❧ By the King.
❧ A Proclamation for freedom of passage out of Ireland into England.

WHereas some restraint hath heretofore been made by His Majestie by Proclamation, of the free passage of His Subjects out of the Kingdom of Ireland into England without Licence in that behalf: His Majestie by the advice of His Privie Councell, and upon the motion of both the Houses now here assembled in Parliament, hath thought fit to take off that restraint; And doth therefore hereby declare His Royall will and pleasure to be; That all His Ports of Ireland shall be as open and free for all His Subjects to passe out of that Kingdom into England as formerly they have been, notwith­standing any restraint by Proclamation since His Majesties accesse to the Crown.

And therefore His Majestie doth straitly charge and command all Majors, Soveraignes, Portreeves, Customers, Comptrollers, Surveyors, Searchers, Waiters, and all other His Majesties Officers and Ministers of all or any the Ports of Ireland, or the members thereof; That they permit and suffer all such of His Majesties Subjects within that Realm as shall be minded to transport themselves into England, to have freedom of passage at the said Ports accordingly without any their lets or interruptions; Any His Majesties Pro­clamations to the contrary notwithstanding: And His Majestie further requireth that this His Royall pleasure be made known to all his Subjects, by publishing the same in both the said Kingdoms.

God save the King.

¶ Imprinted at London by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1640

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