WHEREAS notwithstanding several good and wholsom ORDERS of this COURT heretofore made for the Prevention of Forestalling, Regrating and other Abuses in the Fish-market of Billingsgate, divers Frauds and Exactions are yet there daily practised, which is much occasioned by the Remisness of Officers in putting the said Orders in Execution. Now for the better Remedying and Preventing such Evil Practices for the time to come, it is Ordered by this Court, that the Hours heretofore limited for the Opening and Beginning of the Fish-market at Billingsgate, shall hereafter be strictly observed (That is to say) from Lady-day to Michaelmas, to begin at Four of the Clock in the Morning; and from Michaelmas to Lady-day at Six of the Clock in the Morning; and that the said Markets for the [...]uture shall from Lady-day to Michaelmas end at Eight of the Clock in the Evening; and from Michaelmas to Lady-day at Six of the Clock in the Evening; And that the said respective Times for Beginning and Ending the said Market may be the better known and observed, It is Ordered that the Market-Bell there shall be constantly rung by the Yeomen of the Water-side, at the respective Hours aforesaid; And it is also Ordered, That if any Person shall before the said respective Hours of Four and Six in the Morning presume to Buy, Sell or Expose to Sale in the said Market any Sort of Fish (except Herrings, Sprats, Mackerel and Shell-Fish) every such Offender shall be proceeded against, as a Forestaller of the Market, as by the Laws now in force against Forestalling and Regrating is directed and appointed.
And the Yeomen of the Water-side are hereby strictly enjoyned every Morning and Evening to ring the said Bell precisely at the Hours aforesaid; and that the said Yeoman and Under-Waterbailiff do carry all Persons that shall Buy or Sell, or Expose to Sale Fish there, contrary to this present ORDER, before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor for the time being, or some other of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this City, to be bound over, and prosecuted according to Law.
And that the Mischiefs and evil Practices intended to be remedied by a late Act of Parliament, Intituled, An Act for making Billingsgate a Free-Market for Sale of Fish, may be effectually prevented. It is further Ordered, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall imploy or be imployed by any other Person or Persons to contract or buy in or at the said Market any Quantity of Fish, to the intent to be divided by Lots, or in Shares amongst any Fishmongers or other Persons, in order to be put to Sale by Retail, or otherwise; or if any shall Ingross or Buy in or out of the said Market, any Quantity of Fish other than what shall be for his own private Use, or for Sale in his or her own Shop or Shops, that then the Yeomen of the Water-side and Under-Water-Bayliff, or one of them shall give Information thereof, and prosecute every such Offender or Offenders, accordding to the Directions of the said Act; And if any of the said Officers shall be remiss or negligent in putting this ORDER in due Execution, he or they shall be proceeded against with the utmost Severity.
And that no Person shall or may pretend Ignorance hereof, it is Ordered, that this ORDER be forthwith Printed, Published and set up in the most Publick Places at Billingsgate aforesaid, and be so continued from time to time by the Officers of this City attending the said Market.