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ACT Concerning Diligences raised, and not perfected in the late King's Reign.

THE Lords of Council and Session Considering, that during the Reign of His Sacred Majesty of Blessed Memory Charles the Second, and since His Decease, before the Tenth of February instant (when Our Soveraign Lord King James the Seventh was proclaimed) there was Summonds, Letters, Hornings, Captions, Inhibitions, Arrest­ments, Loosings of Arrestments, Publications of Interdictions, Precepts, Brieves, Charges to enter Heir, Charges of Law borrows, Suspensions, Advocations, and other Writs and Diligences raised, and which was not at all, or not fully Executed and Per­fected before the said Tenth of February: And seing there is no Interruption in the Royal Authority, and that all Persons concerned may be informed, and cleared of any Scruple some may have, concerning the Execution and Effect of the same. Therefore the Lords of Council and Session do Declare, that they will allow and sustain the saids Summonds, Letters, and all other Diligences foresaids whatsoever, with all that has followed, or may follow thereupon, in the like way and manner, and to have that Force and Effect as if the same had been perfected, and received their full Effect and Execution during the Life and Reign of Our late Soveraign. And that all Persons concerned may have speedy notice hereof, They Ordain these Presents to be Printed, and Published, at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh. Extracted out of the Books of Sederunt, By me

Geo. Mckenȝie, Cler. Regr.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1685.

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