ORdered by the Parliament, That all Treasurers, Sub-Collectors, Committees, and other Officers of Sequestrations in the Several Counties, be enjoyned from henceforth not to make payment of any Rents, Issues or Profits of Sequestred Estates by them received or to be received, to any other person or persons, save unto the Treasurer of Goldsmiths-Hall, or such as those Treasurers there shall appoint, upon penalty of making good, and answering out of their own Estates to the use of the Commonwealth, such sums of Money as they or any of them respectively shall so pay contrary to this Order.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Order be forthwith printed and published; And that the Members of Parliament do forthwith send down the same to the several Committees in the Country, who are required to take care the same be observed accordingly.
London, Printed by John Field for Edward Husband, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1649.