I Present here to your Maiesties view my imperfections in their owne colours, and the excellencies of anoth [...]r man with much losse of their lustie, as being transported from their n [...]tural light of the Latin by an vnskilfull hande into a strange language, perchance not so fit to set out a peece drawne with so curious a pensill. The cause of vndertaking a worke of this kinde was a good will in this scribling age no [...] to doe nothing, and a disproportion in the powers of my mind, nothing of mine owne inuention beeing able to passe [...]e censure of mine owne iudgement, much lesse, I presumed the iudgement of others. The cause that J published it vnder your Maiesties name and protection (beside th [...] testification of my bounden duetie) was the great account your Highnesse most worthily holdeth this Histo [...]ie in; hoping thereby, that as some for the excellencie of th [...] wine, haue liked also the lees, so it might peraduenture please you, to accept into some degree of fauour this wor [...]e as it is, though by change from vessell to vessell hauin [...] taken winde and lost his pleasing taste to the palate, yet retaining somewhat of his former strength, and much of his substance. But the principal cause was to incite your Maiesty by this as by a foile to communicate to the world, if not t [...]ose admirable cōpositions of your owne, yet at the least tho [...] most rare and excellent translations of Histories (if J [...]ay call them translations, which haue so infinitelie excee [...]d the originals) making euident [Page] demonstration to all who haue seene them, that as the great actions of Princes are the subiect of stories, so stories composed or amended by Princes, are not onely the best patterne and rule of great actiōs, but also the most naturall Registers thereof, the writers be [...]ng persons of like degree and of proportionable conceits w [...]th the doers. And so wishing your Maiestie either so [...]uch leasure your selfe, or a Tacitus to describe your most glorious raigne, J commit this worke (whereof I caime nothing to my selfe but the faults) to your most gracous patronage, and the curtesie of the reader, from whom, [...]t least from his handes that shall finish out the rest, I hope o finde both pardon for my faultes, and some pittie for my paines.
The Almighty blesse your most [...]xcellent Maiestie with a long, happie, and prosperous ra [...]gne, and the onely true meanes thereof, many vvatchfull ies to foresee, many valiant handes to fight, and many [...]odly hartes to pray for the peace of your state.
A. B. To the Reader.
THERE is no treasure so much enriches the minde of man as learning; there is no learning so proper for the direction of the life of man as Histore; there is no historie (I speake onelie of profate) so well worth the reading as Tacitus. For learning nature acknowledgeth a reason, by leauing industrie to finish her vnperfect worke: for without learning the conceyte is like a fruitefull soyle without tilling, the memorie like a storehouse without wares, the will like a shippe without a rudder. For Historie, since we are eassier taught by example thē by precept, what studie can profit vs so much, as that which giues vs patternes either to follow or to flye,, of the best and worst men of all estates, cuntries, and times that euer were? For Tacitus I may say without partiality, that hee hath writen the most matter with best conceyt in fewest wordes of anie Historiographer ancient or moderne. But he is harde. Difficilia quae pulchra: the second reading ouer will please thee more then the first, and the third then the second. And if thy stomacke be so tender as thou canst not disgest Tacitus in his owne stile, thou art beholding to Sauile, who giues thee the same foode, but with a pleasant and easie taste. In these fower bookes of the storie thou shalt see all the miseries of a torne and declining state: The Empire vsurped; the Princes murthered; the people wauering; the souldiers tumultuous; nothing vnlawfull to him that hath power, and nothing so vnsafe as to bee securely innocent. In Galba thou maiest learne, that a good Prince gouerned by euill ministers is as dangerous as if hee were euill himselfe. By Otho, that the fortune of a rash man is Torrenti similis, which rises at an instant, and falles in a moment. By Vitellius, that he that hath no vertue can neuer bee happy: for by his owne basenesse hee will loose all, which eyther fortune, or other mens labours haue cast vpon him. By Vespasian, that in ciuill tumults an aduised patience, and opportunitie well taken are the onelie weapons of aduantage. In them all, and in the state of Rome vnder them thou m [...]iest see the calamities that follow ciuill warres, where lawes l [...]e a sleepe, and all things are iudged [Page] by the sworde. If thou mislike their waires be thankfull for thine owne peace; if thou doest abhorre their tyrannies, loue and reuerence thine owne wise, iust, and excelent Prince. If thou doest detest their Anarchie, acknowledge our owne happie gouernement, and thanke god for her, vnder whom England enioyes as manie benefites, as euer Rome did suffer miseries vnder the greatest Tyrant.
GAlerius Trachilus,The yeare of the Citty. 821. and Silius Italicus being Consuls: Caius Juius Vindex, Lieutenant of Gallia Lugdunensis, perc [...]iuing that priuate conspiracies against the person of Nero had bene often intended and euer discouered, determined to giue the first onset in armes, and openlie goe to he field. Vindex was by his father of a Senatours house, by birth French and extract from the line of their ancient kings, of bodie puissant, quicke of c [...]nceit, of a readie dispatch, skilful in armes and bolde to attempt▪ his prouinc peaceable, and therefore vtterlie disfurnisht of forces: no Legion, no garrson vnder his gouernement. Notwithstanding as in a bodie corrupt, & ful [...]fill humors, the first paine that appeareth, bee it neuer so slender, drawes o [...] the rest, discloseth olde aches & straines, actuateth what els is vnsound in [...]he bodie: so in a state vniuersally disliked, the first disorder dissolueth the whole▪ yea & oft so it happeneth in both, the disease that grew first, & gaue c [...]use to the other, being recured, the rest notwithstāding worke out the final [...]estruction. Now Vindex, before he declared himselfe, wel weighing the weak [...]esse of his estate, & withal his owne person vncapable of the Empire, as be [...]ng but a stranger, without followers, without frendes or allies among the [...]obility, deliberated to cast it on some other man of more reputation, who a [...] by nearenesse & strength might second his attempt. Corbulo was lately mu [...]dred by Nero; Vespasian far of warring in Iewry: Suetonius Paullinus at h [...]me without army, the most famous men of that age for militar matters. Of [...]igh Germany Verginius Rufus was Lieutenant, with three Legions, nex [...] neighbour to Vindex, only of a meane gētlemans house. In lowe Germany F [...]eius Capito with fower Legions, & Clodius Macer in Africke with a compe [...]nt army, neither of them likely to repaire that which Nero had ruined. Th [...]re remained then in armes Seruius Sulpitius Galba, a man of great wealt [...] & ancient nobilitie, who had beene eight yeares Lieutenant in nearer Spa [...]ne, to the reasonable contētment of the cū trey, with an host of one Legiō, & [...]e Aides belonging thereto. Vpon him Vindex finally resoluing, dispatcheth [...]to Spaine, & other cuntreies adioining, secrete letters, declaring his purpos [...] [...]o the Lieutenāts. Galba, in whom age had abated the heate of ambition, exp [...]rience and dangerous times engendred a vvarie and fearefull proceeding, [...]ought as then vpon nothing lesse then diademes and kingdomes, hauing g [...]en himselfe ouer, for certaine yeares past, to an idle and obscure kinde of [...]ife, sequestred as it were, and retired from affaires for feare of Ner [...] vnder vvhom to doe ill vvas not alwaies safe, alwaies vnsafe to doe [...]ell, and of doing nothing no man constrained [Page] to yeelde an account. Whereupon the letters arriuing, he stoode much amazed, diuided in minde what course h [...]e should follow, to trust them? peraduenture it was but a traine. to disclose [...]hem and sende them to Nero? that were indeede to put in his head an eternal ielosie, & himselfe into a needlesse peril: & perhaps also there might be good meaning. VVhereupon in so doubtfull a case, the extremes seeming danger [...]us, he tooke the meane way, suppressing the letters, and not entring into the [...]ause any further, reseruing to gouerne himselfe in the rest, as euents and [...]ccurrents should leade and direst him. The other Lieutenants sent all their letters to Nero, betraying Vindex, betraying the cause, whereof themselues none were partakers.
Now Vindex certaine daies after the [...]alends of March, though not fullie assured, yet hoping well of Galbaes int [...]t, and presuming good lucke to so good a meaning, assembled them of his pro [...]nce, such chieflie as were chiefe in their cuntrey for credit, and chiefly had bene touched in goods or in honour. To whom recounting in order the tyrannis of Nero, namelie his paring ofGallia. France to the quicke, to the vtter destruc [...]ion of so many men, the vniuersal decay of so goodlie a cuntrey, he exhorteth hem all to take armes, to succour themselues, to succour the Romans, and to free the whole world from so heauie a yoke. Or if, which the gods forbid in so [...]ood a cause, yet let vs (quoth he) sell him our liues in the fielde with honour seeing vvee cannot possesse them with safetie. For another Prince (our brok [...]n state, and age voide of vertue, not bearing a free common wealth) wee ha [...]e here at hande a man of great birth, great wealth, and great forces, one t [...]at hath made honourable proofe of himselfe, at home, and abroad, in al resp [...]cts worthy the place, Galba Lieutenant ofHispania Tar [...]onensis. Arragon. Jf you like of the ma, there remaineth then onely wee muster the cuntrey to the most that wee m [...]y, vvithout vvhose swordes all talke of vvarre is but vaine, and this per [...]icious. His demands being all accorded by common consent, he leuieth a [...]ower, many men, & fewe soldiers, taken vp on the sodaine, not disciplined, [...]ot trained to the order of seruice; he publisheth edicts diffaming the person & gouernment of Nero. Then causing Galba to be proclaimed, he writes h [...] a letter, now or els neuer, to declare himselfe in fauour of mankind agai [...]st that monster of nature, to furnish the bodie of an hundreth thousand Fren [...]h men in armes, and more if neede were, of a head. The Sequani, Aedui, Aruerni, Remi, and the flowre in a maner of France, were all of the party conferring men, horse, armour, money, and what els was requisite for ser [...]ice in fielde. Ruf [...]nus, Flauius, Asiaticus with others were appointed capt [...]ines, & Vienna seate of the warre; whose next neighbours, & ancient enemi [...]s, the Lugdunenses banded themselues against them, & the cause, or the ca [...]se for their sakes. Many conflicts [Page 3] betweene them, & skirmishes during the warre, so thicke, and so hoatly pursued, that one might perceaue much priuate choler passe vnder the shadow of publicke pretences. The Lingones likewise and Treueri, and some other citties, forsaking their fellowes, lincked themselues with the Legions confining. Three Legions, as before it is saied, vvith their Aides, Verginius had in his charge; who seeing all France on a fire, and that now of force he must either rebell vvith the rest, or warre vvith the rebels (for so they vvere stiled till they preuailed) in priuate beholder, for publicke respects misliking of Nero, no admirer of Galba, vvith Vindex proceeding highly displeased, the example beeing vnseene, that a prouin [...]e should be a Princemaker, thus vnresolued, resoluing this onely, that he would not be resolued by others, determined to stande on his garde, and gather [...]d his men about him in hast, valiant soldiers and expert in seruice, and likely to sway vvhere they vvent.
Of the other side the Lieuten [...]nt of Aquitania, against the troubles of France, requested the assistance of Galba his neighbour, who then at new Carthage kept a law day: but amne hee perceiued how that hee had taken a wrong adresse. For Galba receiuing the letters of Vindex, and being aduertised that vvarrant vvas out f [...]r his death to the Procuratours, had debated the matter afresh vvith his f [...]endes. Some vnwilling to plaie their state at a cast, wisht him to staie & at [...]ende to vvhat head the humours in Rome new stirred vvould gather: as for the Procuratours they might be preuented, and vvarned is halfe armed To Titus Ʋinius, then Lieutenant of the Legion, and anone chiefe in fauour vvith Galba, that course seemed vnsafe. Armed indeede (quoth he [...]) for a vvhile against a Procuratour or two. nay, put case vvee could hang vp these few in our places, shal vvee liue, doe you thinke, for lacke of a hangman? giue vs armes against Nero, & then vvee are armed. But perhaps, sith nothing is past on our part, he maie be perswaded to call in his sentenc [...] againe. Euen good Princes are ielous of soueraine points, and that string being touched, haue a quicke eare. They haue bought it ful deere vvhich ig [...]orantlie haue sat in their chaire of estate, that haue worne their diademe to keepe it from wetting, or vpon like occasion. Germanicus, as some here ma [...] remember, because one or two in the armie had onelie a purpose to salute h [...]m Prince, was neuer well brooked, till by his owne death he had paied the pr [...]ce of other mens rashnesse. Corbulo, euen that Corbulo, which had quieted [...]ermanie, subdued Armenia, broken the Parthiā spirits, brought Arsaces [...]ne on his knees before Nero, after he had so highlie deserued at his handes, i [...] cost him his life, that some men in secrete thought him a man fit to succeede. Wee are, as they saie, openly proclaimed, we haue an armie in field. shall he then repent it, that neuer repented but [Page 4] when he did well? Let him looke that list for succours from Rome, vvhere libertie is lost, fit men to free others. Galba and Ʋindex their swordes and their armies must purchase our freedome. This opinion preuailing, as possible to prooue, but of force to be followed, a daie was appointed by Galba, therein to dispatch the freeing of slaues. The cuntrey came in at the daie suspecting the matter, apt to receiue anie new impression. And Galba hauing placed of purpose, before his Tribunall, a manie of images of great personages executed or banisht in Neroes time, and fetched from exile a young nobleman, out of the next ilands, to stande by his seate, his armie about him, spake in this vvise. My fellow soldiers and frendes, we are at this present assembled to enfranchise our bondmen, to bestowe vpon others that great benefit of libertie and freedome, which wee our selues, whom both nature and fortune hath freed, this long time haue smallie enio [...]ed. The life J haue led hitherto vvill sufficientlie discharge me from anie aspiring conceite, and mine owne conscience beareth me witnes, that I speake not vpō anie malice, or priuate respects. It greeues mee to say: but it helpes not to [...]ide that which euerie man seeth. hath euer bondman vnder a cruell maste [...] passed a yeare of harder seruice, then we haue done fourteene vnder Nero? [...]hat kind of exaction hath he not proued to supply with extortion that which with shame he hath spent? what kinde of cruelty hath he not practised? if wee should conceale or seeke to suppresse it, these dumbe stones would declare [...]hem. Beholde, poisoned his father and brother, abused & slaine his owne mother, murdered his wife, his master, & what els soeuer valiant or vertuous in Senate, in city, in prouince, without anie difference of sex, or of age. I neede not to speake of the sorrowful sighes & bitter teares of so many young gentlemen bereft of their fathers, so manie wiues robbed of their husbands, so many g [...]eat men depriued of their cuntrey, which crie vengeāce vpon such a Prince. [...] Prince? nay, an incendiarie, a singer, a fidler, a stageplaier, a cart driuer, a [...]rier, no Prince, nay no man, that hath a man to his husband, & a man to his wife, but a monster of mankinde; against whom what Vindex in France h [...]th already intended I am sure you doe know, & I, for my part, am most sory [...] heare. The whole course of my former life hath bene otherwise remoued from ambitiō in court, from aiming too high: & this little that remaines of my d [...]ies I could hartilie wish were spent in more ease. But sith, I know not by wh [...] my misfortune, some haue imposed vpon me a part, which I neuer ment to s [...]staine, & least of al at this age, I will not refuse, if you also approue it, to sacrifice this olde carcase of mine for the wealth of my cuntrey, not as Emperor, [...] Augustus which sacred names I adore a far of, not daring to approch thē, [...]t as — The speech was not finished, when the soldiers, & people, with one c [...]mon voice interrupting, saluted him [Page 5] Emperour. Galba commending their zeale to the good of the Empire, and accepting the substance refused the name, tearming himselfe Lieutenant of the Senate and people of Rome. Next care was to muster more men, to make good the reuolt. the cuntrey vvas prest, and souldiers came in of all handes. new Legions and Aydes vvere enrolled, and to helpe at a neede, a shippe of Alexandria, laden with armor, without master, without mariner, without passenger, arriued at the port: which accident, besides that the wrecke came in in good season, increast to the cause reputation, as though against Nero the gods had furnished weapons from heauen. Then he ordeined a counsell in forme of a Senate elected out of the chiefest and grauest men of his traine, and a garde of young gentlemen to watch and warde at his lodging, he publisheth edicts, & sendes them abroade to euery prouince, exhorting them all to take armes, & concurre in common against the common enemie. Many reuolted frō Nero & came to the side: M. Saluius Otho with the first, then Lieutenant ofLusitania. Portingall, bringing his iewels & plate, which Galba made into money.
Jn high Germanie, the soldiers considering the weakenesse of Nero; that France had alreadie rebelled; that Spaine made a Prince; that the rest of the cuntreies were likelie to follow, if not all for the same, yet all against Nero; viewing their owne forces, and strength now vnited, which before lay dispersed in troupes and in bandes, strangers to Galba, and greatly disdaining that one simple Legion should impose them a Prince, finallie concluded to make it their benefite, and bestowe the Empire themselues. A fit man they needed not seeke farre off: Verginius Rufus the Lieutenant, though of a gentlemans house, and no higher, in strength of bodie, matters of action, and all other things excelled Galba. in birth what if Galba were better? Catulus the toppe of his kinne fled dishonourablie awaie in the Cimbrian vvarre, vvhere Marius, baselier borne then Verginius, worthilie stucke to it, and saued the state. Hereupon they goe, and breake downe tumultuously the images of Nero, salute Verginius Prince, inscribing his name in the banners. Ʋerginius seeing the matter growe to a tumult, and being vnable to resist their violence, shewed to yeeld in some degree against Nero, but not for himselfe, much lesse any other named abroade. For his part hee saied he had no neede of the place, which all men beside so greatly desired: nor was not to suffer, but such as by order of Senate should be appointed. that they were the men, to whom that election belonged, whose right hee would surelie maintaine against vvhomsoeuer. The soldiers being in part thus appeased, he commandes the inscription to be defaced, and with his vvhole armie entreth France, pretending to warre against Vindex. The citty of Bezanson, which first refused to receiue him, he straightway beseegeth. Vindex [Page 6] to succour the towne and leuie the siege, or bid him battaile, if it might be no better, with twenty thousand men commeth against him. Lying encamped not farre asunder, there passed letters betweene them: whereupon they secretely met and conferred togither, none els being present of neither side. Their conclusion was frendly, doubtlesse to ioine against Nero: some thought, to set downe Galba also; and it was not vnlikelie. Thus departing as frendes, ech to his campe, Ʋindex secure as in a quarrell alreadie composed, and nothing attending lesse then the shocke, meaning to enter the towne, and repose his armie, with all his men made towards the gates. The souldiers of Germanie lying at the walles, and perceiuing the armie approche, marching, as it seemed, directly vpon them, not priuy to their Generals purpose, or not willing to loose so faire an occasion, ranne out without bidding, and falling vpon them at vnawares and in disarray, not able on a sodaine to remedie the errour, as men newly trained, and vnexpert in warre, slew them al in a maner, and spoiled the cariage. Vindex seeing the vnluckie successe of this vnlooked for battaile, hauing lost in a maner the flowre of all France, & suspecting fraude of Verginius side, as though he ment to entrappe him, and sende him to Nero, ranne himselfe vpon his owne sworde. manie comming after bestowed their blowes vpon the dead carcase, seeking a coulour for praise or rewarde if Nero preuailed. After this slaughter, the soldiers pressed Verginius againe to accept of the Empire, and embassages came almost from euery quarter requiring the same, with assured promise of all possible assistance, if not, readie to returne to Neroes obedience: but Verginius bewailing the heauie mishappe of his vnfortunate frende, reiecteth the speech, & marcheth forward in France. This ende had Iulius Vindex, a man in the course of this action more vertuous then fortunate; who hauing no armie prouided, no legion, no souldier in charge, whiles others more able lookt on, first entred the lists, chalenging a Prince vpholden with thirty legions, rooted in the Empire by fower descents of ancestours, and fourteene yeares continuance of raigne, not vpon priuate dispaire to set in combustion the state, not to reuenge disgrace or dishonour, not to establish his owne soueraignety, things which haue mooued most men to attempt; but to redeeme his cuntrey from tyranny and bondage, which onely respect he regarded so much, that in respect he regarded nothing his owne life or security. For when it was shewed him, that Nero by publicke edict had prized his heade atThat is, about fourescore thousand pound. ten thousand thousand sesterces; Well, quoth he againe, and he that killes Nero, and brings me his head, shall haue mine in exchange. And though in this action fortune gaue vertue the checke, and by a strange accident, which mans wisedome could not foresee, ouerturned the enterprise, yet must wee [Page 7] confesse, that vindex first stirred the stone, vvhich rowling along tumbled Nero out of his seate.
Of Ʋindex reuolt the first newes came to Nero at Naples, about the twentieth of Marche: vvhereof hee made shewe so lightlie to set, that hee vvould not vouchsafe once to intermitte his accustomed pastimes and pleasures, but rather seemed to reioice, and embrace the occasion, as falling out fittlie to conuert to his cofers by the law of armes the spoile of so large and so welthy a cuntrey: at supper also receiuing more letters of fresher aduise, and certainer danger, he wished them onelie ill chance, which thus by rebelling had troubled his drincking, and so for eight daies hee neither wrote letter, nor gaue out order for anie dispatch. At length through Vindex edicts, so thicke and so biting, beeing awaked, hee warned the Senate by letter to auenge his cause, and the common wealthes, excusing his absence by reason of sicknesse. In Vindex edicts, supporting the rest patientlie, one thing aboue all troubled him most, that his skill was impeached in playing: wherein hee thought surelie there was not his peere; eft soones demaunding of them about him, whether, without flatterie, they knew anie in that profession more skilfull then him. by this then so manifest an vntrueth, in an arte that hee had so painfullie laboured, so perfittlie learned, hee vvilled them to esteeme of the rest. The Senate, receiuing the letters, flattering and fearing, adiudged Vindex a traitour, the selfe same men which soone after bestowed the like vpon Nero. But vrged by newes vpon newes, at last in a fright hee repaired to Rome: vvhere not calling Senate, nor people together, but some principall men to the Palace at an vnseasonable houre of the night, as to consult of vrgent affaires, hee shewed them certaine conceits, and new strange deuises of musicke by vvater instruments, discoursing of the maner and difficultie of eche, and that hee had founde out a waie to make them sounde both sweeter and lowder, and shortlie ment to produce them in stage, if Ʋindex vvould giue him leysure to doe it. But hearing that Galba and Spaine had rebelled, hee tare his clothes, beat his head, and vvould in no wise receiue anie comfort, till such time as the Senate by decree had declared Galba enemie to the state. Then resuming courage, and somewhat reuiued vvith some rumours out of Germanie, hee returned to his ryot and carelesse licentious life, and putting Galbaes seruants in prison seized his goods and set them to sale. The like did Galba with Neroes in Spaine, and founde a greate deale more readie chapmen.
Anone as the tumult beganne, it is supposed crediblie, that Nero had purposed to haue made awaie all the gouernours of armies and prouinces as being conspired against him; to murder all exiled persons, lest they should ioyne themselues with the rebels; all French hee could finde in the Cittie, as being frendes to the cause; to poyson the Senate in banquet; to set a fire the citty, turning in wilde beastes among them which endeuored to stoppe the course of the flame. But setting apart the deuise, not as disliking, being so suteable to his proceeding, but as despairing to bring it about, hee determined a voyage in person, sending before in the meane season Petronius Turpilianus, and Rubrius Gallus vvith certaine others against them. To furnish the iourneie his chieffe prouision consisted in cariage for playing furniture, in concubines shorne and polled as men, armed vvith hatchet and target according to the Amazonian fashion. For mustering of men there vvere but fewe able enrolled and most of them bondmen. Money vvas hardlie and vvith much adoe a little extorted. For vvhereas in time of ciuill sedition most neede is of money, and a vvise Prince vvill least grieue the subiect with new imposition, as seeming to stande in some sort at his curtesie, and hauing to employ his bodie beside, Nero, in peace no storer for vvarre, was forced then to offende, vvhen hee should in reason haue sought to haue vvunne, and yet raised lesse vvith more opposition then euer, reputation now vvaining, a contrarie faction beeing one foote. As for pollicies, and plots of vvarre, hee tolde his familiar frendes, hee had one most assured. Assoone as hee entred the prouince, hee vvould venture himselfe vnarmed amongst them, and vvith silence and teares mooue them to compassion, and so they returning to former obedience vvithout more adoe, hee would the next daie merilie sing, in that merie companie, sonnets of victorie, which hee willed to bee composed out of hand against the time came.
As Nero was thus busilie occupyed in making prouision for the vvarre against Galba and Ʋindex, letters were brought in at dinner of Ʋerginius defection, and the rest of the armies. VVhereupon in a desperate rage, hee tare the letters, ouerturned the table, dasht two cuppes on the grounde, which hee dearelie esteemed, and casting awaie all care of himselfe, notwithstanding the perill pressed no nearer, hee called for poyson, which hee put vp in a golden box, that his death at the least might bee according to his estate, and so walked forth into the Seruilian gardens. From thence hee sent of his [Page 9] trustie seruants to Ostia to make readie the shippes, purposing to haue fled with his frendes into Aegypt, and there to haue taken himselfe to his musicke to get him a liuing: sottishlie supposing in Aegypt an imaginarie surety to himselfe by his musicke, when he could not liue safelie Emperour at Rome. To that purpose sounding the mindes of the Tribunes and Centurions of the Garde, and finding them some to drawe backe, some flattlie refuse to goe with him, one among others directlie to tell him, that sure his best waie were to make an ende of himselfe, hee was distracted into diuerse opinions, casting about what course he should follow. flee to the Parthian, whom of late hee had pleasured? to Galba, who peraduenture might pittie his estate? or were it els better in lamentable sort and mourning weede to goe out abroad, and in the Place of common assemblie, most humblie for that which was past demande pardon: or if he could not obtaine it, that at least they would grant him the gouernement of Aegypt. This liked him best, and thereof he framed a speech, which afterwards was founde in his papers: but fearing the people would pull him in pieces before he came to the Place, he differred the matter till the next morning.
Nymphidius Sabinus and Sophonius Tigellinus vvere captaines of the Garde, preferred by Nero from nothing to that honourable place, and now the first to forsake him. But Tigellinus, as a person infamous and generallie hated, preuailed not much: Sabinus had the credit vvith the souldier. vvho affirming that Nero vvas alreadie fled into AEgypt, and promising donatiue in Galbaes name234.lib 5s 6d of thirtie thousand sesterces a man, and39.lib 1s 3.d. fiue thousand to the souldier abroad, much more then vvould or could bee performed, easilie wanne them to leaue him, who had as they thought alreadie left them, and so to pronounce Galba Emperour, not vpon any especiall liking they had to the man aboue others, but whilest some doubted, some other denied, Galba pretending directlie the suite, and no countersuiter appearing, they were content to accept him for Prince. Their fellowes which warded that night foreseeing the issue, and coueting in this creation of the new Prince a part with the rest, left Nero a sleepe alone in the garden. VVho being awaked about midnight, vnderstanding his garde vvas departed, leapt out of his bed, and sent about for his frendes: from vvhom receiuing no answere, hee vvith a fewe vvent to their lodgings himselfe. The great Monarch of the world, adored erewhile as a god, attended vpon and garded by thousands of frendes, of souldiers, of seruants, now as a page knocking at dores findeth [Page 10] all shutte against his vnfortunate state. Thus in aduersitie destitute of ayde, of counsell or comforte of frendes, he returneth home, where finding his chamber rifled, the chamberlaines fled, his box of poyson remooued awaie, he sought for Spicillus theGladiator. fencer or some of his sorte, by vvhose handes hee might be dispatched: and finding none, vvanting alike both frendes and foes, hee ranne desperatelie out, as though hee would haue throwen himselfe headlong into the Tiber▪ but his hart fayling hee repressed his pace, and thereupon requiring some secrete place to recall his wittes, and resume courage againe, Phaon his freedman offered his house foure miles of in the cuntrey, vvhich Nero accepted; and so accompanied with foure men onelie, Phaon▪ Epaphroditus, Sporus and Neophytus fleeth awaie, badlie apparrailed, and vvorse mounted, couering his head, and hiding his face with a handkercheffe. As hee was in his waie out of the Cittie, approching the campe of the Garde, hee heard the souldiers showting and vvishing good lucke vnto Galba, and ill to himselfe. Jn riding along his horse starting aside his face was discouered, and hee knowen and saluted by one of the Garde vvhich met him by chance. Whereupon forsaking horse and high vvaie, through bushes and breres he crept in at the last into a thicket of reedes on the backside of Phaons ferme-house, who perswading Nero in the meane while to sit in a pitte, out of the vvhich sande had beene digged, hee refused the fauour, denying to goe aliue vnder ground, and so cast himselfe downe close in the reedes, till they had beaten a hole in the wall, through which Nero vpon all foure crept into the backside, casting himselfe vpon a simple pallet in a backe roome.
VVhilest Nero thus lurcked, the Senate assembled in counsaile declare him enemie of the state and punishable more maiorum, sending out to seeke him and bring him aliue. Concerning the choise of a new, although in their secrete opinions Verginius deserued to resume the benefite which hee had put into their handes, yet beeing not willing to enter into further troubles, and raise vp a new ciuill warre, vvithout vvhich Galba, who had alreadie foreprized the place could not bee sette downe, following the souldiers example they openlie agreed all vpon Galba. By this time they about Nero were instant vpon him to rid himselfe quickelie out of the contumelies and indignities, which anone he should be forced to endure. To whom yeelding himselfe hee commandes to make readie for the funeralles, vveeping and vvailing at euerie vvord, vvhat great pitie it was, that [Page 11] so good a minstrell should bee so cast awaie. Jn the meane season, certaine letters vvhich vvere brought to Phaon from Rome he snatched awaie, and finding therein the Senates decree demaunded vvhat more maiorum ment, for that peece of law hee had neuer perused: vnderstanding it was, that his necke should be locked in a forke, and himselfe vvhipped naked to death, hauing in horrour so shamefull an ende, hee tooke vp two rapiers vvhich hee had brought with him, and trying their pointes how sharpe they were, put them vp againe, desiring some of them to beginne and shewe him the vvaie to bee manfull; but desiring a vertuous example out of so vicious a schoole, a court so corrupt, hee desired in vaine. And now the horsemen sent by the Senate approched, vvhich Nero perceiuing, by feare encouraged ranne himselfe thorow, Epaphroditus his Secretarie at his request helping to dispatch him the sooner, for vvhich seruice he was afterward put to death by Domitian: who thought it not meete to suffer anie to liue, which had in anie sort lent his hand to the death of a Prince. Thus Nero, a Prince in life contemptible, and hatefull in gouernement, hauing thereby disarmed himselfe both of the loue and feare of his subiects, ended his daies the eightth of Iune in the one and thirtieth yeare of his age, and fourteenth of his Empire, at the first hauing ruled the state with reasonable liking, insomuch that Traian was wonted to saie, that euen good Princes were short of Neroes fiue yeares: but after breaking forth into all infamous behauiour, and detestable oppressions and cruelties, and beeing withall a Prince weake in action, not of vertue sufficient to vpholde his vices by might, he was at the length thus ouerthrowen.
Nero beeing slaine, the people and Gentlemen, but principallie the nobilitie, the principall obiect of tyrannie, sacrificed to the gods and feasted for ioie: some also ware Bonnets, as beeing newlie enfranchised. The Senate assembled againe decreeth thankes to Nymphidius in most exquisite maner, extolling his high vvisedome and tender care ouer the state: confirmeth to Galba all princelie prerogatiues and imperiall tiles; making thereof a publicke instrument, which the Consuls sent him in post: and moreouer concludeth vpon a solemne embassage of honourable personages vvith instructions, beside congratulations and complementes, humblie to desire vvith speede his presence at Rome. Then vvas it proposed, that information might proceede against the accusers. The matter concerned some mightie men, vvhich had liued in times past by the losse of their neighbours, and [Page 12] touched somevvhat a secrete of state ouerthrowing and abolishing the instruments of the Empire. Notwithstanding their doings were so much detested, and the memorie of their malice so fresh, that the order passed by voices in Senate, making them all, with the rest of the ministers of Neroes tyrannie, punishable more maiorum: but was executed onelie against some base persons, which had gained but little, & done little harme: the principal malefactours brake thorow vvell enough and escaped the danger.
While matters thus passed in France and at Rome, in Spaine Galbaes soldiers in part were in termes to forsake him, and hardly reclaimed. About the same time also a freedman of Nero had bestowed vpon Galba a present of bondmen prepared for a practise: who according to their instructions watching opportunities, as Galba by a narrow passage entred the bath, vsing their toungs, when time was, for hands, and exhorting one another not to let slippe the occasion, were sodainlie apprehended, and being examined what occasion they ment, and put to the racke confessed the treason. Anone after these hazards so hardly escaped, the newes came to Galba of Vindex death, and that vpon so great a victorie most men vvere vvilling Verginius should take the Empire vpon him, or els would returne to Nero againe. Galba extremelie afraide writes to Verginius, beseeching him most instantly to ioine in defence of the libertie and Empire of Rome: himselfe notwithstanding as destitute and forlorne, and wearie of the world that vvent so against him, leauing Vinius Lieutenant in the armie, retireth to Clunia, repenting of that hee had done, and wishing againe his priuate estate, as though in this case there were anie meane betweene hiest and nothing. Thus being distressed and anguisht in minde without any care of himselfe or the cause, in very good season comes Icelus his freedman from Rome in seuen daies thither, reporting that Nero being yet aliue, but not to be founde, the soldier, the Senate & people had pronounced Galba Prince, that straight thereupon Nero was saied to bee slaine, but himselfe not beleeuing it went to the place, saw him lie dead, and so came his way. Two daies after Vinius came from the campe, declaring to him the particular points of the Senates decree. Galba receiuing the newes with great ioy, as greatly aboue expectation, priuiledgeth Icelus to weare golde rings, aduanceth Vinius to chiefe place in credit about him: and laying aside the name of Lieutenant, assumeth the title of Caesar, preferreth Cornelius Laco to be captaine of his garde, & iudging his presence necessary to settle the state, giueth out order for his viage to Rome with his armie by lande.
Now at Rome Nymphidius making his count that Neroes fall was his only deede, that no recōpence is sufficient for bestowing the diademe but the diademe, [Page 13] that Galba was olde, & scarce could last out in a litter to Rome, not by degrees, but with a maine course drew all to himselfe. The Garde in respect of their donatiue, were at his deuotion, to bee employed as he should direct thē. The Lords of the Senate courted him daily, & seemed to depend wholly vpon him. VVhereupon vsurping autority vndue to his place, he commands by & by Tigellinus his companion to put off his sworde and surcease from his office. The Consuls vpon a displeasure, that they had sent the publicke patents not by his souldiers, nor signed with his seale, the curriers commission, he had once determined to haue depriued. And laying the plot for himselfe he biddeth to bāquet the principal mē of the City: he settes vnder hand to put in the soldiers heads to present supplication to Galba, to establish Nymphidius captaine for life without any fellowe. To pleasure the people & get the good wil of the commons, he permittes them to vex & torment whom they could catch of Neroes crew. Spicillus theGladiator. fencer they tied vnder the images of Nero, trailed him along thorow the streetes, and dispatcht him in the Place of publicke assembly. Aponius an accuser, they ouerthrew, and drew cartes laden vvith stones ouer his bodie, beside manie other outraged and slaine, and some, as it happeneth where the reine is let loose to the furious multitude, innocently: insomuch that in Senate a graue & honourable counseller openlie protested, that in short time there would be great cause to wish Nero againe, as beeing more tolerable one tiranne then manie, and better to liue vvhere nothing then there vvhere al things were lawful. Thus Nimphidius, sonne to Nimphidia a libertine an olde seruant in court and Martianus a fencer, secretelie aspired to the Empire, vvorking in Rome by certaine gratious vvomen and Senatours, and sending to Spaine Gellianus one of his frendes to espie the proceedings and actions of Galba.
Macer in Africke, the state being troubled, mustered men, and pretended for himselfe: but being for auarice and cruelty hated extremely, and finding no followers, could neither maintaine it vvith strength nor leaue it vvith safetie. Galuia Crispinilla Neroes schoolemistresse in matter of pleasure and lust, when Nero was dead, misdoubting mischances, sailed into Africke, by her aduise Macer beset the sea coasts, and forbad any corne should be transported, meaning to famish the cittie of Rome. Fonteius Capito, Lieutenant of lowe Germany, some thought had a meaning also for himselfe. Certaine it is that sitting in iudgement, the party aggrieued appealing to Caesar, he skipped out of the seat where he sat, into a chaire of estate set vp on high, and then bad him tel on his tale before Caesar. But Fabius Valens, Lieutenant there of a Legion, then greatly befrending Galbaes part, sware to him first hee with his companie, and the rest of the armie followed the example. Verginius, [Page 14] the onelie concurrent of Galba in speech of the people, hauing ouerthrowen Ʋindex and mastered France, notwithstanding his soldiers, after the death of Nero vvas knowen, pressed him againe in such vehement sort, that one of the Tribunes drawing his sworde willed him to accept of it or the Empire, persisted constantlie in his first resolution: and receauing anone aduise of the Senates decree, himselfe most willinglie, his souldiers hardlie, & vvith much adoe were perswaded, sith lower Germanie had sworne to sweare allegeance to Galba. The rest of the prouinces without anie difficultie accepted him all.
Now Galba disposing as Prince the affaires of the Empire, fineth the citties of Spaine, which were not so forward to further the cause, and some he dismantelleth: certaine Procuratours and officers he putteth to death, their vviues and their children, a crueltie practised no not by Nero, much lesse expected in Galbaes beginnings. He directeth out warrant to Trebonius Garrucianus Procuratour of Africa to put Macer to death, dismisse the Legion lately mustered, and quiet the cuntrey: and appointes in Verginius place Hordeonius Flaccus Lieutenant in Germanie. Then without coat-armour on backe a sicklie olde man, himselfe & his men in warlike order march ouer the mountaines. The citties of France that tooke part against Vindex he punisheth with losse of reuenew and cuntrey: the rest were relieued, their tributes a quarter abated, themselues made cittizens of Rome by meanes of their money, and Vinius; vvho carying an ill minde, and seruing in great place a weake master, made open sale of his Princes free graces and fauours. At Narbon the embassadours sent from the Senate met him in duetifull maner, whom Galba receaued curteouslie with frendly and familiar speeches, and feasted in sober sort all with his owne, though otherwise hee had plentie there of Neroes vvaiters and seruice sent by Nymphidius. But anone Vinius, vvhich vvhollie possessed and gouerned the olde man, counsailed him to put of popularity, as not beseeming his place, to accept of Neroes prouision, & to become royall in expense and seruice. Verginius hauing deliuered the armie to his successour met Galba on the waie, receiued of him not as in displeasure, and yet vvith small honour so dangerous a point it is yea to haue but onelie refused the Empire.
At Gellianus returne Nymphidius hearing that Laco was captaine alreadie, that Vinius had all the autoritie and credit, that his messenger was suspected and watched of all, not suffred to talke with the Prince in priuate, not once to approch to his person, was wonderfullie moued in minde. Whereupon assembling the chiefe of the Garde, he shewed them, that Galba was for his owne part a good harmelesse olde mā, but misse-led by two persons much of Tigellinus making, Ʋinius and Laco: and therefore it vvere not amisse to [Page 15] sende one or two in the name of the whole to make him remonstrance, that remoouing awaie those two from about him hee should bee more welcome, and better accepted. This speech seeming strange and absurde to prescribe to a Prince of those yeares, as it were to an infant, his counsaile & seruantes, he taketh a contrarie course, and writeth to Galba in terrifying maner, That the matters at Rome were doubtfull and dangerous, that Macer in Africke had staied the shippes, the Legions of Germanie stirred a new, the like was reported from Iewrie and Syria. But perceiuing that Galba gaue to his tales small eare and lesse credit, and hauing the souldiers all well affected, he determined to preuent and giue the attempt, notwithstanding that Clodius Celsus a sober wise man and one of his frendes plainelie protested, that in his opinion scarce anie three persons in Rome would accept him for Emperour: but the rest skoffed it out, namelie one Mithridates of Pontus, Perhaps, quoth hee, Galba seemes some bodie now to the Romans, whilest he is absent: but when they shall see that balde head, and riueled face, hee vvill seeme the verie reproch and disgrace of the daies in vvhich hee vvas Prince. And so they concluded at midnight following to bring Nymphidius into the campe and proclaime him Emperour. But vvhen the euening vvas come Antonius Honoratus a principall Tribune assembling the souldiers vnder his charge, demanded vvhat euill spirit had bereaued them of vnderstanding, moouing them so sodainlie and vvithout cause to change their allegeance. If Nero deserued it, vvhat mother, vvhat vvife, had Galba then killed? or for what misdemeanour would they forsake Seruius Galba to preferre a curtizans sonne? with whose bloud they shouldere it were long if they would bee directed by him, both reuenge Neroes death, whom hee first betraied, and shewe themselues loyall to Galba against whom he intendeth: willing them lastlie to recken in reason what successe might ten thousand attende against the consent of the Empire armed for Galba. His souldiers thus being persuaded, persuaded the rest all in a maner to remaine in Galbaes obedience. VVhereupon a showte being made in the campe, Nymphidius supposing the souldiers had called him, or hasting to confirme the wauering, and preuent the tumult, went thither himselfe with torches and linckes, hauing learned without booke an oration composed by Cingonius Ʋarro, to pronounce there amongst them. But finding the gates of the campe made fast, and souldiers in armes on the walles, he seared the matter, and drawing neare demanded what they ment, and by whose warrant they had put themselues so in armes. and vvhen it vvas answered by all agreeablie, that they knew not, nor would not accept other Prince beside Galba, Nymphidius finding the perill ioyned vvith them and vvished also long life and prosperitie to Galba [Page 16] Augustus, commanding his followers to doe all the like. And so by the souldiers, which garded the gates, being admitted with a fewe of his traine, he was at his entrie vvelcomed in with a dart hurled at him, which one Septinius bare of vvith a buckler. But seeing so manie at the receit vvith naked swordes prepared against him, hee fled, & being pursued was slaine at the length in a souldiers cabin. The daie following his bodie was layed out to view in an open place rayled about.
Galba being yet in his waie & hearing of Nymphidius death commanded the rest of his fauourers and complices to be executed: among which Mithridates of Pontus paied for his mirth, and Cingonius Ʋarro vvho penned the oration. As Galba drew neare to the Cittie at the Miluian bridge the Mariners met him, vvhom, being by Nero taken from seruice by sea, & inrolled into a Legion, Galba had commāded to returne to their former estate. But they being many in number, & loth to goe backe to the galleyes againe, beset the hye waie on both sides, demanding their Eagle & enseignes tumultuouslie, and so without order, that the Prince could neither bee heard nor seene of the people making his entrie: neither could he appease thē by putting them ouer to another time of greater leisure and better audience, but taking differring as a kinde of denying, seditiously they murmured & followed with outcries. And some of them also drew out their swords, as though they would obteine it by force, which by faire meanes they could not. Whereupon Galba commanding the horsemen to ride in amongst them slew of them being vnarmed seuen thousand, and of the residue alotted euery tenth man to suffer, putting the rest close vp in prison, which neuerthesse hee after enlarged to his disaduantage.
Now Galba, being vvith generall applause and great good liking of the Empire placed in state, behaued himselfe vnder expectation. And though in most points he shewed himselfe a vertuous Prince, yet vvere not his vvell doings so vvell accepted, as those disallowed vvhich vvere otherwise. All persons vniustlie exiled by Nero, as well of the nobilitie as meaner sort, vvith their children he mercifullie restored againe to their cuntrey and honour, though not to their vvealth. Contrarilie Petronius Turpilianus, an ancient man and once Consull, vvithout forme of processe or order of law, he commanded to die, being charged vvith no other crime, but onelie that hee had bene faithfull to Nero and vvould not betraie him as the rest did. Then vvas represented a plausible and gratefull spectacle, Elius, Polycletus, Locusta, Patrobius, Petinus and others in fetters drawen thorow the Cittie and publicklie executed, as ministers of Nero in mischieffes, vvhereas Tigellinns the Master, not without notable incongruitie, was by Galba protected. [Page 17] And notwithstanding the people in Theatres and all common assemblies ceast not importunately to demande his death, as an accomplishment of due and exemplarie iustice pleasing to God and to man, yet golde with Vinius and Vinius vvith Galba vveighed so much, that not onelie he receiued vndeserued protection, but also for his sake the people vvere rebuked by publicke edict. VVhereupon Tigellinus solemnizing the feast of his deliuerance Vinius rose from supper vvith Galba and vvent thither vvith Crispina his daughter to banquet, vpon vvhom Tigellinus bestowed a curtesie ofThat is, about eight thousand pound English. a thousand thousand sesterces in readie money, and beside all the iewels and Carcanets of his principall minion vvhich sate there at table, by estimationAlmost fiue thousand poūd. six hundreth thousand sesterces. Beside Tigellinus one Halotus of all Neroes instruments the most pernicious, vvas likewise by Galba protected, and preferred also to an honourable office. Now for nearenesse Galba was noted extremelie, a vice though incident to age, yet doubtlesse in a Prince much misliked, and in a new Prince dangerous. To a certaine musician which had wonderfullie pleased he gaue with his owne handes out of his owne purseThree shillings English. twentie sesterces: and to his steward at the making vp of his bookes a reward from his table. But that which was most materiall of all, and prepared the way to his fall, was his hardnesse towardes the soldiers: to whom large donatiue being promised in Galbaes name, & requiring if not so much, yet so much at least as they were wont to receiue, he wholly refused the suite, adding withal, That soldiers he tooke vp in the muster, bought not in the market. A saying no doubt fit for a great Prince in a more vetuous age, but not so in those seasons for him, who suffered himselfe to be solde euerie howre, and abused to al purposes; to be gouerned by three pedagogues, Ʋinius & Laco his fauourites, & Jcelus his man. To priuate men it is sufficient if themselues do no wrong: a Prince must prouide that none doe it about him; or els he may looke when the first occasion is offred against him to be charged with all the whole reckening togither. To him that suffereth the iniurie, it matters not much who made the motion when he feeleth the hand that is heauy vpon him. Thus Galba though innocent of much harme which passed vnder his name, yet because he permitted them to commit it, whom he ought to haue brideled, or was ignorant of that which he ought to haue knowen, lost reputation, and opened the way to his owne destruction.
I The Proeme of Tacitus, wherein he professeth simple dealing without partialitie.
THE beginning of my worke shal be at the yeare,The yeare of the City. 822 when Servius Galba was 1 second time Consull with Titus Vinius. For the ancient story of the people of Rome, forTac. Ann. 1. veteris reip. prospera vel aduersa, claris scriptoribus memorata sunt: temporibus (que) Augusti dicendis non defuere decora ingenia, donec gliscente adulatione deterrerē tur. seuen hundreth and twentie yeares after the Cittie was founded,2 manie excellent men haue deliuered, with no lesse eloquence then libertie of speech: but when as after the battaile at Actium, the whole souerainetie, as it wasTac. 1. Ann. p. 220. Non aliud discordantis patriae remedium fuisse, quàm vt ab vno regeretur. meete for the peace of the state, was conferred vpon one, those worthy wits were no more to found, and withall the truth of the story was diuersely weakened: partly 3 because hauing no more part in the state they were ignoraunt of publike affaires; and partly beeing led away with a lust toTiberij, Caij (que) & Claudij ac Neronis res, florentibus ipsi [...], [...]b metum falsae, postquam occiderant, recentibus odijs compositae sunt. Tac. 1. Ann. flatter the Princes, or againe to deface them. So betweene malice of the one side, and awëd partiality of the other, small regarde there was taken by either, howe posteritie shoulde be truly enformed. But that endeuor, to please and winne thankes, in a writer a man shall easily mislike, hauing in it the foule note of seruility: detracting and enuyous carping, carying a counterfeit shew of libertie, oft findeth a good and gracious audience. Now for Galba, Otho, Vitellius, to me they are as vnknowen, for either benefit or wrong I haue found at their handes. My first rising, I will not deny, was vnder Vespasian, my state bettered by Titus, and so further aduanced by Domitian: but they which make profession of the simple trueth, may not say ought of any man for loue, or for hatred. Hereafter, if the gods spare me life, I purpose when I am old, to set downe the story of 4 Prince Nerva of sacred memory, and of the Emperour Traiane, a more plentifull and safe matter to deale in, where a man may thinke what he will, and say what he thinkes: a rare felicity of the time.
II. A generall view of the whole historie following.
A WORKE I take here in hande containing sundry changes, bloudie battailes, violent mutinees,Chiefly referred to Domitians time. peace full of cruelty and perill:Galba, Otho, Otho, Vitellius, Domitian. foure Emperors slaine with sword,The first between Otho and Vitellius. The second between Vitellius & Vespasian. The third of L. Antonius against Domitian. three ciuil warres, forraine many mo,5 and oft both at once: good succes in the East, bad in the West:6 Illyricum troubled; the countries of Gallia wauering:7 Brittanny al conquered, not al retained: inuasions of the Sarmatian & Sueuian nation: theNobilitatus mutuis cladibus Dacus. The words seeme to import civil dissensiōs: or mutuis for alternis. Dacian giuing and taking notable ouerthrowes: the Parthians also almost in armes,8 abused by a counterfayt Nero. Now for Italy, it was afflicted with many miseries, some neuer heard of, some not of many yeares before, townesHaustae sc. flamu: or generally [...], in what sorte soeuer. burnt or ouerwhelmed: the 9 most fruitful tract of Campania, and the city of Rome wasted by fire: the most ancient temples consumed to ashes: euen the Capitol it selfe set on fire by the citizens own hands: the holy ceremonies prophaned: great adulteries:10 the ilands replenished with banished men:11 the cliffes stained with bloud: & yet greater rage of cruelty in the citty. [...]: saith Xiphilinus of Nero, whom Domitian did match in all kinde of tyrannie. to have beene welthy or nobly borne, was a capitall crime; 12 offices of honour likewise either to beare them, or forbeare them; and vertue the readie broade way to most assured destruction. Neither were the wicked practises of the informers more odious, then was the recompence they obtained, some gained 13 as spoiles, Pontifical dignities and Consuls roomes: some other 14 Procuratorships and 15 inwarde credit, making hauocke of al without any difference.16 The bondmen, vpon hatred or feare, were allured to betray their owne masters, the freedman his patrone: and where enemies were wanting, one friend ruined another, And yet for al this, was not the age so vtterly void of al good, but that it yeelded some good examples. diuerse wiues were content to take such parte as their banished husbands did: diuerse mothers, as their children: some kinsfolkes hardy: some sonnes in law faithful: some bondmen no racke could remoue from being true to their masters: the death of some honorable men, and their last torments manfully borne, and to be matched with those of auncient times. Beside so manifold changes in humane affaires, many prodigious sights were seen in heauen and earth; manie forewarnings by thunders; many presages of thinges to come, some portending good lucke, some bad; some ambiguous and doubtfull, some plaine and euident: such heauie [Page 3] and horrible calamities in the Roman estate, yeelding proofes neuer more pregnant,17 tht the gods are carefull rather to reuenge our wrongs, then prouide for our safety. But before I enter into my purposed matter, I thinke good to rehearse first, what the state of the citty was, how the souldiers were affected, in what termes the prouinces stoode, and what there was any where in the whole Empire sound or complaining: so shall we see 18 the reasons and causes of things, not onely the bare euentes, which are most commonly gouerned by fortune.
III. The state of Citty and prouinces at the beginning of the yeare, when Galba and Ʋinius entred their office.
THE death of Nero, as it was at the first very ioyfully receaued, so wrought it an one very diuerse effectes in the mindes of the Senate at home, the people and 19 Citty-souldier, and of all the Legions, and captaines abroad, perceiuing that 20 secret of state disclosed, that a Prince might bee made elsewhere then at Rome. The Lordes of the Senate were glad, finding their liberty straightway put in practise,21 making indeed very bould with their Prince, as being newe in state, and away: next were the principall Gentlemen as in degree, so in reioycing; of the people the sounder sort, and such as were lincked with great houses, the followers and freedmen of condemned and exiled persons were raysed to hope: the base people noseled vppe in theCirco ac Theatris. Race and Theatres, together with the worst sort of bondmen, and those which hauing eaten their owne liued only now vpon Neroes dishonours, hung downe the head, and listened for nouelties. The City-soldiers possessed with the oth of allegeāce so many descentsTac. 14. Ann. Praetorianos toti Caesarum domui ob [...]trictos. to the house of the Caesars, and to forsake Nero being wrought rather by arte and cunning perswasion of others, then of their owne motion, when they saw the donatiue, which was promised them in Galbaes name, not to be perfourmed, nor the like possibility and meanes of great deserte, and great gaine in peace, as in warre; seeing also their thankes preuented by the Legions, who first proclamed the newe Prince: vpon these and the like respectes being prone to innouation; they were pricked forwarde by meanes of Nymphidius Sabinus their captaine, who by treason aspired himselfe to the Empire. And though [Page 4] Nymphidius was in the verie attempt suppressed, and the head cut off thereby of the treason; yet there remained many of the souldiers guilty of the facte, and hating him whom they had wronged. Moreouer speeches were giuen out, noting the age and auarice of Galba. His seuerity, which was wont to be highly commended byIn this verse reported by Sueteonius: Disce miles militare; Galba est, non Gaetulicus. Galbae cap. 6. the common voice of the souldier, was now displeasaunt to them, who were generally weary of the ancient discipline, and so trained vp by Nero fourteene yeares, that now they loued their Emperours no lesse for their vices, then once they reuerenced them for their vertues. And Galba had let fall a speech honorable indeede for the common wealth, but for himselfe dangerous, That souldiers hee tooke vp in the muster, bought not in the market; for the rest of his doinges were not according. His two fauourites, Titus Vinius, and Cornelius Laco, the one of all mortal men most vnhonest, the other most vnable, with the hatefulnes of their lewde actions surcharged, and with the contempt of their insufficiencie, vtterly overthrewe the freely olde man. His iourney to Rome 22 was slowe and bloudy. for by his commandement Cingonius Varro Consull elect, and Petronius Turpilianus whoAnno vrbis conditae. 814. had beene Consull, were both put to death: Cingonius, as an associate of Nymphidius, the other as one of NeroesAgainst Galba. Zonaras. captaines: who, [...]. Plut. in Galba, as it were translating this place. howesoeuer they deserued it, dying as they did, not called, not hearde, dyed as guiltlesse. His entrie into the citie, when as so many thousandes of vnarmed souldiers were put to the sworde, seemed an vnlucky beginning, and was had in horrour, euen of those which executed the slaughter. The citie was full of extraordinary souldiers: Galba 23 brought in the Spanish Legion, and there remained another, which Nero had gathered out of the nauie, beside many companies out of the Legions of Germanie, Britannie, and Illyricum, which Nero had selected, & sent before to the 24 straits of the Caspian mountaines, for the warre intended with the Albanes, and afterwarde called againe to employ against Vindex: matter enough for innouation, though not greatly in fauour of any one, yet ready prepared for him that would venture. By chance the newes came together that Clodius Macer, & Fonteius Capito were slaine. Macer without question had begun to worke troubles in Africke, and was by Trebonius Garucianus the Procurator dispatched, by commandment from Galba: Capito in Germanie attempting the like, Cornelius [Page 5] Aquinus and Fabius Valens 25 Lieutenants of legions, slew without warrant. Some men were of opinion that Capito (though otherwise for extortion & vicious liuing very infamous) was neuertheles not guilty of treason: but that the Lieutenants hauing moued him to vndertake the matter against Galba, & seeing they could not induce him, tooke a new course,Crimen ac dolum: in another place, crimen ac mox insidias. p. 43. so that dolum cō positum esse seemeth here to be equivalent to [...]. preferring accusation against him, & consequently killing him for the crime wherof themselues were the hatchers: & so Galba either vpon a fickle disposition, or as being loth to search any deeper, did giue allowance to that which was done how soeuer, sith it coulde not be vndone: but surely both the executions were greatly misliked, as in a prince once in obloquie, doe he wel doe he ill, al is ill taken. Now his freedmen being ouer mighty, made open sale of al matters: his bondmen greedy vpon present aduantage, and hasty, as being vnder a master that was old, and not like long to continue: in summe the faults in the new court being but the same and of the like nature, yet were not excused alike. the very age of Galba was matter of scorn and contempt to them that were vsed to Neroes fresh youth, comparing the princes, as the maner is of the common sort, in beauty, and comelinesse of presence. And this was at Rome, as in such a variety, the state of mens minds. Now for the 26 prouinces abroad,27 of Spaine Cluvius Rufus was President, a person very eloquent, & for seruice in peace able, in war vnexpert. The countries of Gallia, beside the memory of Vindex, were another way assured to Galba, being of late by him made citizens of Rome, and released of part of their tribute for the time to come; only the cities which lay nearest the armies of Germany, hauing not the like honour done, yea and some beside hauing part of their territory taken away, were aggreeued as wel with their fellows benefits, as with their owne wrongs. The souldiers of Germany (a perillous matter in so mighty armies) swelled with pride vpon their late victory, and again, as hauing supported in some degree the contrary side, were perplexed with feare. they were slow in reuolting from Nero: neither did Verginius declare himselfe at the first for Galba: whether he desired the Empire himselfe, or no, was a question: without question his soldiers made him a profer. The death of Fonteius Capito euen theyThose hee meaneth, as I thinke, that had giuen out he was a travtour, or otherwise consented to [...]i [...] death. stomacked, that could not iustly complaine: only there wanted an head, Verginius being sent for away vnder colour of friendship: whom when they sawe not to be [Page 6] sent backe, & moreouer his doingsAt (que), etiam reum est: not iudicially, that I can find. [...] sayeth Plutar. p. 1505. called in question, they took it all as their owne case. The armie of vpper Germany made light reckening of Hordeonius Flaccus their Lieutenant, a man aged, and gowtie, without resolution, without authority, vnable to rule a quieter company; now being in fury, and finding him weake to gouerne the bridle, they sturred and troubled the more. The legions of lower Germanie were a while without a Lieutenant generall, til at length Vitellius came, sent by Galba, the sonne of Vitellius which had beene Censor, and thrise Consull:Id satis videbatur: that is, to Galba to send him Lieutenant, or to the souldiers to haue a liking to make him their Emperour, being so well borne. that seemed sufficient. The army in Britannie was quiet; and in trueth among all the legions, in all those ciuill troubles, none behaued themseluesAnd yet they ioined themselues with Vitellius. p. 44. vliuncto Britannico exer citu Vitellius. &c. more innocently: whether it was, that they were farre of, and seuered by sea, or that by continuall exploites against the enemie, the malice of their humour was spent otherwise. Illyricum also sturred not, although the legions which Nero had called thence, while they lingred in Italie, had sent to Verginius to offer their seruice: but the armies beeing farre asunder (a pointe most holesome to keepe souldiers in due faith and allegeaunce) coulde not ioyne neither faultes, nor forces together. The East as yet was calme. Licinius Mutianus with foure legions ruled Syria, a man in the course of good and bad fortune famous alike: in his youth he had to his cost wound himselfe into the acquaintaunce of great men; anone wealth wearing awaie, his state decaying, suspecting also the displeasure of Claudius, hee withdrewe himselfe from Rome into Asia, then as neere to the state of an exiled person, as after hee was to the state of an Emperour: of riot, and industrie; of curtesie and arrogancie; of good and ill partes strangely compounded: pleasures excessiue, when his leasure serued: when the case required, excellent vertues: openly praise worthy, his secrete actions were ill spoken of: but generallie with them vnder him, with them about him, with his companions in office, by diuers allurementes verie gracious; and such a one as coulde more easily deliuer the Empire to another, then obtaine it himselfe. Flauius Vespasianus with three legions gouerned the Iewish. warre, appointed generall by Nero; a manne that wished to Galba but well, and neuer meant to attempte against him; for hee hadde sent his sonne Titus to doe him his duety, as an one in conueniente place shall bee declared. After the euent we [Page 7] surely beleeued, that the Empire was by the secret course of fate, by signes and oracles fore-appointed to Vespasian and his line.28 AEgypt and the garrisons there the gentlemen of Rome euer since Augustus time haue ruled with [...]. Sarabo. 17. royall authority: for so it was thought expedient to bridle andDomiretinere to keepe them in awe, from gadding and seeking [...]ide from abroade. keepe vnder a prouince of hard accesse, fruitfull of graine, seditious, and variable through superstition and wantonnesse, not accustomed to obey any lawe, to agnize any magistrate.Tiberius Alexander illustris eques Romanus. Tac. Ann 15. Tiberius Alexander, a man borne in the countrey, was gouernour there. Africke and the legions there, Clodius Macer beeing slaine, liked well enough of any Prince whatsoeuer, hauing hadPost experimentum domini minoris: pettie Princes belike are harddest masters to their subiects, and of Macer Plut. reporteth that he was excercised [...]. triall of a meaner master. The one Mauretania andTingitana & Caesaeriensis. the other, Rhoetia, Noricum, Thracia, and the other countries ruled by Procurators, as they lay near to any of the armies, were swayed to like or dislike, as it liked theirTacitus in this booke: facili transitu ad proximos & validiores. p. 51. betters that bordered about them. The prouinces which were vnfurnished of forces, and especially Italy it selfe, lying open to be subdued by any, were to become the prize of the warre. And this was the state of the Romane Empire when Seruius Galba second time Consul with Titus Vinius, beganne the year which was last to themselues, and last almost to the common wealth also.
IIII. The adoption of Piso.
SOME few daies after the beginning of Ianuary, letters came out of Belgica from Pompeius Propinquus Procurator there, that the legions of vpper Germany without respect of oth and duty demanded another Emperour; and that this their reuolt might be the lesse hainously taken, had referred the choise thereof to the Senate, and people of Rome. These news hastned the purpose of Galba, who had already a good while before deuised with himselfe, and with some near about him, concerning the adoption. No speech was for the time more common and curraunt in the whole city, partly vpon a licence and lust to talke of such matters, and partly because Galba was spent and feeble for age: vpon iudgement or loue to the commonwealth very few, the most part vpon secret hopes, as they fauored or followed this man or that, offred occasion to bring them in speech for the succession. And now Vinius was grown into great hatred; who, as hee waxed daily more [Page 8] mighty, so daily more odious: for Galba with his too much facilitie encreased and nourished the greedy and gaping desires of his friendes neuer satisfied in so greate meanes, and offending, as vnder a Prince weake of body, and light of beleefe, with lesse feare, and greater aduantage. The whole power of the Prince was diuided betweene Titus Vinius the Consul, and Cornelius Laco captaine of the garde. Neither was Icelus the freedman inferiour in fauour with his master,29 who being priuiledged to weare gold rings, & made a gentleman, was commonly called by the name of Martianus. These three, otherwise disagreeing, and in points of lesse importance drawing euery one a sundry waie, in this consultation of chusing a successour were diuided into two sides. Vinius was for Marcus Otho: Laco and Icelus agreed not so much vpon any one, as vpon any other. Neither did Galba much like of the party, suspecting the counsell of Vinius as partiall, and grounded vpon a mariage pretended betweeneCrispina. his daughter being a widowr, and Otho an vnmaried man; a matter wherewith the ears of the prince, by reason oftalecariers in court, were not vnacquainted. I thinke also that Galba was touched in part with care of the common wealth, which might seeme in vain transferred from Nero, if it were to be left vpon Otho. for Otho had spent his tender yeares withoutParhici gestamen Othonis. Ivenal. Sat. 11 regard of his honour, his youth afterward in al dissolute disorder,30 in grace with NeroPerlibertinam aulicam insinuatus Neroni facilè summum inter amicos locum tenuit, congruentiâ morū. Suet. Oth. c. 2. through emulation of vice: & therfore Nero had left in his custodie, as with one that wasDelapso Nerone in amorem Actae, assumpto in conscientiam Othone &c. Ann. 13. priuy to his lusts,31 Poppaea Sabina his principal minion, til he had dispatched his hands of Octauia his wife: soone after vpon an apprehension of ielosy, he sent himAt Senecaes intreating: Plutar. p. 1503. Ann. 13. Deijcitur familiaritate sueta, post congressu & comitatu Otho, & postremò ne in vrbe aemulatus ageres, prouinciae [...]usitantae praeficitur: vbi vs (que) ad ciuilia arma non expriore infamia, sed integrè, sancté (que) egit, proca otij & potestatis temperan. tior. away into Lusitania, coulorably to be Lieutenant there. Otho hauing gouerned the prouince with al curtesy, & being the first that came in to Galba, & therwith a man of action, & of those which were present during the war of greatest account, readily conceiued hope of adoption, and daily toke himselfe better of assured, being wel fauoured of most of the soldiers, and greatly beloued of Neroes court, as one like to their late master. But Galba after the newes of the German rebellion, although of Vitellius as yet he vnderstoode noe certainetie, being doubtfull to what issue this violent proceeding of the armies would growe, and reposing no trust in the city-souldier, proceedeth to declare a successour, the onely stay, as he supposed, of his estate. And calling to him beside Vinius and Laco, Marius Celsus consul elect, [Page 9] & Ducenius GeminusPraefectus vrbis. Prouost of the city, after some speech vsed of his age,Sueton. c. 17. somewhat differing from Tacitus writeth, Pisonem repentè è media salutantium turba apprehendit, filiu (que) appellani, in castra perduxit. he commandeth Piso Licinianus to be sent for, either vpon his owne choise, or as some haue reported, at the instance of Laco: who cunningly preferred him as a mere stranger to himselfe, whereas indeede they had in Rubellius Plautus house, had long acquaintance together, & the good opinion which went generally of Piso, gaue credit to his counsel. Piso was sonne to Marcus Crassus, and Scribonia, nobly borne on both sides; in countenance and presence after the ancient sort, rightly to iudge, seuere; but to them which interpreted al to the worst, seeming too sowre. That quality of his, the more it was by some men, carefull in that behalfe, misdoubted and feared, the better it pleased the man, who was to adopt him. So Galba taking Piso by the hand, is saied to haue spoken in this manner.
"If I should as a priuate man only, by an act of the Curiae, and assent of the Priestes, as the maner is, adopt you, it woulde bee both an honour for me, to take into my family the progenie of Marcus Crassus and Pompey, and a glory for you, to adioine the honorable encrease of the 32 Sulpitian and Lutatian houses to your owne nobility. But now being by the consent of gods and men called to the Empire, I am moued by your rare towardnes, and the loue I beare to my countrey, to offer vnto you, without your trouble, the Princes place, that, for which our auncestors haue contended in armes, which by armes my selfe haue obtained: following herein the example of Augustus, who placed in estate next to himselfe, first Marcellus his sisters son, afterward Agrippa his sonne in lawe, then his daughters sonnes, and lastly his wiues sonne Tiberius Nero. But Augustus, as it seemeth, sought a successour in his family, and ITo this saying alluded, as it may seeme, Dagalaiphus master of the horse to Valentinian the Emperour, who beeing demanded in counsel by his master, what partener he were best to assume of the Empire, answered briefly, Si tu [...] amas habes f [...]airem, si temp alium quaere. Marcellin. lib. 26. pag. 1719. in the common wealth. Not that I lacke some 33 neare me in bloud, or companions in armes, whom I could respect: but neither did I by ambition attaine to the Empire, & of my iudgement herein may be proofe, not onely mine owne friendes passed ouer, but yours also. A brother you haue, noble alike, in yeares before you, wel worthy of this honour, were not you the more woorthy. Your yeares are such, as are settled from the affections of youth, and so spent, as no thing past needeth excuse. Hitherto you haue tasted onely of aduerse fortune: prosperity searcheth more deepely the minde; for miseries are borne with patience, felicity corrupteth. Integritie, friendship, round and free dealing, the principall [Page 10] gifts of the minde, you for your part, no doubt wil retaine as heretofore; but in others towards you, in respect of your degree, you shall finde it to be otherwise: flattery will breake in, and pleasing speeches, and the most pestilent poison of all true meaning, priuate respectes for priuate aduantage. We two this daie common plainely together, others rather talke with our estate, then our persons: for indeede to persuade a Prince that which is meete, is a point of some paine; to flatter any Prince whatsoeuer, needeth small endeuour. If this vast body of the Empire could stande without gouernour, balanced in due proportion and order, the free common wealth might worthilie haue taken beginning from me: but now it is come long agoe to that passe, that neither mine age can benefit the people of Rome any way more, then in finding them a good successor, nor your youth, then in yeelding them a good Prince. Vnder Tiberius, Caius, & Claudius, we haue bene as it were, the inheritance of one 34 family: it wil be insteed of liberty, that we begin to succeede by election: and now the Iulian and Claudian lines be spent, adoption wil stil find out of the best: for to be descended of Princes, is a matter of meere fortune, and so is esteemed: in adoptions our iudgement is most incorrupt, and seldomest abused; and if we will chuse of the fittest, the voice of the most will point vs our man. Set Nero before your eies, whom, being descended of so many Caesars, his owne infamous life, and vntolerable cruelty cast out of state, not Vindex with an vnarmed prouince, nor I withTo wit sexta. Tac. 5. Histor. principem Galbam sexte legionis autoritate factum. p. 210. one Legion: neither was there before a precedent of any Prince by publicke sentence deposed. Wee, that came in, not by descent, but called in by warre and opinion of desert, howe honorablie soeuer we carry our selues, yet shall we be sure to haue our enuyours. And yet bee not dismayed, if in this troubled and shaken estate of the worlde, one Legion or two be not yet settled: I my selfe found not all so sure at the first: and when this adoption shall be heard of abroad, I 35 shal cease to seeme an old man, the onely exception they take nowe against me. Nero shall doubtlesse be missed, and wished alwaies among the lewd sort; you and I must prouide, lest good men also do wish him againe. To admonish you longer is not for this time, and all mine intent is fully performed, if I haue, as I hope, chosen aright. The surest and shortest rule to sorte out good from euill, is to waighe what your selfe woulde vnder [Page 11] another Prince haue allowed or blamed: for you haue not here, as in kingdomes, a certaine race borne to souerainety, and the rest to be slaues; but you are to gouerne a people, which cannot beare, neither bondage, nor liberty meere without mixture.
These words and the like Galba vsed asThat is, Galba by way of instruction: the rest flattering and fawning. creating a Prince, but the rest that were present, spake as to a Prince alreadie created. Piso is saide to haue vttered no motion, as of a minde either troubled or excessiue in ioye, neither then nor afterwarde when euery mans eies were fixed vpon him. His speech to his father, and soueraine was respectiue, and reuerent; concerning himselfe verie modest: in countenance and gesture not changed, shewing himselfe ratherTac. 3. Hist. p. 127. de Iunio Blaeso. Nullius repentini honoris, adeò non principatus appetens, vs parum effugeret, quin dignus crederetur. able to furnishe the place, then desirous. Then consultation was had, where the adoption shoulde bee pronounced;Pro [...]ostris, that is, vnto the people assembled inconcione. before the people, in the Senate, or in the campe. the campe was preferred, to honor the souldier thereby, whose good will and fauour, as it was by money and crowching not to bee bought, so got by good meanes would not be contemned. In the meane season Publicke expectation, which suffereth not any great secrete long to be secrete, had, as it were, beset the Palace about: and the fame finding an issue, was afterwarde by suppressing encreased. The tenth of Ianuary fel out to be stormy, with great thū der, lightnings, & extraordinary weather.36 That being of ancient time obserued as cause to breake vp assemblies, staied not Galba from going to the campe, contemning such things as casual, or because that which by fate is allotted, though somtime foreshewed, is neuer auoided. There in full assembly of the souldiers with breuity princelike he pronounceth, that he adopteth Piso, following the example of Augustus of sacred memory, and according to that militare fashion, where 37 ech man maketh choise of his fellowe. And least the Germane rebellion should, if it were concealed, be deemed the greater, he sheweth them purposely, that the fourth and eighteenth legion misse-led by a fewe mutinous persons had erred in words only, and termes, & shortly would be reclaimed: and so concluded his speech, bestowing vpon them neither eloquence nor money. The Tribunes notwithstanding, and Centurions, and souldiers which stood neare about him, returned a plausible aunswere: the rest of the companie were silent, and sad, as hauing lost nowe their donatiue in warre, which they had vsed 38 of duety in peace to receaue. It is very certaine, their heartes [...] [Page 14] in mind as in body, and his freedmen and seruants, the nearest about him, being brought vp in more licence then vsually in a priuate mans house, layed before him, who greedily gaped after such baites, the court of Nero and riotous liuing, wiues at will of his own, and of other mens, with such like pleasures of Princes, as his owne proper good, if he durst seaze vpon them; if not, vpbraiding them to him, as left vnto others.40 The Astrologers also vrged him forward, assuring by their star-learning great chaunges at hand, and a yeare of aduancement for Otho: a kind of people to Princes vnfaithfull, to hopers deceitful, that in our commonwelth shal be alwaies forbidden, and alwaies retained. Many of that profession were employed by Poppaea in her secret affaires, the baddest instruments aPrincipale matrimonium, i. vxor principis as Tacitus speaketh also, 11. Annal. At Claudius, matrimonij sui ignarus, lasciviam populi severis edictis increpuit: that is, ignorant of his wiues behaviour at home. Princes wife can vse: of which number Ptolemaeus, who followed Otho into Spaine, promised he should ouerliue Nero: and so by the euent hauing won credit, perswaded him further, by coniecture alone, & speech of people comparing the yeares of Galba and Otho, that he should be assumed to the Empire: but Otho embraced it as foretold by art, and by the forewarning of fate; as the humour is of most men to beleeue that soonest, which they least vnderstād, or know what it meaneth. Neither was Ptolemaeus behinde for his part, persuading him now to the point, in that kind of fact, which in a mind so desirous is soone apprehended. But whether it came in his mind on the sodain or no, to commit this foule act, that is not certainly known: certain it is, that long before that, he had by al possible meanes practised the fauour and goodwill of the souldier, either vpon the hope of succession, or as preparing the way to his treasō: in iourneying, in marching, in warding, calling by name such as were of greatest continuaunce, and tearming them mates, vpon the remembrance of liuing together in Neroes traine; with some renewing acquaintance; some calling for, & releeuing their needs with his purse, & his countenance; inserting withal now & then complaints, & glauncing at Galba with speeches of doubtful construction, or what otherway hee coulde bethinke him to, stur vp, and alter the vulgar sort. The trauailes in iourneying, the straytnesse of prouision, the harde hande held ouer them were much mislikt of the souldiers: for whereas before they were wont to visite the 41 lakes of Campania, and townes of Achaia at their ease vpon shipborde, now it seemed sore to trot al a foote ouer the Pyrenees & Alpes, and huge long viages at smal [Page 15] ease in their armour. The soldiers mindes being thus alreadie incensed, Meuius Pudens an acquaintance of Tigellinus, ministred matter to inflame them further; who alluring some vnstaied heads, or such as were needy of money, & desperate vpon new desires, by litle and litle proceeded so farre, that so oft as Galba was feasted at Othoes, vnder pretence of a banquet-beneuolence, he distributed to ech man of the cohorte which waited,Aureum vnū saith Plutarch, and Suetonius, that is, 15. [...] 7. d ob. Nowe this cohort or band cōsisted of a thousand souldiers; so that his whole liberalitie that way cost him at one dinner 781. li. 5. s. an hundreth sesterces. which, as being aPublicam, [...], or rather [...]. publicke larges, Otho strengthened with secret rewardes to particulare persons: so confident a corrupter, that whereas Cocceius Proculus aSpiculator. bilman of the Garde had a suite with his neighbour about a small parcell of grounde, which laye doubtfull betweene them, Otho with his owne money bought the neighbours whole grounde, and freelye bestowed it vpon him: such was the insufficiency of Laco the captaine, grossely to ouersee not onely close practises, but euen those dealinges, which all the whole world espied beside. But at that time Otho appointed Onomastus one of his freedmen for master woorkeman to contriue the treason, who bringing Barbius Proculus the watch-worde-carier of the bilmen, and Veturius a Centurions lieutenaunt anone to his master, after that Otho by sundry speeches, and much priuate conference, perceaued them to be crafty, and bould, fit for his purpose, he lades them with rewardes in hande, but much more with promises to come; giuing them money to assay the minds of moe of their fellowes: and so two common souldiers tooke vpon them to transferre the Empire of the people of Rome, and accordingly perfourmed it indeed. Few were by them made priuy to the principall purpose, and they by diuerse deuises incited the houering mindes of the rest; drawing into the association the chiefe of the souldiers preferred by Nymphidius, as being suspect to the present estate; the meaner sort, and the rest, by meanes of the anger and displeasure conceaued vpon despaire of their donatiue so often differred: some also there were, whom the memory of Nero, and desire of former licence did mooue: in generall all were afraide they shoulde finde a chaunge in the seruice. This contagion infected also the Legions, and Aydes, whose faith was weakened already, when as they heard their fellows of Germany had left their allegeance. And so ready were the bad to rebell, yea the good to dissemble, that vpon the fourteenth of Ianuary, they had determined, as [Page 16] Otho returned from supper to haue taken him vp by the way,Suet. Oth. c. 6 yeeldeth another reason: obstitit respectus cohortis quae tunc excubabat, ne oneraretur invidia, quòd eiusdem statione & Caius fuerat occisus, & desertus Nero. Medium quo (que) tempus religio, & Mathematici exemerunt. had they not feared such casuall chances, as night might haue bred; and by reason the soldiers were lodged scatteringly throughout the whole towne; and that drunken men would a great deal more hardly agree; not for any care of common wealth, which they purposed, when they were sober, to pollute with the bloud of their Prince; but least in the darcke by errour it might chaunce, that in steede of Otho some other man should be offred to theFor before be had said, that multiè Germania & Illyrico electi remained in Rome. Pannonian and German souldiers, and so be accepted for Emperour, the most part of thē not knowing Otho by sight. Many signes of treason euen now as it were discouering it selfe, were suppressed by the conspiratours: some other in Galbaes hearing Laco the captaine put away with a iest; a man little seene in souldiers affections, and of anye aduise, were it neuer so excellent, whereof himselfe was not auctour, an enemy, and against the skilfull obstinately contentious. The fifteenth of Ianuary as Galba was sacrificing before Apolloes temple, Vmbricius the Priest, by viewe of vnprosperous entrailes, foresheweth daungers at hande, and a home enemy in Othoes audience (for hee was the next man) who contrarily construed it as good lucke on his side, and happy successe in his affaires. Anone after Onomastus bringeth in woorde, that the master carpenter, and those which had vndertaken the woorke at a price, stayed for his comming: for that was the watchwoorde agreed betweene them, to signifie that nowe the souldiours were drawing together, and the conspiracy ripe. Otho faining an aunswere to such as demaunded the cause of his departure, that he had certaine ould tenements to buy, which hee suspected were ruinous, and therefore would haue them viewed before,innixus liberto following his seruaunts direction, went through Tiberius house into the Velabrum, and thence to the 42 golden Milliarium vnder the temple of Saturnus. There three and twentySpiculatores bilmen attending his comming salute him Emperoure: and as hee stoode amazed, trembling for feare at their fewenesse, they snatch him vppe hastily into a chayre, and with their swordes drawen cary him away. As they went forwarde toward the campe, about so many mo souldiers ioyned themselues, some acquainted indeede with the cause, but most for the wonder and strangenes: part with showts, and drawn swords, part holding their peace, meaning so to proceed, as the euent should direct [Page 17] them. Iulius Martialis warded as Tribune that day in the campe: who being either terrefied with the greatnes of so sodaine a treason, or else fearing the campe was further corrupted, & death, if he should make shew of resistance, gaue most men to misdeeme by his dealing, that he was somewhat of counsel with the case. The rest likewise of the Tribunes and Centurions preferred present security before duety with danger: and generally after that manner were their mindes and affections inclined, that into so horrible a treason few only durst enter, more wished it so, and all were contented to suffer it to passe. Galba in the meane while ignorant of al which had passed, was busily occupied about his deuotion, importuning the gods now of another mans Empire, when as sodainely worde was brought, that a Senatour, they wist not well who, was caried to the campe; and straightwaies that it was Otho. Anon flocked thither out of all quarters,Vt quis (que) obvus fuerat, sc. Othoni, or Othonianis, as I thinke. as they happened to meete him, some making the fear more then it was, some lesse, not forgetting euen then to fal to their flattering biace. The matter being consulted vpon, it was thought conuenient, to sounde the minde of the cohorte, which warded in the Palace, not by Galba himselfe, whose autority was to be reserued intier for greater exploites, but by Piso: who calling them before the stayres of the house, vsed this speech. "It is now, fellow-souldiers, six daies, since that I was, not knowing what might after befall, and whether this name were to be wished, or feared, adopted Caesar: with what successe to our house, or to the common wealth, that lyes in your hands▪ not that I am, for mine own particular, afraid of any heauy chaunce that can happen: froward fortune I haue proued with the most; and the good I doe take to bring no lesse daunger: but my fathers case, the Senates, and the whole Empires I lament, if this day of force we must either kil or be killed; a harde choise for any good man. In the last troubles these comforts we had: the city was kept clean without any bloudshed; the state passed ouer without any discord; order was taken as it seemed, sufficient, by declaring a successour, that hereafter alto there should be no newe occasion of warre. I will not extoll and magnifie here mine ancient house, or modest behauiour; neither in the comparison with Otho, neede we to recken vp vertues: his vices wherein alone he triumphs, haue ruined the state euen then, when he was but a frend of the Emperours. By his gesture and gate should he deserue [Page 18] to be Prince, or by that womanish attire he weareth? they are fowly deceiued, whom riot deceaues with shew of liberality. to cast away & consume well may he be learned; to giue in good order he hath not the skil: bodily pleasures & banqueting, wanton daliance with womē, these be the points which now he proposeth himselfe; these he accounteth the prerogatiues of Princes; wherof the lust & pleasure shal be only his own, the shame & ignominy redoundeth to al: for neuer any mā yet vsed the Empire wel, which he got by il means. The consent of the world made Galba Emperor, & Galba by your consent made me. If the weale publicke, the Senate, the people, be friuolous names, & no substāce; yet for your own interest prouide, fellow-soldiers, that the raskallest sort be no Emperour-makers. The legions abroad haue somtime mutined against their generals; that hath bin heard of: your truth & good name bath remained as yet to this day vntouched: & Nero also forsook you, not you Nero. Shall lesse thē thirty renegats & traitors, whō none would permit to chuse their Centurion, or Tribune, dispose of the Empire? do you alow the exāple? do you wink at their crime, & so make it your own? the prouinces wil vsurpe the like licēce, & the end of these treasōs wil fal to our share, the end of those wars vnto yours. Nether is ther more gotten by murthering your Prince, then by keeping your hands innocent & cleane: as wel shal you receaue of vs a donatiue for truth, as of others for treason. TheSpiculatores bilmē being slipped away, the rest of the cohort seeming to be moued with his words, more of feare, as it hapneth in tumults, & yet with some reason, make ready their ensignes, which afterward men supposed was done for a color & fraude. Marius Celsus also was sent to the selected soldiers of the Illyrian army, encamped in Vipsanius cloyster: & commandment was giuen to Amulius Serenus, & Domitius Sabinus, which had binPrimipilares. leaders of the principal ensigne, to fetch forth the German soldiersè Libertatis [...]trio. out of the court of Liberty. The legion of mariners Galba distrusted, as being incensed against him for the slaughter of their fellows at his first entry. Cerius Seuerus, Subrius Dexter, and Pompeius Longinus Tribunes were sent to the Praetorian camp, to try whether the sedition might now at the beginning, and before it were grown to a ripenes, by better aduise be assuaged. Subrius & Cerius with threats, & manacing were put by the soldiers to silence: vpon Longinus they lay violent hands, and disarm him, because he had come to that place not by order of seruice, but by [Page 19] extraordinary fauor of Galba; a man faithful to his Prince, & therfore of rebels worse liked. The legiō of mariners without any stay ioined thēselues to thē of the gard: the selected of the Illy riā army, with darts bent vpon him, driue Celsus away: the German ensignesSurtonius somewhat otherwise, c. 20. omnes qui accer serentur, spreve re nuntium, excepta Germanicorum vexillatione Hi ob recens meritum, quò se aegros & in validos magnopere sovisset, in auxili um advolauere: sed seriùs, itinere devio per ignorantiam locorum retardati. were long in suspence, beeing as yet feeble in body, but in minde wel affected, for that being sent by Nero before to Alexandria, at their return tired & sick with so long a cut they were by Galba carefully cherished. Now was al the cōmon people, & bondmē withal assēbled into the Palace, requiring with tumultuous cries, as if they were to demand in the stage or Race a pastime, that Otho might be pulled in peeces, & those other traitors exiled; not vpon 43 iudgement or any true meaning; for the selfsame day with as vehemēt instāce they would be as ready to demād the otherway: but only vpō a receaued custom to flatter the Prince whatsoeuer he be, framing 44 acclamations at pleasure, and vainely endeuoring to shew their good wils. In the mean seasō Galba was distracted with two diuers opinions. Titus Vinius thought best to stay within dores, to oppose the bondmen against thē, to fortifie the passages, & not to go forth to men in their fury: that he should giue a space for the bad to repēt for the good to consent: that treasons preuaile on the sodain, good coūsels gather forces by leasure: & lastly if he would, or reason required it, then might he wel go, as now, to anone: but to come in again, if he chanced to repent him, were likely to ly in the wil of another. The rest were all of a contrary mind: that it was the much better way, to cut of delaies with al possible speed, before the conspiracy of few, as yet with out force, took furder encrease: that euē Otho himselfe would trēble for feare, who being conueied priuily away, & brought in amōg those which knew not the matter, through slothful delaying, & trifling the time, learns now at his leasure to coūter fait the Prince. what? would they expect til Otho hauing composed the campe, & set al in order, should inuade the Place of publicke assembly, & as Galba peeped but of a hole, vnder his nose enter the Capitol; whilest he, like a goodly trim captain, with his couragious friends, so they may be in couert, kept close within dores, & shut vp the gates, meaning belike to attende the siege there? much helpe might one hope for at bondmens handes, if the agreement of so greate a multitude, and their first indignation, which is alwaies the hoatest, were suffered to coole. that therefore the partie dishonorable was also more dangerous: or if needes they must die, [Page 20] then better to meete and encounter the danger: that woulde at least breede Otho more enuy, and were withall most for their honour. As Vinius replied against the opinion, Laco, at the instigation of Icelus, persisting in priuate displeasures to the ouerthrowe of the publicke estate, beginneth to charge him with manacing and threats: and Galba without any longer delay gaue himselfe wholly to followe their counsell, which had the fairer shewe in apparence. yet first was Piso sent to the campe, as beeing a youngman of great name and gracious, fresh in mens fauour, and enemy to Vinius, either because he was so, or that Vinius ilwillers did wish it to be so; and it is thought rather he was so indeede. Piso was scant gone abroade, when firsl a flying rumour without autor was spred, that Otho was slaine in the campe: anone, as in great lies it falles out, some affirmed they were present, and saw it; a report which men partly reioycing, & partly not curious,45 easily beleeued. Many supposed this rumour was framed, and increased by some of Othoes men, being now shuffled in with the rest, & giuing out vntruly good news of purpose to allure Galba out of his hold. But vpon the report howsoeuer, not onely the people and simpler sort clap handes, and declare immoderatly their affections. but most of the gentlemen, and Senators without temporizing, as being now freed of feare, breake open the gates, rush into the Palace, presse forward to Galba, protesting howe sory they were, the reuenge of his quarrell was thus preuented by others; the greatest cowards, & such as in danger dared the lest, as trial made proofe, being most excessiue in words, and hardy of tongue. Thus whilest al affirmed, and no body knewe, Galba yeelding to an vntruth so generally soothed,Purposing onely, as Plutarch reporteth, to shewe himselfe abroad to the people, and do his sacrifice to the gods for his deliueraunce, as making no doubt but that Otho was dead. [...]: but in the end he found himselfe bidden to another banquet. puts onThoracem. Sueton. Loricā linteam. a brestplate, & being not able for body nor age to sustaine the presse which came in vpon him, was lifted vp in a chayre. In the Palace Iulius Atticus met him, one of theSpiculatores bilmen, holding out a bloudy sworde in his hand, with which he cried alowde, he had slaine Otho. My friend, quoth Galba, who bad thee? a man of rare vertue to keepe in awe a licentious soldier, whom neither threats could terrefie, nor flattering speeches corrupt and abuse.
By this time the soldiers were whollie agreed, with so greate feruency fauouring Otho, that not content to assist him in companies with their bodies, they cast a ring about him with banners, as he stoodeMedium inter signa. i. medium inter milites subsignanos. in the midst of the ensignes in the Tribunal, in which [Page 21] a litle before the image of Galba was planted in gould, not suffring the Tribunes or Centurions to approch, yea and further the common soldier bidding beware of officers. All the whole campe resounded with clamours, with tumult, with mutual encouragement: none of those different chantings of dull flattery practised among the popular: but as they espied any soldier comming, they would take him by the hande, embrace him in their armour, set him fast by them, begin him the othe, recommending sometime their Emperour to the soldiers, and sometime the souldiers to their Emperour. Neither was Otho slacke for his parte to stretch forth his handes, to bow himselfe to euery meane person,jacere oscula. [...]. Xiphilinus. to throwe kisses abroad, and what seruile crowching els not for an Empire! When the whole legion of mariners had sworne allegeance, trusting now to his strength, and supposing it requisite to incense them in common, whom as yet he had only incited in seueral, standing vpon the rampier of the camp, he begins in this manner. "I am come here, as you see, to your presence, my loving companions: but what I am, that cannot I tel. A priuate man I wil not be tearmed, being named Prince by you; nor Prince wel I cannot, whilest yet another possesseth the place: your name also, whether traytors, or true subiectes, shalbe likewise in doubt, till it bee decided what manner of man you haue in your campe, an Emperor of the people of Rome, or an enemy. Doe you not heare how my death, and your punishment are bothFor so Tacitus sayeth a litle before: dissonus clamor plebis & servitiorum, caedem Othonis & coniuratorum exilium poscentiū. required at once? so euident it is, that we can neither perish nor be safe, but iointly together: & perhaps Galba, according to the measure of his discretion, hath promised it already, as one that could finde in his heart, vnaskt, vnrequired, to murther so many thousands of most innocent citizens. A horrour perceth my hart, as oft as I call to remembrance the dismall entry, and that only conquest of his, when he did in sight of the city commande to be slaine the tenth person of those, which vpon their humble request he had receaued into his protection. Such was his vnpros;perous entry: and what glorious fact brought he beside to commend him withall to the Princes place, sauing the slaughter of Obultronius Sabinus and Cornelius Marcellus in Spaine, of Betuus Chilo in France, of Fonteius Capito in Germanie, of Clodius Macer in Africke, of Cingonius in the way, Turpilianus in the city, Nymphidius in the campe? nay, what prouince is there, what campe any where, that he hath not, as he pretendes, amended and corrected, [Page 22] but in truth with cruelty misused & stained with blud? Those things which other men accoūt haynous faults, he tearms them gentle remedies: cruelty he clokes with the name of seuerity; and wretched couetousnes he tearmeth prouident sparing; your stripes & indignities ancient discipline. Since the death of Nero it is scarce seuen months, & yet hath one Icelus alreadie raked more together, then al that rable, Polycletus, Vatinius,Elius was left by Nero, at his pilgrimage into Achaia, as his vicegerent in Rome with absolute autoritie; and with him Polycletus: which two as Xiphilinus witnesseth, p. 191. [...]. Of Vatinius TAcitus maketh mention. 15. Ann. p. 523. Vatinius inter faedissima eius audae ostenta fuit, Sutrinae tabernae alumnus, corpore detorto, facetijs scurrilibus primò in contumelias assumptus, deinde optimi cuius (que) ariminatione [...]ò vs (que) valuit, vt gratia, pecunia, vi nocendi etiam malis prae mineret. Elius, and their fellowes haue done in so many yeares. And certainly with lesse couetousnes, and more respect would Titus Vinius haue raged, if himselfe had bene Emperor: now he oppresseth vs as vassals, & holdeth vs vile as strā gers: the onely wealth of that man were enough for the donatiue, which daiely is cast in your teeth, but neuer paied to your purses. And lest we might hope to better our estate, at the lest when Galba were gone, he hath fetched out of exile one, that in cruelty & couetousnes he iudged likest himselfe. you saw, fellow-soldiers, by that notable storme, that euen the gods much abhorred that vntoward adoptiō. The Senat, the people are of the same mind: your part now only remaineth: your valour and vertue is looked for: you are the men who ad strength to good causes: without you, be the attempt neuer so worthy, it shal neuer take any worthy effect. I desire you not to a warre, I call you not to any dangerous exploit: the soldiers be all of our side, and that one vnarmed cohort, which waits vppon Galba, endeuours not nowe to defende him against vs, but rather detaines him from scaping out from vs: when you shall come in their view, when they shall see my enseigne, this wil be their onely contention who shall in my behalfe doe greatest seruice. No delay in that enterprise is to be vsed, which neuer is commended, before it beSuetonius c. 6. addeth: Ad cō ciliandor pollicitationibus militum animos nihil magis proconcione testatus est, quàm id demùm se habitururm, quod sibi illi reliquissens. ended. Then commaunded the armory to be opened: armes by and by were taken contrary to custome, and order of seruice, where the Praetorian and Legionarie man is seuered by his different cognisance: with helmets and targets they mingle themselues among the Aide-soldiers: no Centurion nor Tribune encouraging them, they become captain and encourager, ech man to himselfe; and that which cheefely encouraged the bad, the good were discouraged, & quite out of hart. Now Piso being scared awaie with the noise, as the sedition grew fuller and hoater, with showtes resounding euen into the citie, by this time hadde ioyned himselfe to Galba againe, who was in the meane season issued out of the Palace, and come neere to the [Page 23] Place of publicke assembly. Marius Celsus likewise had brought an heauy aunswere againe: whereupon some thought it expedient to retire into the Palace againe, some rather to possesse themselues of the Capitoll, some other to take the Rostra: but the most did only impugne the opinions of others; and as often it chanceth in counsels crossed with euil successe, that way was commonly iudged the best, whereof the time was forepassed. It is reported that Laco, vnwitting to Galba, had a meaning to haue slaine Titus Vinius, hoping belike by his death to mitigate the soldiers, or mistrusting he was confederate with Otho, or els vpon priuate displeasure: the time & the place bred scruple in the matter: for when men are set in a killing, it is not so easy to stoppe when you list; and many other accidentes stayed the purpose; fearefull messages, the slippings away of his friendes, their courages being all quayled, euen of those which cheerefully at first made most oftentation of loyaltie and stoutnesse. Galba was driuen to and fro with the crowde of the companie, as it waued vp and downe. The standing inBasilicae at templa: [...]. Plut. temples and churches on euery side were taken to view thislugubri prospectu, for prospectui. Tacitus 2. Hist. 93. Luxu & saginae mancipatus. Plutarch turneth this place [...]. sorowful sight: the people al mute, with countenances amazed, & listening eares; no tumult, no quietnes; such a silence as argued great feare, and great anger: notwithstanding it was caried to Otho, that the common people were a putting in armes: whereupon heFor he himselfe remained still in the campe. Suet. Oth. c. 6, while this tragedie was a playing; a circumstāce which in reason Tacitus should not haue toched so lightly. commaunded his men to marche in all speede, and preuent the danger. So the Roman soldiers,46 as if they had gone to pul Vologeses or Pacorus out of the throne anciētly possessed by Arsaces line, and not to murdre their owne Emperour vnarmed, & aged, dispersing the people, trampling the Senate vnder foote,Equites. [...]iso p [...]ccul Galba, [...] Sue [...]. [...]. 19. set spurres to their horses, & fiercely in armes rush into the Place of assembly: neither did the sight of the Capitoll, nor reuerence of the temples about, nor the Princes past and to come, terrefy them from committing that abhominable act; whereof the next successour is the reuenger. The enseigne-bearer of Galbaes cohort, Atilius Vergilio by report, assoone as he sawe a far of the armed men, marching in array, pluckt downe the image of Galba, & dashed it against the pauement. by that it did plainely appeare, that all the souldiers were wholly for Otho. The people vnbidden make away in al hast, leauing the Place of assembly voide, or if any seemed to linger they were drawn vpon by the soldiers. At Lacus Curtius Galba was tumbled out of his chayre to the grounde, through [Page 24] the fearefulnes of them which bare it. His last words are diuersely by diuerse reported, as they admired or hated the man: some say, he humbly demanded, what ill he had euer deserued, requesting onely a fewe daies respit to pay their donatiue. The most doe agree, that he offered stoutly his necke, to doe their pleasure, and strike, if it seemed so good to the common wealth: it mattered not much to the murderers what he did say. The very man that slew him is not certainly knowen: some say Terentius Euocatus; others Lecanius: the more receaued opinion is, that Camurius, a soldier of the fifteenth legion, pearced his throate with a sword: his armes and legges (Thorace, or Loricae lintea: suprà. for his brest was armed) others did miserably mangle and hewe: many stabbes, vpon a sauage and beastly cruelty, were bestowed vpon the headlesse carcase. Next after Galba, they assayled Vinius, of whome likewise there is question, whether the present feare wasted his speech, or els that he cried aloude, They had no commandement from Otho to kill him: which, whether he fained for feare, or confessed as associate of the conspiracie, the same of his lewd life doth make it more probable he was guilty of the treason, wherof he wasTacitus supra. Galbam, Titus Vinius deterrimus morta lium, odio flagitiorum onerabat. cause. At the first wound in his hamme he tumbled downe before the temple of Diuus Iulius, and after by Iulius Carus, a legionarie souldier, was thrust through the sides. A worthy man that day our age did aforde,Both Plutarch and Xiphilinus write that not Piso, but Galba was protected by Densus. Sempronius Denfus a centurion of the cohort which garded Galba, & by him appointed to wait vpon Piso, whoPlut. noteth that he first feared them with the vine rodde. [...]. with his rapier drawn encountring the armed men, & vpbrayding to them their disloyalty, partly by deeds, and partly by words turning the blowes vpon his own head, gaue Piso, although he were wounded, time and space to escape away. Piso recouering the temple of Vesta, & being receiued by the sextens compassion, & hid in his cabin, not by the reuerence of sanctuarie, or sacred ceremonies of the holy goddesse, but onely by hiding himselfe, differred imminent death, when as straight there came thither, by Othoes expresse commandement, hoatly bent by name for his bloud, Sulpicius Florus, one of the Brittish cohortes, lately by Galba made citizen of Rome, and Statius Murcus aSpiculator. bilman: of these two was Piso drawen out, and slaine in the gates of the temple. No mans death did Otho so ioifully take; no heade did he view and reuiew so infatiably: whether it was that then first of all his minde was at ease, and free to reioice, lightened of al maner burden and care; or that the remembrance of maiesty in Galba, [Page 25] of acquaintaunce in Vinius, had strooke a kind of horrour into his vnmercifull mind: mary for Piso, his enemy and concurrent, he thought he might iustly with al reason reioyce at his ruine. Their heades were planted vppon speares, and caryed among the enseignes of the cohortes, neare the StanderdOf what Legion? of the mariners as I thinke: for other legion I finde none in this action: & they received Aquilam & signa at Othoes hād, as it may seeme by Tacitus p. 57. l vlt. of Galba they demanded it indeede at his entry, but they were paied with other money for their paines. of the Legion, striuing to shew their bloudy hands, they which had slaine them, they which were present, some truely, some falsely, all making their vaunt, as of a goodly and memorable act. More then a hundreth and twenty supplications, put vp for some good seruice that day, were afterward found by Vitellius, who caused the men to be al sought out, and slaine, not in honour of Galba, but vpon a tradition receiued among Princes as an assurance of their present estate, and a meane of reuenge afterwarde. Now the Senate and people were no more the same men: they runne all by heapes to the campe, contending and shouldring who should get formost, defacing Galba, extolling the souldiers iudgement, kissing Othoes hande, and the lesse they ment it in hart, doing so much the more in outwarde apparence. Neither did Otho reiect any one though comming single, moderating with speeches and countenaunce the greedy, and manacing disposition of the souldiers; who demaunded to the slaughter Marius Celsus Consull elect, and to the last faithfull to Galba, offended with his sufficiency and innocency as capitall crimes. A quarrell was sought apparently to sacke, and massacre, and to ouerthrowe personages of honour: butPlutarch p. 1511. [...] Othoes authority was not sufficientlie grounded as yet to prohibite a mischiefe, well might he commaunde one: so making semblaunce of anger, he willes them to put him in prison; that hee would shewe at leysure exemplary iustice vpon him, and so deliuered him from present destruction. All thinges beside were ordered according as the souldiers appointed. They elected captaines of the Gard Plotius Firmus in time past a common souldier, and then captaine of the watch, and in Galbaes life a fauourer of Otho: to him they adioyne Licinius Proculus, a neare and inwarde acquaintance of Otho, and therefore suspected to haue been a furtherer of his proceedings. Flauius Sabinus they ordeyned Prouost of the citty, following therein the iudgement of Nero, vnder whom he had obtained before the saied charge, most men in so doing respecting Vespasian his brother. With great instance was it [Page 26] demanded that the fees 47 of vacations vsually giuen to the Centurions might be remitted: for the common souldier payed them as an annual pension; whereby some in companies, parte wandring by licence abroade, or in the campe made noe dainty to beare any burden, nor tooke any care how they gained, till they had wherewith to pay the Centurion, by robbing and spoyling, or seruile ministeries redeeming their ease. Further the souldier which had anye wealth was sure to bee tired with trauaile and stripes till hee bought out his immunity; and when the poore wretch had consumed his substaunce, and wasted his body with slouth, hee returned to his bande vnlustie, and beggerly, whereas hee was actiue and welthy before: and so likewise another and another corrupted with like licence, and brought to like beggery, were caried to mutinees, dissensions, and ciuill warres in the ende. But Otho lest by gratifying the souldier he should aliene the Centurions mindes, promised to pay out of his 48 owne cofers the yearely vacations; a thing no doubt very profitable, and by good Princes succeeding established for a perpetuall order. Laco confined in shewe into an ilande, was murdred by Euocatus, whome Otho had sent before for the purpose. Vpon Martianus Icelus, as 49 being a freedman, open execution was done. The day beeing thus consumed in mischiefes, the last of all illes was the reioycing.50 The citty-Praetor calleth the Senate to counsaile: the rest of the magistrates contende to exceede in flatterie: the lordes of the Senate runne thither in hast:By Suet c. 7. it appeareth that Otho was present in Senate. Vergen te iam die ingressut enatum (Otho) posita (que) breui ratione, quasi raptus de publico, & susci pere imperium vicoactus, gestu rus (que) cmmuni ōnium arbitrio, Palatiū petiit. to Otho is awarded Tribunitiall autority, and the name of Augustus,51 with all other Princely prerogatiues, and titles, ech man endeuouring to abolish the opprobrious speeches, and reuiling tearmes which they had indifferently vsed against him, which neuerthelesse he seemed not much to remember; whether he purposed to pardon the offences, or differe the punishment, by reason of the shorte time he ruled, could not be seene. Otho, the Place of assembly being yet embrued with bloud, was caried thorow the dead bodies, as they laye slaine, first to the Capitoll, and thence to the Palace, giuing permission to bury, and burne the carcases. Piso was by his wife Verania, and Scribonianus his brother; Titus Vinius by his daughter Crispina, composed and layed in graue; hauing first sought outCrispina paied for hir fathers ten thousand sesterces: that is, 78. li 2 c 6. d Plutarch. 1511 and redeemed their heads, which the murderers [Page 27] had kept to be solde. Piso was when he died one and thirty yeares olde, of better fame then fortune: his brother Magnus was slaine by Claudius, and Crassus by Nero: himselfe liued a great while in exile, and foure daies a Prince, adopted in hast before his elder brother, with this onely aduantage, that he was thereby the first made away. Titus Vinius liued fortie seuen yeares, not all after one sorte: his father was of a Praetorian house; his mothers father one of theè proscriptis. s [...] ab Octavio, Antonio, Leido, triumuiris reip. perdendae. proscriptes. At his first seruice in warre hee became infamous: his Lieutenaunt generall Caluisius Sabinus wife, caryed with an vnwomanly desire to viewe the site of the campe; and hauing in souldiers attire wantonly perused the watch, and other campe-offices, in the veryPrincipia the place in the campe where the standerde and enseignes are pitched. Principia forfeyted hir honour; and the man accused of the fact was Titus Vinius: whereupon by commaundement of Caius the Emperor he was emprisoned, and anone through chaunge of times being enlarged he passed thorow offices of honour without touch; first Praetor, then Lieutenaunt of a Legion with good commendation: afterward hee stayned himselfe with a seruile crime, conueying away a golden cup from Claudius borde; wherupon the day following Claudius made him alone of all his guestes to bee serued infictilibus. earthen: notwithstanding being Proconsull of Gallia Narbonensis hee gouerned the countrey with great seuerity and sincerenesse: anone by reason of credit with Galba being drawen to the place of dangerous downe-fall, he was bold, crafty, actiue, and as he listed to bende his minde, mischieuous or industruous in equall degree. The testament of Titus Vinius his wealth made voide; Pisoes, his pouerty ratified. Galbaes body long neglected, and in the darke despitefully intreated, Argius his stewarde, one 52 of his principall bondmen, [...] Plutarch. p. 1511. buried with small ceremony in his priuate gardens. His heade by thelixae, qui extra ordinem & sine armis exorcitum sequūtur questus gratia. Polybius, Festus followers andcalones, miliū. servi; so called, because they caried clubs after their masters, which the Graecians call [...]. Servius. Festus. rascalles of the campe, mangled and stabbed was founde the day after before Patrobius toombe, a freedman of Nero, whom Galba had executed, and so was put with his body burned before. This ende had Seruius Galba, hauing liued 53 seuenty three yeares, and out-liued fiue Princes in greate prosperity; happier vnder the Empire of others then in his owne: his house of ancient nobility, and great wealth: himselfe a man of a midle disposition, rather vicelesse, then greatly vertuous; neither neglecting his fame, nor yet ambitiously carefull [Page 28] of it: of other mens money not greedy, sparing of his owne, of the common a niggard: bearing with his fauorites and freedmen, without reprehension, when they were good; if they were bad, to his owne shame ignoraunt of their ill doings: but his honorable birth, and the dangerous times couered the matter, entitling that wisedome, which in truth was but slouth: in his flourishing age greatly renowned for seruice inDio lib. 60. p. 460. [...] (which was the first yeare of Claudius Empire) [...]. Germanie: Africke he ruled as Pruconsull with great moderation: and growing in yeares, the nearer Spaine vprightly & well: seeming more than a private man, whilest he was private, and byAusonius. Spem frustrate senex, privatus ssptra mereri Visus er imperio proditus inferior. Fama tibi me lior inveni sed iuctior ordo est, Complacuisse de hinc, displicuisse priùs. all mens opinions capable of the Empire, had he neuer bene Emperour.
VIII. After the death of Galba, the newes growing hoater of Vitellius and the German reuolt, how the Cittie stoode. affected betweene him and Otho.
THE citty thus terrefied, and hauing in horrour both the haynousnesse of the late fact, and the olde conditions of Otho, was put in a further feare, by the newes of Vitellius reuolt, which were in Galbaes time suppressed, that men shoulde beleeue no more had rebelled, saue the armie of vpper Germanie alone. But then seeing 54 two of all mortall men the most detestable creatures, in slouthfulnesse, incontinencie, and wastfull life, fatally elect, as it were, to ruine the Empire, not onely the Senatours and Gentlemen, who had some part and care of the state, but theTac. p. 58. Vulgus, & magnitudine nimia curarum expers populus: and yet expers not in al circumstances, as here may b [...] seene, not of all common cares: Plebscui vnica ex rep. annonae cura. saieth Tacitus elsewhere. commons also openly beganne to waile and lament. Their talke was no more of the fresh and bleeding examples of the late murdering peace: but of ciuill warres recorded in ancient story, of the citty so oft surprized by her owne citizens, Italy wasted, the prouinces spoyled; of Pharsalia, Phillippi, Perusia, Mutina,At Phatfalia Caesar ouerthrew Pompey: an. vr. conditae 7 [...]6. at Phillippi Octavius and Antonius overcāe Brutus and Cassiu [...]: an. v. c 712. in the Perusin warre Octavius took armes against L. Antonius and Fulvia. Anno 713. at Mutina the Consuls Hirtius & Pa [...]sa fought with M Antoniꝰ. an. 710 famous names of common calamities. The worlde was subuerted almost, euen when good men stroue for the state: notwithstanding there remained when Caius Iulius, there remained when Caesar Augustus was conqueror, the form of an Empire.55 If Pompey had preuailed; if Brutus, the populare state woulde haue stoode: now whether for Otho, or for Vitellius shoulde they goe to the temples! that both prayers were impious alike, both vowes alike detestable, between two, in the warre of whom this alone you might know, that he which should win, would beFor admitting them before equall in vices, the victory it selfe would corrupt the winner: vi [...]toria etiam egregios duces insolescere, saieth Tacitus elsewhere. worse then before. Some secretly wished Vespasian with the Easterne armies; [Page 29] and as he was more liked then either of the other, so did they greatly mislike to multiply warres and calamities: and againe Vespasian was not altogether without exception; the 56 onely Prince before his time, which changed to the better.
IX. The reuolt of the armies of both Germanies, and rising of Ʋitellius.
NOW wil I set downe the beginning & causes of Vitellius commotion. After that Iulius Vindex with al his host was slaine, the 57 army growing insolent with spoile & glory, as hauing obtained, without paine and danger, a most rich conquest, loued much better exploytes and fighting,praemia: as the sacke or spoile of a citty or couet [...]ie. donatiues, or any other extraordinary librality. rewardes and booties, then ordinary pay they had passed before a long, fruitles, and hard seruice there, partly through theingenio loci coeliq. 2. Hist. p. 97. Germanicae hiberna coelo, ac laboribus [...]dura. qualitie of the soyle, and clymate, and partly through the straitnesse of discipline, which in time of peace being rigorously obserued, by ciuill warres is vtterly dissolued; corrupters being ready at hande on both sides, and fugitiues scaping as then without punishment. Men, armour, horses they had sufficient for vse, and ornament too: but before theAgainst Vindex. warre they had no further acquaintaunce together, but with the men of their owne troupes, and companies: the armies lay seueredAnd so remained, for ought I know, in the warre against Vindex, where onelie the vpper army was present, by the testimonie of all writers, and Tacitus himselfe in many places. in seuerall prouinces, then against Vindex the Legions being assembled in one, and hauing proued themselues and the forces of Gallia, sought nowe a fresh occasion of warres, and new troubles, not termingTo wit, them of Gallia, with whom they had sought. them as they were wont, friendes and allies, but enemies and conquered persons. The tract of Gallia, which lyes vpon Rhene, hauing followed before the souldiers side, auanced them selues then with the foremost to instigate the armies against the Galbians: for so now they called them, disdayning the name of Vindex as stale. Thus being incensed against the Sequani and Hedui, and so further, as the townes were in wealth, they conceiued in hope sacking of citties, wasting of countries, rifling of houses, irritated next after couetousnesse and presumption, principall vices of them which be stronger, by the peruersenesse of them of Gallia foolishly bragging, that Galba had released a fourth part of their tribute, andpublicè. i. [...], for the primores of Gallia had obtained the priueledge before Claudius time. 1. Ann p. a 11. priuores Galli [...] fa [...]d [...]ra & [...] secu [...]. generally made them cittizens of Rome in despite of the army. Moreouer it was giuen out craftily, and rashly beleeued,58 that in the Legions euery tenth man was alotted to dye, and the ablest men of the Centurions should be cassed: from euery quarter hainous rumours, sinister [Page 30] reports from Rome, the 59 colony of Lions discontented, and as it were a nurcery of tales by reason of their constant affection to Nero: but greatest matter to forge out a lye, and winne it credit, the camp it selfe did yeeld vpon hatred, feare, security also, when they had measured their own ability. Aulus Vitellius entering the yeare before about the first of December into lower Germany, with great care and diligence had visited and surueyed the standing camps of the Legions: many he restored to their roomes, to their fame, & honor, most part to winne fauour, and some vpon iudgemēt; vndoing that with integrity, which Fonteius Capito vpon bribery & lucre had done displacing, or placing for money in degrees of seruice: nether were his doings accepted after the measure of an ordinary Lieutenant general, but in a far higher degree. And as amōg the seuerer sort Vitellius was thought base & demisse, so his fauourers termed it curtesy and goodnesse, because without measure or judgement he gaue out his own, lasht out other mens, construing vices for vertuesauiditate imperandi. vpon an extreme desire of the Empire. Many in both armies there were, as modest and quiet men, so likewise bad & valiant; by name among other Alienus Caecina and Fabius ValensValens in lower Germanie where Vitellius: and Caecina in higher, where Hordeonius Flaccus was Lieutenant generall. Lieutenants of Legions, in appetites immoderat, & singularly rash, Valens offēded with Galba, as being not recōpensed according to his deserts for discouering Verginius doubtful proceeding, & the oppressing of Capitoes conspiracy, ceased not to vrge & incite Vitellius; laying open before him the soldiers feruēt good wil; the honorable report that wēt euerywher of his doings: as for Hordeonius Flaccus that seely man could hinder but little, that Britanny would ioin, the German Aids folow him, that the prouinces were nor assured; in fine that the old man was Emperour of curtesy and quickly would lose it; let Vitellius only but opē his bosome, make towards, & receaue in good fortune, as she offred her selfe: that Verginius indeede had good cause to be doubtful, being only of a Gentlemans house, his father hauing not borne office; the place was aboue his capacity, if he had vndertaken it, & then refusing it, he was out of danger: that contrariwise Vitellius father had bin thrise Consull, Censor,collegium Caesaris. Suceon. Vitellio. c. 2. l., Vitellius imperatoris pater. cum Claudio principe duos or dinarios consulatus censuramque gessis. collegue with the Emperor: that these qualities in the father took long ago from the son the security of a priuat person, & put vpō him the dignity of a Prince. His dul spirits were moued with these speeches rather to desire thē to hope. But in vpper Germanie Caecina a comply young man, of body big, & mind [Page 31] insatiable, quicke of speech, of gate stately, had maruelously won the goodwill of the souldier. This youngman Galba promoted to gouern a legion, for that being Questor in Baetica, he came with out stay to his side: by and by being conuicted to haue dealt false with the common treasure, he was by Galbaes commaundement endited of purloyning: Caecina taking heauily the disgrace, determined to trouble the state, & with the calamities of the common welth to couer and close vp his own priuate woundes. Neither in the army wanted there seedes of sedition: for they al had bene present in field against Vindex, and could not be brought to swear vnto Galba, before they did know that Nero was slaine; & were also in taking the othe preuented by the enseignes of lowe Germanie. againe the Treueri, Lingones, and those other citties, which Galba had pinched with heauy edicts, or with losse of territorie, lay neare to the standing campes of the Legions: whereupon grewe seditious conferences, and the souldier by conuersation with the 60 countrey-man more corrupted, and by [...]. Xiphilinus. 202. a reason of the good will borne to Verginius to be employed for any other man. The Lingones according to their accustomed maner had sent giftes to the Legions2. Hist. p. 63. Centurionem Sisennam dextras, concodiae insignia, Syriaci exercitus nomine, ad Praetorianos ferentem, varijs artibus aggressus est. Right-hands in token of mutual loue and hospitality. their messengers purposely with sad cheere and heauy countenance, in the Principia, in the souldiers cabins, lament and bewayle, sometime the wrong done to themselues, sometime the honour done to their neighbours, and perceiuing their talke had so ready an audience, they passed on further, incensing their mindes, and bewayling the hard happe euen of the army it selfe, their dangers, & contumelies. The matter thus growing toward a sedition, Hordeonius Flaccus commandeth the messengers to get them away; and that their departure might be the more secrete, he commandes them to auoide the campe in the night season. Thereupon a suspicion and grieuous rumour arose, the most parte affirming they were made away: and that without doubt, vnlesse they prouide for themselues the more surely, it woulde come to passe that those of the souldiers which were of most courage, and most misliked the present estate, shoulde likewise by night, vnawares to the rest, be secretely murdred. Vpon this the Legions priuily conspire, & couenant together: the Ayde-soldier was made also of the party, whom at first they suspected, as though with his cohortes & wings enuironing them he ment them a mischiefe; but a none he [Page 32] appeared more earned then any, as the bad agree better to broach a newe warre, then in peace to keepe concorde one with another. Notwithstanding the Legions of lower Germanie, the first day of Ianuarie, sware their solemne alleageance to Galba, with much adoe, & slowe comming forward, some sew in the first ranckes yeelding a weak applause; the rest stāding mute, ech looking his neighbour should dare, as it is the nature of men, to follow with speede that, which they are otherwise of themselues loath to begin: but euen the Legions were diuersely minded, the first and the fift rebelliously affected, so that some cast stones at Galbaes images: the fifteenth and sixteenth murmuring and threatening, and daring no further, stoode wayting for others to shew them the way. In higher army the fourth Legion and the eighteenth, wintering both in oneAt Magnoiaown. place,61 the very first day of Ianuary brake the images of Galba in pieces; the fourth very resolutely, the eighteenth after some litle stay, anone by common consent: and lest they might seeme to haue shaken of the obedience of the Empire, they swareStatim (que) (sayeth Suet. c. 16.) legationem ad Praetorianos cum mandatis destinauerunt; displicere imperatorem in Hispania factum, eligerem ipsi, quem cuncti ex ercitus comprobarent. But the embassage, as it may seeme, vpō the revolt to Vitellius was revoked. To the Senate and people of Rome, a stile long ago ouerworne; no Lieutenant, no Tribune labouring for Galba, yea some, as in tumultes it happeneth, troubling more: neuertheles no mā presumed to make any solemne oration assembly-wise, or out of Tribunal; for as yet they had none to bestow their benefite vpon. Hordeonius Flaccus Lieutenant generall stood byYet was hee left by Vitellius Lieutenant of both Germanies. 2. Hist. afterward hee fauoured Vespasians side, and lastly was slaine by his owne soldiers. 4. Tistoriarum. and lookt on, while this pageant was playing, not daring nether to restraine the rebellious, nor stay the doubtfull, nor encourage the good; a timorous slugge, and innocēt, as being a coward. Fower Centurions of the eighteenth Legion, Nonius Receptus, Donatius Valens, Romilius Marcellus, and Calpurnius Repentinus, endeuoring to saue and protect the images of Galba, with the souldiers violence were caried away, bound and layed vp: neither did there romaine any more in any of them al any sparke of faith, or allegeance, no memory of theWhich they had sworne to Galba, pressed thereto by Verginius after Neroes decease. othe before giuen; but as in seditions it happeneth, as the most part went so did they all go. The same day at night theAquilifer. Standerd-bearer of the fourth Legion brings word to Vitellius, as he sate at banquet in 62 Coleyn, that the fourth & eighteenth Legion had broken downe the images of Galba, & sworne to the Senate and people of Rome. That othe seemed friuolous and voide: wherefore it was thought Goodoccupare mutā tem fortunam, is peraduenture properlye to catch first hold, or put you selfe in sure possession of fortune wauering, and nowe standing in doubt, where she might best bestow herselfe. to vse the opportunity, and profer them a Prince. [Page 33] Thereupon Vitellius dispatcheth in post to the Legions, & Lieutenants of his owne prouince, aduertising them that the higher army was reuolted from Galba: wherefore either fight they must against the reuolters, or if they liked better of peace, and concorde, set vp an Emperour: and with lesse danger they might take a Prince, then seeke one. The first Legion lay nearest, and Fabius Valens Lieutenant, of al the rest the forwardest man: who, the very day after, with the horse-men of his Legion, and of the Aydes, entring Coleyn,Sueron Vitel. c. 8. somewhat otherwise: vix dum mense wis acto, ne (que) dici, ne (que) temporis habita ratione, ac iam vispere, subitò à militib. è cubiculo raptus, ita vs erat in veste domestica Imperator est consalulatus, circumlatus (que) per celeberrimos vitos. Plutarch saieth it was at mid-day. p. 1506. solemnely saluted Vitellius Emperour. The rest of the Legions of the same prouince stroue who should bee formost to follow the example: and the higher army, laying aside those glorious titles, and goodly to shew, of the Senate and people of Rome, the third of Ianuary roundly come ouer to Vitellius side: a man might easily perceaue that the other two daies they ment nothing lesse, then a free commonwealth. They of Coleyn, the Treueri, and Lingones, were not inferiour to the souldiers in forwardnesse, offering aydes, horses, armour, money, as they were able in body, welth, or wit. and not only the 63 principall men of the colonies and camps, which presently had welth at will, and vpon the victory hoped for great matters; but also themanipuli; i. manipulares, in opposition to primores castrorum. bands and common souldier, vpon an instinct and heat of affection, and couetous humor, gaue vp their money, & in steed of money theirbalteos. Varro lib. 4 de ling. Lat. Balteum, cingulum è corio bullatum, vsually trimmed with siluer or gold. Spartianus Hadriano. p. 804. vestem humillimam frequenter, & sine auro balteum sumebat. belts, their trappings, the siluer trimming of their harnish. Vitellius hauing greatly commended their cheerful willingnes, cōmitteth the offices of court, commonly supplied by freedmen, to Gentlemen of Rome; and paies the vacations to the Centuriōs out of his cofers. The soldiers cruelty demanding many to death he doth oft cōde scend vnto: sometimes he deceiues them with shew of emprisoning.He that wrot the first news to Galba of the German rebellion supra. Pompeius Propinquus, Procurator of Belgica, was straight put to death: Iulius Burdo admirall of the German nauy he saued by sleight. the whole army was incensed against him, as first an entiser of Fonteius Capito to rebell, and then a great helper to make him away: well beloued was Capito, and gladly remembred; and in that raging and bloud-thirsty company a man might openly kill whom he list, mary pardon or saue but by pollicy he could not: so Burdo was presently had into prison, and after the victory, the souldiers malice being appeased, enlarged againe. In the meane time Crispinus the Centurion was yeelded vnto them, as anvt piaculum [...]. expiatory sacrifice, who had embrued his hands with Capitoes bloud, and therefore more in [Page 34] the eye of the soldier, & of lesse accountFor it might be his owne case. with Vitellius. Next after was 64 Iulius Ciuilis, a man of great might, & credit among the Batauians, deliuered from danger; lest by his death that fierce nation should become foes. Moreouer in the state of the Lingones there lay 65 of Batauians eight cohorts, the Aides of the fourteenth Legion, but then by means of the troublesōe times they were departed away, of no smal moment to sway the whole cause as they hapned to fauor the one or the other. The foure centurions before mentioned, Nonius, Donatius, Romilius & Calpurnius, Vitellius cōmanded to be executed, being attainted of truth; a most hainous crime among rebels. Then came to the side Valerius Asiaticus Lieutenāt of Belgica, to whom anone after Vitellius maried his daughter; & Iunius Bloesus Gouernour of Gallia Lugdunensis with the Italian Legion, and Taurin wing encamped at Lions. The Rhoetian soldier without any stay ioined himselfe. In Britannie also the matter went cleare.2 Hist. p. 90. vita Agric. pag. 591. Trebellius Maximus was Lieutenant general there, contemned & hated of the army for his niggardly sparing & polling: and Roscius Coelius Lieutenant of the twentieth legion inflamed them further against him, his ancient enemy, but now by occasion of ciuil dissensions they were fallen out further, & brake into more hainous terms: Trebellius obiecting to Coelius and charging him with factious behauiour, & dissoluing of discipline: Coelius againe that Trebellius had spoiled & beggered the legiōs: but in the mean time, the lieutenants thus iarring, the modesty of the army was marred; the discord at length growing so great, that Trebellius being railed away by the Aydes also, in cohorts and wings sorting themselues to Coelius side, was glad to giue place being forsaken, & flee to Vitellius. The prouince although the lieutenant general was absent, remained in quiet, the Lieutenants of the Legions supplying the charge, in right of equal autority; but Coelius indeed bare the most stroake, because he was of most boldnesse.66 Now that the Brittish host was adioyned, Vitellius growing strong in men and money, ordaines for the warre two sundry Generals, and two sundry waies for the Generals to passe. Fabius Valens was willed to allure by faire meanes, or if they refused, to wast and destroie the countreyes of Gallia, and so by the Cottian Alpes to enter by force into Italie. Caecina was commanded a shorter passage, by the Penine Alpes to make his descēt. Valens had vnder his conduct the choise men of the lower army, and the fift Legion with cohorts [Page 35] & wings,This number of fortie thousand far exceeding the number of a Legion in any age was made vp by gelding the other Legions of that prouince, yet leauing vnto thē their standerd and their name, and by Auxiliaries of the Germans: as it appeareth by the wordes of Tacitus. forty thousand armed men. Out of higher Germany Caecina led thirty thousand, the flower and strength whereof consisted in the one & twentieth Legion. Moreouer they had both assigned vnto themNot onely of the French side, but [...] Trans rhenanis; and such, I thinke, were principally ment in this place. Aides of the Germans; out of whom Vitellius, who was to folow with the maine weight of the warre, furnished vp his army also. Strange was the difference between the army and their Emperour▪ the soldier was instant, demanding armes whilest they of Gallia stood in a feare, whilest Spaine in a doubt: as for the winter, that was no let, nor such like excuses receueable, only in idle & peaceable times: that Italy must out of hād be inuaded, the city surprized; that nought is more safe then speede in ciuill dissension, where dispatch is more needful then long consultation: on the other side Vitellius, a man of nothing, playing the Prince before hand in rioting and prodigal banquets, drunck at noone-day, & heauy with surfet; but the soldiers forwardnes & feruency fully supplied the place of the leader, as if he were presēt in person, encouraging, or terrifiyng the valiāt or dastard. Whē al was in order ready to march, they cal to soūd the remoue, increasing Vitellius stile with the 67 name of Germanicus: for Caesar, euen after the victory,In perpetuum saith Suet. Vitel. c. 8. but Tacit. 3. Hist. teacheth vs otherwise. Quin & Caesarem dici se voluit aspernatus antea. he refused to be called.
X How Fabius Valens guided his charge of forty thousand fighting men from Coleyn to the Cottian Alpes.
THE very day of remouing there appeared a 68 lucky signe to Fabius Valens, & the army which he led to the warre, an eagle softly flying before, as the army marched, as it were to note out the way; & for a great space the soldiers so shouted for ioy, and the bird passed on without fear so assuredly, that is was reputed an vndoubted tokē of great & prosperous successe. The state of Triers, as frends, they passed thorow with al security. At Diuodurū a town of the Mediomatrici, although they were with al kind of curtesy receiued, a sodain feare came vpon them, & the alarme was giuen to sacke the pore innocent citty, not for the pray, or desire of spoile, but vpon a fury, and rage, and causes not knowen, and therefore the remedyes harder to finde: till at length, being pacified by Valens entreating, they held their handes from razing the citty: notwithstanding about four thousand men were slaine. This accident strooke such a terror into them of Gallia, that alwaies after, as the camp was a comming, whole citties with their officers and humble supplications went out for to meet them, with women & children down on their knees along the way side; & generally al means [Page 36] by the which men asswage their enemies anger; though warre they had none, yet then were they forced to purchase their peace. Valens in theSueton. Vitellio c. 9. saieth that Vitellius hard the news of Galbaes death before Valens departed. citty of the Leuci receiued the newes, that Galba was slaine, and Otho in place: the souldier was neither gladder, nor sadder, hauing nothing but warre in his minde: the French thereby wereFor as long as Galbatheir benefactour liued, they were loth any way, but enforced to aide Vitellius but now hating a like Otho, and Vitellius, and fearing but the one, it was great reasō to make the most countenance thither, whēce they feared most present danger. resolued; Otho and Vitellius they hated alike, and Vitellius they feared beside. The next city, was that of the Lingones, sure to the side: being intertained there curteously, they requited it with modest behauiour: but the ioy lasted not long through the disorder of those cohorts, which being departed, as before I haue sayed, from the fourteenth legion, Fabius Valens had ioined to his army▪ hard woordes grewe at the first, then quarrelling betweene the Batauians, and Legionaries: and as the rest of the souldiers suted on sides, it had welny come to a hoat fray, had not Valens in time, by punishing a fewe, reclaymed the Batauians, who had now forgotten their duty. Against the Hedui was sought, but in vaine, some occasion of warre: being willed to bring in both money and armour, they brought also vittailes for nothing. That which the Hedui did vpon feare, the same did the Lugdunenses for ioy, neuerthelesse the Italian Legion and Taurin wing were taken away. The eighteenth cohort it was thought conuenient to leaue there at Lions in the accustomed standing campe. Manlius Valens Lieutenant of the Italian Legion, although he had wel deserued of the side, was not in any credit with Vitellius: Fabius by secrete sinister reports had defaced him vnwitting, in outward speech commending him, that he might be at more vnawares circumuented. The ancient hart-burningThe discord, as it may seme was founded vppon this ground. The first inhabiters of Lions, had beene driuen by force out of Vienna, and therfore were iustly to hate them, as iniust vsurpers of that which was theirs. betweene them of Lions, and them of Vienna, was by the late warre freshly reuiued: much hurt was done on both sides,Municipalem aemulationem bellis civilibus miscentes, as Tacitus writeth 3. Hist. of Capua and Putcoli. so often and in so cruel sort, that a man might easily see, they fought not alone for Nero and Galba: and Galba by occasion of displeasure had confiscated the reuenews of the Lugdunenses; contrariwise much honoured them of Vienna: whereupon grewe emulation and enuy, and inseparable hatred betweene them, whom one riuer separated. Vpon these causes, the Lugdunenses incited the soldiers seuerally to the subuersion of the Viennenses; shewing vnto them howe they had besieged Lions, furthered Vindex attempts, mustered of late Legions for Galba: and hauing so placed in the first shewe the causes why iustly they were to be hated; then they suggest to the souldiers minde, what a rich [Page 37] and welthy pray they might get: & so frō secret exhorting proceeding to publicke requests, they besought them to go and reuenge so many wrongs, to raze the seat-towne of the French warre: that there was 69 nothing els but straungers and enemies: contrariwise themselues a Roman colony, and part of the army, their companions in welth and in wo: and if fortune should chaunce to disfauour, they praied not to leaue, & abandon their frendes, to the mercy of their mortal and mercilesse enemies. With these speeches & many such like they had wrought and incensed the souldier so, that euen the Lieutenantes, and Captaines of the the side did scantly thinke it a possible matter to quench their choler; when they of Vienna in very good season, foreseeing their danger, with 70 sacred veles and infules afore them, as the army marched, embracing their armor, their knees, their feete, mollified the soldiers minds: beside, Valens bestowed vpon thē That is, 46. [...]. 10.d ob. and so for 40000. (for so many he had beside the eight cohorts of Batauians, the legio Italica, and ala Taurina) three hundreth sesterces a man. Then was the antiquity & dignity of the colony respected: then were the wordes of Fabius, commēding vnto them the liues, & welfare of the Viennenses, patiently heard: being fined notwithstāding to forfait their publicke munition, ech man according to his abilitie with priuate prouisiō helped the soldier. But the report went constantly that Fabius fauor was bought with a large summe of mony: the mā, a great while needy & poore, becōming now rich on the sodaine, cloaked not wel the change of his fortune; exercising excessiuely the lusts & desires which long pouerty had kindled; & of a beggerly yongmā a prodigal olde. Afterward the army marched on slowly thorow the territory of the Allobroges, & the Vocontij, the General setting to sale the lēgth of his iournies, & places of lodging; bargaining shame lesly with the owners of the groūds, & magistrats of the cities, & that in such threatning maner, that he offred to set 71 Lucus, a free towne of the Vocontij, on fire, til he was appeased with money: where matter of money was wanting, there payment was made with women and such like pleasures. And so at the last they came to the Alpes.
XI The iourney of Caecina from Coleyn with thirty thousand men thorow the Penine Alpes into Italie.
CAECINA gained more spoile, & shed more bloud. The Heluetians (aLiuy, lib. 21. fol. 131. seemeth to call them Semigermanos. Quae ad Peninum ferunt itinera obsepta gentibus Semigermanis fuerunt. of Gallia anciently in name for warlike men, and after for the memory of their renowne) hauing not heard of Galbaes death, & refusing to be at Vitellius deuotion, had exasperated his froward & troublesome disposition. The warre was cōmenced [...] [Page 40] from the soldiers rage by a coulorable casting in prison, to be sent for into the Capitoll: his meaning was, by pardoning so noble a man, so odious to the side, to purchase a name of mercifull dealing. Celsus being called, constantly confessed the whole accusation of faithfulnesse vnto Galba, affirming that Princes were not to 74 mislike such examples: and Otho, not as remitting a fault, but admitting the defence as iust and vertuous, streight way put him in place nearest about him, and anone in the warre appointed him one of his principal leaders; lest lying aloofe as a pardoned enemy, hee might peraduenture suspect the breach were but badly made vp: and Celsus, fatally fauouring the losing side, persisted vnfortunately faithfull for Otho also. The sauing of Celsus, an acte which reioyced the chiefe of the citty, and was to the common sort plausible, euen of the souldier was not misliked, admiring that vertue, with which they were displeased erewhile.
XIII. Tigellinus put to death. Crispinilla escapeth.
LIKE ioy was conceyued vpon causes vnlike, when Tigellinus death was obtained.75 Sophonius Tigellinus was a mā by birth obscure, a beastly boy, & a vicious old man: who hauing atteyned the captains place of the watch, & the Gard, & other rewards due vnto vertue by vices (because it was the more expedite way) exercised in those places cruelty, and auarice, & other lewde qualities incident tovirilia seclera, in opposition to foela pueritia. for all vices are not incident to all ages. riper years, corrupting Nero to al kind of mischiefe; some things attēpting vnwitting to him, & at last a traitor, & backslider from him: whereupon both the il & wel willers of Nero, vponThe il willers hating him as Neroes chiefe instrument of al wickednes; the wel-willers as one that had left, and betraied his master. diuers respects, cried out importunatly to make him away. In Galbaes time the credit, & might of Titus Vinius did protect him, who pretēded that Tigellinus before had saued his daughter, as indeed he had done, not vpon any merciful mind, as hauing murdered so many, but onely proiecting for time to come a plot to escape: for the lewdest men misdoubting the present, & fearing a change, prepare before hand priuat friends to set and oppose against publick hatred: whereupon it groweth that no care is taken of innocent life, but only a care to passe without punishmēt. But now for Vinius sake he fared the worse, to his owne ancient hatefulnes the others late enuy being adioyned: insomuch that the people running by heapes to the Palace, and Places of common assembly, and where the commons are most in their kingdom, to the Race & Theatres, ceased not seditiously to molest, til such time as message of deathPlutarch. Othone p. 1514. [...]. [Page 41] was sent to Tigellinus being at the bathes ofA place of ordinary repaire for pleasure & health. Tac. 12. Ann. p. 446. Jn tanta mole curarum Claudius valetudine adversa corripitur, refouendis (que) viribus mollitie coeli & salubritate aquarum Sinuessam pergit. Sinuessa, where, wallowing among his concubines, dallying and kissing, and vsing vnhonest delayes, he cut his owne throate at length with a razour, fouling his infamous life a slow and dishonest departing. About the same time Galuia Crispinilla was likewise required to the slaughter; but the Prince, although with some obloquie, shifting it off, saued her life: one which had bin in her time schoolemistresse of Neroes lusts; and after his death had sayled into Africke to incite Clodius Macer to warre, and euidently endeuoured to 76 famish the citty of Rome: afterward the maried a Consull, and had the goodwill, and good word of al the whole citty, vnhurt and vntouched whilest Galba, Otho, and Vitellius liued; and after their times 77 mighty in money, and because the was childlesse; good helpes in all worlds both good and bad.
XIIII. Of the letters, messages, and practises that passed betweene the sides.
IN the meane time Otho sent to Vitellius manySuet Othone. c 8. Otho per internuncios & literas consortem imperij generum (que) se Vtellie obtulit. letters spiced with womanish perswasions, andThe like conditions offred by Flavius Sabinus in Vespasians name were accepted by Vitellius as much as in him lay, had not his friends disturbed the bargaine. 3. Hist. p. 139. offring him money and countenance, and what place of rest he would chuse to passe therein his prodigall life: Vitellius quit him againe with the like; at the first in mild termes, with fonde and vncomely dissembling on both sides: afterwarde in scolding maner, obiecting ech to the other vicious life, and villanous actes: neither amisse. Otho reuoking the Embassage which Galba had sent, sendeth a new in the name of the Senate to both the German armies, the Italian Legion, and companies which remained at Lions. The Embassadours that went staied with Vitellius, being as it seemed quickly intreated, and willingly with-holden. Those of the Gard, which Otho had assignedFor in truth they were sēt to practise the legians. in shew to attend vpon the Embassadors, were turned home again, not suffered to haue conference with the Legions: Fabius Valens sendeth withal a packet in the name of the German army to the Praetorian, and Vrban cohorts, extolling the strength of the side, and offring amity; blaming them beside, in that they did conuert vpon Otho the title of the Empire, whereof Vitellius had soFor Vitellius was greeted Emperour the second of Innuary, and Othothe fifteenth. long before the rightfull possession. So were they with threats and promises doubly assayed, as being in warre not able to stand, in peace not likelie to loose: notwithstanding the Praetorians persisted for Otho. Plots also were laied for priuy attempts: Otho sent some into Germanie, [Page 42] to practise against Vitellius person, and Vitellius to Rome against Othoes. both missed of their purpose: the Vitellianists missed the punishment, scaping vnspyed, as in so greate a multitude of men, where no body knoweth nor marketh another: but Othoes men, among such as knew ech other, were quickly bewrayed, as straungers. Moreouer Vitellius wrote letters to Titianus Othoes brother, threatening the death of him and his sonne, is his mother and children tooke any harme: and soTo wit, of Vitellius & Titianus. both the houses continued entier; for feare peraduenture in Othoes time, but Vitellius beeing conquerour, and without such a bridle, caried away the vndoubted commendation of clemency.
XV How the provinces declared themselues in fauour or disfavour of the sides.
THE first aduertisement which put Otho in courage was out of Illyricum, that the Legions of Dalmatia, Pannonia and Moesia had sworne vnto him: the like was reported of Spaine, and Cluuius Rufus by publicke edict solemnely praysed; and by and by it was certified that Spaine had reuolted to Vitellius. Aquitania likewise, though hauing receyued the oth to Otho tendered by Iulius Cordus, remained not long in obedience: fidelity or loue bare no where sway: by feare and force they changed to and fro. The same feare brought to Vitellius the prouince of Narbō, a gētle passage, and easily made, vnto the nearer & stronger. The prouinces which were far of, & al the armies seuered by sea, remained at Othoes deuotion, not for loue to the side, but the name of the city, & shew of the Senate did greatly coūtenance, & credit the cause: and he had first possessed their minder, as being the former in speech. In Iury Vespasian sware his army to Otho, & Mucianus the Legiōs in Syria: Aegypt likewise and Eastward the prouinces were al possessed in his name: Africke also in his obedience, they of Carthage beeing most forward; not expecting the Procōsul Vipsianius Apronianus authoritie Crescens a freedman of Nero (for he was in those bad times become a part of publick affaires) had feasted the people for ioy of the new Emperor, and the people hastened many things disorderly. The rest of the citties followed the example of Carthage.
XVI Otho bestoweth offices: restoreth the banished: relieveth the provinces, and erecteth the images of Poppaea his olde loue.
THE armies and prouinces being thus distracted, for Vitellius it was needful, if he would be Prince, to winne it in field. Otho [Page 43] as in time of great peace disposed the affaires of the Empire, some according to the dignity of the state, & most otherwise, hasting and shuffling vp as present necessity forced. And first hee declareth 78 himselfe & Titianus his brother, Consuls til the kalends of March: the next two monethes were assigned to Verginius, to please in some part the German army: with Verginius he ioyneth Poppaeus Vopiscus, vnder the colour of old acquaintance, most thought it was done to honor the Viennenses: the rest of the Consuls, as they were by Nero or Galba appointed, remayned vnchanged; Coelius Sabinus and Flauius Sabinus til Iuly; Arius Antoninus, and Marius Celsus til September: whose offices Vitellius also after the victorie confirmed vnto them. The Pontifical dignities & Augurs roomes Otho bestowed vpon ancient men, such as had borne alreadye great office, completely to perfit all pointes of their honour: and young noblemen, lately returned from exile, he friendly remembred with their fathers, & grandfather places among the Priestes. Cadius Rufus, Pedius Bloesus and Seuinus Promptinus, in Claudius and Neroes time condemned for 79 polling the prouinces, were restored againe to their places in Senate. It pleased them which granted the pardon to change the true name, & terme that, which indeed was extortion and bribery, crime of 80 Maiesty and treason; an accusation so hatefull, that in respect of it euen good laws were not obserued. By the same way of bounty he sought to winne the citties & prouinces; granting 81 to the Hispalienses and Emeritenses a new supply of families; makingIt is indeede somewhat hart to beleeue, that Otho should confer such a benefite vpon the Lingones in France (for other I knowe not) the chiefest) fauourers of Vitellius cause, his only concurrent in the matter of the Empire. all the Lingones citizens of Rome; vpon the prouince of Baetica bestowing in pure gifte the townes of the Moores; new liberties vpon Cappadocia, and newe vpon Africke, more for a shewe then for to continue. Among these things which the necessity of the present affayres, and cares at hande made passable good, Otho euen then not vnmindefull of his oulde loues, by an order of Senate, caused the images of Poppaea to bee erected againe. It was also supposed hee had a purpose to celebrate the memory of Nero, in hope to allure the heartes of the commons: and some there were which set out the images of Nero; yea and certaine daies the people and souldier, in their acclamations to Otho, as though they merit to enable and honor him more, cried TO NERO OTHO: he notwithstanding helde it in suspense, ashamed to acknowledge, or afraide to forbid it.
XVII. The Rhoxolani a people of Sarmatia vanquished, and slaine by the soldiers of Moesia.
MENS mindes being set vpon ciuill warres, externall matters were lightly regarded: by reason whereof the Rhoxolani a people of Sarmatia, hauing the winter before slaine two cohorts, ventured more boldlye to inuade Moesia. Their former exploite, and conceit of themselues had assembled nine thousande horse, more minding the spoile, then prouided to fight: whereupon thetertia legio: peradventure it was written by Tacitus, tres legiones: for so many Legions were at this present in Moesia and the Lieutenants of al the three Legions were honored with Cōsular ornaments, and therfore present in the action; and in al likelyhood with the Legions vnder their charge. third Legion with the Aydes assayled them sodainely as they were straggled and carelesse. The Romans had all thinges fitted for fight: the Sarmatians being scattered, or through greedines of spoile heauily charged, their horses being tired by reason of their burdens and slippery waies, as if their hands had bin tied behind them, were hewed in peeces. It is wonder to see how all the Sarmatians valure is as it were out of themselues: to fight afoote no nation so cowardly, on horsebacke by troupes they are hardly resisted: but then the weather being wet, and the frost somewhat thawed, neither their staues, nor long two-handed swordes serued in steede, through the sliding of their horses, and great waight of their cataphracts; a kind of harnish, that Princes and noble-men vse, composed of iron plates or stiffe bend-lether, which as against blowes is sure and of proofe, so if one bee borne downe by the force of the enemy it maketh him vnable to rise vp againe: beside they suncke into the snowe beeing deepe, and not able to beare: contrarily the Romane soldier in his easielorica. corselet nimble and light, a far of with amissili pilo. dart, or with launce charging vppon them, and with a light sword neare at hande, the case so requiring, gored so long the vnarmed Sarmatian (for it is not their manner to warde with their buckler) till at length a fewe which remayned fled to the marishes: in the one place the mortalnesse, in the other the misery of their woundes wasted them all. When this was by certaine aduise vnderstood at Rome, Marcus Aponius Lieutenant generall of Moesia was honored with a triumphal image, Fuluius Aurelius,In the 2. and 4. booke he is stil named Tertius Julianus. Titius Iulianus, and Numisius Lupus Lieutenants of the Legions with Consular ornaments; Otho reioycing, & drawing the glory to himselfe, as if he also were fortunate in warre; and had by his leaders and armies enlarged the Empire.
XVIII A mutinee of the Gard-souldiers.
ABOVT the same time vpon a small sparckle a flame of sedition arose, from whence no danger was feared, to the destruction almost of the citty. Otho had commanded the seuenteenth cohort to be called from Ostia to Rome, and charge was committed to Varius Crispinus, one of the Praetorian Tribunes, to furnish it with armour. Which that he might doe at more ease, and without interruption, the campe being quiet, at the shutting of the euening he opened the armory, and commanded the cartes of the cohorts to be laden. The time wrought suspition,83 the cause bred a crime; the affecting of quietnesse proued to a tumult;Odyss. [...]. [...] &c. and weapons seene among drunken persons stirred vp a desire in them to be doing. The soldiers mutin and charge the Centurions and Tribunes with treason, affirming they purposed to put in armes the Senate, and Senatours men against Otho; some vpon ignoraunce, and ouercome with drincke, the worst seeking occasion to spoile, the common sort (as it is commonly seene) desirous of nouelty howsoeuer: and as for the better and sounder part, the darkenes did not permit them to shew their obedience. And first they murder Crispinus the Tribune, & the [...]. Plut. seuerest of the Centurions repugning to their seditious attempts: then taking armes, and drawing their swordes, on horsebacke they makeSuet. Othone. c. 8. cum arma in castris sub noctō promerentur, insidias quidam suspicati tumul tum excitauerunt, ac repentè omnes nullo cer to duce in palatium cucurrerunt, caedem senatus flagitante [...]. repulsis (que) tribunorum, qui inhibere tentabant, nonnullis, & occisi [...], sicut erāt cruenti vbinam Jmperator esset requirentes perruperunt in triclinium vsque, nec nisi viso destiterunt. towarde the towne, and the Palace. Otho that night had the [...]. Plu principall men and women of the citty at banquet: who standing amazed and misdoubting what it might be, a casual rage of the soldiers, or a practise of the Emperour; whether were more danger to stay and bee taken, or to flee and disperse; sometime make shewe of stoutnesse, sometime bewrayed their feare, still casting an eye vpon Othoes countenance, who, as it falles out where mindes yeelde to suspicion, did feare, and was feared. And fearing no lesse for the Senatours sakes then for his owne person, he both sent by and by the captaines of the Garde to appease in some sort the souldiers anger, and [...]. Plut. willed his guests to get them away in all possible speede. Then might one haue seen magistrates euery where cast downe the markes of their office, eschewing the multitude of followers and seruantes, ould men and women in darke without torch creepe this way and that, few to their owne houses, most to their friendes, and meanest clientes where they least would be lookt for. The souldiers furiously [Page 46] breake open the gates of the Palace, and thrust into the banquetting place, rudely requiring a sight of Otho, hauing wounded a Tribune Iulius Martialis, and Vitellius SaturninusPraefectus legionis: a kinde of speech which I doe not remember in Tacitus elsewhere. Lieutenant of a Legion, as they endeuored to withstande their violence. On euerie side armes and threats, sometime against the Centurions, and Tribunes, sometime against the whole Senate, franticke vpon a blind feare, and because they coulde not name any one to the slaughter, demaunding licence indifferently against all the Senate; till such time as Otho standing vpon his dining bed, contrary to the maiesty of an Emperour, with teares and humble requests, at last, though hardly, refrained their rage: & so they returned to the campe vnwilling, though after so much harme done. The next day, as if the towne had beene taken, the houses were shut, small stirring in streetes, the people all sad, the souldiers hanging their heads, with many heauy lookes and litle repentance. Licinius Proculus and Plotius Firmus the captaines dealt with the souldiers by bandes, in gentle or rough sort, ech after his nature: the conclusion was this, that they should receiueThat is, 1.s 3.d. fiue thousand sesterces a man. Then Otho boldly entred the campe: the Centurions & Tribunes come round about him, and 84 casting away the marks of their degrees, desire dimissiō from so vnsafe a seruice. The soldiers perceiued the meaning, & framing themselues to obedience, require vnbidden the authors of the sedition to death. Otho, although things were in such a cōfusion, & the soldiers so diuersly minded (the best requiring a remedy for the present disorder; the common sort, and more part, who liked seditions, and corrupt gouernement, beeing more easily brought by troubles and spoiling to make ciuil warre) and withal remembring that a state gotten by lewde meanes cannot bee retayned at first with sodaine modesty, and ancient grauity; neuerthelesse carefully considering the danger of the citty and Senate, at last he spake in this wise. "My fellow-souldiers, I am not come hither to incite you to loue me, and lesse to exhorte you to vertue & valure; for of both you haue great store & too much: but I come to request a moderation of your valure, and a meane in your loue toward me. No hatred it was, no desire to haue (which thinges haue set many armies at discord) no daunger you feared and ment to avoyde, but a tender care, and excessiue affection it was towarde mee, more zealous then considerate, which bred and excited the yeasternights trouble: for oft the causes of things being [Page 47] good, yet where iudgement is wanting, pernicious endes doe often ensue. We are going to warre. what? is it expedient that all messengers haue open audience, that all matters be handled in presence of all? the nature of warring will not endure it, the swifte sliding away of occasions permitteth it not. I tell you it is as behooueful that the souldiers shoulde be ignoraunt of some things, as knowe other some. The autority of Captaines, the rigour of discipline is of that nature, that many things must be onely commanded and simply bidden by the Centurions and Tribunes. If when things are bidden euery one may demaunde, and question the matter, obedience fayling, gouernement withal wil fall to the ground: or shall there at midnight likewise the alarme be giuen? shall a lost and druncken companion or two (for I cannot beleeue they were mo which madded in the last vprore) shall they dare to embrue their hands in a Tribunes & Centurions bloud? rush into their Emperours pauilion? you did indeede the same for my sake: but yet in the darke, in such a confusion, occasion might also haue serued against me. If Vitellius & his adherēts had choise to dispose our minds as they listed, what else would they wish but sedition & discord? that the soldier should not obey his Centuriō, the Cēturion his Tribune, footemen and horse confusedly shoulde runne to their ruine. Surely fellow-soldiers by duly obeying, not curiously scanning the captaines commandements, is al good soldiery & militare matters maintained: & that army in danger is alwaies most, valiant, which before the danger is most quiet of al. Be you onely wel armed, and valiantly minded, to aduise and direct your valure leaue that to me. The fault was of few: the punishment shal be only of two: contend you the rest, to abolish & raze out of memory that dismal nights worke: such bloudy wordes against the Senate,audeas. let neuer any army once dare for to speake. The heade of the Empire, the ornament of al prouinces, no not the very Germans thēselues, whom Vitellius specially raiseth against vs, durst euer haue demanded to death: & shal the children of Italie then, & the true Roman race require to murder that honorable order, through whose glorious brightnesse we dimme and disgrace the obscure basenes of Vitellius faction? Vitellius hath indeed some countreys at commandement, he hath a certaine counterfaite of an armye: but the Senate is of our side; and therefore the state is of our side, traytours of theirs. What? doe you thinke this goodly faire citty [Page 48] consisteth in houses and stones put together? these are dumbe and dead things, they may decay, they may be repayred againe, as it chaunceth: the eternity of the state, the peace of the world, your weldoing and mine, is founded vpon the safety of the Senate. The father and builder of our city did [...]spicato. first by 85 the gods approbation ordein and institute this woorthy assembly; from the kings to the Princes neuer discontinued: then as wee haue taken it from our progenitours, so let vs deliuer it to our successours. The Senate is the seminary of Princes, and you of the Senate. The oration thus framed to bite and to please the soldiers mindes, and the moderate seuerity vsed withall (for onelye on two iustice was done) were gratefully accepted; and they for the present composed, which hardly could haue beene duely corrected. Yet was not the cittie thorowly quiet: weapons clashed, and to shew it seemed a season of warre; the soldiers in common ceasing to trouble, but dispersed in houses in disguised apparel, maligning al those whom nobility, or welth, or some other special excellēcy had made the matter of talk.
XIX Rome full of ielosies: the difficultie that was to carie a mans selfe evenlie in the Citie and Senate.
IT was also supposed by many that some of Vitellius men were come to the citty to spye out and learne how the sides were affected: whereupon all grew full of ielosies, and scarce were the secret closets free from feare: and abroade worst of all, where according to the occurrentes which came they turned, and shaped courage and countenance, fearing to seeme, when matters went doubtful, distrustful; or when they went wel, not enough to reioice: specially in Senate, there was the hardnesse indeede to beare a mans selfe euenly in so nice and ticklish a case: silence woulde bee construed for contumacy; free speech had quickly in ielosie; and flattering Otho woulde soone smell out, hauing passed from priuate estate, and vsed the trade so lately himselfe. Wherefore they were forced to tosse and turne in & out their sentences, to wrest them this way and that, calling Vitellius parricide and traitour; the wiser sorte spending vpon him some fewe ordinary rayling termes, some touching him nearer with viler matters, and matters of truth; but then aboue al times, when for the great noise they least could be heard, or when otherwise the most spake at once, or else by tumultuous heaping of words confounding their owne disorderly tale.
XX Certaine prodigious things which happened in Italie and Rome before the warre.
MOREOVER diuerse miracles vowched by sundry persons terrifyed the mindes of men. In the entry of the Capitoll the raynes of the coche whereon the image of Victory stoode were let slippe: out of Iunoes cell started vppe a ghost taller then any man: the image of Iulius of sacred memory in the Ilande of Tiber turned it selfe from the West to the East in a daye which was cleare and without any earthquake: in Tuscany an oxe spake: ougly monsters were borne of beastes, and many other like prodigious things were reported, by the old world obserued euen in peace, but now not talkt on, but in times of daunger. But the principall terrour for the time to come ioyned with present damage wasPlutarch. [...]. Plinius. lib. 3. c. 5. Quinimo vates intelligitur (Tiberinus amnis) potiùs ac monitor, auctu semper religiosus veriùs, quā saeu [...]s. the sodaine swelling of Tiber, which waxing hugely brake downe the Sublician bridge, and by the ruines of it beeing dammed, reculing againe, ouerflowed not onely the lowe and plaine places of Rome, but those also which seemed safe from such casualties. Many were caryed away as they walkt in the streets, mo intercepted in shoppes and lodgings:Which penury grew by reason of the rising of the riuer. Plutarch. p. 1516. [...]. dearth of vittayles, and no waies of winning, bredde a famin among the poore people: the foundations of theInsulae dicuntur propriè, quae non iungun [...]ur communib. parietibus cū vicinis; circuitu (que) publico aut priuato cinguntur; a similitudine viz. earum terrarum, quae fluminib. ac mari eminent, sunt (que) in salo positae. Festus. iles, which the water by washing against them had weakned, after the riuer returned became ruinous: and assoone as that perill was ouer past, thePrimo egressu inundationib. Tiberis retardatus (Otho) ad vicesimum etiam lapidem ruina aedificiorum praeclusam viā offendit. Suetonius Othone. cap 8. stopping by casual, or naturall causes, of Campus Martius and the Flaminian way, by which the army should passe, at that time when Otho prepared to march, was construed for an ominous signe of calamities to ensue.
XXI The provision of Otho for the warre.
OTHO hauinglustratâ vrbe. hallowed the citty, consulting how to manage the warre, and seeing the Penine & Cottian Alpes, and the other passages of France stopt by Vitellius armies, determined to inuade Gallia Narbonensis with a strong nauye andpartibus fida, not because the new made Legionaries went with the nauy (for surely the most remained with Otho p 65, 18. 68, 10. 70, 24.) but rather for that the other classiarij, which were kept stil in the galleyes, conceiued good hope of preferment by the fauour which Otho bestowed on their fellowes. sure to his side: for he had enrolled for Legionary souldiers the remnaunt of those which were slayne at the Miluian bridge, whom Galba had cruellyyet were they lose at his death to doe him a mischiefe, and made a Legion, as appeareth before, so that the benefit of enrolling them was not Othoes, as it might seem by this place, but Galbaes. layed in prison; and theScilices, they that remained still at sea-seruice. rest of their fellowes conceiued [Page 50] thereby good hope of honourabler seruice hereafter. With the nauy hee shipped Citty-cohortes, and many Garde-souldiers, for a strength and support to the army, and for a counsell and garde to the generalles. The generall charge of this vyage was committed to Antonius Nouellius, and Suedius Clemens (Primipilarib. i. qui primos pilos duxissent: as Consularis, qui Cōsul extitisses. which had been chiefe Centurions) and AEmilius Pacensis, to whom Otho had restored his Tribuneshippe, which Galba had taken away: Oscus his freedman was Admirall of the vyage, being willed to watch how loyally honester men behaued themselues. Of the footemen and horseOthoes captaines in this warre were six or seuen: Paullinus, Celsus, Gallus, Proculus, named here by Tacitus, Spurinna, & Macer in the story p. 65. and Titianus his brother sent for afterward. p. 71. Suetonius Paullinus, Marius Celsus, and Annius Gallus were appointed gouernours: but his speciall affianceProfecto Brixellum Othone, honor imperij penes Titianū fratrem, vis ac potesta [...] penes Proculum praefectum. Celsus & Paullinus cum prudentia eorum nemo vteretur, inani nomine ducum alienae culpae praetendebātur. Tac. 2. Hist. p. 78. was in Licinius Proculus captaine of the Garde, who being a man seruiceable enough in citty-soldiery, but raw in the fielde, cauilling and carping at the graue authority of Paullinus, the couragious quicknesse of Celsus, the considerate discretenesse of Gallus, as ech was in vertue, by lewdenesse and craft (a matter not vneasy) bare it away from good men, and modest. About the same timeSlaine afterwarde by Vitellius commandement. 2. Hist. p. 86. Cornelius Dolabella was confined to Aquinum, without either strait or close keeping, for no matter of crime, but only as an eie-sore for his ancient house and kindred with Galba. Then Otho commaunded many of the magistrates, and a great part of those which had been Consuls, to be in a readinesse for the viage, not as to employ them in any charge in the warre, but to accompany him only: among other Lucius Vitellius also in like sort with the rest, neither as brother of an Emperour, nor as brother of an enemy. Hereupon the cares of the city reuiued: no state was voide of feare or of danger: the chiefe of the Senate weake for age, and with long rest vnlusty; the nobility slothfull, and hauing forgotten the warres; the gentlemen ignorant in seruice: the more they all sought to couer & hide it, the more they in sight bewraied their feare. On the other side some vpō a foolish vain glory bought them braue armour and goodly great horses; some riotous prouision for banquets and 86 allurements of lusts, as instruments of warre. The wiser sort were woe to see the quietnesse of the weale-publicke perturbed: the witlesse, and not able to see into sequels, were puft vp with vaine hope: and many a good man, bankerupt in peace, now in the troubles shewed most gallant, then being safest, when the state was vnsafest. The common people, who for their huge greatnes taketh no care of publicke affaires, beganne now [Page 51] to feele by little and little the smartes of the warre, perceiuing the money was turned all to the souldiers vse, and vittailes to growe more deare in the market; which euils in Vindex commotion had nothing worne the commons so bare: the citty was then out of danger, and the warre in the prouince, which beeing fought betweene the Legions and them of France might seeme in a sort externall and forrayne. For since the time that D. Augustus ordered the Empire, the people of Rome fought a farre off; the care and the credite belonged to one: vnder Tiberius and Caius men feared alone the miseries of peace:Lieuetenant of Dalmatia. Dio. lib. 60. pag. 463. Scribonianus attemptes against Claudius were begunne and dasht in a moment: Nero was rather by newes, and by rumours, then by force of armes cast out of state: but now the Legions, the nauies, and that which seldome else hath beene seene, the Garde and citty-souldier were brought to the fielde; the East, and the West, and whatsoeuer was on both sides behind; matter for a long warre,Tac. 2. Histor. p. 78. Quod singulis velut ictibus transacta sunt bella, ignavia principum factum est. if other captaines had warred. Some perswaded Otho, as he was now ready to march, to stay yet a while, making a scruple that the 87 holy shields called Ancilia were as yet not layed vp againe: but he could not abide to heare of delayes, which had bene, he said, Neroes destruction; and Caecina hauing already passed the Alpes called him forwarde. The fourteenth of March recommending the commonwealth to the Lordes in Senate, hee granted to the persons restored from exile the residue of Neroes confiscations, such as were not as yet come to his cofers: a gift most reasonable and in shew very great, but in effecte fruitlesse by reason of the hasty exaction. By and by assembling the people he magnifieth the maiesty of the citty, the consent of the Senate and people of Rome in fauour of his side, modestly touching the contrary faction, and blaming the Legions rather for ignoraunce, then rashnesse, without anie mention at all of Vitellius; whether it was of his owne temperatenesse, or that els hee which penned the oration fearing the worst, did of purpose forbeare to reuile: for as in militare matters hee followed the aduise of Suetonius Paullinus and Marius Celsus, so in ciuill he was thought to vse Galerius Trachalus wisedome: and some there were, which would seeme to knowe the manner of phrase, notorious by reason of his often pleading, large and sounding, and framed to fill the eares of the people. The commons after their flattering fashion receyued the speech with cryes [Page 52] and acclamations without either measure or trueth, contending to passe one another in applause and wishes, as if it had beene to Caesar the Dictator, or the Emperour Augustus; neither for feare nor for loue, but onely vpon a delight in seruility (vt in familijs, i. inter servitia; in opposition to plebs ingenua. 4. Ann. p. 344. lin. 14. as in priuate families) euery man prouoked by some priuate cause, no man regarding the publicke dishonour.Otho departed from Rome, saith Suetonius, die quo cultores deûm matris lamentari & plangere incipiunt, that is, the seuen and twentieth of March according to Marcellinus. Otho departing awaye commended the quiet estate of the citty, and cares of the Empire to Saluius Titianus his brother.
I Titus Ʋespasianus sayling towarde Rome, hearing of Galbaes death at Corinth, returneth into Syria. The disposition of the Easterne armies.
NOW fortune in a contrary coast of the worlde prepared cause, and layed the foundation for a newFor the Empire of the Flauian familye. Empire: which put vp in sundry regions, and according to the different gouernment, becameAcceptable & prosperous in the persons of Vespasian & Titus: hatefull & pernicious in the person of Domitian. acceptable or hatefull to the state, and to the Princes themselues prosperous, or pernicious. Titus Vespasianus beeing sent by his father from Iewry, before Galba was slaine, gaue forth asIosephus [...]. 4. c. 29. addeth further, that Titus was sent to vnderstand Galbaes pleasure concerning the Iewish matters, [...]. cause of his voyage the doing of duety to the new Prince, and suing for office, whereunto hee was now by his yeares enabled & ripe; but the common sort, ready to make and deuise, had cast abroad, that he was sent for to beeSuet. Tito. c. 5. Galba mox tenente remp. missus ad gratulandum (Titus) quaqua iret cōuertit homines, quasi adoptionis gratia arcesseretur. declared successour. The age of Galba and lacke of issue, and that intemperate humour of the citty, to name many til one be appointed, gaue occasion & ministred matter to the speech: the towardlinesse of Titus increast the report, as being a person capable of any dignitie were it neuer so great: the comlinesse also of his countenance with a certayne maiesty, the prosperous proceedings of his father in Iewry, prophecies and oracles; and lastly, whenas the minds of men were once inclined to beleeue, euen common accidents were reputedloco ominum etiam fortuna. ominous, and helped to further the same. At Corinth a citty of Achaia he receiued certaine advertisement, that Galba was slaine, and some also were there, who assured that Vitellius was in armes, and doubtlesse would proceede to make warre. Whereupon beeing perplexed in minde, calling some fewe of his friendes, he weigheth the reasons on both sides in counsell: if hee should proceed in his iourney to Rome it were but a thanckelesse office, being first vndertaken to honor another: & beside he should remaine as an hostage to Vitellius or Otho: if returne backe again, the winner without question would bee offended, but yet in some tolerable sort, seeing the victory as yet rested vncertayne, and [Page 54] the father afterwarde applying himselfe to the side, the sonne would finde an easy excuse: or if his father tooke vpon him the state, then care not to offend were to be forgotten, where open hostilitie must bee proclamed. With these and the like discourses was Titus distracted betweene feare and hope, till hope at the length preuailed. Some men supposed the vehement loue hee bare to Berenice the Queene did alter his course: and in trueth his youthly affections were settled somewhat that way, notwithstanding in no such degree, that it was any hinderaunce to his honourable actions: his youthfull yeares hee passed in pleasures licentiously, of better behauiour Emperour thenSuet. Tito, c. 1. Privatus, at (que) [...]tiam sub patre principe, ne odio quidem, nedum vituperatione publica caruit. Emperours sonne. So coasting along by Achaia and Asia thorow the seaslaeva maris, for laevas maris partes, or laeva maris littora; those parts or coastes of the Mediterran sea which are on the left hande in sayling from Corinth to Syria. on the left hand, he sailed to Rhodes and Cypres, and thence 1 by the maine sea into Syria. Touching at Cypres he had a desire to go visite 2 the temple of Venus at Paphos, so much spoken of both there and abroad. It shall not be long summarily to set downe the beginning of that deuotion,3 the site of the temple, and shape of the goddesse: for she is not elswhere purtraited so. The ancient tradition is, that the temple was founded byThis opiniō Tacitus himselfe seemeth to followe. 3. Ann. p. 324 Exin Cyprij tribus delubris (ius As [...]li petebant) quorū v [...]tustissimum Paphiae Veneri auctor Aerias posuisset king Aerias, which some affirme is the name of the goddesse: a later opinion holdeth, that kingFather to Cyprus, of whom some say the Ilande tooke denominatiō. Eustathius in Dionys. [...]. Cinaras did consecrate the temple, and that the goddesse, beeing conceyued of the sea, arriued there: but the skill and arte of Haruspicine was borrowed abroade, brought in by Thamyras theOf the Cilicians skil that way read Tully de Divinatione, and others. Cilician; and so it was accorded betweene them, that the gouernement of the ceremonies should belong equally to the posteritie of both families: anone it seemed absurd, that the bloud royall should not haue any prerogatiue aboue the forrayne; whereupon the straungers gaue place in the science, which they themselues had induced; and so the Priesthoode remayned alone in Cinaras line. Beastes for sacrifice, as euery man liked to vow, onelye of the male kinde were chosen: the fibres of kiddes are esteemed of certainest credit: to powre bloud on the altare is not permitted:4 prayers and pure fire are the incense for the altares, which are not withinEustathius in Odyss. Θ. speaking of the altare of Venus in Paphos: [...]. any couerte, and yet neuer wetThe like is reported by Polybius lib. 16. p. 268. and beleeued by others: [...]. with the weather. The image of the goddesse is not of humane shape, but a 5 figure rising cōtinually round, from a larger bottom to a smal top, inor spire fashion. conicall fashion: the reason thereof is not knowen. When Titus had viewed the riches of the [Page 55] place, the offrings & liberalities of Princes, & what else soeuer the Greekish nation, delighting in antiquities, fabulously fathereth vp on times out of mind, he proposed demaund first as touching his vyage by sea: & when it was answered, that the way was opē & passage prosperous, then causing many beasts to be sacrificed, he enquired couertly cōcerning himselfe. Sostratus (for so was the name of the priest) seing the entrailes fortunat & agreeing, & perceiuing the Goddesse to giue assent to his great deseignes, at that present time made a short & ordinary answer; & anōe requiring a secreter cōferēce he opened to him his whole fortune to come. Thus Titus encreased in courage, returned againremaining then in Caesarea the heade towne of Judaea. Joseph. 4. [...]. cap. 29. to his father, bringing great cōfort to the minds of the armies, & prouinces that were suspēsed & doubtful. Vespasiā had vanquished the Iewes, & made in a maner an end of the warre, it only remained to oppugne Ierusalē; an enterprise of difficulty and hardnesse, more through the nature of the people, & the obstinate persisting in their superstition, then for any strēgth or ability they had to beare out the seege. Vespasian, as before we haue said, had three Legions trained in warre, & Mutianus fower gouerned in peace, frō whom notwithstanding emulatiō, & the glory of the army adioining, draue away sloth; & as the one thorow labour with dāger grew stronger & more able of body, so the other became more lusty & fresh by rest vndisturbed, & peaceable labour: both had Auxiliary cohorts & wings, both fleets & kings at commandement; both renowned alike vpon causes vnlike: Vespasian a vigilant warrior, marching the formost, chusing place for commodious encāping, night & day giuing out direction & order where it was needful, & the case so requiring māfully fighting with hand; of diet not dainty, apparelled as the common soldier, or not much otherwise; in al respects, set auarice aside, comparable to the commaunders of auncient times: Mutianus contrariwise excessiue in wealth and expenses, in all thinges exceeding the measure of priuate estate; in speech the abler man, verye experte in the direction and foresight of ciuill affayres: a well sorted medleye of princely qualities, if taking awaye the vices of both, the vertues alone were laied together. But the one being Lieutenant of Iewry, the other of Syria, countreyes confining, through emulation and enuy certaine ielosies were betweene them: notwithstanding vpon Neroes decease, they layed grudges aside, and conferred counsels in common, first by friendes interposed, [Page 56] then by mediation of Titus, the principall assurance of true reconcilement; who being a person by nature and arte framed to winde in with Mucianus also, induced them both to surcease from such hurtfull contentions, with consideration of their common vtility: the Tribunes, Centurions, and common soldier, by labour or licence, by vertues or pleasures, according to their seueral inclinations, were drawen to the party. Before Titus comming both the armies had sworne allegeance to Otho, the newes of his beeing in state, as the custome is in such greate matters, beeing brought in great post, and ciuill warres ripening by leasure, into which the East, that had a long time bene quiet and peaceable, then first of all beganne for to enter, for in time past the most mightie and puissant ciuil warres, beginning in Italie and Gallia, were vndertaken with the power and strength of the West; and they which maintained them in the East, as Pompey, Cassius, Brutus, Antonius, ended alwaies vnfortunately, and Syria and Iewrie more often heard tel of then saw any Caesars: the Legions had neuer mutined, onely sometimes were led out to braue the Parthian, speeding not alwaies alike: and during the last ciuil warre, when the worlde was shaken elswhere, among them was assured tranquillitie; then faith toward Galba. But after it was publikely knowen, that Otho and Vitellius went about with impious armes to pray vpō the Roman estate, the soldiers began to storme, that others 6 receaued the fauours of Princes, & they serued continually as slaues▪ from thence they grewe to consideration of their owne forces: seuen Legions they sawe at hand, and two prouinces, Syria & Iewry, with a huge multitude of Ayde-soldiers: then AEgypt adioyning with two Legions, & on the other side Cappadocia & Pontus, & the strength which lay encamped against the Armenians: Asia and the rest of the prouinces, plentiful of money, and of men not vnfurnished: all the ilands of that sea, and the sea it selfeOr lying out of the way from Vitellius and Othoes strength. seclusum. shut vp and yeelding security in the meane season to prepare for the warre. The forwardnesse of the soldiers was not vnknowen to the Generals: neuerthelesse it was thought expedient to attende the issue of the other warre then being on foote, sith doubtlesse mutual ielousies, betweene the conquering and conquered party, would neuer suffer any sound and perfect intelligence betweene them: neither mattered it much whom fortune should fauour, Vitellius or Otho: euen singular commanders by prosperity would growe insolent, [Page 57] much lesse might good proofe be expected of these, whom discord, sluggishnesse and riot would ruine; whereof the warre would ouerthrow the one, & the victory the other, both of them through their owne vices and faults. So till occasion should serue, the open taking of armes was differred by Vespasian and Mucianus, hauing entred but lately into these communications, whereas the rest had conferred thereof long before; the better sorte vpon loue to the common wealth, the rest, some allured with the sweetnes of spoile, some pricked thereto by reason of their doubtful and decayed estate at home: so the good and the bad, vpon causes vnlike, with like affection ardently all desired the warre.
II A counterfaite Nero oppressed in the ile of Cythnus.
ABOVT the same time a false alarme was giuen to Achaia and Asia, as if Nero were approching: for the report going diuersely concerning his death, many gaue out vntruly that he was aliue, and many beleeued it. The aduentures and attempts of the rest of those counterfaits we shal hereafter declare, in the processe of this worke. Now at that time a bondman of Pontus, or, as others haue written, alibertinus. libertine of Italie, skilful in instrument and voice, and thereupon, beside some resemblance in countenance, being more fit to deceiue, adioining vnto him certaine fugitiue and beggerly vacabond persons induced by great promises, taketh the sea: and being by violence of weather driuen into the ile of Cythnus, he associated to him certaine soldiers which passed that way out of the East, commanding the rest to be slaine which refused; and spoiling the marchants armed those of the slaues which seemed most puissāt of body. Moreouer he assayed by sundry deuises to practise the Centurion Sisenna, who caried in the name of the Syrian army to the souldiers of the Garde, Right-Handes in token of concord: vntil such time as Sisenna for feare, and suspecting violence, left the iland and fled secretly away. Thereupon the terrour was dispersed abroad, and the matter growing famous many lent their eares willingly thereto, vpon desire of chaunge, and dislike of the present. Thus reputation dayly growing to the cause, it was by a matter of meere chance wholly ouerthrowen. Galba had granted the gouernment of the prouinces of Galatia and Pamphylia to Calpurnius Asprenas: to waft him were allotted two galleyes out of the nauy at Misenum, with the which hee arriued at the ile of Cythnus. [Page 58] Vpon his arriuall the masters of the galleyes were summoned to come vnto Nero: who at their comming composing himselfe to heauinesse, and requiring, as their late master at his soldiers hands, their faithful assistance and seruice, prayed them to set him aland in Syria or AEgypt. The masters, partly persuaded or els fraudulently, answered that first they would talke with the souldiers, and so hauing prepared their mindes would returne: but the whole was truely reported to Asprenas, by whose perswasion his shippe was forced and taken, and hee, whatsoeuer he were, slaine. His body was caryed into Asia, and thence brought to Rome, wondred at for the eyes, and haire, and sternnesse of countenance.
III Annius Faustus, after much adoe and some sturre in the Senate, condemned of promoting.
IN a dissentious state, and through the often changings of Princes, wauing betweene licence and liberty, euen small matters were not shut vp, without great adoe. Vibius Crispus, a man for money, might, and witte, accounted rather among the greate men then the good, called to his aunswere in Senate Annius Faustus a Gentleman, who had made profession in Neroes time of accusing: for immediately vpon the election of Galba the Senatours had ordered, that the causes of the accusers should be heard and examined; an order diuersely construed and drawen, and as against a weake defendant in force, soe against a mighty too weake. Beside Crispus employed the terrour of his greatnes, and the vttermost of his might, particularly to ouerthrowe him, as the accuser of his brother, and had drawen a great part of the Senate into that opinion, to require him to bee executed, beeing neyther defended nor hearde: contrarilie others fauouring the defendant, so much the more because the plaintife seemed too mightie, were of opinion, that a time should bee graunted, the crimes specified, and the man, though culpable and odious, should notwithstanding not bee excluded from common right of beeing hearde in his iustifications. Which opinion preuailed at the first, and soe the hearing of the matter was some fewe dayes put ouer: but in the ende Faustus was condemned, albeit not with that generall assent of all partes that his lewde conditions deserued: [Page 59] some men disliking, not that the crime was so punished, but that it was done at his suite,Tac 4. Hist. p. 175. in oratione Curtij Montani, and the page following, where you shal finde him sorted with Eprius Marcellus. whom they well remembred to haue exercised himselfe the same profession with gaine.
IIII The power of Otho by land.
THE 7 beginning of the warre was prosperous on Othoes side. for at his commaundement the Legions marchedAnd so out of Moesia likewise the Legions marched, but came noe further then Aquileia. Tacit. pag. 99. out of Dalmatia and Pannonia, being in number fower, out of which two thousande men were sent before, the Legions followed after with competent iourneyes; the seuenth lately gathered by Galba, the rest ancient, the eleuenth and thirteenth, and the fourteenth greatly renowned for their seruice in repressingThe story is at large in Tacitus 14. Ann. p. 494. and in the life of Agricola. p. 591. the Brittish rebellion; and Nero had encreased their glory,For his intended expeditiō ad portas Caspias, as I thinke, and vpon the reuolt of Vindex retaining them stil in Italie. chusing them out as the most special men: whereupon they remained long faithfull to Nero, and were great fauourers of Othoes proceedings. But these Legions the more strength and forces they caried with them, the more confident they were, and consequently the slower in comming forward: thePerchaunce meaning of the two thousand mentioned before, perchance & rather of other beside. Auxiliary cohorts and wings came before, the corps of the Legions followed after. Moreouer the city it selfe furnished good store of soldiers: fiue Paetorian cohortes, and certaine cornets of horesemen, the first Legion, & beside two thousandGladiatores. fencers; 8 a base supply, but inPompey in the ciuil warre against Caesar intended the like: but being aduised by his friends, vsed them not, Caesar de bello ciuili, lib. 3. ca. 4 ciuill warres vsed euen by seuere commanders. Annius Gallus withOf Vestricius Spurinna see Pliny. li. 4. ep. 1. & 10. & 2. ep. 7. Vestricius Spurinna were appointed to leade this power, and sent before hand to put themselues in possession of theHowsoeuer it was in the determinatiō, in the execution, we finde none garding the riuer, but the gladiatores banckes of the Po: because their first determination had failed, seing Caecina had already passed the Alpes, whom they hoped might haue been kept within Gallia. Vpō Othoes person a choice company ofSpiculatores spearmen attēded, accōpanied with the rest of the Praetorian cohorts, and the old soldiers of the Garde, beside an excessiue number of those which had serued at sea. His vyage was with diligence and speed as appertained, not wastfully spent in riot and pleasures: himselfe with his iron brigandine, marching before the enseignes on foote, not decked, not trimmed, but soldier like, & vnlike the name that went of him.
V The actions of Othoes fleete.
NOW fortune seemed to smile vpon Otho and fauour his proceedings; for the greater part of Italie, by reason of his nauy at sea, was possessed in his name, euē to the entry of theAlpes maritimae. sea-Alpes. [...] [Page 62] of the Tungrian cohorts, hauing long maintained the skirmish, were forced at length to yeeld vp their liues: euen to Othoes men the victory cost bloud, of whome diuerse vnaduisedly following were intercepted by the horsemen turning vpon them. And so, as if a mutuall suspension of armes had beene concluded vpon, with couenant on the one side that the fleet, on the other that the horsemen should not attempt any sodaine inuasion, the Vitellianists retired to Antipolis a freetowne of Gallia Narbonensis, the Othonians to Albingaunum a colonie of Liguria interior.
VII. The estate of Corsica and Sardinia, and the rest of the ilandes thereabout.
THE reputation of Othoes victorious fleete easily held Corsica, Sardinia, and the rest of the ilandes thereabout in Othoes obedience. But Corsica almost was ruined by the rashnes of Decimus Pacarius the Procurator; who entred into an action, which in so great a preparation for warre, could nothing auaile to effecting the principall purpose, & yet serued well inough to worke his destruction. For vpon hatred against Otho, he determined with the strength of the ilande, to aide Vitellius; an aide vaine and to no purpose euen if it had succeeded. Whereupō calling the principal men of the ilande, hee declareth his meaning, and commaundeth Claudius Phirrhicus master of the galleyes there, and Quinctius Certus a gentleman of Rome, to bee slaine, who opposed themselues against his proceedings: by the death of whome the rest that were present beeing terrefied sware allegeaunce to Vitellius, and consequently the inferiour sorte partly vppon ignoraunce, and partly to beare them company which did it for feare. But whenas Pacarius began to take muster, to tire those rude people in training and other militare duties, they waxing weary of that vnwonted labour fell to recount their own weakenesse: that it was but an ilande, which they inhabited: that Germanie and the Legionary power was far of: and that euen they were wasted and spoiled by the fleete, whom both cohorts and winges did protect. whereupon their minds sodainly fel away, and so they conspired against him, not by way of open rebelliō, but by priuy attēpt against his person. for which purpose chusing out a fit opportunity, as hee was in the bath naked & without helpe, the multitude that followed him being departed away, they slew him and his company, and caried the heads of them, as of traitours, to Otho: by whō notwithstanding [Page 63] they were not rewarded, as also not punished by Vitellius, in so great confusion and disorder of the state, passing among greater crimes; and shadowed with other more hainous offences.
VIII. Certaine small actions of the Syllan wing in Italie before Caecinaes entrie.
NOw the Syllan wing, as before we haue shewed, had opened the passage into Italie, and drawen the warre ouer the mountaines, the countrey fauouring not Otho, neither yet vpon any speciall fancy to Vitellius; but as men whom long peace had broken to all kind of slauery, they were easily possessed by the first cōmer, and not curious to side with the better. The whole countrey and cities 10 lying betweene the Po and the Alpes, the most florishing part of al Italie, was helde by Vitellius soldiers: for the1. Hist. p. 48. quia praesidio alae vnius latissima pars Italiae defendi nequibat, praemissae Gallorum, Lusitanorum, Britannorum (que) cohortes, & Germanorum vexilla. cohorts which Caecina had sent before him were now already come in. At Cremona a cohort of Pannonians was taken, & betweene Placentia and Ticinum an hundreth horse intercepted, and a thousand sea-souldiers: by which successe Vitellius men beeing animated could now not be stopped by bancke nor by riuer. Moreouer the inhabitants of Batauia & beyonde the Rhene were enflamed the more euen by the verieDisdayning that the Po should stay them who were accustomed to swimme, horse and man, ouer the great riuer of Rhene, and others at home in their countrey. Tac. 4. Hist. p. 158. Batavi praecipuo nandi studio arma equosue retinentes integris turmis Rhenum perrumpere. sight of the Po; which they passed ouer against Placentia, and taking some of the enemies spyes so terrefied the rest, that beeing afraide they falsely reported Caecina was come with his whole armie. Spurinna, who then was within Placentia, certainely knewe that Caecina was not yet come, and if he did come, was certainly resolued to keepe his men within their defences, and not to hazard three Praetorian cohortes, and a thousand Vexillaries, with a few horse, against an army of olde and approued warriers: butPlutarch writeth, that the souldiers had almost slaine Spurinna: but spared no maner of rayling and contumelious speech, calling him traytour, and a manifest marrer of his Princes affaires. some also being drunke went in the night to his pauilion, demāding to furnish thē with money for their iourney, which they mēt to vndertake to the Prince at Brixellum to preferie accusation against him for his trayterous dealing. the vnruly soldiers and vnskilful of seruice snatching vp their enseignes & banners rushed forward, and as the captaine endeuoured to stay them they bent their weapons vpon him, not respecting their Centurions & Tribunes, who commended the captaines circumspectnes, but the souldiers cried FOR OTHO, & stucke not more ouer to affirme that Caecina was sent for vnder hande. Spurinna yeelded to followe their follie, by force at the first, afterward making shew as if he were willing that his counsailes might cary more credit, if it happened hereafter the sedition to coole. When they were in the sight of the Po, & the night approched, order was giuen, that the camp should be entrenched and staked. That labour strange and vnusuall to the [Page 64] city-souldier abated their fiercenesse. Then they of the elder sort began to see their owne errour, and correct their credulity; to lay-open the feare, & the danger, if in those champion countries Caecina should with his army enuiron thē being as it were but an hand ful: & now they began throughout al the whole campe to vse modest & dutifull speeches, and by meanes of the Centurions & Tribunes, who insinuated themselues into their companies, to commend the wisedome of the captaine, in that he had chosen out, for the strength and seate of the warre, a colonie of that power & that wealth; & lastly Spurinna himselfe, not by vntimely exprobrating their fault, but by reason convincing it, wanne them to his opinion, and leauing some behinde for scouts brought backe the rest into Placentia lesse mutinous then before, and more at commandemēt. The walles were made stronger, the number of bulwarkes & towers encreased, and prouision made not only of armour, but of subiection and loue of obeying; the onely point which lacked in that side, whenas otherwise they had of valour sufficient.
IX. Caecina commeth into Jtalie, and lyeth before Placentia in vaine.
BVT Caecina, as if he had left on the other side of the mountaines cruelty and licentiousnes behinde him, marched thorow Italie with al modesty, he & his companies. His kinde of attire the free cities and colonies construed as a signe of pride, because he gaue audience to men which came gowned himselfe being in his short souldiers cote of changeable coulour, and wearing withall breeches after the French barbarous fashion: and as though they had beene interessed thereby, they were greeued also to see his wife Salonina riding vppon a goodly palfray with a rich furniture of purple, albeit no man were wronged therein: such is the nature of man, and so deepely is the quality rooted in vs, straitly to looke into the late prosperity of others with an enuious eye, and to require a moderation of fortune, no where so much, as in those wee haue seene in an equall degree with our selues. Caecina hauing passed the Po, and assayed by parlees, and promises to weaken the loialty of Othoes men, being quit with the like on their part, seeing that the plausible names of peace and concord had often beene spent betweene them in vaine, conuerted his counsailes and cares to the besieging of Placentia in most terrible maner; knowing right well, that as the beginning of the warre should [Page 65] succeede, so for the rest reputation woulde follow. But the first daies worke was conducted rather by fury, then according to skill meete for men of so long experience in seruice: without couer or defence they vētured rashly vnder the walles, their bodies surcharged with meate and with wine. In that assault the Amphitheatre, a piece of most curious workmanship standing without the walles, was burned, set on fire either by the besiegers as they hurledbrāds and balles of wildefire against the besieged: or by the besieged as they hurled againe. The townesmen being ielous, & prone to suspicions, beleeued that matter was ministred to the fire vppon malice, by certaine neighbour colonies, vpon emulation & enuy, because no piece of worke in all Italie was of that capacity beside: by what chance soeuer it happened, whilest further daunger was feared, it passed not greatly regarded; when all perill was past, as if no greater misfortune could haue befallen, then it was much sorrowed for & lamented: but in the end Caecina was repulsed with losse of many of his mē, & the night following was spent on both sides in new preparations. The Vitellianists make prouision of 11 plutei, crates, & vineae, instruments to vndermine the walles, & protect those which were to giue the assault: the Othonians of timber logges & great waightes ofstones, and lead, and brasse, to breake thorowe the workes and ouerwhelme the aduersaries. Both parties were prickedWith shame to be ouercome, & glory of ouercō ming. with shame, and with glory, and seueral encouragements were vsed; the one side exalting the Legions and strength of the German army, the other magnifiyng the honour of the cittie-seruice, & of the Praetorian cohorts: the one reuiling the soldier within as sluggish, and resty, and effeminated in the Race & Threatres, & the other rebuking the enemy without as a forrainer and stranger: assuming withall into part of the praise and dispraise the persons of Otho and Vitellius, afoording indeede more plentifully matter of reproch then of iust commendation. The day was scarcely yet sprung, when as the walles were replenished with men at defēce, the fieldes did glister with armour & soldiers; the Legionarydensum legionum agmen: and yet Caecina had but one Legion, namely vnacivicesima Rapax, as I take it. with their thicke and close ranckes, the Auxiliary loose and dispersed, they attempt with arrowes and stones a farre of to disfurnish the highest parts of the walles, if any place were neglected or decayed by age thither they make nearer approches: Othoes men from aboue, with more peyze and certainty, hurle darts vpon the German cohortes, which rashly came vnder with a hideous [Page 66] note, & according to their cuntrey maner, with bodies naked, shaking their targets ouer their shoulders. The Legionary soldier, couered with plutei and crates, vndermineth the walles, raiseth vp mounts, & endeuoreth to wrest open the gates: of the contrary side the Praetorian soldiers hauing milstones of huge waight placed for the purpose, with fearefull noyse rowle them downe vpon the enemy: part which came vnder were ouerwhelmed, part wounded with dartes, and slaine or mangled: and so as in a confusion & feare, the slaughter encreasing below, & consequently their fiercenes aboue, the Vitellianists retired with decay of reputation to the side; and Caecina vpon the infamy and shame of this siege so rashly attempted, lest hee shoulde seeme to sit still in the same ground skorned and to no purpose, passeth the Po backe againe with purpose to go to Cremona. As he departed away TurulliusFor the sullet satisfactiō of the reader, it had bene conuenient to haue declared whether they fled from Spurinna, or Gallus, or some other, and by what occasion they were then in that place. Cerealis with many of the mariners reuolted vnto him, and IuliusFor the sullet satisfactiō of the reader, it had bene conuenient to haue declared whether they fled from Spurinna, or Gallus, or some other, and by what occasion they were then in that place. Briganticus with a few horse: Iulius was by birth a Batauian and captaine of a wing, the other, hauing serued as a principal Centurion in Germanie, was easily wunne to Caecinaes side. Spurinna, vpon knowledge had what way the enemy tooke, certifieth Annius Gallus by letters, that Placentia was defended, what had passed, & what Caecina intended to doe. Gallus, mistrusting lest those fewe cohortes within coulde not endure a long siege, and the force of the German army, was bringing the first Legion to succour the towne: but when he receiued aduise, that Caecina was repulsed, and going to Cremona, he staieth the LegionPerhaps to receiue the Legions cōming out of Dalmatia, and Pannonia, which, if any where at all, came and ioined themselues with Gallus, conducted perchāce by Paullinus and Celsus. at Bebriacum being hardly withholden from mutining, because he woulde not leade them to fight.Bebryacum (saith the scholiast vpon Juvenal: for so he writeth it) vicus est a Cremona vicesimo lapide. Bebriacum is a village betweene Verona and Cremona 12 notorious and infortunate for two Roman calamities.
X. Macer skirmisheth with the Ʋitellianists. Otho, suspecting the rest of his captaines, committeth the conduct of the warre to Titianus his brother.
ABOVT the same time, not farre from Cremona, Martius Macer had a luckly day against the Vitellianists. For Macer being a man of courage & forwarde put theGladiatores fencers in boates & landed them sodainely on the other side of the Po. There the Auxiliaries of the Vitellianists were distressed, and the rest fleeing to Cremona, those which remained behinde slaine: but the winners were nor permitted further to follow the chace, lest the enemies strengthened with newe supply should turne head against them, & alter [Page 67] the fortune of the battaile. That fact bred ielosy in Othoes men misinterpreting al that was done howsoeuer sinisterly, who egerly as ech was in courage most dastard, most lauish in tongue, so sought they by diuers misconstruing criminations to put in disgrace Annius Gallus, & Suetonius Paullinus, & Marius Celsus, for them also had Otho made Commanders. The principal firebrands of sedition & discord were the murderers of Galba, who being transported by feare, & the guiltines of their owne conscience, disturbed & troubled all good course of proceeding; sometimes breaking openly out into mutinous speeches, & sometimes by secret aduertisements to Otho: who giuing credit lightly to euery base person, and standing in feare of the good, trembled and quaked, a man in prosperity vncertainly caryed, and gouerning himselfe in aduersity better.13 So he sent for Titianus his brother, and made him his Lieutenant generall in the warre.
XI. Paullinus and Celsus giue Caecina an ouerthrowe.
IN the meane season vnder the conduct of Paullinus and Celsus a notable ouerthrow was giuen. Caecinaes attempts all falling to nothing, and the reputation of his army now waning, much greeued his minde: he had bene repulsed from Placentia; his Auxiliaries lately slaine; and when as the discouerers met one another, in those ordinary bickerings rather then materiall he commonly went to the worse: whereupon when Fabius Valens approched, lest the whole honor of the warre should fall vpon him, he hasted with greater speede then good counsell, to recouer his glory. About 14 twelue miles frō Cremona, at a place called Castores, he placeth secretly in the woods, ioyning vpon the hye way, of his best Auxiliary soldiers, commanding the horsemen to goe out further, & so hauing begun the skirmish to giue backe & retire, drawing on the enemy to follow in the heate of the chace, vntil the ambush should rise: that purpose was bewraied to Othoes commaunders. Paullinus was General of the foote, & Celsus of the horse. The Vexillaries of the thirteenth Legion, fower Auxiliary cohorts, & fiue hundreth horse were placed in the left battell; in the middle 15 three Praetorian cohorts, rancked straitly together, kept their standing vpon the hye way: in the right battel the first Legion marched, accompanied with two Vexillary cohorts, & fiue hundreth horse: & out of the Praetorian & Auxiliaries were led a thousand horse, for an ouer measure if fortune hapned to go on their side, or otherwise [Page 68] a supply, if they should be distressed. Before the ioining the Vitellianists turned their backs, & Celsus, vnderstāding the fraud, repressed his men. The ambush rising vp rashly, as Celsus gaue groūd, folowed so far til they were circūuented themselues: for on the sides were the cohorts, & the Legion to meete them in face, & the horsemen sodainly ranging out had enclosed their backes. Suetonius Paullinus at the first delaied some time to giue to his foote-mē the signe of the battaile: for being a person naturally slow, & one who liked much better wary courses with reason, then happy by chace, he commanded the ditches first to be filled, the fielde to be made open and easy of passage, the battalions to be displaied, supposing it seasonable enough to begin then to ouercome others, when as order was takē they could not be ouercome themselues. By meanes of that delay space was giuen to Vitellius men to flee into the vines, where, by reason of the branches wrapped and knit one in another, it was troublesome to follow: and a little wood adioyned which couered thē; out of which they issued eftsones & slew the formost of the Praetorian horsemen. thereKing of what countrey? and how came he thither? and what became of him afterward? great persons in a story require, in my opinion, a more exact and particulare description. king Epiphanes, fighting valiantly on Othoes side, was wounded. By that time Othoes footmen pressed forward, and bare downe by maine force the enemies host, turning to flight euen those also which came for to succour. for Caecina sent not for his cohortes together, but one after another: which thing in the fight augmented the terrour: for the feare of them that fled carried away the succours, which came dispersedly, and neuer so many at once, as to restore the battell. In the campe also a mutinee arose, because they were fetched so scatteringly, and Iulius Gratus the Camp-master was put in prison, as though in fauour of his brother, who serued vnder Otho, hee intended some treason; whereas the Othonians had, on the other side, committed to ward Iulius Fronto his brother, a Tribune, vpon colour of the same crime. But in trueth euery where the feare was so great, in those which fled, in those which met them, in the field and at the campe, that vnlesse Suetonius Paullinus had sounded the retrayt, not suffering his men to follow the victory, it was commonly talked on both sides, that Caecina might haue beene destroied with his whole army. Paullinus pretended that hee was afeard, lest, beside so much trauaile and so great a iourney, the Vitellian souldier should haue issued foorth of their campe fresh against his men being tired, no supply remaining behind, if it fortuned [Page 69] them to haue bene defeated. Some few approued that reason of the Generall, but most men condemned the fact, and blamed him for it.
XII. The description of a mutinee which happened in Valens campe. Valens commeth into Jtalie and ioyneth his power with Caecinaes.
THIS ouerthrowe did not so much daunt the Vitellianists, as it reduced them to a more modest behauiour, not onely in Caecinaes campe, who cast the fault on the souldier more ready to mutin then fight; but the army of Fabius Valens also (for now he was come to Ticinum) laying aside contempt of the enemy, and desirous to recouer their glory, began to shew to their Generall a more reuerent and orderly obedience. For before a great and hoate mutinee had happened out, which I will now set downe from the beginning, albeit not in his proper time, because it was not conuenient to interrupt the course of Caecinaes actions. The cohortes of Batauians, which in the warre of Nero were departed from the fourteenth Legion, and in their returne towarde Britannie, hearing of Vitellius attempt in the countrey of Lingones, had ioyned themselues,1. Hist. p. 43. and 45. as before we haue shewed, to Fabius Valens, began to waxe proud and insolent, vanting and brauing as they came to the tentes of any of the Legions, that they were the men which had ouerruled the fourteenth Legion, bereaued Nero of Italy: that in their handes alone lay all the fortune and whole successe of this warre. That seemed contumelious to the souldier, and highly displeased the Generall, the discipline being by their wranglings and brawlings corrupted. At the last Valens, by their insolent behauiour suspecting perfidiousnesse also, receiuing aduise, that the wing of the Treueri and Tungrians were beaten by Othoes fleete, and that the prouince of Narbon was in some danger of inuasion, partly vpon a care to defend his friendes and allies, and partly vpon militare pollicy to disperse these Batauians so mutinously affected, and of so great strength if they remained together, commaunded part of the cohorts to goe and relieue them. Which thing when it was heard and noysed abroad, the Auxiliaries mourned, theIt seemeth strange, that the Legions should be displeased with the departure of those, whose insolent and contumelious behauiour they could not abide, if Tacitus say true not past six lines before. Legions stomacked, lamenting they should be depriued in such a time of so maine an assistaunce of such valiant men: what? should those so experienced, and conquerours [Page 70] in so many warres, whenas the enemies were within viewe, bee sent away, as it were, out of the field? if the prouince were a matter of more consequence then the citty of Rome and safety of the state, why did they not all followe thither? but if the accomplishment of the victory, the strength and stay of the cause consisted in Italie, what reason then to breake off, as it were, the soundest and strongest limmes from the bodie? vpon these and the like presumpteous speeches, whenas Valens by sending his sergeauntes among them, went about to correct their seditious behauiour, they offred violence to himselfe, threwe stones, and forcing him to flee, followed after; and crying, that the spoile of France, the golde of Vienna, and the price of their labours was by him embezeled, and hid, they spoiled his cariage, they pearced and searched his pauilions, and the very grounde it selfe with their lances and dartes: for Valens himselfe in a bondemans apparell lay vnknowen in the tent of an vnder-captaine of horsemen. Then Alphenus Varus the Campe-master, perceauing the heate of the mutinee past, and the souldiers by little and little to growe colder, adioyneth a pollicie thereunto:16 forbidding the Centurions to meddle with searching and perusing the watch, and omitting to sound the trumpet, by which the souldier is called to his charge. Whereupon they stoode all amazed, looking one on another, astonished and dismayed to see themselues thus without head, or direction: and so with silence and patience, and lastly with teares and intreatie besought pardon of their offence. But whenas Valens came foorth aboue all expectation aliue, weeping and badly attired, then was there ioy and compassion, and a generall fauouring of the man: and chaunging their former affections into gladnesse, as the common sort is in both without measure, they caried him in the middest of the Standerds and enseignes, with praises and gratulations, to the Tribunall. Valens, vsing a profitable and discreete moderation, required not any one to bee executed for this transgression; onely in wordes reproued some fewe, lest if he dissembled the whole, he should be suspected the more: knowing right well that in ciuill warres the souldiers haue a vantage ouer the Generall, and are more bolde to commit disorders, then the Generall may be to correct them. As they were entrenching at Ticinum, woorde was [Page 71] brought of Caecinaes ouerthrowe, and the sedition was almost renewed againe, as though by fraud and delayes of Valens they had bene kept backe, and come short of the battell. Whereupon refusing to rest any longer, without staying for their Generall they marche forwarde, running before their enseignes, and hastening the enseigne-bearers: and so in all speede ioyne with Caecina. Valens was also disliked and generally blamed in the armie of Caecina: who pretended themselues to bee aggreeued, that they were left, being so farre inferiour in number, as a pray to the whole power of the enemies; highly extolling withall the strength of the other army, partly to excuse themselues, and partly to flatter their fellowes, lest as conquered and cowardly persons they shoulde bee despised of them: and albeit Valens had more forces, almost double number of Legions and Aides to the other, yet were the goodwilles of the souldiers more inclining to Caecina, beside curtesie, wherein he excelled the other, by reason also of his florishing age, and talnesse of stature, and vppon a certaine vaine fauour of men. Hereupon there grew emulation betweene the two generalles. Caecina contemned the other, as a lewde person of life and criminally noted: Valens scoffed at him as being proude and vaineglorious: but reseruing their hatred in secrete they ioyned openly both in the common cause, by many letters, without respect of pardon, obiecting to Otho his infamous life; whereas the Generalles of Othoes side, notwithstanding the argument yeelded that way most plentifull matter, abstained from all reuiling speeches against Vitellius: and in trueth before their endes, which on Othoes side was most commendable, of Vitellius most ignominious, the drowsy pleasures of Vitellius were feared lesse, then the hoat burning lustes of Otho: and beside, the death of Galba had made Otho more terrible, and more odious: contrarily no man charged Vitellius with beginning the warre. Vitellius in excesse & bellicheere was an enemy to himselfe: Otho in riot, cruelty, audaciousnesse, reputed more dangerous to the state.
XIII. Otho determineth to commit the matter to the hazarde of a battel, and retireth himselfe to Brixellum.
THE forces of Caecina and Valens being ioyned together, the Vitellianists refused not any longer to end the cause in a maine [Page 72] battell. Otho proposed the matter in councell, whether way were more expedient, to prolong the warre, or els to put it by and by to the fortune of a fielde. Then Suetonius Paullinus, esteemed the most experte man of that age in militare affayres, supposing it agreeable to his fame & renowne, to discourse of the whole maner of proceeding in this warre, stoode vp, & declared his opinion to bee; that making of haste was profitable for the enemy, and delaying for them. that al the host of Vitellius was come, certaine small forces remaining behinde, which could not conueniently be remoued from the banke of the Rhene, for feare of inuasion of those fierce nations: especially Fraunce standing also in some tearmes of rebellion: the souldier in Britannie had his hands full of the enemy there, and was also stopped by the sea: that Spaine had no great store of souldiers: the prouince of Narbon was frighted, by reason of the late inuasion by sea, and the ouerthrow which they receiued; and that portion of Italie beyonde the Po, now in the possession of the enemy, was wasted with the passage of their army, and hauing no helpe by sea, and by lande shut in with the Alpes, could not be relieued from abroad: so that they could no-where haue corne for their men, and an host without prouision could not bee entertained. Nowe the Germans, which of all the enemies were most terrible, hauing foggy and waterish bodies, would not, if the warre were prolonged to the sommer, be able to endure the change of the soile, and the avre. that many armies whose fury at the first rush could not be resisted, by delayes & wearying out were brought vnto nothing. Contrariwise they had all thinges themselues, well stoared and well assured vnto them: Pannonia, Moesia, Dalmatia, the Easte, with their armies, whole and vntouched; Italie, and Rome the queene of the world, the Senate and people, titles neuer darkened, though sometimes ouershadowed: wealth priuate and publicke, and infinite masses of money, which in ciuill dissensions is of greater force then the sworde: the bodies of their souldiers were accustomed to Italie, or to other hoat countreys: the riuer of Po layNot at Bebriacum, where the consultation was holden, but he meaneth if they should, as he wished, retire with their power in Cispadanam, and there stand vpon their defence. before them as a defence: their cities were safely manned & walled: & by the holding out of Placentia it was cleere to be seene, that none through distresse or despaire woulde yeelde to the enemy: and therefore in his opinion he was to protract the warre. That within fewe daies the fourteenth Legion would bee come, a Legion of [Page 73] great reputation, with the forces of Moesia: then might he deliberate againe, and, if it were liked to hazarde the battell, fight with more power and greater aduantage. Marius Celsus approued the opinion of Paullinus, and certaine which were sent to Annius Gallus (who was hurte with a fall of his horse a few daies before) to demaunde his aduise, brought woorde that hee also was of the same iudgement. But Otho was willing to bring it to a battell: his brother Titianus and Proculus captaine of the Gard, hastening vpon ignoraunce and lacke of skill, protested, that fortune and all the gods, with the godhead of Otho, fauoured the counsailes, and woulde without question prosper the enterprise: descending to this grosse kinde of flattery, lest any shoulde dare to crosse their opinion. After they had concluded to fight, a new doubt arose, whether it were better, that the Emperour shoulde withdrawe himselfe, or else be present in the fielde in person: the selfesame men taking also herein a wrong course, without any more opposition of Paullinus and Celsus, lest they should seeme to hazard their Prince too venturously, persuaded him to retire to Brixellum; and so being exempt from the doubtful euentes of the field, to reserue himselfe for the maine chance of the state. That day was the beginning of ruine to Othoes side. For with him a valiant companie of Praetorian cohorts, ofSpiculatores spearemen and horse departed away: and the rest which remained behinde were quite out of harte, as hauing no confidence in their Generals: and Otho, whom only the souldiers trusted, because he trusted none els but the souldiers, had not perfitely setled the Generals in their charges, but left their autorities at large and vncertaine.
XIIII. A skirmish betweene the Vitellianists and Macer with his fencers vpon the Po.
ALL that was saide or done was caried by & by to the Vitellian side, fugitiues swarming as in ciuill warres, and the spyes, vpon desire to search out & discouer other mens counsailes, disclosing their own. Caecina and Valens lay still, quietly attending while the enemy should by his own rashnesse miscary, meaning in liew of wisedome to vse the vātage of other mens folly. And so beginning a bridge, lest their soldiers should be made worse with too much idlenesse and ease, as if they had ment to haue passed the Po, and [Page 74] forced a bande ofGladiatores. fencers encāped on the other side, they commanded boats to be placed crosse the riuer, with their heads vp the streame, in equall and conuenient distances, and ioined them strongly together with plancks, casting anckers also to make the bridge steady & firme: but the cable ropes were not tied short, but plaied at length, that when the riuer should rise, the whole frame likewise might rise without hurting. Vpon the end of the bridge a tower was planted, reaching to the vttermost boate, that out of it they might with their engines and shot displace, and driue away the enemies: the Othonians also vpon the bancke had builded a tower, and did hurle stones and fire. In the middle of the riuer there was an iland, into possession whereof the fencers sought to put themselues by boate, but the Germans by swimming preuented them; and when Macer saw a competent number of them arriued there, embarking of his best fencers, he putteth ouer to assaile them: but neither were the fencers of the like courage in fight to the souldiers, neither could they, tottering out of their boats, ayme so certaine a blow, as the other steadily standing did from the lande: and whenas through sundry steppings aside vpon feare the rowers and souldiers, which stoode at defence, were confusedly mingled together and put in disorder, the German souldiers leaping couragiously into the shallow, and hanging at the tailes of the boats, either clambered vp to the hatches, or by maine strēgth ouerturned the boats into the water. All which things passing after this sort in the viewThe one lay at Bebriacum, and the other by all coniecture at Cremona, twenty miles asūder. of both the armies, as they were matter of great ioy to the Vitellianists, so to the contrary side they gaue occasion to hate & detest him, who was author and cause of the losse. And the skirmish was ended indeede by flight and the breaking away of the boats which remained; but Macer was required to the slaughter: & when they had wounded him with a darte a farre of, they ranne in with their swords drawn to dispatch him, had not the Tribunes and Centurions come in to protect him. A little afterwarde Vestricius Spurinna by Othoes commaundement, leauing a small garrison at Placentia, with his cohortes came to succour them: and anone Otho sent Flauius Sabinus Consull elect to commaunde Macers companies, the souldiers being glad at the change of captaines, and the captaines, by reason of so many mutinees, vnwilling to enter into so dangerous a seruice.
XV. That it is nothing probable, that in so corrupt an age, the soldier. would of their own accord haue surceased from ciuill warre, and by common consent, and aduise of the Senat, deposing these two bad, haue chosen a third good Prince.
IN some writers I finde it recorded, that the armies, either hauing in horrour the warre, or loathing both Princes, whose shames and dishonours were daily divulged more notoriously abroade, consulted among themselues to surcease the contention, and that either they by common consent should chuse a newe Prince, or referre it ouer to the Senats appointment: and that therefore the Generals of Othoes side,Plutarch p. 1523. attributeth it to Celsus not so probably. namely Paullinus, had counsailed to delay and protract, hoping it would fall vpon him, as beeing the most auncient Consulare, a famous Commander, and one that in the warres of Britanny had wonne great glory and name. For my part, although I could bee induced to grant that some fewe peraduenture secretely wished quietnesse in steede of discorde, and for two most lewde and wicked, one good and innocent Prince; so I cannot be brought to beleeue, that Paullinus beeing so wise a man woulde euer hope in a most corrupt age for such moderation in the common sorte, that whenas for desire of warre they had troubled the peace of the state, nowe for loue of peace they woulde abandon the warre: or that armies in tongue and conditions so different, coulde condescende to so great an agreement: or that the Lieutenantes and Generals, which for the most part were persons drowned in riot, beggerly and guilty of most hainous crimes, would euer haue suffered any Prince but one polluted with the like vices, and of their owne creation, and therefore wholly obnoxious to them. That ancient desire of dominion and rule engraffed now long agoe in mens hartes, grewe vp and shotte out with the greatnesse of the Empire. For whilest our dominions were strayt, an equality was easily maintained: but after wee had subdued the world, destroied all cities, or kings which stoode in our light, or might worke our annoiance; whenas we had leisure to seeke after wealth voide of perill, there arose first hoat contentions betweene the nobility and commons: sometimes factious Tribunes caried it away: sometimes the Consuls held a hard hand & preuailed: [Page 76] and in the city and Place of assembly, some litle skirmishes, & commencements as it were of ciuill warres, were attempted. Anone after Caius Marius one of the meanest of the comminalty, and Lucius Sulla the cruellest of all the nobility, by force of armes ouerthrowing the free estate, induced an absolute gouernement. After whom Cneius Pompeius succeeded, somewhatSalustius apud Suetonium lib. de claris Grammaticis. Pompeius oris probi, animi (que) inuerecundi. secreter, but nothing better: and after that time neuer was other question debated by armes, but who should bee soueraigne Prince of the state. The Legions in Pharsalia and Philippi, consisting of citizens, were not so moderately minded: much lesse may wee thinke the armies of Otho and Vitellius would, of their owne accorde, haue layed downe their weapons. The gods were no lesse incensed against vs: men were no lesse mad and furiously minded: the same vices raigning amonst vs haue induced the like dissensions & discords. That the warres were decided, and ended as it were ech at one stroke, we are to attribute it to the cowardlinesse and faint-hartednesse of the Princes, and not to the peaceablenesse of the armies. But the recounting of the dispositions and manners, of present & auncient times, hath caried me out of the way. Now I returne to the order of the story.
XVI. The great battell at Bebriacum: wherein Othoes side was overthrowen.
WHen 17 Otho was gone to Brixellum, Titianus his brother caried the countenance and title of General; Proculus captaine of the Garde the power and authority: Paullinus and Celsus, whenas no man employed their wisedome & skill, were captaines only for namesake and to be entitled to other mens faults: the Tribunes and Centurions, seeing the better contemned, & the worst sort in credit, were doubtfull of the euent: the souldier notwithding was full of courage and heart, yet such as had rather construe then execute his Generals commaundementes. It was resolued, that the campe should remoue forward, and sit downe in a place fower miles of from Bebriacum, so without reason and skill, that although it was spring time of the yeare, and so many riuers about them, yet were they distressed for water. There it was disputed whether the battell were to bee giuen or not. For Otho by letters required to hasten the matter: the souldiers desired their Princes presence in fielde: many were of opinion [Page 77] to sende for the companies which lay on the other side of the Po. Neither can it so easily be discerned what had beene best to haue done, as that it was the worst which they did: vndertaking to goe to the confluence of the riuers of Po and Olium full sixteene miles from that place (a competent iourney for an army to marche, and much too great for them which went to a battell) directly against the aduise of Paullinus and Celsus; who helde it vnsafe to hazard the souldier, tired with the iourney, and heauy laden with cariage, against an enemy, that woulde not faile, beeing lightly appointed, and hauing come scarce fower miles, to charge vppon them either as they marched in disarray, or else at their sitting downe as they dispersed themselues to fortifie the campe. But Titianus and Proculus, whenas they were ouercome by reason fled to autority, by vertue of their office commanding the contrary: and indeed there was come aGreat personages in those daies had vsually certaine African or Numidian horsemen to leade their traine, or for other sodaine dispatches. Seneca in epistolis. Numidian horseman in post from Otho with a sharpe message, in the which, as one that coulde not abide delayes, and impatient to linger in hope, he checked the Generals for their slacknesse, commanding them forthwith to put it to a field. The same day as Caecina was busily occupied about making the bridge, two Tribunes of Praetorian cohorts came thither, demanding to speake with him: and being vpon the point to giue audience, & make answere vnto them, the skowts came rūning in hast, signifying the enemy was at hand: whereupon the parlee brake of, & so it remained vncertaine what they intended, whether to lay a trayne for Caecina, or to betray their owne fellowes, or els some other honest deuise. Caecina hauing dismissed the Tribunes, riding backe to the campe, founde the signe of the battell already giuen by Valens commaundement, and the souldiers in armes. Whilest the Legions cast lots concerning their order in marching to the field, the horsemen issuing out charged, & were beaten backe very strangely, by Othoes men being fewer in number, euen into the trenches, had not the Italian Legion manfully drawen their swords, and by feare forced them to returne and make head vpon the enemy againe. The Vitellian Legions were ordered and put in array without tumult or feare: for the bushes and thickets tooke a way the sight of the enemy, albeit he were neare. Contrarily in Othoes army the Generals with feare were put out of their skill; the souldiers neither loued nor trusted their Generals; the wagons [Page 78] and idle followers of the camp troubled the works of the soldiers, being confusedly mingled amongst them; & the hye way deepely ditched on both sides was too narrow for an army, though marching without feare of the enemy: some stoode about, some sought their enseignes, on euery side there was a confused noise of mē rū ning & crying: and as ech was guided by boldnes or feare, so pressed he forward into the first ranckes, or retired into the last. Their mindes being in this sorte striken with a sodaine terrour, a falsely surmised ioy abated their fiercenesse: for some there were which vntruly gaue out, that the army was reuolted from Vitellius. That rumour whether it was dispersed abroade by Vitellius spyes, or rose otherwise among Othoes men, whether by frawd or chance, it is not certainly knowen: but howsoeuer, thereupon the Othonians laying aside all edge to fight, in steede thereof profered after a friendly sort to salute them, but were with vnfriendly murmure intertained againe: which salutation gaue cause to many of their owne side, that were ignorant of the rumour, to feare treason. Then the host of the enemies in good array, superiour both in number & strength, charged vpon them: the Othonians, although in disarray, fewer and weary, yet valiantly receaued the charge. And as in places troubled with trees and vines the fight was not euery where after one maner: but here neare at hand, and there a farre of: sometime in squadron, sometime in triangle figure: vpon the height of the way ioining foote to foote, and bearing downe with body to body, and buckler to buckler: omitting the vse of the dart, and with swordes and hatchets vnbuckeling and breaking helmets and corcelets: and the sides knowing one another, and beeing seene of their companions, ech contended to shewe vertue and valure, as if vppon their manhood had depended the euent of the whole warre. It fortuned, that in open field betweene the Po & the high way, two Legions met and fought together; for Vitellius the one and twentieth surnamed Rapax, a Legion aunciently renowned, of Othoes part the first called Adiutrix, one neuer before brought to the battel, but presuming greatly of hir selfe, & greedy, as in hir first service, of honour. They of the first Legion, beating to groūd thestratis vnaetnicesimanorum principijs. Plutarch in this place taketh principia for the foreward, p. 1523. [...]. enseignes of the one & twentieth, tooke away the standerd by force: whereupon the Legion incensed with griefe both put them of the first in branle slaying Orphidius Benignus the Lieutenant, & also tooke many enseignes & banners from [Page 79] them. On the other side the thirteenth Legion was forced by them of the fifth: and certaine of the fourteenth hemmed in with multitudes of enemies that came in vpon them. And whereas the Generals of Othoes side had left the field and were fled already away, Caecina and Valens yet strengthened their side with fresh supply: and beside a new succour came in ofCamp-master in Valens host, p. 73. and now vpon Caecinaes calling away lest to keepe play with the gladiatores of Othoes side, as it seemeth. Alphenus Varus with his Batauians, after he had discomfited the band of the fencers, who passing the water by boates were slaine by the aduersary cohorts in the very riuer it selfe. So being victorious they inuaded the flanck of the enemies: and when once the midle battell was forced, the Othonians brake and fledBeing twenty miles of by our reckning, or according to Plutarch 150 stadia, which is about 19 miles. toward Bebriacum. The way was long and almost stopped vp with dead carcases, the slaughter being the greater for that in ciuil warres there is no profit to be made of the prisoners. Suetonius Paullinus and Licinius Proculus tooke sundry waies & shunned the campe: Vedius Aquila Lieutenant of the thirteenth Legion, supposing al other waies vnsafe, through vnaduised feare put himselfe into the danger of the furious soldier. For entring into the campe aIt is very questionable how in one day an army could goe 16. miles, ioyne battell, break, and fleeing away 20. miles of could come thither a great while before night about mid-Aprill. great while before it was night, he was exclaimed vpon & railed at on euery side, with clamors of the most seditious and cowardly persons: who forbearing to vse neither tongues nor hands, reuiled him as a fugitiue and traitour, not vpon any specialty they could charge him withall, but after the maner of the common sort, ech man laying his owne shames vpon others. Titianus and Celsus returned not before night, which serued them to good purpose. for the watch was now set, and the soldiers fury appeased by the help of 28 Annius Gallus: who partly by intreaty and aduise, partly by his credit and authority, perswaded them not to heape misery vpon miserie, and beside the losse of the battell to seeke the spoile one of another: that whether the warre were now at an ende, or els it would please them to resume it, the onely meanes to releeue the conquered side consisted in their agreeing together. And indeede the rest were out of courage and comfort: onely the Garde-souldiers stormed, affirming they were ouercome not by manhood but treason: and that the Vitellian side had bought the victory dearly with their bloud, their horsemen being repulsed, & the standerd of a Legion taken away, that there yet remained in store many souldiers beyond the Po attending on Otho: the Legions of Moesia were comming at hand, & that a great part of the army had staied behinde at Bebriacum and [Page 80] neuer presented themselues to the battell: that surely these at the lest had not beene ouercome: and if so needes it must bee, they should with more honour dye in the fielde. Vpon these and the like cogitations sometimes growing desperate, and sometimes yeelding to feare, through consideration of their owne forlorne estate, they were incited more often to rage then to relent. The Vitellian army lodged fiue miles from Bebriacum, the Generalles not daring that day to attempt the enemies campe: and beside a voluntary yeelding was hoped for: where albeit they coulde not entrench, as men that went out lightly appointed and onely to fight, yet their weapons in hande, and the victory they lately obtained, was a sufficient defence. The day following those of Othoes men which had made shew of most courage, repenting and yeelding, the whole army with one accorde sent an Embassage to the Vitellianists. The Vitellian Generals without any question graunted them peace: onely the Embassadours were staied there for a season, which bred a scruple in the minds of the other, not knowing whether they had obtayned as yet or not their request: but anone the Embassage returning, the campe was set open. Then both the conquered and conquerers, breaking out into weeping, with a wofull ioyfulnesse, detested the misery of ciuill dissensions: and meeting in the same tentes, some comforted their brethren, some their friendes which were wounded. Hopes and rewardes were doubtfull and in expectation alone: burials and mournings were certaine and sure before hand: neither was there any so voide of mischaunce, that had not to mourne for some bodies death. The body of Orphidius the Lieutenant was sought out, and buried with accustomed solemnity, & some few beside by their friends: the rest of the common sort were left on the ground.
XVII. Otho vnderstanding of the ouerthrow at Bebriacum killeth himselfe. The souldiers about him, when they could not induce Ʋerginius to vndertake the place, yeelde themselues to the Ʋitellianists.
IN the meane while Otho at Brixellum waited for the newes of the battell without all passion of feare, and certainely resolued what he would doe. And first an vncertaine report of ill tidings was muttered without head or aduow; then they which fled out of the battell came and declared that all was certainely lost. The [Page 81] souldiers ardent affection was such, that they staied not for any comfort or encouragement from their Emperour, but contrariwise they comforted him, bidding him to be of good cheere: that there was yet new forces remaining, and that they would hazard all perils and suffer all extremities for his sake: neither was it flattery; but in vnfained good meaning, vpon a certaine instinct and fury, they mightily desired to goe to the fielde, to set vp the side and recouer their losses againe. They which stoode a farre off helde vp their handes and besought him: the nearest embraced his knees, especially Plotius Firmus captaine of the Garde, who besought him often and instantly not to forsake his so well deseruing souldiers, so louing and faithfull an army; auerring that it was greater magnanimity to endure then to relinquish when fortune doth crosse: that stout men and valiant euen against fortune do relye vpon hope, whereas the cowardly dastardes are hastily drawen by feare to despaire. As Otho seemed by his countenance to yeelde to these speeches, or els to reiect them, so were there diuersely showtinges for ioy, or [...], saieth Plu. p. 1526. [...]. gronings for sorrow. And not onely the Praetorians, the most addicted and partiall souldiers to Otho, but those also which were sent before out of Moesia affirmed, that the army which was expected would alike obstinatly maintaine the quarrell: and that the Legions already were come to Aquileia; so that without all question a cruell and bloudy warre might haue beene renewed of doubtfull euent to the one side and to the other. But Otho altogether aliene from any purpose of warre, "To hazard, quoth he, this vertue and valure of yours to needlesse dangers, I account it too deare a price of my life. The more hope you doe shew, if I listed to liue, the more commendation will bee of my death, as being voluntary and not by constraint. Fortune & I haue had good experiēce the one of the other: & nothing the lesse for that my time hath beene short: I tel you, it is harder to moderate a mans selfe in felicity, the which he looketh not long to enioy. The ciuill warre beganne on Vitellius party, and thence grew the first occasion to contend with armes for the Empire: but to contend no oftener but once, I for my part am purposed to giue the example. And hereby let posterity iudge and esteeme of Otho. Through my benefit Vitellius shall enioy his brother, his wife, and his children: I seeke no reuenge, I haue no neede of such comforts. others haue kept longer the Empire, [Page 82] but let it be said, that none hath euer so valiantly left it. Shal I suffer so much Roman bloud againe to be spilt, and the common welth depriued of so worthy armies? Let this minde accompany me to my graue, and so surely it shal, that you for your parts would haue died for my sake: but tary you and liue, and let not me be any longer a hinderance to your obtaining of pardon, nor you to my determination and purpose. To speake more of dying, or to vse many words in that argument, I take to proceede of a cowardely courage. This take for a principall proofe of my resolutenesse, that I complaine not of any. For to blame gods or men is their property that gladly would liue. After these words and the like, in courteous language, according to their age or degree, he required the young men, and desired the oulde to get them quickly away and goe to the winner; lest by slacking the time they prouoked his further displeasure: rebuking eftsoones the vnseasonable weepinges of those about him, without any shewe of alteration in countenaunce, or signe of feare in his speech. Then hee commaunded those which departed to bee furnished of wagons and barges; burned all bookes and letters containing any matter notably in fauour of himselfe or disfauour of Vitellius, and distributed money sparingly, and not as one that shoulde dye. Then he called vnto him Saluius Cocceianus his brothers sonne, being in the prime of his youth, and seeing him sore afraide & weeping, he comforted him, notwithstanding the case touched nearer himselfe, commending his kindnesse and naturall affection, and reprehending his timorousnesse. What? were it possible, that Vitellius should be so hard hearted, and cruelly minded, as not to doe him that one pleasure, whereas he had preserued for him his whole house without harme? that at least by this hasty dispatch of himselfe he deserued that some curtesie should be shewed his kinred: especially hauing forborne, for the loue of his countrey, to seeke his last and vttermost remedy; not vppon extreme despaire, but then, whenas his army with instance demanded to bring it to a battell againe. but, he said, for his part he had gotten renowne enough for himselfe, and nobility for his posterity, after the Iulian, Claudian, and Seruian families, hauing first of al men brought into a house of no great continuance the honor of hauing an Emperor: and therefore he willed him with good courage to liue and go on, neither forgetting at any time that Otho was his vnkle, nor yet too [Page 83] much remembring the same. After these things he willed all to depart and giue place, and gaue himselfe a while to his rest: but a sodaine tumult interrupted the course of his last cares, word being brought in of the disordered & outragious behauiour of the soldiers; who threatned to kill all those which went away, but were most egerly bent against Verginius, whose house being shut they beset round about. Whereupon Otho went out, & hauing rebuked the principal mutins, returning againe spent the time in talking & comforting them which departed, vntil they were al safely conueied away. When it grew toward night, he quenched his thirst with a cup of cold water, then two rapiers were brought in: and after hee had tried their points he put the one vnder his pillow: and hauing certaine knowledge that his friends were already gone, he passed the night in good rest, and as it is said not without sleep: assoone as it was day he ranne himselfe through the brest with the rapier. vpon his groning, as he was dying his freed and bondmen, with Plotius Firmus captaine of the Garde, entred in, and found but onely one wound. The funerals were hastened with all speede, for he had most earnestly besought and intreated to dispatch them, least his head peraduenture should haue beene cut off, and contumeliously vsed: the Praetorian cohorts caried the biere, with praises and teares, kissing his wound and his hands. At the funeral-fire some of the souldiers slew themselues, not vpon crime, nor for feare, but for the great loue they bare to their Prince, and to imitate so honorable an example: and afterwards at Bebriacum, Placentia, and in other campes many did the like: a tumbe also theyAt Brixellum, Plut. 1529. erected for Otho with little cost and solemnity, and therfore the liker to stand. In this maner Otho ended his daies in the 19 seuen and thirtieth yeare of his age. He wasBut borne at Rome. originally descended from Ferrentium: his father was Consul, his grandfather Praetor: his mothers bloudSuetonius c. 1. calleth hir solendidissima faemina. somewhat disparaging, but yet not base: in his tender age and youth such as wee haue shewed: one, that by two actes, the one most detestable, the other most praisewoorthy, deserued with posterity good fame, in as great measure as hee did ill. As to heape together fabulous matter, and delite the readers mindes with tales deuised at pleasure, I would account a thing little agreeable to the grauity of my purposed worke, so on the other side I dare not to detract all credit, from thinges which are commonly spoken, and deliuered. The same day that the armies [Page 84] fought at Bebriacum, the inhabitantes of Regium Lepidi report, that a strange birde was seene sitting in a groue much frequented: and that she could not be feared or driuen away, by the resorting of men to the place, or of birdes flying about hir, vntill such time as Otho slewe himselfe: then she vanished out of sight; and that conferring the times, they found the beginning and ende of the miracle to agree precisely with Othoes decease. At his funerals the souldiers through sorrow and griefe raised a new tumult, neither was there now any to stay them. And setting vpon Verginius manacingly they besought him, sometime to take the Empire himselfe, sometime to be their spokesman to Caecina and Valens: [...], saieth Plut. p 1529. [...]. but Verginius, as they were breaking into the house, deceiued them, slipping out priuily at the backe gate. So Rubrius Gallus caried the supplication of the cohorts, which were at Brixellum, and straightwaies obtained their pardon. Flauius Sabinus also came, with theof Gladiatores. companies which he commaunded, and yeelded himselfe to the winner.
XVIII. The perill wherein the Senatours stoode which were left at Mutina, vpon the newes of the ouerthrow at Bebriacum.
WHEN the warre was euerywhere at an ende, a great part of the Senate, which accompanied Otho from Rome, and afterward staied by order at Mutina, incurred extreme danger. For when word was brought thither of the ouerthrow, the souldiers reiected the newes as false: and supposing the Senate to be enemy to Otho, they obserued their speeches, interpreting their countenaunces, and externall behauiour to the worst; not abstaining at the last from reuiling, and contumelious termes, and apparently seeking an occasion to begin a massacre: whereas the Senatours had beside to stande in feare another way, lest they should seeme not forward enough to like of Vitellius victory, with whome now all the world was gone. Thus trembling, and betweene both being doubtfull how to cary themselues, they meete together, none daring to followe any priuate direction, but associating himselfe with the multitude, presuming thereby of greater security. As they were in this perplexity, theOrdo Mutinē si [...]i. Decuriones Mutinensium, as it were the common coū cel of the towne. councell of Mutina increased their cares, offering them armour and money, and stiling them at euery word, very vnseasonably, Lords of the Senate. In that assembly [Page 85] arose a hoat contention. Licinius Caecina inueyed against Eprius Marcellus, for that he seemed to speake ambiguously concerning the present estate, whereas in trueth neither did the other Senatours plainly open their minds: but Caecina picked out Marcellus among the rest, as a man exposed to enuy, and odious for his late trade of accusing, to the end that himselfe being lately risen, and newly come into the Senate, might become renowned and knowen, by entering into enmity with great persons. But by the moderation of the better sort interposing themselues the matter was pacified: & so they went all backe to Bononia, there to deliberate anew, hoping withall in the meane season to receiue more aduertisements. At Bononia they set in seuerall waies seuerall persōs to enquire newes of the passengers which latelyest came from those quarters: by whom a freedman of Othoes being demanded the cause of his comming away, he answered, that he had brought with him his mastersAfter he had dismissed al the senatours, (saieth Suetonius c. 10.) secreto captato binos codicillos exarauit ad sororem consolatorios: sed & ad Messalinam Neronis, quam matrimonio destinauerat, commendans reliquias suas & memoriam: and some thing to Vitellius also, saieth Zonoras, in fauor of his friends. last charge: that indeede he had left him aliue, but without any care, saue onely of posterity, and hauing renounced all delites of this present life: hereupon they grewe into admiration of him, and were ashamed to aske any further: and now all wholly declared themselues for Vitellius. His brother L. Vitellius was present at their consultations, and already offered himselfe to be fawned vppon, when sodainly Cenus, a freedeman of Neroes, with a lowde and desperate lye amazed them all, affirming that vpon the arriuall of the fourteenth Legion, the forces which were at Brixellum being ioyned thereto, the fortune of the sides was changed, and the conquerours were ouerthrowen. The cause of deuising the rumour was, that the commissions of Otho for posts, which beganne not to bee regarded, might through so gladsome a message be reuiued againe. And so Cenus passed indeede in post to the citie, but within few daies after by Vitellius commandement was executed. but the perill of the Senatours was augmented thereby. for Othoes soldiers beleeued the newes to be true: and that which made their cause worse was, that they were departed from Mutina, and so the side seemed discountenanced & forsaken, as it were, by the councell of state. Neither did they after that time consult any more in common: euery man sought to prouide for himselfe, vntill such time as letters sent from Fabius Valens, and the death of Otho, the more praise worthy the sooner heard of, put them out of feare.
XIX. The estate of affaires at Rome: and the insolencies committed by the Ʋitellian souldiers after the victorie.
BVT at Rome all was quiet, without any trouble or feare. theCerealia beganne the 12. of April, and ended the 19. so that after the death of Otho at Brixellum heard of at Rome Cereales ludi ex morespectabantur, the day of his death, albeit the newes came in post could hardlie be so late as the 18. of April, & not possibly so late as the 19. plaies of Ceres were solēnely kept according to the custome: & when certaine word was brought into the Theatre that Otho was dead, and that Flauius Sabinus Prouost of the city had sworne all the soldiers in the citty to Vitellius, in signe of ioy the people clapped their hands & gaue applause vnto Vitellius. Then they caried the images of Galba with boughes of lawrell & flowers about the temples, heaping vp together in maner of a tumbe garlands and coronets about Lacus Curtius, which place Galba at his death had embrued with his bloud. In the Senate al titles & honours vsually conferred vpon other Princes by occasions, & after they had raigned many yeares, were straightwaies decreed to Vitellius: and withall praises concluded vpon for the German armies, with solemne thankes for their good seruice; and an Embassage sent to congratulate. Letters also were read; writen by Fabius Valens to the Consuls, in a stile humble inough: yet Caecinaes modesty was better accepted in that he wrote not at all. But Italy was now more grieuously vexed, and cruelly handled then during the warre. The Vitellian soldiers dispersed in the free townes and colonies pilled and spoyled, polluted & rauished without any difference of right or wrong, holy or profane; but only following their rauenous and insolent humor, or els by money bought out to forbeare: & some there were that counterfaiting themselues to be soldiers slew their particulare enemies. The soldiers also themselues were skilled in the countrey, and designed out the well stoared groundes, & well moneyed masters to pray vpon, or if resistance were made, to destroy them; the Generals being obnoxious & not daring to prohibit it: Caecina was lesse couetous & more possessed with vainglorie: Valens was for bribery and polling infamous, and therefore a winker also at other mens faultes. so many footemen and horse, so great violences, dāmages and iniuries, especially the state of Italy being already greatly empouerished before, were hardly abiddē.
XX. Ʋitellius viage from Germanie to Lions, and his actions there.
IN the meane season Vitellius, ignoraunt of his owne victorie, made preparation as for a warre new to begin, and caried with [Page 87] him beside eight thousand soldiers of Britanny, the strength which remained of the German army: fewe olde soldiers were left in the standing campes, but new men leuyed in hast out of France to vpholde the names of the Legions remayning behinde: and the charge of the militare affaires there was committed to Hordeonius Flaccus. Whē Vitellius had marched some few daies iourney, he vnderstood of the good successe at Bebriacum; then that Otho was dead & the warre finished: whereupon calling an assembly he highly extolleth the valiantnesse of the soldiers.Primo imperij die, saieth Suetonius. c. 12. cō trary to the circumstances of this place. After the speech, his army instantly requested him to create Asiaticus his freedman a Gentleman of Rome: which shamefull flatterie he then rebuked; and soone after vpon a ficklenesse of wit, that which he had openly refused, he priuily bestowed in banquet, and honoured with rings Asiaticus, a base abiect slaue, and one seeking to rise by ill meanes. About the same time message was brought that Albinus Procuratour of both Mauretanies was slaine, and the countreyes had sided themselues with Vitellius. Lucceius Albinus was by Nero set ouer Mauretania Caesariensis, and Galba annexed the administration of Tingitana; so that he had forces of good moment vnder his charge: 18. cohorts, fiue wings, and an infinite number of Moores not vnfit for the warre, as men that vsually liued of stealing & harrowing their neighbours. When Galba was slaine he followed the party of Otho, and not contenting himselfe with Africke, had a purpose for Spaine, being disioyned from it by a narrow strayte. Hereupon Cluvius Rufus was afraide, and cōmanded the tenth Legion to aproach to the shoare, as if he ment to haue shipped ouer: sending before certaine Centurions to induce the mindes of the Moores to fauour Vitellius: neither was it harde to effect. For the fame of the German army was great throughout all the prouinces, and beside a reporte was spredde, that Albinus contemning the name of a Procurator, had vsurped a royal diademe, & the name ofThe last king of Mauretania, subdued by Caesar. anno vrb. cond. 708. Iuba. So their mindes being changed, thereupon they went and slewe Asinius Pollio captaine of a wing, one of Albinus faithfullest friends, & Festus and Scipio two captaines of cohorts: Albinus himselfe as he went by sea from Tingitana to Mauretania Caesariensis was slaine as he landed, and his wife withal, who voluntarily offred hir selfe to the slaughter. These thinges and all els that was done Vitellius passed ouer without due examination, as his maner was with a short audience to turne [...] [Page 90] ech striuing to excell other, induced some vnthrifty young men to the like dishonour. Nowe Vitellius vpon the comming of his brother, & certaine schoolemasters of tyranny creeping into the court, waxing prowder & fiercer, commanded Dolabella, whom, as before we remembred, Otho had confined to Aquinum, vpon this occasion to be slaine. Dolabella, hearing that Otho was dead, was returned to Rome: whereof Plautius Varus once Praetor, one of Dolabellaes most inward friendes, accused him before Flauius Sabinus the Prouost of the city, as if he had brokē prison, to the end to make offer of himselfe for a head to the conquered faction: adding moreouer, that to that purpose he had felt the cohort, which was in garrison at Ostia: but hauing no one proofe of any of these so great crimes, he began to repent of his wicked deede, & sought pardon, but too late, after the facte. As Flauius Sabinus was in doubt how to proceede, in a matter of that wayght, Triaria the wife of Lucius Vitellius, fierce and cruell aboue the ordinary of that sexe, terrified him; warning him not to affect the commendation of clemency by the perill of his Prince. Sabinus a man of his owne nature of a milde disposition, but when hee was put in a feare easie to be changed, and fearing to make another mans danger his owne, lest he shoulde seeme to haue helped him vp, as hee was falling pushed him forwarde. So Vitellius, partly vppon feare, and partly vpon an olde grudge, because Dolabella had taken Petronia to wife straight vpon hir deuorce from him, called him by letters to him: and commanding to auoide the beaten Flaminian way, and carry him by Interamna, he gaue commission to murther him there. that seemed too long to him who had the commission: & therefore in an inne by the way, as Dolabella rested himselfe on the grounde, he cut his throat, to the great infamie of the new gouernment, wherof this was the first proofe. This kinde of behauiour of Triaria was the more odious, by setting against it the modesty of hir next neighbour Galeria the Emperors wife, heaping not sorrowes vpon the sorrowfull, and the rare vertue of Sextilia his mother, a woman of the ancient sort: who is also reported to haue saied at the reading of hir sonnes first letters, that a Vitellius was borne by hir & not a Germanicus: neither did shee afterwardes through any allurements of fortune, or courting of the city, participate any thing els of hir sonnes estate, saue onely the smarts of hir house when it fell.
XXI. Ʋitellius viage from Lions into Jtalie by Turin, Pauia, Cremona, Bebriacum, and so to Bononia, and the actions which happened in the meane waie.
AS Vitellius was departed from Lions, Marcus Cluvius Rufus leauing his charge in Spaine ouertaketh him, carying ioy and gratulation in countenance, but heauinesse in heart, knowing that he had beene shot at, and matter put vp against him. Hilarius the Emperours freedman had articled against him, that hearing of Vitellius and Othoes contention for the Empire, he had endeuoured to erect a souerainty of his owne, and assure to himselfe the possession of Spaine: and therefore had named in the beginning of hisDiplomata; which although granted and sealed by the gouernours of the prouinces, yet the stile was, as from the Prince, and in the Princes name were the commissions directed. commissions no Prince: certaine pointes also of his orations he picked out, and construed as tending to the defacing of Vitellius, and making himselfe populare. But the credit of Cluvius preuailed so farre, that Vitellius contrarily commaunded his man to be punished, and assumed Cluvius into his traine; suffering him withall to enioy Spaine, which he gouerned still notwithstanding his absence, according to the precedent ofTac. 4. Ann. p, 387. Lucius Arruntius, whom Tiberius Caesar retained for feare, but Vitellius kept Cluvius vpon no such ielousie. Trebellius Maximus had not the like fauour: he fled out of Britannie, because the souldiers were incensed against him; and Vectius Bolanus was sent in his place.
Of all matters present that vexed Vitellius most, to see the vanquished Legions retaine their stomackes vnuanquisht: being dispersed thorow Italie together with the winners, in all speeches they shewed themselues affected as enemies, and namely the fourteenth Legion; who caried the greatest stomacke of them all, denying that euer they were ouercome: that in the battell at Bebriacum the Vexillaries onely were put to flight, the strength of the Legion being not present. Wherefore it was thought expedient to sende them backe into Britannie, from whence they were called by Nero; and in the meane time, that they and the cohorts of Batauians should quarter together, by reason of the ancient iarring between them. Neither could they, hauing both weapons in hande and hating ech other so deadly, agree long together. At Turin as one of the Batauians quarreled with an artificer, as hauing coozened him, and a Legionary soldier tooke his part, and defended him as beeing his host, their companions sorting themselues ech to their felow, from bitter words passed to blowes: [Page 92] and a bloudy battaile had beene fought, had not two Praetorian cohorts taken the Legionaries part, and so much increased their strength, that the Batauians were forced for feare to giue ouer. Vpon which accident Vitellius commanded to vnite to his traine the Batauians, as wellwillers to the cause, and to send the Legion away and conduct it ouer the Graian Alpes, by the way that missed Vienna; for they of Vienna also were had in a ielousie. That night the Legion remoued, fires being left here and there negligently vnput out, part of Turin was burnt: which dammage, as many other bad effectes of that warre, greater calamities of other cities did vtterly blot and put out of remembrance. The Legion hauing passed the Alpes, some of the most seditious among them caried their enseignes toward Vienna: but by the consent of the better sort they were staied; and so the Legion was transported into Britanny. The next feare that Vitellius had, was of theSuetonius Vitellio c. 10. reporteth the same and no more: quicquid Praetoriarum cohortium fuit, vno exauctorauit edicto. but by the new enrolment described in Tacitus. p. 104. it may seeme that vrbanae cohortes were also dismissed. Praetorian cohorts. And first they were separated: then in good sort &Missio alia honesta, alia ignominiosa, honesta ex valetudine, ex stipendijs cō fectis, and in the free state, as I thinke, pro haereditate adeunda, pro honoribus petendis, &c. courteously cassed, with commandement to deliuer vp their armour to their Tribunes; and so they remained vntill such time as the warre was begunne by Vespasian: then they resumed armes and were the strength of the Flauian side. Of the other Legions the first surnamed Classica was sent into Spaine, that by peace and rest it might waxe tractable: the eleuenth and seuenth were returned to their standing campes: the thirteenth setFor some short time, & so sent home againe into Pannonia: for there we find it againe in the beginning of the reuolt of Illyricum from Vitellius, p. 100. a worke to builde Amphytheatres: for Caecina at Cremona, and Valens at Bononia made preparation to set forth a shew of fencers; Vitellius being neuer so intentiuely addicted to serious affaires, that he would forget his pastimes and pleasures. And thus with good moderation he set them asunder. In the winning side a mutinee arose upon a sporting beginning, but that the number of them which were slaine made it a matter of earnest, and the whole warre more odious. Vitellius was in Ticinum at banquet, and with him Verginius. The Lieutenants and Tribunes are frugalTempestiui [...] conuiuijs delectantur. convivia tempestina those, which to make the worke the lō ger, are begunne before the ordinary houre. or riotous, according to the Princes dispositions: in like sort the souldier seuere or dissolute: in Vitellius traine all was disorderly and full of drunkennesse, more like to 21 wakes and the feasts of Bacchus,Read Suet. Vitellio c. 10. then to a campe where discipline should be. It happened that two souldiers, one of the fift Legion, another a French Auxiliary, vpon a iolity challenged one another to wrestle: and whenas the Legionary was throwen, the French man insulting ouer him, and [Page 93] they which lookt on diuiding themselues into sides, the Legionary souldiers taking themselues to their weapons made hauocke of the Auxiliaries, and slew two cohorts of them. The remedy of this tumult was another tumult. dust and glistering of armour was seene a farre off: and sodainely it was noised in the army, that the fourteenth Legion was returned with intention to fight: but it was their own riereward; which being perceiued, that care was ended. In the meane season, as one of Verginius seruants by chaunce came by, the souldiers charge and accuse him, that he was set to kil Vitellius, & rush thereupon into the banquetting place requiring the death of Verginius. No man doubted of Verginius innocēcy, no not Vitellius himselfe, although otherwise very suspicious and fearefull: and notwithstanding they demaunded the death of so honourable a personage, and one which had once beene their Generall, yet were they hardly appeased. Neither was there any man so oft shot at as Verginius in all seditions and mutinous assemblies: the admiration and fame of the man remained amongst them; but they hated him deadly, because he had contemned their offer. The day following Vitellius gaue audience to the Senates Embassage, which hee willed there to attende him; & going from thence to the campe, he spake to the soldiers, commending their dutifull disposition, and tender carefulnesse ouer his person: but the Auxiliaries fretted and fumed to see the Legionaries growen to that height of insolency, and no punishment inflicted vpon them. Whereupon the cohorts of Batauians, lest they should attempt some desperate act, were sent backe againe into Germany, the course of affaires fatally tending to minister matter, as welRaised by Ciuilis & the Batauians, and continued by the rebellion of the French, Tac. Hist. 4. & 5 to a forraine warre, as to a ciuill. The French Auxiliaries also were turned home to their countreys; an excessiue number, and straight at the first reuoult assumed by Vitellius into the cause, for an idle complement of the warre. Now to the end that the treasure and reuenues of the Empire, though minished and wasted, might suffice for his excessiue and prodigall donations, he commandeth to lessen the number of souldiers in the Legions and Aydes, forbidding supplies to be made, and offering dismissions indifferently: which action of his proued pernicious to the state, and vnpleasant to the souldiers. For fewer nowe bare the same burthens; and perils and labors came thicker about; and their strength was wasted with riotous life by reason of such abundance, [Page 94] contrary to the ancient discipline and vsage of our forefathers, vnder whom the Roman estate was gouerned and stood, by vertue better then money. From thence Vitellius turned to Cremona: and when he had seene Caecinaes plaies, he was desirous to go to Bebriacum and view the place with his eies of the late victory. The spectacle was ougly and grisly to behold: within forty daies after the battel, bodiesXiphilinus. p. 205 writeth that in the battels about Cremona on both sides 40000. mē were slain. Tacitus, following the precept of Salust, neuer [...]. most seldome setteth downe the number. torne a pieces, mangled limmes, figures of horses and men putrified, the ground imbrued with corruption and bloud, the countrey miserably wasted, the trees and corne troden downe and spoiled: that also was a point of inhumanity that they of Cremona had strowed the way 22 with roses and bay, erected altars, and sacrificed thereonAnd not new in the Roman Princes, if Suetonius deceiue not in Galba c. 18. per omne iter dextrâ sinistrâ (que) oppidatim victimae caedebantur. as the maner is to kings passing by: which thinges, albeit they pleased them presentlie, turned afterwardes to their ruine. Caecina and Valens were by, and shewed the places of the conflict: from this place the Legions went out and charged: from hence the horsemen arose: from thence the Auxiliaries closed about. Nowe the Tribunes and captaines extolling ech his owne prowesse, with many a lye mingled some truethes, or made of the trueth more then it was. The common souldiers also with clamour and ioy step out of the way, call to remembraunce the ground they had trauersed, beholde and woonder at the heapes of armour, and bodies: and some there were whom the changeable fortune of humane affaires moued to pitty and teares. But Vitellius as a man without all compassion turned not away his eies, nor hadSuetonius Vitellio. c. 10. addeth further, vt campos in quib. pugnatū est adijs, abhorrentes quosdam cadaverum tabem, detestabili voce confirmare cusus est, optimèolere occisum hostem, & meliùs ciuem. not in horror to see so many thousands of vnburied citizens: but contrariwise iocunde, and ignoraunt of his owne lot which followed so nearely, he maketh a solemne sacrifice 23 to the gods of the place. After these things Fabius Valens at Bononia maketh a shew of fencers: to the setting out whereof, furniture was fetched from Rome: and the nearer Vitellius came to the city, the more dissolute & corrupt was he & his company, stage plaiers associating themselues to the traine,3. Hist. p. 727. of Fabius Valens, multo, ac molli concubinarum spadonum (que) agmine. and droues of eunuches, and the rest of the buffons of Neroes court. For Vitellius was an admirer also of Nero himselfe, and was wont to attendRead Suet. c. 4 and follow him as he did sing, not by compulsion as many a good man, but selling his honour to nourish his riot and feed his belly, to which he had wholly enthralled himselfe. Now that Valens & Caecina might obtaine some voide monethes that yeare to be Consuls in, certaine others [Page 95] coarctati aliarum consulatus some indeed were stricken out: but euery one, as it may seeme, accomplished his ordinary time of two moneths. see the annotation vpon the first book. were abridged of their time: M. Macer was passed ouer because he had beene a captaine of Othoes side: Valerius Marinus whom Galba appointed was put ouer to another time, not vpon any dislike, but because he was of a soft nature, and would gently put vp a wrong. Pedanius Costa was omitted being dislikt of the Prince, because he had attempted against Nero, and pricked Verginius forward: but Vitellius aledged other causes; and according to the seruile custome of that time great thanks were giuen him beside.
XXII. One Geta a bondman counterfaiting himselfe to be Scribonianus Camerinus, and associating others vnto him, was taken, brought to Vitellius and hanged.
ABOVT the same time a certain fable, beleeued at first, and running without controlement at the beginning, ended within a few daies. A certaine man counterfaited himselfe to be Scribonianus Camerinus, and that he had lyen in Neroes time for feare secret in Histria, because there the vassals and possessions of the old Crassi, and the affection toward the name did remaine. so certaine lewd persons being assumed to furnish the play, the credulous cō mon people, & some of the soldiers, vpon ignorance of the truth, or els desirous of troubles, began to associat themselues vnto him apace: but their captain was entrapped anone and brought before Vitellius, and being examined what maner of man he was, whenas they founde no truth in his answers, and that he was owned by his master by name and quality Geta a fugitiue bondman, he was executed after the maner of slaues.
XXIII. Vespasian sweareth to Ʋitellius: then taketh vpon himselfe the Empire in Jewrie.
IT is scarcely credible, how greatly Vitellius grewe in pride and slothfulnesse, whenas the soldiers sent for that purpose brought worde out of Syria and Iewry, that the East had sworne allegeance vnto him. For Vespasian, albeit only vpon a flying report without any certaine autor, was in euery mans mouth, and commonly spoken of, and oftentimes as hee was named Vitellius would startle. Then he & his army, as being without any concurrent in cruelty, in lust, in oppression, brake out into barbarous and forraine behauiour. But Vespasian in the meane season laying his plot for the warre, entred into consideration of the forces both neare and far of. His owne soldiers were so ready in his behalfe, that when he beganne them the othe and wished all prosperity to Vitellius, the [Page 96] soldiers answered with silence, without either good wish or good worde. Mutianus was not aliene from Vespasian, and toward Titus very well affected. Alexander the gouernour of Aegypt had entred into the confederacy. The third Legion, because it was transferred out of Syria into Moesia, Vespasian reckened as his owne: and the rest of the Illyrian Legions it was hoped would folow. For the insolent behauiour of the souldiers which came from Vitellius, with their proud gestures and lookes, and rude speeches, despising all others as base and inferiours, had wonderfully offended all the armies beside. But to enter into so weighty a warre was a point not so quickly resolued vpon: and Vespasian albeit he hoped the best, forecast sometimes the worst in his minde: what a day would that be for him, in the which he should commit to the mercy of the warre himselfe of threescore yeares of age, and his two sonnes in the flower of their youth? that in priuate attempts a man might proceede & stop where he listed; but to them which desired the Empire there was no midle course, betweene the estate of a Prince and the death of a traitour. Furthermore he laied before him the puissance of the German army; a matter well knowen vnto himViro militari. for Vespasian before he was sent into Iewry had beene Lieutenant of a Legion in Germanie, thē in Britannie, where he fought 30. battels, tooke aboue 20. townes, and adioyned the ile of Wight to the obedience of the Roman Empire, whereupon he receiued triumphalia ornamenta. Suet. Vesp. c. 4. being a martial man: that his Legions had neuer made trial al of thēselues in a ciuil warre, whereas they of Vitellius had beene conquerours therein: and the conquered party abounded more in complaints then in forces and strength. Moreouer that in ciuill dissensions the faith of the soldier was fleeting: and that there was perill to be feared from euery particular man. For what would cohorts and wings auaile, if one or two, to attaine the rewarde proposed by the otherside, would desperately venture to kill him? so Scribonianus was slaine vnder Claudius, and so his murderer Volaginius of a common soldier was preferred to the highest places of seruice. that it was a more easie matter to incite all in general, thē to beware of eueryone in particular. As he semed to wauer moued with these feares, both the other Lieutenants with the rest of his friendes sought to confirme him, and Mutianus after many and secret conferences, now also in open councell spake to him in this wise. "All men, which are to enter into great and important actions, ought to weigh with themselues, whether that which is vndertaken be profitable to the common wealth, honourable for themselues, and easie to be effected, or at least not greatly difficult: withall the party that perswadeth vnto it is to be considered, [Page 97] whether beside bare wordes and aduise hee adioine his owne perill thereto, yea or no: and if fortune doe fauour the attempt to whom the principall glorie accreweth. I call you Vespasian to the taking of the Empire, a matter as much for the safegarde of the common wealth, as for your owne honour. Next after the gods it is in your hande to attaine it: and feare not as though I sayde it to flatter: it is more neare a disgrace then a prayse to be chosen after Vitellius. We rise not against Augustus, a man of that deepe insight, not against the wary olde age of Tiberius, nor against the house of Caius, or Claudius, or Nero rooted by so many descents in the Empire: you gaue place also to the ancientnes of Galbaes house: to sleepe any longer and abandon the state to be in this sort polluted & ruined, were a sloth & cowardise, yea although to liue in that slauery were as safe for you, as it is dishonourable; which indeede is not so. The time is alreadyAbijs iam & transuectum est tempus quo posses videri concupisse. confugeindum est ad imperium. gone and forepast when you might seeme to haue for ambition desired the Empire: the Empire must now be your sanctuary & refuge. Haue you forgotten how Corbulo was murdred? a man of greater lignage then we are, I grant: & so was Nero likewise then Vitellius. He that is feared is alwaies noble enough in his conceit that doth feare: and that a Prince may be made by the souldiers abroad, Vitellius himselfe hath shewed the way; a man otherwise which neuer serued in field, neuer attained to any militare renown but preferred onely vpon a dislike of Galba, and now so disliked himselfe, that Otho, whom hee ouercame, not by strategeme or strength, but by his own hasty casting away of himselfe, is become a notable Prince & much wished for: wheras Vitellius in the mean time disperseth the Legions, disarmeth the cohorts, and ministreth daily new matter of warre. His own souldier if he had any courage or edge, it is dulled and worne away, in tipling and brotheling houses, and following the Princes example. You haue out of Iewry, Syria and Aegypt nine complete Legions in readinesse, not wasted by warre, nor corrupted with mutinees; but a souldier confirmed with practise and vse, and hartened with happy exployts against forrayne enemies. We haue nauies, wings and cohortes to strengthen our cause, and kings beside most faithfull unto vs: and that which is aboue all, your owne experience and skill. Of my selfe I will not say much: this only that I am not inferiour to Caecina and Valens: disdaine not Mutianus for [Page 98] a helper, because you haue him not a competitour: I preferre my selfe before Vitellius, and you before me. Your house is beautified with triumphall ornaments, and adorned with two goodly youngmen, the one alreadyAbout twenty seuē yeares olde. capable of the Empire, and in his first seruice renowned among the armies of Germanie also: it were absurd for me not to yeelde vp the Empire to him, whose sonne I would surely adopt if my selfe were Emperour. Now as concerning the rewarde and the perill, they shall not be equally parted betweene vs. For if we doe ouercome, I shall haue that honour which you wil affoorde me: the danger and peril shalbe alike to vs both; or as it is better, rule you these armies here, and commit ouer to mee the warre and vncertaine euents of the field. The conquered side liueth this day vnder better discipline, then the conquerours; anger and hatred, and desire of reuenge inflaming them to valure, whereas the other through pride & breach of discipline waxe dullish & blunt: whose secret & swelling wounds the warre of it selfe will open and disclose. neither do I repose my selfe more vpon your vigilant, frugall and discreete dealing, then vpon the sluggish, doltish, and cruell proceeding of Vitellius. And beside all this our cause is more iustifiable in warre then in peace: for they which deliberate to rebell, haue rebelled. After the oration of Mutianus the rest came more boldly about him, exhorting and perswading him, and laying before him the oracles and prophecies, and the fauorable aspects of the heauens: neither was Vespasian voyde of that kinde of superstition. For afterward when he was Emperour, he had openly about him one Seleucus an Astrologer, to foretell and direct his affaires. Moreouer certaine olde and ominous presages came to his remembrance. A notableSuet. Vespasiano. c. 5. tall cypres tree was in his grounde, which sodainly fell downs, & the day following rose vp againe vpon the same roote and flourished, growing higher and better spredde then before. That thing by the consent of the Haruspices foreshewed greate and prosperous matters: who assured him, when hee was very young, of most high and honourable preferment. But at the first theQuem gessit, saieth Suetonius, per duos novissimos annimenses, about the later end of Claudius time. Consulshippe, and triumphall ornamentes, and the glory of the Iewish victory seemed to haue fulfilled the prophecy: when he had attained to them, he beleeued then the Empire was portended therehy. Between Iewry & Syria lyeth the mount Carmelus, and so the god also is called, to whom according to the [Page 99] custome anciently receyued an altare is erected, and all deuoutnesse and reuerence shewed, but without either image of temple. As Vespasian sacrificed there, fraught with secrete hopes in his head, Basilides the preest often viewing and marking the entrailes,Suet. Vesp. c. 5. apud Judaeam Carmeli dei oraculum consulentem (Vespasianum) ita confirmauere sortes, vt quicquid cogitaret volueret (que) animo, quamtumlibet magnum, id esse peruenturum pollicerentur. Whatsoeuer it is, quoth he, ô Vespasian which thou intendest, whether it be to build a house, or to enlarge thy possessions, or to increase the number of seruantes, it shall bee effected: the gods doe grant thee a great roome, large limits, and many men. These darke speeches were straightwaies noted and published, & now by the common voice of the people applyed and construed: neither was there any thing more vulgare in euery mans mouth, and especially in his owne audience; as to them which depende vppon hopes, such kindes of speeches are most vsed. From this conference they departed with full resolution, Mutianus to Antiochia, and Vespasian to Caesarea, the one beeing the heade towne of Syria, the other of Iudaea.Suet. Vesp. c. 6. saieth the matter was first broched and begun by the Jllyrian army. The matter was first published, and Vespasian named Emperour at Alexandria by Tiberius Alexander, who made the most hast, and ministred the souldiers their othe vpon the first day of Iulie, which day afterward was reputed and celebrated as the first day of his raigne, although his owne army of Iewry beganne not before the5to. Nonas. Suet. 5to. Jdus, which is the eleuenth day. third of the same moneth: and then in his presence they sware with such affection & heate, that they did not attende the comming of Titus his sonne out of Syria, who was a messenger of all matters betweene Mutianus & his father. TheThe soldiers affection toward Vespasiā, and the maner and circū stances of his assuming the Empire are wel set downe by Iosephus [...]. 4. c. 36. (who was present at the action) with some particularities not touched by Tacitus here, noted by Egesippus also li. 4. c. 27. if it bee the ancient Egesippus, and not rather an extract of Josephus. violence of the soldier ouerruled the whole action: for no assembly being called; the Legions not met together; the time and place not agreed of, nor the man determined vpon, a point in that case of most difficulty, that should speake the first worde: hope and feare, reason and chance, diuersly distracted their mindes. Matters standing in these termes, as Vespasian came out of his chamber, a few souldiers after the wonted maner stoode on a rowe, as to salute their Generall, but they saluted him Emperour: then the rest ranne to, & heaped vpon him the names of Caesar and Augustus, & al titles of soueraine powerd. His conceites rose from apprehensiō of feare to the consideration of his fortune, notwithstanding there appeared in him no token of pride or arrogancie, nor change in so great a change; but being amazed at the sodaine sight of so great a multitude, assoone as he had recouered his spirits he spake vnto them soldier like: and being receiued [Page 100] with a ioyfull applause, hee sent worde to Mutianus of the successe. Mutianus at Antiochia receiuing the message which he looked for, called the souldiers to the othe for Vespasian, which they most willingly accepted. Then he went to 24 the Theatre, where the maner of that towne is to meete and consult: and made a speech vnto them, as they flocked and fawned about him, in their owne language, as he was a man competently eloquent in the Greeke tongue also; and one that had the arte to make the most shew of whatsoeuer he spake or did. But aboue all, that incensed principally both the prouince and the army, which Mutianus affirmed, that Vitellius had determined to transferre the German Legions into Syria, a rich and quiet seruice; and of the contrary side to remoue the Syrian Legions into Germany, a hard and cold countrey, and a place of great paines: for both they of the prouince liked well of the souldiers company, to whom they were enured, & with whom many of them were linked in affinitie & kinred, and the soldiers likewise loued the place of their setled campes, as their owne homes, being growen familiare with them, by reason of their long seruice there. Before the fifteenth of Iuly all Syria had receyued the same othe. Moreouer Sohemus with his kingdome adioyned himselfe to the cause, a man of good forces; and Antiochus of wealth of long gathering, and of all the subiect kings the richest. Agrippa also, vpon secrete aduertisements from his frendes, departedHe came out of Iewry with Titus when he was sent by his father to Galba: and when Titus vpon the message of Galba [...]s death returned backe again from Corinth, Agrippa notwithstanding, saieth Iosephus li. 4. c. 29 [...], vt apud novum principem locaret gratiam, saieth our common Hegesippus. lib. 4. c. 21. from Rome vnawares to Vitellius, and sayled hastily home: and likewise the queene Berenice with all her might furthered the side, a queene in the flower of her beauty and youth, and well beloued of the olde Vespasian also, in respect of the great and rich gifts which she gaue. All the prouinces which bordered on the sea, as farre as Asia and Achaia, and al the inlandes to Pontus & Armenia, receiued the oth: but the Lieutenants thereof were without armies, for as yet 25 Cappadocia had no Legions assigned.
XXIIII. The preparation of Vespasian and his side for the warre.
BERYTVS 26 was elected for the place of their principal consultations. Thither Mutianus with the Lieutenants & Tribunes repayred, & the chiefest of the Centurions and soldiers, & certaine choise persons out of the Iewish army. So many footmen & horsemen together, & so great preparations of kings striuing to exceed [Page 101] one another made shewe of a Princes estate. The first prouision for warre was to leuy more men, and reuoke the olde souldiers which were discharged: certaine strong cities were appointed out to make armour therein: at Antioche gold and siluer was coyned: and in all these seuerall workes great speede and diligence vsed by the meanes of good ouerseers. Vespasian also woulde goe in his owne person and encourage them, inciting the good by praise, the slowe by example rather then correction, more ready to conceale the vices of his friendes then the vertues: many he rewarded with captaines and Procuratours places, many he aduanced to be Senatours, excellent men and of great vertue, and which afterwardes attained to highest degrees, although in some fortune supplied the want of good qualities. As for donatiues to the souldier, neither did Mutianus in his first oration make any mention but sparingly thereof, nor Vespasian make any offer of greater in ciuill warre, then others were wonted in peace; a man notable and firme against these lauishings to souldiers, and therefore hauing his army better in order. Moreouer Embassadours were sent to the kings of Parthia and Armenia to conclude a surceance of armes, lest whilest the Legions were intentiue vpon the ciuill warre, those nations should assault the frontiers behinde. It was agreed that Titus should prosecute the Iewish warre, and Vespasian should put himselfe in possession of theClaustra Aegypti. Iosephus, [...]. lib. 4. c. 37. openeth this matter at large of the necessity of the countrey to the vittailing of Italie, of the strēgth on euery side, and hardnesse of accesse either by land or by sea, and especially of the dāgerousnesse of the hauen at Alexandria a very particulare description. neuerthelesse Vespasian, after this consultation at Berytus, according to Josephus c. 4, went to Antiochia before he went into Aegypt. strength of Aegypt. Against Vitellius it was thought sufficient to sende a part of the host, and Mutianus to leade them, and the name of Vespasian, and the fauour of fate, which findeth or maketh a way through all lets. Then letters were writen to all the Lieutenants and armies, and order giuen out to inuite the Praetorian souldiers, which hated Vitellius, vpon promise of restitution to their places. Mutianus with an army not encombred with cariage, bearing himselfe rather as the Emperours fellowe then as a seruant 27 marched forward, not very slowly, lest he should seeme for feare to delay, nor yet very hastily, but gaue time for the fame of the action to grow; knowing that his strength was not much, and that men beleeue alwaies greater matters of thinges which are absent: but there followed a great troupe, the sixth Legion, and thirteene thousande Vexillaries. The fleete hee commaunded to passe out of Pontus and meete him at Byzantium, beeing halfe in a minde to [Page 102] leaue Moesia,28 and with his horsemen and footemen directly to goe to Dyrrhachium, and withall with his shippes of warre to shut vp the sea toward Italie, leauing Achaia and Asia behinde him in safety; which, vnlesse they were garded with sufficient power, being without armies would lie open to Vitellius, and that by that meanes Vitellius himselfe woulde stand in doubt what parte of Italie to protect, if at one instant Brundusium and Tarentum, and the coasts of Lucania and Calabria should be infested by enemy fleets. Thus theHaving set forward Mutianus in his way, here he returneth againe to talke of the preparation somewhat disorderly, and peraduenture to draw in that saying of Mutianus, Pecunias esse belli civilis nervo [...]. prouinces were busily occupied in prouision of shippes, men, and armour; but the greatest difficulty was to get money: which Mutianus affirming to be the sinewes of ciuill warre, respected not lawe or equity in iudgements, but only what way to procure masses of money. Crimes were daylie deuised, against men of most wealth, and they spoyled: which maner of dealing beeing of it selfe greeuous and intollerable, but in some sorte excusable by the necessity of the warre, remayned also in peace afterward. For Vespasian himselfe, albeit at the beginning of his Empire hee was not so obstinately bent to obtaine vnreasonable matters, yet vppon his continuall prosperitie, and taught by ill masters, hee tooke foorth a bad lesson, and vsed it boldly. With his owne purse also Mutianus furthered the warre, conferring priuately that, which he would in more ample measure repay himselfe out of the common. The rest following his example in contributing of money, fewe or none had the grace to receiue it againe with the like vantage.
XXV. The armies in Moesia, Pannonia and Dalmatia adhere to Vespasian.
THE affayres of Vespasian were in the meane season hastened forward by the 29 Illyrian armies affection towarde the side. The third Legion gaue example to the other two Legions of Moesia: the seuenth surnamed Claudiana, and the eighth, being welwillers of Otho, albeit they were not present at the battell, but only come forwardSuet. Vesp. c. 6 writeth that not the 3. Legiōs, but 2000 out of the 3. Legions cāe forward to Aquileiat no doubt erroniously. to Aquileia; at which place misusing the messengers that brought worde of Othoes ouerthrowe, and tearing the banners wherein Vitellius name was inscribed, and lastly taking a summe of money by violence and parting it amongst them, they shewed themselues open enemies to [Page 103] the cause. Whereupon they feared displeasure, and vpon feare deuised, that this kinde of dealing, which to Vitellius must haue needed a long and solemne excuse, might to Vespasian be set vp and reckened as a fauour and benefit. So the three Moesian Legions, thus concurring in one, by letters inuited the Pannonian armie to the cause, or if they refused, prepared to force them. In that tumult Aponius Saturninus Lieutenant general of Moesia endeuoured to commit a most wicked act, sending a Centurion to murder Tertius Iulianus Lieutenant of the seuenth Legion, vpon priuate grudges, pretending the publicke cause of the sides. Iulianus vnderstanding of the danger, & taking guides skilful in the countrey, fled by the deserts of Moesia, beyonde the mount Hemus, and afterward was not present in the ciuill warre of the one side or other: protracting the iourney he tooke to Vespasian by diuerse delaies, and as the occurrences were, making lesse speede or more. But in Pannonia the thirteenth Legion, and seuenth surnamed Galbiana, retaining the anger and griefe of the loste at Bebriacum, without any stay ioined themselues to Vespasian, at the incitement principally of Antonius Primus, a man attainted in law, & in Neroes timeTacitus 14. Ann. p. 497. conuicted of forgery, but among other miseries of warre and a troubled state he recouered his place in the Senate, and by Galba was made Lieutenant of the seuenth Legion. He was supposed to haue written diuerse letters to Otho, offering his seruice for a captaine to the side; of whom being not regarded, he was not that warre in any employment: but when as Vitellius state beganne to decay, following Vespasian he added great waight to the cause, being a man valiant of his hands, of a ready vtterance, a cunning craftesmaster to make others odious, in dissensions & mutinees powerable, a violent spoyler, a wastful spender, in time of peace & quiet gouernement insupportable, in warre not to be contemned. The Moesian and Pannonian armies, being thus ioyned together, drew anone the Dalmatian soldier, albeit the Lieutenaunts generall sturred nothing at al. Titus Flauianus was general of Pannonia, and Pompeius Sullanus of Dalmatia, two wealthy old men: but there was in the countrey Cornelius Fuscus the Procurator, a man in the principal strength of his age, and of noble birth; who in his first yeares vpon desire of ease, had renounced his place in Senate, and afterwarde being captaine of his colony in fauour of Galba, by that meanes attained a Procuratorship. This man, entring into the [Page 104] cause for Vespasian, became a principall firebrande of the warre, seeming to delite not so much in the rewards of perils, as in the perils themselues, and in steede of certainties, wherewith he was anciently indued, chusing new and doubtfull vncertainties. So he assaieth to shake and sturre vp whatsoeuer there was any where discontented, writing into Britanny to the fourteenth Legion, into Spaine to the first, because they both had stoode against Vitellius for Otho: letters also were sent abroad into France: and so in one moment there brake a great and mighty warre out, the Illyrian armies thus plainely reuolting, and the rest inclining to followe, where fortune should fauour.
XXVI. Vitellius maketh his entry into Rome.
WHILEST these things were a working in the prouinces, by Vespasian and his adherents, Vitellius growing euery day more contemptible and slothfull, staying vpon euery place of pleasure in towne and country, with his troublesome traine marched toward the citty.30 Threescore thousand armed men were in the company licentiously giuen, of lackeyes and horsekeepers a greater number; with infinite vittailers and followers of the campe, the most dissolute of all others: beside the traines of so many Lieutenants and so many friendes, out of all compasse of obedience, yea although the gouernours had beene men of great austerity and strictnesse. Moreouer the Senatours and gentlemen charged the traine, who came out of the citty to meete him, some for feare, some for flattery, the rest and so all one after another for company, lest they should seeme to stay behinde when others did goe. Thither resorted also of the baser sort certaine well knowen to Vitellius by meanes of vnhonest seruices, which in time past they had done him, as buffons, stage players and charet driuers; with which kinde of reprochfull acquaintance he was delited wonderfully. Neither were the colonies onely or free townes impouerished by purueying of vittailes for so huge a company; but the husbandmen themselues, & fieldes, the corne being now ripe, were spoiled and wasted as an enemie countrey. Many and cruell murders were committed by the souldiers among themselues, by reason of the iarring which continued betweene the Legions and Aydes, euer since the sturre at Ticinum: against the pezantes, or any third party they agreed but too well: [Page 105] but the greatest slaughter was seuen miles from the citty. At that place Vitellius distributed to his souldiers, according to the fashion of 31 fencers diet, to euery of them meate already dressed: and the common people, that came out of the citty to see it, had dispersed themselues throughout the whole campe. As the soldiers gaue no heede to such matters, certaine pleasants, after a kind of homely iesting, cut away secretly their belts, and spoiled them thereof; asking in jybing maner, whether they were girded or no. The soldiers stomacke, not vsed to beare words of disgrace, could not disgest that scorne: but with their swordes reuenged themselues vpon the people which was without weapon: among others the father of one of the souldiers was slaine as hee accompanied his sonne: vpon which accident perceiued and noised abroad they refrained from shedding of innocent bloud. Notwithstanding in Rome the terrour was great, by reason of the souldiers running and gadding thither before. The Place of common assembly they repaired specially to, coueting to behold the place where Galba was slaine: whenas they themselues were a spectacle no lesse horrible, with hides of wilde beasts about their backes, & huge massy iauelins in their handes, falling to quarrelling, and from quarrelling to blowes and their weapon, whenas thorough their owne lacke of skill they did not auoide the presse of the people, or chanced to fall by meanes of the slippery stones, or iustling of others. The Tribunes also and other captaines in terrible sort, with multitudes of armed men, went squaring and ietting the streetes. Vitellius himselfe riding from the Miluian bridge vpon a goodly courser with his coate armour on backe, and girded souldier like, putting the Senate and people before him, had welny made his entrySuetonius c. 11 saieth plainely he did so: vrbem ad classicum introiit, paludatus ferro (que) succinctus inter signa at (que) vexilla, sagulatis comitibus, ac detectis commilitonum armis. for this seemeth to haue bene the maner of entring a towne taken by force. Josephus. 4. [...]. c. 35 describeth also this entry. as into a towne taken by foce; but beeing aduised otherwise by his frendes he laied aside his militare attire, and taking his robes marched with his men in peaceable maner. The 32 Standerds of fower Legions were marshalled in front, and so many banners about them out of other Legions: then the enseignes of twelue wings: next to whom were the ranckes of footemen, and behinde them the horse, and lastly fower and thirty cohorts distinguished according to the names of the nations they were of, or kindes of weapons they vsed. Before the Standerde marched the Campe-masters & Tribunes and principal Centurions in white garments, the other Centurions ech with his own bande glistering all in armour, [...] [Page 108] liuing: and lastly without any care at all of their owne health many quartered in the pestilent places of the Vatican, whereupon the death of many common persons ensued: and the Germans & Frenchmen lying by the Tiber, and being otherwise subiecte to diseases, vtterly ouerthrew the state of their body, with too much swimming in the riuer, and impatience of heate. Moreouer the citty-souldiery was through vndiscreetnesse or ambition corrupted. Sixteene Praetorian cohorts and foure vrban were enrolled, containing a thousand men a piece. In preferring to those roomes Valens presumed to beare greater stroake, as being the worthier man, and hauing redeemed Caecina himselfe out of perill: and in trueth by his comming the side was reuiued, and with so happy a battell he cancelled the hard opinion of his slow comming forward: and all the souldiers of lowe Germanie followed Valens and depended wholly vpon him: vpon which causes it is supposed that Caecinaes faith beganne first to be fleeting. Notwithstanding Vitellius yeelded not so much to the captaines, but that he yeelded much more to the souldiers pleasures: euery one chose his owne place of seruice: were he neuer so vnworthy, if he liked it better hee was deputed to the citty seruice: againe those which were fit were suffered, if they listed to remaine in their former estate among the Legionary or Auxiliary soldiers: which diuerse were willing to doe being molested with sicknesses, and not able to endure the heat of the countrey. Notwithstanding the Legions and Aydes were drawen of their principall strength, and the beauty of the Praetorian campe blemished, by this confusion rather then choise of twenty thousand out of the whole army. As Vitellius was making a solemne speech, the souldiers required Asiaticus, and Flauius, and Rufinus, captaines of France to be executed, because they had taken armes in Vindex behalfe: neither did Vitellius restraine such speeches, besides that he was a man of weake resistance by nature, knowing also that the day of his donatiue was at hand, and the money wanting. Wherefore he granted liberally all other requests to the souldier: and to supply that defect the freedmen of the former Princes were commanded to contribute, according to the number of their bondmen: whereas Vitellius without other care, saue onely to wast and consume, builded vp stables for charet driuers, filled the Race with spectacles of fencers and wilde beastes, and as in greatest abundaunce [Page 109] cast money most idlely away. Furthermore Caecina and Valens with great preparation, and such as before that time was neuer seene, celebrated the birth day of Vitellius, with shewesGladiatores of fencers in euery streete throughout the whole citty. One thing much greeued the good, as it cheered the bad, that Vitellius erected altars in Campus Martius, & there celebrated solemnely theSuet. c. 11 & ne cui dubium foret quod exemplar regendae reip. elige [...]et, me dio campo Martio, adhibita publicorum sacerdorum f [...] quentia, inferias Neronidedit. exequies of Nero. the beasts for the sacrifice were publickly slaine and burnt:37 the Augustales put to the fire: which order of priests Tiberius Caesar consecrated to the Iulian family, as Romulus did another the like to king Tatius. It was not yet fully foure moneths since the victory, andRead Suet. Vitellio. c. 12. Asiaticus Vitellius freedeman had fully done as much harme, as euer had any Polycletus, or Patrobius, or whatsoeuer most odious name in former courts. No man in that court sought to rise by vertue or ablenesse: the onely way to credit was with prodigall banquets, and sumptuous cheere to satiate the vnsatiable appetites of Vitellius; who contenting himselfe to enioy the present, and caring not any further, is thought in so fewe moneths to haue wastedThat is, according to our positions, seuen millions thirty one thousand two hundreth and fifty pound sterling. nine hundreth millions of sesterces: a greate and a miserable citty, which in the same yeare supported an Otho and a Vitellius; and that which is more insupportable, a Vinius, a Fabius, an Icelus, and an Asiaticus, in great variety of most ignominious sortes, vntil such time as Mutianus andEprlut Marcellus, a great oratour, an instrument of Nero against Thrasea and others, and generally in fauour with all the Princes, vnder whom he liued, as a smoother of their actions. read Tac. 16. Ann. 2. & 4. Hist. &c. Marcellus, and rather other men then other manners succeeded in place.
XXVIII. The preparation of Vitellius against Vespasian.
THE reuolt of the third Legion was first of all other certefied to Vitellius by letters, written by Aponius Saturninus, before that he also associated himselfe to Vespasians side. But neither did Aponius write all, as a man afrighted with the sodainnesse thereof, and beside the frendes of Vitellius flatteringly sought to extenuate and lessen the matter: that it was but a mutince of one Legion alone; a matter of noe moment, seeing all other armies remained in obedience. After the same stile Vitellius also spake to the soldiers, inueying against the lately cassed Praetorians, by whome hee affirmed false rumours were spred, and that there was no danger of ciuill warre, suppressing the name of Vespasian, and setting vnderhand souldiers abroad [Page 110] in the towne to restraine the speeches of the common people: which thing was a principall meanes to nourish the fame. Neuerthelesse he sent for Aydes out of Germanie and Britannie, and the Spaines, coldly and dissembling the necessity: the Lieutenants and prouinces on their partes vsed the like coldnesse againe. Hordeonius Flaccus Lieutenant of Germanie suspecting already the reuolt of Batauia, had a warre of his own to care and prouide for. Vectius Bolanus gouerned in Britannie, a cuntrey neuer so in quiet, that hee could conueniently spare any number of souldiers: and beside neither of them were greatly fast to the side. Out of the Spaines also small hast was made: at that time there was no Lieutenant generall there, but onely the Lieutenants of three Legions, of equall autoritie; who as in Vitellius prosperity they would haue contended who should haue bene formost, so now in his declining estate they equally drew backe. In Africke the Legion and cohorts leuyed by Clodius Macer, and straightwaies dismissed by Galba, beganne by Vitellius commaundement to resume their seruice againe: and withall the whole youth of the prouince voluntarily gaue in their names to be souldiers: for 38 Vitellius had gouerned as Proconsull there with good integrity and liking, Vespasian with as much infamie and hatred of the cuntrey; and accordingly our allies presumed, they would cary themselues in the Empire: but the triall was otherwise. And at the beginning Valerius Festus the Lieutenant furthered faithfully the endeuours of those of the prouince: but anone he faultred, in letters and edicts openly pretending Vitellius, and with secrete messages intertayning Vespasian; meaning to defende the one side, or the other, according as they should happen to prosper. Some Centurions and souldiers were taken in Rhoetia and France with letters and edicts of Vespasian about them, and being sent to Vitellius were slaine: but more escaped passing vndiscouered by the secretnesse of frendes, or by their owne shifting. So the preparations of Vitellius were knowen abroade: Vespasians purposes were for the most part vnknowen, partly through the negligence of Vitellius, and partly because the Pannonian Alpes were kept with garrison, which stayed all messengers: and at sea the 39 Etesians blew, a good wind to saile eastward, and contrary from thence.
XXIX. The setting forth of Caecina against the Jllyrian armies, and the beginnings of his treason.
AT length Vitellius terrified with the breaking in of the enemies vpon the frontiers of Italie, and feareful messages from euery quarter, commandeth Caecina and Valens to make ready for the warre. Caecina was sent before, but Valens stayed behinde by reason of his weaknesse in body, being lately recouered of a dangerous sicknesse. Nowe the German army going out of the citty made a farre other shew then it did at the entry. No quicknesse appeared in their bodies, no courage in their mindes; marching slowly and thinnely: the armour decayed, the horses vnlusty: the souldier impatient of the sunne, the dust, and the weather; and the more dull to sustaine trauell, the apter to mutin. And beside, the qualities of Caecina wrought no small preiudice to the cause: his ambitious and populare proceeding, an old fault of his: a sluggish and dull disposition, lately sprung vp: whether it were that too much fauour of fortune turned his edge & caused him to degenerat to riotous life, or that intending euen then treason in his minde, he thought it good pollicy by that meanes to weaken the valure and force of the army. Many haue beleeued that Caecinaes minde was shaken and altered first by a practise ofBrother to Vespasian and Prouost of Rome. Flauius Sabinus, Rubrius Gallus carying the message between them, and promising that Vespasian should ratify all couenants made and agreed in case of reuolt: and withall he was put in remembrance of the hatred and emulation betweene Valens and him, and that seeing he had not like part in Vitellius, he should doe wisely to purchase credit and might with the new Prince. Caecina taking his leaue of Vitellius, and dismissed from his presence with great honour, sent part of his horsemen before to put themselues in Cremona. Straight after the Vexillaries followed of theReade fifteenth, one of the foure Legions of lowe Germany. for the 14 was sent away into Britanny p. 90. as enemy to Vitellius cause. fourteenth and of the sixteenth Legion: then the fifth Legion and the eighteenth Legion: and lastly the one and twentieth surnamed Rapax, and the first called Italica with the Vexillaries of the three Brittish Legions, and the choice of the Aides. When Caecina was gone, Fabius Valens wrote to the army, which before belonged to his charge, to stay for him in the way: that so it was agreed betweene him and Caecina: who being present, and therefore of [Page 112] greater autority, falsely alledged, that vpon later aduise that purpose was changed, to the end that resistance might be made with the whole forces vnited against the enemies comming. So the Legions were commanded to make speede to Cremona, and part to go to Hostilia. Caecina himselfe turned out of the way to Rauenna, vpon pretence to giue direction to the nauy: and so to Padoua, where secretly the treason was contriued betweene Lucilius Bassus and him. For Lucilius Bassus after the captaineshippe of a wing, being made Admirall of both the fleets at Rauenna and Misenum, because he was not by and by created captaine of the Garde, reuenged his vniust anger with wicked disloyalty: neither can it be certainly knowen, whether he drew Caecina into the action, or the same vile minde induced them both, as it happeneth often lewde persons to be of like conditions. The histories written of this warre, vnder Vespasian and his children, haue deliuered false and flattering causes, as that desire of peace and loue of the common wealth moued them thereto. To me it seemeth, beside the inconstant disposition of the men, and the small account of their faith, which once being falsed to Galba, afterward they neuer respected; that vpon emulation and enuy that others should goe before them in the Princes fauour, they compassed the destruction of the Prince himselfe. When Caecina had ouertaken the Legions, hee sought by sundry suttle practises to weaken the good wils of the Centurions, and of the soldiers which were obstinately bent for Vitellius: Bassus attempting the like founde not the like opposition, the nauy being easily induced to change their loialty, vpon the memory of their late seruice for Otho.
I. The consultation of the Flauian captaines, at Petouio in Pannonia, concerning the maner of proceeding in the warre. Sextilius Felix sent into Noricum.
WITH better fortune and faith the Flauian captaines conducted their warlicke affayres, assembling in councell at Petouio, the standing campe of the thirteenth Legion. There was it debated, whether it were safer to stande vppon their defence, and fortifie themselues byIt seemeth they were stopped before. li. 2. p. 106 Deinde Pannonicae Alpes praesidijs insessae nū tios retinebant [...] but perhaps it was but onely so farre as to stay the posts from passing that way, not to garde it against an army of men. stopping the passage of the Pannonian Alpes, vntill their whole forces behinde were come forward; or els were it more manfull and resolutely done, to march on and fight for the winning of Italie. They which perswaded to stay for more succour, & protract the warre, amplifyed the same and force of the German Legions, & further, that Vitellius had also brought with him the flower and strength of the armie of Britannie: that their own Legions were both fewer in number, & lately beaten; & though they spake biggely, yet the party ouercome retained the lesse courage. But in the meane while if the Alpes were possessed Mutianus would shortly come on with the power of the East: and Vespasian beside had at will sea and nauies, and the goodwill of the prouinces, sufficient furniture for a new warre if need were: so by staying a litle this aduantage would grow, that new forces would come, and the olde not diminish. To thisLieutenant of the seuenth Legion surnamed Galbiana. Antonius Primus (who was the chiefest inciter of the warre) replied; That speede was the thing that might most helpe them, & most hinder Vitellius. As for the victory they lately obtained, they were growen more in careles slouth, then courage thereby: not keeping in campes as men of warre, alwaies ready to fight, but lying in the good townes of Italy, loytering and disporting themselues, feared of none saue only their hostes: and the hardlier kept and fiercer they were before, nowe giuing themselues the more greedily ouer to enioy their vnaccustomed pleasures. Moreouer [Page 114] thetheatrum & circus. theatres & places of sports, & other delights of the city, had effeminated their mindes, or diseases vtterly wasted their bodies: but if respite were giuen, through warlicke exercises they would recouer their strength: & besides, Germanie was not farre of, from whence they might be supplied with new forces, and Britannie but a small steppe beyonde: France and Spaine were harde at hand to furnish them of men, horses, and money: beside Italy it selfe, & the wealth of the world in Rome, all wholly at their disposition. And if they list to begin & assaile vs, they haue (quoth he) at commandement two nauies, & the whole Illyrian sea free: what wil it then profit vs to keep the straytes of the mountaines? or what can it availe vs to differre the warre til another sommer? & whēce shal we haue money and vittailes in the meane time? nay rather why take we not this opportunity present, since the Pannonian Legions, thinking themselues rather beguiled then beaten, are so instant & earnest to haue their reuenge, & the armies of Moesia are yet entier & vnfoiled? if the nūber of soldiers be reckened rather thē the names of Legions, our side hath more strength & much lesse disorder; & the very shame of the late ouerthrowe hath greatly amended our discipline: & yet our horsemen euen then were not defeated, but contrarily scattered Vitellius troupes, albeit the maine battaile went against vs. Two wings of Pannonia and Moesia were able at that time to breake thorow the enemy: nowe the enseignes of sixteen wings vnited together, with their stāping & sound, & the very dust of their feete, wil doubtles be able to couer and ouerwhelme both the horses and horsemen of our enemies, who haue now almost forgotten to fight. For my part (if I may be permitted) as I am the first to giue the aduise, so I will be the first to execute the same. You, whose condition giues you free choice of either, lye stil & keepe your Legions at home: some fewExpeditae co [...]ortes, that is, without cariages, abs (que) impedimentis. light cohorts shal serue my turne: assoone as the warre is begun, you shall heare that Vitellius state will decline, & then you will take pleasure to follow and treade in the steppes of my victory. This and more to the like purpose Antonius vttered with burning eies & fierce shrill voice, that he might be heard further (for some of the Centurions, and of the soldiers also had intruded thēselues into the coūcel:) & the speech moued greatly euen the wariest amongst them & doubtfullest to enter into danger. But the common soldier and the rest magnified him, as the only man of courage, & the only captain; despising the [Page 115] colde and sluggish proceedings of the other. This good opinion he first wan through a speech he made in the assembly, when Vespasians letters were first openly red, in the which he did not (as the most of the rest) deliuer his mind in doubtful & ambiguous termes with a meaning to interprete them afterward as he should see best for his purpose, but seemed directly & resolutely to enter into the cause, & therefore was a great deale better liked of the soldiers, as one that made his fortune common with theirs both in the danger & honor of the attempt. Next after him Cornelius Fuscus the Procurator was of chiefe autority amongst them. For he likewise was wont to inuey bitterly against Vitellius, & thereby had left to himselfe no hope of pardon if the enterprise failed. TitusLieutenant generall of Pannonia. Ampius Flauianus, both by nature and by reason of his age being slow in proceeding, gaue occasion to the soldiers of suspicion, as if he had respected his affinity with Vitellius: and because he had withdrawen himselfe out of the campe when the Legions began first to reuolt, & afterward came again of his owne accord, it was thought he did it to seeke some opportunity of treason. For indeed Flauianus had once relinquished his prouince of Pannonia, and retired himselfe out of danger into Italie; and afterward by desire of noueltie was brought to take vpon him his gouernement againe, and become a medler in ciuil warres, through the perswasion principally of Cornelius Fuscus; not that there was any great neede of Flauianus abilities, but that the name and countenance of a Lieutenant general might giue reputation to the side, that was then but in rising. Then letters were written to Aponius Saturninus Lieutenant generall of Moesia, to make haste, and backe their passage into Italie with his army.1 And lest the prouinces, by this remouing away of the Legions, might lie open to the spoile of the barbarous nations confining, the principall men of the Sarmatae Iazyges, and heades of the countrey were assumed into the seruice, who made offer also of the common sort, and great troupes of horsemen, which is their sole strength, but the offer was not accepted, lest amidst our dissensions they should attempte anie thing preiudiciall to the state of the Empire, or els vpon better wages, without respect of honour or faith, passe to the enemie. Sido and Italicus anciently deuoted to the Romane name, kinges of the Sueuians, a nation both more faithfull and more obedient, were drawen to the partie. Garrisons also were laied on the side against Rhoetia [Page 116] which held for Vitellius, being gouerned by Porcius Septinius the Procuratour, a most faithfull seruant vnto him. So Sextilius Felix was sent with the Aurian wing, and eight cohortes, and the youth of the countrey of Noricum, to plant himselfe against him along the bancke of the riuer Enus which diuideth Rhoetia and Noricum asunder: where they remained skirmishing one with another, whilest in the meane time the maine matter was decided elsewhere.
II. Antonius Primus marcheth forwarde, and hauing taken Aquileia, Opitergium, Altinum, Padoua, Este, settleth his maine campe at Ʋerona.
NOW 2 Antonius taking with him certaine Vexillaries out of the cohorts, and part of the horsemen, marched on towarde Italie, accompanied with Arrius Varus a valiant warrier rather then a vertuous man: which glory hee gained by his seruice and good successe in Armenia vnder Corbulo: whom notwithstanding hee was supposed secretly to haue discredited with Nero. Whereupon by such sinister meanes growing in fauour he attayned a principall Centurions place: which though ill gotten was at the present to his great contentation, but afterward turned to his ruine. Antonius and Varus in passing tooke Aquileia, and the countrey thereabouts, and proceeding forward were at Opitergium and Altinum ioyfully receiued. At Altinum a garrison was left against the fleete of Rauenna, of the reuolt whereof they had not as yet receiued any intelligence: and marching forward they adioyned Padoua and Este to the side. Where aduertisement was giuen that three Vitellian cohortes and the Scribonian wing lay at Forum Alieni, hauing there made a bridge ouer the riuer. It was concluded to take the occasion, and to set vpon them as they lay negligently and carelesly; for that circumstance also was certified: and so accordingly they came vpon them at the dawning of the day, and surprized them being for the most part vnarmed. They were willed before hande, that after some slaughter at the beginning, they shoulde seeke to induce the rest with feare to chaunge their allegeance; and some there were which yeelded themselues at the first: but the greater part fled ouer the riuer, and breaking the bridge cut off the passage from the enemy pursuing. This victorie beeing divulged, and the first attempts of the Flauianists hauing [Page 117] succeeded so prosperously, two Legions, the seuenth surnamed Galbiana, and the thirteenth called GeminaAnd Titus Ampius Flauianus Lieutenant generall of Pannonia. with Vedius Aquila Lieutenaunt thereof, came to Padoua cheerefully, and ful of courage. There some fewe daies were spent in reposing the army, and Minucius Iustus campe-master of the seuenth Legion was saued from the fury of the soldier, and sent to Vespasian, because his gouernement was straiter and more seuere, then the nature of a ciuill warre would support. At what time also Antonius supposing it a plausible action, and for the credit of the side, if Galbaes gouernment should seeme to be liked, gaue commandement thorow out all the free townes, that the images of Galba, which vpon change of times and dissension in state, had beene broken downe, should be restored a new: a thing very long and greatlie desired, and therefore interpreted gloriously in the highest degree. Then was it proposed and disputed, what place were best to be chosen, for seate as it were of the warre. Verona seemed fittest, the countrey about it being champion, and commodious for horsemen, wherein consisted their principall strength: and beside to dispossesse Vitellius of a towne of such wealth and importance, would both be commodious and bring reputation to the cause. In the passage thitherward they tooke Vicenza a thing of it selfe not greatly materiall, as being a towne of smal forces; howbeit because Caecina was borne there it seemed a matter of consequence; when men beganne to recount, how that the Generall of the contrary part had lost his owne countrey and home: but the getting of Verona was worth the paines taking. For both the side was relieued with their wealth, and the example was a good precedent to others: and the army lying there opportunely in the way, betweene Germanie and Vitellius powers, did shut vp the Rhoetian and Iulian Alpes, and cut of all hope of passage for the Germanes that way. All which proceeding was either vnknowen to Vespasian, or expressely forbidden by him: his commandement was to march no further then Aquileia, and there to expect Mutianus; adding also a reason thereof, that seing Aegypt, the garners of the citty, the reuenues and tributes of the richest prouinces were in his hands, Vitellius army might through lacke of pay and vittaile be constrained to yeelde. To the same purpose also Mutianus aduised them often by letters, alleadging what a glory it would bee to obtaine a victorie without bloud, and whereof no [Page 118] mourning ensued, with such other pretenses; whereas hee did it indeede vpon ambition, and coueting to reserue the whole renowne of the warre for himselfe: but by reason of the greate distances counsailes came after the factes. Antonius hauing thus seated himselfe in Verona issued foorth on the sodaine, and gaue the alarme to the enemy, where trying their manhoode together in a light skirmish they departed on euen hand. Anone Caecina encamped himselfe between Hostilia, a village of the territorie of Verona, and the marishes of the riuer Tartarus, in a safe and defensible place; his backe being garded with the riuer, and the flanckes with marishes: who if hee had meant trueth, hauing all his masters power vnder his hande, might with great facilitie either haue surprized two simple Legions (the army of Moesia as yet being not ioyned) or at least beaten them backe, and forced them to flee, and with shame forsake Italie. But Caecina omitted traiterously all aduantages, which at the first were offered, spending the time in trifling delaies, and rebuking them by epistles, whome with like facility hee might haue repulsed with armes: vntill by messengers passing betweene the bargaine was driuen, and the couenantes for his treason agreed vpon. In the meane time Aponius Saturninus came with the seuenth Legion surnamed Claudiana: the Legion was gouerned by Vipsanius Messalla a Tribune, a man nobly descended, and of noble qualities himselfe, the only vertuous man and without note, that entred into that action. To this army, nothing comparable to his owne (for as yet there were but three Legions) Caecina sent letters, blaming their rashnes, that being once ouercome they durst put themselues againe into armes: and withall he extolled the valure of the German army; of Vitellius making small mention and in common termes only, without any reprochfull worde against Vespasian at all: in summe writing nothing that might either corrupt the enemie or terrifie him. The captaines of the Flauian armie, omitting to speake of their former misfortune, returned answere concerning Vespasian in hawtie and glorious termes, shewing themselues verie confident in their cause and secure of the euent; reuiling Vitellius as enemies, and bragging of the Moesian armie, as being hitherto neuer ouerthrowen; seekingPraesumpsere parteis. [...]. moreouer to weaken the faith, and winne the good will of the contrary side, by putting the Centurions and Tribunes in [Page 119] hope of retaining their places, and fauours which Vitellius had bestowed vpon them, and exhorting Caecina himselfe in plaine termes to reuolt. Both the letters were solemnely readde to the Flauian souldiers: which thing increased not a little their courage and confidence; seeing Caecina to write humbly, as fearing to offende Vespasian, and their Generalles contemptuously, as it were, insulting ouer Vitellius.
III. Amutinee of the Pannonian souldier against Flauianus their Generall, and another of the Moesian against Saturninus likewise theirs.
SHORTLY afterward the third and eighth Legion came; the one commanded by Dillius Aponianus, the other by Numisius Lupus: whereupon they beganne to make shew of their forces, & determined to cast vp aVallum militare, in oppositiō to vallū rusticum, or fossa agrestis. militare trench about the towne of Verona. By chance it fell to the Galbian Legion to worke in the foreparte of the trench toward the enemy, & some of their owne horsemen appearing in sight a farre of caused a vaine feare, as if it had beene the Vitellian power. By & by they laied hold on their weapons, & their bloud being stirred sought to discharge their choler and rage vpon Flauianus, accusing him of treason without either proofe or probability: but the man was before odious vnto them, and therefore his death was now violently required. They cried out against him that he was allied with Vitellius, that he had bene a traitorThese particularities are not declared, as in my opinion they ought to haue bene, in the former story: seeing here they are thought worthy the remē brance. to Otho, & intercepted their donatiue. No answere would be heard, albeit hee be sought them holding vp his handes in most humble maner; lying for the most part prostrate vpon the ground, with his garments rent, weeping and sobbing pitifully: which kinde of behauiour prouoked their rage the more, as if this his ouergreat feare had certainly argued a guilty conscience. Saturninus endeuouring to speake in his defence was still interrupted by the souldiers outcries: and the rest likewise were reiected with noise and clamour: onely to Antonius they were content to giue eare; for hee was both eloquent & skilfull to please a multitude, and beside of most authority amongst them. When the sedition waxed hoat, and passed from wordes and ill speeches to weapons and blowes, he commanded Flauianus to be laied in chaines. The souldier perceiued theSo Vitellius saued Julius Burdo. 1. Hist. p. 45. and Otho Celsus. p. 36. sleight, & breaking thorow those that garded the Tribunal, they were at the point to haue slaine Flauianus: but Antonius opposed himselfe with his sword drawn, protesting that if they [Page 120] would not desist, hee would either dye by their handes, or by his owne: and withal desired the assistance by name of al that he knew, or were of note otherwise for their degrees and places in seruice. Then turning himselfe to theConversus ad signa & bellorū deos, that is, ad signa which the Roman soldiers adored as Gods. enseignes and gods of warre, hee besought them to send such fury, such discorde, into the mindes of their enemies rather: till at length the sedition growing colde, and the day being spent, the soldiers slipped away ech to his lodging.3 Flauianus departed away the same night, and meeting with letters from Vespasian was deliuered from danger: but the Legions, as it were tainted with a contagious infection, staied not there, but banded themselues in like mutinous maner against Aponius Saturninus, Lieutenant generall of the Moesian army, vpon the comming abroad of certaine letters, which hee was supposed to haue written to Vitellius: and their fury was so much the more hard to appease, because it began, not as the former toward the euening, when they were tired before with laboring, but at the noone time of the day. As in times past souldiers stroue to passe one another in modestie and vertue, so then the contention was to excell in vnrulinesse and insolency; the Moesian souldier being loth to vse lesse violence in seeking the death of Saturninus their Generall, then the Pannonian were of Flauianus before: the Moesian souldiers alleadged that they had helpt the Pannonians to prosecute their reuenge, and the Pannonian souldier, as if the sedition of others would acquit them, were glad to see the like fault committed againe. So agreeing together in this determination they went to the gardens where Saturninus lodged. It was neither Antonius, nor Aponianus, nor Messalla, that saued him out of their fury, though they did what they coulde, but the secretenesse of the place where hee was hid, lying close in the furnaces of certaine baths, which by chaunce were vnoccupied; and so priuily hee conueied himselfe to Padoua, putting away his sergeantes, and liuing as a priuate person. The Lieutenantes generall being thus remoued, Antonius had the whole gouernement and direction of both the armies; his companions the Lieutenantes of the Legions easily yeelding to him, and the souldiers fancying him aboue others: and some were of opinion, that both the mutinees were raysed by his procurement, to the ende that hee alone might enioy the whole benefite of the warre.
IIII. The reuolt of Lucilius Bassus the Admirall, and of the fleete at Rauenna. The treason of Caecina generall of the armie by lande.
OF Vitellius side also matters were no lesse disquiet, the dissension being more dangerous, as proceeding not of soldiers ielosies, but of the treason of the Generals. Lucilius Bassus, Admiral of the nauy at Rauenna, had wunne to the Flauian side the mindes of his soldiers, being somewhat inclinable thereto of themselues, because the most of them were of Dalmatia and Pannonia, which cuntreyes held for Vespasian. The time for accomplishing the treason was appointed in the night, that whilest the rest knew nothing of the matter, they only of the conspiracie might assemble themselues in the Principia. Bassus either for shame, or doubt what would be the issue, kept himselfe within his house. The captaines of the galleyes in the meane time with great tumult brake downe Vitellius images: and some fewe which resisted being put to the sworde, the rest of the multitude vpon desire of change was easily induced to fauour Vespasian. Then Lucilius comming abroade auowed the whole fact as done by his autority, and the nauy in his place made choise of Cornelius Fuscus for Admirall; who came with speede thither: and 4 Bassus was conueyed by ship to Hadria, as it were vnder honourable arrest, and by Mennius Rufinus captaine of a wing being in garrison there put in bandes; but soone after enlarged at the comming of Hormus Vespasians freedman, who was also in this warre counted among the Generals of that side. Now Caecina, assoone as the reuolt of the nauy was published abroad, assembledThis reuolt of Caecina is described in the like maner by Josephus, libro quarto, capite quadragesimo primo. the chiefe of the Centurions, & some of the soldiers, the rest being dispersed & busied in their ordinary militare duties, into the Principia, purposely chusing the most secret corner of the campe. There he greatly extolled the valure of Vespasian, & the strength of the side, declaring also that the nauie was already reuolted, the only support of Vitellius prouision: that France and Spaine were turned against him: that in the city there was nothing to be trusted vnto; and generally aggrauating all to the worst against the person and state of Vitellius. Whereupon some that were priuy to the plot beginning to sweare to Vespasian, the rest amazed at the strangenesse of the matter followed the example: immediately Vitellius images were broken downe, & messengers [Page 122] sēt to Antonius to declare what had passed. But assoone as this reuolt was bruted thorow out the campe, & the soldiers comming into the Principia sawe Vespasians name set vp, & Vitellius images cast vnder foote, they were mute at the first, then all at once they brake out with indignation. Is then the glory and fame of the German armies now come to this? that without battaile or any blow striken they should thus binde their owne handes, and yeeld vp their weapons? for els what power was there of the other side to compell them? only the Legions which before they had ouercome, and yet the flower & strength of them absent, to wit, thePrima Adiunix sent into Spaine, and Quartadecimae into Britanny. first and fourteenth, which yet they had likewise ouerthrowen in the same field with the rest: & all be like to this end, that so many thousands of valiant soldiers should afterwards, like a droue of bondslaues, be bestowed as a present vpon Antonius anTempore Neronis saieth Tacitus, 2. Hist. pag 100. falsi damnatus, and so perhaps exiled. exiled person: as though eight Legions were to be the dependance of one nauy▪ but so was the pleasure of Bassus and Caecina, after they had robbed the Prince of his houses and gardens, and treasure, to bereaue him also of his soldiers, albeit neuer touched nor wounded, and so to make them contemptible and vile, euen to the Flauianists also. for what could they say being required an account of their prosperity and aduersity? To this effect euery one by himselfe and all together crying out, as griefe and anger wrought in their mindes, the fift Legion being most forward, they set vp Vitellius images againe, and laying hold vppon Caecina put him in fetters, and appointed Fabius Fabulus Lieutenāt of the fift Legion, and Cassius Longus the camp-master Generals in his place: killing certaine galley-soldiers, which by chance arriued there in il houre, though vtterly ignorant and innocent of that which had passed. Then leauing theirJnter Hostiliam & paludes Tartari fluminis. campe, and breaking the bridge they returned to Hostilia, and from thence to Cremona to ioyne with the first Legion called Italica, and the one and twentieth surnamed Rapax, which Caecina had sent before, with parte of his horsemen, to put themselues in Cremona.
V. The skirmish of the Flauian and Vitellian horsemen betweene Bebriacum and Cremona.
WHEN Antonius had vnderstanding hereof, he determined whilest the enemies were at dissension, and their forces not ioyned together, to vse his aduantage and assaile them, before either the Generals could ground their autority, or the souldiers [Page 139] frame themselues to a newe obedience, or the Legions recouer courage by vniting together. He gessed that Fabius Valens was already come out of Rome, and would make great hast, assoone as he heard of Caecinaes treason: and Fabius was knowen to be a man faithfull to Vitellius, and not vnskilfull in seruice: besides a great power of Germans was feared by the way of Rhaetia, & Vitellius had sent for Aydes out of Britannie, France & Spaine: enough to haue maintained a mighty and puissant warre, had not Antonius vpon doubt thereof hastened the battaile, and before hand obtayned the victorie. So with his whole host he remoued from Verona, and the seconde night sate downe at Bebriacum. The next day imploying his Legions in fortifying the campe, he sent out his Auxiliary cohorts into the territory of Cremona, to the ende that the souldiers, vnder coulour of prouiding necessaries, might be enured and fleshedThat is, in spoiles growing by reason of ciuil warres in ciuill spoile. He to safe conduict the forragers aduanced himselfe with foure thousand horse eight miles forwarde from Bebriacum: and the skowts in the meane time, as the maner is, pricked on further. About theThat is, as we account, eleuen of the clocke, or there about. fift houre of the day one came riding in post, to giue intelligence that the enemies were hard at hande, that some fewe marched before, but the noyse and trampling of the whole army on euery side was clearely to bee heard. Whilest Antonius was deliberating what was to be done, Arius Varus, desirous to doe some piece of seruice, brake out with certaine of the forwardest horsemen, & made the Vitellianists recule, and slew some few: for by and by more of their fellowes comming to helpe, fortune changed, and they that were most forward before in pursuing, were now left last in the flight. This hast was against Antonius will, who supposed the euent would be such as it was: but seeing it coulde not bee vndone he encouraged his men to fight valiantly: and diuiding his troupes in two parts, left a lane in the midle to receiue in Varus with his horsemen▪ worde also was sent backe to the Legions to arme, and the alarme was giuen to those that were forraging abroade, that euery man should leaue of spoiling, and repaire with all speede the next way to the fight. Nowe by this time Varus in a greate feare was retired within his owne troupes, and induced thither a generall terrour▪ the wounded and vnwounded were beaten in together, and greatly distressed through their owne feare, and the straytnesse [Page 124] of the wayes. In all which confusion and tumult Antonius omitted no parte either of a resolute Generall, or valiant souldier, encouraging those that were dismayed, staying them that shruncke; where most neede was, whence any hope appeared, there busying himselfe, with direction, hand and speech, in the view of the enemie, in the sight of his owne men, growing at the last to that heate, that with his launce he ranne thorow a guidon bearer who was fleeing away, and taking his guidon turned it against the face of the enemie: whereat for very shame there stayed about an hundreth horse. That which principally helped was the quality of the place, theArctiore illic via: and yet a little before he saieth Angustijs viarum conflictabātur. way being there somewhat narrow, and the bridge broken of the riuer that ranne behinde them, whose vnknowen channell and steepe banckes stopped their further flight. That constraint or chance recouered the field that welny was lost. For knitting themselues strongly together, with thicke and close rancks, they receyued the Vitellian souldiers comming on loosely without any order. Which thing the lesse it was looked for, amazed them the more. Whereupon Antonius finding them yeelding pressed the more instantly vpon them, ouerthrowing all that came in his way: and withall the rest as their inclinations were, some fell to spoiling and catching, some to take armour and horses: euen they which before were broken, and scattered abroade in the fields, hearing the ioyfull crye of their fellowes, returned then backe to take part of the victory. About fower miles from Cremona, the enseignes of two Legions, Rapax and Italica, appeared, hauing marched so farre vpon the successe of their horsemen at the beginning: but when fortune turned, they were so farre to seeke, as that they neither did open their ranckes, & receiue their distressed fellowes within them, nor yet went forwarde to assayle the enemie tired already with fightting and following so farre. Thus being by chance ouercome, they found in aduersity the lacke of a leader, which in their iolity they cared not for. As the Legions stoode wauering in termes of breaking, the Flauian horsemen charged vppon them: and Vipsanius Messalla the Tribune was at their heeles with the Moesian Aides, who in militare renowne, albeit lately enrolled, were nothing inferiour to the Legionary souldiers. So horsemen and footemen mingled together did easilie breake the Vitellian Legions, and the towne of Cremona lying so neare gaue [Page 125] them lesse minde to resist, and more hope to escape: neither did Antonius presse any further, considering the trauaile and woundes, which both his horsemen and horses had taken, in so dangerous a skirmish, albeit the ende went on his side. Toward the shutting in of the euening the whole power of the Flauian army arriued: who assoone as they troad among the heapes of dead bodies, in the fresh steppes of so late a slaughter, as if the whole warre had bene ended, cryed to leade on out of hande to Cremona, and take by surrendre or force those conquered persons. These gay speeches were in their mouthes and openly pretended, but secretely euery one cast thus with himselfe; That a towne seated in the plaine might be wunne easily at a push; that their courage would as well serue them to enter in the night, and their liberty to spoile would then be much greater: but if they attended till day, then would there come supplications and intreaties for peace, and so for their labour and hurts they should cary away the vaine smokes of clemencie and glory, and such other titulare matters, but the wealth and riches of the towne would cleaue to the captaines and Lieutenants fingers: that the spoile of a citty taken by force fell to the souldiers, but of a citty surrendred alwaies to the captaines alone. Hereupon the perswasions of the Tribunes & Centurions, as persons suspect, were reiected: and because no mans speech should be heard, they ratled their weapons, threatening if no man would lead them beside, to guide & conduct themselues. Then Antonius insinuating himselfe among the common soldiers, after he had with the sight of his person, & reuerence of his place, procured silence, protested vnto them, that his meaning was not in any sort to defraude so well deseruing soldiers, either of honour or reward▪ notwithstanding the captaines and soldiers duties were of different nature: a souldier ought to be fierce and desirous to fight, but in captaines a wary foresight & deliberate kind of proceeding is rather commended▪ and more often times profiteth and helpeth hee by protracting, then venturing rashly. For his parte as he had to his power with weapons and hande furthered the victorie, so would hee likewise helpe now with direction and counsaile, peculiare qualities to a Generall, and the place he sustained. And surely if they list but a litle consider, the dangerousnesse of the enterprise was very apparent. it was now night, the situation of the towne was vnknowen, [Page 126] within nothing but enemies, and euery cornerfit for an ambush: nay if the gates were wide open, yet were it not safe for to enter, no not in the day time, but vpon good discouery before hand, and assurance that al coasts were cleere. what? would they beginne an assault when they could not discerne the best place of approach, nor the height of the walles, whether it were best to attempt them by discharging of shot a farre of, or by engins at hand, or by mine? then turning himselfe to particulare persons hee demaunded of them seuerally, whether they had brought theirsecures & dolabrae. hatchets & axes with them, & all other tooles necessary for an assault: & when they denyed, What, quoth he, then, are any mens hands in the world of that force, and strength to breake downe walles with iauelins and swords? what if it fall out that we must of necessity raise mounts, couer our selues with hurdles and frames of boarde? shall we not then be forced to stand like good silly fooles gazing & gaping at the height of their towers, & the strength of their fortificatiōs? nay rather let vs stay for one night, and fetch hither in the meane time our engins & instruments of battery, and so cary the victory surely before vs. And herewith he dispatched thecal [...]ne [...] & [...]ixa. seruants & followers of the campe, and the freshest of his horsmen to Bebriacum, to bring vittailes from thence, and all other necessarie prouision.
VI. The great battell at Cremona betweene the Flauianists and the Ʋitellianists. Cremona sacked and burnt.
THE soldier discontented thereat & repining, was growing toward a mutinee, whēas their horsemen hauing scowred to the very walles of Cremona tooke certaine stragglers of the towne, by whose confession it was vnderstoode, that six Vitellian Legions, and the whole power that lay at Hostilia, hearing of the defeate of their fellowes, had marched thirty miles that very day, and prepared themselues to fight, and would by and by be vpon them. That terrour opened their mindes, which before were closed against all their Generals good counsaile, and so he commanded the third Legion to make stand vpon theor ridge. cawsey of the Post-humian way: fast by it on the left hand stoode the seuenth surnamed Galbiana in a plaine field: then the seuenth called Claudiana hauing before it aagrestis fossa. common ditch for a kinde of defence, as the place chanced to yeelde: on the right hande stood the eightth Legion in an open grounde: then the thirteenth in a thicket somewhat disunited by reason of bushes and shrubbes. In this sorte [Page 127] stoode the standerds & enseignes of the Legions, but the soldiers were blended together, as it chanced in the darcke. The bande of Praetorians stoode next to the third Legion, the Auxiliary cohorts were placed in the wings, and the horsemen garded the flanckes, and reareward: Sido and Italicus the Sueuians with the choise of their countrey men serued in the foreward. On the other side, the Vitellian army, whose best course doubtlesse had bene to haue taken some rest at Cremona, and refreshed themselues with foode and sleepe, and so the next day to haue giuen the onset vpon their enemies, starued with hunger and colde, for lacke of a leader and want of direction, about the third hower of the night dashed them selues vpon the Flauian army, who stoode now in array strongly prepared to receaue them. The order and standing of the Vitellian army I dare not for certaine auouch, being doubtlesse disordered through anger and darknes. Some affirme that the fourth Legion called Macedonica stoodein dextro cornu. in the right wing: the fift & fifteenth Legions, with certaine companies out of three Brittish Legions, the ninth, second, & twentieth filled vp the middle battel; the left wing consisting of the tenth Legion, the two & twentieth & the first: the soldiers of Rapax and Italica dispersed themselues thorow out al: the horsemen and Aides chose their owne standing. The fight continued al night very doubtful & cruel, with great mortality sometime on the one side, & sometime on the other: courage or strēgth auailed litle in the darke, where the eie could not discerne a frende from an enemy. On both sides was the same kind of armour & weapons: by many mutual questions ech knew others watchword: the banners also were mingled together, as it hapned a bande to take any from the enemy and cary them to and fro. The seuenth Legion lately leuied by Galba was pressed most hardly: six of her principal Centurions were slaine, and some enseignes taken away, the standerd it selfe was hardly defended by Attilius Verus the chiefe Centurion; who with great slaughter of the enemy, and his own death in the end, notwithstanding saued his charge. The Flauianists thus going to the worse, Antonius reinforced & strengthned the battel by sending for the Praetorian soldiers, who assoone as they vndertooke the fight repulsed the enemy at the first, and anone were repulsed themselues. For the Vitellianists had brought their engins of warre, which before were dispersed and discharged against bushes and trees, without anie hurt to the enemy, and placed them [Page 128] vpon the cawsey of the high way to haue an open passage and free scope to shoote out; among the rest aBalista, saieth Veg [...]tius li. 4. c. 22, [...]nibus nervin [...] [...]hordis (que) tendi [...], quae qu [...] proli [...]io [...]a brach [...] tha [...], [...]ani [...] spicula l [...]ngiùs [...]n [...]tti [...], & si iuxta arte [...] m [...]chanicam temp [...]rour, & [...] ex [...]r [...]ta [...] [...] [...]ui mensur [...]m [...] v [...]tecolleg [...] [...]nt, [...] pene [...] q [...]d [...] (que) pere [...]ss [...]. [...] the fall of [...] Balista drew with it a great part of the wall of the campe at Cr [...] Balista of a woonderfull greatnesse, belonging to the sixteenth Legion, shooting out huge and mighty stones galled them sore, and had made a farre greater hauocke amongst them, had not two souldiers vndertaken an honourable exploite, and taking vp targets among the deade bodies gone vnknowen, and cut the cordes and waightes of the engine: whereupon they were by and by cut in pieces, and so their names are not knowen; of the fact there is no question. Nowe the battaile continued doubtfull, and fortune indifferent to both sides, till at farre in the night the 5 moone rose and discoueted the armies, though in deceitfull sort, and more in fauour of the Flauian side, because shee was at their backes: by meanes whereof both the shadowes of the men and horses stretched along toward the enemies, and so the arrowes and dartes of the Vitellianists, being falsely bestowed vpon shadowes, fel short of the bodies; whereas contrarily by reason of the moone shining against them, the Vitellian souldiers were easily hit vnawares with the blowes of the other, discharging as it were out of couert. Antonius assoone as he could discerne his owne company, and be likewise discerned of them, beganne to inflame them seuerally, some with shame and rebuke, others with praise and encouragementes, all with hope and large promises; demaunding of the Pannonian Legions for what purpose they had nowe resumed armes? if to wipe away the blot of their late ignominie, here was the fielde where they might reintegrate themselues in their honour againe Then turning to the Moesian souldiers he challenged them as authors and beginners of the warre, adding that in vaine they ha [...] dared the Vitellianists with wordes and threates, if now they durst not abide their handes and lookes. And after this and the like sort he spake to all whom hee met: but most at large to those of the thirde Legion, putting them in remembraunce both of their late and ancient victories; how 6 vnder the conduct of Marcus Antonius they had ouerthrowen the Parthians, vnder Corbulo the Armenians, and of late the Sarmatians, then directing his speech to the Praetorians in great anger: As for you disgraded souldiers (quoth hee) it you winne not here, what other generall, or what other campe shal receiue you? Yonder loe, there be your enseignes and weapons, and present death if you leese, for you haue spente [Page 129] already your shame. Great crying and noise there was on euery side, when as the third Legion, as the maner in Syria is, with a great showte saluted the sunne rising: vpon which accident, or by the Generals pollicy, a generall rumour was spred thorow the host, that Mutianus was come, and the armies had met and saluted ech other. Whereupon as supplied with newe forces, they pressed forwarde and gaue a freshe onset, the Vitellian ranckes growing now thinner, as being without all direction, and banding together or disbanding as their owne courage or feare did induce them. When Antonius felt them weake in the shocke, and yeelding vnder his hande, with a company firmely compacted hee charged and disordered them. The ranckes once loosed brake, & could not be reunited by reason of the cariages and engins, which hindered the matter. The conquerours hoatly pursuing the chace dispersed themselues along the high way. The slaughter was the more famous, because in the same it happened the sonne to kill his owne father: the thing and the names of the persons I will set downe, as Vipsanius Messalla hath reported it. Iulius Mansuetus borne in Spaine, and called to serue in the Legion surnamed Rapax, left a sonne at home vnder yeares, who growing afterward to mans state, and being enrolled by Galba into the seuenth Legion, by mere misfortune here met and encountred with his owne father; and hauing wounded him deadly, going about to rifle him, came into knowledge of him, & was likewise knowen by him againe. Whereupon embracing the corps, which now was without sense or life, with teares & lamentable voice he be sought his fathers ghost, not to impute this impiety vnto him, nor abhorre and detest him as a parricide: that it was the publicke act of the cause: and what a small portion was one souldier of these ciuill warres? And withall hee tooke vp the body, made a pitte in the ground, and perfourmed his last duety toward his father. This was perceiued by them which were next, and then by more also: in the end the fame of this strange chance went thorow the whole army, & much complaining there was, & detestation of so cruell, and wicked a warre: and yet they continued nothing the lesse to kill and to spoile both kinsmen and frendes, and euen their brethren also. they talke what a wicked fact was committed, and in the meane time commit it themselues. Whenas they came to Cremona, there appeared a new and no small piece of worke yet behinde. [Page 130] For in the warre against Otho the German soldiers had cast their campe about the wals of Cremona, & about their campe rā piers & trēches, which they had now lately augmēted. At the sight whereof the Flauianists were at a stop, the Generals being doubtful what to appoint. to begin the assault the army being tired with the trauaile both of the day & the night, were a difficult matter, & hauing no place of retiring at hand dangerous too: to returne to Bebriacū were intolerable paine, the way being so long, & besides, all they had done would be lost, and the victory made voide: to sit downe & intrench, that also were a thing ful of danger, & to be feared, lest the enemies being so neare should sally out, & breed some disorder as they were dispersed, & busy at their work. But aboue al these respects the Generals stoode in most feare of their owne soldiers, who would sooner abide any danger, then any delay: all that tended to safety was vnsauory; in precipitation was their hope; the greedy desire of the spoile made al killing, woūding, shedding their bloud to be matters of nothing. To this resolutiō therefore Antonius finally inclining, cōmanded to enuiron the trēches with soldiers roūd about. And first they fought aloofe with arowes & stones on both sides, but with disaduantage to the Flauian part, vpon whō the enemy discharged frō aboue: then approching nearer he distributed to the Legions the trēches & gates, appointing to ech their seueral quarter, to the end the labor being thus diuided, the difference betweene the valiant & the coward might be perceiued, & mutual emulation of honor should excite thē to vertue. The third &Galbiana. seuēth Legion were assigned the quarter next to the way, which leades from Bebriacū: the eightth & seuenth surnamed Claudiana tooke vp the trenches on the right hand: the thirteenth was caried with a fury to the gate toward Brescia. After this they pawsed a while, till they had fetched out of the fields thereabout, some of thē ligones. spades &dolabrae. axes, some othersFalces. Vegetitius lib. 4. c. 14. Falx, trabs ad [...]nco praefixa ferro, vt de mu [...]o extrahat lapides. but here perchance it was but some cōmon hooke. hooks & ladders. Then with a strong 7 target fence ouer their heads they came vnder the walles, & were receiued by those that vnderstoode that kind of seruice, as hauing benetrained vp in the same schoole, who rowled down huge stones vpon it, & forced the frame to stagger & fleete, thē folowed & searched into it with iauelins & speares, til the connexion of targets being dissolued & brokē, they slew or maimed the men. Vpon so great slaughter the Flauianists were almost at a stay, had not the captains perceiuing the soldiers to be tired, and all other encouragements [Page 131] preuaile but a litle, shewed vnto thē the towne of Cremona, as the price of their victory. Whether this was Hormus deuise, as Messalla reporteth, or Caius Plinius be rather to be beleeued, who casteth the fault vpon Antonius, I cānot easily determine; this onely, that whether Antonius or Hormus were autor of this most bad part, it was not vnsutable to neither of their former infamous liues, & behauiours. But hereupon no danger of limme or life could stay the Flauian soldiers, frō breaking down the trenches, & beating open the gates, euen with their showlders; and some climing vp by a double target fence took hold on their enemies weapōs, & caught thē by the armes: so the wounded & not wounded, the halfe dead & dying, came downe tumbling together, and perished some after one fashion, and some after another, representing al diuersities of deathes. The seuenth & third Legion fought most brauely, & gaue the sharpest assault, & Antonius the General himselfe, with the chosē men of the Auxiliary soldiers, had bended his forces that way. The Vitellianists perceiuing thēselues not able to sustain any lōger the force, & fury of mē so obstinately bent, & that whatsoeuer they cast downe vpon them slid away vpon the target fence, without doing any harme, resolued to rowle downe at the last a greatbalista. engine vpon thē as they approched: which indeed for the present ouerwhelmed those that were vnder, but withal in falling it drew the battlements with it, & vppermost part of the rampier: & at the same time a tower adioining being battered with stones fel downe. At which breach as the seuenth Legion assaied to enter, in a pointed battell, the third Legion in the meane season brake downe the gate with their swords and axes. It is agreed vpon by al writers, that the first man which entred the trench was Caius Volusius, a souldier of the third Legion, who presently going to the rampier tumbled downe all that resisted, and aduauncing himselfe in sight proclaimed the campe was taken: and as the Vitellianists were now beginning to faint, and leape downe from the rampier, the rest brake in. All the space betweene the trenches and the towne was filled with deade bodies. And there againe appeared a new worke, and another labour: the walles of the citty were high, the towers all of stone, the barres of the gates of iron, the souldier ready with weapon in hande on the walles, the townesmen manie and sure to Vitellius; beside a great number of strangers assembled out of al places of Italie thither, by occasion of a faire vsually holden there at [Page 132] that time. But that as it was a helpe to the defendants in respect of the multitude, so was it a prouocation to the assailants in respect of the spoile. Antonius commanded to take fire and burne certaine most goodly buildings, standing without the walles, if peraduenture the townesmen vpon the losse of their substaunce would be induced to yeelde. The houses that were neare to the walles, and exceeded them in height, he replenished with the valiantest soldiers he had; who with blockes of timber, & tiles, & firebrandes, bet away the defendāts from the walles: by this time also, the Legions had cast themselues into a target fence, & others shot stones, & arowes against them on the walles. Then the Vitellianists hartes beganne by little and little to faile them, and euery man as he was first in degree was likewise the first to yeelde vnto fortune, lest if Cremona also should be taken there would bee no hope of pardon remaining, the whole wrath of the winners being like to turne not vpon the poore and beggerly souldier, but vpon the Tribunes and Centurions, by whose death some gaine might be gotten: contrarily the common soldier not searching into sequels, and in lesse danger by reason of his basenesse, persisted stil for Vitellius: and wandring in the streetes, or hiding themselues in houses would not sue for peace, euen then whenas they had left off to make warre. So the principall men of degree in the army razed Vitellius name, and defaced his images, and loosing Caecina, who then was in bandes, desired him to become intercessour in their behalfe. As he made dainty to doe it, and bare himselfe proudly against them, they besought him instantly euen with teares (a misery of all miseries, so many valiant men to implore the aide 8 of a disdainfull traitour) and then hung out ouer the walles theirVelamenta & infulat. sacred veles and infules, in signe of submission. Whereupon Antonius commaunding his men to surcease all hostility, they brought out their enseignes and standerds: the Vitellian Legions folowed; a heauy companie, vnarmed, and casting their eies to the ground. the Flauianists closed about them, and first outraged them in speeches, and seemed to threaten violence vnto them: but when they saw them not moued thereat, but patiently to endure all indignities, according to the circumstance of their present fortune, they beganne to call to remembrance, that euen those were the selfesame men, that had a little before at Bebriacum vsed their victory moderately. But when Caecina came forth as a Consull [Page 133] in his robes, with his sergeants before him making way thorow the presse, the conquering souldiers lost all maner of patience, obiecting vnto him his pride, and his cruelty; yea and his treason too: so hatefull are vices euen where they are profitable. But Antonius interposed himselfe, and sent him safely garded away to Vespasian. In the meane season the people of the towne, among so many armed men, were greatly annoyed, and they scaped nearely of a generall massacre, had not the captaines intreated, & somewhat appeased the soldiers wrath. Antonius calling a ful assembly made a solemne oration, speaking in glorious termes to the soldiers of his own side, & in curteous to those of the other, concerning Cremona ambiguously. The army was doubtles earnestly bent to the destruction and sacke of the citty, beside a naturall desire of spoile, vpon an olde conceaued displeasure against them: for in the warre of Otho also they were thought to haue bestedde and helped Vitellius side; and afterwardes the thirteenth Legion being left there to build an amphitheatre (as commonly these townesmē are naturally malapert) they had iested & scoffed at them many other circumstāces made their case also the harder, as that Caecina had in that towne exhibited his shew ofGladiatores fencers in honour of Vitellius victory: that it was chosen now the second time for the seate-towne of the warre: that they had helped the Vitellian army with vittailes: that some women were found slaine, which for extreme loue to the side had come out to the battaile: and not least because the faire time had filled the towne, being otherwise wealthy, with shew of more wealth. And thus stoode the soldiers for their part affected. As concerning the Commanders, the behauiours of the rest were not much marked: Antonius by reason of his fortune and his fame was principally eyed: who assoone as he entred the towne went presently to the bath to wash of the bloud, & finding it somewhat too coole, let fall a word which was quickly taken vp, that ere long it would be made hoater. This base iest turned the whole blame vpon him, as if hee had giuen thereby a watchworde to set Cremona on fire, which to say the trueth was burning already. Forty thousande armed men were broken in, and of seruants and followers of the campe both a greater number, and a great deale more disordered in all kinde of licentious and cruell demeanour: neither age, nor honourable calling could warrant any from violence, but without respect [Page 134] of eyther they abused their bodies in villanous maner, and slew them indifferently. Aged men and olde women, nought worth to be solde, they haled in a iolity for pastime and sporte: if any mayde of competent yeares, or bewtifull yongman fell amongst them, in striuing who should cary them away, they pulled them asunder & tare them in pieces; and thereupon growing in choler turned to kill one another. Whenas any had gotten and caryed away for himselfe money, or the golde and iewels out of the temples, being met by a stronger, he left behinde him both his life and his bootie: some contemning that which they found ready and open, compelled the owners with torture and stripes, to confesse and yeeld vp their hidden riches, and treasures buried vnder the ground. The souldiers walked with firebrands in their handes, which assoone as they had emptied the goods, they hurled in a sporte and wantonnesse into the voyde houses, and empty temples. And as in an armie diuerse in language and manners, compounded of Romans, confederates, and strangers, their lusts and desires were diuerse, and something held lawfull by one, something by another, and nothing vnlawfull to all. Fower whole dayes Cremona ministred matter to sacke and to burne: and all things beside both holy & prophane being consumed into ashes, the temple ofThe goddesse of ill sauours. Mephitis without the walles remained vntouched, either because it stoode out of the way, or by reason of some diuine vertue of the goddesse.9 This end had the city of Cremona, two hundreth eighty & six yeares after the foundation. It was built in theIn the yeare of the Citty 536. and the first yeare of the second Punicke warre yeare that Tiberius Sempronius & Publius Cornelius were Consuls, when Hannibal was about to come into Italy, for a bulwarke against the Frenchmen beyond the Po, and if any other power should breake in by the Alpes. So by reason of the number of inhabitants, commodity of riuers, fertility of the soile annexed, & affinities contracted with other people, it grew vp & flourished, in forraine warres vntouched, vnfortunate in ciuill. Antonius ashamed of this foule act, which daily grew more & more odious, made proclamation, that no man should keepe any cittizen of Cremona as his lawfull prisoner: and all Italie with one generall consent refusing to buy any of them for slaues marred the soldiers market: who therevpon began to murther their prisoners. Which being once knowen, their frendes & kinsfolkes secretly came & ransomed them. In short time after the rest of the people returned to Cremona. The [Page 135] publicke places and temples were reedified at the charges of the townesmen, and vpon Vespasians speciall encouragement. For the present, the ground being infected with the noysomenesse of the dead carcases, suffered not the Flauian army to dwell long vpon the ruines of the razed citty. So they remooued three miles of, and there reduced the Vitellianists, being disbanded, and trembling for feare, euery soldier vnder his colours, and anone afterward sent them away into Illyricum, lest during the time of the troubles they should fortune to worke innouation. Into Britannie and Spaine messengers were sent with the newes of the successe: and for a proofe of their victory, into France they sent Iulius Calenus a Tribune, and into Germanie Alpinus Montanus captaine of a cohorte, because Alpinus was of Triers, and Calenus an Aeduan, and both had followed Vitellius side: and withall they kept and fortified the passages of the Alpes with garrisons, fearing the descent of the Germans that way in fauour of Vitellius.
VII. Fabius Ʋalens setteth forward. Ʋitellius blockish behauiour. The death of Junius Bloesus.
BVT Vitellius, hauing within fewe daies after Caecinaes departure set forth Fabius Valens also to the warre, as if nothing els were now to be done, layed aside all care of affayres, and betooke himselfe to his riotous life. He made no prouision of armour, confirmed not the soldiers with comfortable speeches, or militare exercises; he conuersed not in publicke in the face of the people (like those sluggish creatures, which if you supply with foode lye carelesly stretched along) lurcking in arbours and places of pleasure, he had cast of al memorie alike, of past, present, and to come. Thus wallowing in sloth, and languishing in the groues of Aricia, the heauy newes came vnto him of the treason of Lucilius Bassus, and of the reuolt of the nauy at Rauenna: soone after the sorrowfull tidings mixed with some ioy concerning Caecina came, both that he had reuolted, and that he was put in bands by the armie. His blockish and dull disposition apprehended more the ioy then the care, insomuch that with great triumph hee made his returne vnto the citty, and there in a solemne assembly commended, and highly extolled the dutifull affection of the souldiers. Then hee commanded Publius Sabinus captaine of the Garde, because hee was inward with Caecina, to be committed, [Page 136] substituting Alphenus Varus in his roome: immediately going to the Senate he made there a stately and magnificall oration vnto them, and was requited of them againe with all kindes of exquisite flatteries. Then proceeded a heauy sentence against Caecina,In amplifying the great bountifulnes of Vitellius, toward a man in all respects so vnworthy as Caecina, they vttered indeede their owne griefe, that so leude a person should be so highly preferred, and yet seemed to complaine in Vitellius behalfe. pronounced first by Lucius Vitellius, and so by the rest of the Senate in order: who as in the Princes behalfe vttering their owne grieffe aggrauated his fact with tearmes of affected indignation, That a Consull should betray the common wealth, a Generall his soueraine lorde, and a man so greatly aduanced in riches and honour his sole aduancer and maker; without any touch at all or iniurious speech against any of the Flauian captaines, but onely blaming the errour, and ouersight of the armies: and for Vespasians proceedings, with great caution touching that string, and alwaies sparing his name. Then Roscius Regulus presented petition, and by humble suite obtayned, a ridiculous thing both to giue and to take, the Consulship for one onely day which remayned behinde of Caecinaes time, and so the last day of October he entred and resigned his office. It was obserued by men skilfull that way, that neuer before was there anie such substitution seene, but eyther vppon errour in the creation, or an expresse lawe for that purpose enacted. ForOf whom that iest of Tullie is remembred: Quàm vigilan [...]em habemus consulem, qui toto consulatus sui tempore sommum oculis non vidit. Caninius Rebilus had likewise bene Consull for one daie alone, at the time when Caius Caesar was Dictatour,Or, who being beholding to many, had many to pleasure. and the seruice of many in the ciuill warre required much speede in rewarding. About the same time the death of Iunius Bloesus was openly knowen and much talkt of abroade: the circumstances whereof, as we haue receaued them are these. Vitellius lying sicke of a grieuous disease in the Seruilian gardens, chanced to espye in a turret not farre of many lights burning in the night season, and demanding the cause, they about him made answere, that in Caecina Tuscus house there was a solemne feast, & much company met, whereof Iunius Bloesus was the principall guest; amplifying the sumptuousnes of the entertainment, & the mirth, & the wanton solacing themselues, and such other matters farre aboue trueth: yea and some stucke not directly to accuse Tuscus himselfe and others; but aggrauated most against Bloesus, that had so good leysure and lust in the Princes sicknesse, to banquet and passe the time so merrily away. When they found Vitellius humour once sharpened, and it was cleare to them, that see deepely into Princes [Page 137] dislikes, that Bloesus might be ouerthrowen, the promooting and prosecuting against him was committed to Lucius Vitellius: who vpon a sinister emulation malicing Bloesus (because he was so famous a man, and himselfe by desert so infamous) entred into the Emperours chamber, and taking his little sonne in his armes fell downe at his feete. When his brother demanded the cause of this his confusion, I come not (quoth he) for any feare or care of mine own, but my humble suite is, & these teares are shed in your owne behalfe, and your childrens. In vaine doe we stand in feare of Vespasian, whom so many Legions as we haue of our side, so many prouinces of valour and trust, and so great and infinite distance by sea and lande doeth withholde and keepe of: we had more neede to take heede of an enemie at home in our bosome, who vaunts of theBy reason of both which names he might claime to be lineally descended of Octavia, sister to Augustus Caesar, as by their petigree it may appeare. Iunij andBy reason of both which names he might claime to be lineally descended of Octavia, sister to Augustus Caesar, as by their petigree it may appeare. Antonij for his progenitours, and maketh all demonstrations of curtesie and bountifulnesse toward the souldiers, as one descended of the imperiall bloud: that way all mens mindes beginne now to bende, whilest your maiesty in the meane time, careles of the estate both of your frendes & foes, nourisheth a concurrent, that taketh delight, out of his banquetting house to beholde his Princes sicknesse & griefes. Vouchsafe, I beseech you, for his vnseasonable mirth, to render him a sad & sorrowfull night, whereby he may both know and feele, that Vitellius liueth and ruleth, and if ought should befall him but good, hath a sonne to leaue in his place. Vitellius standing in dreade betweene the feare of differring, and the open auowing so wicked a fact, lest the one might breede his destruction, the other procure great enuy and slaunder, finally resolued to attempt it by poison: the suspicion whereof was strongly confirmed, by his going in great ioy to visite Bloesus as he lay a dying; and moreouer a most sauage speech of his was ouerheard, wherein he vaunted (for I will reporte his owne very wordes) that he had fed his eies in beholding his enemies death. Bloesus besides his honourable birth and courtlie condicions, was loyall and fast to Vitellius. For before Vespasian put vp, whenas matters were yet entier, being sollicited by Caecina and the chieffest of the side, who beganne now to waxe weary of Vitellius, he stiffly resisted; a man of vpright conuersation, not turbulent, not desirous of hasty rising, and so farre from ambitious aspiring to the Empire, that in many mens opinions he was esteemed not vnworthy of it.
VIII. The proceedings of Fabius Valens, and his taking.
IN the meane season Fabius Valens marching forwarde, more slowly then was conuenient in going to warre, with a great and effeminate traine of concubines and eunuches, was aduertised in post of the treason of Lucilius Bassus, with the losse of the nauy at Rauenna: and if he had followed with expedition his purposed iourney, hee might either haue preuented Caecinaes falling away, or ouertaken the Legions before the battaile was giuen. And some perswaded him to take a fewe of his trustiest frendes, and so auoyding Rauenna by secrete bywayes to goe in all speed to Hostilia, or Cremona: others were of opinion to sende for the Praetorian cohorts out of the cittie, and so by strong hande to make passage. But Valens vsing delay, to the great hurt of the cause, spent the times of action in consultation: and then reiecting both the aduises, and taking a 10 midle course, which in cases of danger and doubt of all is the woorst, hee neither was venturous inough with the one, nor prouident inough with the other, but onely wrote letters to Vitellius for some supply. WhereuponOf Praetorians it should seeme: and yet p. 134. we finde 14 more Prae [...]orian, and there were but 16. in all. 2. Hist. p. 104. three cohorts were sent with the Brittish wing, a number neither fit to passe secrete withall, nor sufficient to breake thorowe by force. But Valens euen then, amidst so great danger, abstayned not from his olde vntemperate liuing; but was diffamed, and noted to take by force his lewde pleasures, and pollute his hosts houses, wheresoeuer he came, with adulteries and other vnlawfull lusts: he had both might and money, great meanes to induce; and the last lusts of fortune beginning to fall, now at the farewell shewed themselues most outragious. When the horsemen and footemen were come, then appeared the weaknesse and fault of that counsaile. For neither could he with so small a companie, though they had beene most trustie, passe thorow the enemies, neither yet were they fast and trustie indeede: but for a while shame, and the reuerence of their Generall beeing present, restrayned them, bondes of no long continuance with men 11 greedie of dangers, and carelesse of credit: vpon feare whereof Valens sending the cohorts before to Ariminum, and appointing the wing to garde them behinde, with a fewe in his companie, whome aduersitie had not altered, turned aside [Page 139] into Vmbria, and from thence into Etruria. Where vnderstanding the euent of the battaile at Cremona, hee entred into a notable determination, and if it had succeeded, of great consequence; To betake himselfe to the sea, and setting on land in some part of the prouince of Narbon, to raise Fraunce and the nations of Germanie, and so stirre vp a newe warre. Assoone as Valens was gone, Cornelius Fuscus came with an armie vppon them at Ariminum, and bestowing his shippes not farre from the towne forced the souldiers for feare to yeelde, and made himselfe master of the plaine of Vmbria, and the countrey of Picenum all along the seaside: and so all Italie on the one side of the Apennine mountaines was vnder the subiection of Vespasian, and on the other side vnder Vitellius. Valens hauing embarked himselfe in the bay of Pisa was driuen by the violence of the sea, or contrary windes, into the port of Hercules Monoecus. Not farre from thence Marcus Maturus Procuratour of the sea Alpes remained, a man verie faithfull and constant in Vitellius cause, notwithstanding al thereabout had declared themselues for the contrarie side; who intertaining Valens with all kinde of curtesie, and warning him, not rashly to enter into the prouince of Narbon, with this admonition strooke a terrour into his minde, and withall the rest of the company beganne to faint for feare, and stagger in their allegeance. For Valerius Paulinus aBelike in Gallia Narbonensi. Procuratour, a valiant souldier, and a frende of Vespasians before his aduauncement, had sworne the citties rounde about vnto him, and gathering all those, which beingMont, as I take it, of Othoes old Praetorian soldiers onely other dismissed by Vitellius I find not: & mentiō is made by & by expresly of the Praetorians dismissed by Vitellius of their owne accorde resumed armes, kept the colonie of Forum Iulij, being the keie of the sea, with a garrison: his dealing therein carying the more credite, because hee was borne in that towne, and was highlie esteemed among the Praetorian souldiers, whose Tribune sometimes hee had beene; and the townesmen also vpon fauour to their cuntreyman, and hope of greatenesse heereafter, endeuoured to further the side. This strong preparation being reported in the amplest sorte to the Vitellianists, who alreadie were wauering in minde, Fabius Valens retired in all speede to the shippes, accompanied onelie with fowerSpiculatores Spearemen, three of his frendes, and as manie Centurions: Maturus and the rest were at their libertie to staie behinde, if it liked them, and sweare to Vespasian. But as the sea was safer [Page 140] to Valens then the shoare, or townes, so floating thereon vnresolued, and seeing rather what to shun then what to follow, he was at the length by contrary weather cast vpon the Stoechades ilandes, vpon the coast of Marseils; from whence Paulinus sending out of his shippes fetched him in.
IX. The estate of the prouinces abroade vpon the troubles in Jtalie.
AS SOONE as Valens was taken, all the prouinces turned themselues to Vespasians side, the matter beginning in Spaine at the first Legion surnamed Adiutrix; which vpon the memorie of Otho was enemy to Vitellius, and drew with it the tenth and sixt Legion also. Neither did the prouinces of France make any stay. And for Britannie, the great fauour and reputation in warlicke affaires, that Vespasian had gotten being Lieutenant there of the second Legion vnder Claudius, did easily winne that Legion vnto him, albeit not without some sturre of the rest, whereof manie Centurions and souldiers, who had beene aduanced by Vitellius, were vnwilling to change the Prince, whom they had prooued already. By meanes of which dissension and continuall rumours of ciuill warres, the Britans tooke hart and rebelled, through the procurementè Iugan [...]n civitate. 12. An nalium. of Venusius; who beside a naturall fiercenesse of courage, and hatred of the Roman name, was incensed particularely, by a priuate vnkindnesse betweene him and the queene Carthismandua. Carthismandua was queene of the Brigantes, of high and noble linage, who vpon the deliuery of king Caratacus, whom shee tooke by [...]2. Annal. p. 432. fraude, and sent to furnish and set out the triumph of Claudius, wanne fauour with the Romans, and greatly increased her strength: whereupon ensued wealth, and of wealth and prosperity riotous and incontinent life: insomuch that casting off Venusius, who was her husband, shee ioyned her selfe in mariage with Vellocatus his harnish bearer, and crowned him king: which fact was the ouerthrowe immediately of her house. The good will of the cuntrey went generally vpon the lawfull husband: but the queenes vntemperate affections were peremptory and violent in maintaining her minion. Whereupon Venusius by the helpe of his other frendes, and the reuolt of the Brigantes, made warre vpon Carthismandua, and brought her into greate extremities: then praying aide at our handes, our cohortes and [Page 141] wings were sent to defende her, which after sundry skirmishes with diuerse euent, deliuered her person out of peril, but the kingdome remained to Venusius, and the warre vnto vs. About the same time our affaires in Germanie, through the insufficiencie of our captaines, and seditiousnesse of our Legions, forreine force assailing vs, and our allyes betraying vs, were reduced to those desperate termes, that we stoode in danger of leesing the countrey: but that warre together with the causes, and particular euentes thereof (for it continued long) Ilib. 4. will hereafter declare. The Dacians also stirred, a nation neuer louing vs, and as then, our army being withdrawen out of Moesia, not fearing vs neither. When the first alterations and troubles beganne, they held themselues quiet, and looked but on: but whenas they perceiued Italie to bee all in armes, and betweene the sides euery where open hostility, forcing the standing campes of the cohorts and wings, they put themselues in possession of both the banckes of Danubius, and were now at the point to baue razed the campes of the Legions, had not Mutianus, hauing knowledge before of the victory at Cremona, opposed the sixt Legion against them, lest two forreine powers should haue broken in at one time, the Germans & Dacians, from two diuerse coastes. As often heretofore, so now specially fortune was fauourable to the Romans, bringing Mutianus with the power of the East to arriue there at that instant; and that in the meane time the matter was so dispatched at Cremona. Mutianus departing away left Fonteius Agrippa, who had beene one yeare Proconsull of Asia, Lieutenant generall in Moesia; assigning him sufficient forces out of the Vitellian Legions, whom it was thought a point both of pollicy and peace to disperse abroad in the prouinces, and keepe occupied in forreine warre. Neither were other nations at quiet. In Pontus a barbarous bondeman, which sometime had beene Admirall of the kings nauie, raised vp a sodaine warre in the countrey: his name was Anicetus a freedman of the late king Polemo, sometime of great credite and power, and now since the kingdome wasIn Neroes time. reduced into a prouince displeased and greeued with the change. Whereupon hauing associated vnto him in Vitellius name the nations that dwell vpon Pontus, alluring the poore and neediest sort with hope of bootie and spoile, he became in short time Commander of competent forces; with which hee sodainely inuaded and [Page 142] brake into Trapezus, a very ancient citty built by the Graecians, in the vttermost borders of Pontus: where a cohorte was slaine, which in time past was in the seruice there of the king, but being afterwarde made cittizens of Rome, had taken enseignes and armour after our manner, retaining the slouthfulnesse and dissolute life of the Greekes notwithstanding. Hee burned also the nauy there, doing his pleasure on that sea, which as then was vngarded, by reason that Mutianus had giuen order for the best of the galleyes, and all the souldiers to meete him at Byzantium: vpon occasion whereof 12 the barbarous people also of the countrey ranged abroade, and robbed without feare of checke or controlment; building them boates on the sodaine, which they call [...]. Strabo lib. 11. Camerae, of narrowe sides and broade bottoms, wrought and ioyned togither without any brasse or iron, and when the sea goeth high, as the waues rise they raise also the sides of the vessell with boordes, vntill they close and couer it aboue like a house, and so the boates tumble vp and downe in the middle of the waues, hauing a prow alike on both sides, & ready to rowe either way without any danger, as it shall fall out for their purpose. These things moued Vespasian to assigne vnto those parts some Vexillary soldiers out of the Legions, and Virdius Geminus for captaine, a man of good proofe in seruice: who setting vpon the enemies being in disarray, and dispersed in seeking of spoile, draue them to their boates, and then causing some galleyes to bee built in hast, pursued and ouertooke Anicetus in the mouth of the riuer Cohibus, being there vnder the protection of the king of the Sedochezi, whom he had wunne by money & gifts to vndertake his defence. And indeede at first the king threatned to protect his suppliant with force of armes: but whenas he saw himselfe put to the choise, to accept either rewarde for yeelding him, or warre in defending him, as an vnconstant and disloyall barbarian, vpon composition hee surrendred Anicetus to dye, & deliuered the fugitiues, & so an ende was made of that seruile warre. Vespasian being ioyfull vpon the obtaining of this victorie, all things succeeding vnto him aboue his own wish, was certified soone after being in Aegypt of the battaile at Cremona, which caused him to make the more hast to Alexandria, that seeing Vitellius army was defeated and broken, hee might presse also with hunger the citty of Rome, standing altogether vpon forraine prouision. For so likewise he made [Page 143] preparation to inuade Africke, situate on the same coast, both by sea and lande, meaning to cut off the two storehouses of corne from the enemie, and so procure famine, whereof consequently dissension would growe.
X. Antonius Primus marcheth from Cremona to Fanum Fortunae. his tarring with Mutianus.
WHILEST in these generall alterations, thorowe out the whole world, the state thus altered & passed, Antonius Primus leauing Cremona, left also his former care of well carying himselfe, supposing the warre to be at an end, and no difficulty in that which remained: or els peraduenture prosperity, in a man of that disposition, discouered the secrete and inwarde faultes of his minde, as couetousnesse and pride, and other vices that were suppressed before. Italie he harried as a conquered countrey: the Legions with all kinde of curtesie hee sought to assure to himselfe: in summe by all speeches and deedes he made the way to his owne greatnesse. And to giue the souldier the more his owne will, and leaue him the bridle at large, of his mere motion hee graunted vnto the Legions the choise of Centurions in their roomes that were slaine: by which kinde of election the busiest and troublesomest fellowes were chosen; and generally the souldier was not gouerned by the direction of his captaine, but the captaine drawen by the violence of the souldier. After these pointes tending to faction and corrupting of discipline, hee conuerted himselfe to the pray, nothing dreading Mutianus at hande, which was a more hainous offence, then to haue contemned Vespasian himselfe. Neuerthelesse the army marched on, without cariages, because the winter was neare, and the fieldes ouerflowen with the Po. The enseignes and standerds of the conquering Legions, and the aged or impotent souldiers, with many sound also, were left at Verona. It seemed sufficient, now the warre was in so good a forwardnesse, to take onelie the cohorts and wings, and certaine chosen men out of the Legions▪ vnto this companie the eleuenth Legion also adioyned themselues, who at the first had made some delay, but seeing the good successe of their fellowes were sory it was their ill happe to be absent: with it there came also sixe thousande Dalmatians newly leuyed. Poppaeus Siluanus was Lieutenant generall: but the whole [Page 144] direction of matters rested in Annius Bassus Lieutenant of the Legion, who with great industry and quietnesse disposed of all that was to be done, and vnder coulour of obedience gouerned Siluanus peaceably, being a man of no action in militare seruice, and trifling out the times of doing in talking. To this power were adioyned the best of the mariners at Rauenna requiring Legionary seruice, and in their roomes the Dalmatians were sent to serue at sea. At Fanum Fortunae the army and the leaders were at a stoppe, being in doubt concerning their principall purpose, because they had heard the Praetorian cohorts were already set forth out of Rome, and presumed that the passages of the Apennine hilles were fortified and garded against them. But that which caused most feare was want of prouision, in a cuntrey wasted and consumed by warre, and the seditious cries of the souldiers demaundingClavarìum, a donatiue to buy them caligares claui; as Calcearium in Suetonius Vespasiano. cap. 8. to buy them shooes. Clauarium (which is the name of a donatiue) of them who had neither prouided money nor corne: and the too much hast of the souldiers hindered greatly, whilest that which in due order might haue beene taken and serued somewhile, was in a moment spoiled in snatching. It is reported by most credible writers, that among the winners there was such a contempt of common honestie, and such vnnaturall dealings against al lawes humane and diuine, that a common souldier among the horsemen was not ashamed, openly to professe, that hee had slaine his owne brother in the last battaile, & to require recompence for the same at the captaines handes: who neither willing to rewarde the fact in regarde of common humanitie, nor daring to punish it in respect of the nature of the present warre, differred the matter, pretending that he had deserued much more, then they were presently able to giue: howe it was ended I finde not recorded; notwithstanding in former ciuill warres I finde the like to haue happened. For in the battaile fought against Cinna at Ianiculum, one of Pompeyes souldiers slew his owne brother, and when hee sawe what he had done, slew himselfe also, as Sisenna reporteth: so much haue our ancestors exceeded vs, not onely in glory of their vertues, but in griefe for their faults. These and the like drawen out of ancient history it shall not bee amisse to remember, where the place and matter requires to set downe eitherexempla recti, aut solatia mali. examples of that which is good, or comforts for that which is bad. Now Antonius and the Flauian captaines being at Fanum, thought it expedient [Page 145] to sende some horsemen before, and search all the coast of Vmbria, to finde some easy and gentle passage ouer the Apennine: and withall they determined to sende for the standerds and enseignes, and all the soldiers that remayned at Verona, and to replenish the Po and the sea with store of prouision. There were of the Commaunders which sought al meanes to delay: for Antonius wasnimius iam Antonius. growen now too intollerable, andcertiora de Mutiano sperabantur. better hope was conceiued of Mutianus: who being inwardly vexed that the victory was so speedily gotten, and fearing vnlesse he were present at the taking of Rome at the least, he should haue no part neither of the warre, nor the honour, wrote vnto Primus and Varus ambiguously, sometime perswading to follow with instance, & sometime discoursing of the profitablenesse of delaying; framing his speech in such sort, that if thinges fell out ill, hee would clearely disclayme them, if well, he might take them vppon him: but to Plotius Griphus, whom Vespasian had lately made Senatour and Lieutenant of a Legion, and the rest of his trusty frendes he gaue plaine direction to stay till his comming: all which persons returned vnto him a plausible answere, and greatly blamed the heady proceeding of Primus and Varus. Those letters Mutianus sent to Vespasian, and so procured that Antonius deuises and doings were not accepted according to his expectation. Which thing Antonius tooke very impatiently, and imputed the fault thereof vnto Mutianus, by whose calumniations he conceyued his dangers had growen: neither did he forbeare to vse hard speeches against him, as a man of an intemperate toung, and not accustomed to acknowledge any superiour. He wrote also letters vnto Vespasian in a more hawty and arrogant stile, then beseemed a subiect to his Prince, with secrete glances and nippes at Mutianus: That it was Antonius and no body els, who first put in armes the Legions of Pannonia, and brought them into the field: that by his procurement and woorking the captaines of Moesia were first stirred vp to the warre: by his resolutenesse the Alpes were passed, Italie possessed, and the ayde of the Rhoetians and German nations cut of: then, that Vitellius Legions being at discord and dispersed the vantage was spyed, and they ouerthrowen first by a furious charge of horsemen, afterward by a power of footmen for a whole day & a night together; that was indeede the brauest point of the seruice, and his only doing: [Page 146] as for the mishappe of Cremona, it was a mischance of warre; and that the deciding of other ciuill dissensions in former ages had cost the common wealth much dearer, euen the subuersion of manie great townes. that hee serued his Prince not with sending of messages and writing of letters, but with his person and weapon in hand: neither did he enuy or hinder their glory, that in the meane time had quieted Moesia: they regarded the peace of Moesia, and he the conseruation and safety of Italie. by his perswasions France and Spaine, the most puissant parts of the Empire, were ioyned to the side: but all his paines and trauaile were in vaine, if they alone should reape the rewards, which had no part in the perill. Mutianus was aduertised of all this proceeding, and there upon ensewed great enmitie, which Antonius prosecuted simply and souldier like, but Mutianus closely, and therefore the more irreconcileably.
XI. Ʋitellius proceedings and behauiour after the losse at Cremona. The reuolt of the nauie at Misenum.
BVT Vitellius hauing receyued so great a blowe at Cremona, concealing the newes, and foolishly dissembling the matter, differred the remedies of his euils, not the euils themselues. For if he would haue plainly confessed it, and taken aduise thereupon, hee had both hope and strength inough and too much remayning: but whenas contrarily hee fayned that all went on his side, by that vntrueth hee marred his owne case, and cut of from himselfe all meanes of recouery. In his presence there was no mention of warre, but a wonderfull silence that way: in the citty all speeches of it were forbidden, which caused the more: and they, which if it had bene lawfull would haue talked nothing but trueth, being restrayned gaue out much more then it was. The captaines also of the Flauian side helped to increase the fame, carying Vitellius spies, as they chanced to take them, round about the campe, to see and view the strength of their victorious army, and so dismissing them backe to their master. All which at their returne Vitellius, after secrete examination had, commanded to be made away. But aboue all other theSuetonius Othone. c. 10. Xiphilinus. p. 205. and after him Zonaras, reporteth this in the story of Otho, in the former warre, with some smal differēce of circumstances. constancy and resolutenes of the Centurion Iulius Agrestis was most notable; who after much speech tending to incite Vitellius to vertue [Page 147] in vaine, at the length obtained that himselfe might be sent to view the forces of the enemie, and see what had passed at Cremona. For the performing whereof he sought no corners, but addressed himselfe directly to Antonius, and openly professing what charge he had from his Prince, and what was his intent, he required hee might bee permitted to take a perfect suruey of all things. so some were sent with him, which shewed him the place where the battaile was fought, the ruines of Cremona, the conquered Legions. Agrestis went home againe, and making relation, whenas Vitellius would not beleeue his report, but charged him with vntrueth, and further that he was hired thereto: Seeing then (quoth Agrestis) no meane proofe will serue, and neither my life nor my death can now stande you in any other steede, I will giue you an assurance which you may beleeue; and so departing from him, he sealed his sayings voluntarily with his bloud. Some write that he was slaine by Vitellius commaundement, but of his fidelity and constancy they report the same. Now Vitellius beeing as it were awaked out of sleepe, commaunded Iulius Priscus and Alphenus Varus with fourteene Praetorian cohorts, and all the wings of the horsemen to keepe the streits of the Apennine. after them followed a Legion of Seamen; a power both for number and goodnesse of men and horses sufficient (if another had bene Generall) to make warre offensiue, not onely to stande vppon their defence. The rest of the cohorts were committed to Lucius Vitellius his brother to garde the citty withall. Himselfe abating nothing of his wonted ryot, and hasty through distrust, hudled vp the election of officers, wherein he declared Consuls forSuetonius Vitellio. c. 11. comitia in decem annos ordina vit se (que) perpetuum, consulem. many yeares to come. Moreouer 13 newe treaties and more gracious were concluded with our allyes, and the right of Latium conferred vppon strangers. To some hee released their tributes, to others he granted immunities, without all care of posterity mangling and mayming the Empire. But the common sort accepted these fauours that seemed so great, and the foolishest bought them with money, which wise men accounted but voyde, beeing such as could neither bee giuen nor taken with the safety of the state. At the last through the instant request of his armie lying in Meuania, with a great trayne of Senatours assumed, partly vpon suite and most vpon feare, he repayred to the campe irresolute of himselfe, [Page 148] and obnoxious to vnfaithfull counsailes. As he was speaking to his souldiers in publike assembly, it fell out so many vnlucky birdes to flye ouer his head (a monstrous matter) that the day was ouercast, as it were with a blacke cloude: and another no 14 lesse ominous and of euill presage, that a bull which was appointed to be sacrificed, brake away from the altars, ouerturned the furniture of the ceremonie, and was knocked downe farre of from the accustomed place. But the greatest monster was Vitellius himselfe, a Prince without skill in the profession of armes, and deuoyde of direction and counsell, demanding eftsoones of others in what order to march, what diligence was requisite in making discoueries, what meane was to be obserued in vrging, or delaying the warre, and vpon euery flying report apparently fearefull in countenance, and trembling in gate, and beside all this most commonly druncken. At the length growing weary of the campe, and vnderstanding of the reuolt of the nauy at Misenum, hee returned to Rome, euer fearing most the blowe that came last, and carelesse in the meane time of the mayne chance. For whereas it had bene a course most cleare in reason, and euident in sight, to haue passed the Apennine with his army, which then was in hart and strength, and so to haue assayled the enemies almost consumed with hunger and colde, he on the other side fell toTaking some with him to Rome, but principally in that he sent away with his brother, as appeareth anone, six cohorts & fiue hundreth horse into Campania out of this army. dispersing his forces, and so abandoned his best and faithfullest soldiers, whom he left thereby to the enemies mercy, and deliuered them as it were into their handes; contrary to the opinion of the most expert Centurions, who disliked greatly the disuniting, and if their aduise had beene asked, would haue tolde plainly their minde: but Vitellius inwardest frendes hindered them from accesse, the Princes eares being so framed, that he accounted all sharpe that was wholesome, & liked of nothing but that which was presently pleasant, and afterwards hurtfull. But the nauy at Misenum (so much the audaciousnesse euen of one single man in ciuill dissensions may work) was brought to reuolt by the meanes of Claudius Fauentinus, a Centurion ignominiously cassed by Galba, who counterfayting letters from Vespasian, with hope of reward induced them to change their allegeance. The Admirall thereof was Claudius Apollinaris, a man that neither constantly kept his fidelity, nor stoutly maintained his treason: and Apinius Tiro, who had bene Pretor, and [Page 149] was then by chance at Minturnae, offred himselfe for a head to them which reuolted; by whose meanes the colonies and free townes were drawen to the side, the Puteolani shewing themselues most forward that way. But Capua on the other side, persisted firme to Vitellius: whereupon there passed, vnder coulour of the publicke cause, much priuate choler betweene the two townes. To the pacification of these troubles Vitellius chose out Claudius Iulianus (who had lately bene Admirall of the nauie at Misenum, and gouerned himselfe in that charge with great mildnesse) as the meetest man to appease the souldiers mindes; assigning vnto him a power of one cittie-cohort, and theGladiatores fencers which were vnder his charge. Assoone as the campes approched the one to the other, Iulianus without any great stay turned to Vespasians side, and so iointly they tooke Tarracian, a place of great strength in regarde of the walles and situation, if the men within had bene faithfull and good. Vpon knowledge whereof Vitellius leauing part of his forces at Narnia, with the captaines of his Garde, sent his brother Lucius Vitellius away with six cohorts and fiue hundreth horse, to manage the warre of Campania. Himselfe beeing greatly perplexed in minde was yet somewhat reuiued with the earnest goodwill of the soldiers, and clamours of the towne people requiring armour and weapons; whom being nought els but a cowardly companie, whose boldnesse neuer went beyonde wordes, he called by the false title of armies and Legions. At the perswasion of his freedmen (for of his frendes the greatest men were least trusty) he commanded the tribes to be called, and sware them which gaue in their names: too many presenting themselues, he diuided the charge of the muster betweene the two Consuls, and assessed the Senatours at a certaine number of bond-men, and quantity of siluer. The Gentlemen of Rome made offer both of their seruice and money, euen the Libertini requiring of their owne motion they might be admitted to doe also the like. This counterfayt forwardnesse made the offices, that were done for feare, be thought to proceede of goodwill. And indeede many pitied not so much the man, as the place he susteined: & Vitellius himselfe ceased not by his countenance, speech & teares to prouoke compassion and pitty, promising largely, & (as the nature is of men in great feare) without measure. Moreouer he tooke then vpon him (which he [Page 150] had refused before) the stile ofSuetonius Vitellio cap. 8. seemeth to say otherwise. cognomen Germanici delatum ab vniuersis cupidè recepit, Augusti distulit, Caesaris in perpetuum recusavit. Caesar, vppon some superstitious conceit of the name, and because in a time of feare, the counsailes of wise men, and prattlings of the people are heard & respected alike. But as all actions entred into vpon heate without consideration are strongest in the beginning, and afterward fade and decay, so here the Senatours beganne by little and little to shrinke, and the Gentlemen likewise; at the first with some respect and in Vitellius absence, but afterward more openly, being afrayde and pensiue for the danger which was like to ensue; till in the ende Vitellius seeing the attempt not feasible, for shame was contented, not to demande that he could not obtaine.
XII. The Flauianists passe ouer the Apennine. the Ʋitellianists at Narnia yeeld themselues. the death of Fabius Ʋalens.
AS the possessing of Meuania by the Vitellianists had wrought great terrour in Italie, seeing another warre as it were sprung vp a fresh by that meanes, so of the contrary side the departure of Vitellius in so fearefull maner procured great credit, and good to the Flauian cause. For presently thereupon the Samnites, and Peligni, and Marsi reuolted; and vpon emulation that Campania had preuented them, to recompence their slacknesse, as men newly come to a new master, shewed extreme diligence in furthering the seruice. But in passing the Apennine the armie by the fowlenesse of the winter weather was greatly distressed, and marching with all liberty and quietnes could hardly wrestle out of the snowe, so that it was cleare to be seene, what danger they must needes haue sustayned, if fortune, to which the Flauian captaines were more often beholding, then to their good guiding and skill, had not turned Vitellius backe home againe. In the mountaines Petilius Cerealis met them, who in clownish apparell through knowledge of the countrey had escaped Vitellius handes. Cerealis was of neare affinity with Vespasian, & of some name for matters of warre, and therefore was assumed among the Leaders. Many write that Flauius Sabinus and Domitian might also haue easily escaped, and certaine it is, that diuerse messengers sent by Antonius by sundry cunning sleights came to their speech, pointing the place, and offring them meanes for their safety: but Sabinus alleadged that his crazy body was [Page 151] not to vndertake a matter of that paines, and such an audacious attempt. Domitian would gladly haue ventured, but hee feared the keepers whom Vitellius had set about him, although they offred to accompany him in his escape, lest peraduenture it had beene a snare to intrappe him: and indeede Vitellius himselfe, in regarde of his owne kinsfolkes, intended no cruelty against Domitian. When the Flauian captaines were come to Carsula, they staied there a fewe daies to repose their army, till their Legionary power should ouertake them: and the place of the campe in it selfe was delitefull, with a large goodly prospect, and verie safe for the prouision of vittailes, hauing so manie of the welthiest citties, as it were store houses behinde them. And besides they were in some hope that the Vitellianists, which were not distant aboue tenne miles, would fall to some parle, and so from a parle to a reuolt: which thing the souldiers could not abide to heare of, but desired an ende rather by conquest, then by peace: euen their owne Legions they were vnwilling to stay for, loath to haue more fellowes in the spoile, when they needed none in the danger. But Antonius calling them publicklie together, shewed vnto them, that Vitellius had yet some forces remayning, wauering perhappes and vnconstant if they might haue time to consult, but of fierce stomacke if they were driuen to despaire: that the beginnings of ciuill warres were to bee permitted to fortunes deciding, but the accomplishment of the victorie was to bee gouerned by reason and wisedome: that the nauie of Misenum, and the most flourishing countrey of Campania were alreadie reuolted, and there remayned nothing of al the world vnto Vitellius, saue onely so much as lay betweene Tarracina and Narnia: and surely they had wunne honour sufficient in the battayle at Cremona, and blame too much by destroying the towne. therefore they should not now desire to take Rome, but rather to saue it: their rewarde would bee greater, and their glory most great, if they wrought the safetie of the Senate and people of Rome without bloudshed. With these and other like speeches their mindes were mollified, and soone after the Legions came. The Vitellian cohortes terrified with the same of the armie so much increased, beganne to wauer, no man animating them to the warre, but manie to reuolt, who desired to make a present of their bandes and [Page 152] cornets vnto the conquerour, to purchase fauour hereafter; and gaue also aduertisement, that fast thereby at Interamna was a garrison of fower hundreth horse. Whereupon immediately Varus was dispatched with a band of men lightly appointed, and slewe some fewe that made resistance: but the most part laide downe their weapons, and yeelded themselues to his mercy: some fled to the campe at Narnia, and filled all there full of feare and terror, extolling aboue trueth the forces and valour of the enemies, to diminish their owne dishonour in losing their fort. Neither was there any punishment for offences among the Vitellianists; on the other side the rewardes were apparent of those that reuolted: so that from thence foorth the contention was, who should bee most traitour, and daily some of the Tribunes and Centurions fled to the enemie: for the common souldier was obstinately bent for Vitellius, vntil Priscus and Alphenus Generalles forsaking the camp vpon feare, and returning to Vitellius, discharged the rest from all blame of treason. About the same time Fabius Valens was put to death in the prison at Vrbine. His heade was openly shewed to the Vitellian cohortes to put them out of all hope: for before they beleeued that he was escaped into Germanie, and putting in armes both olde and newe souldiers there: but when they sawe he was dead they beganne to despaire. The Flauian armie also tooke a wonderfull conceite as if his death were vndoubtedly the ende of the warre. Valens was borne at Anagnia, of a gentlemans house, loose in conditions, and not without grace in seeking by wanton ieastes the name of a pleasant conceite. In the games of Iuuenalia in Neroes time heeMimos actitavit. plaied a part, first as it were by compulsion, then voluntarily, with more dexteritie then credit. Being created Lieutenant of a Legion hee both sought to preferre Verginius to the Empire, and then to discredit him. Fonteius Capito his Lieutenant generall, either because hee was entred into treason, or because he could not induce him to treason, he murdred and made away. A traitour he was no doubt to Galba, and true to Vitellius, a vertue in him so much the more eminent, because so many others were false. Now the Vitellian souldiers seeing all their hope cut off, going to yeelde themselues to the contrary part, euen in that also had a care of their honour, and came downe into the plaine vnder Narnia vnder their enseignes and banners displaied: the Flauian army stoode armed [Page 153] with their weapons bent, as in battell, in thicke ranckes along the way side. So the Vitellianists were receiued into the middle, and being so inclosed about, Antonius intertained them with comfortable and gracious wordes, and appointed some of them to abide at Narnia, and some at Interamna, leauing some of his owne Legions withall, without molestation to them if they were quiet, and yet of force sufficient to represse them if they rebelled.
XIII. Vitellius vpon composition with Flauius Sabinus Vespasians brother offreth to resigne vp the Empire. Sabinus by the souldiers is driuen into the Capitoll, and there besieged. The Capitoll is burnt: Sabinus taken and slaine.
DVRING their abode at Carsula, Antonius and Varus sent continuall messages vnto Vitellius, offring him, if he would surcease armes, and yeelde himselfe and his children to Vespasians mercy, life, money, and what secret place he would chuse of Campania to retire himselfe into: to the same effect Mutianus wrote also vnto him: and Vitellius oftentimes gaue eare thereunto, entring into speech about the number of his seruants, and the choise of the place. So great a senselesnesse had possessed his minde, that if other men had not remembred, that he had beene once Prince, and therefore was not to looke for security in priuate estate, hee himselfe would haue quickly forgotten it. But the principall men at Rome secretely incited Flauius Sabinus being Prouost of the citty, to put himselfe into the cause, and vndertake part of the victory and of the honour: making remonstrance vnto him, that the citty cohortes was his owne peculiare souldier, the cohortes of the Watchmen would questionlesse take his part, and their own retinue of bondmen should bee at his disposition, beside the fortune of the side, and the easy course of proceeding they finde, that be in traine of winning. that hee should not yeelde the honour of the action to Antonius and Varus: that Vitellius had but fewe cohorts in number, and those discouraged and trembling at the euil newes that came out of all quarters: the common people was fickle & changeable; & if Sabinus would present himselfe for a head, they would vse the same flattering termes for Vespasian, which now they did to the other. as for Vitellius hee was a man not able to gouerne himselfe in prosperity, much lesse sufficient to wielde and winde out of his declining estate: that the honour of finishing [Page 154] the warre would be his, who first should take possession of the citty; and so were it fit in al congruity, both for Sabinus to reserue the Empire to his brother, and for Vespasian to esteeme of all other mens seruice secundarily to Sabinus. These warlike speeches made but a slender impression in his feeble olde minde, and some did secretely suspect and charge him, that through enuy and emulation hee sought rather to hinder his brothers good fortune. For Flauius Sabinus was the elder brother, and exceeded Vespasian both in riches and authority, whiles they were both priuate men, and was thought to haue saued his credit, and kept him from breaking, by lending him money, but taking in morgage his house and landes for repayment thereof: whereupon albeit in outwarde shewe they continued frendes, yet some secrete ielousies were feared betweene them. But the better interpretation was, that being a milde man he abhorred from slaughter and bloud, and therefore treated diuerse times with Vitellius of a peaceable composing of matters vpon conditions. And after diuerse meetings at his house, at the last a capitulation was concluded vpon (as the fame went) in the temple of Apollo, onely two persons, Cluuius Rufus and Silius Italicus, beeingSalutem sibi & millies HS. a Flauio Sabino Vespasiani fratre pepigit, saieth Suet. Vitel. capit. 15. that is. 78 1250. li. witnesses of their wordes: their countenances were noted a farre off by the beholders: Vitellius seemed abiect and base, Sabinus not insulting, but pitying rather. And if Vitellius could as easily haue perswaded his frendes, as he was ready to yeelde himselfe, Vespasians army had entred the city without bloudshed: but the loial & faithful seruants of Vitellius flatly reiected all speech of peace and conditions, declaring the danger and dishonor thereof, & that the performance consisted only in the winners good pleasure. Nay, said they, Vespasian wil not be so confident, as to suffer Vitellius to liue, though in a priuate estate: or if hee would, yet your very owne souldiers and frends will not abide it: and so through their pitty your life shall come in danger. You are old, and therefore for your part, as one that hath had his fil of both fortunes, are content to accept of conditions; but what title and state shal your little sonne Germanicus haue? now they offer money, seruants, and the pleasant places of Campania to solace you in: but when Vespasian shall once be setled in the Empire, neither he, nor his frends, nor his souldiers will thinke themselues safe, while so great a concurrent doth liue. Euen Fabius Valens, whom they had in prison, and reserued in store if [Page 155] ought should goe wrong, was too heauy for them to endure: much lesse are wee to thinke, that Antonius and Fuscus, and the chieffe flower of the side Mutianus, will otherwise deale with Vitellius, then to make him away. Caesar left not Pompey aliue, nor Augustus Antonius: vnlesse perhaps Vespasian carry a brauer minde, the meanest among many of your fathers followers and clients, when hee was fellowe in office with Claudius the Emperour. nay rather as it beseemeth you being sonne of a thrise Consull and Censor, as it becommeth so many honourable titles of your most noble house, let despaire at the least arme you to courage and boldenesse. The souldiers persist still for you: the good will of the people continueth yet very feruent: in summe no greater harme can happen, then that which we runne into voluntarily dye we must if we be ouercome, and dye we shall if we yeelde: the difference onely is this, whether wee should ende our liues vertuously and with honour, or with shame and perpetual reproch. But Vitellius eares were stopped against al manful coū sailes: his minde was ouercome with care and pitty, lest with too long resisting he should leaue the conqueror lesse mercifull to his wife and his children. ASueton, Vitell. c. 14. Suspectus & in mortem matris fuit, qua si aegrae praeberi cibum prohibuisses, vaticinante Catta muliere, cui velut ora culo acquiescebat, ita demùm firmiter ac diutissimè imperaturum, si superstes parenti extitisset. Alij tradunt ipsam, taedio praesentium, & imminentium metu, venenum a filio impetrasse haud sanè difficulter. mother also he had of great yeares, but she died some fewe daies before, very seasonably not to see the ruine of hir house, hauing gained nothing by her sonnes preferment, but sorrow and a good name. Vpon the eighteenth day of December, hearing of the reuolt of the Legion and cohorts at Narnia, he departed out of the Palace in mourning weede, with his seruants all sad and weeping about him, and withall in a smallLecticula. chaire was caried his little young sonne, as it were to his buriall. The people in passing vsed their accustomed flatteries, beeing as then out of season: the soldier kept silence, but seemed to carry wrath in his countenance: neither was there any man so senselesse, or vnmindefull of humane instability, which was not moued with that sight. AnSuetonius Vitellio. c. 15. somewhat otherwise. Emperour of Rome, a little before Lord of the whole world, to abandō the seat of his state, & thorow the people, the city to go out of the Empire! The like was neuer seen, neuer heard of before. Sodaine violence oppressed Caesar the Dictator, & secret conspiracy Caius: night & the obscure corner of a cūtrey house couered Neroes flight: Piso & Galba died as it were in the field: but Vitellius in the assembly of his owne people, amidst his owne soldiers, women also looking out of their windowes, after he had vttered some few [...] [Page 158] whō he had with falshood be guiled, nor against Vespasians young sonne (for what would the death of an olde man & one childe auaile?) but let him go out & encounter the Legions, and there trye the maine matter: other things would follow the euent of that battaile. To this charge Vitellius in great feare made answere, with some words in excuse of himselfe, & laying the blame vpon his soldiers, whose too much vehemency, his modesty, he sayed, was vnable to bridle; & withall aduised Martialis to conuey himselfe out of the house by a priuy way, lest the soldiers should murdre him as a negotiatour of the peace, which they so greatly detested: and indeed Vitellius was now but a cipher, neither able to cōmande nor forbid, not Prince in effect, but only matter of warre. Martialis was scarce returned into the Capitoll, whenas the Vitellian soldiers, in a great fury were also at hand, without any leader or captaine, but euery man of his owne head: leauing with speede the Forum and temples vpon it behinde them, they set themselues in array & marched vp the hil, euen to the first gate of the Capitol. There were in olde time certaine open galleries vpon the side of the cliffe, on the right hande as a man goeth vp: from the toppes whereof the defendants with stones and tiles bet the Vitellianists downe, who had in their hands nothing but swordes, and to stay while engins & shot were fetched seemed lost time: wherefore they tooke firebrands and hurled them into the vttermost gallery, and following the fire were at the point to haue entred the gate of the Capitoll being halfe burned, had not Sabinus pluckt downe all the images and glorious monuments of our progenitours, and in the entrance of the gate made as it were a countermure of them. Then they assayed to make their entry on the other side of the Capitol by Lucus Asy li, and by the Stayres of a hundreth steppes, in the ascent to Rupes Tarpeia. At both these places the assault came vnlooked for, but the nearer & hoater was that by the Asylum: neither could they be stopped from climing vp by the buildings that touched together, which as in a time of lōg peace were raysed to the height of the floore of the Capitoll. Here it is doubted whether the assaylers fired those buildings, or (as the more receiued opinion is) the defendants thereby to repulse thē which pressed forward, & were come so farre on: but how soeuer it was, the fire there beginning, from thence ranne along to the galleries that ioyned to the tēples; then the Eagles which bare vp theOr the louer. sustinentes fastigium Aquilae. peradventure so called because they were carued to the likenes of Eagles. roofe [Page 159] being of olde dry timber drew and mayntained the flame. And so the Capitoll, the gates being shut, no man defending it, no man attempting to spoile it, was burned to ashes; the most lamentable mischance, and detestable fact, that euer befell the people of Rome since the citty was founded: especially no forrayne enemy inuading, & the gods most plentifully powring their benefits vpon vs, if our own euill conditions would haue permitted vs to enioy them: the seate of theThe foundation of it, according to Dionysius lib. 3. p. 149. and lib. 4. p. 190. was [...] great god Iupiter founded by our ancestors with the approbatiō of the gods,15 as a pledge of the Empire, which neither 16 Porsenna whē the citty was yelded, nor the Frēchmen when they tooke it, could hurt, thus to be destroied by the fury of our own Princes! It was once also burned before in aJn bello civili Syllano, anno vrbis conditae 671. Scipione & Norbano Coss. Appian. 1. [...]. p. 192, [...]. ciuill warre, but by priuate malice: now it was publickly besieged, and publickly burned: & that not in honorable defence of our cūtrey, which might somwhat lightē the losse, but in the ambitious vpholding of partialities & sides. The Capitoll wasDionysius. l. 3. p. 149. Liuy lib. 1. folio. 9. & 12. vowed first by king Tarquinius Priscus in the warre against the Sabins,17 who layed also the foundatiō, rather according to the hope of future greatnes, thē proportionably to the present estate of the Romans. After him Seruius Tullius with the help of our allies, & Tarquinius Superbus with the spoile, when Suessa Pometia was taken, finished the work: but the honor thereof was reserued to the time of liberty. ForThree years after. Dionys. lib. 5. p. 224. Liuy. lib. 2. fo. 16. putteth the dedication in the first Consulship of Horatius, in the first yeare of the free state, contrary to Dionysius and Tacitus here. after the kings were driuen out, Horatius Puluillus in his seconde Consulship dedicated it, in that magnificēt & sumptuous sort, that the excessiue wealth of the Romans, which afterward folowed, per chance might adorn & bewtify the work, but did not augment it. Fower hundreth twenty & fiue yeares afterward, when Lucius Scipio & Caius Norbanus wereAnno vrbis cond. 671. Consuls, it was burned & builded againe vpon the same foūdation. Sylla after he had gotten the vpper hand tooke the care of it vpon him, yet did he not dedicate it: this point only he wanted to make him indeed, as he was inOcciso demùm C. Mario Voelicis nomen ad sumpsit Sylla. Velleius l. 2. Ap piā. 1. [...]. p. 197 [...]. Plut. Sylla. [...]. name, perfectly happy: but Lutatius Catulus name remained to be seen, among so many workes of the Emperours, euen till Vitellius time. That building then was fired, which dismayed more the defendants then the assaylers. for the Vitellian souldiers lacked neither skill, nor resolution in cases of difficulty: but of the other side, the souldier was fearefull, the captaine without courage, and as a man halfe distract, had neither the vse of his toung, nor his eares, not gouerning himselfe by the aduise of others, and [Page 160] yet not able to resolue of himselfe, but running about from one place to another, at euery cry of the enemie, forbad that hee had commanded, and commanded againe that he had forbidden. Anone, as it happeneth in lost & desperate cases, euery man was a commaunder, and no man a putter in execution: at the length casting away their weapons, they beganne to deuise how to flee and escape secretely away. Then the Vitellianists brake in and killed, burned, and slue: some fewe militare men that offered to fight were slaine: among whom Cornelius Martialis, Aemilius Pacensis, Casperius Niger, Didius Scaeua were the most of note. Flauius Sabinus was beset and taken, beeing neither armed, nor attempting to flee, and Quintius Atticus the Consull, a man of speciall marke by reason of his office, and through his owne vanity and follie, hauing published edicts in honour of Vespasian, and to the disgrace of Vitellius. The rest made sundry shifts to escape, some in bondmens apparell, others were hidden by their clients, and conueyed away amongst the stuffe: some there were also that had learned the Vitellianists watch-worde; whereby one of them knewe another, and so asking and answering accordingly, vsed boldnesse in liew of a hole to lurke in. Domitian at their first breaking in was hid in the sextens house, and there by the pollicy of his freedman put in a linnen garment, as the ministers of the temple did weare, and so escaped vnknowne, and lay secrete at the house of Cornelius Primus, one of his fathers followers, neare to the Velabrum. Afterward when his father came to the state he pulled downe the sextens lodging, and builded there a little chappell in honour of Jupiter his Preseruer: and also erected an alter and caused this history to bee cut in marble: and when hee came to the Empire himselfe he built a great temple to Jupiter his Keeper; and consecrated himselfe in the lappe of the god. Sabinus and Atticus being loaden with irons, and brought to Vitellius, were neither receiued with il speech, nor ill countenance; whereat they which challenged to kill them, & reward for their seruice, fretted and chaffed: and so the next beginning the cry, the rascal sort of the people demanded Sabinus death, mingling threats and flatteries together. And as Vitellius presented himselfe vppon the stayres of the palace to intreate for his life, they forced him in the end to desist: then they stabbed and mangled him, and cutting of [Page 161] his head trailed the body into Gemoniae. This was the end of Sabinus, a man surely not to be contemned. He had serued in publicke place thirty fiue yeares, and was greatly renowned both for matters of peace and of warre: for integrity & vpright dealing no man could touch him: somewhat he was too full of wordes; the only thing blamed in him during the seuē yeares that he ruled in Moesia, & the twelue yeares that he was prouost of the citty: in this last act of his life some iudged him cowardly, others moderate rather and sparing of his citizens bloud; but of this all men agree that before Vespasian was Prince, the reputation of the house rested in Sabinus. It was thought that Mutianus was glad of his death: and many were of opinion, that it fell out not ill in respect of quietnes, al strife & emulatiō being thereby taken vp betweene two, wherof the one was the Emperours brother, & the other caryed himselfe as his fellow. But Vitellius when the people required also Atticus the Consuls death plainly withstoode them himselfe, being somewhat appeased, and in some sort to requite him, for that being examined, who had first fired the Capitoll, he tooke vpon him the matter himselfe, and by that confession, whether it were true indeed, or fained only to serue the present purpose, seemed to take vpon him the blame of the fact, & cleare Vitellius & his adherents.
XIIII. Lucius Ʋitellius taketh Tarracina.
IN the meane season Lucius Vitellius pitching his campe at Feronia, pressed sore vpō Tarracina to take it, hauing shut into the towne theGladiatores fencers and mariners, who durst not come out of the walles, nor hazarde themselues in the field. Their captaines (as we haue remembred before) were Iulianus ouer the fencers, & Apollinaris ouer the mariners, men both in dissolutenesse and insufficiency more like fencers then captaines; obseruing no order in watching and warding, nor repairing the weake parts of the walles, but passing both nights and dayes in wantonnesse and melodie, vpon those pleasant sea-shoares, & dispersing the soldiers abroad to make prouision for their riot, neuer talking of warre, but in banquet. Apinius Tiro was departed some fewe dayes before, and with his extortions and sharpe dealing in the free townes, purchased more ill will then strength to the side. In the meane time a seruant of Virginius Capito fled out of the towne to Lucius Vitellius, promising him, if he would allow him sufficient [Page 162] men, to deliuer secretly the castell being vnmanned, & accordingly in the dead of the night hee brought certaine light armed cohorts, into the place standing vpon the top of a hill, ouer the enemies head. From thence the soldiers ran down rather to a butchery thē a battaile, killing some vnarmed, others beginning to arme, some newly awaked out of sleepe, distracted & confounded with feare, darknesse, the sound of trumpets & noyse of enemies. A few of theGladiatores fencers made resistāce, & were slaine, albeit they sold their liues deare: the rest ranne headlong to the shippes, where through the like feare all things were in the like confusion; or so much the more because the townesmen were gotten in amongst them, whom the Vitellianists also did kill without any difference. Six shippes vppon the first notice of the surprise escaped, and with them Apollinaris the Admirall of the nauy: the rest were either taken vpon the shoare, or els suncke in the sea, being ouercharged with the company that leapt into them. Iulianus was brought to Lucius Vitellius and scourged, then slaine in his presence. Diuerse haue accused Triaria Lucius Vitellius wife, that girding hir selfe with a sworde like a souldier, she should haue demeaned hir selfe cruelly, and insolently amidst the pitifull cryes, & lamentable destruction of the poore towne. Lucius himselfe sent a lawrell in token of victory to his brother, requiring withall his further pleasure, whether he should returne presently to Rome, or stay & subdue the rest of Campania: the interposing of which litle time fell out greatly for the good both of Vespasians side, and of the state. For if the soldiers presently after their victory had directly repaired to Rome, whiles they were in courage and hart, by reason of their late good successe, beside a naturall obstinatenesse in them, the matter would not haue bene ended so quickly without much adoe, and the euident destruction of the citty. For Lucius Vitellius albeit he were infamous otherwise, yet was he industrious, and powerable not as good men by vertues, but by vices as the worst sorte.
XV. The Flauian armie entreth the citty. the Praetorian campe is taken by force. Vitellius is slaine.
WHILES these things were a doing of Vitellius side Vespasians armie remooued from Narnia to Otriculum, and at good leysure celebrated theSaturnalia beginne the 17. of December, and continue till the 24. of the same moneth. Saturnalia there. The cause of this harmefull delay, was to stay for Mutianus: some impute it to [Page 163] Antonius, as done with a traiterous intent, vpon letters receiued from Vitellius, wherein he offred vnto him the Consulship, and his daughter in mariage with a great dower, if hee would reuolt, in rewarde of treason: others affirme, that all this was falsely surmised, and maliciously spred to please Mutianus withall. Some are of opinion, that it was the purpose of all the Commaunders rather to put the citty in feare, then to seeke to take it by force, seeing the most and principall cohortes had already relinquished Vitellius, and now all his strength being cut off, it was likely he would resigne the Empire without further coaction: but all that course was crossed, first by Sabinus hast, and then through his cowardlinesse; who rashly taking armes was not afterwarde able to keepe a fortresse of that strength, and which euen great armies could not haue taken, against three onely cohorts. But the fault cannot well bee imputed to one, which was common to all. For both Mutianus was some occasion of stay, by meanes of his doubtfull letters, and Antonius by his preposterous obeying, or in seeking to auoide enuy, deserued great blame, and the other Commaunders presuming the warre to bee finished, made the ende of it more notorious. Neither did Petilius Cerealis (who was sent before with a thousand horse, to coast through the cuntrey of the Sabins, and so to enter the citty by Via Salaria) make that hast as the matter required, till in the ende the newes of the siege of the Capitoll made them stirre al at once. Antonius came forward by the Flaminian way to Saxa rubra late in the night, & too late to succour. For there he vnderstood that Sabinus was slaine, the Capitol burned, the city in great feare, and al things went il: it was also declared, that the people and bondmen were arming for Vitellius. And besides Petilius Cerealis had receiued a blowe in a skirmish of horsemen, by running headlong and charging rashly vpon the enemy, presuming them conquered persons: but the Vitellianists, with horsemen and footemen interlaced together, valiantly receiued the charge. This skirmish was not farre from the citty, among the buildings, and gardens, and crosselanes, wherewith the Vitellianists were well acquainted, the other not: which was an occasion to dismay them the more: and besides all their horsemen were not of one minde and affection, some being of those that hauing lately yeelded at Narnia kept aloofe, meaning afterward to close with the winner. Tullius Flauianus [Page 164] captaine of a wing was taken prisoner, the rest ranne away dishonourably: but the Vitellianists pursued no further then to Fidenae. By this successe the affection of the people was greatly augmented, & immediately the townesmen tooke armes: few had any militare targets, but the most tooke vp whatsoeuer weapons came to their hands, and forthwith required the signe of the battel. Vitellius thanked them hartily, & willed them to issue out with al speed in defence of the citty. Then he called a Senate wherein Embassadors were appointed to the armies, which as in the name and vnder the colour of a common weale, should persuade them to peace and agreement. The hap of the Embassadors was not al alike: For they which met with Petilius Cerealis incurred extreme dāger, the soldiers refusing vtterly al conditions of peace, and Arulenus Rusticus the Pretor was wounded, which beside the enormity of the fact, in the person of an Embassadour and a Pretor, was also more hainous, in regard of the worthinesse of the man. His traine was dispersed, and one of his sergeants next before him slaine, for presuming among armed men to make way thorow the prease for his master: and vnlesse they had beene defended by a bande that the captaine assigned to garde them, the right & priuiledge of Embassadors, reputed sacred euen among strange nations, had through ciuil fury bene violated by murder, euen at the very gates & wals of the citty. But they which came to Antonius found more curteous entertainement, not because those souldiers were ciuiller, but because the General was of greater autority. Into the company of these Embassadors Musonius Rufus inserted himselfe, a gentlemā of Rome addicted to the study of philosophy after the way of the Stoicks, who thrusting himselfe among the companies of the soldiers began to discourse of the good of peace, & danger of warre, & to schoole men in armes: at which many scoffed, more grew weary of it, & some forbare not to push & spurne him away, til in the end by the aduise of the discreeter sort, and the threats of the other, he was persuaded to desist from his vnseasonable wisedome. The Vestall virgins also were sent with letters from Vitellius to Antonius, requesting him to differre the battaile for one day: by means of that little delay with more ease would all points be agreed vpon. The virgins were sent home with honour, & answere was made to Vitellius that by the murder of Sabinus, & the burning of the Capitol al parle of peace was cut off, and al extremity to be looked for: [Page 165] notwithstanding Antonius calling his army together assaied to pacifie them thus farre, that they would bee content to encampe themselues for that present at the Miluian bridge, and not to enter the towne before the next day: the reason of the motion was, lest the souldier hauing his bloud heated in skirmish, should afterwarde spare neither people nor Senate, no not the churches and temples of the gods. But they misliked and suspected all delaie as a hinderance to the victorie: and withall certaine banners glittering vpon the side of the hilles, albeit followed by none but towne-people, and men of no seruice, made a shew of an armie. Whereupon the Flauianists diuiding themselues into three companies, made their approch to the towne: one part as it stoode along the Flaminian waye, another close by the bancke of the Tiber, and the thirde by Via salaria towarde the gate called Collina. The towne-people was immediately broken by the horsemen, but the Vitellian souldier made head, diuiding [...], in al fiftie thousand persons if Iosephus say true. 4. [...]. c. 42. also themselues into three seuerall bandes. Many skirmishes passed betweene them before the towne, and with diuerse euent, but more commonly to the aduantage of the Flauianists, who had more sufficient men to their captaines. They onely of that side were distressed, which turned vpon the lefte hande towarde the Salustian gardens, through narrowe lanes and slippery waies: where the Vitellianists standing aloft vpon the walles of the gardens, with stones and iauelins repulsed them, till it was towardes the euening, whenas the horsemen that in the meane time had entred at Collina were at their backs and surprized them. In campus Martius also there were hoat skirmishes betweene them. The Flauianists had the fauour of fortune, and the vantage of so manie victories: the Vitellianists ranne headlong and furious, supported with onely despaire: and albeit they were defeated and broken, yet did they rally themselues againe in the citty. The people stoode by and looked on as they fought, and as in a pastime or game clapped their handes, and encouraged sometime the one, and sometime the other: and when either side turned their backes, and hidde themselues in houses or shoppes, they cried to haue them pluckt out and killed, and so attained themselues the greatest part of the pray: for whiles the souldiers minded nothing but slaughter and bloudshed, the spoile fell to the common [Page 166] peoples share. Ouer all the citty a cruell spectacle and shamefull was to be seene: in one place fighting and wounding, in another tippling and bathing: here streames of bloud, and heapes of dead bodies, and hard by it strumpets and strumpets fellowes: in summe all the licentiousnesse of a dissolute and riotous peace, and the misery of a most cruell captiuity: so that a man plainelie would iudge one and the same towne, both extremely furious and raging, and extremely drowned in pleasures. There had afore times passed great conflicts betweene armed powers in the cittie, twise when Sylla, and once when Cinna ouercame, and the cruelty then was no lesse: but this was an vnnaturall brutish security, that men for one moment of time would not intermit their accustomed pleasures, but as if this had giuen them further occasion of ioy amidst their festiuall daies, clapped handes and reioyced, without care of sides, at the publicke calamities. But the greatest difficulty of all was in taking the Praetorian campe, vnto the which the valiantest amongst the Vitellian souldiers had betaken themselues, as to their last refuge, and therefore the Flauianists were the more earnest to assalt it, especially the olde Praetorian cohortes, employing all meanes deuised for the taking of most fortified townes, as the target fence, engins of batterie, mounts, and firebands, crying alowde that that one worke was the accomplishment and perfection of all the trauels and dangers, which they in so many battailes had passed; that the citty belonged to the Senate and people, and the temples to the gods, & both were restored to their owners: but the soldiers honor was in the campe, that was his cuntrey, & his dwelling place, which vnlesse they could straightwaies recouer, they must & would lye al night in their armour. On the other side the Vitellian soldiers, although inferiour both in number and fortune, disturbed the course of the victory, hindred the peace, polluting the houses and altars with bloud, and embracing the last comforts to conquered persons. Many lay gasping and died vpon the towers, and battlements of the walles. When the gates were broken vp, they that remained aliue presented themselues to the conquerors, and died al with their face toward the enemy, and wounded vpon their forepartes: such care they had, seeing they must dye, to dye in most honourable maner. Vitellius whenas the citty was taken, conueyed himselfe in a caryingSellula. Suet. Vitell. c. 16. gestatoria sella. chaire, by [Page 167] the backegate of the Palace, into his wiues house in the mount Auentine, intending if he could haue lien secret that day, to haue fled by night to Tarracina to his brother and the cohorts there. Anone changing his minde, and as it falles out to men in a maze, fearing all things, and most disliking the present, he returned into the Palace againe now vast and desolate, euen his basest seruantes beeing either fled awaie, or els purposelie shunning his presence. This great solitarinesse, and silence in those places astonished him: whereupon hee assaied to open that which was shut, and was amazed finding all voide. After much pitifull wandring about, being wearied hee cast himselfe into aIn cellulam i [...] nitoris, sayeth Suetonius. c. 16. religato pro foribus cane, lecto que & culcitria obiectis. base corner: whence Iulius Placidus Tribune of a cohort pulled him out, and led him along thorow the city with his handes bound behinde him, and his garments all torne, a most ignominious spectacle, many reuiling him, and no man pittying his case: the dishonourablenesse of his ende had taken awaie all compassion. Being led in this manner, one of the German souldiers aymed a blowe, whether intending to strike at Vitellius vppon some quarrell, or because hee would sooner rid him from shame, or els at the Tribune it is vncertaine, certaine it is that in striking hee cut off the Tribunes eare, and was forthwith slaine himselfe. Then forcing Vitellius with the pointes of their swordes sometimes to looke vp and abide all indignities, sometimes to see his owne images breaking their neckes, and many times to beholde the Rostra, and the place where Galba was slaine, they haled him along, and at the last thrust him into the Gemoniae, where the body of Flauius Sabinus had lyen. One worde he was heard vtter not proceeding from an abiect mind, in answere to the Tribune who insulted ouer him: That he had yet sometime bene his Prince: & so after many woūds receaued he fel downe dead: & the common people as much without reason railed vpō him when he was dead, as they flattered him being aliue. He was sonne to Lucius Vitellius: about seuen 18 and fifty yeares olde when he died: the Consulship and sacerdotal dignities, with a name and place among the chiefest nobility, he attained vnto, not through any sufficiency of his owne, but by his fathers great fame and renowne: the Empire was conferred vpon him by those which knewe him not; and yet neuer man founde so constant goodwill of his souldiers by vertuous meanes, as [Page 168] this man with all his cowardely slouth: notwithstanding there was in him plaine meaning and liberality, which without discrete handling turne often to a mans ruine: faithfull frendes hee deserued rather then founde, because hee sought them more by great giftes, then vertuous behauiour. It was a singulare benefite to the common wealth, it cannot be denied, that Vitellius was put downe; but they which betraied him to VespasianEspecially some of them who were afterward traitours to Vespasian also, as Caecina by name. Suetonius. Tito. c. 6. Xiphilinus. &c. haue small reason to recken it among their good deedes to the state, being the same men that had also reuolted from Galba before. That day the Senate could not be called, because it was already farre spent, and the magistrates and Senatours vpon feare had withdrawen themselues out of the citty, or els laye hidden in their clients houses. Domitian when all feare of hostility was past presented himselfe to the Flauian captaines, whom the soldiers straightwaies saluted Caesar, and armed accompanied him to his fathers house.
I. The behauiour of the Flauian souldiers in the citty, after the death of Vitellius.
VITELLIVS thus being slaine, the warre was rather ended then peace begunne. For the conquerours with implacable hatred, pursued the contrary side throughout the citty in armes: the streetes were strawed with dead carcases, the temples & cōmon places embrued with bloud; euery one lying slaine, where it was his chance to be ouertaken, without distinction of place: and anone licentiousnesse growing, they beganne to search houses, and fetch forth such as were hid: if they saw any man looke like a soldier, personable of stature, and of yeares not disagreeing, were he souldier or cittizen, they murdred him: satiating themselues at the first, whilest their malice was fresh, with nothing saue bloud. But anone the heate of their choler assuaging, they conuerted their cruelty into couetousnes: suffring no closet to escape vnrifled, no hidden place any where to be secrete, pretending the Vitellianists lay lurcking therein: that was the coulour to breake vp mens houses, or, if resistance were made, an occasion to slay them. Beside the soldiers, the rascals & beggerly scumme of the people, now with the formost, helped to sacke & to spoile: and some of the lewdest bondmen voluntarily discryed their wealthy masters; some were detected by their owne frendes: euery where lamentations and outcryes were to be heard, and the miserable state to be seene, and face, as it were, of a citty taken by the enemie: insomuch that the insolent, and riotous souldier of Otho and Vitellius, so much detected before, was now in comparison much wished for againe. The Commanders of the side were indeede sufficiently able to kindle a ciuil warre, but vnable to moderate the victory. For to stirre vp dissensiōs & troubles, the worst man most commonly beares greatest stroake; but peace and quietnesse are not established, but by men of rare gifts, and excellent vertues. DomitianTransferring himselfe belike, è paternis penatibus, whither he was conducted by the soldiers, in Palatium. had already possessed himselfe both of the title [Page 170] & lodging of Caesar: not bending his studies as yet to matters of state, but inTac. in vita Agricolae. admodum iuuene Domitiano, & ex paterna fortuna tantum licē tiam vsurpante adulteries, & dissolute demeanure behauing himselfe as an Emperours sonne. Arrius Varus was captaine of the Garde: but the whole power, in effect, and direction of affaires, rested in the handes of Antonius Primus; who at his pleasure tooke money, and seruants out of the Palace, with the like liberty, as if it had bene the spoiles of Cremona. The rest, either for modesty, or because they were not of name, as in warre they passed vnrenowned, so at this time they went vnrewarded.
II. Lucius Ʋitellius yeeldeth himselfe, and his souldiers to the Flauianists.
THE citty fearing new troubles, & ready to submit themselues to the present possessour, required that Lucius Vitellius, as he with his cohorts returned from Tarracina, might be surprized, & so all remnants of ciuill warres vtterly extinguished. Whereupon the horsemen were sent before to Aricia, the Legions going not beyonde Bouillae: but Vitellius incontinently, with out further delay, yeelded himselfe and his cohorts to the discretion of the conqueror: his soldiers likewise threw away their vnfortunate weapōs vpon indignation, rather then fear. Then they were marshalled in length and led thorow the citty, as it were, in triumph, garded with armed men. Not one of thē shewed any signe of submissenes in countenāce, but all sad & sterne, not moued with the showtings, & taunts of the multitude insulting ouer them: onely some fewe, through impatience breaking out, were beaten downe by their garde, the rest committed to prison. Not one of them let fall any vnseemely worde, but euen in the middest of aduersity they retained their honor & fame. Then Lucius Vitellius was put to death; a mā in vices equal to his brother, howbeit in his brothers raigne the more vigilant man: & not so much partaker with him in prosperity, as violently caryed away with the current of his aduersity.
III. Lucilius Bassus sent to quiet Campania, the seruant of Verginius Capito hanged.
ABOVT the same time Lucilius Bassus, with certaine light horsemen, was sent to quiet the cūtry of Cāpania, where the free cities were at discord rather ech against other vpō priuate quarrels then any against the Prince vpon rebellious intent: but at the first [Page 171] sight of the soldiers they were straightwaies appeased. And the lesser colonies escaped vnpunished, only2. Hist. p. 135. Capua Vitellio fida &c. Capua was appointed to lodge the third Legion that winter, & some noble families byThis affliction surely was very short. for it could not begin before the very later end of Decē ber, and in the beginning of Ianuary, tertia legio, familiari [...] Arrio Varo miles, in Syriam remissa. Tac. p. 173. 18. vnlesse he forgot himselfe in the one place or the other. reason thereof were afflicted: whereas on the contrary side, the Tarracinenses, who for Vespasians sake had endured so much, were no wayes relieued. So much are we proner to requite iniuries then good turnes: for thankfulnes is a burden, reuenge sweete & reckened as gaine. Notwithstanding it was some comfort vnto thē, that the seruāt of Verginius Capito, who betraied the towne, as before wee haue shewed, was hanged with the same rings on his fingers, which he had receiued from Vitellius, as a rewarde of his treason.
IIII. Matters concluded vpon in the Senate, after the death of Ʋitellius.
Now at Rome, whatsoeuer honors, & preeminences were vsually vnited to the Emperors person, the SenateA fragment of this Senatus consultum is extant ad verbum among the decaied antiquities of Rome. bestowed vpon Vespasian, ioyfully, and conceyuing assured hope of future traquillity. For seeing the contagion of ciuill dissension, beginning inIn the warre of Galba and Vindex against Nero. France and Spaine, had passed to the German souldiers, then taken a course to Illyricum, and lastly infected Aegypt, Iudaea, and Syria, in summe all prouinces, and armies; they were to presume reasonably, the whole world being thus purged, & clēsed, that the humour was spent, and ciuill warres, & calamities were at an end. Which hope and gladnes of theirs was increased by certaine letters receiued from Vespasian, endited as if the warre had yet bene on foote; for so they shewed at the first sight: notwithstanding he spake in al points as their Prince; modestly indeed of his own person; & of the weale-publicke magnifically: howbeit the Senate was not slacke in declaring their obedience. To himselfe with Titus his sonne was awarded the Cōsulship, to Domitian the Pretorship &Consulare imperium. Dio. lib. 54. p. 358, specifieth 2 points of it. [...]. Consulare autority. Moreouer Mutianus had writen letters to the Senate, which thing ministred matter of speech: If he were a priuate man, why should he write thus in publicke to the Senate? he might haue spared his pen, and within few daies after haue vttered the same there in person, as one of the house. like wise his inueying against the Vitellianists was misliked, as comming too late, and carying no shew of liberty now: but specially that seemed arrogantly spokē against the common weale, and contumelious against the Prince, where he vaunted, that the Empire was in his disposition, [Page 172] and by him was collated vpon Vespasian. Neuerthelesse couering their disdayne in secrete, they flattered openly, and in most ample and honourable termes awarded him triumphall ornaments; indeede in respect of his seruice in the ciuill warre, but an expedition against the Sarmatians 1 was pretended: then to Antonius Primus were decreed Consulare ornaments, and Pretorian to Cornelius Fuscus, & Arrius Varus. After these things, deuoutly remembring the gods, they enacted that the Capitoll should be builded a new: all which points were specifyed first, and comprised in Valerius Asiaticus theConsul designatus was ordinarily the first that did speak to the matter proposed by the Consul in Senat. designed Consuls oration; to whom the rest assented, the greater part with countenance and wagging of handes, some few either chiefe in place, or chiefly exercised in the art of flattery, with set orations and speeches. But when the course came to Heluidius Priscus, who was designed Pretor, he vttered his opinion, in termes honourable inough to a good Prince, yet without all flattery or glozing: a thing much commended & allowed of greatly by the Senate: & this was the day which especially procured vnto him, both great offence & great glory. The matter seemeth to require, seeing we are2. Hist. p. 103. for otherwise in the Annales he is mentioned often beside. once againe fallen to mention him, whō many times hereafter we shall haue cause to remember, that we should at this time briefly record what life he had led, what studies he had followed, & what fortune he had proued. Heluidius Priscus was borne in the first region of Italy, in the free city 2 of Tarracina: his fathers name was Cluuius a principal Centurion. Being very young he applied his rare & excellent wit to those profound studies, not, as the most part, to cloke slouth, & idlenesse with so glorious a name, but that he might proceede to manage publicke affaires, being first by that meanes better armed against all mischances of fortune. In the study of philosophie he followed the learning of thoseThe Stoicks, out of whose schoole these opinions had their beginning. Laert: Zenone. lib. 7. Cicero Paradoxis, & others. masters, which define that onely to be good which is honest; that only ill which is dishonest: other qualities not inherēt in the mind, as powerablenes, nobility & such like, neither good nor euil. When he had only bene Questor, Paetus Thrasea made choise of him for his sonne in lawe. Of his father in lawes conditions he borrowed nothing so much as liberty: in quality of citizen, Senatour, husbāde, sonne in law, frend; in al parts & offices of life he was alwaies one, & the same man: a contemner of welth, stiffe in a good cause, not remoueable for any fear: to some mē he seemed too desirous of glory: & indeed that passiō, amongst [Page 173] all other, euen of wise men is last layde away. At the fall of his father in law he wasTacit. 16. Annal. p. 558. driuen into banishment, & returning vnder Galba he called Eprius Marcellus, who had informed against Thrasea, to his answere. This attempt, of so great, & so iust a reuenge, notwithstanding diuided the Senate into parts: for if Marcellus were ouerthrowen, then whole troupes of others, which were in the same case, must needes go to wracke. At the first the contention was hoat & fierce, and maintayned of both sides with notable orations: but when Priscus perceyued that Galba was doubtfull in the point, at the intreaty of many Senatours, he desisted from following the suite; diuerse men, according to their seuerall dispositions, diuersely interpreting his fact, some commending his moderation, others misliking his vnconstancie. But that same assembly whē the Senate cōfirmed the Empire to Vespasian, withall an embassage was agreed vpon, to bee sent to the Prince. Hereupon arose taunting, and bitter wordes betweene Heluidius & Marcellus. Heluidius opiniō was, that the embassadors should be elected, and named by the magistrates beeing first sworne to chuse of the fittest: Marcellus required they might be chosen by lot, to which purpose also the designed Consull had spoken before: but the principal cause, which pricked Marcellus so forward that way, was the shame which might redounde to himselfe, fearing, lest others being chosen, he should seeme to be, as vnworthy reiected. And so, after some fewe brawling wordes interchangeably vsed, by litle and litle they fell to continuall, and bitter orations: Heluidius demaunding, what caused Marcellus so much to feare the iudgement of the magistrates, seeing he excelled many other, both in eloquence, and wealth, things which might easily moue them to that choice: vnlesse peraduenture the remēbrance of his own manifolde misdeedes draue him to distrust them. that the lot made no difference betweene the good and the bad, but suffrages and the iudgement of the Senate were deuised to enter into euery mans fame, and behauiour. that it greatly appertayned, both to the commodity of the common wealth, and to Vespasians honor, that those of the Senate should be sent to meete him, which were best accounted of for innocencie, & integrity of life, who might season (as it were) the Emperours eares, with good & vertuous speeches. that Thrasea, Soranus, & Seutius had bene of Vespasians olde frendes, & acquaintance, whose accusers if they [Page 174] must not be punished, much lesse sent and shewed in places of credit: & that by this choise of the Senate, the Prince should, as it were be admonished whom to like, & whom to eschew. For no greater instruments, or helpes of good regiment can there bee, then good frendes. that Marcellus had done for his part sufficiently, hauing induced Nero to the destruction of so many innocents: let him enioy his rewards & impunity, & leaue Vespasian to better directors. Marcellus replied, that not his opinion, but the opinion of the designed Consull was impugned, & the ancient precedents, which cōmitted the choise of embassadours to lot, to take away al occasion of suiting & debate: that there was no new cause, that he knew, why so olde a custome should now be abolished, or why this honor done to the Prince should be turned into a dishonor to any considering that euery man was sufficiently able to cary that message, & do a low reuerēce to him in the name of the Senate: nay rather they were to beware, lest through the peruersnes of some the Princes mind might be offended, being now at his entry full of ielosies, & marcking not only words, but also al gestures and countenances. that, for his part, he well knew the quality of the times wherein he was borne, & what forme of gouernment our fathers, & grandfathers had established:That is, the time of the free state. beyond he honored & admired, but professed to follow the present estate that he praied & wished indeed for good Princes: but if it were otherwise, would tolerate such as they were. As for the ouerthrow of Thrasea, why should he giue account of accusing, whenas the Senate gaue none of condē ning? not his orations, but their voices wrought his vndoing: but so was Neroes maner, with such shewes to coulour his cruell proceedings; whose fauour & frendship anguished his mind peraduē ture as much, as banishmēt did some other mens. Finally, that wel might Heluidius in constancy, & courage be equall to Cato and Brutus: for his owne parte, he was one of that Senate, which were but seruants, as well as himselfe, & would likewise 3 counsell Heluidius, not to seeke to climbe aboue the Prince himselfe, nor like a tutour to bridle with his precepts VespasianSenem triumphalem. for his seruice in Britanny in Claudius time Vespasian had obtained triumphalia ornamenta, saieth Suetonius Vespasiano, c. 4. hauing attayned to those yeares, & that honor, & hauing beside so goodly an issue. For as wicked Princes loue to rule, & raigne without limitatiō: so euen the best would haue their subiects vse a meane in their liberty. These things, argued thus to and fro with great heate, distracted the Senate into diuerse opinions; notwithstanding that parte prevayled, [Page 175] which allowed of lot, not only the worst, but the middle sort striuing to retaine their ancient custome; yea and the greatest inclined that way, for feare of displeasure, and enuy, if they themselues should be chosen. After this there followed another contention. The Pretors of the common treasure (for at that time the common treasure was gouerned by Pretors) complaining of the emptinesse of their bagges, presented request, that some restraint might be made, to abridge the publicke expenses. This proposition, both for the greatnesse of the charge, and difficulty of the remedy, the Consull designed thought good to reserue to the Prince: but Heluidius would haue it decided in Senate. And as the Consuls proceeded in asking of voices, Vulcatius Tertullinus Tribune of the peopleOr, interposed his negatiue. interceded, forbidding that any thing of so great moment should be determined of, the Prince being absent. Heluidius also, declaring his mind in the Senate, was of opinion, that the Capitol should be builded againe, at the charges, & in the name of the cōmonwelth, & Vespasian should help. Which speech of his the modestest sort passed ouer the with silence, & afterward forgat; howbeit some there were that remembred it well. Thē Musonius Rufus commenced an action against 4 Publius Celer, by whose false witnes, he affirmed, that Barea Soranus was cōdēned. If cognition should be taken thereof, that were to enter againe into the odious, & endles quarrels against the accusers: notwithstā ding, the guilt, and vilenesse of the party now in peril was such, that he could no waies be protected. For Soranus was of honourable memory, and Celer, that of a philosopher by profession, became a false witnesse against his frend, was iustly hated of all men, betraying, and violating that sacred bonde of frendshippe, whereof hee would seeme a principal teacher. TheOf audience for such matters, for it was neither the next day, nor simply the next session of the Senate. reade. p. 173. next session was appointed for the hearing of the cause: but the whole company seeing that matter reuiued, and mens minds bent to reuenge, looked no lesse for Heluidius and Marcellus, with others at that time, then for Musonius and Celer.
V. The entry of Mutianus into the Citty, and his actions there.
THINGS beeing in this state, the Senatours iarring one with another, the conquered parte beeing full of malice, the conquerours wanting authoritie, no lawes regarded, no Prince present to gouerne the state, Mutianus madeIosephus [...] 4. c. 42. maketh Mutianus entry on the very next day to Antonius, which is contrary to the circumstances in Tacitus, yet entring before the beginning of Ianuary he was not many daies behinde and Tacitus. p. 154. 2. pancos posè dies. his entrye into the cittie, and with a maine course drewe the whole [Page 176] manage of affaires into his owne handes. Antonius Primus, and Varus were soone out of credit, when it was perceiued, that Mutianus loued them not, although in countenance he pretended otherwise: but the citizens, hauing a quicke eye to see into secrete dislikes, espying the trueth, turned themselues quickely about, & went to Mutianus: he alone was courted, & followed of all. Neither was he, for his part, negligent in vsing al meanes to retaine his souerainty, being continually garded with souldiers, and for his pleasure changing of houses and gardens; in his prouision, his gate, his traine, and warders, keeping the state of a Prince, although he forbare the title and name. And first he commaunded Calpurnius Galerianus to bee slaine, which stroke an exceeding great terrour into mens harts. Hee was sonne to Caius Piso, and had not entred into any attempt, but being of a noble house, and a comely youngman, hee was greatly talked of by the common people: and as in a citty vnsettled, and among a people gladly embracing newe tales, some there were, which vainely named him to the Princes place. Wherefore, at the commandement of Mutianus, he was committed to a garde of souldiers: and lest his death in the face of the citty should haue beene more offensiue, fortie miles off, in the Appian way hee was put to death, by letting the bloud out of his vaines. Iulius Priscus, who had beene captaine of the garde vnder Vitellius, killed himselfe, rather for shame, then vpon necessity. His fellow Alphenus Varus ouerliued his honour, and sawe himselfe counted a cowarde, and a person infamed. Asiaticus, for his lewde credit vnder his master, made satisfaction now as a freed-man with a seruile death.
VI. The rebellion of the Batauians and Caninefates through the instigation of Julius Ciuilis.
AT the same time the newes of the ouerthrow in Germanie was rife in the citty, and the citty nothing troubled thereat (Euery man talked how the armies were slaine, the standing campes of the Legions taken by the enemy, how France had reuolted,) as if it had beene newes of a strange cuntrey, not a calamity that touched themselues. ThatThis warre is shortly set downe by Josephus [...]. 7. c 11. and touched by Frontinus Strateg. l. 4. c. 3. and Sarisburiensis in Polycratico. warre, vpon what causes it arose, and with how great banding it was maintained, both of our allies, and of forraine nations, I will now declare from the beginning. The Batauians, whilest they dwelt beyond the Rhene, were a part and [Page 177] member of the Catti; and being throwen out by ciuill sedition, they seated themselues in the vttermost limits of France, which then lay voide of inhabitants, and tooke in withall the ilande that is situate in the flattes, and hath the Ocean before, behinde and on either side the riuer of Rhene. And albeit they were confederate with the Romans much mightier then themselues, yee were they not, as it happeneth in such ouermatches, spoiled of their riches and welth, but onely bound to minister men and armour to the behoofe of the Empire, and so for a long time they were emploied in the German warres. Afterward they became more famous, by reason of certaine cohortes of them sent ouer into Britannie by the Romans, vnder the leading of certaine noblemen of their owne nation, according to their ancient order: and beside, there remained behinde in the cuntrey a company of chosen horsemen practised especially in swimming, so that they would in whole troupes passe ouer the Rhene in harnish & gouerning their horse in their handes. The principall men among them, and farre excelling all other, by reason of their royall parentage, were Iulius Paulus, andTacitus himselfe, 1. Hist. p. 43, Plutarch [...], Frontinus and Sarisburiensis call him Iulius Ciuilis, but howsoeuer their names were, it seemes by Tacitus. pag. 169. 5. that Paulus & Ciuilis were brethren. Claudius Ciuilis, whereof Paulus was lately put to death by Fonteius Capito vnder colour of a falsely surmised rebellion: Ciuilis was sent in chaines vnto Nero, and acquitted by Galba, and againe vnder Vitellius1. Hist. p. 43. 25. escaped narrowly, the army instantly demanding his death. Vpon these causes his anger was founded, and vpon our troubles his hope. But being of a crafty and suttle wit, aboue the ordinary of those barbarous people, and carying himselfe rather like a Sertorius, or an Hannibal (as indeed in the maime of his face he was not vnlike) fearing lest if he should make open defection, our armies would aduance themselues against him as an enemie, he couered his dealing with loue to Vespasian, & fauour toward the side. And in truethBy this circumstance we may gather, that the German rebellion beganne about the beginning of winter. for Tacitus in noting both places and times, is in my sense, too negligent. Antonius Primus had sent certaine letters vnto him, wherein hee willed him to diuert awaie the AidesTac. 2 Hist. p. 105. 22. sent for by Vitellius, and vnder shew of trouble in Germanie to stay the Legions there. The same aduise also Hordeonius Flaccus had giuen him by worde of mouth, partlie vpon good will to Vespasian, and partly vpon a care of the state, which seemed to be in euident perill of vtter destruction, if a new warre should beginne, and so manie thousandes of armed men passe into Italie. Thus Ciuilis being resolued to breake, and yet concealing his purpose, as meaning to gouerne himselfe in the [Page 178] action by the euent, beganne after this maner to worke innouation. At the commandement of Vitellius, the able men of the Batauians were summoned to be pressed to the warre: which being of it selfe a burdensome thing, was made much more insupportable, by the auarice and lewd disposition of the officers, who billed chiefly such as were old or impotēt persons, & thē for money released thē: againe such as were vnder age, & faire (as many of their youths are of a comly tal stature) thē they caried away to abuse their bodies. At these dealings the cuntrey being highly offended, certaine factious heads were suborned, to persuade them to refuse to be pressed. Whereupon Ciuilis assembling into a sacred wood vnder pretence of a banquet the nobility of the nation, and the chiefe of the cōmunalty, when he saw them, at far in the night, merry, & warmed with wine, he beginneth a solēne oration: recounting first the praises, & glorious acts of the nation, & then discourseth vnto them of the iniuries, insolēcies, & other miseries whereūto they are subiect, that are subiect vnto a strange nation: for that now they were not with the Romans in state of frendes and allies, as in former times, but flat seruants and slaues; and that not vnder a Lieutenant general, which were more tolerable, albeit they come with a chargeable traine, and a proud and disdainful kinde of commanding: but they were deliuered into the handes of petty captaines, & Centurions, whom when they had filled with spoiles and bloud, then were they remoued, and straight waies fresh hungry masters set ouer them, and new deuises of polling inuented. that now the day of the muster approched, when children should bee drawen from their parents, brethren from brethren, neuer to see one another againe: & that, which might the rather encourage them, the Romans were neuer in so poore a case, hauing nothing in their standing campes, but a rich spoile, and olde men to garde it: wherefore they should onely lift vp their eies, and not be afraide 5 at the naked and bare names of Legions. that they had strēgth of their own, both of footmen and horse, the Germans were allied vnto them in bloud, the French likewise affected: that euen the Romans themselues would not greatly mislike of this warre, the losses whereof, if any were, they might impute to Vespasian, and if they went through and conquered, they should not be called to their account. Hauing ended his speech with great approbation of the audience, hee bound them with barbarous ceremonies and adiurations vsed by [Page 179] them in like cases, in a firme association together. Straightwaies messengers were dispatched to the Cani [...] fates, to induce them also into the league. The Caninefates inhabite a parte of the ilande, of the same language and race, in valure equall to the Batauians, but inferiour in number. Then Ciuilis sent secrete messages to solicite theWhereof mention is made 1. Hist p. 43. 27. 45. 27. 2. Hist. p. 72. 7. Batauian cohortes, which had serued as Aydes in Britannie, sent into Germanie, as before2. Hist. p. 91. 1. we haue shewed, and at that time remaining at Magontiacum. Among the Caninefates there was one Brinio, a wilde and foolehardy braine, howbeit of a high and noble stocke, whose father, hauing sundry times inuaded our borders, and done many actes of hostilitie, boldly contemned those mocke-expeditions of Caius the Emperour: wherefore being descended of so rebellious a kindred, in that respect they liked him best of all others. And thereupon setting him, after their cuntrey manner, on a target, and bearing him round about on their shoulders, they elected him Generall: and he forthwith associating vnto him theTac. de moribt Germ. p. 576. Frisians, a nation beyonde the Rhene, inuaded the standing campe ofFor within the iland no Legion was encamped, but onely some cohorts. two cohorts adioyning to the Ocean. The Roman souldiers, neither foresawe this sodaine inuasion of the enemy, neither, if they had, were of sufficient force to repell it: so the campe was taken and spoiled, and the vittailers and marchants, wandring securely abroad as in peace, cut of. Then they drewe forth, to make their approches to the castles, and holdes, which by the captaines of the cohortes were set on fire, because they were not defensible: the enseighes, and bandes, and such souldiers as were lefte, gathered themselues, vnder the leading of Aquilius a chieffe Centurion,Nearer to Vetera, where two Legions lay, quinta, & quintadecima. into the higher parte of the ilande, composing an armie, rather in name then in power: for Vitellius at his departing drewe awaie the chieffe strength of the cohortes, and for supplye tooke out of the nearest villages, of the Neruians and Germans, a rawe companie, whom hee loaded with armour. Ciuilis, supposing it surest to woorke by fraude and deceyte, blamed the captaines, for that they had forsaken their castels: assuring that hee alone, with the cohorte vnder his charge, woulde easilie represse the tumult of the Caninefates: & therefore willed them to returne euery man to his owne place. It was perceiued, that his counsaile proceeded not of good meaning, but tended only to this ende, that the cohorts being seuered [Page 180] might be ouerthrowen with greater facility: and by many apparent arguments, & speeches of the Germans themselues, a nation ioyful of warre, & not concealing long their owne ioy, it was discouered daily more & more, that Ciuilis, not Brinio, was the head & contriuer of this Conspiracy. Wherefore, seeing his secret plots tooke none effect, he fell to plaine force, and cast his power consisting of Caninefates, Frisians, and Batauians into three pointed battels, ech nation by themselues. The Romans opposed their forces against him, not farre from the riuer of Rhene, directing also their ships, which after the burning of the castels, they brought to that place, against the enemy. After a little skirmishing, a cohort of the Tungrians fled to Ciuilis: whereupon our soldiers, discomforted with the sodaine treason, were on al sides beatē downe, both by their false fellowes, and enemies: the like perfidiousnesse was also on the water. A great part of the rowers (being Batauians borne) faining vnskil in handling their oare, hindred both the mariners, and souldiers in doing their duety: anone without dissimulation they wrought directly against them, and forced the ships to the enemy side, killing the Masters and Centurions, that would not condescend to their treason. And so the whole fleete, of foure and twenty barks, either fled to the enemy, or was taken by force. This victory both presently wanne great reputation, and afterwarde stoode in great steade: for they got both armour and ships, which before they wanted; and throughout France, and Germanie, they were highly renowned as the authors of liberty. The Germans by and by sent Embassadours offering them aide: and Ciuilis, by pollicy and giftes, endeuoured to winne the hartes of the French, sending the captaines, whom hee had taken, gently home, and giuing the cohortes free choice, either to abide with him, or at their pleasure to returne to their cuntrey: if they would tarry, he offred them honourable reward for their seruice; if otherwise, at their departure he bestowed vpon them the spoiles of the Romans, withall admonishing them in secrete of their calamities sustained so many yeares, and of their miserable thraldome falsely entitled a peace; shewing them how the Batauians, though not charged with tributes, as they, had notwithstanding taken armes against them, which tirannized ouer them both. that the Romans, at the first encounter, were put to the flight by them, and discomfited: what were then to be hoped, if all France should ioine to shake [Page 181] of the yoke? Italie was disarmed, and could of it selfe, neither conquere nor keepe; but with the prouinces bloud were the prouinces wonne. that they should not be discouraged with the remembrance of Vindex misfortune: for the Batauian horse were the men, which defeated him and his armie; and among the Aydes of Verginius there were beside some French out of Belgica, and in true account France was ruined by her owne forces. But now if it pleased them to ioine with him in this action, they both should make but one party: beside that they had seene and learned the best of the Romans militare discipline: moreouer those old experienced Batauian cohorts, before whom Othoes Legions could not stande, no doubt would goe with him. let Syria, and Asia, & the East, vsed to serue kings, be slaues if they list; in France many men were yet aliue borne before tributesAnd Tributes began aboue six score yeares before. so that many in Fraunce be like were long liued. beganne: neither could it be denyed, that Germanie of late, by the ouerthrowe and death of Quintilius Varus, had giuen a checke to the Romish vsurpers, banished seruitude, and prouoked to the field, not a Vitellius, but a Caesar Augustus. that liberty was granted by nature to dumbe beasts also, but vertue and valure were peculiare ornaments of mankinde, and to the valiant alone the gods gaue their assistance. Wherefore, since they were at good leysure, and fresh, he willed them to set couragiously vpon their busily occupied and tired enemies: whiles some leaned to Vespasian, some claue to Vitellius, vndoubtedly harme might be wrought against both. Thus Ciuilis, laying the plot for France and Germanie, aspired, if his purpose tooke effect, to the monarchie of those most mighty, and most welthy cuntreyes.
VII. Hordeonius Flaccus, Lieutenant generall of both Germanies, lying at Magontiacum, commaundeth Mummius Lupercus, vvho vvith tvvo Legions, the fift and the fifteenth, lodged at Ʋetera, to goe forth against Ciuilis and the Batauians: but the Romans lost the battell, and fled backe into Vetera their standing campe.
BVT Hordeonius Flaccus, who at the first by conniuence nourished Ciuilis attempts, now receiuing feareful aduertisements, that theCastra sc. cohortium. campes were surprized, the cohorts defeated & slaine, not one Roman left in the whole Batauian ilande, commanded [Page 182] 6 Mummius Lupercus the Lieutenant, who gouerned the standing campe of two Legions, to goe foorth against the enimie. Lupercus taking the Legionaries about him, and the Vbians at hande, with certaine horsemen of the Treueri not farre off, led them out in haste, taking also with him a wing of Batauians, which being long since secretely corrupted, notwithstanding made shewe of fidelitie, to the ende that in the very instant of ioyning, betraying the Romans, they might slippe away with more dammage to the one, and bee better welcome to the other. Ciuilis placed rounde about him the enseignes of the late taken cohortes, that his souldiers might bee encouraged in beholding the monument of their late glory, and the enemy dismaied with the memory of their ouerthrow. Moreouer he caused his mother, and sisters, together with the wiues & young children of al his soldiers, to stand at their backs for an encouragement to the victory, or a shame if they happened to flee. In the ioyning of the two armies, the singing of their men, and howling of their women, farre exceeded and drowned the feeble showte of our Legions and cohortes, and the Batauian wing fleeing to the enemy, and straightway turning vpon vs, bared the left flancke of our battell: notwithstanding the Legionary souldiers, as in a case of such danger, yet retained their weapons in their handes, and themselues in array. The Aydes of the Vbians and Treueri ranne most shamefully away, and brake euery where, which chase the Germans pursued, & gaue by that meanes leysure to our Legions to retire themselues into their campe called Vetera. Claudius Labeo captaine of the Batauian wing, who had followed at home a contrary faction to Ciuilis, lest that either his death should offend the cuntrey, or his presence minister cause of dissension, was quietly sent out of the way into Frisia.
VIII. The eight Batauian cohorts, which had serued the Romans so long in Britannie, against Otho, and elswhere, sollicited by Ciuilis forsake Magontiacum, make their way at Bonna by the sworde, and so ioine to Ciuilis.
IN the meane season the messenger sent by Ciuilis to Magontiacum, to sollicite 7 the cohorts of Batauians & Caninefates, came [Page 183] thither, and founde them in readinesse, by Vitellius commandement, to march toward Rome. Vpon that message receiued, forthwith they waxed prowde, and intolerable, crying out (or els refusing to march) for their donatiue, for double wages, for an augmentation of the number of their horsemen, things indeede promised by Vitellius, but demanded by them, not in hope to obtaine, but to picke an occasion of mutinee: and Flaccus, yeelding to diuerse of their demandes, gayned nought els, but that they more instantly craued those things, which they knew hee could not but denie. So setting Flaccus at naught they tooke vp their ensignes, and marched towarde lowe Germanie, to ioyne themselues with Ciuilis. Hordeonius calling the Tribunes and Centurions also to councell, debated the matter, whether he should by maine strength seeke to enforce them, which so contemptuously brake away: anone, partly of his owne cowardlie nature, partly through the timorousnesse of the officers, who trusted neither the faith of their Aides, nor the force of theirAt Magontiacum then with Hordeonius were abiding two Legions; quartae, & duodevicesima aliâs ducetvicesim [...]. Legions, being gathered in hast of men vnskilfull in seruice, he resolued to keepe his soldiers within the trenches, and let the Batauians passe. Afterwarde, repenting himselfe of that resolution, they also blaming it, which were chiefe autours thereof, as if he ment to pursue them, he wrote to Herennius Gallus gouernour of Bonna, and Lieutenant of the first Legion, which wintered there, that he should stoppe the Batauians from passage, promising that he, with his whole power, would not faile to be on their backes. And so verily they might haue beene defeated and slaine, if Hordeonius of the one side, and Gallus of the other, had brought forward their power, and enclosed them in behinde and before: but Flaccus changed his purpose againe, and in other letters of later date willed Gallus, not to staye their passage. Whereupon suspicion arose, that the Lieutenaunts of set purpose stirred vp and fostered these warres; yea all the mischieffes, which either had chanced alreadie, or were feared hereafter, were imputed, not to the cowardlinesse of the souldier, or strength of the enemie, but onely to the fraude and falsehoode of the Leaders. When the Batauians drew neare to the campe at Bonna, they sent before certaine messengers, to declare to Herennius Gallus the intention of the cohorts: that their meaning was not to make warre with [Page 184] the Romans, in whose behalfe they had so oft borne armes; but forasmuch as they were wearied with along and fruitlesse seruice, their desire was, quietly to liue at home in their cuntrey. And therefore, if no man made opposition, their passage should be harmelesse: but if any hostility were offred, they would make their way with the sworde. Whilest the Lieutenant stoode deuided in minde what to doe, his soldiers vrged him to put it to the fortune of a field. There were in his campe three thousandWhereas the ful and iust nū ber of a Legion should bee 6000. or 5000. at the least. Legionary soldiers, and certaine tumultuary cohorts of Belgians, and withal a number of pezants, and followers of the campe, braue men before the danger approche, in the danger but cowards. Out they issue at all the gates of the campe to enclose the Batauians, whom they knew to be farre inferiour in number. The Batauians, mindfull of their olde order in seruice, set themselues in array in pointed battels, standing on euery side close together, & hauing their front, their flanckes, and their backe surely garded, and so with great facility brake thorow our thinne companies. The Belgians first gaue ground, and then our Legionaries were beaten backe, and ranne for feare toward the trenches, and gates of the campe. There the most slaughter was committed: the fosses were filled vp with dead bodies, and many dyed in the throng, by tumbling one ouer another, and running vpon their own weapons, aswell as slaine by the enemie. After this victory the Batauians went forward, leauing Coleyn of the right hand, & attempted no act of hostility in the rest of their iourney, but excusing the battaile at Bonna as a thing done by constraint, and for their owne safety, whenas they intreated for peace and it would not be granted.
IX. Ciuilis colourably sweareth his men to Vespasian: then with his Batauians, and the assistance of certaine German nations, he besiegeth Vetera; giueth an assault, and is repulsed.
CIVILIS, vpon the comming of these olde cohorts, had now vnder his conduict a full & complete army: neuerthelesse wauering in minde, & standing irresolute, consideting the puissance of the Roman Empire, he caused all his men to sweare to Vespasian, and sent forth with embassadours to the two Legions, which beeing defeated by him in the former battaile were fled to Vetera, requiring them also to take the like othe. Their answere [Page 185] was, they would not be aduised neither by traytour, nor enemie; that Vitellius was their Prince, to whom alone they owed their faith, and would stande for him in armes to their last breath: wherefore let not a fugitiue, and faithlesse Batauian cary himselfe as vmpier of the Roman affayres, but rather looke for condigne punishment for his desert. Ciuilis being greatly incensed with this answere, bringeth the whole nation of the Batauians into the field. The Bructeri and Teucteri associate themselues, and messengers were sent into Germanie, who raysed the whole cuntrey, some to winne honour, and some to gaine spoile. Against these great threatnings and bandings of so many enemies, Mummius Lupercus, and [...]: for Lupercus alone duarum legionū hibernis praeerat. p. 161. l. 20. and that Numisius was not in Vetera, but rather was Lieutenant of the sixteenth Legion, whose standing cāpe was at Nouelium, it may be gathered. p. 185. 10. & 192. 9. Numisius Rufus, Lieutenants of the Legions, fortifyed their trenches andFor the hiberna, or standing campes of the Legions, were in these later times walled as townes. walles, and razed the buildings, which in so long a peace were erected, not farre from the campe, in maner of a towne, lest they should be a harbour for the enemie. But through ouersight they omitted to conuey the vittaile, and other prouision therein into the campe, suffering it to be taken at discretion: and so in fewe daies that was riotously consumed, which by good order would haue relieued their needes a long time. Ciuilis led the middle battell himselfe, wherein was the flower and strength of Batauia: and on both sides of the Rhene, to the ende the sight of his armie might strike in the greater terrour, he caused the regiments of the Germans to march, the horsemen galloping about the fields: and withall the shippes were brought vp the streame. So on the one hande the ensignes of the oldeTo wit, the Batavians. cohorts, on the other the pictures and images of wilde beasts taken out of their woods and consecrated groues, according as euery nation vseth to beare in the field, amazed our men, and terrifyed them doubly, with the shewe both of an externall, and ciuill warre. Moreouer the great compasse of the trench made the attempt of the besiegers more feasable and increased their hope. For whereas it was made to containe two Legions, at that present it had scarse fiue thousand armed men to defende it, beside the followers of the campe, which vppon the breaking vp of the peace gathered thither, and there remayned doing them some seruice in the warre. A parte of the campe was situate vppon the pendant of an easie hill, and parte stoode vpon the plaine ground. That standing campe Augustus settled there, supposing [Page 186] it sufficient to watch ouer, and as it were, to besiege the cuntreyes of Germanie, neuer imagining that the world could goe so farre otherwise, as that they should presume to beginne and assaile our Legions: whereupon the lesse cost was bestowed, either to help the site of the place, or the strength of the bulwarks: men and armour alone were thought a sufficient defence. Now to the ende, that being seuered in place, the prowesse of ech nation might more distinctly appeare, and be seene, the Batauians, and the Germans which dwelt beyonde the Rhene, tooke standing ech by themselues, and began to dart at our men a farre of. But whenas they sawe most of their weapons sticking in vaine in the turrets, and pinnacles of the walles, and many of themselues wounded with stones throwen from aboue on their heads, leauing that kinde of oppugnation, they sodainly with great force, and outcry assayed to scale the trenches, the most part by setting vp ladders, others climing ouer the heads of their fellowes vpon a target fence. And as some were now clamering vp, they were beaten downe headlong with swordes and push of pike, and so with clubbes, and dartes ouerwhelmed, being men otherwise hoat in the beginning, and too too couragious when fortune fauoureth, but then for desire of pray they tolerated all hardnesse also: yea and that which with them is vnusuall, they endeuoured to prooue with engins, whereof they had of themselues neither experience nor skill, onely some fugitiues and captiues taught them to frame timberin med [...]m [...]on als. in 8 maner of a bridge, and to driue it forward on wheeles, whereon certaine standing aboue might skirmish with them on the walles, as it were from a mount, and others within secretely vndermine the foundations. But the defendants, with great stones shot out ofBalistae. engins, battered downe their rude and ill framed worke. And whenas prouision was made ofCrates & vintae. hurdles and planckes to couer them in giuing the assault, our men shot burning speares, and fired the workes; assayling with fire euen their assaylers; who despayring at length to effectuate any thing by force, deliberated to lay a lingring siege thereunto, knowing that they had but fewe dayes vittaile within, and many vnprofitable mouthes to consume it, and hoping withall, that of want of foode treason would ensue; that the faith of bondmen alwaies fickle would now be fleeting, beside the casualties, which vsually happen in warre.
X. Hordeonius dispatching Ʋocula before remooueth from Magontiacum with his power to Bonna: and thence to Coleyn. where he resigneth the execution of his charge to Vocula: following notwithstanding the armie from thence to Nouesium, where, as it seemeth, he staied till his death. At Nouesium Gallus is ioyned in commission with Ʋocula: and so they remoued forward to Gelduba▪ where being encamped, Vocula wasteth the Gugerni, and Gallus is beaten by the Germans.
IN 9 the meane time Flaccus, hauing vnderstoode of the siege of Vetera, and sent into France to leuy Aides, selected out of his Legions a company of chosen men, and committed them to the leading of Dillius Vocula, Lieutenant of the eighteenth Legion, willing him to hasten, and make all possible speede along the bancke of the riuer; himselfe followed slowly, and drooping for feare, being mortally hated of his souldiers. For they openly charged him, that hee had suffred wilfully to scape from Magontiacum the cohortes of the Batauians, or rather purposelie sent them away: that Ciuilis rebellious attempts were by his conniuence fostered, and by his meanes the Germans called to the party▪ that neither Antonius Primus, nor Mutianus, had so strengthened Vespasians side, as Flaccus by this kinde of dissembling dealing: for open enemies and armes might openly and with armes be repelled, but fraude and deceite were matters hardly espied, & therefore could not be auoided▪ that Ciuilis stoode in the fielde embattelled against them, but Hordeonius out of his bed chamber gaue order, and directed as was most for the enemies behoofe: and why then should so many armed companies of valiant souldiers bee gouerned by a sicke and seely olde man? nay why should they not rather dispatch such a traitour, and free their fortune and vertue from the ill chance of so vnlucky a leader? As they were in these speeches one with another, letters came from Vespasian which incensed them more, the which Flaccus, because hee could not conceale, caused openly to bee red before the assembly, and sent the bringers thereof bounde to Vitellius. By this meanes the souldiers mindes were somewhat appeased: and so they came to Bonna the standing campe of the first Legion: the souldiers whereof were more displeased [Page 188] with Flaccus then the other: laying the fault of their late ouerthrowe wholly vpon him: auerring that they at his commaundement marched forth against the Batauians, assuring themselues, vpon his promise, that his Legions from Magontiacum should assayle them behinde; and so no supply comming from thence, they lost their liues through his treason: that these matters had neuer beene notified to the rest of the armies, nor to the Prince, or els by the helpe and assistance of so many cuntreies this sodaine rebellion might haue beene quenched in the beginning. Whereupon Hordeonius caused the coppies of all the letters, which he had sent into France, Britannie and Spaine, requesting their helpe, to be red to the army, and beganne a very ill example, that all letters sent from abroade should be deliuered to the standerd-bearers of the Legions, who red them to the souldiers, before they came to the Generals hande. Then he commanded one of the most factious to be apprehended and bound, rather to put his right in vre, then because the fault was but of one man alone: and so heTaking along with him the first Legion, or a great part thereof, as it doeth appear. p. 172. &c. remoued with his army from Bonna to Coleyn, where many Aydes resorted vnto him of the French nation, which at the first with all their power assisted the Romans, till afterwards seeing the Germans preuaile, many of them tooke armes against vs in hope of freedome, and that point attained, for desire of souerainty. But the wrath of the Legions stil increased, neither could one souldiers imprisonment terrifie them: nay euen the party imprisonned impeached the Generall of treason; alleadging that he had beene messenger betweene Ciuilis and him, and therefore a colour was sought to make him away, lest he should declare, and testifie the trueth. Then Vocula, with maruelous stoutnesse ascending into the Tribunal, commanded the souldier, as he exclamed and cried, to be apprehended, and caried away to execution: which thing so terrified the bad and seditious, that the sounder sort without impeachment fulfilled his commaundement, and anone by common consent they demanded Vocula to bee their Generall: which place Flaccus willingly resigned vnto him. But their minds were already mutinously affected, and many new occasions of more rage were presented; as want of pay, & prouision of corne;And yet not ten lines before he writeth, affluentibus auxilijs Gallorum, quae primò rem Romanam enixè iuvabant. France refusing to yeelde souldiers and tributes; the Rhene also by reason of drought vnusuall in that cuntrey hardly able to beare any vessell; scarcity of vittailes; garrisons of men [Page 189] placed along the bancke to keepe the Germans from passing the riuer; and so lesse corne, and more men to consume it. Among the ignorant and simpler sort the lownesse of the water was held for a prodigious matter, as if the riuers also, and the ancient defences of the Empire had now forsaken vs, & that which in peaceable times would haue beene counted chance, or proceeding of naturall causes, at that time was called a fatall matter, and gods indignation and wrath. At Nouesium they assumed the sixteenth Legion; and Herennius Gallus Lieutenant of the first Legion was ioyned with Vocula in part of the charge: yet durst they not goe to finde the enemy, but encamped themselues at a place called Gelduba. There they trained, and practised their soldiers in ordering of battels, in fortifyng, entrenching, and other militare exercises. And to the ende that they might by booties and spoiles take courage and hart, Vocula led forth part of his army into the cuntrey of the Gugerni adioyning, who had allyed themselues with Ciuilis: part remained behinde with Herennius Gallus. And as by chance, not farre from the campe, a barge loaden with corn, was runne vpon a shelfe, the Germans espying it laboured to draw it to their side of the water; which Gallus would not endure, but sent a cohort to the reskew: the Germans also increased their number, and so by little and little, supply resorting on both sides, a battaile was fought: wherein the Germans, after the slaughter of many of our men, by force haled the boate away. Our souldiers, being thus put to the worse, according to their custome there, blamed not their owne cowardlinesse, but the treason of the Lieutenant, whom they drew out of his tent, tare his clothes, and bet his body, commanding him to tell vpon what price, and with what complices he had thus betrayed the army. ButWho, as it seemes, stayed behind at Nouesium. Hordeonius was charged with the whole enuy of the fact; him they termed the contriuer of the mischiefe, Gallus onely the instrument; till at length Gallus, being terrified with their threatning of his destruction, to saue his owne life, was content to charge Hordeonius also with treason. Then was he put in bandes, and afterwardes, at the returne of Vocula loosed, who the next day following put to death the autors of the sturre. So strange diuersity there was in that army, both licentiously to commit all enormities, and patiently to abide all correction. The common souldier was firme to Vitellius; the principall men more inclined to Vespasian. Hence came
XII. Montanus a captaine of Ʋitellius side, and borne at Triers, bringeth worde to Nouesium of the euent of the battell at Cremona: whereupon they there and the rest at Gelduba sware to Vespasian: and sent Montanus to declare the same to Ciuilis, willing him to desist from hostility: but contrarily Ciuilis vvrought Montanus to his purpose, and layed the plot of the rebellion of Fraunce, vvhich shortlie after ensued.
THIS was the effect of that which passed in Germanie before theWhich was fought about the later end of October, as it is declared elswhere. battaile of Cremona: the euent whereof Antonius Primus signified by letters directed vnto them, sending withallWho as Consull published belike some edict in fauour of the Flauian side. Caecinaes edict: andSent by the Flauianists. 3. Hist. p. 125. Alpinus Montanus captaine of one of the vanquished cohortes, by worde of mouth, confessed the ouerthrow of the side. Hereupon ensued diuersity of affections. The Auxiliary souldiers of France, which serued without al partiality, and neither hated nor loued the one faction nor the other, at the perswasions of their captaines, were content forthwith to forsake Vitellius: but the olde souldier stucke at it, till vpon Hordeonius tendering, & the Tribunes vrging they tooke the oath; albeit neither in countenance, nor minde seeming to be fully resolued, but pronouncing roundly the rest of their oath, and at the name of Vespasian either stopping, or tripping it lightly ouer, or skipping it quite. Then were the letters of Antonius to Ciuilis red in the open assembly, which raised manye suspicions in the souldiers heades, because they seemed to be written as to one of the same faction, and spake hardly of the German army. Anone worde was caried to the campe at Gelduba, where the like was both spoken and done; and thereupon Montanus sent with charge to Ciuilis, to warne him to desist from making of warre; and that he should not cloke any longer open rebellion with the coulour of following sides. if he sought to helpe Vespasian, his desire now was accomplished, and his purpose perfourmed. To these allegations Ciuilis replied, first in suttle and crafty tearmes; afterwarde perceiuing Montanus to be of a hoate and fierce disposition, and ready to accept any new impression, he beginneth with a complaint of the manifolde perilles, which for twenty fiue yeares space hee had endured in the Roman seruice: A woorthy, and iust rewarde (quoth he) haue I had of my trauailes, the death of my brother, [Page 193] mine owne imprisonment, and the bloudy wordes of this army, of whom being demanded to the slaughter, by the lawe of nations I doe, and may iustly seeke my reuenge. But as for youFor Alpim [...] was borne in Trier [...]. 3. Hist. p. 125. Treueri, and the rest of seruile soules, what reward expect you of your bloud so often shed for their sakes, but fruitlesse seruice, continuall Tributes, whippes, gibbets, and slauery vnder prowde insolent masters? Beholde I a captaine of one cohorte, and the Caninefates and Batauians, a small portion ofTacitus, in some other places, seemeth to comptize them vnder the name of Germans. France, haueThose in Holland. destroyed and ouerthrowen those vast and vaine campes of theirs, and doeMent of Vetera. besiege them with famine and sworde. to conclude, if we venture, we shall either recouer our liberty, or if we leese, be in the same state we were in before. Ciuilis hauing thus incensed Montanus, dismissed him away, howbeit willed him to make a more fauorable reporte, who accordingly at his returne onely signified, that hee had not sped in his embassage, dissembling the rest which straight after brake out.
XIII. Ʋocula ouerthroweth two captaines of Ciuilis, sent against him as he lay at Gelduba.
CIVILIS retayning part of his host, sent the olde cohortes, and the forwardest of the Germans, against Vocula and his army, vnder the leading of Iulius Maximus, and Claudius Victor his sisters sonne. In the way they tooke vp and spoiled the standing campe of a wing sited at Asciburg, and so sodainely assaulted the enemies campe at Gelduba, that Vocula had no leysure to speake to the souldiers, or to display the ranckes: thus much onely, as in a tumult, hee warned to strengthen the middle battell with Legionarie souldiers, and the Auxiliaries to cast themselues about on euery side. Then our horsemen brake forth, and seeing the enemie in good order and array to receiue them, they turned their backes, and fled toward their footmen: whereupon a slaughter ensued and no fighting. The cohorts also of the Neruij through feare or falsehood fled, and bared the sides of our men; and so way was made to our Legionary souldiers, who beganne now to be ouerthrowen within the trenches, and to lose their enseignes, whenas sodainly with a newe supply the fortune of the battaile was changed. For certaine cohorts of Vascones leuyed by Galba, and thenFrō whence? Nouesium, Bonna, Magontiacum? or from what coast of the world? sent for, comming neare the campe, & hearing the noyse as they fought, assayled the enemies [Page 194] backes being intentiue another way, and caused a greater terrour then so small a number could otherwise haue done, had not the enemie beleeued, some of them, that the rest from Nouesium, and some, that the whole power from Magontiacum was come. That errour also increased the Romans courage: and whilest they presumed vpon other mens strength they recouered their owne. The most valiant of the Batauian footmen were slaine, the horsemen escaped with the enseignes and captiues that were taken in the first conflict: on our side that day were slaine mo in number, but men of small seruice; the Germans lost the very flower, and strength of their armie. Both the Generals by like default deserued the ouerthrowe in reason alike: and winning were negligent both alike to follow their fortune. For if Ciuilis had furnished his side with greater forces, they could neuer haue bene by so fewe cohorts enclosed about: & the campe of the Romans being, as it was, by force broken vp, had doubtlesse bene vtterly razed. Vocula likewise lacking scowts abroad to signifie the enemies approche was sodainly surprized; and so in one moment went out to fight, and was ouercome: afterward winning more by lucke then desert, & not trusting his own victory nor vsing the benefite thereof, he vainely trifled out many daies before he would marche toward the enemy; whom if he had presently followed, & pursued the course of his victory effectually, he might at that blow haue raised the siege of the Legiōs at Vetera.
XIIII. Ʋocula putteth Ciuilis to flight, and entreth Vetera.
CIVILIS in the meane time had assayed to induce the Legiōs to surrendre, as though the Romans had beene quite ouerthrowen, & his men obtained an entier victory. for prooffe whereof he commanded the Roman enseignes, and banners to be caried about, and the prisoners produced in sight, whereof one ventured worthely, and declared alowde how the whole matter had passed, & was killed in the place by the Germans, which thing caused them within to beleeue his relation the better, and withall by the wasting & burning of the villages they might discerne, that their owne victorious army was comming. When Vocula came neare vnto Vetera he commanded the enseigns to be pitched in the sight of the campe, and a ditch and trenche to be cast round about: that laying aside their baggage and needelesse furniture in place of safetie, they might fight more lightlie and lesse [Page 195] encombred. Whereupon the souldiers beganne to exclame, crying to goe to the battaile, and now they were growen to that custome to threaten their Leader. So without taking so much time as onely to set the battell in array, disordred, and tired, they beganne the fight; for Ciuilis was ready to present them the battaile, reposing no lesse affyance in the follies and faults of his enemies, then in the vertue and valure of his owne people. Of the Roman side the matter went doubtfull and hard, and the most mutinous prooued the most dastards: some there were which mindefull of the victorie lately obteined kept their standing, galled the enemie, and animated themselues and their fellowes. The battaile being thus brought backe againe, which erewhile in a maner was lost, they held vp their handes to them in the campe, that they should not neglect to vse the opportunity, who beholding all things from the walles, issued forth at all the gates, and by chance Ciuilis being by the fall of his horse ouerthrowen, of both sides was thought to be wounded or slaine; which greatly dismayed his men and caused them to breake, and contrarilie put courage in ours. But Vocula pursued not the chace, but entring Vetera onely augmented the rampiers, and towers of the campe, as against a newe siege, being had in a ielosie, by this kinde of colde dealing, to desire the continuance of the warre: and not without cause, hauing so often marred the victorie for want of good following.
XV. Vocula vittaileth Ʋetera, and returneth to Gelduba, and thence to Nouesium: where Hordenius in a mutinee is slaine. Vocula with his power goeth to relieue Magontiacum besieged by the Germans. The faithfulnesse of the Treueri to the Romans at the beginning of these troubles.
NOTHING distressed our souldiers so much, as lacke of prouision and foode. Whereupon the cariages of the Legions, with a weake, & vnseruiceable company, were sent to Nouesium, that from thence by land they might furnish the armie with vittailes; for the enemies were masters of the riuer. The first conuoy passed peaceably without molestation, Ciuilis being not yet recouered of his hurte: but an one vnderstanding another company [Page 196] was sent to Nouesium, and certaine cohorts assigned to conduct them, marching as in time of great quiet carelesly, not keeping themselues to their ensignes, but casting their armour and weapons into the wagons, and rouing about licentiously, hee sent before to take vp the bridges and straites, and then in good order charged vpon them. Thepugnatum long [...] agmine. battaile was fought with troupes displayed out thinnely in length, and continued doubtfull, vntill the night tooke vp the quarrell. The cohorts proceeded forward to Gelduba, the campe standing there as it was, garded by the soldiers which Vocula had left. There was no question what perill there would be in the returne, the forragers being but fewe, and heauily loaden: whereupon Vocula determining to goe out and relieue them, increased his armie with a thousand men chosen out of the two Legions, which were besieged at Vetera, the first and fifteenth, a stubborne and hedstrong souldier, and hating his captaines. More went then were commanded, at their going openly murmuring, that they would no longer endure famine, nor be obnoxious to the secrete practises of the Lieutenants: but those which remayned behinde complained, that they, by carying away so many men, were forsaken, and left as a pray to the enemie. Whereupon a double mutinee grew, the one part recalling Vocula seditiously, and the other in like sort refusing to returne againe to the campe. In the meane season Ciuilis besieged Vetera. Vocula marcheth to Gelduba, and leauing Gelduba (which Ciuilis straight way tooke vp) frō thence to Nouesium, not farre from whence, shortly after, his horsemen skirmished with the enemy prosperously. But prosperity & aduersity inflamed alike the souldiers to seeke their captaines destruction: and the Legions being augmented, by that increase out of the fift and fifteenth Legion, more insolently required their donatiue, vnderstanding that money was sent from Vitellius. Whereupon Hordeonius, without further delay, diuided the money amongst them in Vespasians name, which was the principall thing that ministred matter, & fed the mutinee which followed. For the souldiers, hauing idle spending money, gaue themselues to ryot and banquetting, and assemblies by night, and by that meanes renewed their former wrath and displeasure against Hordeonius, whom they haled out of his chamber & slew, none of the Lieutenants or Tribunes daring to gainsay, or withstand them being hardened, by reason of the night [Page 197] season, against all modestie and shame. The like was intended against Vocula, if hee had not in a bondmans attire escaped vnknowen in the darke. Assoone as the heate of their fury was past, they fell to consider the danger wherein they did stande, & sent by and by Centurions with letters to the cities of France, desiring supply of money and men, themselues when Ciuilis approched, as the common sort without head is headlong, feareful, and sluggish, rashly tooke vp their weapons, & soone laying thē downe ranne away. Aduersity bred discorde, those of the vpper armie disioyning their cause from the others. Notwithstanding the images of Vitellius were set vp againe in the campe, and in the citties of Belgium adioyning, whenas Vitellius himselfe was now down. Then the soldiers of the first Legion and the fourth & eighteenth vpon repentance came in, and submitted themselues vnto Vocula, at whose handes receyuing againe the oath to Vespasian, they were led forth to raise the siege at Magontiacum. The army which besieged it (consisting of Catti, Vsipij and Matiaci) was already departed away loaden with spoiles, & being by our men met with on the way scattered & at vnawares, was in part put to the sworde. Moreouer the Treueri along their confines cast a trench with aLoricam, vallum (que) parapet, and with great slaughter on ech side skirmished against the Germās, vntil shortly after reuolting, by that odious fact, they defaced all their good seruice done heretofore to the Romans.
XVI. The disposition of the common people of the Cittie, at the beginning of the yeare. The ordinarie Senate vpon the first day of January. Mutianus supplanteth Antonius Primus.
IN the meane season Vespasianus second time Consull & Titus in absence entered their office,The yeare of the citty. 823. the cittie being in great anguish & diuersely perplexed, besides the miseries which presently they felt, vpon a false alarme of the reuolt of Africke, & the rebellion of Piso Proconsull there, a man of milde and quiet disposition: but because through the tēpestuousnes of the winter the shippes came not home, the poore people which day by day were accustomed to buy bread, and cared for nothing els of common affaires but corne, feared that all the shippes of that coast were purposely stayed, and the corne detained, and fearing quickly beleeued it. In which imaginary conceyt the Vitellianists also confirmed them, [Page 198] who had not as yet wholly left of their former affections and humours. Neither was the rumour displeasing vnto the winners, as hoping to make their profit thereby, whose insatiable lust and desires no forraine warre, much lesse any ciuill victorie could euer fill or content. The first of Ianuary the Senate was assembled by Iulius Frontinus theTo whom it belonged, in the absence of the Consuls, to assemble the Senate. Citty-pretor, and solemne thanks with praise concluded vpon to the Lieutenants and armies, and kings which frended the cause. The Pretorship also was taken from Tertius Iulianus, because he had forsaken his Legion applying it selfe to Vespasiās side, & bestowed vpō PlotiusOne of Mutians fauorits. 3. Hist. p. 133.2. Griphus. Hormus was made a Gentleman of Rome, & straightwaies Frontinus resigning, Domitianus Caesar tooke the place. In his name all letters were writē & edicts published, but the power and direction of affayres rested in Mutianus, saue that Domitian eyther pricked forward by his frends, or vpon his owne pleasure, and lust presumed to doe many things of himselfe. But Mutianus principall feare was of Antonius Primus and Arius Varus, whom, beside that they were greatly renowned for their late famous exploytes, and in great credit with the souldiers, the common people also loued wel, because they had slaine none but in the field. Moreouer it was giuen out by some, that Antonius had sollicited Scribonianus Crassus, a mā of great honour, both in respect of his worthy ancestours, and of his latePiso, whom Galba adopted. brothers high place, to take vpon him the state, assuring him of a sufficient number of complices to vphold & maintaine it, had not Scribonianus refused the offer; a man so greatly fearing vncertainties, that euen an assured certainty could not easely haue sturred him. Therefore Mutianus, because Antonius openly could not be put downe, spent vpon him many good woordes, and great commendations in the Senate house, and secretely laded him with promises, putting him in hope of nearer Spaine, which by the departure of Cluuius Rufus lay voyde, and bestowed vpon his frends Tribuneshippes, & Captainshippes liberally. And when Mutianus had filled with these windes of hope and desire his empty vainglorious minde, he proceeded suttelly to infringe his power, & vtterly put him out of his strength, by dismissing vnto their wintering place theSeptima Galbiana. seuenth Legion, which did most earnestly affect Antonius. The third Legion also that depended vpon Atius Varus was sent, away backe into Syria: anotherSexta & octaua de victricibus. Tac. p. 190. part of the army was caried into Germanie. So the city being disburdened [Page 199] of those which were prone to breed trouble, recouered her former estate, the lawes tooke their due course, and the magistrates resumed their charge.
XVII. Certaine matters which passed in the Senate.
THE day that Domitian, after his newe honour came into the Senate, he made a briefe and curteous speech concerning his fathers, and brothers absence, and of his owne greene yeares and lacke of experience, with a comely grace and decent behauiour: his often blushing and being out of countenance, his qualities being not yet knowen abroad, was reputed modesty & bashfulnes. Whenas he proposed that Galba should be restored to his honour and dignity, Curtius Montanus was of opinion, that the memory of Piso also should be solemnized, the Senators allowed of both: howbeit concerning Piso it tooke none effect. After this, certain were alotted to see restitution made of those things, which had beene by force taken away in the warre; and some others to view & set vp the brasen tables of the lawes, which byBy the burning of the Capitoll melted, saieth Suetonius Vespasiano. c. 8. tract of time were decaied; & others to reforme & purge the publicke records, and registers, which by flattery of times were corrupted, & to moderate and stint the publicke expenses. Tertius Iulianus was restored to his Pretorship, after it was knowen that he fled to Vespasian: notwithstanding Griphus kept his roome too. Then the Senate awarded, that the cause betweene Musonius Rufus, and Publius Celer should be reuiued and determined: and so Publius was cō demned, & satisfaction made to the soule of Soranus. In this daies worke as the publicke seuerity of the Senate was notable, so priuately Musonius wanted not his due commendation, for hauing iudicially prosecuted so iust a reuenge: as contrarilyAnnal. 16. p. 558. 22. Sueron. Vespa. c. 13. Xiphil. p. 223. Demetrius the Cynicke was generally blamed, for that ambitiously, & without regard of his credit, he had lent his hand to protect a manifest offender: for Publius himselfe had neither spirite nor tongue to pleade his owne cause. When the signe was giuen, and a flagge of reuenge, as it were, set out against the accusers, Iunius Mauricus requested Domitian, that it would please him to communicate a copie to the Senate of the Princes recordes and papers, whereby they might bee certified particularely, who had required to haue the accusing of whom. Answere was made, that the Princes aduise was to be asked in a case of that waight: whereupon the Senat, the principal personages beginning the example, [Page 200] conceiued a forme of oath, which all the magistrates sware, contending who should be formost, and the rest, as their voices were seuerally asked, solemnely protesting, & calling the gods to witnesse, that they had neuer attempted nor done any act against the life of any, nor reaped commodity or honour by the calamities of others, they which were guilty that way pronouncing it faintly, and mincing the oath, and diuersely wresting and changing the wordes. The Senatours allowed of them which sware truely, & openly reproued the others periury: which reproofe lay most heavily vpon Sariolenus Vocula, & Nonius Actianus, & Cestius Seuerus, persons infamous for their often accusings vnder Nero: and beside, which aggrauated his case, Sariolenus had lately attempted the like with Vitellius: so that they bent their fists against him, and ceased not to offer violence, vntill hee departed the house. From him they went to Pactius Africanus, seeking to throw him out likewise, because he had giuen information against the ScribonianXiphillin: Nerone. [...]. brethren, renowned both for their wealth & mutual agreeing together, and procured their destruction with Nero. Africanus neither durst confesse the matter obiected, nor could well denie it: but turning himselfe to Vibius Crispus who pressed him nearest with his interrogatories, hee on the other side challenged him of the like, seeking to shift off the odiousnesse of that, which hee could not directly defende, by ioyning the plaintiffe in the same crime. That day Vipsanius Messalla wanne himselfe greate credit, both for eloquence and good nature, vndertaking, being vnder Senatours age, to make intercession for his brotherOmnium bipedum nequissimus, as Pliny the younger calleth him, a most pestilent instrument of tyrannie in Nero and Domitians time. lib. 1. ep. 5. &c. Aquilius Regulus. Regulus was extremely hated, because he had wrought the ouerthrowe of the noble houses of the Crassi, and of Orphitus. he was at his owne suite appointed by the Senate to be their accuser, and vndertooke that odious charge voluntarily being very young, and not, as some others, to auoide danger that in refusing might grow to himselfe, but in hope of rising higher thereby. And Sulpicia Praetextata wife of Crassus, with fower of his children presented themselues in a readinesse to prosecute the matter, if it would please the Senat to take knowledge thereof. Messalla, neither iustifying the cause nor the man, but opposing himselfe against the perils of his brother, had mooued some to compassion. Then Curtius Montanus replied with a bitter oration, proceeding so farre, that he charged Regulus with [Page 201] giuing of money after Galbaes death to him that slewAnd yet hee got a legacy at Verania [...] hand, Cuius marito, saieth Pliny, lib. 2. ep. 19. inimicissimus, ipsi invisissimus fuerat. Piso, with biting of Pisoes heade being deade. these things (quoth he) I trow Nero neuer constrained you to doe: neither saued you either your life, or your honour by such sauage cruelty. Let vs graunt their defence to be tolerable, which chose rather to bring others into ruine, then themselues into perill, for your part you had nothing to leese: your father going into banishmēt left you voide of all danger that way; his goods were parted amongst his creditours: and your age as yet not capable of honors: you had nothing that Nero should either desire from you, or feare in you. Nay it was your owne bloud thirsty humour, and gaping for gaine, which caused you to employ your giftes, being as yet not known nor tryed in defending any mans cause, to the destruction of the Nobility: when at one blowe you ruined and ouerthrew innocent children, reuerende olde men, honourable women, and by this good seruice in destroying the common welth merited Consulare spoiles,That is, 54687. li. 10. 2. sterling. seuen thousand thousand sesterces, & an honorable Priest hoode: when you blamed Neroes slacke & remisse kinde of proceeding, that he went house by house & tired out both himselfe & the whole company of the accusers, whereas hee might with like facility and speaking of a worde subuert the whole Senate. Keepe I pray you (my Lordes) and make store of a counseller of so good a dispatch, that euery age may be furnished: and as our olde men imitate Marcellus and Crispus, so our young may doe Regulus. Dishonesty euen when it thriueth not, findeth followers, what will it doe then when it doth prosper & flourish? & whom we dare not offende hauing bene but Questor, what shall we doe when he shal haue passed the higher offices of Pretor & Consul? or do ye think that Nero shall be the last tyranne? indeede so they also beleeued, which ouerliued Tiberius and Caius, when in the meane time arose another more cruell and detestable then either. We feare not Vespasian; his age warranteth vs, and his moderate disposition: but precedents dure longer then dispositions. Wee are waxen colde (my Lordes) neither are we now the same men, that assoone as Nero was slaine required these promooters, and al other instruments of tyranny to be punished more maiorum. After the decease of an ill Prince the first day is alwaies the best. With so great applause and liking of the Senate Montanus was heard, that Heluidius conceiued hope of the possibility of ouerthrowing [Page 202] Marcellus also. Therefore beginning his speech with the commendation of Cluuius Rufus, who being as rich, and as famous for eloquence, had notwithstanding in Neroes time neuer procured any mans danger, he pressed Marcellus both with his owne fact, and with the others example, and the Senatours fingers euen tickled against him. Which when Marcellus perceiued, making semblance of departing the house, We are gone Heluidius (quoth he) and leaue to you a Senate of your owne: take your pleasure, andOr, exercise your kingdome when the prince returneth. regna praesente Caesar [...]. exercise your kingdome in the presence of the young Prince. After him followeth Vibius Crispus, both well warmed and nettled: Marcellus with a threatening countenance, Crispus halfe smiling, but at the entreaty of frendes they came againe to their places. And so the contention growing hoater, and of the one side many and good, on the other fewe and mighty banding together, and inueighing despitefully one against the other, that day was consumed in brawlings. The next meeting Domitian beginning to perswade, that olde griefes and grudges should not be reuiued, but buried together with the memory of the late times, wherein men were forced to doe many things against their owne mindes, Mutianus continuing the speech opined at large in fauour of the accusers, gently admonishing withall, and as it were entreating them, who seemed to resume their actions which they had discontinued. The Senatours, when they sawe they were crossed in following their liberty, medled no further, and Mutianus, lest the iudgement of the Senate should seeme to bee little regarded, and a generall pardon as it were proclaimed of all crimes committed vnder Nero, commanded Octauius Sagitta and Antistius Sosianus, Senatours by calling, which were without leaue returned from exile, to be reduced into the same ilands againe.Yac. 13. Ann. p. 470. Octauius had frequented with Pontia Posthumia another mans wife adulterously, and because she refused after to mary him, he slewe her vpon extreme passion of loue: Sosianus by his lewde qualities had beene the ruine of many: both of them had beene condemned and banished by a heauy sentence of the Senate, and others being restored they were lefte still in the same penalty. But Mutianus could not with all this wipe the ill opinion away of his former dealing. For Sosianus and Sagitta were men vile and of no account, neither mattered it where they liued: but the accusers great gifts, great wealth and great power, being men [Page 203] so well seene in all lewde practises, were feared not without cause. The Senatours mindes were anone in part reconciled by meanes of a certaine cause heard in the house, and decided according to ancient custome. Manlius Patricius a Senatour made complaint, that in the colonie of Siena he was beaten of the multitude at the magistrates commandement, and not contented with this outrage theyNec finem iniuriae hic stetisse: planctum & lamenta & supremorum imaginem presenti sibi circun dat [...]. mourned and wailed, and made shewe of celebrating his funeralles in his owne sight, with many skornefull and reprochfull speeches redounding vpon the whole Senate. The parties accused were called, and vpon due examination conuicted, and executed, and an act made to admonish the people of Siena to behaue themselues in modester maner hereafter. At the same time Antonius Flamma was condemned of extortion, at the suite of the Cyrenenses, and exiled for his cruell behauiour, and shedding of innocent bloud.
XVIII. A view taken of the Pretorian soldiers. A loane motioned in the Senate. The funerals of Flauius Sabinus.
AMIDST these things there had welny broken out a sedition of the soldiers. The Garde-soldiers dismissed by Vitellius, & assēbled in fauour of Vespasians cause, required their former place: likewise theOf the Flaeuian side, as it is not vnlike that many Legionaries were the more easily induced to enter into the cause, vpon hope of that preferment. souldiers, which vpon hope of the same roome were chosen out of the Legiōs, demanded performāce of promise. Neither could Vitellius garde well be remoued without much bloudshed. So Mutianus, cōming to the campe to the end he might better view their yeares of seruice, appointed the winners seuerally to stand, with their enseignes & weapons, a litle distance asūdet. Then he willed the Vitellian garde, as wel those which yeelded thēselues at Bouillae, as others sought out within the Citty and about, to bee produced in a manner vnarmed, then to bee diuided, and those which were chosen out of the German and Brittish armies, and so of the rest, if any were, to stande ech by themselues. The first sight hereof did straight amaze them, to see the contrary side as in a pitched field flourishing with their weapons and darts, and themselues without armour, deformed, and in poore miserable state closed about. But when they beganne to bee drawen, and distracted hither and thither, they trembled all, especially the German souldiers, as if the separation tended onely to sort them out to the [Page 204] slaughter; whereupon they fell to embrace their companions, to hang on their neckes, to kisse them as for their last farewell, beseeching not to leaue them alone, & that in the like cause they might not abide harder fortune then others; with obsecrations sometimes to Mutianus, somtimes to the Prince that was absent, sometimes to the gods & the heauens to relieue their distressed estate; till such time as Mutianus calling them all liege men of one soueraine, and souldiers of the same Prince, eased them of this vaine feare; the rest of the soldiers present with a showte furthering their teares, and declaring themselues to fauour their cause: and so for that day the matter was shut vp. Some fewe daies after Domitian in an oration made offer vnto them of lande and possessions, who being now assured and out of all feare did boldly refuse it, praying to haue their former seruice and wages againe. it was but a prayer, mary such as could not be denied: and so they were receiued into the Garde. Afterwarde they which had serued their yeares, and accomplished their iust number of stipends, were honourably dismissed: some others criminally, and for their misdemeanour singled out one by one: the safest remedy to weaken and dissolue the consent of a multitude. Then a motion was made in the Senat, whether vpon necessity indeed, or because they wouldInitio statim principatus professus est Vespasianus quadringenties millies. HS. opus esse. vt resp. stare posset, saieth Suetonius. c. 16. one of the greatest summes I remember any where named, amounting to aboue three hundreth milliōs of pounds haue it to seeme so, that a loane should be made, by priuate men to the Publicke ofThat is, 468750. li. ster. sixty millions of sesterces, & the charge thereof committed to Poppaeus Siluanus: but shortly after the necessity ceased, or the false semblant. Then by a law proposed by Domitian the Consulshippes conferred by Vitellius were disanulled: and Flauius Sabinus 10 funerals were celebrated with Censorial pompe: great demonstrations of fortunes ficklenesse, turning vpside downe whatsoeuer seemeth high in the world.
XIX. The death of Lucius Piso Proconsull of Africke.
ABOVT the same time Lucius Piso Proconsull of Africke was slaine: the trueth of which murther I will briefly set downe, resuming first certaine former matters, which may seeme to haue ministred chiefly occasion, and cause to such like inconueniences. The Legion in Africke, and the Aydes assigned to garde the frontiers of the Empire that way, in the time of Augustus, and Tiberius, were vnder the gouernement of the Proconsull, till Caius a Prince of a troubled braine, and hauing in ielousie M. Silanus, [Page 205] who then was Proconsull of Africke, remooued the Legion from the Proconsull, deliuering it to a Lieutenant sent for that purpose. The parting of an office thus betweene two without subordination, and their charge and points of commission lying intermingled, and running ioyntly together, bred and nourished, as was intended, discorde and quarrels: and so through sinister emulation the Lieutenants office incroched and grew, either because they continued longer in charge, or because inferiour persons commonly take more payne, and delight in contending with their superiours, the greatest men of the Proconsuls seeking rather safety then might. Now at this time Valerius Festus was Lieutenant of the Legion there, a riotous youngman, and one that gaped after great matters, but much perplexed in minde, by reason he was so nearely allyed to Vitellius. This Valerius in his often conferences which hee had with Piso, whether he perswaded him to take vpon him the state, or opposed himselfe against Pisoes solliciting it is vncertaine (for at their secrete communication none was present beside: and when Piso was slaine most men inclined to fauour the slayer) certaine it is, that the prouince and souldiers were ill affected toward Vespasian. And some of the Vitellianists escaping out of the Citty, layed downe before Piso the great possibility of effectuating that purpose: that France was in termes of reuolting, Germanie readie to side themselues with him, adioyning the danger wherein hee stoode for his owne person, and that in a suspected peace open warre was the onely safe course. As these things were in doing, Claudius Sagitta captaine of the Petrin wing came thither, hauing out-sayled Papirius a Centurion sent by Mutianus, and auowched that the sayed Centurion had commission to dispatch Piso: that his kinsman and sonne in lawe Galerianus was already dispatched in Rome; so that the onely hope of safety consisted in venturing boldly: and of venturing there were but two waies, either straight to take armes, or sayling into France to offer himselfe there for a head to the Vitellian armies. Notwithstanding all which allegations Piso persisted vnmooueable: and anone the Centurion sent by Mutianus came; who, assoone as he arriued at the porte of Carthage, proclaymed Piso Emperour, wishing to him as Prince all successe and prosperity, and requiring all that [Page 206] hee met, being amazed at the wonder, to ioyne in the same crye. The credulous common people flocked in the market place and demanded the presence of Piso, filling the citty with showts & acclamations of ioy, partly vpon negligence to search out the truth, and partly vpon a pleasure in flatterie. But Piso, whether vpon the intimation of Sagitta, or of his owne modesty, refrained from going abroad & committing himselfe to the peoples discretion: & examining the Centurion, perceiuing it was but a snare to entrap him, & so to make him away, he commanded him to be slaine, not so much for hope of escaping himselfe by so doing, as vpon iust indignation against the Centurion, because the same man had beene one of the murtherers of Clodius Macer, & ment to bring his hands lately embrued with the bloud of a Lieutenant now to the slaughter of a Proconsull. Then he checked the Carthaginians with a sharpe and seuere edict, and ceased to execute euen the vsuall points of his office, keeping still within dores, lest any occasion of new commotion by mischance might arise. Festus vnderstanding how the people was daunted and dashed, the Centurion slaine, and other occurrencies part true, part false, or enlarged and amplifyed, as fame feedeth in going, sendeth certaine horsemen to murther Piso; who making all hast in the dawning of the day brake into the house of the Proconsull with drawen swordes, the most part not knowing Piso by sight, being Auxiliaries of the cuntrey, and Moores picked out for the purpose. Whereupon meeting one of his seruants, not farre from his bedchamber, they asked him who he was, and where Piso was to be founde: the seruant perceyuing his masters danger, notably and resolutely answered, that hee was Piso, and so was presentlie slaine in the place: by and by after Piso himselfe was massacred. For there was in the company Bebius Massa, one of the Procuratours of Africke, that knew him; euen then a woorker of good mens destruction, and one that often will fall into the course of this story, as an instrument of the mischieffes, and a cause of the miseries that wee sustaynedIn Domitians time. Tac. in vita Agricolae. Plinius in epistolis. afterwarde. Festus in the meane time stayed at Adrumetum to watch how the matter succeeded, & from thence went to the Legion, where he commanded Cetronius Pisanus the Camp-master to be committed toward, vpon priuate displeasures betweene them, pretending that he was an abettour, and complice of Piso. Some soldiers also and [Page 207] Centurions he punished, and some he rewarded: neither of them for any desert, but because he would seeme to haue ended a warre. Then he tooke vp the debates betweene theor, Oë [...]nses. Ophenses and Leptitani, which of small beginnings, as robbing of cattell and corne from the cuntrey-men, were now by force of armes maintayned in the field. For the Ophenses being the weaker side had called the Garamantes to ayde them, a sauage people and altogether giuen to robbing and stealing vpon their neighbours: whereupon the Leptitani were hardly bestedde, and their fieldes being round about wasted, trembled for feare within the walled townes, till such time as the cohorts and wings came, who put the Garamantes to flight, and recouered all the spoile, saue onely that which certaine out-riders had caryed further into the cuntrey, and solde there among their wilde inaccessible cottages.
XX. Ʋespasian at Alexandria receyueth aduertisement of the death of Vitellius. The embassage of Ʋologesus king of the Parthians to him. Titus speech with his father. Corne is sent to Rome. The foundation of the Capitoll is layed.
[...]. AFTER the battell at Cremona, and good newes from all quarters, many of all sortes hazarded to put themselues vpon the rough winter seas, and sailed with safety to cary Vespasian the newes that Vitellius was slaine: & king Vologesus embassadours were there offering forty thousande Parthian40. millia sagi [...] tariorum, saieth Suetonius. Vesp. c. 6. not disagreeing from Tacitus: for the Parthians were [...]. horsemen to ayde him. It was a glorious and ioyfull thing, to be sought vnto with offers of so great assistance, & yet not to neede them. So thankes were giuen to Vologesus, and he willed to sende an embassage to the Senate, & assure himselfe of peace with the Romans. Vespasian conuerting his cares vpon Italie, & the affayres of the citty, was aduertised somewhat hardly concerning Domitians dealings, as if he hadVno die, saieth Suet. Domitiano. c. 1. super triginta vrbana [...]ssicia at (que) peregrinae distribuit, miraerise Vespasiano dictitante quòd successorem non & sibi mittecret. passed the bounds of his age, and caried himselfe aboue his compasse, rather like an Emperour then an Emperours sonne. Therefore the most seruiceable part of his army he deliuereth ouer to Titus willing him to prosecute & finish the Iewish warre. It is reported that Titus before hisFrom his father at Alexandria: for thither he accompanied his father, and from thence returned backe to Caesareas which viage is particularely described by Iosephus in the last words of his fourth booke [...]. departure vsed long speech & entreaty with his father, desiring him not to beleeue lightly, or enter in choler at the tale of euery backbiter, but [Page 208] rather to reserue himselfe free for an indifferent audience, and cary a placable minde towardes his own sonne. For neither were Legions nor nauies so strong defences and rampiers of a Princes estate, as the multitude of children. Frendes with time and fortune, sometimes by vnaduised desires, or ouersights, decrease, fall from vs and fade, whereas a mans owne bloud cleaueth fast, and cannot be disioyned: especially in Princes, whose prosperity as well may others enioy, but their aduersity toucheth none neare, but their nearest in bloud: and how should they two being brethren agree, if the father gaue not first an example. Vespasian not so much pacifyed toward Domitian, as delighted with the good nature of Titus bad him be of good comfort, and looke to his charge in aduancing the weale publicke with armes in the field; himselfe would take order with matters of peace, & domesticall affaires. Then he committed to sea, which as yet was tempestuous, his best shippes of sayle fraught with corne: for the Citty was in such distresse, and stoode in those termes of famishing, that when the corne came from Vespasian, they had not at all in their storehouses aboue ten dayes prouision. As concerning the setting vp of the Capitoll againe, he 11 committed the charge thereof to Lucius Vestinus a Gentleman of Rome, but for autority and countenance one of the principall men of the citty; by whom the soothsayers being called together expresly charged, that the reliques of the former tēple should be conueied & caried away into the marishes, & the new erected vpon the selfe same foundation: for it was not the pleasure of the gods the old forme should be altered. The one and twentieth of Iune being a goodly faire day the whole plot of the tēple was bound, & tied about with fillets & garlands. The soldiers whoseCic, de diuinatione. cū impera tor exercitum, censor populum lustraret, bonis nominibus qui hostias ducerent eligebantur: quod idem in dilectu consules obseruant, vt primus miles fiat bono nomine. names had lucky singnificatiōs entred in with fortunate boughes. Afterward the Vestall virgins, with boyes & girles which had both father & mother aliue, washed it with water fetched from riuers, & springs, and running streames. Then Heluidius Priscus the Pretor, Plautus Elianus one of the chieffe Priests going before him, hallowed the floore with a solēn sacrifice of a swine, a sheepe & a bullocke, and laying the intrayles vpon a greene turfe, calling first vpon Iupiter, Iuno, Minerua, and the rest of the gods protectours of the Empire, that they would prosper the worke, exalt and aduance this their owne habitation, begunne by the deuotion of men, with their diuine and celestiall [Page 209] power, he put his hand to the fillets and ropes, wherein a huge mighty stone was fast tyed, and withall the rest of the magistrates and Preests, the Senate & Gentlemen, and a great part of the people preasing with great desire and ioy, drew the stone to the foundations, throwing in withall ingots of golde & siluer, and oare neuer tryed in the furnace, but rawe as it grew▪ for the soothsayers forewarned that the worke should not be defiled with stone, or golde which had bene destinated to any other vse. only the roofe was made hyer: that alteration alone was not disallowed by the gods, & the former temple, for want of proportion that way, was thought to lacke statelinesse, and maiesty conuenient for a building, wherein such a masse of men should be holden.
XXI. The Treueri and Lingones, at the instigation of Classicus, Tutor, and Sabinus, assembling secretely in counsell at Coleyn, determine to reuolt from the Romans. Ʋocula remooueth from Magontiacum to Coleyn. Claudius Labeo maketh a roade against the Caninefates without great effect.
WHEN the death of Vitellius was heard of in France and Germanie, it doubled the warre. For Ciuilis now laying aside dissimulation declared himselfe, and made open warre against the Roman Empire. The Legions which had serued Vitellius wished rather forraine bondage, then to haue Vespasian their Prince. The Frenchmen conceiued courage, and hope of freeing themselues from the yoke, supposing that the same fortune was befallen to our armies in all places alike: and indeede a rumour was noysed that our standing campes in Pannonia and Moesia were straitly besieged by the Sarmatians and Dacians: the like was reported of Britannie. But nothing perswaded them so much to beleeue, that the Roman Empire was come to an ende, as the burning of the Capitoll. For the cittie had beene once before taken by the French, but the seate of Iupiter then being vntaken the Empire stoode and remayned: whereas nowe by this fatall fire a manifest signe of the gods heauy wrath, and displeasure was giuen. And the Druides out of their vayne superstitious learning did prophecie that the Empire of the worlde was to passe, and bee seated beyonde the mountaines. Moreouer a common fame went, that [Page 210] thePrimores Galliarum ab Othone aduersus Vitellium missos. who these primores Galiiarū were, & when and frō whēce sent by Otho against Vitellius I conceiue not: vnlesse it be ment of the Roman Senatours, whereof many were French by birth, whom Otho assumed into his traine against Vitellius: but men of their quality me thinke should haue no great cause to seeke so great an alteration. noble men of France, when they were sent by Otho against Vitellius, did couenant togither before their departure, that in case the Roman common wealth ceased not thus to be torne by multiplying of ciuill warres, & domesticall troubles one straight succeding another, they would ioyntly attempt to recouer their ancient liberty againe. But before the murther of Hordeonius Flaccus nothing brake out whereby the conspiracy might be perceyued: after his death there passed messages, betweene Ciuilis and Classicus captaine of the wing of the Treueri. Classicus in birth and wealth farre exceeded the rest of that quarter. he was extract from the line of their ancient kings, his auncestours renowned in warre and in peace, and himselfe boasted to be descended of enemies to the people of Rome, rather then frendes. Vnto him in this action adioyned themselues Iulius Tutor, and Iulius Sabinus, the one of Triers, the other a Lingon. Tutor was appointed by Vitellius ouerseer of the bancke of Rhene. Sabinus besides a naturall vanity was pricked forward with the vaine glorie of a supposed kinred; that his great grandmother for hir beauty had pleased Iulius Caesar, when hee warred in France, and was by him carnally knowen. These three by secrete conferences searched the mindes and inclinations of the rest: and when they had made acquainted, and associated to them such as they supposed fit for the purpose, they appointed a meeting in Coleyn, in a priuate house: for the publicke state of the citty vtterly abhorred all such attempts. Notwithstanding certaine of the Vbij and Tungri were present at the consultation: but the strongest part and that which caryed the matter was of the Treueri and Lingones. Neither made they any long deliberation, but all with one voyce cryed amaine, that the Romans did nothingJoseph. lib. 7. [...]. c. 2. but rage in ciuill dissensions, that the Legions were stayne, Italie wasted, and the cittie of Rome euen taken; that all the armies were helde occupyed euery one with their seuerall warres: and if the Alpes were fortifyed with good and sufficient garrison, and so their liberty wunne and assured, then might France determine at leysure what course to take of further proceeding, and how farre they list to enlarge. This was no sooner sayed then allowed: a scruple remained concerning the remnant of the Roman soldiers. Many were of minde that they were to be put to the sworde, as mutinous, and [Page 211] faithlesse persons, and polluted with the bloud of their leaders: but the opinion of sparing them preuailed, lest hope of pardon being taken away they would become desperate. So it was thought more conuenient by faire meanes to allure them to the party, & that the Lieutenants alone being made away, the common soldiers would easily be wunne to the side vpon guiltinesse of their owne misdeeds, and hope of impunity. This was the forme of their first consultation, and some were sent abroad into France to kindle and stirre vp the warre: they themselues pretended all subiection and obedience to Vocula, that they might oppresse him at the more vnawares. Vocula had secrete intelligence hereof, but hee had not forces to punish it, his Legions being both thinne, and vnstedfast. So betweene vnsure souldiers, and secret enemies, supposing it the best way that now he could take to vse their owne artes against them, he dissembled the matter & went downe to Coleyn. Thither Claudius Labeo was escaped, hauing corrupted his keepers; who as before we haue saide was taken, and confined out of the way into Frisia, and promising that if hee might haue men hee would goe into Batauia, and reunite the greatest part of the cuntrey againe to the Roman Empire: hauing a prety company of horsemen & footemen assigned, he durst not enterprise any thing amongst the Batauians, but drew certaine of the Neruij and Bethasij after him into the fielde, and rather by stealth, then by way of open inuasion, made some incursions vpon the Caninefates and Marsaci.
XXII. Classicus and Tutor corrupt Voculaes souldiers. Vocula at Nouesium is forsaken by his souldiers, and slaine, who immediately sweare fidelity to the Empire of France.
VOCVLA allured by the fraude of the Frenchmen remooueth towardes the enemye. When they approched to Vetera, Classicus and Tutor pricking before vnder colour of discouering met with the German captaines, and concluded the bargaine, and thereupon encamped their companies with a seuerall trench from the Legionarie souldiers. At which signe of manifest contempt and reuolt Vocula conceiuing greate indignation, cryed alowde, that the Roman state was not by ciuill warres brought yet to so low an ebbe, as that the Treueri also and [Page 212] Lingones neede to despise it: so many cuntreies continuing faithfull, our armies being victorious, the fortune of the Empire standing entier, and the gods ready to reuenge this perfidious part: soIn the fourth yeare of Tiberius Caesar. Tac. 3. Ann. p. 314. long ago Sacrouir and the Aedui, so of late Vindex and France were ouerthrowen, ech at one blowe, and now also the perfidious breakers of treaties so solemnely sworne were to looke for againe the same gods and the same fall. Iulius and Augustus knew better their crooked inclinations:A plaine [...] in Tacitus. for Galba did not diminish but rather increase the tributes of the Lingones and Treueri, and diversely afflict them. to some other citties of Frāce true it is, that he abated a fourth part of their ordinary tribute, but that was nothing to this audience. Galba, and the abatement of their tributes hath made them our enemies. Now they are foes because their yoke is too gentle, but when they shall bee ransackt and stript of their wealth, they wil be our frendes and subiects againe. When Vocula had thus spoken with great spirite and courage, seeing Classicus and Tutor notwithstanding to continue in their traiterous purpose, hee retired backe to Nouesium. The Frenchmen sate downe two miles from the towne in the fieldes, to which place the Centurions and souldiers resorting from Nouesium were bought, and corrupted to a villany neuer heard of before, that a Roman armie should sweare allegeance to strangers, and for a pledge of so wicked a part, eyther kill their Lieutenants, or deliuer them prisoners. Vocula, albeit many counsailed him to withdrawe, chusing rather to sticke to it manfully, then cowardly to flee, called an assembly, and spake to them in this maner.
"I neuer at any time spake vnto you, either more carefull for you, or carelesse for my selfe. That my destruction is purposed I am well contented to heare, and accept death in these troubles as an ende of my miseries. Of you I am ashamed, and you doe I pitty, not because any martiall exploite, or matter of armes is intended against you; for that were agreeing to a souldiers profession, and according to the lawe of the fielde at an enemies hande: but because Classicus with your handes hopeth to fight with the Romans, and abuseth your simplicity with the goodly oath and imaginary Empire of France.Adeò nos, si fortuna in praesens virtus (que) deseruit, etiam vetera exempla deficiunt? Are we so farre now fallen, not onely from our fortune & courage, but euen from our ancient precedents too? For how oft did the Roman Legions chuse rather to dye then to yeelde one inche of grounde to the enemy? Our allies haue many times suffred their citties to bee razed, themselues, their wiues and their children to bee consumed to ashes, without gaining other rewarde, saue onely to keepe their faith and their same. The Legions at Vetera support with all [Page 213] patience hunger and siege, and yeelde neither for feare nor faire wordes. Wee, besides men and armour, and a campe strongly fortified, haue prouision and vittailes sufficient for a long warre, if neede were. Money lately we had, not onely for pay, but also to serue for donatiue too: which whether you list to accept as comming from Vespasian, or from Vitellius, sure both waies it came from a Roman Emperour. If you doe it for feare of the battaile (albeit it be no admittable reason in you who haue foyled so often at Gelduba, at Vetera, and so many times ouerthrowen the enemy) we haue trenches, and walles, and waies to prolong till more strength and supply come from the cuntreyes about vs. If it be for displeasure at me, you haue other Lieutenants and Tribunes, nay Centurion or common souldier, make your choise of any so he be a Roman to leade you. Let neuer for shame so prodigious a thing be bruted throughout the whole world, that Ciuilis and Classicus should inuade Italie, hauing a gard of Romans attendant. What if the Germans and Frenchmen should leade towarde the walles of the Citty? will you fight against your owne natiue soyle, and sharpen your spears against the wombe of your mother? The onely conceite of so great an impiety striketh a horrour into my minde. Shall Tutor of Triers haue watch and ward as a Prince? shall a Batauian giue you the signe of the battell? will you be caried about for supplements to the German regiments? and what ende will you finde of your treason? when the Roman Legions shall march out against you, what shall become of you then, but of fugitiues to be fugitiues againe, and traitors of traitors, betweene your olde oath and your newe an abomination to the gods and to men? O thou most mighty and mercifull Iupiter, whom with so many triumphes these eight hundreth and twenty yeares we haue adored and worshipped: and thou Romulus the founder & father of the Citty, I pray & most humbly beseech you, that if it be not your heauenly pleasures, that vnder my hand & gouernement this campe should be kept vncorrupted & cleane, yet at least you will not permit it to be polluted, and stained by Tutor and Classicus: and that it would please you to inspire to the Roman souldier, either a minde to follow honourable courses, or els a speedy and harmelesse repentance. The oration was diuersely taken, as of men diuersely affected betweene feare, hope, and shame. After the speech Vocula withdrewe himselfe, and [Page 214] consulting vpon his end was by his freedmen and bondmen staied from voluntary preuenting of a most shamefull death: for Classicus sent by and by AEmilius Longinus a fugitiue of the first Legion to dispatch that piece of seruice. As for the Lieutenants,Herennius Lieutenant of the first Legion, whole stā ding campe was at Bonna, and Numisius of the sixteēth at Nouesium. Herennius, andHerennius Lieutenant of the first Legion, whole stā ding campe was at Bonna, and Numisius of the sixteēth at Nouesium. Numisius, it seemed sufficient to put them in prison. Then Classicus assuming the markes and ornamentes of the Roman gouernors, came into the campe: and albeit he were hardened to all kinde of desperate mischiefe, yet would not his vtterance then serue him any further, but barely to recite the wordes of the oath. All that were present sware fidelity to the Empire of France. Then hee aduauced the murtherer of Vocula to a higher place, and the rest hee rewarded, ech according to the lewde seruice they did.
XXIII. Tutor bringeth Coleyn and all vpper Germanie to the oath of France. The Legions of Ʋetera surrender the place to Ciuilis with condition onely of sauing their liues: which notwithstanding is not performed.
AFTER these things Classicus and Tutor diuided charges. Tutor with a strong power lay about Coleyn, and brought both them, and all the souldiers which lay vpon the vpper bancke of the Rhene, to the same oath, slaying the Tribunes at Magontiacum, and driuing away the Campemaster which refused to sweare. Classicus suborned certaine of the lewdest companions of those which had yeelded themselues, commanding them to goe to Vetera, and there to proclame pardon to all those, that would submit themselues to follow the present course: otherwise to looke for no hope but sworde, and famine and all extremities. They which were sent vsed also their owne example as a motiue vnto them. On the one side the respect of their loialty, on the other their present necessity, distracted the persons besieged, betweene the two courses of honour and shame. While they delaied to resolue, their foode failed them both vsuall and vnusuall: they had eaten their mules & horses, & other creatures, which being otherwise abhorred and loathed, hunger had made fauourie and sweete: and lastly feeding of branches, and sprigges, and pulling of grasse which grewe in the walles, they were a patterne of misery and patience, till such time as sending Embassadours to Ciuilis for life, they stained their honorable actions with a shameful [Page 215] and dishonourable ende. Neither was their petition admitted, before they sware fidelity to France. Then he granted them life, reseruing the spoile of the campe to himselfe, and appointed keepers to stay the money, the seruantes, and stuffe, and others to conduct the souldiers empty away. About fiue miles of the Germans lying in ambush, rose sodainly and set vpon them vnawares: such as were most valiant and made resistance were slaine where they stoode: many were cut off in the flight, the rest recouered the campe. Whereupon Ciuilis made complaint and rebuked the Germans as hauing wickedly broken their faith: whether it was but a countenance of his, or els he could not bridle them in their fury it is not assuredly knowen. When the campe was ransacked they set it on fire, and all the men that escaped in the fielde, were burned therein.
XXIIII. Ciuilis vpon performance of his vowe cutteth his bearde. Of Ʋelleda queene of the Bructerians. Two Legions of them which forsooke Vocula and yeelded themselues to Classicus, namely the sixteenth and the first, the one from Nouesium, the other from Bonna their standing campes, are by commaundement transported to Triers.
CIVILIS vpon a barbarous vow when first he entred warre with the Romans, suffred his yallow haire to growe long without barbing, and now, as vponTac. de mor ib. Germ. p. 575. Alijs Germanorum populis vsitatum rarâ & privatâ cuius (que) audentiâ apud Cattos in consen sum vertis, vt primum adoleverint, crinem barbam (que) summittere, nec nisi hoste caeso exucre vot vu nobligatum (que), virtuti oris habitū accomplishment thereof caused it to be cut, when the slaughter of the Legions was perfourmed: and it was reported, that he set vp as markes certaine of the captiues, for his little sonne to shoote & darte at in sport. Neuerthelesse neither did he swear, nor caused any Batauian to take the oath of France, trusting in the strength and assistance of the Germans, and if there should happen hereafter contention to growe with the French about the Empire, accounting himselfe both of more name & ability. Mummius Lupercus the Lieutenant of a Legion among other presents was sent to Velleda, a virgin of the Bructerian nation, and queene ouer many cuntreyes: for so the olde maner of the Germans is, to beleeue many of their women to be prophetesses, and so, superstition increasing, goddesses. And at that time the autoritie of Velleda was growen in more reputation, by reason that shee had tolde before hand the Germans should prosper, [Page 216] and the Roman Legions should be destroied. But Lupercus was slaine in the way: a few Centurions and Tribunes French borne were reserued as a pledge of alliance and amity. The standing campes of the cohortes, wings and Legions, were ouerthrowen and burned, those onely excepted which were at Magontiacum and Vindonissa. The sixteenth Legion with the Auxiliaries, which at the same time yeelded themselues, was commanded to departe from Nouesium to Triers, and a day set downe, before which they should auoide the campe. The meane time was spent in sundrie cares. Some of the cowardeliest were terrified with the late example of them which were slaine at Vetera, in their issuing out; the better sort blushed for shame, to thinke of the infamous and dishonourable iourney, whom they must follow for guides, and how al things should bee at the simple pleasure and discretion of those, whom they had made lords ouer their life and death: others without respect of dishonour packed about them money and such things as were of most price: others made ready their harnesse & buckled themselues to their weapons as though they were going to fielde. While they were thus musing, and casting their cards, the houre of remoue was come, more grieuous and dolefull then was imagined. For within the trench the deformity of the spectacle was not so apparent: the fielde and the day discouered the shame, the images of the Emperours being plucked out of their places, the enseignes tied vp; whereas contrarily the French banners glistered and plaied on euery hande: in summe a silent & sorrowfull troupe, and as it were a long funerall pompe. The conductour Claudius Sanctus augmented the indignitie, one eied, ill fauoured in countenance, and weaker in wit. The dishonour was doubled, when as the first Legion relinquishing their campe at Bonna, vpon the like commandement adioined themselues to the other: and the cuntreymen, that a little before quaked for feare at the very name of a Roman, when the fame of the Legions captiuity was noised, ranne out of their houses, and fields from al quarters, to gaze and feede their eies with so strange a sight. The Picentine wing could not endure the ioy, and insulting of the people, but neglecting as well the threates as the promises of Sanctus, turned to Magontiacum; and meeting by chaunce in the waye Longinus the murtherer of Vocula with their darts slewe him for a beginning of future amendes. The Legions went forwarde in [Page 217] their purposed iourney, and sate downe before the walles of Triers.
XXV. An embassage of the Tencterians to them of Coleyn. Coleyn yeeldeth to Ciuilis and Ʋelleda vpon reasonable composition.
CIVILIS and Classicus puffed vp with prosperous successe made a question, whether they should permit the citty of Coleyn to be sacked by their souldiers. Their naturall inclination to cruelty and couetousnesse drew them that way, but the pollicie of warre was against it, and especiallie the opinion of clemencie needfull in those which are to founde a newe Empire: the remembrance also of a priuate benefite made Ciuilis more tractable towarde them, because in the very beginning of the troubles taking his sonne in their towne they committed him to honourable custodie. Notwithstanding the nations beyond the Rhene enuyed the riches, and growing of the citty, and iudged there could be no ende of warre, vnlesse that towne were either made a common habitation for all Germans indifferently, or els razed to the ground, and so the Vbij also dispersed. Wherefore the Tencteri, a people onely seuered from them by the riuer, sent an embassage, with instruction to declare their charge in the common councell of Coleyn, which one of the most imperious among the embassadours vttered in this peremptory maner. "We thanke our gods and yours, and Mars chieffe of all gods, that you are returned into the corps and communitie, and name of Germanie; and wee reioyce for your sakes, that you shall at length liue as freemen among freemen. For hitherto the Romans haue shut both water and lande, and in a maner the very heauen it selfe betweene you and vs to hinder our conferring and meeting, or els which is more contumelious to martiall men, that we should neuer haue accesse to your cittie but vnarmed, and naked almost and that garded and paying a toll. But now, to the ende that this mutuall league of allyance and frendshippe may stande and continue for euer, wee require of you to pull downe the walles of your towne, the bulwarkes of your bondage: for euen wilde beasts shut vp forget their accustomed valour and vertue. Next we require you to kill all the Romans within your territorie: liberty and Lordes [Page 218] cannot dwell together. Then to bring out all their goods and diuide them in common, that no man should hide any thing, or seeke to seuer his cause from the rest. Moreouer that it may be indifferent both for vs and you, as it was in times past to our fathers, to conuerse and inhabite vpon both sides of the riuer. As nature hath communicated the day and the night to all men, so hath she layed open all landes of the world to valiant mindes. Resume your ancient customes and lawes, laying aside all your effeminate pleasures, by which meanes, more then with armes the Romans subdue nations and cuntreyes. So shall you be a people vncorrupt, without admixtion of forreyne maners or bloud: so shall you forget seruitude, and either liue in liberty, or be lordes ouer others. The Agrippinenses taking a time to deliberate: seeing neither future feares would permit them to yeelde to the conditions, nor their present estate playnly to refuse them, made answere in this maner. "We haue taken, you see, the first opportunitie of recouering our liberty, perchance with more hast then good speede, that we might bee ioyned with you, and the rest of the Germans our kinsmen: but seeing the Roman armies doe gather of all sides against vs, it is meeter and safer to strengthen, then to pull downe the walles of our cittie. As for strangers, Italians or other, which liued amongst vs, eyther they are slaine in the warres, or fled home to their cuntreyes. To them which be ancient inhabitants amongst vs, and are lincked with vs in mariage, and to their of spring, this cuntrey is their owne natiue soile: neither doe we thinke you so vnreasonable as to wish vs to kill our parents, our brethren, or children. For taxe and tallage we acquite and discharge you for euer: you shall passe and repasse without all impeachement, but onelie in the day time, and vnarmed, till our rawe and newe amitie bee ioyned, and confirmed by continuance and custome. Ciuilis and Velleda shall bee arbiters: to their knowledge we referre the cause, and the conclusion of the whole treaty. The Tencteri being thus in parte pacified, embassadours were sent to Ciuilis and Velleda with presents, who obtained all things as they of Coleyn desired: onely they were not admitted to haue accesse, or speech with Velleda, nor suffred to see her, for more keeping of state, and to maintaine a more reuerende conceyt in the [Page 219] harts of the people. She was lodged in a high tower, and one of her kinred appointed to cary as from a goddesse hir oracles and answeres.
XXVI. The Bethasij, Tungri and Neruij yeeld to Ciuilis.
CIVILIS thus strengthened with new increase of confederats, resolued to associate the citties adioyning, or to warre against them if they resisted. So he tooke in the Sunici, and composed their able men into cohorts: but as he purposed to haue passed further, Claudius Labeo with a rawe companie of Bethasij, Tungri, and Neruij, hauing seysed vpon the bridge of the Mose, and trusting to the aduantage of the place, opposed himselfe and stopped his passage. The euent of the skirmish was doubtfull in the straytes, till the Germans swimming ouer the riuer came vpon Labeoes backe: and withall Ciuilis, whether vpon a bolde venture, or vpon a set match, rushed into the middest of the Tungri, and with a lowde voice protested, that the warre was not vndertaken to that ende, that the Batauians and Treueri should be soueraine lordes ouer all other nations: Farre be all such arrogancie (quoth he) from our thought: onelie receyue vs as your good frendes and allies. Lo here for my part I commit my selfe to your handes, employ mee as you list, either for a captaine or a common souldier. The common people was much mooued at these wordes, and put vp their swordes, and Campanus and Iuuenalis chieffe men of the Tungrians yeelded the whole nation vnto him: Labeo before he was compassed in fled away. The Bethasij also and Neruij yeelded themselues: whom Ciuilis adioyning to his power became very puissant and strong, all the citties either fearing, or fauouring him voluntarily.
XXVII. Julius Sabinus with his Lingones giueth battaile to the Sequani, and is ouerthrowen.
IN the meane season Iulius Sabinus, breaking downe the monuments and recordes of the Roman alliance, tooke vpon him the stile & title of Caesar, & led after him a huge and rude company of his cuntrey folkes, the Lingones, against the Sequani, a state bordering vpō them, & faithfull to vs Neither did the Sequani refuse to wage battaile; wherein fortune fauoured the better side, & the [Page 220] Lingones were discomfited. Sabinus as rashly hee enterprised to giue battaile without due circumspection, so without feare of shame he ranne cowardly away: and to raise a rumour that he was dead, he set on fire the house, into which he was knowen to haue fled, & there was supposed voluntarily to haue ended his life. But hereafter in conuenient place we will shew by what meanes, and secreteXiphilin. p. 219. [...]. Plutarch. [...]; p. 1371. setteth downe at large the whole story with many notable circumstances. shifts he prolonged it, for the space of nine yeares, and withall the rare faithfulnesse of his frends, and the memorable example of his wife Epponina.
XXVIII. A Diete of the citties of France summoned at Rheyms. The preparations at Rome for the warre against the Batauians, Treueri, and Lingones. The Diete at Rheyms resolueth vpon peace, notwithstanding the embassage of the Treueri and Lingones, and the allegations of Tullius Ʋalentinus to the contrary.
THIS successe of the Sequani rebated and stayed the violent course of the warre. The citties beganne to consider better of matters, and to remember their couenants and leagues with the Romans, at the motion principally of the Remi, who sending messengers throughout France summoned a Diete, to deliberate what course they should take, keep peace or seeke liberty. Al these things reported at Rome to the worse, troubled Mutianus, lest the captaines whom he had chosen, Annius Gallus and PetiliusJosephus [...]. 7. c. 11. differeth from Tacitus in some little circumstances, and no doubt erreth: as that Cerealis, [...] was sent Lieutenant in to Britanny ( [...]) and in his way finding the Germans and French reuolted, composed the matter, Cerealis, albeit excellent men, should hardly be able to wade thorow so mighty a warre. Neither was it expedient to leaue the citty without a gouernour and head, and yet not in Domitians hande, whose wilde and vnbridled affections were greatly feared: especially Antonius Primus, and Arrius Varus, as before wee haue shewed, beeing suspected not fully to fauour the state. Moreouer Varus was captaine of the Garde and strong, as hauing so many souldiers at commandement. Therefore Mutianus before his departure displaced him from the roome, and lest he should be discontent altogether, made him chieffe officer for the prouision of corne: and to pacify the minde of Domitian, that bare some good will vnto Varus, he set in his place ouer the Garde Aretinus Clemens, one nearely allyed to the house of Vespasian, and dearely beloued of Domitian; alleaging that his [Page 221] father had worthily perfourmed the same place vnder Caius the Emperour. The name was acceptable to the souldiers, and the man, though a Senatour by calling, was thought sufficient to discharge both the roomes. The greatest men of the Citty were willed to prouide for the viage of France: some others were taken in by especiall suite.Suet. Domic. c. 2. expeditionē quo (que) in Galliā Germanias (que) ne (que) necessariā, & dissuadentibus paternis amicis, inchoavie (Domitianus) tantum vt fratri se, & operibus, & dignatione, adaequaret. Domitian and Mutianus both of them prepared for the iourney, but not both minded alike: Domitian hastening forward vpon hope, and young bloud: Mutianus seeking delayes to retaine the fiercenesse of Domitian, lest if he put himselfe in possession of an armie, through the heate of youth and ill counsellours, he should disturbe both the peace and the warre. The sixth andVide annot. 5. eightth of the victorious Legions, of the Vitellianists the one and twentieth, the second of the lately enrolled, wereSome before Cerealis, and some after him, as it appeareth in this booke & the next. conducted part ouer the Penin and Cottian Alpes, part ouer the Graian: & more ouer the fourteenth Legion was sent for out of Britannie, the sixth and tenth out of Spaine. Now the citties of France partly vpon the fame of the host approching, and partly of their owne disposition inclining to the milder course, met in counsell at Rheyms, where an embassage of the Treueri attended, whereof Tullius Valentinus was the chieffe man, a principall firebrande of the warre: who with a premeditate oration applyed to the Romans all those obiections, wherewith mighty monarchies are vsually charged, sparing no spite of wordes, nor art to aggrauate matters against them; a factious person and apt to stirre troubles, and willingly heard of the multitude, by reason of his eloquence such as it was. But Iulius Auspex, one of the noblemen of Rheims, discoursing of the puissance of the Roman power, & the great commodities of peace, and affirming that warre might be commenced by cowards, but must be fought with the hazard of the most valiant men; & that euen now the Roman Legions were vpon their backs, by this graue speech stayed them all: the wiser sort with respect of duety and faith, the younger of danger and feare. And so they commended the courage of Valentinus, but followed the counsayle of Auspex. It is certaine that the Treueri and Lingones had the worse audience in France, because in the commotion of Vindex they had sided themselues with Virginius. Many were discouraged by reason of the emulation that would ensue betweene the prouinces; what should be the head of the warre, fromVnde ius auspicium (que) peteretur. whence [Page 222] should lawe and souerainty be deriued; and if they did conquere which should be the seat-towne of the Empire. They were not yet conquerours, & yet were they at discorde brawling about the preseance: some alleaging their treaties and ancient leagues, some their riches and present strength, & some their antiquitie. Whereupon the whole councell detesting the future confusion, affirmed and ratifyed the present estate. Letters also were writen vnto the Treueri in the name of the common councell of France to desist from armes, whilest pardon might be easily obtained, & many would become suters in their behalfe if they repented. But Valentinus refused the curtesie, and at his returne stopped the eares of his citty against this good motion, being a man rather plentifull in orations and speeches, then carefull for other prouision of warre.
XXIX. The one and twentieth Legion surnamed Rapax commeth into Germanie. Sextilius Felix with his cohorts ouerthroweth Tutor and the Treueri. Valentinus returning from the Diete stirreth vp the warre againe. The two Legions transported from Nouesium and Bonna to Triers depart to the Mediomatrici.
IN like maner neither did the Treueri, nor Lingones, nor the rest of the states that reuolted, cary themselues as the weight of the cause and the danger required: euen the captaines themselues conferred not counsailes together. But Ciuilis wandred about the wildes of Belgium to catch Claudius Labeo, or els to chase him out of the cuntrey: Classicus lay for the most part idle and lazy, and as it were tooke the fruition of his supposedly gotten kingdome. Tutor also slacked to make himselfe strong vpon the vpper bancke of the riuer, and with garrison to possesse the passages and heights of the Alpes, whilest in the meane time the one and twentieth Legion brake in from Vindonissa, and Sextilius Felix, with the Auxiliary cohorts by the way of Rhoetia: vnto whom a wing of horsemen called Singulares (who marching at the first by Vitellius appointmēt toward Italie reuolted afterward to Vespasian) adioyned themselues. Their captaine was Iulius Briganticus Ciuilis sisters sonne, mortally hating his vnckle, and hated againe: as commonly the enmities of nearest kinsfolkes, if once they fall out, are most dispitefull and deadly. [Page 223] Tutor increased his power consisting of Treueri with a fresh supply of Vangiones, Caracates, and Triboci, and that which added most strength with olde experienced Legionary souldiers, both footemen and horse, some corrupted with hope, and others awëd with feare: who at the first killed a cohort sent before by Sextilius Felix, and anone when the Roman captaines and armies approched, redeeming their former fault fled ouer to them, and were followed by the Triboci, Vangiones and Caracates. So Tutor being left alone with his Treueri eschewing Magontiacum fled to Bingium, trusting vpon the strength of the place, because hee had broken downe the bridge of the riuer Naua: but Sextilius with his cohortes following his footesteppes, and finding a forde discried his power, and ouerthrew it. This discomfiture vtterly discouraged the Treueri: and the common people casting their weapons away returned to their husbandry. And certaine of the nobility that they might seeme to bee formost in laying hostility aside, fled to those citties for refuge which had not broken with the Romans. The Legions, which, as before wee declared, went by commaundement from Nouesium and Bonna to Triers, voluntarily resumed the oath to Vespasian. These things were done in the absence of Valentinus: who at his returne, in a desperate fury and rage stirred the coales, and kindled the fire anew. Whereupon the Legions got them away to the Mediomatrici, a state in league with the Romans: and Valentinus and Tutor perswaded the Treueri to take vp their weapons againe, and goe to the fielde, hauing first killed Herennius and Numisius the Lieutenants, to the intent that being without all hope of pardon, they might be more fastly vnited together in their wicked conspiracy.
XXX. Petilius Cerealis ouerthroweth the Treueri, taketh Ʋalentinus aliue, adioyneth the two Legions from the Mediomatrici, and maketh an oration to the Treueri.
THIS was the state of the warre, when Petilius Cerealis came to Magontiacum, and by his presence raysed greate expectation, and hope of our side. Cerealis himselfe was desirous of the battaile, and hauing a better grace sometime to contemne the enemyes, then alwayes to beware them, with lustie couragious wordes hee inflamed his souldier, as [Page 224] purposing, so soone as he could ouertake the enemies without delay to ioyne issue in fielde. A supply of soldiers sent out of Fraunce he turned home againe, willing them to signifie so much to the rest in his name, that the Romā Legions suffized for the defence of the Roman Empire: & that al our good frends & allies should returne to their peaceable businesse, without further care, assuring themselues that the warre, now that the Romans personally vndertooke it, was as good as already dispatched. That increased the obedience of the French: for hauing receiued their men backe againe, they supported more easily al taxes & tributes, and were the more ready to perfourme all pointes of their duety, because they sawe their helpe was not needed. But Ciuilis and Classicus, whenas they heard of the ouerthrowe of Tutor, the slaughter of the Treueri, and the good successe euery where of their enemies, all in a fright and hast seeke to vnite their dispersed powers, sending messengers in the meane time to Valentinus one after another, warning him to take heede to the maine chance, & not rashly to venture & hazard the battel. With so much the more expeditiō Cerealis dispatched to the Mediomatrici, lying nearer vpon the enemy, certaine to leade the two Legions thence to assaile them on that side: & assembling all the soldiers at Magontiacum, and the power which he had brought with him ouer the mountaines, himselfe marched forwarde, and at the thirde remooue came to Rigodulum, a place naturally strong by reason of the high situation, and the riuer Mosella closing it in: where Valentinus with a great power of Treueri was encamped, and had made it stronger by arte, casting trenches and ditches about it, and mighty huge stones to hinder the passage. But these fortifications terrified the Roman captaine nothing at all, but boldly hee bad the footemen breake thorow, and appointed his battell of horsemen to clime vp the mountaine, despising the enemy, whom he knew to be rawe, and vnskilfull in seruice, and not to haue that aduantage by the difference of place, that himselfe had by the difference of men. At the going vp of the hill some litle stay was made, vntill the enemies had spent their arrowes and dartes: then comming to handy stroakes, they were driuen downe headlong, & tumbled one ouer another, as it were stones at the fall of a building: & part of the horsemen fetching about by easier ascents tooke many of the chiefe nobility of Belgium prisoners, and amongst others Valentinus Generall that day [Page 225] of the fielde. the next day Cerealis entred the towne of Triers. The souldiers were extremely desirous to raze the citty, alleadging, that here Classicus, here Tutor was borne: here were the men through whose wicked conspiracy the Legions were besieged and slaine. what had poore Cremona deserued so greatly, as to be rooted out of the body of Italie, because it differred the victory onely one night? here in the confines of Germanie stoode the seatetowne of rebellion entier, & triumphing with the spoiles, and slaughter of our armies and Generals. As for the spoile he might at his pleasure dispose of to the Princes behoofe, they could be contented with the burning, and ruines of that rebellious colony, to requite thereby in some part the destruction of so many campes. Cerealis for feare of infamy, if he should be thought to noosell his souldiers in licentiousnesse and cruelty, repressed their anger, and they obeyed, being become now they had left off ciuill warre, of more modest behauiour also in forreine. Then the miserable & pitifull spectacle of the Legions, which came from the Mediomatrici, drew mens minds to the consideration thereof. Vpon the guilt of their offence they stoode with a sad and sorrowful countenance, casting their eies downe to the ground, no ioyfull greeting when the armies met, nor answering ought to those that sought to encourage and comfort them, but hiding themselues in their tents, not abiding to looke on the light: not so much amazed with danger or feare, as with the shame and discredit. and euen the conquerous were astonished at the sight, who not daring to speake, begged their pardon with silence and teares, till such time as Cerealis with comfortable wordes reuiued their spirits; affirming that those things, which indeede came to passe through the mutinousnesse of the souldiers, or the dissension of the leaders, or the malice of the enemies, were but fatall mischances, which could not be escaped: and therefore that day they should account the first both of their seruice, and oath: their former facts neyther the Prince, nor he would remember. Then were they receiued into the same campe, and a proclamation made throughout all the bandes, that no man in contention or anger should obiect to any of them their misdeedes or mishappes. Then calling the Treueri and Lingones to an assembly, hee spake vnto them in this wise.
"I was neuer practised in the arte of speaking: my profession is armes, and with armes I haue made good proofe of the vertue of [Page 226] the Romans. But because wordes preuaile so much with you, and I see you esteeme good & euil, not by their owne natures, but by the speeches of factious persons, I thought it expedient to say some thing, which now that the warre in a manner is finished may bee more behoouefull for you to heare, then for vs to speake. TheCaesar lib. 1. de bello Gallico. c. 7 Romans, their Captaines and Leaders, entred your cuntrey and the rest of France, not pricked by any desire of theirs, but requested thereto by your predecessours, at what time ciuill dissensions had tired and ruined them, and the Germans called in by one side brought both into thraldome. How many battailes wee haue fought against the Cimbri and Teutones, what paines our armies haue taken, and with what successe wee haue handled our selues in the German warres for your sakes, it is notoriously knowen; neither doe we therefore with so much expense of money and men garde the Rhene for the safety of Italie, but lest some other Ariouistus should passe and conquere the kingdome of France. Or doe you thinke your selues better beloued of Ciuilis and the Batauians, and the Germans ouer the Rhene, then your fathers and grandfathers were of their predecessours? the same causes still are remaining, and so will be for euer, to mooue the Germans to passe into France; to wit, satisfying of their pleasures and lusts, auarice, and desire of changing seate, that leauing their mires and deser [...]es, they may take possession of this fruitfull cuntrey, and you the inhabitants thereof. yea but liberty and glorious shewes are pretended. Where was euer any, I pray you, that sought to enthrall or vsurpe ouer others, but hee cloaked his purposes with such goodly titles? France neuer was without petty tyrannes and warres, till yee came vnder our iurisdiction. Wee, albeit we haue beene often prouoked, haue put that onely as conquerours vpon you, whereby peace might be maintained. For neither peace can be maintayned without armes, nor armes without wages, nor wages without tribute: all other things are alike to vs both. you commonly gouerne our Legions, you are the Presidents of these and other prouinces, no prerogatiue is kept from you, or reserued for vs. Againe they which dwell farre off, feele the commoditie alike of a good Prince, whereas tyrannes oppresse most the nearest. As you endure and support with patience a barren yeare, if it happen, & vnseasonable weather, & such other defects [Page 227] of nature; euen so tolerate a little and beare with the riotous life or auarice of gouernours. Faults will be so long as there be men: but neither are they continuall, and amends is commonly made by better which follow. Vnlesse peraduenture you hope for a more moderate, or easier gouernement vnder the raigne of Tutor and Classicus, or that with lesse tribute, then now is paied, armies can be maintayned to holde out the Germans and Britans. For if the Romans, which the gods defende, should be dispossessed, what els can ensue but warres of nations against nations, and the confusion of the whole worlde. This frame is the workemanshippe of eight hundreth yeares, good fortune, and discipline, which cannot bee dissolued without the destruction of the dissoluers; but your danger, which haue golde and riches the chiefest causes of warre, of all is the greatest. Therefore embrace you peace, and loue that citty whereof both you and we are members alike. You haue proued both fortunes: let them be a warning vnto you to chuse rather subiection with safety, then rebellion with ruine. With this speech he settled their mindes, and lightened their harts, who feared a heauier doome.
XXXI. Ciuilis and Classicus write to Cerealis.
AT the time that the Roman army was within Triers, Ciuilis & Classicus sent letters to Cerealis. The contents were, that Vespasian was dead, although the Postes concealed the matter: that Rome and Italie were consumed & wasted with inward warre. As for Mutianus and Domitian they were nothing els, but vaine names without forces: if Cerealis list vndertake the Empire of France, it were his best course, and they would not bee against it, contenting themselues with their owne citties and confines, or if battaile pleased him better, euen that they would not refuse. To these points Cerealis answered nothing to them, but sent the messenger, that brought the letters, away to Domitian.
XXXII. Ciuilis with his confederates ouerthrowen by Cerealis at Triers.
IN the meane season the enemies began to march, & approched on euery side in seueral cōpanies: whom Cerealis permitting to ioine, was blamed by many for suffring thē to vnite, with whom he might haue fought single, & defeated them easily being diuided. [Page 228] The Roman army cast a ditch and trench about their campe, in the which they were before vnaduisedly lodged without any defence. Among the captaines of the other side there was diuersity of opinions, and the matter debated both waies. Ciuilis thought it expedient to stay for the Germans comming which dwelt ouer the Rhene, the terrour of which nations would treade vnderfoote the Roman powers: as for the Frenchmen it mattered not much what way they went, being nought els but a pray to the conquerours; and yet the strength of France, the Belgians, had either openly declared for them, or at least secretly wished them well. Contrarily Tutor affirmed, that by delay the Romans would growe and increase, so many whole hostes comming in from euery side, one Legion being already transported out of Britannie, others sent for out of Spaine, and many Legions at hande out of Italie, not of raw souldiers, but olde and well expert in warre: as for the Germans they looked for, what were they els but a kinde of vnprofitable troubles of a campe, out of all awe and obedience to superiours, that would not be commanded nor ruled, but doe all as they listed themselues? Now for money and gifts, the onely meanes to corrupt the Germans, the Romans had more abundancee, and no man was so hasty to fight, but would rather chuse quietnesse then danger with the same hire. Whereas if they would presently fight, Cerealis had no other Legions as yet, but onely the remnants of the German army entāgled with an oath to the Empire of France. And moreouer this their late vnlooked for successe against Valentinus, and his rude vntrained company, would be a bait vnto them and their General to further rashnesse, and therefore they would without doubt venture againe, and so fall into the handes not of an vnskilful youth, better seene in words and babble, then armes and militare feates, but of Ciuilis and Classicus; at the very sight of whom the enemies would tremble, calling to remembrance their former feares, and flightes, and famines, and how oft they had beene taken and pardoned their liues. Neither doe the Treueri and Lingones keepe in with the Romans now vpon loue and goodwill, but for feare: which take ye away and they will resume their weapons againe. Classicus approuing rhe opinion of Tutor decided the controuersie, and forthwith they proceede to execution. The middle battell was assigned to the Vbij and Lingones, on the right side stoode the Batauian cohorts, on the lefte [Page 229] the Bructeri and Tencteri: in this array partly from the mountaines and part 12 betweene the way and the riuer Mosella they assayled our army so sodainly, that Cerealis, lying abroad that night out of the campe, had worde brought to his chamber and bed all at one instant, that the battaile was begunne, and his men ouerthrowen, rating at the first their dastardlinesse that brought in the newes, vntill with his owne eyes hee sawe the whole message clearely confirmed, the campe of the Legions broken vp and entred into, the horsemen defeated, the bridge ouer Mosella in the midst of the towne possessed by the enemie. In which confusion Cerealis behauing himselfe without all feare, with his owne handes drew backe them which fled away, & manfully, albeit vnarmed among so many weapons, with his fortunate rashnesse, and the assistance of some valiant souldiers comming in, recouered the bridge, and left a chosen company of men to garde it. Then returning to the campe he found the bandes of the Legions, which were taken at Bonna and Nouesium, disbanded and scattered, fewe souldiers at their enseignes, and the standerds almost circumuented. "Whereupon being full of indignation and wrath, You forsake not (quoth he) Hordeonius or Vocula, you can alleadge no falsehood or treason in me: neyther euer did I commit any act that needed excuse, saue onely in affirming you had forgotten your oath to France, and remembred your allegeance to the Roman Empire. I shall, and so am contented to be numbred with Numisius & Herennius, that al your Lieutenants may be sayed to haue dyed eyther by the handes of their owne souldiers or els of the enemy. Go tell Vespasian, or which is nearer Ciuilis & Classicus, that you haue left your General in the field: Legions shortly will come, doubt ye not, which shall neyther suffer me to bee long vnreuenged, nor you vnpunished. The accusation was true, and the Captaines and Tribunes spake, and vrged to the same purpose. So they rallied and made head by cohorts and bandes, for the whole battell could not be displayed, partly because the enemy was vpon them, and partly by reason of their tents & stuffe, which hindred them greatly fighting within the trenches. Tutor and Classicus and Ciuilis ech in their seuerall quarters animated their men to fight, the Frenchmen for libertie, the Batauians for glory, and the Germans for spoile: and all went with the enemie, till the one and twentieth Legion knitting [Page 230] togither in a more open place then the rest, valiantly receyued the aduersaries charge; and recharging by & by draue them from their ground. It was not without the speciall helpe of the gods, that our enemies being victorious so sodainly altered their mindes, and turned their backes. They affirmed afterward the sight of the cohorts terrifyed them, which at the first ioyning being defeated vnited againe in the hill toppes, and seemed a new supply in their sight. But indeede the chieffe impediment of their victorie was, that they left of to deale with the enemie, & quarrelled foolishly among themselues for the spoile. Cerealis as he had almost vndone all by negligence, so by diligence and constancie he recouered it againe, and following his fortune tooke the same day, and razed the enemies campe.
XXXIII. They of Coleyn kill the Germans which they finde in their towne: and cut a cohort of Ciuilis lying at Tolbiacum in pieces. The Caninefates fight prosperously against the fleete of Britanny, and Ciuilis against some of Cerealis horsemen.
THE souldier without any long intermission was straightwaies called to a new seruice. They of Coleyn requested their helpe, and offred to surrendre the wife and sister of Ciuilis, and the daughter of Classicus, which were left with them as pledges of mutuall amitie, and in the meane season slew the Germans which lay dispersed in their towne: whereupon growing into extreme feare they had iust cause to cry for ayde, before the enemies gathering new strength should resume courage, or prosecute the reuenge. For Ciuilis also purposed thitherwarde, beside other competent forces, vpon confidence principallie of his most couragious cohorte composed of Chauci and Frisij, which was not present in the ouerthrowe, and lay at Tolbiacum in the territory of Coleyn, but he was diuerted from that determination by a sorrowfull message, that the cohort was massacred by the fraude of the Agrippinenses, who when the Germans had filled themselues with wine and good cheere, and so were layed to sleepe, shut vp the doores, put fire to their lodging, and burned them aliue: and withall Cerealis was come himselfe with speede to relieue them. Moreouer another feare troubled Ciuilis minde not a litle, lest the fourteenth Legion togither with [Page 231] the nauie of Britannie should wast and spoile the Batauian border that lyeth vpon the Ocean. But Fabius Priscus the Lieutenant, hauing crossed the seas at the shortest cut, led forth the Legion by lande into the coasts of the Neruij and Tungri; and those cuntreys yeelded themselues to the Romans. As for the nauy, the Caninefates venturously made out against it, and tooke or suncke the greater part of the shippes: and the same Caninefates defeated a multitude of Neruij, voluntarily gathered togither to fight in fauour of the Romans. Classicus also against certaine horsemen, which Cerealis sent before to Nouesium, skirmished prosperously. Which small but often losses did dimme and diminish the glory of the victory lately obtained.
XXXIIII. The sonne of Vitellius is slaine. Antonius Primus discontented saileth from Rome to Vespasian lying at Alexandria.
ABOVT the same time Mutianus commanded the sonne of Vitellius to be slaine, pretending that a perfect vnion could not growe, vnlesse all seedes of warre were vtterly rooted out. Moreouer he would not permit that Antonius Primus should be assumed into Domitians traine in the vyage of France, hauing him in ielousie, by reason of the souldiers loue towards him, and because of the mans hawty proude nature, who could not abide any equall, much lesse a superiour. So Antonius mal-content went to Vespasian, who receyued and intertayned him in good sort, albeit not according to his expectation. The merits of the man, by whose conduct doubtlesse the warre was consummate and ended, distracted him one waie, and Mutianus letters another: and withall the rest put forward, inueying against him as an insolent and intolerable person, ioyning thereto the faults of his former life. And hee for his part by his arrogant behauiour ceased not to prouoke displeasure, odiously inculcating at euery worde, what things hee had done, and how greatly he had deserued of the cause, despising the rest as men of no seruice in warre, and Caecina as a dishonoured captiue, and yeelded person. Whereupon by litle and litle he beganne to be in lesse credit, and lightlyer esteemed of the Prince, notwithstanding outwardly hee countenanced him as before.
security, as being more addict to pleasures thē to deuotions, neglected the matter and cast his cares otherwhere, vntill the same vision appeared in more terrible and vehement maner, denouncing destruction peremptorily to him and his kingdome, if he performed not his commandements. Then Ptoleme sent an embassage with presents to Scydrothemis the king of Sinope, willing them at their departure to goe by Delphos and aske counsaile of Apollo. Their iourney by sea was prosperous, and Apolloes answere without ambiguity; namely that they should goe forward, and bring with them away his fathers image, but leaue his sisters. When they came to Sinope, after they had presented their gifts to Scydrothemis, they declared at large their commission, and what the king their master requested at his handes. Scydrothemis was doubtfull in minde: sometimes hee feared the wrathfull displeasure of the god, sometimes the threats of his subiects, who were vtterly against the granting of it, and sometimes hee had a fauourable respect to the presents and promises of the embassadours. And so three yeares beeing spent in this negotiation, Ptoleme notwithstanding continued an earnest suiter sending more honourable embassadours, mo shippes, and more store of golde. At the last a fearefull and threatening vision appeared to Scydrothemis, charging him no longer to hinder that, which the god had determined: and as notwithstanding he protracted, many mischieffes befell him, and diuerse diseases, and the manifest wrath of the gods vexed him dayly more and more. Then calling an assembly of all the people hee declareth vnto them the will of the god, his owne and Ptolemes visions, and also the mischieffes which otherwise hung ouer their heads. The common people withstoode the motion, enuying at Egypt, and fearing their owne state, and so beset the temple about: whereupon a strong report goeth, that the god without handes conueyed himselfe into the shippes, which lay there at ancker: and, which is meruelous to bee reported, sayling from thence thorow so vast seas, they arriued the third day at Alexandria. So aDionysius [...]. temple was built answerable to the magnificence of the cittie, in a place called Rhacotis, where had bene a chappell of ancient time consecrated toOr rather to Osyris and Jsis, or els we shall haue a Sarapis before Sarapis came, which perchance were an incō [...]enience. Sarapis and Isis. And this is the most famous opinion concerning the originall of the god and his transportation. [Page 235] I know that some holde he was brought from Seleucia a citty of Syria, in the raigne of Ptoleme theSurnamed [...]. thirde: others that the same Ptoleme was the transporter, but it was from Memphis a famous citty, in ancient times the glory and strength of olde Egypt. The god himselfe many suppose to beBut whatsoeuer god he was indeed, the Egyptians called him vsually Sarapi [...]. [...], saieth Plut. li de Iside & Osiride. [...]. Aesculapius because he cureth diseases; some Osiris the oldest god knowen of those nations; many Iupiter, as soueraine lord ouer all; most Pluto, by notes that manifestly appeare in him, or otherwise by collection gathering arguments of their coniecture.
XXXVI. The viage of Domitian and Mutianus with their traine to Lions.
BVT Domitian and Mutianus before they came to the Alpes receiued the newes of the prosperous battaile against the Treneri: and for a sure proofe of the victory Valentinus the General of the enemies was withall deliuered into their hands, who in his aduersity retained his former courage, declaring in countenance what stomacke once he had borne. He was permitted to speake for himselfe, onely that his nature and giftes might bee seene, and so adiudged to dye. At his execution one vpbraided vnto him that his cuntrey was taken, then shall I dye, quoth hee, with greater contentment. Then Mutianus cunningly induced speech as proceeding from the present occasion, being indeede that which long time he had proiected before: that seeing through the greatIoseph. [...]. d. [...]. c. 11. falsely and flatteringly attributeth the glory of finishing this warre to Domitian. fauour and goodnesse of the gods the forces of the enemies were broken, it were vnseemely for Domitian, now that the warre was almost at an ende, to intercept the glory of another mans trauailes: if the case stoode so that the state of the Empire or safety of France were in danger, it were requisite that the Princes sonne should stand in the fielde: but to fight against the Caninefates and Batauians would be committed to Commaunders of lower degree; hee himselfe should stay at Lions, and from thence in a reasonable distance make shew of the Princely puissance and state, neither venturing his person in matters of small moment and if any greater should happen, ready at hande. The arte was vnderstoode, but seeming not to vnderstande it was a point of obedience. And so they came to Lions; from whence it is thought that Domitian sent a secrete message to Cerealis, to proue his loyalty, whether if he came thither in person [Page 236] he would deliuer him his army and gouernement: what he intended thereby, to make warre with his father, or to strengthen and fortifie himselfe against his brother when the time should serue, it is not certainely knowen: for Cerealis with good and discreete answere shifted off this fond and childish request. Domitian perceiuing hisBeing about seuenteene or eighteene yeares olde at that time. youth contemned of the elder men, ceased from medling any more in affaires of estate, euen of the meaner sort, and such as before vsually passed thorow his handes: withall, vnder colour of simplicity and modesty, sequestring himselfe to a close and solitary kinde of life, pretending desire of learning and loue of poetry, thereby to couer his disposition, and auoide all emulation and cause of vnkindnesse with his brother, whose vnlike and farre more curteous nature he construed contrarily.
TO report and deliuer to posterity the doings and demeanours of excellent personages, a thing vsuall in ancient times, euen our age, though carelesse otherwise of her owne, hath not omitted then and so oft whenas any great & eminent vertue hath ouergrowen two vices, to little and great common wealths common alike,1 ignorance of that which is good, and enuying at it. But in the daies of our ancestours as it was farre more easie and open to atchieue actions worthy of writing, so likewise their finest wittes, without fauor or flattery, vpon an vpright conscience, without other rewarde, were led to record and chronicle the same: yea diuerse vpon confidence of their owne proceedings haue thought it no presumption to set downe in writing themselues their owne liues. Neither were Rutilius and Scaurus a whit more misliked, or lesse beleeued for that: so certaine it is, that vertues are then valewed most rightly, whenas they doe grow in most plenty. But now it fareth with me farre otherwise: who hauing here to describe the life of a man already deceased,2 am first of force to beg pardon; a thing which indeede I would haue forborne, were I not to meete and fal in with a time so terrible, so capitall an enemy to vertue and honour. We reade that Arulenus Rusticus for praising Paetus 3 Thrasea, and Herennius Senecio for commending Heluidius Priscus were both put to death: and beside the writers,4 against the bookes also seuerity was vsed, charge being giuen from authority to the Triumuiri, that the workes of those noble wittes should be in the market place solemnely burned. Be like they supposed they could with that fire quench the speech of the people of Rome, abolish the liberty of the Senate, & suppresse the common knowledge of whole mankinde; expelling withall the 5 professours of wisedome, and banishing all good learning and artes, lest any sparckle of honesty should by mischance remaine within view. For certaine we gaue great proofe of our patience, and as our ancestours attained and [Page 238] sawe the highest pitch and perfection of liberty, so we of seruility, being depriued by intelligencers and spies of the commerce of hearing and speaking togither: yea memory also, as well as toung we had lost, had it lyen in our power aswell to forget as it did to keepe silence. Now at the length our former spirits beginne to reuiue: howbeit although Prince Nerua, straight at the first entry of this most happy age, hath wisely matched and mixed together two things heretofore insociable, the souerayntie of one with the libertie of all; and Traian his sonne, proceeding in the same traine, maketh the Empire dayly more supportable and easie; so that not onely wee may hope and conceaue prayers for the publicke security, but see and touch the effect of our prayers assured and confirmed vnto vs: yet notwithstanding by proofe it is found (such is the nature of mans imbecillity) the remedies to bee of slower operation, then were the diseases. And as our bodies waxe and gather strength by leysure, perish in a moment; so good wittes and good learning are sooner cut downe then raysed againe. For the sweetenesse and pleasing of idlenesse, and of doing nothing, creepeth into our senses: and slouthfulnesse which at the first wee detest, by custome obtayneth our fauour and loue: to omit that inFor so long Domitian was Emperour. fifteene yeares, a great part of mans age, many haue beene wasted by casuall chances, the most sufficient and forwarde by the cruelty of the Prince, a fewe of vs onely remaining that haue ouerliued, as I may say, not onely others, but also our selues, hauing so many yeares subducted out of the midst of our life, in which wee proceeded in silence from youngmen to aged, from aged almost to the graue. And yet peraduenture it shall not repent me to compose, though in rude and vnframed speech, aBy a memory of their thraldome, he meaneth, as I suppose, his bookes of Hist: by a testimonie of their present felicity, a volume intended by him of Nerua and Traians time (as it appeares in the preface of the history) but neuer, I thinke, performed. memory of our late thraldome, and a testimony of our present felicities. In the meane while this treatise I haue specially vowed to the honour of Agricola my father in law; and therefore as being in discharge of duety, and carying profession of kindenesse, it shall either abroade purchase prayse, or be couered at least with some curteous excuse.
CNEVS IVLIVS AGRICOLA was borne in the ancient and noble colony of 6 Forum Iulium: both his grandfathers had bene the Princes Procuratours, an honorable gentlemans place. His fatherSeneca de benefic. lib. 2. Si exemplo magni a nimi opus est, vtemur Groecini Julij vi [...]i egregij, quem C. Caesar occidit ob hoc vnum, quod melior vir esset, quam esse quenquam tyranno expediret. Iulius Groecinus was by calling a Senatour, for eloquence [Page 239] and wisedome famous: by reason of which qualities hee incurred the displeasure of Caius the Emperour, being willed by him to preferre accusation against Marcus Silanus; which because he refused hee was put to death. His mother Iulia Procilla, a mirrour of rare chastity: vnder whose wing and motherly care Agricola being brought vp, passed ouer his infancy and youth in the exercise of all good qualities and artes. And beside his owne disposition clearely and wholly giuen to good, it was a good meanes to withholde him from the allurements of vice, that hee happened to haue the towne ofStrabo. lib. 4. [...]. and in another place he attributeth to the Massilians the commendation [...]. Massilia for the place of his first aboade and study in youth, a citty compounded of Greeke ciuility and prouinciall frugality well sorted togither. I haue hearde him say, I remember, that being young hee had addicted himselfe to the study of philosophy in earnester sorte, and beyonde the measure of a Roman and Senatour, had not the wisedome of his mother corrected and cooled the heate of that humour. That noble and hawtie minde of his was caried to embrace, with more feruency then discretion, the bewty and gay shewe of that high and glorious profession: but reason anone and riper yeares reformed his iudgement: and so hee retayned, a point most harde to bee kept, of wisedome a meane.
His first seruice in warre was in Britanny vnder Suetonius Paullinus; into whose trayne being assumed hee was of that diligent and discrete leader well liked: not spending the time in riot after the maner of youthes, which conuert warfare into wantonnesse; nor accepting the title of Tribuneshippe without skill in the seruice, as a calling of ease for pleasure and gadding abroade; but wholly directing his minde to knowe the prouince, to bee knowen of the army, to learne of the skilfull, to follow the best, to desire no imployment vpon vaine glory, to refuse none for feare, ioyntly to shewe himselfe both carefull and earnest in action. Neuer did our affaires in Britannie stande at anie time in the like termes of doubt and distresse: our olde souldiers were slaine, ourCamalodunū and Verulanium: but this later was municipium & not colonia in the straitnesse of termes. colonies burned, our armies entrapped, then we fought for to liue, afterwarde for to winne. All which exploites, though performed by the counsaile & conduict of another, and consequently the credit of the cause, & glory of recouering the cuntrey appertaining to the Lieutenant, yet were they [Page 240] occasions to increase in the young man skill, experience, and desire of militare renowne, a quality not so acceptable in those seasons, wherein great vertues were greatly suspected, and a great fame endangered more then a bad.
From Britanny departing to Rome to beare offices he ioyned himselfe in matrimony with Domitia Decidiana, a woman of honourable birth: which mariage was a countenance, and a strength to his further purposes: and they liued together in marueilous vnity with mutuall loue, andOr, following another sence of the latine word, which may seeme doubtfull, and ech preferring the other both vertuous alike, sauing that the commendation is so much the greater in a good wife, as the reproch is the more in a bad. yeelding preeminence the one to the other; a point otherwise not greatly materiall, sauing that a good wife is a great commendation, aswell as an ill a reproch. Being Questor his lot fell in Asia with Saluius Titianus the Proconsul. Neither was he withdrawen by that meanes from his wonted integrity, although both the prouince was rich and readily ministred matter to offende, and his Proconsull a man of insatiable greedinesse would with any remisnesse willingly haue redeemed at his handes mutuall conniuence and couering of faults. There his wife bare him a daughter both to his stay and his comfort, for the sonne she brought him before was already deceased hauing liued but a little. After his Questorship till he was created Tribune of the people, & the yeare also of his Tribuneship he passed ouer in rest and quietnesse, well weying the nature of Neroes time,Tacit. 1. Hist. speaking of Galba, and the same times. claritas natalium, & metus temporum obtentui, vt quod segnitia erat sapientia vocaretur. wherein slouth was a vertue, and to doe nothing the greatest wisedome of all. His Pretorship also he passed ouer in the same sort, with the like silence: for 7 none of the iudiciall places happened vnto him. The 8 playes and vanities of the office he gouerned and executed by the rule of reason and measure of wealth: farre from excesse, and yet not without magnificence & honour. Anone afterward being elected by Galba to view and suruey the iewels and giftes belonging to the temples, by most diligent and straite search hee procured full restitution of all, saue onely of those which Nero had taken.
The yeare following wounded his minde, & plunged his house in a heauy mishappe. ForOf this matter we read in Tacitus. 2. Hist. pag 66. Othoes fleete rouing at large licentiously, in wasting Intemelium a part of Liguria, slew the mother of Agricola in her owne grounds, spoyled the grounds, and caried away most part of the wealth which was the cause of the murther. As Agricola went to solemnize the funeralles he receaued aduise, that Vespasian was in armes for the Empire, and without [Page 241] more aduise ioyned himselfe to the side. Domitian as yet was but young, and challenged not, as an Emperours sonne, any thing els saue only licentious life. The affayres of the Empire and state of the Citty were gouerned at the beginning, and wholly directed by Mutianus alone. By commission from whom Agricola being sent to take musters, and behauing himselfe in that charge with great integrity and courage, he was by the same Mutianus, vpon message receaued of the seditious demeanure of Roscius Coelius, made in his place Lieutenant of the twentieth Legion, a Legion which slowly had sworne to Vespasian, and was out of awe, or awed much rather euen the Lieutenants Generall; much lesse was the Legions Lieutenant of power to refraine them, whether through the weaknesse of his owne arme, or hard mouth of his soldiers, it is not assured. Thus being elected both to succeede and reuenge, he shewed an example of most rare moderation, in chusing to seeme rather to haue founde, then to haue made, them dutifull souldiers. At that time Vectius Bolanus was Lieutenant of Britannie, gouerning in a gentler & milder maner, then was fit for so fierce a cuntrey. Vnder him Agricola cunningly conforming himselfe to that humour, and not vnlearned to ioine profitable counsailes with honest, tempered the heate of his nature, and restrayned from growing his hawty desires. Soone after Petilius Cerealis was appointed Lieutenant Generall there: vnder whom the vertues of Agricola had a large field & free scope to shew thē selues in. For Cerealis communicated & imparted vnto him, first himselfe and his counsailes, then actions of labour and danger, & lastly glory also; cōmitting oftētimes for a proofe to his leading some portion of the army, sometimes many more, according to the successe. Neither did Agricola at any time bragge of his doings as seeking to winne fame for himselfe, but humbly alwaies as a minister referred to his superiour, and General, the good fortune and honour of all his exploites. So by his vertue in valiantly doing his charge, and his modesty in sparingly speaking thereof, he was without enuy, but not without glory.
Vpon his returne from the Lieutenantshippe of the Legion, Vespasian of sacred memory elected him into the company of the 9 Patritians, and afterward sent him Lieutenant Generall into Aquitania, an honourable roome, both in respect of the office it selfe, & as being a way to the Consulship by the Prince purposed [...] [Page 244] are come, like feare in refusing: sauing the Britans make shewe of more courage, as being not mollifyed yet by long peace; for the French also were once, as we reade, redoubted in warre, till such time as giuing themselues ouer to peace and idlenesse cowardise crept in, and shipwracke was made both of manhood and liberty togither: and so it is also befallen to those of the Britans which were subdued of olde; the rest remaine such as the French were before. Their strength in the field consisteth in footmen; some cuntreyes make warre in wagons also: the greater personage guideth the wagon, his wayters and followers fight out of the same. Heretofore they were gouerned by kings, now they are drawen by pettie Princes into partialities and factions: and that is the greatest helpe wee haue against those puissant nations, that they haue no common councell togither: seeldome it chanceth that two or three states meete and concurre to repulse the common danger: so whilest one by one fighteth, all are subdued. The skye very cloudy and much giuen to raine without extremity of colde. The length of the dayes much aboue the measure of our climate. The nights light, & in the furthermost part of the ilande so short, that betweene the going out and comming in of the day the space is hardly perceyued, and when cloudes doe not hinder they affirme that the sunneshine is seeneIt is meruaile how it can be night; when the sunneshine is seene. but you must beare with a man out of his profession. for that which he addeth, non occidere, & exurgere, sed transire, is true in sommer in the clima [...]e of [...]: but no part of Britannie reacheth so farre. in the night and that it neyther setteth nor riseth but passeth along: because belike the 12 extreme & plaine partes of the earth proiect a lowe shadow and rayse not the darkenesse on height; so the night falleth vnder the skye and the starres. The soile, setting aside oliue and vine & the rest, which are proper to warmer cuntreyes, taketh all kinde of graine and beareth it in abundance: it shooteth vp quickly and ripeneth slowly; the cause of them both is the same, the ouermuch moysture of the soile and the ayre. Britannie beareth golde and siluer, and other metalles to enrich the conquerour. The Ocean bringeth forth 13 pearle also, not orient, but duskish and wanne, which proceedeth, as some doe suppose, of lacke of skill in the gatherers, for in the red sea they are pulled panting aliue from the rockes; in Britannie cast out by the sea and so taken vp. For my part I doe rather beleeue the nature of the pearle not to yeeld it, then that our couetousnes could not finde out the way to gather aright. The Britans endure leuies of men and money and all other burdens imposed by the [Page 245] Empire patiently and willingly if insolencies be forborne, indignities they cannot abide, being already subdued as to be subiects, but not to be slaues.
The first of the Romans which entred Britannie with an army was Iulius Cesar, who although he terrifyed the inhabitants with a battaile which went on his side, and gained the shoare, yet may seeme rather to haue shewed the place to posterity, then deliuered to them the possession thereof.
Then ciuill warres ensued, and bandings of men of great qualitie against the free state, and long after that lay Britannie forgotten, euen in peaceable times. Augustus termed it 14 pollicy, and chieffly Tiberius.
That Caius had a meaning to inuade Britannie it is certainely knowen: but his rash running head and hasty repentance, and chiefly his great attempts against Germany turning to nothing, euerted that purpose.
ClaudiusWho being requested by one Bericus a fugitiue of Britannie sent Plautius before, of whom, and of the acts of Claudius in Britannie read Dio. li. 40. p. 466. where mention is made also of Vespasian. did first with effect prosecute the matter, transporting Legions and Aydes, and assuming Vespasian into the action, which was the beginning of the greatnes whereunto he after attayned: some cuntreyes were subdued, some kings were taken, & Vespasian made knowen to the world.
The first Lieutenant Generall was Aulus Plautius, then OstoriusTac. 12. Ann. p. 430. &c. Scapula, both excellent warriers: and so by litle and litle was the nearest part of the ilande reduced to the forme of a prouince; and besides aCamalodunū. 12. Ann. p. 431. colonie of olde soldiers established there. Certayne citties were also bestowed in pure gift vpon king Cogidunus (who remayned most faithfull euen to our dayes) according to an oldePerseus in his embassage to Eumenes complaineth, Pop. Romanum regum viribus reges oppugnare. Atta [...]o adiutore patrem suum oppressum: Eumene adiuuante, & quadam ex parte Philippo patre suo, Antiochum oppugnatum: in se nunc Eumenem & Prusiam armatos esse. Liuy. lib. 44. f. 372. custome anciently receaued of the Romans to vse euen kings themselues for instruments of bondage.
Then DidiusTac. 12. Ann. p. 434. where also he calleth him A. Didius. Gallus succeeded in place, who kept that which his predecessours had gotten, and builded some fewe castels further in the lande, to winne by that meanes a fame of augmenting the office.
After Didius succeededYac. 14. Ann. p. 491. Veranius, who died within one yeare.
ThenOf the successe of his affaires reade Tac. 14 Annalium where they are more largely described. p. 492. &c. Suetonius Paullinus for two yeares space behaued himselfe fortunately, subduing the nations and establishing garrisons. Vpon confidence whereof going to assayle the ile ofAnglesey. Mona, which ministred supplie to the rebels, hee disfurnished the [Page 246] cuntrey behinde, and layed it open to all opportunities of the enemie. For through the absence of the Lieutenant, the Britans free of feare beganne to discourse the miseries of bondage, to lay their iniuries togither, and aggrauate them by constructions. that their patience had profited them nothing, saue onely to drawe heauier burdens vpon them, as men that would gently beare. that whereas in former times they had onelie one king, now were there two thrust vpon them, the Lieutenant to sucke their bloud, the Procuratour their substance: whose disagreeing was the torment of the subiects, their agreement their vndoing; the one vexing by souldiers and captaines, the other by wrongs and indignities. that now their couetousnesse and lust layed holde, without exception, of all: and whereas in field hee that spoyleth is commonly stronger, now were they by cowards and weaklings for the most part dispossest of their houses, bereft of their children, inioyned to yeelde souldiers for other mens behoofe, as though they were men, that knew how to doe anie thing els, saue onelie to dye for their owne cuntrey. For otherwise what a small handfull of souldiers were come ouer, if the Britans would fall to recken themselues! thatIn the battell against Quin [...]ilius Varus. Germanie so had shakt of the yoke, hauing no Ocean sea, but onely a riuer, for their defence. that their causes of taking armes were vrgent and iust, their wiues and children, their parentes, and countrey, whereas the Romans had nothing to mooue them to warre, but their owne couetousnesse and wanton lust: and that they would doubtlesse depart, as Caesar Iulius had done, if the Britans would imitate the vertues of their progenitours, and not bee dismayed with the doubtfull euent of one skirmish or two. that men in miserie had more courage and vehemencie to attempt, more constancie to continue: and now euen the gods seemed to pittie the poore Britans estate, hauing sent the Roman Captaine out of the waie, and confined the armie, as it were, into an other ilande. that now beeing assembled to aduize and deliberate togither, they had attayned the hardest point, in an action of that nature, wherein without question it were more danger, to bee taken consulting, then doing. With these and the like speeches inciting one another, by common consent [Page 247] they resolue to take armes vnder the conduct of14. Annal. her name is writen Boodicia, & pag. 494. Boudicea, in Xiphilinus copy [...]. pag. 173. Voadica a lady of the bloud of their Kings: for in matter of gouerning in chieffe they make no distinction of sexe. And first pursuing the souldiers which laye diuided in garrisons, and winning the fortes, they inuaded anone the colonie it selfe, as being the seate of their slauerie: in sacking whereof no kinde of crueltie was omitted, which either anger or the rage of victorie might induce a barbarous people to practise. And vnlesse vpon knowledge had of the reuolt Paullinus had come to succour with speede, Britannie had then beene lost, the which with one prosperous battayle hee restored to her former obedience, and patient bearing the yoke, some fewe keeping out and remayning in armes, whom the guilt of the rebellion excluded from all hope of pardon, and some feare also of the Lieutenants priuate displeasure: who though otherwise a singulare man, yet seemed to shewe too much hautie and harde dealing towarde those which yeelded themselues, and to reuenge in a sorte his owne iniurie. WhereuponTacit. 14. Ann. p. 496. Petronius Turpilianus was sent in his place as a more intreatable person, and a stranger to their faultes, and therefore more readie to receiue their repentance: who hauing composed the former troubles, and daring no further, deliuered Trebellius Maximus the charge.
Tac. 1. Hist. p. 44.Trebellius a man vnfit for action, and altogither vnexperte in seruice, by a kinde of curteous and milde regiment intertained the cuntrey in quiet. For now the Britans also had learned the good maners, not rudely to repulse the sugred assaults and flatterings of vices; and the disturbance of ciuill dissensions ministred a lawfull excuse for his doing nothing. But the souldier accustomed to warfare waxt vvanton vvith ease, and grew to bee mutinous. Trebellius by fleeing away and hiding himselfe eschewed their first indignation, and anone resuming his place without maiestie, without authoritie, hee ruled by way of intreatie, and at his souldiers discretion: and so comming as it were to a capitulation, the armie for licence to doe what them listed, the Captayne for safety of his owne life, the mutinee ended without any bloudshed.
Tacit. 2. Hist. pag. 90.Vectius Bolanus succeeded in place, and in the same loosenesse [Page 248] of discipline, the ciuill warres continuing still, like default against the enemy, like licence in the campe, sauing that Bolanus a good honest man, not odious for any crime, in steede of obedience had gotten goodwill.
But whenas Vespasian with the rest of the worlde recouered Britannie also, great Captaines, good souldiers were sent, and the hope of the enemy was greatly abated. For straightwaies Petilius Cerealis strooke a terrour into them, by inuading vpon his first entry the Brigantes, the most populous state of the whole prouince. Many battailes were fought, and some bloudy, and the greatest part of theYorkshire, Lancashire, Westmerland, Cumberland, & the Byshopricke of Durtham. Brigantes either conquered or wasted.
And whereas Cerealis would doubtlesse haue dimmed the diligence and fame of another successour, Iulius Frontinus a great man, as he might after that predecessour, sustained the charge with reputation and credit, subduing the puissant, & warlicke people of the Silures: where he had, beside the vertue of the enemy, to struggle with the straites and difficult places.
In this estate Agricola found the prouince, and the warres thus farre proceeded in, whenas about the middest of the sommerAgricola wēt into Britanny, as it may be gathered by some circumstances in this booke, in the very yeare before Vespasian died, and returned about fift or sixt of Domitian, of whose gests in Britannie, beside Tacitus, Xiphilin. Tito. p. 227. 228. maketh honorable mention, and others. he passed the seas: at what time the souldier, as if the season were past, attended an ende for that yeare of his trauaile, and the enemy a beginning to hurt. The Ordouices a little before hee entred the lande had cut a wing almost wholly in pieces, which lay in their borders. Vpon which beginning the cuntrey being awaked, as men desirous of warre, allowed the example: some staied to see how the new Lieutenant would take it. Agricola although the sommer was spent, and the bandes lay dispersed in the prouince, & his soldiers had fully presumed of rest for that yeare, which hindered much, & crossed directly the vndertaking of warre, diuerse also being of opiniō rather to keepe & assure the places suspected, al this notwithstanding he resolued directly to encounter the danger: & gathering the ensignes of the Legions, & some fewe Auxiliaries, because theNorthwales. Ordouices durst not descende into indifferent ground, himselfe first of all, to giue others like courage in the like danger, led vp to encounter the enemy. And hauing destroied almost the whole nation, knowing right well that fame must with instance be followed, and as the first should fall out so the rest would succeede, he deliberated to conquere the ilande of Mona; from the possession whereof, as before I haue rehearsed, Paullinus was [Page 249] reuoked by the generall rebellion of Britanny: but as in a purpose not purposed before, shippes being wanting, the pollicy and resolutenesse of the Captaine deuised a passage, commanding the most choise of the Aydes, to whom al the shallowes were knowen, and who after the vse of their cuntrey were able in swimming to gouerne themselues with armour and horses, laying aside their cariage, to put ouer at once and sodainly inuade them. Which thing so amazed the enemy attending for shippes & such like prouision by sea, that surely beleeuing nothing could bee harde or inuincible to men which came so minded to warre, they humbly intreated for peace & yeelded the ilande. Thus Agricola at his first entry into his prouince (which time others consume in vaine ostentation or ambitious seeking of ceremonies) entring withall into labours and dangers became famous indeede and of great reputation. Neither did he abuse the prosperous proceeding of his affaires to vanity or brauing in speeches. He termed it not an exploite or a conquest to haue kept in order persons subdued before: heeA thing vsual in those dispatches wherein any notable victory was signified, as it appeareth by Liuy. l. 45. in the beginning, and Ammianus Marcellinus. li. 16. p. 1491. bedeckt not with lawrell his letters of aduertisement, but stopping and suppressing the fame hee augmented the same, when men beganne to discourse vpon what great presumptions of future successe, he should make so light an account of such great actions already performed.
Now as touching his ciuill gouernement, Agricola knowing right well the disposition and minde of the prouince, and taught also by experience of others, that armes auayle litle to settle a new conquered state if iniuries and wrongs be permitted, determined to cut off all causes of warres and rebellions. And beginning at home, his house first of all he reformed and restrained, a point of more hardnesse to some then to gouerne a prouince. He committed no maner of publicke affaires to bondman or freed: he receaued no soldier neare to his person vpon priuate affections of partiall suiters, nor vpon commendation or intreaty of Centurions, but elected the best, presuming the same to bee the most faithfull. He would see into all things, not exact all things to the rigour: light faults he would pardon, and the great seuerely correct: not alwaies proceeding to punish, but often content with repentance: chusing rather not to preferre to office and charge such as were like to offende, then after the offence to condemne them. The augmentation of tribute and corne he mollified with equall diuiding [...] [Page 252] and castell: so that the Romans were absolute lordes of all on this side, hauing cast out the enemy, as it were, into another ilande.
The fift yeare of the warre Agricola first taking sea went ouer, and subdued, with many and prosperous conflicts, nations before that time vnknowen, and furnished with forces that part of Britannie, which lieth against Irelande, more in hope then for feare. For Irelande if it might haue beene wunne, lying betweene Britannie and Spaine, and fitly also for the French sea, would aptlie haue vnited, to the great aduantage of the one & the other, these strongest members of the Empire togither. In bignesse it is inferiour to Britannie, howbeit bigger then the ilandes ofHe meaneth the Mediterran, and the ilands there, as Sicilie. &c. our sea. The soyle and temperature of the aire, the nature and fashions of the people, differ not much from the Brittish. The portes and places of accesse are more knowen, by reason of more frequenting of merchants. Agricola had receiued before a Prince of that cuntrey driuen out by ciuill dissension, whom vnder coulour of curtesie and frendship he retained till occasion should serue. I haue heard him oftentimes say, that with one Legion & some fewe Aydes, Irelande might be wunne & possessed, and that it were also a strength for our Brittish affaires, if the Roman forces were planted ech-where, and liberty, as it were, banisht out of sight. Now in the sommer, which beganne the sixt yeare of his office, because a generall rising in armes of all the further nations beyonde Bodotria was feared, and passages were all beset with the power of the enemies, he manned a fleete to search the creekes and harboroughs of the ample region beyonde it, backing then first of all with a nauy the rest of his strength, and with a goodly braue shewe bringing warre both by lande and by sea. And oft so it chanced, that the horseman and footeman and the sea soldier met, and made merry in the same campe, extolling & magnifying ech their owne prowesse and aduentures: making their vaunts and comparisons soldierlike, the one of the woods and high mountaines, the other of dangers of tempests and waues: the one of the lande and the enemie, the other of the Ocean, subdued. The Britans, as by the prisoners it was vnderstoode, were amazed also at the sight of the nauy, as though now the secrets of their sea were disclosed, and no refuge remained if they were ouercome. Whereupon the Caledonians arming with great preparation and greater fame, as the maner is of matters vnknowen, assayled our castels as challengers, [Page 253] brauing and putting in feare: insomuch that some of our side, which would seeme to bee wise being dastards indeede, counselled the Generall to retire on this side Bodotria, and rather to depart of his owne accorde, then to be repelled with shame. In the meane season Agricola hath knowledge, that the enemies ment to diuide themselues, and to giue the onset in seuerall companies. Whereupon lest he should be inclosed about, & intrapped by their multitude and skill in the cuntrey, he marched also with his army diuided in three. Which when it was knowen to the enemy, changing aduise on the sodayne, and vniting their forces togither, they ioyntly assaulted by night the nienth Legion, as being of weakest resistance: and hauing slaine the watch, partly asleepe & partly amazed with feare, brake into the campe. And now were they fighting within the trenches, when Agricola hauing vnderstoode by spyes what way the enemies had taken, and following their footsteppes, commandeth the lightest horsemen and footmen to play on their backes and maintayne the skirmish, & anone the whole army to showte. And when it drew neare to be day, the glittering of the enseignes was seene. So the Britans being quayled with a double danger, the Romans recouered courage againe, and being out of perill of their persons, fought now for their honour; freshly assayling their late assaylers, & driuing them to the gates: where in the strayts the conflict was sharpe & cruell, till in the end the enemies were forced to flee, whilest both our armies contended, the one to seeme to haue helped their fellowes, the other to haue needed none other to helpe them: and if the bogges and woods had not couered their flight, that victory had ended the warre. Vpon this battaile so manfully fought, so famously wunne, the army presuming that to their prowesse all things were easy and open, cryed to leade into Caledonia, and to finde out the limit of Britannie with a course of continuall conquests: and those which erewhile were so wary and wise, waxt forward enough after the euent, and grew to speake bigly: such is the hard condition of warres: if ought fall out well all challenge a part, misfortunes are onely imputed to one. Contrariwise the Britans presupposing that not valure, but the cunning of the Generall, by vsing the occasion, had caried it away, abated no whit of their stomacke, but armed their youth, transported their children and wiues into places of safety, and sought by assemblies [Page 254] and religious rites to establish an association of the citties togither. And so for that yeare both parties departed incensed away.
The same sommer a cohort of Vsipians, leuyed in Germanie, and sent ouer into Britannie, committed a haynous and memorable act. For hauing slaine a Centurion and certaine souldiers set ouer them for direction in discipline, they fled and embarcked themselues in three vessels, compelling the Masters by force to execute their charge: and onely one doing his office, the other two being suspected and thereupon slaine, this strange going out, the fact being yet not noysed abroad, was gazed and wondred at. Afterward beeing driuen vncertainly hither and thither, and assayling the Britans which stoode in defence of their owne, often preuayling and sometimes repulsed, they came at the last to that misery, that they were enforced to eate one another, first of the weakest, then as the lot lighted. And thus floating about Britannie, and leesing their vessels for lacke of gouernement, they were intercepted first by the Sueuians, and then by the Frisians, as pyrats and robbers, and some of them being bought by merchants as slaues, and by change of masters brought to our side of the riuer, grew into a name by giuing first notice of so great and so rare an aduenture.
In the beginning of the sommer Agricola was deepely touched with a grieuous mischance, which happened in his owne house: for he lost his owne sonne being about a yeare olde. Which infortunate happe he neyther bare out, as some great men haue done in the like, vaingloriously, nor tooke it againe so impatiently as women are woont: and amidst his mourning and sorrowes vsed the warre as one of his remedies. Therefore sending his nauy before, which by spoyling in sundry places should induce a greater and vncertainer terrour vpon them, hee made readie and followed himselfe with his army, ioyning thereto some of the valiantest Britans, whom by long experience in peace hee had found most faithfull, and so arriued at the mountNow called Grantzbaine. Grampius, where the enemies were lodged before. For the Britans not daunted with the euent of the former battaile, and attending for nothing els but reuenge or seruitude, and beeing taught at the length that common danger must bee repelled with [Page 255] concorde, by leagues and embassages had assembled the power of all the citties togither, aboue thirty thousand armed men, the view being taken, beside an endles number of youth, which dayly flocked to them, and lusty olde men, renowned in warre and bearing the badges due to their honour: at what time Galgacus, for vertue and birth of all the leaders the principall man, seeing the multitude hoatly demande the battaile, is sayed to haue vsed this speech. "When I view and consider REND="margQuotes" the cause of this warre, and our present necessity, I haue reason, me seemes, to presume, that this day, and this your agreeing consent, will giue a happy beginning to the freedome of the whole ilande. For both haue we all hitherto liued in liberty, and beside no lande remayneth beyond, no sea for our safety, the Roman nauy thus, as you see, surueying our coasts: so that combat and armes, which men of vertue desire for honour, the dastard must also vse for his security. The former battayles, which haue with diuerse euent beene fought with the Romans, had their refuge, and hope resting in our handes. For wee the flowre of the Brittish nobility, and seated therefore the furthermost in, sawe neuer the coasts of the cuntreyes which serued in slauery, euen our eyes are kept vnpolluted, and free from all contagion of tyrannie. Beyonde vs is no lande, beside vs none are free: vs hitherto this corner and secrete recesse hath defended. Now the vttermost point of the lande is layed open: and things the lesse they haue beene within knowledge, the greater the glory is to atchieue them. But what nation now is there beyonde vs? what els but water and rockes, and the Romans Lordes of all within lande? whose intollerable pride in vayne shall you seeke to auoyde by seruice and humble behauiour: robbers of the world, that hauing now left no lande to bee spoyled, search also the sea. If the enemy bee rich, they seeke to winne wealth: if poore, they are content to gaine glorie: whom not the east, not the west hath satisfyed: the onely men of all memory that seeke out all places, be they wealthy or poore, with like ardent affection. To take away by maine force, to kill and to spoile, falsely they terme Empire and gouernment: when all is waste as a wildernesse, that they call peace. His children and bloud ech man by nature holdeth most deare: those are pressed for souldiers, and caryed away [Page 256] to bee slaues otherwhere. Our sisters and wiues, though they be not violently forced as in open hostility, are in the meane while vnder the coulour and title of frendes and guests often abused. Our goods and substance they drawe for tribute, our corne for prouision: our bodies and handes they weare and consume, in pauing of bogges and of woods, with a thousand stripes and indignities. Slaues which are borne to bondage are solde but once, and after are fed at their owners expenses: but Britannie dayly byeth, dayly feedeth, and is at charges with her owne bondage. And as in a priuate retinue the freshman and last commer is laughed and scoffed at by his very fellow-seruants, so in this olde seruitude of the whole world our destructiō onely is sought, as being the latest and most vile in account. We haue no fieldes to manure, no mines to be digged, no portes to trade in: & to what purpose then should they reserue vs aliue? Moreouer the manhood and fierce courage of the subiect pleaseth not much the ielous Souerayne: and this corner being so secrete and out of the way, the more security it yeeldeth to vs, in them it workes the greater suspicion. So seeing all hope of pardon is past, at the length take courage, to defend & maintaine your safety as well as your honour. The Brigantes led by aVoadica, whō Tacitus himselfe maketh wife to the king of Jceni, people of Norfolke &c, and not of the Brigantes. 14. Ann. p. 492. woman fired the colonie, forced the castels: and if such a lucky beginning had not ended in slouth and security, they might haue with ease shakt of the yoke. We as yet neuer touched, neuer subdued, and borne to be free, not to be slaues of the Romans, let vs shewe straight in the first ioyning what maner of men Caledonia reserued in store for hir selfe. Or doe you thinke the Romans to be as valiant in warre as they are wanton in peace? No, not by their vertue, but by our iarrings and discordes they are growen into fame: and the faults of their enemies they abuse to the glory of their owne army composed of most diuerse nations, and therefore as by present prosperity holden togither, so if fortune doe frowne it doubtlesse dissolueth: vnlesse you suppose the Frenchmen and Germans, and, to our shame bee it spoken, many of our owne nation, which now lende their liues to establish a forreyne vsurper, and yet haue bene enemies longer then seruants, to be led and induced with any true harted & faithfull affection. No, it is terrour and feare, weake workers of loue, which if you remooue, those which shall haue ceased to feare [Page 257] will straight beginne for to hate. All things to incite to the victorie are on our side. No wife to encourage the Romans: no parents to vpbrayde them if they flee: most haue eyther no cuntrey at all, or some other: a fewe fearefull persons, trembling and gazing at the strangenesse of the heauen it selfe, the sea and the woods: whom the gods haue deliuered mewed vp, as it were, and fettered into our handes. Let not the vaine shewe and glittering of golde and siluer terrifie vs, which neither defends nor offendeth. Amongst the enemies we shall finde of our side: the Britans will agnize their owne cause: the French will remember their freedome and former estate: the rest of the Germans will leaue and forsake them, as of late the Vsipians did. And what els then haue we to feare? the castels are empty, the colonies peopled with aged and impotent persons; the free citties discontent and in factions, whilest those which are vnder obey with ill will, and they which doe gouerne rule against right. Here is the Generall and here the army, there tributes and mines, and other miseries inseparably following them which liue vnder subiection of others: which whether wee are to continue for euer, or straight to reuenge, it lyeth this day in this field. Wherefore going to battell beare in your mindes, I beseech you, both yourYour ancestours, which liued in the happy estate of liberty: and your successours, which vnlesse we shewe valure this day shall liue for euer in most miserable seruitude. ancestours and your posterity. This speech was cheerefully receiued, with a song after their barbarous fashion, with confused acclamations and noyses. And as the companies clustered togither, and glistering of armour appeared, whilest some of the boldest auanced forward, and withall the ranckes were putting themselues in array, Agricola albeit his souldier was glad of that day, and scarce could with wordes bee withholden, supposing yet best to say somewhat, encouraged them in this wise. Fellow-souldiers and companions in armes, your faithfull seruice and diligence, theseAnd yet this was but the seuenth yeare of his office, as appeareth before. eight yeares so painfully shewed, by the vertue and fortune of the Roman Empire hath conquered Britannie. In so many iourneyes, in so many battels wee had of necessity to shewe our selues eyther valiant against the enemie, or patient and laborious aboue and against nature it selfe. In which exploytes we haue borne vs both hitherto so, that neyther did I desire better souldiers, nor you other captayne. We haue exceeded the limits, I of my predecessours, and you likewise [Page 258] of yours. The ende of Britannie is found, not by fame and report, but we are with our armes and pauilions really inuested thereof: Britannie is found and subdued. In marching, when the passing of bogges, or mountaynes, and riuers, troubled and tired you out, how oft haue I heard the valiant souldier say, When wil the enemy present himselfe? when shall wee fight? lo they are now put vp out of their holes: and here they are come: your wish lo here, and place for your vertue, and all things to followe in an easy and expedite course, if you winne; if you leese, all against you. For as to haue gone so much ground, escaped the woods, passed ouer the firthes, is honourable forward, so if we doe flee, the vantages we haue this day will become our most disaduantage. For wee are not skilled so well in the cuntreys, wee haue not the like store of prouision, but hands wee haue and weapons, and therein all things included. For my part I am long since resolued, that to shewe their backes is neyther safetie for souldier nor Generall: and therefore a commendable death is better then life with reproch; and surety and honour are commonly dwelling togither: or if ought should mishappen, euen this will be a glory, to haue dyed in the vttermost ende of the world and nature. If new nations, and souldiers vnknowen were in the field, I would, by the example of other armies, put you in courage: now recount you your owne victorious exploytes, & aske your owne eyes. These are the same men, which the last yeare assayled one Legion by stealth in the night, and were by a blast of your mouth ouerthrowen: these of all other Britans haue beene the most nimble in running away, and therefore haue scaped the longest aliue. For as in forrests and woods the strongest beasts are chased away by maine force, the cowardly and fearefull are scared by the noise of the hunters, so the valiant of the Brittish natiō we haue already dispatched, the rascall heard of dastardly cowards onely remayneth: whom at length you haue found, not as hauing intended to stay and make head, but as last ouertaken, and by extreme passion of feare standing as stocks, presenting occasion to vs in this place of a worthy and memorable victory. Make an ende therefore of your warfare, and toFrom the first entry of Claudius into Britannie seemeth not to haue bene aboue fower or fiue and forty yeares. fifty yeares trauayles let this day impose a glorious cōclusion. Approoue to your cuntrey, that the army could neuer iustly bee charged either with protracting the warre, or pretences for not accomplishing the conquest. [Page 259] As Agricola was yet speaking, the souldiers gaue great tokens of feruency, and when he had ended accompanied the speech with a ioyfull applause, and ranne straightwaies to their weapons. Agricola seeing them sufficiently animated, and rushing furiously forward, ordered his men in this maner. With the Auxiliary footemen, being eight thousand, hee fortified the middle battell: three thousand horse hee put on both sides in the wings; commanding the Legions to stand behinde, before the trench of the campe, to the greater glory of the victory, if it were obtained without Roman bloud, otherwise for assistance and succour, if the vantgard should be repelled. The Britans were marshalled in the higher ground, fitly both to the shew and to terrifie, the first batalion standing on the plaine, the rest in the ascent of the hill, knit and rising as it were one ouer another: the middle of the fielde was filled with the clattering and running ofCouinarius. Mela. lib. 3. c. 6. Dimicant Britanni non equitatu modò aut pedite, verùm & bigis & currib. Gallicè armati, couinos vocant, quorum falcatis axib. vtuntur. by Caesar and Tully they are called essedarij. charets and horsemen. Then Agricola perceiuing the enemie to exceede him in number, and fearing lest he should be assayled on the front and flanckes both at one instant, displaied his army in length: and although by that meanes the battell would become disproportionably long, and many aduized him to take in the Legions, yet being more forward to hope, then yeelding to feare, hee reiected the counsaile, and leauing his horse auanced himselfe before the enseignes on foote. In the first encounter, before the ioyning, both sides discharged and threw: wherein the Britans employing both arte and valure, with their great swordes and little targets, auoyded our throwes, or shooke them off, darting withall great store against vs of theirs: till at length Agricola spying his vantage exhorted three Batauian cohorts, and two of the Tungrians to presse forward, and bring the matter to handy strokes and dint of the sworde; a thing which they in respect of long seruice were able readily to performe, and contrarily to the enemies preiudiciall, and hurtfull by reason of their little bucklers, & huge swordes: for the swordes of the Britans, being blunt pointed, were no way fit for the close or for open fight. Now as the Batauians beganne to deale blowes, to strike with the pikes of their bucklers, to mangle their faces, and hauing ouerborne in the plaine all that resisted, to march vp the mountaines, the rest of the cohortes gathering courage vpon emulation violently bet downe al about thē, & many halfe dead, or wholly vntouched, were left for hast of [Page 260] winning the fielde. In the meane time the charets mingled themselues with the battell of the footemen, and the troupes of the horsemen beganne for to flee: who albeit they had lately terrified others, were now distressed themselues by the vneuennesse of the ground, and thicke ranckes of their enemies. Neither was the forme of the fight like a loose skirmish of horsemen to and fro, but standing still and maintaining their places they sought by maine weight of horses, to breake and beare downe one another. The wandring wagons also, and masterlesse horses afrighted, as it happened them by feare to be guyded, ouer-bare many times of their frendes which met them, or thwarted their way. Now the Britans, which stoode aloofe from the battell on the height of the hilles, and at their good leysure disdained our fewnesse, beganne to come downe by little and little, & to compasse about the backs of our men, which were now in traine of winning the fielde: but Agricola suspecting as much, opposed against them fower wings of horsemen purposely retayned about him for sodaine dispatches, and chances of warre, and repulsed them backe as sharply, as fiercely they ranne to assayle. So the counsaile of the Britans turned vpon their owne heades: and the wings were commanded to forsake the battell and follow the flight. Then might you haue seene in the open fields a grieuous and pitifull spectacle, pursuing, wounding, taking, and killing of them which were taken when others were offered. Now whole regiments of the enemies, according to their seuerall dispositions, though armed and moe in number, turned their backes to the fewer: others vnarmed sought their owne death, offering themselues voluntarily to the slaughter. Euery where weapons lay scattered and bodies, and mangled limmes: the ground euery where imbrued with bloud: and sometimes euen in them which were ouercome, appeared now at their ende both anger and valure. When they approched the woods, vniting themselues, they intrapped vnawares some of the foremost of our men, which vnaduizedly followed, not knowing the cuntrey: and vnlesse Agricola had with his presence euerywhere assisted at neede, setting about them of his brauest and most readie footemen, as it were in forme of a toyle, and commanding some of his horsemen to leaue their horses where the passages were narrow, and others where the wood was thinne to enter on horsebacke, no doubt wee had taken some blowe by our ouermuch [Page 261] boldnesse. But after they sawe our men againe in strong array to follow the chace in good order, they fled, not in troupes as before, and attending ech other, but vtterly disbanded and single, eschewing all companie, towarde the desert and farre distant places. The night and our fulnesse of bloud made an ende of the chace. Of the enemies sideTacitus seldome telleth the number, and beside both he and Salust, as Orosius witnesseth, forbid it in history. but professione pietatie he must be excused, in transgressing his owne rule. ten thousand were slaine: three hundreth and forty of ours; amongst whom was Aulus Atticus captaine of a cohort, vpon a youthfull heate, and through the fiercenesse of his horse, being caryed into the middest of his enemies. That night the winners for their partes solaced themselues with the victory and spoyle: and the Britans being vtterly broken, crying and howling, men and women togither, take and draw with them their hurt persons, call the not hurt, forsake their owne houses, and in despite also set them on fire themselues, chuse out holes for to lurke in, & straightwaies forsake them, communicate some counsailes togither, and then haue some glimring of hope: sometimes at the sight of their dearelyest beloued they are mooued to pitty, more often stirred to rage: and certaine it is that some, as by way of compassion and mercy, slew their owne children & wiues. The day following discouered more plainly the greatnesse of the victory. Euery where desolation and silence: no stirring in the mountaines: the houses fired and smoking farre of; no man to meete with our spies; who being sent abroade into all quarters founde by their footsteps the flight was vncertaine, and that they were no where in companies togither. Whereupon Agricola because the sommer was spent, and the warre conueniently could not be diuided, bringeth his army into the borders of theNow called Anguse, as some suppose. Horrestians, where receiuing hostages hee commanded the Admiral of the nauy to sayle about Britannie, lending him soldiers & strength for that purpose, and the terrour of the Roman name was gone alreadie before. Himselfe, with easie and gentle iourneyes, to terrifie the newe conquered nations with the very stay of his passage, disposed his footemen & horsemen in their wintering places: and withall the nauy with prosperous winde and successe arriued at the portSome read it Rhutupensis, which is supposed to be Richborow neare Sandwich. Trutulensis, from whence itOr, departed coasting along the nearest side of Britanny, and so returned thither againe. departed, and coasting along the nearest side of Britannie returned thither againe.
This state of affaires in Britannie Agricola signified by letter, without any amplifying termes, to Domitian: who after his maner [Page 262] with a cheereful countenance, & grieued hart receiued the newes, being inwardly pricked to thinke, that his lateXiphilinus Domitiano. [...]. The like Suetonius reporteth of Caius. c. 47. conuersus hinc ad curam triumphi, praeter captiuos & transfugas barbaros, Galliarū quoque proceris simum quem (que), &, vt ipse dicebat, [...], ac nonnullos ex principibus legit ac seposuit ad pompam, coegit (que) non tantùm rutilare, ac submittere comam, sed & sermonē Germanicum addiscere, & nomina barbarica ferre. coūterfaite triumph of Germanie, wherein certaine slaues bought for money were attired, and their haire dressed as captiues of that cuntrey, was had in derision and iustly skorned abroade, whereas now a true and great victory, so many thousands of enemies being slaine, was currant and famous in euery mans mouth: that it were indeede a most perillous point, if a priuate mans name should be exalted aboue the name of the Prince. In vaine then had hee suppressed, the study of Oratory, and all other worthy politicke artes, if hee should in militare glory be disseised by another: for other matters might more easily be passed ouer, but to bee a good commander of an army was to bee aboue priuate estate, that being a vertue peculiar for a Prince. With these and the like cares being tormented, and musing much in his closet alone, which was a token and signe of some cruelty intended, he thought it yet best for the present to dissemble and put ouer his malice, vntill the heate of his glorie and loue of his souldiers were somewhat abated; for as yet Agricola remayned in charge. Wherefore hee commanded that all the honours of triumphall ornaments,Illustris statuae honorem. 1. Hist. triumphalis statua. image triumphall, and what els vsually was conferred in liew of triumph, should bee awarded vnto him in Senate in most ample and honourable tearmes: and sending a successour caused withall a bruite to bee spred, that the prouince of Syria, which then lay voide, by the death of Atilius Rufus the Lieutenant, and was reserued for men of great qualitie, was purposed vnto him. And a common opinion went, that Domitian sending one of his most secrete and trustie seruants to Agricola, sent withall the patent of Syria, with instruction, that if hee were in Britannie it should bee deliuered: and that the same man meeting Agricola as hee crossed the seas, without speaking vnto him, or deliuering his message, returned againe to Domitian. Whether this were true, or fayned and surmized probably, as correspondent to the Princes disposition, I cannot affirme: but in the meane season Agricola had deliuered to his successour the prouince in good and peaceable state. And lest his arriuall at Rome should bee noted, by reason of the multitudes of people which would goe out to see and to meete him, cutting off that curtesie of his frendes, hee entred the cittie by night, and by night, as hee was willed, came [Page 263] to the Palace. Where being admitted to the Princes presence, and receiued with a short salutation and no speech, hee sorted himselfe with the rest of the waiters. Now to the ende hee might temper and qualifie with other good parts his militare renowne, a vertue vnpleasant to men of no action, hee gaue himselfe wholly to quietnesse and medling with nothing; being in apparell moderate, affable in speech, accompanied vsually but by one or two of his frendes: so that many, which commonly iudge of great men by the outwarde apparence and pompe, seeing and marking Agricola, missed of that which by same they conceyued, fewe aimed aright at the cause. Often was hee in those dayes accused to Domitian in absence, and in absence acquitted. The cause was neither matter of crime, nor complaint of partie aggrieued, but the renowne of the man, and the Princes disposition hating all vertue, and 16 the most capitall kinde of enemies commenders, procured the perill. And in trueth those times ensued in the state, which would not suffer Agricolaes name to bee buried in silence: so manie armies in Moesia, Dacia, Germanie, Pannonia, eyther through the rashnesse or cowardlinesse of the Generals cast awaie: so manie good souldiers, with so manie cohortes defeated and taken. Neither was it the question then for the vttermost boundes of the Empire and bancke of the Riuer, but the standing campes of the Legions, and the prouinces themselues were in danger of leesing: so that losses beeing heapt vpon losses, and euerye yeare becomming notorious for some calamitie and ouerthrowe, Agricola was required by the speech of the people for Generall, euerye man comparing his quicknesse, resolutenesse, and experience in warre, with their insufficient and dastardly dealings: with which kinde of talke, it is certainly knowen, Domitians eares were not vnacquainted; his faithfullest seruants vpon loue and alleageance, the rest vpon spite and enuy pricking him forwarde, being of himselfe prone to the worse. So Agricola partly through his owne vertues, and partlie the vices of others, was drawen headlong perforce into glorie. Now the yeare was at hande, whenas the Proconsulshippe of Asia or Africke should bee allotted vnto him, and vpon the late murdering ofSuetonius Domitiano. c. 10. complures senatores, in his aliquot consulares interemit, in quibus Ciuicam Cerealem in ipso Asiae proconsulatis. Ciuica, neyther could Domitian fayle of example to follow, nor Agricola of direction [Page 264] what he should doe. Some also priuy to the Princes secret intents offered speech of themselues, and asked him whether he could be content to accept of the gouernement: commending at the first a farre off a quiet life and voide of busines, and proffering anone their mediation to the Prince to allow his excuse. At the last declaring their purpose in plaine termes, by perswasion and threats they induced him to become a direct suitour in that behalfe to Domitian: who setting a fained countenance vpon it, and composing himselfe to keepe maiesty and state, both heard his humble petition excusing himselfe from that charge, and when the excuse was admitted suffred himselfe to be solemnely thanked, and was not ashamed of so odious a benefite. Howbeit the pension, which was woont to be offered to men of that quality, and by him had beene granted to certaine, he did not bestowe vpon Agricola: either being offended it was not sued for, or vpon the guiltinesse of his owne conscience, lest thereby hee should seeme to haue bought outThat is, his going into the prouince. that thing, which he had forbidden. It is the property of mans nature to hate those whom he hath hurted: beside Domitian was prone and headlong to anger, and the more close the more irreuocable, yet was hee notwithstanding altered and mollified by Agricolaes discretion and wary behauiour: for hee did not with obstinacy, nor vaine ostentation of liberty, neither hasten his fame nor his fall. Let them well knowe that are woont to admire those things alone, which are done against the streame of the time, that great men may be found euen vnder bad Princes; that dutifull obedience and modesty, if industry and valure bee ioyned, may attaine to that degree of praise and renowne, which some following dangerous courses haue aspired vnto by an ambitious death, without any further profit at all.
The ende of his life brought mourning to vs, and grieffe to his frends, and euen by strangers and persons vnknowen was lamented: the common sort also, and this retchles people of ours, both came oft to his house, and in all publicke places and meetings had it in speech, neither did any person, when he heard of his death, either reioyce or sodainly forget it. And that which procured the greater compassion was a constant report, that hee was made away by poyson. Of mine owne knowledge I dare assure nothing this onely, that during the time of his sicknesse there came from Domitian, oftener then vsually are woont from Princes, who visit [Page 265] by others, both of his secretest seruants & nearest phisicians to see him, whether as of carefulnes, or onely to spie I leaue it vncertaine: certaine it is, that the day of his death, euery degree of his going away was caried in post to the Prince; and fewe men beleeued the news should be hastened so much, that he would be sory to heare. Notwithstanding he made shewe of sorrow in minde and in countenance, being now out of dangerThat is, of the vertuous qualities of Agricola. of that which hee hated, and one that more easily could dissemble his ioy then his feare. When Agricolaes testament was read, wherein hee made Domitian coheire with his most deare wife and most duetifull daughter, it was certaine hee greatly reioyced thereat, as if it had beene a signe of honour, or proceeded of iudgement: so blinded hee was, and so greatly corrupted by continuall custome of flatteries, that hee could not perceaue, that no good father did euer appoint for his heyre any Prince but a tyranne. Agricola was borne the thirteenth day of Iune, Caius Caesar being third time Consull, and dyed theFower and fiftieth, at the most for from Caius Caesar. 3. cons. to Collegae and Priscus Consuls were no more but fifty three yeares, but so is the fashion not only of Tacitus, but of other History-writers, to misrecken in a maner alwaies to the more. six and fiftieth yeare of his age, the fower and twentieth day of August, Collega and Priscus beeing Consuls. Of personage (if posterity desire to bee informed thereof) hee was rather well proportioned then tall, with an assurednesse and great grace in his countenance:17 a good man you would easily thinke him, and willingly a great. And although hee died in the middle course of his ripe age, in respect of honour and glory he liued with the longest: for of all the parts of true felicity, which consisteth in vertue, hee had fulfilled the measure: and hauing obtayned beside Consulare and triumphall ornaments, what more could fortune annexe to his estate? excesse of riches he delighted not in; honourably hee had and according to his degree. Yea happy may he be thought and happy indeede, that escaped those tempests which followed, leauing behinde him a daughter and wife, his honour not stayned, his fame not touched, his frendes and allies in flowrishing state. For as in our hearing hee wished and hoped to liue and last to the light of this most blessed age, and seeThen it must be by way of prophecy, not of discourse: for in Domitians time there was no likelihood at all of that successiō. Traian established Prince, so his hastened death had this great comforte, that he liued not to see that last and most miserable time, in the which Domitian, not at seasons and by fittes, but with a continuall course and at one blowe, as it were, ruined the state. Agricola liued not to see the Senate-house beset, the Senate enuironed with souldiers, and all in one fury the death of so many Consulare [Page 266] personages, the banishments & flights of so many great women. CarusCarus and Messalinus instruments of Domitians cruelty: and so was Massa afterward. Plin. l 1. ep. 11. &. 4 ep. 22. Juuenal. Metius had obtayned as yet but one conquest, and Messalinus bloudy sentences kept themselues within the manour of Alba, and Massa Bebius himselfe was thenDe repetundis: the prouince of Baeticae being plaintife, Senecio & Plinie accusers: as the same Plinie writeth, lib. 7. ep. 33. called in question. Anone after our handes led Heluidius into prison; the sight ofExiled by Domitian, and restored vnder Nerua. Plin. li. 4. ep. 22. Mauricus and Rusticus pierced our hartes; Senecio besprinkled vs with his guiltles bloud. Yet Nero withdrew his presence, and commanded cruelties, looked not on: the principall part of our miseries vnder Domitian was to see and bee seene; when our secrete sighes were registred, when that cruell countenance and red visage, with which hee armed himselfe against blushing and shame, could endure to note and marke the feares and palenesse of so many persons. Thrise happy then mayest thou, Agricola, be counted, not onely for the renowne of thy life, but also for the opportunity of thy decease. Thou diddest as they doe affirme, which were present at thy last speeches, accept thy death most patiently and willingly, as though for thy part thou wouldest haue cleared the Prince. But I and thy daughter, beside the losse of so deare a father, we haue a further cause to bee grieued, that it was not our chance to bee by in thy sicknesse, to cherish thy weakenesse, to satisfie and content our selues with seeing and embracing thee. Some counsayle no doubt, and some precepts wee should haue receaued in charge to print and engraue in our harts: this is our grieffe, this our speciall misfortune: to vs, in respect of our long absence fower yeares before, thou wast lost. And albeit thy most louing wife the best of all mothers sat by, and furnished no doubt all things in most honourable sort, yet wast thou layed vp with fewer teares, and at thy last hower thine eyes missed somewhat. If there bee any place for the ghosts of good men, if, as wise men define, the soules of great persons die not with the body, in peace mayest thou rest, and recall vs thy posterity from impatient and womanish waylings to the contemplation of thy vertues, which are in no sort to bee sorrowed for, or bewayled, but rather admired. * * * * * * * * This is true honor indeede, & this is the duety of nearest kinsfolkes. So I would counsaile thy daughter and wife to reuerence the memory of their father and husbande, with often remembring his doings and wordes, recognizing the glory and image of his [Page 267] minde, rather then of his body: not that I dislike of images cut in marble or mettall, but as mens faces, so the images of faces are mortall and frayle; the shape of the minde is eternall, which wee may represent and expresse, not by matter and arte borrowed abroade, but by our owne maners within. That of Agricola which wee did loue, which wee admired, remayneth, and so will remaine, in the mindes of men, in the continual succession of ages, in fame and renowne. For manie of the ancients shall lie buried in obscure and inglorious obliuion, but Agricola shall liue recommended to posteritie, and continue for euer.
ANNOTATIONS VPON THE first booke of Tacitus.
WHEN SERVIVS GALBA was second time Consull) Cornelius Tacitus, whom Vopiscus calleth scriptorem historiae Augustae, wrote two seuerall volumes of histories: one from the death of Augustus, as it may seeme, to the Calends of Ianuary next after the death of Nero, comprehending Tiberius, Caius, Claudius and Neroes time, and the greater part of Galba; another from the saide Calends to the death of Domitian. Of this later volume in order of time, howsoeuer it was in order of writing, the first foure bookes comprize the history of one yeare and some moneths onely, from the beginning of Ianuarie, when Galba and Vinius entred their Consulships, in the yeare ab vrbe condita 822. according to Tacitus, or rather the consent of the Empire in that time. Claudio Casare quartum, Ʋitellio tertiùm coss. saith he, 11.pag 405. Annalium, iust two and twenty yeares before Galba and Vinius, ludi seculares octingentesimo post Romam conditam anno spectati sunt, which account exceedeth the Capitolin (as they call it) by one yeare, and agreeth fully withCensorinus, c. 21. Varro,Bruto. Cicero,lib. 8. cap. 7. Plinie and lib. 40 pa. 77. & li. 52. pa 314. & li. [...] 6. pa. 470. Dioes reckening. Now although the Prince and an officer maie seeme in one person incompatible qualities, yet the custome of that state beareth, that the Emperour the first yeare of his Empire of order, & eftsoones vpon pleasure supplied the one Consuls place. The reason is in Appian. 1. [...]. p. 200.That is, S [...]lla albeit he was Dictator, yet for a cool u [...] and shewe of popular gouernment was content to be made Consul againe with Metellus Pius, and from hence it proceedeth peraduenture, that euen at this day the Roman princes, when they name Consuls for the state, diuerse times pronounce themselues also, not disdaining euen with their soueraigne autority to ioine also the title of Consul. [...]. Now the first Consulat of Galba wasTac. 6. Ann. p. 381. foure yeares before Tiberius death, obtayned by fauour of Liuia Augusta, saieth Plutarch in Galba; [...]: which I thinke is an ouersight▪ for shee was dead foure yeares before, in small fauour with her sonne, and they in smaller, that sought by her meanes to rise in honours. Tacit. 5. Annalium. p. 369. Quin & parte eiusdem epistolae increpuit Tiberius amicitias muliebres, Fufium consulem obliquè perstringens. is gratia Augustae floruerat, apt us alliciendis foeminarum animis &c. Neither was it Tiberius maner to bestowe offices so long before hande. Tacit. 2. Annalium. p. 271.
2. Manie excellent men) principally ment, as I take it, of Liuy, although his storie reach somewhat further, of whose eloquence, those workes are witnesse that remaine: and of his liberty, Tacitus 4.pag. 347. Annal: in the oration of Cremutius Cordus. Titus Livius eloquentiae ac fidei praeclarus in primis Cn. Pompeium tantis laudibus tulit, vt Pompeianum eum Augustus appellarit, ne (que) id amicitiae eorum offecit. Scipionem, Afranium, hunc ipsum Cassium nusquam latrones & parricidas, quae nunc vocabula imponuntur, saepe vt insignes viros nominat.
3. Because hauing no part in the state they were ignorant: Inscitia reip. vt alienae) Aliena ignorantur, either because we cannot, or because we care not to knowe them. The first seemeth here to haue place; for whereas before the people and Senate of Rome tooke knowledge of all that was done wheresoeuer, now the most important affaires of estate passed thorow fewer fingers, in more secrete sort. Dio. lib. 53.That is, The most part of affaires began in secret sorte to be dispatched, whereof the certaine trueth to no man lightly knew, except the doers themselues. [...].
4. Prince Nerua of sacred memorie: Principatum Diui Neruae & imperium Tratani) To certaine Emperours the Senate, for their good gouernement, or importuned by their successours, awarded templum & coelestes religiones, and the title of Diuus. And not onely to the Princes themselues, but sometimes to their wiues, mothers, and children also; as we reade in the stories. Appianus. 2. [...]:That is, From Iulius Caesar downward all the princes except they wee tyrannes, or extremely vitious, were by the Romans deified after their deathes [...] (speaking of Diuus Iulius) [...] As of the 12 first emperours fiue onely, Iulius, Augustus, Claudius, Vespasian, and Titus, were canonized: the other seuen as beeing [...] were not vouchsafed the honour. [...], saieth Appian: Nam Deûm honor Principi [Page 2] non antè habetur, quàm agere inter homines desierit. 15, Ann. p. 543. Tacitus. And therefore in this place he nameth Traian, who then liued, simply without additiō: the other that was dead, Diuum Neruam. The ceremonies of this [...] or canonizing, as being in part conformable to the vse of some cuntries in our time, I will here briefly set downe out oflib. 4. p. 476. 477. 478. Herodian, and others, at least the principall points. After the Princes death, the body being buried honourably, and in sumptuous sort, according to the maner of other men, they framed an image of waxe resembling in all respects the party deceased, but palish and wan as a sicke man: and so beingIn our time afte [...] the death of the last Charles in France, his image was laied in a r ch bed, in triumphant atti [...]e, with the c [...]wne vpon his hea [...], and the c [...]ller of the [...] de [...] about his ne [...]ke, and [...]ty daies at [...]anry houres d [...]nner and su [...]per was ser [...]ed in w [...]th al accustomed c [...] remonies, a [...] sewing, water, grace car [...]i [...]g, say taking, &c. al the Cardinals, prelats, lords, gentlemen and officers attēding in farre greater solemnit [...] then if he had beene aliue. layed at the entry of the Palace inXiphilinus, p. 316 317. 318, noteth some other particularities not specified in this narration. an iuory bed couered with cloth of golde, the Senate and ladies assisting in mourning attire, the phisicians daily resorted vnto him to touch his pulse, and consider in colledge of his disease, doctorally at their departure resoluing, that he grew in worse & worse tearmes, and hardly would scape it. At the ende ofDuring that time, sayeth Xiphilinus, there stoode also a page with a san of Pecocks f [...]athers to keepe away the flyes from his face, as if he were but a sleepe. seuen daies they opined, and found by their learning, the crisis belike being bad, that the patient was departed: whereupon some of the Senate appointed for that purpose, and principall gentlemen, taking vp the bed vpon their shoulders caried it thorow Via sacra into the Forum; where a companie of young gentlemen of greatest birth standing on the one side, and maydes of the other, sung hymnes and sonnets, the one to the other, in commendation of the dead Prince, entuned in a solemne and mournfull note, with all kinde of other musicke and melodie, as indeede the whole ceremonie was aHero [...]ian. lib. 4. [...]. Dio, lib. 56. in epitapino Augusti: [...]. mixt action of mourning and mirth, as appeareth also by Seneca, [...], at the consecration of Claudius. Et erat omnium formosissimum (funus Claudij) & impensacura plenum, vt scires Deum efferri, tibicinum, cornicinum, omnis (que) generis aeneatorum tanta turba, tantus conuentus, vt etiam Claudius audire posset. Afterward they caried the herse out of the Citty into Campus Martius, where a square towre was builded of timber, large at the bottome, and of competent height to receaue wood and fagots sufficiently, outwardly bedeckt and hung with cloth of golde, imagery woorke, and curious pictures. Vpon that tower stoode a second turret in figure and furniture like to the first, but somewhat lesse, with windowes & doores standing open, wherein the herse was placed, and all kinde of spiceries and odours, which the whole world could yeeld, heaped therein: and so a third and fourth turret, and so forth, growing lesse and lesse toward the toppe: the whole building representing the forme of aPharus. lanterne or watchtower, which giueth light in the night. Thus all being placed in order, the gentlemen first ride about it, marching in a certaine measure: then follow others in open coches with robes of honour, and vpon their faces vizards of the good Princes, and other honourable personages of ancient times. All these ceremonies thus being performed, the Prince which succeedeth taketh a torch, and first putteth to the fire himselfe, and after him all the rest of the companie: and by and by as the fire was kindled, out of the toppe of the hyest turret anDiodi 56. in fanere August.: [...]. eagle was let flye, to cary vp his soule into heauen: and so he was afterward reputed, and by the Romans adored, amoung the rest of the gods▪ mary, which I had omitted almost, before consecration it was vsuall, that some gentleman at least should bestowe an othe to proue their deity. Suetonius Augusto: Nec defuit vir Praetorius, qui se effigiem cremati (Augusti) euntem in coelum videsse iurasset. The like was testified of Drusilla Caius sister by one Liuius Geminius a Senatour. Dio. lib. 59.That is, One Liuius Geminius a Senatour sware that he saw Deusilla ascending vp into heauen, and conuersing with the gods, wishing to himselfe and his children vtter destruction if he spake an vntrueth, calling to witnesse both sundry other gods, and especially the goddesse herselfe of whom he spake, for which othe he receaued a million of testerces▪ which makes 7812. b. 10. shillings sterling. [...]. whose tale, for all it was well payed for, men beleeued neuer the better. Seneca, [...]: Postquam in senatu iurauit se Drusillam vidisse coelum ascendentem, & illi pro tam bono nuntio nemo credidit, quod viderit, verbis conceptis affirmauit, se non indicaturum, etiamsi in medio foro hominem vidisset occisum. This lesson they may seeme to haue learned of Proculus Iulius, who tooke an othe not much otherwise for Romulus deity, whom the Senate murdred and made a god: from whence this race of the Roman [Page 3] gods may seeme to haue taken beginning. Tully also had a meaning that way for his daughter Tulliola, as appeareth by his epistles ad Atticum, but worldly troubles put out of his head those heauenly cogitations. From C. Caesar, Augustus, Claudius, Vespasian, Titus, in a maner without interruption, the custome dured so long, that many also of the Christian Emperours enshrined in this sort their fathers and predecessours. And this was the honour done to the good Princes after their death: as for the bad, they lacked not likewise the Senates rewarde vt nomem fastis eximeretur, vt statuae deiicerentur, vt corpus vnco traheretur in Tiberim. &c.
5. And oft both at once: Ac plerum (que) permixta) Both at once, or perchance both in one, as in Antonius Primus army at the taking of Cremona, cui ciues, socij externi interessent. Tacitus 3.pag. 124. Hist. and in the same booke: Principes Sarmatarum Iazygum in commilitium asciti. trahuntur in partes Sido at (que) Italicus reges Sueuorum. so that this warre, and such like, though in respect of their captaines ciuill, by reason of externall helpes might be called permixta.
6. Illyricum troubled) As in Othoes time by the Rhoxolan [...]. Tacitus in this first booke p. 50. in Vitellius, by the Daci: Tac. 3. Hist. p. 129. in Vespasians by the Sarmatae; Iosephus [...]. 7. c. 12. and generally the nations vpon that border inuaded the Romans vnder Domitian. Tacitus in the life of Agricola. p. 605.
7. Brittanny all conquered &c. Britannia perdomita: & statim missa coborte in Sarmatarum ac Sueuorum gentes) Some learned men correct this place, which no doubt is corrupted, thus▪ perdomita Britannia ac statim amissa: coortae Sarmatarum ac Sueuorum gentes. perdomita Britannia is ment by Iulius Agricola in Domitians time. Tacitus in vita pag. 588. Agricolae: Quia tum demum perdomita est Britannia: now must it bee lost againe in the same Domitians time (for this history passeth no further) which can not bee prooued by any story, no not by any slender coniecture. Tacitus writing the life of Agricola in Traians time, Ea insecuta sunt, saiethpag. 605. hee, reip. tempora, quae sileri Agricolam non sinerent: tot exercitus in Moesia Dacia (que), & Germania, Pannonia (que), temeritate aut per ignauiam ducum amissi: tot militares viri cum tot cohortibus expugnati & capti▪ nec iam de limite imperij & ripa, sed de hibernis legionum & possessione dubitatum. the losse of Britanny if there had beene any such, had much better becommed this place, then any other calamity that he could haue tolde vs. ButTradideratinterim Agricola successori suo prouincia quiciam tutā (que) Tac. p. 604. Agricola left the cuntrey in good quiet, and so no doubt it continued all Domitians time. As for any matter happening vnder Adrian (which yet was no losse of the cuntrey, but some disorder) being out of the compasse of this history, & as it is likely, of his life that wrote it, I will easily beleeue it was not intended to be briefed in this place. More according to the story, & with lesse change in the letter we may thus amende it. Britannia perdomita & Or partim missa. statim missa ( [...]missa facta, [...]) coortae Sarmatarum ac Sueuorum gentes, to signifie that all Britā ny was cōquered, but not all retained. App. p. 5.That is, Of the Ilande of Britanny the Romans possesse the best part, about halfe of the whole ile, not caring much for the rest. For euen of that which they haue they reape no great profite. [...], saieth he, [...].
8. Abused by a countersaite Nero) This happened in Titus time. Zonaras tomo. 2.That is, In Titus time there arose a counterfaite Nero called indeede Terentius Maximus, by birth of Asia, and much resembling Nero both in countenance & voice, skilled also on instrument. This fellow got in Asia some followers, and going forward to Euphrates manie moe. At length he fled to Artabanus king of the Parthians, who bearing ill will to Titus gaue him entertainement, and made prouision to reduce him to Rome. [...]. Suetonius Nerone seemeth to make it in Domitians time. Quum post viginti annos, (after Neroes death) saieth he, adolescente me extitisset conditionis incertae, qui se Neronem esse iactaret, tam fauorabile nomen eius apud Parthos fuit, vt vehementer adiutus, & vix redditus sit. Tacitus 2. Hist, and the abridgment of Dio p. 204 make mention of another which in Othoes time was slaine in Cythno insula by Calpurnius Asprenas.
9. The most fruitfull tract of Campania, and the city of Rome wasted by fire) Suet. Tito. c. 8. Quaedam sub eo fortuita ac tristia acciderunt, vt conflagratio Vesuuij montis in Campania, & incendium Romae per triduum, totidem (que) noctes. pag. 228. 229. Xiphilinus the abridger of Dio describeth this burning of Vesuuius at large vvith all the circumstances and miracles, amōg the rest, that the ashes thereof vvere dispersed into Africke, Syria & Egypt:And at Rome filled all the aire about the citty & dar [...] kened the sonne. [...]. Plinius Secūdꝰ in anLib. 6 ep. 16. epistle to Tacitꝰ setteth it out vpō occasiō of his vnckles death who was [Page 4] stifled there with ashes and smoke. In the later Emperours time the same mountaine burned againe in such vehement sort that they at Constantinople were choked all vp with the ashes that issued from it, if we may safely beleeue their owne stories. Now for the wasting of Rome by fire, Xiphilinus, p. 230, deliuereth it at large.That is, The yeare following that of Vesuuius, an other fire wasted very manie parts of Rome. For it consumed the temple of Serapis, that of Isi [...], the places called Septa, the temple of Neptune, Agrippaes bathes, the Pantheon, the Ditibi [...]orium, the Octauian buildings with the bookes, moreouer the temple of Iupiter Capitolinus and his fellow gods. [...].
10. The ilands &c. Plenum exilijs mare) Mare pro insulis. So Tacitus, 4. Ann. p. 342. calleth Seriphus, saxum Seriphium, by way of cōtempt: for such commōly were the ilāds, into which the relegati were sent. The vsuall ilands of deportatiō were Pandateria, Planasia, Cercina, Seriphus, Gyarus, Cythera, Amorgus, Donusa, Trunerus, Baleares, Sardinia, Naxus, and perhaps others.
11. The cliffes &c. Infecti caedibus scopuli) The relegati in insulam were commonly vpon a second message led aside to some creeke or promontory, & so quietly made away, or peraduenture scopuli is taken here pro insulis as mare was before.
12. Or forbeare them) Xiphilinus Domitiano maketh mention of Herennius Senecio, whom Domitian put to death, [...]. but Tacitus himselfe in the preface of Agricola alleadgeth another reason because he published a booke in praise of Heluidius Priscus. because after the Questorship he had not demanded in all his life any hyer office. Tacitus in vita Agricolae p. 605. Salarium tamen proconsulari solitum offerri, & quibusdam à seipso concessum Agricolae non dedit (Domitianus) siue offensus non petitum, siue &c.
13. As spoiles.) In Tiberius time, when Libo Drusus was accused of treason, bona damnati inter accusatores diuidebantur, & praeturae extra ordinem datae iis qui senatorij ordinis erant. Tacitus 2. Annal. Againe 3.pag. 364. Annal. Hunc (Titium Sabinum) Latinius Latiaris, Porcius Cato, Petitius Rufus, M. Opsius praetura functi aggrediuntur cupidine consulatus; speaking not of the time here intended, but of the same maner of proceeding; rather of other men, then other maners.
14. Procuratorships.) Procurator, saieth Cicero pro Caecina, dicitur is, qui omnium rerum eius, qui in Italia non sit, absitue reip. causa, quasi quidā penè dominus est, h.e. alieni iuris vicarius. Appian, p. 282, translateth it [...]. From this generall notion, the worde was afterward particularly applyed to certaine offices, which were appointed in euerie prouince (beside the Presidents, or Lieutenants) as it were, Treasurers or Receiuers to gather vp the reuenues of the Empire. Dio. l. 53.That is, Procuratore, wee call them which receiue, & according to their cō missions pay out the common reuenues. [...]. Tac. in vita Agricola bringeth in the Britans complaining: singulos sibi olim reges fuisse, nunc binos imponi, è quibus legatus in sanguinem, procurator in bona saeuiret. Tac. 16. Ann. p: 551. Mella petit [...] one honorum abstinuerat per ambitionem praeposteram, vt eques Romanus consularibus potentia aequaretur. simul acquirendae pecuniae, per procurationes administrandis principis negotijs, breutus iter credebat. An office of gaine, rather then honour, supplied by the gentlemen of Rome, or by the Princes libertines, generally by his most assured, & trusty seruitours. And this was their first institution. Beside this they were set also to spie the Lieutenants actions, and sometime they had speciall commission to murder them. Sometime they were sent into smaller prouinces as gouernours with iurisdiction, then called procuratores cum potestate, or vice-praesides. Tac. in this booke: Dua Mauretaniae, Rhoetia, Noricum, Thracia, & quae aliae procuratoribus cohibentur, vt cui (que) exercitui vicinae, ita &c. Claudius especially enlarged the office, cuius, saieth12. Ann p. 443. Tacitus saepiùs audita vox est, parem vim rerum habendam a procuratoribus suis iudicatarum, a [...] si ipse statuisset. Ac ne fortuitò prolapsus videretur, senatus quo (que) consulto cautum, pleniùs quàm anteà & vberiùs. And in Tiberius time Pontius Pilatus, who put Christ to death, was but onely procurator, not Lieutenant, or President. Tacitus. 15.pag. 528. Ann. Auctor nominis eius Christus, qui Tiberio imperitante, per procuratorem Pontium Pilatum supplicio affectus erat.
15. Inward credit.) Such was the credit of Maecenas with Augustus, & of Salustius Crispus, who as TacitusAnn. 3. pa. 309. reporteth. Quanquam prompto ad capessendos honores aditu, Maecenatem aemulatus, sine dignitate senatoriâ multos triumphalium, consularium (que) potentiâ anteiit incolumi Maecenati proximus, mox primus, cui secreta imperatorum inniterētur▪ in summe, such as cared not to beare office of honour, but otherwise gouerned the Prince peaceably, in quality of fauorites, or minions, as they call them.
16. The bondmē) In anciēt time by a decree of the Senat the bōdmā could not be put [Page 5] to the torture in caput domini: but Tiberius, saieth Tacitus. 2.pag. [...]68. Ann, callidus, & noui iuris repertor mancipari singulos actori publico iubet: scilicet vt in dominum ex seruis saluo senatusconsulto quaereretur. Afterward indicia seruorum without torture were vsually receiued as good euidence, and largely rewarded. Tac. 16.pag. [...]5 [...]. Ann. in the cause of Petronius; corrupto ad indicium seruo.
17. That the Gods are carefull rather &c.) Titus the Emperour, hauing shipped away all the informers and promoters, ingenti ammo securitati nostrae vltioni (que) prospexerat, ideòque numinibus aequatus est, sayeth Plinie in his Panegyricke, attributing to the gods both qualities, to saue vs from harme, and to reuenge vs when wee are harmed, and carying a more reuerent conceit of them, then his fellowe Tacitus seemeth to doe in this place, and in some other places beside. 14. Annal: Prodigia quo (que) crebra & irrita intercessere. Anguem enixa mulier, & alia in concubitu mariti fulmine exanimata: tam sol repentè obscuratus, & tactae de coelo quatuordecim vrbis regiones. Quae adeò sine curâ deûm eueniebant, vt multos post annos Nero imperium & scelera continuauerit. pag. [...]6. Annal. 16. Exutus omnibus fortunis, & in exilium actus (Cassius Aselepiodocus) aequitate deûm erga bona mala (que) documenta. And yet in some other places he letteth fall sometimes religious sentences, carying himselfe as it were in ballance doubtfully betweene the carelesnesse of Polybius that way, and the superstitiousnesse of Liuy, two principall writers of the Roman story.
18. The reasons and causes of things, not onely &c.) The commendation of an history consisteth not in reporting bare euents, but in discouering the causes of those euents, without which the reader cā picke but small profit out of a simple register booke. [...],l [...]. [...].7 [...]. saieth Polybius,That is, Neither are the writers of stories nor readers so much to regard [...] and insist vpon the bate narration of the actiōs themselues, as the precedents, the adiuncts and consequences of the actions, for take away from story the causes whereupon, and the maner how, and the purpose wherfore things were done, and whether the action had such successe as in probability was to bee e [...]pecied, that which remaineth [...]tale i [...]e [...]e but no instructiō, for the present desiring but afterwarde pro [...]gnoti [...]ng at all. [...]. Scribere bellum, saieth Sempronius Asellio inlib 5 cap. 18. Gellius quo initum consule, & quomodo confectum sit, & qui [...] triumphans introierit, & quae in eo bello gesta sint iterare; non predicari autem interea quid senatus decreuerit, aut quae lex rogatione lata sit, ne (que) quibus consilijs ea gesta si [...]t; id fabulas pueris est narrare, non historias scribere. Nobis non modò satis esse video quod factum esset id pronuntiare; sed etiam quo consilio qua (que) ratione gesta essent demonstrare. And Dionysius [...]. 5. pag. 238.That is, In reading of stories he principal profit consisteth not in knowing onely the ende of things and euents, but euery man desireth to vnderstand the causes of that which passed, the maner of doing, the drift and deuises of the doers, the occurrences of fortune, & to be ignor [...]nt of nothing which belonged any way to the action. [...]. the like lib. 11. p. 505. For this vertue Theopōpus is by the sameIn fragmentis. Dionysius extolled, and praised in most exquisite maner.That is, Th [...] last of his vertues and most peculiar and proper, as being by no other historie writer old not new so exactly performed, is this, in euerie action not onely to see and declare what was apparent to the view of the worlde, but also to search out the secret [...] causes of actions, and to see into the affections of their minds who were agen [...]s▪ things not easily seene of the common sort and finally to discouer all the misteries both of pretended vertue and cloked vice▪ the examination and triall by Theopompus writings being no lesse exact then the arraigment of soules fabulously deuised before the infernall iudges. [...], saieth he, [...]. Now Tacitus in this place setting vs downe a theoreme of history, wherein without controuersie he excelled; that an historiographer is to giue knowledge of counsailes and causes: another naturall, wherein he had no great grace, that euentus plerum (que) suat fortuiti, that is, either had no causes, or no causes that could be discouered, may seeme inIn diuision of notions. [...] to haue seene very nearely, but yet inIn composition. [...] to haue looked not so well about him: ioyning somewhat strangely two contrary notions togither.
19. Citty-souldier) The soldiers that were resiant at Rome were of two sortes, Praetoriani and Vrbani propriè dicti, both of them by Tacitus here, and elswhere comprehended by the name of Miles vrbanus. Miles vrbanus longo Caesarum sacramento imbutus: and againe ne vrbano quidem militi satis confisus, meaning onely or principally of the Praetorians. [Page 6] In his proper signification and standing in opposition to Praetoriani, Tacit. pag. 58. addidit classi Vrbanas cohortes, & pleros (que) è Praetorianis▪ againe, quod rarò aliâs Praetorianus, Vrbanus (que) miles in aciem deducti: now when it doeth stande for the one, or for both, onely circumstance must helpe to discerne.
20. That secrete of state disclosed: Euulgato imperij arcano) Euulgare arcana imperij may seeme to be that which Dionysius in the place before alleadged calleth [...], in affaires of estate to reueale the good openly pretended, and the ill secretely intended. Notwithstanding arcana imperij, being in mine opinion so sundry in nature, can hardly bee bounded with one definition. Tacitus.pag. 2 [...]1. Annal. 2. Censuit Gallus in quinquennium magistratuum comitia habenda. haud dubium erat eam sententiam altiùs penetrare, & arcana imperij tentari: the secrete of state herein was, that whereas hope of honour or gaine is the onely soueraine meane in court to retaine suiters and seruants in diligence and due deuotion, to speede so manie at once were to make so manie slacke wayters; and for so manie yeares before hande to driue the rest to despaire. In the samepag. 283. booke. Augustus inter alia dominationis arcana, vetitis, nisi permissu, ingredi senatoribus aut equitibus Romanis illustribus, seposuit Aegyptum: ne fame vrgeret Italiam, quisquis eam prouinciam, claustra (que) terrae ac maris quamuis leui praesidio aduersus ingentes exercitus insedisset▪ the secrete is, into a cuntrey which rebelling might endanger the state, neuer to suffer men of great houses, or great credit among the common people to haue accesse. In this place, as it may seeme, are mēt the secrete trueths of apparences in affaires of estate▪ for the masse of the people is guided and gouerned more by ceremonies and shewes then matter in substance. The example is of an act done in vndue place, whereof there had beene no precedent before. In cōgruity a Prince of Rome were to be created at Rome, & an Emperour in the seate-towne of the Empire, and so it had beene alwaies obserued: but the trueth was, and so much the secrete imported, that in substance it mattered not much where he were made, that afterward could maintaine it with armes, and with the good liking of the subiects of the Empire. This secrete of state Galba disclosed, and making his profit thereof against Nero, gaue occasion to other to practise the like against him. The souldiers of Germany in the choise of Vitellius, as Plutarch reporteth,That is, Goe too now, by chusing Vitellius let vs shewe to the worlde that wee are able to make an Emperour better thē those of Spaine and Portugall. [...]. Vitellius likewise passed out the same way he came in. Nam posse ab exercitu principem fieri, sibi ipsi Vitellius documento est, sayeth Mutianus in Tacitus lib. 2.pag. 95. Hist. And generally after this secrete was by Galba once disclosed, moe Emperours were made abroad, then at Rome. Beside these imperij, or dominationis arcana, Ann. 1. pag. 218. Tacitus maketh mention of arcana domus Augustae: that is, secretes of court, or of Palace▪ and 3pag. 309. Ann. of secreta imperatorum.
21. Making indeede very bolde with their Prince as being new in state) Tacitus 2. Hist. Recens Galbae principatu censuerant patres vt accusatorum causae noscerentur. and 4. Hist. in the oration of Curtius Montanus. Elanguimus P.C. nec iam ille senatus sumus, qui occiso Nerone delatores, & ministros more maiorum puniendos flagitabat. Optimus est post malum principem dies primus. Now accusatores, promoters, or enformers, are reckened inter instrumenta imperij, with as good reason as one Locusta in Claudius and Neroes time, nuper veneficij damnata & diu inter instrumenta regnihabita, saieth Tacitus. 12.pag. 446. Annal. For accusers certaine it is that many good Princes, or not verie bad, haue beene content to mainetaine them. Mutianus the mouth of Vespasian censuit prolixè pro accusatoribus: Tacitus 4.pag. 176. Hist. Heluidius Priscus suing Eprius Marcellus vpon the decree Dubiâ voluntate Galbae became sodainly non-suite▪ ibidem.
22. His iourney to Rome was slow) At what day Galba begā his iourney frō Spaine to Rome, & whē he entred the citty, the stories being lost, it is hard precisely to determin. Notwithstāding to giue some light to this place, & withall to yeeld a reasō of the times set downe by meIn the ende of Nero and beginning of Galba. elswhere, I thinke good to note the reasōs which moued me thereto. First Galerio Trachalo, Silio Italico Coss. Neapoli de motu Galliarū cognouit (Nero) die ipso, quo matrē occiderat. Suet.cap. 40. Neron. Now Agrippina was slaine ipsis Quinquatruū diebus: Tac. 14.pag. 479. Ann. & Suet.cap. 34. Nerone; & Quinquatrus begin the nineteenth day of March: Ouid. Fast. 3. so allowing some cōpetēt time frō Viēna, or Liōs to Naples it wil appeare that Vindex [Page 7] rebelliō began about the tenth or twelfth of March. Againe Xiphilinus saieth that Galba reigned nine moneths and thirteene daies, which is to be vnderstood from the time he tooke the Empire vpon him in Spaine, as Xiphilinus himselfe noteth in the last words of Vespasians time▪ so that Galba, dying the fifteenth ofTac. 1. Hist. Ianuary, beganne his raigne about the first, or second of Aprill. Nero began the 13 of October: Tac. 12.pag. 447. An.That is, And hee raigned thirteene yeares and eight moneths, wanting two daies, and died in the moneth of Iuly. [...], saieth Zonaras tomo. 2, which two sayings cannot both be true▪ for if Nero deceased in Iuly, then raigned he more then thirteene yeare & eight moneths: but if his raigne was no longer, which Xiphilin also assureth vs of, thē died he not in Iuly. Againe the same Xiphilin writeth;That is, That by iust computation from Neroes death till the beginning of Vespasians raigne, there was one whole yeare and two and twenty daies. pag. 225. [...]. but the first day of Vespasiās Empire was the first day of Iuly: Tac. 2. Hist: so that Neroes death was vpon the 8. of Iune. & so it should seeme by Tacitus in this very booke, septē à Neronis fine menses sunt. Aurelius Victor saieth, Menses septem dies (que) totidem (imperauit Galba) which vnderstoode from Neroes death agreeth iustly with the former account. About the very same time with Nero dyed Vindex in France. The word came first of his death to Galba in Spaine, and certaine daies after of Neroes in post. Plutar. Galba. And certaine it is that Nero neuer had any newes of Vindex ouerthrowe▪ for it could not haue beene otherwise but that beeing heard must needes haue wrought some notable alteration at Rome. Philostratus l. 5. de vita Apollonij. That is, It was reported (at Messana where Apollonius then was) that Nero was fled, and Vindex deade. [...], as though at Messana in Sicily the newes of Neroes destructiō had first bene reported. Of Neroes death Icelus brought Galba the newes in seuen dayes from Rome. Plut. [...]. So allowing some time for prouision, it may seeme that Galba set forward about the beginning of Iuly, and entred the citty, as it may be reasonably supposed, about September follovving; his iourney sayeth Tacitus vvas slowe, the vvay long, and his men heauy loaden.
23. Galba brought in the Spanish Legion) That is, as I thinke, Septima Galbiana, gathered (as it may seeme by Tacitus 3.pag. 120. Hist. Dio.pag. 384. lib. 55. andGalbâ cap. 10. Suetonius) by Galba in Spaine, which notwithstanding seemeth to haue bene sent away into Illyricum before his death vnder Antonius Primus Lieutenant, & therefore without cause remembred here in the tumult of Otho I finde no mention of any Hispana legio, neither in Tacitus in this booke, nor any writer beside, vnlesse percase they alone were a sleepe, when al the world beside was in armes.
24. To the straits of the Caspian mountaines) Suetoniuscap. 1 [...]. Nerone. Parabat (Nero) & ad Caspias portas expeditionem, conscriptâ ex Italicis senûm pedum tyronibus noua legione, quam Magni Alexandri phalangem appellabat. Xiphilinus addeth further that he had purposed a viage into Aethiopia.
25. Lieutenants of legions: Legati legionū) Legatus in this very booke hath 3. significations. 1. Legatus for an Embassadour. p. 24. Censuerāt patres mittēdos ad Germanicū exercitū legatos. 2. Legatus, or Legatus consularis, or consularis for a Lieutenāt, deputy, president, or gouernour of a whole prouince, or army. p 21: Othonem in prouinciam Lusitaniam specie legationis seposuit. p 42: Hordeonius Flaccus consularis legatus aderat. p. 19: inferioris Germaniae legiones diutiùs sine consulari fuere. 3. Legatus legionis, or legatus Praetorius, or legatus simply, but by circumstāce to be discerned, for the Lieutenāt of a Legiō, whereof were in euery army as many as Legions. p. 44: Coelius legatus vicesimae legionis. p. 586: in vitâ Agricolae speaking of the same Legiō & mā; Quippe legatis cōsularibꝰ nimia ac formidolosa erat. Nec legatus Praetorius ad cohibēdū potens. p. 42: Nullo legatorū, tribunorūue pro Galba nitēte. p. 44: Foedis legatorū certaminibus, spoken equiuocally, & to the vātage of the worde, for the one of thē was legatus consularis, & the other legatus legionis.
26. Prouinces abroad: Eprouincijs) Scilicet Caesaris, onely ment, as I take it, here for Augustus after the warre at Actiū, enforced forsooth by the Senate to vndertake the Monarchy, diuided the prouinces into two sorts. The quiet & peaceable cuntreyes he rendred into the Senate & peoples hande; the prouinces that limited & bordered the Empire, with the rest where any rebellion, or warre might be feared, he retained to himselfe, & his successours, in shew to sustaine himselfe al danger alone, and leaue to the Senate the sweete at their ease, but in trueth to keepe himselfe alwayes armed, and them without [Page 8] armes. To the Senate and people, aslib. 17. Strabo, andlib 53. Dio vvrite, belonged these prouinces follovving, vvhich13. Ann p. 450. Tacitus, if I be not deceiued, calleth publicas prouincias. Duae consulares, Africke with Numidia, and Asia, so called because these tvvo prouinces vvere properly assigned to those vvho had beene Consuls, vvhereas for the rest it suffized to haue borne inferiour office: and decem praetoriae, Boetica, Narbonensis, Sardinia vvith Corsica, Sicilia, Epirus, Macedonia, Achaia vvith Thessalia &c. Creta vvith Cyrene, Cyprus, Pontus and Bithynia. To himselfe he retained Hispania Tarraconensis, Lusitania, Gallia Lugdunensis, Belgica, Aquitania, Syria &c. Cilicia, Egypt, Dalmatia, Moesia, Pannonia, and the tract of Rhene vpon the French side called by the name ofIn Marcellinus, li. 15. p. 1461. Germania prima (wherein were Magontiacus, Ʋangiones▪ Nemites, & Argentoratus) and Germania s [...]cunda, Agrippina & Tungris munita. superior and inferior Germania, as it is also at this day called Germanie, but by Caesars description comprehended in Gallia, and a verie part of Belgica, vvho knevv no other Germania, but that vvhich the later vvriters call for difference sakeGreat Germanie. [...] beyond the Rhene: vvhereas Tacitus in this first booke naming often Germany, meaneth alwaies the other two prouinces, so called because the Germans continually passing the Rhene inhabited the cuntrey, and so by little and little changed the name. Caesar lib. 2. com. Dio. lib. 53. Tac. lib. 1.pag. 242. Ann. and in his bookepag. 574. de moribus Germanorum. Treueri & Neruij circa affectationem Germanicae originis vltrò ambitiosi sunt, tanquam per hanc gloriam sanguinis, à similitudine & inertia Gallorum separentur. ipsam Rheni ripam haud dubiè Germanorum populi colunt Ʋangiones, Treboci, Nemetes &c, Of these tvvo Germanies, superior, sayeth Dio, vvasFrom the head of the Rhene. [...], and stretched to Mentz, or Cobolentz rather: inferior, downwardTo the Brittish O [...]ein. [...]. Beside these prouinces vvhatsoeuer vvas aftervvard conquered, or became subiect to the Roman Empire, as England in Claudius time, Pontus Polemoniacus, and Alpes Cottiae in Neroes time, Dacia in Traianes &c, [...]. Dio. pag. 341. increased the Emperours portion. Novv the gouernours that vvere sent into the Senates cuntreyes, both Pretorian and Consular, vvere called Proconsules, vvhether they had euer bene Consuls or no. Those vvhich the Emperours sent into theirs vvere called Legati, or Legati Consulares, or Propraetores, except peraduenture they sent sometimes their Procuratours, as in small prouinces before vvee haue noted. Dio. lib. 53.That is, Of both the publique & Princes prouinces, Aegypt onelie excepted, the gouernours were taken [...]ut of the Senatours: for the publique prouinces annuall, and chosen by lot (except they were conferred on any vpon some speciall priuiledge, as of mariage or multitude of children) and sent out as it were from the body of the Senate, nor wearing sworde, nor spaludamentum, an indifferently called Proconsuls whether they euer had beene Consuls or not: hauing also as many sergeants attending as vsually they had in the citty, and as soone as they were out of the Pomerium assuming the ensignes of their office which they alwaies retained vntill their returne. Now for the gouernours of the Princes prouinces, he reserued them for his owne choise, and appointed that they should be tearmed Legati and ropraetores, though they had peraduenture borne the office of Consulshippe before. [...]. & paulò post, That is, The name of Propratores he gaue to those of his owne choise, and continued their office more or lesse during pleasure; appointing likewise that they should weare the Paludamentum and sworde, as hauing autority of life and death ouer the souldiers. [...]. Tacitus in this booke speaking of [...]allia Narbonensis a publicke prouince; Ʋinius, sayeth hee, proconsulatu Galliam Na [...]onensem seuerè rexit, who neuer had beene Consul before:pag. 152. Annalium. 1: I finde Granius Marcellus called Praetor of Bithynia, vvhich vvas at the first diuision a publicke prouince, & so continued as appeareth out of Pliniesep. 64. 65. tenth booke of epistles. And in the same place of Tacitus mention is made of a Questor, an office not vsed in the Princes cuntreyes; & in Claudius time damnatus lege repetundarū Cadius Rufus accusantibus Bithynis; which action I thinke, lay not against the Princes legati, as executing their charge rather by way of cōmission, thē by vertue of office. But of Propraetor the case is cleare. 12. An. p. 430. in Britānia P. Ostorium propraetorem. & p. 434. of the same man, Caesar cognita morte legati. &c. Vitellius in this booke is called legatus consularis inferioris Germaniae: & 4.pag. 367. Ann. L. Apromus [Page 9] inferioris Germaniae propraetor. Suetoniuscap. 40. Nerone. Duce Iulio Vindice, qui tum eam prouin eiam propraetore obtinebat ad est, Galliam Lugdunensem belonging to the Prince. In Africke Caius beside the Proconsul, the office & name due to the place, superinduced a legatus as from himselfe to take charge of the soldiers there. Tac.pag. 178. Hist. 4. Legio in Africa auxiliaque tutandis imperij finibus, sub diuo Augusto Tiberioque principibus, proconsuli parebant. Mox C. Caesar turbidus animi, ac Or according to Dio, Lucium Pisonem. M. Sullanum obtinentem Africam metuens, ablatam proconsuli legionem, misso in eam rem legato tradidit, aequatus inter duos beneficiorum numerus, & mixtis vtrius (que) mandatis discordia quasita, aucta (que). Prauo certamine legatorum ius adoleuit, diuturnitate officij, vel quia minoribus maior aemulandi cura. Proconsulum splendidissimus quis (que) securitati magis quàm potentiae consulebant. Dio. lib. 59.That is, After that Lucius Piso sonne of Cn. Piso and Plancina was made Pr [...]consul of Africke, Caius the Emperour fearing that vpō hautinesse of stomacke he might bee induced to worke innouation, especially hauing vnder his charge great forces both legi [...]nary and auxiliary, he diuided the gouernement into two parts and gaue another the charge both of the souldiers and of the Numidians bordering thereabouts which custōe is retayned euen to this day. [...]. Only of Egypt the gouernor was neither called Legatus, nor Propraetor, but Praefectus Aegypti, or Praefectus Augustalis. Other names as praeses, rector &c. I take to be cōmon to both sorts. Againe in prouincijs publicis were Quaestores beside Procurators; in the Princes, Procurators onely. Dio. lib. 53.That is, Into the prouinces which appertaine to the Senate & people there are sent Questors chosen by lot. [...]. pag. 342. and pag. 343.That is, The Emperour sendeth Procurators to all prouinces alike, both his owne and those which belong to the people. [...].
27. Of Spayne &c. Hispaniae praerat Cluuius Rufus) Id est, Hispaniae Tarraconensi, for that onely of the three prouinces, into vvhich Spaine is diuided, vvas furnished vvith souldiers, and of such especially in this place Tacitus intendeth, not extending his speech to the naked and peaceable, vvhich aftervvard he calleth inermes. Cluuius Rufus vvas a famous oratour, and vvrote a story of that time alleadged by Tacitus. 13. and 14. Ann. vvho, notvvithstanding his preferment vvas by Galba,Tac. 1. Hist. p. 51. svvare vvith the first to Otho, and in the beginning of Vitellius time returned to Rome, non adempta Hispania quam rexit absens. Tacitus. 2. Hist. pag. 90. In the nineth booke & nineteenth epistle Plinie maketh mention of a speech that passed betweene Verginius, and Cluuius: his vvordes bee these; ita secum aliquando Cluuium locutum: Scis Ʋirgini quae historiae fides debeatur; proinde si quid in historijs meis legis aliter ac velles, rego ignoscas. Ad hoc sic illum, Cluui ne tu ignoras, ideò me fecisse quod feci, vt esset liberum vobis scribere, quae libuisset?
28. Egypt and the garrisons there the gentlemen of Rome)That is, After the victory at Actium Augustus made Aegypt tributary, and committed the gouernemēt thereof to Cornelius Gallus. For considering the great store of people both in the townes and the cuntrey, moreouer their leuity and inconstancy, that it was the Romā storehouse of corne, and very rich of money, not onely he durst not trust it into the hands of the Senators, but also expresly forbad any of them to soiourne there, except by permission namely from him. [...]. saieth Dio. lib. 51 [...]. Tacitus. 2. Ann. pag. 283. writeth that not onely Senatours but also equites Romani illustres (that is, as I thinke, those whom. 16. Ann. pag. 551. he tearmeth equites Romanos dignitate senatoria) vvere forbidden to goe thither, but vpon permission; Ne fame vrgeret Italiam quisquis eam prouinciam, claustraque terrae ac maris quamuis leui praesidio aduersus ingentes exercitus insedisset, Arrianus. lib. 3. is of opinion, that the Romans in ordering Egypt followed the example of Alexander the great, who, sayeth he,Is reported to haue diuided the gouernement of Aegypt amongst many, hauing in admiration the naturall site and strength of the cuntrey: wherefo [...]e hee thought is not safe to commit the entier regiment thereof to any one man, and the Romans in my opinion learned this point of Alexander strictly to garde Aegypt, and for the same cause to make none of the Senatours gouernour there, but onely of the ordo Equestris. [...].
29. Who beeing priuiledged to vveare golde rings: Quem annulis donatum) In Spaine vvhen hee brought the newes of Neroes death. Annulis donare is al one with equestri dignitate donare. Tac. 2. Hist. postulante exercitu vt libertum suum Asiaticum equestri dignitate donaret, inhonestam adulationem compescuit, (Vitellius). Dein mobilitate ingenij quod palam abnuerat, inter secreta conuiuij largitur, honorauit que Asiaticum annulis, [Page 10] foedum mancipium, & malis artibus ambitiosum. Suet.cap. 12. Vitellio. primo imperij die aureù donauit annulis super coenam, quum mane rogantibus pro eo cunctis detestatus esset seuerissimè talem equestris ordinis maculam; speaking of the same man vvith Tacitus. Dio. lib. 48.That is, Augus [...]us honoured Menas with golden rings, and entred him among the Equites. [...] for in ancient time, though afterward wealth increasing euerie one beganne to braue it in golde, yetThat is, Among the ancient Romans it was not lawful for any (I meane not of those onely which sometimes had beene slaues, but of al others free borne and liberally brought vp) to weare golde rings, except hee were either Senator or Eques. and therefore the Princes bestow this vpō the freedmen whom they fauour as a great honour though otherwise they weare rings of golde, as being thereby made better then common freedmen and equall in degree with the Equites. [...]. This priuiledge the Prince conferred not onely vpon his owne, but also vpon other mens liberti, (although inuitis or ignorantibus patronis it vvas not lightly granted, or if it vvere, it vvas recalled) and it drevv vvith it ius ingenuitatis, but not to exclude the patrone ab hereditate liberti. lib. 40. Digest.
30. In grace with Nero &c.)That is, Nero vsed Otho as his inwarde frende and companion because of his riot, and being often noted by him of sparing and nigardlines he tooke it in very good part, and it is reported that on a time Nero, as he was annointing with a very costly ointmen [...], hauing besprinkled Otho with a little thereof, the day following Otho entertayning him againe set in diuerse corners siluer and golden pipes spouting out the ointment like water and washing the place. [...]. Plutarchus Galbâ. That is, There was one M. Saluius Otho so familiar with Nero both for likenesse of their conditions, and fellowshippe in vices, that when once in speech with Nero he let fall a worde: So may you see me Emperour as this, and this is a trueth, he did him no harme, but onely replied, No I will not so much as see thee a Consul. [...]. Xiphilinus Nerone.
31. Poppoea Sabina) Concerning the matter how it passed betweene Nero, Poppaea and Otho, reade Suetonius Othone. c. 3. and Plutarchpag. 1503. Galbâ differing from Tacitus in some little circumstances. But to this place of Tacitus most contrary, and without question irreconciliable is Tacitus himselfe in another. 13. Annal. p. 471.
32. Sulpician and Lutatian houses) Plutarch. p. 1490. speaking of Galbaes petigreeHe was descended of the most honourable house of the Seruij. [...], saieth he, [...]. And Tacitus lib. 2. Hist. Post Iulios, Claudios, Seruios; both somewhat strangely vsing theThis forename of Seruius was so generall to the Sulpitij that the Sulpitij surnamed Rufi assumed another foren me turning the foresaide after a sort in gentilicium, whereupon in the life of Atticus we reade, M. Seruius Sulpicius and in Iulius obsequens P. Seruius Sulpitius Rufus. forename pro gentilicio, to note the house which was Sulpitia: of which you may reade more at large in Sueton. Galbâ. c. 2. & 3. But Galba, sayeth Plutarch,Gloried more in his affinity with Catulus, [...], Qu. Lutatius Catulus being his great grandfather by the mother. That he was of kin to Liuia Augusta, as Plutarch writeth, I haue not els red, although it is true, that obseruauit ante omnes Liuiam Augustam, cuius & vinae gratia plurimum valuit, & mortuae testamento penè ditatus est. Suet. c. 5. But of kinred I finde no worde, neither doe I greatly beleeue it▪ onely a stepmother he had named Liuia Ocellina, who adopted him, & therefore hee was called Lucius Liuius Ocellinus after hir name vs (que) ad tempus imperij, if Suetonius incap. 4. Galba doe not deceiue vs.
33. Neare me in bloud: Propinquos aut socios belli) Augustus adopted Agrippa and Tiberius as socios belli, the rest as propinquos. So Otho was to Galba socius belli, and Dolabella, who as Plutarch affirmeth was also in speech about the adoption, propinquus. Tac. p. 58. Cornelius Dolabella propinquitate Galbae monstratus, if it be, as I thinke, the same man, of whom Plutarch speaketh.
34. Of one family) C. Iulius adopted Augustus; Augustus Liuia and Tiberius, who adopted Germanicus, whose sonne Caius was, and Claudius his brother, and lastly Claudius adopted Nero in whom fayled the Iulian line. Ausonius.
35. I Shall cease &c. Desinā videri senex) i. Desinā contemni quasi senex. Non legiones, non classes perinde firma imperij munimenta, quam numerum liberorum. Tac.pag. 180. 4. Hist. in the persō of Titus. Literally to construe, it may seeme somewhat strange, that a man should cease to seeme aged, because he had adopted one that was one and thirty yeares olde, as PisoTac. 1. Hist. pag. 37. was, to whom in common intendement he might haue bene father, and so was reputed [Page 11] to all constructions, and purposes in law. But Adoption, as Generation, doeth in a sort eternize, and eternity knoweth no agednes.
36. That being of ancient time obserued as cause to breake vp assemblies) Cic. in Vatinium. Augures omnes vs (que) ab Romulo decreuerunt, loue fulgente cum populo agi nesas esse. Philippica. 5. loue tonante cum populo agi non esse fas quis ignorat? 2. de diuinatione. In nostris commentarijs scriptum habemus: Ioue tonante fulgurante comitia populi habere nefas. A none after. Comitiorum solum vitium est fulmen, quod idem omnibus rebus auspicium optimum habemus, si sinistrum fuerit.
37. Where ech man maketh choice of his fellow) This maner of mustering was, that the first man should chuse out the second, who in the battell should stande fast beside him, the second the third, and so forth, ech his mate till the last man. An army so gathered was in the opinion of those ancient times thought in a maner inuincible, and questionles it had very many singular commodities. Liuy lib. 9. Ad Vadimonis lacum Hetrusci, lege sacrata coacto exercitu, cum vir virum legisset, quantis nun quam aliàs antè simul copijs, simul animis dimicàrunt. Much after the same manerpag. [...]4. Xenoph. 1. [...]. describeth the Persian muster, eyther because it was so indeede, or because in his iudgement, being an excellent commander, so had bene the best. Cyrus the Generall maketh choice of 200. trayned gentlemen such as he knew most fitte for the seruice. Ech of those 200. chuse foure more gentlemen: & so rising vp to a thousand gentlemen, euery gentleman maketh choice of thirty common soldiers, namely 10. [...]. targets, 10. slings, and 10. bowes.
38. Their donatiue which they had vsed of duety to receiue) The Princes liberalities to the souldiers were called Donatiua, to the people or otherwise to his frendes, Congiaria, doubtlesse because at the first certaine measures called congij of wine or oile were bestowed, and afterwarde other things being giuen, yet the ancient name remayned.p. 435. Tac. 12. Ann: Additum nomine Neronis donatiuum militi, congiarium plebi. And Sueton. cap. 7. Nerone of the selfe same thing: Deductus (Nero) in forum tyro, populo congiarium, militi donatinum proposuit. Which propriety of speech Tully, as it may seeme, not regarding, vseth congiarium in steede of donatiuum, 16. ad Attic. ep. 8. An iret ad tres legiones Macedonicas, quae iter secundum mare superum faciunt, quas sperat suas esse. Eae congiarium ab Antonio accipere noluerunt. Or rather, as I thinke, the worde donatiuum came in with the Empire, not knowen in the free state. Donatiues the Princes vsually bestowed vpon some great victory, or other extraordinary occasion. Claudius was the first which at his creation promised to the souldiers Donatiue, fifteene thousand sesterces a man, that is, about sixe score pound sterling. Primus Caesarum fidem militis etiam praemio pigneratus, saiethcap. 10. Suetonius: and when Nero his adopted sonne did take togam virilem, he gaue them another. Nero at his entry promisit donatiuum ad exemplar paternae largitionis. Tac. Ann. 12. & after the conspiracy of Piso was detected bina nūmûm millia viritim manipularibus diuisit, that is, about sixteene pound, and diuerse times in the Grecian iourney, inducing as it were by so many precedents a kinde of necessity to his successours. Nymphidius promised them in Galbaes name thirty thousand sesterces, that is about twelue score pound, but Galba at his comming payed nothing at all. And here in the adoption of Piso: nullū oratiom aut lenocinium additum, aut pretium. Adrian following a more agreeable course to that time, in the adoption of Verus bestowed three hundreth millions of sesterces vpon the soldiers: & Antoninus at the mariage of his daughter Faustina exceeded vs (que) ad donatiuum militum. Spartian. p. 818. & 828.
39. Two and twenty hundreth millions: [...]is & vicies mille sesteriûm) Mille by errour for milies. Tacit. 2.pag. 105. Hist: Nouies millies sestertiûm, not nouies mille; for so is the vse of the toung. Now in these speeches pronounced aduerbi [...]lly is vnderstoode of course cētena millia so that bis & vicies millies is as much as if he had saied, bis & vicies millies cētena millia sestertiúm. Plutarchus Antonio interpreteth DECIES by [...] that is decies centena millia sestertiúm; counting as he doeth foure sestertij to a drachma. Sesterius, quasi semis tertius, that is two and an halfe; and according to the same analogie, in Greeke [...] is foure talents and an halfe, and in Dutch drit halb batzen, two batz and an halfe. Now sestertius signifying two & an halfe, as the vulgare note also importeth H S. or ioyned H. S. that is duo & semis, is ment alwaies of so manie asses; and therefore foure sestertij are precisely equiualent to a denarius, so called of dena aera. [Page 12] Now al the Greeke stories without exception writing of the Roman affaires, in steede of quatuor sestertij set downe [...], not onely in small summes, but in huge great, where the difference must of force appeare, if in their opinion there were any between them. Seing then denarius and drachma, according to the consent of the most olde writers against a fewe, are of equall value, both contayning foure sesterces, eight drachmaes making an ounce, and the ounce in our time esteemed at fiue shillings sterling, our present summe of bis & vicies millies centena millia sestertiûm, reduced to English money now currant, amounteth to seuenteene millions an hundreth eighty seuen thousand and fiue hundreth pound. Neither can this summe seeme strange for Nero in fourteene yeares, whenTac. 2. Hist p 105 Ʋitellius paucissimis mensibus nouies millies H.S. interuertisse creditur about seuen thousand thousand pounde.
40. The Astrologers also: Mathematicis) This vse of the worde Mathematicus pro Apotclesmatico is vtterlyG [...]ll [...]s lib. 1 c 9. Geometriā, G [...]omonicam, Musi [...]ā c [...]teras (que) item disciplinas altiores [...] veteres Graeci appellabant, vulgu [...] autem, quo [...] gentilicio vocabi [...]o Chaldaeos dicere oportet, mathematicos dicit. vnknowen to the ancient Groecians, and to the Romans also, for ought I remember, till the Emperours time. Before, they were called Chaldaei, non ex artis, sed ex gentis vocabulo, saieth Tully: then Mathematici (a name vndue to their occupation) or Planetarij, andTac. 12. Ann. p. 427. qui obijceret Chaldaeos, mago [...] enterr [...]gatos super nuptijs imperatorus. Chaldei also: in our time Astrologi, a worde of the ancientest both Greeke and Latin applied to that part of the Mathematicall sciences, both now, and then also, knowen by the name of Astronomie. In Augustus time,That is, Agrippa banished Astrologers (for so in Dioes time they beganne to call them) and Magicians out of the citty. [...]. Dio. lib. 49. p. 281. In Tiberius time, Facta & de Mathematicis, Magis (que) Italiâ pellendis senatusconsulta, quorum è numero L. Pituanius saxo deiectus est. In P. Martium Coss. extra portam Esquilinam, cum classicum canere iussissent, more prisco aduertêre. Tac. 2. Ann. p. 269. In Claudius timeTac. Ann. 12. p. 4 [...]0. De Mathematicis Italiâ pellendis factum senatus consultum atrox & irritum. And in Vitellius time2. Histor. pulsi Italiâ Mathematici. Ʋlpianus lib. 7. de officio Proconsulis. Praeterea interdicta est Mathematicorum callida impostura: nec hodie primum interdici eis placuit, sed vetus haec prohibitio est. deni (que) extat senatusconsultum Pomponio A V. C. 770. but Tacitus. 2. Ann. placeth it in the yeare before. & Rufo Coss. factum, quo cauetur, vt Mathematicis, Chaldaeis, ariolis & caeteris, qui similem artem fecerint, aqua & igni interdicatur, omnia (que) bona eorum publicentur▪ and anone after, saepissimè deni (que) interdictum est ferè ab omnibus principibus, ne quis omnino huiusmodi ineptijs se immisceret▪ yea before the Princes came in, M. Popillio Laenate, Cn. A. V. C. 615. Calpurnio Coss. C. Cornelius Hispallus Praetor edicto Chaldaeos intra decimum diem abire ex vrb [...] at (que) Italia iussit: leuibus at (que) ineptis ingenijs, fallaci siderum interpretatione quaestuosam mendacijs suis caliginem inijcientes: saieth Valerius lib. 1. Tertullian in his booke de habitu muliebri, and againe in lib. de Idololatria, is of opinion, that the angels which fell from their first creation were autours of Astrologie, and therefore exiled out of heauen, as their creatures out of Italie. Expelluntur, saieth hee, Mathematici, sicut angeli eorum▪ vrbs & Italia interdicitur Mathematicis, sicut coelum angelis eorum▪ eadem poena est exitij discipulis & magistris. All these lawes notwithstanding they remayned at Rome, saieth Tacitus, and that in as good credit as before, the better beleeued, the oftener they had perused the Gayles. Iuuenalis Satyra. 6.
And of Ptolemaeus the same Iuuenal:
Suetonius cap. 4 Othone nameth him Seleucus, by errour as it maie seeme; for Seleucus was Vespasians man.Tacitus. Nec erat intactus tali superstitione (Vespasianus) vt qui mox rerum dominus Seleucum quendam Mathematicum rectorem & praescium palàm habuerit.
41. The lakes of Campania, and townes of Achaia) The ancientest and best historiographers, taking their pleasure in explicatione consiliorum, and fayning orations, haue left vs sometimes rather an image of their owne wittes, then of the times whereof they haue writen. The nature of which, in mine opinion, were better learned ex Actis vrbis diurnis, Actis senatus and such like, if any were extant, then by any story we haue. Not that I thinke a simple collection of memoires of the like vse in other respects, as a story well writen▪ neither doe I condemne that liberty of fayning speeches, which I see granted [Page 13] them byIn his booke [...]. Dionysius Halicarnasseus and other good writers, so it be done with iudgement and pro decoro personarum, including no euident absurdity or contradiction. Which inconuenience Tacitus, though otherwise sharpe sighted enough, in this place in mine opinion hath scarsely auoided. Those which were wont Campaniae lacus & Achaiae vrbes classibus adire were theXiphilinus pag. 190 & Suetonius Nerone. c. 19. praetoriano [...] pro concione adinchoandum opus cohortatus est. Praetorian soldiers: those whom Otho had here to talke with were the Legionaries of Spaine as they passed the mountaines, who surely could not in possibility accompany Nero into Achaia. Hist.pag. 183. 4. in the oratiō of Vocula: Non adeò turbatam ciuilibus armis rem Romanā, vt Treueris etiam & Lingonibus despectui sit. Meliùs Diuo Iulio, Diuo (que) Augusto notos eorum animos. Galbam, & infracta tributa hostiles spiritus induisse. Nunc hostes, quia molle seruitiū, cum spoliati, exuti (que) fuerint, amicos fore▪ and yet it is plaine by Tacitus himselfe, & all other histories of that time, that Treueri, & Lingones, were of all the French the onely men which Galba atrocibus edictis, aut damno fi [...]iū perculerat, relieuing the rest of their tribute, & making them citizens. Vulcatius Gallicanus in the lifepag. 862. of Auidius Cassius bringeth in M. Antoninꝰ the philosopher profoūdly disputing the causes of the fall of certaine Emperours, among other of Pertinax.M [...]nioninus. Enumerauit deinde omnes principes qui occisi essent habuisse causas quibus mererentur occidi, nec quenquam facile bonum vel victum â tyranno, vel occisum; dicens meruisse Neronem, debuisse Caligulam, Othonē & Vitellium nec imperare voluisse. Nam de Pertinace & Galbâ paria sentiebat, cum diceret, in Imperatore auaritiam esse acerbissimum malū, whereas Pertinax was liuing thirteene yeares after Antoninus was dead, succeeding in state to Cōmodus his sonne. Appianus [...] placing in the Roman battell Domitius in dextro cornu, Lucius Scipio in the midle battell, and Eumenes in laeuo: and of the enemies Antiochus in dextro, Philippus in the middle, and Seleucus in laeuo, in ioyning like a good and skilfull captaine matching the middles, opposeth the left to the left (a thing not possible in nature) Eumenes to Seleucus & his people, which indeede was true, as it appeareth bylib 37 fol 305. Liuy, but Appians ordering of the battel is false. For Eumenes by Liuy, & in truth was placed in dextro. Appiās words be p. 76.Tha [...] i [...] Domitiu [...] [...]nded the [...]ght wi [...]g in the midd e battaile was the Consul himselfe, the left wing was giuen to Eumenes. [...] ( [...]. Domitius) [...]. of the enemiesThe right wing was led by Antioch is himselfe, the left by Seleucus his sonne the maine battaile by Philip master of the Elephants. [...]. now in the ioining, Fumenes saith he p. 77.Charged with his horsemen against the Galatians and Cappadocians which were ouer against them. [...]. & lest we might doubt where these Cappadoces stoode, he cōcludeth with these wordsAnd these things were done on the left hand of the Macedoniā battaile [...]. The like errour is in Dionysius. lib. 6.Of the Roman army the left wing was commanded by T. Aebutius Generall of the horse ouer against Sex [...] Tarquinius p 255. [...], saith he, [...], whom before he had placedIn the left wing of the Latins [...] in the battel ad lacum Regillum. And in Callisthenes story of Alexander Polybius l. 12. noteth manyF [...]ours in n ā shalling the men in battaile. [...].
42 The golden Milliarium) Milliarium aureum was a golden piller set vp by Augustus, as Dio witnessethpag 356. lib. 54. in capite fort Romani, saieth Pliny,At which all the high waies of italy doe end. [...]. Plutarchus Galbâ. so called because frō thence began the account of miles. Beside Milliarium aureum there were Milliaria lapidea, that is, little pillers of stone erected by order frō C. Gracchus at the end of euery mile. Plutarchus Gracchis.That is, Moreouer hauing measured out the whole way by miles (a mile being l ttle lesse then eight stadia, he erected pillers of stone as markes of the measure p. 1535. [...]. whereupon grew the vsuall phrase ad tertium, quartum, quintum ab vrbe lapidem, for three, foure or fiue miles from the citty.
43. Not vpon iudgement, or any) Tacit. 3.pag [...]39. Hist. Populi mobilem animum; & si se ducem Flauius Sabinus. praebuisset, easdem illas adulationes pro Vespasiano fore, which now they vsed to Vitellius. and in thepag [...]50. same booke. vulgus eâdem prauitate insectabatur interfectum (Vitellium) quâ fouerat viuentem. Iuuenalis Satyrâ. 10. Sed quid
44 Framing acclamations at pleasure) The formula of acclamations in Senate is to be seene in the later Romā stories, in fauour, as inpag. 977. Lampridius, to Alexander Seuerus, Auguste innocens dij te seruēt. &c. Inpag. 864. Vulcatius Gallicanus, to Antoninus, Antonine pie dij te seruent, [Page 14] Antonine clemens dij te seruent. &c. to Diuus Claudius, in Trebelliuspag. 1107. Pollio. Augusto Claudi dij te nobis praestent (dictum sexagies) Claudi Auguste &c. in Flauiuspag. 1145. Vopiscus, to Tacitus the Emperour, Tacite Auguste dij te seruent, te diligimus, te principem facimus. &c. In disfauor, as inpag. 876. Lampridius after Commodus death, Hosti patriae honores detrahantur, parricidae honores detrahantur, parricida trahatur &c. Of popular acclamations wee may gesse they were much after this forme.
45. Easily beleeued: credula fama) Dionysius noteth in Thucidides among many other innouations in speech, that hee commonly changed actiues into passiues, & passiues into actiues, [...]. In Tacitus here we haue credula to signifie cui facile credatur, passiuely, whereas credulus in common Latin, and so it is vsed pa. 20, signifieth onely qui facile credit. likewise p. 37. Ne vulgi largitione centurionum animos auerteret. i. largitione que fiat vulgo, siue gregario militi. Againe 15. Ann. p. 518. Iniuriae minorum. i. quae minoribus inferuntur. But to giue a tast once for all of Tacitus grammar, I will note here three or foure places worthy the noting. Hist. 3. p. 133. It omnes Mutiano volentia scripsere, volentia, pleasing, p. 145: Turbae sacricolarum immixtus, ignarus (que) delituit. i. ignotus. in another place gnarum id Caesari, for notum, & p. 147. Qu [...] gnara Vitellianis, incomperta hostibus. 1. Ann. p. 244: Fama dediti Segestis vulgata, vt quibus (que) bellum inuitis, aut cupientibus erat, [...]. 15. An. p. 524. Hac at (que) talia plebi volenti fuere, [...]. In vita Agricolae. Vt quibus bellum volētibus erat. 5. Hist. p. 202. Caesar Titus vt superior sui tam crederetur [...]. Ann. 2. 280. Appelli [...] (que) Colophona, vt Clarij Apollinis oraculo vteretur. Homer. [...]. An. 3. 306. Adulteros earum morte aut fuga puniuit. i. exilio, [...]. To be short who so list seeke and looke more nearely into Tacitus phrases shall doubtlesse finde as manie strange points in his grammar, as Dionysius hath done in Thucidides.
46. As if they had gone to pul Vologeses or Pacorus out) Dio. l. 40.That is, The Parthians inhabite beyond the riuer of Tigris in castels & hold [...], now of late they haue some citties also▪ among others Cresiphon where the kings place of resiace as, they were a seuerall nation among the ancient barbariās, and this name had they euen vnder the Persiā Empire▪ notwithstanding at that time their territory was small, neither had they any dominion abroad. But whē the Persian monarchy was dissolued by the Macedonian power, and Alexā ders successours waging warre one against another began to wither & decay, then attempted the Parthians first of all to come forwarde vnder the conduct of one Ar [...]aces, of whom all the kings afterward were called Arsaci [...]ae. and so good was their fortune that they conquered all the cuntrey adioyning, together with the prouince of Mesopotamia. In sine they grew to such height both of glory and strength that they opposed themselues in op n warre against the Romans, and till this day are accounted the only men to match and make head against thē. p. 80. [...] And soli [...] & lunae fratres also, saieth Marcellinus lib. 23. quo [...] Ars [...]ces astris ritus sui consecratione (vt ipsi existimant) [...]erm [...]xtus est omn [...] pri [...]aus. [...]. Herod [...]nus libro. 6. pag. 520.Alexanders successours being diuided one against another, and the Macedonian power greatly weakened with continuall warres, Arsaces by birth a Parthian is saied first of all to haue persuaded the barbarians of those quarters to reuolt from the Macedonians, and assuming the di [...]d [...]me b [...] consent both of the Parthians and other barbarians thereabout himselfe was king, and after him the crowne continued for a long time in his posterity. [...]. The very precise time of the Parthian reuolt was vnder Antiochus Tac. 5. Hist. p. 206. Antiochus Parthorū bello prohibitus est nam ea tempestate Arsaces desciuerat. Appianus [...] specifieth which Antiochus, to wit Antiochus surnamed Deus, grandechilde toAmmianus lib 23 p. 1651 affirmeth it was Seleucus Nicator. Seleucus sounder of the Syrian kingdome. p. 90.At that time began the Parthians their reuolt by reason the kingdome of the Sele [...]cida was in great disorder. [...]. Frō this Arsaces the Parthian kingdome continued to Artabanus, who raigning in Alexander Seuerus time, was then destroied by Artaxerxes a Persian, & so the Empire of those Eastern cuntreyes vnited againe to the crowne of Persia. Herodianus lib. 6. Vologeses or Vologesus (for4. Hist. p. 180. gratiae Vologeso acta. both waies we finde it writen the Grecians call him [...]) was at this time king of Parthia, sonne to Vonones that died in Claudius time, Anno vrb. con. 802, and brother to Pacorus king of Media, and Tiridates by Nero crowned king of Armenia.
47. The fees of vacations: Vacationes) Id est, pretia vacationū. for so he tearmeth them. 1 An. p. 233. Mox indiscretis vocibus pretia vacationū incusat. now vacationū, of what? munerū. for so Tacitus speaketh in another place▪ hinc vacationes munerū redimi. So that vacationes in this place, and againe p. 43, is as much as pretia vacationū munerum. for the commō soldier [Page 15] by the strictnesse of ancient discipline was tyed and bound to many seruile mini [...]eries in the campe, by1. Annal. Tacitus called munera, as is afore saied, and bylib. 2. cap. 19. Vegetius mu [...]a, as to bring in wood, straw, hay, water &c. Being negligent, or failing in execution [...]herof, they were cudgelled and whipped by the Centurions. Tac. 1. Ann. Fracta vite in [...]rgo militis, alteram clara voce, ac rursus aliā poscebat centurio Lucillius. whereupō in al mu [...]nees the Centurions were the mē principally shot at by the cōmō soldier. In the Ger [...]an sedition at the entring of Tiberius, they muttered first among thēselues venisse tem [...]us quo cuncti modum miseriarū exposcerent, saeuitiam (que) centurionum vlciscerentur: & straight [...]fter put it in execution against thē. Repentè lymphati districtis gladijs in centuriones inuadūt. [...]a vetustissima militaribus odijs materies, & saeuiendi principiū ▪ prostratos verberibus multant sex [...]genis singulos, vt numerū centurionū adaequarent. Tum cōuulsos laniatos (que) & partim exanimos, [...]nte vallū, aut in amnem Rhenum proticiunt. Now the welthy soldier, and those which had meanes, redeemed & bought out for money this seruice at the Centurions hāds. So the [...]oldiers in Pannony complaine.pag. 225. Denis in diem assibus animā & corpus aestimari; hinc ve [...]ē arma, tentoria, hinc saeuitiā centurionū, & vacationes munerū redimi. & the German.pag. 233. mox [...]ndiscretis vocibus pretia vacationū, angustias stipendij, duritiā operū ac propriis nominibus incu [...]ant vallum, fossas, pabuli, materiae lignorū adgestus, & siqua alia ex necessitate, aut aduersus otiū [...]astrorum quaerūtur. That thē which here they demāded was, that for purchasing immunity frō these munera, they should not be forced to pay any money to the Centurions.
48. His owne cofers: Ex Fisco suo) Fisci, spartea sunt vtensilia ad maioris summae pecunias capiendas; Asconius. & so Tully vseth the worde, in Verrē. Fiscos cōplures cū pecunia Siciliensi a quodā senatore ad equitē Romanū esse translatos. And in the same sense we reade it in Tac. [...].pag. 234. An. cum fisci de imperatore rapti inter signa, inter (que) Aquilas veherentur. in Suet.cap. 18. Claudio positis ante se cum pecunia fiscis &c. Whereupō quia maior summa est pecuniae publicae (que) priuatae, vt pro censu priuato loculos, & arcā & facellos dicimus, sic pro publico thesauro aerarij dicitur fiscus, saieth Asconius, applying the names of fiscus & aerariū both to one thing; as Tully doeth, Verrinâ. 3. Quaternos H. S. quos mihi senatus decreuit & ex aerario dedit, ego habebo, & in cistam transferam ex fisco. But after the diuision of the Empire made by Augustus in publicas, & principis prouincias the wordes were no more indifferently vsed, Fiscus being appropriated to signifie the Princes treasure, and Acrarium the publicke, a difference notwithstanding more of names then of substāce.That is, In name the publicke treasure was seuered frō Augustus exchequer, but in trueth that also was spent at his disposition. [...]. Dio. l. 53. p. 343.
49 Being a freedmā) Ingenui were cōmōly murdred priuily; serui, or libertini generis publickly executed. Such also was Asiaticꝰ end, that caried the credit with Vitelliꝰ, as soone as Vespasiā came in. Tac. 4. Hist. Asiaticus, vt libertus malā potentiā seruili supplicio expiauit.
50. The Citty-Praetor calleth the Senate) For both the Consuls were slaine. In which case or otherwise in their absence ius vocandi senatū belonged to the Praetor vrbanus. Cic. lib. ad familiares. ep. 12. 10. Paulo post idem mihi Munatius eas literas legendas dedit, quas ipsi miseras, & eas quas publicè. Placuit nobis vt statim ad Cornutum praetorem vrb literas deferremus: qui (que) Coss. aberant, consulare munus sustinebat more maiorum. Senatus [...]st continuò conuocatus.
51. With al other princely prerogatiues) The principall titles vsually annexed to the Princes place were these. 1 Princeps, 2 Imperator, 3 Caesar, 4 Augustus, 5 Tribunitiae potestatis. 6 Pater patriae, 7 Pontifex maximus. Tac. 1. Ann. Augustus cuncta descordijs ciuilibus fessa nomine 1 Principis sub imperiū accepit. which title of Princeps, as I thinke, was borrowed frō princeps senatꝰ in the former state.That is, In that yeare Augustus tooke to himselfe the name of Imperator. I meane no [...] that name which in ancient time was giuen to certaine persons vpon some notable victory, but this other signifying soueraigne power and maiestie. Imperator hath a double significatiō both touched by Dio. l. 52.5 [...]. And not only this later which begā first in Iulius Caesar, A. v. c. 709. importing soueraine maiesty, but also the other was vsuall vnder the Emperours, both in the Princes stile, & conferred likewise vpō priuate persōs that had deserued it. Tac. 3.pag. 330. An. Tiberiꝰ id quo (que) Bloeso tribuit, vt imperator a legionibus salutaretur, prisco erga duces honore, qui bene gesta rep. gaudio & impetu victoris exercitus conclamabantur, erant (que) plures simul imperatores, nec super caeterorum aequalitatem▪ concessit quibusdam & Augustus id vocabulū, ac tūc Tiberius Bloeso postremū. In the princes stile thus. Imp, Caesar Augustus, Imp. decimū sextū: Imperator in the first place signifying supreme autority, in the secōd [...], obtained either by himselfe, or by his deputies. So Nero remaining at Rome ob rem bene gestam a Corbulone in Armenia [...] [Page 18] Hist. p. 171. Nihil aequè exercitus nostros, quàm egestas copiarum fatigabat. and so it is taken in this booke. p. 46. Priuatis & promiscuis copijs iuuere militem.
58. That in the Legions euery tenth man was allotted to dye) In ancient time if some great part of the armie had lost their enseignes, throwen awaie their weapons, and runne cowardly out of the field, the maner was for the Generall to put all the Standerd-bearers, Centurions &c. to death, and of the common sort euery tenth man. The example is in Liuy lib. 2. fol. 26, of Appius Claudius in the Volscian warre, in Dio, of Augustus and Antony; lib. 49. pag. 275. and 279. in Tacitus of L. Apronius Proconsul of Africke, when ancient discipline was welny expired. Annal. 3. pag. 305. The maner is in Polybius. lib. 6. pag. 186.That is, If at any time it happen that whole enseignes pressed b [...] the enemy doe forsake their standing and run away, the maner of the Romans is not straightwaies to put thē all to death without difference, but they follow a meane course both profitable [...]nd terribl [...]. For the Tribune calling the army togither and producing those which failed in seruice, first he checketh them sharpely, and in conclusiō out of the offenders he chuseth by lot sometimes fiue, sometimes eight, sometimes twenty (alwai [...]s hauing an ey [...] to the numbe [...], and ayming as neare as he can to take euery tenth mā) and [...]hose on whom the lot failes are beaten to death with clubbes without remission. To the rest he giues thē their allowance in barly in steede of wheate, and so commandes them to quarter without the Trench & places of surety. [...]. And not onely vpon the causes before rehearsed ofForsaking their standing & casting away their armour. [...], and [...] but vponAppianus 3. [...]. p. 283. in oratione Ciceronis. [...]. occasion of a mutinee Scipio in Spaine in the second warre Punicke, & in later times also, when seueritie of discipline was much decaied Caesar at Placentia renewed the custome, and Antony at Brundusium. Liuius. l. 28. f. 218. Appianus. 2. [...]. p. 224. 3. [...]. p. 280. Dio. l. 41. 109.
59. The colony of Lyons discontented) The Senate fearing that Lepidus and Plancus, whom they had called into Italy, would betray the side, and goe to Antonius, willed them still to stay in France, & found the colony of [...]. Dio p. 216. Lions, at the confluent of the Rhone, and Saone and there to place those which before had bene driuen out of Vienna by the Allobroges. Dio. li. 46. Now Lions in Neroes time being burnt, hanc cladem, saieth Tacitus, 16.pag. 549. Annal. [...]125 [...]. li. English. quadragies. H. S. solatus est princeps. and therefore they had cause to loue Nero, as of the other side to hate Galba, qui reditus ipsorum occasione irae in fiscum verterat. Tac. pag. 46.
60 The cuntreyman: Paganos) Paganus a townesman, a cuntreyman, in opposition to miles. Veget. lib. 2. c. 23. Nam si doctrina cesset armorum, nihil paganus distat a milite, and that which Suetoniuscap 19. Galba vttereth in these wordes Dimota paganorum turba, the selfe same circumstance Tacitus in thispag. 34. booke noteth with these Disiecta plebe, conculcato senatu; and Tacitus himselfe 4. Hist. p. 163. Tria millia legionariorum, & tumultuariae Belgarum cohortes, simul paganorum, lixarum (que) ignaua, sed procax ante periculum manus. and againe 2. Hist. Multae & atroces inter se militum caedes, manente legionum auxiliorū (que) discordia; vbi aduersas paganos certandum foret, consensis. Antonius Primuspa 120 3. Hist disgracing the Praetorians (who were before discharged of their seruice and disarmed by commission fromTac. 2. H. p. 105. Vitellius) names them paganos. Vos, inquit, nisi vincitis, pagani, quis alius imperator, quae castra alia excipient? like as Caesar at Rome in a mutinee, and afterward Alexander Seuerus at Antioche, dismissing his souldiers in displeasure, called them Quirites, Quirites discedite at (que) arma deponite. Sueton. Caesare. c. 70. Lampridius Seuero. p. 1003.
61. The very first day of Ianuary) And before that day, as it maie appeare byp. 1502. Plutarch, the army of vpper Germany had giuen shrewde signes of small good liking of Galba.That is, For in a publicke play the Tribunes and Centurions wishing good lucke to Galba the emperour, according to the vsuall manner of the Romans, many of the souldiers at the first murmured, and when as the captaines pe [...]sisted in their wishes, they answered & cried againe, He doth not deserue it. [...]. Now to breake downe the images of the Prince was the vsuall beginning in all rebellions. 3. Hist. pag. 114: Trierarchi magno tumultu Vitellij imagines inuadunt, & paucis resistentium obtruncatis &c. in the same page: simul Vitellij imagines dereptae.
62. Coleyn: Coloniam Agrippinensem) Founded by Agrippina Claudius wife. Tacitus 12. Annal. pag. 429. Sed Agrippina quo vim suam socijs quo (que) nationibus ostentaret, in oppidum Vbiorum in quo genita erat, veteranos, coloniam (que) deduci imperat, cui nomen inditum ex vocabulo ipsius.
[Page 19]63. The principall men of the colonies) Principes coloniarum, be the Decuriones, Principes castrorum, vvhom Vegetiuscap. 9. lib. 2. calleth also milites principales, & Tacitus. 3.pag. 123. Hist. primores castrorum, are the Aquiliferi, Signiferi, Optiones &c. qui priuilegijs muniuntur. Where as the rest, the common soldiers are called Munifices, quòd munia facere coguntur.
64. Iulius Ciuilis) The same men who afterward with the Batauians, and ayde of the French and Germans, maintayned warre so long with the Romans, as it appeareth. 4. & 5. Hist. Of the euent here noted Tacitus maketh mētion againe. 4. Hist. p. 158. Iulius Paulus, & Claudius Ciuilis, regia stirpe, multo caeteros (Batauos nobiles) anteibāt. Paulum Fonteius Capito falso rebellionis crimine interfecit. iniectae Ciuili catenae, missusque ad Neronem, & à Galbâ absolutus, sub Vitellio rursus discrimen adijt, flagitante supplicium eius exercitu. Inde causae irarum, spes (que) ex malis nostris. Where is to be marked, that he calleth him there Claudius Ciuilis, whom here he nameth Iulius Ciuilis, forgetting himselfe in the one or the other, or els the describers of bookes not forgetting their accustomed negligence.
65. Of Batauians eight cohorts, the Aydes of the fourteenth Legion) The great and notable rebellion of Britanny, by the vertue of Suetonius Paullinus, and valiantnesse of the fourteenth Legiō, not without great losse of mē being suppressed, Nero sent out of Germany thither a fresh supply of 2000. Legionaries, a thousand horse, & eight cohorts of Auxiliaries, which I take to be the very eyght cohorts of Batauians mentioned here. Howsoeuer, certaine it is that these cohorts of Batauians were assigned as Auxiliaries to the fourteenth Legion: That Nero, for what occasions soeuer, vpon speciall confidence of their valour sent for into Italie the same Legion, with her Auxiliaries: That in the troubles of Vindex the Auxiliaries vpon some quarrel departed from the Legiō, in preiudice, as it may seeme of Neroes cause: That Galba comming to state the Legion was sent into Illyricum, the Batauians into Britanny againe, and in the meane season, as they were in their way thitherward, hearing the newes of Vitellius commotion they ioyned themselues to the side. For confirmation of the premisses Tacitus alone may suffice. 14 Annal. pag. 496. Auxitque copias Caesar missis è Germaniá duobus legionariorum millibus, octo auxiliariorum cohortibus, ac mille equitibus. 2. Hist. pag. 65. Motae ad imperium Othonis, è Dalmatiâ, Pannoniâque legiones, praecipus fama Quartadecimani rebellione Britanniae compressa. Addiderat gloriam Nero eligendo vt potissimos. vnde longa illis erga Neronem fides. & in the same booke. pag. 73. cohortes Batauorum, quas bello Neronis à Quartadecima legione digressas, cum Britanniam peterent, audito Vitellij motu in ciuitate Lingonum Fabio Valenti adiunctas retulimus, superbè agebant, vt cuiusque legionis tentoria accessissent, coercitos à se quartadecimanos, ablatam Neroni Italiam, atque omnem belli fortunam in ipsorum manu sitam iactantes.
66. Now that the Brittish host was adioyned) If it bee true that Trebellius desertus (à militibus) ad Vitellium perfugerit; if it be true which Paullinus alleadgeth. 2. Hist. Britannicum militem hoste ac mari distineri: vvhich Tacitus himselfe vvriteth. pag. 19 In Britannico exercitu nihil irarum. Non sanè aliae legiones per omnes ciuilium beliorum motus innocentiùs egerunt, how can it be true that here is saied, Adiuncto Britannico exercitu, and in anotherpag. 86. place. Vitellius è Britannico dilectis octo millia sibi adiunxit?
67. With the name of Germanicus) The first of the Romans that bare the name of the place he conquered was Cn. Martius of Corioli named Coriolanus; then P. Scipio the elder of Africke subdued,Liuius lib. 30. Africanus. Lucius his brother likewise of Asia, Asiaticus. Many of the Metelli, more for distinctiō, then for any notable conquest obteyned. The former Emperours at pleasure sometime tooke some fewe names to themselues, sometime bestowed them on others. In the later times, vertue decaying, ambition in titles increased. Xiphilinus Commodo. p. 296.That is, So exceeding great was the madnes of that vile monster Commodus, and with this stile he sent a letter to the Senate; Jmp. Caesar L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus. Augustus Pius Felix, Sarmaticus, Germanicus, Maximus. Britannicus, concordia orbis terrarum, Inuictus, Romanus Hercules, Pontifex Maximus, Tribuniciae potestat- [...]v [...]ij. Jmperit. v [...]. Consul vij. Pater patriae. [...]. And Iustiniā accoūted of as a sober Emperour hath his stile notwithstanding not much shorter. Imp. Caesar Flauius Iustinianus Alemanicus, Gothicus, Francicus, Germanicus, Anticus, Alanicus, Vandalicus, Africanus, Pius Faelix Inclytus Victor ac Triumphator sēper Augustus. Now what right Vitellius had to the name of Germanicus, where he had neuer seene enemy in face, sith he was Emperour, the foūtaine of iustice, who cā doe no wrong, we wil not dispute it.
[Page 20]68. A lucky signe) Many of the Latin stories (for to them and their disciples this vertue is peculiar) account it, I thinke, a capitall crime to set downe any notable mutation in state vvithout manie prodigious portenta, miraculous omina &c, inducing the change, most of them being counterfait, and coyned to driue [...]. the reader into an extasie, many happening commonly, and remembred onely when any notable euēt did ensue. In thepag. 84. second booke, at Othoes death, we haue another tale much of this making, or somewhat worse, with a preface to giue it some credit. As for our eagle here she was surely eyther a notorious cosener, or els notoriously ignorāt of what would befal, thus to giue omē haud dubiū of great prosperity, which in effect dured but a momēt.
69. Nothing els but strangers and enemies: contrariwise themselues a Roman colony) And so was Vienna too. The Emperour Claudius in a speech in Senate which yet is extant at Lions grauen in brasse: ORNATISSIMA ECCE COLONIA VALENTISSIMAQVE VIENNENSIVM QVAM LONGO IAM TEMPORE HVIC CVRIAE SENATORES CONFERT? And Tacitus himselfe almost in the next sentence, Tum vetustas dignitas (que) coloniae valuit, speaking of Vienna, so that both beeing colonies, and both externall alike, this rhetoricke of his vvas here out of season.
70. Sacred veles, & infules: Velamenta & infulas) Velamenta & infulae signes of submission & humble demanding of mercy. 3. Hist. Antonius Primus vehemently assaulting Cremona, primores velamēta & infulas pro muris ostentāt. And Coriolanus wasting the Roman cuntrey, sacerdotes suis insignib. velatos isse supplices ad castra hostium traditum est. saiethlib 2, fol. 22. Liuy. and the same Liuy l. 30, fo. 241. Haud procul aberat (Carthaginis portu Scipio) cum velata infulis ramis (que) oleae Carthaginiensium occurrit nauis. Now [...] in Polyb. li. 16. p. 271. Liuy turneth infalas lib. 31. f. 246. infulae sayeth Varro and Festus, were certaine velamenta lanea, quibus sacerdotes & hostiae, templaque velabantur. so that by their description there should seeme to be no great difference betweene velamenta and infulas.
71. Lucus, a free towne: Municipium id Ʋocontiorum est) Municipium and Colonia though vsed indifferētly in many good autours, yet indeed, & in precisenesse of speech cary seuerall senses. and so doeth Tacitus. 2.pag. 86. Hist. put them as diuerse. Dispersiper municipta & colonias Vitelliani. The difference is that municipia in ciuitatem extrinsecus assumuntur, and coloniae è ciuitate educuntur. Geliius,cap. 13. lib. 16. ex oratione D. Hadriani ad Italicenses, distinguisheth them in this maner. Municipes sunt ciues Romani ex municipijs, suo iure & suis legibus vtentes: muneris tantum cum P. R. honorarij participes, a quo munere capessendo appellati videntur: nullis alijs necessitatibus, neque vlla P. R. lege astricti, quum nunquam P. R. eorum fundus factus esset. Colomarum alia necessitudo est; non enim veniunt extrinsecus in ciuitatem, nec suis radicibus nituntur, sed ex ciuitate quasi propagatae sunt, & iura institutaque omnia P. R. non sui arbitrij habent. Novv that Lucus vvas indeede municipium, according to the exquisite vse of the vvorde, may appeare by Pliny lib. 3. cap. 4. Ʋocontiorum ciuitatis foederatae duo capita, Vasio & Lucus Augusti.
72. Petrin wing) our printed bookes haue in Alpe Graia, corruptly no question. for Alpes Graiae are the passage out of Sauoy into Italy, as I thinke, by mount Senise, or S. Bernardo minor; the direct way from Lions to Milan. Out of Suisserland, where Caecina vvas, bee the Peninae by mount S. Bernardo maior. The Cottiae are out of Daulphiney into Italy by mount Gineura. In the Vaticā copy of Tacitus it is, cum alpe tarma, which with lesse mutation of lettres, and more possibility of circumstance, wee may rather imagine should haue bene, cum ala Petrina, then cum ala Taurina, which passed the other way with Valens. and Tacitus himselfe. 4. Hist. pag. 178. maketh mention of one Claudius Sagitta vvhich vvas è Vitellianis, and Praefectus alae Petrinae.
73. His heauy Legionary: Subsignanum militem & graue legionum agmen) Subsignanus miles & graue legionum agmen (and yet there was here but one vvhole Legion, the One and tvventieth) may seeme to signifie both one thing, as beeing contradiuided both to Auxiliaries. 2. Hist. pag. 91. Erupere legionarij in perniciem auxiliorum. 4. Hist. Id solum, vt in tumultu, monuit, subsignano milite media firmare. Auxilia passim circumfusa sunt. and yet in another place we haue; Quicquid sub signis sociorum.
74. Were not to mislike such examples: Exemplum vltro imputauit) Imputare in Tacitus is a worde of a middle signification, indifferent to the good part and bad: yet [...] [Page 21] standing for beneficij loco numerare, or some such like thing. Examples. p. 42. Ne (que) enim erat adhuc, cui imputaretur. that is, for as yet there was none whom they might account benefited by the reuolt. In this place exemplum vltrò imputauit, hee accounted this fact of his standing sure to his olde master beneficiall to Otho also, and the example not to be disliked of any prince whatsoeuer. Plutarch, I knowe, in the beginning of Otho seemeth to take it otherwise. p. 1513.That is, Otho commanded Marius Celsus to be brought before him, whō he embraced & intreated verie kindly, desiring him rather to forget that euer hee was in fault, then to remember that he was forgiuen, to whō Celsus made answeare both couragious and pertinent, saying that the accu [...]ation it selfe gaue sufficient proofe of his honesty, for what els was he charged withall but that he had been [...] faithfull to Galba to whom hee was nothing beholden? whereupon they that were present much admired them both, and the souldiers did not dislike it. [...]. But wee may giue him good leaue to erre in construing one hard place of Tacitus, that in so many easy in Caesar mistaketh. But to proceede in examples. 2. Hist. p. 87. Proditionē vltrò imputabāt; spatiū longi ante praelium itineris, fatigationē Othontanorū permixtū vehiculis agmē, ac plera (que) fortuita fraudi suae assignantes. 5. Hist. pag. 213. in the like sense. Potuisse tunc opprimi legiones, & voluisse Germanos, sed dolo a se flexos imputauit Ciuilis. in both places the meaning of Tacitus is, that in benefite of their aduersarye they had preuaricated with their ovvne side. pag. 99: Ʋnde metus, & ex metu consilium, posse imputari Ʋespasiano, quae apud Ʋitellium excusanda erant. that is, that they might recken and score it vp as a benefite to Vespasian, vvhich vvith Vitellius needed excuse. 4. Hist. pag. 159: Ambiguam fortunam belli Ʋespasiano imputaturos; victoriae rationem non reddi: that is, if the warre fell out ill, or hard of their side, then forsooth they tooke armes in Vespasians behalfe: if vvell, they should neuer bee brought to the reckening. 3. Hist. pag. 151. Reip. haud dubie intererat Vitellium vinci. Sed imputare perfidiam non possunt, qui Vitellium Vespasiano prodidere, cum a Galba desciuissent. id est, qui Vitellium Vespasiano prodidere, perfidiam suam reip. beneficij loco numerare non possunt, as though they had done it for the good of their cuntrey, vvho before had reuolted from Galba a good Emperour to cleaue to Vitellius or Otho. In the booke de moribus Germanorum. pag. 571. Gaudent muneribus, sed nec data imputant, nec acceptis obligantur, that is, neyther in bestowing doe they account it, as though they had done you a benefite, nor in receiuing as though they were bound, or beholden. This strange vse of the worde imputare, as Latin goes novv a dayes, and therefore by me confirmed by many examples, in Tacitus time vvas not so strange. Suetonius. Tiberio. cap. 53. Imputauit etiam, quòd non laqueo strangulatam in Gemonias abiecerit, proque tali clementiâ interponi decretum passus est, quo sibi gratiae agerentur. Plinius. lib. 8. ep. 21. Recitauibiduo, hoc assensus andientium exegit, & tamen vt alij transeunt quaedam, imputantque quod transeant; sic ego nihil praetereo, atque etiam non praeterire me testor. in both places imputare for benesicij loco numerare. But further I say it standeth also for maleficij loco numerare, and vitio vertere. Tac. 2. Hist. Vitellio initium belli nemo imputabat, that is, no body charged him with that fault. 3. Hist. Casum Cremonae bello imputandum. In vita Agric. Approbate reip. nunquam exercitui imputari potuisse aut moras belli, aut causas debellandi.
75. Sophonius Tigellinus) Of Tigellinus all the stories are full. After the death of Burrhus, Nero, sayeth14. Annal. Tacitus, duos Praeterijs cohortibus imposuerat, Fenium Rufum ex vulgi fauore: Sophonium Tigellinum ex intimis libidinibus assumptum, That is, In luxuriousnes and cruelty exceeding all the men of his time. Xiph. pag. 177. [...]. for those were indeede the two vertues, by which Tigellinus wanne credit with Nero. Tacitus. 15. Ann. p. 351. Fenium vita fama (que) laudatum, per saeuitiā impudicitiam (que) Tigellinus in animo principis anteibat. pag. 537. Poppaea & Tigellino coram, quod erat saeuienti principii [...]timum consiliorum, interrogat &c. 14. An. pag. 504. he is described as the onely autour of all the miseries of that time. Validior indies Tigellinus, & malas artes, quibus solis pollebat, gratiores ratus, si principem societate sceleris obstringeret, metus eius rimatur. &c. pag. 501: Tacitus bestoweth as fauours vpon him these frendly tearmes: flagrantissima flagitia, adulteria, vetus impudicitia, infamia. p. 536. Tigellino scilicet comitante eum pellicibus. pag. 526, he notes him as autour, or priuy at least to the burning of Rome. Plusque infamiae id incendium habuit, quia praedijs Tigellini Aemylianis proruperat. A fit man man in all respects for such a bad master, and vnfit to haue bene by Galba protected.
76. To famish the citty of Rome) Tac. 3. Hist. p. 131. Africam eodē latere sitam, terra, marique [Page 22] inuadere parabat, clausis annonae subsidijs inopiam ac discordiam hosti facturus. for so was it, that Egypt and Africke furnished the citty of Rome for corne. Egypt for foure moneths the yeare, and Africke for eight. Iosephus [...]. 2. cap. 28.That is, They of Africa beside eight moneths prouision of corne yearely for the people of Rome, pay all maner of tributes, and willingly support all other charges of the Empire. [...]. & paulo post. That is, Aegypt paies more tribute in one moneth thē the Iewes doe in a whole yeare, and beside this great summe of money they yeelde prouision of corne for Rome for the space of foure moneths. [...].
77. Mighty in money and because she was childeles) Rich & childeles, two good helpes to get many frendes, euery man contending to please them, of whose wealth he may hope to be heire. Siluanus being in Neroes time accused repetundarum valuit saieth▪ 13. Anual. Tacitus, pecuniosa orbitate & sancta: and yet in the ende he deceiued them all, ouerliuing those quorum ambitu euaserat. Contrarily in Germany nulla orbitatis pretia, sedquanto plus propinquorum, quo maior affinium numerus, tanto gratiosior senectus. De moribus Germanorum. p. 571.
78. Himselfe and Titianus his brother Consuls till the kalends of March) In the free state the two Consuls entring the first of Ianuary remayned in office the vvhole yeare out, vnlesse they chanced to die, or vpon speciall and rare occasions resigne. Afterward cum belli ciuilis praemia festinari coeperunt, as Tacitus speaketh, when many mo for their good seruice to the side had deserued to bee pleasured then there were places to pleasure them in, a shift vvas found to abridge the time, and so to speede manie in one yeare. The authour of this disorder was C. Caesar, An. vrbis conditae. 709. whenas being Consul sine collega hee resigned to Fabius and Trebonius. Dio. lib. 43. pag. 155.That is, Then first of all contrary to the ancient custome a precedent was giuen, that a mā should beare the office of Consulship neither for the tearme of a whole yeare, nor for the remainder of the yeare, if happely vpon another mans death or resignation he was chosen to the place, but that one during his life time, not compelled by lawe, in whose creation no error was committed in matter of Auspicia should resigne the place and cause another man to be chosen in his roome, and from this time forward very fewe enioyed the Consulship a complete yeare, but as it chanced some more some fewer either moneths or daies. [...].As the Princes oftentimes did. [...]. In the yeare ab vrbe condita. 715. it altered from a voluntary resignation to a matter of necessity, and order. Dio. lib. 48. pag. 253.That is, They chose not two Cō suls for the whole yeare according to the ancient custome, but euen at that time of election they nominated more, for six yeares before this some had succeeded others in the same yeare▪ though the former neither by death, nor misdemeanour, nor other causes were depriued. Howbeit then they were made as it pleased them who were chosen for the whole yeare: but now euen at the first creation no man was nominated for the whole yeare, but some for one part of the yeare, and some for another. [...] (to wit from the 709 yeare) [...]. In Augustus time, specially toward the later ende, as it may appeare by the Capitolin tables, foure Cōsuls were yearely created, two to beare office frō the Kalends of Ianuary to the Kalēds of Iuly, & two more, ex Kal. Iul. to the ende of the yeare. After his daies, although I cannot precisely define when it beganne, the ordinary time was no more but two moneths, and the ordinary number of Consuls twelue. In our present yeare.
Ex Kal. Ianuar. Tac. pag. 15.
- Seruius Galba. 2.
- Titus Vinus.
which two being slayne in their office M. Otho, & L. Titianus supplyed their roomes in Kal. Mar.
Ex Kal. Martij. Tac. pag. 51. 52.
- L. Verginius Rufus.
- Poppaeus Vopiscus.
Ex Kal. Maij.
- Coelius Sabinus.
- Flauius Sabinus.
Ex Kal. Iulij.
- Arius Antoninus.
- Marius Celsus.
Ex Kal. Septēbris. Tac. 2. Hist. pag. 93.
- Fabius Valens.
- Alienus Caecina, adiudged enemy of the state. in his place for one day that remained Roscius Regulus. Tac. 3. Hist. p. 126.
Ex Kal. Nouembris. Tac. 3. Hist p 143▪ 144 X [...] [...].
- Cn. Coecilius Simplex.
- C. Quintius Atticus.
This number and this time continued euen to Dioes age:That is, For in our time no man be [...]eth the office for a whole yeare, noe most commodite for more then two moneths. [...] (saieth he) [...]. li. 43. p. 155. Now of these Cōsuls the two which ētred the first of Ianuary were [...], named the yeare, & were called ordinarij: the rest minores, as being obscure & not heard of abroad, so that with great reason a mā might demād in whose Cōsulships they were Cōsuls: otherwise in autority &c. not differing any thing the one from the other. Dio. l. 48. p. 253.That is, They which were first t [...] enter had the nāe of Consu [...]s (as euen yet it is vsed during the whole yeare as for the rest they which liued in Rome and other parts of Italy called them so during the [...]ame of their office. But al that liued abroade eyther know [...] or b [...] [...] thē. whe [...] they were cal ed. Cosul [...]s [...]. [...]. and againe. l. 43. p. 155.That is, In a [...] [...] the name to the eare [...] (nos Consules, lest we might haue bene ignorāt of his prefermēt) [...]. [...]. notwithstāding this minor Cōsulship serued wel enough to make vp a nūber. exāple in Vespasian who bearing the office of Cōsul in Claudius timeSu [...]t. Vespas c. 4. per duos nouissimos anni mēses, of ordinary neuer before. an. 823. is stiled Vespasianus iterū. Tac. 4. Hist. p. 172.
79. For polling the prouinces: Repetudarū criminibꝰ) The actiō of Repetūdae lay against the gouernors of prouinces for money vnduely extorted, or cruelty exercised in their iurisdictiō, so called of the more principal part, because by that action, pecunias iniussè ablatas, vel si quid aliud ablatū, captū, conciliatū, auersumue siet, prouincialibus repetere ius fas (que) esset: and not onely the sūme extorted, but an arbitrary mulct was imposed beside, double, or treble nomine poenae. This law was induced by L. Calpurnius Piso, Anno primo tertij belli Punici: & afterward reuiued by other with many new clauses & straight sanctiōs. Tac. 15. An. p. 518 Magistratuū auaritia Calpurnia scita peperit. And yet notwithstāding al the good lawes in that case enacted the Proconsuls & Propraetors, both before & vnder the Emperours, ceased not ro racke & pol the poore cūtreyes. Nay the more lawes there were & greater penalties established, the more they robbed and spoyled the prouinces, to make good great extortiō abroad with great bribery at home, according to the Greeke senary,Vic that hath sto [...]ne much with giuing a small matter shall escape well enough. [...]. & therefore Tully telleth vs (in iest, or in earnest) that the prouinces would surely preferre supplicatiō to the Senate, that the law de repetundis made in their behalfe, at their request might be repealed. his words be these, prooemio prioris actionis in verrē. Planum facere multis testibus possum, C. Verrē in Sicilia multis audientibus saepe dixisse, se habere hominē potentē cuius fiducia prouinciā spoliaret: ne (que) sibi soli pecuniā quaerere, sedita trienniū illud praeturae Siciliensis distributū habere, ut secū pulchre agi diceret, si vnius anni quoestū in rē suā cōuerteret: alterū patronis & desesoribus suis traderet; tertiū illū vberrimū quoestuosissimū (que) annū totū iudicibus reseruaret. Ex quo mihi venit inmentē illud dicere, ꝙ apud M. Glabrionē nuper cum in reijciendis iudicibus commemorassē, intellexi vehementer Populū Romanū commoueri, me arbitrari fore, vti nationes exterae legatos ad Populum Romanum mitterent, vt lex de pecunijs repetundis iudiciumque tolleretur, si enim iudicia nulla sint, tantum vnumquemque ablaturum putant, quantum sibi, ac liberis suis satis esse arbitrentur. nunc quòd eiusmodi iudicia sint, tantum vnumquemque auferre, quantum sibi, patronis, aduocatis, praetoribus, iudicibus satis futurum sit. Hoc profectò infinitum esse. Se auarissimi hominis cupiditati satisfacere posse, nocentissimae victoriae non posse. Vnder the Empire the law was vnderstoode, as it may seeme by Pliny. lib. 2. ep 11. against extortion onely.
80. Crime of Maiesty and treason) Lex maiestatis in the ancient free common wealth comprehended onely points of greatest importance in state:Tacitus. 1. Anu. p 251. si quis proditione exercitum, aut plebem seditionibus, denique malè gestà Republica maiestatem Populi Romani minuisset. Augustus put it in vre against libellers, whereas before facta arguebantur, dicta impunè erant, or at least not punished vvith the penalties laesae maiestatis. In Tiberius, Caius, Claudius and Neroes time it vvas vnicum crimen eorum, qui crimine vacabant, as Pliny speaketh.Falaniut. 1. Ann. pag. 251. One vvas accused to Tiberius, and all vvas maiestie, quòd venditis hortis statuam Augusti simul mancipasset: Rubrius. ibidem another quòd violasset periurio nomen Augusti. aGrauius Marcellas. ibidem. third beside some vndutifull speeches, that hee had set vp his ovvne image higher then those of the Princes, and that in another image hee had cut of the head of Augustus, and clapped in place one of Tiberius for sauing of cost.Lutorius Priscus 3. Ann pag. 318. another for making an epitaph for the Princes sonne, before [Page 24] he was dead, arraygned & condemned.L Ennius. Ann. 3. pag. 327. another, quòd effigiem principis promiscuū ad vsum argenti vertisset. C. Silius 4. Ann. 340. another, for that he had done greater seruice for the Prince, thē that he was able any other way to requite it.Cremutius Cordus Ann. 4. pag. 347. another, for that in his story he had commended Cassius & Brutus enemies of the monarchy, & dead aboue threescore yeares before.Pompeta Matrinacum marito, socero patre, ac fratre. 6. Ann. 382 others because they were descēded of those which in their time had bene of neare acquaī tance with Pompey.Titius Sabinus 4. Ann 364. C. Silius 4. Ann. 340. &c.another because he had bene a follower of Germanicus, of whom Tiberius without iust cause had euer bene ielous.Mamercus Scanru [...] 6. Ann. p. 388. another for making a tragedy wherein certaine verses were of doubtful vnderstāding. In Claudius timePetra 11. Ann. one was arraigned, & cōdemned of maiesty for dreaming a dreame, another forC. Silanus Dio. pag. 463.being dreamed of. In Neroes time one10. Ann. p. 546. Cassius, quòd inter imagines matorum etiam C. Cassij effigiem coluisset ita inscriptam DVCI PARTIVM. And infinite mo for such trifles as these. Seing therefore that lex maiestatis had bene so late so odiously executed, it pleased the pardoners to tearme that which indeede was extortion, crime of maiesty, the memory whereof was so hatefull, that in respect of it euen other good lawes were neglected.
81. To the Hispalienses & Emeritenses a new supply of families) In deducing of colonies a certaine nūber of families were assigned, which if tract of time, or any mischāce had diminished, or adulterated, to haue them supplied a fresh, or increased, was esteemed of the rest, as a speciall great benefite. Liuius. lib. 32. fol. 259. C. Acilius tribunus plebis tulit, vt quinque coloniae in oram maritimam deducerentur. Tricanae familiae in singulas colonias iubebantur mitti. eodem l [...]bro. f. 253. Narniensium legatis querentibus ad numerum sibi colonos non esse, & immistos quosdam non sui generis pro colonis se gerere, earum rerum causa triumuiros creare L. Cornelius consul iussus. creati P. & Sex. Aelij (Poetis fuit ambobus cognomen) & C. Cornelius Lentulus. Quod Narniensibus datum erat vt colonorum numerus augeretur, id Cossani petentes non impetrauerunt. And in another place, postulantibus à senatu Aquileiensiū legatis, vt numerum colonorum augeret, M. & D. familiae ex S.C. scriptae. Tac. 13. Ann. p. 462. Caeterùm coloniae Capua atque Nuceria, additis veteranis firmatae sunt. Now that Hispalis was a Colony of the Romans, Pliny affirmeth lib. 3. c. 2. A laeua Hispalis colonia, cognomine Romulēsis: That Emerita Dio. l. 53. p. 348. [...]. The reason of the name is apparent Emerita, quod emeriti milites [...] deaucerentur. For militar colonies (to leaue the other kinde which in the free state were deriued abroade by the Senates appointment, for soThat is, This warre being Ended Augustus di [...]ssed the souldiers which were past yeares of seruice and gaue them licence to builde a citty in Portugall called Augusta Emerita. [...]b. 1 p. 749. Velleius seemes to diuide them) they were deuised for a recōpence of olde soldiers, who hauing spent the floure of their age in the seruice of their cuntrey, small reason it were to turne them a begging when they were aged. Wherefore Sylla, Caesar and the Emperours following, at the ende of their seruice rewarded the olde soldier with an honourable mayntenance of lande of inheritāce. In this kinde of colonies at the beginningTac. 15. Ann. pag. 491. vniuersae legiones ducebantur cum tribunis centurionibus, & siu cuius (que) ordinis militibus, vt consensu & caritate remp. efficerent. Mela. lib. 2, cap. 5. nameth some speciall Legions, and where they were placed. Secundanorum Arausio, Sextanorum Arelate, Septimanorum Blitera, Decumanorum colonia Marcius Narbo. In processe of time this good order decaying,Tacitus. non vt olim vniuersae legiones, sed ignoti inter se ducebantur, diuersis manipulis, sine rectore, sine affectibus mutuis, quasi ex alto genere mortalium repentè in vnum collecti, numerus magis quam colonia: and the proofe thereof was according, the souldiers slipping away in prouincias, in quibus stipendia meruerant, and leauing the colonies desolate. Whether vpon this or whatsoeuer occasion apparent it is that Hispalis & Emerita were both decayed, & therefore with new families here by grace from Otho stocked againe.
82. Honoured with a Triumphal image: Triumphali statua) Tac. 4. An. p. 342. Iam (que) tres erant laureatae in vrbe statuae &c. & the sentence before of the same matter. Priores duces impetrādo sibi triumphalium insigni sufficereres suas crediderant. againe. 15. Ann. p. 542. Triū phale decus, and Triumphales in foro imagines of the same. So that wee may reasonably gather Triūphalē statuā to be either the same with Triumphalia insignia, or els parcel of them, & yet inducing the whole. This title of honour, [...], vnknowen in the free common vvealth, was first conferred, as some doe suppose, by Augustus vpon Tiberius Anno. vrb. conditae. 742. Sueton.cap. 9. Tiberio. Quas ob res & ouans & curru vrbem ingressus est (Tiberius) primus (vt quidam putant) triumphalibus ornamentis honoratus, [Page 25] nouo, nec antea cuiquam tributo genere honoris. 4 pag. 361. ButThat is, Sacrifices were made to the gods in the name of Agrippa, yet was there no triumph decreed vnto him. For he did not at the first certifie the Senate concerning the successe of his actions. Whereupon in succeding ages men of his place folowing his exāple as a rule neuer wrote to the Senate, neither accepted the graunt of triumph but contented themselues with triumphall ornaments alone. Dio writeth that it was to Agrippa two yeares before first granted: [...]: & so consequently toDio pag. 369.Tiberius. The cause as I iudge of the innouation was, that to Augustus who of the old state left nothing standing but names, & hardly that, the pompe triumphall seemed a thing too full of maiesty for any subiect, & therefore seeking euery way to cut the sinewes of liberty, and yet to retaine a shadow of ancienty, hee cunningly conuerted the solemnity of a triumph into Triumphalia insignia. onely the Princes themselues, or their children, as Germanicus in Tiberius time, solemnely triūphed. Next to Triūphalta in lower degree of honour were Consularia insignia, or ornamenta, [...], and Praetoria likewise, [...], vnder them, obtained by those, I suppose, whom Dio in sundry places termeth [...]. and lastly Quaestoria ornamenta, to make thē as Cōsuls, Praetors, Quaestors fellowes. Tac. 4. Hist. p. 154. Multo cum honore verborum Mutiano triumphalia de bello ciuili data. sed in Sarmatas expeditio fingebatur. adduntur Antonio Primo consularia, Cornelio Fusco, & Arrio Varo praetoria insignia. Ann. 11. p. 418. Decreta Narcisso quaestoria insignia. &c.
83. The cause bred a crime: Causa in crimen eualuit) If these rymes haue in them anie reason, the meaning may be, that which the Tribune did to the ende to execute the Princes commandement, that the soldiers drew to a sinistre sense, as done not for the seruice of the Prince, but rather seruitiorū in imperatorē armandorū gratiâ. Plutarch p. 1514.That is, The boldest of them cried out with one voice that Crispinus had no good meaning that the Senate intended innouation, and that those armes were caried out against the Prince, not in his fauour. [...].
84. Casting away the markes: Abiectis militiae insignibus) Tribunatus insigne, the badge or marke of his office was [...], a dagger. Martialis lib. 14. of a Centurion vitis, a vinerod to correct the trewanting soldier. Iuuenal of Marius. Satyra octaua.
Tac. 1. Annal. p. 227. Centurio Lucillius interficitur, eui militaribus facetijs uocabulum, Cedo alteram, indiderant; quia fracta vite in tergo militis, alterā clara voce, ac rursus aliam poscebat. of the Captainship of the Praetoriū, [...], a sworde. Xiph. p. 251. speaking of Licinius Sura made captain of the Garde by Traian.That is, When as first he reached to him whom he intended to make captaine of the Garde the sword wherewith he was to bee girt, he drew it forth, and holding it vp sayed; Take this sworde, that if I gouerne wel thou mayest vse it for me; if ill. against me. [...]. & Nymphydius in Plutarch depriuing his fellowe Tigellinus of his office,Commanded him to put of his sworde. [...]. To this priuiledge of wearing a sword was annexed perpetually power of life & death ouer the souldiers. Dio. lib. 53. p. 342.That is, No man had autority (were he Procōsul, or Propr [...] tor, or Procurator) to carie a sworde, but onely hee that had power to pu [...] a soldier to death. For to such it was lawful whether he were Senator or Equei. [...]. Gladius [...] or pugio (for so they seeme to bee taken for one) was also one of the marks of soueraine autority, as it is at this daie. Vitellius resigning the Empire,That is, Vitellius in opē assēbly reached his sword to the Consuls, and the rest of the Senat, as thereby resigning all imperial autoritie. [...]. and Tacitus of the same matter. 3. Hist. p. 141. Postremò fletu praepediente assistenti consuli exsolutum a latere pugionem velut tus necis vitae (que) ciuium reddebat. Suet. Vitellio. c. 15. Solutum a latere pugionem consuli primùm, dein illo recusante magistratibus, ac mox senatoribus singulis porrigens; nullo recipiēte, quasi in aede Cōcordiae positurus abscessit.
85. By the gods approbation: Auspicatò) That is addicentibus auibus. For although nei-Liuy nor Dionysius make any mention of any such ceremonie obserued in the choise of the Senate, yet seeing we finde that equitum centuriae were by RomulusLiuy li 1 f 9. auguratò scriptae, that the citty was founded and named captis ad inaugurandum templis, the Auentin by Remus, the Palatin by Romulus (Liuius l. 1. f. 2. althoughin his verses reported by Tully. 1. de diuinatione. Ennius placeth them otherwise) seeing that RomulusBrought▪ vp this custome for all posterity that they should not take vpon them neither the kingdome▪ nor any other office, except first the gods per auspicia gaue their approbation. Dio. nys, Halicarn. lib. 2, pag. 61. [...], [Page 26] [...], we may probably cō iecture that it was not omitted in a case of so great importāce, as was the choise of a coū cell of state. Surely after that Attius Nauius had cut with a razor a whetstone in Tarquinius Priscus time,fol. 9. Liuy writeth that the Augurall discipline grew daily in reputation.
86. Allurements of lust &c.) Iuuenal Satyrâ secundâ writeth, that Otho himselfe inter instrumenta belli caried a certaine looking glasse.
Cōtrary to that testimony which Tacitus giueth of him. 2. H. p. 65. Nec Othoni segne, aut corruptū luxu iter; sed loricâ ferreâ vsus, & ante signa pedester, horridus, incōptus, famae (que) dissimilis
87. That the holy shieldes called Ancilia) Ancilia, clypei Although Liuy in the oration of Camillus seemeth to attribute thē to Romulus also for kinred sake. Quid de Ancilib. vestris Mars Gradeu [...], [...]u (que) Quirine pater. lib. 5, fol 67. Martis, arma ab ancisu sic dicta. Varro. lib. 6. de ling. Lat. Ouidius Fastorum. 3.
Dionysius Halicarn. lib. 2. p. 96. expressing Ancile in Greeke turneth itThat is, A Thracian shield, resembling a losing figure target whose angles bee rebated. [...], in figure much like, saieth he, [...] I thinke it should be) [...]. Liuy. lib. 1. fo. 5. and lib. 5. fol. 68. tearmeth them caelestia arma, and caelo demissa: whereof the story at large is in Ouid, in the place aboue alleadged: Dum loquitur totum &c. and in Dionysius. p. 97. although with some little difference of circumstāce▪ That is, Among these shieldes which are very many one they say there is which fell downe from heauen, and that it was found in Numaes Pallace not brought thithes by any mās hand, no not so much as the fashion being knowen in Italy before that time▪ vpon which two reasons the Romans were induced to thinke that the piece was sent from the Gods So when Numa had determined to haue it caried thorow the citty, on high dayes, by some of the most honorable yoūg mē, and to institute yearly sacrifice in memorie thereof; fearing lest the enemie should priuily steale it away, as the report goeth he tooke this course. He caused man other to bee made like vnto this which fel from aboue (one Namurius vndertaking the worke) that whosoeuer sought to steale it, for the nearenesse and likenesse of the rest wrought by mans hands might not be able to discerne the forme of that which came from the gods. [...]. Lāpridius Heliogabalo. Matris typum, & Vestae ignem, & Palladium, & Ancilia, & omnia Romanis veneranda &c. Now as concerning the motus Ancilium I finde of it two seuerall circumstances recorded. Seruius vpon this place of Virgil. 8. Aeneid. — vt (que) impulit arma, writeth thus. Is qui belli susceperat curam (meaning, as I thinke, the Consul) sacrarium Martis ingressus primò Ancilia commouebat; post hastam simulachri ipsius dei, dicens, Mars vigila. After which ceremonie performed by the Consul, the Salij, as I gesse, immediately they and their seruants caried the Ancilia about in procession. Which pompe and solemnity is described by Dionysius p. 96.That is, The Salij celebrate a solemne feast about the time of the Athenian Panathenaea in the moneth of March, continuing many daies, in which they passe thorow the citty solemnely dauncing into the Forum, the Capitoll, and many other both publique and priuate places, wearing party couloured coates girt to thē with copper girdles. Ouer these they cast their gownes garded with gards of purple in their owne language called Trabea, which the [...] fastē with a button, lastly wearing on their heads a certain attire which they cal Apices. Beside this euery man is girt with a sword, & in his right hand holdeth a speare or rodde, or some such other things, & in his left a Thracian shield. They daunce in certaine militar measures to the noise of the pipe, sometimes al at once, sometimes by turnes, & withal sing old songs deliuered to thē by traditiō frō their fathers. [...]. Li [...]ius lib. 1. Salios item duodecim Marti Gradiuo legit, tunicae (que) pictae insigne dedit, & super tunicam aeneum pectori tegumen, coelestia (que) arma, quae Ancilia appellantur ferre ac per vrbem ire cauentes carmina cum tripudijs, solenni (que) saltatu iussit. This feast as Dionysius writeth, was celebrated [...], begun, as it may appeare by Ouid, the very Calēds of March. Carisius seemeth to place it in the Quinquatrus, which began the 19. of March. Quinquatrus, saieth he, a quinquando. i, lustrando, quod eo die arma Ancilia lustrari sint solita. which etymologie no doubt is erroneous▪ for Quinquatrus without question is deriued of quin (que). Ovidius.
Then Quinquatrus were holy daies to Minerua, not Mars, to whom the Ancilia properly [Page 27] belonged. So taking his beginning at the Calends of March, the feastDionysius. continued [...], & by this very place of Tacitus it is cleare they were not laied vp againe before the 14. of the same moneth, whenas Otho tooke his solemne leaue of the Senate and people. Polybius fragm. p. 39. extendeth the whole solemnityTo thirty dayes. [...]. but motus Anciliū begā certaine daies after the beginning of the feast, as it may appeare by Polybius in that place, & Liuy l. 37. speaking of the same matter: during which time no expedition was vsually vndertaken. Suetonius Othone c. 8. agreeing with Tacitus, & expounding this place; Expeditionem impigrè at (que) etiam praeproperè inchoauit (Otho) nullâ ne religionū quidem curâ; sed & motis nec dum conditis Ancilibus, quod antiquitùs infaustum habebatur. Liu. lib. 37. Statiua ad Hellespontum aliquandiu habuere: quia dies fortè, quibus Ancilia monentur, religiosi ad iter inciderant.
BY the maine sea, Audentioribus spaciis) i. per altum, in opposition to litus & oram legere, seu praeteruehi. So that the meaning of the place is, that Titus from Corinth to Cypres went along by the coast, and from Cypres into Syria by the maine sea.
2. The tēple of Venus at Paphos) Strabo l. 14.That is, Next is olde Paphos situate about eleuen sta [...]ia from the sea▪ there is an h [...]rborow for ships, and an ancient temple of Venus, surnamed of the place Paphia. [...]. Homerus [...].
Dionysius Afer calleth the whole iland [...].
3. The site of the temple) A point proposed, but forgotten to be handled, vnlesse we will take those wordes, quanquā in aperto, as a sufficient discharge thereof: which were somewhat hard, being spoken particularly of the altars, whereas Homer maketh distinct and expresse mention, both ofThe temple and altar [...] and [...].
4. Praiers and pure fire) If it were an vnbloudy sacrifice, as by these words it should seeme, it may reasonably be doubted wherefore mentiō is made before of the choise of beasts, of the fibres of kiddes, & anone Caesis compluribus hostiis. But perhaps there might be bloudy sacrifices before the Altar, although vpon it none but vnbloudy.
5. A figure rising continually round) The figure which Tacitus describeth is a Conus. Maximus Tyrius termeth it [...], which is a somewhat different thing in strictnes of termes▪ his wordes be these,That is. In his 38. discourse. The Celta worship Iupiter: his image with them is nothing but an high oake, the Arabians adore but whom I knowe not; the Image which I sawe amongst them is a square stone. In Paphos Venus hath the chiefest honour howbeit her image you can liken to nothing so well as to a white Pyramis, or rather a tryā gular Pyramis. [...]. or peraduenture it was writen [...] that is [...].
6. Receiued the fauours of Princes) He seemeth to haue expressed the very wordes of Iosephus. 4. [...], c. 36.That is, The leaders and soldiers banded themselues togither, and openly sought to make a change, furiously crying; These soldiers which liue in Rome at their ease, which neuer could abide to heare so much as the rumour of warre, chuse whom they list to the Empire, and vpō hope of gaine pronounce Princes. Whereas they who had passed through so many paines, & were now waxen olde vnder their helme [...]s▪ must yeelde that autority to others, and that hauing in their own campe a mā fittest of al other for gouernment. [...]. & paulo post: That is, That not onely they would employ their forces to the establishing of such as should be agreed vpon there, hauing presently with them 3. Legions and Auxiliarie forces from the kings; but that the whole East would conspire, and so much of Europe as stoode out of feare of Vitellius. [...].
7. The beginning of the warre) In declaring of this great and important action betweene Vitellius and Otho, I finde Tacitus, at least in my conceyt, much inferiour to himselfe otherwhere; omitting many necessary circumstances, confounding things togither, affirming contrarieties in apparence, & generally leauing his reader not so fully satisfied, as in a historie is to be looked for. As first in the circumstances of Otho the principall person, whose paces & footesteps would haue bene numbred, Tacitus. p. 59. bringeth him out of the cittie accompanied in a maner with all the Senate toward the later end of March, & as we found by collection out ofSuetonius and Marcellinus. other writers, vpon the seuen & twētieth day. Thē here shewing his soldier like maner of marching before his soldiers on foot, in the end he bestoweth him & his cōpany no where: wheras indeed the Senat was left at Mutina, & himselfe marched toward the enemy, as far as Brixellū a citty vpō [Page 28] the Po, and there sen [...]ng out his captaines staied behinde, as it appeareth inpag. 1517. Plutarch, & Tacitus p. 84. circumstances, in mine opiniō, not so lightly to haue beene passed ouer. From Brixellū, saieth Plutarch, were dispatched away Celsus, Paullinus, Gallus & Spurinna. Tacitus. p. 65. seemeth to say, that Gallus & Spurinna were dispatched at Rome, and sent before hand ad Perchance the meaning of these wordes ad occupandas Padi ripas is to put themselues in possession of the townes vpon the riuer. occupandas Padi ripas. Which if it were ment to garde the south side of the Po, and so to stay the Vitellianists at least from passing the riuer, since they could not stop thē in the mountaines, a fewe being able to keepe such a passage against a great army, it hath good reason, but Gallus did not so obserue it. If to put himselfe in possession of both sides of the Po, and so to haue the whole riuer at commandement, how could he with a fewe withstand Caecinaes whole army, hauing no aduantage of the place? Now to the leading of Gallus and Spurinna sent before, from what place soeuer, ad occupandas Padi ripas, Tacitus assigneth fiue Praetoriā Cohorts, equitum vexilla, legio prima Adiutrix, and two thousand gladiatores: in thepag. 71. 76. processe of the worke, assigning the gladiatores to the gouernement onely of Marcius Macer a third man, and after him to Flauius Sabinus, pag. 77. and setting the other two farre enough asunder,pag. 68. Spurinna at Placentia with three Praetoriā cohorts, one thousand Vexillarij not named before in the suruey of their whole power, & a fewe horse, andpag. 70. 28. Gallus with Prima Adiutrix, I cannot tell where, nor where, & vpon what occasion they diuided themselues; but wheresoeuer he was, taking Bebriacum in his way to Placentia, he was in all reason of the north side of the Po. Then for his other three captaines Paullinus, Celsus, & Proculus, whereof mention is made p. 58. in the preparation of the warre, here in the setting out p. 65. they haue no charge at all assigned them (& to say the trueth, I cannot see any great masse of men they could haue, leauing Otho sufficiētly garded) nay they are not so much as once named. By way of probable coniecture we way suppose, that Proculus, as being Captaine of the Garde, staied at Brixellū, & attended vpō Othoes person. But Celsus & Paullinus are not named before the 71. page in the battaile ad Castoris. where sodainly within twelue miles of Cremona they appeare, and not farre from Bebriacum (where Gallus p. 70. was left) neuer mentioned before, besides many other with prima legio vnder their leading, beeing the peculiar charge of Gallus. So that to roue at that which it was our autours fault not to set downe plainly, we may imagin, that Paullinus and Celsus were sent afterward from Brixellum to the campe at Bebriacum, either to take ioynt-charge with Gallus, or els charge in his place, as it is more likely, and that thereupon Gallus withdrew himselfe, perchāce to recouer his fal mētioned p. 76, seeing there is no mention of him in the action ad Castoris; & in an action which passed at Bebriacum, wee shall finde him by and by away, where notwithstanding Tacitus last left him, p. 70. Now whereas Tacitus p. 71. vpon not prosecuting a little skirmish of the gladiatores against the Vitellianists, maketh Otho to sende for his brother Titianus, whom he had left at Rome, to make him Lieutenant generall,pag. 1519. Plutarch with greater reason & probability, saieth it was done after the battaile ad Castoris, vpon dislike of Paullinus slowe proceedings; and that Proculus Captaine of the Garde was sent withall; but when they came to Bebriacum I cannot determine. Now if Otho were at Brixellum, Paullinus and Celsus at Bebriacum, where shall we say the great consultation was holden, where Otho, Titianus, Proculus, Paullinus & Celsus were present, & Gallus absent? Here Tacitus faileth vs againe, andpag. 1520. Plutarch releeueth vs, shewing that Otho remooued from Brixellum to Bebriacum to consult with his captaines of the maner of proceeding in the warre. Thus much of Otho, and his captaines, it followeth of their power, which was of two sortes: brought from Rome, and sent for from abroade. From Rome of 6. sorts. Quin (que) 1 Praetoriae cohortes: 2 Equitum vexilla: 3 legio prima Adiutrix: 4 Gladiatores: 5 Caeterae Praetoriae cohortes: and 6 Classici. with Gallus and Spurinna 1 Quin (que) praetoriae cohortes: whereof three werepag. 68. with Spurinna in Placentia, the other two belike with Gallus. 2 equitum vexilla without number; 3 legio prima Adiutrix Classica ex reliquis caesorum à Galbâ ad pontem Miluium: 4 two thousand gladiatores: in the siege of Placentia wee finde mention of a thousand vexillarij: whether differing from all these, or portion of any, I knowe not. Thē in Othoes traine Spiculatorum lecta corpora, as I thinke è Praetorianis.5 Caeterae praetoriae cohortes, beside the fiue sent with Gallus: and yet manie Praetorian souldiers were sent with the nauy into Narbonensis. p. 58. and 66. so that surely all the rest [Page 29] were not here. Classici from whence soeuer they came, haue ministred vs, and will minister manie men▪ seuen thousand were slaine by Galba ad pontem Miluium, and the rest decimated, è reliquis prima legio Adiutrix was composed. In the fleete to Narbon there serued also many as souldiers▪ here we haue classicorum ingens numerus: with Otho. pag. 68. ver. 10. a thousand Classici inter Placentiā & Ticinum intercepti, which by all circumstances were none of this companie. And pag. 70, 23: Turullius Cerealis had manie Classici: but whence he had them, and how he became their captaine is not set downe▪ and beside all these wee haue in the thirdpag. 134. booke another whole Legion è Cl [...]ssicis differing from prima Adiutrix, which then was in Spaine. The power sent for by Otho from abroade was out of Illyricum onely, where at that present were seuen Legions, to wit, two in Dalmatia, Vndecima Claudiana & quartadecima Gemina; two in Pannonia, septima Galbiana, and tertiadecima Gemina: in Moesia three, tertia Gallica, septima Claudiana, and octaua Augusta, as it is declared elswhere. Now all these being sent for by Otho, there marched at Othoes commandement, saiethpag. 65. Tacitus, the Legions of Dalmatia & Pannonia, which is manifestly defectiue▪ for the Moesian Legions marched also, and came forward as farre as Aquilera in fauour of Otho: the same Tacitus, p. 99. So that all the seuen Legions vpon Othoes commandement marched, & came on: but who were come before the great battaile at Bebriacum, and who not, is in my opinion a question inexplicable, Tacitus wordes receiuing so manie oppositions, and implying so many contradictions, & no other story to purpose being extant of this matter. And first to beginne with the most certaine, the three Legions of Moesia absolutely were absent in all militar actions of this warre. Tacitus lib. 3. p. 99. & p. 109. Maesici exercitus vires integrae▪ present absolutely were two thousand souldiers sent before out of the fower Legions of Dalmatia & Pannonia, as Tacitus, p. 65, 2. saieth. But Suetoniuscap. 6. Vespasiano seemeth to saie they came out of Moesia. Moesiaci exercitus bina è tribus legionibus millia missa auxilia Othoni▪ and Tacitus himselfe pag. 82, 8. Praemissi Moesia: either meaning the same that he maketh here to come out of Dalmatia and Pannonia, or talking there of men in the action, which wee finde not here in his generall view▪ and lib. 3. p. 109. Duae tunc Pannonicae ac Moesicae alae perrupere hostem, talking of the skirmish of horsemen at the beginning of the battaile at Bebriacum. Now before the fowre Legions of Dalmatia, and Pannonia, alae cohortes (que) praeueniebant: which wordes seeme to be ment onely of these bina millia praemissa: although it may be that some otherpag. 71, 31. quatuor auxiliorum cohortes in prali [...] ad Castoris. Auxiliaries were sent after the bina millia, and before the Legions themselues▪ of whose comming and presence is the greatest and most difficult question. In the skirmish ad Castoris p. 71. 30. we haue tertiaedecimae legionis vexillum being one of the Pannonians▪ in the shocke at the great battaile at Bebriacū tertiadecima legio it selfe is expressely mentioned by Tacitus, p. 80, 14, & Vedius Aquila Lieutenant of the same: p. 80,Vedium Aquilam tertiaedecima legionis legatum. 25. Likewise in the very conflict at Bebriacum expresse mention is made p. 80. 15. of the Quartadecimani, one of the Dalmatian Legions, & l. 3. p. 115. Quartadecimani campis Bebriacensibus fusi strati (que). Now that Septima Galbiana, & vndecima Claudiana were before the battaile at Bebriacum vnited with their fellowes, albeit they are not in the battaile expressely named, it may appeare p. 91. where they are counted inter victas legiones as well as quartadecima and tertiadecima, and by Vitellius commandement suis hibernis redditae. and p. 100. in Pannonia tertiadecima legio ac septima Galbiana dolorem iram (que) Bebriacensis pugnae retinentes. Moreouer the Praetorian souldiers at Bebriacum after the field lost comfort themselues with no otherpag. 81, 6. venire Moesicas legiones supply, but onely of the Moesian Legions: and at Brixellum, in comforting Otho likewise mention is made onely of them. p. 82. praemissi Moesia eandem obstinationem aduentantis exercitus, legiones Aquileiam ingressas nuntiabant, vt nemo dubitet potuisse renouari &c. So that by these places, and some other like, we may probably conclude, that all the fowre Legions of Dalmatia & Pannonia were come, & ioyned, but when they came, and how, where they ioined, and all other circumstances necessary in a point of that importance, we are finally beholding to Tacitus diligence for omitting. Of the cōtrary side, to prooue first that quartadecima was not come, we haue Tacitus wordes p. 75. in the consultation at Bebriacum, which was not aboue two or three daies before the battaile, paucis diebus quartādecimā legionem, magna ipsam fama, cū Moesiacis coptis affore, whereby it may reasonably be collected, that [Page 30] all the other three were come, but not quartadecima. p. 90. è victis legionibus quartadecimâ primâ, tertiadecimâ, septimâ, vndecimâ, soli quartadecimani se victos abnuebant. so that the rest be like were there. Now betwixt the time of cōsultation & the battell there is no mention at all made of their comming: a thing in reason if there had bene any such, not to haue bene omitted, and whichp. 79. Ti [...]ianus ac Proculus vbi consilijs ven [...]erentur, ad [...]us imperij transibant. Titianus and Proculus would, no doubt, haue alledged, in iustification of their purpose, against Paullinus and Celsus. or if this be but coniecturall, what can be sayed to the place of Tacitus p. 85. Coenus atroci mendacio vniuersos per culit, affirmans superuentu quartaedecimae legionis versam partium fortunam, as being a knowen matter, that quartadecima was not come at the time of the battaile at Bebriacum. & againe p. 90. speaking of the quartadecima legio, Bebriacensi acie vexillarijs tantum pulsis vires legionis nō affuisse, furthermore the Pannonian Legiōs, as it appeareth bypag 1520. Plutarch were absent at the time of the cōsultation at Bebriacum.That is, That Othoes forces expected out of Moesia and Pannonia were no lesse