[...] Or the Vertues of, and way how to use the Minerall and Medicinall-Water at PETERHEAD in SCOTLAND, within the Shire of ABERDENE: Whose Latitude is 57. Degrees 43. minuts: Longitude 22. Degrees 40. minuts.
This being the Compend of a Peece, written Anno 1636. by A.M. then Student, now M.D. & P. in A.R. Aberdon.
THis water by the tryall of judicious Men, and manifold Experiments of diseased People of all Ranks, Sexes, and Ages, is found to be nothing inferiour to the Spaw Minerall waters in Germany; and farre to excell the wells of Bourbon, of Pougues, of Forges in France: of Porrecta in Italy: of Tunbridge of Knesburgh in ENGLAND: or any other as yet found out in Europe.
The Mineralls and Mettall through which these waters passe, and whose Tu [...]ctu [...]e they carry with them, are Vitriol: and Materia proxima omnium Metallorum, as hath been made often evident to the Eye, Taste, and Touch of the Learned.
For the Vertues of this Water; it purgeth and washeth viscide and tartareous Humors, extenuateth Pituite, it voideth the Liver Melt, Misera [...]ks, and other our Entrails of whatsoever obstructions are troublesome to them, it tempereth the heat of the Kidneys, purging and expelling their Gravel, Sand, and Stones, more forcible then any other Medicament. It hindreth the concretion or coagulation of Sand. resisting the generation of confirmed Stones, and if confirmed, diminisheth them. It purgeth the Bladder, and mundifieth the Stone of viscide pitutle and Mucositie, wherewith it is often environed: preparing it to be easily taken out by Lithotomie. It is most profitable for the Vlcers of the Reins, and Carnosities in the Urinall passages. It certainly helpeth the venerean and virulent Gonorhaea, and all other diseases of that sort applyed without: For their Vlcers Chancres, Poulains, Pustuls within by Injection and Potion. It helpeth the concoction of the Stomack, and by Astrction so doth strengthen the same, that no [...]ec [...]n complaine of harme. By its actuall coldness, it quencheth Thrist appeaseth Dolours, throwing of the Belly, with Collick and [...]ack Passions. It purifieth the Blood, killeth and expelleth Wormes, Chaseth away Fevers of all sorts cleanseth the Skin of Scabs by Lotion and Bathing. It openeth the Belly, if bound: and restraineth the Fluxes thereof, working proportionally according to the necessity of Nature, helping the defects thereof.
These waters carry with them out of the Body diverse wayes, all sorts of excrementious Humors, Our Hydropeta pisse much, the expulsive faculty being helped through the diuretick quality of the Water, then grosse Excrements (the time of the drinking of the water,) are Black or Greenish; because the salt of Minerals by its precipiating Vertue, Facit terrestreitatem descendere ad fundum. Some Vomite, voyding their Stomack of superfluous Humors: Some Sweat, sending forth their Obstructions by the Pores: and so these Clear Pure waters, gracious both to Pallat and Eyes, provock many and diverse evacuations. which scarce any Artificial Medicament could effectuat. They agree with both Sexes, all Ages, restoring Health lost, preserving in Integrity the present.
Is there any Impurity or Corruption offending Nature: By what better and more safe way can it be exstirpat, then by so excellent and Pure a thing is this? If any Fever invade us, with what sharpe Iulep. with what more convenient efficacious Syrup of Limons shall you extinguish it, then with the Balsamick aciditie of our Medicinall Water? Is there any paine to quench, let this be your Anodyne, this your only and safe Landanum or Nepenthe, this your safest Tryacle, your wholsome. Alexipharmacum and Antidote to abolish Poysonable, Pestilent, and Maligne Qualities? No Bezoar Naturall, nor Artificial Animal, Mineral or Metallick, no Alkermes comparable to this for corroborating the Heart, that our Bodies may by its comforting help continue in living strength and vigour. These and many more Vertues are proper to this Panacea and universal Medicine, whose salt is Detersive, Purgative diuretick, an universal voider and corrective of all Impurities and Corruptions, its Sulphur, a general and spiritual Anodyne, its Mercurie, an universall Consortative, which being all conjoyned in our water by the industrious working of Nature can furnish us means not only for defence, but also for expulsion and suppression of Diseases; as an excellent instrument appointed by GODS Providence for the help of Mankinde. It is found by Learned Physitians to be the only Soveraigne specifick remedy, (to which difeated Persons should runne as to their last refuge upon Earth, when all other Artificial helps are ineffectual,) for the Diseases of Liver, Splen, Kedneyes, and all other rebellious obstructions. Yea, its vertues are not confined within the compasse of the generality that doth not reach to the particular Diseases of the infirmer Sex; which as it is more lovely and delicat then the other; so it is more opportune to its own defects: and is obnoxious to some proper diseases as farre different from these of men, as the Sex is from the Sex. This Water helpeth as other common Diseases, so Barrenness in both, but in the weaker Sex; the pale colours the immoderate evacuation or retention in their desired Sicknesse: insurrection Precipitation, Suffocation and other Diseases of the Mother.
Of the Time when, and Manner how these Waters are to be taken.
HE who is to drink of this Water either for curing Diseases; restoring Health lost, or to preserve it being present, avoiding future inconveniencies, shall come to this Well any time of the Year when the Weather is Good, Ayre Dry, and Cleare: but especially in the Moneths of May, Iune, Iully, August, and September; resting the first day after Arrivall, the next day let him be Purged with some fit and convenient Medicament, by the advice of some understanding and approved Physitian, the day following Purgation lethim come to the Well, (neither feare any Hypercatharsis or Superpurgation) early in the Morning. Fasting, yet, after the Sun rysing: And drink first a Cup full about the quantity of half a Mutchken, or half an English pynt, within half an houre thereafter take an other Cup-full, of the same quantity, and so every half an houre, for two houres two Cups: which will make a Scotish Chopin or an English Quart. The second day, every half-houre of two houres two Cups, which wil make a Scotish Pynt. The third day take every half houre of the foresaid time three Cups; which will make three Chopins: and so continue twenty, thirty, fourty dayes, or so long as the Disease requireth, or Affaires can permit. VValk a little betwixt the drinking of your Cups: taking above the waters a little confected Anyse, Coriander, Cynamon, or some good Tablets proper for the Disease, or Tobacco to help the Stomack to daunt and vanquish the actuall coldness of the water, ryde or exercise your Bodyes with any moderat Recreation, whillest the most part of the water be voided, which will be so soon as the Urine doth beginne to be colcured: Then dyne upon Meat of good digestion and proper to the Nature of the Person and Disease. Afternoone, use such recreation as occasion shall offer, and sup moderatly. If the Ayre be troubled with Foggy Mists or Rainy, or if the Person be not able to travel conveniently; the water may be taken lying in a Bed with good successe.
A day after you leave of the drinking of water: Take some other good purgative Medicine by the foresaid advyce. After you returne home; live a long time Temperatly; in a convenient Ayre, with wholsome Meat and Dring, moderat sleep and exercise; avoiding repletion or immoderat evacuation of the Belly, Intestines or Veynes, naturâ vel arte. Flec perturbation of the Minde: And in so doing by the Grace of GOD, you shall continue Healthfull even to your Lives end.