A PROCLAMATION For calling together the Militia on this side of Tay, and the Fencible Men in some Shires.

THE Meeting of the Estates of this Kingdom, taking to their Consideration, that the Protestant Religion, and the Publick Peace of the Kingdom, are at this time in eminent danger; the Papists being in Arms in great numbers in the Kingdom of Ireland, & that there is just ground to apprehend and fear, in case they prevail, that they in Conjunction with other Ene­mies to our Religion and Peace, may attempt to Invade this Kingdom; And it being indispensably necessary, that in this time of common danger, , the Sub­jects of this Nation be put in a Posture of Defence, for resisting any Forraign In­vasion, and suppressing any Intestine Commotion that may arise: THEREFORE the Estates do Command and Require the Militia Horse and Foot in the seve­ral Shires after-mentioned, according to the present Establishment by Law, to repair to the places following, sufficiently Armed and Provided, and there to Rendezvouz under the Command of the respective Collonels of Foot, and Captains of Horse after-named; viz. The Militia Regiment of the Town of Edinburgh, at the Links of Leith, upon the Fifteenth day of April next. The Militia Regiment of the Shire of Edinburgh, at Currie Moor; and the Mili­tia Troop of Horse of the said Shire▪ at the Links of Leith the said day. The Militia Regiment and Troop of the Shire of Haddingtoun, at Beinstoun Moor the said day. The Militia Regiment and Troop of the Shire of Berwick, at Creas Moor the said day. The two Regiments and Troops of the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, at Lantoun-edge or Moor the said day. The Regiment and Troop of the Shire of Dumfreis, at Lockhar-bridge, near the Town of Dumfreis the said day. The Militia Troop of the Shire of Wigtoun, at Glenluce; and the Troop of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, at Carlinwork the said day. The three Militia Troops of the Shire of Air, as follows, viz. The Troop for Carrick, at Mayboll, the Troop for Kyle, at the Town of Air, and the Troop for Cunninghame, at Irwine the said day. The three Militia Troops of the Shire of Lanerk, as follows, viz. The Troop under the Command of the Duke of Hamilton, at the Town of Hamiltoun, the Troop under the Command of the Marquess of Dowglass, at the Town of Lanerk, and the Troop under the Command of the Lord Carmichael, at Glasgow the said day. The Troop of the Shire of Renfrew, at Renfrew Moor the said day. The Militia Regiment of the Shires of Argyle, Dumbarton and Bute, as follows, viz. These Companies Out-reiked by the Shire of Argyle, at Innerrary, and the rest of the Compa­nies [Page 2] of that Regiment Out-reiked by the Shires of Dumbarton and Bute, at the Town of Dumbarton, the said day. The Militia Regiment and Troop of the Shires of Striviling and Clackmannan, at Brocks-brae, the said day. The Mili­tia Regiment and Troop of the Shires of Linlithgow and Peebles, as follows, viz. The Troop of Horse, and these Companies of the Regiment Out-reiked by the Shire of Linlithgow, at the Town of Linlithgow; and the Companies Out-reiked by the Shire of Peebles, at the Town of Peebles, the said day. The Western Regiment of the Shires of Fife and Kinross, and the Western Troop thereof, at Dumfermling; and the Eastern Regiment and Eastern Troop, at Cowper Moor, the said day. The two Regiments of Foot, and two Troops of Horse of the Shire of Perth, at the Town of Perth, the said fifteenth day of A­pril next. And the Meeting of the Estates do Nominat and Appoint the Per­sons after-named to be Officers of the said Militia Regiments of Foot, and Troops of Horse, viz. Of the Militia Regiment of the Town of Edinburgh, the Provost of Edinburgh for the time Collonel, Baillie Thomas Hamilton Lieu­tenent-Collonel, [...] Lumsden of Innergellie Major, Archibald Dumbar Mer­chant, James Hart Merchant, Robert Wright, William Mitchell Baxter for the Cannongate, and the Baron-Baillie of Leith for Leith, Captains. In the Shire of Edinburgh, Sir John Maitland Collonel of the Militia Regiment, Sir John Clark of Pennicook Lieutenent-Collonel, [...] Burnet of Carlops Major, Alex­ander Gilmor of Craig-miller, Sir John Ramsay of White-hill, the Laird of Leny younger, the Laird of Deuchar, the Laird of Long-sauchtoun, the Laird of Hermisheills, the Laird of Murehouse younger, Captains. The Earl of Lo­thian Captain of the Militia Troop, the Lord Forrester Lieutenent, and the Laird of Woolmet Cornet. In the Shire of Haddingtoun Sir James Hay of Linplum Collonel of the Regiment, Sir William Baird Lieutenent-Collonel, [...] Halliburton of Inchcairnie Major, [...] Hepburn of Bearford, [...] Durham of Lufness, [...] Dowgall of Nunland, [...] Brown of New-hall, the Laird of Gilmertoun younger, and [...] of White-law Captains: Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun Captain of the Troop of Horse. [...] In the Shire of Berwick, Sir Archbald Cockburn of Langien, Collonel of the Militia Regiment; John Hume of Ninewalls Lieutenent-Collonel; the Laird of Kimerghame, [...] Brown of Thorne-dicks, George Hume of St. Leon­ards; [...] Belshes Younger of Tofts [...] Brown of Black-burn [...] Trotter of Ketle-sheil younger; and [...] Hume of Hundwood Captains; Sir Patrick Hume of Polwart, Captain of the Troop of Horse [...] Hume of West-reston Lieutenent, [...] Mowat of Falside Cornet. In the Shire of Roxburgh, and Selkirk, Sir William Ker of Green-Head, Collonel of the Eastern Regiment [...] Bennet younger of Grubit Captain of the Eastern Troop; Charles Ker of Red­ding Lieutenent, and Andrew Ker younger of Chatto Cornet; The Lord New­botle Collonel of the Western Regiment; Sir William Douglas of Cavers Lieu­tenent-Collonel; George Pringle younger of Torwoodlie Major; John Scot of Gilmor-seleugh younger, Walter Riddel of New-house; [...] Turnbul of Stamhall, James Murray of Sound▪hope, [...] Veitch [...] Ker of Abotrule, and the Laird of Torsonce Captains, Sir Francis Scot of Thirlstone Captain of the Western Troop. In the Shyre of Dumfries, the Earl of An­nandale Collonel of the Militia Regiment, Sir Patrick Maxwel Lieutenent Colonel, John Johnston younger of Wester-hall Major, the Laird of How­mains, the Laird of Closburn younger, the Laird of Core-head elder, the Laird Brakinside, the Laird of Capinoch, the Laird of Garnsalloch younger, and the Laird of Crawfordston Captains. The Duke of Queensberry Captain of the Troup. In the Shire of Wigton, the Laird of Logan Captain of the Troup, James Agnew younger of Loch [...]aw Lieutenent [...] Gordon of [Page 3] Craich-law Cornet. In the Stewartrie of Kirk [...]udburgh, the Viscount of K [...] ­mure Captain of the Troup, the Laird of Rusco Lieutenant, and [...] Murray of Kellvens Cornet. In the Shire of Air, and Bailliary of Curri [...] therein, the Lord Barganie Captain of the Troup, the Laird of Dunduff Lie [...] ­tenant, and [...] Montgomery of Borland Cornet. In the Bailliary [...] Kyle, the Earl of Dundonnald Captain of the Troup, the Master of Cathca [...] Lieutenant, and [...] Cornet. In the Bailliary of Cunninghame, t [...] Earl of Eglington Captain of the Troup, the Lord Montgomery Lieutenan [...] and [...] of Col [...]field Cornet. In the Shire of Lanerk, the Duke [...] Hamilton Captain of the Troup of the Midle-Ward, the Laird of Raplo [...] younger Lieutenant, and [...] Stuart of Torrence younger Cornet, t [...] Marquis of Douglas Captain of the Troup of the Upper-Ward [...] Menzies of Coulterraws younger Lieutenant, and John Bannantyne of Crai [...] ­mure Cornet. The Lord Carmichael Captain of the Troup of the Neithe [...] Ward, the Laird of Cleghorn Lieutenant, and [...] Hay of Craignetha [...] younger Cornet. In the Shire of Renfreu, the Earl of Glencairn Captain [...] the Troup, [...] Pollock of that ilk Lieutenant, [...] of Glan [...] ­derston Cornet. In the Shires of Dumbarton, Argyle, and Bute, the Earl o [...] Argyle, Collonel of the Militia Regiment, [...] Colquhoun of Luss, Lieu­tenant Collonel, Black Alexander Campbel Major, Archibald Campbe [...] younger of Barbrek, Duncan Campbel, Brother to Mcconachie, Duncan Camp­bel, Brother to Kilberrie, [...] Buntin younger of Airdoch, and [...] Bannantine younger of Kaymes Captains. In the Shires of Stirling and Clack­mannan; The Lord Elphingston Collonel of the Militia Regiment, the Laird of Polmais Lieutenant Collonel, [...] of Boquhen younger, Major, [...] of Harbert-Shire, [...] Rollo of Woodside, [...] Living­ston of Glentirran, and [...] Nicolson of Tilliecultry, Captains, and Baillie James Brown, Captain of the Town of Stirlings Company; the Laird of Alva Cap­tain of the Troup, Sir Alexander Hope of Carss Lieutenent, and [...] Glass of Sauchie Cornet. In the Shires of Linlithgow and Peebles, the Lord Cardross Collonel of the Militia Regiment, the Laird of Riccarton-Drum­mond, Lieutenent Collonel, the Laird of Livingston Major, Thomas Hamil­ton of Boghead, [...] Lawson of Cairnmure, [...] Russel of Slipperfield, and [...] Veitch of Glen, Captains; the Lord Torphichen Captain of the Troup, [...] Dickson of Heartree Lieutenent, James Hamilton of Ban­gour Cornet. In the Shires of Fife and Kinross, the Earl of Morton Collonel of the West-Regiment of Foot, [...] Douglas of Strahenry, Lieutenent Col­lonel; Alexander Spittle of Lewchat Major, James Skeen of Grange, [...] Aiton of Inch-darnie, [...] of Spenser-field, [...] of Lassoddie younger, and [...] Orrack of Baltrain Captains. Sir Charles Halket Cap­tain of the Western Troup of Horse, [...] Monteith of Randifoord Lieu­tenent, [...] Cornet. The Master of Burghlie Collonel of the Eastern Regiment, Sir David Arnot Lieutenent Collonel, Robert Douglas of Kirk­ness Major [...] Watson of Athernie Elder, [...] of Balbirnie younger, [...] Hay of Naughton younger, [...] of Banikie younger, and [...] Aiton of Kinnadie Captains; the Master of Melvil Captain of the Eastern Troup of Horse, [...] of Auchter-marnie Lieutenent, [...] Cornet. In the Shire of Perth, the Marquis of Athol, Collonel of the East­ern Regiment of Foot▪ formerly commanded by him▪ the Earl of Breadalbine, Lieutenent Collonel, James Ramsay of Ba [...]ff Major, [...] The Lord Rollo Captain of the Eastern Troop. The Lord Ruthven Collonel of the Western Regiment▪ formerly commanded by the Earl of Perth, the Laird of Weyme younger Lieutenent Collonel, Robert Stuart [Page 4] of Arvordlich Major, [...] Drummond of Comrie, [...] Lindsay of Eve­lick, the Laird of Leys, [...] Oliphant of Condie, and [...] Ure of Shirgartoun, Captains; The Laird of Glenegies, Captain of the Troop in the Western part of the Shire, [...] Hume of Argitie Leiutenent, [...] Cornet. And Ordains the saids Collonels of Foot and Captains of Horse, to take upon them the Command of the saids Regiments and Troops respectivè; with Power to the Collonels to name their own Majors where they are not named by this Act, or being named shall not Accept: And that both Collonels, and Cap­tains of Horse, have the same Power of Nominating their inferior Officers, not named by this Act, which was granted to them by Acts and Instructions of the Privy Council. And it is hereby Declared, that all these Persons who are hereby Nominate Officers of the Militia, albeit they should Decline to Accept, yet they shall be holden to bring together to the foresaid places of Rendezvouz these appointed to be under their Command, and that they shall also be lyable to the Penalties appointed by Law for their refusing to Accept. And the Estates do Ordain the Collonels of Foot and Captains of Horse respectivè, or in their Absence the next Commanding Officers, to keep together the space of six Days the said Regiments and Troops, when they shall Rendezvouz at the foresaid places, and during that time to Exercise them, and then to dismiss them, they being always in readiness upon advertisement from the Collonel of Foot or Captain of Horse, or the next Commanding Officer, to come together again to the saids respective places of Rendezvouz with twenty days Provision, and either to continue there for the space of twenty Days, or to March else where within the Kingdom, as they shall receive Orders from the said Officers: And it is hereby Declared, that the Absents from the Rendezvouz in this Juncture, shall be holden as Absents from the Host, and Proceeded against accordingly. And to the end that the Militia may be made the more effectual, the Estates do Nominat and Appoint the persons afternamed to be Commissioners, for Or­dering the Militia in the several Shires, with the Collonels, Leiutenant Col­lonels, Majors and Captains of Foot, and the Captains, Leiutenants and Cor­nets of Horse, viz. For the Shire of Edinburgh, The Viscount of Tarbet, Sir John Baird of Newbyth, Sir James Foulis of Collingtoun, Sir James Richard­son of Smeitoun, Sir William Murray, Sir Mark Carss, Sir Robert Baird, the Laird of Arnistoun, the Laird of Riccartoun Craig, the Laird of Pumpherstoun, Mr. David Dunmure of Curriehill, and Mr. William Dowglas of Baads, the Dutchess of Buckcleughs Baillie of the Regality of Dalkeith for the time, and the Dutchess of Lauderdale her Baillie for Dudingstoun for the time. For the Shire of Haddingtoun, The Lord Yester, the Lord Belhaven, the Laird of Stevinstoun, the Laird of Ormistoun, the Laird of Lamingtoun, the Laird of Prestongrange, [...] Hepburn of Beinstoun, Robert Hamilton of Pres­menan, David Hepburn of Humbie, Sir John Lawder of Fountain-hall, [...] Hamilton of Nynwar, Sir John Hall of Dunglass, [...] Hepburn of Smeiton, Sir Patrick Hepburn of Blackcastle, [...] Sydserf of that Ilk, and the Dutchess of Lauderdale her Baillie for Leidingtoun, Sir John Baird of New­byth, Sir John Sinclar of Lochend, the Laird of Gosford, the Laird of Dirl­toun, the Laird of Ruchlaw, [...] Murray of Spot. For the Shire of Ber­wick, The Lord Harcars, the Lord Mersingtoun, Sir James Don of Newtoun, Sir Robert Stuart of Allanbank, Sir Patrick Hume of Lumsden, the Laird of Lambertoun, the Laird of Moristoun, the Laird of Idingtoun, the Laird of Tosts, Patrick Wardlaw of Berriehaugh, James Hume of Flass, William Hume of Greenlaw-castle, John Watson of Jardenfield, Sir John Hall of Auldcambus, Pringle of Greenknow, Mr. James Daes of Coldingknows, George Hume of Bassindene, and John Hume younger of Newtoun. For the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, The Lord Jedburgh, Sir William Elliot of Stobbs, Sir John Scot [Page 5] of Ancrum, Sir William Scot younger of Harden, George Pringle of Torwoodlie, Sir Patrick Scot younger of Ancrum, Sir William Bennet of Grubet, the Laird of Chatto, the Laird of Cliftoun, the Laird of Raeburn, the Laird of Smelholm, [...] Ker of Littledean, Alexander Don of Rutherford, the Laird of Hadden, the Laird of Gallowsheils, the Laird of Midlested, [...] Elliot of Midlamiln, the Lairds of Mckerstoun elder and younger, the Lairds of Stitchhill elder and younger [...] of Frogden, [...] of Horsliehill, [...] of Blackhill, the Dutchess of Buckcleugh her Chamberlain, and the Earl of Roxburgh his Chamberlain for the time. For the Shire of Dumfreis, The Lord Drumlanrig, the Laird of Craigdarroch, Sir Robert Lawrie of Maxweltoun, Sir James John­ston of Westerhall, the Laird of Carnselloch elder, the Laird of Eccles, [...] Johnstoun younger of Lockerbie, [...] Murray of Drumcreiff younger, William Johnston of Grantoun, Andrew Johnston of Newtoun, the Laird of Ramerskails, the Laird of Dormount, William Dowglas of Dornock. For the Shire of Wigtoun, Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, Sir John Dal­rymple, William Mcdowgal of Garthland, Sir William Maxwell of Monreith, John Vaus of Barnbaroth, the Laird of Mochrum, the Laird of Castle-Stewart, Sir Charles Hay, the Laird of Seuchan, the Laird of Dunsky, James Dal­rymple of Dunragat. For the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun, Roger Gordon of Troquhen, Patrick Murdoch of Cumlodan, Edward Maxwell of Hills, David Mcculloch of Ardwell, Robert Brown of Corslouth, Andrew Herron of Kinauchtree, William Gordon of Craig, John Ewart of Mullock, Samuel Maxwell of Newlay, John Mackie of Palgown, John Neil­son of Corsack, Alexander Brown of Kempletoun. For the Shire of Air, In the Bailliarie of Carrict, The Laird of Cairltoun, John Mack-Alexander younger of Drummochrie, Quintine Kennedy elder of Drumellan, [...] Boyd of Trochrig, Fergus Mackgibbon of Knockdollian, Thomas Kennedy of Grange, Alexander Ferguson of Kilkerran, John Whiteford of Blairquhan, James Crawford of New-wark, Quintine Macilvain of Grimnet, Mr. John Fer­guson of Barclauchanan▪ For the Bailliarie of Kyle, The Lord Crichton, the Laird of Cesnock, William Cochran of Ochiltrie, [...] Fairlie of Burnt­field, [...] Fullerton of Corsbie, [...] of Adamtoun elder and younger, [...] McAlexander of Boghall, [...] Farquhar of Gilmers­croft, [...] Logan of Logan, [...] Chalmers of Polquharn, Mun­go Campbel younger of Nether-place, David Crawford of Drumsowie, David Crawford of Barquharrie, Charles Cunninghame of Drongan, [...] Cath­cart of Drumton, Mr. David Cunninghame of Milcraig, John Reid younger of Ballach-myle, David Crawford of Carss, David Boswell of Auchinleck, Mr. John Boswell, William Cunninghame of Brown-hill, and William Campbel of Skelden. For the Bailliarie of Cunninghame, The Laird of Blair, Sir James Montgomery of Skelmorlie, [...] Crawford of Kilbirnie, [...] Mure of Rowallan, [...] Cunninghame of Cunninghame-head, [...] Hamilton of Grange, Mr. Francis Montgomery, Major Hugh Buntine, [...] Craw­ford of Ferguson, Sir Alexander Cunninghame of Corshill, [...] Cun­ningham of Aiket, [...] Crawford of Crawford-land, and Hugh Ste­vinson of Mont-greenan. For the Shire of Lanerk, The Earl of Forfar, the Laird of Lamingtoun, Sir Daniel Carmichael, the Laird of▪ Westshiel, [...] Lockhart of Kirktoun [...] Baillie of Jerviswood, [...] Hamilton of Aikenhead, Sir William Maxwell of Calderwood, [...] Muirhead of Bradisholm, [...] Stuart of Allantoun, Hamilton of Barncluith, Stuart of Cultness, Sir William Lockhart of Carstairs, Sir John Carmichael of Bonningtoun, Sir William Fleming of Fairme, Mr. John Kin­caid of Crossbasket, [...] Hamilton of Westburn, the Laird of Dal­ziel, Alexander Cleland of Clelandtoun, George Muirhead of Stevinstoun, Sir [Page] John Harper of Cambusnethan, the Laird of Lee, [...] Stuart of Hart­wood, [...] Cochran of Rochsolls, [...] Hamilton of Airdrie, [...] Hamilton of Halcraig younger, William Baillie of Hardingtoun, James Lock­hart of Annistoun, [...] Stark of Anchinvoll, William Cleland of Hair­shaw, William Hamilton of Wishaw, James Young of Netherfield, the Laird of Walstoun younger, and William Lawrie of Blakwood. For the Shire of Renfrew, The Lord Ross, the Lord Blantyre, [...] Shaw younger of Greenock, Sir Archibald Stuart of Blackhall, Sir Patrick Houstoun of that Ilk, [...] Cunninghame younger of Craigens, [...] Maxwell of Pollock, [...] Fleeming of Borochen, [...] of Fulwood. For the Shire of Dumbartoun, [...] Cochran of Kilmaronock, Archibald [...] of Ardincaple, Alexander Gartshore of that Ilk, [...] Hamilton of Barns, William Colquhoun of Craig­toun, Andrew Colquhoun of Garscadden, John Carmichael Chamberlain to the Earl of Wigtoun, James Hamilton of Hutchestoun, Nicol Buntine of Air­doch, and William Stirling of Law. For the Shire of Bute, [...] Bannatine of Kaymes elder, Master John Stuart of Escog. For Arran, the Baillie of Arran. For the Shire of Argyle, Sir Duncan Campbel of Auchinbreck, [...] Camp­bel of Barbreck, [...] of Craigneish, Lord Neil Campbel, [...] Campbel of Lochnell, [...] Campbel of Mcconachie, Sir Colin Campbell of Ardkinless, [...] of Strahur, the Laird of Lamond, [...] Campbel elder of Allangreg, [...] Campbel Captain of Carrick, [...] Campbel of Skipnage, [...] Campbel of Glencarradel, Dougal Campbel of Glensaddel, Colin Campbel of Blythswood. For the Shires of Striviling and Clackmannan, The Earl of Marr, the Viscount of Tarbet, the Lord Cardross, the Laird of Houstoun, the Laird of Wood-head, the Laird of Bardowie, the Laird of Cul­creuch, the Laird of Ballendalloch, the Laird of Touch, Alexander Monro of Bear-crofts, the Laird of Powes, the Laird of Quarrel, the Laird of Gargunnock, the Laird of Clackmannan, John Keirie of Gogar, the Laird of West-quarter, the the Laird of Tillibody, Francis Mastertoun of Park-miln. For the Shire of Linlith­gow, the Laird of Dundass, [...] Dundass of Manner, [...] Dundass of Duding­stoun, Mr. William Dundass of Kincavle, John Hamilton of Dechmont, Walter Cornwall of Bonhard, [...] Sharp of Houstoun, [...] Monteeth of Aldcathie, Sir William Hope, [...] Hamilton of Binnie, [...] Cochran of Barbach­law, [...] of Balbairdie, [...] of Polkennet, the Laird of Craigiehall, Robert Anstruther of Wrae, Alexander Hamilton Baillie of Stra­brock. For the Shire of Peebles, James Earl of Mortoun, Lieutenent-General Dowglass of Skirling, William Hay of Drumelzier, Sir Archibald Murray of Blackbarrony, Sir William Murray of Stenhope, David Murray younger of Stenhope, Richard Murray of Spitlehaugh, James Geddes of Kirkurd, William Morison of Prestoun-grange, John Hay of Hay stoun, [...] Burnet of Barns, James Williamson of Cardrono, Jo. Brown of Scotstoun, Jo. Dickson of Whitslaid, [...] Hunter of Polmude, David Plenderleith of Blyth, William Burnet of Kailzie, Alex▪ Horsburgh younger of that Ilk, James Nasmith of Posso, Alexander Murray of Hall-myre, John Murray of Cringltie, John Balfour of Kailzie, Sheriff-Depute, Robert Burnet of Little-Ormistoun, Alexander Baillie of Callens, Alexander Hamilton of Cold-coat, James Chisholm of Hayhope, [...] Pennicook of Ro­manno, William Younger elder, Portioner of Lintoun. For the Shires of Fife and Kinross, The Earl of Crawford, the Earl of Levin, the Lord Melvil, Sir Philip Anstruther, [...] Hay of Nauchtoun, Mr. Archibald Hope of Ran­keillor, [...] of Reddie elder, [...] Auchmoutie of Lawhill, William Anstruther of that Ilk, John Dempster of Pitliver, [...] of Lathallan, James Robertson of Newbigging, James Crawford of Monwhannie. For the Shire of Perth, The Lord Cardross, Mr. Francis Montgomery, Sir Patrick Murray-Patrick Smith of Methven, Patrick Stuart of Ballachan, [...] Stuart of Sten­toun, [...] of Collonbellie, [...] Home of Argattie, Collin Camp­bel [Page 7] of Formage, Thomas Hay of Balhousie, Walter Stuart of Kincarachie, [...] Blair of Inshyra, [...] Grahame of Balgoun, [...] Linton of Pan­drich, Colin Campbel of Monzie, [...] Drummond of Meggins, William Lindsay of Kilspindie, John Drummond of Blair, Collonel Meinzies, Patrick Hay of Leys elder, Mungo Campbel of Burnbank, [...] Stuart of Annat, Mr. William Erskine, John Erskine of Balgoun, Lawrence Craigie of Kilgri­stoun, Mr. James Craigie younger of Dumbarnie, [...] Fleming of Mo­ness, Sir Colin Campbel of Aberurquhall, [...] of Rind, [...] Naper of Balwhaple; Together with one of the Magistrats for the time of each Royal Burgh, and Burgh of Regality, who contribute to the Out-reik of the Mili­tia, in each respective Shire. And the Estates do Authorize and Impower the saids Commissioners, to Nominat the Captains of Foot, and the Lieute­nents and Cornets of Horse, with consent of the Collonels and Captains of Horse respectivè, where they are not named by this Act, or being named, do not accept. With power to the saids Commissioners, to determine all differences and controversies which may arise▪ in relation to the Militia, and to do all other things requisite and necessary for ordering thereof, which the former Com­missioners had power to do by the Acts of Parliament, and Acts of Privy Council. And it is hereby Declared, that two of the Commissioners, with one of these Offi­cers, viZ. The Collonel, Lieutenant-Collonel, Major, and Captain of Foot, or the Captain, Lieutenent, or Cornet of Horse, shall be a Quorum: And if a greater number meet, that the Major part be Commissioners. And in re­spect of the present Exigence, The Estates do Ordain all the Heretors, and o­ther Persons in each Shire, and Jurisdiction within the same, to come out with their best Horses and Arms, to the foresaid places of Rendezvouz of the Horse, the second day of the Rendezvouz, under the pain of Confiscation of their Horses, for the Publick use, and where there are different places of Rendez­vouzes appointed for Troops of Horse in one Shire, that the Heretors repair to the respective places of Rendezvouz appointed for the several Divisions of the Shires wherein they Reside; And in case the Commissioners of Militia, with one of the Field-Officers of the Foot, or the Captain, Lieutenent, or Cornet of Horse, shall find any Militia Horse to be insufficient, that they cause the Leader furnish another sufficient Horse, and if neither he, nor these of the Fraction, who Contri­bute to him, have one, that they cause the Leader buy a Horse, and that any of the rest of the Heretors, or others having sufficient Horses, at the Rate contained in the Act of Parliament, or thereby shall be holden to Sell one to him at a reasonable Price, to be appointed by the saids Commissioners, or their Quorum aforesaid, not exceeding the foresaid Rate, or thereby; And it is hereby Ordained, that these Persons, who are lyable in Fractions of Militia-Horses, shall at this time Contribute their Proportions to the Leader, for a new Out-reick of Horse, and Furniture, where the Leader has Served the full space of seven years, since the last time that these of the Fraction did Contribute to him: But where the Leader has not not Served fully the seven years, that he shall continue to serve untill the expiring thereof, without any new Contribution, by these of the Fraction: And the Officers and Commissioners of the Militia, are hereby Impowered to call for the Standarts, Colours, Trum­pets, and Drums, which belong to each Shire, from these who had the trust thereof, or their Representatives, who are hereby required to deliver the same to the saids Officers; And where they are not extant, that new ones be provided, at the Charge of the Shire. And the Meeting of the Estates considering, that there is no Militia Foot in the Shires of Lanerk, Air, Ren­frew, Wigton, and Stuartry of Kirkeudburgh; They grant Power and War­rand to the Commissioners of Militia, in the saids Shires, and Stuartrie, to bring together all the fencible Men, in these respective Shires, and Stuart­rie, [Page 8] who are hereby required upon Intimation from the saids Commissioners, to come out sufficiently Armed, and provided according to their Qualities, and Conditions, with Power to the Commissioners, with Advice of the rest of the Gentlemen, when the Fensible Men are met, to moddel them, or so many of them▪ as they shall think fit, into Companies, and to appoint Captains, and other Officers to the said companies, which captains shall Randezvouz them weekly, within their respective Paroches, to be in readiness there­after, to come out as they shall be advertised by their Officers. And fur­ther, the Estates commands and Requires the respective Sheriffs, and their Deputs, to cause prepare Beacons upon the most Eminent and conspicuous Places in the Shires of Wigton, Air, and Bute, and to cause kindle these Beacons when they shall have Notice, or appearance of an Invasion, upon the West­coast of this Kingdom: And in that case, the Leidges, who have their Hors­es, or cattel near the said coast, are Required to Remove them Ten miles from the coast, that no Invaders from the Irish coast may have any Sup­ply, Assistance, or Advantage thereby; And Ordains the Fensible men in the said Shires, and Stewartrie, upon their having Notice of the firing of these Beacons, to repair to the respective Places to be appointed for the Ran­dezvouzes, by their Officers. And Ordains thir Presents to be Published, by Heraulds, Macers, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, or Sheriff Offi­cers, at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and all the Mercat-Crosses of the Head Burghs of the whole Shires above▪exprest, and other Royal Burghs, and Burghs of Regality within the same. Extracted out of the Records of the Meeting of Estates, By me

Al. Gibson Cls.

Edinburgh, Printed in the Year, 1689.

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