¶How the land of Englond was fyrst named Albyon / And by what encheson it was so named
In the noble land of Sirrie / ther was a noble kyng & myghty & a man of grete renōme / that me callid Dioclisian, that well & worthely hym gouerned & ruled thurgh his noble chyualrye / so that he cōquerd all the londes about hym / so that almost al the kynges of the world to him were entendant / Hit befel thus that this dyoclisian spoused a gentil damisel / that was wōder fayr that was his emes doughter labana / and she loued hym as reson wold / so that he gate vpon hir xxxiij doughters / of the which the eldest me callid Albyne / & these damisels whan they come vnto age bicome so fair that it was wōder / wherfor that this dyoclisiā anon lete make a somenyng / & cōmaūded by his lrēs / that all the kynges that helden of him shold come at a certayn day. as in his lrēs we re conteyned to make a ryal feste / At whiche daye thider they comen / & brought with hem amyrals prynces & dukes, & noble chiualrye / The feste was ryally awayed / & ther they lyued in ioye & myrthe ynough, that it was wonder to wyt / And it befel thus that this dyoclisian thought to marye his doughters amonge alle tho kynges that tho were at that solēpnyte / & so they spaken and dide that albyne his eldest doughter / & al hir sustres richely were maried vnto xxxiij kynges / that were lordes of grece honour and of power at this solempnyte / And whan the solempnite was done, euery kynge toke his wyf & lad hem in to her owne coūtrey / & ther made hem quenes / And it befel thus afterward / that this dame Albyne bycome so stoute & so sterne / that she told lytel prys of her lord / & of hym had scorne & despyte / & wold not done hys wyll / but she wold haue hir owne wyll in dyuerse maters / and all hir other sustres euerychone bere hem so euyl ayenst hir lordes that it was wonder to wytte / & for as moch as hem thought that hir husbondes were nought of so hye parage comen as hir fader / But tho kynges that were hir lordes wold haue chastysed hem with fayr speche & behestes, and also by yeftes / & warned hem in fair maner vpon al loue & frendship that they shold amende her lither condicions / but al was for nought / for they dyden her owne wyll in all thynge / that hem lyked. & had of power / wherfore tho / xxxiij / kynges vpon a tyme & oftymes beten theyr wynes for they wende that they wolde haue amended her tatches / & hyr wicked thewes / but of suche condicions they were / that for fayre speche & warnynge, they dydden al the wers / and for setynges [Page] [...]ones moche wers / wherfor the kyng that had wedded albyne wrote the tatches and condicions of his wyf albyn and the letter sent to dioclisian her fader, And whan the other kynges herd that albynes lord had sent a letter to dyoclisian / anone they sente lrēs ensealed with hir seales the condicions / & the tatches of hir wyues. Whan the kyng dyoclisian saw & herd so many playntes of his doughters / he was soore ashamed / & byoome wonder angry & wroth towarde his doughters / & thought both nyght & day yf he myght tho amende it / that they so mysdid / & anon sent his letters vnto the xxxiij kynges / that they sholde come to hym / & brynge with hem her wyues euerychone at a certayne daye / for he wolde ther chastyse them of theyr wyckednes / yf he myght in ony maner wyse / soo that the kynges comen al at that daye & tyme that tho was sette bitwene hem & the kyng. Dioclisian hem vnderfeng with moche honour and made a solempne fest to al that were vn der his lorship / & the thyrdde day. after this solempnyte. the kyng Dioclisian sent after his xxxiij doughters that they shold come & speke with hym in his chambre / & whan they were come / he spa [...] vnto hem of theyr wykkednesse & of her cruelte & despitously hem reproued & vndernā / & to them he said / yf they wold not be chasty sed / they shold his loue lese for euermore / & whan the ladyes herd all thie they bycomen abasshed & gretely ashamed. & to her fader they said that they wold make al amendes / & so they departed out from hir faders chambre / & dame albyn that was the eldest suster lad hem al in to hir chambre / & tho made wide al that were therin soo that no lyf was amonges hem / but she & hir sustres y fere / Tho said this albyne, my fair sistres wel we knowē that the king our fader vs hath reproued shamed & despised for enchesen to make vs obedyēt vnto oure husbondes / but certes that shal I neuer whiles that I lyue / syth that I am come of a more hyer kynges blode than myn husbonde is / And whan she had thus sayd alle hir sustres said the same / And tho sayd albyne / ful wel I wote fair sustres that our husbondes haue pleyned vnto our fader vpon vs / wherfor he hath vs thus fowlo reproued & despysed / wherfor susters my coūseyl is that this nyght when our husbondes ben a bed / al we with one assent cutten her throtes / & than we may ben in pees of hem / and better we may do thys thyng vnder our faders power. than elles where / And anone al the ladyes cō sented and graūted to this counseyl / And whan nyght was come the lordes & ladyes went to bedde / & anone as hyr lordes were in [Page] slepe they cut al hir husbondes throtes. & so they slowen hem alle whan that dioclosyan the kyng her fader herd of this thynge, he bycome hugely wroth ayenst his doughters / & anone wolde hem al / haue brente / but al the barons and lordes of firrie coūseylled not so for to doo suche sternesse to his owne doughters / but only shold wide the land of hem for euermore / so that they neuer shold come ayene / & so he dyde / And dioclisyan that was her fader anon commaūded hem to goo in to ship / and delyuerd to hem vytaylles for half a yere / And whan this was done / alle the sustren wente in to the ship. and sayled forth in the see / and bytoke all her frendes to appolyn that was hir god / And so long they saylled in the see / til atte last they come and arryued in an yle that was al wil dernesse / And whanne dame albyne was come to that londe / and all hir sustres / this albyne went forth oute of the ship / and sayd to hir other sustres / For as moche quod she as I am the ol [...] suster of all this companye / and fyrst this lande haue taken / and for as moche as my name is Albyne / I wyll that this lond be callyd albyon after myne owne name / And anone all hir sustres graunted to hyr with a good wyll, Tho went out alle the sustres of the ship / and token the land albion as hir suster callyd it / and ther they went vp and downe / and fonde nether man ne woman ne child but wild beestes of dyuerse kyndes / & whan hyr vytayl les were dyspended and hem fayled / they fedde hem with herbes and frutes in season of the yere. and soo they lyued as they best myght / and after that they toke Flesshe of dyuerse beestes / and bycame wonder fat / and so they desyred mannys companye and mannys kynde that hem faylled / & for hete they woxen wonder coragyous of kynde / so that they desyred more mannys company than ony othir solace or myrth / whan the deuyl that perceyued and went by dyuerse countreys / & toke body of the eyr & lykyng natures shad of men / and [...]e in to the lande of albyon & laye by tho wymmen / and shad tho natures vpon hem / and they conceyued. after they brought forth geantz. of the whiche me callyd one Gogmagog. and another laugherigan / and so they were named by dyuerse / names / and in this maner they come forth and were borne horryble geants in albyon / and they dwellyd in caues and hilles at her wyll / and had the londe of albyon as hem liked vnto the tyme that Brute arryued and come to Totnesse / that was in the yle of albyon / and ther this brute conquerd and discomfyted these geants aboue sayd
[Page] [...] endeth the prologue of Albyon. that tho was an yle & her [...]eneth now how brute was goten / & how he slowe first his moder / & afterward his fader / and how he conquerd Albyon / that after he named Brytayn after his owne name / that now is called Englond after the name of Engyst of Saxon
Ca / j
In the noble Cyte of grete Troye ther was a noble knyght / & a man of grete power that was callyd Eneas / & whan the Cyte of troye was lost & destro yed thurgh hem of grece / this encas with alle his meyne fled thens and come in to lombardye that tho was lord and gouernour of that lond a kyng that was cal led Latyn / and another kyng ther was that was callyd turocelyne that strongly werrid vpon this king latyn & oftymes dyd hym moche harme / And whan this kyng latyn herde that eneas was comen / he vnderfenge him with moche honoure / & hym with helde / for as moch as he had herd of hym / & wist wel that he was a noble knyght & a worthy of his body & of his dedes / This ene as helpe kyng latyn in his werre / & shortly for to telle so well & worthyly / he dyd that he slowe Turocelyne & discomfyted hym & all his peple / & whan all this was done / kyng latyn yaf al that lond that was turecelinis to eneas in maryage / with lauyne his doughter the moost fayr crature / that ony man wyst / & so they lyued to geder in io [...] & murthe all hir lyfes tyme. and after he wed ded a wyf / and vpon hir he bygate a sone / that was callyd Silueyne / & this silueyne whan he coude some reson of man vnwyting his fader & ageynst his will acqueynted with a damisel that was cosyn to lauyne / that was kyng latynes doughter the quene / that was eneas wyf / & brought the damysel with child / and whan ascamus his fader it wyste / anon lete enquere of the wysest maistres & of the grettest clerkes / what child the damisel shol de bringe forth / & they ansuerd & said / that she shold bryng forth a sone that shold slee both fader & moder / & so he dyd. for his mo der dyed in beryng of hym / & whan this child was born / his fader le [...]e calle hym Brute / And the maystres sayd that he shold do moche harme & sorow in many dyuerse places / & after he shold co me to grete honour & worship. This kyng ascam [...] deyde whan god wold / & silueyne his sone receyued the lande / & made hym won derlych wel byloued among his peple / and whan brute that was silueynus sone was xv yere olde / he went vpon a daye with his fadre for to play & solace / and as this brute shold shete vnto an [Page] hert his arowe myshapped & glaced / and so there Brute quelled his fader /
How Brute was dryuen oute of the lande / And how he helde hym in grece / Ca / ij
And whan this myschance befalle was the peple of the lāde made sorwe ynow / and were sore an angred / & for encheson therof / they dryuen brute out of the lond / & wold not suffre hym amongys hem / & he saugh that he muste not abyde / & wente fro thēs in to Grece / & there he fonde / vij / [...] mē / that were of the linage and kynred of Troye that were comen of grete blode as the storye tellyth as of men and women & childeren / the whiche were alle holden in thraldome and bondage of the kynge Pandras of grece for the deth of achilles / that was bitraid & slayne at troye This Brute was a wonder fayre man and a stronge & huge of his age & of glad chere and semblaunt / and also worthy of body and was wel beloued among his people / This kynge Pandras herde speke of his goodnes and his condicions / and anone made hym duelle with him. soo that brute bycome wōder priue & moche beloued with the kyng / so that long tyme brute duelled with the kyng / soo at the last they of Troye and brute spaken to geder of kynred & of lignage and of acqueyntaūce / and ther pleyned hem vnto brute of hir sorowe and of hir bondage and of many other shames that the kyng paudras had hem done and to brute / they saiden vpon a tyme / Ye be a lord of our lignage. & a strong man and a myghty. be ye our capitayn & lord / and we wylle bycome your men / and your cōmandementz done in al manere thynges / and brynge ye vs oute of this wrecchednesse and bondage and fyght we with the kyng / for thorugh the grace of the grete god we shal hym ouercome & we shal make you kynge of the lond & to you done homage / and of yow we shul holde euermore / Brute had tho grete pyte of hyr bondage that they were broughte in / & preuelich went hym from the kynges court / and al tho that were of Troye went and put hem in to wodes and in to montaygnes and hem helde / and sente vnto kynge pandras / that he shold yeue hem leue sauelych for to wend out of the land / for they nold no lenger duelle in his bondage / The kyng pandras was tho sore an noyed / & tho swore that he wold slee hem euerychone / & ordeined a grete power. and went towardes hem al for to fight / but brute & his men manlyche hem defended / & fyersly foughten & slewe [Page] all the kynges men that none of hem escaped and token the kyng and hym helde in pryson & ordeyned coūceyll bytwene hem what they myght done / some sayd that he shold be put to deth / & somme sayd that he shold be exyled out of the lande / & somme sayd that he shold be [...]. And tho spak a wyse knyght that was called memprys & sayd to bru [...] and to al tho of Tooye / yf kyn [...] Pand [...]as wolde yelde hym and haue his lyf / I counseylle that he yeue vnto Brute that is our duke and our soueraygne his doughter Gennogen to a wyfe and in maryage with her an honderd shippes wel arayd and alle his tresoure of gold & siluer of corne & of wyn / and as moche as vs nedeth to haue of one thyng and other and than goo we oute of his land / and ordeyne we vs lande elleswher for we ne none of our kynred that comen after vs shal neuer haue pees in this lande amōges hem of grece / for we haue slayne so many of hyr knyghtes & of her other frendes that euermore warre and contake shold bene amonges vs / brute tho and all his folke consentyd well to that counseylle / and this thyng they tolden to kyng pandras and therfor to haue hys lyf graunted as moche as they axed. and anone yaf vnto Brute Gennogen his doughter to wif and the honderd shippis with as moche as hem neded of all vitayllis as before was ordeyned / bru te tho toke his wyf / and all his men that forsoke the land of gre ce and wenten hem vnto the see and hadden wynde and weder at wyss / and comen the thyrdde day in to an yle that was callyd [...]or g [...] / Brute anon sente of his men a londe for to aspye the maner of the contre / and they founden an old Cyte al wasted and forlet that na [...] theryn nether man ne woman / ne no thyng duellyng and in the myddel of this Cyte they foūden an old temple of a fayre lady that thas callyd Dyane the goddesse and they comen ayene vn to Brute and told hym what they had seen and founden and counceylled hym to gone and to doo sacryfyce vnto dame Diane. For she was woned to yeue answer of what thyng that euer men prayde her / and namely vn to them that her honoured with sacrifice / Brute went to that ymage & said Diane noble goddesse lady that al thyng hast in myght and in thy power / wyn des wat [...]s wodes feldes and alle thynges of the world and alle maner beestes that ther in bene to yow / I make my prayer that ye me conncelle & telle where and in what place I shal haue a couenable duellyng for me and for my peple / and ther I shal ma ste [...] honoure of you a wel fayre temple and noble / wheryn ye [Page] shull euermore ben honoured / whan he had done his prayer dy [...] n [...] ansuerd in this maner Brute quod she go euen forth thy wey ouer the see in to fraūce toward the west / and ther ye shul finde an yse that is callyd Albyon / & that yle is bycompassed al with the see / and no man may come theryn / but it ben with shippes / & in that [...]ude [...]ere wont to be geantz / but no wit is nat so but al wildernes and that londe is to yow destenyed and ordeyned for yow and for youre peple
How Coryn became brutes man / And how kyng Gossar was dysconfyted Capitulo tercio
WHan Brute herde this ansuer of dyane the goddesse / an [...]ne he lette the ankers winde vp and sayled in to the high [...] whanne he and his men hadde sayled. xx / dayes and moo they foūden fast beside a cost of the se [...] a thousand men of the lygnage▪ kynred of Troye / & hyr souerayne & hir mayster of al was cal led Corin / And whan brute wyst whennes they were / he [...] vn derfenge hem with mochel ioye in to his shippes / & hem lad fo [...]th with hym. This Coryn tho become brutes man / and to hym [...] fea [...]lte and homage and so longe they sayled forth in the s [...] till they comen in to gascoyn / and anone they arriued in the [...]auen of liegers / and there they dwellyd. viij / dayes hem for to reste: hy [...] sailles to amende ther that it was nede / [...]idyng sone come to [...]ng Goffar that was lord of the lande / how that moche f [...]lk of [...] ge lande weren arryued in his land in the hauen of l [...]gers▪ w [...] ▪ fore he was sore angred and ano [...]ed that they comen & [...] in his lande withoute loue / & anon he ordeyned hym a grete [...] to dryuen oute and to shend brute with his peple / but kyng goffar was discomfyted and all his folke / & hym self fledde in to [...]raūce to seke help & socour / And in that tyme regned in fraūce / [...]n kyn ges▪ & the x [...] assēbled a grete power for to help goffar for to fight ayenst brute / Goffor duelled with them of fraunce halfe a yere & more / and brute in the mene tyme and his company destroyed all the lond of gascoyne / and let take al the tresou [...] that kyng gof far had and let brynge it in to his shippes / and this brute fonde in that land a fayre place and a couenable / & there Bru [...] made a fayre castel and a stronge / whan that was done kyng Goffar come froo fraunce / and x [...] kynges with hym & broughten [Page] xx▪ [...]. men for to fyght with brute and his company / & [...] had but vn m & C C C men / netheles whan the two hoostes met [...]n to gedre / brutes folk thorugh help of him self & of turin his co syn & of Coryn that wel and manlych hym defended & foughte so that in a lytel tyme they had slayn of the frensshmen / ij / m & mo / And tho that were alyue fledde a wey. And in this bataill Turyn that was brutes cosyn was slayne and Brute let [...]e en [...]er worthyly hym whan he had space & leyser in the castel that he had made / and tho lete calle the castel Tours for the name of Turyne that ther was entered / & yet in to this day ther is a noble cyte that is called Tours / when kyng goffar wyst that Turin was dede / he come ageyne with his men & after yafe a stronge bataylle vnto Brute / but Brute and his men were so wery o [...] fyghtyng that they myght no lenger endure / but maugre hym & all his / Brute went in to his castel with al his men and made the yates fast for to saue hem self / & for to taste counseyl among hem what were best for to done / Brute & coryn toke coūseyl & ordey ned that Co [...]n p [...]uely shold go out & bussh hym in a Wode tyll a [...] / So that in the mornyng whan brute shold fyght with his enemyes. Coryn shold come with his folke in that one syde / and [...] / and done al the harme that he myght / And amornyng in the d [...]wenynge / brute went oute of the castel and fought with his enemyes and they fyersly defended / but within a lytel tyme Brute and his folke slewe. viij / C / of goffars men / & tho come Coryn fro the busshement / and smete to grounde he and his cōpa nye al that wolde stonde or abyde / soo that kyng Goffar and his folk were disconfyted / and fast they ganne to flee. And brute and Coryn with her companye fiersly hem poursued and quelled mo of hem in the fleyng than they dyden in bataylle / And in that maner Brute had the vyctorye / and netheles brute made moche sorow for his cosyn Coryn / that ther was slayne / and for other also that he had lost of his men / that is to seyn / vij / c / & x [...] the whiche nobly he let entier in the castel of Tours / ther that he had entered Turyn his cosyn
How Brute arryued at Totnesse in the yle of Albyon / And of the / bataylle that was bitwene Coryn / and Gogmagog Capitulo quarto
[Page] WHan all this was done / brute wold no lenger ther duelle for to fyght. ne no mo lese of his peple / For kyng Goffayus peple myght euery day encresse mo and mo / and Brutes lassen / and therfor he toke al his men. and went vnto the see / & had wynd and weder at wyll / and the fyfthe day afterward they arriued in an hauen at Totnesse and comen in to the yle of Albyon and ther fonde nether man nethir woman as the storye tellith▪ but Geants / & they dwellyd in hilles & in caues / Brute sawe the sonde was fayr & at his lykyng. & good also for hym & for his folk as dyane the goddesse had hym byhyght / Tho was brute wonder glad / and late assemble vpon a day all his folk to make a solempne sacrifice & a grete fest in honour & reuerēce of diane the goddesse thurgh whos coūseyll he was comen in to that land / And whan they had hir solēpnite made / as they vpon a day sate at mete / ther comen in vpon hem sodenly xxx geantz / & slewe of brutes men xxx / Brute & his men anone starten vp & foughten with the geantz & slewe hem euerychone / but one geant that was mayster of all that was callyd gogmagog that was stronger and hygher than ony of the other geants / & brute kepte hym & saued his lif / for enchesen that he shold wrestel with Corin / for corin was gretter & higher than ony of brutes men from the gerdelstede vpward Gogmagog and Corin vndertoke for to wrastlyn y fere / and so to geder they wrestled long tyme / but at the last gogmagog helde Corin so fast / that he brake two rybbes of his side / wherfor Corin was sore angry / & toke tho gogmagog bitwene his armes & cast hym doune vpon a roche / so that gogmagog brake al to pyeces & so dyed an euyl deth / & therfore the place is callyd yet vnto thys day the saute of gogmagog / and tho yaf brute all that countre to Corin / and Corin called it after his name cornewayle & his men he called Cornewaylles. and so shal men of that countre ben callid for euermore / And in that coūtre duellid Corin & his men & made tounes & howses & inhabyted the lond at hir wylle /
How Brute made london & called this lond Brytaygne / and Scotland Albyne / and walys Cambyr / Capitulo quinto
BRute and his men wenten forth / and sawe about in diuerse places where they myght fynde a good place and couenable / that they myght make a Cyte for hym and for hys [Page] folke / soo at the last they comen by a fayre ryuer / that is callyd the thamys / & there brute bygan a fayr cyte & lete calle it newe Troye in mynde & remembraunce of the grete troye / from whiche place all hir lygnage was comen / & this brute lete falle a doune wodes / and lete erye and sowe londes & done mowe medes for sustenaunce of him & of his peple / & he departed the land to hem / so that euerychone of hem hadde a certayne place for to duelle vpon And Brute lete calle al this lond britayne after his owne name and his folk he lete calle bretons / And this brute had goten on his wyf Gennogen thre sonnes / that were worthy of dedes / the fyrste was callyd lotryn / the second albanac / & the thyrd Camber / and Brute bare corone in the cyte of newe troye. xx. yere after tyme that the cite was made / and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden / and this Brute was wonderly wel byloued among all men / and brutes sones also loued wonderly wel to geder / And whan brute had sought al the land in lengthe and in brede / he fonde a lande that Ioyned to brytayne in the north / and that lond Brute yaf to albanac his sone & lete calle it Albania after his name / that now is callyd Scotland / And Brute fond an other countre toward the weste / and that yaf to cambyr hys other sone / and he lete calle it Camber after his name / and now it is called wales / And whan brute had regned / xx. yere / as byfore is sayd▪ he dyed in the cyte of newe troye / and there his sone him entered with moche honour / and lotryn brutes sone was crouned kyng with moche solempnyte of al the land of Britayne / & after whan he was crowned albanac and camber his two bretheren wente ageyne in to her owne countrey▪ & lyued with mykel honour / And lotryn her broder regned and was kyng and gouerned the lande wel & wysely for he was a good man and wonder wel byloued of all his lond / And it befell so that Albanak duellyd in his owne lande with moche honoure and worship / & thenne cam kynge humbar of hunland with a grete power & arriued in albanye / and wold haue conquerd the land / and began to werre vpon albanac and hym slewe in batayl / whan Albanac was slayne the folk of the lond fled vnto lotryn / and tolde hym for he was kynge of bretayne / how that his brother was slayne and prayd hym of help for to auenge his broders deth /
Lotryne anone lete assemble alle the Brytons of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of kestefen [Page] and of lyndesey / and whanne they were al assembled they sped fase toward their enemies for to yeue hem batail / Lotrine had sent to Camber his broder that he shold come also to hym with al the power that he myght make hym for to helpe / and soo he dyd with good wyll / and so they comen al to geders / and toke her wey preuelyche for to seche humbar / where they myght hym fynde / And so it befell that this humbar was besides a water that was [...] gre te riuer with his folk / hym for to disporte / and tho come Lotryn and camber his broder with al hir folke sodaynly / [...]r that ony of that other wyst / And whan humbar saw hem come he was sore adrad / for as moche as his men wist it not / & also they were vn armed / and Anone humbar for drede lepte in to the wa [...]er / and drenchyd hym self▪ and so dyed he / and his men were alle slayne that none of hem escaped / and therfor is that water callyd hum bar / and euermore shal be callyd thus for enchesen that kynge humbar was theryn drenchyd /
And after that Lotryne wente to his shippes / and toke there gold and syluer. and as moche as he fand vnto hym self / and alle that other pilfre / he yaf vnto other folke of the hoost / [...] they foū den in one of the shippes a fair damisel that was kyng humb [...]rs doughter / and was callyd estrylde / And whan Lotryne saw her he toke hir with hym for hyr fayrenesse / & for her was ouert [...] with loue / & wold haue wedded her / Thise tydynges come [...]o [...] ryn / anone he thought to auenge him vpon lotryne / For as moch as Lotryne had made couenaūt for to spousen Corines dough [...]r that was callyd guentolen / And Corin in hast went to hym vnto the newe Troye / and thus said to Lotryne / now [...] quod [...] ye rewarde me full euyll / for al the paynes that I suffryd and haue hadde many tymes for Brute youre fader / and therfor I wyll now anenge me vpon yow / & dro [...]e his fauchon an [...] and wolde haue slayne Lotryne / but the damisell went bytwene hem / & made hem acorded in this maner. that Lotryne shold spo [...] se guentolen that was Corynes doughter / And so Lotryne dyd And netheles that he had spoused Guentolen Corynes doughter preuelych he come to Estryld / and brought hyr with child & gate on hir a doughter that was callyd Abren / Hit befelle anone after that Corin dyed and anone as he was [...] Lotryne forsoke guentolen his wif / & made estrylde quene / And Guento len wente thens al in wrath in to Cornewayll and seysed al the [Page] folke / soo at the last they comen by à fayre ryuer / that is callyd the thamys / & there brute bygan a fayr cyte & bete calle it newe Troye in mynde & remembraunce of the grete troye / from whiche place all hir lygnage was comen / & this brute lete falle a doune wodes / and lete erye and sowe londes & done mowe medes for sustenaunce of him & of his peple / & he departed the land to hem / so that euerychone of hem hadde a certayne place for to duelle vpon And Brute lete calle al this lond britayne after his owne name and his folk he lete calle bretons / And this brute bad goten on his wyf Gennogen thre sonnes / that were worthy of dedes / the fyrste was callyd lotryn / the second albanac / & the thyrd Camber / and Brute bare corone in the cyte of newe troye. xx. yere after tyme that the cite was made / and ther he made the lawes that the bretons holden / and this Brute was wonderly wel byloued among all men / and brutes sones also loued wonderly wel to geder / And whan brute had sought al the land in lengthe and in brede / he fonde a lande that Ioyned to brytayne in the north / and that lond Brute yaf to albanac his sone & lete calle it Albania after his name / that now is callyd Scotland / And Brute fond an other countre toward the weste / and that yaf to cambyr hys other sone / and he lete calle it Camber after his name / and now it is called wales / And whan brute had regned / xx. yere / as byfore is sayd / he dyed in the cyte of newe troye / and there his sone him entered with moche honour / and lotryn brutes sone was crou ned kyng with moche solempnyte of al the land of Britayne / & after whan he was crowned albanac and camber his two brethe ren wente ageyne in to her owne countrey. & lyued with mykel honour / And lotryn her broder regned and was kyng and gouer ned the lande wel & wysely for he was a good man and wonder wel byloued of all his lond / And it befell so that Albanak duellyd in his owne lande with moche honoure and worship / & thenne c [...]in kynge humbar of hunland with a grete power & arriued in albanye / and wold haue conquerd the land / and began to werre vpon albanac and hym slewe in batayl / whan Albanac was slayne the folk of the lond fled vnto lotryn / and tolde hym for he was kynge of bretayne / how that his brother was slayne and prayd hym of help for to auenge his broders deth /
Lotryne anone lete assemble alle the Brytons of kent of douer in to derewent of Norfolk and Southfolke of kestefen [Page] and of lyndesey / and whanne they were al assembled they sped fast toward their enemies for to yeue hem batail / Lotrine had sent to Camber his broder that he shold come also to hym with al the power that he myght make hym for to helpe / and soo he dyd with good wyll / and so they comen al to geders / and toke her wey preuelyche for to seche humbar / where they myght hym fynde / And so it befell that this humbar was besides a water that was [...] gre te riuer with his folk / hym for to disporte / and tho come Lotryn and camber his broder with al hir folke sodaynly / er that ony of that other wyst / And whan humbar saw hem come he was sore adrad / for as moche as his men wist it not / & also they were vn armed / and Anone humbar for drede lepte in to the water / and drenchyd hym self. and so dyed he / and his men were alle slayne that none of hem escaped / and therfor is that water callyd hum bar / and euermore shal be callyd thus for enchesen that kynge humbar was theryn drenchyd /
And after that Lotryne wente to his shippes / and toke there gold and syluer. and as moche as he fand vnto hym self / and alle that other pilfre / he yaf vnto other folke of the hoost / & they foū den in one of the shippes a fair damisel that was kyng humbers doughter / and was callyd estrylde / And whan Lotryne saw hyr he toke hir with hym for hyr fayrenesse / & for her was ouertakē with loue / & wold haue wedded her / Thise tydynges come to Coryn / anone he thought to auenge him vpon lotryne / For as moch as Lotryne had made couenaūt for to spousen Corines dough [...]r that was callyd guentolen / And Corin in hast went to hym vnto the newe Troye / and thus said to Lotryne / now certeo quod he ye rewarde me full euyll / for al the paynes that I suffryd and haue hadde many tymes for Brute youre fader / and therfor I wyll now anenge me vpon yow / & drowe his fauchon an hyg [...] and wolde haue slayne Lotryne / but the damisell went bytwene hem / & made hem acorded in this maner. that Lotryne shold spou se guentolen that was Corynes doughter / And so Lotryne dyd And netheles that he had spoused Guentolen Corynes doughter preuelych he come to Estryld / and brought hyr with child & gate on hir a doughter that was callyd Abren / Hit befelle anone after that Corin dyed / and anone as he was dede Lotryne forsoke guentolen his wif / & made estrylde quene / And Guento len wente thens al in wrath in to Cornewayll and seysed al the [Page] londe in to hyr honde / for as moche as she was hir faders heyr / & vnderfong feaulte & homages of al the men of the lond / and after assembled a grete hoost and a grete power for to ben vpon Lotryne auengyd that was hir lord / & to hym come / & yafe hym a strong batail / & ther was lotryne slayne / & his men discomfyted the / v [...]yere of his regne / Guentolen lete take estrild & Abram hir doughter / & bynde bothe hondes & feete and caste hem in to water And so they were drenchyd / wherfore that water was euermore callyd after abram after the name of the damysel that was estril dys doughter. and englyssh men callith that water Seuerne and walsshmen calle it abram in to this day / And whan this was done Guentolen lete crowne her quene of that londe / and gouerned the land ful wel & wysely vnto the tyme that madan hyr sone that lotryne had begete vpon hir were of xx wynter age that he myght be kyng / so that the quene regned xv yere / & tho lete she croune hyr sone / & he regned & gouerned the land wel & honourably & she wēt in to cornewayl. & ther she duellid al hir lifs time
Of kyng Madan how he regned in pees al his life / and of menprys and of Mawlyn his sones / And how Menprys slowe maulyn his broder / & how wolues drow him al to pyeces / Ca / vj
WHan Madan had regned xxx yere / he dyed / & lyeth buryed in newe troye / & he had two sones / that one me callyd menprys / & that other maulyn. & these two bretheren after hir faders deth stryuen fast for the lande / and Menprys for encheson that he was the eldest sone wolde haue had al that lond / & maulyn wold not suffre hym / so that they token a daye of loue & acorde / And at this day menprys lete quelle his broder thurgh treson & hym self afterward helde the londe / & anone lete crowne hym kyng / & reg ned / & after bycame so lither a man / that he destroyed in a whyle all the men of his londe / & atte laste he bycame so wykked and so lecherous / that he forsoke his owne wif / & vsed the synne of sodo mye / wherfore almyghty god was wroth / & vpon hym toke vengeaūce. For on a day as he went in a wode a huntyng / he lost his folke / & went al one vp & doune cryeng after his men. and there come wolues / & al to drow hym in to pyeces / whan he had regned xxiiij yere. And whan his peple wist / that he was dede / they ma de Ioye ynowe / And anone made ebranc his sone kyng / and regned with moche honoure /
Of kyng Ebranc how he conquerd Fraunce. and bygate. xx soues / and xxiij doughters /
[Page] THis Ebranc regned [...]x yere / and a strong man was and a myghty / And this ebranc thurgh his myghte & help of his bretons conquerd al Fraūce / and wan ther so moche gold and filuer / that whan he come ageyne in to his lande. he made a noble cite / & after his name lete calle it ebranc / that is called euerwik And this kyng made the castel of maydenes / that now is callid Edenburgh / This kyng had xx / sones / & xxiij doughters. by dy uerse wymmen goten / & the sones were callid / as ye shal here / brute grenescheld / Margand / Seisel / Morghwith / Flengham / Bladud / Iakyn / Kymbar / Rocelyn / Spadoch / Godeherl / Thormnan Eldaugh / Iozkangut / Haibor ketin / Rother kater / and assaruth And the doughters highten. as ye shal here after / Elegyne. ymogen / Oghdas / Guenbran gnardych. Angarel guenthold / Tangus tel / Gorgon / Myckel / medhan / maylour. Ondur / Cambredan. Ragan / Renthely / Neest / Cheghan / Skaldud / Gladꝰ / Herberhin / abalage / & Blandan / & these were tho xxiij doughters / & the bretheren bycame good knyghtes / and worthy in many Countrees /
Of the kyng Brute grenesheld the fyrst sone of Ebranc the kynge / Capitulo / 8
AFter the deth of kyng ebranc / regned Brute grenesheld his sone xxx yere / that was Ebranks first sone / that wel & nobly regned / And whan tyme came / he dyed / And lyeth at york /
Of kyng leyl / Capitulo / ix
ANd whan Brute grenesheld was dede / regned his sone [...] xxij yere / & he made a fair toune / & lete calle it Carlylle after his name / & was a worthy man / & moche byloued of his peple And whan he had regned xxij. yere he dyed / & lyeth at Caerlyll And in his tyme regned kynge Salamon in I [...]in / & made the noble temple / and to hym come Sibelle / quene of Saba for to here and see yf It were soth / that men spekyn of the grete & noble wit and wisedome of king Salamon / & she fonde it soth that men had hyr tolde /
Of kyng lud ludybras / that was kyng leyles sone / Ca / x
ANd after this kyng leyl regned / his sone lud ludibras that made the cyte of Caūterbury. and of wynchestre / & he regned xxiij yere / and dyed / & lyeth at wynchestre /
Of kyng Bladud / that was ludibras sone how he regned / & was a good man / and a nygromancer / Ca / xj /
ANd after this. lud ludibras regned bladud his sone a grete nygromancer / and thurgh his craft of nygromancye he made [Page] the merueyllo [...] hote bath / as the geste tellyth. & he regned xxj ye re / And he lyeth at newe Troye /
Of kynge leyr / and of the answer of his yongest doughter that graciously was maryed to the kyng of Fraunce / Ca / xij /
AFter this kyng bladud regned leyr his sone / and thys leyr made the toune of leycestre / and lete calle the toune after his name / & he gouerned the toune wel & nobly / This kyng leyr had thre doughters. the fyrst was callyd gonoryll. the second Rygan / & the thyrd cordeyl / and the yongest doughter was fayrest / & best of condicions / The kyng hyr fadre bycame an old man & wold that his doughters were maryed / er that he deyde / but first he thought to assay / which of hem loned hym moost / & best / for she that loued hym best / shold best ben maryed / & he axed of the first doughter / how moche she him loued. & she answerd and seid better than hir own lyf / now certes quod the fader that is a grete loue Tho axed he of the second doughter / how moch she him louid / & she said more & passyng al the creatures of the world / per ma foy qd the fadre / I may no more axe / & tho axed he of the third doughter / how moche she hym loued / certes fadre quod she. my sustres ha ue told you glosyng wordes. but forsoth I shal telle trouth / for I loue yow as moche / as I ought to loue my fadre / & for to bung yow more in certayn how I loue yow / I shal yow telle. as moch as ye ben worthe / so moche shal ye be loued / The kyng hyr fadre wente that she had scorned him / & become wonder wroth & swore / by beuen & erth she shold neuer haue good of him / but his douhtres that loned hym so moche / shold ben wel auaunced / & maryed / And the fyrst doughter he maryed to maugles kyng of scotland / and the second he maryed to hauemos erle of cornewaylle and so they ordeyned & spake bytwene hem that they shold departe the royame bytwene hem twoo after the deth of kyng leyr hyr fadre / so that Cordeill his yongest doughter shold no thyng haue of his land / but this Cordeyl was wonder fayr / and of so good [...] condycyons and maners / that the kyng of Fraunce agampe herd of hyr speke. and sente to the kyng leyr hir fadre for to haue hyr vnto his wif / & prayd hym therof / and kyng leyr hyr fader sent hym word that he had departed the lond vnto his two doughters and sayd he hadde noo more land wherwith her to maryen / And whan agampe herd this ansner he sent anon ageyne to leir [Page] and said that he axed no thyng with hyr / but only her / clothyng and hyr body / & anon kyng leyr sente hyr ouer the see to the kyng of feaunce / And he resseyued hir with moche worship / and with moche solempnyte hir spoused / and made hyr quene of Fraunce / How kynge leyr was dryuen out of his lande thurgh his folye / and how Cordeyll his yongest doughter halp hym in his nede /
Capitulo xiij
THus it fell afterward that tho ij eldest doughtre [...] wolde not abide till leyr hir fadre was deede / but werryd vpon hym / whiles that he lyued. & moche sorow and shame hym dyd / wherfor they bynome hym holy the royalme / & bytwene hem ordeyned that one of hem shold haue kyng leyr to foiourne al hys lyf tyme with xl knyghtes and Squyers that he myght worshipfully gone and ryde whyder that he wold in to what countrey that him liked to play and to solace. So that managles kyng of Scotlond had kynge leyr with hym in the maner / as is aboue sayd / and or other half yere were passyd / Corneill that was his eldest dough ter and qnone of scotland was so annoyed of hym and of hys people / that anon she and hir lorde spake to geder / wherfore hys knyghtes half & his squyers from hym were gone. & no [...]o leste but only / xxx / & whan this was doone / leyr bygan for to make moche sorow for encheson that his estate was empeyred / and men had of hym more scorne & despite / than euer they had bifore / wher for he nyst what for to done / and atte last thought that he welde wende in to Cornewayll to Rygan his other doughter / and when he was come / the erle and his wyf that was leyres doughter hym welcomed / & with hym made moche ioye. & ther he duellid with xxx knyghtes and squyers / And he [...]ad nought duellid ther scar sely xij monethes that his doughter of hym nas full & of his cō panye / & hir lord / & she of him had scorne and despyte. so that from xxx knyghtes they broughten vnto x / and afterward fyue / and so ther left with hym no mo / Tho made he sorow ynough & sayd sore wepyng / Alas that euer he come in to that londe / and sayde / yet had me better to haue duellyd with my fyrst doughter / And anon went thens to his first doughter / but anone as she saw him come she swore by god and his holy names / and by as [...] as she myght that he shold haue no mo with hym but one knyght yf he wold ther abide. Tho began leir ageyne to wepe / & made moch sorow & said tho / allas now to long haue I liued that this sorow and meschyef is to me now falle / for now am I pourer that som [Page] tyme was ryche / but now haue I no frende ne styn that me wylle do ony good / But whan I was ryche al men me honoured and worshipped / and now euery man hath of me scorne and despyde / And now I wote wel that Cordeyll my yongest doughter sayd trouth whan she sayd as moche as I had so moche shold I be by loued / and alle the while that I hadde good. tho was I byloued and honoured for my richesse, but my two doughters glosed me tho / & now of me they sette lytel prys and soth tolde me Cordeyll / but I wold not byleue it / ne vnderstonde / & therfor I lete hir gone fro me / as a thyng that I sette lytel prys of, & now wo be I neuer what for to done / syth my ij doughters haue me thus deceyued / that I soo moche loued. & now mote I nedes sechen hyr that is in another land that lyghtly I lete hir gone fro me with out ony reward or yefors / & she said that she louid me as moch as she ought to loue hir fader by al manere of reson / & tho I sholde haue ayed of hir no more / and tho that me other wyse behyghte [...] thurgh hyr fals speche now me haue deceiued. In this maner leir long tyme began to make his mone, & atte last he shope hym to the see / & passed ouer in to Fraunce / & asked & aspyed wher the quene myght be founden / and men told hym wher she was / And whan he come to the cyte that she was in / preuelyche he sende his squyer vnto the quene to telle hir that hir fader was comen to hyr for grete nedes / & whan the squyer was comen to the qnene / he tolde hir euery dele of hir sustres from the begynnyng vnto thende / Cordeyl the quene anon toke gold and syluer plente. & toke it to the squyer in coūceill that he shold gone & bere it vuto hir fadre & that he shold go in to a certayne Cyte / & hym arayen laten & wasshen. & than come ageyne to hyr / and bringe with hym an honest company of knyghtes xl atte lest with her meyne / & than he shol de sende to hir lord the kyng / & sayn that he were come for to speke with his doughter and hym for to seen / & so he dyd, & whan the kynge and the quene herde that they comen with moche honour / they hym resseyned. And the kyng of fraūce tho lete sende thurgh all his royame and cōmaunded that al men shold bee entendant to kynge leyr the quenes fadre in al mauer of thyng as it were to hym self / whan kyng leyr had duellyd there a monethe & more / he tolde to the kynge and to the quene his doughter / how his ij eldest doughters had hym serued / agampe anon lete ordeyne a grete hoost of fraūce. and sent it in to britayne with leyr the que nes fadre for to cōquer his land ageyne & his kyngdom / & cordeil [Page] also come with her fader in to Brytayne for to haue the royame after hir faders deth / And anone they went to ship, & passed the see and come in to Britayne / & foughten with the felons / & hem scomfyted & slewe / And tho had he his land ayene / & after leued iij yere / and helde his royalme in pees and afterward deyde and cordeyl his doughter him lete entier with mykel honour at leycetre
How morgan and Conedage that were neueus to Cordeyll werred vpon hir / and put hir in to prison / Ca / xiiij /
WHan that kyng leyr was dede / cordeyl his yongest doughter helde and had the land v yere / & in the mene tyme died hir lord agamp, that was kyng of Fraunce / & after his deth she left wydue / & tho cam morgan, & conedage / that were Cordeyl sustres sones / & to hir she had enemyte for as moche as theyr aūte sholde haue the land / so that bytwene hem they ordeyued a grete power and vppon hir werryd gretely / and neuer they rest tyl they had hyr taken & put hir vnto deth / and tho morgan and Conedage seised al the land / & departed it bitwene hem, & they helde it / xij yere And whan tho xij yere were goon ther bygan bytwene hem a gre te debate / so that they werryd strongly y fere / & euery of hem did other moche dysese / For morgan wold haue had al the lande fro beyonde humbar, that conedage helde / But he come ageynst hym with a strong power / so that morgan durste not abide / but fled awey in to wales / and conedage pursued hym, & toke hym / & slewe hym / Tho come conedage ageyne / and seysed al the land in to hys hande / and helde it / and regned after xxxiij yere / and tho dyed / & lyeth at newe Troye /
How Reynold that was Conedages sone regned after hys fadre / And in his tyme it rayned blode iij dayes in tokenynge of grete deth / Ca. xv
ANd after this Conedage regned Reynold his sone a wyse knyght / & an hardy & curteis that wel & nobley gouerned the land. & wonder wel made hym beloued of al maner of folk & in his tyme it rayned bloode, that lasted iij dayes as god wold / & sone after ther come grete deth of peple / for hoostes without nombre of peple foughten til they were dede / wherof no man might haue ne lette, til that almyghty god therof toke mercy and pyte and tho gan it cese & this reinold regned xxij yer & died & lieth at york
How Gorbodyan regned in pees that was Reynolds sone / & after he died & lyeth at york / ca xvi
AFter this reynold regned Gorbodyan his sone, xv yere / & dyed & lyeth at yorke /
How Gorbodyan had ij sones / & how that one slew that other for to haue the herytage, & how ydoyne hir moder slewe that other. wherfor the lande was destroyed, Ca / xvij
WHan this gorbodyan was deede his ij sones that he had / becomen stoute & proude and euer werryd to geder for the londe / that one was callyd ferres and that other porres / and this fer res wold haue al the land. but that other wold not suffre hym Ferres had a felons hert and thought thurgh treson to sle his bro der / but preuely he went in to fraūce and ther abode with the king Siward til vpon a tyme whan he come ageyne and fought with his broder porres / but ful euyl it happed tho / for he was slayne first / whan ydoyne hyr moder wist that porres was dede / she made grete sorow for encheson that she louid him more than that other & thought hym for to slee priuely. & prinely she come to hyr sone vpon a nyght with two knyues / & therwith cutte his throte / and the body also in to smal pyeces / who herd / euer such a cursid modre that slewe with her owne hondes hir owne sone / & long tyme after laste the reproue & shame to the moder that for encheson of that one sone murdryd that other / & so lost hem bothe
How foure kynges curtoysly helde al britayne / and whiche ben hir names. Ca / xviij /
WHan the two bretheren were so dede they nad left behind hem nether sonne ne doughter / ne none other of the kynred that myght haue the herytage / & for as moche as the strengest men dri nen and scomfited the feblest / and token al hyr londes / so that in euery coūtrey they had grete warre & strife vnder hem but among all other thynges ther were amonges hem in the coūtre that ouer come al tho other / and thurgh her strength & myght they token all the landes / & euery of hem toke a certayne countre / & in hys countre lete calle hym kyng & one of hem was callyd scater / and he was kyng of scotland / & that other was callyd dawallyere / & he was kynge of loegers and of al the lande that was lotrinus / that was bru [...]es sone / the third was callid rudac / & he was kyng of walys / & the iiij was callyd Cloten, & he was kyng of cornewaylle / but this Cloten sholde haue had al the lond by reson / for there was noo man that wiste none so rightful heyr as he was but they that were strēgest set litel by hem that were of lasse esta te & therfor this cloten had nomore lād amōg hem than cornewail
Of kyng donebaud that was clotes sone / & how he had wōne the lande Ca / xix
[Page] THis Cloten had a sone that was caylld donebaud that after the deth of his fadre become an hardy man & a fair & [...]r to ys / so that he passed althe kynges of britayne of fayrenesse & of worthynes / And anon as he was knyght, he wyst wel. whan that his fadre lyued / he was moost ryghtful heyr of all the lond & shold haue had by reson / but other kynges that were of more strengthe than he bynome hym his londe / & afterward this donebaud ordeyned hym power, & first he conquerd al the land of logi ers / & after he wolde haue conquerd al scotland / & walys & scater came with his men and yaf hym batayll / and rudac come ageyne with his walshmen for to helpe hym / But so it be fell that rudac was slayn and scater also in playn batayll. & so donebaud had the vyctorye, & conquerd al the londe / and wel mayntened it in pees & in quyete that neuer before it was so wel mayntened,
How donebaud was fyrste kynge that euer wered crowne of gold in Brytayne, Ca / xx.
THis donebaud lete make him a croune of gold, and wered the croune vpon his hede as neuer kyng dyd byfore / & he or deyned a statute that had a man done neuer so moche harme / & he myght come in to the temple. shold no man hym mysdo, but goon therm sauf & in pees / & after goon in to what coūtre that he wold without ony harme, & yf ony man sette ony hand vpon hym [...]e than shold lese his lyfe / And this donebaud made the toune of malmesbury / & the toune of the vise / And whan he had regned wel & worthely xl yere he dyed and lyeth at newe Troye /
How Brenne & belyn departed bytwene hem the land after the deth of donebaud hir fadre / and of the werre / Ca xxj
ANd after that this donebaud was dede his sones that he had departed the lande bitwene hem as hir fadre had ordeyned so that belyn his eldest sonne hadde al the lond of britayne on this half humber / & his broder brenne had al the londe from humber vnto scotland / but for as moch that belyn had the better parte / brenne therfor wax wroth & wold had more of the land. & belyn his broder wold graūte hym no more / wherfor contak & werre aroos bytwene hem two, but brenne the yonger broder badde noo myght ne strength ageynst belyn / & therfor brenne thurgh coūce [...]l of his folk wēt fro thēs in to norwey to the kyng olsynges & pra id hym of helpe & socour for to cōquer al the lōde vpon belyn his broder vpon that couenaūt that he wold haue his doughter to wif & the king olsinges him graūted / belin anō as his broder was go [Page] to norwey he seysed in to his hand al the lond of northumberlond and toke al the castels / & lete hem araye & kepe the costes of the see that brenne shold not arryue in no syde / but that he were take / The kyng olfynges lete assemble a grete hoost & delyuerd his doughter to Brenne and al the peple that he had ordeyned / & this danusel samye had long tyme loued a kyng that was callyd gut laghen / & to hym she told al hyr counseyl / how that brenne sholde hir haue & hir lede with hym for euermore. & so he shold lese hir but that she myght forsake Brenne / and whan gutlach had herd this tidyng / he lay for to aspye brenne with as many shippes as he myght haue / so that the two fletes metten to gyder & long time foughten / so that brenne & his shippes turned ayene & were discō fited / & kyng gutlach toke samye / & put hir in to his shippe / and brenne shamefully fled thens / as a man discomfyted / And gutlagh wold haue went in to his owne coūtre / but ther come vpon hym a grete tēpest / that v dayes lastid / so that thurgh that tēpest he was driuen in to britayn with. iij, shippes & no moo / & tho that kepte the costes of the see token gutlach & samye / & al his folk & hem presented to belyn / and belyn put hem in to pryson /
How Belyn droof oute of this land kyng gutlach of den marke & Samyee Ca, xxij
HIt was not long after / that brenne ne come ageyne with a greete nauye / & sente to his broder belyn / that he shold yelde ayene his land his wif and his folk / and his castels also / or elles he wold destroye his lande / Belyn drad no thyng his manace / and wold no thyng done after that he said / wherfore brenne come with his folk / & fought with belyn / & brenne was discomfyted & his folk slayne / & hym self fledde with xij men in to Fraūce / and this belyn that was brennes broder went tho to york and toke coūseyl what he myght done with kyng gutlach / For kynge gutlach profered to become his man & to holde his lande of him yeldyng by yere a thousand pound of siluer for euermore / & for sykernes of this couenaunt to behold / gutlagh shold brynge hym good hostages / & to him shold done homage and al hys folke. and yet shold swere vpon the book that these couenauntes shol de neuer be broke ne falsed / Belyn tho by connseylle of his folke graunted hym his axynge / And so gutlagh bycome his man & Belyng vnderfenge of hym his homage by oth and by writing [Page] the same couenants / And vpon these couenaunts kyng gutlagh toke samye & his folk / & went thens & torned ageyn to denmarc Euermore after were the couenauūtes holden, & the truage payed til the tyme that hones [...]s was kynge of denmark, & also of thys lande thurgh his wif gyldeburgh / that she had spoused / for she was the ryght heyr of this lande / This belyn duellyd tho in pees & worshipfully hym helde among his barons / & he made iiij real weyes / one from the eest in to west / and that was called watling strete / & another from the north vnto the south that was called Ikelmestrete / & two other weyes he made in bossyng thurghout the land. that one is callyd fosse, & that other fossedyke, and be mayntened wel the good lawes / that Donebaud his fadre had made and ordeyned in his tyme / as byfore is sayd /
How acord was made bytwene brenne and belyn thurgh cor newen hir moder / Ca / xxiij
BRenne that was belynus brother had long tyme duellyd in fraunce. & ther had conquerd a grete lordship thurgh ma ryage / For he was duk of burgoyne thurgh the doughter of the duke Fewyn that he hadde spoused / that was right heyr of the lande / & this brenne ordeyned a grete poure of his folke and also of Fraunce / and come in to this land for to fyght with belyn his broder and belyn come ayenst him with a grete power of Bretōs & wold tho haue yenen hym batayll / but hir moder Cornewen, that tho lyued had herd that that one broder wold haue destroyed that other / & went bytwene hyr sonnes and hem made acorded with moche payne. So at the laste tho two bretheren with myche blysse wente to geder in to grete Troye / that now is called london and ther they duellyd a yere / and after they toke hir counseyl for to gone conquere alle fraunce. & so they dyden, and brent tounes & destroyed the land both in lengthe & brede, & the kyng of fraūce yaf hem bataill with his power but he was ouercome & yaf trua ge vnto belyn / & to his broder / And after that they wenten forth to Rome / & conquerd rome & al lumbardye, & germanye / & toke homage & feaulte of Erles, bawns / & of al other / & after they come in to this lande of britayne, & duellyd with her britons in Ioye and rest, and tho made brenne the toune of bristow. and sith he went ouer to his owne lordship, & ther duellyd he all his lyfe and belyn duellyd at newe Troye / and ther he made a fayr gat [...] that is callid belingesgate after his own name, & whan this belin [Page] had regned nobly xj yere he dyed & lyeth at [...] newe T [...]oye /
How kyng Cormbatu [...]s slewe the kyng of denmark for enche son that he wold not pay hym his truage / Ca / xxiiij
ANd after thye belyn / regned his sonne cormbatrus a good man & a worthy. & the kynge of denmarke wolde not paye hym his truage. that is to saye a / m / pounde / as he had sworn by othe for to paye it / &. also by writing recorded to belyn his fader / wher for he was euyll payd & wroth & assembled a grete hoost of britons & wēt in to denmark & slowe the kyng gutlach / & brought the land in subiection al newe. & toke of folk feautes & homages & after wente ageyne in to his land / and as he come forth by orkeney he fonde / xxx / shippes ful of men & women besides the coste of the see / & the kynge axed / what they were / An erle that was mayster of hem al curtoysly ansuerd vnto the kyng & said that they were exyled oute of spayne / & soo that they had trauaylled half a yere & more in the see to wy [...]n / yf they myghte fynde ony kynge in ony land / that of hem wold haue pyte or mercy to yeue hem ony land in ony coūtre. wherin they myghten duelle & haue rest / & become his lyege men / & to hym wold do homage & feaul [...] whiles that he lyued / and to his heyres after hym / & of hys heyres holden that land / & whan the kyng this herde / he had pyte of hem / and yaf hem an yle al wyldernes / ther that no man was duellynge sauf only wylde beestes / and therle thanked moche the kyng & become his man / & did hym homage & feaulte / & toke al his folke and wente in to the same yle / & the erle was callid Irlamal / & therfor he lete calle that lond Irlond after his own name / The kyng Cormbatrus come ageyne in to this land / & reg ned xxv yere / and after he dyed & lyeth at newe Troye /
How the kyng guentholen regned in goodnesse & wel gouer ned the land al his lyfes tyme / Ca / xxv /
ANd whan Cormbatrus was dede regned guentolen his sone a man of good condicions & wel beloued / & he gouerned the land wel & wisely / & he regned xxvj yere / & after dyed / & lyeth at newe Troye /
How kyng seysel regned and wel gouerned the land after Guentolen / Ca / xxvj /
ANd after this Guentolen regned his sone S [...]ysel wel and worthely / & wel gouerned the land / as his fadre had done beforne hym / and he regned xv yere / and dyed / & lyeth at newe Troye /
How kymor r [...]gned after seisel his fadre / & he bygate howan that regued after. Ca / xxvij
ANd after seysel regned his sone kymor wel & nobly. xiy / yere in pees / & howan his sone x yere / and dyed / & lyeth at Ikaldoune /
How kyng morwith dyed thurgh meschaunce thurgh a beste for his wickednesse Ca / xxviij
AFter this Howan / regned morwith & become wykked & so sterne til at the last grete vengeaunce come to hym / for as he went vpon a tyme by the see syde / he mette a greete beeste that was blak and horryble & hydous & he went that it had be a whale of the see & bent an arblast & wold haue slain that best with a [...] rell. but he myght not smyte hym / and whan he had shot al his quarells / the beest anon come to hym in a grete hast / & hym [...] ured a lyfe / and so he dyed for his wykkednesse thurgh [...] of god after that he had regned nyne yere /
Of Grandobodyan that was morwiths sonne that made [...] toune of Cambrydge / Ca / xx [...] /
AFter this morwith was dede the britons crouned grād [...]dy an his sone. & this grandobodyan long tyme regned in g [...] nes. & made temples and townes / & this grandobodyan made [...] toune of cambrydge / & the toune of granthā / & was wel [...]oued of riche & poure / for he honoured the riche▪ & helpe the poure / this grandobodyan had iiij sones / Arthogayl / besidur / higam [...] & [...] titur / & whan he had regned xj yere he dyed / & lieth at newe [...]
Of Artogaill. that was grandobodyanus sone how he was [...]a de kyng & syth put a doune / for his wykkednesse / Ca / [...]
AFter Grandobodyan regned hi [...] sone artogayll v yere / and he bycome so wykked and so sterne / that the b [...]ns wold not suffre hym to be kyng / but put hym a doune / and made Hesydur his broder kyng. & he bycome so good & mer [...]able / that men hym callid kyng of pyte / And whan he had regned v yere / he had so grete pite of his broder artogayll / that was kyng byfore / & anon he forsoke his dignyte. and toke his broder the crowne a [...]ne & made hym kyng ageynst al the briton [...] wyl / & afterward artogayll become so good of condicion. that he was wel byloued of all the lo [...]de / for he become so debonayr & free / & dyd right & [...]son to al maner of men / & he regned vj yere & died & lyeth at g [...]nthā
How Hesidur was made kyng after the deth of Artogayll his brother Ca / xxxj
[Page] AFter the deth of Artogayll the britons crouned an other ti me Hesidur▪ but his two bretheren higamꝰ & petitur haddē of hym grete despite / and eke scorne & ordeyned hem helpe for to werre vpon the kyng hyr broder. and so they token hym and put hym in to prison the second yere of his regne / and they departed al britayne bitwene hem both / but higamꝰ lyued but seuen yere / and tho had petitur al the londe / and he made the toune of pykeryng
How the britons nomen hesydur oute of prison and made hym kyng the thyrd tyme / Ca / xxxij.
ANd whan this petitur was dede britons toke anon yet hesy dur / and made him kyng the third tyme / and tho regned he [...] pees xiiij yere / and after he dyed and lyeth at Carleyll /
How xxxiij kynges regned in pees eche after other after the deth of hesydur. Ca xxxiij
AFter the deth of hesidur regned xxxiij kynges euery after other in pees / & without ony long wryeng. I shal telle hem all and how long eche of h [...]m regned / as the storye tellith / the first kyng of tho xxxiij was callyd gerbodya / and he regned xij yere / and after hym regned morgā ij yere / and after hym regned cighnns vj yere / and after hym regned Idwalan viij yere / and after hym regned rohugo xj yere / and after hym regned wghen xiij yere / and after hym regned catil xv yere / and after him regned por [...] ij yere / and after him regned cheryn xvij yere / and after him regned coyll xij yere▪ and after him regned sulgenis xiiij yere / and after hym regned [...] xx yere / and after hym regned andragye xviij yere / and after hym regned vrian v yere / and after him reg ned e [...]ud ij yere / and after hym regned eldagan xv yere / and af ter hym regned claten xij yere / and after hym regned Quyrgūde viij yere / and after him regned mortan vj yere / and after him reg ned ble [...]ch iij yere / and after hym regned caph one yere / and af ter hym regned Gen ij yere / and after hym regned seysel & kyng bled xxij yere / and kyng tabreth xj yere / and archiual xiiij yere / and grol xxx yere / and Rodingu xxxij yere / and hertir v yere / and hampir vj yere / & carpour vij yere / and digneyll iij yere / and samuel xxiiij yere / and [...]de two yere / and ely vij [...]monethes / and this ely had thre sones / lud cassibalan and enemyon /
How lud was made kyng after the deth of ely his fadre / Capitulo xxxiiij
AFter the deth of h [...]ly regned lud his sone and gouerned wel the lande & moch honoured good folk & tēpred & amēded [Page] wikked folk / This lud loued more to duelle at troye / than in ony other place of the lande▪ wherfor the name of newe troye was left and tho was the cyte called ludstone. but the name is chaūgid thurgh [...]aūce of lrēz & now is called london / & this kyng ma de in the cyte a fayr gate / & callyd it ludgate after his name and the folke of the Cyte hete it loūdres / & whan he had regned xj ye re / he deyde / & lyeth at london / & had two yong sones Andragen & Tormace / but they coude nether speke ne go for yongth / & therfor the britons crouned a strong knyght that was callyd cassibelan that was lud des broder / and made hym kyng of britayne /
How the britons graūted to cassibalan that was ludes brother the land in whos tyme In [...]us cesar come twyes for to [...]nquere the land / Ca xxxv
AFter the deth of kyng lud regned his broder cassibalan. & become a good man & moche byloued of his britons / so that for his goodnes & curtosye they graūted him the royame for euer more to hym & to his heyres. & the kynge of his goodnes [...] norissh worthely both sones / that were lud his broders & after made the eldest sone erle of cornewayle▪ & that other erle of london▪ and while this kyng cassibalan regned come Inlius cesar that was emperour of rome in to this land with a power of romayns and wolde haue had this land thurgh strength / but cassibalā ouercome him in batail thurgh helpe of britons & drofe hym out of his land / & he wēt ayene to rome / & assembled a grete power another tyme / & come ayene in to this land for to yeue batayll to cassiba lā / but he was scōfited thurgh strength of the britons / & thurgh helpe of the erle of cornewayll & therle of london his broder and thurgh help of gudian kyng of scotland & corban kyng of north walys & of bretaill kyng of southwales / & in this ba [...]ile was slayn nennon / that was cassibelās broder / wherfor he made moch sorow / & so went Iulius cesar oute of this land with a fewe of romayns that were lefte alyue / And tho cassibalā went ageyne to london / & made a fest vnto al his folk that tho had hym ho [...] & whan that fest was done / eche man went in to his owne coūtre
Of the debate that was bytwene cassibalā / & ther [...]e of london and of the truage that was payd to Rome / Ca / xxxvj /
ANd after it befell thus vpon a day that the gentil [...]ē of [...] kynge [...] houshold and gentilmen of the erles housholde of london after meete wente in fere for to playe / and thurgh [Page] debate that a [...]os among hem enelyn that was therles cosyn of london slewe [...]renglas that was the kynges cosyn / wherfore the kynge swore that enelyn shold [...]en honged / but therle of london that was enelinꝰ lord wold not suffre it / wherfor the kyng was wroth toward therle & thought hym to destroye / & p [...]uely therle sente lr [...]s to Iulius cesar that he shold come in to this lande for to helpe hym & hym auenge vpon the kyng & he wold helpe hym with al his myght / And whan themperour herde this tidyng / he was ful gladde / & ordeyned a strong power & come ageyne the third tyme in to this land / and therle of london halp hym with vij m men / & the thyrd tyme was Cassibelan ouercome at discomfyted and made pees to the themperonr for iij m poūde of siluer yeldyng by yere for truage for this land for euermore & half a yere passed / the emperour went to rome / and the Erle of london with hym / for he d [...]rst not abyde in this lond / and after Cassiba lan regned xvij yere in pees / & tho he dyed the xvij yere of hy [...] regne / and lyeth at york /
How lordes of the land after the deth of Cassibalan for encheson that he had none heyr / made Andragen kyng / Ca / xxxvij
AFter the deth of cassibalan for as moche as he had none heyr of his body / the lordes of the lande by comyn assent crouned Andragen erle of Cornewayle / & made hym kyng / & he regned wel & worthely / & he was a good man / & wel gouerned the land / & whan he had regned viij yere he dyed & lyeth at london /
Of kymbalyn that was Andragenys sone a good man and wel gouerned the lande / Ca / xxxviij
AFter the deth of Andragen regned kymbalyn his sone that was a good man & wel gouerned the lande in moche prosperyte & pees al his lifes tyme / and in his tyme was born I [...]u cr [...]st our sauyour of that swete vyrgyn marye / This kyng kym [...]lyn had ij sones guyder / & armoger good knyghtes & worthy And whan this kyng kymbalyn had regned xxij yere / he dyed and lyeth at london /
Of kyng guyder that was kymbelynus sone wold not pay the [...]age to rome for the lande that cassibalan had graunted / & how he was slayne of a Romayn. Ca / xxxix
AAnd after the deth of this kymbalyn regned guyder his so ne a good man & a worthy / & he was of so hig [...]e hert that he wolde not paye to Rome that t [...]age that kyng Cassybalan hadde graunted vnto Inlius cesar / wherfore the Emperour that [Page] was tho that was callyd claudius c [...]sar was sore annoyed. & ordeyned a grete power of Romayns / & come in to this land for to conquere the truage thurgh strength and haue it of the kyng But the kynge guyder and Armager his broder gadred a gre [...] hoost y [...]ere of britons / and yaf bataill to themperour claudius / and slewe of Romayns grete plente / Thempero [...]r had afterward one that was callyd hamon that sawe that hir people were faste slayne / preue [...]ych he cast awey his owne armes / and toke the armes of a dede briton / and armed hym with his armure▪ and come in to the bataylle to the kyng and said in this maner / Syr [...] ye good of hert for goddes loue for the romayns that ben your enemyes anon shul be slayn and discomfyted euerychone / & the king yafe no kepe ne reward to his speche for encheson of the armes that he had vpon hym / & went that it had ben a briton / but the traytour euer helde hym next the kynge / and preuelych vnder the shulders of his armes he smote the kyng / wherfor he was dede & felle doune to the erth / whan armager saw his br [...]der dede / he cast away his armes / and toke to hym his broders armes / & come in to the batail among the britons / and had hem hertely for to fyght and fast ley a doune the Romayns / and for the armes they wen de it had be kyng guyder / that erst was slayne that they wist not Thēne gōne the britons hertely fight & sl [...]w the romains so at the last thēperour forsoke the felde / & fled as fast as he myght with his folk in to the cyte of wyn [...]stre / and the fals traytour hamon that had slayn the kyng fast anon gan for to flee with al the hast that he myght / And Armager [...]he kynges broder pursued hym full fyersly with a fyers hert and droof hym vnto a water / and ther he toke hym. and anone smote of both hond hede & feete / and hew [...] the bodye al to pyeces. and tho cast hym in to the water / wherfor that water was callyd hamons hauen and afterward ther was made a fayr toune that yet standeth that is callid southampton / and afterward armager went to wynchestre for to seke claudius cesar the emperour / & there armager hym toke / & claudi us the emperour. thurgh coūseyll of his romayns / that with him were lefte alyue made pees with armager in this manere as ye shul here. that is to say / how that claudius themperour shold yeue to armager gennen his fair doughter for to haue to wif / soo that this lād f [...]o that tyme afterward shold be in t [...]ēperours power of rome vpon suche couenaūt that neuer af [...]ward none empero [...]r of rome shold take none other tr [...]ge of this land / but only fea [...] [Page] & so they were acorded / And vpon this couenaunt claudius cesar sent to rome for his doughter gennen / & whan she was come clau dyus cesar yaf hyr to armager to wyf / and armager spoused hir at london with moche solempnyte & myrthe / & tho was armager cronned and made kyng of Brytayne /
Of kyng Armager / in whos tyme saynt peter preched in anty oche with other apostles in dyuerse countreys / Ca / xl /
THis kyng armager regned wel and worthely / & the lande gouerned. & claudius cesar in remembraunce of this acord & for reuerence & honour of his doughter made in this land a fair toune & a fayr castel / & lete calle the toune after his name claucestre / that now is called gloucestre / And whan this was al done themperour toke his leue / & tho went ageyn to rome / & armager tho was kyng & gouerned the land wel & nobly al his lifs tyme And this Armager gote a sonne on his wyfe that was callyd westmer / And whiles that this armager regned seynt peter pre ched in antyoche / & ther he made a noble chirche. in whiche he sate fyrste in his chaier. & ther he duellyd vij yere and after he wente to Rome & was made pope / til that nero the emperour lete hym martren / & tho prechyd openly al the apoostles in diuerse landes the right fayth / And whan Armager had regned xxiiij yere / he dyed / and lyeth at london /
How kyng westmer yaf to Berynger an yland forlet / and ther this berynger made the toune of Berwyk / Ca / xlj /
ANd after this Armager / regned his sonne westmer a good man & a worthy of body & wel gouerned the lande / Hit befell so that tydyng ca in to hym on a day. that the kyng Roderick of gascoyne was come in to his land with a huge nombre of pe ple / and was duellyng in staynesmore / & whan kynge Westmer herde tho tydynges. he leete assemble an huge boost of britons / & come to the kyng roderyk / & yaf him batayll / & kyng westmer slewe roderik with his owne hondes in playn batayll / & whan king roderykes men sawe that hir lord was dede / they yolden hem alle vnto the kyng westmer / & bicomen his men for euermore / & he yaf hem a coūtre that was forleten / wherin they myght duelle / & thyder they went & duellyd ther all hir lyfes tyme / & ix / c / men ther were of hem / & no mo left at that batayll / Hir gouernour & prin ce was callid berynger / and anon he bigan a toun that they myght ther in duell / & haue resorte & lete calle the toun berwyk vp [...]wede & ther they duellyd / and bycame riche / but they had no women [Page] amonges hem / and the Britons wold not yeue hir doughters to the strangers / wherfor they wit ouer see in to Irlond / & brought [...] with hem women / & tho hem they spoused / but the men coude not vnderstande the langage ne the speche of the women. & therfore they spoken to geder as scottes / and afterward thurgh changyng of hyr langages in al feaunce they were callyd tho scottes / and so. shullen that folk of that countrey for euermore /
How kyng westmer lete arere a stone in the entryng of west merlād ther that he slow roderik / and ther he bigan first housyng Capitulo xlij /
ANd after this bataill that is aboue said whan roderik was dede / kyng westmer in remēbraūce of his vyctorye lete are [...] ther besides the wey a grete stone an high / and yet hit stant and euermore shal stande and lete graue in the stone lrēs that thus sa yd / The kynge westmer of britayne slewe in this place Roderick his enemye / and this westmer was the first man that made toun and hous in englond / and at that stone begynneth westmerland that westmer lete calle after his own name / & whan westmer had so done he duellid all his lifes tyme in that countre of westmerlond / for he loued that countre more than ony other coūtre / And whan he hadde regned xxv yere / he dyed and lyeth at Carleylle /
Of kyng Coyl that was westmers sone. that helde his lande in pees his lyfes tyme / Ca / xliij /
AFter this kyng westmer regned his sone Coill a good [...]ā and a worthy and of good condicions and wel gouerued his lād / and of al men he had loue and pees / and in his time was neuer contaek / debate ne werre in britayne / and he regned and was kyng in pees al his lyfes tyme. and whan he had ben kyng xj yere he dyed and lyeth at york /
How kyng lucye regned after coill his fadre / that was a gode man / and after he bycome cristen / Ca / xliiij
AFter kyng Coyll regued lucye his sone that was a good man to god and to al the peple he sent to rome to thapposthe enlenthere that tho was pope. & said that he wold become a cri stē mā / and resseyue the baptisme in the name of god and tourne to the right byleue / eul [...]there sent ij legats that were callyd pagā and elybayn in to this land / and baptised the kyng and al his meyne / and after went fro toune to toune. and baptised the peple til all the lande was baptised. and this was in the C lvj yere af ter thyncarnacion of our lord ihu crist / and this kyng lucye made [Page] tho in this lande ij Archebisshops / one at caūterbury / an other at york / and other many bisshops / that yet be in this lande / & whan these two legats had baptised al that londe / they ordeyned prestes for to baptyse children / & for to make the sacrament / & after they went ageyne to Rome / & the kyng duellyd in his land & regned with moch honour xij yere / and after dyed and lyeth at gloucetre
How this land was long withoute a kyng / and how the bretons chosen a kyng / Ca / xl /
THis kyng lucye had none heyr of his body bigotē that was afterward grete harme & sorow to the land / For after this kyng lucyes deth / none of the grete of the land wold suffre an other to be kyng / but lyued in werre / & in debate amonges hem / L yere without kyng / but it befell afterward that a grete prince come fro Rome in to this land that me callyd Seuerye nought for to werre / but for to saue the right of Rome / but netheles he hadd not duellyd half a yere in this lande that the Britons ne slewe hym whan they of Rome wyst that seuerye was so slayne / they sent another grete lorde in to this land that me callid Allec / that was a strong man and a mighty of body / & duellyd in this lād long tyme / & did moche sorowe to the britons so that after for pure malyce they chosen hem a kynge amonges hem that me callyd astlepades / & assembled a grete hoost of Britons & went to london to seche allec / ther they foūden hym / & slewe hym & all his felaus & one callyd walon defended hym fyersly. and fought long with the britons / but atte last he was discomfyted / & the britons toke him. and bonde handes and feet and cast him in to a water / wher for that watir afterward was callid euermore walbroke. tho reg ned astlepades in quyete till one of his erles that me callyd Coill made a fayre toune ageynste the kynges wyll / and lete calle the toune colchestre after his name / wherfor the king was ful wroth and thought destroye therle / and bygan to werre vpon hym and brought grete power / & yaf batail to therle & therle defended him fyersly with his power / and slowe the kyng hym self in that bataylle / & tho was coill crouned / & made kyng of this lande / This Coyl regned and gouerned the royalme wel and nobley / for he was a noble man & wel byloued amōg the britons / Whan they of Rome herde that astlepodes was slayn they were wonder glad and sente another grete prynce of Romayns that was callyd constance / and become to the kyng coyl for to chalenge the truage / that was woned to be payd to Rome / and the kyng ansuerd well [Page] and wysely / and sayd that he wold paye to Rome all that right & reson wold with good will / And so they acorded tho with good wyl / and without ony contak / and both they duellyd to geders in loue / The kynge Coyll yaf his doughter Eleyn to Constance / for to haue hyr to his spouse / that was both fayr. wyse / and good / & wel lettred / And this Constance spoused hyr ther with moche ho nour / And it befell sone afterward that this kyng Coyll dyed in the xere of his regne xiij / and lyeth at Colchestre entierd /
Of kyng Constance that was a Romayne that was chosen kyng after the deth of Coill. for as moche that he had spoused Ele yn / that was kyng Coyles doughter / Ca / xlvj
AFter this kyng Coyl / Constance was made kyng and crou ned. for as moche that he had spoused kyng Coiles doughter that was heir of the lande / the whiche Constance regned wel and worthely gouerned the lande / and he bygate on his wyf Eleyn a sone that was callyd Constantin / & this kyng bare trewe faith and truly dyd to hem of Rome al his lyfe / and whan he had regned xv yere he dyed / and lyeth at york.
How Constantin that was kyng Constances sone. and the sone of saynt elyn gouerned and ruled the lande. and was Emperour of Rome. Ca / xlvij
AFter kynge Constances deth / Constantyn his sone / and the sone of saynt eleyn that fonde the holy crosse in the holy lond and how Constantyn bycame emperour of Rome / Hit befel so [...] that tyme. ther was an Emperour at Rome a Sarasyn a [...]ūte that was called maxence / that put to deth al that byleued in god & destroyed holy chirche by al his power / & slough all cristen men that he myght fynde / And among al other he lete martre seynt ka terine & many other Cristen peple / that had drede of deth / that fled and come in to this lande to kynge Constantin / and told hym of the sorow that maxence did to Crystente / wher for Constantin had pite and grete sorow. made. and assembled a grete boost / and a gre te power / and went ouer to Rome. and toke the Cyte / and slewe all that theryn were of mysbyleue / that he myght fynde / And tho was he made Emperour / and was a good man / & gouerned hym soo wel / that al landes to hym were attendaunt for to ben vnder his gouernaylle / And this deuyll tirannt maxence that tyme was in the lande of Grece / and herde this tydynge / he [Page] become wode / and sodenlych he died / and so he ended his lif / whan Constantin went fro this land to rome. he toke with him his moder eleyne for the moche wysedom. that she coude / & thre other gre te lordes that he most louid / that one was callid hoel / anothir was called daberne. and the thyrdde morhyn / and toke all his lande to kepe vnto therle of Cornewayle / that was callyd Octauian / And anon as this octauian wyst / that his lord was dwellynge at rome / he seysed all the land in to his hand / and ther with dyd al his will among high & lowe / & they helde hym for kyng whan this tydyng come to Constantyn thēperour / he was wōder wroth toward the erle Octauian / & sent taberne wyth xij M men for to destroye the erle for his falsenes / and arryued at portesmouth / And whan Octauian wyste that / he assemblyd a grete power of britons / and discomfyted Taberne / and Taberne fled thens in to Scotlland / and ordeyned ther a grete power / & come ageyne in to this land another tyme for to yeue bataylle to Octauian / Whan Octaiuan herde telle / that he assemblyd a grete power / & come toward Taberne / as moche as he myght / so that the two hostes metten vpon steynesmore / and strongly smote to geder / & tho was oc taiuan discomfyted and fledde thens in to Norwey / and taberne seysed all the land in to his hand / Townes / castels / as moche / as they ther had / And syth Octauian come ayene fro Norwey with a greete power / and seysed ayene all the land in to his hand / and drofe out all the Romayns / and was tho made kyng and regned
How Maximian that was the Emperours Cosyn of rome spoused octauians doughter & was made kyng / Ca / xlviij /
THis kynge Octauian gouerned the land wel & nobly / but he had none heyr sauf a doughter / that was a yonge chyld that he loued as moche as his lyf / & for as moche that he waxe syke / & was in poynt of deth / & myght no lenger regne / he wolde haue made one of his neueus to haue ben kynge / the whiche was a noble knyght / & a strong man that was callyd conan meridock & he shold haue kept the kynges doughtir & haue maried hir whan tyme had ben / but the lordes of the land nold not suffre it / but yaf hyr counceyll to be maried to some high man of grete honour. and than myght she haue all hir lust / And the counceil of themperour acorded therto / & at this coūseill they acorded & chose tho cador of Cornewaile for to wende to the emperour / & doo this message / [Page] and he toke the wey / and went to Rome / and told the Emperour this tydyng wel and wysely / & the emperour sent in to this land with hym his owne cosyn / that was his vncles sonne a noble knyght and a strong that was callid maxymyan / and he spoused Octauuians doughter. and was crowned kyng of this land /
How Maxymyan that was the emperours cosyn conquerd the lande of Armorican / and yaf it to Conan merydoc / Ca / xl [...]x
THis kynge maximian bycome so ryall / that he thought to couquere the lande of Armorican for greete riches that he herde telle that was in that londe / so that he ne left man that was of worthynes / knyght sqnyer ne none other man that he ne toke with hym to grete damage to all the land / for he left at home behynd hym no man to kepe the land / but toke hem with hym froo this land xxx / M. knyghtes / that were doughty mennys bodyes / and went ouer in to the lande of Armorican / and there sl [...]w the kyng. that was callyd Imbal / and conquerd all the lande /
And whan he had so done / he callid Conan / & sayd / For as moche as kyng octauian haue yow made kyng of britayn▪ and thurgh me ye were lette and distourbled that ye were not kyng I yeue yow all this lond of armorican / & yow ther of make kyng And for as moche as ye ben a briton and your men also / and by come fro britayne / I will that this lond haue the same name and no more Armorican / but be callyd lytel britayn / and the land fro whens ye ben comen. shal be callyd moche Brytayne / And so shall men knowe that one britayn fro that other / Conan Meridok than ked hym hendly / and so was he made kyng of lytel britayne.
And whan al this was done / maximian went thens to Rome / and was tho made emperour after Constantin Conan Meudock duellyd in lytel britayne with moche honour / & lete ordeyne two thousand ploughmen of the land / for to erye the land to [...]r we it / & sawe / and feffed hem richely after that they were / And for as moche as kyng Conan and none of his knyghtes / ne none of his other peple wold not take wyfes of the nacion of Fraūce he tho sent in to grete Britayn to therle of Cornewayle tha [...] me callyd dyonothe that chees thurgh oute alle the lande xj M of maydens that is to say viij M for the mene peple / & iij M for the grettest lordes that shold hem spouse. & whan dionoth vnderder [...]g this cōmādement he lete seche thurgh all grete britayn as many as the nōbre cā to for no mā durst withstōde his cōmādemēts / for as [Page] moche do all the land was take hym to warde and to kepe, to doo all thyng / that hym good lyked / And whan all the maydens we re assemblyd / he lete hem come byfore hym to london, & lete ordeyne for hem shippes hastely / as moche as hem neded to that vyage and toke his owne doughter that was callyd [...]rsula / that was the fayrest creature / that ony man wyst / and wold haue sent hir to kyng Conan, that shold haue spoused hir. & made hir quene of the land / but she had made priuely to god a w [...]e of chastice / that hir fadre wyst not / ne noman elles / that was lyuyng vpon erth
How [...]rsula & xj M vyrgyns, that were in hir companye went toward lytel britayne / & all were martred at Coleyne / Capitulo quinquagesimo
THis [...]rsula chese vnto hir companye xj M maydens / that of all other she was ladye & maystresse / & al they wente in to ship at one tyme in the water that was callid the thamyse, and commaunded hir kyn / & all hir frendes to almyghty god / and sai led toward litel britayn / but whan they were come in to the high see / a strong tempest aroos / as it was goddes wylle / And [...]rsu la with hyr shippes and hir company were dryuen toward hund land thurgh tempest / and arryued in the hauen of the Cyte of coloyne / The kyng of the land that was callyd gowan was tho in the cyte / And whan he wyst the tydyng / that so many fayr may dens were ther arryued / he toke Elga his broder and other of his houshold with hym. & went to the shippes to seen that fayre cōpanye / and whan he sawe hem so fayr / he & his company wold haue onerlayne hem / & bytake from hem hir maydenhode / but [...]rsula that good mayd coūceilled / prayd / warned / & taught hem that we re hir felawes / that they shold defende hem with al her myght / & rather suffre deth / than suffre hir body to be defouled / So that all tho maydens bycome soo stedfaste in god / that they defended hem thurgh his grace / so that none of hem had power to done hem ony shame / Wherfor the kyng gowan wax so sore annoyed. that he for wrath lete slee hem euerychone anon right / & so were al tho may dens martred for the loue of god / and lyen at Coleyn.
How kyng gowan come for to destroye this land / & how a man of grete power / that was callyd gracian defended the land / Capitulo quinquagesimo primo /
[Page] WHan al this was done, kynge Gowan that was a sarasyn callyd his broder elga / and sayd to hym / that he shold goo to conquere the land that all tho fayr maydens were in borne, And he ordeyned tho a grete power of [...]ehytes of denmark / of or koney, & of norwey. And they come in to this land / and brent tou nes / & slewe folk / and cast a doune chirches / and houses and rest gyon / & robbed the land in lengthe & brede / & put to deth all that wold not forsake the right byleue and cristendome / for as moche as ther was no sonerayne that myght hem helpe, For the kynge Maximian had taken with hym all the worthy men he went to cō quere lytel britaine / And in the same tyme / that ye here now [...]lle was seynt albone martred thurgh the wode tyraunt dyoc [...]sian in the same place / wher is nowe an Abbaye made of seynt Albone / whiles that he was a paynym, But he conuerted hym to God, thurgh the predicacion of a clerk & a wyse man / that was called An [...]l / that was lodged a nyght in his hous, And this was after the Incarnacion of Ihu criste cc xxvj yere / And men sh [...]e vnderstonde that saynt albone suffred his martirdeme before that saynt edmond was martryd / And her for saynt Albone is called the fyrst martir of englond / this Gowanes broder and hye [...] that were sarasyns went thurghoute the lande / and destroyed all thyng that they foūde / and no thyng they ne spared / Whan this tydyng cam to Rome / how that kyng gowan had bygonne for to destroye this land / the Emperour & they of Rome sente a strong man and of grete power that was callyd gracian with xx [...]ij M men wel fyghtyng for to cast out sarasenes out of this land / and al they arryued at portesmouth / Maximian myght not come him selfe / for as moche as he was chosen Emperour after the dethe of Constantin that was seynt eleynes sone. Whan this gracian [...]e arryued with his hoost / he lete espye priuely / wher the kyng go wan myght be foūde / and he come vpon hym sodenly as they say in hyr beddes / and discomfyted hym / & sle we hem in hir beddes [...] uerychone / that none of hem escaped sauf Gowan that fled with moche sorowe in to his coūtre / Sone after it befel that maximian was slayn at Rome thurgh treson / And whan gracian wist that tydyng he let croune hym kyng of this land.
How gracian made hym kyng. whan maximian was slayne and afterward the britons slewe hym for his wykkednes / Ca lij
THis gracian whan he bygan to regne / he bycome so wys [...]sted [Page] and so sterne & so moche sorowe did to the britons that they slow hym amonges hem / Tho the kyng Gowan had vnderstond that Gracian was slayn and done to deth / he assembled a grete power & come ayene in to this land / & yf he had erst done harme / tho did he moche more / for tho he destroyed al this lond / & the cristen peple that was in moche britayn / so that no man was so bardye for to name god / And he that so dyd anon he was put to strong deth / But the bisshop of london that was tho that was callid gosselyn scaped / and went thens to them of Rome to seche socoure to helpe destroye the sarazenes that had destroyed this land / And the Ro mayns saide that they had be so ofte ānoyed for hir sendyng after folke in to britayne alle for to helpe the brytons, and they wold no more soo done / And so the bisshop gosselyn went thens without ony socour or helpe / And tho went he to the kyng of lytel britaine that was called Aldroye. & this was the thyrd kyng after Gowan merydoc / as byfore is said / The bisshop prayd this kyng Aldroye of help and socour / The kyng had grete pyte in his hert whan he had herde how the bisshop fled / and how the Cristen men were slayne in grete britayne thurgh paynyms and sarazenes. he graunted hym Constantin his broder hym for to helpe with power of folke / and hem dyde araye hors armure and shippes & all thynge that hem neded to that vyage / And whan al thynge was redy / he called the bisshop and to hym said / I take yow here to helpe and socoure Constantin my broder vpon this couenaunt that yf god yeue hym grace the paynyms & the sarazenes to shen de and discomfyte / that than ye make hym kyng / And the Bisshop it graunted with good wyll, Constantin and the bisshop toke leue of the kynge Aldroye / and betoke hym to god. & toke her men xij M & went to hir shippes / & sayled toward grete Britayne and arryued at Cotnesse / Whan the britons herde the tydynges / that to hem come socour / they were strongly holpen. and ordeyned hem an huge nombre of people and come to hem / and vnder feng hem with moch honour, Gowan anon as he wist of thise thynges he assembled all the sarazenes & come ageynst hem / & yaf hem batayll, and Constantin slowe him with his owne hondes. And alle tho other sarasyns were discomfyted and slayne, that none escaped but tho that were conuerted vnto god.
How Constantin that was the kynges broder of litil britayn was crouned kyng of moche Britayne for his worthynes / Capitulo quinquagesimo tercio /
[Page] ANone after the bataylle they wente to london / and crouned ther Constantin / & made hym kyng of this lande and the Bisshop Goselyne sette the croune on his hede & annoynted hym as fallyth to a kyng for to ben / [...]and tho bygan Crystendeme This kyng Constantin whan he was crouned anon after he spou sed his wyf thurgh counceyll of the britons / & he bygate thre so nes on hir / the fyrst was callyd Constance / that other Aurilambros / and the third [...]ter. Constance the elder broder whan he cam to age / he made hym a monk at wynchestre / Cōstantyn hyr fadre was slayne thurgh treason / for it be fel on a tyme that a [...] come to hym vpon a day in message as it were & said that he wol de speke with the kyng priuely in counceyll / The kyng lete wyde his chābre of tho men that were within / & there abode no mo but the kyng and the pehyte / & made a contenaūce as though he wold haue spoke with the kyng in his ere / and ther he slew hym with a long knyf / and after wente queyntely oute of the chambre in to another chambre / so at the last no man wyst / wher he was bycome / Whan the kynges meyne wyst that her lord was so dede / they made so moche sorowe / they nyst al what to done / for as moch as his two sones Aurilambros and [...]ter weren so yong that none of hem myght be kyng / & the thyrdde broder was monk at wyn chestre / as is a fore said / But [...]ortiger that was erle of wes [...]seye thought priuely in his herte thurgh queyntyse to bee kyng and went to wynchestre there that Constance was monk and to hym said / Constance sayd he your fadre is dede / & your two b [...]rtheren that ben with Goselyn the bisshop of london to norissh ben so yong that none of hem may be kyng / Wherfor I counceyl yow that ye forsake your abyte and come with me / and I shall done soo to the Britons that ye shal be made kyng /
Of Constance that was kyng Constantines sonne / that was monke at wynchestre / and how he was made kyng after hyr fadres deth thurgh counseill of [...]ortiger that was erle of westsexe for as moche as Aurilambros and vter his two bretheren w [...] but yonge of age / And [...]ortiger lete slee hym to be kyng hym self. Capitulo liiij /
THis [...]ortiger counceyled this Constance soo moche till he [Page] forsoke his abbot / and went with hym / And anon after he was crouned and made kyng by assent of the britons /
This kyng Constance whan he was crouned and made kyng he wist ne knewe but lytel of the world / ne coude nothyng what knyghthode axed. he made [...]ortiger his chyef mayster. & counceyl l [...]r, & yafe hym all his power for to do ordeyne / & to do as moche as to the Royame apperteyned / so that hym self no thyng entermelled, but only bare the name of kyng / whan wrtiger saw that he had al the land in his warde & gouernayl at his owne wyll / he thought a priue treson and to slee Constance the kyng / that he myght hym self ben crouned & made kyng and regne / and lete sen de after an honderd knyghtes of pehytes the worthyest of alle the land / and hem helde with hym to duelle with hym as to ben kep [...]rs of his body / as he wold wende thurgh the lande to ordeyg ne thynges that apperteyned to a kyng / And this vortiger honoured so moche the hond [...]rd knyghtes. & so moche yaf hem of gold and siluer / & so ryche Iewellys. robes / hors / & other thynges plente / wherfor they helde hym more lord than they dyd the kyng / and vortiger told hem yf he most be kyng ye as it were thurgh treson he wold make hem rychest of the land / so at the last thurgh grete yef [...]s that he had yeue largely / they cryed thurgh the courte that [...]ortiger were better worthy to be kyng than Constance / wherfor [...]ortiger made semblaunt as he had ben wroth / & departed thens. fro the court and sayd he must gone elles whyder for thyng that he had to done, and so the treytour sayd for encheson that they shol de slee hym that is to say. constance / whan this vortiger was go ne it be fel sone after that tho honderd knyghtes of pehytes breken the dores of the kynges chambre, & ther they hym slowe and smyten of his hede / and bare it to [...]ortiger, ther that he duellyd / and whan vortiger sawe that hede, he wepte ful tenderly with his eye / And netheles he was somdele glad of his deth / And anone lete take the honderd knyghtes of [...]ytes. and bynde hyr hondes be hynde hem and ledde hem to london / and there they were dampned to the deth as fals traitours / And anon after al the britons of the lande by comyn assent crouned vortiger / and made hym kynge of the lande /
How the wardeyns that had tho two children to kepe that we re Constantines sones lad hem to lytel Britayne for the treson & falsenesse of [...]ortiger [Page] Capitulo quinquagesimo quinto /
THis kyng vortiger whan he was crouned / they that had the two children in kepyng Aurylambros & vter thurgh ordy naunce of Gosselyne / that was bisshop of london at his deth durst not duelle in the lād with the children / but lad hem to the kyng of lytel brytayne / for as moche, as he tho wyst of the treason of [...]ortiger that tho was made kyng / thurgh whome Constaūce hir brother was slayne / wherfor the honderd knyghtes of pehy [...]s were put to deth / and beren al the blame / as that vortiger hadde not wyst ther of nother ther to consented / And soo the kepars of tho two children dred lest Mortiger wold put hem to deth thurgh his treason and falsenes / as he had done hir broder beforne / And therfor they were lad ouer in to lytil Britayne, and the king hem resseyued with moche honour / and leete hem to norysshe / And ther they duellyd til they bycome fair knyghtes / and strong and fiers / and thought to be auengyd vpon the deth of Constance hir broder whan they sawe her tyme / and so they dyd / as ye shull here telle afterward / Hit was not longe after that the tydynges ne come oner see to the kynred of tho honderd knyghtes of peh [...]s / that were dampned and put to deth thurgh vortiger in thys lond therfore they were wonderly wroth and sworen that they wolde ben auengyd of hir kynnes deth / and comen in to this land with a grete power / and robbed in many places / and slowe and dyd all the sorow that they myght / Whanne Mortiger it wist, he made moche sorowe and was sore annoyed. And in another place also tydynges cam to hym / that aurilambros and [...]ter his broder or deyned and assembled a grete hooste for to come in to moche Britaigne / that is to say in to this land to ben auengid vppon Constance hir broders deth. Soo that in one halfe and in that other he was brought in to so moche sorowe that he ne wyste whydder to wende
How Engyst and xj thousand men come in to this lande to whome vortiger yafe a place that is callid thongcastell / Ca / [...]vj
ANd sone after this sorowe tydynge come to vortiger that a grete nauye of strangers were arryued in the coūtre of kent But he wyste not whens they were, ne wherfore they were come in to this land / The kyng sente anon a messager [Page] thyder that some of hem sholde come and speke with hym for to wytte what folk they were. and what they axed / and in to what contrey they wold gone / Ther were two bretheren maystres and princes of that strong companye / that one was callyd Engyst / & that other horsse / Engyst went to the kynge / and told hym encheson wherfor they were ther ariued in his lande / And sayd / Sir we len of a countre that called is saxon that is the lande of ger mayne / wher [...] is so moche so [...]we that of the peple [...]e so moche / that the land may not hem susteyne / The maystres and princes that haue the land to gouerne and rule make to come be fore hem men and women that boldest ben among hem for to fyght and that best may trauayll in to dyuerse landes /
And soo they shul hem yeue hors and harnoys / Armu [...] and alle thyng that hem nedeth / And after they shal say to hem that they gone in to another countrey / wher they mo [...]e lyuen as hyr auncestres dyde byforne hem. And therfore s [...]re kyng yf ye haue ought to do with our company. we be come in to your land & with good wylle yow will serue and your land kepe helpe and defende from your enemyes / yf that yow nedeth▪
Whan wrtiger herde this tydyng / he sayd he wold gladly hem with old vpon suche cou [...]nant / yf they myght delyuer his lond of his enemyes / he wolde y [...]ue hem resonable lādes / wher they shold duelle for euermore / Engyst thanked hym goodly / & in this maner he & his company with x [...] M shold dnelle with the kyng [...]r tiger / and so moche they dyd thurgh hyr [...]oldenesse that they deliuerd the land clene of his enemyes / Tho prayd Engyst the kyng of so moche lande / that he myght make to hym a Cyte for hym & for his meyne / The kyng ansuerd▪ it was not for to done without coūceyll of his britons / Engyst prayd hym eftsones of as moche place as he myght compasse with a thong of a skynne▪ wherupon he myght make hym a maner / and for hym to duelle on / And the kynge graunted hym frely▪ Tho toke engyst a bulle skynne and cut [...] it as smal as he myght al [...] to a thwonge al rounde▪ and therwith compassed he as moche land / as he made vp a fayr castel And whan this castel was made / he lete it calle thwongcastel / For as moche as the place was markyd with a thwonge▪
Of Ronewen / that was Engystes doughter / & how the kyng Mortiger spoused hyr for hir beaute / [Page] Capi [...] quinquages [...]mo septimo /
WHan this castel was maked / and ful wel a [...]ayed / Engyst sente by letter p [...]nely in to the countrey / that he came of after an honderd shippes fylled with straunge men that were bol de and wel fyghtyng in al batails / & that they shold b [...]nge with hem Ronewen his doughter that was the fayrest creature▪ t [...]at ony man myght see▪ And whan the peple was come that he had sente after▪ he toke hem in to the castel with moche Ioye / And hym self went vppon a day vnto the kyng / and prayd h [...]m ther worthely that he wolde come / and see his newe maner / that he had made in the place that had he cōpassed with a thong of t [...]e skyn / The kyng anon graunted it hym frely▪ and with hym went thyder / and was wel apayd with the Castel / and with the fayre werke▪ and to geders ther they eten and dronken with moche [...]ye And whan nyght come that the kynge Mortiger shold gone in to his chambre for to take ther his nyght rest / Ronwen that was Engistes doughter come with a coupe of gold [...] hyr honde / and kneled byfore the kyng / and sayd to hym wassaylle / and the kynge wist not what it was to mene / ne what he shold ansuer / for a [...] moche as hym self / ne none of his Britons yet coude none Englyssh speken. ne vnderstonde it / but speken tho the same [...] that Britons yet done / Netheles a latymer told the kyng the full vnderstondyng ther of [...]assaylle / and that other shold ansuere drynk haylle And that was the fyrst tyme that wassayle and drynk haylle come vp in this land / and from that [...]me vnto this tyme / it is wel vsyd in this lond▪ The kyng Mortiger sawe the fayrenesse of this Ronewen / [...] his armes laid about her neck / & thryes swetely kyssed hyr / & anone right he was anameryd vpon hyr▪ that he desyred to haue h [...] to wif / and asked of Engist hi [...] fad [...] / And En [...]yste graun [...] hym vpon this conenaunt that the kyng shold yeue hym a [...]e [...] coūtre of kent that he myght duelle in and his people▪ The kynge him graunted preuely with a good will. and anone after he spo [...] sed the damisell that was moche confusion to hym self /
And therfor alle the britons bycome so wroth for [...] that he hadd spoused a woman of mysbyleue / wherfor they went alle from hym / and no thyng to hym toke kepe / n [...] helpe hym in thyng that he had to done /
How Mortimer that was Mortigers sonne was made kynge / and Engyst dryuen on [...] / and how Mortimer was slayne / Capitulo lviij /
THis Engyst went in to kent / and seysed all the lande in to his bande for hym▪ & for his men▪ and bycome in a lytel whyle of soo grete power / and so moche peple had that men wyste not in lytel tyme / whiche were the kynges men / and whiche were engystes men / wherfor al britayne had of hym dred [...] ▪ and sayd among hem / that yf they ne toke other counseyll bytwene hem al the land shold he bytrayd thurgh engyst and his peple / Mortiger th [...] kyng had bygoten on his fyrst wyf thre sones▪ the fyrst was called Mortimer / that second Cartagren▪ and the thyrd passent /
The britons euerychone by one assent chosen Mortimer to be hyr lord and souerayne▪ and hyr counceyllour in euery batayl & crou ned hym and made hym kyng. & wold suffre Mortiger no lenger to regne for encheson of the alliance bytwene Engyst and hym / The Britons ordeyned a grete hoost to dryue oute Engyst & hys company of the land. & yafe hym thre batayls / that fyrst was [...] kent ther he was lord / the second was at [...]edford / And the third was [...] a shyre a this half coole in a more / And in this batayll hem met Cartagren & horse Engystes broder soo that eche of hem slewe other / but for as moche as the countre was yeuen long byfore to horne thurgh vortiger / tho he had spoused his cosyn ther he hadde made a fayre Castel that me callyd hornecastel after his owne name / And Mortimer was so annoyed for his broders deth Cartagren that he was dede in such maner / wherfor anon he lete felle the castel to grounde / And after that he ne lest nyght ne day till he had dryuen out engyst and al his peple of the land / And whan engist was dryuen awey▪ ronewen his doughter made sor [...] we ynough and quentelyn spak to hem that were next the kyng Mortimer▪ and pryuyest with hym / & so moche she yaf hym of yef tes▪ that he was enpoisened and dyed at london the fourth yere of his [...]gne / and ther he lyeth /
How the Britons chosen another tyme Mortiger to [...]en hyr kyng / and Engyst come in to this land ageyn▪ and they foughten to geder / Capitulo / Lix /
AFter Mortimers deth / the Briton [...] by hyr commyn assen [...] [Page] [...]ones made vortiger hir kyng vpon this couenaūt / that he sho [...] [...] neuer after suffre engyst / ne none of his eftsones to come in to this land. And whan all this was done▪ Ronewen the quene preuely sent by letter to engyst▪ that she had enpoysened [...] and that Mortiger hir lord ageyne [...]are the corone / and regned▪ & that he shold come in to this land well arayed with moche peple / for to auenge hym vpon the britons / and to wynne this land ayene / And whan Engyst herd this tydyng / he made grete Ioye / and apparaylled hym hastely with xv M men▪ that were dou [...]gh ty in euery batayll▪ and come in to this land▪ And whan Mortiger herde telle that engyst was come ageyne with a grete▪ power in to this lande / he assembled his britons▪ and tho went ageynste Engyst for to haue yeue hym batayll / and his folke / But Engyst drad hym sore of the Britons / For they had discomfyted hym byforne / and had dryuen him out by strengthe / wherfor En gyst prayd a loue day / and sayd / he was not comen in to this lond for to fight / but for to haue his land ageyne / yf he myght [...] with the britons / & of hem haue grace / The kyng vortiger thurgh counceyl of his Britons graunted a loue day / & thus it was ordeyned thurgh the britons that the same loue day shold beholde fast besyde salysbury vpon an hull / And Engyst shold [...]me thider with four honderd knyghtes wit [...]ute mo / And the kyng with as many of the wysest of his lande / And at that daye the kyng come with his counceyll as it was ordeyned / But Engyst hadde warned his knyghtes preuelych. and hem commanded / that euery of hem shold put a long knyf in his hose / And whan he sa [...] yd Fayr sires / now is tyme to speke of loue & [...]es euery man a [...] none shold drawe hys knyf and slee a briton / & so they slewe a thousand & lxj of knyghtes / & wyth moche sorowe many of hem escaped. And the kyng Mortiger tho hym selfe was take / and lad to th [...]oncastel / and put in to pryson / and some of Engystes men wold that the kyng had [...]e bren [...] al quyck /
And Mortiger tho for to haue his lyfe / graūted hem as moche as they wold axe. and yafe vp all the lande / Townes / Caste [...]s Cytees and Burghes to Engyst / and to his folke / And alle the britons fled thens in to wales▪ and there they helde hem styll
And Engyst went thurgh the lande▪ and seysed all▪ the land with fraunchyses / and in euery place lete cast a doune chyrches and houses of Relygyon / and destroyed Crystendome thurgh the lande / and lee [...] chaunge the name of the land / that noo man of [Page] his were so hardy after that tyme / to calle this land britayne / but calle it Engystelande / and he departed all that land to his men / & ther made vij kynges for to strengthe the lād / that the britōs shol de neuer after come therin / the fyrst kyngdom was kent ther that Engyst hym self regned and was lord and mayster ouer al the other / Another kynge had southsexe / that now is [...]ychestre / the thyrd kyng had westsex. the fourth kyng had Estsexe. The fyfth kynge hadde estangyll / that now is callyd norfolk / Southfolk / Merchemerych / that is to say / the erldom of nychol / The sixth had leycestreshire. Northhampton shyre / Hertford / & huntyngdon / The seuenth had oxenford / gloucestre. wynchestre▪ warwyk. and der [...]y shyre▪
How vortiger went in to wales / and bygàn there a castel▪ that▪ wolde not stande without mortier tempred with [...]de / Ca lx /
WHan Engyst had departed all the land in this maner bitwe ne his men / he delyuerd Mortiger / out of prison / and suffred hym frely to gone▪ whyder that he wold / and he toke his wey [...] ▪ & went in to wales / ther that his britons duellyd / for as moch as that lande was stronge and wycked to wynne. And Engyst ne uer come ther ne knewe it neuer byfore that land / Mortiger helde hym therwith his britons / and axed coūceill / what hym was best all for to done / And they yaf hym counseyll to make a strong castel that he myght hym self therin kepe and defende / yf nede were / Masons in hast tho were fet and bygan the werke vpon the hyll of B [...]ygh / But certes thus it befell / all the werk that the masōs made a day / a doune it f [...] a nyght▪ and wist not what it myghte ben. & ther of the kyng was sore annoyed of that chaūce. & wyste not what to done / wherfor he send after the wysest clerk [...]s & also lered men / that weren thurgh out wales / that myght be founde / For they shold telle / wherfor the fundament so fayled vnder the werke. and that they shold hym telle what was best to done And the wisest men long tyme had studyed they sayd to the kyng that he sholde done [...]ke a child borne of a woman that neuer ha [...] with man to done And that child [...]e shold slee and tempre with his blode the mortier of the werke and so sholde the werke euer endure without ende /
How the kyng lete seche merlyn thurgh al wales for to [...] with hym / Capitulum / lx [...] /
[Page] WHan the kynge herde this / he commaunded his messagyers anone to wende thurgh oute al wales / to seke that chylde / yf they myght hym fynde / and that they shold bringe hym forth with hem vnto hym / and in record and in wytnesse of this thyng he had take hem his lettre / that they ne were distourbled of noo man / ne lette / And tho the messagers wente thens and sped soo [...]aste that they come in to a toune that was callyd Carmardyne And as they passed forth hyr wey▪ they founden two Children / of xxiiij yere age chyden to geder. with hasty wordes▪ and one of hem sayd to that other / [...] quod he / ye done all wronge to chyde or stryue with me / For ye haue no wytte ne reason as I ha ue / Certes merlyn quod he / of your wytte ne of your reason / I make no force / for men tellyn communely / that ye haue no thyng of god almyghty / sith ye had neuer fadre▪ but euery mā knoweth well / who is your moder / The messagyers of the kynge Mortiger whan they herde this strif bytwene these two gromes / they [...]xed of hem that stode besides / whens that merlyn was borne / & also who hym norysshe [...] / & the folk hym told / that a gre [...] gentil woman hym bare in Carmardyne that was callid Adhan. But ne uer myght man witte / who myght be the childes fadre / whan the kynges messagers herde this tidyng / they went anon to hym that was wardeyn of the toune. and told hym the kynges wyll / and his lettre shewed hym▪ wherfor they were come thyder. Merlyn and his moder anon were sende byfore the war [...]yne of the toune. and he commaunded hem / that they sholde gone to the kyng / as it was ordeyned by his messagers / Merlyn and his moder went thens▪ and comen vn to the kyng / and there they were vnderfong with moche honour / and the kyng axed of [...]at lady▪ yf that child were hir sone / and who hym byga [...] ▪ The ladye ansuerd ful tenderly wepyng / and sayd she had neuer company of man worldely But Syr quod she as I was a yong mayden in my faders chambre / and other of grete lygnage were in my companye / that of [...]ntymes were wonte to play and to [...]o▪ lace / I beleft allone in my chambre▪ an [...] wold nat gone oute for brennyng of the sonne▪ And vpon [...] ther come a fayr ba [...] ler / & entrid in to my chābre ther [...] allone. but how [...] come in to me / & where▪ I wyst it n [...] [...] wote it not▪ for t [...] dores were fast ba [...] & with me he did [...]me of loue for I ne had myght ne power [...]ym to defende fro me / & oft he come to me [...] forsayd maner / so that he bygate this child / but n [...] [...] [Page] wyt what he was
Of the ansuere of merlyn wherfor the kyng ayed / why hys werk myght not stonde / that he had bygonne ner proue / Ca / Lxi [...]
WHan merlyn had herd al that his moder had sayd / spake to the kynge in this maner. Syre, how I was begoten▪ ay ye no more, for it falleth nought to yow, ne none other to wyt / but telle me encheson wherfor I am to yow y brought, and wherfore ye haue sent after me / Certes quod the kyng / my wise coūceisours haue me done to vnderstōde that the mortier of a werk that I haue bigōne behoued to be tempered with your blode / or the fundament shal fayll for euermore, Syre quod merlyn wold ye slee me for my blode for to tēpre with your mortier-ye quod the kyng or els shal neuer my castel stande / as my counceyllours done me vnderstonde / Tho ansuerd merlyn to the kyng / Syre he sayd lete hem co me byfore me tho wyse counceyllours / and I wylle proue that they say not wele ne trewely / And whan the wyse were y com [...] merlyn axed yf his blode were encheson to make the werst stand and endure, Alle these wyse were abasshed / & coude not ansuere / merlyn tho sayd to the kyng / Syre / I shal telle yow then cheson wherfore youre werk thus fallyth and may not stande / Ther is vnder the montayne ther that ye haue bygonne your tou r a gr [...] ponde of water / and in the botome of the ponde vnder the water ther ben two dragons that one white that other reed that fyghten to geder ayenst your werk Do ye myne depe til your men come to the ponde and doth your men take a way the water al oute & than ye shal see the d [...]gons as I haue yow tolde that to geder fyght ageynst your werk And this is the encheson [...]trs wherfor the fundament faylleth / The kyng anon le [...] digge vnder till that men come to that ponde and lete done awaye at that water & ther they foūde two dragons / as merlyn had told that egrely fo [...] ghten to geders / The whyte dragon egrely assaylled the reede▪ and layd on hym so strongly / that he myght not endure / but withdro we hym / & rested in the same caue / And whan he had a while rested / he went byfore. and assaylled the reede dragon angrely. & [...] de hym so sore, that he myght not ageynst hym endure / but withdro we hym / & rested / And [...]r come ayene the whyte dragon / & strongly fought with the [...]ed dragon / and bote hym eu [...] / & hym ouercome that he fleygh th [...] / and no more [...]me ageyne /
Of the signyfycation of tho two dragons that were in the [...]t tom of the ponde / that foughten to geder / Ca / lxiij
[Page] This kyng Mortiger and his mery that faughte this bataylle had grete meruayle / and prayed merlyn to telle hym what it myght betoken / Syr quod merlyn I shal yow telle / The reede dragon bytokeneth your self / and the whyte bytokeneth the folk of saxonye that fyrst ye toste / and helde in this land that no we fyghten ageynst yow, and yow haue dryuen and enchaced / But britons of your lignage ouercomen hem / & dryuen hem a wey and sythe [...] at the comynge ageyne of the saxons they recouered this land / & [...]de it for euermore / & dryuen oute the britons and dyd with this land hyr wyll / & destroyed cristendome thurgh out this lande / She had fyrste ioye with hir comyng / but now it▪ is torned to yow grete damage & sorowe / For tho two bretheren of Constance / that was kynge / the whiche ye lete slee / shall come byfore a quynzyeme passed with a grete power from lytel [...] & shal auenge the deth of hir broder. & they shull brenne yow first with sorow / And after they shal slee a grete partye of saxons & shul out dryue alle the remenaunt of the land. & therfor abyde ye here no lenger to make Castel / ne none other werk / but anon go elles where youre lyf al for to saue to god / I yowe by [...]ke for trouth / I haue sayd to yow of thyng that shal byfall. And vnderstonde well that Aurilambros shal be kynge / but he shall be en poysened / and lytel tyme regne /
Of kynge Aurilambros how he pursued Mortiger & engyst / & how they dyden. Ca / lxiiij /
OErlyn and his moder departed fro the kyng / & turned [...] to karmardyne / And soo after tydyng come to the Briton [...] that Aurilambros and [...]der his broder were arryned at Totnesse with a grete hoost. & the britone anon assembled hem. and wente to vnderfonge Aurilambros and [...]ter with grete noblesse, and lad hem to london / and crouned ther aurilambros / and made hym kynge / and dyden to hym homage / And he axed. Wher vortigr that was kyng myght be founde / for he wolde be auengyd of hys broders deth / and after he wold werre vpon paynyms / And they told hym that vortiger was in walys / & so they lad hym thiderward / vortiger wyst wel that the bretheren come hym to conque re / and fledde thens in to a Castel that was callyd gerneth / that stode vpon a highe montayne / and ther hym helde / Aurilambros & [...]r his broder and hyr fol [...] had besyeged the [...]stel full [...]g tyme, For the castel was strong and well arrayed / So at the last they caste wyldefyre / And brente [...] and men and alle [Page] hyr arraye / and as moche as was within the castel / So that vortiger was brents among all other / & so dyed he with moche sorow Tho was Engyst in kent / and regned ther / and herd this tydyng and anone fled and wold haue gone in to scotland for to haue hadde socour. but Aurilambros & his men mette with hym in the northcoūtre / & yafe hym batayll, & engyst & his men hem defended whiles that they myght / but he and his folk were discomfyted / and slayne / And Otta his sone fled vnto york. And Aurilambros hym folowed egrely / Otta a lytel whyle ageynst hym stode but afterward he put hym to his mercy / And Aurilambros vn derfenge hym / & to hym & his men he yaf the coūtrey of gale weye in Scotland. & ther they duellyd / The kyng Aurilambros wente tho thurgh oute the land / & put awey the name of Engysteland that engist after his name had callyd it byfore / Tho lete he it calle ageyn grete, britayne / & lete make ageyn Chirches howses of reli gyon / Castels Cytes & burghes & Townes that the saxons had destroyed / & come to london. & lete make the walles of the cyte / whiche eugist & his folk had cast a doune / / The britons led hym to the mount of Anbrian / wher somtyme was an hows of relygi on, that tho was destroied thurgh painyms, wherof a knight was called Anbry / that somtyme was founder of the hows / & therfor the hylle was callyd the mount of brian / and after was callyd Ambresbury and shal for euermore /
How Aurilambros dyde redresse the land of grete Britayn that was destroyed thurgh saxons / Ca, lxv /
HOw the kynge Aurilambros lete amende and redresse the hous of Amlesbury / and therm put monkes / but now ther be nonnes a lytel from the place / that was callyd Salysbury / ther tho the saxons slewe the britons / where Engyste & he sholde haue made a loue day, in whiche tyme ther were slayne a / M. lxi knyghtes thurgh treson of engyst / The kyng therof had grete pyte / and thought to make in mynde of hym a monument of stone / that myght endure to the worldes ende. And of this thyng they toste hir counceill / what ther of was best for to done. Tho spaste to the kyng the bisshop of london that was callyd Ternestyn that he shold enquere after merlyn / for he coude best telle how this thyng myght be made / & merlyn after was sought & solide. & come to the kyng / & the kyng told hym his will of the monumēt that he wol de haue made / Tho ansuerd merlyn to the kynge and sayd [Page] Ther ben grete stones in Irland and longe vpon the hyll of kydn that men callyd geants kawll. and yf they were in this place as they ben there / here they wold endure for euermore in remēbraūce of tho knyghtes that here ben entered / [...]r ma foy quod the kyng as hard stones be in my land as in Irland Soth quod Merlyn But in al your land ben none suche, For geanntes sette hem for grete goode of hem self / For at euery tymes that they were woū ded / or in ony maner hurt / they wes [...]hen the stones with hote water / and thēne wesshe hem therwith / and anone they were hoole /
How the Britons went for to seche the grete stones in Irlond Capitulo / lxvj /
WHan thise britons had herd of this thyng they went & swo re amonge hem that they wold go seche the stones / & toke with hem meet the kynges broder to ben hir chyueteyne / & xv. M men / and merlyn counceylled hem for to gone in to Irland / & so they diden / And whan the kyng of Irlond that was callyd gui [...] somer herd telle that stranngers were arryued in his londe / he assembled a grete power / & fought ayenst hem, but he and his folke were discomfyted / The Britons went byfore till they come to the moūte of kylyan and clymed vnto the moūt. But whan they s [...] we the stones & the maner how they stoode / they had grete [...] ylle & sayd bitwene hem / that noman shold remeue for no strēgth ne engyne / so huge they were & so long / but merlyn thurgh hys [...]afte and queyntise reineued hem / & brought hem in to hir sh [...] & come ageyne in to this land / And merlyn sette the stones ther that the kynge wold haue hem / and sette hem in the same maner / that they stoden in Irlond / & whan the kyng sawe that it was made / he thanked merlyn / and richely him rewarded at his own wylle / & that place lete calle stonhenge for euermore /
How passent that was vortigers sonne & the kyng guyllomer come in to this land / & how a traitour that was called Co [...] enpoysoned the kyng Aurilambros / Ca / lxvij /
And men shal vnderstande that passent that was mortigers sone lyued in the same tyme / and come in to this land with a grete power / and drryued in the north countre / and wold [...]n auenged of his faders deth Mortiger. And strongly trusted vpon the companye that he had brought with hym out of the land of germanye / & had conquerd all the north countrey vnto yor [...], and whan kyng Aurilambros herd this / he assem [...]d a grete power of britons / and went for to befyght hym / and [...] [Page] his peple were discomfyted / but passent escaped thens with some of his folk / & fled thens in to Irlond / & come to kyng gui [...]met and prayed hym of helpe & socour / The kyng graunted hym with good wyll, and sayd / he wold helpe hym with good wylle vpon that couenaunt that I my self muste gone with yowe with alle my power in to Britayne / and I wold auenge me vpon the britons rather than they in to my lond comen, & token the stones with strength that called is geaūts [...]ll / the styng guyllomer [...] ordeyne his shippes and went to the see with xv M men / & arryued in walys / & bygonne to robbe & moche sorow done / hit bfell so that kyng Aurilambros lay seke at wynchestre / and myght not helpe hym self / So that he sent in his name [...] his broder with a grete power to helpe walys / and thyderward he went as moch as he myght / The kyng of Irlond and passent had herd telle that Aurilambros was syke, & to hym come a [...]seyn that was callid Coppa and sayde / Syr quod he / duelle ye here al in pees with your hoost, & I behote yow thurgh my queyutyse that I shal slee the kynge aurilambros that is seke / yf ye doo so quod passent / I shal yow rychely anaūce. This Trayceur, Coppa put vppon hym an abyte of Relygyon / & bete shaue hym a brode crowne / & come to the kynges court / & sayd that he wold hele the kyng of his ma ladye / Tho sayd the Traytour Coppa vnto the kynge / Sir ben of good comfert. for I shal yeue yow suche a medyeyne / that ye shall sweten anon right & lusten to slepe / & haue good rest / and the trai tour yaf hym suche poyson / that he slepe anon right. & dyed in his slepyng / And the traytour sayd that he wold gone in to the felde till he were awaked / and so escaped he awey / For no man had to hym suspection for encheson of his abyte, that he was in clothed and also for his brode croune / But whan the kynges men wyfte that he was dede / they bycomen wonder sory / & fast sought the trai tour / But they myght not fynde hym / for Coppa toened ageyne to the hoost. fro whens that he come /
Whan Aurilambros was dede a sterre in the morne was seyne with a clere lyght / & at the bought of the beme was fey [...] the [...] of an horrible dragon / Ca / lxviij
Whan the kyng Aurilambros was thus dede & enpoysened at wynches [...]e / a morne after that he was dede aboute the tyme of p [...]e there was seyne a [...]rre greete and cleere / and the [Page] beme of that sterre was bryghter than the sonne / & at the bouȝt of the beme appered a dragōs hede, & oute of his mouth come ij huge lightes that were as bright, as ony fyre brennyng / and that one beme wente toward Fraunce / & straught ouer the see thyderward And out of that beme come vij bemes ful clere & longe as it we to the lyghte of fyre / This sterre was feyn of many a man / but none of hem wyst what it bytokened / meer that was the kynges broder that was in walis with his hoost of bertons saw that sterre & the grete lyght that yafe he wondred therof gretely what it myght bytoken / and lete calle merlyn / & prayd hym for to telle / what it myght bytoken.
Of the betokenyng of the sterre / Ca / lxix /
OErlyn saw that sterre & beheld hym long tyme & sythen [...]s he quoke & wepte tenderly, and sayd allas allas that so no ble kyng & worthy is dede. And I doo yowe to vnderstonde that Anrilambros youre broder is enpoysened / and that I see w [...] in this sterre & your self bytokened by the hede of the dragon that is seyn at the bought of the beme that is your self that shal be kyng and regne / And by the beeme that stonde toward the est is to vn derstonde that ye shal geete a sone that shal conquere all Fraūce & all the landes that ben longynge to the croune of fraunce that shal be a worthyer styng & of more honour than euer was ony of his auncestres, And by the beme that stretcheth toward Irlond is bytokened that ye shal gete a donghter that shal be quene of ir lond / And the seuen bemes bytokenen that she shal haue seuen sones / & euery of hem shal be kyng and regne with moche honour & abyde ye no lenger here. but go & [...]ue batayll to your enemyes & fyghte with hem boldely / for ye shal ouercome hem & haue the vyctorye. meer thanked hertely merlyn / & toke his men and went toward his enemy. & they foughten to geder mortaly / & so be discomfyted his enemyes alle / & destroyed / & hym self shewe passent that was Mortigers sone. And his britons slewe guyllomer that was kynge of Irlond & al his men. And meer anon after that batuyll toke his wey toward wynchestre for to done entere Auri lambros kyng that was his broder / but tho was the body borne to stohenge with moche honour that he had done made in [...] braūce of the britons that there were slayn thurgh treson of engist that same day that they shold haue / ben acorded. & in the same place they entered aurilambros the / ij / xere of his [...]gne with al the worship that longed to suche a kyng / on whos so [...] god haue mercy
Of Vter pendragon / & wherfor he was callyd so after ye shalle here / And how he was ouertake with grete loue of Igerne that that was therle of Cornewaylles wyf / Ca. lxx /
AFter the deth of Aurilambros Vter his broder was crowned and regned wel and worthely, and in remembraunce of the dragon that he was lyked to / he lete make two / dragones thurgh coūseill of his britons / that one to be bow bifore hym / whan he went in to bataylle, and that other to abyde at wynchestre in the bisshops chirche / And for that encheson he was callyd euer after Vter pendragon / And Otta that was Engystes sone / commended but lytel Vter / that was made new kyng and ageynste hym bygan to meue warre / and ordeyned a grete companye of his frendes & of his kynne and of Ossa his broder / and had take al the land from humber vnto york / but they of york helde strongly ageyn hem / & wold not suffre hem to come in to the toun, nother to yelde the Cyte to hem / and he besyeged the toun anon ught / & yaf ther to a stronge assaut / but they of the cyte hem kepte well and strongly / And whan Vter herd therof / he come thyder with a gre te power for to helpe and rescue the toune / & put awey the syege & yaf a strong batayll. & otta & his companye hem defended as wel as they myght / but atte last they were discomfyted / & the moose part of hem slayn / & otta and ossa were taken & put in to prison at london / And Vter hym selfe duellyd a while at yorke / & after he went to london / and at the ester after suyng he wold bere crowne / and holde a solempne fest, & lete sompne al his erles & barons that they shold come to that fest / and all tho that had wyues shol de bringe hem also to that feste / and al comen at the kynges commaundement as they were comaunded, The fest was richely holden & al worthy sette to mete after that they weren of estate / soo that erle go [...]wys of Cornewayle / & Igerne his wyf setten al ther next the kyng / & the kyng sawe the fayrenes of that lady that she had And was rauysshed for hir beaute / & ofte he made to hyr nyce semblaunt in lokyng & laughyng / so at the last the erle perteyned the priue lokyng & laughyng & the loue bitwene hem & aroos [...] from the table all in wrath / & toke his wyfe & callyd to hym his knyghtes / & went thens al in wrath without takyng leue of the kyng / The kyng anon sent after hym that he shold come ageyn & go not thens in despite of hym, And therle wold not come ayene in noo maner wyse / wherfor the kyng was ful wroth, and in [Page] wrath hym deffyed as his dedely enemy / And the erle went thens in to Cornewayle with his wyf in to the castel of Tyntagell / And the kyng lete ordeyne a grete hoost & come in to Cornewayl for to destroye the erle yf he myght / But he had put hym in suche a castel that was strong & wel arrayed of Tyntagel / & wold not yeld hym to the kynge / The kyng anon besieged the castel & ther duellyd xv dayes / that neuer myght spede. & euer thoughte vpon ygerne / and vpon hir layd so moche loue / that he no wyse what to done / Soo at the last be callyd to hym a knyght that was callyd Mlfyn that was pryue with hym / and told hym al his counseyll & axed of hym what was best for to done / Syr [...]d he. doth sende after Merlyn for he can telle yow the best counceylle of ony man lyuyng. Merlyn anon was sente after / & come to the kyng, & the kyng told hym all his wylle / Syr [...]d merlyn / I shal done soo moche thurgh crafte that I can / that I shal make yow come this nyght in to the castel of Tyntagel / and shal haue al your wylle of that lady / .
How Vter bygate on Igerne that was the erles wyf of Cor newayl Arthur kyng / Ca / lx [...] /
OErlyn thurgh crafte that he coude chaūged the kyng [...] figu re in to the lykenesse of therle / & vlfyn garsoys his chāb [...]rlayn and to the figure of Iordan that was therles chamberlayn Soo that eche of hem was transfigured to other lykenes / And whan merlyn had so done. he sayd to the kyng / Syr [...]d be nowe mow ye gone sodenly to the castel of Tyntagel / & axen [...] [...]er & haue your wylle / the kyng toke priuely all the hoose to gouer ne & lede to a knyght that he moche louid▪ & toke his way toward the castel / & with hym vlfyn his chāberlayn & merlyn And whan they come thyder the portier went that it had ben his own lord. & whan tyme come for to gone to bed / The kyng went to [...] with Igerne the erles wyf. & dyd with hir all his wyll / & bygo te vpon hir a sone that was callyd Arthur, [...]pon the morowe the noble myghty kyng toke his leue of the lady / & went ayene to his hoost▪ And the same nyght that the kyng laye by Igerne in bedde y fere with therles wyf, the kynges men yeuen a strong assaut to the castel / & the erle and his men manly hem defended / But at the last it befell so that at at the same assaut the erle him self was slayne and the castel taken /
And the kyng anone torned ayene to Tyntagell and spoused ygerne with moche honour / and made hyr quent. & sone after tyme [Page] come that she shold be delyuerd / & bere a child a sone that was cal led Arthur / And after he gate on hyr a doughter that was callid Amya / And whan she come to age / she was nobly maryed to a noble baron / that was callyd Aloth / that was lord of leons / whan Vter long tyme had regned / ther come vpon hym a greete sikenes / as it were a sorow / And in the mene tyme they that had to kepe Otta that was Engystes sone / & ossa his broder / that tho were in prisō / men lete hem gone for grete yeftes that they hem yaf & went with hem / And whan tho two britheren were escaped & comen ageyne in to hir owne coūtre / they ordeyned hem a greete hoost & a grete power / & bigonne to werre eftsones vpon the kyng
How kyng Vter chees aloth to kepe the land of britayne whyles that he was syke / for as moche as he myght not for his sekenesse / Capitulo, septuagesimo secundo /
ANd for as moche as kyng Vter was seke / and myght not helpe him self / he ordeined aloth sone of eleyne that tho was chosen to be wardeyn and chyueteyne of all his folk / & he anone & his Britons assembled a grete hooste / and yaf bataylle to Otta and to his folk / but Otta atte last was discomfited / Hit byfelle thus afterward that thise britons had dedygnacion of Aloth and wold not to hym ben attendaunt / wherfor the kyng was annoyed wonder sore, & lete put him in a lytter in the hoost amonges folk And they lad hym to beroloyne that tho was a fair cite ther that seynt Allone was martred / & after was that cyte destroyed with paynyms, thurgh werre / & thydder they / had sente otta & ossa / & hir peple / & entrid in to the toune / & lete make fast the yates / and ther they helde hem / & the kynge come / & hem besieged / & made a strong assaute / but they that were within manlych hem defended The kyng lete ordeyne his gonnes & his engyns for to breke the walles▪ & the walles were so stronge / that nothynge myght hym mysdoo / Otta & his peple had grete despyte, that a kyng lyggyng in a lyttyer had hem besyeged. & they token conuceill amonges hem for to stonde vp in the morow. & come oute / & yeue batayll to the kyng / & so they diden▪ & in that bataill were both otta & ossa slayn & al tho other that escaped alyue fled in to scotland / & made colegryne hyr chyuetayn / & the saxons that were alyue & escaped fro the bataylle broughten ageyne a grete strengthe, & amonges hem they sayden / that yf kyng vter were deed / they shold wel con quere the lād / & amonges hem they thought enpoysen the kyng / & [Page] ordeyned men for to done this dede / & yaf hem of yef [...]s grete plen te this thynge to done / & they ordeyned hem thyderward ther that the kyng was duellyng & clothed hem in pouer wede the better all for to spede her lyther purpose / but netheles for al hir falsenes & queyntyse they myght neuer come to nygh the kyng / But so at [...] last they espyed that the kyng drank none other lycour but only water of a clere welle / that was nygh besides / and these fals tray tours vpon a day preuelych went to the welle / & put therm wy sen / so that all the water was enpoisened / And anon after as the kyng had dronke of that water / he bygan to suclle / [...] sone after he deyd / & as many as dronken of that water deyde also / And anon as this falsenes was aspyed▪ folk of the toun lete stoppe the wel le for euermore, whan the kyng was dede. his folk bere hym to stonhenge with grete solempnyte of bisshops & of barons that we re there / that beryed hym besyde aurylambros his broder / & after turned ageyne tho euerychone / and lete sende after Arthur his so ne▪ & they made hym kyng of the land with moche reuerence after his faders deth the seuententh yere of his regne /
How Artur that was the sone of Vter was crouned after his fadres deth / & how he drofe Colegryne / and the saxons / & [...] of Almayne oute of this land / Ca, [...]. [...]
WHan Arthur was made kyng of the lād / he was but yong of age of xv yere / but he was fayre / and bolde / and doubty of body / and to meke folke he was good and courtoys. and large of spendyng / & made hym wel byloued among al men / there that it was nede / And whan he bygan to regne / he swore that the saxōs neuer shold haue pees ne rest. til that he had dryue hem out of his land / & lete assemble a grete hoost / & fought with Colegry ne / thr whiche after tyme that Otta was dede, the saxons maynte ned / And this Colegryne was discomfyted & fled vnto yorke / & toke the toune. & ther he helde hym / And the kyng besyeged that toun / but he myght nothyng spede / for the toune was so strong [...]. & they within kepte the toune wel & orpedly / and in the mene tyme Colgryne lete the toune to bladulf & fled hym self to cheldri [...] that was king of Almayn for to haue of hym socour / & the kyng assembled a grete power, & come & arryued in scotland with [...] shippes / & whan Arthur wyst of this tydyng that he he had not power & strēgth ynouw for to fight ageynst cheldri [...], he lete [...]en the siege / & went to london / & sent anon his lettres to the kyng of [...] [Page] britayn that was callid [...]oel his neuew his sustres sonne / that he sholde come to hym with al the power that he myght / & he assembled a grete hoost / & arryued at southhampton / And whan kyng Arthur it wyst / he was glad ynow / & went ayenst hem / & hem re sceyued with moche honour, so that tho two hoostes hem assēbled & token hir wey euen to nychol / that chelderyk had besyeged / but nought yet taken / And they come vpon cheldryk / & vpon his peple er they it wyst ther that they were / & hem egrely assaylled / The kyng cheldryk & his meyny defended hem manly by hyr power / But kyng Arthur & his men slewe so many saxons that ne uer er was seyn suche a slaughter / And cheldryk. & his men that were leften alyue fledden aweye. And Arthur hem ponrsued / & drofe hem in to a wode / that they myght no ferther passe / cheldrik & his men sawe wel that they were brought in so moche dysese & hem yolden to Arthur in this maner / that he shold take hir hors & hir armour / and all that they had they must only gone a fote [...] to hir shippes / & so they wold gone in to hyr owne land / & neuer come ageyn in to this land / & vpon assuraūce of this thyng they yeuen hym good hostages. & Arthur by coūceylle of his men graunted this thyng / & resseyued the hostages / And herupon the other went to hyr shippes / And whan they were in the hygh see / her wyll changed as the deuyl it wolde, & they retourned hir nauye & come ageyne in to this lande / & arryued at tottenesse and went out of hir shippes / & toke the land & clene robbed it, & moch peple slew and token all the armure that they myght fynde & so they wente forth til they come to bathe / But the men of the toun shit fast hyr yates / and wold not suffre hem come within the tou ne / and they defended hem wel & orpedly ageynst hem.
How Arthur yafe bataill to the saxons whan they come ayen and besyeged the tonne of bathe. & hem ouercome / Ca / Lxxiiij
WHan Arthur herd this tydyng / anone he lete honge the hostages / and lefte hoele of britayne his neueu for to kepe the marche toward scotland with half his peple and hym self went to helpe reskew the toune of bathe. & whan he come thyder / he yafe a stronge batayll to cheldryk / & slewe al most al the peple that he had / for noo man myght hym withstond / ne endure the stroke of his suerde. And ther bothe were slayne Colgryne and [Page] [...] his broder / And cheldrik fledde thens & wold haue go ne to his shippes▪ but whan Artur it wyst / he toke x M knyghtes to Cador that was erle of Cornewayle for to lette & stoppe his co myng / And arthur hym self went toward the marche of scotlond For messagers told hym that the scottes had besyeged hoel of bri tayne. ther that he lay seke / and therfor he hasted thyderward / And Cador pursued after Cheldryk / & toke him er he myght come to his shippes. & slewe Cheldryk, and his peple / And whan Cador had done this vyage / he hasted hym ageyne as fast as he myght towardes Arthur / and fonde hym in scotland ther that he had re seued hoel of britayn / But the scottes were al ferre within mon ref / And ther they helde hem a whyle / but Arthur hem pursued & they fled thens in to lymoygne that were in that countre [...]x Iles / and grete plente of briddes / & grete plente of egles that were woned to crye & fyghte to geders & make grete noyse / whan folke come to robbe that land and werren as moche as they myght / and so they dyden / for the scottes were so grete rauenours that they to ke al that they myght fynde in the land of lymoygne without ony sparynge. And therwith they charged ageyne the folk in to scotland for to wende
How kyng Arthur axed of Merlyn the auentures of six the last kyn̄ges that weren to regne in englond / & how the land shold ende / Ca / lxxv /
SIr qd merlyn in the yere of yncarnacion of Ihesu criste / M, CC, xv, shal come a lambe oute of wynchestre / that shal ha ue a whyte tonge and trewe lyppes / & he shal haue wryten in his herte holynesse / This lambe shold make many goddes houses / & he shal haue pees the moost part of al his lyfe / And he shal make one of the fayrest places of the worlde that in this tyme shall not fully be made an ende / And in the ende of his lyf a wolf of a straūge lond shal do hym moche harme & sorow thurgh werre / but at thende the lambe shal be mayster thurgh helpe of a rede fox that shal come oute of the northwest / and hym shal ouercome. and the wolf shal dye in water / and after that tyme the lambe shal lyue no whyle that he ne shal dye, His fede than shal ben in a straūge land / & the land shal be without a gouernour a lytel whyle /
ANd after his tyme shal come a dragon melled with mercy and este with wodenes that shal haue a berd as a goot that shalle yeue in Englonde shadowe. And shalle kepe the lande [Page] from colde and hete / & his owne foote shal be fet [...] in wy [...]e / & that other in london, & he shal enbrace inhabytacions, & he shal open his mouth toward walys & the trembling of the hydour of his mouth his eres shal stretche toward many habit [...]ūs & countreis / & his breth shal be ful swete in straūge land / And in his tyme shal the Ryuers renne with blode. and with brayne / and he shal make in places of his land walles that shull doo moche harme vnto his se ed after his tyme. Than shal ther come a peple oute of the northwest duryng his regne that shal be ladde thurgh out a wykked hare that the dragon shal done croune kyng that afterward shall flee ouer the see without comyng ageyne for drede of the dragon And in that tyme the sonne shal be as rede as blode / as me shull see thurgh al the world / that shal bytoken grete pestyle nee & deth of folk thurgh dent of swerd / and that peple shal ben faderles til the tyme that the dragon shal dye thurgh an hare / that shal meue ayenst hym werre vnto the ende of his lyf that shal not fully ben ended in his tyme / This dragon shal be hold in his tyme the best body of the world / and he shal dye besyde the marches of a straū ge land / & the land shall duelle faderles withoute a good gouer nour / and me shal wepe for his deth from the yle of shepey vnto the hauen of marcyll / wherfore allas shal be the commune songe of faderles folk / that shal ouerlyuen in his land destroyed /
ANd after this dragon shal come a goot oute of kar that shal haue hornes and a berde of siluer / and ther shal come oute of his nostrel a domp that shal betoken honger & sorowe & greete deth of the peple and moche of his land in the begynnyng of his regne shal be wasted / This goot shal goo ouer to Fraunce, & shal opene the flout of his lyf and of deth / In his tyme ther shal arryse an egle in Cornewayle that shalle haue fethers of gold that of pride shal be without pere of the lād and he shal despyse lordes of blode / and after he shall flee shamefully by a bere at Gauerseche / and after shul be made bridges of men vpon the costes of the see / and stones shal falle fro castels [...] many other townes shul be made playn.
In his tyme shall seme that the bere shal brenne / and a bataylle shal be done vpon the armes of the see in a feld ordeyned as a s [...] de. And at that bataylle. shal dye many whyte heedes / wherfore his bataylle shal be callyd the whyte bataylle /
[Page] And the forsayd bere shal done this gote moche harme. and it shal come oute of the southwest & of his blode / than shal the gote [...]se moche of this lande til at the tyme that shendship shal hym ouercome, & than he shal clothe hym in a lyon skynne, & than shal he wynne that he hadde loste / & more therto / For a peple shal come out of the northwest / that shal make the goot sore adrad / & he shal auenge hym of his enemyes thurgh counceyl of two owles that fyrst shall be in perylle for to bene vndone, but the olde oule shall wende a certayne tyme / & after he shal come ageyne in to this lond These two owles shullen done grete harme to many on & so they shal eoun [...]eylle the gote that he shold arere werre ageynst the for sayd bere / & at the last the goot and the owles shall come at bur ton vp Trent / and shal wende ouer / and for drede the bere shalle flee / and aswan with hym fro his companye to burton toward the north, & ther they shul ben with an hard shour / and the swan shal ther be slayne with sorow / & the bere taken & byheded alther next his nest that shal stonde vpon a broken brydge, on whome the son ne shal cast hyr bemes, & many shal hym seke for ver [...]u that fro hym shal come / In the same shal dye for sorow & care / a peple of his land so that many landes shal ben on hym the more bolder af terward / and tho two owles shul doo moche harme to the forsaid flour of lyse / and hir shull lede in destresse / so that she shal passe ouer in to Fraunce for to make pees bitwene the goot / & the floure delise / & ther she shal duelle till a tyme that hir seed shal come & se che hir / & they shullen he stylle / till a tyme that they shull hem clo the with grace / & they shull seche the oules / & shul put hem to des pytous deth / And after shal this gote ben brought to dysese. and grete anguyssh / and in sorowe he shal leue al his lyfe /
AFtre this gote shal come out of wyndesore a bore. that shal haue an hede of whyte a lyons herte / and a pytous so [...]yng His vysage hal be rest to seke men / His worde shal be stanching of ther [...] / To hem that ben a thyrste hys worde shall be Gospell / His beryng shall be meke as a lambe /
In the fyrst yere of his regne he shall haue grete payne to Iustyfye hem that ben vntrewe, And in his tyme shalle his lande bee multyplyed with Alyens /
And this [...]ore thurgh fyersenes of herte that he shal haue shalle maste wulues bycome lambes / And he shalle bee callyd thurgh [Page] oute of the world bore of holynes fyersnes of noblesse and of mekenes, & he shal done mesurably al that he shal haue to done vn to the burgh of Ierusalem & he shal whette his teeth vpon the ya tes of parys and vpon four landes / Spayne shal tremble for dre de / Gascoyne shal swete In fraunce he shal putte his wynge hys grete tayl shall rest in englond. and softely Almayne shal quake for drede of hym / This bore shal yeue mantels to two townes of Englonde, and shal make the Ryuer renne with bloode & wyth brayne / & he shal make many mede wes reede / and he shal gete as moche as his auncestres dyden. and er that he be dede / he shal bere thre crounes, and he shal put a land in to grete subiection / and af terward it shal be releued but not in his tyme, This bore after he is dede for his doughtynesse shal be entered at Coloygne. and hys land shal than be fulfylled of all good /
AFter this bore shal come a lambe that shal haue feet of bede / an hede of bras / an hert of a loppe, a swynes skyn / and an harde / and in his tyme his lande shal be in pees the fyrste yere of his regne / he shal do make a Cyte. that all the world shal spe ke therof. this lambe shal leue in his tyme a grete part of his lō de thurgh an hidous wolfe. but he shal recouer it & yeue a lordship to an egle of his londes / and thys Egle shall wel gouerne it til the tyme that pryde shal hym ouergone / Allas the sorowe / For he shal deye of his broders suerd. and after shal the lande fall to the forsayd lambe / that shall gouerne the land in pees all his lyfe tyme / And after he shall dye / and the land be fulfylled of all maner good /
AFter this lambe shal come a mold warpe. cursed of goddes mouth / a caytyf / a coward / an hare / he shal haue an erthely skynne as a gote & vengeaunce shal falle vppon hym for synne / In the fyrst yere of his regne he shal haue of al good grete plen te in his lande and toward hym also and in his lande he shalle haue grete praysynge till the tyme that he shall suffre his people lyue in to moche pryde withoute chastysyng / wherfor god wylle be wroth / Than shal aryse vp a dragon of the north that shal ben full fyers and shal meue warre ageynst the forsayd mold warpe / and shall yeue hym batayll vpon a stone /
This dragon shal gadre ageyne in to his companye a wolfe that shal come oute of the west to begynne werre ageynst the forsaid [Page] Moldwerpe in his syde and so shal the dragon and he bynde her tayles to geder / Than shall come a lyon oute yf Irlond that shal falle in company with hem / & then̄e shal tremble the lande that than shall be callyd englond / as an aspen leef / And in that tyme shal castels be felled a doune vppon thamyse / & it shal seme that seuerne shal be drye for the bodyes that shul falle theryn / The u [...] ehyef flodes in englond shull renne in blode and grete drede shall be and anguysshe that shal arrisen / After the moldewarpe shall flee and the dragon / The lyon and the wolf hem shal dryne aware / and the lande shal be withoute hem / And the moldwarpe shal haue no maner power sauf only a shippe / wlerto he may wē de. And after that he shal go to lond whan the see is withdrawen And after that he shal yeue the thyrd part of his land for to haue the fourth part in pees and reste / and after he shal lyue in sorowe all his lyf tyme / and in his tyme the hote bathes shullen by come cold / and after shal the moldwarpe dye auentoursly and sodaynly / Allas the sorow / for he shal be dreynt in a flode of the see / His seed shal bycome faderles in straūge lond for euermore And than shal the land be departed in thre partyes / that is to say To the wolfe / To the dragon / and to the lyon / and so shal it bee for euermore / And than shal this land be callyd the land of con quest / And so shall the rightful heyres of englond ende /
How Arthur ouercome guyllomer that was kyng of Irlōd And how the scottys bycomen his men / Cao. / Lxxvjo.
WHan Guyllomer that was kynge of Irlond had tydyng that kyng Arthur was entered at glastenbury / he ordeyned a grete power of Irysshe men & come to the see with his Irysshe pe ple / and so come in to scotlande ouer the see and arryned fast by ther that kyng Arthur was with his hoost / & anon as he wyste therof / he went towardes hym / and yaf hym batayll / and ouercome hym anon right / and guyllomer fledde with his men ayene in to Irlond. And whan this discomfyture was so done / Arthur tur ned hym ayene ther that he was in to the place / ther that he hadd left the scottes / & wold haue hem all slayne / But the Bisshops Abbots and other folk of the coutre and ladyes open [...]ded come byfore kyng athur / and cryed hym mercy / and sayd Syr gentil kyng and myghty haue mercy and pyte of vs / And as yo wre [Page] sylf ben of the right lawe to holden and maintene cristendom ful grete dishonour it shold be to quelle hem, that byleue in almygh ty god as ye done. and for goddes loue haue mercy & pyte of vs & suffre vs for to lyue. For we haue had moche sorow and payne / For the saxons haue many tyme thurgh our land passed. but that is not ynow to yow / For oftentymes they hauen vs done sorowe and dysese / For our Castels they haue taken / & our beestes slayne and eten / and moche sorowe they haue vs done / & yf ye wold now vs slee / it were none honour to a kyng to sle hem that cryen hym mercy / For ynowe ye haue y done & vs ouercome, & for the loue of [...]od suffre vs for to lyue / and haue mercy of crysten peple / that [...]euen in criste as ye done, whan kyng Arthur herde this sorowe, he had pyte of hem. and yaf hem lyf / & lymme and they fyll douue to his feet, and bycome his lyege men / & he toke of hem homages, And after that kyng Arthur torned ageyne with his hoost / and come ageyne to york / and there abore duryng that vyage / And tho yafe he al loegers to Aloth / that had spou sed his suster / and other yeftes grete plente / and tho was gawen his cosyn, but of yong age / and to al his other men that had hym seruyd in his werre / he yaf ryche yeftes / & he thanked hem moche of hyr good seruyse /
How kyng Arthur spoused gunnore that was gunnores Co syn erle of Cornewayle / and after he conquerd of guyllomer all Irlond. Cao. / lxxvijo.
WHan Arthur had brought his land in pees and reste. and in good state and rest was in euery countrey / tho toke he. & wedded a wyf that was callyd gunnor, & made hir quene a fayre ladye and a gentel / that Cador the erle of Cornewayle had long tyme norysshed in his chambre / that was his owne cosyn, but neuer they had child to geder / and netheles kyng Arthur loued hyr wonder well and derly / And anone as wynter was passed / he le te assemble a grete hooste / and alle his barons, and sayd that he wold wende in to Irlond for to conquere the land / and he caryed not long / that he ne passed ouer in to Irlond. And guyllomer the kyng lete assemble a grete hoost, and yaf batail to kyng Arthur But guyllomer was discomfyted / and yelde hym to the kynge Arthur / and bycome his man / and to hym dyd feaulte and homa ge / and of hym helde al that lond fro that tyme forward.
And after passed kyng Arthur furthermore / and conquered gut land and yslande / & toke homages of folke & of the lond & there [Page] duellyd xij yere in pees / and regned with ioye & myrth / and wer red noo maner man / ne noo man vpon hym / And he bycome soo courtoys and large and so honorable that themperours court of Rome / ne none thurgh oute al the worlde was not acompted to kyng Arthure that ony man wyst. ne none so wel preysed /
And therfor the best knyghtes of al maner lōdes come to him for to duelle / and hem resseyued with good wylle and reuerence And al the knyghtes were so good that noman knewe the werst And therfor kyng Arthur made a round table / that whan they shold sytten to the mete / al shold be alych hygh / & euenly scrued at the table that none myght make a vaūt / that none were hyer than other / & kyng Arthur had at that Table / Batons Frenssh men▪ normans / Flemynges / Burgoners. Mausers / Lotherms / & of al the landes a this balfe moūt of gorye and of his lande of britayne / and of the grete Cornewayle / of walys / & of Irland / and of scotland / and shortly to telle of al the landes that wolden worship & chyualrye seche comen to kyng Arthures court /
How kynge Arthur come in to Fraunce, and conquerd that lande of Frolle that was a Romayn. & hym sl [...]we / Cao / lxxv [...]
Syth it befell that kyng Arthur thurgh counseyll of his barons & lordes wolde gone and conquere al fraunce / that tho was callyd gallia thurgh Romayns that tho helde that lande in hyr power / & in hir lordship / & the Romayns had take that land to a noble knyght & worthy of body, that was callyd frolle / and whan he wyst that Arthur come / he ordeyned an hoost / & a greete power / & fought with the kynge / & he & his folk were disconfyted / & thens they fled vnto parys / & entryd the tonne / & closed the yates. & ther hem helde / Arthur wyst that Froll was gone to pa ris / he pursued after / & come thider / & hym besyeged. but the Cyte was so strong / & wel arayed / & tho that were within / defēded hem wel & māly / Kyng arthur duellyd there more a moneth / & ther was soo moche people in the Cyte / & dispended al hir vytaylles / that were within / & soo grete honger bycome amonges hem / that [...]ey deyden wonder thykke within the cyte for honger, & comen to Frolle, & prayd hym to ben acorded with kyng Arthur for to ha ue pres / & they wolde yelde hem to hym. & the toun also / Frolle saw that no lenger he myght holde the toune ageynste hyr wyl & trust gretely vpon his own strengthe / & sent to kyng arthur that [Page] he shold come fyght with hym body for body / & so shold they departe fraunce bytwene hem two / kyng Arthur anon graūted it & wold not that one of his peple vndertoke the batayll for hym / & vpon the morne bothe men were armed without parys ther that they shold fight / & anon they smyten to geders so fyersly & so wel they foughten in bothe sydes that no man coude deme the beter of hem / & so it befelle, that Frolle yaf Arthur suche a stroke that he kneled to the groūde / wolde. he nold he / & as frolle withdrow his suerd / he wounded kyng Arthur in the forhede that the blode fell a doune by his eyen & his face / Arthur anone sterte vp hertely / whan he felt hym hurt as a man that semed almost wode. and he toke Tabourne his good suerd▪& drowe it vpon highe / & yafe Frolle suche a stroke that therwith he clafe his hede doune to the sholders / so that his helme myght not be his warrant / & so he fell a doune dede in the place / & they of the cyte made grete sorow for Frolle / anone euerychone yelde hem to kyng Arthur / & the toun also / & bycome his men & dyde to hym homage and feaute / and he vnderfenge hem / & toke of hem good hostages / and kyng Arthur after went forth with his hoost, and conquerd Angyen / and An gyers, gascoyne pehyto / nauerne / Burgeyne / Berry / Lotherne / Turyn and peythers. and all the other land of Frannce he conquerd holych / And whan he had alle conquerd and taken by homages and feaultes / he torned ageyne to parys / and ther he duel led long tyme, and ordeyned pees long tyme ouer all the countray and thurgh oute al Fraūce / And whan pees was made ouer al thurgh his noble knyghthode that he had / and also for his owne worthynes / And noman were he neuer soo grete a lord durst not mene werre ageynst hym / nother to arryse for to make the lād of fraunce in quyete & pres / he duellyd ther nyne yere / & dyde ther ma ny grete wondres. and. reproued many proude men / and lyther ty vants / & hem chastysed after hir deseruyse /
How kyng Arthur auaunced all his men / that had trauaylin his seruyce / Cao. / lxxixo.
ANd afterward it befelle thus at Estren ther that he helde a fest at parys / ry [...]lely he gan auaunce his knyghtes for hyr seruyce, that had hym holpen in his conquest / He yafe to his styward that was callyd kay / Angyeen & Angy ers / And to Bedeler his boteler he yafe normandy that tho was callyd neustrye / And to Holdyne hys Chambyrlayne [Page] he yaf flaundres and maunce / and to do [...]ll his cosyn he yafe bo [...]oyn. And to Rychard his neueu be yaf ponntyf / And to alle other he yaf large landes and fees after they were of estate / And whan Arthur had thus his knyghtes feffed at auerill next after sewyng / he come ageyne in to britayn his owne land, And after at whytsontyde next sewynge by counseyl of his barons he wold be crouned kyng of glomergon / & helde a solempne fest & lete sompne / kynges / Erles & batons, that they shold come thider euerychone / ther was scater kyng of scotlond / Cadwere kyng of southwales / Euyllomer kynge of Northwales / Maded kynge of Irland / Malgamus kyng of gutland / Achylles kyng of Iselande / Aloth kyng of denmark / Eonewas kyng of norwey, and Hel his cosyn kyng of dorkeny. Cador kyng of litell butain / Mowitherle of Cornewayl / Mauran erle of gloucestre. guerdon [...]le of wynchestre / Boel erle of hertford / [...]reegy erle of oxenford / Cursall erle of bathe. Ionas erle of C [...]stre. Enetal erle of dorchestre / [...]ymare erle of salysbury, waloth erle of Caūterbury / Iu gerne erle of chichestre / Aral erle of leycetre / & the erle of war wyst. & many other ryche lordes / Britons also ther ca in mo / that is to say dyppon / Donaud / gennes and many other that ben not here named weren at that feste / and many a fayr fest kyng Arthur had holde byforne / but neuer none such / ne so solempne, and that lastyd xv dayes with moche honour and myeth.
Of the letter that was sent from the Cyte of Rome for pryde to kyng Arthur / Ca / lxxx /
THe thyrd day as kyng Arthur sate at his mete among his kynges & amonge hem that seten at the feste byforne hem come in xij aldermen of age rychely arayed / & courtously salued the kynge and sayd they come from Rome sente as messagyers feo thempetour / and toke to hym a letter / that thus moche was to vnderstonde / Gretely vs meruayleth Arthur that thou art ones so hardy with eyen in thy hede to maken open wer re & contaste ayenst vs of rome that owen all the worlde to derne for thou hast neuer yet byforne this tyme proued, ne essayed the strength of the romayns / & therfor thou it shalt in a lytell tyme /
For Iulius cesar conquerd all the lande of Brytayne / & toke therof truage, and our folke haue it long y had, and now thurgh thy pryde thou witholdest it. Wherfore we commande the that [Page] thou it yelde ageyn / & yet hast thou more foly done that thou hast slayne frolle that was our baron of fraunce all with wronge / & therfor all the comons of Rome warnen / & comande the vpon lyf & lymme / that thou be in haste at Rome, amendes to make of thy mysdedes that thou hast done / And yf it so be that thou come not we shal passe the hylle of Ioye with strength / and we shal the se ke wher euer thou may be founde,& thou shalt not haue a fo [...] of lande of thyne owne that we ne shal destroye / & afterward with thy body we shal done our will / whan this letter was rad / & al men it herd / they were annoyed al that were at that solempnyte / & the butons wold haue slayn the messagiers but the kyng wold not suffre hem,& said that the messagyers shold haue none harme & mowe by reson none deserue / but cōmanded hem to be worshipfully serued / And after mete he toke counseyll of kynges / ersts & barons. what ansuer he myght yeue ageyne to the messagers / and they counceylled hym attones that he shold assemble a grete power of all the landes / of whiche he had lordship. & manly auenge hym vpon the emperour of the despyte that he had sente hym such a letter / & they sworen by god / & by his names that they sholde hym pursue / & brenne as moche as they myght. & sayde that they wold neuer faylle kyng Arthur / and rather to be dede / & they lete wryte a letter to sende to thēperour by the same messagyers in this maner /
Of the bold ansuet that kyng Arthur sent to themperour of Rome and to the Romaynes / Cao / lxxxj /
UNderstondeth amonges yowe of Rome that I am kynge Arthur of butayn / & frely it hold and shal hold. and at rome hastely I wil be / not to yeue yow truage, but for to axen tru age / For Constantin that was eleynes sone that was emperour of Rome & of al the honour that therto bylongeth / & maximian kyng conquerd al fraunce & almayne / & mount Ioye passed & con querd al lumbardye / & these two were myne auncestres / & that they helde & had / I shal haue thurgh goddes wylle /
Of the reuerence that arthur dyd to the emperours messagyers of Rome Ca / lxxxij /
WHan this letter was made and ensealed / kyng Arthur to the messagyers yafe grete yeftes / and after that the messagyers toke hir lene and went thens and come to the court of Ro me ageyne and tolde themperour how worthely they were vnderfongen / and whiche a ryall companye he had hym to serue and [Page] [...] he was more ryally seruyd than the emperour / or ony kyng lyuyng in the world / And whan the emperour had seen the letter & herd what was therin / & sawe that Arthur wolde not be ru [...]d after hym. he lete assemble & ordeyne an huge hoost for to destroye kyng arthur yf that he myght / And kyng Arthur as tou chyng his power and partye ordeyned his power and knygh [...] of the round table /
Of the kynges and lordes that comen to helpe kyng Arthur a geynst the emperour / Capitulo, lxxxiij /
THe kynge of Scotland and of Irlond and of gutlande / of denmark / & of almayne / euery of hem had ten / M / men / The dust of normandy / Gascoyne. Flaundres / [...]hyto / & of Bosoyn had four. M / geryn of chartres had x M / Hoel of butayne, bod xij / M, & hym self of his owne land xij M / and of Arbalastyers & of archyers & of other folk in fore / that no man coude hem nō bre / & whan al were redy for to wende / kyng Arthur his lond & gūnore his wyf toke to kepe to one of his neueus that was a wise knyght and an hardy / that was called mordred / but he was not al t [...]we as ye shal here afterward / kyng Arthur toke all his [...] ame to this mordred sauf only the croune / And after that kyng Arthur toke his hoost & went to southampton ther that the shippes were brought & the folke assembled / and they dyden hem to the see / & had good wynde & wether at wyl / & also sone a [...] they myght they arryued at harflete. and as sone as they myght / they went oute of his shippes / & spradden all the countre.
How kyng Arthur fought with a geant in spayne, that was callyd dynabus that slewe eleyne / that was kyng ho [...]ls cosyn of lytel britayne Capitulo lxxxi [...]
KYyng Arthur had not duelled in the coūtre but a [...] why le / that men ne told hym that ther was comen a grete geant in to spayn / & had rauysshed fayr eleyn / that was cosyn to hoel of britayne / & hadde brought hir vppon an hylle / that is callyd the mount of saynt bernard, & ther was no man in that countrey soo hold. ne soo hardy, that dursie with hym fyght / ner come nere the place / ther that geant duellyd. & he was callyd Dynabus / that moche sorow dyde in the countrey / whan kyng Arthur herd this tydyng / he called key & [...]dewere / & comanded hem to go priuely & & espye wher the geant myght be founde & they comen to the ryua ge / there that men shold go to the mount that was all enclosed aboute with water and yet is and euer shal be / And they [Page] saw a brennyng fyre vpon the hille / & ther was also another hill nygh that / ther was therupon another fyre buennyng / Prey / & [...]ede were come to the next hille / & foūden a wydueopen hede syttyng besydes a tombe sore wepyng and grete sorow made / & ofte she said Eleyne / Eleyne, and key / and Bedewere axed what hir was / & wherfor she made so moche sorow / and who lay in that tombe / O quod she what sorow, & misauenture fayr lordes seke ye here / for yf the geant may yow here fynde ye worth dede anon / be still gode wyfe quod they / ther of dismay ye not, but telle vs the soth why thou makest so moche sorowe & wepyng / Syrs quod she for a damisel that I norisshed with my brest that was callyd Eleyne that was nece to hoel kynge of britayne / & here lyeth the body in this tombe / that to me was bytaken to noryssh / So ther come a deuel a Geant and cauysshed hir & me also / & lad vs both awey, and he wolde haue forlayne that mayde / that was soo yonge & tendre of age / but she myght it not suffre. so grete and so huge as the geant was and yf he now come as he is woned to do / certes he wyl yow [...]lee both to. And therfor fast wende ye hens / And wherfor sayd they go ye not thens / Certes Sir qd she / whan that eleyne was dede / the geant made me to abyde to done and haūte his wyll / and me must nedes it suffre / and god it wote I do it not with my goode wyll / for me leuer were to be dede. than with hym to dele / so moche payne I haue whan he me forlyeth, whan stey & Bedewere bad herde al that this woman had told / they retorned ageyn. & come to kyng Arthur / and told hym all that they had seyn & herde / Arthur anone toke hem both with hym / & went preuelyche by nyght that none of his hoost it wist. and come on the morow erly to the geant / & fought with hym strongly / & atte last hym slowe.
And Arthur bad bedewere smyce of his heede / and bring it to the hoost to shewe hem for a wonder / for it was so grete / and so huge whan they comen ageyne to the hooste / they tolden wherfor they had ben oute / & shewed to hem the hede / and euery man was glad and Ioyeful of the worthy dede / that kyng Arthur had done that was hyr lord / & hoel was ful sorowfull for his nece that was so loste / And after whan he had space. he lete make a fayr chapell of our lady ouer eteyns Tombe
How kynge Arthur yafe batayll to the emperour / in whiche batayll the emperour was slayne / Capitulo / lxxxv /
[Page] ARthur and his peple had tydyng that the emperour had as sembled a grete power as wel of sarazeyns ao of paynynts and cristen men / wher of the nombre was lxxx / M / horsmen & so to men / Arthur & his peple ordeyned fast forth in hir way toward themperour and passed normandy and Frannce vnto burgoyne and wolde euen haue gone to the hooste. For men tolde hym that the Emperours hooste wold come to lucye / The Emperour & hys hoost in the begynnyng of august remeued [...]o Rome & come forth right the way toward the hoost, Tho comen kyng arthures [...]spyes and sayd yf that Arthur wold / he shold fynde ther fast by them perour. but they sayd that themperour had so grete power wyth hym of kynges of the lande and of paynyms y fere / and also [...]y [...]ten peple that it new but grete foly to kyng Arthur to meten with hym. For the espyes told that the empprour had v men or vj ayenst one of his / kyng arthur was bold & hardy / & for no thyng [...]ym dismayed / and sayd go we boldely in goddes name ageyns [...] the Romayns that with hem lede samseyns & paynyms / that no maner truste they haue to god / but only vppon hir strengthe / goo we now and seche hem sharpely in the name of Almyghty god / & sle we the paynyms, & the cristen men that ben enemyes with hem for to destroye cristen men / and god shal vs helpe for we haue the right, and therfore haue we trust in god. & do we so that the enemyes that ben to cristendome / and to god mowe be dede and destroyed / and that men mowe record the worthynesse of knyghthode / whan kyng Arthur bad thus sayd / they cryed al with a hyghe voys / God fadre almyghty worshipped be thy name withoute en de, amen / And grannte vs grace wel to done, & to destroye our eue myes that ben ageynst cristendom / In the name of the fadre / Of the sone / and of the hooly goost / amen / & god yeue hym neuer gra [...] / ne worship in the world. ne mercy of hym to haue that this daye shal feynten wel for to smiten & egrely / and so they ryden sofaly and ordeyned hys wynges well and wysely /
The Emperour herd telle that kyng Arthur and his folk were redy a [...]yed for to fyght with hym / and thyder they come, And he ordeyned his wynges in the best maner that he myght, & more trust vpon his strengthe than in god almyghty / & that was [...] afterward / For whan tho two hostes met. the Emperour lost such foure of his folke / as dyde Arthur / and soo many were slayne what in that one syde / and in that other / that it was grete py [...] to wyt [...] and to seen In this batayll were sleyn thurgh kyng [Page] Arthur v kynges of the paynyms / & of other wonder moche peple / And kyng Artures men foughten so well that the romayns and paynyms had no more strength to withstonde / than xx. shepe ageynst fyue wulues / And so it byfell that in this bataylle that was wonder hard and longe duryng in that one syde / and in that other / themperour amonges hem ther was slayne / but noo man wyst forsoth who hym slewe /
How kyng arthur lete entier his knyghtes that he had lost in that bataylle, and how he sente themperours body to Rome / that ther was slayn in bataylle. Ca / lxxxvj
WHan the Romayns wyst that the emperour was dede / they forsoke the felde / & the paynyms also. And kyng Arthur af ter hem chaced till it was nyght / & so many of hem slewe / that it was wonder to telle / And tho turned kyng Arthur ageyne tho it was nyght / & thanked god of his vyctorye. & in the morowe he lete loke and see al the felde for his knightes that he ther had lost that is to say Borell erle of maunt / Bedewere / and key and Li gyers erle of Boloyne. [...]rgeti erle of baak / Aloth erle of wynchestre / Cursale Erle of chestre / & after holdeyn erle of Flaūdres thise were the grete lordes that kyng Arthur lost in that bataylle among other worthy knyghtes / And some he lete entiere in Ableyes by the countre / Somme he lete be borne in to hir owne coū tre. And themperours body he lete take / and put vpon a bere / and sent it to Rome / and sent to say the Romayns that for britayn and Fraunce / whiche that he helde / other truage wolde he none paye / And yf they axed hym ony other truages / right suche truage he wold hem pay / The king lete here key to kenen his owne Castel / & ther he was entered / & lygyer was borne to boloyne ther he was lord / & holdein was born to flaūdres / & ther he was entered / & all the other / he lete entiere with moche honour in abbeyes / & in howses of Religyon in the countre / ther they were deed / And Arthur hym self soiourned that same yere in burgoyne with his hoost & thought the same yere to passe the mount of Ioye / & haue goon to rome al for to take the Cyte / and haue put the Romayns in sub iection. but the wykked Tiraunt mordred hym letted / as after ye shal here /
How mordred the traytour to whome kynge Arthur toke hys land to kepe & his castels / and helde it ageynst hym / Ca / lxxxvij
WHan kyng Arthur had taken to mordred his reame to kepe / & was gone ageynst themperour of Rome. & was passed the [Page] see / Mordred anone toke homages and feautes of alle hem that were in this land / and wold haue had the land to his owne vse And toke Castels aboute / & lete hem araye / And after this false nes / he dyd another grete wronge / for ageynst the lawe of cristen t [...] / he toke his owne eames wyf as a traytour shold / & ordeyned hym a grete hoost ageynst Arthurs comyng to holde the lande ageynst hym with strengthe for euermore / And to slee kyng Arthur yf he myght / and sente by the see and lande / & lete assemble paynyms & cristen peple / & he sente to saxons / & to danoys for to helpe hym / And also mordred sente to cheldryk to done men to come to hym out of saxoyn / that was a worthy duk / & bihete hym yf that he brought with hym moche peple / he wold graunte hym in herytage alle the lande from beyonde humber vnto scotland / & all the land that engist had of vortigers yeft / whan that he spou sed his doughter / And cheldryk come with grete strength & power of people / and mordred also had assembled in his half / that they had xl / M / strong knyghtes / whan that they hadde nede /
How arthur enchaced mordred the traytour. & how he was sla yne / and also kyng Arthur wounded to deth / Ca / lxxxviij.
WHan this tydynge come to kyng Arthur ther that he was in burgoyne / he was full sore annoyed / & toke al Fraunce / to hoel for to kepe with haluendele of his men / and prayd hym / that he wold it kepe til he come ageyne. for hym self wold wende in to britayne / and auenge hym vpon mordred that was his tray tour / and forth went his way / and come to whytsand, and made his men gone in to shippe / and wolde haue arryued at sand wych & brought with hym a grete hoost of Fraunce also with his own lande / But er that he myght come to lond with his peple that we re comen oute of his shippes. Mordred was comen with all his po wer and yaf a strong bataylle / so that kyng Arthur lost many a man er that he myght comen to lond / For ther was gawen his ne uew slayne and angnyssel that helde scotland / and many other. wherof kyng Arthur was full sory / But after that they were co men to lād / mordred myght not ageynst hem endure / but an [...] was discōfyted / & fled thens the same nyght with his men / and vpon the morne to london / but tho of the cite wold not suffre hym to co me in / & fled to winchestre / & ther he helde hym with his peple that with hym come / kyng Arthur lete take the body of gawen his cosin & the body of angnissel / & lete hem be born in to scotlād in to hir [Page] owne coūtre. and ther they were entered / & after anon kyng Arthur toke his weye to destroye mordred / and fled fro thens in to Cornewaylle / The quene gunn [...]e that was kyng Ar thuris wyf that tho soiourned at york / & herd that mordred was fled thens / & myght not endure ayenst kyng Arthur / she was sore adrad / & had grete doute. and wyst not what was best all for to done / For she wyst wel that hyr lord kyng Arthur wold neuer of hir haue mercy. for the grete shame that she to hym had do ne / & toke hir wey pryuely with four men withonte moo. & come to karlyone / & there she duellyd al hir lyfe that neuer was seyn among folke hir lyf durynge / Arthur wyst that mordred was fled in to Cornewayle / and lete sende after his men in to scotland & northumberlond vnto humber / & lete assemble folk without nō bre / and comen fro thens in to Cornewayl to seche & pursue after mordred / & mordred had assembled to hym all the folk of Cornewaylle / & had peple withoute nombre, & wyst that Arthur was comynge / & had leuer to dye / & take his chaūce / than lenger flee / And abode. and yaf an hard batayll to kyng Arthur / & to his peple / so that moche peple was slayne. What of that one half / & in that other that no man wist / who had the better partye / but so it be fell atte last that murdred was slayne & all his folk / & the good chyualrye that kyng Arthur had gadred, & norisshed of dyuerse landes / and also the noble knyghtes of the round table / that soo moche were preysed thurgh oute all the world were there slayne / And Arthur hym self was wounded to the deth / but he lete hym be borne in a lyttyer to Auelon to be heled of his woundes / and yet the Britons supposen that he lyue in another land / & that he shal come yet & conquere al britayn / but certes this is the prophe cye of merlyn / he sayde that his deth shal be [...]doubtous and sayd soth for men therof yet haue doubte / and shall for euermore as me sayth / For men wyt not whether that he lyueth or is dede / Arthur was born to Auelon / the xxij yere of his regne after the Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist / v / C / & xlvj yere /
How kynge Arthur delyuerd the realme to Constantyn the sone of Cador his neuew / Cao. lxxxixo
WHan kyng arthur wist that he myght no lenger regne he let come byfore hym Constantyn that was Cadors sone Erle of corne wayle his cosyn, & to hym bytoke all his reame / and to hym sayd, and bad hym therof to ben kyng til that he come ayene [Page] for as moch as he had none heyr of his body bigoten / & grete ha [...] me was it that so noble a kyng & so doubty had no child of his body bygoten / but all thyng that god wyll haue done / must be do ne / whos name be blysshed withouten ende /
How kyng Constantin was werred of mordredes two sones / Capitulo lxxxx
THis Constantin was a noble knyght & a worthy of bodye / and tho two sones that mordred had bigoten had grete enuye to Constantin / that tho was crowned kyng / and so that they bygonne to meue werre ageynst hym, and assembled a grete hooste of hem that were to fore with mordrede / and had ben dryuen awey & that dyden moche sorowe thurgh al that land. that one broder ordeygned hym to london for to take the Cyte / and that other to wynchestre / But Constantin come to london and slowe hym that was ther / and after he went to wynchestre / & slowe him that ther was also, so that both his enemyes were deed / And whan Constantyn had regned worthely iiij yere. he dyed & lyeth at london /
Of the kynges Adelbryght and of edel / Ca / lxxxxj /
AFter kyng Constantins deth / ther were two kynges in bri tayne / that one was callyd Adelbright / that was a danoys And helde the countre of norfolk and southfolk / that other hyght Edel / and was a briton / and helde nychol / lyndesey / & all the lond vnto humber / These two kynges fast werryd to geders / but after they weren acorded / & loued to geder / as they had be borne of one body, The kynge Edel had a sustre that was callyd Orewenne / & he yaf hyr thurgh grete frendship to kyng Adelbright to wyfe / & he bygate on hyr a doughter that was callid Argentill, & in the fourth yere after come vpon hym a strong sekenes / that nedes he must dye / And he sente to kyng Edelf his broder in lawe that he shold come / & speke with hym / & he come to hym with good wyll Tho prayed he the kyng. & coniured also in the name of god / that after whan he were deed / he shold take Argentil his doughter & the land / & that he kept hir well / & norysshe hir in his chambre / & whan she were of age / she shold be maryed to the strongest & wur thyest man that he myght fynde, and than he shold yelde vp byr land ageyn / Edel it graunted. & by oth confermed his prayer And whan Adelbryght was dede and entered. Edell toke the da misell Argentill / & norisshed hyr in his chambre. & she bycome the fayrest creature that myght lyue or ony man fynde / [...] [Page] were slayn and discomfyted. and whiles the batayle dured the kyng pauely hyd hym / & stale awey in to wales / and men wyst neuer wher he bycome / and so was the toune of chichestre taken & destroyed. And after went gurmond and destroyed cytres and tounes that neuer afterward were made ageyne / as it is seen yet in many places /
How this land was callyd Englond for the name of Engist and how many kynges were made after in the land Capitulo / lxxxxvj
WHan gurmond hadde destroyed al the land thurgh oute / he yaf the londe to the saxons anone / they toke it with goode wylle, for the saxons longe tyme had desyred it / for as moche as they were of Engystes kynrede that fyrst had all the land of bri tayne / and tho lete hem be callyd Englysshe men for encheson of Engystes name / And the land they lete calle it Englond in hyr langage, & the folk ben callyd englysshmē / for as moch as in his tyme it was callyd engystes lond / whan he hadde conquerd it of Mortiger that had spoused his doughter / but from the tyme that brute come fyrst in to englond this land was callyd britayn / & the folk britons / but syth the tyme that this gurmond eftsones conquerd it / and yafe it vnto the saxons / and they anone right chaū ged the name as byfore is sayd. And whan this was done gurmond passed ouer in to Fraūce / and ther conquerd many londes and destroyed al cristen peple ther that he come. & the saxons duel led in this land / and bygan it fast to Inhabyte at hir owne wyl
And they wolde haue made newe kynges and lordes but they myght neuer assenten to haue only one kyng for to be to hem en tendaunt / and therfor they made many kynges in dyuers shyres as it was in engystes tyme, The fyrst kyngdom was kent & that other southsexe / and the thyrd westsexe / & the fourth estsex. and the v northūberlond / & the syxth estangle / that is to say norfolke & southfolke / & the seuenthe merchenorth / & that is the Erldome of nychol / hūtingdone / herford / gloucestre / wynchestre / warwyck / and derby / and so departed the englyssh al englond in vij partyes And after that it befell that tho kynges werryd oftyme to geder. and euer he that was strengest bynome hym that was feblyst / And so it was long tyme that they [...]ad no kyng crouned amō ges hem / ne noo cristen man was tho amonges hem / ne Crystendome nother / But were Paynyms / tylle that Saynt Gregorye was pope of Rome. that hadde seen childeren of the Nacyon [Page] of Englond in the cyte of Rome / that were wonder fayr crea [...] res / and had grete wylle and desyre hem to byholde / & axed of the marchaūts whens they were / & of what nacion / & m [...]n told hym that they were of Englond, and Englyssh they were callyd. but they & al the peple of englond were paynyms / and byleued not vpon god / Allas quod seynt gregorye wel mow they be callyd englissh / for they haue the visage of angels / & therfor wel ought they to be cristen. And for this encheson saynt gregory sente seynt Austyn in to englond, & xl good men with hym that were of gode lyf and holy men to preche and teche & to conue [...]te the englisshe peple / and hem turne to god / and that was in the sixth yere that saynt gregory had ben pope / that is to saye after the Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist v C lxxxvij yere / as the cronycles tellen
How saynt Austyn baptised & conuerted kyng adelbright / & the bisshops that made his felawes, Cao. / lxxxxvijo.
WHan saynt Austyn come fyrste in to englond. he arryued in the Ile of Tenet / and so passed forth / & come vnto Caunterbury / and ther soiourned / And kynge Adelbryght of kent that was of the lygnage of Engyst fayr vnder fenge saynt Austyn & his felaws with moche honour / and hem fonde al that hem neded And ferthermore he yaf hem a fayr place / that now is called the abbey of saynt austyns / in whiche place he lyeth hym self shrined This kyng Adelbryght was a good man / & with good will herd seynt Austyns predicacions / & yafe hym leue to preche thurgh al his land to torne and conuerte to hym al the peple that he myght It befell soo afterward thurgh goddes grace / that in lytell tyme the kyng hym self was conuerted to god / & alle his people of his land was baptysed / And in the mene tyme whyle the peple turned hem to god Seynt Anstyn come to Rouchestre / & there preched goddes worde / The paynyms therfor him scorned / and cast on hym reygh taylles / soo that / al [...]s mantel was honged ful of reygh taylles / and for more despyte they caste on hym the gutres of reyghes & of fissh / wherfor the good man saynt austin was so re annoyed & greued & prayd to god / that alle the children that shold be born afterward in that Cyte of Rouchestre must haue tai les & whan the king wist & herde of this vēgeaūce that was falle thurgh saynt Austyns prayer / he lete make an hous in honour of almyghty god. wherin women shold be delyuerd of hir children at the bridges ende / in whiche hous yet women of the cyte ben delyuerd of childe / whan seynt gregory had herd telle how thēg [...] [Page] were tuurned to god, and conuerted / he sent to seynt Anstyn his passion by a bisshop that was callyd paulyn / & made hym p [...]mat and Archebisshop of Englond / and sent word that he than shold ordeyne / & make bisshops in the land / And [...]non as Austyn had the passyon of the dignyte of the archebisshop, he made two Bisshops of his felawes that come with hym from Rome / that one was callyd mellyte. & he duellyd at london / And that other was called Iustyn, that helde the dygnyte of Rochestre / & this Bisshop mellite tho wēt to preche in to estsex / & baptised the kyng of the coūtrey / that was callyd Sygeberte / that was kyng adelbryghtes cosyn / his sustres sone. This Instyne went to preche in southsex / & turned moc [...] of the peple to god / And seynt Austyn went [...] hym self prechyng thurgh out Englond /
How saynt Austyn wente in to wales / there that the britons were / & how they nold not be obedyent to the Archebisshop of [...]ū terbury / Cao. / lxxxxviiio.
WHan all Englond was baptysed & turned to god / Seynt Austyn wente in to that land, ther that the britons were / & for to kepe hem from Englysshmen / that is to seye in to wales / And ther he founde monkes and abbeyes, & vij bisshops. For the britons destroyed alwey the custen peple / that seynt Austyn had cōuerted & said to the bisshops that he was a legate of rome & pri mat of al englond / & that they shold by all wason to hym be obe dyent. & they sayd that they nold / But to archebisshop of [...] on / & sayd / they wold neuer for no maner thyng ben obedyent to the englisshmen / for the englisshmen they said ben our aduersaryes & our enemyes / & haue dryuē vs out of our own coūtrey / & we be [...]sten men / & euer haue ben. & the englysshmen euer haue ben pay [...] / but now late that they ben cōuerted / Seynt austyn myght of hem none ansuer haue other wyse / but saiden aper [...]ly, that they nold neue: hem meke to hym / ne to the pope of Rome / & seynt au styn torned ageyne to kyng Adolbryght, that was kyng of kent & tolde hym that his folke nold not be to noman obedyent / but to the archebisshop of Caerlyon / And whan the kynge herd this he was sow annoyed / and sayde that he wold hem destroye / & sente to [...]lfride kyng of northumberlond / that was his frende. that he shol de come to hym with al the power that he myght / and / that he sholde mete hym at leycester / & from then [...] they wold gone in to walys. and destroye the archebisshop of Ca [...]rlyone / and al tho that had refused saynt Austyn / .
How kyng Adelbryght & the kyng olfryde slewe brecinale that was a kyng of britons that helde the countre of leycestre / Capitulo / lxxxxix /
HIt befelle so that ther was a kyng Britone that held the countre of beycestre / & al the countrey aboute named Brecinale / And this britone herde telle that tho two englyssh kynges wold mete ther at leycestre for to wende in to walys / he lete ordeyne al the power that he had for to fyght with these two kynges / but lytel it auayled hym / for his folk that he had were / layne & hym self fled & lost his londes for euermore. and these two kynges Adelbryght & elfryd duellyd a whyle at leycestre / & departed the lande amōges hem / & token homages & feautes of folk of the coū tre / And after they wenten toward walys / & tho of walys had herd telle of the scomfyture that brecinal had at leycestre / & were wonder sore adradde of tho two kynges / & toke & chose amonges hem good men & holy of heremytes / monkes & preestes & of other folke grete plente that wenten barfoote & wellewerd for to haue mercy of the two kynges. But tho kynges were so sterne & soo wykked that they nold neuer speke with hem / but slewe hem euerychone / Allas for sorow / for they ne spared hem no more than the wolf doth the shepe. but smyten of the hedes of euerychone. & so al were there martred that to hem come / that is to vnderstonde / v C / & xl / & afterward tho two kynges went fro thens to Bangore for to slee al tho that they myght there fynde of the Britons And whan the britons that herd / they assembled & ordeyned all hir power for to fyght with hem / tho was ther a baron in wales that was callyd blederyk of Corne wayle that somtyme was lord of deuenshyre / but the kyng adelbryght had dryuen hym in to walys / & yeue hym batayll. And at that batayll was kyng Adelbright slayn / & elfryd woūded sore / & forsoke the felde / & the most part of his peple slayne / & elfrid fled in to northūberlond that was his owne londe / And afterward the peple of leycestreshyre made with strengthe Cadewan that was brecynalys sone kyng of beycestre / & he after regned nobly & with grete honour /
How Cadewan kynge of leycestre / & elfryde kyng of northū berlond were frendes / & of the debate that after was bytwene Edwyn and Cadwalyn that were both hyr sones▪ Capitulo Centesimo.
[Page] ANd after that this bataylle was done / the Britons [...]ssembled hem / and went thens / & comen vnto leycestre / and made Cadewan that was brecinalys sonne kyng of leycestre. & of alle the countre. And he toke homages and feautes of al the folke of the countre / And after he assembled a grete hoost / & sayd / he wold g [...] ne in to Northumberlonde to destroye kyng elfryde / & slee hym y [...] he myght. And whan he was comen thider. frendes went so bitwe ne hem / & made hem accorded in this maner / that elfryd shold hol de al the land from humber vnto scotland / And Cadewen sholde haue al the land a this syde humber vnto the southe. & after that they bycomen good frendes al hyr lyues duryng / & loued to gedre / as they had be two bretheren / And this elfryde had a so ne that was callyd ed wyne / that had & helde al the land of Nor thumberlond after his faders deth / as his fadre had holde all his lyues tyme / And Cadewan had another sone that was callyd ca walyn that helde his faders lande / as he it helde whiles he was a lyue / And they loued to gedre / as they had be bretheren / And the loue last bytwene hem but only two yere /
And after bygan debate bitwene hem thurgh a lyther ennious co syn of Cadwalyne that was callyd briens / so that they assembled a grete hoost in both partyes / & at [...] last it befell that Cadwa lyne was discomfyt [...]d / & edwyn hym pursued / & drofe hym fro place to place / so at [...] last he fled in to Irlond. & this other destroyed his land / & cast a doune castels / and bren [...] his maners / and departed all Cadwalyns land among his frendes / And longe tyme after come Cadwalyn ageyne from Irlond with a strong power & in playne batayll slowe edwyn / & al his frendshippes / & name ly tho that withheld his landes thurgh edwyns yift
How kyng oswald was slayn thurgh kyng Cadwalyn / and peanda / And how oswy that was seynt oswaldes brother regned after hym / & slewe peand [...] / Ca / C / j /
WHan that Edwyn was slayne / Offrys his sone vndertoke the werre ageynste Cad welyne his eme. so that this offry [...] deyde duryng the werre / And after the deth of offrys tho [...]gned a gentyl cristen man. that moche louyd god almyghty / that hadd [...] all the land of northumberlond by herytage / that was callyd Oswald / And he was kyng of all that lande / But for as moc [...] as he was frend to edwyn / & helde a grete part of the land of Cad walyn / the same Cadwalyn werryd vpon hym / and drofe hym to ward scotland▪ And whanne Cadwalyne [...] [Page] that he nold not abide / Cadewalyn [...]old no lenger him pursiewe but toke somme of his folke to peanda his brother in lawe / and prayd peanda to pursue oswald till that he were take and slayne And Cadwalyn torned home ageyne / whan oswald herde the tydyng that Cadwalyn turned home ageyn / he wold no lenger fl [...] but abode peanda / & yaf hym bataile / & peanda was discomfyted and fled and come ageyne to Cadwalyn. and sayd that he wold neuer hold a fote of lond of hym / but yf were so that he wold a uē ge hym of Oswald / Cadwalyn lete assemble a grete hoost for to fight with oswald / so that he & peanda come vnto northūberlond & yeue batayll vnto oswald / & in the same batayll was Oswald slayne, and his hede smyten of / & after he was entered at the Abbey of bardeny / in whiche place god hath wrought for hym many a fayr myracle / both there & elles where / And anone Oswy his broder seased in to his hand all the land that was [...] and the folk of northumberlond loued hym wonder wel and hel de hym for hir lord / but he had men of his kyn worthy ynowg [...] / that wolde haue departed the londe / and they werryd to g [...]dre / & for as moche as they were not strong ynouw. they comen to pean da and prayd hym of helpe and socoure. and byhete hym of that longe largely vpon couenaunt that he wold hem ghye / & helpe / & counceylle▪ P [...]anda herde hir prayer / and so spake with the kynge Cadwallyn that he shold ordeyne a grete hoost & fast ordeyne hym in to northumberlond for to fyght with oswy / And Oswy was a meke man and moche louyd pees and cha [...]e / and prayd Pean da of loue and pees / & profered hym of gold & of siluer gret [...] pl [...]n te. And this peanda was soo proude / that he nold graunte hym pees for no manere thyng / but for all thyng he wold with hym fight / so at the last ther was sette a day of batayll. And oswy euer hadde trust vpon god / And this peanda trust to moche vpon his pryde and vpon his hoost that he had / & to geder they s [...] egrely / but peanda anone was discomfyded & slayne / & this was after thyn [...]rnacion of our lord Ihesu crist vj / C / & / lv yere / and this Oswy tho regned xxviij yere / and a kyng that was callyd Oswyne / that was peandais cosyn w [...]rryd vpon kynge Oswy / & to gedre foughten / but oswy had the victorye of oswyne & oswyn was discomfyted & slayne / and lyeth at Cynnemouth /
How kyng Cadewaldre that was Cadewaleyn [...] sone regned after his fadre / and was the last kyng of briton [...] / Capitulo / C / ijo /
[Page] AFter the deth of Cadwaleyne / regned his sone Cadwaladre wel & nobly / & his m [...]der was the suster of kyng peanda / & whan he hadde regned xij yere he fell in to a grete sykenes / & than was ther so grete discord bitwene the lordes of the land that euery werryd vpon other / and yet in that tyme / ther felle so grete derth and scarsyte of corne / & other vytaylles in this lond that a man myght go iij dayes or iiij fro toune to toune that he shold not fyn de to bye for gold ne for syluer brede wyne ne none other vytaill werwith a man myght leue / but only the people lyued by rotes of herbes / for other lyuyng had they none so moch was it failled alle about / Fysshes wylde beestes & al other thyng / so that yet to this mysauenture ther fell so grete mortalyte & pestylence among the peple by the corrupcion of the eyer / that the lyuyng peple / ne suffysed not to burye the dede bodyes / fer they deide so sodenly both grece & smale / lord & seruaunt / etyng goyng / spekyng / so that ne uer was herd of more sodayne deth among the peple / for he that went for to burye the body / with the same dede body was buryed They that myghten flee. fledden / & forsoke hir landes & howses / as wel for the grete honger / derth / & scarsyte of corne / & of other vytayle / as for the horryble mortalyte & pestylence in the land / & wen [...]n in to other landes / for to saue hir lynes / & left the land all desert and waste / so that ther was not ony man to trauayll & till the lond / ne ere / ne sowe. so that the lād was bareyn of cornes & all other fruites / for defaute of tylyers / & this mysauenture [...] [...]ed enlenen yere / and moo / that no man myght ere ne sowe /
How Cadwaladre went out of this land in to lytel britayne
CAdwaladre sawe the grete honger mortalyte & pestylence / and the lond al poure / and faylyng cornes & other vytaylles & his folke perysshed. and sawe also the moost partye of hys land al wasted and wide of peple. he apparaylled hym & his folk that were left on lyue / and passed ouer in to lytel britayne with a lytel nauye vnto kyng aleyne that he moch loued / that was his cosyn & that his fader had moche loued in his tyme / and as they sayled in the see / he made gre [...]e lamentacion. & so dyd al tho that were with hym and sayd / Dedisti nos domine tamquam oues escarum / & in gentibus dispersisti nos /
ANd than bygan Cadwaladre to compleyn hym to his folke pytously / and sayd / Allas sayd he to vs wretches and [Page] Caytyf. For why for oure grete synnes. of the whiche we wolde not amende vs while we had space of repentaūce is comen vpon vs thys mysauenture / whyche chaceth vs oute of oure owne realme / & propre soyle / fro & oute / of whiche somtyme Romaynes Scottes▪ Saxons ne danes myght not exylen vs / But what au a yleth it now to vs that byfore tyme oftsides haue goten many other landes. syth it is not the wyll of god that we abyde & duel le in our owne lond / God that is veray Iugge / that al thynges knoweth byfore they be done or made / he seeth that we wold not cesse of our synnes / and that our enemyes ne myght not vs ne our lygnage exylen fro and out of our realme / he wold that we amende vs of our folyes / and that we seen our propre defaultes & therfor hath he shewed to vs his wrath & will chastyse vs of our mysdedes / Sith that he doth vs withoute bataylle or strength of our enemyes by grete companyes wretchedly to leue our own realme and propre lande / Tourne ageyne ye Romaynes / turne ageyne ye scottes / Tourne ageyne ye Saxons / tourne ageyne ye Fraunsoys now sheweth to yow Brytayne al desert / the which your power myght neuer make desert ne yet your power hath not nowe put vs in exyle / but only the power of the kyng almygh ty whome we haue oft offended by our folyes / the which we wol de not leuen vntil he chastysed vs by his dyuyne power / Among the wordes and lamentacion that the kyng Cadwaladre made to his folk / they arryued in lytel britayne / and come to kyng aleyne before sayde / And the kynge resseyned hym with Ioye / and made hym to be serued wonder nobly / and there he duellyd longe tyme after / The englyssh peple that were left on lyue and were escaped the grete honger and mortalyte lyued in the best wyse that they myght / and moche peple sprong and come of hem
And they senten in to Saxon / wher they were [...]rne to hy [...] frē des for men / women & children to restore the cytees with peple & other tounes that were al wide of peple / and for to labour traua ylle and tillen the erthe / whan the saxons had herd this tydyng they comen in to this lande wonder thykke in grete companyes / And lodged and herburghed hem in the countrey al aboute / where they wold / For they founde no man hem to lette ne withstonde / And so they woxen and multyplyed gretely / and vsed the custom mes of the countreyes / wherof they were comen / and the lawes and the langage of hir owne land / And they chaunged the names of citees tounes castels & burghes. & yaf hem names & called [Page] hem as they be now callyd / And they helden the Countres baronages / lordshippes / and trees / in maner as the britons byfore tyme had compaced hem / And among other grete companyes that co me fro germanye in to this land. came the noble quene / that was called sexburga with men and women / withoute nombre / and ar ryued in the countre of northumberlond / and toke the lande from Albyone in to Corne wayle for hir & for hir folk, For ther was none that myghten letten hem / for al was desolat & wide of peple But it were a fewe poure britons / that were left in montaynes and wodes vn till that tyme / And fro that tyme forth losten Bri tons the royame for al dayes / And the englysshe peple begonne to regne / and departed the land bytwene hem. and they made ma ny kynges aboute by dyuerse partyes of the land / as here ben deuysed / the fyrst of westsex / the second merchenrich. the thyrdde estangle / the fourthe kent / the fyfth southsex / Alle these regned in this land after Cadwaladre was passed oute of this land / and duellyd in lytel Britayne with kynge Aleyne his cosyn / & trewe frende / And whan he had long duellyd there / and hadde knowynge that the mortalyte and pestylence was ouer passed / & that the londe was replenysshed of Alyene peple / he thoughte to turne ageyne in to his owne lande / And prayed kynge Aleine his cosyn of socour & helpe that he myght be restored in to his pro pre realme / and fyrste dygnyte / And kynge Aleyne graunted hym his prayer / Than dyd he apparayllen hym to take his weye / and vyage in to this lande. and prayd god Almyghty deuoutly that he wold make to hym demonstracion / yf his prayer in to this land were to hym plesaunt / or none / for ageyne the wylle of god almyghty he wold nothyng done / whan he had thus deuoutly ma de his prayer. a voys fro heuen to hym sayd / [...]and bad hym leue that Iourney awey in to englond / & that he go to the pope of Ro me / For it was not the wyl of almyghty god that britons regne no more in Britayne / ne neuer recouer the lande vn to the tyme that the prophecye that merlyn sayde byfore / be fulfylled / & that sholde neuer ben vnto the tyme were comen. that the relyques of his body shal be brought fro Rome / and translated in britayn / & whan the relyques of other sayntes that haue ben hyd for the per secucion of the paynym folk / shal be founden / & openly shewed / than shal they recouer hir land ageyne / whiche they haue so long tyme lost thurgh hyr desertes / Whan Cadwaladre had herde this ansuere / he merueyled gretely / and told it to kyng Aleyne / [Page] Than kynge aleyne dyd send for the clergye of his lond / & made hem to bringe the storyes & prophecyes that merlyn & sibi [...] hadde sayd in hir prophecyes / & whan he knewe that the prophecye that festome had prophecyed of the egle / & other prophecyes acorded to the dyuyne ansuere / that Cadwaladre had herd / he coūceilled hym to leue his peple & his nauye / & submytte hym to the disposiaon of god / and done al that the angel had comanded hym / Than cad waladre called ynor his sone & yuory his cosyn / that was his sus tres soue. and sayd to hem / Take sayd he my folk. & my nauye / that is here al redy / & passe in to walys / & be ye lordes of britons that noo dishonour come to hem by Interupcion of the paynyme folke for defaute of lordes / And he hym self left his reame of bri tayne & his folke for euermore / and toke his way to Rome to the pope Sergius / the whiche worshipped hym moche / and so he was confessyd / and toke penannce for his synnes / And he had not long duellyd there that he ne dyed the yij kalend of may / the yere of grace / v / C [...] / lxxix /
How kyng offa was souerayne about al the kynges of Englond / & how euery kyng werrxd vpon other / Ca / C. ij
IT befelle soo that alle the kynges in that tyme that were in the lond as they of westsex / merchenryche Estangle of kent and of southsex and of other costes eche werryd vpon other / & be that was moost myghty toke the land of hym that was mooste feble / But ther was a kyng amonges hem that was callyd Offa that was saynt oswaldes broder / This offa conquerd alle the kynges of the lande / & regned aboue hem al / And soo grete was the werre in euery countrey bytwene kynges that no man myght wyte how the land went / But Abbots. Pryours / & men of relygyon wryten the lyues & the dedes of kynges / & how longe euery regned had & in whos ceuntrey and in what maner euery kyng dyed & of bisshops also And therof made grete bokes and lete cal le hem the cronycles And the good kyng Alured had that booke in his ward & lete bringe it at wynchestre and lete it fast be [...] ked vnto a pyler that men myght not remeue ne bere it thens soo that euery man myght it see and therupon loke For therin be the lyues of all the kynges that euer were in englond
How the kyng of northumberlond osbright forlay the wyf of Buerne bocard thurgh strength and after this buerne conquerd the kyng with power & strengthe Ca C iij
[Page] ANd thus it befell in the same tyme / that ther was a kynge in northumberlond that was callid Osbryght / & soiourned in york / and this kyng went hym vpon a day in to a wode / hym for to disporte. and whan he come ageyne / he wente priuely in to a good mannes hows that was callyd Buerne / And the good [...]n of that place was gone that tyme to the sce / for oftymes he was woned ther aspye & awaite theues & robbours / that oftymes were woned to come in to the land / to robbe. brenne / and slee / The lady that was this buernes wyf was a / wonder fayr woman / & welcomed the kynge with mochel honour / and worthely hym serued in al thyng / whan the kyng had eten / he toke the lady by the honde. & lad hir in to a chambre / and sayd that he wold speke with hir a counceyll / & all the folk from the chambre he ma de voyde sauf only the lady & he / but the lady wist not wher for he it dyd / til that he had done with hyr his wyll / & whan he had done this dede / he torned ageyne to yorke. And the lady he lefre there wonder sore wepyng for the dede that he had y done / & whan hir lord was com [...] home & saw hir wepe & such sorow & mornyng ma ke / he axed of hir what she had done / & why she made suche sorow Syr qd she queyntely / & falsely the kyng Osbryght me hath do ne shame & vylonye ayenst my wyll / & tolde hym treuthe / howe the kyng had hir forlayne with strengthe. wherfor she sayd / she had leuer to deye than lyue / Fayr leef be stylle quod he / for ageynste strength feblenesse is lytel worth / & therfore of me shalt thou neuer the lasse be loued / & namely / for thou haste me tolde treuthe / & yf almyghty god graūte me lyfe / I shal the wel auen ge / This buerne was a grete man & a myghty lord / & was well beloued and grete frendes had and let sende for the grettest lordes of the lande & to hem made his compleynt of the despite that the kyng to him had y done and said that he wold bene auenged how so that euer it were / and al his frendes connceyled & graūted to wende to ward yorke / ther that the kynge was / And buerne toke his meyne / and come to the kyng / & whan the kyng hym saw / he called hym courtously buerne by name / and buerne hym ansuerde / and to hym sayd / Syr I yow deffye / & yelde vp feautes. homa ges / & londes / & as moche as I haue holde of yowe / & so fro thys tyme forward / I wyll neuer of the nothyng hold / And so he de parted from the kynge withoute more speche / or ony abydyng / & toke leue of his frendes. and went to denmarke / & playned to the kyng godryne. & told hym the despyte / that kyng osbright to hym [Page] had done of his wyfe / & prayd hym of socoure / and of helpe hym to auenge / whan kyng godryne of denmark & the danoys had her de the pleynt of this buerne / & of the prayer that he bad / they we re wonder glad in hert / for as moche that they myght fynde cause for to gone in to englond for to werre vpon the englisshmen / & al so for to auenge buerne of the despyte that the kyng had done to his wyf / and for as moche as Buerne was Sybbe to the kyng of denmark / Anone they lete ordeyne a grete hoost of men / & lette ordeyne shippes / & as moche as was nede to that vyage / And whan all the hoost was a redy / the kyng made his two bretheren chyuetayns / that were noble knyghtes & bold / that one was cal lyd hungar / & that other hubba /
How the danoys toke yorke / & slewe the kyng Osbryght / and after ward kyng elle / Cao. / C / iiijo.
WHan al thyng was redy / tho two bretheren toke leue of the kynge godryn / that went toward the see for to wende in to Englond as fast as they myght spede / Now is buerne so wel cō forted / and fast hyed hym with the danoys that they ben arryued in the northcountre / and comen thurgh out holdeines / & destroyed al the countreye / & brente townes / & robbed folk / & slewe al that myght be take / til they come to york / And whan kyng osbright sawe hem come / he toke his peple that he had / and come oute of the cyte / & fought with hem / but noo foyson he nad ageynste hem And moche was the peple / that ther was slayne in both partyes. And kyng Osbright hym self ther was slayne / and the Cyte anone was take / and the danoys wenten in / And ther was also another kynge in northumberlond that buernes frendes had chosen / and helde hym for kynge / a man that was callyd elle. for as moche as they wold not to kyng osbright ben attendaunt / for the despyte that he had done to buerne her cosyn /
Hit befelle thus that the kyng elle was gone to wode hym for to dysporte / and of venyson somdele he had take / and as he sate in the wode at mete to a knyght he sayd. we haue wel y sped & moche venyson taken. and with that word ther come in a man / and to hym sayd. yf ye so moche of venyson haue wonnen / an honderd ty mes so moche more ther ayenst ye haue lost. For alle this countre the danoys haue gete / and take the cyte of york / & ageynst yowe shal it holde that neuer ye shal not come therin And for sothe [Page] they haue slayn the kynge osbryght And whan kyng elle these wordes herd he lete assemble al the folk of the countrey and ordey ned all the power that he myght haue & wold haue gete the tou ne of york with strengthe / but the danoys come out anon / & yaf hym batayll / & slewe the kyng & the moost part of his men that he brought with hym / & the same place there they were slayne shal euer be callyd Ellecroft / & that place is a lytel from yorke / And tho abode the danoys neuer til they had conquerd al northū berlond / And in that coūtre they made wardeyns / & went ferther in to the lād / & token notyngham / & ther they abyden al the win ter / & dyden the sorow that they myght / And after whan somer tyme come / they remeued fro Notyngham / and come in to nychol & to lyndesey / & to holond / For no man myght hem withstonde so moche power & strengthe they had /
How saynt Edmond the kyng was martred / Cao / C. vo.
ANd so fer had the danoys passed from countre vnto countre & euermore brennynge & robbynge / & destroyed al that they myght till they comen vnto Thedford / And in that countrey they founden a cristen kynge / that moche loued god and his werkes / that was callyd Edmond / And he was kyng of norfolk / & south folk / This saynt edmond kyng ordeyned as moche folk / as he myght & fought with the danoys / but he & his folke were discō fyted / & the kynge hym self dryuen vnto the castel of Framelyn ham / & the danoys him pursued / & come vnto the same castel / And whan kynge edmond sawe that the castel myght not hem withstonde he come ageynst hem with whome the danoys fyrst spe ken / & anon they axed of hym where kyng edmond was now forsoth sayd he whan I was in the castel / ther was the kyng / & when I went oute of the castel / he went oute also / & whether he shal escape or dye / at goddes wyll more it be / Whan saynt edmond had named god / by that they wysten wel al that it was he hym self / and anone hubba & humbar toke hym / & sayd that he shold god forsake and al cristen lawe. as many other had done hym he forne / & saynt edmōd sayd that he nold neuer but rather he wold suffre deth for goddes loue and his lawes to kepe / tho toke they saynt edmond. and bounde hym vnto a tree / and made hyr Archyers to hym shete with arowes till that his body stykked as fulle of arelbes. as an vrchon is ful of pixckes / But for alle [Page] the payne that he had / he wold neuer god forsake / and in the same payne and turment he dyed. & betoke his soule to god / and whan they sawe that he was deede / they smyten of his heede / And this maner was saynt edmond martred /
How hubba & hungar toke the toune of red yng / Cao. / C / vjo.
WHan saynt edmond was martred hubba and hungar wente thens with al hyr danoys vnto redyng / And as they went thyderward / they brente tounes / and cytees / and slewe al Crystē peple / that wold not god forsake / & cast a doune chirches / & come to redyng & toke the toune / & ther helde hem til that the kyng Edelf of westsex come thider / with al his power for to take the to [...] ne / Tho come oute the danoys for to yeue batayll to kyng edelf / & at that batayll was slayn an erle of danoys that was callyd adrake vpon the morow come the kyng elred & his broder Alured with a stronge power & a grete hoost / And the kyng Edelf come ageyne that hadde foughten the day byfore to that batayll / And the danoys tho comen oute for to fyghte with hem / and the bataylle was wonder strong. for many a man was ther slayne / & the danoys that day had the vyctorye / & the kyng eldred & his broder alured that day were discōfyted / but the fourth day afterward the danoys & the englysshmen foughten to geder another tyme vpon Ekeldenne. And there was slayne a kyng of denmark. that was callyd Rafyn / & four erles of grete power / And that daye had the danoys shame for they were dryuen vnto engelfel [...] / and the xv day after the danes / & the englysshmen foughten another tyme at Rafynge / & there were thenglysshmen discomfyted / and from thens a danoys / that was called Roynt wente to redynge with his hoost. and destroyed al that he myght take / And kyng el dred fought with hym / but he was wounded so wherfor he was dede / and he had not regned but fyue yere and lyeth at wonburne
Of kyng Alured / & how the danoys in his tyme prayd hym of mercy that they must goon oute of the lande / Ca / C / vij /
AFter the deth of this Eldred / regned his brother Alured / that Dolfynes was callyd / Tho went the danoys and ass [...] bled hem / & went for to seche Alured that tho was the new kyng of southsex / and ther they founde hym at wyltone with a lytel pe ple / and netheles he fought with hem / but atte last he fled thens from the felde / and wente in to westsexe. and ordeyned soo moche people of his owne Royamme / and also of other soo tyll that he [Page] had a strong hoost / so that the danoys had no power ageynst hym to stonde / and he come to london with his hooste, & ther where the danes soiourned. & ther wold he haue foughten with hem / but the danes durst not with hym▪ fighten / but praid hym of pees / & that they muste gone ageyne in to hir owne countrry / & neuermore in to englond for to come ageyne ony harme to done / And vpon this couenaunt they shold yeue hym to pledge good hostages / & suche as the englysshmen wold axen
How hubba and hungar were slayn at Chippenham / & howe the danoys brought hyr kyng to our kyng / Cao. / C / viijo.
ANd the same daye that the danoys departed from london soo fast they riden both nyght & day / & neuer toke rest of goyng til that they comen vnto excetre / and toke tho the toune / & there helde hem Whan kynge Alured herd the tydyng / anone he lete take the hostages. And went from thens to excestre with all the power that he had / And whan the danoys herde alle of his co myng they wenten fro thens in to westsex / and come to shippenam and ther they dyden moche harme in the countre / they robbed folke / and brought hem in prison / The kyng alured hem pursiewed and come vpon hem / and fyersly hem assaylled / and there were slayne both hubba / & hungar his broder and buerne / Bocard / & in this bataylle was moche folke slayne in one partye & in that other / but the gore of the felde left with the danoys / For as moch as the kyng tho come with lytel company / The kyng hasted hym as moche as he myght for to wende ayene / & whan the Danoys founden hubba his body lyggyng dede / they entered it, and made vpon it a grete lodge / & lete calle it hubbeslowe / and so it is called in to this daye / & that place is in deuenshyre / The barons of Somersete. wylteshyre / and dorsete herd telle how that hir king was discōfyted & ordeyned al the power that they myghten haue & come to the kyng ther he was, & thanked god that they hadde hym founde alyue, for they had went that the danoys had hym slayn Tho toke they a counceyll the kyng & his barons that they wold gone & seche the danes with hem to fyghten. & so they ryden al that nyght hem for to seche & comen a morow about prime to abingdon ther that the danoys were. The kyng tho Alured & his barons assembled & ther assaylled the danes egrely / & there yaf hem a strōg batail & the danes nobly put hem of long time that no man wist in whether partye more peple were slayne / But thus it befelle / as god wold that the kynge Alured hadde the vyctorye wyth [Page] moche honour / For the daneys were so dryuen that they ne wyst whyder for to torne / & xv dayes the kyng hem pursued at his wil that glad & fayne they were for to speken of pees and of accord & token hym good hostages / & sayd that they wolde neuer more vpon hym werre / ne none debate arere / and more ouer they lehiht to the kyng Alured / that they wold gone / and bringe hir owne kyng vnto hym / & that hir kyng and they all shold be baptystd And vpon this condicion kyng Alured him graūtid lyfe & lym me / And sayd to hym that they shold gone hyr kyng for to seche & at a certayne day to comen ageyne that to hem was sette / and so they went forth fast / & comen ageyn at hir day that was assigned And all the danoys brought hyr kyng with hem. The kyng Alu red anone lete hem ben baptysed / & hir names change-soo that the kyng of danoys called was Athelston / & xxx of his fela des names were chaunged also / & the other were baptysed to the ryght byleue / And all this was done at westmynstre / & after that the kyng Alured helde with hym the kyng athelston / & al his danes xij dayes at soiourne with moche solempnyte, & yafe hem greete yeftes after that they were baptised / & so they departed, Tho was Alured al at ese / when he had his enemyes ouercome / & that they were turned to the ryght byleue of Almyghty god /
How the dandys that comen in to Frannce with gurmond co men ageyn in to englond / & of the deth of kyng alured / Ca, C ix
ANd thus it befelle after ward that the danoys of northumberlonde that were paynyms comen with a greete strengthe & an huge hoost of fraunce / that is to vnderstonde with hem that went in to fraūce / with gurmōd of aufcyk whan he had conquerd Englonde. and it yafe vnto the saxons / and tho that comen fro Fraunce arryued in kent / & sente in to northumberlond / that they shold come to hem / and whan tho two hostes were come / and assebled / anone they wenten to destroye the cristen peple of Englond from place to place / & dyden moche sorowe / Hit befell thus as al myghty god wolde an harde chaunce in englonde / For the goode kyng Alured that was woned to a bate the danoys / deyde in the mene tyme. This kyng alured regned xxx yere / and a good kyng had ben. and wel coude chastyse his enemyes / for he was a good clerk & lete make many [...]ostes / And a book be made of englyss [...] of auentures of kyngee & of batails that had ben done in the lōd & many othir bokes of gestes he let hem write that were of gre [...] [Page] wisedom & of good lernyng thurgh which [...]okes many a mā may hym amide that wil hem [...]de & vpon [...]oke / vpon whos soule almighty god haue mercy / And this kyng alured lyeth at wynchestre
Of kyng edward that was kyng Aluredes sone / Cao. / C / xo. /
ANd after this Alured regned edward his sone that wa [...] a good man and a wyse / that was callyd edward that was wonder courtoys / the danoys did moche sorowe in the lond / & hyr power encreased and gan for to wexe from day to day / for the danoys comen of [...] with hir companyes in to this land. And whan the kyng saw that he myght no bet [...] do / he toke trewes with hem and graunted hem his pees. And netheles the trewes dur [...]d not long that the danes strongly gonne for to werre vpon thenglyssh men / and dyd moche sorowe / wherfor kyng edward dyde assemble a grete hooste for to fyght with hem, And tho this kyng Edward dyed whan god wold This kyng edward regned xxiiij [...] / and lyeth at wynchestre besydes his fadre /
Of kyng Athelston and of edmond eldred / and of Edewyne his broder / Capitulum / C / x [...].
AFter this edward regned Athelston his sone And whan be had regned four yere / he helde batayll ageynst the danes and drofe kynge gaufred that was kyng of the danes / and alle his hooste vnto the see / and rested by scotland / and toke strongely the conntrey al a yere. And after that tho of Cumberlond / and the scottes of westmerland bygonne to werre vpon kyng athelston / And he hem yaf so strong batayll that he sl [...]we so many of hem / that noo man coude telle the nombre of hem / And aft [...]r that he ne regned but thre yere / & he regned in al xxv / and lyeth at mal [...]esbury / And after this Athelston regned Edmond his brother / for as moche as kyng athelstone had no sone / And this Edmond was a worthy knyght & a doughty man of body / & a no ble knyght / And the thyrd yere after that he was kyng / he wente ouer humber / in whiche place be fonde two kynges of danee, that one was callyd enlaf / & that other renant / this kyng Edmond drofe hem bothe from the land / & after went. & toke a grete praye in Cumberlond / This Edmond ne regned but senen yere / & lyeth at glasten burye / and after this edmond regned Eldrede his bro ther that auengyd Edward his fader of his enemyes / that hym slew / & afterward he seised northumberlond in to his hand & ma de the scottrs bowe / & meke vnto his will / & the second yer [...] that he had regned come arnalaf guyran that was kyng of denmarst [Page] and seased al northumberlond / & helde that lond two yere / & after that come kynge Eldred with a grete power & drofe hym oute of this land. And this kyng eldred was a noble man / and a good of whos goodnes saynt dunstan preched / and this kyng Eldred regned xj yere, & lyeth at wynchestre / And after this eldred Ed wyne sone of Edmond his broder regned / & was a lither man to ward god & the peple / for he hated folk of his owne lande / & loued & honoured straunge men / And sette lytel by hooly chirche & betoke of holy chirche all the tresour that he myght haue / that was grete shame & vylonye to hym self & peryll to his soule / & therfor god wold that he shold not regne no lenger than vij yere / & lyeth at wynchestre /
Of kyng edgar that regned aboue the kynges of scotland / & of walys. & how he was bygyled thurgh takyng of his wyfe / Cao. / C / [...] o.
ANd after this Edwyn regned Edgar his broder a man that moche loued god & pees / & holy chirche also, & was a worthy lord / bold & myghty, & mayntened wel this lā [...] [...] / And this edgar was lord & kyng aboue al the kynge [...] [...] scotland & of walys / from the tyme that Arthur was agone / & neuer was kynge sythen of his power / And this edgare was seynt Ewardes fadre / And whan edgares wyfe was dede / that was saynt edwardes moder & entered / he herde speke of the fayrenesse of estrylde that was orgarus doughter a baron of Deuenshyre / that was so fayr a woman / that al men speken therof / he called one of his knyht [...]s that he moche louyd & trusted vpon & told hym / So quod he to the noble baron Orgar of deuenshyre / & see yf his doughter be so fayr as men speken of / & yf it be soth / I wyl haue hir vnto my wyf / this knyght that was callid [...]delwold wēt forth his wey & come ther that the lady was & whan he saw hyr so fayr he thought to haue hir to wif hym self. & therof spak to Orgar hyr fadre / & orgar was an old man, & had no [...]o chyldren, but only hyr / & saw that edelwold was a fayr yong kny [...]t & worthy / & ryche / and was wel with the kynge / & thought his doughter shold wel be maryed / & wel [...]eset vpon hym / & graunted hym his doughter / yf the good lord the kyng wold consen [...] therto / This edelwold come ayene to the kyng▪ & tolde hym that she was fayre ynow vpon to see / but she was wonde: lothly, Tho an suerd the kyng & said that he toke but [...] charge. Syr quod edel wold / she is hir faders heir, and I am not ry [...] of [...] [Page] And yf ye wold consente & gra [...] / that I must hyr haue than shold I be ryche ynow / In goddes name quod the kyng I con sent therto / Edelwold thanked tho moche the kyng. & went ayent in to Deuenshyre / & spoused the damisel, & in that coūtrey he duel lyd / And thus it befell vpon a tyme. that he tolde his counseylle & al thys thyng vnto his wyf / how & in what maner he had begifed his lord the kyng that wold haue had hir to wyf / & anone as she it wyst / she louyd hym neuermore afterward / as she had done byforne / This lady conceyued by hym a sone / & whan tyme was that the child shold be borne / Edelwold come to the kyng / & prayd hym to heue a sone of his at fontstone / the kyng hym graū ted & lete calle hym Edgar of his owne name / And whan thys was done / he thought that he was syker ynowe of the kynge that nold not haue taken his wif for as moch as his lord was a Ioly man & an amerous
How that kyng edgar wedded estrylde after the [...] of Edelwold / Ca / C / [...]
THus it befell that al men in kyng edgaris court tho [...] & sayd that edelwold was rychely auaunced thurgh the [...] [...]yage of his wyf. And yet they sayd. he was auaunced an honderd fold more / For he had spoused the feyrest woman / that euer was seyn / And the kyng herde speke so moche of hir beaute / He thought that edelwold hadde hym deceyued / and begyled / and thought pauely in his hert that he wold gone in to deuenshyre as it were for to hunte for the hert & for the hynde & other wylde be ste [...] / & than he shold see ther the lady or he departed thens, And this lady was duellynge at a maner besydes the forest ther that the kyng wold hunte / & at that maner he was lodged al nygh [...] And whan tyme come / the kyng shold sope and the sonne shone the kynge asked after his gossyp / and after his godsone / & Edelwold made hyr come byfore the kyng / And netheles yf it other myght haue ben she shold not haue comen in his syght by his wit The lady welcomed the kynge and swetely hym kyssed / and he toke hir the honde / and tho next by hym her set [...]e / and soo soped they to gedre / And tho was a custome & vsage in this lond / that whan a man dronke vnto another, the drynker shold saye wassayll, & that other shold answere, drynk haylle / and thus dyde the kynge & the lady many tymes and also kyssed / And after [...] whan tyme was gone to bed, the kyng went vnto his bed [...] [Page] thenkyng vpon that ladyes fayrenes / and tho was ouercome for hir loue that hym thought that he shold dye. but of hir his wylle he had / upon the thorne the kyng aroos, & in the forest went hym ther to disporte with hertes and hyndes & al other wylde beestes / and of the hertes grete plente to that lady he sent / & thryes he wēt to solacen & speke with that lady whiles he duellyd in that coūtre And after that the kyng remeued thens / & thought how he my [...]t best delyuer Edelwold from his wyf / as he had hym fyrst deceyned / And the kyng anone after eyght dayes lete ordeyne a parlement at salysbury of al his barons counceylle to haue / and for to ordeyne how the coūtre of northumberlond myght best be kepte / that the danoys come not ther the land to destroye / & this Edelwold come also vnto the kynges parlement / & the kyng sent hym to yo [...]ke for to be kepar of that coūtre / And thus it befel that men that knewe hym not / slowe hym by the wey / And anon as the kyng herd that he was dede / he lete sende after the lady Estryld / that she shold come to the cyte of london / & ther ben wedded to the kyng with grete solempnyte & worship / and helde a solempne fest and be wered a croune of gold / & the quene another / And seynt dunstan a morow come vnto the kyng in to the chamber / and f [...]ū de the kyng a bedde. & the quene also y fere / & seynt dunston axed who she was / the kyng ansuerd the quene estryld / and the arche bisshop sayd that he dyd grete wrong. and ageynste goddes wylle to take a woman to wyf / whos child he had take at the fontstone And the quene for that word neuer after loued seynt dunstan / [...] netheles the good man warned of that folye to lete / but his [...]yng auaylled lytell for the loue bytwene hem was so moche The kyng bygate vpon this woman a sone that was callyd Eldred / and tho the child was syx yere old / the kyng his fadre dyed / & about that tyme he had regned xvij yere / & lyeth at glast [...]bu ry /
Of seynt Edward the martir / how estryld his stepmoder lete hym [...] for to make eldred hir owne sone kyng / Ca / C / xiiij /
ANd after this edgar regned edward his sone that he byga [...] on his fyrst wyf / that wel & nobly gouerned the land / for [...] was ful of al maner goodnes / and lad full hooly lyfe / & aboue al thynge he loued god and holy chirche / And the Quene Es [...]ryld his stepmoder leete hym slee / for encheson to make hyr owne sonne eld [...]ed kyng / and thus was he slayne as afterward ye shal here / Hyt befelle thus on a day [Page] that the kyng edward wēt in to a wode for to play in the south countre besydes a toune that is called warham / in whiche foreste was grete plēte of hertes & hyndes / & as he had ben [...]a whyle ther hym for to play he thought vpon his broder eldred that was with his moder the quene▪ for hir place was nygh the forest / & thought for to gone thidder for to visyte & see hie broder / & toke with hym but a lytel meyny▪ & went hym tho toward his stepmoders hous that in that tyme soiourned in the castel of Corfe / & as he rode in the thykkenes of the wode to aspye his game / It befell that he wēt amys & loste his meyny that with hym come / & atte last he come o [...]te of the wode / & as he loked aboute / he saw ther fast besydes the maner that his stepmoder duellyd in / & thyderward he wente al one. And anon it was told the quene how that the kyng was co men allone withoute companye / & therfor she made ioye ynowe / & thought how that she myght done that he ner slayne as preuelich [...] she myght / & anon preuelyche she callyd to one of hyr knygh [...]s / to whome she had told moche of hir conn [...]yll bytwene hem [...] both they comen to the kyng & curtoysly him resseyued / and the kyng told that he was come hir to vysite / & also for to speke with [...]dred his broder. The quene many tymes hym thanked / & hym prayd for to alyȝte & lodge with hir al that nyght▪ The kyng sayd that / he myght not but ageyne he wold wende vnto his folk yf he myght hem fynde / And when the Quene saw that he wolde not abyde / she praid hym that he wold ones drynke / & he graūted hir and anon as the drynk come / the quene drank vnto the kyng and [...] kyng toke the cuppe & sette it to his mouth / & in the mene tyme [...]les that he drank / the knyght that was with the quene with a knyf smote euen the kyng vnto the hert / & there he fylle a [...] dede of his palfray vnto the erth▪ The quene for this deede ya [...] to the knyght gold & syluer grete plente / & of other Rychesse [...] And the knyght anone as this was done. he went hym ouer the [...] / [...] so escaped he oute of this land / Whan this kyng ed ward thus was martred / Hit was in the yere of Incarnacion of our lord. [...]u [...]st. [...]x. C / lxx [...] / yere / & he had regned xij yere & an half / & lyeth at glastenbury.
Of kyng e [...]dred / [...] how the kyng sweyne of denmark helde [...] / And how Eldred that was seynt edwardes broder was not [...]ed in his Royame / & therfor he fledde in to Normandye / [...] / C / o. [...] o.
[Page] AFter this kyng Edward regned Eldred his brother / and seynt dunstan crouued hym / & this seynt dunstan dyed sone after that he had foryeue the quene hir trespace / Estryld for encheson that she was cause of kyng edwards deth / & seynt dunstan had hir assoylled▪ & penannce hir enioyned / & she lyued after chast lyfe & clene / This kyng eldred wedded an englysshe woman / and on hir bygate edmond Irensyde / & another sone that [...]as ca [...] led edwyne and after dyed the quene hir moder / And in that tyme come in to englōd sweyn that was kyng of denmark for to cha lenge and conquere all that his auncestres had byfore that tyme and so he conquerd & had it all at his axyng. For the good Erle Cut [...]ert of lyndesey / & al the peple of northumberlond / & almoost al the grete of Englond helde with sweyne that was kyng of den mark / for as moche as they loued not kyng eldred for encheson that his gode broder edward was slayne f [...]ely for encheson of hym / & therfor noman set but litel by hym. wherfor kyng sw [...]yn had all his wyll / and toke all the land / And eldred the kyng fled tho in to Normandye / & so spak to the du [...] rychard that the duke yafe hym his sustre Emma to wyf / vpon the whiche he [...] gate two sones / that one was callyd Alured / and that other Ed ward / And whan sweyn had conquerd al the [...]ād / [...]e [...]gned no bly / and lyued but fyften yere / & dyed & lyeth at york /
How kynge eldred come ageyne fro normandye / and how knought the danoys regned / & of the werre bytwene hym [...] Edmond Irensyde / C [...] / C / [...]
AFter the deth of sweyne that was a danoys knoght his so ne duellyd in englond / & wold haue be kyng / and tho [...]: ageyne eldred oute of normandye with moche [...] / and wit [...] a strong meyne / that knoght durst not abyde / but fled thens in to Denmarke / The kyng eldred had ageyne his royame / & [...] sed grete lordship that he bygan to destroye al tho that [...] Sweyn that was a danoys ageynste hym / And afterward [...] ageyne this knoght from denmark with a grete power / so [...] [...]yng. E [...] d [...]ed durste not with hym fyght / but fled [...] [...]o lon [...]n / [...] ther helde hym. Tho come knought and hym [...] / [...]o long [...] kynge eldred dyed in the cyte of london / & [...] at [...] & he regned nyne yere /
Of kyng knoght. Ca / C [...]
[Page] AFter the deth of this eldryd knought that was [...] danoys bygan tho for to regne / but Edmond Irensyde that was kyng [...]ldredys sone by his fyrst wyf ordeyned a grete hoost / & by gan to werre vpon kyng knought / & so he dyd many tymes / and of [...] / & the werre was so strong & hard that wonder it was to wy te / And the quene Emme that duellyd tho at westmynstre had g [...]te drede of hir two sones of the werre alured & edward l [...]ste they sholde be defoyled. & mysdone thurgh this werr / wherfor she sente hem ouer see in to Normandy to the duk Rychard hir vucle & ther they duellyd in saufte & pees long tyme / This Edmond Irensyde & knoght werryd strongly to geders / but atte last they were acorded in this maner / that they shold departe the Royāme by [...]wene hem / & so they dyden / & after they bycomen good frendes & so wel loued that they bycomen sworne breth [...]ren / & so wel loued to geders / as they had [...]e bretheren geten of one body / & of one moder y borne /
How kyng Edmond Irensyde traytou [...]sly was slayn thurgh a traytonr that was callyd edryth of stratton / Cao / C / xv [...]ijo.
ANd after tho regned kyng edmond Irensyde. and knought the danoys / but thus it befell afterward / that in the same ye re that they were acorded / & so moch loued to geder / Wherfor a fal se thefe traytour had enuye vnto the loue that was bytwene hem & frendship / whos name was Edryst of s [...]ratton / that was a grete lord that was edmond I [...]ensydes man / & of hym helde al the land that he had / & nethe [...]s he thought his lord to bytraye / & ma ke knoght kynge of the land in entent rychely to [...]en auaun [...]d and with hym wel be byloued / wherfor he prayd his lord edm [...]d Irensyde vpon a day with hym for to eten and to duelle / and the kyng curtoysly hym graunted. & to hym come at his prayer / and at the mete the kyng ryally was seruyd with dyuerse metes and drynkes / and whan nyght come that he shold go to bed / the kyng toke his owne meyne▪ and went in to chambre / and as he loked aboute / he sawe a wonder fayr ymage & wel made / & in sem [...]t as it were an archyer with a bowe bent in his hond / & in the bowe a fyn arow / kyng edmond went tho nerre to behold it letter what it myght ben / & anon the arow hym smote thurgh the body. and there slowe the kyng / for that engyn was made to slee his owne lord traytoursly / And w [...]n kynge edmond thus was dede and slayne / he nad regned but x yere / & his peple for hym made moche [Page] sorowe / and his body they [...]ere vnto glastenbury / & ther they him entered / And this fals traytour Edryth anone went to the quene that was kyng edmonds wyf that wist of hir lordes deth anō he toke from hir twoo sones that were fayre & yong that hir lord had vpon hir goten that one was callyd edward / & that other e [...] dewy [...]. & lad hem with hym to lōdon / & toke hem to kyng knoght that he shold do with hem what his wylle were / & told hym how queyntely he had slayn kyng edmond / for encheson & loue of hym so that kyng knoght al englond in his power hooly myght haue O thou fal [...] traytour / hast thou my tr [...]we broder slayn for encheson of me / a man that I moost loued in the world / Now be myn hede / I shal for thy trauaylle the wel reward / as thou hast deser ued / & anone lete hym take / & bynde honde & fe [...]te in maner of a traytour & lete cast hym in to thamyse / an [...] in this maner the fals traytour ended his lyfe / T [...]e kynge toke tho twoo children / & toke hem to the ab [...]ot of westmynstre to ward and to kepe till he wyste what was best wyth hem to done /
How kyng knoght seynt kyng edmondes sones both in to denmarck for to slee / and how they were sauyd / Cao. / C / xix /
HIt befe [...]e sone afterward that kynge knought had alle the lande in his hande. & spoused the quene emme thurgh the cō sent of his barons for she was a fayr woman that was eldred [...]s wyfe & the dukes suster of normandye / And they lyued to geder with moche loue as reason wolde / The kyng axed vpon a day coū [...]eyll of the quene what was best to done with the sones that we [...]e edmond Irensydes. Syre [...]nod she they be the ryght heyres of the lande / & yf they lyuen / they wyl yow doo moche sorowe with werre / & therf [...]r lete sende hem in to a strannge land a ferre to som man that may hem defoyle and destroye / The kyng anon lete calle a danoys that was callyd walgar / & commāded hym that he shol de lede tho two children in to denmarke. & so do / & ordeyne for [...]m that neuer they [...] [...]o tydyngs of hem / syr sayd this [...] gladly your commādement shal be done / & toke tho two children & led hem in to denmark / & for as moche as he saw that the chyldr [...] were wonder fair & also me [...] / he had of hem grete pyt [...] & [...]uth & wold not hem sle but led hem to the kyng of [...]ūgary for to n [...]yce For this walgar was wel byknowen with the kynge & [...]oued / Anon the kyng axed whens the children were / and walgar told him & said that they were the right heire [...] of engl [...]d / & therfor [Page] men wold hem destroye / & ther syr to yow they [...]e comen mercy & help for to seche & forsoth yf they mowe lyuē / your men they shal becomen / and of yowe they shal holde al hyr land / The kynge of hungary hem vnderfenge with moche honour / and lete hem worthely to [...]en kepte / And thus it fell afterward that edwyne the yonger broder dyed / and eward the elder broder lyued a fayr mā & a stronge & large of body / & gentil & curtoys of condicions / so that al men hym loued. And this edward in the cronykles is cal led amonges englysshmen edward the outlawe / And whan he was made knyght the kynges doughter of hongary so moche him loued for his goodnes & his fayrenes that she made and callyd hym hir derlyng / The kyng that was hir fader perceyued wel the loue that was bytwene hem two / & had none heir but that dough ter / & the kyng [...]ouched his doughter to no man as wel as he dyd to hym that she loued & he hir / & he y [...]fe hir vnto him with good wyll / & edward hir spoused with moche houour / the kyng of hun gary sente after al hys barons / & made a solempne fest & a ryche weddyng / & made all men to vnderstonde that he sholde be kynge whan that he were dede / & therfor alle they made grete ioye / & of that tydyng they were ful glad / This edward bygate vpon this lady a sone that was callyd edgar [...]lyng / & afterward a dough ter that was callyd margrete that afterward was quene of Scot land. & by the kyng of scotland that was callyd malcolyn she had a doughter that was callyd mawde / that was quene afterwarde of englond thurgh kyng henry / that was the fyrst sone of the con querour that hyr w [...]dded / & he bygate vpon hir a doughter / that was callyd mawde / that after was emperesse of Almayne / and of th [...] maude come the kynge of englond that vnto this daye is called henry the emperesse sone / And yet had this edward onother doughter by his wif that was called Crystyan / & she was a nōne
How kyng knoght that was a proud man conquerd Norwey & how he bycome afterward meke and mylde / Capitulo / C / xx /
NOwe haue ye herd of Edmondes sones with Irensyde that kynge knoght wende that they had ben dede / as he had comman [...]d walgar byfore / And this knought had in his hond alle Englond and denmarke / and after that he wente to norwey that land to conquere / But the kyng of the land that was callyd Elaf come with his peple / and [...]ende his lande wele haue kepte and defended / and soo there he foughte with hym / tylle at the [Page] last he was slayne in that batayll / And tho this knoght toke all that land in his hond / And whan he had conquerd Noreweye▪ & taken fea [...]tes & homages ther he come after ageyne in to englond & helde hym self so grete a lord that hym thought in all the [...]orld his pere no mā was▪ & bycome so proude / & hauteyn / that it was grete wonder / And so it befel vpon a day as he had herd masse at westmynstre / & wold haue gone in to his palays the wawes of the thamyse so swyftely ageynst hym comen that almost they tou ched his feete / Tho said the kyng with a proude hert / I commande the water to torne ageyne / or ellys I shal make the / [...]he wawes for his commaundement wold not spare / but flowed ouer in [...]e more & more / the kyng was so proude of hert that he w [...]ld not [...]e the water / but abode styll in the water / And bete the water [...]th a smale yerde that he helde in his hond / and commanded the water that it shold wende no ferther / but for al his commandemen [...] the water wold not cese / but euer wa [...] more & more an high / soo that the kynge was al wete / & stode depe in the water / And whan he sawe that he had abyde ther to long / & the water wold n [...]thynge done his commandement / tho sone he withdrowe hym / & tho [...] he vpon a stone. & helde his hondes an high / & sayde this worde in heryng al peple / This god that maketh the see thus aryse an [...]gh he is kyng of al kynges. & of myghtes moost / & I am a [...] and a man dedly. & he may neuer dye / & al thyng doth his com [...] dement / & to hym is obedyent / To that god I pray that [...] my warrant. For I knowleche me caytyf fe [...]e & of no power / and therfor I wylle go to Ro [...] without ony lettynge my wy [...]d nes to punysshe / & me to amende / For of that god I clayme my land for to hold & of none other / And anone made [...]dy his [...] & hym selfe to Rome without ony lettyng▪ and by th [...] w [...] dyde many almes dedes / and whan he come to rome also / and whan he had [...]en ther & for his synnes done penaūce / he come ageyne in to Englond / & bycome a good man and an hooly / and [...] al maner pryde & stoutenesse / & lyued an holy lyf al his lyf after / and made two abbeyes of saynt benet / one in englond / & that other in Norwey. For as moche as he loued specially saynt Benet byfore all other sayntes / and moche also he loued saynt edmōd the kyng and of [...]e he yaf grete yeftes to the hows / wherfor it was made riche / & when he had regned xx yere / he died & lieth at wynchestre
Of kyng harold that leuer had gone in fote. than ride [...]n [...] [Page] Capitulo / C / xxj /
THis knoght / of whome we haue spoken byfore had two sones by hys wyf emme that one was callyd hardyknoght, & that other harold / & he was so lyght of fote that men callyd hym comenlych harold hare foote / And this harold had no thynge the condicions & maners of kyng knoght / that was his fadre / for he set but lytel prys of chyualrye / ne of curtosye / nother of worship but only by his owne wylle / And he bycome so wykked that he exyled his moder emme / & she went out of the land in to flaūdres & there duellyd with the erle. wherfor after ther was neuer good loue bytwene hym & his broder / for his broder hym hated dedely / & whan he had regned two yere & a lytel more he dyed / & lyeth at westmynstre /
Of kyng hardeknoght that was harolds broder / Cao / C / xxij.
AFter this harold harefoote / regned his broder hardeknoght a noble knyght & a worthy / & moche louyd chyualrye. and al maner goodnes / And whan this hardeknought had regned a lytel whyle / he lete vncouer his broder harold, & smyte of his hede that was his broder at westmynstre & lete cast the hede in to a gonge, & the body in to thamyse / & after come fysshers & toke the body with her nettes by nyght / & bere hym to saynt cl [...]mēts chirche / & there hym beryed / And in this maner auengyd hym Harde knoght of his broder / For in none other maner he myght be au [...] ged / This kyng hardeknoght was so large yeuer of mete & dryn ke, that his tables were sette euery day thre tymes / ful with ryal metes & drynkes for his owne meyne / & for al that comen vnto his court to be rychely seruyd of ryal metes. And this kyng har deknoght sent after Emme his moder / & made hyr come ageyne in to englond / for she was dryue out of englond / whyles that ha rold harefoote regned thurgh counseylle of the erle godewyn that tho was the grettest lord of englond next the kyng / & most myght do what he wold thurgh al englond / thurgh his cōmādement / for as moche as he had spoused the doughter of the good kyng knought, that was a danoys / whiche doughter he hadde by his fyrste wif / and whan this quene was dryue out of Englond / & come to the erle of flaundres that was callyd baldewyne his cosyn / He fonde hyr ther al thyng that hir neded vnto the tyme that she wēt [Page] ageyne in to englonde / that the kyng Hardeknoght had sente for hir that was hir sone / & made hir come ageyn with moche honour This kyng hardeknoght whan he had regned v pere. he dyed / & lieth at westmynstre /
Of the vylonye that the danes dyde to the englysshe men / wher for from that tyme after was no danes made kyng of englond / Capitulo / C xxiij /
AFter the deth of this kyng hardeknoght for as moche as he nad nothyng of his body bygote / the erles & barons assem bled and made a counceyll / & neuer more after no man that was a danoys / though he were neuer so grete a man amonges hem he sholde neuer be kyng of englond for the despyte that the danoys had done to englysshe men / For euermore byfore hand yf it were so that englysshmen & danes happeden to mete to geder vpon a budge / the englysshmen shold not be soo hardy to meue ne stere a fote / but stand styll til that the danoys were apassed / And more ouer yf the englysshmen had not abowed doune hir hedes to done reuerence vnto the danoys, they shold haue ben bete & defouled / & such maner despytes & vylonye dyden the danoys to our englysshmen / Wherfor they were dryuen oute of the land after tyme that hardeknoght was dede / For they had no lord that hem myght mayn tene / In this maner voyded the danoys englond that neuer they come ageyne / The Erles and barons by hyr comune assent and counseyll senten vnto normandye for to seche tho two bretheren alured & edward that were duellyng with the duke Rychard / that was hir eme in entent for to croune alured the elder broder & hym make kyng of englond / and of this thyng to make an ende therfes & barons made hir oth / But therle goodwyn of [...] falsely & traytously thought to slee the twoo bretheren anone as they shold come in to englond in entent to make his sone Harold kynge. the whiche sone he had bygoten vpon his wyfe that was kyng knoghtes doughter that was a danoys. & this godewyn pri uely went hym in to southhampton for to mete ther the two bre theren whan they shold come to lond / & thus it be fell that the mes sagers that went in to normandy foūde not but only Alured that was the elder broder / For edward his broder was gone to hūga rye / for to speke with his cosyn edward the outlawe that was ed mōds sone with the Irensyde / the messagers told & said to alured how that therles & barons of englond sent after hym / & that he [Page] boldelyche shold come in to englond / & vnde: fong the reame / For: kyng hardeknought was dede / & all the danoys were dryuen oute of the land,
How Godewyn the fals traytour toke Alured vpon Gyldesdoune whan he come f [...]o normandye to be kyng of englond / and dyd hym ben martred in the yl [...] of ely / Cao. / C / xxiiijo.
Whan Alured herde this tydynge / he thanked god / and in to ship went with al the hast that he myght / & passed the See. And arryned at south hampton ther that Godewyn the traytoure was / And tho this traitour sawe that he was come / he welcomed hym & vnderfenge hym with moche Ioye / & sayd that he wold lede hym to london there that alle the barons of englond hym abode for to make hym kyng, & so they went in hir weye to ward london And whan they come vpon gildesdone tho sayd the traytour Godewyne to Alured / Take kepe aboute yow both on the lyft syde & on the ryght syde / And of all ye shul be kyng & of suche an hond [...]rd more, Nowe forsoth quod Alured I behote yow / & yf I bee kyng I shal make & ordeyne suche lawes wherof god and all fol k [...] shu [...]en hem hold wel payd, Now had the traytour commaunded al his men that were with hym / that whan they were come v [...]on gyldesdone / that they shold slee al that were in alureds com panye / that come with hym fro normandye / And after that taken Alured and lede hym in to the Ile of Ely / & ther put oute bothe his eyen of his hede. and afterward brynge hym vnto deth / & they dyden so / for they slewe al the companye that xij were in nombre of gentilmen / that were come with Alured from normandye / And after token Alured / & lad hym in to the yle of ely / & putte oute his eyen out of his heede / & rent his wombe. & token the chyef of his boels / & put a stake in to the groūde. & an ende of the boels ther to fastned / & with nedels of yron prykked the good chylde & so made hym go aboute the stake / till that al his bowels were dra wen oute / & so dyed ther alured thurgh treason of the erle godewyn / whan the lordes of englond had herd / & wyst how Alured that shold haue ben her kynge was put vnto the deth thurgh the fals traytour godewyn. they were al wonder wroth / & swore bytwene hem god & by his hooly names that he sholde dye in more werse deth / than dyd edryth of stratton / that had bytrayd his lord [Page] edmond Irensyde / & they wold haue put hym to deth / but the thef traytour fled thens in to denmarck / & there helde hym four yere / & more & lost al his lond in Englond
Of saynt edward the confessour that was Aluredes brother / how he was kyng of englond. Ca / o. C / xxvo. /
ANd when this was done alle the barons of englond senten another tyme in to normandye. for that edward shold come in to englond with moche honour / And this edward in his chyldehode louyd almyghty god & hym drad / And in honest & clennes se lad his lyf / & hated synne as deth, And when he was crouned and ennoynted with a ryal power / he foryate not his good maners & condicions that he fyrst vsed / and foryate not al good customes for no maner honour / ne for no maner ryches / ne for noo maner [...]ghnes, but euermore & more yaf hym to goodnes / and wel l [...]ed god and al mekenes / & loued god & holy chirche passynge al maner thyng / & poure men also / & hem loued & helde / as they had ben his owne bretheren / & to hem ofte yaf grete almesse with good wyll,
Of the fyrste specyalyte that god shewed for edwardes loue by his lyfe / Cao. / C / xxvjo /
IT befell on a day as he went from the chirche of westmynstre / and had herd masse of seynt Iohan euangelyst / for as moche as he loued saynt euangelyst more specially after god and our lady / than he dyd ony other saynt / And so ther [...]me to hym a pylgrym and prayd hym for the loue of god and of saynt Iohan euangelyst somme good hym for to yeue / And the kyng pre uely toke his rynge of his fynger that no man percerued it / and yafe it to the pylgryme / & he it vnderfenge and went thens / This kyng edward made al the good lawes of englond. that yet ben moost holden / and was so mercyable and ful of pyte that no man myght be more /
How therle godewyn come in to englond / and had ageyne all his land. and after ward saynt edward wedded hys doughter / Cao. / C. xxvijo.
WHan therle godewyn that was duellyng in denmark hadde moche herde of the goodnes of saynt Edward / and that he was full of mercy & of pyte, And thought that he wold gone a geyne in to englond for to seche / & to haue grace of hym. & that he myght haue his land in pees / and arrayed hym as moche as he myghte / and putte hym towarde the See, And come in to [Page] Englond to london. ther that the kyng was that tyme / and alle the lo [...]s of englond / & helde a parlement / Godewyne sente to hem that were his frendes / and were the moost grettest lordes of the lande & prayd hem to beseche the kynges grace for hym / and that he wold his pees & his land graunte hym / his enemyes ladden hym byfore the kyng to seche grace / And anone as the kyng hym sawe / he appelled hym of treason, and of the deth of Alured his broder / & these wordes vnto hym sayd / Traytour Godewyne quod the kynge I thr appele that thou hast bytrayd and slayne my broder Alured / Certes syr quod Godewyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship. I neuer hym bytrayd / ne slew hym / & therfor I put me in reward of the court / Now fayre lordes qd the kyng / ye that ben my lyeges erles and barons of the lond / that here ben al assembled / Ful wel ye haue h [...]rd myn appele / & the ansuere also of godewyn / And therfore I wylle that ye award and doo ryght / The erles and barons tho drowen hem alle to gedre for to done this award by hem self / & so they speken dyuersly amonges hem / For somme sayd ther was neuer allyaūce by homage serment seruyce ne by lordship bytwene Godewyn / & Alured / for whiche thyng they myght hym drawe / & at the last they deuysed and demed that he shold put hym in the kynges mercy all to geders / Tho spak the erle leueryche of Couentre a good man to god & to al the world / & told his reson in this manere / & sayd the erle godewyn is the beste frended man of Englond after the kyng / & wel myght it not ben gayn sayd that without coūseill of godewyn Alured was neuer put to deth / wherfor I award as touchyng my part that hym self & his sone & euery of vs / xij / erles that ben his frendes wend byfore the kyng charged with as moche gold & syluer. as we mowe bere bitwene our handes / & prayeng the kyng foryeue his euyl wyll to therle godewyn / & receyue his homage / & his land yelde ageyn / & al they accorded vnto that award / And comen in this maner as is abone sayd euery of hem with gold & syluer as moch as they myght bere bytwene hyr hon des byfore the kyng / & they sayden the forme / & the maner of hyr accord and of hir award / The kyng wold not hem gayn say / but as moche as they ordeyned, he graunted and confermed / & so was therle godewyn accorded with the kyng / & had ageyne al his lād And afterward he bere hym so wel and so wysely that the kyng loued hym wonder moche / and with hym was ful pryue.
And within a lytel tyme, the kynge loued hym so moche that he [Page] spoused godewyns doughter / & made hir quene / and netheles for al that tho the kyng had a wyf, he lyued euermore in chastyte / & in clennes of body without ony flesshely dede doyng with his wif & the quene also in hir half lad hooly lyf two yere & deyde / And afterward the kyng lyued al his lyf without ony wyfe / The kyng yafe the erldome of oxenford to harold that was godewynes sone & made hym erle / And so wel they were bilouyd both the fadre & he & so priue with the kyng both the fadre & the sone / that they myght done what thyng they wold by ryght. For ageynste right wold he nothyng done for no maner man / so good & trewe he was of conseyence, & therfor our lord Ihu crist grete specially lo ue to hym shewed
How kyng edward saw Sweyne kyng of denmark drenched in the see in the sacrament as he stode & herd masse / ca / C xxvij /
IT befell vpon whytsonday as kyng edward herd his masse in the grete chirche of westmynstre ryght at the leuacion of Ihesu cristes body. And as al men were gadred in to the chirche & come nere the auter sacryng for to see the kyng his houdes [...]te vpon highe, & a grete laughter toke vp / Wherfor al that aboute hym stode gretely gonne Wondre / and after masse they axed why the kynges laughter was / Fayr lordes quod t [...]e kynge / Sweyne the yonger that was kyng of denmark come in to the see with al his power for to haue comen in to englond vp on vs to haue werryd, & I sawe hym & al his folke drenched in the highe see / & al this sawe in the eleuacion of Ihu cristes bodye bytwene the preestes hondes, & I had therof so moche Ioye that I myght not my laughter witholde / and the erle leueryche besydes hym stode at the leuacion, & openlyche he sawe the forme of brede torne in to a lykenesse of a yong child / & toke vp his right bond & fyrst blyssed the kyng & afterward therle / & the Erle anone turned hym toward the kynge to make him see that holy syghte / And tho sayd the kynge / Syre erle sayd he I see well that ye see thāked be god that I haue honoured my god my sauyour vys [...]ly Ihesu crist in forme of man whos name be blyssed in al worldes
How the rynge that seynt edward had yeue to a poure pylgrym for the loue of god / & saynt Iohan euangelyst come ageyne vnto kyng edward Capitulo / C xxix
[Page] THis noble man saynt edward regned xiij yere / and thus It be fell vpon a tyme bifore er he died that two men of englōd were went in to the holy land / [...]nd hadden done hir pylgremage / and were goyng ageyne in to hir owne countrey / And as they went in the wey they met a pylgrym that curtoysly he in salued. and axed in what land and in what countrey they were borne / And they sayd / in Englond / Tho axed he who was kyng of englond / & they ansuerd & sayd the good kyng Edward / Fayr frendes tho sayd the pylgrym / whan that ye come in to youre countrey ageyne / I praye yow that ye wyl gone vnto kynge edward / & oftymes hym grete in myne name / And oft tymes thank him of his grete curtosye / that he to me hath don̄ and namely for the ryng that he yaf me whan he had herd masse at westmynstre for seynt Iohns loue euangelyst / and toke tho the rynge and toke it to the pylgryms / And sayd I pray yow for to gone and [...]re this ryng / and take it to kyng edward / and [...]rl le hym that I sent it hym and a full rycher yefte I wylle hym yeue. For vpon the. xij. day he shal come to me / and euermore duel le in blysse withoute ende / Syr sayd the pylgryms / what man l [...]n ye / and in what place is your duellyng. Fayr frendes quod le I am Iohan the euangelyst / and am duellyng with almygh ty god / And your kyng edward is my frende / & I loue hym specialy for encwson that he euer hath lyued in clennesse / and is cle ne mayd / And I pray yow my message al for to done / [...]o I ha ue to yow y sayd / whan seynt Iohan enangelyst hadde thus l [...]m charged sodeynly he wyded out of her syght /
The pylgrymes tho thanked almyghty god / and went forth in hir way / And whan they had gone two or thre myle / they bygonne to wo [...]e wery / And sate a doune him for to reste / and soo fyl a slepe / And when they had slepte wel, one of hem a woke & lif [...]e vp his heede. and loked aboute and said vnto his felaw / Arise vp / and wende we in our weye / what said that one felawe to that other / wher be we nowe / Certes said that other / It semeth me that this is not the same countreye / that we layd vs in for to wst and slepe / For we were from Ierusalem but thre myles / They token vp hir hondes and blessed hem / and went forth in hir waye / And as they went in hir weye / they sawe shepeherdes goyng with hir shepe that speken none other langage but englisshe Leue frēdes qd [...] one of the pilgrems what coūtre is this / & who is lord chewf. & one of the shepeherdes ansuerd / this is the coūtre of [Page] kent in englond / of the whiche the good kyng edward is lord The pylgryms thanked almyghty god / and seynt Iohn euangelyste / & wente forth in hir wey / & come to Caunterbury. and fro thens in to london / & ther they founde the kyng. & told hym al fro the begynnyng vnto the ende / as moche as seynt Iohan had hem charged / and of al thynges how they sped by the wey / and toke the ryng to kyng edward / & he vnderfenge it & thanked almyghty god / and saynt Iohn euangelyst / And tho made hym a redy euery day from day to day. for to wēde out of this lyfe / whan god wold for hym sende /
How seynt edward dyed on the xij day / Ca, C / xxx /
ANd after it befell thus in cristemasse eue as the hooly man Edward was at goddes seruyce mannes for to here of the high fest, he bycome ful syke / / & in the morow endured with moche payne the masse for to here / and after lete hym be ladde in to his chambre there for to resten hym / but in to his hall amōgs his bawns & knyghtes myght he not come hem for to comfort & sola ce as he was woned for to done at that worthy fest / wherfor alle hir myrth & comfort amonges all that were in the halle was tor ned in to care / & sorow / for encheson that they dred for to l [...]sc ler good lord the kyng / And vpon saynt Iohans day euangelyst tho that come next / the kyng vnderfenge his ryghtes of holy chirche as falleth to euery cristen man, & abode the mercy & the wylle of god. & tho two pylgryms he lete byfore him come / & yaf h [...]m rich yeftes & bytoke hem vnto god / And also the abbot of westmynstre he lete byfore hym come / & toke hym that rynge in honour of god & saynt marye / & of seynt Iohn euangelyst / & the abbot toke & put it among other relyques / so that it is at westmynstre and euer more shal be / & so lay the kyng seke / til the xij euen / & tho di ed the good kynge Edward at westmynstre / & ther he lyeth / For whos loue god hath shewed many fayre myracles / & this was in the yere of Incarnacion of our lord ihu crist / in, lxv / yere / And after he was translated / & putte in to the shryne thurgh the noble martir seynt thomas of Caunterbnry /
How Harold that was gode wyns sone was made kyng / and how he scaped fro the duk of normandye / Cao. / C / xxxi
WHan saynt Edward was gone oute of this worlde / & was gone to god / & worthely entered / as it apperteyned to such a lord for to be / the barons of the land wold haue hadde Edward [Page] Helyngus sone to Edward the outlawe that was edmond Irensydes sone to be kyng for as moche as he was moost kyndeste kynges blode of the reame / But harold sone of therle godewyn thurgh the strengthe of his fadre goode wyn and thurgh other grete lordes of the royāme that were of his kyn / & vnto hym sibbe seysed al englond to his hand / and anon lete hym croune kyng after the enterement of seynt edward / This harold that was godewynes sone the second yere tofore that seynt edward was dede wold haue gone in to Flaundres / but he was deyue thurgh tem pest in to the countre of poūtyf / & there he was take & brought to the duke william / And this harold went tho that duk william, wolde haue ben auengyd vpon hym for encheson that therle Godewyne that was harols fadre had lete slee Alured, that was seynt edwardes broder / and pryncypally for encheson that alured was quene enimes sone that was rychardes moder duke of nor mandy that was ayell to the duke wylliam / And netheles when the duk william had harold in pryson / and vnder his power for as moche as this harold was a noble knyght wyse and worthy of bodye / & that his fadre and he were accorded with good kyng edward / and therfor wold not mysdone hym / but al maner thyn ges / that bytwene hem were spoken / & ordeygned Harold by his good wyll swore vpon a boke / & vpon holy sayntes that he shold spouse & wedde due williams doughter after the deth of saynt ed ward / & that he shold besyly done his deuer for to kepe & saue the royame of englond to the profyte & auaūtage of duk william / & whan harold had thus made his othe vnto duke wylliam / he lete hym goo / & yafe hym many ryche yeftes / & he tho went thens & come in to englond / & anon dede in this maner / whan seynt Edward was deede & as a man falsely forswore / he lete croune hym kyng of englond / & falsely brake the conenaūts that he had made byfore with duk william / wherfor he was with him wōder wroth and swore that he shold vpon hym ben auengyd what euer so him befell / And anon duk william lete assemble a grete hoost / & come in to englond to auenge hym vpon harold / & to conquere the lād yf that he myght / And in the same yere that harold was crouned harold harestrenge kyng of denmark arryued in scotlād. & thouȝt to haue ben kyng of englond / & he come in to englond & slewe / and robbed & destroyed al that he myght till that he come to york / and ther he slewe many men of armes a / M / & an honderd preestes / whan this tiding come to the kyng. he assēbled a strōge power & [Page] went for to fyght with harold of denmarck / and with his owne hond hym slewe / & the danes were discomfyted / & tho that left a lyue with moche sorowe fled to hir shippes / And thus kyng Harold of englond slowe kyng harold of denmark.
How william bastard duk of normandy come in to englond / and slewe kyng harold / Cao. / C. xxxijo. /
ANd whan this batayll was done / harold bycome so proud & wold no thyng parte with his peple of thyng that he had goten / but helde it al toward hym self / wherfor the moost partye of his peple were wroth / & from hym departed. so that only with hym left no mo but his soudyours / And vpon a daye as he sate at mete / a messagyer come to hym & sayd / that william bastard duk of normandy was arryued in englond with a grete hoost / [...] had taken al the lande aboute hastynge / and also myned the castell / whan the kyng had herd this tydynge / he went thyder with a litel peple with all the hast that he myght for a litel peple was with hym left / And whan he come thyder / he ordeyned for to yeue batayll to the duk william / But the duk axed hym of these thre thynges / yf that he wold haue his doughter to wyf as he had ma de and sworen his oth / and behyght / or that he wolde hold the lād of hym in truage / or that he wold determyne this thyng thurgh bataylle, This harold was a proude man and a stoute / and trusted wonder moche vpon his strengthe / and fought with the Duk and with his peple / but harold and his men in this batayll were discomfyted / & hym self was ther slayne. And this bataylle was ended at Conbrydge in the second yere of his regne vpon seynt kalyxtes day. and he lyeth at waltham /
Of kyng william bastard / & how he gouerned hym well and wysely / & of the werre bytwene hym, & the kyng of Fraunce / Capitulo C / xxxiij / w [...] Han william bastard, duk of normandy had conquerd al the land vpon crystemasse day / tho next sueng / he lete hym croune kyng at westmynster / and was a worthy kyng / and yafe to En glysshmen largely londes. & to his knyghtes
And afterward went ouer the see / and come in to Normandy and ther duellyd a whyle / And in the second yere of his regne le come ageyne in to Englond / and brought with hym maude hys wyf / & lete croune hir quene of englond on whitsonday, And tho anon after the kyng of Scotland that was callyd malcolyn [Page] began to stryue and werre with the duk william. and he ordeyned hym tho toward scotlande with his men to the by lande & by see for to destroye kyng malcolyn / but they were acorded / And the kyng of scotland bycome his man / and helde al his land of hym And kyng william resseyned of hym his homage / & come ayene in to englond / and whan kyng william had be kyng / xvij / yere / maude the quene dyed, on whom kyng william had bygoten ma ny fayr children / that is for to say Robert Curthose / william. le Rous / Rychard also that deyde / Henry beauclerk / and maude al so / that was the erles wyf of Bleynes. & other iiij doughters / & after his wyfes deth grete debate bygan bitwene hym / & the kyn ge of fraunce philip / but atte last they were acorded / & tho duellyd the kyng of Englond in normandy / & no man hym werryd & he no man long tyme / & the kyng of fraunce sayd vpon a daye in scorne of kyng william / that kyng william had long tyme leyn in childbed / and long tyme had rested hym / & this worde come to the kyng of englond ther that he laye in normandy at Roen / & for this word was tho ylle payd. and eke wonder wroth toward the kyng of frannce / & swore by god that whan he were aryse of his gysyn / he wold lyght a thousand candels to the kyng of fraū ce / And anone lete assemble a grete hoost of normandy / and of en glysshmen / & in the bygynnyng of heruest / he come in to fraunce / & brente all the tounes that he come by thurgh al the coūtrey / & rob bed / and dyd al the euyl that he myght thurgh out al fraunce / & atte last he brente the cyte of mandos. & commaunded his people for to here wode / & as moche as myght brenne and hym self helpe therto al that he myght with a good wylle / And there was grete hete what of fyre that was so grete & of the sōne / that tho was wonder hote / that al stuffed hym self bycome / & fell in to a greete sikenesse, & whan he saw that he was so stronge syke. he ordeyned and assigned al normandy vnto Robert Curthose his sone / & all englond to wylliam the rous / & byquath to henry beauclerk alle his tresour / And tho he thus had done. he vnderfenge all the sacramentis of holy chirche / & deyde the xxij yere of his regne / and lyeth at Caan in normandye.
Of kynge william Rous that was wylliam bastardes sone / that destroyed tounes & houses of Relygyon for to make the newe forest / Capitulo C / xxxiiij /
[Page] ANd after this william bastard regned his sone william the Rous. and this william was a wonder contraryous man, to god and to holy chirche, and lete amende and make the toune of Cardeys that the paynyms had destroyed / This kyng william destroyed holy chirche & al hir possessions in what part he myght hem fynde / & therfor ther was so moche debate bytwene hym & the Archebisshop of Caunterbury Anc [...]lme / for encheson that he vndernamme hym of his wykkednesse that he destroyed holy chir che / And for encheson therof the kynge to hym bare grete wrathe and for that cause he exyled hym oute of the lande / And the Archebisshop tho went to the court of Rome / & ther duellid with the pope / and this kyng made the newe forest / & cast & destroyed xxvj tounes / and lxxx houses of Relygyon al for to make his foreste lenger and bredder, And bycome wonder gladde and proude of his wode / and of his forest. and of the wylde beestes / that were therin / that it was meruayle for to wyte / so that men callyd him kepar of wodes and of pastures. and the lenger that he lyued / the more wykked he bycome both to god & to hooly chirche / & to alle his men, And this kyng lete make the grete halle at westmynster / so vpon a day of whitsonday he helde therin his fyrste feste / and he loked about & sayd that the halle was to lytel by the haluendele / And atte last he bycome so contraryorous / that al thyng that plesed god displesyd hym / & al thyng that god loued / he bated dedely / And so it befel that he dremed / & met vpon a nyghte a lytel or that he dyed / that he was let blode. and blod a grete quantite of blode / & a streme of blode lept an highe toward heuen more than an / C / fathem / & the clerenes of the daye was turned alle in to derknes / and the fyrmament also / And whan he awoke he had grete deede / so that he nyst what to done / and t [...]ld his dreme to many of his counseylle, And sayd that he had grete drede / and supposed that hym was somme myschaunce to come / And the second nyght byfore / a [...]ōke dremed of the houshold / that the kynge went in to a chirche with moche peple / & he was proude / that he despysed all the peple that was with hym / and that he take the ymage of the crucyfyx / and shamefully bote it with his treth. And the crucyfyx mekely suffred all that he dyd / but the kyng as a wode man rente of the armes of the crucifyx / and case it vn der his feete / and defouled it / & thre we it al a brode / & a greete flamme of fyre c [...]m onte of the crucyfyx mouth, of whiche dreme many men had grete wonder / The good man that had dremed [Page] this dreme hadde told it to a knyght that tho was moost pryue with the kyng of al mē / & the knyght was callyd bamsides sone And the monke & he told the dreme to the kyng and sayd that it shold bytoken other thyng than good and netheles the kyng lau ghed ther at twyes or thryes / & lytel set therof / & thought that he wold gone hunte & play in the fovest / and his men hym coūceyl led that he sholde not that day for noo maner thyng come in the wode / so that he abode at home byfore mete / But anon as he had eten / no man myght hym lette that he nold gone to the wode for to haue his disport / And soo it befel that one of his knyghtes, that hight walter Tyrell wold haue shot to an hert / & his arowe glā sed vpon a braunche, & thurgh mysauenture smote the kyng to the hert & so he fell doun dede to the groūd without ony word speking & so ended his lyf / & it was no grete wonder for the daye that he deyde he had let to fermethe archebisshopriche of Caūterbury & xij abbeyes also / & euer more did grete destruction to holy chirche / thurugh wōrgful taking & axyngs / for no man durst withsay that be wold haue done / & of his lythernes he wold neuer withdrawe nother to amende his lyf / & therfor god wold suffre hym no lenger regne in his wykkednesse / & he had ben kyng xiij yere / & sixt wekes, and lyeth at worcestre /
Of kynge henry beauclerke that was william Rous broder / & of the debate bytwene hym & Robert Curthose his broder Capitulo / C / xxxv /
ANd whan this william Rous was dede / henry beauclerke his broder was made kyng for encheson that wylliam rous had no child bygoten of his body, and this henry beauclerk was crouned kyng at london the fourth day after that his broder was dede, that is to say / the fyfth day of August / And anone as Ancelme that was Archebisshop of Caunterbury that was at the court of Rome herd that wylliam Rous was dede. he come ayene in to englonde, and the kyng beauclerk welcomed hym with moche honour / and the fyrst yere that kyng henry was crou ned he spoused maude that was margaretes doughter / the quene of Scotlande / And the Archebisshop Ancelme of Caunterbury wedded hem / And this kyng biga [...] vpon his wyf two sones and a doughter / that is to saye / william Rychard / and maude, And this maude was after the emperesse of Almayne / [Page] And in the second yere of his regne, his broder Robert Curthose / that was duke of normandye come with an huge companye in to Englonde for to chalenge the land / but thurgh connceylle of the wyse men of the lande they were acorded in this manere that the kyng shold yeue the duke his broder a thousand pound euery yere / and whiche of hem longest lyued, shold ben other heyr / & so bytwene he in shold be no debate ne stryfe / and whan they were thus acorded / the duk went home ageyne in to normandy / And whan the kyng had regned four yere / ther aroos a grete debate bytwene hym / & the Archebissho of Caunterbury Ancelme / for cause that the archebisshop wolde not graunte hym for to take tallyage of chirches at his wylle, And therfor eftsone the Archebisshop went ouer the see to the court of Rome / & ther duellyd with the Pope / And in the same yere duk of normandy come in to Englond for to speke with his broder / And amonge other thynges the Duke of normandy for yaf to the kyng his broder the forsayd thousand pounde by yere that he shold paye hym / And with good loue the duke went tho ageyne in to normandy / And whan tho twoo yere were a gone thurgh enticement of the deuel / and of lyther men / a grete debate aroos bytwene the kyng and the duk / so that the kyng thurgh counseyll went ouer the see in to normandye / And whan the kynge of Englond was comen in to Normandy / all the grete lordes of Normandye turned to the kyng of englond / and helde ageynst the duk hir owne lord / and hym forsoke / and to the kyng hem yelden and all the good Castels and townes of normandy / And sone after was the d [...]k tasten / and lad with the kyng in to englond / and the kyng le [...]e put the duk in to pryson / And this was the vengeaunce of god / for whan the duk was in the holy land / God yafe hym such myght and thonour / there wherfore he was chosen to ben of [...]emsasem kyng, and he wold not be it / but forsoke it / & therfore sente hym that shame and despyte for to be putte in to his broders pryson / Tho seased kyng henry all normandy in to his hande / and s [...]e it alle his lyues tyme / And in the same yere come the Bisshop Aun [...]lme from the courte of Rome in to Englond ageyne / and the kyng and he were acorded.
And in the yere next comyng after ther bigan a grete debate bi twene kyng philip of Fraunce / and kyng henry of englond / wherfor kyng henry wende in to normandy / And the werre was strong bytwene hem two. And tho dyed the kyng [Page] of Fraūce / & lowys his sone was made kyng anon after his deth And tho went kyng henry ageyne in to englond / & maryed man de his doughter to henry the emperour of almayne /
Of the debate that was bytwene kyng lowys of Fraunce / & kyng henry of englond / & how kyng henryes two sones were lost in the high see / Capitulo C / xxxvij.
WHenne kynge henry had ben kynge xvij yere / a grete debate aroos bytwene kyng lowys of Frannce / and kynge henry of englond for encheson that the kyng had sent in to Normandye to his men / that they shold ben helpynge to therle of Bloys as moche as they myght in werre ageynste the kyng of fraunce / & that they were as redy vnto hym as they wold ben vnto hir owne lord / for encheson that therle had spoused his sustre dame man de / for whiche encheson the kyng of Fraunce dyd moche sorow to normandye, wherfor the kyng of englond was wonder wrothe / & in hast went ouer the see with a strong power / & come in to nor mandye for to defende that lond / & the werre bytwene hem lasted two yere to geder / til at the last they two foughten to geder / & the kynge of Fraunce was discomfyted & vnnethe scaped awey with moche payne / & the moost part of his men were take / & the kyng dyd with hem what hym lyked / & somme of hem lete he go frelych & somme lete he putte to the deth / but afterward tho two kynges were acorded / And whan kynge henry had holych al the lande of Normandy / & scomfyted his enemyes of Fraūce, he torned ayene in to englond with moche honour / & his two sones william & Richard wold come after hir fadre, & went to the see with a grete cō panye of peple / but or that they myght come to lond / the shippe come ageynst a roche & breke al in to pyeces / & all were drenchyd / that were therm sauf one man / that was in the same shippe / that escaped / & this was on saynt kateryns day / & these were the names of hem that were drenchyd / that is to say wylliam the kynges sone / richard his broder, therle of chestre / Otto [...]el his brother Geffroy ridelle / wal [...]er emurcy / Godfrey archedeken / the kynges doughter the Countesse of perses / the kynges nece. the countesse of chestre, and many other / whan kynge henry / and other lordes arryued were in englond / & herd these tydynges / they made sorow ynow & al hir myrth & ioye was torned in to moruyng & sorowe
How mawde the emperesse come ageyne in to englond. And how she was afterward wedded to geffroy the erle of Angeo / Capitulo. C xxxvij
ANd whan that two yere were a gone that the erle had duel led with the kyng / the erle went tho from the kyng / and bygan to werre vpon hym / & dyd moche harme in the land of normandye, and toke ther a strong castel / & ther he duellyd alle that yere / And tho come to hym tydyng / that henry the emperour of almayne that had spoused maude his doughter / was dede / and that she duellyd noo lenger in almayne / and that she wold come ageyne in to normandy hir fadre / And whan she was come to hym / he toke [...] tho to hym / and come ageyne in to En glond / and made the englysshmen done othe & feaute vnto the Em peresse / And the fyrste man that made the othe was william the Archebisshop of Caunterbury / and that other kyng dauyd of scot land / & after hym alle the Erles and Bawns of Englond / And after the noble man the erle of angeo a worthy knyght sent to the kynge of englonde that he wold graunte hym for to haue his doughter to spouse maude the emperesse / And for encheson that hir fadre wyst that he was a noble man / the kyng graūted hym, & consented therto / & tho toke his doughter / & lad hyr in to Normandy / and come to the noble knyght erle gaufred & he spou sed the forsayd maude with moche honour / and the erle biga [...] vp on hir a sone that was callyd henry themperesse sone / And after whan al this was done / kyng henry duellyd al that yere in nomādy / And after that long tyme a greuous sykenesse toke hym / wher thurgh he dyed / And this kynge henry regne [...] xxxv / [...] / and four monethes / & after he dyed as byfore is said in norm [...]dy and his hert was entered in the grete chirche of our lady in Ro aen / And his body was brought with moche honour in to englōd and entered at redyng in the abbaye / of the whiche abbay he was begynner and foundour
How stephen kyng henryes sustres sone was made kyng of englond / Ca [...] / C / xxxviij [...] /
AFter this kyng henry that was the fyrst was made kyng his neuew his sustres sone stephen erle of Boloyne / For anone as he herde tydynge of his vncles deth / be passed the See / and come in to Englond thurgh counseylle / and strengthe [Page] & help of many grete lordes in englond ageynst hyr oth that they had made to maude the emperesse toke the royame & lete cronne ste phen kyng of the land / And the Archebisshop william of Caū terbury that fyrst made the oth of feaute vnto maude the emperes se sette the croune vpon kyng stephens hede / & hym ennoynded and bisshop Rogyer of salysbury mayntened the kynges partye in as moche as he myght / The fyrst yere that kyng stephen bigan to regne / he assembled a grete hoost. & went hym toward scotland for to haue werrid vpon the kyng of scotland / but he come ayēst hym in pees / & in good maner / & to hym trusted, but he made to hym none homage / for as moch as he had made homage to the em peresse maude / & the fourth yere of his regne, maude the emperesse come in to englonde, & tho bygan debate bytwene kyng stephen, & maude thē peresse / This maude went in to the cyte of nychol & the kyng hir besyeged long tyme / & myght not spede so wel the Cyte was kepte & defended / & tho that were within the cyte queyntely ascaped awey without any maner harme / & tho toke the kyng the Cyte & duellyd therin til candelmesse / And tho come the barons that helde with the emperesse that is for to say the erle Randulphe of chestre / the Erle Robert of gloucestre hugh bygot / Robert of morley / and brought with hem a stronge power & fought with the kyng & yaf him a grete batayl / in whiche batayll kyng Stephen was taken & sette in pryson in the castel of Brystowe /
How maude the emperesse went fro wynchestre vnto oxenford And after she escaped to wallyngford / and what sorow / & dysease that she had / Capitulo, C / xxxix.
WHan the kyng was take & brought in to warde in the Castell of Bristow / this maude the emperesse anone was ma de lady of englond & al men hir helde for lady of the lande / But tho of kent helde with the kyng stephens wyf, and also william of Pree and his retenue helpe hym, and helde warre ageynste maude the emperesse / & anone after the kyng, of scotland come to hem with an huge nombre of peple / & tho went they y fere vnto wynchestre / ther that the emperesse was, & wold haue take hyr / but therbe of gloucestre come with his power / & fought with hem & the emperesse in the mene whyle that the batayll du [...]d escaped fro thens & went vnto oxenford / & ther hir helde / And in that bataylle was therle of gloucestre discomfyted & taken / and with hym many other lordes / And for his delyueraūce [Page] was kyng steuen delyuerd oute of pryson / and whan he was de lyuerd out of pryson, he went thens to oxenford / and besyeged the emperesse that was tho at oxenford / and the syege endured fro Mychelmasse vnto seynt andrewstyde. And the emperesse lete tho clothe hyr all in whyte lyn [...]n cloth for encheson that she wold not be knowe / for in the same tyme was moch snowe / & so she escaped by the thamyse from hem awey / that were hir enemyes / And fro thens she wente to wallyngford / and ther hyr helde / & the kynge wold haue besyeged hir / but he had so moche to done with therle Randulf of chestre / & with hugh bygot that stronglych werryd vpon hym in euery place that he ne wyst whyther for to torne / And the erle of gloucestre halpe hem with his power /
How gaufryd therle of Angeon yafe vp vnto Harry the Emperesse sone all Normandye / Capitulo / C / xl /
ANd after this the kyng went vnto wylton, and wolde haue made a castel there / but tho come to hym therle of gloucestre with a strong power / and almoost hadde take the kyng. but yet the kyng escaped with moche payne / and william martell ther was take / And for, whos delyueraunce he yafe vnto the Erse of gloucestre the good castel of shirburne / that he had take / And whan this was done the erle robert / and al the kynges enemyes wente to Faryn [...]e / & bygonne ther for to make a strong Castel / But the kynge come thyder with a stronge power / and drofe hem thens [...] that same yere / The erle Randulfe of chestre was a corded with the kyng / & come to his court at his commandement And the [...]e wende sauelyche to come, and the kyng anone lete take hym and putte hym in to pryson / and muste neuer for noo thyng [...]e oute / till that he had yelde vp vnto the kyng the Castel of nychol / the whiche he had take from the kyng with strength in the xv yere of his regne / And gaufred therle of Angeon yaf vp vnto Harry his sone al normandy / And in the yere that next sued deyde the erle gaufred, And henry his sone tho anone turned ageyne to Angeon / and there was made Erle with moch honour of his men of the land. and to hym dyden feaute & [...]omamage the moost party of his land / And thēne was this henry the emperesse sone Erle of Angewe and duk of normandy / [Page] In the same yere was made dyuorce bytwene the kyng of fraūce and the quene his wyf / that was right heyr of gascoyne / For encheson that it was knowe & proued / that they were sybbe / and nyghe of blode / And tho spoused hyr Henry the emperesse sonne Erle of Angeo, & duk of normandy / & duk of Gascoyne / The xviij yere of this kyng stephen / this henry come in to englōd with a strong power and bygan for to werre vpon kyng stephen & toke the castel of malmesbury / and dyd moche harme / and the kyng steuen had so moche werre that he nyst whyder for to wende but atte last they were acorded thurgh the archebisshop Theobald and thurgh other worthy lordes of Englond vpon this condicion / that they shold departe the Royamme of Englond bytwene hem / so that henry the emperesse sone sholde holych haue half the lande of Englond / And thus they were acorded / and pees cryed thurgh oute al Englonde / And whan the acorde was made bytwene tho two lordes / kynge stephen bycome soo sory f [...]use he had lost half englond / and felle in suche a maladye / & dyed in the x [...]x yere / viij wekes & v dayes of his regne all in werre. & in con ta [...]. and he lyeth in the abbey of Feueresham / the whiche he leete make in the syxth yere of his regne /
Of kyng henry the second that was the emperesse sone / in whos tyme saynt thomas of Caunterbury was chaunceler / Ca / C. xlj /
ANd after this kyng Stephen, regned henry the emperesse so ne / and was crouned of the archebisshop theobald the xvij daye byfore crystemasse / And in the same yere thomas Beket of London archebisshop of caunterbury was made the kynges chaū celer of Englond / The second yere that he was crouned / he lete cast a doune alle the newe castels that were longyng to the croune / the whiche kyng steuen had yeuen vnto dyuerse men and hem had made erles and barons for to holde with hym / and to helpe hym ageynste Henry the Emperesse sone / And the fourth yere of his regne / he put vnder his lordship the kyng of walys / And in the same yere whan the kynge of Scotland hadde in his owne honde / that is to saye the Cyte of Caerlylle / the Castell of Banburgh▪ the newe castel vpon tyne / & the ersdom of lancastre The same yere the kyng with a grete power went in to walys & [Page] lete cast a doune wodes / & make weyes and made strong the castell of rutlande / basyng werk / and among the castels he made an hous of the temple / And in the same yere was Rychard his sone borne / that afterward was erle of oxenford / and the fourth yere of his regne he made gaufryd erle of Brytayne / and in that yere he chaunged his money / & the syxth yere of his regne he ladde an huge hoost vnto Tolouse / and conquerd it. And the seuenth yere of his regne deyde thebault the archebtsshop of caūterbury / And tho all the cyte of caunterbury almoost thurgh meschyef was brente / The ix yere of his regne thomas beket his channceler was chosen to ben archebisshop of caūterbury / And vpon seynt bernards daye he was sacred / and in that yere was borne Alyenore the kynges doughter / And in the tenth yere of his regne seynt Edward the kyng was translated with moche honour / And the x [...] yere of his regne he helde his parlement at north hampton / & from thens fled seynt thomas Archebisshop of caunterbury / for the greete debate / that was bitwene the kyng & hym / For yf he had ben founden in the morne he had be slayne / & therfore he fled thens with thre fe [...] lawes a fote only that no man wyst wher he was and wente ouer the see to the pope of Rome And this was the pryncypal encheson for as moche as the kyng wold haue put clerkes to deth / that we re atteynt of felonye withoute [...]ny pryuelege of hooly chirche / And the xij yere of his regne was Iohan his sone borne / and the xiij yere of his regne deyde maude the emperesse that was his mo der / And in that same yere was Iohan his doughter borne. The xiiij yere of his regne the duke henry of Saxon spoused maude his doughter / And he bygate on hyr thre sones / Henry / othn [...] / & wylliam / And in the xv yere of his regne deyde the good Erle to bert of Gloucestre / that founded the abbaye of nonnes of E [...]n / And in the same yere maryke kyng of Ierusalem conquerd babiloyne / the xvj yere of his regne be lete croune his sone Henry at westmynstre / & hym crouned Rogyer Archebisshop of yorke in harmyng of Thomas Archebisshop of caunterbury / wherfor the same Rogyer was acursyd of the pope /
Of kyng henry that was sone of kyng henry the emperesse sone. & of the debate that was bytwene hym and his fudre whyle that he was in uormandye / Capitulo / C xlij.
[Page] AFter the coronacion of kyng henry / the sone of kyng henry the emperesse sone / That same henry the emperesse sone went ouer in to normandy / and there he lete marye elyenore the dongh ter of the Dolfyne that was kyng of almayne / And in the vij / yere that the Archebisshop seynt thomas hadde ben outlawed / the kyng of Fraunce made the kyng and saynt thomas acorded, and tho come thomas the archebisshop to Caunterbury ageyne to his owne chirche And this accord was made in the begynnynge of aduent / and afterward he was slayn and martred / the fyfthe daye of Crystemasse / that tho next come / For kynge Henry thought vpon seynt thomas archebisshop vpon Crystemas se day as he sate at mete, and these wordes said / that yf he had ony good knyght with hym he had be many day passed auengyd vpō the archebisshop thomas / And anon Syr wylliam Breton Syre hugh moruyle / Syr william Tracy / And syr reynold fytz vrse beres sone in englyssh pryuely went vnto the see / and comon in to Englond to the chirche of Caunterbury / and hym ther they martred at seynt benets auter in the moder chirche / And that was in the yere of Incarnacion of Ihesu cast / M / C / lxxij / yere. And anone after henry the newe kynge bygan for to make werre vpon henry his fadre / and eke vpon his bretheren also /
And so vpon a day the kyng of Fraunce / and al the kynges sones / and the kyng of scotland / and the gre [...]ttest lordes of En glond were arrysen ageynst the kyng henry the fadre / and at the last as god wold he conquerd all his enemyes / & the kyng of fraū ce & he were acorded / And tho sent kyng henry the fadre specially vnto the kynge of Fraunce / & prayed hym hertely for his loue / that he wold sende to hym by letter the names of hem / that bygonnen the werre vpon hym / And the kyng of Fraunce sente ayene to hym by a letter the names of hem that bygōnen the wer re / The fyrst was Iohan his sone and Rychard his broder. & Henry his sone the newe kyng / Tho was henry the kyng wonder wroth / and cursed the tyme / that euer he hem bygate. And while the werre dured / henry his sonne the newe kyng dyed sore repentyng his mysdede and moost sorow made of ony man for cause of seynt thomas deth of Caunterbury / And prayde his fadre with moche sorow of hert mercy for hys trespasse / and his fader foryafe it hym. And hadde of hym grete pyte / and after he dyed the xxvj yere of his regne / and lyeth at Redyng /
How the Cristen lost the holy land in the forsaid kynges tyme thurgh a fals cristen man / that bycome a sarasyn / Cao / C / xliij /
ANnd while that kyng henry the emperesse sone lyued & regned / the grete batayl was in the holy land bytwene cristen men and the sarasyns / but the cristen men were ther slayn thurgh grete treson of the erle Tyrpe / that wold haue had to wif the quene of Ierusalem / that somtyme was balde wynes wyf / but she forsoke him / and toke to hir lorde a knyght a worthy man that was callyd Syr Guy perches / wherfor therle Tyrpe was wroth & wente anone right to saladyne / that was soudan of babyloyn / & become saraseyn & his man. & forsoke his cristendome & al cristen lawe / & the cristen men wyst not of his dedes / but wende for to haue had grete helpe of hym / as they were woned to haue byfore / & whan they come to the bataille / this fals cristen man torned vnto the saraysus & forsoke his owne nacions / & soo were the cristen men ther slayn with the sarasyns / & thus were the cristen men slayne and put to horryble deth / & the cyte of Ierusalem destroyed & the holy crosse borne awey / The kyng of Fraunce & all the grete lordes of the land lete hem crosse for to gone in to the holy londe / And amonges hem went Rychard kyng henryes sone fyrst af ter the kyng of fraunce that toke the crosse of the Archebisshop of tours / but he toke not the vyage at that tyme for encheson that he was lette by other maner weyes & nedes to be done. And whan kyng henry his fadre had regned xxxv yere / & v monethes / and four dayes / he dyed / & lyeth at founteuerard /
Of kyng rychard that conquerd all the holy land that Cristen men had lost / Cao. / xliiij /
ANd after this kyng henry regned Richard his sone a stronge man & worthy / & also bolde. and he was crouned at west mynster of the archebisshop baldewyn of Caunterbury the thyrd day of September. & the second yere of his regne / kyng Rychard him self and baldewyn the archebisshop of Caunterbury / and hubert bisshop of salysbury and Randulfe erle of gloucestre / and other many lordes of englond went in to the holy land / And in that vyage deyde the archebisshop of Caunterbury. And kyng rychard went byfore in to the hooly land / & reste not til that he come forthe in his wey vnto Cypres / And toke Cypres with grete force▪ and sythen kynge Rychard wente forth toward the holy land / and gete ther as moche as the Crysten men hadden [Page] loste byfore. and conquered the land ageyne thurgh myght sauf only the holy crosse / And whan kyng richard come to the toun of Acres for to gete the cyte / A grete debate aroos bytwene hym & the kyng of fraunce / so that the kyng of fraunce went ageyn in to frannce. and was wroth toward the kyng rychard / but ex kyng Rychard went ageyne / he toke the cyte of Acres / And whan he had taken it. he duellyd in the cyte a whyle / but to hym come tydyng / that the erle Iohan of oxenford his broder wold haue seased al englond in to his hand / & normandye also / and wold crou ne hym kynge of the land / And whan kyng Rychard herd this tydyng he went ageyne toward Englond with all the spede that he myght / but the duk of Ostryche met with hym / & toke hym / & brought hym to the emperour of almayne / And the Emperour brought hym in to his pryson / & afterward he was delyuerd for an huge raūson / that is for to saye / an / C / M / poūte / & for whiche [...]aunsonne to be payed / eche other chaly [...] of englond was molte & made in to moneye / & al the monkes of the ordre of cysteaux yeuen al hir bokes thurgh englōd to done hem to selle / & the [...]aunsonne for to pay.
How kynge rychard come ageyne from the holy land / and auengyd hym of his enemyes / Cao. / C. xlvjo. /
Hyles this kyng rychard was in pryson. the kyug of fraū w ce werryd vpon hym strongely in Normandye / and Iohan his broder werryd vpon hym in Englonde / but the Bisshopes & barons of englonde withstode hym with al the power that they myght gete / & geten the Castel of wyndesore / and al other castels And the forsayd Iohan sawe that he had no myght ne power a geynst the barons of Englond for to fyght. but anon went hym ouer see vnto the kyng of Fraunce / And when kyng rychard co me out of pryson / & was delyuerd / and come in to englond / anon after Candelmasse in grete hast he wente vnto notyngham / & the castel of notyngham to hym was yolden / and tho discomfyted [...] Iohan his broder / and that with hym helde / And after he wente vnto the cyte of wynchestre. & ther he lete hym croune kyng of en glonde / and after he went in to normandye for to werre vppon the kyng of Fraunce / & the kyng of fraunce come with vj / C / knygh tes toward gysors / and the kyng rychard met hym / and tho wol de haue yeue hym bataylle / but the kynge of fraunce fledde / and an honderd knyghtes of his were take / and ij C stedes were trap ped with yren. And anon after went kyng richard for to besyege [Page] the castel of gayssard / And as he rode vpon a day by the Castell to take auysement of the castel / an Arbalaster smote hym with a quarel that was enuenimed / & the kyng drofe out the shaft of the quarell / but the quarellys heede abode styll in his heede / and it by gan for to rancle that he myght not helpe hym self / ne meue his armes / and tho he wyst that he had deths wounde / that he myght not be hole for noo maner thyng / he commaunded anone sharpely al his men for to assayle the castel / So that the castel was taken or that he dyed / & so manlyche his men dyden that alle the people that were in the castel were al taken / & the kyng dyde with hem what he wold. & commaūded his men that they shold brynge byfore hym the man / that hym so wounded & hurt / And whan be co me byfore the kyng / the kyng axed what was his name / & be sayd my name is bartram guerdon / wherfor said the king hast thou me slayne / syth that I dyd the nener none harme / Syr sayde he though ye dyd me neuer none harme / ye your self with your hōd slewe my fader & my broder / & therfor I haue quytte now youre trauayll / Tho sayd kyng rychard he that dyed vpon the crosse to bringe mānes soule from peyne of helle foryeue the my deth / & I also foryeue it the / Tho commanded the kyng that no man shold hym mysdoo / But for al the kynges defendyng some of his men hym folowed / & pryuely hym slough / and the syxth day after the kyng dyde shryuen hym & sore repentaunce hauyng of his mysdedes / & was houseled & ennoynted / & this kyng ne regned but / [...]x yere. & xxxix wekes & deid & lieth besides his fadre at foūteuerard
Of kyng Iohan that in the fyrst yere of his regne lost al nor mandy / Ca / C / xlvj
WHan kyng rychard was dede for encheson that he had none heyre, nether sonne ne doughter / his broder Iohn was made kyng and crouned at westmynstre of Huberd that was tho Archebisshop of Caunterbury And whan he bygan to regne be bycome so merueyllous man / & went ouer in to normandy & werryd vpon the kynge of fraunce & so long they werryd to geder til at [...] last kynge Iohn lost normandye & angeo wherfor he was sore annoyed it was no meruaylle Tho lete he assemble byfore him at london archebisshops bisshops abbotes & priours erles & barōs & held ther a grete parlement / & axed ther of the clergye the x of euerych chirch of englōd for to cōquere & gete ayene normādy & angeo that he had lost / & they wolde not graūte the king wherfor [Page] he was wonder wroth / And in the same tyme dyed Bisshop hubert & the pryour of the counēt of caūterbury chosen ageynst the kynges wylle to be archebisshop mayster stephen of langewn / a good clerk that woned at the court of Rome / & sente to the pope hir election & the pope cōfermed it / & sacred hym at vyterbe, when the kynge wyst this tydyng / he was wonder wroth / & drofe the pryour & the conuent fro Cannterbury / & exyled hem out of En glond / & comāded that no maner letter that come from Rome / ne no maūdement shold be / vnderfonge ne pleted in Englond. whan this tydyng come to the pope / he sent vnto kyng Iohn by his let ter / & prayd hym with good wyll / & with good hert, that he wold vnderfonge steuen the archebisshop of caūterbury vnto his chirche & suffre the pryour & his monkes to come ageyne vnto hir own duellyng / but the kyng wold not graunte it for no thyng /
How kyng Iohan wold no thyng done for the popes cōmaūde ment / wherfor al englond was enterdyted & suspēded / cao. C / xlvij
ANd atte last the pope sent [...] by his auctoryte / & enioyned to the bisshops of englond / that yf the kyng wold not vnder fong the pryour of Caunterbury / & his monkes that they sholde dene general enterdytyng thurgh oute al Englond / & graunted ful power to four bisshops to pronoūce the interdyting / [...] we re nede / che fyrst was bisshop william of london / & that other bis shop [...]stace of ely. & the third was bisshop walter of wynchestre & the fourth was bisshop gyles of Herford / & these four bisshopes prayd the kyng knelyng on hir knees & sore weping / that he wol de done the popes cōmaūdement / & shewed hym the bulles of the enterdytyng. but for no prayer that they myght pray he wold not consent therto / And whan the bisshops sawe this they went from the kyng / And in the morne after the annunciacion of oure lady they pronoūced the generall enterdytyng thurgh out al englond so that the chirch dores were shytte with keyes / & with other fast nynge and with walles, And whan the enterdytyng was pronounced than the kyng bygan for to wex all oute of mesure / & toke in to his hond al the possessions of the four bisshopes / and of all the clergye thurgh out all the lande. & ordeyned men for to kepe it that the clerkys myght not haue hyr lyuyng / wherfor the bisshops cursed all hem that put or shold medle with holy chirch godes ayenste the wyll of hem that hem owed, & whan the kyng wold not cefe of his malyce for no maner thyng the four bisshops afore sayd went ouer the see. & went to the bisshop of Caūterbury [Page] and told hym al the thyng And the Archebisshop to hem said that they sholde gone ageyne to Caunterbury / & he wold come thydder to hem / or elles he wold sende thider certayn persones [...] his stede that shold done as moche as him self were there / And whan the bisshops herd this they turned ageyne in to Englond / & comen vnto caunterbury / The tydyng come to the kynge that the bisshops were comen ageyne to Caunterbury / & hym selfe myght not come thyder that tyme he sente thyder bisshops / Erles & abbots for to trete with hem / that the kynge shold vnderfonge the archebisshop stephen / & the pryour & all the monkes of Caun terbury / & that he sholde neuer after that tyme no thyng take of holy chirch ayenst the wylle of hem that owed the goodes / & that the kynge shold make ful amendes to hem. of whome he had ony goodes taken / & that hooly chirche shold haue al fraunchyses as ferforth. as they had in saynt edwards tyme the Confessour /
How Stephen of langeton come in to englōd thurgh the popes commaūdement / & he went ageyne / Cao. / C / xlviijo /
WHan the fourme of accord thus was ordeyned / hit was in a payr of Endentures / and they put her seales vnto that one [...] and they that comen in the kynges name putt her seales to th [...] other part of endentures. & the four bisshops aboue sayd to see that one part of the endentures to hem / & that other part of the en dentures they bare with hem to shewe the kyng whan the kyng sawe the fourme & vnderstode / he helde hym ful wel payd of all maner thyng as they had ordeyned sauyng as touchyng the resty tucion of the goodes for to make ageyn, to that thyng. he nold not acord / & so he sent word ayene to the four bisshops / that they sholde done oute / & put awey that one poynt of restitucion / & they ansuerd that they nold not done one word oute / Tho sent the kyng to the archebisshop by tho four bisshops / that he shold come to caū terbury for to speke with hym ther, & sent vnto hym saufeenduit vnder pledges. that is to sey his Iustyces / gilbert peytewyn / william de la brener / & Iohn le fitz hugh that in hir cōduyt saufly be shold come. & gone ageyne / at his wyll / & in this maner the arche bisshop stephen come to caūterbury / & whan the archebisshop was come the kyng come to chilham for he wold come no ner to caun terbury / at that tyme / but he sente by his tresorer bisshop of wynchestre / that he shold done out of the end [...]tures the clause of resci tuciō for to make of the goodes / & the archebisshop made his oth [Page] that he wold neuer out done one worde therof / ne chaūge of that the bisshops had spoken and ordeyned / and tho the archebisshop wente ageyne to Rome withoute ony more doyng / kyng Iohan was tho wrother than euer he was byfore / & lete make a comune crye thurgh oute at englond / that al tho that had holy chirche rentes / & went ouer the see / that they shold come ageyne in to En glond at a certeyne day / or elles they shold lese hir rentes for euer more / & that he commanded to euery shereue thurgh oute al Englond / that they shold enquere yf ony bisshop / Abbot, [...] your or ony prelate of holy chirche fro that day afterward resceyned ony maūdement that come fro the pope that they shold take the bodye & brynge it byfore hym / & that they shold take in to the kynges honde al hir londes of holy chirche / that were yeuen to any man / by the archebisshop stephen / or by the pryour of Caūterbury from the tyme of election of the archebisshop / & commaunded that alle the wodes that were the archebisshops shold be caste a doune. vnto the grounde & al sold /
How kyng Iohan destroyed the ordre of Cisteaux / cao. C xliy
ANd in the same tyme the Irysshmen bygonne to werre vpon kyng Iohan / and kyng Iohan ordeyned hym for to wende in to Irlond / and lete arere an huge taxe thurgh oute al Englōd that is to saye / xxxv / M / marc. and sente thurgh al Englond to the monkes of the ordre of Cysteaux. that they shold helpe hym of syxe / M / marc of syluer / and they ansuerd & sayd that they durst nothyng done without her chyef abbot of asteaux. wherfor kynge Iohan whan he come ageyne from Irland / he dyd hem so moche sorow & care / that they nyst where to abyde / for he toke so moche raūsonne of euery hous of hem that the somme amounted to ix / M, & CCC / mark / so that they were clene lost & destroyed & boy ded hir howe / & hir lādes thurgh out al englōd. & the abbot of wa uersey drad so moche his manace / that he forsoke al the abbey / & wēt thens / & pryuely ordeyned hym ouer see to the hous of Ciste aux / whan the tydyng come to the pope / that the kyng had done so moch malyce / tho was he to the kyngward ful wroth / & sent ij le gats vnto the kyng, that one was callid pandolf / & that other du rāt that they shold warne the kyng in the popes name that he shol de cese of his persecucion that he dyd vnto the holy chirch / & amēd the wrōg & the trespaas that he had done to the archebisshop of cā terbury & to the priour & vnto the mōkes of cāterbury & to al the [Page] clergye of englond / & that he shold restore the godes ageyne that he had taken of hem ageynst hir wyll / & elles they shold curse the kyng by name / and to doo this thyng and to conferme the pope to ke hem his lettres in bulles patrnts / These two legats come in to Englond. and comen to the kyng to northampton / ther that he hel de his parlement / and ful curtoysly they hym salued, and sayden Syr we ben come fro the pope of Rome / the pees of holy chirch / & of the land to amende / And we amonest yow fyrst in the popes half / that ye make ful restitucion of the goodes / that ye haue rauy shed of holy chirche & of the lande / & that ye vnderfonge stephen Archebisshop of caunterbury in to his dygnyte / and the pryour of Caunterbury. and his monkes / & that ye yelde ageyne vnto the Archebisshop al his londes. and rentes without ony witholdyng / And Syr ye more ouer / that ye suche restitucion hem make as holy chirche shal holde hir payed / Tho ansuerd the kynge / as touchynge the Pryour & his monkes of caunterbury, al that ye haue sayd I wyll gladly done / and al thyng that ye wyll ordeyne But as touchyng the archebisshop / I shall telle yow in myn hert as it lyeth that the Archebisshop lete his Bisshopryche / and that the pope than for hym wold pray / and than vpon auenture me shold lyke somme other bisshopryche for to yeue hym in englond And vpon this condicion I wold hym resceyue / and vnderfonge And netheles in englond as archebisshop yif he abyde / he shalle neuer haue so good saufconduyt / but he shall be take /
Tho sayd pandolf vnto the kyng / Holy chirche was woned neuer to dyscharge an Archebisshop. withoute cause resonable / but euer she hath be woned to chastyse prynces / that to god / & holy chirche were inobedyent / What how nowe quod the kyng / Manace ye me / Nay sayd pādolf / but ye now openly haue told as it standeth in your hert / And to yowe we shall telle. what is the popes wylle / & thus it stant / that he hath yow holy enterdyted and acursed for the wronges that ye haue doo to holy chirche / and to the Clergye / And for as moche as ye duelle / and bee in wylle to abyde in malyce / and wylle not come to none ammendement / ye shalle vnderstonde that fro this tyme afterward the sentence is vpon yow yeuen / and holdeth stede / and strengthe / and vppon al tho that with yowe haue communed byfore this tyme / whether they ben Erles / Bawns / or Knyghtes / or ony other / what soo euer they bee / We hem assoylle saufly vnto this daye /
And fro this tyme afterward of what Condicion euer that they [Page] be / we hem acurse that with yow comen / & so do we sentence vpon hem openly & specyally / And we assoylle quytely Erles / barōs knyghts / & al other maner men of hir homages seruyces & feau tes that they shold vnto yow done / and this thyng to conferme. we yeue pleyne power to the bisshop of wynchestre / to the bisshop of northewiche / And the same power we yeue in scotland to the bisshopes of rouchestre and of salysbury / And in walys we yeue the same power to the bisshopes of seynt dauyd & of landaf / & of seynt asse / And more ouer we sende thurgh al crystendome that al the bisshops beyonde the see that they done acurse al tho that hel pen yow / or ony counseyll yeuen yow in any maner nede / that ye haue to done in ony party of the world. And we assoylle hem al so al by the auctoryte of the pope / & commaūde hem also with yow for to werre as with hym / that is enemy to all holy chirche / Tho ansuerd the kyng / what mowe ye done me more / Tho ansuerd pan dolf we seyne to yow in verlo dei / that ye / ne none heyr that ye ha ue neuer after this day may be crouned / Tho said the king by him that is almyghty god / and I had wyst of this thyng er that ye come in to my land / that ye had me brought suche tydyng / I shold haue made yow ryde al an hole yere. Tho ansuerd pādolf. ful wel wende we at our fyrst comyng / that ye wold haue ben obedyent to god & to holy chirch / & haue fulfylled the popes commaūdement & now we haue shewed to yow / & pronoūced the popes wylle. as we were charged therwith / And as now ye haue said / that yf ye had wyst the cause of our comyng / that ye wold haue made vs ry de al an hole yere / & as wel ye myght haue sayd. that ye wold ha ue take an hole yere of respyte by the popes leue / but for to suffre what deth ye coude ordeyne / we shal not spare for to telle yow holych al the popes message / & his wylle / that we were charged with /
How pandolf delyuerd a clerk / that had falsed / & coūterfeted the kynges money byfore the kyng hym self / Ca. C / L /
ANd anon tho commaunded the kyng the sherenes & bailyfs of northampton that were in the kynges presence / that they shold brynge forth all the prysoners that they myght be done vn to the deth before pandolf / for encheson the kyng wende that they wold haue gayn sayd hyr dedes. for cause of deth al thyng that he had spoken afore. whan the prisoners were come byfore the king he comaūded som to be honged / & somme to ben drawe / & somme to [Page] drawe hir eyen oute of hir heede / and amonge al other ther was a clerk had falshed the kynges money / & the kyng commaūded that he shold be honged and drawe / And when pandolf herd this commaundement of the kyng / he sterte hym vp smertely / & anon axed a boke / & a candel. & wold haue cursed al hem that set vppon the clerk ony honde / and pandolf him self wente for to seche a crosse / & the kyng folowed hym / & delyuerd hym the clerk by the honde that he shold do with hym / what that euer he wold / and thus was the clerk deliuerd. & went thens / & pandolf & durant his felawe went fro the kyng Iohan / & come ageyne to the pope of rome & told hym that kyng Iohan wold not amended ben / but euer abyde so acursed / and netheles the pope graunted that yere thurgh oute englond that men myght syng masses in couenable chirches and make goddes body / & yeue it to syke men / that passe shold out of this world / And also that men myght cristen children ouerall And whan the pope wyst and sawe that the kyng wold not ben vnder the rule of hooly chirche for noo maner thyng / the pope tho sente to the kynge of fraunce in remissyon of his synnes / that he shold take with hym alle the power that he myght / & wende in to Englond for to destroye kyng Iohan / whan this tydyng come to kynge Iohan / tho was he sore annoyed / and sore drad lest that he shold lese his reame / and him self be done to deth / Tho sente he to the pope messagyers / & sayd that he wold ben Ius tyfyed / and come to amendement in al thynges / and wolde make satisfaction to al maner men after the popes ordynaunce / Tho sent the pope ageyne in to englond pandolf and other messagyers comen to Caunterbury ther the kyng abode / & the xiij days of may / the kyng made an oth for to stand to the popes ordynaūce before pandolf the legate in al maner thynges / in whiche he was acursed / and that he shold make ful restitucion to al men of holy chirche / & of relygyon / and of the goodes that he had take of hem ayenst hir wyll / and all the grete lordes of englond swore vppon the boke / & by the holy dome. that yf the kyng wold not holde his othe / they sayde that they wold make hym holde it by strengthe /
Tho put the kyng hym to the court of Rome / and to the pope and tho yaf vp the reame of Englond and of Irlond / for hym and for his heyres for euermore that shold come after hym / So that kyng Iohan & his heyres shold take tho two reames of the popes hand. and shold holde tho two wyaines of the pope as to ferme payeng euery yere vnto the court of Rome a thousand marke [Page] of syluer. & tho toke the kynge the croune of his heede. & set hym on his knees / and these wordes he sayd in heryng of al the grete lordes of englond / here I resygne vp the croune / & the reame of Englond in to the popes bande Innocent the thyrdde / & put me ho lych in his mercy & in his ordynannce / Tho vnderfenge pandolf the croune of kyng Iohan / and kept it v dayes as for seysen takyng of two reames of englond and of Irlond / & confermed all maner thynges by his chartre that foloweth after
Of the letter oblygatorye that kyng Iohan made vnto the court of Rome / wherfor the petres pens ben gadred thurgh oute al En glond / Cao. C / ljo. /
TO all cristen peple thurgh oute the world duellyng / Iohan by the grace of god kyng of englond gretyng to your vnyuersyce / & knowe thyng it be. that for as moche as we haue greued and offended god / & oure moder chirche of Rome / & for as moche as we haue nede to the mercy of oure lord Ihu criste / & we may no thyng so worthy offre / as competent satisfaction to make / to god & to holy chirche / but yf it were our owne body / as with our reames of Englōd & of Irlond, Than by the grace of god we des [...]re for to meke vs for the loue of hym that meketh hym to the deth of the crosse / thurgh coūceyll of the noble erles & barons we offren & frely graunten to god / & to the appostles seynt peter and seynt paule. & to or moder chirche of Rome / & to our hooly fadre the pope Innocent the thirde. & to al the popes that come after him alle the reame & patronages of chirches of Englond / & of Irlond with hyr apperteuaūces for rmission of our synnes / and helpe, & l [...]lthe of our kyn soules & of al cristen soules. so that fro this ty me afterward we wylle resceyue & holde of oure moder chirche of Rome as see ferme doyng feaute to our holy fadre the pope Inno cent the third / & to al the popes that come after hym in the maner aboue said / & in the presence of the wise man pandolf the popes sub del [...]ene we maken lyege homage as it were in the popes presence / & byfore hym were, & we shal done al maner thynges aboue said & therto we bynden vs / and alle that come after vs / and oure heyres for euermore withoute ony gayn sayeng to the Pope / and eke the warde of chirche wcants / And in token of this thynge euer for to last we wyl conferme and ordeyne that our special ren tes of the forsayd Royamme / sauynge Seynt Peters pens [Page] in al thyng to the moder chirch of rome paiēg by yere a / M / marc of syluer at two termes of the yere for al maner custommes that we shold done for the forsayd royames that is to say at myche l inas. and at estren / that is to say / vij / C / marc for englond / and CCC marc for Irland / sauyng to vs & to our heyres our Iusty ces & our other fraūchises / & other realces that apperteynen to the croune, And alle these thynges that byfore ben sayd we wyl that it be ferme & stable without ende / & to that oblygacion we & our successours & our heyres in this maner ben bound / that yf we or ony of our heyres thurgh ony presumpcion falle in ony poynt a yenst ony of these thynges aboue sayd / & he be warned / & he wil not right amende hym / he shal than lese the forsaid reame for euer more / [...]and that this chartre of oblygacion / & our warraūt for euermore be ferme & stable without gayne sayeng we shal fro this daye afterward be trewe to god / & to the moder chirche of rome & to the pope Innocent the thyrdde / & to all that cometh after hym / & the reames of Englond and of Irlond we shal mayntene trewely in al maner poyntes ageynst al maner men by our power thurgh goddes helpe,
How the clerkes that were outlawed oute of Englonde come ageyne / & how kyng Iohan was assoylled / Ca / C, lijo.
WHan this chartre was made and ensealed / the kyng vnder fenge ageyne his crone of pandolfes hande, and sent anon vnto the archebisshop steuen & to al his other clerkys / and lrwd, men / that he had exyled oute of his land / that they shold come ageyne in to englond. & haue ageyne al hir landes, & hir rentrs & that he wold make restitucion of the goodes that he had taken of hir ageynst hir wylle / The kynge him self tho and pandulfe & erles and barons went tho vnto wynchestre ageynst the arcwbis shop stephen. & whan he was come the kyng went ageynst hym / & fell a doune to his feet / and said to hym fair syre / ye be welcome and I crye yow mercy for encheson that I haue trespaced ayenst yowe / The archebisshop toke hym vp tho in his armes / & kyssed hym curoysly oftymes / and after lad hym to the dore of Seynt Swythynes chirche by the honde / and assoylled hym of the sentence. & hym reconciled to god / and to holy chirche, & that was on seynt margarets day / & the Archebisshop anon went for to synge masse. & the leyng offred at the masse a marc of gold / And whan the masse was done al they wente to vnderfonge alle hyr landes withoute ony maner gayn sayeng / And that day they made [Page] all myrth and ioye ynough / but yet was not the enterdytyng rele ced / for encheson the pope had set that the enterdyting shold not be vndone til the kyng had made ful restituciō of the goodes that he had take of holy chirch / & also that hym self shold done homage to the pope by a certayne legate that he shold sende in to englond Tho toke pandolfe his leue of the kyng and of the archebisshop & went ageyne vnto Rome / And the archebisshop anone lets come before hym prelates of holy chirche at redyng for to trete & coūseill how moche & what they shold axe of the kyng for to make restitucion of the goodes that he had take of hem / and they ordeyned & sayd that the kyng shold yeue to the archebisshop thre, M / mark for the wrong that the kyng had done vnto hym / and also to other clerkes by porcyons xv / M / marc / & in the same tyme Nycholas bisshop of Tuscan cardynall / penytauncer of Rome come in to en glond thurgh the popes commaūdement the v kalend of october & come to london the fifth nonas of october for encheson that kynge Iohan & all the kynges that come after hym shold euermore hold the reames of englond / & of Irlond of god & of the pope payeng to the pope by yere / as is aboue sayd /
How the enterdytyng was vndone in englond / & of the debate that was bytwene kyng Iohan / & the barons of the reame. Capitulo. C / quinquagesimo tercio /
WHan kynge Iohan had done his homage to the legate that shewed hym the popes letter / that he shold paye to Iulyane & yelde ageyne that was kynge Rychardes wyf the thyrd parte of the land of englond and of Irlond that he had witholde syth that kyng rychard deyde / whan kyng Iohan herd this he was wonder wroth. for vtterlych the enterdytyng myght not ben vndone till that he had made gree and restitucion to the forsayd Iulyane of that she axed / The legate went tho ageyne to the pope after cristemasse / & the kyng sente tho messagyers ouer see to Iulyane that was kynge Rychardes wyf for to haue a relese of that she axed of hym. and so it befell that Iulyane deyde anon after ester And in soo moche the kyng was quyte of thyng that she axed / But tho at the feste of seynt Iohan that come next after thurgh the popes commaūdement the enterdytyng was fyrst relesed thurugh al englond / the vij day of Inyll / & vij yere was the land en terdyted / & in the morowe men ronge & sayd masses thurgh oute [Page] london / & so after thurgh out al englond / And the next yere after ther bygan a grete debate bytwene kynge Iohan & the lordes of englond for encheson that he wold not graunte the lawes & holde the which seynt edward had ordeyned & had ben vsyd / & hold vn to that tyme that he had hem broken / for he wold noo lawe holde / but dyd all thyng that hym lyked / & dysheryted many men with oute consente of lordes & perys of the land / & he wold disherite the good erle Randulf erle of chestre for encheson that he vndertoke hym of his wykkednes. & by cause he dyd so moche shame & vylo ny to god and to hooly chirche / & also for he helde / & haunted his owne broders wyf / & lay also by many other women grete lordes doughters / for he spared no woman that hym lyked for to haue wherfor al the lordes of the land were with hym wonder wrothe and wente to london & toke the cyte / And for to cese this debate & sorowe the kynge & the archebisshop / and other grete lordes of the land of englond assembled hem byfore the fest of seynt Iohn baptist in a medewe besydes the toun of stanes that is callyd Romne mede / And the kyng made hem ther a charire of fraunchyses such as they wold axen / & in suche maner they were acorded / & that a cordement last not full long / for the kyng him self sone after did ayenste the poyntes of the same charter that he had made. wherfor the mooste partye of the land of lordes assembled hem & bygonne to werre vpon kyng Iohan / & brente his tounes & robled his fol ke. & did all the sorow that they myght, and made hem as strong as they myght with al hir power / & thought to dryue hym once of englond, and make lowys the kynges sone of fraunce kyng of englond / And kyng Iohan sente tho ouer see & ordeyned so moche peple of normans & of pycardes & of Flemynges so that the land myght not hem susteyne but with moche sorow / & among al these peple ther was a man of normandy / that was callyd Fonkes of brent / & this normand and his company spared nother chirche ne hous of relygyon. that they ne brente and robled it / & bare a wey al that they myght take / so that the land was all destroyed what in one syde, and in that other / The barons and lordes of englond ordeyned amonge hem the best spekers & wysest men / & sente l [...]m ouer see to kyng philip of fraunce / & prayd hym that he wold sen de lo wys his sone in to englond to ben kyng of englond & to vnder fonge the croune /
How lowys the kyngys sone of fraūce come in to englond with a stronge power of peple to be kyng of englond, Cao / C / Liiij /
[Page] WHan kyng philip of Fraunce herd this tydyng / he made c [...]e reyne alyaunce bytwene hem by hyr commune election that lowys kynge philippes sone of fraunce shold goo with hem in to englond / and dryne oute kyng Iohan of the lande / and alle that were in presence of lowys made vnto hym homage / & bycome his men / And the barons of Englond helde hem styll at london / & a bi den lowys the kynges sone of fraunce / & this was the next sacer day before the ascencion of our lord that lowys come in to englond with a strong power / & that tyme kyng Iohan had taken al the castels of englond in to Alyens hondes / And lowys come tho & be sieged at rouchestre the castel / & toke it with strength / & the thurs day in whitsonweke lete honge all the alyens that were therin / & the thursday tho next sueng he come to london / & ther he was vn der fonge with moche honour of the lordes that a byden hym ther & all to hym made homage / And afterward in the tewysday nexte after the trynyte sonday / he toke the castel of reygate / & in the mo row after the castel of gilford. & the fryday next after the Castell of Fareham / & the mondaye next after the cyte of wynchestre to hym was yolde / & in the morow after seynt Iohans day the ma ner of woluesey / & the tewysday after the vtas of seynt peter & saynt paule they toke the castel of Odyham / And the monday next after saynt margarete day he ordeyned hym toward beaumer for to besyge the castel & ther he duellid xv dayes & myght not, gete the castel / & than went he thens / & come to london. & the tour to hym was yolde /
And in the same tyme the pope sent in to englond a legate that was callyd swalo / & of kyng Iohans deth / Cao. / C / lvo. /
ANd in the same tyme the pope sent in to Englonde a legate that was callyd swalo. & he was preest Cardynal of Rome for to mayntene kynge Iohans cause ageynst the barons of englond / but the baarons had so huge part & helpe thurgh lowys the kynges sone of fraunce / that kyng Iohan wyse not whydder for to torne / ne to gone / And so it fell that he wold haue gone to Ny chol, & as he went thyderward / he come by the abbey of swyneshe de / & ther he abode two dayes. and as he sate at mete he axed a mō ke of the hous how moche a loofe was worth that was set byfore hym vpon the table & the monk said that the lofe was worth but an halfpeny / O quod the kyng / here is grete cheepe of brede, Nowe quoth the kyng / And I may lyue suche a lofe shalle bee [Page] worth xx shyllyng / or half a yere begoan & whan he had said this worde / moch he thought / & ofte he syghed / & toke, & [...]te of the brede & sayd / by god the worde that I haue spoken shal ben sothe / The monke that stode byfore the kyng was for this word ful sory in herte, & thought / rather he wold him self suffre pytous deth / and thought yf he myght ordeyne therfor somme maner remedye / and anon the monke went to his abbot / & was shryuen of hym / & told the abbot al that the kyng sayd / & preyd his abbot for to assoylle hym / for he wold yeue the kyng suche a wassayle that al englōd shold be glad therof & ioyefull, Tho went the monk in to a gardeyn / & fonde a grete tode therin / & toke hir vp / & put hir in a cuppe & prykked the tode thurgh with a broche many tymes. tille that the benym come oute in euery syde in to the cuppe / & tho toke he the cuppe / & filled it with good ale / & brought it byfore the kyng & knelyng sayd / sir qd he wassayle / for neuer dayes of your lyfe ne dronke ye of suche a cuppe / begynne monke qd the kyng / & the monk drāk a grete draught / & toke the kyng the cuppe / & the kyng also drank a grete draught / & sette doune the cuppe / The monk anon right went in to the fermorye, & ther dyed anon / on whos sou le god haue mercy / amen, & v monkes syng for his soule specyal ly & shullen whiles the abbey stant / The kyng aroos vp anon ful euel at ese / & commaūded to remeue the table / & axyd after the mō ke / & men told hym that he was dede / for his wombe was broke in sunder / whan the kyng herd this he commaunded to trusse / but al it was for nought, for his bely bygan so to swelle for the drynk that he drank that he dyed within two dayes. the morow after seynt lukes day / & this kyng Iohan had fayr children of his body bygoten. that is to saye / henry his sone / that was kyng after hys fadre / & rychard that was erle of Cornewayle, & Iabel that was Emperesse of Rome, & elyenore. that was quene of scotland / and this kyng Iohan whan he had regned xvij yere / v / monethes / & v, dayes / he deide in the castel of newe werke / & his body was bu ryed at wynchestre /
Of kynge henry the thyrd that was crouned at gloucestre / Capitulo / C / lvj /
ANd after this kynge Iohan regned Henry his sonne / and was crouned at gloucestre whan he was nyne yere olde on Seynt Symons daye and Iude of Swalo the legate of Rome thurgh counceylle of alle the greete lordes / that helde with kynge [Page] kyng Iohan his fadre / that is to say / therle Randolf of Chestre william Erle marchal / william erle of penbroke / william the Brener Erle of Feryers / Serle the maule baron. and al other grete lordes of englond helde with lowys the kynges sone of fraū ce / And anon after whan kyng henry was crouned. Swalo the legate helde his counceyll at Brystow at seynt martyns fest and ther were xj bisshops of Englond / and of walys. and of other prelates of hooly chirche a grete nombre / and erles and barons and many knyghtes of englond / & al tho that were at that coun ceyll swore feaute vnto henry the kyng / that was kyng Iohans sone / And anone after the legate enterdyted walys for encheson that they helde with the barons of Englond also / al tho that hol pen or yaue counceyll to meue werre ageyne the newe kyng henry / he acursed hem / & in the begynnyng he putte in the sentence the kynges sone of fraunce lowys / And netheles / the same lowys wold not spare for to werre for al that, but went anon / & toke the castel of Barkemsted / and eke the castel of herford. And from that day afterward the barons dyd so moche harme thurgh oute al englond / & pryncypally the Frensshmen that were come with kyng lowys / wherfor the grete lordes / & all the commune peple of englond lete hem croyse for to dryue lowys & his company out of Englond / but somme of the barons / & eke of the frensshmen were gone to the cyte of nychol / & token the cyte and helde it to kyng lowys profyt, But thyder come kyng henryes men with a grete po wer / that is to saye, the Erle Randolf of Chestre, and wylliam Erle marchal / and william the brener erle of Feryers / and ma ny other lordes with hem. and yeuen batayll vnto Lowys men / And ther was slayne the Erle of perches / and lowys men were ther foule discomfyted / & ther was take erle serle of wynchestre and humfrey de boune Erle of herford / And Robert the sonne of walter / and many other that bygonne werre ageynst the kyng they were taken and lad vnto kyng henry kyng Iohans sonne whan the tydyng of this scomfyture come vnto Lowys the kyn ges sone of Fraunce / he remeued thennes / and wente vnto Lon don & lete shytte fast the yates of the cyte, And anon after the kynge sente to the Burgeys of london / that they shold yelde hem vnto hym and the cyte also / And he wold hem graunte all the fraunchises. that euer they were woned for to haue / and wolde conferme hym by his greete newe Charter vnder his greete Seal / And in the same tyme a grete lord, that was callyd [Page] Eustace the monk come oute of fraunce with a grete companye of lordes / & wolde haue come in to Englond for to haue holpe lowys the kynges sone of fraunce / but hubert of borugh / & the / v / portes with viij shippes tho mette with hem in the high see / & assaylled hem egrely, & ouercome hem with strengthe / & smyten of Eustace the monkes hede / & token also x grete lordes of fraūce, & put hem in to pryson / & slowe almoost al the men / that come with hem / & anon drenched the shippes in the see /
How lowys torned ageyne in to fraūce / & of the confyrmacion of kyng Iohans chartre / Ca, C / lvij,
WHan lowys herde this tydyng, he drad sore to be dede / & loste & lete ordeyne / & speke bytwene the kyng & lowys by the le gate Swalo / & thurgh the archebisshop of Caūterbury / & thurgh other grete lordes that al the prysonners on that one halfe / & on that other shold be delyuerd, & gone quyte / & lowys hym self shol de haue for his costages a M poūde of syluer / & sholde gone ou [...] of englond / & come neuer therin ageyne / & in this maner was the acord made bytwene kyng henry & lowys / & tho was lowys assoylled of the popes legate that was callyd swalo of the sente [...]ce / that he was in / & the barons of englond also / & after this kyng henry & Swalo the legate & lowys wēt vnto merton / & ther was the pees confermed / & bytwene hem ordeyned / And afterward lowys went fro thens vnto london, & toke his leue / & was brought with moche honour at the see with the archebisshop of Caunterbu ry / and with other bisshops / and also with erles & barons, & soo went lowys in to fraunce. And afterward the kyng and the Archebisshop / and erles and barons assembled hem at london at my chelmasse / that next come tho sewyng / and helde ther a parlement & ther were tho renewed all the frūchises that kyng Iohn graunted had at Romnemede, & kyng henry tho confermed by his chartre. the whiche yet ben holden thurgh oute al englond / & in that time the kyng toke of euery plough lāde two shyllyng / & hubert of burgh was made tho chyef Iustyce of englōd / & this was the [...]ij yere of kyng henryes regne / And in the same yere was seynt thomas of caūterbury translated the / L, yere after his martirdome / And after it was ordeyned by al the lordes of englond / that alle alyens shold gone oute of englond, and come no more therin / and kynge Henry toke tho alle the castels in to his honde that kynge [Page] Iohan his fadre hadd [...]ue & taken vnto alyens for to kep [...] that held [...] with hym / But the proude foukes of brent rychely lete a [...]y hi [...] castel of Bedford whiche he had of the kynges yift Iohn and he helde that castel ayenst kyng henryes wyll with myght & strengthe. And the kyng come thyder with a strong power / & besi eged the castel / And the archebisshop mayster stephen of langeton with a fayre companye of knyghtes come to the kyng hym for to helpe / & from the ascencion vnto the assumpcion of our lady laste the syege / And tho was the castel wonne & take / & the kyng lete honge al tho that were went in to the castel with hir good wylle for to holde the castel / that is for to say / lxxx / men, And tho after ward foukes him self was founde in a chirche of Couentre / and ther he forswore all englond with moche shame / & went tho ayene in to his owne countrey / And whiles that kyng henry regned ed mond of abyngdon / that was tresorer of salysbury was consacred Archebisshop of Caūterbury / And this kyng henry sent ouer the see vnto the erle of prouynce / that he shold sende him his doughter in to englond / that was callyd Elyenore / & he wolde wedde hir & so she came in to englond after cristemasse. & in the morowe after seynt hillarye / the Archebisshop Edmond spoused hem to gedre at Canterbury / And at the vtas of seynt hillarye she was crouned at westmynster with moche solempnyte / And ther was a swete syght bytwene hem / that is to say Edward that was next kyng after his fadre flour of courtesy. & of la [...]gesse. and margarete that was after quene of scotland / & beatryce / that was afterward coū tesse of brytayn / and kateryne that dyed mayde in relygyon,
Of the quinzeme of goodes that were graunted for the newe chartres / and of the purue [...]unce of oxe [...]ford / Ca / C / lviij /
ANd thus it befell that the lordes of englond wold haue som addicions moo in the chartre of Fraunchises that they had of the kyng / & spek [...]n thus bytwene hem / and the kyng graūted hem al her axyng / & made to hem two chartres / that one is callid the grete chartre of fraūchises / & that other is callid the chartre of forest, & for the graunte of these two chartres, Prelates / Grles, & barons / & al the comōs of englond yaf to the kyng a M mark of syluer / whan kyng henry had ben kyng xliij yere / the same yere he & his lordes erles & barons of the royame went to oxenford and ordeyned a lawe in amendement of the Royame / And fyrst swore the kynge hym selfe / and after alle the lordes of the [Page] Reame that they wold holde that statute for euermore / and who that hem brake shold be dede. But the second yere after that ordy naunce / the kyng thurgh counceyll of syr edward his sone & Rychard his broder that was erle of Cornewayle / and also of other repented hym of that oth that he had made for to hold that lawe & ordynaunce / & sente to the court of Rome to ben assoylled of that othe / & in that y [...]re next comyng after was the grete derth of cor ne in englond / for a quartyer of whete was worth xxiiij shyllyn ges / & the pour peple ete netels / & other wedes for hunger / & dey de many a thousand for defaute of mete / and in the xlviij yere of kyng henryes regne bygan werre and debate bytwene hym and his lordes for encheson that he had broke the couenaūts that were made bytwene hem at Oxenford / And in the same yere was the toune of northampton take and the folke slayne / that were with ynne for encheson that they hadde ordeyned wyldefire for to haue brent the cyte of london / and in the moneth of may that come next after vpon seynt pancras day was the bataylle of lewes that is to saye the wedenesday byfore seynt dunstans day / & ther was take kyng henry hym self / and Syre Edward his sone and Rychard his broder erle of Cornewayle, and many other lordes / And in the same yere next sewyng / Syr edward the kynges sone brake oute of the ward of Syr Symond of moūtfort, Erle of leycestre at herford / and went to the barons of the marche / & they vnderfenge hym with moche honour / And in the same tyme G [...]l lebert of Clarence Erle of Gloucestre, that was in the ward also of the forsayd symond thurgh the commaūdement of kyng henry that wente from hym with grete he [...]t, for encheson that he sayd / the forsayd gyllebert was a foole in his counceyll / wherfor he or deyned hym after so / and helde hym with kyng henry / And the saterday next after the myddes of August / Syr Edward the kynges sone discomfyted Syr Symond de mountfort at kenylworth, But the grete lordes that were ther with hym. we re taken / that is to say. Baldewyn wake william of moun [...]ensye and many other grete lordes / And the tewysdaye next after was the batayll done at euesham / And ther was slayne Syre S [...] mond de mountfort / Hugh the spencer / and Moūtfort that was Rafe Bassets fadre of Drayton / and other many grete lordes / And whan this bataylle was done / all the gentils that had ben with the Erle Symond / were disheryted / and they ordeygned to gydre / and dyd moche harme to alle the land for they destroyed [Page] hir enemyes in al they myght /
Of the syege of kenelworth / & how the gentilmen were disher [...] ted thurgh counceyll of the lordes of the reame of englond / & how they come ageyne and had hir landes, Ca / C, lixo. /
ANd in the yere next comyng in may. the fourth day byforn the feste of seynt dunstan was the bataylle & scomfyture at Chesterfelde of hem that were dysheryted / and ther many of hem were slayn / And Robert erle of Feriers ther was taken and al so Baldewyn wake / and Iohan de la hay with moche sorow es caped / And in seynt Iohans eue the baptist / tho next sewyng by gan the syege of the castel of kenelworth / & the syege last till saynt thomas eue the appostle / in whiche [...]aye syre hugh hasting had the castel for to kepe that yeldyd vp [...]e castel vnto the kyng in this maner that him self, & al the other that were within the castel shold haue hir lyf & lymme / & as moch thyng as they had therin / both hors & harneys / & iiij dayes of respyt [...] for to delyuer clenly the castel of hem self / & of al other maner thyng that they had within the castel / & so they went from the castel / & sir symōd de mountfort the yonger & the Coūtesse his moder were fledde ouer see in to Fraunce / & ther helde hem / as peple that were exyled out of englond for euermore / And sone after it was ordeyned by the legate Octobou [...]. & by other grete lordes. the wysest of englōd that al tho that had ben ageynst the kyng / and were disheryted / shold haue ageyne hir landes by greuous raunsonne, after that it was ordeyned / & thus they were acorded with the kyng, Tho w [...] pees cryed thurgh oute all englond / & thus the werre was end [...] And whan this was done / the legate toke his leue of the kyng & of the quene & of al the grete lordes of englond / & went tho to ro me the lv yere of kyng henryes regne / And Edward kyng Iohans sone of britayne / Iohan vessy / thomas of clare / Rogyer of Clyfford / othes of grauntson / Robert le Brus / Iohan of [...]erdon and many other lordes of Englond & of beyonde the see token hir way toward the hooly land / and the kyng henry dyed in the mene tyme at westmynster whan he had ben kyng lv yere / & xix wekes in seynt edmondes day the archebisshop of Caūterbury / & he was entered at westmynstre on seynt edmonds day the kyng / In the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihu Crist / M / CC / lxxij
Profecye of merlyn of the king henry the first expouned that was [Page] kyng Iohans sone / Ca / C / lx /
ANd of this henry profecyed merlyn / & sayd that a lombe sholde come oute of wynchestre in the yere of Incarnacion of our lord. M CC / & xvj with trewe lyppes & holynesse wryten in his hert / & he said soth for the good henry the kyng was bore in wynchestre in the yere aboue said, & he spaak good wordes / & swete and was an hooly man and of good conscyence / And merlyn sayd that this henry shold make the fairest place of al the world that in his tyme shold not full be ended / and he sayd soth / For he made the newe werke of the Abbeye of seynt Peters Chirche at westmynster / that is fayrer of syght than ony other chirche / that men knowe thurgh al Crystendom / but kyng henry dyed er that werke were fully made / and that was grete harme, And yet said Merlyn that this lambe sholde haue pees the moost tyme of his regne / and he sayd full sothe. for he was neuer annoyed thurgh werre ne dyseased in no maner wyse til a lytel byfore his deth / And yet sayd merlyn in his prophecye more / & in the regne, & ende of the forsayd lambe a wolf of a straūge lond / shold done hym grete harme thurgh his werre / & that he shold atte last ben maystir thurgh helpe of a reede foxe / that shold come oute of the north west / & shold hym ouercome / & that he shold dryue hym vnto the water / & that profecye full wel was knowe / for within a lytell tyme or the kyng dyed Symond of mountford erle of Leycestre that was borne in fraūce bigan ayenst hym strong werre thurgh whiche doyng many a good bachiler was shent / & dede / & disheryted / And whan kyng henry had the vyctorye at Euesham / & Symond therle was slayne thurgh helpe & myght of Gillebert of Clare erle of gloucestre / that was in kepyng and ward of the forsayd Symond thurgh ordynaunce of kyng henry that went a [...] ne to the kyng with moche power / wherfor the forsayd Simond was shent / and that was grete harme to the communes of Englond that so good a man was shent for trouth / & dyed in charyte, and for the comune profyte of the same folk / and therfor Almyghty god for hym hath Sythenes shewed many a fayre myracle to dyuerse men and women of the sykenesse and dysesse / that they haue had for the loue of hym
And merlyn also told and sayd in his Profecye that after that tyme the lambe shold leue no whyle / & than his seed shold ben in straunge lande withoute pasture [...] / And he sayd sothe. For kynge henry lyued noo while after whan Symond mountford [Page] was dede that kynge henry ne deyde auon after hym / And in the mene tyme Syr edward his sone that was the best knyght of the world of honour was tho in the holy land / & gete ther Acre [...] / & in that countrey he bygate on dame clyenore his wyf Iane of [...] cres his dought [...]r / that afterward was countesse of gloucestre / & he made in the hooly land suche a vyage that al the world spake of his knyghthode / & euery man drad him / highe & lowe / thurgh oute al crystendome / as the storye of hym telleth / as after ward ye shul here more openly / & frō the tyme that kyng henry deyde til that syr edward was crouned kyng al the grete lordes of englōd were as faderles children without ony socour that hym myght ma yntene / & gouerne & defende▪ ageynst hir dedly enemyes /
Of kyng edward that was kyng henryes sone▪ ca / C▪ lxj /
ANd after this kyng henry regned his sone edward the worthyest knyght of al the world of honour. for goddes grace was in hym▪ For he had the vyctorye of his enemyes▪ And as so ne as kyng henry deyde▪ he come to london with a fayre companye of prelates & of erles and barons & al maner men dyd hym moche honour / For in euery place that sir edward rode in london / the stret [...]s were couerd ouer his hede with riche clothes of sylk / of t [...] pyt [...]s & with ryche couerynge▪ And for ioy [...] of his comynge / the noble burgeys of the cyte cast oute at hir wyndowes gold & siluer hondes ful / in tokenyng of loue and of worship seruyses & re u [...]ce / And oute of the conduyt of chepe ran whyte wyn / and rede as stremes doth of the water / and euery man therof myght [...] drynke at hir owne wylle / And this kyng Edward was crouned & ennoynted as right heyr of englond with moche honour / & after masse the kyng w [...]t in to his palays for to hold a ryal fest a monges hem that hym dyd honour / And whan he was set vnto his mete / the kyng alysander of Scotland come for to done hym honour and reuerence with a qu [...]yntyze / and an honderd knyght [...]s with hym wel horsed and arayed▪ And whan they were light a doune of hir stedes / they lete hem gone whyder that they wold And who that myght take hem toke at hir owne wyll withoute ony chalenge / An adfterward come Syr Edmond kynge Edwardys broder a curtoys knyght & a gentil of Renomme / & the Erle of Cornewayle / and the Erle of gloucestre / And after hem come the Erle of penbroke / and the Erle of Garenne / And [Page] eche of hem by hym self / lad in hir honde an honderd knyghtes gai ly disgysed in hir armes / And whan they were lyght of hir [...]rs they lete hem gone whyder that hem lyked / & who that myght hem take to haue hem stylle withoute ony lette / And whan al thys was done / kyng edward did his dylygence. & his myght for to a mende the reame / & redresse the wronges in the best maner that he myght to the honour of god & holy chirche / & mayntene his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the comune peple /
How ydeine that was lewelins doughtir of walis p [...]nce & aymer that was therles broder of mōtford were takē in the see / ca / c [...]ij
THe fyrst yere afterward that kyng edward was crouned / Lewelyn prynce of walys sente in to Fraūce to the Erle mountford that thurgh counceylle of his frendes the Erle shold wedde his doughter / and the erle tho auised hym vpon this thynge / and sent ayene to lewelyn. & sayd that he wold send a [...]r his doughter / And so he sente aymer his broder after the damisel. and Lewelyn arrayed shippes for his doughter / and for Syr Aymer and for hir f [...]r company that shold goo with her / And this lewelyn dyd grete wronge / for it was couenaūt that he shold [...] his doughter to no māner man withoute counceyll and consente of kyng edward / And so it byfell that a burgeys of B [...]ystowe come [...] [...]e see with wyn lade. & met hem / & hem toke with my [...] and po [...]r▪ & anon the burgeys sente hem to the kyng / And whan lewelyn herd this tydynge / he was wonder wroth and [...] sorowfull / and gan for to werre vpon kyng edward / [...] dyd moche harme vnto the englyssh men / & be [...]e a doune the kynges Cas tels & bygan fas [...] to destroye kyng edwardys landes▪ And whan tydyng come vnto kyng edward of this thyng. he went in to wa lys▪ And so moche he dyd thurgh goddes grace / and his grete power that he drofe lewelyn vnto moch meschyef / that he fled al ma ne [...] [...]ngthe / & come & yelde hym to kyng Edward / & yafe hym l. [...] marc of syluer for to haue pees / & toke the damisell and all [...] his herytage / and made an oblygacion to kyng edward to come to his parlement two tymes of the yere / And in the secōd yere after that kyng edward was crouned. he helde a general parlement att westmynstre▪ and ther he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by commune ass [...]t of al his barons / And at Estren next sewynge the kynge sente by his lettres to lewelyn prynce of walys / that he shold come to parlement for his lande / and for his holdynge in walys as the strengthe of the letter oblygatorye wytnessyd / [Page] Tho [...]welyn had scorne & despyte of the kynges cōmādement / & for pure wrath bygan ayene for to werre vpon kyng Edward / and destroye his lādes. & tho kyng edward herd this tydyng▪ he way wonder wrath vnto lewelyn / & in hast assembled his peple and went hym towards walys / & werryd so vpon lewelyn the prince til that he brought hym in so moche sorow & dysese▪ And [...] welyn sawe that his defence myght not auayle & come ayene / & yelde hym to the kynges grace / and cryed hym mercy / & long tyme kneled byfore the kynges fete / The kyng had of hym pyte▪ & commaunded hym for to aryse / & for his mekenesse foryafe hym his wrath / & to hym sayd / that yf he trespaced ayene hym another tyme that he wold destroye hym for euermore / Dauid that was lewelyns broder that same tyme duellid with the kyng edward & was a fell man / & a subtil enuious / & ferre castynge / & moche treson thought / & euermore helde hym styll for to wytte & espye the kynges wylle / & euermore made good semblaunt▪ & semed soo trewe / that no man myght perceyue his falsenes
How lewelyn thurgh eggynge of dauid his broder werryd ageyne vpon kyng edward / Ca / C lxiij /
HIt was not longe after that tyme that kyng Edward ne yaf to diuid lewelyns broder the lorship of frodesham / and made hym a knyght / & so moche honour dyd he neuer after to noo man of walys for encheson of hym kyng edward helde his parlement at london / whan he had done in walys al that he wold / & chaunged his money / that tho was ful cutte / and rounded / wher for the comune peple pleyned hem wonder sore / so that the kynge lete enquere of hem that suche trespaas dyden / & CCC were atteynt of suche maner falsenes / wherfor som were honged / & som dra we / & afterward honged / And afterward the kynge ordeygned that the sterlynge halfpeny / & ferthyng shold gone thurgh oute his land / & commaūded that no man fro day afterward yaf / ne feffed hous of relygyon with lande tenement without sp [...]al leue of the kyng. and he that did shold be punysshed at the kynges wylle / & the yift shold be for nought / And it was not long after that lewelyn prynce of walys thurgh ticement of dauyd his bro der / & by both hir consent they thought to disheryte kyng edward in as moch as they miȝt / so that thurgh hem both the kinges pees was brokē / & whan kyng edward herd this anō he sent his barō [...] [Page] in to Northumberlond. and the surreys also / that theysh old gone & taken hir vyage vpon the traytours Lewelyn. and Dauyd / And wonder hard was for to werre tho▪ for it is wynter in walys whan in other coūtreyes is somer / And lewelyn lete ordeyne & wel arraye & vytaylle his good castel of swandon / & was ther in an huge nombre of peple & plente of vytaylles. so that kyng Edward wyst not wher for to entre / And whan the kynges men it perceyued / and also the strength of walys they lete come in the see barges and botes. & grete plankes as many as they myght or deyne & haue for to gone to the sayd Castel of swandone with mē on fo [...] & eke on hors / But the walsshmen had so moche peple / & were so strong that they dryuen the englysshmen ageyne / soo that ther was so moche prese of peple at the turnyng ageyne / that the charge & the berthen of hem made the barges & botes synke / & ther was drenchyd ful many a good knyght / that is to say Syr Rogyer of Clyfford / Syr william of lyndesey that was syr Iohans fytz robert & syr rychard tanny / & an huge nombre of other & all was thurgh hir owne folye / for yf they had had good espyes they had not ben harmed. Whan kyng edward herd telle that his peple was soo drenchyd / he made sorow ynow / but tho come Sir Iohn of vessye from the kyng of aragon / & brought with him moch folk of bachilers & of gascoyns / & were soudyours / & duel lyng with the forsayd sir Iohan of vessye / & vnderfonge of him wages & with hym were witholde / & noble men it were for to fiȝt & brente many townes & slewe moche peple of walsshmen al that they myght take / & al tho with strength & myght made assaut to the castel of swandone / & gete the castel▪ & whan dauid the pryn [...]s broder herd this tydyng / he ordeyned hym to flyght / & lewelyn the prynce sawe that his broder was flowen / and sore was abasshed / for he had no power to his werre for to mayntene / And so Lewelyn gan for to flee and wend wel for to haue escaped▪ but on a morow Syr Rogyer Mortimer met with hym only with [...] knyghtes / & set hym roūde aboute / & to hym went & [...] of his hede and presented hym vnto the kyng Edward / And in this ma ner the prynce of walys was taken & his heede smyten of. and al his heyres disheryted for euermore thurgh rightful dome of all the landes of the [...]ame▪
How Dauid that was lewelyns broder prynce of wa [...]s was put to deth / Cao. / C. l [...]iiijo. /
[Page] Auyd that was the prynces broder of walys thurgh pryde d wen [...]e for to haue ben prynce of walys / after his brother [...] deth / And vpon that sente he after the walsshmen to his parlemēt at dynb [...]gh / & follylyche made walys aryse ayenst the kyng / & be gan to meue werre ageynst the kyng / & dyd al th [...] sorow & dysease that he myght by his power / Whan kyng edward herd of this thynge / he ordeyned men to pursue vpon hym / And dauyd ferselich hym defended til that he come to the toun of saynt Moryce▪ & ther was dauyd take as he fledde▪ and led to the kyng / and the kyng commanded that he shold be honged and drawe. and smy [...] of his heede & quarter hym and sende his hede to london / & the iiij quartyers sende to the four townes chyef of walys / for they shol de take example / and ther of ben war [...] / And afterward kyng Edward lete crye his pe [...]s thurgh oute al walys / & seased all the land in to his hand / & al the grete lordes that were left alyue / come to done feaute & homage to the kyng edward▪ as to hir kynde lord▪ And tho lete kyng edward amende the lawes of walys that were defectif / And after he sente to al the lordes of walys by his lettres patent / that they shold come al to his parlement / And whan they were come / the kyng sayd to hem full cur toysly / Lodynges / ye be welcome / & me [...] your counceille / and your helpe for to wende in to gascoyne for to amende the trespace [...] that me was done▪ whan I was ther / & for to entreate of pees bytwene the kyng of Aragon / & the prynce of Morrey / And al the kynges lyege men / Erles▪ and Barons consented and graunted therto / And tho made hym kynge Edward redy / and went in to [...] / and l [...]te amende all the tre spaces that hym was done in Gascoyne. And of the debate that was bytwene the kyng of Aragon / and the Prynce of Morrey / he cesed▪ and made hem acorded / And whyle the good kyng Edward and the quene Elyen [...]e his wyf were in Gascoyne / the good Erle of Corne wayle was made wardeyne of Englond till that kyng Edward come ageyne / And tho enquered [...]x of his traytours that congetted falsenesse ageynst hym / And eche of hem alle▪ vnderfenge her dome after that they hadde deserued / But in the me [...]ne tyme. while that the good kyng Edward was beyonde the see to done hem for to make amendes that ageynst hem had trespaced / ther was a fals thefe a Traytoure that was callyd Rys a [...] Merydock byganne for to make werre ageynste the Kynge Edward / And that was for [Page] encheson of syr payne tiptot wrongfully greuid & diseased that for sayd Ri [...] ap merydok / And whan kyng Edward herd alle this he sente by his lettres to Ris ap merydok / that he shold begynne to make no werre / but that he shold be in pees for his loue / & when that he come ageyne in to englond / he wold vndertake the quarell & done amende alle that was mysdone / The forsayd Rys ap Merydok despysed the kynges commandement / & spared not for to do al the sorow that he myght to the kynges men of Englond▪ but a non after he was taken / & lad to york / & ther was drawe & hon ged for his felon [...] /
Of the redressyng that kyng edward made of his Iusty [...]s / & of his clerkes that they had done for hir falsenesse / & how he drofe the Iewes out of englond for her vsery / & misbyleue / cao / C [...]
WHan kyng edward had duellyd thre yere in gascoyne / [...] le come to hym / for to wende ageyne in to Englond▪ & tho he was come ageyne / he foūde so many playntes made to hym of his Iustyces / and of his clerkes▪ that had done so many wrōges & falsenes that wonder it was to here / And for whiche falsenes Syr thomas weylond / the kynges Iustyce forswore Englon [...] at the tour of london▪ for falsenesse that men put vpon hym / wherof he was atteynt & proued fals / And anon after whan the kyng had done his wylle of the Iustyces / tho lete [...]x [...] and aspye how the Iewes desceyued & begyled his [...]ple thurgh [...] synne of falsenes & of vserye / & lete ordeyne a pryue parlem [...] [...] mong his lordes / & they ordeyned among hem that al the Iew [...] shold wyde englond for hir mysbyleue / And also for hir fals vse rye that they dyd vnto Crysten men / And for to spede & to make an ende of this thynge / al the cōmunyte of englond yaf vnto the kyng the xv peny of al hir goodes m [...]able / & so were the [...] dryuen on [...] of Englond / & tho went Iewes in to fraūce. & there duellyd thurgh loue of kyng phelip that tho was kyng of fraūce
How kyng Edward was seased in al the londe of scotland thurgh cōsent & graūt of al the lordes of scotlād / cao. / C / [...] o. /
HIt was not longe after that alysauder kynge of Scotland was dede / And dauid Erle of Huntingdone that was the kynges broder of Scotland a [...]ed and claymed the kyngdome of Scotland / for encheson that he was right ful [...]yr /
But many grete lordes of Scotland sayden Nay [...] ▪ Wh [...]fore gre [...] debate aroose bytwene hem▪ and hyr frendes / For as moche [Page] that they wold not consente to his coronacion / & in the mene tyme the forsayd dauyd deyde / & so it by fell that the same dauid had thre doughters, that worthely were maryed / the firste doughter was maryed to baillol / the second to brus / the thyrd to hastynges / and the forsayd brus & bayllol chalengyd the land of scotland, & gre te debate & stryfe aroos bytwene hem thre, for encheson that eche of hem wold haue be kynge / & whan the lordes of scotland sawe the debate bytwene hem thre / they come to kyng Edward of Englond, & seysed hym in al the land of scotland / as hir chyef lord And whan the kyng was seised of the lordes of scotlād / the forsa yu baillol / brus / & hastinges come to the kynges court. & axed of the kyng / whiche of hem shold be kyng of scotland / & kyng Edward that was ful gentil & trewe / lete enquyre by the cronycles of Scotland / & of the grete lordes of scotlād whiche of hem was of the eldest blode / & it was founde / that bayllol was eldest / And that the kyng of scotland shold hold of the kyng of Englond / & done hym feaute & homage / and after this was done / bayllol wēt in to scotland / & ther was crouned kynge of scotland / & the same tyme was vppon the see strong werre bytwene the englysshmen. & the normans / but vpon a tyme the normans arryued al at douer & ther they martred an holy man that was callid thomas of douer And afterward were the normane slayn / that ther of hem escaped not one / & sone after kyng Edward shold lese the duchye of Gascoyne thurgh phelyp kyng of fraūce thurgh fals castynge of the doussepyers of the lād / wherfor syr edmond / that was kyng Edwardes broder yafe vp his homage vnto the kyng of fraunce And in that tyme the Clerkes of englond graunted to kyng ed ward haluendese of holy chirche goodes in holyyng for to recouer his land ageyne in gascoyne / & the kyng sente thyder a noble cō panye of his bachyllers / & hym self wold haue wente to portesmouth / But he was let thurgh one maddoke of walys. that had seysed the Castel of swandone / in to his hand / & for that encheson the kyng turned ageyn vnto walis at Cristemasse / & for encheson that the noble lordes of englond that were sent in to gascoyne had no comfort of hir lord the kyng / they were take of Syr Charles of fraūce / that is to say / sir john of britayn / Syr Robert Tiptoft Sir Rauf tanny / sir hugh bardolf / & sir adam of cretynges / & yet at the as [...]ion was madok take in walys / & another that was callyd morgan / & they were sent to the tour of london / & ther they were byheded /
How Syr Iohan bayllol kyng of scotlande withsayd his homage / & of syr thomas Turbeluylle. Ca [...] / C / lxvij [...] /
ANd whan syr Iohn bayllol kyng of scotlād vnderstode that kynge edward was werryd in gascoyne / to whome the Royamme of scotlande was delyuerd, falsely tho ageynste his othe withsayd his homage thurgh procuryng of his folk / and sente to the court of rome thurgh a fals suggestion to be assoylled of that othe that he swore vnto the kyng of Englond / & so he was by let tres enbulled / Tho chosen they of scotland dousepers for to benym me edward his ryght, and in that tyme come two Cardynals frō the court of rome / from the pope Celestyne / for to treate of acord bytwene the kyng of fraūce / & the kyng of Englond / and as tho two Cardynals spoken of acord, thomas Turbeluille was take at lyoūs / & made feaute & homage to the wardeyne of parys. & to hym put his two sones in hostage / for that he thought gone in to Englond for to aspye the coūtrey, & telle hem whan he come in to Englond that he had broken the kynges pryson of fraūce by nyȝt & sayd that he wold done / that al Englysshmen & walssh [...]ē shol de abowe to the kyng of Fraūce / & this thyng for to brynge to the ende / he swore / & vpon this couenaunt dedes were made bytwene hem. & that he shold haue by yere a M poundes worth of lande to brynge this thyng to an ende / This fals traytour toke his leue and went thens & come in to englond vnto the kyng / & sayd that he was broken out of pryson / & that he had put hym in suche [...]ll for his loue / wherfor the kyng coude hym moch thank & ful glad was of his comyng / & the fals these traytour fro that day aspyrd all the deyng of the kyng, & also his coūeeyll / for the kyng louy [...] hym wel / & was with hym ful pryue But a clerk of England that was in the kynges house of fraūce herd of this tr [...]son & of the falsenes / & wrote to another clerk / that was duellyng with the kyng of englond al how thomas Turbeluylle had done his false coniectyng, & al the coūceyll of englond was write for to haue [...] vnto the kynge of fraunce / & thurgh this forsayd lettre / that the clerk had sent fro fraūce / hit was foūde vpon him, wherfor he was lad to london. & drawen & honged ther for his treson / and his two sones that he had put in fraunce for hostages were tho [...] /
Of the Conquest of Berewyk / Ca / C lyviij [...]
WHan tho two Cardynals were went ageyne in to Fraunce for to treate of the pres at [...] / the kyng sen [...] thydder of his erles and barons. that is to say Syr edmond his brother [Page] vpon goddes bodye / That is to say Syr Iohan of Comyn / & the Erle of the strathorne the erle of Carryk and also four bisshops vndertoke for alle the clergye, & so the kyng delyuerd hem / & yafe hem sauf conduyt to wende in to hir owne lond. And it was not long afterward / that they ne arysen ageynst kyng Edward / for encheson that they wyst wel that kyng Edwardys folk was take in gascoyn / as byfore is sayd / but syr Iohan bayllol kyng of scotland wist wel that his lād shold haue sorow & shame for hyr falsenesse / & in hast went hym ouer the see to his owne landes / & ther helde hym & come neuer more ayene / wherfor the scottes chosē to hir kyng williā waleys / a ribaud, & an harlot comē vp of noȝt & moche harme dyd to the englisshmen / & kyng edward thought how he myght haue delyueraūce of his peple that were taken in gascoyne / & in hast went ouer the see in to Flaūdres for to werre vp on the styng of fraūce / & the erle of Flaundres vnderfenge hym with moche honour / & graūted hym al his landes at his own wil And whan the kyng of fraunce herd telle that the kyng of Englond was arryued in flaūdres & come with an huge power him for to destroye / he preyd him of trewe for two yere / so that englissh marchaūts & also frenssh myght sanfly gone & come in both sides The kyng edward graūted it / so that he must haue his men ou [...] of pryson that were in gascoyne / & the kyng of fraūce graūted [...] non & so they were delyuerd / And in the same tyme the Scottes sent by the bisshop of seynt andrews in to fraūce to the kyng / & to Syr Charlys his broder that Syr charles shold come with his power / & they of scotland wold come with hyr power / & so they shold gone in to englond that land for to destroye from scotland till that they come to kent / & the scot [...]es trust moch vpon the frēssh men, but of that thyng they had no maner graūte / And nethelos the scottee bigōne to robbe & slee in no [...]thūberlād / & dide moche harme.
How william walleys lete slee hyr hugh of Cressyngham / & of the batayll of Fonkyrke. Ca. / C, lxx [...]
WHan this tidyng was come to kyng Edward that william walleys had ordeyned suche a strong power / & that all Scot land to hym was attendaunt. and redy to slee Englysshmen and [...]e destroye the land he was sore annoyed and sente anon by lettres to the erle of garren / & [...] Syr henry Percy / and to Sir William latomer / & to syr hugh of cressynghā his tresorer that they shold take po [...]er / and wende in to northumberlond / and so forth in to [Page] Scotland for to kept the countreyes / And whan william waleis herde of hir comynge / he gan for to flee / & the Englysshmen hym folowed / & drofe hym till he come to Stryuelyn / and ther he held hym in the castel / & the walsshmen euery day hem escryed & manaced / & dyd al the despyte that they myght / So that the englissh men vpon a tyme in a mornynge wente oute from the Castel the mountance of x myle / & passed ouer a brydge / And william wa [...]eys come with a strong power & drofe hem a bak / for the Englysshmen had ageynste hym tho no myght / but fled. & they that myght take the bridge escaped / but syr hugh the kynges tresorer ther was slayne and many other also / wherfor was moche so [...] the / Tho had kyng edward sped al his nedes in flaūdres / & was ageyne come in to englond / & in haste toke his wey toward Scot land, & come thyder at ascension tyde. & al that he founde / he sett a fire, and brente / But the poure peple of Scotland come to hym wonder thykke / & prayd hym for goddes loue that he wold haue on them mercy & pyte / wher for the kyng tho commaunded / that no man shold done harme to hem that were yolden to hym / ne to no man of ordre / ne to no hows of relygyon / ne no maner chirche But lete aspye al that he myght, wher that he might fynde any of his enemyes / Tho come a spye to the kyng / & told hym w [...]re the Scottes were assēbled for to yeue bataylle / & on saynt mary magdalene day the kyng come to fonkirk / & yafe bataylle to the Scottes / And at that batayll were slayn xxxiij thousand / and of englisshmen, but xxviij / & no mo / of the which was a worthy kniȝt slayne that was a knyght an hospyteler / that was callyd Frere Brian Iay / For whan william waleys fled from the bataylle that same Frere Brian hym pursued ferslyche / and as his hors ran it stert in to a myre of mareys vp to the bely, And william waleys torned tho ageyne, & ther slewe the forsayd Brian / and that was moche harme, And that while kynge Edward wente thurgh Scotland for to enquere yf he myght fynde ony of his enemyes, And in that land he duellyd as long as hym lyked / & ther was none enemye that durst him abyde, and sone afterward kyng edward went to sonthampton, for he wold not abyde in scot land in wynter season for esement of his peple / And when be come to london, he lete amende many mysdedes that were done ayenst his pees & his lawe while that he was in Flaundres
Of the last mariage of kyng edward / & how he wēt the thyrd [Page] tyme in scotland Ca. / C lxxj
ANd afterward it was ordeyned thurgh the court of Rome that kynge edward sholde wedde d [...]me margarete kynge philyps suster of fraūce / & the arche bisshop Robert of wynchelsee spoused hem to gedre thurgh which mariage ther was made pe [...]s bytwene kyng edward of Englond / and kyng philip of Fraūce Kynge edward went tho the thyrdde tyme in Scotland. And tho within the fyrst yere he had enfam yned the londe / so that there left not one that ne come to his mercy / sauf tho that were in the castel of estreuelyn that wa [...] wel vitaylled & astored for vij yere
How the castel of Estreuelyne was besyeged / Ca / C. lxxij. /
KKyng Edward come with an huge power to the Castel of Estreuelyn, & besyeged the castel / but it lytell auayled / for he myght do the scottes none harme. For the castel was so strōg & wel y kept / And Kynge edward sawe that / and thought hym vpon a queyntyse. & lete make there anone ij peyre of highe galowes byfore the tour of the castel. & made his oth that as many as were in the castel / were he erle or baron, & he were take with strē gthe, but if he wold the rather hym yelde / he shold ben hanged vp on the galowes / and whan tho that were in the castel herd this they come & yelde hem al to the kynges grace and mercy / and the kyng foryafe hym al his maletalent / And there were al the gre to lordes of Scotland / swore to kyng Edward that they shold co me to london to euery parlement / & shold stonde to his ordenaūce /
How Troyle bastone was fyrst ordeyned / Ca / C / lxxiij /
THe kyng edward went thens to london / and went haue had reste and pees of his werre / with whiche werre he was occupyed xx yere / that is to say in walys / in Gascoyn / and in Scot land / And thought how he myght recouer his tresour / that he had spended aboute his werre / & lete enquere thurgh the reame of mis takynges and wronges done thurgh mysdoers in Englonde of al the tyme that he had ben oute of his reame that men callyd tro illebaston / And ordeyned therto Iustyces / & in this maner he re couerd tresour without nombre. And his encheson was for he had thought for to haue gone in to holy land for to werre vpon god des enemyes / For encheson that he was [...]oysed long tyme before / And netheles that lawe that he had ordeyned dyde moche good thurgh oute al Englond to hem that were mysbode / For tho that trespaced were we [...] chastysed / And afterward the meker [Page] and the lettre / & the poure comons were in pees & in rest, & the same tyme kyng edward enprisoned his owne sone Edward for encheson that walter of langeton bisshop of chestre / that was the kynges tresorer had made vpon hym complaynt / & sayd that the forsayd Edward thurgh counceyll & procurement of one pyers of ganastone a squyer of gascoyne had broke the parkes of the forsayd bisshop / & the forsayd pyers counceylled & lad the same Edward / & for this cause kyng edward exyled the sayd pyers ou [...] of Englond for euermore /
Of the deth of william waleys the fals traytout / Ca. / C lxx. [...]ij
ANd whan this kyng edward had his enemyes ouercome in walys goscoyne. & in Scotland / & destroyed his traytours but onlyeh that ribaud william waleys / that neuer to the kyng wold hym yelde / and at [...] last in the toune of seynt domyny [...] in the yere of kynge edwardes regne xxx. ij that fals traytour was take, & presented to the kyng / sauf the kyng wold not see hym / but sente hym to london to vnderfonge his Iugement / & on saynt Bartholomeus eue he was honged and drawe / & his hede smyten of / and his bowels take oute of his body / and brente / & his body quartred / & sente to four the best tounes of Scotland / & his [...]de sette vpon a spere & sette vpon london brydge in example that the Scottes shold haue in mynde for to bere, hem amys ageynsce hyr lyege lord eftsones /
How the Scotces come to kyng edward for to amende hir t [...] space that they had done ageynst hym / Ca / C lxxv /
ANd at mych [...]lmasse tho next comynge / kyng Edward helde his parlement at westmynstre / & thyder come the Scottes / that is to say, the bisshop of seynt Andrew. Robert the B [...]s Er le of Carryk / Symond the frysel / Iohan the erle of Athell / and they were acorded with the kyng and bounde / and by oth sworne that afterward yf ony of hem mysber [...] hem ayenst kyng edward that they shold ben disherited for euermore / And whan [...]r pees was thus y made. they toke hir loue preuelych, & w [...] home to hir owne countre /
How Robert the brus chalengyd Scotland / Ca. C. lxxv [...]
ANd after this Robert the Brus Erle of Ca [...]yest sence by his letter to the erles and barone of Scotland that they sholde come to hym to Soone in the morow after the conc [...]pcion of ou [...] Ladye. for highe nedes of the lande / And the lordes come a [...] [Page] the day assigned / and at the same day sir Robert the brus sayd fa yr lordes full well ye knowe that in my persone duelled the right of the reme of Scotland / & as ye wyte wel am rightfull heyr / Syth that Syr Iohan bayllol that was our kyng vs bath forsake & left his land. And though it so be that kyng Edward of englōd with wrongful power hath made me to hym assent ayenst my wyll / yf that ye wyll graunte that I be kyng of Scotland I shall kepe yow ageynst kyng edward / & ayenst al maner men & with that word the abbot of Scone aroos / & before hem al sayd that it was reson for to helpe hym / & the land to kepe & defende / & tho sayd in presence of hem all that he wold yeue hym a M poūd for to mayntene that land / & al the other graūted the land to him & with hir power hym for to helpe / & defyed kyng Edward of en glond / & sayd that Robert the Brus shold be kyng of Scotland
How Syr Iohan of Comyn gaynesayd the crounyng of Syr Robert the Brus / Ca.o. C / lxxvijo /
LOrdynges sayd Syr Iohan of Comyn thynketh vpon the trouth & the othe that ye made vnto kyng Edward of En glond and touchyng my self / I wyll not breke myn oth for noo man / and so he went fro that companye at that tyme / wherfor Ro bert the brus and all that to hym consented were wonder wrothe and tho mana [...]ed Syr Iohan of Comyn / Tho ordeyned they an other counceyle at donfrys / to the whiche come the forsayd Syre Iohan Comyn / he duellyd but two myle from Donfrys / there that he was woned for to soiourne / and abyde /
How Syr Iohan was traytoursly slayn / Ca / C / lxxviij /
WHan Robert the brus wyst that all the grete lordes of Scot land were come to dōfris sauf Syr Iohan Comyn / that so iourned tho nygh dōfris / he sente after hym specyally that Syre Iohan Comyn shold come & speke with hym. & vpon that he sent after hym Iohan Comyns his broder / & prayd hym for to come and speke with hym atte gray Frerys at donfrys / & that was the thursday after Candelmasse / & Syr Iohan graunted hym for to wende with hym / And whan he herde masse / he toke a soppe / & drank / & afterward he bestrode his palfray / and rode his wey / & so come to donfrys / And Robert the brus sawe hym come at a wyn dowe as he was in his chambre / & tho made ioye ynow / and come ageynst hym and colled hym aboute the neck / and made with hym good semblaunt / And whan all the e [...]s. & barons [Page] of Scotland were present / Robert the Brus spake and sayd Syres qd he ye wyte wel the encheson of this comyng / & wherfor it is / yf ye wil graunte that I mote be kynge of Scotland / as right heyr of the land / and all the lordes that were ther said with one voys that he shold be crouned kyng of Scotland / and that they wold hym helpe & mayntene ageynst al maner men alyue / And for hym yf it were nede dye / The gentil knyght tho Iohn of Comyn ansuerd / and said. Certes neuer for me / ne for to haue of me as moche helpe as the value of a botonne / For that othe that I haue made to kyng Edward of Englond I shalle hold while my lyf last / and with that word he went fro that companye / and wold haue went vpon his palfray / And Robert the Brus pursued hym with a drawe swerd / and bare hym thurgh the body / And Syre Iohn Comyn fell doune to the erthe / But when Rogyer that was Syr Iohn Comyns broder saw the fal senesse and stert to Syr Robert the Brus / & smote hym wyth a knyfe / but the fals traytour was armed vnder / so that the stroke myght done hym none harme / And so moche helpe come about sir Robert the Brus / Soo that Rogyer Comyn was there slayne / and al to hewe m to smale pyeces /
And Robert the Brus torned ageyne. ther that Syr Iohn Comyn the noble baron lay wounded and pyned toward his deth besydes the hygh auter in the chirch of the gray frerys / & sa yd vnto Syr Iohan Comyn. O traytour thou shalt be dede / & ne uer after let myn auauncement. and shoke his swerd at the high auter & smote hym on the hede / that the brayne fel a doun vpon the ground / & the blode stert an high vpon the walles / And yet vnto this day that blode is seyn ther that no water may wasshe it awey / & so dyed that noble knyght in holy chirche /
ANd whan the Traytour Robert the brus saw that no man tho wolde lette his coronacion / he commaunded al hem that were of power sholde come to his crounyng [...] / to seynt Iohannes tonne in scotland / and so it byfell that on oure lady of An [...]ciacion / the Bisshop of glastone / and the Bisshop of seynt Andrewe crouned for hir kyng Robert the Brus in saynt Iohannes Toune and made hym kynge / And anon after he drofe oute asse the Englysshmen oute of Scotland / and they fled and come / & playned vnto kyng Edward / How Robert the brus had dryue he m oute of the land / & disheryted hem /
How kyng edward dubbed at westmestre xxiiij score knyghtes. Cao. / C. lxxx
ANd whan kyng edward herd of this meschyef he swore that he wold therof ben auengyd / and sayd that alle the Traytours of Scotland shold ben honged and drawe / and that they shold neuer be raunsoned / And kyng edward thought vpon this falsenesse that the scottes had done / & sent after al the bachyllerye of englond that they shold come to london at witsontyde / & he dubbed at westmestre xxiiij score knyȝtes / Tho ordeyned hym the noble kyng edward for to wende in to scotland to werre vpon Robert the brus / & sent byfore hym in to scotlād sir aymer the valaū ce erle of penbroke / & sir henry percy baron / with a fayre cōpanye that pursued the scottes / & brente tounes & castels / & afterward come the kyng hym self with erles & barons a fayr companye /
How Robert the brus was scomfyted in bataylle / & how Symond Frysel was slayne / Ca / C lxxxj /
THe fryday next before the assumpcion of our lady kyng edward mette Robert the brus besydes seynt Iohans Toune in scotlande and with his companye / of whiche companye kynge Edward slewe vij M / Whan Robert the brus saw this meschyef he gan to flee & hyd hym that no man myght hym fynde / but sir simond frisel pursued hym sore / so that he torned ayene & abode batayll. For he was a worthy knyght and a bold of body / & the englysshmen pursued euer sore in euery side. & slewe the stede that sir Symond Frysel rode vpon / and they toke hym / & lad hym vnto the hooste / And sir Symond bygan for to flater / & speke fayre / & said / Lordes I shal yeue yowe iiij M marc of syluer / & myn horse myn harnoys & al myn armure / & bycome a begger / Tho ansuerd Theobaude of Peuenes / that was the kynges Archyer, Nowe god me so help it is for nought that thou spekest, for al the gold in englond I wold the not lete gone / withoute commaundement of kyng edward / And tho was he lad to kynge Edward / and the kynge wolde not see hym / but commaunded to lede hym away to haue his dome at london, and on our ladyes euen natiuyte he was honged and drawen / & his heede smyten of / and honged [...] with cheynes of yren vpon the galowes. And his hede was sette vpon london bridge vpon a spere, and ageynst cristemasse the body was brent, for enche son that the men that kepte the body by nyghte they sawe soo many deuyls raumpand with grete Iren [Page] erokes rennyng vpon the galowes / & horrybelyche tormented the body and many that hem sawe / anon after they dyed for drede / & somme woxen mad or sore sykenesse they had. And in that batail was take the bisshop of baston / the bisshop of seynt Andrewes / and the abbot of scone wel armed with yron, as men of armes as fals traitours & fals prelates ayenst hir oth / & they were brouȝt to the kynge / & the kynge sente hem to the pope of Rome / that he shold done with hem what his wyll were.
How Iohan erle of atheles was take / & put to the deth / Capitulo / C lxxxijo. /
ANd at that bataylle fled syr Iohan erle of Atheles, and went in to a chirch & ther hyd hym for drede / but he myghte haue there no refute for encheson. that the chirche was enterdyted thurgh a general sentence / & in the same chirche he was take / And this syr Iohan went wel to haue had escaped from the deth for encheson that he claymed kynered of kyng Edward / and the kyng nold no lenger be taryed of his traytours / but sent hym to london in hast / & ther he was honged / & his hede smyten of / & his body brente al to asshis. But atte prayer of the quene margarete For encheson that he claymed of kyng Edward kynred / his drawyng was foryeue hym /
How Iohan that was william walleys broder / was putt to the deth / Cao. / C lxxxiijo. /
WHan the grettest maystres of Scotland were thus done to euel deth. & shended for hir falsenes / Iohan that was williā walleys broder was take & done to deth as Sir Iohan Erle of a theles was /
How Robert the brus fledde from scotland to Norwey / Capitulo C lxxxiiij /
ANd at that same daye was Robert the brus moche bated amonge the peple of Scotland / so he wyst not what was for to done / & for to hyde hym he went in to norwey to the kyng, that had spoused his suster, & ther helde hym socour for to haue / And Robert the Brus myght not be founde in Scotland / kyng Edward tho lete crye his pees thurgh oute al the land / & his lawes were vsyd. & his mynystres serued thurgh oute al the land
How kyng edward dyed / Capitulo / C / lxxxvo. /
WHan kynge edward had abated his enemyes / [...]e turned ageyne southward / & a maladye toke hym at burgh vp sand in the marche of Scotland / and he wyste wel that his deth was [Page] fnl nygh & called to hym syre henry the lacy erle of nychol / Sir [...] Guy erle of warre wyk / sire aymer valence erle of penbroke / & sir robert of clifford baron & prayd hem vpon the faith that they him owed that they shold make edward of Carnariuan kyng of englond his sone as rathe as they myght / & that they shold not suf fre pyers of ganeston come ageyne in to englond / for to make his sone to vse ryotte / & they graunted hym with good wylle, & the kyng toke the sacrament of holy chirche as a good cristen mā shol de / & de [...]de in veray repentaunce / & whan he had be kyng xxxv yere he deyd / & was buryed at westmynstre. with moche solempnyte / vpon whos soule god haue mercy /
Of merlyns prophecyes that were declared of kyng Edward that was kyng henryes sone / Ca / C / lxxxvj /
ANd of this kyng edward profecyed merlyn / & callyd hym a dragon the second kyng of the vj last kynges that shold be for to regne in englond / & said that he shold be medled with mer cy / & also with strength & with sternesse / that shold kepe englond fro colde & he [...]e / & that he shold open his mouth toward walis / & that he shold sett his one fote in wyke / & that he shold closen with walles that shold do moch harme to his seed / & he sayd soth / For the good kyng edward was medled with mercy / & with fiersnes with mercy ayenst his enemyes of walys / & after of Scotland / with fiersnesse whan he put hem to deth for hir falsenes & traytrie as they had deserued it / & wel kept he englond from cold & hete sith he kepte it from al maner enemyes / that [...]ōne vpon hym to done hym ony wrong / & wel he opened his mouth toward walys / & made it quake thurgh the hydour of his mouth / when he cōquerd it thurght dynt of swerd / for the prince lewelyn & dauid his bro der rys & morgan were put vnto the deth for hir falsenesse, & hir folye / & he sette his one fote in to wyke / & cōquerd Berwyck / at the whiche cōquest were slayn xxv M & vij C, out take hem that were brente in the reede halle / And the walles that he lete make shal be noyous vnto his seed. as men shal here after see in the lyf of Syr edward of Carnariuan his sone / And yet merlyn sayd that he shold make Ryuers renne in bloode / & with brayne. and that semed wel in his werres ther that he had the maystrye / And yet merlyn said that ther shold come a peple out of the north west duryng the regne of the forsayd dragon that shold be ladde by an ylle Grehounde that sholde the dragon croune kynge / that afterward sholde flee ouer the see for drede of the Dragon [Page] withoute comyng ageyne / and that was proued by Syr Iohan bayllol / that kynge edward made for to ben kyng of Scotland, that falsely aroos ageynste hym / & after he fledde vnto his owne landes of fraunce / & neuer come ageyne in to Scotland for drede of kyng edward / & yet said merlyn that peple that shold lede the forsayd grehond shold be fadreles vntill a certayne tyme / & he sayd soth. For the peple of Scotland gretely were dysesed syth that Syr Iohan bayllol hir kyng fled from scotlād / And yet sayd mer lyn that the sonne shold bycome in his tyme as reede / as ony blo de in tokenyng of grete mortalyte of peple / & that was wel knowen whan the Scottes were slayne / And syth sayd merlyn that ylke dragon shold norysshe a foxe that shold meue grete werre ageynst hym that shold not in his tyme ben ended / and that semed wel by Robert the brus, that kyng edward norysshed in his chā bre / that sythenes stale aweye. & meued grete warre ayenst hym / whiche werre was not ended in his tyme / And afterward Merlyn tolde that this dragon shold ben hold the best body of alle the worlde / and he sayd sothe / For the good kynge edward was the worthyest knyght of al the world in his tyme / And yet said mer lyn that the dragon shold dye in the marche of another land, and that his land shold be long withoute ony good kepar / & that mē shold wepe for his deth from the Ile of shepey vn to the Ile of marcyl / wherfor allas shold be hir comyn songe among peple fadreles in the land wasted / & that prophecye was knowe oueral ful wel / For the good kynge Edward dyed at Burgh vp sande that is vpon the marche of Scotland / wherfor the Englysshmen were discomforted & sorowed in northumberlond / For encheson that kyng edwardys sone sette by the scottes no force for the Riott of pyers of ganaston / wherfor allas was the songe th [...] rugh oute al Englonde / for defaute of a good wardeyn from the Ile of shepey vnto the yle of marcyl the peple made moche sorowe for good kynge Edwardys deth / For they wende that good kyng edward shold haue gone in to the holy lande, for that was hollyche his purpose. vpon whos soule god for his hygh grace ha ne mercy /
Of kyng Edward that was kyng edwardys sone / Capitulo C lxxxvij /
ANd after this kyng Edward / regned Edward his sonne. that was bore in Carnariuan / and this Edward wente in [...]o Fraunce / and spoused Isabell / the kynges doughter of fraūce [Page] the xxv day of Ianyuer at the chirche of our lady at Boloyn In the yere of our lord Ihesu crist / a M / CCC vij, & the xx daye of feuerer the next yere that come after he was crouned solempnlych at westmynstre of the archebisshop Robert of wynchelsee / and of the [...] Archebisshop of Cauntrbury / and ther was so grete p [...]ce of peple that Syr Iohan bacwel was dede & murdred /
And anon as the good kyng edward was dede / Syr Edward his sone kynge of engloud sente after pyers of ganeston in to Gascoyne / and so moch loued hym that he called him his broder / and anon after he yaf hym the lordship of wallyngford / and it was not longe after that he ne yafe hym therldome of Cornewayle ageynst all the lordes wyll of the Royamme / And tho brought he Syre walter of langeton bisshop of chestre in to pryson in to the Cour of lonton with twoo knaues allone hym to serue / For the kynge was wroth with hym / For cause that Syre walter made compleynt vpon hym to his fadre / wherfore he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troylbastone / And the. forsayd Pyers of ganeston made so grete maystryes that he went in to the kynges tresorye in the Abbeye of westmynstre / and toke the table of gold with the trestelles of the same / and many other ryche Iewellys / that somtyme were the noble and good kyng Arthures / & toke hem to a marchaunt that was callyd Aymery of Fryscombande For he shold bere hem ouer the see in to gascoyne / & soo he wente the [...]s / & they come neuer ageyne after / wher for it was grete losse vnto this lande / And whan this pyers was so Rychely auaunced. he bycome so proude and so stoute, wherof alle the grete lordes of the Reame had hym in despite for his grete beryng / wher for Syr Henry the lacy erle of nychol, & Syr guy erle of warwyck, the whiche good lordes the good kynge edward Syr Edwardye kynge of Englond his fadre charged that pyers of Ganestone shold not come in to Englond for to bringe his sone Edward in Ryott / And all the lordes of englond assembled hem at a certayn daye at the Freres prechours at london / & speken of the dishonour that kyng edward dyd vnto his Royamme / and to his croune, & so they assented all both erles & comons / that the forsayd pyers of ganeston shold ben exyled out of Englond for euer more. And so it was done / For he forswore Englond / and wente in to Irlond / and there the kyng made hym chyuetayne / and go uernoure of the lande by his commyssyon / And there this Pyers was Chyuetayne of alle the lande / and dyde ther alle that [Page] hym liked and had power what he wolde. and that tyme were the templers exyled thurgh al Crystente for encheson that men putte vpon hem that they shold done thyng ayenst the feyth & good be leue. Kyng Edward loued pyers of Ganeston soo moche that he myght not forlete his companye. & so moch the kyng yaf & behight to the peple of englond that the exylyng of the forsaid Pyers shol de ben reuoked at staūford thurgh hem that hym had exyled / wherfore pyers of ganeston come ayene in to Englond, & whan he was come ayene in to this land / he despysed the grettest lordes of this land. & callyd Syr Robert of Clare erle of gloucest [...] ho [...] sone / And the erle of nychol Syr henry the lacy brostebely. & sir Guy erle of warwyk / the blac hoūde of Arderne / and also he cal led the noble Erle and gentil Thomas of lancastre Cherle / and many other scorues and shame hem said, and by many other gre te lordes of Englond / wherfor they were towards hym full angry & so [...] annoyed / & in the same tyme died therle of nychol / but he charged er he was dede thomas of lancastre erle that was his sone in lawe that he shold mayntene his quarell ageynst the same Pyers of ganestone vpon his beneson / And so it was ordeyned thurgh helpe of therle of lancastre / and of the erle of warewyck that forsayd sir Pyers was byheded at gauersyche besydes warwyk the xix day of Iuyn in the yere of our lord a M CCC & xij / wherfore the kyng was sow annoyed. & prayd god that be myght see that daye to ben auengyd vpon the deth of the forsayd Pyers / And so it byfell afterward as ye shal here allas the tyme For the forsayd erle of lancastre / & many other grete barons were put to pytous drth. & martred for encheson of the forsayd que [...] The kynge was tho at london / & helde a parlement / and ordeyned the lawes of Syr Symond Mountford / wherfor the erle of lan castre and the erles / and al the clergye of Englond made an othe thurgh counceylle of Robert of wynchelsee for to mayntene the ordynaunces for euermore /
How Robert the Brue come ageyne in to Scotland. & gadred a grete power of men / for to werre vpon kynge edward. Capitulo C lxxxviij /
ANd whan Syr Robert the Brues that made hym kynge of Scotland that was fled in to norwey for drede of dethe of the goode kynge Edward / And he herde of the debate [Page] that was in englond bitwene the kyng & his lordes / he ordeyned an hoost / & come in to englond in to northumberlond. & cleenly des troyed the countrey / And whan kyng edward herd this tydyng he let assemble his hoost. & mette the scottes at Estreuelyn in the day of natiuyte of seynt Iohan baptist in the vij yere of his reg ne / and in the yere of our lord Ihu crist a M CCC / & xiiij / Allas the sorow & losse that ther was done, For ther was slayn the no ble erle gillebert of clare / sir Robert of Clyfford baron / & many other / & of other peple that noo man coude nombre / & ther kynge Edward was scomfyted, & Syr Edmond of maule the kynges styward for drede went and drenched hym self in a fressh Ryuer / that is called Bannokesborne / wherfor the scottes said in reproue and despyte of kyng edward for as moche as he loued to gone by water / & also for he was discōfited at bannockesborne / therfor maydens made a songe therof in that coūtre of kyng edward, of Englond / & in this maner they songe, Maydens of englond sare may ye morne / for tyȝt haue ye lost your lemmans at bannokesborne / with heualogh / what wende the kyng of Englond / to haue gete scotland with Rombylough /
WHan kynge edward was discomfyted he was wonder sory and fast fled with his folk that was left on lyue / & wente to Berwyck / & ther helde hym / And after he toke good hostages that is to wytte seuen children of the rychest of the toune / and the kyng went to london & toke coūseyl of thynges that were nedeful vnto the reame of englond / And in the same tyme it byfel that tho was in Englond a Rybaud, that was callyd Iohan Cāner and he went and sayd that he was the good kyng edwardys sone, and lete hym calle edward of Carnarian, & therfore he was take at oxenford / & ther he chalengyd the Fre [...] Carmes chirche that kyng edward had yeue hem, the whiche chirch sōtyme was the kynges halle / And afterward was this Iohan lad to north hampton & drawe / & there honged for his falsenesse, & er that he was dede / he confessyd & sayd byfore all the peple that ther was / that the deuyll lehight hym that he shold be kyng of Englond & that he had seruyd the deuyll thre yere /
How the toune of Berwyk was take thurgh treason / & how two Cardynals were robbed in Englond / Cao. / C, lxxxixo.
ANd in medlenten sondaye in the yere of our lord Ihesu criste M CCC / xvj / Barwyck was loste thurgh fals treason of one Pyers of spaldyng, the whiche pyers the kyng hadde putte [Page] ther for to kepe that same toune, with many burgeys of the toun wherfore the children that were put in hostage thurgh the burgeys of Berwyck folowed the kynges marchalsye many dayes fetered in strong y [...]ns. And after that tyme ther come two cardi nals in to englond / as the pope had hem sente for to make pets by twene scotland & englond / & as they went toward duresme for to haue sacred mayster lowys of Beaumoūt bisshop of durham. & as they went they were taken & robbed vpon the more of wyngles doune / of whiche Robbery Syr guyllebert of myddelton was atteynt & take / & honged & drawe at london / & his hede smyten of / & set vpon a spere / & sette vpon newgate / & the iiij quarters sent to four citees of englōd / And that same tyme befel many meschyefs in englond / for the poure peple deyde in englond for hunger / & so moche & soo fast dyed that vnnethe men myght hem burye / for a quarter of whe [...]e was worth xl shyllynge / & ij yere / & an halfe a quarter of where, was worthe x mart / & oftymes the poure peple stale children / & ete hem / & ete also al the hoūdes that they myght take & eke hors / and cat [...]s. And after ther. fell a grete moreyns among beestes in dyuerse countreyes of englond, duryng this Ed wardys lyf.
How the Scottes robbed northumberlond / Cao. / C / lxxxxo.
ANd in the same tyme come the scottes ayene in to Englond and destroyed northumberlond & brente that land / and robbed it / & slewe men women & children that leyne in cradels, & brent also hooly chirche / and destroyed Crystendome / and toke and bare Englysshmennys goodes / as they had ben sarazenes or paynyms / & of the wykkednes that they dyden / all the world spake therof thurgh al Cristendome.
How the Scottes wold not amende hir trespaas / & therfore Scotland was enterdyted / Ca / C / lxxxxjo. /
ANd whan pope Iohn the xxij after seynt Peter herde of the grete so [...]we and meschyef that the scottes wrought he was wonder sory that cristendome was so destroyed thurgh the scottes & namely they destroyed so holy chirche. wherfor the pope sente a general sentence vnder his bulles of lede vnto the archebisshop of Caunterbury & to the Archebisshop of yorke / that yf Robert the [Page] B [...]us, of Scotland wold not be Iustyfyed / and make amendes vnto the kyng of Englond Edward hir lord & make amendes of his losse & of his harnoys that they had done in Englond / & also to restore the goodes that they had taken of holy Chirche that the sentence shold be pronoūced thurgh al Englond / & whan the scot tes herd this they wold not lete hir malyce for the popes commā dement / wherfor Robert Brus. Iames douglas, and Thomas Randulph erle of m [...]ref / & all tho that with hym comuned / or hem halpe in worde or in dede were acursed in euery chirch thurgh englond euery day at masse thre tymes / & no mo masse sholde be songe in hooly chirche thurgh oute al Scotland / but yf the Scot tes wold make restitucion of the harmes that they had made vn to hooly chirche / wherfor many a good preest & holy men therfore were slayne thurgh the Reame of scotland for encheson that wol de synge noo masse ageynst the popes commaūdement / & ageynste his wylle / & to done & fulfyll the tyrunts, wylle /
How Syr hugh the spencers sone was made the kynges chā berlayne / and of the batayll▪ of mytone / Ca. C / lxxxxijo /
ANd it was not lōg afterward that the kyng ne ordeyned a parlement at york / & ther was Syr hugh the spencers sone made chamberlayne / & in the mene tyme whyle the werre laste / the kynge went ageyne in to scotland / that it was wonder for to wyte / and besyeged the Toune of Berwyk But Scottes went ouer the water of sole wath / that was thre myle from the kynges hoste / and pryuely they stele aweye by nyght, and comen in to englond and robbed and destroyed al that they myght. and spared no maner thyng til they comen vnto york / & whan the Englisshmen that were lefte at ho [...] herd this thyng / al tho that myghte trauaylle / as wel monkes & preestes & Frerys / and chanons / & seculeres come and mette with the Scottes at Mytone vp swale the xij day of October / Allas what sorow, For the Englyssh husbondmen that coude nothyng of the werre that ther we re slayn and drenched in an Arme of the See / And hyr Chyuetayns sir william of melton archebisshop of york / & the abbot of se [...] by with hir stedes fled & comen vnto york / & that was hir own fo lye that they had that myschāce / for they passed the water of wa lye / & the scottes sette a fyre the stakkes of heye / & the smoke therof was huge that the Englysshmen myght not see the scottes / and whan the Englysshmen were gone ouer the water / tho comon the [Page] Scottes with hir wynge in maner of a shelde, & come toward the Englysshmen in aray / and the englysshmen fled / for vnneth they had ony men of armes / for the kyng had hem almoost lost at the syege of Berwyck / & the scottes hobilers went bytwene the brud ge / & the englysshmen / & whan the grete hoost hem mette / the En glysshmen fled bytwene the hobylers, & the grete hoost / & the En glysshmen were almost ther slayne / & he that myght wende ouet the water was saued / But many were draynt / Allas for there were slayne many men of Relygyon / & seculeres & eke preestes & clerkys / & with moche sorow the archebisshop escaped / / & therfore the scottes callyd the batayll the whyte bataylle /
How kynge edward dyd al maner thyng that sir hugh the spencer wolde / Ca, C / lxxxxiij /
ANd whan kyng edward herd this tydyng. he remeued his si ege from Berwyke, and come ageyne in to Englond / But Syr hugh the spencer the sone that was the kynges chamberlayne kepte soo the kynges chambre that no man must speke with the kyng / but he had made with hym a frette for to done his nede & that ouer mesure / & this hugh bare hym soo stonte / that al men had of him scorne & despite / & the kyng hym self wold not ben go uerned ne ruled by noo maner man / but only by his fadre & by hym, & yf ony knyȝt of englōd had wodes maners or lordshippes that they wold couerte / anon the kyng must yeue it hem / or els the man that ought it shold be falsely endyted of forest or of felouye, & thurgh suche doyng they disheryted many a good bachiler. & so moche land geten that it was wonder / & whan the lordes of Englond sawe the grete couetyse & the falsenesse of sir Hugh the spencer the fader, & of sir hugh the sone / they come to the gētil erle of lancastre. & axyd hym of couseyll of the disese that was in the Royame thurgh Syr hugh the spencer & his sone / & in haste by one assent they made a priue assemble at Shirborne in elmede. & all they made ther an oth for to breke & destrouble the doynge by twene the kyng & syr hugh the spēcer / & his sone vpon hir power And they went in to the marche of walys / & destroyed the land of the forsayd syr hught /
How Syr hugh the spencer & his fadre were exiled oute of en glond / Ca / C / lxxxxiiij.
WHan kynge edward sawe the grete harme and destructyon that the Barous of Englond dyden to Syre Hugh the Spencers landes / and to his Sonnes in euery place / that they [Page] comen vpon / And the kyng tho thurgh his counceyll exyled syre Iohan monbray / Syr Rogyer of Clyfford / & Syr Gosselyn dauyll / & many other lordes that were to hem consente / wherfor the barons diden tho more harme than they dyden byfore / And when the kynge sawe that the bawns wold not cese of hir cruelte / the kyng was sore adrad lest they wold destroye hym / and hie Royame for his mayntenaunce / but yf that he assented to hem / And so he sente for hem by lettres / that they shold come to london to his parlement at a certayne day / as in his lettres was contryned / & they comen with thre batails wel armed at al poyntz, & euery ba taylle had cote armures of grene clothe / & therof the right quarter was yelowe with whyte bendes / wherfor that parlemēt was callyd the parlement of the whyte bende. And in that companye was syr vmfrey de Bohen erle of herford / & Syr Rogyer of clifford / Syr Iohan mombray / syr gecelyn dauyll / sir Rogyer mortymer vncle of Syre Rogyer mortimer of wigmore / sir henry of Trays. Syr Iohn giffard / & sir bartholomew of badelesmore. that was the kynges styward that the kyng had sente to shirborne in Elmede to therle of lancastre / & to al that with hym were for to t [...] of acord that hym allyed to the barons / & come with that cō panye / And Syr Rogyer dammorye / & Syr hugh daudale / that had spouced the kynges neces suster, & Syr Gillebert of Clare erle of gloucestre that was slayne in Scotland / as bifore is sayd And tho two lordes had tho two partyes of the erldom of Gloucestre / & syr hugh the spencer the sonne had the thyrd part in his wyfes half the thyrd suster / & tho two lordes went to the barons with al hir power ageynst syr hugh hyr broder in lawe, & so ther come with hem Syr Rogyer of Clyfford / syr Iohn mombray. sir gosseline dauil / sir rogyer mortymer of werk. sir rogrer mortimer of wigmore his neue [...] / sir henry trays / syr Iohn giffard / sir bar tholomewe of badelesmore / with al hir companye / & many other / that to hem were cōsent / All these grete lordes comen to westmynster to the kynges parlement. & so they spoken & dyd that bothe sir hugh spencer the fadre & syr hugh the sone were outlawed of en glond for euermore / And syr hugh the fadre went to douer & ma de moche sorowe & fell doune vpon the grounde by the see bank acros with his armes / & sore wepyng sayd / Now fayre Englond and good englond to almyghty god / I the betake / and thryes kise the grounde. and wende neuer to haue comen ageyne. & wepynge full sore cursed the tyme that euer he bygate Syr hugh his sonne [Page] And sayd for hym he hadde lost al Englond / and in presence of hem that were aboute hym he yaf hym his curse, & wente ouer the see to his landes. but sir hugh the sone wold not goo oute of englond but helde hym in the see, & he & his companye robbed twoo dromōdes besyde sand wyche / & toke & bare awey al the good that was in hem / the value of xl [...] pound /
How the kyng exyled erle thomas of lancastre / & al that held with hym / & how the mortimer come & yelde hym to the kynge / & of the lordes, Cao / C. lxxxxvo. /
HIt was not long after that the kyng ne made Syr Hughe spencer the fadre & Syr hughe the sone come ageyne in to en glond ageynste the lordes wylle of the Royame / And sone after the kyng with a strong power come & besyeged the castel of ledes & in the castel was the lady of badelesmere for encheson that she wold not graunte that castel to quene Isabel, kynge Edwardys wyf / But the pryncipal cause was for encheson that Syr Bartholomewe badelesmere was ageynst the kyng / & helde with the lordes of englond, & netheles the kyng by help & socour of men of london / & also of helpe of southerne men / the kyng gate the castell maugre hem al that were therin / & toke with hym al that he my [...]t fynde / And whan the barons of Englond herd of this thyng sir Rogyer mortimer / & other many lordes toke the toune of brudgeworth with strength, wherfor the kyng was wonder wroth / & [...]ete outlawe thomas of lancastre / & vinfrey de Bohoune erle of hert ford & all tho that were assentant to the same quarel / & the kyng assēbled an huge hoost / & come ayenst the lordes of englond, wher for the mortimers put hem to the kynges mercy / & his grace / & a non they were sente to the tour of london. & ther kept in pryson / & whan the barons herd of this thyng they comen to poūfret there that therle thomas soiourned / & tolde hym how that mortimers bothe hadde yelde hem to the kyng, and put hem in his grace /
Of the syege of Thykhylle / Capitulo / C lxxxxvjo.
WHan thomas Erle of lancastre herd this / they were wonder wroth & al that were of his cōpanye / & gretely they were dis cōfyted & ordeyned hir power to geder / & belyeged the Castell of Thykhyll / but tho that were within so manlyche defended hem that the barons myght not gete the castel, And whan the kyng herd that hie castel was besyeged, be swore, by god and by his names [Page] that the syege shold be remeued / and assembled an huge power of people / and went thyder ward to reske we the Castel, & his power encresed from day to day / Whan the Erle of lancastre / & the Erle of Herford. & the barons of hir companye herde this thyng / they assembled al hir power / & wente hem to Burton vp Trent / and kepte the bridge that the kyng shold not passe ouer / But it bifell so on the tenth day of marche in the yere of grace M CCC / & xxi / The kyng & the Spencer Sir Aymer Malaūce erle of penbroke / and Iohan erle of Arundel / and hir power wente ouer the water. & discomfyted therle thomas / and his companye And they fled to the Castel of Tutbery and fro thens they went to pountfret / And in that vyage dyed Syr Rogyer Dammorye / in the Abbay of Tutbery / And in that same tyme the Erle Tho mas had a traytour with hym, that was called Robert of holond a knyght that the Erle hadd brought vp of nought / and badde norisshed hym in his [...]otelerye / & had yeuen hym a thousand marc of lande by yere / & soo moche the Erle loued hym / that he myght done in the Erles court al thynge that hym lyked bothe amonge hyghe & lowe / & soo queynt [...]lyche the thefe bare hym ageynst his lord that he trusted more vpon hym than vpon ony man alyue / And the Erle had ordeyned by his lettres for to wende in to the Erldome of lancastre for to make men arise to helpe hym in that vyage that is to say / v C, men of armes / But the fals Traitour come not ther no maner men for to warne'ne to make arise for to [...] his lorde / And whan the traytour herde telle that his lord was discomfyted at Burtone / as a fals thefe traitour he stale a waye and robbed in [...]enesdale his lordes men that come fro the scomfyture / and toke of hem hors and harnoys / and all that they [...]ad / and slewe of hem al that he myght take / and tho come and yelde hym to the kynge / Whan the good Erle Thomas wyste that he [...]as so bytrayd he was sore abasshed / and sayd to hym self / O almyghty god quod he. how myght Robert Holand fynde in his hert me to bitraye. sithenes that I haue loued hym so moch / O god wel may nowe a man see by hym / that no man maye deceyue an other rather. than he that he trust moost vpon he hath ful euel yeld my goodnesse / and the worshippe that I to hym haue done / and thurgh my kyndenes haue hym auaunced / and made hygh from lowe / and he maketh me go from hygh vnto lowe / but yet shal be dye in euyll deth /
Of the scomfiture of Burbrudge / Cao / C lxxxxvijo. /
THe good Erle Thomas of lancastre Humfrey de Bohoune Erle of herford / and the barons that with hem were token counceylle bytwene hem at Frere prechours at pountfret / Tho thought thomas vpon the Traytrye of Robert Holand & said in reproue / Allas holand hath me bytrayd, Ay is in the reed of som euel shrede / and by comyn assent they shold al wende to the castell of dunstanburgh / the which pertryned to the erldom of lancastre and that they shold abide there til that the kyng had foryeue hem hir maletalent / But whan the good erle thomas this herde, be ansuerd in this maner & sayd / lordes quod he yf we go toward the north / the northeren men wil seyn that we go towards the scot [...]s & so we shal be hold traitours, for cause of distaūce / that is bitwe ne kyng edward & robert the brus that made hym kyng of scotland / and therfor I say as touchyng my self that I wyll go no ferther in [...] the north than to myn owne castel of pountfret / And whan Syr Rogyer clyfford herd this / he aroos vp anon in wrath and drowe his swerd and swore by almyghty god, and by his holy names / but yf that he wold gone with hem, he shold be dede / & that he wold slee hym there, The noble & gentil erle Thomas of lancastre was sore adrad and said fayr syrs I wyl gene with yow whyder so euer ye me lede / Tho went they to geders in to the north / and with hem they had seuen / C / men of armes & come to Burbrudge / And whan sir Andrewe of herkela that was in the northcountrey thurgh ordynaunce of the kynge for to [...] the coūtre of scotland / herd telle how that thomas of lācastre was dyscōfyted and his companye at Burton vpon Trent / [...] ordeyned hym a strong power / & Syr Symond ward also / that was tho shereue of york / & come and mette the barons at burb [...]udge, and anon they breke the bridge that was made of tree / And whan Sir thomas of lancastre herd that Syr Andrewe of [...] had brought with hym suche power / he was sore adrad / & sente for syr Andrewe of herkela / and with hym spak / & sayd to hym in this maner / Syre Andrewe quod he ye mowe wel vnderstonde, low that oure lorde the kynge is lad & mysgonerned by moche false counceylle thurgh Syr hugh the spencer the fadre / & Syr Hugh his sone / and Syr Iohan erle of Arondele. and thurgh Maystyr Robert Baldoke a fals pilled clerk / that now is in the kynges court duellyng / wherfor I praye yow that ye wold come with vo [Page] with al the power that ye haue ordeyned / and helpe to destroye the venym of Englond / and the traytours that ben therin / and we wyl yeue vnto yow the best part of / v / elrdomes that we haue. & holde / & we wyll make vnto yow an oth / that we wyll neuer done thynge withoute your counceyll / & so ye shal ben efte as well with vs as euer was Robert of Holand / Tho ansuerd Syr andrewe of herkela. & said / Syr Thomas that wold I not done ne consent ther to for no maner thyng / ye myght me yeue without the wyll and commandement of oure lord the kyng / for than shold I ben hold a traytour for euermore / And whan the noble Erle tho mas of lancastre sawe that he nold not consent to hym for no ma ner thynge / Syr Andrew he sayd / wyl ye not consente to destroye the venym of the reame as we be consente / At one word sir andre we I telle the that or this yere be gone / that ye shal ben take & hol de for a traytour, & more than ye hold vs now / & in wers deth ye shal dye than euer dyed ony knyght of Englond / And vnderstondeth wel that ye dyd neuer thyng that sorer shal yow repent and nowe goth and dothe that yowe good lyketh / And I wylle put me vnto the mercy / & the grace of god / And so went the fals traytour syr Andrew of herkela in his wey as a fals traytour tirant and as a fals forsworen man / For thurgh the noble erle Thomas of lancastre he vnderfenge the armes of Chyualrye / and thurgh hym he was made knyght.
Tho myght men seen archyers drawe hem in that one syde / & in that other / and knyghtes also / and foughten to gedre wonder sore / and also among other Syr humfrey de boughon erle of Herford a worthy knyght of renomme thurgh al cristendom / stode & fought with his enemyes vpon the bridge. and as the noble lord stode & fought vpon the bridge / a thyef a ribaud skulked vnder the bridge / and fiersly with a spere smote the noble knyght in to the foundament / soo that his bowels comen oute there. Allas the sorowe / For ther was slayne the flour of solace and of comfort & also of curtosye / And Syr Rogyer of Clyfford a noble knyght stode euer and fought / & wel & nobly hym defended / as a worthy Baron / But atte last he was sore wounded in his hede / and syr Wylliam of Sustayand / Syr Rogyer of Bernefeld were slayne at that bataylle / Whan Syre Andrewe of Herkela saw that Syr thomas men lancastre lassed and slaked / anon he and his companye come to the gentil knyght Syr Thomas of lan castre and sayd / yelde the traytour yelde the / The G [...]ntille [Page] Erle ansuerd tho and sayd / Nay lordes Traytours be we none / and to yow will we neuer vs yelde whyle that our lyfes lasten but leuer we haue to be slayn in our treuth / than yelde vs to yow And sir Andrew ageyne grad vpon Syr thomas companye / yollyng as a wode wolf and sayd yelde yow traytours taken / yeld yow / & with an high voys said / be the, ware sirs that none of yow be hardy vpon lyfe and lymme to mysdone thomas body of lancastre And with that word the good erle thomas went in to the chapel / & sayd knelyng vpon his knes / and torned his vysage to wardes the Crosse. and sayd Almyghty god to the I me yelde / I holych put me in to thy mercy / And with that the vileyns ribaudes lepte aboute hym on euery syde as tirants and wode tormentours & dispoylled hym of his armure / and clothed hym in a robe of ray, that was of his squyers liuere / and forth lad hym vn to york by water / Tho myght men see moche sorow & care / for the gentil knyghtes fledden in euery syde / & the ribaudes / & the vyleyns egrely hem discryed / and grad an high yelde yow traytours yelde yow / And whan they were y yolde they were robbed / & boū de / as thefes / Allas the shame & despyte / that the gentill ordre of knyghthode ther had at that batayll / & the lande tho was withoute lawe / For holy chirche tho had no more reuerence than it had ben a bordelhows / & in that batayl was the fadre ageynst the sone / and the vncle ageynst his neuew, For so moche vnkendenesse was neuer seyn byfore in englond / as was that tyme among folk of one nacion / for one kynred had no more pite of that other than an hungary wolfe hath of a shepe / and it was no wonder / for the grete lordes of englond were not all of one nacion / but were medled with other nacions / that is for to say / some britons / som saxons. somme danoys / som Pehytes / some Frensshmen / Some normans / Som spaynardes / Somme Romayns, somme Henaudes / Some Flemmynges / and of other dyuerse nacions. the whiche Nacions acorded not to the kynde blode of Englond. And yf soo grete lordes had ben onlych wedded to Englyssh peple than shold pees haue ben and reste / amonges hem without ony enuye /
And at that batayll was sir Rogyer clyfford take / Syre Iohan mombray / Syr william Tuchet / Syre william fytz williā and many other worthy knyghtes ther were take. at that batayll And syr hugh daudele the next day after was taken / & put in to prison / And sholde haue ben done to deth / yf he had not spoused the kynges nece. that was erle gylleberts suster of Gloucestre, [Page] And anon after was [...]r bartho [...]omewe of badelesme [...] taken at stowe parke a maner of the bisshops of lyn [...]ln that was his ne new / and many other Barons / & [...] / wherfore was made moche sorow /
How thomas of lancastre was byheded at poūtfret / and fyue barons honged and drawen there / Ca / C lxxxxviij /
ANd nowe I shal telle yowe of the noble Erle thomas of lancastre whan he was taken / and brought to york / many of the cyte were ful glad / & vpon hym [...]yed with highe voys / A sir t [...]aytour ye arne welcome blessyd be god / for now shal ye haue the reward that long tyme ye haue deserued / & cast vpon hym many snowe balles and many other reproues dyd him / but the gentil erle al suffryd / & sayd nother one ne other / & in the same tyme the kyng herd of this same scomfiture / & was ful glad / & in hast come to poūtfret / & sir hugh the spencer & sir hugh his sonne & sir Iohan erle of arundel / & sir edmond of wodestok. the kynges broder erle of kent. & sir Aymer of valaunce, erle of Penbroke / & maister robert baldock a fals pilled clerk / that was p [...]ne / & duel led in the kynges court / & al come thyder with the kyng / and the kyng entred in to the castel. And sir andrewe of herkela a fals ti rant thurgh the kynges commandement toke with hym the gentil erle thomas to pountfret / & ther he was prysoned in his owne ca stel that he had newe made that stode ayenst the abbay of kyng ed ward, And sir hugh the spencer the fadre / & his sone cast & thou [...]t how & in what maner the good erle thomas of lācastre shold be dede withoute ony Iugement of his perys / wherfor it was ordey ned thurgh the kynges Iustyces that the kynge shold put vpon hym poyntes of treason / And so it be fell that he was lad to barre bifore the kynges Iustices barehede as a thefe in a fair halle with in his owne castel that he had made therin many a fayre fest both to rich & eke to power / And these were his Iustices / sir hugh spen [...] the fadre. aymer of valaūce erle of penbroke / sir edmōd of wo destoke erle of kent / Syr Iohan of Brytaygne Erle of Rychemond / And Syr Robert of malmet thorppe Iustyce / and Syre Robert hym acoulped in this maner / Thomas at the fyrste oure lord the kyng and this court excludeth yow of al maner ansuere / Thomas oure lorde the Kynge putte vppon yowe / that ye haue [Page] in his lande riden with baner displayed ayenst his pees as a twy tour / And with that worde the gentil erle thomas with an hygh voys sayd. nay lordes forsoth / and by saynt thomas I was neuer traytoure / The Iustyce sayd ageyne tho / Thomas oure lord the kyng put vpon yow that ye haue robbed his folke / and mordred his peple / as a thefe / Thomas the kyng also put vpon yow that he discomfyted yow and your peple with his folk in his owne re ame / wherfor ye wente & fled to the wode as an outlawe / And also ye were taken as an outlawe / And thomas as a tray tour ye shal be drawen by reason / but the kyng hath for [...]ue yow that Iewes for loue of quene Isabell / And thomas reson wold also that ye shold be honged / but the kyng hath foryeue yow that Iewes for cause and loue of your lygnage / But thomas / for as moche as ye were take fleyng and as an outlawe / the kyng wil that your hede shal be smyten of as ye haue wel deseruyd / Anon doth hym ou [...]e of prece & anon bringe hym to his Iugement. The gentil knyght thomas he had herd al these wordes with an high voys / he cryed sore wepyng / And sayd allas seynt thomas fayre fadre / Allas shal I be deed thus / Graunte me now blysse full god ansuer but all auaylled hym no thyng / for the cursed ga scoynes putte hym hydder and thydder / and on hym ayed with an hye voys O kyng Arthur most dredeful. wel knowen is now thyn open traytrye [...] euel deth shalt thou dye as thou hast well deserued / Tho sette they vpon his hede in scorne an old chapelet al to rent and to torne that was not worth an halfe penye / And after they sette hym vpon a le [...]e whyte palfray fulle vnsemelych and eke al bare. and with an old bridell & wyth an horryble noyse they drofe hym oute of the castel toward his deth And caste vpon hym many balles of Snowe▪ And as the tormentours lad hym on [...]e of the Castel tho sayd [...] this pytouse wordes and his hondes helde vpon hyghe towardes heuen / Nowe the kynge of heuen / yeue vs mercy / For the Erthe ly kyng hath vs forsake, And a Fre [...] p [...]chour went with hym oute of the castel tille that he come to the place / that he ended hys lyfe / vnto whome he shrofe hym al his lyfe / And the Gentille Erle helde the [...] wonder fast by the clothes / and sayd fayre fadre abyde with vs til that I be dede / for my fless [...] quaketh for dre de of deth / And sot [...] for to say the gentill erle sette hym v [...]n his knees & turned hym toward the [...]est. but a [...]baude that was [...] led Higone of mostone sette hand vpon the gentil Erle and said [Page] [...] despyte of hym Syr traytour torne the toward the scottes thy foule dede to vnderfonge / and torned hym toward the north / The noble Erle thomas ansuerd tho with a mylde voys & sayd nowe fayr lordes I shal done al your wylle / & with that word [...] the frere went fro hym sore wepyng / and anon a [...]baude went to hym & smote of his hede the xj kal of April / in the yere of grace M CCC xxj / Allas that euer suche a gentil bloode shal ben done to deth withoute cause and reson / And traytoursly was the kyng coūceylled whan he thurgh the fals coūceill of the spencers suffred Syr thomas his vncles sone ben put to such a deth / and so ben [...] heded ageynst al maner of reson / and grete pyte it was also that suche a noble kyng shold ben desceyued / & mysgouerned thurgh coūceyll of the false spencers / the whiche he mayntened thurgh lo selrye ageynst his honour / & eke profyte / For afterward ther fill grece vengeaūce in englond / for encheson of the forsayd thomas deth / whan the gentil erle of his lyf was passed / the priour & the monkes of poūtfret geten the body of sir thomas of the kynge and they buryed it byfore the high auter on the right side / That same day that this gentil lord was dede / ther were honged and drawe for the same quarell at poūtfret Syr william tuchet Sire william fytz william / sir warreyne of ysylle / Sir henry of Bradborne / & sir william cheyne barons all and Iohan pagesquyer / And sone after at york were drawe and. honged Syr Rogyer Clyfford / Syre Iohan of mombray barons / And Syr gossel [...] dauill knyght / And at Brystow ther were drawe and honged Syr henry of wymyngten / & Syr Henry Monntfort Barons / & at gloucestre were drawe & honged Syre Iohan Giffard and Syr william Elmebrudge barons / And at london were hon ged and drawe Syr henry [...]yes baron / And at wynchelsee Syre Thomas Colepepi [...] knyght / And at wyndesore Syre fraūceys of waldenham baron / And at Caūterbury was drawe and honged Syr bartholomew of badelesme [...] and sir bartholomew of Asshebourneham Barons / And at kerdyf in walys Syre william Flemmynge baron /
How kynge Edward wente in to Scotland with an honderd thousand men of Armes and myght not [...]pede, Ca. C, lxxxxixo.
ANd whan kynge Edward of Englond hadde brought the Floure of Chyualrye vn to hir dethe thurgh counceylle of [Page] Syr hugh the spencer the fridre / & syr hugh the sone he bycome a [...] wode as any lyon / And what so euer the sp [...]cers wold haue / it was done / and so wel the kyng loued hem that they myght done with hym al thyng that they wold / wherfor the kynge yafe vnto syr hugh spencer the fadre the erldom of wynchestre / & to syr Andrewe of herkela the Erldome of cardoyll in pr [...]dyce / and in harmyng of his croune / And kyng edward tho thurgh counseyll of the spencers disheryted al hem that had ben ageynst him in ony quarell with thomas of lancastre / & many [...] other were dis heryted also for encheson that the spencers couerted for to haue hir lādes / & so they had al that they wold desire with wrong & ayēst all reson / Tho made the kyng Robert of Baldoc a fals pylled cler ke chaunceler of Englond / thurgh coūceyll of the forsayd spen cers & he was a fals ribaud and a cou [...]itous / & s [...] they coūseylled the kyng moche that the kyng lete take to his owne ward al the goodes of the lordes that wrōgfully were put to the deth / in to his owne hand / and as well they token the goodes that were in holy chirche as the goodes that were without / & lete hem be putte in to his tresorye in london / & lete hem calle his for faytz / & by hyr [...]n ceyll the kyng wrought for euermore, he disherited hem that the goodes oughten / & thurgh hyr counseylle lete a [...]re a tallyage of al the goodes of Englond / wherfor he was the rychest kyng that euer was in Englond after william bastard of normandye that conquerd Englond / And yet thurgh counceyll of hem hym semed that he hadde not ynow but made yet euery Towne of Englond fynde a man of armes vpon hir owne costages for to gone & wer re vpon the scottes that were his enemyes wherfor the kyng w [...] in to Scotland with an honderd thousand men of armes at wytsontyde in the yere of our lord Ihu crist / M / CCC / & xxij / But the Scottes went & hyd hem in montaynes and in wodes & [...] ed the Englysshmen fro day to day that the kyng myght for noo maner thyng hem fynde in playne felde / wherfor many englyssh men that hadden fewe vytaylles for honger there deyden wonder fast / & sodaynly for honger in goyng & in comyng / & namely [...] tho that had ben ageynst thomas of lancastre / and hadde robbed his men vpon his landes
Whan kynge Edward sawe that vytaylles fayled hym▪ he was tho wonder sore discomforted for encheson also that his men dyed / and for he myght nought spede of his enemyes / soo at the laste he come ayene in to Englond / And anone after come [Page] Iames douglas / and also thomas randulf with an huge hoost in to englond in to northūberlond / & wi [...]h hem the englysshmen that were dryuen out of englond. & come & robbed the contray / & slewe the peple [...] & also brent the toun / that was callyd nortallertone & many other townes vnto yorke / And whan the kyng herd this tydynge he lete sompne al maner men that myghten trauaylle. & so the englysshmen met the scottes at the abbey of Beygland the xv day after mychelmasse / in the same yere aboue sayd / & the en glysshmen were ther discomfyted / & at that scōfiture was take sir Iohan of britayne / Erle of richemond that helde the countrey / & Erldom of lancastre, & after he payd an huge [...]unsonne, & was let gone / and after that he went in to Fraūce / & come neuer afterward ageyne /
How Syr Andrew of herkela was take / & pnt vnto the deth that was erle of Cardoylle / Capitulo / CCo. /
ANd at that tyme Syr andrewe of herkela that newe was made Erle of Cardoylle / for cause that he hadde taken the good erle thomas of lancastre he had ordeyned thurgh the kynges commaundement of Englond for to bringe alle the power that he myght for to helpe hym ageynst the scottes at the Abbay of beygheland / And whan the fals traytour had gadred alle the peple that he myght / & shold haue come to the kyng vn to the Abbeye of beyg [...]lād the fals traytour lad hem by another coūtre th [...]rgh Copeland / & thurgh the erldom of lancastre / and went thurgh the coūtre / & robbed and slewe folk al that he myght / And ferther more the fals traytour had taken a grete somme of gold and siluer of sir Iames douglas for to be ageynst the kyng of englōd & to ben helpyng & holdyng with the scottes / thurgh whos treson the kyng of englōd was scōfited at beigheland / er that he come thi der / wherfor the kyng was toward hym wōder wroth / & lete pri uely enquere by the coūtrey about how that it was / & so men enquered & espyed / so atte last treuth was foūde & souȝt & he atteint & taken as a fals traitour / As the noble erle thomas of lancastre him told er that he were done vnto the deth at his taking at burbrudg [...] / & to hym said or that yere were done he shold be take and hold a traitour / & so it was as [...]he holy man said, wherfor the kynge sent priuelych to sir Anthony of lucy a knyȝt of the contrey [Page] of Cardoylle that he shold take Syr Andrew of herkela & putte hym vnto the deth. & to bringe this thyng vnto the ende the kyng sent his commyssion / so that the same Andrew was take at cardoyl / & led vnto the barre in the maner of an erle worthely arra yed & with a swerd gurt aboute hym & hosed / & spored / Tho spak sir Antonye in this maner syr andrew quod he the kyng put vp on the for as moche as thou hast ben orped in thy dedes / he did vn to the moche honour / & made the erle of cardoyll / & thou as a trai tour vnto thy lord the kyng / & laddest his peple of this cōtre that shold haue holpe hym at the bataill of beygheland / & thou laddest them a wey by the coūtrey of copelād / & thurgh the erldom of lā castre. wherfor our lord the kyng was scōfyted ther of the scottes thurgh thy treson & falsenes / and yf thou haddest come by tymes he had had the maistrye / & al treson thou didest for the grete som of gold & siluer that thou vnderfenge of Iames douglas a scott the kynges enemye / And our lord the kynges wylle is that thordre of knyghthode / by the whiche thou vnderfeng al thyn honour / & worship vpon thy body / be al brought to nouȝt / & thy estate vndone that other knyȝtes of lower degre mowe after the beware / the whiche lorde hath the auaūced hugely. in dyuerse coūtre [...]s in englond / & that al mowe take ensāple by the hir lord afterward trewely for to serue / Tho commaūded he a knaue anon to [...]ewe of his spores on his heles / And after he le [...] breke the sw [...]rde ouer his hede / the whiche the kyng yaf hym to kepe & defende his l [...]d ther with whan he made hym erle of cardoylle / And after he l [...]e hym vnclothe of his furred taberd & of his hode / & of his furred cotes & of his gyrdel / And whan this was done Syr Anthonye sayd vnto hym / Andrew quod he now art thou no knyȝt but a knaue / & for thy treason the kyng wyl that thou shalt be honged & drawe / & thyn heede smyten of / & thy bowels taken oute of thy body / & brent byfore the / & thy body quartred / & thyn hede smyten of & sente vnto london / & ther it shal stonde vpon [...]ondon B [...]dge & the four quarters shal be sent vnto four good tounes of englōd that al other mowe be ware & chastysed by the / And as anthony sayd so it wa [...] done al maner thyng in the last-day of october▪ in the yere of grace M CCC & xxij yere / And the sonne tho tourned in to blode. as the peple it sawe / & that dured fro the morne til it was xj of the clok of the day /
Of the myracles that god wrought for seynt thomas loue of lā castre / wherfor the kyng lete close the chirch dores of the prioryr of [Page] Pountfret, for no man shold come therin to the body for to offren Capituso, CC / j /
ANd sone after that the good Erle thomas of lancastre was martred a preeste that longe tyme hadde ben blynde dremed in his slepynge that he sholde gone vn to the hille / ther that the good Erle thomas of lancastre was done vnto the deth / and he shold haue his syght ageyne, & so he dremed iij nyghtes sewyn [...] & the preest lete lede hym to the same hylle / and whan he come to that place that he was martred on / deuontly he made ther his pra yers & prayd god & seynt thomas / that he myght haue his slghte ayene / & was in his prayers / he laid his right hond vpon the same place that the good man was martred on / & a drope of drye blode & smale sond cleued on his hond / & therwith striked his eyen. & anon thurgh the miȝt of god & of seynt thomas of lācastre he had his syght ayene / & thanked tho almyghty god / & seynt thomas / & whan this myracle was knowen among men / the peple come thi der on euery side, & kneled & made hir prayers at his tōbe / that is in the priorye of poūtfret / & prayd that holy martir of socour & of helpe, & god herd hir prayer / Also ther was a yōg childe drenchid in a welle in the toun of poūtfret / & was dede iij dayes & iij niȝtes & men comen, & layd the dede childe vpon seynt thomas tombe the hooly martir / & the child aroos ther from deth to lyf / as many a man it saw / & also moch peple were out of her mynde. & god hath sent hem hir mynde ayene thurgh vertue of that holy martir / & al so god hath yeuen therto / to crepels hir goyng / & to croked hir hon des & hir feet / & to blynde also her sight / & to many seke folk hyr hele of dyuerse maladyes / for the loue of his good martir / Also ther was a ryche man in coūdom in gascoyn. & such a maladye he had that al his right side roted / & felle aweye from hym / that men myȝt see his lyuer & also his hert / & so he stanke that vnneth men myght come nye hym / wherfor his frendes were for hym wonder sory. But atte laste as god wold they prayd to seynt thomas of lancastre that he wold pray to almyȝty god, for that prisoner & be hight to gone to poūtfret for to done hir pilgremage, than the mar tir seynt thomas come vnto hym / & annoynted ouer al his syke body / & therwith the good mā awoke / & was al hole & his flessh was restored ayene that bifore was roted & falle a wey / for which miracle the good man & his frendes loued god & seynt thomas euer more after, & this good man come in to englond / & toke with him four felawes. & come to poūtfret vnto that holy martir, & did [Page] hir pilgremage / but the good man that was syke come thyder al naked sauf his breche, & whan they had done / they torned home ayene in to her coūtrey / & told of the myracle wher so euer they come / And also ij men haue ben heled ther of the mormal thurgh helpe of that holy martir / though that euel be hold Incurable / whan the spencers herd that god dyd suche myracles for this ho ly martir, & they wold byleue it in no maner wyse / but said open liche that it was grete he resye suche vertue of hym to byleue / and whan sir hugh the spencer the sone sawe al this doyng / anone he sente his messagers from poūtfret ther that he duellid to the kyn ge edward that tho was at grauene at shipton for cause that the kyng shold vndo that pilgremage, And as the Ribaude the mes sager went toward the kyng. for to done his message / he come by the hylle on the whiche the good martir was done to deth / & in the same place he made his ordure / & whan he had done he wēt toward the kynge / & a strouge flyx hym come vpon er he come to york / & shed al his bowels at his fundament / & whan Syr hugh the spen cer herd this tydyng somdele he was adrad / & thought for to vndone the pilgremage / yf he myght by ony maner way / and tho the kynge wente & sayde that they shold be in grete sklaūder thurgh oute al cristendome for the deth of thomas of lancastre / yf that he suffred the peple done hir pylgremage at poūtfret / & so he coūcey led the kyng. that he commaūded to close the chirche dores of poūt frete / in the whiche chirche the holy martir seynt thomas was entered / & thus they dyden ageyne al fraunchyses of holy chirch so that four yere after myght no pilgrym come to that holy body / & for encheson that monkes suffred men to come & honoure that holy body of seynt thomas the martir thurgh coūceylle of sir hugh the spencer the sone / & thurgh coūceill also of mayster Robert of bal dok the fals pylled clerk that was the kinges chaūceler the king consented that they shold be sette to hir wages. & bete make wardeyns ouer hir owne good long tyme / and thurgh cōmaūdement of the forsayd Syr hugh the spencer xiiij gascoynes wel armed kepte the hille that the good man seynt Thomas was done vnto his deth / so that no pylgrym myȝt come by that way / Ful wel went he to haue be take cristes myght & his power & the grete lose of myracles that he shewed for his martir seynt thomas thurgh all cristendom, and that same tyme the kyng made Robert of bal dok the pylled clerke & fals thurgh prayer of sir hugh the spēcer the sonne Chaunceler of englond / And in the same tyme was [Page] the castel of walyngford holden ageynst the kyng thurgh the pri soners that were wythin the Castel For seynt thomas quarell of Lancastre wherfor the peple of the contre come & toke the castel vp on the forsayd prisoners / wherfor sir Iohan of goldyngton kniȝt & sir edmond of the beche prysonner. & a squyer that was callid rogyer of walton were take / & sente to the kyng to pontfret / & ther they were done in to prison / and the forsayd rogyer was sent vn to york & ther he was drawe & honged / And anon after sir rogi er mortimer of wygmore brake oute of the tour of london in this maner / the forsayd sir rogyer herd that he shold be drawe & honged at london in the morne after seynt laurence day / & on the day bifo re he helde a fayr fest in the tour of london / & ther was sir stephn segraue Constable of the tour & many grete mē with hem / & when they shold sope, the forsayd steuen sente for al the offycers of the tour & they come & souped with hym. & whan they shold take hir l [...]ue of hym a squyer that was callyd stephen / that was ful prince with the forsayd Rogyer / thurgh his counseyll yafe hem alle suche drynke that the lest of hem all slepte ij dayes & ij nyghtrs / & in the mene tyme he escaped awey by water that is to say by the thamyse & wēt ouer the see / & held him in frāce / wherfor the king was sore annoyed / & tho put the same stephn out of his cōstabelry
How the quene Isabel went in to France for to treten of pees bytwene hir lord the kyng of Englond / & the kyng of fraunce hir broder. Ca / CC / ij
THe kyng went tho vnto london / & ther thurgh counceyl of sir hugh the spencer the fadre & of his sone & of mayster to bert baldok / a fals pylled clerk his chaunceler lete seyse tho alle the quenes londes in to his owne hand / & also al the lādes that were sir edwardes his sone / & were so put to hir wages ayenst al maner reson / & that was thurgh the falsenesse of the spencers / And whan the quene of Fraunce that was quene Isabels broder herd of this falsencs he was sore annoyed ayēst the kyng of en glond & his fals counceyllours / wherfor he sent a letter vnto kynge edward vnder his seal that he shold come in to france at a certayn day for to done his homage / & therto he somened hym / & els he shold lese al gascoyn / And soo it was ordeyned in Englond thurgh the kyng! & his coūceill that quene Isabel shold wēde in to fraunce for to treate of pees bytwene hir lord & hir broder / And that Olyuer of yngham shold wēde in to gascoyne / & haue with hym seuen thousand men and more of Armes to ben seneshall / & [Page] wardeyne of gascoyn / & so it was ordeyned that quene Isabel wet tho once see & come in to fraūce / & with hir went sir Aymer of va launce erle of penbroke that was ther mordred sodeynly in priue sege / but that was thurgh goddes vengeaunce. for he was one of the Instyces that cōsented to seynt thomas deth of lācastre, & wold neuer after repente hym of that wykked dede / & at that tyme sire Olyuer of yngham went ouer in to gascoyne / & did moche harme to the kyng of fraūce / & tho gete ageyn that kyng edward had lost / & moche more therto.
How kyng Edward sente sir edward his sone the eldest in to fraunce / Cao. CC iijo. /
THe quene Isabel nadd but a quarter of a yere in Fraunce duellyd that sir edward hir eldest sone ne axed leue for to wende in to fraunce for to speke with his moder ysabel the Quene And the kyng his fadre graunted hym with a good wyll / & sayd to hym / go my fayr sone in goddes blyssyng & myne & thenke for to come ageyne as hastely as thou myght / and he went ouer see & come in to fraūce / & the kyng of fraūce his vncle vnderfeng hym with moche honour & sayd vnto hym / fair sone ye be welcome / & for cause that your fadre come not for to do his homage for the duchye of guyhenne / as his auncestres were wonte for to do I yeue yow that lordship to hold it of me in heritage as al maner aūcestres diden to fore yow wherfor he was callid duk of gu [...]hēne
How the kyng exyled his quene Isabel / & edward his eldest sone. Cao. CC / iiijo.
WHan kyng edward of Englond herd telle how the kyng of Fraunce had yeue the Duchye of guybenne vnto Syr Edward his sone withoute consent & wyll of hym / & that his sonne had vnderfonge the duchye / he bycome wonder wrothe / & sente to his sone by his lettre, & to his wif also that they shold come ayene in to englond in al the haste that they myght / The quene Isabell & sir edward hir sone were wonder sore adrad of the kynges manace / & of his wrathe & principally the falsenesse of the spencers bothe of the fadre & of the sonne / & at this commaundement they wold not come / wherfor kyng edward was ful sore annoyed / & lete make a crye at london that yf quene ysabel and Edward hir eldest sone come not in to Englond that they shold ben holden as our enemyes both to the Royame and to the cronne of Englond, And for that they wold, not come in to englond / both were exiled [Page] the moder and hir sone / whan the quene Isabell herd these tidyn ges she was sore adrad to be shent thurgh the fals congettyng of the spencers / And went with the knyghtrs that were exyled out of Englond / for seynt thomas cause of lancastre that is to saye sir Rogyer of wigmore. sir william Trussel / sir Iohan of Cromwel & many other good knyghtes / wherfor they toke hir counseyll & ordeyned amonges he in for to make a maryage bytwene the duk of guyhenne the kynges sone of englond & therles doughter of he naud that was a noble knyght of name / & a doughty in his tyme / And yf that thyng myght be brought aboute than stode they trowynge with the helpe of god & with his helpe to recouer hyr herytage in Englond wherof they were put oute thurgh the false congettynges of spencers /
How kyng edward thurgh counceyll of the spencers sent to the douzepers of fraunce / that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell & hir sonne Syr edward were exyled out of fraūce / cao. / CC / vo.
WHan kyng edward & the spencers herd how quene Isabel and sir Edward hir sone had alyed hem to the Erle of Henaud / and to them that were exyled oute of Englond / For enche son of thomas of lancastre they were so sory that they nyst what to done / wherfor Syr hugh spencer the sone sayd vnto Syr hugh his fadre in this maner wyse / Fader acursed be the tyme. and the counceylle that euer ye consented that quene Isabell shold gone vnto Fraunce for to treaten of acord bytwene the kynge of Englond and hir broder the kyng of fraunce / for that was your co [...] ceyll / For at that tyme forsoth your wyt fayled / For I drede me sore leste thurgh hir & hir sone we shal be shent / but yf we take the better counseyll / Now fayre sirs vnderstondeth how meruayllous felonye and falshede the spencers ymagyned and cast for pri uely they lete fylle v barel ferrors with siluer / the som amoūted v thousand pounde / & they sente tho barelles ouer see pryuely by an alyen that was callyd Arnold of spayne that was a brocour of london / that he shold gone to the douzepers of fraūce that they shold procuren and speke to the kyng of Fraūce / that quene Isa bell and hir sone Edward were dryne and exyled oute of fraūce And among al other thynges that they were brought to the deth as priuely as they myght / But Almyghty god wold not so for when this arnold was in the high see, he was take with selādres [Page] that mette hym in the see / & toke hym and ladde hym to hyr lord erle of henaud, & moche ioye was made for that takynge / & atte last this arnold priuely stale awey fro thens & come to london / & of this takyng & of other thynges the erle of henaud sayd to the quene Isabel / dame make yowe mery & be of good chere / for ye be more richer than ye went haue ben / & take ye these fyue barelles ful of siluer / that were sente to douzepyers of fraunce for to slee yow and your sone edward, & thenketh hastely for to wende in to englond / and take ye with yow Sir Iohan of henaud my broder and v C men of armes / for many of hem of Fraunce in whome ye haue had grete trust had grete deynte, yow for to scorne / & Almyghty god graunte yow grace your enemyes to ouercome / The quene Isabel sente tho thurgh henaud & flaūdres for hir scudy [...] ours, & ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to englond ageyn / And so she had in hir company Syr Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent that was sir edwardes brother of Englond
whan kyng edward lete kepe the Costes by the see & lete trie al the price men of armes & fote men thurgh Englond / Capitulo CC vjo.
WHan kynge Edward herde telle that Quene Isabell and Edward hir sonne wold come in to Englond with many alyens / and with hem that were outlawed oute of Englond / for hyr reb [...]lnesse / he was sore, adrad to be put a doune & l [...]se hys kyngdome / wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels in walys as wel as in Englond with vitaylles / & hyr apparaylle. & lete kepe his Ryuers and also the see costes / wherof the v portes token to kepe hem and also the see, And at the feste of decollacion of seynt Iohan baptist the cytezeyns of london sente to the kyng to po [...]ches tre an C men of Armes / And also he commanded ferthermore by his lettres ordeined that euery honderd and wapentake of englōd shold trye as wel of men of armes as of men a fote. & that they shold be put in somme xx & in som an C, & cōmanded that al tho mē were a redy whan ony oute he se or crye were made for to pursue and take the alyens that comen to Englond for to benymme hym the lond and for to putte hym oute of his kyngdome. And more ouer he lete crye thurgh his patent in euery faire, & in euery mar kete of Englond that the quene Isabell & Syr Edward his eldest sone. & the erle of kent that they were take and saufly kepte [Page] without ony maner harme vnto hem doyng / and al other maner peple that come with hem / anon to smyte of hir hedes without ony maner raūsonne / And what man that myght bringe syr rogyers heede mortimer of wigmroe shold haue an C p [...]ūd of money for his trauaylle / And ferthermore he ordeyned by his patent & com manded to make a fyre vpon euery hygh hylle besydes the riuers & in lowe countreyes for to mak hye bekenes of tymbre that yf it soo were that the alyens come vnto the lande by nyght that men sholde tende the bekenes that the countrey myght be warned / and come & mete hir enemyes / & in the same tyme dyed sir rogyer mor timer his vncle in the toure of london /
How the quene Isabell / & sir Edward duke of guyhenne hir son [...] come to londe at here wiche / & how they dyden / Ca / CC / vijo. /
THe quene Isabel / & sir edward hir sone duk of guyhenne Syr edward of wodestoke Erle of kent & sir Iohan therlys broder of henaud and hyr companye dradde not the manace of the kyng ne of his traytours. for they trust al in goddes grace / & come vnto here wyche in south folk / the xxiiij day of September / And in the yere of grace M CCC xxvj / And the quene & sir edward hir sone sent lettres to the mayer & comynalte of london requyringe hem that they shold ben helpyng in the quarell & cause that they had bygōne / that is to say to destroye the traitours of the reame / But none ansuer was sente ageyne / wherfor the quene & sir edward hir sonne sente another pa [...]nt letter vnder hir seales the tenoure of whiche letter here foloweth in this maner / Isabell by the grace of god quene of Englond / lady of Irlond / Countesse of poūtyf / & we edward the eldest sone of the kyng of Englond duke of guyhenne erle of Chestre of pountyf & of moustroylle to the mayer & to al the comynalte of the cyte of London sendeth gre tyng / For as moche as we haue bifore this tyme sent to yow by our lettres how we become in to this lande with good araye, & in good maner for the honoure and profyte of holy chirche / and of our right dere lord the kyng / & all the Royame with our myghte and power to kepe and mayntene as we and alle the good folke of the forsaid royame are holden to done / And vpon that we pray yowe that ye wolde ben helpyng to vs in as moche as ye maye in this quarelle / that is for the commune profyte of all the royame And we haue hadd vnto this tyme none ansuer of the forsayd lettres / ne knowe not youre wylle in that partye / wherfore we [Page] send to yow ageyne / and pray and charge yow that ye bere yow so ageynst vs that we haue no cause to greue yow, but that ye ben to vs helpynge by al the weyes that ye may or may knowen / for weteth wel in certeyne that we & all tho that ben comen with vs in to this reame / ne thenke not to done yf it lyke god ony thyng but that shal be for the comune profyte of al the reame but only to destroye hugh spencer our enemye / & enemye to al the royame / as ye wel knowe wherfor we pray yow & charge yow in the feith that ye owe to our lord the kyng, & vpon vs / & vpon al that ye shal mowe forfet ageyne vs that yf the forsayd hugh the spencer our enemye come within youre power / that ye done hym hastely to ben taken. & saufly kept vntill we haue ordeyned of hym oure wyll / and that ye leue it not in no maner wise, as ye desire honour and profyte of vs all and of al the royame / Vnderstondyng wel that yf ye done our prayer and maūdement / we shal the more be beholde vnto yow / And also ye shal gete yowe worship & profyte yf ye sende vs hastely ansuer of al your will / yeuen at baldok the syxth day of October / whiche letter erly in the dawenynge of the day of seynt denys was takked vpon the newe crosse in Chepe / and many Copyes of the same letter were takked vpon wyndowes and dores, and vpon other places in the Cyte that alle men passynge by the weye myght seen and rede / And in the same tyme kyng edward was at london in the toure at his mete, and a messager come in to the halle / and sayd that the Quene Isabell was come to lond at herewyche / and hath brought in hir company Syr Iohan of henaud. and with hym men of Armes withoute nombre / And with that word sir hugh the spencer the fadre spak / & thus to the kyng sayd my most worshipful lord kyng of englond Now mowe ye make good chere / For certeynly / they ben al ours
The kyng sawe this word comfortable / yet he was full sorowfull / and pensyfe in hert, And the kyng had not yet full y [...] eten that ther come in to the halle another messagyer & sayd that the quene Isabel was arryued at herewiche besyde yepswhiche in Southfolk / Syr hugh the spencer the fadre spak to the messager and sayd telle soth in good feith to the messager my fayr frende is she come with strength / Certis sir soth for to say, she ne hath in hir companye but vij honderd men of Armes / And with that word Syr hugh the spencer the fadre cryed with an high voys & sayd Allas allas we ben al bytrayd / for certes with so litel power she [Page] had neuer come to land / but folk of this land were to hir consent And therfor after the mete they toke hir coūceyll / & went toward walys for to arere the walshmē ageyne quene Isabell & edward hir sone al for to fyght / & so they were in purpose euerychon /
How maister waltier Stapylton Bisshop of excetre that was the kynges tresorer was byheded at london / Ca / CC / viij /
ANd in the same tyme kynge Edward was sore adrad leste men of london wold yelde hem vnto the quene Isabell, and to hir sone Edward / wherfor he sent mayster walter stapylton his Tresorer for to ben wardeyne and kepar of the cyte of london with the mayer / And so he come to the gyldehall of london / & axed the keyes of the yates of the Cyte thurgh vertue & strengthe of his commyssyon / & wold haue had the kepyng of the Cyte / & the comuners ansuerd & said that they wold kepe the cyte to the honour of kyng edward / and of Isabell the quene / & of the duk the kynges sone withouten ony more / The bisshop was so sore annoyed / & swore othe / that they al shold abye it anon as kyng edward were come out of walys / And the Comuners alle anon of the cyte token the bisshop / & lad hym amyddes chepe & ther they smyten of his hede. & set [...]e his hede in his right honde / And after they byheded two of his squyers / that helde with the bisshop / & one of hem was callid william of walle / that was the bisshops neuew / that other was callyd Iohan of padyngton / And also they toke a burgeis of london that was callyd Iohan marchal that was sir hugh the spēcers aspye the fadre / & smyten of his hede also / And in that same tyme that bisshop had in london a fayre toure in makynge in his close vpon the riuer of the thamyse / that was without temple barre, & hym faylled stone to make therof an ende / wherfor he cō maūded his men to gone to the chirche of frere carmes / & ther they token stone to maken therwyth the tour / & moche sand / & mortyer & old robous that was left / And for the despyte that the bisshop had done vnto holy chirche, he & his two squyers were buryed in that sand as though they had ben hoūdes / And they ther leyn xj wekes til that the quene Isabell sent her lettres to the comuners & prayd hem that they wold suffre & graūte that the bisshop must be taken out of that place / and ben buryed at excetre at his owne chirche. & so he was / & his two squyers were buryed at seynt Cle ments chirch without temple barre. & it was no wōder though the [Page] bisshop dyed an euyl deth / For he was a coueytous man and had with hym no mercy / & euyl counceyled the kyng / And sone after was arnold of spayn taken / he that was assentaūt to haue lad the v M poūd of siluer in v barellys ferryers vnto the douzyepyers of fraūce for to helpe & hast the quene Isabel to hir deth. & edward hir sone also / And this Arnold was put vnto deth withoute the Cyte of london.
How kyng edward & sir hugh spencer, and the erle of Arun dell were taken / Cao. / CC ixo. /
WHan kyng edward had sente Mayster walter stapilton his Tresorer in to london for to kepe the cyte vnto hym ayene the Quene Isabel his wyf / and ageyne Edward hyr sonne anone hym self toke with hym sir hugh spencer the sone and sir Iohan erle of arundel / & maister robert baldok his chaunceler a fals p [...]l led prest & token hir way toward bristowe / and ther the kyng a lo de a lytel terme & made sir hugh the spēcer the fader as conestable & keper of the castel / and the kyng & that other spēcer went in to the ship & sayled toward walis & toke no leue of the stiward [...]e of none in the kynges houshold / and ouer in to walis for to arere the walshmen ayene dame Isabel the quene & the duke hir sone & the erle of kent & sir Iohan of henaud / and they went and pur sued after hem / and hir power encresed euery day / so at the last the kyng was taken vpon an hille in walys and sir hugh the spēcer the sone in that other side of the same hylle / & the fals pylled [...] mayster robert baldok there fast besides hem, & were brought ayene in to Englond as almyghty god wold & the kyng hym self was in sauf kepyng in the castel of kenelworth. & hym kepte sir henry that was seynt thomas broder of lancaster / And Syre Hughe spencer the fadre cam and put hym in the quenes grace / and syr edward hir sone duk of guyhenne / but sir hugh the spencer after the tyme that he was take nold ete no maner mete nother drynke no maner drinke for he wist to haue no mercy sauf only to be dede And the Quene & hir counseylle tho had ordeyned that he shold haue ben do to deth at london / but he was so feble for his moch fa styng that he was dede almost / and therfor it was ordeined that he shold haue his Iugement at herford / and at that place of the tour his hoode was take from his hede / and also from ro [...]ert of bald [...] that was a pylled clerk and a fals / and the kynges Chaūceler [Page] and men set vpon hir hedes chappeletz of sharpe netteles. and two squyers blewe in hir [...]rs with ij grete bugles hornes vpon tho ij prisoners that men myght here ther blowyng out with hornes mo re than a myle / And one symond of Redyng the kinges marchal before hem bare hir armes vpon a spere reuersed in token that they shold be vndone for euermore / And vpon the morow was sir hugh spencer the sone dampned to the deth / & was drawe & honged / byheded / & his bowels taken out of his body and brente and after he was quartred & his four quartres were sent to four townes of Englond / and his hede sente to london brudge / And this Symond for encheson that he despysed quene Isabell / he was drawe and honged in a stage made a mydde the forsaid sir hughes ga lowes / And th [...] same daye a lytel fro thens was sire Iohan of Arundel byheded / for he was of Syr hugh spencers councelers /
And anon after was sir hugh spencer the fadre drawe / honged and byheded at B [...]sto we / and after honged ayene by the armes w [...]h two strōg ropes / & the fourth day after he was hewen al to pe [...]s and houndes eten hym / & for that encheson that the kyng had yeuen hym the erldom [...]f wynchestre his hede was lad thydder / & [...]t [...]n a spere / And the f [...]ls Baldok was sent to london and t [...]r he d [...]de in prison amōges the the [...] / for men did hym no more re [...] [...]n they wold done vnto [...] hoūd, and so deyden the trai tours of englond blissed be almyghty god / And it was no wōder for thurgh her counceill the good erle thomas of lancastre was do ne vnto deth / and al that helden with thomas of lācastre thurgh the traytours were vndone and al hir heyres dysheryded /
How kyng Edward was put a doune / and his dygnyte benō me. Cao. / CC / xo. /
ANd anon after as this was done the Quene Isabel / and Edward hir sone / and alle the grete lordes of englond att one assente sent to kyng Edward to the Castell of Kenelworth / ther that he was in kepyng vnder the ward of sir Iohan hachim that was the bisshop of Ely. & of sir Iohn of percy a Baron for encheson that he shold ordeine his parlemēt at a certeyn place in en glond for to redresse & amend the state of the reame / And kyng Edward hem ansuerd and sayd / lordes quod he / [...]ye see ful well how it is. Loo haueth here my seal / I yeue yowe alle myn powre [Page] to ordeyne a parlement wher that ye wyll / And they toke hyr leue of hym and come ageyne to the barons of Englond, And when they had the kynges patent of this thyng they shewed it to the lordes / And tho was ordeyned that the parlement shold ben at westmynstre at the vtas of saynt Hillarye / And al the greete lordes of englōd lete ordeyne for hem ther ayēst that time that the parlement shold ben / And at whiche day that parlement was the kyng wold not come ther for no maner thyng / as he had set hym self and assigned / And netheles the barons sent to hym o time & other / And he swore by goddes soule that he nold come ther o fote wherfor it was ordeyned by al the grete lordes of Englond that he shold no lenger ben kyng but ben deposed / and sayd that they wold croune kyng Edward his sone the elder / that was duk of Guyhenne / and sent so tydyng vnto the kyng ther that he was in ward vnder Syr Iohan erle of garenne / And sir Iohan of Bo thun that was bisshop of Ely / and sir henry percy a baron / and sir william Trussel a knyght that was with the erle sir Thomas of lancastre for to yelde vp hir homages vnto hym, for alle them of Englond / And sir william Trussel sayd these wordes /
Syr Edward fo [...] [...]cheson that ye haue trayed youre peple of englond / and haue vndone many grete lordes of englond withoute ony cause / But now y [...] ben withstonde thanked be god. And also for encheson that ye wold not come to the parlement as y [...] or deyned at westmynster as in your owne letter patent is cō [...]yned for to treate with youre lyege men as a kynge shold / And therfore thurgh al the commune assent of all the lordes of Englond I telle vnto yowe these wordes / ye shal vnderstonde sire that the Barons of Englond at one assent wylle / that ye be no more king of Englond / but vtterlych haue put yow out of your realte for euermore, And the bisshop of Ely fayd tho to the kyng / Syre Edward / here I yelde vp feaute & homage for alle the Archebis shoppes and bisshoppes of Englond and for al the Clergie / Tho sayd Sir Iohan Erle of Garenne / Syr Edward I yelde vp here vnto yowe feaute and homage for me and for alle the E [...]les of Englond. And Sir Henry percy yafe vp also ther his homa [...] for hym and for alle the Barons of Englond /
And tho sayd Syre wi [...]iam Trussel / I yelde vp nowe vnto yowe Syre myn homage for me and also for al the knyghtes of Englond / and for al them that holden by seriauntrie / or by ony other maner thyng of yow / Soo that fro this daye afterward [Page] ye shal not be claymed kyng / nother for kyng be hold / But from this tyme afterward ye shal be holde for a synguler man of al the peple / & so they went thens vnto london / ther that the lordes of en glond hem abode / and sir Edward abode in prison in good keping And that was the day of conuersion of seynt paule in the xx yere of his regne /
Profecye of Merlyn declared of kynge Edward the sonne of kyng edward / Cao. CC / xio. /
OF this kyng edward prophecyed merlyn & sayd that there shold come a gote oute of Carre / that shold haue hornes of sil [...] & a berde as white as snowe & a doppe shold come oute of his nosethillers that shold bytoken moche [...]me honger & deth of the peple / & grete losse of his lande. and th [...] in the begynnyng of his regne shold be haūted moche lecherye / He said soth / alls the time for kyng Edward that was kyng edwardes sone was borne at Carnariuan in wa [...]s / Forsoth he had hornes of silu / & a berd as snowe whan he was made prince of walys / to moche he yaf hym to riotte & to folye / and soth said merlyn in his propherye that ther shold come out of his nose a doppe / for in his tyme was grete hū ger amonge the poure people & stronge deth am [...] the riche that deide in straūge land with moche sorowe & in we [...]e in Scotland and afterward he loste scotland & gascoyne / & whyles that hym [...] was kyng ther was moche lecherye haunted / And also Merlyn told & said that this gote shold seche the flour of ly [...] & of deth And he said soth / for he spoused Isabel the kynges doughter of brud ges / And in his tyme merlyn sayd that ther sholde be made brudges of folk vpon dyches of the see / & that was wel seyn at bannokkesborn in Scotland when he was dyscomfyted ther of the Scottes / And Merlyn told also that stones shold falle frō castel les / & many townes shold be made pleyn / And he sayd sothe for whan kyng edward was discomfyted in Scotland and come tho southward / the scottes besyeged tho castels / and dyd hem moche harme and brente townes vnto the hard erth /
And afterward Merlyn t [...]ld that an Egle shold come out of Corne wayle. that shold haue fethers of gold / that of pride shold haue no pyere. And he shold despyse lordes of blode / and after [...] shold dye thurgh a here at gauersiche / and that prophecye was [...] wel knowe and founde sothe / For by the Egle is vnderstonde Syr Pyers of ganastone / that tho was erle of Cornewayll that was a wonder proud man that despysed the baronage [Page] of Englond / but afterward he was byheded at Gauersich thurgh the Erle of lancestre / and thurgh the Erle of warre wyke /
And Merlyn told that in his tyme it shold seme that the here shold brenne / & that batayll shold be vpon an arme of the see in a felde arayed lyke a shelde where sholde dye many whyte hedes /
And he said sothe for by the brennyng of the here is bitokened grete drede thurgh cuttyng of swerde at that bataylle ordeyned in a felde as a shelde vpon an arme of the see is bitokened the batail of mytone / for ther comen the scottes in maner of a shelde / in ma ner of a winge & slewe vpon swale men of religyon prestes & secu lers / wherfor the scottes callyd that batayll in despyte of Englissh men the whyte batayll / And after merlyn sayd that the forsayd bere shold done the gote moch harme & that shold be vpon the south west and also vpon his blode / & said also that the gote shold lese moch dele of his lāde til the tyme that shame shold hym oucome and than he shold clothe hym with a lyone skyn / & shold wynne ayene that he had lost & moch more thurgh peple that shold come oute of the northwest that shold make hym ben dradde & hym auenge of his enemyes thurgh coūceyle of ij owles / that first shol de ben in peryll to be vndone / And that tho two owles shold wēde ouer the see in to a straūge land / & ther they shold duelle til a cer tryne tyme / and after they shold come in to Englond ageyne / And tho two owles shold do moche harme vnto many one & that they shold coūceylle the gote for to meue werre ayenst the forsaid here / And that the gote & the owles shold come vnto an arme of the see at Barton vp Trent / and sholde wende ouer / & that for drede the here shold flee with a swan in his company vnto bury toward the northe thurgh an vnkynd outepulter / and that the swan than shold be slayne with sorow. and the here shold be slayn full nyghe his own nest. that shold stonde vpon poūtfeete vppon whome the sōne shal shede his bemes / and many folk hym shal seche for the moche vertue / and he sayd ful soth / For the good Erl [...] Thomas of lancastre was born in the north west / and cosyn to the kyng and sone of his vncle / And by lawe he made the kyng lese moche lād / the which he had purchaced wilfully til at the last the kyng therof toke shame / and hym self fylled with cruelte. And after he gate ageyne that he had lost / & moche more thurgh fel [...] that he lete assemble oute of the northweste that made hym to [...] adrad and auengyd hym of his Barons thurgh counseylle of Syre hughe the Spencer the fadre / and of Syre hugh the sonne [Page] that byfore were outlawed oute of Englond for hir wykkednes But afterward come ageyn in to englond sir hugh spencer the fadre out of fraunce / and so moche counseylled the kyng that he shol de werre vpon thomas of lancastre / soo that the kyng & the spen cers & the erle of Arundel / and hir power mett with thomas of lancastre at burton vp trent / and hym ther dyscomfyted / and sir Humfrey erle of Herford was in his company / And after fled den the forsayd thomas and humfrey with hyr companye at bur brudge with sir Andre we of herkela that is called / the vnkynde out putter And also sire Edmond warde erle of yorke they comen and mette with thomas of lancastre with an huge compapanye / and hem ther discomfyted / and in that scomfyture the erle of herford was slayne vpon the bridge cowardly with a spere in the fūdament And the erle thomas was take / and lad vnto poūt fret / and tho he was byheded bysyde his owne castel / But afterward many men hym sought for myracles that god dyde for him And in that tyme merlyn sayd for sorow & harme shold dye a pe ple of his lāde / wherfore many landes shold be vpon hym the hol dre. And he sayd soth / for by encheson of his barons that were do ne to deth for seynt thomas quarell of lancastre peple of many lō des bycome the holder for to meue werre vpon the kyng. for hyr blode was torned to many nacione / And afterward Merlyntolde / and said that the forsayd owles shold done moche harme vnto the flour of lyf / & of deth / & they shold bringe hyr vnto mo che dysese / so that she shold wende ouer the see in to fraunce for to make pees to the floure delyse / & there shold abyde til on a tyme / that hir seed shold come & seche hir / And tho they shold abyde bothe til a tyme that they shold clothen hem with grace / & tho two owles she shold seke. & put hem vnto spytous deth / And that pro phecye was wel knowen / & was full sothe / For Syre Hughe spencer the fadre / & sir hughe the sonne dyde moche soro we and persecucion vnto quene Isabell thurgh hir procurement to hir lord the kyng / So they ordeyned amonges hem that she was put vn to hir wages / that is to say xx shyllyng in the day / Wherfor the kyng of Fraūce hir broder was wonder sore annoyed / and sente in to Englond by his lettres vnto kynge edward / that he shold come to his parlement to parys in Fraunce / but kyng Edward was sore adrad to come there / For he wende to haue ben arested / til / that he had made amendes for the trespace that sir hugh spencer the fadre & the sone had done / & for the harme yt they had don̄ to [Page] Quene Isabel his suster / Wherfor thurgh hyr ordynaunce & consent of the spencers the quene Isabell wente ouer see in to fraūce / for to make acord bytwene kyng edward and the kyng of fraūce hir broder / And ther duellyd she in fraunce til edward hir eldest sone come hir to seche / & so they duellyd ther both / til that alyaūce was made bytwene hem / And the gentil erle of henaud that yf they with her helpe myght destroye / & ouercome the venym & the falsenesse of the sponcers. that sir edward shold spouse dame phi lip the worshipful lady / & the erles doughter of henaud / Wherfor the quene Isabel / & sir edward hir sone / & sir edmond of wodestok the kynges broder of englond / & sir Iohan of henaud / & sire Rogyer mortymer of wygmore / and sir thomas rocelyn / & sir Iohan of Cromwel / & sir william trussel / & many other of the Alyaunce of the gentil erle thomas of lancastre that were exyled out of Englond for his quarell / and were disherited of hir landes ordeyned hem a grete power & arryued at herewych in southfolk / And sone after they pursueden the spencers til that they were taken / & put vnto pytous deth. as byfore is sayd & hir companye / and also for the grete falsenesse / that they dyd to kyng edward / & to his peple / And merlyn sayd also more that the gote shold be put in to grete dysease / & in grete anguyssh / & grete sorowe he shold lede in his lyf / And he said soth / For after the tyme that kyng Edward was take / he was put in to warde til that the spencers were putt vnto the dethe. And also for encheson that he nold not come vnto his owne parlement at london / as he had ordeyned and assygned him self & to his barons / & also wold not gouerne & rule his people / ne his realme / as a kyng shold done / Somme of the barons of Englond come and yelde vp / hir homages vnto hym for hem for al the other of the reame in the daye of Conuersion of saynt paule / & in the yere of his regne xx / & they put him out of his royalte for euermore / & euer he lyued his lyf afterward in moche sorowe and anguysshe /
Of kyng Edward the thyrd after the conquest / / Cao / CC xij
ANd after this kyng Edward of Carnariuan regned Syre Edward of wyndesore his sonne / the whiche was crouned kynge and annoynted at Westmynstre / thurgh consente and wylle of alle the grete lordes of the Royamme the sonday in [Page] Cādelmasse eue in the yere of grace M / CCC xxvj / that was of age at that tyme / but xv yere / & for encheson that his fadre was in ward in the Castel of kenelworth / and eke was put doune of his royalte the royame of englond was as without kyng / fro the fest of saynt katheryne in the yere aboue sayd vnto the fest of can delmasse / & tho were al maner plees of the kynges benche aftent And tho was commaunded to all the shereues of englond thurgh writte to warne the partyes defendaūts thurgh somnyng ayene And also ferthermore that al prisoners that were in the kynges gaylles that were attached thurgh shereues sholde be lete gone quite / The kyng edward after his coronacion at the prayer & bese chyng of his lieges of the reame grāted hem a chartre of stedfast pees to al hem that wold it axe / & sir Iohan of henaud & his cōpa nye toke hir leue of the kyng & of the lordes of the reame / & torned home to hir owne coūtrey ageyne / & eche of hem had ful riche yeftes eueryche man as he was of value & of estate / and tho was englond in pees & in reste / & grete loue bytwene the kyng & his lordes / & comunely englysshmen said amonges hem / that the deuil was dede / but the tresoure of the kyng his fadre & the tresoure of the spencers both of the fadre & of the sone / & the tresour of therle of Arundel. & of mayster robert baldock / that was the kynges chaūceler was departed after the quene Isabellys ordinaūce / & syr rogyer mortimer of wygmore / so that the kyng had noo thynge therof but at hir wylle & hir delyueraunce nought of hir londes / as afterward ye shall here /
How kyng edward went to stanhope for to mete the Scottes Capitulo / CC / xiij /
ANd yet in the same tyme was kyng edward in the Castelle of kenelworth vnder the kepyng of sir henry that was erle thomas broder of lancastre / that tho was erle of leycestre / & the kyng graūted hym the erldom of lancastre / that the kyng his fa dre had seysed in to his hande / & put out thomas of lancastre his broder / And soo was he erle of lācastre & of leycestre / & eke Styward of englond / as his broder was in his tyme / but sir edward that was kynge Edwardes fadre made sorow without ende / for cause that he myȝt not speke with his wif ne with his sone / wher for he was in moche meschyef / for though it were so that he was lad & ruled by fals coūceyll / yet he was kyng edwardys sone cal led Edward with long shankes / & come of the worthyest blode of [Page] the world / And thylk to whome he was woned to yeue greete yeftes & large were moost priue with the kyng his owne sone / & they were his enemyes both by nyght & by day / & procured for to make debate & contake bytwene hym & his sone / & Isabell his wif But the Frere prechours to hym were good frendes euer more & caste & ordeyned both by nyght and day how they myght breng hym out of prison / And among hir companye that the freres had priuely brought ther was a frere that was callyd dunhened / & he had ordeyned & gadred a grete cōpanye of folk to helpe at that nede but the frere was take / & putt in the castel of poūtfret / & there he deyde in prison / And sir henry erle of lācastre that had the kynges fadre in kepyng thurgh commandement of the kyng delyuerd edward the kynges fadre by endenture vnto sir thomas of berkeley And so Syr Iohan mautreuers / and they lad hym from the cas tel of kenelworth vnto the castel of barkley / & kept hym ther sauf ly / And at estren next after his coronacion the kynge ordeyned an huge hoost for to fyght ayenst the scottis / And Syr Iohan therles broder of henaud fro beyonde the see come for to helpe kyng ed ward / & brought with hym vij C men of armes & arryued at do uer. & they had leue for to gone forth / til that they come to york / ther that the king abode hem / & the scottes come thider to the kyng for to make pees & acord. but the acordement bitwene hem last but a lytel tyme / And at that tyme the englysshmen were clothed al in cotes & hodes peynted. with lettres and with floures ful semely with longe berdes. And therfor the scottes made a bylle that was fastned vpon the chirche dores of seynt petre toward stangate / & thus sayd the scripture in despyte of Englysshmen /
Longe berde hertelees / Peynted hood witlees. Gaye cote gra [...]lees. makes englond thriftlees /
ANd the Trinite day next after bygan the contake in the Cy te of yorke bytwene the englysshmen / & the Henewers / And in that debate were slayne of the Erldome of Nychol / and mordred lxxx / & after they were buried vnder a stone in saynt clemētz Churcheyerde in Fossegate And for encheson that the Henewers come to helpe the kyng / her pees was cryed on peyne of lyfe and lymme / And in that other halfe it was founde by an Enquest of the Cyte that the englysshmen bygonne the debate /
How the englysshmen stopped the scottes in the parke of stanhope / & how they turned ayene in to Scotland / Ca / CC / xiiijo. /
ANd at that tyme the scottes hadde assembled al hir power / and comen in to Englond and slewe / and robbed alle that they' myghten take, and also brenten & destroyed al the north coū tre thurgh oute til that they come to the parke of stanhope in wy redale / and ther the scottes helde hem in a busshement / But when the kyng had herd thurgh certeyne espyes / where the scottes were anone right with his hoost besyeged hem within the forsayd park soo that the scottes wyst neuer wher to gone oute / but only vnto hir armes. & they abyden in the parke / xv dayes / and vytaylles hem faylled in euery a syde / soo that they were gretely empeyred of her bodyes / And syth that brute come fyrst in to britayne vnto this tyme was neuer seen so fair an hoost what of Englysshmen and of Alyens / and of men a fo [...] / the whiche ordeyned hem for to fight with the stottes thurgh eggynge of sir henry erle of lancastre, and of sir Iohan henaud / that wold haue goone ouer the wa ter of wythe for to haue fought with the scottes / But sir rogyer mortimer consented not therto / For he had priuely taken mede of the scottes hem for to helpe that they myght wēde ageyne in to hyr owne coūtreye / And the same mortimer counceyled so moche Thomas of brothertone the erle marchal / that was kyng edwardes vncle / that the forsayd thomas sholde not assemble at that tyme vnto the scottes & he assented, but he wyst not the doyng bytwene the scottes / and the forsayd mortimer, And for encheson that he was marchal of Englond / & to hym perteyned euer the vauntwarde / he sente hastely to therle of lancastre / and to Syr Iohan of henaud that they shold not fyght. vpon the scottes in preiudice and harmyng of hym / & his fee / & yf they dyd that they shold stonde to hir owne perylle / And the forsaid erle marchal was all arayed with his batayll at the reredoos of the erle of lancastre / for to haue fought with hym and with his folk / yf he had meued for to fyght wyth the scottes / and in this maner he was deceyued and wyst no thyng of this treson / And thus was the kyng prin cipally deceyued / And whan it was nyght Mortimer that had the wach for to kepe of the hoost that nyght distourbled the wach that no / thyng myght be done / And in the mene whyle the scottes stele by nyght toward hir owne coūtre as fast as they myght / And so was the kyng falsely bytrayd / that wende that [Page] that al the traytours of his lande had be brouȝt to an ende as it was sayd byfore / Now here ye lordes / how traytoursly kyng Edward was desceyued / & how meruailously & boldly ye scottes did of werre / for Iames douglas with CC men of armes riden thurugh out the hoost of kyng edward the same nyght the scottes we re scaped toward hit owne coūtre / as is aboue sayd / till that they come to the kynges pauylon / & slewe ther many mē in hir beddes & cryed som naward naward & anothir time a douglas a douglas wherfor the kynge that was in his pauylon & moche other folke were wōder sore effrayed / but blyssed be almyghty god the kyng was not taken / & in grete peryll was tho the royame of englond ¶ And that nyght the mone shone ful clere & bright / & for al the kyngesmen the scottes escaped harmele [...]s, ¶ And in the mo rowe whan the kyng wyst that the scottes were escaped in to hyr contre. he was wōder sory. & ful hertely wepte with his yōg eyen & yet wyst he not who hym had done that treson / but that fals tre son was ful wely knowe a good while after as the storye telleth The kynge edward come ageyne tho to york ful sorowful / & hys hoost departed, & euery man went in to his owne coūtrey with ful heuy chere / & mornynge semblaūt / & the henewers toke hir leue / & went in to hir coūtrey / & the kyng for hyr trauaylle hem hugely rewarded / & for encheson of that vyage the kyng had dispended moche of his tresour & wasted / & in that tyme were seen two mones in the firmamēt. that one was clere & that other was derk as men myȝt tho seen thurgh out the world / & a grete debate was that same tyme ayenst pope Iohn the xxij after seynt peter. & thēperour of almayn tho made hym emperour ayēst the popes will, that th [...] helde his see at auinion / wherfor thēperour made his crye at rome & ordeygned another pope that hight nycholas / that was a frere menour / & that was ageynst the right of holy chirche / wherfor [...]e was acursid / & the power of that other pope sone was leid / And for encheson that suche merueylles were seen / men sayd that the world was nygh at the ende /
¶ Of the deth of kyng edward of Carnariuan / Ca / CC / xvo. /
ANd now gone we ayene to sir edward of Carnariuan that was kyng somtyme of englond / and was put doune of his dygnyte / ¶ Allas for his tribulacion and sorowe that hym byfelle thurgh false counceille that he leued and truste vpon to moche that afterward were destroyed thurgh hir falsenesse, as God wolde / ¶ And this Edward of Carnariuan was in the [Page] castel of berkeley vnder the kepyng of sir morys of berkeley & sire Iohan of mautreuers / and to hem he made his compleynt of his sorowe & of his dysese, & oftymes he axed of his wardeyns / what he had trespaced ageyst dame Isabel his wyf. & sire Edward hys sonne that was made newe kynge that they wold nought vysyte hym. Tho ansuerd one of his wardeyns / My worthy lord dysplese yow not / that I shall telle yow the encheson is / for it is done hem to vnderstonde that yf my lady your wyf come ony thyng nyght yowe / that ye wold hir strangle and slee / And also that ye wol de doo to my lord your sonne that same / ¶ Tho ansuerd he wyth simple chere / Allas allas am I not in prison / & al at your own will / now god it wote I thought it neuer / and now I wold that I were dede so wold god / that I were / for than were al [...] sorow passed / Hit was not long after that the kyng thurgh co [...]yl of mortimer graunted the ward & kepyng of sir edward his fadre [...]o sir thomas Toiourney & to the forsayd sir Iohn Mautreuers thurgh the kinges letter & put out holy the forsaid sir moryce of the warde of the kyng, & they toke & lad the kyng vnto the castel of Corffe / the whiche castel the kyng hated as ony deth / & they kept hym there saufly [...]l it come vn to seynt mathewes day in septem b [...] in the yere of gra [...] M ccc xxvij that the forsaid sir rogyer mor timer sent the maner of the deth how & in what wise he shold be do ne to deth / And anone as the forsayd thomas & Iohan had seyn the letter & cōmaundement they made kyng edward of carnariuā good chere & good solas as they myȝt at that soper / & nothyng the kyng wist of yt trecherye / And when tyme was for to go to bed the kyng went vnto his bed & lay & slept fast / & as the kyng lay / & slept / the traitour [...] fals forsworen ay [...]ns hir homage & hir feaute comen priuely in to the kynges chambre / and hir companye with hem / & leyden an huge table vpon his wōbe / & with men presseden & helden faste a doune the iiij cornyers of the table vpon his body [...]r with the good man a woke & was wōder sore ad [...]d to be dede there & slayne & turned his body tho vpsodoune / ¶ Tho toke the fals traytours & as wode tirauntes an horne / & putte it in to his fundament as depe as they myȝt / & toke a spyte of coper bren nyng & put it thurgh the horne in to his body / & ofte tymes [...]lled ther with his boweles / and so they slewe hir lord / that no thynge was perceyued / and after he was entered at Gloucestre /
¶ How kyng edward spoused philip the erles doughter of He naude at york / Cao. / CC / xvjo. /
[Page] aNd after Cristemasse tho next sewyng sir Iohan of henaude a brouȝt with hym philip his broders doughter that was erle of henaude his nece in to englond / & kynge edward spoused hir at york with moche honour / & sir Iohan of Bothom bisshop of ely & sir william of melton archebisshop of york songen the masse the souday in the eue of conuersion of seynt paule in the yere of grace a M ccc xxvij / but for encheson that the kyng was but yōg & ten dre of age / when he was croūed ful many wrōges were don whi le that his f [...]dre lyued / for encheson that he trowed the coūceilers that were fals aboute hym that coūceilled hym to d [...]ne other wise than reson wold / wherfor grete harme was do vnto the Reame / & to the kyng & al mē directed it the kynges dede & it was not so al myȝty god wote / wherfor it was ordeyned at the kinges croūyng that the kyng for his tendre age shold be gouerned by xij grete lordes of englōd without which no thyng shold be done that is for to saye the archebisshop of caūterbury / the archebisshop of yorke / The bisshop of wynchestre, & the bisshop of herford / the erle of lan castre / the erle marchal. & the Erle of kent / that were the kynges vncles & the erle of garenne, Syr thomas wake / Syre henry of [...]ercy, Syr Olyuer of yngham / and Iohan of Roos Barons And these were sworen trewely for to coūceylle the kynge / And they shold ansuere euery yere in the parlement of yt that shold be done i [...] the tyme of that gouernaille / but that ordynaūce was sone vnd [...]ne / & that was moche losse & harme to al englōd / for the king & al the lordes that shold gouerne hym were gouerned & ruled after the kynges moder dame Isabell / & by sir Rogyer Mortimer And as they wold al thyng was done both among highe & lowe And they toke vnto hem Castels tounes landes & rentes in grete harme & losse to the croune & of the kynges state oute of mesure
How the pees was made bytwene the englysshmen / & the scot tes / and also of Iustyfyeng of Troylbastone / Cao. / CC / xvijo /
THe kyng Edward at wytsontyde the second yere of his reg ne thurgh counceylle of his moder / & of sire Rogyer mortymer ordeygned a parlement at northampton / at the whiche parlement the kyng thurgh hir coūceil & none other of the land within age graunted to ben acorded with the scottes in this maner / that al the feautes & homages that the scottes shold don̄ vnto the croun̄ of englōd foryaf hem vnto the scottes for euer more by his chartre [Page] [...]nfeled / And ferthermore an endenture was made of the Scottes vnto kyng Edward that was kyng henryes sone / whiche endenture they callid it rageman / in the which were conteyned al the ho mages and feautes / First of the kyng of Scotland and of al the prelatez Erles and barons of the Reame of Scotland with hyr seales sette theron and other chartres / and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his Barons had of her right in the reame of scotland it was foryeue hem ayene holy chirche / And also with the black crosse of scotland. the which the good kyng Edward cō querd in scotland / and brought it oute of the Abbay af Scone / that is a ful precious relyque, And also ferthermore he relesed and foryaf all the landes that the barons of Englond had in scot land by, old conquest / And this pees for to holde and last the scot tes were boūde vnto the kyng in xxx thousand pounde of syluer to be payed within iij yere / that is to say euery yere x thousād poūd by euyn porcyons / And ferthermore aboue alle this they speke bitwene the partyes aboue said that dauyd dritonantier that was Robert the Brus is sone the fals tirant and traytour. and fals forswore ayenst his oth that arose ayenst his lyege lord the noble kyng Edward, and falsely made hym kynge of Scotland. that was of age of v yere / And so thurgh this cursed counseyll Dauid spoused at Berewyk dame Iohan of the tour that was kyng Edwardys suster as the g [...]est tellyth vpon mary magdale ne day in the yere of grace a M CCC and xxviij to greete harme and empeyryng to al the kynges bloode / wherof that gentil lady came / Allas the tyme / For wonder moch was that fayr damysel dysparaged sith that she was maryed ayenst al the comune assent of Englond / And fro the tyme that Brute had conquerd albyon and named the londe after his owne name Britayne / that nowe is callyd Englond after the name of Engyst /
And so was the Reame of Scotland holden of the Reame of Englond and of the croune by feaute and by homage /
For Brute conquerd that land / and yafe it to Albanak his second sone. And he callid the lande Albanye after his owne name / So that the heyres that comen after hym helden of Brute / & of his heyres the kynges of Britayne by feaute & homage and from that tyme vnto this kyng Edward the reame of Scotland was holden of the reame of England by feautes and seruy [...]s a boue sayd as the Cronycles of englond & of Scotland beren wit nesse mor [...] plenarly / And acursed be the tyme that this parlement [Page] was ordeyned at Northampton / For ther thurgh fals coūceil the kyng was there falsely disheryted / and yet he was within age /
And yet whan kyng Edward was put a doune of his Royalte of englond / yet men put hym not out of the feautes / and ser uyces of the reame of Scotland / ne of the fraunchises disheryted hym for euermore. And netheles the grete lordes of Englond were ageynst to conferme the pees / & the trewes aboue sayd sauf only the quene Isabel that was the kynges moder edward & the bisshop of Ely / and lord mortimer, but reson and lawe wolde not that a fynal pees shold be made bytwene hem without the commune assent of Englond /
Of the debate that was bytwene quene Isabell / and sir Henry Erle of lancastre and of leycestre / and of the ridynge of [...]edeford / Cao. / CC / xvijo. /
WHan the forsayd dauyd had spoused Dame Iane of the tour in the toune of Berwyk as bifore is sayd the scottes in despyte of the Englysshmen callyd dame Iane the Countesse make pees / For the cowardo [...] pees that was ordeyned but the kynges persone bare the wy [...]e and the blame with wrōg of the makyng of the acord / and all was done thurgh the Quene and Rogyer mortimer / And it was not long aft [...]r that the Quene Isabell ne toke in to hir owne hande all the lordship of pountfret almoost alle the landes that were of value that apperteyned to the croune of englond / Soo that the kyng had not for to dyspende / but of his vses and of his escheker / For the quene Isabelle and mortimer hadde a greete meyne of hir [...]naunce that folowed euermore the kynges courte, and wente and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chepe, wherfor the coūtre that they comen in were ful sore adradde / and almost [...] destroyed / Tho bygon the Comynalte of Englond for to [...]ate Isabell the Quene that so moche loued hyr. whan she come ayene for to pursue the fals traytours the spencers fro Fraunce /
And that same tyme the fals traytour Robert of Holond that bitrayd his lord Syr Thomas of lancastre was tho deliuerd oute of prison / and was wonder priue with the Quene Isabelle and also with Rogyer the Mortimer, But that auayled hym but litel for he was take at mychelmasse that tho come n [...] sewing [Page] after as he rode toward the quene Isabell to london & sir thomas wither smote of his hede besides the toune of seynt albones / And this Syr thomas duellid tho with Syr Henry erle of lancastre & he put hym in hydyng for drede of the quene / for she loued him wonder moche and prayd vnto the kynge for hym that the same Thomas must ben exyled oute of englond / And the Noble Erle Syr Henry lancastre had oftymes herd the commune cla mour of the englysshmen of the dyseses that were done in englond and also for dyuerse wronges that were done among the comune peple of the whiche the kyng bare the blame with wrong / for he [...]as but full yonge and tendre of age / and thought as a good man for to done awey & slake the sklaundre of the kynges persone yf that he myght in ony maner wyse / So as the kyng was therof no thyng gylty / wherfor he was in peryl of lyth & lymme And so he assembled al his retenaunces / and wente and spake vnto them of the kynges honour / and also for to amēde his astate And Syr thomas brotherton Erle marchal and Syr Edmond of wodestoke that were the kynges vncles, and also men of london made hir othe hym for to mayntene in that same quarelle.
And hir cause was this that the kyng shold hold his houshold and his meyny as a kyng ought for to done and haue also his rialte / And that the quene Isabell shold delyuer out of hir hond in to the kynges honde al maner lordshippes rentes tounes and Castelles that apperteyned to the croune of Englond as other Que nes had done byfore hyr and medle with none other thyng /
And also that Syre Rog [...]er mortymer shold duelle vpon his owne landes / for the which landes he had holpe disheryte moch pe ple / So that comune peple were not destroyed thurgh hir wrong ful takyng / And also to enquere how and by whome the kynge was bytrayd and falsely desceyued at Stanhope / and thurgh whos counceylle that the Scottes went awey by nyght from the kynge, And also how and thurgh whoos counseyll the ordynaūce that was made at the kynges coronacion was put a doun that is for to say that the kyng for amendement and helpyng of the Reamme / and in honour of hym shold be gouerned and ruled by xij the grettest and wysest lordes of alle the Reame and withoute hem shold nothyng be graunted / ne done as fore is said the which couenaūts malyaously were put a donne fro the kyng wherfor many harmes shames and reproues haue falle vnto the kyng and his Reame. And that is vnderstonde for as moch as [Page] Edward somtyme kynge of Englond was ordeyned by assent of the comynalte in playn parlement for to be vnder the ward / & gouernaunce of Henry Erle of lancastre his cosyn for sauacion of his body. he was take out of the castel of kenel worth ther that he was in warde / And thurgh colour of quene Isabell and of the Mortimer without consent of ony parlement they toke & lad him ther that neuer after none of his kynrede myght with hym spe [...]e ne see / and after traytoursly toke and hym mordred / For whoos deth a foule sklaundre aroos thurgh out al Crystendom whan it was done / And also the Tresour that sir edward of Carnariuan had left in many places in englond and in walye were wasted and bare awey withoute the wylle of kyng Edward his sonne in destruction of hym and of alle his folke / Also thurgh whos counceyll that the kyng yaf vp the kyngdome of Scotlad For the Whiche Reame the kynges auncestres had ful sore y trauaylled / and so dyd many a noble man for her right / & was dely uerd vnto Dauid / that was Robert the Brus sonne al the right that noo right had to the Reame as al the world it wyst [...] / And also by whome the chartres and remembraunces that they had [...] the right of scotland were take oute of the tresorye and taken vn to the Scottes the kynges enemyes to dysherytyng of hym and of his successours and to grete harme vnto his lyea [...]s and grete [...] proue vnto al Englysshmen for euermore / Also wher for dame [...]a ne of the tour the kynges suster edward was dysparaged and maryed vnto Dauid / that was Robert the Brus sone that was a traytour and enemye vnto Englond / And thurgh whos counceille she was take in to our enemyes hondes oute of Englond /
And in the mene tyme whyle the good Erle Henry of lancastre and his companye token counseylle how these [...] aboue sayd myght ben amended vnto the worship of the kynge and to his profyte, and to the profyte also of his lyeges / The [...] Isabel thurgh coniectyng and subtylyte / and also of the Mortimer let ordeyne a parlemēt at Salysbury. And at that same [...]arlemēt the Mortimer was made erle of the marche ayenst all the barons wyll of Englond in preiudyce of the kyng & of his Coroune / And Sire Iohan of Eltham the kynges broder was gurt with aswerd of Cornewayle and tho was callyd Erle of Curnewall And euermore Quene Isabel so moche procured a [...]ste hir sone the kynge. that she had the ward of the forsayd sir Edward and of his landes, And at that parlement therle of of Lancastre wold [Page] not come / but ordeyned al his power ayens the quene Isabel / and the mortimer / and men of london ordeyned hem with v C men of armes / whan quene Isabell wyst of the doyng / she swore by god & by his names full angrely / that in euyll tyme he thouȝt vpon tho poyntes / Tho sente the quene Isabell and the mortymer after hir retenue. & after the kynges retenue / so that they had ordeyned amonge hem an huge hoost / & they counceyled the kyng / soo that vpon a nyght they rydden xxiiij myle toward Bedford ther that the Erle of lancastre was with his company / and thought to haue hym destroyed / and that nyght she rode besydes the kyng hir sone as a knyght armed for drede of deth / and it was done the king to vnderstonde that the erle henry of lancastre & his cōpanye wolde haue destroyed the kyng & his counceyll for euermore / wherfor the kyng was somdele towardes hym heuy and annoyed / whan the Erle marchal / and the Erle of kent the kynges broder herde of this tydyng / they ryden so in message bytwene hem that the kyng graūted hym his pees to erle henry of lācastre for a certeyn raunsone of xj M pounde / but that was neuer payd afterward /
And these were the lordes that helde with sir henry of Lancastre / Syr henry Beaumout. Syr fouke fitz waren / sir thomas rocelyn / Sire william Trussel, Sir thomas wither / and aboute an honderd knyghtes more that were to hym consentyng / and all tho were exyled thurgh counseyll of quene Isabell and of the Mortymer. for the mortimer weyted for to haue hir lādes yf that he myȝt thu [...]gh ony maner coniectyng / for he was to couetous / & had to moche his wylle / and that was grete pyte /
How kyng Edward went ouer the see for to do his homage vn to the kynge of fraūce for the duchye of guyhenne / Cao / CC xix
IT was not long after that the kyng of fraūce thurgh counceylle of his douzepyers sent to kyng Edward of Englond that he shold come to Parys / and done his homage as reason it wold for the duchye of guyhenne / And soo thurgh counceylle of the lordes of englond kyng Edward went ouer the see & at ascēcion tyde he come vnto parys the iij yere of his regne for to do his homage vnto the kyng of fraūce. & the kyng vnderfenge his homage and made of hym moche ioye & worship / but whan kyng edward had made his homage, hastely he was sent fore in to englōd thurugh the quene Isabell his moder / & anon hastely he come ageyn [Page] in to Englond vpon wythsonday without ony takyng leue of the kyng of fraūce / wherfor he was wonder wroth /
How sir rogyer mortimer bare hym proudly & so hye / cao. cc xx
ANd nowe shal ye here of Syr rogyer mortimer of wygmore that destroyed and coueyted to be at an hye astate. so that the kynge graunted hym to be callyd erle of the marche thurgh oute alle his lordship / And he bycome soo proud & so hauteyne that he wold lese & forsake the name that his aūcestres had euer before And for that encheson he lete hym calle erle of the marche & none of the comunes of englōd durst calle him by none other name for he was called so thurgh the kynges crye that men shold, calle him erle of the marche / and the Mortimer bare hym tho so hauteyn & so proude that wonder it was for to wyt / & also disgised him with wōder rich clothes out of al maner reson both of shapyng & of we ryng wherfor the englisshmen had grete wōder how & in what ma ner he myght contreue or fynde suche maner pride / & they said amō ges hem al comunely that his pride shold not long endure / And the same tyme sir geffroy mortymer the yong that was the Morti mers sone lete calle hym kyng of folye / & so it befell afterward in dede for he was so ful of pride & of wretchednes yt he helde a roū de table in walys to al men that thider wold come & coūtrefece the maner & the doyng of kyng arthures table / but openly he f [...]ssed For the noble kyng arthur was the most worthy lord of renōme that was in al the world in his tyme / & yet come neuer none such after / for al the noble knyghtes in crystendom of dede of armes a losed duellyd with kyng arthur / & helde hym for hir lorde / & that was wel seyn / for he cōquerd in batayll a romayn that was cal led Frolle / & gete of hym the reame of fraūce / & slewe hym with his hoūdes / And also he fought with a geant that was callyd dy nabus & slewe hym that had rauysshed fayre Eleyne that was kyng hoeles ne [...] kyng of lytel Britayne / And afterward he slewe in bataill the emperour of rome that was callid lucye that had assembled ayenst kyng arthur for to fight with hym so moch peple of romayns & phehyts & of sarazyns yt no mā coude hem nō bre / & he discomfited hem alle as the story of hym tellyth / & in the same tyme comune loos sprong in englond thurg comectyng / & or dynaūce of the frere prechours that fire Edward of Carnariuan that was kyng edwardes fadre of whome the gest tellith saiden yt he was alyue in the castel of Corf / wherfor alle the comunes al most of englōd were in sorow & in drede whether that it were so or [Page] not / For they wyste not how traytoursly the mortimer had hym done mordred /
How Edmond of wodestoke that was erle of kent / & the kynges broder Edward of Carnariuan was byheded at wynchestre Capitulo CC xxjo. /
ANd vpon a tyme it byfel so that sir Edmond of wodestoke Erle of kent spake vnto the pope Iohan the xxij of Auynyon and sayd that almyghty god had softymes done for thomas loue of lancastre many grete myracles to many men & womē that were thurgh dyuerse maladyes vndone as vnto the world & thurgh his prayer they were brought vnto hir hele / And so Syr Edmond prayd the pope hertely that he wold graūte hym grace yt the forsaid thomas myȝt be translated, but the pope said nay that he shold not be translated vnto the tyme that he were better certifyed of ye clergye of englond & seyn by hir obedyence what thyng god had done for the loue of thomas of lācastre after the suggestyon yt the forsayd Edmond erle of kent had vnto hym y made / And whan this edmōd saw that he myght not spede of his purpose as touchyng the translaciō / he praid hym of his coūceil as touchyng sir edward of Carnariuan his broder / & said that not long agone he was king of englōd what thyng miȝt best be done as touchyng his deliueraūce sith that a comune fame is thurgh englōd that he is in lif & hole & sauf / whan the pope herd hym alle that Syr edward was alyue / he cōmaūded the erle vpon his beneson that he shold helpe with al the power that he myght that he were deliud out of prison / & saue his body in al maner that he myȝt / & for to bringe this thyng to an ende he assoilled hym & his cōpany a pena & culpa / & al tho that helpe to his delyueraūce / Tho toke Edmōd of wodestok his leue of the pope / & come ayene in to englond / and whan sir Edmond was come / som of the Frere prechours come & sayd that sir edward his broder yet was alyue in the castel of corf vnder the kepyng of sir thomas gurnay / Tho sped hym the forsaid edmond as fast as he myght til that he come vnto the Castel of Corffe / and acqueynted / and spak so fayre with Iohan Dauerill that was Conestable of the same castel / and yafe hym riche yeftes for to haue acqueyntaunce of hym / & to knowe of his coūceyl / And thus it byfel that the forsayd Syr edmond prayd specially to telle hym priuely of his lord his broder Syr edward yf that he lyued or were deede / and yf he were alyue he prayed of hym ones to haue a sight / And this Syr Iohan Dauerill was [Page] an high herted man & ful of courage & ansuerd shortely vnto syr Edmond & sayd that sir edward his broder was in hele / & vnder his kepyng / & durst shewe hym vnto no mā / sith it was defended hym in the kynges half edward that was edwardes sone of car narinan / & also thurgh comaūdement of quene Isabel the kynges moder / & of sir rogyer the mortimer yt he shold shewe his body vn to no maner man of the world sauf only vnto hem vpon losse of life & lymme / & to disheryteson of his heyres for euermore / but the fals traitour falsely lyed for he was not in his ward. but he was take thens & lad vnto the castel of berklee thurgh Syr Thomas gurnay thurgh comaūdement of the mortimer til that he was dede as byfore is sayd, but sir edmōd of wodestok wyst nothyng that Edward his broder was dede. wherupon he toke a lrē vnto the forsayd sir Iohan / & praid hym hertely that he wold take it vnto kynge edward his broder / as to his worthy lorde / And be vnderfeng the lrē of him & behiȝt hym for to done his message withoute ony maner faill / & with that sir edmōd toke of hym his leue then of the forsayd Iohn / & went tho in to his owne coūtre & lordship in kent that he had there / And anon as this same Iohn wyse that sir edmōd was gone in to kent his owne lordship, anon he wente in al the hast that he myȝt fro the castel of Corfe / & come vnto sire Rogyer the mortimer / & toke hym the lrē that sir edmōd of wode stok erle of kent had take hym closed / & enseled with his own seal / And whan sir rogyer had vnderfong the letter he vnclosed the lrē. & saw what was cōteyned therin / & began it for to rede / wher of the begynnyng was this / worshippes & reuerences with brothers legeaunce & subiection / Syre knyght worshipfull and dere broder yf it yow plese / I pray yow hertely that ye be of good cō fort / for I shal so ordeyne for yow that sone ye shal come oute of prison & be delyuerd of that dysese that ye ben in / & vnderstōdeth of your grete lordship that I haue to me assentaūt al most al the grete lordes of englond with al hir apparayll / that is to say with armure with tresour without nombre for to mayntene and helpe your quarell / so forsoth that ye shal be kyng ayene as ye were be fore / and that they al haue swore to me vpon a book / and as wel prelates as Erles and Barons / whan Syr Rogrer the Mortymer sawe and vnderstode the myght and the strengthe of the letter / anone for wrath his hert gan holle / and euyl hert bare toward Syre Edmond of wodestok that was Erle of kent, and so with alle the haste that he myghte / he went to Dame Isabelle [Page] the quene that was the kynges moder and shewed hyr Syr Edmūdes letter and his wylle & his purpoose / & how he had conice ted and ordeyned to put a doune kyng edward of wyndesore hyr sone of ryal [...] and of his kyngdome / Now [...] sir rogyer quod the quene hath sir edmond done so / by my fadres soule quod [...]he [...] wyl be the [...]f auengyd yf that god graunte me lyf / and that in a short tyme / And anone with that the quene Isabel wente vnto kyng edward hir sone, ther that he was at the parlemēt at wyn chestre for to haue amended the wronges and trespaces that were done among the peple in his royame / And tho toke she & she wed hym the letter that syr Edmond of wodestok Erle of kent had made and ensealed with his owne seal / and bad vpon hir beneson that he shold be auengyd vpon hym, as vpon his dedly enemye /
Tho was the quene soo wroth toward Syr Edmond Erle of kente / and [...]sid neuer to pray vntil hir sone til that he had sent in all hast after hym / And vpon that the kynge sente by his lettres after Syr edmōd of wodestok that he shold come and speke with hym at wynchestre al maner thyng left. And when Syr Edmond saw that the kyng sente after hym with his lrēs ens [...]led he [...]asted hym in al that he myȝt / til that he come to wynchestre / but tho the Quene wyste that sir Edmond was come vnto wynchestre / anon she prayd and so fast wente vnto kynge Edward hyr sone that the good erle was aws [...]yd anon / and led vnto the barre byfore. Robert of Hamond / that was cowner of the kynges hous ho [...]d / and he assocyed vnto hym Syr Rogyer the mortimer / & tho spake the forsayd Robert and sayd / Syr Edmond Erle of kente ye shal vnderstōde that it is done vs to wyte▪ and principally vnto our lyege lord syr Edward kyng of englond that almyȝty god saue and kepe that ye [...] his dedely enemye and traytour / and also a comune enemye vnto the r [...]ame / and that ye haue ben about many a day for to make pre [...]y delyueraūce of Syr edward somtyme kyng of englond your broder / the which was put a doun of his [...] al [...] by [...]mune assēt of all the lordes of englond in pesyng of our lord the kynges astate / and also of his reame / Tho ansuerd the good man & said / forsoth sir vnderstondeth wel that I was neuer traitour to my kyng ne to the reame / & that I do me on god & on al the world / & ferthermore by my kynges leue I shal preue it & defende as a man ought to do / Tho sayd Mortimer Syr Edmond it is so forsothe y knowe that it may not wel ben gayn sayd / and that in presence of al that here ben it shal wel ben proued / Nowe [Page] had this fal [...] mortimer the same letter that sir Edmōd had take to sir Iohan dauerell in the castel of corff for to take vnto kyng Edward his broder that sir Edmond wyst not of ne supposed no nothyng that sir Iohan dauerel had be so fals to deliuer his l [...] in such wise to the mortimer & thouȝt no maner thyng of that letter & sayd to sir edmond and shewed a letter se [...]d & axid hym yf he knewe that letter and the seal / This sir Edmond loked theron & auised hym long on the prynt of the seal / for he myȝt not see the let ter wythin forth what was therin / & wiste wel that it was his seal / and thought that it had be some letter that had bore no grete charge / and thought nothyng of that other letter / and said openly in heryng of hem al ye forsoth this is my seal I wil it not forsake [...]o quod the mortimer sirs ye heren all what he hath sayd & that he knoulecheth that this is his letter and his seal / and nowe ye shal here al what is conteyned therin / And than this mortym [...] opened the letter that he had folden a fore to geder / and red it open ly word by word in heryng of hem all / and whan the letter was red [...]e sayd lo si [...]s ye haue herd al what is here w [...]n / & that ye hath knoulecheth that this is his letter / and his seal / and maye not go ther from / And than they al cryed and yafe dome that he shold be honged and drawe / and his heede smyte of in maner of a traitour / and he and his heyres dysheryted for euermore▪ and so he was ladde forth and put in to prison / And whan this was done and the quene wyste that he was dampned by wey of lawe both of lyfe & lymme and his heyres dysheryted for euermore thurg [...] open knoulechyng in pleyn court / Wherfor hem thought that were good that the forsayd Syr Edmond were hastely y slayne withoute wytyng of the kyng / or els the kyng wold lyghtly for yeue hym his deth / and than that shold torne hem to moche sorow so as he was empeched / And anon the quene thurgh counceylle of the mortimer and withoute ony other counseyll se [...]t in hast to the Baillifs of wynchestre / that they shold smyte of syr edmōdes heede of wodestoke erle of kente vithoute ony maner abydyng or respyte vp payne of lyf and lymme / and that he shold haue none other execucion by cause of [...]ryeng not withstōdyng the iugemēt Tho token the baillif [...] sir Edmond oute of prison & sad hem besi▪ des the castel of wynchestre / and there they made a gongfermer smyte of his hede / for none other mā durst it done▪ & so dyed he ther Allas the tyme that is to say the x day of Octo [...] the [...] of kinge Edwardes regne / & when the kyng wys [...] therof he was wōder [Page] sory / & lete entiere hym at the Frere menours at wynchestre /
Of the deth of sir Rogyer mortimer erle of the marche. Capitulo / CCo. / xxijo. /
ANd so it be fell at that tyme that sir Rogyer Mortymer Erle of the marche was so proud & so hauteyne that he helde no lord of the Reamme his pere. & tho become he so couetous that he folowed Dame Isabell the Qnenes court / that was kyng Edwardes moder & beset his peny worthes with the officers of the que nes houshold in ye same maner that the kynges officers did & so he made his takyng as touchyng vitails & also of caryages / & al he did for cause of spences & for to gadre tresour / & so he did without nōbre in al that he myght. Tho made he hym wonder priue with the quene [...]abel / & so moch lordship & retenue had / so yt al the gre te lordes of englōd of hym were adr [...]d, wherfor the kyng & his cō ceyl towardes hym were agreued & ordeyned among hem to vndo hym thurgh pure reson & lawe for cause that kyng edward that was the kinges fadre traitoursly thurgh him was mordred in the castel of berklee as bifere is sayd more plenarly in the CC xvij chapytre of this boke / And some that were of the kynges coūceil loued the mortimer & told hym in priuete how that the kyng & his coūceyl were about from day to day hym for to shend and vndone wher for the mortimer was sore ānoyed & angry as the deuil ayēst hem that were of the kynges coūceyl & said that he wold on hem ben auengyd / how so euer he toke on / [...]it was not longe after ward that kyng edward and dame phelip his wyf & dame Isabel the kynges moder & sir Rogyer the mortimer ne went vnto no tyngham ther for to soiourne / & so it byfell that the quene Isabel thurgh coūseyle of the mortimer toke to hir the keyes of the yates of the castel of Notyngham / so that no man might come nether in ne out by nyght but thurgh commaūdement of the mortymer ne the kyng ne none of his coūseyl / And that tyme it byfel so that the mortimer as a deuyl for wrath bolled / & also for wrath that he had ayēst the kynges men edward / & principally ayēst hem that had hym accused to the kyng of the deth of sir edward his fadre / And priuely a coūceylle was take bytwene quene Isabel / & the Mortimer & the bisshop of lyncoln / & s [...]r Symond of Bereford and sir hugh of Trumpyngton / & other priue of hir coūceyl for to vndone hem al that had accusid the mortimer vnto the kyng of his [Page] fadres deth of treson and of felonye / wherfor al tho that were of the kynges coūceyl when they wyst of the mortimers castyng pre uely come to kyng edward, & seyde that the mortimer wold hem de stroye for cause that they had accused hym of kyng edwardes deth his fadre & prayd hym that he wold mayntene hem in hir right And these were the lordes to pursue this quarelle / Syre william mountagu / Sir hūfrey de boghun. Sir william his broder / Sire Rauf of stafford, Syr robert of herford / syr william of clyn [...]n Syr Iohan neuyl of horneby, and many other of hir consent, and all these sworen vpon the book to maynten the quarell in as m [...]ch as they myght / And it byfell so af [...]r / that sir william moūtagu ne none of the kynges frendes must not ben herburg [...]ed in the Ca stel for the mortimer. but went and toke hir lodgyng in dyuerse places in the toune of notyngham / And tho were they sore adrad lest that the mortimer shold hem destroye. and in hast ther come vn to kyng edward Sir william mountagu / ther that he was in the castel / & priuely told hym that he ne none of his companye shold not take the mortimer without coūceyl & help of william of elād Constable of the same castel / Now certes qd the kyng I leue yew wel / & therfor I counceyll yow that ye go [...] to the forsayd [...] ble & commaūde hym in my name that he be youre frend. & youre helpe for to take the mortimer al thyng y left vpon peril of [...] / & lymme / Tho sayd mountagu / Syr my lord graunte mercy / [...] went forth the forsayd mountagu & come to the Conestable of the castel / and told hym the kynges wyll / And he ansuerd & sayd that the kynges w [...]l shold be done in as moch as he myght & that he wold not spare for no maner dethe / and so he swore & made his othe / Tho sayd Syr william mountagu to the Conestab [...]e in [...]erynge of al men that were helpynge vnto the quarel / Now certes dere frende vs behoueth for to worche / & do by your [...]yntise fo: to take the mortimer sith that ye be kepar of the castel / and haue the keyes in your ward / sir qd the conestable / wil ye vnderstōd that the gates of the castel ben lokked with the lokkes that dame [...]abel sent hidder / and by nyght she hath the keyes therof & lei [...] hem vnder the leuesell of the led vnto the morow, and so ye maye not come in to the castel by the yates in noo maner wyse / but I knowe an Aley that stretcheth out of the warde vnder the erth in to the forsayd castel / that gothe in to the weste whiche A [...]y da [...]e Isabel the quene / ne none of hir men, ne the mortimer ne none of his companye knoweth it not / And soo I shalle [Page] fede yow thurgh that Aley / and so ye shal come in to the Castell without aspyes of ony man that ben your enemyes / And the same nyght sir william mountagu / and al the lordes of his quarelle / and the same conestable also wente hem to hors / and maden semblaunt as it were for to wende oute of the mortimers syghte /
But anon as the mortimer herd this tidyng he went that they wold haue gone ouer the see for drede of hym / and anon he and his companye token coūseill amonges hem for to let hir passage & sent lrēs anon to the portes / so that none of the grete lordes shold wende home to hir owne coūtre / but yf they were arested and take
And among o [...]her thynges william Eland Constable of the forsayd castel priuely lad sir william mountagu and his company by the forsaid wey vnder erthe so til they comen in to the castel / and went vp in to the tour ther that the mortimer was [...] / [...] it sir hugh of T [...]umpyngton hem aseryed hydously. and sayd A traytou [...]s it is al for nought that ye ben comen in to this Castel / ye shall dye yet an euel dethe euerychone / And anone one of hem that was in mountaguys companye vp with a mace & smote the same hugh vpon the hede that the brayn brest out / and fel on the grounde. and so [...] he was dede an euyll deth / Tho toke they the mortimer / as he arryued hym at the toures dore whan he herde the noyse of hem for drede / And whan the quene [...]sabell saw that the mortimer was take she made moch sorow [...] hert and the wordes vnto he [...] sayd / Nowe faire syrs I pray yow that ye done none harme to his body a worthy knyght oure welbeloued frende and our dere cosyn. Tho went they thens and comen and brought the mortimer and presented hym vnto the kynge Edward / and he comaunded to bringe hym in sauf ward / But anon as they that w [...]e consen [...]e vnto the mortimers doyng herd telle that he was take they went & hyd hem and priuely by nyght went out of the toune [...]he [...] his side with heuy hert and mornyng / and lyued vp on hir landes as wel as they myght / And so that same yere that the mortimer was take he had at his retenue ix score kni gh [...]s withoute Squyers & seruauntes of Armes and footmen / And tho was the mortimer lad to london / And Syre Symond of Bereford was lad with hym / and was take to the Conestable of the tour to kepe / But afterward was the mortimers lyfe examyned at westmynster bifore the kyng & bifore al the grete lordes of englōd for peril that myght falle to the Reame / and to enquere also whiche were [Page] assentyng to sir edwardes deth the kynges fadre / and also thurgh whome the scot [...]es escaped from stanhope in to scotland without the wylle of kyng Edward / And also how the chartre of Rageman was deliud vnto the scottes wherin the feautes & homages of scot land were conteyned that the scottes shold d [...]ne euermore vnto the kynges of englond for the reame of scotlād / wherfor in his absēce he was dampned to be drawe & honged for his treson / and this me schyef come vnto hym on seynt andrews euen [...] the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihu crist a thousand CCC / xxx /
How kyng Edward gete ageyne vnto hym gracyously the ho mages & feautes of scotlād / wherof he was put out thurgh fals counceyll of Isabel his moder / and sir Rogyer mortimer that was newe made erle of the marche / Cao. / CC. xx [...]ijo. /
[...]Owe ye haue herd lordes how sir Iohan of Bayllol in tyme of pees was chosen to ben kyng of Scotlād f [...]r ench son that he come of the eldest doughter of the erle Dauyd of Hontyngton that was kyng Alysandres broder of scotland that de [...]de without heyr of his body bygoten / & how this Iohan made frauce & homage to kyng edward henryes sone the third for his lādes of stotlād / and how he afterward withsayd his homage thurgh coū ceill of the scottes in the yere of our lord M ccc lxxij / & sent vnto yt pope thurgh a fals suggestion that he made his oth vnto yt fo [...]said king edward ouer his astate & his wil▪ of which oth the p [...]pe him assoylled thurgh his bulles to hym y sent / And anone as kyng Edward wyst therof he ordeyned anon his barons / & c [...]me vnto Berewik / & conquerd the toune. at which cōquest ther were sl [...]y ne xxv M & vij C / And the Baillol that was kyng of scotlād come & yelde hym vnto kyng edward / And the kyng afterward delyuerd him out of the toure of london / and al the gre [...]e lordes of scotlād with hym that were take at Berewyk. & yaf hem saufcō duyt to go in to scotland / and the scottes syth thurgh hir falsenes werred vpon kyng edward / And whan Syr Iohan Bay [...]loll kyng of scotlād saw al this he went / & put hym ouer the see vnto Dunpier / and liued ther vpon his owne landes as welle as he myght tille that the scottes wold amende hem of hyr mysdedes / & trespace / and lad with hym Syr Edward his sonne / whe [...]fore the Scottes in despyte of hym callyd hym Syr Iohan Turnelabard for cause that he wold not offende ne trespace ayēst kyng edward of Englond / And soo he forsoke his Reame of Scotland / & sette therof but lytell prys / And this Syre Iohan longe tyme [Page] duellyd in fraunce til that he dyed there / and sir edward his sone vnderfeng his heritage, & did homage vnto the kyng of fraūce for his lādes of dunyyer / & so it fel afterward that edward yt was Iohan bayllols sone had with hym a squyer of englōd that was b [...]re in yorkshyre that was callyd Iohan of barnaby / & this edward bayllol loued hym moche & was nygh hym & ful pryue. And so this Iohan of barnaby was in debate with a frensshmā in the toune of Dunpyer & soo he slewe hym & went his waye in al that he myght in to the castel for to haue socoure & helpe of his lord / And anon come the officers of the toun to take Iohn of bar naby as a felon / & syr edward his lord halp hym & rescued him & by nyȝt made hym wende oute of the castel / & so he went his wey & come in to Englond without ony harme / And whan the kyng of fraunce saw that sir edward had rescued his felon / he beco me wonder wroth ayenst Syr edward / & anon lete hym be a rest & toke in to his hande al his londes Tho duellyd Syr edward in prison vnto the tyme that sir henry of beaumout come in to fraū ce the which henry somtyme was erle of angos in scotlād thurgh his wyf / & was put oute of the forsayd erldom whan the accord was bytwene englond and Scotland thurgh the quene Isabel and sir rogyer the mortimer & hir company for the maryage that she made bytwene dauyd / that was Robert the brus sone & dame Iane of the tour kyng edwardes suster of englond and well vnderstode this that at the ende he shold come to his right but if it we re thurgh sir edward baillol / that was right heir of the reame of Scotland / And the kynge of frannce lowys loued moche this sir henry / and he was with hym ful priue / and thought for to make a delyueraunce of Sir edward baillols body yf he myght in ony maner wyse Tho prayd he the kyng that he wold graunte hym of his grace Syr edward bayllols body vnto the next par lement that he myght lyue with his owne rentes in the mene time and that he must stand to be Iugged by his peris at the parlement / The kynge graunted hym his prayer / and made the forsayd Edward be delyuerd oute of prison in the maner aboue sayd / And anon as he was out of prison sir henry toke hym forth with hym / and lad hym in to Englond, and made hym duelle pri uely at the maner of sandehal vp ouse in yorkshyre with the lady besey / and so he ordeyned hym there an huge retenaunce of people of Englisshmen. and also of Alyens for to conquere ayene his heri tage / And soo he yaf moche siluer vnto Sowdyours / [Page] and to alyens for to helpe hym / And they behight for to helpe him in al that they myght, but they faylled hym at his most nede / And at that tyme Donald erle of morryf h [...]rde telle how that sir Edward was priuely come in to scotlond and come to hym and made with hym grete ioye of his comyng ayene and said to hym & behight hym that al the grete lordes of englond shold be to hym en tendaunt / & shold hym holde for kyng as right heyr of Scotlād & so moche they wold done that he shold be crouned kyng of that land / and dyden to hym homage & feaute / Tho come Syr Henry of Beaumont to kynge edward of Englond / and prayd hym in wey of charite that he wold graūte of his grace vnto sir edward Baillol that he muste saufly gone by land from sandhall vn to Scotland for to conquere his right herytage in Scotland. The kyng ansuerd and sayd vnto hym / yf that I suffre the Bayllol wende thurgh my land in to scotland than the peple wold saye that I shold be assentyng vnto the companye / Now Syr I pray yow that ye wold graūte hym leue to take vnto hym Soudiours of englisshmen that they myght saufly lede hym thurgh your sād vnto Scotland / And Syr vpon this couenaunt that yf it so befall that god it forbede that he be discomfyted in batayl thurgh the Scottes / that I and also al the lordes that holden with Baillol ben for euermore put out of our rendes / that we haue in En glond. And the kynge vpon this couenaunt graunted hir bone as touchyng hym & tho that were of the same quarell / the whiche claymed for to haue londes or rentes in the Reame of Scotland And these were the names of the lordes that pursueden this ma ter / that is to say Syr Edward the Baillol that chalengyd the Reame of Scotland / Syr Henry Beaumout erle of Angos sir Dauid of stroboly erle of Atheles / Syr Geffroy of Mombray / waltier Comyn. & many other that were put [...]e oute of her herytage in Scotland. whan the pees was made bytwene Englond & Scotland as byfore is sayd, And ye shal vnderstonde that these lordes toke with hem v honderd men of Armes and ij thou sand archyers and of foote men / and tho wente in to shippe at Ra uenespore / and saylled by the see / til wat they comen in to scotlād and comen to londe at kynkehorne xij myle from seynt Iohannes toune. & anone sent oute hir shippes ageyne / for they shold not be hurt ne empeyred nether that no man shold gone in to the shippe ayene. though that they had nede / but abyde at all perylles and not flee but stonde / & rather suffre dethe than flee for to mayntene [Page] hyr trewe quarel / whan therle of Fyffe a fyers man & a sterne herd knewe that the bayllol was comen for to take the lande of Scotland he come in hast to kynghorne with x thousand Scottes for to destrouble hym that he shold not come to land /
But sir Edward Bayllol and his companye there hym dyscomfyded / at the whiche scomfyture Syre Alysaunder of Seton was ther y slayn & many other / The erle of Fyffe was tho sory and full ylle ashamed that so lytel a company had hym dyscomfyted / and shamelyche put hym & al his company that was alyue for to flee /
Tho come sir edward Bayllol. and toke the countray all aboute hym till he come vnto the abbay of Dunfermelyne / and ther be founde vytaylles for hym and for his folke and among al other thynges he fonde in a chambre aboute v honderd of grete staues of fyne oke with longe pykes of yren & of stele. he toke hem and delyuerd hem to the moost strengest men of his companye / And anone after he wente fro thens, and lodged hym in a felde ij myle from saynt Iohannes toune and whan the burgeis of the tonne herde how the Erle of Fyffe was discomfyted thurgh the Bayllol they were sore adrad & breken theyr brydges that they had made ouer the water of Erue / so that the bayllol myght not gone ouer wherfor he lodged hym there all that nyght / but litel hede he toke of reste / and sayd vnto his peple / Nowe dere lordes ye knowe ful wel, that we be now y lodged bytwene our enemyes / And yf they mowe vs hampre / ther is no bote but deth wherfor yf we abyde here al this nyghte stylle / I leue that it shal torne vs to moche sorow and harme / For the power of Scotland may euery day weye and encrease / and we may not so done / And we ben but lytel peple as ayenst hem. wherfor I pray yow for the loue of Almyghty god make we vs bold and hardy and that we maye myghtely take the scottes this nyght and boldely werre vpon hem and lete vs pursue hem this nyght, & yf they be trauaylled thurgh vs / and they see our hardynesse / so that other Scottes that comen and mete hem and see hem so trauaylled and wery / the sorer wyll they be adrad with vs for to fyght. and fiersly than we shal fyght with hem / and vpon hem pursue / soo that thurgh the grace of God Amyghty alle the world shal speke of the doughtnes of our Chyualrye /
And sirs vnderstondeth wel that al the company that comen with sir Edward bayllol graunted wel vnto that counceyll / and were [Page] ther of glad / and anon pursued vpon the Scottes / that they byco me wonder wery. And the Bayllol and his companye sore folowed hem / & dyd hem moche sorow thurgh hyr assaute / so that they myght not for feble hem helpe and for lytell peple / but tho sayd the Scottes amonges hem what is now byfal / that so li cell a peple. as the bayllol hath in wynge / done vs so moch traua ylle and sorowe / Nowe certes it semeth vs, that he worcheth by grace / for he is wonder gracious in his quarell / and al we certes shal ben dede or that we may come to hym vs for to yelde sith that his fadre set of vs no prys And among all other thynges the Bayllol, and his peple passed the water of Erue / so that syre Rogyer of Swynerton the sone was fyers and angry. and went forth / and they saw peple of armes ful well arayed / & forth they wente vn to hem, and with hem foughten / and slewe as many as wold abyde and toke / And netheles at that assaute they wende it hadde be the grete hoost of Scotland / And whan it come to the morne / they gadred hem to geder / and rested hem a whrle But the whyle that the Eglysshmen rested hem the noble Baron Thomas of vesey and the noble baron of stafford pril [...]ed hir lo [...]s vp and doune by the hylles for to kepe the estres of the countrey And as they pryked vp & doune / they saw a grete hoost of good aray ordeyned in thre wynges with helmes, & sheldes shynyng co myng vpon hem / and tho come tho two lordes ayene vnto baillols folke / & sayd / Now for the loue of almyghty god ben of good cō fort / For ye shal haue batayll anon ryght / And tho spake Sir fouke the sone of gareyne a baron of grete renōme & of dede of ar mes / Syres lordynges vnderstondeth that I wylle saye / I haue seyn many dyuerse wynges as wel amōge sarazyns & Iewee as among the scottes / And yet saw I neuer the ferth part of the wyn ge fyght / and therfor yf we wil abyde our enemyes / we be ynowe for to fyght ayenst hem / But yf we be not of good hert & of good wyl late vs not fyght with hem / for certes we ben ful few a [...]ns this company / And therfor for the loue of god take vnto vs a good hert, and lete vs ben bold and thenke we nether on our wy ues ne on our children / but onlyche to conquere hem in batayl / & thurgh the helpe of our lord god our enemyes we shal ouercome And with that come the hoost of the scottes towardes hem ful fie sly / and ayenst syr Edward the Bayllol in thre bataylles well arayed in armure And wonder syerly they come toward the Bayllols men / But whan Syre Donald erle of Marall [Page] sawe al this / he sayd to Robert Buts the sone of Robert the brus these wordes / Syr Robert quod he ful sore me forthynketh at my ne hert that these folk that the baillol had brouȝt with hym shold dye with dynt of scottissh swerd / sith yt they ben cristen men as wel as we ben. And therfor me thynketh that it were grete charite to send vnto hem for to yeld hem vnto our mercy and grace / and raunsonne hem thurgh greuous raunsonne / for as moche as they haue taken our land and done ylle / Now certes quod sir robert the Brus I haue wel perceyued that thou art an enemye / and a trai tour vnto scotland / sith that thou wylt consent to saue our dedely enemyes that haue done vs moche sorow / and shame / and now it semeth wel that ye ben of hir assent / Certes Robert quod Syre Donald falsely ye lye / I am not of hir company / ne of hir consent and that hastely ye shal see / For I wylle fyght with hem rather than ony of this company / And certes syr Robert sayd he I shal maugre thyn hede assaylle hem er thou / And with that they prike ten hir stedes fiersly vpon Caskemore and hyr wenges he in fole wrd on a venge / And tho come they & met the baillol / & his cōpa nye at an hongyng bought of the more in a streit passage / & so fast they hasted hem vnto the englysshmen / so that thousandes fell to the groūde eche vp other in to a hepe both hors & man / The baillol tho & his men myghtely stode ayenst hem / and fast slewe scottes vnto the groūde / & many sore they wounded so long til that they stoden vpon hem & feined hem with hir swerdes & speres thurgh her bodyes / & so sore trauailled vpon hem til that they bioomen ful wery. & wist not what for to done / & the scottes that were left ali ue fledden a wey for to saue hem self in the best man as they myȝt
And tho pursued hem sir edward bayllol & his men & slewe of hem til that it was nyȝt / And fro thens they went vnto seynt Iohans toun & toke it & held hem there / & vitaylled hem self at hir owne will for they foūden ynowe wherwith to make hem mery
Tho made the bayllol his men that were woūded gone to shippe for to wēde in to englōd for to hele hyr woūdes / And in that time ther was a flemmyng in the see a strong these and a robber that was callyd Crabbe / And this Flemmynge was dryuen oute of Flaundres for his wykkednes. And therfor he come in to Scotland to holde with the Scottes / and dyde as moche harme vnto Englysshmen as he myght / And this Crabbe met in the see the Bayllols men that were wounded in batayll / that were sente ayene in to Englond for to hele hir woundes / And this Crabbe [Page] yafe vnto hem a grete assaute / and wold haue slayn hem eueryeho ne / but the englysshmen defended hem wel and manly / & discō fited Crabbe and his companye / And tho gone he flee in to Scot land / And as he come toward saynt Iohans toune / he foūd a gre te company of scottes that were comen ageyn to geder after the dy scomfiture of gaskemore / the whiche besyeged bayllol and his mē in the same toune of saynt Iohan / and anon told the scottes how that he was discomfyted of the Englysshmen that were woūded at gaskemore / that went toward Englond for to hele her woūdes and sayd to the scottes that they shold haue no myghte ne grace ageynst edward Bayllol for encheson that scomfyted & empeired all the chyualrye of Scotland with an handeful of men / as to ac compt / as ageynst the Scottes that were slayne / wherfor he coū ceilled for to remeue the fiege from saynt Iohans toun / & kepe hem in the best maner that they coude & myght / The scottes vnderstode tho that Crabbe sayd hem soth / and forsoke the siege and went thens by nyght / & halpe hem self in the best maner that they miȝt
Whan this thynge was knowe thurgh scotland / how that the lordes and knyghtes were scomfyted at Gaskemore of Scotland thurgh sir Edward the bayllol / ye shal vnderstonde that the lor des and ladyes and the gentils of scotland comen wonder fast to saynt Iohanes toun / & yelde hem vnto the bayllol / and to hym dyden homage & feaute for hir landes / and yelden hem to his pees, And he hem resceyued frely / And fro thens he went to the Abbey of Scone / and ther he was crouned kynge of Scotland / And after he lete crye his pees thurgh oute al the land / And at that same tyme it bifell that kyng edward helde his parlement amōg his lyeges at the newe Castel vp Tyne for to amende the trespa ces & the wronges that had be done in his land / and sir Edward the bayllol kyng of Scotland come to hym thyder / & dyd to hym seante & homage for the reame of scotland / And in this maner kyng Edward of Englond gadred ageyne the homages & fe autes of Scotland. wherof he was put out thurgh counceyll and assent of dame Isabell his moder and of sir Rog [...]er the mortimer Erle of the marche, Tho toke baillol kyng of scotland his leue of kyng Edward of Englond & went thens in to his owne lād of Scotland / and sette but lytell by hem that had coūceylled hym / & holpen hym in his quarell / wherfor they went fro hym and went and lyued by hir londes and rentes in scotland / And soo it felle afterward not longe that the kyng of scotland ne remeued [Page] and come to the tonne of Anand, and ther toke his duellyng / & thyder come to hym a companye of knyghtes strong men and wor thy / and yelde hem vnto the kyng / and bere hem so fayre in dede / & in contynaunce / so that he trust moche vpon hem / And anone as the traytours saw that he trust moch vpon hem / they ordeyned amōges hem / l / in a companye / & wold haue slayn her kyng / but thurgh the grace of almyȝty god he brake thurgh a walle an hole in his chambre / and as god wolde escaped her trecherye / & alle his men were slayn / & he escaped with moche drede vnto the toun of cardoyll / and ther helde hym sore annoyed / and this byfelle in our ladyes eue the concepcion / Tho sent kyng edward the Baylloll to kynge Edward of Englond / how falsely and traytoursly he was in lytel tyme put to shame & sorow thurgh his lyegemen vpon whome he trusted wonder moche / & prayd hym for the loue of god that he wold mayntene hym / & helpe hym ageynst his enemyes / The kyng of Englond had tho of hym grete pyte / and behyght hym help and socour / and sente hym worde that he shold hol de hym in pees stylle in the forsayd Cyte of Cardoyll / till that he had gadred his power / Tho ordeyned kyng edward of Englōd a counceylle at london and lete gadre his men in dyuerse shyres of Englond / And whan he al was redy / he went toward the toun of Berwyk vp Twede / and thyder come to hym kyng Edward Bayllol of Scotland with his power / and besyeged the Toune and made withoute the toune a fayr toune of [...]auylons / and dyked hem al aboute / sa that they had no drede of the Scottes / & made many assaute with gonnes. and with other engynes to the toune / wherwith they destroyed many fayr houses and chirches al so were bete doune vnto the erth with grete stones / that spytously come oute of gonnes and of other engynes / And netheles the soottes kept wel the toune / that tho two kynges myght not come therin long tyme / And netheles the kynges abyde ther so long / til tho that were in the toune faylled vytaylles / and al so they were so wery of wakyng that they wyst not what for to done / And ye shal vnderstonde that tho Scottes that were in the Toune of Berewyk thurgh comyn counseille and hir assente lets crye vpon the wallys of the Towne that they myght haue pees of the Englysshmen / And therof they prayden the kynge of his grace and mercy / and prayden hym of trewes for eyght dayes vpon this couenaunt / that yf they were not rescued in that syde of the toune toward Scotlānd of the Scottes within eyght dayes [Page] that they wolde yelde hem vnto the kyng and the toune also and to holde this couenaūt they profred to the kynge xij hostages out of the toune of her wyst / Whan the hostages were delyuerd vn to the kynge / anon tho of the toune sente vnto the scottes & told hem of her sorow & meschyef / And the Scottes come tho priuely ouer the water of Twede to the bought of the Abbey / & syr Wyll iam dyket that was tho styward of scotland & many other that come with hym put hem ther in grete peril of hem self at yt tyme of her lyf for they comen ouer a bridge that was to broke / and the stones awey / and many of her cōpanye were ther drēched / but the forsayd william went ouer and other of his companye / & come by the shippes of Englond / & slewe in a barge of hull [...] mē And after they wente in to the toune of Berwyk by the water side / wherfor the scottes helde tho the toune rescowed / & asked her hostages ageyne of the kyng of Englond / And the kyng sent hem worde ageyne that they axed the hostage with wronge sith yt they comen in to the toune of englond side / for couenaunt was by twene hem that the toune shold be rescued by the halfe of Scotland / And anon kyng edward tho cōmaūded to yelde the toune or he wold haue the hostages / And the Scottes said that the toun was rescued wel ynowe. & ther to they wold holde hem / whan kyng edward saw the scottes breke hir connenaūt that they made he was wonder Wroth / & anon lete take sir thomas fytz william and sir alysander of Seton wardeyne of Berwyk / the whiche tho mas was persone of dunbarre / & lete hem be take first afore that other hostages for encheson that sir Alysandres fadre was [...] of the toun / & tho comaūded euery day ij hostages of the toune to [...] slayn til that they were al done vnto the deth but yf they yeld the toune / And soo he shold teche hem to breke her couenauntes And when tho of the toune herde these thynges / they bioomen wō der sory / and sente to the kyng of Englond that he wold graunte. hem other viij dayes of respyte / soo that bytwene two [...]nderd men of armes and xx men of armes myght by strengthe gone by twene hem of the toune of Berwyke hem for to vytoylle that the toune must be holde for rescued / And yf so were that xxj or xxi [...] / or more were slayn of tho two honderd byfore sayd that the toune shold not be holde for rescued / and this couenaunt to beholden / they sente to hym other xij of the toune in hostage / The kynge of Englond graunted hem her prayer & toke the hostages in saynt margaretes eue in the yere of grace a M CCC / and xxxij [Page] the scottes come fiersly in four wynges wel arayed in armes for to mete kyng Edward of englond / & Edward the kyng of Scot land and with hir power / and come fast and sharpely agaynste euensong tyme, and the same tyme was flode at Berewyk in the water of Twede that noo man myght wende ouer on his hors nor on fote / and the water was bytwene the ij kynges & the reame of Englond / And that tyme abyden the scottes in that other side for encheson that the englysshmen shold haue ben dreynt or slayn
This was the aray of the Scottes how that they comen in bataylles ageynst the two kynges of Englond and Scotland / In the vauntward of Scotland were these lordes / Cao. / CC / xxiiijo
THe erle of morryf / Iames Frisell / Symond Frisel / wal tier styward / Reynold cheyne / [...]atrik of Graham / Iohan le graunt / Iames of Cardoyll / [...]atrik parkers / ro bert caldecottes / phelip of melledrum / Thomas Gyllebert / Raufe wyse man / Adam gurdone / Iames gramat / Robert Boyde / hugh [...]arke with / xl. knyghtes newe dubbed, and six C men of armes and thre. M. of communes, In the fyrste partye of the halfe batayll weren these lordes / The Stiward of Scotland / The Erle of Mouref / Iames his vncle / William douglas / Dauid of linde sey / Mancolyn Flemmyng / William of kethe / Dunkan kamboke with xxx bachelers newe y dubbed / In the second part of the batayll were these lordes / Iames styward of Colden / Aleyn sti ward, william Abbrehyn / William moryce / Iohan fytz william Adam le mose / Walter fytz gylbert. Iohan of Cerlton, robert wal ham with vij C men of armes / and xvij M of communes / In the thyrd part of the batayll of Scotland were these lordes, The erle of marrethe / Erle of Roffe / The erle of Straherne / The Erle of sotherland / william of kyrkeley / Iohan Cābron / gilbert of Hay / william of Ramsey / William prendegest / [...]yrstyn harde William gurdon / Arnold garde / Thomas Dolphyn with xl kni ghtes newe dubbed / ix / C men of armes, and xv M of comunes / In the fourth warde of the batayll of scotland were these lordes Archebald douglas / The erle of loneuax / Alysandre le brus / the Erle of Fyf / Iohan cambel / Erle of Atheles / Robert Lawether William of vy [...]oūt / William of Lonstone / Iohn de labels / groos de Sherenlawe / Iohan of lyndesey / Alysandre de gray / Ingram [Page] de vmfreuylle / patryk de pollesworth / Dauyd de wymes / Mychel Scot / wylliam lādy / Thomas de boys / Rogyer the mortimer with xx Bachelers newe dubbed ix honderd men of armes / xviij M and iiij C of comunes / The Erle of dunbarre kepar of the Castel of Berwyke halpe the Scottes With fyfty men of Armes / And Syr Alysander of Seton kepar of the forsayd toune of berewyke with an honderd men of armes / And the communers of the toune with iijj honderd men of armes / And with hem eyght honderd of footemen, The somme of the erles and lordes aboue sayd ammounted lxvj / The somme of bachelers newe dubbed am mounteth to an honderd and xl. The somme of men of armes ammounteth thre / M / C / The somme of the communers amounteth liij M CC / The somme totayll of the peple aboue sayd amoū teth lvj M vij C xlv / And these lxv grete lordes [...]dden asse the other grete lordes aboue sayd in iiij bataylles as it is told be fore al on fote / And kyng edward of Englond & edward kyng of Scotland had wel apparaylled her folke in iiij bataylles for to fight on fote ayense hir enemyes / And the Englyssh [...] les blewe hee trumpes & her pypes and hydously ascryed the [...] tes / And tho had euery englyssh batayll ij wynges of pris [...] ers the which at that batayll shoten arewes so fast & so sore that the scottes myght not helpe hem self / And they smyten the scot [...]s thousandes to grounde / And they gan for to flee fro the englissh men for to saue her lyf / And whan the Englysshe knaues sawe the scomfyture and the scottes fall fast to the grounde they [...] hir maistres hors with the spores for to kepe hem fro [...] / & [...] her maystres at no force / And whan the Englysshmen sawe that they lepten on hir hors & fast pursued the scottes / & all that abyden they slewe doune right / ther men myght see the doughtynes of of the noble kyng edward, and of his men how manly they pur sued the scottes / that flowen for drede, And ther men myght see many a scottisshman caste doune vnto the grounde deede / and hir baners displayed hakked in to pyeces / & many a good [...] rione of stele in her blode bathed / And many a tyme the scottes were gadred in to companyes. but euermore they were discomfited / And soo it befelle as god almyghty wold that the Scottes had that day no more foyson. ne myght a [...]nst the Englysshmen / than xx shepe shold haue ageynst v wulues / & soo w [...] the Scot tes discomfyted. And yet the scottes had wel v men ageynst one Englysshman. And that bataylle Was done on holy doune hylle [Page] besydes the toune of Berewyk / at the whiche batayll were slayn of the scottes xxxv M / vij / C / xij / And of Englisshmen but only xiiij / & tho were fotemen / And this vyctorye byfell to the englissh men on saynt margarets eue in the yere of the Incarnacion of our lord Ihesu cast M CCC xxxij / And whyle this doynge laste the englyssh pages toke the pylfre / of the scottes that were slayn euery man that he myght take withoute ony chalengyng of ony man / And so after this gracious vyctorye the kyng torned hym ayene vnto the same syege of Berewik / & whan they besieged sawe & herd how kyng edward had sped they yolden to hym the tou ne with the castel on the morow after that the batayll was done that is for to say on saynt margarets day / And than the kyng ordeyned Syr Edward baylloll with other noble and worthy men to ben kepers & gouernours of Scotland in his absence / & hym self turned ayene and come in to Englond after this vyctorye with moche Ioye and worship / And in the next yere sewyng that is for to say the yere of Incarnacion of our lord Ihesu crist a M CCC xxxiij / and of kyng Edward vij / he wente ayene in to Scotland in the wynter tyme / at whiche vyage the castel of [...]ylbrydge in Scotland for hym and his men that with hym comen he recouerd and had ageynst the Scottes all at his own lust And in that same yere Syre Edward Bayllol kynge of Scotland helde his parlement in Scotland with many noble lordes of Englond that were at that same parlement for encheson of hir lon des and lordshippes that they had in the reame of Scotland and helden al of the same Bayllol / And in the viij yere of his regne aboute the feste of saynt Iohan baptist Syr Edward Bayllol the veray and trewe kyng of Scotland as by herytage and right lyne made his homage and feaute vnto kyng Edward of Englond for the Royame of Scotland at the newe Castel vp tyne in the presence of many worthy lordes and also of communes bothe of the reames of englond and also of Scotland / and anon after in the same yere kynge edward of Englond resseyned of the duk of Britayne his homage for the Erldom and lordshyp of Rychemond / And so folowyng in the nynth yere of his regne after mychelmasse kyng Edward rode in to Scotland / and ther was fast by saynt Iohans toune almoost al the wynter tyme / and he helde his Castemasse at the Castel of Rokesburgh /
And in the same yere thurgh oute alle Englond aboute Saynt Clements tyde in wynter there aroose suche a spryngyng [Page] and wellyng vp of waters and flodes bothe of the see / & also of fressh riuers & sprynges that yt see brinkes walles & costes brek [...] vp yt men beestes & houses in many places / & namely in lowe cō trees vyolently & sodenly were dreynt / & dryuen a wey & fruytes of the erth thurgh cōtinuaūce & haboūdaūce of waters of the see euermore afterward were torned in to more saltnes & sowrenesse of sauour / The x yere of kyng edwardes regne kyng edward en tred the scottissh see after midsomer & to many of the scottes he yaf bataylle and ouercome hem / & many he treted & bowed vnto bis pees thurgh his doughtynesse / And after mychelmasse than n [...]t folowyng was therle of morryf y take at Edenburgh / & brou [...]t in to englond & put in to prison / And in the mon [...]thes of Iuyn & Iuyll than next folowyng in the xj yere of his regne was seyn & appered in the firmament a bemed sterre / the whiche clerkes [...] stella cometa / & that sterre was seyn in dyuse partyes of the fyrmament / wher after anon ther folowed in englond good [...] & wonder grete plente of al chaffare vytaylle & marchandyse / & ther ayenst honger scarcite meschyef & nede of money / In so moch that a quarter of whete at lōdon was sold for two shillyng / & a good fat oxe at a noble & v good doue birddes for a peny [...] which [...] dyed sir Iohan of Eltham erl [...] of Cornewayle kyng edwardes broder / and lyeth at westmynstre /
How kyng Edward made a duchye of the Erld [...]m of [...] waylle / & also of six other erles that were newe made / and of the fyrst chalengyng of the kyngdome of fraunce / Cao CC / [...]vo. /
IN the yere of our lord / M / CCC / & xxxvij / & of kyng ed ward xij in the monethe of marche duryng the parlemēt at westmestre in lent tyme kyng edward made of the er ledome of cornewayle a duchye and lete it calle the duchye of [...] newaylle / the whiche duchye he yaf vnto edward his fyrst sonne with the erldom of chestre / And also kyng edward [...]ade a [...]t [...]at same tyme vj other erles / that is for to say Syr Henry Erle of lācastres sone erle of leicestre William of Boghu [...] Erle of north ampton / william of mountagu Erle of [...]alysbury / [...]ughe of awdele Erle of gloucestre / Robert of [...]d Erle of Southfolk And william of Clyntone Erle af h [...]yngdone.
And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlement that noman shold were no clothe that was wrought oute of Englond as clothe of gold of Sylke / [...]eluet / or damaske▪ Satyn / Baudekyn / ne none suche other ne none wild ware / ne fu [...] of [Page] beyonde the see / but such as myght spende an C poūd of rent a yere but this ordynaunce & statute was of lytell effect / for it was nothyng holde / In the xiij yere of his regne kyng edward wente ouer see in to braban with quene [...]helyp his wyfe ther beryng child at And werp ther he duellyd more than a yere to trete with the duc of braban and other allyed vnto hym of the chalengyng of the kyngdom of fraunce to kyng edward of Euglond by right and by herytage after the deth of Karoll the grete kyng of fraunce broder germayn of Quene Isabell kynge Edwardes moder the whiche was holden and occupyed vnrightfully by phelyp of valo ys the emes sone of kyng karoll / the which duk and al his in the forsayd thynges & in al other ther to longyng with al his men & goodes kyng edward founde redy vnto hym / and maden & behoy ghten hym seurte by good feyth and trust / & after that the kynge hasted hym in to Englond ayene / and left ther the quene styll behynde hym in Braban / Than in the xiiij yere of his regne whan all the lordes of his ream [...] and other that fallen to be at his parle ment were called and assembled to geder in the same parlemēt hol den at london after the fest of seynt hillarye The kynges nedes we re put forth & promote as touchyng the kyngdom of Fraunce / For whiche nedes to le sped / the kyng axed the fifthe part of al the meoble goodes of englond / & the wulles & the ix shefe of eue ry corne / And the lordes of euery toun wher suche thyng shold be taxed and gadred / shold ansuere to the kyng therof / and he had it and helde it at his owne lust and will / wherfor yf I thal knowe leche the veray treuth / the ynner loue of the peple was torned in to hate / & the comune prayers in to cursyug for cause that the com mune peple were so strongly greued / Also the forsayd phelyp va loys of fraūce had gadred vnto hym a grete hoost. & destroyed ther in his partyes and kyngdom many of the kynges frendes of En glond with tounes and castels and many other of hir lordshippes and many harmes shames and despytes dyden vnto the Quene wher for kyng edward whan he herde these tydynges was strong ly meuyd / & ther with on angred / and sente dyuerse lettres ouer see to the quene and [...] other that were his frendes gladynge hem and certyfyeng hem / tho [...] he wold be ther hym self in all the hast that he myght / And anon after Estre whan he had sped of alle thyng that hym neded / and come / he went ouer the see ayene / Of whos comyug the quene and all his frendes were wonder gladde / and made moche Ioye / and al that were his enemyes and ageyns [...] [Page] hym helden made as moche sorowe / In the same tyme the kynge thurgh counceyll of his trewe lyeges. & coūceyll of his lordes that ther were present with hym token the kynges of fraūces name / & toke & medled the kynges armes of fraūce quartled with the armes of englond / and commaūded forth with his coygne of gold vnder the descripcion & writing of the name of Englond & of fraū ce to be made best that myght be / that is for to say the floreyne that was callid the noble pris of vj shillynges / viij pens of sterlinges & the halfe noble of the value of thre shyllynges four pens / & the ferthyng of value of xx pens /
How kyng edward come to the seluys / and discomfyted alle the power of fraunce in the hauen / Ca [...] / CC [...] / xxv [...] /
ANd the next yere after / that is for to saye the xv yere of his regne / he commaunded and lete wryte in his Chartres writtes and other lettres the date of the regne of [...]aunce first / And whyle that he was thus doyng & trauayllyng in fraū ce thurgh his counceyll he wrote to all the prelates Dukes [...] and Barons / and the noble lordes of the 'countre' And also to dy nerse of the comune peple dyuerse lettres & maundements [...]rng date at gaunt the viij day of February / and anon after with in a lytel tyme he come ayene in to Englond with the quene / and her children / And in the same yere on mydsomer eue he bygan to sayll toward fraunce ayene / and manly and styfly fyll vpon [...] lip of valoys the whiche long tyme lay and had gadred to hym a ful houge and boystous meyne of dyuerse nacions in the hauen of seluys / And ther they foughten to gedre the kyng of fraunce and he with her hostes fro midday vnto the iij hour in the morne in whi che bataill were slayn xxx [...] [...]en of the kynges cōpanye of fraū ce & many shippes and cogges were taken / and so thurgh goddes helpe he had there the victorye / & bere thens a glorious chyualrye / And in the same yere aboute saynt Iames tide without the yates of saynt omers robert of arthoys will men of englond & flaūdres bitterly fought ayenst the duk of burgoyne / & the frensshmen att whiche batail ther were slayn & take of the frensshmen xv barōs lxxx knyghtes & shippes & Barges were take vnto the nombre of CC and xxx / The same yere the kyng makyng and abydynge vpon the siege of Turney the Erle of Henaude with [Page] Englyssh archyers maden assaute to the toune of saynt Amand wher they slowe / l / knyghtes & many other. and also destroyed the toune. And in the sixtenth yere of his regne folewyng in the wynter tyme the same kyng duellyd styll vpon the forsayd siege and sent ofte in to Englond to his tresorer and other purueiours for gold & money that shold be sente to hym ther in his nede / but his procurutours and messagers cursedly and ful slowly serued hym at his nede / & hym deceyued / on whos defautes & laches the kynge toke trewes bytwene hym & the kyng of fraunce / And the [...]yng ful of wo sorow and shame in his hert withdrowe hym fro the syege and come in to britayne / and ther was so grete strif for vytayll that he lost many of his peple / And whan he had done ther that he come for / he dressid hym ouer see in to Englondward And as he sayled toward Englonde in the highe see the mooste myshappes stormes & tempestes thundres / & lyghtnynges fylle to hym in the see / the whiche was sayd that it was done & [...]d thurgh euyl spyrites made by sorcery and nygromancye of [...] fraūce. wherfor the kynges hert was ful of sorow and anguisshe weylyng and sighyng / and sayd vnto our lady in this wyse / O blissed lady seynt marye what is the cause that euermore goyng in to fraunce all thynges and wethers fallen to me Ioyfull and lykyng and gladsum / and as I wold haue hem. but alwey tornyng in to Englond ward alle thynges fallen vnprofytable and harmeful / Neuerlater he scapyng al perils of the see as god wolde come by nyght to the tour of london / and the same yere the king helde his cristemasse at meneres / & sente worde to the Scottes by his messagers that he was redy & wold fyght with hem / but the Scottes wold not abyde that but fledden ouer the Scottissh see & hyd hem as well as they myȝt / And in the seuententh yere of his regne about the fest of Conuersion of saynt paul kyng Edward whan he had be in scotland and sawe that the Scottes were fled he come ayene in to Englond / And a lytell byfore lent was the turnement at Dunstaple / to the whiche tornement come al the yonge bachelery and Chyualrye of Englond with many other Erles and lordes / At the whiche turnement kyng Edward hym self was ther present / And the next yere folewyng in the xviij / yere of his regne at his parlement holden at westmynstre the quynzeme of Paske the kyng Edward the thyrdde made edward his first bygoten sonne prince of walys / And in the xix yere of his regne anon after in Ianyuer by fore lente the same [Page] kyng Edward lete make ful noble Iustes / & grete feestes in the place of his byrthe at wyndesore / that ther were neuer none such seen ther a fore / At whiche fest & ryalte were ij kynges / ij quenes the prince of walys / the duk of Corne waill / x Exles / ix coūtesses barons / & many burgeys / the whiche myghten not lyghtly be nō bred / And of dyuse londes beyonde the see weren many straūgers And at the same tyme whan the Iustes were done / kynge Edward made a grete soper / in the whiche he ordeyned fyrst / & began his roūd table / & ordeyned / & stedfasted the day of the forsayd roū de table to be holden ther at wyndesore in the wytson weke eumore yerly / And in this tyme Englysshmen so moche haūted & cleued to the wodenes & folye of the straūgers yt fro the tyme of comyng of the henewyers xviij yere passed / they ordeyned & chaūged hem euery yere dyuerse shappes & disguysyng of clothyng of long large and wyde / clothes des [...]ytut & desert / from al old honeste & good vsage / And another tyme short clothes and streyte wastyd dagged & kyt. & on euery syde slatered & botened with sleues & tapytes of surcotes / & hodes ouer long / & ouer moche hangyng / that yf that I the soth shal say they were more lyche to tormentours & de uels in hir clothyng and shoyng / & other araye than to men / & the women more nysely yet passed the men in aray. & coriousloker / for they were so streyt clothed that they lete hange fox tailles sowed bynethe within hir clothes for to hele & hyde her arses / the which disgnisynges & pride parauenture afterward brouȝt forth & encau sed many myshappes & meschyef in the reame of englond. The [...] yere of kyng edward he went ouer in to Batayne & gascoyn / in whos companye went the erle of warwik / the erle of suffolk / the Erle of huntyngdone / & therle of arundel / & many other lordes & comyn peple in a grete multitude with a grete nauye of cc xl shippes anone after mydsomer for to auenge hym of many wronges and harmes to hym done by [...]helyp of valoys kynge of fraunce ageynst the trewes byfore hand graunted / The whiche trewes he falsely and vntrewely by cauellacions losed & dysquatte
How kyng Edward sayled in to Normandye and arryued at hogges with a grete hoost / Ca [...] / CC [...] / xxvij /
IN the xxj yere of his regne kyng edward thurgh counceylle of all the grete lordes of the Royame of Englond called and gadred to gedre in his parlemēt at westmestre [Page] before estren ordeyned hym for to passe ouer the see ayene for to dis sese & destrouble the rebelles of fraūce / And when his nauye was come to geder / & made redy / he wēt with an huge hoost the xij day of Iuyll / and saylled in to normandy / & arryued at hogges / And whan he had rested hym there vj dayes for by cause of trauaylyng of the see / and for to haue oute al his men with al hyr necessaryes out of hir shippes / he went toward cadomum brēnyng wastyng and destroyeng al the tounes / that he founde in his way And the xxvj day of Iuyll at the bridge of Cadony manly / & orpedly y strengthed & defended with nor [...]ās. he had ther a stronge batayll / and a longe duryng thurgh which a grete multitude of peple were slayn / And ther were take prisonners / the Erle of ewe / the lord of Tankeruylle / and an C other knyghtes and men of armes / & vj C footemen y nombred / & the toune & the subarbes vnto the barre walles of al thyng that myght be bore & caryed out was robled & despoylled / Afterward the kyng passyng forth by the coūtre about the brede of xx myle he wasted al maner thyng yt he fonde / whan phelyp of valoys parceyued al this al though he were fast by with a strong hoost he wold not come / no nerre but breke all the bridges by yonde the water of seyne fro Rone vnto parys. And hym self fledde vnto the same cyte of parys with all the hast that he myght / Forsoth the noble kyng edward whan he come to parys bridge and fonde it broken within ij dayes / be lete make it ageyne / And in the morow after the assumpcion of our lady kyng edward passed ouer the water of seyne goyng toward Crescy / and destroyed by the way tounes with the peple duellyng ther in / And in the fest of saynt bartholomew he passed ouer the water of somme vnhurt with all his hoost ther as neuer byfore hand was ony maner way ne passage wher ij [...] were slayne of hem that letted hir passage ouer / therfor the xxvj day of August kyng Edward in a felde fast by crescy hauyng iij batayls of en glisshmen countred and met with philip of valoys hauyng with hym iiij bataylles / of whiche the leest passed gretely the nōbre of the englysshe peple / And whan these two hostes metten to gedre / ther fylle vpon hym the kyng of beme the duke of loreyne / And Erles also of flaundres Dalaunson Blois Harecourt / Aumar le and neuers / and many other erles / Barons lordes / knyghtes / and men of Armes the nombre of a [...] v C xlij withoute footemen and other men y armed that were nothyng rekened /
And for alle this the vngloryous [...]hilippe withdrowe [Page] hym with the resydue of his peple / wherfor it was sayd in comu ne among his owne peple / N [...]e [...] soy retreyt / that is for to say our fayr withdrawith hym / Than kyng Edward & our Englysshmen thāked god almyghty for suche a vyctorye after hir grete labour token to hem al thynge nedefull to hir sustenannce / & sauyng of hir lyf for drede of hir enemyes / rested hem there. and full erly in the mornyng after the Frensshmen with an huge pas sing hoost come ayene for to yeue batayll / and fyght with the englysshmen / with whome metten & coūtreden the erles of warrewyke / Northampton & norfolk / with hir companye. and slowen two thousand and token many prisoners of the gentils of hem / And the remenaunt of the same hoost fledde thre myle thens / And the thyrd day after the batayl the kynge wente to Caleys warde destroyeng al the coūtrey as he rode whydder whan that he was come that is for to say the thyrdde day of septembre he began to besiege the toune with the castel / & continued his syege fro the forsayd thyrd day of September vnto the thyrd day of auguste / the next yere after / And in the same yere durynge the siege of Caleys the kynge of Scotland with a full grete multitude of Scottes come in to englond to Neuilles crosse aboute saynt lucas day the euangelyst hopyng and trustyng to haue foūde al the lōd destytute. & voyde of peple / for as moche as the kyng of englōd was beyonde the see. sauf only preestes / and men of holy Chyrche and wymmen and children and plo wmen / and such other laborers And ther they robbeden and dyden moch priue sorow / but yet foū de they ynow that hem wythstode by the grace of almyghty god
And so a day of batayll was assygned bytwene hem and certeyne lordes and men of holy chirch that were of that coūtre with other comune peple faste by the Cyte of duresme / at whiche daye thurgh the grace & helpe of almyghty god the scottes were ouer comen / and yet were they iij fold so many of hem as of Englissh men / And ther was slayn al the chyualrye and knyghthode of the Royamme of Scotland / And there were take as they wolde haue fledde thens Dauyd the kyng of Scotland hym self The erle of Mentyf. syr william douglas / and many other grete men / And after that our Englysshmen whan they hadde rested hem a fewe dayes & had ordeyned ther kepars of the northcoūtrey they comen vnto london / and broughten with hem dauyd kyng of Scotland / and al these other lordes that were taken prisoners vn to the tour of london with alle the haste that they myght. And [Page] ther they bef [...] hem in sauf kepyng vnto the kynges comyng / & Ben [...]n home ayene in to hir owne countrey / And afterward was the kynges munsonne of Scotland taxed vnto an C M marc of siluer to be payd in x yere / that is for to say / euery yere x M marc
How kyng edward besyeged Caleys / & how it was y wonn [...] and yolde to him / Cao. / CC / xxviijo. /
IN the xxij yere of kyng edwardes regne / he wēt ouer the see in the wynter tyme / & lay al the wynter at ye siege of Caleys / the whiche yere the whyle the siege lasted phelip the kyng of Fraūce cast & purposed trechouresly and with fraude to put awey the siege & come the xxvij day of Iuyll in the same ye re with a grete hoost & a strong power & neyghed vnto the siege of caleys / the which phelyp the last daye of Iuyl sent to kynge ed ward word that he wold yeue hym playn batayll the iij day next after that aboute euensong tyme yf he durst come fro the siege & abide it / & whan kyng edward herd yt without ony long taryeng er lōg auysemēt he accepted gladly the day & hour of batayll that phelyp had assigned / And whan the kyng of fraunce herd that the next nyȝt after he set his tentes a fire & remeued & wēt awey [...] thens cowardly / Than they that were in the toun and in the castel besieged seyng al this how that they had none othir help ne so cour of the kyng of fraūce ne of his men / And also that her vyta ylles within hem were spended and wasted and for defaute of vytaylles and of refresshynge they eten hors hoūdes cattes and myse for to kepe her trouth as long as they myght / And when they sawe and was foūde amonge hem atte laste that they hadde no thyng amōg hem for to ete ne lyue by / ne none socour / ne rescu enge of the frensshmen of that other syde / they wyst wel that they must nedes dye for defaute or elles yelde the toune / and anon they wenten and token doune the Baners and the armes of Fraūce on euery syde that were honged oute & wenten vn to the walles of the toune on dyuerse places as naked as they were borne / sauf only her shyrtes and breches / and helde hir swerdes naked and the poynt dounward in hir hondes / and putten ropes / & halters aboute hir nekkes and yelden vp the keyes of the toune▪ and of the Castel to kynge Edward of Englond with greete fere and drede of hert / And whan kyng Edward sawe this / as a mercyable kyng and lord resseyued al to grace and a [Page] fewe of the grettest persones of state & of gouernaunce of the tou ne he sente in to Englond ther to abyde hyr raūso [...]e / and the kyn ges grace / And al the comynalte of the toune the kyng lete gone whider they wold in pees / and withoute ony harme. and lete hem [...]ere with hem all hir thynges that they myght here & carye awey kepynge the toune and the castel to hym self / Than thurgh medyacion of Cardynals that were sent fro the pope trewes was take ther byt wene Fraunce & Englond for nyne monethes than next folewyng▪ and aboute mychelmasse kyng Edward come ageyne in to Englond with a gloryous vyctorye / And in the xxiij yere of his regne in the eest partyes of the world ther aroos and bygan a pestylence and deth of sarazeyns / and paynyms that soo grete a deth was neuer herde afore. And that wasted awey so the peple / that vnnethes the tenthe persone was left alyue▪ And in the same yere aboute the south count [...]es and also in the west countreyes ther fyll so moche rayne / & so grete wa tres that from Crystemasse vnto mydsomer ther was vnnethes day ne nyȝt / but that it rayned somwhat / thurgh whiche watres the pestylence was so enfected▪ and so habundaūt in al countreyes and namely aboute the court of Rome and other places and see costes / that vnneth ther were left lyuyng folk to burye hem that were dede honestly / But maden grete dyches and pyttes that were wonder brode and depe / and therin buryed hem▪ and maden a renge of dede bodyes▪ and caste a lytell erth to hele hem aboue / & than caste in another renge of dede bodyes / and another renge of [...]th aboue hem / And thus were they buryed / and none other wyse / But yf it were the fewer that weren grete men of astate / that weren buryed as honestly as they myght / And after al this in the xxiiij yere of kyng Edwardes regne / hit was hym to done to wyte and vnderstonde of a treson that was be gonne at Caleys / and ordeyned for to sel [...]e that toune for a grete somme of floreyns vnto kyng phelyp of Fraunce thurgh the falsenesse and ordynaunce of a knyght that was call [...]d Syr geffrey of Charney that was wonder priue with the kyng phelip of Fraū ce And whan kyng Edward herd this▪ he toke with hym the nobles and gentils lordes / and many other worthy and orpe [...] men of Armes that were ther present with hym for the solempny te of that highe fest. And well and wysely in al the hast that he myght / and as priuely / as he myght / he wente ouer see /
And that same yere the good kynge Edward held his [Page] Cristemasse at bauerynge. And the morow after newe yeres day the kyng was in the castel of Caleys with his men of Armes. that noue of the Alyens wyst therof. And that fals conspy tour and traytour geffroy of Charney syth that he myȝt not open ly haue his purpose of the Castel priuely and stelyngly he come in and helde the toune with a grete hoost / And whan he with his men was comen in▪ he payd the forsaid somme of floreyns as co uenaūt was bytwene hem to a gen [...]wey in the toune that was ke per of the castel / and consentynge to the same geffroy in alle this falsenes and trecherye▪ and bounden the Englyssh mynystres and seruauntes that were in the castel that they myght not helpe hem self▪ ne let hem of hir purpose / And than wenyng that they had be syker ynowe they speken all hir wykkednesse and falsenesse openly▪ an hyghe that al men myght here /
And nowe shall ye here how they were deceyned▪ for they comen in by a priue posterne ouer a lytell bridge of tree / And when they were comen in / subtylly and priuely the bridge was drawen vp and kept that none of hem that comen in myght gone ont n [...] no mo come in to hem / And anone our Englysshmen wenten out at priue holes and wyndowes / and ouer the walles of the toun and of the castel / and wenten / and foughten manly with the frensshmen that were withoute / & had the better of hem the which when they weren occupyed by hem self on hir side / the kyng that was within the toune hauyng with hym scarcely but / xxx / men of armes drewe oute his swerd / and with a loude boys cryed▪ an hygh / A seynt Edward / A saynt George / And whan folk herd that / they comen rennyng to hym / and yauen to hir enemyes soo grete assaute / that ther were more than two honderd men of armes / and many other slayne / and many fledden awey / and so by the grace of god Almyghty the victorie fyll to the Englysshmen / Than the kyng toke with hym this gef froy that was fynder of this trecherye / and also many other frēssh prisones / And within a while after come ayene in to Englond▪ And in this same yere / & in the yere afore / & also in the yere next after was so grete pestylence of men fro the eest in to the weste / & namely thurgh botches that tho that siked on this day dyed on the in day / to the whiche men that so deyden in this pestylence hadden but litell respyte of lyggyng / The pope clement of his goodnesse & grace yafe hem ful remissyon / & foryeuenes of al hir sinnes that they were shriuen of / & this pestylence lasted in london fro mych [...] [Page] masse in to august next folewyng almoost an hoole yere / & in the se dayes was deth without sorowe / weddynges without frēdship wylful penaunce & derth without scarcite & fleynge withoute refute of socour / for many fledden fro place to place by cause of the pestylence / but they were enfect / & myght not escape the deth after that the prophete Isaie sayth / who that fleeth fro the face of drede he shal falle in to the dyche / And he that wendeth hym ont of the the dyche / he shal be hold and teyde with a grenne / but whan this pestylence was seced / as god wold vnnethes the x part of the peple was left alyue / And in the same yere bigan a wonder thyng that al that euer were borne after that pestilence hadden ij ch [...] teth in hir hede lesse than they had a fore
How kyng Edward had a grete batayll with spaynardys in the see fast by wynchelsee / Cao. / CC / xxixo. /
ANd in the / xxv / yere of his regne abonte seynt Iohannes day in heruest in the see fast by wynchelsee kyng edward had a grete bataylle with men of spayne▪ where that [...] shippes and nauye lay chayned to geder / that ether they must fiȝt or drenche / And so when al our worthy men of armes / & the See costes fast by wynchelsee & Romeny were gadred to geder / & our nauye & shippes al redy to the werre / the englisshmen m [...]n mā ly & styfly with hyr enemyes comynge fiersly ageynst hem / and when the spainyssh vessels & nauye were closed in al aboute ther men myȝt see a strong batayll on bothe sides & longe during / in the whiche batayll ther nere but fewe that fouȝten that they nere [...] tously hurt & foule / And after the batayll. ther were xxiij [...] pes of hers y take▪ And so the englysshmen had the better▪ & in the next yere fole wyng of his regne / that is to saye / the xxvj yere the kyng thurgh his coūseyl lot [...] ordeyne & make his newe money / yt is to say / the peny / the grote of value of iiij pens / & the half gro [...] of value of ij pens / but it was of lasse weyght▪ than the old sterlyng was by v shyllyng in the pounde / and in the xxxvii yere of his regne was the grete derth of vytaylles / the whiche was call [...]d ye dere somer / and in the xxxviij yere of his regne in the parlemēt holden at westmestre after estren / sir henry erle of lancastre was made duke of lancastre / & in this same yere was so grete a dro [...]t that fro the moneth of marche vnto the moneth of Iuyll ther fil noo rayne on the erthe / wherfore alle fruytes / sedes / and Herbes [Page] for the moost partye were lost in defaute / wherof ther come so grete disese of men and beestes and derth of vytaylles in englond / soo that this land that euer afore had be plentiuous had nede that ti me to seke his vytaylles and refresshyng of other out yles▪ & contrees / And in the xxix yere of kyng Edward it was acorded graunted & sworne bytwene▪ the kyng of fraūce / and kynge Edward of Englond that he shold haue ayene al his landes & lordshippes that longeden to the duchye of guyhenne of old tyme / the whiche had ben withdrawe / and wrongfully occupyed by diuerse kynges of fraunce before hand to haue & to hold to kyng edward and to his heyres & successours for euermore / frely / pesybly / and in good quyete vpon this couenaunt / that the kynge of englond shold leue of. & relese all his right and clayme that he had / & clay med of the kyngdom of fraunce / & of the title that he toke therof / vpon whiche speche & couenaūts it was sent to the court of rome on both sides of the kynges / that the forsayd conenaūtz shold be en bulled / but god ordeyned better for the kynges worship of englōd for what thurgh fraude & desceyt of the frensshmen. & what thurugh lettyng of the pope & of the court of rome the forsayd couenaūts were disquatt & left of / And in the same yere the kyng reuoked by his wise & discrete coūseil the staple of wolles out of flā dres in to englond with all the libertees / fraūchises / & fre custommes that longen therto / & ordeyned it in englond in dyuerse places / that is for to say / at westmester / Caūterbury / Chichestre / bristow / Lyncolne / Hull / with all the forsayd thynges / that longen therto / & that this thyng that shold thus be done / the kyng swore hym self therto / and prince edward his sone with other many gre te wytnesse / that ther were present / And in the xxx yere of his regne anon after wytsonday in the parlemēt ordeyned at west mynstre / it was told and certifyed to the kynge that phelip that tho helde the kyngdome of fraunce was deede / And that Iohan his sone was crouned kyng / And that this Iohn had yeue karoll his sone the duchye of guyhenne / of the whiche thyng kyng Edward whan he wyst therof had grete indignacion vnto hym / and was wonder wrothe / and strongly y meuyd / And there for afore alle the worthy lordes that ther were assembled at that parlement he called Edward his sone vnto hym▪ to whome the du chye of guyhenne by right herytage shold longe to / & yafe▪ it hym there byddyng and strengthyng hym that he shold ordeyne hym to defende hym / and auenge hym vppon his enemyes▪ and saue [Page] mayntene his right / and afterward kyng edward hym self & his eldest sone edward wenten to dyuerses places & sayntes in englōd on pylgremage for to haue the more helpe & grace of god & of his seyntes / & the secōd kal of Iuyll when all thyng was redy to that viage & batayll & al his retenue & power assembled / & his nauye also redy / he toke with hym therle of warwyk / the erle of suffolk therle of salysbury / & therle of Oxenford / & a [...] men of armes & as many archyers / / & in the natiuyte of our lady toke hir shippes at plymmouth▪ & bygōne to sayle / And when he come▪ & was arri ued in guyhenne / he was ther worshipfully take / & resceyued of the most noble men & lordes of that coūtre / & anon after kyng Ed ward toke with hym his▪ ij▪ sones / that is for to say / sir leonel / [...]r le of vlton / & sir Iohan his broder erle of Rychemond. & sir henry duk of lancastre with many erles & lordes & men of armes▪ &▪ [...] ▪ [...] archyers / & sayled toward fraūce / & restyd hym a whyle at cale ys / & afterward the kyng went with his folke aforsayd & with other soudyours of beyond the see that ther aboden the kynges co myng the second day of nouembre / and toke his iourney toward kyng Iohn of fraūce ther as he trowed to haue founden hym fast by Odomarum / as his lrēs & couenaūt made mencion that be w [...]l de abyde hym ther with his hoost / And when kyng Iohn of fra [...] ce herd of the kynges comyng of englond / he wēt awey with his men & cariage cowardly & shamefully / fleyng / & wastyng al vntails for that the englisshmen shold not haue therof▪ And when kyng edward herd telle that he fledde / he pursued hym with [...] his hoost til hesdene / & than he beholdyng the wanting & ye scar [...] of vitaylles / & also the cowardyse of the kyng of fraūce / [...]e turned ayene wastyng al the coūtray / And while al these thynges were a doyng / the scottes priuely & by nyȝt token the toune of berwyk sleyng hem that withstode hem & no man elles but blessyd be god the castel neuerlatter was saued & kept by englysshmen that were therin / whan the kyng perceyued al this torned ayene in to En glond as wroth as he myȝt be / wherfor in parlement at westmestre was graūted to the kyng of euery sa [...] of wolle / l / shillyng du ring the terme of vj yere. that he myȝt the myȝtloker fyght & defende the roame ayenst the scottes & other mysdoers / And so when al thynges were redy / the kyng hasted hym to the siege war [...] /
How kyng Edward was crouned kyng of Scotland / & how Prince Edward toke the kyng of fraunce▪ & sir phelip his yonger sone at the batayll of Peyters▪ Cao. / CCo. / xxxo. /
[Page] ANd in the xxxi yere of his wgne the xiij day of Ianyuer the kyng in the castel of Berwyk with a fewe men but hauyng ther by fast a grete hoost / the toune was yolde, to hym withoute ony maner defence or difficulte / than yt kyng of scot land / that is for to say syr Iohan bayllol consideryng how yt god dyd many merueyles & gracio [...] thynges for kyng edward at his owne wyl fro day to day / he toke & yaf vp the reame of scotland & the croune of scotland at Rokesburgh in to the kynges hondes of englond vnder his patent lettres ther y made / And anon after kyng edward in presence of all the prelates / & other worthy men & lordes that ther were lete croune hym kyng ther of the reame of scotland / & whan al thynges were done & ordeyned in thylk cō trees at his lust / he torned ayene in to englond with an huge wor ship / And while this vyage was a doyng in Scotland. Sir Edward prince of walys as a man enspyred in god was in gnyhen ne in the Cyte of burdeux tretyng & spekyng of the chalengyng & of the kynges right of englond that he had of the reame of frā ce / & that he wold auengid be with strong honde / & the prelates pe res and myghty men of that countre consented wel to hym / Than Sir edward the prince with a grete hoost y gadred to him the vj day of Iuyll went from burdeux goyng and trauaylyng by me ny dyuerse contrees / & he toke many prisoners more than vj / m / men of armes by the coūtre as he Iourneyed & toke the tonn of remo [...]ntyn in saloyne / & besieged the castel vj dayes / & at the sixe dayes ende they yolden the castel vnto hym / And ther were take the lord of croune / & sir bursigaud / and many other knyghtes / and men of armes / more than lxxx / And fro thens by Corene & peten fast by chyneney his noble men that were with hym hadden a strong batail with frensshmen / & an C of hir men of armes we re slayne / And the erle of daunce & the styward of frauuce were take with an C men of armes / In the whiche yere the xix / day of September faste by peyghters the same prince with a / m / and ix C men of armes / and archyers ordeyned a bataille to kynge Iohan of fraunce comyng to the prince ward with vij m cho sen men of armes / and other moche peple in an huge passyng nō bre / of the whiche there was y slayn the Duk of Burbon / & the duke of Athenes. and many other noble men / & of the prince men of armes a m / and of other after the trewe accompte & rekenyng viij honderd / And the kyng of fraūce was ther take / & sir phelip his yonger sone. and many dukes & noble men & worthy knyȝtes [Page] & men of armes about ij m / And so the vyctorye fyll ther to the prince & to the peple of englond by the grace of god / & many that were take prisoners were set at hir raunson & vpon hir trouth / & knyȝthode were charged & had leue to go / but ye prince tok with hym tho the kyng of fraūce & phelyp his sone with al the reuerence that he myȝt & wēt ayene to burdeux with a glorious victorye / the sōme of the men that were take prisoners / & of the men that we [...] slayn the day of batayll was iiij m / iiij C. xl / And in the x [...]ij yere of kyng edward the / v day of may Prince Edward with kynge Iohan of fraūce & phelyp his sonne / and many other worthy prisoners arryued graciously in the hauē of plymmouth and the xxiiij day of the same moneth aboute iij after none they comen to london by london bridge / & so wenten forth to the kynges [...]aleys of westmestre, & ther fyll so grete a multitude & prees of peple aboute hem to behold & see that wonder & that rial sight that vnnethes frō mydday til nyȝt they myght come to westmynstre & the kynges raūson of fraunce was taxed & sette to thre myllyons of scutes / of whome ij shold be worth a noble / & ye shal vnderston de that a myllyon is / m / m / and after somme men his raūsonne was set at iij / m / m / floreyns / & al is one in effect / And this same yere were made solempne Iustes in smythfeld beyng ther present the kyng of englond / & the kyng of fraūce / & the kyng of scot land, & many other worthy and noble lordes / The / xxxiij / yere of his regne the same kyng edward at wyndesore / as wel for loue of knyghthode / as for his owne worship / & at the reuerence of the kynge of fraūce & of other lordes that were ther at that tyme / be helde a wonder ryal & costle we fest of saynt George passyng ony that euer was holden afore, wherfor the kyng of fraūce in scornynge sayd / that he saw neuer / ne herd suche solompne feestes, ne ryal tes holden ne done with taylles without payng of gold or siluer And in the xxxiiij yere of his regne the xiiij kal of Iuyl. sir Io han erle of richemond kyng edwardes sone wedded dame blaunche duk henryes doughter of lancastre cosyn to the same Iohan by dispensacion of the pope / and in the mene tyme were ordeyned Iu stes at london iij dayes of the rogaciōs / that is for to sey the m [...]re of london with his xxiiij aldermen ayenst all that wold come / in whos name & stede / the kyng priuely with his iiij sones edwards Leonel / Iohn, & Edmond / and other xix / grete lordes helden that feld with worship / And this same yere as it was told and sayd of hem that sawe it. ther come oute blode of the tombe of Thomas [Page] toward vs the pees & the acord made bitwene the ij kingis & in no maner to do the contrary / and ther amōg al his lordes for the mo re loue & strength of wytnesse he deled & departed the reliques of ye croune of criste to the knyȝtes of englond / & they curtoysly token hir leue / And in the friday next the same maner oth in presēce of the forsaid knyghtes / & of othir worthy men prince edward made at louers / Afterward both kynges & hir sones / & the most noble men of both reames within the same yere made the same oth / & for to strēgthe al these thynges forsaid / the kyng of englōd axed the grettest men of frāce / & he had his axyng / yt is for to say vj dukes viij erles / & xij lordes / that is to say barons / & worthy knyghtes
And whan the place & the tyme was assigned / in whiche bothe kynges with hir coūseyll shold come to gedre all, the forsaid thyn ges bitwene hem y spoke for to ratifye & make ferme & stable the k [...]ng of englond anon went toward the see / & at hoūtfleet begā to [...] leuyng to his hostes that were left behynde hym by cause of his absence moche heuynes / And after the xix day of may he come in to englond / & went to his paleys at westmestre on seynt dū [...] day / & the iij daye after he visited Iohn kyng of fraūce / that was in the tour of london / & deliuerd hym frely from al maner pri son / sauf first they were acorded of iij mylleōs of floreyns for his raūson / & the kyng cōforted hym & chered hym in al places with al solas & myrthes that longen to a kyng in his goyng homward And the ix day of Iuyl in the same yere the same Iohn kynge of fraūce that a fore hand lay here in hostage / went home ayene in to his own lād to trete of tho thynges & of other that lōgeden & fil len to the gouernaūce of his reame / And afterward metten & co men to geder at caleys both ij kynges with both hir coūceyll abou te al halowen tide / & ther were shewed the cōdicions & the poyntz of the pees & of the acord of both sides y wreton / & ther without ony wythsayng of both sides graciously they were acorded / & ther was done & songen a solempne masse / & after the iij agnus dei vp on goddes body & also vpon ye masse boke both kynges & hir sones & the grettest lordes of both reames & of her coūceyll that ther were than present. & had not y swroe bifore the forsaid oth yt they had made / & was titled bitwene hem / they behiȝten ther to kepe / & al other couenaūtz that were bitwene hem y ordeyned / and in this sa me yere mēnes beestes trees & housing with sodeyn tēpest & strōg li ghtenyng were perissehd / & the deuel appered bodely in mānys a kenes to moch peple as they wēt in diuerse places / & spak to hem
How the grete company aroos in fraunce / & the whyte cōpany in lumbardye / & of many other meruayle / Cao / CCo. / xxxjo. /
KYng Edward in the xxxvj yere of his regne anone after cristemasse in the fest of Conuersion of seynt paul held his parlement at westmynster / in the whiche was putte forth and she wed the acord & the tretys that was stabylyssed & y made bitwe ne the ij kynges / the whiche acord plesyd to moche folk / & therfor by the kynges cōmaūdement ther were gadred / & come to geder in westmestre chirche the first sonday of lent. that is to say the ij kal of feuerer the forsaid englisshmen & frensshmen / where was sōge a solempne masse of the Trinyte of the Archebisshop of caūterbury mayster simōd Islepe / And whan agnus dei was done the kyng beyng ther with his sones & also with the kynges sones of frāce & other noble & grete lordes with candels y lyght & crosses y brouȝt forth / al that were called ther to yt were not swore afore / swore that same oth that was writen vpon goddes body & on the masse boke in this wise / We / N / & / N / swerē vpō holy goddes body / & on the gospels stidfastly to hold & kepe toward vs the pees & the acord y made bitwene ye ij kynges & neu for to do the cōtrary / & when they had thus y sworn / they token hir scrowes that hir othes were cō prehended in to the notaryes / & this same yere in the ascēcion eue a bout mydday was seyn the eclyps of the sōne / & ther folowed su che a drought / that for defaute of rayne ther was grete barines of corn fruyt & heye / And in the same moneth the vj kal of Iuyn ther fill a sanguyn rayne almoost like blode in burgoyne / And a sangneyn crosse fro morne vnto prime Was y seen & appered at bo loyne in the eyre / the which many a man saw / & after it meued / & fill in the mydde see / & in the same tyme in fraunce & in englond & in other many lādes / as they that were in pleyn cōtrees & desert baren wytnes sodenly ther appered ij castels / of the which wente out ij hoostes of armed men / And that one hoost was clothed. & heled in whyte / & that other in black / And whan batayl bitwe ne hem was bygonne / the whyte ouercome the black / And anon after the blac toke hert vnto him / and ouercome the whyte / And after that they went ageyne in to hir castels / And than the Ca stelles and all the hoostes vanysshed awey / And in this same yere was a grete and an huge pestylence of peple / and namely of men / whos wyues as wymmen oute of gouernaunce token husbondes / as wel straūgyers / as other lewde and symple peple / the whiche foryetynge hir owne honoure / and worshippe and byrthe [Page] coupled & maryed hem with hem that were of lowe degre / & litel reputacion In this same yere dyed henry dust of lā [...]stre / And al so in this yere Edward prince of Walys wedded the Coūtrsse of s [...]nt / that was sir thomas wyf holand / the whiche was departed somtyme & deuorced fro therle of Salisbury for cause of the same knyght / And about this tyme bygan & aroos a grete companye of dyuerse nacions gadred to geder / of whome hir leders and gouernours were englissh peple / and they were cleped a peple with out an hede / the whiche dyd moche harme in the partye of fraūce And not long after ther arose another company of dyuse nacions that was callid the white cōpany / the which in the partyes & cō trees of lumbardye dyd moche sorowe / This same yere sir Iohn of gaunt the sone of kyng edward the iij was made duk of lācastre by reson & cause of his wyf that was the doughter & heyr of Hen ry somtyme duk of lancastre /
Of the grete wynde / & how prince Edward toke the lordshype of guyhenne of his fadre / & went thyder. Cao. / C Co. / xxxijo. /
ANd in the xxxvij yere of kyng Edward the xv day of Ianiuer / that is to saye / on saynt maures day aboute euensong tyme ther aroos / and come suche a wynde oute of the south with suche a fyersnesse and strength / that he brast and vse we doune to grounde byghe houses and strong byldynges / toures / chirches / & steples / & other thynges / and all other stronge werkes / that stoden stylle weren shake therwith / that they ben yet / & shall be euer more the febler & weyster whyle they stonde / And this wynde la sted without ony tellyng vij dayes cōtinuelly / and anon after ther folewed suche watres in hey tyme & in heruest tyme that all folde werkes were strongly let & left vndone / and in the same yere prin ce Edward toke the lordship of guyhenne / and dyd to kyng Ed ward his f [...]dre feaute & homage therfor / and went ouer see in to Gascoyne with his wyf & his children / And anon after kyng ed ward made sir leonel his sone duk of Clarence / and Edmond his other sone erle of Cambridge / And in the xxx viij yere of his regne it was ordeyned in the parlement / that men of lawe. both of the temperall / and of holy chirche lawe fro that tyme forth shold plete in hir moder tonge / And in the same yere comen in to Englond thre kynges. that is for to saye / the kyng of Fraunce / the kynge of Cypres / and the kyng of Scotland / by cause to vysyte and speke with the kynge of Englond / Of whome they were [Page] wonder welcome & moche y worshiped / And after that they had be here long tyme ij of hem wēt home ayene in to hir own coūtrees & kyngdomes / but the kyng of fraūce thurgh grete sikenesse & ma ladye that he had abode stille in englond / & in the xxxix yere of his regne was a strong & an huge frost / & that lastid long / that is for to say fro saynt Andrews tyde vnto the xiiij / kal / of Apul / that the tilthe & sowyng of the erth & other suche feld werkes / & hand werkes were moche y let & left vndo for cold & hardnes of the er the. And at Orrey in britayne that tyme was ordeyned a greete dedely batayll bytwene sir Iohan of moūtfort duk of Britayne & sir charlys of bloys / but the vyctorye fyll to the forsayd sir Iohan thurgh help & socour of the englysshmen / And ther were take many knyȝtes & squyers / & other men that were vnnōbred / in the whiche batail was slayn charlis him self with al that stode about hym / & of the englisshmen were slayn but vij. And in this yere dei de at sauoy Iohn the kyng of fraūce / whos seruyce & exequyes kinge edward lete ordeyne / & did in dyuse places worshipfully to be done / & to douer of worshipful mē ordeyne hym worthely to be led with his owne costes & expens / & from thens he was fet in to frā ce / & beryed at seynt denys / In the xl yere of kyng edward the vij kal of feuerer was borne edward prince edwardis sone / the whi che when he was vij yere old he deide / and in the same yere it was ordeyned yt saynt peters pens fro that tyme forth shold not be paid the whiche kyng yuo sōtyme kyng of englōd of the cōtre of west saxons that bygan to regne in the yere of our lord / vj / C / lxxix first graūted to rome for the scole of englōd ther to be cōtinued / & in this same yere ther fil so moche xxi yne in sey tyme / that it was [...]d & destroyed both corn & hey / & ther was such a debate & fiȝting of sparewes by dyuse places in these dayes that men foūden innumerable multitude of hem dede in feldes as they wēten / & ther fil also suche a pestylence. that neuer suche was seen in no mānes tyme that tyme alyue / for many men anon as they were go to led hole & in good poynt sodanly they deide. Also that tyme a sikenes that men callyd the pokkes slowe both men & women thurgh hir enfectyng / And in the xlj yere of kyng edward was bore at bur deux Richard the secōd sone of prince edward of englond / the whi che Richard kyng Richard of Armorican heued at the fonstone after whome he was callid Richard. and this same richard when his fadre was dede / and kyng edward was dede also / was crouned kynge of englond the xj yere of his age thurgh ryght lyne [Page] and herytage / and also by comyn assent and desire of the comynalte of the reame / About this tyme at kyng Edwardys cōmaū dement of englond whan all the castels and tounes were yold to hym that longe were holden in fraunce / by a grete company assembled to geder Syr bartram cleykyn knyght / an orped man and a good werryour went and purposed hym to put out pyers kynge of spayne out of his kyngdome with helpe of the moost partye of the forsaid grete cōpanye / trustyng also vpon help & fauour of the pope / for as moche as it cam to his eres. that the same pyers shold lede & vse the moost werst and synfullist lyf oute / the whiche Piers y smyten with drede of this tydyng fled in to gascoyn to prin ce edward to haue helpe and socour of hym / And whan he was fledde oute of spayn, Henry his broder that was a bastard by assent of the most partye of spayne / & thurgh helpe of that fere full company, that I spak of e [...]rst / was made and crouned kyng of spayn / And the nombre of that same company was rekened & set [...]e at the nombre of lx M fightyng men / This same yere in the moneth of Iuyn ther come a grete company & nauye of the danes and gadred hem to gedre in the north see purposyng hem to come in to englond to renne and to robbe / and also to slee / with whome they countred and met in the see marpners / and other orped fyg [...] tyng men of the coūtrey and disparpled hem / And they asshamed went home ayene in to hir owne coūtreye / But amonge alle other ther was a boystous / and a stronge vessel of hir nauye that was ouersailed by the englysshmen / and was perisshed and dreynt In the whiche the styward and other worthy and grete men of Denmarke were take prisonners / and by the kyng of englond & his coūceyll y prisoned / the whiche lordes the danes afterward comen & soughten al aboute for to haue had with her goodes yt they had lost / & they not wel apayd ne plesed of the ansuer that they hadd here torned home wardes ageyne leuyng behynde hem in her ynnes priuely y writen in s [...]rowes and on walles / Yet shalle danes wast the wanes / Than happed ther an englysshe wryter & wrote ayenst the dane in this maner wyse / Here shal danes fet her banes, And in this tyme pyers kyng of spayne with other kyn ges / that is to say the kyng of nauerne / and the kyng of malogre beyng menes wenten bytwene and prayd counseyll & helpe of sir Edward the prince / thurgh whoos coūseyl when he had vnderstōd hir Articles & hir desire that he was requyred of tho kynges / loth he was and ashamed to say nay and contrarye hem, but netheles [Page] he was agast' lest it shold be ony preiudyce [...]yenst the pope & longe tyme t [...]ryed hem or that he wold graūte or consent ther to til he had better coūseyll / & auysement with good delyberacion of kyng Edward his gretter & his fadre / But whan he was with euery dayes & continuel besechynges of many noble men y requyred and spoken to / and with many prayers y sent and made bytwene hem. Than prince Edward sende to his fadre bothe by pleynyng lettres / and also comfortable conteynyng alle hir suggestyons & causes with al that other kynges Epystles and lettres for to haue comfort & helpe of the wronges not only to the kynge of Spayne y do / but also for suche thynges / as myȝt falle to other kynges / Also yf it were not the sōner holpen / & amended. thurgh the dome & helpe of knyghthode to hem that it asked and desired / The whiche letter whan the kynge and his wyse counceyll had seyne and vnderstonden / he had grete compassyon and heuynesse of suche a kynges spoyllyng and robbyng with moche meruaylle / And sente ageyne comfortable lettres to prince Edward his sone / and to that other forsayd kynges / and warned hem for to arme hem. & ordeyne ayenst that mysd [...]er / and to wythstonde hem by the helpe of god that were suche enemyes to kynges / whan this noble prin ce edward had resseyued these lettres hym self with that other kyn ges before sayd all hir counseyl called to geder or yt he wold vnder take the quarel, he bounde & knett sore the kyng that was deposed with a grete othe / that is for to say / that he shold euer after mayntene the right bileue & feyth of holy chirche and holy chirch al so with al hir mynystres / rightes. & lybertees. to defende from al hyr enemyes & al euyls / And al that were ther ageynst bit [...]: ly to punyssh & destrouble / and al the rightes / lybertees / priueleges of holy chirche encrease & mayntene / and amende / and alle thynges that were wrongfully betaken / withdrawe / and bore a wey by hym or by ony other by cause of hym hastely to restore ayene / and to dryue and put out sarasyns, and al other mysbyleuyd people oute of his kyngdome with all his strengthe and power / and suffre / ne admytte none suche for no maner thyng ne cause to duelle therin / And that whan he had take a cristen woman / he shold neuer come in none other womans bed / ne none other mannys wyf to defoule / Alle these forsayd thynges trewelych for to kepe con tinue and fulfyl / as alle his lyf tyme he was bounde by othe afore no [...]ryes in presence and wytnesse of tho kynges with othir Princes / And than that graceous prynce / Prynce Edward [Page] vndertoke the cause & the quarel of the kyng that was deposed & behight hym with the grace of god to restore hym ayene to his kyn gedom / & lede ordeyne & gadre to geder forth within al hast his na uye with men of armes for to werre & fight in this forsayd cause And in this same tyme vpon the sonde of the scottissh see / that ma ny a man it sye iij dayes to geder / ther were seyne ij Egles, of the which that one come out of the south. & that other out of ye north & cruelly & strongly they foughten to gedre & wrastled to geder & the south egle fyrst ouercome the north egle. & al to rente and tare hym with his byll & his clawys that he shold not rest ne take no brethe / And after the south egle flygh home to his own costes And anone after ther folewed and was seyn in the morne afore thr sonne risynge / & after in the last day of october saue one daye many sterres gadred to geder on an hepe & fyl doun to the erth le uyng behynde hem fery bemes in maner of lyȝtenyng / whos flā mes brent & consumed mennes clothes & mennes here walkyng on the erthe as it was seyn and knowen of many a man / And y [...]t that northeren wynde that is euer redy and destynat to al euel fro saynt kateryns euen til iij dayes after destroyed good withoute nombre vnrecouerable / & in the same dayes ther fyll, & comen also suche lightnynges / thonder / snowe / & haylle / that it wasted / & destroyed / men / beestes / houses / & trees /
Of the batayll of spayne besides the water of Nazers that was bitwene the prince Edward & sir henry bastard of spayn / Capitulo CCo. / xxxiijo /
IN the yere of our lord / M / CCC / lxvij / and of kyng Edward / xlij / the / iij / day of Aprill ther was a strong batayll and a grete in a large felde y callid priasers / fast by the water of Nazers in spayne bytwene Syr Edward the prince / and Henry the bastard of spayn / but the vyctorye fill to prince edward by th [...] grace of god / And this same prince Edward had with hym sir Iohn duke of lancastre his brother & other worthy men of armes aboute the nombre of. xxx. M. And the kyng of spayn had on his side men of dyuerse nacions to the nombre of an / C / M / & passyng / wherfor the sharpnes & fiersenes of his aduersarye with his ful boystous & grete strength maden & driuen the rightfull par tye a bak a grete wey / but thurgh the grace of almyghty god passyng ony mānys strength that huge hoost was disparpled myȝt fully by the noble duk of lancastre & his hoost / or that the prince [Page] Edward come nyghe hym / And whan Henry the bastard saw that / he torned with his men in so grete hast and strengthe to flee / that an huge company of hem in the forsayd flode, and of the brudge ther of fylle doune & perysshed / And also ther were take the Erle of Dene, and Syr bartram Cleykyn / that was che fe maker & cause of the werre / and also Chyuetayne of the vaūt ward of the bataylle with many other grete lordes and knyghtes to the nombre of two thousand / of whome two honderd were of Fraunce / and many also of Scotland / And there were felled in the felde on our enemyes side of lordes & knyghtes with other me ne peple to the nombre of vj thousand / and mo and of Englysshe men but a fewe, And after this the noble Prince Edward resto red the same pyers in to his kyngdome ayene / the whiche Pyers afterward thurgh trecherye & falsenesse of the forsayd Bastard of spayn / as he sete at his mete was strangled and deyde / but af ter this vyctorye many noble and hardy men and noble of englōd in Spayn thurgh the flyxe and other dyuerse sikenesse token hyr dethe / And in the same yere in the marche was seyn Stella Come to bytwene the north costes and the west / whos beames stret [...]d toward fraunce / And in the yere next sewyng of kyng ed wardes regne xliij in April Syr Leonel kyng Edwardes sone that was duke of Clarence wente toward Meleyne with a chose meyne of the gentils of Englond for to wedde galoys doughter and haue hir to wyf / by whome he shold haue half the lordshippe of meleyne / But after that they were solempnly wedded / and aboute the Natyuyte of our lady, the same duk of Clarence deide And in the same yere the frensshmen breken the pees / and the trewes rydynge on the kynges gronnde / and lordship of Englond in the shyre and countre of pountyf / and token and helden Castelles and tounes / and bere the englysshmen on honde falsely and subtylly that they were cause of brekyng of the trewes / And in this same yere deyde the Duchesse of lancastre / and is buryed worshipfully in saynt paules chirche / The. xliiij yere of kynge Edwardes regne was the gretest pestylence of men & of grete beestes / and by the grete fallyng of waters that fille at that tyme, ther fille grete hyndryng and destroyeng of Corne / in so moche that the next yere after a busshelle of whete was sold for xl pens / And in the same yere aboute the last ende of Maye kyng edward held tho his parlement at westmynstre / in the whiche parlement was treated & spoke of the othe & the trewes that [Page] was broke bytwene hym / & the kyng of fraunce / & how he myght best vpon his wrong [...]e auengyd / In this same yere in the assūp cion of our lady dyed quene phelyp of Englond a ful noble and good woman / & at westmynstre ful worshipfully is buryed & en tered / and about midsomer the duk of lācastre / & therle of herford with a grete company of knyghtes wenten in to fraūce. wher they gete h [...]m but lytel worship and name. For ther was a huge hoost of frensshmen vpon chalkhull bridge, & another hoost of englisshe men faste by the same bridge that long tyme had leyn ther / And many worthy men & grete of the englysshmen ordeyned & yafe coū ceyll for to fight, & yeue batayll to the frensshmen. but the forsayd lordes wold nothyng consent ther to ne assent for no maner thynge / Ther anone after it happed that therle of warwyk come thyd [...]rward for to werre / & when the frensshmen herd of his comyng or yt he come fully [...]h to londe / they left hir tentes, & pauylons with [...]l hir vitailles / & fledden / & went awey priuely / And whan ther le was comen to land with his men / he went in al hast toward nor mandye / & destroyed the yfe of Caux thurgh dynt of swerd / and thurgh fire, But allas in his retournyng to englond ward home ayene at Caleys / he was take with sikenes of pestylence / & dyed not leuyng behynde hym after his dayes so noble a knyght & orped of armes / in whiche tyme regned & werryd thylke orped kniȝt sir Iohan hauke wode, that was an englisshmā born / hauyng with hym at his gouernaūce thylke whyte company that is a fore y nēpned / ye whiche one tyme ayenst holy chirche & another tyme ayenst lordes werryd and ordeyned grete bataylles / & there in that coūtre he dyd many merueyllous thynges / And aboute the conuersion of seynt paule / ye kyng when he had ended & done the enteryng & ye exequyes with grete costes & rialtees about the sepulture / & beryeng of quene phelyp his wyf, h [...] helde his parlement at westmynster in whiche parlement was axed of the clergye a thre yeres disme yt is for to say a grete dyme to be payd thre yere duryng / & the clergye put it of / and wold not graunte vnto Estre next comyng. and than they graūted wel / that in thre yere by certayne termes / that dysme shold be payd / And also of the lay fee ther was a thre yeres yv y graunted to the kyng /
How Syr Robert knolles with other certayne lordes of the reme went ouer the see in to fraūce / and of hir gouernaunce / Capitulo CC / xxxiiijo. /
[Page] ANd in the / xlv / yere of kyng Edward in the begynnyng kyng Edward with vnwyse coūceyll / and vndyscrete borewed a grete sōme of gold of the prelates / lordes / mar chaūtes / & other ryche men of his reame seyeng that it shold be di spended in defendyng of holy chirche and of his reame / Neuer the latter it profited nouȝt / wherfor about mydsomer after he made a grete hoost of the worthyest men of his reame / Amonges whome were som lordes / that is for to say / the lord fitz water / & the lord graūson & other worthy knyghtes / of whiche knyȝtes the kynge ordeyned Syr Robert knolles a proued knyght / & a well assayed in dede of armes for to be gouernour / and that thurgh his coūceil and gouernaūce al thynge shold be gouerned and dressyd / And when they comen in to fraunce / as long as they duellyd and held hem hole to geder / the frensshmen durst not falle vpon hem / & atte last aboute the begynnyng of wynter for enuye and couetyse that was amonges hem / And also discorde they sondred & parted hem in to dyuerse cōpanyes vnwysely & folyly. But Syr robert knol les & his men wenten & kepten hem sauf within a castel in Bri tayne / And whan the frensshmen sawe / that our men were deu [...] ded in to dyuerse companyes & places not holdyng ne strengthyng hem to geders / as they ought for to do / they fillen fiersly on oure men / & for the most partye toke hem or slowen hem / & tho that they toke led with hem prisoners / And in the same yere pope vrban co me fro Rome to Auynyon for encheson & cause that he shold acord and make pees bytwene the kynge of fraūce / and the kynge of Englond for euermore. but allas or he bygan his tretys / he dyed with sykenes the xxj day of decembre / & was y buryed as for the tyme in the Cath [...]dral chirche of auynyon fast by the hygh auter And the next yere after whan he had leyn so / his bones were taken oute of the erth / & beryed newe in the Abbey of saynt [...] tour fast by marcile of the which abbey he was sōtyme abbot hym self / And in both places that he was buryed in ther be many grete myracles done & wrought thurgh the grace of god almyghty to many a mannes helpe and to the worship of almyghty god / And after whome folewed next and was made pope Gregorye Cardynal deken / that byfore was callyd pyers Rogyer /
In the same yere the Cyte of Lymonge rebellid and fought a yenst the prince as other Cytees in guyhene for grete taxes costa ges and raunsonnes / that they were putte & sett to by prince Edward / whiche charges weren Importable. & to chargeable / wher [Page] for they torned fro hym / & fyllen to the kyng of fraūce / and when prynce Edward saw this. he was sow achafed / & greued, & in tor nyng home ward ayene in to Englond with sore scarmuches & fiȝting & grete assautes fouȝt with [...]m. & toke the forsayd cite / & de stroyed it almost to the grounde / & slowe al that were foūde in the Cy [...] / And than for to say the soth for dyuse sikenesse & malady [...] that he had / & also for defaute of money / that he not myȝt wyth stōde n [...] tarye on his enemyes he hyed hym ayene in to englōd with his wyfe & his meyny / leuyng behynde hym in gascoyne the dust of san [...]stre / & sir Edmond Erle of Cābridge with other worthy & orped mē of armes / in the xlvj yere of kyng edward at the ordy naunce & sendyng of kyng edward / the kyng of nauerne come to hym to Claryngdon to treate with hym of certayne thynges touchyng his werre in Normādye / wher the kyng edward had lefte certeyn seges in his stede til he come ayene / but kyng edward miȝt not spede of that / that he asked of hym / & so the kyng of nauerne with grete worship & grete yeftes toke his leue & wēt home ayene And about the begynnyng of marche whan the parlemēt at west [...] was begōne / the kyng asked of the clergye a subsidye of [...]l m poūd / the whiche by a good auysemēt / & by a general cōuocacion of the clergye it was graūted & ordeyned that it shold be paid [...] wysed of the lay fee / And in this parlement at the request & as kyng of the lordes m hadrede of men of holy chirch / the chaūcelez & the tresorer that were bisshops / & the clerk of the priue seal were remeued / & put out of office / & in hit séede were seculer men put in And while this parlemēt lasted, ther come solēpne ambassadours y sent fro the pope to trete with the kyng of pees / & saiden / yt ye pope desired to fulfyll his predecessours wil / but for al hir comyng they sped not of hir purpose /
Of the besiegyng of Rochel / & how therle of penbroke & his cō pany was ther y take in the hauen with spaynardys / & al his [...]s selles y brente / Cao. / CC / xxxvo. /
[...]e ix day of Iuyn kyng edward in the / xlvij / yere of his regne helde his parlemēt at wynchestre / & it lasted but / viij dayes to the parlement were sompned by writte of men of hooly chirch / iiij, bisshops / & iiij abbots withont ony mo / This parlemēt was holden for marchauntes of london / of nor wyche, & of other dyuerse places in dyuerse thynges & poyntes of treson that they were diffamed of, that is for to saye, that they were rebelle / and wolde aryse ageynst the kyng / This same yere the Duk [Page] of lancastre / and the erle of Cambridge his broder comen oute of Gascoyne in to Englond / and token & wedded to hyr wyues xe [...]s doughtres somtyme kyng of spayne / Of whiche ij doughters the duk had the elder / & the erle the yonger / And that same tyme ther were sent two Cardynals fro the [...] that is to saye an Englissh Cardynal, & a Cardynal of parys to trete of pees byt wene the ij reames, the which whan they had ben both long / eche m his prouynces & in places & contrees fast by t [...]tyng of ye forsaid pees At ye last they toke with he in hir lettres of procuracye / & wēt ayene to the court of Romeward without ony effect of hir purpose / In this yere also ther was a strong batayll on the see bitwene en glisshmen & flemynges / & the englisshmen had the vyctorye / & token xxv shippes y charged with salt sleyng & drenchyng al ye mē yt were therin vn wytyng hem yt they were of yt cōtre / & redely mo che harme had falle by cause therof ne had pees be made & acord the sōner bitwene hem / & in this same yere the frensshmen besieged the toun of ye Rochel. wherfor therle of penbroke was sente in to gascoyne with a grete cōpany of men of armes for to destroye the siege / the which passed ye see / & comen sauf to the hauē of rochel & whan they were ther at the hauen, mouth or that they myȝt [...]ire sodēly comen vpon hem a strong nauye of spayn / ye which oucome tho the englisshmē in moch blemysshyng hurtyng & sleyng of ma ny persones / for as moche as the englisshmen were not than redy for to fyȝt ne ware of hem / & in the comyng vpon the spaynar, des al the englisshmen other they were take or slayne / & x of lx m were woūded to the deth / & al hir shippes y brent / & ther they toke therle with an huge tresour of the reame of englōd / & many other noble men also on mydsomer euen / the which is seynt etheldredes day & ledden hem with hem in to spayn / & of this meschyef was no grete wōder / for this erle was a ful euil liuer as an open lechour & also in a certeyn plemēt he stode & was ayenst the [...] fraū chises of holy chirche / & also he coūceiled the kyng & his coūceil yt he shold axe more of men of holy chirche than of other persones of the lay fee / & for the kyng & other of his coūceil accepted [...] token rather euyl oppynyōs & causes ayenst men of holy chirche than he did for to defende & mayntene the right of holy chirch it was seen oftymes after for last of fortune & grace they had not / ne bare a wey so grete victorie ne power ayēst hir enemies as they did afore This same yere yt king with a grete host entred ye see to [...] ye se ge of rochel / but the wind was euē cōtrary vnto him & suffrid him [Page] not long tyme to go ferre fro the land. wherfor he abode a certeyn tyme vpon the see costes abydyng after a good wynde for hem / & yet come it not / So at the last he come thens with his men to lond ward ayene / & anon as he was a lond the wynd bygan to torne & was in another coste than he was [...] /
How the duk of lancastre with a grete hoost wente in to flaū dres / & passed by parys thurgh Burgoyne / & thurgh al fraūce til he come to burdeux / Cao. / CC / xxxvjo.
SOne after in the / xlviij / yere of the regne of kyng Edward the duk of lancastre with a grete hoost went in to flaūdres & passed by parys thurgh Burgoyne / & thurgh alle fraūce, til he come to Burdeux without ony maner wythstondyng of the frēssh men, & he dyd he in but lytel harme / sauf he toke and raunsonned many places & tounes & many men / & lete hem after gone frely / [...]he same yere the kyng sent certeyn ambassatours to the [...] pra yeng hym yt he shold leue of & medle not in his court of the kepyn ges & reseruacions of benefyces in englond / & yt tho that were cho se to bisshoppe [...] sees & dignytees frely / & with ful right myȝt Ioye haue & be cōfermed to ye same of hir metropolitanes & archebisshop pes as they were wonte to be of old tyme / Of these poyntes & of other touchyng the kyng & his reame whan they had hir ansuere of the pope / ye po [...] enioyned hem yt they shold certyfye hym ayene by hir lettres of the kynges will & of his reame / or they determy ned ouȝt of ye forsaid articles / In the same yere deide Iohn the ar chebisshop of york / Iohn bisshop of Ely / william bisshop of worcestre / In whos stedes folewed & were made bisshops by auctoryte of the [...] mayster alysander neuyll to the archebisshoprich of yor ke Thomas of Arundel to the bisshopriche of Ely. & sir henry wa kefeld to the bisshopriche of worcestre / In the which tyme it was ordeyned in the parlement / that al cathedral chirches shold ioye & haue hir elections hole / & that the kyng fro that tyme afterward shold not writte ayēst hem, that were y chosen / but rather help hem by his lrēs to hyr cōfirmacion / & this statute was kept / & did mo che profyte & good / And in this parlemēt was graūted to yt kyng a dysme of the clergye & a xv of lay fee / The next yere after of kyng edward xlix / the xv. day of Iuyn deyde mayster williā wit lesey archebisshop of Caūterbury / wherfore the monkes of the same chirche asked & desired a Cardynal of Englōd to be Archebis shop / and therfor the kyng was agreued, & had ment & purposed [Page] to haue exyled the monkes of the same hous. And so they spended moch good or they myȝt haue the kynges grace ayene / & his loue but yet wold the kyng not consent ne graunt to hir election of the Cardynal / ne the [...] also / ne his cardynals / And aboute the be gynnyng of Augu [...] was treted & spoken at bruges of certeyn poyntes & articles hangyng bytwene the [...]pe / & the kyng of eng loud / & this tretys last al most ij yere / atte last it was acorded by twene hem / that the [...] fro that tyme forth shold not vse ne dele with the reseruacion of benefices in englond / & that the kyng shold not graūte ne let no benefices by his writte that is called Quare impedit / But as touchyng the elections aboue sayd ther was no thyng touchyd ne do / And that was y wyted & put vpon certayn clerkes / the whiche rather supposed & hoped to be auaūced & promo ted to bisshopriches whiche they desired & coueited by the court of rome rather than by ony electiōs / This same yere about cādelmasse [...] met to geders at Bruges many noble & worthy mē of both reames to trete of pees bitwene the ij kyngdōs / and this treatys lastyd ij yere with grede costes & huge expēse of both partyes / and atte last they went & departed thens without ony acord or effect / The next yere after the l yere of kyng edward iiij Non̄ of may be yng yet voyde & [...]acaūt the Archebisshopriche of Caūterbury maistyr Symond Sndbery bisshop of london was made archebisshop And mayster william Courteny / that was bisshop of Herford was than made bisshop of london. And the Bisshop of Bangore was made bisshop of herford / And this same tyme in a certayne tretys & spekyng of pees trewes was take bytwene fraunce and Englond fro mydsomer to mydsomer come ayene al [...] hole yere And aboute the begynnyng of Aprill the duke of Britayn with many erles barons and other worthy men of Englond went ouer see in to britayne, where he hath had al his lust / desyre / & purpose ne had the forsayd trewes be so sone y take / the whiche letted he m moche / This same tyme the yle of Constantyn / where that the cas tell of seynt sauour is in that long tyme was fought at and besie ged of the frensshmen was than yolden to the frensshmen with all the apportenaūces m to grete harme and hyndryng of the Reamme of Englond. And this same yere ther were so grete and soo passyng he [...]s / and therwith al the pestylence in Englond / and m other dyuerse partyes of the worlde that it destroyed and [...] vyolently and strongly bothe men and women withoute nombre, This same yere dyed Syre Edward the lord [Page] spencer a worthy knyght & a bolde / And in the mynster of Teukesbury worshipfully is buryed / & lastyng this pestylence the [...] at the Instaūce & prayer of an Englyssh Cardynal graūted to al peple that deide in englond that were sory & repentaūt for hir synnes / & also shryuen ful [...]nyssyon by ij bulles vnder leed / vj monethes than next to last / In this same yere therle of penbroke was take & raūsoned by bartram Cleykyn bytwene parys & caleys as he come toward englond vpon saynt etheldredes daye / the whiche saynt as it was sayd the same erle oftymes had offended / & within a while after he deyde / and in nouēbre next after ther met at bruged the duk of lancastre / & the duk of Angoy with many other lordes & prelates of bothe reames for to trete of pees /
Of the deth of prince Edward & of the lord latymer & dame alice peres thurgh whome & hir mayntenours the reamme many a day was mysgouerned / Cao. / CC, xxxvijo. /
NOt long after the lj yere of kyng edwardys regne / he lete or deyne & holde at westmynstre the grettest parlement yt was seyn many a yere afore / In whiche parlement he axed of the comynalte of the reame / as he had done bifore a grete subsydye to be graūted to hym for defendyng of hym. & of his reame / but yt comu nes ansuerd that they were so ofte day by day greued & charged with so many tayllages & subsidyes / that they myȝt no lenger suffre no suche burthons & charges / and that they knewen & wysten wel / yt the kyng had ynow for sauyng of hym & of his reame if the reame were wel & truly gou (er)ned / but yt it had be so long euell y gouerned by euyll offycers / that the reame myȝt nether be plentiuous of chaffare & marchandyse / ne also with richesse / And these thynges they profered hem self, yf the kyng wold certeynly to preue & stond by / And yf it were foūde & preued after that / that the kyng had nede / they wold than gladly euery mā after his power and state hym helpe & lene / And after this ther were publysshed & shewed in the parlement many playntes & defautes of diuerse officers of the reame / & namely of the lord latimer the [...]yn ges chamberlayne both to the kyng & eke to the Reame / And also at the laste ther was spoken and treted of dame Alice peres for the grete wronges & euel gouernaunce. that was done by her and by hir coūseyll in the reame / the whiche dame Alyce peres the kyng had hold long tyme to his lemman / wherfor it was ye lasse wonder though thurugh the f [...]lte of the womannys exytyng and hir steryng he consented to hir le wdenesse and euell coūceylle the [Page] whiche dame alyce / & also the lord latimer & other such that ste red yt kyng to euel goūnaūce ayenst his profite & the reames also all the comynalte axed & desired that they shold be meued / & putt a wey & in hir stedes wyse men & worthy that weren trewe & wele assayed & proued of good gou (er)naūce shold be put in hir stedes / So amōg al other ther was one amōg the comunes / ye was a wyse knyȝt & a trewe & an eloquent man, whos name was pyers de la mare / & this same pyers was chosen to be speker for ye comunes in the parlement / And for this same pyers told & publysshed the trouthe / & reherced the wronges ayenst the forsayd dame Alice / & other certeyn persones & the kynges coūceill / as he was bode by the cōmunes / & also trustyng moche for to be supported & mayntened in this mater by helpe & fauour of the prince / anon as the prince was dede at the Instaūce & request of the forsayd dame alice this pyers de la mare was Iuged to [...]petuel preson in the castel of notynghā / in the which he was ij yere / & m ye vj ka [...] of Iuil lastyng that same parlement dyed prince edward kyng edwardes first sone / yt is to say in trinite sōday / in the worship of which fest he was wont euery yere wher that euer he were in the world to make & hold the most solēpnyte yt he myȝt / whos name & fortune of knyȝthode but yf it had be of another ectour al mē both cristen & hethen while he lyued & was in good poynt wōdred moche & drad hym wōder sore / whos body is worshipfully y buryed in crychirch at caūterbury / And in this same yere the men & the erles tenaūtes of warwyk arisen mal [...]ciously ayenst the abbot & cōuēt of eueshā & hir tenaūts & destroyed fiersly the abbot & the toune & woūded. & bet hir mē & slowen of he m many one / & wēten to hir māners & places & did moch harme / & breken doune her parkes & hir closes & brenten & slowē hir wilde beestes / & chaced be in brekyng hir fissh ponde hedes / & lede the water of hir pondes stewes & riuers renne out & token the fissh & bere it with hem / and did hem al the harme yt they myȝt / m so ferforth that forsoth they had destroyed perpetu [...]lly that abbey with al hir mēbres & apportenaūces / but yf ye kynge the sōner had holpen it / & taken hede therto / & therfor the kynge sente his lettres to therle of warrewyk chargyng hym & commaūdyng that he shold stynt redresse & amende tho euel [...]ers and brekers of his pees▪ And so by men ye of lordes and other frendes of both sides pees and good accord and loue was made bytwene hem / and for this hurlyng as it was sayd the kyng wold not be gou (er)ned at that tyme by his lordes that ther were in the parlemēt [Page] but he toke & made his sone the duk of lancastre his gouernour of the reame, the whiche sto [...]e so styll. as gouernour til the tyme yt he deyde / The same yere anone after Cādelmasse or the parlemēt was do / the kyng asked a subsydye of the clergye / & of the lay fee / & it was graūted hym / yt is for to say / that he shold haue of euy persone of the lay fee / both of the man & woman / that passed xiiij ye re age iiij pens. out take poure beggers / that were knowe openly for nedy poure beggers / & that he shold haue of euery man of holy chirch yt was beneficed or promoted xij pens. & of al other that we re not promoted iiij pens / out take the / iiij / ordres of the frere beg gers / This same yere after mychelmasse Richard prince edwardes sone was made prince of walys / to whom the kyng yaf also the duchye of cornewaill with the erldom of chestre / And about this tyme the cardynal of englond. the iiij day bifore marye magdalene daye after mete sodenly was smyten / & take with a palsye / & lost his speche / & on mary magdaleyne day he deyde,
Of the deth of kyng edward / & sir Iohn monsterworth a knyght was drawe & honged for his falsenesse / Cao. / CC / xxxviijo. /
RYght anone after in the lij yere of kyng Edward in the begynnyng of October pope gregory the xj brought and reme ued his court with hym from Auynyon to Rome / And the / xij day of Aprill Iohan Monsterworth knyght / at london was draw [...]. honged / & than biheded / & after his body quartred / & sent to iiij chyef tounes of englōd / & his hede set vpon london bridge / for this same Iohn was ful vntrewe to the kyng / & to ye reame / & ful couetous & vnstable / for he toke oftymes grete sōmes of money of the kyng & his coūceil for men of armes wages yt he shold haue payd hem / & toke it to his owne vse, & he dredyng that at the laste he shold be shent / & accused for the same cause fledde priuely to the kyng of fraūce / & was swore to hym / & become his mā / & behyght hym a grete nauye onte of spayne in to confusion & destroyeng of englond / but rightful god to whom no priuyte is vnknowe suffr [...]d him first to be shent & spylt or that he so traitoursly & falsely his lyege lord the kyng of englōd & his peple & his reame / in the whi che groūd ye same Iohn was bore wikkedly thurgh batayll shold destroye or bringe his cursed purpose about / In the fest of seynt gre gory tho next after kyng Edward yafe to Rychard of Burdeux his heyre / that was prince edwardys sone / at wyndesore the ordre of knyȝthode / & made hym knyght / the which kyng edward wh [...]n he had regned lj yere & more the xj [...] of Iuyn he deyde at Shent [Page] and is buryed worshipfully at westmestre / on whos soule god ha ne mercy / Amen / This kyng Edward forsoth was of a passyng goodnesse & ful gracious amōg al the worthy men of the world for he passed & shone by vertue of grace y youe to hym fro god a boue al his predecessours / that were noble mē & worthy / & he was a well & a hardy herted man / for he drede neu of no myshappes / ne harmes ne euel fortune yt myȝt falle a noble werryour & a for tunat / for both on lond & on see / & iij al bataylles & assēbles with a passyng glorye & Ioye he had eu the victorye he was meke & be nyngne homely sobre & soft to al man of mē as wel to straūgers as to his own subgettis / & tho other yt were vnder his gou (er)naūce he was deuoute & holy both to god & to holy chirche / for he worshyped halp & mayntened holy chirche / & hir mynystres with al man reuerence he was tretable / & wel auysed in temporal & wordly ne des / wyse in coūceyll & discrete, softe & meke / & good to speke with In his dedes & maners ful gentill & well y tauȝt hauyng pite of hem that were in dysese / plentiuoꝰ in yeuyng benef [...]tes & alm [...]sse besy & curyouse in bildyng / & ful lightly he bere & suffred wrōges & harmes / & whan he was yeue to ony occupacion he left al other thyng for ye mene tyme & tendid therto. semely of bodye & a mene stature hauyng al wey to high & to lowe a good chere, & ther sprā ge & shone so moch grace of hym, that what man man had behold his face, or had dremed of hym / he hoped yt day that al thyng shold happe to hym ioyeful & likyng / & he gouerned gloriously his kyngedome vnto his age [...]e was large in yeuyng & wyse in spences, he was fulfylled with al honeste of good maners & vertues / vn der whome to lyue it was as for to regne / wherfor his fame & his loos sprang so ferre that it come in to hethnes & barbarye she wynge & tellynge his worthynes & manhode in al landes / and that no land vnder heuen had brouȝt forth so noble kyng. so gentylle and so blessyd / or myght reyse suche another whan he were dede / Neuer the latter lechery and meuyng of his flessh haunted hym in his age / wherfor the rather, as it is to suppose for [...] fulfyllyng of his lust his lyf shorted the sonner. And here of take good heede lyke as his deedes byfore b [...]re witnesse / for as in his begynnyng al thynges were Ioyefull and likyng to hym and to al peple / And in his mydde age he passed all peple in highe Ioye worshippe and blessednesse / right soo when he drewe in to age drawyng dounward thurgh lecherye / & other synnes lytell and [...] all tho Ioyefull and blessyd thynges and prosperyte [...] [Page] & myshapped / & infortunat thynges & vnprofitable harmes with many euylles began for to sprynge / & the more harme is / it conti nued long tyme after /
And after kyng Edward the third that was bore in wyndesore / regned Rychard of burdeux / that was prince Edwardys sone of walys / whiche prince edward was the sone of kyng edward Capitulo / CC / xxxixo. /
ANd after the good kyng edward the thyrd that was bore at wyndesore / regned Rychard the ij that was the good sir edwardes sone prince of walys / whiche kyng Rychard was borne in the Cyte of burdeux in gascoyne / & was crouned at westmynster in the xj yere of his age / And in the second yere of his regne for debate that was bytwene the lord latimer. & sir rauf fer [...]ers knyȝt that weren ageynst hawel & shakel squyers for ye prisoner that was take in the batayll of spayne by these ij squyers / & the whiche lord latimer & sir rauf ferriers wold haue had the whiche prisoner was therle of dene / that they toke in the batail of spayn wherfor these two lordes comen in to the chirche at westmynstre / & fonde this one squyer he ryng his masse beside saynt edward shryne / & ther they slowe hym / the whiche was callyd hawel / and sha kel was arestyd / & put in the tour of london / And ther he was lō ge tyme / for he wold not delyuer therle of Dene his prisoner vn to these i [...] lordes by sir Al [...]yn buxhill Constable of the tour / and by sir rauf ferriers one of his aduersaryes till the kyng graūted hym grace / In the thyrd yere of kyng richard come the galeys of frāce in to englōd vnto dyuerse portes / & brente. & robbed / & slowe moch peple of englōd, that is to say at wynchelsee / Rye & hastyng Portesmouth. hampton / stormore, & grauesende / & dyden moche har me. and went home ayene / And in this same yere was a parlemēt hold at westmynstre, And at that parlement was ordeyned / that euery man / woman / and childe that weren at the age of / xiiij / yere and aboue thurgh oute al the reame / poure folk / and other / shold paye to the tallage iiij pens, Wherfor come & bifel afterward grete meschyef & moche dysese to al the comynalte of the reame / And in the iiij yere of kyng Richardes regne the comunes arisen vp in dyuerse partyes of the reame & dyden moch harme / the whi che th [...] callyd the hurlyng time / & they of kent & of estsex made hem ij chyuetayns to rule & gou (er)ne the cōpany of kent & of estsex ye one was callid Iakke strawe & ye other wat tiler, & they comē. & [Page] assembled hem vpon the blach [...] in kent / and on the corpus cristi day / & after they comen doun in southwerk & brekē vp the prison hous / that is to say the kynges benche / & the marchalsye / & deliud out al the prisoners / And so the same day they come in to london & ther they robleden the peple / & slowe al alyens that they myght finde in the cyte & about the cyte / & despoilled al hir goodes & ma de hauoke / And on the friday next after that was on the morne / & they come than to the tour of london / & ye kyng beyng therin they fet out of the tour the archebisshop of caunterbury Sir Edmond sudbery. and sir robert halys hospytaler prionr & mayster of saynt Iohans hous / And a white frere that was confessour to kyng ri chard / & brought hem vnto the toure / and ther they smyten of hir hedes / & come a [...]ne to london / & slowe moo peple of men of lawe and other worthy men in dyuerse partyes of the Cyte / and than they wente vnto the dukes place of lancastre beyōd seynt Marye stronde that was callyd the sauoy, and ther they deuoured and de stroyed al the goodes that they myȝt finde ther / & bare hem awey and brent vp the place / And than after they went to saynt Ioha nes without smythfeld & destroyed the goodes ther and brent vp that hous & went to westmynstre / and seynt martyns graunte / & made hem gone out of the seyntuarye al that were within for ony maner of grith / And than come vnto the temple / & to alle other ynnes of men of lawe / and despoiled hem & robbed hem of hir god des / & also tare hir bookes of lawe / and than they come to l [...]don [...] brake vp the prison of newgate / & drofe oute all the prisoners fe lons and other / & of both countours / and al the peple that were within hem / & destroyed alle the bookes of bothe counters / And thus they continued both satirday & sonday vnto the monday next after in al hyr maly [...] & wykkednesse / And than on the monday kyng Richard with his lordes that were with hym that tyme / & with the mayre of london william walworth that was that tyme come with the alde [...]n & the comunes of the Cyte / and come in to Southwerk to here and knowe the en [...]on of these rebelles. & mysgonerned peple / And this Iak strawe than made an [...] in the feld that all the peple of acord shold come ne [...] / & [...] his [...]la mours and his crye / and his wyll / And the lordes and the may re and the Aldermen with the comynalte hauyng Indig [...]acion of his couetyze & falsenesse / & his foule presumpcion / And [...]one william walworth that tyme beyng mayer d [...]owe ou [...] [...] knyfe / and s [...]owe Iak strawe. and anon [...]ght ther dyd [...] of his hede [Page] and set it vpon a spere shaft / & so it was bore thurgh london & set an high vpon london bridge / Anone as these risers & mysgouerned men were wyde & clene vanysshed as it had nouȝt be they / & than ye kyng of his grete goodnesse / & by prayer of his lordes ma de there vj knyghtes of good & worthy men of the cyte of london that is to say williā walworth that that tyme was mayer / & slowe Iak strawe / And the second was nycholas brembre, & the iij Iohn philipot / & the iiij nycholas Twiford / & the v Robert laū des / the vj Robert gayton / And than the kyng with his lordes & his knyghtes retourned ayene vnto the toure of london / & there he rested hym til this peple were better seced & sette in reste & pees / & th [...]n by processe of tyme as they myȝt gete & take these rebelles & risers, they [...]enge hem vpon the next galewes in euery lordship thi [...] rugh out the reame of euglōd by xl / & by xxx by x & by xij euer as they myght be geten & taken in ony partyes / & in the v yere of kyng rychardes regne was ye grete erth quake, & was generally thurgh out the world the wedenesday after wytsonday in the yere of our lord M CCC lxxxxj. wherof al maner peple were sore agast & dredeful long tyme for drede of vengeaūce yt our lord she wed & dyd / & in the vj yere of the regne of kyng rychard sir henry spēcer bisshop of norwyche went with a croyserye ouer the see in to countre of Flaūdres, & ther they gate the toune of grauenyng / & the toune of burburche / Dunkerk & neweport / & ther they laded & frauȝt lj shippes with pilage for to haue comē in to englōd with these shippes & goodes / And the bisshop of norwyche & his coūceyl sete brenne these shippes with al the pelage in the same hauen all in to hard asshes. And at dunkerke was done a grete batayll bytwene the flemmynges & the englysshmen / & at that batayl was slayn a grete multitude of these flemmynges & an huge nōbre / & than went the bisshop with his retenue vnto ypres / & besieged it a long tyme / but it myght not be goten / And so he lefte that siege & come ayene in to englōd / for our englysshmen were foul destroyed and many dyed on the flyx [...] /
How quene Anne was wedded to kyng Rychard / Cao. / xlo. /
ANd in this same yere come quene Anne in to englond for [...] be spoused vnto kyng Rychard / & hir fadre was emperour of almayne / And kyng of beme / & with hyr come the duk of tassy her vncle / & many other worthy lordes & knyȝtes of hir coūtre of [...]me & of other duche tōges to do hir reuerence & worship / & sir [...]mōd beule a worthy kniȝt of ye gar [...]ir & other knyȝtes & squyers [Page] that weren the kynges ambassatours brought in to englond, & so forth to london / And the peple of the Cyte / that is to say / the ma yer & the aldermen & al the comyns riden ayenst hir to welcome hir and euery man in good aray / & euery crafte with his mynstralsye in the beste maner mette with hir on the blacheth in kent / & so brouȝt hir vnto london thurgh the cyte / & so forth vnto westmyn stre vnto the kynges paleys / and ther she was spoused vnto kynge Richard wel & worthely in the abbey of westmynstre, and ther she was crouned quene of englond / And al hir frendes that come with hir hadden grete yeftes / & weren wel chered and refresshyd as long tyme as they abyden here / And in this same yere was a batayll done in the kynges paleys at westmynstre for certayne poyntes of treson bytwene sir Iohan Anskley knyght defendaūt and Carton squyer the appellaūt / But this Syre Iohan of Ansley ouercome this Carton / and made hym to yelde hym within the lystes / And anon was this Carton despoilled of his harneis & drawe oute of the lystes / & so forth to tiborne / and ther he was honged for his falsenesse / And the viij yere of the regne of kyng Rychard. syr Edmond of langeley Erle of Cambridge the kyn ges vncle went in to portingale with a fayr meyne of men of ar mes and Archyers in strengthyng / and helpyng of the kyng of Portingale ageynste the kynge of spayne and his power / And ther the kyng of portingale had the vyctorye of his enemyes thurugh helpe and comfort of our englysshmen / & whan that iourneye was done the erle of Cambridge come home ayene with his peple in to Englond in hast blessyd be god & his gracious yeft, Amen / And this same yere kyng Richard held his Cristemasse in the ma ner of eltham / And the same tyme the kyng of Ermonye fledde oute of his owne land / and come in to englond for to haue socour and helpe of our kyng ageynst his enemyes / that had dryuen hym oute of his Royame / And so he was brought vnto the kynge to Eltham / ther as the kyng helde his ryal feste of Cristemasse / And ther our kyng welcomed hym, and did hym moche reuerence and worship and commaunded al his lordes to make hym all the chere that they coude / And than he besought the kynge of grace & of helpe / and of his comfort in his nede / And that he myght be brought ageyne to his kyngdom and lo [...]de / For the Turkes had deuoured and destroyed moche part of his londe / and for drede how he fl [...]dde and come hydder for helpe & socour /
And the kynge thenne hauyng pyte and compassion of his [Page] grete meschyef & greuous dysese. anon he toke his coūceyll / and as ked what was best to done / And they ansuerd & sayd / yf it liked hym to yeue hym ony good / hit were wel y do. and as touchyng his peple to trauaylle so ferre in to out landes / it were a grete Ieopardye / And so the kyng yaf hym gold & siluer / & many Rych yeftes and [...]e welles / & betaught hym to god / And so he passyd ayene out of englond / And in this same yere kyng richard with a ryal power went in to Scotland for to werre vpon the scottes for the falsenesse & destruction that the Scottes had done vnto en glisshmen in the marches / & than the Scottes come doun vnto the kyng for to entrete with hym / & with his lordes for trewes as for certeyne yeres / and so our kyng & his coūceill graūted hem trewes certeyne yeres vnto her askyng / And our kyng torned hym home ayene in to Englond / & whan he was come vnto york / ther he abo de & rested hym theye / And there Syr Iohan holond the Erle of kentes broder slowe therles sone of stafford / and his heyr with a daggar in the Cyte of yorke, wherfor the kyng was sore ameued & g [...]eued / & rem [...]ued thens & come to london / and the mayer with the aldermen / & the comyns with al the solempnyte that myȝt be done riden ayenst the kyng / & brouȝt hym rially thurgh the ate / & so forth vnto westmynstre vnto his owne paleys / And in the [...]x. yere of kyng Rychardes regne / he helde a parlement at westmynster, & ther he made ij dukes / & a marquys / & v Erles / The fyrst that was made duk was the kynges vncle / Syr Edmond of langle erle of Cambridge / & hym he made duk of york And his other vncle Syr Thomas of wodestoke, that was Erle of Bukkyngham hym he made duk of gloucestre / And Syr [...]y on [...]eer that was erle of Oxfford hym he made markuys of dyue lyn. And henry of Bolyngbroke the dukes sone of lācastre hym he made erle of Derby / And syr Edward the dukes sone of yorke hym he made erle of Ruttelond / Syr Iohan holand / that was the erl [...] of kentes broder / hym he made Erle of Huntyngdon / syr Thomas mombray Erle of Notyngham / and Erle marchal of Englond / and Syr mychel de la pole knyght hym he made Erle of Southfolk / and Chaunceler of Englond /
And the Erle of the marche at that same parlement holden at westmynstre in playn parlement amonges al the lordes / and comunes was proclamed Erle of the marche and heyre apparant to the croune of Englond after kyng Rychard, the whiche Erle of the marche went ouer sce in to Irland vnto his lordshippes / & [Page] & londes / for the erle of the marche is erle of vlster in Irlōd & by right lyne & heritage / And ther at the castel of his he lay that tyme. And ther come vpon hym a grete multitude in busshemētis of wild Irisshmen hym for to take & destroye / & he come out fiersly of his castel with his peple / & māly fought with hem / & ther he was take & hewe al to pyeces / & ther he deyde / on whos soule god haue mercy Amen / And in the x yere of kyng Richardys regne / therle of Arundel went vnto the see with a grete nauye of shippes enar med with men of armes. & good Archyers, And whan they come in to the brode sce / they met with the hole flete / yt comen with wyn y lade from Rochel, the whiche wyne were enemyes goodes / and ther our nauye set vpon hem & toke hem all / & brouȝt hem vnto dy uerse portes & hauenes of englond / & som to london & ther ye myȝt haue had a tonne of Rochel wyn of the best for xx shyllyngster lynges / & so we had grete chepe of wyne thurgh oute the reame at that tyme thanked be god almyghty /
How the fyue lordes arisen at Rattecotte bridge / Cao., C C / [...]lj
ANd in the regne of kyng Richard the xj yere the v lordes a risen at Rattec [...]t bridge in the destruction of rebelles / that weren that tyme in al the reame. The fyrste of the v lordes was sire thomas of wodstok the kynges vncle, & duk of Gloucestre / & the seconde was sir Rychard erle of Arundel / & the thyrd was sir Richard Erle of war wyk / the fourth was sir henry bo [...]ng bro ke erle of derby / the. v. was sir thomas mōbray erle of notynghā And these / v / lordes saw the meschyef & mysgouernaūce / & the fal senesse of the kynges coūceyll / wherfor they that weren that tyme chyef of the kynges coūceyl fledden out of th [...]o land ouer the see that is to say Sir alysander neuyl / the Archebisshop of york / and Sir Robert le veer markuys of deuelyn & erle of Oxfford / & sir Michel de la pole Erle of southfolk / and Chaūceler of Englond And these thre lordes wenten ouer the see / & come neuer ageyne for ther they deyde, And than these v lordes aboue sayd maden a parlement at westmynstre And ther they toke Syre Robert Tresilian the Iustyce and Syr Nychol brembre knyght and Cytezeyn of london / and Syre Iohan Salysbury knyght of the kynges houshold, and [...]ske sergeaūt of armes and many moo of other pe ple weren take & Iugged vnto the deth by the counceylle of these fyue lordes in hir parlement at westmynstre for treason that they put vpon hem to be drawen from the toure of london thurgh once the Cyte. and soo forthe vnto Tyborne / and there they sholde be [Page] hanged / and hyr throtes to be cut / and thus they were seruyd / & dyed, And after that in this same parlement at westmynstir was sir symond Beuerle that was a knyght of the garter, and syre Iohan beauchamp knyght that was styward / of the kynges hou shold, and syr Iames berners were foriuged vnto the deth / and than they were lad on fote to the toure hylle / and there weren hir hedes s [...]yten of / & many other mo by these / v / lordes / In this same parlemēt / & in the yij yere of kyng Richardes regne he lete crye & ordeyne a generall Iustes that is called a turnement of lordes knyghtes & squyers / And this Iustes & turnement was holde at london in smythfeld of al maner of straungyers of what loude or coūtre that euer they were / & thyder they were right welcome and to hem & to al other was holden open houshold. And grete festes and also grete yeftes were yeuen to al manere of straungyers.
And of the kynges side weren al of su [...]e here co [...] / hyr armure sheldes hors t [...]ppure, And al was whyte hertes with crounes aboute hyr nekkes / and chaynes of gold hangyng therupon / & the croune hangyng lowe byfore the hertes body / the whiche hert was the kynges lyuery that he yafe to lordes & ladyes knyȝtes & squy ers for to knowe his houshold frō other peple / And in this f [...]st comyng to hir Iustes xxiiij ladyes lad these xxiiij [...] lordes of ye gar ther with cheynes of gold / and al the same sute of hertes as is a fore said from the toure on horsbac thurgh the Cyte of london in to smyth fel [...] ther that the Iustes shold be hold, And this feste / & Iustes was hold general. and to al tho that wold come / of what lond and nacion that euer they were / And this was hold duryn ge xxiiij dayes of the kynges cost / And these xxiiij lordes to an suere al maner peple that wold come thyder. And thider come the erle of seynt poul of fraūce / & many other worthy knyȝtes wyth hym of dy [...]se partyes ful well arayed / & out of holand & he naud come the lord Ostre [...]aūt / that was the dukes sone of holand and many other worthy knyghtes with hym of holand & ful wel ara yed / And whan this fest and Iustes was ended / the kyng thāked these straūgyers & yafe hem many grete yeftes / and than they to ken hir leue of the kyng & of other lordes and ladyes / and whenten home ayene in to hir owne coūtre with grete loue & moch thāk And in the xiij yere of kyng Richardes regne / ther was a batayll done in the kynges pal [...]ys at westmynstre bytwene a squyer of nauerne / that was with the kynge Rychard / And another Squyer that was callid Iohan walshe for poyntes of treson that [Page] this nauerner put vpon this [...] but this nauerner was oucome / & yelde hym creaūt to his aduersarye / & anon he was de spoylled of his armure / & drawe out of the paleys to [...]yborn / & there was honged for his falsenesse / And the xiiij yere of kyng ri chardes regne sir Iohn of gaūt duk of lācastre went ouer the see in to spayn for to chalenge his right that he had by his wyues ty tle vnto the croune of spayn with a grete hoost of peple of men of armes & archyers, And he had with hym the duchesse his wyfe & his thre doughters ouer the see in to spayn / And there they were a grete whyle / & atte last the [...]ng of spayn bigan to trete with ye duk of lancastre / & they [...] [...]ded to geder thurgh hir [...]oth coū ceyll in this maner / that [...] of spayn shold wedde the dukes doughter of lanca [...] [...] was the right heyr of spayn. & he shold y [...]ue vnto the duk of [...]stre gold & siluer that weren cast [...] to grete wedges / & many other Iewelles, as many as viij charyettes myȝt carye / And euery yere after duryng the lyf of the du ke of lancastre & of the duchesse his wyf / xim / mare of gold / Of which gold the auētures & charges they of spayn shold au [...]ture / & bringe yerly vnto Bayone to the dukes assignes by suerte ma de / Also the duk of lācastre maryed another of his doughters vn to the kyng of portyngale the same tyme, And whan he had done thus he come home ayene in to englond / & the good lady his wyf also / but many a worthy man vpon the f [...]x in that vyage dyed And in the xv yere of kyng rychardes regne / he helde his Cristemasse in the maner of wodestoke / & ther therle of penbroke a yōg lord & tendre of age wold lerne to Inste with a knyght that was callid sir Iohn seynt Iohn / & riden to geder in the park of wodestok And ther this worthy erle of penbroke was slayn with that other kniȝtes spere as he kast it frō him when they had coupled / & [...]s this good erle made there his ende / And therfor the kyng & the quene made moche sorow for his deth / And in the xvj yere of kyn ge richardes regne Iohn [...]nde beyng that tyme mayer of london & Iohan Walworth & henry vanner beyng shereues of london that same tyme a bakers man bare a basket of horsbrede in to fleets [...] te toward an hostry / & ther come a yomā of the bisshoppes of sa [...]s bury / that was callid romayn / & he toke an horselofe out of ye bas ket of ye baker & he askid him why he did so & this romayn turned ayene / & brake ye bakers hede / & neighbours come out & wold haue arestid this romayn, & he brake frō hem & fled [...] ye lordes pla [...] / & the cōstable wold haue hym oute / but the bisshops mē shett [Page] fast the yates & kepte the place that no man myght entre / & than moche more peple gadred thyder / & sayd that they wold haue him oute / or elles they wold brenne vp the place / & al that were with in / And than come the mayer & shereues with other moche peple and cesed the malyce of the comyns / & made euery man to go home to hir houses & kepe the pees / and this Romayns lord the bisshop of Salysbury mayster Iohan waltham that that tyme was tre sorer of englond went to syr Thomas arundel / archebisshop of yor [...]e. & also Chaunceler of englond / And ther the bisshop made his cōpseynt vnto the chaūceler vpon the pepele of the cyte of london And than these ij bisshops of grete malyce & vengeaūce come vn to the kyng to wyndesore / and made a grete compleynt vpon the mayer & shereues / & anon al the Cyte afterward were before the kyng & his counseyll / & they cast vnto the Cyte a greuous hert & wonder grete malyce / & anon sodenly the kyng sent after the mai re of london / & for the ij shereues. & come vnto hym vnto ye castel of wyndesore / & the kyng rebuked the mayer & sherenes ful foule for the offence that they had done ayenst hym & his officers in his chambre at london / wherfor he deposed & putt oute the maire and both shereues / & this was done a xiiij dayes afore the fest of seynt Iohan baptist / And than the kyng called to hym a knyght that was called sir Edward dalingridge, & made hym wardeyn & go uernour of the cyte & chambre of londō / & oner al his peple ther in / And so he kept that office but iiij wekes / by cause that he was so gentil & tendre to the cytezeyns of london / wherfor the kyng deposed hym / & made sir Baudwyn radyngton knyȝt that was coū troller of the kynges houshold wardeyn & gouernour of his chā bre / & of his peple therin / & chese vnto hym two worthy men of ye Cyte to be shereues with hym for to gouerne & kepe the kynges lawes in the cyte / one was callyd gilbert mawefeld / & that other Thomas newenton shereues / & than the mayre / & the ij / [...]shereues and al the Aldermen with al the worthy craftes of london wente on foote vnto the toure / and there come out the Conestable of the toure / and yafe the mayer and the shereues hir oth and charge as they shold haue take in the Escheker of westmynstre in the kynges court of his Iustices and Barons of the Escheker / And than wente they home ageyne / And than the kynge and his counseyl for the grete malyce and despyte that they had to the Cyte of london / remeued al his courtes from westmynstre vnto the Cyte of york / that is for to say the chaūcelrye / ye escheker [Page] the kynges benche / & the comune place / & ther they held alle the se courtes of lawe fro mydsomer / that is to say the fest of seynt Io han the baptist vnto the fest of cristemasse next sewyng / & than ye kyng & his coūseyll sawe it not so profitable ther as it was at lō don, than anone he remeued it ayene vnto london / & so to westmes stre for grete ease of his officers & auauntage to the kyng & al ye comyns of the reame / And when the peple of lōdon saw & knewe that these courtes were come ayene / and the kyng & his peple also. thenne the mayer & the aldermen with the chyef comuners of the Cyte lete gadre a grete some of gold of al the comyns of the cite And ordeyned & made grete ryalte ayenst his comyng to london & for to haue his grace & good lordship / & also hir lybertees & fraū chyses graunted vnto hem ayene, as they before tymes had / And than by grete Instaunce & prayer of the quene Anne of hir lordes & ladyes the kyng graunted hem grace, & this was done at [...]ene in suthereye. And than the kyng within ij dayes after come to lon don / And the mayre of london shereues aldermen / & al the worthy men of the Cyte afterward riden ageynst the kyng in good araye vnto the heth on this side the maner of shene submyttyng hem hū bely & mekely with al maner obeisaūce vnto hym / as they ought to done / & thus they brought the kynge & the quene to london / & whan the kyng come to the gate of the bridge of london ther they presented hym with a mylk white stede sadled & bridled & trapped with cloth of gold & rede parted to geder / & the quene a palfrey [...] al whyte / & in the same araye trapped with whyte & rede / and al the conduytes of london ronnen with wyne both whyte & rede for al maner people to drynke of / And bytwene seynt poules & the crosse in cheepe ther was made a stage a rial stādyng vpon hyghe and therin were many Angels with dyuerse melodyes / & song / And than an Angel come a doune from the stage an highe by a vyse & sette a cronue of gold pyght with ryche perle & precious stones vpon the kynges hede / and another vpon the Quenes he de / And soo the Cytezeyns brought the kynge & the quene vn to westmynstre in to hyr paleys / And than on the morne after the mayer & the shereues and the aldermen of london comen vnto the kynge in to his paleys at westmynstre / and presented hym with two basyus of syluer / & oner gylt ful of Coyned gold / the sōme of / xx, honderd pounde prayenge hym of his hyghe mercy and lordship and special grace that they myght haue his good loue with the lybertees and fraunchyses lyke as they haue had before [Page] tymes / & by his lettres patents / & his chartre confermed. And the quene & other worthy lordes and ladyes fyll on knees. & besouȝt the kyng of grace to conferme this / Than the kyng toke vp the quene / & graunted hir al hir askyng / & than they thanked the kynge & the quene & wenten home ayene / And in the xvj yere of kyng Rychardes regne certeyne lordes of scotland come in to En glond to gete worship as by feet of armes / These were the persones / the erle of marre & he chalengid therle marchal of englond to Iuste with hym certayn poyntes on horsbak with sharp speres and they ryden to geders as ij. worthy knyghtes & lordes certeyne courses / but not the ful chalenge that the scottissh erle made / For he was cast both hors & man / & ij of his ribles broke with that fal And so he was borne home oute of smythfeld home in to his yn / And within a litel tyme after he was caryed homward in a litter and at yorke ther he deyde, And sir william Darel knyght & tho the banerer of scotlande made another chalenge with▪ Syre Piers courteyne knyght / & the kynges banerer of englond of cer teyne courses yet on horsbak in the same feld / And whan he had riden certeyne courses hit & assayed / he myȝt not haue the letter / he yaf it ouer / & wold no more of his chalenge & turned his hors & rode home to his owne yn / And one Cokkeborne a squyer of scot lād chalengyd Syr Nychol hauberk knyȝt of certeyne courses yet with sharp speres on horsbak / & riden / v / courses to geders / and at euery course the scot was cast a donne / bothe hors & man / And thus our englissh lordes thanked be god badden the feld / And in the xvij yere of kynge Rychardes regne deyde the good gracious quene Anne that was wyf to kyng Richard in the maner of she ne in the shyre of surre vpon wytsonday / & than was she brouȝt to london / & so to westmynstre / and ther she was beryed & worthe ly entered beside saynt Edwardes shrine / On whos soule almyȝty god haue pyte & mercy /
How kyng Richard spoused dame Isabel the kynges doughter of fraūce in the toune of caleys / & brought hir in to englond & let hir be crouned quene in the Abbey of seynt peters of westmynstre Capitulo / CC / xlij /
IN the / xx / yere of kyng Richardes regne / he went hym ouer the see vnto Caleys with Dukes / Erles / Lordes / and barons / and many other worthy Squyers with greete araye and commune people of the Royamme in good arraye / as than [Page] longed to suche a worthy kyng & prince of his nobley and of his own persone to done hym reuerence / & obseruaūce / as ought to be done vnto hir lyege lord / & so myght a kyng & Emperour in hys owne to abyde & resceyue there that worthy & gracious lady that shold ben his wyf a yong creature of xix yere of age d [...]me Isabel the kynges doughter of fraūce / and many other worthy lordes of grete name / both barons / & knyghtes with moche other people that comen vnto the toune of Grauenyng / & two dukes of fraūce that one was the duk of Burgoyne / and that other the duke of barry that wold no ferther lasse / than they had pledges for hem And than the kyng Rychard delyuerd two pledges for hem to go sauf & come sauf his ij worthy vncles / the duk of Gloucestre & the duk of york / And they ij wenten ouer the water of Grauenyng / & abyden there as for pledges / vnto the tyme that the ma riage & the fest was done / And that these ij dukes of fraunce we re come ayene vnto grauenyng water, And thenne these two wor thy dukes come ouer the water at Grauenyng / & soo to Caleys with this worshipful ladye dame Isabel / that was the kynges doughter of fraunce / and with hyr come many a worthy lorde / & eke lady & knyghtes & squyers in the beste aray that myght be / And ther they metten thith our meyny at Caleys / the which wel comed hir & hyr meynye with the best honour and reuerence / that myght be. and so brought her in the toune of Caleys. And there she was resseyued with al the solempnyte & worship that myght be done vnto suche a lady / And than they brought hyr vnto the kyng / & the kyng toke hyr / & welcomed hyr & all hir fayr meyne / and made ther al the solempnyte that myght be done / And than the kyng & his counceyll asked of the frenssh lordes / whether al the couenaūtes & for wardes with the composicion that were or deyned and made on both partyes shold be trewely kepee and [...]l de bytwene hem / And they sayd ye / And ther they sworne / and toke hir charge vpon a [...]oke / and made hir othe wel and trewely it to hold in al maner of poyntes and couenaūtes without contra diction or delaye in ony maner wyse / And than was she brought vnto saynt Nycholas chirche in Caleys / & ther she was worthely y wedded with the moost solempnyte / that [...]ny kyng or Quene myght be, with Archebisshops and Bisshoppes / and alle mynystres of hooly chirche / And than weren brought home vnto the Castel / and sette to mete / And there were seruyd with al maner of delycasye of al ryal metes and drynkes. [Page] plentyuously to al manet of seraungyers / and al other / and no creature warned that feste, but alle were welcome / for there were grete hales and tentes sette vpon the grene withoute the castell to resceyue al maner of peple / and euery office redy to serue hem alle And thus this worthy maryage was solempnly y done & ended with al ryalte, Thenne these ij dukes of fraunce with hir peple to ken hir leue of the kyng and quene / and wenten ayene to Graue nyng water / And ther the frenssh lordes / that is to saye / the twoo dukes / & al hir meyny were comen ouer the water to grauenyng and there they metten / And euery toke leue of other. & so they de parted / and our lordes come ageyne to Caleys / & the frenssh lordes wente ouer the water / & soo home in to fraunce ayene / And anone after the kyng made hym redy with the quene / and al his lordes and ladyes and al hir peple with hem / and come ouer the see in to Englond / and so to london / and the mayre and the shereues with alle the Aldermen and worthy communes riden ayenst hem vnto the blacheth in kent. And ther they metten with the kyng / and the quene / and welcomed hem / and that in good aray / and euery man in the clothynge of his crafte / and mynstralles to fere hem. And soo they brought hem vnto seynt Georges barre in Southe werke / and ther they toke hyr leue, And the kyng and the quene riden to kenyngton. and than the peple of london torned home ayene / And in turnyng ayene to london bridge / ther was so moche prese of peple both on hors and a foote that ther were dede on the bridge x [...] persones of men of womē & of children / on whos soules Almyghty god haue pyte & mercy Amen / And than afterward the Quene was brought vnto the Toure of loudon / & ther she was al nyght / And on the morow she was brought thurgh the Cyte of london al ouer, & so forth vnto westmynstre / & ther she was crouned Quene of Englond / And than she was brought ayene to the kynges paleys / and ther was holden an open & rial fest at hir coronacion of al maner of peple that thyder come / And this was done the sonday next after the fest of Seynt Clement in the xx yere of kyng Rychardes regne / And than the / xxv / day of August next after by [...]uyl exytacion and fals counseylle / & for grete wrath and malyce that the kynge hadde of olde tyme vnto his vncle the good duke of Gloucestre and to the Erle of Arundel / and to therle of warrewyke▪
And anon the kynge by his euyl exytacyon / and his counceylle and malyce late in the euenyug on the same day aboue sayd [Page] made hym redy with his strength, and rode in to Estsex vnto the toune of chelmesford, & so come to plasshe sodeuly ther sir thomas of wodestok the good duk of gloucestre lay / And the good duk co me to w [...]lcome the kyng anon / and the kyng arestid the good du ke hym self his own body / and so he was lad doune to the water and anone put to a shyp / and anon had vnto Caleys / & brought in to the capytayns warde to be kept in hold by the kynges cō mādement of englond / And that tyme therle marchal was Capi tayne of Caleys, And anon after by the cōmaundement of the kyng & by his fals coūceyl cōmanded the capytayn to put hym to the dethe / And anone certayne yomen that had the good duke in kepyng toke hir coūceyl how that they wold put hym vnto the deth / And this was hir appoyntement that they shold come vpon hym when he were in his bed and a slepe on a fethyr bedde / And anon they bounde hym fote / & honde / & charged hym to lye still / & when they had done thus they token two smale towailles & made on hem ij rid knottes / & cast the towailles aboute the dukes nekke & than they toke the fether bedde that lay vnder hym & cast it abo ue hym / & than they drowen hir towailles eche weyes / & som lay vpon the fetherbed vpon hym vnto the tyme that he were dede by cause that he shold make no noise / & thus they strangled this wor thy duk vnto the deth. on whos soule god for his hygh pite haue mercy Amen / And whan the kyng had arestyd this worthy duk & his vncle / & sent hym to Caleys / he come ayene to london in all hast with a wōder grete peple / and as sone as he was come be sen te for therle of Arundel / & for the good erle of warrewyk / And anon as they come / he arestyd hem hym self Syr Iohn cob ham & sir Iohan cheyne knyghtes / he arestyd hem in the same ma ner til he made his parlemēt / And anon they were put in to hold but therle of Arundel wente at large vnto the parlement tyme / For he fonde suffysaūt suerte to abyde the lawe and to ansuer [...] to all maner poyntes that the kyng & his counceyll wold put vpon hym / And in the xj yere of kyng Rychardes regne / be ordeyned hym a parlement at westmynstre / the whiche was callid the grete parlement / And this parlement was made for to Iuge these thre worthy lordes & other mo as hem lyst at this tyme / And for the Iugement. the kyng lete make in al hast a long & a large houe of tymbre the which was callid an hale / & couered with ty [...]es ouer & it was open al about on both sides / & at the endes that al maner of m [...]n myȝt see thurgh out / & ther ye dome was holden vpon these [Page] forsayd lordes & Iugement yeue of this forsayd parlement / And for to come vnto this parlement the kyng sent his writ [...]s vnto euery lord / baron / knyȝt. & squyer / in euery shyre thurgh out al en glōd / that euery lord gadre & brynge his retenue with hym in as short tyme & in the best aray yt they myȝt gete in mayntenyng & in strengthyng of the kyng ayenst hem / yt were his enemyes / & that this were done in al hast, & they come to hym in payne of deth / & the kyng hym self sent in to chestreshyre vnto the Chyuetayns of that cōtre / & they gadred & brouȝt a grete & an huge multitude of peple. both of knyȝtes & of squyers / & principally of yomen of che streshire / ye which yomen, & archyers ye kyng toke to his own court & yaf hem bowge of court & good wages to be kepers of his own body / both by nyȝt & by day aboue al other persones / & most loued & best trust / the which sone afterward torned yekyng to grete losse shame / hynderyng / & his vtterly vndoyng & destructiō / as ye shal here sone after / And that tyme come sir henry erle of derby with a grete meyne of men of armes & archyers / & therle of Ruttelād co me with a strōg power of peple both of mē of armes & archyers And therle of kent brought a grete power of men of armes & ar chyers / therle marchal come in the same maner. the lord spencer in the same maner. therle of northūberlond / & sir henry [...]ercy his sone / & sir thomas percy the erles brother / And alle these worthy lordes brouȝten a fayr meyny & a strong power, & eche man in his best aray / & the duke of lancastre & the duk of york comen in the same maner with men of armes & archyers folewyng the kynge & sir williā scrope tresorer of englōd come in the same maner / and thus in this aray come al the worthy men of this land vnto our kyng / & al this peple come to london in one day / in so moche that euery strete & lane in london / & in the subarbes were ful of hem lodged, & x or xij myle about london euery way. And these peple brought the kyng at westmynstre / & wenten home ayene to hir lodgyng bothe hors & man, And than on the monday the xvij day of September the parlement bygan at westmynstre, the which was called the grete parlement / And on the fryd [...]y next after therle of Arūdel was brought in to the parlement among al the lordes and that was on saynt mathewes day the apostel and euangelist ther he was foriuged vnto the deth in this hale / that was made in the paleys at westmynstre / And this was his Iuggement / he shold gone on fote with his hondes y bounde behynde hym from the pla ce that he was for Iuged in / & so forth thurgh the Cyte of london [Page] vnto the [...]ure hy [...]e / & ther his hede to be smyten of / & so it was do in dede in the same place / And vj of the grete lordes that sate on his Iugemēt riden with hym vnto the place ther he was done vn to the deth, & so to see that the execucion were done after hir dome, And by the kynges commaūdement with hem wenten on foot of men of armes and archyers a grete multitude of Chestreshyre men in strengthyng of the lordes that brought this erle vnto his deth for they drad lest the erle shold haue be rescued & take from hem whan they come in to london / Thus he passed forth thurgh the cite vnto his deth / & ther he toke it ful paciently / On whos soule god haue mercy / Amen / And than come the freres austyn [...] / & toke vp the body / & the hede of this good erle / & bare it home vnto hir hous and buryed hym in hyr quere / And in the morow after was syr Rychard erle of war wyk brought in to the parlement, ther as the erle of Arundel was foriuged / and they yafe the Erle of warrewyk the same Iugement that the forsayd Erle hadde But the lordes had compassion of hym bycause he was of more age and releced hym to perpetuel prison. and put hym in the yle of man / And than the monday next after the lord Cobham of kent. & syr Iohan Cheyne knyght weren brought in to the parlement in to the same halle / and there they were Iudged to be honged and drawe but thurgh the prayer & grete Instaunce of all the lordes that Iugement was foryeue hem / and releced to perpetuel prison / And in this same tyme was Rychard whyttyngdone mayre of london & Iohan wodecok and William askam she reues of london And they ordeyned at euery yate of london duryng this same par lament stronge watche of men of armes and Archyers / & thurgh oute euery ward also. And the kyng made fyue dukes and a markuys / and foure erles / and the fyrst of hem was the Erle of Derby / and he was made duk of herford, and the second was the erle of Rutteland / and he was made duke of Aumarle / and the thyrd was the erle of kent / and he was made duk of Surre / and the fourth was the Erle of huntyngdon / and he was made duke of excestre / & the fyfthe was the erle of Notyngham / & he was made duk of northfolk / & the erle of Somersete [...]e was made the markuys of Dorset / and the lord spencer was made er le of gloucestre / and the lord Neuyll of Raby was made Erle of westmerland / and Syre Thomas [...]ercy was made erle of worcestre / And Syre William Scrope that was tresorer of Englond [Page] he was made erle of wylteshyre / And sir Iohan Moūtagu erle of salysbury. And whan the kynge had thus y done / he helde the parlement & rial feste vnto al his lordes, & to al maner of people that thyder wold come / And this same yere dyed Syr Iohan of gaunte the kynges vncle & duke of lancastre in the Bisshoppes ynne in holborne / and was brought from thens to saynt poules & ther the kyng made & held his enterement wel & worthely with al his lordes in the chirche of seynt poules in london / & there he was buryed beside dame blaūche his wyf that was doughter and heyre to the good henry / that was duk of lancastre / and in the sa me yere ther fyl a dyscencion & debate bitwene the duk of herford and the duke of Norfolk / in so moche that they waged batayll & cast doune hir gloues / & than they were take vp & ensealed / and the batayll Ioyned / & the day y set / & the place assigned / where & whan / And this shold be at Couentre. And thyder come the kyng with al his lordes at that day, and was set in the feld. and than these two worthy lordes comen in to the felde clene armed & wel arayed with al hir wepen / and redy to done hir bataylle / and we ren redy in the place for to fyght at vtteraunce / But the kynge hadde hem cese / and toke the quarel in to his hand /
And forth with right ther present exyled the duke of Herford for the terme of x yere / and the duk of Norfolk for euermore / And Syr Thomas Arundel Archebisshop of Caunterbury was exised the same tyme for euer, and deposed oute of his see for ma lice of the kyng / And anon these iij worthy lordes were cōmaū ded and defended the kynges reame / And anone they gate hem shippes at dyuerse bauenes / and wenten ouer the see in to dyuerse londes eche his wey / And the duke of Norfolk wente to [...]enyce and ther he dyed / On whos soule god haue mercy / Amen.
And than kynge Rychard made a clerke of his Syr Rogyer walden Archebisshop of Caunterbury / And in the xij yere of kyng Rychardes regne by fals counseyll and ymagynacion of co uetous men that were aboute hym were made & ordeyned blanck chartres / & made hem to be enseled of al maner ryche men thurgh oute the reame / In so moche that they compellyd dyuerse peple to set her seal therto / And this was done for grete couetyse / wherfor alle good hertes of the reamme weren clene turned aweye from hym that was kyng euer after /
And that was vtterly destruction and ende to hym that was soo hyghe and excellent prince and kynge / and thurgh couetyse and [Page] falo coūseyl falsly bytrayd / allas for pyte that suche a kyng myȝt not see / And than kyng Rychard sette his kyngdome / & his ryal lond englond to ferme vnto iiij persones / the whiche were these, sir williā scrope erle of wylteshire & tresorer of englond / & sir Iohan Bussh / & henry Grene / and sir Iohan Bagot knyghtes / whiche that turned hem to meschyef & deth within lytel tyme / as ye shal finde here after writen. And than kyng Rychard made grete ordi naūce / & wente hym oner the see in to Irlond, and many grete lor des with hym with grete hostes for to strength hyr kyng with mē of armes archyers & moch grete stuffe & right good ordynaūce as longeth to werre / And or he passed the see he ordeyned & made sir Edmond of lāgely his vncle the duk of york his lyeutenaūt of englond in his absence with the gouernaunce & counceyll of these iiij knyghtes that hadden taken englond to ferme of the kynge / & than he passed the see & come in to Irlond / & there he was wel / & worthely resceyued / And these rebelles that bon callyd wild [...]ssh men anone hir chyuetayne & hir gouernours and hir leders comē doune vnto the kyng & yelden hem vnto hym both body and goo des al at his owne wyll / & swore to be his lyege men / and there to hym dyden homage & feaute / and good seruyce / And thus he conquerd the moost partye of Irlond in a lytel tyme.
And while that kyng Rychard was thus in Irlond / Syr Hen ry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby / that the kyng had made bifo re duke of herford / the whiche duk the kyng had exyled oute of this lōd was come ayene in to Englond for to chalenge the duk dome of lancastre as for his right and trewe herytage / And he come doune oute of fraunce by londe vnto Caleys / And ther met hym Syre Thomas of Arundel that was Archebisshop of Caunterbury, that was exyled oute of englond / and with hym come the erle of Arundel his sonne / and heyre, the whiche was in warde and kepyng of Syr Iohan shelley knyght somtyme with the erle of huntyngdone, & with the duk of Excestre / the whiche was in the castel of Reygate in southse [...] / And ther be stale hym away & come to Caleys / & and ther he was kept wel & worthely til these other two lordes weren come to Caleys. And than this worthy duk / and the archebisshop of Caunterbury Arundel shypped in the hauen of Caleys / and drowe hir course northward and arryued in yorkshyre at Rauenspore faste by br [...]desyngton And there he come and entred the londe / and these twoo lordes with hym and hir meyny. And than moche people [Page] of the Reame that herd of his comyng and knowe where he was anon they drewen to hym / & welcomed these lordes / & so couraged hem in al maner thyng / & passed forth in to the land / and gadred moche peple / And whan kyng Richard herd and wyst that these ij lordes were come ageyne in to Englond / & weren londed / than the kyng left his ordynaunce in Irlond / and come in to englond ward in al the hast that he myght / & come vnto the castel of flynt and there he abode for to take his counceyll and myght best be done. but to hym come none / And than Syr Thomas percy Erle of w [...]rcestre that was the kynges Styward wyst and knewe this. anon he come in to the [...]alle among the peple / And there he brake the y [...]rde of the ryal kynges houshold / And anone they were dis parpled, & euery man went his wey / & forsoke hir maister / & souerayne lord and left hym allone / And thus was kyng richard brought a doune & destroyed / and stode allone without comfort / or socour / or ony good counseyll of ony man, Allas for pyte of this rial kyng / And anon come tydynges that sir Henry of Bolyng broke was vp with a wonder strong power of peple / and that al the shereues of englōd reysed vp the shires in strengthyng of hym ayenst the kyng Rychard / And thus sone he was come out of the northcoūtre to Bristowe / And ther he met with sir william scrope Erle of wylteshyre tresorer of Englond / and with Syre Iohn [...]ssh, and sire henry grene / and Iohan Bagot / but he escaped from hem / and went ouer the see in to Irlond / & these thre knygh [...] were taken & hir heedes smyten of / And thus they dyed for hir fals couetyse / And than was kyng Rychard y take, and brought vnto the duk / and anon the duk put hym in fast ward and stronge hold vnto his comyng to london / And was ther a [...] mour in london / & a strong noyse that kyng Richard come to west mynster, and the peuple of london r [...]nne thyder / and wold haue done moche harme and skathe in hyr wodenesse / Nadde the Maire and the Aldermen / and other worthy men seced hem with fayre wordes and turned hem home ageyne to london / And ther was Syr Iohan slake deen of the kynges Chapell of westmynstre take and brought to london. and put in prison in lud gate / And Bagott was take in Irlond. and brought to london / and putte in prison in newgate there to be kepte / and to abyde his ansuere / And sone after the duk brought kyng Rychard priuely vnto london / & put hym in the tour vnder suer kepyng as a prisoner, and than come the lordes of the reame with al [Page] her counceyll vnto the toure to kyng Rychard / & sayden to hym of his mysgouernaunce & extorcion that he had done made & ordeyned to oppresse al the comyn peple, and also to al the reame / Wherfore al the comyn peple of his Royame wold haue hym deposed of his kyngdome / and so he was deposed at that tyme in the toure of lō don by al his lordes counseyl / & comyn ssaent of al the Reamme / And ther he was putt from the toure vnto the Castel of ledes in kent / & ther he was kept a while / and than was he had frō thens vnto the castel of pountfret in the northcoūtre to be kept in prison & sone afterward right ther he made his ende / And than whan kyng Richard was deposed / & had resygned his croun & his kyng dom / and was kept fast in hold / than all the lordes of the Reame with the comyns assent & by acorde chosen this worthy lord Syre Henry of Bolyngbroke / Erle of Derby / Duk of Herford and duk of lancastre by right lyne and herytage. and for his rightful manhode / that the people foūde in hym byfore al other / they chose hym / and made hym kyng of Englond amonges hem /
Of Syr henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby / that regned af ter kyng Richard. whiche was the fourth henry after the cōquest Capitulo / CC / xliijo. /
ANd after kyng Rychard the second was deposed & put out of his kyngdome, The lordes & the Comyns al with one as sent / and al other worthy of the Reamme chosen Syre Henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby sone and heyre of Iohan the duk of lancastre for his worthy manhode. that oftyme hadde be founde in hym. & in dede preued vpon saynt Edwardes day the confessour he was crouned kyng of englond at westmestre by al the reames assent next after the deposynge of kyng Rychard / Than he made henry his eldest sone & heyr prynce of walys / & duk of Corne wa yll / & erle of Chestre / And he made Syr Thomas of Arundell archebisshop of Caunterbury / ayene as he was afore / And sire Rogyer walden that kynge Rychard had made Archebisshop of Caunterbury / he made hym Bisshop of london. For that tyme it stode voyde / And he made erles sone of Arundel that come with hym ouer the see from Caleys in to Englond / he made hym erle of Arundel / as his sndre had [...]n. & put hym in possession of alle his londes / And there he made homage and feaute vnto his [Page] lyege lord the kyng / as al other lordes had done / And than anon dyed kyng Rychard in the Castel of [...]ountfret in the Northcoū tre. For ther he was enfamyned vnto the dethe by his kepar / For he was kept ther foure or fyue dayes from mete & drynke / And so he made his ende in this world. yet moche peple in englōd and in other landes sayd that he was alyue many yere after his dethe / but whether he were alyue or dede forth they helde hir fals oppynyons & byleue that men hadden in moche peple / whiche come to grete meschyef and foule dethe / as ye shal here afterward
And when kynge Henry wyst & knewe verryly that he was dede / he sete tere hym in the beste maner / and closed it in a fayre cheste with dyuerse speceryes and baumes. and closed hem in a lynnen clothe al sauf his vysage / and that was lefte open / that men myght see his persone from al other men / And soo he was brought to london with torche lyght brennyng vnto saynt poules And there he hadde his masse and his Dirige with moche reue rence and solempnyte of seruyce / And when alle this was done / he was brought from saynt [...]ou ses in to the Abbey of westmynstre / and there he had al his hoole seruyce ayene / And from westmynstre he was brought to langely and ther he was beryed. on whos soule god haue mercy Amen /
And in the fyrst yere of kyng henryes regne he helde his Criste masse in the Castel of wyndesore / And on the / xij / euen come the duke of aumarle vnto the kyng / and told hym / that he and the duke of Surre / and the duke of Excestre / and the Erle of Salis burye / and therle of gloucestre / and other moo of hyr Affynyte were acorded to make a mommyng vnto the kyng on the xij daye at nyght / & there they casten to slee the kyng in here reuelyng / & thus the Duke of Aumarle warned the kynge / And than the kyng come the same nyght to london priuely in al the haste that he myght to gete hym helpe socour and comfort and counceyll / and anon these other that wolde haue done the kyng to dethe fledden in al the hast that they myght for they knewen wel that hir coū ceyll was be wre [...]d And than fledde the duke of Surre and the erle of Salysbury with al hyr meyny vnto the toun of Cissestre / And there the peple of the toune wold haue arested hem / and they nold not stonde to hyr arreste / but stode at defence and fought manly, But atte last they were ouercome and tuke / And ther they smyte of the dukes heede of Surre and the erses heed of Salysbury / and many other mo / & there they put the [Page] quartres in to sackes / & hir hedes on poles borne on highe / and so they were brought thurgh the Cyte of london vnto london bridge and there hyr heedes were set vpon high / and hir quarters weren sente to other good tounes / and Cytres. and set vp there /
At Oxenford were take B [...]ount knyghte / and Benette Cely knyght / and Thomas wyntersel Squyer / And these were biheded and quartred / and the knyghtes heedes were sett on poles / and brought to london! & sett on the bridge / & the quartres sent for the to other good tounes, And in the same yere at [...]ritalwelle in a mylle in Estsex there Syr Iohan holand the duk of Excestre was take with the comyn of the countreye / and they broughte hym frō the Mylle vnto plasshe / and to the same place that kynge Richard had arestyd Sir Thomas of wodestok / the duk of glouce stre / and right there in the same place they smyten of the duke of Excestre his he de / and brought it to london vpon a pole / & it was sette on london bridge / And in the same yere at Brystowe was take the lord spencer. that kyng Richard had made er le of gloucestre / and the comunes of the Towne of Bristo we toke hym / and brought hym in to the market place of the toune / and there they smyten of his hede / and sente it vnto london / and there it was sette on london bridge,
And in this same tyme was syr Barnard Brokeys knyght take & arestyd / and putte in to the toure of london▪ and Syr Iohan Shelley knyght / and syr Iohan maudelyn / and syr william Fereby seruaūtes of kyng Rychardys / & they weren arestid and putte in to the toure of london / And thyder come the kynges Iustyces / and sate vpon hem in the tour of london / and ther they were dampned al foure vnto the deth / and the dome was yeue vn to Syr Bernard Brokeys / that he shold gone on fote from the toure thurgh london vnto Tyburne / and ther to be hanged / and af ter his hede smyten of / and Syr Iohan shelley knyght / and Sire Iohan maudelyn / And Syre william fereby were drawe thurgh oute london to Tyborne / and there honged / and hir hedes smyten of, and sette on london brydge.
And in this same yere kynge henry sente quene Isabell hoome ayene in to fraunce / the which was kyng Rychardes wedded wif and yafe hyr gold and syluer / and many other Iewelles / & soo she was dyscharged of al hir dower, and sente oute of Englond
And in the second yere of the regne of kyng Henry the fourthe was Sir Rogyer of Claryngdone knyght and twoo of his [Page] men / & the prionr of laūde / & viij / frere menours / & sōme maistres of dyuynyte & other for treson that they wrought ayene the kyn ge were drawe & honged at Tyburne al xij persones / & ther bygan a grete discencion & debate in the coūtre of wa [...]s bitwene the lord grey rithen. & O wen of glendor squyer of walys / & this owen arered a grete nōbre of walsshmen & kept al yt coūtre about right strong / & dyd moche harme / & destroyed the kynges tounes & lord shippes thurgh out walys & robbed / & slow the kynges peple both englissh & walssh / & thue he endured a xij yere large / & he toke ye lord grey rythen prisoner, & kept hym fast in hold til he was raū sond of prisoners of the marche / And kept hym long tyme in hold And at [...] laste he made hym wedde one of his doughters & kepte hym ther stylle with his wyf. And sone after he dyed / And than the kynge henry knowyng this meschyef destruction & treson that this owen had wrought / thenne anon he ordeyned a strong power of men of armes & of archyers / & moche other stuffe / that lōged to werre for to abate & destroye the malice of this fals walsshmē And than the kynge come in to wa [...]s with his power for to destroye this Owen / & other rebelles fals walshmen / and anon they fledden in to the moūtayns / And ther myght the kyng done he [...] no harme in no maner wyse for the moūtayns. And so the kyng come in to englond ayene for lesyng of mo of his peple. and thus he sped nouȝt ther / In this same yere was grete scarcite of whete in Englond / for a quarter of whete was at xvj shyllynge / & there was marchaūdyse of englond sente in pruys for whete / and anon they had lade & freyght shippes ynowe. and come home in saufete blessid be god of al his yeftes. And in the iiij yere of kyng henryes regne / ther was a sterre seyn in the firmament / that shewed hym self thurgh al the world for dyuerse tokenes that shold bifalle so ne after / the whiche sterre was named & callid by clergye Stella Cometa / And on seynt mary magdalene daye next folewyng in the same yere was the batayll of shrowesbury / And thydder come Syr henry percy the erles sone of Northumberlond with a grete multitude of men of Armes and Archyers. and yafe a bat [...]ylle to kyng henry the fourth thurgh fals coūseyll and wykked rede of Syre Thomas percy his vncle Erle of worcestre / and there was Syre Henry [...]ercy slayne / and the mooste partye of his meyny in the feld, And Syr Thomas percy take and kept faste in holde two dayes / til the kyng had sette reste amonge his people on both sides / And than Syr Thomas percy anon was Iudged [Page] to be ded [...] / drawe / honged / & his heede smyten of for his fals treson at shrowesbury / & his hede brouȝt to london / & set on london bridge And the other peple that ther were slayn on both partyes the kyn ge le [...]e berye / And ther was slayn on the kynges side in that ba tayl therle of stafford / & sir waltyer bloūte in the kynges cote armure vnder the kynges baner / & many mo worthy men / on whos soules god haue mercy amen / And in the fourth yere of kyng hen ryes regne come the emperour of Constantynoble with many gre te lordes & knyȝtes / & moche other peple of his coūtre in to englōd to kyng henry with hym to speke & to disporte / & to see the good goueruaūce & cōdicions of our peple / & to knowe the cōmodytees of englond / And our kynge with al his lordes goodly & worshipfully hym resceyued & welcomed hym. & al his meyny that comē with hym / & dyd hym al the reuerence & worship that they coude & myght, And anon the kyng cōmaūded al maner officers / that he shold be serued as worthely & ryally / as it longed vnto suche a worthy lord & emperour on his own cost as lōg as thēperour was in englond, and al his men that comen with hym / And in this sa me yere come dame Iane the duchesse of Brytayne in to englond & londed at fallemouth in Cornewayll. And from thens she was brought to the Cyte of wynchestre / And ther she was wedded vn to kyng henry the fourth. in the abbey of saynt swythynes of wyn chestre with al the solempnyte that myght be done & made / & sone after she was brought from thens to london, And the mayre and the aldermen / & the comyns of the cyte of london ryden a [...]enst h [...] and hir welcomed. & brought hyr thurgh the Cy [...]e of london to westmynstre / and there she was crouned Quene of Englond / & there the kyng made a ryal and a solempne feste for her & for al maner of men / that thyder wold come / And in this same yere dame blaūche the eldest doughter of kyng henry the / iiij / was y sent ouer the see with the erle of Somersete hir vncle / & with maister Richard Clifford than bisshop of worcestre & with many other wor thy lordes / knyghtes and ladyes and worthy squyers / as longed to suche a worthy kynges doughter and comen vnto Coleyn / And thydder come the dukes sone of Barre with a fayre meyny and resseyued this worthy lady / And there the bisshop of worcestre wedded and sacred hem to geder / as holy chirche wold / And ther was made a ryal feste, and a grete Iustes in the reueren [...] and worship of hem / and of al peple that thyder come.
And whan this maryage and feste was done the Erle and [Page] the bisshop and al hir meyny token hir leue of lord and lady / & co me home ayene in to englond in saufte thanked be god / And in the / v, yere of kyng henryes regne the lord thomas his sone went ouer see / and the erle of kent. and many other lordes & knyghtes with men of armes and archyers a grete nombre to chastyse the re belles / that aforne had done moche harme to oure englysshmen & marchaūtes / and to many townes and portes in Englond on the see costes / And the lord Thomas the kyngis sone come in to flaū dres to fore a toune, that is callid the skluse amonges al the ship pes of dyuse na [...]ons that were there / & after ther they ryden with hir shippes amonges hem / and wenten a lond / & sported hem ther twoo dayes / & comen ayene to hir shippes / & token the brode see / & ther they metten with thre carrikkes of Iene. that were lade with dyuerse marchaūdyse / & wel y manned / and ther they foughten to geders long tyme / but the englisshmen had the victorys / & broughten the Carrykkys in to the cambre byfore wynchelsee, & there they can [...]d these goodes, and one of these Carrykkys was soden ly ther brente / and the lordes & hir peple torned hem home ayene and went no ferther at that tyme. And in the same tyme Serle yoman of kyng Richard Robes come in to englond oute of Scot land / & told to dyuerse p [...]ple that kyng Rychard was alyue in scotland / & so moche peple byleuyd in his wordes / wherfor a grete part of the peple of the Reame weren in grete errour & grutchyng ayenst the kyng thurgh Informacion of lyes & fals l [...]syng that this Serle had made / for moche peple trusted & byleuyd in hys sayeng / but at the last he was take in the northcoūtre / and by lawe Iudged to be drawe thurgh euery Cyte & good Burgh tounes in Englond, And soo he was serued / and at the last he was brought to london vnto the Gyld halle before the Iustyce / and there he was Iuged for to be brought to the toure of london. and ther to be leyd on an hurdel / and than to be drawe thurgh the cyte of london to Tiborne. and there honged / and than quartred and his hede smyten of / & sette on london bridge / and his quart [...]s to be sente to foure good tounes of Englond / & ther set vp, and thus ended he for his fals treason and dysceyt /
And in the syxth yere of kyng henryes regne the fourth therle of marre of scotland by sauf conduyt come in to Englond to cha lenge / sir Edmond therle of kente of certayne courses of werre on horsebake / And soo this chalenge was accepted / and graunted And the place taken in Smythfeld at london / And this Erl [...] [Page] of marre the scot come proudely in to the feld / as his chalenge as ked / And anone come in the erle of kent / and [...]ode vnto the scotte, & manfully rode to geder with sharp speres dyuse courses / but the erle of kent had the feld / and gate hym moche worship & thāk of al maner of men for his manful dedes / And in the, vij yere of kyng henryes regne the fourth Syr Rychard scrope archebisshop of york / & ye lord erle marchal of englōd gadred vnto hem a strōg power ageynst kyng henry / And the kyng heryng therof in all the haste that he myght come with his power northward / & met [...]e with hem at york / and ther we [...] these two lordes y take & brouȝt to the kyng / And anone the Iudges were set / and these two lordes brought forth / and there they were dampned vnto the deth & both hir hedes smyten of / & there they made hyr ende. on whos sou les god for his pyte haue mercy amen / And whan this was do ne the kyng come to london ageyn / & there rested hym / anon god of his grete goodnes wrought & shewed many greete myracles for this worthy clerke / archebisshop of york that thus was done vnto the deth / And in the / vij / yere of kyng henryes regne Dam [...] Luce the dukes doughter of mylane come in to Englond / & so at london / and ther was wedded to syr Edmond holand erle of kent in the pryorye of saynt mary ouereyes in southwerke with moche solempnyte and grete worship / The kyng was there hym selfe / & yafe hir at the chirche dore / And whan they were y wedded and masse was done / the kyng his owne persone brought & ladde this worthy lady to the bisshops place of wynchestre. and there was a wonder grete feste y holden to al mauer peple that comen
In the. same yere syr Robert knolles knyght a worthy werry our dyed at his maner in Norfolke / & from thens he was brouȝt to london vpon a hors bere with moche torche lyght / And so was he brought vnto the whyte freres in fleetstrete / & there was done and made for hym a solempne feste / and a ryal enterement for tho that thyder wold come, both po [...]re and riche / and there [...]e lyeth be ryed by dame Constaūce his wyf in the mydde of the body of the chirche, on whos soule god for his pyte haue mercy / Amen / And thus in this same yere syr Thomas Ramps [...]on knyght Constable of the toure of london was dreynte att london bridge, as he come from westmynster towardes the toure in a barge / and all thurgh lewdenesse /
And In the same yere dame Phelyp the yonger douȝter of kyn ge henry was lad ouer the see with sir richard the dukes broder of [Page] yorke / and sir edmond Courteny bisshop of Norwyche. and many other lordes knyghtes and squyers / ladyes / & G [...]ntilwomen that apperteyned to suche a worthy kynges doughter / and come in to Denmark with his lordes, & resceyued this worthy lady for his wyf. & welcomed these worthy lordes, & dyd hem moch reuerence & grete worship. And they were brought vnto a toune / that was callyd london in denmark. & ther was this lady wedded & sacred to the kyng of denmark with moche solempnyte / and ther she was crouned quene of denmarke / Norwey / & swythen / and ther was made a rial feste / And whan this feste / and maryage was done / & ended / these lordes & ladyes toke hir leue of ye kyng & the quene and comen home ayene in to englond in haste / thank [...]d be Ihesu / And in the viij yere of kyng henryes regne ther was a mā that was callyd the walsshe clerk / & he appelled a knyght / that was callid sir perceual sowdone of treason, & ther they were ioyned to fight vnto vtteraūce within lystes / & the day & place. & tyme assi gned & lymytted to be done / & ended in smythfeld / At the whiche day the / ij / persones comen in to the feld / & foughten sore & mightely to geders / but atte last the knyght ouercome the clerk / & ma de hym yelde hym creaūt of his fals enpechement / that he sayd on hym / & than was he despoylled of his armure / & drawe out of ye feld to tiborne / & ther was he honged / & the knyght take to gra [...] and was a good man / And in this same yere Syr henry Erle of northumberlond and the lord Bardolfe come oute of Scotland in preiudyce and destruction of kynge henry / wherfor they of the northcoūtre arisen vpon hem / and fought with hem / and scomfited hem / and toke hem / and smyten of hir hedes / & quartred hyr body [...]s. and sente the hede of the erle & a quarter of the lord bardolfe to london. and ther they were set vpon the bridge for fals treason / that they had purposed ageynst the kyng / And in the / ix / yere of kyng henryes regne was Syr Edmond holand Erle of kente ma de Admyral of englond for to kepe the see / & he wente to the See with many ryal shippes / that were ful wel arayd and enparelled and enarmed with many a good man of armes & archyers / & of good defence of werre in the kynges name of Englond / and soo he londed at the last in the cost of Brytayne in the yle of Bria [...] with al his peple, and he besyeged the Castel and assauted it and they withstode hym with grete defence & strengthe / And anone he leyd his ordynaunce / and in the leyng of a gonne come a quarell. and smote the good. Erle Edmond in the hede, and there h [...] [Page] caught deths woūde / but yet they left nouȝt till that they had ge te the castell / and al that were therin / And there this good lord dyed / on whos soule god haue mercy Amen / And than his mey ny come home ayene in to Englond with the erles body, and was beryed amonges his Auncestres right worthely / And in the same yere was a grete frost in englond / that dured / xv / wekes / And in the tenth yere of kyng henryes regne the fourth come the neschal of henaude with other meyny to seke Auntres and to ge te hym worship in dedes of armes / both on horsbak & on fote at al maner of poyntes of werre / And the Seneschal chalengyd the erle of Somersete / and the erle delyuerd hym manfully of al his chalenges, & put his aduersarye to the wers in al poyntes, & wanne hym there gre [...]e worship / and the gre of the feld / And the next daye after come in to the felde an other man of armes of the Seneschals partye, And ageynst hym come Syr Rychard of Arundel knyght, And the henewyer had the better of hym on fo [...] in one poynt / for he brought hym on his knee / And the thyrdde day come in another man of armes in to the feld / & ageynst hym come Syre Iohan Cornewayll knyght / and manly & knyghtly quytte hym in al maner poyntes ayenst his aduersarye / and had the better in the feld / And on the iiij day come another man of ar mes of henaude in to the feld / and ayenst hym come Syr Iohan cheynes sone / and manly quytte hym ageynste his aduersarye / for he cast hors & man in to the feld / & the kynge for his manhode at that tyme dubbed hym knyȝt / And the / v / day ther come another man of armes of the henewyers partye in to the feld / & to hym come in Syr Iohan styward knyȝt / & manfully quytte hym ther in al maner of poyntes, & had the better / And the / vj day come an other henewyer / and to hym come william porter squyer / [...] m [...]ful ly he quyte hym / & had the better in the feld / And the kyng dub bed hym knyght the same tyme / And the / vij / day come another henaude in to the felde / and to hym come Iohan standyss [...] squyer & manfully he quytte hym on his aduersarye / & had the better in the feld / & there the kyng dubbed hym knyȝt the same day / And on the same day come another henewyer / & to hym come a squyer of gascoyne / & proudely & manly he quytte hym on his aduersarye / and had the better / And anon the kyng dubbed hym knyȝt And on the. viij / day come in to the feld / ij / men of armes of [...] nawde / & to hem come / ij / soudyours of Caleys that were brethe ren that were callid Burghes. and wel and manly quytte hem / [Page] on hir aduersaryes / and the better in the feld / And thus ended the chalenges with moche worshippes / And the kyng at the reuerence of the straūgyers made a grete fest / and yaf hem ryche yeftes & they token hir leue / & went home to hir owne coūtre / And in the xj yere of kyng henryes regne the iiij / ther was a grete bataylle done in smythfeld bytwene ij squyers / that one was callid glouces tre / that was appellaunt, & Arthur was the defendaunt / & wel & manly foughten to geder long tyme / and the kyng for hir manfulnesse and of his grace toke hir quarel in to his honde / & made hem to goo out of the feld at ones / & so they were deuyded of hir bataylles / and the kyng yaf hem grace / And the xij yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth Ris die a squyer of walys / that was a rebell / a ryser / & supporter to owen of glendor / that dyd moche destruction to the peple of walys was taken & brought to london / and there he come afore the Iustyces / & was dampned for his tre son / and than he was leyd on an hurdel; & so drawe forth vnto tiborne thurgh the cyte / & there he was honged, & lete doune ageyne and his hede smyten of / and his body quartred & sent to foure t [...]u nes / and his hede sette on london bridge / And in the xiij yere of kynge henryes regne tho deyde Syr Iohan Beauford the Erle of Somersete / that was Capitayn of Caleys / and was beryed at the Abbey of the Tourehill / on whos soule god haue mercy amē
And in the sau [...]e yere the lord Thomas kyng henryes sone wed ded the Coūtesse of Somersete / And in this same yere come the Enbassatours of fraūce in to englond from the duk of Burgoyn vnto the prince of englond kyng henryes sone / & heyre for helpe & socour of men of armes and archyers ayenst the duk of Orle aū ce / And tho wen [...]e ouer the see the erle of Arundell / Syr Guyllebert vmfreuylle Erle of kyme / and the lord Cobham Syr Io han Oldecastel / and many other good knyȝtes and worthy squy [...]rs / and men of armes and good Archyers in to fraūce / & come to Parys to the duk of Burgoyne, and there he resseyued & welcomed these englisshmen / the lordes / and al other meyny / And then it was done hym to wyte that the duk of Orleaūce was come to semt [...]lowe fast by parys with a grete nombre of men of armes & Arbalystyers, & thyder went oute englisshmen / and foughten with hem / and gate the bridge of semtklowe / and there they slowe moche peple of frensshmen / and Armynakes / & the remenaunt fl [...]d and wolde noo lenger abyde / And than oure Englisshmen comen ageyne to parys. and there they token hir leue of [Page] the duk. & comen home ayene in to englond in saufte / & the duk y [...] fe hem grete yeftes. Anon foleweng the duk of Orleaūce sent em bassatours in to englond to kyng henry the iiij. besechyng hym of his help & socour ayenst his dedely enemye the duk of Burgoyne
And than the kyng made Thomas his sone duke of Clarence and his other sone Iohan duk of bedford / And his other sonne Humfrey duk of Gloncestre / and Sir Thomas Beauford erle of dorset, and the duk of Aumarle he made duk of york / And than the kyng ordeyned his sone sir thomas duk of Clarence sir Thomas Beauford erle of dorset / & sir Iohan Cornewayll with ma ny other lordes knyghtes & squyers / men of armes / & archyers to gone ouer the see in to fraūce in helpyng & strengthyng of ye duk of Orleaūce / And these worthy lordes with hir retenue shypped at hampton / & sayled ouer in to normandy / and londed at hogg [...]s And there met with hym the lord hambe at hir londyng with vij M / men of armes of frensshmen / & thre sergeaūtes of armes with hem, & al were put to flyght / & taken of hem / vij / C / men of armes & / CCCC / hors withoute tho that were slayn in the feld / and so they riden forth thurgh oute fraūce / & token castellee / & townes / & slowe moche peple of frensshmen that withstode hem / & token many prisoners, as they ryden / & soo they passed forth til they come to Burdeux / and there they rested hem a whyle, & set the coūtre in pees / and rested til the vyntage were redy to saylle / And than the duk with his meyny come home in to englond in saufete / thanked be god / And in the same yere was the kynges Coyne chaunged thurgh oute englond by the kyng & his coūseil / that is to sa [...]e the noble, half noble / & ferthyng of gold / And the xiiij yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth he lete make galeys of werre for [...] [...]d hoped to haue passed the grete see / & so forth to Ierusalem & [...] to haue ended his lyf, but god vysyted hym so sone after [...] mytees & grete sikenes / that he myght not wel endure no whyle so fe [...]uently he was take / & broughte in bedde at westmynstre in a fayre chābre / And as he lay in his led / he asked his chamberlayn what they called that chambre that he lay ynne / and he ansuerd & said Ihr [...]m / And than he said that the prophecye said that he shol de make an ende / and dye in I [...]rlm / And than [...]e made hym redy vnto god / and dysposed al his wil / And sone after he dyed / and was caryed by wa [...]r from westmynstre in a barge vnto Feuersham / And from thens vnto Caūterbury by land with moch torche lyght brennyng in to the abbey of Cri [...]hirch / & ther he was [Page] entered and beryed beside seynt Thomas of Caunterbury shryne / & thus ended the worthy kynge henry aboute mydlent [...] sondaye in the yere of our lord a / M / CCCC / xiij / on whos soule god hau [...] mercy
Of kyng henry the fyfthe that was kynge henryes sonne / Capitulo, CC / xliiijo /
ANd after the deth of kyng henry the fourth. regned kynge Henry his sone that was borne at mōmouth in walis that was a worthy kyng and a gracious man / and a grete conquerour / And in the fyrst yere of his regne for grete loue & goodnesse he sent to the freres of langely / there / as his fadre had done berye kyng Rychard the second / and l [...]e take his body oute of the erth ayene / & dyd bringe it to westmynstre in a rial chare couered with blak veluet & baners of diuse armes about / & al the horses drawyng the chare were trapped in blak & beten with dyuse armes. & many a torche brennyng by al the wey til he come to westmynstre. & ther he lete make for hym a ryal & a solempne enterement, & beryed hym by quene Anne his wyf / as his owne desire was on the ferther side of seynt Edwardes shryne in the abbey of seynt pe ters of westmynster / on whos soule god haue mercy amen / And in this same yere were a certeyn of lollardes taken / & fals heretikes that had purposed thurgh fals treson to haue slayn our kynge / & for to haue destroyed al the clergye of the reame / & they myȝt ha ue had hir fals purpose but our lord wold not soffre it / for in has [...] our kyng had warnyng therof & of al hir fals ordynaūce & worchyng / & come sodenly with his power to seynt Iohans withoute smythfeld / And anon they token a certeyn of the lollardes & fals heretykes / & brouȝt hem vnto the kynges presence / & ther told all hir fals purpose & ordynaunce how they wold haue done & wrought & they myȝt haue regned & had hir wyll / and ther they [...]ld whiche were hyr cap [...]tayns & gouernours / And than the kyng cōmāded hem to ye tour of lōdon / & than toke mo of hem both with in the cite & without / & sente hem to newgate & to both coūtres / & than they were brouȝt in examynacyon before the clergye & ye kyn ges Iustices / & ther they were conuycted before the clergye for hir fals heresye & dāpned before the Iustyce for hir fals treson / & this was hir Iugemēt that they shold [...]e drawe frō the tour of lōdon vnto seynt giles feld & ther to be honged & brent on the gal [...]wes, & [Page] also ther was taken syr Rogyer acton knyȝt for heresye & eke for treson ayenst the kyng & the reame / & he come afore the clergye / & was conuicted for his heresye to be brent & dampned before the Iu stices to be drawe from the tour of london thurgh the cyte to seynt giles feld / & to be honged & brente. and in the second yere of kyng henryes regne the / v / he helde a counceyll of al the lordes of the re ame at westmestre. & ther he put to hem this demaūde / & prayed & besought hem of hir goodnes & of hir good counseyll & good w [...]l to she we hym / as touchyng the title / & the right that he had to nor mandye. Gascoyne / and guyhenne, the whiche the kyng of fraūce withhelde wrongfully & vnrightfully / the whiche his Auncestres before hym hadde be trewe title of conquest / & right herytage, the which Normandy / Gascoyn / & guyhenne / the good kyng edward of wyndesore & his Aūcestres bofore hym hadden holde, al hyr lyues tyme / And his lordes yaf hym coūseil to sende ambassatours vnto the kyng of fraūce & his counceyll / and that he shold yeue [...] to hym his right herytage / that is to say / Normandye / Gascoyn / & Guyhenne / the whiche his predecessours hadden holden afore hym or elles he wold it wynne with dynt of swerd in short tyme with the helpe of almyghty god / And than the Dolphyn of fraūce an suerd to our ambassatours. and sayd in this maner that the kyng was ouer yong & to tendre of age to make ony werre / as ay [...]nst hym. & was not lyke yet to be no good werryour to do & to make suche a conqueste therupon hym / And s [...] what in scorne & despyce he sent to hym a tonne ful of tenys balles / by cause he wold haue somwhat for to play with al for hym & for his lordes. and that be come hym better than to mayntene ony werre, And than anone oure lordes that were Ambassatours token hir leue & comen in to englond ayene / & told the kyng & his coūseyll of the vngoodly an swer that they had of the Dolphyn / and of the presente / [...]e whi che he had sente vnto the kyng / And whan the kyng had herde hyr wordes & ansuere of the Dolphyne / he was wonder sore agr [...]d & right euyll payed to ward the frensshmen, and toward the kyng & the Dolphyn / & thought to auenge hym vpon hem / as sone as god wolde sende hym grace & myght / and anone le [...] make tenys balles for the dolphyn in al the hast that they myȝt be made and they were grete gonne stones for the Dolphyn to playe with all And than anon the kyng sente for al his lordes & held a grete coū ceylle at westmynstre and tolde vnto hem the ansuere / that they hadd [...] of the Dolphyn and of his worthy presente / that he sente [Page] to hym and to his lordes to playe with al / And there the kyng & his lordes weren acorded that they shold be redy in armes with hir power in the best a [...] that myght be done / And gete men of armes and Archyers that myght be goten / & al other stuffe that longed to werre & to be redy with al hir retenue to mete at [...] hampton by lāmasse n [...]t se wyng without ony delay / Wherfor the kyng ordeyned his nauye of shippes with al maner of stuffe, and vytaylle / that longed to suche a werryour of al maner ordynaūce in the hauen of southampton in to the nōbre of / CCC / xx / sailles And than felle ther a grete dysese and a foule meschyef / for there were thre lordes / whiche that the kyng truste moche on / & thurgh [...]ls couetyse they had purposed and ymagyned the kynges deth And thought to haue slayn hym / and al his bretheren / or he had take the see / the whiche were named thus / Sir Richard Erle of Cambridge broder to the duke of yorke / the seconde was the lord S [...]ope Tresoryer of Englond / the thyrd was syr Thomas gray knyght of the Northcount [...] / And these lordes afore sayd for lucre of money had made promysse to the frensshmen for to haue slayne kyng Henry & al his worthy bretheren by a fals trayne soden [...]ch or they had be ware / But Almyghty god of his grete grace held his holy hond ouer hem / & saued hem from this peryllous meyny And for to haue done this they resceyued of the frensshmen a myl lyon of gold / And that was there openly preued, And for hyr fals treason they were all there Iudged vnto the dethe / And this was the Iudgement / that they shold be ladde thurgh Hampton And withoute N [...]thgate ther to be heded, And thus they ended hir lyf for hyr fals couetyse and treasonne / [...] Anone whan this was done / the kyng and all his meyny made hem redy & wenten to shippe / & token / & sayled forth with xv C shippes / and arryued with in seyne at kydecause vpon our ladyes [...] the assūpcion in Normandye with al his ordynaunce. and so wente hym forth to haref [...]ete / and besyeged the toune al aboute by lond and eke by water / And sente to the Capytayne of the tou ne / & charged hym for to delyuer the toune / And the Capitayn sayd / that he none delyuered hym / [...] none he wold to hym yelde / but bad hym done his best / And than oure kyng layd his ordynaūce vnto the toun. that is for to say / Gonnes / Engyns / & Trip gettes, & shet [...]en and [...]st to the walles / and eke vnto the toune / And cast doune both tou [...]s and Towne / and layd hem vnto the grounde. and there he played at the tenys with his harde gonne [Page] stones / And they that were within the toune whan they shold playe / theyr songe was wel awey / And allas that euer ony fu che tenys balles were made / & cursed al tho that werre bygan / & the tyme that euer they were borne / And on the morow the kyng dyd crye at euery gate of the toun. that euery man shold be redy on the morowe erly to make assaute vnto the toune, And William Bouchyer. & Iohan graūt with xij other worthy Burgeys comen to the kyng & besought hym of his ryall prince hode and power to withdrawe his malyce & destruction / that he dyde vnto hem / and besought hym of eyght dayes of respi [...]e and [...]rewes, yf ony rescue myght come vnto hem / and elles to yelde vp the toune vnto hym with al hir goodes / And than the kyng sent forth the Capytayne / and kepte the remenaunt stylle with hym / And the lord Gaucorte / that was Capitayne of the toune wente forth to Rone in al haste vnto the Dolphyne for helpe & socoure / But ther was none, ne no maner of rescue / for the Dolphyne wold not abyde. And thus this Capitayn come ayene vnto the kyng and yelde vp the toune / and delyuerd hym the keyes, And than he called his vncle the erle of Dorsett / and made hym Capytayne of the toune of harflete / and delyuerd hym the keyes. and badde hym gone to put oute al the frenssh peple / bothe men. women and children / and stuffed this toune of harflete with Englyssh men / And than the kynge sente in to Englond / and dyd [...] in euery good toune of englond. that what crafty man wold come thidder and inhabyte hym there in that toune. he sholde haue hous and houshold to hym and his heyres for euermore. And so thydder wente many dyuerse marchauntes & crafty men / and enhabyted hem there to strengthe the toune and weren welcome / And whan the kyng sawe that this toune was wel stuffed / [...]o the of v [...]yll and of men / this worthy prince toke his leue / and went to Caleys ward by londe. And the frensshmen herd of his comynge / they thought to stoppe hym his wey / that he shold not passe that waye and in al the hast that they myght breken al the bridges ther ony passage was for hors & man / in so moche / that ther myght nomā passe ouer the Ryuers nother on hors / ne on foote / but yf [...]e shol de be drowned. And therfor our kyng with al his peple went and sought his wey f [...]r vp vnto parys ward / and ther was al the rial power of fraūce assembled / and redy to yeue hym batayl / and for to destroye al his peple / But almyghty god was his gyde. and saued hym and al his meyny & defended hym of his [Page] enemyes power & purpose, thanked be god that saued so his own knyght and kyng in his rightful tytle / And than oure kyng beholdyng & seyng the multitude & nombre of his enemyes to with stonde his wey, & yeue hym batayll / Than the kyng with a meke hert & a good spirite lyft vp his handes to almyȝty god & besouȝ [...] hym of his helpe & socour / & that day to saue his trewe seruaūtes And than our kyng gadred al his lordes and other peple aboute and bad hem al be a good chere / for they shold haue a fayre day & a gracious victorye / & the better of al hir enemyes / & praid hem all to make hem redy vnto the bataylle / for he wold rather be dede that day in the feld than to be take of his enemyes / for he wold neuer put the reame of englond to raūsonne for his persone / and the duk of york fell on knees. & besouȝt the kyng of a bone yt he wold graunte hym that day the auauntward in his bataylle, And the kyng graunted hym his askyng, And said graunte mercy Cosyn of york / and prayd hym to make hym redy. And than he bad euery man to ordeyne a stake of tree / & sharp bothe endes that the stake myght be pyght in the erth a slope that hir enemyes shold not ouercome hem on horsbak / for that was hir fals purpose & ara yed hem al ther for to ouer ryde our meyny sodenly at the fyrsts comyng on hem at the fyrst bront / & al nyȝt to fore the batail the frensshmen made many grete fyres and moche reuel with houting and showtyng and playde oure kyng & his lordes at the dise / & an archer alwey for a blank of hir money / For they wenden al had ben heres' the morne aroos / the day gan spryng / and the kyn ge by good auyse lete araye his bataill, and his wynges & char ged euery man to kepe hem hole to geders. & prayd hem al to be of good chere / And whan they were redy / he asked / what tyme of the day it was. & they sayd pryme / Than sayd our kynge / nowe is good tyme / For al Englond praith for vs / and therfor be of good chere / and lete vs goo to our journeye / And than he sayd with an high voys / In the name of Almyghty god / & of seynt George a vaūt Baner / and seynt George this day thyne helpe / And than these frensshmen come prikynge doune / as they wolde haue ouer ryden all our meyny / But god & our Archyers made hem sone to stomble / For our Archyers [...]et neuer arowe amys but it perysshed and brought to ground man or hores /
For they shoten that daye for a wager / And oure stakes made hem toppe ouer terue eche on other that they laye on hepes twoo sp [...] lengthe of heygthe / and oure kyng with his meyny & with [Page] his men of armes & archyers that thakked on hem so thikke with arewes / & seyde on with stakes / & oure kyng with his own hon des fought manly / And thus Almyghty God and saynt George brought oure enemyes to grounde / and yafe [...] that day the [...] rye / & ther were slayn of frensshmen that day in the felde of Agin courte mo than / xj. m. with prisoners that were taken / And there were nombred that day of frensshmen in the feld moo than. vj. score thousand / and of Englysshmen not / vij / m / But god that daye fought for vs / And after come ther tydynges to our kyng / that ther was a newe batayll of frensshmen ordeyned redy to stele on hym / and comen towardes hym / Anone oure kyng lete crye. that euery man shold slee his prisoners that he had take / and anon araye his bataylle ayene redy to fyght with the frensshmen / And whan they saw that oure men kylled doune hir prisoners / thonne they withdrowen hem / and brake hir batayll and al hir a [...]ye / And thus oure kyng / as a worthy conquerour / had that day the vyctorye in the feld of Agyncourt in py [...]rdye / And than oure kyng retorned ageyne ther that the bataylle was, to see what people were dede of englisshmen / and yf ony were hurt that myȝt be holpe / And there were dede in the feld the duk of [...] / The duk of Alaunsone / the Duk of Braban / the erle of nauer ne / the Chyef Constable of fraūce / and eyght other Erles / & the Archebisshop of Saūce, and of good Barons an honderd, and moo / and of worthy knyghtes of grete Alyaunce of cote [...]res a thousande and fyue honderd, And of Englisshmen was deede that day the good duk of york / and the erle of Southfolke / and of al other of Englisshmen ther were not dede passyng xxvj. body ce. thanked be God / And this bataylle was on a fryday / whiche was Cryspyne and Crispynyanes day in the moneth of October And anone the kyng comaūded to burye hem / & the [...] of york to be caryed forth with hym / and the Erle of Southfolke /
And there were prisoners the duk of Orleaūce. the duke of Burtone / the erle of [...]done. the Erle of Ewe / the Erle of Rychemond, and Sir Bursigaut marchal of Fr [...]ūce. and many other [...]thy fordes weren there taken in this bataylle of Agyncourt and were brought vnto the [...]ne of Caleys, and so ouer the See with the kyng in to Englond / and londed at douer in [...] with al his prisoners in sau [...], thanked be god almyghty / And so come to Cannterbury and off [...]d at saynt Thomas shryne / And so forth he rode thurgh kents the next way to Eltham / and there [Page] he rested til that he wolde come to london, And than the mayre of london and the Aldermen Shereues with al the worthy cōmu ners and craftes comen to Blakheth wel and worthely arrayed to welcome our kyng with dyuerse melodyes / And thanked tho Almyghty god of his gracious vyctorye, that he had shewed for hym / And so the kyng & his prisoners passed forth by hem, til he come to saynt Thomas waterynge, And there met with hym alle relygyons with procession. and welcomed hym / And so the kyng come rydyng with his prisoners thurgh the Cyte of london where that ther was shewed many a fayre sight at all the conduytes / & at the crosse in chepe / as in heuenly araye of Angels archangels [...]atryarches / [...]hetes / & vyrgyns with dyuerse melodyes sen syng and syngyng to welcome oure kyng / And al the conduytes tennynge with wyn And the kyng passed forth vnto seynt [...]oules and there met with hym [...]ij bisshops truessed and my [...]red with sens [...]rs to welcome the kyng And songen for his gracious vyctorye Ce dum laudamus / And there the kyng offred and to ke and tode to westmynsere And than the mayer toke his leue of the kyng and tode home ageyne And in the third yere of kyng [...]ryes regne the fifth come the emperour of almayn kyng of to me & of Hungarye in to Englond and soo to the Cyte of london
And the mayre & the Aldermen with the Shereues and worthy craftys of london by the kynges commaundement mette with hym on the blakheth in the best a [...]y that they coude on horsbak
And there they welcomed hym / and brought hym to london with moche honour and grete reuerence / And at saynt Thomas wa [...]ryng ther met with hym the kyng with al his lordes in good a [...]ye / And there was a worthy metynge bytwene the Emperour and the kyng / & there they kyssed to geders & em [...] eche other / And than the kynge toke the emperour by the [...]nde / And so they come tydyng thurgh the Cyte of london vnto seynt poules / & ther they a [...]yght and offred / and alle the bisshops stoden [...]uessed with sensers in hir hondes sensyng /
And than they token hir hors / and ryden vnto westmynster / And there the kyng lodged the Emperour in his owne paleys / And there he rested hym a grete whyle / and al at the kynges cos te / And sone after come the duk of holand in to Englond to come and see there the Emperour / and to speke with hym / & with kyng Henry of Englond / And he was worthely resseyued and lodged in the bisshops Inne of Ely. And al at the kynges ceste /
[Page] And whan the Emperour bad wel rested hym / & seen the lond in dyuerse partyes & knewe the cōmodytees / than by processe of ty me he toke his leue of the kyng / but or he yede he was made kniȝt of ye garter / & reseryued / & wered the lyuery / & than he thāked ye kyng & al his worthy lordes / and than the kyng & he went ouer the see vnto Caloys / & abyden ther long tyme to haue an ansuere of the frenssh kyng / & a [...] last it come / & plesyd hym right nouȝt And thēperout toke his leue of the kyng & passed forth in goddes name / and our kyng come ouer ayene in to englond in al the hast that he myght. & that was on saynt lukes eue. that he come to lā behith / & on the mōday next after he come in to the parlemēt at west mynstre / And in this same yere was a grete derth of corn in En glond, but thanked be god it lasted not longe. And in the [...] yere of kyng henryes regne the / [...] / he helde his parlemēt at westmes tre in the begynnyng of the moneth of October / & lasted vnto the purificacion of our lady than next after / and ther was graūted vn to the kyng to mayntene his werres / bothe of spiritu [...] & of tem poralce on hole taxe & a disme / And than anon the kyng prayd al his lordes to make hem redy to strengthe hym in his right / and anon he lete make a newe retenue / & charged al men to be redy at hampton in wytsonweke than next after without [...]ny delaye / And there the kyng made the duk of Bedford protectour and de fendour of his reame of Englond in his absence. & charged hym to kepe his lawes / & mayntene both spirituelee & tempo [...] / And whan the kyng had thus done / & set [...] al thyng in his kynde. On saynt markes day / that was that tyme hoketewysday. he toke his hors at westmynster / & come rydyng to [...]oules / and there he offred / and toke his leue. And so rode forth thurgh the [...] takyng his leue of al maner of peple as wel of poure as of rich p [...]ng hem al in general to pray for hym / And so he rode forth to seynt Georges / and there he offred and toke his leue of the mayre chargyng hym to kepe wel his chambre / and so rode forth to hampton and ther abode tyl his retenue were redy & comen / for ther was al his nauye of shippe [...] with his ordynaunce gadred and [...]l stuffed / as longed to suche a ryal kyng with al maner of vytaylles for suche a ryal peple / as wel for hors as for man, as longed for suche a werryour / that is to say Armure / Gonnes [...]. en gynes / sowes / Bastyles / Badges of lether / Scalyng ladders / malles / Spades / Shoueles / pykeys / paueys / Bowes / and avewes / Bowestrynges / Connes / Chestes / and pypes full of [Page] arewes, as neded for such a worthy werryour that no thyng was to seche. Whan tyme come thider come to hym shippes lade with gō nes, and gonnepoudre / And whan this was redy / & his [...]nue come / the kyng & his lordes with al his ryal hoste went to shyppe and token the see / and sayleden in to Normandy. & londed at Tou ke vpon the lammasse day than next / And there he made / xlviij / knyghtes at his londynge / And than the kyng heryng of many eemyes vpon the see / that is to say / ix / grete hulkes / hulkes ga leyes and shippes / that weren come to destroye his nauye / & anon he cōmaūded the erle of the marche to be chyef Chyuetayne, and many other worthy lordes with hym with men of armes and ar chyers to go to the see / that none enemyes defouled his nauye. ne entred his lond in noo partye for to destrouble his vyage / ne his tourueye / And anon the erle toke his meyny / & went to shyppe / and skymmed the see / and kepte the see costes / that no manere of enemye durst route vpon the see, And anon the kyng sente his heraudes vnto the Capytayne of Touke / & charged hym to delyuer hym his castel and his toune / and elles he shold neyther leue man ne child alyut / And anone the Capitayne / and four other Burgeys of the toune brought the keyes to the kyng / & lesought hym of grace / and the kyng delyuerd the keyes to syr Iohan fly [...]y and made hym Capitayn, and commaunded hym to put out al Frensshmen bothe of the toune & of the castel / And there beside was the castel of louers / and thyder the kyng sente the Erle mar chal with a fayre meyny / and assauted the toune / Anone it was yolde to the erle. & brouȝt hym the keyes / And he brought the ke yes to the kynge / & the kyng toke hym the keyes / and made hym Capytayne of the castel of louers, and of al that longed ther to / and charged hym to delyuer ou [...] al the frensshmen / And than the kyng helde forth his wey to Cane that was a strong toun / a fayre / and a ryall castel therin / And anone he sente his heraudes to the Capytayne / and charged hym to delyuer the toune / and his Castel / or elles he wold hem gete with strengthe of honde / And they ansuerd and sayd / that he toke hem none / ne none they wold delyuer vnto hym / And than anone he layde his syege vnto the toune / and layde gonnes on euery syde / and be [...] adoune bothe walles & toures / [...] slowe moche peuple in hyr houses / and eke in [...] / And the good duke of Clarence leyd a doune the walles on his side vnto the grounde, And soo within a whyle the kynge by his counseylle assa [...] the toune al aboute / And anon [Page] the duk of Clarence had entred in to the Towne / and slowe doune right till he come to the kyng / and spared nether man ne child / & euer they cryed A clarence A Clarence / and seynt george / And ther was dede on the walles on the kynges sydes a worthy man that was callid sprynges. the whiche the kyng comaūded to be be ried in the abbey of Cane fast by williā cōquerour on whos soule god haue mercy / Amen / And than the kyng come in to the toun with his broder the duke of Clarence. & many other worthy lordes with moche solempnyte and myrthe / And than the kyng cō maunded the Capytayne to delyuer hym his Castel / And he besought the kyng to yeue hym xiiij dayes of respyre yf any trscue wold come / and yf none come to delyuer hym the keyes & the cas tell at his commaundement. And vnder this composycyone was the toun and the Castel of Bayous with other toun [...]s fortresses & vyllages in to the nombre of fourtene vpon the hylle byfore the castel of Cane our kyng pight al his tentes that semed a tou ne as moche as Cane / & by that come tydynges that noo rescue wold come there / And so at the xiiij day at ende the capytayn come out of the castel / and deliuerd the keyes and the castel to our kyng and Baious / and the other / xiiij, tounes weren desyuerd vnto hym also / And anon the kyng delyuerd the keyes to the dis ke of Clarence, and made hym Capytayne bothe of the toun and of the castel and made hym Capytayn of Baious / and of alle the other townes also / And so entred the castel / and the Towne also, and there he helde seynt georges feste, And there he made, [...] knyȝtes of the bath ther was syr [...]owys Robersart / salyn, chay nye / mougomery / and many other worthy men / & the kyng cō maūded hem for to put oute al the frensshmen & women / and noman so hardy to defoule no womā / ne take no maner good awey from hem / but lete passe in pees in payne of dethe /
And there passed oute of the toune in one daye mo than / xv. C / wymmen / And than our kyng lete stuffe the Towne and castell with englysshmen / and ordeygned there two Capytayns. one for the Towne / and another for the castel / and charged hem vpon hir lyf for to kepe wel the Towne and the Castel /
And or ou re kyng wente the [...] he gate [...]aleys / Newelyne. and leyd a syege to Chyrburgh / And that syege leyd the duk of glou cestre with a strong power and myghty / and by processe of tyme ga [...] it / and made ther a Capytayne of the same toune / and the sa [...]e tyme the Erle of warrewyke leyd syege to Dounfraunte / [Page] and gate it and put therin a Capytayne / And for to speke more of the erle of the marche that the kynge ordeygned to skymme the see. and to kepe the costes of englond for al maner enemyes / the wynde arose vpon hem / that they wende al to haue be lost / but thurgh the grace of god Almyghty and good gouernaunce they ryden afore wyghte al that storme, and ther were lost. ij / carykkes and two balyngers with marchaundyses / and other goodes and alle the peple that were within / And another Carryck drofe byfore hampton / and threwe his mast ouer the Towne walles and this was on saynt Bartholme wesday / And whan al this storme was cesed / this worthy crle of marche toke his shippes wyth his meyne / and went to the see / and londed in Normandye at hogges, and soo ryden forth toward the kyng / And euer as he come the frensshmen fledde / And there come to hem an Anthony pygge and folewed the hoost al that way tyll they come to a grete water And there they drad to haue ben dede / the water closed hem soo / that they myght no where gete out / But at the last god almyȝty and this pygge brought hem out al sauf, And there they caught a gyde that knewe al the countreye aboute. and he brought hem thurgh a quyke sand / and so in to an Ilo / and ther they toke many prisoners in hyr way toward the kyng in hir iourney / and soo they comen vnto Cane / And there the kynge welcomed him and toke his iourneye to Argentone / And anone it was yold vn to the kyng, and they had hyr lyues / and went hir weye /
And than oure kyng remeued to a strong toune that was callyd Cese / and there was a fayre mynstre / and they yelde it anone vnto the kyng / and than the kyng went from thens to Alaūsom and wan the toune and the brydge, And the kyng sente the erle of warrewyk to a toune that was callyd B [...]lesme with a huge and a stronge power / and anone they yelde / and putt hem in the kynges grace and in his mercy / And so dyd many moo stronge tounes and castels that were in tho partyes, And from thens they went to [...]ernoyl in perche. and anon it was yolde vnto the kyn ge / bothe towne and castel. bodyes & goodes at the kynges grace And so the kyng gate and conquered al the tounes and Castelles / Pyses / strengthes and Abbeyes vnto poūtlarge. And from thens vnto the Cyte of Rone / And in the / v / yere of kyng henryes regne the / v / syr Iohn oldecastel that was the lord Cob ham was arestyd for heresye / & brought vnto the toure of london And anone after he brake oute of the toure / & went in to walys [Page] and there kepte hym long tyme / And at the last the lord powys [...]ette with hym & toke hym / but he stode at grete defence longe ty me. and was sore woūded or he wold be take / And so the lord powys men brought hym out of walis to london in a wher l [...]ole & so he was brought to westmynstre / & ther was examyned of cer tayne poyntes that were put vpon hym / & he sayd not nay / & so he was conuycte of the clergye for his heresye & dāpned byfore the Iustyces vnto the dethe for treson / And soo he was lad vnto the toure ayene / & ther he was leyd on an hurdel. and drawe thurgh the Cyte to seynt gyles feld / & there was made a newe payre of galewes, & a strong cl [...]yne & a coler of yren for hym / & there he was honged & brente on the galewes / & al for his lewdnesse & his fals owynyon /
ANd in the / vj / yere of kyng henryes regne the fyfthe be sent his vncle syr Thonas beaufort duk of Ex [...]tre with a [...] yre meyne of men of armesand archyers to fore the Cyte of Rone, and ther displayed his bauer / and sent heraudes vnto the tou ne / & bad hem yelde that cyte vnto our kyng hir lyege lord / And they sayd he toke hem none to kepe / ne none he shold haue ther but yf it were right dere y bouȝt & meued with hir hōdes. for o [...]he ansuere wold they none yeue but gōnes / And ther the duk toke good auysement of the grounde al aboute. And anon ther yssued out of the Cyte a grete meyny of men of armes / both on horsbak and on foot. & anon oure meyny met with hem / & ouerthre we an hepe of hem / & there were slayne and take / xxx / persones of right good mennys bodyes / & the reemenaūt fledde ayene in to the toun And the duk went vnto pountlarge vnto the kyng & told hym al how he had spedde / and how hym lyked the grounde /
And anone as he was goo they cast a doune al hir subbarbes aboute the Cyte vnto the hard groūde, For the kyng there no refres shyng shold haue at his comyng / And the fryday byfore lāmasse day than next folewyng our kyng with his hooste come before rone / & anon he set his syege round about that cyte / & anone sere ley his ordynaunce vnto the toun / and the kyng & his lordes weren lodged in the Chartrehous / & grete strengthe aboute hem / & that was in the [...]ost partye of the Cyte / And the dust of Clarence lodged hym at the west ende in a wast Abley byfore the porte chaux And the dust of Excestre in the northside byfore the porte Beau uesyn / And bytwene the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of Excestre was the Erle Marchal lodged with a stronge power [Page] before the castel gate / And than was therle of Ormond the lord haryngton / & the lord Talbot with hir retenue next hym / And than syr Iohn Cornewayll. & many other noble knyghtes of na me with hir retenue lay with the duk of Clarence. And from the duke of Excestre toward the kyng were lodged the lord Roos the lord of wylluby. the lord fytzhewe. & sir william porter knyght / with hir retenue before the port of seynt hyllare / And than was therle of mortayne with his retenue lodged in the Abbey of seynt katerynes / And the erle of Salysbury with his retenue lay on that other syde of seynt kateryns, & sir Iohn gray knyght was lod ged at the abbey that is callyd mount seynt mychel / And sir phe lip leche knyght the kynges tresorer was lodged bytwene the wa ter of seyne & the Abbey / and kepte the warde vnder the hylle / & the baron of Carowe was lodged vnder the water syde to kepe the passage / And Ienyco the squyer lay next to hym on the water side / And the ij squyers kept manly the water of seyne / & fought with hir enemyes oftymes / & on that other side of seyne lay therle of huntyngdon / & mayster neuyll the erles sone of westmerlād And Syre gylbert vmfreuylle erle of kyme / and Syr Rychard of Arundel / and the lord feryers with hyr retenue byfore Ports du pounte / And eche of these lordes had stronge ordynaunce / and the kyng dyd make at poūtlarge ouer the water of seyne a strōg and a myghty cheyne of Iren. and putte it thurgh grete pyles fast pyght in the groūd / and that went ouer the Ryuer of seyne that no vessel myght passe that in no kynde / and aboue that they ne the kyng lete make a bridge ouer the water of seyne. that mā & hors and al other caryage myghte goo to and fro at al tymes whan nede were, And than come the erle of warrewyk and had gote Dounfront vnto the kyng henry of Englond / And anone the kynge sente the erle of warrewyke to Cawdebeke to besyege it / And whan he come before the toune he sent his herau des vnto the capytayn / and bad hym yelde the toune vpon payne of deth / And anon he leyd his syege / And the Capytayn besouȝt the erle that he myght come to his presence and speke with hym / And soo the good Erle graunted hym / And than he come oute and foure other Burgeys with hym / and entreted so with this Erle / that this same Towne was vnder composicyon to done as the Cyte of Rone dyd / and the Erle graūted and consented ther to vpon this condycyon that the kynges nauye with his ordynaū ce myght passe vp by hem in saufte withoute ony maner lette or [Page] dysturbaūc [...] & to his composicion they sette to hir seabrs / And the shippes passed vp by hem in saufte / and come before the Cyte of Rone in to an honderd shippes. and ther they cast hir ankers / and than this Cyte was besyeged bothe by lond & by water / & whan al this was done & shippes comen vp / than come therle of warrewyke ayene to the kyng / and lodged hym bytwene the Abbey of seynt kateryns & the kynge / til that the Abbey entreted / and was yold vnto the kyng / And than he remeued hym thens / & lodged hym byfore porte martenuylle / And tho was therle of Salysbu ry commaūded by the kyng to make hym redy to ryde. but ther co me hasty tydyng & made hym to abyde / and so he retorned ayene & lodged hym beside therle of Hūtyngdone / til the syege was ended And than come the duke of Gloucestre the kynges brother from the siege of Chyrbourgh / the whiche he had wonnen & geten / and stuffed ageyne vnto the kynges behoue and profyt vnto the crou ne of Englond. And whan he was come to the kyng byfore Ro ne / anone he lodged with grete ordynaunce byfore port saynt Hyl lare more nere the toune and his enemyes / than ony other lay by xl. roddes of lengthe within shott of quarel / And with hym laye the Erle of Southfolke. and the lord of Bergeueny with alle hyr retenue and strong ordynaunce / & manly & proudely fought euery day with hir enemyes euer whan they yssued out of the cyte And than come the pryour of kylmayne of Irland ouer the see vnto the kyng with a fayre meyne of men of armes of hir owne coūtre gyse / the sōme of xv C good mennys bodyes / & the kynge welcomed hem & made hem right good chiere / and than come tidyn ges vnto the kyng / that the kyng of Fraunce and the dolyhyn & the duke of Burgoyne wolde come a doune to rescue the Cyte of Rone with a stronge power of al maner of nacions / & breke the siege / & he casted hym to entre on the northside of the hoost / by cause that ther was the best entre and moost playn grounde / and ther fore the kynge assigned the priour of kylmayne with his power and lodged hym on the northside of the hooste to stoppe her passage, and was by the foreste of lyons. And of this ordynaūce they were ful glad / And so they went forth in hast, and kepte gronnd and the place that the kyng & his counceyll had assigned hem / And they qnytte hem as good werryours vnto hir kynge /
Now wyll I telle yow whiche were the chyef Capytayns & gouernonrs of the Cyte of Rone / Messyre Guy Botilere was chyef Capytayne bothe of the Cyte and of the Castel And [Page] Messyre Termegan was Capytayne of porte de Cauy / messyre de la Roche was Capitayne of the dysners / messyre Authonye was lyeutenaunt to messyre Guy botiller / Henry chantfyen was Capytayne of the porte de la poūt / Iohan mantreuas was capi tayne of the porte de la chastel / messyre de preaux was Capytayne of the porte of seynt hillarye / the Bastard of Tyne was Capitayne of the porte martenuylle. And graūte Iaques a worthy werr your was capytayne of al men of warre / And he was Gouernour outward bothe on horsbak & a foote of al men of armes whan they yssued oute of the Cyte of al the portes / he hem arayed as they shold coūtre with our meyny / & eche of these capytayns lad / v. M / men of armes & somme mo / And at the fyrst comyng of our kyng there were nōbred by heraudes in to / ccc, M / of men & women & children what yong & old / & among al these was many a manful man of his hondes / & so they preued hem whan they yssued oute of the Cyte bothe on horsbak, and on foote / for they co me neuer at one gate out allone but at iij or iiij gates / & at euery gate ij or iij M of good mennes bodyes y armed & manfully coū tred with onr englysshmen / & moche peple slayne dyuerse tymes with gonnes quarelles and other ordynaunce. And this syege du red / xx, wekes, And euer they of the toune hoped to haue be rescu ed / but ther come none / so atte last they kept so long the toun that ther deyde many thousandes within the toune for defaute of mete of men of wymmen & of children / for they had eten hir hors dogges & cattes that were in the toune / And oftymes the men of ar mes drofe oute the poure peple oute of the gates of the toun for spendyng of vytaylle, And anone oure englisshmen drofe hem in to the toune ageyne / Soo at the laste the Capytayne of the toun saw the meschyet that they were not rescued / and also the scarcyte of vytayll, and that the peple so deide for defaute of mete euery day many thousandes / And also saw yong children lye and souke hir moders pappes and weren deede / Than anone they sente vnto the kyng besechyng hym of grace and mercy, and brought the keyes of the toune vnto the kyng & delyuerd the toune to hym / and al the soudyours wyded the toune with hir hors and harneys. & the comyns of the toune for to a byde and duelle stylle in the tou ne yerly to pay to hym and to his successours for al maner customes and fee fermes and katrremes / And than the kyng entred in to the toune and restyd hym in the Castelle tille the toune was sette in re wle and in gouernaunce /
How the kyng of englond was made herityer & regent of feaū [...]r / and how he wedded quene katrryne / Cao / CC / xlo /
ANd anone after that Rone was goten / Depe / & many other tounes in baas Normandye yaf them ouer withonte stroke or siege whan they vnderstode that the kyng had goten Rone / Also this same yere had ben a pees made and sworne bytwene the duke of Burgoyne & the Dolphyn. Whiche were sworne vp on our lordes body that they shold loue & assiste eche other ageynst theyr enemyes / and after this contrary to this othe / the dule Iohan of Burgoyn was slayne / and pytously murthred in the pre sence of the dolphyn / wherfor the frensshmen were gretely deuyded & of veray necessite labourid to haue a trayttye with the kynge of englond / For the kyng of englond wan dayly of them tounes cas telles & fortresses / Also this same yere was quene Iane arestyd & brouȝt to the castel of ledis in kent / And one frere rndolf a do ctor of dyuynyte her confessour / whiche afterward was slayn by the person of the tour fallyng at wordes & debate / and after quene Iane was delyuerd / In the. vij, yere bothe kynges of fraūce & of englond were acorded / & kyng henry was made heyr & regent of fraūce / & wedded dame kateryn the kynges doughter of f [...] ce at Troyes in champayn on Trinyte sonday. And this was ma de by the mene of phelyp newely made duk of Burgoyn / whiche was sworne to kyng henry / for tauenge his fadres deth & was be come englissh. And thenne the kyng with his newe wyf wente to Parys / where he was ryally receyued / And from thens be with his lordes & the duk of Burgoyne & many other lordes of fraun ce leyd syege to dyuerse tounes and castels that held of the Dolphyns partyns / and wan hem / but the toune of Melun held longe for therin were good defendours. In the viij yere the kyng. & the quene come ouer see / & londed on Cādelmasse day in the morow at douer / And the / xiiij day of feuerer the kyng came to london / & the xxj day of the same moneth the quene come / and the xxiiij day of the same she was crouned at westmestre / Also the same yere a non after ester. the kyng helde a parlemēt at westmestre / at which parlement it was ordeyned that the gold in Englissh coyn shold le weyed. & none resceyued but by weyght / And anone after wyt sontyde the kyng sayled to Caleys / and passed so forth in to frāce And in marche the xxij day byfore the kyng ca in ouer / the duk of clarence was slayne in feaunce / & dyuerse other lordes take priso ners as therle of hūtingdon / therle of somersete with dyuse other [Page] And al was bicause they wold not take with hem archie [...] but thought to haue doo with the frensshmen them self withoute hem And yet whan he was slayne the Archyers come & rescued the bo dy of the duk / which they wold haue caryed with hem / god haue mercy on his soule / he was a valiaūt man, And the same yere bi twene Cristemasse & candelmasse the toune of melun was yolden to the kyng / In the ix yere on seynt nycholas day in decēber was born henry the kynges first bygoten sone at wyndesore, whos god fadres at fontstone was heury bisshop of wynchestre. & Iohn duk of Bedford / & the duchesse of holand was godmod [...] / & henry chi cheley archebisshop of caūterbury was godfadre atte confermyn [...] And in the x yere the cyte of mews in brye was goten which had ben long besieged. And this same yere the quene shipped at hamp ton & sayled ouer to the kyng in fraūce / where she was worshypfully receyued of the kyng / & also of the kyng of fraūce hyr fadre & of hir moder, And thus kynge henry wan fast in fraūce & helde grete astate / & sate at dyner at a grete feste in parys crouned & the quene also / whiche had not ben seen to fore / & al peple resorted vn to his court / but as to the kyng of fraūce he held none astate ne ru le / but was left almost allone / / Also this yere the whethercock was sette vpon poulus steple at london / And this yere in the moneth of August the kyng wexe seke at boys de vyncēt / & whan he saw he shold dye / he made his testamēt, & ordeyned many thynges nobly for his soule / & deuoutly resseyued al the rightes of hooly chirche / in so ferforth that whan he was enoynted / he said the serui se with the preest / & at the vers of the psalme / miserere mei deus that was Benigne fac dn̄e in bona volūtate tua syon vt edificen tur muri Ihr [...]m / he bad tarye there & said thns / O good lord thou knowest that myn entent hath ben & yet is yf I myȝt lyue to reede fye the walles of Ihr [...]m, & thenne the preest proceded forth & ma de an ende / and anone after this moost noble prynce & victorious kyng flour in his tyme of cristen chyualrye / whom al the world doubted gaf his soule in to the handes of god. & deyde / & made an ende of his naturel lyf at the sayd Boys de vyncent beside parys the xxxvj yere of his age / on whos soule god haue mercy / amen Thenne was the body enbamed & cered / & leide in a rial chare & an ymage like vnto hym was leide vpon the corps open with dy [...]se baners & horse couered rychely with tharmes of englond & fraūce & also thold armes of seynt edwardes, seynt edmōd & other & with grete multitude of torches / with whome went the kyng of scotlād [Page] & many other lordes whiche accompanyed the body til it come vn westmestre by london in englond. and in euery toune by the wey he had solempnly his dirige on theuen, & masse on the morne. and moche almesse was yeuen to poure peple by the way / & the vij day of nouēbre after the corps was bronght thurgh london with gre te reuerence / & solempnyte to westmynstre where he nowe lyeth / it was worshipfully beryed / & after was leyd on his tombe a ryal y mage lyke to hym self of siluer & gylt / whiche was made at the cost of quene kateryne / And thus ended & is entered & buryed the noble kyng henry the fifth / on whos soule & al cristen soules god haue mercy
Of the lawde of kyng henry the fyfthe / & what he ordeyued for kyng Rychard. & for hym self after his deth. Capitulo ducentesimo / xlvjo /
HEre is to be noted that this kyng henry the / v, was a noble prince after he was kyng & crouned / how be it to fore in his yongthe he had ben wyld recheles / & spared no thyng of his lustes ne desyres, but accomplysshed them after his lykyng / but as sone as he was crouned / enoynted & sacred / anone sodenly he was chaū ged in to a newe man / & sette al his entent to lyue vertuously in mayntenyng of holy chirche / destroyeng of heretykes. kepyng Ius tice / & defendyng of his reame & subgettes / And for as moche as his fadre had deposed by his labour / the good kyng Rychard / & pytously made hym to dye / & for thoffence done to hym ayenst his lygeaūce / he had sent to rome to be assoilled therof / for which off [...] ce the pope our holy fadre enioyned hym to make hym be prayd for perpetuelly, & lyke as he had done to be takē from hym his naturel lyf / therfor he shold do foūde / iiij / tapers to brenne perpetuelly aboute his body / that for the extynction of his bodely lyf his sou le may euer be remembrid / & lyue in heuen in spirituel lyf / & also that he shold euery weke on the day as it cometh about of his deth haue a solempne masse of Requiē / on the euen afore a dirige with ix lessons / & a dole to poure peple alwey on that day of xj shyllyn ges. viij / pens to be delyd peny melo / And ones in the yere at his annyuersarye his terement to be holden in the moost honest wyse, & to be deled that day / xx / poūd in pens to poure peple, and to euery mōst to haue xx shillynges / which al these thynges performed this noble kyng for his fadre / for kyng henry ye iiij his fadre per formed it not duryng his [...]f / whom as it is said god touchid and [Page] was a lepre er he deyde / Also thenne this noble prince lete do cal le al the abbots & priours of saynt benets ordre in englond / & had them in the chapitre hous of westmynstre for the reformacion of the ordre wheryn he had comynycacion, And also with bisshops & men of the spūalte / in so ferforth that they doubted sore / he wold haue had the tēporaltees out of their hondes. wherfore by thaus labour & procuryng of the spiritualte encouraged the kyng to cha lenge normādy / & his right in fraūce / to then de to set hym a werk ther that he shold not seke occasions to entre in to suche maters / & al his lyf after he laboured in the werrys in cōqueryng grete par te of the reame of fraūce / that by the agrement of the kyng charlys had al the gou (er)naūce of the reame of fraūce / & was proclamed regent & heyr of fraūce / And so not withstondyng al this greete werre that he hadde / yet he remēbrid his soul [...] / & also that he was mortal / & must dye / for whiche he ordeyned by his lyf the place of his sepulture / where he is now beryed / & euery day thre masses per tuelly to be songen in a fair chapel ouer his sepulture / of which the myddedel masse / & the first / & lasse masse shal be as is assigned by hym / as it apperyth by these versys fole wynge /
And yet the noble kyng henry the. v, foūded / ij / houses of relygyon, one callyd Syon besyde braynford of thordre of saynt Brigitte bothe of mē & womē / & on that other side of the riuer of tamy se an hous of monkes of chartrehou [...] / in whiche two places he is [Page] cōtynuelly praid for nyght & day / for euer whan they of sion reste they of the chartrehous done their seruyse / and in lyke wyse whan they of the chartrehous reste / the other goon to / & by the ryngyng of the bellis of eyther place / eche knoweth whan they haue ended theyr seruyce / whiche he nobly endowed / & done dayly ther grete almesse dedes as in the chartrehous certeyn children ben foūde to sco le / & at syon certeyne almesse gyuen dayly / And yet beside al this he hath foūded a recluse / whiche shal be alwey a preest to pray for hym by the sayd chartrehous / whiche preest is wel & sufficiently endo wed for hym & a seruaūt, Co here may al princes take ensāple by this noble prince / that regnyng so lytel tyme not fully, x / yere did so many noble actes / as wel for his soule to be perpetuelly re mēbrid & praid for / as in his wordly cōquestis, & he beyng in his most lusty ag [...] despised & eschewid synne, & was vertuous & a gre te Iusticer / in so moche that al ye princes of cristendom drad hym & also of hethenes / & had determyned in hym self / if god wold haue spared hym / yt he wold haue werryd ageyne ye sarazyns / & for to knowe ye ayde of other princes & al the passages in ye iourney he sent a knyȝt of henaud named sir hugh de lanoye vnto Ierusalem but e [...] he returned, he deyde at boys du vyncent in the xxxvj y [...]w. of his age. on whos soule god haue mercy /
How kyng henry the / vj / regned beyng a child not one yere of age / & of the batayl of vernoyl in perche / Cao / CC / xlvij /
AFter kyng henry the / v. regned henry his sone but a child & not fully a yere old / whos regne begā ye first day of septēber the yere of our lord M / cccc / xxij / This kyng beyng in his cradell was moch doubted & drad by cause of yegrete cōquest of his fadre & also the wisedom & guydyng of his vncles the duk of bedford & the duk of gloucestre / This yere the xxj day of Oc [...] deyde char les kyng of fraūce / & lyeth buryed at seynt denys / & then was the duk of bedford made regent of fraūce, & the duk of gloucestre was made protectour & defendour of englōd / & the first day of march after was sir williā taillour preest degrated of his preesthode. & on the morne after he was brent in smythfeld for heresye / This yere sir Iames stiward kyng of scottes maryed dame Iane the duches dou ghter of clarence of hir first husbond therle of somersete at saynt mary ouerayes / Also this yere the xvij day of august was the ba tail of vernoil in perche bitwene the duk of bedford regēt of frāce & the duk of alaūson / whiche was a grete batail, The duk of bed ford had on his side with hym therle of salisbury moūtagu / & the [Page] the lord Talbot / & all the power that they coude make in normādy the garnysons kepte / And also many capytayns with moch peple of the duk of Burgoyns / & on that other syde was the duk of a laūson / the duk of Turon / that was therle douglas / therle of bou gham with many lordes of fraūce / & grete cōpany of scottes / & ar mynakes, And thenne therle douglas callyd the duk of bedford Iohan with the leden swerd. & he sent hym word ageyne that he shold fynde that day / that his swerd was of stel / And so the bataylle ioyned on bothe sides / & fought longe / that ther wyste noo man who shold haue the better a grete while / but atte last as god wold / the vyctorye fyl vnto the englyssh partye / For there were slayne therle douglas whiche a lytel byfore was made duk of turone the erle of bowhayne / the erle of Almarre / therle of Tounar / the erle of vaunedore, and the vysecounte of Nerbonne / whi che was one of hem that slowe Iohan duk of Burgoyue knelyng to fore the dolphyn and many moo vnto the nombre of / x / thousand and mo / And ther was taken prisoner the duk of alaū son and many other sordes & gētils of fraūce / but scottes that day were slayne doune right the substaunce of them alle /
In the thyrdde yere of kyng henry the / vj, the duke of gloucestre maryed the duchesse of holand / and went ouer see with hyr in to henaude for to take possession of his wyfes enherytaūce / where he was honourably receyued and taken for lord of the lond / But sone after he was fayn to retorne home ageyne and left his wyf and his tresour that he brought with hym in a Towne that is callid Moūce in henaude. which promysed for to be trewe to hym / not withstandynge they delyuerd the lady to the duk of Burgoyne whiche sent hir to gaunt / And from thens she escaped in a mānes araye and come in to zelād to a toune of hir owne callyd zierixee And fro thens she went to a touue in holand callyd the Ghowde. and ther she was strong ynough / and withstode the sayd duke of burgoyne / And sone after the duk of Gloucestre sente ouer in to Zeland the lord fitzwater with certeyne men of werre and Archyers for to helpe & socoure the forsayd duchesse of holand which louded at a place in zeland callyd brewers hauen, where the lordes of the contre come doune / and fought with hym, and in conclu sion he was fayn to withdrawe hym & his meyny to the see agey ne / But yet he slewe and hurt dyuerse lordes, and moche people of that same countrey / And so retorned home ageyne with his meyny / and preuayled nothynge / Also this same yere [Page] Erle of Salysbury / the Erle of Suffolk / the bord wylby & the lord Scalis with theyr retenue leyd syege to the cyte of Mauns the whiche cyte was yolden to them in short tyme with many other strong tounes & castels to the nōbre of xxxvj, This tyme all Normandye / & a grete parte of fraūce vnto Orleaūce was vnder tho [...]eysaunce of the kynge of Englond / And al the remenaūt of fraunce was in grete tribulacion and meschyef.
How ther was a grete affraye lyke to haue ben bytwene the Car dynal. & the duke of gloucestre, And of the coronacion of kyng Henry the syxthe / bothe in Englond & in fraūce, Capitulo / CC / xlviij /
IN the / iiij / yere the same nyght that the mayre of london Iohan Couentre had taken his charge / was a grete watche in london for affray / that was bytwene the bisshop of wynchestre / & the duk of Gloucetre protectour / For the mayre with the peple of the cyte wold abyde by the duk of gloucestre / as protectour of the Reame / but by labour of lordes that wente bytwene and in especyal by the labour of the prince of portyngale, ther was a [...]oyntement taken / that ther was none harme done / and after the bata ylle of vernoyll in perche the duk of Bedford come ouer in to englond / And on whytsonday this same yere at leycestre he dubbed kyng henry knyght / And forthwith the said kyng henry dubbed alle these knyghtes, whos names folowe / that is to wete Richard duk of yorke, Also the sone and heyre of the duk of Norfolk / the Erle of Oxenford / the erle of westmerland / the sone and heyr of the erle of Northumberland / the sone and heyre of the erle of [...] mond / the lord Roos / Sir Iames buteler / the lord mat [...]uas / sir Henry gray of Tākeruylle / syr william neuyl lord Faw [...]nbrid ge / sir george neuyll lord latymer / the lord wellys / the lord berke ley / the sone & heyre of the lord Talbot / sir Rauf gray of werke Syr Robert veer / Syr Richard gray, Syr Edmond hongerford Syr Robert wynfeld. syr Iohan boteler / Syr Raynold cobham Syr Iohan passhely / syr Thomas Tunstal, Syr Iohan Chidyo oke / Syr Rauf langford / Syr william drury / Syr william a [...] Thomas / sir Richard Carbonel. syr Rychard wedenyl [...], sir Iohn shyrdelowe, syr nychol blonket / syr Rauf ratt [...]clyfe / sir edmōd t [...]f ford / syr william cheyne. sir williā babyngton / sir Iohn Iune / sir [Page] Gylbert Beauchamp / Item in the / v / yere the dust of Bedford with the duchesse his wyf went ouer see to Caleys / And a lytell to fore went ouer Harry bisshop of wynchestre / And on our lady day Annunciacyon in oure lady chirche at Caleys the bisshop of wynchestre whan he had songe masse was made cardynal / and he knelyng to fore the hye auter the duk of Bedford set the [...]att on his heede / and there were his bulles red. as wel of his charge. as the w [...]oysyng of his benefyces spirytuel and temporel /
And this same yere was grete habundaunce of rayne, that the substaunce of heye and of corne was destroyed / For it rayned almoost euery other daye / This same yere the good erle of Salisbury syr Thomas Moūtagu leyd syege vnto Orleaūce / at which syege he was slayne with a gonne▪ whiche come out of the toune on whos sonle god haue mercy / for sith that he was slayn englissh men neuer gate ne preuayled in fraūce, but euer after began to lese lytel and lytel / til al was loste / Also this same yere a Breton murthred a good wedowe in her bedde withoute algate / which we do we foūde hym for almesse / and he bare awey al that she hadde And after this he toke the grith of holy chirche at saynt Georges in south werk / and there toke the crosse / and forswore this land And as he went it happened that he cam by the place where he did this cursed dede in the subarbys of london / and the women of the same parysshe come ont with stones and canel dunge / and slowe and made an ende of hym▪ Notwythstandynge the Conestables & many other men beyng present to kepe hym / For ther were many women and had no pyte, Also this same yere the duk of Norfolk with many gentilmen and yomen toke his barge the / vin / day of Nonembre at saynt mary ouerayes for to haue goo thurgh london bridge / and thurgh mysguydyng of the barge it ouerthrewe on the pyles, and many men drowned / but the duk hym self with. ij or thre lepe vpo [...] [...] [...]yles / and so were saued with helpe of men that were aboue the bridge / whiche casted doune ropes / by whiche they saued hem self / This same yere on saynt Lenardes day kyng Henry beyng vij yere of age was crouned at westmestre / at whos Coronacion were made / xxxvj / knyghtes / This yere on saynt ge org [...]s day he passed ouer the see to Caleys toward fraūce / Aboute this tyme and afore the Royame beyng in grete myserye and tribulacion the dolphyn with his partye bygan to make werre & g [...] te certeyne places & made destrusses vpon englisshmen by the me [...] of his capytayns that is to wete la [...]r & poton d [...] seyntraylles [Page] and especyal a mayde whiche they named la pucelle de dieu / this mayde rod lyke a man / & was a valyaūt Capytayn among them and toke vpon hir many grete enterpryses / in soo moche that they had a byleue to haue recouerd al theyr losses by hyr▪ Notwithstā dyng atte last after many grete feates by the helpe and prowesse of syr Iohan Luxemb [...]rgh / whiche was a noble Capytayne of the dukes of Burgoyne / and many Englisshmen / picardes, and Burgoyngons / whiche were of oure partye byfore the toun of cō pyne the / xxiij day of may the forsayd pucelle was taken in the feld armed lyke a man / and many other Capytayns with hyr. And were al wrought to Roan / and ther she was put in pryson And ther she was Iuged by the lawe to be brente, and thenne she sayd that she was with child / wherby she was respyted a [...] whyle But in conclusyon it was founde that she was not with child / And thenne she was brente in Roan. And the other Capytayns were put to raunsonne and entreated as men of warre be [...] acus [...]d med / &c / This same yere abont Candelmasse Rychard hū [...] der a wollepacker was dampned for an heretyke / & brent at tour hylle / And aboute mydlente syr Thomas Baggely preest & vy [...] rye of Mauen in Estsex besyde walden was disgrated & dampn [...]d for an heretyke / and brente in Smythfeld. And also in this same yere whyles the kynge was in fraūce ther were many heretykes and lollardes that had purposed to haue made a rysyng & case bylles in many places, but blessyd be god almyghty the Cap [...] yn of hem was take / whos name was william Maūde [...]yle a we uer of abendon / and bayly of the same toun / whiche named hym self Ia [...] sharp of wygmoresland in walys / And afterward [...] was byheded at Abendon in the whitson weke on the tewysdaye / This same yere the / vj / daye of december kyng henry the▪ v [...] / was crouned kyng of fraūce at parys in the chirche of oure lady with grete solēpnyte / There beyng present the Cardynal of englōd / the duk of Bedford / & many other lordes of fraūce & of englōd / & af ter this coronacyon & grete fest holden at parys the kyng retorned from thens to Roan, & so toward Caleys / And the, ix day of Fe uerer londed at douer / whome al the comyns of kent met at [...] doune bytwene Caūterbury & Douer alle in reede hoodes / And so come forth til he come to the blakheth / where he was mette with the mayre and Iohan wellys with al the craftys of london clad al in whyte / And so they brought hym to london the / xxj / day of the same monethe / This same yere was a restraynt of the w [...]llys [Page] of Caleys made by the Soudyours bycause they were not payd of theyr wages / wherfor the duke of Bedford regent of fraunce beyng thenne Capitayne came to Caleys the tewysday in the ester weke / And on the morne after many soudyours of the toune we re arested / and put in warde / And in the same weke he rode to tere wyne / And by the mene of the Bisshop of Terewyn he wedded the erles doughter of saynt poul. and came ageyne to Caleys /
And the xj day of Iuyn on saynt Barnabes day there were iiij soudyours of Caleys that were chyef causers of the restreynt bihe ded. that is to wete Iohan maddely. Iohan lundaye / Thomas pal mer / and Thomas Talbot. And an / C / & / x / banysshed the toune that same tyme / And before were banysshed honderd & / xx, soudyours / And on mydsomer euen after came the lorde regent & hys wyf to london /
Cao / CCo. / x [...]xo.
ABoute this tyme pope martyn deyde, And after hym Eugenye the fourth was pope / This was pesybly chosen in rome by the Cardynals / and was very and Indubytate pope / But shortly after he was put and exp [...]lsed oute of Rome / in suche wyse that he was fayne to flee naked, An this same tyme was the counseyll of Basyll. to whiche counceyll he was cyted to come / & bycause he came not they deposed hym / but he rought not ne set not therby / but gate the cyte of Rome / and abode seyl pope xvij yere / This yere about whytsontyde the heretikes of praghe we re destroyed / for at ij iourneyes were destroyed of them mo than xxij, M / with hir Capytayns / that is to wete / [...]rocapius / saplico & lupus presbiter. Also ther was taken alyue mayster pyers clerke an englisshman & heretyk / Also this same yere was a gre te frost & a strong duryng xj wekes / For it bygan on saynt kateryns euen, & lasted vnto seynt Scolastycays daye in feuerer / in whiche tyme the vyntage that came from Burdeux come ouer shoters hille / This yere was the counseyll of Aras / & a grete tra yttye bytwene the kyng of englond. & the kyng of fraūce / where was assembled many grete lordes of bothe partyes / at whiche coū ceyl was offryd to the kyng of englond many grete thynges by the moyen of a legate that come fro rome / which was cardynal of seynt crosse. whiche offres were refused by the cardynal of en glond & other lordes that were there for the kyng / wherfor ye duk of burgoyn which had ben long englissh sworne forsoke our par tye / & retorned frensshe by mene of the sayd legate, & made a pees with ye frenssh kyng receyuyng of the kyng for recōpensing of his [Page] faders deth / the coū [...]e pontieu the lordship of macon which moch other as is specyfyed in the sayd trayttye / & soo our enbassadours came home ageyne in werse caas than they wente / For they loste there the duk of burgoyn / whiche had ben with his bu [...]goynons & pycardes a synguler helpe [...] all the conquest of Normandy & of fraūce / This same yere was a grete batail on the see bitwene the Ieneweys & the kyng of Aragon / of which batayl the Ieneweys had the victorye. for they toke the kyng of Aragon / the kyng of Nauerne and the grete mayster of seynt Iames in galyse with thre honderd knyȝtes & squyers / & moch other peple, and this was on seynt domynykys day / This same yere were seen thre sounes at ones / And anon folowed the threfold gouernannce in the chirch that is to wete of eugenye of the connseyll / & of the neutraly [...]e al so this same yere M cccc xxxiiij was a passynge greete wynde / by whiche steples houses & trees were ouerthrowen. About this tyme was an holy mayde in holand called lydwith / which lyued only by myracle not etyng ony mete / This yere the duk of bourgoyne bygan his ordre at lyle of the golden flyes / and ordeyned certeyne knyghtes of the ordre / and made statutes & ordynaūces moche acordyng vnto the ordre of the gartre / Also this same [...]re the frensshmen had enterprysed to haue stolen Caleys in the fiss▪ hyng tyme. For many bootis of fraūce had saufconduytes to come to caleys for to take heryng / and the soudyours of the toun had a custome to come to chirche / & leue their staues standyng at chirch dore, whiche staues the frensshmen which were arayed like fisshers had purposed so to haue taken theyr wepen / & wynne the Towne but one of them lay with a comyn woman the nyght to fore and told to hir theyr coūseyll / and she on the morn told the lyeutenaūt whiche forthwith commaūded that euery man shold kepe his we pen in his hond sa [...]ryng tyme and other / And whan they apper [...]eyned this that they were myspoynted they saylled strayt to De pe / and stale and toke that toun / And on newyers euen after they toke harflete / And thus englysshmen bygan to lose a lytel / and a lytell in Normandye /
How Caleys and guyues were besyeged by the duk of Bur [...] goyne. and how they were rescued by the duk of gloucestre / Capitulo CC / lo. /
[...]His yere was a grete noyse thurgh al Englond / how the du ke of Bourgoyne wold come and besyege Caleys / wherfore the Erle of Mortayne with his armye that he hadde [Page] for to haue gone with in to fraūce was coūtremaūded & charged that he shold go to Caleys / whiche was at that tyme wel vitail bed & māned / for syr Iohn Ratclyf was lyeutenaūt of the kyng in that toune / And the baron of dudley lyeutenaūt of the Castell And the / ix / daye of Iuyn the duk of Burgoyne with alle the power of Flaundres and moche other peple come before Caleys and sette his syege aboute the toune. and euery towne of Flaundres had theyr tentes by hem self. And this syege endured iij wekes / In the mene whyle the duke of gloucestre beyng protectour of Englond toke the moost part of the lordes of Englond / & wen te ouer the see to Caleys for to rescue the toune or to fyght with ye duke & his hoost yf they wold haue abyden / This tyme london & euery good toune of englond sent ouer see to this rescouse certeyn peple wel arayed of the best and chosen men for the warre, and the ij day of August the said duke of gloucestre arryued at Caleys with all his armye / and / v / honderd shippes & moo / And the duk and alle his hooste that laye in the syege as sone as they espyed the saylles in the see▪ byfore they approched Caleys hauen / sodenly in a mornyng departed fro the syege / leuyng behynde them moche stuffe & vytaylle / & fled in to flaūdres and py [...]ardye / and in lyke wyse dyd the syege that lay to fore guynes / where as they of Guynes toke the greete gonne of brasse callyd dygeon / & many other grete gonnes and serpentynes / And thēne whan the duk of gloucestre was arryued with alle his hoost, he went in to Flaū dres / and was therin xj dayes / and dyde but lytell harme except he brente two fayre vyllages, Poperynge / and Belle / and other houses / whiche were of no strengthe. and so he retorned home ageyne / Also this same yere the kynge of Scotland besyeged Rokesburgh with moche peple / But Syre Rauf Gray departed fro the castel / and ordeygned for rescouse / But as sone as the kyng vnderstode his departyng / he sodenly brake his siege and went his waye / and leuyng moche ordynaunce behynde hym / where he gate no worship. This same yere the secōd day of Ianyuer quene Katheryn which was the kynges moder / and wyf to kyng henry the fyfthe deyde & departed oute of this world / and was brought ryally thurgh london, and so to westmestre / and there she lyeth wor shypfully buryed in oure lady chapel, And also this same yere the xiiij day of Ianyuer fylle donne the gate with the toure on london bridge toward southwerke with twoo archis & alle that stode theron / This same yere was a grete trayttye holden bytwene [Page] Grauenyng and caleys bytwene the kyng and duk of Burgoyn / where for the kyng / was the cardynal of englond / the duk of Norfolk and many other lordes / & for the duk was the duchesse hauyng ful power of hir lord as regent and lady of his londes. Whe [...] was taken by thāuys of bothe partyes an abstynēce of wer [...] for a certeyne tyme in the name of the duchesse and not of the [...]uk bycause he had gone from his othe & ligeaūce that he had ma [...]e to kyng henry / therfor the kyng neuer wold write ne appoynte ne haue to doo with hym after / but al in the duchesse name / Also this same yere quene Iane dyed the ij day of Iuyll which had ben kyng henry the iiij wyf, & was caryed fro bermondesey vnto Caū terbury / where she lyeth buryed by kyng Henry the [...]ij her husbond / This same yere dyed al the lyons in the tour of london / the whiche had not be seen many yeres byfore oute of mynde /
How Owayn a squyer of walys that had wedded quene kate ryn was arestyd / and of the scysme bytwene Eugenye and felix Capitulo / CC / ljo. /
IN the xvj. yere of kyng henry deide Sygismond Emperour of Almayne & knyght of the garter / whos terment the kyn ge kepte at seynt poules in london ryally / where was made a ry al h [...]rse / & the kyng in his astate clad in blewe was at euen at di [...]ge / & on the morne at masse / And after hym was elect & chosen Albert duk of Ostryche / whiche had wedded Sigismūdus dough ter for to be Emperour, This was taken & resceyued to be kyng of beme & vngarye bycause of his wyf that was sigismūdus dou [...] ter whiche lefte after hym none other heyr / This Albert was em perour but one yere / for he was poysond & so deide / som saye he d [...]d of a flyxe / but he was a vertuous mā & pyteful so moch that al the peple that knewe hym said that the world was not worthy to haue his presence. This same yere one Owayn a squyer of wa [...]s a mā of [...]owe byrth / which had many a day tofore secretely wedded quene kateryne / & had by hir iij sones & a doughter was taken & cōmāded to newgate to prison by my lord of gloucestre protectour of the reame / And this yere he brake prison by the mene of a prest that was his chapelayn, & after he was taken ayene by my [...]ord [...]e mond & brought agayn to newgate / which afterward was deliue [...]d at large, and one of his sones afterward was made erle of ri chemōd / & another erle of penbroke / & the iij a mōst of westmestre [Page] whiche monke deyde sone after. This same yere also on Newyeresday at baynardyscastel fil doun a stacke of wode sodenly at after none & slowe thre men meschieuously & foule hurt other / Also at bedford on a shrireday were xviij men murdred without stroke by fallyng doune of a steyr / as they come oute of theyr comyn halle & many foule hurt, In the xviij yere syr Rychard Beauchamp the good erle of warrewyk deyde at Roan he beyng that tyme lyeutenaūt of the kyng in Normādye, & from thens his bodye was brought to warrewyk / where he lyeth worshipfully in a new cha pel on the southsyde of the quyre / Also this yere was a grete derth of corn in al Englond / for a busshel of whete was worth xl pens in many places of englond. & yet men myght not haue ynowe / Wherfor stephen Broun that tyme maire of lōdon sent in to pul se and brought to london certeyne shippes laden with Rye. whiche eased and dide moche good to the people / for corne was so skarce in Englond / that in somme places of Englond poure peple made hem brede of fern rotes / This yere the general counseyl of basyle deposed pope Eugenye, And they chese Felix whiche was duke of Sauoye / And than bygan the scysme / which endured vnto the ye re of our lord Thu crist M / CCCC. xlviij / This felix was a denoute prynce / & saw the sones of his sones / And after lyued a ho ly and deuoute lyf / And was chosen pope by the coūseyll of basill Eugenye deposed. and so the scysme was long tyme / And this fe lix had not moche obedyence by cause of the neutralite, for ye most parte / and wel nyghe al cristendom obeyed and reputed Eugenye for very pope, god knoweth who was the very pope of them both for bothe occupyed durynge the lyf of Eugenye / This same yere Syr Rychard wyche vycary of hermettesworth was degrated of his preest hode at poulis / and brente at tourhylle as for an heretik on saynt Botulphus day / how wel at his deth he deyde a good cri sten man / wherfor after his deth moch peple cam to the place whe re he hadde be brent / & offred & made a heepe of stones / & set vp a crosse of tree / & helde hym for a saynt til the mayer & sherenes by comaundement of the kyng & of bisshops destroyed it / and made there a donghylle / Also this same yere the shereues of london fett out of saynt Martyns the graunt the sayntuarye fyue persones / whiche afterward were restored ageyne to the sayntuarye by the kynges Iustyces / After Albert the thyrd, Frederyk was chosen emperour / This frederyk duk of Osteryke was long emperour & differred for to be crouned at rome bicause of the scisme but [Page] after that vnyon was had / he was crouned with Imperyal dya deme with grete glorye & tryūphe of pope nycholas the iiij, This was a man pesible, quyete / & of synguler pacyence not hatyng the chirche / he wedded the kyng of portyngals doughter /
How the duchesse of gloucestre was arestyd for treson / & commytted to perpetuel pryson in the yle of man / And of the deth of mayster Rogyer Bolyngbroke / Cao. / CC / lij /
IN this yere Elyanore Cobham duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for certeyne poyntes of treson leyd ageyne hir / wher vpon she was examyned in saynt stephens chapel at westmestre before the Archebisshop of Caūterbury / and there she was enioy ned to open penaūce for to goo thurgh chepe beryng a taper in her honde / and after to perpetuel pryson in the yle of man vnder the kepyng of syr Thomas stanley / Also that same tyme was arestid Maister Thomas south wel a chanon of westmynstre mayster Io han hume a chapelayne of the sayd lady / mayster Rogyer bolyng broke a clerk vsyng nygromācye. and one margery Iurdemayn called the witche of eye beside westmestre / these were arestid as for beyng of coūseyll with the sayd duchesse of gloucestre / and as for mayster Thomas south wel he deyde in the toure the nyȝt before he shold haue be rayned on the morne / for so he sayd hym self that he shold deye in his bed & not by Iustyce / And in the yere xx / maister Iohan hume and mayster Rogyer Bolyngbroke were brouȝt to the guyldhalle in london / and ther byfore the mayer the lordes / & chyef Iustyce of Englond were rayned and dāpned / both to be dra wē honged & quartred / but maister Iohn hume had his chartre [...] was pardoned by the kyng / but mayster Rogyer was drawen to tiborne. where he cōfessid that he deide giltles / & neuer had trespaced in that he deyd fore / Notwithstondyng he was honged / srded & quartred / on whos soule god haue mercy / And margery Iurde mayn was brent in smythfeld / Also this yere was a grece [...] ye in fleetstrete by nyȝtes tyme bitwene men of court & men of lō don / and dyuerse men slayn & sōme hurt / And one ba [...]l was chyef cause of the mysgouernaunce and affraye / Also this yere atte chesyng of the mayre of lōdon the comyns named Robert clop ton & Rawlyn holand Taylour / And the Aldermen toke Robert clopton and brought hym atte ryght honde of the mayre as the cu stome is / And thenne certayne Tayllours and other hond crafty [Page] men cryed nay nay, not this man / but Raulyn holād / wherfor the Maire that was padysly sent tho that so cryed to newgate / where they abode a grete whyle / and were punysshed / In this same yere were dyuerse enbassatours sent in to guyan for a mariage for the kyng for therles doughter of Armynack / whiche was concluded But by the mene of the erle of Suffolk it was lette / and putte a parte / And after this the sayd erle of Suffolk wente ouer the see in to fraūce / and there he treated the maryage bitwene the kyn ge of Englond / and the kynges doughter of Secyle and of Iherusalem / And the next yere it was concluded fully that mariage by whiche maryage the kyng shold delyuere to hir fadre the duchye of Angeo / & therldom of mayne / which was the keye of nor mandye / Thenne departed therle of Suffolk with his wyf & dyuerse lordes and knyghtes in the moost ryal astate that myght be oute of Englond with newe chares and palfrayees / which went thurgh chepe / and so went ouer the see / and resceyued hyr / & syth brouȝt hyr in the lente after to hampton where she lāded / & was ryally resceyued / And on Cādelmasse euen bifore by a grete tēpest of thonder & lyghtnyng at after none Paulus steple was sett a fyre on the myddes of the shaft in the tymbre / whiche was quen. chid by force of laboure / & specially by the labour of the morowe masse preest of the bowe in chepe / whiche was thought Impossible lauf only the grace of god / This yere was therle of stafford ma de and create duk of Bokyngham / the erle of warrewyk / duk of warrewyk therle of dorset marquys of Dorset / & the erle of Suf folk was made marquys of Suffolk /
How kyng Henry wedded quene Margrete / and of hir Coro nacyon / Cao. / CC / lijio.
IN this yere kyng Henry maryed at Southwyke Quene Margrete / and she come to london the xviij day of Maye And by the wey all the lordes of englond resseyued hyr worshipfully in dyuerse places / and in especial the duk of gloucestre / and on the blakheth the Maire aldermen / & al the craftis in blewe gounes broudred with the deuyse of his craft yt they myȝt be byknowen met with hir with reed hoodes / and brought hyr to london / where were dyuerse pagentys & contynaunce of dyuerse historyes shewyd in dyuerse places of the cyte Ryally & costle [...]o [Page] And the xxx daye of maye the forsayd quene was crowned at westmynstre / and ther was Iustes thre dayes duryng within the sayntuarye to fore the abbey / This yere the priour of kilmyan ap peled therle of [...]rmond of treason whiche had a day assygned to them for to fyȝt in smythfeld / & the lystis were made & feld dressyd / but whan it cam to poynt the kyng cōmāded that they shold not fight, but toke the quarellys in to his own hond / & this was done at the Instaūce & labour of certeyne Prechours & doctours of london / as maister gylbert worthyngton parson of seynt Andrews in holborn & other / Also this same yere cam a grete enbas sade in to englond out of fraūce / for to haue cōcluded a perpetuelle pees / but in conclusyon it torned vnto a tryews of a yere / Aboute this tyme deyde seynt bernardyne a gray frere / whiche bygan the newe reformacyon of that ordre in many places / in so moche that they yt were reformed ben callid obseruaūtes / which obseruaūces ben encrecyd gretely in ytalye & in Almayne / This bernardyn was canonysed by pope nycholas the / v / In the yere, M / CCCC & l / Iohānes de capestrano was his disciple / which profited moch to the reformacion of yt ordre / for whome god shewed many a f [...]u myracle also / here is to be noted / yt from this tyme forward kying Henry neuer proufyted ne went forward. but fortune began to tourne from hym on al sydes as wel in fraūce / Normādy / guyan as in Englond, sōme men holden opoynyon that kyng lenry gafe cōmyssion plenarly to syr edward hulle syr Robert Roo [...] / dene of saynt seueryns and other to conclude a mariage for hym with the erle of Armynaks suster / whiche was promysed as it was sayd & cōcluded / but afterward it was brokē / & he wedded quene mar grete as a fore is said, whiche was a dere maryage for the reame of englōd / for it is knowen veryly that for to haue her was de [...] uerd the duchye of Angeo / & the erldome of mayne / whiche was the keye of Normandy for the frensshmen tentre / And aboue this the sayd marquys of Suffolk axyd in playne parlement a / yv. and an half for to fetche hir out of fraūce / lo what a mariage was this / as to the comparison of that other maryage of armynak. for ther shold haue ben delyuerd so many Castels & Townes in guy an / and so moche good shold haue ben yeuen with her / that al Englond shold haue ben ther by enriched / but cōtrary wyse fil wher fore euery grete prynce ought to kepe his promyse / for bycause of brekyng of this promyse / & for mariage of quene margrete what losse hath had the reame of Englond by losynge of Normandy [Page] and guyan / by dyuysyon in the reame / the rebellyng of Comyns ayenst theyr prince and lordes / what dyuysyon amōg the lordes. what murdre & sleyng of them / what feldes foughten & made / in cōclusyon so many that many a man hath loste his lyf / & in conclusyon the kyng deposed / & the quene with hir sone fayne to flee in to Scotlād / and from thens in to fraūce / & so to lorayne the pla ce that she come first fro / Many men deme that the brekyng of the kynges promysse to the suster of the erles of Armynak was cau se of this grete losse and aduersyte.
How the good duk of Gloucestre Humfrey the kynges vncl [...] was arestyd at the parlement of bnry, and his deth / and how an geo in mayne was delyuerd / Capitulo Ducentesimo / liijo. /
IN the yere xxv of kyng henry was a parlement at bury called saynt edmondes burye / about whiche was commā ded al the comyns of the coūtre to be there in theyr most defensable araye for to awayte vpon the kyng / to which parlemēt come the duk of gloucestre vmfrey the kynges vncle / which had ben protectonr of Englond alle the none age of the kyng / and anone after he was in his lodgyng / he was arestyd by the vysecoūt bemond the conestable of englond / whome accompanyed the duke of Bokyngham / & many other lordes / And forthwith al his ser uauntes were commaunded for to departe from hym, & / xxxij / of the chyef of them were also arestyd / and sent to dyuerse prysons & anone after this saide areste the said duke was sone after deede on whos soule god haue mercy amen / but how he deyde, and in what maner the certeynte is not to me knowen. sōme saide / he deide for so rowe / sōme saide he was murdred bitwene two fetherbeddes / othir saide that an hote spitte was put in his fūdament / but how he dei de / god knoweth / to whome is no thyng hyd / And then̄e whan he was so dede. he was leid open that al men myȝt see hym / & so both lordes & knyghtes of the shyres with burgeyses come & saw hym lye dede / but woūde ne token coude they perceyue how he deyde, here may men marke what this world is / this duk was a noble mā & a grete clerke, and had worshipfully ruled this reame to the kyn ges behoof, and neuer coude be founde faute to hym / but enuye of [Page] them that were gouernours / and had promysed the duchye of an geo and the Erledom of mayne caused the destructyon of this no ble man / for they drad hym that he wold haue enpesshed that delyueraūce. And after they sent his body to saynt Albons with cer teyne lyghtes for to be buryed / And so syr Geruays of clyfton had than the charge to conueye the corps / And so it was b [...]ed at seynt albons in the abbey / & / v / persones of his houshold were sent to london / and there were rayned & Iuged to be drawen honged and quartred / of whome the names were syre Rogyer chā burlayn knyght / one myddelton a squyer / Herbard a squyer / arthur a squyer / & Richard Nedham / whiche / v / persones were drawen from the tour of london thurgh chepe vnto Tyborn. & ther hā, ged / and late doune quyke, and thenne stript for to haue ben heded and quartred / And thenne the marquys of Suffolk shewed ther for them the kynges pardon vnder his grete seal / & soo they were pardonned of the remenaūt of the execucion, & had theyr lyues, And soo they were brought agayne to london / & after frely delyuerd / Thus bygan the trouble in the Reame of Englond for the dethe of this noble duk of Gloucestre / Alle the comyns of the royame bygan for to murmure for it, and were not content / After that pope Eugenye was dede / Nycholas the fyfthe was electr [...]o pe / This nycholas was chosen for Eugenye / yet hangyng the scis me / Notwithstōdyng he gate the obedyence of al Cristen royames For after he was elect and sacred pope / certayne lordes of Fraun ce and of englond were sente in to sauoye to pope Felix / for to entrete hym to cesse of the papacye / And by the special labour of the bisshop of Norwiche / and the lord of saynt Iohans he cessed the se cond yere after that pope nycholas was sacred / And the sayd Fe lyx was made legate of fraunce / and cardynal of sauoye / And resygned the hole papacye to Nycholas. and after lyued an holy lyf / and deyde an holy man / And as it is said almyghty god sheweth myracles for hym / This was the xx. ij scysme bytwene Eugenye and felyx. and dured / xvj / yere / The cause was this / the general counseyll of Basyle deposed Eugenye / whiche was only pope & Indubytate / for as moche as he obserued not / & kept the decrees and statutes of the counseyll of Constaunce, as it is afore sayd / nether he rought not to gyue obedyence to that general coū seylle in no maner wyse / wherof arose a grete altercacyon among wryters of this mater pro and contra / whiche can not acorde vn to this daye / One partye sayth that the Counseylle to aboue [Page] the pope / that other party said nay. but the pope is aboue yt coūseil God blessyd aboue al thynges gyue & graūte his pees in hooly chirche / spouse of crist amen / This nycholas was of Iene comē of sowe byrthe a doctour of dyuyuyte / an actyf man / he reedefyed many places that were broken & ruynous / & dide do make a grete walle aboute the palais / & made the walle newe abonte Rome for drede of the turkes / and the peple woūdred of the [...]syng, and resygnyng of felix to hym, consydered that he was a man of so hū ble byrth, And that other was of affynyte to al the most part of Cristen prynces / wherof ther was a verse publysshed in Rome in this maner / [...]ux fulsit mundo / cessit Felix Nycholao /
How Syr Fraūceys Aragonoys toke fogyers in Normandye And of the losse of Constantynople by the turke / Capitush. CC / liiijo /
IN the yere of kyng henry / xxvij. beyng trewes bytwene frā ce and englond. a knyght of the englyssh partye named Syr Fraūce ys Aragonoys toke a towne of Normandye named Fogyers ageynst the trewes / of whiche takyng bygan moche sorow and losse / For this was the occasyon. by whiche the frensshmen ga te al normandye / Aboute this tyme the cyte of Costantynople / whiche was the Imperyal cyte in al grece was taken by the turkes Infydeles / whiche was bytrayd / as sōme holde oppiny on. and thēperour taken & slayn / And that ryal chirche of sancta Sophia robbed and despoylled, & the Relyques & ymages and the Rode drawen about the stretes / whiche was done in despyte of cristen feyth / and sone after al crysten feith in grece perysshed & ces syd / Ther were many cristen men slayn / & Innumerable sold & put in captyuyte / by the takyng of this toun / the turke is gretely enhaūsed in pryde / And it is a grete losse vnto al cristen dom / In the yere / xxviij / was a parlement holden at westmestre / and frō thens adiourned to the blak freris at london / & after cristemasse to west mynstre ageyn / And this same yere Robert of Cane a man of the westcōtre with a fewe shippes toke a grete flote of shippes comyng out of the saye laden with salt, which shippes were of pruys / flā dres / holād & zeland / & brouȝt hem to hampton / wherfor the mar chaūtes of englōd beyng in flaūdres were arested in brugys Ipre & other places / & myȝt not be deliud ner their dettis discharged, til hey had made a poyntemēt for to pay for [...]hamēdes & hurtes of tho [Page] shippes, whiche was payd by the marchaūtes of the staple euery peny, And in lyke wyse the marchaūtes and goodes beyng in d [...]s ke were also arested. and made grete amendes, This same yere the frensshmen in a mornyng toke by a trayn the towne of poūt al ar che' and therin the lord Fauconbrydge was take prisoner and after that in december Roan was taken and lost / beyng therynne the duk of Somersete Edmond / the Erle of shrewesbury / which by apoyntement lefte pledges, & loste all Normandye. and [...]me home / And duryng the sayd parlement the duk of Suffolk was arestyd / and sente in to the toure / and ther he was a moneth / and after the kyng dyd do fetche hym out / for whiche cause al the com munes of englond were in a grete rumour / what for the delyueraū ce of Angeo and mayn / and after losynge of al Normandy / & in in especyal for the deth of the good duk of Gloucestre / in so moch that in som places men gadred to geders / & made hem capitayns as blewe berd / and other. whiche were resysted & taken & bad Iu styce & deyde / And thenne the sayd parlement was adiourned to leycestre / and thider the kyng brought with hym the duk of [...]uf folk. And whan the comyn hows vnderstode that be was out of the tour / and comen thyder they desyred to haue execucion on them that were cause of the delyueraunce of Normandy / & had ben cau se of the deth of the duk of Gloucestre / and had sold gascorne▪ & guyan / of whiche they named to be gylty / the duke of Suffolke as chyef / the lord saye / the bisshop of Salysbury / Danyel & many moo / And for to pease the comons / the duk of suffolk was [...] oute of Englond / v / yere / And so durynge the parlement [...] went in to Norfolk / and there toke shy [...]oyng for to goo oute of the re ame of englond in to fraūce / & this yere as he sayled on the [...]. a shyppe of warre callyd the Nycholas of tour me [...] with his ship and founde hym therynne / whome they toke oute / & brought hym in to theyr shippe tofore the mayster & Capytayns. & ther [...] was examyned. And atte last Iudged to the deth / and so they put h [...] in a Cabon & hi [...] chapelyue for to shryue hym / And that doone they brought hym in to douer Roode / and there set hym in to the boot / and there smote of his heede, and brought the body a lond vp on the sondes / and sette the heede therby▪ And this was done the first day of maye / Lo what auayled hym now al his delyueraū ce of Normandy / And here ye may here how he was rewarded for the deth of the duk of gloucestre / Thus bygan sorow vpon sorowe and deth for deth /
How this yere was thynsurrectyon in kente of the comyns. of whome Iak [...]de an yrysshman was Capytayne / Cao. / CC / lvo. /
THis yere of our lord M / CCCC. l, was the grete grace of the Iubylee at rome / where was grete pardon, in so moch yt from al places in Crystendom grete multitude of peple resorted thider / this yere was a grete assēble & gadyng to geder of the comons of kent in grete nombre & made an Insurectyon & rebel led ayenst the kyng & his lawes / & ordeyned hem a capytayn cal led Iohn Cade an yrysshman / whiche named hym self Mortymer cosyn to the duk of york / & this Capytayn held these men to geder & made ordenaūces amōg them / & brought hem to blakheth, where he made a bylle of petycyons to the kyng & his coūceyl, & shewed what Iniuryes & oppressyōs the poure comyns suffrid / & al vnder colour for to come to his aboue / And he had a grete multitude of peple, And the xvij day of Iuyn the kyng many lordes capitayns & men of warre went toward hym to the blacheth / & whan the capytayn of kent vnderstode the comyng of the kyng with so greete puyssaunce withdrewe hym with his peple to seuenok a lytell vyl lage / and the xxviij day of Iuyn he beyng withdrawen & goon the kyng come with his arme set in ordre & enbataylled to ye blakheth And by aduys of his coūceyll sent sir vmfrey stafford knyght. & william stafford squyer two valyaūt capytayns with certen peple to fight with the capytayn / & to take hym & brynge hym & his ac cessaryes to the kyng / which wente to seuenok / & there the capitayn with his felauship met with hem / & fought ayenst hem / & in cō clusion slewe them bothe / & as many as abode / & wold not yelde hem ner flee, Duryng this scarmuche fil a grete varyaūce amōg ye lordes men & comyn peple beyng on the blakheth ayenst their lor des & capytayns / sayeng playnly / yt they wold go to the capitayn of kent to assiste & helpe hym / but yf they myȝt haue execucion on the traitours beyng about the kyng / wher to the kyng said nay. & they said playnly that the lord saye tresorer of englōd / the bisshop of salisbury / the baron of dudely / the abbot of gloucestre / Danyel & Treuilyan & many mo were traitours & worthy to be dede / herfor for to plese the lordes meyne. & also some of the kynges hows / the lord saye was arestid & sent to the tour of london / & thenne yt kyng heryng tidynges of yt deth & ouerthrowyng of the staffordes with drewe hym to lōdon & fro thens to killyngworth / for yt kyng ne yt [Page] lordes durst not truste theyr owne houshold meyne / Thenne after that the capytayn had had this vyctorye vpon these staffordes anone he toke syr vmfreys salade & his brigātyns smyten ful of gylt nayles / and also his gylt spores / & arayd hym lyke a lord and a capytayne / & resorted with al his meyne / and also mo than be had to fore to the blakheth ageyne / to whome come the Archebisshop of Caūterbury / and the duk of Bokyngham to the blacheth. and spak with hym' And as it was sayd they founde hym wytty in his talkyng and his request / and so they departed / And the thyrd day of Iuyl he come and entred in to london with alle