Post nubila Phoebus Or A SERMON OF Thanksgiving For the safe and happy Returne of our gracious SOVERAIGN, to His Ancient DOMINIONS, and Restauration to His just and Native DIGNITY, ROYALTIES and GOVERNMENT.
Preached in the City of Aberden, at the desire of the LORD PROVEST, Bailies, and Councell thereof, upon the XIX day of Iune.
By Mr. IOHN PATERSONE Minister of the Gospell in the said BVRGH.
Mercy and truth preserve the King, and his Throne is upholden by mercy.
Let the KINGS Enemies become a Portion for Foxes.
ABERDENE, Printed by Iames Brown, Ann. DOM. M.DC.LX.
Unto the Right Honourable, GILBERT GRAY, LORD PROVOST. And Unto the Right Honourable, JOHN JAFFRAY, Late PROVOST.
• WILLIAM GRAY, , • ALEX. ROBERTSONE, , • ALEX. ALEXANDER, , • Mr. ROBERT PETRIE, , • PATRICK MOIR, , and • GILBERT MOLYSONE, Late Baylies. • Iohn Duncan, Dean of Gild, , • Iohn Burnet Thesaurer: And Remnant Honourable Counsellours of the City of Aberden , • Thomas Mercer, Late Dean of Gild , • Thomas Mitchell, Late Thesaurer: , and • And whole Remnant of the Late honourable Councell of Aberd.
THE Day of BRITAIN'S solemnities, for the Happy Returne and Restauration of our Most Gracious and Illustrious KING, safe in His Person and sound in the truth of Religion (after such a long and dismall Absence) to His Ancient Dominions, and to His native Royalties and Government, is such an transcendent temporall Mercy, as deserves to be writen, not only on Pillars of Marble, and with a Diamond and Pen of Iron, but upon the Spirits of all, who are truely Godly and Loyall within BRITAINE and Ireland. And it cannot be expected, but such an great & mercifull Revolution, brought about in such an unanimous, peaceable, sweet way, without bloud, will be exceedingly magnified and called Blessed, by all succeeding Generations, so long as SCOTLAND ENGLAND and Ireland remains to be NATIONS. [Page] And who are so stupid? but must look upon this, at an signall token for good, that after such an great State-quake, and Overturning in these three KINGDOMS, when all concernments in them were wrap'd up in Darknesse and Confusion, when mens thoughts were quivering, like the needle in the Sea compasse and knew not where to rest, The LORD should have been pleased, even then, in such a sudden, to concenter the hearts and desires of these three NATIONS, in the KINGS MAIESTY, his Person and Government, as the only earthly Foundation of their Prosperity and Peace. This admirable Mercy, hath brought forth many loud and Publique Acclamations of joy in all Cities, Counties, Incorporations and Churches of the three LANDS, and indeed Duty to GOD ALMIGHTY, who hath made his own A [...]me bare in our Deliverance, Duty to Our SOVERAIGNE the KING, GOD His immediat Vice-gerent over us, the Duty which wee owe to Our Consciences, Relations and Interests, and to the Protestant Religion at home & abroad, cals for very singular appearances, and resentments of such an eminent Blessing.
Amongst many other His MAIESTIES Royall Burghs in SCOTLAND, I beleeve none (be it spoken without envy or disparagement) did appeare more early, and with greater alacrity and cheerfulnesse in the publique and solemne manifestations of their Joy, for His MAJESTIES safe and happy Returne and Restauration to His just Government, nor this City did, which hath alwayes accounted its Fidelity and Loyalty to its native KING, its chiefe earthly Ornament; whereof it hath many testimonies and evidences standing in publique Register, and during His MAIESTY'S sad dayes, & absence, none loved His MAIESTY more, none Prayed more heartily, none longed more earnestly, nor ABERDENE did, for that blessed day of His MAIESTIES Returne and Restauration, which the right hand of the LORD hath at last brought to Passe: Beside many other very Solemne and Publique Manifestations of the joy of this CITY, for this Mercy, never to be forgotten, it was your HONOURS command, that the following Sermon, being preached [Page] in your Pulpit at your desyre, should be put to the Presse, & although the Conscience of my own weaknesse, and the worthlesnesse of any thing, which can drop from my Mouth or Pen, might and would have put mee, from any appearance in Print, Yet the subject being so Royall, and at such a nick of time, and my respects to your HONOURS being so many and so pressing, have prevailed with mee to let this poor Mite of yours and my own Loyalty, appeare on the Stage of a Criticke World, Veritas non querit angulca: I know I must meet with Censurers, but if men will censure Truth harshly, it will stand upon its own joints, and if they censure my meane conceptions, and expressions, I can suffer that easily, for it is the matter and not the manner, that I have chiefly aimed at, which makes this paper come out, in its naked Simplicity, without Ornaments. Whatever it is, I have put it under your Patrociny, and I lay it down at your feet as a small testimony of my many Obligations and Ingagements to your HONOURS and to this Honourable City. The LORD multiply His Spirit and Grace upon you, that you may go on, to act for the Glory of GOD, for the Power of GODLYNES, for the KINGS MAJESTY'S happinesse, and for the Good and Prosperity of this People. So Prayeth
From a very Reverend and Faithfull BROTHER: Mr. William Dowglasse, Professor of Divinity in the KINGS COLEDGE of the University of Aberden.
MY thoughts of this SERMOM, after perusall, are as followes.
That the whole Draught is plaine, pertinent and powerfull: That the Observes have such a naturall and genuine arise, and the Uses are so consequentially flowing from the Observes and Doctrines, that the committing of it to the Presse, shall tend much to the publick good; And so much the rather, That herein is holden forth what have been the publick faults of these three NATIONS: as also pointing punctually at our duties, wee owe most to OƲR SOVERAIGNE: both which are to very good purpose, branched out in many particulars. This is testified (though much more might be said) by my subscription.
A SERMON OF Thanksgiving: For the safe and happy Returne of our SOVERAIGN LORD, CHARLES the SECOND, by the Grace of GOD: KING of great Britaine, France & Ireland, Defender of the faith, to His Ancient DOMINIONS, and Restauration to His just and Native DIGNITY, ROYALTIES and GOVERNMENT.
Vers. 1. When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion: Wee were lyke them that dream.
Vers. 2. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing &c.
WEe may look upon this day, as upon the springing up, of a bright & faire morning, after a cloudie dark night, wherin so many beasts of prey did creepe out of their den's, and lurking places of their hatefull and hellish [Page 2] Hypocrisie: we may look upon it, as the beginning of a sweet calme, after a long and dangerous storme; as upon the breaking of an heavy and sad yoke, which hath lyon sore upon the necks of these three Kingdoms, SCOTLAND, ENGLAND & IRELAND; in the wreathing whereof, some of this Nation cannot justly plead innocency: Wee may look upon this day, as the beginning of a blessed Peace, after a time of much innocent bloud: as upon a day of a civill Resurrection, after a long civill or rather incivill Death: as a day long wished and prayed for, by all the truly godly in the three Kingdoms, who have not learned that fanatique and overturning PRINCIPLE, to divorce between Religion and Loyalty, which GOD hath so nearly and strictly united; And therefore the Lord hath called the Land to Rejoycing, and to songs of Praise & Jubilation.
Division.These words of the Text, May be taken up in five poynts. I. Wee have the Condition of the Jews before the time of their release and delivery came. They were in BONDAGE. (When the Lord brought back the Captivity of Zion:) They were under the power and slavery of their Conquerours, the Babylonians. II. Wee have their Deliverance, the loosing of their Captivity, with their Reduction to their native Countrey. (Brought back the Captivity of Zion:) III. Wee have the Authour of their Delyverance, it was not Themselves, not their own wisdome, nor Power, nor Policie, not the arme of Flesh, but GOD, & GOD alone. (When the Lord &c.) IV. How the loosing of them from Captivity and their Reduction from Bondage did affect them, at first they wer so surprised with it, that they could not beleeve, that it was a true & reall Thing, they looked on it as a Dream. (We were lyke them that dream.) V. The Effects which the sense of their Delyverie did work upon them, after that the Amazement was a little allayed, & these were, Rejoycing and Mirth. (Then was our mouth filled with laughter & our tongue with singing.)
I The first Thing considerable in the words, is, the JEWS condition, before the Lord visited them with this mighty and [Page 3] gracious Deliverance. They were in bondage and slavery. (When the LORD brought back the captivity of ZION:) by ZION, wee ar to understand the two Tribes, or the KINGDOM of Judah, comprehending both their Church & State; They were carried Captives from their own Land by Nebuchadnezar to Babylon; The STORY wherof we have at length, II. Chronicl. 36. and in the tenth book of Josephus de BELLO IUDAICO, as also in the Ps. 137. there is a hint of it. By the rivers of Babylon, there wee sate downe, yea we weept, when wee remembred Zion: Wee hanged our harps upon the willows, in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive, required of us a song, & they that wasted us, required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion: How shall wee sing the LORDS song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O IERVSALEM, let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roofe of my mouth; if I preferre not IERVSALEM above my chiefe joy. vers.
That even that people whom GOD loves and respects,Observ. 1 may be brought under sad bondage, & that in reference both to their Ecclesiastick and Civill ESTATE; This was the lot of the LORDS own peculiar People, the Iews were bondmen in Egypt, they laboured there in brick and mortar, they wer Captives in ASSYRIA, Captives in BABYLON, they ar now scattered up and down the World, for their Blasphemy, Infidelity; and Crucifying the LORD of GLORY, and for not accepting their MESSIAH to reigne over them.
And what hath our Condition been these severall by gone yeares? Even a Dark gloomy black Day, wherein wee had light neither of the Sun nor Moon nor Starres in our civill Relations. I do not say, That we ar a people beloved of God in such a signall way, as the Iews wer; They wer a Royall Priesthood: but I may say, That the Lord hath had a singular respect to Britaine, beyond many Nations, for many ages: And yet because, we were not thankfull to God, for His rich & signall Mercies, for such a faire day of the Gospell, for so [Page 4] long continued Plenty and Peace, under such a just, equall, ancient and wel-ballanced GOVERNMENT, as any Nation in Europe injoyed, but like JESHURUN, wee waxed fatt in our sins, and like a wild untamed Colt, did cast our Ryder, & took the reins upon our own lawles necks; Therfore the LORD brought us under a base Slavery and Bondage, by which our sins might visibly be read in our judgement. The Lord did justly bring us under, by a Factious, rebellious, Hypocriticall, Treacherous and usurping Party, who have trode on the necks of three Ancient KINGDOMS, as upon the Myre in the streets, and rendered us Captives in reference both to our State and Churches Interests. As for our State, IT was clearly and totally overturned and razed to the very foundations: our ancient Iudicatories changed: Strangers imposed on us for our Iudges, men unacquainted with our Lawes and Customes: our Parliaments with their power, totally taken away: OƲR GRACIOƲS and DEAREST KING, of Sacred and Eternall Memory, CHARLES the FIRST, the PEARLE of earthly Kings, most cruelly, inhumanely and barbarcusly martyred, and murdered by a faction of Godlesse, Cruell, Bloudy, Perfidious and Hypocriticall TRAYTORS, and yet under a pretence of Zeale for GOD and justice. O unparalleled hellish Villany! Traytors who plotted it, Traytors who acted it, traytors who rejoyced in it, Traytors who allowed it, for by that one fatall, O fatall blow, these Canniballs cutted the throats of three KINGDOMS, & left them bleeding, they did put out the most GLORIOƲS and SHYNING LIGHT, that ever sway'd Scepter in Britaine! But the Cruelty and bloudy Designe, of that Murthering Faction, was not satia [...]ed with that Royall and innocent Bloud, after that sweet SOƲLE was posted into GLORY, to receive the immarcessible Crowne, whether no Traytor can reach a bloudy [Page 5] hand, then they voted down MONARCHICALL GOVERNMENT, by a faction, having secluded and forced from the Parliament, the godly, honest and loyall Party thereof, they proscribed, and by an ungodly Act, they disinherited our most GRACIOƲS KING (now reigning by the mercy and goodnesse of GOD over their bellies) and laid aside that ROYALL FAMILY, from having any right to the CROWNE, and declared Him the Capitall Enemy of their new-moulded COMMON-WEALTH, they did raze the HOƲSE of LORDS, that Ancient and wel-ordered Pillar of the STATE: And when this Nation of SCOTLAND, had brought home our Native and Righteous KING, and set the CROWNE on His Head; Did not that bloudy faction, headed by that Cerberus, Oliver Cromwell, force Him from all His DOMINIONS▪ to live as an Exile in forreign Nations? Were not our Nobles and ancient Gentry despised and abused? Were not these three KINGDOMS impoverish'd with heavy Assesses and sad impositions, & the bloud of the poore sucked out, and all to maintayne the ambition and tyrannie of an usurping Faction? Were not the Lives of the most godly and most faithfull Subjects of the three Nations made bitter unto them, & their hearts sadded by being nick-named Malignants? And were not the heads of unnaturall factious Incendiaries lifted up? Thus was our State in perfect Captivity. And as for our Church, it also was in Captivity. The just Power, Priviledges and Authority of it was trode upon, our Church Iudicatories threatned, and not suffered to proceed in their own proper affaires, our Assemblies, yea, the GENERALL ASSEMBLY raised by force: and for want of our Native KING and lawfull Magistrats under Him, to give life and vigour to Church-sanctions, Was not the Authority and just sentences of the Church despised, yea counteracted to, by any who pleased? by meanes whereof and of that vast and laxe Toleration (the great engyne which made these men keep the [Page 6] sadle so long) hath not Poperie increased in the Land? have not all manner of Herisies, schismes, wild and abominable opinions abounded in Britain? A whirle-winde of fancies & delusions, a swarme of Locusts, Antiscripturists, Antitrinitarians, Arrians, Sabellians, Macedonians, Photinians, Pelagians, Socinians, Arminians, Enthusiasts, Beheminists, Antinomians, Levellers, Seekers, Quakers, Ranters, Fift Monarchy men, a company of proud greedy Saints. And beside all these sad and sinfull Captivities in reference to Church and State, were not mens Consciences in Captivity & Bondage, being forced with Oaths, yea with Contrary-oaths and Tenders, contrary to former solemne Engagements, contrary to Allegeance and Loyalty, and was not this a perfect Bondage.
Observ. 2 That it is no good Argument to prove that God hath rejected and fully casten off a People or Nation, because in his just and wise Providence, they are brought into sad Bondage and Captivity; yee know how often God dealt so with these Jewes, who yet for all that, still remained his People. The externall Passages of Providence are a very unsure Rule, whereby to judge of Gods speciall Love & Favour to a Nation: As it is an evill Argument to prove that God carries no respect to a people, but hath utterly rejected them, and casten them off, because their Enemies prevaile over them, and they are brought under: so it is as bad an Argument to prove, that God carries a singular Respect and Favour to a people, or alloweth their Ʋndertakings, because they prosper and are victorious over others; No man, yea no Nation, nor people knowes, whether they be hated or loved of God, by these externall passages of Providence, All things fall alyke to all. But I must confesse, that this Turkish Argument built meerly upon externall Providence and Successe, hath beene most sinfully & factiously made vse of, in these late Troubles and Revolutions. How many false and unjust Conclusions, have [Page 7] been drawn from the Lords most wise and providentiall Actings in Britaine of late, as if God had allowed all these horrible Villanies, these treacherous Attempts & Conspiracies, all the bloud-shed, Murders, Tyranny, Vsurpations and oppressions, which have been acted in the three KINGDOMS, by a factious & treacherous Party, because they were like ANTIOCHUS, who practised and prospered? and so did these in their mischiefe; but God will not take with their bastards, although they laid them to the doore of his all wise and just Providence, which stands cleare and orient, when shame now is covering their faces. II
The second Point in the Text, is the JEWS Deliverance from their BONDAGE and CAPTIVITY. (When the LORD brought back the Captivity of Zion:) Which expression implyeth two things. 1. The loosing of their Captivity, or the taking away the yoke of BONDAGE from off their necks. 2. Their Returning back to their own LAND in freedome and safety.
That although the Lord suffer Nations and Kingdoms to Observ. 1 be under bondage and captivity, for a long time, yet Hee can put an end to their Captivity when he pleases, and he doth so when his appointed time comes: for all times and seasons are in his hands. The JEWS were above 400 yeares Strangers and Bondmen in Egypt, but the Lord redeemed them. They were 70 years captive in Babylon, but the Lord loosed their Captivity; that Bondage came to an end, and they returned safely to their own land: & thus hath the Lord in his unspeakable Mercy, been pleased to deale with Britain & Ireland; the Lord hath reduced our Captivity. And as in many things this Mercy is great and wonderfull, so specially is it in this, that the Lord hath been pleased to reduce our Bondage and Captivity so soone, IT is a wonder of the Lords Goodnesse, that he hath not wreathed the Yoke of our Bondage about our necks for many generations. His own peculiar people were in bondage 70 yeares, in a strange Land: but [Page 8] God hath been pleased to shorten the years of our bondage, and to break the teeth of the old and young lions, so wee may say now, as Nahum. cap. 2. vers. xj. Where is the dwelling of the Lions, and the feeding place of the young Lions? Where the Lion, even the old Lion walked, and the Lions whelp, and none made them affrayed. vers. 12. The Lion did teare in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his Lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravine. vers. 13. Behold I am against thee, sayeth the LORD of Hosts, and I will burn her Chariots in the smoake, and the sword shall devoure thy young Lions, and I will cut off thy Prey from the earth, and the voyce of thy Messengers shall no more bee hard. Where now is the dwelling of these men, who of late did teare these Nations in pieces, and devoured them like a Prey? Are they not gone, & going to their own place.
Observ. 2 That as the Lord can restore a banished captive People when he pleases, so he can restore an exiled afflicted KING, after long and many sad Sufferings. I know not, who can sufficiently enumerat our GRACIOƲS KINGS Sufferings. Hath he not been a Sufferer since his Child-hood? What did he suffer, before his DEAREST FATHER'S unparalleled Murther? Consider how his tender SOƲLE was affected, when these sad Newes c [...]me to his eares, of that dismall blow given to his most ILLƲSTRIOƲS and LOVING FATHER, by some incarnat Devils, whereof one or two were Masked-Devils. What hath he suffered since? What a miraculous Escape did the Lord make for him at Worcester fight? when an Hollow Oake was his ROYALL PALACE? What hazards hath he been exposed to, by sea and Land? What temptations did hee meete with abroad? What Leagues and Confederacies have been drawn up against him and his just interests, by forreigne Princes & States? How unkindly used by these who should have been friends? How deserted and forsaken? How tossed with so many billowes of Adversities? Was he not of late looked upon, but as a broken vessell, in whom the Enemies [Page 9] thought there was no pleasure, and but as water spilt upon the ground? And yet GOD in his wise, just and gracious Providence hath been pleased to reduce him to his ancient KINGDOMS, safe in Body, and sound in the Faith, and hath made his GLORY and HONOƲR more resplendent and orient, lyke a bright Sun, after a dark & tempestuous Night. Surely this is a matter of exceeding great Praise to GOD, and of wonderfull Rejoycing to all the truely Godly and Loyall, in the three KINGDOMS. But as for Mal-contents, let them gnaw their Tongues for sorrow, & feed on their own Bowels lyke young Vipers.
The third point in the Text, is the JEWS Deliverer. III Who brought back their captivity? IT was not Themselves, it was not their own Wisdom, & Policy, nor Strength, nor Power, but the LORD JEHOVAH, (When the Lord,) The LORD had a very immediate and visible hand in their deliverance, as may be read at length in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. And may not SCOTLAND, ENGLAND and IRELAND say, That the LORD JEHOVAH, hath brought back our Captivity, Hath not the LORD made His Arme bare, and His steps manifest, and His Hand visible in our DELIVERANCE? Who is so blinde but sees the very FINGER of GOD, and a wonderfull PROVIDENCE in this Worke, to be delivered at such a nick of time, when few or none were expecting any deliverance, but all things looking worse and worse, when that Fanatique Party had forced that pretended Parliament of ENGLAND, and had brought all to a meere Anarchy, and intended to rule not by the SPIRIT, but by the sword, and that none should have RVLE or POWER, but these Fift Monarchy men, Quakers, & such like deluded giddy spirits? Yet at that very point of time, GOD divided the Army, and did spirit & animat the honest and Loyall Party of it, under the Command of that Noble and Valorous GENERALL MONCK, to stand up for lawfull Authority, and to call for a free and well-constituted PARLIAMENT, which could not be in ENGLAND, without [Page 10] a KING and house of LORDS. And although there were many Plottings and Contrivings, Stirrings and Risings, to hinder the electing and sitting of a free PARLIAMENT, and many illegall Qualifications intended to be put upon Elections and persons elected, yet then did the LORD aryse, and befoole these Firebrands of Sedition and Confusion, and took them in their own Snares, when as they had not so much confidence, as to draw a Sword in their own defence (Guiltines within, often makes feeble hands.) and did not the LORD send the Ring-leaders of that Fanatique party, prisoners to LONDON, the very day before that the PARLIAMENT sat down, a very Presage from HEAVEN of better dayes? and was it not GOD who did put it so unanimously, into the hearts of both houses of PARLIAMENT, of the ARMY, and body of the people of the three KINGDOMES, of all Ranks, to erect MONARCHIE, the only Ancient and Lawfull government of these NATIONS, and to send for the KING, and to bring him home, with great HONOUR and STATE, with the universall acclamations of his People? Yea, and all that so great a Worke, to be brought to passe, without one drop of bloud? Who ever dreamed of such a peaceable, sweet and unanimous REDUCTION of our native KING? and is not this, the very immediat hand of GOD? Yes indeed it is, (The LORD hath brought back our captivity.) and to his NAME be the Glory of that MERCY.
IV The Fourth Point is in these words, (Then wee were lyke them that dreame.) Now in this Expression take notice of two Things. 1. That these who ar under Captivity & Bondage, are lyke to men in a Dream. 2. When these who have been in Bondage & Captivity are delivered, they ar not at first sufficiently awakened out of their Dream, that is, they cannot get their Deliverance fully beleeved.
I These who are under Bondage and Captivity, are lyke these in a Dream, or Captivity is a Dream, or it is as a dreaming Time, and that in these Considerations.
[Page 11]These that Dreame, dreame, in the Night, the night is a 1 time of Dreaming, even so is Captivity a dreaming Time, it is a Night, a civill Night, it is a time of Darknesse & Clouds upon a Land: And what have these late yeares of our Bondage been, but a Night, a night of Confusion, of Usurpation, of Tyranny, a night of Blacknesse & of Darknesse upon the three NATIONS, a night which did overcloud all these Ancient lights, which sometimes shined cleare in Britaine and Ireland? a black night, which overshaddowed KING, PARLIAMENT, STATE, CHURCH, NOBILITY, GENTRY, BURROUGHES, MINISTRY and body of the People.
Captivity & Bondage is like a dreame in this respect, These 2 that dreame are sleeping, so a Land under Captivity and Bondage is sleeping, ordinarly it is so. I meane not sleeping in respect of externall peace and rest, ease and plenty: but they are sleeping in a sense Morall and Spirituall: thus did the IEWS (I beleeve) dreame in their Captivity, they were sleeping in sin and security, under the LORDS Wrath and Anger: and in this sense, our bondage was like a dream, for although GOD hath been persuing these Lands these severall years bygone, for many abominations, and particularly for the cry of bloud, and above all, for that Royall and innocent Bloud of our Late SOVERAIGN, yet we have sleeped on in our sinnes and security. Wee have keeped fast deceit, and have hid our sins like Adam: wee have been as one that sleepes on the topmast.
These that sleepe, have their senses bound up, Their Eyes 3 are shute, they see not, their Eares are shut, they heare not, so it fareth ordinatly with a People that are in Bondage and Captivity, a people lying under sin and wrath, Their Eyes are shut, their Ʋnderstanding and mindes are darkned, they do not take to heart their own sinfull and slavish Condition, they do not see nor consider these things which may conduce for their reliefe and deliverance; This was the Iewish people their Condition under the Romanes, as yee may reade [Page 12] Matth. 22. (O if thou hadst knowen, in this thy day, these things which belong to thy peace, but now they are hid from thine eyes. How so? They were sleeping and dreaming in their sins. I am sure that was our Condition during our late Captivity and bondage, our eyes were shute, wee were dreaming, we did neither see nor consider rightly, how to win out of our Thraldome and slavery; Wisdome, Counsell, Resolution, Courage all our politique Senses, for the most part at least, were gone! We were become lyke EPHRAIM, A silly doue without an heart.
4 Captivity and Bondage is lyke a Dreame, because as they who dreame, know not, when they shall awake; So a land in Captivity, knowes not, when their Captivity shall be loosed, and the Yoke broken: In this consideration also, Britain and Ireland were dreaming.
5 Captivity is lyke a Dreame, because as they who dreame, know not, that they are Dreaming, till they awake; so a people under Slavery, are oftentimes so stupified & benummed, and do sit down lyke Issachar, under the burden, that for the time scarce are they sensible of their Condition, they do not take to heart, that they are in Bondage, like Galley-slaves, who can be merry under their Guardians lash: but when a Captive people are restored to their wounted freedome, and Liberty and Lawes and King, then they finde, that before that, they have been dreaming, then they look upon their former base dishonourable, and slavish Condition, with astonishment and admiration: thus are these three NATIONS awakned out of their dreame: and these who of late were studying to keep the three KINGDOMS under slavery & bondage, doth now (I beleeve) finde that they were dreaming also, but some of them are now awakned out of their dreame, when Iustice is beginning to persue them.
6 These that are dreaming, their heads are full of imaginations and fancies. How many thousand fancies float up and down their Braines? a Poor-man dreames that he is Rich, a Thirsty-man, that he is Drinking, a Beggar dreams that he is [Page 13] a King? Even so a people that is in Captivity & Bondage are lyke Dreamers, ordinarly their heads are full of Fancies and Imaginations: And I must say, that never a people were filled with more Fancies, Imaginations & Whimsies, then many in Britain, during these late Revolutions have been. Have not some been dreaming to be Kings? did not all the Fift-monarchists dreame to be Kings, Princes, Rulers & Possessors of the Earth? did they not call thēselves, The sword of the Lord & of Gideon? & that to cut off all the Canaanits, in the three NATIONS, & to possesse All; this was a greedy Dreame. Were not some dreaming to be Protectors, to be Dictators, to be the Councell of Estate, the Cōmitty of safety, yea some dreaming to have this Place or that Place. Were not Anabaptists, Quakers, Seekers, Levellers, and all the rable of that fanatique Party dreaming strange dreames? And did not these pretended Parliaments of late, and their Councell of Estate, dreame strongly? How many new fancies and modells of Government did they hatch in their brains, one Government this yeare, then another government the second yeare, and a third Governmēt the third yeare? How often did they change their Principles and instruments of Government; even lyke to young Children building Castles of clay, they build one, that pleases not, down goes it, and then another is put up, but in end all is throwne down, and the Builders evanish & are scattered.
The second Particular proposed on this branch of the text II was this, that when a people, who have been under Bondage and Captivity, are delivered from their Bondage, they are so surprysed with their Deliverance at first, that they can hardly get it beleeved, they think that it is not reall, but a dreame, and so was it with the IEWS, at this tyme.
Because of their long continuance under Bondage, they 1 were so accustomed & habituated with Captivity, that when they were delivered, they could not get it at first beleeved, they thought it a Dreame.
[Page 14] 2 They thought it a Dreame, in respect of the nick of tyme, when it fell out, that is, when least expected.
3 They thought their Deliverance a dream, and were surprysed with it, because of the Manner & Way how they were Delivered: which was without Armies, without Fighting for their Delivery and for their Liberty, without Bloud, without any common Consultation, or Meeting amongst themselves, yea without so much as petitionating for their own Deliverance.
4 They thought it a Dreame, in respect of the Instruments of their Deliverance. Cyrus and Artaxerxes to do it, that is, these who detained them in Captivity and Bondage.
5 They thought it a Dreame, in respect of the Suddennesse of it.
6 They thought it a Dreame, in respect of the Repairer of their breaches. Now let us apply these things.
I As the JEWS Condition was sad and wofull, and as they were accustomed to Captivity, and so habituated in it, that when they wer indeed Delivered, they could not at first, get it beleeved, but thought it a Dreame: so our Deliverance seemed to us at first a Dream, wee have been so sore tossed with Troubles, so accustomed to Slavery, that when our Bondage is broken, by the good hand of our GOD, wee can hardly get it beleeved, wee are lyke men that Dreame.
II As the Occasion of their present Deliverance was strange, which made it look lyke a Dreame, so the Occasion of BRITAINS Deliverance was very strange, wee may look upon it as a Dreame. And what was it? even the Pryde and Ambition of that Fanatique Party, who raised that pretended Parliament, that they might have wreathed a new Yoke upon the necks of the three KINGDOMS.
III As the JEWS Deliverance was lyke a Dreame to them, in respect of the Time when GOD did bring it to passe, so is our Deliverance, the LORD wrought it at such a Time, when wee were not expecting Deliverance, but looking for sadder dayes, when all Matters were casten loose, all in a Confusion, [Page 15] the pretended Government in a non-entry, an Army on foot to rule by the Sword, then and not till then, did the LORD step out for out Help and Deliverance.
As the JEWS Deliverance out of Babylon, looked lyke a IV Dreame at first, in respect of the Instruments of their Delivery; so may our Deliverance look lyke a Dreame, who could have imagined, that an English GENERALL, an English Army, an English Parliament, should have been the Instruments of SCOTLANDS Deliverance? this is lyke a Dreame.
The Suddennesse of the JEWS Deliverance, made it lyke a V Dreame, so may wee look on our Deliverance, in respect of it's Suddennesse. That noble and worthy PARLIAMENT having but newly sit down, when matters are brought to such a passe, that our GRACIOƲS KING, is voted unanimously (nemine contradicente) to have the just and undoubted Right, to the CROWNES of the three KINGDOMS, and voted to be sent for, and so brought home in great State and Honour, these Bloudy Parricids and Murtherers of his DEAREST FATHER voted Traytors, the KING so much longed for, received and welcomed, by the joyfull Acclamations of the three NATIONS, and all this in so short a Time: is not this lyke a Dreame? were not people thinking that there would be a long, intricate and doubtfull Treaty, between the KING and the PARLIAMENT? and were not the Salamanders of Britain & Ireland preparing all the Doubts, Scruples, Obstructions & Remora's that lay in their power, to cast in the way, to have rendered such a Treaty void and ineffectuall? but the LORD of his rich Mercy was pleased to preveen, yea and befoole such unthankfull and disloyall Incendiaries, and the KING is at home, before they can get their ginnes and snares well ordered and laid.
As the JEWS Deliverance out of Babylon looked like a VI dreame at first, in respect of the Repairer of their breaches, so is our deliverance: Whom hath GOD made the Repairer of our breaches? Even our own Native, Gracious KING, by [Page 16] His Gracious Messages to His Parliament, Army, Navy, & to His whole Subjects of the three NATIONS? Who dreamed, that KING CHARLES the SECOND, (on whom too many of late looked, as upon water spilt on the ground) that a PRINCE Exiled, without Armies, without reall and cordiall Friends abroad, a KING without the Sinews of warre, should have been the Repairer of our Breaches? This is the LORDS doing, and it is Marvelous in Our eyes. Let all the GLORY of it be His.
V The Last words are (Then was Our mouth filled with laughter &c.) in these words, wee have the Effects, which the JEWS Deliverance wrought on their Spirits, it made them to rejoyce exceedingly.
Observ.That it is not onely lawfull, but it is also the duty of a People or Nation, whom the LORD hath brought out of Thraldome and Bondage, and restored them to their Ancient and fundamentall GOVERNMENT, and Lawes, and Liberties, and brought home their long wished for, Native KING; to manifest the sense of their Deliverance, not only in their hearts to GOD, but by outward signs and publique solemnities of rejoycing before men. When DAVID brought up the ARK from Kiriath Jearim, II. Sam. 6. Hee did it, with great state and solemnity, and with great outward & publick expressions of joy. DAVID and all the house of Israel played before the Ark, on all manner of instruments, on harps, cornets, cymbals, psalteries and timbrels; And in the 16 vers. of that same Chapter, DAVID daunced before the Arke, and none censured him for so doing, but a vayne precise, hypocriticall scold, Michal. II. Kings 11. When Jehoash was crownd, it was done with great Solemnity and State. So also was SOLOMONS Coronation, and such was DAVIDS returne from beyond Jordan, and from the land of the Hermonits; All these signall Mercies were acknowledged by publick Expressions, and solemnities of Rejoycings. This hath been the Custome of all Nations, Ages and Generations upon such eminent occasions, and wonderfull revolutions [Page 17] of Mercies. And who can forbid such Solemne & publick Expressions of Joy? But let it be much locked to, that there be no Excesse, nor Ryot, and no Offence be given to GOD, in our publique Rejoycings. If I had said two things, I have done.
If I may compare Spirituall things with Temporalls, as I I trust there is no sin in it, and the rather, because that Christian KINGS, are CHRIST'S Vice-gerents on Earth, I offer to you a passage of Scripture from Zech. 9.9. (J Rejoyce greatly, O daughter of Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, thy KING cometh unto thee: Hee is just, & meeke.) This is indeed a Prophesie anent CHRIST the MESSIAS, as it is applyed Math. 21 Yet I beleeve it to be no offence, to make some Allusion to it; And therefore I say, Rejoyce greatly O thou BRITAIN, shout for joy, for thy KING cometh to thee.
A KING cometh, not a Protector, not a Rump-parliament, .1 not a Fanatique Counsell of State, not a Tyrant but a KING.
THY KING, not the King of France, nor of Spaine, 2 not the Turke, not a Stranger King, but THY KING, THY OWN KING, THY NATIVE KING, THY KING by a CIX lineall Descents from Royall Blood, THY KING by Birth, THY KING by Education, THY KING by Profession, THY PROTESTANT KING.
THY KING cometh to Thee, not Against Thee, THE 3 KING cometh to us, not Against us, with forraigne Forces, (which might justly have been feared) venit non irruit: HEE comes Softly, not Jehu-lyke marching Furiously, HEE cometh Smoothly & Calmly, lyke the Waters of Siloah, not Rashly, but Deliberatly, by the unanimous Call of HIS PARLIAMENT, ARMY, NAVY, NOBILITY, GENTRY, city of LONDON, and all the NOBILITY of the THREE NATIONS, by the Ministry and Body of the people.
HEE comes not to Oppresse, nor to Tyrannise over His 4 Subjects, but HEE comes JƲST, to restore JƲSTICE, [Page 18] which was fallen in Our Streets, and where Equity durst not enter, and wher Mischiefe, was established by a Law: HEE comes IƲST to erect our Ancient Iudicatories, Lawes, Iust Iudges, to lift up His afflicted and faithfull Subjects Heads, which were trode under, by a faction of Rebells & Usurpers, & to bring Oppressors, Tyrants and 5 Bloudy men low.
HEE comes MEEK, Iust & Meek; This His Meeknesse is abundantly manifested in His MAIESTY'S gracious Letters, Declarations, Proclamations, and Emissions, to HIS PARLIAMENT, ARMY, NAVY, City of LONDON, to the Houses of LORDS and COMMONS, and to the whole NOBILITY, GENTRY, MINISTRY, BURROUGHS & people of these LANDS. I trust that GOD hath so taught His MAIESTY, and so principled HIM for ROYALL GOVERNMENT, that HE can mixe Iustice with Meeknesse & Meeknesse with Iustice, and hath given to HIM a spirit of Wisdome, to discern between the clamorous pretending II Whoore, and the true Mother of the Chyld.
Now (before I close) let mee offer to you, some things, by way of advice.
1 Let GOD have the Praise of this great WORK, of this wonderfull and gracious Revolution, for the WORK is His; There hath not a Revolution fallen out in our time, not in many generations before, wherein the LORDS Power, Mercy, Wisdome and Goodnesse hath been more conspicuously & eminently seen, then in this our KINGS Restauration. Hath not the Wisdome of GOD in a sudden befooled all these Bloudy-minded, Treacherous, Perfidious, Disloyall Achitophels and Macchiavells in the three KINGDOMS? And therefore let the Praise and Glory of this WORK, bee to the Holy Name of the LORD our GOD, Who is Excellent in working, Wonderfull in Counsell, 2 doing Wonders.
Next under GOD, Let that Noble, Wise, and Religious PARLIAMENT of ENGLAND, That Noble, Wise, and [Page 19] Valorous GENERALL MONK, now Duke of Albemarlie, Knight of the most Noble order of the Gartar, &c. Let the honest and loyall Party of the Army, who adhered to Him, Let the Navy, and all these in the three KINGDOMS, both of the NOBILITY, GENTRY, BARONS, MINISTERS, BURROUGHS, & all who had an hand in this great WORK (which some have been studying like Foxes in their den's and Conyes in their holes, to underminde) I say, Let all these who have been instrumentall to carry on this great WORK and REVOLUTION, have their own deserved Estimation and Praise, and let them be looked on with Love, Respect & Honour as Lovers of Religion, of their Native KING, and their Countreyes Honour, Freedome and Happinesse, as polished shafts in the LORDS right Hand.
I beseech you, let the KING have the benefit of your 3 Prayers, that is one of the best Offices, that yee can do to HIM, Pray for HIM often, not for a Forme, but in good Earnest, and from a pious Loyall Affection, hold up HIS Condition to GOD, when ye remember your own; Pray the LORD, to establish HIS THRONE in Righteousnes, to make the CROWNE to flowrish on HIS HEAD, & the HEADS of HIS POSTERITY, while Sun and Moon indure. Pray that no Treason, nor Traytor at any tyme may reach the CROWNE, that GOD would blesse His MAIESTY, with a wise, Godly, faithfull, and Loyall Counsell, with an holy, obedient, and peaceable Clergy, with a submissive, contented, Loyall People, that HEE may be a Bulwarke for Truth, Godlinesse, Religion, Iustice and Equity, that HEE may be a Nursing Father to the Church, an Advancer of the Protestant Religion, and that HEE may Scatter the wicked of the land, with his eyes, and that HEE may be a Diademe, in the hand of the LORD of HOSTS, and a Paterne for all the Kings of the world to imitate: For there was never KING of Britaine, that had more need of Wisdome, Prudence & Forsight, then HIS MAIESTY who now [Page 20] Reignes. Never any of His Royall Ancestors did come to their Crowne in a more difficult tyme, Never a KING had greater variety and tempers of Spirit, to deale with, nor more difficulty to give just and reasonable satisfaction and content to so many severall and contrary Interests. Never any of His Royall Predecessors had more Enemies, some known, and some vailed, who can very sliely and subtilly drop out words, for His Disadvantage, so the KING stands much in need of the Prayers of His Godly and loyall Subjects, wherfore let our hearty Prayers be to GOD for HIM.
4 Beware to give care to any sinistrous Reports, Suggestions or Misinformations against the KING'S Person or Government. There is and was a generation in BRITAINE, who made it their trade and game (Religiously & Devotly enough) to blast His MAIESTY'S FATHERS Reputation, whose Memory is now sacred, & will be as a sweet favour to succeeding Generations, when the Memory of these vile Aspersers shall rote and stink in the Dust▪ Yea that same evill Spirit, is not yet banished away, studying what lyes in its power in a flie, subtile, hypocriticall, clandestine Way, under a pretence of Zeale and Piety, to suggest Prejudices in the mynd [...] of simple and well-minded People, whom they have abused too long against the KING▪ whereas HEE hath given farre more evident Testimonies, in the midst of many strange Temptations to the Truth of the Protestant Religion, then any or all of these disloyall Whisperers. Beware to heare such false Insinuations, for they smell worse then Hemlock in the furrows of the Field. I do not speake this, with any reference to this Place in particular. I know & that upon good Grounds from many years Experience, that ABERDENE might of old, and yet may (be it spoken without Envy or Disparagement) compare for Loyalty to their KING, with any City in BRITAINE, but I speake this as a generall Warning, for the whole land, for ther hath been much Sin that way in BRITAINE; and if any now should follow such disloyall Steps, they ought to be marked and discovered.
[Page 21]Beware to have an hand, or any way to be accessory, to any 5 thing, which directly or indirectly may tend to, or look like a Prejudice to MONARCHICALL GOVERNMENT, or to the shaking one Pinne of it loose. It was most wysly said by our late Martyr KING of blessed Memory, that the Government then was like to a Watch, when it is taken down, if one Pinne be set wrong, it will marre all, and make all go Wrong. Wee have found HIM a true Prophet in that, as in many other things. Now therefore since GOD in His deepe Wisdome and wonderfull Goodnesse, hath reduced Our NATIVE KING and set up MONARCHY, the Ancient and Lawfull Government of these Nations, let all the Subjects beware of the least occasion, directly or indirectly to loose the smallest Pinne of it. Let all the Subjects know that it's their Liberty and Honour, to live under their NATIVE KING, under their Ancient, fundamentall Government and established Lawes, and not under the sword of Ʋsurpers & Tyrants. Have wee not sore smarted already under the change of Government? Have wee not found a fancyed Comonwealths Finger heavier then Our former Lawfull KINGS Loynt? Let us account Government a precious tender Thing, Let us not midle with them that are given to Change. 6
Lastly be content to beare Burthens for a time, to pay publique Assesses & Impositions, which yet the Necessity and Condition of affairs call for. What was payed to Ʋsurpers, let non grudge to pay to Our just KING, for the great Affaires of the Kingdom. And I am confident that a short time shall ease these Nations of that, which for the presēt it is not rationally possible to be eased of: but I need not to spend tyme on Exhortations of this nature, as to Loyalty & Cheerfulnesse under burthens to this Honorable & Loyall City; in whose estimation & hearts the KINGS Majesty is most deare and precious. Love makes you Loyall. I say no more, but Feare GOD & Honour the KING. GOD blesse K. CHARLES II. KING of great BRITAINE &c. Now to him who is KING of kings, & LORD of Lords, be Praise and Glory for ever, Amen.