FOR THE KING AND Both Houses of PARLIAMENT, [...]ing a brief, plain and true Relation of some of the late sad Sufferings of the People of GOD called QUAKERS, For worshipping God, and exercising a good Conscience towards God and Man. [...] reason whereof 89. have suffered till death, 32 of which dyed before the King came into England, and 57 since; of which 57, by hard imprisonment and cruel usage, 43 have dyed in this City of London and Southwark, since the Act made against Meetings.

IT is not unknown that we have been a persecuted and suffering People for many years, even by all the Powers that have ruled in these Kingdoms; and many hard imprison­ments, Scourgings and false Judgements we have undergone, and much evil dealing hath been exercised towards us, and all this for, and because onely of our Religion and good, Conscience to God wards, and not for any Rebellion, Sedition, or wrong doing towards them or our Neighbour: For it hath been our onely care how to walk justly and innocently in the sight of God, towards Rulers and people, and have been peaceable towards all; and herein we have desired to approve our hearts in much integrity and sincerity, that we might be found blameless before the Lord, as himself doth bear us witness.


RObert Barwick for refusing to swear, was sent to York Castle the 24th day of the 11th Month, 1660. and on the 28th day of the first Month he dyed a prisoner.

Peter Caiph of Wyton was taken out of a peaceable Meeting by Constables, without any Warrant; and he and several others for refusing to swear, were sent to York Castle the 13th of the 12th Month,—60. and the second day of the second Month —61. Peter dyed a Prisoner.

Robert Storr of Hilston, for the same cause was imprisoned in York Castle, and on the 25th of the first Month 1661. he dyed a Prisoner.

Benjamin Nicholson of Tickell, and Abraham Decow of Fishlock, being committed upon the same account to York Castle, dyed in Prison.

And there hath dyed nine more in York lately, whose Names are not as yet sent up.


Thomas Patchen being sick of a Feaver, was taken out of his bed, and drove 25. Miles on foot, and in their cruelty, they over-drove him, in so much that it was beyond his natural strength, so that in a few days after he was in the White-Lyon Prison, he dyed.


William Rutter on the 17th of the 12th Month 1661. was taken out of a Meeting, and had to the Main-guard in Portsmouth, and from thence to the Mayor, who tendered him the Oath of Allegiance, and for refusing to swear, he was committed to the common Gaol, and falling sick on the 14th. day of the first Month, he dyed a prisoner.


Iohn Rush of Kempston Hardwick, was kept in prison about a year for not paying Tythes to Priest Wells of Wilkhanistead, who kept him in prison until he dyed, which was the first of the 11th Month 1661.


Simon Sanford and Francis Lamstead, being both committed to the Gaol in Huntington for refusing to swear, dyed in prison, Francis the 7th day of the first Month, and Simon the 18th of the 12th Month 61.


Richard Walker a sickly weakly man, and hath been so long, was (with many more) on the first day of the 11th Month 1662. taken out of a Meeting in Evisham, by one Major Wild, who with the rest of his party on Horse-back, forced the poor sick man with hast and rigor, to travel on foot part of the way to Worcester, and his sick body being wearied, not being able to travel so fast as their Horses, one of the hard-hearted Souldiers took him by the Arm, and drew him violently along; the Mayor also rode with his Horse against him, and struck him down with his Horse brisket, and pluckt out his Pistol, & threatned to pistol him; and when they saw he could not travel so fast as they in haste rode their Horses, then they set him on a Horse, and one of them whipped the Horse forward, up Hill and down Hill, without pity to his weak condition; and the said Wild committed him to the County-Gaol in Worcester, where being far from his tender Friends who nourished him in his weak condition, his sickness encreased, and he soon dyed.


Daniel Abraham being imprisoned in Newgate with about three hundred more Friends, for refusing to swear, in the 12th Month 1660. fell sick and dyed.

Walter Bellamy being at the same time imprisoned in Newgate, and there being one hundred or thereabouts, imprisoned in that room where he was, it is judged that so many being together for want of convenient air and lodging, he fell sick, and in the third Month 1661. he dyed a prisoner.

Iohn Stanton having a Wife and several children, was taken out of a Meeting by rude Souldiers, and committ [...] to Newgate, and falling sick, dyed a prisoner the 21. day of the 4th Month 1662.

Thomas [...]irby a young man, a Habberdasher by trade, being newly out of his time, was taken out of a Meeting of the people of God, and committed to prison to Newgate, where he fell sick, and on the first day of the fifth month 1662. he finished his Testimony by death.

Richard Hubberthorne a faithful Minister of the Lord, being declaring the Truth at the Bull and Mouth Meeting, was taken by souldiers, and carryed before Richard Brown, who took hold of the brim of his hat, and lugged it upon his face, and committed him to Newgate, where he and two more lay in a dark hole; and falling sick on the 17th of the 6th month 1662. he laid down his life for the testimony of truth.

Anthony Skillington being at a meeting of the Lord's people on the 13th of the 5th month 1662. was by the rude Souldiers taken out of the meeting, and brought before R. Brown, who sent him to prison with many more; and being innocent, they demanded a free prison; and so the Gaoler put them in the hole, which is the place they put Felons in after they are condemned to dye; and there eleven of them remained two nights, and then were had out, and put in a stinking hole amongst the common Felons; [...]nd Anthony often complained of the bad smell before he fell sick; and by reason of want of air, and such a stinking smell, he and several more fell sick and dyed; and the Jewry that viewed his body, concluded that they did believe his close imprisonment, and the stinking smell, surfeited his body, which was the cause of his death, it being in the heat of Summer.

Iohn Giles a faithful Minister of the Truth, was taken out of a meeting where he was ministring the Truth, and committed to Newgate by Richard Brown, where falling sick the 29th of the sixth month—62. he laid down his life for the Truths sake.

William Watson of the Parish of White-Chappel, was taken from a Meeting, and committed to the common Gaol in Newgate, where he fell sick, and on the 25th of the 6th month 1662. dyed a prisoner.

William Eldridge & Iohn Shoot, were both committed to Newgate by Richard Brown, for meeting to worship God; and they fell sick, and the latter end of the 6th month 1662. both dyed, and were car­ryed from Newgate together to be buryed.

Richard Bradley for the cause aforesaid was committed to New-prison, where he fell sick, and on the first day of the 7th month 1662. he laid down his life for the Truths sake.

Henry Boreman being committed to Newgate for selling Friends Books, fell sick and dyed in New­gate the 17th of the 8th month 1662. and left a Wife great with child, and three small children besides.

Thomas Birkley, Gen. Bromly, Iohn Witlock, William Snowk, being committed to the White-Lyon prison for meeting to worship God, (with several others) they fell sick for want of air and con­veniences to lodge; and in the 9th month 1662. all dyed in the prison, and gave up their lives for the Truth sake.

Iohn Dison, Iohn Wostenholm, and Richard Page, being committed to the White-Lyon Prison for the cause aforesaid, with about eighty more, were kept in three little Rooms, where by reason of the closeness of the place, they fell sick; and in a short time, being about the 6th. of the 10th month, they there finished their testimony by death.

Thomas Anstee, William Hawkes, being committed to Newgate by R. Brown, for the cause afore­said, fell sick, and both laid down their bodies in the prison for the Truths sake.

Thomas Rogers a young man, was taken also out of a meeting of the people aforesaid, and com­mitted to the common Gaol, where he fell sick about the tenth month, and dyed in a short time a prisoner for the Truth of God.

Mark Close and Gabriel Shaller, being committed by Richard Brown for the cause aforesaid, where they fell sick, and about the latter end of the tenth month 1662. dyed in the Common Gaol in New­gate, for the Truths sake.

Iohn Cooper was by Richard Brown committed to the common Gaol in Newgate (for the same cause) where he suffered the loss of his life for the Truths sake, the 30th of the tenth month 1662.

Thomas Hancler, William Pryor and Samuel Petchet, being committed by Richard Brown, for meet­ing together, about the 6th and 7th of the 11th month, dyed in the common Gaol in Newgate; William Pryor leaving a Wife and children behind him, whose maintenance did consist on his labour; & S. Petchet was a young man, newly come up out of the Countrey about business.

Iohn Trowell being at a meeting at the Bull and Mouth, the latter end of the sixth month, was dragged out of the meeting by rude Souldiers, and one of them knockt him down for dead in the Street, and then trampled upon him in the street, and he lay sick ten dayes, and then dyed, and his dead body was carryed to the Bull where he received his bruises and blows; and the Coroner and Jury viewed his dead body, and many others, who judged him to be murthered, his body being black with bruises, and even rotten and like a gelly; it cannot well be expressed what grievous blows had fallen on his body; one of the Officers having a Club in one hand about a yard long, which seemed to be as much as he could well handle, for bigness and weight; with which he laid on about him without mercy, as did the most of his party, regarding neither age nor sex: One Friend was knockt down five times; and the blood lay in the streets, and runned down mens faces and shoulders; and one Hanger and one other weapon were both broken by force of blows over mens heads.

Humphrey Bache, and Humphrey Brewster, were both committed to Newgate for meeting; and by the closeness of the prison their bodies were corrupted, so that in a short time after they were released, they dyed.

Humphrey Leaver, Richard Davis, Robert Cross, Thomas Wingreen, Iohn Ratcliff, were all imprisoned in the common Gaol in Newgate, by R. Brown, for meeting to worship God, where it is judged through the smoke and noisom smells their bodies were corrupted; so that soon after they were released, they dyed, who we may reckon with the rest to have sealed their Testimony with the loss of their lives.

Edward Burroughs a faithful Labourer and Minister of the Lord, being imprisoned in Newgate for ministring the Truth to the people at the Bull and Mouth, he remained a Prisoner near three quarters of a year, and notwithstanding the King sent an Order under his hand & seal to release him yet Richard Brown would not release him: The beginning of the twelfth Month the said Edward Burroughs fell sick, and the 14th day of the same month he finished his testimony by death.

And there hath suffered imprisonments, stockings, whippings, loss of goods, and other abuses, for keeping a good conscience towards God and man, before the King came into England, 3170. persons.

And there hath suffered imprisonments for refusing to swear, and for meeting together, and refusing to go to publike Worship, and for keeping a good Conscience towards God and man since the King came into England, 5400. persons. Notwithstanding the Kings personal endeavours at sundry times, by Let­ters, Warrants and Proclamations for their delivery, and for the mitigation of the harshness of his inferior Officers towards them in the cases above-mentioned.

And there dyed by imprisonment and other hard usage, before the King came in, 32. persons.

And there have dyed by reason of imprisonment, and hard and cruel usage since the King came in, 56. persons.

And there remains at this present in prison in England, who suffer for good conscience-sake, Five hundred persons.

From the People of God called QUAKERS.

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