Family-Hymns. Gather'd (mostly) out of the best Translations of David's Psalms.

Psal. 118.15.

The voice of rejoycing and of salvation is in the Taber­nacles of the righteous.

Psalmis & Hymnis cùm oratis Deum, hoc versetur in corde quod profertur in voce.

Aug. Epist. 109. ad Monachas.


Edward Cooke.

LONDON, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower End of Cheapside. 1695.


IN the Preface, p. 3. lin. 13. r. cap. 9. p. 6. l. 21. r. pronuncianti. Pag. 4. l. 11. for th' read the. p. 5. l. 27. add I. in the beginning of the line. p. 9. l. 17. for Thou art then, read Thus art thou. p. 13. l. 21. for wo read who. p. 17. l. 14. for fulness, read fatness. p. 19. l. 24. for on, read in. p. 22. l. 13. for will be perform'd, read, will we perform. p. 23. l. 17. for adorn'd, read advanc'd. p. 29. l. 6. for Ages, read Age. p. 45. l. 5. for ond, read and. p. 49. l. 5. for Hill, read Hills, p. 53. l. 9. for was, read wast. p. 63. l. 18. add And in the beginning of the line.


MY Design in this Essay is to pro­mote the singing of Psalms in Families, as a part of their Daily Worship, especially their Sabbath-Worship; an Exercise which (however it be now with other Instances of the warmest Devotion sadly disus'd, yet) was antiently practised by the ge­nerality of serious Christians, who thus turn'd their Houses into Churches, (such Churches as Saint Paul speaks of, Rom. 16.5. [...] 2.) by praising God together, and by teaching and admonishing one another in singing of Psalms. If we ask for the good Old Way, we shall f [...]nd this Path in it trod­den by the Primitive Christians in the Church's early days; among the parti­culars of whose Religion that Learned [Page] Pen, which wrote the Primitive Chri­stianity, traceth remarkable Foot-steps of this Family-Exercise, Part 1. Ch. 9. The sound of this Melody was not only heard in their Solemn Assemblies, where it appears by many passages (particularly that known Account which Pliny gives to Trajan of the Christians, Epist. l. 10.) to have been a considerable part of their Publick Worship, but in their private Houses also, where it seems to have been the common usage to sing Psalms with their Wives and Children, espe­cially at and after their Meals; a pra­ctice commended by Clemens Alexandri­nus Paedag. lib. 2. c. 4. by Chrysostom in Psal. 41. which made the Psalms so familiar to them, that, as Jerom tells us (Epist. ad Marcel.) in the place where be liv'd you could not go into the Field but you should bear the Plow men, and the Mowers, and the Vine-dressers thus employ'd: Sonet Psalmos convivium so­brium, saith Cyprian. Socrates Hist. Eccles. lib. 7. cap. 22. speaks of it as the practice of Theodosius the Emperor, to rise early every morning to sing Psalms with his Sisters; so that his Palace (saith [Page] he) was like a Monastery, or Religious House, [...] And I have sometimes thought that the Service of the Monasteries in the degenerate Ages of the Church (which is known to have consisted very much in Singing) was but the remain­ing Form and Carcass of that Life and Power of Godliness and Religious Worship which had originally reign'd in most Christian Families. That's a good hint of Tertullian in his Book ad Uxorem (written about the Year 205.) lib. 2. cap.— where cautioning Christian Women not to marry with Unbelievers, he urgeth this against it, that those who were so link'd, could not have their Husbands to sing Psalms with them, in their Houses; where­as, when those in that Relation draw together in the Yoke of Christ, sonant inter duos Psalmi & Hymni, & mutuo pro­vocant quis melius Deo suo canet; their only strife then is, which shall be most affe­ctionate and serious in singing Psalms. And to come nearer our own day, that is worthyour notice which Mr. Quick in the In roduction to his Synodicon tells us, Vol. 1. p. 5. that the singing of Psalms in [Page] Families, even those of the best. Rank, not only at their Morning and Evening Worship, but at their Meals, conduced ve­ry much to the strength and growth of the Reformed Religion in France in its first and best days. And the Title page of our old English Translation of the Psalms into Metre, set forth and allowed at the beginning of our Reformation, in Edw. the 6th's Time, recommends them to be sung in private houses for their godly solace and comfort. And how the houses of the good old Protestants were perfum'd with this Incense daily, especially on Lord's days, we have heard with our Ears, and our Fathers have told us. Gladly therefore would I contribute something towards the revival of this duty in Christian Fa­milies, which, if they be (as they should be) Nurseries and Seminaries of Piety, would certainly embrace this as an excel­lent means of instilling Religion betimes into the minds of their little Children, who, as they commonly attend most to this duty, so they will sooner receive the good impressions of it, than of any other; and thus out of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings will praise be perfected, [Page] to the glory of God, and strength ordain­ed to the comfort of Families; compare Mat. 21.16. with Psal. 8.2. Austin (Prolog. in Lib. Psalm.) suggests, that Psalms were written, and the singing of Psalms appointed, very much for the sake of Youth. Propterea Psalmorum (saith he) nobis per modulos aptata sunt Carmina, ut vel aetate Puerili, vel qui Adolescentes sunt moribus, quasi cantilenâ quâdam psallentes delectari videantur.

What shall I say then to persuade Masters of Families who have hitherto neglected their duty, to begin it now; Better late than never. The experience of many that make conscience of it will testifie both the sweetness and profit of it. If Psalms were more sung in Families, they would be better sung in Congregations. Let none plead want of time as their excuse; for how can time be spent better than in praising God? And is there not a great deal of our precious hours thrown away every day upon other things that are less to the purpose of a Christian? Nor will there be room for this pretence, if care be taken not to defer Family Worship too late, either morning or evening, so as to crowd [Page] it into a corner (as many do by a thousand impertinences) as likewise so to proportion the other parts of the duty, that they may not justle out this. It is the wisdom of Masters of Families, so to manage their Family Worship, that they may make it, as much as possible, a pleasure, and not a task to their Children and Servants. Nor let want of skill be an excuse; there may be much of acceptable Affection, where there appears but little of Art. Plain Song best befits plain Israelites. A small degree of skill (and that easily attain'd by any that give their minds to it) will suffice to the management of this duty decently and in order, and more there needs not; for in private Families the quickest way of singing seems to be most agreeable; such singing as the Great Athanasius appointed in the Church of Alexandria, ut pronun­ciani vicinior esset quàm canenti, more like reading than singing. So Austin tells us, Confess. lib. 10. cap. 33. and ap­proves of it as a good means to preserve that spiritual delight which should be in this Ordinance, from degenerating into a sensitive pleasure, which it is apt to do when Tunes and Notes are over-much [Page] study'd and affected, and the Ear tickled with them.

Nor let any be afraid that their Neigh­bours should over-hear them: We serve à Master that we have no reason to be asham'd of, to whom we have engaged, that whatever others do, we and our houses will serve him; and whose hold is so great of the Consciences even of bad men, that those whose contempt and reproach you fear, even of them per­haps you will be had in honour, 2 Sam. 6.22. Nay, your Light hereby may so shine before men, that others may be brought to glorifie your Father which is in Heaven, Mat. 5.16.

If any make it an excuse that they are unready in finding out such Psalms, or passages in the Psalms, as are most proper for Family use, such may per­haps receive some help from this small Collection.

It is taken out of David's Psalms, and further we seldom need to go for Hymns and Spiritual Songs, though other Scriptures may, no doubt, be us'd this way much to edification. Nolite cantare nisi quod legit is esse cantandum, [Page] is a good Rule which Austin gives Epist. 109. This Collection will be the more useful (and it is what I chiefly aim at in it) if every one in the Fa­mily have a Book, so that the Psalm or Hymn (for the distinction is but nominal) may be sung without reading the Line betwixt, which is the general practice of the Reformed Churches abroad, and renders the duty more pleasant and profitable, and takes up less time, and is practicable enough in a Family, if not in large Congregations.

The gathering of Verses out of seve­ral Psalms, and putting them together, may seem to be a violation of their own native coherence. But I hope it will not give offence to any, since it is no more so, than the joyning of several passages of Scriptures remote from each other, and putting them together in our Prayers and Sermons, which is generally practis'd: Besides that, it is a liberty which is of­ten taken by the Clarks that give out the Psalms in publick; And I think those who dislike it not there, will the rather allow it in private Families. Nay, I am in h [...]pes that the reference. I have made [Page] all along to the Psalms and Verses, will increase and lead to an acquaintance with the Book of Psalms in general, which I would not that this Essay should at all lessen or supersede.

I have made use of the best approved Translations, especially Mr. Patrick's, and Mr. Barton's; as likewise Bishop King's, Mr. Smith's, Dr. Ford's, and Mr. Baxter's, who have each of them labour'd well in this Province; nor have I neglected the Old Translation, which considering the Age in which it was done, and that it broke the Ice, is not such a contemptible piece us some love to represent it. I have taken that out of each which I judg'd the best and most suitable to my purpose, acting herein not as a Censor, but as a Gleaner. Books are known to have their Fate ad captum Lectoris, and therefore I hope my pardon for making this use of the Labours of others will be easily granted, and this general Acknowledg­ment will suffice to acquit me from the Charge of Plagiarism. I have not va­ried at any time from my Authors meer­ly for variation sake, yet throughout I [Page] have seen cause very often to alter, and in many places to build a-new (especially where I was willing to contract) ac­cording to the best of my skill. The per­formance indeed is but very small, yet the Design is honest, and it will be fruit abounding to a good account, if it do but help forward the work of singing Psalms, in which the will of God is done on Earth somewhat like as it is done in Heaven, where singing Hallelujahs to him that sits upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb, is both the everlasting work, and the everlasting felicity of those glorified Beings.

M. H.

For Morning Worship.

Hymn 1. Psal. 57.7, 8.

MY heart is now prepar'd for praise
'Tis fixed for the same;
And I will sing to thee, O Lord,
And bless thy Holy Name.
Awake my Glory, Lute, and Harp,
Consorts of praise to make,
Now in the morning I my self
Will to this work awake.
—19.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The Heavens, throughout their vast extent,
Declare their Maker's praise;
The glittering starry Firmament
His handy-work displayes.
Day unto day doth celebrate,
and night to night proclaim,
Without the help of speech or tongue,
His universal Fame.
There doth the Sun with joy and strength
His constant course compleat,
The Earth rejoyceth in his Light,
And in his quick'ning Heat.
So Let the Lord shine on our Souls,
Lighten and warm us thus:
[Page 2]Prosper, O God, our handy-works,
And stablish them to us.

Hymn II. —118.15.—3.5.

THE voice of saving Health and Joy
In Just [...] dwellings is;
The Lord's right-hand works powerfully,
That strong right hand of his.
I laid me down, and sweetly slept,
And safely wak'd again,
Because it was the Lord that kept,
And did my Soul sustain.
—31.21. —30.5.
Blessed be God's most sacred Name,
Who hath such wonders shown,
Wonders of Love securing me,
As in a fenced Town.
His wrath is in a moment past,
Life from his favour springs;
Though weeping for a night may last,
The morning comfort brings.
—33.20, 21, 22.
Therefore we wait for thee, O Lord,
Who still art our defence;
In all Estates we trust in thee,
With chearful confidence.
Lord, let thy Grace on us descend,
Like a refreshing showre;
For all our Hopes and Joys depend
On thine Almighty Power.

Hymn III. Psal. 74.16, 17.

THE shining day, and shady night,
Peculiarly are thine;
Thou hast, O Lord, prepar'd the Light,
And caus'd the Sun to shine.
The Earth with all its Ends and Coasts;
Thy mighty hand did [...]ame,
Both Summer's heat, and Winter's frost,
By thine appointment came.
—33.6, 7. —119.91.
By thy Great Word the Heav'ns were made;
And all their Hosts are thine;
The gathered Waters of the Sea
Thou dost in bounds confine.
According to thine Ord'nance, these
Continue to this day;
For all are Servants unto thee,
And do thy Word obey.
Rev. 4.11. Psal. 124.8.
Glory and Honour must, O Lord,
To thee of right be paid,
For all these things are by thy power,
And for thy pleasure made.
And our continual Hope and Help,
In his Great Name doth stand,
Who did create both Heav'n and Earth
By his Almighty hand.

Hymn IV. Psal. 121.1,—8.

UP to the Hills I lift mine Eyes,
From whence I look for Aid;
In God alone my succour lyes,
That Earth and Heaven made.
[Page 4]He will sustain thy weaker powers,
With his Almighty Arm,
And keep thee with continual care,
From all surprizing harm.
The Great Protector of the Saints,
He slumbers not, nor sleeps;
The Lord thy shade on thy right hand
Thy Soul in safety keeps;
So that thy head, the scorching Sun
By day shall never smite,
Nor th'Moon's hurtful influence
Distemper thee by night.
The Lord shall save thee from all Ill,
And keep thy Soul from sin,
He shall preserve thy going out,
And bless thy coming in.

Hymn V. Psal. 115.1, 8, 9.

LORD, not to us, but to thy Name
Be giv'n the praise we owe,
To thy rich Goodness, and thy Truth,
Whence all our Blessings flow.
Whilst Heathens worship sensless Gods,
Such sensless Fools they be;
Let Israel trust the Living God,
Our help and shield is He.
—115.12, 13, 14, 17, 18.
The Lord hath had us in his mind,
And he will bless us still,
Ev'n Israel's house, and Aaron's too,
With blessings he shall fill.
Them that be fearers of the Lord,
He'll bless them great and small;
[Page 5]God shall increase you more and more,
You and your Children all.
The dead indeed praise not the Lord,
They give him no Renown,
Nor do they thus declare his Name
To silence that go down.
We therefore that are yet alive,
His praises will record,
From this time forth for ever more
Amen. Praise ye the Lord.

Hymn VI. Psal. 101.1,—7.

MErcy and Judgment in my Song,
United (Lord) shall be;
And since from thee they both do flow,
I'll sing of both to thee.
I'll wisely walk in perfect ways;
When wilt thou come to me,
To dwell, and rule (Lord) in my house,
And bless my Family?
And that thou may'st be still my guest,
No sin I will abide,
But will abandon all the works
Of them that turn aside.
Him that persists in wicked ways
I'll from my house discard,
No proud or scornful ones befriend,
Or in the least regard.
I will look out the faithful men,
That they may dwell with me,
And such as walk in righteous ways,
My Servants they shall be.
[Page 6]I will no guileful person, have,
Within my walls to dwell,
Nor in my sight will I abide
The man that Lyes doth tell.
That we the better may observe
The Statutes of his Word,
And from his Precepts may not swerve,
O magnifie the Lord!

Hymn VII. Psal. 127.1, 2.

EXcept the Lord do build the house,
Vain are the pains of man;
Except the Lord the City guard,
No other Watchman can.
Your rising early will not do,
Night-watching frujtless is,
And eating still the bread of care,
While God gives sleep to his.
—37.4, 5.
Therefore delight thy self in God,
To him by Faith retire,
And he shall wisely bring about
Thy very heart's desire.
Commit thy way unto the Lord,
On him by Faith depend,
And he shall bring thy just designs
Unto a happy end.
16.23, 24
A little that the Just enjoys
Is better far to them
Than all the ill-got, ill-spent wealth
Of many wicked men.
[Page 7]The Lord that guides a good man's steps,
Delighteth in his way;
He is not ruin'd by his falls,
For God will be his stay.
25.35, 36, 37.
In all my life I never yet
That liberal man could see,
Whose Alms reduc'd himself to want,
Or his to Beggary.
I've seen the wicked rise and spread
Like Lawrels fresh and green,
Till total Ruin swept him off,
As if he ne're had been.
Mark and behold the perfect man
That's upright in his ways,
Mercy attends his happy Life,
And Peace concludes his days.

Hymn VIII. Psal. 16.1, 2, 3.

LORD save me, for I trust in thee
With all my mind and heart;
To thee my Soul hath often said,
My Lord, my God thou art.
My goodness never can extend
To thee, O Lord, above;
But to thine exc'llent Saints on Earth
Whom I entirely love.
5, 6.
God is my Portion, all my good
From his rich Mercy flows,
And his kind Providence secures
The Blessings he bestows.
[Page 8]I envy not the Great man's State,
Nor pine to see his store;
With what I have I'm pleased much,
With what I hope for, more.
7, 8.
I bless the Lord who did direct
My Soul to chuse aright,
On which my secret thoughts reflect
With comfort every night.
I still conceiv'd the Lord to stand
Before me as my Guide,
While he doth stand at my right hand
I know I shall not slide.
9, 10, 11.
Therefore my Heart and Tongue rejoyce,
In him my Flesh shall trust;
My Soul shall not remain in Hell,
Nor Body in the Dust:
The Path of Life they both shall find,
And in thy Presence tast
Pleasures to full perfection grown,
And Joys that ever last.

Hymn IX. Psal. 112.1, 2.

PRaise ye the Lord, for blest are those
That fear the Lord aright,
That greatly love his Sacred Laws,
And do them with delight.
The upright man's successful seed
On Earth shall mighty grow,
To all that from his Loins descend
Shall special Blessings flow.
3, 4.
Riches and Wealth shall in his house
Abound from day to day,
Whilst Graces do adorn his Soul,
More durable than they.
In midst of darkness, to the Just
There springs a joyful Light;
Gracious he is, compassionate,
And every way upright.
5, 6, 7.
He lends assistance to the Poor,
Discreetly guides his way;
Nothing shall ever move the Just,
Nor make his Name decay:
For any evil tydings told
He shall not be afraid,
But trusting in the Lord alone;
His heart is fixt and staid.
—128.4, 5, 6.
Thou art then blest that fearest God,
And he shall let thee see
The promised Jerusalem,
And her felicity.
Thou shalt thy Children's Children see,
To thy great Joys increase,
Whilst on God's Israel there shall rest
Prosperity and Peace.

Hymn X. Psal. 5.3. —130.3, 4.

LORD, thou shalt hear my morning-cry,
At morning it shall be,
That I'll by Faith direct my Prayer,
And wll look up to thee.
[Page 10]If thou shouldst mark iniquities,
Then who should stand, O Lord?
But there's forgiveness (Lord) with thee,
That thou mayst be ador'd.
—51.9, 10. —17.5.
Lord hide thine Eyes from all my sin,
And my misdeeds deface;
O God make clean my heart within,
Renew my mind with Grace.
Uphold my goings, Lord, my Guide,
In all thy Paths divine,
That I may never step aside,
Out of those ways of thine.
—27.11. —141.3.
Lord, let me plainly see thy way,
Where I may safely tread,
Avoiding all the cunning snares
Mine Enemies have laid.
And set a constant watch before
My hasty Mouth, O Lord;
And of my Lips keep thou the door,
Against each evil word.
—19.12, 13, 14.
For who can all his Errours see,
And what lies hid within?
Lord cleanse me, and deliver me
From all my secret sin.
From bold presumptions keep me back,
Lest they Dominion gain,
So shall I shun the great offence,
And upright shall remain.
Accept my Mouth, accept my Heart,
My words and thoughts each one;
[Page 11]For my Redeemer and my Strength,
O Lord, thou art alone.

Hymn XI. Psal. 25.5, 7

To the Tune of Psal. 67.
LORD lead me in thy Truth,
And teach me in thy Way;
For thou my God and Saviour art,
On thee I wait all day.
My youthful sins and faults,
O keep not on record;
In mercy, for thy goodness sake,
Remember me, O Lord.
8, 10.
The Lord is good and just,
And therefore takes delight
To teach poor sinners in his way,
That they may walk aright.
For all the ways of God
Are Mercy, Truth and Grace,
To them that keep his Covenant,
And his Commands embrace.
12, 13.
What man doth fear the Lord,
And dread the paths of sin,
The Lord himself shall chuse his way,
And guide his steps therein.
Possess'd with quiet thoughts,
His Soul shall dwell at ease;
His Happy Off-spring shall possess
The promis'd Land of Peace.
14, 21, 22.
The secret of the Lord
Shall all that fear him know,
[Page 12]His Counsel and his Covenant
He to his Saints will show.
Let mine integrity
And uprightness defend
And keep me; for in Faith and Hope
On thee I do depend.
Lord, by thy power redeem,
And bring thy People out
From all the straits and miseries
That compass them about.

Hymn XII. Psal. 23.1, 2, 3.

MY Shepherd is the Lord most high,
I shall be well supply'd,
In Pastures green he makes me lye,
By silent Waters side.
He doth restore my Soul that strays,
And then he leads me on,
To walk in his most righteous ways,
For his Name's sake alone.
4, 5, 6.
Yea tho' through Death's dark Vale I go,
Yet will I fear no ill,
Thy Rod and Staff support me so,
And thou art with me still.
My Table thou hast furnished
In presence of my Foe;
With Oyl thou dost anoint my head,
My Cup doth overflow.
Surely thy Goodness and thy Grace,
Shall always follow me;
And my perpetual dwelling-place
Thy Holy House shall be.
—28. last.
Lord save thy People pow'rfully,
And bless thine Heritage;
Feed them likewise, and raise them high,
Henceforth from Age to Age.

For Evening Worship.

Hymn XIII. Psal. 68.19, 20.

BLessed be God that doth us load
With daily favours thus;
Even that God that hath bestow'd
Salvation upon us.
For our God is the God alone
From whom Salvation is;
The Issues and Escapes from death
Are all and only his.
—34.3, 4, 5, 6.
O magnifie the Lord with me,
And let us praise his Name,
Who heard my prayers, observ'd my fears,
And sav'd me from the same.
Who doth regard with Favour those
That him by Faith regard;
Who poor afflicted Souls hath sav'd,
And all their cryes hath heard.
—66.9. —34.20. —35.10.
Wo setting dangers all aside,
Our Soul in life doth stay,
And suff'ring not our foot to slide,
Upholds us in our way.
Who keepeth all his People's bones,
That they unbroken be:
[Page 14]Therefore my bones shall all confess,
Lord, who is like to thee!

Hymn XIV. Psal. 34.7, 8, 9.

THE Angel of the Lord most high
Encampeth every where,
About the Saints, deliv'ring them
That walk in God's true fear.
O taste and see that God is good,
And in his Grace confide;
For unto those that fear his Name
No good shall be deny'd.
—116.7. —31.5.
Return, my Soul, that art set free,
Return unto thy Rest,
For graciously the Lord to thee
His Bounty hath exprest.
Lord God of Truth, my precious Soul
I to thy hands commit,
That Sp'rit which is by purchace thine,
For thou redeemedst it.
—17.8, 15.
Preserve me, Lord, from hurtful things
As th'Apple of thine Eye,
And under covert of thy wings
Defend me secretly.
I shall in righteousness behold
Thy reconciled Face;
And waking shall be satisfi'd
With th'Image of thy Grace.

Hymn XV. Psal. 91.1, 4, 5.

HE that for his secure retreat
Hath chosen the Most High,
Shall underneath th'Almighty's shade
Abide continually,
[Page 15]Under his shelt'ring wings conceal'd
Thou shalt be safe and warm;
Terrors by night thou shalt not fear,
Nor dread the Noon-day's Harm.
9, 10.
Because thou mad'st the Lord Most High
Thy constant home to be,
The same to whom I always fly,
To shield and succour me;
No evil shall to thee betide,
Whatever comes to pass;
Nor shall there any Plague at all
Come nigh thy dwelling-place.
11, 12, 14, 15, 16.
Angels shall be thy faithful Guards,
Being charg'd by his commands
To keep thee safe in all thy ways,
And bear thee in their hands.
Because he knew and lov'd my Name,
Therefore, faith God, will I
Answer his pray'rs, deliver him,
And set him up on high.
I will be with him in his griefs,
Honour him with my Love,
Suffice him with long Life on Earth,
And endless Joys above.

Hymn XVI. Psal. 4.1, 2.

O God that art my Righteousness,
Hear when I call to thee,
For in the day of my distress
Thou hast enlarged me.
O mortal men, how long will ye
My Glory thus despise?
[Page 16]Why wander ye in Vanity,
And follow after Lyes?
3, 4.
Know ye that good and godly men
The Lord doth take and chuse,
And when to him I do complain
He doth me not refuse.
Then stand in awe, and do not sin,
But set your selves apart,
And silent on your Beds begin
To commune with your heart.
5, 6.
Offer to God the Sacrifice
Of Love and Righteousness,
And then put all your trust in him
For succour in distress.
Many take up with any good,
And worldly things embrace,
But we desire of thee, O God,
The shining of thy Face.
7, 8.
For thou thereby shalt make my heart
More joyful and more glad,
Than they that of their Corn and Wine
A great increase have had.
In peace therefore will I lye down
To take my rest and sleep,
For thou only wilt me, O Lord,
Alone in safety keep.

Hymn XVII. Psal. 141.1, 2.

TO thee, O Lord, I call and cry,
Make haste and come to me;
Give ear unto my humble voice,
Now when I cry to thee.
[Page 17]O let my pray'r be now set out
As Incense in thine Eyes;
And the up-lifting of my hands
As th'Ev'ning Sacrifice.
—119.147, 148.162. —130.6.
I did prevent the dawning day,
In crying to the Lord,
And have engag'd my waking thoughts
To med'tate in thy Word.
Thy righteous Judgments I will praise
In the dark, silent night,
And thus my Soul shall wait for thee
More than to see the Light.
—63.5, 7.
In thee my Soul shall be suffic'd
As if with fulness fill'd,
And thankful praise my mouth always
With joyful Lips shall yield.
Since thou alone art he from whom
My help proceeds and springs,
Therefore will I rest joyfully
Under thy shady wings.

Hymn XVIII. Psal. 106.4. —118.25.

THink on us Lord with favour free,
Such as thy People find;
With thy Salvation visit us,
And have us in thy mind.
Save now, we do beseech thee, Lord,
We pray thee earnestly,
Now to afford thy Grace, O Lord,
And send Prosperity.
—144.12, 13.
That so our Sons may thrive apace,
As Plants in youth do grow,
[Page 18]Like polish'd Stones of some fair place,
So may our Daughters show.
That our enlarged Garners may
With precious Stores be fill'd;
And in our Streets the fruitful Flocks
May many thousands yield.
14, 15.
Let not our la' [...]'ring Oxen faint,
Nor Enemy invade;
No leading captive, no complaint
Within our Streets be made.
O happy People! would we say,
With all these Blessings stor'd;
Yea rather happy People they
Whose God is God the Lord.
—48. last.
This God is evermore our God,
Our Cov'nant God is he,
Ev'n unto death, and beyond death
Our faithful Guide he'll be.

Hymn XIX. Psal. 116.1, 2, 7, 8.

GOD that so gracious a regard
To my requests did give,
Shall have my best and choicest Love
And Service while I live.
God and thy self, my Soul, enjoy,
Quiet and free from fears;
He sav'd thy life, upheld thy steps,
And dry'd up all thy tears.
12, 13, 16.
What shall I render; Lord, for all
The kindness thou hast shown?
Praises I'll offer, and with thanks
Will all thy favours own.
[Page 19]Truly I am thy Servant, Lord,
Thy Servant I will be,
Born in thy house, and from my bonds
By thy good hand set free.
—42.8, 11.
Therefore will God command for me
His kindest Love by day;
His Song shall be by night with me,
To God my Life I'll pray.
Why art thou then cast down, my Soul,
With sorrows over-prest?
Why do despairing thoughts disturb
Thy peace, and break my rest?
Have Faith in God, for yet shall I
Sing forth his praise divine;
He to my Countenance is health,
He's God, and shall be mine.

Hymn XX. Psal.138.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

With my whole heart before the Gods
I will with praise proclaim
That word of Love and Truth, which is
Greater than all thy Name.
With spiritual strength thou answer'st me,
And thou shalt have thy praise
From Princes all that hear thy Word,
And sing on all thy ways.
6, 7, 8.
Though God be high, he likes the low,
But proud men he disdains,
Therefore in midst of dangers great
My quickning hope remains.
The Lord will perfect mine affairs,
So sure thy mercy stands;
[Page 20]Forsake not Lord, but succour still
The work of thine own hands.
—97.11, 12.
Since the immortal seeds of Light
For upright men are sown,
A joyful Harvest will at length
Their work and sorrows crown.
Then let our constant Joys declare
The God we serve is kind,
We'll praise him for his mercies past,
And wait for those behind.

Hymn XXI. Psal. 139.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

LORD thou hast search'd my inward part,
And all my thoughts hast known;
Thou seest me sit, thou seest me rise,
Walking and lying down.
All my close ways, all my quick words
Thou, Lord, dost understand,
Behind, before thou hast beset,
And on me laid thine hand.
7, 8, 9, 10.
Whither can I retire from thee,
Or from thy presence fly?
For neither Heav'n nor Hell can hide
From thine All-seeing Eye.
Could I remove to th'utmost Sea
Wing'd with the morning Ray,
Thy hand that must support my flight,
Would my abode betray.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
In vain I seek to lie conceal'd
I'th'darkness of the night,
For midnight darkness shines to thee
As clear as noon-day light.
[Page 21]Maker and Master of my Reins
Thou didst at once become;
Blest Lord, how strangely was I fram'd
And formed in the womb!
17, 18, 23, 24,
How precious are the thoughts of Love,
Thou dost to me express!
Deep in themselves, but dear to me,
And they are numberless.
When I awake I'm still with thee,
And thus to thee I cry,
Search me, O God, and know my heart,
My thoughts and Conscience try;
And see if I do go astray
In any course of sin;
Shew me the everlasting way,
And lead me, Lord, therein.

Hymn XXII. Psal. 103.1, 2, 3.

Bless thou the living Lord, my Soul,
His glorious praise proclaim,
Let all my inward pow'rs extol
And bless his holy Name.
Forget not all his benefits,
But bless the Lord, my Soul,
Who all thy trespasses remits,
And makes thee sound and whole.
4, 5, 8, 9, 10.
Who did redeem thy life from death,
And crown'd thee with his Love;
Renew'd thy Youth, and fill'd thy Mouth
With goodness from above.
The Lord is kind, to anger slow,
Ready to pardon sin,
[Page 22]Deals not with us in constant wrath
As our deserts have been.
11, 12.—94.19.
As Heaven is high above the Earth,
So is his Cov'nant-Love;
Further than East is from the West
He doth our sins remove.
Thus in the crowd and multitude
Of various thoughts, which roll,
Within my breast these comforts rest,
And do delight my Soul.

Hymn XXIII. Psal. 65.1, 2, 3.

To the Tune of Psal. 67.
O God, Praise waiteth still
For thee in Sion Hill;
The Vow will be perform'd to thee,
And readily fulfil.
O Thou whose Titles are,
The God that hearest prayer,
The God to whom all flesh shall come,
To thee do we repair.
Our sins have born great sway,
And much against us say,
But as for these, Lord, thou shalt please
To purge them all away.
Cause me to hear thy Love
Before the break of day.
Cause me to know which way to go,
For thou art all my stay.
—56.12, 13.
Thy Vows upon me lye,
Lord, I will pay the same;
[Page 23]And I always will render praise
To thy most holy Name.
For thou my Soul hast sav'd
From death so near at hand,
And wilt not thou uphold me now,
And make my feet so stand?
That I may still proceed
To walk as in thy sight,
And spend my days unto thy praise,
With them that live in Light.
Let ev'ry breathing thing
Be ready to record
The praise and same of God's great Name;
Amen. Praise ye the Lord.

Hymn XXIV. Psal. 8.1, 2.

O Lord, our Lord, through all the Earth,
How exc'llent is thy Name!
Who hast thy Glory so adorn'd
Above the Heav'ns high frame.
Weak Babes and Sucklings thou ordain'st
Thy power and praise to show;
To still thereby the Enemy,
And the avengeful Foe.
3, 4, 5.
When to thine Heav'ns I lift mine Eye,
The Palace thou didst rear,
And the bright Moon and Stars observe
Ordain'd to govern there:
Lord, what is Man that he should have
In thy kind thoughts a place,
That thou shouldst thus advance and bless
His mean and mortal Race!
[Page 24]Litt'e below the Angels high
He stands in Glory plac'd;
Whilst all the Creatures here below
Under his Feet are cast.
—73.25, 26.
But whom have I in Heav'n but thee?
Nor is there any one
In all the Earth desir'd of me,
Except thy self alone.
For when my flesh and heart do fail,
Then God upholds my heart;
He is my strength for evermore,
My portion and my part.
27, 28.
For they that far estranged be,
Lo, they, and ev'ry one
That goes a whoring, Lord, from thee,
Shall quite be overthrown.
But it is good for me always
That I to God draw nigh,
Then shall I praise his Truth and Love,
When I on him rely.

For the Lord's Day Morning.

Hymn XXV. Psal. 118.1, 2, 3, 4.

GIve thanks to God, for he is good,
His Mercies still endure;
Let all the Seed of Israel say,
His Promises are sure.
Let Aaron's House confess this day,
His Goodness still prevails;
Let them that fear the Lord now say,
His Kindness never fails.
22, 23.
For that same Stone which men refus'd,
Despis'd and trampled on,
Is chosen and preferr'd to be
The Head, and Corner Stone.
This is the work of our great God,
He did the thing devise,
And he this great Salvation wrought
That's wondrous in our Eyes.
24, 25.
This is the joyful day indeed,
Which God hath Holy made,
Hath made for Man, and we will now
With holy mirth be glad.
We'll joyn our Acclamations now,
And loud Hosanna's sing,
Wishing prosperity may wait
On our Anointed King.
26, 27, 28, 29.
Bless Saviour! that from God to us
On this kind Errand came,
We welcome thee, and bless all those
That spread thy glorious Name.
God is the Lord who gives the Light
Which this high day adorns,
Come bind the Sacrifice with Cords
Unto the Altar's Horns.
Thou art my God whom I'll exalt,
My God whom I will praise;
Give thanks to God for he is good,
His mercy lasts always.

Hymn XXVI. Psal. 84.1, 2, 3.

How lovely is the place where thou
Thy Presence (Lord) dost grant!
O! how I long t'approach thy Courts,
Impatient of restraint!
I envy much the Sparrow's place,
And grudge the Swallow's bliss,
That build their Nests in God's own Courts,
My King, my God he is.
4, 5, 6, 7.
Happy the dwellers in thine house,
For they will praise thee still:
Thrice happy they whose strength thou art.
Whose hearts thy Graces fill.
Who make the best of Sion's ways,
And go from strength to strength,
Till they appear before the Lord
In Sion Hill at length.
8, 9, 10.
Lord God of Hosts hear thou my pray'r,
O Jacob's God give ear,
O Lord our shield behold the face
Of thine Anointed Dear.
For in thy Courts thy Name to praise,
I count a day spent there
Far better than a thousand days,
A thousand days elsewhere.
There would I rather be confin'd,
And at the threshold lye
Than dwell in Sinners Tents with Ease
And boundless Liberty.
11, 12.
For God the Lord is Sun and Shield,
He Grace and Glory gives,
And no good thing shall he with-hold
From them that purely live.
O Lord of Hosts, that man is blest,
And happy sure is he
Whose heart by Faith doth ever rest
With confidence in thee.

Hymn XXVII. Psal. 27.4.

THIS is my great request, O God,
Which here I do present,
That all the days I have to live
May in thy House be spent.
There to contemplate and behold
The Beauty of the Lord,
And in his Temple to enquire
Into his holy Word.
8, 9.
Whenas thou saidst, My face seek ye,
Instructed by thy Grace,
My ready heart with Joy reply'd,
Lord, I will seek thy face.
Hide not thy face from me in wrath;
Lord, turn me not away.
My Sav'our, thou hast been my help,
Be still my strength and stay.
—43.3, 4.
O send out Light and Truth divine
To lead and bring me near,
Unto that holy Hill of thine,
And Tabernacles there.
[Page 28]Then to God's Altar I will go,
The Gladness of my Joy,
O God my God, thy praise to show,
My Harp I will employ.
And I will run with full consent
The way thou giv'st in charge,
When with thy sweet encouragement
Thou shalt my heart enlarge.

Hymn XXVIII. Psal. 92.1, 2, 4.

O What a pleasant work it is
To praise the Lord above,
Morning and Ev'ning to proclaim
His Faithfulness and Love!
Thy works, O Lord, with Joy divine,
My ravish'd heart affect,
And in the glory of thy Acts
My Triumphs I'll erect.
5, 6, 7.
O Lord, how great are all thy works!
Thy thoughts are all profound;
The Foolish men mistake thy ways,
These Depths they cannot found!
When prosp'ring sinners flourish most,
And as the Grass do spring,
Tis that they may upon themselves
A swift destruction bring.
12, 13.
But Saints like laden Palms shall thrive,
So flourish and come on,
Grow strong and tall, like Cedar Trees
In fruitful Lebanon.
[Page 29]Trees planted in the Holy Place
Where God the Lord doth dwell,
Still water'd with the dews of Grace,
Shall thrive and prosper well;
14, 15.
Yea (ev'n when Nature's strength decays)
In Ages much fruit shall bring,
And in the Winter of their days
Be fat and flourishing.
To shew that God's an upright God,
He is a Rock to me;
And there is no unrighteousness
In him, nor none can be.
Hymn XXIX. Psal. 96.1, 2.
SIng ye with praise unto the Lord,
New Songs of Joy and Mirth:
Sing to the Lord with one accord,
All People of the Earth.
Sing to the Lord, isthron'd on high,
Bless his adored Name,
The great Salvation he hath wrought
From day to day proclaim.
—98.1, 2.
Renew your Songs to God, and tell
What wonders he hath done;
Let's all admire the Victories
His Holy Arm hath won.
His mercy which was kept before
A secret and inclos'd,
Now to the clear and open view
Of Heathen is expos'd.
3, 4, 5, 6.
His promis'd Goodness and his Truth
Was first to Israel shown,
But now the ends of th'Earth have seen
His great Salvation.
Let all the Earth this Welcome news
Applaud with loudest noise,
Joyn Musick to their Hymns of Praise
To testifie their Joys.
7, 8, 9.
Let swelling Seas roar, and excite
The Joys of neighb'ring Lands;
Let echoing Hills the noise repeat,
And Rivers clap their hands.
Whole Nature well may feel a change,
When God's approach is nigh,
Who comes to judge and rule the World
With Truth and Equity.

Hymn XXX. Psal. 68.4, 17.

SIng unto God, sing forth his p [...]ise,
Extol him with your Voice.
That rides on th'Heav'ns by JAll his Name,
In which we will rejoyce.
God's Char'ots twenty thousand are;
Always before his face
Millions of Angels do attend,
As in the Holy Place.
Thou hast ascended up on high,
And thou, O Christ, didst then
Lead Captive our Captivity,
Receiving Gifts for Men:
[Page 31]Yea, ev'n for Rebellious men
Thou didst those Gifts receive,
That God the Lord might dwell with them,
And they Rebellion leave.
24, 28.
For they have seen thy Pow'r, O God,
They saw thy steps of Grace,
The goings of my God, my King,
Within his Holy Place.
Thy God by his supreme command
Hath strengthened thee thus;
Strengthen, O God, by thy good hand
What thou hast wrought for us.
34, 35.
Ascribe ye strength to our great God,
Whose excellency rare,
Is over Israel's Land display'd,
Whose strength the Clouds declare.
They that in Holy Places see
Thy Glory, are amaz'd,
The God of Israel gives us strength,
His Holy Name be prais'd.

Hymn XXXI. Psal. 95.1, 2, 3, 4.

COme let us sing with joyful noise
To our Salvation's Rock,
With Psalms of Praise, and thankful Joys,
Into his presence flock.
A God, a King of great command,
A King of Gods He is;
The Earth's great Deeps are in his hand,
The strength of Hills is his.
5, 6, 7.
Dry Land and Seas, ev'n both of these
His hands did form and frame;
O come adore with bended knees
The Lord our Maker's Name.
For he's our God, and we the Flock
Of whom he hath command,
His People, and his Pasture-stock,
And Sheep of his own hand.
8, 9, 10, 11.
Let's therefore hear his Voice to day,
And not hard-hearted prove,
As those that in the Wilderness
Provoked God above.
They prov'd his pow'r, and saw his works,
And long they griev'd him there,
Till weary'd with that murm'ring Race
He could no longer bear:
But did in just and holy wrath
By solemn Oath protest,
That they should never come into
The Blessed Canaan's Rest.
Heb. 4.1.
Let us then fear left a like Rest
Being propos'd to us,
Any of us through unbelief
Come short and perish thus.

Hymn XXXII. Psal. 36.7, 8.

HOW excellent, Lord, is that Grace,
And Love that from thee springs,
Therefore the Sons of Men do place
Their Trust in thy spread wings!
[Page 33]With fatness of thine House on high
Thou shalt thy Saints suffice,
And make them drink abundantly
The River of thy Joys.
9, 10.
Because the Springs of Life most pure
Do ever flow from thee;
And in thy Light-we shall be sure
Eternal Light to see.
To those who thus esteem thy Love,
Thy Kindness still impart,
And all thy Promises fulfil
To men of upright heart.
—89.15, 16.
Blest is the People that doth know
And hear the joyful sound,
Thy Beams shall light them as they go,
And shine about them round.
Th'expressions of thy wondrous Love
Will constant Joys create.
And thou, the Glory of their strength
Wilt crown their low Estate.
They with the Goodness of thy House
Shall feast their Appetites;
Full of the Joys thy Temple yields,
And ravish'd with Delights.
The Lord the God of Israel
Be prais'd eternally,
From age to age for evermore,
Amen, Amen, say I.

Hymn XXXIII. Psal. 123.1. —26.8. —5.7.

TO thee, O Lord, to thee alone
Do I lift up mine Eyes,
O thou the high and lofty One
That dwell'st above the Skies.
The Habitation of thine House,
Lord, I have loved well,
And that sweet place so glorious,
Where thy Renown doth dwell.
And to that House will I draw near
In thine abundant Grace,
And worship with an awful fear
Towards thine Holy Place.
—119.5, 11, 12, 18, 19.
Assist me therefore, O my God,
And so direct my way,
That I may keep thy holy Word,
And never go astray.
Let it be hid within my heart,
From sin to keep me free,
A blessed One, O Lord, thou art,
Thy Statutes teach thou me.
Open mine Eyes that I may see
The wonders of thy Law,
For b'ing a stranger here, I must
From thence my comfort draw.
24, 54.
And these thy Testimonies are
My heart's intire delight,
[Page 35]Nor need I other Counsellor
To guide my ways aright.
For ev'ry where thy Statutes are
My comfortable Songs,
Whilst in my Pilgrimage I am
Expos'd to griefs and wrongs.

Hymn XXXIV. Psal. 119.68, 73.

LORD thou art good, and thou dost good,
All Graces flow from thee;
Teach me to know thy Testaments,
How good and just they be.
Thy hands have made, and fashion'd me,
Thy Grace on me bestow,
To know thy Precepts what they be,
And practise what I know.
105, 106, 108.
For of my Life they are the Guide,
And to my Paths give Light;
I've sworn to keep thy Right'ous Laws,
Which I'll perform aright.
The Free-will Off'rings of my Mouth
I pray thee Lord accept,
And teach me now, which way and how
Thy Judgments may be kept.
109, 111.
My Soul is ever in my hand,
Expos'd to dangers great,
Therefore the Precepts of thy Word
I never will forget.
Thy Statutes are the Heritage
Whereof I have made choice,
[Page 36]To my last day, for those are they
That make my heart rejoyce.
I have inclin'd my heart to keep
The Laws thou didst decree,
And by thy Grace will cleave to them
Ev'n till I come to thee.
For, Lord, of all Perfection here
I soon discern an end;
But to all times and states of Life
Thy perfect Laws extend.

Hymn XXXV. Psal. 119.137, 138, 162, 163.

THY Nature, Lord, and thy Commands
Exactly do agree;
Holy, and just, and true thou art,
And such thy Precepts be.
I have rejoyced at thy Word,
As one that finds a Prize;
And I do love thy Law, O Lord.
But hate the way of Lies.
164, 165, 140.
Sev'n times a day I'll give thee praise,
For thy just Judgments sake,
Great peace have they that love thy ways,
And no offence they take.
Thy Word indeed is very pure,
As Silver try'd by Fire,
Therefore thy Servant will be sure
To love it most intire.
Deal bounteously in gifts of Grace
With me thy Servant, Lord,
[Page 37]That I may live and run my Race,
And keep thy Holy Word.
Look on me in thy mercy, Lord,
And grant me of the same,
As thou art wont to deal with those
That love and fear thy Name.
133, 171.
Let all my steps by thy just Word
Exactly order'd be,
That no iniquity may have
Dominion over me.
And then my Lips shall be prepar'd
To offer thankful praise,
When unto me thou hast declar'd
And taught me all thy ways.

Hymn XXXVI. Psal. 63.1, 2.

To the Tune of Psal. 67.
O God thou art my God,
I'll seek thee earnestly.
My Soul in me thirsts after thee
Here in the Desarts dry:
That I might see thy pow'r,
And thy most glorious Grace,
As I sometimes have seen it shine
Within thy Holy Place.
3, 4, 8.
That Loving-kindness, Lord,
Which I will ever praise,
Is better far than Life it self,
Tho' fill'd with prosp'ring days,
[Page 38]Thus while my Life doth last
I will extol thy Fame,
My heart and hands will I lift up
In thy most holy Name.
My Soul is pressing on
To follow after thee,
And still I stand by thy right hand,
For that upholdeth me.
—122.1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Therefore will I rejoyce
When they to me shall say,
Unto the House of God let us
Together take our way.
For there will we be found,
Where Isr'el's Tribes attend
Upon the lively Oracles
Joynt-praise to Heav'n to send.
Pray for Jerus'lem's peace,
And for my Brethren dear;
Peace be in Sion's sacred Walls,
Prosperity be there.

For Lord's-day Noon and Evening.

Hymn XXXVII. Psal. 33. 1, 2, 3, 4.

YE Righteous in the Lord rejoyce,
For praise becomes the Saints;
Praise God with Psaltry, Harp and Voice,
And ten-string'd Instruments.
[Page 39]Sing to the Lord aloud with praise,
With skilful Songs and new,
Because his Word, his Works and Ways
Are holy, just and true.
—40.5. —22.9. —71.17.
Many are those most wond'rous works
Which thou (my God) hast wrought;
Many thy gracious purposes
Which are to us-ward thought.
I have been cast upon thy care
Ev'n from my Birth till now,
And from the Womb that brought me forth,
My God and Guide art thou.
Yea from my tender Infancy
I have by thee been taught,
And so have told continually
What wonders thou hast wrought.
—104.33, 34, 35.
Therefore to God will I sing praise,
While I have life and breath,
And glorifie him all my days,
And honour him till death.
My thoughts of him shall be so sweet
As nothing else can be,
And all the streams of Joy shall meet
When, Lord, I think on thee.
Let sinners perish from the Earth,
And wicked be no more:
But thou my Soul, God's praise set forth,
Praise ye the Lord therefore.

Hymn XXXVIII. Psal. 71.8, 14.

LORD let my mouth be fill'd with praise,
That I with pleasure may
Thine Honour to the World proclaim,
And publish all the day.
For I with never-fainting hope
Thy mercies will implore,
And celebrate with thankful heart
Thy praises more and more.
15, 16.
Thy righteous Acts and saving Grace
I daily will declare,
Though the one half cannot be told,
So numberless they are.
Depending on thy strength, O Lord,
I will go boldly on;
Thy Righteousness shall be my plea,
Thy Righteousness alone.
19, 20, 21.
Thy Righteousness, O God, exceeds
In the most high degree;
Thou hast performed wond'rous deeds,
Who can compare with thee?
Thou who hast shew'd me troubles sore,
Shalt raise me from the ground,
With boundless Joys and endless Peace
Thou shalt enclose me round.
22, 23.
I will instruct each warbling string
To make thy praises known;
[Page 41]Thy Truth and Goodness I will sing,
O Isr'el's Holy One!
A multitude of Joys shall throng
Upon my Lips to sit,
While my glad Soul breaths ont a Song
To him that ransom'd it.

Hymn XXXIX. Psal. 106.1, 2.

O Render thanks unto the Lord,
For kind he is and good;
His mercies still continue sure,
As they have ever stood.
What Language can his mighty deeds
Deservedly proclaim?
What Tongue can sing th'immortal praise
Due to his Sacred Name?
105.2, 3.
Therefore let us in thankful Songs
Our great Redeemer bless:
And what his mighty Hand hath wrought,
With joyful Tongues express.
O make your boasts with one accord
In God's most Holy Name;
Let ev'ry Soul that seeks the Lord
Be joyful in the same.
5, 7, 8.
O let the works that he hath done
Your Admiration move;
Think on the Judgments of his Mouth,
And wonders of his Love.
It is our Glory and our Joy
That this great God is ours,
[Page 42]His Judgments pass through all the Earth
With never-failing pow'rs.
His Cov'nant to his People seal'd,
He ever calls to mind,
And will his Promises fulfil
To Ages yet behind.
O that all men would praise the Lord
For his great goodness then,
And for his works most wonderful
Unto the Sons of Men.

Hymn XL. Psal. 113.1, 2, 3.

PRaise ye the Lord, praise ye his Name,
Ye Servants of the Lord;
His Name be now and ever blest,
Of all with one accord.
Ev'n from the rising of the Sun,
Unto his going down,
Must we proclaim the Lord's High Praise,
And give his Name Renown.
4, 5, 6.
Above all Nations he's advanc'd;
His Fame surmounts the Sky,
And who is like the Lord our God,
Whose dwelling is on high?
Yet humbleth he himself to see
Things done in Heav'n above,
And what is done on Earth beneath
Where we poor Mortals move.
—111.2, 7, 8.
Great are the works of our great God,
And ev'ry one no doubt,
[Page 43]That takes true pleasure in the same,
With care doth search them out.
Faithful and just are all his ways,
His Word for ever sure,
When once his Promise is engag'd
Performance is secure.
9, 10.
Holy and rev'rend is his Name,
And to be had in dread;
This true Religious Fear of God
Is Wisdom's Well-spring head.
Good understanding have they all
That carefully endeavour
To practise his Commandements;
His Praise endures for ever.

Hymn XLI. Psal. 135.1, 2.

SIng Hallelujah, ye that serve
The God by us ador'd;
O bless the High and Glorious Name
Of our Almighty Lord.
O ye that are admitted thus
Within his House to stand,
And in his Holy Courts attend
The Word of his command.
3, 4.
Praise ye the Lord for he is good;
Sing praises to his Name;
For it is sweet to be employ'd,
His praises to proclaim.
For God hath chosen to himself
Beloved Jacob's Race,
[Page 44]And Isr'el the chief Treasure is
Of his peculiar Grace.
5, 6.
For well I know the Lord is great,
And that this Lord of ours
Transcends all Gods, and hath his Seat
Above all Sov'reign Pow'rs.
His Word created all at first,
His Pleasure rules them still:
His Sov'reign uncontrolled mind
Heav'n, Earth, and Seas fulfil.
19, 20, 21.
O Isr'el's house, bless ye the Lord
With them of Levi's Tribe;
All that devoutly fear the Lord
Due praise to him ascribe.
Let us all now in Sion's Courts
The Lord's High Praise record,
Who dwelleth at Jerusalem:
Praise ye, praise ye the Lord.

Hymn XLII. Psal. 136.1, 2, 3.

To the Tune of Psal. 67.
O Render thanks to God,
For he is very good;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
And have for ever stood.
The God of Gods proclaim,
The Lord of Lords great Name;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
Eternally the same.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Who wond'rous things hath done,
Made Earth and Heav'n alone;
His Mercies sure do still endure
To Ages all made known.
Gave Sun ond Moon their Light,
To rule both day and night;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
For they are infinite.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16.
Who Egypt's First-born slew,
And thence his Isr'el drew;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
And ever so shall do.
Led them through parted Seas,
And Desarts, unknown ways;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
Worthy eternal praise.
17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24.
That famous Kings destroy'd,
Whose Land Isr'el enjoy'd;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
And evermore abide.
Our lost Estate he knows,
Redeems us from our Foes;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
A Spring that overflows.
25, 26.
Who still provideth meat
Whereof all flesh may eat;
His Mercies sure do still endure,
For ever full and great.
[Page 46]The God of Heav'n therefore
With thankful thoughts adore;
His Mercies sure do still endure
Henceforth for evermore.

Hymn XLIII. Psal. 146.1, 2, 3, 4.

SIng Hallelujah, O my Soul,
To the Eternal King;
Yea, whilst I any Being have,
His praises I will sing.
Trust not in Kings, though ne're so great,
Nor in man's mortal Seed,
Whose pow'r is not sufficient
To help you in your need.
Because his breath doth soon depart,
Then turns he to his Clay,
And all the Counsels of his heart
Do perish in that day.
5, 6.
Happy is he whose certain Help
From Jacob's God descends;
Thrice happy he whose fixed Hope
On God, his God depends.
Who form'd the Earth, & Heav'ns high frame,
Who made the swelling Deep,
And all that is within the same;
Who Truth doth ever keep.
7, 8.
Who with right Judgment still proceeds
For those that be opprest,
Takes care that hungry Souls be fed,
And Pris'ners be releas'd.
[Page 47]The Lord doth give the blind their sight,
The bowed down doth raise;
In righteous men he takes delight,
And loveth them always.
9, 10.
Strangers and Widows he preserves,
The Orphans Cause doth own,
But as for sinners prosp'rous state,
He turns it upside down.
The Lord shall reign eternally;
Thy God, O Sion Hill
Shall reign to all Posterity;
O praise him, praise him still.

Hymn XLIV. Psal. 147.1, 2, 3.

PRaise ye the Lord, for it is meet
Our God's due praise to sing,
For the employment is most sweet,
And Praise a comely thing.
The Lord builds up Jerusalem,
His out-casts he restores;
With comfort heals the broken hearts,
And bindeth up their sores.
5, 6, 11.
Unsearchable his Wisdom is,
His Pow'r admits no bound;
He raiseth up the humble Souls,
Treads sinners to the ground.
The Lord's intire delight and joy
Is ever in the Just,
In them that fear him faithfully,
And in his Mercy trust.
12, 13, 14.
O praise the Lord, Jerusalem,
Thy God, O Sion, praise,
Who makes thy Bars and strength'neth them,
Wherewith thy Gates he stays.
Thy Children in thee he hath blest,
Makes in thy Borders peace;
He fills thee with the very best
Of all the Field's increase.
19, 20.
The sacred Dictates of his Lips
He hath to Jacob shown;
His Statutes and his Judgments are
To chosen Isr'el known.
He hath not dealt so favourably
With any Land beside,
Nor have they known his Judgments so,
The Lord be magnifi'd.

Hymn XLV. Psal. 148.1, 2, 3.

SIng Hallelujah, praise the Lord
Ev'n from the Heavens high,
And from the heights his praise proclaim,
Above the starry Sky.
His Angels all his praise begin,
And all his Hosts of Might;
Praise him both Sun and Moon; praise him,
O all ye Stars of Light.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Ye Heav'n of Heav'ns and Waters there,
Praise your Creator's Name,
[Page 49]For by his Great Decree you do
Continue still the same.
Praise God from th' Earth, ye Whales & Deeps,
Fire, Hail, and stormy Wind,
Hill, Trees, and Cattle, Worms and Fowl,
Each in your sev'ral kind.
11, 12, 13.
Kings of the Earth and People there,
Princes and Judges all,
Young Men, and Maidens ev'ry where,
Old Men, and Children small:
O let them praise the Lord's Great Name,
For that excels alone;
His Glory is above the frame
Of Earth, and Heav'ns high Throne.
—149.1, 2, 4, 5.
But above all, let Isr'el's Saints
Of their Redeemer sing,
And let the Sons of Sion Hill
Be joyful in their King.
For God takes pleasure in his Saints,
Will crown the humble Heads,
Therefore let them triumph in him
And sing upon their Beds.
For he exalts his Isr'el's Horn,
And all his Saints doth raise;
A People near and dear to him,
O give the Lord his praise.

Hymn XLVI. Psal. 47.6, 7, 9.

SIng praise to God, sing praise with joy,
Sing praises to our King,
[Page 50]For Christ is King of all the World,
All skilful praises sing.
With shouts of Joys He is gone up
To His Imperial Throne;
Our Lord is with the Trumpets sound
To Heav'n in Triumph gone.
—2.8. —22.27.
At his request is giv'n to him
The priv'lege of his Birth,
For His the Heathen Lands shall be,
And utmost Parts on Earth.
The Kindreds of the Nations all
Shall worship in his sight;
For he must govern great and small;
All Nations are his right.
—72.2, 4, 6, 7, 11.
With Justice shall he judge the Poor,
Set the Oppressed free.
Like showrs of Rain to parched ground
Shall his Dominion be.
The Just shall flourish in his days,
And all shall be at peace,
Until the very Moon decays,
And all her Motions cease.
Yea all the Kings and higher Pow'rs
Shall kneel before his Throne.
All Nations and their Governours
Shall serve this King alone.
18, 19.
Praise ye the Lord of Hosts, and sing
To Israel's God each one;
For he doth every wond'rous thing,
Ev'n he himself alone.
[Page 51]And blessed be his glorious Name
All times eternally;
Let th' Earth be filled with his fame;
Amen, Amen, say I.

Hymn XLVII. Psal. 89.1, 19.

TH' Eternal Mercies of the Lord
My Song shall still express;
My Mouth to Ages shall record
Thy Truth and Faithfulness.
For thou hast laid our Help upon
A Prince of mighty Pow'r;
A chosen one thou hast advanc'd
To be the Saviour.
20, 21, 27, 28, 29.
With sacred Oyl thou didst anoint
David, whom thou hadst found;
He's girt with strength for saving-work,
His Head with Glory crown'd.
Mercies through him are kept for us,
And Promises are sure;
His Sacred Seed and Sov'reign Throne
For ever shall endure.
30, 31, 32, 33, 34.
But if his Seed transgress the Laws
And Statutes of their God,
Then wilt thou visit their offence
With a correcting Rod.
Yet with not quite withdraw thy Love,
Nor let thy Promise fade;
Thy Cov'nant thou wilt never break,
Nor change what thou hast said.
35, 52.
Having confirm'd it by an Oath,
A Sacred Oath, and High;
Thy Faithful Ones are well assur'd
Thou wilt not, caust not lye.
Blessed for ever be the Lord,
And blest be God agen;
And let the Church with one accord
Resound Amen, Amen.

Hymn XLVIII. Psal. 110.1, 2, 3.

JEhovah to my Lord thus spake,
Sit thou at my right hand,
Until I make thy baffled Foes
Subject to thy command.
God shall from Sion send that Rod
In which thy strength appears;
Thy People in that day of Pow'r
Shall all be Voluntiers.
Mov'd with the Beauties of thy Church
Young Converts then shall Come,
As num'rous as the Pearls of Dew
That drop from Morning's womb.
4, 5, 6, 7.
The Lord a solemn Oath hath sworn,
Which he will never break,
Thou art an everlasting Priest,
As was Melchizedek.
And being thus rais'd to his Throne,
Kings that his Reign oppose
With all the adverse Heathen Pow'rs
Shall perish as his Foes.
[Page 53]Because he shall vouchsafe to taste
The Brook that's in the way;
Thus shall the Lord lift up his head
To triumph and bear sway.
Rev. 5.12, 9, 13.
Therefore to thee, O Lamb of God,
Riches and Pow'r belong,
Wisdom and Honour, Glory, Strength,
And ev'ry praising Song.
Thou as our Sacrifice was slain,
And by thy precious Blood,
From ev'ry Tongue and Nation hast
Redeem'd us unto God.
Blessing and Honour, Glory, Pow'r
From all in Earth and Heav'n,
To him that sits upon the Throne,
And to the Lamb be giv'n.

Hymns for some particular occasions pro­per to be sung after Meals.

Hymn XLIX. Psal. 104.24, 27, 28.

HOW many are thy Works, O Lord,
In Wisdom all compos'd?
The Earth by thee is richly stor'd
With Treasures there inclos'd.
On thee do all the Creatures wait,
And as Expectants stand,
To have their seasonable food
From thy dispensing hand.
[Page 54]That which thou giv'st as thou seest best,
They gather for their food;
Thy liberal hand thou openest,
And they are fill'd with good.
14, 15.
For Cattle thou mak'st Grass to spring,
And Herbs for Man's own use;
Convenient food for ev'ry thing
Thou mak'st the Earth produce.
To glad Man's heart, the fruitful Soil
Brings forth the Grape for Wine,
Heart-strength'ning Bread, and precious Oyl,
Which makes his face to shine.
—22.26. —103.22.
The Meek shall eat and be suffic'd,
And those that do endeavour
To know the Lord, shall praise his Name,
Your hearts shall live for ever.
O bless the Lord ye Works of his
Wherewith the World is stor'd,
Where-ever his Dominion is,
My Soul, bless thou the Lord.

Hymn L. [For the same occasion.] Psal. 145.1, 2, 9.

THY Sacred Name I will advance,
My King and God of Love;
I'll bless thee now, 'twill be my work
Eternally above.
The Lord is very good to all,
As we do daily find,
[Page 55]For all his works in ev'ry place
Taste of his Mercies kind.
10, 15, 16.
Therefore from all thy works thou dost
Tributes of praise receive;
But Saints much more with thankful hearts
Their Adorations give.
All Creatures do expect from thee
Supplies of daily food;
Thine open-handed bounty fills
All their desires with good.
—111.5. —37.19.
Chiefly to them that fear his Name
He giveth meat good store,
Because he will be mindful of
His Cov'nant evermore.
They shall not blush in evil times,
Nor hang their drooping head;
When Famine reigns they shall not want,
But be suffic'd with Bread.
My thankful Mouth shall be employ'd
God's praises to proclaim;
Let all the World adore his Pow'r,
And ever bless his Name.

Hymn LI. [Proper to be sung at Family-Catechizing.

Psal. 34.11, 12, 13, 14.2 Cor. 13.11.
COme Children, with a willing heart
Unto my words give ear,
I will instruct you what it is
Th'Eternal God to fear.
Who is the Man that would live long
And lead a blessed Life,
See thou restrain thy hasty Tongue
From all deceit and strife.
Depart from evil and do good,
Seek peace, and peace pursue;
Be of one mind, and dwell in Love,
And God shall dwell with you.
Psal. 2.11. —119.9.
See that ye do your selves employ
In God's true Service here;
Mix trembling always with your joy,
And worship him in fear.
For how shall Young men cleanse their way,
To walk before the Lord?
Surely by taking heed thereto
According to his Word.

The second Part. Psal. 90.16. —102.28.

Thy great and blessed work, O God,
Unto thy Servants show,
[Page 57]And let their tender Children too
Thy Grace and Glory know.
So shall thy joyful Servants Race
In happy state remain,
And the blest Issue of their Loins
Thy Favour shall sustain.
—22.30, 31.
And thus a Seed shall serve the Lord
Accounted and foreknown,
A Generation of the Lord's
Which he himself doth own.
They shall arise with Joy to tell
His Righteousness to those
Who shall be born when we are gone
That God did thus dispose.
And so shall David's spiritual Seed
Be made to last always:
And his Establish'd Throne abide
As Heav'ns Eternal days.

Hymn LII. [Proper to be sung when a Child is born into the Family.]

Psal. 128.1, 2, 3.
BLest is the Man who fears the Lord,
And therefore him obeys,
That keeps his feet within the Paths
Of his prescribed ways.
Thou shalt with pleasure eat the sweet
Of what thy pains have got;
[Page 58]Prosperity shall gild thy days,
And crown thy happy Lot.
Thy Wife shall like the spreading Vines
With choicest fruit abound;
Thy Children like green Olive Plants
Adorn thy Table round.
—127.3, 4, 5.
For Children are an Heritage
Which from the Lord doth come;
And his Reward by Marriage
Is ev'ry fruitful Womb.
As Arrows fitted to the Bow
Are in a strong Man's hand;
So Children of the growing youth
Their Parents Glory stand.
That Man enjoys a happy state
Whose Quiver's thus supply'd;
He needs not fear when'ere his Cause
Shall in the Gate be try'd.
—107.41. —113.9.
Thus God the Poor doth set on high,
And from all harm doth keep,
And multiplies his Family
Like to a Flock of Sheep.
The solitary Wife he makes
A House-keeper well-stor'd,
With Joy to breed her faithful Seed;
Wherefore praise ye the Lord.

Hymn LIII. [Proper to be sung when Death is in the Family, or in the Family of any Neighbour or Relation.]

Psal. 102.11. —103.16.
THE days wherein my Life doth pass
Are like the Ev'ning shade;
And I am like the with'ring Grass
Which suddenly doth fade:
For it is gone and quickly too,
When some bleak Wind goes o're,
And then the place whereon it grew
Shall never know it more.
—39.4, 5, 6.
Lord, make me understand my End
And Days uncertain Date,
That I may clearly apprehend
The frailty of my State.
Behold thou hast my days reduc'd
Unto a narrow span;
Mine Age to thine as nothing is,
Vain at the best is Man.
The Worldling walks in a vain show,
Vexeth and toils in vain;
He heaps up Wealth, but doth not know
To whom it will remain.

The second Part.

7, 8.
And now, O Lord, what wait I for,
What are these Hopes at best?
[Page 60]My Hopes in thee, Lord, only are,
On thee my Soul doth rest.
Break thou these Cords of Sin and Guilt,
Wherewith my Soul is ty'd;
Let me not be the scorn of Fools,
That Piety deride.
9, 11.
When thou my comforts didst remove
I spake not but was dumb,
Because I knew my suff'rings, Lord,
From thy good hand did come.
When thou for sin dost Man correct,
His Beauties fade and dye
Like Garments fretted by the Moth;
Sure all are vanity.
12, 13.
My mournful state, O Lord, regard,
And to my Cry give Ear;
I am a stranger here on Earth
As all my Fathers were.
O spare me, Lord, and give me space,
My strength and peace restore,
Before I go away from hence,
And shall be seen no more.

Hymn LIV. [For the like occasion.]

Psal. 90.1, 2, 3, 4.
LORD thou hast been in Changes past
Our Refuge and Abode,
From Age to Age, beyond all Time,
Thou art Eternal God.
[Page 61]When thou recallest Man to dust,
He can no longer stay,
A thousand years are in thy sight
Past off as yesterday.
5, 9.
Swept with a hasty torrent hence
Like a vain dream we pass,
Spring up, and grow, and wither soon
As doth the short-liv'd Grass.
For in thy wrath our sinful days
To a swift Period tend.
Our years, by us unheeded, like
An idle Story end.
10, 12, 14.
Our Age to seventy years is set,
Or if we do arrive
To fourscore years, it's all but grief,
We rather dye than live.
Lord, teach us this Religious Art
Of numbring out our days,
That so we may apply our heart
To sacred Wisdom's ways.
O fill us early with thy Grace,
That so we may rejoyce,
And all our days, to the last breath,
Triumph in heart and voice.

Hymn LV. [Petition for the Church of God, and for the Nation.]

Psal. 74.12. —44.4. —7.9.
LORD, thou art Isr'el's King of old,
That hast Salvation brought;
[Page 62]Command thou that Deliv'rance now,
For. Jacob may be wrought.
Let Sinners sin come to an end,
But stablish stedfastly
The righteous men, O righteous God,
That Heart and Reins dost try.
—85.9. —80.3.
Let thy Salvation be at hand
To those that do thee fear,
That Glory may adorn our Land,
And be a Dweller there.
Turn us, O God, to thee again,
For we too long have swerv'd;
Cause thou thy face on us to shine,
And we shall be preserv'd.
—126.4, 5, 6.
Thy Captiv'd Churches, Lord, restore
As Streams in Southern parts;
For they that sow in tears are sure
To reap with joyful hearts.
He that his precious Seed bears out,
And tears behind him leaves,
Shall come again with joy, no doubt,
And with him bring his sheaves.
O that the sweet Salvation then
Which Isr'el waits for still,
Were fully come to all good men,
From out of Sion Hill.
When God his People's Bondage turns
That Freedom once is had,
Then Jacob shall rejoyce that mourns,
And Isr'el shall be glad.

Hymn LVI. Psal. 133. [To be often sung in Families.]

O Happy Families on Earth
Resembling that above,
Where Brethren peacefully unite
In sweet Accord and Love.
'Tis like the precious Ointment pour'd
On Aaron's sacred Head,
Which down his Face and Garments rich
Its fragrant Odors spread.
'Tis as the Dew which melting Clouds
On Hermon's top distill,
Or fruitful Showres which Heav'ns let fall
On Sion's Holy Hill.
For there the God of Love commands
And pours out blessings store,
The Comforts of this present Life,
And Life for evermore.

Four Hymns of Praise to be sung in the Tune of the 100th Psalm.

Hymn LVII. Psal. 9.1, 7, 8.

WIth my whole heart I'll bless thee, Lord,
And all thy mighty works proclaim,
My Joy in thee shall fill my Soul,
Whilst I sing praises to thy Name.
Th'Almighty Ever-living God
Hath fixt his Throne in Heav'nly Light,
[Page 64]When He appears to Judge the World,
His Sentence will be just and right.
10, 11, 14.
All those that know thy faithful Name
Their Hope and Trust in thee will place;
For never didst thou, Lord, forsake
Any that duly sought thy Face.
Sing Praises to the Holy One,
Who said he would in Sion dwell;
Therefore in Sian's Daughter's Gates
With Joy his great Salvation tell.
—130.7, 8.
Let us depend on God alone,
Because with him rich Mercy is,
And full Redemption from all sin
He gives with plent'ous Grace to his.

Hymn LVIII. Psal. 45.2, 3, 4.

O Glorious King, thy Form Divine
All Earthly Beauties doth out-shine;
Into thy Lips all Grace is pour'd,
On thee Eternal Blessings show'rd.
Gird on thy Sword, and in thy Might
For wronged Truth and Justice fight,
That all the World may understand
The Terror of thy Conqu'ring Hand.
6, 7.
Thy Throne, O God, doth still endure
Thy Sceptre is most just and pure.
That which is right thou lovest best,
But wickedness thou dost detest.
[Page 65]And therefore God thy God hath shed
Such Oyl of Gladness on thy Head,
As hath preferr'd thee far before
The Highest Angels evermore.
9, 11, 13, 17.
The Queen and her Attendants stand
To worship thee, at thy right Hand.
Her Clothing of wrought Gold is seen,
But all her Glory is within.
In all succeeding Times thy Name
Shall be preserv'd with lasting Fame:
Whilst thy glad Followers shall crown
With endless Praise thy High Renown.

Hymn LIX. Psal. 46. 1, 2.

GOD is our Refuge and Defence,
Our Hope is in his Providence,
Which still affords a present Aid,
When greatest Troubles do invade.
Therefore we shall not need to fear,
No, though the Earth removed were.
Or though the Hills and Mountains steep
Lay bury'd in the angry Deep.
3, 4, 5.
Although the raging Waters make
The Mountains with their swelling shake,
Yet calmer Rivers do embrace
God's City, his fair Dwelling-place.
Whose Tabernacles by his Love
Are kept that they can never move;
For he, in times of great distress
His early succour will address.
6, 7, 9, 10, 11.
The threatning Tempest he allays,
And is his People's strength and praise.
He maketh Strife and Wars to cease,
And crowns the trembling Earth with Peace.
This is our God, whose awful sway
Both Heav'n and Earth must still obey.
The Lord of Hosts is with his own,
And Jacob's God their Refuge known.

Hymn LX. Psal. 93.1, 2.

THE Lord doth Reign, and like a King,
Puts on his Robes of Glorious Light:
Tremble thou Earth, when he appears
Clothed and girt with boundless Might.
Under his Rule th'unquiet World
Will gain Establishment and Peace;
Of old his Empire did begin,
And, like himself, shall never cease.
In vain the World's Rebellious Pow'rs
In tumults and commotions rise,
Like the enraged Floods that swell
And bid defiance to the Skies.
The Lord on high is mightier far
Than all this loud and threatning Noise;
And the proud Sea's unruly VVaves
Are still'd by his commanding Voice.
Lord, as thy Pow'r can never fail,
So all thy Promises are sure.
'Tis thy Perfection to be true,
And theirs that serve thee to be pure.

Books Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower End of Cheapside.

A Body of Practical Divinity, consisting of above One hundred seventy six Ser­mons on the Lesser Catechism composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westmin­ster: With a Supplement of some Sermons on several Texts of Scripture. By Thomas Watson, formerly Minister at St. Stephen's Wal­brook, London.

A Paraphrase on the New Testament, with Notes, Doctrinal and Practical. By plainness and brevity fitted to the Use of Religious Fa­milies, in their daily Reading of the Scrip­tures; and of the younger and poorer sort of Scholars and Ministers, who want fuller Helps. With an Advertisement of Difficulties in the Revelations.. By the Late Reverend Mr. Rich. Baxter.

Six hundred of Select Hymns and Spiritual Songs collected out of the Holy Bible. Toge­ther with a Catechism, the Canticles, and a Ca­talogue of Vertuous Women. The Three last hundred of Select Hymns collected out of the Psalms of David. By William Barton, A.M. late Minister of St. Martins in Leicester.

Spiritual Songs: Or Songs of Praise to Al­mighty God upon several Occasions. Together [Page] with the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's: First turn'd, then paraphrased in English Verse. By John Mason.

Penitential Cries, in Thirty two Hymns. Begun by the Author of the Songs of Praise and Midnight Cry; and carried on by another hand.

Sacramental Hymns collected (chiefly) out of such passages of the New Testament as con­tain the most suitable matter of Divine Prai­ses in the Celebration of the Lord's Supper. To which is added one Hymn relating to Bap­tism, and another to the Ministry. By I. Boyse. With some by other hands.

A Collection of Divine Hymns, upon several Occasions; suited to our common Tunes, for the use of Devout Christians, in singing forth the Prases of God.

The Psalms of David in Metre: Newly translated and diligently compared with the Original Text and former Translations: More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the Text than any heretofore.

Of Free Justification by Christ. Written first in Latine by John Fox, Author of the Book of Martyrs, against Osorius, &c. And now Translated into English, for the benefit of those who love their own Souls, and would not be mistaken in so great a Point.

An Earnest Call to Family-Religion: Or a Discourse concerning Family-Worship. Being the substance of Eighteen Sermons. Preached by Samuel Slater, A. M. Minister of the Gospel.

[Page]The Preaching of Christ; and the Prison of God, as the certain Portion of them that reject Christ's Word. Opened in several Ser­mons on I Pet. 3. 19. By Samuel Tomlyns, M. A. and Minister of the Gospel of Christ in Marleborough.

Ornaments for the Daughters of Zion: Or the Character and Happiness of a Virtuous Woman; in a Discourse which directs the Female Sex how to express the Fear of God in every Age and State of their Life; and ob­tain both Temporal and Eternal Blessedness. Written by Cotton Mather.

The Confirming Work of Religion, and its great things made plain by their primary Evidences and Demonstrations; whereby the meanest in the Church may soon be made able to render a rational account of their Faith.

The Present Aspect of our Times, and of the Extraordinary Conjunction of things therein; in a rational View and Prospect of the same, as it respects the publick ha­zard and safety of Brittain in this day. These two last by Robert Fleming, Author of the fulfilling of the Scriptures, and Mini­ster at Rotterdam.

England's Alarm: Being an account of God's most considerable Dispensations of Judgment and Mercy towards these King­doms, for fourteen years last past; and also of the several sorts of Sins and Sinners therein; especially the Murmurers against this Present Government. With an Earnest [Page] Call to speedy Humiliation and Reformation, and Supplication, as the chief means of pro­spering their Majesties Councels and Prepara­tions. Dedicated to the King and Queen.

A Family Altar Erected to the honour of the Eternal God: Or, a solemn Essay to pro­mote the Worship of God in Private Houses: Being some Meditations on Gen. 3. 5, 2, 3. With the Best Entail, or Dying Parents Living Hopes for their Surviving Children, grounded upon the Covenant of God's Grace with Be­lievers and their Seed. Being a short Dis­course on 2 Sam. 23. 5. By Oliver Heywood Minister of the Gospel.

The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification open­ed in sundry practical Directions, suited espe­cially to the Case of those who labour under the guilt and power of In-dwelling Sin. To which is added a Sermon of Justification. By Walter Marshall Minister of the Gospel, &c.

Death improved, and immoderate Sorrow for Deceased Friends and Relations reproved. Wherein you have many Arguments against Immoderate Sorrow, and many profitable Lessons which we may learn from such Provi­dences. By E. Bury, formerly Minister of great Bolas in Shropshire, Author of the Help to Holy Walking, and the Husbandman's Companion, &c.

The Poor Man's Help, and Young Man's Guide: Containing, 1. Doctrinal Instructions for the right informing of his Judgment. 2. Practical Directions for the general course of his Life. 3. Particular Advices for the well [Page] managing of every day with reference to his Natural Actions; Civil Employments, Ne­cessary Recreations, Religious Duties, parti­cularly Prayer, Publick in the Congregation, Private in the Family, Secret in the Closet, Reading the Holy Scriptures, Hearing the Word Preached, and Receiving the Lord's Supper. By William Burkitt, M. A. of Pem­brook-Hall in Cambridge, and now Vicar of Dedham in Essex, and Author of the Practical Discourse of Infant Baptism.

A plain Discourse about rash and sinful Anger; as a help for such as are willing to be relieved against so sad and too generally pre­vailing a Distemper even amongst Professors of Religion; being the substance of some Ser­mons Preached at Manchester. By Hen. New­come, M. A. and Minister of the Gospel there, and Author of the Improvement of Sickness.

The Rod or the Sword, the present Dilem­ma of the Nations of England, Scotland and Ireland, considered, argued and improved on Ezek. 21. 14. By a true Friend to the Prote­stant Interest, and the Present Government.

A Present for such as have been Sick and are recovered: Or, a Discourse concerning the Good that comes out of the Evil of Affliction: Being several Sermons Preached after his being raised from a Bed of Languishing. By Nathaniel Vincent, M. A. and Author of the Conversion of the Soul. The true Touchstone of Grace and Nature. Discourse of Conscience. Trea­tise of Prayer and Love, &c.

Some passages in the Holy Life and Death [Page] of the Late Reverend Mr. Edmund Trench, most of them drawn out of his own Diary. Published by Joseph Boyse Minister in Dublin.

Advice to an Only Child, or Excellent Counsel to all Young Persons, containing the sum and substance of Experimental and Practi­cal Divinity. Written by an Eminent and Judicious Divine, for the private use of an Only Child. Now made publick for the be­nefit of all.

An Account of the Blessed Trinity, argued from the Nature and Perfection of the Su­pream Spirit, coincident with the Scripture Doctrine, in all the Articles of the Catholick Creeds; Together with its Mystical, Foederal, and Practical Uses in the Christian Religion. By William Burrough Rector of Cheyns in Bucks.

A Discourse of Justification, being the sum of Twenty Sermons. By Walter Cross, M. A.

Practical Discourses on Sickness, and Reco­very.

A Discourse concerning Trouble of Mind, in three Parts. By Tim. Rogers, M. A. Also a Treatise of Consolation, by the same Author.


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