¶ A Proclamation Commanding the due observation of the Desires of the Commissioners for the Contribution of the Country of Oxford, and for punishing all stragling Souldiers and others, Robbing, and Plundering the Country.

WHEREAS the High-Sheriffe, and other the Commissioners for Contribution of this Our County of Oxford, have lately by their humble Petition acquainted Us with the many and fre­quent Insolencies offered the Inhabitants thereof by the Souldiers, and others pretending them­selves to be of Our Army, as in taking away Horses from the plough, robbing by the High-way, wasting and destroying of Corn, and other personall Injuries dayly offered unto them: And like­wise that Free-Quarter is frequently taken where the Contribution is paid, We thereupon in tender Commiseration of their sufferings, and being most ready to satisfie their just requests, were gratiously pleased to give Order, That the Desires of the Commissioners for the weekly Loan, for the supply of the Horse of Our Army, from this Our County of Oxford, should be forth­with published in Print, for the better information of the Officers and Souldiers of Our Army, the which We do hereby strictly charge and Command all the said Officers and Souldiers punctually to observe, and not to infringe them, or any of them at their perils. And for prevention of the like violences and outrages hereafter; We do farther require and authorise the Lord-Lieutenant-Generall of Our Army, to ordain and allow such a fit person as the Commissioners shall make choyce of to be a Provost-Marshall, who with a sufficient Guard of Twenty persons shall constantly scoure the Country, and apprehend and punish by Marshall-Law all stragling and wandring Souldiers, and all such as shall any kind offer any violence to the Inhabitants, according to such directions as he shall from time to time receive [...]rom the Lord-Lieutenant-Generall. And to the end Our good Subjects of this County may find the effect of Our Care [...]or their preservation; We do farther require the Lord-Lieutenant-Generall, to name and appoint a Court of War to [...]it Constantly every Wednesday and Saturday with the Commissioners, to hear and give redresse to their just Com­ [...]laints; to which Court of Warre the Provost-Marshall is likewise to give a weekly accompt of his proceedings. This [...]ur grace and favour We Command shall be forthwith put in execution, and therefore Our Pleasure is, That it be pub­ [...]shed in all the Hundreds, Townes, and Parishes of this County, and annexed to the late printed Desires of the Commissi­ [...]ners, that so it may be hence forward duly observed by all the Officers, and Souldiers of Our Army, at their perills.


Printed at Oxford, by Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the Ʋniversity, 1643.

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