A PROCLAMATION For Suspending the Execution of a Commission of Reprizal granted unto Sir Edmond Turner and George Carew, on behalf of themselves and others.
WHereas We by Our Letters Patents bearing date the Nineteenth day of May, in the Seventeenth year of Our Reign, did by Advice of Our Privy Council, give and grant Licence and Authority under Our Great Seal of England, unto Sir Edmond Turner Knight, and George Carew Esquire, their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, for and on behalf of themselves and other persons interessed, to Equip and set out to Sea, as many Ships and Pinnaces as they should think fit; and therewith by force of Arms to set upon take, and apprehend any of the Ships, Goods, and Merchandises of the States General of the United Provinces, or any of their Subjects inhabiting within any of their Dominions or Territories, or within any particular State within those provinces, wheresoever the same shall be found: And that the same being so taken, should be brought into some port within Our Realms or Dominions, and there Inventoried, and upon due proceedings to he thereupon had in Our Court of Admiralty, should be adjudged as lawful Prize to the said Sir Edmond Turner and George Carew: Which said Commission was to remain in full force, until the said Sir Edmond Turner and George Carew, their Executors, Administrators and Assigns should by vertue thereof have seized and recovered from the said States General or their Subjects, One hundred fifty one thousand six hundred and twelve pounds, as in and by the said Commission, relation being thereunto had, more at large it doth and may appear.
Since the granting of which said Commission, divers great and notable misdemeanours have been committed by the said Sir Edmond Turner and George Carew, and their Assigns, in the execution thereof, by seizing upon the Ships and goods belonging to the Subjects of such Princes and States as are now in Amity and Alliance with Vs, and by neglecting to proceed in Our Court of Admiralty, as by the said Commission they ought to have done; By reason whereof, and of several other indirect and illegal proceedings, it is found to be very prejudicial to Our Service to permit or suffer any further execution of the said Commission, until some further consideration can be thereof taken. We have therefore thought fit by the Advice of Our Privy Council to Declare, and do hereby publish Our Royal Will and Pleasure, That the said Commission, and all and every the Powers and Authorities therein granted, shall be, and are hereby suspended. And We do hereby straitly Charge and Command the said Sir Edmond Turner, George Carew, and their Assigns, and every of them, and all Captains and Officers of Ships, and all other Seamen and Mariners whatsoever, That they or any of them do not presume to put in execution the said Commission, or any part thereof, or to be aiding or assisting unto any person or persons in the Premises, until Our Pleasure shall be further known, upon pain of being proceeded against as Pirates, and prosecuted with the utmost severity of Our Laws for presuming to break this Our Royal Command.
Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the Tenth day of August, 1666. In the Eighteenth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1666.