Aqua Triumphalis; Being a True RELATION Of the HONOURABLE the CITY of LONDONS Entertaining Their SACRED MAJESTIES UPON THE River of Thames, And Wellcoming them from HAMPTON-COURT TO WHITE-HALL. EXPRESSED, And set forth in severall Shews and Pageants the 23. day of August 1662.
VVritten by Iohn Tatham, Gent.
LONDON, Printed for the Author, by T. Childe, and L. Parry dwelling in Dogwell Court in VVhite Fryers. 1662.
THe Management and Ordering of this dayes Triumph was carried on by the Iudgement and Care of
- Mr. Peter Mills, Surveyor.
- Mr. Malin, Water-Bayliff.
The two City Painters. Excellent in their quality.
- Mr. Thomas Whiting Joyner No lesse Excellent in their qualities.
- Mr. Richard Cleere Carver. No lesse Excellent in their qualities.
THe Honour of this Imployment will make my Endeavours Ambitious. If I faile your Expectation herein, let the shortnesse of the time allowed me, and the uncertainty of their Majesties Arrivall intercede, which granted renders me,
Aqua Triumphalis; Being a True RELATION OF THE Honourable the City of LONDONS Entertaining their Sacred Majesties upon the River of Thames, and Wellcoming them from Hampton-Court to White-hall, &c.
THE Barges belonging to the severall 12. Companies, are with the Morning-tide carried up the River from White hall to Chelsey, beginning with the Mercers, Grocers, &c. and ending with the inferiour Companies, who are placed at Chelsey; most of the Barges are attended with a Pageant, some more richly set out then the rest, but none remisse in shewing something of Affection and Loyalty.
The Pageants are placed at the head of every Barge. That which attends the MERCERS is thus set forth. Under a Canopy of State is seated a Virgin, on her head a Silver Coronet. Her Garment of Violet colour'd Sattin, over which is a large cloth of Silver Mantle.
Her Attendants are three Maids of Honour, and six Pages. Her Maids of Honour are habited in Cloath of Silver, their Heads neatly Ornamented.
Her Pages are habited in Cloath of Silver Doublets, and Velvet Breeches, in their Hats Plumes of Feathers, and in their Hands severall Ban [...]ers and Escutcheons.
They are placed three of each side the Pageant.
The DRAPERS Pageant is thus set forth. Under a Canopy of State is represented a Grave Roman Magistrate, habited in a long Robe, on his [Page] head a Helmet, in his right hand he holds a Scepter, in his left a Triple Crown, a Sword girt to him. His Attendants are four, Loyalty, Truth, Fame, and Honour. Loyalty and Truth are placed in the Front, at the two Corners; Fame and Honour at the two Rear Corners.
Loyalty is habited like a Grave Citizen, plain and decent; in one hand he holds a Banner of the Armes of England and Portugall impal'd, in the other hand a Sword, signifying his resolution to defend their Right.
Truth is habited in white, on her head a wreath of Stars; in one hand she bears a Banner of the Companies Armes, in the other a little Book.
Fame is represented in a long loose light Robe, his head circled with a wreath of intermixed Colours; in one hand he holds a Trumpet, in the other a wreath of Laurell, as intended for Loyalty.
Honour is habited in Cloath of Gold, on his head a Hat and Plume of Feathers; in one hand he holds a Shield, in which is figured a Portuges with a Sword drawn, holding it over some India [...]s there, figured kneeling; in the other he bears an Escutcheon, with the Armes of E [...]gland and Portugall impal'd.
The MERCHANT TAILORS Pageant is thus set forth. The Stage (being 12. foot long, and 7. foot broad) is Arched with a wild Arbour, made in manner of a Wildernesse.
The two Camels (supporters of the Companies Arms) are back'd with two Indians, bearing in one hand an Escutchion of the Arms of England and Portugall impal'd. In the other hand they hold Darts downwards, betokening subjection, Their Motto ‘LUSITANIAE ORIENS ET MERIDIES▪’
There are two Moores, that attend the Camels, as their guiders.
In the Wildernesse is seated an Aged Man, representing a Pilgrim, and habited accordingly. In one hand he holds a Staff, in the other a Banner, bea [...]ing the Figure of a Golden Lamb, with this Motto, ‘INTER NOCENTES INNOCENS.’
This alludes to St. Iohn, the Patron of their Company: for his Attendants he hath Faith, Hope, and Charity, who ar [...] placed before.
Faith is presented in a flaming coloured Silk Robe, her head Circled with a Wreath of sprightly colours dilated from the Sun. In one hand she holds a Shield, on which is Figured a Young Man, endeavoring to f [...]thom the Sea with a Staff, with this Motto, ‘NIL PROFUNDIUS.’
In the other hand she holds a Shield, whereon is Figured a Crosse, with this Motto, ‘NIL SALUBRIUS.’
Hope is presented in a sad Russet Garment close girt. On her head she wears a Wreath of Linnen shaddowed with the Sun-Beams. In one hand she bears a Banner, on which is Figured an Anchor, with this Motto, ‘SUPERABO.’
[Page]In the other hand she bears a Banner with the Companies Arms.
Charity is habit [...]d in a carel [...]sse Robe of White Silk, and a Green mantle, On her head a Coronet of Starres; In one hand she holds a Banner, on which is Figured an Arm out of a Cloud reaching to an Almsbasket to releive a poor person▪ with this Motto, ‘CONSUMMAVI.’
In the other hand she bears a Banner of the Companies Armes.
The Illustrious Iames Duke of York, that never-to-be-forgotten Prince the Duke of Gloucester, the Right Honourable the Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Ormond, & the Earl of Manchester, being all free of this Company.
The GOLDSMITHS Pageant is thus set out. Under a Canopy of State sits Iustice, her hair dishevell'd. She wears on her head a golden Crown, her Garment Gold colour, girt with a girdle of Gold, in one hand she holds a Ballance, in the other a Touch-stone. At her feet is placed two Virgins, their Hair dishevell'd, their Heads are encompassed with Wreaths of Flowers of severall Colours, as the Blew, Red, and Yellow, their habits answerable. In one hand they hold a golden Hammer, in the other a golden Cup.
It would be too tedious to insert here the bravery of the rest of the Pageants, and being streigthned in point of time, I shall omit it.
The Barges are anchored some 40. or 50. yards distant in the middle of the River, behind them is left an open passage for Boats to passe, this side of the River is kept clear for their Majesties, and their Trayn.
Between 8. and 9. of the Clock, the Lord Mayor and Court of Alder. men, move towards Chelsey, where they attend their Majesties comming from Putney, and then the Lord Mayor leads the way down the River before their Majesties.
The Grand Pageants appointed for this day are placed thus: The First at Chelsey; The second between Fox-hall and Lambeth; The third at the private Staires at Whitehall
Those thr [...]e entertain their Majesties with Speeches, in their motion to Whitehall.
There are two Drolls, one of Watermen the other of Seamen, continually imployed in dancing and singing.
The Droll of Watermen is placed between Chelsey and Fox-hall.
That of Seamen between Lambeth and Whitehall, cross the Thames, where there is severall tricks of Activity performed, both on the Stage and the Rope.
And the Seamen throw themselves into severall Antick postures and dances.
So much for the Preludium: Now to the Entertainment it self▪
The first Entertainment on the Water is a Sea-Chariot, drawn with Sea-Horses.
IN the front whereof is seated ISIS; her hair of a light brown colour, somewhat Contorted, her head adorned with an Anadem, or Crown of all manner of Flowers belonging and relating to Gardens, as the Red, White and Damask Roses, Pinks, July flowers, Violets, &c. Her Garment of white Silk, intermixed with a pale green. In her right hand she bears a Scepter (made up like a Cornu-copia) out of which all sorts of Flowers seem to sprout. In her left hand she holds a Wa [...]ing pot, to denote her the Lady of the Western Meadowes, and Wife to THAM. At her feet are placed several inferiour Water Nymphs, belonging to small Rivolets, who are Contributaries to her, their habits answerable to hers.
This View is presented to their MAjESTYES at Chelsey, in the head of the Lord Mayors and Companies Barges; And upon the motion of their Majesties Barge, ISIS directs her self to Them in this Speech.
¶ Not to inform the knowing person, but to help such as are unacquainted with Poetical Authors and Historie, I set down the Explanations following.
a Leander was a famous Youth that dwelt in Abydus, a place situate upon the opposite shore of Sestos, the place where Hero lived, a Beautiful Maid; To her Leander swimming by night over Hellespont (a part of the Sea in Asia) a storm arose and drowned him. By Leander we may see the violent passion and servency of Love, that neither water could quench, nor the roaring of the waves terrifie: As Virgil (the best of Poets) in his Georgicks l. 3. takes occasion to mention.
The b Swans are said to sing a little before they die, which is called an Epecedean, or Funerall Song.
By c Vertumnus is meant the Year, returning into it self from the middle or end of September, to September again; Every moneth he assumes a new shape, wherefore he is by some thought to be Proteus, by reason of his often changes, which is said he did to Court Pomona the Goddesse of Fruits: In the Spring he appears more Lovely then in any other season of the Year, and therefore he had usually offered (and is still attributed) to him the first Flowers of the Gardens; He is the aptest for his beloved Pomona in September and October, the return of his course, for then she likes him best.
d Hyems is the Father of Frosts, and nipping cold, the sharpest part of Winter, it alludes to decreppid Age, and is painted like an Old man with Crutches.
Isis having ended her Speech, their MAjESTIES Train pass by another view or Pageant, in the nature of a Droll of Watermen, placed not far distance from that of Isis; in their passage the Watermen, who are continually in action, consort into this Song, being set for three parts.
The Song ended, and upon theit MAjESTIES drawing near, one of the Watermen boldly steps forward, and expresseth himself to their MAjESTIES in these words.
HAul in, haul in for the honour of your calling, and be hang'd, do you know your Fellows no better? I have something to say for the good of ye [Page 6] all: God Blesse Thee King CHARLES, and Thy Good Woman there, a Blest Creature she is I warrant Thee, and a True: Go thy wayes for a wagg, Thou hast had a merry time on't in the West, I need say no more, a word to the Wise, Thou understandst me, much good may it do Thee, fall to and welcome, the Devil take the Grudger; But dost hear me, don't take it in dudgeon that I am so familiar with Thee, Thou maist rather take it kindly, for I am not alwayes in this good humour; though I Thee Thee, and Thou Thee, I am no Quaker, take notice of that; he that does not love Thee in his heart, may he be drawn in a Cart: God Blesse me, that Rime has put me in mind of the Old Poet my Brother Waterman, have at ye ifaith, if I have any Guts in my Brains, I'le give you a dish of Poetry to stay Your Stomack till You get further, a Distick or two does it.
And so God speed you well.—
The which ended; His Majesty moves on towards another View, being the Second Entertainment.
WHich is a Pageant made in the manner of an Island floating, and presented between Fox Hall and Lambeth, with a Lion and a Unicorn standing in the Front, the Supporters of the Armes of ENGLAND: upon whose backs are placed two bigg Boyes, the one a Scotch, the other an English, and habitted accordingly, with Banners in their hands, whereon is the Armes of eitheir Nation.
[Page 7]In the middle of this View is seated THAM, represented in an Old Man with long Hair and Beard, which may signifie the Weeds and Sedges of the River: On his head he wears a Crown of Flowers, such as belong to Meads and fruitfull Pastures, as the Primrose, Dazy, Blewbottle, and the like: In his right hand he holds a Trident, as he is Viceroy to Thetis, and King of Rivers. In his left hand he bears a Pitcher of Water, as he is Sonne to Achelous (the Father of Rivers) and and Grandchild to Oceanus. He wears a long Silk Robe tincted with several colours like the Rainbow. On his right hand is placed a Nymph of the Water, on whose head is the Figure of Greenwich Castle. On his left hand another Nymph, on whose head is placed the Figure of Windsor Castle, which two Nymphs are holding Banners in their hands, habited in Blew and White.
Upon his MAjESTIES approach, THAM presents himself in these words.
Why England the Floating Island?
a It is Environ'd on the East with the German Sea; on the West with the Irish; on the North with the Scottish; on the South it is by a Narrow Sea divided from Gallia Belgica.
b Clio, one of the Muses, that relates the Acts of Honour and Chivalry.
[Page 9] c Hymeneus was the Son of Bacchus and Venus, he is the God of Marriages; Hymenea in the Neuter Gender, are the Nuptiall Ceremonies, therefore called Hymenean Rites or Triumphs.
THAM having ended his Speech, their MAJESTIES move towards White Hall, but before their drawing near, the Nobility and Gentry of their Majesties Train are Entertained by the Second Droll, Indians and Seamen (being continually in Action) with this Song.
The Seamans Song.
The Song ended, and their Majesties Barge ready for landing at the Private Stairs, at White Hall, The third VIEW receives them; being a Sea Chariot made in manner of a Scollop shell, drawn with two Dolphins, on whose backs are placed two Tritons. In the front of the Chariot is seated Thetis, Her hair long and grey, disshevel'd; On her head is placed a triple Crown, to denote and distinguish her three Estates, as she is supposed to be Mother of all the Gods, Goddess of the Sea, and Empress of all Rivers. On the upper part of the Crown is fixed a Starr; on the middle circle, a silver Crescent, on the triplicite part a wreath of Flags deep green, her Robe likewise of deep green, with a loose Mantle of several colours. In the right hand she holds a Scepter, in the left a Chard or Mapp; [Page 10] her Attendants are four Sea Nymphs cloathed in White and Seagreen Robes.
Thetis Addresseth her self to their Majesties in these words, alluding to the Storm, and Ioy of the Portugues, which happened at one and the same time.
Why Thetis drawn in a Sea Chariot, accompanied with Tritons, and Sea Nymphs.
By the Chariot, is meant the swift motion of the Sea, and by the diversity of her Attendance, are understood the various sorts of Fishes, which are said to wait upon the Sea Gods and Goddesses, because they have their being and habitation in the Sea; But Tritons are commonly taken for Neptunes Trumpeters, and sometimes for Sea Monsters. Thetis was also married to Peleus an excellent Navigator, and therefore is presented with gray hairs, which is partly to intimate the Antiquity of Navigation, and partly to shew the cares and fears of Seamen, who are observed to become sooner Gray hair'd then others.
Why her Mantle of severall Colours?
B [...]cause the Sea-water will look Red in a Storm, sometimes Blew, sometimes [Page 12] Green, sometimes White and Green, in which Colours her Nymphs are cloathed; for it were very improper to inferre or allude any thing in this Nature contrary to her Element, and therefore their habits are apted accordingly. So much for their shapes, now to the Speech.
a The famous City of Lisbon in Portugall, by her Daughters are meant Rivers belonging to that Kingdom; This City is scituated upon five Hills, it is encircled with strong Castles, upon which there are 76. Turrets; this City is seven Miles in Compasse, and hath 20. Gates towards the Sea Coast.
b The principal River in Lisbon so much spoken of and commended in antient and modern Poetry, there are 150. great and small Rivers belonging to Portugall.
c Lisbon, so called of Ulysses who passed that way, her antient name was Olysippo from thence.
d The Dukes of that name were of antient Renown, and of such Valour and successe, that Prosperity and Plenty were never wanting among the Portugues.
The Discent thus.
Don Edward (whom they call Duarte) was the 6th. Son to King Emanuell, he had issue Katharine, Married to Iohn Duke of Braganza, which Katharin (after the Death of King Henry her Unkle) was right Heir to the Crown of Portugall, from whom descended.
Iohn Duke of Braganza restored to his Right, and Crowned King of Portugall by the name of King Iohn the 4th. who had issue by Donna Lucia, Daughter to the Duke of Medina Sidonia in Spain, Alfonso the 6th. King of Portugall, and Donna Catharina now Queen of England.
I hope Reader this Relation hath not been too tedious to thee, it falling in my way I could not omit it.
After their Maj [...]sties and the Nobility are Landed, the Companies Barges that were in the Front, fall into the Rear, and so hasten to their severall homes.
The Songs were set by Mr. Iohn Gamble, one of His Majesties Servants, a Person well known in Musick.