AN ACCOUNT OF THE TRYAL OF Charles Bateman, Chirurgeon, FOR High-Treason, IN CONSPIRING The Death of the late King And the Subversion of the Government, &c. Who was Tryed and found Guilty, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly, on the 9th. of December, 1685.

THE TRYALS OF John Holland and William Davis, For Conspiring against, violently Assaulting, and without any warrant­able Cause, Imprisoning William Chancey, Citizen and Mercer of London; to ex­tort a Sum of Money from him; who were Tryed and found Guilty at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly, on the 10th. of December, 1685.

As also the Tryals of John Holland, William Davis, and Agnes Wearing, for a Notorious Burglary and Felony, Committed in the House of Leonel Gat­ford, a Minister in Lime-street, London, and stealing Plate, Money and Rings, to the value of 300 l. who were Tryed and found Guilty, at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly, on the 11th of December. 1685.

LONDON, Printed by E. Mallet, MDCLXXXV.

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