CERTAIN PAPERS Given forth from the SPIRIT OF TRUTH Which witnesses against the wisdom of the world, and unrighteousness of men, both Priests and People, and against their false wayes and false worship, and which witnesses of the Light of Jesus Christ in the conscience, wherein true wisdom is, that people may see with the true Light into the things that be invisible and be converted and healed of God in Christ.
By Thomas Stubbs.
I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto Babes, even so Father for it pleased thee, Mat. 11.25.26. Luke 10.21.
Every man is brutish in his knowledge, &c. Jer. 20.14.15. The Portion of Jacob is not like them, &c. Jer. 10. I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause, he taketh the wise in their own craftiness, Job 5.13.
Associate your selves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces, gird your selves and ye shall be broken in pieces, gird your selves and ye shall be broken in pieces, take counsel together and it shall come to nought, speak the word and it shall not stand, for God is with us, Isai. 8.9, 10.
LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldesgate. 1659.
A Declaration of Life and Power in me.
The Word of the Lord against them who do err, not knowing the Scriptures.
THE Priests and people of the world wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction, because they do deny the light within, wherewith Jesus Christ hath enlightened every one that cometh into the world, which is the way that would lead up to the life which the Scriptures testifie of; who abides in the light, and follow it, they have the light of life abiding in them; and who do deny the light within, are the enemies of Jesus Christ and are out of the Scriptures. Now the Scriptures testifie of him that he is the light that lighteth every one that cometh into the world, and that he is the way, the Truth, and the Life; who followes him not, rejecting the light within, hath not life, and is out of the Scriptures, and the wrath of God abideth on him, for the light reproves him; and there is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather then light because their deeds are evill. And they in whom the Prince of the power of the ayre rules, do not know the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, and so have not life; therefore they do err not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
All who reject the councel of the Lord, in denying the light within Priests and people have not life, and are out of the Scriptures; [Page 4]they boast of the Letter of other mens lines made ready their hands; and they are to be kept out of the Scriptures; for they are thieves, and climb up, coming not by the door, because they reject the light within; which is of Jesus Christ, who is the door, and the life of the Scriptures, but do speak of the Letter which is death and know not the power of life. They build an house upon the sand with untempered morter; and it shall fall, and be dashed in pieces by the light within, the chief corner stone, which they stumble at, and they do greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God; And so the blind leads the blinde, and both shall fall in the ditch; for they have eyes, and see not, because they deny the light within, their ears are dull of hearing, and they will not hear, but wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction, so to the Priests and people of the world the Scriptures are Parables (as it was, so it is) and they erre, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God, because they deny the light within, wherewith Jesus Christ hath enlightened, rejecting the Lords counsel, and know not the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and therefore are shut out of the Kingdom because they deny the light within, wherewith Jesus Christ hath enlightened every one, which opens the Scriptures to his disciples that follow him, and seals the Testimony among his disciples; but without are sorcerers unbelievers, whoremongers, and who works abomination, and trust in lies, who are to be kept out of the Scriptures, for in rejecting the light within, they speak not according to the Law and testimony, and have not the life of the Scriptures; And therefore they run to wizards that peep and mutter; and to the wise men of the world, whose wisdom is foolishness with God, and seek the living among the dead, and death speakes of the dead letter which is death, wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction, denying the light within, which would lead to life, & therefore do erre, not knowing the Scriptures, which they are to be kept out of, for they are enemies to Jesus Christ, doing now as they ever did, who persecute those that live in the life of the Scriptures, as their forefathers did those that gave forth the Scriptures, and their Kingdom is of this world, as their forefathers were being out of the Kingdom of God, by rejecting the light within which leads to the Kingdome, and they hate and persecute those that are called out of the world, whose Kingdom is not of the world, but within, which the Princes and wise men of the world knowes not, nor never did, but were enemies to it; Therefore howl and weep ye wise men of the world, who are rich in your wisdome, yee shall be consumed by the light within, which is contrary to it; for the preaching of the Crosse is foolishnesse to the wise of the World now, as ever it was, therefore the Lord will confound the wisdome of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent; Where is the wise? Where is the Scrib? Where is the disputer of this World? God hath chosen the foolish things of this World to confound the wise. Those that do follow the light of Christ within, which the wise of this World accounts foolishnesse and the preaching of the Crosse, which now, as ever is to the unbelieving Jew a stumbling-block, and to the Gentiles, the wise of the World, foolishnesse, but to all that are saved it is the power of God to World [Page 5]Salvation, Jesus Christ made to us wisdome, and righteousnesse, which the World knows not of, but wisdome is justifyed of her Children, and they who hate it, the light within, they are without, in the world, and dare not come to the light because it doth reprove them, and it is a stumbling stone and rock of offence to them, being disobedient to it, and while they are so, whatsoever they do professe is dust, their profession is without ground, the foundation is false, they have not life, but are in death, wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction, stumbling at, the Rock Jesus Christ, the light within, which is the life of the scriptures, and who reject it, they build upon the sand, and their house shall fall and be made desolate. Therefore all people see upon what foundation you build, and what is the ground and hope of your calling. They who reject the light within, are the enemies of Jesus Christ, and Stone, and persecute, and imprison the messengers of the Lord, who live in the life of the Scriptures, as their forefathers did, those that gave forth the Scriptures, and the righteous blood will be required at your hands, who live in the same nature; your house shall be left unto you desolate; the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it; and did not the word of the Lord take hold of your forefathers, and they returned and said, like as the Lord of Hosts hath spoken, so hath he done unto us? Zeck. 1.5. &c. and the word of the Lord endures for ever, it is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever. Now ye have time, prise it, this is the day of your visitation. In loving the light within, and obeying it, it will lead you to the life eternal; In looking out and disobeying the light within, you lye in death, feeding upon the dea [...] letter, which is dea [...] and do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God, and are in Babylon, in your wisdome where is confusion, dashing one place of scripture against another in your imagined waies of it, not living in the life of the scripnures, and have the light within to be your condemnation, and it will dash you to pieces; while ye run out from it, ye are in darkness without God in the world; all return within and wait upon the Lord in the light, that your souls may be raised out of death. Hast, hast, to meet the Lord; hearken to the voice of Jesus Christ in you and obey it, least ye perish; whosoever stumbles at it shall be broken, and upon whomsoever it shall sall, it will grinde him to powder.
To the Priests and people of the World that worship they know not what, being ignorant of the true and living God, who is worshiped in spirit and in truth, and a call out of false worships, to worship the living God in spirit and in truth.
ALL who uphold an outward Temple and a steeple house, calling it the Church of God, they worship the work of their own hands and live in darknesse without God in the World, and speak of [Page 6]God, but ignorantly worship him, not knowing the true and living God, who is worshipped in spirit and in truth, Io. 4.22.23. God that made the World and all things therein, dwelleth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with mens hands, Heaven is my Throne and Earth is thy footstool, what house will you build me, saith the Lord, seeing my hands hath made all these things? Act. 7. Steven was stoned to death, for witnessing forth the truth against the stif necked and rebellious people of the World, who are uncircumcised in heart and eares, who do resist the holy Ghost, and as did your forefathers, so do ye hold up the same things, and do persecute, stone, and imprison the messengers of the Lord, who declare against your traditional worships and hethenish practices which are held up by priests and people, that they have no rule of Scripture for, Mat. 15.8, 9. Isa. 28. Therefore search the Scriptures; and every one examine your selves, & see what ye hold up and worship, all you who call a steeple house the Church, are deceived through the ignorance that is in you, and your blind guides, who are your teachers, and have each of them a steeple-house to creep into, one year after another, where they will let none come but themselves, and who they please, there they cause you to err & lead captive silly women, laden with sin & led away with divers lusts, alwaies learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, 1 Tim. 3.1.2. To that light of Christ in your consciences I speak, which will eternally witness the truth, and that this is your condition, you cannot deny it, unlesse you lye against the light in your consciences, your leaders live in pride and covetousnesse; while they promise you liberty, they themselves are the servauts of lust and uncleannesse, being men of corrupt mindes; so the blind leades the blind, and both falls into the ditch, Lu 6.39. And know ye not that your hearts should be an house of prayer, and ye members of the Church of Christ? but while ye live in sin, and in the lusts of the flesh, ye yeeld your members to be servants to the Devil; And your hearts which should be a house of prayer, ye have made it a den of Theeves, and a Cage of unclean birds, and a den of Vipers and venemous beasts to dwell in. And ye are not members of the Church of Christ, for no whore-monger, nor drunkerd, nor sweater, nor lyer, nor covetous person, nor proud and high minded one, nor who lives in pleasures and wantonnesse, nor deceitful person, nor whosoever works abominations, and do live in sin and uncleannesse, these are not members of the Church of Christ, nor have any inheritance in the Kingdome of God 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. for all that filthinesse defiles the flesh, and because of these things the wrath of God is for the children of disobedience, Eph. 5.4. And how full is the land of Priests, and people that worship they know not what, and hold up an outward temple and call a steeple-house the Church of God? and thither do resort proud and covetous persons, drunkards, swearers, lyars, oppressors, dissemblers, hypocritical persons, and professors, which are fair sayers, but not doers of what they say; and all these sorts of people now combind together, and are persecuters now, as their forefathers were, and as they did, so do these now, persecute, stone, and imprison those that do witnesse forth the truth, as Steven & the messengers of the Lord did against the stisnecked and rebellious people, [Page 7]who are uncircumcised in heart, and live in filthinesse of the flesh, and in pride and covetousnesse, in pleasures and wantonnesse, in envy and persecution, both Priests and people; your lives do plainly make manifest whose children you are, and that you live in the same nature, and act the same things that the Pharisees; and your forefathers did, which held up the outward Temple and called truth heresie, and stoned the prophets, and despised the messengers of the Lord, and were the betrayers and murtherers of the holy one and the just; and as did your fore-fathers so do ye hold up the false prophets, that seek every one their gain from their quarter, and such as Isaiah the true prophet was sent to cry out against, Isa. Saith he, his watchmen are all blind, they are all ignorant, they are greedy dogs that can never have enough, and they all look to their own way, every one seeks for his gain from his quarter; they did so then, and do not the Priests so now? they that have eyes to see may plainly see who are the false Prophets, by their fruits ye may know them. And do not the Priests now preach for hire, & cry peace peace to them who put into their mouthes, and who put not into their mouthes, they prepare warr against them such Micah was sent to cry out against, Mic. 3. They preached for hire then, and do not they all so now? And have the chief place in the assemblies, stand praying in the Synagogues, and are called of men Master, as the Scribes and Pharisees did? and were? and which were the persecutors of Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and do they not take counsel together now, as the chief Priests, Pharisees, and Herodians did, and perrecute those who are sent of the Lord to crie out against their deceit and heathenish practices which are held up by Priests and people contrary to the Scriptures? And woe and judgement was their portion, and wo and judgement is yours, who lives in the same nature, and act the same things that the chief Priests and Pharisees and their followers did, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. And did not the word of the Lord take hold of your fore-fathers, and they returned and said, like as the Lord of Hosts hath spoken, so hath he done to us, Zech. 1, 2, 3, 4. and the word of the Lord endures for ever, Therefore fear and tremble ye workers of iniqutity and seed of evil doers both Priests and People that bring forth fruits of unrighteousnesse, and as did your forefathers so do ye call the trueprophets seducers, & deceivers but by your fruits ye are easily known, who are the fals prophets and corrupt trees, who are for the fire; and corrupt trees cannot bring forth good fruits, and Jesus Christ hath foretold, by their fruites ye shall know them, Mat. 7.16. &c Therefore if you will but search the scriptures: and look at the fruits that are brought forth, yee need not be deceived, but may see who are the false prophets, see in Jer. 5.30.31. and Jer. 6.13.14. &c. Jer. 8.8. and Jer. 23. ch. Mich 3. Jsa. 56.10, 11, 12. and Isa. 28.7. Ezek. 22.26. and 24. ch. Look these Scriptures, and you may see whether this sort of men be not now, as they have been of a long time; but now their kingdome is falling, and as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these men resist the truth, being men of corrupt mindes, reprobate concerning the faith: but they shall proceed no further, and their folly will be made more manifest, as theirs also was. Therefore [Page 8]come out of Babylon, come out from among them, and hold not up the false prophets and idol worships, and heathenish practices, which are held up by the priests and people, that know not the living God, whose sacrifice is not accepted, but is abomination before the Lord. And all that live in pride & earthly-mindedness, in lust & uncleanness are Gentiles that know not God, and they rage against those who are redeemed from their vain conversation that the people of the world live in, which run on the broad way to death, Hell, and destruction, living in swearing, lying, covetousnesse, pride and wantonnesse, both priests and people. But wo, wo, wo is to the wicked and all that worship the Beast, which the whole world wonders after, Rev. 17.
Therefore all that desires the welfare of your soules, hearken to the voice of Jesus Christ in you, in the conscience which he hath enlightened you with, mind to be guided by that which checks you when you swear, or lie or use any deceit in your callings, there is a light in your conscience that reproves you, and tells you, that you should not do so: And when your hearts runs after covetousnesse, and pleasures of this world, and when you spend your time in vain idle communications, foolish jestings, or laughter, the light in the conscience reproves you, and tells you that you should seek the kindome of God and the righteousness thereof before all things; and let not vaine idle communication proceed out of your mouth, but fear the living God, and delight in him alone, now in loving this light of Christ in the conscience, and obeying it, it will lead you up to purity and holiness, and into the true fear of the Lord, but in hating the light of Jesus Christ, and giving liberty to your vain light minds, you run on the broad way to death, Hell, and destruction, and the light in the conscience is your condemnation, Ioh. 3.19, 20.21. and Jo. 8.12. So all people take heed to the light, by it you are left without excuse, Rom. 2.16. &c. now ye have time, prize it, whilst it is the day of your visitation.