The speech and CONFESSION OF William Lord Russel who was EXECUTED FOR High-Treason against his Majesty, and conspiring the Death of his Royal Highness James Duke of York. Saturday the 21th of this instant July the Lord Russel was beheaded in Lincolns-Jnn-Feilds.

THe Report and True account, of the late Horrid and Damnable Plot contrived against our most Gracious Soveraign, and his Royal Brother James Duke of York. I doubt not but is by this time spread throughout the Nation to the amazement of many, and the wonder of all who have but the least [...]incture of Loyalty lodg in the Brest of of obedient Subjects, but that William Lord Russel, once thought a Patern of Gentility, should be Treacherous, is as wonderful to some, as lamented by many, but not to digress from my in­tended purpose. Let me acquaint you with the Gradual Pro­ceedings at the last Sessions, where my Lord after a fair Tryal Received his Sentence of Condemnation. Great Endeavours [Page 2] were used for his Remission, but the Fact wherewith he was charged, savoured so much of Disloyalty, and Conspiracy of Treasonable Contrivances, that sueing for pardon was as in­significant, as his Crime Abominable: but after all Endeavours used to keep him from the Fatal Stroak, order was given for E­recting a Scaffold in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, there to be the last Stage he should tread, and become an Example to all persons who so unadvisedly, will intangle themselves into such a Laby­rinth of Confusion.

My Lord in the time of his Confinement seemed to be much concerned, for his (then) present State, deploring his sad condition, and much like a Christian, repenting his ill undertaken enterprize. Never was man more applauded for Generosity to the poor, for Tenderness to all persons in distress, and ten thousand pitties, it is that a person of such Rare Qualificati­ons, should by any indirect means be so wrought upon, as to be concerned, in such a matchless conspiracy▪ But Heaven that always frowns upon such Deeds of Darkness, will by some means or other, bring to light the accursed Stratagems of pre­meditated Murther.

But having received an unchangeable Sentence of suffering for his great Crime, he like a Christian, prepared for his sud­den change, and I doubt not but his true penitencie, for his rash undertaking may prove advantagous to his immortal Soul: and that though he dies as a Malefactor here, yet through the Mercys of Jesus Christ, he may live eternally in the World to come.

But the day of his Execution being come, and on Saturday July 21 1083. He was conveyed to the place of Execution, which was appointed in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, [...] his [...] Habitation, being accompained with thousands of wondring Eyes, and aching Hearts.

He mounted the Stage, where by his amazed looks, it was easily to guess the sorrow of his afflicted heart, while his poor Lady, and the rest of his nearest Relations, were ready to sink under the burthen of their Calamity, but as he was a Gentle­man, whose Education was inferiour to but a few, so he deported himself, that he begat pity in the hearts of the Spectators, all pittying his deserved punishment, and lamenting his sad Fate Thus Traversing the Fatal Stage, he at last made a worthy Ora­tion acknowledging his crime, for which he was justly condem­ned, advising all to be Loyal and True, and that his untime­ly end might be a warning to all others, never by hopes of fu­ture advantage to lodge the least of disloyalty in the most secret Closets of their Hearts; since Heaven hath forbid the shedding of Innocent Blood, which without doubt, drop for drop must be accounted for, with watry Eyes. Thousands beheld this dying Gentleman, and none so obdure as not to grieve at his unfortu­nate overthrow.

But after some speech made by him, having the good admonitions of some Devines, which he kindly received, he prepared himself for the block, & with unwilling willingness submitted to the severity of the Law, while aching heart could grant him no redress, but with volums of sighs, sent forth palpable signals of their un­expressable sorrow.

But to come to a conclusion. After he had de­livered himself Verbally to the Auditory, and directed his prayers to the creator of all things, he took veiw of the block and having fitted himselfe for the stroak, he laid down his head, and paid dearly for his conspiracy, the ex­ecutioner doing his business by severing his head from his body at 2 or 3 Stroaks

God grant that this his death may be a warn­ing to all, that they may never become guilty of such Diabolical conspiracies, since the world can not but admire the insolency of such offenders who Sayter like seek the destruction of their lawfull Prince.

What incouragment can Traytors have, to undertake such dangerous attempts, or what can they purpose to themselves, since murther is ab­solutly forbid by the command of the Almighty But to Murther a King, is without doubt a crime so detestable in the common sence of the very Vulgar that nothing is sufficient to expiate its abominations.

In what a flourishing condition might Eng­land be, could they but be unaonimous among themselves and loyal to their Prince, till then we cannot expect but continual troubles and an end thereof shall be the unfeigned prayer of your nameless Friend

LONDON Printed for R. V. 1683.

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