I do believe with my heart and confess with my mouth.
Concerning God.
THat there is but one only true God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, each of them God, and all of them one and the same Infinite, Eternall God, most Wise, Holy, Just, Mercifull and Blessed for ever.
Concerning the Works of God.
THat this God is the Maker, Preserver, and Governour of all things according to the counsel of his own Will, and that God made man in his own Image, in Knowledge, Holiness and Righteousness.
Concerning the fall of M [...]n.
THat Adam by transgressing the Command of God, f [...]ll from God and brought himself and his posterity into a state of Sin and death, under the Wrath and Curse of God, which I do believe to be my own condition by nature as well as any other.
Concerning Jesus Christ.
THat God sent his Son into the World, who for our sakes became man, that he might redeem and save us by his Obedience unto death, and that he arose from the dead, ascended unto Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God, from whence he shall come to judge the World.
Concerning the Holy Ghost.
THat God the holy Ghost hath fully, revealed the Doctrine of Christ and will of God in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, which are the Word of God, the perfect, perpetuall and only Rule of our Faith and Obedience.
Concerning the Benefits we have by Christ.
THat the same Spirit by Working Faith in Gods Elect, applyeth unto them Christ with all his Benefits of Justification, and Sanctification, unto Salvation, in the use of those Ordinances which God hath appointed in his written word, which therefore ought to be observed by us unt [...]l the coming of Christ.
Concerning the Church of Christ.
THat all true Believers being united unto Christ as the Head, make up one Misticall Church which is the Body of Christ, the members wherof having fellowship with the Father Son and Holy-Ghost by Faith, and one with another in love, doe receive here upon earth forgiveness of Sinnes, with the life of grace, and at the Resurrection of the Body, they shall receive everlasting life. Amen.
I do heartily take and avouch this one God who is made known to us in the Scripture, by the Name of God the Father, and God the Son even Jesus Christs and God the Holy Ghost to be my God, according to the tenour of the Covenant of Grace; wherein he hath promised to be a God to the Faithfull and their seed after them in their Generations, and taketh them to be his People and therfore unfeignedly repenting of all my sins, I do give up my self wholy unto this God to believe in love, serve & Obey him sincerely and faithfully according to his written word, against all the temptations of the Devil, the World, and my own flesh and this unto the death.
I do also consent to be a Member of this particular Church, promising to continue stedfastly in fellowship with it, in the publick Worsh [...]p of God, to submit to the Order Discipline and Government of Christ in it, and to the Ministerial teach [...]ng guidance and oversight of the Elders of it, and to the brotherly watch of Fellow Members: and all this according to Gods Word, and by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ enabling me thereunto. AMEN.
Questions to be Answered at the Baptizing of Children, or the substance to be expressed by the Parents.
Quest. Doe you present and give up this child, or these children, unto God the Father, Sonne and Holy Ghost, to be baptized in the Faith, and Engaged in the Covenant of God professed by this Church?
Quest. Doe you S [...]llemnly Promise in the P [...]senc [...] of God, that by the grace of Christ, you will discharge your Covenant duty towards your Children, s [...]e [...]s to bring them upon the Nurture and Admon [...]ion of the Lord, teaching and commanding them to keep the way of God, that they may be able (through the grace of Christ) to make a personall prof [...]ssion of their Faith and to own the Covenant of God themselves in due time.