Speciall Orders and directions By the Queenes Maiesties commandement, to all Iustices of Peace, and all Maiors, Shiriffes, and all principall Officers of Cities, Boroughs, and Townes corporate, for stay and redresse of dearth of Graine;
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. ANNO 1600.
¶ A new charge for execution of sundry Orders published the yeere 1595. for stay of dearth of Graine; Now this present yeere to bee well obserued and executed.
WHere in some parts of this Realme Corne without any iust cause for any thing that hath hitherto appeared is suddenly risen to a far greater price then hath bene expected. To the ende that the true cause thereof may bee knowen & found out, & that al good meanes may bee vsed to preuent all occasions that might mooue any further dearth of Graine hereafter; Her Maiestie hath thought good by the aduise of the Lords & other of her Priuie Counsell, to publish and set foorth these Orders following from henceforth to be obserued.
1 THat the Iustices of Peace in euery County (not being ingrossers or buyers of Corne to the intent to sell the same againe) deuide themselues into seuerall Lymits, and from time to time from hencefoorth doe vse all care and diligence to be truely informed [Page 2]without partialitie to any person what store of Graine any person hath in any Parish to spare aboue what may be for his owne needfull vse and expences, and of what kinde.
2 That they vse for their better helpe herein, such persons and in such maner as they shall thinke most fit and conuenient for the furtherance of this seruice.
3 And to that end that they be charged diligently and carefully to informe themselues, and to make due inquirie, search and triall what quantitie of any maner of Graine they or any other within their Parish, aswell Iustices of the Peace as others whatsoeuer haue in their Barnes, Grayners, Lofts, Cellours, Floores or otherwise to bee deliuered vnto them vpon any bargaine, more then will conueniently serue for their owne needfull expences.
4 Item, what number of Badgers, Kidders, Broggers, or Carriers of Corne, Butter, Cheese or other like Victuals, inhabite within the said Parish, And whither they doe vse to cary their Corne or other Victuals which they doe buy, and where they do vsually buy the same, and what their names bee, and how long they haue vsed that trade, and by whose licence, and to see the same Licences of what tenour they are of.
5. Item, what number of Malt-makers, Bakers, Common brewers, Inkeepers or Tiplers, dwel within the saide Parish, and who they are by name, and howe long they haue vsed that trade, and howe much they bake or brewe in the weeke, and what other trade they haue whereby otherwise to liue.
6 Item, who within the said Parish be Ingrossers or buyers of Corne, or doe vse to buy or haue bought any Corne or Graine to sell againe, and what quantitie they haue bought, and of what kindes, and [Page 3]at what price sithence Michaelmas last, and howe much thereof they haue sold, and at what prices. And aboue all others to take speciall care that the storehouses and Grainers of al such Ingrossers, Badgers, and buyers of Corne to sell againe be throughly and perticularly viewed and looked vnto, and perfit notice taken what store of all kindes of Graine euery such person hath.
7 Item, whether any Tanner within the same Parish doth vse any Malt, Barly, or other Graine in or about the tanning of any kinde of Leather, if any doe, then what quantitie they vse or spend about the same.
8 Item, who within the same Parish buyeth, or haue bought or solde any Graine vpon the ground, of whom and to whom hath the same bent bought or solde, and at what price, and to certifie vnto the Iustices of the premisses, and of euery part thereof on the first day of Iuly now next comming, and to euery part of these Articles the parties assigned shall bring answere from point to point.
9 The Iustices of the Peace within their seueral Diuisions, shall take speciall care that the Orders ensuing be well obserued, and duely put in execution, as themselues will answere the contrary, and that they once euery Moneth at the furthest, doe certifie vnto the Lords of her Maiesties Priuie Councill, in what state their Countrey standeth for plentie or scarcetie of Corne and Graine, and the prices thereof, and how the Orders ensuing be put in execution and obeyed, and whether they or any of them shalbe found by experience profitable and conuenient, or otherwise vnprofitable or inconuenient to be put in execution in the same Countreys.
The Orders to be obserued are these. Ʋiz.
THat none be permitted to buy nor sell any maner of Corne but in the open Market, vnlesse the same be by speciall licence, or by commission or warrant for her Maiesties seruice, or to some poore handicrafts men, or day laborers within the Parish wherein they doe dwel, that cannot conueniently come to the Market townes by reason of distance of place, according to such direction as shall be giuen in that behalfe by the Iustices of the Peace of that Diuision within which they do dwell, or two of them: & to none of these poore aboue one bushell at a time, and thereof the party shall keepe a particular note in writing to whom he shall so sell weekly, and at what prices, so as the same may appeare to the Iustices to be done without fraud or abuse.
2 That the Iustices of the Peace within their seuerall Diuisions haue special regard that Ingrossers of Corne be carefully seene vnto, and that thereupon they may be seuerely proceeded with, and punished according to the Law: and to see that none be permitted to by any Corne to sell againe, but by speciall licence; and such to be drawen to sell some reasonable portion to the poore at reasonable prices both in the Markets and otherwise.
3 That no Badgers be permitted, but such as the Statute doth limit; and that no seruant of any be licenced to be a Badger, except sixe of the Iustices at the least shall in open Sessions for some necessary cause [Page 6]allow any such, and that none at all be allowed a Badger, except he be allowed in open Sessions, & the Badger allowed, not to make prouision or sell in any forren countrey but with the priuity and allowance of some Iustices of the Peace of that countrey. And furthermore, that none be permitted to buy or prouide Corne in the Market in grosse, as a Badger or Baker, Brewer or Purueyour, and such like, vpon paine of imprisonment, vntill two houres after the full Market be begunne in the Summer time, and one houre in the Winter time, that the poore may be first serued.
4 Where in some parts of the Realme diuers Millers, who ought onely to serue for grinding of Corne that shall be brought to their milles, haue begun lately a very corrupt trade, to be cōmon buyers of Corne, both in Markets and out of Markets, and the same do grind into meale, and do vse as Badgers, or otherwise to sell the same at Markets and in other places, seeking thereby an inordinate gaine, besides the misvsing of other mens Corne brought thither to be ground, by delay of grinding, or that woorse is, by changing and altering of their good Corne to the worse: It is thought very necessary that the Iustices of the Peace, who are not owners by any title of any milles, nor masters or landlords to any Millers, shall first inhibit all Millers vpon paine both of imprisonment and fine to vse any such trade of buying of any graine to be solde either in Corne or Meale, but to charge them to continue the orderly vse of grinding of all maner of Corne that shall be brought to them, in reasonable good sort, and vpon reasonable toll. And for better performance hereof, some of the Iustices not affectionated to the Millers shall sometime personally themselues resort to the milles to ouersee the [Page 6]doings of the sayd Millers, and compell them to doe their dueties. And where none of the Iustices can as need shalbe weekely looke thereto, they shall appoint certaine honest persons weekly to attend thereto, and to informe themselues of the poorer sort how they are vsed in this time of dearth for their grinding & their toll, and present the defaults to the Iustices, to be speedily reformed with all due seuerity.
5 Higlers and Purueyors for the City of London or any other City, not to be permitted to buy Corne or other victual but in open Market, & that two houres after the full Market in the Summer and one houre in the Winter. Neuerthelesse, for the better furnishing of the sayd Cities with necessary prouisions and in conuenient maner it is ordered that further prouisions shall be from time to time made for them in such sort as the Lords of her Maiesties Councell shal further direct in that behalfe.
6 That the Iustices vse all other good meanes possible that are not mentioned in these orders, that the Markets may be well serued, and the poore relieued in their prouisions during all times of dearth. And that in times of dearth no expense of any graine meet for bread to feed men be wasted vpon feeding of dogs or other beasts, neither that any at any time be spent in making stuffe called Starch, or in tanning of any kinde of leather.
7 That where need shall so require all good meanes and persuasions be vsed by the Iustices in their seuerall Diuisions, and by admonitions and exhortations in Sermons in the Churches by the Preachers and Mimsters of the Word, that the poore may be serued of Corne at conuenient and charitable prices. And to the furtherance thereof, that the richer sort be earnestly moued by Christian charity to cause [Page 7]their graine to be solde vnder the common prices of the Market to the poorer sort: A deed of mercy that will doubtlesse be rewarded of Almighty God.
8 That the Iustices be straightly commanded to see by all good meanes that houses of Correction be prouided and furnished, and there idle vagabonds to be punished, and set on worke according to the statute.
9 That the Iustices doe their best to haue conuenient stocks of money or wares to be prouided in euery Diuision or other places, according to the statute, for setting the poore on worke: and the Iustices to vse all other good and politike meanes within their seuerall Diuisions to continue and maintaine the poore people in worke within the Parish, according to the statute, and namely in clothing countreyes to charge the Clothiers that haue in former times gained by that trade, to continue the same, whereby the poore may be set on worke.
10 That the maimed and hurt Souldiour, and all other impotent persons, be carefully seene vnto to be relieued within their seuerall Parishes, Hundreds or Diuisions, according to the Law there in prouided: and that where the prouisions formerly made and assessed vpon the housholders in euery parish be not sufficient, it may be now for this time of dearth charitably increased. And where any Parish is not able to giue sufficient reliefe to such their poore, that parish to haue the supply of such other parishes nere adioyning as haue fewer poore, & are better able to giue reliefe. And no vagabond or any other be suffered to wander abroad vnder colour of begging in any towne, field or high way, but that the statute in that behalfe be duly put in execution.
11 If there be any speciall part within any Shire that hath as a libertie by speciall Commissions any [Page 8]Iustices of the Peace within the same, the Shirife of the Shire shall send vnto the principall owner or officer of such Liberty notice of these orders, and shall charge them that the Iustices of the Peace within such Liberty do their dueties for execution of all these orders, as farre foorth as shall be requisit, and therein also to vse by conference the aduice of some other Iustices next adioyning.
12 That no transportation of Corne or Victuall be but from port to port within this Realme, and that but in cases needful, as for the prouisions of London, shipping, her Maiesties seruice, or such like. And that be done by the view and ouerseeing of her Maiesties officers of the Custome house of the Port where the same shall be laden, or of the most part of them, and of the chiefe Magistrates of the Towne in which that port is, and also of some of the Commissioners of the County in which that port is, and for that purpose assigned. And that in such case good bonds with sufficient sureties be taken to her Maiesties vse for the deliuery thereof at the Port to which the same shall be assigned. And for bringing backe in conuenient time not only a true Certificate of the vnlading thereof at the same port so assigned from her Maiesties officers of the Custome house of that port to the Customer of the port where the same was laden, but also another Certificate from the chiefe Magistrate of the Towne of that port where the same shalbe assigned to be vnladen: and from some of the Commissioners of the County in which that Towne is for the purpose assigned, vnto the Commissioners & chiefe magistrate of that port where the same was laden, of the due and iust vnlading thereof at the port assigned. And transcripts of those Certificats to be made and certified into the Eschequer in the beginning of euery Terme.
[Page 9] 13 And if the commissioners for that purpose assigned shall not do their best indeuors to make stay of the transporting of Corne, as by authority of their commission they ought to doe, then any other Iustice by authority of these orders shall make stay of all such transportation, and in his so doing shall be allowed and maintained. And this is thought meet to be in this sort directed, for that it may be doubted that amongst so many as are appointed in the foresayd commission against transportation some may bee mistaken, being themselues either transporters, or friends or fauourers to transporters, or negligent in the execution of the charge committed to them.
14 That speciall care be taken that the Fishdayes and dayes of Fasting and abstinence bee very strictly and duely kept.
15 That those that are Ingrossers or hoorders vp of Corne, and bring litle quantitie to the Market, that from such persons prouision may be made for her Maiesties shipping, the seruice of Ireland, and other publique seruices, as need shall require.
16 To take order that the multitude of Badgers and buyers both of Butter & Cheese, as also of Corne to sell againe, may in euery Countie vpon conference amongst the Iustices be reduced to a competent number, and those of the fittest persons for that purpose, and the residue to be remoued.
17 That such of these Badgers & buyers as shall remaine, be onely permitted to make prouision to furnish the Markets of such Cities and other great Townes and places, which otherwise are not able to be sufficiently prouided for, of those prouisions in the Countreys neere adioyning, for that they are onely needfull for those places.
18 To foresee that no couenous practises be vsed [Page 10]betweene the Farmer or Maulster, and the Badger, Baker, Brewer, or buyer to sell againe, whereby the Farmer or other should deteine his Corne or Mault do the ende of the Market to the hinderance of the Market: But if any such be found then such offender to be duely punished.
19 That in such Townes and Parishes where any dearth shalbe, the Iustices of those Lymits or places do from time to time assigne some one honest person to be a Baker, to serue onely the poorer sort, and to make for them such bread, & at such assise and price as the saide Iustices shall assigne, allowing to such person as shall take the paines therein, a reasonable proportion of gaine for his or her trauaile and charges, as shalbe thought fit by the same Iustices, And that the Iustices haue speciall care that the Assise of bread and drinke be duely seene, and that weights and measures be according to the Standerds.
20 After view taken of the number of Alehouses, Victualling houses, and Tippling houses in euery Towne, parish, village and Hamlet within their iurisdictions, to consider what number of them is necessary and fit for euery Towne, parish, village & hamlet to continue. And thereupon to discharge the superfluous number, and such as are vnmeete to keepe the same, and to allow but a conuenient number, and no more then shalbe needfull, and those but in places necessary, & the same to bee in the midst & heart of the said Townes and villages, and in no sort to allow any at the ends of any Towne, village, or hamlet, nor in out places or places distant from the rest of the towne or village. And hereafter no licence to be granted for Victualling or tipling, but in the open quarter Sessions, and that by the consent of the most part of the Iustices there present, whereof some of them to be [Page 11]of the Lymite in which the house is, whose names with the number of ye houses licenced in euery towne or village, the Clearke of the Peace shall insert in a Booke, or roll to be kept for that purpose. And that no greater number bee hereafter admitted to keepe Tipling houses in any Towne, village or place, but such as shall be agreed at this first view, and order to be taken therein.
21 To take straite order by Bonde or otherwise with the common Brewers, that they serue no Beere or Ale to any Iunekeeper, Alehousekeeper, Victualler or Tipler, but at such rate and price as by the Iustices of the Peace shalbe set downe and appointed by authoritie of the Statute of 23. Hen. 8. Cap. 4. And yet the same to be well sodden, and well brewed of wholesome Graine as it ought to be, which order is thought fit to bee done at the quarter Sessions by a generall consent.
22 That no Inkeeper or Tipler that may conueniently be serued from any Brewer, be suffred to brew in their houses, but that they take from the Brewers such drinke onely and of such reasonable syse, as shall be fit for traueilers and passengers, and as the Iustices of the Peace of that place or Lymit shall assigne or set downe as fit for that purpose, wherein they are to haue speciall respect that the drinke be such onely as may serue for necessary vse, and not for drunkennesse or excesse; And that no Victualing or Tipling house haue drinke of any better goodnesse then another.
23 That the same Iustices take order in like maner where no Common brewer may be had, to serue these houses, that some one house of these brewe for themselues & the other Inkeepers & Tiplers in that towne Beere of one assise and vrice, as the same Iustices shall set downe & appoint so be sold as is aforesaid.
[Page 12] 24 That such as vsually haunt Tauernes, Innes or other Tipling houses, and shalbe there found tipling extraordinarily, and such other as vse to drinke in these places to drunkennes, or other extraordinary excesse, bee bound with good Suerties to their good behauiour, which if they shall refuse to doe, then the Iustices to commit such so refusing to the common Gaile, there to remaine vntill they shall finde such Suerties as is aforesaid.
25 That they which shalbe allowed to be Alehouse keepers and Victuallers shall be of honest conuersation, and of reasonable value, and to enter bonds with good sureties to her Maiesties vse to performe the orders following: which bonds shalbe by the Clerke of the Peace presented to the Iustices in their Sessions to be seene whether the conditions are broken: and thereupon the Custos Rotulorum or his deputie to certifie the same into the Eschequer, and such of them as shall refuse to be bound not to be permitted to keepe any Alehouse or Victualling house.
26 That no Victuallers, Tiplers, & Alehouse keepers haue in their houses, or do permit to be brought into their houses any Cards, Dice, or Tables, nor to suffer any to play in their houses, yards, or backsides, at any Cards, tables, dice, or other vnlawfull games.
27 That no Victualler, Tipler, or Alehouse keeper shall dresse or suffer to be dressed or eaten within his house any flesh vpon any forbidden day, sauing in case of necessity of sicknesse, according to the statute in that behalfe prouided.
28 That they suffer none to eat & tiple, or victuall in their houses but such as are wayfaring men, that shall take the same to refresh themselues in their passage or iourney, or such as shalbe appointed to lodge or take diet in their houses, but to deliuer out of their [Page 13]houses that quantity of drinke which their neighbors of the poorer sort shall haue need of, to be drunke in the houses of those who fetch or send for the same, and not elswhere.
29 To permit no drunkenesse in their house, nor any tipling at all on the Sabbath day, or holy day in time of Diuine seruice, nor after eight of the clocke in the afternoone.
30 That no Victualler, Tipler, or Alehouse keeper shall permit and suffer any person or persons to lodge in his house aboue a day and a night, but such as he will answere for, as the statutes in that behalfe made do require.
31 To giue strait order and charge to euery Constable or other inferior officer to whom it may appertaine, that euery of them shall once in euery fifteene dayes search and inquire of the defaults and disorders aforesayd, and shall informe the Iustices of the Peace of the same defaults and disorders if any be, that the offenders therein may therupon be proceeded on and punished according to the law. And if it shall seeme to the Iustice that the petty constable be either a Victualler, or one that shall fauour the Victuallers in their faults, then some other meet person to be appointed to make the sayd Inquisition and Certificate.
32 No Tipler to buy any goods of any wayfaring man, or other that shall bring the same to their houses to sell, but of such as shall be well knowen vnto them to be of honest conuersation, and whom they shall be able alwayes to produce, or haue to be foorth comming.
33 All these with such other necessary Articles as the Iustices of the seuerall Counties (to whom the estate of the Shire is best knowen) shall thinke necessary in the seuerall Counties to be added, the Alehouse [Page 14]keepers and Victuallers shall be bound to obserue.
34 Whosoeuer shal vse tipling or victualling without licence, or shall breake the Orders as aforesayd to be prescribed to them, to be proceeded withall, and seuerely punished, according to the statute and law in that behalfe, and to be displaced.
35 Lastly, and if any shall offend against the true meaning of these instructions, or of any part thereof, or shal vse any sinister meane to the defrauding thereof, that such be seuerely punished according to the Lawes: and for such obstinate persons as shall not conforme themselues the Iustices shall at their discretion binde them to appeare before the Queenes Maiesties Priuy councell by a day certaine, there to be further dealt with by seuere punishment, for the betterensample of all others.