A PROCLAMATION For the keeping of Markets to supply the City of London with Provisions, and also for prevention of Alarms and Tumults, and for appointing the Meeting of Merchants.
WHereas most of the places wherein Markets were kept in our City of London are destroyed by the late fire, We are desirous, That Our loving Subjects may nevertheless be furnished with a constant Supply of Provisions, as well as the present Exigency will permit: It is therefore Our will and pleasure, That Markets be kept and held within and without Bishops-gate, at Towerhill, and Smithfield every day of the week, and also continued in Leaden-hall-street upon the daies wherein they have been accustomed to be held. Requiring all persons whom it may concern, duely and constantly to resort unto the places, and at the times above mentioned, We having taken care to secure the said Markets in safety, and prevent all disturbances by refusal of payment for their Goods, or otherwise. And We do further charge and command all Mayors, Sheriffs, Iustices of the Peace, and other Our Officers and Ministers within the Counties from whence Provisions are or have been usually brought to Our said City of London, to take notice of this Our Will and pleasure, and to use their utmost diligence and Authority to see the same performed accordingly.
And whereas through the temerity and unadvisedness of some persons, groundless fears and apprehensions have been and may be cast into the minds of our people, to prevent all Tumults and Disorders which may thereby or otherwise arise, it is Our Will and pleasure, That upon any Alarm raised or taken, no man stir or disquiet himself by reason thereof, but only attend the business of quenching the fire, We having in our Princely Care taken order to draw together such a sufficient force both of Horse and Foot in and about Our said City, as may abundantly secure the peace and safety thereof, and prevent or repress any Attemps whatsoever that can be made to disturbe the same.
And whereas the Royal Exchange is demolished and burned down by the late fire, It is Our pleasure, that Gresham Colledge in Bishops-gate street be for the present the place for the usual meeting and assembling of Merchants in the same manner as heretofore the Exchange was.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall the sixth day of September 1666. in the Eighteenth year of Our Reign.
God save the KING.
London, Printed by John Bill, and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1666.