A Declaration to the IEWS For them to READ OVER, IN WHICH They may see that the Messiah is come, according to their own Prophets, and Gabriel the Angel.

And according their own number of time and years, out of Daniel 9.

By George Fox:

LONDON. Printed for John White, at the backside of the old Exchange, 1661.

A Declaration to the Iews for them to Read over, in which they may see that the Messiah is come, according to their own Prophets, and Gabriel the Angel, And according to their own number of time and years, out of Dan. 9.

FRom the Building of the Temple at Jerusalem spoken of by Daniel in the ninth chapter, was seven weeks, or fourty nine years, in which the Temple was built, from the finishing of which there was sixty two weeks, which is four hundred thirty and four years, un­til the Baptisme of Christ, And after the sixty two weeks There was one week in the which the Messiah should be slain, but not for himself; And the People of the Prince that should come should destroy the City, and the Sanctuary that was builded, and the end thereof should be with a floud, and unto the end of the battel it should be destroyed with deso­lation, and he shall confirm the Covenant with many, for in one week, in the midst of the week he shall cause the daily sa­crifice to cease, which Death was about three years and a half after Christ was baptized; For sayes the Angel Gabriel, in the last verse of that ninth chapter, And in the midst of the week, that is three days and an half, he shall cause the Iews Sacrifice and the Oblation to cease, &c. which Sacrifice ends all other Sacrifices, and the Covenant being confirmed with many of his Disciples, they preached it up and down in the Synagogues and Temples, and among the Heathen; And Christ Preached of the destruction of the Temple after it was built, which was builded unto him, the Prince, the Messiah, he preached the destruction of the Temple, that it should be thrown down, and not one stone left upon another, and it was thrown down [according to his Prophecy] by the Hea­then, [Page 4]And he said Jerusalem should be compassed about with armies, and troden under foot, and they scattered abroad o­ver all Nations, which thing came to passe (according to his prophecy) and never had ye a prophecy that you should be gathered again to outward Jerusalem, and that your walls should be built again.

And now if you do believe Moses, Jeremiah, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Daniel & the rest of the Prophets, and Gabriel that spake unto Daniel, ye must believe that Christ is come in the flesh; They prophecyed of him & set the time, and set the year that he should come, which time and year is over and come, and past, according to the prophets & Angels words, as you may read what Gabriel said to Daniel, who numbred the time of your captivity, as Jeremiah and numbered the time of building of the Temple, and numbred the time in which the Messias should come the Prince.

And now if Gabriel spake truth, and Daniel and the Pro­phets spoke truth, then you must believe that the Messias is come according to their words.

And whether or nay one did not come in that year accord­ing to Gabriel, and Daniel and the Prophets, that was called a Messiah and a Prince? whether the City was not built and the people were not gathered before he came, and after he was come, whether such an one was not cut off according to the week, and after your City destroyed, and Temple, and you scattered over all Nations, according to the Messias Prophecy?

And whether or nay his Covenant was not confirmed with many that were his Disciples that preached up and down the one Offering after he was cut off?

And whether or nay God did not prepare him a Body, ac­cording to Davids Prophecy to do his will, which God accep­ted more than burnt-offerings, and sacrifices & oblations, who put an end to them, for the over-spreading of the abominati­on that made the desolation, until your offerings were con­sumed, and the place where you offered?

And whether or nay he did not come poor, Riding upon an Asse, the foal of an Asse, according to Zechariahs Prophe­cy, Zachariah the ninth chapter, Riding into Jerusalem, who should let the Prisoners out of the Pit where there was no wa­ter, [Page 5]who should give the water to the thirsty, and bread to the hungry?

And whether or nay you did not hide your faces from him, he being a man of sorrow, and acquainted with griefs, accor­ding to Isaiahs prophesies? Isa. 53.

And whether or no you did not stop your ears, and blind your eyes, that you heard not, nor see not when he came, and so you have lost the number of time?

And whether or no Davids prophesie is not fulfilled upon you, who said, let their eyes be blinded, and their Table be made a snare and a trap, and they bow down their backs al­wayes, as you have done under every Government?

That when he did come who was Davids son, that David called Lord the King of Glory, your gates were not set open to let him in, but his place amongst you was a Manger.

And did not Malachi prophesie of him, and was one of the last Prophets amongst you?

And did not Iohn come to prepare the way before him, who baptized multitudes of the Jews, who was the Son of Zachary, who was put to death by Herod at the pleasing of his Daugh­ters dancing he beheaded in prison on his birth-day?

And did not you persecute many of his Disciples, and cast in prison for witnessing Christ the Messias the Prince among you, who was come according to Moses and the Prophets, Ga­briel and Daniel?

Did not they often tell your Fathers that their eyes were blinded, and their ears dull that they heard nor see not?

And did not the Messiah the Prince tell you, in the dayes amongst your Fathers, that your house should be left desolate, so are not all your Temples, Sanctuaries, and chief places of Offerings, have they not all been desolate, and have been ever since?

And did not he say unto you that you should see his face no more, until you said Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord? therefore if your houses be left desolate, there was ne­ver no promise of the Lord that they should be built again; but happy is any of you who can say, Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord, who receive him receive the end of Offe­rings and Sacrifices.

And did not Moses say like unto him would God raise up a Prophet, him should they hear in all things; and he would raise up a Prophet of their Brethren?

And the Prophets and David witnesse that the Messias should come of the seed of David and Abraham according to the flesh.

And was not Joseph and Mary of the houshold of David, and was not his name called Immanuel according to Isaiahs prophe­sie? Isa. 7.14.

And born in the year according to Daniel and Gabriel, Da­niel 9.

And did not David say he would not suffer his Holy One to see corruption, nor leave his soul in Hell? he saw the travail of his soul, and therefore was satisfied, according to Isaiahs pro­phesie.

Therefore after you had killed him by a shameful death up­on the Crosse, and buried him, did not he rise again and saw no corruption, whom neither death, bonds, nor grave could contain nor hold? though the Priests gave the Souldiers mo­ney to say that his Disciples stole him away by night, who now remains in the Heavens at the right hand of God until the restitution of all things, who after his Resurrection was seen of many Brethren, and many Witnesses, who were the Witnesses of his Resurrection amongst your Fore-fathers, and amongst whom (your Fathers) he wrought many Miracles, and did many Wonders, to the astonishment of the very Hea­then, and of many of your Fore-fathers, yet their hearts be­ing hardned, and their eyes being blinded, and could not nor would not neither see nor believe, therefore did he pronounce the woes against you which is come upon you; and he doth en­lighten every man that cometh into the world, and is that which checks you for sin and evil, which if you believe in the Light you come to receive him that all the Prophets Moses and Ga­briel spoke of, who is the Prophet that is to be heard, and King that Daniel prophesied of, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and Dominion an everlasting Dominion that hath no end, who is the stone cut out of the Mountain, and the seed without hands that dasheth all that is contrary to it, and be­comes a great Mountain, for you are hewing and cutting, [Page 7]and all other Heathen upon the earth, and making Mountains with hands, and so Nations or Kingdoms; this stone without hands that is cut out of the Mountain without sword and spear, breaks all to pieces, and it becomes an everlasting Moun­tain and an everlasting Kingdom and Dominion, whereby swords and spears are broken in plowshares and pruning hooks, where­by that Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall they learn war any more, Micha 4.

And Ieremiah prophesied of your captivity seventy years, and he said when you were brought into the Land, and all Nations should be gathered to it in Ierusalem, and when ye in­creased and multiplyed in the Land, in those dayes saith the Lord they shall say no more the Ark of the Covenant of God, for it shall come no more to be minded, neither shall they remember it, neither shall they visit it, for that shall be done no more, Jer. 3.

And Ieremiah saith in the 31. Chapter, Behold saith the Lord the day cometh that I will make a new Covenant with the house of Israel, and the house of Iudah, not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers when I took them out of the land of Egypt, which Covenant they brake; But this shall be my Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those dayes of their Captivity and return, I will write my Law in their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people; and they shall not teach every man his Neighbour, and every man his Brother, saying, know the Lord, for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest of them, saith the Lord, for I will forgive their iniquities, and remember their sins no more; Now this is the Messiah, and this was promised and pro­phesied how after he should come into the Land which came into the Land of Jerusalem, according to Ieremiah, and Daniel, and Gabriel, and Ezekiel their words and prophesies.

And Jeremiah saith in the [...]3. Chapter, after they were car­ried away captive that they should be brought again into the land, and the Lord promised that good thing, he would cause his branch of Righ­teousnesse to grow unto David, and he should execute judgement and Righteousnesse in the land, and in those dayes Judah shall be saved and Ierusalem shall dwell safely, and he should call and say here is the Lord our Righteousnesse (Mark) that calls Iudah and calls Ieru­salem, that makes them to dwell safely. And thus saith the Lord, David shall never want a man to sit upon the Throne, upon the house [Page 8]of Israel; neither shall the Priests and Levites want a man for me to offer up the burnt-offerings, and the meat offerings, and to do Sa­crifice continually; Now this was after their coming into the Land, and after the Messiah was born, and the branch of Righ­teousnesse sprung, and he should sit upon the Throne of David, and execute Judgment and Righteousnesse in the land, then the Priests and Levites should have their men to offer meat-offerings, and burnt-offerings, and sacrifices continually, and this was after Christ was come; but when he was offered up, and sacrificed up that one offering once for all, who judge and executed judgment amongst you before he was offered up both among the Jews and at Jerusalem, when he I say was offered up, he caused those things (the offerings) to cease, and fulfil­led them according to Gabriels words and Daniels prophesie, and ends the Priest-hood, the Levitical Priest-hood, who came not of the Tribe of Levi nor Aaron, but of Iudah that Lion; so in one week in the midst of the week he should cause the daily Sacrifice and Oblation to cease, and so this was the Covenant prophesied of by Jeremiah, and this was he that Moses prophe­sied of, like unto him would God raise up a Prophet which the People should hear.

And Stephen witnessed him before the Council in the dayes of Herod whom your Fathers caused to be stoned to death.

And after this Covenant was come, you should say no more the Ark of God, nor mention it, nor let it come into your minds, this was after ye were come into the Land, and Zacha­riahs Prophesies, who prophesied of the destruction of Ieru­salem, who prophesied again, that Ierusalem should be safely inhabited, and they that fought against Ierusalem, should come up to worship year by year, and keep the feasts of Taberna­cles; and the Lord would smite the Heathen and Egyptians that came not unto Ierusalem, that came not up to keep the feast of Tabernacles; and the Pots in the Lords House should be like the Bowls before the Altar, and every pot should be holy, and all they that sacrificed should come and take of them, after the people were come to worship at Ierusalem, and the Moun­tain which was the place of worship; when Christ said to the woman of Samaria, the time was come and now is, that neither at Ierusalem, nor at this Mountain; But they that worship the [Page 9]Father, shall worship him in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeketh to worship him.

Now this was before Christ was offered up that ends the Of­ferings, Altars, Sacrifices, Feast of Tabernacles, for the Lord should come, my God and all his Saints, and the Lord should be King over all the Earth. And when Jerusalem was safe, and Nations came up to it, there was the Feast of Ta­bernacles to be kept, but after Christ was offered up though those things were practised in the daies of his flesh, while he was upon the Earth, and did not cause them to cease until he was offered up, and then he ended them; And then he pro­phesied of the destruction of Ierusalem and the Walls, and your scattering over all Nations, and did not prophesie of your bringing back again to offer, and to sacrifice and keep the feast of Tabernacles again at Ierusalem, and did not say that your out­ward worship should be set up again at Ierusalem.

But the scattering was for the bringing in of the Gentiles, according to the promise of God by his Prophets; I will give him for a Covenant and a Light to the Gentiles, and he shall be my Salvation to the ends of the Earth, which many of the Gentiles now have received and believed the Covenant of Light promised to the Prophets, though many of them do not live the life, through whose lives and fruits the name of the Messiah is dishonoured, and the unbelievers in him hardened through them that professe him in words, and deny him in life; Neverthelesse, the Foundation of God and the New Covenant standeth sure, and his promise agreeable to all his Prophets, and Gabriels words, as you may number Daniel the ninth your selves, that in such a time the Messiah was to come.

And whether or no such an one was not born in the same year, when all Jerusalem was in an uproar at his birth; Herod gathered all the chief Priests together, and demanded of them where Christ should be born, and they said in Bethlehem of Judah, for thus it is written by the Prophet; So whether or no such an one did not come according to the Prophets words, and suffered according to his words, and his Gar­ment parted, and cast lots for according to the Prophets words, and one of his own Disciples betrayed him for thirty [Page 10]pieces of Silver, according to Davids words.

And as it is written, blindnesse happened unto Israel until the fulnesse of the Gentiles be come in, and so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written, the Deliverer shall come unto Zion, and shall turn away ungodlinesse from Jacob, and this is my Covenant with them, when I shall take away their sins; For that is it which blinds, and that Light which is the Covenant, is that which opens the eye, in which the Jews and Gentiles is one.

So the Lord will save now through the Blood of his Cove­nant, and the offering the Sacrifice Christ Jesus, who destroyes the Devil the old lyar, and the author of sin, who hath impri­soned his people, and brought them into the Pit, where they have wanted the water; And he the Covenant and Messiah brings the Prisoner out of the Pit, and gives the water, and returns the Prisoner of hope, and renders double to him that hath prisoned; and he is called the Saviour, and he is Israels Saviour, and the Gentiles Leader and Covenant, yea the Sal­vation to the ends of the Earth, whom the Isles wait for; And the Prophet said, Kings shall be nursing Fathers, and Queens nursing Mothers, Isa. 49.23. and they shall wor­ship with their faces downward, and lick the dust of the Earth, for the Lord had said, he would lift up his hand to the Gen­tiles, and Standard to the people, and they should bring their sons the Jews in their arms, and thy Daughters should be car­ried upon their shoulders, the Gentiles; the Gentiles that had carried them away Captive, and the Lord would make them bring them back again, that had scourged them, and nurse them, and carry the Jews with their faces downward and [...]ick the dust, and so you were brought again to your own land; and did not Cyrus and Darius and others aid you, and hath not the Lord lift up his Hand and his Standard to the Gentiles, which many have received?

Isaiah was the son of Amos, and prophecied about seven hun­dred seventy eight years before the Messiah was born; And he prophesied of the Jews to be carried away Captive by the Hea­then; and how that the Gentiles should be nursing Fathers, and Kings should stoop down, and bend down, and be made to carry them again and be Nurse to them, and that the Jews should get a top of that which Captivated them, and this was [Page 11]the carrying away from Jerusalem, and the carrying again to Jerusalem; Who also prophesied of the Messiah that should come amongst them, to whom they should hide their faces, amongst whom the Jews, Isaiah was a Signe and a Wonder to both the Houses of Israel and Judah, which was before they were carried away Captive, who were degenerated from the Lord by their Idolatry, their Sacrifices, their Offerings, and their Temples that he turned them from, And said, the most High dwelt not in Temples made with hands; and he that offered Sacrifice, was as if he blessed an Idol; he pro­phesied in the daies of Hezekiah King of Judah, Isa. 37.1, 2. 2 Kings 19.

Jer. 1, 2, 3. Jeremiah prophesied in the daies of Josiah, and in the daies of Amon, Zedekiah, Zachariah and Haggai prophesied in the second year of Darius, five hundred ninteen years be­fore Christ.

And Christ came not according to your minds, in Pomp and Glory as the Kings of the Kingdoms of this World doth and did, but he came meek, poor and dispiseable, and having no beauty to be desired, and a man of sorrows and griefs, from whom you hid your faces, and crying away with him, he should not reign over us; you would have no King but Caesar, and desired a murtherer, and crucified him; and when Pilate said to you behold your King, and washed his hands from his Blood, you cried let his Blood be upon us and our children; who hath been, and brought the misery upon your selves and your children; and Davids words are come upon you, who said, let their Children be Vagabonds, which hath so been to this day, both from your God, and your own Nation.

Friends, in the 22. Psalm, did not the saying of David come to passe by you upon Christ when he was upon the Crosse, did not you say, he trusted in the Lord, let him deliver him?

Secondly, did not you part his Garment, and afterwards cast lots for his Vesture (according to Davids prophesie) when you put him to death?

Thirdly, Did not you pierce his feet and hands when you nailed him to the Crosse, according to Davids prophesie in the 22. Psalm, did not you fulfill his saying?

Fourthly, Did not you give him vineger and gall to drink, when he was upon the Crosse, according to Davids prophesie in the 69. Psalm; and did not you stick in your outward things as a snare and gin, and did not God pour forth his anger wrath and displeasure upon you, according to the prophesie of David, who called Christ Lord?

And the prophesie of Iacob to his Sons, and to Judah, who said the Scepter should not depart from Judah, nor the Law-gi­ver from between his feet, until Shilo come, and the people should be gathered unto him, unto Shilo; And is not the Law departed from Judah, and the Goverment and Scepter? where is his Rule, if you say it is not departed? And did not Shilo come according to Jacobs and Daniels prophesie? And Gabriels words in the daies of Herod, before the Scepter and the Law was departed from Iudah, and so Shilo being come, to him are the people gathered and gathering, accord­ing to Jacobs prophecy, and the Scepter is departed from Ju­dah this 1660. years.

Whether did ever the Prophets say, that you should be brought again into your own Land, to your outward worship, sacrifices, and the rest of your Ceremonies, after Jerusalem was destroyed, and the Messiah offered up according to Daniel, Gabriel, and the rest of the Prophets?

Did not all the Prophets prophesie of the New Covenant to you before, and in your Captivity, and that your gathering should be unto him, and that he should come when you were out of Captivity in your own Land?

Now if you can believe Moses, Isaiah, Ieremiah, and Dani­el, Gabriel, and Ezekiel their Prophesies, you must believe that the Messiah is come, and receive the New Covenant.

And the Lord said, he would gather his people from the mouth of the shepherds, and teach them himself, and set one King over them, which Teacher and King, many do witnesse.

From a Lover of all Souls, and of the whole Creation of God, risen up for the Salvation of all men, who seeks that.


Pag. 3. l. 23. for dayes r. years, ibid put out Iews.

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