A Second EPISTLE, Being a Tender Salutation To the Seed of Jacob. VVherein is contained an Exhortation to the Called and Chosen People of the Lord, who have kept their First Love, to abide therein to the End. Also, A Hand of Dear Love held forth to the Spiritual Travellers, who are travelling from Egypt's Land of Dark­ness, towards the Spiritual Land of Rest. The Counsel and Determination of the Lord God Al­mighty founded in the Ears of the Unfaithful, Disobedient and Deceitful, who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness, and cover themselves with a Profession of the Precious Truth, and yet live in the Nature and Spirit of those who walk in the Broad Way, that leadeth to Destruction. Also, A brief Rehearsal and Discovery of the Enemy of Man's Soul, his Workings from the beginning of his Appear­ance unto this Day, Age and Generation.

Charles Marshall.

Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on Eagles Wings, and brought you unto my self. Now therefore if you will obey my Voice indeed, and keep my Covenant, then ye shall be a pe­culiar Treasure unto me above all People; for all the Earth is mine.

Printed in the Year, 1673.

A Second EPISTLE, Being a Tender Salutation To the Seed of Jacob.

THou Seed of Jacob, that hast been scattered a­mongst the Nations, who hast indeed been small, and lain amongst the Pots, thy Glo­ry hath been covered, thou hast been as trodden down amongst all Nations, desolate, and forsaken as a Widdow, thy Habitation hath been in the Wilderness, the great red Dragon hath sought to devour thee, the Beast that rose out of the Sea, and the Beast that rose out of the Earth, and Mystery Babylon the great have all sought the Vailing of thy Glory, and the Destruction of thy Life: thou hast been as a speckled Bird, and being desolate hast mourned, and cried through many Ages and Generati­ons; thou hast been as in a strange Land, how hath the Egyptian and Assyrian oppressed thee! how have the Task-masters oppressed thee! Oh, thy Burdens, thy Op­pressions, [Page 4]thy Wounds, thy Cries and Tears, thy Lamentations, thy Groanings under all thy Oppressions, and Oppressors! thy Burden is felt, and thy deplorable Estate amongst the Nations (over which Darkness hath spread it self as a Covering) God Almighty hath given a sence of.

Oh thou that art as in the Clifts of the Rocks, and as in the secret Places of the Stairs, my Soul hath been of­ten bowed down in a sence and sight hereof; but (blessed be the Name of my God) the Sorrow hath not been without Hope, having felt the Arm that will deliver thee.

Arise, Arise thou Worm Jacob, the Lord hath heard thy Mournings, and hath taken notice of thy Oppres­sions, and his Bowels earn on thee; yea, he hath seen, he hath seen thy desolate Estate, thy Cries are come before him, and thy Sighings and Mournings; and he hath taken notice of thy Oppressors, and is angry with the Nations because of thee.

And now in the Name of the God of the whole Earth, the Everlasting Creator, [...] prophesie of thy universal Visitation and Deliverance through all Nations, Tongues, and People; now will the Lord plead with all Nations for thy sake, and give Nations for thee, and People for the Ransom of thy Life: Now will be gather thee, thou Seed of Jacob, from the East, and from the West; he will now say to the North give up, and to the South keep not back, and will bring his Sons from far, and his Daughters from the Ends of the Earth; therefore thus saith the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the House of Jacob, Ja­cob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his Face now wax pale; but when he seeth his Children, the Work of my Hands in the midst of him, they shall sanctifie my Name, and San­ctifie[Page 5]the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.

And now behold, the Name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his Anger, and the Burden there­of will be heavy; his Lips are full of Indignation, and his Tongue is Devouring Fire, and his Breath (as an Over-flowing Stream) shall reach to the midst of the Neck to silt the Nations with the Sive of Vanity; and there shall be a Bridle in the Jaws of the People, causing them to Err: but thou Seed of Jacob shalt have a Song as in the Night, when an holy Solemnity is kept, and Gladness of Heart, as when one goeth with a Pipe to come into the Mountain of the Lord, to the Mighty One of Israel; and the Lord shall cause his Glorious Voice to be heard, and shall shew the light­ning down of his Arm, and the Indignation of his An­ger, and with the Flame of devouring Fire, with scat­tering Tempests and Hail-Stones.

And therefore Arise, thou Precious Seed, spring at the Salutation of the Prophecy of thy Delive­rance; for thou shalt be made a quiet Habitation, a Tabernacle that shall not be taken down, not one of the Stakes thereof shall ever be moved, neither shall any of thy Cords be broken; thou shalt be as a Royal Diadem in the Hand of thy God, even an Eternal Excellency, the Joy of many Generations, this is thy Portion, and the Lot of thy Inheritance, thou Oppressed Afflicted Seed of Jacob.

And now unto you, the First-Fruits of the Glori­ous Day of Visitation, which hath dawned in this Nor­thern Island of the Gentiles, who have kept your first Love, in and through which the Lord God Everlasting[Page 6]reached unto you, and have kept your Habitations in the Light, unto which you were turned by the Might of the Arm of Jacob's God, and therein have waited, and diligently sought and served the Lord; I say, your Bones are full of Fatness, your Souls are full of Vertue, and Hearts filled with the Love of God, and Minds possessed with the Pure Fear and Aw of God the Al­mighty; your Tents are Goodly, and your Habitati­on is Lovely; you it is I dearly love, honour and esteem; you are the Jewels of the Lord, which he will now make up, and spare. My Soul is refreshed in the very remembrance of you, and my Spirit is comforted in the sight of you in the Invisible Spirit of Holiness, you Belo­ved of the Lord, you Amiable Ones, whose Souls abhor every Graven Image, and Likeness, nothing satisfying your Thirsty, Breathing, Panting Souls, but that River the Streams whereof make glad the City of God.

Unto you this Exhortation springs in my Heart (who am a Fellow-Citizen with you) in the pure Movings and Arisings of the Eternal Power of the Mighty One of Israel, from day to day, from week to week, from moneth to moneth, from year to year, to the very end of our dayes, let us keep our Habitations, and stand upon our Watch-Tower, wherein we hear what the Lord saith, who speaketh Peace to his People, that they turn not again unto Folly; let us keep the Commandments of the Lord, cleaving to him, loving and serving him all our dayes, with all our Hearts, and with all our Souls.

And as here all keep, we shall blossom as a Rose, we shall grow as the Willows by the Water-Courses, we shall mount up as on the Wings of Eagles; we shall run, and not be weary; and go, and not be [Page 7]faint; here every one will daily feel the Arisings of the living eternal Power of the Highest, which first reached to quicken us, which alone can keep alive to the Lord; here Vertue is added unto Vertue, and none are barren or unfruitful, but are as a Watered Garden, being daily watered by our Beloved, who is as a Fountain of Gardens, and Well-springs of Living Waters, who will lead you all, you beautiful Ones, into his Banquetting-House, where his Banner, even Love it self, will be display'd over you; wherein Eat, oh Friends, and drink, oh Friends, at the Table of the Lord, of the Fatness of the House of our God.

And oh you beautiful Flock of the good Shepherd of Israel, who have come up from the Washing, among whom there is none Barren; I am in Love with your Life, and taken with your Beauty, and the Splendour of your Garments, the fine Clean Linnen: You Virgins, your Day of Rejoycing is come, and coming; you are those who stand with the Lamb on Mount Zion, yea, on the Sea of Glass, which is mingled with the Purifying Fire; you have gotten and are getting Victory over the Beast, and Image, and the Number of his Name; Harps are put into your Hands, and the Song of the Redeemed into your Mouthes, which none learn but the Redeem­ed of the Lord, which is the Song of Moses, the Servant of the Lord, and the Song of the Lamb; you have passed through the Ministration of Condemnation, which was Glorious in its Time, and are come to that which exceeds in Glory; you have seen, and shall see the Judgments and Desolation of the great Whore, My­stery Babylon the Great, she is falling, she is falling; Re­joyce over her ye holy Prophets and People of the Lord;[Page 8]an utter End and utter Desolation in the Name of the Eternal God is coming on her, and her Merchants, and all that shall be found Drinking of her Cup of Forni­cation, and over all that have come in, and been intre­duced through the loss of the Ancient, Pure, Holy, E­verlasting Power.

And so dear Friends, Brethren and Sisters (unto whom is the Salutation of my Love in the arising of his Pow­er, that moves me at this time thus to write) let us dwell, and forever abide, and keep, as aforesaid, in the holy Habitation, where our Growth, Sasety and Preser­vation is forever; and the God of all Consolation, Might, Power and Eternal Strength Water, Refresh, and Bless you from this time forth, and forever.

And now unto you who have been visited with the right Arm of God's Deliverance, when you were in Egypt's Land spiritual, and have been by that Arm brought forth, and are now travelling in the Wilder­ness, wherein you meet with many Tryals, and find the Snares and Temptations of the Enemy strong and many, and are ready therewith sometimes to be over­whelmed, and to faint in your Minds; unto you my Heart and Soul yearns, and for you do my Bowels turn; dear Lambs and Babes, hear the Counsel of the Lord unto you in his endless Love, his Care is over you, that are and will be Obedient unto him, He will carry you his Lambs in his Bosom, and gently lead all that are with Young; look not at your own Weakness, not at the Temptations of the Enemy; neither at the Nature yet remaining, which receives the Temptations; but look to the Lord, and believe in his Power, trust in the Sufficiency of his Grace, and let the Waves beat,[Page 9]and the Billows of Temptation go over; stand you still, and ye shall know, that he is God, who changeth not, who in his own time will lift up his Standard against your Enemies; who by the Arm of his own Power can make all your and his Enemies as Ashes under the Soals of your Feet; and here you shall know, that the Ever­lasting God, the Creator of the Ends of the Earth doth not sail, neither is he weary; he gives Power to the Faint, and to them that have no Might he encreaseth Strength: The Youths shall fail, and the Young Men shall utterly faint; but those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength; they shall mount up, as on Eagles wings; they shall run, and not be weary; and go, and not faint: Therefore lift up your Heads all you Breathing, Panting, Thirsty Ones (who cannot live without God's Appearance) in his Power your Enemies to destroy, the Appearance whereof your Soul loaths and abhors, even you that cannot take up a Rest or Delight in any perishing fading thing, but over all Mortality cries for a Saviour and Deliverer; neither can be satisfied with a Name to live, but cries to live to God, whose Souls Pant after the Loving Kindness of the Lord, as the Hart panteth after the Water-Brooks; whose Tongues sometimes even fail for Thirst after the Living Enjoyment of the Living God: You are belo­ved of my Soul; your Travel I know in the Experi­ence thereof; lift up your Heads in the Name of the Mighty God, and be no more bowed down through your long Infirmity, believe in the Anointed of the Lord, on whom your Help is laid; touch but the Hem of his Gar­ment, and Vertue comes forth of him to heal your dis­eased inward Man; and when the Enemy, by all his Power and Strength, would endeavour to destroy your[Page 10]Hope, believe in Hope against Hope, even against the Hope of the Enemy; and look not at all at your own Deadness, nor barren Womb, but believe in the God of Abraham, and the Seed you shall know that shall be Heir, through whom to you the Inheritance shall be sure: and never stagger at the Promise, because it is not presently fulfilled; but believe (which is the Work of God) and it shall be imputed to you for Righteous­ness; and in due time the Barren bears, and neither E­leazer, nor the Son of the Bond-Woman shall inherit, for that the Promises are Yea and Amen to the Seed, and to all who are in the Seed.

Learn the Mystery of Faith, which is held in a pure Conscience, which is the Substance of things not seen, and the very Evidence of things hoped for; and here your Strength will be renewed: Cast not away your Confidence; for that hath a Reward; nor let go your Hope, which is as an Anchor, both sure and sted­fast; but as I said before, Believe in the Lord, and di­ligently wait upon him: never go to Battel against the Lord's and your Souls Enemies in your own Strength, nor Reason with the Enemies Appearances and Tempta­tions in your own Reason, nor consult concerning his Appearance in your own Thoughts and Cogitations: Beware, I warn you in the Name and Love of God, of kindling Sparks of your own, which is very incident to all thus exercised; for the Product and Effect is to [...]ie down in Sorrow thereof: but sink ye down into the Death of your own Thoughts, Reasonings and Imaginations, Con­ceivings, Gatherings and Fetchings in; neither ascend, nor descend, nor fly beyond the Sea; but sink down in­to the Word of Life in the Heart, and there in pure Stil­ness[Page 11]wait patiently upon God, until he arise your Ene­mies to scatter and destroy, and your Souls to deliver; and believe in the Word, the Light, the Gift, the Suf­ficient Grace, and cast all your Care upon the Lord, who careth for you: do you nothing but submit to the Sa­ving Grace of God; and here you will see and have an Understanding how you have in your own Strength and Wills toiled all Night, and thereby caught nothing, and in the Morning see your Saviour, who will direct you, so that by following his Directions you will see more ef­fected in a Moment of Time, then by your own Willing, Running and Toiling all Night; for by his own Strength shall no Man prevail, its God that worketh both the Will and the Deed; hear this, give ear, and be instructed, you affli­cted and tossed with Tempest, and not comforted; let the Scales fall off from your Eyes, then will you see all things possible, and your Faith will increase that removes Mountains. Arise you Afflicted Ones, who sit as in the Dust of the Earth; Arise, arise in the Might of the Power of the Eternal Strength of Israel; shake your selves from the Dust of your own Thoughts, Conceivings, Contrivings and Imaginations; come into the Innocent Way, where the Wayfaring Man, although a Fool, shall not err: And be no more discouraged you bowed down in Soul and Spirit; li [...]t up your Heads in the Light of Righteousness, and you shall see your Redeemer draw nigh, yea, very nigh.

And so, dear Mourners in Zion, who mourn as a Dove without a Mate, be ye Comforted, be ye Com­forted; behold I declare unto you in the Word of the Lord, That if you look up unto him, and believe in his Name, and obey the Requirings of his Power, your[Page 12]Warfare will be accomplished, your Hearts and desolate Souls will be inhabited with Life & Love, and the Anci­ent Pathes will the Lord restore to you; for now the Fruit­ful Field shall become like a Wilderness; and you who have seen your selves like a Wilderness, shall blossom as a Rose; and you who have seen your selves as a stand­ing Pool, shall now become as Springs of Water; Night shall pass over with you, and the Day shall dawn; Win­ter shall passover, and Summer draw nigh; and the Day hasteneth, you Mourners in Zion, after the Enjoyment of your God, wherein the Voice of the Turtle shall be heard (the Voice of the Innocent One) and the Sing­ing of Birds in your Land; therefore be you comforted, ye solitary Ones, the Arm of the Lord is awakened for your Deliverance; break forth thou Barren that didst not bear, for more (in the Name of Israel's God) shall be the Children of the Barren and of the Desolate, then of the merried Wife. And so dear Exercised Ones, sink down in the Stayedness and pure Content in the Light; and I charge you, strive not to stir up, nor awake your Beloved until he please, so will the Work prosper in his Hands, and you shall the Spoil divide, that tarry at home in your Habitation; and then you will see your Beloved come leaping over the Mountains, and skipping over the Hills, ye will see him as the Apple-Tree among the Trees of the Wood, and sit down under his Shaddow, and find his Fruit brought forth (by his Working, and your Passiveness) pleasant to the Taste: so neither will, nor run; for the Battel is not to the Strong, nor the Race to the Swift; and here you will learn the Mystery of your Resting from all your Labours, that he may work, and you not let; and as you are brought to be truly passive, as the Clay in the [Page 13]Hand of the Potter; let but him (even the Lord Strong and Mighty) arise, and in his Arisings your Enemies will be scattered.

So the Lord God Almighty open your Understandings clearly in these things (which are indeed of Eternal Con­cernment) and lead you and guide you to the Fountain of Living Waters, where you may be abundantly refresh­ed, consolated and strengthned to grow strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might.

And unto you whom the Love of God hath reached, in making manifest the Way of Truth, in which you should walk, and who have received the Truth, and made Profession and Confession thereof, but have not, nor do not obey from the Heart; and all you who have tasted of the good Word of God, and of the Power of the World to come, and have and do turn aside, and back­slide from the Way of the Lord, following the Lusts of your own Hearts, and Desires of your own Eyes, profes­sing the Truth, and in some Measure are in Outward Conformity unto it, who profess to love God, but love the World, and the things thereof, who are Double­minded and Unstable in your Wayes, who would serve two Masters, and be Heirs of two Kingdoms, who from day to day come amongst the People of the Lord (who are Children of the Light and of the Day) but still stand in that Nature that is Corrupt; and although in the Assemblies of the Lord's People such may be often smitten, and the Way in which they should walk is ma­nifest, and their By-Ways and Crooked Ways discove­red, yet notwithstanding the many Reproofs of Instru­ction continue in the same Nature and Spirit: and all Foolish Virgins, who have a Lamp, but have no Oyl,[Page 14]& all who have only receiv'd the Seed in the High-Way, Stony and Thorny Grounds, who therein brings forth no Fruit to Perfection, but Dishonour the Name of him who hath sowed the good Seed, being one thing in Name, and another in Nature; and all you who have lost your First Love, and all you who have a Name to live, but are dead, and all you who are Luke-warm Ones, neither Hot nor Cold, who account your selves Rich, and in­creased in Goods, but are indeed inwardly Wretched, Miserable, Poor, Blind and Naked, hear the Counsel of the Mighty God concerning you, Ye are the People with whom the Spirit of the Lord will not alwayes strive; ye are the People who are the Sloathful Servants, not improving the Talent given and communicated unto you▪ ye are the People that turn from the Grace of God into Wantonness; ye are the Backsliding Generation; ye are those who make an Image and a Likeness, and are content therewith without S [...]bstance it self; ye are the People who profefs God, his Light, Life, Grace and Holy Way of Truth in Words, but deny him in Works, and are not Possessors of him; ye are those who disho­nour the Worthy Name of the Lord amongst the Heathen, laying Stumbling-blocks in the Way of those who might come into the Way of Truth; ye are Lovers of the Unrighteous Mammon, and your Minds, Hearts, Un­derstandings and Capacities are therefore set on work to compass it; ye are in Esau's Nature, selling the Birth­right for a Mess of Pottage; ye will run the hazard of opening the Mouthes of the Heathen to Blaspheme the Name of the Lord for little Gain; ye are they who have seen a Goodliness in a Babylonish Garment, and in a Wedg of Gold and Silver; ye are of them who trample[Page 15]under Foot the Blood of the Covenant, and do Despite unto the Spirit of Grace.

Give eare, and hearken therefore; draw nigh to God, that he may draw nigh unto you; cleanse your hands ye Sinners, purifie your hearts ye Double-minded Ones, lest his Fury break forth like Fire, and there be no Remedy; bow down, and kiss the Son, lest his An­ger be kindled against you, and ye Perish out of the Way.

I am constrained to sound the Controversie of the Migh­ty God in his dreadful Name, Power and Authority with all the Unfaithful afore mentioned; and if all con­cerned herein do not speedily repent, and turn to the Lord, then shall your plagues be wonderful, and the Lord God will appear in the Fire of his Jealousie to con­sume you; and as you have, and do through disobedi­ence dishonour the Pure Name of the Lord, so will the Lord God dishonour you, and your Names shall rot, and be as the Dung on the Face of the Earch: God's Fury, Fire, and Plagues will destroy you, and ye shall be ga­thered into the sides of the Pit to be punished with ever­lasting Destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power.

My Heart is filled with the Indignation of the God of Heaven, and my Quiver with the Arrows of the Almigh­ty against the Rebellious, and Uncircumcised: Tremble, Tremble, Tremble before the Lord, and before the Glori­ous Arisings of his Power: Wo, wo, wo to the False-hear­ted, and the Deceitful, who are as broken Bowes: unto all who are covered with a Profession (which is not the Covering of the Spirit of the Lord) I testifie God's Dreadful Vengeance, and Vialls of Wrath are near to be poured forth upon you, ye shall drink of the Cup of[Page 16]his Fury, even the Dregs thereof with the Heathen; be ye bowed down, and dreadfully smitten at this Rebuk of the Lord all ye Unfaithful Ones, the Lord is offended with you, and in the Day of Trial ye shall be consumed ye Reprobate Silver, ye Uncircumcised in Heart, and Eares; you Prophane Esaus, who sell your Birthright for a Mess of Pottage; tremble ye Sinners in Zion, let fear­fulness surprize all Hypocrites; God Eternal is arisen, whose Spirit is upon me, and Power fills my Heart at this time, moving thereby to prophesie against you, and to proclaim his Controversie with your the Day of Fan­ning and Winnowing hasteneth, in which you will be winnowed from the Wheat: the Day of the Lord which burneth as an Oven cometh, and he will sit as a Re­finer's Fire, and Purifier of Silver, in which Day you will be separated from the Gold in the purifying Fire, and thereby be consumed: Vengeance, Vengeance, Plagues, Plagues, Fury, Fury, Calamity, Calamity, Amazement, Amazement, Astonishment, Astonish­ment is coming over you, the full Cup of the Indigna­tion of the Mighty God will be given you: I am filled, I am filled with the Fury of the Lord God of Hosts, and am constrained thus to pour it forth, which, as sure as the Lord Lives that made Heaven and Earth, will be per­formed on you, who shall abide in these states aforementi­oned, and not speedily repent, and bow under the migh­ty Hand of the Lord.

Let this go through the family and through the hearts of all the unfaithful amongst the people of the Lord through the Land, and enter ye (when you hear these Words, and understand the Wrath determined) into the House of Mourning, and Chamber of Lamentation,[Page 17]rend your Hearts, and not your Garments; sit in Dust before the Lord, Repent, Repent, Repent, and as any are thus bowed down, wait that the Testimony of the Lord may arise in that Power which breaketh the hard Hearts in those States and Conditions asorementioned, that all may hear and sear before the dread [...]l God, who will now be reverenced from the rising of the Sun to the setting of the same, and all that do not repent, and bow before the Lord, ye shall be winnowed, and separated from the Assemblies of the Lord's people, and gathered to your place, and there reserved under Chains of Dark­ness unto the Judgment of the great I ay: Oh in the fence of what hasteneth to come on the unsaithful Ones have I often been bowed down, and my Soul hath in remembrance the Wormwood and the Gall in my Tra­vels through this the Land of my Nativity, through which my God commanded me to pass swittly, saying, Run through this Nation, and visit my Breathing, Panting, Bruised Birth, which I begat among my People in the Day of their first Tender Visitation: Proclaim my Acceptable Year, my Day of Perfect Deliverance to my Breathing, Panting, Earning, Tender Birth, and my Day of Vengeance to come upon that which bruiseth it, either amongst my People or in the World: But, Oh! saith my Soul, that now all the unfaithful who have trampled under Foot the Blood of the Covenant, and done Despite unto the Spirit of Grace, and have hitherto neglected the Day of their Visitation; Oh, that before the Eye-lids of the Morning be to them as the Shaddow of Death, they might return to seek the Lord while he is to be found, and to call upon him while he is yet near, before the Everlasting Night comes, in which no man can work.


DEar Friends, great hath been the work, and many have been the Devices of the old Crooked Serpent, (even of him who kept not his first Habitation) to draw the Sons and Daughters of Men from their God through Ages, and Generations; and after every Appearance of the Lord God (wherein his eminent Hand hath appea­red and Arm hath been signally manifest) the Enemy hath endeavoured by divers wayes to destroy the Work of God, sometimes by filling Instruments with Enmity to oppose the Appearance of Truth by Persecution, and things of that nature; and when that could not prevail, (the Power and Arm of God Almighty getting Victory over it) then he hath transformed in Appearance like unto an Angel of Light, approving and leading into the Practice of that outwardly, which before in his Instru­ments he had withstood, but still hath separated from the Truth, and hath so deceiv'd the minds of the Sons of Men, as that their co [...]formity and obedience should not be really in Spirit and in Truth, but in the Name and Profession only: and on this wise he began his appearance with the first man Adam, thereby drawing him from the Tree of Life, and out of the Image of God, and brought him into that State in which he could no longer dwell in the Garden of the Lord, and after corrupted the Sons of men, that they grieved their God; so as that of all upon the Earth he found Noah Upright, and saved him, [Page 19]and his House, and destroyed all Mankind from off the Earth; and when Men began to multiply upon the face of the Earth, the old Enemy led them to build that which God took no Delight in, and therefore he came down and confounded them, and scattered them: but Abraham he called from his Fathers House beyond the Flood, who obey'd the Voice of God, and believ'd in him, and did cleave to the Lord with all his Heart and Soul, and obey'd; to whom the Lord promised, To multiply his Seed as the Starrs of Heaven, and as the Sand on the Sea-shore; and covenanted with him in the Cir­cumcision, and gave him Isaac in which the Seed was called, of whom this Seed was to spring that was to be as the Sand of the Sea, and Stars of Heaven: then Abraham being required to offer him up, reasoned not with the Lord, nor disobeyed the Voice of his Maker; but took the Lad, and the Wood, and the Knife, and went to the Land of Moriah, to the Mount which the Lord had shewed him; but the Lord, after he had proved him, spared Isaac, and the Ram was offer'd up: of which Isaac came Jacob, in whom the Seed was multiplied; which Jacob wrestled with the God of his Fathers for a Blessing, and prevailed with God, and then was named Israel, of whom came the Children that went down in­to Aegypt to Joseph, who was hated of his Brethren be­cause of his Dreams; afterwards Israel multiplied into a People, who were Oppressed by Pharaoh, who knew not Joseph, and would have destroyed the Seed of Israel, and have hindred them from multiplying, howbeit God preserv'd Moses (that goodly Child) who was drawn out of the Waters, who when he was keeping his Father-in-Law Jethro's Sheep, and drave them to the Backside of[Page 20]the Desart, and came to Horeb, the Mountain of God, then the Lord appeared in the Bush in a Flame of Fire, saying, I have surely seen the Affliction of my People which are in Fgypt, and have heard their Cries, by reason of their Task-Masters; for I know their Sorrow; and the Lord God by the Hand of Moses wrought Wonders in the Land of Egypt, and plagued Pharaoh, and brought Israel out of Egypt's I and by an Out-stretched Arm, and by a Migh­ty Hand through the Red Sea, on the Banks of which they sang the Song of Deliverance; but the same E­nemy that stirred up Pharoah to oppress them, and hin­der them from coming out of Egypt, moved in their Hearts to disobey the Lord, and to-draw them from a Belief in that Power which had so signally delivered them; how­beit the Merciful God of Jacob healed the Waters, and notwithstanding caused the Manna to come down Mor­ning by Morning to seed them, he also smote the Flinty Rock; and brought forth Waters; after they thus mur­mured he brought them to Sinai, where the Glory of the Lord appeared, and there gave them a Law and Pre­cepts; but notwithstanding they had seen the Wonder­ful Hand of the Lord, and his signal Deliverances, were fed and preserved by him, yet they murmured in their Hearts against the Lord, and through the Workings of the same subtil Enemy (to whom they gave way) made Godds of Gold, and in their Hearts would have gone back again unto Egypt, and Rebelled against the Lord, and so the Enemy of Mankind the Devil prevail­ed, that after the Spies had spied the Land they mur­mured against the Lord, and against his Servants, so as that the Lord destroyed them, and their Carkases sell in the Wilderness to whom the Promise was, save Jo­shua [Page 21]and Caleb, Men of another Spirit; howbeit Joshua led their Children over Jordan to possess the Land of Ca­naan unto whom the Lord was good, and performed all the good Things promised; and they drave forth the Inhabitants of the Land, and inhabited it; and here the Enemy Satan prevailed again, so that Jesurum waxed sat, even thick, and kicked, and then he forsook God that made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his Salvation, and went and served other Godds, and the Lord delivered them into their Enemies Hands; howbeit when they were brought low the Lord heard their Cries, and delivered them by the Hands of many Instruments, which he raised up as Judges and Kings in Israel, even unto the time of David, who sound Favour before God, and desired to find a Taber­nacle for the God of Jacob, by whom he delivered Is­rael, who went out in the Strength of the Mighty God, and sought their Battels, whose Heart loved the Lord, whose Name is a Sweet Memorial: but Solomon his Son built a House for the God of Jacob, and the Temple that was a Figure, and the Lord was with him and Israel, and his Glotious Presence was amongst them; howbeit the Old Subtil Enemy that deceived Adam, turned Solomon's Heart from following the Lord, to follow other Godds, and built a Place for the Godds of the Heathen; after which the Enemy fill'd the Heart of Jeroboam to do wick­edly, and Israel departed from the Lord; howbeit the Lord sent his Prophets arising early, to whom they did despitefully, even to John, a Prophet and Fore-runner of the Messiah, whom they beheaded, and slew the Just One, the Anointed of the Lord, and believed not on him who was the Heir, notwithstanding the Mighty[Page 22]Works which he did, who was manifest in due time, taking not on himself the Nature of Angels, but the Seed of Abraham, who sent the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Ghost, which came upon the Disci­ples, and filled them, through whom the Power of the Most High God was signally manifest, smiteing Thou­sands at the Heart; and in that Day many were added to the Church, and great Grace was upon them; and there was in that Blessed Day of the great Appearance of the Mighty God daily the Revealings and Manife­stings of his Eternal Power, so that great Fear came on the Regions round about, and the Word of God grew; but presently the Roaring Lion (that through Ages went about to destroy the Appearance of the Lord God) by his Power stirred in the Hearts of the Ungodly to oppose that Appearance, over whom the mighty Pow­er of the Lord gave his Servants much Victory; yet he ceased not, but transformed as an Angel of Light, and in his Instruments wrought to draw People from the Power of Godliness, into the Form of Godliness, and brought in damnable Heresies privily, through his In­struments that arose amongst the People of the Lord, and in that day he wrought powerfully, that notwithstand­ing the Church was in the Glorious Splendor of the Heavenly Celestial Life (as a Woman cloathed with the Sun, having the Moon under her Feet, and on her Head a Crown of twelve Stars) and travelled, and brought forth the Man-Child, who was to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, yet he in the Appearance of a Red Dragon (who had the seven Heads, and ten Horns, and seven Crowns on his Heads) stood ready to devour the Man-Child; but he was caught up to God, and to his Throne; and the Woman having [Page 23]two Wings as of a great Eagle given her, fled into the Wilderness for a Time, Times, and a half, from the Face of the old Serpent, and he hath made War with the Remnant of her Seed, and by his powerful Workings brought Night over again, who work'd mysteriously even amongst the Churches, causing some to lose their First Love, others to hold the Doctrine of Balaam, others the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans; others to have a Name to live, and yet dead to God; others suffered the Woman Je­zabel; others called themselves Jews, and were not, but were in the Nature of the Synagogue of Satan; others there were that were Luke-warm, neither Hot nor Cold: and manifold have been the Transformings of the Ad­versary of Mankind the [...]evil, but in one and the same Nature and Power. His first Appearance under which he would have destroyed the Man-Child, and the Wo­man, and the Remnant of her, was a great Red Dragon, then as a Beast rising out of the Sea (the Waters) who had seaven Heads and ten Horns, and on his Heads se­ven Crowns, and the Beast had his Power, Seat and great Authority from the [...]ragon; and John saw ano­ther Appearance, a second Beast, that rose out of the Earth, which Beast had only two Horns, and that like a Lamb, but spake as a Dragon, and exercised the Power of the first Beast, which first Beast (having a Wound by the Sword and did live) all the World wondered af­ter, who had made War with the Saints and overcame them, and all worshipped (and do worship) the Beast (that had a Wound and did live) whose Names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World; if any Man hath an Ear to hear let him hear: Here is Wisdom, let him that hath [Page 24]Understanding count the Number of the Beast, who carryed Mystery Babylon the great, the Mother of Harlots, who was drunken with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs Oh horrible Night! Oh deplorable Time and Season that hath been over all the Nations, Tongues and Peo­ple this Forty and Two Moneths, all which time the holy City hath lain trodden under Foot, and this Thousand two Hundred and Sixty Dayes, which time the Witnesses have Prophesied in S [...]k-cloth and Ashes, and have been slain by the Beast, whose dead Bodies have lain slain three dayes and a half in the midst of the great City (not put into Graves) which i [...] s [...]iri­tually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified; the Woman which was clothed with the Sun hath been in the Wilderness a Time, Times, and an half, the Book of Life was sealed with seven Seals. But now that which lies on my Spirit is to manifest, that this horrible Night of Apostacy entered at first through the departing of some from the Power, even the Power of Godliness it self, into the Form thereof, through which came into the Churches the before-men­tioned horrible Evils; And this Depature from the Pow­er is occasioned through going out of the Daily Watch­fulness in the Gi [...]t of God (in which and through which the Power of the Almighty is daily felt and manifested) and through the getting up of that Wisdom that is sen­sual, in which the cunning Serpent the Devil wrought to bring in Damnable Heresies privily; for this is the Treacherous Part in Man, in which the Devil hath ap­peared against the Life, the Truth, the Power in all A­ges and Generations; for herein he makes a Likeness of the Truth, and thereby and therein setteth up Pre­scriptions,[Page 25]and Rules, and Limits to the Spirit and Pow­er of God it self, and those born of it; and this is that which hath and would kill the Heir, the Life, that Self may have the Inheritance; and this birth of the Evil One leadeth to sacrifice to their own Net; and herein the Apostacy came in privily, cunningly and gradually, and improved it self through the Workings of the power of the old subtil Serpent, in his Transformings as an Angel of Light, in the Wisdom of Men, which is from be­neath, and is sensual: For that which caused the Ap­pearance of the Lord Jesus in the Apostles dayes to be Glorious, was not the Wisdom of Man aforemention­ed, but the Out-goings, and Daily Arisings, and Ma­nifest Operations of God's Eternal Power and Spirit, in which no Graven Image, Likeness or Similitude can be set up; for that's the Work of the Devil in the Wis­dom and Will of Man that acts (like the Devil) of it self apart, and without the daily and continual Re­vealings of the Eternal Power of God Almighty; and all Knowledge either gathered by, or standing here, puffeth up, and at last leads to forsake the Life and Pow­er, like Demas. But now dear Friends (ever-blessed be the Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all the Faithful through Ages and Generations past) the Lord God of Heaven and Earth hath caused his Ancient Power and Arm to be reveal'd after this sore horrible Night of Darkness, that hath been in and over the Earth, and the good Old Way, and Ancient Path of Life is again revealed, into which Thousands and Ten Thousands have been called, and many have been gathered; Magnified and Praised be his Name for it, let it be given and returned to him through Ages and Ge­nerations[Page 26]even for evermore, for that he hath remem­bred and visited again the Distressed in the Wilderness, and is bringing forth the Desolate, so that now she is seen leaning on her Beloved; and Life from God is entered into the two Witnesses; and the Seven Seals are opened, and opening; and great. Babylon is come in Remembrance before him, to be sunk down, and destroyed by a perpetual Destruction; and now Jerusalem is coming down as a Bride adorned for her Husband, the Seven Thunders uttering their Voices, the Perfection of Shaking, that the Mystery of God may be finished. But dear Friends, the same Roaring Lyon, that appeared in the Ages by-past, is now going about, and that diligently, seeking how he may destroy this Appearance of the Mighty God in this Age and Generation, by drawing the Mind and Heart gradually aside from the Eternal Power it self that first visited, and also through his many Instruments (op­posing the Truth) that are led captive at his Will: And now dear Friends, there is no Preservation but in keeping to the Simplicity of the Gospel, and to the very Living Al­mighty Power of the Lord God, by which all being kept low, Self (and that part aforementioned that the Enemy work­eth in) will be made of no Reputation; but be humbled to Death, even the very Death of the Cross, which is the Power of God; and here let all keep in the pure Retiredness, in the Valley of Humility, in pure Dread, Fear and Awe: and let that be your Instructor and Teacher that hath been least, and not the Wisdom of Man; for that will lead in Nature from the Power, although in Name own and speak thereof. And dear Friends, a Travel hath been on my Spirit beyond all expression, That the Enemy may never deceive any of us, as he did Eve by Subtilty; for this I declare in the Name of the Lord God, The Enemy worketh no way which hath a ten­dency [Page 27]more secretly destructive to the Appearance of the Most High God in this day, then in the Wisdom of Man, which is not that Wisdom that is from above, which Wisdom is pure and peaceable, the Nature of which is to lay low all, as the Nature of the other which is sensual, is to make Men and Women grow Jesurum like, thick, and fat, and high, which leads and turns from the Broken­hearted, Tender, Contrite-spirited estate.

And so dear Friends, in the Bowels of unexpressible Love to all that have been visited with the right Arm of God's Salvation, and are tender before the Lord, keep in the Light, in a daily watchful Estate; for if there be not a keeping here, a good State and precious Growth in the Truth may soon be lost, and an Image of the thing come up in its place.

God Almighty in his Heavenly Power, & by the working of his everlasting quickning Spirit, open unto you all the ma­ny Snares & Wiles of the Enemy, by which he lies in wait the Innocent to deceive, and preserve all in the Gift of his Love, in the sight and knowledge thereof, that by the daily Manife­station and Operation of his pure Power we may break all the Ene­mies Snares, & in the same live to his Glory to the end of our days.

And all Friends every where, all to your Tents, dwell and walk with the Lord, build on the sure Foundation, the try'd Corner-Stone, which they only do who hear the Word of the Lord, and do it; so shall you and your Building stand in the stor­my Day, that comes to try all Foundations and Buildings, in which day the Floods will come, the Waves will beat, & the Rain descend, and then all Sandy Foundations, and all Buildings, how stately soever built thereon, shall fall, and great will be their Fall and perpetual Destruction.

And so the Lord God preserve you all, to build and be establish'd on the Foundation of many Generations, so will you go through the Fiery Tryal, in which nothing shall be con­sumed [Page 28]but the Dross, Lead, Tin and reprobate Silver; for the Gold will endure the Tryal, and the Wheat the Fanning, but the Chaff will be blown away, and all the Stubble consumed by the dreadful purifying Fire of God that will try all.

The Lord gather the Upright into the Ark of his Co­venant, and into the Munition of Rocks, where Bread will be sure to the Hungry Ones, and Water to the Thirsty; in which Estate the God of the Spirits of all Flesh preserve and keep his Flock and Family every where, and abun­dantly water, dew upon and Replenish His, even from this time forth and forever and ever.

Charles Marshall.

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