Truth Defended: OR, CERTAIN ACCVSATIONS ANSWERED: Cast upon us who are called Quakers, By the Teachers of the World, and the people of this GENERATION.

VVITH A clear DISCOVERY who are the false Prophets, and when they came in; and how they may bee known, and who they are that deny Christ, and that preach another Gospel: And who deny the Scriptures, Churches, Ministers, and Magistrates, whereby the Magistrates and People of this Nation may see they justifie that vvhich the Scripture condemns, and condemns that vvhich the holy men of God justified, and may read their example, and our example through the Scriptures.

By one who is a Labourer in the Vineyard, who is not known to the world, though named of the world, Edward Burrough.

London, Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1656.

The Epistle.

To all you who call your selves Ministers of the Gospel, and all peo­ple in all Relations under what form of Worship soever in En­gland, or in all the world, who profess your selves Christians.

THe mighty day of the Lord is come, according as he promised of old, and this day is witnessed, wherein he is establishing his Mountain, and exalting it above all Mountains, and is gathering his people which have been scattered in the dark and long night of Apostacie, which Christ and his Apostles saw coming into the churches then, and hath had dominion long over the world, and hath reign­ed till now, and reignes now in all the Professors in all Forms everywhere. But now the time is come wherein the king­doms of the world are become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ; and thousands witness it to the praise of his everlasting Name. And therefore the Nations are angry and the Princes of the earth, because Michael our Prince is arisen to plead with all who make war against him. And now H [...]r [...]d and Pilate and all Jerusalem are in an uproar, and Am­nion and Amaleck and the Egyptians and the Philistines are joi­ned now against him. And all you who live in Forms, and know not the Power, do now persecute and joine your selves together being in the same nature as the Persecutors of old which were born after the flesh. And now you Sons of Bon­dage and of Hagar are to be cast out; and now you are all made manifest that you are in the flesh; for all your bows are bent, and all your arrows are shot at a people which are ac­counted by you as the filth of the world, and as the off▪ scou­ring of all things whom the world calls Quakers, in whose fore-heads is written the Name of the living God; and unto [Page 2] you I say that make war against them, and now take part with the Dragon against the Lamb, you shal all drink of the cup of fury and indignation of the Lord. And unto the li­ving God who is holy and jealous for his own glory and his name, which hath manifested his minde and will by his Eternal Spirit unto us, shall you all bow and stoop. For now the Lord hath rent the vail of the covering which hath been spread over all the nations in all professions; and you are all seen by the eternal eye which is opened in thousands; even all from the highest to the lowest, who have stollen and paint­ed your selves with other mens words. And all your Images which you have set up, and all your traditions from men in which you have walked, are all seen to be stubble, and will not abide in the day of the Lord. And all your Churches which you have gathered together by imitation from the let­ter shall all be scattered; and there you all are, for you all de­ny Revelation, and say it is ceased; and so you call the Letter the Light and the Word: but with that which was before the Scripture you are seen and judged, even with that which shall endure for ever. And seeing you have cast reproach up­on the Name of the God of Heaven and Earth whom we worship, and which you call delusion: for the truths sake are we moved to lay open your nakedness, that you may be judg­ed by that which you say is your rule. Here in this little book thou who hast any honesty in thee, or any desire of truth and wilt search the Scripture, thou wilt see that all the teach­ers of the world in all Forms, and all Professors ever cryed out (who had but the Form) against them who had the life and power, as you all do now against them who worship God in the Spirit, and have no confidence in the flesh: and there­fore in this following Discourse which is written by the same spirit that gave forth the scripture, thou shalt see who are the false Prophets, and who they are that preach another Gospel, and who they are that deny the Scriptures; and thou may see [Page 3] when the false prophets came in, and who they are clearly proved to be by their own rules. And all you who call your selves Magistrates and Christians, you may see your selves to hold up that which Christ, the prophets and apostles cryed out against, and persecute them who stand in the counsel of God, and them that declare against all the deceit, as the holy men of God did: and so you are the beast which holds up the false prophets and those whom the Scripture declareth a­gainst. God is arisen to dash to pieces al them vvho withstand him: and therefore come out of Babylon, and out of all your painted forms, and come to own the first Principle which wil change your mindes, even the Light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one withal; and by it you shall see what you are doing. Now if you deny this, you deny the Corner-stone, and you stumble and shall be broken; and by that which you call natural shall all your Image of gold and silver, and all your mixed invented worship be dashed to pieces and be for the Pit. Therefore all be silent and speak not evil of those things you know not; for now you are all seen, you who say you are Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan, and your voice is known, for none is turned from the evil of his way; and therefore is wrath coming upon you to the ut­most.

A lover of your Souls, but am a Witness against all your deceit Francis Howgill.

[Page 4]WHereas we are accused by the teachers and people of this generation, That we are false Prophets and Deceivers; and that we deny the Christ which dyed at Jerusalem; and that we preach another Gospel then the A­postles preached; and that we deny the Scrip [...]ures and the Ordinances of Jesus Christ; and that we hold Free-will, and establish self-righteousness, and teach people to act in their own strength to obtain life; and that we deny Churches, Mi­nisters and Magistracie.

To these false Accusations I answer: It is no new thing, nor no strange thing to the children of Light, who are seper­ated from the world and worldly-worships, and from the works of darkness, to be accused falsly, and to be slandered, by being called deceivers and seducers by the generation of chief Priests and Pharisees; in which generation are the tea­chers and professors of this age, who have a form of godli­ness, but deny the power. Christ was called a deceiver and a blasphemer; and the Apostles were called Movers of sediti­on, hereticks, and turners of the world up-side down, by them who professed in word what Christ was in substance, & what the Apostles witnessed, and so it is now. We who are scorn­fully called Quakers, do live in and declare forth no o [...]her thing but the substance of what the Priests have preached upon and the professors have talked upon in their carnal mindes by their imaginations. He is a false prophet and a de­ceiver which hath not the word from the mouth of the Lord but takes that which the Lord spoke to another, and calls it his, and useth his tongue and saith, the Lord saith it, when the Lord never spake to him: and here are the teachers of the world themselves guilty of that whereof they falsly ac­cuse us; for they take the Prophets words, Christs and the Apostles words to talk upon, but have not received the word [Page 5] from the mouth of the Lord: and their prophesie and prea­ching would soon be ended if they had not the Scripture which is other mens words, and that which was spoken to o­thers to speak their imaginations from: and these are the false Prophets and Deceivers which run and are not sent; which speak to others pretending to be sent of God, but walking contrary to all that ever God sent to declare his Name in former generations, and so are known to us by their fruits, having no example from the Prophets, Christ nor his Apo­stles for their practice; but do walk in the example of the false prophets of Israel, of the scribes and pharisees, and of the false brethren. O foolish people which have eyes and see not; which have hearts and do not understand: Is the Lord changed from what he was? Were they false prophets and deceivers in Isaiahs time which he was sent to cry out against, which sought for their gain from their Quarter? and are not your teachers false prophets now which act the same things? were they false prophets & deceivers in Ezekiels time which he was sent to cry against, that fed themselves with the fat and clothed themselves with the wool, and made a prey upon the people? and are not your teachers false prophets and de­ceivers now which act the same thing? Were they false pro­phets in Micahs time which he was sent to cry out against, which preached for hire and divined for money, and cryed peace to them that put into their mouths, but prepared war against them that did not? and are not your priests false priests and prophets which act the same things? VVere they deceivers of the people in Christs time which he cryed woe against, which were called of men Masters, and which had the chief place in the assemblies, and which stood praying in the synagogues, and which went in long robes, and which lo­ved greetings in the markets? and are not your teachers de­ceivers of the people now which are found acting the same things? VVere they false teachers and false brethren in the [Page 6] apostles time which they declared against, which through covetousness with feigned words made merchandise of the people, and went in the way of Balaam for gif [...]s and rewards, and preached for filthy lucre, and which Paul saw come and coming in his dayes, which were proud men, covetous men, self-willed and fierce men, heady, high minded men, having a form of godliness, but denying the power which alwayes taught people, but none were able to come to the knowledge of the truth under their teaching? and are not your teach­ers false teachers now, who walk in the same steps? To the light in all consciences I do speak, which wil witness the truth▪ a sottish and ignorant people, which cannot discern who the false prophets, and deceivers, and false teachers are; the Lord is the same as ever he was, and his spirit is no whit changed▪ VVas it once an abomination to the Lord in the false pries [...] and prophets of Israel to seek for their gain from their quar­ter, and to feed themselves with the fat, and clothe themselves with the wool and make a prey upon the people; & to preach for hire and to divine for money; and are not these things and they that uphold them abomination to him now? Did the spirit of the Lord in his servants declare against these things then, and against them that upheld them then; and must not the same spirit where it is made manifest declare a­gainst these things and against them that uphold them now▪ VVas it once an abomination in the sight of Christ in them to be called of men master, and to have the chief places in the assemblies, and to stand praying in the Synagues, &c. and are not these things an abomination to him now in whom they are upheld? Did Christ cry vvoe against such things, and against them that upheld them then; and must not the spirit of Christ where it is made manifest cry wo against such things, and against them that uphold them now? were these marks of false teachers then to make merchandise of the people, and to go in the way of Balaam for gifts and re­wards, [Page 7] and for filthy lucre, and to be proud, covetous, heady, [...]gh-minded, self-willed and fierce men? and are not they [...] teachers now which bear these marks? Did the Apo­ [...]les give warning to beware of such, and to turn away from [...] then? and must not the same spirit where it is made ma­ [...]ifest, give warning to beware of such, and to turn away from [...] now? We witness to have received according to mea­sure, the spirit of the Prophets from which they spoke, and the spirit of the Apostles from which they spoke, which is Christ made manifest in us, and happy are all they that receive our testimony. For by the same Spirit of Christ do we declare against these abominations now, as the holy men of God did then: for God and his Spirit is the same as ever was, and what he once hated he hates for ever; and no other Christ do we declare forth, which we witness to be made manifest within, but that Christ which dyed at Jerusalem, which suffered by the chief priests and Elders of the people; he was and is the true Christ, which said, he was the light of the world; and was the Light which had enlightned every one that comes into the world; and which said, Except a man would deny the world and take up his daily cross and follow him, he could not be his disciple; and which cried wo against them which were called of men masters, and that had the chief places in the assemblies, and that stood praying in the Synagogues, &c. and they who denyed him to be the light of the world, and which took not up the cross, and which were called of men masters, and had the chiefest places in the as­semblies, and stood praying in the synagogues, and went in long robes, these were Anti-christs, and were acted by a con­trary spirit then the true Christ. And here again, I charge all the teachers and people, (in the presence of the Lord God, who deny Christ to be the light in every one which reproves for sin) and who are called of men masters, and stand pray­ing in the synagogues, and go in long robes, and who uphold [Page 8] such things, and who take not up the daily cross of Christ, but live at liberty in their wills and desires, that they are an­tichrists, and that their spirit is not the spirit of the true [...] which died at Jerusalem, but the spirit of a false christ▪ and so they are guilty of that themselves, whereof they falsly accuse us; and the same Christ do we witness which the saints of old witnessed, whose blood cleansed them from all sin, and i [...] whose power they had power over sin, death and hell. And here again I charge the teachers and people, who say that the saints must not be cleansed from sin, nor cease to commit sin while they are on the earth, that the Christ which the [...] profess is not the Christ which dyed at Jerusalem, but a [...]rit contrary, and not the Christ which the Saints witnessed▪ and all the people are blinde which cannot see these things▪ Did the true Christ once say, he was the light of the world, of every man that comes into the world? and is that his spi­rit in the teachers and professors now, which saith, Every man hath not the light of Christ in them? was that the true Christ which said, Except you take up my cross daily, you cannot be my disciples? and is that his spirit in the teachers & people that hath its liberty, & live in pride, in lust, & in vanity & their own wills? was that the true Christ which cried wo a­gainst them that were called of men master, and that had the chief place in the assemblies, and stood praying in the syna­gogues, &c. and is that his spirit in the teachers and people which act and uphold those things? was that the true Christ which the saints witnessed, by whose blood they were clean­sed from sin, and had power over sin? and is that his spirit i [...] the teachers and people, which saith the saints must not be cleansed from sin, nor cease to commit sin while they are o [...] earth? Oh blinde and ignorant people, who cannot discer [...] between the true Christ and antichrist, which is contrary to Christ, & which leads now to act and speak contrary to what the true Christ once acted and spoke: and no other gospel do [Page 9] we preach, but that which the apostle preached, which they received not from nor by man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, which was contrary to man, and which suffered by man for the preaching of it, who preached to the spirit in pri­son to redeem the captives, and by which the fleshly man was judged in the flesh, that man might live according to God in spirit: & this Gospel we witness to have received not from man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, which is contrary to man, for which we are persecuted and suffer by man: nei­ther do we speak to the wisdom and reason, but we preach to the spirits in prison, that the fleshly man may be judged in the flesh, that man may live according to God in the spirit; this will many witness with us, that by the preaching of our Gos­pel, liberty is brought to the captives, and the fleshly man is judged, and the spirit which was in prison is set free. And here again I charge the teachers of this generation, that their gos­pel which they preach is not the Gospel which the saints preached, but another gospel, & they are guilty of that them­selves whereof they falsly accuse us; for they have received their gospel from man and by man, from the Printers and Sta­tioners, and are made ministers of it by the will of man, at Schools and Universities; and their preaching is in the will of man, a limited time and place; neither do they suffer by man, but are set up with man, and feeds the wisdom and reason of man; and the fleshly man is not judged, nor the captives re­deemed by their gospel which they preach; here they are ac­cursed which preach another Gospel, as saith the scripture. And ye are a blinde and ignorant people which cannot see these things: Did they that preached the true gospel receive it contrary to the will of man? and can it now be received by the will of man? Did they which preached it suffer for it by man? and can they now who preach it be set up by man who lives in the same persecuting nature? Did the true Gospel once judge the fleshly man, and lead to live according to God [Page 10] in the spirit? and doth it now give liberty to the fleshly man to live after the flesh in the lusts of it, as the teachers and pro­fessors of this generation do, who profess the Gospel, but are discovered not to be come to the Law? And the scriptures we own to be a true declaration of the Life which they lived in which spoke them forth; and by the same spirit from which they were spoken (which we have received) do we set to out seals that they are true; and the scripture is ours who wal [...] in the life of it; proud men spoke it not forth, nor they that sought for their gain from their quarter; nor they that prea­ched for hire; nor they that were called of men master but persecuted them that spoke it forth, and denied it when it was spoken. And here again I charge it upon the tea­chers and professors of this generation, that they deny the scripture, and are guilty of that themselves whereof they fals­ly accuse us; for they say, None must be perfect upon the earth; when as the scriture declares of such as were perfect upon the earth: and they say, None must be free from sin when as the scripture declares of such as were free from sin, & were the servants of righteousness: [...]hey say Christ hath not enlightned every one; the scripture saith he is the light of the world, and hath enlightned every one, &c. can they now who live in the same persecuting nature, & walk in the same steps as they did which persecuted them who spoke forth the scrip­ture (as the teachers and people do) own the scriptures in truth? their professing of the scripture is as theirs was, which made a great profession of it in the outward appearance, but put him to death who had the life, and was the substance of it. They then, as the teachers of the world do now, denyed the spirit and life which gave forth the scriptures.

And the Ordinances of Jesus Christ we own and witness, preaching, praying, baptism, communion, singing, and what­soever was ordained for his saints to practice in life and pow­er; we witness these things in the eternal substance, having [Page 11] Passed through the earthly figures, which was but to stand for its time; by the eternal have we been led, by the command of it within us, and not by tradition from the Scripture with­out us. And we deny all such who have taken up these things in their own wills, by conforming the outward man to the outward letter, & have not entered in at the door. True prea­ching we own, & do witness it wch is the cross of Christ, and the power of God unto salvation or condemnation, it is fool­ishness to the world and its wisdom now as ever it was, & we deny all speaking of imiginations from the Scripture, which is in the wisdom of the world, and which stands in the will of man, limited to a set-time, or day, or place. Prayer by the spirit and in the spirit we own and witness, which is not limi­ted to a time and place. And we deny all the worlds formal customary preaching and praying for a pretence. Baptisme we own and witness, which is with one spirit into one body, into the death of Christ: and we deny all baptisms which are imagined and imitated by conforming the outward man to the outward letter, which is but a likeness of the true bap­tism: communion we live in, which is in the light by the spi­rit, which will endure eternally: and we deny the worlds imitation, which is in word and declaration, and visible car­nal things which will pass away. Singing which is with the spirit and with understanding of the redeemed of the Lord, we own and witness; but the worlds singing in rime and mee­ter, proud men singing, That they are not puft in minde: and prophane men singing, That the Law of God is dear to them; this singing we deny, for it must be turned into howling, the Lord hath said it. And here again I charge it upon the teachers of the world, that they deny the substance and power of what Christ commands his saints to practice by, upholding their own imitations, and so deceiving the simple: but where the substance is witnessed, the figure is denyed, and the false imi­tations are discovered and denyed: and mans free-will we [Page 12] we do deny, for the will of man shall never e [...]ter to God [...] leads out from God into the lust and into the flesh, and keeps in the power of the Devil: and man hath free-will unto that which is evil, but not to that which is good, and all who fol­low Christ the light of the world, must deny their ovvn vvil▪ and take up the cross of Christ vvhich is to the Will, and vvalk in the light contrary to the vvil, in the strait vvay vvhich leads unto life, vvhich is out of the vvill of man in the vvill of God, vvhich the vvill of man doth resist and oppose. And I charge it upon the teachers and professors vvho do not vvit­ness the daily cross of Christ, that they live in their ovvn free­vvil, and holds it up, and are led by it into pride and covetousness, and the lusts of the flesh vvhich stand in the vvill: and here they are guilty of that themselves vvhereof they falsly accuse us, living in their ovvn free-vvil, and vvalks not in the daily cross of Christ. And self-righteousness we have denied, and have seen it in the same light vvhich Isaiah did, to be as filthy rags; and vve declare against it, and against them vvhich live in it; for self must not be saved, it is accursed from God; it is vvholly unrighteous (and makes the best of actions so) and is, and must be cast out from God, Christ Je­sus made manifest and revealed in us is our righteousness, and [...]elf is judged and condemned by him vvho is made unto us righteousness; neither do vve teach people to labour in their ovvn strength to obtain life; but do direct people to the light of Christ vvithin them, vvhich vvalking in, vvill be strength to them to lead them to life, the light vvhich is of Christ, to vvhich vve direct all to vvait in to be taught by; it vvil load out of self-righteousness, and from under the povv­er of self, to vvitness the povver of God to lead, and to act & to vvitness Christ Iesus revealed the righteousness of God; and the church vvhich is in God, vvhich is the body of Christ, vvhereof Christ is head, vve vvitness, and are members of it, gathered and joyned by the eternal spirit, and not by traditi­on [Page 13] in the wisdome of man. And we deny all the worlds Churches, whereof they were made members by visible things without, and gathered by traditions (and not by the spirit) whereof the Serpent is head (and not Christ) and which is the body of Antichrist, some of whom commits Idolatry in an Idols-temple; and the Ministry of this church we deny, for it stands in the will of man, and the Ministers of it are such as all the servants of the Lord witnessed a­gainst; the churches, the ministry and the ministers are con­trary to God; but the ministry which is to the seed, which is out of the will of man, we own and witness, which mini­sters life unto life, and death unto death, and divides the word aright; judgement to the fat and to the strong, and feeds the hungry, and looseth the bars of wickedness, and breaks not the bruised reed, nor quencheth the smoaking flax; this Mi­nistry we deny not, but are friends unto it; and who are mi­nisters here, we have union withal; but proud men, and such as are called of men master, are cast out of this Ministry, and are Ministers to the body of Antichrist, and know not the mystery of the Ministry of Jesus Christ, which is to the spirit in prison.

Magistrates and magistracie we deny not, but do give re­spect unto for conscience sake; for who bears the sword of justice, who use their power to be a terror to the wicked, and for the praise of them that do well, are ministers of God, and we desire that there were more magistracie here, and that the magistrate would more use his power to be a terror to lyers, to swearers, to drunkards, to railers; to false accu­sers, and to proud men and oppressors, this we are friends unto: but to such as act by their own wills in corrupt Laws, and do thereby violence to the innocent, and strengthens the hands of evil doers, we cannot be subject, but choose rather (then to transgress the Law of God which is written in our hearts, by submitting to such mens wills and Laws) to suffer [Page 14] by the corrupt wills of men, under corrupt Laws for a mo­ment.

And thus I have answered those false accusations which are cast upon us, and do declare it to be the same spirit in the Teachers and people of this generation which accuseth us▪ a [...] it was in the Scribes and Pharisees which accused Christ and his disciples. And this the Scripture witnesseth unto, as they did unto him, so would they do unto us.

A further Answer to that Accusation, of being false Prophets and Deceivers.

JEsus Christ prophesied and said, That in the last dayes should many false Pro­phets arise, and should deceive many, if it were possible the very elect. Now the Teachers and people of this generation do say, That we (who by the world are cal­led Quakers) are those false Prophets and Deceivers which Christ prophesied of▪ Of this their false accusation have they drunkards, lyars, swearers, and all the un­godly people in every profession to witness them. But their accusation, and their Witnesses we do deny, though they preach it among the people for doctrine. And now in answer to this false accusation and slander, I am moved to write a little, and shall to that principle of God in every mans conscience clear my conscience, and declare what I know from God concerning those false Prophets; who they are, when they came in, and how they may be known, and shall leave it to every honest heart to consider of. The Apostles and Ministers of Jesus Christ saw the same false Pro­phets which Christ prophesied of to be come, and coming in their dayes, before a quaker was heard of: Iohn said, by that they knew it was the last time: for said he, Even now are there many Antichrists, and false Prophets gone out into the world; such were they, who confessed not Christ to be come in the flesh, and they were of the world, and spoke of the world, and the world heard them. Now here I charge it upon the Teachers of the world, that they are of that generation which went out into the world then; for as they then confessed not Christ to be come in the flesh, so these uphold those things which were under the Law, which was before Christ came in the flesh outwardly; and so confesse [...] CHRIST not to be come in the FLESH, and [...]o they are antichrist. They uphold an outward Temple and an outward worship, and take tythes, as the Priests under the Law did, as a type and figure of Christ, but when he was come and sacrificed, these things (which were to stand for a time) were put to an end. And none who witnessed Christ come, and were sent by him to preach the Gospel, did uphold those things, but witnessed forth the substance, and denied the figure; they denied the outward Temple, and witnessed they were the Temples of God, and that God dwelt in them, and denied the outward worship, and witnessed the worship of God in spirit and in truth within them, (for [Page 15] [...]ho worshipped without, worshipped they knew not what, as they do now) they denied to take Tythes, but lived of the Gospel, and said, they that preach­ [...], should live of it; but the Teachers of this generation are of the world, living [...] pride, lusts and vanities; and they who live in the same worldly nature uphold [...], and [...]ears them. Iohn also said, Every spirit that confesseth not Christ to be come [...], is Antichrist. And here I charge it upon the Teachers of the world, [...] their Spirit of pride, and covetousness, and envy, and hypocrisie which rules in [...], is the Spirit of Antichrist, and confesseth not Christ to be come in the flesh; [...]here he is made manifest, and come in the flesh, this spirit is destroyed; For (as [...] the Scripture) he was made manifest to destroy the works of the Devil. Paul was [...] witness of the false Prophets and Deceivers which Christ prophesied of in his [...] for he gave warning to beware of such, and to turn away from such whom he [...] then come, and coming in, but came more fully in after his dayes; he said of [...] sort, They were lover; of themselves, covetous, proud, heady, high-minded, fierce men [...] of those that were good, given to filthy lucre, and to pleasure, and were fals [...] and blasphemers, and without natural affection, and unthankful, and unholy, and [...] [...]illy women, who were led with divers lusts, but were not able to come to the know­ [...] of the truth by their teaching: they were men of corrupt mindes, and reprobate [...] saith. And here again I charge it upon the Teachers of the world, that they are this generation which came in then; for they are lovers of themselves, they take [...] of poor people to whom they are more able to give; and they are proud and [...] men, they go in their Ribbons and Cuffs, and gaudy attire; & they preach them where they can get most money; and some takes money of them, and sues [...] at the Law to whom they preach not at all: they are heady and high minded [...]word, for poor people bow to them in the Streets, and call them Masters: they are [...] men, and despise those that are good; if any speak against them, (of the truth) [...] are fierce against, and despise such: and they are given to filthy lucre, and are [...] of pleasure, for where they can have most money, there they will abide; and [...] live in pleasure, in idleness, and lust and vanity; they are false accusers, they [...] c [...]ll them Deceivers, which are not; and that blasphemy, which is not; and [...] are blasphemers, and without natural affection. They say the Letter is the VVord, and the Scripture the Light, which is contrary to the Scripture, for God is [...] VVord, and Christ is the Light; and they will suffer the rude multitude, and [...] will set them upon it, to hale, beat, and strike out of their Assemblies, which is [...] natural affection: They are unthankful and unholy; they have great sums [...] money from the people, and are not thankful, but compel them by a Law to pay [...]; and herein they are unholy by their actions which are declared, which is op­ [...]ession; and they [...]each alwayes, but men and women are ignorant still, and none [...] to come to the knowledge of the truth by them; and they have a form of god­liness; they prosess the Scriptures that the children of the Lord are taught of the Lord, and that Christ said, Take no thought what to eat, nor what to drink, nor wherewith to be clothed, but who witness themselves taught of God, and that they need no man to teach them; and that take no care what to eat, nor what to drink, nor what to put on, and so witness the promise of God, and abide in the Doctrine of Christ, these you call deceivers, and idle and careless persons, and thus deny the power of what they have professed; and herein their mindes are corrupt and repro­bate [Page 16] concerning Faith; for Faith is the substance, and purifies the heart from [...] things which they are guilty of. And Peter and Iude also were witnesses of those [...]ceivers and false Prophets which Christ prophesied of in their time; for they [...] such were come, and coming in, which should bring in d [...]mnable Heresies, [...] through covetousness, with feigned words, make merchandise of the people, [...] walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise Government and [...] on: Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evill of [...]; they speak evil of the things that they understand no [...]; they have eye [...] [...] adultery, and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls; an heart [...] have exercised with covetous practises; cursed children, which have forsaken [...] right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, who loved the [...] of unrighteousness, they themselves are the servants of corruption; ungodly [...]turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, and defile the flesh; these are [...], complainers, walking after their own lusts, and their mouths speaking [...] swelling words, having mens persons in admiration because of advantage; there [...] they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. And here agai [...] charge it upon the Teachers of this age, that they are of that generation [...] came into the world then; for they have brought in, and do uphold damnable [...], telling people, that sprinckling infants with water is the baptism into the [...] and that singing Davids Experiences in Rime and Meeter, is singing to the glory [...] God; and that a house of stone is the Temple and Church of God, these are [...] heresies; and they do through covetousness make merchandise of the people if they can get money at another place, thither they will go; and thus people [...] their merchandise: they walk after the Flesh in the lusts of uncleanness; [...] in pride and in lust, and some of them will be drunk, and lye, and swear, and [...] uncleanly; and they despise the Saints Government and Dominion (for they [...] in the wayes of the world, in the customs and traditions of men, and follow their own wills) and whom the spirit of God governs, and hath dominion over, [...] Christ for their example, whose Government and Dominion they are under; [...] they live in pride, lust and vanity, and according to the flesh, and herein they d [...]spise Government and Dominion, and speak evill of this Dignity, and of the [...] ­teries of God revealed in his Saints, which they know not, nor understand not, cal­ling it Error: they are presumptuous and self-willed; they have presumed to [...] themselves Ministers of Christ, and all the Towns where they live, must serve, [...] be subject to their wills; and they are adulterated from God after honor and rich­es, and the vanities of the world; and they cannot cease from sin themselves; [...] they say, None must cease from it while they are on the earth; and herein they be­guile many souls; for, till sin be ceased from the soul, it is beguiled; they [...] heart exercised with covetous practises, and they follow the way of Balaam, and [...] for gifts and rewards, and love the wages of unrighteousness: they take money [...] poor people for sprinkling Infants and for burying the dead, which are cove [...] practises: they take money for Hens and Eggs, and for smoak passing up the chimney, which are unrighteous wages; and thus they have forsaken the right way, the way of God, and of all the Saints which spoke forth the Scripture; and in the [...] things they are servants of corruption, and are ungodly men, and turn the grace of God (which shines in their consciences, which shews them their ungodly wayes) [Page 17] laciviousness; and through their lust they defile the flesh: and many of them murmure and complain for want of wages, even to spend upon their lusts; and speak great swelling words, speaking of the fame of Christ, of his life and [...], and resurrection, but cannot witness by the spirit of Christ within them what [...] speak of him: and they have mens persons in admiration, because of [...]: some of them had the Bishops in admiration, and some the King in [...], and now they have others who bear rule in admiration; and thus they [...] have twined to admire mens persons onely because of adventage; many [...] them have separated themselves, none who are not of their judgement, must joyn [...] them in their worship; but neither they nor their separates have the Spirit of [...] living God, but do deny an infallible Spirit: & they are sensual in their wisdom, [...]ways, and practices, and these have deceived many, even whole Nations.

And here you see plainly when the deceivers and false Prophets came in; they [...] come, and coming in, in the Apostles days, and then was the Prophesie of [...] fulfilling and fulfilled: and the Apostles suffered under Tyrants, and were [...] to cruel deaths, and then they came in more fully; for since the Apostles days, [...] been a great Apostacy, and many forms of Worship and ways of Religion [...] been imitated from the letter through imaginations, and but one generation [...] Teachers, though one above another, in the comprehension and sensual wis­ [...], and at enmity one against another, though all in one birth and nature. But [...] are all discovered by the light, Praises (from all that know God) to him for [...].

Since the Apostles days hath darkness been spread over all, though the Lord [...] some which he preserved for himself in the midst of Apostacy and darkness; [...]ho the false Prophets are which Christ prophesied of to every honest heart and [...] eye, may be known; Christ said, By their fruits should they be known; And [...] fruits of the Teachers of the world, are plainly made appear to be the fruits [...] deceivers, and not of the Minister of Christ; none have gathered Grapes nor [...] from them.

And thus I have cleared my conscience in the presence of God concerning the false slander and accusation which the Teachers and people of the world do cast upon us; and to that in every ones conscience it is made appear who they are to whom this accusation justly belongs.

Woe unto all you who strive against the Lord, and justifie that which the holy men of God, which spoke forth the Scripture, in the Scripture declared against; and which condemn that which the holy men of God in the Scripture justified, and witnessed for: You who live in pride, in covetousness, in double-dealing, and in hypocrisie, and in the lusts of the flesh; you strive against the Lord God, and a­gainst the light of God which is in your consciences, which shews you these things to be sin; you resist the drawings of the Father, which would draw you by the light to follow the Son. Wo and desolation is to come upon all you who will not be [...]aught by the light of Christ which he hath lightned you withal; which light all the holymen of God were taught by, who gave forth the Scriptures, but do set [...]p Teachers without you, such as all the holy men of God, the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles declared against.

Oh blinded, stiff-necked people, which are not ashamed to call such Ministers [Page 18] of Christ, and of the Gospel (and by your corrupt wills and Laws to defend [...] which seek for their gain from their Quarter, and which feed themselves [...] Fat, and clothe themselves with the Wool; and which pre [...]ch for hire, and [...] for money, and prepare War against them that put net into their mouths▪ [...] you justifie such as the Prophets of the Lord were sent to cry against, and [...] Isai [...]h, Ezekiel, and Micah, to be true Prophets; for i [...] you did believe that [...] spoke from the mouth of the Lord, the word of the Lord, and understood [...] they spoke, then would you not uphold them which act those things which [...] declared against; for that which was abomination to the Lord then, is abo [...]tion to him now; and that spirit which declared against these things then, [...] uphold them now.

And here the Teachers and people are tryed, not to have the same spi [...]i [...] [...] was in the holy Prophets of the Lord, but the spirit of the false Prophets, [...] by it that which they acted, which the true Prophets cryed against; and [...] by upholding that which the Lord sent his servants to declare against you [...] against the Lord, ye Magistrates and People. And you are not ashamed to [...] such Ministers of Christ which (walke in the same steps and act those things [...] they did, which Christ cryed woe against) are called of men Masters, and [...] the chiefe places in the Assemblies, and stand praying in the Synagogues, and [...] in long robes, and love greetings in the Markets, as they did: here you [...] such as Christ cryed wo against, and deny that Christ spoke the truth what [...] the minde of his Father, or understood it not; for if you did believe that he [...] the will of his Father, then would ye not uphold these tha [...] act the same [...] which he cryed wo against. And he charges not, that which he once cryed [...] the same spirit where it is witnessed, cries against the same things. And here [...] the Teachers of the world are tryed not to have the spirit of Christ, but the [...] of the Scribes and Pharisees, who act that which they acted, which he cryed [...] [...]gainst. And herein Magistrates and People strive against the Lord God, by [...]holding that which Christ cryed wo against; and such who are Ministers [...] Christ, and walk in his Doctrine, and in the same steps which he and his Apostles walked in, witnessing for that which they witnessed for, and against that which they witnessed against; them you call deceivers, and false Prophets, and [...] them for vagabonds, and wandering beggars, and idle and careless persons; and that they have left their families, and carelesly wander up and down. And here­in you Magistrates and people strive against the Lord, by persecuting, and slander­ing, and falsly accusing, and condemning such as the Scripture justifies, and the servants of the Lord which spoke forth the Scripture do witness of to be true.

What would you have called Christ, who had no where to lay his head? he was no vagabond, nor idle, nor careless Person.

And what would you have called the Apostles and Ministers of Christ? who had left their Families and Callings, and went up and down, and had no certain dwel­ling place, but went from City to City, and cared not for the world; not what to eat, nor what to drink, nor wherewith to be cloathed? this they did, and yet were no vagabonds, nor idle, nor careless persons, but abode in the Doctrine of Christ; they were hated by your generation, as we are now by you: And they were called pestilent fellows, and movers of sedition, and hereticks, and men of [...] ­nious judgements: And they said, They were troublers of their Cities, as you do [...]o [...] [Page 19] [...] false Prophets and Decivers. I do declare this generation to be the same [...] persecuted the Prophets, Christ, and his Apostles, as it doth persecute us; [...] the same power we stand, as they did; and by the same power we are [...] and acted, as they were: And to the power by which we stand, and are [...], shall all the powers of men, and of the earth bow and be [...]

[...] all you Magistrates and people, consider of your blindness and ignorance, [...] absolutely justifie and uphold such as the Scripture declares and witnesses [...], and do condemn and persecute such as the Scripture justifies and witnesses and do put them out of your synagogues and villages; search the Prophets, [...] Christs, and the Apostles writings, in them you may read your example, and example.

In Jer. [...]0. You may read how Pashur the chief Governor, when he had heard what [...] [...]ad said, smote him, and put him in the Prison, and in the stocks, and dealt [...] with him: Now Jeremiah is our example, who had the word of the Lo [...]d, and [...]; sometime in the streets, and in the gate of the Lords house, and feared no [...], but Prophesied against the Priests and false Prophets, which used their tongue [...] had not the word from the Lord, but was given to lightness, and covetuousness: And [...] who smote him and put him in the Prison, is your example, whose measure of [...] you fulfil, in doing as he did; and by your oppressions, is the sufferings and [...] of Ieremiah fulfilled in us, who is made a derision daily, and a scorn to the [...], since we spake in the name of the Lord, as Ieremiah was in that generation of [...], who is your example: Also in Amos 7▪ you may read how Amaziah the Kings [...] sent to the King of Israel, and they conspired against him; and Amazia [...] forbad [...] to prophesie any more at Bethel, for it is the Kings Chappel, and the Kings Court; [...] said he, the land is not able to bear his words: Now herein Amaziah the Priest, and [...] in the King, who were both Persecutors, is your example, who takes counsel [...] the innocent, and thrusts out of your Countries, and Cities, and Towns, and makes [...] against the servants of the Lord, and forbids us to speak any more in your Courts or [...], and beats, and persecutes us, and doth say, The Land is not able to bare such [...] as are spoken and written by us: And Amos, who was no Prophet nor Prophets [...], but a poor laboring man is our example, who was innocent, and spake the word of the Lord against the Songs of the Temples, in the Chappel, and in the Kings Court; and [...] example doth witness to our practice, as the example of the wicked in their wicked­ [...], do witness your practice, whom you succeed in oppression.

And also you may read through the Scriptures, how the children of God, who were called of him, were hated and persecuted by the seed of evil doers, They slew the Pro­phets, and persecuted them that were sent unto them: David was a scorn, and a reproach, and a [...]issing to his enemies; and Iob was mocked of his friends, and counted a mad [...]; and many of the servants of the Lord suffered cruel deaths under the hands of the Oppressor; and they that were sufferers, and were mocked, and scorned, and persecuted, o [...] our example, and the mockers and persecutors are your example: Christ and the Apo­stles in their time were sufferers; and you may read how Herod and Pilate, and the Offi­cers, and chief Priests, caused Christ to suffer unjustly, by Imprisonments, and Scoar­gings, and [...]uffe [...]ings, and Revilings, though no evil could be justly laid to his charge; and be is our example, in the like things, and as they did unto him, so you do unto us, a [...] [Page 20] being of the same seed, and this he said; and Herod, and the cruel Officers, [...] Priests, are your example, of whose [...]eed you are brought forth, fulfilling their [...] of wickedness and cruelty, in this your day and time, and oppressing the just with [...] bonds of iniquity: And you may read how the Apostles was persecuted, through whole Book of Acts, and put out of their Towns, and stoned (some unto death) and [...] forbid to speak any more in the name of Iesus, and was thought to be men not [...] live upon the [...]arth; was called pestilent fellows, & movers of Sedition, and [...] world upside down; and these was our example, who had left their Callings, Countries, [...] Relations, and gave themselves to be spent for the Lords sake, and declared against [...] false Ministery, which preached for hire, and gifts, and rewards; and against [...] had the form of godliness, but not the power; and went into the Idol Temples, and [...] against them, and against their outward traditional worships: In these things [...] many more, we follow them as an example, even as you follow the wicked in their [...] and oppression, Nero, and Festus, and Caesar, and such like, who were [...] God, as you are, and brought forth the same works as you do, being of the same [...] and following their example; so that now as ever, He who is born of the [...] him that is born after the Spirit: And the wisdom of this world is enmit [...] [...] God, and cannot receive the things of Gods Kingdom; therefore repent, when [...] read your example of wickedness, then read your example in the cursed end of wrath [...] the Lord God, which came upon the persecuters of old, as it will upon you.

The vengeance of God you cannot flie, his fierce wrath will come upon you, and [...] and howling, and lamentation, and misery will be your portion. O tremble to think [...] your ignorance, to what purpose have you made a profession of the Scriptures, whos [...] [...] those things, and those men which it plainly declares against; and condemns these [...] and those men which it plainly witnesseth of. Repent and take warning [...] before the Decree of the Lord of Hosts be sealed against you, for I have [...] conscience, in letting you see your own ignorance and blindness, ye Magistrates and [...] And thus you are left without excuse, whether you will hear or forbear.


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