THE TRYAL and CONDEMNATION OF Several notorious Malefactors, at a Sessions of OYER and TERMINER which began at the Sessions House IN THE OLD BAILY, With the Names of those who received Sen­tence of Death, Burnt in the Hand, Trans­ported, and to be Whipt.
And most remarkably of John Sadler, who Whipt the Child to Death at Ratcliffe.

MAjor Theophilus Oglethorp was Indicted, for the Murther of Captain John Richardson, a Gentleman belonging to his Majesties Guards; the manner of which, according to the Evidence was, that they two on the 10th. of January last, being at the Black Posts, near Charing-Cross, the Prisoner began a Health To the confusion of all double Hearts, who did not declare themselves as they meant, which the Deceased interpreting to be meant of him, flew into a violent Passion, and gave very gross language, which the Major not being longer able to endure, drew, as likewise the Cap­tain, but not being suffered to hurt each other, they went from thence to the Cross Keys Tavern, where the heat continued so that the Deceased struck the Prisoner with his Cane, where­upon they left the House, and within three hours after met by Clarendine house, where they drew upon each other▪ and made several Passes: And the Captain, 'ere any could come up to part them; was run into the Belly and out at the Back: and had receiv'd▪ another Wound in his Back▪ of which the next Morning he Dyed: But the Evidence being no wayes able to prove a former Grudge or pr [...]pense Malice, the Jury found him Guilty of Manslaughter.

[Page 2] John Sadler, A Bailiffs follower Receiv'd his Tryal for Murdering a Girl about 13 years of Age, on the 24th of December last, at Ratcliff: Which Inhuman Barbarity was acted, as follow­eth. He being a Lodger or Inmate to one Lattice Wigington, a Semptress, who Instructed Children in that Mystery: The Deceased, as she pretented, having wronged her of some trivial Summ of Moneys, and being her Apprentice, with whom not long before she had 5 pounds. She got the Prisoner to help give her Correction, who ty'd up the Child by the Wrists, and with whip-cords, after he had strip'd her, beat her 3 or 4 hours, still rubbing the Wounds with Salt: And the Woman who was Condemn'd the last Sessions for the same Murder, stop'd her Mouth with an handkercher▪ lest the Neighbours should pity her out-Cry for the hard cruel usage: In three dayes she dyed: whereupon the Prisoner fled: but being taken, upon his Tryal, was found Guilty of wilful Murder.

Isaac Smith was tryed, for that he, in the Company of Two more, on the 24th of January 1680. stole eighteen pair of Fustian Drawers from one Richard Rider in Little Saint Barthol­mews. The Proof being plain against him, he was found guilty to the Value of 10 d.

Robert Rouse a Sailer was Indicted for stealing an Hundred Pie­ces of Eight, being the Coin of Spain, out of a Boat: his Plea was that being Shipwracked about 2 Leagues from Shore, the Master and Thirteen men more putting several Baggs of Money into the Long Boat, stood from shore, where, in that Confusion this Money being left behind, he converted it to his Use, but upon demand, made it up, and delivered it again: which not be­ing contradicted by the Evidence, he was acquitted.

Mary Naples was Indicted for Murthering her Male Infant, but it being proved she had a Husband, it was not comprehended in the Statute of King James, provided for the preventing lude women from Murthering their Bastard Children, so she was found not Guilty.

Thomas Cranvil, Mary Cranvil, Elizabeth Hurst, Elizabeth Stone, were Indicted for breaking open the House of Richard Rawlins, and taking from thence goods, to the value of 3 or 4 pounds. And a­gain Indicted for breaking open the House of Thomas Sims, in the Parish of White Chappel, of both which Robberies, they were all found Guilty, except Mary Cranvil, who was not capable by Law to comit any Felony in the presence of her Husband.

John Robinson was Tryed for opening the Chamber of John Foun­tain of Lincolns Inn Esq with Pick-locks, in September last, and taking thence 6 Silver Plates, 6 Spoons, and other Plate, with some wearing Apparel, to the value of 15 l. having sold the Plate to a Goldsmith, upon his being apprehended he confessed the same, and now upon full Evidence was found Guilty.

William Logans, and Elizabeth Laramore were Tryed for Stealing 20 Dozen of Gold and Silver Buttons, out of a Button sellers Shop in Holbourn; the manner of the Fact was, That they coming to cheap­en [Page 3] Buttons, whilst the Master of the Shop was busy, the former of the Prisoners conveyed the Buttons into his Breeches, and departed; but being pursued, was taken in the Black Bull Inn Yard, with them about him; his Plea was, That he was in Drink, and that the Wo­man put them into his Breeches, but the Fellony being plain, he was Convicted,

Alice Turburg, vel Turnpeny, was Tryed for taking a Gold Chain from off her Masters Childs Neck, valued at 4 l. some of which she sold to a Goldsmith, and another part delivered to her Mistress, say­ing she found it in the Fire, but the place where she had sold part of it being found, the Fact was plain, and she found Guilty.

Samuel Smith, living in St. Martins Lane, was Indicted for Ravish­ing one Dorothy Palmer, a Girl about 11 years of Age, which accord­ing to the Evidence of the Girl was thus, he being her Grandfathers Apprentice, who is a Harness maker, on the 24 of January last, she going there when all the Family except the Prisoner were abroad, he got her into a great Chair, and forced her, giving to boot the foul Disease, which upon search was found upon him, of which the Girl complained not of till two days after, when he being Apprehended and carried before a Magistrate, confessed the Fact, but it not be­ing known whether the Girl did consent or not, and some other nice point in Law, he was found not Guilty.

John Bully, alias Edwards, a Popish Priest, was brought to the Bar in order to his Tryal, the Witness for the King being ready, but up­on the reading his Indictment, he delivered a special Plea▪ Signed by Edward Saunders, Counsellor at Law, by which he desired he might stand it, certaining that he had formerly been Tryed for the same Fact at Lancaster, and that he having been then acquitted, had not taken any Orders from the See of Rome since, and in the summ deny'd that he was a Priest, whereupon he was Ordered to be continued till next Sessions.

John Baly and Tho. Mace were Tryed for a notorious Burglary and Fellony by them committed about 2 years since upon the House of Peter Vakeny in the Parish of Stepny, where they in the Company of one Mathes, who now discovered them, set up a Ladder to a window, and opening the Casement, entred and took from thence about 200 Yards of Farindines and Morenas, to the value of 150 l. to which one of them, viz. the latter Pleaded Guilty, and the former, upon full Evidence where they had sold them to a Broker who lived in Long lane, was Convicted of the Fellony and Burglary.

Mary Smith was Tryed for that she on the 12 of January last came into the House of Thomas Burt betimes in the Morning, and pre­tending to be a Neighbours Maid, desired to Light a Candle, when watching her opportunity, she stole Lace and Linnen to a conside­rable value, as likewise another Indictment upon the same account for stealing a Silver Cup: And likewise a third time Indicted for Stealing a Hat by the dexterous way of Glimmering, or pretending to Light a Candle, of all which she was found Guilty.

R [...]chard Eaton received his Tryal, for Robbing a Ship lying at Deptford, and taking thence one Sea bed, with Rugs, Blankets and [Page 4] other Furniture, as likewise Peuter, and about sixty pounds of Ray­sons▪ being the goods of Thomas Daniel, the whole being offered to sale were stopt and he apprehended: he pleaded he bought them at Chatham, but not being able to prove it, he was found Guilty.

John Smith being Tryed for stealing a Cane with a Silver Head, upon plain prooff, was brought in guilty to the value of 10 d.

Edward Sing, lately a Secretary to Mother Cellter, was brought to the Bar, for speaking several Seditious Words, at the Rainbow Coffee-house, near Temple-Bar, and for disparaging the Kings Evi­dence, saying there was no Popish Plot, but a Presbyterian Plot, and that Sir Edmondbury Godfrey was Murthered by the Presbyterians, but the Evidence not being in readiness, he was deferred for another time. Its said he has a Pension of 20 s. a week allowed him to go about to Coffee-houses and publick Meetings to disparage the Dis­coverers of the Plot.

Dorothy Mills, was Tryed for stealing several parcels of goods, from her Mistris, as Linnen, Woollen and Peuter, and upon prooff of the Fact, was found guilty to the value of 10 d.

John Ariss was Tryed for Stealing of 2 Mares, one in Northamp­tonshire and the other in Warwickshire, but the Evidence coming home upon him, he confessed the Fact and was found Guilty.

One Hugh Watson was Tryed, for speaking several Treasonable Ex­pressions, which were as followeth: He coming into a House in Old Brainford to light his Pipe, the Woman of the House fell into a Discourse with him, telling him he should be a Gentleman by his chilliness, to which he answered he was, whereupon she replyed, what one of my Lord Bellasis Gentlemen? his answer was Yes, and had been so ever since April last, at 4 s. 6d. a week, which he received from a Muster-Master in the Tower▪ And that there were 30 or 40000 in Pay, Expecting Orders every day to fall upon the Protestants, And, that he quartered in Drury Lane: And his Captaines name was Mews. For this he was apprehended: but upon his Tryal, He said, and alledged, He spake but in jest, and for want of other Dis­course: And feigned himself, as most did believe, half distracted: He was acquitted.

There were 7 Men, and 3 Women received Sentence of Death: viz. John Sadler, Will. Abot, John Baly, Thomas Mace, Roger Maden, J. Aris and Jo. Robertson, Sarah Smith, Eliz. Stanes, and Eliz. Hurst. five burnt in the Hand, 1 to be Transported: And 8 to be Whip'd.


London, Printed for T. Davies. 1681.

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