His Majesties Speech to the Gentlemen at Yorke; on Thursday last, being the 12. of May, 1642.


I Have cause of adding, not altering what I meant to say, when I gave out the summons for this dayes appearance, I little thought of these messengers or of such a message as they brought; the which because it concernes mee in what I intend to speake, and that I desire you should be truly informed of all passages between me and the Parliament: you shall heare read, First my Answer to their Declaration of both Houses concerning Hull: The Answer of the Parliament to my Two Messages concerning Hull; together with my reply to the same; and my Message to both Houses, declaring the Reasons why I refused to passe the Bill concerning the Militia.

All which being read His Majesty proceeded.

I will make no paraphrases upon what ye have heard it were more befitting a Lawyer then a King onely this observation, since Treason is countenanced so neare Me it is time to look to my safe­ty, I avow it was part of my wonder, that men (whom I thought heretofore discreete and mode­rate should have undertaken this Imployment, and that since they came (I have delivered them the Answer you have heard and commanded them to returne personally with it to the Parliament:) should have flatly disobeyed me upon pretence of the Parliament Command. My end in telling you this, is to warne you of them: For since these men have brought me such a Message; and disobeyed, so lawfull a Command I will not say what their intend of saying here is, only I did you take heed, not knowing what Doctrine of disobedience they may preach to you, under colour of obeying the Parliament. Hitherto I have found and kept you quiet, the enoying of which was a chiefe cause of my coming hither. (Tumults & [...]isorders having made me leave the South) and not to make this a seat of Warre, as malice would (but I hope in vaine) make you believe. Now if disturbances doe come I know whom I have reason to suspect.

To be short, you see that my Magazin is going to be taken away from me (being mine own proper goods) directly against my will, the [...]litia (against Law and my Consent) is going to be put in execution: And lastly Sir Iohn Hotham, Treason is countenanced; all this considered, none can blame me to apprehend dangers. Therefore, I have thought fit, (upon these reall grounds) to tell you That I am resolved to have a Guard, (the Parliament having had one all this white upon imagi­nary Iealousies) only to secure my person, in which I desire your concurrence and assistance and that I may be able to protect you, the Lawes and the true Protestant profession from any affront or injury that may be offered, which I meane to maintaine my selfe, Without charge to the Country intending no longer to Keepe them on foot, then I shall be secured of my apprehensions; by having satisfaction in the particulars before mentioned.

First Printed at Yorke, and now Reprinted at London, Maij 16, 1642.

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