the devyls.
But Iesus knewe their thoughtes / & sayde to thē. Every kingdome devided wt in it sylfe / shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agēst it sylfe / cōtynue. So if satā cast out satā / thē is he devyded agenst him sylfe. How shall then his kyngdome endure? Also if I by ye helpe of Belzebub cast oute devyls: by whose helpe do youre [Page] chyldren cast them out? Therfore they shalbe youre iudges. But if I cast out the devyls by the sprite of God: then is the kyngdome of god come on you?
Ether how can a mā enter into a strōge mā nes housse / and violently take awaye his goodes: excepte he fyrst binde ye strōge man / & thē spoyle his housse? ✚ He that is not wt me / is agaynst me. And he yt gaddereth not wt me / scattereth abrode. Mar. iij. d Lu. xij. b Blasphemy. Wherfore I say vnto you / all maner of synne & blasphemy shalbe forgeven vnto men: but the blasphemy of ye sprite / shall not be forgeven vnto men. And whoso ever speaketh a worde agaynst the sonne of man / it shalbe forgeven him. But whosoever speaketh agaynst the holy goost / it shall not be forgeven hym: no / nether in this worlde / nether in the worlde to come.
Luk. vj. bEther make ye tree good / & his frute good also: or els make ye tree evyll / & his frute evyll also. As the frute is / soche is the tree.For ye tree is knowē by his frute. O generaciō of viperes / how can ye saye well whē ye youre selves are evyll? For of ye aboundāce of the hert / ye mouthe speaketh. A good mā oute of ye good treasure of his hert / bringeth forth good thynges. And an evyll man out of his evyll treasure / bringeth forth evyll thinges. Ydell worde.But I say vnto you / that of every ydell worde that men shall have spoken: they shall geve acountes at the daye of iudgement. For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustifyed: & by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned. ⊢
✚ Then answered certeyne of the scribes &Lu. xj. b. [Page xviii] of the Pharises sayinge: Signe.Master / we wolde fayne se a sygne of ye. He answered & sayde to thē: The evyll & advoutrous generaciō seketh a signe / but ther shall no signe be gevē to thē / Iona. ij. a Signe of Ionas. saue the signe of the Prophete Ionas. For as Ionas was thre dayes & thre nyghtes in the whales belly: soo shall ye sonne of man be thre dayes & thre nyghtes in ye hert of ye erth. Ninivite Ionas iij. b.The D men of Ninivie shall rise at the daye of iugdement with this nacion / & condemne them: for they amended at ye preachinge of Ionas. And beholde / a greater then Ionas is here. Quene of the southe .iii. Regū x. a. ij. parali. ix. a.The quene of ye south shall ryse at ye daye of iudgement with this generacion / & shall condemne thē: for she came frō the vtmost parties of the worlde to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomō is here.
The vncleane spirite commeth agayne.When the vnclene sprite is gone out of a man / he walketh throughout dry places / seking reest & fyndeth none. Then he sayeth: I will retourne ageyne into my housse / frō whē ce I came oute. And when he is come / he fyndeth the housse empty & swepte & garnisshed. Then he goeth his waye / & taketh vnto him seven other spretes worsse then him silfe / & so entre they in and dwell there. And the ende of that man is worsse then the beginning. Even so shall it be with this evell nacion.
Mar. iij. [...] Lu. viij. c Mother and brethern.Whill he yet talked to the people: beholde his mother and his brethren stode without / desyringe to speake with him. Then one sayde vnto hym: beholde thy mother and thy brethrē stonde without / desiringe to speke wt the.
[Page]He answered & sayd to him that tolde hym: Who is my mother? or who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hond over his disciples and sayd: behold my mother and my brethren. For whosoever dothe my fathers will which is in hevē / the same is my brother / suster & mother. ⊢
¶ The .xiii. Chapter.
A Mar. iij. a Lu. viij. aTHe same daye wēt Iesus out of ye house / & sat by the see syde / & moch people resorted vnto him / so gretly yt he wēt & sat in a shippe / & all the people stode on ye shoore. And he spake many thynges to thē in similitudes / sayinge: A sower.Beholde / ye sower wēt forth to sowe. And as he sowed / some fell by ye wayes syde / & the fowlle came & devoured it vp. Some fell apō stony groūde where it had not moche erth / & a nōne it sprōge vp / because it had no depth of erth: & when ye sunne was vp / it cauht heet / & for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye. Some fell amōge thornes / & the thornes sprōge vp & chooked it. Parte fell in good groūd / & brought forth good frute: some an hū dred fold / some sixtie fold / some thyrty folde. Whosoever hath eares to heare let him heare.
And the disciples came and sayde to him:B Why speakest thou to thē in parables? He answered & sayde vnto them: it is gevē vnto you to knowe ye secretꝭ of the kyngdome of hevē / but to thē it is not gevē A couenaunt to thē that loue the worde of god to forther it, that they shall encracee therin, ād another that they that loue it not, shall lose it agayne, and waxe blynde. For whosoever hath to him shall be geven: and he shall have aboundance. But whosoever hath not: frō hym shal be takyn a waye even that he hath. Therfore [Page xix] speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se / they se not: & hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde. And in thē is fulfilled ye Prophesie of Esayas / which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde / and with the eyes ye shall se / and shall not perceave. Esa. vi. e Mar. iiii. b. Lu. viij b. Io. xii. f. Actuū xxviij. Ro. xj. b.For this peoples hertes are wexed grosse / & their eares were dull of herynge / & their eyes have they closed / lest they shuld se with their eyes / & heare with their eares / & shuld vnderstonde with their hertꝭ / & shuld tourne / that I myght heale them.
C Luk. x. d.But blessed are youre eyes / for they se: & youre eares / for they heare. Verely I say vnto you / that many Prophetꝭ & perfaicte mē have desired to se tho thingꝭ which ye se / & have not sene thē: & to heare tho thingꝭ which ye heare / & have not herde thē. Mar. iiij. b. Luke viij. b. The sower is expowndedHeare ye therfore ye similitude of the sower. Whosoever heareth the worde of ye kingdome / & vnderstondeth it not / ther cometh the evyll mā & catcheth awaye yt which was sowne in his hert. And this is he which was sowne by the waye syde. But he yt was sowne in ye stony groūde / is he which heareth the worde of God / & anōne wt ioye receaveth it / yet hath he no rotte in him selfe / & therfore dureth but a season: for assone as tribulacion or persecucion aryseth because of the worde / by & by he falleth. He yt was sowne amōge thornes / is he yt heareth ye worde of God: but the care of this worlde / & the dissaytfulnes of ryches choke ye worde / & so is he made vnfrutfull. He which is sowne in ye good grounde / is [Page] he yt heareth ye worde & vnderstōdeth it / which also bereth frute & bringeth forth / some an .C. folde / some sixtie folde / & some .xxx. folde.
Another similitude put he forth vnto thē D sayinge: ✚ Tares.The kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde. But whyll men slepte / ther came his foo & sowed tares amōge ye wheate / & wēt his waye. When ye blade was sprōge vp & had brought forth frute / thē appered ye tares also. The servaunte came to the housholder / & sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed in thy closse / frō whēce thē hath it tares? He sayde to thē / the envious mā hath done this. Then ye servaunte sayde vnto him: wilt thou then yt we go & gader them? But he sayde / nay / lest whill ye go aboute to wede out ye tares / ye plucke vppe also wt them ye wheate by ye rotte: let bothe growe to gether tyll harvest come / & in tyme of harvest / I wyll saye to the repers / gather ye fyrst ye tares / & bind thē in sheves to be brēt: but gather the wheete into my barne. ⊢
✚ E Mar. iiij. d. Luke xiij. d. Mustard seed.Another parable he put forthe vnto thē sayinge. The kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed / which a mā taketh & soweth in his felde / which is ye leest of all seedes. But when it is groune / it is the greatest amōge yerbes / & it is a tree: so yt the bryddes of the ayer come & bylde in the braūches of it.
Lu. xiij. c Leven.Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto levē which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iii. peckes of meele / tyll all be levended.
[Page xx] Mark .iiij. d.All these thyngꝭ spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes / & with oute similitudes spake he nothinge to them / to fulfyll that which was spokē by the Prophet sayinge: Psalm .lxxvij. [...]I wyll opē my mouth in similitudꝭ / and wyll speake forth thinges which have bene kepte secrete from the begynninge of the worlde. ⊢
✚ Then sent Iesus ye people awaye / & came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him / sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde. Tares are expownded.Then answered he & sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed / is the sonne of man. And ye felde is the worlde. And the chyldrē of the kingdome / they are ye good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of ye wicked. And the enemye that soweth thē / is ye devell.Apocaly. xiiij. c. The harvest is ye end of the worlde. And the repers be ye angels. For evē as the tares are gaddred & brēt in ye fyre: so shall it be in ye ende of this worlde. The sonne of man shall F send forth his angels / & they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thingꝭ that offende / and them which do iniquite / and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylynge and gnasshing of teth: Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in ye kyngdome of their father.Sapien. iiij. b. Whosoever hath eares to heare / let him heare. ⊢
✚ Treasure.Agayne ye kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde / ye which a man fyndeth & hideth: and for ioy therof goeth & selleth all that he hath / & byeth that felde.
Pearles.Agayne ye kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto [Page] a marchaunt that seketh good pearles / which when he had founde one precious pearle / wēt and solde all that he had / and bought it.
Nette.Agayne the kyngdome of hevē is lyke vnto a neet cast into ye see / yt gadereth of all kynde of fysshes: which whē it is full / men drawe to londe / & sitte & gadre the good in to vessels / & cast the bad awaye. So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angels shall come oute / & sever the bad from the good / & shall cast them in to a furnes of fyre: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshynge of teth.
Iesus sayde vnto them: vnderstonde ye all G these thyngꝭ? They sayde / ye Lorde. New and olde.Thē sayde he vnto them: Therfore every scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of hevē / is lyke an housholder / which bryngeth forth / out of hys treasure / thyngꝭ bothe new and olde. ⊢
Mar. vj. a Luk. iiij. c Ioh. iiij. cAnd it came to passe when Iesus had finisshed these similitudꝭ / yt he departed thēce / & came in to his awne coūtre / & taught them in their synagogꝭ / in so moche yt they were astonyedIoh. vj. e. Carpēter & sayde: whēce cometh all this wysdome & power vnto him? Is not this the carpēters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? & his brethrē be called Iames & Ioses & Simō & Iudas? And are not his susters all here wt vs? Whēce hath he all these thyngꝭ. And they were offended by him. PropheteThē Iesus sayd to thē a Prophet is not wt out honoure / save in hys awne countre / & amōge his awne kynne. And he dyd not many miracles there / for there vnbelefes sake.
¶¶ The .xiiii. Chapter.
[Page xxi] A Ma. vj. b. Lu. ix. a.AT that tyme Herod the tetrarcha hearde of the fame of Iesu / and sayde vnto his servaūtes: This is Ihon ye baptist. He is risen agayne from deeth / & therfore are soche myracles wrought by him. Iohn baptist is prisoned. Ma. vj. b. Lu. iij. d.For Herod had taken Ihon and bounde him and put him in preson for Herodias sake / his brother Philips wyfe. For Ihon sayde vnto him: Yt is not lawfull for the to have her. And when he wold have put him to deeth / he feared the people / because they counted him as a prophet.
But when Herodꝭ birth daye was come / the doughter of Herodias daunsed before them / & pleased Herod. Wherfore he promised wt an oth / that he wolde geve hir what soever she wolde axe. And she beinge informed of her mother before / sayde: geve me here Ihon baptistꝭ heed in a platter. And ye kynge sorowed. Neverthelesse for his othes sake / and for their sakis which sate also at ye table / he cōmaunded yt to be geven hir: Iohan baptist is beheddedand sent & beheeded Ihon in the preson / and his heed was brought in a platter & geven to the damsell / & she brought it to her mother. And his disciples came & toke vp his body / & buryed it: and went and tolde Iesus.
When Iesus hearde that / he departed thence by shippe in to a desert place out of ye waye. B Lu. ix. b. Mar. vj. d Io. vj. a▪ And when the people had hearde ther of / they folowed him a fote out of their cities. And Iesus went forth & sawe moche people / & his herte did melte vpon them / and he healed of them those that were sicke. When even was come / his disciples came to him sayinge. This is a [Page] deserte place / & the daye is spent: let the people departe / yt they maye go in to ye tounes / & bye them vytayllis. But Iesus sayde vnto them. They have no neade to go awaye. Geve ye thē to eate. Fiue loves & two fysshes.Then sayde they vnto him: we have here but .v. loves & two fysshes. And he sayde: bringe thē hyther to me. And he cōmaunded ye people to syt downe on ye grasse: & toke ye .v. loves / & the .ii. fysshes & loked vp to heven & blessed / & brake and gave the loves to his disciples / & the disciples gave them to ye people. And they dyd all eate / and were suffised. And they gadered vp of ye gobbetꝭ that remayned xii. basketꝭ full. And they yt ate / were in nōbre about .v. M. men / besyde wemen & chyldren.
C Mar. vj. f Ioh. vj. bAnd strayght waye Iesus made his disciples enter into a shippe / and to goo over before him / whill he sent ye people awaye. And assone as he had sent the people awaye / he went vp into a moūtayne alone to praye. And when nyght was come / he was there him silf alone. And the shippe was now in the middes of the see / and was toost with waves / for it was a cō trary wynde. Iesus walked on ye sea.In the fourthe watche of ye night Iesus came vnto them walkynge on the see. And when his disciples sawe him walkynge on the see / they were troubled / sayinge: it is some spirite / & cryed out for feare. And streyght waye Iesus spake vnto them sayinge: be of god cheare / it is I / be not a frayed.
Peter walketh on the water.Peter answered him / & sayde: master / if thou be he / bid me come vnto the on the water. And he sayde / come. And when Peter was come [Page xxii] doune out of ye shippe / he walked on ye water / to go to Iesus. But when he sawe a myghty wynde / he was afrayed. And as he beganne to synke / he cryed sayinge: master save me. And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his hō de / & caught him / & sayde to him: O thou of lytell faith / wherfore diddest thou dout? And assone as they were come in to ye shippe / ye wynde ceassed. Then they that were in the shippe / came and worshipped him / sayinge: of a truth thou arte ye sonne of God. Mar. vj. g Genazareth.And when they were come over / they went in to ye londe of Genazareth. And when ye men of yt place had knowledge of him / they sent out in to all yt countre rounde about / & brought vnto him all that were sicke / & besought him / that they myght touche the hemme of his vesture only.hemme. And as many as touched it were made safe.
¶ The .xv. Chapter. ✚
A Ma. vij. a THen came to Iesus scribes & pharises from Ierusalem / sayinge: Tradiciones. Exodi. xx. e. Dut. v. [...] ephe. vj. [...] exo. xxj [...] leu. xx. [...] pro. xx. cwhy do thy disciples transgresse the tradiciōs of ye elders? for they wesshe not their hondꝭ / when they eate breed. He answered / and sayde vnto them: why do ye also transgresse ye cōmaundment of God / thorowe youre tradicions? For God cōmaunded / sayinge: honoure thy father & mother / & he that cursseth father or mother / shall suffer deeth. But ye saye / every mā shall saye to his father or mother: That which thou desyrest of me to helpe ye with: is geven God: & so shall he not honoure his father or his mother. And thus haue ye made / yt the cōmaundment [Page] of God is with out effecte / through youre tradiciōs. Ypocritꝭ well prophesyed of you Esaie .xxix. d. Esay sayinge: This people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthes / and honoureth me with their lippes / howbe it their hertes are farre from me: but in vayne they worshippe me teachinge doctrines / whiche are nothing butMennes [...]receptes. ma. vij. c mens precepts.
And he called the people vnto him / & sayde B to them: heare and vnderstande. What defileth a man.That which goeth in to the mouth / defyleth not ye man: but that which commeth out of the mouth / defyleth the man.
Then came his disciples / and sayde vnto him. Perceavest thou not / how that the pharises are offended in hearinge thys sayinge? He answered / & sayde: Plantes. Lu. vj. f.all plantes which my hevē ly father hath not planted / shalbe plucked vp by the rotes. Let them alone / they be the blynde leaders of the blynde. If the blynde leede the blynde / boothe shall fall in to the dyche.Blynde leaders. mar. vij. c
Then answered Peter & sayd to him: declare vnto vs this parable. Then sayde Iesus: are ye yet with oute vnderstondinge? perceaye ye not / that what soever goeth in at the mouth / descendeth doune in to the bely / & is cast out in to the draught? With what a mā is defiled.But those thingis which procede out of the mouth / come from the herte / and they defyle the man. For out of the herte come evyll thoughtis / murder / breakyng of wedlocke / whordō / theefte / falce witnes berynge / blasphemye. These are the thingis which defyle a man. But to eate with vnwesshen [Page xxiii] hondes / defyleth not a man. ⊢
✚ C Mar. vij c The woman of CananyeAnd Iesus went thence / & departed in to the costis of Tyre and Sidon. And beholde a woman which was a Cananite came out of ye same ceostis / & cryed vnto him / sayinge: have mercy on me Lorde the sonne of David / my doughter is pytiously vexed with a devyll. And he gave her never a worde to answer. Then came to him his disciples / & besought him sayinge: sende her awaye / for she foloweth vs cryinge. He answered / and sayde: I am not sent / but vnto ye loost shepe of ye housse of Israel. Then she came & worshipped him / sayinge: master helpe me. He answered & sayde: it is not good / to take the chyldrens breed / & to cast it to whelpes. She answered and sayde: truthe Lorde: neverthelesse the whelpes eate of the crōmes / which fall from their masters table. Then Iesus answered and sayde vnto her. O woman greate is thy faith / be it to the / even as thou desyrest. And her doughter was made whole even at that same houre. ⊢
ma. vij. [...]Then Iesus went awaye from thence & came nye vnto the see of Galile / and went vp in to a mountayne and sat doune there. And moche people came vnto him / havinge with thē / halt / blynde / domme / maymed / and other many: and cast them doune at Iesus fete. And he healed them / in so moche that the people wondred / to se the dōme speake / the maymed whole the halt to go / and ye blynde to se. And they glorified the God of Israel.
Then Iesus called his disciples to him / [Page] & sayde: I have compassion on ye people / becauseMarc. viij. a. Seven loves. they have cōtynued with me now. iii. dayes / & have nought to eate: & I wyll not let them departe fastinge / leste they perisshe in ye waye. And his disciples sayd vnto him: whēce shuld we get so moche breed in ye wildernes / as shuld suffise so greate a mustitude? And Iesus sayde vnto them: how many loves have ye? And they sayde: seven / and a feawe litle fysshes. And he cōmaunded ye people to syt doune on ye grounde: & toke the seven loves / & the fysshes / & gave thankes / and brake them / and gave to his disciples / & the disciples gave them to the people. And they dyd all eate & were suffised. And they toke vp of the brokē meate that was lefte .vii. baskete full. And yet they that ate were .iiii. M. men / besyde wemen & chyldren. And he sent awaye the people / and toke shippe and came into the parties of Magdala.
¶ The .xvi. Chapter.
A Mar. viij b. Luk. xii. [...].THen came the pharises & saduces / & did tempte him / desyringe him to shewe them some signe from hevē. He answered & sayde vnto thē. At even ye saye / we shall have fayre wedder / & yt because ye skye is reed: & in the morninge ye saye / to daye shalbe foule wedder / and that because the skye is cloudy & reed. O ye ypocrites / ye can discerne ye fassion of the skye: & can ye not discerne ye signes of the tymes? The frowarde nacion & advoutrous seketh a signe / Signe of Ionas. Iona. ij. a Marke viij. b.and there shall non other signe be geven vnto them / but the signe of the prophet Ionas. So lefte he them & departed.
[Page xxiiii]And when his disciples were come to the B other side of the water / they had forgottē to take breed with thē. Lu. xij. a Leven.Then Iesus sayd vnto them: Take hede and beware of the levē of ye Pharises & of ye Saduces. And they thought in them selves sayinge: because we have brought no breed with vs. When Iesus vnderstode that / he sayd vnto thē. O ye of lytell faith / why are youre mindes cumbred because ye have brought no breed? Do ye not yet perceave / nether remēber those .v. loves when there were .v. M. men / & how many baskettꝭ toke ye vp? Nether the .vii. lones / when there were .iiiii. M. & how many baskettes toke ye vp? Why pereeave ye not then / yt I spake not vnto you of breed / whē I sayde / beware of the leven of the Pharises & of the Saduces? Thē vnderstode they / how that he bad not them beware of the leven of breed: but of the doctrine of the Pharises / and of the Saduces.
✚ C Marke viij. c. Lu. ix. c.When Iesus cam in to the coste of the cite which is called Cesarea Philippi / he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I the sonne of mā am? They saide / some saye yt thou arte Ihon Baptist / some Helias / some Ieremias / or one of ye prophetꝭ. He sayde vnto thē: but whō saye ye yt I am? Simō Peter answered & sayde: Thou arte Christ ye sonne of the lyvinge God. keyes. Blinde & lowse.And Iesus answered & sayde to him: happy arte thou Simon the sonne of Ionas / for fleshe & bloud hath not opened vnto the yt / but my father which is in hevē. And I saye also vnto the / yt thou arte Peter: [Page] and apon this rocke I wyll bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not prevayle ageynst it. And I wyll geve vnto the / the keyes of the kyngdom of heven: and what soever thou byndest vpon erth / shall be bounde in heven: and what soever thou lowsest on erthe / shalbe lowsed in heven. ⊢
Then he charged his disciples / yt they shulde tell no man / yt he was Iesus Christ. From D yt tyme forth / Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples / how yt he must go vnto Ierusalem / & suffer Whē ought is sayde or done, that shuld moue to pryde: he dassheth thē in the tethe with his deathe & passion. many thingꝭ of ye Elders / & of ye hye prestes / & of the scribes / & must be killed / & ryse agayne ye thirde daye. But Peter toke him a syde / & began to rebuke him sayinge: master faver thy sylfe this shall not come vnto the. Then tourned he aboute / & sayde vnto Peter: come after me SatanPeter is Satan. / thou offendest me / because thou sauourest not godly thingꝭ / but wordly thingꝭ
Iesus then sayde to his disciples. If eny man wyll folowe me / leet him forsake him sylfeChristes disciples / and take vp his crosse and folowe me. For who soever wyll save his lyfe / shall loose it. And whosoever shall loose his lyfe for my sakeMarc. viij. d. Lu. ix. g. Io. xij. / shall fynde it. What shall it proffet a man / though he shulde wynne all the whoole worlde: yf he loose his owne soule? Or els what shall a man geve to redeme his soule agayne with all? Iudgement.For the sonne of man shall come in the glory of his father / wt his angels: & then shall he rewarde every man accordinge to his dedes.Dedes. Rom. j. a. Mar. ix. a Lu. ix. c. Verely I saye vnto you / some ther be amonge them that here stonde / which shall not [Page xxv] taste of deeth / tyll they shall have sene the sonne of man come in his kyngdomen.
¶ The .xvii. Chapter. ✚
A Mar. ix. a Lu. ix. d. TransfiguracionANd after .vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter & Iames & Ihon his brother / & brought them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye / and was transfygured before them: and his face did shyne as the sunne / & his clothes were as whyte as the light. And beholde ther appered vnto thē / Moses & Helyas / talkinge with him. Then answered Peter / & sayde to Iesus: master here is good beinge for vs. If thou wylt / leet vs make here .iii. tabernacles / one for the / & one for Moses / and one for Helyas. Whyll he yet spake / beholde a bright cloude shadowed them. And beholde there came a voyce out of ye cloude sayinge: ij. Pet. j. d Heare him.this is my deare sonne / in whom I delite / heare him. And when the disciples hearde that / they fell on their faces / and were soore afrayed. And Iesus came and touched them / and sayde: aryse and be not afrayed. And when they looked vp / they saw no man / saue Iesus onely.
Mar. ix. b After the hie visiō / he putteth thē in mynde of his deethAnd as they came doune from the mountayne / Iesus charged them sayinge: se yt ye shewe the vision to no man / vn tyll the sonne of man be rysen ageyne from deeth. ⊢ And his disciples axed of him / sayinge: Why then saye the scribes / yt Helyas muste fyrst come: malach. iiij. b. Iohan baptist is Helyas.Iesus answered / & sayd vnto them: Helyas shall fyrst come / and restore all thingꝭ. And I saye vnto you yt Helyas is come alredy / and they knewe him not: but have done vnto him what soever [Page] they lusted. In lyke wyse shall also the sonne of man suffre of thē. Then ye disciples perceuved that he spake vnto them of Ihon baptist.
Mar. ix. c Lu. ix. c.And when they were come to ye people / ther cam to him a certayne man / & kneled doune to him / & sayde: Master have mercy on my sonne C for he is franticke: & is sore vexed. And oft tymes he falleth into the fyre / & oft into ye water▪ And I brought him to thy disciples / & they coulde not heale him. Iesus answered & sayde: O generacion faythles & croked: how longe shall I be with you? how longe shall I suffre you? bring him hidder to me. And Iesus rebuked the devyll / and he cā out of him. And ye child was healed even yt same houre ⊢
lu. xvij. dThen came the disciples to Iesus secretly & sayde: Why could not we cast him out? Iesus sayd vnto thē: VnbelefeBecause of youre vnbelefe For I saye veryly vnto you: yf ye had faythe as a grayne of musterd seed / ye shuld saye vnto this moūtayne / remove hence to yonder place / & he shuld remove: nether shuld eny thinge be vnpossible for you to do. Prayer & fastynge.How be it this kynde goeth not oute / but by prayer and fastinge.
As they passed the tyme in Galile / Iesus D sayde vnto them: Mar. ix. e Luk. ix. e. Passion.the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the hondes of men / and they shall kill him / and the thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. And they sorowed greatly.
✚ And when they were come to Capernaū / they yt were wont to gadre poll money / came to Peter & sayde: Doth youre master paye tribute? He sayd: ye. And when he was come into [Page xxvi] the house / Iesus spake fyrst to him / saying What thinkest thou Simon? Tribute.of whome do ye kyngꝭ of the erth take tribute or poll money? of their chyldren / or of straungers? Peter sayde vnto him: of straungers. Then sayd Iesus vnto him agayne: Then are the chyldren fre. Neverthelesse / lest we shuld offende thē: goo to ye see & cast in thyne angle / & take the fysshe yt fyrst cometh vp: & when thou hast opened his mouthe / thou shalt fynde a pece of twentie pence: yt take & paye for me and the. ⊢
¶ The .xviii. Chapter. ✚
A Mar. ix. [...] Lu. ix. f. Greatest▪THe same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus saying: who is ye greatest in the kyngdome of hevē? Iesus called a chylde vnto him / & set him in the middes of them: & sayd. Verely I say vnto you: except ye tourne / & become as chyldren / ye cannot enter into the kyngdom of heven. Whosoever therfore humble him sylfe as this chylde / the same is the greatest in ye kyngdome of hevē. And who soever receaveth suche a chylde in my name / receaveth me. Mar. ix. f lu. xvij. aBut whosoever offende one of these lytel ons / which beleve in me: it were better for him / that a milstone were hanged aboute his necke / and that he were drouned in the depth of the see. Wo be vnto the world because of offences. How be it / it cannot be avoided but yt offences shalbe geven. Neverthelesse woo be to ye man / by whō the offence cōmeth.
mar. ix. [...]Wherfore yf thy honde or thy fote offende the / cut him of and cast him from the. It ys B better for the to enter into lyfe halt or maymed / [Page] rather then thou shuldest havinge two hondes or two fete / be cast into everlasting fyre. And yf also thyne eye offende the / plucke him oute and caste him from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe with one eye / then havyng two eyes to be cast into hell fyre.
Se that ye despise not one of these litel ons. For I saye vnto you / yt in heven their angels alwayes behold the face of my father / which is in heven. ⊢ Ye and the sonne of man is come to saue that which is lost. Hundred shepe. Lu. xix. b Lu. xv. aHow thinke ye? Yf a man have an hondred shepe / and one of them be gone astray / dothe he not leve nynty and nyne in ye moūtains / and go and seke that one which is gone astray? If it happen that he fynd him / veryly I say vnto you: he reioyseth more of that shepe / then of the nynty & nyne which went not astray. Even so it is not the wyll of youre father in heven / that one of these lytel ons shulde perishe.
✚ C Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him & the alone. How mē bynde & lowse. lu. xvii. a Leui. xix Eccl. xix Iaco. v. d. ij. Corin. xiij. Heb. x. c. Io. viij. c. Yf he heare the / thou hast wone thy brother: But yf he heare the not / then take yet with the one or two / that in the mouth of two or thre witnesses / all thinges maye be stablisshed. If he heare not them / tell it vnto the congregacion. If he heare not ye congregacion / take him as an hethen man / & as a publican. Verely I say vnto you / what soever ye bynde on erth / shalbe bounde in heven. And what soever ye lowse on erth / shalbe lowsed in heven.
Io. xx. g In the myddes.Agayn I say vnto you / that yf two of you [Page xxvii] shall agre in erth apon eny maner thynge / what soever they shall desyre: it shalbe geven them of my father which is in heven. For where two or thre are gathered togedder in my name / there am I in the myddes of them.
lu. xvij. a Seven tymes.Then came Peter to him / and sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeve my brother / yf he synne agaynst me / seven tymes? Iesus sayd vnto him: I saye not vnto the seven tymes: but seventy tymes seven tymes. ⊢ ✚ Therfore is ye kingdome of heven lykened vnto a certayne kynge / which wolde take acountis of his servauntis. And when he had begone to recken / one was broughte vnto him / whiche ought him ten thousande talentis: whome because he had nought to paye his master commaunded him to be solde / and his wyfe / & his chyldren / and all that he had / and payment to be made. The servaunt fell doune & besought him sayinge: Sir / geve me respyte / and I wyll paye it every whit. Then had the Lorde pytie on that servaunt / and lowsed him / and forgave him the det.
And ye sayde servaūt wēt oute & founde one D Covenaunt to ye vnmersifull. of his felowes / which ought him an hundred pence / and leyed hondes on him / and toke him by the throote / sayinge: paye me yt thou owest. And his felowe fell doune and besought him sayinge: have pacience with me / and I wyll paye the all. And he wolde not / but went & cast him into preson / tyll he shulde paye the det. When his other felowes sawe what was done / they were very sory / & came and tolde vnto [Page] their lorde all yt had happened. Then his lorde called him / & sayde vnto him. O evyll servaūt I forgave the all that det / because thou prayedst me: was it not mete also yt thou shuldest have had cōpassion on thy felow / even as I had pitie on ye? And his lorde was wrooth / & delyuered him to the iaylers / tyll he shuld paye all that was due to him. So lykewyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you / except ye forgeve with youre herte / eache one to his brother their treaspases. ⊢
¶ The .xix. Cha
A Mar. x. aANd it came to passe / when Iesus had fynisshed those sayinges / he gat him from Galile / and came into the coostes of Iewry beyonde Iordan / and moche people folowed him / and he healed them theare.
Then came vnto him the pharises temtinge him / and sayinge to him: Devorce.Ys it lawfull for a man to put a waye his wyfe for all maner of causes? He answered and sayd vnto them: have ye not redde / Gen. i. d.how that he which made man at the beginninge / made them man and woman and sayde: for this thinge / shall a mā leve father and mother and cleve vnto his wyfe / & they▪ twayne shalbe one flesshe.Gen. ij. d. Ephe. v. f. cor. vj. d Wherfore now are they not twayne / but one flesshe. Let not man therfore put a sunder / that which God hath cuppled to gedder.
Thē sayde they to him: why did Moses cō maunde to geve a testimoniall of divorsemēt & to put hyr awaye? He sayde vnto them: Moses because of the hardnes of youre hertes suffred you to put awaye youre wyfes: But [Page xxviii] from ye beginnynge it was not so. I saye therforeMar. ix. [...] Lu. xvj. d j. co. vij. d vnto you / whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe (except it be for fornicacion) & maryeth another / breaketh wedlocke. And whosoever maryeth her which is divorsed / doeth commyt advoutry.
Then sayde his disciples to him: yf the mater be so betwene man and wyfe / then is it B not good to mary. He sayde vnto them: all mē can not awaye with that sayinge save they to whom it is gevē. Chast.Ther are chaste / which were so borne out of their mothers belly. And ther are chaste / which be made of men. And ther be chaste / which have made them selves chaste for the kyngdome of hevēs sake. He that can take it / let him take it.
Mar. x. [...] Luk. xviij. c. Chyldrē.Then were brought to him yonge chyldrē / that he shuld put his honde on them & praye And the disciples rebuked them. But Iesus sayde: suffre the chyldren and forbid them not to come to me:Mar. x. b Luk. xviij. d. for of suche is the kyngdome of heven. And when he had put his hondes on them he departed thence.
And beholde one came & sayde vnto him: good master / what good thinge shall I do / that I C maye have eternall lyfe? He sayde vnto him: why callest thou me good? there is none good but one / & that is God. Cōmaundemētes.But yf thou wylt entre in to lyfe / kepe the commaundementes. The other sayde to him / Which? And Iesus sayde: breake no wedloke / kill not / steale not: beare not falce witnes: honoure father & mother: and love thyne neighbour as thy sylfe. [Page] And the younge man sayde vnto him: I have observed all these thingis from my youth / what lacke I yet? And Iesus sayde vnto him yf thou wylt be perfecte / goo & sell that thou hast / & geve it to the povre / & thou shalt have treasure in heven / & come & folowe me. When ye younge mā hearde yt sayinge / he wēt awaye mourninge. For he had greate possessions.
Then Iesus sayde vnto his disciples: Verely I saye vnto you: yt is harde for a ryche mā to enter into ye kyngdome of heaven. CamellAnd moreover I saye vnto you: it is easier for a camell to go through the eye of a nedle / then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God. When his disciples hearde that / they were excedingly amased / sayinge: who then can be-saved? Iesus behelde thē / & sayde vnto them: with men this is vnpossible / but with God all thinges are possible.
✚ Then answered Peter / and sayde to him:D Beholde / we have forsaken all & folowed the / what shall we have? Iesus sayde vnto them: verely I saye to you: when the sonne of man shall syt in ye seate of his maieste / ye which foloweCovenaunt. me in ye seconde generacion shall syt also vpon .xii. seatꝭ / & iudge ye .xii. tribꝭ of Israel. And whosoever forsaketh housses / or brethren / or systers / other father / or mother / or wyfe / or chyldren / or landes / for my names sake / An hundred folde. ye same shall receave an hundred folde / & shall inheret everlastynge lyfe. ⊢ Many that are fyrste shalbe laste / & the laste shalbe fyrste.
¶ The .xx. Chapter.
[Page xxix] A Mar. x. d Lu. xiij. d Vyneyarde.FOr the kyngdome of heven ys lyke vnto an houssholder / which went out erly in the morninge to hyre labourers into hys vyneyarde. And he agreed wt the labourers for a peny a daye / & sent them into his vyneyarde. And he went out about the thyrde houre / & sawe other stonding ydell in the market place / and sayd vnto them / go ye also into my vyneyarde: & whatsoever is right / I will geve you. And they went there waye. Agayne he wēt out about the The Iewes reken one, whē the sonne is vp an houre. sixte & nynthe houre / and dyd lyke wyse. And he went out aboute the eleventhe houre and founde other stondynge ydell / & sayde vnto them: Why stonde ye here all the daye ydell? They sayde vnto hym: because noman hath hyred vs. He sayde to them: goo ye alsoo into my vyneyarde / and what so ever is right / that shall ye receave.
B When even was come / the lorde of the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys steward: call the labourers / and geve them their hyre / beginnyng at ye laste / tyll thou come to ye fyrste. And they whiche were hyred aboute the eleventhe houre / came & receaved every man a peny. Then came ye fyrst / supposyng yt they shuld receave moare: & they like wyse receaved every man a peny. And when they had receaved it / they murmured agaynst the good man of the housse saying: These laste have wrought but one houre / & thou hast made them equall vnto vs which have born ye burthē & heet of the daye.
C He answered to one of thē sayinge: frende I do the no wronge: dyddest thou not agre wt [Page] me for a pēny? Take that which is thy duty / and go thy waye. I will geve vnto this last / as moche as to the. Ys it not lawfull for me to do as me listeth with myne awne? Ys thyne eye evyll because I am good? Soo the laste shalbe fyrste / and the fyrste shalbe laste. Last shalbe fyrst. Manye called.For many are called and feawe be chosen. ⊢
✚ C Mar. x. d Lu. xiij. f Mar. x. e. Luke. xviij. e. Passion.And Iesus ascended to Ierusalem / & toke the .xii. disciples a parte in the waye / & sayde to thē. Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem / & the sonne of mā shalbe betrayed vnto ye chefe prestes / & vnto the scribes / & they shall condē ne him to deeth / and shall delyvre him to the gētils / to be mocked / to be scourged / and to be crucified: & ye thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne.
✚ Mar. x. e. Mother of zebedes chyldren.Then came to hym the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sonnes / worshippynge him / and desyringe a certayne thinge of him. And he sayd vnto her: what wilt thou have? She sayde vnto him: Gravnte that these my two sonnes may sit / ye one on thy right hond / & the other on ye lifte hond in thy kyngdome.
Iesus answered & sayd: Ye wot not what ye axe. Are ye able to drynke of the cuppe yt I shall drynke of / & to be baptised wt the baptyme that I shalbe baptised with? They answered to him / that we are. And he sayd vnto thē: Ye shall drinke of my cvp / and shalbe baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised with. But to syt on my ryght hond & on my lyft hond / is not myne to geve: but to them for whom it is prepared of my father. ⊢
D And when the ten hearde this / they disdayned [Page xxx] at ye two brethrē: Mar. x. g Lu. xx. c. Greate.But Iesus called them vnto him & sayde: Ye knowe yt the lordes of the gentyls have dominaciō over them. And they that are great / exercise power over thē. It shall not be so amōge you. But whosoever wyll be greate amōge you / let him be youre minister: & whosoever wilbe chefe / let him be youre servaūt / evē as the sonne of man came / not to be ministred vnto / but to minister / & to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many. ⊢
Hiericho Mar. x. [...] Luke .xviij. c. Two blindeAnd as they departed frō Hierico / moche people folowed him. And beholde two blinde men sittinge by ye way syde / whē they hearde Iesus passe by / cryed sayinge: Thou Lorde ye sonne of David have mercy on vs. And ye people rebuked them / be cause they shulde holde their peace. But they cryed ye moare / sayinge: have mercy on vs thou Lorde which arte ye sonne of David. Then Iesus stode styll / & called thē / & sayde: what will ye that I shulde do to you: They sayd to him: Lorde that oure eyes maye be opened. Iesus had cōpassion on thē / & touched their eyes. And immediatly their eyes receaved syght. And they folowed him.
¶ The .xxi. Chapter. ✚
A Bethphage. Mar. xj. a Luk. xix▪VVhen they drewe neye vnto Ierusalem / & were come to Betphage / vnto mounte olivete: then sent Iesus two of his disciples / saiynge to thē. Go in to the toune that lyeth over agaynste you / An asse & a colte. & anōne ye shall fynde an asse bounde / & her colte with her: lose them & bringe them vnto me. And if eny man saye ought vnto you / saye ye yt the [Page] lorde hath neade of them: and streyght waye he will let them go. All this was done / to fulfyll that which was spoken by the Prophet / Esa. lxij. [...]. zach. ix b. Iohn xij. b sayinge: Tell ye the doughter of Sion: beholde thy kynge cometh vnto the meke / & sittinge vpon an asse & a colte / the fole of an asse vsed to the yooke. The disciples went & dyd as Iesus cōmaunded them / & brought ye asse and the colte / and put on them their clothes / and set him theron. And many of the people spreed their garmente in ye waye. Other cut doune braunches frō the trees / and strawed them in the waye. Moreover the people that went before / & they also that came after / cryed sayinge:Hosanna Psalm .ixvij. d Hosanna to ye sonne of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lorde / Hosanna in the hyest. ⊢
Mar. xj. b Lu. xix. gAnd when he was come in to Ierusalem / all the cyte was moved sayinge: who is this?B And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile. Byers & sellers.And Iesus went in to the temple of God / and cast out all them that soulde and bought in the temple / & overthrew the tables of the mony chaūgers / & the seates of them that solde doves / & sayde to them: Esa. lvj. c Hie. vij. bIt is wrytten / my housse shalbe called the housse of prayer. But ye have made it a denne of theves. And the blinde & the halt came to him in ye tēple / & he healed thē.
When the chefe preste & scribes sawe the marveylles that he dyd / & the chyldren cryinge in the tēple & sayinge / Hosanna to the sonne of David / they disdayned / and sayde vnto [Page xxxi] him: hearest thou what these saye? Iesus sayde vnto them yee: have ye never reddePsalm .viij. b. Mar. xj. b / of the mouth of babes & suckelingꝭ thou haste ordeyned prayse? And he lefte thē / & wēt out of ye cite vnto Bethanie / & had his abydīge there. ⊢
Fygge tree. Mar. xj. cIn the mornynge as he returned in to the cyte ageyne / he hungred / & spyed a fygge trre in the waye / & came to it / and founde nothinge ther on / but leves only / & sayd to it / never frute growe on the hence forwarde. And anō the fygge tree wyddered awaye. And when his disciples sawe that / they marveled sayinge: Howe sone is the fygge tree wyddered awaye? Iesus answered / and sayde vnto thē: Verely I saye vnto you / yf ye shall have faith C and shall not dout / ye shall not only do that which I have done to the fygge tree: but also yf ye shall saye vnto this moūtayne / take thy silfe awaye / and cast thy silfe into the see / it shalbe done. And whatsoever ye shall axe in prayer (if ye beleve) ye shall receave it.
✚ Mar. xj. d Lu. xx. aAnd when he was come in to the tēple / the chefe prestes and the elders of the people came vnto him as he was teachinge / & sayde: by what auctorite doest thou these thingꝭ? & who gave the this power? Iesus answered / and sayde vnto them: I also will axe of you a certayne question / which if ye assoyle me / I in lyke wyse wyll tell you by what auctorite I do these thingꝭ. Baptime of Iohn whence.The baptime of Iohn: whence was it? frō hevē or of men? Then they reasoned amōge them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye frō heven / he will saye vnto vs: why dyd [Page] ye not then beleve hym? But and if we shall saye of men / then feare we the people. For all men helde Iohn as a Prophet. And they answered Iesus and sayde: we cannot tell. And he lyke wyse sayd vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges. ⊢
What saye ye to this? ✚ Two sonnes.A certayne man had two sonnes / & came to ye elder & sayde: sonne go & worke to daye in my vineyarde. He answered & sayde / I will not: but afterwarde repented & went. Then came he to the second / & sayde lyke wyse. And he answered and sayde: I will syr: yet wēt not. Whether of thē twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto thē: verely I saye vnto you / Publicans. Harlotesthat the publicans & the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you. For Iohn came vnto you in the waye of rightewesnes / and ye beleved hym not. But the publicans and the harlotes beleved him. And yet ye (though ye sawe it) were not yet moved with repentaunce / that ye myght afterwarde have beleved hym. ⊢
✚ D Mat. xij. a. Lu. xx b. Esa. v. a. hie. ij. d Vyneyarde that is let oute hyer.Herken another similitude. Ther was a certayne housholder / which planted a vineyarde / & hedged it roūde about / & made a wynpresse in it / & bilt a tower / & let it out to husbandmen / & wēt in to a straunge coūtre. And when the tyme of the frute drewe neare / he sent his servauntꝭ to the husbandmē / to receave the frutꝭ of it. And ye husbandmē caught his servauntꝭ & bet one / kylled another / and stoned another. Agayne he sent other servantꝭ / moo [Page xxxii] then the fyrst: & they served them lyke wyse. But last of all / he sent vnto thē his awne sonne sayinge: they will feare my sonne. But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne / they sayde amōge thē selves: This is the heyre: come / let vs kyll him / & let vs take his inheritaunce to oure selves. And they caught him & thrust him out of the vineyarde / & slewe him. When the lorde of the vyneyarde commeth / what will he do wt those husbandmē? They sayde vnto him: he will cruellye destroye those evyll persons / & wyll let out his vyneyarde vnto other husbandmen / which shall delyver him the frute at tymes convenient.
Psalm. [...]xvij. d Act. iiij. b j. Pe. ij. a Ro. ix. a.Iesus sayde vnto thē: dyd ye never redde in the scripture? The stone which ye bylders refused / ye same is set in ye principall parte of ye corner: this was the lordes doinge / & yt is mervelous in oure eyes. Therfore saye I vnto you / the kyngdome of God shalbe takē from you / & shalbe gevē to the gētyls / which shall brynge forth the frutes of it. Esaie. lxxvijj. dAnd whosoever shall fall on this stone / he shalbe broken / but on whosoever it shall fall vpon / it will grynde him to powder. And when the chefe prestꝭ & Pharises hearde these similitudes / they perceaved yt he spake of thē. And they wēt about to laye hondꝭ on him / but they feared ye people / because they tooke him as a Prophet. ⊢
¶ The .xxii. Chapter. ⊢
A Luke [...]xiiij. d. Apocaly. xix. b.ANd Iesus answered and spake vnto them agayne / in similitudes sayinge. ✚ The kingdome of hevē is lyke vnto [Page] a certayne kynge / Mariagewhich maryed his sonne / & sent forth his servantꝭ / to call them that were byd to the weddinge / & they wolde not come. Ageyne he sent forth other servauntꝭ / sayinge: Cell them which are bydden: beholde I have prepared my dynner / myne oxen and my fatlinges are kylled / and all thinges are redy / come vnto the mariage. But they made light of it / and went their wayes: one to his ferme place / another about his marchaundise / the remnaunt toke his seruantes and intreated them vngodly & slewe them. When the kinge hearde that / he was wroth / and send forth his warryers and distroyed those murtherers / and brent vp their cyte.
B Then sayde he to his servauntes: the weddinge was prepared. But they which were bydden / were not worthy. Go ye therfore out in to ye hye wayes / & as many as ye finde / byd them to the mariage. The seruauntꝭ wēt out in to the hie wayes / & gaddered to gedder as many as they coulde fynde / both good & bad / and ye weddinge was furnysshed with gestꝭ.Wedynge garment. Then the kynge came in / to viset the gestꝭ / & spyed there a mā which had not on a weddinge garment / and sayde vnto him: frende / how fortuned it that thou camest in hither & hast not on a weddyng garment? And he was evē spechlesse. Then sayde the kynge to his ministers: take and bynde hym hand and fote / and caste hym into vtter darcknes / there shalbe wepinge & gnasshinge of teth. Manye are calledFor many are called and feawe be chosen. ⊢
[Page xxxiii] ✚ Marke xij. [...]. & Lu. xx. [...]Then wēt the Pharises & toke counsell how they might tāgle him in his wordꝭ. And they sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes servauntes sayinge: Master / we knowe yt thou are true / & teachest the waye of god trulie / nether carest for eny man / for thou consydrest not mēnes estate. Tribute to CesarTell vs therfore: how thynkest thou? Is it lawfull to geve tribute vnto Cesar or not? Iesus perceaved their wikednes / and sayde: Why tempte ye me ye ypocrites? Let me se ye tribute money. And they toke hym A penie is ever taken for that the Iewes call a sicle, and is worth x. pence sterling. a peny. And he sayde vnto them: whose is this ymage and superscripcion? They sayde vnto him: Cesars. Then sayde he vnto them. Geve therfore to Cesar / that which is Cesars: & geve vnto god / that which is goddes. ⊢ When they hearde that / they marveled / and lefte hym & went there waye.
C Mar. xij. Lu. xx. d Actuum xxiiij. Du. xxv SaducesThe same daye the Saduces came to him (which saye that there is no resurreccion) & axed him sayinge: Master / Moses bade / yf a man dye havinge no chyldrē / that the brother mary his wyfe / & reyse vp seed vnto his brother. Ther were wt vs seven brethrē / & the fyrste maried & deceased wt oute yssue / & lefte his wyfe vnto his brother. Lyke wise the seconde and ye thryd / vnto the sevēthe. Laste of all the woman dyed also. Now in the resurreccion / whose wyfe shall she be of the seven? For all had her. Iesus answered and sayde vnto thē: ye are deceaved / & vnderstonde not the scriptures / nor yet the power of God. For in the resurreccion they nether mary nor are maryed: [Page] but are as the angels of God in heven.
Resurreccion.As touchynge the resurreccion of the deed: have ye not redde what is sayde vnto you of God / which sayeth:Ex. iij. b I am Abrahams God / & Ysaacks God / & the God of Iacob? God is not the God of the deed: but of the lyvinge. And when the people hearde that / they were astonyed at his doctrine.
✚ D Marke xij.c. Luke .xij. eWhen the Pharises had hearde / how yt he had put the Saduces to silence. / they drewe to gedder / & one of them which was a doctoure of lawe / axed a question tēptinge him & sayinge: Master which is ye chefe cōmaundment in the lawe? Iesus sayde vnto him: Du. vi. a Chefe cō maundement.love the Lorde thy God wt all thine herte / with all thy soule / & with all thy mynde. This is the fyrst & the chefe cōmaundement. And ther is another lyke vnto this. Love thyne neghbour as thy selfe. In these two commaundemētes hange all the lawe and the Prophetes.
Marke xij. d. Luke .xx. d.Whyll the Pharises were gaddered togeder / Iesus axed thē sayinge: what thinke ye of Christ? Whose sonne is he? They sayde vnto him: the sonne of David. Davids sonne. Psalm. cx. a. He sayde vnto thē: How then doeth David in spirite / call him Lorde sayinge? The Lorde sayde to my Lorde / syt on my right honde: tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole. Yf David call him Lorde: how is he then his sonne? And none coulde answere him ageyne one worde: nether durste eny from that daye forth / axe him eny moo questions. ⊢
¶ The .xxiii. Chapter. ✚
[Page xxxiiii] A THen spake Iesus to the people / & to his disciples sayinge. The Scribes & the Pharises sit in Moses seate is Moses doctryne, as Christes seate is Christes doctrine. Heavie burthen. Lu. xj. g. Philateries. Chese seates. Gretynges. Rabi. Moses seate. All therfore what soever they byd you observe / that observe and do: but after their workes do not: For they saye / & do not. Ye & they bynde hevy burthēs & grevous to be borne / & ley thē on mēnes shulders: but they them sylfes will not heave at them with one of their fyngers. All their workes they do / for to be sene of mē. They set abroade their philateries / and make large borders on there garmētes / & love to sit vppermooste at feastes / and to have the chefe seates in the synagoges / and gretinges in the marketes / and to be called of men Rabi.
B But ye shall not suffre youre selves to be called Rabi. For one is youre master / that is to wyt Christ / & all ye are brethrē. And call no man youre father vpon the erth / for there is but one youre father / & he is in heven. Be not called masters / for there is but one youre master / and he is Christ. Greate.He that is greatest amō ge you / shalbe youre seruaunte. Exalte.But whosoever exalteth him silfe / shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hūbleth him silfe / shalbe exalted. ⊢
The kingedome is shut.Wo be vnto you Scribes & Pharises / ypocrites / for ye shutte vp the kyngdome of hevē before men: ye youre selves goo not in / nether suffre ye them that come / to enter in.
Wedowes howses.Wo be vnto you Scribes & Pharises ypocrites: ye devoure widdowes houses / & that vnder a coloure of praying longe prayers: wherfore ye shall receave greater damnacion.
[Page]Wo be vnto you Scribes & Pharises ypocrites / which compasse see & londe / to bringe one in to youre belefe: & when he ys brought / ye make him two folde more the chylde of hell / then ye youre selves are.
Temple.Wo be vnto you blynd gides / which saye whosoever sweare by the tēple / it is no thinge: but whosoever sweare by the golde of the temple / he offendeth. Ye foles & blinde (punctel) whether is greater / the golde / or the tēple that sanctifieth ye golde. Alter.And whosoever sweareth by the aulter it is nothinge: but whosoever sweareth by ye offeringe yt lyeth on ye aultre / offendeth. Ye foles & blinde: whether is greater ye offeringe / or ye aultre which sanctifieth ye offeringe? Whosoever therfore sweareth by y• aultre / sweareth by it / & by all yt there on is. And whosoever sweareth by the tēple / sweareth by it / & by hym yt dwelleth therin. And he that sweareth by hevē / swereth by the seate of God & by hym that sytteth ther on.
C Mynt Anys. Luk. xj. fWo be to you Scribes & Pharises ypocrites / which tythe mynt annyse & cōmen / & leave the waygthtyer mattres of ye lawe vndone: iudgemēt / mercy / & fayth. These ought ye to have done / & not to have left the othre vndone. Iudgement and mercye. Blynde gydes.Ye blinde gydes which strayne out a gnat and swalowe a cammyll.
Ynne syde.Wo be to you scribes & pharises ypocrites / which make clene ye vtter syde of the cuppe / & of the platter: but within they are full of brybery & excesse. Thou blinde Pharise / clense fyrst / the out syde of the cup and platter / that [Page xxxv] the ynneside of them maye be clene also.
Paynted sepulchres.Wo be to you Scribꝭ & Pharises ypocritꝭ / for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwarde: but are wt in full of deed bones & of all fylthynes. So are ye / for outwarde ye appere righteous vnto mē / when within / ye are full of ypocrisie and iniquite.
D Ye buylde the tō bes.Wo be vnto you Scribes & Pharises ypocrites: ye bylde the tombes of the Prophetes / & garnisshe the sepulchres of the righteous / & saye: yf we had bene in the dayes of oure fathers / we wolde not have bene parteners with them in the bloud of the Prophetes. So then ye be witnesses vnto youre selfes / that ye are the chyldren of them which killed the prophetes. Fulfill ye lyke wyse the measure of youre fathers. Yee serpentes and generacion of vipers / how shuld ye scape ye dāpnaciō of hell?
✚ Wherfore / beholde I sende vnto you / prophetꝭ / wyse men & scribes / & of thē ye shall kyll & crucifie: & of thē ye shall scourge in youre synagoges / & persecute from cyte to cyte / that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude that was sheed vpon the erth / frō the bloud of righteous Abell / vnto ye bloud of zachariasij. Paral. xxiiij. f. the sonne of Barachias / whō ye slewe betwene the tēple & ye altre. Innocēt bloude. Verely I say vnto you / all these thinges shall light vpon this generacion. Hierusalem / Hierusalem which kyllest prophetes / & stonest thē which are sent to the: how often wolde I have gaderedLu. xiij. g. iiij. Gdre. i. e. thy chyldren to gether / as the henne gadreth her chickēs vnder her winge / but ye wolde [Page] not: Beholde youre habitaciō shalbe lefte vnto you desolate. For I saye to you / ye shall not se me hēce forthe / tyll that ye saye: blessed is he that cōmeth in the name of ye Lorde. ⊢
¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter.
A Marke .xiij. a. Destruccion of the tēpleANd Iesus went out & departed frō the tēple: & his disciples came to hym / for to shewe him the byldinge of the tēple. Iesus sayde vnto thē: se ye not all these thinges? Verely I saye vnto you: ther shall not be here lefte one stone vpon another / that shall not be cast doune.
Luke .xix. g.And as he sat vpon the moūt Olivete / his disciples came vnto hym secretely sayinge. Tell vs when these thinges shalbe? & what signe shalbe of thy cōmynge / & of the ende of the worlde? And Iesus answered / and sayde vnto them:Eph. v. b. colo. ij. d Antechrist. take hede that no mā deceave you. For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ / and shall deceave many.
Ye shall heare of warres / & of the fame of warrꝭ: but se yt ye be not troubled. For all these thinges must come to passe / but the ende is not yet. For naciō shall ryse ageynste naciō / & realme ageynste realme: & ther shalbe pestilence / honger and erth quakes in all quarters. All these are the beginninge of sorowes.
Io. xv. c. & .xvj. a.Then shall they put you to trouble / & shall kyll you: & ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake. And then shall many be offended / and shall betraye one another / and shall hate one the other. False propheteAnd many falce Prophetes shall aryse / and shall deceave many. And [Page xxxvi] because iniquite shall have the vpper hande / the love of many shall abate. But he that endureth to the ende / the same shalbe safe. And this glad tidingees of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde / for a witnes vnto all nacions: and then shall the ende come.
B When ye therfore shall se ye abhominaciō that betokeneth desolacion / spoken of by DaniellDani. ix. the Prophet / stonde in ye holy place: let him that redeth it / vnderstonde it. Then let them which be in Iury / flye into the moūtaynes. And let him which is on ye housse toppe / not come downe to fet eny thinge out of his housse. Nether let him which is in ye felde / returne backe to fetche his clothes. Wo be in those dayes to thē that are wt chylde / & to thē yt geve sucke. WynterBut praye yt youre flight be not in ye winter / nether on ye saboth daye. For then shalbe greate tribulaciō / suche as was not frō the beginninge of the worlde to this tyme / ner shalbe. Ye & except those dayes shuld be shortened / there shuld no fleshe be saved: but for ye chosens sake / those dayes shalbe shortened.Electe.
Mar. xiij Luke .xviij. e.Then yf eny mā shall saye vnto you: lo / here is Christ / or there is Christ: beleve it not. For there shall arise false christes / & false prophetꝭ / & shall do great myracles & wondres. In so moche yt if it were possible / ye verie electe shuld be deceaved. Take hede / I have tolde you before. Wherfore if they shall saye vnto you: beholde he is in ye desert / go not forth: beholde he is in ye secret places / beleve not. For as ye lightninge cometh out of ye eest & [Page] shyneth vnto the weest: so shall the cōmynge of the sonne of mā be. For wheresoever a deed karkas is / evē thyther will the egles resorte.
C Mar. xiij c. Lu. xxj e. Ezech. xxxij. b. Esa. xiij Iohe. iij. cImmediatly after the tribulaciōs of those dayes / shall the sunne be derkened: & ye mone shall not geve hir light / & the starrꝭ shall fall from hevē / & the powers of hevē shall move. And then shall appere the sygne of the sonne of man in heven. And then shall all the kynreddes of the erth morne / & they shall se the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heven with power & greate glorie. And he shall sende his angeles with the greate voyce of a trō pe / and they shall gader to gether his chosen / from the fower wyndes / and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
Fygge tree. Mar. xiij Luk. xij.Learne a similitude of the fygge tree: when his braunches are yet tender & his leves sprō ge / ye knowe that sommer is nye. So lyke wyse ye / when ye see all these thynges / be ye sure that it is neare / even at the dores. Verely I saye vnto you / that this generacion shall not passe tyll all these be fulfilled. Heven & erth shall perisshe: but my wordes shall abyde. But of that daye and houre knowith no man / no not ye angels of hevē / but my father only.
Genesis vij. b. Noe.As the tyme of Noe was / so lyke wyse shall the cōminge of ye sonne of man be. For as in ye dayes before ye floud: they dyd eate & drynke / mary & were maried / evē vnto ye daye that Noe entred in to the shyppe / & knewe of nothynge / tyll the floude came & toke them all awaye. So shall also the commynge of the [Page xxxvii] sonne of man be. lu. xvij. gThen two shalbe in the feldes / the one shalbe receaved / & the other shalbe refused / two shalbe gryndinge at ye myll: ye one shalbe receaved / & ye other shalbe refused.
D Marc .xiij. e. Wake / Luk. xiij. e.Wake therfore / because ye knowe not what houre youre master wyll come. Of this be sure / that yf the good man of the housse knewe what houre the thefe wolde come: he wolde suerly watche / and not suffre his housse to be brokē vppe. Therfore be ye also redy / for in ye houre ye thinke he wolde not: wyll the sonne of mā come. Faithful servaunt.If there be any faithfull servaūt and wyse / whome his master hath made ruler over his housholde to geve thē meate in season cōvenient: happy is that servaunt whom his master (when he cometh) shall finde so doinge. Verely I saye vnto you / he shall make him ruler over all his goodes. Evell servaūt.But & yf that evill servaūt shall saye in his herte / my master wyll defer his cōmynge / & beginne to smyte his felowes / ye and to eate and to drinke with the dronkē: that servauntꝭ master wyll come in a daye when he loketh not for him / & in an houre yt he is not ware of / & wyll devyde him / and geve him his rewarde with ypocrites. There shalbe wepinge & gnasshinge of tethe.
¶ The .xxv. Chapter.
Virgens.THen ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins / which toke their A lampes / & wēt to mete the brydgrome: fyve of them were folysshe / & fyve were wyse. The folysshe toke their lampes / but toke none oyle wt thē. But ye wyse tooke oyle wt thē [Page] in their vesselles wt their lampes also. Whill the brydgrome taryed / all slombred & slepte. And even at mydnyght / there was a crye made: beholde / the brydgrome cometh / goo out against him. Then all those virgins arose / & prepared their lampes. And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle / for oure lampes goo out? but ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so / lest ther be not ynough for vs & you: but goo rather to them yt sell / & by for youre selves. And whill they went to bye / ye brydgrome came: & they yt were redy / went in with him to ye weddinge / & the gate was shett vp: Afterwarde came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master / open to vs. But he answered & sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you. WatcheWatche there fore: for ye knowe netherLuce .xix. b the daye nor yet the houre▪ when the sonne of man shall come.
✚ Lykwyse as a certeyne mā redy to take his B iorney to a straunge coūtre / called his servaū tes & delivered to them his gooddꝭ. TalentꝭAnd vnto one he gave .v. talentꝭ / to another .ii. and to another one: to every man after his abilite / and streyght waye departed. Then he that had receaved the fyve talentes / went and bestowed them / and wanne other fyve talentꝭ. Lykwyse he that receaved .ii. gayned other .ii. But he yt receaved ye one / went & digged a pit in the erth & hyd his masters money. After a longe season ye lorde of those servauntꝭ came & rekened with thē. Then came he yt had receaved fyve talentꝭ / & brought other fyve talentes [Page xxxviii] sayinge: master / thou deliveredst vnto me fyve talentꝭ: beholde I have gayned wt thē fyve talentꝭ moo. Thē his master sayde vnto him: well good servaūt & faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell / I will make the ruler over moche: entre in into thy masters ioye. Also he that receaved .ii. talentꝭ / came & sayde: master / thou deliveredest vnto me .ii. talentes: beholde / I have wone .ii. other talentes with them. And his master sayde vnto him / well good servaunt & faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell / I wyll make the ruler over moche: go in into thy masters ioye. ⊢
Then he which had receaved ye one talent / C came / & sayd: master / I considered yt thou wast an harde man / which repest where thou sowedst not / & gadderest where thou strawedst not / & was therfore afrayde / & went & hyd thy talent in ye erth: Beholde / thou hast thyn awne. His master answered and sayde vnto him: thou evyll servaūt & slewthfull / thou knewest yt I repe where I sowed not / & gaddre where I strawed not: thou oughtest therfore to have had my money to ye chaūgers / & then at my cō mynge shulde I have receaved myne awne with vauntage. Take therfore the talent from him / & geve it vnto him which hath .x. talentꝭ Couenaunt. Mar. iiij. c. Lu. viij c. & xix. dFor vnto every man that hath shalbe geven / and he shall have aboundance: and from him that hath not / shalbe taken awaye / even that he hath. And cast yt vnprofitable servaunt into vtter dercknes: there shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teeth.
[Page] ✚ The iudgement. Shepe. Gootes.When the sonne of mā cometh in his glorie / & all the holy angels wt him / then shall he syt vpon the seate of his glorie / & before him shalbe Gaddred all nacions. And he shall seperate thē one from a nother / as a shepherde deuideth the shepe from the gootes. And he shall set the shepe on his right honde / & the gotes on the lyfte. Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldren of my father / inheret ye the kyngdō prepared for you from the beginninge of the worlde. Esaie. lviij. b. Ezech. xviij. b. For I was anhongred / and ye gave me meate. I thursted / and ye gave me drinke. I was herbourlesse / and ye lodged me. I was naked & ye clothed me. I was sicke & ye visited me. I was in preson and ye came vnto me. Then shall ye righteous answere him sayingeEcclesi. vij. d. master / whē sawe we ye anhongred / & feed the? or athurst / & gave ye drinke? when sawe we ye herbourlesse / & lodged the? or naked & clothed the? or when sawe we the sicke or in preson / & came vnto the? And ye kynge shall answere & saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leestCovenaunt. of these my brethren / ye have done it to me.
D Psal. vj. c Lu. xiij. fThen shall the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on the lyfte hande: departe from me ye coursed / into everlastinge fire / which is prepared for the devyll and his angels. For I was an hungred / and ye gave me no meate. I thursted / and ye gave me no drinke. I was herbourlesse / and ye lodged me not. I was naked / and ye clothed me not. I was sicke and in preson / [Page xxxix] and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answere him sayinge: master when sawe we the an hungred / or athurst / or herbourlesse / or naked / or sicke / or in preson / and did not ministre vnto the? Then shall he answere thē and saye: Verely I sayeCovenaunt. vnto you / in as moche as ye did it not to one of ye leest of these / ye did it not to me. And these shall go into everlastinge payne: Ioan. v. c And the righteous into lyfe eternall. ⊢
¶ The .xxvi. Chapter.
A The passion. Mar. xiiij a. Luk. xxij. a.ANd it came to passe / when Iesus had fynisshed all these sayinges / he sayd vnto his disciples: ✚ Ye knowe that after ii. dayes shalbe ester / & the sonne of man shalbe delyvered to be crucified.
Then assembled togedder the chefe prestes and the scribes and the elders of the people to the palice of the hye preste / called Cayphas / Cayphas and heelde a counsell / how they mygt take Iesus by suttelte and kyll him. But they sayd / not on the holy daye / lest eny vproure aryse amonge the people.
Io. xij. a. Marc. xiiij. a. He is annoynted.When Iesus was in Bethany / in the house of Symon the leper / ther came vnto him a woman / which had an alablaster boxe of precious oyntment / and powred it on his heed / as he sate at the bourde. When his disciples sawe that / they had indignacion sayinge: what neded this wast? This oyntmēt myght have bene well solde / & geven to the povre. When Iesus vnderstod that / he sayde vnto thē: why trouble ye the woman? She hath wrought a [Page] good worke apon me. For ye shall have poore folcke alwayes with you: but me shall ye not have all wayes. And in yt she casted this oyntment on my bodye / she dyd it to burye me wt all. Verely I saye vnto you / wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached throughoute all the worlde / there shall also this that she hath done / be tolde for a memoriall of her.
B He is solde. Marci. xiiij. b. Lu. xxii. a.Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscarioth / went vnto the chefe prestes / and sayd: what will ye geve me / and I will deliver him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto him thirty peces of sylver. And from that tyme he sought oportunite to betraye him.
Marci. xiiij. b. Lu. xxii. a.The fyrst daye of swete breed ye disciples cam to Iesus sayinge vnto him: where wylt thou that we prepare for ye to eate ye paschall lambe? And he sayd: Go into the cite / vnto soche a man / and saye to him: the master sayeth / my tyme is at hande / I will kepe myne ester at thy housse with my desciples. And the disciples did as Iesus had apoynted them / and made redy the ester lambe.
Mar. xiiij lu. xxij. b Io. xiij. bWhen the even was come / he sate doune wt the .xii. And as they dyd eate / he sayde: Verely I saye vnto you / that one of you shall betraye me. And they were excedinge sorowfull / & beganne every one of thē to saye vnto him: is it I master? He answered & sayde: he yt deppeth his honde wt me in ye disshe / the same shall betraye me. The sonne of mā goeth as it is written of him:Psa. x [...]. c but wo be to yt mā / by whom ye sonne of man shalbe betrayed. It had bene good [Page xl] for that man / yf he had never bene borne.
C The institucion of the sacrament. j. cor. xj. c Lu. xxij.Then Iudas wich betrayed him / answered and sayde: is it I master? He sayde vnto him: thou hast sayde. As they dyd eate / Iesus toke breed & gave thankes / brake it / & gave it to the disciples / & sayde: Take / eate / this is my body. And he toke the cup / and thanked / and gave it them / sayinge: drinke of it every one. For this is my bloude of the new testament / that shalbe shedde for many / for the remission of synnes. I saye vnto you: I will not drinke hence forth of this frute of the vyne tree / vntyll that daye / when I shall drinke it new with you in my fathers kyngdome.
Mar. xiiij c. Luk. xxij. b. Io. xviij. a. zacha. xiij. c. mar. xiiij c. &. xv [...]And when they had sayde grace / they went out into mounte olyvete. Then sayd Iesus vnto them: all ye shallbe offended by me this night. For it is wrytten. I will smyte ye shepeherde / & the shepe of ye flocke shalbe scattered abroode. But after I am rysen ageyne / I will goo before you into Galile. Peter answered / & sayde vnto him: though all men shulde be offended by ye / yet wolde I never be offended. Iesus sayde vnto him. Mar. xiiij c. lu. xxij b. Ioan. xiij. d.Verely I saye vnto ye / that this same night before the cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse. Peter sayde vnto him: Yf I shulde dye with ye / yet wolde I not denye ye. Lyke wyse also sayde all ye disciples.
D Mar. xiii [...] d. Luk. xxij. d.Then went Iesus with them into a place which is called Gethsemane / and sayde vnto the disciples / syt ye here / whyll I go & praye yonder. And he toke with him Peter and the two sonnes of zebede / & began to wexe sorowfull [Page] and to be in an agonye. Then sayd Iesus vnto them: my soule is hevy even vnto the deeth. Tary ye here & watche wt me. And he went a lytell aparte / and fell flat on his face / and prayed sayinge: O my father / yf it be possible / let this cuppe passe from me: neverthelesse / not as I wyll / but as thou wylt. And heHe armeth him selfe agaynst the passion. came vnto the disciples / and founde them aslepe / and sayde to Peter: what / coulde ye not watche with me one houre: watche & praye / that ye fall not into temptacion. The spirite is willynge / but the flesshe is weake.
He went awaye once moare / & prayed / sayinge: O my father / yf this cuppe can not passe away from me / but yt I drinke of it / thy wyll be fulfylled. And he came / & founde thē aslepe agayne. For their eyes were hevy. And he lefte them & went agayne and prayed ye thrid tyme sayinge ye same wordes. Then came he to his disciples & sayd vnto them: Slepe hence forth & take youre reest. Take hede the houre is at honde / & ye sonne of man shalbe betrayed into ye hondes of synners. Ryse / let vs be goinge: beholde / he is at honde yt shall betraye me. Marc. xiiij. c. lu. xxij. e Iohan. xviij. a.Whyll he yet spake: lo / Iudas one of ye xii. came & wt him a greate multitude wt sweardes & staves / sent from the chefe prestes & elders E of the people. And he that betrayed him / had geven thē a token / sayinge: whosoever I kysse / yt same is he / ley hondꝭ on him. And forth wt all he came to Iesus / & sayde: hayle master / and kyssed him.He is betrayed. And Iesus sayde vnto him: frende / wherfore arte thou come? Then came [Page xli] they and layed hondes on Iesus & toke him.
And beholde / one of them which were with Iesus / stretched oute his honde and drue his swearde / and stroke a servaunt of the hye preste / and smote of his eare. Then sayde Iesus vnto him: put vp thy swearde into his sheathe. Gen. ix. [...] apo. xiij. cFor all that ley hond on ye swearde / shall perisshe with ye swearde. Ether thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father / & he shall geve me moo then .xii. legions of angelles?Esaie. liiij. c. But how then shuld the scriptures be fulfylled: for so must it be.
F The same tyme sayd Iesus to the multitude:ye be come out as it were vnto a thefe / with sweardes & staves for to take me. I sate daylie teachinge in the temple amōge you and ye toke me not. thre. iiij. dAll this was done that the scriptures of the Prophetes myght be fulfilled. Mar. .xiiij. f. lu. xxij. f Io. viij. c He is taken.Then all the disciples forsoke him and fleed. And they toke Iesus and leed him to Cayphas the hye preeste / where the Scribes and the Elders where assembled. And Peter folowed him a farre of / vnto the hye prestes place: and went in / and sate with the servauntes / to se the ende.
He is falselye accused.The chefe prestes and the elders / and all the counsell / sought false witnes agenste Iesus / for to put him to deeth / but founde none: in somoche that when many false witnesses cam / yet founde they none. At the last came two false witnesses and sayd: Io. ij. d.This felowe sayde: I can distroye the temple of God / and bylde it agayne in .iii. dayes.
[Page]And the chefe preste arose / & sayde to him: answerest thou nothinge? How is it yt these beare witnes ageynst the? But Iesus helde his peace: And the chefe Preeste answered / and sayd to him: I charge the in the name of the lyvinge God / that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of God. Iesus sayd to him: thou haste sayd. Neverthelesse I saye vnto you / hereafter shall ye se the sonne of mā syttinge on the right honde of power / and come in the clowddes of the skye.
G Then the hye preste rent his clothes sayinge:He hath blasphemed: what nede we of eny moo witnesses? Behold now ye have hearde his blasphemy: what thinke ye? They answered and sayd: he his worthy to dye. Then spat they in his face / and boffeted him with fistes. And other smote him with the palme af their hondes on ye face / sayinge: tell vs thou Christ / who is he that smote the?
Mar. xiiij Lu. xxij f Io. xviij c Peter denyeth.Peter sate with out in the palice. And a damsell came to him sayinge: Thou also waste wt Iesus of Galilee: but he denyed before thē all sayinge: I woot not what thou sayst. When he was goone out into the poorche / another wenche sawe him / & sayde vnto them that were there: This felowe was also with Iesus of Nazareth. And agayne he denyed with an oothe that he knew the man. And after a whyle came vnto him they yt stode bye / and sayde vnto Peter: suerly thou arte even one of thē / for thy speache bewreyeth ye. Then beganne he to course & to sweare / that he knewe [Page xlii] not the man. And immedyatly the cocke krewe. And Peter remembred the wordes of Iesu which sayde vnto him: before the cocke crowe / thou shalt deny me thryse: and went out at the dores and wepte bitterly.
¶ The .xxvii. Chapter.
A Mar. xv. a. Luk. xxiiij. a. He is delyvered to PilateVVhen the mornynge was come / all ye chefe prestes & the elders of ye people helde a counsayle agenst Iesu / to put him to deeth / & brought him bounde & delivered him vnto Poncius Pilate the debite.
IudasThen when Iudas which betrayed him / sawe that he was condempned / he repented him sylfe / and brought ageyne the .xxx. plattes of sylver to ye chefe prestes & elders sayinge: I have synned betrayinge the innocent bloud. And they sayde: what is that to vs? Se thou to that. And he cast doune the sylver plattes in the temple and departed / and went and hounge him sylfe.
Actu. j.And the chefe prestes toke the sylver plattes and sayd: it is not lawfull for to put them in to the treasury / because it is the pryce of blond. And they toke counsell / and bought with them a potters felde to bury strangers in. Wherfore that felde is called the felde of bloud / vntyll this daye. Then was fulfylled / that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophetzach. xj. [...] sayinge: & they toke .xxx. sylver plattꝭ / the prise of him that was valued / whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel / and they gave them for the potters felde / as the Lorde appoynted me.
[Page] Mar. xv. a. Luk. xxiij. a.Iesus stode before the debite: and the debite axed him sayinge: Arte thou the kynge of ye Iues? Iesus sayd vnto him: Thou sayest / and when he was accused of ye chefe prestes & elders he answered nothinge.He holdeth his peace. Then sayd Pilate vnto him: hearest thou not how many thinges they laye ageynste ye? And he answered him to never a worde: in somoche that the debite marveylled greatlie.
BarrabasAt that feest / the debite was wonte to deliver vnto ye people a presoner / whom they wolde desyer. He had then a notable presoner / called Barrabas. And when they were gadered together / Pilate sayde vnto thē: whether wyll ye that I geve losse vnto you / Barrabas or Iesus which is called Christ? For he knewe well / that for envie they had delivred him.
When he was set doune to geve iudgemēt / his wyfe sent to him sayinge: have thou nothinge to do with that iuste man. For I have suffered many thinges this daye in a dreame about him.
B Mar. xv. b. Luk. xxiij. b. Io. xviij. g &. xix. cBut the chefe preestes and the elders had parswaded the people / that they shulde axe Barrabas / & shulde destroye Iesus. Then the debite answered and sayde vnto them: whether of the twayne wyll ye that I let loosse vnto you? And they sayde / Barrabae. Pilate sayde vnto them: what shall I do then with Iesus which is called Christ? They all sayde to him: let him be crucified. Then sayde the debite: what evyll hath he done? And they cryed the more sayinge: let him be crucified.
[Page xliii]When Pilate sawe that he prevayled nothinge / but that moare busines was made / he toke water and wasshed his hondes before ye people sayinge: I am innocent of the bloud of this His iudge cōfesseth him an innocent. He is scourged iuste person / & that ye shall se. Then answered all the people and sayde: his bloud be on vs / and on oure chyldren. Then let he Barrabas loose vnto them / and scourged Iesus and delivered him to be crucified.
D Mar. xv. b. Io. xix a. he is crowned.Then the soudeours of the debite toke Iesus vnto the comen hall / and gaddered vnto him all the company. And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe / and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed / & a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him / and mocked him / saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes: & spitted vpon him / & toke the rede and smoote him on the heed.
Mar. xv. b. Luk. xxiij. d. He drinketh veneger & gal' Ioh. xix.And when they had mocked him / they toke the robe of him ageyne / and put his awne reymēt on him / & leed him awaye to crucify him. And as they came out / they fonnde a man of Cyren / named Simon: him they compelled to beare his crosse. And whē they cam vnto ye place / called Golgotha (that is to saye / a place of deed mens sculles) they gave him veneger to drinke mengled with gall. And when he had tasted therof / he wolde not drinke.
E He is crucified.When they had crucified him / they parted his garmentes / and did cast lottes: to fulfyll that was spoken by the prophet. They deuyded my garmēte amonge them: & apon my vesture did cast loottes. And they sate and watched [Page] him there. And they set vp over his heed the cause of his deeth written. This is Iesus the kynge of the Iewes. And ther were two theves crucified with him / one on ye right honde / and another on the lyfte.
He is rayled on.They that passed by / revyled him waggynge ther heeddes and sayinge: Thou that destroyest the temple of God and byldest it in thre dayes / save thy sylfe. If thou be ye sonne of God / come doune from the crosse. Lykwyse also the hye prestes mockinge him with the scribes and elders sayde: He saved other / himsylfe he can not save. If he be ye kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse / and we will beleve him. He trusted in God / let him deliver him now / yf he will have him: for he sayde / I am the sonne of God. That same also the theves which were crucified with him / cast in his tethe.
F From the sixte houre was there dercknes over all the londe vnto the nynth houre. And about ye nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce / sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani.Psalm .xxj. a That is to saye / my God / my God / why hast thou forsaken me? Some of them that stode there / when they herde that / sayde: This man calleth for Helyas. And streyght waye one of them ranne & toke a sponge and filled it full of veneger / and put it on a rede / and gave him to drinke. Other sayde / let be: let vs se whyther Helyas will come and deliver him. He geveth vp ye goost.Iesus cryed agayne with a lowde voyce & yelded vp the goost.
[Page xliiii] The vayle renteth Deed bodyes aryse.And beholde the vayle of the temple dyd rent in twayne from ye toppe to the bottome / & the erth dyd quake / and the stones dyd rent / and graves dyd open: & the bodies of many sainctes which slept / arose and came out of ye graves after his resurreccion / and came into the holy cite / and appered vnto many.
When the Centurion and they that were with him watchinge Iesus / sawe ye erth quake and those thinges which hapened / they feared greatly sayinge. Of a surete this was the sonne of God.
And many wemen were there / beholdinge him a farre of / which folowed Iesus frō Galile / ministringe vnto him. Amonge which was Mary Magdalen / & Mary the mother of Iames & Ioses / & ye mother of zebedes chyldren.
G Mar. xv. d. Luk. xxiiij. g. Iohan. xxix. g. He is buryed.When the even was come / there came a ryche man of Aramathia named Ioseph / which same also was Iesus disciple. He went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus. Then Pilate commaunded the body to be delivered. And Ioseph toke the body / and wrapped it in a clene lynnyn clooth / and put it in his newe tombe / which he had hewen out / even in the roke / and rolled a greate stone to the dore of ye sepulcre / and departed. And there was Mary Magdalene & the other Mary sittynge over ageynste the sepulcre.
He is watched for rysinge againeThe nexte daye that foloweth good frydaye / the hye prestes & pharises got them selves to Pilate and sayde: Syr / we remember / yt this deceaver sayde whyll he was yet alyve [Page] After thre dayes I will aryse agayne. Commaunde therfore that the sepulcre be made sure vntyll ye thyrd daye / lest paraventure his disciples come / and steale him awaye / & saye vnto the people / he is rysen from deeth / & the laste erroure be worsse then the fyrst. Pilate sayde vnto them. Take watche men: Go / and make it as sure as ye can. And they went and made the sepulcre sure with watche men / and sealed the stone. ⊢
¶ The .xxviii. Chapter. ✚
A Mar. xvj b. Io. xx. c.THe Sabboth daye at even which dauneth the morowe after the Sabboth / Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to se the sepulcre.
And beholde ther was a greate erth quake. For the angell of ye lorde descended from heven: & came and rowlled backe the stone from the dore / and sate apon it. His countenaunce was lyke lyghtnynge / and his raymēt whyte as snowe. And for feare of him the kepers were astunnyed / and be came as deed men.
The angell answered / and sayde to the wemen / feare ye not. I knowe yt ye seke Iesus which was crucified: he is not here: he is rysen as he sayde. Come / and se the place where the lorde was put: & goo quickly and tell his disciples yt he is rysen from deeth. And beholde / he will go before you into Galile / there ye shall se him. Lo I have tolde you. ⊢
✚ And they departed quickly from the sepulcre with feare and greate Ioye: & did runne to bringe his disciples worde. And as they [Page xlv] went to tell his disciples: beholde / Iesus met them sayinge: All hayle. And they came and held him by the fete & worshipped him. Thē sayde Iesus vnto them: be not afrayde. Go & tell my brethren / that they goo in to Galile / & there shall they se me.
When they were gone: beholde / some of the C kepers came in to the cyte / and shewed vnto the hie prestes / all the thinges that were hapened. And they gaddered them to gedder with the elders / and toke counsell / & gave large money vnto the soudiers sayinge: Saye that his disciples came by nyght / & stole him awaye whill ye slept. And if this come to the rulers eares / we wyll pease him / & save you harmeles. And they toke the money & dyd as they were taught. And this sayinge is noysed amō ge the Iewes vnto this daye. ⊢
✚ Then the .xi. disciples went awaye into D Galile / in to a mountayne where Iesus had appoynted them. And when they sawe hym / they worshipped him. But some of them douted. And Iesus came and spake vnto them sayinge: Mar. xvj All power.All power ys gevē vnto me in hevē / & in erth. Go therfore and teache all nacions / baptysinge them in the name of the father / & the sonne / & the holy goost: Teachinge them to observe all thynges / what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye / even vntyll the ende of the worlde. ⊢
¶ The Gospell of S. Marke.
¶ The fyrste Chapter. ✚
A Mat. iij. a. Lu. iij. aTHe beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God / as yt is wrytten in the Prophetes: Mat. iij. abeholde I sende my messenger before thy face / which shall prepared thy waye before ye. Esa. x [...]. a Iohn .j. c.The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde / make his pathes streyght.
Iohn baptised. Mat. iij. aIohn dyd baptise in the wyldernes / & preche the baptyme of repentaūce / for the remission of synnes. And all the londe of Iurie & they of Ierusalem / went out vnto him / & were all baptised of him in the ryver Iordan / confessynge their synnes.
Mat. iij. c Luk. iij. c Iohn. j. d.Iohn was clothed with cammylles heer / & with a gerdyll of a skyn about hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes & wylde hony / and preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me / whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose. I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. ⊢
B Iesus is baptised. Mat. iij. d Luk. iij. dAnd yt came to passe in those dayes / that Iesus cam from Nazareth / a cyte of Galile: & was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. And assone as he was come out of the water / Iohn sawe heaven open / and the holy goost descendinge vpon him / lyke a dove. And ther came [Page xlvi] a voyce from heaven: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte.
Mat. iiij. a. Luk. v Iesus fasteth.And immediatly the sprete drave him into wildernes: and he was there in the wildernes xl / dayes / and was tempted of Satan / & was with wilde beestes. And the aungels ministred vnto him.
Mathew iiij. b. Luke. iiij. c. Io. iiij. f.After Iohn was taken / Iesus came in to Galile / preachinge the gospell of the kyngdome of God / and sayinge: the tyme is come / & the kyngdome of God is at honde / repent and beleve the gospell.
Mar. iiij. c. Lu. v. a. Simon Andrew.As he walked by the see of Galile / he sawe Simon & Andrew his brother / castinge nettꝭ in to ye see / for they were fysshers. And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me / and I will make you fisshers of men. And strayght waye / they forsoke their nettes / and folowed him.
Iames Iohn.And when he had gone a lytell further thence / he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede / & Iohn his brother / even as they were in the shyppe mendinge their nettes. And anōne he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred servauntes / and went their waye after him.
C Mat. viij d. Luke iiij. cAnd they entred in to Capernaū: & streight waye on ye Saboth dayes / he entred in to ye synagoge & taught. And they merveled at his learninge. For he taught them as one that had power with him / & not as the Scribes.
The vncleane sprrite is cast oute.And there was in their synagoge a mā vexed wt an vnclene spirite / yt cried sayinge: let be: what have we to do with the thou Iesus [Page] of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte / euē that holy of god. And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: hoolde thy peace & come out of him. And ye vnclene spirite tare him / & cryed with a loude voyce / & came out of him. And they were all amased / in so moche that they demaunded one of another amōge them selves saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctryne is this? For he cōmaundeth the foule spirites with power / & they obeye him. And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile.
Mat. viij. [...]. Luke iiij. f. Simons mother lawe.And forth with / assone as they were come out of the synagoge / they entred in to ye housse of Symon and Andrew / with Iames & Ihon. And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. And he came and toke her by the honde and lifte her vp: and the fever sorsoke hir by and by: & she ministred vnto them.
D And at even when the sunne was downe / they brought to him all that were diseased / & them that were possessed with devyls. And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore / & he healed many yt were sicke of divers deseases. And he cast out many devyls / and suffred not ye devyls to speake / because they knewe him.
And in the morninge very erly / Iesus arose and went out in to a solitary place / & there prayed. And Simon and they that were with him folowed after him. And when they had founde him / they sayde vnto him: all men seke [Page xlvii] for the. And he sayd vnto them: let vs go in to the next tounes / that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. And he preached in their synagogꝭ / throughout all Galile / and cast the devyls out.
A leper. Mat. viij a. Lu. v. cAnd there came a leper to him / besechinge him / & kneled doune vnto him / & sayde to him: yf thou wilt / thou cānest make me clene. And Iesus had cōpassion on him / & put forth his honde / touched him / & sayde to him: I will be thou clene. And assone as he had spokē / immediatly ye leprosy departed frō him / & was clensed. And he charged him / & sent him awaye forthwith & sayd vnto him: Se thou saye nothinge to any man: but get the hence & shewe thy silfe to ye preste / & offer for thy clensinge / those thingꝭ which Moses cōmaunded / for a testimoniall vnto them. But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thingꝭ / & to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opēly entre in to the cite / but was with out in desert places. And they came to him frō every quarter.
¶ The .ii. Chapt.
A Mat. ix. a Luke. v. d Palseye.AFter a feawe dayes / he entred into Capernaum agayne / & it was noysed that he was in a housse. And anone many gadered to geder / in so moche that now there was no roume to receave them: no / not so moche as about the dore. And he preached the worde vnto them. And there came vnto him that brought one sicke of the palsie / borne of fower men. And because they coulde not come nye vnto him for preace / they vncovered ye [Page] rofe of the housse where he was. And when they had broken it opē / they let doune ye beed where in ye sicke of the palsie laye. When Iesus sawe their fayth / he sayde to the sicke of the palsie / sonne thy sinnes are forgeven the.
B And ther were certayne of ye scribꝭ sittinge there / & reasoninge in their hertꝭ: how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes / but God only? And immediatly whē Iesus perceaved in his sprete / yt they so reasoned in thē selves / he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thingꝭ in youre hertꝭ? Whether is it easyer to saye to ye sicke of ye palsie / thy synnes are forgeven the: or to saye / aryse take vp thy beed / and walke? That ye maye knowe yt the sonne of man hath power in erth to The visible miracle was a signe of the inuisible power forgeve synnes / he spake vnto ye sicke of the palsie: I saye vnto ye / aryse & take vp thy beed / & get ye hense in to thyne awne housse. And by and by he arose / toke vp the beed / and went forth before them all: in so moche that they were all amased / and glorified God sayinge: we never sawe it on this fassion.
C Mat. ix. a Luk. v. f. Levy.And he went agayne vnto the see / and all the people resorted vnto him / & he taught thē. And as Iesus passed by / he sawe Levy ye sonne of Alphey syt at the receyte of custome / & sayde vnto him: folowe me. And he arose & folowed him. And it came to passe / as Iesus sate at meate in his housse / many publicans & synners sate at meate also with Iesus & his disciples. For there were many that folowed him. And when the Scribes & Pharises sawe [Page xlviii] him eate with publicās and synnerspublicās & synners eate with Christ. / they sayde vnto his disciples: how is it / that he eateth & drynketh with publicās and synners? When Iesus hearde yt / he sayde vnto them. The whole have no nede of the phisiciō / but the sicke. I came not to call the rightwise / but the synners to repentaunce.
j. Timo. j. c. Mat. ix. b. and Luk. v. f. Christes disciples faste notAnd the disciples of Iohn & the Pharises dyd faste: & therfore came & sayde vnto him. Why do ye disciples of Iohn & of the Pharises faste / & thy disciples fast not. And Iesus sayde vnto them: can the chyldren of a weddinge faste / while the brydgrome is wt them. As longe as they have the brydgrome with them / they cannot faste. But the dayes will come when the brydgrome shalbe taken from them & then shall they faste in those dayes.
D New & olde agree not.Also no mā soweth a pece of newe cloth vnto an olde garmēt / for then taketh he awaye ye newe pece frō the olde / & so is the rent worsse.
In lyke wyse / no man poureth newe wyne in to olde vessels: for yf he do / the newe wyne breaketh the vessels / and the wyne runneth out / and the vessels are marred. But new wyne must be poured in to new vessels.
Mat. xij. a. Luke vj. a They pluck the eares on the Saboth daye j. Regum xxi. b The Saboth was made for man. Christ is Lorde over the Saboth.And it chaunsed that he wēt thorow / ye corne feldes on the Saboth daye: and his disciples as they went on their waye / beganne to plucke the eares of corne. And the Pharises sayde vnto him: beholde / why do they on the Saboth dayes yt which is not laufull? And he sayde to them: have ye never rede what Dauid dyd / when he had nede / & was anhōgred / [Page] bothe he & they that were with him? How he went into the housse of God in the dayes of Abiathar ye hye preste / & dyd eate ye halowed loves / which is not laufull to eate / but for ye prestes only: & gave also to thē which were with him? And he sayde to them: the Saboth daye was made for man / and not man for the Saboth daye. Wherfore the sonne of man is Lorde evē of the Saboth daye.
¶ The .iii. Cha. ✚
A Wethered hāde.ANd he entred agayne into ye synagoge / & there was a man there which had a widdred honde. And they watched him to se / whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye / yt they might accuse him. And he sayde vnto ye man which had ye wyddred honde: arise & stonde in ye middes. And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on ye Saboth dayes / or an evyll? to save life or kyll? But they helde their peace. And he loked round aboute on them angerly / mournyge on the blindnes of their hertes / and sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored / even as whole as the other. ⊢
And ye Pharises departed / & streyght waye gaddred a counsell with thē that belonged to Herode agaynst him / yt they might destroye him. And Iesus auoyded wt his disciples to ye sea. And a greate multitude folowed him frō Galile & frō Iurie / & frō Hierusalem / & frō Idumea / & frō beyonde Iordane: & they yt dwelled about Tyre & Sidon / a greate multitude: which whē they had herde what thinges [Page xlix] he dyd / came vnto him.
B And he cōmaunded his disciples / yt a shippe shuld wayte on him / because of the people / leste they shuld throūge him. For he had healed many / in somoche that they preased apon him / for to touche him / as many as had plages. And when the vnclene spritꝭ sawe him / they fell doune before him / & cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God. And he straygtly charged them that they shuld not vtter him.
Mat.x. a Lu. vj. b. c The apostles are chosen.And he wēt vp into a mountayne / & called vnto him whom he wolde / & they came vnto him. And he ordeyned ye .xii. that they shuld be wt him / & that he myght sende thē to preache: and that they might have power to heale syknesses / & to cast out devyls. And he gave vnto Simon / to name Peter. And he called Iames the sonne of zebede & Iohn Iames brother / & C gave them Bonarges to name / which is to saye the sonnes of thounder. And Andrew / & Philip / & Bartlemew / & Mathew / & Thomas / & Iames the sonne of Alphey / and Taddeus / & Symon of Cane / & Iudas Iscarioth / which same also betrayed him.
Mat. ix. d and .xij. b Lu. xj. b. Belzebub.And they came vnto housse / & the people assembled togedder agayne / so greatly that they had not leesar so moche as to eate breed. And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it / they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe. And ye Scribes which came frō Ierusalem / sayde: he hath Belzebub / & by ye power of the chefe devyll / casteth out devyls. And he called them [Page] vnto him / & sayde vnto them in similitudes.
How can Satan drive out Satan: For yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe / that realme cannot endure. Or yf a housse be devided agaynste it silfe / that housse cannot continue: So yf Satā make insurreccion agaynste him silfe and be devided / he cannot continue: but is at an ende. No man can entre into a stronge mans housse / & take awaye hys gooddes / excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man / and then spoyle hys housse.
D Mat. xij. a. lu. xj. b The syn of the holy goost.Verely I saye vnto you / all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren & blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme. But he that blasphemeth ye holy goost / shall never have forgevenes: but is in daūger of eternall dāpnacion: because they sayde / he had an vnclene sprete.
Mathe. xij. d. Luke. viij. c. His mother seketh himThen came his mother & his brethrē / & stode with out / & sent vnto him and called him. And the people sate aboute hym / & sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother & thy brethrē seke for the with out. And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethrē. And he loked rounde about on his disciples which sate in compasse about hym / & sayde: beholde my mother & my brethren. For whosoever doeth ye will of God / he is my brother my syster and mother.
¶ The .iiii. Chapter. ✚
A Mathe. xiij. a. Luke viij. a.ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde. And there gadered to gedder vnto him moche people / so greatly yt he entred into a ship / and sate in the see / & all [Page l] the people was by the see side on the shoore.Sower. And he taught them many thynges in similitudes / and sayde vnto them in his doctrine: Herken to. Beholde / There wēt out a sower to sowe. And it fortuned as he sowed / that some fell by the waye syde / and the fowles of the ayre came and devoured it vp. Some fell on stony grounde / where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp / because it had not deepth of erth: but assone as the sunne was vp it caught heet / and because it had not rotynge / wyddred awaye.
And some fell amonge the thornes / and the thornes grewe vp and choked it / so that it gave no frute. And some fell vpon good grounde and dyd yelde frute that sprōge and grewe / and brought forthe: some thirty folde / some sixtie folde and some an hundred folde. And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare / let him heare. ⊢
B The sower is expowndedAnd when he was alone / they yt were aboute him with ye .xii. axed him of ye similitude. And he sayde vnto thē. To you it is gevē to knowe the mistery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are wt out / shall all thinges be done in similitudes:Esa. vj. e Mat. xiij b. Lu. viij b. Io. xij. f. Actu. xxviij. f. Roman .xj. b yt when they se / they shall se / & not discerne: & when they heare they shall heare / & not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne / & their synnes shuld be forgevē thē. And he sayde vnto thē: Perceave ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes?
The sower soweth ye worde. And they that [Page] are by the wayes syde / where the worde is sowen / are they to whom assone as they have herde it / Sathā cometh immediatly / & takith awaye the worde that was sowē in their hertes. And likewise they that are sowen on the stonye groūde / are they: which when they have harde the worde / at once receave it wt gladnes / yet have no rotes in them selves / & so endure but a tyme: & anone as trouble & persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake / they fall immediatly. And they that are sowē amōge the thornes / are soche as heare ye worde: and ye carꝭ of this worlde & ye disseytfulnes of ryches & the lustes of other thingꝭ / entre in & choocke ye worde / & it is made vnfrutfull. And those that weare sowē in good grounde / are they that heare the worde and receave it / and bringe forth frute / some thirty folde / some sixty folde / some an hundred folde.
C Mat. v. b Lu. viij. c and .xj. e. Mat. v. c. Lu. viij. c Candell.And he sayde vnto them: is ye candle lighted / to be put vnder a busshell / or vnder ye table / & not rather to be put on a cādelstick? For there is nothinge so prevy / that shall not be opened: nether so secreet / but that it shall come abroade. Yf eny man have eares to heare / let him heare. MeasureAnd he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete / with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare shall more be gevē. A couenaunt to them that loue the worde of God to wynne other with worde ād dede: and another to them that loue it not, that it shalbe their destruccion. For vnto him yt hath / shall it be geven: and from him that hath not / shalbe taken awaye / even that he hath.
And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God / [Page li] even as yf a man shuld sowe seede in ye groū de / & shulde slepe & ryse vp night & daye: and the seede shuld springe & growe vp / he not ware. For ye erth bringeth forthe frute of her silfe: fyrst the blade / then the eares / after that full corne in the eares. And as sone as the frute is brought forth / anōne he throusteth in ye sykell / because the hervest is come.
Mustard seede. Mathe. xiij. c. Luke .xiij. dAnd he sayde: where vnto shall we lykē the kyngdome of God? or with what cōpareson shall we cōpare it? It is lyke a grayne of mustard seed / which when it is sowē in the erth / is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: but after that it is sowen / it groweth vp / and is greatest of all yerbes: & bereth greate braū ches / so that ye fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it.
D And with many soche similitudꝭ he preached the worde vnto thē / after as they myght heare it. And without similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were aparte / he expounded all thinges to his disciples. Mathe. viij. d. Luke. viij. d.And the same daye when even was come / he sayde vnto them: let vs passe over vnto the other syde. And they lefte the people / & toke him even as he was in the shyp. And ther were also with him other shippes.
Iesus slepeth in ye ship.And ther arose a great storme of wynde / & dasshed ye waves into the ship / so that it was full. And he was in the sterne aslepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him / & sayde to him: Master / carest thou not yt we perisshe? And he rose vp / & rebuked the wynde / & sayde vnto [Page] the see: peace & be still. And the winde alayed / and ther folowed a greate calme. And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye have no fayth? And they feared excedingly / & sayde one to another: what felowe is this? For booth winde & see obey him.
¶ The .v. Chapter.
A Gaderenites. Mathe. viij. d. Luke. viij. d.ANd they cam over to the other syde of ye see in to the coūtre of ye Gaderenites. And when he was come out of ye shippe / there met him out of the graves a man possessyd of an vncleane sprete / which had his abydinge amōge the graves. And no man coulde bynde him: no not with cheynes / because that when he was often bounde wt fetters & chaynes / he plucked ye chaynes asundre / & brake the fetters in peacꝭ. Nether coulde eny man tame him. And alwayes bothe nyght & daye / he cryed in ye moūtaynes & in ye graves / & bet him silfe wt stones. When he had spied Iesus afarre of / he rāne & worshipped him / & cryed wt a lowde voyce & sayde: what have I to do wt the Iesus ye sonne of the moost hyest God? I requyre ye in the name of God yt thou tormēt me not. For he had sayd vnto hym: come out of the man thou fowle sprete. And he axed him: what is thy name? And he answered sayinge: my name is Legion / for we are many.Legion. And he prayd him instantly / that he wolde not sende thē awaye out of the countre.
B SwyneAnd ther was there nye vnto ye moūtayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge / & all the devyls besought him sayinge: sende vs into the [Page lii] heerde of swyne / yt we maye enter in to them. And anone Iesus gave them leave. And the vnclene spretꝭ wēt out & entred in to ye swyne. And the heerd starteled / & ran hedling in to the see. They were about .ii. M. swyne / & they were drouned in the see. And the swyne heerde fleed / & tolde it in ye cyte / & in the countre. And they came out for to se what had hapened: & came to Iesus / & sawe hym that was vexed wt the fende & had the legiō / syt / both clothed & in his right mynde / and were afrayed. And they that sawe it tolde them / how it had happened vnto him that was possessed with the devyll: & also of the swyne. And they begāne to praye him / that he wolde departe frō their coostes. And when he was come in to the shyppe / he that had ye devyll / prayed him that he myght be with him. Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him / but sayde vnto him: goo home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes / & shewe thē what great thingꝭ ye Lorde hath done vnto the / & how he had cōpassion on the. And he departed / & begāne to publisshe in ye ten cyties / what greate thingꝭ Iesus had done vnto him / & all mē dyd merveyle.
C Mat. ix. c Lu. viij. f The Rulers daughter.And when Iesus was come over agayne by shyp vnto the other syde / moche people gadered vnto him / & he was nye vnto the see. Andbeholde / ther came one of the rulers of ye Synagoge / whose name was Iairus: & when he sawe him / he fell doune at his fete / & besought hym greatly sayinge: my doughter lyith at poynt of deeth / I wolde thou woldest come [Page] and laye thy honde on her / that she myght be safe and live. And he wēt with him / & moche people folowed him / and thronged him.
Bloudye issue.And ther was a certen woman / which was diseased of an yssue of bloude .xii. yeeres & had suffred many thingꝭ of many phisiciōs / and had spēt all yt she had / & felte none amendmēt at all / but wexed worsse & worsse. When she had herde of Iesus: she came into the preace behynde him / & touched his garmēt. For she thought: yf I maye but touche his clothes / I shall be whole. And streyght waye her foū tayne of bloude was dryed vp / aud she felt in her body / that she was healed of the plage.
And Iesus immediatly felt in him silfe / ye vertue that wēt out of him / and tourned him roūde aboute in the preace / & sayde: who touched my clothes? And his disciples sayde vnto him: seist thou ye people thrust the / and yet axest / who dyd touche me? And he loked roūd about / for to se her that had done that thinge. The woman feared and trembled (for she knew what was done within her) & she came & fell doune before him / & tolde him ye truth of every thinge. And he sayde to her: Doughter / thy fayth hath made the whoale: goo in peace / and be whole of thy plage.
D Whyll he yet spake / ther came frō the ruler of ye synagoges housse / certayne which sayde: thy doughter is deed: why diseasest thou ye master eny further? Assone as Iesus herde that worde spokē / he sayde vnto the ruler of ye synagoge: be not afrayed / only beleve. And he [Page liii] suffred no man to folowe him moo then Peter and Iames and Ihon the brother of Iames. And he came vnto the housse of the ruler of ye synagoge / & sawe y• wondrynge / & them that wepte and wayled greatly / & went in & sayde vnto them: why make ye this adoo & wepe? The maydē is not deed / but slepith. And they lawght him to scorne. Then he put them all out / and toke ye father & the mother of ye mayden / and them that were with him / & entred in where the mayden laye / & toke the mayden by the honde / & sayde vnto hyr: Tabitha / cumi: which is by interpretacion: maydē I saye vnto the / aryse. And streyght the mayden arose / and went on her fete. For she was of the age of twelve yeres. And they were astonied at it out of measure. And he charged thē straytely that no man shuld knowe of it / & cōmaunded to geve her meate.
¶ The .vi. Chap. ✚
A Mat. xiij g. Lu. iiij c. Io. iiij. f Carpenter. A prophete is not honoured in his awne contree.ANd he departed thence / & cam into his awne countre / & his disciples folowed him. And whē the saboth daye was come / he beganne to teache in ye synagsge. And many that hearde him were astonyed / & sayde: From whens hath he these thinges? & what wysdō is this that is gevē vnto him? & suche vertues yt are wrought by his honds? Is not this that carpēter Maryes sonne / ye brother of Iames & Ioses and of Iuda & Simon? & are not his systers here with vs? And they were offended by him. And Iesus sayde vnto thē: a prophet is not despysed but in his awne coū tre / & amonge his awne kynne / & amonge thē [Page] that are of the same housholde. And he coulde there shewe no miracles / but leyd his hondes apon a feawe sicke foolke and healed thē. And he merveyled at their vnbelefe. ⊢
B Mat. x. a. Lu. ix. a. The apostels are sent forthAnd he went aboute by ye tounes yt laye on every syde / teachynge. And he called ye twelve & beganne to sende them / two and two / & gave them power over vnclene spretes. And cō maunded thē / that they shuld take nothinge vnto their Iorney / save a rodde only: Nether scrippe / nether breed / nether mony in their pourses: but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two coottes. And he sayd vnto thē: Actu. xiij. g. Dust.whersoever ye entre in to an house / there abyde tyll ye departe thence And whosoever shall not receave you / nor heare you / when ye departe thence / shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete / for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you / it shalbe easyer for zodom and Gomor at the daye of iudgement / then for that cite.
And they went out and preached / that they shuld repent: and they caste out many devylles. Annoynte.And they annoynted many that were sicke / with oyle and healed them.
C Math. xiiij. a. Lu. ix. a.And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) and sayd: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth / & therfore miracles are wrought by him. Wother sayd / it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of ye Prophetes. But when Herode hearde of him / he sayd: it is Iohn whom I beheded / he is rysen from deeth agayne.
[Page liiii] ✚ Math. xiiij. a. Lu. iij. d. Iohn baptistis be heeded.For Herode him sylfe / had sent forth and had taken Iohn / and bounde him & cast him into preson for Herodias sake which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maried her. Iohn sayd vnto Herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe. Herodias layd wayte for him / & wolde have killed him / but she coulde not. For Herode feared Iohn / knowynge yt he was a iuste man and an holy: & gave him reverence: & when he hearde him / he dyd many thingꝭ / and hearde him gladly.
D But when a cōuenient daye was come: Herode on his birthdaye made a supper to ye lordes / captayns / & chefe estate of Galile. And ye doughter of ye sayde Herodias came in & daū sed / and pleased Herode and them that sate at bourde also. Then ye kynge sayd vnto ye mayden: axe of me what thou wilt / & I will geve it ye. And he sware vnto hyr / whatsoever thou shalt axe of me / I will geve it ye / even vnto ye one halfe of my kyngdome. And she wēt forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed. And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto ye kynge / & axed sayinge: I will / that thou geve me by & by in a charger ye heed of Iohn Baptist. And ye kynge was sory: howbeit for his othes sake / and for their sakes which sate at supper also / he wolde not put her besyde her purpose. And immediatly ye kynge sent ye hangmā and cōmaunded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him in the preson / and brought his heed in a charger / & gave it to the [Page] mayden / & the mayden gave it to her mother. And when his disciples hearde of it / they came & toke vp his body / & put it in a toumbe. ⊢
Math. xiiij. b. Lu. ix. b.And the apostels gaddered them selves to geddre to Iesus / & tolde him all thingꝭ / booth what they had done / & what they had taught. And he sayd vnto them: come ye aparte into the wyldernes / & rest a whyle. For there were many cōmers and goers / that they had no leasure so moche as to eate. And he wēt by ship out of the waye into a deserte place. But the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe him / & ranne afote thyther out of all cities / and cam thyther before them / & came togedder vnto him. Mat. ix. dAnd Iesus went out and sawe moche people / and had compassion on them / because they were lyke shepe which had no shepeherde. And he beganne to teache them many thinges.
B Math. xiij. b. Lu. ix. b. Ioh. vj. a Fyve loves & .ii. fysshes.And when ye daye was nowe farre spēt / his disciples came vnto him sayinge: this is a desert place / and now the daye is farre passed / let thē departe / that they maye goo into the countrey rounde about / & into the tounes / & bye thē breed: for they have nothinge to eare. He answered & sayde vnto them: geve ye thē to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we goo & bye ii.C. penyworth of breed / & geve thē to eate? He sayde vnto thē: how many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched / they sayde: v. & .ii. fysshes. And he cōmaunded them to make them all syt doune by companyes apon the grene grasse. And they sate [Page lv] doune here a rowe and there arowe / by houndrede & by fyfties. And he toke ye .v. loves & ye C ii. fysshes / & loked vp to heven & blessed & brake the loves / & gave them to his disciples to put before thē: & the .ii. fysshes he devyded amonge them all. And they all dyd eate / & were satisfied. And they toke vp twelve baskettes full of the gobbettes & of y• fysshes. And they that ate were about fyve thousand men.
Math. xiiij. c. Ioh. vj. b Iesus walketh on the seaAnd streyght waye he caused his disciples to goo into the shipe / & to goo over the water before vnto Bethsaida / whyll he sent awaye the people. And assone as he had sent them away / he departed into a moūtayne to praye. ✚ And when even was come / the ship was in the midde of the see / & he alone on the londe / and he sawe thē troubled in rowynge / for the wynde was cōtrary vnto them. And aboute ye fourth quartre of ye nyght / he came vnto thē / walkinge apon the see / and wolde have passed by thē. When they sawe him walkinge apon the see / they supposed it had bene a sprete / & cryed oute: For they all sawe him / and were afrayed. And anon he talked with them / & sayde vnto them: be of good chere / it is I / be not afrayed. And he went vp vnto them into the shippe / & the wynde ceased / and they were sore amased in them selves beyonde measure / & marveyled. For they remembred not / of the loves / because their hertes were blynded.
Math. xiiij. d.And they came over / & went into the londe of Genezareth / and drue vp into the haven. And assone as they were come out of ye shippe / [Page] streyght they knewe him / and ran forth throughout all ye region rounde about / and began to cary aboute in beeddꝭ all yt were sicke / to the place where they heard tell yt he was. And whyther soever he entred into tounes / cities or villages / they layde their sicke in the stretes / and prayed him / that they myght touche / and it were but the edge of his vesture.Edge or hemme. And as many as touched him were safe. ⊢
¶ The .vii. Chapter.
A mat. xv a Vnwasshen hondes.ANd ye pharises came togedder vnto him & dyvers of ye scribes which came from Ierusalem. And whē they sawe certayne of his disciples eate breed wt cōmen hondꝭ (that is to saye / wt vnwesshen hondꝭ) they cō playned. For the pharises and all the Iewes / excepte they washe their hondꝭ ofte / eate not observinge the tradicions of the elders. And whē they come from the market / escept they washe / they eate not. And many other thingꝭ ther be / which they have taken apon them to observe / as the wasshinge of cuppes and cruses / and of Brasen vessels / and of tables.
Then axed him the pharises & scribe / why walke not thy disciples accordinge to ye tradicions B of the elders / but eate breede with vnweshen hondes? He answered and sayde vnto them: well prophesied Esaias of you ypocrites / as it is writtē:Esaie .xxix. d. Mennes cōmaundemente. This people honoreth me with their lyppes / but their hert is farre from me: In vayne they worshippe me / teachinge doctryns which are nothinge but ye cōmaundementes of men. For ye laye the commaundement [Page lvi] of God aparte / & observe the tradicions of men / as the wesshinge of cruses and of cuppes / and many other suche lyke thingꝭ ye do.
Exo. xx c. Deu. v Ephe. vj. a. Ex xxj. c. Leu. xx b Prouer. xx. Corban.And he sayde vnto them: well / ye cast asyde the cōmaundement of God / to mayntayne youre owne tradiciōs. For Moses sayde: Honoure thy father & thy mother: & whosoever cursseth father or mother / let him dye for it. But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother Corban: which is: that thou desyrest of me to helpe the with / is geven God. And so ye soffre him no more to do ought for his father or his mother / makinge the worde of God of none effecte / through youre awne tradicions which ye have ordeyned. And many soche thinges ye do.
C mat. xv b That goeth in / defileth not And he called all the people vnto him / & sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me / every one of you & vnderstonde. There is no thinge with out a man that can defyle him when it entreth into him: but thoo thinges which procede out of him are those which defyle ye man. If eny man have eares to heare / let him heare And whē he came to house awaye frō the people / his disciples axed him of the similitude. And he sayd vnto thē: Are ye so without vnderstondinge? Do ye not yet perceave / yt what soever thinge from wt out entreth into a man / it can not defyle him / because it entrith not in to his hert / but into ye belly: and goeth out into the draught that porgeth oute all meates.
That cometh oute of a mā defileth.And he sayde: yt defileth a mā which cometh oute of a man. For frō wt in / even oute of the [Page] herte of men / proceade evill thoughtes: advoutry / fornicacion / murder / theeft / coveteousnes / wickednes / diceyte / vnclennes / & a wicked eye / blasphemy / pryde / folysshnes: all these evyll thinges come from with in / and defile a man.
Mat. xv c The Syrophenissa.And from thence he rose & went into ye borders of Tyre & Sidon / & entred into an housse / & wolde that no man shuld have knowen: But he coulde not be hyd. For a certayne womā whose doughter had a foule sprete hearde of him / & came & fell at his fete. The woman was a Greke oute of Syrophenicia / & she besought him yt he wolde caste out ye devyll oute of her doughter. And Iesus sayde vnto her: let the chyldren fyrst be feed. For it is not mete / to take the chyldrēs breed / & to caste it vnto whelppꝭ. She answered and sayde vnto him: even soo master / neverthelesse / the whelppes also eate vnder the table of the chyldrens cromes. And he sayde vnto her: for this sayinge goo thy waye / the devyll is gone out of thy doughter. And when she was come home to her housse / she founde the devyll departed / and her doughter lyinge on the beed.
D ✚ Mat. xv c The deffe and dō me.And he departed agayne from the coostes of Tyre & Sidon / & came vnto the see of Galile thorowe ye middꝭ of the coostes of ye .x. cities. And they brought vnto him one yt was deffe & stambred in his speche / & prayde him to laye his honde apon him. And he toke him a syde from ye people / & put his fyngers in his eares / & dyd spyt & touched his tounge / and loked vp to heven and sygthed / and sayde vnto [Page lvii] him: ephatha / that is to saye / be openned. And streyght waye his eares were openned / and the stringe of his tounge was loosed / & he spake playne. And he cōmaunded them that they shuld tell no man. But the more he forbad them / soo moche the more a greate deale they publesshed it: and were beyonde measure astonyed / sayinge:Gene. j. d Eccle. xxxix. c. He hath done all thingꝭ well / and hath made booth the deffe to heare / & the dōme to speake. ⊢
¶ The .viii. Cha. ✚
A Mat. xv. d. Seven loves.IN those dayes whē ther was a very greate companye / & had nothinge to eate / Iesus called his disciples to him & sayd vnto thē: I have cōpassion on this people / because they have nowe bene with me .iii. dayes & have nothinge to eate: And yf I shuld sende thē awaye fastinge to their awne houses / they shulde faynt by the waye. For dyvers of thē came from farre. And his disciples answered him: where shuld a man have breade here in the wildernes to satisfie these? And he axed them: how many loves have ye? They sayde: seven. And he commaunded the people to syt doune on the grounde. And he toke the .vii. loves / gave thankes / brake / & gave to his disciples / to set before them. And they dyd set thē before the people. And they had a feawe smale fysshes. And he blessed them & cōmaunded them also to be set before them. And they ate & were suffysed: And they toke vp yf the broken meate that was lefte .vii. baskettes full. And they yt ate / werein nomber aboute fowre thousand. And he sent them awaye. ⊢
[Page] B Mat. xvj a. Lu. xij g. A signe.And a none he entred into a ship wt his disciples / & came into the parties of Dalmanutha. And the pharises cam forth / & begane to dispute with him / sekinge of him a signe frō heven and temptinge him. And he sygthed in his sprete and sayde: why doth this generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you / ther shall no signe be geven vnto this generacion. And he lefte thē and went into the ship agayne / and departed over the water.
Math. xvj. a Leven.And they had forgottē to take breed wt thē / nether had they in the ship with them more then one loofe. And he charged thē sayinge. ✚ Take hede / & beware of ye leven of ye pharises / & of ye levē of Herode. And they reasoned amonge thē selves sayinge: we have no breed And whē Iesus knewe yt / he sayde vnto thē: why take ye thought because ye have no bread? perceave ye not yet / nether vnderstonde? Have ye youre hertes yet blynded? Have ye eyes & se not? & have ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember? When I brake v. lovesIoh. vj. b amonge .v. M. How many baskettes full of brokē meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him twelve. When I brake .vii. amonge .iiii. M. How many baskete of the levinge of broken meate toke ye vp? they sayde .vii. And he sayde vnto thē: how is it yt ye vnderstonde not?
✚ C A blynde is healedAnd he came to Bethsaida / & they brought a blynde man vnto him and desyred him to touche him. And he caught the blynde by the honde / and leade him out of the toune / & spat in his eyes and put his hondes apon him / [Page lviii] and axed him whether he saw ought. And he loked vp and sayde: I se ye men: For I se thē walke / as they were trees. After that he put his honde agayne apon his eyes & made him see. And he was restored to his sight / and sawe every mā clerly. And he sent him home to his housse sayinge: nether goo into the toune / nor tell it to eny in the toune. ⊢
Math. xvj. b. Luk. ix. c Cesarea PhilippiAnd Iesus went out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi. And by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I am? And they answered: some saye that thou arte Iohn Baptiste: some saye Helyas: and some / one of the Prophetꝭ. And he sayde vnto thē: But whom saye ye that I am? Peter answered & sayd vnto him: Thou arte very Christe. And he charged them / that they shuld tell no man of it. And he beganne to teache them / D The passion. how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges / and shuld be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes / and be kylled / and after thre dayes aryse agayne. And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke him a syde / and began to chyde him. Then he tourned aboute and looked on his disciples / Peter is Satan. Mat. xvj d. & x. d. Luk. ix. c & .xiiij. f. Christes disciple. & rebuked Peter sayinge: Goo after me Satan. For thou saverest not ye thinges of God but the thinges of men.
And he called the people vnto him / with his disciples also / and sayd vnto them: Whosoever will folowe me / let him forsake him sylfe / and take vp his crosse / and folowe me. [Page] For whosoever will save his lyfe / shall lose it But whosoever shall lose his lyfe for my sake & ye gospels / ye same shall save it. What shall it profet a mā / yf he shuld wynne all ye worlde & loose his awne soule? or els what shall a mā geve / to redeme his soule agayne?Mat. x. d. Lu. ix. c. and .xij. b Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me & of my worde / amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed / when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels. And he sayde vnto them:Math: xvj d. Luk. ix. c Verely I saye vnto you: There be some of thē that stonde here / which shall not taste of deeth / tyll they have sene the kyngdome of God come wt power.
¶ The .ix. Chap.
A Math. xvij. a Luk. ix. d TransfiguracionANd after .vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter / Iames / and Iohn and leede them vp into an hye mountayne out of ye waye alone / and he was transfigured before them. And his rayment dyd shyne / and was made very whyte / even as snowe: so whyte as noo fuller can make apon the erth. And ther apered vnto them Helyas with Moses: and they talked with Iesu. And Peter answered & sayde to Iesu: Master / here is good beinge for vs / let vs make .iii. tabernacles / one for the / one for Moses / and one for Helyas. And yet he wist not what he sayde: for they were afrayde. And ther was a cloude that shaddowed thē. And a voyce came out of the cloude sayinge: This is my dere sonne / here him.Heare him. And sodenly they loked rounde aboute them / & sawe no man more then Iesus only wt thē.
[Page lix] B Mat. xvijAnd as they came doune from the hyll / he charged thē / that they shuld tell no mā what they had sene / tyll the sonne of man were rysen frō Menciō of the passion foloweth the hye visiō. deeth agayne. And they kepte that sayinge with them / & demaunded one of a nother / what yt rysinge from deeth agayne shuld meane? And they axed him sayinge: why then saye ye scribꝭ / that Helyas muste fyrste come? He answered & sayde vnto them: Helyas verelye shall fyrst come and restore all thinges.Malach. iiij. b. Esa. liij. b Math. x & ij. c. Lu. ix. e. And also ye sonne of mā as it is wryttē / shall suffre many thinges / & shall be set at nought. Moreouer I saye vnto you / that Helyas is come / and they have done vnto him whatsoever pleased them as it is wrytten of him.
And he came to his disciples / & sawe moche people aboute them / & the scribes disputinge with them. And streyght waye all the people when they behelde him / were amased / & ran to him and saluted him. And he sayde vnto the Scribes: what dispute ye with them? ✚ And one of the cōpanye answered & sayde: Master / I have brought my sonne vnto the / C which hath a dōme spirite. And whensoever he taketh him / he teareth him / and he fometh / & gnassheth with his tethe / & pyneth awaye. And I spake to thy disciples that they shuld caste him out / and they coulde not.
He answered him & sayd: O generacion wt out faith how longe shall I be with you? How longe shall I suffre you? Bringe him vnto me. And they brought him vnto him. And assone as ye sprete sawe him / he tare him. [Page] And he fell doune on the grounde walowinge and fomynge. And he axed his father: how longe is it a goo / sens this hath happened him? And he sayde / of a chylde: & ofte tymes casteth him into the fyre / & also into the water / to destroye him. But yf thou canste do eny thinge / have mercy on vs / and helpe vs. And Iesus sayde vnto him: ye yf thou couldest beleve / all thinges are possible to him yt belevith. Helpe myne vnbeleffe.And streygth waye the father of the chylde cryed with teares sayinge: Lorde I beleve / helpe myne vnbelefe.
D The dō mee & deffe spirite is cast oute.When Iesus sawe / that the people came runnynge togedder vnto him / he rebuked the foule sprete / sayinge vnto him: Thou domme & deffe sprete / I charge the come out of him / and entre no more into him. And the sprete cryed / & rent him sore / and came out: And he was as one that had bene deed / in so moche yt many sayde / he is deed. But Iesus caught his honde / and lyfte him vp: and he roose. And when he was come into the housse / his disciples axed him secretly: why coulde not we caste him out? And he sayde vnto them:Prayer and fastynge. this kynde can by no nother meanes come forth / but by prayer and fastynge. ⊢
✚ E Math. x vij. d. Lu. ix e.And they departed thens / and toke their iorney thorow Galile / & he wolde not that eny man shuld have knowen it. For he taught his disciples / and sayde vnto them:Passion. The sonne of man shalbe delyvered into ye hondes of men / and they shall kyll him / and after that he is kylled he shall aryse agayne the thryd daye. [Page lx] But they wiste not what that sayinge meāt / and were affrayed to axe him.
B Math: xviij. a. Lu. ix. f. Chefe or greatest.And he came to Capernaum. And when he was come to housse / he axed thē: what was it that ye disputed bytwene you by the waye? And they helde their peace: for by the waye they reasoned amonge thē selves / who shuld be the chefest. And he sate doune and called the twelve vnto him / and sayd to them: yf eny man desyre to be fyrst / the same shalbe last of all / and servaunt vnto all. And he toke a chylde & set him in ye middes of them / & toke him in his armes and sayde vnto them. Whosoever receave eny soche a chylde in my name / receaveth me. And whosoever receaveth me / receaveth not me / but him that sent me. ⊢
Iohn answered him sayinge: ✚ Master / we sawe one castynge out devyls in thy name / which foloweth not vs / and we forbade him / because he foloweth vs not. But Iesus sayde If he preache Christ truly, though he folow not with the in thy ceremonies or tradicions let him alone forbid him not. For ther is no mā that shall do a miracle in my name / that can lightlyge speake evyll of me. Whosoever is not agaynste C you / is on youre parte. And whosoever shall geve you a cuppe of water to drinke for my names sake / because ye belonge to Christe / verely I saye vnto you / he shall not loose his Whatsoever is done for christes sake (punctel) shalbe rewarded with the rewarde that christ hath deserved for vs rewarde.
OffendeAnd whosoever shall offende one of these lytel ons / yt beleve in me / it were better for him / yt a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke / & yt he he were cast into ye see: wherfore yf thy hande offende ye / cut him of. It is better for ye / [Page] to entre into lyffe maymed / then havynge two hondes / goo into hell / into fire yt never shalbe quenched / where there worme dyeth not / & the fyre never goeth oute. Lykewyse yf thy fote offende the / cut him of. For it is better for the to goo halt into lyfe / then havynge two fete to be cast into hell / into fyre that never shalbe quenched: where there worme dyeth not / & the fyre never goeth oute. Even so yf thyne eye offende the / plucke him oute. It is better for the to goo into the kyngdom of god with one eye / then havynge two eyes / to be caste into hell fyre:Esaie.. lxvj. g. where there worme dyeth not / & the fyre never goeth oute. ⊢
Fyer and Salt. Fyer is tribulacion: and Salt is Godes worde.Every man therfore shalbe salted wt fyre: And every sacrifise shalbe seasoned with salt. Salt is good. But yf ye salt be vnsavery: what shall ye salte therwith? Se yt ye have salt in youre selves: & have peace amonge youre selves / one with another.
¶ The .x. Chap.
A Devorcement. Deute. xxiiii. Math. xix. a.ANd he rose from thence / & went into ye coostes of Iurie through the region yt is beyonde Iordan. And ye people resorted vnto him afresshe: and as he was wont / he taught them agayne. And the pharises came & axed him a question: whether it were laufull for a mā to put awaye his wyfe: to prove him. And he answered & sayd vnto thē: what dyd Moses byd you do? And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of devorsement / & to put hyr awaye. And Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: For ye hardnes of youre herte he wrote this precept vnto you. But at [Page lxi] the fyrste creacion / God made thē man & woman.Gene. [...]. ij. d. i. Lo [...]int. vi. d. And for this thingꝭ sake shall mā leve his father & mother / & bide by his wyfe / & they twayne shalbe one flesshe. So then are theyEph. v. [...] now not twayne / but one flesshe. Therfore what God hath cuppled / let not mā separat.
And in the housse his disciples axed him B i. Corint. vij. b. agayne of yt matter. And he sayde vnto them: Whosoever putteth awaye his wyfe & maryeth another / breaketh wedlocke to herwarde. And yf a woman forsake her husband and be maryed to another / she cōmitteth advoutrie.
And they brought chyldren to him / that heMat. vix b. Luke. x viii. c. should touche thē. And his disciples rebuked thoose that brought thē. When Iesus sawe that / he was displeased / & sayd to thē: SuffreChyldrē. the chyldrē to come vnto me & forbid thē not. For of suche is ye kyngdome of God. Verely I saye vnto you / whosoever shall not receave y• kyngdome of God as a chylde / he shall not entre therin. And he toke thē vp in his armes & put his honde vpon them / & blessed thē. ⊢
✚ And when he was come in to the waye / Mat. vix b. & Luk. xviij. d. ther came one runninge & kneled to him / and axed him: good master / what shall I do / that I maye enheret eternall lyfe? Iesus sayde to C him: why callest thou me good? There is noEx. xx. c. mā good but one / which is God. Thou knowest the cōmaundementes: breake not matrimony: kyll not: steale not: bere not falce wytnes: defraude no man: honoure thy father & mother. He answered & sayde to him: master / all these I have observed frō my youth. Iesus [Page] behelde him & had a favour to him / and sayde vnto him: one thynge is lackinge vnto the. Goo and sell all that thou hast / and geve to the povre / and thou shalt have treasure in heven / and come and folowe me / and take vp thy The Ryche men / maye abide no crosse: that is to saye persecucion. crosse. But he was discūforted with yt sayinge / and wēt awaye morninge / for he had greate possessions.
And Iesus loked rounde aboute / & sayde D vnto his disciples: what an harde thinge is it for them that have riches / to entre into the kyngdome of God. And his disciples were astonneyd at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne / & sayde vnto them: chyldrē / how harde is it for them / that trust in riches / to entre in to the kyngdome of God. It is easyerCamell. for a camell to go thorowe ye eye of an nedle / then for a riche man to entre into the kyngdome of God. And they were astonnyed out of measure / sayinge betwene them selves: who then can be saved? Iesus loked vpon them / & sayde: with men it is vnpossible / but not with God: for with God all thynges are possible.
And Peter begāne to saye vnto him: Lo / we have forsaken all / & have folowed the. Iesus answered and sayde: Verely I saye vnto you / ther is no man that for saketh housse / or brethren / or sisters / or father / or / mother / or wyfe / Hundred folde. Mat. xix d. and. xx b. Luke. xx viij. e. Fyrst & last. other chyldren / or londes / for my sake & the gospelle / which shall not receave an houndred foolde nowe in this lyfe: houses / and brethren / & sisters / & mothers / & chyldren / & londes with persecucions: & in the worlde to came / [Page lxii] eternall lyfe. Many that are fyrst / shalbe last: & the last / fyrst. And they were in y• waye goinge vp to Ierusalem. And Iesus wēt before them: and they were amased / and as they folowed / were affrayde.
And Iesus toke ye .vii. agayne / & begāne to E Passion. tell thē what thingꝭ shuld happē vnto him. Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem / & the sonne of man shalbe delyvered vnto the hye preestes & vnto the Scribes: & they shall condempne him to deeth / & shall delyvre him to the gentyls: and they shall mocke hym / & scourge him / and spit vpō hym / and kyll him. And the thirde daye he shall ryse agayne.
And then Iames & Iohn ye sonnes of zebedeThe sonnes of zebede. Mathe. xx. c. came vnto him / sayinge: master / we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs what soever we desyre. He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye I shuld do vnto you? They sayd to him: graūt vnto vs that we maye sitte one on thy right honde / & the other on thy lyfte honde / in thy glory. But Iesus sayd vnto thē: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of / & be baptised in ye baptime that I shalbe baptised in? And they sayde vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them:F ye shall dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of / & be baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised in: but to sit on my right honde and on my lyfte honde ys not myne to geve / but to them for whom it is prepared.
And when the .x. hearde that / they begā toMathe. .xxij. c. disdayne at Iames & Iohn. But Iesus called [Page] thē vnto him / & sayde to them: ye knowe that they which seme to beare rule amongeGreate. the gentyls / raygne as lordes over thē. And they that be greate amōge them / exercyse auctorite over them. So shall it not be amonge you / but whosoever of you wilbe greate amō ge you / shalbe youre minister. And whosoever wilbe chefe / shalbe servaunt vnto all. For evē the sonne of man came not to be ministred vn to: but to minister / and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.
And they came to Hierico. And as he went G Hierico. Mat. xx. d.. Luke. xviij. f Barthimeus the blinde. oute of Hierico with his disciples / & a greate nōbre of people: Barthime [...]s ye sonne of Thimeus which was blinde / sate by ye hye wayes syde begginge. And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth / he began to crye and to saye: Iesus the sonne of David / have mercy on me. And many rebuked him / yt he shuld holde is peace. But he cryed the moore a greate deale / thou sonne of David have mercy on me. And Iesus stode still / and commaunded hym to be called. And they called the blinde / sayinge vnto him: Be of good conforte: ryse / he calleth the. And he threwe awaye his clooke / and roose and came to Iesus. And Iesus answered & sayde vnto hym: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: master / that I myght see. Iesus sayde vnto him. goo thy waye / thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight / and folowed Iesus in the waye.
¶ The .xi. Chapter.
[Page lxiii]ANd when they came nye to Hierusalem A Mat. xxi a. Luke .xix. c. Betphage. vnto Bethphage & Bethanie / besydes moūt olivete / he sent forth two of his hisciples / & sayde vnto thē: Goo youre wayes into the toune that is over agaynst you. And assone as ye be entred into it / ye shall fynde aColt. coolte bounde / wheron never man sate: loose him & bringe him. And if eny man saye vnto you: why do ye soo? Saye that the Lorde hath neade of him: & streight waye he will sende him hidder. And they wēt their waye / & foūd a coolte tyed by the dore with out in a place where two wayes met / & they losed him. And divers of thē that stode there / sayde vnto thē: what do ye loosinge ye coolte? And they saydIo. xij. b. vnto them evē as Iesus had cōmaunded thē. And they let them goo. And they brought y• coolte to Iesus / & caste their garmēte on him: and he sate vpō him. And many sprede there garmētes in the waye. Other cut doune braū ches of the trees / & strawed them in ye waye. And they yt went before & they that folowed / cryed sayinge: Hosanna: blessed be he that cō methHosanna in ye name of ye Lorde. Blessed be ye kingdome that cōmeth in ye name of him yt is Lorde of oure father David. Hosanna in ye hyest.
And ye Lorde entred in to Ierusalem / & into B Mat. xxj b. Luke. xix. g. the tēple. And when he had loked roūdabout vpon all thingꝭ / & now ye evē tyde was come / he went out vnto Bethany / with ye twelve. And on the morowe when they were come out frō Bethany / he hungred / & spyed a fyggeFygge tree. tree a farre of havinge leves / & wēt to se whether [Page] he myght finde eny thinge ther on. But when he came therto / he foūde no thinge but leves: for the tyme of fygges was not yet. And Iesus answered and sayde to it: never man eate frute of the here after whill ye worlde stondith. And his disciples hearde it.
And they came to Ierusalem. And Iesus wēt into the tēple / & begāne to cast out ye sellersSellars & byers are cast oute. & byers in the tēple / & overthrewe the tables of the money chaungers / and the stoles of them that solde doves: & wolde not suffre that eny man caried a vessell thorow the temple. And he taught sayinge vnto them / is it not written: my housse shalbe called theEsa. lvj. c Hic. vij. b housse of prayer vnto all nacions? But ye have made it a deen of theves.
And the Scribes & hye prestes hearde yt & C sought howe to distroye him. For they feared him / because all the people marveled at his doctrine. And when evē was come / he went out of the cite. And in the mornynge as theyMathew xxj. c. passed by / they sawe the fygge tree dryed vp by ye rotes. And Peter remembred / & sayde vn to him: master / beholde / the fygge tree which thou cursedest / is widdred awaye. And Iesus answered / & sayde vnto them: Have confidēs in God. ✚ Verely I saye vnto you / that who soever shall saye vnto this mountayne: take awaye thy silfe / & cast thy silfe in to the see / & shall not waver in his herte / but shall beleve y• those thinges which he sayeth shall comeMathew vij. a. and xxij. c. Mat. vj. b Luk. xj. b Couenaunt. Ecclesia. xxviij. to passe / what soever he sayeth / shalbe done to him. Therfore I saye vnto you / what soever [Page lxiiii] ye desyre when ye praye / beleve yt ye shall have it / & it shalbe done vnto you. And when ye stōd & praye / forgeve / yf ye have eny thinge agaynste eny man / yt youre father also which is in hevē / maye forgeve you youre trespases.
And they came agayne to Hierusalem. And D as he walked in the tēple / ther came to him ye Mathew xxj. c. & Lu. xx. a hye prestes / & the Scribes / and the elders / & sayd vnto him: by what auctorite doest thou these thinges? & who gave the this auctorite / to do these thinges? Iesus answered & sayde vnto them: I will also axe of you a certayne thinge: & answere ye me / & I wyll tell you byThe baptyme of Iohn. what auctorite I do these thinges. The baptyme of Iohn / was it from heven or of men? Answer me. And they thought in them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heven: he will saye why then dyd ye not beleve him? but if we shall saye / of mē: then feare we ye people. For all men counted Iohn / that he was a verie Prophete. And they answered & sayd vn to Iesu: we cannot tell. And Iesus answered & sayd vnto them: nether wyll I tell you / by what auctorite I do these thynges. ⊢
¶ The .xii. Chapter.
ANd he beganne to speake vnto them in A Mathew xxj. d. Vyneyas de. similitudes. A certayne man planted a vineyarde / & cōpased it with an hedge / & ordeyned a wyne presse / and bylt a toure in yt. And let yt out to hyre vnto husbandmē / and went into a straunge countre. And whenLu. xx. b Esai. l. a. Hie. ij. d. the tyme was come / he sent to the tennauntes a servaunt / that he myght receave of the [Page] tenauntes of the frute of the vyneyarde. And they caught him & bet him & sent him agayne emptye. And moreover he sent vnto them another servaunt / & at him they cast stones & brake his heed / and sent him agayne all to revyled. And agayne he sent another / and him they kylled: and many other / beetynge some / and kyllinge some.
Yet had he one sonne whom he loved tenderly / him also he sent at the last vnto them sayinge: they wyll feare my sonne. But the tenauntes sayde amongest them selves: this is the heyre: come let vs kyll hym / & ye inheritaū ce shalbe oures. And they toke him and kyll'id him / & cast him out of the vyneyarde. What shall then the lorde of the vyneyarde do? He will come & destroye ye tenaunte / & let out the vyneyarde to other. Have ye not redde this scripture? The stoone which ye bylders dyd refuse / isPsalm. cxvij. d. Esaie. xxviij. Act. iiij. b Roman. ix. g. i. Petri. ij. a. made ye chefe stoone in ye corner: this was done of ye Lorde / & is mervelous in oure eyes. And they went about to take him / but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he spake that similitude agaynst them. And they left him and went their waye.
And they sent vnto him certayne of y• Pharises B Mathe. xxiij. b. Lu. xx. d with Herodes servante / to take him in his wordes. And allone as they were come / they sayd vnto him: master we knowe yt thou arte true / & carest for no man: for thou consyderest not the degre of men / but teachest the waye of God truly: Ys it laufull to paye tributeTribute to Cesar. to Cesar / or not? Dught we to geve / or [Page lxv] ought we not to geve? He vnderstode their simulacion / and sayde vnto them: Why tēpte ye me? Brynge me apeny / that I maye se yt. And they brought. And he sayde vnto them: Whose ys thys ymage and superscripcion? And they sayde vnto him / Cesars. And Iesus answered & saide vnto thē: Then geve to CesarRoman. xiij. c that which belongeth to Cesar: & to God / that which perteyneth to God. And they mervelled at him.
Then came the Saduces vnto him / whichMathew xxij. c Lu. xx. d Deutero. xxv. b Saduces saye / ther is no resurreccion. And they axed hym sayinge: Master / Moses wroote vnto vs yf eny mans brother dye / & leve his wyfe behinde him / & leve no chyldren: that then hys brother shuld take his wyfe / & reyse vp seed vnto his brother. Ther were seven brethren: and the fyrst toke a wyfe / and when he dyed leeft no seed behynde him. And the seconde toke hir / & dyed: nether leeft eny seed. And the thyrde lyke wyse. And sevē had her / and leeft no seed behynde them. Last of all the wyfe dyed also. In the resurrecciō then / when they shall ryse agayne: whose wyfe shall she be of them? For seven had her to wyfe. Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Are ye not therfore deceaved and vnderstonde not the scryptures / nether the power of God? For when they shall ryse agayne frō deeth / they nether mary / nor are maryed: but are as the angels which are in heven. As touchynge the deed / Resurreccion. that they shall ryse agayne: have ye not redde in the boke of Moses / howe in the busshe [Page] God spake vnto him sayinge: I am the GodEx. iij. b of Abraham / and God of Ysaac / and the GodMathew. xvij. b. Luke. x. c of Iacob? He is not the God of the deed / but the God of the livynge. Ye are therfore greatly deceaved.
And ther came one of the scribes that had C hearde them disputynge to gedder / and perceaved that he had answered them well / andFyrst cō maundement. Deutero. vj. a. axed him: Which is the fyrste of all the commaundemētes? Iesus answered him: the fyrste of all the cōmaundementes is. Heare Israel: The Lorde God / is one Lorde. And thou shalt love the Lorde thy God with all thy hert / and with all thy soule / and with all thyLeui. xix d. Math. xxij. d. Roman. xiij. c Gala. v. c mynde / and with all thy strength. This is the fyrste commaundement. And the seconde is lyke vnto this: Thou shalt love thy neghbour as thy silfe. Ther is none other commaundement greater then these.
And the Scribe sayde vnto him: well master / thou hast sayd y• truthe / that ther ys one God / and that ther is none but he. And to love him with all the herte / & with all the mynde / & with all the soule / & with all the strēgth: and to love a mans neghbour as him silfe / ys a greater thinge then all burnt offerings & sacrifices. And when Iesus sawe that he answered discretly / he sayde vnto him: Thou arte not farre from the kyngdome of God. And no man after that / durst axe him eny questiō.D Mat. xxij d. lu. xx g Davids sonne. Psalm .cjx. a.
And Iesus answered and sayde / teachynge in the temple: how saye the Scribes yt Christ is the sonne of David? For David him selfe [Page lxvi] inspyred with the holy goost / sayde: The Lorde sayde to my Lorde / syt on my right honde / tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole. Then David hym silfe calleth him Lorde: & by what meanes is he then his sonne? And moche people hearde him gladly.Mathew .xxiij. a. Luk. xj. f Longe clothes. Salutacions. Chefe seates. wydowe houses. Luke. xxj. a. Povre wydowe.
And he sayde vnto them in his doctrine: beware of the Scribes which love to goo in longe clothinge: and love salutacions in ye market places / and the chefe seates in the synagoges / and to syt in the vppermost roumes at feastes / and devoure widowes houses / & that vnder coloure of longe prayinge. These shall receave greater dampnacion.
✚ And Iesus sat over agaynst the treasury / and behelde how the people put money into the treasury. And many that were ryche / cast in moch. And ther cam a certayne povre widowe / and she threwe in two mytes / which make a farthynge. And he called vnto him his disciples and sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you / that this pover widowe hath cast moare in / then all they which have caste into the treasury. For they all dyd cast in of their superfluyte: but she of her poverte / dyd cast in all that she had / evē all her livynge. ⊢
¶ The .xiii. Chapter.
ANd as he went out of the tēple one ofMathe. xiiij. a The destruccion of the tē ple. his disciples sayde vnto him: Master / A se what stones / and what byldynges are here. And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Seist thou these greate byldinges? There shall not be leefte one stone vpon a another [Page] [...] [Page lxviii] [...] [Page] / that shall not be throwen doune.
And as he sate on moūte olivete / over agēst the tēple / Peter / & Iames / & Iohn / & Andrew axed him secretly: tell vs / when shall these thingꝭ be? And what is ye signe whē all these thinges shalbe fulfilled? And Iesus answered thē / & begā to saye: take hede lest eny manAntichrist. deceave you. For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ / & shall deceave many.
When ye shall heare of warre and tydinge of warre / be ye not troubled. For soche thinges muste nedes be. But the ende is not yet. For ther shall nacion aryse agaynste nacion / and kyngdome agaynst kyngdome. And ther shalbe erth quakes in all quarters / & famyshment and troubles. These are the begynnynge of sorowes.
But take ye hede to youre selves. For they B shall bringe you vp to ye counsels & into y• synagoges / and ye shalbe beaten: ye and shalbe brought before rulers & kynges for my sake / for a testimoniall vnto them. And the gospell must fyrste be publysshed amōge all nacions.
But when they leade you and present you / Mat. x. b. toke noo thought afore honde what ye shall saye / nether ymagion: but whatsoever is gevē you at the same tyme / that speake. For it shallThe spirite answereth. not be ye that shall speake / but ye holy goost. Ye and the brother shall delyvre the brother to deeth / & the father the sonne / & the chyldrē shall ryse agaynste their fathers & mothers / & shall put them to deeth. And ye shalbe hated of all men for my names sake. But whosoever [Page lxvii] shall endure vnto the ende / the same shalbe safe.
Moreover whē ye se the abhominaciō that C Mathew .xxiiij. Luke .xxj. d. Daniel ix. a. Daniel betokeneth desolacion / wherof is spoken by Daniel the Prophet / stonde where it ought not / let him that redeth vnderstonde. Then let them that be in Iurie / fle to the mountaynes. And let him that is on the housse toppe / not descende doune into the housse / nether entre therin / to fetche eny thinge oute of his housse. And let hym that is in the felde / not tourne backe agayne vnto the thinges which he leeft behynde him / for to take his cloothes with him. Woo is then to them that are wt chylde / & to them that geve soucke in thoose dayes. But praye / that youre flyght be not in the wynter. For ther shalbe in those dayes suche tribulacion / as was not from the begynningeWynter of creatures which God created / vnto this tyme / nether shalbe. And excepte y• theElecte. Lorde shuld shorten those dayes / no mā shuld be saved. But for the electes sake / which he hath chosen / he hath shortened those dayes.
And then / y [...] [...]ny man saye to you: loo / hereMathew .xxiiij. Luk. xxi b. c. is Christ: loo / he is there / beleve not. For fal [...]e Christes shall aryse / and falce Prophetes and shall shewe myracles and wondres / to deceave yf it were possible / evyn the electe. But take ye hede: beholde I have shewed youEzech. xxxi [...]. b. Esa. xiij b. Ioel .iij. c. all thinges before.
Moreover in thoose dayes / after that tribulaciō / the sunne shall wexe darke / and the moue shall not geve her light / and the starres of [Page] heven shall fall: and the powers wich are in heven / shall move. And then shall they se the D sonne of man cōmynge in the cloudes / with greate power and glory. And then shall he sende his angels / and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fower wyndes / and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
Learne a similitude of ye fygge tree. WhenFygge tree. his braunches are yet tender / & hath brought forthe leves / ye knowe that sommer is neare. So in lyke maner when ye se these thinges come to passe: vnderstond / that it ys nye even at the dores. Verely I saye vnto you / yt this generacion shall not passe / tyll all these thinges be done. Heven and erth shall passe / butThat daye knoweth no man. my wordes shall not passe. But of the daye & the houre knoweth no mā: no not the angels which are in heven: nether the sonne him silfe / save the father only.
Take hede / watche & praye / for ye knoweMathew xxiiij. Watche & praye. not when the tyme ys. As a man which is gone in to a straunge countrey / & hath lefte hys housse / and geven auctorite to his servaūtes / and to every man hys worke / and commaunded the porter to watche. Watche therfore / for ye knowe not when the master of ye housse will come / whether at evē or at mydnyght / whether at the cocke crowynge or in the daunynge: left yf he come sodenly / he shuld fynde you slepynge. And that I saye vnto you / I saye vnto all men / watche.
¶ The .xiiii. Chapter.
[Page lxviii]AFter two dayes folowed ester / and the A Mathew .xxvj. a. & Luke xxij. a. dayes of swete breed. And the hye prestes and the Scrybes sought meanes / how they myght take hym by crafte and put him to deeth. But they sayde: not in the feast daye / leest eny busynes aryse amonge the people.
When he was in Bethania / in the housseMathew xxvj. Io. xij. a. of Simon the leper / even as he sate at meate / ther came a womā hauynge an alablaster boxe of oyntment called narde / that was pure and costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed. And ther were some that wereIesus is annoynted. not content in them selves / & sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? For it myght have bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens / and bene gevē vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynste hir.
And Iesus sayde: let hir be in reest / why trouble ye hir? She hath done a good worke on me. For ye shall have poore with you all wayes: and when soever ye will / ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not have alwayes. She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done / shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her.
And Iudas Iscarioth / one of the twelve / B Mathew .xxvj. Luke .xxii. [...] He is betrayed. went awaye vnto the hye prestes / to betraye hym vnto them. When they herde that / they were gladde / & promised ye they wolde geve [Page] him money. And he sought / howe he myght conveniently betraye him.
And the fyrste daye of swete breed / whenMathew .xxvj. Luke xxij. a. men offer ye pascall lambe / his disciples sayd vnto him: where wilt thou that we goo & prepare / that thou mayst eate the ester lambe? And he sent forth two of his disciples / & sayde vnto them: Goo ye into the cyte / and ther shall a man mete you beringe a pitcher of water / folowe him. And whither soever he goeth in / saye ye to ye good man of ye housse: the master axeth where is the geest chambre / where I shall eate ye ester lambe with my disciples. And he will shewe you a greate parlour / paved & prepared: there make ready for vs. And his disciples went forth & came to the cyte / & founde as he had sayd vnto them: and madeEster lambe. ready the ester lambe.
And at even he came with the .xii. And as C Mathew. xx vj. tu. xxvj. b. Io. xiij [...]. they sate at borde and ate / Iesus sayde: Derely I saye vnto you: that one of you shall betraye me / which cateth with me. And they begāne to morne / & to saye to him one by one: ys it I? And a nother sayde: ys it I? He answered and sayde vnto them: It ys one of the .xii. and the same deppeth with me in the platter. The sonne of man goeth / as it ys written ofPsal. xl. c him: but woo be to that man / by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Good were it for him / if that man had never bene borne.
And as they ate Iesus toke breede / blessedf. Lo. xj c & brake & gave to them and sayde: Take / eate / this ys my body. And he toke the cup / gave [Page lxix] thankes / and gave it to them / & they all drankeThe institution of the sacrament. of it. And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many. Derely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne / vntyll that daye / that I drinke it new in the kyngdome of God. And when they had sayd grace / they went out to mount Olyvete.
And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe offended thorow me this nyght. For it isMathew .xxvj. zacha. xiij. c. wryttē: I will smyte ye shepeherd / & the shepe shalbe scattered. But after that I am rysen agayne / I will goo into Galile before you. Peter sayde vnto him: And though all menLuke. xxij. d. Ioan. xviij. a. Io. xvj [...] shuld be offended / yet wolde not I. And Iesus sayd vnto him: Derely I saye vnto y• / this daye even in this nyght / before ye cocke crowe twyse / thou shalt denye me thryse. And he spake boldlyer: no / yf I shulde dye wt the / I will not deny the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all.
And they came into a place named Gethsemani.D Mat. xx vj. lu. xx ij. d. And he sayde to his disciples: Syt ye here / whyll I goo aparte & praye. And he toke with him Peter / Iames & Iohn / & he began to waxe abasshed & to be in an agonye & sayde vnto thē: My soule is very hevy even vntoHe armeth him selfe agaynst his passion. the deeth / tary here and watche. And he went forth a lytle and fell doune on ye grounde & prayed: & prayed: that yf it were possible / the houre myght passe from him. And he sayd: Abba father / all thinges are possible vnto the / take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will / but that thou wilt / be done.
[Page]And he cam & founde thē slepinge / & sayd to Peter: Simon / slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche with me one houre? watche ye / & praye / leest ye entre into temptacion: ye sprete is redy / but ye flessh is weeke. And agayne he went awaye & prayde / & spake ye same wordes. And he returned and founde them a slepe agayne / for their eyes were hevy: nether wist they what to answere him. And he cam the thyrde tyme / & sayd vnto thē: slepe hens forth & take youre ease / it is ynough. The houre is come / beholde ye sonne of man shalbe delyveted into ye hondes of synners. Ryse vp / let vs goo. Loo he that betrayeth me / is at hande.
And immediatly whyll he yet spake / cameMathew xxvj Lu. xxij. e. Io. xviij. Iudas one of the twelve / & with him a greate nomber of people with sweardes & staves E from the hye prestes and scribes and elders. And he that betrayed him / had geven them a generall He is betrayed of Iudas, which also gave them a token to know him by. tokē sayinge: whosoever I do kisse / he it is: take him & leade him awaye warely. And assone as he was come / he went streyght waye to him / and sayd vnto him: master master / and kissed him. And they layde their hondes on him / & toke him. And one of them that stode by / drue out a swearde / and smote a setvaunt of the hye preste / and cut of his eare.Thre. iiij. d.
And Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: ye be come out as vnto a thefe wt sweardes & with staves / for to take me. I was dayly with you in ye temple teachinge & ye toke me not: but yt the scriptures shuld be fulfilled. And they all forsoke him & ranne awaye. And ther folowed [Page lxx] him a certerne yonge man / cloothed in lynnenThe yoū ge man yt was clothed in lynen. Mathew .xxvj. Lu. xxij f Iohan .xviij. He is falslye accused. apon y• bare / & the yongemen caught him / & he lefte his lynnen and fleed from them naked.
And they leed Iesus awaye to ye hyest preste of all / and to him came all the hye prestes / and the elders / and the scribes. And Peter folowed him a greate waye of / even into the pallys of the hye preste / & sat with the servauntes / and warmed him sylfe at the fyre.
And the hye prestes & all ye counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu / to put him to death / and F founde noone. Yet many bare falce witnes agaynste him / but their witnes aggreed not to geder. And ther aroose certayne and brought falce witnes agaynste him / sayinge.Ioh. iij. We herde him saye: I will destroye this temple made with hondes / and with in thre dayes I will bylde another / made with out honde. But their witnes agreed not to geder.
And the hyeste preste stode vp amongestHe holdeth his peace. them / & axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? How is it that these beure witnes agaynst the? And he helde his peace / and answered noothinge. Agayne the hyeste Preste axed him / & sayde vnto him: Arte thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of power / and come in the cloudes of heven. Then the hyest preste rentHe is mocked spyt on / blynfolded & boffeded. his cloothes and sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? Ye have herde the blasphemy what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence yt he was worthy of deeth. And some begāne to [Page] spit at him / & to cover his face / & to bete him with fistes / & to saye vnto him / arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face.
And as Peter was beneeth in ye pallys / ther came one of y• wēches of ye hyest preste: & whē G Mathew .xxvj. g. Lu. xxij. f Iohan. xviij. c. she saw Petre warmynge him sylfe / she loked on him / & sayd: wast not thou also wt Iesus of Nazareth? And he denyed it sayinge: I knowe him not / nether wot I what thou sayest. And he went out into ye poorche / & the cocke crewe.Peter denyeth. And a damsell sawe him / & agayne beganne to saye to thē that stode by / this is one of thē. And he denyed it agayne. And anone after / they that stode by / sayde agayne to Peter: suerly thou arte one of thē / for thou arte of Galile / &Mathew xxij. luk xxij. f. g Iohan .xviiij. e. thy speache agreth therto. And he beganne to cursse & to sweare sayinge: I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. And agayne the cocke krewe / and Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayd vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse / thou shalt deny me thryse & beganne to wepe.
¶ The .xv. Chap.Mathew xxvij. Lu. xxiii Iohan .xxviij.
ANd anone in y• dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders & y• scribes / & A ye whoole cōgregacion / & bounde Iesus & ledde him awaye / & delivered him to Pilate. And Pilate axed him: arte thou theHe is delyvered to Pylate kynge of the Iewes? And he answered & sayde vnto him: thou sayest it. And the hye prestes accused him of many thinges. Wherfore Pilate axed him agayne sayinge: AnswerestMathew xxvii. lu. xxiija thou nothinge? Beholde how many thinges they lay vnto thy charge. Iesus yet answered [Page lxxi] never aworde / so that Pilate merveled.He holdeth his peace.
At that feast Pilate was wont to delivre at their pleasure a presoner: whomsoever they wolde desyre. And ther was one named Barrabas / which laye bounde with thē that madeBarrabas. insurreccion / & in the insurreccion cōmitted murther. And y• people called vnto him / & began to desyre accordinge as he had ever done vnto them. Pylate answered them and sayd: Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kynge of the Iewes? For he knewe that the hye Prestes had delyvered him of envy. But the hye prestes had moved the people / that he shuldMathew xxvii. d Lu. xxiij Iohan xviij. g. & xix. c. He is scourged & then delyvered to deathe. rather delyvre Barrabas vnto them.
And Pylate answered agayne / and sayd vnto thē: What will ye then that I do wt him B whom ye call y• kynge of ye Iewes? And they cryed agayne: crucifie him. Pylate sayde vnto them: What evell hath he done? And they cryed y• moore fervently: crucifie him. And so Pylate willinge to content the people / lowsed them Barrabas / and delyvered Iesus when he had scourged him / for to be crucified.
And the souddeers ledde him awaye into ye commen hall / and called togedder the whooleMath. xxvij. multitude / & they clothed him with purple / and they platted a croune of thornes & crounedHe is crouned. him with all / and beganne to salute him. Hayle kynge of the Iewes. And they smooteHe is boffeted. Math. xxvij. lu. xxiij. him on the heed wt a rede / and spat apon him / and kneled doune and worsheped him.
And when they had moocked him / they toke the purple of him / & put his awne cloothes [Page] on him / and ledde him oute / to crucifie him. And they compelled one that passed by / called Symon of Cyrene (which cam oute of the felde / and was father of Alexander and Rufus) to beare his crosse. And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (which is byGolgotha. Math. xxvij. Luke. xxiij. d. His garmentes are devyded. Io. xix. d He is crucified. Gsa. liij d interpretacion / the place of deed mens scoulles) and they gave him to drinke / wyne myngled with myrte / but he receaved it not.C
And when they had crucified him / they parted his garmentes / castinge loottes for them / what every man shulde have. And it was aboute y• thyrde houte / and they crucified him. And the tytle of his cause was wrytten: The kynge of the Iewes. And they crucified with him two theves: the one on the ryght honde / and the other on his lyfte. And the scripture was fulfilled which sayeth: he was counted amonge the wicked.
And they that went by / rayled on him: waggyngeHe is ray fed on. their heedes and sayinge: Awretche / that destroyest the temple and byldest it inIo. ij. d. thre dayes: fave thy fylfe / and come doune from the crosse. Lyke wyse also mocked him y• hye preestes amonge them selves with the scribes and sayde: He saved other men / him sylfe he cannot save. Let Christ the kynge of Israel now descende from the crosse / that we maye se and beleve. And they that were crucified with him / checked him also.
And when the sixte houre was come / darknes D aroose over all the erth / vntyll y• nynthe houre. And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed [Page lxxii] with a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi / Eloi / lamaasbathani / whichPsal. xx [...] is yf it be interpreted: my God / my God / why hast thou forsaken me? And some of them that stode by / when they hearde yt / sayde: beholde he calleth for HelyasVyneger is offred him to drinke. And one ran & filled a sponge full of veneger / and put it on a rede / and gave him to drinke / sayinge: let him alone / let vs se whether Helyas will come and take him doune.
But Iesus cryed with aloude voyce / & gaveHe geveth vp his spirit. vp the gooste. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent in two peces / from the toppe to the boottome. And when the Centurion whichThe vay lerenteth stode before him / sawe that he so cryed & gave vp the gooste / he sayd: truly this man was the sonne of God. Ther were also wemen a good waye of beholdinge him: amonge whom was Mary Magdalen / & Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses / and Mary Salome: which also when he was in Galile / folowed him and ministred vnto him / and many other wemen which came vp with him to Hierusalem.
And now when nyght was come (becauseMathew xxvij. Luke .xxiij. g. Io. xix. g it was y• even that goeth before y• saboth) Ioseph of Arimathia a noble councelour which E also loked for y• kyngdome of God / came and went in booldly vnto Pylate / & begged ye boddy of Iesu. And Pylate merveled that he was alredy deed / & called vnto him y• Centurion / He is buryed. & axed of him / whether he had bene eny whyle deed. And when he knewe the trueth of the Centurion / he gave y• body to Ioseph. And he [Page] bought a lynnen cloothe / and toke him doune & wrapped him in y• lynnen cloothe / & layde him in a tombe yt was hewen oute of y• rocke / & / rolled a stone vnto the dore of the sepulcre. And Mary Magdalen & Mary Ioses beheld where he was layde.
¶ The .xvi. Chap.
ANd when y• saboth daye was past / Mary A Luke .xxiiij. a Io. xx. a. Magdalen / & ✚ Mary Iacobi / & Salome / bought odures / that they myght come & anoynt him. And erly in the morninge the nexte daye after the saboth day / they came vnto the sepulcre / when the sunne was rysen. And they sayd one to another: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone from the dore of the sepulcre? And when they looked / they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye: For it was aMath. xxviij. Io. xx. c. very greate one. And they went into the sepulcre / and sawe a yonge man syttinge on the ryght syde / cloothed in a longe whyte garmēt / and they were abasshed.
And he sayd vnto thē / be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified.B He is rysen / he is not here. Beholde the place / Math. xxviij. c. where they put him. But go youre waye / and tell his disciples / & namely Peter: he will goo before you into Galile: there shall ye se him / as he sayde vnto you. ✚ And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayd they enythinge to eny man / for they were afrayed.
✚ When Iesus was rysen the morow afterMarie Magdalene. y• saboth daye / he appered fyrst to Mary Magdalen / oute of whom he cast seven devyls. [Page lxxiii] And she wēt and toolde them that were with him as they morned and weapte. And when they herde / that he was alyve and he had appered to hyr / they beleved it not. After that / Luke .xxiiji. b. he appered vnto two of them in a straunge figure / as they walked and went into the country. And they went and toolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleved them nether. ⊢
✚ After that he appered vnto the elevē as C Math. xxviij. Luke .xxiiij. f. Io. xx. c. Math: xxviij. they sate at meate: and cast in their tethe their vnbelefe & hardnes of herte: because they beleued not them which had sene him after his resurrecciō. And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye in to all the worlde / and preache the glad tyges to all creatures / he that beleueth and is baptised / shallbe saved. But he that beleveth not / shalbe dampned.
And these signes shall folowe them that beleve:D In my name they shall cast oute devyls and shall speake with newe tonges / and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke eny dedly thinge / yt shall not hurte thē. They shall laye their honde on y• sicke / & they shall recover.
So then when the lorde had spoken vntoLuke .xxiiij. g. them / he was receaued in to heauen / and is set doune on the ryght honde of God. And they went forth / and preached every where. And the Lorde wrought with them / and confirmed the worde with miracles that folowed. ⊢
¶ The Gospell of S. Luke.
FOr as moche as many have takē in hand to compyle a treates of thoo thinges / which are surely knowen amonge vs / even as they declared them vnto vs / which from the beginnynge sawe them their selves / and were ministers at the doyng: I determined also / assone as I had searched out diligently all thinges from the beginnynge / that then I wolde wryte vnto the / good Theophilus: that thou myghtest knowe the certente of thoo thingꝭ / wher of thou arte informed.
¶ The Fyrst Chapter
THere was in the dayes of Herode A kynge of Iurie / a certayne prestzacharias named zacharias / of ye course of Abia. And his wyfe was of ye doughters of Aaron: And her name was Elizabeth. Booth wereElizabeth perfect before God / and walked in all the lawes and ordināces of the Lorde / that no man coulde fynde fawte with them. And they had no chylde / because that Elizabeth was barrē and booth were well stricken in age.
And it cam to passe / as he executed the prestes office before god / as his course came (accordinge to the custome of the prestes office) [...]eniti. [...]j. d his lot was to bourne incēce. And wēt into y• tēple of ye Lorde & the whoale multitude of y• people were with out in prayer whill the incense [Page lxxiiii] was aburnynge. And ther appered vnto him an angell of the lorde stondinge on the ryght syde of the altare of incense. And when zacharias sawe him / he was abasshed / and feare came on him.
And the angell sayde vnto him: feare not B Zachary / for thy prayer is hearde: And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare y• a sonne / & thou shalt call his name Iohn / and thou shalt haveIhon. ioye and gladnes / and many shall reioyce at his birth. For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde / and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost / even in his mothers wombe: & many of the chyldren of Israel shall he tourne to their Lorde God. And he shall goo before him in the sprete & power of Helyas / to tourne the To make the children have soche an harte to God as Abrahā and the fathers had. hertes of the fathers to the chyldren / Psal. cxxxi. Mala. iij. a. mal. iiij. b. & the vnbelevers to the wysdom of the iustemen: to make the people redy for the Lorde.
And Zacharias sayde vnto y• angell. Wherdy shall I knowe this? seinge that I am olde and my wyfe well stricken in yeares. And theA Signe is axed. angell answered and sayde vnto him: I am Gabriell that stonde in the presens of God / and am sent to speake vnto the: and to shewe the these glad tydinges. And beholde thou shalt be domme / and not able to speake vntyll the tyme that these thinges be performed / because thou belevedst not my wordes which shalbe fulfilled in their season.
And the people wayted for zacharias / & mer yelled that he taryed in the temple. And whē [Page] he cam oute / he could not speake vnto them. Wherby they perceaved that he had sene some vision in the temple. And he beckened vnto them / and remayned speachlesse.
✚ And it fortuned / assone as y• tyme of his C office was oute / he departed home into his awne housse. And after thoose dayes / his wyfe Elizabeth cōceaved / & hyd her selfe .v. monethes sayinge: This wyse hath God dealte wt me in y• dayes when he loked on me / to take from me the rebuke yt I suffred a monge men.
And in y•. vi. moneth y• angell Gabriel was sent frō god vnto a cite of Galile / named Nazareth / to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph / of y• housse of David / & y• virgins name was Mary. And y• angell went inMarie. vnto her / & sayde: Hayle full of grace / y• Lorde is with y•: blessed arte thou amonge wemen.
When she sawe him / she was abasshed at his sayinge: & cast in her mynde what maner of salutacion yt shuld be. And y• angell sayde vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou hast founde grace wt god. Loo: thou shalt cōceave in thyEsa. vij. d. Iesus. Daniel .vij. d. Mic. iiij. e wombe / & shalt beare a sonne / & shalt call his name Iesus. He shalbe greate / & shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David / & he shall ravgne over y• housse of Iacob for ever / & of his kyngdome shalbe none ende.
Then sayd Mary vnto y• angell: How shall this be / seinge I knowe not a man? And y• angell D answered & sayd vnto her: The holygoost shall come apon the / & y• power of y• hyest shall [Page lxxv=] over shaddowe ye. Therfore also y• holy thinge which shalbe borne / shalbe called ye sonne B of god. And beholde / thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceaved a sonne in her age. And this is hyr sixte moneth / though she be called barren: for wt god can nothinge be vnpossible. And Mary sayd: beholde y• honde mayden of y• lorde / be it vnto me even as thou hast sayde. ✚ And the angell departed from her.
✚ And Mary arose in thoose dayes / & wentMarie greteth Elizabeth. into y• mountayns wt hast / into a cite of Iurie & entred into the housse of zachary / & saluted Elizabeth. And it fortuned / as Elizabeth hearde y• salutacion of Mary / the babe spronge in her belly. And Elizabeth was filled with the holy goost / and cryed with a loude voyce / & sayde: Blessed arte thou amonge wemen / and blessed is the frute of thy wombe. And whence hapeneth this to me / that the mother of my Lorde shuld come to me? For loo / assone as the voyce of thy salutacion sownded in myne cares / the babe sprange in my belly for ioye. And blessed arte thou that belevedst: for C thoose thinges shalbe performed wich were tolde y• from the lorde. And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lorde.
And my sprete reioyseth in god mysavioure ✚ Magnificat. For he hath loked on the povre degre of his honde maydē. Beholde now from hence forth shall all generacions call me blessed.
For he that is myghty hath done to me greate thinges / and holye is his name.
And his mercy is on them that feare him thorow [Page] oute all generacions.
He sheweth strength with his arme / he scattereth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hertes.
He putteth doune the myghty from their seates and exalteth them of lowe degre.
He filleth the hongry with good thinges: and sendeth awaye the ryche emptye.
He remenbreth mercy: and helpeth his servaunt Israel.
Even as he promised to oure fathers / AbrahamEsaie .xlj. b. and to his seede for ever.
And mary aboode with hyr aboute a .iii. monethes / &Esaie .xxx. d. & .liiij. b. Hiere. xxxj. a. Psalino. [...]xxxi. Ge. xxij. [...]etourned agayne to hyr awne housse.F ✚ Elizabethes tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered and she brought forth a sonne. And her neghboures & her cosins hearde tell how the lorde had shewed great mercy vpon her / and they reioysed with her.
And it fortuned ye eyght daye: they cam to circumcise the chylde: and called his name zacharias / afterIhon is borne. the name of his father. How be it his mother answered / & sayd: not so / but he shalbe called Ihon. And they sayd vnto hyr: Ther is none of thy kynne / that is named wt this name. And they made signes to his father / how he wolde have him called. And he axed for wrytynge tables and wroote saying: his name is Iohn. And▪ hey marvelled all. And his mouthe was opened immediately / & his tonge also / & he spake lawdynge God. And feare came on all thē that dwelt nye vnto them. And all these sayinges were [...]oysed [Page lxxvi] abroade throughout all y• hyll coūtre of Iurie & all they yt herde thē layde them vp in their hertes saying: What maner chylde shall this [...]er And the honde of y• lorde was with him.
And his father zacharias was filled with the holy goost / and prophisyed sayinge:
Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel / for he hath visited and redemed his people. ✚ Benedictus. P [...]almo. lxxiij. & ▪cxxxj. d Hiere. xxiij. a and xxx. b. Hieremie xxxj. f. Gene. xxix. c▪
And hath reysed vp an horne of salvacion G vnto vs / in the housse of his servaunt David.
Even as he promised by ye mouth of his holy prophete which were sens ye worlde began
That we shuld besaved from oure enemies and from the hondis of all that hate vs:
To fulfill the mercy promised to oure fathers / and to remember his holy covenaunt.
And to performe the oothe which he sware to oure father Adraham / for to geve vs.
That we delyvered oute of y• hondes of oure enemyes / myght serve him with oute feare / all the dayes of oure lyfe / in suche holynes & ryghtewesnes that are accept before him.
And thou chylde / shalt be called the Prophet of the hyest: for thou shalt goo before the face of the lorde / to prepare his wayes:
And to geve knowlege of salvacion vnto his people / for the remission of synnes:
Through the tender mercy of oure God / wherby the Christ is the daye springe that geueth light to thē that sit in darkenes of the ignoraunce of God. daye springe from an hye hath visited vs.
To geve light to thē that sate in darcknes and in shadowe of deth / and to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace. [Page] And the chylde grew and wexed stronge in sprete / & was in wyldernes / tyll the daye cam when he shuld shewe him sylfe vnto the Israhelites.
¶ The .ii. Chap. ✚
ANd it chaunced in thoose dayes: y• ther went oute a cōmaundment from Auguste A the Emperour / that all the woorlde shuld be taxed. And this taxynge was ye fyrst and executed when Syrenius was leftenaūt in Syria. And every man went vnto his awne citie to be taxed. And Ioseph also ascended from Galile / oute of a cite called Nazareth / into Iurie: vnto y• cite of David which is called Bethleem / because he was of the housse and linage of David / to be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe which was with chylde.
And it fortuned whyll they were there / her tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered.Christ is borne. And she brought forth her fyrst begotten sonne / and wrapped him in swadlynge cloothes / & layed him in a manger / because ther was no roume for them within in the ynne.
And ther were in the same region shepherdesShepeherdes. abydinge in the felde and watching their B flocke by nyght. And loo: the angell of ye lorde stode harde by thē / & the brightnes of y• lorde shone rounde aboute them / & they were so [...] re afrayed. But the angell sayd vnto them: Be not afrayed. For beholde / I bringe you tydinges of greate ioye yt shal come to all y• people: for vnto you is borne this daye in the cite of David / a saveoure which is Christ y• lorde. And take this for a signe: ye shall fynde ye chyldeSigne. [Page lxxvii] swadled & layed in a māger. And streight waye ther was with the angell a multitude of hevenly sowdiers / laudynge God & sayinge: Glory to God an hye / & peace on the erth: and vnto men reioysynge. ⊢
And it fortuned / assone as the angels were C gone awaye frō them in to heven / ✚ the shepherdes sayd one to another: let vs goo evē vn to Bethleem / & se this thynge that is hapened which the Lorde hath shewed vnto vs. And they cam with haste / & founde Mary and Ioseph & the babe layde in a māger. And when they had sene it / they publisshed a brode the sayinge which was tolde them of that chylde. And all that hearde it / wondred at those thinges which were tolde thē of the shepherdes. But Mary kept all thoose sayinges / and pondered them in hyr hert. And the shepherdes retourned / praysinge and laudinge God for all that they had herde and sene / evyn as it was told vnto them. ⊢
✚ And when ye eyght daye was come y• theLeuitic. xij. a Christ is circuncised. Matt. j. c chylde shuld be circūcised / his name was called Iesus / which was named of the angell before he was conceaved in the wombe. ⊢
✚ And when the tyme of their purificaciō D (after the lawe of Moyses) was come / theyLeuiti. xij. a. brought him to Hierusalem / to present hym to y• Lorde (as yt is written in the lawe of theEx. xiij. a. Nume. viij. c Lorde: every man that fyrst openeth the matri [...] / shalbe called holy to the Lorde) & to offer (as it ys sayde in the lawe of the Lorde) a payLeuiti. xij. [...] [...]e of turtle doves or two yonge pigions.
[Page]And beholde ther was a mā in HierusalemSimeon. whose name was Simeon. And the same mā was iuste and feared God / and longed for the consolacion of Israel / and the holy goost was in him. And an answer was geven him of the holy goost / that he shulde not se deethe / before he had sene the lordes Christ. And he came by inspiracion in to the temple.
And when the father and mother brought in the chylde Iesus▪ to do for him after the custome of the lawe / then toke he him vp in his armes and sayde.
Lorde / Now lettest thou thy seruaūt departeNunc dimittis. in peace / accordinge to thy promes.
For myne eyes have sene ye saveour sent frō y• Wich thou hast prepared before the face of all people.
A light to lighten the gentyls / and the glory B of thy people Israel. ⊢
✚ And his father and mother mervelled at those thinges which were spokē of him. And Simeon blessed them / and sayde vnto Mary his mother: beholde / this chyld shalbe the fall and resurrecciō of many in Israel / and aEsa. viij. c. Rom. x. g. i. petri ▪ij. b. signe which shalbe spokē agaynste. And mor [...] ver the swearde shall pearce thy soule / yt the thoughtes of many hertes maye be opened.
And ther was a Prophetesse / one Anna / the doughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Aser:Anna. which was of a greate age / & had lyved with an husbande .vii. yeres from her virginite. And she had bene a wedowe aboute .iiii. scoore and .iiii. yere / which went never oute of the [Page lxxviii] temple / but served God with fastinge & prayer nyght and daye. And the same came forth that same houre / and praysed the Lorde / and spake of him to all that loked for redempcion in Hierusalem.
And asso [...]e as they had performed all thinges accordinge to the lawe of the Lorde / they returned into Galile to their awne cite Nazareth. And the chylde grewe and wexed stronde in sprete / and was filled with wysdome / & the grace of God was with hym. ⊢
And his father and mother went to Hierusalem E every yeare at the fees [...]e of ester. ✚ And when he was .xii. yere olde / they went vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the feeste. And when they had fulfilled the dayes / as they returned home / the chylde Iesus boode styll in Hierusalem / vnknowynge to his father and mother. For they supposed he had bene in the cōpany / and therfore came a day [...] iorney / & sought him amōge their kynsfolke & acquayntaunce. And when they founde hym not / they went backe agayne to Hierusalem / &Christ i [...] foūde d [...]s putinge in the tē ple. sought him. And it for [...]uned after .iii. dayes / that they founde him in the tēple / sittinge in the middes of the doctours / both hearynge them and posinge them. And all that hearde him / mervelled at his wit and answers.
And when they sawe him / they were astonyed.G And his mother sayde vnto him: sonne / why hast thou thus dealte with vs? Beholde thy father & I / have sought the / sorowenge. And he▪ sayde vnto thē: how is it y• ye sought [Page] me? Wist ye not that I must goo aboute my fathers busines? And they vnderstode not y• sayinge that he spake to them. And he went with them / & came to Nazareth / & was obedient to thē. But his mother kept all these thinges in her hert. And Iesus increased in wisdom & age / & in favoure with god and man. ⊢
¶ The .iii. Chapter. ✚
IN the fiftenthe yeare of the raygne of A Tiberius the Emperoure / Pontius Pylate beinge leftenaūt of Iurie / & Herode beinge Tetrach of Galile / and his brotherTetrarche. Philip Tetrach in Iturea & in the region of Traconites / & [...]ysanias the Tetrach of Aby line / when Anna & Cayphas were the hye prestes: the worde of God came vnto Iohn y• sonneIohn baptist. Mat. iij. a Mark .j. a of zacharias in the wildernes. And he came in to all the coostes aboute Iordan / preachynge the baptyme of repentaunce for the remission of synnes / at it is written in the boke of the sayinges of Esaias ye Prophet which sayeth: The voyee of a cryar in wyldernes / Esa. x [...]. a Iohn .j. c. prepare the waye of the Lorde / make hys pathes strayght. Every valley shalbe fylled / and every moūtayne & hyll shalbe brought lowe. And crocked thinges shalbe made streight: & the rough wayes shalbe made smoth: and all flesshe shall se the saveour sent of God. ⊢
Then sayde he to the people that were come B Ma [...]. iij. [...] to be baptysed of him: O generacion of vipers / who hath taught you to flye from the wrath to come? Bringe forth due frutes of repentaunce / and begynne not to saye in youre [Page lxxix] selves / we have Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you: God is able of these stones to reyse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. Now also ys the axe leyd vnto the rote of the trees:The axe so yt every tree which bringeth not forth good frute / shalbe hewē doune / & caste in to ye fyre.
And the people axed him sayinge: What shall we do then? He answered & sayde vnto them: He that hath two coottes / let him parte with him that hath none: and he that hath meate / let him do lyke wyse.
Then came ther Publicans to be baptised / Publicans. & sayde vnto him: Master / what shall we do? And he sayde vnto thē: requyre nomore then that which ys appoynted vnto you.
The soudyoures lyke wyse demaunded of C Soudio [...] [...]es. hym sayinge: and what shall we do? And he sayde to them: Do violence to noo mā: nether trouble eny man wrongfully: but be content with youre wages.
As the people were in a doute / and all menMat. iij. [...] Mat. iij. [...] Ioh. j. d. disputed in their hertes of Iohn / whether he were very Christ: Ihon answered & sayde to them all: I baptyse you wt water / but a stronger then I cometh after me / whose shue latchet I am not worthy to vnlouse: he will baptise you with the holy goost / and with fyre: which hath his fanne in his hond / and willFanne. pourge his floore / and will gader the corne in to his barne: but the chaffe wyll he bourneChaffe. with fyre that never shalbe quenched. And many other thinges in his exhortacion preached he vnto the people.
[Page]Then Herode the Tetrach (when he was D Mat. iij. a Mar. j. b. Iohn is presoned rebuked of him for Herodias his brother Philippes wyfe / and for all the evyls which Herod had done) added this above all / and leyd Iohn in preson.
And yt fortuned as all the people receavedChrist is baptised. baptyme (and when Iesus was baptised and dyd praye) that heavē was opened & the holy goost came doune in a bodely shape lyke a do [...]e vpō him / & a voyce came frō hevē sayinge▪ Thou arte my dere sonne / in the do I delyte.
And Iesus him silfe was about thirty yere E of age when he begāne / beinge as men supposedGenea [...]ogie. the sonne of Ioseph.
which Ioseph was the sonne of Heli.
which was the sonne of Matha [...]
which was the sonne of Levi.
which was the sonne of Melchi:
which was the sonne of Ianna:
which was the sonne of Ioseph:
which was the sonne of Matatthias:
which was the sonne of Amos:
which was the sonne of Nahum:
which was the sonne of Esli:
which was the sonne of Nagge:
which was the sonne of Maath:
which was the sonne of Matathias:
which was the sonne of Semei:
which was the sonne of Ioseph:
which was the sonne of Iuda:
which was the sonne of Iohanna:
which was the sonne of Rhesya:
which was the sonne of [...]orobabel:F
[Page lxxx]which was the sonne of Salathiel:
which was the sonne of Neri:
which was the sonne of Melchi:
which was the sonne of Addi:
which was the sonne of Cosam:
which was the sonne of Helmadam:
which was the sonne of Her:
which was the sonne of Ieso:
which was the sonne of Helieser:
which was the sonne of Ioram:
which was the sonne of Mattha:
which was the sonne of Levi:
which was the sonne of Simeon:
which was the sonne of Iuda:
which was the sonne of Ioseph:
which was the sonne of Ionam:
which was the sonne of Heliachim:
which was the sonne of Melea:
which was the sonne of Menam:
which was the sonne of Mathathan:
which was the sonne of Nathan:
which was the sonne of David:
which was the sonne of Iesse:
which was the sonne of Obed:
which was the sonne of Boos:
which was the sonne of Salmon:G
which was the sonne of Naason:
which was the sonne of Aminadab:
which was the sonne of Aram:
which was the sonne of Esrom:
which was the sonne of Phares:
which was the sonne of Iuda:
which was the sonne of Iacob:
[Page]which was the sonne of Ysaac:
which was the sonne of Abraham:
which was the sonne of Tharra:
which was the sonne of Nachor:
which was the sonne of Saruch:
which was the sonne of Ragau:
which was the sonne of Phalec:
which was the sonne of Heber:
which was the sonne of Sala:
which was the sonne of Cainan:
which was the sonne of Arpha [...]a [...]:
which was the sonne of Sem:
which was the sonne of Noe:
which was the sonne of Lameth▪
which was the sonne of Mathusala:
which was the sonne of Enoch:
which was the sonne of Iareth:
which was the sonne of Malalehel.
which was the sonne of Cainan:
which was the sonne of Enos:
which was the sonne of Seth:
which was the sonne of Adam:
which was the sonne of God.
¶ The .iiii. Chapter.
IEsus then full of the holy goost / returnyd A Mat. iij. a Mar. j. b. frō Iordan / & was caryed of ye sprete into wildernes / & was .xl. dayes tempted of the devyll. And in thoose dayes ate he no thinge. And when they were ended / he afterwardIesus fasteth fourtye dayes hongred. And the devyll sayde vnto him: yf thou be the sonne of God / cōmaunde this stone yt it be breed. And Iesus answered hym sayinge: It is writtē: man shall not live [Page lxxxi] by breed only / but by every worde of God.Deutero▪ viij. d.
And ye devyll toke him vp into an hye moū tayne / & shewed him all the kyngdoms of the worlde / evē in ye twincklinge of an eye. And ye devyll sayde vnto him: all this power will I geve ye every whit & the glory of thē: for yt is delyvered to me / and to whosoever I will / I geve it. Yf thou therfore wilt worshippe me / they shalbe all thyne. Iesus answered him &Deutero▪ vj. c. and▪ x. d. sayde: hence from me Sathan. For it is written: Thou shalt honour the Lorde thy God / and him only serve.
And he caryed him to Ierusalem / & set him B on a pynacle of the temple / & sayd vnto him: Yf thou be the sonne of God / cast thy silfe doune from hens. For it is written / he shall geve his angels charge over the / to kepe the / Psal. x [...]. [...] and with there hondis they shall stey the vp that thou dasshe not thy fote agaynst a stone.Deutero▪ vj. c. Iesus answered and sayde to him / it is sayd: thou shalt not tempte the Lorde thy God. Assone as the devyll had ended all his temptacions / he departed from him / for a season.
✚ And Iesus retourned by the power of ye C Mathew▪ iiij. b. Mar. [...] ▪ b. Io. iiij. f. sprete in to Galile / and there went a fame of him thorowe oute all the regiō roūde aboute. And he taught in their synagoges / and was commended of all men.
And he came to Nazareth where he wasMathew .xiij. b. Mar. vj. [...] Io. iiij. f noursed / and as hys custome was / went in to the synagoge on the Saboth dayes / and stode vp for to rede. And ther was delyvered vnto him ye boke of ye Prophete Esaias. And when [Page] he had opened the boke / he founde the place / Esa. lxj. where it was written. The sprete of the lorde vpon me / because he hath annoynted me: to preache ye gospell to y• poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyveraūce to the captive / and sight to the blinde / and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused / & to preache the acceptable yeare of the Lorde.D
And he cloosed the booke / & gave it agayne to the minister / and sate doune. And the eyes of all that were in the synagoge / were fastened on him. And he began to saye vnto them. This daye is this scripture fulfilled in youre eares. And all bare him witnes / and wondred at the gracious wordes which proceded oute of his mouth / ✚ and sayde: Is not this Iosephs sonne?Iosephs sonne.
And he sayde vnto them: Ye maye very well saye vnto me this proverbe: Phisicion / heale thy silfe. ✚ Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum / do the same hereIo. iiij. f. lyke wyse in thyne awne countre. And he sayde / verely I saye vnto you: No Prophet is acceptedProphete iij. Reg. xvij. Iac. v. d. in his awne countre.
But I tell you of a truth / many wyddowes were in Israell in the dayes of Helias / when hevyn was shet thre yeres & syxe monethes / when greate fammisshemēt was throughouteThe wedowe of Sarepta. iiij. Reg. v. d. all the londe / & vnto none of them was Helias sent / save in to Sarephta besydes Sidon vnto a womā that was a widow. And many lepers were in Israel▪ in the tyme of Heliseu [...] [Page lxxxii] the Prophete: and yet none of them was healed / savingeNaaman Naaman of Siria.
And as many as were in ye sinagoge when E they herde that / were filled with wrath: and roose vp / and thrust him oute of the cite / and ledde him evē vnto the edge of the hill / wheron their cite was bilte / to cast him doune hedlynge. But he went his waye evē thorow themat. iiij. [...] Mar. j. c myddes of them: ✚ ✚ and came in to Capernaum a cyte of Galile / & there taught thē on the Saboth dayes. And they were astonyed at his doctrine: for his preachīge was wt power.
And in the synagoge ther was a mā whichmat. vij. [...] Mar. j. c. had a sprete of an vncleane devell / and cryed with aloude voyce sayinge: let me alone / whatThe vncleane spirite is cast oute. hast thou to do with vs / thou Iesus of Nazareth?F Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte / evē the holy of God. And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: holde thy peace / and come oute of him. And the devyll threwe him in the myddes of them and came oute of him / and hurt him not. And feare came on them all / and they spake amonge them selves sayinge: what māner a thinge is this? For with auctorite and power he commaundeth the foule sprete / and they come out? And ye fame of him spreed abroode thorowoute all places of the countre round aboute. ✚ Mathew .viij. b. Mar. [...]j, c. Simons mothere▪ lawe.
✚ And he roose vp & came oute of y• sinagoge / & entred in to Simons housse. And Simōs motherelawe was takē with a greate fever / & they made intercession to him for her. And he stode over her / & rebuked the fever: [Page] and it leeft her. And immediatly she arose & ministred vnto them.Layde his hāde on them.
When the sonne was doune / all they that G had sicke takē with divers deseases / brought them vnto him: & he layde his hondes on every one of them / & healed them. And devils also cam out of many of them / crying & saying: thou arte Christ the sonne of God. And he rebuked them / and suffered them not to speake: for they knewe that he was Christ.
Assone as it was daye / he departed & wentMar. j. d awaye into a desert place / & y• people sought him & came to him / & kept him that he shuld not departe from thē. And he sayde vnto thē: I muste to other cities also preache the kyngdome of God: ✚ for therfore am I sent. And he preached in the synagoges of Galile.
¶ The .v. Chapter. ✚ Mathew .iiij. c. Mark .j. b
IT came to passe as the people preased A vpon him / to heare the worde of God / that he stoode by the lake of Genezareth: & sawe two shippes stonde by the lake syde / but the fisshermen were gone out of thē / & were wasshynge their nettes. And he entred in to one of the shippes / which perteyned to Simon / and prayed him / that he wolde thrust out a litell from the londe. And he sate doune and taught the people out of the ship.
When he had leeft speakynge / he sayde vnto Simon: Launche out in to the depe / and let slippe youre nettes to make a draught / And Simon answered and sayde to him:B Master / we have labored all nyght / and have [Page lxxxiii] taken nothinge. Neverthelater at thy worde I will loose forthe the net. And when they had so done / they inclosed a greate multitude of fisshes. And their net brake: but they made signes to their felowes which were in the other ship / that they shuld come and helpe thē And they came: and filled bothe the shippes that they soncke agayne.
When Simon Peter sawe that / he fell doune at Iesus knees sayinge: Lorde goo frō me / for I am a synfull man. For he was vtterly astonyed & all that were wt him / at ye draught of fisshe which they toke: & so was also Iames & Iohn ye sonnes of zebede which were parteners wt Simon. And Iesus sayde vnto Simon: feare not / frō hence forthe thou shalt catche men. And they brought the shippes to londe / and forsoke all / and folowed him.
And it fortuned as he was in a certayne cite:C Mathew viij. a Mar. j. d. beholde / ther was a man full of leprosy: & when he had spied Iesus / he fell on his face / & besought him sayinge: Lorde / yf thou wilt / Leper thou canst make me cleane. And he strethed forth y• hond / & touched him sayinge: I will / be thou cleane. And immediatly the leprosy departed from him. And he warned him / that he shuld tell no man: but that he shuld god &Le. xiij. a shewe him selfe to the Preste / & offer for his clensynge / accordinge as Moses commaundement was / for a witnes vnto them.
But so moche the moare went ther a fame abroade of him / & moche people cam to geder to heare / & to be healed of him / of their infirmities. [Page] And he kepte him silfe aparte in ye wildernesses / and gave him silfe to prayer.
✚ And it happened on a certayne daye / that D Mat. ix. a Mar. ij. a he taught: and ther sate the pharises: and docturs of lawe / which were come out of all y• tounes of Galile / Iurie / & Hierusalem. And the power of the Lorde was to heale thē. And beholde / mē brought a man lyinge in his beed which was taken with a palsie: & sought meanesPalsye. to brynge him in / and to laye him before him. And whē they coulde not finde by what waye they might bringe him in / be cause of ye prease / they wēt vp on the toppe of ye housse / and let him doune thorowe the tylinge / beed & all in the middes before Iesus. When he sawe their fayth / he sayde vnto him: man / thy synnes are forgeven the. And the Scribes & the Parises begane to thinke sayinge: What felow is this which speaketh blasphemy? Who can forgeve synnes but God only?
When Iesus perceaved their thoughtes / E he answered & sayde vnto them: What thinke ye in youre hertes? Whether is easyar to saye / thy synnes are forgevē the / or to saye: rise & walke? But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of mā hath power to forgeve synnes onSigne. erth / he sayde vnto ye sicke of the palsie: I saye to the / aryse / take vp thy beed and go home to thy housse. And immediatly he rose vp before them / & toke vp his beed where on he laye / and departed to his awne housse praysinge God. And they were all amased & they lauded God / & were filled with feare sayinge: We haue [Page lxxxiiii] sene straunge thynges to daye. ⊢
And after that he went forthe and sawe a F Mat. ix. [...] Mar. ij. b. Publican named Levi / sittinge at the receyte of custome / and sayde vnto him: folow me. And he leeft all / roose vp / and folowed him. And that same Levi made him a greate feasteLevi. at home in his awne housse. And ther was a greate cōpany of publicans and of other that sate at meate with him. And the Scribes and Pharises murmured agaynst his disciplesPublicās and synners. sayinge: Why eate ye and drinke ye with publicās and synners? Iesus answered and sayde vnto thē: They yt are whole / nede not of ye phisicion: but they yt are sicke. I came not to call. ye rightewes / but synners to repentaūce.
Then they sayde vnto him: Why do the disciples G Mat. ix. b Dar. ij. c. The disciples fast not of Iohn fast often & praye / & the disciples of ye Pharises also: & thine eate & drinke? And he sayde vnto them: Can ye make ye chyldren of the weddinge fast / as longe as ye brydgrome is present with thē? The dayes will come / whē the brydgrome shalbe takē awaye from them: then shall they fast in those dayes
Then he spake vnto them in a similitude:New & olde agree not. No mā putteth a pece of a newe garment / in to an olde vesture: for yf he do: then breaketh he the newe / and the pece that was taken out of the newe / agreeth not wt the olde. Also / no mā poureth newe wyne into olde vessels. For yf he do / the newe wyne breaketh the vessels / & runneth out it silfe / & the vessels perisshe: But newe wyne must be poured into newe vessels / & bothe are preserved. Also / no man y• [Page] drinketh olde wine / strayght waye can awaye with newe / for he sayeth y• olde is plesaūter.D
¶ The .vi. Chapter.
IT happened on an after saboth / that heMathew .xxij. d Mar. ij. d Corne felde. went thorow the corne felde / & that his disciples plucked the eares of corne / & ate / and rubbed them in their hondes. And certayne of the Pharises sayde vnto them: Why do ye that which is not laufull to doThe Saboth daye is broken on the saboth dayes? And Iesus answered them and sayde: Have ye not redde what David dyd / when he him sylfe was anhungred and they which were with him: how hej. Regum xxj. g. went into the housse of God / and toke & ate the loves of halowed breed / and gave also to them which were with him: which was not laufull to eate / but for the prestes only. And he sayde vnto them: The sonne of man is Lorde of the saboth daye.
✚ And it fortuned in a nother saboth also / Mat. xij a Mar. iij. a that he entred in to y• sinagoge & taught. And ther was a mā whose right honde was dryed vp. And ye Scribes & Pharises watched him / to se whether he wolde heale on the SabothDryed honde. daye / that they myght fynde an accusacion agaynst him. But he knewe their thoughtes / & sayde to the man which had ye wyddred honde: Ryse vp / & stonde forthe in the myddes. And he arose and stepped forthe. Then sayde Iesus vnto them: I will axe you a question: Whether is it laufull on the saboth dayes to do good or to do evill? to save lyfe or for to destroye it? And he behelde them all in cōpasse / [Page lxxxv] & sayd vnto ye man: Stretche forth thy honde.Madnes And he dyd so & his honde was restored / & made as whoole as the other. And they were filled full of madnes / and comuned one with another / what they myght do to Iesu. ⊢
And it fortuned in thoose dayes / that he C Mat. x. [...] Mar. iij. b went out into a mountayne for to praye / and cōtinued all nyght in prayer to god. And assone as it was daye / he called his disciples / and of thē he chose twelve / which also he called apostles. Simon whō he named Peter: & AndrewThe twelve are chosen. his brother. Iames & Ihō / Philip and Bartlemew / Mathew and Thomas / Iames the sonne of Alpheus & Simon called zelotes and Iudas Iames sonne / and Iudas Iscarioth / which same was the traytour.
✚ And he came doune with them and stode in the playne felde with the company of his disciples / & agreate multitude of people out of all parties of Iurie and Ierusalem / & from the see cooste of Tire and Sidon / which came to heare hym / and to be healed of their diseases:D & they also that were vexed with foule spretes / & they were healed. And all the people preased to touche him: for there went vertue out of him / and healed them all.
And he lifted vp his eyes apon the disciples / andMat. v. [...] sayde: Blessed be ye poore: for yours is the kyngdome of God. Blessed are ye thatCouenauntes. honger now: for ye shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye yt wepe now: for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye when men hate you / & thrust you oute of their companye / and rayle / & abhorre youre [Page] name as an evyll thinge / for the sonne of mā nes sake. Reioyse ye then / and be gladde: for beholde / youre rewarde is greate in heven. ✚ After this manner their fathers entreatedTrue pro phetes. the Prophetes.
But wo be to you that are ryche: for ye have therin youre consolacion. Wo be to you yt Am. vj. a Eccle. xxxj. a. are full: for ye shall honger. Wo be to you that now laugh: for ye shall wayle and wepe. Wo be to you when all men prayse you: for so dyd their fathers to the false prophetes.Couenauntes.
But I saye vnto you which heare: Love youre enemyes. Do good to thē which hate you.E Blesse thē that course you. And praye for thē Love. which wrongfully trouble you. And vnto him that smyteth the on the one cheke / offerMat. v. g also y• other. And him that taketh awaye thy goune / forbid not to take thy coote also. GeveDo good Blesse. Praye. to every man that axeth of the. And of him that taketh awaye thy goodes / axe them not agayne. And as ye wolde that men shuld doo to you: so do ye to them lyke wyse.All the lawe.
If ye love thē which love you: what thanke are ye worthy of▪ For the very synners love their lovers. And yf ye do for them which do for you: what thanke are ye worthy of? For the very synners do even the same. If yeMathew vij. b [...]o. iiij. c. Mat. v. g lende to them of whome ye hoope to receave: what thanke shall ye have: for the very synners lende to synners / to receave as moch agayne. Wherfore / love ye youre enemys / do good and lende / lokynge for nothinge agayne and youre rewarde shalbe greate / and ye shalbeLende. [Page lxxxvi] [...]e the chyldren of the hyest: for he is kyndeCovenauntes. Mathew .vij. a. Iudge not. vnto the vnkynde and to the evyll.
✚ Be ye therfore mercifull / as youre father is mercifull. Iudge not & ye shall not be Iudged.F Condemne not: and ye shall not be condemned. Forgeve / and ye shalbe forgeven. Geve / & yt shalbe geven vnto you: good measure / pressedMa. [...]i [...]. [...] Ma. iiij. [...] doune / shaken to geder and runnynge over / shall men geve into youre bosomes.Forgeve. For with what measure ye mete / with y• same shall men mete to you agayne.
And he put forthe a similitude vnto thē: CanMathew .xv. b. Measure the blynde leade y• blynde? Do they not both then fall into y• dyche? The disciple is not above his master. Enery mā shalbe perfecte / even as his master is. Why seyst thou a moote inMat. x. c. Mote. Io. xiij. [...] Ma. vij. a Beame. thy brothers eye / & considerest not y• beame y• is in thyne awne eye? Ether how cānest thou saye to thy brother: Brother / let me pull out y• moote that is in thyne eye: when thou perceavest not the beame that is in thyne awne eye? [...]pocrite / cast out y• beame out of thyne awne eye fyrst / and then shalt thou se perfectly / toMa. vij. [...] mat. xij. c The tree is knowē bi his frute. pull out the moote out of thy brothers eye. ⊢
It is not a good tree that bringeth forthe evyll frute: nether is that an evyll tree / that G bringeth forthe good frute. For every tree is knowen by his frute. Nether of thornes gader men fygges / nor of busshes gader they grapes. A good man out of the good treasure of his hert / bringeth forthe that which is good. And an evyll man out of the evyll treasure of his hert / bringeth forthe that [Page] which ye evyll. For of the aboundaunce of y• The mouthe speaketh of y• fullnes of the heart. To builde on a rocke. To builde on sonde. her / his mouthe speakethe.
Why call ye me Master / Master: and do not as I bid you? whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayinges / & dothe the same / I will shewe you to whome he ys lyke. He is like a man which bilt an housse: and digged depe / and layde the foundaciō on a rocke. Whē the waters arose / the fludde bet apō that housse / and coulde not move yt. For it was grounded apon a rocke. But he that heareth & doth not / is lyke a man that with out foundacion bylt an housse apon the erth / agaynst which the fludde did bet: and it fell by and by. And y• fall of yt housse was greate.
¶ The .vii. Cha.
U [...]hen he had ended all his sainges inMathew .viij. a. the audience of the people / he entred A into Capernaū. And a certayne Centurions seruaunte was sicke and redy to dye whom he made moche of. And when he heardeCenturio [...]. of Iesu / he sent vnto him the elders of the Iewes / besechinge him y• he wolde come & heale his servaunt. And they came to Iesus and besought him in stantly sayinge: He is worthi that thou shuldest do this for him. For he loveth oure nacion / and hath bilt vs a sinagoge And Iesus went with them.
And when he was not farre frō the housse / B the Centuriō sent frendes to him sayinge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy silfe: for I am not worthy yt thou shuldest enter vnder my roffe. Wherfore I thought not my silfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde / and [Page lxxxvii] servaunt shalbe whoole. For I lyke wyse am a man vnder power / and have vnder me soudiers / & I saye vnto won / goo: and he goeth. And to another / come: and he cometh. And to my servaunt / do this: & he doeth it. When Iesus herde this / he merveyled at him / & turned him about & sayd to the people that folowed him: I saye vnto you / I have not founde so greate faith / noo / not in Israel. And they yt were sent / turned backe home agayne / & founde the servaunt that was sicke / whoole.
✚ And it fortuned after that / that he went C into a cite called Naim / & many of his disciples went wt him / & moche people. When he came nye to the gate of the cite: beholde / ther was a deed man caried out which was y• onlyThe deed is raysed. sonne of his mother / and she was a widowe / and moche people of the cite was with her. And when ye lorde sawe her / he had compassion on her / & sayde vnto her: wepe not. And he went & touched the coffyn / & they yt bare him / stode still. And he sayde: Yonge man / I saye vnto the / aryse. And ye deed sate vp & beganne to speake. And he delyvered him to his mother. And ther cā a feare on thē all. And they glorified god sayinge: a greate prophet is rysenMat. xj. a amōge vs / & god hath visited his people ✚ ✚ And this rumor of him wēt forthe throughoutIhon baptist sendeth to Christ. all Iurie / and thorowout all the regions which lye rounde about.
And y• disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these thinges. And Iohn called vnto him .ii. of his disciples / & sent thē to Iesus sayinge: [Page] Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another? When the men were come vnto him / they sayde: Iohn baptiste sent vs vnto y• sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we wayte for another? And at yt same tyme he cured many of their infirmites & plages / & ofEsai. [...]y. evyll spretes / & vnto many that were blynde / he gave sight. And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: Goo youre wayes & shewe Iohn / what thinges ye have sene and harde: how y• the blynde se / the halt goo / the lepers are clensed / the deafe heare / the deed aryse / to the poore is the glad tydinges preached / and happy is he / that is not offended by me.
When ye messengers of Iohn were departed / he began to speake vnto ye people of Iohn D What wēt ye oute into ye w [...]ldernes for to se? went ye to se arede shaken wt ye wynde? But what went ye out for to se? A mā clothed in so ofte rayment? Beholde they which are gorgeously apparelled / & lyve delicatly / are in kynges courtes. But what went ye forth to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you / & mo [...]e then a prophete. This is he of whō it is wryttē: Beholde▪ I sende my messenger before thy face / toMal. iij. a prepare thy waye before the. For I saye vntoPublicans iustifie god you: a greater prophete then Iohn / amōge wemēs chyldrē is ther none. Neverthelesse one y• is lesse in ye kyngdō of god / is greater thē he ⊢
And all the people that hearde / and the publicansPharises despise y• councell of god. / iustified God / and were baptised with the baptim of Iohn. But the pharises & scribes despised ye counsell of god agaynst [Page lxxxviii] them selves / and were not baptised of him.
And y• lorde sayd: Wher vnto shall I lykē E Mat. xj. [...] the men of this generacion / & what thinge are they lyke? They are lyke vnto chyldrē sittynge in y• market place / & cryinge one to another / & sayinge: We have pyped vnto you / & ye hahave not daunsed: we have mourned to you / and ye have not wept. For Iohn baptist cam / nether eatynge breed ner drinkynge wyne / & ye saye: he hath the devyll. The sonne of man is come and eateth and drinketh / & ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotton / & a drinkerWisdom of wyne / a frende of publicans and synners. Yet is wysdome iustified of all her chyldren.
✚ And one of the pharises desyred him that he wolde eate with him. And he went into y• pharises housse / & sate doune to meate. And beMarie of Bethani [...] holde a woman in that cite / which was a synner / assone as she knewe that Iesus sate at meate in the pharises housse / she brought an alablaster boye of oyntmēt / & she stode at his fete behynde him wepynge / and beganne to wesshe his fete with teares / and dyd wipe thē with the heares of her heed / and kyssed his fete / and anoynted them with oyntment.
When the pharise which bade him / sawe that / he spake with in him sylfe / sayinge: If F this man were a prophete / he wolde surely have knowen who & what maner woman this is which toucheth him / for she is a synner. And Iesus answered & sayde vnto him: Simon I have some what to saye vnto y•. And he sayd master saye on. There was a certayne lender [Page] which had two detters / ye one ought five hondred pence / & the other fyfty. When they had nothinge to paye / he forgave thē boothe. Which of them tell me / will love him moost? Simon answered and sayde: I suppose / that he to whom he forgave moost. And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast truly iudged.
And he turned to the woman / & sayde vnto Simon: Seist thou this woman? I entred into thy housse / & thou gavest me noo water to my fete but she hath wesshed my fete with teares / & wiped thē with the heeres of her heed. Thou gavest me no kysse: but she / sence ye tyme I came in / hath not ceased to kysse my fete Myne heed wt oyle thou dydest not anoynte: but she hath annoynted my fete wt oyntmēt. Wherefore I saye vnto the: many synnes are forgevē her / for she Love is y• signe yt the synnes are forgeven her. loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven / the same doeth lesse love.
And he sayde vnto her / thy synnes are forgeven ye. And they yt sate at meate with him / beganne to saye within them selves: Who is this which forgeveth synnes [...] also? And he sayde to ye woman: Thy faith hath saved the / Goo in peace. ⊢
¶. The .viii. Chap.
ANd it fortuned after that / that he him A sylfe went throughout cities & tounes / preachynge / and shewinge ye kyngdom of God / & the twelve with him. And also certayne wemen / which wer healed of evell spretes / and infirmities: Mary called Magdalen / out of whom went seven devyls / & Ioanna y• wyfe of Lhusa Herode stewarde / & Susanna [Page lxxxix] and many other: which ministred vnto thē of their substaunce. ✚ When moch people were gadred to gether / & were come to him out ofmat. xij. a Ma. iiij. a all cities / he spake by a similitude. A sower went out to sowe his seede: & as he sowed / someSower. fell by the waye syde / and it was troden vnder fete / and the foules of the ayre devoured it vp. And some fell on ston / & assone as it was spronge vp / it widdred awaye / because it lacked moystnes. And some fell amonge thornes / and ye thornes spronge vp with it / & choked it. And some fell on good grounde / & sprō ge vp & bare frute / an hondred foolde. And as he sayde these thinges / he cryed: He that hath eares to heare / let him heare.
And his disciples a [...]ed him sayinge: what B Esa. vij. e Mathew .xiij. b. ma. iiij. b. Ioa. xij. f Ro. xj. b. maner similitude is this? And he sayde: vnto you is it geven to knowe the secretes of the kyngdom of God: but to other in similitude / that when they se / they shuld not se: & when they heare they shuld not vnderstonde.
The similitude is this. The seede is ye wordeThe sower is expounded. of God. Thoose yt are besyde the waye / are they that heare / & afterwarde cometh ye devyll & taketh awaye the worde out of their hertes / lest they shuld beleve and be saved. They on the stonnes / are they which when they heare / receave the worde with ioye. But these have noo rootes / which for a whyle beleve / & in tyme of temtaciō goo awaye. And yt which fell amonge thornes / are they which heare / & goo forth / & are choked wt cares & wt riches / & volupteous lyvinge / and bringe forth noo frute. [Page] That in y• good grounde / are they which withCandell. a good & pure hert / heare the worde & kepe it / Mat. x. b Ma. iiij. c. Mat. x. c Mar. iij. c and bringe forth frute with pacience. ⊢
No man lyghteth a candell / & covereth it C vnder a vessell / nether putteth it vnder ye table: but setteth it on a candelsticke / that they that enter in / maye se ye lyght. No thinge is in secret / yt shall not come abroode: Nether eny thinge hyd / that shall not be knowen / & comeMathew .xiij. b. & .xxv. c. ma. iiij. c. Mathew .xii. d. Mar. iij. d to lyght. Take hede therfore how ye heare. For whosoever hath / to him shalbe gevē: And whosoever hath not / frō him shalbe takē / even that same which he supposeth that he hath.
Then came to him his mother and his brethren / and coulde not come at him for prease. And they tolde him sayinge: Thy motherMother & brethrē Ma. viij. c mar. iiij. d and thy brethren stonde with out / and wolde se the. He answered and sayd vnto them: my mother and my brethren are these which heare the worde of God and do it.
✚ And it chaunsed on a certayne daye that D he went into a shippe / and his disciples also / and he sayde vnto them: Let vs goo over vnto the other syde of the lake. And they Lanched forthe. And as they sayled / he fell a slepe / and there arose a storme of wynde in ye lake / & theyIesus slepeth in ye ship. were fylled with water / & were in ieopardy. And they went to him and awoke him sayinge: Master Master / we are loost. Then he arose and rebuked the wynde and the tempest of water / and they ceased / and it wexed calme. And he sayd vnto thē: where is youre faith? They feared and wondred sayinge one to another: [Page xc] what felowe is this? for he cōmaundethMathew viij .c. Mar. v. a Gaderenites bothe the wyndes and water / and they obey him? ✚ And they sayled vnto the region of ye Gaderenites / which is over agaynst Galile.
And as he went out to londe / ther met him a certayne man out of ye cite / which had a devyll longe tyme / and ware noo clothes / nether aboode in any housse: but amonge graves. When he sawe Iesus / he cryed / and fell doune before him / and with a loude voyce sayde: What have I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the God moost hyest? I beseche the torment me not. Then he cōmaunded ye foule sprete to come out of the man. For ofte tymes he caught him / & he was bounde with chaynes & kept with fetters: and he brake the bondes / and was caryed of the fende / into wyldernes.E
And Iesus ayed him sayinge: what is thy name? And he sayde: Legion / because many devylsLegion were entred into him. And they besought him / yt he wolde not cōmaunde thē to goo out into y• depe. And ther was there by an heerde of many swyne / fedynge on an hyll: & they besoughtSwyne. him / yt he wolde soffre thē to enter into thē. And he soffred thē. Then went the devyls out of the man / & entred into the swyne: And the heerd toke their course & ran heedlynge into the lake / and were choked. When the herdmen sawe what had chaunsed / they fleed and tolde it in the cite and in the villages.
And they came out to se what was done: & came to Iesus / & founde ye man / out of whō the devyls were departed / sittynge at the fete [Page] of Iesus / clothed & in his right mynde / & they were afrayde. They also wich sawe it / tolde thē by what meanes he yt was possessed of ye devyll / was healed. And all the whole multitude of ye cōtrye of the Gaderenites / besought him yt he wolde departe from thē: for they were taken wt greate feare. And he gate him into the shippe & returned backe agayne. Then the man out of whom the devyls were departed / besought him yt he myght be wt him: But Iesus sent him awaye sayinge: Goo home agayne into thyne awne housse / & shewe what great thinges God hath done to ye. And he went his waye / & preached thorow out all the cite what great thingꝭ Iesus had done vnto him.
And it fortuned when Iesus was come F mat. ix. c. Mar. v. b. agayne that ye people receaved him. For they all wayted for him. And beholde ther came aThe Rulers doughter is raised. man named Iairus (and he was a ruler of ye synagoge) & he fell doune at Iesus fete / & besought him yt he wolde come into his housse / for he had but a doughter only / apon a twelve yere of age / and she laye a dyinge. And as he went the / people thronged him.Issue of bloude.
And a woman havynge an issue of bloud twelve yeres (which had spent all her substance amonge phisiciōs / nether coulde be hol pen of eny) came behinde him / & touched the hem of his garmēt / & immediatly her issue of bloud staunched. And Iesus sayde: Who is it that touched me? when every man denyed / Peter & they y• were with him / sayde: Master / the people thrust the and veye the: & sayest thou / [Page xci] who touched me? And Iesus sayd: Some body touched me. For I perceave that vertue is gone out of me. When the woman sawe / that she was not hid / she came trimblynge / & fell at is fete / and tolde him before all the people for what cause she had touched him / and how she was healed immediatly. And he sayde vnto hyr: Doughter be of good comforte / Thy faith hath made the hoale / goo in peace.
Whyll he yet spake / there came one from ye G rulers of the synagogis housse which sayde to him: thy doughter is deed / disease not the master. When Iesus hearde that / He answered the father / sayinge: Feare not / beleve only / & she shalbe made whole. And when he came to ye housse / he suffred no man to goo in with him / save Peter / Iames & Iohn / & the father and the mother of the mayden. Every body weept & sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed / but slepeth. And they lewgh him to scorne. For they knew that she was deed. And he thrust thē all out / & caught her by the honde / and cryed sayinge: Mayde aryse. And hyr sprete came agayne / & she roose strayght waye. And he commaunded to geveMat. x. [...]. Mar. iij. [...] her meate. And the father and the mother of hyr were astonyed. But he warned thē that they shuld tell noo man / what was done.
¶ The .ix. Chapter.
THen called he the .xii. to gether / & gave A The twelve are sent. Mat. x. a Mar. xj. [...] Mat. x. [...]. mar. vj. [...] them power / and auctorite over all devyls / and that they myght heale diseases. And he sent them to preache the kyngdome [Page] of God / & to cure the sick. And he sayd to them: Take nothinge to sucker you by y• waye: nether staffe / nor scripe / nether breed / nether money / nether have twoo cootes. And whatsoever Go not frō housse to housse as freers do. Act. xiij. housse ye enter into / there abyde & thence departe. And whosoever will not receave you / when ye go out of that cite / shake of the very dust from youre fete / for a testimony agaynst them. And they went out / & went thorow the tounes / preachinge the gospellDust and healynge every wheare. ⊢
And Herod the tetrarch herde of all thatMathew .xiiij. a. Ma. vj. b was done of him / and douted / because that it was sayde of some / that Iohn was rysen agayne from deeth: and of some / that Helyas had apered: and of other / that one of the olde prophetes was rysen agayne. And Herod sayde: Iohn have I behedded: who then is this of whom I heare suche thinges? And he desyred to se him.
And the Apostles retourned / and tolde him B Mathew .xiiij. b. what great thinges they had done. And he toke them and went a syde into a solitary place / nye to a citie called Bethsaida. And ye peopleMa. vj. d knewe of it / and folowed him. And he receaved them / and spake vnto them of the kyngdome of God / and healed them that had nede to be healed. And when ye daye beganne to weare awaye / then came the twelve and sayde vnto him: sende y• people [...]waye / that they maye goo into the tounes & villages roundabout / and lodge / and get meate / for we are here in a place of wyldernes. But he sayde vnto them: [Page xcii] Geve ye thē to eate. And they sayde. We have no moo but fyve loves and two fisshes / exceptFyve loves & .ii. fysshes. we shuld goo and bye meate for all this people. And they were about a fyve thousand men. And he sayde to his disciples: Cause them to syt doune by fyfties in a company. And they dyd soo / & made them all syt doune. And he toke the fyve loves / & the two fisshes / & loked vp to heven / & blessed them / & brake / & gave to the disciples / to set before y• people. And they ate / and were all satisfied. And ther was taken vp of that remayned to thē / twelve baskettes full of broken meate.
And it fortuned as he was alone prayinge / C Maehew .xvj. b. Mar. vii [...] his disciples were wt him / & he axed thē sayinge: Who saye ye people yt I am? They answered & sayd: Iohn Baptist. Some saye Helyas. And some saye / one of the olde prophete is rysen agayne. He sayde vnto thē: Who saye ye that I am? Peter answered and sayde: thou arte the Christ of god. And he warned & commaundedPassion. them / that they shuld tell no mun yt Mathew .xvij. d. Mar. viij thinge sayinge: that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges / and be reproved of the elders / and of the hye prestes and scribes / & beChristes disciple. slayne / and the thirde daye ryse agayne.
And he sayde to them all / yf eny man willMat. x. d and xvj. Marke .viij. b. Ioa. xij. [...] come after me / let him denye him sylfe / & take vp his crosse dayly and folowe me. Whosoever will save his lyfe / shall lose it. And whosoever shall lose his lyfe for my sake / the same shall save it. For what avauntageth it a man / to wynne the whole worlde / yf he loose [Page] him sylfe or runne in domage of him sylfe?Mat. x. d mar. viij b For whosoever is ashamed of me / and of my sayinges: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed / whenCovenaunt he cometh in his awne glorie / & in the glorie of his father / and of the holyMat. xvj d. Marc. ix. a. angels. And I tell you of a surety: There be some of thē yt stonde here / which shall not tast of deeth / tyll they se ye kyngdome of god.
And it folowed about an .viii. dayes after D Mat. xvij a. Marc. ix. a. thoose sayinges / that he toke Peter / Iames / & Iohn / & went vp into a moūtayne to praye. And as he prayed / y• facion of his countenaunceTranffguracion was changed / and his garment was whyte and shoone. And beholde / two men talked wt him / and they were Moses & Helyas / which appered gloriously / and spake of his departinge / which he shuld ende at Ierusalem. Peter and they that were with him / were hevy with slepe. And when they woke / they sawe his glorie / and two men stondinge with him.
And it chaunsed as they departed frō him / Peter sayde vnto Iesus: Master / it is good beinge here for vs. Let vs make thre tabernacles / one for the and one for Moses / & one for Helyas: and wist not what he sayde. Whyll he thus spake / ther came a cloude and shadowed them: & they feared when they were come vnder the cloude. And ther came a voyce out of the cloude sayinge: This is my deareHeare him. sonne / heare him. And assone as ye voyce was past / Iesus was founde alone. And they kept it cloose / and tolde noo man in thoose dayes eny of those thinges which they had sene.
[Page xciii]And it chaunsed on the nexte daye as theyMathew .xvij. d. Mar. ix. c came doune from the hyll / moche people met E him. And beholde a man of the cōpany cryed out sayinge: Master / I beseche ye beholde myThe spirite of the fallynge sycknes is cast oute. sonne / for he is all that I have: & se / a sprete taketh him / & sodenly he cryeth / & he teareth him that he someth agayne / and with moche payne departeth frō him / when he hath rent him / and I besought thy disciples to cast him out / & they coulde not. Iesus answered & sayde: O generacion with oute fayth / & croked: how longe shall I be with you? & shall suffre you? Bringe thy sonne hidder. As he yet was a cōminge / the fende rēt him & tare him. And Iesus rebuked ye vnclene sprete / & healed the childe / & delivered him to his father. And they were all amased at ye mighty power of God.
Whyll they wondred every one at all thinges which he dyd / he sayd vnto his disciples: Let these sayinges synke doune into youre eares. The tyme will come / when the sonne ofPassion. man shalbe delivered into the hondes of men. But they wist not what yt worde meant / & yt was hyd frō thē / that they vnderstode yt not. And they feared to axe him of that sayinge.
Then ther arose a disputacion amōge thē:F Mathew .xvii. b. Mar. ix. c who shuld be the greatest. When Iesus perceaved ye thoughtes of their hertes / he toke a chylde / & set him hard by him / & sayd vnto thē: Whosoever receaveth this chylde in my name / receavethGreatest me. And whosoever receaveth me / receaveth him yt sent me. For he yt is least amonge you all / the same shalbe greate.
[Page]And Iohn answered & sayde: Master we saweForbyd one castinge out devyls in thy name / & we forbade him / because he foloweth not with vs. And Iesus sayde vnto him: forbyd ye him not. For he that is not agaynst vs / is wt vs.
And it folowed when the tyme was come yt he shulde be receaved vp / then he set his face to goo to Hierusalem / & sent messengers before him. And they went & entred into a citie of the Samaritans to make redy for him. But they wolde not receave him / because his face was as though he wolde goo to Ierusalem. When his disciples Iames & Iohn sawe yt / they sayde: Lorde / wilt thou that we cōmaunde / that fyre come doune from heven & consume them / even as Helias dyd? Iesus turnedFyer frō heaven about / and rebuked them sayinge: ye wote not what maner sprete yeare of. The sonne of mā ys not come to destroye mennes lives / but to save them. And they went to another toune.
✚ And it chaunsed as he went in the waye / a G Mathew .viij. c. certayne man sayd vnto him: I will folowe the whither soever thou goo. Iesus sayd vnto him: foxes have holes / and bryddes of ye Foxes. ayer have nestes: but the sonne of man hath not where on to laye his heed.
And he sayde vnto another: folowe me. AndBurie his father. the same sayde: Lorde suffre me fyrst to goo & bury my father. Iesus sayd vnto him: Let the deed / bury their deed: but goo thou and preache the kyngdome of God.
And another sayde: I wyll folowe the Lorde: but let me fyrst goo byd them fare well / [Page xciiii] which are at home at my housse. Iesus saydePlowe. vnto him: No man that putteth his honde to the plowe / & loketh backe / is apte to the kyngdome of God. ⊢
¶ The .x. Chapter. ✚
AFter these thinges / the Lorde apoynted A Seventie are sent. mat. ix. a Hervest. Lambes amonge wolves. other seventie also / & sent them / two & two before him into every citie and place / whither he him silfe wolde come. And he sayde vnto them / the harvest is greate: but the laborers are feawe. Praye therfore the Lorde of ye harvest / to send forth laborers into his hervest. Goo youre wayes: beholde / I sende you forthe as lambes amonge wolves. Beare nooMat. x. a Ma. vj. a wallet / nether scryppe / nor shues / and salute noo man by the waye. Into whatsoever housse ye enter / fyrst saye: Peace be to this housse.Fayth shall ministre all And yf ye sonne of peace be theare / youre peace shall rest vpon him: yf not / yt shall returne to you agayne. And in ye same housse tary still eatinge & drinkinge soche as they have. For the laborer is worthy of his rewarde. ⊢
Go not frō housse to housse: & in to whatsoever B Mat. x. a. j. tim. v. c citye ye enter / yf they receave you / eate soche thinges as are set before you / & heale the sicke yt are theare / & saye vnto them: the kyngdome of God is come nye vpon you. But into whatsoever citie ye shall enter / yf they receave you not / goo youre wayes out into the stretesDust. of ye same / and saye: even the very dust / which cleaveth on vs of your citie / we wipe of agaynst you: Notwithstondinge / marke this that ye kyngdome of God was come nie vpon [Page] you. Ye & I saye vnto you: that it shalbe easier in that daye / for Sodom then for yt cytie.
Wo be to the Chorazin: wo be to ye Bethsaida.C For yf ye miracles had bene done in TyreCorazim Betsaida Tyre Sidon Capernaum. & Sidō / which have bene done in you / they had a greate whyle agone repēted / sitting in heere & asshes. Neverthelesse it shalbe easier for Tyre & Sidon / at the iudgement / then for you. And thou Capernaū which art exalted to heavē / shalt be thrust doune to hell. He ye Mat. x. d. Io. xiij. c. heareth you / heareth me: & he that dispiseth you / despiseth me: and he that dispiseth me / despiseth him that sent me.
And the sevētie returned agayne with ioye sayinge: Lorde even the very devyls are subdued to vs thorowe thy name. And he sayde vnto them: I sawe satan / as it had bene lightenyng / faule doune frō heavē. Beholde I geve vnto you power to treade on serpētes and scorpions / & over all maner power of the enimye / & no thinge shall hurte you Neverthelesse / in this reioyse not / that ye spretes are vnder youre power: but reioyse / because youreReioyse. names are wrytten in heaven.
That same tyme reioysed Iesus in ye sprete / & D Mat. xj. d Babes. Mat. xj. d sayde: I confesse vnto ye father / Lorde of heaven & erth / yt thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse & prudent / & hast opened themHe onlye that is / taught of Christ / knoweth ye father. to the babes. Even so father / for soo pleased it the. All thinges are geven me of my father. And no man knoweth who the sonne is / but the father: nether who the father is / save the sonne / & he to whō the sonne wyll shewe him.
[Page xcv]And he turned to his disciples / & sayde secretly: ✚ Happy are ye eyes / which se yt ye se.Mathew xiij. b. For I tell you that many prophetes & kyngs have desired to se those thinges which ye se / & have not sene them: & to heare those thinges which ye heare / and have not hearde them.
And beholde / a certayne Lawere stode vp / & E Mathew .xxij. d Mar. xij d Eternall lyfe. Deutero. vj. b. tempted him sayinge: Master what shall I do / to inheret eternall life? He sayd vnto him: What is written in the lawe? How redest thou? And he answered & sayde: Loue thy Lorde God / with all thy hert / & with all thy soule / & with all thy strēgthe / & with all thy mynde: & thy neghbour as thy sylfe. And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right. This do and thou shalt live. He willinge to iustifie him silfe / sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghbour?
Iesus answered & sayde: A certayne mā descendedSamaritane. frō Hierusalem in to Hierico / & fell in to the hondes of theves / which robbed him of his raymēt & wounded him / & departed levynge him halfe deed. And by chaunce ther came a certayne preste that same waye / & when he sawe him / he passed by. And lykewyse a Levite / when he was come nye to the place / wēt & loked on him / and passed by. Then a certayne F Samaritane / as he iornyed / came nye vnto him / & when he sawe him / had compassion on him / & went to and bounde vp his woundes / and poured in oyle and wyne / and put him on his awne beaste / & brought him to a cōmen ynne / and made provision for him. And on the [Page] morowe when he departed / he toke out two pē ce & gave them to the host / & sayde vnto him. Take cure of him / & whatsoever thou spēdest moare / when I come agayne / I will recompence the. Which now of these thre / thynkestA neyboure who. thou / was neighbour vnto him y• fell into y• theves hondes? And he sayde▪ he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him. Goo and do thou lyke wyse. ⊢
✚ It fortuned as they wēt / that he entred G in to a certayne toune. And a certayne woman named Martha / receaved him into her housse. And this woman had a sister called Mary / whichMartha Marie sate at Iesus fete / and hearde his preachinge. And Martha was combred about moche servinge / & stode and sayde: Master / doest thou not care / that my sister hath leeft me to minister alone? Syd her therfore / that she helpe me. And Iesus answered / and sayde vnto her: Martha / Martha / thou carest / & arte troubled about many thinges: verely one is nedfull. Mary hath chosen her that good parte / which shall not be taken awaye from her. ⊢
¶ The .xi. Chapter.
ANd it fortuned as he was prayinge in A a certayne place: when he ceased / one ofMat. vj. [...] his disciples sayde vnto him: Master / teache vs to praye / as Iohn taught his disciples. And he sayd vnto thē: When ye praye / [...]aye: O oure father which arte in heavē / halowedThe pater noster be thy name. Thy kyngdome come. Thy will be fulfilled / even in erth as it is in heaven. Oure dayly breed geve vs evermore. [Page xcvi] And forgeve vs oure synnes: For evē we forgeve every man yt treaspaseth vs. And ledde vs not into tēptaciō. But deliver vs frō evill.
And he sayde vnto them: ✚ if any of you shuld have a frēde / & shuld goo to him at midnyght / &Prayer what it dothe. saye vnto him: frende lende me thre loves / for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me / & I have nothinge to set before him: & he within shuld answere & saye / trouble me not / the dore is now sheet / & my servaū tes are with me in the chamber / I cānot ryse & geve them to the. I saye vnto you / though he woldnot aryse & geve him / because he is his frēde: yet because of his importunite he wold rise / & geve him as many as he neded.
And I saye vnto you: axe / and it shalbe geven B you. Seke / and ye shall fynde. knocke / &Covenaunt. it shalbe opened vnto you. For every one that axeth / receaveth: and he that seketh / fyndeth:Mathew .vij. a. and .xxj. [...] Mar. x [...]. [...] Io. xiii [...]. [...] and. xvj [...] Iaco. [...]. amar. vij. [...] Mat. [...]x [...] and .xij. [...] Mar. iij. [...] and to him that knocketh / shall it be openned. Yf the sonne shall axe breed of eny of you that is a father: wyll he geve him a stone? Or yf he axe fisshe / wyll he for a fysshe geve him a serpent? Or yf he axe an egge: wyll he offer him a scorpion? Yf ye then which are evyll canne geve good giftes vnto youre chyldren / how moche more shall the father of heaven geve an holy sprete to them / that desyre it of him? ⊢
✚ And he was a castynge out a devyll / whichThe dō me spirite is cast oute. Belzebub. was dōme. And it folowed when the devyll was gone out / the domme spake / & the people wondred. But some of thē sayde: he casteth [Page] out devyls by the power of Belzebub [...] the chefe of the devyls. And other tempted him sekinge of him a signe frō heavē. But he knewe their thoughtes & sayde vnto them: Every kingdome devided with in it silfe / shal be desolate: & one housse shall fall vpon another. So if Satan be devided with in him silfe: how shall his kyngdome endure? Because ye saye that I cast out devyls by the power of Belzebub. Yf I / by the power of Belzebub caste oute devyls: by whome do youre chyldren cast them out? Therfore shall they be youre iudges. But if I / with y• finger of God cast out devyls / noo doute the kyngdome of God is come vpon you.
When a stronge man armed watcheth his D housse: yt he possesseth is in peace. But when a stronger then he cometh vpō him & overcō meth him: he taketh from him his harnes wherin he trusted / & devideth his gooddes. He that is not with me / is agaynst me. And he that gadereth not with me / scattereth.
When the vnclene sprete is gone out of a man / he walketh through waterlesse places / sekinge reest. And when he fyndeth none / he sayeth: I will returne agayne vnto my housse whence I came out. And when he cōmeth / he fyndeth it swept and garnissed. Then goeth he & taketh to him sevē other spretes worsseSeven worsse then him selfe. then him silfe: and they enter in / & dwell there. And the ende of that man / is worsse then the begynninge.
And it fortuned as he spake those thinges [...] [Page xcvii] [...] certayne woman of the cōpany lyfte vp he [...] voyce / & sayde vnto him: Happy is the wombe that bare the / and the pappes which gave the sucke. But he sayde: Ye / happy are theyHappie who. that heare the worde of God / and kepe it. ⊢
When the people were gadered thicke toMat. xij [...] geder: he began to saye. This is an evyll nacion:Signe of Ionas. they seke a signe / & ther shall no signe be geven them / but the signe of Ionas the Prophet. For as Ionas was a signe to the Ninivites / so shall y• sonne of mā be to this naciō. The quene of the southe shall ryse at iudgement / withQuene of y• southe .iij. Reg. x. g. ij. pa. ix▪ Ninivites. Ion. iii. [...] Mat. v. [...] Ma. iiij. [...] Eye. mat. xj. [...] the men of this generaciō / & condempne them: for she came frō the ende of the worlde / to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomon is here. The men of Ninive shall ryse at the iudgement wt this generaciō / & shall condēpne thē: for they repented at the preachinge of Ionas. And beholde / a greater then Ionas is here.
✚ Noo man lighteth a candell / & putteth E it in a previe place / nether vnder a busshell: But on a candelsticke / that they that come in maye se y• light. The light of thy body is the eye. Therfore when thine eye is single: then is all thy body full of light. But if thine eye [...] evyll: then shall thy body also be full of darknes. Take hede therfore that the light which is in the / be not darknes. For if all thy body shalbe light / havynge noo parte darke: then shall all be full of light / even as when a candell doeth light the with his brightnes. ⊢
And as he spake / a certayne Pharise besought [Page] him to dyne with him: and he went in & sate doune to meate. When the Pharise sawe F that / he marveylled yt he had not fyrst wesshed before dyner. And y• Lorde sayde to him: Now do ye Pharises / make clene the out sideMathew .xxiij. of the cup / & of the platter: but youre inwarde parties are full of raveninge and wickednes. Ye foles / dyd not he that made that which is with out: make that which is within also? Neverthelesse geve almose of that ye have / andAlmose. beholde all is clene to you.
But wo be to you Pharises / for ye tithe the mynt and rewe / and all manner erbes / & passeTithe mynt. Mathew .xxiiij. Ma. xij. d over iudgment and the love of God. These ought ye to have done / & yet not to have left the other vndone.
Wo be to you Pharises: for ye love the vppermost seates in the synagoges / and gretinges in the markets. [...]ppermost seates.
Wo be to you scribes & pharises ypocrite for ye are as graves which appeare not / & the men y• walke over thē / are not ware of thē.
Then answered one of the lawears / & saydLawears Mathew .xxiij. Builde sepulchres. vnto him: Master / thus sayinge / thou puttest vs to rebuke also. Then he sayde: Wo be to you also ye lawears: for ye lade men with burthens greveous to be borne / & ye youre selves touche not y• packee wt one of youre fyngers.
Wo be to you: ye bylde the sepulchres of the Prophetes / and youre fathers killed thē: truly ye beare witnes / that ye alowe the dedes of youre fathers for they kylled them / and ye bylde their sepulchres.
[Page xcviii]Therfore sayde y• wisdome of God: I will send them Prophetes & Apostles / & of them they shall slee & persecute: that the bloude of all Prophete / which was sheed frō the beginningeGen. iiij. ij. parali. xxiiij. b. of the worlde / maye be requyred of this generacion / from the bloud of Abell vnto the bloud of zachary / which perisshed bitwenezacharias. the aulter and the temple. Derely I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this nacion.
Wo be to you lawears: for ye have takenkeye. awaye ye keye of knowledge / ye entred not in youre selves / & them that came in ye forbade.
When he thus spake vnto them / the lawears & the Pharises began to wexe busye about h [...]m / and to stop his mouth with many questions / layinge wayte for him / and sekinge to catche some thinge of his mought / wherby they might accuse him.
¶ The .xii. Chapter.
AS ther gadered to gether an innumerable A Eeven. Mat. xvj. Mat. viij. mat. x. c. Ma. iiij. [...] multitude of people (in so moche that they trood one another) he began to saye vnto his disciples: Fyrst of all beware of the levē of the Pharises / which is ypocrisy. For ther is no thinge covered / that shallLeven. not be vncovered: nether hyd / that shall not be knowen. For whatsoever ye have spoken in in darknes: that same shalbe hearde in light. And that which ye have spoken in the the eare / evē in secret places / shalbe preached even on the toppe of the housses.
I saye vnto you my frēdes: Be not afrayde of them that kyll the body / and after that [Page] have no moare that they can do. But I willWho is to be feared. shewe you / whom ye shall feare. Feare him which after he hath killed / hath power to cast in to hell. Ye I saye vnto you / him feare. Are not five sparowes bought for two farthinges? And yet not one of them is forgotten of God. Also even the very heres of youre heedes are nombred. Feare not therfore: [...]e are moare of value / then many sparowes.B
I saye vnto you: Whosoever confesseth me before men / evē him shall y• sonne of manMat. x. d. Mar. iij. confesse also before y• angels of God. And he that denyeth me before men: shalbe denyed beforeCovenauntes. y• angels of God. And whosoever speaketh a worde agaynst y• sonne of mā / it shalbe forgeven him. But vnto him y• blasphemeth the holy goost / it shall not be forgeven.
When they bringe you vnto the synagoges / andMathew. xij. e Mar. iij. A promise that y• spirite shall teache vs. vnto the rulers / and officers / take no thought how or what thinge ye shall answer or what ye shall speake. For the holy goost shall teache you in the same houre / what ye ought to saye.
✚ One of the company sayde vnto hym: Master byd my brother devide the enheritaitce with me. And he sayde vnto him: Man / The lyfe stondeth not in riches but in kepinge godes commaū demētes. Richman Eccle. xj. c. who made me a iudge or a devider over you? Wherfore he fayde vnto them: take hede / and beware of covetousnes. For no mannes lyfe stondeth in the aboundaunce of the thinges which he possesseth. And he put forth a similitude vnto them sayinge:
The groūde of a certayne riche mā brought [Page cxix] forth frutes plenteously / & he thought in him silfe sayinge: what shall I do? because I have noo roume where to bestowe my frutes? And he sayde: This will I do. I will destroye my barnes / and bilde greater / & therin will I gad der all my frutes / & my goodes: & I will saye to my soule: Soule thou hast moch goodes fayde vp in stoore for many yeares / take thyne case: eate / drinke / & be mery. But God sayde vnto him: Thou fole / this night will they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall thoose thinges be which thou hast provyded? So is it with him that gadereth ryches / and is not ryche in God.
And he spake vnto his disciples: Therfore I saye vnto you: Take no thought for youremat. vj. c j. xe. x. b. plas. liiij. lyfe / what ye shall cate / nether for youre body / what ye shall put on. The lyfe is moare then meate / and the bodye is moare then rayment. Considre the ravens / for they nether sowe nor repe / which nether have stoorehousse ner barRavens. ne / & yet God fedeth them. How moche are ye better then the foules.
Which of you with takynge thought can d adde to his stature one cubit? Yf ye then be not able to do that thinge which is least: whyLilies. take ye thought for the remmaunt? Considre the lylies how they growe: They laboure not: they spyn not: and yet I saye vnto you / that Salomon in all this royalte / was not clothed lyke to one of these.
Yf the grafse which is to daye in the felde / and to morowe shalbe cast into the fornace / [Page] God so clothe: how moche moore will he clothe you / o ye endued wt litell faith? And axe not what ye shall eate / or what ye shall drinke / nether clyme ye vp an hye / for all suche thinges the hethen people of the worlde seke for. Youre father knoweth that ye have nede of suche thinges. Wherfore seke ye after the kyngedome of God / and all these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.Mat. v. c. Litle flocke.
Feare not litell floocke / for it is youre fathers pleasure / to geve you a kingdome. Sell that ye have / and geve almes. And make you bagges / which we ye not olde / & treasure that fayleth not in heaven / where noo these commeth / netherAlmose. moth corrupteth. For where youre treasure is / there will youre hertes be also.
Let youre loynes be gerdde about / & youre lightes brennynge / & ye yours selves lyke vnto E Loynes lightes. men / that wayte for their master / when he will returne frō a weddinge: that assone as he cōmeth & knocketh / they maye opē vnto him. Happy are those servaunte / which the Lorde when he cōmeth / shall fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you / he will gerdde him selfe about / & make them sit doune to meate / & walke by / and minister vnto them.Seconde. watche. Mathew .xxiiij.
And yf he come in the seconde watche / ye if he come in the thyrde watche / & shall fynde them soo / happy are those servauntes.
This vnderstonde / that yf the good man of the housse knewe what houre ye thefe wolde come / he wolde suerly watche: and not suffer his housse to be broken vp. Be ye prepared [Page C] therfore: for the sonne of man will come at an houre when ye thinke not.
Then Peter sayde vnto him: Master / tellest F thou this similitude vnto vs / or to all men? And the Lorde sayde: If there be any faith full servaūt and wise / whom his Lorde shall make ruler over his housholde / to geve themApo. xvj. their duetie of meate at due season: happy is that servaunt / whom his master when he cō meth / shallEvell servaunt. finde soo doinge. Of a trueth I saye vnto you: that he will make him ruler over all that he hath. But & yf the evyll servaunt shall saye in his hert: My master wyll differre his cōminge / & shall beginne to smyte the servauntes / & maydens / and to eate and drinke / & to be dronken: the Lorde of that servaunt will come in a daye / when he thinketh not / and at an houre when he is not ware / and will devyde him / & will geve him his rewarde with the vnbelevers.
The servaūt that knewe his masters will / and prepared not him selfe / nether dyd accordinge to his will / shalbe betē with many strypes. But he that knewe not / and yet dyd committe thinges worthy of strypes / shalbe beaten with feawe strypes. For vnto whom mocheCovenaunt is geven / of him shalbe moche requyred. And to whom men moche commyt / the moare of him will they axe.
I am come to sende fyre on erth: & what is G Fyer. my dysyre but that it were all redy kyndsed? Not with stondinge I must de baptised withBaptyme. Baptise. Mat. x. d. a baptyme: and how am I payned till it be [Page] ended? Suppose ye that I am come to sende peace on erth? I tell you / naye: but rather debate. For frō hence forthe ther shalbe five in one housse devided / thre agaynst two / andPeace. two agaynst thre. The father shalbe devided agaynst the sonne / and the sonne agaynst theDebate father. The mother agaynst the doughter / & the doughter agaynst the mother. The motereleawe agaynst hir doughterelawe / & the doughterelawe agaynst hir motherelawe.Mathew. xvj Ma. viij.
Then sayde he to the people: when ye se a cloude ryse out of the west / strayght waye ye saye: we shall have a shower / & soo it is. And when ye se the south wynde blow / ye saye: we shall have heet / & it cōmeth to passe. Y pocrite ye can skyll of the fassion of the erth / & of the skye: but what is ye cause / that ye cānot skyll of this time? Ye & why iudge ye not of youre selves what is righte?
Whill thou goest with thyne adversary toMat. v. d. the ruler: as thou arte in the waye / geve diligence that thou mayst be delivered frō him / least he bringe the to the iudge / and the iudge delyver the to the iaylar / & the iaylar cast theAdversarie. in to preson. I tell ye / thou departest not thence / tyll thou have made good y• vtmost myte.
¶ The .xiii. Chapter.A
THer were present at the same season / that shewed him of ye Galileās / whoseGalileās bloude Pylate mengled with their awne sacrifice. And Iesus answered / & sayde vnto them: Suppose ye that these Galileans were greater synners then all the other Galileans / [Page Ci] because they suffred suche punisshmēt? I tell you naye: but except ye repent / ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe. Or those .xviii. aponToure in Siloe. which y• toure in Syloe fell / & slewe thē / thinke ye that they were synners above all men yt dwell in Ierusalem? I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent / ye all shall lyke wyse perisshe.
✚ He put forthe this similiiude / A certayne B man had a fygge tree planted in his veneyarde / & he came & sought frute theron / & foundeFygge tree. none. Then sayde he to y• dresser of his vyney arde: Beholde / this thre yeare have I come & sought frute in this fygge tree / & fynde none: cut it doune: why combreth it the grounde? And he answered & sayde vnto him: lorde let it alone this yeare also / till I digge rounde aboute it / & dōge it to se whether it will beare frute: & if it beare not then / after yt / cut it doune
And he taught in one of their sinagoge on C y• saboth dayes. And beholde ther was a womā The woman yt was bowed together. which had a sprete of infirmite .xviii. yeares: and was bowed to gether / & coulde not lifte vp her silfe at all. When Iesus sawe her he called her to him / and sayde to her: woman / thou arte delyvered from thy disease. And he layde his hondes on her / and immediatly she was made strayght / and glorified God. And the ruler of the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people.The Saboth is broken. The saboth is broken. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed / & not on the saboth daye.
[Page]Then answered him the Lorde and sayde Ypocrite / doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye / lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall / & leade him to the water? And ought not this doughter of Abraham / whom Sathan hath bounde loo .xviii. yeares / be lowsed from this bonde on the saboth daye? And when he thus sayde / all his adversa [...]ies were ashamed / and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes / that were done by him. ⊢
Then sayde he: What is the kyngdome of D God lyke? or wherto shall I compare it? It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede / which a manMustarde seede. toke and sowed in his garden: and it grewe and wexed a greate tree / and the foules of the ayer made nestes in the braunches of it.
And agayne he sayde: wher vnto shall I lyken y• kyngdome of god? it is lyke levē / whichMat. xiij. a woman toke / and hidde in thre busshels ofLeven. floure / tyll all was thorow levended. And he went thorow all maner of cities & tounes teachinge / and iorneyinge towardes Ierusalem.
Then sayde one vnto him: Lorde / are thermat. vij b Strayte gate. feawe that shalbe saved? And he sayde vnto E them: stryve with youre selves to enter in at ye strayte gate: For many I saye vnto you / willMathew .xij. d. seke to enter in / & shall not be able. When the couenaunt made in the bloude of Christ / i [...] blynded? then men payne thē selues with, holie workes / trustinge therbie to enter: but all in vay ne. When the good man of ye housse is rysen vp / & hath shett to the dore / ye shall beginne to stonde with out / and to knocke at the dore sayinge: Lorde / lorde / open vnto vs: & he shall answer and saye vnto you: I knowe you not whence ye are. Then shall ye Begin to saye. We have [Page Cii] eaten / in thy presence and dronke / and thou hast taught in oure stretes. And he shall saye: I tell you / I knowe you not whence ye are: departe from me all ye workers of iniquite. There shalbe wepinge & gnasshinge of teth F when ye shall se Abraham & Isaac & Iacob / & all the prophetes in the kyngdom of God / & youre selves thrust oute at dores. And they shall come from the eest and from the weest / and from the northe and from the southe / and shall syt doune in the kyngdome of God. And beholde / ther are last / which shalbe fyrst: And ther are fyrst which shalbe last.
The same daye there came certayne of thepsal. vj. c. mat. vij. c and xxv. pharises & sayd vnto him: Get the out of the waye / & departe hence: for Herode will kyll ye.G And he sayd vnto them. Goo ye and tell thatMathew .xix. d. & .xx. b. foxe / beholde I cast oute devyls & heale the people to daye & to morowe / & the third daye I make an ende. Neverthelesse / I must walke to daye and to morowe / & the daye folowinge:Herode is a foxe. For it can not be / that a Prophet perishe eny other where / save at Ierusalem.
O Ierusalem / Ierusalem / which kyllest prophete / and stonest them that are sent to ye:Ierusalē kylleth prophete how often wolde I have gadered thy childrē to gedder / as the hen gathereth her nest vnder her wynges / but ye wolde not. Beholde youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate.Mathew .xxiij. For I tell you / ye shall not se me vntill the tyme come that ye shall saye / blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde.
The .xiiii. Chapter.
[Page]ANd it chaunsed that he went into the housse of one of yt chefe pharises to eate breed / on a saboth daye: & they watched him. And beholde ther was a man before him which had the dropsye. And Iesus answeredDropsie. & spake vnto the lawears & pharises sayinge: is it laufull to heale on the saboth daye? And they helde their peace. And he toke him & healed him / & let him goo: and answered thē sayinge / whiche of you shall have an asse or an oxe / fallen into a pitt / and will not strayght waye pull him out on the Saboth daye? And they B coulde not answer him agayne to that.
He put forthe a similitude to ye gestes / whē he marked how they preased to the hyest roumes / & sayd vnto thē: When thou arte biddē to a weddynge of eny man / syt not doune in y• hyest roume / lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him / and he that bade bothe him and the / come and saye to the: geve this man roume / and thou then beginne with shame to take the lowest roume. But rather when thou arte bidden / goo & syt in the lowest roume / that when he that bade the cometh / heProuer. xxv. a. Eyalte humble. Mathew .xxiij. tob. iiij. a pr [...]. iij. b. maye saye vnto the: frende syt vp hyer. Then shalt thou have worshippe in the presence of them that syt at meate with the. For whosoever e [...]alteth him sylfe / shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hūbleth him sylfe / shalbe exalted ⊢
Then sayde he also to him that had desyred C him to diner: ✚ When thou makest a diner or a supper: call not thy frendes / nor thy brethrē nether thy kinsmen nor yet ryche neghbours: [Page Ciii] lest they bidde the agayne / and a recompenceFeast y• poore. be made the. But when thou makest afeast / call the poore / the maymed / the lame and the blynde / and thou shalt be happy / for they cannot recompence the. But thou shalt be recompensed at the resurreccion of the iuste men.
When one of them that sate at meate also D hearde that / he sayde vnto him: happy is he that eateth breed in the kyngdome of God. ✚ Supper. Then sayd he to him. ✚ A certayne man ordened a greate supper / and bade many / and sentMathew .xxij. a. Apo. xix. his servaunt at supper tyme / to saye to them that wer bidden / come: for all thinges are now redy. And they all atonce begāne to make excuse. The fyrst saydvnto him: I have bought a ferme / & I must nedes goo and se it / I praye the have me excused. And another sayd: I have bought fyve yooke of oxen / & I goo to prove them / I praye the have me excused. The thyrde sayd: I have maried a wyfe / and therfore I cannot come. And the servaunt went / and brought his master worde therof.
Then was the good man of the housse displeased / & E sayd to his servaūt: Goo out quickly into y• stretes & quarters of the cite / & bringe in hidder the poore & the maymed and the halt & the blynde. And the servaūt sayd: lorde it is done as thou cōmaundedst / and yet ther is roume. And the lorde sayd to the servaunt: Go out into y• hye wayes & hedges / & compell thē to come in / that my housse maye be filled. For I saye vnto you / that none of those men which were biddē / shall tast of my supper. ⊢
[Page]Ther went a greate cōpany with him / & heMat. x. d Christes disciple. Mat. x. d &. xvj. d. Mar. viij d. turned and sayde vnto them: ✚ If a man come to me / & hate not his father and mother / D & wyfe / and chyldren / & brethren / and sisters / more over and his awne lyfe / he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever beare not his crosse and come after me / cannot be my disciple.
Which of you disposed to bilde a toure / syttethTowre. not doune before & counteth ye cost / whether he have sufficient to performe it? lest after he hath layde ye foundacion / & is not able to performe it / all yt beholde it / beginne to mocke E him sayinge: this man beganne to bilde / & was not able to make an ende. Or what kynge goeth to make batayle agaynst another kinge / & sitteth not doune fyrst / & casteth in his mynde / whether he be able wt ten thousande / to mete him that cometh agaynst him wt. xx thousand. Or els whyll ye other is yet a greate waye of / he will sende embasseatours / & desyreChristes disciples peace. So lyke wyse none of you y• forsaketh not all yt he hath / can be my disciple. ⊢
Salt is good / but yf salt have loste hyrMat. v. b Mar. ix g saltnes / what shall be seasoned ther with? It is nether good for ye londe nor yet for ye donge F hill / but men cast it out at ye dores. He yt hath eares to heare / let him heare.
¶ The .xv. Cha
THen resorted vnto him all ye publicās and synners / for to heare him. And the pharises & scribes murmured sayinge:Pulicans Synners He receaved to his cōpany synners / & eateth with them. Then put he forthe this similitude to thē sayinge: What man of you havynge [Page Ciiii] an hundred shepe / yf he loose one of thē / dothhundred. shepe. mat. xvii not leve nynty & nyne in the wyldernes / & goo after yt which is loost / vntyll he fynde him? And whē he hath founde him / he putteth him on his shulders with ioye: And assone as he cometh home / he calleth to gedder his lovers & neghbours sayinge vnto them: reioyse with B me / for I have founde my shepe which was loost. I say vnto you / yt lyke wyse ioye shalbe in heven over one synner yt repenteth / moore then over nynety & nyne iuste persons / whiche nede noo repentaūce. Ether what woman havynge .x. grotes / yf she loose one / doth notTen gretes. lyght a candell / & swepe ye housse / & seke diligently / tyll she fynde it? And when she hath founde it she calleth her lovers & her neghbours sayinge: Reioyce wt me / for I have founde the groate which I had loost. Lykwyse I saye vnto you / ioye is made in y• presence of y• angels of god over one synner yt repenteth. ⊢
✚ And he sayde: a certayne man had two C The ryotouse sonne. sonnes / & the yonger of them sayde to his father: father geve me my parte of the goodes yt to me belongeth. And he devided vnto them his substaunce. And not longe after / y• yonger sonne gaddered all that he had to gedder / & toke his iorney into a farre countre / & theare he wasted his goodes with royetous lyvinge. And when he had spent all that he had / ther rose a greate derth thorow out all yt same londe / & he began to lacke. And he went and claye to a citesyn of yt same countre / which sent him to his felde / to kepe his swyne. And he [Page] wold sayne have filled his bely with the coddes that y• swyne ate: & noo man gave him.
Then he came to him selfe and sayde: how D many hyred servauntes at my fathers / have breed ynough / & I dye for honger. I will aryse / & goo to my father & will saye vnto him: father / I have synned agaynst heven & before y• / & am no moare worthy to be called thy sonne / make me as one of thy hyred servauntes. And he arose & went to his father. And when he was yet agreate waye of / his father sawe him & had compassion / and ran & fell on his E necke / & kyssed him. And the sonne sayd vnto him: father / I have synned agaynst heven / & in thy sight / & am no moare worthy to be called thy sonne. But his father sayde to his servaū tes: bringe forth that best garment and put it on him / and put a rynge on his honde / & showes on his fete. And bringe hidder that fatted caulfe / and kyll him / and let vs eate & be mery: for this my sonne was deed / and is alyve agayne / he was loste / and is now founde. And they began to be merye.
The elder brother was in the felde / & when he cam & drewe nye to y• housse / he herde minstreley F and daunsynge / & called one of his servauntes / & axed what thoose thinges meāte. And he sayd vnto him: thy brother is come / & thy father had kylled y• fatted caulfe / because he hath receaved him safe & sounde. And he was angry / and wolde not goo in. Then came his father out / & entreated him. He answered & sayde to his father: Loo these many yeares [Page Cv] have I done the service / nether brake at eny tyme thy commaundment / & yet gavest thou me never soo moche as a kyd to make mery wt my lovers: but assone as this thy sonne was come / which hath devoured thy goodes with harlootes / thou haste for his pleasure kylled ye fatted caulfe. And he sayd vnto him: Sonne / thou wast ever with me / and all that I have / is thyne: it was mete that we shuld make mery and be glad: for this thy brother was deed / and is a lyve agayne: and was loste / and is founde. ⊢
¶ The .xvi. Chapter.
ANd he sayd also vnto his disciples.A ✚ Ther was a certayne rych man / which had a stewarde / that was acusedThe vnrightwise stewarde. vnto him / that he had wasted his goodes. And he called him / & sayd vnto him: How is it / that I heare this of the? Geve a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde. The stewarde sayd wt in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye frō me y• stewarde shippe. I cānot digge / & to begge / I am a shamed. I woote what to do / yt when I am put out of y• steward shippe / they maye receave me into their houses.
Then called he all his masters detters / and B sayd vnto ye fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master? And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy bill / & syt doune quickly / & wryte fiftie. Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy bill / & write foure scoore. And [Page] the lorde cōmended the vniust stewarde / because he had done wysly. For y• chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde / wyser then y• chyldren of lyght. And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon / that when ye shall departe / they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. ⊢
✚ He that is faithfull in that which is lesteMammō y• same is faithfull in moche. And he yt is vnfaithfull in ye least: is vnfaithfull also in moche. So then yf ye have not ben faithfull in y• wicked māmon? who will beleve you in thatMat. vj. c which is true? And yf ye have not bene faithfull in another mānes busines: who shall geve you youre awne? No servaunt can serve .ii. masters / for other he shall hate y• one & love y• Two masters. other / or els he shall lene to the one & despyse the other. Ye can not serve God & mammon.D
All these thinges herde the pharises also which were coveteous / and they mocked him. And he sayd vnto thē: Ye are they which iustifie youre selves before mē: but God knoweth youre hertes. For yt which is highlie estemedMathew .xj. b. amōge mē / is abhominable in y• sight of god ⊢
The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme / the kyngdom of God is preached / and every man stryveth to goo in.
Soner shall heven and erth perisshe / thenMat. v. c. one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe. Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe and marieth another / Mat. v. c. Mar. x. b breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is devorsed from her husbande / [Page Cvi] committeth advoutry also. [...]. Lo. vi [...].
✚ Ther was a certayne ryche man / which E was clothed in purple & fyne bysse / and faredBysse. The rych [...] g [...]ot [...] & lazarue deliciously every daye. And ther was a certayne begger / named Lazarus / whiche laye at his gate full of soores / desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche mānes borde. Neverthelesse / the dogges came & licked his soores. And yt fortuned that the begger dyed / and was caried by the angelles into Abrahās bosome. The riche man also died / and was buried.
And beinge in hell in tormētes / he lyfte vp his eyes & sawe Abraham a farre of / & Lazarus F in his bosome / & he cryed and sayd: father Abraham / have mercy on me / & sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water / and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. But Abrahā sayd vnto him Sonne / remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme / receavedst thy pleasure / & contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted / and thou art punysshed. Beyonde all this / bitwene you & vs ther is a greate space set / so that they which wolde goo from hence to you cannot: nether maye come from th [...]ce to vs.
Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father / G send him to my fathers housse. For I have fyve brethren: for to warne thē / lest they also come into this place of tourmēt. Abrahā sayd vnto him: they have Moses Moses & the Prophetes is the olde testament & the Prophetes / let them heare them. And he sayd: na [...]e father Abraham / but yf one came vnto thē / [Page] from the ded / they wolde repent. He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses & ye prophetes / nether will they beleve / though one roose from deeth agayne.
¶ The .xvii. Chap.
Then sayde he to ye disciples / it can not A Ma [...]hew .xviij. Mar. jx. f Offence. Milstone. Mathew .xviij. Le. xix. d Sccl. xx. Mathew. xviij. be avoyded / but that offences will come. Neverthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke / & that he were cast into ye see / then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons. Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the / rebuke him: & yf he repent / forgeve him. And though he sinne agēst ye .vii. tymes in a daye / & sevē tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me / forgeve him
And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith. And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had faith lyke a grayne of mustard sede / andSycamine tree. shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree / plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes / and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you.
Who is it of you yf he had a servaūte plowinge or fedinge catell / that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde / Goo quickly and syt doune to meate: & wolde not rather saye to him / dresse wherwith I mayeIn workes maye no fayth be put for by them no man is iustified [...]d before god / but by Christes bloude onlie sup / & gyrde vp thy selfe and serve me / tyll I have eaten and dronken: and afterwarde / eate thou / and drinke thou? Doeth he thanke that servaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not. Soo lyke wyse ye / when ye have done all thoose thinges [Page Cvii] which are commaunded you: saye / we are vnprofitable * servaūtes. We have done ye which was oure duetye to do.
✚ And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem / that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile. And as he entred into a certayne toune / Ten lepers. ther met him ten men yt were lepers. Which stode a farre of / & put forth their voyces & sayde: Iesu master / have mercy on vs. When he sawe thē / he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went / they were clensed. And one of them / when he sawe that he was clensed / turned backe agayne / & with a loude voyce praysed God / and felldoune on his face at his fete / and gave him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. And Iesus answered & sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? Ther are not founde that returned agane / to geve God prayse / save only this straunger. And he sayde vnto him: aryse / & goo thy waye / thy faith hath made the whoale. ⊢
✚ When he was demaunded of ye pharises / E when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them and sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. Nether shall men saye: Loo here / loo there. For beholde / the The kingedome of god is to loue god with all thyne heart / ād to put thi hole trust in him accordinge to the couenaunt / made in Christ ād for Christes sake to loue thy neyboure as Christ loued the. And all this is with in the. kyngdome of God is with in you.
And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come / when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man / & ye shall not se it. And they shall saye to you: Se here / Se there. Goo not after them / nor folowe them / for as the [Page] lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one patte of the heven / and shyneth vnto the otherHe here: se there. parte of heven: Soo shall the sonne of man be in his dayes. But fyrst must he suffre many thinges / and be refused of this nacion.
As it happened in y• tyme of Noe: So shall F it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. TheyMathew .xxiiij. [...]e. viij. ate / they dranke / they maryed wyves & were maryed / even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into y• arke: & y• floud cam & destroyed thē all. Lykewyse also / as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate / they dranke / they bought / theyGen. xix solde / they planted / they bilte. And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom / it rayned fyre & brymstone from heven / & destroyed them all. After these ensamples / shall it be in G the daye when the sonne of man shall appere.
At that daye he that is on the housse toppe / and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewyse let not him that is in the feldes / turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde. Remember Lottes wyfe. Whosoever will goo about to save hisLottes wyfe. [...]c. nxix Mat. x. e. mar. viij. Io. xij. d. Mathew .xxiiij. lyfe / shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his lyfe / shall save it.
I tell you: In that nyght / ther shalbe two in one beed / the one shalbe receaved / and the other shalbe forsaken. Two shalbe also a grindynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved / and the other forsaken. And they answered / & sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye body shalbe / thyther willEgles. the egles resoorte.
¶ The .xviii. Chap.
[Page Cviii]ANd he put forth a similitude vnto thē / signifyinge that men ought alwayesEccle. xxiiij. e. j. Les. v. Wicked. iudge. to praye / & not to be wery sayinge: Ther was a Iudge in a certayne cite / which feared not god nether regarded man. And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cite / which came vnto him sayinge: avenge me of myne adversary. And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayd vnto him selfe: though I feare not God / nor care for man / yet because this wedowe troubleth me / I will avenge her lest at the laste she come and hagge on me.
And the lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes B Iudge sayeth. And shall not god avenge his electe / which crye daye and nyght vnto him / ye though he differre them? I tell you he will avenge them / and that quickly. ✚ Neverthelesse / when the sonne of man cometh / suppose ye / that he shall fynde faithe on the erthe.
✚ And he put forthe this similitude / vnto certayne which trusted in thē selves yt they were perfecte / & despysed other. Two men went vp into yt tēple to praye: ye one a pharise / & the other a publican. The pharise stode & prayed thus wt him selfe. God I thanke the y• I am not as other men are / extorsioners / vniuste / advoutrers / or as. this publican. I fast twyse in y• weke. I geve tythe of all that I possesse. And the publican stode afarre of / & wolde not lyfte vp his eyes to heven / but smote his brest sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a synner. I tell you: this mā departed hōe to his housse [Page] iustified moore then the other. For every manExalte. that exalteth him selfe / shalbe brought low: And he yt hūbleth him selfe / shalbe exalted ✚ Mathew .xxiij.
They brought vnto him also babes / yt he shuld touche thē. When his disciples sawe that / they rebuked thē. But Iesus called thē vnto him / & sayde: Suffre chyldren to comeMat. xix Mar. x. b vnto me / & forbidde thē not. For of soche is ye kyngdome of God. Verely I saye vnto you: whosoever receaveth not the kyngdome of God / as a chylde: he shall not enter therin.
And a certayne ruler axed him sayinge: Good Master: what ought I to do / to obtayne eternall lyfe? Iesus sayd vnto him: Why callest thou me good? No man is good / save God only. Thou knowest ye cōmaundmente: Thou shalt not commit advoutry: thou shaltEx. xx. not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honoure thy father & thy mother. And he sayde: all these have I kept from my youthe. When Iesus hearde that / he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge. Sell all that thou hast / & distribute it vnto the poore / and thou shalt have treasure in heven / and come / & folowe me. When he heard that / he was hevy: for he was very ryche.E
When Iesus sawe him morne / he sayde: with what difficulte shall they that have ryches / enter into the kyngdome of God: it is easyer for a camell to goo thorow a nedlesCamell. eye / then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God. Then sayde they that hearde that: And who shall then be saved? [Page Cix] And he sayde: Thinges which are vnpossible with men are possible with God.
Then Peter sayde: Loo we have lefte all / & have folowed the. And he sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you / ther is noo man that leaveth housse / other father & mother / otherCovenaunt. brethren or wyfe or chyldren for the kyngdome of Goddes sake / which same shall not receave moche moore in this worlde: and in theMathew .xx. v. Mar. x. c. worlde to come / lyfe everlastinge.F
✚ He toke vnto him twelve / & sayde vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem / & allPassion shalbe fulfilled that are written by ye Prophetes of the sonne of man. He shalbe delivered vnto the gentils / & shalbe mocked / and shalbe despytfully entreated / and shalbe spetted on: and when they have scourged him / they will put him to deeth / and the thyrde daye he shall aryse agayne. But they vnderstode none of these thinges. And this sayinge was hid frō them. And they perceaved not the thinges which were spoken.
And it came to passe / as he was come nye G Mathew .xx. d. Mar. x. g Blynde man. vnto Hierico / a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge. And when he hearde the people passe by / he axed what it meant. And they sayde vnto him / yt Iesus of Nazareth passed by. And he cryed sayinge: Iesus ye sonne of David / have thou mercy on me. And they which went before rebuked him / that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare / thou sonne of David have mercy on me. And Iesus stode styll / & commaunded [Page] him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neare / he axed him / sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde / yt I maye receave my sight: Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the. And immediatly he sawe / and folowed him / praysinge God. And all the people / when they sawe it / gave laude to God. ⊢
¶ The .xix. Chapter. ✚
ANd he entred in / & went thorow Hierico.A And beholde / ther was a mā namedzacheus. zacheus / which was a ruler amōge the Publicans / and was riche also. And he made meanes to se Iesus / what he shuld be: & coulde not for the preace / because he was of a lowe stature. Wherfore he ran before / and ascē ded vp / into a wilde fygge tree / to se him: for he shulde come that same waye. And when Iesus cam to the place / he loked vp / & sawe him / & sayd vnto him: zache / attonce come doune / for to daye I must abyde at thy housse. And he came doune hastelye & receaved him ioyfully. And when they sawe that / they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner.
And zache stode forth & sayd vnto y• Lorde: beholde Lorde / y• haulfe of my gooddes I geue B to the povre / & if I have done eny mā wrō ge / I will restore him fower folde. And Iesus sayd to him: this daye is healthe come vnto this housse / for as moche as it also is become the chylde of Abrahā. For the sonne of mā is come to seke & to save that which was looste.
[Page Cx]As they hearde these thingꝭ / he added therMathew .xviij. mat. xxv to a similitude / be cause he was nye to Hierusalem / and because also they thought that the kyngdome of God shuld shortely appere. He sayde therfore: ✚ a certayne noble man / wēt into a farre countre / to receave him a kyngdome / and then to come agayne. And he called his ten servauntes / and delyvered them ten pounde sayinge vnto them: by and sell till ITen poū de. come. But his citesens hated him / and sent messengers after him sayinge: We will not have this man to raygne over vs.
And it came to passe / when he was come C agayne & had receaved his kyngdome / he cō maunded these servaūtes / to be called to him (to whom he gave his money) to witt what every man had done. Then came ye fyrst sayinge: Lorde / thy pounde hath encreased ten poū de. And he fayde vnto him: Well good servaū te / because thou wast faithfull in a very lytell thynge / take thou auctorite over ten cities. And the other came sayinge: Lorde thy poūde hath encreased fyve pounde. And to ye same he sayde: & be thou also ruler ouer fyve cities.
And the thyrde came & sayde: Lorde / beholde here thy pounde / which I have kepte in a napkyn / for I feared the / because thou arte a strayte man: thou takest vp that thou laydest not doune / and repest that thou dyddest not sowe. And he sayde vnto him: Of thine awne D mouth / iudge I the / thou evyll servaunt. knewest thou that I am a strayte man / takinge vp that I layde not doune / & repinge that [Page] I dyd not sowe? Wherfore then gavest not thou my money into the banke / that at my cō minge I might have required myne awne with vauntage?
And he sayde to them that stode by: take frō him that pounde / & geve it him that hath ten poūde. And they sayd vnto him: Lorde he hath ten pounde. I sayde vnto you / that vnto all thē To him yt hath / it shalbe geven. Mathew .xiij. b. and .xxv. Mar. iiij c that have / it shalbe gevē: & from him yt hath not / evē that he hath shalbe taken from him. Moreover those myne enemys / which wolde not that I shuld raigne over them / bringe hidder / & slee them before me. And when he had thus spoken / he proceded forthe before a / ssendinge vp to Ierusalem. ⊢
And it fortuned / when he was come nye to E Mathew .xxj. a. Mar. xj a Betphage. Betanie. Colt. Bethphage & Bethany / besydes moūte olivete / he sent two of his disciples sayinge: Goo ye in to the toune which is over agaynste you. In the which assone as ye are come / ye shall finde a coltetyed / wheron yet never man sate. Lowse him and bringe him hider. And if eny man axe you / why that ye loowse him: thus saye vnto him / ye lorde hath nede of him.
They that were sent / went their waye / and founde / evē as he had sayde vnto thē. And as they were aloosinge ye coolte / the owners sayde vnto thē: why lowse ye ye coolte? And theyIoa. xij. b sayde: for ye Lorde hath nede of him. And they brought him to Iesus. And they cast their raymēt on ye colte / & set Iesus therō. And as F he wēt / they spredde their clothes in ye waye.
And when he was now come / wheare he [Page Cxi] shuld goo doune frō the moūte olivete / y• whole multitude of ye disciples began to reioyce / & to lawde God with a loude voyce / for all ye miracles yt they had sene sayinge: Blessed be the kynge that cōmeth in the name of the Lorde: peace in heavē / & glory in the hyest. And some of ye Pharises of the cōpany sayde vnto him: Master rebuke thy disciples. He answered / & sayde vnto thē: I tell you / yf these shuld holde their peace / the stones wold crye.
✚ And when he was come neare / he behelde the citie / & wept on it sayinge: Yf thou haddest knowen those thinges which belonge vn thy peace / evē at this thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes. For the dayesMathew .xxiiij. Marke .xiij. a. shall come vpō the / that thy enemys shall cast a banke aboute the / and cōpasse the rounde / & kepe the in on every syde / and make the even with the grounde / with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leve in the one stone vpō another / because thou knewest not the tyme of thy visitacion.
And he went in to the temple / & begāne to G cast out them that solde therin / & them thatSellers & byers. Mathew .xxj. b. Mar. xj. b Gsa. lvj. Hid. xij. c bought / sayinge vnto them / yt is written: my housse is the housse of prayer: but ye have made it a den of theves. And he taught dayly in the temple. ✚ The hye Prestes and the Scribes and the chefe of the people went about to destroye him: but coulde not finde what to do. For all the people stacke by him / and gave him audience.
¶ The .xx. Chapter. ✚
[Page]ANd yt fortuned in one of those dayes / as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye prestes A and the scribes came with the elders / andMathew .xxi. [...]. Mar. xj. d spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thingꝭ? Ether who is he yt gave ye this auctorite? He answered and saide vnto thē: I also will axe you a questiō / and answer me. The baptyme of Iohn: wasBaptime of Iohn. it from heaven or of men? And they thought with in them selves sayinge: yf we shall faye from heavē: he will saye: why then beleved ye him not? But & yf we shall saye of men / all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet. And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was. And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges.
Then begāne he to put forthe to the people / this B similitude. A certayne man plantedVineyarde. Mar. xij. Esa. v. a. Hier. ij. d a vyneyarde / & let it forthe to fermers / & went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season. And when the tyme was come / he sent a servaūt to his tennauntes that they shuld geve him of the frutes of the vyneyarde. And the tennaunte dyd bet him / & sent him awaye empty. And agayne he sent yet another servaunt. And they dyd bet him / & foule entreated him also / & sent him awaye emptye. More over / he sent the thyrde to / and him they woū ded / and cast out. Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne / him peradventure they will reverence [Page Cxii] / when they se him.
But when the fermers sawe him / they C thought in them selves sayinge: this is the heyre / come let vs kyll him / that the inheritaunce maye be oures. And they cast him out of the vyneyarde / and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them? He will come and destroye those fermers / and will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that / they sayde: God forbyd.
And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then yt is wrytten: The stone thatPsalmo▪ clxvij. Ac. iiij. b. Ro. ix. g. j. Pe. ij. a. Esaie. xxviij. the bylders refused / the same is made ye heed corner stone? whosoever stomble at that stone / shalbe broken: but on whosoever it faul vpon / it wyll grynde him to powder. And the hye Prestes and the Scribes the same howre went about to laye hondes on him / but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them.
And they watched him / and sent forth D Mathew .xxij. b Marke .xij. b. spies / which shuld fayne them selves perfecte / to take him in his wordes / and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the de bite. And they axed him sayinge: Master / we knowe that thou sayest & teachest ryght / nother cōsiderest thou eny mānes degre / but teachest the waye of God truly. Ys it laufullTribute to Cesar. for vs to geve Cesar tribute or no? He perceaved their craftynes / & sayde vnto them: whyRo. xiij. b tēpt ye me? Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage and superscripciō hath it? They answered [Page] and sayde: Cesars. And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar / that which belongeth vnto Cesar: & to God / that which pertayneth to God. And they coulde not reprove his sayingeSaduces before the people. But they marvayled E at his answer / and helde their peace.Mat. xxij Mar. xij. Deutero ▪xxv. b.
Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurrecciō. And they axed him sayinge: Master / Moses wrote vnto vs / if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe / & the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe / & reyse vp seede vnto his brother. Ther were seven brethren / and the fyrste toke a wyfe / and dyed with out children. And the seconde toke the wyfe / & he dyed chyldlesse. And the thyrde toke her / & in lyke wyse the resydue of the seven / & leeft no chyldren be hynde them / and dyed. Last of all the womā dyed also. Now at the resurrecciō whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe.
Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. The chyldrē of this worlde mary wyves / & are maryed / but F they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth / nether mary wyves / nether are maryed / nor yet can dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: & are the sonnes of God / in as moche as they are the chyldrē of the resurreccion. And that the deed shall ryse agayne / Ex. iij. b even Moses signified besydes the busshe / when he sayde: the Lorde God of Adraham / & the God of Isaac / & the God of Iacob. For [Page Cxiii] he is not the God of the deed / but of them which live. For all live in him. Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde. And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all.
Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they G mathew .xxij. d. mar. xij. d that Christ is Davids sonne? And David him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde / syt on my right honde / tyll I make thine enemys thy fopsa. cix. a the stole. Seinge David calleth him Lorde: How is he then his sonne.
Then in the audience of all the people / he sayde vnto his disciples / beware of the Scribes / whichmathew .xxiij. mar. xij d desyre to goo in longe clothinge: & love gretynges in the markets / and the hyest seates in the synagoges / and chefe roumes at feastes / which devoure widdowes houses / & that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion.
¶ The .xxi. Chapter.
AS he behelde / he sawe the ryche men / A mat. xii. d Porweds we. how they cast in their offeringes into the treasury. And he sawe also a certayne povre widdowe / which cast in thyther two mites. And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you / this poore wyddowe hath put in moare then they all. For they all have of their superfluyte added vnto the offeryngemathew .xxiiij. mar. xiij. of God: but she / of her penury / hath cast in all the substaunce that she had.
As some spake of the tēple / how it was garnesshed with goodly stones & iewels / he sayde. [Page] The dayes will come / whē of these thynges which ye se / shall not be lefte stone apon B Destruccion of ye temple. stone / that shall not be throwen doune. And they ayed him sayinge: Master whē shall these thingꝭ be / and what signe will therbe / whē suche thinges shall come to passe.
And he sayd: take hede that ye be not deceaved. For many will come in my name saying: I am he: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore. But when ye heare of warre and of dissencion: be not afrayd. For these thinges must fyrst come: but the ende foloweth not by & by. Then sayd he vnto thē: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion / and kingdom C agaynst kyngdome / and greate erthquakes shallbe in all quarters / and honger / and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall therbe from heven.
But before all these / they shall laye their hondes on you / and persecute you / delyueringe you vpto the sinagoges and into preson / and bringe you before kynges and rulers for my names sake. And this shall chaunce you for a testimoniall. Let it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes / not once to stody before / what ye shall answere: for I will geve you a mouth &A promise. wisdome / where agaynste / all youre adversarys shall not be able to speake nor resist. Ye & ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers / and of youre brethren / and kynsmen / and lovers / and some of you shall they put to deeth. And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake. Yet ther shall not one heer of youre [Page Cxiiii] heedes perisshe. With youre pacience * possessePossesse wynne or save. youre soules.D
And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste / then vnderstonde that the desolaciō of the same is nye. Then let them which are in Iewrye flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the middes of it / departe oute. And let not them that are in other countreis / entermathew .xxiiij. mar. xiij. dani. ix [...] therin. For these be the dayes of vengeance / to fulfill all that are writtē. But wo be to them that be with chylde / & to them that geve sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe greate trouble in the londe / and wrath over all this people. And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde / and shalbe leed captive / into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe trooden vnder fote of the gentyls / vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled.E
✚ And ther shalbe signes in the sunne / ād in the mone / and in the starres: and in ye erthmathew .xxiiij. Mar. xiij. esaie. xiij. b. e [...]e. xxxi [...] Ioel. iij. c the people shalbe in soche perplexite / yt they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see and the waters shall roore / & mē nes hertes shall fayle them for feare / and for lokinge after thoose thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of hevē shall move. And then shall they se the sonne of mā come in a clowde with power and greate glory. When these thinges begyn to come to passe: then loke vp / and lifte vp youre heddes for youre redemcion draweth neye.
And he shewed thē a similitude: beholde ye fygge tree / & all other trees / when they shute [Page] forth their buddes / ye se and knowe of youre awne selves that sommer is then nye at hōd. So lyke wyse ye (when ye se these thinges come to passe) vnderstonde / that the kyngdome of God is neye. Verely I saye vnto you: this generacion shall not passe / tyll all be fulfilled. Heaven & erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe. ⊢
✚ Take hede to youre selves / lest youre hertes G be overcome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that / that daye come on you vnwares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe. Watche therfore continuallyWatche and praye / that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come / & that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man. ⊢
In the daye tyme / he taught in the temple / and at night / he went out / and had abydinge in the mount olivete. And all the people came in the morninge to him in the temple / for to heare him.
¶ The .xxii. Chapter. ✚ A
THe feaste of swete breed drue nye whicheMathew .xxvj. Ma.. xiiij is called ester / and the hye prestes and Scribes sought how to kyll him / but they feared the people. Then entred Satan into Iudas / whose syr name was Iscariot (which was of the nombre of the twelve) & he went his waye & cōmuned with theMathew .xxvj. Christ is betrayed. Mathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij hye Prestes and officers / how he might betraye him to them. And they were glad: & promysed to geve him money. And he consented [Page Cxv] and sought oportunite to betraye him vnto them / when the people were awaye.F
Then came y• daye of swete breed / when of necessite the esterlambe must be offered. AndEster lā be. he sent Peter & Iohn. sayinge: Goo & prepare vs the ester lambe / that we maye eate. They sayde to him. Where wilt thou / yt we prepare? And he sayd vnto them. Beholde when ye be entred into the cite / ther shall a man mete you bearinge a pitcher of water / him folowe into the same housse yt he entreth in / & saye vnto ye good mā of ye housse. The master sayeth vnto y•: where is ye gest chamber / where I shall eate myne ester lambe wt my disciples? And he shall shew you a greate parloure paved. Ther make redy. And they wēt & foūde as he had sayd vnto thē: & made redy ye ester lambe.
And when the houre was come / he sate doune B mathew .xxvj. mar. xiii [...] j. cor. xj. and the twelve Apostles with him. And he sayde vnto them: I have inwardly desyred / to eate this ester lambe with you before yt I suffre. For I saye vnto you: hence forthe / I will not eate of it eny moore / vntill it be fulfilled in the kingdome of God. And he toke the cup / & gave thankes / & sayde. Take this / and devyde it amonge you. For I saye vnto you: I will not drinke of the frute of the vyne / vntill the kingdome of God be come.
And he toke breed / gave thankes / and gave to them / sayinge: This is my body which isThe sacrament is institute. geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me. Lykewyse also / when they had supped / he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe [Page] testament / in my bloud / which shall for you be shedde.
Yet beholde / the honde of him that betrayeth me / is with me on the table. And ye sonnemathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij ioa. xiij. [...] psa. xl. c. of man goeth as it is appoynted▪ But wo be to yt man by whom he is betrayed. And they began to enquyre amōge them selves / which of them it shuld be / that shuld do that.
✚ And ther was a stryfe amōge thē / which C of them shuld be taken for the greatest. AndGreatest he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the gētylsmathew .xx. d mar. x. f. raygne over them / and they that beare rule over them / are called gracious lordes. But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you / shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe / shalbe as the minister. For whether is greater / he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amōge you / as he that ministreth. Ye are they which have bidden with me in my temptacions. And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdome / as my father hath appoynted to me: that ye maye eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome / and sit on seates / and iudge the twelve tribes of Israell. ⊢
And the Lorde sayde: Simon / Simon beholde Satan hath desired you / to sifte you / as itSimons fayth fayleth not. were wheate: but I have prayed for the▪ that thy faith fayle not. And when thou arte converted / strengthe thy brethrē. And he sayd vntomathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij him. Lorde I am redy to go with the in to preson / & to deth. And he sayde: I tell the Peter / the cocke shall not crowe this daye / tyll [Page Cxvi] thou have thryse denyed yt thou knewest me.D
And he sayde vnto them: when I sent you with out wallet and scripe & shoes? lacked ye eny thinge? And they sayd / no. And he sayde to them: but nowe he that hath a wallet let him take it vp and lykewyse his scrippe.By a swerde. esai. liiij. And he that hath no swearde / let him sell his coote and bye one. For I saye vnto you / that yet / that which is written / must be performed in me: even with the wycked was he nombred. For those thinges which are written of me / have an ende. And they sayde:Two swerdes. Lorde / beholde here are two sweardes. And he sayde vnto them: it is ynough.
And he came out / and went as he was wō te / tomathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij ioa. xviij Christ armeth him selfe agaynst his passion. An angel cōforteth him. mounte olivete. And the disciples folowed him. And when he came to the place / he sayde to thē: praye / lest ye fall into temptaciō.
And he gate him selfe from them / about a stones cast / & kneled doune / & prayed / sayinge:E Father yf thou wilt / withdrawe this cup frō me. Neverthelesse / not my will / but thyne be be fulfilled. And ther appered an angell vnto him from heaven / confortinge him. And he was in an agonye / & prayed somwhat longer. And hys sweate was lyke droppes of bloud / tricklynge doune to the grounde. And he roseHe sweteth bloude. vp from prayer & came to his disciples / & foū de them slepinge for sorowe / and sayde vnto them: Why slepe ye? Ryse and praye / lest ye fall into temptacion.
Whill he yet spake: beholde / ther came a company / and he that was called Iudas / one [Page] of the twelve / wēt before them / & preased nye vnto Iesus to kysse him. And Iesus sayd vnto him: Iudas / betrayest thou ye sonne of man with a kysse? When they which were about him sawe what wolde folow / they sayde vnto him. Lorde / shall we smite with swearde. AndE [...]are is [...]myttē of one of them smote a servaūt of ye hiest preste of all / & smote of his right eare. And Iesus answered & sayd: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare / and healed him.
Then Iesus sayde vnto the hye prestes and rulers of the temple & the elders which F were come to him. Be ye come out / as vnto amathew. x [...] vj. mar. xiiij Io. xviij. thefe with sweardes and staves? When I was dayly with you in the tēple / ye stretched not forth hondes agaynst me. But this is even youre very houre / and the power of darcknes. Then toke they him / and ledde him / and brought him to the hye prestes housse. And peter folowed a farre of.
When they had kyndled a fyre in the middesmathew. [...]xvj. mar. xiiij [...]oa. xviij of the palys / and were set doune to geder Peter also sate doune amonge them. And wone of the wenches / behelde him as he sate by the fyer / and set good eyesight on him & sayde: this same was also with him. Then he denyed hym sayinge: woman I knowe him not And after a lytell whyle / another sawe him &Peter denieth. sayde: thou arte also of them. And Peter sayd man I am not. And aboute the space of an G houre after / another affirmed sayinge: verely even this felowe was with hym / for he is of Galile / & Peter sayde: mā I woote not [Page Cxvii] what thou sayest. And immediatly whyll he yet spake / the cocke crewe. And the Lorde tourned backe and loked apon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lorde / how he sayde vnto him / before ye cocke crowe / thou shalt denye me thryse. And Peter went out / and wepte bitterly.
And the men that stode about Iesus / mocked G him / & smoote him / and blyndfolded him / & smoote his face. And axed him sayinge: arede / whoChrist is mocked. it is that smoote y•? And many other thinges despytfull ye sayd they agaynst him.
And assone as it was daye / the elders of the people & the hye prestes & scribes / came to gedder & ledde him into their counsell sayinge:Mathew .xxvij. mar. xv. ioa. xviij arte thou very Christ? tell vs. And he sayde vnto thē: yf I shall tell you / ye will not beleve And yf also I axe you / ye will not answere me / or let me goo. Herafter shall the sonne of man sit on the ryght honde of the power of God. Then sayde they all: Arte thou then the sonne of God? He sayd to them: ye saye yt I am. Then sayde they: what nede we eny further witnes? We oure selves have herde of his awne mouthe.
¶ The .xxiii. Chap.
ANd the whole multitude of them arose / & A He is delyuered to Pilate ledde him vnto Pylate. And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We have founde this felowe pervertynge the people / and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar:mat. xxi [...] mar. xij. marke .xxvij. and .xv. [...] ioa. xviij sayinge / that he is Christ a kynge. And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered him and sayde: [Page] thou sayest it. Then sayde Pylate to the hye prestes / and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this man. And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moveth the people / teachynge thorowout all Iewry / and beganne at Galile / even to this place.
When Pilate hearde mencion of Galile / he B He is sent to Herode. axed whether the m [...] were of Galile. And assone as he knewe that he was of Herodes iurisdiccion he sent him to Herode / which was also at Ierusalem in those dayes. And when Herode sawe Iesus / he was excedinglie gladde. For he was desyrous to se him of a longe season / because he had hearde many thinges of him / & trusted to have sene some myracle done by him. Then questeoned he with him of many thinges. But he answered him notHe holdeth his peace. one worde. The hye prestes and scribes / stode forthe & accused him straytly. And Herod wt his men of warre / despysed him / and mocked him / and arayed him in whyte / and sent himPilate & Herode are become frendes. agayne to Pylate. And the same daye Pylate and Herod were made frendes togeder. For before they were at variaunce.
And Pylate called to geder the hye prestes and the rulers / and the people / & sayde vnto them: Ye have brought this man vnto me / asmathew. xxvi [...]. mar. xv. [...]o. xviij. and. xix c one that perverted the people. And beholde I have examined him before you / & have founde no faute in this man / of those thinges where C of ye accuse him. No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him: and lo no thinge worthy of deeth is done to him. I will therfore chasten [Page Cxviii] him & let him lowsse. For of necessite / he must have let one lowse vnto them at that feast.
And all the people cryed atonce sayinge: awaye with him / & delyvre to vs Barrabas:Barrabas. which for insurrccion made in the cite / & morther / was cast into preson. Pylate spake agayne to them willynge to let Iesus lowse. And they cryed sayinge: Crucify him / Crucify him He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme. What evyll hath he done? I fynde no cause of deeth in him. I will therfore chasten him / and let him lowse. And they cryed with loude voyce / and required that he myght be crucifyed. And the voyce of them and of the hye Prestes prevayled.
And Pylate gave sentence that it shuld be D as they required and let lowse vnto them / him that for insurreccion and morther / was cast into preson / whom they desyred: & delyvered Iesus to do with him what they wolde. And as they ledde him awaye / they caught one Symon of Syrene / commynge out of theSimon of Sirene felde: and on him layde they the crosse / to beare it after Iesus.
And ther folowed him a greate company ofmathew. xxvi [...]. mar. xv [...] people and of wemen / which wemē bewayled and lamented him. But Iesus turned backe vnto them / and sayde: Doughters of Ierusalem / wepe not for me: but wepe for youre selves and for youre chyldren. For beholde / theesa. [...]iiij. [...] gala. iiij. dayes will come / when men shall saye: happy are the baren and the wombes that never bare / and the pappes which never gave sucke. [Page] Then shall they beginne to saye to the monntaynes / fallesai. ii. a. o see. x. b apo. ix. b on vs: and to the hilles / cover vs. For yf they do this to a grene tree / what shalbe done to the drye?
And therwere two e [...]yll daers ledde with E him to be slayne. And when they were comemathew .xxvij. mar. xvb ioa. xix b mathew .xxvij. mar. xvb to the place / which is called Calvary / there they crucified him / and the evyll doers / one on ryght honde / and the other on the lefte. Then sayde Iesus: father forgeve them / for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment / and cast loottes. And the people stode and behelde.
And the rulers mocked him with thē saying:He is mocked. he holpe other men / let him helpe him selfe / yf he be Christ the chosen of god. The soudiers also mocked him / & came and gave him veneger and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of ye Iewes / save thy silfe. And his superscripciō was writtē over him / in greke / in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes.
And one of the evyll doers which hanged / rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ save F thy selfe and vs. The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Net herfearest thou god / because thou arte in the same damnacion? We are righteously punesshed / for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse. And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the / to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.Paradise
[Page Cxix]And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes over all the londe / vntyll ye nynth houre / and the sonne was darckened.Vayle. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent even thorow the myddes. And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father / into thy hondesHe geueth vp the ghost. I cōmende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd / he gave vp the goost. When ye Centurion sawe what had happened / he glorified God sayinge: Of a surtie this man was perfecte. And all the people that came to gederHis frendes stonde a farre of. to that sight / beholdynge the thinges which were done: smoote their bestes / and returned home. And all his acquayntaunce / and the wemen / that folowed him from Galile / stode a farre of beholdynge these thinges.
And beholde ther was a man named Ioseph / a G councelloure / and was a good man & amathew .xxvij. mar. xv. [...]o. xix. [...] Ioseph of Arimathia. iuste / & dyd not consent to the counsell and dede of them / which was of Aramathia / a cite of the Iewes: which same also wayted for ye kyngdome of God: he went vnto Pilate / & begged the boddy of Iesus / and toke it doune / & wrapped it in a lynnen clooth / and layed it in an hewen toumbe / wherin was never man before layed. ✚ And that daye was ye Saboth even'& the Saboth drue on. The wemen that folowed after / which came with him from Galile / behelde the sepulcre and how his body was layed. And they returned & prepared odoures and oyntmētes: but rested the Saboth daye / accordynge to the commaundement.
¶ The .xxiiii. Chapter. ✚
[Page]ON the morowe after the saboth / erly A mar. xvj. Ioh. xx. a in the morninge / they came vnto the toumbe & brought the odoures which they had prepared & other wemen with them And they founde the stone rouled awaye frō the sepulcre / and went in: but founde not the body of the Lorde Iesu. And it happened / as they were amased therat: Beholde two men stode by them in shynynge vestures. And as they were a frayde / and bowed doune their faces to the erth: they sayd to them: why seke ye the lyvinge amonge the deed? He is not here: but is rysen. Remember how he spake vntomathew .xxvij. d. mar. ix. a you / when he was yet with you in Galile / sayinge: that the sonne of man must be delyvered into the hondes of synfull men / and be crucified / and B the thyrde daye ryse agayne.
And they remembred his wordes / & returned from the sepulcre / and tolde all these thinges vnto the eleven / & to all the remanaunt. It was Mary Magdalen and Ioanna / & Mary Iacobi / & other that were with thē / which tolde these thinges vnto the Apostles / & their wordes semed vnto them fayned thinges / nether beleved they them. Then aroose PeterPeter rū neth to y• grave. and ran vnto the sepulcre / and stouped in and sawe the lynnen cloothes layde by them selfe / and departed wondrynge in him selfe at that which had happened. ⊢
✚ And beholde / two of them went that same C daye to a toune which was frō Ierusalem about thre scoore for longes / called Emaus: and they talked togeder of all these thingesEmaus. [Page Cxx] that had happened. And it chaunsed / as they cōmened togeder & reasoned / that Iesus him selfe drue neare / & went with them. But their eyes were holden / that they coulde not knowe him. And he sayde vnto them: What maner of cōmunicacions are these that ye have one to another as ye walke / & are sadde. And the one of them named Cleophas / answered and sayd vnto him: arte thou only a straunger in Ierusalem / & haste not knowen the thinges which have chaunsed therin in these dayes? To whom he sayd: what thinges?
And they sayd vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet / myghtie in dede / & worde / before god / & all the people. And how the hye prestes / & oure rulers delyvered him to be condempned to deeth: and have crucified him. But we trusted that it shuld have bene he that shuld have delyvered Israel. And as touchynge all these thinges / to daye is even the thyrd daye / that they were done.D
Ye and certayne wemen also of oure company made vs astonyed / which came erly vnto the sepulcre / and founde not his boddy: and came sayinge / that they had sene a vision of angels / which sayde that he was alyve. And certayne of them which were with vs / went their waye to the sepulcre / and founde it even so as the wemen had sayde: but him they sawe not.
And he sayde vnto thē: O foles and slow [...] of herte to beleve all y• the prophete have spoken. Ought not Christ to have suffred these [Page] thinges / & to enter into his glory? And he began at Moses / & at all the prophetes / & interpreted vnto them in all scriptures which D were wrytten of him. And they drue neye vnto the toune wich they went to. And he made as though he wolde have gone further. But they constrayned him sayinge: abyde with vs / for it draweth towardes nyght / & the daye is farre passed. And he went in to tary with thē.
And it came to passe as he sate at meate wt them / he toke breed / blessed it / brake and gave to them. And their eyes were openned / & they E knewe him: and he vnnisshed out of their syght. And they sayde betwene them selves: dyd not oure hertes burne with in vs / whyll he talked with vs by the waye / and as he opened to vs the scriptures? And they roose vp the same houre / and returned agayne to Ierusalem / and founde the eleven gadered to geder and them that were with them / which sayde: the Lorde is rysen in dede / and hath apered to Simon. And they tolde what thinges was done in the waye / and how they knewe him in breakynge of breed. ✚ mathew .xxviij. mar. xvj. ioa. xx. c
As they thus spake ✚ Iesus him selfe stode F in ye myddes of them / & sayde vnto them: peace be with you. And they were abasshed & afrayde / supposinge yt they had sene a sprete And he sayde vnto thē: Why are ye troubled / & why do thoughtes aryse in youre hertes? Beholde my hondes & my fete / that it is even my selfe. Handle me & se: for spretes have not flesshe & bones / as ye se me have. And when [Page Cxxi] he had thus spoken / he shewed them his hondes and his fete. And whyll they yet beleved not for ioye / and wondred / he sayde vnto thē: Have ye here eny meate? And they gave him a pece of a broyled fisshe / and of an hony combe. And he toke it / and ate it before them.
And he sayde vnto thē. These are the wordes / which I spake vnto you / whyll I was yet with you: that all must be fulfilled which G He geueth ye keyes. were written of me in the lawe of Moses / & in the Prophetes / & in the Psalmes. Then openned he their wyttes / that they myght vnderstond the scriptures / and sayde vnto them. Thus is it written / & thus it behoved Christ to suffre / and to ryse agayne from deeth thePsalmo [...] xviij. thyrde daye / and that repentaunce and remission of synnes shuld be preached in his name amonge all nacions / ✚ and must beginne at Ierusalem. And ye are witnesses of these thinges. And beholde / I will sende the promesacto. j. a. ioa. xvj. of my father apon you. But tary ye in ye cite of Ierusalem / vntyll ye be endewed with power from an hye.
And he ledde thē out into Bethany / & lyfte vp his hondes / & blest them. And it cam toActo. j. a. mar. xvi. d. passe / as he blessed thē / he departed from thē / & was caryed vp in to heven. And they worshipped him / & returned to Ierusalem with greate ioye / and were continually in the temple / praysinge and laudinge God.
The Gospell of Saincte Iohn.
The Fyrst Chapter. ✚
IN the beginnynge was the worde / & A the worde was with God: & the worde was God. The same was in the beginnynge with God. All thinges were made by it / & with out it / was made nothinge / that was made. In it was lyfe / & the lyfe was ye lyght of men / & the lyght shyneth in the darcknes / but the darcknes comprehended it not.
There was a man sent from God / whose name was Iohn. The same cam as a witnes to beare witnes of the lyght / that all men through him myght beleve. He was not that lyght: but to beare witnes of the lyght. That was a true lyght / which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde. He was in ye worlde / and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not.
He cam amonge his (awne) and his awne(Awne) is his awne people receaved him not. But as meny as receaved B him / to them he gave power to be the sonnesFayth. maketh. vs y• sonnes of god. mat. j. c luc. ij. d. of God in yt they beleved on his name: which were borne / not of bloude nor of the will of the flesshe / nor yet of the will of man: but of God.
And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs / & we sawe the glory of it / as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father / which worde was full of grace and verite. ⊢
[Page Cxxii] ✚ Iohn bare witnes of him and cryed sayinge:Iohn bare witnes This was he of whome I spake / he that cometh after me / was before me / because he(Grace) all grace: & all that is pleasaunt in the sight of god / is geuē vs for Christes sake only: euen oute of the fulnes & aboundaunce of the fauoure that he receaueth with his father. was yer then I. And of his fulnes have all we receaved / even (grace) for grace. For the lawe was geven by Moses / but grace & truthe came by Iesus Christ. No mā hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begottē sonne / which is in y• bo some of ye father / he hath declared him. ⊢
✚ And this is the recorde of Iohn: When C the Iewes sent Prestes and Levites from Ierusalem / to axe him / what arte thou? And he confessed / and denyed not / and sayde playnly: I am not Christ. And they axed him: what then? arte thou Helyas? And he sayde: I am not. Arte thou a Prophete? And he answered no. Then sayd they vnto him: what arte thou that we maye geve an answer to them that sent vs: What sayest thou of thy selfe? He sayde: I am the voyce. that is: I am that I preache I am sent to proue you synnners & to crye on you to amē de that ye maye receaue Christ & his grace. voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes / make strayght the waye of the Lorde / as sayde the Prophete Esaias.
And they which were sent / were of the pharises.D And they axed him / & sayde vnto him: why baptisest thou then / yf thou be not Christ nor Helyas / nether a Prophet? Iohn answered them sayinge: I baptise with water: but one is come amonge you / whom ye knowe not he it is that cometh after me / whiche was before me / whose sho latchet I am not worthy to vnlose. These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan / where Iohn dyd baptyse. ⊢
[Page] ✚ The nexte daye / Iohn sawe Iesus commygeLambe. vnto him / and sayde: beholde the lambe of God / which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. This is he of whom I sayde. After me cometh a man / which was before me / for he was yet then I / and I knew him not: but that he shuld be declared to Israell / therfore am I come baptisynge with water.
And Iohn bare recorde sayinge: I sawe the E sprete descende from heven / lyke vnto a dove / and abyde apon him / and I knewe him not.mat. ijj. d. Mar. j. b. luc. iij. d. But he that sent me to baptise in water / the same sayde vnto me: apon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him / the same is he which baptiseth with the holy goost. And I sawe and bare recorde / that this is the sonne of God.
The next daye after / Iohn stode agayne / & two of his disciples. And he behelde Iesus as he walked by / and sayde: beholde the lambe of God. And the two disciples hearde him speake / and folowed Iesus. And Iesus turned about / and sawe them folowe / & sayde vnto them: what seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi (which is to saye by interpretacion / Master) where dwellest thou? He sayde vnto them: come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelt: & abode with him that daye. For it was about the tenthe houre.
One of the two which hearde Iohn speake F Andrew. Peter. and folowed Iesus / was Andrew Simon Peters brother. The same founde his brother Simon fyrst / and sayde vnto him: we have [Page Cxxiii] founde Messias / which is by interpretacion / annoynted: & brought him to Iesus. And Iesus behelde him and sayde: thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas / thou shalt be called Cephas: which is by interpretacion / a stone.
The daye folowynge Iesus wolde goo into Galile / and founde Philip / & sayde vnto him / folowe me. Philip was of Bethsaida the cite G Philip. Nathanael. of Andrew and Peter. And Philip founde Nathanael / and sayde vnto him. We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe / and the prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Iosephgen. xlix deu. xviij esa. xl. c. & .xlv. b. hie. xxiij Ezechi. xxxiiij. & xxxvij dan. ix. f. of Nazareth. And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se.
Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him / and sayde of him. Beholde a ryght Israelite / in whō is no gyle. Nathanael sayd vnto him: where knewest thou me? Iesus answered / and sayde vnto him: Before that Philip called the / when thou wast vnder ye fygge tree / I sawe the▪ Nathanael answered and sayde vnto him: Rabbi / thou arte the sonne of God / thou arte the kynge of Israel. Iesus answered and sayd vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the / I sawe the vnder the fygge tree / thou belevest. Thou shalt se greater thinges then these. And he sayde vnto him: Verely / verely / I saye vnto you: herafter shall ye se heven open / and the angels of God ascendynge and descendynge over the sonne of man.
¶ The seconde Chapter.
[Page]ANd the thryde daye / was ther a mariage in Cana a cite of Galile: and the mother A A mariage in Cana of Galile. of Iesus was there. And Iesus was called also & his disciples vnto the mariage. And when the wyne fayled / the mother of Iesus sayde vnto him: they have no wyne. Iesus sayde vnto her: woman / what have I to do with the? myne houre is not yet come. His mother sayde vnto the ministres: whatsoever he sayeth vnto you / do it. And therwere stondynge theare / sixe water pottes of stone after ye maner of the purifyinge of ye Iewes / contaynynge two or thre fyrkins a pece.
And Iesus sayde vnto them: fyll the water B pottes with water. And they fylled them vp to the brym. And he sayde vnto them: drawe out now / and beare vnto the governer of the feaste. And they bare it. When the ruler ofWater into wyne. the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wyne / and knewe not whence it was (but the ministres which drue the water knew) He called the brydegrome / and sayde vnto him. All men at the beginnynge / set forth good wyne / and when men be dronke / then that which is worsse. But thou hast kept backe the good wyne / vntyll now.
This beginnynge of miracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile / and shewed his glory / and his disciples beleved on him. ✚ After that he descended in to Capernaum / and his mother / and his brethren / and his disciples: but contynued not manye dayes there.
✚ And the Iewes ester was even at honde [Page Cxxiiii] / and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem / & foundeSellers in the tē ple are cast out. syttynge in the temple / those that solde oxen and shepe and doves / and chaungers of money. And he made a scourge of small cordes / and drave them all out of the temple / with the shepe & oxen / and powred oute the changers money / and overthrue the tables / and sayde vnto them that solde doves: Have these thinges hence / & make not my fathers housse an housse of marchaundyse. And hisPsalmo lxviij. disciples remembred / how y• it was wrytten: the zele of thyne housse hath even eaten me.
Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto D him: what token shewest thou vnto vs / seyngemathew. xx [...] ▪ & xxvij. marke .xiiij. f and .xv. [...] that thou dost these thinges? Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: destroye this temple / & in thre dayes I will reare it vp agayne. Then sayde the Iewes: xlvi. yeares was this temple abuyldinge: and wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes? But he spake of the temple of his body. Assone therfore as he was rysen from deeth agayne / his disciples remembred that he thus sayde. And they beleved the scripture / and the wordes which Iesus had sayde.
When he was at Ierusalem at ester in thepsal. iij. b. & lvj. c. feaste / many beleved on his name / when they sawe his miracles which he dyd. But Iesus put not him selfe in their hondes / because he knewe all men / and neded not / that eny man shuld testify of man. For he knewe▪ what was in man. ⊢
¶ The .iii. Chapter. ✚
[Page]THer was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge ye Iewes.A Nicodemus. The same cam to Iesus by nyght / and sayde vnto him: Rabbi / we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest / except God were with him. Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe / he cannot se the kyngdom of God. Nicodemus sayde vnto him: how can a man be boren when he is olde? can he enter into his moders wombe & be boren agayne? Iesus answered: verely / verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren of water & of ye sprete / he cannot enter into the kyngdome of god. That which is boren of the flesshe / is flesshe: & that which is boren of the sprete / is sprete. Marvayle not that I sayd to the / ye must be boren a newe. The wynde bloweth where he listeth / & thou hearest his sounde: but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth. So is every man that is boren of the sprete.
And Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto him: how can these thinges be? Iesus answered B and sayde vnto him: arte thou a master in Israel / and knowest not these thinges? Verely verely / I saye vnto the / we speake that we knowe / and testify that we have sene: and ye receave not oure witnes. Yf when I tell you erthely thinges / ye beleve not: how shuld ye beleve / yf I shall tell you of hevenly thinges?
And no man ascendeth vp to heaven / but [Page Cxxv] he that came doune from heaven / that is to saye / the sonne of man which is in heaven.
And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in thenum. xxi wyldernes / even so must the sonne of man beSerpent. lifte vp / that none that beleveth in him perisshe: but have eternall lyfe. ⊢
✚ For God so loveth the worlde / yt he hathFayth. geven his only sonne / that none that beleve C j. Io. iiij. in him / shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe. For God sent not his sonne into the worlde / to condēpne the worlde: but that the worlde through him / might be saved. He that beleveth on him / shall not be condēpned. But he that beleveth not / is condempned all redy / because he beleveth not in the name ofCondemnacion. the only sonne of God. And this is the condempnacion: that light is come into the worlde / & the mē loved darcknes more then light / because their dedes were evill. For every man that evyll doeth / hateth the light: nether commeth to light / lest his dedes shuld be reproved. But he that doth truth / commeth to the light / that his dedes might be knowen / how that they are wrought in God. ⊢
After these thinges cam Iesus & his disciples into the Iewes londe / & ther he haunted with them & baptised. And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim / because ther was moche water there / & they came & were baptised. For Iohn was not yet cast into preson.
✚ And ther arose a questiō bitwene Iohns D disciples and the Iewes about purifiynge. And they came vnto Iohn / & sayde vnto him: [Page] Rabbi / he that was with the beyonde Iordan / to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptyseth / & all mē come to him. Iohn answered / and sayde: a man can receave no thinge at all except it be gevē him frō heaven. Ye youre selves are witnesses / how that I sayde: I am not Christ but am sent before him. He that hath the bryde / is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth him / reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce. Tis my ioye is fulfilled. He must increace: & I muste decreace.
He that commeth from an hye is above all: He that is of ye erth / is of the erth / & speaketh of the erth. He that cōmeth from heaven / is above all / & what he hath sene & hearde: that he testifieth: but no man receaveth his testimonye. How be it / he that hath receaved hys testimonye hath set to his seale that God is true. For he whom God hath sent / speakethrom. iij. [...]. the wordes of God. For God geveth not the sprete by measure. The father loveth the sonneMeasure j. Io. v. b. & hath geven all thinges into his honde. He that beleveth on the sonne / hath everlastynge lyfe: and he that beleveth not the sonne / shall not se lyfe / but the wrathe of God abydeth on him. ⊢
¶ The .iiii. Chapter.
ASsone as the Lorde had knowledge / A how the Pharises had hearde / that Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Iohn (though that Iesus him selfe baptised not: but his disciples) he lefte Iewry / & [Page Cxxvi] departed agayne into Galile. And it was so that he must nedes goo thorowe Samaria. Then came he to a cyte of Samaria called Sichar / besydes the possession that Iacob gave to his sonne Ioseph. And there was Iacobsge. xlviij well. Iesus then weryed in his iorney / sate thus on the well.
And it was about the sixte houre: & there B The woman of Samari e came a woman of Samaria to drawe water. And Iesus sayde vnto her: geve me drynke. For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the toune to bye meate. Then sayde the woman of Samaria vnto him: how is it / that thou beinge a Iewe / axest drinke of me / which am a Samaritane? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God / & who it is that sayeth to the geve me drynke / thou woldest have axed of him / and he wolde have geven the water of lyfe. The woman sayde vnto him. Syr thou hast no thinge to drawe with / and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou y• water of lyfe? Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob which gave vs the well / and he him silfe dranke therof / & his chyldren / and his catell:
Iesus answered & sayde vnto hir: whosoever drinketh of this water / shall thurst agayne. But whosoever shall drinke of ye water yt I shall geve him / shall never be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geve him / shalbe in him a well of water / springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe. The womā sayd vnto him: [Page] Syr geve me of that water / that I thyrst not / nether come hedder to drawe. Iesus sayde vnto her. Go and call thy husband / & come hydder. The woman answered & sayde to him: I have no husband. Iesus sayde to her. Thou hast well sayd / I have no husbande. For thou haste had five husbandes / and he whom thou now hast / is not thy husband. That saydest thou truely.
The woman sayde vnto him: Syr I perceave C y• thou arte a prophet. Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: & ye saye that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to worshippe. Iesus sayde vnto her: woman beleve me / the houre cometh / when ye shall nether in this moūtayne nor yet at Ierusalem / worshippe the father. Ye worshippe / ye wot not what: we knowe what we worshippe. For salvacion cōmeth of the Iewes. But the houre commeth and nowe is / when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in sprete and in trouthe. For verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe him. God is a sprete / and they that worshippe him / must worshippe him / in sprete and How & where god will be worshypped. trouthe.
The woman sayde vnto him: I wot well D Messias shall come / which is called Christ. When he is come / he will tell vs all thingꝭ. Iesus sayde vnto hir: I that speake vnto theij. co. iij. d am he. And evē at that poynte / came his disciples / & marvelled that he talked with the woman. Yet no man sayde vnto him: what meanest thou / or why talkest thou with her? The [Page Cxxvii] womā then lefte her waterpot / and went her waye into the cite / & sayde to the men. Come se a man which tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. Is not he Christ? Then they went out of the cite / & came vnto him.
And in ye meane while his disciples prayed E him sayinge: Master / eate. He sayde vnto thē: I have meate to eate / that ye knowe not of. Then sayd ye disciples bitwene them selves: hath eny mā brought him meate? Iesus sayde vnto them: my meate is to doo the will of him that sent me. And to fynnysshe his worke. Saye not ye: there are yet foure monethes / and then cōmeth harvest? Beholde I saye vnto you / lyfte vp youre eyes / & loke on ye regiōs: for they are whyte all redy vnto harvest. And he ye repeth receaveth rewarde / & gaddereth frute vnto life eternall: that bothe he that soweth / & he y• repeth myght reioyse to gether. And herin is the sayinge true / yt one soweth / & another repeth. I sent you to repe yt wherō ye bestowed no laboure. Other men laboured / and ye are entred into their labours.
Many of the Samaritās of that cyte beleved F on him / for ye sayinge of the womā / which testified: he tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. Then when the Samaritās were come vnto him / they be sought him / ye he wolde tary wt thē. And he aboode there two dayes. And many moo beleved because of his awne wordes / & sayd vnto the woman: Now we beleve not because of thy sayinge. For we have herde him oure selves / and knowe that this is even [Page] [...] [Page Cxxvii] [...] [Page] in dede Christ the savioure of the worlde. ⊢
After two dayes he departed thence / & wētmathew .xiij. a. mar. vj. a ln [...]. iiij. c. mat. iiij. b awaye into Galile. And Iesus him selfe testified / that a Prophete hath none honoure in his awne countre. Then assone as he was come into Galile / the Galileans receaved him which had sene all the thinges yt he dyd at Ierusalem at ye feast. For they wēt also vnto ye feast daye. And Iesus came agayne into Cana G mar. i. d. luc. iiij. c. of Galile / wher he turned water into wyne.
✚ And ther was a certayne ruler / whose sonneRuler. was sicke at Capernaum. Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile / he wēt vnto him / and besought him / yt he wolde descende / & heale his sonne: For he was evē readie to dye. Then sayde Iesus vnto him: excepte ye se signes & wōdres / ye cānot beleve. The ruler sayd vnto him: Syr come awaye or ever y• my chylde dye. Iesus sayde vnto him / goo thy waye / thy sonne liveth. And the mā beleved ye wordes yt Iesus had spokē vnto him / & wēt his waye. And anone as he went on his waye / his servants met him / & tolde him sayinge: thy chylde liveth. Then enquyred he of thē the houre when he begāne to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yester daye the sevēthe houre / the fever lefte him. And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne liveth. And he beleved / and all his housholde. ✚ Thys is agayne the seconde myracle / y• Iesus dyd / after he was come oute of Iewry into Galile.
¶ The .v. Cha. ✚
[Page Cxxvii]AFter that ther was a feast of the Iewes / & Iesus went vp to Ierusalem.A And ther is at Ierusalem / by ye The greke hath shepe house: a place where they kylled the beestes that were santified. slaughter housse / a pole called in ye Ebrue tōge / Bethseda / havinge five porches / in which laye a greate multitude of sicke folke / of blinde / halt & wyddered / waytinge for the movinge of the water. For an angell wēt doune at a certayne ceason into ye pole & troubled ye water. Whosoever then fyrst after the steringe of the water / stepped in / was made whoale of what soever disease he had. And a certayne mā was theare / which had bene diseased .xxxviii. yeares. When Iesus sawe him lye / & knewe that he now longe tyme had bene diseased / he sayde vnto him. Wilt thou be made whoale? TheThe mā that laye xxxviii. yere by ye pole is healed. sicke answered him: Syr I have no man whē the water is troubled / to put me into the pole. But in the meane tyme / whill I am about to come / another steppeth doune before me.
And Iesus sayde vnto him: ryse / take vp B thy beed / & walke. And immediatly the man was made whole / and toke vp his beed / and went. And the same daye was the SabothThe saboth is broken. daye. The Iewes therfore sayde vnto him that was made whole. It is y• Saboth daye / it is not laufull for the to cary thy beed. He answered them: he that made me whole / sayde vnto me: take vp thy beed / and get the hence. Then axed they him: what man is that which sayde vnto the / take vp thy beed and walke. And he y• was healed / wist not who it was. For Iesus had gottē him selfe awaye / because [Page] yt ther was preace of people in yt place.
And after that / Iesus founde him in the tē C ple / & sayd vnto him: beholde thou arte made whole / synne no moore / lest a worsse thinge happē vnto the. The man departed / & tolde ye Iewes that yt was Iesus / whiche had made him whole. ✚ And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus & sought the meanes to slee him / because he had done these things on the Saboth daye. And Iesus answered them: ✚my father worketh hidder to / and I worke. Therfore the Iewes sought the moare to kill him / not only because he had broken the Saboth: but sayde also that God was his father / and made him selfe equall with God.
Then answered Iesus & sayde vnto them:D verely / verely / I saye vnto you: the sonne can do no thinge of him selfe / but that he seeth ye father do. For whatsoever he doeth / y• doeth the sonne also. For the father loveth ye sonne / & sheweth him all things / whatsoever he him selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greter workes then these / because ye shoulde marvayle. For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp y• deed / & quickeneth them / even so the sonne quyckeneth whom he will. Nether indgeth ye fatherChrist is iudge over all. eny mā: but hath cōmitted all iudgemēt vnto the sonne / because that all men shuld honoure the sonne / evē as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not ye sonne / the same honoureth not the father which hath sent him. Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that hearethFayth. my wordes / & beleveth on him that sent me / [Page Cxxix] hath everlastinge lyfe / & shall not come in to damnacion: but is scaped frō deth vnto lyfe.D
Verely / verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come / & now is / when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they yt mathew .xxv. heare / shall live. For as the father hath life in him silfe:so lyke wyse hath he geven to ye son ne to have lyfe in him silfe:& hath geven him power also to iudge / in that he is the sonne of man. Marvayle not at this / ye houre shall come in the which all yt are in the graves / shall heare his voice / and shall come forthe: theyResurrec cion. that have done good vnto the resurreccion of lyfe:& they that have done evyll / vnto the resurreccion of dampnacion. ⊢
✚ I can of myne awne selfe do nothinge at all. As I heare / I iudge / and my iudgemēt is iust / be cause I seke not myne awne He that seketh not his owne will / iudgeth truli will / E but the will of ye father which hath sent me. Yf I beare witnes of my selfe / my witnes is not true. Ther is a nother that beareth witnes of me / and I am sure that the witnesmat. iij. d. whiche he beareth of me / is true.
Ye sent vnto Iohn / & he bare witnes vnto the truthe. But I receave not the recorde of man. Neverthelesse / these things I saye / that ye might be safe. He was a burninge & a shyninge light / & ye wolde for a season have reioysed in his light. But I have greater witnesmat. iij. b then the witnes of Iohn. For ye workes which y• father hath gevē me to fynisshe: the same workes which I do / beare witnes of me / that ye father sent me. And the father him silfe [Page] which hath sent me / beareth witnes of me. Ye have not hearde his voyce at eny tyme / nor ye have sene his shape: therto his wordes have ye not abydinge in you. For whome he hath sent: him ye beleve not.G
Searche the scriptures / for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe:& they are they whichSearche the scripture. testify of me. And yet will ye not come to me / that ye might have lyfe. I receave not prayse of men. But I knowe you / that ye have not the love of God in you / I am comein my fathers name / and ye receave me not. Yf another shall come in his awne name / him will ye receave. How can ye beleve which receave honoure He that seketh honoure can not beleue. one of another / and seke not the honoure that commeth of God only?
Doo not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you / evē Moses in whom ye trust. For had ye belevedMoses. Moses / ye wold have beleved me: for he wrote of me. But now ye beleve not his writinge: how shall ye beleve my wordes. ⊢
¶ The .vi. Chapter. ✚
AFter these thinges Iesus wēt his wayemathew .xiiij. d. mar. v̄j. e luc. ix. b. over the see of Galile nye to a cyte called Tiberias. And a greate multitude A folowed him / because they had sene his myracles which he dyd on them that were diseased. And Iesus went vp into a mountayne / & there he sate with his disciples. And ester / a feast of ye Iewes / was nye. ✚ ✚ Then Iesus lifte vp his eyes / & sawe a greate cōpany come vnto him / and sayde vnto Philip: whence [Page Cxxx] shall we bye breed yt these might eate. This he sayde to prove him: for he him sylfe knewe what he wolde do.
Philip answered him / two hondred peny B worthe of breed are not sufficient for them / ye every mā have a litell. Then sayde vnto him / one of his disciples / Andrew Simon Peters brother. There ys alad here / which hath fyveFyue loves & .ii. fysshes barly loves and two fisshes: but what is that amōge so many? And Iesus sayde. Make the people sit doune: Ther was moche grasse in the place. And the men sate doune / in nombre / about five thousande. And Iesus toke the breed / and gave thankes / and gave to the disciples / and his disciples to them that were set doune. And lykwyse of the fysshes / as moche as they wolde.
When they had eatē ynough / he sayd vnto his disciples: gadder vp the brokē meate that remayneth: that nothinge be loost. And they gadered it to geder / and fylled twelve baskettes with the broken meate / of the five barly loves / which broken meate remayned vnto thē that had eaten. Then the men / when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd / sayde: This is of a trueth the Prophet that shuld come into the worlde. ⊢
When Iesus perceaved that they wolde come / andmat. xiiij mar. vj. f take him vp / to make him kinge / he departed agayne into a mountayne him silfe a lone.C
And when evē was come / his disciples wēt vnto the see & entred into a shyppe / and went [Page] over the see vnto Capernaum. And anōne it was darcke / & Iesus was not come to them. And ye see arose with a greate winde yt blew. And when they had rowē aboute a .xxv. or [...] xxx. furlonge / they sawe Iesus walke on y• see / & drawe nye vnto the shyp / and they were afrayed. And he sayde vnto them: It is I / be not a frayde. Then wolde they have receaved him into the shyp / and the ship was by & by at the londe whyther they went.
The daye folowynge / the people which stode on the other syde of the see / sawe that ther was none other shyp theare / save yt one wherin his disciples were entred / and that Iesus D went not in with his disciples into the ship: but that his disciples were gone awaye alone. How be it / ther came other shippes from Tiberias nye vnto the place / where they ate breed / when the Lorde had blessed. Then whē the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether his disciples / they also toke shippinge & came to Caparnaum sekinge for Iesus.
And when they had founde him on y• other syde of y• see / they sayd vnto him: Rabbi / whē camest thou hidder? Iesus answered them & sayde: verely verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me / not because ye sawe the myracles: but because ye ate of the loves / & were filled. ✚ Laboure / not for y• meate which perissheth / but for y• meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe / whiche meate y• sonne of mā shall geve vnto you. For him hath god y• father (sealed) that is: he hat [...] put his marke of the holie ghoost on him which testifieth with miracles what he is. sealed.
Then sayd they vnto him: what shall we do [Page Cxxxi] that we myght worke y• workes of God? Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. This is y• worke of God / that ye beleve on him / whō he hath sent. They sayde vnto him: what signe shewest thou then / that we maye se & beleve the? What doest thou worke? Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert / as yt is writtē: He gave them breed frō heaven to eate. Iesus sayde vnto thē: verely▪ verely I saye vnto you:exo. x vj. nu. xi. [...]. ps. lxx vij sa. x vj. Moses gave you breed frō heavē: but my father geveth you the true breed frō heavē. For the breed of God is he which cōmeth doune from heavē and geveth lyfe vnto the worlde.
Then sayde they vnto him: Lorde / ever moore geve vs this breed. And Iesus sayde vntoeccle. xxiiij. them: I am that breed of life. He that cōmeth to me / shall not honger: & he that beleveth on me shall never thurst. ✚ But I sayed vnto you: that ye have sene me / and yet beleve not. All that the father geveth me / shall come to me: & him yt cometh to me / I cast not awaye. For I came doune frō heaven: not to do myne awne will / but his will which hath sent me. And this is the fathers will which hath sent me / that of all which he hath geven me / I shuld loose no thinge: but shuld rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. And this is the wyll of him y• sent me: yt every man which seith y• sonne & beleveth on him / have everlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at y• last daye.
The Iewes then murmured at him / because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven. And they sayde: Is not [Page] this Iesus y• sonne of Ioseph / whose father & mother we knowe? How ys yt then that he sayeth / I came doune from heavē? Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. Murmur not betweneMat. xiij. youre selves. ✚ No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me / drawe him. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye. It is written in the Prophetes / yt they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. Not that eny manesa. xx vj hie. xxxj hath sene y• father / save he which is of God: the same hath sene the father.
Verely verely I saye vnto you / he that beleveth on me / hath everlastinge lyfe. I am that breed of lyfe. Youre fathers dyd eate Māna in y• wildernes & are deed. This is that breed which cōmeth frō heavē / yt he which eatethex. xvj. a. of it / shuld also not dye. I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heavē. Yf eny man eate of this breed / he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve / is my flesshe / which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde ⊢
And the Iewes strove amōge them selves sayinge: How can this felowe geve vs his flesshe to eate? Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely / verely I saye vnto you / except ye eate y• flesshe of ye sonne of man / & drinke his bloube / ye shall not have lyfe in you. Whosoever eateth my flesshe / & drinketh my bloude / hath F eternall lyfe: & I will rayse him vp at the last daye. ✚ For my flesshe is meate in dede: & my bloude is drynke in dede. He that eateth my [Page Cxxxii] flesshe & drynketh my bloude / dwelleth in me & I in him. As the lyvinge father hath sent me / even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me / shall live by me. This is the breed which cam from heavē: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed / shall live ever. ⊢
These thinges sayd he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaum. Many of his disciples / when G they had herde this / sayde: this is an herde sayinge: who can abyde the hearinge of it? Iesus knew in him selfe / that his disciples murmured at it / and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? What & yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascēde vp where he was before? It is the sprete that quyckeneth / the flesshe proffeteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake vnto you / are sprete and lyfe. But ther are some of you that beleve not. For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge / which they were that beleved not / and who shuld betraye him. And he sayde: Therfore sayde I vnto you: that no man can come vnto me / except it were geven vnto him of my father.
From that tyme many of his disciples wēt backe / and walked no moore with him. Then sayde Iesus to the twelve: will ye alsoo goo awaye? Then Simon Peter answered: Master to whom shall we goo? Thou haste themat. xvj. wordes of eternall lyfe / and we beleve and knowe / yt thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God. Iesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve / & yet one of you is [Page] the devyll? He spake it of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon. For he it was yt shuld betraye him / and was one of the twelve. ⊢
¶ The .vii. Chapter. ✚
AFter that / Iesus wēt about in Galile & wolde not go about in Iewry / for the Iewes sought to kill him. The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. His brethren therfore sayde vnto him: get ye hence & go into C Iewry yt thy disciples maye se thy workes yt thou doest. For ther is no man yt doeth eny thinge secretly / and he him selfe seketh to be knowen. Yf thou do soche thinges / shewe thy selfe to the worlde. For as yet his brethrē beleved not in him.
Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yet come / youre tyme is all waye redy. The worlde cānot hate you. Me it hateth: because I testify of it / that the workes of it are evyll. Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast / for my tyme is not yet full come. These wordes he sayde vnto them and abode still in Galile. But assone as his brethren were goone vp / then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly but as it were prevely. Then sought him the Iewes at ye feast / & sayde: Where is he? And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Mother sayde naye / but he deceaveth the people. How be it no mā spake openly of him / for feare of the Iewes ⊢
✚ In ye middes of the feast / Iesus went vp into the temple and taught. And the Iewes [Page Cxxxiii] marveylled sayinge: How knoweth he y• scriptures / seynge yt he never learned? Iesus answered them / and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me. If eny man will do his He that loueth the will of god to kepe his lawe: the same vnderstondeth the doctrine. Prayse. will / he shall knowe of the doctrine / whether it be of God / or whether I speake of my selfe. He that speaketh of him selfe / seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him / the same is true / and no vnrightewesnes is in him.
Dyd not Moses geve you a lawe / & yet none of you kepeth y• lawe? Why goo ye aboute to kyll me? The people answered & sayde: thou hast the devyll: who goeth aboute to kyll the? Iesus answered and sayde to them: I have done one worke / and ye all marvayle. Moses D leu. xij. a therfore gave vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses / but of the fathers.Saboth. And yet ye on the Saboth daye / circumcise a man. If a man on the Saboth daye receave circumcision without breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me / because I havedeu. j. c made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye? Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement.
Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he whō they goo aboute to kyll? Beholde he speaketh boldly / and they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulars knowe in dede / that this is very Christ? How be it we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh / no man shall knowe whence he is.
Then cryed Iesus in ye temple as he taught [Page] sayinge: ye knowe me / and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe / but he yt sent me is true / whom ye knowe not. I knowe him: for I am of him / & he hath sent me. Then they sought to take him: but no mā layde hondes on him / because his tyme was not yet come. Many of the people beleved on him & sayde: when Christ cometh / will he do moo miracles then this man hath done?E
The pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore y• pharises and hye prestes sent ministres forthe to take him. Then sayde Iesus vnto thē: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you / and then goo I vnto him that sent me. Ye shall seke me / and shall not fynde me: and where I am / thyther can ye not come. Then sayde the Iewes bitwene thē selves: whyther will he goo / that we shall not fynde him? Will he goo amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade / and teache the gentyls? What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me / and shall not fynde me: and where I am / thyther can ye not come?F
In the last daye / that great daye of the feaste / Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst / let him come vnto me and drinke. He that beleveth on me / as sayeth the scripture / outij. pa. xvj of his belly shall flowe ryvers of water of lyfe. This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him / shuld receave. ✚ For the holy goost was not yet there / because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed.
[Page Cxxxiii] ✚ Many of the people / when they hearde this sayinge sayd: of a truth this is a prophet Other sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile? Sayeth not themic. v. a. mat. ij. a. scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of David: & out of the toune of Bethleem where David was? So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him. And some of them wolde have taken him: but no man layed hondes on him.
Then came ye ministres to ye hye prestes & G pharises. And they sayde vnto thē: why have ye not brought him? The servaūte answered never man spake as this man doeth. Then answered thē the pharises: are ye also disceaved?Rulers & pharises beleve not. Doth eny of the rulers or of the pharises beleve on him? But the comen people whiche knowe not ye lawe / are cursed. Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght / and was one of them. Doth oure lawe iudge eny man / before it heare him / & knowe what he hath done? They answered & sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke / for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet. And every man went vnto his awne housse. ⊢
¶ The .viii. Chapter. ✚
ANd Iesus went vnto mounte Olivete & erly in ye mornynge came agayne in A to ye temple & all the people came vnto him / & he sate doune & taught them. And the scribes & y• pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in advoutry / & set hyr in the myddes and sayde vnto him: Master / this woman [Page] was taken in advoutry / even as the dede was a doyng. Moses in the lawe cōmaunded vs y• suche shuld be stoned. What sayest thou therfore?leui. xxia And this they sayde to tempt him: that they myght have / wherof to accuse him. Iesus stouped doune / & with his fynger wrote on the grounde. And whyll they continued [...]ynge him / he lyfte him selfe vp / & sayde vnto them: let him yt is amōge you wt out synne cast the fyrst stone at her. And agayne he stouped doune & wrote on y• grounde. And assonedeu. xvij. as they hearde that / they went out one by one the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte a lone / & the woman stondynge in yt myddes. When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne / and sawe no man but the woman / he sayde vnto hyr. Woman / where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the? She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo / & synne no moare. ⊢
Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge:B Light .j. ioh. j. b. I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes: but shall have the light of lyfe. The pharises sayde vnto him: thou bearest recorde of thy sylfe thy recorde is not true. Iesus answered & sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of myselfe yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whēce I came & whyther I goo. But ye cannot tell whēce I come / & whyther I goo. Ye iudge after y• flesshe. I iudge noman / though I iudge yet is my iudgmēt true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me. It is also written [Page Cxxxv] in youre lawe / that the testimony of twodeu. xix v mathew. x viij. [...] ij. co. xiij. heb. x. c. men is true. I am one yt beare witnes of myselfe / and the father that sent me / beareth witnes of me. Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me / nor yet my father. Yf ye had knowen me / ye shuld have knowen my father also.C These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury / as he taught in the temple / & noman layde hondes on him / for his tyme was not yet come. ⊢
Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. ✚ I goo my waye / & ye shall seke me / & shallChrist is his doctrine. rom. iij. d. dye in youre synnes. Whyther I goo / thyther can ye not come. Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe / because he sayth: whyther I goo / thyther can ye not come? And he sayde vnto thē: ye are frō beneth / I am from above. Ye are of this worlde / I am not of this worlde. I sayde therfore vnto you / that ye shall dye in youre synnes. For except ye beleve that I am he / ye shall dye in youre synnes.
Then sayde they vnto him / who arte thou?D And Iesus sayde vnto them: Even y• very same thinge y• I saye vnto you. I have many thinges to saye / & to iudge of you. But he y• sent me is true. And I speake in y• worlde / those thingꝭ which I have hearde of him. They vnderstode not that he spake of his father.
Then sayde Iesus vnto them: when ye have lyft vp an hye the sonne of man / then shall ye knowe that I am he / and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me / even so I speake: and he that sent me / is [Page] with me. The father hath not lefte me alone / for I do alwayes those thinges that please him. ✚ As he spake these wordes / many beleved on him.
✚ Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him. If ye cōtinue in my wordes / then are ye my very disciples / & shall knowe the trueth: [...] the trueth shall make you free. They answered him: We be Abrahams seede / and were never bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then / ye shalbe made fre.
Iesus answered them: verely verely I sayerom. vj. c. ij. ye. ij. d. vnto you / that whosoever committeth synne / is the servaunt of synne. And the servaunt abydeth not in the housse for ever: But ye sonne abydeth ever. If the sonne therfore shall make you fre / then are ye fre in dede. I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: but ye seke meanes to kyll me / because my sayinges have no place in you. I speake that I have sene with my father: and ye do that which ye have sene with youre father.
They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham E is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. If ye were Abrahams chyldren / ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. But now ye goo about io kyll me a man that have tolde you the truthe / which I have herde of god: this dyd not Abraham. Ye do the dedes of youre father.Abrahā. Then sayde they vnto him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We have one father / which is God. Iesus sayde vnto them: yf God were youre father / then worlde ye love me. For I [Page Cxxxvi] proceaded forthe and come from God. Nether came I of my selfe / but he sent me. Why do ye not knowe my speache? Even because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes.F
Ye are of youre father the devyll / and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe. He was a murtherer from the beginnynge / and aboodej. io. iij. b. not in the trueth / because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye / then speakethThe devell. he of his awne. For he is a lyar / and the father therof. And because I tell you ye trueth / therfore ye beleve me not.
✚ Which of you can rebuke me of synne? If I saye ye trueth / why do not ye beleve me? He that is of God / heareth goddes wordes ✚ Ye therfore heare them not / because ye are not of God.
Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto him: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane / and hast the devyll? Iesus answered:Thou art a Samaritane & hast the deuell. I have not the devyll: but I honour my father / and ye have dishonoured me. I seke not myne awne prayse: but ther is one that seketh and iudgeth.
Verely verely I saye vnto you / yf a man kepe my sayinges / he shall never se deeth.G Then sayde the Iewes to him: Now knowe we that thou hast the devyll. Abrahā is deed / and also the Prophetes: and yet thou sayest / yf a man kepe my sayinge / he shall never tast of deeth. Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham which is deed? and the Prophetes are deed. Whome makest thou thy selfe?
[Page]Iesus answered: Yf I honoure my selfe / myne honoure is nothinge worth. It is my father that honoureth me / which ye saye / is youre God / & ye have not knowen him: but I knowe him. And yf I shuld saye / I knowe him not / I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him / and kepe his sayinge.
Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye / & he sawe it & reioysed. Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: thou arte not yet [...]l. yere olde / and hast thou sene Abraham? Iesus sayd vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: yet Abraham was / I am. Then toke they vp stones / to caste at him. But Iesus hid him selfe / & went out of y• temple. ⊢
¶ The .ix. Cha. ✚
ANd as Iesus passed by / he sawe a man A which was blynde from his birth. And his disciples axed him sayinge. Master / who dyd synne: this man or his father & mother / that he was borne blynde? Iesus answered: Nether hath this man synned / nor yet his father and mother: but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him. I must worke the workes of him that sent me / whyll it is daye. The Nyght: when the true knowledge of Christ / how he onlie iustifieth / is loste: then can nomā worke a good worke in the sight of god / how gloriouse soeuer his workes apere nyght cometh when noman can worke. As longe as I am in the worlde / I am the lyght of the worlde.
Assone as he had thus spoken / he spate on the grounde & made claye of the spetle / & rubbed B the claye on the eyes of the blynde / & sayde vnto him: Goo wesshe the in y• pole of Syloe / whichThe pole of Siloe. by interpretacion / signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed / & cam agayne [Page Cxxxvii] seinge. The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a begger / sayde: is not this he that sate & begged? Some sayde: this is he. Other sayd: he is lyke him. But he him selfe sayde: I am even he. They sayde vnto him: How are thyne eyes opened then? He answered & sayde. The mā that is called Iesus / made claye / and anoynted myne eyes / and sayd vnto me: Goo to the pole Syloe and wesshe. I went and wesshed & receaved my syght. They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell.
Then brought they to ye pharises / him that C a lytell before was blynde: for it was the Saboth daye when Iesus made the claye & opened his eyes. Then agayne the pharises also ayed him how he had receaved his syght. He sayde vnto thē: He put claye apon myne eyesThe saboth is broken. and I wasshed / & do se. Then sayde some of the pharises: this man is not of God / because he kepeth not the saboth daye. Other sayde: how can a man y• is a synner / do suche myracles? And ther was stryfe amonge thē. Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of him / because he hath openned thyne eyes? And he sayd: He is a Prophet.
But the Iewes dyd not beleve of the felowe / how D that he was blynde & receaved his syght / vntyll they had called the father and mother of him that had receaved his syght. And they axed thē saying: Is this youre sonne / whome ye saye was borne blynde? How doth he now se then? His father & mother answered [Page] them & sayde: we wote well that this is oure sonne / and that he was borne blynde: but by what meanes he now seith / that can we not tell / or who hath opened his eyes / can we not tell. He is olde ynough / axe him / let him answer for him selfe. Suche wordes spake his father and mother / because they feared E the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred all redy that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ / he shuld be excommunicat out of the synagoge. Therfore sayde his father and mother: he is olde ynough / axe him.
Then agayne called they the man that was blynde / and sayd vnto him: Geve God the prayse: we knowe that this man is a synner. He answered and sayde: Whyther he be a synner or noo / I cannot tell: One thinge I am sure of / that I was blynde / & now I se. Then sayde they to him agayne. What dyd he to the? How opened he thyne eyes? He answered them / I tolde you yerwhyle / and ye dyd not heare. Wherfore wolde ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples? Then rated they him / and sayde: Thou arte his disciple. We be Moses disciples. We are sure that God spake with Moses. This felowe F we knowe not from whence he is.
The man answered and sayde vnto them: this is a merveleous thinge that ye wote not whence he is / seinge he hath opened myne eyes. For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God & do his will / him heareth he. Sence ye [Page Cxxxviii] worlde beganne was it not hearde yt eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynd. If this man were not of God / he coulde have done no thinge. They answered and sayd vnto him: thou arte altogeder borne in synne: & dost thou teache vs? And they cast him out.
Iesus hearde that they had excommunicate him: and assone as he had founde him / he sayd vnto him: doest thou beleve on the sonne of God? He answered and sayde: Who is it Lorde / that I myght beleve on him? And Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him / & he it is that talketh with the. And he sayde: Lorde I beleve: & worshipped him. ✚ Iesus sayde: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde: that they which se not / myght se / and they which se / myght be made blynde. And some of the pharises which were with him / hearde these wordes & sayde vnto him: are we then blynde? Iesus sayde vnto them: yf ye were blynde / ye shuld have no synne. But now ye saye / we se / therfore youre synne remayneth.
¶ The .x. Chapter. ✚
UErely verely I saye vnto you: he thatDore. entreth not in by y• dore / into the shepefolde / but clymeth vp some other waye: the same is a thefe & a robber. He that A goeth in by ye dore / is the shepeherde of y• shepe: to him the porter openeth / and the shepe heare his voyce / & he calleth his awne shepe by name / and leadeth them out. And when he hath sent forthe his awne shepe / he goeth before them / and the shepe folowe him: for they [Page] knowe his voyce. Astraunger they will not folowe / but will flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. This similitude spake Iesus vnto them. But they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them.
Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne. Verely B verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. All / even as many as came before me / are theves and robbers: but the shepe dydChrist is the dore. not heare them. I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in / he shalbe safe / and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture. The thefe cometh not but forto steale / kyll and destroye. I am come that they myght have lyfe / and have it more aboundantly. ⊢
✚ I am ye good shepeheerd. The good shepeheerd C Shepeherde. geveth his lyfe for ye shepe. An heyred servaūt / which is not ye shepeherd / netheresa. xl. c. ezechie. xxxiiij. &. xxviij. ye shepe are his awne / seith the wolfe cōmynge / & leveth the shepe / & flyeth / and the wolfe catcheth them / & scattereth ye shepe. The heyred servaūt flyeth / because he is an heyred servaunt / and careth not for the shepe. I am that good shepeheerd / & knowe myne / & am knowē of myne. As my father knoweth me: even so knowe I my father. And I geve my lyfe forezechiel. xxvij. the shepe: and other shepe I have / which are not of this folde. Them also must I bringe / that they maye heare my voyce / and that ther maye be one flocke and one shepeherde.
Therfore doth my father love me / because D I put my lyfe from me / that I myght take▪it [Page Cxxxix] agayne. No man taketh it from me: but I put it awaye of my selfe. I have power to put it from me / and have power to take it agayne: This cōmaundment have I receaved of my father. And ther was a dissencion agayne amō ge the Iewes for these sayinges / and many of them sayd. He hath the devyll / and is mad: why heare ye him? Other sayde / these are not the wordes of him that hath the devyll. Can the devyll open the eyes of the blynde?
✚ And it was at Ierusalem ye feaste of the dedicacion / & it was wynter: and Iesus walked E in Salomons porche. Then came the Iewesj. macha. iiij. rounde aboute him / and sayde vnto him: How longe dost thou make vs doute? Yf thou be Christ / tell vs playnly. Iesus answered them: I tolde you and ye beleve not. The workes yt I do in my fathers name they beare witnes of me. But ye beleve not / because ye are not of my shepe. As I sayde vnto you: my shepe heare my voyce / & I knowe them / & they folowe me / & I geve vnto thē eternall lyfe / & they shall never perisshe / nether shall eny man plucke thē oute of my honde. My father which gave thē me / is greatter then all / and no man is able to take them out of my fathers honde. And I and my father are one.
Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones / to F stone him with all. Iesus answered them: many good workes have I shewed you from my father: for which of them will ye stone me? The Iewes answered him sayinge. For thy good workes sake we stone ye not: but for thy [Page] blasphemy / and because that thou beinge aesa. xliiij man / makest thy selfe God. Iesus answered them: Is it not written in youre lawe: I saye / ye are goddes? If he called thē goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (& thepsa. lxxxj scripture can not be broken) saye ye then to him / whom the father hath sainctified / & sent into the worlde / thou blasphemest / because I sayd I am the sonne of God? If I do not the workes of my father / beleve me not. But if I do though ye beleve not me / yet beleve the workes / that ye maye knowe and beleve that the father is in me / and I in him. ⊢
Agayne they went aboute to take him: but he escaped out of their hondes / & went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan / into the place where Iohn before had baptised / and there aboode. And many resorted vnto him / and sayd. Iohn dyd no miracle: but all thinges that Iohn spake of this man are true. And many beleved on him theare.
¶ The .xi. Chap. ✚
A Certayne man was sicke / named Lazarus of Bethania the toune of Mary & her sister Martha. It was that Mary which annoynted Iesus with oyntment / andLazarus. wyped his fete with her heere / whose brother Lazarus was sicke / and his sisters sent vnto him sayinge. Lorde behold / he whom thou lovest / is sicke. When Iesus hearde yt / he sayd: this infirmite is not vnto deth / but for y• laude of God / that the sonne of God myght be praysed by the reason of it. Iesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. After he hearde [Page Cxl] / that he was sicke / then aboode he two dayes still in the same place where he was.
Then after that sayd he to his disciples: let vs goo into Iewry agayne. His disciples B sayde vnto him. Master / the Iewes lately sought meanes to stone the / & wilt thou goo thyther agayne? Iesus answered: are ther not twelve houres in ye daye? Yf a man walke in ye daye / he stombleth not / because he seith the lyght of this worlde. But yf a mā walke in ye nyght / he stombleth / because ther is no lyght in him. This sayde he / & after y• / he sayde vnto thē: oure frende Lazarus slepeth / but I goo to wake him out of slepe. Then sayde his disciples: Lorde yf he slepe / he shall do well ynough. How be it Iesus spake of his deeth: but they thought yt he had spokē of ye naturall slepe. Then sayde Iesus vnto thē playnly / Lazarus is deed / & I am glad for youre sakes / yt I was not there / because ye maye beleve. Neverthelesse let vs go vnto him. Then sayde Thomas which is called Dydimus / vnto ye disciples: let vs also goo / that we maye dye wt him
Then went Iesus / and founde / that he had C lyne in his grave foure dayes already. Bethanie was nye vnto Ierusalem / aboute .xv. furlonges of / and many of the Iewes were come to Martha and Mary / to comforte them over their brother. Martha assone as she hearde yt Iesus was comynge / went and met him: but Mary sate still in the housse.
✚ Then sayde Martha vnto Iesus: Lorde yf thou haddest bene here / my brother had not [Page] bene deed: but neverthelesse / I knewe that whatsoever thou axest of God / God will geve it the. Iesus sayde vnto her: Thy brother shall ryse agayne. Martha sayde vnto him: I knowe that he shall ryse agayne in theresurreccion at the last daye. Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the resurreccion & the lyfe: He that beleveth on me / ye though he were deed / yet shall he lyve. And whosoever lyveth and beleveth on me / shall never dye. Belevest thou this? She sayde vnto him: ye Lorde / I beleve that thou arte Christ the sonne of god which shuld come into the worlde. ⊢
And assone as she had so sayde / she went her waye and called Marie her sister secretly D sayinge: The master is come & calleth for the And she assone as she hearde that / arose quickly / and came vnto him. Iesus was not yet come into the toune: but was in the place where Martha met him. The Iewes then which were with her in the housse and comforted her / when they sawe Mary that she rose vp hastely / and went out / folowed her / saying: She goeth vnto the grave / to wepe there.
Then when Mary was come where Iesus was / & sawe him / she fell donne at his fete / sayinge vnto him: Lorde yf thou haddest bene here / my brother had not bene deed. When Iesus sawe her wepe / & y• Iewes also wepe / which came wt her / he groned in y• sprete / & was troubled in him selfe & sayde: Where have ye layed him? They sayde vnto him: Lorde come & se. And Iesus wept. Then sayde [Page Cxli] the Iewes: Beholde howe he loved him. And some of thē sayde: coulde not he which openned the eyes of the blynde / have made also / that this man shuld not have dyed? Iesus agayne groned in him selfe / & came to the grave. It was a caue / & a stone layde on it.
And Iesus sayd: take ye awaye the stone. Martha the sister of him that was deed / sayd vnto him: Lorde by this tyme he stinketh. For he hath bene deed foure dayes: Iesus sayde vnto her: Sayde I not vnto the / ye if thou didest beleve / thou shuldest se ye glory of God. Then they take awaye y• stone from ye place where the deed was layde. And Iesus lyfte vp his eyes & sayde: Father I thanke the because that thou hast hearde me. I wot that thou hearest me all wayes: but because of the people that stonde by I sayde it / yt they maye beleve / that thou hast sent me.
And when he thus had spoken / he cryed wt F a loud voyce. Lazarus come forthe. And he that was deed / came forth / bounde hand & fote with grave bondes / & his face was bounde with a napkin. Iesus sayde vnto thē: loowse him / and let him goo. Then many of the Iewes which came to Mary / & had sene the thinges which Iesus dyd / beleved on him. But some of them went their wayes to the Pharises / & tolde them what Iesus had done.
Then gadered the hye prestes & the Pharises a counsell & sayde: what do we? This mā doeth many miracles Yf we let him scape thus / all men will beleve on him / & ye Romaynes [Page] shall come & take awaye oure countre & the people. And one of them named Cayphas which was the hieprest y• same yeare / sayde vnto them: Ye perceave nothinge at all nor yet consider that it is expedient for vs / that one man dye for the people / & not that all the people perisshe. This spake he not of him selfe / but beinge hye preste that same yeare / he prophesied that Iesus shulde dye for the people / and not for the people only / but that he shuld gader to geder in one the chyldren of God which were scattered abroode. From that daye forth they held a counsell to geder / for to put him to deeth.
Iesus therfore walked no more opēly amō ge the Iewes: but wēt his waye thence vnto a coūtre nye to a wildernes / into a cite called Ephraim / & there haūted with his disciples. And the Iewes ester was nye at hand / & many went out of the countre vp to Ierusalem before the ester / to purify them selves. Then sought they for Iesus / and spake bitwene thē selves as they stode in the tēple: What thinke ye / seynge he cōmeth not to the feast. The hye prestes & Pharises had geven a cōmaundemēt / that yf eny man knew where he were / he shuld shewe it / that they myght take him.
¶ The .xii. Chapter. ✚
THen Iesus sixe dayes before ester / came A to Bethany where Lazarus was / mathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij which was deed & whō Iesus raysed from deeth. There they made him a supper / and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of [Page Cxlii] them that sate at the table with him. Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntmēt called Nardus / perfecte and precious / & anoynted Iesus fete / and wipt his fete with her heer / and theMarie. housse was filled of the savre of the oyntmēt. Then sayde one of his disciples named Iudas Iscariot Simōs sonne / which afterwarde betrayed him: why was not this oyntmēt solde for thre hondred pence / and gevē to the poore? This sayde he / not that he cared for the pooer: but because he was a thefe / & kept the bagge / and bare that which was geven. Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone / agaynst the daye of my buryinge she kept it. The poore all wayes shall ye have with you / but me shall ye not all wayes have.
Moche people of the Iewes had knowledge that he was there. And they came not for B Iesus sake only / but yt they myght se Lazarus also whom he raysed from deeth. The hye prestes therfore held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also / because that for his sake many of the Iewes went awaye / and beleved on Iesus.
On the morowe / moche people that were come to the feast / when they hearde yt Iesus shuld come to Ierusalem / toke braunches of palme trees and went and met him / & cryed:Hos anna. Hosanna / blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde / commeth kynge of Israel. And Iesus got a yonge asse and sate therō / accordinge tomat. xxi. mar. xiiij luc. xix. f zach. ix. b that which was writtē: feare not doughter of Siō / beholde thy kynge cōmeth sittinge on an [Page] asses coolte. These thinges vnderstode not his disciples at ye fyrst: but when Iesus was gloryfied / then remembryd they that soche thinges were written of him / and that soche thinges they had done vnto him.
The people that was with him / when he called Lazarus out of his grave / & raysed him from deeth / bare recorde. Therfore met him the people / because they hearde yt he had done soche a myracle. The Pharises therfore sayde amonge them selves: perceave ye how we prevayle no thinge? beholde the worlde goth awaye after him.
Ther were certayne Grekes amōge them / that came to praye at the feast: the same cam to Philip which was of Bethsayda a cyte in Galile / & desired him sayinge: Syr we wolde fayne se Iesus. Philip came & tolde Andrew. And agayne Andrew & Philip tolde Iesus. And Iesus answered them sayinge: the houre is come y• the sonne of mā must be glorified.
✚ Derely verely▪ I saye vnto you / except ye D wheate corne fall into the grounde and dye / it bydeth alone. Yf it dye / it brengeth forth mochemar. x. d. and .xvj. mar. viij. frute. He that loveth his lyfe shall destroye it: & he y• hateth his lyfe in this worlde shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall. If eny man mynister vnto me / let him folowe me / & where I am there shall also my minister be. Andluc. i [...]. c. [...]. xvij. g yf eny man minister vnto me / him will my father honoure. ⊢
Now is my soule troubled / & what shall I saye? Father delyver me from this houre: but [Page Cxliii] therfore came I vnto this houre. Father glorify thy name. Then came ther a voyce frō heaven: I have glorified it / & will glorify it agayne. Then sayd the people y• stode by & hearde: it thoundreth. Other sayde an angell spake to him. Iesus answered and sayde: this voyce cam not because of me / but for youre sakes.
✚ Now is the iudgement of this worlde:E now shall y• prince of this worlde be cast out. And I / yf I were lifte vp from the erthe / will drawe all men vnto me. This sayde Iesus / psal. cix. b. & cxvj a. [...]sa. xlc Eze [...]iel xxxij. signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye. The people answered him: We have hearde of y• lawe y• Christ bydeth ever: & how sayest thou then that the sonne of man must be lefte vp? who is yt sonne of mā? Then Iesus sayde vn to them: yet a lytell whyle is the light wt you.Light. Darckenes. Walke whill ye have light / lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh in the darke / wotteth not whither he goeth. Whyll ye have light / beleve on the light / that ye maye be the chyldren of light. ✚ F
These thinges spake Iesus and departed / esa. liij. a. tom. x. d. esa. vj. c. mar. xiij. mar. iiij. b luc. viij. b actu. xxviij. rom. xj. b & hyd him silfe frō them. And though he had done so many myracles before them / yet beleved not they on him / yt the sayinge of Esayas the Prophet myght be fulfilled / yt he spake. Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinge? And to whom ys the arme of ye Lorde opened? Therfore coulde they not beleve / because y• Esaias sayth agayne: he hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hertes / that they shuld not se with their eyes & vnderstonde with their hertes [Page] / & shuld be converted / & I shuld heale thē. Soche thinges sayde Esaias when he sawe his glory & spake of him. Neverthelesse amō ge ye chefe rulers many beleved on him. But because of the pharises they wolde not be a knowen of it / lest they shuld be excommunicate. For they loved the prayse yt is geven of men / G more then the prayse that cōmeth of God.
And Iesus cryed & sayde: he that beleveth on me / beleveth not on me / but on him yt sent me. And he that seeth me / seeth him that sent me. ✚ I am come a light into the worlde / thatLight. whosoever beleveth on me / shuld not byde in darcknes. And yf eny man heare my wordes & beleve not / I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the worlde: but to save ye worlde. He that refuseth me & receaveth not my wordes / hath one that iudgeth him. The wordes that I have spoken / they shall iudge him in ye last daye. For I have not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me / he gave me a commaundemēt what I shuld saye / and what I shuld speake. And I knowe that this cōmaundement is lyfe everlastinge. Whatsoever I speake therfore / evē as the father bade me / so I speake. ⊢
¶ The .xiii. Chapter. ✚
BEfore the feast of ester whē Iesus knewe that his houre was come / that he A shuld departe out of this worlde vntomathew .xxvj. a. lu. xxxij mar. xiiij the father. When he loved his which were in the worlde / vnto the ende he loved thē. And when supper was ended / after that the devyll had put in the hert of Iudas Iscariot Simōs [Page Cxliiii] sonne / to betraye him: Iesus knowinge that the father had gevē all thinges into his hondes. And that he was come from God and went to God / he rose from supper / and laydeIesus wassheth his disciples fete. a syde his vpper garmentes / & toke a towell / and gyrd him selfe. After that poured he water into a basyn / and beganne to wash his disciples fete / & to wype them with the towell / wherwith he was gyrde.
Then came he to Simon Peter. And Peter sayde to him: Lorde shalt thou wesshe my fete? Iesus answered & sayde vnto him: what I do / thou wotest not now / but thou shalt knowe herafter. Peter sayd vnto him: thou shalt not wesshe my fete whill y• worlde stondeth.B Iesus answered him: yf I wasshe y• not / thou shalt have no part with me. Simon Peter sayde vnto him: Lorde / not my fete only: but also my handes & my heed. Iesus sayde to him: he that is wesshed / nedeth not save to wesshe his fete / & is clene every whit. And ye are clene: but not all. For he knewe his betrayer. Therfore sayde he: ye are not all clene.
After he had wesshed their fete / & receaved his clothes / & was set doune agayne / he sayde vnto them? wot ye what I have done to you? Ye call me master & Lorde / & ye saye well / formar. x. [...]. luce. vj. f so am I. If I then youre Lorde and master have wesshed youre fete / ye also ought to wesshe one anothers fete. For I have geven you an ensample / that ye shuld do as I have done to you. Derely verely I saye vnto you / the servaunt is not greater then his master / nether [Page] the messenger greater then he that sent him.
If ye vnderstonde these thingꝭ / happy are D ye yf ye do them. I speake not of you all / I knowe whom I have chosen. But that y• scripture be fulfilled: he that eateth breed wt me / psal. xl. c hath lyfte vp his hele agaynste me. Now tell I you before it come: that when it is come to passe / ye might beleve that I am he. Verely verelymat. x. d. luc. x. c. I saye vnto you. He that receaveth whō soever I sende / receaveth me. And he that receaveth me / receaveth him that sent me.
When Iesus had thus sayd / he was troubled in the sprete / & testified sayinge: verely verely I saye vnto you / that one of you shall betraye me. And then the disciples loked onemathew .xxvj. b. mar. xiiij lu. xxij. b on another doutinge of whō he spake. Ther was one of his disciples / which leaned on Iesus bosome / whom Iesus loved. To him beckened Simō Peter that he shuld axe who it was of whom he spake. He then as he leaned on Iesus brest / sayde vnto him: Lorde who ys it? Iesus answered / he yt ys to whom I geve a soppe / when I have dept it. And he wet a soppe / and gave it to Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne. And after the soppe / Satan entred into him.
Then sayd Iesus vnto him: that thou dost / D do quickly. That wist no mā at the table / for what intent he spake vnto him. Some of thē thought / because Iudas had the bagge / that Iesus had sayd vnto him / bye those thinges that we have nede af agaynst ye feast: or that he shulde geve some thinge to the poore. Assone [Page Clxv] then as he had receaved the soppe / he wēt immediatly out. And it was night. Whē he was gone out / Iesus sayde: now is the sonne of man glorified. And God is glorified by him. Yf God be glorified by him / God shall also glorify him / in him selfe: & shall strayght waye glorify him.
✚ Deare chyldren / yet a lytell whyle am I with you. Ye shall seke me / & as I sayde vnto the Iewes / whither I goo / thither can ye not D come. Also to you saye I nowe. A newe commaundmentNew cō maundement. j. io. ij. b. geve I vnto you / that ye love to gedder / as I have loved you / that even so ye love one another. By this Christes disciple is knowen. mathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij luc. xxij. shall all mē knowe yt ye are my disciples / yf ye shall have love one to another. Simon Peter sayd vnto him: Lorde whither goest thou? Iesus answered him: whither I goo thou canst not folowe me now / but thou shalt folowe me afterwardes. Peter sayd vnto him: Lorde / why cānot I folowe the now? I will geve my lyfe for thy sake? Iesus answered him: wilt thou geve thy lyfe for my sake? Verely verely I saye vnto the / the cocke shall not crowe / tyll thou have denyed me thryse.
¶ The .xiiii. Chapter. ✚
ANd he sayd vnto his disciples: Let not youre herte be troubled. Beleve in god & beleve in me. In my fathers housse are many mansions. If it were not so / I wolde have tolde you. I go to prepare a place for you. And yf I go to prepare a place for you / I will come agayne / & receave you evē vnto my [Page] selfe / yt where I am / there maye ye be also. And whither I go ye knowe / & ye waye ye knowe.
Thomas sayde vnto him: Lorde we knowe not whyther thou goest. Also how is it possible for vs to knowe the waye? Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye / ye truthe & ye life. And no man cōmeth vnto the father / but by me. Yf ye had knowē me / ye had knowē my father also. And now ye knowe him / & have sene him.
Philip sayd vnto him: Lorde shew vs the father / and it suffiseth vs. Iesus sayde vnto him: have I bene so longe tyme we you: & yet hast thou not knowen me? Philip / he yt hath B sene me / hath sene ye father. And how sayest thou then: shew vs the father? Belevest thou not that I am in ye father / & the father in me? The wordes that I speake vnto you / I speakee not of my selfe: but ye father that dwelleth in me / is he that doeth ye workes. Beleve me / that I am the father & ye father in me. At the leest beleve me for the very workes sake.
Verely verely I saye vnto you: he that beleveth on me / the workes that I doo / the same shall he do / & greater workes then these shall he do / because I go vnto my father. And whatA promise mat. vij. a mar. xi. c * By the kepynge the commaundementes is a mankno men that beloueth God soever ye axe in my name / yt will I do / y• the father might be glorified by the sonne. Yf ye shall axe eny thīge in my name / I will do it ⊢
✚ If ye love me kepe my * cōmaundementes / & I will praye the father / & he shall geve you another comforter / y• he maye byde with you ever / which is the sprete of truthe whome the worlde cānot receave / because the worlde [Page Clxvi] seyth him not / nether knoweth h [...]m. But ye knowe him. For he dwelleth with you / and shalbe in you. I will not leave you comfort. lesse: but will come vnto you.
Yet a litell whyle and the worlde seith me C no moare▪ but ye shall se me. For I live / & ye shall live. That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father / & you in me / & I in you.
He that hath my cōmaundemētes & kepethWho loueth christ them / the same is he that lov [...]th me. And he yt loveth me / shalbe loved of my father: & I will love him / and will shewe myne awne selfe vnto him. Iudas sayde vnto him (not Iudas I scarioth) Lorde what is the cause▪ that thou wilt shewe thy selfe vnto vs / & not vnto the worlde? Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: yf a man love me and wyll kepe my sayinges / my father also will love him▪ & w [...] will come vnto him / and will dwelle with him. He thatWho kepeth christes sayenges. loveth me not / kepeth not my sayinges. And the wordes which ye heare / are not myne / but the fathers which sent me.
This have I spoken vnto you beynge yet D present with you. But that cōforter which is the holy gost (whom my father will sende in my name) he shall teache you all thing [...] / and bringe all thinges to youre remembraunce whatsoever I have tolde you.
Peace I leve with you / my peace I geve vntoPeace you. Not as the worlde geveth / geve I vnto you. Let not youre hertes be greved / nether feare ye. Ye have hearde how I sayde vnto you: I go & come agayne vnto you. If ye loved [Page] me / ye wolde verely reioyce / because I sayde / I go vnto ye father. For ye father is greater then I. And now have I shewed you / before it come / yt whē it is come to passe / ye might beleve.
Here after will I not talke many mordes vnto you. For the rular of this worlde commeth / & hath nought in me. But that the worlde maye knowe that I love the father: therfore as the father gave me cōmaundment / even so do I. ✚ Ryse let vs go hence.
¶ The .xv. Chapter. ✚
I Am the true vyne / and my father ys an husbande man. Every braunche that A beareth not frute in me / he will takeVyne. awaye. And every braunche that beareth frute / will he pourge / yt it maye bringe moare frute. Now are ye cleane thorow y• wordes which I have spokē vnto you. Byde in me / & let me byde in you. As y• braunche cānot beare frute of it sylfe / excepte it byde in the vyne: no more can ye / excepte ye abyde in me.
I am the vyne / & ye are the braunches. He that abydeth in me / & I in him / the same bringeth forth moche frute. For with out me can ye do nothinge. Yf a man byde not in me / hemat. xxj. j. io. iij. d. ys cast forthe as a braunche / & is wyddered: & men gadder it / and cast it into the fyre / and it burneth. Yf ye byde in me / and my wordes also byde in you: axe what ye will / & it shalbeCovenaunt. done to you ✚. Heare in is my father glorified / that ye beare moche frute / and be made my disciples.
As the father hath loved me / evē so have I [Page Clxvii] leved you. Continue in my love. Yf ye shall B kepe To kepe the lawe maketh vs contynew in the loue & fauoure of Christ. ephe. v. a i. thes. iiij j. io. iij. b. and .iiij. d my cōmaūdemētes / ye shall byde in my love / evē as I have kept my fathers cōmaundementes / & byde in his love. These thinges have I spoken vnto you / yt my ioye myght remayne in you / & that youre ioye might be full. ✚ This is my commaundement / that ye love togedder as I have loved you. Gretter love then this hath no man / then that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes. Ye are my frē des / yf ye do whatsoever I commaunde you. Hence forth call I you not servauntes: for the servaunt knoweth not what his Lorde doeth. But you have I called frendes: for all thinges that I have hearde of my father / I have opened to you.
Ye have not chosen me / but I have chosen you & ordeyned you / that ye go & bringe forthe frute / & that youre frute remayne / that whatsoever ye shall axe of the father in my name / he shulde geve it you. ⊢
✚ This cōmaunde I you / that ye love togedder.C Yf y• worlde hate you / ye knowe thatj. io. iij. d. and .iiij. d. he hated me before he hated you. Yf ye were of the worlde / y• worlde wolde love his awne. How be it because ye are not of ye worlde / but I have chosen you out of the worlde / therfore hateth you the worlde. Remember the sayinge that I sayde vnto you: the servaūte is not greater then his lorde. Yf they have persecuted me / so will they persecute you Yf they haveMar. x. c. Mathew .xxiij. kept my sayinge / so will they kepe youres.
But all these thingꝭ will they do vnto you [Page] [...] [Page Clxvii] [...] [Page] for my names sake / because they have not knowen him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken vnto them / they shulde not have had synne: but now have they nothinge to cloke their synne with all. He that hateth me / hateth my father. If I had not done workes amōge thē which none other mā dyd they had not had synne. But now have they sene / & yet have hated bothe me ▪ my father: evē that the savinge myght be fulfilled that is written inps [...]. xxiii [...]. theyr lawe: they hated me wtout a cause. ⊢
✚ But when the comforter is come / whom D I will sende vnto you frō the father / which is the sprete of truthe / which proceadeth of the father / he shall testifie of me. And yeluke .xxiiii. g shall beare witnes also / because ye have bene with me from the begynninge.
¶ The. [...]vi. Chapter.
THese thinges have I sayde vnto you / A mathew .xxiiij. because ye shuld not be offended. They shall excōmunicat you: ye ye tyme shall come / that whosoever killeth you / will thinke that he doth God service. And suche thinges will they do vnto you / because they have not knowen the father nether yet me. But these thinges have I tolde you / that when that houre is come / ye myght remember them / that I tolde you so. ✚ These thinges sayde I not vnto you at the begynninge / because I was present with you.
✚ But now I goo my waye to him that B sent me / and none of you axeth me: whither goest thou? But because I have sayde suche [Page Clxviii] thinges vnto you / youre hertes are full of sorowe. Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth / it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye / that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe / I will sende him vnto you. And when he is come / he will rebuke ye worlde of synne / and of rightwesnes / and of iudgement. Of synne / becauseSynne. they beleve not on me: Of rightwesnes becauseRighteousnes Iudgement I go to my father / and ye shall se me no moare: and of iudgement / because the chefe ruler of this worlde / is iudged all ready.
I have yet many thingꝭ to saye vnto you:C but ye cānot beare them awaye now. How be it when he is come (I meane the sprete of truthe) he will leade you into all trueth. He shall not speake of him selfe: but whatsoever he shall heare / that shall he speake / and he will shewe you thinges to come. He shall glorify me / for he shall receave of myne & shall shewe vnto you. All thinges that ye father hath aremyne. Therfore sayd I vnto you / that he shall take of myne and shewe vnto you. ⊢
✚ After a whyle ye shall not se me / & agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: For I goo to the father. Then sayd some of his disciples D bitwene them selves: what is this yt he sayth vnto vs / after a whyle ye shall not se me / and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me: and that I go to the father. They sayd therfore: what is this that he sayth after a whyle? we cānot tell what he sayth. Iesus perceaved / yt they wolde axe him / and sayd vnto them: This is [Page] [...] [Page Clxviii] [...] [Page] it that ye enquyre of bitwene youre selves / that I sayd / after a whyle ye shall not se me / & agayne after a whyle ye shall se me. Verely verely I saye vnto you: ye shall wepe & lamēt & the worlde shall reioyce. Ye shall sorowe:E but youre sorowe shalbe tourned to ioye.
A woman when she traveyleth hath sorowe / because her houre is come: but assone as she is delivered of the chylde / she remembreth no moare the anguysshe / for ioye that a man is borne in to the worlde. And ye now are in sorowe: but I will se you agayne / and youre hertes shall reioyce / & youre ioye shall no mā take frō you. ✚ And in that daye shall ye axe me no question. ✚ Verely verely I saye vnto you / whatsoever ye shall axe the father in mymat. vii. a and. xxj c mar. xj. c su. xi. d. [...]co. i. a. name / he will geve it you. Hitherto have ye axed nothinge in my name. Axe and ye shall receave it: that youre ioye maye be full.
These thinges have I spoken vnto you in F Promise. proverbes. The tyme will come when I shall no moare speake to you in proverbes: but I shall shewe you playnly from my father. At that daye shall ye axe in myne name. And I saye not vnto you that I will speake vnto my father for you. For ye father him selfe loveth you / because ye have loved me / and have beleved that I came out from God. I went out from the father / and came into the worlde: & I leve the worlde agayne / and go to ye father.
His disciples sayd vnto him: loo now speakest thou playnly / & thou vsest no proverbe. Nowe knowe we that thou vnderstondest all [Page Clxix] thinges / & nedest not yt eny man shuld axe the eny question. Therfore beleve we that thou camst frō god. ✚ Iesus answered them: Now ye do beleve. Beholde ye houre draweth nye / mathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij & is already come / yt ye shalbe scatered every man his wayes / & shall leave me alone. And yet am I not alone. For ye father is with me.
These wordes have I spokē vnto you / y• in me ye might have peace. For in ye worlde shall ye have tribulaciō: but be of good cheare / I have over come the worlde.
¶ The .xvii. Chapter. ✚ A
THese wordes spake Iesus and lyfte vp his eyes to heven / and sayde: father the houre is come: glorify thy sonne / that thy sonne maye glorify the: as thou hast gevē him power over all fleshe / that he shuld geve eternall lyfe to as many as thou hastEternall lyfe. geven him. This is lyfe eternall / that they myght knowe the that only very God / and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ.
I have glorified ye on the erth. I have fynysshed ye worke which thou gavest me to do. And now glorify me thou father wt thyn awne B selfe / with the glory which I had with ye yerre ye worlde was. I have declared thy name vnto ye men which thou gavest me out of the worlde. Thyne they were / & thou gavest them me / and they have kept thy sayinges. Now they knowe that all thinges whatsoever thou hast geven me / are of the. For I have geven vnto them the wordes which thou gavest me / & they have receaved them / & knowe [Page] surely that I came out from the: and doo beleve that thou dyddest send me.
I praye for them / & praye not for the worlde: but for thē which thou hast gevē me / for they are thyne. And all myne are thyne / & thyne are myne / & I am glorified in thē. And now am▪ C I no moare in the worlde / but they are in the worlde / & I come to ye. ✚ ✚ Wholy father kepe in thyne awne name / thē which thou hast geven me / that they maye be one / a [...] we are. Whyll I was with thē in ye worlde / I kepte thē in thy name. Those y• thou gavest me / have I kepte / & none of thē is lost / but that lostpsal. c. viij. b. chylde / that the scripture myght be fulfilled.
Now come I to the / and these wordes speake I in the worlde / that they myght have my ioye full in thē. I have geven them thy wordes / and the worlde hath hated them / because they are not of the worlde / even as I am not of the worlde. I desyre not that thou shuldest take thē out of the worlde: but that thou kepe them from evyll. ✚ They are not of the worlde / as I am not of the worlde. Sanctify thē wt thy truth. Thy sayinge is truth. As thou dyddest send me into the worlde / even so have I sent them into the worlde / and for their sakes sanctify I my selfe / that they also myght be sanctified thorowe the trueth.D
I praye not for them alone: but for them also which shall beleve on me thorowe their preachynge / that they all maye be one / as thou father arte in me / & I in the / that they maye be also one in vs / that the worlde maye beleve [Page Clxx] that thou hast sent me. And that glory that thou gavest me / I have geven them / that they maye be one / as we are wone. I in them and thou in me / that they maye be made perfecte in one / and that the worlde maye knowe that thou hast sent me / & hast loved them / as thou hast loved me.
Father / I will that they which thou hast geven me / be with me where I am that they maye se my glory which thou hast geven me. For thou lovedest me before the makynge of the worlde. O ryghteous father / ye very worlde hath not knowen the: but I have knowen the / & these have knowen that thou hast sent me. And I have declared vnto them thy name / and will declare it / that the love wher wt thou hast loved me / be in them / and that I be in them.
¶ The .xviii. Chapter. ✚
VVhen Iesus had spoken these wordes / he A mathew xxvj .c. mar. xiiij. c. luke .xxij. d. wēt forth with his disciples over the broke Cedron / where was a garden / into the which he entred with his disciples. Iudas also which betr [...]yed him / knewe the place: for Iesus ofte tymes resorted thyther with his disciples. Iudas then aftermathew xxvj. c. marke .xiiij. c. lu. xxij. c he had receaved abonde of men / and ministres B of the hye Prestes and Pharises / came thyther with lanterns and fy [...]rbrondes and wepens. Then Iesus knowynge all thinges that shuld come on him / went forth and sayde vnto them: whom seke ye? They answered him: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them: I am he.
[Page]Iudas also which betrayed him / stode with them. But assone as he had sayd vnto them / B I am he they went backe wardes & fell to the grounde. And he axed thē agayne: whome seke ye? They sayde: Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus answered / I sayde vnto you / I am he. If [...]e seke me / let these goo their waye. That ye sayinge might be fulfilled which he spake: of thē which thou gavest me / have I not lost one.
Simon Peter had a swearde / & drue it / & smote the hye prestes servaunt / & cut of his ryghtMalchas. care. The servauntes name was Malchas. Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swearde into ye sheath: shall I not drinke of ye cup which my father hath geven me? Then the cōpany & the capta▪ ne / & the ministres of C of the Iewes / toke Iesus & bounde him / & led him awaye to Anna fyrst: For he was fatherelawe vnto Cayphas / which was ye hye preste that same yeare. Cayphas was he that gave counsell to y• Iewes / that it was expediēt that one man shuld dye for the people.
And Simon Peter folowed Iesus & another disciple: that disciple was knowen of ye hye preste / & went in with Iesus into the pallys of the hye preste. But Peter stode at the dore with out. Then went out that other disciple which was knowen vnto the hye preste / & spakemathew .xxvj. mar. xiiij luc. xxi▪f to the damsell that kept the dore / & brought in Peter. Then sayde ye damsell that kept the dore / vnto Peter: Arte not thou one of this mannes disciples? He sayde: I am not. The servauntes & the ministres stode there / & had [Page Clxxi] made a fyre of coles: for it was colde: & they warmed them selves. Peter also stode amonge them and warmed him selfe.
The hye preste axed Iesus of his disciples D & of his doctrine. Iesus answered him: I spake openly in ye worlde. I ever taught in y• synagoge & in the temple whyther all y• Iewes resorted / & in secrete have I sayde nothynge: Why axest thou me? Axe them whiche hearde me / what I sayde vnto thē. Beholde they can tell what I sayde. Whē he had thus spoken / one of ye ministres which stode by / smotema. xxvj mar. xiiij luc. xxij. Iesus on the face saying: answerest thou the hye preste so? Iesus answered him. If I have evyll spokē / beare witnes of ye evyll: yf I have well spokē / why smytest thou me? And Annas sent him bounde vnto Caiphas y• hye preste.
Simon Peter stode and warmed him selfe.E And they sayde vnto him: arte not thou also one of his disciples? He denyed it / and sayde: I am not. One of the servauntes of the hye preste (his cosyn whose eare Peter smote of) sayde vnto him: dyd not I se the in the gardenmathew .xxvij. mar. xv a lu. xxij g with him? Peter denyed it agayne: & immediatly the cocke crewe.
Then led they Iesus frō Cayphas into the F hall of iudgement. It was in the mornynge / & they them selves went not into the iudgement hall lest they shuld be defyled / but that they myght eate the paschall lambe. Pylate then went out vnto thē & sayde: what accusacion bringe ye agaynste this man? They answered and sayd vnto him. If he were not an [Page] evyll doar / we wolde not have delyvered him vnto the. Then sayd Pylate vnto thē: take ye him / and iudge him after youre awne lawe. Then the Iewes sayde vnto him. It is not lawfull for vs to put eny mā to deeth. That ye mat. xx. c wordes of Iesus myght be fulfilled which he spake / signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye.
Then Pylate entred into the iudgemē ▪ hallmathew xxvij. mar. xv b lu. xxiij. agayne / & called Iesus / & sayd vnto him: arte thou the kynge of ▪ Iewes? Iesus answered: sayst thou that of thy selfe / or dyd other tell it the of me? Pylate answered: Am Ia Iewe? Thyne awne nacion & hye prestes have delyvered y• vnto me. What hast thou done? Iesus answered: my kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde / then wolde my ministres surely fight / yt I shuld not be delyvered to ye Iewes / but now is my kyngdome not frō hence. Pylate sayde G vnto him: Arte thou a kynge then? Iesus answered: Thou sayst ye I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne / & for this cause came I into ye worlde yt I shuld beare witnes vnto the trueth. And all that are of ye trueth heare my voyce. Pilate sayde vnto him: what thinge is trueth? And when he had sayd yt / he went out agayne vnto the Iewes / & sayde vnto them: I fynde in him no cause at all. Ye have a custome / that I shuld delyver you one lowssemat [...]e. xxvij. mar. xu b lu. xxij. at ester. Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kynge of ye Iewes. Then cryed they all agayne sayinge: Not him / but Barrabas / that Barrabas was a robber.
¶ The .xix. Chap.
[Page Clxxi]THen Pylate toke Iesus and scourged A mathew .xxvij. mar. xv [...] him. And ye soudiers wounde a croune of thornes and put it on his heed. And they dyd on him a purple garment / and sayd: hayll kynge of the Iewes: & they smote him on the face. Pylate went forthe agayne / & sayde vnto them: beholde I bringe him forth to you / that ye maye knowe / that I fynde no faute in him. Then came Iesus forthe wearynge a croune of thorne and a robe of purple. And Pylate sayd vnto them: beholde ye man. When the hye Prestes and ministres sawe him / they cryed sayinge: crucify him / crucify him. Pylate sayde vnto them. Take ye him and crucify him: for I fynde no cause in him. The Iewes answered him. We have a lawe / and by oure lawe he ought to dye: because he made him selfe the sonne of God.
When Pylate hearde that sayinge / he was B the moare afrayde / & went agayne into ye iudgment hall / and sayde vnto Iesus: whence arte thou? But Iesus gave him none answere. Then sayde Pylate vnto him. Speakest thou not vnto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify the / & have power to lowse the? Iesus answered: Thou couldest have no power at all agaynst me / except it were geven the from above. Therfore he yt delyvered me vnto the / is moare in synne. And from thence forthe sought Pylate meanes to lowse him: but the Iewes cryed sayinge: yf thou let him goo / thou arte not Cesars frende. For whosoever maketh h [...] selfe a kynge / is agaynst Cesar
[Page]When Pylate hearde yt sayinge / he brought Iesus forthe / and sate doune to geve sentēce / in a place called the pavement: but in the Hebrue tonge / Gabbatha. It was the Saboth even which falleth in the ester fest / and aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: beholde youre kynge. They cryed / awaye with him / awaye with him / crucify him. Pylate sayde vnto them. Shall I crucify youre kynge? The hye Prestes answered: we have no kynge but Cesar. Then delyvered he him vnto them / to be crucified.B mathew .xxvij. mar. xvb lu. xxiij [...]
And they toke Iesus and led him awaye. And he bare his crosse / and went forthe into a place called the place of deed mens sculles / which is named in Hebrue / Golgatha. Where they crucified him and two other with him on ether syde one / and Iesus in the myddes. And Pylate wrote his tytle / and put it on the crosse. The writynge was / Iesus of Nazareth / kynge of the Iewes. This tytle reed many of the Iewes. For the place where Iesus was crucified / was nye to the cite. And it was written in Hebrue / Greke & Latyn. Then sayde the hye prestes of ye Iewes to Pylate: wryte not / kynge of the Iewes: but that he sayde / I am kynge of the Iewes. Pylate answered:mathew .xxvij. mar. xvb lu. xxiij. what I have written / that have I written.
Then the soudiers / when they had crucified E Iesus / toke his garmentes & made foure partes / to every soudier a parte / & also his coote. The coote was with out seme / wrought vpon thorowe out. And they sayde one to another. [Page Cliii] Let vs not devyde it: but cast loost [...] who shall have it That the scripture myght be fulfilled which sayth. They parted my rayment amongepsal. xx [...]. them / and on my coote dyd cast lottes. And the sou [...]iers dyd soche thinges in dede.
Ther stode by the crosse of Iesus his mother / & his mothers sister / Mary the wyfe of Cleophas / and Mary Magdalene. When Iesus sawe his mother / and the disciple stondynge whom he loved / he sayde vnto his mother: woman beholde thy sonne. Then sayde he to y• disciple: beholde thy mother. And frō that houre the disciple toke her for his awne.
After that when Iesus perceaved that all F thinges were performed: that the scripturepsalmo. lxviii. myght be fulfilled / he sayde: I thyrst. Ther stode a vessell full of veneger by. And they filled a sponge with veneger / & wounde it about with ysope / and put it to his mouth. Assone as Iesus had receaved of the veneger / he sayd: It is fynesshed / and bowed his heed / and gaue vp the goost.
The Iewes then because it was the saboth evē / that ye bodyes shuld not remayne apon y• crosse on y• saboth daye (for that saboth daye was an hye daye) besought Pylate that their legges myght be broken & that they myght be taken doune. Then came the soudiers and br [...] ke the legges of the fyrst / & of the other which was crucified with Iesus. But when they came to Iesus / & sawe that he was deed already they brake not his legges: but one of the soudiers with a speare / thrust him into the syde / [Page] & forthwith came ther out bloud and water.
And he that sawe it / bare recorde / & his recorde is true. And he knoweth that he sayth true / that ye myght beleve also. These thinges [...]x [...]. xii. num. ix. d zacha. xii were done that the scripture shuld be fulfilled: Ye shall not breake a boone of him. And agayne another scripture sayth: They G shall looke on him / whom they pearsed.
After that / Ioseph of Aramathia (whichmathew. x [...]vii. mar. xv. b luc. xxiii. ioa. iii. a. was a disciple of Iesus: but secretly for feare of ye Iewes) besought Pylate that he myght take doune the body of Iesus. And Pylate gave him licence. And ther cam also Nicodemuo which at the beginnynge came to Iesus by nyght / & brought of myrre and aloes mingled to gether aboute an hundred pounde wayght Then toke they the body of Iesu & wounde it in lynnen clothes with the odoures as ye maner of the Iewes is to bury. And in the place where Iesus was crucified / was a garden / & in ye garden a newe sepulchre / wherin was never man layd [...]. There layd [...] they Iesus because of the Iewes saboth even / for the sepulcre was nye at honde. ⊢
¶ The .xx. Chap. ✚
THe morow after the saboth daye / came A matthew .xvi. a. [...]u. xx iiii Mary Magdalene erly / when it was yet darcke / vnto y• sepulcre / & sawe the stone taken awaye from y• toumbe. Then she ranne / & came to Simon Peter & to the other disciple whome Iesus loved / and sayde vnto them. The y have taken awaye the Lorde out of the toumbe / & we cannot tell where they have layde him. Peter went forth & that other [Page Cliii] disciple / & came vnto the sepulcre. They ranne bothe to gether / and that other disciple dyd out runne Peter / & came fyrst to the sepulcre. And he stouped doune & sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge / yet wēt he not in. Then came Simon Peter folowynge him / & went into y• sepulcre / & B sawe the lynnen clothes lye / and the napkyn that was aboute his heed / not lyinge with the lynnen clothe / but wrapped togeder in a place by it selfe. Then went in also that other disciple which came fyrst to the sepulcre / and he sawe and beleved. For as yet they knew not the scriptures / that he shuld ryse agayne from deeth. ✚ And the disciples wēt awaye agayne vnto their awne home.
✚ Mary stode with out at the sepulcre wepynge.mathew. xxviij marke .xvj. b. And as she wept / she bowed her selfe C into the sepulcre & sawe two angels in whyte sittyng / the one at the heed & the other at the fete / where they had layde the body of Iesus. And they sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? She sayde vnto thē: For they have taken awaye my lorde / & I wote not where they have layde him. When she had thus sayde / she turned her selfe backe & sawe Iesus stondynge / & knewe not that it was Iesus. Iesus sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposynge that he had bene the gardener / sayde vnto him. Syr yf D thou have borne him hēce tell me where thou hast layde him / that I maye fet him. Iesus sayde vnto her: Mary. She turned her selfe / and sayde vnto him: Rabboni / which is to [Page] saye master. Iesus sayde vnto her / touche me not / for I am not yet ascended to my father. But goo to my brethren and saye vnto them / I ascende vnto my father and youre father to: my god & youre god. Mary Magdalene came & tolde the disciples yt she had sene the lorde / & yt he had spoken soche thinges vnto her. ⊢
✚ The same daye at nyght / which was the E mat. xxviij mar. xvic luke .xxviij. i. cor xv. a morowe after ye saboth daye / when the dores were shut / where the disciples were assembled to geder for feare of the Iewes / came Iesus & stode in the myddes / & sayd to thē: peace be with you. And when he had so sayde / he shewed vnto them his hondes / & his syde. Then were the disciples glad when they sawe the Lorde. Then sayde Iesus to them agayne: peace be with you. As my father sent me / even so sende I you. And when he had sayde that / he brethed on them and sayde vnto thē: Receave ye holy here is payed that is promysed. mat. xxj. A couenaaunt vpō byndyng & low synge. goost. Whosoevers synnes ye remyt they are remitted vnto thē. And whosoevers synnes ye retayne / they are retayned. ⊢
✚ But Thomas one of ye twelve / called Didymus F / was not with thē when Iesus came. The other disciples sayd vnto him: we have sene ye lorde. And he sayde vnto thē: except I se in his hondes the prent of the nayles / & put my fynger in the holes of the nayles / & thrust my honde into his syde / I will not beleve.
And after .viii. dayes agayne / his disciples were with in / & Thomas with them. Then came Iesus when the dores were shut / & stode in the myddes and sayde: peace be with you.
[Page Cxl]After that sayde he to Thomas: bringe thy G fynger hether / and se my hondes / & bringe thy honde & thrust it into my syde / & be not faythlesse / but belevynge. Thomas answered & sayde vnto him: my Lorde / & my God. Iesus sayde vnto him. Thomas / because thou hast sene me / therfore thou belevest: Happy are they that have not sene / and yet beleve.
And many other signes dyd Iesus in the presence of his disciples / which are not written in this boke. These are written that ye myght beleve / that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God / & that in belevynge ye myght have lyfe thorowe his name. ⊢
¶ The .xxi. Cha. ✚
AFter that Iesus shewed him selfe agayne A / at the see of Tyberias. And on this wyse shewed he him selfe. There were to geder Simon Peter & Thomas / which is called Didym [...]s: and Nathanael of Cana a citie of Galile / and the sonnes of Zebedei / & two other of the disciples. Simon Peter sayde vnto them: I goo a fysshynge. They sayde vnto him: we also will goo with the. They wēt their waye & entred into a shippe strayght C waye / and that nyght caught they nothinge. But when the mornynge was now come / Iesus stode on the shore: neverthelesse the disciples knewe not yt it was Iesus. Iesus sayde vnto thē: syrs / have ye eny meate? They answered him / no. And he sayde vnto them: cast out ye net on the ryght syde of the ship / and ye shall fynde. They cast out / & anōne they were not able to drawe it for ye multitude of fysshes
[Page]Then sayde the disciple whom Iesus loved / vnto Peter: It is the Lorde. When Simon Peter hearde / that it was ye lorde / he gyrde his mantell to him (for he was naked) and sprange into the see. The other disciples came by ship: for they were not farre from londe / but as it were two hondred cubites / & they drewe the net with fysshes. Assone as they were come to londe / they sawe hoo [...] coles & fysshe layd ther on / and breed. Iesus sayde vnto them: bringe of the fysshe which ye have now caught. Simon Peter stepped forthe and drewe the net to londe full of greate fysshes / an hondred and .liii. And for all ther were so many / yet was not the net broken. Iesus sayde vnto them: come and dyne. And none of the disciples durste axe him: what arte thou? For they knewe that it was the lorde. Iesus then came and toke breed / & gave them / & fysshe lykwyse. And this is now the thyrde tyme that Iesus appered to his disciples / after that he was rysen agayne from deeth. ⊢
When they had dyned / Iesus sayde to Simon D Peter: Simon Ioāna / lovest thou me more then these? He sayde vnto him: ye Lorde / thou knowest / that I love the. He sayde vnto him: fede my He loneth Christ that fedeth his lambes & shepe. lambes. He sayde to him agayne the seconde tyme: Simō Ioāna / lovest thou me? He sayde vnto him: ye lorde thou knowest that I love y•. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe. He sayde vnto him y• thyrde tyme: Simon Ioanna / lovest thou me? And Peter sorowed because he sayde to him y• thyrde tyme / lovest [Page Clvi] thou me / and sayde vnto him: Lorde / thou knowest all thingꝭ / thou knowest that I love the. Iesus sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.E
Verely verely I saye vnto the / when thou wast yonge / thou gerdedst thy selfe / and walkedst whyther thou woldest: but when thou arte olde / thou shalt stretche forthe thy hondes / & another shall gyrde y• / & leade the whytherij. ye. i. c thou woldest not. That spake he signifyinge by what deeth he shuld glorify God.
And whē he had sayde thus / he sayd to him ✚ folowe me. Peter turned about & sawe that disciple whō Iesus loved folowynge: which also lened on his brest at supper & sayde: Lorde which is he yt shall betraye the? When Peter sawe him / he sayde to Iesus: Lorde what shall he here do? Iesus sayd vnto him / Yf I will have him to tary tyll I come / what is F that to the? folowe thou me. Then went this sayinge a broode amonge the brethren / that that disciple shulde not dye. Yet Iesus sayde not to him / he shall not dye: but yf I will that he tary tyll I come / what is that to the? The same disciple is he / which testifieth of these thinges / & wrote these thinges. And we knowe / that his testimony is true. ✚ There are also many other thinges which Iesus dyd: the which yf they shuld be written every won I suppose the worlde coulde not cōtayne the bokes that shuld be written.
❧ The Actes of the Apostles / wrytten by Saynte Luke Evangelist which was present at the doynges of them.
¶ The Fyrst Chapter.
IN the former treatise A (Deare frende Theophilus) I have written of all that Iesus beganne to do & teache / vntyll the daye in the which he was taken vp / after that he thorowe the holy goost / had geven commaundementes vnto the Apostles / which he had chosen: to whom also he shewed him selfe alyve / after his passion by many tokens / apperynge vnto them fourty dayes / & speakynge of the kyngdome of god / & gaddered them togeder / and commaundedluke .xxiiij. g thē / that they shuld not departe from Ierusalem: but to wayte for ye promys of the father / wherof ye have herde of me. For Iohn baptised wt water: but ye shalbe baptised with the holy goost / & that with in this feawe dayes. When they were come togeder / they axed of him sayinge: Lorde wilt thou at this tyme restore agayne ye kyngdome to Israel? And he sayde vnto them: It is not for you to knowe the tymes / or the seasons which ye father hath put in his awne power: but ye shall receave [Page Clvii] power of the holy goost which shall come on you. And ye shall be witnesses vnto me in Ierusalem / & in all Iewrye and in Samary / and even vnto the worldes ende.
And when he had spoken these thinges / B whyll they behelde / he was takē vp / & a cloude receaved him vp out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly vp to heaven as he went / beholde two men stode by them in white apparell / which also sayde: ye men of Galile / why stonde ye gasinge vp into heavē? This same Iesus which is taken vp frō you in to heaven / shall so come / even as ye haue sene him goo into heaven. ⊢
Then returned they vnto Ierusalem fromluke .xxiiij. g mount olivete / which is nye to Ierusalem / cō teyninge a Saboth dayes iorney. And when they were come in / they went vp into a parler / where abode both Peter & Iames / Iohn & Andrew / Philip & Thomas / Bartlemew & Mathew / Iames the sonne of Alpheus / & Simō zelotes / & Iudas Iames sonne. These all cō tinued with one acorde in prayer & supplicacion with the wemen and Mary the mother of Iesu / and with his brethren.
✚ And in those dayes Peter stode vp in the C myddes of the disciples & sayde (the noumbre of names that were to gether / were aboute an hondred & twenty) Ye men and brethren / this scripture must have nede ben fulfilled which the holy goost thorow ye mouth of David spake before of Iudas / which was gyde to thempsal. xl. c io. xviij. mathew .xxvij. a that tooke Iesus. For he was noūbred with [Page] vs & had obtayned fellouship in this ministracion. And the same hath now possessed a plot of grounde with the rewarde of iniquite / and when he was hanged / brast a sondre in ye myddes / & all his bowels gusshed oute. And it is knowē vnto all the inhabiters of Ierusalem: in so moche that that felde is called in their mother tonge / Acheldama / that is to saye / the bloud felde.
It is written in the boke of Psalmes: his D psalm .lxviij. habitaciō be voyde / and no man be dwellinge therin: and his bisshoprycke let another take.psal. cviij Wherfore of these mē which have cōpanyed with vs / all y• tyme that the Lorde Iesus wēt in & out amonge vs / begynninge at the baptyme of Iohn vnto that same daye that he was taken vp from vs / must one be ordeyned to be are witnes with vs of his resurreccion.
And they appoynted two / Ioseph called Barsabas (whose syr name was Iustus) and Mathias. And they prayed sayinge: thou Lorde which knowest the hertes of all mē / shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen that the one maye take the roume of this ministracion / and apostleshippe from the which Iudas by transgression fell / that he myght go to his awne place. And they gave forthe their lottes / and the lot fell on Mathias / and he wasMathias counted with the eleven Apostles. ⊢
¶ The Seconde Chapter. ✚
VVhē the fyftith daye was come / they A were all with one accorde togeder in one place. And sodenly ther cam a [Page Clviii] sounde from heaven / as it had bene the comminge of a myghty wynde / & it filled all the housse where they sate. And ther appered vnto them cloven tonges / lyke as they had beneTonges fyre / and it sate vpon eache of them: and they were all filled with the holy goost / and beganne to speake with other tonges / even as the sprete gave them vtteraunce.
And ther were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes / devoute men / which were of all nacions vnder heaven. When this was noysed aboute / the multitude came to gether & were astonyed / because that every man hearde thē speake his awne toūge. They wondred all & marveyled sayinge amōge them selves: Beholde / are not all these which speake / of Galile? And how heare we every man his awne toūge wherein we were boren? Parthians / Medes and Elamytes / and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia / of Iury / and of Capadocia / of Ponthus and Asia / Phrigia / Pamphilia / and of Egypte / and of the parties of Libia which is besyde Syrene / and straungers of Rome / Iewes & Conuertes: that is / hethen or gentiles cōuerted to the Iewes fayth convertes / Grekes and Arabians: we have herde them speake with oure awne tonges the greate workes of God. ✚ They were all amased / and wondred sayinge one to another: what meaneth this? Other mocked thē sayinge: they are full of newe wyne.
✚ But Peter stepped forth with the elevē / & lift vp his voyce / and sayde vnto them: Ye men of Iewrye / & all ye that inhabite Ierusalem: be this knowē vnto you / and with youre [Page] eares heare my wordes. These are not dronken / as ye suppose: for it is yet but the thyrde houre of ye daye. But this is that which was spoken by y• Prophete [...]ohel: It shalbe in the C iohel .ij. g last dayes sayth God: of my sprete I will powre out vpon all flesshe. And youre sonnes & youre doughters shall prophesy / & youre yō ge men shall se visions / & youre olde mē shall dreme dremes. And on my servaūts / & on my honde maydens I will powre out of my sprete in those dayes / & they shall prophesye. And I will shewe wonders in heaven a bove / & tokens in the erth benethe / bloud and fyre / and the vapour of smoke. The sunne shalbe turned into darknes / & the mone into bloud before that greate & notable daye of the Lorde come. And it shalbe / that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lorde shalbe saved. ⊢
✚ Ye men of Israel heare these wordes. Iesusroma. x. [...]. of Nazareth / a mā approved of God amō ge you with myracles / wondres and signes which God dyd by him in ye myddes of you / as ye youre selves knowe: him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones / after he was delivered by the determinat counsell & foreknoweledge of God / & have crucified & slayne: whom God hath raysed vp & lowsed D Deathe psal. xv. c the sorowes of deeth / because it was vnpossible that he shuld be holden of it. For David speaketh of him: Afore honde I sawe God alwayes before me: For he is on my ryght honde / that I shuld not be moved. Therfore dyd my hert reioyce / & my tonge was glad. Moreover [Page Clix] / also my flesshe shall rest in hope / becauseHell. thou wilt not leve my soul in hell / nether wilt suffre thyne holye to se corrupciō. Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe / & shalt make me full of ioye with thy countenaunce. ⊢
Men & brethren / let me frely speake vnto E iij. re. ij. b you of the patriarke David: For he is both deed & buryed / & his sepulcre remayneth with vs vnto this daye. Therfore seinge he was a Prophet / & knewe that God had sworne with an othe to him / that the frute of his loynes shuld sit on his seat (in that Christ shulde ryse agayne in the flesshe) he sawe before: and spake in the resurreccion of Christ / that his soule▪ shulde not be left in hell: nether his fles se shuld se corrupciō. This Iesus hath God raysyd vp / wher of we all are witnesses.
Sence now that he by the right honde of God exalted is / & hath receaved of the father the promyse of the holy goost / he hath sheed forthe that which ye nowe se and heare. For David is not ascendyd into heavē: but he sayde. The Lorde sayde to my Lorde sit on my F p [...]a [...]. cjx. [...] right honde / vntill I make thy fooes thy fote stole. So therfore let all the housse of Israel knowe for a suerty / yt God hath made y• same Iesus whom ye have crucified lorde & Christ.
When they hearde this / they were pricked in their hertes / & sayd vnto Peter & vnto the other Apostles: Ye men & brethrē / what shall we do? Peter sayde vnto them: repent & be baptised every one of you in the name of Iesus Christ / for the remission of synnes / & ye shall [Page] receave the gyfte of the holy goost. For y• promyse was made vnto you & to youre chyldrē / & to all that are afarre / even as many as ye Lorde oure God shall call. And with many other wordes bare he witnes & exhorted them sayinge: Save youre selves from this vntowarde generacion. Then they that gladly receaved his preachynge / were baptised: and the same daye / ther were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.D
And they continued in the Apostles doctrine & felloushippe / & in breakinge of breed / & in prayer. And feare came over every soule. And many wondres & signes were shewed by the Apostles. And all that beleved kept them selves to gedder / & had all thinges cōmen / and solde their possessions and goodes / & departed them to all men / as every man had nede. AndCommē. they continued dayly with one acorde in the tēple / & brake breed in every heu [...]se / & dyd eate their meate to gedder / with gladnes & singlenes of hert praysinge God / and had faveour with all the people. And the▪ Lorde added to ye congregacion dayly soche as shuld be saved.
¶ The .iii. Chapter.
PEter & Iohn went vp togedder into A the tēple at the nynthe houre of prayer. And ther was a certayne man haltThe halt is cured from his mothers wōbe / whō they brought and layde at the gate of the temple called beutifull / to axe almes of them that entred into the temple. Which same when he sawe Peter & Iohn / that they wolde in to the tēple / [Page Clx] desyred to receave an almes. And Peter fastened his eyes on him with Iohn and sayde: looke on vs. And he gaue hede vnto thē / trustinge to receave somthinge of them. Then sayd Peter: Silver and golde have I none / suche as I have / geve I the. In the name of Iesu Christ of Nazareth / ryse vp & walke. And he toke him by the right honde / & lifte him vp. And immediatly his fete & ancle bones receaved strenght. And he sprāge / stode & also walked / & entred with them into the temple / walkinge / and leapinge and laudynge God.
And all the people sawe him walke & laude God. And they knewe him / that it was he which sate and begged at the beutifull gate of the temple. And they wondred & were sore astonnyed at that which had happened vnto him. And as y• halt which was healed / helde Peter and Iohn / all the people ranne amased vnto them in Salomons porche.C
When Peter sawe that / he answered vnto the people. ✚ Ye men of Israel / why marvayle ye at this / or why looke ye so stedfastly on vs / as though by oure awne power or holynes / we had made this man goo? The God of Abraham / Isaac & Iacob / the God of oure fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus / whom ye delyvered / & denyed in the presence of Pylatemathew .xxvii. mar. xv. e luc. xxiii. Iohn .xvii. a / whē he had iudged him to be lowsed. But ye denyed the holy & iust / and desyred a mortherar to be geven you / and kylled the Lorde of lyfe / whom God hath raysed from deeth / of the which we are wytnesses. And his [Page] name thorow the fayth of his name / hath made this man sound / whom ye se & knowe. And the fayth which is by him / hath geven to him this health in the presence of you all.
And now brethrē I wote well that thorow ignoraūce ye did it / as dyd also youre heddes. But those thinges which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his Prophetes / how yt Christ shuld suffre / he hath thus wyse fulfilled. Repent ye therfore & turne / yt youre D synnes maye be done awaye ✚ / when the tyme of refresshinge commeth / which we shall have of the presence of the Lorde / and when God shall sende him / which before was preached vnto you / that is to wit Iesus Christ [...] which must receave heavē vntyll the tyme y• all thinges / which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophetes sence the worlde began be restored agayne.dut. xviii
For Moses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you / even of youre brethren / lyke vnto me: him shall ye heare in all thinges whatsoever he shall saye vnto you. For the tyme will come / y• every soule which shall not heare that same Prophet / shalbe destroyed from amonge the people. Also all the Prophetes from Samuel and thence forth / as many as have spoken / have in lykwyse tolde of these dayes.
Ye are the chyldren of the Prophetes / & of the covenaunt which God hath made vnto oure fathers sayinge to Abraham: Evē in thy seede shall all the kinredes of the erth be blessed. [Page Clxi] Fyrst vnto you hath God raysed vp his sonne Iesus / and him he hath sent to blysse you / that every one of you shuld turne from youre wickednes.
¶ The .iiii. Chapter
AS they spake vnto the people / the prestes A & the rular of the tēple / & the SaducesSaduces came vpon them / takynge it grevously that they taught y• pople & preached in Iesus the resurreccion frō deeth. And they layde hondes on them / and put them in holde vntill the nexte daye: for it was now even tyde. How be it many of them which hearde the wordes / beleved / and the noumbre of the men was aboute fyve thousande.
And it chaunsed on the morowe that their rulars & elders & Scribes / as Annas the chefe Prest & Cayphas & Iohn & Alexander / and as many as were of y• kynred of the hye prestes gadered to geder at Ierusalem / & sit the other before them / & axed: by what power or what name have ye done this syrs? ✚ Then B Peter full of y• holy goost sayd vnto them: yePeter. rulars of the people / & elders of Israel / yf we this daye are examined of the good dede done to the sycke man / by what meanes he is made whoale: be yt knowen vnto you all / and to the people of Israel / that in the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth / who n ye crucified / and whom God raysed agayne from deeth: [...]sa. cx vi [...] [...]a [...]. xxi. ma [...]. xi [...] [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. even by him doth this man stonde here present before you whoale. This is ye stone cast a syde of you bylders which is set in the [...]he [...] fe place of the corner. Nether is ther [...] S [...]lvaciō ▪ [Page] in eny other. Nor yet also is ther eny other name [...]m. ix. g geven to men wherin we must be saved. ✚ C
When they sawe the boldnes of Peter & Iohn / & vnderstode that they were vnlerned men & laye people / they marveyled / and they knew them / that they were with Iesu: & beholdinge also the mā which was healed stondinge with thē / they coulde not saye agaynst it. But they cōmaunded them to go a syde out of the counsell / & counceled amōge them selves sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest signe is done by thē / & is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem / & we cānot denye it. But that it be noysed no farther amōge the people / let vs threaten / and charge them that they speake hence forth to no man in this name.D
And they called them / & cōmaunded them that in no wyse they shuld speake or teache in the name of Iesu. But Peter and Iohn answered vnto them & sayde: whether it be right in the syght of God to obeye you moare thenGod is more to be obeyed then man God / iudge ye. For we cānot but speake that which we have sene and hearde. So threatened they them and let them goo / and founde no thinge how to punysshe them / because of the people. For all mē lauded God for the myracle which was done: for the man was above fourty yeare olde / on whom this myracle of healinge was shewed.E
Assone as they were let goo / they came to their felowes / and shewed all that the hye prestes and elders had sayde to them. And when [Page Clxii] they hearde that / they lyfte vp their voyces to God with one accorde / & sayde: Lorde / thou arte God which hast made heaven & erth / the see & all that in them is / which by the mouth of thy servaunt David hast sayd: Why dyd the hethen rage / & the people immagen vaynepsal. ij. a. thinges. The kynges of the erth stode vp & the rulars came to gedder / agaynst the Lorde and agaynst his Christ.
For of a trueth / agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus F whom thou hast annoynted / bothe Herode and also Poncius Pylate / with the Gentils and the people of Israel / gaddered them selves to gedder / forto do whatsoever thy honde and thy counsell determined before to be done. And now Lorde / beholde their threatenynges / & graunte vnto thy servauntes with all confidence to speake thy worde. So that thou stretche forth thy honde / that healynge and signes and wonders be done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus. And assone as they had prayed / the place moved wheare they were assembled to gedder / and they were all filled with the holy goost / and they spake the worde of God boldely.G
✚ And the multitude of them that beleved / were of one hert / and of one soule. Also none of them sayde / that eny of the thinges which he possessed / was his awne: but had all thinges commen. And with greate power gaveCommen the Apostles witnes of the resurreccion of the Lorde Iesu. And greate grace was with them all. Nether was ther eny amonge them / [Page] that lacked. For as many as were possessers of londes or housses / solde them and broughtLove. the pryce of the thinges that were solde / and layed yt doune at the Apostles fete. And distribucion was made vnto every man accordinge as he had nede. ⊢
And Ioses which was also called of the Apostles Barnabas (that is to saye the son. ne of consolacion) beynge a Levite / and of the countre of Cipers / had londe / and solde it. and layde the pryce doune at the Apostles fete.
¶ The .v. Chapter.
A Certayne man named Ananias with A Ananias Saphira Saphira his wyfe solde a possession / & kepte awaye parte of the pryce (his wyfe also beynge of counsell) & brought a certayne parte / & layde it doune at the Apostles fete. Then sayd Peter: Ananias / how is it that Satan hath filled thyne hert / that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost / and kepe awaye parte of the pryce of the lyvelod: Pertayned it not vnto the only / and after it was solde / was not the pryce in thyne awne power? How is it that thou hast cōceaved this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lyed vnto men / but vnto God. When Ananias herde these wordes. he fell doune & gave vp the goost. And great feare came on all thē that these thinges hearde. And the yonge men roose vp / and put him a parte / & caryed him out / and buryed him.
And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of .iii. houres afte [...] / that his wyfe came in / ignoraunt of that which was done. And Peter [Page Clxiii] sayde vnto her: Tell me / gave ye the londe for so moche? And she sayde: ye for so moche Then Peter sayde vnto her: why have ye agreed to gether / to tēpt the sprete of the Lorde? Beholde the fete of them which have buryed thy husbande / are at the dore / and shall cary the out. Then she fell doune strayght waye at his fete & yelded vp the goost. And the yonge men came in / & founde her ded / and caryed her out and buryed her by her husbande. And great feare came on all the congregacion / and on as many as hearde it.
By the hondes of the Apostles were many C signes & wondres shewed amōge the people. And they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche. And of other durst no man ioyne him selfe to them: neverth [...]later the people magnyfied them. The noumbre of them that beleved in the Lorde bothe of men & wemen / grewe moare & moare: in so moche that they brought the sicke into the strettes / & layde them on beddes & palette / that at the lest waye the shadowe of Peter when heThe shadow of Peter. came by / myght shadowe some of them. There came also a multitude out of y• cities roūd about / vnto Ierusalem / bringynge sicke folkes / & them which were vexed with vnclene spretes. And they were h [...]aled every one.
Then ye chefe preste rose vp & all they thatSadnces were with him (which is the secte of the Saduces)D & were full of indignacion / and layde hondes on the Apostles / & put them in the cō men preson. But the angell of the Lorde by [Page] nyght openned the preson dores / & brought them forthe / & sayde: goo / steppe forthe / & speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this lyfe. When they hearde that / they entred into the temple erly in the morninge and taught.
The chefe prest came & they that were with him / & called a counsell to gedder / & all the elders E of the chyldren of Israel / and sent to the preson to fet them. When the ministres came and founde them not in the preson / they returned and tolde sayinge: the preson founde we shut as sure as was possible / and the kepers stondynge with out before ye dores. But whē we had opened / we founde no man with in. When the chefe prest of all and the ruler of the temple and the hye prestes hearde these thinges / they douted of them / whervnto this wolde growe.
Then came one & shewed them: beholde y• men y• ye put in preson / stonde in the tēple / & teache the people. Then went the ruler of the tēple with ministe [...]s / & brought thē with out violence. For they feared the people / lest they shuld have bene stoned. And when they had brought them / they set them before the counsell. And y• chefe presteaxed thē sayinge: dyd not we straytely cōmaunde you that ye shuld not teache in this name? And beholde ye have filled Ierusalem with youre doctrine / & ye F intende to brynge this mans bloud vpon vs.God must be obeyed
Peter and the other Apostles answered & sayde: We ought moare to obey God then [Page Clxiiii] men. The God of oure fathers raysed vp I [...] Iesus / whom ye slewe and hanged on tre. Him hath god lifte vp with his right hand / to be a ruler and a savioure / for to geve repē taūce to Israell & forgevenes of synnes. And we are his recordes concernynge these thingꝭ & also the holy goost whom God hath gevē to them y• obey him. When they hearde yt / they clave asunder: & sought meanes to slee them. Then stode ther vp one in ye counsell / a Pharisey named Gamali [...]l / a doctoure of lawe / Gamaliel had in auctorite amōge all the people / & commaunded to put the Apostles a syde a lytell space / & sayde vnto them: Men of Israel take hede to youre selves what ye entende to do as touchinge these men. Before these dayes roseTheudas. vp one Theudas bostinge him selfe / to whom resorted a nombre of men / about a f [...]ure hondred / which was slayn / & they all which beleved him were scatred a broode & brought to nought. After this man arose ther vp one IudasIudas y• Galilean of Galile / in the tyme when tribute began / & drewe awaye moche people after him.G He also perisshed: & all even as many as harkened to him / are scattered abrood.
And now I saye vnto you: refrayne youre selves from these men / let them alone. For yf ye coūsell or this worke be of men / it will come to nought. But & yf it be of God / ye cannot destroye it / lest haply ye be founde to stryve agaynst God. And to him they agreed / and called the Apostles / and bet them / & cōmaunded that they shuld not speake in y• name of [Page] Iesu / and let them goo.
And they departed from the counsell / reioy synge yt they were counted worthy to soffre rebuke for his name. And dayly in the tēple and in every housse they ceased not / teachinge and preachinge Iesus Christ.
¶ The .vi. Chapter.
IN those dayes as the nombre of the disciples A grewe / ther arose a grudge amonge the Grekes agaynste the Ebrues / because their wyddowes were despysed in the dayly mynystracion. Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples to gether & sayde: it is not mete that we shuld leave the worde of God & serve at the tables. WherforeSeven deacones brethren / loke ye out amōge you seven men of honest reporte / & full of the holy goost & wysdome / which we maye apoynte to this nedfull busynes. But we will geve oureselves cōtinually B to prayer / & to the ministracion of ye worde. And the sayinge pleased the whoale multitude. And they chose Steven a man full of fayth & of the holy goost / & Philip / & Prochorus / and Nichanor / and Timon / and Permenas / and Nicholas a converte of Antioche. Which they set before the Apostles / and they prayed and layde their hondes on them.
And the worde of God encreased / & the noū bre C of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly / and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe. ✚ And StevenSteven. full of faythe and power / dyd great wondres & myracles amōge ye people. Then ther arose [Page Clxv] certayne of the synagoge / which are called Lybertines & Syrenites / & of Alexandria / and of Cilicia / and Asia / and disputed with Steven. And they coulde not resist the wysdome / & the sprete / with which he spake. Then sent they in men / which sayd: we have hearde him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses / & agaynst God. And they moved ye people & the elders & the scribes: and came apon him and caught him / and brought him to the counsell / & brought forth falce witnesses which sayde. This mā ceasith not to speake blasphemous D wordes agaynst this holy place & the lawe: for we hearde him saye: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place / & shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moses gave vs. And all that sate in ye counsell loked sted fastly on him / & sawe his face as it had bene the face of an angell.
¶ The .vii. Chapter.
THen sayde ye chefe prest: is it even so?A And he sayde: ye men / brethren and fathers / harken to. The God of glory appered vnto oure father Abrahā whyll he wasThe sermon of Stephin. yet in Mesopotamia / before he dwelt in Charran / & sayd vnto him: come out of thy contre / and from thy kynred / & come into the londe / which I shall shewe the. Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey / & dwelt in Charran. And after that / assone as his father was deed / gen. xij. a he brought him into this lande / in which ye now dwell / & he gave him none inheritaunce in it / no not the bredeth of a fote: but promised yt he wolde geve it to him to possesse & to his [Page] seed after him / when as yet he had no chylde.
God verely spake on this wyse that his seade shulde be a dweller in a straunge londe and that they shulde kepe them in bondage and entreate them evyll .iiii. C. yeares. But the nacion to whom they shalbe in bondage will Ige. xviij. gen. xxj. gen. xxv ge. xxix. iudge / sayde God. And after that shall they come forthe and serve me in this place. And he gave him the covenaunt of circumcision. And he begat Isaac / and circumcised him the viii. daye / and Isaac begat Iacob / and Iacob the twelve patriarkes.
And the patriarkes havinge indignaciō solde Ioseph into Egipte. And God was with B Patriarckes. ge. xxx. [...]. xx v. genesis. xxx viij. ge. [...]lj. e him and delivered him out of all his adversities. And gave him faveour and wisdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him governer over Egipte / and over all his housholde.
Then came ther a derth over all the londe of Egipt & Canaan / & great affliccion / that our fathers founde no sustenaūce. But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egipte / he sent oure fathers fyrst / and at the seconde tyme / Ioseph was knowen of his brethren / andgen. xliij. gen. xlv. Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao. Then sent Ioseph & caused his father to be brought and all his kynne / thre score and xv. soules. And Iacob descended into Egipte and dyed bothe he and oure fathers / and weregen. xlvj ge. xlix. gene. l. b. translated into Sichem / ond were put in ye sepulere that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor / at Sichem.
[Page Clxvi]When ye tyme of ye promes drue nye (whichexo. j. a God had sworme to Abraham) the people grewe C and multiplied in Egipte / till another kynge arose which knewe not of Ioseph. The same dealte suttelly with oure kynred / & evyll intreated oure fathers / and made them to cast oute their younge chyldren / that they shuldexo. ij. a. not remayne alyve. The same tyme was Moses borne / and was a proper childe in ye sight of God / which was norisshed vp in his fathers housse thre monethes. When he was cast out / Pharoes doughter toke him vp / and norisshed him vp for her awne sonne. And Moses was learned in all maner wisdome of the Egipcians / and was mighty in dedes & in wordes.
And when he was full forty yeare olde / it came into his hert to visit his brethren / the chyldren of Israhel. And when he sawe one of them suffre wronge / he defended him / and avenged his quarell that had the harme done to him / and smote the Egypcian. For he supposed hys brethren wolde have vnderstonde how yt God by his hondes shuld save them But they vnderstode not.
And the next daye he shewed him selfe vnto D thē as they strove / and wolde have set thē exo. ij. [...] at one agayne sayinge: Syrs / ye are brethren / why hurte ye one another? But he that dyd his neghbour wronge / thrust him awaye sayinge: who made ye a rular & a iudge amonge vs? What / wilt thou kyll me / as thou dyddest the Egyptian yester daye? Then fleed Moses [Page] at that sayenge / & was a stranger in the londe of Madian / where he begat two sonnes.
And when .xl. yeares were expired / ther apperedexo. iij. a to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe. When Moses sawe it / he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde / the voyce of the Lorde came vnto him: I am y• God of thy fathers / the God of Abraham / the God of Isaac / & the God of Iacob. Moses trembled & durst not beholde. Then sayde y• Lorde to him: Put of thy showes from thy fete / for the place where thou stondest / is holy grounde. I have perfectly sene the affliccion of my people which is in Egypte / and I have hearde their gronynge / and am come doune to delyver them. And now come and I will sende the into Egypte.E
This Moses whom they forsoke sayinge: who made the a ruelar and a iudge: the same God sent bothe a ruler & delyverer / / by y• hondes of the angell which appered to him in theexo. vij. and .viij. ix. x. xi. xiiij exo. xvj. busshe. And the same brought them out shewynge wonders & signes in Egypte / & in the reed see & in the wyldernes .xl. yeares. This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldrē of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lorde youredeu. xviij God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren lykeexo. xix. vnto me / him shall ye heare.
This is he that was in y• congregacion / in the wyldernes with the angell which spake to him in y• moūte Syna / & with oure fathers. This man receaved the worde of lyfe to geve [Page Clxvii] vnto vs / to whō oure fathers wolde not obeye but cast it from them / & in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte / sayinge vnto Aaron:ex. xxxij Make vs goddes to goo before vs. For this Moses that brought vs out of the londe of Egypte / we wote not what is become of him. And they made a calfe in those dayes / & offered sacrifice vnto the ymage / and reioysed in the workes of their awne hondes.
Then God turned him selfe / & gave them vp / that they shuld worship the starres of the skye / as it is written in the boke of the prophetes.aino. v. [...] O ye of y• housse of Israel gave ye to me sacrefices & meate offerynges / by the space of xl. yeares in the wildernes▪ And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch / and the starre of youre god Remphan / figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I will translate you beyonde Babylon.F
Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in y• wyldernes / as he had apoynted thē speakyngeex. xxv d he. vii [...]. b iosua. iij c vnto Moses / that he shuld make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene. Which tabernacle oure fathers receaved / & brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls which God drave out before the face ofj. re. xvj. ps. cxxxj oure fathers vnto the tyme of David / which founde favour before God / & desyred that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob. But Salomon bylt him an housse.
How be it he that is h yest of all / dwelleth not in tēple God dwelleth not in temples or churches made with hādes. made with hondes / as saith the Prophete: Heven is my seate / and erth is my [Page] fote stole / what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the Lorde? or what place is it that I shuld rest in? hath not my honde made all these thinges?
Ye stiffenecked & of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye have all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd / so do ye. Which of the prophetes have not youre fathers persecuted? And they have slayne them / which shewed before of the commynge of that iust / whom ye have now betrayed and mordred. And ye also have receaved a lawe by the ordinaunce of angels / and have not kept it.G
When they hearde these thinges / their hertes clave a sunder / and they gnasshed on him with their tethe. But he beynge full of the holy goost / loked vp stedfastlye with his eyes into heven & sawe the glorie of God / & Iesus stondynge on the ryght honde of God / & sayde: beholde / I se the hevens open / & the sonne of man stondynge on the ryght honde of god. Then they gave a shute with a loude voyce / and stopped their eares and ranne apon him all at once / and caste him out of the cite / & stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul.Saul And they stoned steven callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu receave my sprete. And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde laye not this synne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken / he fell a slepe.▪
¶ The .viii. Chapter.
[Page Clxviii]SAul had pleasure in his deeth. And at A yt tyme there was a great persecucionSaul. agaynst the congregacion which was at Ierusalem / & they were all scattered abroade thorowout the regions of Iury and Samaria / except the Apostles. Then devout men dressed Steven / and made great lamentacion over him. But Saul made havocke of the congregacion entrynge into every housse / & drewe out bothe man & woman / & thrust thē into preson. They that were scattered abroade / went every where preachyng the worde. Then came Philip into a cite of Samaria & preachedPhilip. Christ vnto them. And the people gave hede vnto those thinges which Philip spake / with one acorde / in that they hearde and sawe the miracles which he dyd. For vnclene spretes cryinge with loude voyce / came out of many that were possessed of them. And manye taken B with palsies / and many yt halted / were healed And ther was great ioye in that cite. And therSimon magus. was a certayne man called Simon / which before tyme in the same cite / vsed witche crafte & bewitched the people of Samarie / sayinge / that he was a man yt coulde do greate thingꝭ. Whom they regarded / from y• lest to the greatest / sayinge: this felow is the great power of God. And him they set moche by / because of longe tyme with sorcery he had mocked thē. But assone as they beleved Philippes preachynge of the kyngdome of God & of the name of Iesu Christ / they were baptised bothe men and wemen. Then Simon himselfe [Page] beleved also / and was baptised / and cōtinued with Phillip / and wondered beholdynge the miracles and signes / which were shewed.
✚ When y• Apostles which were at Ierusalem C hearde saye that Samaria had receaved y• worde of God: they sent vnto thē / Peter and Iohn / which when they were come / prayed for thē / that they myght receave y• holy goost For as yet he was come on none of them: But they were baptised only in the name of Christ Iesu. Then layde they their hondes on them / & they receaved the holy goost. ⊢
When Simō sawe / that thorowe layingeLayenge on of handes. on of the Apostles hondes on them / the holy goost was geven: he offered thē money sayinge: Geve me also this power / that on whom soever I put the hondes / he maye receave the holy goost. Then sayde Peter vnto him: thy monye perysh with the / because thou wenest that the gifte of God maye be obteyned wt money. Thou hast nether parte nor felloushippe in this busines. For thy hert is not ryght in the syght of God. Repent therfore of this thy wickednes / & praye God that y• thought of thyne hert maye be forgeven the. For I perceave that thou arte full of bitter gall / and wrapped in iniquite.
Then answered Simon & sayde: Praye ye to the lorde for me y• none of these thinges whiche ye have spoken / fall on me. And they / whē they had testified & preached the worde of the lorde / returned toward Ierusalem / & preached the gospellin many cities of the Samaritās.
[Page Clxix] ✚ Then the angell of the lorde spake vnto Phillip sayinge: aryse & goo towardes mydde daye vnto y• waye y• goeth doune frō Ierusalem vnto Gaza which is in y• desert. And he arose & wēt on. And beholde a man of Ethiopia which was a chāberlayne / & of grete auctorite wt Cādace quene of y• Ethiopiās / & had y• rule of all her treasure / came to Ierusalem forto praye. And as he returned home agayne sittynge in his charet / he rede Esay y• prophet
Then y• sprete sayde vnto Phillip: Goo neare & ioyne thy selfe to yonder charet. And Philip ranne to him / & hearde him rede y• prophet Esayas and sayde: Understondest thou what thou redest? And he sayd: how can I / except I had a gyde? And he desyred Philip that he wold come vp & sit wt him. The tenoure of y• scripture which he redde / was this. He was ledde as a shepe to be slayne: & lyke a lambe dōme before his sherer / so opened he not his mouth. Because he was of so lowe degree in this worlde: but a poore car penter / & humbled him selfe vnto all men / and was obedient euē vnto the moost vyle deathe of the crosse: therfore cannot the Iewes esteme h [...] for the verie messias. Because of his humblenes / he was not estemed: who shall declare his generaciō? for his lyfe is taken frō the erthe. The chamber layne answered Philip and sayde: I praye the / of whom speaketh the Prophet this? of him selfe / or of some other man?
And Philip opened his mouth / & beganne F at ye same scripture / & preached vnto him Iesus. And as they went on their waye / they came vnto a certayne water / & the chamberlayne sayde: Se here is water / what shall let me to be baptised? Philip sayde vnto him: Yf thou beleve with all thyne hert thou mayst. [Page] He answered and sayde: I beleve that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God. And he cōmaunded the charet to stonde still. And they went doune bothe into the water: bothe Philip & also the chamberlayne / and he baptised him. And assone as they were come out of the water / the sprete of the lorde caught awaye Philip / yt the chamberlayne sawe him no moore. And he wēt on his waye reioysinge: but Philip was founde at Azotus. And he walked thorow out y• countre preachynge in their cities / tyll he came to Cesarea. ✚.
¶ The .ix. Cha. ✚
ANd Saul yet brethynge oute threatnynges & slaughter agaynst y• disciples of A the lorde / went vnto y• hye preste / & desyredgala. j. b. of him letters to Damasco / to y• synagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye / whether they were men or wemen / he myght bringe them bounde vnto Ierusalem. But as he went on his iorney / it fortuned y• he drue nye to Damasco / and sodenly ther shyned rounde about him a lyght frō heven. And he fell to y• erth / & hearde a voyce sayinge to him: Saul / j. cor. xv. ij. cor. xij Saul / why persecutest thou me? And he sayde / what arte thou lorde? And the lorde sayd / I am Iesus whom thou persecutest / it shalbe harde for y• to kycke agaynst y• pricke. And heSaul is cōuerted. bothe tremblynge and astonyed sayde: Lorde what wilt thou have me to do? And y• Lorde sayde vnto him: aryse and goo into the cite / and it shalbe tolde the what thou shalt do.B
The men which iornayed with him / stode amased / for they herde a voyce / but sawe no [Page Clxx] man. And Saul arose from the erth / and opened his eyes / but sawe no man. Then ledde they him by the honde / and brought him into Damasco. And he was .iii. dayes with out syght / & nether ate nor dranke. And ther was a certayne disciple at Damasco named Ananias / & to him sayde the lorde in a vision: Ananias.Ananias And he sayde: beholde I am here lorde. And the lorde sayde to him: aryse & goo into the strete which is called strayght and seke in the housse of Iudas / after one called Saul of Tharsus. For beholde he prayeth / & hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias comynge in to him / & puttynge his hondes on him / that he myght receave his syght.
Then Ananias answered: Lorde I have hearde C by many of this man / how moche evell he hath done to thy sainctes at Ierusalem / & here he hath auct orite of the hye prestes to bynde all that call on thy name. The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me / to beare my name before the gentyls & kynges / & the chyldren of Israel. For I will shewe him how great thinges he must suffre for my names sake.
Ananias went his waye and entryd into y• housse and put his hondes on him and sayde: brother Saul / the lorde that apperyd vnto the in the waye as thou camst / hath sent me / that thou myghtest receave thy syght & besilled with the holy goost. And immediatly ther fell from his eyes as it had bene scales / and he receaved syght / and arose and was baptised / [Page] / and receaved meate and was comforted.
Then was Saul a certayne daye wt the disciples D which were at Damasco. And streyght waye he preached Christ in the synagoges / howPaule preacheth Christ. that he was the sonne of God. All that hearde him / were amased & sayde: is not this he that spoyled thē which called on this name in Ierusalem / & came hyther for y• entent that he shuld bringe thē bounde vnto the hye prestes? But Saul encreased in strēgth / & confounded the Iewes which dwelte at Oamasco / affirminge that this was very Christ. ⊢
And after a good whyle / y• Iewes toke counsell to gether / to kyll him. But their layingePaule is persecuted. awayte was knowen of Saul. And they watched at the gates daye and nyght to kyll him. Then y• disciples toke him by night & put him thorow the wall & let him doune in a basket.ij. cor. xj.
And when Saul was come to Ierusalem / he E assayde to cople him silfe with y• discyples and they were all afrayde of hym and beleued not that he was a disciple. But Bernabas toke hym & brought hym to y• apostles & declared to thē how he had sene y• Lorde in y• waye & had spokē wyth hym: and how he had done boldely at damasco in the name of Iesu. And he had his conuersacion with them at Ierusalem / and quit hym silfe boldly in the name of the lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed wyth the grekes: and they went aboute to slee hym. But when the brethren knew of that / they brought hym to cesarea / and sent hym forth to Tharsus. Then had y• congregaciōs [Page Clxxi] rest thorowoute all Iewry and galile and Samary / and were edified / and walked in the feare of the lorde / and multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost.
And it chaunsed y• as Peter walked throughoute F all quarters / he cā to y• saynctes which dwelt at Lydda and there he foūde a certayne mā namyd Eneas / whych had kepte hys bedEneas. viii. yere sicke of the palsie. Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make y• whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly. And all that dwelt at lydda & assaron / sawe hym / and tourned to the lorde.
Ther was at Ioppe a certayne womā (whicheTabitha dorcas. was a disciple named Tabitha / which by interpretacion is called dorcas) the same was full of good workes and almes dedes / which she did. And it chaunsed in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber: Because Lydda was nye to Ioppa / & the disciples had hearde that Peter was there / they sent vnto hym / desyrynge him that he wolde not be greved to come vnto them.
Peter arose and came with them & when he was come / they brought him in to y• chamber.G And all y• wydowes stode roūde aboute hym wepynge & shewynge the cotes & garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with thē. And Peter put thē all forth & kneled doune & prayde & turned him to y• body / & sayde: Tabitha aryse. And she opened her eyes / & whē she sawe Peter she sat vp. And he gave her y• honde [Page] and lyft her vp / and called the sainctes & wydowes / and shewed her alyve. And it was knowne throwout all Ioppa / and many beleved on the Lorde. And it fortuned that he taryed many dayes in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner.
¶ The .x. Chapter.
THer was a certayne man in Cesarea called Cornelius / a captayne of y• soudiers A Cornelius. of Italy / a devoute man / & one yt feared God wt all his housholde / which gave moche almes to the people / & prayde God alwaye. The same man sawe in a vision evydētly aboute y• nynthe houre of y• daye an angell of god comynge into him / & sayinge vnto him: Cornelius. When he looked on him / he was afrayde / & sayde: what is it lorde? He sayde vnto him. Thy prayers and thy almeses ar come vp into remembraunce before God. And now sende men to Ioppa / & call for one Simon named also Peter. He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner / whose housse is by y• see syde. He shall tell the / what thou oughtest to doo. When the angell which spake vnto Cornelius was departed / he called two of his housholde servauntes / and a devoute soudier of them that wayted on him / and tolde them all the mater / and sent them to Ioppa.
On the morowe as they wēt on their iorney B & drewe nye vnto the cite / Peter went vp into the toppe of y• housse to praye / aboute the .vi. houre. Then wexed he an hongred / & wolde have eatē. But whyll they made redy. He fell into a traūce / & sawe heven opened and a certayne [Page Clxxii] vessell come doune vnto him / as it hadPeters vision. bene a greate shete / knyt at the .iiii. corners / and was let doune to the erth / where in wer all maner of .iiii. foted beastes of the erth & vermen and wormes / & foules of the ayer.C And ther came a voyce to him: ryse Peter / kyll & eate. But Peter sayde: God forbyd Lorde / for I have never eaten eny thinge that is comen or vnclene. And the voyce spake vnto him agayne the seconde tyme: what God hath clensed / that make thou not comen. This was done thryse / and the vessell was receaved vp agayne into heven.
Whyle Peter mused in him selfe what this vision which he had sene meant / beholde / the men which were sent from Cornelius / had made inquirance for Simons housse / and stode before the dore. And called out won & axed whether Simon which was also called Peter were lodged there. Whyll Peter thought on this vision / the sprete sayde vnto him: Beholde / men seke the: aryse therfore / get the doune / and goo with them / & doute not. For I have sent them. Peter went doune to y• men which were sent vnto him from Cornelius / & sayde / Beholde / I am he whom ye seke / what is the D cause wherfore ye are come? And they sayde vnto him: Cornelius the captayne a iust man / and won that feareth God / and of good reporte amonge all the people of the Iewes was warned by an holy angell / to sende for the into his housse / and to heare wordes of the. Then called he them in / and lodged them.
[Page]And on y• morowe Peter wēt awaye with them / and certayne brethren from Ioppa accompanyed D hym. And the thyrd daye entred they into Cesaria. And Cornelius wayted for them / and had called to gether his kynsmen / and speciall frendes. And as it chaunsed Peter to come in / Cornelius met hym / & fell doune at his fete / and worshipped hym. But Peter toke him vp sayinge: stonde vp: for evyn I my silfe am a mā. And as he talked with him he cam in / and founde many that were come to gether. And hesayde vnto them: Ye dokno we how that yt ys an vnlaw full thynge for a man that is a Iewe / to company or come vnto an alient: But god hath shewed me that I shuld not call eny man commen or vnclene: therfore came I vnto you with oute sayēge na ye assone as I was sent for. I axe therfore / for what intent have ye sent for me?
And Cornelius sayde: This daye now .iiii. dayes I fasted / & at the nynthe houre I pray de in my housse: and beholde / a man stode. before E me in bright clothynge / and sayde: Cornelius / thy prayer is hearde / and thyne almes dedes are had in remembraunce in the sight of God. Sende therfore to Ioppa / and call for Simon which is also called Peter. He is lodged in the housse of one Simon a tanner by the see syde / y• wich assone as he is come / shall speake vnto y•. Then sent I for y• immediatly and thou hast well done for to come. Now are we all here present before god / to heare all thynges y• are commaunded vnto the of God.
[Page Clxxiii]Then Peter opened his mouth & sayde: Ofdeu. x. d. ij. pa. xix Iob xxxiiij. sap. vj. b. ecclesiast. xxxv. rom. ij. b. gala. ij. b. ephe. vj. b coll. iij. d. j. pe. j. c. a trueth I perseave / that God is not parciall / but in all people he that feareth him & worketh rightewesnes / is accepted with him.
Ye knowe the preachynge that God sent F vnto the chyldren of Israel / preachinge peace by Iesus Christe (which is Lorde over all thinges: ✚ Which preachinge was publisshed thorow oute all Iewrye / & begāne in Galile / after the baptyme which Iohn preached / how God had annoynted Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost / & with power / which Iesus went aboute doinge good / and healynge all y• were oppressed of the develles / for God was with him. And we are witnesses of all thinges which he dyd in the londe of the Iewes & at Ierusalem / whom they slew / & honge on tree. Him God reysed vp y• thyrde daye / & shewed him openly / not to all the people / but vnto vs witnesses chosyn before of God / which ate & dronke with him / after he arose G from deeth. ✚ And he cōmaunded vs to preache vnto the people and testifie / that it is he that is ordened of God a iudge of quycke and deed. To him geve all the Prophetes witnes / that thorowe his name shall receave remission of synnes all that Fayth is the remission of synnes hie. xxxj mich. vij. * The holye ghoost commeth withoute laynge on of hondes. beleve in him. ⊢
Whyle Peter yet spake these wordes / the holy gost fell on all them which hearde the preachinge. And they of y• circūcision which beleved / were astonyed / as many as came wt Peter / because that on the Gentyls also was sheed oute y• gyfte of the * holy gost. For they [Page] hearde them speake with tonges & magnify God. Then answered Peter: can eny man forbyd water that these shuld not be baptised / which have receaved the holy goost as well as we? And he cōmaunded them to be bapty sed in the name of the Lorde. ✚ Then prayde they him / to tary a feawe dayes.
¶ The .xi. Chapter.
ANd the Apostles / & the brethren that A were thorowout Iewry / harde saye thatThe Apostles were here first taught and certified by the holy ghost of the conuersion of the gentyles. the hethen had also receaved the worde of God. And when Peter was come vp to Ierusalem / they of the circumcision reasoned wyth him sayinge: Thou wentest in to men vncircumcised / and atest with them.
Then Peter began and expounded y• thinge in order to thē sayinge: I was in the cyte of Ioppa prayinge / and in a traunce I sawe a vision / a certen vessell descende / as it had bene a large lynnyn clothe / let doune from he vin by the fower corners / and it cam to me. Into the which when I had fastened myn eyes / I consydered and sawe fowerfoted beastes of y• erth / and vermen and wormes / and foules of the ayer. And I herde a voyce sayinge vnto me: aryse Peter / sley & eate. And I sayd: God forbyd lorde / for nothinge comen or vnclene / hath at eny tyme entred into my mouth. But the voyce answered me agayne from heven / B coūt not thou those thinges comē / which god hath clensed. And this was done thre tymes. And all were takin vp agayne into heven.
And beholde immediatly ther were thre [Page Clxxiiii] men come vnto the housse where I was / sent from Cesarea vnto me. And the sprete sayde vnto me / that I shuld go with them / with out doutinge. Morover the sixe brethren accompanyed me: and we entred into the mās housse. And he shewed vs / how he had sene an angell in his housse / which stod & sayde to him: Send men to Ioppa / and call for Symon / named also Peter: he shall tell the wordes / wher by both thou and all thyne housse shalbe saved.C And as I begāne to preach / y• holy goost fell on them / as he dyd on vs at the begynninge. Then came to my remembraūce y• wordes of the Lorde / how he sayde: Iohn baptised with water / but ye shalbe baptysed with the holy goost. For as moche then as God gave thē lyke gyftes / as he dyd vnto vs / when we beleved on the Lorde Iesus Christ: what was I that I shuld havewith stonde God? when they hearde this / they helde their peace & gloryfied God / sayinge: then hath God also to D the gentyls graunted repentaunce vnto lyfe.
They which were scattryd abroade thorow the affliccion that arose aboute Steven / walked thorow oute tyll they came vnto Phenices & Cypers & Antioche / preachynge y• worde to no man / but vnto the Iewes only. Some of them were men of Cypers and Syrene / which when they were come into Antioche / spake vnto the Grekes / and preched the Lorde Iesus. And the honde of the Lorde was with them / and a greate nombre beleved and turned vnto the Lorde.
[Page]Tydinges of these thinges came vnto y• earesBarnabasis sent to Antioche. of the congregacion / which was in Ierusalem.D And they sente forth Barnabas that he shuld go vnto Antioche. Which when he was come / & had sene the grace of God / was glad / & exhorted them all / that with purpose of hert they wolde continually cleave vnto y• Lorde. For he was a good man / & full of the holy goost & of faythe: & moche people was added vnto the Lorde. Then departed BarnabasBarnabas seketh Paule. to Tarsus / for to seke Saul. And when he had founde him / he brought him vnto Antioche. And it chaunsed y• a whole yere they had their conversacion with the congregaciō there / & taught moche people: in somoche that the disciples of Antioche were the fyrst that were called Christen.
In those dayes came Prophete frō Ierusalem vnto Antioche. And ther stode vp one of them / named Agabus / & signified by the sprete / that ther shuld be great derth throughoute all the worlde / which came to passe in y• Emproure Claudius dayes. Then the disciples every man accordinge to his abilite / purposed to sende socoure vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry. Which thinge they also dyd / & sent it to the elders / by the hondes of Barnabas & Saul.
¶ The .xii. Chapter. ▪
IN that tyme Herode the kynge stretchedIamys the brother of Iohn is kylled. for the his handes to vexe certayne A of the congregacion. And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the swerde: and because he sawe that it pleased y• Iewes / [Page Clxxv] he proceded forther / & toke Peter also. ThenPeter is taken. were the dayes of swete breed. And when he had caught him / he put him in preson / and delyvered him to .iiii. Duater nions of soudyoures: is foure cōpanyes of sou dyoures. quaterniōs of soudiers to bekepte / entendynge afterester to brynge him forth to the people. Then was Peter kepte in preson. But prayer was made with out ceasynge of the congregacion vnto God for him. And when Herode wolde have brought him oute vnto the people / the same nyght slepte Peter bitwene two soudiers / bounde with two chaynes / and the kepers before the dore kepte the preson.
And beholde the angell of y• Lorde was therePeter is lowsed. present / & a lyght shyned in the lodge. And B smote Peter on the syde / & steryd him vp sayinge: aryse vp quyckly. And his cheynes fell of frō his hondes. And the angell sayd vnto him: gyrde thy selfe & bynde on thy Sandales are so les to be bounde vnder the fete. sandales. And so he dyd. And he sayde vnto him: cast thy mantle aboute the / & folowe me. And he came oute & folowed him / & wist not / that it was truthe which was done by the angell▪ but thought he had sene a vision. When they were past y• fyrst & y• seconde watche / they came vnto yt yron gate / yt ledeth vnto the cyte / which opened to them by his awne accorde. And they went out and passed thorowe one strete / & by & by the angell departed frō him.
And when Peter was come to him selfe / he sayde: now I knowe of a surety / that the Lorde hath sent his angell / & hath delyvered me out of the honde of Herode / and from all the [Page] waytynge for of the people of y• Iewes. And C as he consydred the thinge / he cam to y• housse of Mary the mother of one This Iohn is the same Marcke / that wryte the gospell of Marcke. Iohn / which was called Marke also / where many were gaddered to gedder in prayer. As Peter knocked at the entry dore / a damsell cam forth to herken / named Rhoda. And whenshe knew Peters voyce / she opened not the entrey for gladnes / but ran in and told how Peter stode before the entrey. And they sayde vnto her: thou arte mad. And she bare them doune yt it was even so. Then sayde they: it is his angell. Peter cōtynued knockinge. When they had opened the dore / & sawe him / they were astonyed. And he beckened vnto them with y• honde to holde their peace / & tolde them by what meanes ye Lorde had brought him oute of the preson. And sayde: goo shew these thinges vnto Iames and to the brethren. And he departed and went into another place.
Assone as it was daye ther was no lyttell D a doo amōge the soudyers / what was becum of Peter. When Herode had called for him / and founde him not / he examined the kepers / and comaunded to departe. And he descended from Iewry to Cesarea / and ther abode. Herode was displeased with them of Tyre and Sydon. And they came all at once / and made intercession vnto Blastus the kynges chamberlen / and desyred peace / because their countrey was norysshed by the kynges londe. And vpon a daye appoynted Herode arayed him in royall apparell / and set him in his seate / & [Page Clxxvi] made an oraycon vnto them. And the people gave a shoute / sayinge: it is y• voyce of a God and not of a man. And immediatly the angell of y• Lorde Herode is slayne & eatē of wormes. smote him / because he gave not God the honoure / & he was eatyn of wormes / and gave vp the goost.
And ye worde of God grewe & multiplied. And Barnabas and Paul returned to Ierusalem / when they had fulfilled their office / & toke with them Iohn is Marcke the euangelist. Iohn / which was also called Marcus.
¶ The .xiii. Chapter.
THere were at Antioche / in the congregacion certayne Prophetes & teachers: as Barnabas & Simon called Niger / & Lucius of Cerene / & Manahen Herode the A Tetrarkes norsfelowe / & Saul. As they mynistred to the Lorde & fasted / the holy goost sayde: separate me Barnabas & Saul / for y• workeBarnabas & paule are sent to preache. where vnto I have called them. Then fasted they and prayed / and put their hondes on them / and let them goo. And they after they were sent of the holy goost / came vnto Seleutia / & from thence they. sayled to Cyprus. And when they were come to Salamine / they shewed y• worde of God in y• synagoges / of [...] Iewes. And they had This Iohn is Marke the euangelist. Iohn to their minister.
When they had gone thorowout y• yle vnto B y• cite of Paphos / they foūde a certayne sor serer / a falce prophet which was a Iewe / named Bariesu which was with y• ruler of the countre won Sergius Paulus a prudēt man.Bariesu▪ Sergus Paulus. The same ruler called vnto him Barnabas & Saul / & desyred to heare the worde of God. [Page] But Elemas the sorcerar (for so was his nameElemas. by interpretacion) wt stode them / & sought to turne awaye the ruler frō the fayth. Then Saul which also is called Paul beinge full ofPaul the holy goost / set his eyes on him / & sayde: O full of all sutteltie & disseytfulnes / the chylde of the devyll / & ye enemye of all righteousnes / thou ceasest not to pervert the strayght wayes of the Lorde. And now beholde the honde of the Lorde is vpon the / & thou shalt be blinde & not se the sunne for a season. And immediatly ther fell on him▪ a myste & a darcknes / & he went aboute sekinge them that shuld leade him by the honde. Then the rular when he sawe what had happened / beleved / & wōdred at the doctryne of the Lorde.
When they that were with Paule / were departedMarke the euangelist otherwise called Iohn breaketh cō panie. by shyppe frō Paphꝰ / they cam to Perga a cite of Pamphilia: & there Iohn departed from them / and returned to Ierusalem. But they wandred thorowe the countres / frō Perga to Antioche a cite of the coūtre of Pisidia / & wēt in to the synagoge on the saboth daye / & sate doune. And after the lawe & ye Prophetes were redde / ye rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them sayinge: Ye men & brethren / yf ye have eny sermō to exhorte ye people / saye on.
Then Paul stode vp & beckened with the honde / & sayde: Men of Israel / & ye that feare C God / geve audiēce. The God of this people [...]exo. j. a. [...]exo. xiij. chose oure fathers / & exalted the people whē they dwelt as straūgers in ye londe of Egypt / & with a mighty arme brought them oute of [Page Clxxvii] it / and aboute the tyme of▪ xl. yeares suffredex. xvj. a he their maners in the wyldernes. And he destroyed .vii. naciōs in the londe of Canaan / & devided their londe to them by lot. And afteriosu. xiiij judi. iij. d. i. re. viij a j. reg. ix. c and .x. a. warde he gave vnto them iudges aboute the space of .iiii. C. & .l. yeres vnto the tyme of Sa muel y• Prophet. And after that they desyred a kinge / & God gave vnto them Saul the sonne of Cis / a man of the tribe of Beniamin / bypsalmo. lxx viij. j. reg. xvi the space of .xl. yeres. And after he had put D him doune / he set vp David to be their kynge / of whome he reported sayinge: I have founde David the sonne of Iesse / a man after myne awne hert / he shall fulfill all my will.
Of this mānes seed hath God (accordingeesa. xj. a. to his promes) brought forth to the people of Israel a saviour / one Iesus / when Iohn had fyrst preached before his cōminge the baptymemat. iiij. a mark .j. a. luc. iij. a. marc .j. a. of repentaūce to Isràel. And when Iohn had fulfylled his course / he sayde: whome ye thinke that I am / the same am I not. But beholde ther cometh one after me / whose shewes of his fete I am not worthy to lowse.
✚ Ye men & brethren / chyldren of the gene racion of Abraham / & whosoever amōge you feareth God / to you is this worde of salvaciō E sent. The inhabiters of Ierusalem & their rulers / because they knewe him not / nor yet the voyces of the Prophetes which are redde every Saboth daye / they have fulfilled them in condēpninge him. And when they founde no cause of deeth in him / yet desyred they Pylatemathew .xxvij. mar. xv. lu. xxiij. lo. xix. c. t [...] kyll him. And when they had fulfilled all [Page] that were written of him / they toke him doune from the tree and put him in a sepulcre. But God raysed him agayne from deeth / andmathew .xxviij. mar. xvj. lu. xxiiij io. xx. he was sene many dayes of them which came wt him frō Galile to Ierusalem. Which are his witnesses vnto the people.
And we declare vnto you / how that y• promes made vnto the fathers / God hath fulfillid vnto vs their chyldrē / in that he reysed vp Iesus agayne ✚ evē as it is written in the fyrsteesa. ib. b Rebre. j. b psalme: Thou arte my sonne / this same daye begat I the. As concernynge that he reysed him vp from deeth / now no more to returne to corrupcion / he sayde on this wyse: The holy promyses made to David I will geve them faithfully to you. Wherfore he saith also in another place: Thou shalt not soffre thyneesa. lb. b. psal. xv d j. Reg. j. b holye to se corrupcion. Howbe it David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God / he slepte / and was layde with his fathers / & sawe corrupcion. But he whom God reysed agayne / sawe no corrupcion.
Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men & F brethrē / that thorow this man is preached vn to you the forgevenes of synnes / & y• by him are all yt beleve Fayth iustifieth & not the lawe Abac. j. b iustified frō all thinges frō the which ye coulde not be iustified by ye lawe of Moses. Beware therfore lest that fall on you / which is spoken of in the Prophets: Be holde ye despisers and wonder / & perishe ye: for I do aworke in youre dayes / which ye shall not beleve / yf a mā wolde declare it you.
When they were come out of the Synagoge [Page Clxxviii] of the Iewes / the gētyls besought yt they wolde preache the worde to them bitwene the Saboth dayes. When the congregacion was broken vp / many of the Iewes & verteous cō vertes folowed Paul & Barnabas / which spake to them & exhorted them to cōtinue in the grace of God. And y• nexte Saboth daye / came almoste the whole cite to gether / to heare the worde of God. When y• Iewes sawe the people / they were full of indignacion & spake agaynst those thinges which were spoken of Paul / spekinge agaynst it / and raylinge on it. Then Paul & Barnabas wexed bolde / & sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst have bene preached to you. But seinge ye put it from you / & thinke youre selfes onworthy of everlastinge lyfe: lo / we turne to G the gentyls. For so hath the Lorde cōmannded vs: I have made y• a light to the gētyls / y• thou be salvaciō vnto y• ende of y• worlde.esa. xlix.
The gētyls hearde & were glad & glorified the worde of y• Lorde / & beleved: evē as many as were ordeyned vnto eternall lyfe. And y• worde of the Lorde was publisshed thorowe oute all the region. But the Iewes moved y• worshypfull & honorable wemen / and the chefe men of the cyte / & reysed persecuciō agaynstmat. x. b mar. v [...]. b luc. ix. a Paul and Barnabas / & expelled them oute of their costes. And they shouke of y• duste of their fete agaynst them / & came vnto Iconiū. And the disciples were filled with ioye and with the holy goost. ⊢
¶ The .xiiii. Chapter.
[Page]ANd it fortuned in Iconium that they went both to gether into the synagoge A of ye Iewes / & so spake / that a gret multitude both of ye Iewes & also of the Brekes beleved. But the vnbelevinge Iewes / steryd vp & vnquyeted the myndes of the Gentyls agaynste the brethrē. Longe tyme a bode they there & quyt them selves boldly with the helpe of the Lorde / the which gave testimony vnto ye worde of his grace / & caused signes and wondres to be done by their hondes. The people of the cyte were devided: & parte helde with the Iewes / & parte with the Apostles.
When ther was a saute made both of the B gentyls and also of the Iewes with their rulers / to put them to shame & to stone thē / they were ware of it / & fled vnto Listra & Derba / cities of Licaonia / & vnto the region that lyeth round aboute / and there preached the gospell. And ther sate a certayne man at Listra weake in his fete / beinge creple from his mothers wombe / and never walkyd. The same heardeA creple is healed Paul preache. Which behelde him and perceaved that he had fayth to be whole / and sayd with a loude voyce: stond vp right on thy fete. And he stert vp / and walked. And when the people sawe what Paul had done / they lifte vp their voyces / sayinge in the speache of Lycaonia: Goddes are come doune to vs in the lyknes of men. And they called BarnabasGoddes. Iupiter / & Paul Mercurius / because he was the preacher. Then Iupiters Preste / which dwelt before their cite / brought oxē & [Page Clxxix] garlondes vnto the churche porche / and wolde have done sacrifise with the people.
But when the Apostles / Barnabas & Paul herde that / they rent their clothes / and ran in amonge the people / cryinge & sayinge: syrs / C why do ye this? We are mortall men lyke vnto you / & preache vnto you / that ye shuld turne from these vanyties vnto ye lyvinge God / psa. [...]xlv apo. xiiij which made heaven & erth & the see & all that in them is: the which in tymes past suffred all nacions to walke in their awne wayes. Neverthelesse he lefte not him selfe with outen witnes / in that he shewed his benefites / in gevinge vs rayne from heaven & frutefull ceasons / fyllinge oure hertes with fode and gladnes. And with these sayinges / scase refrayned they the people / that they had not done sacrifice vnto them.
Thither came certayne Iewes frō Antioche and Iconium / and optayned the peoples consentPaule is stoned. and stoned Paul / and drewe him oute of the cyte / supposynge he had bene deed. How be it as the disciples stode rounde about him / he arose vp & cam into the cyte. And the nexte daye he departed with Barnabas to Derba.D After they had preached to that cite & had taught many / they returned agayne to Listra / and to Iconium and Antioche / & strengthed the disciples soules / exhortinge them to continue in the faith / affyrminge y• we must thorowe moche tribulacion entre into the kyngdomeTribulacion. of God. And when they had ordened them elders by eleccion in every congregaciō [...] [Page] after they had yrayde & fasted / they comendedPrayer & fastynge go to gether. them to God on whom they beleved.
And they went thorow out Pisidia & came into Pāphilia / & when they had preached the worde of God in Perga / they descended in to Attalia / & thence departed by shippe to Antioche / frō whence they were delivered vnto the grace of God / to the worke which they had fulfilled. When they were come & had gaddered the congregacion to gedder / they rehersed all that God had done by them / & how he had opened the dore of faith vnto the gētyls. And ther they abode longe tyme with the disciples.
¶ ¶ The .xv. Chapter.
THen cam certayne from Iewrie / and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcysed A after the maner of Moses / ye cannot be saved. And when ther was rysenCircumcision. dissencion & disputinge not alitle vnto Paul & Barnabas agaynst them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas & certayne other of them shuld ascende to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles & elders aboute this question. And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion / they passed over Phenices and Samaria / declarynge the conuersion of the gē tyls / & they brought great ioye vnto all y• brethren. And when they were come to Ierusalem / they were receaved of the congregacion & of the Apostles & elders. And they declared what thinges God had done by them. Then arose ther vp certayne that were of the secte of the Pharises & dyd beleve sayinge / that it [Page Clxxx] was nedfull to circūcise them & to enioyne thē to kepe y• lawe of Moses. And y• Apostles &Councell elders came to geder to reason of this matter.
And when ther was moche disputinge / Peter rose vp & sayde vnto them: Ye men & brethren / ye B knowe how that a good whyle agoo / God chose amōge vs that the gētyls by my mouth shuld heare the worde of the gospell & beleve. And God which knoweth the herte / bare them witnes / and gave vnto them the holy goost / evē as he dyd vnto vs / and he put no difference bitwene them and vs / but with fayth Fayth purifieth the heart. purified their hertes. Now therfore why tempte ye God / that ye wolde put a yoke on the disciples neckes / which nether oure fathers nor we were able to beare. But we beleve that thorowe the the grace of Christ saueth. grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved / as they doo. Then all the multitude was peased and gave audience to Barnabas & Paul / which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the gentyls / by them.
And when they helde their peace / Iames answered C sayinge: Men & brethren herken vnto me. Simeon tolde how God at the begynnynge dyd visit the gentyls / & receaved of them / people vnto his name. And to this agreith y• wordes of y• Prophete / as it is written. AfterAmos. [...]x this I will returne / & wyll bylde agayne the tabernacle of David which is fallen doune / & that which is fallen in dekey of it / will I bilde agayne / & I will set it vp / that the residue of men might seke after the Lorde / & also the [Page] gentyls vpō whom my name is named saith y• Lorde / which doth all these thinges: knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynninge of the worlde. Wherfore my sentē ce D is / yt we trouble not them which frō amonge the gentyls / are turned to God: but yt we write vnto them yt they abstayne them selves frō filthynes of ymages / frō fornicaciō / fromImages. Fornicacion. strāgled. Bloude. strāglyd & frō bloude. For Moses of olde tyme hath in every cite that preache him / and he is rede in the sy [...]agoge every saboth daye.
Then pleased it the Apostles & elders wt the whole congregaciō / to sende chosyn men of their owne cōpany to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas and Silas / which were chefe men amonge the brethrē / and gave them lettres in their hondes after this maner.
The Apostles / elders & brethren send gretynges vnto the brethrē which are of the gentyls E in Antioche / Siria & Celicia. For as moche as we have hearde yt certayne which departed frō vs / have troubled you with worde / & combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised & kepe the lawe / to whom we gave no soche cōmaundemēt. It semed therfore to vs a good thinge / when we were come to gedder with one accorde / to sende chosyn men vnto you / with oure beloved Barnabas and Paul / men that have ieoperded their lyves for the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. We have sent therfore Iudas and Sylas / which shall also tell you the same thinge by mouth. [Page Clxxxi] For it semed good to the holy gost and to vs / to put no grevous thinge to you more then these necessary thinges: that is to saye / that ye abstayne from thinges offered to ymages / from bloud / from strangled and fornicacion. From which yf ye kepe youre selves / ye shall do well. So fare ye well.F
When they were departed / they came to Antioche & gaddred the multitude to geder & delyvered y• pistle. When they had redde it / they reioysed of that consolacion. And Iudas & Sylas beinge Prophetes are here taken & in diuerse places of the new testament for expounders of the scripture. prophetes / exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge▪& strengthed them. And after they had taryed there a space / they were let goo in peace of the brethren vnto the Apostles. Not with stondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there still. Paul & Barnabas continued in Antioche teachynge and preachynge the worde of the Lorde with other many.
But after a certayne space / Paul fayde vnto G Barnabas: Let vs goo agayne and visite oure brethren in every cite where we have shewed the worde of the Lorde / and se how they do. And Barnabas gave counfell to take wt them Iohn / called also Marke. But Paul thoughtMarcke the euangelist. it not mete to take him vnto their company whiche departed from them at Pamphylia / & went not with them to the worke. And the dissencion was so sharpe bitwene them / that they departed a sunder one from the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers. And Paul chose Sylas & departed delyvered of ye brethren vnto the grace of god. [Page] And he went thorowe all Cyria and Cilicia / stablisshynge the congregacions.
¶ The .xvi. Chapter.
THen came he to Derba and to Lystra.A And beholde a certayne disciple wasTimotheus. there named Timotheus / a womans sonne which was a Iewas and beleved: but his father was a Greke. Of whom reported well / the brethren of Lystra and of Iconium. The same Paul wolde yt he shuld goo forth with him / & toke and circumcised him because of the Iewes which were in those quarters: for they knewe all that his father was a Greke. As they went thorow ye cities / they delyvered thē the decrees for to kepe / ordeyned of the Apostles & elders which were at Ierusalem. And so were the congregacions stablisshed in the fayth / and encreased in noumbre dayly.B
When they had goone thorow out Phrigia / & the region of Galacia / & were forbyddē of the holy gost to preach the worde in Asia / they came to Misia / & sought to goo into Bethinia. But the sprete soffered thē not. Then they went over Misia / & cam doune to Troada. And a vision appered to Paul in ye nyght. There stode a man of Macedonia and prayed him sayinge: come into Macedonia & helpe vs. After he had sene ye vision / immediatly we prepared to goo into Macedonia / certified y• the lorde had called vs for to preache the gospell vnto them. Then lowsed we forth from Troada / & with a strayght course came to Samothracia / and the nexte daye to Neapolim / [Page Clxxxii] & from thence to Philippos / which is the chefest citie in ye parte of Macedonia / & a fre cite.
We were in that cite abydynge a certayne dayes. And on the saboth dayes we went out C of the cite besydes a ryver where men were wont to praye / & we sate doune and spake vnto the wemen which resorted thyther▪ And a certayne woman named Lydia / a seller of purple / of the cite of Thiatira / which worshippedLidia. God / gave vs audience. Whose hert the Lorde opened that she attended vnto the thinges which Paul spake. When she was baptised and her housholde / she besought vs sayinge: Yf ye thinke that I beleve on the Lorde / come into my housse / and abyde there. And she constrayned vs.
And it fortuned as we went to prayer / a certayn D damsell possessed with a sprete that prophesiedA spirite is cast oute. / met vs / which brought her master and mastres moche vauntage with prophesyinge. The same folowed Paul and vs and cryed sayinge: these men are the servauntes of the most hye God / which shewe vnto vs the waye of salvacion. And this dyd she many dayes. But Paul not cōtent / turned about and sayd to the sprete: I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ / that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre.
And when her master & mastres sawe yt theVauntage. hope of their gaynes was gone / they caught Paul & Sylas / & drue thē into the market place vnto the rulars / & brought them to the officers sayinge: These men trouble oure cite / [Page] which are Iewes and preache ordinaunces / which are not laufull for vs to receave / nether E to observe / seinge we are Romayns. And the people ranne on them / and the officers rent their clothes / and cōmaunded them to be beaten with roddes. And when they had beaten [...]. cor. x [...]. l them sore / they cast them into preson / cōmaun dynge the iayler to kepe them surely. Which iayler when he had receaved suche cōmaundment / thrust them into the ynner preson / & made their fete fast in the stockes.
At mydnyght Paul & Sylas prayed / & lauded God. And the presoners hearde them. And sodenly ther was a greate erth quake / so that ye fonndacion of the preson was shaken / and by and by all the dores opened / & every mannes bondes were lowsed. When the kepe [...] F of ye preson waked out of his slepe & sawe the preson dores open / he drue out his swearde and wolde have▪ kylled him selfe / supposynge the presoners had bene fledde. But Paul cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: Do thy selfe no harme / for we are all heare.
Then he called for a lyght and sprange in / and came tremblynge / and fell doune before Paul and Sylas / & brought them out & sayde: Syrs / what must I do to be saved? And they sayde▪ beleve on the Lorde Iesus / & thou shalt be saved and thy housholde. And they preached vnto him the worde of the Lorde / and to all that were in his housse. And he toke them the same houre of the nyght & wasshed their woundes / & was baptised with all [Page Clxxxiii] that belonged vnto him strayght waye. Whē he had brought them into his housse / he set meate before them / and ioyed that he with all his housholde / boleved on God.
And when it was daye / the officers sent the G ministres sayinge: Let those men goo. The keper of y• preson tolde this sayinge to Paul the officiers have sent worde to lowse you. Now therfore get you hence & goo in peace. Then sayde Paul vnto them: they have beaten vs openly vncomdempned / for all yt we are Romayns / & have cast vs into preson: and now wolde they sende vs awaye prevely? Naye not so / but let them come thē selves & [...]et vs out. When the ministres tolde these wordes vnto the officers / they feared when they hearde that they were Romayns / & came & besought them / & brought them out / & desyred them to departe out of the cite. And they wēt out of y• preson & entred into the housse of Lidia / & whē they had sene the brethren / they comforted them & departed.
¶ The .xvii. Chapter.
AS they made their iorney thorow Amphipolis / and A Appolonia / they came to Thessalonica where was a synagoge of the Iewes. And Paul as his maner was / went in vnto them / & thre saboth doyes declared oute of the scripture vnto them / openynge & allegynge that Christ must nedes have suffred & rysen agayne from deeth / and that this Iesus was Christ / whom (sayde he) I preache to you. And some of them beleved and came and companyed with Paul and Sylas: [Page] also of the honourable Grekes a greate mu [...] titude / and of the chefe wemen / not a feawe.B
But the Iewes which beleved not / havynge indignaciō / toke vnto thē evyll men which were vagabondes / and gad [...]red a company / and set all the cite on a [...]oore / and made a saute vnto the housse of Iason / & sought to bringe thē out to the people. But when they founde them not / they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heedes of the cite cryinge: these that trouble the worlde / are come hydder also / which Iason hath receaved prevely. And these all do contrary to the elders of Cesar / affirmynge another kynge / one Iesus. And they troubled the people and the officers of the cite when they hearde these thinges. And when they were sufficiently answered of Iason / & of the other / they let thē goo.
And the brethren immediatly sent awaye Paul & Sylas by nyght vnto Berrea. Which when they were come thyther / they entred into C ye synagoge of the Iewes. These were the noblest of byrthe amonge thē of Thessalonia which receaved the worde wt all diligence of mynde / & searched Searche the scriptures for by thē may ye trye all doctrine. ye scriptures dayly whether those thingꝭ were even so. And many of thē beleved: also of worshipfull wemē which were Grekes / & of men not afeawe. When the Iewes of Thessalonia had knowledge that y• worde of God was preached of Paul at Berrea / they came there and moved the people. And then by & by ye brethrē sent awaye Paul to goo as it were to ye see: but Sylas & Timotheus [Page Clxxxiiii] abode there still. And they that gyded Paul / brought him vnto Attens / & receaved a cōmaundment vnto Sylas & Timoth [...]us for D to come to him atonce / and came their waye.
Whyll Paul wayted for them at Attens / his sprete was moved in him / to se the cite gevenAttens. to worshippinge of ymages. Then he disputed in the synagoge wt the Iewes / & with the devout persones / and in the market dayly with thē that came vnto him. Certayne philosophers of y• Epicures & of y• stoyckes / disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he s [...]meth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls / because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion. And they toke him / and E brought him into Marsestrete sayinge: maye we not knowe what this newe doctrine wherof thou speakest / is? For thou bringest straunge tydynges to oure eares. We wolde knowe therfore what these thinges meane. For all the Attenians & straungers which were there / gave thē selves to nothinge els / but ether to tell or to heare newe tydynges.
Paul stode in the myddes of Marse strete F & sayde: ye men of Attens / I perceave that in all thinges ye are to supersticious. For as I passed by and behelde the maner how ye worship youre godde / I founde an aultre wher in was written: vnto y• vnknowen god. Whom [...]nknowen God. ye then ignor [...]tly worship / him shewe I vnto you. God that made the worlde & all that are in it / seynge that he is Lorde of heven & erth / [Page] he dwelleth not in temples made with hondes / netherGod dwelleth not in the temple. is worshipped with mennes hondes / as though he neded of eny thinge / seinge he him selfe geveth lyfe and breeth to all men every where / and hath made of one bloud all nacions of men / for to dwell on all the face of the erthe / and hath assigned / before how longe tyme / and also the endes of their inhabitacion / that they shuld seke God / yf they myght fele and fynde him / though he be not farre from every one of vs. For in him we lyve / move and have oure beynge / as certayne of youre [...]wne Poetes sayde. For we are also his generacion. For as moche then as we are the generacion of God / we ought not to thynke that the godhed is lyke vnto golde / silver or stone / graven by crafte and ymaginacion of man.
And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded G not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent / because he hath apoynted a daye / in the which he will iudge the worlde acordynge to ryghtewesses / by that man whom he hath apoynted / and hath offered faith Fayth is here take for the promises of mercie which thor [...]w fayth saue vs. which promyses after the resurreccion of Christ god cōmaunded to be preached vnto all naciōs▪ & not to the Iues onlye / as before. to all men / after that he had raysed him from deeth.
When they hearde of ye resurreccion from deeth / some mocked / and other sayde: we will heare the agayne of this matter. So Paul departed from amonge them. Howbeit certayne men clave vnto Paul and beleved / amongeDionysius. Damaris. the which was Dionysius a senatour / and a woman named Damaris / & other with them.
¶ The .xviii. Chapter.
[Page Clxxxv]AFter that / Paul departed from Attens / Corinthum. & came to Corinthū / & founde a certayne Iewe named Aquila / borne in Ponthus / latly come from Italie wt his wyfe Priscilla A (because that the Emperour Claudius had cōmaunded all Iewes to departe frō Rome) and he drewe vnto them. And because he was of the same crafte / he abode with them & wrought: their crafte was to make tentes.Tentes. And he preached in ye synagoge every saboth daye / & exhorted the Iewes and the gentyls.
When Sylas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia / Paul was constrayned by B the sprete to testifie to the Iewes that Iesus was very Christ. And whē they sayde cōtraryShoke his rayment. & blasphemed / he shoke his rayment & sayde vnto thē: youre bloud apon youre awne heeddes / & frō hence forth I go [...] blamelesse vnto ye gentyls. And he departed thence / & entred into a certayne mānes housse named Iustus a worshiper of god / whose housse ioyned harde to ye synagoge. How be it one [...]rispus ye chefe rular of the synagoge beleved on ye lorde with all his housholde / & many of the Corinthiās gave audience and beleved & were baptised.
Then spake the lorde to Paul in the nyght C by a vision: be not afrayde / but speake / & holde not thy peace: for I am with the / and no man shall invade the that shall hurte the. For I have moche people in this cite. And he continued there a yeare and sixe monethes / and taught them the worde of God.
When Gallio was rular of the countre of [Page] Acaia / the Iewes made insurreccion with one accorde agaynst Paul / & brought him to the D iudgement seate saying: this felow counceleth men to worship God contrary to ye lawe. And as Paul was about to open his mouth / Gallio sayde vnto y• Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge / or an evyll dede (o ye Iewes) reason wolde that I shuld heare you: but yf it be a question of wordes / or of names / or of youre lawe / loke ye to it youre selves. For I wilbe no iudge in soche maters / and he drave them from the seate. Then toke all the Grekes Sostenes the chefe rular of the synagoge and smote him before the iudges seate. And Gallio cared for none of tho thinges.
Paul after this / taryed there yet a good whyle / & then toke his leave of the brethren / & sayled E thence into Ciria / Priscilla and Aquila accompanyinge him. And he shore his heed in Cenchrea / for he had a vowe. And he came toEphesus Ephesus and lefte them there: but he him selfe entred into the synagoge / and reasoned with the Iewes. When they desyred him to tary longer tyme with thē / he consented not / but bad thē fare well sayinge. I must nedes at this feast that cometh / be in Ierusalem: but I will returne agayne vnto you yf God will. And he departed from Ephesus & came vnto Cesarea: & ascended and saluted the congregacion / &Here went Paule to Ierusalem. departed vnto Antioche / & when he had taryed there a whyle / he departed. And went over all the countre of Galacia and Phrigia by order / strengthynge all the disciples.
[Page Clxxxvi]And a certayne Iewe named Apollos / borneApollos. at Alexandria / came to Ephesus / an eloquent man / & myghty in the scriptures. The same was informed in the waye of the Lorde / and he spake fervently in the sprete / & taught F diligently the thinges of the Lorde / & knewe but the baptim of Iohn only. And the same began to speake boldely in the synagoge. And when Aquila and Priscilla had hearde him: they toke him vnto them / and expounded vnto him the waye of God more perfectly.
And when he was disposed to goo into Acaia / the brethren wrote exhortynge the disciples to receave him. After he was come thyther / he holpe them moche which had beleved thorowe grace. And myghtely he overcame the Iewes / and that openly / shewynge by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ.
¶ The .xix. Chapter. ✚
IT fortuned / whyll Appollo was at Corinthum / that Paul passed thorow theEphesus vpper costes & came to Ephesus / & foū de A certayne disciples and sayd vnto them: have ye receaved the holy gost sence ye beleved? And they sayde vnto him: no we have not hearde whether ther be eny holy goost or no. And he sayd vnto them: wher wt were ye then baptised? And they sayd: with Iohns baptimmat. iij. [...] ▪ Then sayde Paul: Iohn verely bapiised with the baptim of repentaunce / sayinge vnto the people that they shuld beleve on him which shuld come after him: that is on Christ Iesus. When they hearde that / they were baptised [Page] in the name of the lorde Iesu. And PaulLayenge on of handes. layde his hondes apon them / & the holy gost came on them / and they spake with tonges / & prophesied / & all the men were aboute .xii.
And he went into the synagoge / & behaved B him selfe boldely for the space of thre monethes / disputynge and gevynge them exhortacions of the kyngdome of God. ✚ When dyvers weyed harde herted and beleved not / but spake evyll of the waye / and that before the multitude: he departed from them / and seperated the disciples. And disputed dayly in y• scole of one called Tyrānus. And this contynued by the space of two yeares: so yt all they which dwelt in Asia / hearde the worde of the lorde Iesu / bothe Iewes & Grekes. And god wrought no finall miracles by the hondes ofNapkin. Partlet. Paul: so that from his body / were brought vnto the sicke / napkyns or partlettes / and the diseases departed from thē / and the evyll spretes went out of them.
Then certayne of the vagabounde Iewes C exorcistes / toke apon them to call over them which had evyll spretes / the name of the lorde Iesus sayinge: We adiure you by Iesu whō Paul preacheth. And ther were seven sonnes of one Sceva a Iewe & chefe of the prestes which dyd so. And the evyll sprete answered & sayde: Iesus I knowe / & Paul I knowe: but who are ye? And y• man in whō the evyll sprete was / ranne on thē / and overcame thē / & prevayled agaynst them / so that they fledde out of that housse naked & woūded. And this was [Page Clxxxvii] knowen to all y• Iewes & Grekes also / which dwelt at Ephesus / & feare came on them all / & they magnified the name of y• lorde Iesus.
And many y• beleved / came & confessed & shewed their workes. Many of thē which vsed D curious craftes / brought their bokes & burned thē before all men / & they counted the price of thē & foūde it fifty thousande These syluerlinges which we now and then call pence the Iues call sicles / ād are worth a .x. pēce sterlynge. silverlynges. So myghtely grewe y• worde of god / & prevayled. After these thinges were ended / Paul purposed in the sprete / to passe over Macedonia & Achaia / & to goo to Ierusalem saying: After I have bene there / I must also se Rome. So sent he into Macedonia two of thē that ministred vnto him Timotheus and Erastus: but he him selfe remayned in Asia for a season.
The same tyme ther arose no lytell a do E aboute that waye. For a certayne man named Demetrius / a silvermyth / which made silverDemetrius. schrynes for Diana / was not a lytell beneficiall vnto the craftes men. Which he called to geder with the worke men of lyke occupacion / and sayd: Syrs / ye knowe that by this crafte we have vauntage. Moreover ye se and heare that not alone at Ephesus / but almost thorowe oute all Asia / this Paul hath persuaded & turned awaye moche people / saying y• they be not goddes which are made wt hondes. So that not only this oure crafte cometh into parell to be set at nought: but also that y• temple of y• greate goddas Diana shuld be despysed / & her magnificence shuld be destroyed which all Asia / and the worlde worshippeth.
[Page]When they hearde these sayinges / they were full of wrathe / & cryed out saying: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians. And all the cite was on a roore / & they russhed in to the comen F hall with one assent / & caught Gayus & Aristarcus / men of Macedonia / Pauls companiōs. When Paul wolde have entred in vnto the people / y• disciples suffered him not. Certayne also of y• chefe of Asia which were his frendes / sent vnto him / desyrynge him that he wolde not preace into the comen hall. Some cryed one thinge & some another / & the congregacion was all out of quiet / & ye moare parte knewe not wherfore they were come togeder.
Some of the company drue forth Alexander / the Iewes thrustynge him forwardes.G Alexander beckened with the honde / & wolde have geven y• people an answer. When they knewe y• he was a Iewe / ther arose a shoute almost for the space of two houres / of all men cryinge / greate is Diana of the Ephesians.
When the toune clarcke had ceased the people / he sayd: ye men of Ephesus / what man is it that knoweth not how that the cite of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddas Diana / & of y• ymage which came frō heven: Seinge then yt no man sayth here agaynst / ye ought to be content / & to do nothinge rasshly: For ye have brought hyther these mē whiche are nether robbers of churches / nor yet despisers of youre goddes. Wherfore yf Demetrius and the craftes men which are wt him / have eny sayinge to eny man / the lawe is [Page Clxxxviii] open / and ther are ruelars / let thē accuse one another. Yf ye goo about eny other thinge / it maye be determined in a lawfull cōgregacion For we are in ieoperdy to be accused of this dayes busines: for as moche as ther is no cause wherby we maye geve a rekenynge of this concourse of people. And when he had thus spoken / he let the congregacion departe.
¶ The .xx. Chapter.
AFter the rage was ceased / Paul called the disciples vnto him / & toke his leave A of them / & departed for to goo into Macedonia. And when he had gone over those parties / and geven them large exhortacions / he came into Grece / and there abode .iii. mone thes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria / he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia. Ther acompanied him into Asia / Sopater of Berrea / and of Thessalonia Aristarcus & Secundus / & Gayus of Derba / & Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos. These went before / and taryed vs at Troas. And we sayled awaye frō Philippos after the ester holydayes / & came vnto them to Troas in five dayes / where we abode seven dayes.
And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed B and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) & cōtinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght. And there were many lyghtes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to geder / and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne [Page] yonge man named Eutichos / fallen intoEutichos. a depe slepe. And as Paul declared / he was the moare overcome with slepe / & fell doune from the thyrde lofte / and was taken vp deed. Paul went doune and fell on him / and embrased him / and sayde: make nothinge a do / for his lyfe is in him. When he was come vp agayne / he brake breed / and tasted / and comened C a longewhyle even tyll the mornynge / and so departed. And they brought the yoūge man a lyve / and were not alytell comforted.
And we went a fore to shippe and lowsed vnto Asson / these to receave Paul. For so had he apoynted / and wolde him selfe goo a fote. When he was come to vs vnto Asson / we toke him in / & came to Mytelenes. And we sayled thence / and came the nexte daye over agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we aryved at Samos / and taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton: for Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled / because he wolde not spende ye tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of pentecoste. Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus / & called the elders of the cōgregacion. And when they were come to him / he sayde vnto thē: Ye knowe frō the fyrst daye yt I came vnto Asia / after D what maner. I have bene wt you at all crasons / servynge the lorde with all humblenesThe sermon of Paule to the Ephesians. of mynde / & with many teares / & temptacions which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Ieues / & how I kept backe no [Page Clxxxix] thinge that was profitable: but that I have shewed you & taught you openly and at home in youre houses / witnessinge bothe to the Iewes / & also to the Grekes / the repentaunce towardRepentaūce and fayth God / & faith towarde oure Lorde Iesu.
And now beholde I goo bounde in the sprete E vnto Ierusalem / & knowe not what shall come on me thers / but that the holy goost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: y• bondes & trouble abyde me. But none of tho thinges move me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe / that I myght fulfill my course wt ioye / & the ministraciō which I have receaved of ye Lorde Iesu / to testify the gospell of y• grace of god.
And now beholde / I am sure yt hence forth F ye all (thorow whō I have gone preachinge ye kyngdome of God) shall se my face no moore. Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye / that I am pure frō the bloude of all mē. For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God. Take hede therfore vnto youre selves / & to all the flocke / wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears / to rule the congregacion of God / which he hathpurchased with hisbloud. For I am sure of this / that after my departyngeGreuous wolues. shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you / which will not spare the flocke. Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thingꝭ / to drawe disciples after thē.G Therfore awake & remember / that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you / both nyght and daye with teares.
[Page]And now brethren I cōmende you to God and to the worde of his grace / which is able G to bylde further / & to geve you an inheritaunce amōge all them which are sanctified. I havej. cor. iiij. j. tess. ij. b ij. tess. iij. desyred no mās silver / golde / or vesture. Ye knowe well y• these hondes have ministred vnto my necessities / and to them that were wt me. I have shewed you all thingꝭ / how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake / & to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu / howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve / then to receave.
When he had thus spoken / he kneled doune / and prayed with them all. And they wept all aboundantly / and fell on Pauls necke / & kissed him / sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake / that they shuld se his face no moore. And they acompanyed him vnto the shyppe.
¶ The .xxi. Chapter.
ANd it chaunsed that assone as we had A launched forth / & were departed from them / we came with a strayght course vnto Choon / and the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes / & from thence vnto Patara. And we founde a shippe redy to sayle vnto Phenices / and went a borde & set forthe. Then appered vnto vs Cyprus / and we lefte it on the lefte honde / and sayled vnto Syria / and came vnto Tyre. For there the shyppe vnladed her burthen. And when we had founde brethren / we taryed there .vii. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe ye sprete: that he shuld not goo vp to [Page Cxc] Ierusalem. And when the dayes were ended / we departed & went [...]ure wayes / and they all brought vs on oure waye / wt their wyves and chyldren / tyll we were come out of the cyte. And we kneled doune in the shore & prayde. And when we had taken oure leave one of another / we toke shyppe / and they returned home agayne.B
When we had full ended the course frō Tyre / we aryved at Ptolomaida / & saluted the brethren / & abode with thē one daye. The nexte daye / we that were of Pauls cōpany / departed & came vnto Cesarea. And we entred into the housse of Philip y• Evāgelist / which wasPhillip. one of the sevē deacones / & abode with him. The same man had fower doughters virgēs / which dyd prophesy. And as we taried there a good many dayes / there came a certayne prophete from Iurie / named Agabus. When heAgabus. was come vnto vs / he toke Pauls gerdell / & bounde his hondes & fete / & sayde: thus saith the holy goost: so shall y• Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man yt oweth this gerdell / & shall delyver him into the hondes of the gentyls.
When we hearde this / both we & other of C the same place / be sought him / that he wolde not goo vp to Ierusalem. Then Paul answered & sayde: what do ye wepynge & breakinge myne hert? I am redy not to be bound only / but also to dye at Ierusalem for ye name of y• Lorde Iesu. When we coulde not turne his mynde / we ceased sayinge: the will of y• Lorde be fulfilled. After those dayes we made oure [Page] selfes redy / & went vp to Ierusalem. There went with vs also certayne of his disciples of Cesarea / & brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus / an olde disciple with whom we shuld lodge. And when we were come to Ierusalem / the brethren receaved vs gladly. And on the morowe Paul wēt in with vs vn to Iames. And all the elders came to geder. And when he had saluted them / he tolde by D order all thingꝭ that God had wrought amō ge the gētyls by his ministracion. And when they hearde it / they glorified the Lorde / & sayde vnto him: thou seist brother / how many thousande Iewes ther are which beleve / and they are all zelous over y• lawe. And they are informed of the / that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amōge the gentyls / to forsake Moses / & sayst that they ought not to circumcise their chyldren / nether to live after the customes. What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come togeder. For they shall heare that thou arte come. Do therfore this that we saye to the.
We have .iiii. men / which have a vowe on E nume. vj. them. Them take / and purifye thy selfe with them / & do cost on them / that they maye shave their heeddes / & all shall knowe yt tho thingꝭ which they have hearde concerninge the / are nothinge: but that thou thy selfe also walkest & kepest the lawe. For as touchinge the gentyls which beleve / we have written & concluded / y• they observe no soche thinges: but that they kepe them selves from thinges offred to [Page Cxci] ydoles / from bloud / frō strangled & frō fornicacion. Then the nexte daye Paul toke the men / & purified him selfe with them / & entred into the tēple / declaringe that he observed the dayes of y• purificaciō / vntyll that an offeringe shuld be offred for every one of them.
And as the seven dayes shuld have bene ended / y• Iewes which were of Asia when they sawe him in the tēple / they moved all the people / & layde hondes on him cryinge: men of Israel helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men every where agaynst the people / & the lawe / and this place. Moreover also he hath brought Grekes into the tēple / & hath polluted this holy place. For they sawe one Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the cyte. Him they supposed Paul had brought into the tēple. And all the cyte was moved / & the people swarmed to geder. And they toke Paul & drue him out of the tēple / & forthwith the dores were shut to.
As they went about to kyll him / tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers / that F all Ierusalem was moved. Which immediatly toke soudiers & vndercaptaynes / & ranne doune vnto them. When they sawe y• vpper captayne & the soudiers / they lefte smytinge of Paul. Then the captayne came neare & toke him / & cōmaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes / & demaunded what he was / & what he had done. And one cryed this / another that amōge the people. And whē he coulde not knowe the certayntie for y• rage / [Page] he cōmaunded him to be caryed into the castle. And whē he came vnto a grece / it fortuned that he was borne of the soudiers of the violence of the people. For the multitude of the people folowed after cryinge: awaye wt him.
And as Paul shuld have bene caryed into G the castle / he sayde vnto the hye Captayne: maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: canst thou speake Greke? Arte not thou that Egypcian which before these dayes made an vp roure & ledde out into the wildernes .iiii. thou sande men that were mortherers? But Paul sayde: I am a mā which am a Iewe of Tha [...] sus a cite in Cicill a Citesyn of no vyle cite / [...] beseche ye soffre me to speake vnto ye people. When he had gevē him licēce / Paul stode on ye steppes & beckned with the honde vnto the people / & ther was made a greate silence. And he spake vnto thē in ye Ebrue tonge sayinge:
¶ The .xxii. Chapter.
YE men / brethrē & fathers / heare myne A answere which I make vnto you. Whē they hearde that he spake in ye Ebrue tonge to them / they kept the moore silence. And he sayde: I am verely aman which am a Iewe / borne in Tharsus / a cite in Cicill: neverthelesse yet brought vp in this cite / at y• fete of Gamaliel and informed diligently in the lawe of the fathers / and was fervent mynded to Godwarde / as ye all are this same daye / and I persecuted this waye vnto the deeth byndynge and delyveringe into preson bothe men and wemen / as the chefe prest doth beare [Page Cxcii] me witnes / and all the elders: of whom also I receaved letters vnto the brethren / & wēt to Damasco to bringe them which were there / bounde vnto Ierusalem for to be punysshed.
And it fortuned / as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damasco aboute none / yt B sodenly ther shone frō heaven a greate lyght rounde aboute me / and I fell vnto the erth / & hearde a voyce sayinge vnto me: Saul / Saul / why persecutest thou me? And I answered: what arte thou Lorde? And he sayd vnto me: I am Iesus of Nazareth / whom thou persecutest. And they that were with me / sawe verely alyght & were a frayde: but they hearde not the voyce of him that spake with me. And I sayde: what shall I do Lorde? And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Aryse & goo into Damasco & there it shalbe tolde the of all thinges which are apoynted for the to do. And when I sawe nothynge for the brightnes of that light / I was ledde by the honde of them that were with me / and came into Damasco.
And one Ananias a perfect man / & as pertayninge C to the lawe / havinge good reporte of all the Iewes which there dwelt / came vnto me / & stode & sayd vnto me: Brother Saul / loke vp. And that same houre I receaved my sight and sawe him. And he sayde / the God of oure fathers hath ordeyned the before / that thou shuldest knowe his will / and shuldest se that which is rightfull / & shuldest heare the voyce of his mouth: for thou shalt be his witnes vnto all men of tho thinges which thou [Page] thouhast sene & hearde. And now: why tariest thou? Aryse & be baptised / and wesshe awaye D Baptime thy synnes / in callinge on y• name of y• Lorde.
And it fortuned / when I was come agayne to Ierusalem & prayde in the tēple / yt I was in a traūce / & sawe him sayinge vnto me. Make haste / & get the quickly out of Ierusalem: for they will not receave thy witnes ye thou bearest of me. And I sayde: Lorde they knowe that I presoned / & bet in every synagoge them that beleved on the▪ And when the bloud of thy witnes Steven was sheed / I also stode by / and consented vnto his deeth / and kept the rayment of them that slewe him. And he sayde vnto me: departe / for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls.
They gave him audience vnto this worde / E & then lifte vp their voyces & sayde: a waye wt soche a felowe frō the erth: yt is pitie that he shuld live. And as they cryed & cast of their clothes / & thrue dust into y• ayer / y• captayne bade him to be brought into the castle / & commaunded him to be scourged / & to be examined / that he myght knowe wherfore they cryed on him. And as they bounde him with thō ges / Paul sayde vnto the Centurion that stode by: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romain & vncondempned? When the Centurion hearde that / he went / and tolde the vpper captayne sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayne.
Then the vpper captayne came / & sayde to F him: tell me / art thou a Romayne? He sayde: [Page Cxciii] Yee. And the captayne answered: with a greate some obtayned I this fredome. And Paul sayde: I was fre borne. Then strayght waye departed from him / they which shuld have examyned him. And the hye captayne also was a frayde / after he knewe that he was a G Romayne: because he had bounde him.
On the morowe because he wolde have knowen the certayntie wherfore he was accused of the Iewes / he lowsed him from his bondes / & commaunded the hye Prestes & all the counsell to come together / and brought Paul / and set him before them.
¶ The .xxiii. Chapter.
PAul behelde the counsell & sayde: men & brethrē / I have lived in all good cō science before God vntill this daye.A The hye prest Ananias cōmaunded thē that stode by to smyte him on the mouth. Then sayde Paul to him: God smyte the thou payntyd wall. Sittest thou & iudgest me after the lawe: & commaundest me to be smytten contrary to the lawe? And they that stode by / sayde: revylest thou Goddes hye preste? Then sayd Paul: I wist not brethren / that he wasexo. xxij the hye preste. For it is writtē / thou shalt not curse the rular of thy people.
When Paul perceaved that the one parteSaduces pharises. were Saduces / & the other Pharises: he cryed B oute in the counsell. Men & brethren / I am a Pharisaye / the sonne of a Pharisaye. Of thephi. iij. [...]. hope / & resurreccion frō deeth / I am iudged. And when he had so sayde / ther arose a debate [Page] betwene the Pharisayes & y• Saduces / & the multitude was devided. For y• Saduces saye▪mat xxij that ther is no resurrecciō / nether angell / nor sprete. But the Pharisayes graunt bothe. And ther arose a great crye / and the Scribes which were of the Pharisayes parte / arose & strove sayinge: we fynde none evyll in this man. Though a sprete or an angell hath apered to him / let vs not stryve agaynst God.
And when ther arose greate debate / the captayne C fearynge lest Paul shuld have bene pluckt asondre of them / cōmaunded the soudiers to goo doune / & to take him from amonge them / and to bringe him into the castle. The nyght folowyng / God stode by him and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Ierusalem / so must thou beare witnes at Rome.
When daye was come / certayne of the Iewes gaddered them selves to geder / & made a vowe / sayinge that they wolde nether eate D nor drinke till they had killed Paul. They were aboute .xl. which had made this conspiraciō. And they cam to y• chefe prestes & elders / & sayde: we have boūde oure selves with a vowe / that we will eate nothinge vntill we have slayne Paul. Now therfore geve ye knowlege to the vpper captayne & to the counsell / that he bringe him forth vnto vs to morow / as though we wolde knowe some thingꝭ more perfectly of him. But we (or ever he come neare) are redy in y• meane season to kill him.E
When Pauls sisters sonne hearde of their [Page Cxciiii] layinge awayte / he wēt & entred into the castle / & tolde Paul. And Paul called one of y• vnder captaynes vnto him / & sayde: bringe this younge man vnto ye hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him. And he toke him / & sayd: Paul y• presoner called me vnto him & prayed me to brige this yoūge mā vnto y• / which hath a certayne matter to shewe y•.
The hye captayne toke him by the hond / & wēt a parte with him out of the waye: & a [...]ed him: what hast thou to saye vnto me? And he sayd: the Iewes are determined to desyre the y• thou woldest brynge forth Paul to morowe into the counsell / as though they wolde enquyre somwhat of him more parfectly. But folowe not their mindes: for ther lye [...] wayte for him of thē / moo then .xl. men / which have boūde thē selves wt a vowe / that they will nether eate ner drinke till they have killed him. And now are they redy / & loke for thy promes.
The vpper captayne let y• yōge man departe & charged: se thou tell it out to no man that F thou hast shewed these thingꝭ to me. And he called vnto him two vnder captaynes / sayinge: make redy two hondred soudiers to goo to Cesarea / and horsmen threscore and ten / & speare men two houndred / at the thyrde houre of the nyght. And delyvre them beastes that they maye put Paul on / and bringe him safe vnto Felix the hye debite / and wrote a letter in this maner.
Claudius Lisias vnto y• most mighty rular Felix / sendeth gretinge. This man was takē [Page] of the Iewes / and shuld have bene killed of them. Then cam I with soudiers / & rescued him / and perceaved that he was a Romayne. And when I wolde have knowen the cause / wherfore they accused him / I brought him forth into their coūsell. There perceaved I y• he was accused of questiōs of their lawe: but was not giltye of eny thinge worthy of deeth or of bondes. Afterwarde when it was shewed me how that y• Iewes layde wayte for y• man / I sent him strayght waye to the / & gave commaundmēt to his accusars / yf they had G ought agaynst him / to tell it vnto y•: fare well.
Then y• soudiers as it was cōmaunded thē / toke Paul / & brought him by nyght to Antipatras. On the morowe they lefte horsmen to goo with him / and returned vnto the castle. Which when they cam to Cesarea / they delivered the epistle to the debite / and presented Paul before him. When the debite had redde the letter / he axed of what countre he was / & when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill / I will heare the (sayde he) whē thyne accusars are come also: & commaunded him to be kepte in Herodes pallys.
¶ The .xxiiii. Chap.
AFter .v. dayes / Ananias the hye preste A descended / with elders & with a certayne Oratour named Tartullus / & enformed the ruelar of Paul. When Paul was called forth / Tartullus beganne to accuse him saying: Seynge y• we live in great quyetnes by the meanes of the / & that many good thinges are done vnto this nacion thorow thy providence: [Page Cxcv] that alowe we ever & in all places / most myghty Felix with all thankes. Notwithstondinge / that I be not tedeous vnto the / I praye the / that thou woldest heare vs of thy curtesy a feawe wordes.
We have founde this mā a pestilent felowe / and B a mover of debate vnto all the Iewes thorowe out the worlde / & a mayntayner of y• secte of the Nazarites / & hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whom we toke & wolde have iudged acordinge to oure lawe: but the hye captayne Lisias came vpon vs / and with great violence toke him awaye out of oure hō des / cōmaundinge his accusars to come vnto the. Of whō thou mayst (yf thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certayne of all these thinges where of we accuse him. The Iewes lyke wyse affermed / sayinge that it was even so.
Then Paul (after that the rular him selfe C had beckened vnto him that he shuld speake) answered: I shall with a moare quvet minde answere for my selfe / for as moche as I vnderstonde y• thou hast bene of many yeares a iudge vnto this people / because that thou mayst knowe y• there are yet .xii. dayes sence I went vp to Ierusalem for to praye / & that they nether founde me in the tēple disputinge with eny man / other raysinge vp the people / nether in the Synagoges / nor in the cite. Nether can they prove y• thinge wher of they accuse me.
But this I confesse vnto y• / that after that waye (which they call heresy) so worshippe I the God of my fathers / belevinge all thinges [Page] which are writtē in the lawe & y• Prophetes / & have hope towardes God / that y• same resurreccion from deeth (which they them selves loke for also) shalbe / both of iust & vniust. And therfore stody I to have a cleare consciē ce towarde God / and toward man also.E
But after many yeres I came & brought almes to my people & offeringes / in the which they founde me purified in the tēple / nether with multitude / nor yet wt vnquyetnes How beit there were certayne Iewes out of Asia which ought to be here present before the / & accuse me / yf they had ought agaynst me: or els let these same here saye / if they have founde eny evell doinge in me / whill I stonde here in y• counsell: except it be for this one voyce / y• I cryed stondinge amōge thē / of the resutreccion frō deeth am I iudged of you this daye.F
When Felix hearde these thinges he deferde them / for he knowe very well of yt waye & sayde: when Lisias the captayne is come / I will know the vtmost of youre matters. And he commaunded an vnder captayne to kepe Paul / and that he shuld have rest / and that he shuld forbyd none of his aquayntaūce▪ to minister vnto him / or to come vnto him.
And after a certayne dayes / cā Felix & his wyfe Drusilla which was a Iewas / & called G forth Paul / & hearde him of the fayth which is toward Christ. And as he preached of righteousnes / temperaūce & iudgement to come / Felix trembled & answered: thou hast dóne ynough at this tyme / departe / when I have a [Page Cxcvi] conveniēt tyme / I will sende for the. He hoped also that money shuld have bene geven him of Paul / that he myght lowse him: wherfore he called him y• oftēner & cōmened with him. But after two yeare / Festus Poreius came into Felix roume. And Felix willinge to shewe y• Iewes a pleasure / lefte Paul in preson bounde.
¶ The .xxv. Chapter.
AVVhen Festus was come into the province / after thre dayes / he ascended frō Cesarea vnto Ierusalem. Then enformed him the hye prestes & the chefe of the Iewes of Paul. And they be sought him / & desired faveour agaynst him / that he wold sende for him to Ierusalem: & layde awayte for him in the waye to kill him. Festus answered / that Paul shuld be kept at Cesarea: but that he him selfe wold shortly departe thither. Let thē therfore (sayd he) which amōge you are able to do it / come doune with vs and accuse him / if ther be eny faute in the man.
When he had taried there moare then ten B dayes / he departed vnto Cesarea / & the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgemēt seate / & commaunded Paul to be brought. When he was come / the Iewes which were come frō Ierusalem / came aboute him & layde many & greveous complayntes agaynst Paul / which they coulde not prove as longe as he answered for him selfe / that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the Iewes / nether agaynst the temple / nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thinge at all.
[Page]Festus willinge to do the Iewes a pleasure / answered Paul & sayde: wilt thou goo to C Ierusalem / and there be iudged of these thinges before me? Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemēt seate / where I ought to be iudged. To ye Iewes have I no harme done / as thou verely well knowest. If I have hurte them / or cōmitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are / where of they accuse me / no man owghtPaule appealed. to delyver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. Then spake Festus with deliberacion / & answered. Thou hast appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou goo.
After a certayne dayes / kinge Agrippa andAgrippa Bernice came vnto Cesarea to salute Festus. And when they had bene there a good D ceason / Festus rehersed Paules cause vnto y• kynge sayinge: ther is a certayne man left in preson of Felix / about whom when I came to Ierusalem / the hye prestes & elders of the Iewes enformed me / & desyred to have iudgement agaynst him. To whom I answered: It is not the maner of the Romayns to delyver eny man / that he shuld perisshe / before that he which is accused / have the accusars before him / and have licence to answer for him selfe / conserninge y• cryme layde agaynst him: whē E they were come hidder / wt out delaye on the morowe I sate to geve iudgement / & cōmaunded y• mā to be brought forthe. Agaynst whō when y• accusers stode vp / they brought none accusacion of soche thingꝭ as I supposed: but [Page Cxcvii] had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion / & of one Iesus which was ded: whom Paul affirmed to be alyve. And because I douted of soche maner questions / I ayed him whyther he wolde goo to Ierusalem / & there be iudged of these matters. Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar / I commaunded him to be kept / tyll I myght sende him to Cesar.
Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also F heare ye man my selfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare him. And on ye morowe when Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe / & were entred into the counsell housse with the captaynes & chefe men of the cite / at Festus commaundement Paul was brought forth. And Festus sayde: kynge Agrippa / & all men which are heare present wt vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes have bene with me both at Ierusalem and also here / cryinge that he ought not to lyve eny lenger. Yet founde I nothinge worthy G of deeth that he had cōmitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar / I have determined to sende him. Of whom I have no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought him vnto you / and specially vnto the / kynge Agrippa / that after examinacion had / I myght have sumwhat to wryte. For me thynketh it vnreasonable / for to sende a presoner / and not to shewe the causes which are layde agaynst him.
¶ The .xxvi. Chapter.
[Page]AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou arte permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then A Paul stretched forth the honde / & answered for him selfe. I thynke my selfe happy kynge Agrippa / because I shall answere this daye before the / of all the thinges wherof I am accused of y• Iewes / namely because thou arte experte in all customes and questions / which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently.
My lyvynge of a chylde / which was at the fyrst amōge myne awne nacion at Ierusalem B knowe all the Iewes which knew me from ye beginnynge / yf they wolde testifie it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye / lyved I a pharisaye. And now I stond & am iudged for the hope of the promes made of God vnto oure fathers: vnto which promes / oure .xii. tribes instantly servynge God daye & nyght / hope to come. For which hopes sake / kynge Agrippa / am I accused of the Iewes. Why shuld it be thought a thinge vncredible vnto C you / that god shuld rayse agayne the deed?
I also verely thought in my selfe / that I ought to do many cōtrary thinges / clene agaynst the name of Iesus of Nazareth: which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the sainctes I shut vp in preson / & had receaved auctorite of y• hye prestes. And whē they were put to deeth / I give the sentence. And I punysshed them ofte in every synagoge / and compelled them to blaspheme: & was yet more mad apon them / and persecuted thē / [Page Cxcviii] even vnto straunge cities. About the which thinges as I went to Damasco with auctorite and licence of the hye Prestes / even at myddaye (o kynge) I sawe in ye waye a lyght from heven / above the brightnes of the sunne / shyne rounde about me and them which iorneyed with me.
When we were all fallen to the erth / I hearde a voyce speakynge vnto me / & sayinge in ye D Hebrue tonge: Saul / Saul / why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynste the pricke. And I sayde: Who arte thou lorde? And he sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest. But ryse & stond vp on thy fete. For I have apered vnto the for this purpose / to make the a minister & a witnes / both of tho thinges which thou hast sene / and of tho thinges in the which I will appere vnto the / delyverynge the from the people / and from y• gentyls vnto which nowe I sende the / to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght / & from the power of Satan vnto God / that they maye receave forgevenesFayth. of synnes and inheritaūce amonge thē which are sanctified byfayth in me.
Wherfore kynge Agrippa / I was not disobedient E vnto the hevenly vision: but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco / and at Ierusalem / and thorow out all the costes of Iewry / and to the gentyls / that they shuld repent / & turne to God / and do the ryght workes of repentaunce. For this cause the Iewes caught me in the temple / and went about to kyll me. [Page] Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe of God / & cō tynew vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to small and to greate saying none other thinges / then those which the prophetes and Moses dyd saye shuld come / that Christ shulde suffre / & that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth / and shuld shewe lyght vnto the people / and the gentyls.
As he thus answered for him selfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce: Paul / thou arte besides thy selfe. Moche learnynge hath made the mad. And Paul sayde: I am not mad most dere Festus: but speake the wordes of trueth & sobernes. The kynge knoweth of these thinges / before whom I speke frely: nether thynke I that eny of these thinges are hydden frō him. For this thinge was not done in a corner. Kynge Agrippa belevest thou ye prophetes? I wote well thou belevest. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhat thou bringest me in mynde for to be come a Christen. And Paul sayd: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye / were / not sumwhat only / but altogeder soche as I am / except these bonde. And when he had thus spoken / the kynge rose vp / & the debite / and Bernice / and they that sate with them. And when they were gone aparte / they talked betwene them selves sayinge: This man doeth nothinge worthy of deeth / nor of bondes. Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght have bene lowsed / yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar.
¶ The .xxvii. Chapter.
[Page Cxcix]VVhen it was cōcluded that we shuld ij. cor. xi. sayle into Italy / they delivered Paul & certayne other presoners vnto one named Iulius / an vnder captayne of Cesars soudiars. And we entred into a ship of Adramicium / & lowfed from lond / apoynted to sayle by the costes of Asia / one Aristarcus out of Macedonia / of the contre of Thessalia / beinge with vs. And the nexte daye we came to Sidon. And Iulius courteously entreated Paul / & gave him liberte to goo vnto his frendes / & to refresshe him selfe. And from thence lanched we / and sayled harde by Cypers / because the wyndes were contrarye. Then sayled we over the see of Cilicia / and Pamphylia / and came to Myra a cite in Lycia.B
And there y• vnder captayne founde a shippe of Alexanderredy to sayle into Italy & put vs therin. And when we had sayled slowly many dayes / & scace were come over agaynst Gnydon (because the wynde with stode vs) we sayled harde by the costes of Candy / over agaynste Salmo / and with moche worke sayled beyonde yt / and came vnto a place called good porte. Nye whervnto was a citie called Lasea. When moche tyme was spent and saylinge was now ieoperdeous / because also that we had overlonge fasted / Paul put them in remembraunce / and sayde vnto them C Syrs / I perceave that this vyage wilbe with hurte and moche domage / not of the ladynge and ship only: but also of oure lyves. Neverthelather the vndercaptayne beleved the governer [Page] and the master / better then tho thinges which were spoken of Paul. And because the haven was not cōmodius to wynter in / many toke counsell to departe thence / yf by eny meanes they myght attayne to Phenices and there to wynter / which is an haven of Candy / and servith to the southwest and northwest wynde. When the south wynde blewe / they supposynge to obtayne their purpose / lowsed vnto Asson / and sayled paste all Candy.
But anone after ther arose agaynste their D purpose / a flawe of wynde out of the northeeste. And when the ship was caught / & coulde not resist the wynde / we let her goo & drave with the wether. And we came vnto an yle named Clauda / & had moche worke to come by abote / which they toke vp and vsed helpe / vndergerdynge the shippe / fearynge lest we shuld have fallen into Syrtes / and we let doune a vessell & so were caryed. The nexte daye when we were tossed wt an exceadynge tempest / they lyghtened y• ship / & the thyrde daye we cast out with oure awne hondes / the tacklynge of the shippe. When at the last nether sunne nor starre in many dayes appered / & no small tempest laye apon vs / all hope that we shuld be saved / was then taken awaye.
Then after longe abstinence / Paul stode E forth in the myddes of them & sayde: Syrs ye shulde have harkened to me / & not have lowsed from Candy / nether to have brought vnto vs this harme and losse. And nowe I exhorte you to be of good chere. For ther shalbe no [Page CC] losse of eny mās lyfe amonge you / save of the ship only. For ther stode by me this nyght the angell of God / whose I am / and whom I serve / sayinge: feare not Paul / for thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo / God hath geven vnto the all that sayle with y•. Wherfore Syrs be of good chere: for I beleve God / that so it shalbe even as it was tolde me. How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde.
But when ye fourtēthe nyght was come / as F we were caryed in Adria about mydnyght / the shipmen demed that ther appered some countre vnto thē: and sounded / & founde it .xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further / they sounded agayne / & founde .xv. feddoms. Then fearinge lest they shuld have fallen on some Rocke / they cast .jiii. ancres out of the sterne / & wysshed for y• daye. As the shipmen were about to fle out of the ship / and had let doune the bote into the see / vnder a coloure as though they wolde have cast ancres out of the for shippe: Paul sayd vnto y• vnder captayne & the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the ship / ye cannot be safe. Then the soudiers cut of the rope of the bote / and let it fall awaye.
And in y• meane tyme betwixt that & daye Paul besought them all to take meate / sayinge:G this is y• fourtenthe daye that ye have taried and continued fastynge / receavinge nothinge at all. Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall frō the heed of eny of you. And when he had thus spokē / he toke [Page] breed and gave thankes to God in presence of thē all / and brake it / & begāne to eate. Then were they all of good cheare / & they also toke meate. We were all together in y• ship / two G hundred thre score & sixtene soules. And whē they had catē ynougth / they lightened y• ship and cast out the wheate into the see.
Whē yt was daye / they knew not y• lande but they spied a certayne haven with a banke into ye which they were mynded (yf yt were possible) to thrust in the ship. And when they had taken vp the ancres / they cōmytted them selves vnto the see / & lowsed the rudder bondes & hoysed vp y• mayne sayle to the wynde & drue to londe. But they chaunsed on a place / which had the see on bothe the sydes / and thrust in the ship. And the foore parte stucke fast and moved not / but ye hynder brake with the violence of the waves.
The soudears counsell was to kyll y• presoners / lest eny of them / when he had swome out / shulde fle awaye. But the vndercaptayne willinge to save Paul / kept thē from their purpose / & commaunded that they yt could swyme / shulde cast thē selves first in to y• see / and scape to londe. And the other he cōmaunded to goo / some an bordes / and some on broken peces of the ship. And so it came to passe / that they came all safe to londe.
The .xxxiii. Chapter.
AANd when they were scaped / then they knewe that the yle was called Milete. And the people of the countre shewed [Page cci] vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one / because of the present rayne / & because of colde. And when Paul had gaddered a boundle of stickes / & put them into the fyre / ther came a viper out of the heet and lept on his honde. When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde / they sayde amonge thē selves: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyve. But he shouke of the vermen into the fyre / and felt no harme. Howbeit they wayted when he shuld have swolne / or fallen doune deed sodenly. But after they had loked a greate whyle / and sawe no harme come to him / they chaunged their myndes / and sayde that he was a God.
In the same quarters / the chefe man of the B yle whose name was Publius / had a lordship pe: the same receaved vs / and lodged vs thre dayes courteously. And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke of a fiever / and of a bluddy flixe. To whō Paul entred in & prayde / & layde his hondes on him & healed him. When this was done / other also which hadLayenge on of handes. diseases in the yle / came and were healed. And they dyd vs gret honoure. And when we departed / they laded vs with thinges necessary.
After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry / which had wyntred in the yle / whose badge was Castor & Pollux. And whē we came to Cyracusa / we taryed there .iii. dayes. And from thence we fet a compasse & came [Page] to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blowe / and we came the next daye to Putiolus: where we founde brethren / & were desyred to tary with them seven dayes / and so came to Rome. And from thence / when y• brethren D hearde of vs / they came agaynst vs to Apiphorum / & to y• thre taverns. When Paul sawe thē / he thanked God / and wexed bolde. And when he came to Rome / y• vnder captayne delyvered ye presoners to y• chefe captayne of ye host: but Paul was suffered to dwell by him selfe with one soudier that kept him.
And it fortuned after thre dayes / that Paul E called ye chefe of y• Iewes together. And whē they were come / he sayde vnto thē: Men & brethren / though I have cōmitted nothinge agaynst the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I delyvered presoner from Ierusalem in to the hondes of ye Romayns. Which when they had examined me / wolde have let me goo / because they founde no cause of deeth in me. But when y• Iewes cryed cōtrary / I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of. For this cause have I called for you / evē to se you & to speake with you: because that for the hope of Israel / I am bounde with this chayne.
And they sayde vnto him: We nether receaved letters out of Iewry pertayninge vnto ye / nether came eny of the brethren that shewed F or spake eny harme of the. But we will heare of the what thou thynkest. For we have hearde of this secte / that every wheare it is [Page ccii] spoken agaynst. And when they had apoynted him a daye / ther came many vnto him into his lodgynge. To whom he expounded & testifyed the kyngdome of God / and preached vnto thē of Iesu: both out of the lawe of Moses and also out of the prophetes / even from mornynge to nyght. And some beleved ye thinges which were spoken / & some beleved not.
When they agreed not amonge thē selves / they departed / after that Paul had spoken one worde. Well spake the holy goost by Esay ye esai. vi. c. mar. xiij. prophet vnto oure fathers / sayinge: Goo vn to this people & saye: with youre eares shall ye heare / and shall not vnderstonde: and withmar. iiij. b luc. viij. f ioh. xij. f rom. xj. b youre eyes shall ye se and shall not perceave.
For the hert of this people is wexed grosse / and their eares were thycke of hearynge / G & their eyes have they closed: lest they shuld se with their eyes / and heare with their eares / and vnderstonde with their hertes / and shuld be converted / and I shulde heale them. Be it knowen therfore vnto you / that this salvacion of God is sent to the gentyls / and they shall heare it. And when he had sayde that / the Iewes departed / and had grete despiciōs amonge them selves.
And Paul dwelt two yeares full in his lodgynge / and receaved all that came to him / preachyng the kyngdome of God / and teachynge those thinges which concerned the lorde Iesus / with all confidence / vnforboden.
¶ A prologe to the Epistle of Paule to the Romayns.
FOr as moche as this pistle is the principall and most excellent part of the new etestam [...]t / and most pure Euangelion / that is to saye gladde tydinges & that we call gospell / & also a lyghte & a waye in vnto the hole scripture / I thynke it mete / that euery Christen man not only knowe it by rote and with oute the boke / but also exercise him selfe therin euermore continually / as with the dayly brede of the soule. No man verely can rede it to ofte or studie it to well: for the moare it is studyed the easier it is / the moare it is chewed the plesander it is / and the moare groundely it is serched the precio set thinges are found in it / so greate treasure of spirituall thinges lyeth hyd therin.
I will therfore bestowe my laboure and diligence / thorowe this lytell preface or prologe / to prepare awaye in ther vnto / so farforth as god shall geue me grace / that it maye be the better vnderstonde of euery man / for it hath bene hetherto euyll darkened with gloses & wonder full dreames of sophisters / that noman cowde spye oute the entente & meanynge of it / which neuerthelesse of it selfe / is a bryght lyghte / & sufficient to geue lyght vnto all the scripture.
Fyrst we must marke diligently the maner of speakynge of the Apostel / and aboue all thinge knowe what Paul meaneth by these wordes / How paule vseth ce [...]tē wordes / must be diligēt lie vnderstonde. the Lawe / Synne / Grace / Fayth / Ryghteousnes / Flesshe / Sprite and soche lyke / or els rede thou it neuer so ofte / thou shalt but loose thy laboure. This word Lawe maye not be vnderstonde here after the cōmune maner / and to vse Paules terme / after the maner of men or after [Page cciii] mannes wayes / that thou woldest saye the lawe here in this place were nothinge but lernynge whiche teacheth what ought to be done and what oughte not to be done / as it goeth with mannes lawe where the lawe is fulfilled with outewarde workes only / though the hert be ne ver so farre of. But God iudgeth the grounde of the herte / ye and the thoughtes and the secret mouynges of the mynde / & therefore his lawe requireth the grounde of the hert & loue from the botome▪ there of / & is not content with the outeward worke only: but rebuketh those workes most of all which springe not of loue from the ground & lowe botome of the herte / though they appere outwarde neuer so honest & good / as Christ in the gospell rebuketh the Pharises aboue all other that were open synners / & calleth them ypocrites / that is to saye Simulars / and paynted Sepulchres. Which Pharises yet lyued no men so pure / as perteynynge to the outewarde dedes & workes of the lawe. Ye & Paul in the thyrd chapter of his Pistel vnto the Philippians confesseth of him selfe / that as touchynge the lawe he was suche a one as no man cowde complayne on / and notwithstondynge was yet a murderer of the Christen / persecuted them / and tormented them / so soore / that he compelled thē to blaspheme Christe / & was all to gether mercylesse / as many which now fayne outward good workes are.
For this cause the .c.xv. Psalme calleth all men lyars / because that noman kepeth the lawe from the grounde of the herte / nether can kepe it / though he appeare outward full of good workes.
For all mē are naturally enclyned vnto euyll and hate the lawe. We fynde in oure selues vnlust and tediousnes to do good / but lust and delectacyon to do euyll. Nowe where no fre lust [Page] is to do good / there the botome of the hert fulfilleth not the lawe / and there no doute is also synne / & wrath is deserued before God / though there be neuer so grete an outwarde shewe and apearaunce of honeste lyuinge.
For this cause concludeth saynte Paul in the seconde Chapter / that the Iewes are all synners & transgressors of the lawe / though they make men beleue / thorowe ypocrisy of outwarde workes / howe that they fulfyll the lawe / and sayth that he only which doeth the lawe / is ryghteous before God / meanynge therby that no man with outwarde workes / fulfilleth the lawe.
Thou (sayeth he to the Iewe) teachest / a man shulde not breake wedlocke / & yet breakest wedlocke thy selfe. Wherin thou iudgest an other man / therin condemnest thou thy selfe / for thou thy selfe doest euen the very same thinges whiche thou iudgest. As though he wolde saye / thou lyuest outewardly well in the workes of the lawe / and indgest them that lyue not so. Thou teachest other men: and seest a moote in an other mans eye / but art not ware of the beame that is in thyn awne eye. For though thou kepe the lawe outewardly with workes for feare of rebuke / shame and punysshement / other for loue of rewarde / vauntage and▪ vayne glory / yet doest thou all with out lust and loue towarde the lawe / and haddest leuer a greate deale other wyse do / yf thou dydest not feare the lawe▪ ye inwardly in thyne herte / thou woldest that ther were no lawe / no nor yet God / the auctor and vengear of the lawe / yf it were possible: so paynefull it is vnto the to have thyne appetytes refrayned / and to be kepte doune.
Wherfore then it is a playne conclusion / that thou from the grounde and botome of thyne herte / arte an ennymye to the lawe. What prevayseth [Page cciiii] it nowe / that thou teachest an other man not to steale / hen thou thyne awne selfe arte a thefe in thyne hert / & outwardly woldest fayne steale yf thou durst? though that the outwarde dedes abyde not alwaye behynde with soch ypocrites & dissimulars / but breake forth amonge / euen as an euyll scabbe or a pocke can not all wayes be kepte in with violence of medicine.
Thou teachest an other man / but teachest not thy selfe / ye thou wotest not what thou teachest / for thou vnderstondest not the lawe a ryght / how that it cannot be fulfylled and satisfyed / but with an vnfayned loue and affecyon / so greately it can not be fulfylled with outeward dedes and workes only. Moreouer the lawe encreaseth synne / as he sayth in the fyfte Chapter / because that man is an enymyThe lawe encrea▪ seth synne to the lawe / for as moche as it requireth so many thynges clene contrarye to his nature / where of he is not able to fulfyll one poynte or tytle / as the lawe requireth it. And therfore are we moare prouoked / and haue greater lust to breake it.
For which causes sake he sayeth in the seventh Chapter / that the lawe is spirituall: as though he wold saye / yf the lawe were flesshely and but mans doctrine / it myght be fulfylled / satisfyed and stylled with outwarde dedes. But nowe is the lawe goost [...]ye / and no man fulfylleth it / excepte that all that he doeth / springe of loue from the botome of the hert. Suche anewe hert a lusty corage vnto the laweThe spirite is required / yer we [...] kepe the lawe before God. warde / canst thou neuyr come by of thyne awne strenght and enforcemente / but by the ope racy on & workynge of the spirite.
For the spirite of God only maketh a man spirituall & lyke vnto the lawe / so that nowe henceforth he doeth nothinge of feare or for lucre [Page] or vantages sake or of vayne glory / but of a fre hert / and of inward iust. The lawe is spirituall & wilbe bothe loued and fulfylled of a spirituall hert / and therfore of necessite requireth it the sprete that maketh a mannes hert fre / and geueth him lust & courage vnto the lawe warde. Where soche▪ a sprite is not / there remayneth synne / grudgynge & hatered ageynst the lawe / which lawe neuerthelesse is good / ryghtewes and holy..
Acquaynte thy selfe therfore with the maner of speakynge of the Apostel / & let this nowe styke faste in thyne hert / that it is not bothe one / To do the dedes of ye lawe / & to fulfill the lawe / are two thinges. to do the dedes & workes of the lawe / & to fulfyll the lawe. The worke of the lawe is / what soeuer a man doeth or can do of his awne frewill / of his awne proper strengthe & enforsynge. Not withstondynge though there be neuyr so greate workynge / yet as longe as ther remayneth in the herte vnlust / tediousnes / grudgyng / grief / payne / lothsumnes & compulsion toward the lawe / so longe are all the workes vnprofitable / lost / ye and damnable in the sighte of God. This meaneth Paul in the thryde chapter where he sayeth / by the dedes of y• lawe shall no flesshe be iustified in the syghte of god. Here by perceauest thou / that those sophisters are but disceauers / whiche teache that a man maye / and must prepare him selfe to grace & to the fauoure of God / with good workes. Howe can they prepare them selues vnto the fauoure of god / & to that which is good / when they thē selues can do no good / no can not once thinke a good thought or consent to do good / the deuyll possessinge their hertes / myndes & thoughtes captiue at his pleasure? Can those workes please God thinkest thou / which are done with grife / payne and tediousnes / with an euyll will / with a contrarye and grudgynge mynde?
[Page ccv]O holy saynte prosperus / how mightely with the scripture of Paul / dydest thou confoundeProsperous. this heresye / aboute (I trowe) a twelue hondred yeares a goo / or therapon.
To fulfill the lawe is / to do the workes therofTo fullfill the lawe what it is. & what soeuer the lawe commaundeth / with loue / lust & inward affeccion & delectacion: and to lyue godly & well / frely / willingly / and with oute compulcion of the lawe / euen as though there were no lawe at all. Suche luste & fre liberte to loue the lawe / cometh only by the workinge of the sprite in the herte / as he saith in the fyrste Chapter.
Nowe is the sprite none otherwise geuen / then by faith only / in that we beleue the promyses of God / with oute wauering / how that God is true / & will fulfill all his good promyses towardThe spirite cometh by faith. vs / for Christes bloudes sake / as it ys playne in the fyrste chapter. I am not asshamed sayeth Paul / of Christes gladde tydinges / for it is the power of God / vnto saluaciō to as many as beleue. For attōce & to gedder▪ euen as we beleue the glad tydinges preached to vs / the holy goost entreth in to oure hertes / & lowseth the bondes of the deuyll / which before possessedFaith cō meth by he arynge the glad tydinges. oure hertes in captiuite / & held thē that we could haue no lust to the will of God in the lawe. And as the sprite cōmeth by faith only / euē so faith cometh by hearinge the worde or glad tydinges of God / whē Christ is preached / how that he is goddes sonne & man also / ded & rysen agayne for oure sakes / as he sayeth in the .iii. iii [...]. & .x. Chapters. All oure iustifyinge then cometh of fayth / and fayth and the sprite come of God and not of vs.Fayth onlye iustifieth.
Here of cometh it / that fayth only iustifieth / maketh rightewes / & fulfilleth the lawe / for it bringeth the sprete thorowe Christes deseruinges / the sprite bringeth lust / looseth the hert / [Page] maketh him fre / setteth him at liberte / & geueth him strength to worke the dedes of the lawe with loue / euen as the lawe requyreth. Then at the last out of the same faith so workinge inWorkes springe of fayth. the herte / springe all good workes by there awne accorde. That meaneth he in the thyrde chapter: for after he hath cast awaye the workes of the lawe / so that he soundeth as though he wolde breake & disanull the lawe thorow faith: he answereth to that mighte be layde agaynst / sayinge▪ wedestroye not the lawe thorow faith but maintayne / furder or stablisshe the lawe thorowe faith. That is to faye / we fulfill the lawe thorowe faith.
Synne in the scripture is not called that outewardSynne worke only cōmitted by the body / but all the whole busynes & what soeuer accompanieth / moueth or stereth vnto the outeward dede / & that whence the workes springe: as vnbelefe / pronenes & redynes vnto the dede in the grounde of the herte / with all the powers / affeccions & appetites where with we can but synne. So that we saye / that a man then synneth / whē he is caried awaye hedlonge in to synne / all to geder as moche as he is / of that poyson inclinacion & corrupte nature wherin he was conceyued & borne. For there is none outward synne cōmitted / excepte a man be caried awaye all to gedyr / with lyfe / soule / herte / bodie / luste & mynde ther [...]to. The scripture loketh singularly vnto the hert / & vnto the role & originall fountayne of all synne / which is vnbelefe in the botome of the herte. For as faith only iustifieth & bringethFayth is the mother of all good workes / & vn belefe of euell. the sprite & lust vnto the outewarde good workes / euē so vnbelefe only dāneth & kepeth oute the sprite / prouoketh the f [...]esshe & stereth vppe luste vnto the cuyll outeward workes / as happened to Adā & [...]ua in Paradise. Gene. ii [...].
For this cause Christ calleth synne vnbelefe / and that notably in [...]. xvj. chap. of Iohn. The [Page ccvi] sprete / saith he / shall rebuke the worlde of synne / because they beleue not in me. And Iohn viij. he sayth: I am the light of the worlde. And therfore in the .xij. of Iohn he byddeth them / whyle they haue light / to beleue in the light / that ye maye be the chyldrē of light: for he that walketh in darcknes wotteth not whether he goeth. Now as Christ is the light / so is the ignoraunce of Christ that darcknes wherof he speaketh / in which he that walketh wotteth not whether he goeth: that is / he knoweth not how to worke a good worke in the syght of God / or what a good worke is. And therfore in the .ix. he sayth: as longe as I am in the worlde / I am the light of the worlde: but there cōmeth night when no man can worke. Which nyght is but the ignoraūce of Christ in which no mā can se to do anyeworke that pleaseth God. And Paul exhorteth Ephesi. iiii. that they walke not as other hethen which are straūgers frō thelyfe of God / thorow the ygnoraūce that is in thē. And agayne in the same chap. Put of (sayth he) the olde mā which is corrupt thorowe the lustes of erroure / that is to saye ignoraūce. And Ro. xii [...] Let vs cast awaye the dedes of darcknes: that is to saye of ignoraūce & vnbelefe. And .j. Pet. j Fassion not youre selues vnto youre olde lustes of ignoraūce. And .j. Io. ij. He that loueth his brother dwelleth in light: and he that hateth his brother walketh in darcknes / & woteth no [...] whether he goeth / for darckenes hath blynded his▪ eyes. By light he meaneth the knowledge of Christ / and by darcknes / the ignoraunce of Christ. For it is impossible that he that knoweth Christ truly / shulde hate his brother.
Furthermore / to perceaue this thinge more clearlye / thou shalt vnderstonde / that it is impossible to synne anye synne at all except a man breake the fyrst commaundement before. Now is the fyrst commaundement deuyed into [Page] two verses. Thy Lorde God is one God: and thou shalt loue thy Lorde God with all thyne heart / with all thy soule / with all thy power and with all thy myght. And the whole cause why I synne agaynst anye inferioure precept / is that this loue is not in myne heart: for were this lawe wrytten in my harte & were full & perfect in my soule / it wolde kepe myne hearet frō consentynge vnto anye synne. And the whoale & onlye cause why this loue is not written in oure heartes / is that we beleue not the fyrste parte / that oure Lorde God is one God. For wyst I what these wordes / one Lorde & one God meaneth: that is to saye / if I vnderstode that he made all / & ruleth all / & that whatsoeuer is done to me / whether it be good or bad / is yet his will / & that he onlye is the Lorde that ruleth & dothe it: & wist I therto what this worde myne meaneth▪ that is to saye / if myne heart beleued & felte the infinite benefites & kyndenes of God to me warde / & vnderstode & ernestlye beleued the many folde couenauntes of mercie wherwith God hath bounde him selfe to be myne wholie & altogether / with all his power / loue / mercie & myght / then shuld I loue him with all myne heart / soule / power & might / & of that loue euer kepe his cōmaundementes. So seye now that as fayth is the mother of all goodnes & of all good workes / so is vnbelefe the grounde & rote of all euell and all euell workes.
Finallie / if anye man hath forsaken synne & is cōuerted to put his trust in Christ & to kepe the lawe of God / do the fall at a tyme: the cause is / that the flesshe thorow neegligēce hath choked the sprite & oppressed hir & taken from hir the fode of hir strēgth. which fode is hir meditacion in God & in his wonderfull dedes / & in the manyfolde couenauntes of his mercie.
Wherfore then before all good workes as [Page ccvii] good frutes / there must nedes be fayth in the herte whence they spring. And before all bad dedes as bad frutes / there must nedes be vnbelefe in the hert as in the rote / foūtayne / pith & strēght of all synne. Which vnbelefe & ignoraūce is called the heed of the serpēt & of the olde dragon / which the womans seed Christ / must treade vnder fote / as it was promysed vnto Adam.
Grace & gifte haue this differēce. Grace properlyGrace. Gyfte. is Goddes fauoure / beniuolence or kynd mynd / which of his awne selfe / with oute deseruing of vs / he beareth to vs / wherby he was moued & enclined to geue Christe vnto vs / with all his other giftes of grace. Gifte is the holy goste & his workinge whom he poureth in to the hertes of them / on whom he hath mercy / and whō he fauoreth. Though the giftes of the sprite encreace in vs dayly / & haue not yet their full perfeccion: ye & though there remayne in vs yet euill lustes & sinne which fight agaynst the sprite / as he sayth here in the .vij. Chapter / & in the v. to the Galathiās / & as it was spokē before in the thride Chapter of Genesis of the debate betwene the womans seed & the seed of the serpēt: yet neuerthelesse goddis fauoure is so greate / & so strōge ouer vs for christes sake / that we are coūted for full hole & perfecte before God. For Goddis fauoure toward vs / deuydeth not hyr selfe / encreasinge a lyttell & a lytell / as doo the gyftes / but receaueth vs hole & all to gether in full loue for Christes sake oure intercessor & mediator / & because that the gyftes of the sprite & the batayle betwene the sprite and euyll lustes / are begonne in vs all ready.
Of this nowe vnderstondest thou the .vij. chapter where Paul accuseth him selfe as a synner & yet in the .viij. Chapter sayeth / there is no damnacion to them that are in Christe / and that because of the sprite / & because the gyftes [Page] of the sprite are begōne in vs. Synners we are because the flesshe is not full kylled & mortified. Neuerthelesse in as moche as we beleue in Christ / & haue the ernest & begynninge of the sprite / and wold fayne be perfecte / God is so louinge & fauourable vnto vs that he will not loke on soche synne / nether will counte it as synne / but will deale with vs accordinge to oure belefe in Christe / & accordinge to his promises which he hath sworne to vs / vntyll the synne be full slayne & mortified by dethe.
Faith is not mās opinion & dreame / as some ymagin & fayne when they heare the storie ofFayth is not the worke of man. the Gospell: but when they se that there folowe no good workes nor mendement of lyuinge / though they heare / & yet can babyll many thinges of faith / then they fall from the righte waye & saye / fayth only iustifieth not / a man must haue good workes also / if he will be rightewes & safe. The cause is when they heare the Gospell or glad tydinges / they fayne of their awne strength certayne imaginaciōs & thoughtes in their hertes sayinge: I haue heard the Gospell / I remēber the storie / lo I beleue. And that they counte righte fayth / which neuerthelesse as it is but mās imaginaciō & fayninge / euē so profiteth it not / nether folowe there any good workes or mendement of lyuinge.
But righte faith is a thinge wroughte by theRyght fayth is of the workinge of the spirite of God. holy goost in vs / which chaungeth vs / turneth vs in to a newe nature & begetteth vs a newe in God / and maketh vs the sonnes of God / as thou redest in the fyrste of Iohn / a killeth the olde Adam / & maketh vs all to gethyr newe in the hert / mynd / will / lust & in all oure affecciōs and powers of the soule / and bringeth the holy goost with hyr. Faith is a liuely thinge / mighty in workinge / valiaunte & stronge / euer doinge / euer frutefull / so that it is vnpossible that [Page ccviii] he which is endued therewith / shulde not worke all wayes good workes with oute ceasinge. He axeth not whether good workes are to be done or not / but hath done thē all redy / yet menciō be made of them / & is all waye doynge / for soche is his nature nowe: quicke faithe in his herte & lyuely mouinge of the sprite driue him & stere him therūto. Who soeuer doeth not good workes / is an vnbeleuinge person & faithlesse / & loketh rounde aboute gropinge after faith & good workes / and wot not what faith or goodFayth what it is workes meane / though he babill neuer so many thinges of fayth and good workes.
Fayth is then a liuely & sted faste truste in the fauoure of God / wherewith we cōmitte oure selues all to gedyr vnto God / & that truste is so surely groūded & steketh so fast in oure hertes / that a mā wolde not once doute of it / though he shuld dye a thousand tymes therfore. And suche truste wrought by the holy goost through fayth / maketh a man glad / [...]u [...]y / cherefull & true herted vnto God & to all creatures. By the meanes where of / willingly & withoute cōpulsion he his glad & redy to do good to euery man / to do seruice to euery mā / to soffre all thinges / that God maye be loued & praysed / which hath geuen him suche grace: so that it is impossible to separat good workes frō faith / euen as it is impossible to separat heete & burnīge frō fyre.
Therfore take hede to thy silfe / and beware of thyne owne fantasies and ymaginacions / which to iudge of fayth and good workes will semewyse / when in deade they are sterke blind and of all thinges most folysshe. Praye God that he will witesafe to worke fayth in thyne herte / or else shalt thou remayne euermore faythlesse / fayne thou / ymagin thou: enforce thou / wrastyll with thy selfe / and do what thou wilte or canst.
[Page]Righteousnes is euē suche faith / & is called Godes righteousnes / or righteousnes that▪ is of valoure before God. For it is Goddis gifte / & it altereth a man & chaūgeth him to a newe sprituallFayth is ryghteousnes. nature / & maketh him fre & liberall to paye euery man his dutie. For thorow fayth is a man purged of his synnes / & obteyneth luste vnto the lawe of God / whereby he geueth God his honoure & payeth him that he oweth him / & vnto mē he doeth seruis willingly wherwithsoeuer he can / & payeth euery man his dutie. [...]uthe righteousnes can nature / frewill / and oure awne strēgthe neuer bringe to passe. For as no man can geue him silfe fayth / so can he not take awaye vnbelefe / how then can he take awaye eny synne at all. Wherfore all is false ypocrisy and synne / whatsoeuer is done with oute fayth or in vnbeleue / as it is euydēt in the. xiiij Chapter vnto the Romayns / though it appere neuer so glorious or beautyfull outwardes.
Flesshe and sprite mayste thou not here vnderstōd / as though flesshe were only that which perteyneth vnto vnchastite and the sprite that which inwardly pertayneth to the herte: but Paule calleth flesshe here as Christe doth IohnFleshe what it is iij. All that is borne of flesshe / that is to wete / the whole mā withlife / soule / body / witte / will / reason & what soeuer he is or doth with in and withe oute / because that these all / & all that is in man / study after the worlde & the flesshe. Call flesshe therfore whatsoeuer (as longe as we are with oute the sprite of God) we thinke or speke of God / of faith of good workes & of spirituall matters. Call flesshe also all workes which are done with oute grace & with oute the workinge of the sprite / how soeuer good / holy and spirituall they seme to be / as thou mayst proue by the .v. Chapter vnto the Galathy ās / where Paul numbreth worshepinge of ydols / [Page ccix] witchecrafte / enuy and hate amonge the dedes of the flesh / & by the .viij. vnto the Romayns / where he sayth that the lawe by the reason of the flesshe is weake which is not vnderstond of vnchastite only / but of all synnes / & most specially / of vnbelefe which is a vyce most spirituall and grounde of all synnes.
And as thou callese him: which is not renewed with the sprite & borne agayne in Christ / flesshe / and all his dedes / euen the very mocyōs of his hert and mynd / his lerninge / doctrine and contemplacyon of hye thinges / his preachinge teachinge and study in the scripture / bildinge of churches / foundinge of abbeyes / geuinge of almes / masse / matence and whatsoeuer he doeth / though it seme spirituall and aftyr the lawes of god. So cōtrary wyse call him spirituall whichSpirituall. is renewed in Christe / and all his dedes which springe of fayth / seme they neuer so grose as the wasshinge of the disciples fete / done by Christ and Peters fisshinge aftyr the resurreccion / ye and all the dedes of matrimony are pure spirituall / yf they procede of faith / & what soeuer is done with in the lawes of God / though it be wrought by the body / as the very wipinge of shewes and soche lyke / how soeuer grose they appere outewarde. Withoute suche vnderstōdinge of these wordes cāst thou neuer vnderstond this epistell of Paull / nether any other place in the holy scripture. Take hede therfore / for whosoeuer vnderstondeth these wordes other wyse / the same vnderstondeth not Paul / what soeuer he be. Now will we prepare oure selues vnto the pistle.
For as moche as it becōmeth the precher ofThe fyrst Chapter. Christes glad tydinges / first thorow opening of the lawe / to rebuke all thinges & to proue all thinges synne / that procede not of the sprit and of faith in Christe / & to proue all men synners [Page] & chyldren of wrath by inheritaunce / and howe that to synne is their nature / & that by nature they can none other wyse do than to synne / and therwith to abate the pryde of man / and to bringe him vnto the knowledge of him selfe / and of his miserye and wretchednes / that he myght desyre helpe. Euen so doeth saynet Paul and beginneth in the fyrst Chapter to rebuke vnbelefe and grose synnes which all men se / as the ydo latrie / and as the grose synnes of the hethen were & as the synnes nowe are of all them which lyue in ignorance without fayth / & without the fauoure of God: & sayth. The wrath of God of heuen appereth thorowe the Gospell vpon all men for their vngodly & vnholy lyvinge. For though it be knowē & dayly vnderstond by the creatures / that ther is but one God yet is nature of hyr selfe without the sprite & grace so corrupte & so poysoned / that men nether can thanke him / neder worshippe him / nether geue him his due honoure / but blinde them selues and faule withoute ceasinge in to worse case / euen vntyll they come vnto worshippinge of ymages and workinge of shamefull synnes which are abhominable and agaynst nature / and moreouer sofre the same vnrebuked in other / hauinge delectacion and pleasure therin.
In the seconde Chapter he proceadeth furtherSeconde Chapter. and rebuketh all those holy people also which withoute luste and loue to the lawe / lyue well outwardly in the face of the worlde & condempne other gladly / as the nature of all ypocrites is / to thinke them selues pure in respecte of open synners / & yet hate the lawe inwardly & are full of couetousnes a enuye & of all vnclennes / Mat. xxiij. These are they which despise the goodnes of God / & accordinge to the hardenes of their hertes / hepe to geder for themselues the wrath of God. Furthermore saynet Paule as a true expou [...]der of the lawe / suffreth [Page ccx] no mā to be withoute synne / but declaret & that all they are vnder snne which of frewill of nature / will liue well / & suffreth them not to be better then the open synners / ye he calleth them harde herted and seche as cānot repente.
In the thyrde Chap. he myngleth both to geder / bothThyrde Chapter. the Iewes & the gētyles & sayeth that the one is as the other / both synners / & no difference betwene thē / saue in this only / that the Iewes had the worde of God cōmitted vnto thē. And though many of them beleued not thereon / yet is goddis truth and promyse therby nether hurte ner minisshed: And he taketh in his waye & allegeth the sayinge of the .l. Psal. that God myght abyde true in his wordes & ouercome when he is iudged. After that he returneth toThe lawe ius [...]ifieth not: but vttereth the synne onlye & condemneth. his purpose agayne & proueth by the scripture / that all men without differēce or excepcion are synners / and that by the workes of the lawe no man is iustified: but that the lawe was geuē to vtter & to declare synne only. Then he beginneth & sheweth the rightwaye vnto rightewesnes / by what meanes men must be made righteous and safe / and sayeth. They are all synners & without prayse before God / & must without their awne oeseruinge be made righteous thorowe fayth in Christ / which hath deserued soche righteousnes for vs / & is become vnto vs goddis mercy stole for the remission of synnes that are past / therby prouing that Christes righteousnes which cōmeth on vs thorowe fayth / helpeth vs only. Which righteousnes / sayeh he is now declared thorowe the gospell & was testified of before by the lawe & the Prophetes. Furthermore (sayth he) the lawe is holpe & for dered thorowe fayth / though that the workes therof with all their [...]oste are brought to nought & proued not to iustifie.
In the .iiij. Chapter (after that nowe by theFourthe Chapter. iij. fyrst Chapters / the synnes are opened and [Page] the waye of fayth vnto righteousnes layde) he beginneth to answere vnto certayne obiecciōs and cauillacyōs. And first he putteth forth those blynd reasons / which commenly they that wylbe iustified by their awne workes / are wōt to make whē they heare that faith only with out workes iustifieth / sayinge / shall men do no good workes / ye & yf faith only iustifieth / what nedeth a man to stody for to do good workes? He putteth forth therfore Abraham for an en sample / sayinge: what did Abraham with his workes? was all in vayne? came his workes to no profet? And so concludeth that Abrahā with oute and before all workes was iustified & made righteous. In so moche that before the worke of circumcision he was praysed of the scripture and called righteous by his faith only / Genesis .xv. So that he did not the worke of circumcision for to be holpe therby vnto righteousnes / which yet God commaunded him to doo / and was a good worke of obedience / So in lyke wise no doute none other workes helpe any thinge at all vnto a mās iustifiynge: but asOutward workes are signes and witnesses of the inwarde fayth. Abrahams circumcision was an outeward signe whereby he declared his righteousnes whiche he had by faith / and his obedience and redynes vnto the will of god / euen so are all other good workes outeward signes and outeward frutes of faith and of the sprite / which iustifie not a man / but that a mā is iustified all redy before God inwardly in the hert / thorowe fayth & thorowe ye sprite purchased by christes bloud.
Here with now establissheth saynt Paul his doctrine of faith afore rehersed in the thrid chapter / andBlessed is he that hath his sinnes for geuē him. bringeth also testimony of Dauid in the .xiij. psalme / whiche calleth / a man blessed not of workes / but in that his sinne is not rekened & in that fayth is imputed for [...] righteousnes / though he abyde not afterwarde withoute good [Page ccxi] workes / when he is once iustified.
For we are iustified and receaue the sprite for to doo good workes / nether were it otherwyse possible to do good workes / excepte we had first the sprite.
For how is it possible to do any thynge wel in the sight of god / while we are yet in captiuite & bondage vnder the deuill / & the deuill possesseth vs all to geder & holdeth our hertes / so that we cānot once cōsent vnto the will of god. No man therfore can preuent the sprite in doinge good: but the sprite must first come and wake him out of his slepe & with the thunder of the lawe feare him / and shewe him his miserable estate and wretchednes / & make him abhore / and hate him silfe and to desyre helpe / & then cōforte him agayne with the pleasant rayne of the Gospell / that is to saye / with the swete promyses of God in Christ / and stere vppe fayth in him to beleue the promises. Then whē he beleueth the promyses / as God was mercy full to promyse / so is he true to fulfill them / & will geue him the sprite and strength / both to loue the will of god & to worke ther after. So se we that God only (which accordinge to the scripture worketh all in all thinges) worketh a mans iustifiynge / saluacion and healthe / ye and powreth fayth and beleue / luste to loue goddis will / and strength to fulfill the same / in to vs / euen as water is powred into a vessell / & that of his good will and purpose / and not of ourede seruinges and merites. Goddis mercy in promysinge and trueth in fulfilling his promyses saueth vs and not we oure selues. And therfore is all laude / prayse and glory / to be geuen vn to God for his mercy and trueth / and not vnto vs for ouremerites & deseruinges. After that / he stretcheth his ensample oute agaynste all other good workes of the lawe / and concludeth [Page] that the Iewes cānot be Abrahams heyres because of bloud & kynred only / & moche lesse by the workes of the lawe / but must enheret Abrahams fayth / yf they wilbe the right heyres of Abraham for as moche as Abraham before the lawe / bothe of Moses & also of circ [...]cision / was thorowe fayth made righteous & called the father of all them that beleue / & not of them that worke. Moreouer the lawe causeth wrath / in as mocheas no man can fulfill it with loue and fuste / & as longe as suche grudginge / hate & in dignacion agaynst the lawe remayneth in the herte / & is not takē awaye by the sprite that cō meth by fayth / so longe (no doute) the workes of the lawe / declare euidētly that the wrathe of God is vpō vs & not fauoure. Wherfore fayth only receyueth the grace promysed vnto Abraham. And these ensamples were not writtē for Abrahās sake only (sayth he) but for oures also to whom yf we beleue / fayth shalbe rekened lykewyse for righteousnes / as he sayth in the ende of the Chapter.
In the .v. Chapter he cōmendeth the frutesThe .v. Chapter. & workes of fayth / as are peace / reioysinge in the conscience inwarde loue to God & man: moreouer / boldnes trust / confidence & astrōge & a lusty mynd & stedfaste hope in tribulacion and sufferinge. For all suche folowe / where the righte fayth is / for the abundāte graces sake & gyftes of the sprite / which God hath geuen vs in Christe / in that he gaue him to dye for vs yet his enymies. Now haue we then that fayth only before all workes iustifieth & that it foloweth not yet therfore that a man shulde do no good workes but that the righte shapen workesGood workes are the frutes of the sprite. abide not behind / but accōpanye fayth / euē as brightenes doth the sunne / and are called of Paul the frutes of the sprite. Where the sprite is / therit is alwayes somer & ther are alwayes [Page cccxii] good frutes / that is to saye: good workes. This is Pauls order / that good workes springe of the sprite / the sprite cometh by fayth & fayth cō meth by hearinge the worde of God / when the glad tydinges & promises which god hath made to vs in Christe / are preached truly / & receaued in the groūde of the herte without waueringe or doutinge aftir that the lawe hath passed vpō vs & hath dāned oure cōsciēces. Where the worde of God is preached purely & receaued in the herte / thereis fayth & the sprite of God / & ther are also good workes of necessite when soeuer occasion is geuē. Where Goddis worde is not purely preached / but mens dreames / tradiciōs [...] ymaginaciōs inuēcions / ceremonies & supersticion / there is no fayth & consequētly no sprite that cometh of God. And where Goddis sprite is not / there can be no good workes / euē as where an appell treis not / there can growe no appels / but; there is vnbelefe / the deuels sprite & euyll workes. Of this goddis sprite & his frutes / haue oure holy ypocrites not once knowē / nether yet tasted how swete they are / though they fayne many good workes of their awne ymaginacion / to be iustified with all / in which is not one crome of true fayth or spirituall loue / or of inward ioye / peace and quyetnes of conscience / for as moche as they haue not the worde of God for them / that suche workes please God / but they are euen the roten frutes of a roten tre.
After that he breaketh forth / & ritneth at large / & sheweth whence both synne & righteousnes / deeth & lyfe come. And he cōpareth Adā & Christ to gether / thus wyse reasoninge & disputinge / that Christ must neades come as a secōd Adā to make vs heyres of his rightewesnes / thorow a neme spirituall birth / without ourede seruiges: euē as the first Adā made vs heyres of [Page] synne / thorowe the bodely generacion / withoute oure deseruinge. Whereby is euydently knowen and proued to the vttermoste / that no mā can bringe him selfe oute of synne vnto rightewesnes / nomore then he coulde haue withstonde that he was borne bodely. And that is proued herewith / for as moche as the very lawe of God / which of righte shulde haue holpe / yf any thinge coulde haue holpe / not only came and brought no helpe with hyr / but also encreased synne / because that the euill & poysoned nature is offended and vtterly displeased with thelawe / and the more she is forbed by the lawe / the more is she prouoked and set a fyre to fulfill and satisfie hyr lustes. By the lawe then we se clerely that we muste nedes haue Christe to iustifie vs with his grace / and to helpe nature.
In the .vj. he setteth forth the chefe and principallThe .vj. Chapter. worke of fayth / the batayll of the sprite agaynst the flesshe / how the sprite laboureth & enforseth to kyll the remenaunte of synne and luste which remayne in the flesshe / after oure iustifyinge. And this chapter teacheth vs / that we are not so frefrō synne thorowe fayth / that we shulde henceforth goo vp and doune ydle carlesse & sure of oure selues / as though thereBaptyme is a wytnesse betwene god & vs that we haue promised to mortifie the lustes & synne that remayneth in the flesshe. &c. were nowe no more synne in vs. yes there is synne remayninge in vs / but it is not rekened / because of fayth and of the sprite / which fighte agaynst it. Wherfore we haue ynough to do all oure syues longe / to tame oure bodies / and to compell the members to obeye the sprite and not the appetites / that therby we myghte be lyke vnto Christes deeth and resurrecciō / & mighte fulfill oure baptyme / which signifieth the mortifiynge of synnes / & the newe life of grace. For this batayle ceaseth not in vs vntill the laste breth / and vntyll that synne be vtterly slayne by the deeth of the bodye.
[Page ccxiii]This thinge (I meane to tame the body and so forth) we are able to do (sayth he) seynge we are vnder grace & not vnder the lawe / what it is / not to be vnder the lawe / he him selfe expo [...] deth. For not to be vnder the lawe is not so to be vnderstond / that euery mā may do what himNot to be vnder the lawe what it meaneth lusteth. But not to be vnder the lawe / is to haue a fre herte renewed with the sprite / so that thou haste luste inwardly of thyne awne accorde to do that which the lawe cōmaundeth / with oute cōpulcion / ye though there were no lawe. For grace▪ that is to saye Goddis fauoure bringeth vs the sprite / and maketh vs loue the lawe / so vs there nowe no moare synne / nether is the lawe nowe any moare agaynst vs / but at one and agreed with vs & we with it.
But to be vnder the lawe / is to deale withTo be vnder the lawe what it is. the workes of the lawe / and to worke without the sprite and grace: for so longe no doute synne [...]ayneth in vs thorowe the lawe / that is to saye / the lawe declareth that we are vnder synne and and that synne hath power & dominiō ouer vs / seynge we cannot fulfill the lawe / namely with in in the hert / for as moche as no mā of nature fauoureth the lawe / consenteth there vnto and desyteth therin. Which thinge is exceadinge greate synne / that we cānot consent to the lawe which lawe is nothīge else saue the will of god.
This is the right fredome & liberte frō synne and from the lawe where of hewryteth vnto the ende of this Chapter / that it is a fredome to doo good only with luste / & to lyue well with oute compulciō of the lawe. Wherfore this fredome is a spirituall fredome / which destroyeth not the lawe / but ministreth that which the lawe requyreth / and where with the lawe is fulfilled that is to vnderstond / luste & loue / where with the lawe is stilled & accuseth vs no moare / compelleth vs no moare▪ nether hath oughte to [Page] craue of vs any moare. Euen as though thou were in dette to an other mā / & were not able to paye / two maner wayes mightest thou be losed. One waye / if he wold requyre nothinge of the / and breke thyne obligaciō. An other waye / yf so me other good man wolde paye for the / & geue the as moche as thou mightest satisfie thine obligaciō with all. Of this wyse hath Christe made vs frefrō the lawe: & therfore is this no wil▪ de flesshely liberte / that shulde doo nought / but that doeth all thinges / & is fre from the crauinge and dette of the lawe.
In the .vij. he cōfirmeth the same with a similitudeThe .vij. Chapter. of the state of matrimony. As whē the husbonde dyeth the wyfe is at hyr liberte / and the one lowsed & departed frō the other / not that the womā shulde not haue power to marie vnto an other mā / but rather now fyrste of all is she fre and hath power to marie vnto an other man which she coulde not do before / till she was lowsed frō hyr fyrst husbond. Euen so are oure consciences bound & in daūger to the lawe vnder olde Adam the flesh / as longe as he lyueth in vs. For the lawe declareth that oure hertes are boū de & that we cānot disconsent frō him. But whē he is mortified & kylled by the sprite / then is the conscience fre & at liberte: not so that the consciē ce shall nowe nought do / but now fyrst of all eleuyth vnto an other / that is to wote Christ / & bringeth forth the frutes of lyfe. So nowe toTo be vnder the lawe. To belowse from the lawe. be vnder the lawe / is not to be able to fulfill the lawe / but to be detter to it and not able to paye that which the lawe requyreth. And to belowse from the lawe / is to fulfill it & to paye that which the lawe demaundeth / so that it can now henceforth axe the nought.
Consequently Paul declareth more largely the nature of synne & of the lawe / how that tho rowe the lawe synne reuyueth / moueth hyrselfe [Page ccxiiii] / & gadereth strēght. For the old mā & c [...]rrupte nature / the moare he is forboden & kepte vnder of the lawe / is the moare offended & displeased there with / for as moche as he cannot paye that which is requyred of the lawe. For synne is his nature & of him selfe / he cānot but synne. Therfore is the lawe deeth to him / tormente & marterdome. Not that the lawe is euyll / but because that the euyll nature cannot soffre that which is good / cānot abide that the lawe shulde requyre of him any good thinge. Lyke as a sicke man cannot suffre that a man shulde desyre of him to runne / to lepe and to doo other dedes of an wholeman.
For which cause saynt Paul concludeth that where the lawe is vnderstonde & perceaued of the beste wyse / there it doeth no moare but vtter synne / & bringe vs vnto the knowledge of oure selues / & therby kylle vs & make vs bonde vnto eternall damnacion [...]detters of the euerlastinge wrath of God / euē as he well fealeth & vnderstondeth whos consciēce is truely touched of the lawe. In suche daūger were we yer the lawe came / that we knewe not what synne mēte / nether yet knowe we the wrath of God apō synners / tyll the lawe had vttered it. So seest thou that a man must haue some other thinge / ye & a gretter & a moare myghty thinge then the lawe / to make him righteous & safe. They that vnderstō de not the lawe on this wyse / are blind & goo to worke presumptuously / supposinge to satisfie the lawe with workes. For they knowe not that the lawe requyreth a fre / a willinge / a lusty and a louinge herte. Therfore they se not Moses ryght in the face / the vay [...]e hangeth betwene & hydeth his face so that they can not behold the glorye of his co [...]tena [...]ce / how that the lawe is spirituall & requyreth the hert. [Page] I maye of myne awne strength refrayne that I boo myne enimye no hurte / but to loue him with all myne herte / & to put awaye wrathe clene oute of my mynde can I not of myne awne strēgth. I maye refuse money of myne awne strength / but to put awaye loue vnto riches oute of myne herte can I not do of myne awne strength. To abstayne from adultery as concerninge the vttewarde dede can I do of myne awne strēgth / but not to desyre in myne hert is as vnpossible vnto me as is to chose whether I will hōgyr or thrust / and yet so the lawe requireth. Wherfore of a mans awne strength is the lawe neuer fulfilled / we must haue thereunto goddis fauoure and his sprite / purchased by Christes bloude.
Neuerthelesse when I saye a man maye do many thinges vttewardly clene agaynst his herte / we must vnderstonde that man is but dreuen of diuers appetites / and the greatest appetite ouercōmeth the lesse & caryeth the man awaye violently with hyr.
As when I desyre vengeaunce / & feare also the inconuenience that is lyke to folowe yf feare be greatter / I abstayner yf the appetite that desyreth vengeaūce be gretter / I cānot but prosecute the dede / as we se by experience in many murtherars and theues / which though they be brought in to neuer so great perell of deeth / yet after they haue escaped / do euen / the same agayne. And cōmen wemen prosecute their lustes because feare & shame are awaye / whē other which haue the same appetites in their hertes / abstayne at the leest waye vtwardly or worke secretly beynge ouercome of feare & of shame & so lykewyse is it of all other appetites.
Further moare he declareth / how the sprite &Flesshe & spirite fight to ge gether. the flesshe fighte to gether in one man / and maketh an ensample of him selfe / that we myghte lerne to knowe that worke a righte / I meane to [Page ccxv] kyll synne in oure selues. He calleth both the sprite and also the flesshe a lawe / because that lyke as the nature of Goddis lawe is to dryue / to compell / and to craue euen so the flesshe dryueth / compelleth / craueth and rageth / agaynst the sprite / and will haue her lustes satisfied. On the other syde dryueth the sprite / cryeth and fighteth agaynst the flesshe / and will haue his luste satisfied. And this strife dureth in vs / as longe as we liue: in some moare and in some selfe as the sprite or the flesshe is stronger and the very man his awne selfe is both the sprite and the flesshe / which fighteth with his awne selfe vntyll synne be vtterly slayne and he all together spirituall.
In the .viij. Chapter he cōforteth suche fightersThe. viij Chapter. that they dispere not because of suche flesshe / other thinke that they ar lesse in fauoure with God. And he sheweth how that the synne remayninge in vs / hurteth not / for there is no daūger to them that are in Christ which walke not after the flesshe / but fight agaynst it. And he expoūdeth more largely what the nature of the flesshe & of the sprite is / and how the sprite commeth by Christ / which sprite maketh vs spirituall / tameth / subdueth and mortifieth the flesshe / and certifieth vs that we are neuerthelesse the sonnes of God & also beloued though that synne rage neuer so moche in vs / so longe as we folowe the sprite and fighte agaynst synne to kyll & mortife it. And because the chastysinge of the crosse and sufferinge are nothinge plesant / he comforteth vs in oure passions and affliccions by the assistens of the sprite which maketh intercession to God for vs / mightely with groninges that passe mans vtteraūce / so that mans speche cānot comprehende them / and the creatures morne also with vs of greate desyre that they haue / that we were lowsed from [Page] synne & corrupciō of the flesshe. So se we that these thre Chapters / the .vj. vij. viij. doo none other thinge so moche as to dryue vs vnto the right worke of fayth / which is to kyll the olde man and mortifie the flesshe.
In the .ix. x. & .xj. Chapters he treateth ofThe .ix. x. and. xj chapters. Goddis predestinacion / whence it springeth all together / whether we shall beleue or not beleue / be lowsed from synne or not be lowsed. By which predestinaciō oure iustifiynge and saluacion are clene takē oute of oure hādes / and put in the hādes of God only / which thinge is most necessary of all. For we are so weke & so vncertayne / that yf it stode in vs / there wolde of a trueth no mā be saued / the deuell no doute wolde deceaue vs. But now is God sure that his predestinaciō cānot deceaue him / nether can eny man withstand or set him and therfore haue we hope and trust agaynste synne.
But here muste a marke be set vnto those vn quyet / busye & hye clyming sprites howe ferre they shall goo / which fyrst of all bringe hether there hye reasons & pregnāt wittes / & begynne fyrst frō an hye to serche the botomlesse secretes of Goddis predestinaciō / whether they be predestinat or not. These must nedes ether cast thē selues doune hedelong in to desperaciō or else cō mit them selues to fre chaūce carelesse. But folowe thou the order of this pistle / & noosell thyThis do yf thou wilt vnderstonde selfe with Christ / & lerne to vnderstonde what the lawe and the gospell meane / and the office of both two / that thou marst in the one knowe thy selfe / & how that thou hast of thy selfe no strēgth / but to synne: & in the other the grace of Christ. And then se thou fyghte agaynst synne & the flesshe as the .vii. fyrst chapters teache ye. After that whē thou arte come to the .viii. chapter / and arte vnder the crosse and sufferinge of [Page ccxvi] tribulacion / the necessite of predestinacion will waxe swete & thou shalt well fele how precyouse a thinge it is. For excepte thou haue borne y• crosse of aduersite and temptaciō / and hast felte thy selfe brought vnto the very brymme of desperacion / ye and vnto hell go tes / thou canst neuer medle with the sentence of predestinacion without thyne awne harme / and without secret wrath and grudginge inwardly agaynst God / for otherwyse it shall not be possible for the to thinke that God is righteous & iuste. Therfore must Adam▪ be well mortified and the flesshely wytte brought vtterly to nought / yer that thou mayst awaye with this thinge / & drinke so stronge wyne. Take hede therfore vnto thy selfe / that thou drinke not wyne / while thou art yet but asucklinge. For euery lerninge hath hyr tyme / measure and age / and in Christ is there acertayne childhod / in which a mā must be content with mylke for a ceason / vntyll he waxe stronge and growe vp vnto a perfecte man in Christ / and be able to eate of moare strō ge meate.
In the .xij. Chapter he geueth exhortaciōs.The .xij. Chapter For this maner obserueth Paul in all his pistles / fyrst he teacheth Christ and the fayth / then exhorteth he to good workes / and vnto continuall mortifyinge of the flesshe. So here teacheth he good workes in deade / and the true seruinge of God / and maketh all men Prestes / to offer vp not money and beastes / as the maner was in the tyme of the lawe / but their awne bodyes / with killinge and mortifyinge of the lustes of the flesshe. After that he describeth the outwarde conuersacion of Christen men / how they oughte to behaue thē selues in sprituall thinges how to teache / preache & rule in the cō gregacion of Christ / to serue one another to [Page] suffre all thinges paciently / and to commit the wreke and vengeaunce to God / in conclusion how a Christen man oughte to behaue him selfe vnto all men / to frend / foo or whatsoeuer he be. These are the righte workes of a Christen man which springe oute of fayth. For fayth kepeth not holye daye nether suffereth any man to be ydle / whersoeuer she dwelleth.
In the .xiij. he teacheth to honoure the wordlyThe. xiij Chapter. and tēporall swerde. For though that mās lawe and ordinaunce make not a man good before God / nether iustifie him in the herte / yet are they ordeyned for the furderaunce of the cōmune welth / to mayntene peace / to punisshe the euyll and to [...]efende the good. Therfore ought the good to honoure the temporall swerde and to haue it in reuerence / though as concerninge themselues they nede it not / but wolde abstayne from euyll of their awne accorde / ye and do good without mans lawe / but by the lawe of the sprite which gouerneth the harte / & gydethLoue is the fulfil [...]e of the lawe. it vnto all that is the will of God. Finally he cō prehendeth and knetteth vp all in loue. Loue of her awne nature bestoweth all that she hath and euē her awne se [...]se on that which is loued. Thou neadest not to byd a kind mother to be louinge vnto her only sonne. Moche lesse spirituall loue. Which hath eyes geuē her of God / neadeth mans lawe to teache her to do hir dutie. And as in the begynninge he dyd put forth Christe as the cause and auctor of oure rightewesnes & saluacion / euen so here setteth he him forth as an ensample to coūterfayte that as he hath done to vs / euen so shulde we do one to another.
In the .xiiij. Chapter he teacheth to deale so berly with the consciences of the weke in the fayth / which yet vnderstond not the libertie ofThe. xiiij Chapter. Christ perfectly ynough and to fauer them [Page ccxvii] of Christen loue / & not to vse the liberte of the fayth vnto hinderaūce. But vnto the furderaū ce & edifyinge of the weake. For where suche cō sideracion is not / there foloweth debate and despisinge of the Gospell. It is better therfore to forbere the weke a while / vntyll they waxe strō ge / then that the learninge of the Gospell shuld come all to geder vnderfoote. And suche worke is singular worke of loue / & where loue is perfecte / there muste nedes be suche a respecte vnto the weake / a thinge that Christ cōmaunded and charged to be had aboue all thinges.
In the .xv. Chapter he setteth forth ChristThe .xv. Chapter. agayne to be folowed / that we also by his ensample▪ / shulde suffre other that are yet weake / as them that are frayle / open synners / vnlerned / vnexperte / and of lothesome maners / & not to cast thē awaye forthwith / but to suffre them tyll they wax better & exhorte them in the meane tyme. For so dealte christ in the gospell & now dealeth with vs dayly / soffering our vnperfetnes / wekenes / conuersacion and maners / not yet fassioned after the doctrine of the Gospell / but smell of the flesshe / ye and sometyme breake forth in to outward dedes.
After that to conclude with all he wyssheth them encreace of fayth / peace / and ioye of cō science / pray seth them and committeth thē to god and magnifieth his office and administracion in the gospell / and so berly and with grete discrecion desyreth succur and ayde of them for the poore saynctes of Ierusalem / and it is all pure loue that he speketh or dealeth with all So fynde we in this pistle plentuously / vnto the vttmoste / whatsoeuer a Christen man or woman ought to knowe that vs to wete what the lawe / the Gospell / synne / Grace / Fayth / Righteousnes / Christ / God / Good workes / Loue [Page] suffre all thinges paciently / and to commit the wreke and vengeaunce to God / in conclusion how a Christen man oughte to behaue him selfe vnto all men / to frend / foo or whatsoeuer he be. These are the righte workes of a Christen man which springe oute of fayth. For fayth kepeth not holye daye nether suffereth any man to be ydle / whersoeuer she dwelleth.
In the .xiij. he teacheth to honoure the wordlyThe. xiij Chapter. and tēporall swerde. For though that mās lawe and ordinaunce make not a man good before God / nether iustifie him in the herte / yet are they ordeyned for the furderaunce of the cōmune welth / to mayntene peace / to punisshe the euyll and to [...]efende the good. Therfore ought the good to honoure the temporall swerde and to haue it in reuerence / though as concerninge themselues they nede it not / but wolde abstayne from euyll of their awne accorde / ye and do good without mans lawe / but by the lawe of the sprite which gouerneth the harte / & gydethLoue is the fulfil [...]e of the lawe. it vnto all that is the will of God. Finally he cō prehendeth and knetteth vp all in loue. Loue of her awne nature bestoweth all that she hath and euē her awne se [...]se on that which is loued. Thou neadest not to byd a kind mother to be louinge vnto her only sonne. Moche lesse spirituall loue. Which hath eyes geuē her of God / neadeth mans lawe to teache her to do hir dutie. And as in the begynninge he dyd put forth Christe as the cause and auctor of oure rightewesnes & saluacion / euen so here setteth he him forth as an ensample to coūterfayte that as he hath done to vs / euen so shulde we do one to another.
In the .xiiij. Chapter he teacheth to deale so berly with the consciences of the weke in the fayth / which yet vnderstond not the libertie ofThe. xiiij Chapter. Christ perfectly ynough and to fauer them [Page ccxviii] of Christen loue / & not to vse the liberte of the fayth vnto hinderaūce. But vnto the furderaū ce & edifyinge of the weake. For where suche cō sideracion is not / there foloweth debate and despisinge of the Gospell. It is better therfore to forbere the weke a while / vntyll they waxe strō ge / then that the learninge of the Gospell shuld come all to geder vnderfoote. And suche worke is singular worke of loue / & where loue is perfecte / there muste nedes be suche a respecte vnto the weake / a thinge that Christ cōmaunded and charged to be had aboue all thinges.
In the .xv. Chapter he setteth forth ChristThe .xv. Chapter. agayne to be folowed / that we also by his ensample▪ / shulde suffre other that are yet weake / as them that are frayle / open synners / vnlerned / vnexperte / and of lothesome maners / & not to cast thē awaye forthwith / but to suffre them tyll they wax better & exhorte them in the meane tyme. For so dealte christ in the gospell & now dealeth with vs dayly / soffering our vnperfetnes / wekenes / conuersacion and maners / not yet fassioned after the doctrine of the Gospell / but smell of the flesshe / ye and sometyme breake forth in to outward dedes.
After that to conclude with all he wyssheth them encreace of fayth / peace / and ioye of cō science / pray seth them and committeth thē to god and magnifieth his office and administracion in the gospell / and so berly and with grete discrecion desyreth succur and ayde of them for the poore saynctes of Ierusalem / and it is all pure loue that he speketh or dealeth with all So fynde we in this pistle plentuously / vnto the vttmoste / whatsoeuer a Christen man or woman ought to knowe that vs to wete what the lawe / the Gospell / synne / Grace / Fayth / Righteousnes / Christ / God / Good workes / Loue [Page] Hope / and the Crosse are / and euē where in the pyth of all that pertayneth to the christē fayth stondeth and howe a christen man oughte to be haue him silfe vnto euery man / be he perfect or a synner / good or bad / stronge or weke / frēd or foo / and in concsusion howe to behaue oure selues both toward god and toward oure selues also. And all thynges are profoundely grounded in the scriptures / and declared with ensamples of himsilfe / of the fathers and of the prophetes / that a man can here desyre no moare.
Wherfore it appereth euidently / that PaulsThis pistle to the Romaynes is the dore into all the scripture: ye and the keye that openeth it and bryngeth men to the true vnderstō dynge of it. mynde was to comprehende breuely in this pistle all the hole lernynge of Christes Gospell / and to prepare an introduccion vnto all the olde testament. For without doute whosoeuer hath this Pistle perfectly in his herte / the same hath the lyght and the effecte of the olde testamente with him. Wherfore let euery man with oute excepcyon exercyse him selfe therin diligē ly / and recorde it nyght and daye continually / vntyll he be full acquaynted therewith.
The last Chapter.The last chapter is a chapter of recommendacyon / Wherin he yet myngleth a good monycyon / that we shulde beware of the tradicyons and doctryne of men whyche begyle the simple with sophistry and lernynge that is not after the gospell / and drawe thē from Christ / and noo sell the in weke & feble & (as Paul calleth thē in the pistle to the Galathyans) in bedgerly cerimonyes for the entent that they wolde lyue in fatte pastures and be in auctoryte / and be taken as Christ / ye and aboue christ / and sit in the temple of god / that is to witt in the consciences of men / where God only / his worde / & hys christ ought to sitte. Cōpare therfore all maner doctryne of men vnto the scripture and se whether they agre or not. And committe thy silfe [Page ccxix] whole and all to gether vnto Christ / and so shall he with his holy sprite and with all hys fulnes dwell in thy soule.
The somme and hole cause of the wrytinge of this epistle / is / to proue that a man is iustifieth by sayth onlye: which proposicion whoso denieth / to him is not only this epistle and all that Paul wryteth / but also the hole scripture so locked vp / that he shall neu [...] vnderstonde it to his soules healthe. And to bringe a man to the vnderstondinge and felynge that fayth onlye iusti fieth: Paule proueh that the hole nature of m [...] is so poysoned and so corrupte / ye and so deed concerninge Godly lyuinge or Godly thinkinge / that it is impossible for hir to kepe the lawe in the sight of God: that is to saye / to loue it / & of loue and lust to do it as naturally as a man eateth or drinketh / vntill she be quyckened agayne and healed thorow fayth.
And by iustifyinge / vnderstonde none other thinge then to be reconciled to God and to be restored vnto his fauoure / & to haue thy synnes forgeuē the. As when I saye God iustifieth vs / vnderstōde therby / that God for Christes sake / merites and deseruinges only receaueth vs vnto his mercie / fauoure and grace / and forgeueth vs oure synnes. And when I saye Christ iustifieth vs / vnderstonde therby that Christ onlye hath redemed vs / bought and delyuered vs oute of the wrath of God and damnacion / & hath with his workes onlye / purchased vs the mercie the fauoure and grace of God / and the forgeuenes of oure synnes. And when I saye that fayth onlye iustifieth / vnderstonde therby that fayth and trust in the truthe of God and in the mercye promysed vs for Christes sake / and for his deseruinge and workes onlye / doth quyet the conscience and certifie hir that oure synnes [Page] be forgeuen and we in the full fauoure of God.
Furthermore / set before thyne eyes Christes workes and thyne awne workes. Christes workes onlye iustifiethe and make satisfaccion for thy synne / and thyne awne workes not: that is to saye / queyeteth thy consciēce and make the sure that thy synnes are forgeuen the / and not thyne awne workes. For the promyse of mercie is made the for Christes workes sake / and not for thyne awne workes sake. Wherfore seinge God hath not promysed that thyne awne workes shall saue the / therfore fayth in thine awne workes can neuer quyet thy conscience ner certifie the before God (When god commeth to iudge and to take a recōnynge) that thy synnes are for geuen the. Beyonde all this / myne awne workes can neuer satisfie the lawe or paye hir that I owe hir. For I owe the lawe to loue hir with all myne heart / sowle / power & myght. Which thynge to paye I am neuer able whyle I am cō pased with flesshe. No / I cannot once begynne to loue the lawe / except I be fyrst sure by fayth that God loueth me and forgeueth me.
Finallie that we saye fayth onlye iustifyeth / ought to offende no man. For if this be true / that Christ onlye redemed vs / Christ onlye bare oure synnes / made satisfaccion for them & purchased vs the fauoure of God / then must it nedes be true / that the trust onlye in Christes deseruinge and in the promises of God the father made vs for Christes sake / doth onlye quyet the conscience and certifie hir that the synnes are forgeuen. And when they saye / a man must repent / for sake synne / and haue a purpose to synne no more as nyeas he can and loue the lawe of God: Ergo fayth alone iustifieth not. I answere / that & all lyke argumentes are nought / and lyke to this. I must repent and be [...]orie / the [Page ccxx] Gospell must be preached me / and I must beleue it or else I cannot be partaker of the mercie which Christ hath deserued for me / Ergo Christ onlye iustifieth me not▪ or Christ onlye hath not made satisfaccion for my synnes. As this is a naughtie argument so is the other.
Now go to reader / and accordinge to the order of Pauls wrytinge / euen so do thou. Fyrst beholde thy selfe dyligentlye in the lawe of God / and se there thy iust damnacion. Seconda rely turne thyne eyes to Christ / & se there y• exceadinge mercie of thy moost kynde and louinge father. Thirdly remeber that Christ made not this atonement that thou shuldest anger God agayne: nether dyed he for thy sinnes / that thou shuldest lyue still in them: nether clensed he the / that thou shuldest retourne (as a swyne) vnto thyne olde podell agayne: but that thou shuldes [...] be a new creature and lyue a new lyfe after the will of God & not of the flesshe. And bediligent least thorow thyne awne necgligence & vn thankfulnes thou lose this fauoure and mercie agayne.
The epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Romayns.
¶ The fyrst Chapter. ✚
PAul the seruaūt of Iesus Christ / called to be an Apostle / put A a parte to preache the Gospell of God / which he promysed afore by his Prophetes / in the holy scriptures that make mension of his sonne / the which was begottē of the seed of David / as pertayninge to the flesshe: & declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy goost that sanctifieth / sence y• tyme that Iesus Christ oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth by whom we have receaved grace and apostleshyppe / to bringe all maner heth [...] people vnto obedience of the fayth / that is in his name: of the which hethen are ye a part also / which are Iesus christes by vocaciō. ⊢
To all you of Rome beloved of God and saynctes by callinge. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father / & from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorow Iesus Christ for you all / because youre fayth is B publisshed through out all the worlde. For God is my witnes / whom I serve with my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne / that with [Page ccxxi] out ceasinge I make mencion of you alwayes in my prayers / besechinge that at one tyme or another / a prosperous iorney (by y• will of god) myght fortune me / to come vnto you. For I longe to see you / that I myght bestowe amō ge you some spirituall gyfte / to strength you with all: that is / that I myght have consolacion together with you / through the commen fayth / which bothe ye and I have.
I wolde that ye shuld knowe brethrē / howaba. ij. a hebre. x. gala. iii. that I have often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but have bene let hitherto) to have some frute amonge you / as I have amonge other of y• Gentyls. For I am detter both to th [...] Grekes & to them which are no Grekes / vnto the learned & also vnto the vnlearned. Lykewyse / as moche as in me is / I am redy to preache the Gospell to you of Rome also.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ / because it is y• power of God vnto salvaciō to all y• beleve / namely to the Iewe / & also to y• gētyle. For by it y• rightewesnes which cōmeth of god / is opened / frō fayth to From fayth to fayth: that is from a weake faith to a stronger / or frō one ba [...]ayle of fayth to a nother / for as we haue escaped one ieopardye thorow fayth / another inuadeth vs / thorow which we must wade by the helpe of fayth als [...] ephe. iiij. fayth. As it is written: The iust shall live by sayth.
For the wrath of God apereth from heven C agaynst all vngodlynes & vnrightewesnes of mē which withholde y• trueth in vnrightewesnes: seynge / what maye be knowen of God / that same is manifest amōge them. For God dyd shewe it vnto them. So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye / his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene / by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. [Page] So that they are without excuse / in as moche as when they knewe god / they glorified himWhat foloweth when mē knowethe truthe & loue it not not as God / nether were thākfull / but wexedfull of vanities in their imaginacions / & their folisshe hertes were blynded. When they coū ted them selves wyse / they became foles and turned the glory of the immortall god / vnto the similitude of the ymage of mortall man / and of byrdes / and foure foted beastes / & of serpentes. Wherfore god lykewyse gave thē vp D vnto their hertes lustes / vnto vnclennes / to defyle their awne boddyes bitwene them selves: which tourned his truthe vnto a lye / and worshipped and served the creatures more then y• maker / which is blessed for ever. Amē. For this cause god gave them vp vnto shamfull lustes. For even their wemen did chaunge the naturall vse vnto the vnnaturall. And lyke wyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the womā / & brētin their lustes one on another. And man with man wrought filthynes / and receaved in them selves the rewarde of their erroure / as it was accordinge.
And as it semed not good vnto them to be aknowen of God / even so God delivered them E vp vnto a leawde mynd / y• they shuld do tho thinges which were not comly / beinge full of all vnrighteous doinge / of fornicaciō / wickednes / coveteousnes / maliciousnes / full of envie / morther / debate / disseyte / evill cōdicioned / whisperers / backbyters / haters of God / doers of wrōge / proude / bosters / bringers vp of evyll thinges / disobedient to father & mother / without [Page ccxxii] vnderstondinge / covenaunte breakers / vnlovinge / truceTo haue pleasure in another mannes synne is greater wyckednes then to synne thy selfe. breakers & merciles. Which mē though they knew the rightewesnes of God / how that they which soche thinges commyt / are worthy of deeth / yet not only do the same / but also have pleasure in them that do them.
¶ The .ii. Chapter.
THerfore arte thou inexcusable o man / whosoever A thou be y• iudgest. For in ye same wherin thou iudgest another / thou condemnest thy selfe. For thou that iudgest / doest evē the same selfe thinge. But we are sure that the iudgement of God is accordinge to trueth / agaynst them which cōmmit soche thinge. Thikest thou this O thou mā that iudgest them which do soche thinges & yet doest evē the very same / y• thou shalt escape y• iudgemēt of God: Ether despisest thou the riches of his goodnes / paciēce & longe sufferaunce? and remembrest not how that the kyndnes of God ledith the to repentaunce?
But thou after thyne harde herte y• cānotMatthew xvi. d. repēt / heapest ye togedder the treasure of wrath agaynste the daye of vengeaūce / when shalbe opēned y• rightewes iudgemēt of god / which will rewarde every mā accordinge to his The deseruige of Christ is promysed to be the rewarde of oure good dedes: which rewarde yet oure dedes deserue [...]ot. dedes: that is to saye / prayse / honoure & immortalite / to them which cōtinue in good doynge / & seke eternall lyfe. But vnto them that are B rebellious & disobey the trueth / yet folowe iniquytie / shall come indignacion & wrath / tribulacion and anguysshe / vpon the soule of every man that doth evyll: of the Iewe fyrst / & [Page] also of the gentyll. To every man that doth good / shall come prayse / honoure & peace / to y• B deut. x. d. ij. pa. xix iob xxvii act. x. c. mat. vij. d iac. i. d. Iewe fyrst / and also to the gentyll. For ther is no parcialyte with god. But whosoever hath synned with out lawe / shall perisshe wt out lawe. And as many as haue synned vnder the lawe / shalbe iudged by the lawe. For before god they are not ryghteous which heare y• lawe: but theDedes are an outeward righteousnes before the worlde and testifie what a [...] is withinne: but iustifie not the hert before god: ne [...] certifye y• consciēce that the fore synnes are forgeuen. doers of the lawe shalbe iustified. For if the gentyls which have no lawe / do of nature the thynges contayned in the lawe: then they havynge no lawe / are a lawe vnto themselves / which shewe the dede of the lawe wrytten in their hertes: whyll their conscience beareth witnes vnto them / & also their thoughtes / accusynge one another or e [...]cusynge / at the daye when god shall iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ / accordinge to my Gospell.
Beholde / thou arte called a Iewe / and trust C est in the lawe / and reioysist in God / and knowest his will / and hast experience of good & bad / in that thou arte informed by the lawe: & belevest that thou thy silfe arte a gyde vnto the blynde / a lyght to them which are in darcknes / an informer of them which lacke discreciō / a teacher of vnlearned / which hast the ensample of that which ought to beknowen / & of the truth / in the lawe. But thou which teachest another teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest / a man shuld not steale: and yet thou stealest. Thou sayst / a man shuld not commit advoutry: and thou breakest wedlocke. [Page ccxxiii] Thou abhorrest ymages / and robbest Godesa. [...]iij. [...]. ez. xxxvi of his honoure. Thou reioysest in the lawe / D and thorow breakinge the lawe dishonourest God. For the name of god is evyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls thorowe you / as it is written.
Circumcisiō Circumcision was a witnes of the couenaūt betwene them and god & holpe not but after as it put them in remembraunce to beleue in god & to kepe [...] • lawe. verely avayleth / if thou kepe the lawe. But if thou breake the lawe / thy circumcision is made vncircumcision. Therfore if the vncircumcised kepe the ryght thinges contayned in the lawe: shall not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision? And shall not vncircumcision which is by nature (yf it kepe the lawe) iudge the / which beynge vnder the letter and circumcision / dost transgresse the lawe? For he is not a Iewe / which is a Iewe outwarde. Nether is that thynge circumcision / which is outwarde in the flesshe. But he is a Iewe which is hid wythin & the circūcisiō of y• herte is the true circumcision / which is in the sprete / & not in y• letter whose prayse is not of men / but of god.
¶ The .iii. Chapter.
VVhat preferment then hath the Iewe [...] other what a vauntageth circumcision? Surely very moche. Fyrst vnto A them was committed the worde of God What then though some of them did not beleve? shall their vnbeleve make the promes of god with out effecte? God forbid. Let god beioa. iii. b. psal. cxv psal. l. true / and all men lyars / as it is written: That thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinge and shuldest overcome when thou arte iudged.
[Page]Yf oure vnrightewesnes make the rightewesnes of God more excellent: what shall we B saye? Is God vnrighteous which taketh vengeaūce? I speake after the maner of mē. God forbid. For how then shall God iudge the worlde? Yf the veritie of God appere moare excellent thorow my lye / vnto his prayse / why am I hence forth iudged as a synner? & saye not rather (as men evyll speake of vs / and as some affirme that we saye) let vs do evyll / that good maye come therof. Whose damnacion is iuste.
What saye we then? Are we better then they? No▪in no wyse. For we have all ready proved how that both Iewes & Gentils are all vnder synne / as it is writtē: There is nonegala. iii. d psal. xiii. a. psal. v. c. & .xiii. b psalm. C xxxix. & psal. ix. c. esai. lix. b ps. xiii. b righteous / no not one: There is none that vnderstondith / there C is none ye seketh after God / they are all gone out of ye waye / they are all made vnprofytable / ther is none that doeth good / no not one. Their throte is an open sepulchre / with their tounges they have disceaved: the poyson of Aspes is vnder their lippes. Whose mouthes are full of coursynge & bitternes. Their fete are swyfte to sheed bloud. Destruccion & wretchednes are in their wayes. And the waye of peace they have not knowen. There is no feare of God before their eyes.
✚ Ye and we knowe that whatsoever ye lawe sayth / he sayth it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stoppedGala. ij. d and all the worlde be subdued to god / because [Page ccxxiiii] that by ye dedes of theThe lawe iustifieth not before god / but vttereth synne onlye. lawe / shall no flesshe be iustified in the sight of God. For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of synne.
Now verely is y• rigtewesnes that cōmeth D of God declared without the fulfillinge of y• lawe / havinge witnes yet of ye lawe & of the Prophete. The rightewesnes no dout whichIustifyinge cōmeth by fayth. is good before God / cōmeth by ye fayth of Iesus Christ / vnto all & vpon all that beleve.
Ther is no differēce: for all have synned / & lacke the prayse y• is of valoure before God: but are iustified frely by his grace / through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu / whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud / to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure / in yt he forgeveth y• synnes y• are passed / which God dyd suffre to shewe at this tyme / y• rightewesnes yt is alowed of him / ye he myght be coūted iuste / & a iustifiar of him which belevith on Iesus. ⊢
Where is then thy reioysinge? It is excluded. By what lawe? by ye lawe of workes? Naye: but by the lawe of fayth.
For we suppose that a man is iustified byFayth iustifieth. fayth without the dedes of y• lawe. Is he the God of the Iewes only? Is he not also the God of the Gentyls? Yes / evē of the Gentyles also. For it is God only which iustifieth circumcision which is of fayth / & vncircumcision thorow fayth. Do we then destroye the lawe thorow fayth? God forbid. But we ratherFayth mayntayneth the lawe / because therby we obtayne power to loue it & to kepe it mayntayne the lawe.
¶ The .iiii. Chapter.
[Page]VVhat shall we saye then / that Abraham oure father as pertayninge to y• A flesshe / dyd finde? If Abraham were iustified by Dedes iustifie not before God: nether maye a [...]an before God put trust in them. dedes / thē hath he wherin to reioyce: but not with god. For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god / and it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes. To him that worketh / is the rewarde not reckened of favour: but of duty. To him that worketh not / but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly / is his fayth counted for rightewesnes. Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribethpsa. xxxi rihgtewesnes without dedes. Blessed fullnes what it is Blessed are they / whose vnrightewesnes are forgeven / & whose synnes are covered. Blessed is that mā to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne.B
Came this blessednes then vpon the circumcised or vpon the vncircūcised? We saye verely how that fayth was rekened to Abraham for rightewesnes. How was it rekened? in the tyme of circumcision? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? Not in tyme of circū cision: but when he was yet vncircumcised. And he receaved the signe of circumcision / asCircūcision is the seale. a seale of y• rightewesnes which is by fayth / which fayth he had yet beynge vncircūcised: that he shuld be the father of all them that beleve / though they be not circumcised / that rightewesnes myght be imputed to them also:C and that he myght be the father of the circumcised / not because they are circumcised only: but because they walke also in the steppes [Page ccxxv] of that fayth yt was in oure father Abraham before the tyme of circumcision.
For the promes that he shuld be the heyre of the worlde / was not geven to Abrahā or to his seed thorow the lawe: but thorow y• rightewesnesThe promes cometh by fayth The lawe causeth wrath. which cometh of fayth. For yf they which are of the lawe / be heyres / then is fayth but vayne / & the promes of none effecte. Because the lawe causeth wrathe▪ For where no lawe is / there is no trāsgression. Therfore by fayth is the inheritaūce geven / that it myght come of faveour: and the promes myght be sure to all the seed. Not to them only which are of the lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Abraham / which is the father of vs all. As it is wrytten: I have made the a father to many nacions / even before god whomgen. xvii. thou hast beleved / which quyckeneth the deed / and called those thinges which be not / as though they were.D
Which Abraham / contrary to hope / beleved in hope / that he shuld be the father of many nacions / accordynge to that which was spoken: So shall thy seed be. And he faynted not in the fayth / nor yet consydered hys awne body which was now deed / evengene. xiii. and .xv. b when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past chyldeberinge. He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth / and gave honour to God / full certifyed / that what he had promised that he was able to make good. And therfore [Page] was it reckened to him for rightewesnes.
It is not written for him only / that it was reckened to him for rightewesnes: but also for vs / to whom it shalbe counted for rightewesnes / so we beleve on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from deeth. Which was deliveredChrist iustifieth vs. for oure synnes / and rose agayne forto iustifie vs.
¶ The .v. Chapter.Fayth setteth vs at peace with God.
BEcause therfore that we are iustified by fayth / we are at peace with god thorow oure Lorde Iesus Christ: by whō we have awaye in thorow fayth / vnto this grace wherin we stonde aud reioyce in hope of the prayse that shalbe geven of God. Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringethIaco. j. b. pacience / pacience bringeth experience / experience bringeth hope. And We are not asshamed of oure hope for we are sure by the deathe of Christ that God loueth vs and will bringe oure hope to passe. hope maketh not ashamed / for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes / by the holy goost / which is geven vnto vs.
For when we were yet weake / accordynge to y• tyme: Christ dyed for vs which were vngodly. Yet scace will eny man dye for a rightewes man. Paraventure for a good mā durst B a man dye. ✚ But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs / seinge that whyll we were yet synners / Christ dyed for vs. Moche more then now (seynge we are iustifyed in his bloud) shall we be saved from wrath / thorow him.
For yf when we were enemyes / we were reconciled [Page ccxxv] to God by the deeth of his sonne: moche more / seinge we are reconciled / we shalbe preservid by his lyfe. Not only so / but we also ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ / by whom we have receavyd the attonment.
Wherfore as by one mā synne entred into the worlde / & deeth by the meanes of synne. And so deeth went over all men / in somoche that all men synned. For even vnto the tyme of the lawe was synne in the worlde: but synne was not regarded / as longe as ther was no lawe: neverthelesse deeth rayned frō Adam to Moses / evē over them also that synned not / wt lyke transgression as dyd Adam: which is y• similitude of him that is to come.
But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorow the synne of one / many be deed: moche C Adams disobedyē ce dampned vs all yer we oure selues wrought euell. And Christes obedience saueth vs all / yer we oure selues worke anye good. more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God & gyfte by grace: which grace was geven by one man Iesus Christ.
And y• gifte is not over one synne / as deeth cam thorow one synne of one y• synned. For damnacion cam of one synne vnto condemnacion: but the gyft cam to iustify frō many synnes. For yf by the synne of one / deeth raigned by the meanes of one / moche more shall they which receave aboundance of grace & of the gyfte of rightewesnes raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ.
Lykewyse then as by the synne of one / condemnacion D cam on all men: evē so by the iustifyinge of one cōmeth the rightewesnes that [Page] bringeth lyfe / vpō all men. For as by one mā nes disobediēce many be cam synners: so by y• obediēce of one shall many be made righteous.
But y• the lawe encreaseth synne [...] maketh oure nature more gredie to do euell▪ because y• lawe mynistreth no power ner lust to that she byddeth / or to refrayne from that she forbyddeth. gala. iij. d lawe in the meane tyme entred in / yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was / there was more plenteousnes of grace. That as synne had raigned vnto deeth / even so might grace raygne thorow rightewesnes vnto eternall lyfe / by the helpe of Iesu Christ. ⊢
¶ The .vi. Chapter.
VVhat shall we saye then? Shall we A continue in synne / that there maye be aboundaunce of grace? God forbyd. How shall we that are deed as touchynge synne / live eny lenger therin? ✚ Remember ye not that all we which are baptysed in the name of Iesu Christ / are baptysed to dye with him? We are buryed with him by baptim / for to dye / that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from deeth by the glorye of the father: evē so we also shuld walke in a newe lyfe. For yf we be graft in deeth lyke vnto him: even so must we be in the resurrecciō. This we mustheb. xij. a j. pe [...]. ij. a. ephe. iiij. e coll. iij. b. remēber / that oure olde man is crucified with B him also / that the body of synne myght vtterly be destroyed / that hence forth we shuld not be servauntes of synne. For he that is deed / ys iustified from synne.
Wherfore yf we be deed with Christ / we beleve that we shall live with him: remembringe that Christ once raysed frō deeth / dyeth no more. Deeth hath no moare power over [Page ccxxvi] him. For as touchynge that he dyed / he dyed concernynge synne / once. And as touchinge that he liveth / he liveth vnto God. Lykewyse ymagen ye also / that ye are deed concernynge synne: but are alive vnto God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde. ✚ Let not synne raygne therfore in youre mortall bodyes / that ye shuld thervnto obey in the lustes of it. Nether geve ye youre members as instrumentes of vnrightewesnes vnto synne: but geve youre selves vnto God / as they that are alive from deeth. And geve youre membres as iustrumē tes of rightewesnes vnto God. Let not synne have power over you. For ye are not vnder the lawe / but vnder grace.
What then? Shall we synne / because we are not vnder the lawe: but vnder grace? God forbyd. ✚ Remember ye not how yt to whom C lo. viij. d. ij. pe. ij. d. soever ye cōmit youre selves as servaūtes to obey / his servauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto deeth / or of obedience vnto rightewesnes? God be thanked / yt though ye were once the servaunte of synne / ye have yet obeyed with herte vnto the forme of doctryne wher vnto ye were delyvered. Yeare then made fre fro