THE PORTRAICTURE OF Roger L'Estrange Drawn to the LIFE.
YOU may as well tell me, that the Moon is made of a Tosting-Fork; because she appears sometimes with two Horns—Believe what? —That ever Roger L'Estrange Esquire, was at the Queens Chappel, since the Kings Restauration—Why, his Picture was taken there— His Picture taken there! that's impossible—For he goes always with a Hood over his Face—Why he is Pictured so—So that when ever you see a man painted with a Hood upon his Face, you may be sure that's Roger L'Estrange, Esquire. Some there are that picture him with two Faces, like Janus, the one looking [Page 4] toward the Protestant, the other toward the Popish Religion, with a wide Mouth; indeavouring, like Saturn, to devour the Evidence of the Popish Plot, and a Label, crying out, Oh! the Profuseness of the Press; carrying in his Hand either a Dialogue, or a Letter to a Friend, or a Quotation of his own Pamphlets to make up the Price; and lastly, an Attorney Sticking in the waste of his Breeches, like an old fashioned Pen and Ink-horn. Others picture him with a pair of Scates, sliding out of harmes way, with a painted Coat upon his back, containing the Pedigree of his Gentility, supported by Vain-glory, and Ostenta [...]ion, with his two great Purification Oaths, by his Maker, and the Everlasting God. Thus much for his Outside.
Now for his Inside, the Painters have found out a new way to dip their Pencils in Credible Testimony, and Authentick Deposition; the Colours of which have that Property, that they are never to be defaced. So that if you should see him painted in the Queens Chappel, in the Colours of these Depositions, a hundred years hence, you would almost swear him to be alive, and the very same man.
Now for your better satisfaction, I'll give you a sight of all these Depositions, which I perceive you have not not seen, though Printed already in their particular Sheets. There's your Ʋltramarine, there's your pure Lake, there's your rich Vermillian, there's your fine Ceruse, and there's your delicate Cherry-Stone black. As for Example, There's first, Mr. Prances Deposition, taken before the Earl of Clarendon, and the Earl of Craven, Octob. 25. 1680. This Deponant saith, That about three years since he saw Mr. Roger L'Estrange three or four times kneeling at Mass, in the Queens Chappel.
Middles. ss. The Information of Lawrence Mowbray, taken upon Oath the 25th. of October, 1680. Before the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, and the Earl of Craven, two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said County.
THis Deponent saith, that about the first or second Sunday in June 77. An acquaintance of one Anderson (which Anderson was Servant to Mr. Allabon in Greys-Inn) being with him in the Queens Chappel, saluted immediately, after Mass, a Person, whom he told this Deponent was Mr. L'Strange, who Licenc'd Bookes. This Deponent saith, that he hath once since seen the said Mr. L'Strange at Mass in the Queens Chappel, and saw him to be the same man he formerly saw there.
Hitherto, there is nothing Sworn, but that he was seen at Mass, concerning which I have given my sence already, that all that went to the Queens Chappel out of Curiosity were not presently to be accompted Papists. There must be something else then to make men Judges what other Inducements carry'd him thither; or whether any other Inducements or no? To which purpose I have inserted these Informations that follow.
Middles. ss. The Examination of Jane Curtiss, taken Before the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, the Earl of Essex, and the Earl of Craven his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said County of Middlesex, October, 27. 1680.
THis Examinant saith that about the middle, or toward the Latter end of the Month of June Last, Mr. L'Strange came to her house (her Husband being out of Town) and there accus'd her and her Husband for Printing and Publishing divers bookes, which he said were very dangerous against the Government, naming several Pamphlets which she knew nothing of; and though she truely did deny her self concern'd in any such thing, yet he persisted that he would prove it, and proceeded to threaten that it lay in his power to ruin her and her Husband, and then told her of his great Interest at Court, and that if she would tell him, who set her on to publish such books, he would take her off from all trouble, and promised to do great things for her Husband. But she denying that she was ever concerned in such practices, or had ever been urg'd or instigated thereunto by any, he said that was false, and that she had been influenc'd [Page 5] and staid up by ill men, and that he beleived it was Oates and his Gang, and, said he, you know what some of them (speaking of Oates and those he call'd his Gang) are come to already, and I do not question but I shall see them all hanged ere long. And he refused to Licence several books wherein there was any thing against the Papists, more particularly those two bookes she shewed your Lordships, which he Swore by his Maker, he would not Licence for five hundred pounds; which books upon the first sight were Licens'd by the Lord Bishop of London.
Westmin. & Libert. ss. The Information of Joseph Bennet of St. Giles's in the fields Stationer, taken upon Oath before the Lords Committees, for examination of matters relating to the late horrid Plot Sworn before the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said City this 30th. of Octob. 1680.
WHO saith, that he did become bayl, and enter'd into Bond before one of the Clerks of the Council for one Captain Eli, that he should appear the first day [Page 6] of this Term at the Kings Bench barr, which said Captain Eli was then a stranger to him; but Roger L' Strange Esq one of His Majesties Justices of the Peace, being at Mr. Hintons the Apothecaries, near this Informants House, sent for this Informant, and then told him, Captain Eli was a friend of his, and an honest man, and therefore he the said Justice did request this Informant to become Bail for the said Captain Eli, and the said L' Strange did then promise this Informant to give him security to save him harmeless, and pretended he would then have done it, had he not been in great hast. And the said Mr. L' Strange did tell this Informant he, had sent for another person to bail the said Captain Eli, but he not being to be found, he therefore sent for this Informant, and said he would take it as a great kindness from this Informant.
The Information of Richard Fletcher, of St. Vedast alias Foster, London, Phisician, taken as before.
WHO saith, that about three years agoe he met Roger L'Strange Esq at the Half-Moon Tavern in Cheap-side about Licensing a book entitl'd, The workes of Geber an Arabian Prince and Philosopher, and gave Mr. L' Strange a Guiny for his License, and a discourse happening about Religion, Mr. L' Strange asked of what Religion this Informant was? who [Page 7] answered, a Catholick. L' Strange replyed are you a Roman Catholick? This Informant answered that was Nonsence. Catholick being universal, and not to be circumscrib'd. Then L'Strange bid this Informant explain himself. I answered, that Faith that wrought the fear of God and to do righteously, doth declare those that are of the Catholick Church, which I take to be the Church of England. Mr. L'Strange then declar'd himself to be a Catholick of Rome, and to beleive the Faith of that Church, and told this Informant that his difinition was too large. This Informant then ask'd the said L' Strange, whether the Pope were the head of that Church, of which he acknowledged himself a Member? who answered he was, and hoped ere long, many others would return to that Church, or to that effect, and further saith not.
As to my own Affidavit, which is the first here produced, I do find Mr. L' STRANGE triumphing in the 35. Page of his Appeal, that I had seen him no more than three or four times at Mass, at Somerset House. Whereupon, (says he,) I did with the most horrid Solemnity of Imprecation Imaginable, declare my self to be of the Religion of the Church of England, and that I had never entred into any Popish Chappel, or been present at any Mass since his Majestie's Return. Which Protestation I do here again resume, intending by these words, His Majesties Return, the Kings blessed Restauration in the year 1660. And then, as if he thought this Protestation not sufficient; [Page 8] he makes a note upon the great abatement of my reckning? as being assured by report, that I had sworn in the company of Care, Curtiss and others, that I had seen him at Mass, at least, or about a hundred times.
As for what he was assur'd of by report, I value it not: neither is it material to the Poynt; as being of little or no force against him. The difference is between his Protestation, and my Oath. Which I have here confirmed by the Oath of another Person, Mr. Mowbray by name, who likewise swears he saw him twice in the year 1677. at a Popish Chappel, that is to say at Somerset-House: To the great disparagement of that part of his Protestation, never since the Kings Restauration, which was in the year, 1660. Now I would never have taken notice of Mr. L' Strange's solemn Declaration, had it been upon any other account but this, that either he has some particular reserves to himself, or I must be perjur'd, and that should he now go unanswered (which is a thing he boasts of) the sharp Twits which he has given the Kings Evidence would pass for Currant, and he would come to be a quoted Author against Us. And therefore I do as publickly and as solemnly declare as he has done, that I am as tender of Swearing to the detriment of my Neighbour as any other person that aimes at the Enjoyment of a future Happiness. For my part I know not to what very great purpose the latter part of his Declaration was made. For having so solemnly declared himself of the Church of England, what if he had been seen twenty times at a Popish Chappel? But that part of his Potestation was perticularly level'd at my Oath, which I am oblig'd to uphold so farr as honestly I may. And that too [Page 9] without any reflection upon Mr. L'Estrange's Honesty or his Loyalty, fully believing neither to be inconsistent with the Profession of the Popish Religion.
In his Case, where he talks to himself in his own Cause, under the Persons of Zekiel and Ephraim, like one that playes at Tables with his right Hand against his left; Ephraim tells Zekiel, that he was rounded in the Ear, that Prance had Ten Witnesses in readiness to prove that L'Estrange had been Forty times at Mass here, and solemnly Worshipping according to the Profession of the Romish Communion.
And thus I who made a Confession so remarakble, and thereby discover'd that bloody deed of darkness, which enlighten'd the whole Nation, am here rendred as one that kept Witnesses in readiness, or rather, pickl'd Witnesses for present use. By this means, in a short time, the Murther of Sr. Edmonbury Godfrey, will be as little believ'd as the silly Story of Mr. Powel. To which purpose Mr. L'Estrange's Narrative of the Plot seems to have but odly Coupl'd that foul Fact, with the ridicule of Mr. Powel's escape, which renders the Frame work very suspicious. For though it be true, that the disparagement of a juggle, no way weakens the Truth; Yet there may be that manner of speaking, and that Art made use of in the contexture of Words, that may overturn that Maxime. With submission to Mr. L'Estrange, there is in that place (Nar. P. 19.) such a mixture of the meanest fourberies of Report, which the most inconsiderable Circumstance of the Discovery, that my slender Opinion is, that a more prudent Progression in Logick ought to have supported the violent Death of Sir Edmunbury Godfrey. For if the Story of Monsieur [Page 10] Choqueuz Fire-works, were never prov'd the suspition of Tukesbury Mustard-Balls, was never yet accounted the greatest Argument of the Plot. And if the business of Sir Henry Titchbourns Armes were not made out, the Surmise of the Black-Bills lies as much at the Mercy of any mans Belief, without any prejudice to the Belief of the Plot; and thus Posterity shall Argue from Circumstances not much material, whether they are believed or no, the falshood of the greatest Discoveries of the Grand Plot that ever was made in the World. Especially when Mr. L'Estrange shall go about to convince the World of the falshood and Perjury of the chief Evidence of his Murther. For my part, I much wonder why Mr. L'Estrange should so much trouble himself with his Schismatical-Plot. They who discovered the Popish-Plot, produced the Conspirators, nam'd their Names, brought their Evidence against them, and were the occasion of Sentence and Execution. If Mr. L'strange knew of any Schismatical or Phanatick-Plot, He ought to have done the same. Otherwise upon no other Grounds but the wandring Notions of unlicens'd Books, to cry out a Phanatick-Plot, is but just, as when they cry out Thieves at one end of the House, and at the same time to cry out Thieves at the other end, and thereby to distract, and discompose the Defence of the whole.
In the next place I observe, that when, in your Appeal, you have dignified Mr. Care with the meanest of Characters (though in some Sheets of Mr. Cares there are those things produc'd, that will take up Mr. L'Estrange a full year to Answer by way of Dialogue.
You tell the World he wrote my Narrative. That is to say, my Narrative was a pittiful contemptible thing, and consequently little to be credited. Nevertheless. in such a Narrative as that, neither the Language, [Page 3] as I humbly conceive, nor the person that wrote it were so much to be regarded, as the Verity of the matter of Fact. And many people perhaps see with Mr. L'Estranges Eyes, and out of a Respect to his Ingenuity, Judg with his Judgment. In which Respect I am a little induced to question Mr. L'Estranges so often by himself asserted difference and kindness to the Kings Evidence, for giving such a publick Advertisement of my Narrative, after he had made the Writer so miserably Ridiculous, he might have prosecuted his Revenge, without such an unseasonable Reflection. But whoever assisted as to the Form, the matter was mine, and publick Justice is satisfied.
I come now to the Information of Jane Curtis, the substance of which is, That Mr. L'Estrange speaking of Oates and his Gang, said, He did not question but to see them all hang'd ere long, and that he refus'd to License 2 Books, Swearing he would not do it for 500 l. which afterwards the Lord Bishop of London Licensed at first sight.
In the first place I must certainly conclude my self to be comprehended in Mr. L'Estranges kind wishes, as confessing my self to be one of those which he called of the Gang. As for the woman that swore the Oath the World has not been heard as yet to give her any other Character than of a Painful and Industrious Woman, very much intrusted, and a fair Dealer: Whether she have sworn true or false, I will not undertake to determine, that is to her own Conscience. But if she have sworn true, as there is little reason to misdoubt, where there is so little reason to surmise to the contrary. Then it is not his twitting her Husband with a Foolish trick he hath taken up of winding up his Nose and shewing his Teeth, will free him from the heavy censures that will follow: But twas no wonder he fell so foul upon the Husband, when the Wife lay so heavy upon him.
What will be thought of him, who in an Appeal to the Kings most excellent Majesty, and the three Estates assembled in Parliament, had produced so many Quotations from his own Writings to testifie the Esteem and Honour he had for tht Kings Evidence? What will be thought of those Quotations themselves? and that particular Ejaculation to the Doctor, They are wonderful things, Doctor, which you have done, and I am perswaded that you are reserved for more wonderful things to come, but that they were only the Compliments of Scorn and Derision? For Derision is many times as Complimental as Friendship it self. And this is most certain, that he that wishes another man hang'd, can never have an esteem for his Person. For my part until this Difference be decided, I must be convinced he has no kindness for me. And then the World must conclude him partial as to my concerns. And I will go a little farther to put it to the Vote among all those of the true Church of England, how well it became the Charity of a declared Church of England-Man, to wish Oats and all his Gang in the Hangman's Nooze? And it may be question'd, whether such a one be what he affirms himself to be, let him protest never so deeply.
As for the latter part of this Information, I will not undertake to be a Compitent Judg of Mr. L'Estrange's Learning, or whether it be superiour to that of any one of the Lord Bishop of London's Chaplains; but me thinks it seems a little od to my weak Judgment, that there should be such a vast difference in the Opinions of two such Eminent men of the Church of England, as Mr. L'Estrange and the Bishops Chaplain, that the one should refuse, and swear by his Maker, he would not Licence a couple of Sheets, no, not for five hundred pounds (a good smiling Temptation) which the other did Gratis, at the first sight. [Page 13] And yet we have as little Reason to question the Loyalty and Integrity of my Lord Bishop of Londons Chaplains, as we have to question Mr. L'Estranges. So that it follows, that it must be either a very great weakness or oversight, either in the one or the other. Now you'l say, what were the Titles, or what the Subjects of those two Sheets. The one was, The Character of a Turbulent Pragmatical Jesuite, and Factious Romish Priest. Epitomizing their Continual Disturbancies of Church and State, and particularly giving an Account of the Death of the Emperor Henry the 7th, who was Murdered by one Bernardine, a predicant Fryer, that gave him Poyson in the Holy Eucharist. Licensed, Oct. 15. 1678. The other, A Letter from a Catholick Gentleman to his Popish Friends, then to be exil'd from London. Ironically advising them to obey their Ghostly Fathers, and not the King; and thereby taking an occasion to shew how little the Papists regarded Tests or Oaths, to whom a Dispensation from the Pope was always an Infallible help at Maw, against Perjurie. Licensed, 1678.
These were the two scare-Crowes that so terrified Mr. L'Estrange, and which were of such dangerous consequence to the Government, and the Church of England, that he would not License them for 500 l. And yet it is apparent, they were Licensed, and by those who were as Chary of offending the Government, or the Church of England as he could be. It were almost madness to think that those Reverend Gentlemen who were entrusted with the Licensing of Books, at Lambeth or London-House, should be so inconsiderate, or so unfaithful to let go or connive at any thing prejudicial to the Church and State. Unless there be any that think the Art and Judgment of Licensing such a Mistery, that only Mr. L'Estrange has obtained it by long Practice. But there may be something in the Case [Page 14] indeed: For these wonderful Gentlemen, Dick and Tom, Ci [...]t and Bumpkin, Zekiel and Ephraim, Philo-L'Estrange and Pragmatieus, may be the wisest men in the World, and of Mr. L'Estranges Privy-Council for ought I know, and he himself may have the Spirit of Licensing, and a discerning Faculty above all the World beside, for any thing I can contradict him. All that I have to say is, that I stand still in my own Defence, and have only brought these Circumstances to make it out, that if I did see a Man at Mass, there might be probably some other Reason for it then Curiosity.
The next is the Information of Joseph Bennet, that Mr. L'strange importun'd him to Bayl Captain Eli at the Council-Board. What harm in all this? None at all that I know. 'Twas the part of a Gentleman and a Friend to take care of his Friend in Adversity. But we are still to consider the circumstances. Captain Eli it seems was in the same accusation with himself, but this argues that Mr. L'strange knew the person well and was acquainted with his Crime. However you'l say, Mr. L'Estrange was happily acquitted, and I am exceedingly glad of it. Nevertheless I say again, Mr. L'Estrange did know the person, & was acquainted with his Offence, and perhaps he judged it slight and trivial, or else he did ill to engage his Friend. But this Captain Eli was a Conspirator with himself, deeply engaged; a person that he knew to be concerned with him, a person that had paid Tongue several sums of money toward the carrying on the Design, and therefore it became him as a Gentleman to procure Bail for his fellow Conjurator: Let him make a Dialogue to clear himself of this, and then for Papist or no Papist, when he pleases he shall have more of it; in the mean time, the World is to consider upon what account this Affidavit is produced.
There is yet behind the Examination of Mr. Richard Fletcher, who swears, that after some discourse, Mr. L'Estrange declar'd himself to him, to be a Catholick of Rome, and to believe the Faith of that Church, and that being ask'd whether the Pope were the head of that Church He answered he was; and he hoped ere long, many others would turn to that Church, or to that effect.
As for the person that swears, he is well known both in City and Country, a person that lives handsomely & gentielely, and a great lover of that noble Science to which Mr. L'Estrange cannot be thought to bear any Spleen, though for his excellency in performance he has been too unkindly reproach'd; so that the world does hardly believe that Mr. Fletcher, a person by his Industry so well guarded from Necessity, would make such a Discord in Human Society, as to swear though it were for 500 l. to the prejudice of the least Hair of Mr. L'Estrang's head. Now then the Question is, which the unbyassed are to believe? Dick or Tom, Zekiel or Ephraim, Citt or Bumkin, Philo-L'Estrange, or Pragmaticus, or Mr. L'Estrange himself, with his own Lips declaring himself to be a Catholick of Rome, and to believe the Faith of that Church? If Mr. L'Estrange has chang'd his mind since he made this Declaration, there's no more to be said, I'le yield my Affidavit lost; if not, 'tis a Riddle to me, unless he mean such a Church of England Man, as in the Reign of Henry the 7th or Queen Mary. He declares one thing, and protests another. How to judg is a hard Case, and yet me thinks there is but little Reason, that he who will not believe himself, should be believ'd by others. What is it to me, whe- Mr. L'Estrange be a Papist or no? And yet I cannot conceive it to be such an irrefragable Argument, that a man is no Papist because he rattles the Phanaticks, and exclaims with so much bitterness against the outragious Liberty of the Press. He is the most improper [Page 16] person in the World to combat the freedom of Scribling, or at least to pursue that Subject with so much virulence and bitterness of Spirit. For all the world will judg that to be Self-Interest in him, which would be thought real Sentiment in another. On the other side nothing more prevails with me to believe the Gentleman is no Papist, because I cannot conceive that any person of true Learning and Ingenuity would be of such a Mock show, Gewgaw, Joynted-Baby Religion, that puts Divine worship to hold de la quenoville, and would inforce us to deifie the Distaff, with as many Titles of Honour in her Liturgie, as ever the Queen of Spain had. But if self-Interest happen to dazle the Sight, or the Prospect of preferment better improve a mans judgment, I have nothing more to say.
But what is it to me, whether Mr. L'Estrange be a Papist or no? My design is only to maintain the Truth of my Information. I have sworn that I did see Mr. L'Estrange at Mass in the Queens Chappel since his Majesties happy Restauration, 1660 And that I will justify, though he resume a Protestation as long as from Charing-Cross to Milend-Green. For if he will not believe his own Lips, I must and will believe my own Eyes. He says indeed, I could not say I saw him Receive. 'Tis very right; for I saw no such thing; and therefore because I swore no more then I saw, 'tis the fairer Argument that what I swore was the Truth. But what says Ephraim my Beloved? Why Ephraim says, that I should say, that I would swear I had seen him forty times at Mass. But you see, my Beloved, that Ephraim was unkind in his Report, He was a false Brother, and strayed from the Truth.
But what if Ephraim had heard it? 'twas onely a report, and no more than what Mr. L'Estrange himself tells the world in his Appeal, onely that the Number differs; viz. That I should say in company, That I would swear I had seen Him at Mass above a hundred times. By which, the world may see, that Mr. L'Estrange was more Afraid than Hurt. But I would fain know what 'tis to the purpose, what Ephraim reports, or what he by his Eeves-droppers is assured of, when the Oath it self appears, and puts all Reports and Hear says out of doors. Why then to unfold the Mystery, they were only Attaques of Disparagement; one of the most prudent waies in the world to undermine and blow up a Testimony. To which purpose Ephraim the Cunning layes another Train, and tells Zekiel the Suttle, that he was rounded in the Ear, that I had Ten Witnesses in a readiness, to make good my proof. A Reproach, which wherever it takes fast hold, spreads it self, and eats into the Reputation of a Testimony, like Oil of Spike spilt upon Deal Boards. This Ephraim I perceive, was like all the rest of the world; nothing refin'd by his Baptism; easie to believe any thing that made for his Advantage. But now who can blame Harris or Gay for writing and publishing ridiculous Fables, when the person that finds fault, shall publish, upon Ephraim's being barely Rounded in the Ear, such trivial stuff as this, which onely denotes the want of better Defence. For I would know, if Mr. L'Estrange were to be try'd upon the single Issue, seen at Mass, or not seen at Mass, and I should come and swear, as I do, that I had seen him at Mass so many times, whether Reports and Hear-sayes, and Roundings in the Ear, that I would swear this or that which I did not hear, would acquit him? For if I thinks, and as I remembers, and as I believes, will not be admitted into an Oath, which must be absolute, as mine is, certainly Hear-sayes, and Reports, and Roundings in the Ear, will be as little admitted in the Defence. So that in my Opinion [Page 18] Ephraim's Intelligence was not at that time worth the Coffee he gave for it, though it were but one Dish.
But now Ephraim comes to the particulars of the Report, and sayes, Ten in number; pray Gentlemen give me leave to consider a little. Well, I have done it, and I must faithfully declare to the world, that I do not know of any Store Ponds that I have for any such sort of Fish. If Ephraim know of any, he should do well to make the discovery. For I know it would be no small satisfaction to him to see me incur the penalty of such a breach of the Law. Truly there is no great probability of the Truth of the Report, because the Story it self does not hold water. For, for me to have so many Witnesses in a readiness, and not to make use of one, was a strange piece of remisness, to be so careless of a certain Victory. Upon the whole, whether Mr. L'Estrange be a Papist or no, I will not determine; but these are excellent Hints for the Papists to lay hold on; and then to quote a Church-man of England for their Author. But 'tis well, all is not Gospel that Zekiel and Ephraim say. I do find they suffer under the frailty of Fallibility, as well as others. For, as for Mr. Mowbray, he came in voluntarily, and gave in his Information without my knowledge, and consequently could be none of my number; and there was no more that appear'd in the business, especially wherein I was concern'd. So that the Ten being hitherto invisible, unless Mr. Ephraim can bring them to light, the Report and the Use made of it must be both equally insignificant.
But there are other Observations to be made; For if a Writer do positively aver that for Truth, which carries another face, 'tis shrewdly suspicious he may make the same forfeiture in more circumstances than one.
Thus Mr. L'Estrange in his Discovery upon Discovery, p. 13. [Page 19] Now, Doctor, saith He, I do positively aver, that there was not one Church of England-man in the Parliament Army, as they call'd it. When it is a thing yet fresh in memory, that the Archbishop of York, that very Metropolitan, upon whom Cleveland begins his Satyrical Elegy,
Serv'd in the Parliament Army, as it was then call'd, with a Command of Horse. Now whether an Archbishop of York, and one of the Metropolitans of the Kingdom, would have been advanced at that Time, to that Dignity, unless he had been a Church of England-man; that's the scruple. However, we may say thus much, that he ceas'd no more to be Archbishop of York, by siding with the Parliament, than Julius the Second ceas'd Pope by Joyning with the Turks. And therefore Cleveland allows him his Dignity after his Death, though he embalm it indeed with Assafaetida instead of Olibanum.
Now for any man to be so positive in the assertion of a thing, so notoriously subject to contradiction, will give a shrewd shog to the former value that was put upon the Writings of the same Person.
Thus Mr. L'Estrange was pleas'd to disown at the Council-Board that ever he knew me: And yet before that, at a certain Coffee-House in Ludgate-street, he presently vanish'd up stairs with great disdain, upon my first appearance in the lower Room, murmuring out these words, The Devil sets his Imps at work.
These things I should have been far from taking notice of, had it not been to support my own justification, verily believing that the world would blame me much, and that [Page 20] the publick Enemy would get no small advantage thereby, should I have suffered my self to be so passively negligent, as to see my self run down with the quips and taunts of a quaint and fluent Pen, without a just vindication. In a word, I have only Sworn that I saw him at Mass; here are other Informations, by which you must judge upon what account. I have no more to say to that particular.
Now after all this, and a long silence, he is risen again, and as I suppose, forgetting what he declared at the Half-Moon, renews the Old Lurrey of no Papist, nor Jesuit in a Dialogue between Philo L'Estrange & Pragmaticus. And Heaven, I say, prolong his Life, and may L'Estrange no Papist nor Jesuit be the perpetual Theam, that he may satisfy his Humour, and write as many Dialogues as ever Lucian did. But I am very much afraid that a volume of Dialogues as big as the Book of Martyrs will do him but little good. For he goes about to bury the Subject itself under the heaps of his own Quires, it being most certain that men at length will grow tir'd with reading his needless Apologies. For they that think him a Church-man of England, will believe him still so to be, notwithstanding all the Rumours of Accusation. And as for those that believe him a Papist, he may perhaps in time wash a Blackamore white, but will never by that sort of Rhetorick which he uses be perswaded to change their opinions. He has so be plotted the Generality of dissenters under the odious Name of Fanaticks, that he must not expect any mercy of belief from them. They not being a sort of people to be gained by Similes and bare Flourishes of Elocution, it being then to be presumed, as he may easily perceive it himself, if he pleases, that they believe not one tittle of what he says, it follows that he only writes to them that believe him already, which is a labour altogether needless. And then again, whatever belief he may pretend to have of the Plot, yet in all his discourses he speaks so ambiguously of it, gives such [Page 21] Complemental Reproaches to the Kings Evidence; that even blindness it self may discover his aim; and that whatever his publick pretence may be, the ruine of the Discovery and private Encouragement set the Wheels of his Invention a going. Worse than the Blind Mill-Horse, not understanding that he is labouring and grinding all the while for the grand Enemies of his King, and Country: Or else worse than all these, who, knowing what he is about, pursues the Tracks of secret Treason and Conspiracy; rather than Coleman shall want a Successour to his Secretariship, Mr. L'Estrange will be the Person, so bewitching a Charm it is to some men to be the Instruments of Greatness; though in Evil Enterprizes: But Mr. L'Estrange is old, and believing he has not long to live; what cares he what becomes of his Country after he is gone, so he may enjoy the Sweets of this World, during his time. But men of these brave desires, and Hunters after ill obtain'd Prosperity, forget those wise sayings of the very Heathens themselves, That they who will not give credit to them that swear the truth, to the stifling of which so much labour has been used in vain, are themselves the Contemners of Heaven, and guilty of those Perjuries, which they would fasten upon others. And let the subtilty of the Devil pretend what it will, it is not to be imagin'd, that any but Papists, or their well-wishers, could be so stupidly obstinate, as to run Counter to all those signall Acts of Providence, that dayly brings to light the busie Contrivances of the Kingdoms Enemies. This however is our Comfort, that we seldom see the end of them, who by such Instincts of private Interest oppose Heaven, and the peace of setled Government; but that in the Conclusion Divine Vengeance finds them out, [Page 22] and brings them to shame and punishment. It being generally observed, that they who are most active to serve and assist a Conspiracy, are the first laid aside, upon the success of the Design. A motive that should induce the vain Aspirer to a more considerate Conduct of his Actions.