Together with A Guide, and the Pilgrims Passe To the Land of the Living.
In Three Books.
Printed for [...] [...] and are to be sold at the Signe of the George in [...] [...] 1653.
To the Discontented.
As Not, to the Desperate.
- Sect. Pag.
- 1. ACcost. 1
- 2. Induction. 2
- 3. Lovers. 2
- 4. Great Spirits. 2
- 5. Melancholick. 3
- 6. Iealous. 3
- 7. The frighted Childe 4
- 8. The Debaucht Prentice 4
- 9. The unfortunate Merchant 5
- 10. The bloudy Murtherer 5
- 11. The curious Zelot 5
- 12. The Tender-Conscienc't Despairer. 6
- 13. A horrid, yet true storie of one that hang'd himself, upon his Knees, with a Bible on a stool open before him, and a paper to signifie that he had repented 7
- 14. One that will not plead to save his Goods. 8
- 15. A desperate malefactor. 8
- 16. A Wench with childe. 9
- 17. A despairing Client. 9
- 18. From the Frame of Nature. 10
- 19. From Mans Creation, and Redemption. 10
- 20. Self Preservation from Instinct. 11
- 21. Examples of Self-preservation. 12
- 22. Self-Homicide against Nature. 12
- 23. Reason against Self-murder. 13
- 1. From Iustice.
- 2. From comparative value
- 3. From Courage.
- 4. From the Immortalitie of the Soul.
- 5. From Experiment. 14
- 6. From the offices of the Senses.
- 7. From shame of the Fact.
- 8. From Injustice. 15
- 9. From the manner of the Duell. 15
- 10. From particular Interest [Page] Of Parents, Husbands and Wives, Children, Friends &c.
- 11. From publick interest Of Countrey, Supream Magistrate, The Church, &c.
- 12. From the Law of Nature. 16
- 24. Arguments from Religion 16
- 25. The Cause of desperate Actions. 17
- 26. Lamentation for the Church. 18
- 27. Expostulation with the Atheist. 18
- 28. With the Universarian 19
- 29. Invitation to the Direction. 21
- 30. The Direction. 21
- 31. An Orthodox Divine the best Instructer. 22
- 32. Persuasion by Assumption, and Religious Reason. 23
- 33. Comparatives in Law, and Gospel. 26
- 34. Supposition of satisfaction. 27
- 35. Consolation. 28
- 36. Satans Craft and Policie. 29
- 37. Incouragement against Temptation. 29
- 38. Advance of Resolution. 30
- 39. Prevention. 30
- 40. Summary Fortification. 31
- Pag.
- THe Manuduction, 35
- The Den of Idlenesse. 36
- Perspective 1. 38
- Morall 1. 39
- Prospect 1. 40
- Consolatory Essay 1. 41
- The Grotto of Repentance. 44
- Perspective 2. 47
- Moral 2. 51
- Prospect 2. 52
- Consolatory Essay 2. 53
- The Wildernesse of Tribulation. 58
- Perspective 3. 60
- Moral 3. 63
- [Page] Prospect 3. 66
- Consolatory Essay 3. 67
- The fruitful Vale of Tears. 70
- Perspective 4. 72
- Moral 4 78
- Prospect 4. 80
- Consolatory Essay 4. 80
- The Cell of Humility. 84
- Perspective 5. 86
- Morall 5. 95
- Prospect 5. 90
- Consolatory Essay 5. 91
- The House of Prayer. 94
- Perspective 6. 106
- Morall 6. 125
- Prospect 6. 126
- Consolatory Essay 6. 127
- The Mount of Faith. 140
- Perspective 7. 143
- Morall 7. 162
- Prospect 7. 163
- Consolatory Essay 7. 164
- The Camp of Resolution. 168
- Perspective 8. 172
- Morall 8. 185
- Prospect 8. 188
- Consolatory Essay 8. 189
- The Lodge of Patience, 194
- Perspective 9. 199
- Morall 9. 218
- Prospect 9. 221
- Consolatory Essay 9. 222
- The Ruines of Mortification. 227
- Perspective 10. 231
- Morall 10. 246
- Prospect 10. 247
- Consolatory Essay 10 248
- The Farm of Self-Resignation. 252
- Perspective 11. 256
- Morall 11. 282
- Prospect 11. 283
- Consolatory Essay 11. 284
- The holy Hill of Contemplation. 286
- Perspective 12 303
- Morall 12. 311
- Prospect 12. 314
- Consolatory Essay 12. 315
SECT. I. Accoast.
SECT. II. Induction.
SECT. III. Lovers.
SECT. IV. Great Spirits.
SECT. V. Melancholick.
SECT. VI. Iealous.
SECT. VII. The Frighted Childe.
SECT. VIII. The Debaucht Prentice.
SECT. IX. The unfortunate Merchant.
SECT. X. The Bloody Murtherer.
SECT. XI. The curious Zealot.
SECT. XII. The tender Conscienc't Despairer.
SECT. XIII. A horrid, yet true Story of one that hang'd himself, upon his Knees, with a Bible on a Stool open before him, and a Paper to signifie that he had repented.
SECT. XIV. One that will not plead to save his Goods.
SECT. XV. A Desperate Malefactor.
SECT. XVI. A Wench with Childe.
SECT. XVII. A Despairing Client.
SECT. XVIII. Instruction from the frame of Nature.
SECT. XIX. From Mans Creation, and Redemption.
SECT. XX. Self-Preservation from Instinct.
SECT. XXI. Examples of Self-preservation.
SECT. XXII. Self-Homicide against Nature.
SECT. XXIII. Reason against Self-Murder.
SECT. XXIV. Arguments from Religion.
SECT. XXV. The Cause of Desperate Actions.
SECT. XXVI. Lamentation for the Church.
SECT. XXVII. Expostulation with the Atheist.
SECT. XXVIII. With the Universarian.
SECT. XXIX. Invitation to the Direction.
SECT. XXX. The Direction.
SECT. XXXI. An Orthodox Divine the Best Instructer.
SECT. XXXII. Preservation by Assumption and Religious Reason.
SECT. XXXIII. By Comparatives in Law and Gospel.
SECT. XXXIIII. Supposition of Satisfaction.
SECT. XXXV. Consolation.
SECT. XXXVI. Satans Craft and Policie.
SECT. XXXVII. Incouragement against Temptation.
SECT. XXXVIII. Advance of Resolution.
SECT. XXXIX. Prevention.
SECT. XL. Summary Fortification.
The Second Book.
A GUIDE TO THE Land of the Living. FOR THE DISCONTENTED; That are in the Dangerous Path TO SELF-MVRDER.
A Comfort to All in Distresse;
- By Way of
- Divine Poem,
- Perspective,
- Moral,
- Prospect,
- Consolatory Essay.
The Manuduction.
A Hand may be welcome to One, that needs it either in the declivity or steep descent from a Rock; or amidst the Labyrinth, and wandring on to Losse in a Wildernesse.
To this purpose, Distressed Friend, the Authour proffers His, as a help. Enough peradventure to Keep thee from Falling; Or Preserve thee in the Way. It may serve thee for a Prop, if not for a Guide.
And seeing, that the Best Dayes are Evill to Good Men; and Bad Men make All their Dayes Evill, Time gives Life a sad Progression; And the Vitiosity of Manners makes Time seeme to receive Corruption. Least thou should'st grow weary of Either, Thou art here desired to ponder them Both; Lest abused Life should prove thy Rock; or not well considered Time might become thy Willdernesse.
Supposing therefore, that thy Desperate Intentions are diverted, thy Fury allayed, and, that a more sober Temper hath reduced thee to Better Inclinations by his former Verse he conceives it not amisse, as a careful Physitian, to prescribe thee a Diet after his operative Drugs; or not Unlike the wary Pilot, to set up some mark to avoid a second danger.
Thou hast been out of thy Way, and in hazard of Great Losse, even Losse forever. Take that Crosse for thy direction; yea let That Crosse, that did afflict thee, lead thee home to thy Happinesse! Not by seeking to run from It; But by Submitting to it. Though the way be rugged; It is direct; [Page 36] And being straight, Turne not. Temptation is on either Hand. Presumption may as dangerously overthrow thee, as Desperation was like to ensnare, to undoe thee. There allures a Spotted Panther; And Here lurkes a Seising Tyger. Both Devourers; Though in divers wayes.
To avoid the Perill of such Passages, the sutblety, and Fury of such Beasts, it is Best to take Direction, and One along with thee. With such Intention in Charity unto thee The Authour hath under God's Blessing fitted himself with Provisions, & Instructions for such a journey. Not to be Imploy'd is ery hurtfull for thee. Dost here him call? Away?
CANTO I. The Den of Idlenesse.
1. ADen is the Place of Theeves, There Idlenesse is lodg'd, as the greatest waster of time, and theif of Things.
2. It is dark by Ignorance. It is foul by Sloth. Vices and Sins, like Monsters, Exuberances of the minde, do Breed therein, that hisse with Impudence, and howl by too Late Repentance. The hag, the Witch layes along, to shew her Security and Carelesnesse, half asleep, her Improvidence, by stretching, Indisposition to Imployment, and by scowling, Scorn, at Reproof.
3. By Nodding Shee discovers the Vanity of her Desires. By Pointing her Unaptnesse, and imperfection to Command.
4. She buries Men Alive; Either running them into Undreamt of Dangers, or covering them with neglected Obscurity, that they (at best) passe their silent Dayes Without leaving any impression by their Footsteps left to worthy Notice, or Memory.
5. Her Gins are temptations, that catch the Imprudent. With False Glosses, Vaine Pretences, as with covering Leaves Idleness hides her contrived Deceits.
6. Vain Discourses, and wanton Designes are the spring at the Mouth of her Den, which dance to the Notes of the Birds of Pleasure.
7. But this way leads to the Fort of Irrevocable losse, And to the Prison of Unavoydable Destruction; In which Men intoxicated with Folly sport on to Ruine.
8. The Drones embleamatize, and hold the Glasse unto The slothfull; they rob the Hives, and prey upon the Hony of the Bees, the Honest mans Goods and Labour.
[Page 39] 9. It is no safe going on in Her enthralling Fascinations; Or standing still, Unbusi'd. For Delayes not only breed, but Bring forth Dangers,
10. Her stream of pleasures, and gliding waters of Vaine Conceptions stand, settle, and corrupt in A lake of filth the Sinke of Vice and Sin, describing by the noisomness of the Waters their Rottenness; by the poyson of Serpents, their Infection; and by the Ugliness of Toads, their Deformity.
TAke the Moral from S. Hierom, from Plutarch, from Seneca.
Otium parit Fastidium, Exercitium Famem. Fames autem miro modo dul [...]ia reddit, quae Fastidium facit insipida.
Idlenesse is squeazie stomackt, when good imployment feeds with Hunger, which gives a luseious Gust unto such Diet, while Idlenesse with Loathing rejects sound food, as tastlesse.
Ingenium hominis ceu cariem, et senium in otio contrahit propter obscuritatem; Et muta Quies; vita (que) Sedentaria, in otio semota, non corporibus modò, verum etiam animis marcorem conciliat.
The Wit of Man contracts old Age by Idlenesse before its time; And growes decrepit in obscurity by disuse of Exercise. The dumb Rest of a Sedentary Life in Ease, and, as it were wrapt up in a Mantle, from all imployment, brings not Bodies only, but Minds also into a deep Consumption.
[Page 40] Sunt quorum corpus innoxium est, & in mille fascinorum Furias mens otiosa discurrit.
A sickly, and a wanton Minde hath thrown the soundest Bodies, and most healthful Constitutions into a Thousand Mischiefs, and as many foul Diseases.
IT Was A Friendly Wish, with a smile at the end on't; That the English were as Industrious, as they are Ingenious. it came from Erasmus; An eminent Man of Wit; And no Dwarf in Iudgement. It is a great abatement in the Coat, if the Lyon be not borne in proper Posture, or wanteth any thing of Due Arming. Ingenii Acumen, vel tarditas praemium, vel poenam, in futuro collocat. Reward crowneth the Diligent; And Danger, in conspiracy with Losse, surprizeth the Drowzie; And they deliver to Punishment the Sleeper.
Solomon had no sooner rouzed the Slugard, and sent him on an Arrant to the Ant, to consider her wayes, and be wise, &c. but he describeth his Next Neighbour, his likeliest Familiar, a Naughty person, a Wicked man, that walks with a froward Mouth; that winks with his Eyes; speaks with his Feet; And teacheth with his Fingers. Frowardnesse is in his Heart; He deviseth Mischeife continually, He soweth Discord. Therefore shall his Calamity come suddainly; Suddainly shall he be broken; without Remedy.
And not far off from him dwells The Bewitching Whore with Her Allurements. But how? and whither does shee lead her Paramour, her Gallant? He goeth After her straight way, as an Oxe goeth to the slaughter; Or, as a Foole to the Correction of the stocks: Till a dart strike through his Liver, as A Bird hasteth to the Snare, and Knoweth not, that it is For his Life &c. Her house is the way to Hell, going downe to the Chambers of Death.
Behold! Sloth is The Hen; Idlenesse the Unclean Egge; The many sorts of Iniquity the Plumage of wickedness, the [Page 42] Snare is Death, and the Devourer Hell. Maiestas Pop. Romani peromnes Nationes, per omnes diffusa Provincias in sinu Meretricio Iacet; Sayes Seneca: Even the Glory of Roome, that Spred her Wings over All Nations, whose Eagles Talons grasped the utmost Consines, slept to Ruine in the Lap of Dalliance, runing a Comparable Fate with that web of the Chast Penelope, whereon The Night undid the work of the Day.
Idleness can find No Bellowes to blow the Fire; and will nor so much as use her Own Breath. This is the cover'd Pit, that swallowes the Heedlesse. while time is wasted in the Embraces of Seeming Goods. For want of Diligence, and Inquisition Imprudent men do miss of what is reall.
While David was in Action, though Persued by Saul for his Life, he slipt not; But, when in the pleasance of the Evening, coming from the Softness of his Bed, when he takes a Loose turn upon the Roof of his pallace, He is strook in the Eye with the darting Beauty of Bethsheba; And it must seeke for cure the bloud of Uriah. The First Evill begets a Second of a bigger Stature; Illegitimate Voluptuousness brings forth monstrous Cruelty. How dangerous it is to set One Foot upon The First step of Sin! the other is ready to slip, if not to run down the Stairs No sooner in Idlenesse, but in Lust. Lust hurries into Adultery. Adultery sends post to Bloudshed; and sometimes engages in such a Murder, as is past repairing, and beyond returning.
Beware, then thou distressed Soul! Least Satan finde thee either void of buisiness, or ill imploy'd. He will beset thee with a multitude of temptations, and give thee a Desperate Onset; And, without Grace help thee by a Prayer, thou lay'st open to the Storm, and 'tis not easy to hold out. Keep therfore thy Watchmen on the Tower! Set a Gaurd upon every Port! Be Allwayes Training, and Mustering thy Forces! When he makes his Subtilest Approches, put good [Page 43] Actions to work! So maist thou countermine him. Feed The Hungry! So thou diggest a crosse-Vault to his Workes. Cloath the Naked! And it is a Retrenchment. Visit the Sick! And thou hast made good, where the Wall is weakest. Frequent Religious Company! And thou hast doubled thy Guards. Pray! And thou Victuallest the Place. Read the Scriptures! Thou want'st no Ammunition; And thou hast the never-failing Waters of Life.
By Such continuall Exercise the Divell will be disheartned, will but weakely attempt thee, Till by every Assault thou shalt grow the Stronger; and by many Combats becom A Conquerer. Vessels, that are full, are not capable of any other Liquor; And the Well-busied minde is not at leisure to undertake a bad Imployment.
Besides the Wast of Time, that is so pretious (momentum est punctum eternitatis) thy prodigall Idleness spends thee, consumes thee in weariness. The Hours seem asleep, and tedious to thee, like the Hand of the Dial, they move not, as it were, at all; When Labour would refresh thee, and Season thy Rest with Sweetnes.
Fly from her therfore, as from a Pest. The Plague is not so infectious. Untilled Land produceth Thorns, and is overrun with Briars. Evill thoughts are the want of Culture of the Mind; The word imployes Worship; Want of the worship of God produceth as Evill words, the Thorns of the Tongue, So it overruns with wicked Actions, those Briars of the Hands, and Feet.
Sow in thy Heart Holy, and devout Meditations! And thy Hands will beare comfortable Fruit. Then art thou never Alone, nor Out of Safety. Lye not Lazilie, as bedrid in health! Least thou get a Sicknesse.
CANTO II. The Grotto of Repentance.
1. A Grotto] Is a hollow Place of Solitude and refreshment Under Some Hill, or Mountain, or aside some Rock. And this place is resembled to the Heart of Man, the proper Scite for Serious Repentance.
The Labyrinth of Sin] Denotes It's Intricacie.
The numerous Paths] Its Disorder, and Confusion to amuse the Understanding; Or take them for Several Choice of Evills, divers Sorts of Tentations. To avoid which it is best turning to The Right, the truth by Repentanc.
Wander to finde no Exit] Intimates Sins perplexing Nature, intruding into Difficulties.
Doubling Knots] are Its Fascinations.
Woody Darknesse] Its stupid Ignorance, which emprisons and fetters the Soul from returning to The Light.
2. Apish Sins] Are wanton Pleasures.
There trampled Paths] Are Custome of acting Sins over and over. These throw away their contemned Minuts, and wast the Sand of time.
The Foxes] Are Sins of Contrivance, Precognitancy, Subtilty, Hipocrisy, Whose Pollicy Keeps their By Paths Undiscover'd.
The Bears] Are Sins of Rapine, and Murder, that have their affected Mallencholy walks of Solitude.
The Swine] Are the Sins of Excess, as Gluttony, and Drunkennesse, that wallow in Voluptuousnesse, and Sensuality.
Tygres] Are Sins of Ambition, Cruelty, Oppression, and Sovetousnesse, that prey Upon, and devoure all, that stand in their way.
Presumption's Falls] Shewes the malignant Nature of [...] that it is a Punishment to those that embrace it. Ambition is it's owne overthrow.
[Page 48] Traps] Are the Deceitfulnesse of Temptations to an overdaring. Men are to easie-natur'd to this Sin, being Very ready to be drawne into the Snare by Flattery.
Despair's Deep Pits] Are Losse of Hope by weakenesse of Faith, or Such Terrours of Satan, as are cast athwart to betray to destruction, not acrosse to stop from going on in the bewildings of Sin, or bewitchings of the Tempter.
The wisest sometimes may erre] But are recover'd from such Hayes (a tearme in dauncing) from such Enchantments by the Sound of Recollection's Horn, by Self Examination, by timely Apprehention.
4. The Forrest] Is the Inward Man, where in Recollection is Ranger unto Grace.
His winding the Bugle-Horn] Is Touch of Conscience;
The Deer] Are the Affections, which he hunts home to the Understanding; Or may signifie the wandring Sheep, that is converted and brought home to the Church by the carefull Pastor.
The Eccho of the Horn's Sound] Intimates, that the Conscience warnes to Repentance.
5. Remembrance is Subservinet if not Coadjutor to Recollection; therefore call'd his Hound, that works through thick and thin, calls to mind, known and Searches out Secret Faults.
He looks for the Deer in Hill and Hyrn] In every Place, and Corner.
Through the thick perplexed Ground] To draw them out of Danger from the difficulties of Returning.
Recollections Hollo] Are Divine Motions of Assisting Grace, that brings back many a Sin-bewilded, and Satanbeguiled Soul, reducing the Affections to their Prper Place.
6. Recollection is subservient to Grace; and is called Ranger] Because it examines all The Forrest of the Inward Man, which, Since The Fall, is naturally A Wild Place.
[Page 49] The Lady Grace] Has Heaven for her Derivative Place, whither She inviteth, and attracteth those which are Elect: But here her Pallace is taken for the Divine Bounty, where She welcomes those approaching, that were wandering Sinners:
The Crystal windows] Are the Excellencies of Providence.
The Golden Gates] Are the Riches of Heavenly Mercy.
The place seems Divine] Because Such bounty comes from God.
7. The Forrest is green] flourishing, when Grace lives in the Inward Man. Grace intertains those that come unto her, refreshes dejected Spirits, gives Guifts, enriches the poor in Spirit, and bestowes a Blessing, the Blessing of the Gospell. But, no staying here, the Soul must on, from Glasse to Rock, from sight of Sin by Affliction to Repentance.
The Passe Up and Down] Is Prosperyty and adversity, Height of Mind, and Humbled Condition.
The Mourners] Are Sorrowes of Heart, which lay in dejection for Deeds done amisse. These are instrumentall, or Ministerial Servants to Repentance.
Who is call'd a Widow] As forsaken and left by Sin her dead and Unlawfull Mate, or forsaking the World to whom her Soul was wedded.
She is said Young] Because it renewes the Soul; Young; So Repentance best, when early.
8. When half-way down the Rock] Signifies humbled by afflictions.
The sighing wind is heard] Sorrowfull expressions.
From hollow Vault] From the Inward Man, to which Sorrowes seem to be behinde, to come short of the Repentance, of the Acknowledgement they seek to manifest for the former Commission of Deeds, misdone.
Half-way down the Rock] Is Penitencie's Grott, in the Breast, in the Heart, in the Conscience of the Sinner, who is [Page 63] Saxei generis of a Rocky, and stony Nature, there is the Place of true Repentance.
The Grott] Is a place of Solitude, of Stone, of Tears, of Uncomfortablenesse, of Mortification, of Grief.
The Two Springs of Dolour] Are Weeping Eyes, whose Tears, as they fall, seem to run with a Noise of Groans from within.
9. The Description of a Natural Grotto setteth forth the Sad Acts of Repentance.
10. Repentance prevails, and obtains Pardon by Christ from above, when the stonie Heart melts and drops the Tears of Grief. True Repentance is full of Fits and Passions, importunate, and persevering; Till the Distressed Soul receives the Comfort of Remission from Grace by the Holy Spirit, as by an Angell from Heaven.
11. The Effects of Repentance are here shadowed.
The Mourner's well] [...]s Christ.
Nature's Moles] Are Originall Sin.
The Spots] Actuall Transgressions. The scouring waters are Christ's Sufferings, applyed to Repentant Tears by Faith.
Distilling Healing] The Promises, being the means of Recovery.
On the Top of the water Swims, the Balm] Of the Bloud of Christ, which is a certain Cure to Believers, and the Assurance of their Hope.
12. Sin thus purged by Christ's Bloud, washed away in his Wounds, and the Soul bathed in Tears appears restored by Grace, in his pristine Beauty. Sorrow is wip't away; And the Cryes of Conscience are silenced. Yet Sins rise dayly, Sorrowes, come in fresh Rank, and must be by dayly repentance so done away. which give direction likewise for a continuing of our selves and a willing and patient taking Up, and bearing of the Crosse through the many Tribulations in this world, through which we must passe with Comfort in Hope.
DIvine Grace calls us from our wandrings amidst greatest Dangers by Recollection and the Remembrance of Evils committed by us; whereby having the Sight our selves, and seeking by Repentance to the Rock of our Faith, we finde Christ to heal us, who is the Well of Life, and the Fountain of our Salvation.
Take Hugo's Interpretation to this Purpose.
Poenitentia appellata quasi Punientia, eò quod ipse homo in se poenitendo punit, quod male admisit. Tria enim quae sunt in percussione Pectoris (i. e.) Pectus, Sonus, & Manus, significant quod Poenitentia est de his, quae Mente, Voce, Opere peccavimus.
Repentance is (not to refuse the word) a Pennance upon, or punishing of our selves in such a manner, that there is a Reluctancie and serious Sorrow in the whole Man, that he is provoked by such Resentment to punish in himself, what Sin soever he hath foolishly admitted, or wickedly committted. Now there are three things requisite to a stroak on the Breast; the Breast, the Sound of the Blow, and the Hand, all which denote, that Repentance is concerning all Offences of Thought, Word, or Deed. So comes Contrition from within, Confession out of our Mouthes; and Satisfaction from our Hands to make up a real Repentance.
Hear Isidore-deliver his Sentence.
Poenitentia est Medicamentum vulneris, Spes salutis, per quam Deus ad Misericordiam provocatur, quae non tempor [...] pensatur, sed profunditate Luctus, & Lachrymarum. Poenitentia [Page 52] autem non mensium, ac temporum cursu pensatur, sed poenâ, quâ animâ cruciatur, & mortificatur caro.
Repentance is the Balsam for a Wound, the Hope of Health, whereby God is provoked to Mercie; which is not regarded for the length of Time, but the Depth of Sorrow, and the Seriousnesse of Tears spent in it. Therefore it is not the Moneths, or Seasons of Mourning, that prevail so much with Him, as that infliction upon our selves, that mortifies the Flesh, and that Affliction within our selves, that cruciates the Spirit.
Observe S. Cyprians Minde herein!
O Poenitentia! quid de te novi referam! Omnia ligata tu solvis; Omnia clausa tu reseras; Omnia adversa tu mitigas; Omnia contrita tu sanas; Omnia confusa tu lucidas; Omnia Desperata tu animas.
O Repentance! How shall I finde tearms, or Language enough to commend thee! Thou dost set free all things that are bound; Thou openest all things that are shut, and revealest all things that are hid; Thou allayest all things that come crosse; Thou bindest up and healest all things that are broken; Thou lettest in Light to all things out of Order; And thou givest New Life, and as it were another Soul, to All things gasping in Death, and Desperate.
SIn, through Negligence, or wilfulnesse undiscover'd, is a secret Fire in the House; the more close, the more dangerous. Discovery then is the Best Introductive to Cure, Self-Examination is in the First Place necessary to this purpose, as water to quench, what is so Unruly. Such Fire is This; It will consume All, if not taken in time. Call then for water to quench it as well, as thou cryest, Fire! And do it soon too! There is more, than ordinary Hazard in Delay.
[Page 54] But, art thou asham'd to repent? The shame lies in the Commission of the Sin; Not in the Acknowledgement. Seneca Controverting the matter, brings in such a Criminall Modestie. Gravius punior nunc, cum peccasse pudet, quam cum peccavi: Ti's more Irksome to unload, than to bear my Burthen. He had a kind of proud Lazinesse, that he was loath to confesse. But it is better adjudged: Minus est quod vitiat it, quam quod negavit. Lesse is the Evill in the Deed, than in the Denyall. Periculosius est negare, quam commisisse. what hope of that Patient, that will not acknowledge himself sick? How canst thou come near Pardon, when thou block'st up Confession? When that is the way to It. As Christ, and the Sanctified Intellectuall nature of Man, His Church, are Relative, as Bridegroom and Spouse, Sin likewise makes a Contract with the Wicked man's Soul: But ti's A Dower with a Mischief. The wages of Sin is Death.
Thou Distressed Christian! since it hath been so with thee, that such an unlawfull Marriage hath lept into the Saddle; Let Repentance ride upon the Crouper! Better is a Cramp in thy Jawes, than a Convulsion in thy Bowels; than a Stich at the heart. Repent!
Thou Know'st the nature of thy Sin best. It is thy Dear Acquaintance; thy Familiar; thy bosome-Friend. But trust it not! It has betray'd thee; And will undo thee. Look about thee then in time! For the Philistins are upon thee! Break the Fetters! Rend asunder the Cords that bind thee! In time Repent!
Small Matters have their Great Effects in All humane Actions. One Word, misunderstood; One Opportunity or Instant of time, slipt, hath many times occasioned so much Danger, as even the Overthrow of an Army; Of the Action, and the Actors. Thou hast undertaken A Mighty war against Three Confederates, those Three Conspirators in one Combination; The World; The Flesh, and the Devill. [Page 55] One word makes good thy Battel; Repentance. If the word be not given; Or not Rightly; And in time too; Thou maist, nay thou wilt lose the day by't. Custome hath taught Nations, Reason Men; and Nature Beasts, that selfdefence is more, than Lawfull; It is Necessary. Stand to thine Armes then! Betake thee to thy Tears! For the Roaring Lyon goeth about seeking whom he may devour. In time Repent!
When Homer that blind Seer among the Auncients. (For Poets were their Prophets then) discourses of a Certain woman, whom he names Ate, he sets forth her Character, as a Dittie to this tune; That shee was Hurtfull, and Pernicious to All the Race of men. He might mean Eve by it, as well as cover another truth under a like Fable in that of Jupiter, whom he feigns to have been the wisest of all men living. Yet was Once deceiv'd by Iuno, by his wife. Thereby He might in the dark point at Adam; And in A Heathen Language speak good Hebrew sense.
Thou maist not rightly understand his story; And maist mistake the text also. Adam left thee much in debt; in such a condition, as to part with All, that thou hadst; and to prison too was the sentence; thou wert subiect to everlasting condemnation (had not one stood in the Gap) thou wert within the Penall statute of eternall Losse, and never-dying torment. It was in vain for the man to put it upon the woman. It was no proper excuse. It was his own sin. It was his own Fault; And he and his must pay the Forfeiture.
This Debt thy Saviour undertook, as Sponsor, when He should be Incarnate; performed it Actually in the wildernesse, what Adam should have performed in Paradise; adhered, and vanquisht, as his Active obedience; and satisfied on the Crosse for the Guilt, that Adam contracted by Nonperformance, satisfying the Justice of the Father by his passive, [Page 56] and was by the Father consummated in him by his Resurrection, and Ascension.
This Score was by Him washed out in thy Baptisme. But thine Actuall transgressions, though they be cast from that Serpent, are Egges of thine own hatching. Thou woud'st lay these Bastards to thy First Parents now too. Thou woud'st have thy Excuse the Son of theirs. No. As Nathan said to David (with reverence) may I say to thee, to my self, to any grievous Sinner, thou art the man. Thou art the Reus laesae Majestatis. Thou the Traitor against God, & thine own Soul. Perditio tua ex te, O Israel! Out of thine own Bed the weeds come. Thou art the unprofitable Servant; the idle Gardiner, the Garden also of wickednesse. Thou art thine owne Ate. None more malitious, than thou to thy self. Thou, that reall Pandora, that open'st the Forbidden Box; That scatt'rest within thy self, and poudrest thine own head with all Evills. Christ upon thy Resentment and desires is ready to make Intercession for these also, for these thine Enormous Sins; but, as Elisha did the Cure to Naaman in such another Leprosie, He must wash at his appointed waters, at Jordan, where thy Saviour bath'd for thy sin, which likewise shall be Cleansed, but his way, and upon such Condition: Repent; and Believe!
Saint Iohn was sent upon that Embassage mainly, to publish the Doctrine of Repentance. No Saint Iohn, no Christ. No Repentance, no Salvation. If thou beest not baptized in water with the Baptisme, of Repentance, of the Remission of Sins, thou hast no part in the Baptisme of Fire, the purification, and purgation of Sins with the Holy Ghost. No Regeneration, no Resurrection, no Glorification.
Take then S. Iohn's Advice! He preaches to thee. Now the Ax is laid to the root of the Trees. Every tree therefore, that bringeth not forth good Fruit shall be hewed down, [Page 57] and cast into the Fire. To Day, sings the Psalmist, if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the Provocation, as in the day of temptation in the wildernesse. It is an Invitatory Song; Repent.
What else can'st thou, ought'st thou do, Fellow Christian? whither else woud'st thou turn thee? Turn thee! Look upon thy self, as Ieremie on the Jewes! How doth the City sit solitary, that was full of People! (full of Graces, which thy Sins have sent into Exile) How is shee become like a widdow! How is shee become Tributary! shee weepeth sore in the Night, and her teares are on her Cheeks; Among All Her Lovers shee hath none to comfort Her; All Her Friends have dealt treacherously with her, they have become her Enemies &c. Her Adversaries are the chief, her Enemies prosper. For the Lord hath afflicted her; for the multitude of her transgressions her children are gone into Captivity before the Enemy. And from the Daughter of Zion all her Beauty is departed; Her Princes are become like Harts, that find no pasture, and they are gone without strength before the pursuer, &c. Her filthiness is in her Skirts; Shee remembreth not her last end. Therefore shee came down wonderfully; She had no comforter, &c. The Adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things. For she hath seen, that the Heathen entred into her Sanctuary, whom thou didst command, that they should not enter into thy Congregation.
Where are All thy Pleasures then? where is thy help? or thy Refuge? For these things let thine Eye run down with water: Because the comforter, that should relieve thy Soul is far from thee. Then fall down! then cry out! with thy voice, with thy Heart! Behold O Lord! For I am in distresse. My bowells are troubled. My Heart is turned. For I have grievously rebelled. Abroad the Sword bereaveth; At home there is' as Death.
[Page 58] What saith the Prophet Isaiah concerning Edom? Sinful Edom? Scoffing Edom? Edom, that yet repented? The Burden of Duma. He calleth me out of Seir. Watchman! What of the Night? Watchman! what of the Night? The Watchman said; The Morning cometh, and also the Night. If ye will inquire, Inquire ye! Return! Come!
O doest thou hear thy Saviour calling sweetly! Come unto Me All ye, that be weary, and heavie laden, and I will ease you. Take his word, that is the Word; Repent! and be saved!
CANTO III. The Wildernesse of Tribulation.
THe Wildernesse of Tribulation is a place of trial, of discomfort, of Solitude, the many persecutions of the world. And as A wildernesse hath many dangers, so hath a Christian many temptations, to put him to the plunge, and the Exercise not of his courage onely, but to the use of his best understanding. In the unknown wayes of a wildernesse the Sun is the Travailer's best guide; And that is the Son of Righteousnesse, who is the way, and the Light, the onely Direction to the Right, and protection for safetie. In a Wildernesse the Travailer must expect but hard entertainment. Therefore must he carry his provision along with him, that is, preparation against Injuries, which, like hunger will else starve him; and expectation of his necessitie of suffering, that he may not in the time of triall by improvidence be overcome. He must watch and ward. Tribulation is from Tribula, A Flaile which thresheth out the corne, from the straw.
[Page 61] The Paths of Pleasure] Are the occasions, the Custome or Habit of evill, that must be avoided.
Every mile] Signifies every day of life.
The standing poast on which Times glasse stands] Intimates the night. Or the continuance of time on which the measure stands, the glasse is broken, if time be not well spent.
2. The rugged thorny way] Is the difficulties in Affliction. Not agreeing with the delicacy of our natures. Leading men to [The perplexing wood] To the troubling of Reason by Cares and Anxieties.
There Satyres dwell] Which are Violence, Malice, and Derision of the world.
3. This uncouth way] Shewes men's unwillingnesse to endure Affliction. It is uncomfortable unto nature.
Hath Briars] Which are Intanglements, and many provocations to passion; hath many Hindrances from an even walking; hath many Impediments to a christian progresse by the imperfection of man's Frailty.
The worldlings are the theeves] That oppresse the vertuous; yet are they not absolute enemies in their plunder, but Friendly Adversaries in effect that take from us our vaine desires, and thereby weane our hearts and Affections from Earthly Vanities.
4. Sicknesse hides in A Cave] In the Body of Man, where secret infirmities lay, as in Ambush to surprise.
Makes a prey of strength] Of power.
Of Health] Of Pleasure, of Beauty, of Riches.
Death and sickness said to be Partners] Because Flesh and Bloud is shared between them. So little of well-being is there in this vexatious, transitory world.
5. Sodome-Apples] Apparitions.
False Friends and Trees] Discover the deceitfulnesse, and Cosenage of the world, that faile in time of greatest need to yield reliefe to those, that relye upon the same.
[Page 62] 6. Crosses) Are Afflictions.
Stones] Frequent Offence given.
The straight way] Signifies Necessities, wherin the wayfaring Christian is hedged in to gain Experience and understanding of dangers, that when he is alone, without any to counsell him, he may be able to direct himself, and to order his course wisely.
Stones] To keep him in a sober walk, his hinderances; from running too fast, and Remembrances to be careful, and the straight way makes him walk Right On, even against his will.
7. The Magick Castle] Is the witchcraft of Passions, that emprison our Reason, and fetter our Understanding.
The Gates of shining Iett] The speciousnes of Sin, the Pleasingnes of Melancholly; as the first torments our Consciences, the last nurseth up sorrows to torture our Affections.
8. The False Gate of the Passions] Because they open not unto us, and represent not things as they are, but tempt men out of themselues; And the unseasonable discovery of their deceit brings oftentimes too late Repentance. For commonly it punisheth men's fondnes, and cruciates their Dotage upon vain terrestrial things, by occasioning the too late sight of Losse of themselves in the Pursuite of shadowes, in such earnest Prosecution of the same, so as becomming Transgressors, even against the law of Nature, they are apprehended, and committed to Custody by their own vices, before they are aware.
9. The Doleful Dale] Denotes the Depth of Mourning. Land Flouds] Are violent, extream, inordinate Sorrows, which tosse and tumble us with Anxietie, and hurries Reason impetuously away with fruitlesse Complainings.
Shallowes] Are moderate Griefs.
Deep] Excesse of Passion; which too often casts away Life, throwing it into the Dead Sea of Destruction.
[Page 50] 10 Detractions Hounds] So called, as well for their spending so much at the Mouth, Hunting, as pursuing the Chace, and seizing behinde the innocent Game.
Envie] Endures not anothers Welfare, and dwells next.
Ambition] Still watching those that are before her, and malicing those that are Above her.
11. Thou must passe by the Uncertainties, and Vanities of the World, lest thou be vexed, as Sysiphus with continual and fruitlesse Labour about what is not worth thy pains. Of no better Value are the Trinkets of the Worlds Pleasures, and the Magazine of Earthly Riches.
12 When thou turn'st thy Back upon the World by despising it, the Sun-shine of Gods Grace, and his Blessing breaks out upon thee; thou art enlightned, and comest to Knowledge of thy Self. And as a green Plain is free and pleasant to the Discovery of the Sight; Thou hast instead of former Vexation and the Darknesse of thine Ignorance, thy Minde, thy Conscience quieted, and thine Understanding of Knowledge, and present Comforts opened by the Apprehension of the Benefits of such Afflictions, which are but for a time, and the Happinesse hereafter, which is to last for ever.
HE, that passeth through the Wildernesse of this World, must walk with Circumspection, and Prudence; that he neither loseth his Way, nor his Time; and must rather make Observation of all Accidents, then be in Passion at any. He must Arm himself with prevention of Occasions of Evil; And having the Consideration of the world's proper [Page 64] Nature must shield himself with the expectation of Suffering for nothing more surprises, than our mistake of things for what they are not, and our trust and confidence in those things, that cannot relieve us, or will not help us; Or our stupidity, with which we voluntarily lay down, even in the open mouth of common Perils. Nor must he let himself loose to his passions, which rather torture the mind with their violence, than afford any advantage, with their clamour, or heal any misaduenture with their corrosive. Despise the world! and thou art a good Day's Journey onward to Happinesse.
Observe S. Augustine in this matter:
In fornace ardet palea, & purgatur Aurum. Illa in cinerem vertitur; et illud Sordibus exuritur. Fornax, mundus; Aurum Iusti; Ignis tribulatio; Artifex Deus. Quod vult ergo Artifex, facio. Ubi ponit me Artifex, tolero. Iubeor ego tolerare, novit ille purgare. Ardeat licet palea ad incendendum me, et ad consumendum me: illa quasi in cinerem vertitur, ut ego sordibus caream.
The Gold is purged, while the Straw burns in the fire. This turns to Ashes, when that is refined from it's foulnesse. The furnace is the world; the Just are the Gold; Tribulation the Fire; And God the Great Operator. I submit my self therefore by Obedience to whatsoever He pleases to command. I set down contented in what condition soever the Almighty Disposer placeth me. He commands me to suffer, because he knowes best whom to try, and how to order. What though the Straw doth burn to fire me, to consume me? Mark the End! The Difference! That is therefore turned into Ashes, that I may appear the more refined.
[Page 65] S. Gregory speaks herein with Fulnesse and Clearnesse.
Plerum (que) postquam in hoc Mundo non possumus obtinere; quod volumus, postquam in terrenis Desideriis de impossibilitate lass [...]mur; tunc mentem ad Deum reducimus, tum placère incipit, quod displicebat; Et quae nobis amata fuerant, praecepta repentè dulcescunt in Memoria; Peccatrix anima quae adulteria conata esse non potuit, discernit fideliter esse Conjux. Qui ergò hujus Mundi adversitatibus fracti ad Dei amorem redeunt, at (que) à praesentis vitae Desideriis corriguntur; Quid isti (Fratres charissimi) nisi; ut intrent, compelluntur?
For the most part it happens, that, when we cannot obtain what in this World we so greedily would, so earnestly thirst for, and so violently hunt after; After we are tired with the Vanity of our Wishes, and the Impossibility of our earthly, too low Desires, then turn we home to our selves; then bend we our Mindes to the best Repose, to the proper Center of our Hearts, to God. Then comes a holy longing into our Souls; and those Things begin to displease us, which before we so much desired. Yea, those Commandments of his, that seem'd so bitter to our Pallats, and so irksome to our Natures, in an instant become amiable to our Dispositions, and sweet to our Remembrances. Then that wandring Sinner, The Soul, who might not be brought home as a Harlot, findes her self faithfully rendred into the happy Condition of a Spouse. Whoso therefore, that are broken by the Adversities of this World, do return to the Love of God, are corrected, and as it were whipped by Afflictions from the Desires of this present Life; what are they (Dearest Brethren) but compelled, and in a Manner forced into Happinesse.
[Page 66] Hear the same Father most excellently in another Place!
Quisquis adversitate & tribulatione frangitur, à quo fractus est minime contemplatur. Nam qui, quod non erat, facit, factum sine gubernatione non deserit. Et qui benignè hominem condidit, nequaquam injustè cruciari permittit, nec sinit neglectè perire, quod est: qui hoc etiam, quod non fuit, creavit, ut esset.
Many a Man is bruised with Adversity, and broken with Tribulation: But few consider aright, few look up to Heaven upon the Hand from whence the Stroak comes. For He, that made what was not, deserteth not, nor exileth, what he hath so made, from his Governance, and Protection. And He, that out of the Bounty of his Grace made Man, permitteth him not to be unjustly afflicted at all. Nor doth suffer through Negligence to perish, what Is, who created even this World, that was Not, that it should Be.
TRibulations surprise the Improvident, as Armed Men starting out of an Ambuscado. They are overcome, before they think on't. The Foolish scorn, and The Desperate throw away their Arms. So will not an experienc't Souldier hazard. He will not move, before his Scouts come in. He will not go unprovided. He is acquainted with Dangers. He Knows their Subtleties as well, as their Malice. Thé wise Travailer will not cast off his Cloak for Every Sunshine. He expecteth foul weather. A calm Sea cozens not the Seaman's Eye. He stands prepared for, though unseen, yet not unlookt for, Storms. Expect Tribulation!
Life; and Death appear to Men masked; and have false Faces (So goes the Story) Life, which is so ill-favoured, hath the Fair, hath the Beautiful Mask, which makes her of Most to be so Beloved. Sometimes Passion pulls it off; and Then men are frighted with the Uglinesse of her Look. Death, which is Fair, hath the gastly Vizard, which makes her by Most to be so Feared, and hated. But when That Mask doth slip, her Beauty appearing, She is much Affected, Sweetly [Page 68] Welcomed, and Joyfully Entertained. Life indeed has many Spots, and Warts in her Face, and no few wrinckles in her Forehead; Her Eyes look much asquint; And her Cheeks are all furrowed. She is Fair in Prosperitie's Eye only; In Prosperitie's; whose Brain is intoxicated. She seems to have a sharp Tongue; to speak too much, to talk too long to Those that are in Misery. But Her Counsel is wholsomest, when it is in the tritest, and plainest Language; And wise men do well understand it. She has ever Sweat on her Brow, brawny Hands, and often a Thorn in her Foot. A Coach gives her the Gout; And a Feast puts her into a Feaver. She is healthfullest at Lowest Pension. Nature is content with a Little. Desire is Satisfied with Nothing. Affliction seems to rob, or take from Death, what's her Due; Paying some of her Hours to Death for A Quit-Rent; And stands Out to maintain Death's Title. Mille modis morimur is One of Her Cases; And She has Books enough for't; And wants not many an Experienc't Lawyer to become her Pleader; Though Affliction sues In forma Pauperis. Death seemeth therefore to be Her Friend; But yet is somewhat Lordly. For Death will hardly be intreated to visit Affliction; though much invited.
This is to shew the troublesome Condition of Man; whose whole Life is a Procession week, from Crosse to Crosse. Initium vitae caecitas et oblivio possidet, progressum Labor, dolor exitum, error omnia. Childehood is a foolish Simplicitie; Youth a rash Heat; Manhood a carking Carefulnesse; Old Age a noysome Languishing; And his History is a Tragicomedy of Errours. Man is Instabilis tellus, a floating Island; tossed up and down with many Tribulations. Affliction hems him in on every Side.
Whosoere thou art therefore, that art Distressed in mind, for any outward Losse; or Crosse; Or hast an Inward Convulsion for some Sin, that seeks to overpower thee; and throw [Page 69] thee down, as from a Precipice! Read This short, well-intended Tract of a weak [...]nditer, and under God's Blessing thou maist profit as well peradventure, as by a Greater Lesson from a Learned Hand! Read This, as An Epitaph upon the Living, who are dayly buried in a world of Sorrows! But dig not thine Own Grave with Anxietie; Nor do a Certain Mischief to avoid a Seeming Inconvenience! Heap not Affliction upon Affliction! lest the Burthen become too heavie. Tye not more knots upon the Scourge! Quid misero miserius non miserante Seipso? who shall have pitty upon Thee, if Thou beest Cruel to Thy Self? It is not thy Case Alone. For Every Man has his Pressure as well, as Thou; And Some far Greater. What art Thou, that hast not deserv'd a Punishment? Hast chang'd Thy Voice to Groans? Be Patient! Thine owne Unquietnesse rather, than The Weight, thou carri'st wrings thy Shoulders.
Examine the True Nature of what it is, afflicts thee! Thou maist think That a Monster, which is but a Shadow. Is it a Devil? Or a Bugbear? Bring it to the Test of thine Understanding! Use All good means to quiet and still The Hubub in thy Bosom!
If thou canst carry Thy Burthen no further; Go to thy Friend! thy Priest! thy Pastor! thy Physitian! Open it to Him! He will carry Part of it for Thee; Or direct thee, that thou maist find Ease.
But by All means avoid All Occasions of aggravating Thy Misery. For Thy Present Grief will goe out of It Self if Thou add'st not Fuell to it.
If thou wilt needs see thy Afflictions in a Glasse, let it not be a Multiplying, or a Magnifying Glasse, that may represent Them More, or More Horrid!
Give as little Freedom to Thy Passions, as thou can'st! For Those Wild Horses will run Suddenly away with The Whole Man.
[Page 70] If Thy Friend give Counsel, listen to it! It is as precious as Balsam. Comfort to One despairing is, as Cordials to The Dying. Refuse it not! Nor The Means to have it. A wise word in Time may Save Thy Goods; Thy Body; Yea thy Soul from Eternal Losse. The Sick have need of the Physitian.
Be not Obstinate against kind persuasion! For That is, as if thou didst sow up thy Mouth, when thou hast an empty stomack. Repentance, and that oft too late too, payes home the Denyal of good Offers.
In any Case have a Care, that thou rely'st not too much upon Thine Own Judgment!
Have a Care of Solitude, if thy Thoughts be not good enough to keep thee Company!
Keep not That Secret, that will, like Joab stab thee with An Embrace in the Dark. Why should'st Thou be the Devil's Second against Thy Self?
CANTO IV. The Fruitful Vale of Tears.
1. TEars are the Tide of Sorrow, which proceeding from the Afflicted Minde, as from a Troubled Sea, work upward, and overflow the Banks; By These we finde the Argument, as the Channel of our Desire; For we do not so much pursue Grief, as discover it. Nemo enim sibi tristis. Few are sad with out a Witnes. Plerum (que) omnis dolor per Lachrymas effluit. The exhalation of Sorrows to these melancholie Clouds in the Brain oft distill in showrie Tears. Passion within, like an Earth-quake at the Heart will not cease strugling, or a pent Vapour, till it hath made either Eruption by Sighs, or Expression by Groans. Some body must hear [Page 73] us; We, even in that Torment are in love with Anothers Compassion, as well as in Labour to be delivered of our own Pain. Therefore hath it pleased the Almighty Maker of All to place near the Eyes two Christal Streams in the Head to allay the Flames of a Martyr'd Heart; which doth often evaporate it self at the Diamond Casements of the Sight. By these we sometimes seek to obtain, what our weak Tongues have scarce ability to request, or Courage to Demand. And if that Innumorato did not doubt but continual Suite would mollifie His Mistris Heart, who presented her The Figure of his Mind, made in the Form of an Eye, dropping Tears upon a Heart with
What, with Reverence, may not we think to gain from Divine Mercie's Hands, if we accost Heaven with the Penitence of our groaning Hearts, and the Frequencie of our running Tears?
Therefore is Affliction call'd The Vale of Tears; Because it humbles us; And The Fruitfull Vale; In that Sanctified Affliction is the pleasant Ground of Comforts.
Fletus (Sayes Cassiodore) est cibus Animarum, corroboratio Sensuum, et absolutio peccatorum, refectio mentium, lavacrum culparum: Weeping is the Food of Our Souls the Strengthening of Our Senses, the means of Absolution of Our Sins, the Refreshment of Our Minds, The Laver, or Bath of Errours.
Grief for Sin is of the Nature of Fire. It labours still to shew above, It works more impetuously, and burns the more violently in the straightnesse of it's Inclosure, when it is most hidden. It is much allayed, if not quenched, by that Rain of Grace from Heaven, Those Ocular Shoures, that pour down upon The Breast. In short We must proceed in Repentance from Heart to Head, and so make use of Afflictions [Page 74] in Our Hearts as to consider the Head, as their Fountain from whence they are derived.
The little Hill] Is the Head, whose shady Top resembleth the Grove of Hair upon it without, or the obnubilation of inward mourning, which sends forth Lamentation at The Two Springs of the Eyes; running into the Fruitful Vale, to the Brest, the Conscience made fruitfull with the Riches of the Almighty Mercy. Such Tears are the wine of Angels, and the Banquet of Comforts to The Penitent, or to that happy Soul, whom Grace inspires with the Sight of Divine Loves causing it to be so afflicted.
2. Groaning Turtles] Intimate, the Distempers and Passions of the mind for Worldly Things.
Lost Mates] Earthly Vanities.
Fowlers Hands] Oppression and Iniury, the Seeming Occasions of Sad Accidents.
Sad Weights side-long layd] Are the Affections not turn'd to their proper Object, or their Dejection for not enioying the humour of their desires. This is a vain Sorrow, yet may it be introductive to a true Repentance.
3. Take rest] Signifies Recollection or Sedation of mind.
The Sweetnesse of the Plain] Is the Joy that accompanies Religious Sorrow. Affliction thus receiv'd rather calms the Mind, than disturbs it; Tears refresh the Heart, not drown it.
Dead Roots] Mortified Hearts; from whence arise by Christ in us new Life, and a restored Being.
4. While Some spend their time in lamenting their Disadvantages, The Children of Grace, the motions of The Holy Spirit bids us, puts us in mind, to gather The Flowers of God's mercies, and Blessings together, wherewith we may perfume our Bosoms, give an odour to our Consciences of the Comforts in the Gospel, so happily revealed unto us.
Some gather (Hartsease) Which rightly us'd has in it a Medicine against Agues; against Convulsions; against Fits [Page 75] of The Falling Sicknes in Infants and Children. Contentation likewise with present condition, and Submission to Gods Dispose is a Cure to Irresolution and the Shaking of weak Minds and Childish Reasons by Misfortunes, Misadventures, or Injuries, as also against the Violence of Passions and the Danger of Despair, which is the Falling Sicknes of the Heart.
Violets] Which cool Feavers, helps Headaches, &c. So Consideration mitigates too cholerick and intemperate Humours within; and makes Moderation Mistris of the Tongue.
Lillies of the Valley] Which restore Speech to the Dumbpalsi'd, and those in Apoplexies; is good against the Gout, comfort the Heart, strengthen the Memory, and help the Inflammation of the Eyes. Religious Prudence in like manner by Humility restoreth a quick, yet sober Conversation to Malencholy, and indisposed Dispositions takes off Anguish from the Impatient, and Sweetens Afflictions to the Soul; gives Mindfulnesse, Care, and Regard of Not Doing what is Evil, and renders us the Remembrances of the best Things, cools the Lusts of the Flesh, and tempers, while Grace reclaims, The Lustful Wandrings of the Eye.
Some lay their Heads on Cammomil] Cammomil is an excellent Remedy against the Collicke, Stone; but especially against Wearisomenesse; mollifies Swellings; allayes Aches, Pains; is good for Bruises, Shrinking of Sinewes. The red Cammomil is call'd the flower of Adonis. How Grace and Faith give an Aequanimitie, a free Suffering of Crosses, and a settled Quiet to the Soul, helping against the flatulent Collicks of Ambition, the Obstructive Stone of Covetousnesse, mollifieth, and disperseth the Swellings, the risings of immoderate Passions; cures the Aches and Pains of diseas'd Affections, takes off the Tiring of Patience, relieves against the Stroaks of Tribulation, and heals the Bruises of Aduersity; Nor does it prevail lesse against the [Page 76] Shrinking of Resolusion. Cammomil, and walnut Trees are the Emblemes of Vertue's better Growth by Iniuries, and Christianitie's flourishing under Persecution.
6. Stooping] Is a posture of Humility and Reverence; So Signifies Prayer; and of yeilding to a Burthen; So it denotes Submission to Gods Will; a Christian Patience, whereby Grace is obtained to have our wounded Souls healed.
Heat] Signifies Presumption, the effect of Prosperity.
Sharp Lemons] Adversity, or the Apprehension of God's Justice.
Sands] Intimates dangerous Melancholy, or Possession of Satan by Sin, which is charmed by the Power of the Word, the Harp of the Scripture.
Sweating Browes, and digging up the Grounds] Some labour against Temptations by Alteration of Former Life, and take pains by Reformation of Bad Manners, and Sinfull Courses to mortifie the Flesh.
7. Instead of Thorns] The former wounding of Sin, and the obscuring of Truth by wickednes appears A Bush of Rosemary, which is a Strengthener of the Head, and Memory; Christ appears that is the Fountain of Knowledge and Pillar of Understanding; By Him flowes the wisdome of the Father, and in him is the Stedfastnesse of the Truth.
The Woodbine is Faith, which is strengthned by the application of it self unto Christ.
The Cuppes of Flowers] Are pious workes, which manifest such Faith in Christ unto the world.
8. Briars] Sinfulnesse did overrun our wild Lapsed Natures.
The Vine] Is Our Saviour, Our Redeemer.
With ripening Grapes] With Joy and Comfort.
Escapes] As overcomming Sufferings, Persecutions &c.
For Soul's Comfort lifting up his rising Head] For Salvation [Page 77] of those that were lost after his Passion here, He is ascended up to become Mediatour and to come Judge.
9. Ragged Souls) Are Sinners, who are liable to the Sentence of Condemnation by The Law, that finding their desperate Condition (Seem to plough the Earth with their shoulder) make no account of Themselves, are humbled, and lay prostrate, with the Confession of their Faults before The Throne of Grace, that with Contrition of Heart Seem to tear up their Ungodly Courses (Sowing the Droppes) of Repentance (with the Vow) of Reformation, entring into a new Covenant with God to walke and persevere in his wayes. Such Grace causeth (A Hopeful Crop appear) by Faith in Gods promises; the Assurance of Pardon, Forgivenesse of Sins, and Hope of Everlasting Hapinesse.
10. Sad blest Place) Are Sanctified Afflictions and Crosses.
Roughest way) Difficulties, that are unpleasant to Nature.
Rocks and Hills) Are great Temptations, and Smaller Trials.
Grinding Mils) Are Persecution in this world.
While Shining Sun) While Life lasts.
11. Bottom flatt) Is Adversity.
These Streams overflow) Are Sorrowes and Tears.
Exceeding low) Comfortlesse; Neer Despair, with dejection, and no Opinion of Our Selves dwels profound Humility.
In a Cell) In Solitude, like A Hermit alone, whom All love, but Few Visit.
12. A Crown in A Clowd) Is the Reward of Hereafter, Seen onely by the Eye of Faith.
Eastern Place) A hint of the Resurrection, when Christ will come in Glory to Judge and reward.
Grace) Comes towards us, if we will turn to meet with it.
O happy then) Then the Slight Affections of This World [Page 78] shall be recompenced with Eternal, Joy and Blisse Everlasting.
THough many Temptations do, and must assault us for the better threshing out the Corn, and winnowing out the Chaffe to sift away, and Seperate the Drosle, and Cockle from the Wheate; if rightly understood, they are the Friends, though of a harsh Tongue, yet Speake the best language. For many Benefits arise from Tribulation to the better fitting, and preparing us for the Journey to Heavenward, which the godly man expecteth, and a wise man ought to undertake. And if Tribulation be well searcht into, we shall find therein more reason of Reioycing, than of Sorrow, we shall rather love our Tears for Cleansing the Foulnesse of our Sinful Eyes; and be cheared at Heart, when our Repentance works upward, that by Such watering the Mercy of God may be obtained, whereby becoming fruitful we may grow from Grace to Grace, having This Comfort, That Sorrow may continue for a Night, but Ioy cometh in the Morning.
Most sweetly speaks S. Bernard.
Lachrymae poenitentium sunt vinum Angelorum; quia in illis odor vitae, saepor Gratiae, gustus indulgentiae, sanitas redeuntis innocentiae, reconciliationis jucunditas, & serenatae Conscientiae suavitas.
The Tears of the Penitent are the Wine of Angels. For therein is the fragrant Perfume of Life; the sweet smelling [Page 79] savour of Grace, the quick and pleasant Taste of Forgivenesse, the strong, and Beautie-bringing health of returning Innocence, the only Mirth, the rejoycing of Reconciliation, and no such sweetnesse to that Delight, that Pleasure, as after a dark and stormie day to enjoy a cleared Conscience.
So S. Chrysostom.
Sicut post vehementes imbres mundus Aer, ac purus efficitur; Ita & post Lachrymarum pluvias serenitas mentis sequitur, at (que) tranquillitas.
As the Air becomes fair and clear after the fiercenesse of stormie Showres, the brightnesse and tranquillity of the minde appears after the sweet fall of Rainie Tears.
And S. Gregory upon the Twentieth Psalm.
Saepè quod torpentes latuit, fletibus innotescit, & afflictae mens certius invenit malum quod fecerat; & reatum suum, cujus secura non meminit, hunc in se commota deprehendit.
Tears draw the Curtain, and discover unto those whom Drowsinesse had lodg'd upon the Bed asleep, what oftentimes hath laid so silent in the dark; then is made manifest that evil to the afflicted Minde, which it hath committed; then in the strugling with, and rowzing of its self, the soul brings to light, even that her own Guilt, whereof, while she slept secure before, she was not mindful.
ADam had no sooner transgress'd in the Garden, but Shame ran him into a Corner. The Light was too bright for him. He hid himself. He thought, he was Out of God's Eye, but he found, he was not out of His Call. Adam where art thou? It is his pleasure still to put The Question to His [Page 81] People; And for whom He hath Love, He most strictly examines. Does He whip thee? yea, scourge thee, till the bloud comes? Thou answear'st Him by thy Patience, or Repining. Does He command thee crosse to thy will? Thou answer'st him by thy Obedience, or Perversenes. Does He open the Door of thy Knowledge, by Revealing Some things, and Shutting it up Close in Others? Thou answear'st Him by thy Humility, or Curiosity. All, that He does, is for Thy Good: But He will Not doe it Thy way. Thou art His Creature. Thou must be guided by Him. Heaven is the Place of Joy; And Thine in Designe: But Thou must not goe Laughing Thither.
There is a Great Difference betwixt Creatures, Though of the same Species; In their Outward Forms; In their Internall Dispositions; which are distinguisht by their Race, and Kinds. That we call their Nature. One Cock crowes, and Soundes to the Battel; Another reioyceth upon his Dunghil. There is no Lesse Difference by their Education; which may well be stil'd A second Nature. One Dog (of the same Litter) pursues the Hare; The Other runs to the wheel, or the Port; The One prefers his Chace; the Other his Breakfast. There are Joyes of Heaven; and Joyes of Earth. Both are Joyes; Of the same Name; But not of the same Nature. The Mirth of this world is Folly; And the Laughter of it Madnesse. With Such unwholsome Cates the World glutteth her Darlings. In matters belonging to Heaven the Course is Clean contrary.
For thy better Health, thou must be fed with course Fare; And be kept to a strict Diet. Wu'dst thou have A Blessing? Take up the Crosse! Wu'dst thou reioyce Indeed? Learn Lachrymae! Or Sing the Lamentation of A Sinner! Put on Mourning. It is lined with Scarlet. Thy Joy is Inward. It is wiser, than to make a Noise. What hast thou of thine Owne, that Thou should'st expect a Better Crop, than Thistles? [Page 82] But, though thy Heart has a Feaver, meddle not with Hellebore, Despaire Not!
My Friend! Yea, My Brother, that art so perplexed! Has Sorrow broke over thee, like A raging Tide? Or is A Shelf between Thee, and Thy Desires? Thou wud'st have, what thou canst Not; Peradventure, what wu'd hurt thee. And this Vexation is intollerable. Recollect thy Self! Thou art A Christian; Thou art Not to receive Thy Portion Here. It is Black money. But upon Exchange. Thy Silver; Thy Gold; Thy Bank is in Heaven. And, where Thy treasure is, let Thy mind be also!
Pine not to death then for the Losse of A Husband! A Wife! A Brother! A Sister! A Friend! A Mistris! A Sweetheart! Thy Fame! Thy Goods! Thy Liberty! or the Like! What wud'st thou? God hath His will; His time. Be not precipitate! Be Not impatient!
Art Thou betray'd? So was Thy Master. Art thou contemned? Thou deserv'st it. Why should Man regard Thee, when Thou respect'st not God? If at all; Not, as Thou should'st.
Thou understandst not the language of God's mercy in Thine Afflictions. He corrects Thy Sins, past; And by Them works in thee a deeper Loathing of Thy Natural Corruption. So prevents thee from Falling into many Other Sins, whereunto thy Disposition is too prone.
Does He afflict thee? Thou art His Son. He seals unto Thee thine Adoption: Thou art else A Bastard. Remember, what became of Eli's Sons! The purest Corne is Cleanest fanned. The finest Gold is oftest tried. The sweetest Grape is hardest pressed. And the truest Christian is heaviest Crossed. In blurred characters read The Beauty of God's Love. Thus hast Thou Tribulation sent to thee, as A token. It is thy Summons too. Thou art cited to Heaven.
Art thou Afflicted? Thy Heart is hereby weaned from [Page 83] Falling too much in Love with the world. Thou art hereby reclaymed from thy Dotage upon It's Vanities. It is to sharpen thy Desires as well, as to sett them right, that They may shoot Upward, as to heat, to inflame thy Longing for Eternall Life. What Comparison is there between the Ioyes of this world, and Ioyes Everlasting? The world is Thy Stepmother. Shee misuseth Thee. Shee striketh Thee. Love her Not.
Doth God afflict Thee? He musters thee, He takes notice of thine Arms, His Graces. He doth exercise thee; that thou maist the Better use them. He trieth thy Faith. Reioyce in thy Tribulation!
Doth God send thee Affliction? He gives thee His Livery. The Crosse is His Badge, and thy Cognisance. He shewes to the world His Children's Love, and Service. Sanctified Affliction is the Conduit-pipe to thy true Conversion, and Repentance. David's troubles, Hezekiah's sicknesse, The Prodigal's Misery fac't them about, and led them weatherbeaten home upon their Knees. That is the comfortable Posture; that Creeping Climbs Heaven.
In Affliction how is thy Heart softned with Pitty! How is it melted with Compassion! Thou art Partner with Another in Distresse, and Misery. Thou art moved to condole His and so lessenest thine Own.
The Bearing of Afflictions are the means, the Examples, that like Trumpets proclaim and manifest the Faith, and vertues, which God hath bestowed upon His Children; that strengthen, that enliven, that give courage to those, which have not received so great a measure of Faith.
By Afflictions He makes thee conformable to the Image of Christ. He being the Captain of our Salvation was made perfect through Sufferings. So fight! So overcome! So receive A Crown!
Doth God humble the Godly by their Afflictions, in respect [Page 84] of their state and misery? He glorifieth Himself by His deliverance of them, when they call upon Him. He afflicteth not Alwaies for Sins, Sometimes for His Own Glory.
What is it then, that so much troubles thee, that thou art weary of thy Life? Mark! How God hath blessed thee; How He hath protected thee; And that should put a Hymn into thy mouth; and fetch Bloud in thy Cheeks. Thy Fear made thee seem more wretched, than thou art. Thou didst not know the Honey, that is within the Carkasse of the Lyon. Bath in the brinish Sea! It will heal thy Soares. It will cure thine Itch. Though It smarts; It is wholsome. Through many Tribulations you shall enter into the Kingdome of Heaven.
CANTO V. The Cell of Humility.
1 A Cell is the solitary Place of an Hermit; who is a Religious forsaker of the World; that has chosen a Mountain in some Wildernesse, or the side of a Rock for [Page 87] his Habitation; resigning himself up by his continual Devotion, and Segregation from the Company of Men to Divine Dispose only; so seeking Safety and Repose rather among Beasts, then Men.
It is called [The Cell of Humility] for its unenvi'd Lowlinesse.
Low, and Happy Cell] For its Safety, Self-enjoyment, Spiritual Rejoycing.
Fair Virgin] It is the Lovelinesse, Innocencie, and Integrity of Humility.
On her Knees] Her Reverence, and frequent Devotion.
Her up-cast Eye] Holy Contemplation of Heavenly Things.
Gesture and Posture] Her Sober, Modest Conversation, Religious Comportment, and meek Behaviour.
Her Minde] Her Disposition; Or These suit the Soul best.
2. Hearbs] Are the lowest of Plants, meaning Vertues, which are the furthest from Preferment; Because the meanest in the Worlds Estimation.
Secret Vertues She does ken] Their operations and Effects. Hereby intimating that Humility is the Handmaid of Knowledge, and the Secretary to Prudence.
Much Skill in Chirurgions Art] Because she opens the Understanding, and secures the Distempers of the Minde. In a Divine sence she gives the sight of Sins, and is the proper Object of Grace. The Chirurgion is Christ, his Art is the Gospel; which is revealed, and made manifest to the Humble; And as Physick it self is an Art of well-curing, and reducing Health to the Body, especially to that of Man; so to Chirurgerie likewise belongs such Science, as may with a Physitians Skill, and an Artist's Hand best heal Hurts, and Sores, and take away the Diseases of the same; Being chiefly conversant by two Wayes to this Effect: In solutione continui, as of Ulcers, Wounds, Fractures, and Laxations; Et [Page 88] in Moderatione partis externae, as in dissolving and scattering of Tumours that gather against Nature. The first may put in minde of Original Sin, which the wonderful Humility of our Saviours Assumption of humane Nature, His Submission unto his Father in undergoing his Wrath, and Suffering for Us, did free Us from the Bonds of Death: The Latter of Actual Transgressions against the Law, of which likewise by such His Humility in his Passion and our application of our selves to Him by Faith, and our Humiliation by Repentance, turning unto Newnesse of Life, he is the sole means of our Recovery. So healeth He our old Sores, and new Pains, and Smarts, dispersing the gathering Humours of our disordered Affections, or lancing the rotten Tumors of our Hearts by Afflictions, and as it were a gracious Force of Acknowledgement of our Offences, and asswaging the swelling of our Sins, and doing them away with the Balm of his Mercie. So doth he cure our Natural Corruptions, and assist us by the Grace of his Holy Spirit to better Inclinations, Undertakings, Resolutions, and Performances.
The Door or Tables End] Humility regards not Complemental Priority, or Worldly Superiority.
The stiffest Back to bend] High Thoughts, big Words, and lofty Designes must Buckle, must bend, must stoop to Lowlinesse of Minde, to Mildenesse of Expression, to Meeknesse of Conversation before we can enter in at Humilities Door, before we can be rightly said to be humbled, yea we must be brought down to the Acknowledgement of our Errours, and to Repentance for our Sins, before we can properly come to be received by Humility, whose Door is the Introduction to the Way of Truth. And as the Back is the strongest part of the Body, and must be bowed; so must too much Opinion of our selves, our own Strength and Power must be declined, and laid by, if we seek, if we think to be humbled.
[Page 89] On Earth] The lowest, and grossest of all the Elements; The Ground, the vilest, the dirtiest of all Places.
Her course Hempen Napkin] Is her homely Diaper, and best Courtship; the plainest Dresse is her most pleasing Entertainment.
Looking Brown] As Contemptible in common Eyes, as her own.
Is spread] She cares not who sees it.
With homely Cates] That are rather wholsome, than Dainty; Thanking God rather for his Blessings, than being so nice as to refuse any thing that He sends, or so bold, as to appoint or chuse what He should bestowe.
In an Earthen Dish] Take it either for Mans Body, that Pot compos'd of Clay, at the Dispose of the Heavenly Potter, the most wise Artist, and Almighty Maker; Or for Simplicity of Minde, and Contentation of Heart; In which she receives whatsoever Divine Bounty bestowes upon Her. Close to this purpose is that of S. Basil. Tria sunt, quae radicata nutriunt Humilitatem, scilicet Assiduitas Subjectionis; Consideratio propriae fragilitatis; & Consideratio Rei melioris. If three Things take Root Humility flourishes; that is, Continual strugling to obtain a Diligence of Subjection; The serious Consideration of our own inbred and Natural Frailtie; And the Comfortable Meditation of a better Being.
4. Beyond her Cell there lies a Path] We must go by Humility to the Way of Truth. Vera Discretio, non nisi vera Humilitate acquiritur. A clear Distinction betwixt a right Discerning, and Discovery of the Natures of Things is not to be had, not to be obtained by us, without a real, and true Humility. Haec erit prima Probatio, si universa, non solum quae agenda sunt, sed etiam quae cogitantur, referantur seniorum examini. This must be the first Trial, if all Things, that, not onely are to be done, but even passe our Thoughts, be referred to the Ballance of gravest Understandings. [Page 90] Ut nihil suo judicio credens, illorum per omnia definitionibus acquiescat, & quod bonum, & malum debeat judicare, eorum traditione cognoscat. That a man grounding nothing upon self-opinion, may with their Definitions acquiesce, and sit down satisfied in all things, and that he may know by their tradition and doctrine, as well, what he ought to receive to be good, as what he ought to sentence to be bad. So Cassiodore.
Well trod] Not only in respect of the Happinesse of them, that finde the Way to Truth, but in regard of the Directnesse more, then the frequency of the use of it. For Pauci inveniunt, few finde this way, and fewer go it.
To much sought Truth] All seek it, few attain it.
Fair Chrystal Spring] Fair for the Beautie: Chrystal for the Clearnesse and Purity of Truth; Spring, for its Constancie and Continuance, as also for its Derivation from the Ocean of Divine Excellence, that Abysse of Wisdom, from whom all Purity and Verity for ever flowes.
Besides this Path some Students plod] Many take a great deal of pains to travail themselves out of the way, not rightly distinguishing Bonum apparens, from Bonum verum, following a thousand Mistakes and Misprisions, fall into as many Errours, that seduce them still on in the crooked Intricacies of Doubt; or continue them in Blinde stupidity, of Ignorance.
5. Upon the Grounds green Turfe the Larks do breed] Chearfulness is enjoy'd in a convenient humble Being; And the Mind never rejoyceth More, then when there is a Despising of our Selves Most.
Who Climbe with Songs, &c.] Climbing is Prayer, Songs Praise, Skie Heaven.
Her Land Sowen, &c.] Pointing at our Saviour's Parable concerning the Kingdom of Heaven. Or her Land may signifie the whole Man; The smallest seed, the Diminution of [Page 91] his own Worth; and the low Estimate of himself in his own Opinion.
Which beareth Plants that, &c.] The Plants are the Affections of the Soul, which if sanctified grow from Grace to Grace, even reach to Heaven.
In which joy'd Birds do sing] the Affections being so exercised, the comforts of the Holy Spirit do make Musick in the Conscience.
6. About her much white-flowr'd, &c.] Self-heal is here taken for Recognition of a mans self, his Recollection, which accompanies Humility, which asswageth the Fury, and preventeth the Ranckling of Inward Passions, allayeth the smart, and cureth the Venome of Outward Injuries.
The Akeing Brow] Is Anxiety of Minde, or too much Carefulness.
And what is sound, &c.] Humility preserveth Love, which is the health of the Minde.
A rugged, black, dry Mouth, &c.] She purifieth the foulness of speech, she changeth the ruggedness of a violent Tongue into submiss, and mild Language; the Blackness of Oaths and Obscaenity into modest and Pious Expression; the driness of the Mouth, it's Folly and vain Babblings, its Vaporings, by too much Arrogance and Presumption, into Meekness and Loveliness of Conversation, whereby former errors are reformed.
7. The lowly Daisie] Is Quiet, and Sedation of mind, submission of will unto Divine Dispose; Or Innocent Injoyment with honest Labour, that opens with the Rising, and closeth with the shutting of the Sun, that is, daily Endeavor, and continual Obedience, observing that Sun that enlivens All, as he shineth upon us with his Blessings, or seemeth to withdraw from us by sending Afflictions; to open to him by our Thansgiving, or to close with him by our Relyance, and Patience.
[Page 92] Its Ruffe] Is Incircling Security.
Gout] Idleness; Covetousness, Prosperity.
Feaver's Heat] Disorder of intemperate Passions.
Brain-purging] Of evil Humours, that arise from a foule stomack; allaying, or taking away inordinate Desires, curing the Head of Solicitation, which is the Headach of the Mind.
With's Iuice-bruised Snuffe] With the right use, and application of Tribulation. Snuffe is made of the Juyce or Powder of several Plants, as of Helebore, Tobacco and the like, which taken, drawn or snuffed up at the Nostrils (from whence it is so named) it seemeth to be troublesome by it's pricking provoking sneezing, but is very wholesome; For it agitateth the Spirits of the Brain; And is very good against paralytick infirmities. Tribulation likewise is not willingly entertained by Nature, but is very necessary, and wholesome for a Christian, who is subject by his Frailty to be palzi'd with Prosperity, and Lethargick with forgetfulness of his Duty. The Pestel, and the Flaile are by their offices very neer a kin. The Pestel beateth out the Juice and vertue of the Plant, and breaketh those which are dried, into Powder for a Physical benefit, and the Flaile thresheth out the Corne from the Chaff and the Straw for Natural Nourishment. As both these are very profitable to the Body; So is Affliction to the Soul for it's better Exercise, and Being.
It peeps] Shewing us the Bashfulness of Humilty. It is a very modest Vertue, which makes her the more lovely.
With hoary Time] Signifies Opportunity, as well as gravity, chusing to deliver and shew her self in the One, as to appear comely in the Other.
Provoking sweat] Shews, Hours well spent, Good Imployment, Proper Business if not void, do purge out vicious Humours.
Strong Herb of Grace] Is a steady Confidence, and a strong [Page 93] Relying upon Gods Providence; which drives away the Serpents of Temptations; and masters and overpowers the dangerous Poyson of Despaire.
Humble Plants, &c. Harmeless Beasts, &c.] Are the Emblemes of the low Condition, and sweet Harmlessness of Humility, that accompany her with Gladness of Conscience without Fear, which Keeps the whole Man Cheerful amidst his continued, and good Imployment; and so shineth forth in a holy Conversation, by Religious Discourse, Vertuous Comportment, and charitable Dealing.
9. At foot of Faith's High Rock, &c.] Humility is the first step to that High Rock Christ, who is the Foundation of Our Faith; and the Firmeness and Assurance of Our Salvation; neer whom fixing there is the Onely Safety.
At Devotion's Chapel, &c.] Is Custome of seeking God devoutly, Praying continually.
Great mens Falls and Fates, &c.] Humility knoweth the Vanity of Greatness, and beholding the experimental Ruins of mighty Men; she discourses her own Happiness to Those, that seek her, and discovers the sad stories of Elevated mens Misfortunes. Therefore she trusteth not in the World, nor seeketh to sit on High.
10. Neighboring Vertues, &c.] Are her Companions, that are never far from her. Discite à me, quia Mitis sum, & Humilis corde, & inveniatis requiem animabus vestris. Learn of me, saith the Doctor of Our Souls, Our Blessed Saviour, for I am Humble, and Meek, and you shall find Rest unto your souls. Whereupon sayes a Learned Expositor of that Text, Ecce Mel Humilitatis cum dulcedine Mansuetudinis! Sicut enim Mel concordat in confectionibus Medicinae cum omnibus diversitatibus specierum: Sic ex Humilitatis dulcedine condiuntur omnia Genera Virtutum. Behold the Honey of Humility with the sweetness of Gentleness! For as Honey is very agreeable to and useful for the compounding of All [Page 94] Medicines according to their several sorts and qualities. In like manner all kinds of Vertues are composed out of the sweetness of Humility.
Step by step, &c.] Humility proceedeth from One Degree of Vertue to another, from Grace to Grace.
She gently knocks, &c.] Shewes her mild Desires, gentle Invitation, and modest Inquisition.
Friendship fast doth close] Intimates Constancy, in her Love and Perseverance in her Affection, which causeth her to be very much frequented by them againe.
She riseth Early, and layes down her Head, as Late] She is ever Watchful, and never Weary.
11. Hence must thou go, &c.] Pointing out to the Pilgrim in This World not onely the Necessity of Patience, the Preparation to put on the Resolution of enduring Injuries; but gives an Admonition withal to take A Pass along with him, The Cross of Christ; The Example of Him, who is The way, sign'd by Faith. Otherwise there is no passing his way, no travailing his Christian course with Resolution; He will faint by the way, come short in his Journey, and as a Prisoner be disabled from further Progress.
12. First Kisse Humility &c.] Is a Taking Leave to proceed on to a Further Journey with Premonition to prepare, and Incitation to Cheerfulnesse, and the Assuming of Courage.
Th'art under Winds &e.] Intimates Safety by Divine Protection, and Quiet in Conscience, let, whatsoever can, befall: Yet the Guide directs to make use of Observation and warinesse, which is an advance to wisdom.
HUmility is a Voluntary Inclination of the mind and a Declination of the haughtinesse of the Spirit, upon the Inspection of our Selves, and the Beholding of the proper Condition of our present State, and Being; without which we strive but in vain to raise the Structure of other Vertues in Our minds, if we do not First wisely lay the Foundation of them, and for them with the same. Upon which the Superstructures, firmly placed, may ablie sustain the Top of Perfection, and Height of Charity. Seneca's Chorus in his Agamemnon does act to the Life, and most fitly expresse the subiect matter of this morall, speaking English by the weake Pen of the Authour.
The Translation.
WHoso wu'd raise A strong, or stately Fabrick, having first chosen fit and Firme Ground, with proper and good Materials, let him lay a deep, a broad, a square, and tis a sure foundation. The loftiest Trees have the most spreading, have the lowest Roots. Riches inhabite in the humble Vallies, when Barrenness overspreads the highest Mountains. On their ambitious Tops stormes run their furious Courses, While Quiet sits below and spends her Sands in Safety. Envy still neighbours Greatness; and busies her self in contriving for▪ Ambition Dangers; and with displeasure looking Upward mindes not Inferiour Being. She casts her Eye asquint, not downward. And Pride does swell to bursting. Sin is it's own Punisher. The inconsiderate Boateswain, that doth rigge the Vessel with too bigge Sail, does prompt the Winds to burry her beneath the Waters; And want of Ballase makes the Ship a Prey to every wave. No man can arrive at True Honour, but by its proper steps, whose first, the Lowest, is Humility; For want whereof many making too Imprudent Leapes, or too hasty Progress, have either tumbled, or faln backward.
So vaine is humane Folly, to build in the Aire Imaginary Castles, and to neglect the Lower, and securer way to the Real, and more Substantial Foundation. What Griefs have they occasioned to Themselves! What Sorrows have they fashioned for their own wearing! What Miseries have they compil'd for their Own Habitations! Winds do stretch the Belly, and Dropsie makes the Body swell; when emptier Girdles, when leaner, and looser skins neither want Health, nor need the Physitian.
Men that do not know the Value of so Rich a Jewel, are [Page 102] very Ignorant of their unhappy, and so bad condition by their being strangers to so excellent a Vertue. Humility prevents or tempers the greatest Mischiefs. Abigals humble Sal ve sav'd the Churle, her Husband. Her meek Address to David was not only a putting by the Intended, and resolved Destruction of what belong'd to Nabal, but was the Occasion of her Promotion to a High Degree of Honour, even to David's Royal, and his Lawful Bed.
The saying of Agathocles deserves the memory; who though the son of a Potter, being raised as high as the Sicilian Crown, and sitting among his Friends at Table, where, by his own Order, Earthen vessels were usually placed among his Cups of Gold, of Himself gave them an humble Acknowledgement, not without Incouragement to the like Vertue by this Expression: Behold, what it is to persevere in travel, and in taking pains to become Vertuous, and couragious! Heretofore we made these Pots of Earth; These now do we make of Gold.
Sit thee down then Thou, that art so much perplexed! Calme thy disturbed Heart, thou living Earthquake! Consider what it is, that hath put thy mind in a Feaver! And thee into the greatest of All Dangers; To that of Casting away thy wretched Self! Or to the thought of so abominable a Mischief! Thou didst not rightly apprehend, what thou wert. Thou wert besides thy self. So was Lucifer (though in another Nature) as in the Opinion of some, admiring in his own Glass the Excellency of his perfection, and falling wickedly inamour'd of Himself, as a Deitie, was puft up with that Pride, that lost him Heaven, and cost him Hell for it.
It is the Idolatry of thine own Heart, that raises thy storme. Thou worship'st thine own Imaginations; Those are thine Images; of thine own carving. Thine own Desires are thy Dagons. Thy pride must have it's Will; though it cost thee Dear; though it cost thee a Fall for't. Thy Heart is too big [Page 103] to buckle; to high too Submit to the Almighty. Thou wu't have a Husband. Thou wu't keep Friends. Thou wu't not part with Children. Thou must enjoy thy Paramour. Thou wu't lose Nothing; Nor Limbe, nor Liberty. And all this thou wou't do, whether God will or no. Art thou humble? Art thou under God? No, Far otherwise. Thou seem'st to be Above Him. Humility submits to Gods Blessed Will; to the fit-seeing, and wonderful Wisdome of His Dispose; And is not without a Blessing; Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdome of Heaven; They have made entry; They have taken possestion of Heaven already.
Art thou poor (Humility makes thee to be accepted. Art thou Rich? It sets thee off with the greater Lustre. Art thou among thine enemies? It dulles the Edge of their Malice. When if thou beest too arrogant, thou raisest a Cloud in the Brow of thy neerest Friends. Humility takes delight in good offices. For a good word, for a good Deed she seeketh opportunity. O how gracious is Humility in friendship! How backward in reproaches to Enmity! She is not clothed with Prosperity, nor dejected in Adversity. She expects not Another's service, nor desires that aflatterer should send his tongue to travel about her business. She alwaies makes the worst of her own performances. Yet when she seemeth most to depress her own worth, it riseth out of the meek Acknowledgement of her own Unworthiness; Read then her Lesson! Though the Book be small, and the Letter little; There is much wisdom contained in it. Practice it!
Digg the Foundation of humility deep in thy Heart, and thou shalt find the staires of Charity! Yet if thy Ambition must Climbe to the height, where God is, to Heaven, take Example by Christ, thy Saviour. He descended, he came down first, he humbled himself to the Womb, to the World, to the the Cross, to the Grave, before He rose, before he ascended, and went up unto His Father, to sit at His Right Hand. He [Page 104] was humble, He was Meek. Thou must walke in His Path, thou must tread in his steps, if thou intendest to go His Journey.
Hast thou many Crosses? Art thou environed with troubles? Is thy Cup full of Bitterness? Can'st thou look no where, but the Devourer is at hand? Be not discouraged! God is then neerest thee. All this is for thy Humiliation. And humiliation is thy Directer to humility. Mark that hand of God, that is upon thee! It has a Finger, that points out to thee the way to himself. Be humble! If thou desirest to be Great in Gods Eyes, be little in thine own. As therefore thou lov'st thine own Advancement, be Humble.
CANTO VI. The House of Prayer.
1. THe House of Prayer] is the Place for Holy Worship, humble Reverence, and Invocation of Almighty God. When the Israelites came out of Egypt, it was not a House, but a Tabernacle which Moses was commanded to build for the Place of such publick Adoration. But in Succession of Times, when they were setled in the promised Land, Solomon was commanded to build a Temple. And these two shadowed the Difference between the Jewes Synagogue, and the Christian Church. The Tabernacle was moveable, and but for a Time; The Temple fixed and permanent. The State of the Jewes vanishing, to continue in their Generations: The State of the Christians durable, to last unto the End of the World. But more principally it shadoweth forth the State of the Church Militant here upon Earth, and Triumphant in Heaven. Unto both the Prophet David alludeth: Lord! Who shall sojourn in thy Holy Tabernacle? Who shall rest in Thine Holy Mountain: Psal. 15. 1.
The Temple at Jerusalem was thrice built. First by Solomon after a glorious manner: when the Riches of the Vessels were of Gold. The Second Structure was by Zorobabel, But came far short of That, even causing Tears from those, that considered the Statelinesse of the First. And very Inferiour it was to that, In respect of the Building: It was lower, [Page 107] and meaner, Of the Vessels; Those were of Gold, These of Brasse. Five things were lost, and wanting in The Second Temple; All which were in the First. 1. The Ark of God. 2. Urim, and Thummim; God gave no Answer by These, as in Former Times. 3. Fire; which in The Second Temple never descended from Heaven to consume their burnt Sacrifices, as it did in the First, 4. The Glory of God appearing between the Cherubims, which they termed Schechina, The Habitation, or Dwelling of God 5. The Holy Ghost, to inable Them for The Gift of Prophefie. Henod built the Third, the Last, And that same was of a Statelier Kind of Building, than that of Solomon. And of greater Glory. For Christ Preached therein. Though the Jewes had many Oratories, or Places for Prayer, caled Proseuchae; which, how they differed from their Schools or Synagogues is not here materiall, yet Our Blessed Saviour fixeth only, on and appropriates to the Temple above any other Place, the Use of Prayer. So did he manifest, when he threw out The Merchants, and Money changers from the same with this Expression: My House is called The House of Prayer: But ye have made it a Den of Theeves. A very Sad, and uncomelie Change.
But, though the Guide pointeth at all these before mentioned; yet here he aymeth more especially at a Description of the Worship it Self, the Operation, and Efficacy of Prayer.
As a House is a place for constant Residence and usuall Habitation; Prayer likewise is the Christians Best Receptacle; In which he may converse with God continually. Not that he should do nothing else: But that he should do nothing of moment without it. Not that much babling is of account with the Wisdom of God, but that we should often renew our Selves by frequent Seeking His Favour in such Manner, Form, and Language, as He hath directed, and in [Page 108] such Brevity, as is Suitable to the Weakenesse of Our frail Natures. Non quam multum, Sed quam bene. It is not the How Much, but the How Well, that is pleasing unto Him.
Firme Resolution's Camp to gain &c.] If we think to obtain a Christian Resolution, we must put away Hypocrisie out of our Hearts, and Falshood out of our Understandings. We must entertain Truth, and keep Close to Devotion; And then the Lord graciously will be pleased both to inable us with A will to resolve, and with a Power to do.
Prayers blest Chappel visit] Accustom thy self to thy hours of Devotion, as well as be mindeful to pray at all Times convenient. Pray in Season, and out of Season. Deus in adjutorium meum intende! Domine ad adjuvandum, &c. as it is Psal. 70. O God haste Thee to deliver me! Make haste to Help me, O Lord! Whereupon Cassiodore expoundeth the usefull and very comfortable meaning. Hujus versiculi oratio in adversis, ut eruamur, in prosperis ut servemur, ne extollamur, incessabili iugitate fundenda est. The Prayer that is narrowly contained in this short Verse is continually to be powred forth, without ceasing or wearinesse, as well in adversity, least we be Swallowed up with Sorrowes, or overthrown with difficulty, as in prosperity, that we may be preserved from being puffed up therewith, and too much exalted. Huius ergo versiculi meditatio in tuo pectore indirupta volvatur. Hunc in opere quolibet ministerio, sive in intinere constitutus decantare non desinas. Hunc et dormiens, et reficiens, et in ultimis naturae necessitatibus meditare. Let therefore the meditation of this Versicle lay undisturbed in thy Brest, and be ready at every Call of thy Heart. Cease not the cheerfull Musick hereof in thy Lips, when thou goest about any businesse, undertakest any thing, Use it to refresh thee when thou doest travell, or takest a Journey. Even when thou Sleepest, when thou eatest, at bed, at board, wheresoever thou art, whatsoever thou doest, in the lowest necessity of [Page 109] nature, in the greatest extremities and difficulties of this Life meditate Hereon continually!
So Thy Passe obtain] Is our proceeding in holy exercises by Gods Grace and Assistance, without which we have no strength to resolve any thing that is good.
2. But at Faiths Mount it must be sign'd] Gods Grace worketh effectually in us, when by Faith in Christ we are sealed to the Day of Redemption.
It is called Faiths Mount, Because it is placed on High, upon the Rock Christ, who is the sure and blessed Foundation of our Salvation. Fides Electorum aut nunquam deficit, aut statim reparatur. The Passe to Resolution for Performance of Christian Duties is ascertain'd to Gods Children by Faith in Christ; For that Faith it self either never fails them, or is ever repaired in them. What Beauty, what Vertue does not alwayes appear in the Blossom of the Tree, doth lye hidden in the Root. Quid est Fides? nisi credere quod non vides? What is Faith, but the Belief of that, which thou doest not see?
Where Hope, where Charity, &c.] These do alwayes accompany a true and sincere Faith. There can be no steadinesse of Faith, without an Assurance by Hope; and neither can subsist without Charity, which is the Perfection of All. Faith is the Sap in the Root. Hope is the Life of the Tree in the Blossom. And Charitie the Strength of its Vertue in the Fruit. Fides credit, Spes & Charitas orant; Sed sine Fide esse non possunt; Et per haec Fides orat: It is S. Augustines, Faith Believes; Hope and Charitie Pray. Without Faith, Hope and Charity cannot be. And by Hope and Charity, Faith does also pray.
That is so kind, &c.] Charitie is an Excellent Mother, and a most tender Nurse. How does she foster the Poor, and cherish the Infirm! How does she feed the Hungry, and Cloath the Naked! How does she Refresh the weary, and [Page 110] Cure the Wounded! How does she Exercise those that advance unto her! How does she sweetly vanquish unquiet Spirits! What several Gifts she bestows of divers Kindes! She maketh much of every one, as if he were her own Child, her next Heir. Dost thou dispute with her? She is all Mildeness. Dost thou contend with her? She is a close Embrace. Dost thou flatter her? Her Innocence doth not understand thee. If she be in passion, 'tis in Love. Shee stroaks the Sore, but pains it not; Patience is her Anger; and she shews he greatest indignation in Humility. Charitas hominum mater est & Angelorum, Charity is the Mother of Men and Angels, if we may believe S. Bernard. And he gives this Reason. Non solum quae in terris, sed etiam, quae in coelo sunt pacificavit. Ipsa est, que Deum homini placavit, & hominem Deo reconciliavit. She is not onely a Peacemaker among those on Earth, but the means of Atonement with those in Heaven. Yea, she that hath appeased Gods wrath to Man, hath not left unfinish't so happy a work, till she hath reconciled Man unto God.
Her Lovely Sisters] For the Beauty and graciousnesse of their Vertues. If then the Beauty of Body amongst Men be so much sought unto, and so much admired; how much more is the Beauty of the Soul to be looked after, praised, loved, and highly to be desired?
3. By Fastings many hollow Pits] signifying emptying of the Body of superfluous Humor, and the taming of the Flesh. The Pits are the Vessels of the Body, as the Stomack and the Rest, which are the Sinks of Riot, and the Receptacles of Exorbitancies; wherein the Mind lyeth bemired, and is in a maner oftentimes drownd. These are emptied by fasting; and the Soul returnes to her self again by Abstinence.
Thou goest] Fasting is an excellent Preparation to Prayer. Thou must go by Fasting if thou intendst to come alone, or [Page 111] in that proper Dress thou shouldst. Thou shalt else have too many Sins that lay in the Beds of thy Flesh to bear thee company: and thou wilt be so puff't up, as Prayer will scarce know thee. Thou wilt be infected with the drowziness of thy Sins, that thou wilt talk in thy sleep, rather then Pray, at least not as thou oughtest. The great, best, general, and onely Fasting, is the abstinence from all iniquities, and unlawfull pleasures of this world. This indeed is Fasting in her Beauty. Si gula peccavit sola jejunet (saith S. Bernard) & sufficit. If thy throat hath onely offended, put the Fast upon thy throat in a moderate manner, it is a remedy. Si verò peccaverunt & membra caetera, cur non jejunent & ipsa? But if the rest of thy Members be participes criminis, joyntoffenders, Why should they go Scot-free. Iejunet igitur oculos à curiosis aspectibus, & omni petulantia, ut benè humiliatus coërceatur in poenitentiâ, qui malè liber, vagabatur in culpâ. Let thine eye therefore Fast from curious Inquisition, from Lascivious looks, from loose Wantonness, that when it is so restrained, so humbled as it should be, and it may be employed in Repentance as becometh it. Take the Forfeiture of Liberty, that made use of it to no better purpose, than to play the Runnagate, Iejunet Auris, nequiter pruriens, à Fabulis, & Rumoribus, & quaecunque otiosa sunt, & ad salutem minimè pertinentia. Let thine Ear keep a Fast. It is troubled with an Itching. Let it therefore abstain from listning after Tales; New and Vain Reports, and whatsoever arises from Unreasonable desire, and idle appetite, and all those things as neither bring quiet, nor yield comfort to the minde. Iejunet lingua in detractione & murmuratione ab inutilibus, & variis, atque scurrilibus verbis; Interdum quoque, ob gravitatem silentii, ab ipsis quae videri poterant necessaria. Let the Tongue Fast also from Detraction, and murmuring; from Unprofitable Discourse, from many Words, from a Scurril and Scoffing kind of speaking. [Page 112] Let it abstain sometimes for the comeliness, and gravity of silence, even from the mention of those things, that may plead a priviledge, and seem to argue that to speak is necessary. Iejunent manus ab otiosis signis, & ab operibus omnibus, quaec unque non sunt imperata, sed & multò magis anima ipsa jejunet a vitiis, & propriâ voluntate suà. Let thy Hands keep a Fast from inadvised Actions, that like Seals leave the Prints of their Folly behind them; from all such Works, for which thou hast not Commission, and from all such Deeds, as are against Command. But above all have a care that thy soul break not the Fast from Sin, and those Vices which are nearest a kin to thine own will, and are most agreeable to thine own inclination.
With Studie Lean she smiling sits] Her Meditation consumes her grosser Humours. There is a Rejoycing as well as a Reviving in the Spirits, when the Flesh is brought low. The smelling of Religious Fasting, is not without pleasure and Loveliness. For shee has a very honest look, a sweet Pale, though not a Painted Cheek, a gentle Eye, and a sober Pace; a serious Face, and a thoughtful Countenance, not to be tempted to Luxurient, Uncomely Laughter, lest it injure the Modesty of her speech, or Adulterate the Purity of her Heart. Fasting sitteth in respect of her Contentedness, and that she seeketh not after others, as accounting it the least part of her businesse, nor standeth up to show her self.
Eats not, but feeds] Doth not nourish her self, but feedeth others that are in Want. Bene jejunat, qui alimenta corporis, quae sunt communia dona conditoris, cum indigentibus percipit, & qui ea, quae sibi ad tempus subtrabit, nequequam ventri offerenda custodit, sed pauperibus tribuit. He Fasteth to the purpose, that letteth the Poor partake with him of those things that are necessary for the Body, and which were the Common Gifts disposed by the Creator; [Page 113] and he Fasts indeed that not onely with-holds for a Time some things from his own appetite, and not keeping those things that he hath restrained from himself, bestoweth them upon the Bellie of the Hungry, and the Bowels of the Needy.
From emptying Lap restores lost Wits] Alluding to the Story in Areosto's Orlando Furioso, of Hyppogrypho's carrying Astolpho up to Heaven, where being arrived, and welcomed by S. Iohn, he shews Astolpho for his Entertainment many Rarities, and Curiosities, and amongst the rest, a Jar of Wit, which was a Cure for Madmen. Astolpho begs it for Orlando; It was not onely granted to him, but the Use or way of Application of it was likewise taught him after this manner, That when Orlando was found asleep, the Jar should be placed right under his Nose, and upon the sudden the Cork, or Stopper being pulled out, his Wits would flie up at his Nostrils into his Brain.
Orland. Furioso 39. Book.
Let the Mirth of the Story pass according to the Invention of so eminent a Poet, and yet not without sober acceptation, the Moral speaks Graver matter. Here the meaning, that was pointed at, was to signifie, that Fasting is a restorer [Page 114] of our mindes to their former brightness, when the thick Vapours of too much Repletion, are by Lady Jejunia wasted away, and the fulness of Vices by studious care are corrected. Her emptying Lap is not so much lankness, and Falling away of her Body, as her Bounty in Charitable Actions.
4. What Vertue Truth's clear Water has,] Here is an admiration of the Excellency and Efficacy of Truth, with a Supposition, that the Pilgrim has tasted of her Spring; which enclines to this Sence. Water is a clearer of the Eyes, and a cleanser of the Skin. Divine Illumination of the Revealed Truth in Holy Gospel, openeth the Understanding, washeth away the penitents former Foulness, and Beautifieth the Life and Conversation of a Reconciled Christian. There are three Degrees or States of Truth. To the first we ascend by the Labour of our Humility. To the Second by the Affection of our Compassion. To the Third, by the Excess of our Contemplation. In the First Truth is found Severe. In the Second she appears Pious: And in the Third Pure. To the First Reason leads us, whereby we examin our selves. To the Second our Affection guides us, and thereby we commiserate others. To the Third Purity carries us, by which we are lifted up to invisible things. Inquirimus veritatem in nobis, in proximis, in sui naturâ (as S. Bernard.) In nobis, nosmet ipsos dijudicando; In proximis, eorum malis compatiendo; in sui naturâ, Mundo corde contemplando. If we seek for Truth, we shall finde her in our selves, in our Neighbours, in her own Nature. In our selves, by judgeing our selves rightly: In our Neighbours, by Commiserating them tenderly; In her own Nature by our contemplating of her with a cleansed Heart purely. And in all these Senses is the Virtue of Truth represented here.
Scales from thine Eyes did pass] alludes to Sauls receiving [Page 115] his sight by the Imposition of Ananias his hands at his Conversion: when he also was filled with the Holy Ghost. All Error vanishes, as the night gives place to the dawning day, when Truth appears.
Skin doth seem as smooth as any Glass] Alludes to the Cure of Naamans Leprosie by the Prophet Eliseus, when that General of the Aramites washed seven times in the Water of Jordan, so as his Flesh came fresh, and new again to him, and so became perfectly cleansed. Truth thus Cures ignorance, Error, and Obstinacy, which is a Leprosie of the Mind.
5. Before the Doors behold the Treble Stair] Before the opening of our Lips to Prayer, there must be Humiliation Preparation, and Intention. In Humiliation there are 3 Stones joyned. Consideration of our own Wickedness, and Unworthiness to present our Prayers before God: An acknowledgeledgement of the Justice of God to punish Sin: And an Apprehension of the Majesty of the Almighty Creator of the Heaven and Earth, and all things therein contained. In the Preparation are cemented together a serious Sorrow, and Penitencie for our sins: A Hatred of our iniquities: And a Promise of Amendment of Life. In intention, a Sedation, or quieting of our Mindes by casting off all other thoughts or business; an earnest Bending of them to the Matter we go about: an inward Groaning of desire for the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Zophar, that unkind Friend, spake excellently, though unjustly to Iob: If thou prepare thine heart, and stretch out thine hands towards him; If iniquity be in thine hand; put it away, and let no wickedness dwell in thy Tabernacles: then truely shalt thou lift up thy face without spot, and shalt be stable, and shalt not fear.
Thou mayst smell smoaking Incense, &c.] Thou mayst feel comfort by Hope of Gods acceptation of thy Prayers: [Page 116] or thou mayst see the Example of the Piety of the Saints or Holy men.
6. Before the Portico] Is the begining or introduction of Prayer. Such was Solomons Porch before the entrance into the Sanctuary.
Of Polisht Stone] The Matter of our prayer which we pray, must not be rough stuff of inconsideration, as rude Stone newly taken out of a Quarrie; but such as hath been well digested, and best ordered by that Holy Art of Carving, and Pollishing by the Master of the work, by Christ himself, Order of the Church, or Orthodox Divines: Or we must so with great care frame our Prayer for our particular necessities according unto our Saviours direction in his Sermon on the Mount, with submission to his blessed Will and Dispose, who knows what is best for us; who knows better what to give, then we to ask; who knows what we stand in need of better then we our selves.
In silence walks a Matron, grave, alone; &c.] Intimating the Comliness and Fitness, as well as the Necessity and Custom of Reading of, and Meditating upon some part of Holy Scripture to Sanctifie our hearts before Prayer. There are three kindes of Meditation. One upon the Creatures; another upon the Scriptures; and a Third upon our Manners. The First ariseth from Admiration; the Second from Reading; and the Third from Circumspection. Admiration begets a Question; that Question a diligent search; and that search a finding out. Reading doth minister matter to the finding out of Truth; Meditation fits us to pray; Prayer helps us to work; Working composes us to contemplate; and Contemplation rejoyceth in her high Speculation. Circumspection of Manners regardeth within, and without; Without she casts her eye upon our Fame; Within she pries into the Conscience, examining what is expedient, and what [Page 117] is decent: What is decent, as to Example; what is expedient, as to our Merit; Concerning our selves a Vice; Concerning our Neighbours as to Example. Cogitation is of an incertain station, moving this way or that way, as the Tide or Winde, the representation of the Idaea's of Things, comes, or goes, or blows. But it is the Office of Meditation in her sober and steady steps, alwaies to promote to our view Things that are past and behind us. Contemplation is a free perceivance of Things with quicknesse of sight in the glasse of Wisedome with a wary consult. Meditation searcheth out things that lay hidden. Contemplation admires those things that are perspicuous, therefore is she called here ground-eyeing meditation. The book in her hand is the Bible, the holy Scriptures, which is her Rule to mesure by.
7. With Reverence enter] Reverentia est Virtus aliquâ praelatione sublimitatis debitae honorificationis cultum exhibens, sayes Tully: Reverence is a kind of Vertue, that presenteth the proper Tender of due Worship to some Person in whom its Estimation conceiveth a sublimitie, a Being far above it self. And to whom is such so justly due as God; whose Essence is above the Reach of any Capacity or Understanding; whose Holinesse so Pure, as not conceiveable by All imagination; Whose Power is Infinite beyond all Comprehension; And whose Glory is Ineffable, and Everlasting, dwelling beyond all possibility of Thought in Eternity. We must approach him then with Awe, and Reverence in our Prayer, as he is in himself not only Absolute in Essence, but as Relative to us in that he is our Creator, and we his Creatures, yea the Workmanship of his hands.
Prostrat lay] with the greatest Humiliation of Body, and Soule, of All, that we can to expresse our sense of the Debt, we owe to so great a Maker; and with shame to acknowledg [Page 118] our vile Transgressions, and foolish as much, as abominable Rebellions against the Wonderfull Love of so Gracious a Redeemer. O come let us Worship and Fall down, and kneel before the Lord our Maker.
Then rise!] Then raise thy Head! thy Hands! Dart up thine Eyes! Sursum corda! And lift up thine Heart on high!
And to next Altar take thy way!] Make ready then thy Soul as a Sacrifice upon the Altar of thy Ready Prayer.
Knock thy Breast!] Shew contrition for thy sin, and indignation against thy self.
Kneel!] Shew Humility and Lowness of Spirit with the buckling of thy body.
Offer with thy Heart, what taught to say!] Offer thy self in that prayer to the Father, thatthe Lord of Life, his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased, hath taught thee to say, and doubt not to be accepted.
8. Devotion, when th'ast breath'd a groan, will lead, &c.] When thou hast thus Ejaculated thy Spirit, thy Devotion will conduct thy desires to Heaven.
Six Altars, though but one] Are six Petitions, though but One Prayer.
All which do hang upon a mighty Corner Stone] Depend upon Christ. Because he was it's Author; and was, and is the All-wise Directer and commander of the same.
9. Each Altar has his Censer burn] Each Petition has it's proper Virtue.
That Fires in proper Turn] Comes in its due Order, inflaming the breast with the Holy Spirit.
From whose Flames flies a Bird] this Prayer thus said hath such an effectual Force, and power of obtaining according to our Saviours Word and Promise, that it raiseth us up from Death to life in Christ, as Phenix from Urn, by his death and Resurrection.
10 A Burning Lamp with shining Light] It is Christs example [Page 119] in Life and Doctrine; who not onely taught us to pray, but left us the Forms wherewith himself prayed. His Prayers were perfect patterns; They were short, and Full; very decent, because in Order. His Prayers were pure and meek, chast and comely, clear and lovely, grave and weighty. Oratio si pura, si casta fuerit, coelos penetrare vacua non redibit. If prayer be clean and undefiled, without spot and uncorrupted, it returns not back from through-pierced Heaven without a Blessing. Hearken to what our Saviour sayes in the sixth of S. Matthew: And when thou prayest, be not as the Hypocrites, for they love to stand, and pray in the Synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, because they would be seen of men. Verily I say unto you they have their reward. But when thou prayest, enter into thy Chamber; and when thou hast shut thy Dore, pray unto the Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Also when you pray use no vain Repetitions, as the Heathen: For they think to be heard for their much babling. Be ye not like unto them therefore; for your Father knoweth whereof ye have need before ye ask him. Pray after this manner, Our Father: Oratio paucis verbis res multiplices comprehendit, ut sit citò simplicitas fidei, sufficientia suae saluti addisceret, & prudentia ingeniosorum profunditate Mysteriorum stupesceret. This prayer contains many things in few Words, that in short there may be preserved simplicity of Faith, that we may perfectly learn what is sufficient for our own health, and the knowledge of the nicest Wits may be astonished at the Depth of the Mysteries contained therein. But mark the Eleventh of Saint Luke, And so it was, That as He was praying in a certain place, when when he ceased, one of his Disciples said unto Him, Master teach us to pray, as Iohn also taught his Disciples, [Page 120] And he said unto them, when ye pray, Say (so there was a command) Our Father. Dicendo Pater Noster, & veniam peccatorum, & poenarum interitum, & justificationem, & sanctificationem, & liberationem, & filiorum adoptionem, & haereditatem Dei, & fraternitatem cum Unigenito copulatam, & Sancti Spiritus dona largissima, & uno sermone significavit, By saying Our Father, he signified unto us even in one Word, not onely the Pardon of our sins, the Death of Punishment, our justification, our sanctification, and our deliverance, but his Adoption of us Sons, and Co-heirs of God, and our being made Brethren, and joyned with his onely Sone, and so sharers of the most Bountifull Gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Whose constant eye winks not for day or night] His example, his Precepts ought to be alwayes before us, as they are alwaies in being.
I'th midst o'th Church Example is, &c.] As Christ is in the midst of his Church, so let him be in the midst of our Hearts. That is his place: So ought our Bodies to be the Temples of the Holy Ghost: which is that Fire that has an everlasting brightnesse, which irradiateth Spirituall Graces upon our Souls, and warmeth them with continual comforts.
18. Then on shee does conduct thy Pace, &c.] Here the Emission of our prayers by our Devotion, Supplication in the Spirit, and the manner of Supplication is further described. Here Devotion of the heart as an Ambassador, carries our Petitions up towards the Throne of God. Orationis purae magna est virtus, & velut fidelis Nuntius, mandatum peragit & penetrat, quò caro non pervenit, saith Saint Austin. Great is the Force and efficacy of sincere Prayer: Like a trusty Messenger it presents, our desires, and breaks through the Heavens, [Page 121] where Flesh and blood cannot come. Therefore pray alwaies with all manner of Prayer, Supplication in the Spirit, and watch thereunto with all perseverance, and Supplication for all Saints. Ephes. 6. 18. Continue in Prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Collos. 4. 2. Pray continually. 1 Thessal. 5. 17. And then in respect of our prayers there is a progression that God would make us holy more and more until the comming of Christ, at which time and not before we shall be perfectly holy. As S. Paul desireth, 1 Thessal. 5. 23. I pray God that your whole spirit, and Soul, and Body may be kept blamelesss unto the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Devotion is said to conduct thy pace, because prayer must be considered, and not hasty.
11. Unto the Chancel of that holy place] Still the Ascent of our prayer is resembled; as the going up from the Body of the Church to a Chancel; or as in Cathedral Churches from the Nave to the Quire.
Pious Christians by direction of the Apostolical power] The Bishops and Pastors in the Church, after the Gospel had in the Primitive times passed through the storms of persecutions, and begun to shine forth in more peaceable Ages, did build Churches which they Dedicated to God, as most fit places for publick Worship, which in memory of their former troubles, and their great and wonderful Deliverances out of them, they fashioned in the form of a Ship, which is subject to be tossed to and fro with impetuous Waves, and uncertainly forced up and down in the Sea of this World by the Tempestuous Windes of Persecution. Being very well acquainted with that Text in Saint Luke, speaking of Christ standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, Chap. 5. v. 2. He saw two ships stand by the Lakes side, and the Fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their Nets. And he entred into one of the ships, [Page 122] which was Simons, and required him, that he would thrust off a little from the Land; And He sate down, and taught the People out of the Ship. The Ship is the Church, Christ the Priest and Bishop of our Souls; the Prease of people upon the shore are Christians, the Followers of his Doctrine. Nor were such Churches unlike a Ship in many kinds, if supposed to be transverst or turn'd with the Bottome or Foundation upward. The Roofe is the keele, the Walls, the sides, the Foundation the upper Deck, or Shroud, the East End, the Prow, or Forcastle, The Pinacle in the midst, the Mast, and the West End the Poop, or Steerage.
These Churches in their scituation stand transposed to the Temple of the Jews at Jerusalem; These face the East, as That the West. The Christians worship toward the rising of the Sun, so acknowledging the Resurrection of that Messias, who is come, and ascended to the Father; The Jew looked Westward, and in the shadow worshipped him that was to come. But here the Guides aime is by a Reflection upon both; and by the Comparison of each with other to make a Discovery of the way, gradation and operation of Prayer.
In the outward part of the Temple of the Jews, were the Atria divided by a low Wall of three Cubits high, which surrounded the Temple. The one was Atrium Populi; The other Atrium Sacerdotis. Such places are those Churchyards, and Common places heretofore; dedicated to holy Use and consecrated for publike praise, prayer, and Preaching about Christian Cathedrals. The people belonging to Prayer are Christian circumcised Hearts, which have communion in Atrio Populi in the Congregation of the Saints. Devotion is the Levite which prepareth the Sacrifice, the Priest is the Minister of the Ordinances, be it prayer for the People, or Preaching of the Sacred Word, who joyning with them in Thanksgiving sacrificeth the Calves of their Lips, with a Quid retribuam Domine? Thus is obedience the best oblation in [Page 123] Atrio Sacerdotis the places of the Ordinances. The Sanctum the Sanctuary as the Body or Nave of the Cathedrals, is a Holy Life, and Conversation, thus the Soul becomes A Temple of the Holy Ghost. This as the Cathedral hath two Isles, or Alae wings to the Body, in position North, and South. As they belong to Prayer Saint Augustine describes them, Hae sunt duae alae Orationis, quibus volatur ad Deum; Si ignoscis delinquenti, that's the North Isle or left Wing, Coldness to Wrath, that is to pardon and forgive our offending brother; Et donas egenti, that's the South Isle, or Right wing; to sustain the Needy, to give to the Poor, who are Members, of our Elder Brother Christ.
Through this Sanctuary of a Holy Life, prayer is carried by Ejaculation of the Spirit into that Quire of the Church, the Holy of Holies, into Heaven, where Jesus the ever-blessed High Priest, our Mediator and Intercessor is, sitteth at the right Hand of the Father, and receiveth and delivereth our Petitions before the Mercy Seat, the Throne of God.
This resemblance looketh up to that of Exhortation of Saint Paul 1 Tim. 2. 1. Concerning Prayer in general. I exhort therefore that first of all Supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for All men. That is the Atrium Populi. For Kings, and all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty. That is the Sanctum, the Sanctuary. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, Our Saviour. That is Sanctum Sanctorum, the Holy of Holies; From which place of Bliss comes the Bounty of Blessedness.
12. Affections all about her kneel] Denoting that. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God with all thy strength, with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy Soul, &c. The whole man must endeavour the utmost at so great a work at the performance of so pious a Duty.
Kneel] Intimateth Reverence.
[Page 124] Upon the pavement] Humility.
Made of Steel] Of a steedy and firme Faith.
Reflected Heat] Zeal.
On hearts] Our Consciences.
From stones they feel] From refreshing of the Holy Spirit breathing joy and Comfort into us after an unperceiveable manner; Or may well be taken for our Charity to others which reflecteth a Heat upon our prayers.
The sum of this Stanza pointeth at Saint Pauls Direction to Timothy 1 Tim. 2. 8. I will therefore that men pray lifting up pure hands; that is humble, without wrath, that is charitable, or not doubting, that is faithfully.
13. I' th' midst a spire to Heaven doth straine] Doth reach. As in the midd'st of a Church the Steeple or spire is placed, so the Ejaculations and groanings of Spirit rise as out of the midst of our souls, where by our Prayers mount up to God, and his Mercies like the Angels upon Iacobs Ladder descend down to us.
Wights] Prayers.
Angels] Mercies.
Hast thy wish] obtainest thy desire, and hast the Effect of thy prayer.
Pass doest gaine] Hast obtained Assisting Grace to further thee to a Holy Resolution. We must pray to be enabled to resolve as well as to do.
Refresh thou here a while] intimate cheerfulness after prayer.
Some rest is not in vaine] No long continuance in prayer at a time by reason of the weakness of Nature. Whereupon The Guide takes occasion to baite, and the Author in his sixth Canto concludes his second Book.
NO such means of relief to a Christian in distress as prayer; No such supplier of wants; No such obtainer of blessings. A voice out of time is as the Crying of Swine, and a prayer without Devotion, as the Braying of Asses. Ask not counsel of Religion of him that is without Religion, nor of Justice of him that hath no Justice, nor of a woman touching her of whom she is jealous, nor of a coward in matters of war, nor of a Merchant concerning Exchange, nor of a Buyer for the sale, nor of an envious man touching thankefulness, nor of the unmerciful touching kindness, nor of an unhonest man of honesty, nor of the slothful for any labour, nor of an hireling for the Finishing of a work; nor of an idle servant for much business; Christ's example is the only Needle to direct thy Compass. As he did, as he bade, so pray. For the power of prayer is above conception, and its effects beyond understanding.
What sayes Saint Gregory?
Talis requirendus est ad orandum, qui sit idoneus ad placendum, quia▪cum is, qui displicet, ad intercedendum mittitur, irati animus ad deteriorem provocatur.
It is requisit for him, that meanes to intreat, to be so qualified, that he be fit to please; Lest when he, that is distasted, come to interceed, he be so far from obtaining, what he desires, that the person; formerly offended be more incensed to a greater wrath, and a deeper displeasure.
Since he has said so well, let us take his Opinion again.
Quisquis pro aliis intercedere nititur, sibi potius ex charitate suffragatur, & pro semetipso tanto citius exaudiri meretur, quum magis devote pro aliis intercedit.
[Page 126] Who earnestly beggs a pardon for another, doth strongly give his Voice for his own; His own Language deserves so much the sooner a Grant for himself, by how much he was the stronger pleader for another.
Let us minde Saint Ambrose.
Multi minimi dum congregantur unanimes, sunt magni, & multorum preces impossibile est contemni.
A Quiver of Arrows are not easily broken, and a Volley of Prayers that are unanimous, do peirce even Heaven it Self.
THe Subject is Divine. It is of Prayer. Why not Our Essay also? But this might raise the Question, why plus ultra? Tis the Task of A Divine. Too many indeed are Intruders, and Defilers of sacred Things. What though? Is it not the work of a Christian to understand the Excellency of so Holy, and Necessary a Duty, not for his own Practice onely, but upon occasion for the Benefit of Others. But is there not somewhat, that may adde more strength to such a Scruple? the Supra sphaeram of the penman? All this acknowledged; and his Veneration of the Holy Scriptures, with Reverence to the Sacred Function rightly derived in the Apostolical Church; and sit Honour rendred to The Learned, at whose Feet he hath been educated; herein owning his own Imbecillity; and not ashamed to publish His own Infirmities, that God may any way by his unworthiness be glorified. In all humility He conceiveth, that his chief Intention in This Undertaking being pious, and not assuming, it will stand in stead of an Apology to the Judicious, and be accepted with a smooth Brow by the Best Devoted. Yea, since his prime aime was as well to comfort the Afflicted, to whom his Experience and Compassion is as well akin as his Nature, as to strengthen [Page 128] himself, with Gods Grace implored, by such a Meditation, He apprehendeth none can count him opinionate, seeing he vieweth his own Face in the same Glass. If the Lord out of his own Infinite Goodness, and Mercy hath pleased to call so sinful and undeserving a Creature home to himself, and hath brought that neglected Talent into the light, which he so graciously hath bestowed upon him, he doubteth not, but the most Religious and most learned Understandings will, if not encourage, yet cover his not willful, though peradventure accidental Errors, when such shall appear, under the Wisedome as well as the Charity of their Venerable Robes. Yet this he may, he hopeth safely, because truly; and not immodestly affirme, that were his Imbecillity much more then it is, what he hath received is infinitely above his merit, and his way of Thankfulness exceedingly surpasseth his Understanding. What he hath, he hath received from the most Excellent, and most gracious Hand of Divine Bounty; and therefore accounteth himself highly obliged in Nature and Conscience according to his bounden Duty to endeavour to his utmost power to set forth His Praise, and to communicate, what Blessing soever is bestowed upon him, to the benefit of his Neighbour. He that is the giver of All Good Things many times raiseth what is contemptible in it self, the vile, the abject things of this World for the greater Publication of his Power, and Mainfestation of His Glory. He can make Waters flow from the Tooth of a Iaw-bone. The Fear of the Lord is the Begining of knowledge, of Wisdom.
When Our Saviour came down from the Mount, from Tabor, where he was transfigured; when he came to his Disciples, saith Saint Mark, He saw a great Multitude about them, and the Scribes disputing with them. And straightway all the people, when they beheld him were amazed, and ran to him, and saeluted him, &c. And Saint Matthew renders it, And when they were come to the Multitude, there came unto him a certain [Page 129] man, and kneeled down to him, &c. Saint Luke thus: And it came to pass the next day, as they came down from the Mountain, much people met him. And behold a Man of the Company cryed out, saying, Master, &c. Sure there's matter of no small weight, business of much importance, something of great moment, where there is disputing, and running, and kneeling, and crying. The variety of posture and motion speaks it a Multitude, a heap of Waves, rouling and tumbling in many sorts of Surges. But what was the Matter? What dispute ye among your selves? Sayes Jesus to the Scribes. And one of the company gives the Answer, as if he had been the spokesman for the Multitude, and the Multitude had been much concern'd in the Question to The Scribes. But there might be some excuse for his impatience, there was' an Allay for his incivility, he came out of a Multitude, and he had a Child there, a Son there, an onely Child there, and he was possest with a Spirit. And that Spirit was a Desperate Spirit, it was a Dumb one too. For so the father sadly relates the matter. It was a subtle spirit, it surprised him, wheresoever it took him. A raging Spirit; it tore him; It brought him into a very sad condition; even to foame at the mouth, to gnash with his teeth, to pine away. It seems, it was past The Disciples Help. They came as short in Faith, (for which they were sharply rebuked) as they were of cure. And to make it appear, that it was a very Desperate Spirit, it cast the Possessed into the fire, it cast him into the waters, to destroy him. So they brought him unto our Saviour; And as soon as the Spirit saw him, he fell to work, he conceived, that his time was short, he tore him; and the possessed must have a fit of falling, as if a fit of the Falling Sickness, he fell down on the ground, wallowing, and foaming. Jesus askes the man, How long it had been thus with his Son. He answers. Of a Child. The Devil had taken early possession, and kept a long time, and was loath to leave it. But what sayes his Father? But if [Page 130] thou canst do any thing help us, and have compassion upon us. But if thou canst discovered a strange diffidence of his power, knew him not. He prayed help for his Son, but with distrust. He wanted Faith too. For us, It seems there is a Compassion without Devotion. His son was possessed, and he was troubled, Jesus will help, if he can believe, He will help the Son, if the Father can believe, for all things are possible to him that believeth. But must the Fathers Faith stand for Godfather to the sons cure? And straightway the Father of the Child, crying with tears, sayes, Lord! I believe, help mine unbeliefe! Much matter is packt in a little room, in a narrow content. He has a suddaine Illumination, and as quick a Repentance, he sees himself in a manner in as bad a case, as his Son; He that commiserateth another calls for compassion for himself, the Parent straightway cryes. How soon he was taught to speak right! He cryes amidst the waters. He cryes with tears. He cryes as to save from drowning, and redeem out of the Fire. It was time to cry, Fire! and with tears to quench the same. Lord I believe! help thou mine unbelief! A short prayer; and a weighty. What could he have said more in a Volume? He had but seven words in his prayer; But six had the importunate Widow in the Parable in hers to the unjust Judge: Do me justice against mine Enemies! No more had the humble Publican in the Parable likewise, that stood a far off, and would not lift up so much as his eyes to heaven, but smote his breast, saying, O God be merciful to me a sinner; In the Original they are rendred fewer, yet all were prevalent, and most effectual. What though the unjust Judge slight the importunate suiter. Though he would not hear her for a time. It seems she repeated the same short prayer, and renewed her request in the same words at several times; Though he would not grant her request for a Season, notwithstanding that he heard her; heard her, as though he heard her not ad probationem, et magis provocationem ad rogandum, whereby [Page 131] Christ teaches that it is to try our Faith, to inflame our zeal. So he proves us, and make us the hotter in, the more earnest for the obtaining a gracious grant to our requests, that what we obtaine may be worth the valuing, when we perceive it is so hard to come by, so difficult to attain. And he would not for a time: But afterward he said with himself, though I fear nor God, nor reverence man, Yet because this woman troubleth me, I will do her right, lest at the last she come, and make me weary. And the Lord said: Hear what the unrighteous Judge saith: Now shall not God avenge his Elect, which cry day and night unto him. There's incessant prayer indeed, prayer with out ceasing; yea, though he suffer long for them; The injury is done unto himself. So he takes it. I tell you, he will avenge them quickly. But when the Son of Man cometh shall he finde Faith on the Earth? Luk. 18. 8. How appeareth it that the Publican receiv'd any grant to his short petition. I shall tell you, says Ego Sum Veritas, our Saviour that is the Truth; that this man departed to his house justified, rather then the other, then that Pharisee, that was all outside and self justification, with his Prayer nine times as long, that was gotten up into the Temple, that stood, and prayed with himself. And Iesus gives his reason for it, a sound, a solid reason for humilities preferment, before pride. For every man that exalteth himself shall be brought low, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. And mark here, how soon the Lord is moved. No sooner Lord I believe! Help mine unbelief! But Iesus hears presently. The people come running, and Christ hastens his help. When Iesus saw, that the people came running together he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying; Thou deaf and dumbe Spirit I charge thee, come out of him. It was not only a dumbe Spirit, that could not pray; a deaf spirit, that either could not, or would not hear. For there is such an ungracious Deafness, a deafness to the comfortable Tidings of the Gospel, a deafness to holy, to wholesome Admonition, to sound Advice, to good Counsel [Page 132] To such wisdom cryeth without, she uttereth her voice in the streets; She calleth in the high streets among the prease in the entrings of the Gates; and uttereth her words in the City, saying: O ye foolish! how long will ye love foolishness! and the scornful take their pleasure in scorning! and the Fools hate knowledge! Turn you at my correction! Lo I will poure out my mind unto you, and make you understand my words. Because I have called, and ye refused, I have stretched out mine hand, and none would regard, but ye have despised all my counsel, and would none of my correction; I will also laugh at your destruction, and mock, when your fear cometh like suddain desolation, and your destruction shall come like a whirlewinde; When Affliction and Anguish shall come upon you, &c. Prov. 1. 20. It was not only a deaf, and a dumbe Spirit, but an unclean spirit. An unclean spirit in the eyes of unlawful concupiscence; an unclean Spirit in the Ears, that had the Itch of wantonnes; An unclean spirit in the Mouth, of foul obscoenity, of lying, of false, of foolish speaking, of Oaths, of Blasphemy, of Perjury and the like abominations. An unclean spirit in the stomack, of exorbitant Excess, of boundless Appetite, of surfetting Luxury, of sensual Gluttony, and beastly Drunkenness, that wallows in the Mire; An unclean Spirit in the hand, of wicked deeds, of polluted Actions; An unclean spirit in the feet; a spirit of committing all kind of evil with greediness; a spirit of Cruelty, and Oppression whose Feet are swift to shed blood; An unclean spirit in the Head, of wicked Imaginations; An unclean spirit in the heart, of ungodly Thoughts, and impious Machinations. An unclean spirit in the Conscience, of delusion and depravation; and that is a crooked devil, hard to be thrown out. I charge thee come out of him. There he manifesteth his Command, and power, And that he enter not into him any more, publisheth his protection and Providence, whereby the Divel is either chained-up, or turned out of the line. Then the spirit cryed, and rent him sore, and came out, and he was as one [Page 133] dead, in so much that many said, He is dead. The Father cryed, the Spirit cry'd, both cry'd, but with different voices. The Father cryes for help, the spirit with horror. The Father's was a clear voice, a voice of Faith; the Spirit's a hoarse voice, a voice of Infidelity; The Father cryes, that the Spirit might be cast out; the spirit cryes, because he must out; the Father cryes with tears; The spirit cryes with tearing. For he rent him sore at his coming out. Out he comes, but leaves him as dead. If he must away, he will act his utmost mischief. Before he goes, he rends him. Before he leaves him, he endeavors to carry away life and all, he leaves him as dead, dead to the world, dead to Opinion, in disconsolation dead to himself. So does the Devil, So does sin use to take leave of her Favourites. But Jesus took took him by the hand. There was his assisting Grace. O the Infinite Mercy! the readiness! the certainty of such a Helper! He lifted him up, that could not else rise. There was his restoring Grace; And he arose; There was his full Recovery. But why could not the Disciples do this, when they were so intreated? Peter, and Iames, and Iohn were to be supposed Schollars of a higher Form in the School of Faith, but they were at the Transfiguration, they were not among them at that time. The Disciples themselves were very much dissatisfied about their non-performance, and disability to the work. We do not find them though confess, that they wanted Faith, whereof they were reproved. Yet their silence imploys a consent to the truth of it. Fain they would know, But they were ashamed to inquire of their master in publick. They watch't therfore their next private opportunity. For so saith the 'Text; And when he was come into the House, His Disciples asked Him Secretly, Why could not we cast him out? He that checked them in the way of his Justice, then informeth them, to set-forth his Mercy. He checked them, to stir up, to rouze up their Faith; He informeth them, he teacheth them, to satisfie their Question, to appease their Doubt. And he said unto them: This kind can by no other [Page 134] means come forth, but by Prayer, and Fasting. And what is Prayer? Oratis est piae mentis, & humilis ad Deum conversio, fide spe, et charitate suhnixa. Prayer is the turning of a devout, and humble mind to God, which is underpropped with Faith, and Hope, and Charity. In the 11. Chapter of the same Evangelist Christ speaking of the Power of Faith induceth the Efficacy of prayer, in his answer to Peter and the rest of the Disciples concerning the wither'd Figg-tree. Have Faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto This mountain, Take thy self away, and cast thy self into the Sea, and shall not waver in his heart, but shall believe that those things, which he saith, shall come to pass, whatsoever he saith, shall be done to him. Here we may see, that Faith calls down the power of God from Heaven, and that which made All, can order, Act, and perform any thing. Therefore I say unto you, whatsoever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye shall have it, and it shall be done unto you. And what is fasting? If we will take Saint Chrysostom's opinion, who was able to judge. Iejunium non ciborum, sed peccatorum abstinentiam efficit. Though Fasting for a time, and according unto the occasion from meats be a very necessary thing, to make it a Fast indeed, we must abstain from sin. Iejunio passiones corporis, oratione pestes sanandae sunt mentis, saith Saint Hierom. Fasting tempers the passions, tames the Fury, and cures the Pestilence of the Mind. Fasting cools the Feaver of the Flesh, prayer assawgeth the Tumour of the Spirit. As Fasting starves the pride of the flesh, so prayer takes away all Sustenance from an evil Spirit. Prayer is the speaking fasting of the flesh, and fasting is the silent prayer of the Spirit.
Come then hither, Thou man of black intentions! Or whomsoever thou art, that sittest groaning in a melancholy darkness! Draw neer the Light! Behold thy story in this Arras; Thine is onely on the Backside on't. There's a Person very like thee. Thou art very like the Man; that was possessed. He that was [Page 135] without a name, might have had thine. In his story thou mai [...]st read thine own Evil, the only means for cure, and the Best way for Remedy.
Thou wert such a Father's Son. In sin wert thou conceived, and corruption gave thee suck; His only Son, the Darling of Pleasure, that hast been dandled in wantonness. Thou art a Child still. Thou art not grown up to the strength of Reason. Thou hast not conn'd the primier of Religion; Or else thy Age has double childed thee, that thou hast forgot thy Lesson. Thou conversest with a large number of wicked Men, and comest with a great Multitude of wickedness. The multitude are the Wicked. For few shall be saved. Legion is thy Companion. How canst thou then be without a Spirit?
In the multitude were the Scribes disputing. The Scribes subtle Textmen. The Doctors and Expounders of the Law. They and the Pharises shak't hands, Both were joynt-conspirators against, both joynt-accusers of Christ. The Scribes accused Him of Blasphemy; The Pharisees of eating with Publicanes and sinners. The Scribes Accusation for the breach of the Law; The Pharisees for the Breach of Traditions. The people came to see wonders; The Seribes with them to question the Miracles. Beware, that thou hast not such a Scribe! Such a Pharisaean friend! Such a Textman too neer thee! He is possest with a spirit also, a Question; with a spirit of Contradiction. He cannot helpe thee. He has need of cure himself. Have a care of an Ignis fatuus a false Light! That seems a spirit too. That Vapour may lead thee to thy great hazard into Ditches, and Waters; Into dangerous Opinions; into a multitude of Errors; into a boundless Flood of sorrows, into the bottomless pit of Despaire.
Hast thou, as thou thinkest, an intollerable burthen upon thy Soul! Hast thou a grievous load upon thy Conscience! Some sin that makes it all darkness within thee! That thou canst neither hold up head to heavily offended Heaven; nor open thy Mouth to say so much as one Lord have mercy upon me! 'Tis [Page 136] very sad with thee indeed. The dumbe spirit hath taken too much possession in thee of thee. Or is thy Melancholy senseless? Thou know'st not why? nor what directly tis, that troubles thee? Thou art neither sick, nor well. Thy Soul has a [...], an evil habit, a strange indisposition: Go to a learned Doctor! no Mountebanke: Go to a true, and lawful Minister of Christ, an Orthodoxe Divine! He will pray for thee; He will teach thee to pray; He will pray with thee. And if through his own imperfections (as who lives without them?) he cannot cure thee, he will shew thee the way, he will bring thee to the Master, to blessed Iesus who both can relieve thee, and will help thee.
Go to thy Saviour! Distrust not! Go to him by prayer! He will ask thee for that, which he gives thee, Faith. And he will give it in full measure for thy Asking. Call then to Him in thy Heart! And he will open thy Mouth. Cry to him! He delighteth to hear thee loud. But have thine eyes a Drought! Hath Lust dri'd up thy Springs? Look towards him, that is the Rock! and He will cause those Rocks to flow with waters. Who looks upon the Sun, does melt his Eyes. He will hear thee, that sees thy miserie, and will shew it thee, that he may recover thee. Till thou know'st, thou beest sick, thou art not fit for cure. If thou canst not come of thy self; take good counsel to bring thee to Christ? Read the Scriptures! Hear his Ministers! And he will dispossess thee.
Thy Body should be the Temple of the Holy Ghost; The House of God, The House of Prayer; How comes it Then, that it is made A Den of Theeves? yet be of good comfort! They shall be cast out. What though the Evil spirit tear thee at parting, with pain, with loss; with sorrow; with fear; And leaves thee as dead in Despaire? What though the World forsake thee? And leave thee? And leave thee Dead in it's Opinion? What though thou beest scorned? What though reviled? What though a very Abject? A Thing not reckoned among the Living? neither worth Notice nor Use? Be comforted. [Page 137] Thou art nearest thy Remedy, when thou thinkest not of it. Pray! and the evil Spirit is commanded from thee. He must Out, though he cry, though he Roar at parting, he shal be banish'd from thee, that endanger'd thee to the fire, to Hell fire, to damnation; that tempted thee to self-Murther, by poysons to flame in thy bloud, by a Halter to give thee a Desperate Convulsion; by offering thee Death in the Waters, in Rivers, in Ponds, in Wells; upon the edge of Knives, upon the Points of Poniards: he thought and sought to surprize thee, when thou wert alone. When thou thoughtst that God had forsaken thee, and all thy friends had left thee.
Be of good comfort! Christ that begins the Cure wil perfect it. Christ taketh thee by the Hand; he lifteth thee up; and then thou risest indeed to Life, to the Life of Practice, to the life of a good Conversation. He takes thee by the Hand, by thy promise of amendment of Life, by thy new undertaking. He that is the Life raiseth thee from thy former kind of dying; He becomes thy Resurrection from sin, from death to newness of life; to Life in him, whereby thou shalt partake Glory him.
Hast thou been posse'st with a Spirit of fulnesse, of Prosperity? A Spirit dumb to Thanks-giving? Hast thou been posse'st with a Spirit of Covetuousness? A Spirit dumb to Alms-giving? Hast thou been posse'st with a Spirit of Oppression? A Spirit dumb to Relieving, and Deaf to the cries of the Poor? A tearing Spirit, that rendeth the Possessions of others, as well as the possessed. Hast thou been posse'st with a Spitit of Lust, and Idleness, that Lulleth all sins in her Bosom? A Spirit dumb and deaf to the Invitation in the Gospel, that either hinders thee by excuses, or delayes thee from coming to the Feast? Hast thou been posse'st with a Spirit of Drunkennesse, Excesse, and Uncleannesse? A dumb Spirit that cannot speak? Thou maust have Fasting [Page 138] joyned to Prayer, or there is no way to cast him out: Against his Uncleanness, Fasting, against his Fury, Prayer.
Thou seest then thy certain benefit, thy Remedy at hand, the easie way to't: 'tis but Ask and have: Pray and it shall be given unto you. In all thy distresses therefore, in any anxiety of mind, in any grief of heart, in any trouble of thought, in any calamity, Pray! Wud'st thou have Peace of Conscience? Pray! Wud'st thou have accesse to God? Pray! Wud'st thou have comfort in Afflictions? Wud'st thou have joy in Tribulations? Pray! Wud'st thou possess thy soul in patience? Pray! Wud'st thou have thy patience teach thee Experience? Pray! Wud'st thou have Experience bring forth Hope? Pray! Then shalt thou finde that hope, which is grounded upon Gods love, which he shewed in sending his Son to dye for thee, who wer't unable to raise thy self, that wer't dead in sin, and unworthy of his Love in being his Enemy. Then he openeth the Charter to thee, whereby thou holdest all these Graces, which is a Reconciliation with God, procured and purchased for thee by the Merits of Jesus Christ. Then art not thou amazed when thou beholdest thy Misery by the Fall of Adam, who transgressed the Law of Nature before the Promulgation of the Law of Moses: Nor is thy Faith cast down without hope at the sight of thy former committed offences, &c. never so Enormous Transgressions. Thy Prayer begges Remission through Christ, thy Faith layes hold upon Gods Mercie, who sent his Son to be a Propitiation for thy sins. He that took away the guilt of sin, took away the strength of it. Abuse not then Gods Mercy in sinning the more! Nay sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto the. Since God is so merciful to forgive, misuse not thou the forgiveness of His Mercy. Have a care that thou leapest not from Despair to Presumption. Pray therefore! Lest thou enter into, or be overcome by Temptation. Pray oft! Not long! Premeditate! [Page 139] Consider before what Throne thou goest! Babble not! Lest thou addest to thy sins by thy Prayers; and so thy Aqua vita, that should refresh thee, become thy Aqua fortis, toeat out thy bowels: such Coloquintid in the Pot, will make thy pottage thy poyson; lest that which should be thy nourishment, prove thy greater destruction.
Desir'st to have the Father to hear thee? to accept thee? Say the Prayer that his Son taught thee! Say it intentively, zealously, heartily, understandingly! and 'tis enough. The Son directs thee to the Father, and puts words into thy mouth to that purpose. If thou wilt be reckoned amongst the wise, neglect them not. If thou wilt not be numbred amongst the Froward, and the Despisers, refuse them not. Seem not wiser then Wisdom it self, lest the Wisdom that thou admirest so much in thine own eyes, prove altogether foolishness. A short prayer is too long for a wandring mind: a short prayer is best for a weak Devotion. Thy Devotion at the best is apt to tyre for a little way. The Publicans Lord have mercy upon me A sinner, may save thee sooner then a long Tautologie of Words; then many a Lord! Lord! made use on to fill up disorderly vacuities, immethodical matter, and non-sence haesitations.
If thou wouldst have Prayers for thy particular wants, for several occasions, Go to holy David's box of precious Balsam. Use this or the like: Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me, for I am desolate and afflicted: The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring me out of my distresses! Look upon mine afflictions and my pain, and forgive all my sins! Consider mine enemies for they are many, and they hate me with cruel hatred! O keep my soul, and deliver me! Let me not be ashamed! For I put my trust in thee. Then let thy mouth sing forth his praise, and God, even thy God shal give thee his blessing.
The Third Book.
The Encouragement.
NAture is so apt to tire, especially in so great a journey, as it was but reason to give her some repose. And there could not be a fitter place, wherein to rest her afflicted Head, and wearied Feet, then in the House of Prayer: A place of no less safety, then Refreshment; where there are Viands of all sorts, as well to entertain the strongest Appetites, as to settle, please, and nourish the more crasie stomacks. Through a Wilderness is an uncomfortable Passage; no better is this World, stuff't with Thorns and Bryars! stor'd with Thicks, and Woods; fill'd with Rocks and stones; inhabited by wilde Beasts, and savage Creatures; replenished with dangers and difficulties of all sorts: But chear up! The worst is behinde the; and having so well Refreshed, thou canst not faint. Thou art a Pilgrim, and art used to Travel. Thou canst not now but with delight move on. Get but up upon Faiths Mount, and thou shalt discover the holy Land. Such a sight will ravish thee; such a Hope will sharpen thy Desires, and keep thee from ever growing weary. Thou wilt then on lively, and rejoyce that thou art in the way to so excellent a Countrey, that thou art so near thy journeys end. A better End then thou couldest expect, or hope for. To this end mayst thou safely hasten. It is thy happiness. Thus mayst thou with a holy kind of Impatience long to be loosed, but it must be that thou mayst be with Christ. I need not call away; I find thee, me thinks, so reudy to go: Then on in Gods name.
CANTO VII. The Mount of Faith.
1. THe Mount of Faith] It is so called for the Loftinesse of the Position of the Place above the neighb'ring inferiour Earth. To go to the Etymologie of the word. A Mount, which is the diminutive expression of a Mountain is derived a Monte, which is the Latine word for it. Whence it doth come, there is no little Contest among the Grammarians. Quidam a movendo per antiphrasin. Some would have it, as from Not moving, because Mountains are steady in their places; Such Vast Bodies stand fixed; as irremoveable by Art, as they are by Nature. A little nearer the matter, though much differing from the Sound of the word, is their opinion, for Mo [...]s ab [...]minendo, quasi eminens, as hath been first mentioned. Scaliger backs the Sence of a non movendo, but gives a nearer Terme and Speaks it a manendo, from tarrying, and not moving from it's place. Another inclines to Mons a moveo, quod a terra in altum moveatur; because it is cast up high overtopping the rest. Some other a minis, as if it's height did threaten the Skye.
But as every mans Fancy works, more especially in Criticisme, under favour it may be conceived Mons quasi monens; a Mountain a Mark, an Advertisement; and it carries a plausible construction with it to advertise us of the Greatnesse of the Creator, in the narrower object more suitable to the Eye, which cannot receive at once the vastnesse of the whole Earth; only thus it is represented in Abstract, as a Map of the whole Fabrick. Every Creature having an Impresse of the Excellence of the Most Mighty, and Most Wise Maker thereof, this hath it's place, and order by his Dispose in an extraordinary manner; as intimating the vastnesse, immovablenesse, immutability, and eminency, of the Creator [Page 144] above the perception of the inferiour Creatures of the Vallies. So Hills and Mountains seem the stairs to Heaven. If we did conceive, that the Heathen had not altogether lost the memory of Noah's Floud, but preserved it by the Continuance of Tradition, and Antiquity of History, as Ovid, a Roman, to whom the Latine Tongue was genuine, mentioneth in that of Deucalion, it is not likely to prove a mistake that Mons should be derived from manens, because the Ark rested upon Mount Ararat, a Mountain in Armenia; yet the former Contract of Monens hath solid reason to underprop it; if we look either into Holy writ, or cast an eye upon the Superstition of the Heathen.
Most of all the Great works that it pleased God to manifest unto men were upon the Turrets of the Earth. That great Triall of Abraham's Faith in offering up of Isaac, who was a Figure of Christ, was by especiall command to be done upon a mountaine. As it is in the 22. of Genesis; And He said, Take now thine only Son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the Land of Moria, and offer Him there for A burnt Offering upon one of the mountaines, which I will shew thee.
Canaan, that Land of Promise, was a high Countrey. For Jacob sent his Sons down into Egypt for Corn? And concerning their return it is Said Gen: 45. 25. Then they went up from Egypt, and came into the Land of Canaan.
When the Israelites murmured in Rephidim for water, Gods answer to Moses was Exod. 17: 5. 6. Go before the People, and take with thee of the Elders of Israel, and thy Rod wherewith thou Smotest the River take in thine hand and go! Behold! I will stand there before thee upon the Rock in Horeb, and thou shalt smite on the Rock, and water shall come out of it, that the people may drink.
And when Amaleck fought with Israel in Rephidim, Moses said to Iosua; Chuse us out Men; and go fight with [Page 145] Amaleck: To morrow I will stand on the Top of the Hill with the Rod of God in mine hand. When Moses held up his Hand Israel prevailed: But, when he let his Hand down Amaleck prevailed. They propped up his Hands, and Iosua discomfitted Amalek.
From Mount Sinai the Lord declared Israel to be his peculiar People: Moses went up unto God: for the Lord had called him out of the Mount, unto Him, Saying: Thus shalt thou say unto the House of Iacob, and tell the Children of Israel &c. If you will heare my Voice indeed, and Keepe my Covenant, then ye shall be my chiefe treasure above All people, though All the Earth be mine. Ye shall be also A Kingdome of Priests, and an Holy Nation. When Moses brought the People out of the Tents to meet with God, and they stood in the nether part of the Mount, Mount Sinai was all on Smoak because the Lord came down upon it in fire, and the Smoak thereof ascended, as the Smoak of a Furnace, and all the Mount trembled exceedingly, And when the Sound of the Trumpet blew long and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by Voice. For the Lord came downe upon Mount Sinai, on the Top of the Mount, and when The Lord called Moses up into the Top of the Mount, Moses went up. &c. Exod. 19. And in the 20. chapt. God spake all these words &c. Viz. the Ten Commandements. After the delivery whereof All the People saw the Thunder, and Lightnings, and the sound of the Trumpet and the Mountain Smoaking; and when the People saw it, they fled, and stood afar off. There were Temporall, and Civill Ordinances and the making of the Tabernacle appointed by God. There the Lord said unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel; Ye have seene, that I have talked with you from Heaven. And Moses by command went afterwards up with Aaron, Nadab, and Ab [...]u, and Seventy of the Elders of [Page 146] Israel; And they saw the God of Israel; And under His Feet was, as it were a worke of a Saphire stone, and as the very Heaven, when it is Cleare. And upon the Nobles of Israel He laid not his Hand; Also they saw God, and did eat, and drink. &c. And the Glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai; and the Cloud covered it Six dayes; And the Seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the Cloud. And the Sight of the Glory of the Lord was, like consuming Fire on the Top of the Mountain to the Eyes of the Children of Israel. And Moses entred into the Middes of the Cloud, and went up to the Mountain. And Moses was in the Mount Fourty dayes and Fourty nights. Moses also came down from God in Mount Horeb. With the Second Tables went Moses up to God in Mount Sinai, and the Lord descended in a Cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the Name of the Lord. So the Lord passed before his face, and cried; The Lord, The Lord, Strong, Mercifull, and Gracious, Slow to Anger, and Abundant in Goodnesse, and Truth; Reserving Mercy for thousands, Forgiving Iniquity and Transgression, and Sin, and not making the wicked inocent, visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the Children, and upon Childrens Children unto the third and fourth generation.
And when the Children of Israel with all the Congregation departed from Kadesh, they came unto the Mount Hor; And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the Mount Hor neere the coast of the Children of Edom. Numb. 20. when Balack the King of the Moabites had sent for Balaam to curse the Children of Israel who were advanced to the Plain of Moab he carries him first up into the High Places of Baal, that thence he might see the utmost part of the People, and God met Balaam there as Numb. 23. But blessed Israel, as the Lord had spoken. Then Balak brought him inro Sadesophim, the field of the Spies, or of those that [Page 147] watched for them the motion of Israel, to the Top of Pisgah; And the Lord met Balaam there, and putt an answer in his Mouth. There did he blesse them also. Then Balak removes him to the Top of Peor; where the Spirit of the Lord Came upon him. But there he blessed them also. The Lord commands Moses to goe up into the Mount Abarim, that thence he might behold the Land before his death, which he had given unto the Children of Israel; as it is in the 27. of Numbers; And in the 34. of Deuteronomie. Moses went from the Plain of Moab up into Mount Nebo unto the Top of Pisgah, that is over against Jericho, and the Lord shewed him all the Land of Gilead unto Dan. &c.
Hieru alem was placed upon the Hills too. When they went to keep their Feasts there; It is said that they went up to Hierusalem to worship, where was Mount Sion.
Many other Examples might be shewed out of the Holy writ to demonstrate Gods appearance upon the Mountains; In Holy Gospell, there is frequent mention of the Selection of Mountains for Prayer, and Preaching by our Blessed Saviour, who likewise Suffered death upon Mount Calvarie. The Heathen thought to find their false Gods in Groves on High Places, as Moloch, Adram-melech, Baal, &c. These Idols had distinctive names from the Mountains where in they were worshiped, as Baul-Peor, Baal-Zebub, Baal-Thephon, Baal-Berith &c. So was Iupiter call'd Olympius, Capitolinus &c. But all this discourse does aim at the setting forth of the fittnesse of the Terme of Mount for the place of Residence for Faith; Since it is not onely the Representation of Heaven, where the Throne of God is mentioned to be, but the certainty of finding him by Faith that appeared frequently upon the Mountains, and, Suffered upon a Mount. It may therefore be called the Mount of Faith in regard of it's Elevation above the things of this World, and in respect [Page 148] of the Eminency of the Obiect of our Faith.
Thou can'st not stay] shewes the Constancie of a Christian Pilgrim's Course. He must on. Non progredi est regredi. If He standes still though but a little he loseth much ground. Without Perseverance neither he, that fights, shall gain the victory; nor he, that conquereth, shall wear the Palm, or have the Triumph. Tis continuall Endevour, and the Vigour of a dayly additional Force, that gains the Goal of what we aim at. No Merit can be fostered without it, No Reward can be obtained but by it, Patience bids Farewell, if not with it; Constancie has her life in it; Peace is gained through it; All bonds and tyes are knit for it; The golden Chain of Unanimity is made of it. It is not he, that begins a good work, but he that continueth to the End with so doing, that shall be Saved. Perseverandum est assiduo studio robur addendum, donec bona mens sit, et bona voluntas est, can Seneca say. We must persevere and ever send in supply with diligence wherewith still to reinforce, while the mind is well sett, and the will is rightly bent. But he speaks higher, something above a Philosopher, as we may take his Sence; In excelso est beata vita, sed perseverantia penetrabilis. Let Happinesse be immur'd in Heaven, Perseverance will scale it.
'Tis high] The way to Faith is out of Sight to Reason. Credimus, quod non videmus. Faith is of Things not seene. And it is high because it is conversant onely with Heavenly Things. Tis high because the Object of our Faith that was exalted, Super crucem exaltatus that was exalted upon the Crosse, is ascended to the right hand of His Father. Fides aliquando recipit, quod Ratio non praesumit. Such Gifts are by Divine Grace bestow'd on Faith, as Reason cannot hope for.
Ti's craggie way] It is very difficult to Flesh and Bloud, a hard matter for Sense or Reason to believe. Natures Feet [Page 149] are very tender, and cannot endure rugged stones of Affliction and Tryal, that lay in the Narrow way of Faith, Lapis quidem durus est, Sed cùm factum fuerit de eo opus, desistere nescit. This kind of stone is very hard; it will last the better when it is well laid in a building. The Divel puts a thousand Questions to a Novice in the School of Faith. Questions are one sort of those stones.
Hear'st not one call, as if he Preach't to day.] This points at the saying of the Prophet David, in his Invitatory Psalm to the Worship and praise of the Lord, and Exhorting to repentance with a lowd call. To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the Wilderness. When your Fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works. This also hath reference to that of Saint Iohn the Baptist: Now also is the Ax laid to the Root of the Trees: therefore every Tree which beareth not good fruit, is hewen down and cast into the Fire, &c. This alludeth likewise to that of the Prophet Ionas, as shewing that there must be a continual renewing of Repentance, for the obtaining of a firm Faith. Yet forty dayes and Niniveh shall be overthrown. So the people of Niniveh believed God, &c. Ionah, 3. 4, 5. This mindeth that of Saint Paul, to the Hebrews, 12. Wherefore let us also, seeing we are compassed with so great a cloud of Witnesses, cast away every thing that presseth down, and the sin that hangeth so fast on; Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Iesus the Author and finisher of our Faith: Who for the joy that was set before him, endured the Cross, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the Throne of God. Faith comes by Hearing, Hearing by the Preaching of the Word. If therefore none can hear without a Preacher, How can any believe without Hearing? and how can he understand without Faith? Or how can he do any thing that is good without Understanding? The word of God must be preached, [Page 150] that the hearer may believe, the believer may understand, and who so understands may persevere in the exercise of welldoing: For neither works without Faith, nor Faith without Woeks justifie those that have a kind of ability given them to use the freedom of their Will. The holy Spirit comes to the Door and knocketh; It is not broken ope; it is a fair Render of Possession, not a Burglary.
Be wary of thy steps.] Consider before thou dost any thing. For Actions leave their prints behind them. Go not every way that Temptation inviteth the: Not be carryed away with every Wind of Doctrine, according to that carefull direction of Saint Paul, 2 Tim. 3. This know also, that in the last daies shall come perillous Times: For men shall be Lovers of their own selves, Covetous, Boasters, Proud, Cursed speakers, Disobedient to Parents, Unthankful, Unholy, without natural affection; truce-breakers, false accuses, intemperate, fierce, despisers of them which are good; Traytors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God, having a shew of Godliness, but have denied the power thereof. Turn therefore from such: For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive simple Women, laden with sins, and led with Divers lusts; which Women are ever learning, but are never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. And as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so doth these also resist the Truth, Men of corrupt mindrs, Reprobate concerning the Faith. But they shall prevail no longer: For their madness shall be evident to all men, as theirs also was. Examin and try the Spirits. Have a care of falling either into Superstition, or Atheism. The One makes a Gay of thy Religion; the Other throws down God to advance thy Sense and Reason.
As he does call, so [...]!] As the Holy Word directs thee, Live! As Christ guides thee, Walk! As the Prophets [Page 151] foretold, as the Apostles witnessed, as the Martyrs have sealed, as Reverend Bishops in Holy Churches have delivered, as Orthodox Divines, Learned, pious, and carefull Pastors have instructed by their Religious Life, and Sound doctrin; so regulate thy Faith! so order thy Life! so accustom thy Conversation!
2. Now look about!] When thou art in the way to Faith, as it were, in the Entrance of believing, thou mayst discern the Vanities of the World, and behold that nothing is comparable unto Christ. Thou findest a beginning of Repose, and settlement of thy troubled Minde, formerly busied with Cares, Vexations, and Anxieties. But be watchfull! Be thou Circumspect!
Th'ast past ore stumbling doubt.] Though th'ast been hindred by many Embraces of the Flesh, by severall struglings with Nature; though th'ast been shaken by various oppositions of the World; though th'ast been amused with numerous Temptations and Allurements of Satan, and divers questions concerning the Truth have troubled thee: and not a few scruples of Conscience have tortur'd thee; Yet, when thou com'st to the true Knowledge of the right Religion, and art principled therein; when thou receivest the purity of the Truth, and the Light of Faith appeareth, thou art comforted in thy stedfastness, and art growing every day stronger and stronger for thy encouragement. Therefore be of good courage! Faint not! Thy worst is behind thee.
See some asleep upon that side!] Behold here Extreams go off, and forsake the perfect way! They will to the Right or the Left. They cannot keep the Mean. Prodigality is alwaies asleep; and Covetousness is ever waking: Prodigality knows not when to spare, nor Covetousness how to spend: Prodigality is all Lace, and Covetousness no [Page 152] Clothes, Liberalitie's condemn'd by both. Her Bounty is too prodigal in the greedy eye of covetousness: Her discreet Parsimonie is too narrow for the humour of Prodigality. Covetousness terms Liberality a Spend-thrift, and Prodigality calls her a Churle. She seems by turns the contrary to either, as they are to her Extreams both. It is even so with Opinions to Truth, and Sects to the True Religion. Truth is accus'd, Religion is Despis'd by all sides, condemned by all Factions. The Conclave of Rome, & the Consistory of Geneva, agree Eodem tertio, though there be a hot and seeming quarrel betwixt them. Both may be blamed herein: It were to be wished that Geneva had somewhat of Rome's Charity, and Religious Decencie. I cannot wish Rome Genevah's, though I pray for their Reformation. Upon the present These Erre, both falling into the Extream on the either hand. The one makes it a great way about to Heaven, by Intercession of Saints; And the other goes so near the Gates of Hell, that many a poor soul drops in by Despair. The one puts a great efficacy upon the numerous Repetition of Ave Maries, and Pater Nosters; And the other no less confidence in indigested Long Prayers. The one is for Merit by Works; the other is for Salvation by a Naked Faith. Auricular Confession is holden absolutely necessary by the One to the Priest: Auricular confession is holden as necessary to the Classical Elders. In this they differ therein. The Ons accounts it a Sacred thing to keep a secret, which the Other set at naught to violate. The One set up Images: the Other Imaginations: The One placeth Summary Appeal in Cathedra, the other in the Consistory, or Assembly; The One makes the Eucharist a Transubstantiation, the Other meerly a Sign. The One puts Excommunication into Bulls, the Other into Pulpits. The One conceives Religion to be all Ear, the Other all Hand. I might mention many more [Page 153] Parallels, but my Charity will not permit it. I rather desire and wish, that Faults were mended, and Errors cured by an humble seeking, and a meek submission to the Revealed Truth, and a Returning into the right way. That Christians might have Charity to one another, and putting off Animosities, might Worship the Lord in purity of Heart, in the beauty of Holiness, and that our Adoration might be with Outward and Inward Reverence, as becomes us to the Majesty, and Holiness of God. Let all things be done decently, and in Order.
They lay asleep upon that side.] Asleep with the Mists of Error, clouding their understandings. Too much enclining to their own Opinions.
Sopor est Mortis Imago.
The Jews may be pittyed for dreaming of another Messias so long upon this side, and ought to be prayed for, that their Eyes may be opened, and that in the Lords Mercy they may be recalled home to the sight of the Truth.
That blinde Guides cast the further way about.] Blinde Guides are such Clergy as are themselves darkned with Errors. When the blind lead the blind, both fall into the Ditch.
With Images enarm'd] Embracing Superstition.
In dreams lay round about their Guid.] Pleased their Fancies, they encompass, as seeming to defend their Guides, and their shewing great Affection to their Leaders, who are overcom with ignorance of the Truth, like themselves. Thus have they Shadows in their Brains, instead of Substance in their Hearts, Worshipping God not his way, but making Fantastick images of their own Devise; being fed with their own Humors, and regarding Traditions of men more then the Commandments of God; so lying wrapt up in their beloved Darkness, and Embracing the Vanities of their Rabbies, [Page 154] the subtilties of their Priests, and the misleading of Ministers instead of the Truth.
3. On th'other Hand] On the Left hand; in the other extream.
A Root is there] Signifying the Multiplicity, and disorder of Sects, of Error and Heresies that Defile the purity, and resist the power of the Doctrin of Christ. For instance, view that hurly burly raised by Demetrius the Silver Smith, as it is recorded in the Acts. And the same time there arose much trouble about that way. For a certain man named Demetrius, a Silver Smith, which made Temples of Diana, brought great gains unto the Crafts-men, whom he called together with the work-men of like things, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this Craft we have our goods. Moreover, ye see, and hear, that not alone Ephesus, but almost throughout all▪ Asia, this Paul hath perswaded, and turned away much people, saying, That they be not Gods that are made with hands. So that not onely this thing is dangerous unto us, that the State should be reproved, but also that the Temple of the great goddess Diana should be nothing esteemed. And that it would come to pass, that her magnificence, which all Asia, and the World worshippeth, should be destroyed. Now when they heard it, they were all of wrath, and cryed out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. And the whole city was full of confusion, and they rushed upon the common place with one assent and caught Gaius, and Aristarchus, &c. And when Paul would have entred, &c. Some cryed one thing and some another, and the assembly was out of order, and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together. Upon Alexanders appearing to appease them, when they knew that he was a Iew, there arose a shout almost for the space of two houres of all Men, Crying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
There a Band] Armed Zeals: Men of Question and Contention, that would either silence, or destroy those [Page 155] which adhere unto, or publish the Truth, or force them into their own madness. Such was the Conspiracy of more then forty Jews, that bound themselves by an Oath to kill Paul, Acts 23.
Imaginations way advance] Following their own Humors, and the Chrotchets of their own Crowns; presumptuously preferring their own Misapprehensions.
Each Zeal makes wise, as it does understand] Every one seems to be in the right, and wu'd be accounted before others in judgement. This is a painted Fire, it has no true Heat. Here Passion is mistaken for Zeal. Every one will have a Religion of his own making, and carryes it on with a several Furie. Every mans Apprehension goes for Judgement.
Each does 'gainst th'other cry] Shews not only their confusion, but their contention, and uncharitableness; being full of questions to perplex, and put out of countenance, a pell mell of Noise and Negations to drown the voice of Truth.
So to Pantheon dance] Pantheon (saies Dion the Historian) was a Temple in Rome so called, Quod in Martis Venerisque imaginibus, sub ipso Templo constitutis, omnium Dearum imagines effictae erant. Because under the images of Mars and Venus, set up in that place, they faigned and meant, that all Gods whatsoever were Worshipped. Under Wealth, under Force, and Lust, stalks in the Idoltary of all Vices. The Temple was round and open in the top, as counterfeiting Heaven in its Circular Figure, and so might give a conceit of Adoration of all the Host of heaven, as that Idolatry in the time of the Prophets. There they thought the Gods dwelt. Pantheon was made by Agrippa, to Iupiter the Revenger, who is very near akin to Pluto, in the sense of Fable. Of late times 'tis called [Page 156] the Church Divae Mariae rotundae, the Church of S. Mary the Round.
4. The Praeco calls] Gods holy Word, and his Ministers direct the way, and give warning of dangers. So the Prophets of old, and S. Iohn the Baptist: Repent! for the Kingdom of God is at hand. For this is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one that cryeth in the wilderness, is, Prepare ye the way of the Lord! make his paths straight!
Still, still beware of Falls!] An ingemination for the greater notice of Dangers, to stir up a diligent care against stumbling by Temptations: or falling away from the Faith.
For now your way grows sharp and steep] In regard of our approaching to more subtle underminings, and more violent assault; that with earnest labour we should undertake to pass Tryals, and the sifting of the Tempter: Tis sharp and steep; very difficult for Flesh and Blood to endure that is soft and heavy, unwilling, and unweldy for such displeasing, and troublesom employment.
You must climb over rugged stones like walls] Sins raise a wall of partition between God and us, especially those stony sins of Cruelty, Oppression, Malice, and Uncharitableness. We must strive to gain a Masterie of our selves; we must deny our selves, conquer the concupiscences of the flesh. climbing is a diligent labour.
Set footing wisely] Walk soberly with prudence, with all care and watchfulness; for so it behoves a Christian. Persever with steddiness.
Hold by hands!] By Charitable deeds, which fasten us to Faith; and maintain thy Faith with thy Courage. For the hands are not only the Stewards, and dispencers of bounty, but the Guard and Weapons of the man.
[Page 157] And sometimes creep!] Denoting Humility and Prayer, and Christian Patience. The higher thou goest, thou art more subject to storms, and liable to eminent and precipitious dangers.
5. That way deceives] Of Schism, Error, Heresie, Seducing, Temptation, the speciousness of Superstition, the pretence of Holiness, Sanctimonious Pollicie,. Blessed is the man that doth not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful.
And them of wit bereaves] Quos Jupiter perdere vult, dementat prius. Pharaohs heart was hardened before his destruction: According to that which Jesus answered the people, S. John 12. 35. Yet a little while is the light with you; walk while ye have light! lest the darkness come upon you. For he that walketh in the dark knoweth not whither he goeth! While ye have Light, believe in the Light, that ye may be the children of the Light. Vitia nostra, quae amamus, defendimus; & maluimus excusare illa, quam excutere. We are given to defend the Errors we have embraced; and we are apter to excuse such evils, then to renounce them.
For thinking still they upward go] Imagining that they are in the Right, being abused with a salse Opinion. No way is like theirs to Heaven. This is Satans Deceptio visus, his juggling with depraved Consciences, and deluded Understandings.
Hypocrisie them draws, and never leaves] Hypocrisie is a subtile Evil, a secret poyson, a Hidden Venom, and the Moth of Sanctity. It pretends all's well, it deludes Prosperity, and belies Curiosity, and with a cruel Art it stabs Virtue with its own Dagger. It kills a Fast with Fasting, and makes Prayer undo it self, it throws down Mercy with a seeming Pitty: it destroies with cooling a Fever, and in a cold Cup it giveth hot Drink. Quod corporibus est Hydrops, [Page 158] hoc Hypocrisis animabus. What the Dropsie is to Bodies, Hypocrisie is to Souls. Haec enim Hydrops bibendo sitit, Hypocrisis inebrietata est siti. For as the Dropsie with drinking thirsteth, Hypocrisie is Drunk to Thirst.
Till shee doth cast them down to pride] Till shee destroyes them with Ambition; till she doth throw them down to Hell. Pride is Satan, who possesses men with a Spirituall Pride.
That's fallen below] Lucifer fallen from Heaven into the Dungeon of utter darkness, prepared for the Divel and his Angels.
6. The Top appears] When we attain Faith, our souls are elevated.
The blew Skies brightness clears) Our souls apprehend Divine things.
Ev'n into holy Heaven you see) we behold our Mediator, who is our Redeemer, sitting at the Right hand of his Father, and conceive the Mystery of the Trinity, and the Blessednese that is prepared for those that love the Lord Jesus, and expect his appearing. Fides est perceptio veritatis rerum cum assertione, sine causarum cognitione. Faith is a discerning Understanding of the Truth, with a Claim of things without the Knowledge of their Causes.
The fresh green Grasse is gemm'd with pearlie Teares] we are renewed by Faith, alwaies growing upward. Green grasse is beautiful to the Sight, So is faith to our Saviour. There are Tears of Repentance; and Tears of Joy, and Love; which give a lustre and beauty to the Faith of the Spouse in the Eye of the Bridgroom. For so saith he in the Canticles. Behold thou art fair, my Love! Behold, thou art fair; Thine Eyes are like the Doves among the locks, thine haire is like the Flock of Goats, which look down from [Page 159] the Mountain of Gilead, Thou art all fair, my Love! and there is no spott in thee.
And Faith's Pavillion stands neer Fig's fruit-bearing Tree] It is said Faith's Pavilion, because it is no lasting place, both in respect of Man who is Mortall, as also of his future Being; For though by Faith we are carried to Heaven, it leaves us there, when wee come to Fruition. It is placed near Fig's fruit-bearing Tree, minding the Figtree in the Gospell, that was cursed because it bare no Fruit. Faith is dead without Works. The Figtree is a Plant of soveraign Vertue, and it's Fruit is a pretious Medicine against most Diseases.
7. The Tent's wide Doore] Repentance is the Introduction to Faith. Or take it for offer'd Grace, or the Calling of the Spirit. Or for the desire of Salvation.
A Damsell sits before] Faith must be pure like a Virgin. She sits, It must be fixed, and before too. For Faith is a belief of things, that not onely are past and are but to be. She mindeth things to come, and so the Tent's wide door may mind her of Eternity.
With a Chair made like a Heart] The Heart is Faith's Chair of State.
Her Eyes to Heaven] That's the Place for expectation of Comfort. She believes that Christ is her Mediator, and Intercessor there.
Do Plead for mercie's store] Ther's her mentall Prayer for Pardon, and begging Grace, that is Gods Bounty. Mercie's store is Christ's Merits.
Her Left's erect] As laying hold of Christ's merit. The Left hand is said to be nearest the Heart.
Right hand on Breast is plac't] Shewing her Contrition, Humility, and acknowledgment of her Unworthinesse of his so great Favours.
Athwart] Signifying the sense of the Soul's trouble for [Page 160] Sin committed. Create in mee a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within mee.
8. So Faith dispos'd) Faith in such application to Christ shewes her Armourie mention'd by Saint Paul.
9. Upon her shield of Gules &c.) Sets forth Christ's Death and Passion.
To make her Foes amaz'd in fight) By which he conquer'd Death and Hell.
Resplendently a Crosse of Or doth gild) His Resurrection after his Passion.
10. Not far from hence, On Place of Eminence) Hope accompanieth a stedfast faith. It is allwaies neer her. And hope is placed on high to denote that she loveth to be neer her Object, Christ, who hath prepared a Reward in Heaven, which She Keepeth still in her Eye. Tria considero; In quibus tota Spes mea consistit: Charitatem Adoptionis, Veritatem Promissionis; Potestatem Redditionis. There are Three Things wherein Hope acknowledgeth her Self to consist. God's exceeding love in his Adoption; His perfect Truth in His Promise; And His Almighty Power in Performance. Christ is risen from the Dead, and is made the First-Fruits of them that slept. For as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall All be made alive. 1. Cor. 15. 20, 22.
Tenariff) A mountaine, that is accounted the highest in the world.
A Lady deckt with Beautie's Excellence) The Soul adorn'd with heavenly Graces; The rejoycing of Spirit in as it were the present Enjoyment of the Celestial Joyes, that the Soul shall fully possesse hereafter.
Stands firm) Ther's her steadfastnesse and Constancie.
By Cable holding) Ther's her strength assisting Grace given from above.
Anchor'd in the Skie) Ther's her Repositorie; In Heaven; in Christ. My wellbeloved is mine, and I am his. He feedeth [Page 161] among the Lillies, And a little before she Sang. He brought me into the wine-seller, & love was his Banner over me. Stay me with Flagons! and comfort me with Apples! For I am sick of Love. His left hand is under my Head; and his right hand doth embrace me.
11. A Fount near these) The Embleam of Charity, who cannot be far from her Two Sisters. Dicit Fides, parata sunt magna, inexcogitabilia bona a Deo fidelibus suis; Dicit spes: mihi illa servantur; Curro ego (ait charitas) ad illa. It is Saint Bernards. Great, and unconceivable Good things are by God prepared for his Believers, sayes Faith. They are Kept for me, cryes Hope. I run to them, for them, rejoyceth Charity.
In dimpled Vale doth please) As a dimple in a Chin maketh it seem lovely, so doth Charity make beautiful whom soever she inhabits. Adimpled Vale, fertile by receiving showry Blessings; A dimpled Vale shews it's humility, which is lovely in the Eye of Heaven.
A flying statue bears Love's Name) Charitie's Embleam: Love like Fire is pyramidall, mounteth upward.
Whose Breasts run Cream into Pacifick Seas) She nourisheth others with the best of Plenty, and Relief, and is free in good offices for Atonement.
By Cistern fill'd) Such a Heart is replenisht with Grace, and Supply'd with Blessings.
From milkie way it'h'Heavenly Frame) From the Infinite store of Divine Bounty, by the Free Giver of All good gifts.
12. Where th'Hungry feed &c.) Shews the works of Charity Si non vultis in ista eremo siti mori, bibite charitatem, fons est, quem voluit Deus ponere, ne deficiamus, & abundantius cum bibamus, cum ad patriam venerimus. If you would not dye in the Wildernesse with thirst, drink charity, It is a Fountain, which God has pleased to place there, least we should faint, but we shall drink more abundantly of it, even [Page 162] our Fill, when we come into the Holy Land, into the Heavenly Canaan. so Saint Augustine.
FOrtitude is a Cardinal Vertve, And Virtus in medio posita. Vertue has her habitation, and being in the Mean, wherefore to consider Fortitude as she is passive here, she is that Vertue that moderateth Grief, whereby a Man undantedly undergoes difficulties, and bears things that are averse to his naturall Disposition with a patient mind, and a preparation or Fortification to That, and Active Fortitude is called Resolution. The excesse of Fortitude is Rashnesse and too much Boldnesse; The defect thereof, is Timiditie, and too much Softnesse. Perfect Fortitude is conversant with terrible things with an unshaken mind for honestie's sake, for a good Cause: That which is imperfect Fortitude is either Irrationall, by which he runs into Dangers at unawars, not Knowing the greatnesse of their mischief, so unexperienc't men are Souldiers; Or Civil, as he that is bred in the Lawes for the maintenance of the same, and for Reward defends Countrey Rights; Or Experimentall, by which a man goes into and frequenteth dangers, that he hath often past through and overcome with the paralogisme of a hope, that he shall still escape, he shall still have the better on't; Or Irascible, by which a man burning with desire of Revenge leaps into Perill. Or Fiduciary, whereby a man assists, or rescues another; Or Mercenary, whereby a man acteth stoutly for a Reward; Or Feminine, by which a man is as couragious, as A Lion in defending his Own, and as hardy as a Cock in defending Anothers. The most of these are Imperfect. That onely is perfect Fortitude, which expresseth Valour in a good Cause; The witnesse in that Cause is the Conscience; The Law is Reason, whose maxime and Principles are from Religion. How can that be without Religion, which adapteth to it. No Religion without Faith. Faith then is not onely the [Page 163] Back to the Edge and force to the Point of Valour, but it's shield of Defence. It sharpens and directs both. Faith is the Engineer for the fortification of Valour. He goes most gallantly on, that goes on in Gods name; And he endures most stoutly, that suffers for Gods sake. In both he does though hard Duty, yet Christian service.
FAith to take Saint Augustine's pious conceit in the Etymology of the Latine word, hath it's Nature in it's name. Fides â facto, & a Deo, from a Deed, and from God, Interrogo te ergo, Utrum credas? Dicis, Credo. Fac, quod dicis, & Fides est, I ask thee therefore (sayes he) whither thou believest? Thou answear'st. I. Do then, what thou say'st, and that is faith!
Saint Paul gives the Hebrews a clear Definition, and a full Description of it. Faith is the Substance of things, hoped for, the Evidence of Things, not seen, Heb. 11. There shalt thou find the Danger in the want of it; the various, and several Effects of it; the knowledge by it of the Authour, and Manner of the Creation; the Acceptance of Our persons and our Actions in Abel; Freedom from Death in Enoch; Watchfulness, and Providence in Noah; strong Trust, confidence, and self-denyal in Ahraham; temporal Blessings in Sarah; A firm Relying, a Resting upon Gods providence for all good things, be it towards a man's self, or his posterity, in Isaac and Iacob, who bequeathed, what was not then in their possession; Courage to do, though even to the hazard of life, in the Parents of Meses; contempt of the World, the Riches, the pleasures of it, in Moses himself; God's protection of them, that undertake dangerous iourneyes in the Israelites; Victory by weak means in that of Iericho; Preservation in the midst of Dangers in Daniel, The three Children; Deliverance from dangers in Rahab; Victories over dangers in Gideon, Barak, Sampson, Iepthah, Daniel, Samuel, The Prophets; Miraculous Recovery of Life in the Woman of Sarepta's Child; A stoutness, and valour in refusing [Page 165] the offers of Life to forsake their Religion in the seven Brethren in the Maccabees; By enduring Afflictions, in Name, by mockings, in body by Scourgings, Imprisonment, disconsolate wandring up and down in Sheep-skins, and Goat-skins; In suffering Martyrdome of several kindes, as stoning, sawing asunder, &c. Was it not A strong Motive then to stir up the Faith of the Hebrews by the consideration of them of Old? putting the Blush upon them, if they should not believe in Christ, already come, when those so long ago, who received not the Promises, did assuredly believe in Christ before his coming.
How voluntary a certainty of Things above Opinion is Faith, which yet is placed below Knowledge! O how rich is the treasure of Faith! More to be desired, and sought, then the most Orient Pearls, then the most resplendent precious Stones! More to be trusted, to be relyed upon, than All the strength of Man, than the Armes of Princes! More to be travailed for, then all the most effectual Medicines, than the most Soveraign Balsames! No Guard like it; No Physick of such Vertue. What doth not Faith find out? Against what doth it not prevaile? It seiseth upon what is inaccessible. It deprehends, it reaches down to Us Things, that were unknown; It comprehends, it bindes, what is most furious, what most strong; It apprehends, and make subject to our capacity, what is beyond the stretch of Time. In the vast Embraces of her Bosome, she sits down, and, as it were besieges, yea takes even Eternity It Self.
Make hither then, thou tottering Christian! Thou shaken Reed! Thou, that art in so great Distress by foule Weather! Here is an open Port! Wave it not! Believe! Believe in thy Saviour! Let not thy Curiosity search so much for Faith in thine Understanding! Seeke not to understand, that thou [Page 166] maist believe! Believe rather, that thou maist understand. Understanding is a Reward of Faith. Believe in thy Saviour! He is the way; He is the Light; He is the Bread of Eternal Life; He is the Spring of Never failing Waters; He is the Well of Life Everlasting; He is the Truth, to direct thee; He is All in all to those, that believe in Him.
Either thou didst never believe; not believe, as thou shouldest: Or thy Faith is out of Breath; very pursie for want of Exercise. 'Tis in a Lethargy with Idleness. Crebris otiosa tentatur incommodis: A thousand Temptations are ready to lay hold on thee! Nay, peradventure have seised upon thee, as the Philistines did upon Sampson, bound thee, and put out thine Eyes too. No marvaile, thou art in so bad a condition; so sick, so crazie, so full of Quames, and swoonings. Betake thee to a Prayer! Waken that sleepy Heart of thine! Will it, nill it! Lift up thy Hands! And, though but a good Thought with it! Christ will hear thy Faith, when it cryeth in thy Bosome. Cry out with failing Peter on, yea sinking in the troubled Waters. Lord, help! or I perish! Christ then takes thee by the Hand presently. Let thy Heart, Thy fainting heart, claspe Faith! Faith will lay hold on Christ, and Christ becomes, thy strength, thy Saviour, thy Redeemer. Quod oportet, Lex minando imperat; Quod fidei, Lex credendo impetrat. What belongs to Duty the Law commands under a Penalty; what belongs to Faith, the Law demands, mercy desires by believing.
Say! Complaine! Confess then as the Church in the Canticles to thy Saviour! Look not upon me, because I am black, because the Sun hath looked upon me! My Mother's Children were angry with me: They made me keeper of the Vineyards, but mine own Vineyard have I not kept. Tell me, O thou, whom my Soul loveth! where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon! For, why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy Companions? Is [Page 167] he the Rose of Sharon? and the Lillie of the Vallies? Cry'thou then! The Fig-tree putteth forth her green leaves, and the Vines with the tender Grape give a good smell; Arise, My Love! My Fair One! and come away! O my Dove, that art in the Clefts of the Rock! In the secret places of the staires! Let me see thy Countenance! Let me hear thy Voice! For sweet is thy Voice, and thy countenance is comely. Take us the Foxes! The little Foxes! that spoile the Vines! For our Vines have tender Grapes. Thy Neck is like the Tower of David, builded for an Armory, whereon there hang a Thousand Bucklers; All shields of mighty men.
What though thou beest at a loss? thy Faith grows stronger; more earnest. What, if thou canst not find him? What though thou call'st Him, and He gives thee no Answer? What though the Watchmen; that go about the City find thee? smite thee? wound thee? and the Keepers of the Wall take away the Vaile from thee? On still! Thou shalt find him in an humble walk; When thou goest down into the Garden of Nets, whither he is gone to see the Fruits of the Valley, and to see whether the Vine flourished, and the Pomegranates budded, Or ever thou art aware, thy Soul makes thee, as the Chariots of Amminadab, thy faith wil run swiftly unto him, and call after him: Return! Return, O Shulamite? Return! Return, that we may look upon thee! What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the Company of two Armies. Thou art then thy Beloved's; and His desire is towards Thee.
Now, beloved Christian, hold fast thy Faith! Part not with it! Part with thy Life first! Which Thou must pay; But not with thine own Hand. Believe, and Live!
CANTO. VIII. The Campe of Resolution.
A Camp is an Artificiall place of strength: a Fortification for an Enemy, against an Army, anciently used by great Commanders and Generals, to secure their Souldiers, and the Train belonging to them. It is not Ager, a field for the Plough-share, but Campus, a field of War, from whence this Word is derived. And a Camp is not a place of Defence, but of Offence, from whence Forces may annoy an Enemy. So sometimes it is used by Militarie Power to sit down before a Fort, Castle, Town, or City, to begirt, besiege, distress, and take such places by Assault, Surprise, or Stratagem.
Resolution is the fixing of Courage, and the vigor of Fortitude; Here more especially it is the Spirit, and Intentive strength of Faith, a Christian earnestness of Mind set to perform Gods Commands, with a valiant Courage, maugre all resistance, peril, or Temptation, as also to suffer therefore, and undergo upon all occasions with an undanted mind, what Peril soever, Cross, Calamity, or what Evill can betide, as also a determinate purpose to master and overcome the Passions, the treacherous Rebels of the Mind.
Fortitudo est Virtus pugnans proaequitate, saies Cicero. Thus Resolution is an Excellent Commander to Order the unruly Affections, to keep them to Duty. Such a Caesar S. Gregory means in 8. Book of Morals, saying, Fortitudo justorum est carnem vincere, propriis voluntatibus contraire, delectationēm vitae praesentis extinguere, hujus mundi aspera pro aeternis praemiis amare, prosperitatis blandimenta contemnere, adversitatis malum in corde superare. The Gallantry of a [Page 173] Christians Resolution, is to Conquer the Flesh, to withstand Inbred Appetite, to oppose natural desires, to combate, and overthrow our own Inclinations, to delight in hardship, for Heavens sake, and to make nothing of the Thorns and Rubs of this World for the Reward of hereafter; to contemn the blandishments, and smoothings of Prosperity, and with a noble heart to tread upon, and scorn the fear of Adversity. Hence is the Canto stil'd The Camp of Resolution.
1. Reviving Soul] Is as one that hath swounded, is fetcht again with Hot Waters: or as a condemned person, that has newly obtain'd his Pardon; So the Soul is raised from death to life, from sin to grace by Regeneration of Faith, by being New-born in Christ, whereby it rejoyceth in the Comforts of the Spirit.
March on! We proceed in a Christian course with cheerfulness.
The day is clear] To the visibility of Faith, there is a shining forth of the Truth; Christ is made manifest unto us.
To Resolutions Camp now drawst thou near) Thou approachest, and obtainest strength, and abilitie to Performance to do, or endure; thou hast gotten well onward to the Power of Resistance of Temptations.
Some skulking Enemies behold!) Consider thy Corrupt Inclinations, and the subtilty of Temptations; observe the rising of thy Passions.
But other some picqueiring bold) Picqueiring is by small numbers of Horse, which are termed Parties, go forth from their Camp, Garrison, or Quarters, either to seek booty, or to surprize careless Enemies; or to fetch in Scouts of the Enemie for Intelligence; or to discover the manner of the Enemies Posture; or to beat up Quarters, and to give Alarum; Sometimes to dare the Enemy, and to seek to draw him out, [Page 174] and engaging him by offering to fetch in somewhat that is in his eye, which in Honour he must not part with; therefore are such Adventurers said to be bold.
At Circumspection's Scouts do disappear) Temptations and Affronts of the World are not forward to appear, when watchfulness is in the Thoughts, and wariness attends the Senses, and Actions, that nothing be done inconsulte, without consideration; That the ends of Intentions, and Purposes, be look't upon through Desires prompting to them, which are their beginnings. Temptations vanish when they are thus taken notice of.
Thick Woods) Ignorance bewildes, and fascinates with their gloominess, and Briars. The Shadiness denote the stupidity of Ignorance: the thickness with Thorns and Rubbage, shows the many michiefs, and disadvantages which accompany the same. Here is a discovery how Passions lurking in us, watch their opportunities to carry us out of our selves. Ignorance is the strength wherein Passions nestle and inhabit.
Loose Boggs) Are the deceitfulness, and pollution of sin, and temptations that prevail; when they dwell in an Enthralled Mind, they hold it fast, and cleave to it, that it is hard to get out of their hands, these swallow in mire those that lay fast in them, and throw dirt at those that part from them. Temptations keep a correspondence with corrupt Affections.
Whence quick Excursions they make out) Come suddenly upon us to surprize us. Excursion is a sudden and speedy Marching out of Horse upon Command into the Enemies Countrey, to surprise and disadvantage them, and to fetch in Pillage, Forrage and Provisions.
And oft their multitude) Sins Temptations are very numerous, and give very frequent onsets.
Is manly fought) With Christian Courage, to Resist, [Page 175] and beat back; Principas obst [...]re, to foil them in their first advance, or at least to overthrow them in their Charge.
Oft foil'd, discover'd by the quick-ey'd Master Scout) By Circumspection, and diligent Watchfulness. Watch, lest ye enter into Temptation, Our Saviours advice.
2. From Vices strengths) The World, the Flesh, and the Divel; corrupt Affections giving way, and the Passions Assisting.
Are frequent Inrodes made) Invasions, as an Enemy advancing into a Countrey, into contrary Quarters, with Regiment, Brigade, or some more considerable Army.
Stern injury) Wrong has a sullen look, and a Churlish hand, sparing none.
And Impudence invade) So bold is sin, and so little outcountenance Temptation.
High Resolutions well-kept Field) Temptations think to give an unlookt for On-set, and to Daunt or Abate Christian Courage: But that is too high for their Attempts, too great to be disadvantaged, because it is received from above; and the Camp is too strong, the mind is better composed and fortified, the Affections are in better order, than to have such weakness as to be liable to much disadvantage. The Field well kept is by assisting Grace.
But his stout men do scorn to yield) The Christians affections are better bent; they account it a dishonour to their Calling and Profession to give ground, or to cry Quarter! They serve the power of the onely strength; their's is an honourable service; they scorn to yeild to Outlaws, Runnagates, and the weaker force of a base Enemy.
Temerity does flying lose his Blade) Rashness loseth both Honour and Power. Suddain Temptations against Pious Resolution, soon lose their weapons.
Self opinion) A discovery of the baseness of Pride, and the Folly of Self-opinion like the mad man in Athens that thought all the Ships were his own that came into the Harbour. [Page 176] It would own others worth, having none it self: here also it shews how subject that sin is to lying. Superbia & Cupiditas in tantum est unum, ut nec sapientia sine cupiditate, nec▪ sine superbia cupiditas possit inveniri, saith S. Bernard. Pride, and desire of having are so much as one, as neither overweening be found without too much craving, nor the too much desire of having be entertaind with too much craving.
Poor Cowardize) As baseness of Spirit is impoverished by every Intruder, so what it gains it is by stealth, and in the dark, and so does it operate upon weak mindes. Thus Temptations would impede Resolution by debilitating Courage, with stealing upon it in the dark, undream't of, by presenting the shaddows of interests and Relations. Cowardise doth reason politickly, and like a Juggler.
3. Wild passions muster oft themseves amain) Temptations reinforce, they will not give over for once, or twice, making a Christians Life a continual war-fare: they come still on, and encrease their Troops upon us, and then add more strength, when they find themselves most resisted. Nulla sunt sine tentationum experimentis opera virtutis; nulla sine p [...]rturbationibus fides; nullum sine hoste certamen; nulla sine congressione victoria But there can be no good works, without the experiments of, and trials by temptations; there can be no Faith, without conflicts and vexations; there can be no Combat without an Enemy; there can be no Victory without an Encounter.
March quick with hot incursion on the plain) Tentations are here arrayed in battel, their motion is swift, their encounter is very furious, and they come on upon smooth ground, the place makes them think themselves and their violence of motion, and excess of malice, which is their false Valour, makes them think to have the better on't: Now or never they think to gain the Prize; for if Resolution takes place, [Page 177] farewel staggering of Faith. The field is open, and they consider not the Reserve, nor who it is that backs him; that power is unseen.
Wrath leads as Van) Wrath has the command of the first body, and he is likeliest to carry it; he thinks to rout the whole man; For does wrath when he breaks into him. Nihil inter insanum & iratum est, non una dies; alter semper insanit, alter semper irascitur. There is no difference between a wrathfull, and a mad man, not a day; For the one is alwaies mad, and the other ever angry. Wrath thinks to tear Resolutions force in pieces, as Tygers rend their Prey. They need not have a madder head.
Revenge as Rear) Revenge comes slow; it steals behind the heart of Man. It is hard to pull out Cains sin, it is so deep in us; and when it has been thrown out, it would fain encompass us, or get in at the Postern.
As battel pride) He indeed makes his delight to Domineer over the whole Body, yea, and Spirit too, but then he is most dangerous. He must ride, and in a Chariot too, which has these four Horses to draw it. Amor dominandi, Desire of Command; Amor propriae laudis, Love of his own praise; Contemp [...]us, Despising others; Inobedientia, Rebellion. His Chariots Wheels are Boasting, and Arrogance; Verbosity and Levity. His Charioteer is the Spirit of Pride, and he is never without his Zanies, which he hurries therein along with him, even to the overthrow of others, and those are are Amatores mundi, the lovers of the World. Infraenes sunt Equi; volubiles rotae; auriga perversus; & qui portatur, infirmus. The Horses are unbridled; the wheels are ever turning; the Charioteer is madder then his Horses; and the Flatterers that are thus hurried want as much of understanding as they do of Resolution.
No Ranks Keeps Fear) Multos in summa pericula misit venturi timor ipse mali. Fortissimus ille est, qui promptus metuenda [Page 178] patitur. The very Fear of approaching Evil hath driven many into miserable Dangers. Fear cannot be kept in order and by chance wu'd break Resolution's Ranks, because he cannot Keep his own.
For Marshall Fury counteth Order Vain) Such is the opinion of a Mad man. A fitt Marshal for such a disordred Army.
Ha red does charge) Hatred is a Great Accuser, It is so much the better that he is an open Enemy, Pejora sunt tecta odia, quam aperta, et agnosci amat, qui odium ostendit, Concealed Malice is worse than that which is declared, He seems to crave pardon that discovers an intended ill turn. Here Hatred is taken to presse upon Resolution to weaken it. Hatred Visits like Job's Friends not to try his Faith but to shake it.
And Envie tear) Fuge Invidiam, quae non solum alienos, verum multò magis eum, quem possiderit, lacerare consuevit. Take heed of Envie! For She not once rendeth strangers, but teareth much more whensoere She does possesse.
Black Treason moveth up and down) He casteth about to gain advantages and to designe against Religious Resolution.
Rebellion's Drums &c.) Tumults and Noises are raised to shake Resolution. This kind of Temptations makes use of streperous Musick to discompose more settled thoughts.
But Slander fights behind) Dentes dicti sunt à demendo, Ideò pulchrae linguae detrahentium dentes vocantur; Quia sicut illi ciborum partes demunt; ita et istae opiniones hominum corrodunt. Teeth are called so from taking away. Therefore are the slippery Tongues called Teeth: Because as they divide the Parts of meats, so detractors do tear the good names of men: and in the worst manner ever wounding them unseen.
The War's for Vertue's Crown) To rob the Soul of hope of Happinesse.
[Page 179] 4. Oft does their C [...]ing seem to make Retreat) Discovering the Subtlety of the Temptations of the three Grand Enemies of Christian piety, the World, the Flesh, and the Devill.
Here the Vices are rallied first, because they are the invaders of the souls Rest and Comfort.
Field Marshall Prudence Voydeth such Defeat) Prudence here is taken for Providence. Providentia Dei omnia gubernantur; et quae putatur poena, medicina est. By the Providence of God are All things marshall'd and govern'd: And happy is it so. For that which Evill men account a Punishment is the best Physick.
Discover'd, broke, they fly, dismaid) Grace Assisting Faith, gives strength to Resolution to break them, having discover'd their wicked Policies.
Ambition leaves his tired Horse) He rides post for his Ends, but having wearied himself, and his Agents, he either is thrown or so rowted that he is compelled to leave what was his Advancement, his Honours, and seeks safety among the Vulgar.
And Prodigalitie doth run his Course) Here Vices and Sins are mentioned as the Punishers of themselves.
In Bog Vainglory drops) A Swelling Vice is like a Tumour in the Body that when it breaks shewes nothing but rottennesse which is a Punishment agreeable to the Folly.
Thus Scatt'reth Vice's Force) This is the best Conclusion of Wickednesse.
5. From Idlenesse so sick) Idlenesse moves like stone towards Imployment, And is sick of doing nothing.
Sloth could not come &c.) Sloth is inseparable from Idlenesse.
But Iealousie did often show) Jealousie is ever stirring.
Intemp'rance too, that still does grow) Intemperance foolishly discovers it self. It increaseth still upon those, that entertain her.
[Page 180] And Apish Noveltie, that pleaseth men) And this no considerable Enemy against pious Resolution, one not to be neglected. Novelty of Opinions, Newes, and the like do very much endanger the settlement of a Religious mind.
Ingratitude Friends wu'd not Know) This is an Enemy to the whole man. This wu'd cut off the Hands of resolution, and kill the Heart of Charity; A declar'd Foe to Grace; This is as forgetful of giving Thanks, as craving handed to receive Cureesies, as evill minded to return Injuries.
And Curiosity did stay) Here is the Description of the nature of Curiosity, as of the rest of the Vices; quarit in rem abs onditam, No going without prying into some secret. But while this is so busie in others Quarters, no notice is taken of the weaknesse on's own Guard. Curiosity Seldom parts with him that will entertain him.
Oft peeping through a hedged narrow way) Curiositas foras egreditur, et exterius omnia considerat, qui sic interna despicit, praeterita non respicit, praesentia non inspicit, futura non prospicit. Curiosity has much businesse abroad, and takes strict notice of what's not it's own businesse, of what's without; But he that despiseth what's within, regards not what is past, and is as carelesse of what is present, as he is mindlesse of what is to come. Upon those things that God has turn'd the Key, man should not temper with the Lock. Some things are placed in their straight Limits upon purpose, that they should not be common. And others are placed in the dark that they should not tempt an Eye; And some have a Clowd as a Curtain drawn before them, lest their Glory should strike blind, if not destroy. Satisfied Curiosity is a subtle Enemy to a Christian Resolution.
Ill Education likewise was in Field this Day] Though ill Education be not a Vice it self, yet it is Vice's Intimate, and much acquainted, therefore cannot be out of sin's Company, wheresoever it goes. Want of godly Nurture [Page 181] is a dangerous means of bringing Adversaries upon Piety.
6. Prosperity, Adversity aside did stand] These are Evils in themselves. These are Hermaphrodites utriusque Sexus. They neither Friends, but as they are used or abus'd, so declare.
Voluptuousness made neer to prospers Band] Yet it is a difficult thing for prosperity not to exceed. Pleasure is often tickling the Elbow of prosperity.
Despaire then to Adverse ran] It is still attempting a miserable condition.
Desiring him to save the Man] By this seeming contrariety of speech is expressed the Viperous nature of Despaire that speaks to destroy by being nourisht, alluding to the Fable of the Countrieman, and the Snake in Aesop, whose commiseration had like to have cost him dear. He brings the dying Snake unto the fire, where reviving it is ready to sting him for his kindness.
For these fair Quarter held on either hand] Neuters as they are declar'd Foes, so they are no certaine Friends.
At home did swearing banne] This Sin curseth it self; And is it's own Chief punisher. It keeps within it's Circle like a conjurer, and too often raiseth the Devil. Sin is not so much as a seeming good to any, and a great mischief to it self.
And Covetise at home did hide] It lives as though it lived not, like a Snaile in his shell in Winter. Hiding here is the neglect of use of what it has. A curse that attends it; Therefore is the Covetous properly plac't next him, that useth Execrations. As the one raps out Oaths, the other rams in Bags; Both are conversant with their gods.
Among his Baggs, that cover'd every side] These are the gods of Covetousness and his protection. Quantum nummorum habet in arca, tantum habet & fidei. Chest and Conscience [Page 182] fill and empty alike. Heres no Religion without an Idoll.
And Superfluity with many more, that there abode] Exorbitancy has all his Rooms fill'd with wickedness. A divel is in every corner.
7. How bravely Resolution took his Ground] Here follows in this Stanza the Description of the Army of Vertues, and how they behaved themselves in the Battaile. They are described last; because they keep the Field; and in this Christian matter of moment obtain the Victory.
It is no less Judgement, then Advantage for a General to choose the best Ground, as well as to gain the Wind and the Sun for so great a Dispute, as that of A Field. That Ground is faith, upon which Resolution cannot faile.
From Vertue's ports did bounding Troops abound] The Ports are places here from whence Assistance is sent. So prayers by obtaining from above do send fresh strengths to second and supply the weakness of our spirits. Whereupon they are stil'd bounding Troops. For as a bounding Horse doth rise from Ground and charge, doth jump upon the Earth; Prayers mounting up to heaven come swiftly down with obtained Blessings. Mounting Troops signifie also rejoycing in Spirit, which always accompany holy Resolution.
Dexterity the Right Wing led] We must in the first place use our best skill, and Activity to move every way, if we mean to resolve well. Dexterity leads also the Right wing for his agility, and quickness. Tis best to resolve well betimes.
And to the Left was Courage Head] The left is said to be next the Heart.
'Force Battail Resolution, while Trumps sound] To animate all the Spirits against so great and violent a contention.
Iudgement's Reserve behind was spread] All occasions of [Page 183] doing good are to be placed near; but the only and maine assistance is that from above, to rely upon Christ by Faith then want we not assisting Grace.
At signal gi [...]en the Charge was stout] This contention betwixt the Soul and Satan with all his Temptations of the Flesh, and the World are resembled here to the Form of drawing up in Battalia, and the striking of a Battail, wherein the signal must first be given, and then the violence of the Charge begins as here betwixt these Mortal and Spiritual Enemies.
And Execution's Ordnance lan'd the Rout] Obedience to God's commands cutts down Temptations. It is said, lan'd the Rout, from the Force of Ordnances that cutteth through bodies of men, and numbers of Souldiers, making void spaces like Lanes; Or from destroying sin.
How Vice's Force fell! fled! as this great Gallant fought!] When pious Resolution bestirs himself and draws up his strength of Faith, the World forsakes us, the flesh faileth, and is disheartned; And the Devil takes his flight.
8. They can but tarry now] This eight Stanza describes, how weak Temptations will appear, when Resolution hath got the Day; Less Opposition then so it be continued and watch kept, will keep off rebellious Temptations; denoting also the base Nature of such enemies, their insolence and Cowardise, concluding it with an Invitation of the Pilgrim to Resolution's Camp, both for safety and Refreshment; as also whetting desire to go and take notice of the Excellency of Resolution, and the happiness of that Place (which intimates the whole man) wherein he hath Residence; how well all things are ordered under him; And needs they must, being under Gods Guidance and Blessing. Discovering in the close the safety and Beauty of Obedience.
9. And those are five, fit Counsellors of War] A wise few are enough for a counsail. Here every one speaks his own [Page 184] interpretation in this Stanza, deciphering what vertues are necessary to so excellent Resolution; Beginning the relation of the Commanders and Officers in the Camp, which is the Heart.
10. The Traveller, or Guide proceeds in the relation of the former Stanza, mentioning the several Offices, and at last speaks the purpose of all this, which is, to make good the Spiritual Warfare, to maintaine Religion, and not to shrink in a good cause.
11. The Huts in streets are plac't to'th' General] The Generals Tent is pitcht in the midst of the Campe, to be fit to command and regard all Parts: The Heart is this Tent, Resolution the General; several Graces are his Officers, several operations are the Huts, and Affections are the Souldiers. The Colours are the Cross, the Drum and Trumpet is the Preaching of the Word that directs to Armes and encourages to the fight. The Campe is the whole man. Ten Curtains are obedience to the Ten Commandments, which is accepted as performed by a working Faith through Christ. Scarpe is resistance of Evil, Parapets cheerfulness in working, Graffe Mortification of our Members; Counterscarpe Despising of Dangers, All which forbid Invasion, and make the strength of Resolution impregnable against Temptation.
12. Five Ports there are] The Five Senses are the Five Ports.
And Sent'res to each Gate] Several sorts of Warines, according their several places. Steadfastness of Look watcheth the Eyes. Aversion from Evil Discourse guardeth the Ears. Abstinence attend the Tast, and Lipps. Innocence prevents the sent of Pleasures, and Integrity keeps the hands from touching Foul things. These suffer none to pass without The Word. The Draw-bridge is the Tongue, which is drawn by silence, and let down by Reason. The Ordnance planted by its Severity.
[Page 185] Without round doth a Line circumvallate] This alludes to an outward strength made by Engineers according to Generals Commands about their Camps, especially used when they set down before Towns at their intended Leaguers: and are to prevent the invading, or relieving Enemy from doing them sudden injury, as also from too much streightning their Camp, and this is done by an out-line at Proper distance, and according unto proper form and place in proportion to their Camp, and number of Force; Which Line is termed the Line of Circumvallation, as about a Town the Garrison and Force in it draw a Line of Communication to secure themselves against a Leaguer upon an Enemy sitting down before them, and encamping upon them. This Line has Tenails at fit distance to strengthen the Line; also Redoubts, both which have Curtains to scowre their Faces. Tenails are Triangular Fortifications; Redoubts are square Forts for Courts of Guard. This Line is that of Circumspection. Tenails are prevention of occasions of Evil, and the Redoubts are Consultation not to admit any thing rash, on the opposition of evil. Thus you see how much work is required to a Christian Resolution.
REsolution is from Fortitude. Fortitude from God. The Lord be praised for ever and ever: For Wisedom and [Page 186] strength are his. Dan. 2. 20. Whosoever is endued with true Virtue is valiant: And whosoever is valiant so, neither rashly dareth, nor inconsideratly feareth. He is the right valiant Man that can be temperate, will be moderate, and dares be just.
Excellently singeth Divine Boëtius, de consol lib. 3. metr. 5. Express.
The Ten Half-Moons to the Ten Bulwarks of Resolution, are these.
[Page 187] 1. Malum est cedere malis, & iis libertatem suam dedere.
It is a mischief to give place to evils, and to subject our liberties to such Tyrants.
2. Magnum est Malum ferre non posse Malum, & infoelix est, qui ferre nequit infelicitatem.
It is a greater mischief not to be able to undergo Evil, and he is very unhappy that cannot endure misfortune.
3. Aequus animus, & bona conscientia est optimum aerumnae condimentum.
A patient mind, and a quiet conscience are the best seasoners of Troubles.
4. Res adversae nulli sunt malae, nisirepugnanti, & aspera placidè ferendo leniuntur.
Adversity is not evil to any, but him that resists it. Harsh things are smoothed up by a gentle bearing.
5. Calamitas est efficere virtutis gymnasium.
Calamity is a strong exercise of Virtue.
6. Rosa inter spinas, inter difficultates virtus, inter curas gloria.
The Rose amidst the Prickles, among difficulties Virtue, and in a crowd of cares hovereth Glory.
7. Miseros metiora sequentur.
Better things attend those that are in misery.
8. Fortiter ille facit, qui miser esse potest.
He doth command, not undergo,
That calmly steers in storms of wo.
9. Si in unum evicti, cuncta sua mala contulissent, futurum ut propria deportare domum, quam aliena eligere mallent.
If every man were agreed to bring to one heap all their burthens, he would rather load himself again home, then carry anothers.
[Page 188] 10. Homo timidus, ipse sibi maledicit.
A faint Heart gives the denial to his own hope.
VIrtue is the refining of Nature to an Eminence; a leading her up to the Top, to perfection; and not onely an Extraction of her to a Quintessence, but a Direction likewise, and impulsion of the mind to the obtaining of what is most excellent. She was, if not the Philosophers Goddess, as it were their Good Angel, their Bonus genius, to find the True God out by. Those Athenians in the Acts of the Apostles had set a pretty step to Heaven-ward, when but so far as an Altar to an unknown God. There was a blind acknowledgement in that; and we find it soon followed, and had so far obtained Grace, that S. Paul came to them with the Revelation of the true one, Jesus Christ. For whom they ignorantly worshipt, Him did he shew unto them.
Make a stand then! And view so fair a Ladie! She is worthy of a look. For she is very beautiful. There is a Legitimate Fascination: Look upon her! Eye her well in her Physiognomy! her Symmetrie! Form! Mein! and Stature! She is not Fair onely, but very comely. Thou losest not by it, if thou fallest in Love. She is the best Mistress. The most amicable sweet-heart.
Look upon her Head! So consider her in her Intellectuals! Hast thou seen a plaited or ribbed Picture, representing it self at some distance in divers forms, and several Figures, as thy Station hath changed from one side to that other in the Room as then placed? Such does she thus appear unto thee. In a Notional, Contemplative, and Theorical manner, thou beholdest her to be Wis [...]m. In the Practical, Prudence.
[Page 190] Observe her body! So thou look'st upon in her Morals. So maist thou read Justice in her Will, whose best and soundest parts decline from Evil, are forward and ready to do Good. Whose subjective Parts (which are her Species) are General, or Particular. So appears she distributive in her Reward; In her Punishments. Commutative too, in Bargain, Sale, and the rest. Whose potential parts are Religion, Piety, Observance, Obedience, Truth, Gratitude, Liberality, Affability, Friendship.
As she is Moral you may consider her in her concupiscible appetite. Then call her Temperance, adorn'd with blushing shamefastness, and innocent honesty; with the Neck-lace of Abstinence, stomacher of Sobriety, Girdle of Chastity, and Garment of Modesty.
Her Companions at times are lovely Virgins. Continencie handeth Courtesie; Clemency Meekness; Humility studious Regard; Moderation Eutrapelia; Ornament Simplicity.
As thou look'st still upon her Morals, mind her likewise in her Irascible Appetite! And thou must call her Fortitude, whose sinewie, musculous, and curious Limbs are Resolution, or Magnanimity; Magnificence; Patience, and longsuffering; Perseverance, and constancy.
So you see how all the rest branch from, or depend upon these four Cardinals, as upon hinges, but they are Virtues. They are so call'd Cardinal à Cardine, a Hinge. Thou hast seen Resolutions Pedigree. He's Highborn, Grand-child to the Queen-Regent of the Mind, to virtue.
Wud'st thou know what he is? He is a Captain, he is a General, and fit to be so. He is both valiant, and active. He is not too hasty in the Order of his Designs; nor too slow in their Execution. But is steady in their settlement, as the Laws of the Medes, and Persians, that were not to be revoked, not to be removed. He will through with his undertaking: No let must stop him: No Enemy gainsay him. [Page 191] His aim is Noble; his end is Honourable: For that he strives. Thither he must. He slights a Treaty with the Vices. He is accustomed to their specious pretences; he understands their Rhetorick, and is acquainted with their Enticements. He knows the Golden Balls thrown in Atalanta's way. He resists or diverts their purposes. He walks upright; and on still.
Come hither then, Weak Brother! and take example! Hast a Uertigo in thy Head? Like enough, It may be blown in by some New Doctrine. Hast no certain Pulse? nor Pace? Doest stagger up and down? Doest reel, like a Drunken Man? It may be so. There is a Drunkennesse in the Fancy. There is an Intoxication of the Understanding. Disorderly Passions are the Ebriety of the mind. Is it so with thee? Take Resolution to avoid Evill! Take Resolution to do good! Thou shalt find a cure. Thou shalt become sober. He, that is desperate is a Coward. He, that is Resolute, is Valiant.
Take Courage, Man! Put on Resolution! Be a Numantine, in the better Sense! And let not a Scipio, in the worst, overcome thee! Lose not thy Liberty, for the glory of a Christian! O happy Numantia (Sayes that defeated Conquerour) which the Gods had decreed should Once end, but Nere be vanquished! Make good the Liberty, that God hath given thee! Be not led captive by Passion! though never so great. Let no torment debase thee! Let no Grief bring thee so low, as to committ any thing unbeseeming a Noble Heart! Nor wish death! Nor fear it, when it comes! T'is terrible onely to Him, that thinks not of it, before it comes. Tis horrible to him that forceth and hasteneth it before it's Time.
Doest thou fear God? O bey Him! Forget him Not! Nor thy Self! Hasten not an End to Those Dayes, that of themselves do poast unto it! Let no Occasion prompt A Lye to thee, to frame a base Excuse, to blind, to tempt thee to [Page 192] committ, which in it self is not onely most Unlawful, but most abhominable! Socrates (that wise man) by the Light of Nature can tell thee so much, like a Divine: Thou must not suffer thy Soul to depart from the Sentery wherein she is placed in this Body without the Leave of her Captain. So weighty a matter as Death (sayes, the Divine among the Heathen, Plato) ought not to be in mans Power.
If thou find'st thy weaknesse, fortifie thy Self by Degrees! Become Master but of One Resolution! Thou maist become Master of thy Self by't. One step is the means to move further upward; to raise thee to a lofty Room. Resolve, thou wilt avoid One Oath! but One Hour! It may produce A Day. Resolve, thou wilt not goe into that bad Company! But this Time! It may take thee off from Another. Resolve, to deny thy Heart, but One unjust Request! Mark, how it will cool from offering thee Another! If thou didst not give the Devill encouragement, thou shouldst not peradventure have his Custom. Resolve to say but One Prayer! Take that, which thy Lord hath taught thee! It is but a short one, lest it might seem irksom to thee. Resolve to say it humblie! In thy Heart! Resolve to do it humblie! On thy Knees too! All Reverence of Soul, and Body is too little for so Great a Majestie. Whoso wu'd chill thy Reverence, wu'd Kill thy Devotion; murder thy Prayer; and by Consequence thy Soul. Have the Angels no Knees? thou hast. Let thy Heart suit their Reverence! Let thine Intellectuall Nature do a like worship! Let thy Body perform it's own. O come let us fall down, and worship, and Kneel before the Lord Our Maker. For he is the Lord our God, and we are the People of his Pasture, and the Sheep of his Hands (this can not be remembred too often) Prostrate then! The Humiliation of thy Body will humble thy Soul! It will abate the strength of thy proud Flesh.
Resolve, as much as possibly thou canst, to think of Nothing [Page 193] then, but God, and thy Prayer! and thy self in it to Him! Conceive, it is the Sacrifice of thy Soul! And that thou then discoursest with the Deitie! Think of thy Saviour more, than thy Sin! Doest see Another Law in thy members, warring against the Law of thy mind, and bringing thee into Captivity to the Law of Sin, which is in thy Members? And thereupon groanest out Saint Paul's words? O wretched Man, that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this Death! Seek to make his Application! I thank God through Jesus Christ Our Lord, by whom we have now received the Atonement.
Resolve One good Deed of Charitie! That will warme thy Heart, That may kindle a holy flame in thy Soul. Resolve to pray, as soon as thou awakest! So thou prevent'st Sin from taking Possession. With the Psalmist seek him early, in the morning! Run to thy knees at Noon Day! Or when any Temptation assaulteth thee! Resolve, not to couch thy Head on thy Pillow, before thy Peace-Offering! And that thou beest to God and Man reconciled! Thy Bed may prove thy Grave. And there is a Resurrection.
Resolve against any Notorious Sin, whereof thine Own Conscience shall arraign thee Guilty! Make A Covenant with thine Eyes! thine Eares! thy Lips! thy Hands! thy Feet! and thy Thoughts too! For these are the Tinder of Iniquity. Leave not God, till thou hast obtained A Blessing! Wrastle for it, as Iacob! He loves to be sought. He delighteth to hear thee call upon Him; And is pleased to see a stout Champion; what thou see'kst, is not worth his Giving, if not worth Thy Contending for.
Strike thy Breast! That thy rockie Heart may be mollified; That it may have the comfortable Metamorphosis from Stone to Flesh! So shalt thou be reconciled to thy displeased Father; So Christ will own thee; will send the Comforter unto thee; And thy Body shall become the Temple of the [Page 194] Holy Ghost. Thou shalt grow from grace to grace, even to Eternall Glorie.
Take up thine Arms then! With Them the Ingemination, that the Lord deliver'd to Ioshua! Be strong! and of a good courage &c. Be strong, and very courageous! that thou maist obserue to doe according to All the Law &c. Turn not from it to the Right hand, or to the Left! that thou maist prosper, whither soever thou goest.
CANTO IX. The Lodge of Patience.
A Lodg is the lonelie Dwelling of A Keeper in a Park; Of a Ranger in a Chace; or of a Forrester in a Forrest. A Forrest is a desert Place full of Woods, and Copses. It is chiefly frequented by wild Beasts, being their proper habitation. And many of those Beasts are not more wild, than cruel, a savage Kind of Creature. Though this Forrest within a Wildernesse in the passe along the same the experienced Traveller indeavours to direct the Pilgrim in this Discourse.
The Wildernesse is the World. The Forrests therein are Cities and most inhabited Places, The Woods and Copses are the Houses, not onely because they are built with timber, but for their Thicknesse, and nearnesse of Position. The Streets are the Walks. The wild Beasts are the Men. Indomitum Vulgus. The People, that are not easily tamed; Who are more savage, than those wild Beasts, devouring not only one another, but their own Kind. So as t'is not Lupus hominem Vorat, the Wolf devoureth the man, but homo homini Lupus, Man is the Wolf to Man; nay more, Homo homini Daemon; Man is a Divell to Man. And that exceeds the Barbarisme, and abhomination of Those Anthropophagi Spoken of by Plinie. lib. 6. c. 30. or those Indian Cannibals [Page 200] of later notice. And more than that, Homo sibi Daemon, Man is a Devill to Himself, the horridest of All. As though the Devill were weary of or overwrought in mischief against man, and man had taken his Journey-work.
In such a Place, among such Inhabitants layes the patrimony of Patience. No where also to raise her Portion. And yet even to a miracle, there lives she happy, happy in a hope not onely, but in a Joincture by Assurance of Happinesse hereafter. Hence is her Habitation properly stil'd the Lodg of Patience.
1. Pace Softly on!) With care and steadinesse.
The Way is deep.) Here the reasons are given for much circumspection. In deep and miry wayes the passenger is more than usually hindred, and he is thereby more apt to tire. The Ground is deceitful, it is not firm, Such is the World. Mundus est molestus et magis cavendus. The world is full of molestation, and therefore must our steps be the more wary, the way is deep ready to swallow us up.
T'is fowl with Showers) It is very tedious and sad with Sorrows, that abound therein. Tears are the showrs of the Brain, that proceed from woefull Clowds, that are there gathered, falling down upon severall occasions of Lamentation.
Wade through that Slough!) Meaning the Plunges of Disadvantages in the world. Dura res est dolor, in motu mollis, Sayes Seneca. Grief has hard Hands, and soft Feet.
This thawed Clay) The nature of Clay is a stiff and a hard Earth; Limus ut hic durescit, Sings Virgil. The Clay hardneth against the Sun, as shutting out his Beams. Such are bad mens Persecutions of the vertuous, having their hearts hardened against them. But this is thawed Clay, a signe of Winter, there has been a Frost. This was a hardening by Cold, by want of Charity. This intimats that a Difficulty may be made a greater Inconvenience by Passion, and [Page 201] immoderate Sorrow. A Clod might have been more easilie past over, than a Slough or dissolved Clay is past through.
That mines] Admonet cogit (que) contemni. The World bids thee leave the World. Does any man delight in Dirt? It is fitter for swine than good men. And yet see the unreasonableness of it; the World would fain detain thee, though tis but to welcome thee with a Mischief. Mundus iste periculosior est blandus quàm molestus, quumse illicit diligi, as S. Augustine: Then intends the World most mischief, when it changeth wrinkles into smiles, and is so wanton as to turn the Wooer.
This tires] Cares and perplexities are very troublesome: Nay, even Flesh and Blood, our own Nature, which is but Formata è meliori luto, made of a little finer Dirt, is a great burthen to a Christian Pilgrim in so long a journey, and so hazardous a voyage.
Best pick thy way] Prevent all Occasions of Evill! avoid all introductions of mischief! Be very circumspect in all thy words and actions, yea, in thy very looks too.
Ore some deep Ditches thou must leap] He that leapeth must look before him; he must not onely use Circumspection, but Providence in the untoward passage through this World. Pleasure is a deep ditch that swallows many; there is no staying with Delight; It will endanger thee: tis best to leap from that thou wouldest avoid: do it with all speed and agility: Covetousness is a Ditch that has no bottom. Have a care of that too, and the like.
On bare-foot pass sharp stones on heap] Thou must prepare tenderness of thy Nature to undergo many cutting discontents, many wounding afflictions. Such Stones lie not scattered that thou mayst pass by them. No, they lay on Heaps, thou must pass over them. On bare-foot. Upon necessity [Page 202] thou must Suffer. Do it then patiently; Go gently! For he that struggles upon those stones, doth gaul his Feet the more, doth make his Wounds the Deeper. And they are stones indeed, they are stones of offence, very grievous, and very obdurat; for they regard not thy Complaining.
Through furzy Queaches thou must go] These are growths of Furres so thick, as it is very hard to enter into them, much more difficulty is it to get through them. Such is the opposition and violence of this world. Its opposition hinders thee, withstands thee: Its violence goars thee, tears thee: Th'adst need prepare thee for such a passage; th'adst need couch thy self very close.
That Prick and wound from Head to Toe] Though th'art Achilles foot all over; that th'art penetrable every where, Crosses and Troubles will find out places every where to wound thee.
Mark Sun! and thou thy way shalt know] All Light comes from above. The best and onely Direction is from Heaven. Mark Christ the Son of God! Tread in his steps! Follow his Example! He is the way; the Son of Righteousness is the Light also. He hath prepared thee both by precept and Example. Read the 13. and 14. ch. of S. John, The Servant is not greater then his Master, &c.
Then com'st thou breathless unto Sand] He labours hard that loseth his breath. Breath is the Air of Life. But wherefore dost thou toil so? Thou must not think after so great pains, that when thou hast escaped some miseries, thou art freed from all. They are but to forewarn thee, and to teach thee to endure more. Change is very pleasing in delights: it is no less in sanctified Sorrows. Thou com'st, does shew that thou art coming home, coming to heaven-ward. It is not, Thou goest, as if thou wert going abroad, abroad into the World. Thou passest from Post to Pillar, from Mire [Page 203] to Furs, from Furs to Sand, a Dry, a Barren, a Hungry place. To Poverty, to Scarcity, to necessities, where there is none upon the earth to relieve thee. Sand will sooner put out thine eyes, then afford any thing to fill thy belly, or cloath thy back. Sand is a loose earth; it is deceitfull to thy steps. So are worldly friends very unsteady. The best use of Sand is, it is the measure of time; such benefit may thy Consideration reap by the comparison of the barrenness and vanity of this world, with the Solidity, Fertility, and riches of that to come.
An open Country, and a barren Land] Th'art in a Desart, a place forsaken by all Inhabitants, as comfortless, as Solitary. Pleasure dwells in the Countrey, but a Curse upon the Land. By the open Country thou mayst expect hospitality, but barren Land hath shut up doors. Here comfort appear'd at first sight, but sorrow came along with it. In the way of Patience, Comfort will not be from sorrow neither. There is some ease in changing place or Burthen.
Tis there the Lodge of Patience does on Crutches stand] In such a place of Barrenness of Comforts, in such a Desart of Disertion of Forsakenness, is the being of Enduring the Cross: It is a Lodge, not a constant dwelling; and outwardly it stands upon Crutches; it seems ever falling in the Worlds eye, and very contemptible.
2. It stands upon a hilly plain] Does it stand? There is some comfort in that yet. Upon a Hill too, and upon a Plain. It is not very high, though it is but hilly, as it were a hill, yet high enough for the fury of storms, and the Plain shews it low enough, and even enough for subjection to every Foot. It is open, and made fit for Injuries.
Where Cammels food with labour gain] What Food? What nourishment can there be in so barren a place? It is [Page 204] not said that they feed there. This expression of the Traveller alludes to the Camels that pass the Desarts of Arabia for Merchant-Trade from Egypt to Ierusalem by Caravans, by Companies of Camels, that gain their maintainance by their travel, and get their food by their labour. Their Provender is carried along with them by their Masters care and providence.
A Camel is an Exotick, a very strange Creature in his Form, and a Forrainer, or stranger by his Countrey, yet is much taken notice of by Writers for his profit in, and excellency for use: Iob was very rich in Beasts of this kinde: Three thousand Camels was reckoned in his general account, as a fair part of his substance. Iob 1. 3. Solinus observes of them, that they break no ground with their Feet in their motion, because their feet and their steps like them are backward: Sunt illis reciprocis quibusdam palmunculis vestigia carnulenta, unde & contraria est labes ambulantibus nullo favente praesidio ad visum insistendi. Their soft fleshy Feet leave very little impression, and that backward and contrary to the steps of other Creatures, in so much as it is a hard matter to finde where they have gone or strayed. When they drink, they are best pleased with thick, and troubled Water: Lutulentas aquas captant. They are light and nimble in their Travel: and they will fast forty dayes from drink without taking harm. Camor est curvum, à dorsi curvitate, from the crookedness or bunch in his back he has his his name, says Isidore: [...], quasi [...] curvans foemora, from his buckling down his hinder parts. Graeci [...] humile, & breve dicunt, for that he humbles and shortens his stature when he stoops down to take up his burthen. So Isidore, and Euenus Parius: He feeds upon very hard meat, and which is rare for a Beast without horns, he ruminates and chews the Cud. He is usefull in War for the bearing of burthens. In banquets (the Arabians make a dainty of Camels [Page 205] Milk) in Combats, among the Heathen in Sacrifices: In cloathing by the Texture of his hair. His parts are excellent many ways in Physick and Medicine. He is very reverent, docil, and pious, &c. A very fit sort of Beasts to accustom near the Lodge of Patience that partakes of all these qualities.
On bitter Broom, Wormwood, &c. Denote the hardship of affliction.
Patience, &c. Besides her Lodge.] She makes it her Receptacle, not her dwelling. Her Lodge is her necessary being in this world, not her home.
Beneath a Tree.] The Palm denotes Christ, who is protection and victory.
She smiles at rufflings of the Winds] Knowing who is over her head, and so near to shade her with his Grace she rejoyceth in Tribulation, and Persecutions.
On stone she sits] Signifies her meekness and humility, and contentedness, making a Cushion of her calamities. She sits down upon them, not under them.
Her head does bind] She moderateth Passion, and restraineth the wildness of thoughts and affections.
An Eagle sometimes does descend] S. John because he delivered the height of the Mysteries of the Trinity, and wrot more sublimely then the rest of the Evangelists, was called an Eagle, peradventure alluding to the learning of the Antients, who did mention Ganimede the Messenger of Jupiter to descend in the Form of an Eagle. S. Augustine renders the reason thus, Serm. 34. in D. Joan. In quatuor Evangeliis, vel potius in quatuor libris unicus Evangelii Joannes Apostolus non immeritò secundum intelligentiam spiritualem Aquilae comparatus, multò sublimiùs aliis tribus erexit praedicationem suam, & ità corda erigi voluit. Nam caeteri Evangelistae tanquam cum homine Domino in terris ambulabant, de Divinitate ejus pauca dixerunt. Istum autem, quasi piguerit [Page 206] in terra ambulare, sicut ipse in exordio sui sermonis intonuit, erexit se non solum super terram, & omnem ambitum aêris et caeli, et super etiam omnes exercitus Angelorum, omnemque constitutionem invisibilium potestatum, & pervenit ad eum, per quem omnia sunt, dicendó: In principio erat verbum, &c. Onely John the Apostle in the four Gospels, or rather in the four Books of the Gospel, is not without great cause compared according to the excellency of his high spiritual understanding to an Eagle, in that he raised his delivery and preaching thereof to a farre sublimer pitch then any of the other three, thereby seeking to elevate the hearts of believers. For the rest of the Evangelists wrote as if they walked with the Lord upon the earth, as man speaking but few things of his Divinity. But he as if it grieved him to walk upon the Earth, did in a manner Trumpet forth in the beginning of the same, and erected himself not onely above the Earth, and above all the Regions of the Air, and the motions of the Heavens, and above the Powers of the Angels, and above all constitutions of invisible Orders, he comes at first to him by whom all things were made, saying; In the beginning was the Word, &c. This hath relation likewise to the Successive Ambassadours of the Word, and Sub-administrators of the Ordinances. This hath reference likewise to the Ravens that fed Elias by the River Cherith: 1 Kings 17. 6. As also to the Angel that visited him, finding him asleep under the Juniper Tree in the Wildernesse, when he fled for his life from Jezabel, where at his sitting down he had desired to dye, and where the Angel provided him a Cake to eat, and a pot of Water to drink, bidding him, Up, and eat.
And layes a panting Dove down by his Friend] Friend to [Page 207] God, and God is her Friend. For Deo judicium derelinquit, & a Deo Misericordiam consequetur: She refers Judgement to the Lord; and from God shall she receive Mercie. She sends up Judgment to Him, He again will bestow Mercie upon Her.
A panting Dove] The Word of God, which brings spiritual Peace along as Noahs Dove, that return'd with the Olive Branch in her Bill unto the Ark; and layes it down by Her; so descend Gods Blessings to relieve the Distresse of patient Souls.
With such his Labour oft her Commons he does mend] Her Commons is continual Hardship. And behold, the wonderful Goodnesse of Almighty Mercie, he mends it with the Word which is the Bread of Life, and with Peace, even of Conscience which is the Banquet of the Soul.
3. Beneath that Place there runs a Spring, whose &c.] Denoting the many Troubles that do continually arise, and seem to stifle at the first Scent, at their first Perceivance, according to the Nature of Brimstone, whose Smoak suffocates: but it is very wholsome and sweet in the Stomack. It hath likewise an Eye cast upon Compassion with others Sorrow. Tanto Quis (que) perfectior est, quanto perfectius sentit dolores alienos. So much more perfect is our own Patience, when it hath a Sense of anothers Misery.
Her Wine it is, and Bath for Feet] It is a Cordial to the Soul, and it takes away the Wearisomness of Labour. It gives a Cheerfulnesse to Travail, and is a Smoother of the roughnesse of Accidents.
To be in Storms She much Delights] Custom of Enduring giveth a Passage to Difficulties with Ease; alluding to the Nightingale that singeth most sweetly in the midst of an April Storm. The Soul hath her Dittie too: God is our Hope, and strength, and Help in Troubles; ready to be found. Therefore will not we fear, though the Earth be moved, and though the Mountains fall into the midst of the [Page 208] Sea. Though the Waters thereof rage and be troubled, and the Mountains shake at the Surges of the same. Yet there is a River, whose Streams shall make glad the Citie of God. God is in the midst of it: Therefore shall it not be moved. God shell help it very early. Psal. 46.
She's us'd to Goblins, not to Frights]. She is more accustom'd to Afflictions, then overcome by them. They are her sad Companions, not her insulting Conquerours. Children being grown towards Man will not be scar'd with Bugbears. Poaker then appears to be no more then a Begger.
Wilde Boars do sometimes passe that Way] According to those Epigrams of
Englished thus:
Thus rendered.
And Tygres that do seek for Prey] Under the Ferocity is shadowed the Violence of Temptations; and the Rage of the World against the Vertuous. The Spite of Malice; and the frequent Attempts of Injurie.
At her they try but dare not stay] Patience overcomes all Temptations, it banisheth Attempts, that finde they take not their wished Effects. Vice is ashamed to look Vertue [Page 209] in the Face long: It is too weak-sighted, It is daunted with the others Eye.
The Box is the Heart, the flaming Fire is Charity which overcometh with Forgivenesse. And is said dreadful in way of resemblance to the Fires Adventurers use in the Night, or other times in unknown and savage Countreys to fright away furious wilde Beasts, that might otherwise endanger their Safety.
4. Her stilted crazie-seeming Lodge, &c.] Injurie and the foul Weather of the World tears many a Hole in the Coat of Patience, which she patcheth and botcheth with fair Construction pittying their Mistakes.
Is lin'd with Adamant within &c.) Though it seems very weak and shaken without to vulgar Eyes, yet it is lin'd with Adamant with Strength from Above, which protecteth against the Malice, and the Mischief of the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, Who may hitt Iob in his Children, in his Substance, yea in his Person, but shall not be able to touch his Life, nor to shake the integrity of his Faith.
The torne Thatch Cover ore her head] Outward Poverty has inward Riches; But the intention here was to signifie, that Divine Protection over religious hearts, is their continual Guard though not discerned by the world, who account them, as Castawayes, that Suffer, and who measure, All as the Turks, by the Event. As Lead is a very plyable mettall For use; It is a warlike Mettall also For shott, for the Musquet, and the like. So Patience is not without Courage. Thatch without, Lead within, Contempt without, within Resolution.
Beneath is floared All with Lead] Patience is here noted to be the Compound of Humility and Valour.
Too wide Doors are to South, and North] These Quarters of the Heaven send forth either favourable, warm, and gentle, [Page 210] or blustering, impetuous, and sharp winds. These denote Prosperity and Adversity. The wide Doors Signify free Entertainment, Let there be Heat or Cold, they are welcome to Patience as they come, she is not disturbed, they have free Entrance, they have free passage. Naked came I out of my mothers womb and Naked shall I returne thither. The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken, blessed be the Name of the Lord. That was patient Iob's Quietus est for his Losses.
Their malice She counts little worth] Alluding to Job's Friends; Patience overcommeth malice by enduring.
Her Chambers haunted are with Sp'rits] This pointeth at Job's messengers. One Evill treads upon the Heels of another. Such News rides poast to trie the Patient. One Affliction, one Trouble or another is still at the good man's Elbow.
She sings, She sleeps secure &c.] She is undisturbed. Her mind is settled on things above, as she accounteth these Lower matters, but Dreams and Fancies.
5. When Eyes unclose sad Sights appeare] Nulla dies sine dolore. Every Day produceth new Disasters.
One spectacle of Grief or other is the Monument of our Affections, and shews us the Tomb of our Selves.
With threatning Dart grim Death drawes near] Omnem crede Diem, que non sperabitur hora.
Affliction is like sicknesse the warning-piece of mortality. Persecution like a Ruffian taks Patience by the Throat to fright her. Yet she's unmov'd, though Ultimum terribilium mors, the terriblest of All things Death appear.
Ill News of All Sorts buz in Eare] Temptations of all [Page 211] Kinds, that assault thee, and insinuate with thee.
And Say th'are Tokens sent from Feare!] The Falsity of their Pretence. This is the world's nature to send poyson in in a present. Iob's Friends pretend Comfort, in a Visit, but when they open it, it is Affliction.
The Sp'rits do groan, and make a Noise] The frailty of Nature by our own Passions within us, do groan, the malice of the world seems to shreike, and the Devill encompassing the Earth, and seeking whom he may devour doth roar, All these as one conspire to amaze the Resolution of the Soul.
With Scourges others smartly strike] This the Cruelty of the World, that beats by Oppression the Weak, and wounds with Injuries the Innocent.
Another tears what she does like] Satan tries us most by hurting, or robbing us of what we seem to affect best; he seeks to tear from us what he thinks is most dear unto us.
And 'gainst her every where's a Pique] Life is besieg'd, begirt round with mischief.
All these she feels, and foils by stay] By restraint of passions by Recollection Patience perceving their drift, and discovering their purposes overcoms them, but not without assisting Grace, for the Continuance whereof She prays.
To spite them more she fervently doth pray] Fervent Prayer is a scourg to Satan. It calls down the Power before which he trembles and which he seeks to avoid.
6, With sober Pace] This sets forth not only her Perseverance, but her Sobriety. Bonam vitam ego puto, mala pati, & bona facere, & sic perseverare usque ad Mortem, sayes S. Bernard. I account that a good Life, which consists in doing good, and suffering evil, and to continue in so doing, even to Death. Sobrietas temeritatem fugit, pericula cuncta declinat. Sobriety is too steady to be rash, and so wise as to prevent the occasion of Evil. Sobrietatis perseverantia inaestimabilis est animi Fortitudo. The Perseverance of [Page 212] Sobrietie is an inestimable Vigour of the Minde.
Abroad] Ab aliis patimur; She suffers Injuries from the World, that is neither her Friend nor her Home.
She walks] This differs her from a sinnie Patience: She is not stupid. She keeps her course.
And with her Self] The Soul meditates, discourseth to her self the wonderful goodnesse of God in all his Blessings, and Benefits, and what he suffered for her Redemption; And since he suffered so much for her, how much is she bound to undergo, even any thing whatsoever for so gracious a Lord. Besides it is the way that leads to Happinesse; She compares her Sufferings, and finds them small in respect of the Greatnesse of others.
And Heaven she talks] By Ejaculations of Spirit, by Prayer, There is such a Discourse of the Mouth and Hand too by good Conversation.
From whence an Angel cometh down] The Holy Spirit descendeth into such a Heart.
And shewes the picture of a Crown] Gives assurance of the Reward, according to the Promises by Faith.
A Violl gives of Cordial Smell] Of Comforts still to cheer her up in all her Calamities, and to refresh her in her Trouble.
Of Essence 'tis for her not well] The Contemplation of Gods Power, his Truth, his Goodnesse, His Excellence, which changeth her Tribulations into Rejoycings.
At Scent whereof, &c.] In Such Contemplation, and beholding the Exnellencie of the Reward She is extasi'd, and slighteth what this World can do unto her.
A Cot-Lamp skippeth by her Side] The Embleam of rejoycing Innocence. Gaude de Innocentia! & exulta! Gaude inquam! Quia nbi (que) illaesaes; ubi (que) secura. Si tentaris, proficis; si humiliaris, eregeris; Si pugnas, vinceris; si occideris, coronaris. Tu in securitate liberaes; in periculo tuta; [Page 213] in custodia lata; Tibi omnis reatus adjicitur; Tibi universa malitia subjugatur. Te potentes honorant; suscipiunt principes; Magnates exquirunt; Et illi nonnunquam te desiderant, qui impugnaverunt. Tibi boni parent, mali invident, zelant aemuli, inimici succumbunt; Nec unquam poteris victrix non esse; etiam si inter homines judex justus defuerit. Rejoyce of thine Innocence! and praise the Lord! I say, rejoyce! For thou art every where shot-free! Thou art every where secure! If thou beest tempted, thou becomest the stronger; If thou beest humbled, thou art raised the higher; If thou fightest thou gettest the Victory; If thou beest killed, thou receivest a Crown. In Servitude thou art free; In Danger thou art safe; In a Prison thou art cheerful; All blame is thrown upon thee; But all Malice is subjugated under thee. Potentates do honour thee; Princes admit thee; Great men seek after thee; and they sometimes desire thee, that are most Enemies unto thee. Good men obey thee; Wicked men envie thee; Thy Friends are in love with thee; Even thine Enemies submit unto thee: Nor canst thou ever but prevail, let there be but a just Judge amongst Men; so S. Chrysostome. By her Side is meant her Integrity of Heart, her Innocence of Conscience.
Her Steps, &c.] Innocence with Patience is a beautifull and a pleasant Example.
Oft Disadvantages, &c.] She prevents inconveniences, and waves Injuries.
7. Wilde Satyrs make their lewd Assaults] Satyrs among the ancient Heathen were taken for Gods. Their form was in the upper parts like Man, in the lower like a Goat, with crooked Hands, and Horns upon their Heads, going erect, and are said to have inhabited among the Eastern Mountains of India, in subsolanis Indorum Montibus. Wilde and salvage Monsters, accounted by some to be Devils, and mentioned as Companions of Bacchus. These accustomed, [Page 214] and frequented the Woods. These Emblematize Lust and Pride, the Temptations of Satan. Their Hairinesse is Impudence, Horns Arrogance, Hands Rapacity; rather Beasts then Men. Such are Worldlings that abuse the Religious, and despite the Vertuous.
They mock, they mow] Is their Contempt, and Derision.
Like dogs they bark] By Envie, Malice, and Slanders.
And She is robb'd by many a Shark] Most subject to Injurie.
But still unmove'd she mindes above, To that, &c.] Arguing the Constancie of her Faith, which regards the Place of her future Being.
All other Trisles she does scorn] She despiseth the Vanities of the World.
Her Noble Spirit's better born] She is regenerate, Heaven-born.
She smiles at what wu'd make forlorn] She bears her Affliction with Courage, and Cheerfulnesse.
At home she takes down Fortunes Wheel] Alluding to the Heathens figuring of Fortune with a Wheel as though she turned all things, and that every thing were at her Dispose. Here the Traveller condemns their ignorant Opinion of Fortune, ascribing unto Divine Providence as properly due, the Governance of all things under the Sun; reading this Lecture of Patience unto the Pilgrim, That what Misery soever doth befall us, it proceedeth by Divine Permission, either to punish us for former Sins, or for a greater Trial, and manifestation of our Faith.
Patience spins the threed and reels] She submits to Gods Will and pleasure in all things.
Web from Loom of Steel] Patience laboureth through her Troubles with much Difficulty and Hardship.
8 Before her Lodge a Column stands, &c.] Christian Patience has in the Eye of her Faith the Constancie of Hope [Page 215] that reacheth Heaven. A Column is the Embleam of Strength, which may be also applyed to her Courage. This Stanza describing this Pillar, denoteth the common Affections of Patience, which are Sincerity, Constancy, Community and Singularity. Her Sinceritie makes her appear no other then she is; Her Constancie shews her Perseverance in what is honest; Her Community sets her forth notable unto All, that behold her; and her Singularity denoteth the Eminence of her Excellence, and Heroick Raritie. So does she deliver over unto Fame the glorious Memories of those famous Persons of all Ages, that have been Conquerors amidst the most violent Persecutions, and gained Crowns out of the Flames of Martyrdom. This Column is described also as set up by Semiramis, as a Work of her Hands, because she was a Person of such vast undertakings, and particularly in Architecture, that Berosius lib. 4. sayes of this Ascalonica, Nemo unquam huic Foeminae comparandus est virorum. She had not her Peer amongst Men. This was she that built Babylon so vastly, and was fained at her Death to be turned into a Dove, as Ovid relateth. The Syrians both abstained from the eating of Doves, and had wont to bear a Dove in their Babylonish Ensignes, as Diodorus Siculus hath it, which the Prophet Ieremie seemeth to insinuate, when he exhorts the Inhabitants of Jerusalem, that they should flee from the Face of the anger of the Dove, which was from the Babylonians, who bare the Dove in their Banners.
9. Upon the Columns Chapter's writ] This Stanza is altogether emblematical. On the Head of the Column is the Motto of Constancie, discoursing the Nature of Noble Patience.
Aloft doth stand an Amazon] Denoting Courage.
A Snake her right Foot treads upon] Signifying as well the Victory over Temptations, as a performance of her Actions with Prudence; so sapiens ut serpens, as she is simplex ut Columba, wise, and innocent.
[Page 216] Her left Arm's lockt within Faith's Shield] Which is firmnesse of Faith.
Which bears a Bloody Crosse in Field] The Ensigne of a Christian, the Memory of Baptism; under which he promised to fight the Lords Battels against the World, the Flesh and the Devil.
Her right Hand up to Heaven is held) To demonstrate her Hope and Confidence.
She boldly looketh towards East) With continual Expectation, and Assurance of the coming of Christ, the Sun of Righteousnesse, being Regardlesse of Dangers, or Sufferings.
10 Not far off hence there lyes a shore, &c.) This Stanza has shadowed in it the Charity of Patience, discovering the Miseries of Men under the Shipwrack of Marriners, as also the Way to cure in these Extremities is by Patience.
She to her Viol bade them smell] The Viol is the Word. Smelling to the Viol is the Hearing and Understanding of the Word, which with the Reading thereof is a Soveraign Cordial to afflicted Mindes.
Praise then they did begin to sing) Use Thanksgiving when they were delivered out of Distresse.
She bade them take her Diet, &c.) Here she gives Comfort and Counsel. Tribulation which is born with patience is rather a Comfort then Corrosive to the soul. Consilium est examinandarum, gubernandarumque causarum subtilis animi prospectus. Counsail is a quick consideration by the mind of Causes to be examined, or disposed, Saith Cicero.
11. But 'mong the rest One, closely bound &c.) This Stanza intimats the Effects, and Sanity produc't by Patience of Griefs never so inveterate; or secret. It layes down her commiseration, compassion, and fellow-feeling of others Sorrowes.
She fetcht a Balsame, whose rare power &c.) Submission [Page 217] and Resignation to God's will, and All-wise Dispose, which hath an infallible Vertue.
And to restore Lost Witts her way is sure) She gives a remedy to all Distempers of mind, and all Distractions of Thought. To this purpose the Vertue of patience useth to be exercised Three severall wayes. Some things we suffer from the Hand of God; Others from our Old Adversary, and not a few from our Neighbours in this World. From our Neighbour endure we Persecutions, Losses, Reproches; From Satan Temptations; And from God his gentle corrections and iust Punishments. On all these a Christian Eye must be very watchfull, very circumspect, least retribution be not studied, and revenge contrived for Neighbours Injuries; Least the Consent to Sin and the Delight in Iniquity carry us away prisoners fettered by Our Enemyes allurements; Or Least our perverse Frowardnesse and stiff-necked Murmuring striketh us against the powerfull Correction of so Great an Offended Master and Maker. For he that made All out of Nothing, can utterly destroy according to his Will and Pleasure.
12. Abroad She oft adventures much) This is an Allegory taken from Merchants vent'ring abroad for Gain; And as their Endevours returne them Riches for their Hopes and Patience. Patience likewise hath it's Spirituall Reward in a manner here, and a certain Hope of Returne hereafter. This likewise expresseth the variety of Comforts that she hath to refresh her self and cure her Patients. For as cooling Cordialls are excellent to cure the hot distempers of the Body, so these following Receits of patience do mittigate, and allay the Feavers of the Mind. The first is Non incipere iniustitiam. Not to begin or enterprise any thing, that is unjust. The Second; Postquam incoeptum est, aequalibus non vindicari. After any Such thing be begun, not to repay the like Injury. The Third; Non facere vexa [...]iea, quae passuses, [Page 218] sed quiescere. Not onely Not to return to him that has wrongd'd thee such things, as thou hast suffer'd, but to sit down quiet. The fourth is: Tribuere seipsum in patiendo mala. To submit the Will to the suffering of evil things. The Fifth: Ampliùs tribuere ille vult qui fecit. He is much more to submit himself that occasioned those things. The Sixth: Non odio habere, qui operatur haec. Not to hate or think amiss of him that doth these things. The Seventh: Diligere: To love one another. The Eight: Benefacere, To do good for one another. And the last, as consummation of all, being that strength which perfects the cure, gains the victory, Deum pro ipso deprecari, To pray to God heartily in his behalf.
VVHo so intends to win a Christian Field, must use his Shield more then his Sword. He that endureth most, gains the day. He must not play the man so much as the Christian, if he means to conquer. This conquest must be over the lesser World, Mans self; and yet it is the greater Victory.
'Tis naturally against Mans upward posture to bear; Therefore the more difficult: He that undergoes but common [Page 219] griefs, has many shoulders to ease his burthen. He's strong indeed, that without help can bear his own.
So speaks the Chorus in Seneca's Troas.
But Christian Patience is not so much eased by others miseries, as she is the reliever of others in miserie. She is not onely a good Pilot, but a fair Sea-mark.
OPinion deceives us more than things. So comes our Sense to be more certain, than our Reason. Men differ more about Circumstances, than matter. The Corruption of our Affections misguides the Result of our Reason. We put a Fallacy by a false Argument upon our Vnderstandings.
If the Vitiosity of Humor doth oft put a Cozenage upon the radiancy of sight, so that it sees through deceiving Eyes, the false Colours of things: Not as they are, but as they seem. (Peradventure Choler hath given a Percolation to the Chrystalline humor of the Eye; or Phlegme hath made an uneven commixture or thickness in the Optick Organ, or the like, by which means all is represented yellow, or all seems black, or of the darker Dye, that the Sight returns to the common Sense) why may not mens understandings be likewise so deceived? As sure they are abused. For most men, yea many of the higher Form of Brain, being in love with their own Parts, or their Credit, commit first the Error, then undertake, make it a part of their Resolution (rather, then to recede from misapprehended, or delivered Untruths) to account it as a concernment of honour, and maintenace of affected reputation either to proceed to further Obliquity, or at least to take up the stand with Obstinacy.
[Page 223] By this Means have we not only lost much of our Peace, but even the clear Evidence of Truth. How comes else such a Gladiatory in the Schools (to omit the Pulpits) such Challenges of the Pen, such Animosities in Discourse, as if our Natures were lesse inclinable to Conversation, than a Combat.
Nor have Things, Indifferent, been hereby made the onely occasion of the Quarrel, of such Division; But overrun with Misprision, and overcome by Pertinacy, they sett sail to the Anticyrae, goe besides themselves; not onely in falling from, but by putting the Question upon the principles of Reason, and the very Fundamentalls of Religion. Wherby some unwisely thinking to add to their stature, to become Gyants among Men, have fallen lesse, then the least of Beasts, not retayning so much, as the Prudence of the Bee; yea coming short of the providence of the Pismire; Not arriving at the Knowledg of the Oxe: For he knowes his Master's Crib.
And from whence proceeds the Corruption of such our Affections, but from the Evill of our own Hearts? No marvail then, though we see so double; as if our Brains were intoxicated; Or as looking through artificiall Glasses, multiply our mistakes, or magnify our Errours; and diminish, yea undervalue matters of the greatest moment. We sett a Price upon Things by our own Clark of the Market. Holy Things must goe cheap; And Wordly Trash, and Trifles at the onely Estimate. Covetousnesse puts us first into a petty Treason, minting much Falss Coine, and then runing us into a Praemunire by assuming Authority without lawful Warrant, we will have it goe for Currant: Our Desires too like their mettall are not Touch, are not Standart; Yet passe they must for the Impresse, though Vulcan and Venus be on the One Side, and Pluto and Proserpina on the Other.
[Page 224] But what comes on't; The vanity of our Desires makes them punish themselves; putting Sisyphus to an unprofitable, and perpetual Labour, and Tityus to the Torture. We desire without, and coutrary to a right understanding; Like silly, like froward Children we must have, what we have a mind to; Neither considering what is suitable to us, what is fittest for us; Nor taking notice of, or setting a true Value upon, the Noblenesse of our created Natures. The Soul is not to be filled, with what is finite, nor commixed with what is impure.
Away then with the Dirt, and Rubbage of the world! What has Mans sublime Nature, little inferiour to the Angels, to do with the Trash of the Earth? or the Bubbles of the Waters? Much lesse to be so affected to them, as to sorrow for them?
Sit thee down then neer me awhile, Distressed Man, or Woman, that wearest Discontent on thy wrinckled Forehead, like a plaited Vestment, and shewest Grief, as it were sown, in the furrows of thy Cheeks. Suspend thy Passion for a time! Let us discourse a little! Between our selves let us argue the Matter! Whether thou art not mistaken in the Thing? Or thy Desire? Peradventure in Both. I conjecture, and not without some Reason; Thou art sick either from the Retarding, or from the Losse of thy Longing; Or thou complainest under some insupportable, and unavoidable Burthen. Some Crosse hath put thee into a Feaver; or some Calamity into a Consumption. Thou ragest, Thou languishest, Thou fallest away. What's the Matter? Hast suffered any Losse? Why didst not expect it? Sayest thou, My Beloved is Dead? Didst not know, he was mortal? Sayest Thou, My Friend hath dealt unkindely? He lov'd Thee for Himself; Or Thou Him so. Thou expectedst more of Him, than came to thy share. There will rise a Quarrel at the Division of Interest. Interest it self is a [Page 225] Divider. Art thou Poor? Who is born Rich? Or who shall die so? Doest cry, I have lost my Goods, I have lost my Fortunes! They were thy Evils, they tempted thee; Or Evils thou madest them, by abusing them. Knew'st not the Nature of thy Fortunes? Didst not understand their Language? They told thee, they were unconstant. Doest question, Where is my Honour? In other mens Mouths. In the Air. Or doest enquire, Where is my Office in anothers Dispose; not thine own. Didst place thy Self there? Saist, Where's my Good Name? In thy Vertue; Not in Opinion. Where are the Hopes of my Labour? In the Vanity of thy Expectation. Dost think any thing is fastned to the Earth? Or that it is not changable. The Earth it self is mutable; and in this Sense moveable. Thou alterest from thy Self. The World from Thee. And thou from the World. Thou doest foot the Hay. Thou must Sometimes hedge in, sometimes winde out. Why understandest not the Dance? O! but my Husband is furious! A Blow! O! but my Wife is ever froward! A Noise! Why givest occasion? Or allayest not the Distemper? Is a Fire quencht with Oyl? Thy Patience may cool her Heat, and allay his Violence. Multiply not Words! And stand not in the way of a Sword. Alasse for thy Conscience! Doth that trouble Thee? Thou art mistaken. It is Satan: not It. Vomit up the Filth in thy Stomack! Disgorge thy Sins! Lest there be Death in the Pot. Canst thou Buckle, or art thou too opinionate. Spiritual Pride is a Torture. Think not to have Ease, while thou hast It. Art thou afraid of Envie? Humility putteth out that Eye, which is left her. Art thou charged by Detraction? Mildnesse keeps thee Shotfree. Hast thou any Discontent, afflicts thee? Be quiet, There is, or will be an end of all Sorrowes. No Night without a Morning. Hast thou any Trouble, that Shoulders thee? Thou wert asleep in thine Enemie's Arms; Thank it for wakening Thee. Is all the [Page 226] World thine Enemy? Thou art the honester Man. Be not so to thy Self. Hast thou any Discontent that wu'd gnaw thee? Feed it not. If so many lay for thee, be not Alone. Hast murdered like Cain? Or hast thou betray'd, and murdered too, like Iudas? Have thy Imprecations hung Vengeance ore thy Head, as the Sword over that of Damocles, that it holds but by a Thread, a Hair to thy thinking? Thou ever expectest, when it shou'd drop. Do thy Perjuries thunder within thee? Has thy Sacriledge brought Fire to thy Nest? Art a Rebell all over against God? Hold thy Hand! Rebell not agaist Nature too! Why think'st, that thou art beyond a Pardon?
Tell me! O tell me! Is thy Sin, or God greater? Art a Christian? Or a Turk? Or an Infidel? Or a Devil? Darest give the Almighty thy Lie? Could he create all the World out of Nothing? And can He not save Thee? At what time soever a Sinner doth repent him of his Sin from the Bottom of his Heart, I will put all his Wickednesse out of my Remembrance, saith the Lord. Did he send his Son to die for the Sins of the whole World? to be the Salvation of his People? and the Redemption of all them that believe in Him? And sayes Satan, Thou art one of them, Do what thou list. Thou art none of them, Do what thou canst. He is the Deceiver. It is his Name. Believe him not. Give ear to distressed Davids question, again and again to himself, in the midst of his conflict for his grievous Sins! Why art thou so full of Heavinesse, O my Soul? And why art thou so disquieted within me? Put thy trust in God! For I will give him Thanks for the Help of his Countenance. Why art thou so vexed, O my Soul? And why art thou so disquieted within me? O put thy trust in God. For I will yet thank him which is the help of my Countenance, and my God.
Away then with thy Discontents! Bear thy Crosses! [Page 227] Run not mad at thy miseries! Hang not thy head low with thy cares! And be not out of countenance at thy Calamities! Be patient.
Thy Tears do not become thee. Thou art a Man. What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine Ears? And the lowing of the Oxen which I hear saith Samuel to Saul in the case of Agag? What ayleth this sighing? this groaning? the crying out? and roaring of thine afflictions? Be patient! thou art a Christian.
Chear up! Thou hast heaven before thee. Thy journey is not long. Blessed are they which mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake. So preached Christ in the Mount. Rejoyce! and be exceeding glad! For great is your reward in Heaven. For so persecuted they the Prophets, that were before you. In patience therefore possesse your souls, saith this Apostle S. Paul. Be patient!
Many are the troubles of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of all.
CANTO. X. The Ruins of Mortification.
THe Sense and meaning of the Title of this Canto, is Obvious enough to learned Understandings: But Feminine mindes are of a weaker Apprehension; for whom since there hath been already so much pains taken as to translate all the Latine Sentences, and Verses related out of several Authors upon necessary occasion, by the writer hereof. He thinketh it very convenient to set down his intention likewise herein.
Ruins are the Monuments of a former building; the carkass of some goodly body; the Yesterday of strength and beauty: The Reliques and deformity of Rage, and sad spectacle of sins disorder. Ruins nest is made by War in ashes; Ruins Bed is made by peace in Dust. Wrath throws down, and demolishes; Age brings to decay, and discomposes what former Art, with many a laborious hand had made for use, and fashion'd comely. Ruins are the fall of a late standing building.
Mortification is a making dead, a Consumption of life. Ruin is a destruction to a building; Mortification the Ruine to a Body. But this is not the sense of Mortification here. Here it is derived à morte, from death too, but applyed to a greater purpose. Totam hominis miseriam Deus complectitur mortis vocabulo. The breach of one word of Command introduc't it. Disobedience against one Not undid, was the Ruine of All. For so we find it in the 17. of the Second of Genesis: But of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it; For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death.
[Page 232] To know Mortification the better, let us enquire into the divers sorts or degrees of death: and those are four: The first is, Mors spiritualis, a Spiritual death, which is the privation of the Spiritual life, whereby the whole man is Ruin'd and destroy'd; Vivit tantùm peccato, He lives to sinne onely. And that kinde of Life is the worst of Death.
Then there is Mors affectionum, a death of Affections, Quae est privatio primaevae foelicitatis, The privation of former Happinesse: And that is immissio omnis generis calamitatum, The sad inlet of that raging Tide of all sorts of Calamities, and all kindes of evil.
The third is Mors spiritualis, vel corporalis, a death of the soul and body, (mistake me not I pray) this we call a Natural death, which is a privation of this Animal life.
The last is, Mors Aeterna, Everlasting death, which in holy Scriptures is called a Second death.
Mortification here claims the nearest kindred to the death of Affections. Propter te mortificamur totâ die. We are killed for thee all the day long, singeth the Psalmist, Quasi Cycnus in cantu, as the related Swan chaunteth his Epicedium. Foelicem illam animam, cui vivere est Christus, et cum Christo mori lucrum. Thrice happy is that soul, to whom Christ is the life; He needs not fear to dye with him, since he's the onely Gain. If Christ be in you, the body is dead, because of sin. But the Spirit is life for righteousness sake. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead, dwell in you; He that raised up Christ from the Dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies, because that his Spirit dwelleth in you. Therefore, Brethren, we are Debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh; For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall dye: but if ye mortifie the deeds of the body, by the Spirit, ye shall live, writes S. Paul to the Romans, 8. 10, 11, 12, 13. And to the Philippians, cap. 3. 7. The [Page 233] Things that were Vantage unto me, the same I counted Losse for Christs Sake. Yea, doubtlesse I think all Things but Losse for the excellent Knowledge Sake of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have counted all things Losse, and do judge them to be Dung, that I might win Christ. And might be found in Him, that is not having mine own righteousness, which is of the Law, but that which is is through the Faith of Christ, even the righteousnesse which is of God through Faith. That I may know him, and the Vertue of his Resurrerection, and the Fellowship of his afflictions, and be made conformable unto his Death. If by any means I might attain to the Resurrection of the dead, &c. But our Conversation is in Heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour, even the Lord Jesus Christ; Who shall change our vile Bodie, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto Himself. And this is the Mortification in our Consideration.
1. Between two Hills, as those of Faith, and Hope] Between two Hills is the Introduction to Mortification, and the signification of her Strength, and Firmenesse. This Simile pointeth at the Mount of Faith, and Tenariffe of Hope, shewing that the Reason or Ground of true Mortification is the enjoyment of Christ, who is incomparably beyond all things, in the possession of which inestimable Riches Christians despise the World, and trample upon their Affections thereunto, knowing that in the Enjoyment of Him, they possesse all things.
Thou goest into a gloomy Glade) Into what is scorned by the world's Eye, the excellency of which place is hidden for their sight. Gloomy intimates composed, and retired in thoughts. Glades are places that indent between hills, wherin Fowlers sett their Gins and Nets to take, and Kill Partridges, woodcocks and the like in the mornings and Evenings, [Page 234] when they accustom to fly those wayes. The Glade here shews the taking notice of the Vanities and Follies of the world, and despising of them, which is introductive to Mortification.
Where Groves of Yew do cast their Shade) A sad, and mournful condition in this world does cloud, the vertuous in the Eye of opinion, and estimations▪ The godly are accounted as swallowed up by their Afflictions, are reckoned no better than lost men by Children of this world, who scarce number any among the Living, that appear not in their Sunshine.
The Yew Tree, as Galen reporteth, is of a venemous quality, and against man's nature; These Yewes are Afflictions, that are over shadowers of the vertuous and are poisoners of delight in vain pleasures; being also very harsh to flesh, and bloud, and contrary to Nature. Diascorides, and most of those, that have heretofore dealt in Herbarisme set forth, though upon no very experimentall ground, that the Yew Tree is very venemous to be taken inwardly, and that if any do sleep under the shadow thereof, it causeth many times death. Too much sorrow taken inwardly, taken too much to heart, Killeth. There is no sleeping in a storme; no setting down still in Trouble. We must bestir us the right way, and use the means that they may be sanctifi'd unto us, that the Yewes of our Miseries may be seated in our mortified hearts, as they are used to be set in Churchyards, hallowed Places by their dedication, and customary imployment for Burialls. The Yew growes so planted near the Church: Affliction flowrisheth when it is placed near Devotion. It is further said of the Fruit of the Yew, that the Eating of the same is not onely dangerous and deadly unto Man, but if Birds do eat thereof, it causeth them to cast their feathers, and many times to dye. Inordinate sorrow for the things of this life bring rather mortem, quam mortificationem, lead us to despair, [Page 235] to the gates of death more than to mortification. The Birds are the Preferments of this world, False Friends cast their feathers, their favours; the world forsakes us, when trial coms, and leaves oftentimes men dead without help or comfort. Theophrastus Sayes, that labouring Beasts do die, if they eat of the Leaves; but such Cattle, as Chew the Cud receive no hurt at al thereby. The Leaves are the hiding the covering of Afflictions, which is very dangerous. Affliction is death to unclean Beasts. It makes the wicked mad. It is not hurtful to those, that are Clean, that ruminate, that chew the Cud. To those that meditate upon the Lawes, and Statutes of the Lord, and seek unto him continually by Prayer. The Leaves of the Yew are senselesnesse, negligence, and unprofitablenesse of Afflictions, when they are not made the right use of. Whereupon it may well be said that Affliction leaves a man either much the wiser man, or a greater Fool, than before it found him.
Thou findest there, a Pallace, that had Scope] Here the Traveller makes a loose Description of the Ruines of a stately Pallace, shadowing therein the World; whose Vanities and Pleasures must be thrown off, and lose their station in our Affections before we can come to be mortified. What had Scope, had large room, has none now in our Hearts.
Balconies] Are the specious glories, and glittering eminencies of the World, those splendida peccata, those shining Sins, that draw so many Eyes after them, and dazzle the weak Sight of the Beholders; that are in conspicuo posita, set out to catch the Fancies of Men.
Rooms of Pleasure] Vanities of the World, wherewith forgetful Souls delight themselves according to their several Choice and Opinion.
Large] As wide as the World.
Long] Being falsly apprehended, instead of everlasting Happinesse; long; as carrying Men still on in them, and [Page 236] continuing them in such a deceiving Walk from turning.
With Arraes and with Pictures hung] The Arras, the vain Stories of Ambition; The Pictures are the Lustre of Coin, the golden Paintings of Wealth. With such false Colours and loose Habit is this Iezabel trimmed, and dressed.
With Aviarie's Sweets, where wanton Voices sung] The Allurements of Temptations. Against such Syrens must Ulysses stop his Ears; There is no coming to Mortification, before an Abnegation of such Vanities, and a demolishing in our Hearts, or at least an utter neglect of such cozening, and deceitful Trifles. This alludes to what is fabulously related of the Syrens, ipsae periculosa hominibus monstra propter cantus suavitatem, those same dangerous monsters to Men, with the inchantment of their Songs, thereby first lulling Passengers asleep to devour them. These had a Song for every Mans Humour, not to misse any Disposition. These Syrens and their Songs are Pleasures and their Titillations. These were feign'd to be Daughters to Achelous, and one of the Muses. Cum taurino patre, et ad voluptates propenso natae sint: of Achelous in the shape of a Bul, from inclination to delight, from Sensuality. Of a Muse, quae sit suavitas illa, quae nos ad eas illicit, from such an apprehended Sweetness as is an allurement unto Pleasure. These lead us as in a Maze to destruction. These put up their Heads, and shew in that part of the Minde, which the Philosopher calls [...], quae caret ratione, that wanteth Reason, that comes short of Judgement. These were half Virgin, half Fish. The Bestial part kept under Water. Such Monsters are Men that are given over to their Lusts, and have relinquished others sound Counsel, and quitted the Evidence of their own Understandings.
2. All now dropt down within own Ruine's Tombe] Fluit Voluptas, & prima quaeque evolat. Pleasure tarries not. It does but shew, and vanishes: Saepius (que) relinquit causas poenitendi, quam recordandi: It leaves us for the most part [Page 237] more cause of Regret, then Reason for Remembrance. And no marvel. For if we look upon the foul Nature of the thing. Voluptas est cum quadam lubrica suavitate ad illicita foedae mentis inclinatio. Pleasure is an Inclination of a defiled Minde, with a slippery desire and Itch to unlawful Things: So S. Herom. This Stanza describes the Inconstancie and Dirtinesse of the Vanities of this World. Destruction, and Oblivion are the best Conclusion Pleasure can hope for.
Lay buried in a Rubbish Graffe] The Walls drop into the Ditches, that lay under them, being in a manner the expecters of, as well as receptacles for their Downfals. Such Delights perish in their own rottennesse, as dead Carkasses do putrifie, and consume in the places of their foul, and dark Sepulture, In a Rubbish Graffe, the Sink of a vitious minde is the Reception of all sorts of Muck, and sinful Uncleannesse.
As Corn within a heap of Chaffe] Obscuring all that is good within us, and making happy Endowments uselesse.
The Persons and the Lustre of each Room] Here the main drift of this Stanza openeth to this effect, that in preparation to Mortification our Affections must be rectified, and our Desires turned from the emptinesse of Things, that are finite, which have not in them a possibility to give the Soul satisfaction. A Square cannot fill a Circle. When Prosperitie leaves us, and Adversitie takes us by the Elbow we are taught by experience, that all is but Vanity, and Vexation of Spirit; we are then apter to the Inspection into our selves, and upon examination finde what is necessary to be mortified in us.
Where Numbers dwelt before, now's desolate) Vices are ejected, there is no habitation for them. Legion is thrown out of the Possessed; Or it may be taken for the general custom of the world to stay no longer than the Sun shine; When a storm comes, or a dark Winter's day of triall appears, they play least in sight.
[Page 238] And Whispers tell the Walls their state) Whispers are Fears and Suspitions; Or secret Censure. But here more properly they give us notice, when Sin has lost it's boldnesse, it discovers it's weaknesse.
The ruin'd Place of Flesh is sad Necrosis Gate) Ego non sum ego is the man, that comes to be mortified, He is not the same He. The Gatehouse only stands, and some ruines appear of the outward Man, but his Inside is turn'd all topsy turvy; he has repented, he has thrown out his former bad Guests, his Vices; he has thrown down his Concupiscences, and foolish Affections. They lay in their Graves, in the dust, in dissolution, in oblivion. Now welcome sad Necrosis, severe Mortification. Mourning now is more comfortable, and becomming, than the wonted mirth of the world, which is but madnesse, a meer Delirium, a ridiculous foolishnesse. The flesh is mastered, conquered. For the spirit hath gotten the Day. Happy is that Tribulation, that brings to Mortification.
3. The Gatehouse onely stands) The Remains of Pleasure, are onely the Repetition of what Repentance was for, and the Confession of former Errour. The Gate to the House is as the Mouth to the Stomack.
The other Walls Do seem to shoulder friendlesse Air) Denoting the tott'ring condition of worldly Vanities, that conceive themselves propped by the breath of men's mouthes, but are weakly buttrised by Opinion. It sets forth likewise that frequent mistake of those, which are in misery, applying themselves to, or seeking redresse from any mundane hand, or terrestrial Assistance, which neither regards the Complaint of the wretched, nor stayes to relieve those which are distressed, and call upon them; which pass like the Ayre, and are as trustlesse as the Wind, that rather throwes down, than strengtheneth a stooping structure, that overthrowes a leaning Building. Here is chiefly aymed at, that there is no [Page 239] place of Entertainment left for former Wickedness.
Where Melancholick Bats repair) The disconsolation of Affliction; The uncomfortable remembrance of Sins past. Batts are Vespertiliones, quòd se vespertino tempore ad volatum proferant, as Pliny. Because they use their wings chiefly in the Evenings, and accustome to fly in the Night. Such are fears and Sorrowes, that take the places of former Delights. The Evening is the dusky remembrance of the day past, the melancholy thought of what has been done amiss. The Night is the darkness of Sorrow, heaviness of Heart, and dejection of spirit for commision of forepast Evill. Batts are Lucifugae Creatures, that shun the Light. Night walkers, as if they were afraid of Arrest, which imployes their Guilt, as being conscious of Offending. In the Second of Isaiah. v. 20. The Prophet denouncing the punishment of the rebellious, and obstinate, Saith: At that day shall man cast away his Silver Idols, and his golden Idols, (which they had made themselves to worship them) to the Moles, and to the Batts; which denote secrecy, and Oblivion These like Sin hate the Light. A Bat is neither a Mouse, nor A Bird, but mediae naturae, betwixt them both. The Soul after Sin is put to the question, whether it belonges more to Sense or Reason. If to Reason how came sense to command; If to sense, why should not Reason obey. A Batt is rather to be said to swim in the Aire with Finns, than to fly with wings. Such are the phantasms of worldly delights, that take their turns in our Brains not being worthy of comparison with pious and noble thoughts. Ob hoc tenebrarum commercium, et si alioquin tetricae, et luridae, non defuit tamen sua, cui placeret, Dea Proserpina, Scil. Inferni regis uxor. From their commerce with the darke, though they be very unpleasant in shape or colour, yet they have not wanted a Patronesse among the heathen Goddesses, even Proserpina the wife of Pluto, The faigned Powers of Hell. Proserpina [Page 240] is Beauty, Worldly Fame, and the like, Pluto is Riches, and worldly wealth. Ye may know what manner of Things those are by the Beast and Bird, that they patronize.
Each screeching Owl to one another calls] One sin gives the alarum to another in the Conscience, till all be quieted by repentance. The Owl is Avis luctisona, & funebris, A mournful, a Funeral bird. So here it signifies the Lamentation of a sinner. The punishing himself with sorrow, and mortifying himself with grief for his sin committed. Bubonem, cum apparuit, m [...]li omin [...]s esse, aut bellum, aut famem, aut mortem portendere, vetus persuasio fuit, ad nostrum usque saeculum derivatur. It was an old Augurie, and remains as a continued vulgar opinion, a popular Ethnick tradition even in latter times, that the appearance of an Owl was either a sign of ill luck, or War, or Famin, or Death. All pertinent to this sense. For here under the Owls is mentioned, that sin must leave his place; the flesh is overthrown, as in the field, by the Spirit; sin is like to have no more sustenance. For Mortification is at hand.
A side this Gatehouse down some steps do turn] Alluding to turning from former ways aside from the world; the Discourse of the Tongue is changed into a pious and sober language; the Actions of the Hands are altered into Religious and Virtuous Deeds; the Steps are downward, to denote Humility; and they turn to shew Repentance.
Into a Vault where's many an Urn] Mortification dwels very low, and out of sight. A Vault for Urns, is a repository for the Dead, used by the Romans and other Nations heretofore. Such is man, the burial place of disorderly affections, when he is quickened in Christ.
Which she with Ashes fills of flesh, that late did burn] The overcoming of the Temptations of the flesh, by the power of the spirit.
[Page 241] 4. About this hollow Room lye gasping sins] This shews the loathness of sin to leave us, and our close League with it that we must dye at parting. This Room is the Conscience.
That usually before they dye, &c.] Before sin leaves us our natures being possess't therewith, shew much reluctancie; and before it goes it will represent it self in the ugliest shape, and make a horrid noise in the Conscience to Tempt to Despair, or seek to move compassion in the Affections.
Which nought from her of soft compassion winnes] The Mortified Soul is resolved of a New life, and regards not any temptations.
She upward looketh with a pleased eye] Heaven is her Comfort and delight. She is pleased in the destruction of Gods enemies.
That dead their wickedness there lye] She triumpheth in her conquest under Christs Banner.
While on a Tomb with arms acrosse she sitteth by] The proper emblem of Mortification. The soul sits in a sad Posture, upon a Funeral seat, a place for Tears, a place of Mortality.
5. Her right hand underneath her breast is plac't] Signifying her Reverence.
Her Left upon a Yoke, &c.] Her Patience. A yoke is the Emblem of Patience.
Her Right foot tear-wash't very clean] Her repentance and amendment of Life.
Upon an earthly Globe treads, that's defac't] Her contempt of the World; which is a deformed object in her Eye.
Her bare lefts set upon the Gelid Ground] Her Humilitie.
[Page 242] That sheweth here and there a wound] Her Charity and compassion.
Whose bleeding drops preserve her, &c. She is ever dying to the world, and killing the flesh.
6. Upon her shoulders she doth bear a Crosse] Her Obedience.
Which makes Her bend a little down] Her Patience.
She's very lovely, but she's brown] Shee is accepted in the Eye of her Saviour, though nothing beautifull in the worlds opinion.
And listens not to oft brought news of loss] Her Prudence and Resolution.
From off a stone a Lamp doth glimmer light] Her Life is not specious, but austere. It is a despised labouring through many tribulations, a strugling through temptations. Or thus; Our Lamps, our Natures are subject to many imperfections; our corruptions like Oyl will fire therein, but mortification permits them not to flame forth, and shine out; they have but their Glimmerings. The Lamp is plac't upon stone, to shew, it is mortal. A stone is a thing without life, and used to cover the dead.
As day were mix't with some of night] This alludeth to the Painters artificial mixing of colours with his nimble pencil, touching those brighter with some of the sadder hue; which makes them shew much darker for the better draught of his piece to the Life, often causing shadows to set off the livelier colours. So the Traveller here makes one composure of day and night, to set forth that the life of mortification is a continual death. So is life resembled unto day, and night mentioned as the privation of the same.
And near the walls Skul's Letters form words, Life does write] Here the Traveller straineth his fancy to the resemblance [Page 243] of wise sentences, heretofore accustomed to be written upon the walls within the rooms of wel disposed persons houses, which offered to the ey of those that came near them the Memory of something that was worthy the observation. For such a silent kind of instruction does he here build, or set skulls one upon another against the wall to fashion words, and of such words so formed, to compose sentences. The Skulls are Men, men dead to the World; the Letters are numbers of men; the Words are Nations of men: [...]he Sentences are the worlds of men, or the successive generations of the distinct Ages in the world; Life writes mortality upon all these both by precept and example, and publisheth it as by a writing upon the Table of the Universal world, as the Skulls, thus supposed in their order here, are imagined to signifie upon this wall. But this is not all: For here it is meant concerning Regenerated men, who are dead to sin, Mortifying the Lusts thereof in their earthly bodies. Christ is their life, who is the Word, charactereth in their soules the Comfort, and Assurance of happiness, as it is expressed from the words of S. Paul, Col. 3. 4. in the next Stanza in those lines, Your life is hid with Christ in God, &c. Stanza 7.
7. Such even composure of each Mortal head, &c.] This Stanza was unlocked in the former. The Door stands open.
8. Without the Gate an aged Porter stands] Contempt of the world he is said aged for his experience, which conduceth to bring him to what he is; he is said Porter, as shutting out, or warding against the same. And is properly Porter here, because he letteth in to Mortification. He stands to watch, and to resist. For such is that Posture of standing ready.
Most gravely casting up his eye] The Soul contemning the World, most devoutly looketh up to heaven, the [Page 244] onely place of Hope, and Happinesse. The Soul in that condition casteth up his Eye, raiseth his Faith to Christ, in whom he hopeth to enjoy the Comforts of a better being.
Neglecting who so passeth by) Setting at nought the enmity of Satan, the Rebellion of the flesh, and the malice of the world.
On Crosier leaning both his clasped hands) laying hold by Faith fast upon, and being assisted by the Crosse and Passion of Christ, of his Saviour, who is his strength, and his supporter.
And to the curious does deny his name) The curious are Tempters and deriders. The worldling asks, what's the matter when any man forsakes the world. They account a mortified man, a thing fit for nought but a dull house, a Bedlam. S. Paul is accounted as a mad man, when he speaks mysteries to Festus that he does not understand. The Mortified man glorieth not in Name nor Fame, but onely with S. Paul, in Christ Jesus Crucified. And upon good ground too.
He has a reason for the same) He has Gods word for his authority, his commandments for his law, and his promises for his reward.
He, he expecteth glory for his scorned fame) He is iterated to make the man the more remarkable. He indeed is a rare Bird: he that forsakes the world, and mortifies his corrupt Affections, is worth the noting. But the world understands him not. But gives him scorn for fame, which he exchangeth for the hope of future glory.
9. Behold pursu'd by many furious hounds) This Stanza doth allegorize, and from under a cloud discover the condition of man before and after his Conversion, or the hard condition of the Virtuous and godly man in this world. Like Actaeon is the unregenerate pursued by Hounds, Dogges of [Page 245] his own bringing up. None are hotter enemies, than his owne sinnes. They pursue him over the hills; they call to remembrance all his fore-past evils. They drive him over the lofty places of height of pleasure and ambition. They overthrow him in the spoyled Grove of his Idolatry and false Worship. It is such a spoyl'd Grove, despoyl'd of the Jdols as Iosiah caused to be cut down in his Reformation of the Jews. Sin brings him here into the state of death, which is his heavy case. The falling of the Stagge upon his knees, and weeping, is man's humiliation and repentance: To his wounds he weepeth; at the sight of his sins he is very much dejected. While he lies in this sad condition, and Satan thinks him in despair, and his vices and enemies seem to vaunt over his destruction; by Faith he is regenerate, newborn, metamorphos'd, or rather turnd into a Hart, the Lord's, his Redeemer's, his Saviour's beloved, and hath thereby a vivification, and newness of Life, and escapeth from his spiritual and worldly enemies that are his violent pursuers. From such Hounds S. Paul gives the Caveat, Phil. 3. 2. Beware of Dogges, beware of evil workers, &c.
10. A wanton woman see within this Grove, &c.) This Stanza discourseth under a wanton woman that throws off her Toyes, abandons her bad company, changes her Affections, &c. The course of a true Penitent, that must mortifie all evil desires, as well as Actions. Here especially by this wanton is meant Fornication, having relation to Colos. 3. If ye then be risen with, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God: Set your affections on things which are above, and not on things which are on the earth: For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God, &c. Mortifie therefore your Members, which are on the earth, Fornication, uncleannesse, the inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness which is Idolatry. This and the following Stanza's are directed [Page 246] by this Chapter of S. Paul for the mortification of sin.
11. But see a Hagge, &c. This Stanza expresseth under this Hagge, Mortification of, and conversion from Uncleanness, which is the outward act of Fornication, which must be avoided. As also all manner of sins of the Tongue; as censuring, Back-biting, Lying, Swearing, Foul speaking, of the Heart, as Anger, Wrath, and Malice. Which are mentioned in the following Stanza.
12. There lies by Wrath fell Angers garment torn) One sin quarrels with another; but sins Garments are torn; in relation to that of putting off the old man. A mortified man must be rid of his sins as of infected cloaths, Col. 3. 8, 9, 10.
THe skilfull Chirurgeon, that would preserve the Bodies health, doth scarrifie a part to stupifie it, and to let it blood; and in other cases doth mortifie and cicatrize to prevent the mischief of a Gangreen.
Ense recidendum est, ne pars sincer a trahatur. Virtue and Vice cannot live together. We cannot at once serve two Masters: We cannot serve God and Mammon. We must throw down, and trample upon Idols, if we mean to serve the Living God, There is but one Phoenix, and that hath a very sweet Note, as Lactantius Firmianus, which continueth his race by the death of his Predecessor, who gathering rich spices to his compiled Nest in the face of the Sun, fireth them, and therein consumeth in his Age, and from his Ashes ariseth the living young. Who so dyeth to the world, liveth such a Phoenix unto happiness.
FOr want of a right Apprehension of Things, as they are in themselves, as in their own Natures, we are led too often, and carried too far out of the Way. We are many times cozen'd with Mock-shewes for real Things. Hence our Affections taking all at the Voleé, wanting likewise Direction by true Knowledge to their proper Marks, do not so much misse their Aim, as altogether miscarry. This is a visible Discovery of want of Judgement too; Or, that it is so perverted, as it is become the Childe of a Harlot, and not of a lawful Mother, the Natural-born of Sense, and not the Son of Reason.
How else can it come to passe that the Noble Soul of Man should so basely please it self with as foul, as general a habit, and custome of brutish hunting for the Back, and Belly; And to ro [...] in the Mire with trivial Vanities, and sordid Pleasures; Yea, to run with Ambition after a Butter-flie, a painted light thing, a popular Name, a Breath, a Nothing; And to neglect the divine Contemplation, gallant Attempt, and most excellent Acquisition of Heavenly matters!
How else comes it about that no pains is thought enough to fetch a little glittering Earth from the remotest parts of the World from the Indies. It is no more. Nor of the Dignitie of that which lies upon the Surface. Gold hath the lower place by Nature. No storm must withstand us. No length of Journey tire us. Nor Hazard discourage us. No, we must ha't; Though it brings Pluto's Plagues with it; Covetousnesse, Contention, and a thousand Evils. Yet is it neither Food, nor Raiment. Midas found in the Fable, [Page 249] that it was not edible. And Licurgus in the Constitution of his Laconian Common-wealth, and in the Institution of his Lawes condemned it, as not necessary. He therefore shut it out of their Gates for a Wrangler; or more properly for the prevention of a Quarrel. It was against his Communitie, and Commutative Justice.
How else ariseth it, that we are so hurried about with our Passions, as if we rode upon theSphears with a rapid motion, for the obtaining of those things, that are so far from being necessary, as they are not convenient; as for Pleasures, in regard of Health, and rest; for Honours, in respect of Contentment, and safe enjoyment.
Were any of these things either of Value or Certainty, there were some excuse for Appetite. Let us go to Solomon, the wisest of men, to him that had the Treasury of Knowledge of all from the Cedar to the Shrub, that abounded with the means, and judgment in the variety of his Experiments. What sayes he after his large Progresse? Vanitie of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanitie of vanities, all is vanitie! What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the Sun? That's his Beginning. And what sayes he in the midst of his Inquisition? Lo, this onely have I found, that God made man upright, but they have many inventions. And what's his winding up in the close of All? Take his own Words, and Gods Holy Spirit in them. Let us hear the End of all. Fear God and keep his Commandments: For this is the whole dutie of Man. For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. How Follie and Death are in a Conspiracie together! The Vanities of the World are Sin, and the Wages of Sin is Death. It is time to look about us; since our enemies are at hand. But which way shall we escape them? Let us contemn the World! and we avoid its Folly. Let us mortifie our selves, and we have the better of Death.
[Page 250] Draw then near, thou sad-fac't Soul! that hast been overcome with the one, and art in Danger of the other! Me thinks I see Death in thy Face. Thou look'st as though he were in thy Head, if not in thy Heart. Thou art Miserie all over, and die thou must. Thou must not lose thy longing. Thou hidest from the Day; and the Night is a Burden. Companie is grievous; and Solitude dangerous, yet thou lov'st it.
How strangely thine Imaginations work! and as vainly. How thy Breast is upon the Rack! and thy thoughts upon the Tenters! How thy Wishes flie into the Winde! and thy Groans do answer one another by Ecchoes! What contrivances thou hast in thy secret Paths! and how cunning thou art to seek out a Mischief! Thou art now rich enough. For thou art resolv'd, thy Poverty shall not starve thee, thou may'st do that thy self. Thou art now great enough; another shall not give thee a Fall. Wilt thou undo thy self, that another may not undo thee? 'Tis not to be altered. Die thou wilt. Only the manner of Death is the question.
Come hither, Backsliding Man! Here is thy nearest way; and thy best Death. And since nothing would down with thee, but Death, thou shalt have enough of self-killing. Here is a Death that is at hand, and full of safety. Thou may'st do it by good Authority. This Death is lawful. Thou shalt not need to travel among opinions; to search among the learned for Arguments; to strain the sence of Mutilation; or to put the Fallacie upon eadem est ratio totius, & partium; Thou shalt not need to trie thy Wit to gather poyson. Here is a Death to purpose; Thou must kill thy self all over. The Dagger, or the like strikes but at a Part; This strikes at all. Mortifie the Flesh! and the sinful Members thereof! and thou offerest a Sacrifice; and committest not a Murder. But Sacrifice not as those to Moloch: For that is such a Sacrifice as has Murder, and Abomination [Page 251] joyn'd to it. Draw thine Affections off from the World! And thou hast drawn a Dagger against Temptations. Fast! and thou starvest thy worser self. Fast! ad mortificationem carnis, non usque ad mortem corporis, to the mortification of thy sinful Flesh, not to the destruction of thy human Body. Pray! and thy wicked purposes fall by a holy Sword. Mortify thy Lusts! and in that instant th'art a dead man. And thou shalt not need to fear thy dying; For thou risest to a new life, and hast given thee a better Being. Since thou wert so bloudy minded thou shalt have enough of Self-killing, even to wearinesse. Thou must Kill by mortifying thy Self dayly; and thou shalt have Joy, and Life by it. Since thou wert so bloudy minded, take thy Saviour's Bloud, and may I say with reverence, Sanguinem sitisti, sanguinem bibe; Did'st thou thirst for Bloud? Drink that! not as there it was spoken a punishment or contempt to Cyrus, but as a Mystery of Reconciliation of Christ to thy Soul; and as Sanguis est rivus vitae, Bloud is the River of life, so shalt thou tast vitam in sanguine the fountain of everlasting life by the streame of that Bloud. Ego sum fons, ego sum vita, sayes our Saviour. I am the Well, and I am the life. When Sara was old, and dead to worldly Affections, she bare Isaac the Child of Promise. If thou hast not mortified in thee worldly Affections, thou shalt never arrive at the Joy of the Spirit. Therefore we faint not, saith Saint Paul, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed dayly. 2. Cor. 4. 16. Therefore if any man be in Christ, let him be a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new. verse. 17.
Does thine Eye offend thee? Pluck it out. Prevent occasion, that's the sence of the Letter, according to the most Learned Expositors; and hath coherence with the other parts of holy Scripture. Art thou libidinous? Fasting is the best Castration. Throw thy Pride in the Fire! Drown [Page 252] thy lust in thy Tears! Make away thy self from the World to God-ward! Not by killing of thy self in Body, but by Mortifying thy Concupiscences, and Appetite in thy Members to evil. Sic nec alter; so not otherwise is Self-killing lawful.
CANTO. XI. The Farm of Self-Resignation.
A Farme signifies with us House, or Land, or Both, taken by Indenture of Lease, or Lease parol, which is a Lease by word of mouth, as it is vulgarly said; Firma from the Latine word Firmus, for locare ad firmum, is as much as to set, or let to farm. The reason whereof may be in respect of the sure hold, they have above Tenants at will. The author of the New Terms of Law deriveth this word from the Saxon [...], which signifieth to feed or yeild victuall. For in auncient time the reservations were as well in victuals, as money. And so we take it here, but more largely, as a benefit bestowed by the Lord of All, who is the free Giver of all good Gifts, reserving all pure right, and property to himself, that all his Creatures may have their due, and fit dependency upon him, being to him tenants at Will.
Resignation] Resignatio is used among the Civilians for the giving up of a Benefice into the hands of the Ordinary, [Page 257] otherwise called by the Canonists Reunnciatio. And though it signify all one in nature with the word, Surrender, yet it is by use more restrained to the yielding up of a spirituall Living, into the hands of the Ordinary, and Surrender to the giving up of temporall Lands into the hands of the Lord. And Resignation had wont to be made into the hands of the King, as well as of the Diocesan, because he had Supremam authoritatem Ecclesiasticam, as the Pope had in times past.
1. By Reconcialition's Tents] Tents a tenendo, from holding, and fastning unto. But rather from tendo to stretch, and spread; to extend. Which is the nature of love both to lay, and cemen [...] together, and to inlarge all good offices for the piecing together, or continuing of Amity. Such is the part of Reconciliation betwixt man and man, which must first be done, before we can hope for the excellent state of Reconciliation betwixt God, and man.
Thou travell'st now, where bending way indents] Which is the way of moderation; And that is the nearest way, or outward means to mediate friendship between those, that have been at ods, That is the best way for the working of an Atonement between parties at variance. Likewise in the way of Compremise, both parties, setting by Interest, do incline to amicable terms the one with the other.
Wherewith this Brother, and with that thou mendest rents] By the Means of Moderation, Reconciliation is obtained, Ruptures, and Breaches betwixt men are in one conjoyned, and confirmed in Amitie. Seneca hereupon sayes very well, Dissentio ab aliis, à te reconciliatio incipiat. Cum ignoscis ita beneficium tuum tempera, ut non ignoscere videaris, sed absolvere. Quia gravissimum poenae genus est, contumeliosa venia. Let others begin Dissention, but let none be before thee in Reconciliation. And when thou dost pardon, so temper such a Benefit, that thou doest not only seem to forgive, [Page 258] but that thou doest absolve him, not only to free him of the fault, wherein he has offended, but even to blot out of Remembrance all such evil, as he then, and therein committed against him. Do not do it grudgingly,. For there cannot be a more grievous kinde of punishment, then a churlish Pardon.
What thou hast borrow'd here thou needs must pay; Or &c.] Thou must make Satisfaction for all injuries to the full, if thou can'st, if not, to thy power. Thou must be reconciled in tune. According to that of Our most blessed Saviour; Matth: 5. 23. 24. If then thou bring thy gift to the Altar, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee, Leave there thine offering before the Altar, and go thy Way: first be reconciled to thy Brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Whereupon S. Gregory, Dial. lib. 4. Sciendum quod ille recte delicti sui veniam postulat, qui prius ho [...], quod in ipso delinquitur, relaxat. We must hereby understand, hat he doth rightly ask pardon for his offence, that first forgives another what he has offended him. Qua in re pensandum est, [...]ùm omnis culpae munere solvatur, quam gravis est discordiae, quà nec munus accipitur, nec proximus reconciliatur. Debemus ita (que) ad proximum, quamvis longe positum, long e (que) disjunctum merito ire, e [...] (que) animum subjicere, humilitate, ac benevolentia placere. Seeing that every other Trespasse may be satisfi'd by a gift, we are to consider how heavie a thing is that of Discord, whereby neither is thy gift received, nor thy Neighbour reconciled. Therefore ought we to make haste with a willing minde to finde out our Neighbour, though he be far from thee in place, and further distant by Disaffection, and to submit thy self unto him, with Humility and all fair means to appease, and gain him. Owe nothing to any man, but good Will.
Or what thou canst] Si cogitatu offendisti, cogitatu reconciliare; si verbis, verbis; si factis, factis. Non enim quem [Page 259] factis laesisti, sine factis placaveris, saith S. Chrysostome upon the fifth of S. Matthew. If thou hast offended against thy Brother in thought, be in thought reconciled unto him; If by Words, let thy Tongue ask thy Pardon; If in Deeds, give him satisfaction by Deeds likewise. For whom thou hast injur'd in Action, thou canst not appease without a suitable Satisfaction. Yet do what thou canst herein, that thy good Will in Gods sight may be accepted for the Deed.
From which make little stay! Ill words, bad Works, &c.] Mora facit periculum. Delay is the Nurse of Danger. Agree with thine Adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; Lest thine Adversary deliver thee to the Judge, and the Judge deliver thee to the Sergeant, and thou beest cast into Prison. Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt not come out thence, till thou hast paid the utmost farthing. Matth. 5. 25, 26.
They gifts unto each other give, and send, &c.] In Signe of Benevolence. Greet one another with an holy kisse, as S. Paul. Beneficium est benevola actio tribuens, captans (que) gaudium, tribuendo id, quod agit. A Benefit is a well-willing action, giving, and taking Delight in bestowing whatsoever it gives.
So former foe they change to new made Friend] Officiorum assiduitate hostes conciliandi sunt. Even Enemies are by many a good turn reconciled.
Gain Heaven to] Here is the Place taken for the Deitie. Benefaccre homini est, beneficium magnum apud Deum deponere. Behold the infinite Goodness of the Lord, that he is pleased so far to condescend, that he accepteth what good deed soever is done to Man, to his little Ones, he accounteth it, as a Benefit done unto Himself. Ante Dei oculos non est vacua manus à munere, si arca cordis plena est bona voluntate. Our Saviour speaks in a fuller Sense. Whosoever giveth a Cup of Water in my Name, shall not go without a Reward.
[Page 260] And that safely guards him to his End] Divine Protection never forsakes those, that do well unto others; He, that does delight in good deeds, is not wanting of many Blessings.
2. Most fair Interpretation, drawes) They that seek peace make a fair, and candid interpretation of All things. Obstinacy endures not the closure of Hearts in one; And Suspition permits not so good a thought, as that there is love from another. Huic duplici morbo duplex charitas medetur; Illa scilicet, quae non sua quaerit, et iterum illa, quae omnia credit. To these two sick Patients a twofold Charity is the curing Physitian, giving the Pill unto the one, That she seeks not her own; And the Cordiall to the other, That she beleeves, and makes the best of all that she hears.
Twixt eft-contending Parties wholsome Lawes) This expression is taken from the manner of arbitrement, that is made in way of agreement between such as have contended at Law, in which both parties give, and seal Releases to one another after their Articles of Agreement.
What Reason can't compose well, there Religion awes] Arguments are to be used of all sorts according to the severall dispositions, and tempers of men to promote peace, and to procure atonement. Si quid Religionis oritur, quicunque resist it, quicun (que) repugnat planè cum Aegyptijis parvulos Israelitici germinis necare conatur, Imò cum Herode nascentem persequitur Salvatorem. If any strength of perswation be taken from Religion, whoso withstands it, whosoever resisteth it, doth declare himself a Conspirator with the Egyptians to murder the Children of the people of Israel; Yea; more, he joynes with Herod in the persecution of Our Saviour to murder him at his Birth. Though men may seem to put off Reason, while it is difficult to preserve themselves men, they cannot cast off the dictate of their own Consciences.
Here th'one to th'other Alms do freely deal] Reconciled [Page 261] Hearts strive to outvie one another in actions of love, the more to manifest their clear affections to the same. Alms are not onely charitable deeds unto the Poore, which is a necessary and excellent Christian duty, but an obedience to that commandment of Christ, Love one another; with a strong reason to back it. For if thou lovest not thy Brother, whom thou hast seen, how canst thou love God, whom thou hast not seen. Saint Augustine gives his sence of dealing of Alms very apposite to this purpose: Qui vult ordinate dare elcemosynam, à seipso debet incipere, et eam fibi primò dare. He that would well order the Dispose of his Alms, must begin at himself. He should bestow alms first upon himself. There is most need, according to the Proverb, Charity begins at home. Est enim elcemosyna opus misericordiae, verissim [...]quae dictum est, Miserere animae tuae placens Deo. For Alms-giving being a work of mercy, it is most truely said if thou intend'st to please God, be mercyfull to thine own Soul.
With much delight th'ones wounds doth th' other heal] As the Unguentum armarium, or weapon-salve is said to heal by Sympathy. It is the property of Charity to nourish concord, to preserve Love and Agreement, to conjoyn, and make up the breaches of those that are divided, to direct those that are out of the way, and to consolidate, and fortifie all Virtues by the strength of her own perfection; so that whosoever obtaineth Charity to take root within him, nec à veritate deficit, neither faileth of the Truth, nec à fructu inanescit, nor can be without fruit. Experience of self-misery teacheth the Compassion of another.
To Laws drawn thus does Pardon set her Seal] In reconciliation of those that have been separated in their affections, there is not onely a Final agreement undertaken, and setled, but an absolute acquittance of all injuries and obliteration [Page 262] of the same is sealed. S. August. de verb. Domini, speaks pleasantly upon the words of our Saviour, to invite to the forgivness of our brother. Audistis formam, si septuagies septies. Christus peccata tibi donavit: si huc us (que) ignovit, & ultrà negavit: Pone & tu limitem, & ulteriùs noli ignoscere. You have heard the manner of forgivenesses that Christ appointed; that thou shouldest forgive thy brother seventy times seven in a day, as he hath forgiven thee. If he hath pardon'd thee so far, but hath set a bound there, not to exceed. Go thou to that Pillar! and go no further! Thou shalt not need.
Which is sent up to th' Empyrean Court] Our good deeds are Registred in heaven, which is the Coelum Empyreum, the Heaven of heavens, above the Fabrick of this world, the Throne of the Almighty.
Presented thither in most humble sort, accepted and confirmd, &c. The operation of our Alms by faith in Christ is effectual with the Father, and accepted as our Prayers. As that Petition especially in that Prayer which our blessed Lord taught us. Forgive our Debts, our Trespasses as we forgive them that are indebted to us, or Trespasse against us. Here is forgivenesse for forgivenesse: forgive thy brother, and God forgives thee: the one Pardon doth not onely obtain the other, but in a manner it seals it. O formidosa sententià (cryes out S. Hierom) si parva fratribus non dimittimus, magna nobis a Deo non dimittuntur. O sentence to be trembled at! If we will not forgive our Brethren small offences, God will not forgive us our farre greater sinnes.
The summe of these two preceding Stanza's is, that there must be Reconciliation with thy brother, before thy gift of Resignation can be accepted by God.
3. With throbbing heart] With many a stroak of Conscience, with the contrition of Repentance, in the fear of the Lord.
[Page 263] And panting breath] As when a man is almost out of winde with much labour, and sore travel; having even spent his spirits, full of faintness and weakness.
Wet eyes] Flowing sorrows; having undergone many doleful miseries.
And wounded feet] Having endured a world of injuries, Afflictions, and persecutions, the portion of a Christian.
Above] The tryals of prosperity, which is called the height of fortune, having been subject to envy, malice, slander, and the Evils that accompany and haunt an eminent Being, being set up, as it were, a mark for all to shoot at.
Beneath] Having passed through the Calamities of adversity, through scoffs, and scorns, the derision and contempt by the World, the usual tramplers upon low conditions.
Th'ast gone through dismal wayes] Through disconsolate difficulties, very displeasing to flesh and blood to endure; Wayes, the common and usual passages of the world; dismal wayes, full of frights, and fears; among the tempests and storms of malice; many troubles, and disadvantages; amidst the darknesse of ignorance, and misconstruction; through myrie entanglements, plunging cares, and the dirt of calumny and evil censure.
By thousand paths of death] By numberless perils, and most hazardous dangers, leading thee to gaping destruction, that was ready to swallow thee up. The beginning of this Stanza is a kind of review, or recapitulation of the hardship of their former travel. That they have escaped the foul den of idlenesse: that they have gone by the mournful Grott of Repentance: that they have journeyed through the uncomfortable Wildernesse of Tribulation: that they have not omitted the fruitful vale of tears: that they have accosted [Page 264] the lowly Gell of humility: that they have refreshed at the holy house of Prayer: that they have climbed the lofty Mount of Faith: that they have passed the strong camp of Resolution: that they have visited the storm-beaten Lodge of Patience: that they have touch't at the sad Ruins of Mortification: that now they are come to the sight of the contented Farm of self-Resignation. Therefore now pause; sit thee down and rest thee awhile after so much trouble and labour.
Take rest awhile] Consider all these things; the mercies and blessings of God, his wonderfull assistance, and most excellent preservation amidst, and out of al these miseries and dangers.
The wilderness is past] Thou mayst be comforted; for the World is gone over. Th'art past the ruggedness of the world. Th'ast turn'd thy back on't. Tis behind thee. Now thou hast pleasant and smooth way. Th'art even within sight of thy happiness.
As'scaping storm, thou now mayst Anchor cast] Th'art come to much perfection in Christianity, when thou attainest to Self-Resignation, and the contempt of the world. Thou hast escaped and got out of the jaws of a world of trouble: th'art in sight of thy Port; heaven is in thine eye; the storm is over. Thou hast a calm in thy breast.
Bid sowre and bitter things farewel! Sweets tast!) Thou takest leave of pain and care. For comforts come not to thine eye only, but to thy enjoyment.
See fertil Land enrich't by ploughmans pains) This alludes to the Parable of the husbandman, or the sower that went out to sow seed, S. Matth. 13. 3. The Ploughman here, is that Husbandman, that Sower. The fertil Land is the hearts of the Faithful. The enriching of that Land by the Ploughmans pains, is the culture of the Ministry of the Word, that by ploughing up those wild and overgrown hearts, breaking [Page 265] in sunder, and turning up their inordinate affections, they are enriched and fitted to receive the sown seed of the word, and to bring forth a full and plentiful Crop in due season, according to the expression in the next verse.
Does shew him plenty plac't in several veins) That is Our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, from whom the Apostles in Primitive times received the Apostleship, as he had received it from his Father; and the Bishops in that, and after Ages received and derived the same successively from them, as also the Pastors, and Ministers of the holy word, who likewise receive their subadministrations from those superiour hands; that Church Congregate, whereof Christ is the head, is that Ploughman meant in this Allegory, who behold the plenty of the Crop appearing, the Congregation of the faithfull in the Church Militant arising, and shewing, the Saints upon earth (being part of the number with those in the Church Triumphant that were given to the Son by the Father to bestow upon them eternal life, when all Power was given him over all flesh, as it is in the 17. of S. Iohn.) Making manifest his Doctrine in his holy Gospel by their Christian profession, and Godly conversation, by their believing and stedfast faith, and their active Obedience to his commandments..
The fields with fulness laugh, the Swain at pregnant gains) The Lord delighteth to see his Vine fruitfull, and the Saints rejoyce in the strength of his Salvation. As Solomon singeth, Cant. 8. 5. Who is this that cometh up out of the Wildernesse, leaning upon her well-beloved? Swain is a Pastoral tearm for a Shepherd. The fields (by a Metonymie, that is continens pro re contentâ, that which contains is taken for that which is contained) are the sheep that feed in the fields. Who is she that cometh up out of the wildernesse, like pillars of smock perfumed with Myrrh, and Incense, and with all the spices of the Merchant? Cant. 3. 6. Thy teeth are like a fleck of sheep in [Page 266] good order, which go up from the washing: which every one bring out twins, and none is barren among them. The Lord is my shepherd! I shall not want (sings David also.) He maketh me to rest in green pastures, and leadeth me by the still waters, Ps. 23.
4. Tis pleasant news, the crowing Cock) It is a sign that they have past the Wildernesse, and are come near some habitation, which is no little comfort to the Pilgrim and traveller: Poor Christians in this world, are glad when the wilderness, the world is behind them, when they are near their happy expectation; when they draw towards their journeys end. Cupio dissolvi, & esse cum Christo, was Saint Pauls longing, he fain wu'd put off his mortality, that he might put on immortality. He was sick of love: needs must he be with Christ. The crowing Cock, Victoriae Hieroglyphicum, is the Hieroglyphick of victory. Hinc lacedaemonii, as Plutarch relates, cum hostem viribus profligassent, Gallum immolabant, upon this account the Lacedaemonians when they had worsted and scattered their enemies, the crowing Cock vigiliarum signum, a sign of watching, therefore dedicated to Mercury. Alciate is of the like opinion, making him the Emblem of vigilance.
Rendred by the Author.
Alciate hereby intimating a twofold vigilance. One of [Page 267] the Body, the other of the Mind. Corporis vigilantiam Gallus referat, qui homines ad labores solet excitare. The Cock referreth to the former, because his crowing awakeneth, and stirreth men up to labour. Campana verò, quia mentem ad Deum excitat, Symbolum interioris vigilantiae continet. The Cock referreth to the latter, as a Bell, that raiseth up the mind to God, and so doth signifie the Symbole of watchfulness unto the mind.
How he to comfort's dawns the chaunting clock) Candoris animi signum. The crowing Cock is a sign of candour, and integrity of mind. For that Emblem of a Cock with the motto over his head of Sic animus, expressed the same to the Life, setting forth that he who demonstrateth the clearnesse of his mind, cannot be disturbed, cannot be offended, à quavis externâ injuriâ, by any outward injury whatsoever. And as that lofty Wit Scaliger acutely mentions in his Riddle of a Hen, it may be said of the Cock.
He discovers comfort, and Emblematizeth Providence, and foresight. Which sense more particularly closeth with the Meaning of the Traveller here, though all the rest are congruous to a Christian, who though he meet with much offence in his journey, yet the vigour of his spirit to Godward, clearnesse of his Conscience towards Man, his foreknowledge of future happinesse, and foresight of approaching evils, makes him prudent in his walking, comforts him, preserves him amidst his troubles, and leads him wisely on to Self-Resignation, to the giving himself up to Gods dispose, under which shelter is the only safety.
[Page 268] How he does wilde Beasts fright when he his Wings does knock] The Cock for his Courage and Magnanimity is called Martis pullus, Mars his Bird, quasi ad bella pugnas (que) magnoperè propensus, being exceeding ready to the Battel, and very forward to the Combat. He is animal solare, for his regard of the Sun, and he hath a Majestie in his Eye. A Trumpet in his Throat, and the Shock of a Battel in his Breast: and the Stroak of the Day in his Wings, and Daggers in his Heels. If we may believe Plinie, Solinus, Aelian; Proclus, Lucretius, and others, it will appear, Gallum à Leone timeri, that the Lion is frighted by, and stands in awe of the Cock. Angui quoque Gallus terrori est. The Serpent cannot endure him. Basiliscus ipsum horret. The Basilisk doth tremble at the sight of this Champion Hunc aiunt mirabile dictu, cùm Gallum videre forte contingit, animo tremere, et cum cucurientem audit, tanto terrore concuti, ut emoriatur. It is scarce to be beleeved, what is said of him that when the Basilisk chanceth to see the Cock, he is stricken with a strange terrour, but when he hears him, he is so wonderfully affrighted, that he dies upon the place. Quam rem non ignorantes, qui per immensas Cyrenensium solitudines, quae pestem illam, et singulare in terris malum gignunt, iter faciunt, Gallum itineris comitem sibi adjungunt, qui cantu suo truculentissimam illam bestiam longè abigat, reporteth Aelian lib. 3. c. 31. Whereof those Travailers that passe the dangerous and vast Lybean Deserts, which produce such a mischief, and, where onely, a Creature of that pestilent nature is bred and brought forth, for safety sake they make the Cock their companion in their Travell, who at the Clapping of his wings and the shrillness of his crowing, may drive away farr from them a Beast of that horrid countenance. There is much more furniture of this sort, if the roome were not so small, and this place so straight. Some are of Opinion that Christ is meant by the Cock in holy Scripture, dormientes [Page 269] excitans et quasi calcaribus comminationum, that I may use their words, pungens & stimulans. Waking those, that laid asleep in sin, and security, and as it were pricking with the spurs of his threats, and striking with the sharp heel of his comminations. So Vitriacus Cardinalis. Venerable Bede lib. 9. Expos. Tob. c. 7. Interprets thus: Gallum puto esse unumquemque Sanctorum, qui in nocte, & tenebris hujus mundi accipiunt per fidem intelligentiam, & virtutis constantiam clamandi ad Deum, ut aspiceret jam dies permanens, et amoveantur umbrae vitae praesentis, qui urgent item sequenti clamore precum suorum, dicentes. Emi [...]te Lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam. Quod de Prophetis intelligere possumus, qui certatim annunciaverunt Diei et Solis adventum. I conceive the Cock to be every one of the Saints, that receive in the Night and Darknesse of this world understanding by Faith, and the constancy of the virtue of crying to God, that the ever living Day might behold them, and that the shadowes of this present life may be removed, still enforcing their continued cryes and petitions, in these words: Let thy light and thy trueth break forth. Which we may likewise understand of the Prophets, who in a manner strived to exceed one another in the annunciation of the comming of the Day and the Sun. But nearer our matter is their Verdict, that apply it to the Messengers of the Gospel, Gallus succinctus lumbos, id est, praedicatores, inter hujus noctis tenebras verum manè nunciantes. The Cock that hath his loins girt is the Preacher of the word who declares the Truth betimes in the morning amidst the darknesse of this night. Praedicator quisque plus actibus, quam vocibus insonet, et bene vivendo vestigia sequacibus imprimat, ut potius agendo, quam loquendo, quo gradiatur, ostendat, quia et Gallus ipse, cum jam edere cantus parat, prius alas excutit, et semetipsum feriens vigilantiorem reddit. The Preacher must sound by his life as well as his doctrine, and by living well, Leave to his followers [Page 270] the footsteps of a good example, that he may shew them their way, whither they are to goe rather by good deeds, than words, by the hand, and the foot, rather than the Tongue; Because the very Cock when he prepares himself to crow, first smites his wings, and striking himself, makes himself the more watchful. His Note is Hora est jam nos de somno surgere. It is time that we should awake from sleep! from sin! Evigilate justi! Nolite peccare! Awake unto righteousnesse! sin not! The Cock then is the Preacher; The wild Beasts are the World, the Flesh and the Devill; The crowing of the Cock is the Publication of the Cospel, which remembred Peter, when he denied his Master. The frighting of those wild Beasts is the repelling, and driving away Temptations. But Simia odit Gallum, the Ape, the world, doth hate, despiseth his Voice, and with the deaf Adder stoppeth his eares, though the Charmer charmeth never so wisely.
Here Self by Self does Resignation dwell] In the Farm, in the Soul does Resignation inhabite; In God's Promises, in the obedience to his will, and Commandements does Christianity rest; self by self, laying by, and casting off all manner of self confidence, or trust in any worldly help or strength onely submitting unto Divine Pleasure and God's Dispose.
Within a spatious Farm of doing well] A godly Life, and Conversation.
He payes Himself for Rent, No coin needs tell] Here the Will is taken for the whole Man; so is the Will accepted at Gods Hands for the Deed. No Coin needs tell, God delighteth in Obedience rather than Sacrifice. Mans Self is the best payment to be tendred unto God, being enstamped in his Creation with the Image of Himself, and being as it were new minted in his Redemption.
But every New Year sends to's Lord a Heart] At his Regeneration, [Page 271] and being renewed in the Spirit, he presents, what his Lord reserves, Da mihi Cor, Give me thy Heart, that belongeth unto God only, and is the best New Years Gift to the Master of All.
A Wreath of Laurel] Is Praise unto his Holy Name, and everliving acknowledgement for all his Blessings, especially for that of our Salvation.
Or a winged Dart] Is Prayer that flies up to Heaven, that sticketh, and remaineth there, which is for assisting Grace, or for whatsoever the Soul standeth in need of.
Such is his Tenure, which for all he payes in part] This is the Jew and Christian commanded to do by the Commandments in the Law, and by the Love that is required in the Gospel. He that loveth me, keepeth my Commandments, saith our blessed Lord and Saviour. Yet the most Righteous cannot be perfect in this World, he payeth but part for all his Dutie; and with an earnest Will it is accepted too through Faith in Christ. All is the Lords, and he pleaseth to accept our acknowledgement. He requireth only that we glorifie him for all his Benefits.
5. The Lord (say some, and those say well) All acknowledge not the Lord, only his Elect know by Faith, who God is, and where he dwelleth.
Above th' Empyraean Hill aloft doth dwell] Heaven is his Throne.
The Glory of his Seat can none that's Mortal tell] It is ineffable. Neither Eye hath seen, nor Ear hath heard, nor can Heart conceive, nor can it enter into the Thought of Man the wonderful things that are prepared for those which love the Lord, and expect his Appearing.
None like his tennant keeps a house so free] The Godly Man, the true Christian is the happy Tennant unto the Lord of Lords. His Service is the only Liberty; It is a reasonable Service saith S. Paul. His Tenure is in Capite; He [Page 272] holds of the King, of the Lord of Lords. His Grant is in Hee Farm, he depends on the King, on the King of Kings. His is a Perpetuity, an Eternity of Blisse to Himself and his Heirs, to his Body and Soul for ever; He does no Homage, Healtie, or other Service to any, other then such as is especially comprised in his Feoffment, only such as is contained in his Covenant, according to Sacred Scripture. He is a Free-holder that he may give his Lord his Voice, that he may magnifie his Maker, that he may praise his Holy Name; He keeps Christmas continually by his Bounty and loving Entertainment of his Neighbour; and he is allow'd for't. He keeps open House alwayes by his Charity, and compassionate relieving of the Needie, and shall be rewarded through Christ for it.
At every Court yet must surrender be] There must be obedience to his Commandments; a ready and dayly submission to his blessed pleasure. His Court is a signification of his Will, and power. Surrender is in manus Domini, a yielding up into the Lords hands, what the Tennant holdeth of him. Tis Curia Baronis, He is Lord of the Mannor, even Lord of the whole earth; for he is Soveraign of all. In this Court his Suitors are Free-holders: Those Free-holders Judges; such are the Saints who are in design joyned to the great Lord, at the last grand Court, the final summons, the day of Judgement. Their Oath is their lawful Covenant exhibited by the Priest to the Conscience, and sealed with a kiss of the Book by believing stedfastly in God according to his holy word. This is a Court Christian likewise, wherein the great Bishop of our souls is supreme Judge, and from whom there is no appeal. It is Curia Requisitionum, a Court of Requests too, a Court of Equity, a Court of Mercy instituted to the like purpose as the Chancery. His Court is every day; for he is the Lord for ever.
He then regrants] The Lord is ready to be found by those [Page 273] that seek him: Iob must surrender his children, his estate, his good name, his friends, his health, his All, with The Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken, with a Blessed be the name of the Lord; and then the Lord regrants, causeth his friends to submit to him, and gives him twice so much as he had before, Iob 42. 10, 11. Then came unto him all his Brethren, and all his Sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house, and had compassion of him, and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him, and every man gave him a piece of money, and every one an earing of gold. This was the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.
None bountiful as he] O wonderful Mercy! and unspeakable bounty of him that is the free giver of all good gifts! O Lord, our God, how excellent is thy Name in all the world! which hast set thy glory above the Heavens! Out of the mouth of Babes and Sucklings hast thou ordained strength, because of thine enemies. that thou mightest still the enemy, and the avenger. When I behold the Heavens, even the work of thy fingers, the Moon, and the Stars, which thou hast ordained. What is man, say I, that thou art mindfull of him? and the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than God, and crowned him with glory and worship. Thou hast made him to have dominion in the works of thine hands: thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and Oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the fouls of the air, and the fish of the Sea; and that which passeth through the paths of the Seas. O Lord, our Governour! how excellent is thy name in all the world! Ps. 8.
A fence doth grow about th'encircled ground, &c.] His Vineyard is hedged in from the injury of the beasts of the field. His Providence, and Protection is over all them that [Page 274] trust in him. All things thrive that are within his enclosure. He is their strength and defence; he guardeth as with a shield.
6. That river which in poast does go, &c.] Here under the Allegory of a River, the Rain, and the Sea, is described the nature and manner of a Christian Self-Resignation. As the River pays its tribute unto the Ocean for what it hath received from its bounty, conveyed up through the earth to the head, and rising fountain of the River. The Sea likewise that is in position above the earth, from its immense abundance returneth a continual supply for such thankfulness, duty, return, and resignation; and as the waters send up their vapours in clouds to heaven, Heaven poureth down his Blessings in showres to refresh the waters, and supply the Rivers, that in Love resign themselves unto the Sea again. God is resembled by that bottomlesse sea, that unsearchable Abysse, whose inscrutable paths are past finding out. The sea is a glass of the Deity, in which man may by the weakness of expression to sense in a manner behold, and have some conception in his mind, of the otherwise incomprehensible Almighty. The River is man, that as it were flows from his Creation: His soul, as the River is the Representation of the floud of the sea, is in likenesse according to the image of God his Creator, from whom it hath its spirituality, and immortality; for the very damned shall live for ever, though tis an everlasting death in such a Life, by torment, and the privation of such blisse as the blessed shall enjoy. The Clouds denote contentedness of resignation in parting with its naturall Place, the element of Waters, the World. The people therein are a heap of Waters that Tide it to and fro in their several generations. The fury of a multitude is compared in Scriptures to the raging of waters.
The River and the Sea even in obedience to the sun, send up their waters in vapours, as his beams id a manner please [Page 275] to summon. For which resignation are poured down again from the Firmament sweet waters, like blessings, in showres and rain, that raise the streams of the River, fattening the neighbouring grounds with the abundance of heavens bestowed bounty; and as it were dancing over their before confining banks for joy in the after smiling meadows, and poast it floud away unto the Sea, in earnestness of desire to carry news of what it's more than Channel could contain hath yet received, and to communicate with the waves of the Sea, their swelling felicity; yet in the Rivers Semicircling and Meandring courses, it appeareth to embrace the earth with seeming expression of Love and kindness, by its frequent windings, as in charity with the world; but leaves it yet with a carelesse farewel, being earnestly bent forward in its course without so much as looking back upon the Hills, or making the least shew of any returning. Which still more and more sets forth that free Resignation of the Christian of himself, and whatsoever he hath received, unto the Lord that gave it, which procures from him blessings still more and more to distill upon him, and obtains the pouring down upon him the sweetness of spiritual rejoycings, and graces, which make fruitful in good works, and put into his heart such a contempt of the Hills, of the greatness of the world, that with chearfulness he passeth away without any regret at parting, and hasteth onward to his home, to Heaven the Ocean of his happinesse.
7. About the house trees growing high, as Cedars spreading tops, &c.] When the Acts or operations of the soul are to be made manifest by the description of things belonging to sense, which are so exceedingly disproportionable unto spiritual matters, the Pen that undertakes runs into much hazard upon necessity, either on the one hand to fall very short of the proper, requisite, and full expression that should be made concerning the same, or without the excellency of a [Page 276] far greater skill, then the Author can find in himself, or afsume, will remain not a little obscure. As this Stanza may give occasion of instance, which to some may seem a Riddle. His adventure in this or the like of his undertaking, may obtain excuse, howsoever in regard of the Example of that famous Poet M. Spencer, who in the 22. Stanza of his 9. Canto in the second Book of his Fairie Queen, putting Alma upon the description of the House of Temperance, therein deciphering the curious Fabrick of Man, hath put many Scholastick Wits, yea searned understandings to the plunge about the clearing of the meaning of the same, which to this day is not sufficiently interpreted in every part thereof, as though he had carryed the Key with him of such a Cabinet in his sheet into another world. This is not mentioned, as though Affectation had begot Imitation, but the Authour hopeth, that his Example may stand, as a plea for priviledge.
Now for the untying of any knots herein the better, First take the sense of the words as here applyed, and then of the matter.
The House) The Farm-house is the Christian Man.
The Trees) And these are to be considered in their bodies, and in their Tops. The Bodies is the understanding, the Tops the Will. Voluntas est actus intellectus, the will is an act of the understanding.
As Cedars) Is the tallness and loftinesse of the understanding.
The Wood) Signifies strength and vigor, as well as shelter.
The branches seeming to root within the skie) Shews a fastening to Gods will by Faith, & humility, whence it takes the lowly expression of a root for so high a matter, as if a Christian compared to such a tree were turned with his root upward, and that he received all his Life from thence. These [Page 277] branches so rooted in the sky, are the Christian Mans Will.
Which when storms do come] The storms are Persecutions, Afflictions, and Temptations, that violently presse upon the Christian.
The Farmers room) Is the Soul.
His Cattle) Are his Affections, and all outward things that are the objects thereof belonging to the outward man, as the relations to marriage, friendship, prosperity, estate, or all outward comforts whatsoever.
Run for shelter) Seek repose and preservation.
Home) In the inward man.
The tree growing upon the tops, as down from Heaven) Is a a course shadowing of Gods will; which tree seems to grow transvers't, as with the root in heaven, with descending branches like Raies, which shoot into, entwine as tendrel of Vines encompass, and grow among the tops of mans will, whereby the wood, the understanding receiveth grace and protection for the Affections, to receive stediness, and to obtain safety, and all outward things, to be under a blessing.
Mortals here below can't think what it should be) The world understands not the things of God; nor can the best of men find out the secrets of God, otherwise than he hath declared himself in his holy word.
Fruits dropping partly show) and those are external or internal. The external are those acts that concern the outward man, which drop, fall, or proceed from Divine direction and guidance, or permission and sufferance. The internal are those operations that descend from above into the soul, either to terrifie with the presentation of his Justice, or to comfort with the offer of his mercy. These discover fully Gods will to the understanding of man by his revealed Word, and by his holy Spirit, that descendeth into the souls [Page 278] of Christian men; But men understand but in part what might be there discover'd.
The Sum is this: That whoso resigneth his will freely and earnestly up to God's will in all things with Thy will be done, hath God for his best and onely Protector; whose Holy will seems joyned to that Christian's, shewing him the works of his wisdome by the active demonstration of, or his permission by his divine Dispose, which is better, than he could ask or apprehend. This Fruit falling is not made manifest unto man but by Evidence of Action represented to the sense or the Understanding.
All things are not onely under the wisdome of God's Providence, but under the power, though many not within his Protection. His Protection is an act of his will, God's will may be said to be joyned unto man's for his better protection, when man's will is submitted and resigne'd unto God's for his better Direction, which is not to be understood but by the fruit, which is the Excellency of his evidenced most wise Dispose. So read we God's will directively in the best of our Actions, permissively in our failings, Trials & Afflictions.
8. Within a fragrant Meadow near, Mild Consolation &c.] This Stanza is a description of the severall effects of self resignation, that the Holy Ghost bestoweth thereupon many graces upon the Soul, many kinds of Consolation, divers degrees of Comfort: The care-free'd Head is encircled as it were crowned with Rest. The Breast is perfumed with prayse, thanksgiving and rejoycing of spirit; The Conscience hath Quiet, and Repose; and the inward man Contentment and Satisfaction. Assisting Grace, from Divine mercy, is alwaies at hand to relieve against all Reencounters, stirring up Devotion, and quickening Zeale; inflaming the Christian with Love to God, strengthening his Faith, and giving vigour to his hope. By assurance from Gods Promises of the Reward, that is prepared for him hereafter.
[Page 279] 9. There Contentation's Cott behold] The Humble Sedation of the mind.
How well 'tis plac't from too much heat, or cold] Then the Soul is neither troubled with Heat of Desire or chilled by the cold of Fear; It is strengthened against the violence of Passions.
Seest not her pleasant Lambes skip driving to the Fold!] In all employments, and proper buisinesse the mind has an innocent and rejoycing contentment, when the heart is so dispos'd, being folded in safety, according to that of the Psalmist, I will lay me down, and also sleep in peace: For thou Lord onely makest me dwell in Safety.
She's Resignation's Neighbour and Self Friend, Regarding nought, but &c.] The rest of this Stanza expresseth, that Contentation of mind allwaies accompanieth Self-resignation of will to God's Dispose; In whose Pleasure the Soul rejoyceth, alwaies without murmuring, waiting with Patience, and not repining, but cheerfully from his hand receiving, whatsoever commeth. So as nothing betideth such a Soul, crosse or obnoxious.
10. Aloof upon sinister Hand] Vain Desires arise from the wrong side of the Soul. They are said to be aloof as described by the Travailer to the Pilgrim to be out of the way of a Christian's walk, to be at great distance from the way, wherein he ought to goe.
Thine Eye a floating Ile may now command, Within a troubled Sea &c.] This discovers the Folly of worldly Desire, and the vanity of corrupt Affections; As an Ile is divided from the Continent, they do not concern, and should not belong to the Christian man; They are extraneous, and extravagant; They float having nothing of firmnesse or steadinesse in them, intimating their Vanity. The floating Ile is a wandring Fancy; within a troubled Sea, in a distemper'd Brain. Or the floating Ile, inordinate Affections; [Page 280] within a troubled Sea, in a disquiet Soul. This is the description of too fond desire, and earthly mindednesse.
Where every one does seeke, what t'other has] The breach of the Tenth Commandement. Nullus sua sorte contentus.
And madly think to grind at mills of Glasse, Caught atomes &c.] Shewing the unreasonablenesse and unfitnesse as well as impossibility of obtaining of foolish Desires, discovering the Vanity of carnall appetite, which occasion Disquiet, sorrow, and Dejection of mind, Mills of Glasse are the Fancy, wherein the Imaginative Faculty is in labour with Apparitions. When unreasonable Expectation is disappointed, the heart is ready to faint with Despaire, and the Breast is ready to break with the losse of it's longing.
But turne &c.] Giving notice of a more worthy object Averte oculos a vanitate mundi. Turne away from the vain world! Contemn it.
11. As Globes of Ivory, two Hills, Embroid'red o're &c.] Joy and Innocence are to a good Conscience as the fair Breasts of a beautiful Virgin, very full of Ornament and Comliness. As the Church is mentioned in the 7. of the Canticles. v. 7. Thy two Breasts are as two young Roes, that are Twins. Thy Neck is like a tower of Jvory &c.
Embroid'red ore with azure-veined Rills] Quickened and adorned with Integrity of Life, and continually refreshed with the Comforts of the Spirit.
Have't wixt them Beautie's Plain &c.] The cleare bosome of Trueth; a Plain that is fertile with well-doeing.
Within this Plaine A Virgin &c.] Here is mentioned the Excellence of a sanctified Soul, and the Eminence of a good Conscience. It is Virgo intacta a Virgin undefiled. Thou art fair, my Love! and there is no spot in thee.
Comely drest] All about it, is decent and in order.
Sits] It is unmoved.
[Page 281] With dishevell'd Locks] Without a Covering, without hypocrisie. Veritas non quaerit angulos.
In Snowie Vest] purity cloatheth it all over. It is arrayed with Candour as with a garment.
And with a Crimson Crosse upon her Breast] The Badge of Religion and Devotion.
She Sweetly sings unto the flowing Streams] It provoketh praise to God for his continuall Benefits, and Graces powred upon it. He maketh me to rest in green pasture, and leadeth me by the still waters; He restoreth my Soul, and leadeth me into the paths of righteousnesse for his Name's sake. Psal: 23. 2. 3.
Self-instructing Theams &c.] Conscientia sibi judex. The Conscience is it's own Judg, and Counsellour. How beautifull are thy goeings with shooes, O Princes Daughter! The Joynts of thy Thighs are like Jewels; the work of the hand of a cunning workman. Thy navel is a round Cup, that wanteth not liquour; Thy Belly is as an heap of wheat compassed about with Lillies &c. Thine Eyes are like the Fish-pooles in Heshbon by the gate of Beth-rabbim. Thy Nose is as the Tower of Lebanon, that looketh toward Damascus &c. How faire art thou! and how pleasant art thou O my Love in pleasures! This thy stature is like a Palm tree, and thy Breasts like Clusters. Canticles. 7.
12. To Resignation from Above, Descends an Angel &c.] God out of his infinite Love and Mercy sendeth his Angels down to guard those that trust in him. He is a Pillar of Defence to the Faithfull.
See! Blessed are the Stock and thriving Kine &c.] This pointeth at the Blessings in the 28. of Deuteronomy, to those that were obedient, and gave up themselves to performe the Commandements of the Lord. If thou shalt diligently obey the Voice of the Lord thy God, &c. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy Body and the Fruit of thy ground &c.
[Page 282] And if at any time, there come Command, For All &c.] Here is willing submission to Gods will, and ready render with a free Heart and a rejoycing minde, that he wil daign to call for any thing, that we best esteem; and that he will please to accept it from us.
In this, and the beginning of the next following Stanza is set down the obedience of the soul, and the dutifull submission of a Christian heart by self-resignation in all unto God.
AN injur'd generous Mind, is conquer'd by submission to it. Posse & nolle nobile, He that gives up all unto a noble heart, seiseth upon all that is in the Possession of it. Submission, with reverence presented unto God, is an humble argument of a Christian repentance. Resignation of the Will, a ready discovery of the Souls devotion; the first a fair preparer for pardon, the last a great prevailer for protection at the Throne of mercy. Submission attracts Gods eye of mercy towards us. Resignation opens the hand of his blessings upon us. Suhmission makes the Will an Altar for the soul; Self-resignation offers the whole man upon that Altar. Without Submission there can be no Reconciliation. Without self-Resignation, no perfection of Faith in a Christian.
Well saies Isidore lib. 1. de sum. bon. Non erit caro subjecta animae, nec vitia rationi, si animus non est subditus Creatori. Tunc autem rectè nobis subjiciuntur omnia, quae sub nobis sunt, si subjiciuntur ei, à quo nobis illa subjecta sunt. The flesh shall not be subject to the Spirit, nor vice be master'd [Page 283] by Reason, so long as man stands out a Rebel against his Maker. For then are all things below us, are subjected unto us, when we become subjected unto him, by whom all those things were made, and placed in subjection under us.
THere is no action, but tendeth to its end. By that we judge whether it be Virtuous, or dishonest; Worthy or base. Of Causes the finall is the Noble. For as the Efficient gives Motion, and the Formal gives Essence to the matter, So the Final gives the Judgement, and Appellation of all things: And this doth Aristotle, that Princeps Philosophorum, that Alexander among the Philosophers, in his first Book of his Ethicks make good: [...], All art, all learning, every action, no purpose, no designe whatsoever, but seems to bend towards, to seek for, and to aym at Propositum aliquod bonum, something that we purpose to our selves to be very good. Towards that the affections drive [Page 285] as their proper Home; For that the will does press as its best purchase: At that the Understanding shoots as its fairest Mark.
That therefore seems to please men most, that may yield them joy and safety. Without joy, safety is no more than a still misery; without safety, joy is but a laughing danger. Joy without safety, has too great a Spirit for a weak Body; Safety without joy, has too strong a Body for a distempered mind. But this is rather Supposititious than Real; A Chimaera in fancie, more than a thing in Nature. It is but the Picture of joy, that has not safety; And it is but an Apparition of safety, wherein there is no Joy.
Yet the world has form'd such a Creature; and is in love with the Monster. Pygmalion's Image makes a stone of the Carver. Pygmalion thinks he has given his Ivory Statue Sense; the Statue by a kind of assimilation, as Ice makes water Ice, takes away Pygmalions reason.
Though Roman Ovid in his deathless Metamorphosis, drew this forth for a Fable; yet the allusion carries so much weight and substance in it, and is so lively a Picture of the mistake of Apprehension, and so sutable to discover the vanity of humane designes, that I cannot conceive it less sutable to the gravity of our discourse to relate it; than that custome deserved commendation as well as approbation of those Lacedaemonians, that called forth their Children to shew them the Odiousness of reeling Images of men in the streets, to deter them from the like vice by their deformity; especially the story not being tedious, so apposite to our purpose, and so happily and incomparably rendred by M. George Sands in his 10. Book.
Such a Glass of Deception is the world to humane eyes, cozening with false resemblances the weak imaginations of erring men.
Why else seek we for joy in riches? or safety in strength? Why do we lullaby our Fancies in the lap of Pleasures? and think there is Security in Ambition? When Joy dwells in Heaven, and Peace is flown from off the Earth. Regret attends Delight; And Check of Conscience treads upon the hels of sinful Desire. No Comfort; No Repose but in Piety: No Safety, but in Divine Protection. Why then plant we so many sorts of a New-found Paradise? Why labour we so incessantly? and inconsiderately hope for a full Harvest in vain? Why rage we, when we misse our Purposes, as though we might be Masters of our own Actions? Why cry we out of Sicknesse, as though it were a Phrensie? Why hate we our brethren's Infirmitie? And increase our own by shunning another's weaknesse, as if it were the Plague? Why are our Burthens intollerable, when we laid them upon our own shoulders? Why account we so irreverently? and are so ignorant of the Deitie, when [Page 288] we professe our selves Christians? Why war we against Heaven with our perverse Wills, and so add to the heap of our Sins, by our frowardnesse still more to provoke the Allmighty? when there is no Rest to be found upon Earth, but in God? Nor any Safety but under the shadow of His Wings. What conceive we of His wonderful Wisdom that prefer our own imaginations before It? Why raise we our Vain Desire against His most Holy Pleasure? and make the Rebellion of our Hearts to be as the Sin of Witchcraft? Why fondly hast we to every Bush for shelter? Or think we to avoid the storme by the nimblenesse of our failing Feet?
Come then my sad Companion in distresse! My other Self in Misery! Sit thee down by me! Sit thee down, and rest thee! Many say, who will shew us any good. But Lord, lift up thy countenance upon us. Thou hast given me more joy of Heart, than they have had when their wheat, and their Wine did abound. I will lay me down; and also sleep in peace. For Thou, Lord, onely makest me to dwell in Safety.
Hath the Lord humbled thee? and set thee down in the shadow? Hath he besieged thee with many Troubles? Hath he beset thee with a multitude of Afflictions? Is there no way to escape? Doe His Arrowes fly about thee. O consider, what thou hast deserved! Remember, that His Patience is wonderfull! and His loving Kindnesse above measure! His Corrections are gentle; and His Mercies never fail those that trust in him. His Straightnings are Life; and His Goodnesse surpasseth understanding. Why holdest out? And giv'st not up the Place? Resigne!
Hath Abraham but one Son? His Joy? His onely comfort? And must Isaac be a Sacrifice? Were there not Cattel enough among all the Herds for one Offering? Nor a nearer place, than a strange Countrey for an Altar? Must [Page 289] he travaile to his Losse? the Losse of his onely Son? his beloved? And must that come by his own hand too? And was his obedience without grutching? with cheerfulnesse? Without question? O how great was his Faith! But what followed? The stroak was restrained, Isaac saved; a Ram presented, and in his stead offered; Abraham proved, and approved. For so calls the Angel of the Lord from heaven, Abraham! Abraham! Lay not thine hand upon the Child! Neither do any thing unto him! For now I know, that thou fearest God; Seing for My sake thou hast not spared thine onely Son. O the infinite mercy of the Lord! He is tender, and full of compassion. Is He the onely stay, and Refuge? Withstand him not! Submit! Resigne!
Whither is Ionas run? from his Message? from the Lord, that sent him to Ninive? Can a ship hide him? Or the Sea promise him Safety? He runs from a Calm to a Storm; From the God of peace and power to the inconstancie of the Creature. Is a Lot better, than a Portion? Or a Whal's Belly a more pleasing Entertainment, than a City? Is the Deep more comfortable, than the brightnesse of the Heavens? Or a dying habitation in the Living more to be esteemed, than a lively Publication of God's warning to those, that were otherwise appointed to dy? Let every Ionas, that is out of the way, turn againe! For the Lord is gracious; and His Mercy endureth for ever. Alas for thee! Murmur not! Keep not thy Will! Let it not be thine own! Resigne!
CANTO XII. The Holy Hill of Contemplation.
DOwns are an open Place of intermixed Hills and Dals, commonly upon the Coast and many times in the Inland; Where somtimes they are a rising Ridg of Hills and Valleys, whose free and pleasant scope overtop and overlook the neighbouring inferiour Countrey. And from the declining and ascending position of the Earth as the high and more swelling Waves in the deeper Seas are not unlikely to have derived their name from their seeming to carry their Passengers over them up and down. These for their healthful Ayr, by their Loftinesse, pleasant prospect, by their opennesse, and smooth Turf for their Evenesse, do often invite in the delightfull seasons of the Year Persons of quality and [Page 304] leisure to take the Ayr upon them, and to spend some time in recreation. Horsmen choose such places thereupon to make and run races with their swiftest Coursers to try their courage, wind, and swiftnesse of their Heels; Such are Newmarket Heath, or Bainstead Downs. They are called the Downs of Cogitation. Because Thoughts are full of motion and uncertainty, that have their erection and dejection upon the Mind; as the first Stanza mentions.
1. From hill to hill we goe &c.] Here is a Comparison between the Downs and the Waves of the Sea; Both much agreeing in their resemblances with one another; And both expressing the manner of Cogitation.
2 All ore this flowry place &c.] The pleasure of Thoughts is compared in this Stanza to Flowers; their subtility and quicknesse to the nimble flight of Swallowes. And here Swallowes seeme to be matched as Coursers to expresse in a poeticall manner both the pleasure and swiftnesse of Cogitation together.
3. Out from Thelema's Cave &c.] Here is first described the origination and purification of Cogitation. [...] is Voluntas, the Will and Affection, from whence Thoughts as Waters out of the head of a Spring do take their rise, and have their flux. As the Heart is, such are the Thoughts, And that is Thelema's Cave in the side of the Downs, the Man; This being taken from that vulgar, though not true opinion according to Anatomists, that the Heart is placed in the left side of the Body. A Generous Heart dresseth or setteth forth the Thoughts in Gallantry, and Noblenesse. So appears Dianoia, Cogitation, fair and beautifull, when Devotion is in the Heart, and Charity in the Hand, which is an unbound Book, the obedience unto Holy Writ, ready to be dispensed according to active piety. Thoughts seem awaked, when drawn out of the sleep of Sin, and darknesse of pollution. Sitting is a Posture of steadinesse and Recollection. Thoughts dwell in a Waggon as the old Scythians, that never [Page 305] used Houses, but such Receptacles, as might more properly be call'd their Moveables than their Habitations. Silent wheels is the imperceptibility of Thought. Drawn with Dromedaries is their velocity, as also the tenacity by Cogitation of things first apprehended. For though a Dromedary be a kind of Cammell, it differs in dorso; The Cammel has a Bunch on his Back, the Dromedary two Fins as I may call them, the one near his Wallis, the other more backward to the Chine, both upon the Ridg of his back, which fall down loose upon his sides without weight, and rise and claspe in an imposed Burden. With an unperceived Pace Dromedaries move with great strength and swiftnesse. Whereupon Livie reciteth them, as very usefull in Warlike expeditions. His utebantur praecipuè in bellicis expeditionibus. And Curtius in his 7. booke mentions that Polydamus was sent by Alexander for the more speed upon Dromedaries by the unfrequented passages of media per occulta, et squalida tesqua to dispatch Parmenio. Zenobia fled upon a Dromedary after her defeat by Aurelian, as Vopiscus tells the story. Cogitationes sunt motus voluntatis, et cordis humani. Thoughts are the motions of the will, and the spirituous stirrings of the Heart.
4. Behind her stands a wight &c.] In this Stanza is Sanctification described, that purifies the Heart, and rectifies the Thoughts. The Heart is allwaies moving like the driving of a Chariot. Sanctificationis partes sunt, aversio à malo; conversio ad bonum; Sanctification taken absolutely in it's parts is a turning from evill, and a turning to good. Therefore here a fit directer of the Thoughts. The Causes of Sanctification are; first the Efficient, which is the principall: and that is the Grace of God, which instrumentally is conveyed unto us by the means of Faith obtained by the hearing of Gods revealed Will, and understanding the same from the Preaching and reading of this written word. The matter is the hatred of sin, and the study and love of righteousnesse. [Page 306] The Forme is the renewing of our minds, our wills, and Affections; The End is the Glory of God, the confirmation of Election, conversion of others, and the rejoycing of Saints, Angels, and Men. The Effects of Sanctification are good works. The proper purpose therefore is Sanctification the best directer of the Thoughts. For from evill Thoughts proceed bad words, and worse Actions. Powring of Oyle is a hallowing of the Mind. Her Rod is a hatred of Sin, which kills those naturall Corruptions, which have been bred in us, and buz in our Fancies.
5. Thus ore the Downs She drives &c.] Cogitation, it comes to settled, and sanctified comes to meditation, which is [...] in the Greek. And when it is elevated with sublimity in Thought it mounteth up to Contemplation. Here is expressed also the secretness of the Thoughts of the Heart. Deus sol us [...], the very Angels know not the secrets of the heart, ipse intuetur in corda hominum, et illa scrutatur. God onely is the knower of the Thoughts, God the onely searcher into the Heart of Man.
6. On Promontorie there doth dwell, Wise Phrontis &c.] Here Meditation dwels upon a Place, that is Mountainous and high and reaching from the Land into the Sea, she views God's works upon Sea and Land. Meditation in this place is taken for a continued working of the thoughts in a pious consideration circa opera creationis, redemptionis, et sanctificationis of His works in the Creation of the world, and all therein, in his Redemption of fallen mankind, and in the sanctification of His Elect, of those that he hath called to the hope of Glory. This Promontory is Man; His Flesh is the Earth, and His Bloud is the Sea, which ebbeth and floweth about his Flesh, made and created by God, the Holy of Holies in Heaven, who endowed the Soul with most excellent Gifts, giving it at first Free will and the like Graces before the Fall. Os homini sublime dedit coelumque tueri; videre [Page 307] some render it, sayes Ovid, a Heathen. God made Man's countenance erect, and to take the sense of videre more properly to this purpose, that he might the better meditate upon the wonderfull works of His maker. Tueri agrees better with Contemplation; both aim at the same End, the Glory of God. Meditation is devout, retired, and solitary like an Hermit; It is private, yet frequent intercourse with Prayer.
7. From out her study she doth eye &c.] This Stanza is an explanation of the former Stanza and an explication of the operation, and requisites to the performance thereof. Meletetick art is the Method of Meditating, and the discovery of circumstantials conducent to the same. [...], the study, before and contrivance of all kind of business. Ars meditandi est omnium studiorum, et negotiorum anima. The art of meditation is as the Soul to all studies, and Imployments. Sicut flamma motu excitatur, et lumen solis reflexione roboratur; Sic studia nostra frequenti mentis agitatione illuminantur, excoluntur, vit â donantur: As a Flame is quickened by motion, and the light of the Sun is the more brightened by reflection, the beams of greater Force by their rebounding; Our studies likewise by an accustom'd agitation, and frequent exercise of otherwise our too sedentary minds are no lesse enlightened, but improv'd, yea receive their animation.
8. Her Object she doth keep in sight &c.] Here Meditation showes her Judgment, as well as her Nature. She has a naturall Logick in her, as well as a sweet Inclination, and is a discreet orderer of all the affairs of the Soul, of matters of the greatest Concernment; very provident to lay up in the Trust of memory, what upon occasion she receives from the hands of memory by Recordation, that is Remembrance. She cannot doe amiss, having quickness of reason, judgment in inquisition, and true Devotion to assist her.
[Page 308] 9. Her Liberary is large and fair &c.] In Her Library all the Creatures in the World are for her Bookes, quaelibet herba Deum, every Creature has the Frontispeice of the Creator. Her Liberary is disposed into three ranks, as before mentioned into thoughts of the Creation, Redemption and Sanctification. All studies must have a method. Otherwise multitudo librorum destruit animum, a multitude of Bookes would rather astonish, than instruct the minde. In the rest of this Stanza are the Conveniences expressed for Meditation.
10. She's beck'ned oft abroad by Love &c.] Meditation has divine affection, that invites to a mentall religious pleasure in a solitary walke by reposedness and the better selfenjoyment, in the shade, out of the eye, or thought of the world, and thereby enjoying in her mind the society and comfort of holy things; which as a Loadstone attracts the Soul. Upon which the Travailer takes occasion to provoke the Pilgrim to the Holy Hill of contemplation.
11. It is call'd the Holy Hill of Contemplation in resemblance of Sion recorded in Holy Scripture, which is stiled the Holy Hill of Sion. Heaven is the proper object of Contemplation. Divine things are onely fitt for highest Thoughts, whose lawfull Ambition may be industrious, but not curious. A Hill is a lofty Place upon the Earth, and Contemplation is the acumen, and elevation of the mind.
A loft now raise Thy Self &c.] This Stanza is the excitation of the Christian Soul to an elevation by Contemplation.
12. Behold the Place &c.] Here is in this Sanza first a poeticall Description of the manner of contemplation, Then begins her Speculation; which, because it is more dogmaticall, than poeticall, spareth the Authour much pains at the present for it's Exposition. And being, in much of it, not the Authour's owne, but from the industry of a very Learned [Page 309] Man, and worthy Doctor in Divinity as to the Method and the matter, though not in the Verse, and composure, He thinketh fit to set now down onely such Animaduersions as may render his Apprehensions as the mater is agreeable to the doctrine of Holy Scriptures and the interpretation of such divine things has been formerly rendred by the late unparalelled Church of England; Not but that he does highly honour the noble industry of so worthy a man for his indefatigable pains towards the investigation of any latent Truth, as in a Scheam he hath demonstrated.
13. Subsistences &c.] There is much criticisme betwixt the words Emanation and Procession; the difference of their sense is left to the Learned. The Gospell saith that the Son came forth from the Father, which is nearest to Procession as our distressed Mother the Church of England holdeth. In this Stanza and the former are set down Speculations concerning the Trinity.
14. Her lofty Bower &c.] This Stanza is a poeticall description of the Soul's rapture by divine Contemplation, the Travailer bringing a comparative discourse of the Eagle in his station, posture, and flight to illustrate the same.
15. There thus alone &c.] Here the Travailer proceeds in shewing to the Pilgrim that divine Contemplation is accompanied with Divine Love, resembling it to the spicy Neast of the Phenix, as vulgarly related, that enfireth with the heat of the Beams of the Sun.
16. Her too weak Bow &c.] Here he sets forth the modesty and humility in the Contemplation of divine Mysteries; as also discovering the Soul's imperfection, while it is in an earthly Body, that God can not be understood, but as he hath reveal'd himself in Sacred Scripture.
17. With humble bent &c.] The Travailer makes an humble progression in his discovery of divine Contemplation concerning the All-Sufficiency and All-Efficiency of the Deity
[Page 310] 18. Him Absolute &c.] Here is a Looke before the Creation of the Visible World, upon the created Angels, and the Fall of Those with Lucifer, which the Doctor stiles the first Race of Intellectualls.
19. Then Tophet told &c.] The Place ordained as a Prison for the Damned; which the Doctor stateth to be here decreed, In this Stanza is mentioned the Creation of the Visible World, and Man, whom he stileth the Second Race of Intellectualls.
20. By Satan's Spell &c.] In this Stanza is described the Manner of the Fall of Man, and his Losse thereby; As also the primary meanes of his Restauration.
21. T'was co-decreed &c.] Here is described the manner of man's Restauration in Designe; and that the Second Person in the Trinity should take upon Him the Apostleship and Mediatorship for the performance of so great a Work.
22. And Those were given &c.] Here are set down how, and to whom the Ordinances, and Administrations were delivered and conveyed in former Ages.
23. Time did at Full &c.] Here is related the Revelation of the Gospell, and the manifestation of Jesus Christ in the Flesh; which also is further related in the 24. Stanza.
25. Most humblie Shee &c.] Here is the Eternall Trinity manifested so far as necessary to Salvation; The Creator of the World in the Old Bible is here The Father in the New Testament. The Word in that Old is the Son in the New. The Spirit in the Old is the Holy Ghost in the New; In which is revealed and clearly manifested the mystery of the Trinity so far as in necessary for Salvation.
26. As wondrous was &c.] In this Stanza is deciphered the conveyance down to future times of the Ordinances, and Subadministrations.
27. Means to save All &c.] Here is shewn the right [Page 311] Title and true Claim of Episcopacy from the Apostleship; Primariely in Christ; Derivatively in the Apostles, Successively in Episcopacy, or Bishops.
28. Her downcast Eye &c.] This Stanza speaks the State of Death, and the Resurection.
29. And now behold &c.] This Stanza is a representation of all the former Discourse, as an arguing with all Christian Souls after the manner that the Lord by his Prophets put the Case to His peculiar People, the Jewes, therby the more to convince, or to leave the obstinate to punishment inexcusably. So Our Christ in the Flesh did manifest the Light, and declare what was darkness, as in the Gospell, and afterwards by his Apostles.
30. Hear'st This? Away! &c.] Here is the Travailers Application to the Pilgrim, his Advise, and Invitation to doe thereafter, that they may attaine unto Salvation. Here is Exhortation and incouragement to betake themselves to their Callings with Cheerfulness, to be in the World, not of the World, to labour dayly for a better Being, and to despise all the Miseries of this Life in respect of the Reward, the Joy, the Happiness, that is laid up for All those that love The Lord, and expect His Appearing. And then concludeth as with the Magnificat. My Soul doth Magnifie The Lord; My Spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour.
Gloria Patri, Filio, et Spiritui Sancto &c.
In secula seculorum
COGITATION is fuller of Care, then it is of Businesse, and if not reined in by Sanctification is as unruly [Page 312] as a wilde Beast. Meditation does no businesse out of her studie; and there she must have a Fire; her Piety will cool else. In meditatione mea exardescit ignis. That Fire is the Love of God, which must be kindled in our Hearts, in our Wills, in our Affections. Without Grace Cogitation would make us mad; Without true Religion Meditation would lead us into a despairing Melancholie; And without modest bounds Contemplation may carry us, if not into dangerous Errours, into much Folly. All are excellent in their kindes, but not without their qualifications.
Meditation and Contemplation are much at one; yet herein there is some distinction between them. Meditatio convenit iis, qui cum difficultate & labore de rebus divinis cogitant. Meditation belongs to those, that bestow their Thoughts with no small Pains, and no lesse difficultie about divine matters. Contemplatio convenit iis, qui sunt exercitati in rebus divinis. Contemplation is proper to those that are exercised in holy Things. In Meditation and Contemplation consist not Perfection, sed in amando Deum, but in loving God.
Contemplation is a work of the understanding; The way, and the means to Perfection, not It. In elevando voluntatem nostram in Deum per Divinam Unionem, et amorem supremum consistit Perfectio. Perfection consists in the Resignation of our Wills, in the Elevation of our affections by divine Union, and transcendent Love to God. The Understanding findes not the Soul Meat, but makes it ready.
S. Gregory in his Morals delivers himself excellently, and in part to our Purpose.
Si à domo mentis ad monumentum ratio discedat: quasi absente dominâ cogitationum clamare velut garrula ancillarum turba multiplicat. Ut autem ratio ad mentem redierit; mox se confusio tumultuosa compescit; et quasi ancillae [Page 313] se adjunctum opus tacitè reprimunt, dùm cogitationes protinus se causis propriis ad utilitatem subdunt.
Suppose that Reason went abroad a visiting, and left the house of the minde to the Dispose of her servants, the Thoughts. When the Mistresse is thus out of the way, what a noise, what gossiping there is among the Maids; But let Reason return unto the minde again, when the Mistresse comes home; no sooner her Foot at the Door, but all is hush, all Disorder vanishes, and as every Maid betakes her self silently to her Work, the Thoughts in like manner become well ordered, and for much benefit to the Minde adjoyn themselves, and set themselves on Work in their proper Businesse.
Let us look upon a Neoterick.
Ut figuli celerrimâ rotae, & manus concitatione in dissimiles, & propè infinitas, elegantes tamen imagines mollieres argillae massam transmutant: Simili ratione meditatio afficit, ut infinita rerum abstrusarum genera, acriter ratiocinando assequamur, & paria paribus, contraria contrariis, praeterita prasentibus comparemus.
As the Potter transforms the Masse of purer Clay with the swift Motion of his turning Hand, into many unlike, and in a manner numberlesse Figures, yet curious shapes: After the same manner worketh Meditation, She brings it so to passe, that we may reach untold sorts of secret things by a quick and inward reasoning, comparing like to like, contrarie with contrary, and weighing with the present things what went before.
Let's hear what another sayes.
Cùm bonum sit objectum voluntatis nostrae, adeo quòd nihil possit esse amatum, nisi bonum, aut sub specie boni; Cum (que) intellectus concipiat infinitam bonitatis abyssum in Deo, valdè frigida esset voluntas, quae non instar alterius Phoenicis exardesceret in amoris divini ignem contemplando lucidissimos [Page 314] solis justitiae radios. Discute igitur alas tuas instar Phoenicis, et erige cortuum inter meditandum, et invenies te convertendum in cinerem & vermes, dum agnoscis tuam utilitatem coram infinita, et immensa illa bonitate Dei.
When, what is Good, is the object of our Wills, so nothing can be affected but That, or something like it. Seeing then, that the Vnderstanding may conceive the infinite Abysse of Goodnesse, that is in God, the Will were Ice, if it should not as another Phoenix flie all on fire with Divine Love by Contemplation, beholding those most glorious Rayes of the Sun of Righteousnesse. Display thy Wings then like the Phoenix, raise thy Heart, and mount thy Spirit between thy Meditations, and with Iob thou shalt finde thy Self converted into Dust, and Worms, while thou doest acknowledge thine own Vileness in the Presence of that most Infinite, and most Immense Goodnesse of the Lord.
AS Men hear they tell the News; But as they see they know, so 'tis in Plautus that old Comoedian. Qui audiunt, audita dicunt; qui vident, planè sciunt. The Tongue and the Hand are very unruly Members, especially when Honesty and Reason are not their Masters. The Tongue seemeth the more desperate, but the Hand appeareth the more dangerous. What is spoken may be helped by Supposition of Mistaking, or Disagreement in the Reporters, or Death. For then Breath and Life vanish together; whereas that of the Hand appeareth to Posterity, surviveth the Writer, and Reader, and remaineth as a Thousand Witnesses.
Sayes the same Plautus.
Incautus fuerit, si propriâ manu tale aliquid comprehenderit, â quâ uti (que) re, unicè cavere debes; quòd nihil sit, quo tam facile convincaris. It is Macrobius. He may be accounted [Page 316] indiscreet that leaveth a loose Action under his own Hand; which a man ought with special care to avoid, lest it become a snare to take his want of foresight. Wherefore as no Vice layes a more foul aspersion upon Man, then that of Ingratitude; So no evidence is so strong to taint him therewith, or convict him thereof, as his own Hand-writing in Detestation of that Vice, and his Actual Approbation of the Contrary.
How comes it then, that Christians, that have so often set their Hands to so many Obligations to God, as have been so often iterated in, and since Baptisme, should fall away in such a manner, as by the Wickednesse of their Hands, and the ungodlinesse of their impudent Actions to testifie against themselves their own Impiety, and to divulge abroad the Characters of their not lesse great, than Abominable ingratitude; To unman themselves by ingratitude to their Maker; to unchristian themselves by unthankfulnesse to their Redeemer; when the least that can be done in such a Case is, to render Obedience for Creation, Dutie for Protection, and to return Praise for Blessings.
Do the Dumb Beasts give Thanks in their Looks, and cast their Eyes unto the Hands that feed them? Shall condemn'd Androgeo finde Gratitude in a Den of Lions? And can any Christian be at a Losse, when he Looks for it in his Bosom?
My Friend! and Brother Christian! Ubi animus, ibi oculus; The Watch of thine Eye goeth, as the Spring of thine Affection directeth. Let's mark our Blessed Saviours advice: He preacht it in the Mount. Lay not up Treasures for your selves upon the Earth, where the Moth and Canker corrupt, and where the Theeves dig through and steal: But lay up Treasures for your Selves in Heaven, where neither the Moth, nor Canker corrupteth, and where the Theeves neither [Page 317] dig through, nor steal. For, where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also.
Hast thou had a dejected Look from a heavie Heart? as if th' adst lost thy Comfort, and couldst not finde thy Happinesse? Didst seek it in the Earth? that Treasure is not in Mines; nor in the Darknesse of so dull an Element. Look upward, Soul! Look upward! and be thankful! Look upward! and be mindful! Be mindful of all, that the Lord so wonderfully hath done for Thee, so mercifully hath done unto Thee, so bountifully hath bestowed upon Thee. Strive to turn thine Eyes towards him from Vanitie; And intreat His help to quicken thee in his Way.
Canst thou tell the number of his Mercies? Canst thou tell how many be the Rays of the Sun? And canst thou consider all his Blessings? Look up! and rejoyce at the excellent Goodnesse of the Lord! Look up with the Eyes of Faith through the Heavens! and behold the Brightnesse of His Glory that he hath prepared for the Saints! Meditate! and Look all about Thee! Contemplate! and cast up thine Eyes above Thee! Here is Comfort. There is Joy. Here Christ easeth thy Burden. There he gives Thee a reward.
Observe then his Testimonies! and obey his Statutes! Let thy Soul then magnifie his Name! Let thy Lips sing Praises to his Holinesse! Let thy Breast become a smoaking Altar! And let thy Soul be all a flame of holy Love! Let all thy Breath be as sweet smelling Incense up to Heaven! Fix there thy Faith! thy Hope! thy Heart! thy Soul! That's thy Place, thy dwelling. Hasten as directed thither! Only remember thou art Mortal! Deal thine Alms! Give thy Dole before thou goest!
Praise ye the Lord! For it is good to sing unto our God. For it is a pleasant Thing; and Praise is comely. The Lord doth build up Jerusalem, and gather together the disper [...] of Israel. He healeth those that are broken in Heart, [...] [Page 318] bindeth up their Sores. He counteth the number of the Stars, and calleth them all by their Names. Great is our Lord, and great is his Power, his Wisdom is infinite. The Lord relieiveth the meek, and abaseth the wicked to the Ground. Sing unto the Lord with Praise! Sing upon the Harp unto our God!
Praise the Lord. For his Mercie endureth for ever.
The Prooeme.
SInce Adam's Fall his Posterity became Partakers, not Onely of his Sin, but his Sorrow. I will greatly multiply thy Sorrow, and thy Conception. In sorrow shalt thou bring forth &c. said God to Eve Gen. 3. 16. Grief is antienter than the Eldest Son of the World. And by production of Time as Sin increased Sorrow had the bigger growth. The Dayes of the Years of my Pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty Years. Few, and Evill have the Dayes of the Years of my Life been, and have not attained unto the Dayes of the Yeares of the Life of my Fathers in the dayes of their Pilgrimage: So Iacob to Pharaoh. Gen: 47. 9. Every Day was [Page] in new Labour; and every Minute a step onward in Pilgrimage.
Life then is a Long Journey on Foot; And the further we goe, the wearier we are. It is Fabled of Iupiter that being wearied with the brabbles of Pleasure and Sorrow, he linkt them together with an Adamantine Chain, that the One should not part from the Other.
Sayes the Poet▪ Grief hangs at the Skirt of Pleasure, Sorrow is her close Attendant.
Why make men then such a Wonder at the Miseries of the world? As if they had not heard of them? Why are some so dejected at usual, and unavoydable Burthens? groaning, and crying out under them? yea, and many times thinking to throw them off, overthrow themselves.
And whence the Source of All This, but that they have laid by, as uselesse, the Reason of Men; and cast off, or forgotten the Religion of Christians. For as their Reason may be sufficiently informed by the Many Experiments in This World of the Instability, and Violence of the same, which may render Notions enough to convince the Understanding; Religion likewise might in the Soundness of it's Principles, and by the strength of it's Superstructures so evidence by Faith the Certainty of Hope, and Assurance of Future Enjoyment of Celestiall Things, that Our Souls (being as it were transanimated by Divine Contemplation) should not onely despise the Calamities of This World, as Trifles; But rather rejoyce in the Blessing to suffer Crosses, and Afflictions Here, especially to be accounted worthy thereof in A Good Cause; These being Nothing in their Greatest Bulk and Number, compared with the Unspeakable Rejoycings of Hereafter.
It is want of Faith, that makes us fall Below our Reasons, and to subject Our selves to a Lower Kind of sense, than [Page] Bruites. So Geat is the Punishment of God for Our Aversion, and Turning Our backs upon Him, that instead of Being near the Degree of the Angells, As He created us, He leaves Us, infatuated, to fall into a grosser sense, than Beasts.
How else can it possibly come to pass, that Any Distresse should so overpower Us, to destroy Our own Lives? As if we had proclaim'd war against Our selues? which even Nature by Instinct, and it's own secret Impulse doth dictate to preserve. Cor est primum Vivens et ultimum moriens, The Heart is readiest to welcome Life at First, and most loath to part with it at Last by the Adhaesion of Nature, which is a Lecture of Self-preservation unto All. How much more are we to listen to, and obey The Divine Law, putting so strict an Obligation upon Us, when It commands, Thou shalt not Kill? This considered, I cannot, but stand Amazed at the Steam of so much Humane Bloud, running in streams, and the open Veins dayly bleeding of so many Christians, as is continually shed: But mine Eares do tingle, to hear so many sad Relations, as even since March last concerning Severall Persons of diverse Rank, and Quality, inhabiting within and about so Eminent a Citty, as late-fam'd London, that have made away, and Murd'red Themselves.
It is a Greivous Thing to consider; Especially, if we have a Right Apprehension of God; or a Belief, that there is a Hell.
Hence arose The Occasion of This Poeme; Wherein The Authour's Christian Compassion moved him rather for Others Good to put Pen to Paper, than any Overweening Opinion of himself, intimately Acquainted with his own Imperfections, or any Vain Glory to seek The Presse, to write Something upon so Deplorable a Subject; Lest the Frequency of such Actions might in time arrogate a Kind of [Page] Legitimation by Custom, or plead Authority from some latepublisht Paradoxes, That Self-homicide was Lawfull.
It is not deni'd but that the Temptations of Satan are subtle, frequent, and, without God's Grace, almost irresistible. But so Great a Sin as This (From which Good Lord deliver Vs) is a direct Giving Our selves over to The Divell, and a Denying the Power of Godlinesse; Yea, a Resolution in a desperate Madnesse to throw our selves headlong into Perdition.
Whence These Horrid Actions more, than heretofore proceed, let us take a Considerate View. Whether the Last Times be come upon us, so long foretold, that Satan is let loose; Or That The Cup of Our Wickednesse is allmost brim-full; Or that Our Apostasie, and Our other heynous Sins, as it were a Violent Multitude, do rage, and make an Uproare in Our Consciences; Or that the Sacriledg, and Blasphemy, (what shall I say of the Perjury of the Time?) shew not [...]he Removall of The Candlestick, and lay us not open to the Immediate wrath of The Lord, I leave it for Second Thoughts, and poizing Understandings.
But This sure must needs be apprehended, that such Things comming to pass, are A signe of threatned, if not apparent Derelection, and God Forsaking us, when the Heavens in their Wonders, and Men upon Themselves do Thus declare God's Judgments; And it is to be feared, that Our Hypocrisie, Malice, and Uncharitablenesse, as to raise an Audacious Heap to Heaven, Our Rebellion against God's Ordinances are none of the meanest hastners of These Thunderbolts, being, may I say, the Whetstones of Divine Vengance.
It were therefore much to be desired, That Every Man did lay his Hand upon his Heart, examine himself diligently, and make inspection, and search into Every Corner of the Same, to find out, and remove, what is Uncleane among Us. [Page] Lest, if not warned by the Gentlenesse of the Lord's preparatory Punishments we be swallow'd up in the Abysse of our Abhominations, and perish utterly under the Intollerable weight of his Heavy Displeasure, and Irresistible, consuming Judgments.
The Author chose rather the Quicknesse of Verse, than more prolixe Prose (with God's Blessing first implored) to disenchaunt the Possessed; following Divinely-inspired David's Example to quiet Saul with the Melody of the Harp, who was troubled with such a Spirit, that left him Not, untill his Armour-bearer having refused to obey his dire Commands, saw Him First act His Desperate Resolve upon His Own Sword, and, provoked by His Example made the Like concluding Scene to the Same Tragedy. Dereliction rode Before, Self-Execution poasted After▪ Saul the First Homicide, we read of in Holy Writ (Cain onely fear'd to dye.) His Armourbearer His Second; And wise, yea crafty Achitophel halter'd his Policy to make a Third. Saul possest with a Devill▪ in his Heart, Achitophel in his Head. How great a Care is to be had to prevent both.