AN APPROVED Medicine against the deserued Plague.
¶Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray.
¶JMPRINTED AT London, by Thomas Est, dwelling in Aldersgate-streete, at the Signe of the black Horse.
ALthough (Honorable Madame) the matter herewith tendred, be of small worth, to some men, & lesse esteemed with many, yet sure I am the right vse thereof, may aduaile moe, then make accompt of it. If in the daies of health & prosperitie, wee thinck it duetifull to pray the Lord, to continue the same, how much more ought wee, in affliction and aduersitie, to practise sound petition, which godlinesse hath this riches, that the faithfull by it in Christ from God, doth receiue, both temporary good, and eternall comforts. Wee in this Realme, are vnder the rod of affliction, and who doth pray, but those which are taught of God, to vse it. Amongst the number of whome, for that in my knowledge, with many others in Court, your Ladiship doth dayly vse and desire it, and my selfe for your good opinion and Christian kindnesse conceiued and bestowed on mee, to you greatly boūd, I am bold to patronize my poore indeauors present, vnder your Godly protection, assured that [Page] both in Court & country, it shalbe the more in vse, which vndoubtedly will counteruaile their paines, if they pray in faith. The cause mouing this my boldnesse, to present the Church here with, is, my dutie to the same in general, & especially, next to the most honorable Court, (whereof I am a poore membre, in hir Maiesties goodnesse,) to my comfortable charge at Stepney, a people of great import, for Maryne seruice, cheefely zealous in God, loyall to hir Maiestie, well deseruing of the whole Realme, and now vnder the rod of this smart visitatiō, for whom, I humbly besech all them, which may or shall feele any comfort by this poore tender, that in their feruent prayers, they will effectually commēd vs to the Throne of Gods mercies in Christ. And to you good Madame, with the rest of the honorable and godly Ladies and others at Court, I humbly commend mee, beseeching God, to graunt vs mercifull deliuerance of this his louing rod, that wee hir Maiesties seruants, may thether returne to our boūden dutie, as apertaineth, and so humbly I take my leaue.
¶To the humble hearted Readers, in the Lord.
THE Almightie GOD, the Lord of Hosts (as Father of mercies) deare brethern, for many yéeres past, hath swéetly called vs to vnfained repentance, by the Ministery of his holy woord, but wée haue not hearkened therevnto. Wherefore eftsoones and againe, the same mightie God, doth at this present, sommon vs, by his smart Preacher,Micah. 6.9. the visiting rod. Whose encreasing voyce, cryeth to all in the persons of many, thus. Oh sinfull earth hearken and giue eare: stop thy course, stay thy race, tourne thy selfe to mée, receaue my stripes with pacience, and wisely foresée the plague and hide thée. For he that sent mée saith farther vnto thee.Pro. 22.3. Zoph. 2.1. O Nation not worthie to be loued, how yet, haue I, loued thee? What should I haue done, that I haue not done vnto thée? I haue giuen thée a wonderfull peace, an inuincible protection, an heauenly doctrine, and the choyse store, of all earthy treasure. The gold of Ophir, Salomon sought after,2. Chron. 8.18. but the Indians gold, I haue powred into thy lap, as vnlooked for. A Prince thou hast, the holy wonder of the world. Else, aske the Ilands which know not God. Thy Realme and rest, is kept by mée, the watchman thereof, and when soeuer the enimie assaileth, I put him back, with great disgrace. The heauens doe drop the fatnesse, & the earth doth make thée laugh and sing, what wouldest thou haue more, but a continuance of that spirituall comfort, and corporall pleasures which yet abide with thée, but be wise and consider, sée how I now begin to beate thée, beware therefore, repent in tyme, least I vtterly remoue,Reue. 2.5. thy Candlestick from thée, and then who will pittie thy last dissolution? Behold, [Page] and heare my rod,Micah. 6.9. and mée that sent it. I haue made thée sick with striking, doe not my percing arrows, stick fast in thée?Psal. 38.2.5. Are not thy wounds putrified? Doth not hasty death greatly deuoure thée? Mark it well and the cause therof. Thy sinne is the cause,Micah. 6.13. thy great sinnes, and they passing accompt.Oseas. 9.9.17 Turne therefore vnto mée that am in iust angre comming vnto thée with a mynde of reuenge: prepare thée therefore to méete mée, before the daye of my decrée come foorth.Psal. 106. in all. Lucke. 7.38. Ioel. 2.13. Come to mée, not with Israells hipocrisie, but with Magdalens teares. Rent your harts, and kéepe whole your garments, for I cannot take pleasure, in that bodely exercise, where the penitent spirit, speaketh not for mercie. If any be afflicted let him pray.Iam. 5.13. If many be vnder the rod, let all come together, turne together, mourne together, cry together and say: O Lord of Hosts, in the midle of thy wars thinck vpon thy promised mercies. Wée come, no more to fight against thée in our sinfull lusts, but to fall before thée, forsaking & confessing our sinnes, swéet Lord haue mercie. And let euery of you,Esa. 1.5.6. Hos. 4.1. Iero. 8.6. from the top to the toe, (for you are sore from the head to the foote) applying profitably the contrauersie to your selues, say: Our sinnes O Lord, yea euery man say, my sinnes, as our sinnes are the causes of this malady. Our rebellions, presumptions, scorning, Atheistical, our Romane sinnes, our carnall apetites, present, past, remembred, and forgotten sinnes. Sinnes without remorse, without conscience, against all conscience, euen when ye spirit quaketh in dread: euen thē ye flesh burneth in lust. Sinnes in Court vnbridled, sinnes in the Church not repented of, in the country not cared for.Iero. 17.27. The prophanation of the Sabboth day, the abhominations in the wéeke day, no truth, lesse trust,Hose. 4.1.2. no faith to God, no loue to our brethern, much fayll of loyaltie to the Prince, and small proofe of due obedience, to hir Magistrates. But a mightie scorne of the Lords Preachers, through an vtter contempt of his woord. Resolute, in league with sinne,Esa. 28. death and hell, and an absolute distrust, of Gods sure promises, either for mercies, or Iudgement. [Page] And what should I say more? Oh how many are the foolish wise, which say in vnpunished boldnesse, they haue no God,Psal. 14.1. There is no God. Oh England, O people, why wilt thou dye? Say to thy selfe, Oh Soule, repent thée of thy sinne,Iero. 18.8. &. 26 3. Psal. 91.4.7. and God will repent him of the plague, will take thée into his protection, and hide thée vnder his wings. They shall fall on both sides thée, but it shall not come to thee.
But if thou wilt not hearken to this his voice, O flesh, (of what mould so euer,) but still wilt pamper thy selfe in carnall delights, to a further transgression, (which now ought to be feared) then feare, for he hath not sent this scourage for little purpose, and be sure that he hath his store-house full, of finall instruments, which can and will make quick dispatch. As cleannesse of téeth, barrennesse of earth,Amos. 4.6. brought of heauen, deuouring wormes, fierie feauers, burning botch, scowring sword, reuenging axe, haylestones and stormes of fier, as of Sodome and Gomorrah, to persecute, to pull downe, to cast out, and into hell, all those which forget God. Are the treasures of wickednesse still in your houses, the false balance, small waights, naughtie wares, counterfaite lights, swéet woords, sowre déedes?Eccle. 10.16.17 Do your heads eate for lust, and not for néede, drinck to surfet, and not for thirst, send their proud seruants, to bring, and neuer satisfied? Are the daughters of Sion proud, as Esay descryes them?Amos 4.1. Esa. 3.16. Ezech 13.18. Esa. 28.10. 1. cor. 9.26. & 14.9. Ier. 20.9. Micha. 3.12. Be your Prophets chamber groomes, to lay pillowes, vnder sinfull elbowes? or doe their tongues cleaue to the roofe of their mouthes? or speake they to the Clowds, or in the Ayre? or is fearefull Ieremy, become an example? Oh for woe. Ah Syon, thou plowed field, sometime, the bewtie of the world? what is become of thée? Oh England the present Bride, beware of widowhood,Psal. 19.5. Cant. 6.1. the Bridegroome is come out of his chamber, goe foorth to méete him. He is gon into his beds of spiceries, shall be finde store?Cant. 4.13. He féedeth of flowers, where be his Lillies? Oh thrise happie land, perceaue thy present happinesse, preuent a futuer horror, pray for the lyfe of thy Princely light, and harden not thy hart,2. Sam. 21.17. [Page] being still dayly called in mercie.1. Cor. 11. Lucke. 13.3.5. For this sinne, many are sick, and many are dead, let the Remainder repent, least ye all likewise perish. And now my beloued, and important charge,Ro. 12.1. I besech you by the mercies of God, remember with mee,Amos. 1.2. &. 3.4. there is no plague but for sinne, and the Lyon roareth not, without his pray. Wée are now vnder this growing plague with others,Zeph. 2.3. lette vs repent effectually as others, which truely,Esa. 30.22. séeke the Lord, Cast our sinnes from vs, and draw the Lords mercie to vs. Forget not what godly Sirach saith,Eccle. 10.8. because of vnrighteous dealing, and wrongs, and riches gotten by deceipt, the Kingdome, is translated, from one people,Hab [...]. 2.9. to an other. Wo vnto the buylder which buildeth with blood. And bewise to vnderstand this. Goods euill gotten, are of no long continuance. Finally let this sentence sommon you, before the last Tromp, sound for you. Go to now,Ia 5.1.2 ye rich men, wéepe and howle, for your miseries, that shall come vpon you. Your riches are corrupt, and your garments are moth eaten, your gold and siluer is canckered, and the rust of them, shalbe a witnesse against you, and shall eate your flesh, as it were fier. Ye heaped vp treasures for the last daies. Behold: the hyer of your laborers, which haue reaped your féelds (roomed your shippes) which is of you kept back, by fraud, cryeth, and their crye, is entred into the eares of the Lord of Hosts. Iames, 5.1.2. &c. Lay your selues open to the Lord, for all things are apparant vnto him,Pro. 28.13. but he will haue thée to accuse thy selfe, that he may forgiue thée. He that hideth his sinnes (saith Salomon) shall not prosper, but he that confesseth his sinnes, and forsaketh them, shall finde mercie. Therefore take a good heart to thée, bring repentance with thée, fall on your knées,1. Tim. 2.8. lift vp pure hands, the whole in Church, in our great assemblies, the sick at home, amids their children and families. Take these prayers (or such) into your hands, send them hartely, vp to God, in Christ our onely Mediator, and feare not to finde mercie, with gracious deliuerance, because,Pro. 50.15. he hath so promised, saying: Call vpon mée in the day [Page] of thy trouble, and I will heare thée, and deliuer thée, and thou shalt glorifie mee.Math. 11.28. And our sauiour Christ doth tenderly inuite all penitent sinners thus. Come vnto mée all you that trauell and be heauie loden, and I my selfe will ease you. To whome with the Father and the holy Ghost be alwaies, all honour and glorie, one God euerlasting. Amen.
A Prayer to God against the Plague.
WE prostrate our souls and bodies, before thy mercy seate, O Father of mercies, & humbly confesse, that we haue most iustly procured, thy heauie indignation against vs. We haue hetherto, spent our time in wanton appetites, & carelesse abuse, of thy singuler bounties, but thou hast in mercie, curbed the bitte, & straytned the rayne, of our vnbrydled affections, whereby we begin to dread thy threatned Iudgements. Our sinnes are as manyfold, as manifest, (O Lord) we haue dayly heard ye word of our sauing health, with ye eare of grudge & contempt, either deriding or not caring, but neuer truely repenting, at the cry thereof. Thine aboundant blessings erthie, we haue gréedely deuoured, and by our wealth, haue encreased our wickednesse But O swéete Father haue mercie, and pardon our sinnes, (euen the whole trée, with hir braunching fruits,) which at this present, we heartely disclayme, and wherewith, euen the téeth of the whole Land, hath béene set on edge, namely infidelitie, incredulitie, and all impietie. No faith, no truth, no mercy, no knowledge of thée in our [Page] harts, though great pretence of thy Religion in our lippes, but by falsehood, and cunning circumuention, one of another, by lying lips, and decitfull tongues, vanitie, hath béene tossed, one to another, pryuat pilffrie, and open stealth, robbing at home, and rouing abrode, swearing, forswaring, whorring and killing, oppressing, & deuoureing, to all our powers and pollicies, euen blood vnto blood, passing by pleasure to pleasures, from profite to pride, from pride to ambition, and in ambition, to inward contempt, & outward disdaine, each one of another. Our common peace by thée, hath not yet procured our Godly peace with thée, but rather we haue taken occasion thereby, to harden our hearts against thée, which mightilie hath drawen thée to this great contrauersie with vs. O Lord vnbend (in mercy) thy bow of strength, for thy stéeled Arrows, sticke fast in vs, and our putrified wounds, bewray our iniquities. Yea Lord that more is, if we by thée, tourne not spéedely to thee, the wise in thée, doe behold thy sharpned sword, with an outstretched arme, drawne out against vs. O Lord heare vs, and heale vs, for in this our sickenesse and trouble (in our mediator Christ Iesus) we call vnto thée. And Lord it is high time, for our head Citie is sicke, hir Sister Cities grone vnder this burden, their neighbor people are turned to their earth, and no part is frée, from the noysome pestilence. It flyeth by day, it walketh in the darke, it destroyeth at noone tide, & none can resist it, but onely thou O Lord, which sent it, euen thou onely (if thou wilt) canst vtterly restrayne it. O déere father forgiue vs wretched sinners, relieue vs miserable wretches, remember that we are but earth and ashes, yet in thy mercie thy déere children: deliuer vs from death, and worke life in vs. Let this thy louing rodde, ridde vs, of our carnal rust, and quicken vs with thy sanctifying spirit, open our harts to thy holy word, purge our cōsciences from all dead works, and rebuild vs fit, for thy holy seruice, giue vs patience in euerie aduersitie, an humble and regardant eye, in all prosperitie, feruent spirits to pray to thée, and now to giue thée [Page] no rest, till thou vouchsafe to haue mercy vppon vs. Our Prince thine holy Anoynted, prayeth for vs, hir potētates, thy preaching ministers, and sanctified people, mourne and lament. Thy wydows, and desolate Orphanes, yea thy smal and tender Infants cry, lifting vp pure hands, swéete Lord, (say they) haue mercy. And now O Lord both one and all, powring out the teares of our hearts vnto thée, most humbly besech thée, relieue vs, release vs, heare vs, forgiue vs, reuiue vs, preserue vs, protect vs, deliuer vs from euill, and receaue vs into thy euerlasting fauor, through Iesus Christ our Lord: To whome with thée and the holy Ghost, thrée distinct persons and one onely our good God, be all honour and glory, for euer and euer. Amen.
An earnest prayer for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie.
O Lord God holy Father, infinitly wise, omnipotent, and aboundant in mercie, mightie in worke, & iust in reuenge, which for the common conuerse, of all men, hast planted them plats, & put them vnder soueraigne auctoritie, through which good gouernmēt, they might most firmely, liue and loue one another, most wisely ordaining each one, to haue mutuall need and occasioned entercourse one with another▪ Sondry which Royall staues, of bewtie and bands, eftsoones thou hast broken into shieuers, when by ouermuch prouocation [Page] & contempt, thy awonted long suffering, hath bene abused: as therby vnder a sparing chastisement, to reduce them, or by a deadly blow, vtterly to subuert them. O Lord magnificent, by thee it is, that Kingdomes are, and Kings doe raigne. Puttest downe one, & setteth vp another, as, where, & when it pleaseth thee, in all & euery place, vnder the Coape of heauen. Wee thy chosen children and people of England, magnifie thy mercies, and prayse thy power, for giueing & preseruing vnto vs, a most rare and pearelesse Queene, our Soueraigne Ladie ELIZABETH, by whose sacred scepter, thy holy Church, this common weale, and many other Nations and people haue found, both celestiall blessings, and terrestrial comforts. The faithful Protestant from whersoeuer, findeth heere a secure & fertile norcery. The wilfull papist, sitteth vnder his Vyne, & the malcontent carnall, hath long lasting fauour, but euery of which by hir, haue from thee O Lord, thy gospell, to reclayme them, hir Scepter, to protect them, with a sweet rod, in sparing hand to refine them. Hir disloyall subiects at home, & hir professed enimies abroad of all sorts, thou hast miraculously brought vnder, or to vtter confusion. For the which wee render vnto thee continuall praise. And inasmuch O Lord, as our life, & the light of the land thy golden Candlestick, is deadly darckned in the want of hir, Lord, still giue vs thy bountifull mercie, and therein preserue, hir Highnesse, long to raigne ouer vs. Encrease, thy graces in hir, hir goodnesse to vs, to thaduaunce of vertue, & suppression of vice. Keepe thyne anoynted [Page] our Soueraigne, from the trechery of dissembling subiects, and mallice of the forren foe. Hide hir vnder the shadow of thy wings, from the noysome pestilence, and defend hir against the hurtfull sword: that our selues and families, may liue in peace, our land, may yeld hir encrease, & that no inuasion,Psal. 144.10. may empeach vs, or going out may daunt vs, nor any crying be in our streetes.
Deare Father graunt hir our Soueraigne, a swift eye and speedie rescue, from the subtill snare, of euery wily hunter. Giue hir Lord, fast, and not faylling confederats. Wise and faithfull Councellors, loyall and louing subiects, and so in thy mercie keepe vs from euill, that wee prouoke not, thy iudgements, to depriue vs, of our chiefest comfort. Graunt this O Father, through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen.