¶An Acte for the repeale of certayne Actes made in the tyme of kyng Edwarde the sixt.

FOrasmuche as by dyuerse and seueral Actes hereafter mencioned, aswell the di­uine seruice, & good administration of ye Sacramentes, as diuerse other matters of religion (whiche we and our forefathers founde in this Churche of Englande to vs, lefte by the authoritie of the catholike Churche) be partely altered and in some parte taken from vs, and in place therof newe thynges ymagined, and set forth by the sayd Actes, such as a feaw of singularitie haue of them selues deuised. Wherof hath ensued amongest vs in very short tyme numbers of dyuers and straunge opinions, & diuersities of sectes, & ther­by growen great vnquietnes, & muche discord, to the great disturbaunce of the comen welth of this realme, and in very short time lyke to growe to extreame peryll and vtter confusion of the same, onles some remedy be in that behalfe prouided. Which thing all true louinge and obedient subiectes, ought, and are bounden to forsee and prouide to thuttermoost of their power.

In consideration wherof, be it enacted and establyshed by the Quenes hyghnes, the Lordes spirituall and temporall, and the commons in this same presente parliament assembled, and by thaucthority of the same, that an Acte made in ye parliament begonne at Westmynster the fourth day of Nouember in the fyrst yeare of the reygne of the late kynge Edward the syxt, and from thence continued to the .xxiiii. day of December then next ensuynge, that is to saye, in the fyrste session of the same parliament, intituled, and Acte agaynst suche persons as should vnreuerentlye speake agaynst the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ, comonly called the Sacrament of the aulter, and for the receauinge therof in both kyndes. And also one other Acte in the same session, whiche is intituled, an Acte for the election of Byshops, and what seales and stiles they & other spirituall persons exercisinge iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall shoulde vse. And also one other Acte made in one other session of the sayd parliament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster, the fourth day of Nouember, in the second yeare of the reygne of the sayde late kynge Edward the syxte, and there continued and kept to the .xiiii. daye of Marche in the thyrd year of the said late kynges reigne, intituled, an Act for the vniformitie of seruice, and administration of the Sacramentes, throughout the realme. And also one other Acte made in the session last before men­tioned, whiche is intituled, an Acte to take away all positiue lawes, made agaynst the maryage of priestes. And also one other Acte, made in one other session of the sayd parlyament, holden v­pon prorogation at Westminster the fourth day of Nouember, in the thyrde yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kinge Edward the syxte, and there continued, and kept to the fyrst day of February in the fourth yeare of his reygne, entituled, an Acte for thabolishyng and puttyng awaye of dyuers bookes and ymages. And also one other Acte made in the same session last before menci­oned, intituled, an Act made for thordring of the Ecclesiastical ministres. And also one other Act made in one other session of the sayde parlyament, holden vpon prorogation at Westminster the xxiii. day of Ianuary in the fyft yeare of the reygne of the sayde late kynge Edwarde the syxte, and there continued and kept, tyl the .xv. daye of Apryl. in the sixt yeare of the reygne of the said late kynge, intituled, an Acte for the vniformitie of comon prayer, and the administration of the Sacramentes. And one other Acte, made in the same last session, intituled, an Act for the keping [Page]of holy dayes and fastinge dayes. And one other Acte made in the session last recited, intituled, an Acte made for the declaration of a Statute made for the mariage of priestes, and for the le­gittimation of theyr children▪ and euery clause, sentence, braunche, article, and articles, menti­oned, expressed, or conteyned in the said Estatutes, and in euery of them shalbe from henceforth vtterly repelled, voyde, adnichilate, and of none effecte, to all purposes, constructions, and in­tentes, any thinge or thinges, conteyned or specified in the sayde Estatutes, or anye of them to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandynge.

And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd, that all suche diuine seruice and admi­nistration of Sacramentes, as were most comenly vsed in the realme of Englande, in the laste yeare of the raygne of our late Soueraigne Lord, kynge Henry theight, shalbe from, and after the .xx. day of December, in this present yeare of our Lorde God, a thousande, fyue hundred, fyftie and thre, vsed and frequented throughe the hole realme of England, & al other the Que­nes Maiesties dominions. And that no other kynd nor order of diuine seruice, nor administra­tion of Sacramentes, be after the sayde twenteth day of December, vsed or ministred in anye other maner, fourme, or degree within the sayde realme of England, or other the Quenes do­minions, then was most comenly vsed, ministred, and frequented in the sayde laste yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry theyght.

And be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde, that no person shalbe impeched, or mo­lested in body or goodes, for vsynge heretofore, or vntyll the sayd. xx. day of December, the di­uine seruice mentioned in the sayd Actes, or any of them, nor for thusyng of the olde diuine ser­uice and administration of Sacramentes in suche maner and fourme, as was vsed in ye church of Englande, before the makynge of any of the sayde Actes.

God saue the Quene.

Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiae excusum. Anno. M.D.LIII.

Cum priuilegio adimprimendum solum

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