A PROCLAMATION For Inforcing the Laws against Conventicles, and for Preservation of the Publick Peace, against Unlawful Assemblies of Papists and Non-Conformists.


WHereas Our Loyal Subjects the Commons in this present Parliament assem­bled, have lately been humble Petitioners to Vs to issue forth Our Procla­mation for Inforcing the Laws against Conventicles, and that Care might be taken for preservation of the Peace of the Kingdom against unlawful Assemblies of Papists and Non-Conformists; Having seriously considered and weighed the said humble Suit of Our said Commons, and upon In­formation that divers persons in several parts of this Realm, abusing the Clemency which hath been used towards persons not Conforming to the Worship and Government Established in the Church of England (even whilst it was under Consideration, to find out a way for the better Vnion of Our Protestant Subjects) have of late frequently and openly, in great numbers, and to the great disturbance of Our Peace, held unlawful Assemblies and Conventicles; We have thought good to Declare, That We will by no means permit such notorious Contempts of Vs and Our Laws, to go unpunished. And therefore We do by this Our Royal Proclamation (with the Advice of Our Privy Coun­cil) Require, Charge and Command all Lords Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Iusti­ces of Oyer & Terminer, Iustices of Assize and Goal-delivery, Iustices of Peace, Mayors, Bayliffs, and all other Our Officers whatsoever, That they be circumspect and vigilant, each of them in their several Charges and Iurisdictions, to Inforce, and put in Execution, all the Laws now in force against unlawful Conventicles. And further, Our Will and Pleasure is, And We do hereby strictly Charge and Command Our said Magistrates and Officers, That they and every of them in their several places, do take care for the preservation of the Peace of this Kingdom, against unlawful Assemblies of Papists and Non-Conformists.


In the SAVOY, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1667/8.

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