THE Benefit, Advantage, and Glory of Silent Meetings, BOTH As it was found at the beginning, or first breaking forth of this clear manifestation of Truth, and continues so to be found by all the Faithful and Upright in Heart at this Day.

Writ for the stirring up and encouraging of those, more especially who are lately Convinced unto the love of them, and diligent improving them, unto those ends and uses for which they serve.

By George Keith.

LONDON, Printed, by Andrew Sowle, in the Year 1687.

The Benefit, Advantage, and Glory of Silent Meetings.

BEfore the breaking forth of this clear manifestation of Truth, that now shineth in great Brightness and Glory, which began in the Nation of England some twenty six Years ago, or so, there was many People both in that Nation and elsewhere, in whom there was some true desires and breathings raised and begot after the Lord, by the secret workings of his Eternal Power, insomuch that many in that day began to seek the Lord in great Earnestness and Zeal, upon whom he had caused his Light so far to shine forth, that thereby they came to see their Poverty, Nakedness and Emptiness, notwithstanding of the large and much Profession which they had made in divers Sects, and also by the same, they came to see their want of the li­ving God, though they had learned a notional and litteral know­ledg of him, from them who spoke weakly upon the Scriptures, what they had gathered from the Letter, by their Hammerings and Toolings upon them, and so it came to pass, that many who were diligent and zealous followers of these Ministers of the Letter, through these dawnings of the Light of God and Christ, which began to appear in them, became to weary and tire of that ministration they were under, which was at best but that of the Letter, and for most part also, had much of Falshood and Un­truth mixed in with it, from the Worlds Spirit and Wisdom, so that their Doctrine had neither the sound Words of Truth, nor the Virtue and Life of Truth to make it Savoury and Nourishing into the Souls of the People, so that many come to loath and re­fuse it, for it appeared unto them; no better then as Dead & Cor­rupted Water, yea as the Waters of Egypt that became Blood, which they loathed to drink off, and the same People who began [Page 4] to loath the Doctrine and Ministry of the National Priesthood, and also of others, who pretended more, finding it both Dead and Corrupt, they found great perpexity and heaviness of Mind, as not knowing what to do, whether to go; they were pressed in Spirit to leave and forsake the Dead and corrupt Ministry they were formerly under, as finding it hurtful, yea killing (for the Letter killeth) but they knew not where to find the living and true Ministery which might administer unto them that which could answer unto the living desires of their Souls, and could Satisfie and Nourish them; & at the same time there were divers, in divers Parts, who had some inward true and Living openings and Manifestations of Truth, but they were not come to a Clear and Sound State and Condition in their own particulars, nor to a clear discerning of the Manifestations and workings of Truth from their own imaginations. And from the Enemies transform­ings and likenesses, & yet in this uncleanness & unsoundness they went forth and spoke and declared and Preached and Writ many things, which because they did in part issue or proceed from the Light of Truth, were much taking into their hungring & seek­ing Souls, who had left the Dead and tastless Ministery they were formerly under, and so because there was somewhat in the Words or Declaration of these men, which did partly answer unto the Witness and truth of God in their hearts, they began much to look after them, follow and hear them, and drink in their Doctrine, even as the parched and dry Land drinketh in the Rai [...] of a Summer shower; yet this came to prove much unto the great hurt and loss both of these Teachers, and also of them who gave up to be taught by them.

For their Ministery not standing in that cleanness and sound­ness, either of Doctrine or Spirit, as was needful, it could not but prove as unwholsom and hurtful food, especially seeing there was not that discerning begot in People, whereby they could make a clear difference betwixt the pure and the impure, that which was of God, and that which was but of Man, and of the Enemy; betwixt the pure and clean Grains, and the Tares; for indeed in their Ministry they did not sow altogether clean Grain, [Page 5] but many noisom Tares with it, and that in much more abun­dance, then the true Wheat, and the Tares sprung up, and choaked the good Seed, and hindered it, so the good Seed withered in many, and in many others was in a decaying and withering condition, but the Tares waxed great and flourished, and as for those Teachers who went forth as to sow, for most part, it proved most to their own loss and prejudice, for not being brought into a cleanness and soundness in their own particular Condition, neither as to Doctrine nor Spirit, the Serpent who beguiled the Woman, be­trayed the simplicity in them, and so through his subtilty drew them forth still further and further from the true openings of Truth which at sometimes were opened in them truly from the Lord, out into their own vain imaginations and apprehensions, and also into the Enemies transformings and likenesses: where­by the tender dawnings and breakings forth of Truth became to be vailed and clouded in them, and the Darkness prevailed to blind the Eye, which had received some half opening, and so their latter condition was worse then the first, yea many of them be­came worse then others, as unsavoury Salt, having run out from the Sence and Savour of that which Savoured them in some Measure, and thereby gave occasion of offence unto many People; for some of these aforesaid, having run out from the Measure of Truth in their own particulars, vented and published both in Words and Writing, Gross, Unsound and Pernicious Doctrines, and others of them became loose and desolate in their lives, all which the E­nemies of Truth charged upon Truth it self, and spoke evil of the Way of it, unto many Simple People, who too much believed them, and so were scared and offended, even at the appearance of Truth it self.

And about the same time, the People, even those of them for most part, who were most tender, Ingenious and Zealous, (through a weakness of understanding, and because of the custo­mary Way they had been used to) had too much an Eye to Words, and too much a Life in them, for they could not meet together, but some behoved to speak, in Doctrine Exhortation or Prayer, &c. Otherwise they would have thought the Time mis­spent, [Page 6] so much as passed away of it without Words, for their minds were much drawn forth, seeking satisfaction, and refresh­ment in outward Words, Practices and Observations, which yet they found not, but both their Words and Practices for most part proved their Burden, and they Groaned under them, and yet they knew not what to do, for they saw no way how either to Worship God, or profit their own Souls, or one another, but as they thought was in Words, or outward Practises and Observati­ons, and yet they missed the Kingdom, which they in some true Measure desired, and so were scattered abroad, as in Divers Flocks and Companies, like Sheep without a Shepherd, seeking the true Fold and Pasture, but not finding it.

And the Lord who had Pity upon them of Old, whom he be­held as Sheep without a Shepherd, and whose Bowels Yearned over them, in the same Yearnings of Bowels extended his tendrr Mercies and Compassion into these, who at that time had Tender Breathings and desires raised in them after himself, and to know and Worship Him aright, and in the acceptable Way, and he prepared Messengers, and seat among them, in a needful and acceptable time, who having attained unto the soundness and clearness in their own Condition, both as to Doctrine and Spirits, through the Power and Grace of the Lord, with and up­on them, (which others before them, as aforesaid, were not come into) Preached the glad Tidings of the Gospel in Purity and Soundness, upon a People whom the Lord had prepared to receive them, as he had prepared them to Minister to them, the first Principles whereof were to this purpose or effect; That what was to be known of God was manifest within, that the Kingdom of God was to be sought after, and found within, by every Man, in a Heavenly Seed and Principle, which was of God in every Man, the Word near in the Mouth, and in the Heart; that God & Christ was to be sought within, found, received and enjoyed within, in the Measure of the Light wherewith he did enlighten every one that comes into the World, and that whoever do truly believe in God and in Christ, must believe in the Light, wherewith Christ did enlighten them, who is given of [Page 7] God a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the People, and who so believe in the Light, which convinceth of sin, judgeth and repro­veth it in thought, Word and deed, come to receive life by it, and be made alive unto God, so as to have a Sence of his Divine Power and Vertue, and to see him, and behold him, and enjoy him, and have fellowship with him; in which Life they come to receive Power over Death, Sin and Darkness, and in the same, they come to receive the true knowledge of God and Christ, and the things pertaining to his Kingdom; and therein, and there­from, and thereby they come to receive right thoughts and appre­hensions of God, and also the right and sound Words, which are fit to be spoken of him, and concerning him, and his Way and Kingdom; and which thoughts and Words had a manifestation of his heavenly Life and Vertue in them, as they were received in the Living and Eternal Word, near, and in the Heart; and so that all thinking or speaking of God, or to him, or the things of his Kingdom, behoved to have this rise, the Word, Light and Life of God in the heart; otherwise they were all wrong, dead and unsavoury, and so neither acceptable unto God, or profitable ei­ther unto the speakers or hearers; and in like manner, all practices and works, which are not wrought in this Principle, the Light, Life and Spirit of God, within, are but dead and unprofitable, Works and Fruits of Death and Darkness, as not having the Life of God, for their Rise, Spring and Original, and so the first be­ginning of the Ministry, in great part, was in the Life and Power of God to call off people from all their dead and dark thoughts, Words and Works, as to God, and his Way and Worship, which were not brought forth in the Life and Light of God in the Heart, were not thought in the Life, spoken in the Life, done and practi­ced in the Life, as being all but false, unsound, unprofitable, and unacceptable; and as the sound and clear Ministration g [...]ven them, in the Light and Life of God was to call people off from all the thoughts Words and Works of Death and darkness, so was it al­so to call them off, and turn them from the Darkness it self, un­to the Light, which lighted every one of them, and from Death unto the Word of Life, nigh unto every one, and which would [Page 8] give Life unto every one, who became turned towards it, in the drawings and Vertue thereof, and this was the clear and Sound Ministration, which the Apostles received from Christ, and par­ticularly Paul, who was sent unto the Gentiles, to turn them from Darkness into Light, and from the Power of Satan unto God, which Ministration, as it was greatly Blessed of God in the pri­mitive times, unto that effect so was it, and is it in this our Day, the Work of Labour and Love of him, whom the Lord sent as the first of many others who came after, did greatly prosper, (though in much contradiction into many who opposed, some through Ignorance, and others through Malice) whereby in a small time many out of Divers Sects and Professions came to be turned into the Light, and be convinced of it, and by it, that it was the very saving Light of Christ Jesus, notwithstanding of all that Priests or Professors said or disputed to the contrary, for the Ministration had that Light and Evidence, Life and Authority, yea Power & Dominion of Truth in it, which even by a Spiritual compulsion, forced an assent in the Hearts of many, and the Mea­sure of Truth which was Clouded and Vailed in many, came to be reached unto, through this Ministration, so as to answer unto it, to the sufficient convincement of these, in whom it is thus an­swered.

And as for them who came to be clearly and soundly reached, so as to feel the Power and Life of God in the Ministration reach into the Measure and Seed of Truth in their own particulars: O what a Day and Time it was unto them, that was even such a Day as they had never the like of it before, nor (in some Sence) after it, for it was a Day unto them both of Joy and Heaviness, Comfort and Sorrow, Light and Darkness, Life and Death, their Joy and their Comfort was in the Morning Dawnings of the Beauty and Glory of God, which begun somewhat to appear in the Light, as they became turned towards it; but their heaviness was, in that they began to find the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and how to feel themselves so hedged and compassed about with in­tanglements and hindrances both within and without, but more especially within, to stop them from entring into the new and li­ving [Page 9] and perfect way of God, which began to be revealed in the Light, insomuch that they came to see that these things which they formerly counted gain, were now Dung and loss unto them, and that which they esteemed as their Glory, became now their shame, as namely their large Profession and Righteousness, and way of Worship, which stood in Dead and empty perfor­mances, in the oldness of the Letter, in which they had a Life, and which had a Life in them also, but it was the Life of Death, which Reigned in them, and do Reign in all, from Adam unto Moses, yea and whose Reign is not put down, until Christ the Blessed Seed and Life be Witnessed raised and revealed in the Particular; and so this Day of God brought Death and Dark­ness over all that false Life and Light, which had Place in them formerly, and stained all their false Beauty and Glory, even all the Glory of Flesh, or of the First-birth, in all the Wisdom, Counsel and Knowledge thereof, and in all its thoughts and ap­prehensions of God, and in all its Words, and Works, and Practices, and Righteousness, whereby it came to pass that these who seemed to have, and had much Knowledge and understand­ing of God and Christ, but it was according to the Flesh or First Birth, began now to See and be Convicted, that they were very Ignorant, so as even to say, surely I am more Bruitish then any Man, and I have not the understanding of a Man in me; and thus many, who were Teachers of others, for many years, came to be Convinced that they had need to Learn the very first Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, and so these who had stood in a long and Large Profession of Words, and attained to great Abili­ties that Way, in Doctrine, Exhortation, and Prayer, &c. Whether through Education or frequent Practice, being come to a true and Living Sence and Convincement, that it was all but Carnal and Fleshly, or at best stood in a great Mixture, having more of Flesh then Spirit in it, and more of Death and Darkness, then of Life and Light, which is hurtful, as aforesaid, came to be gathered out of all that Bulk, and heap of Words into the waiting Place, in the Measure of the Light, which had Convinced them, and given them some Sence of their Con­ditions, [Page 10] so to wait upon the Lord in his Light in all possible stil­ness and quietness, and silence of Mind, not only out of all out­ward Performances and Words, but even out of all Thoughts and Apprehensions of God or Christ, and all inward motions and Workings, which had not the Light, or Word, or Spirit of God in their Hearts, for the Rise and Spring, and this they were brought unto through the Ministration aforesaid, which pointed or directed them unto this place, even silence, both as to Words and Thoughts, and that both apart and together, by which Ministration also they were called to assemble or gather together in the Name of Christ, whose Name is the Light, the Wisdom and Power of God, and the second Adam, the quick­ning Spirit, to wait together in this Silence.

So in this Name they were called and directed to assemble or gather together, to wit, in the Light, Wisdom, Power and quickning Spirit of God, so they were not to come in their own Wisdom and Spirit, or in the Wisdom and Spirit of the first A­dam, as to Meditate, Teach, or Pray, or give Thanks in the Words which that Wisdom and Spirit did teach them, for that had been to meet in the name of the first Adam, and not in the Name of the second, whose Name is the Light, and the Life, and the Power, and Wisdom of God, as aforesaid, and so this Wisdom, and Power, and Name, was to furnish them in all they did or spoke in their Meetings or Assemblies; and to this the Apostle directed the Believers in his day, that whatsoever they did in Word or Deed, they should do it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ; if they Taught, it should be in his Name, to wit, in his Light, Life and Power; and if they Prayed it should be in this; and if they gave Thanks it should be in this; and then the Words uttered or expressed by them should be Spirit and Life, that would both reach unto God, for a sweet Savour and Odour before him, and also unto his Witness in the Heart of them who heard, for what they spoke should not be the Word of Man, but the Word of God, Christ the Word, the Light, and the Life, speaking in them, and through them, as Christ said unto the Disciples, It is not you that speak, but the [Page 11] Spirit of the Father that speaketh in you, and according to this Paul said, That no Man could call Jesus the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost; for the Name of the Lord is a living Name, and so cannot be named but by the Power and Vertue of his own Life; in­deed a Man, in his own natural Spirit may pronounce the Letter of the Name, but the Letter is not the Name, for the Name is the Word of God, but the Letter is not the Word, and so it is one thing to pronounce the Letter or Letters, but for another to name or speak the Word of God, yea, or inwardly only to conceive in it the Mind or Heart, which none can do but by the Holy Ghost.

Now about this time that divers were convinced, as aforesaid, and gathered together in Divers Places, through very Necessi­ty, their Meetings came to be Silent, for some Time, though the First Rice and Ground of their Meeting in Silence, was, that they were taught it of the Lord, forasmuch as there were but few, who were then attained unto that Soundness and Clearness of Condition, in their own Particulars, so as thereby to be fitted and Qualified in the Word, Life, Power, and Wisdom of God, to Minister unto others in Divers Places, Friends being but very young at that first breaking forth of Truth; and so their Works was mostly, if not only to joyn together, in a joynt Concurrence to wait upon the Lord, for the indu [...]ngs of his Power from on High, and to see the Work and Operation of his Word, Light and Life in them, every one being turned unto the Manifestation thereof in their own particulars: For indeed in beginners, or those who are but lately turned unto the Light and Life of Truth, it hath much to Work through in them, and they have many Steps of inward Tryals and Exercise to Pass through in the Light and Life of Truth, before they attain unto that Sound­ness and Clearness in their own Conditions, whereby they can safely and Purely Administer the Word and Words of Life unto others without mixture; for First a Man must be in a good Mea­sure gathered into the Life and Spirit of Truth, so as to be well rooted and fastened in it, in his own particular, before he be in such a fit Condition as to Minister unto others, with safety and [Page 12] advantage, and the Word of Life must first have some free pas­sage in a Mans Heart, Mind and Spirit, before it can have a free passage in the Mouth, and it must have got some good Measure of Command and Dominion over the Heart, and the Thoughts and Affections thereof, otherwise it cannot so conveniently, and rea­dily have the command of the Mouth▪ so as to order and direct it, that the Mouth steadily and soundly, only as the Instrument of the Word and Spirit of God, may only express or declare the li­ving Words of God, otherwise as where the Heart is not under the command of the Life as aforesaid) the Mouth will reel and stagger in its expressions, and be apter to speak the Words of the Wisdom and Spirit of Man then of God; now as the Words of the Spirit of God and Christ are in the Mouth Spirit and Life; so the Words of or from the Spirit of Man, though even gather­ed from the Scriptures, are instead of Spirit, but Letters; and in­stead of Life, but Death; the one is Spirit and Life, the other but Letter and Death, which Profits not, but hurts; yea even the Mixture, (as where it is partly Letter, and partly Spirit) as much as possible, is to be shunned and forborn, especially, in this so Clear and Glorious manifestation of Truth, which calleth out of all Mixtures, both in Words and Works unto Purity, sound­ness and simplicity in all, and now doth more pressingly require it, then in the Times of Ignorance and Darkness that are past.

Thus I say, that even very necessity at first occasioned their si­lent Meetings of Friends in Divers places, every one being a­fraid to open the Mouth, nor daring to open, it till the Lord o­pened it by the Power and Vertue of own Spirit and Life, and though none durst speak or open a Mouth, nor had received that Spiritual Power and ability to do it, yet a necessity and Duty they found in it, to meet together, yea the least measure and ap­pearance of Life and Light in every one did even draw them to­gether, and when or wherever they came together in the draw­ings thereof, and sat down together in stilness and quietness, eve­ry one being turned and gathered unto their particular Measures, they came to find the Benefit, Advantage and Glory thereof, in a Wonderful and unspeakable manner; for after this manner they [Page 13] became all as one Body, and as Members together of the Body, and one of another by reason of that wonderful and excellent and Glorious Unity, which the several Measures of Life and Light, hath in the particular Vessels and persons. For if even but two be together, & that each of both be gathered unto their own measure of Life, the measure of Life in thr one doth after a secret & unspeakable manner reach unto the measure of Life in the other, & flow forth into it, wh [...]reby the one is raised, & Strengthened & inlarged by the other, & as it were fed & refreshed thereby, yea and the Life in the one doth so joyn, and V­nite its force and strength and Vertue unto the other, that every parti­cular feels the Strength and Vertue of the twofold measure of Life, as it were doubled within themselves; and if they be three thus gathered together, the particular Measure of Life in every one reacheth unto every particular, so that one feels not only the Vertue Force and Strength of his own particular Measure of Life, but also the very force and Strength of the other two, so that his Life is as it were strengthened, en­larged and refreshed, as in a threefold degree, and so still as the number of these do increase, who come indeed to Witness any Measure of the Life and Light of God to spring up in them, all the particular Mea­sures of Life in the particular Vessels, or Persons in whom it hath appear­ed, Vniting in one, even as many small Streams, become as a large river of Life, which in the wholeness, or Vniversallity of it, hath its Course Motion and Operation, in and through every Member, in some Measure, according to the capacity of each; and thus the whole Vniversal Life and Spirit of the whole Body reacheth, in its whole Vertue, in some Mea­sure unto every Member for the quickning, refreshment, and edifying thereof, as even it is in the Natural Body, for the Natural Spirit that is Vniversally diffused through the whole, reacheth unto every Member in the Body, with its Influence Life and Virtue, end a plain example whereof we have also in the Light, that is Natural, for if a Company of People should come into a dark place, every one of them having a Lamp or Candle lighteh, each person injoyeth not only the Light of his own, but also of all his Neighbours, where each suf [...]er their Light freshly to shine forth.

And of this Friends having such manifest and clear Experience in their own particulars, they became greatly indeared toward, [Page 14] one another in all Pureness and tenderness of Love, and finding the great Benefit and Advantage which they had in one anothers Company, Presence and Fellowship, as of one being a Strength to another, their Life and Spirit reaching unto them, oft with­out all Words, yea in the silence or ceasing of Words they were drawn to meet often together, for that in the Presence and Com­pany of one another they were inwardly Refreshed, Comfor­ted, Quickened and Strengthned, through that Communion and Communication of the Spirit and Life of God, from Vessel to Vessel, as from one upon all, and from all upon one, and this is that Communion of the Saints, which is a Mystery forever sealed from all Natural Men, but is most open and clear to every Child of Light, yea even unto the Youngest, who are but as Babes and Sucklings in the Truth.

And oft times it so comes to pass, that one only particular Per­son is made an occasion of great Refreshment, Quickning and Comfort unto many, yea unto a whole Meeting, so that in good and certain experience, where divers have come together, but Life had but a weak or small manifestation in and among them, as being but young in the Truth, and much Death and Darkness as yet having place, which Burthened and Clouded the tender Life, so that, as it were the Power of Death and Darkness could be felt to work strongly in the Meeting, by reason of which those who met had much ado to wrestle against the said dark Power, yet the coming of one among them, and sitting down with them in the Meeting, to wait together upon the Lord in pure Silence, has occasioned Life in great Glory and Dominion to shine fo [...]th, & flow like a mighty River through the whole Meet­ing, and every particular Member thereof, by which every particu­lar could sensibly feel the Power of Darkness and Death, which did Burthen and Weaken the Meeting, and quench or stop the springing up of Life, to be removed by the force and strength of Life, which br [...]ke forth against it, and dispelled it, as the Sun in his strength dispelleth and breaketh a Cloud into pieces, the occa­sion of which hath been, that the one aforesaid hath had the Life of God in his own particular raised into a large stature and [Page 15] measure of Power and Dominion, whereby his Life hath had its course through all that Darkness that stood in the way, to the reaching the weak and small measures of Life in the others, and so by its Influence quickening and strengthening Life in every par­ticular, till it was raise [...] over all that stood in its way, and all were abundantly Refreshed, Comforted and Quickened, and such through the Goodness and Providence of God, are sent un­to others, or raised up, among them to be unto them as Nursing Fathers, and Stewards, and Shepherds, unto whom, as it were, the Keys of the Kingdom were given, that may open it unto o­thers; not but that it is possible to be opened, even without all Instruments from without, yea the Service and Benefit of Instru­ments, fitted and prepared of God, hath been, and is found to be great unto the more abundant opening of it, and helping the Weak and Feeble unto the more ready and easie entrance into it, wherefore such cannot but be dearly Loved and Honoured in the Truth, for their Works sake; and because of that excellent measure of Life in them, which hath such universal Influence and Service unto all.

And though the Unity and Fellowship of the Children of Light and Truth doth not simply consist in their outward Near­ness, Company, or Presence, for that though at never so great an outward Distance, their Unity remains, in that Spirit which reacheth over and through all, yet it is certain that even their being together in the outward (when they are gathered in the Name of Christ as aforesaid, as in the particular measure of his Life and Light made manifest in them) doth greatly conduce and contribute to increase and strengthen their Unity, and to make their Fellowship and Communion of Life the more sensible as is known and witnessed by certain experience; for that when they are outwardly present, Life hath and oppertunity to convey it self unto one another, by an through the natural Spirit, and the very Face of one sharpneth another, as Iron doth Iron, for where Life is rased in the Heart, it hath its Image on the very Face or Countenance, which by a secret Vertue reacheth unto others. Yea not only doth Life convey it self, and its pure influence, [Page 16] through the Voice and Sight, but even through the taking one another by the Hand, where it is done in pure and undefiled Love, and by the laying on of Hands also, as was witnessed in the Primitive Times, so that those who were indued with a large measure of the Life and Spirit of God, whilthey laid Hands on them who Believed, Vertue went forth from that force and strength of Life in them, an [...] reached unto these on whome Hands were laid, whereby they came to feel the Life to be raised in their own particulars, and the Power of the Holy Ghost to fall or break forth upon them, as even so it is witnessed at this Day, in and among the Children of Truth, through the form [...]r formality of laying on of Hands, that is in the false Church, which hath only the empty and bare imitation is not regarded.

And thus now it being showed, how great an Advantage and Benefit the Children of Light and Truth have in their Meeting together, through the Communication of Life, yea from all to every one, and from one to all, and that without all Words, as well as with them, the Benefit and Advantage of their meeting together, even in Silence, cannot but be manifest, and this serves to answer that common Objection used by many, who say, We may sit silent at Home, and wait in silence in our own Houses, and so be as much edified, a [...] to come to a silent Meeting, where nothing is spoke for our Instruction or Learning; to which I say, nay if your outward Liberty and Health can permit you to come, and yet you come not, but stay at home, you cannot Profit, nor be Edified so much at home, though you should give your selves to waiting in silence, as by coming to the Meeting of the Lords People and waiting together with them in silence, first, because to meet to­gether is the Ordinance of God, which he doth bless; yea he hath promised that where two or three do meet together in his Name he will be in the midst of them, and this promise is to meeting simply in his Name, though there should be no Speaking among them; but secondly because as is said, through that uni­versal influence of Life, which the whole Meeting hath upon every particular Life, to raise and refresh, and strengthen Life in every particular, th [...]refore it is manifest; that it is more profi­table and edifying to wait with others, where oppertunity can be [Page 17] had then alone, for while we wait with others, we become a strength and help unto one another in waiting, which many can seal the truth of by certain experience, who have found much more ready and easie access and entrance to wait upon the Lord, and a much more freedom of Mind from vain Thoughts and En­cumbrances while they were waiting with others, then while alone; as also many has been Convinced and brought to the knowledg of the Truth by coming to Silent Meetings, and seeing as is showed that Life doth readily most prevail & abound while they wait together, surely these occasions cannot but be the more Edifing and Profitable, when rightly improved, for when Life is most raised, and doth most prevail and abound in the Heart, then a man hath the best opertunity to feel the operation of it in him to work and purge out the old Nature and Spirit, with the Works thereof, and to leven him into a new lump, so as to mould and transform him unto its own pure Similitude and Image.

And so these who came together, to meet after this manner in Silence, so that they would sit together many hours in a deep Silence and Quietness, came to sind great Benefit and Advan­tage in them, yea and a great Glory, though such Meetings be­came the Worlds wonder, and natural and dark spirited men did scorn and deride them, as they do unto this day, yet the Chil­dren of Truth found them, and do find them the most Profitable and Edifying Meetings that ever they were at, where all Flesh is made Silent, and the Lamb alone is waited for to appear in his Temple, and speak forth his holy Mind, Will and Counsel in such Vessels as are fitted and prepared of him, and those who met together in this Silence, where, at that time perhaps, not one in the Meeting had a Mouth opened, or utterance gave them, in the Life and Spirit of God, came in due time to receive the o­pening of the Mouth in a very large and powerful, and glorious manner, as continues unto this day with them who yet remain a­live in the Body, and now many have received an opening of the Mouth, and come to witness the Word of Life sprung up in great Power and Glory, to the putting Words into their [Page 18] Mouths, which are Spirit and Life that Minister Grace, largely unto the Hearers, and are a Sweet and Precious Savour and O­dour unto God, even a Sacrifice of a sweet Smell; and so they witnessed the Promise fulfilled unto them, upon the matter (though the many Tongues and Languages, with other circum­stantial things be not) as the Disciples did, who were comman­ded to tarry at Ierusalem, and wait for the Promise of the Father, which was the pouring forth and effusion of the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit▪ and Life of God upon them; and they wait, so it came to pass, that on the day of Penticost, being assembled together with one accord, they were filled therewith, and began to speak forth the wonderous things of God, as they felt them in their Hearts, and as the Spirit gave them utterance.

And seeing they were not commanded to Speak, Preach, nor Pray, nor Sing, but in the Name of Christ, that is in his Life, Spirit and Power, as it moved them, it is manifest, at times, the Disciples, or Christians in the Primitive Times had Silence among them, as we now have, seeing they were not to Speak, but when the Life moved; and surely there were among them, who did not always feel the motion of Life to Speak, nor were always in a Capacity or Condition for Speaking, and though now, since the glorious increase and growth of Truth, few Meet­tings have some or other to whom a Ministry in Words is given more or less, so that seldom or rarely Meetings are under a ne­cessity to be wholy Silent, from first to last; yet because of the great Advantage, and Benefit, and Glory that is found in them, Friends are many times willing and desirous to sit down and feed together in Silence, upon the heavenly and invisible Life, so as to reach unto one another in the Communications of Life, and feel the States and Conditions of one another therein in Silence, and enjoy that secret and hid Fellowship together which the World knoweth not, so as even to be silent, though both a Liberty and Ability in the Life may be present with divers (where no pressure no pressing occasion is found) to utter Words, which indeed hath a great Glory in it, that People should Con­verse together in Spirit and deep Silence, and without all Words.

[Page 19]Now among divers great an [...]d Advantages and Benefits, which they who came to be Convinced did find, in the sitting down together to wait in silence; there were some that in the silence, their Minds being turned towards the Light and Life of God which had appeared to them, they came to find their Mindes stayed therein and thereby, for a great and mighty Power broke forth, in the Light, unto which their Minds were turned, and did gather their Minds into it more and more, where­by they came to know a being Planted, and Grounded, and Rooted, and Setled, and Established in the Truth, and in the Light, and Life, and Spirit and Power thereof; and so they came to be gathered out of all the Tossings and Waverings of Mind, and out of all the Incumbrances and Wandrings, into Stability and Steaddiness in the Truth, which was even as to be delivered from a Stormy and Tempestuous Sea, and brought to dry Land; and thus also they came to be gathered out of all their own Thoughts and Imaginations, and uncertain Conjectures and Guessings concerning the things of God and Religion, into the clear and certain manifestation of Truth, by which also they came to receive an inward discerning, so as to distinguish & make a difference infallibly betwixt things and things in them, as to see and know and feel what was of God, and what was not of him, but of Man or of Satan; and so as they waited in this si­lence, their minds being turned towards the Lord, they could discern the right and wrong Spirit, and the Work and motion of each, and came to see what was to be Kept and Spared, and what was to be Denied; what was to be preserved Alive, and Cherished and Nourished, and what was to be Slain and Famished and Starved, and so in the Silence they came to find the pure Judgment of the Lord to pass over and through all in them, as the Refiners Fire, which purifieth the Glod and Silver, but con­sumeth the Dross and maketh a clear Separation, and the Power of the Lord God was found and felt to work mightily in them, for the breaking down, and Killing, and Consuming, and De­stroyed every Evil Thing and Work, which had place in them and removing and taking out of the way whatever Clouded or [Page 20] Vailed, or Burthened the pure Life to arise and shine forth, and so the Mountains which were raised over the Seed and burthened it, came to be shaken, yea the Earth and the Heavens, (by which these bodily Quakings and Tremblings did also seize upon divers, and from this the Name Quakers was in scorn cast upon Friends) that the Mountain of the Lord might be raised up a top of them all, and so through the mighty working of Gods Power, which was revealed in the Light, to which their minds were turned in silence, they came to be brought out of the mix­ture, wherein they stood formerly, into a clearness and sound­ness of Condition in the Truth, both as to Spirit and Judgment in their own particulars; and so they came to a clear and sound understanding of the things of God, & of Truth, & Religion, and the way of Worship, and to have clear and sound Thoughts and Apprehensions of them, which did purely and clearly arise in the Light, in which their minds became stayed, and so in due time a pure and clear ministration in Words was given unto ma­ny of them, so that they preached pure, sound & clear Doctrine, in a pure and clear manifestation of Life, unto which pure Ministration many came to be brought, who had a Ministration formerly among People of divers Sects and Opinions, which stood in the mixture aforesaid, that was not clear Grain and Food, and therefore hurt both themselves and others, but being gathered together unto thi [...] pure Ministration (which they received by sitting down to wait upon the Lord, to learn together in silence, with all subjection, the pure and clear and perfect knowledg of things) they came both to be saved themselves, and to be made instrumental to save many others: And so in silence they came to receive these many precious openings and discoveries of Truth and Religion; and the Scriptures were largely and purely opened unto them concerning these many things, which are the matters of Difference between the Friends and Children of Truth, and the Priests and Professors, and these together with many precious and excellent Gifts of the Spirit, and also much inward Peace, Joy, Refreshment and Consolation in the holy Spirit, and much increase of Life and Grace, and Righteous­ness [Page 21] and much Beauty, and Glory, and Dominion in the Life, were among the Blessed and Glorious Advantages they received in meeting together, and waiting together upon the Lord in pure Silence and Stilness, and which are all known and witnessed, and found at this day (even as at the beginning) by them, who faithfully and diligently do observe them and improve them.

And by this means also the Truth came greatly to spread and gain Ground, and so doth at this Day, even in that these who were Convinced in all the parts and corners of the Land, where the sound of Truth came, did meet together, though there were but two or three in a place, and sat down together to wait upon the Lord in pure Silence, out of all their own Thoughts and Words, and Works, which was a great and loud Testimony, and did Preach all abroad far and near, which gave occasion unto many who had some measure of Simplicity and Tenderness to consider the thing, and the signification of it, that in a time wherein Professors had so much a life in Words, (as if all Religion had been turned into Words, and in Speaking and Hearing, as indeed it was so with most part, that they knew no more of it, but to hear and talk Words, and so their Religion was a Monster, as if all the Body were become the Tongue and the Ear) that a People should be raised up to meet together in Silence, and in Silence to be Edified, and Taught and Instructed more then in all the Words they had formerly heard or spoken, and in silence to Worship God, and Pray, and give Thanks, and be Helped and Strengthened one by another, this gave occasion, and doth and will give occasion still more and more unto many, that have any measure of Tenderness and Simplicity to look beyond Words into the inwards and substance of Religion; and indeed hereby many came to be Convinced, more then by all the Preachings in Words that ever they heard, the very Si­lence and Silent Meetings of Friends Preached unto them so Convincingly, and reached them, that they came both to confess and own the Truth, and to sit down in silence with them who were formerly gathered, turning in their Minds to the Light, [Page 22] whereby they came to be partakers of the Benefits of Silence, as aforesaid, with them, and so they came to see the proportion of the true Religion, which is as a well proportioned Body, and is not all Tongue or Ears, but hath many other Parts and Members, and these far greater; for the Tongue, as said Iames, Is but a little Member; and so indeed the Words (which the Tongue can utter, and answers thereunto) are but a very little part in respect of these many other things which pertain unto the true Religion, and even, as in the Natural Body, many other Members recei [...]e power to execute, and do their proper and respective Offi­ces, before the Tongue; as we see in Infants, who can use divers Members of their Body, but cannot speak with the Tongue; so is it even as to the true Religion, which first gives power as to the use of divers other things relating thereunto, before it gives power as to speak of them, so that obedience unto the Truth, and the practice of a holy Life and Conversation, doth most na­turally proceed the speaking of or concerning the Truth; and this is the order of Christ, who said, He that keepeth my Com­mandments, and teacheth men so to do, (so her [...] is first keeping the Commandments before teaching unto others) the same shall be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

And so Friends being turned towards God, to wait upon him for his Teachings in their Silent Meetings, have not their Meetings to depend upon any Speakers or Speaker without, what­soever, and therefore they can and do meet together with Advan­tage when they know not of any Speakers; and thus their Meet­ings are constantly kept up for a Testimony to Truth, and the Edification of themselves, as also for the reaching unto others; whereas among all other Professions and Professors, it is quite otherwise, for if they have no Speaker, they have no Meeting, and so their Meetings depend upon the Words and Lips of men, as if they could receive no good in Meetings but what drop­ped from the Lips of men, whereas the good that Friends look at, and wait for in Meetings, and do receive, is far beyond all Words whatsoever, even the very Words of Life, (which Words are precious unto them notwithstanding, and desirable [Page 23] in their place) and that Good is the Life it self, which was be­fore Words, and will be when Words are not, and in which all Words are to cease; but the Life endureth for ever, in which Friends have Fellowship with God, and one with another.

And as touching Silent Meetings or Meeting together in si­lence, it is not only traceable among the Disciples and Apostles in the Primitive Times as aforesaid, but even in the Old Testa­ment so called (although it be thought such a strange thing a­mong Priests and Professors generally) for did not Iob and his Friends meet together in silence 7 days, Iob 3.13. And did not Ezekiel sit among the Captives 7 days, and did not open his Mouth to any, till at the End of them, when the Word of the Lord came to him, Ezek. 3.15, 16. Yea, and the Ilands are bid be Silent before him, Isa. 41.1. and said Zechariah, Let all Flesh be Silent before the Lord, for he is raised up out of his Holy Place, Zech. 2.13.

George Keith.

POST-SCRIPT. The Copy of a Letter written from Ger­many, by Stephen Crisp, to Friends, which doth suit with the preceeding Paper.

ALL Friends every where, who have tasted of the Goodness of God, keep in the Savour thereof, and let not your Minds be stoln away from that which is Li­ving, for that which is Living cometh from Above, and makes you Lively, but that which is Corruptible cometh from the Earth, and brings Death with lt over your Souls; and therefore watch in diligence to retain the Savour of the Life of Truth, that you may Live, from a sence that Christ liveth in you, who is the Seed, the Truth, the Noble Plant, and grows and bringeth forth Fruit in you.

And all Friends, every where, who thus keeps and retains the Savour of Life in them, they will come to feel daily Quicknings thereby, and will have power over the Nature that is dead in Adam to all good Works, and especi­ally to waiting upon God with a stedfast and stay'd Mind: Nothing so hard as this to that old and corrupt Nature [Page 25] which is soon weary. This is that Nature which cannot watch with Christ one hour, but let his Tryals and Suf­ferings be never so great this leads from Watching to Sleeping, this hath no Fellowship with the Seed of God in its Sufferings, and shall have none in its Dominion. And where this drowsie Nature stands Uncrucified, it keeps you in the Weakness out of the Power, and this brings out of the savour and feeling of the Goodness of God, and so makes Meetings unprofitable, and as it comes through Custom to be allowed and subjected to, it leads into Hypocrisie, that is to say, into a professing to wait­ing upon God, and a presenting the Body in the Meeting, and then letting the Heart (which God requires) depart far from him, even into the Ease and Liberty of the Flesh, in which the Apostle said, they that lived could not please God.

Therefore, Dear Friends, in the Name of God I ex­hort you, consider what you do when you Assemble toge­ther, and let it be in the Name of Iesus, that is in his Power, not in the Weakness, nor in the Flesh like a Fleshly Meeting, but in his Name and Power make War with the Flesh, and with the Drowsie Spirit that lodgeth there, and in the Faith overcome it, and be not overcome by it, for that is Bondage: And hold your Meetings in the Spirit, where every one is made alive and flourisheth, and grows in Life and in Dominion, and shines forth to the Glory of God, and to the Comforting and Refreshing one of another.

For now as any one suffereth himself to be overtaken with Sleep in a Meeting, he looseth the sence of the Power of God, he becomes a Griefe to the Diligent, and [Page 26] an Evil Example to the Negligent, and brings himself under the Judgment of Gods Power in his own Consci­ence, which when he awaketh riseth up against him; and also he is under the Judgment of the Power in the whole Meeting, which, when he comes to a true sence of, will be no light thing; and further, if any that are unbe­lieving come in among you, and see such things among you, that make a profession of an inward Power, and an inward quickning Spirit, and a Worship that is in­ward in the Spirit and Truth, herein causeth such the Name of God to be Dishonored, the way of Truth to be holden in little Esteem, by such who know it not in them­selves, and a Stumbling-Block is hereby laid in their way to hinder them from any farther seeking after the Truth. Oh Friends! consider these things, and be all diligent in this Matter, and let not that earthly part have Liberty, but let it be kept in the Cross till it Dies, or else it will keep and hold you Dead and Unsensible of God or one an­other. And this is that hath hindred the growth of ma­ny, namely their Carelesness in coming to Meetings, and their Slothfulness when they are there. Therefore for time to come, let every one that bears the profession of Truth, be diligent in the Work of God, and be good Ex­amples to each other; and observe your time and hour of coming to Meeting; and set not one hour, and then come at another; and neglect not your middle week Meetings, by reason of your outward Occasions, for that will not bring a Blessing upon your Affairs, but let all things give way to the Service of God, and then all things shall work together for good unto you, and there shall be no lack of any thing that is good for you.

[Page 27]So dear Friends, in the true love of God have I writ this unto you, as it lay upon me from the Lord, as a word of Exhortation, to stir up the pure mind in you all; and the God of Power and Strength give you of his Might, and of his Power to help you in all your Necessities, and in all your Combates, and strengthen your Faith, in which and by which the Victory is obtained, which is the desire of my Soul for you all, who am your Friend in the Fellowship of the Gospel.

Stephen Scrisp.

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