THE Second, and Third Advice TO A PAINTER, For Drawing the HISTORY Of our NAVALL Actions; The Two last Years, 1665. And 1666. In Answer to Mr. Waller.

—Pictoribus atque Poetis,
Quidlibet Audendi semper fuit oequa potestas.
Humano Capiti cervicem pictor equinam;
Iangere si velit—
Horat. de Arte Poet.

A. Breda, 1667.

THE Second Advice TO A PAINTER, FOR Drawing the History of our NAVALL Business; In Answer to Mr. Waller.

NAy Painter, if thou dar'st design that Fight,
Which Waller only Courage had to Write;
If thy bold hand, can without shaking Draw,
What even the Actors trembled when they saw;
Enough to make thy Colours change like their's,
And all thy Pencills bristle, like their Haires.
First in fit distance of the prospect Vaine,
Paint Allen Tilting at the Coast of Spaine;
Heroick Act, and never heard till now,
Steming of Her'cles Pillers with his Prow,
And how two Ships he left, the Hills to waft,
And with new Sea-marks, Dover and Calice graft.
Next let the flaming London come in view.
Like Nero's Rome, burnt to Rebuild it new:
[Page 4]What lesser Sacrifice then this was meet,
To offer for the fafty of the Fleet?
Blow one Ship up, another thence doth grow;
See what free Cities; and wise Courts can do.
So some old Merchant to ensure his Name,
Marries a fresh, and Courtiers share the Dame:
So what soe're is broke, the Servants pay't,
And Glasses are more durable then Plate.
No Mayor till now, so rich a Pageant fain'd;
Nor one Barge all the Companies contain'd.
Then Painter draw Coerulean Coventry,
Keeper, or rather Chancelor of the Sea;
Of whom the Captain buys his leave to dye,
And Barters it for Wounds, or Infamy:
And more exactly to express his hue,
Use nothing but ultra marinish blue;
To pay his Fees the Silver Trumpet spend,
And Boatswains whistles; For his Place depends;
Pilots in vain repeat the Compass o're,
Untill of him, they learn that one Point more;
The constant Magnet to the Pole doth hold,
Steel to the Magnet, Coventry to Gold:
Muscovy sells us Hemp, and Pitch and Tar?
Iron and Copper Sweden; Munster War;
Ashley Prizes, Warwick Customs, Cartret Pay?
But Coventry doth sell his Fleet away.
Now let our Navy stretch its Canvas wings,
Swoln like his purse, with tackling like its strings,
By slow degrees of the encreasing Gale,
First under Sale, and after under Sail:
[Page 5]Then in kind visit unto Opdams Gout,
Hedge the Dutch in, only to let them out:
So Huntsmen fair, unto the Hares give law,
First find them, and then civilly withdraw,
That the blind Archer, when they take the Seas,
The Hamborough Convey may betray at ease.
So that the Fish may more securely bite,
The Fisher baits the River over night.
But Painter now prepare t'enrich thy Piece,
Pencills of Ermins, Oyl of Ambergreece:
See where the Dutches with triumphant tayl
Of numerous Coaches. Harwich doth assayl;
So the Land-Crabs, at Natures kindly call
Down to engender, at the Sea do crawl;
See then the Admiral with Navy whole,
To Harwich through the Ocean Caraloe:
So Swallows buried in the Sea, at Spring,
Return to Land, with Summer in their wing.
One thrifty Ferry-boat of Mother-Pearl
Suffic'd of old, the Citherian Girl:
Yet Navies are but propperties, when here
A small Sea-mask, built to court you Dear.
Three Goddesses in one. Pallas for Art,
Venus for Sport, and Juno in your heart.
Oh Dutches! if thy Nuptial Pomp were mean,
It's paid with intrest, in this Naval Scean:
Never did Roman Mark within the Nyle,
So feast the fair Egyptian Crocodile;
Nor the Venetian Duke with such a State,
The Adriatique Marry at that Rate.
[Page 6]Now Painter spare thy weaker Art, forbear
To draw her parting passions, and each tear,
For love alass, hath but a short delight,
The Winds, the Dutch, the King, all calls to fight;
She therefore the Dukes person recommends
To Brunker, Pen and Coventry, as friends;
Pen, much more to Brunker, most to Coventry.
For they (she knew) were more 'fraid then bee.
Of flying Fishes, one had fav'd the Finn,
And hop'd with that, he through the Aire might spin:
The other thought he might avoid his Knell,
In the Invention of the Diving Bell:
The third had tri'd it, and afirm'd, a Cable
Coil'd round about men, was Impenetrable:
But these the Duke rejected; only chose
To keep far off, and others Interpose.
Rupert that knew not fear, but health did want,
Kept state suspended in his Chair volant,
All save his head shut in the wooden Case,
He shew'd but like a broken weather-Glasse;
But arm'd in a whole Lyon Cap-a-chin,
Did represent a Hercules within;
Dear, shall the Dutch his twinging Anguish know,
And feel what Valour (whet with pain) can do:
Curst in the mean time be that traitrous Iael,
That through his Princely temples drove the nail.
Rupert resolv'd to fight it like a Lyon,
But Sandwich hop'd to fight it like Aryon:
He to prolong his life in the dispute,
(And Charm the Holland Pyrats) tun'd his Lute,
[Page 7]Till some juditious Dolphin might approach,
And land him safe and sound as any Roach;
Hence by the Gazetteir he was mistooke,
As unconcern'd, as if at Hinchinbrooke.
Now Painter reassume thy Pencills care,
It has but Skirmisht yet, Now Fight prepare
And Battle draw, more terrible to show,
Then the last judgement was of Angelo:
First let our Navy scour through silver froth,
The Oceans burthen, and the Kingdomes both;
Whose every bulk doth represent it's birth
From Hide, and Paston, burthens of the earth!
Hide, whose transcendent Paunch so swells of late.
That he the Rupture seems of Law and State.
Paston, whose belly devours more Millions
Then Indian Carracks, and contains more Tuns.
Let sholes of Porposes on every side
Wonder in swimming, by the Oakes out-vide
And the Sea-fowls (at gaze) behold a thing
So vast, more strong and swift then they of wing:
Both which presaging gorge, yet keep in sight,
And follow for the Reliques of the Fight.
Then let the Dutch with well disembling fear,
Or bold dispair, more then we wish, draw near;
At which our Gallants, to the Sea but tender,
And more to fight, Their squezy stomacks render,
With breasts so panting, that at every stroake
You might have felt their hearts beat through the Oke;
Whilst one concern'd most in the interval
Of straining Choller, thus did cast his Gall;
[Page 8] Noah be damb'd, and all his Race accurst,
Who in Sea-brine did pickle Timber first;
Who, though be planted Vines, he Pines cut down
He taught us how to drink, and how to drown:
He first built Ships, and in the Woodden-Wall,
Saving but Eight, e're since endangers All.
And thou Dutch Negromantick Frier, Damn'd,
And in thine own first Morter-piece be ram'd,
Who first inventedst Cannon in thy Cell,
Nitre from Earth, and Brimstone fetcht from Hell.
But Damn'd, and treble Damn'd be Clarendine,
(Our Seventh Edward) with his House and Line;
Who, to devert the danger of the War
With Bristol, hounds us on the Hallander:
F [...]ls coated Gown-men, sells to fight with Hans
Dunkirk, Dismantles Scotland, quarrels France;
And hopes he now hath business shap'd, & power
T'out [...]as [...] his life, or ours, and scape the Tower,
And that he yet may see, e're he went down,
His dear Clarinda circled in a Crown.
By this time both the Fleets in reach, dispute,
And each the other mortally Salute:
Draw pensive Neptune biting of his thumbs,
To think himself a Slave, who e're o're comes;
And frighted Nymphs retreating to the Rocks,
Beating their blue breasts, tearing their green locks
Paint Ecchoes slain, only the alternate sound
From the repeating Cannon doth rebound;
Opdam sails up, mounted on his Naval throne,
Assuming Courage greater then his own:
[Page 9]Makes to the Duke, and threatens him from far,
To nail himself to's Board like a Petar:
But in this vain attempt, takes fire too soon,
And flies up in his Ship to catch the Moon:
Mounsiers, like Rockets, mount aloft and crack
In thousand sparks, then prancingly fall back;
Yet e're this hapned, Destiny allow'd
Him his Revenge, to make his Death more proud
A fatal Bullet from his side did range
And battered Lawson, Ah! too dear exchange:
He led our Fleet (that day) too short a space;
But lost his Knee, died since in honours Race:
Lawson, whose Valour beyound Fate doth go,
Doth still fight Opdam in the shades helow.
The Duke himself, though Pen did not forget,
Yet was not out of Dangers random set.
Falmouth was there, I know not what to act,
Unless it was to grow Duke by Contract;
An un-taught Bullet in its wanton scope,
Quashes him all to pieces and his hope:
Such as his Rise, such was his Fall, unprais'd,
A chance-shot sooner took, then chance him rais'd
His shatter'd head the fearless Duke disdains,
Which gave the last, first proof that he had brains.
Berkley had heard it soon, and thought not good
To venter more of Royal Hardings blood;
To be immortal, he was not of Age,
And did even now the Indian prize presage;
But judg'd it safe and decent (cost what cost)
To loose the Day, since his drar Brother's lost,
[Page 10]With his whole Squadron straight away he bore,
And like good Boy, promis'd to fight no more.
The Dutch Aurania careless at Us fail'd,
And promised to do, what Opdam fail'd;
Smith (to the Duke) doth intercept her way;
And cleaves there, closer then the Re-mo-ra:
The Captain wonder'd, and withall disdain'd,
So strongly, by a thing so small, to be detain'd;
And in a raging bravery to him runs,
They stab'd their Ships with one anothers Guns;
They fight so neer, it seems to be on ground,
And even Bullets meeting Bullets wound;
The noise, the smoak, the sweat, the fire, the blood,
Is not to be exprest, nor understood;
Each Captain from the quarter Deck Commands,
They wave their bright Swords glittering in their hands;
All luxury of war, all Man can do
In a Sea-fight, did pass between them two:
But one must conquer, who so e're does Fight;
Smith took the Gyant, and is since made Knight.
Marlborow, who knew, & dar'd no more then All,
Falls undistinguish'd by an Iron-Ball;
Dear Lord, but born under a Star ungrate,
No soul so clear, nor none more gloomy fate:
Who would set up Wars trade, that means to thrive,
Death picks the Valliant out, Cowards survive:
What the brave merrit, the Impudent do vaunt,
And none's rewarded, but the Sicophant:
Hence all his life-time, he 'gainst Fortune fenc'd,
Or not well known, or not well recompenc'd;
[Page 11]But envy, not this praise to's Memory,
None more prepar'd, and none less fit to dye:
Rupert did others, and himself excell:
Holmes, Tiddiman, Minns; bravely Sanson fell.
What Others did, let none omitted, blame;
I shall record, who e're brings in his name;
But unless after stories disagree,
Nine only came to fight, the rest to see.
Now all conspire unto the Dutchmens loss,
The wind, the fire, Wee, They themselves do cross.
When a sweet sleep the Duke began to drown,
And with soft Diadems his Temples crown;
But first he orders all besides himself to watch,
That they the Foe (whilst he a Nap) shu'd catch:
But Brunker by a secreter instinct
Slept not, nor needs hee, he all day had wink'd;
The Duke in Bed; he then first draws his Steel,
Whose Vertue makes the misled Compass reel:
So er'e he wakes, both Fleets are inocent,
And Brunker Member is of Parliament.
And now dear Painter, after pains like those,
'Twere time that thou and I too should repose:
But all our Navy scape so sound of Limb,
That a small space serv'd to Refresh its Trim:
And a tame Fleet of theirs do Convoy want,
Laden with both the Indies and Levant:
Paint but this one Scene more, the worlds our own
The Halcion Sandwich doth Command alone;
To Bergen now with better Maw we hast,
And the sweet spoiles in hope already taste:
[Page 12]Though Clifford in the Caracter appears,
Of Super Cargo to our Fleet, and Theirs.
Wearing a Signet ready to clap on,
And ceaze on all for's Master Arlington.
Ruiter, whose little Sqadron skimes the Seas,
And wasteth our remotest Collonies,
With Ships all soul, return upon our way.
Sandwich would not disperse, nor yet delay;
And therefore like Commander Grave and Wife,
To escape his sight and fight, shuts both his eyes:
And for more state and sureness, Curtins drew,
He the left eye closes, the right Mountegue.
And even Clifford proffer'd in his Zeal,
To make all sure, to apply to both his Seal.
Vlisses so till he the Cyrens past,
Would by his Mates be Pinnioned to the Mast.
Now can our Navy view the wish'd for Port,
But there (to see the fortune) was a Fort.
Sandwich would not be beaten, nor yet beat,
Fools only fight, the Prudent use to Treat.
His Conzen Mountegue by Court disaster,
Dwingled into a wooden Horses Master.
To speak of Peace. seeem'd unto all most proper,
Had Talbot there treated of nought but Copper:
What are Forts when void of Ammunition,
With friend or foe? what would we more conditi­on
Yet we three days (till the 'Dutch furnish'd all,
Men, Money, Cannon, Powder) treat with Wall.
Then Tiddy finding that the Dane would not,
Sends in six Captains bravely to be shot:
[Page 13]And Mountague, though drest like any Bride,
Though Aboard him too, was reacht and died.
Sad was this chance, and yet a deeper care,
Wrinckled our Membrains under forehead fair:
The Dutch Armado yet had impudence,
To put to Sea, to waft their Merchants thence;
For as if all their Ships of Walnuts were,
The more we beat them, still the more they bear.
But a good Pilot, and favouring wind,
Brings Sandwich back, and once again doth blind.
Now gentle Painter, e're we leap on shore,
With thy last strokes ruffle a Tempest o're;
As if in our approach the Winds and Seas,
Would undertake the Dutch, whilst we take ease:
The Seas their spoils within our Hatches throw,
The Wind both Fleets into our mouths did blow,
Strew'd all their Ships along the Coast by ours,
As easie to be gathered up as Flowers.
But Sandwitch fears for Marchants to mistake
A man of War, amongst these Flowers a Snake,
Two Indian Ships, pregnant with Eastern Pearls,
And Diamonds, sates the Officers and Earles;
Then warning of our Fleet, he it divides
Into the Ports, and he to Oxford rides:
Whilst the Dutch re-uniting to our shames,
Ride all insulting o're the Downs and Thames;
Now treating Sandwich seems the fittest choice
For Spain, there to condole and to rejoyce:
He meets the French, but to avoid all harms,
Slips into Groine, Embassies bears no Arms.
[Page 14]There let him languish a long Quarrentine,
And ne're to England come, till he be clean.
Henceforth (O Gemini) two Dukes Command,
Caster and Pollux, Aumerle, Cumberland:
Since in one Ship; It had been fit they went
Io Pettyes double-keel'd Experiment.

To the King.

IMperial Prince! King of the Seas, and Isles,
Dear Object of our Joyes, and Heavens smiles,
What boots it, that thy Light doth guild our dayes
And we lye basking in thy milder Rayes;
Whilst swarms of Infects, from thy warmth begun,
Our Land devour, and Intercept thy Sun:
Thou, like Ioves Minos, Rul'st a greater Creet,
And for its hundred Cities, counts thy Fleet:
Why wilt thou that State Daedalus allow,
Who builds thee but a Labyrinth, and a Cow:
If thou a Minos, be a Judge severe,
And in's own Maze confine the Engineer.
Or if our Sun, since he so neer presumes,
Melt the soft wax, with which he imps his Plumes;
Then let him falling, leave his hated Name,
Unto those Seas, his Wars have set on flame;
From that Enchanter, having clear'd thine eyes,
Thy Native sight wild pierce within the Skies,
[Page 15]And view those Kingdoms full of Joy and Light,
Wher's Unevarsal Triumph; but no Fight:
Since both from heaven thy care & power descend
Rule by its Pattern, there to reascend;
Let Justice only Draw, and Battel cease;
Kings are in War but Cards. they'r Gods in peace,
Thus having Fought, we know not why, nor yet
W'ave done we know not what, or what we get;
If to Espouse the Ocean, all these pains,
Princes Unite, and will forbid the Banes:
If to discharge Phanaticks, this makes more,
For all Phanaticks turn, when sick or poore:
Or if the House of Commons, to repay
Their Prize Commissions are transfer'd away.
If for Triumphant Check, Stones, or a Shell
For Dutches Closet, 'tas succeeded well.
If to make Parliaments all odious pass,
If to reserve a standing Force, alas:
Or if (as just Orange) to reinstate,
Instead of that, he is Regenerate.
And with four Millions vainly given or spent,
And with five Millions more of detriment;
Our Sum amounts, yet only to have won,
A Bastard Orange for Pimp Arlington.
Now may Historians, argue Con and Pro,
Denham saies thus, though Waller alwaies so;
But he good man, in his long Sheet and Staff,
This Pennance did for Cromwel's Epitaph;
And his next Theme must be the Dukes Mistrisse,
Advice to Draw Madam L'AEdificatresse.

THE Third Advice TO A PAINTER, On our last Summers Success with French and Dutch, 1666.
Written by the same hand as the former was.

SAndwich in Spain now, and the Duke in Love,
Ler's with new Generals, a new Painter prove
Lillie's a Dutchman dangerous in his Art,
His Pencils may intelligence impart.
Thou Gibson who among the Navy small,
Of Marshal'd Shells, Commandst Admiral;
Thy self so slender, that thou shewst no more
Then Barnicle new hatcht of them before:
Come mix thy water Colours, and express,
Drawing in Little, what we do in Less:
First paint me George and Rupert, ratling far,
Within one Box, like the two Dice of War;
[Page 18]And let the Terror of their linked Names,
Fly through the Air, like Chain-shot, tearing Flame
Iove in one Cloud did scarcely wrap
Lightning so fierce, but never such a clap:
Unighted Gen'rals, sure the only spell;
Wherewith United-Provinces to quell:
Alas, even they (though shell'd in trebble Oak)
Will prove an Adle-Egg, with double Yoalk:
And therefore next uncouple either Hound,
And Low-them at two Hares, e're one be found;
Rupert to Beaufort, Hollow-Ay there Rupert;
Like the fantastick Hunting of St- Hubert,
When he with Earthy Hound, & Horn of Aire,
Pursues through Fountebleau the witchy Hare:
Deep providence of State! that could so soon
Fight Beaufort here, e're he had quit Thoulon:
So have I seen e're humane quarrels rise,
Forebodeing Meteors combat in the Skies;
But let the Prince to fight with rumours go,
The General meets a more substantial Foe;
Ruiter he spies, and full of youthful heat,
(Though half their number) thinks has odds to great
The Fowler watches so the watry spot
And more the Fowl, hopes for the better shot;
Though such a Limb were form his Navy torn,
He felt no weakness, yet like Sampson shorn,
But swoln with sence of former Glory won,
Thought Monck must be by Albemarle out-done;
Little he knew, with the same Arm and Sword,
How far the Gentleman out-cuts the Lord:
[Page 19] Ruyter inferiour unto none for Heart,
Superior now in Number and in Art;
Askt if he thought, as once our Rebel Nation,
To conquer them too by a Declaration;
And threatens, though now he so proudly sayl,
He shall tread back his Iter Boreale:
This said, he the short period e're it ends,
With Iron words from Brazen mouths extends;
Monck yet prevents him, e're the Navies meet,
And Charges in himself alone, a Fleet,
And with so quick and frequent motion wound,
His murd'ring sides about the Ship seem'd round,
And the exchange of his incircling Tyre,
Like flaming Hoops shew'd like Triumphant fire;
Single he does at their whole Navy aim,
And shoots them tbrough a porcupine of Flame;
He plays with Danger, and his Bullets trouls,
As 'twere at Tron-Madam through all the holds;
In noise so regular his Cannons met,
You'd think 'twas Thunder, unto Musick set;
Ah, had the rest but kept a time as true,
What Age could such a martial Confort shew?
The listning Air unto the distant shore,
Through secret Pipes conveys the tuned Roar,
Till as the Ecchoe vanishing abate,
Men feel a deaf sound, like the Pulse of Fate:
If Fate expire, let Monck her place supply,
His Guns determine who shall live or die;
But Victory does alwayes hate a Rant;
Valours her Brave, but Conducts her Gallant.
[Page 20] Ruiter no less with vertuous envy burns,
And Prodigies for Miracles returns,
Yet he observ'd how still the Iron-Balls
Brusled in vain against our Oaken walls;
And the hard Pellets fell away as dead,
Which our inchanted Timber filllipped:
Leave then (said he) th' unvulnerable Keel,
We'l find them feeble lik Achilles heel:
He quickly taught, and pours in continnal Clouds
Of chain'd Dilemnaes, through our sinewy shrowds
Forrests of Masts fall with their rude Embrace,
Our stiff Sails, Masht and netted into Lace,
Till our whole Navy lay their wanton mark,
And no Ship now could sayl; but as the Ark.
Shot in the wing, so at the Powders call,
The disappointed Bird does fluttering fall;
Yet Monck disabled, still such Courage shows,
As none into his mortal gripes durst close:
So an old Bustard maim'd, yet loath to yield,
Duels the Fowler, in Newmarket-field;
But soon he found it was in vain to fight,
And imps his Plumes the best he may for flight.
This Painter were an noble task to tell,
What indignation his great breast did swell;
Not vertuous men unworthily abus'd,
Not constant Lovers without cause refus'd;
Not honest Merch [...]r broke, Not skilful Player
Hist off the Stage, Not Sinner in despair,
Not loosing Rooks, Not Favourites disgrac'd,
Not Rump by 'Oliver or Menck displac'd,
[Page 21]Not Kings depos'd, Nor Prelats when they dye,
Feel half the rage of Generals when they flie:
Ah! rather then transmit our scorn to Fame.
Draw Curtains (gentle Artist) o're the shame.
Cashier the memory of Dutel, raised up
To taste (instead of death) his Highness Cup:
And if the thing were true, yet paint it not
How Berkley (as he long deserv'd) was shot;
Though others, that survai'd the corps (too clear)
Say onely, he was putrifi'd with fear,
And the hard Statue Mummied without Gumme,
Might the Dutch Balm have ipar'd an English tomb
But if thou wilt paint Minns turn'd all to soul,
And the great Harman charkt almost to cole,
And Iordan old, thy Pencils worthy pain,
Who all the way held up the Dukal-train:
But in a dark cloud cover Ascough, when
He quit the Prince; t'imbarque in Lovesteain.
And wounded Ships, which we immortal boast,
Now first led Captive to an hostile coast;
But must with Story of the Hand or Thumb
Conceal, as Honour would, his Graces Bum,
When the rude bullet a large collop tore
Out of that buttock, never turn'd before:
Fortune it seems would give him by that lash,
Gentle correction, for his fight so rash;
But should the Rump perceiv't, they'd say that Mars
Had now reveng'd them upon Aumar [...]s Arse.
The long disaster better o're to vail,
Paint only Jonas three dayes in the Whale;
[Page 22]Then draw the youthful Perseus all in haste,
From a Sea-beast to free a Virgin chaste:
But neither riding Pegasus for speed,
Nor with the Gorgon shielded at his need;
For no less time did conquering Ruyter chaw,
Our flying Gen'ral in his spungy Jaw;
So Rupert the Sea-Dragon did invade,
But to save George himself, and not the Maid;
And so arriving safe, he quickly mist,
Even Sails to fly, not able to resist;
Not Greenland Seamen that survive the fright
Of the cold Chaos, and a half-years night;
So gladly the returning Sun adore,
Or run to spy their next years Fleet from shore,
Hoping yet once within the Oily side
Of the fat Whale, again their spears to hide,
Or our glad Fleet with universal shout,
Salute the Prince, and wish the other bout:
Nor Winds long Pris'ners in Earths hollow vault,
The fallow Seas so eagerly assault;
As fiery Rupert with revengeful joy,
Does on the 'Dutch his hungry courage cloy:
But soon unrigg'd, lay like a useless board,
As wounded in the wrist, Men drop the sword:
When a propitious Cloud hetwixt us stept,
And in our Aid did Ruyter intercept;
Old Homer yet did never introduce,
To save his Heroes, mist of better use.
Worship the Sun, who dwells where he does rise,
This Mist doth more deserve our Sacrifice,
[Page 23]Now joyful fires and the exalted Bell,
With Court Gazets, our empty Triumphs tell,
Alas, the time dr [...]ws near, when over-turn'd,
The lying Bells will through the tongue be burn'd
Paper shall want to Print that Lye of State,
And our false fires, true fires shall explate:
Stay Painter here a while, and I will stay,
Not vex the future times with nice survey;
Seest not the Monkey Dutchess all undrest,
Paint thou but her, and she will Paint the rest;
The sad fate found her in her outward Room,
Nailing up Hanging, not of Persian Loom,
Like chast Penelope, that ne'r did rome,
But made all fine, against her George came home;
Upon a Ladder in a Coat much shorter,
She stood with Groom and Porter for supporter,
And careless what they saw, or what they thought
With Honi Pensi, honestly she wrought;
For in she Gen'rals breech, none could she knows
Carry away the piece with Eyes or Nose;
One Tenter drove, to loose no time or place,
At once the Ladder they remove and grace;
Whilst thus they her translate from North to East,
In posture of a foul-footed Beast,
She heard the News, but altered yet no more,
Then that which was behind she turn'd before:
Nor would come down, but with a Handkercher,
Which pocket foul, did to her Neck prefer;
She dry'd no tears, for she was so Viraginous,
But only snuffling her Trunk Cartilaginous;
[Page 24]From Scaleing-ladder she begun a Story,
Worthy to think on, as Memento Mori
Arraigning past, and present, and futuri,
With a Prophetick, if not Spirit fury;
Her Hair began to creep, her Belly sound,
Her Eyes to startle, with her Udder bound;
Half Witch, half Prophet, thus she Albemarle
Like Presbyterian Sibel out did snarl,
Traytors both to my Lord, and to the King,
Nay now it grows beyond all suffering;
One valiant man at Land, and he must be
Commanded out to stop their Leaks at Sea.
Yet send him Rupert, as a helper meet,
First the Command dividing, then the Fleet.
One may may if they be beat, or both be hit,
But if they overcome, yet honours split:
But Reckoning George already knockt o'th' head,
They cut him out like Beef e're he be dead;
Each for a Quarter hopes, the first doth skip,
But shall fall short, though at the Generalship.
Next they for Master of the Horse agree;
A third the Cock-pit begs, not any me,
But they shall know, I marry shall they do;
That who the Cock-pit has, shall have me too.
I told George first, as Calamy told me,
If the King these brought over, thus 'twould be.
Men that have pickt his pocket to his face;
To sell Intelligence, or buy a Place:
That their Religion pawn'd for Cloaths, nor care
'Tas [...]un so long, now to redeem't, or dare.
[Page 25]Oh! what egregious Loyalty to Cheat,
Oh! what fidelity it was to eat,
Whilst Langdale, Hopton, Glenham starv'd abroad,
And here true Loyalists sunk beneath their load.
Men that did there affront, defame, betray
The King, and do so here, now who but they.
What say I men? nay rather monsters: men
Only in bed; nor to my knowledge then:
See how they home return with Revel Rout,
With the same measure that they first went out,
No better grown, nor wiser all this while,
Renew the causes of their first Exile.
As is to shew you Fools, what 'tis I mean;
I chuse a foul smock, when I might have clean.
First they for fear disband the Army tame,
And leave good George an empty Generals name:
Next Bishops must revive, and all unfix,
With discontents, for contents twenty six;
The Lords House drains the Houses of the Lord;
For Bishops voices silencing the Word.
O Bartholmew, Saint of their Callender,
What's worse, their ejection, or their massacre.
Then Culp'per, Glocester, e're the Princess dy'd,
Nothing can live, that interrupts a Hide:
O more then humane Glocester, Fate did shew
Thee to the Earth, and back again with-drew.
Then the fat Scrivener durst begin to think,
'Twas time to mix the Royal blood with Ink.
Berkeley who swore, as oft as he had toes,
Does kneeling now her Chastity depose,
[Page 26]Just as the first French Cardinal could restore,
Maidenhead to his Widdow, Neece, and Whore:
For portion if she should prove light when weigh'd
Four Millions shall within four years be paid.
To raise it we must have a Naval War,
As if 'twere nothing but Taratantar,
Abroad all Princes disobliging first,
At home all Parties, but the very worst.
To tell of Ireland, Scotland, Dunkirk, 'tis sad,
Of the Kings Marriage, (but he thinks I'me mad.)
A sweeter Creature never saw the Sun,
If we the King wish'd Monck, or Queen a Nun,
But a Dutch War must all these rumours still,
Bleed out these humours, and our Purses spill;
Yet after one dayes Fight, trembling they saw,
'Twas too much danger for a Son-in-Law.
Hire him to leave with fixscore thousand pound,
As with the Kings drums, men for sleep componnd.
The modest Sandwich thought it might agree,
With the State-prudence to do less then he;
And to excuse their timerousness & sloth,
They've found how George now might do less then both.
First, Smith must to Legorn with force enough,
To venture back again, but not go through;
Beaufort is there, and to their dazeling eyes
The distance more the Object magnifies;
Yet this they gain, that Smith his time shall loose,
For my Duke too he cannot interpose.
But fearing that our Navy George to break,
Might not be found sufficiently weak;
[Page 27]The Secretary that had never yet,
Intelligence, but from his own Gazett,
Discovers a great Secret fit to sell,
And payes himself for 'te're he would it tell:
Beaufort is in the Channel, Hixy here,
Doxy Thoulon, Beaufort is every where:
Herewith assembles the Supream Divan,
Where enters none but Devil, Ned, and Nan;
And upon this pretence they straight design'd,
The Fleet to separate, and the World to blind;
Monck to the Dutch, and Rupert (here the Wench
Could not but smile) was destin'd to the French;
To write the Order, Bristols Clerk they chose,
One slit in's Pen, another in his Nose;
For he first brought the News, and 'tis his place,
He'l see the Fleet divided like his face,
And through the Cranny in that Grifly part,
To th' 'Dutch, thinks Intelligence may start.
The Plot succeds, the Dutch in haste prepare,
And poor Peel-Garlick Georges Arse they share.
And now presuming of his certain Rack,
To help him late, they write for Rupert back;
Officious Will seems fittest, as afraid
Lest George should look too far into his trade;
On the first draught they pause with Statesmens care,
They write it fair, then coppy't out as fair;
These they compare, and then at last 'tis sign'd,
Will soon his Purse-strings, but no Seal could find.
At night he sends it by the common Post,
To save the King of an Express, the cost;
[Page 28]Lord! what a-do to pack one Letter hence?
Some Pattents pass with less circumference;
Well George, in spite of them thou safe dost ride,
Lessen'd in nought, I hope, but thy backside;
For as to Reputation, this Retreat
Of thine exceeds their Victory so great,
Nor shalt thou stir from thence by my consent,
Till thou hast made the Dutch, and them repent:
'Tis true, I want, so long the Nuptial gift,
But (as I oft have done) I'le make a shift;
Nor with vain pomp will I accost the shore,
To try the Valour of the Buoy i'th' Nore:
Fall to thy work George there, as I do here,
Cherish the Valiant, and the Coward Cashier,
See that the men have Pay, and Beef, and Beer,
Find out the Cheats of the four Millioneer;
Out of the very Beer they steal the Malt,
Powder from Powder, and from Beef the Salt;
Put thy hand into th' Tub, instead of Ox,
They victual with French-Pork that hath the Pox:
Never such Cotqueans by small Arts to ring,
Ne're such ill Huswives in the managing;
Purssers at Sea know fewer cheats then they;
Marriners on shore less madly spend their Pay.
See that thou hast new Sails thy self, and spoyl
All their Sea-markets, and their Cable coyl;
Tell the King all, who do him Countermine,
Trust not, till done, him with thy own design;
Look that good Chaplains on each Ship do waite,
Nor Sea Diocess, to be Impropriate.
[Page 29]Look to the Pris'ners sick, and wounded all,
As Prize, they rob the very Hospital;
Recover back the Prizestoo, in vain
We fight, if all be taken which is tane,
Along our Coasts, the Dutchmen, like a flight
Oh feeding Ducks, Morning and Evening light.
How our Land-Hectors tremble, void of fence,
As if they came straight to transport them hence,
Some Ship are stoln, the Kingdom all array'd
And even Presbyters now call'd to aid;
They wish even George, divided, to Command
One half of him the Sea, tother the Land.
What's that I see; ha! 'tis my George agen
It seems in seven weeks they've rigg'd him then,
That curious Heaven with lightning him surrounds
To view him, and his Name in Thunder sounds,
But with the same shaft gores his Navy neer,
So e're we hunt, the Keeper shoots the Deer.
Stay Heaven a while, and thou shalt see him sayl,
And how George too can Lighten, Thunder, Hail,
Happy the time that I thee wedded George,
The Sword of England, and of Holland scourge.
Avant Roterdam-dog! Ruiter Avant,
Thou Water-Rat, thou Shark, thou Cormorant;
I'le teach thee to shoot Sizers, I'le repair,
Each Rope thou loosest George, out of this Hair,
E're thou shalt lack a Sail, and lye a drift,
('Tis strong, and course enough) I'le cut this Shift,
Bring home the Old ones, I again will few,
And darne them up to be as good as new.
[Page 30]What I twice disabled? never such a thing;
Now(Sovereign) help him that brought in the King
Guard thy Posterior lest, left all be gone,
Though Jury-Masts, th' hast Jury-Buttocks none.
Courage; how bravely whet with this disgrace
He turns, and Bullets spits in Ruiters face.
They flie! they flie! their Fleet does now divide,
But they discard their Trump, our Trump is Hide.
Where are you now de Ruiter with your Bears?
See how your Merchants burn about your ears.
Fire out the wasps, George, from their hollow trees,
Cram'd with the Honey of our English Bees.
Ay now they're paid for Guiny, e're they steer
To the hot Coast, they find it hotter here.
Turn all your Ships to Stoves ere you set forth,
To warm your Traffique in the frozen North.
Ah! Sandwich had thy Conduct been the same,
Bergen had seen a less, but richer Flame;
Nor Ruiter liv'd new Battel to repeat,
And oftner beaten be than we can beat.
Scarce has George leasure after all this pain,
To tye his Breeches, Ruiter's out again:
Thrice in one year? why sure the man is wood,
Beat him like Stock-fish, or he'l nere be good.
I see them both again, prepar'd to try,
They first shoot through each other with the Eye.
Then— but that ruling Providence that must
With humane projects play, as Wind with Dust,
Raised a Storm, (so Constables a Fray,
Knock down) and send them both well cuft away.
[Page 31]Plant now Virginy Firrs in English Oak,
Build your Ship-ribs proof, to the Cannon stroak;
To get a Fleet to Sear exhaust the Land,
Let longing Princes pine for the Command;
Strong Merchants! Wafers, so thin a puff
Of angry Air, can ruine all that nuff.
So Champions having shar'd the List, and Sun,
The Judge throws down his Warder, & they've don
For shame come home George, 'tis for thee too much
To fight at once with Heaven, and the Dutch.
Woe's me! what see I next? alass the Fate
I see of England, and its utmost date;
These flames of theirs, at which we fondly smile,
Kindled like Torches, our Sepuchral Pile?
War, Fire, and Plague, against us all conspire;
We the Fire, God the Plague, who rais'd the Fire?
See how men all like Ghosts, while London burns
Wander, and each o're his Ashes mourns.
Dear George! sad fate! vain mind! that did me please
To meet thine with far other flames then these.
Curst be that man that first began this War;
In an ill hour under a blazing Star:
For others sport, two Nations fight a Prize,
Between them both, Religion mounded dies.
So of first Troy the angry Gods unpaid,
Rac'd the foundations which themselves had laid.
Welcome, though late dear George, here hadst thou been
W'nad scap'd, let Rupert bring the Navy in;
Thou still must help them out, when in the mire,
General at Land, at Sea, at Plague, at Fire.
[Page 32]Now thou art gone, Beaufort dares here approach,
And our Fleet Angling, hath caught a Roach.
Gibson, farewel till next we put to Sea,
Faith thou hast drawn her in Effigie.
To the King.
GReat Prince, and so much greater, as more wise
Sweet as our life, and dearer than our eyes;
What Servants will conceal, and Counsellors spare;
To tell the Painter, and the Poet dare;
And the assistance of an heavenly Muse,
And Pencils, Represent the Times abstruce.
Here needs no Fleet, no Sword, no Forreign-Foe;
Only let Vice be damn'd and Justice flow:
Shake but (like Iove) thy Locks Divine, and frown,
Thy Scepter will sffice to guard thy Crown.
Hark to Cassandras song 'ere Fate destroy,
By thy own Navies Wooden-Horse, thy Troy.
Us, our Apollo, from the Tumults wave,
And gentle Gales, though but in Oars will save.
So Philomel, her sad embrohdery strung,
And vocal Silks tun'd with her vocal Tongue;
The picture dumb, in Colours loud reveal'd,
The Tragedies of Court, so long conceal'd.
but when restor'd to voice, inclosed with wings,
To Woods and Groves, which once she painted sings.

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