[Page] Supplications of SAINTS. A Booke of Prayers: Diuided into three parts.
- 1 Daniels deuotion. prayers for Seuerall dayes.
- 2 Paul, and his company. prayers for seueral occasions.
- 3 Dauid alone. prayers for seuerall parties.
Wherein are three most excellent Prayers made by the late famous Queene ELIZABETH.
A third Edition, enlarged.
The Prayers of the Saints went vp before God.
LONDON: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, and are to sould at his shop at the entring in of the Royall Exchange. 1612.
THE CONTENTS OF the seuerall parts.
- 1 Daniels Deuotion: Containing three Prayers for euery day in the weeke: with other priuate Prayers for Morning and Euening in number. 27. Pag.
- 2 Paul and his Company: Containing Prayers for diuers Occasions, generall and particuler, in number 23. Pag.
- 3 Dauid alone: Containing Queene ELIZABETHS prayers, & other Prayers in the name of diuers parties of seuerall estates: in number. 21. Pag.
- A three-fold Paraphrase vpon the LORDS Prayer, Nine short Prayers beginning with the letters of the name Elizabeth.
- Two Prayers and meditations vpon the passions of the life and death of our sauiour Iesus.
- A generall thankesgiuing, &c.
To the most Gratious Lady, Lady ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of our Soueraigne Lord the King.
BEing willing, amongst others of my Function, to performe some office to the glory of Gods people, & considering with my selfe the times we liue in, together with our owne frailties: I haue in that regard (most vertuous Lady) labored to compose a small volume of short Prayers [Page] and to contriue it into this Method; assuring my selfe that nothing is or can be more acceptable to Almightie God, then the hartie Prayers of his people.
In which Collection I haue also inserted three most sweete Prayers, made by the late Queene Elizabeth of famous memorie. Which as vpon her occasions she powred forth before the Lord, (as it is written of King Salomon) kneeling on her knees, & stretching of her hands to heauen: so I thought them most worthy to be registred for perpetuall memorie, being compiled by [Page] so renowned a person as her selfe, and carying in matter pithe, in stile Maiestie, and in words true deuotion.
And vnderstanding of your Graces loue of vertue, with the humblenesse of your minde, and zeale of seruing God, I am therefore enboldened in the forehead of this my Myte, to stampe your royall Name: not doubting of your Graces fauourable allowance. Which being my humble suite and desire, & crauing pardon for this boldnesse, I cease not as heartily to pray that the manifold graces of the most High may be multiplyed [Page] vpon your Estate, and your Grace long preserued to the ioy and comfort of your most roiall Parents (our Soueraigne King and Queene) the good of Gods Church, and the finall saluation of your owne soule.
To all deuout People.
CHRISTIAN brethren, I haue bin persuaded to publish to your view and charitable interpretation, this handfull of flowers, picked, sorted, and tyed vp into a bundle, according to my slender abilitie, both of iudgement and inuention. I haue presumed also to entitle them SVPPLICATIONS of Saints, induced thereunto by three reasons. First, because they are squared to the practise of the two holy Prophets, and the blessed Apostle, [Page] and Saint, Saint Paul. Secondly, three of these praiers, (which are indeed praestantiores, far more eminent and excellent then al the rest proceeding from humane conceit) were vsed and penned by the late noble Queene of famous memorie ELIZABETH, and may iustly challenge the Denomination, as the remaines of her Deuotion, who liuing a Religious and Peerelesse PRINCE, was truely accounted (as the Wise-man speaketh) among the Children of God: Wisd. 5. 5. and now being taken from vs, hath her portion among the Saints. The third reason is, because [Page] I hope they may be the dayly exercise of your selues, who being called to the participation of Iesus Christ, embracing the Gospell of God, and hauing receiued the Sacrament of life, haue also your part in the Communion of Saints.
I haue not helde such a course as happily other Collectors of the like Deuotions haue done, and yet I hope you will not condemne mee but vpon good deliberation. I confesse, they are not mingled with discourse, forCommoneri aut doceri nostra locutione non quaerit. August. de Mag. lib. 1. God desireth not to take admonition or information from our reports: neither are [Page] they interlaced with Meditations, for the places of Scripture which I haue prefixed before euery one, will minister matter of that Deuotion: neither haue I made any of them very longIn mille versus extendunt Orationem suam, quasi apud Dominum, multitudo sermonum opus sit. Chrisost. hom. demuliere Caman. to draw them into a thousand periods (as Chrysostom saith) as if it were a goodly worke to multiply much speech before GOD: But I haue made them somewhat briefe, ayming at that Rule which our Lord and Sauiour prescribed, saying: After this maner pray ye. That is (saith Chrysostome againe) Collecte voluit discipulos Orare. Chrisost. Orat. dom. Hee appointed the Disciples to gather the Petitions [Page] of their prayers, into a short summe.
Wherefore if ye find them worthy the name of prayers, vse them: if otherwise, yet take them as meane grounds of Prayer and meditation, to set your deuout thoughts a worke: with this liberty, that where I haue been defectiue, I referre it to the iudicious to supply: and where I haue offered any thing vaine or offensiue, I am content to admit a godly Corrector. But how euer it be, yet let me aduise you not to waxe faint or slacke in Prayer: for such as haue learned of the Lord Iesus (saith Saint Augustine) [Page] true humilitie and meeknesse of heart,Plus cogitando & orando profierunt, quam in legendo & audiendo. Aug. Ep, 122. receiue more profit by meditation and prayer, then in reading and hearing: whereby ye may be sure, the religious Father meant not to traduce either the preaching of the word, or the reading of any thing that may make a man wise vnto saluation; but enforced the more reuerend respect, and more frequent vse of this Ghostly exercise, that as men are commanded to be Doers of the Word, Iam. 1. 22. so they should be seekers of Grace to doe it by, & not Hearers onely, for so saith the Apostle, they should deceiue themselues. For when [Page] Paul hath planted, and Apollos watered: when one hath read a learned treatise, and another hath heard a fruitfull Sermon, they must refer the rest to him that giueth the increase: and vnto whom will he giue it? to him that seeketh, vnto him that knocketh, to him that asketh humbly and deuoutly in his prayer. Follow then his counsell which sayeth,Oratio ascendat, vt Gratia descendat. Put vp your Prayers to him, that hee may send downe his grace to you.
Againe beloued, all is not peace, if yee consider of what Church we are, while we be in this world. S. Paul tels [Page] vs that we are in a Warfare, 2 Cor. 10. 4. & that Prayer, is a principall peece of our Armour: Ephes. 6. 12. therefore his counsell is,Ephe. 6. 28. Pray alwayes, & watch thereunto. For wee cannot (as Abishai said to Dauid, 1 Sam. 26. 8. concerning his blow) make so sure worke at one time, that we shall not need to come againe: But rather, so many are our sinnes, as the haires of our heads; so many our enemies, as the stars in the skye, and so fierce and strong the Tempter, as a roaring Lyon; that as the Man of God was angry with the King of Israel (because when he bad him smite the earth with his dart,2 King. 13. 19. he smote onely thrice) who should haue [Page] smiten fiue or sixe times, that he might haue beene assured of the ouerthrow of his enemies: So GOD that bids vs continue in Prayer, Coloss. 4. 2. will be angry with vs, if wee pray not againe, and againe, as the importunate widdow in the Gospel prosecuted her suite:Luke 18. 3 yea (to speake of Deuotion as he doth of compassion) if we pray not seuen times, Mat. 18. 22. yea, seuentie times seuen times, that wee may obtaine a blessing. I speake to them that haue vnderstanding, iudge you what I say, and I shall pray vnto the Holy One of Israel in heauen, that your inspirations may be heauenly, [Page] your desires holy, & your Prayers here feruent and frequent, & there acceptable before the throne of his Maiestie, to the reliefe of your necessities, and to the setting forth of his glory in IESVS Christ, Amen.
The faults escaped in some copies amend thus.
Pag. | Lin. | for | read |
4 | 6 | Father. | Trinity. |
103 | 19 | hope. | heart. |
114 | 14 | apparelled | appalled. |
229 | 4 | Marke | Make. |
327 | 6 | be, | begin. |
[Page] THE most absolute prayer, and best Rule of all holy Petitions, is that which our Lord & Sauiour taught his Disciples. A Prayer large for matter, short for Phrase, and sweet for order, which, (I hauing thus paraphrased as you see) thought not so good to insert it into this bundle, as to place it here alone before them all: as a Supplication not appropriate to any one part, but apperaining & giuing life to all, and fit to conclude euery one.
- By right of Creation.
- Merit of Mercie.
- Gracious prouision.
- Which art in Heauen.
- The seate of thy Maiestie.
- The inheritance of thy children.
- The kingdome of blisse.
- Hallowed be thy Name.
- By the thoughts of our hearts.
- By the words of our mouthes.
- By the works of our hands.
- Thy Kingdome come.
- Of grace to inspire vs.
- Of power to defend vs.
- Of glory to crowne vs.
- Thy will be done.
- In weale and woe.
- In fulnesse and wane.
- In life and death.
- In Earth, as it is in Heauen.
- In vs, as it is in thine Angels.
- Willingly, readily, faithfully.
- Without murmur, Let, Deceit.
- Giue vs this day our daily Bread.
- For the nourishing of our bodies.
- For the feeding of our Soules.
- The reliefe of all necessities.
- [Page]And forgiue vs our debts.
- Whereby thou art dishonoured.
- Our Neighbour wronged, or,
- Our selues indangered.
- As we forgiue our debtors.
- That haue hurt vs in our bodies.
- Hindred vs in our goods.
- Wronged vs in our good Name.
- And lead vs not into temptation.
- Of the wicked World.
- The entising flesh, or
- The enuious Deuill.
- But deliuer vs from euill.
- Forgiue that is past.
- Remoue that is present.
- Preuent what is to come.
- For thine is the
- Kingdom Power & glorie.
- To rule and gouerne all.
- To command and do all.
- In all, & by all, All in all.
- Kingdom Power & glorie.
- Now and for euer.
- At this present.
- In this world, and
- In the world to come.
- As thou say'st, So it is
- As thou promisest, So it shall be.
- As we pray, So be it, Lord.
PRAYERS: Beginning with the letters of the name ELIZABETH.
EVery day, O Almighty GOD and heauenly Father, will I pray vnto thee, to haue mercy vpon me, and to keepe me in thy grace, fauour and loue.
Euery day will I giue thankes vnto thee, ô Lord [Page] IESV, the Sonne of GOD, for thy gratious redemption of my body and soule; from sinne, death and hell.
Euery day will I laud thy holy Name, ô holy Ghost, Gods Spirit, hearts ioy, elects comforter: beseeching thee, blessed Trinitie, in sacred vnitie, to replenish my heart with all charitable desires, and heauenly inspirations necessary to Saluation. Amen.
LAy too thy helping hand, ô Lord, strengthen [Page] my weake condition, and powre thine oyle of grace into my wounded heart, that I may be able to walke in the wayes of thy commandements without reproofe, and receiue comfort in all my needs and necessities. Amen.
IT is pitie and compassion, ô LORD, alone, which must couer mine vnworthinesse: therefore renouncing all merite in my selfe, I flie vnto thee for succour. Leaue me not, ô Lord, but preuent mee [Page] with thy goodnesse, now and euermore. Amen.
ZEalous, O LORD, I am of thy truth. Wherefore I pray thee, sanctifie my heart to a right conuersation in this world. Direct me by thy lawes, that I neuer step beyond the limites of my duetie: and suffer me not to enter into any action, which eyther may dishonour thee, or bring my life into infamie. Amen.
ADmit me, O mercifull Lord, to thy gracious fauour: many are the dangers of this life, and I haue no patron to defend mee, but thee. Heauen is thine, and the earth is thine; keepe me on earth, as one of thine, and bring mee to Heauen to raigne with thee. Amen.
BLessed Lord, I haue sinned, but my pardon is with thee. If I were as sinfull as Marie Magdalen, as outragious [Page] as the prodigall sonne, and as bashfull to come neere, as the Publican, yet Iesus hath made satisfaction for my sinne: therefore in mercy forgiue mee now and euermore. Amen.
ENter not into iudgement with a poore creature, O LORD dust and ashes is my state here, onely I am created after thine Image, for a better world: destroy not then the worke of thine owne hands, but shew thy mercy and goodnesse vnto [Page] me, this day and euermore. Amen.
THinke vpon me, O LORD, thy word neuer failed, and thy compassions haue no end. By the vertue of the one, and the substance of the other, purifie me from all iniquitie, and leade me into all truth this day and euermore. Amen.
HAue mercy vpon mee, O LORD. accept my Prayers which I powre out before [Page] thee, and graunt my requests. Mercifully prosper the things that I take in hand: saue mee from mine enemies: a blessed life, and a happie end, good Lord send me. AMEN.
Supplications OF SAINTS.
The first part.
Daniels deuotion.
This part containeth priuate Prayers, For Morning, Noone and Euening, euery day in the weeke.
Also foure other Prayers for Morning and Euening: and two Prayers vpon the Passion of our Lord Iesus.
Morning Prayer.
All thy works prayse thee, O Lord, and thy Saints shal blesse thee.
O let my Supplication come before thee: deliuer mee according to thy word.
OH LORD GOD, Almightie Father, and thou welbeloued Sonne of the Father, [Page 2] Iesus Christ, with the holy Ghost, holy, blessed and glorious Trinitie; eternall God, Lord of the Sabbath, and the fountaine of all wisdome. I do not present these my Supplications before thee for my righteousnesse, but for thy great mercies. I trust in them truely, without diffidence: I trust in them only, without any other plea: I trust in them alwayes without wearines, & therfore I beseech thee, grant mee mercifull audience. Mercifully heare mee, O Lord, mercifully heare me O Lord God. First, [Page 3] I extoll thy infinite goodnesse and mercy, together with thine eternall wisedome and truth, that thou hast protected me all this night past, and made me to rest and sleep so quietly and securely vnder the shadow of thy wings. And (I beseech thee, from the bottome of my heart) to protect me this day with thy mighty hand from all dangers, both of body and soule. Giue thy holy Angels charge ouer mee, to keepe mee in all my wayes: driue away from mee the euill angell and deadly enemie; remooue [Page 4] all offences of this world. Mortifie and kill in me all carnall lustes, vnlawfull pleasures, and euill affections, that they may haue no dominion or raigne in my mortall body, & giue me a contrite heart to bewaile my former life, and let me find comfort in thy mercy, for the remission of my sinnes.
Sanctifie me (O holy Father) this holy day, with thine especiall grace, that I may honour thee as a Creator, loue thee as a redeemer, & expect thee as a Sauiour, and that I may haue modest cariage [Page 5] in my behauiour, true deuotion in my Prayers, and reuerent attention to heare thy sacred word; and so vnlocke the eares of mine vnderstanding, that I may obserue, learne and imbrace, such things as are necessary for mee, to the better confirmation of my faith in Christ Iesus, and the saluation of my soule by his blood. Rayse mee, O Father, by the power of thy sonnes resurrection, from sinne and iniquitie, and giue me spirituall, rest in the communion of Saints, that hereafter when I shal leaue [Page 6] this world, I may keepe the euerlasting Sabbath with thee in the Kingdom of Heauen.
Behold (O Lord) I knock at the doore of thy mercy, for all these graces, with all the powers of my strength, soule, and mind: beseeching thee to continue vnto mee the right vse of all the powers and faculties of the same, and to send thy holy Spirit to beare witnesse to my Spirit, that I am thy child, and shall be heire of thy Kingdome, with Christ Iesus our Lord, and through his merits, for whose sake, [Page 7] I beseech thee, to grant all those things all that I haue prayed for. Amen.
A prayer for the Ministers of the Word.
O Lord Iesus, which hast cōmanded vs to pray for labourers to the Haruest, we beseech thee, send painefull Ministers into thy Church. Endue them with such wisedome and speech, as the aduersaries may not be able to gaine-say. Open vnto them the doore of doctrine, [Page 8] giue them the spirit of boldnesse, that they may faithfully dispense thy Mysteries, and speake thy Word freely. Take away all contentions and differences from among them. Make them examples to those that beleeue, in soundnesse of Doctrine, and purenesse of life. And because the rule of our life depends vpon thy word in their mouthes, blesse them with all graces fit for their calling, that wee may giue thankes vnto thee, and praise thy Name for euermore, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
OH eternall God and merciful Father, from the bottome of my heart I giue thee continuall thanks that of thy mercy [Page 10] thou hast nourished mee, preserued me by thy power, & gouerned me by thy word, and holy Spirit this day, & all this weeke: yea, & at all other times of my life hitherto: and I most humbly beseech thee, in the merits of Christ Iesus my Sauiour, not to respect mine vnworthines, but to couer & bury all my misdeeds in his graue, which I haue either wittingly or ignorantly done; especially, O Lord, those which in this weeke past I haue committed in thought, word, and deed, against thy Diuine Maiestie.
[Page 11] Water, ô Lord, the seed [...]f thy holy word, which I [...]aue receyued this day, [...]ith the dew of thy grace, [...]hat with sound iudge [...]ent and godly deuotion [...]may put in practise such [...]hings as I know to be [...]leasing to thy diuine Ma [...]estie; and that my heart [...]eing alwayes obedient to [...]hy Commandements, & [...]he feare of mine enemies [...]aken away from mee, I [...]ay passe my time in [...]eace & holines, through [...]hy gracious protection.
Be mercifull vnto me, [...]O Lord) forgiue the euill [...]hat I haue committed, [Page 12] supply the good which I haue omitted; restore what I haue lost, heale my sores, clense my filthinesse, lighten my darkenesse, and alter the whole state of my minde, that nothing may be wanting to good purposes in mee.
O LORD, stretch out thy hand ouer me, and of thy wonted goodnesse defend me this night from all euill: keepe me from fearful & wicked dreams, vnprofitable cares, vaine cogitations and outward violence; preserue my body from eternall death: reserue my soule from [Page 13] euerlasting damnation. Compasse me about, on euery side with thy grace inwardly and outwardly: that when I shall eyther take care for things of this life, or carefully seeke for those things which appertaine vnto the Kingdome of Heauen, I may heare the voyce of thy holy spirit, sounding in my heart, from the mouth of the Apostle;Philip. 4. 19. My God shall fulfill all your necesstties, through his riches, with glory in Iesus Christ. Grant, O Lord, these and all other graces meete for me, euen for Iesus Christs [Page 16] sake, my onely Lord and Sauiour. In whose Name I further pray vnto thee, saying that Prayer which thy Sonne in his Gospel hath taught vs, Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
Morning prayer.
O Heauenly Father, and Almightie God, which beyond all measure hast vnlocked the treasures of thy fauour and blessing vnto mee, from time to time: I most [Page 16] heartily thanke thee forthe sweet sleepe and comfortable rest which I haue taken this night, through thy gracious preseruation of me, and now (O Lord) I consecrate my soule and body to thy seruice this day againe, and euer hereafter, desiring that my prayer earely now this Morning, may haue accesse vnto thee.
O Lord, I pray thee blesse, preserue, and keepe me this day, by thy power from sinne, shame and all euill, and so direct mee with thy grace, that all my thoughts, words, & works, [Page 17] may please thee. Stand, I beseech thee, between me and mine enemies, bodily and ghostly. And as thou hast now raised vp my body from a sound and heauie sleepe: so deliuer my soule from the dead sleepe of sinne, and the darkenes of this world. Helpe, O Lord, the creature which dependeth vpon thy prouidence only. Further my businesse, that I may truly walke without sinne, and safely worke without danger in that vocation whereunto thou hast called me in this life.
O Lord Iesus haue mercy [Page 18] vpon me miserable sinner, pardon and forgiue mee all my sinnes, negligences, and ignorances. Remember not mine obstinacies, and haue compassion vpon mine infirmities. Set thy holy Passion, Crosse, and Death, betweene thy iudgement and my Soule, both now and at the houre of death. Of thy mercie, O Lord, strengthen my weaknesse, and mortifie my corrupt nature, enclining to swearing, wantonnesse, lying, or any other sinne whatsoeuer; and grant that I may so walke in thy wayes, by [Page 19] the light of thy holy word, that no worldly vanitie bewitch me to sel my selfe to worke wickednesse.
O holy Father, graunt me a sound mind, and the right vse of my senses continually, that knowing what I doe, and practising what I know, I may worthily lament the wickednesse of my life, and euer vpon my vnfained repentance, feele thy comforts in my soule, and neuer forget the desire of the life to come. O Lord, blesse me in all the passages of this life, and after death, restore the same body and [Page 20] soule to life eternal. Heare my prayers, O Lord God, for Iesus Christs sake my onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer to God the Father.
O Merciful God and louing Father, on whose prouidence we depend for all our necessaries, wee thanke thee for our royall creation after thine owne Image, and all other good graces now and euer bestowed [Page 21] vpon vs. Giue vs grace, we pray thee, so to liue as becommeth thy children, in all holines and righteousnesse. Incline our harts to thy law, & not to couetousnes: open our eies that wee may behold the secret things of thy Law. Make vs fruitfull in all good works, forgiue vs our sinnes, and wash vs in the blood of thy Sonne; clense our hearts, and renew our mindes to thy holy will: prosper the workes of our hands, and bring vs safely from all dangers to the end of this day, for Iesus Christs sake. Amen.
Euening Prayer.
ALmighty God, which giuest infinite occasions vnto euery creature to prayse thy holy Name, I come vnto thee with the holy Prophet, that mine eyes may [Page 23] preuent the night-watches, beseeching thee to accept this mine Euening Sacrifice of praise and thanks, for the depth of thy goodnesse, which I am not able to expresse, and the Sea of thy mercies, which haue ouer-flowed this day to my great comfort. Season, O Lord, my senses inward and outward with the Salt of thy grace, that with a sanctified heart, I may make a godly vse of all those good things which I haue heard, seene, or read this day. And further, lighten mine eies that I sleepe not in [Page 24] death, nor walke in darknesse spiritual or corporal, to endanger eyther my body or my soule.
O Lord, let mine eyes sleepe, and inioy that moderate recreation which thou hast appointed for my wearisome condition, but let my soule continually watch vnto thee, to attend thy comming, that when my sleepe hath not beene vnmeasurable, to please excessiuely the ease of my flesh, I may be the better disposed to thy seruice to morrow.
Preserue me Lord, from all vncleannesse, both of [Page 25] body and soule, from all dangers that walke in the night: and keep me from all temptations of him that is the prince of darknesse. Forgiue me the sins and offences which I haue committed this day, in thought, word & deed, against thee, or my neighbour. Giue mee grace to water my Couch with teares, in vnfeined repentance of my sins past, & so to passe the residue of my life, that in regard of thy iustice, I may retaine a holy feare, to stand alwaies in awe of thee: and in regard of thy mercy conceyue [Page 26] sure hope neuer to despaire.
O Lord, keepe me this night, both in body and soule, that I may ioyfully rise againe, be thankefull vnto thee, and diligently walke in my vocation and calling, to the glory of thy holy Name, and the commoditie of my neighbour, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
Morning Prayer.
O Blessed LORD GOD, great in power, fearefull in Iudgement, and rich in mercie: which bindest, and no man looseth; and loosest, and no man bindeth; I [Page 28] yeeld thee most humble and harty thanks, for that of thy fatherly goodnesse, thou hast vouchsafed me this last nights sleepe in peace and rest: and again, loosing the bonds wherewith I was tyed, hast giuen me power to see this Morning light. Now, O Lord, (I beseech thee) powre vpon me this day, the dew of thy blessing, that through the operation of thy gratious beames, I may bud foorth, and beare the fruits of true faith in my life & conuersation. Continue thy goodnesse and mercy towards mee, and by thy [Page 29] power rayse mee from the deepe sleepe of all vnrighteousnesse, discharge me from the workes of darkenesse, and clothe me with the Armour of light, that I may walke honestly as in the day, and liue soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.
Grant me, ô Lord, true vnderstanding and knowledge of thy word, which is the Glasse of thy wil. Increase in me all godly desires, together with true contrition of heart, that I may vnfeinedly despise the pleasures of this world, & with harty repentance [Page 30] be conuerted vnto thee. Send thy holy Angell to guide me, and keepe me in all my waies; and prosper the worke of my hands, that I neuer faile in my vocation to doe good, and eschew euill.
O Lord, I beseech thee, preserue and keepe my senses safe and sound, that I be neither corrupted by prosperitie, nor cast downe by aduersitie; nor be too fearefull of thy iudgements, or too bold vpon thy mercy: But grant mee grace, O mercifull Lord, that I may apprehend all things that come [Page 31] from thee with a religious, contented mind, and in the end of my dayes, by a liuely Fayth, may ioyfully arriue in the Land of promise, the Kingdome of HEAVEN, through the merits of IESVS CHRIST, my onely Sauiour and Redeemer, Amen.
A Prayer to God the Sonne.
O Blessed LORD Iesus Christ, Sonne of the eternall God, blessed be thy name for our redemption. Great was thy loue, sore was thy Passion: Print in our minds, we beseech thee, the continuall memory thereof, that we may loue thee which so louedst vs, and euermore prayse thee that hast bought vs at so deare a price. Reiect not our prayers which we offer [Page 33] to be pesented to thy Father, but mercifully helpe vs, and heale all our infirmities: increase our faith, and teach vs obedience, forgiue vs our offences, and hide vs in thy wounds from thy fathers iust wrath. Make good thy promises vnto vs for the world to come, and enable vs with thy Grace for the performance of all thy Commandements: Prosper, O Lord, our handy worke, and bring vs safely to the end of this day, for thy trueth, and for thy Names sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
O Most holy Father and gracious GOD, which giuest vnto all sorts of men the cheereful light of the day, that in thine assistance they may follow their honest vocations: & likewise the silent night, that then they may returne [Page 35] thanks vnto thee for thy benefits, and so rest their wearied limbes, and busied minds: I sinnefull creature giue thee thankes for the totall summe of all this thy goodnes, whereof I haue beene this day partaker through thy mercy.
O Lord, looke not vpon mine vnworthinesse, folly, and wickednesse, but appease thy iust anger, conceiued against mee, and forgiue what hath beene amisse in mee this day, euen for his sake who is thy welbeloued Sonne, and my deare Aduocate. Root vp the thornes of mine [Page 36] euill inclinations and affections, and in their place make the fruites of vertue spring. Inflame my heart with the desire of heauenlie loue, that I may keepe thy commandements with zeale as hot as fire, louing thee aboue all things, and mine neighbour as my selfe.
Giue me grace, ô Lord, to serue thee in true faith and holines, all the dayes of my life, & to ouercome my mortall enemies, the desires of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, and the suggestions of the wicked spirit, remembring [Page 37] my promise made to thee in Baptisme, for the performance whereof I depend onely vpon thy holy spirit. Let thine Angels pitch their Tents round about this house for defence, now in the time of this darkenesse, and grant that this nights sleep may be quiet vnto me without griefe or trouble. Preserue me & mine both in body and soule, from al dangers which may come either by foolish dreames, noisome spirits, or vncleannesse of corrupt Nature. Waken me againe, O Lord, in due time, and let mee behold [Page 38] the light of the next day, prepare me to thy seruice euery day in all truth and sinceritie, that when I haue run the race of this life, thou mayest be pleased to call mee to be partaker of a better, that so I may liue and raigne with thee euermore, through Iesus Christ my onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
Morning prayer.
O Blessed GOD and merciful father, the Sun of the world, neuer going downe, which bringest [Page 40] forth, nourishest and refreshest all things, both in heauen and earth: I most humbly thanke thee that thou hast preserued me this night, and euer hitherto vnder thy protection, suffering mee to liue vntill this present houre: that thou hast succoured and defended me in all my needs & necessities, and hast prouided so graciously and mercifully for mee. Now I beseech thee (ô Lord) not to abridge the hand of thy mercy toward mee, but let the spring of thy grace flowing from the sanctuary of thy goodnes, arise to all [Page 41] the parts of my soule, in such proportion, as may be for thy glory and my comfort.
Mortifie (O my God) all corrupt affections in mee, and pardon my innumerable sinnes. Fill me this day with thy grace, that I may spend it to the honour of thy Name. Set a Watch before my mouth, and order my lippes, that I may vtter nothing vnaduisedly, either before thee or men. Keepe my sences within their limits, direct my will to that which is good, and order my iudgement, for the accomplishing of those [Page 42] things that appertaine to my vocation.
O Lord, defend me from all shame and disgraces: shield me from al violence, and guide mee safely from all perillous & dangerous wayes. Make mee as thy Spouse, inwardly and outwardly prepared by thy grace, to bee presented a pure Virgine vnto Christ. Display vpon me thy banners of loue, spred abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost: that with the eye of Faith, I may beholde and see the Crosse of Christ, and his sacred wounds, the comfortable price of my [Page 43] redemption; and stand so fast in this Christian warfare, that nothing make me yeeld to the temptations of the Diuell. O Lord, so strengthen mee with thy grace in this vale of miserie, that all my outward members may follow the direction of my heart, and my heart being sincerely dedicated vnto thee, I may serue thee in holinesse and Righteousnesse, all the dayes of my life, for Iesus Christs sake, my onely Sauiour and Redeemer, Amen.
A Prayer to God the holy Ghost.
O Holy Spirit, the Authour and giuer of life, which hast guided me thus farre this day, and guarded me from manifold euils; I praise thee, I blesse thee, I glorifie thee for thy great mercie. Continue thy goodnes towards me, I beseech thee, though I deserue it not: inspire my minde with holy motions, conuert me from euil, confirme [Page 45] me in al that is good. Comfort mee, thou comforter, when I shall haue most neede. Cleare the stormes of temptation, and inflame the coldnesse of my zeale, with the fire of thy loue. Lead me into all truth, and reclayme mee when I goe astray: Oh prosper the works of my hands; bring mee safely from all dangers to the end of this day, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
O Lord God, thou who art my life, the length and strength of my dayes; I most heartily thanke thee for keeping mee this day from manifold dangers, both of Body and Soule, which might iustly haue [Page 47] fallen vpon mee. Nowe I humbly beseech thee, bring not into iudgement what I haue done amisse this day, but mercifully pardon the escapes and offences of the same. Forgiue and forget (O LORD) all mine idle and vaine words, and impute not my foolishnes vnto mee. Destroy in me the kingdome of sinne, the power of Sathan, the desires of the world, & the vaine delights of the flesh.
Lord, into thy hands I commend my selfe, euen soule and body this night and euer. Lighten my darkenesse that I sleepe not [Page 48] in death, & defend me that no euill happen vnto me. Take not thy holy Spirit from mee, but continue the motions thereof in my heart, that when as the Tempter shall come with his assaults, I may be furnished with the shield of faith to quench his fiery darts.
Comfort me (ô Lord) in all those things wherein I haue beene any wayes dismayed this day. Confirme my weakenesse, and grant that this nights sleepe may be sweet and healthfull to my body, and a profitable memoriall of that sleepe, which at my last end in that [Page 49] great night, shall make a separation betweene my body and soule. Let thine vnspeakeable mercy preserue me, thy endles sweetnes reioyce mee, thy heauenly truth strengthen mee, thy knowledge embolden me, and thy goodnes keep me, now & for euermore, from mine enemies, visible and inuisible: that I may awake in the Morning in perfect sense, & good health, and for the same be thankefull vnto thee, & carefully betake mee to my vocation & calling, for Iesus Christs sake, my onely Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
Morning Prayer.
O Lord God, which art the light that no man can attaine vnto, and yet lightenest euery one that commeth into this world, and [Page 51] mercifully driuest away the darknes of the night, & shadow of death: I praise thy holy Name, & thanke thee that thou hast vouchsafed me this fauour, to passe this night in so comfortable rest, & to be brought again safe & sound, vnto the morning light. Now (I beseech thee) by the blessed Incarnation, and holy Natiuitie of thy Sonne Iesus Christ (the blessed day-star that appeared to the world) let thy mercy this day arise vpon me, & let the day-star of thy light shine in my heart, that I be not carried away through the power of [Page 52] darkenes, to spend this day after mine owne minde and pleasure, but that I may carefully follow thy fatherly will reuealed in thy holy word.
Increase in me (O Lord) the gift of faith and hope, to beleeue in thee and thy promises made in Christ, that neither by mine owne negligence, nor the infirmitie of the flesh, nor the grieuousnes of temptation, I be driuen away from faith in his blood. Disperse O LORD, the thicke mistes and clouds of mine iniquities, and wash them away in the blood of thy Sonnes [Page 53] passion. Giue me a will to worke duely in my vocation this day, that I be not idle; and order my skil with the rule of thy wisedome, that I bee not vnfruitfull. Blesse my body and soule, that none euill or harme come vnto me, & my memory and senses, that they passe not the limites which thou hast appointed them.
O Lord, lighten my mind to looke vpon good things onely, inflame my heart with the loue of them, and conduct mee by thy grace to attaine them: that as thou hast awaked my body from sleepe; so my Soule [Page 54] may bee raysed from the slumber of sinne, and darknesse of this World, and they both being companions and fellowes in the way of godlinesse, may be made partakers of euerlasting life at the latter day, through Iesus Christ, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer for Sobrietie.
O Lord God, which hast commaunded vs to be sober, and watch, direct my pathes in the right way to all sobrietie, spirituall and corporal. Suffer me not this day, nor any other to abuse thy good creatures, or turne thy grace into wantonnes: let mee not be ouercome with surfetting and drunkennesse, but auoide all superfluity, vsing all temperance [Page 56] and moderation, both in meats and drinkes. Graunt me a stayed minde, and a lowly conceite of my selfe: Blesse mee, that I may be wise, but to sobrietie, that I may liue soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
O Lord God, my most louing and mercifull Father, great in mercie, and constant in truth: I doe acknowledge my bounden dutie of thankefulnesse vnto thee, for thy manifold [Page 58] graces and benefits imparted vnto mee this day, though I bee vnable to recount them, and farre more vnworthy to receiue them. Neuerthelesse, in full assurance and confidence of thy loue to me in Christ Iesus, I commit now into thy hands again this night, my soule and body, and all my senses, my thoughts, affections, wordes, and deedes: all within me, and all without mee, my faith and my continuance in the same, beseeching thee of thy mercy to keepe them day & night blamelesse, and vndefiled against [Page 59] the day of thy comming.
Pardon, I pray thee, and forgiue mee all the sinnes which this day I haue either wretchedly effected, or wickedly imagined against thine honour, & the good of my Neighbour. Lay not the frailty of my younger yeares vnto my charge. And for the better confirmation of thy gracious pardon, I humbly intreat thee (ô Lord) to annexe vnto thy Graunt, the power of thy grace, to attend vpon me, that I may this night quietly take my rest, vnder the shadow of thy wings, void of all feare, [Page 60] spirituall darkenes, danger, and despaire. Strike my heart (ô Lord) with thy feare, that fearing I may escape those things which thou threatnest, and giue mee the comfort of thy saluation, that in louing thee, I may obtaine those things which thou promisest: and when the darkenesse of this mortall life, (as the darkenesse of the day now doth) shal come, grant mee (O LORD) a watchfull heart: willingly disposed, and throughly enabled with thy grace to abandon these transitorie nights and dayes, and depart [Page 61] hence in the peace of a good conscience, into thine euerlasting rest, through Iesus Christ, my onely Sauiour and Redeemer: In whose name I further pray vnto thee, saying that forme of prayer that he that taught vs, Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
Morning Prayer.
O Almighty Lord my most louing Creatour, & redeemer, I thy vnworthy seruant, giue thee humble and hearty thankes, for thy gracious [Page 63] protection and preseruation of me in health, wealth, and safety, this night past, and euermore: beseeching thee so to direct me by thy holy Spirit, that I may liue and walke this day according to thy godly will and pleasure, in all harmelesse manner to the profit of my neighbour; and in all holinesse, to the glory of thy blessed name.
Lighten my minde, O Lord, that I may cleerely see those things that please thee. Graunt vnto me the knowledge and true vnderstanding of thy word, that without all vanitie [Page 64] or curiositie, I may know what is thy holy will and pleasure in all things, and also expresse in my liuing those things which I know. On bended knees (O Lord I beseech thee) reiect mee not vtterly for mine offences, neither take thy grace and assistaunce from mee. Blesse my iudgement, and all my senses, that no sodaine motion make me to conceiue any griefe so far as to forfeit my reasonable vnderstanding.
Blesse (O Lord) my labours and trauailes in this world, that I may haue wherewithall to relieue my [Page 65] necessities vpon all occasions. Indue mee with thy feare, an humble minde, godly sorrow, and a good conscience, that I may cary an honest & vpright meaning, to deale iustly and truely with all men.
O Lord, temper and order all things vnto mee in such peaceable course, that I be neuer further tempted and proued, then thou wilt make me able to beare, and so helpe me in the same, as may be most to thy glory. Giue me patience against all prouocations, and faith in all temptations; forgiue me all those things wherevnto [Page 66] I haue yeelded contrary to thy commaundement, and so arme mee with thy holy Spirit, that I may walke more warily, & more wisely all the dayes of my life, for Iesus Christs sake, mine onely Sauiour and Redeemer. Amen.
A Prayer for Chastitie.
ALmighty Lord, which knowest that in our flesh dwelleth no good, and yet hast made our bodyes the Temple of the Holy Ghost, giue me grace this [Page 67] day and euer, to crucifie the flesh, with al the affections and desires thereof, & to bring it in subiection vnto the Spirit. Quench the flames of all carnall desires in mee, abate the heate of lust, and let me not be led away by any wanton company. I know my members are the members of Christ, sanctifie me (I beseech thee) that whether I be married, or liue single, I may auoyd all vncleannes, and alwayes know how to possesse my Vessell in holinesse, and not in the lust of Concupiscence, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
Euening Prayer.
O Eternall GOD, my mercifull and louing Father in Christ Iesu our Lord, I render vnto thy Maiestie due praise and [Page 69] thankes for thy fatherly goodnesse, in protecting mee this day, from many damages and daungers which might haue happened vnto mee, and now (I beseech thee) to keepe and protect me this night: me, and all those that depend vpon mee, that we be neither disquieted by dreams, nor afraid of any terrour. Haue mercy vpon mee (O God) haue mercy on mee, and of thy wonted goodnesse, forgiue mee all my transgressions, especially those which I haue committed this day against thy holinesse: shew mee the [Page 70] light of thy countenance, and let me finde comfort in the remorse of my conscience. Blesse mee (ô Lord) and water mee with the dewe of thy blessings, and let the drops of thy sonnes blood, shed for my sinnes, (and yet crying for mercy) distill into my heart by a liuely faith, for the comfort of my soule, and the amendment of my life.
I beseech thee, O Lord, take from mee all manner of darkenesse, misbeliefe, infidelitie, carnall lusts, and affections; & so strengthen me with thy grace, that the Barke of my weake Faith [Page 71] sinke not, nor I be ouerturned by the stormes of Sathan, the waues of wickednesse, nor the tempest of a biting Conscience. Enter thy iudgements in the Tables of my heart, that I may be content to spare of my ordinarie sleepe, and be more earnest vpon the meditation of thy sacred word, then the kings of the Nations haue beene to turne ouer their records in the night season. Bee mindefull of mee, when I happen to forget my selfe, and thinke vpon me sleeping and waking.
[Page 72] Graunt me (ô Lord) this freedome and liberty, that I may lie downe in peace and rest, and rise vp againe in due time safely, to the honour and glory of thy Name, and the managing of my worldly businesse in thy feare, through Iesus Christ, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
Morning Prayer.
OH IMMORTAL and euerlasting God, Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, I thy vnworthy seruant beseech thee, to accept [Page 74] this my Morning Sacrifice of prayse and thankes, due vnto thee alone, for protecting me with thy mighty hand, from the feares of this night past, & refreshing my weary body with naturall and kindely rest: and herevnto (I humbly intreat thee) to ioyne thy further grace, for the rousing vp of my slothfull and sluggish nature, that I may arise from sinne, and walke in the way of thy Commandements with all chearefulnesse this day and euermore.
Pardon (O Lord I beseech thee) the euils, and [Page 75] abhominations of my life and conuersation. Cut off the rootes, boughs, leaues, and fruits, of the euill tree of my heart: put away the inward lusts, doubtings, and denying of thy prouidence, with all those grosse and out-ward sinnes which I haue committed daily against thee: and giue me a sure hope of euerlasting life, that alwaies, while I am in this world, I may haue the tast and feeling of it in my heart.
Giue me grace, O Lord, to shun and auoid all those things which thou either hatest, or hast no pleasure [Page 76] in. Take from mee a proud looke, and a deceitfull tongue, bloody hands, and a heart any wayes giuen to wicked imaginations. Keep me this day from all perils that may come vnto my soule and body, either by Sathan himselfe or his Ministers. Blesse my senses and vnderstanding, that in all things I may heare and speake reason: and suffer me not (I beseech thee) to speake, thinke, or doe any thing this day, but that which may please thee, be answerable to my vocation, and tend vnto the aduancement of thy glory, [Page 77] and the health of my soule.
O Lord, I pray thee, send thy blessing vpon all my labours, and giue me a mind to helpe them that haue neede, according to my abilitie. And so prepare my heart in all my businesse, that I may alwayes begin it in thy Name, and goe forward in thy feare, and finish it with thy blessing: that whatsoeuer I shall doe, it may prosper. Grant this (O Lord) for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
A Prayer for Patience.
O God which art the God of Patience, and consolation to the Patient, stay my vnbridled nature this day and euer, from all discontentednes of minde, and furious actions. Giue mee grace to take in good part whatsoeuer doth befal me, and let my heart acknowledge it to be the Lords doing, and not by chance. Quiet my minde [Page 79] in the manifold disquietings of this world, and open mine eyes that I may see helpe in thee. Preuent all that is against mee, and all that falleth out, turne to the best for mee. Thy will be done, and graunt mee patience for Iesus Christs sake. Amen.
Euening Prayer.
HOnour and praise be vnto thee, Oh Lord most high and immortall GOD, for thy gracious goodnesse and mercie extended to me this day, and [Page 81] alwayes, notwithstanding all my wickednesses which cry daily against mee, and mine enemies that would swallow mee vp. I beseech thee (ô Lord) continue thy gracious and mercifull fauour vnto mee, let the shadow of thy wings be my couer, thy Holy-ghost my comfort, & thy holy Name my Rocke and defence, against all feare and trembling which may ouertake mee, this night or any other time. Forgiue me all that is past, euen all the euill that I haue done or thought, and graunt that I may euer hereafter serue [Page 82] and please thee in holinesse and newnesse of life. Be thou my shield & defence against the suggestions, illusions, and temptations of Sathan; and all the allurements & baits of the flesh, with all alterations, prouocations, changes & chances of the world. Sanctifie mee with thy grace, that my body may be kept vndefiled, as the Temple of the holy Ghost, and my soule defended, cherished, and tendered, as the apple of thine eye.
O good GOD, the Sunne is gone downe, the Webbe of this day is almost [Page 83] spun, and the night at hand. Blesse me (I beseech thee) this night, and take mee into thy custodie, saue me waking, keepe me sleeping, that I may both sleep and wake in peace and safetie. Prepare me (O Lord) for the day following, the holy sabbath, the hallowed day of thy rest, and my great dutie: and then so vnlocke the mysteryes of thy holy word vnto mee, that I may therein learne the lessons of thy glorious Maiestie, and mine owne mortalitie.
Graunt me (ô Lord) such grace as I may make a right [Page 84] vse of all things, and that the hearing of thy word, & the good examples of thy seruants, agreeing with the rule of thy word, may bee both as a bridle to restraine me from sin, and a spurre to set me forward to all holinesse of life, and conuersation in this world. O Lord grant mee these & all other good things, euen for Iesus Christs sake my onely Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
A Prayer for the Morning.
O Lord God, most mightie & mercifull Father, I vnworthy creature acknowledge mine owne vilenes, naturall corruption and abhominable sinnes, many times committed against thee: I beseech thee admit mee to [Page 86] render thee my bounden thankes, for thy manifold mercies extended towards me this night past, and all other times of my life: for my rest and sleep, my food, and rayment, my health, peace and liberty, and the hope of a better life in the merites of thy Sonnes bitter passion. Now deare Father, I beseech thee to continue thy mercifull fauour vnto me this day and euer hereafter. Forgiue me all mine vnthankfulnes, vnkindnes and prophanenes towards thee, thy word and seruice, or towards my Neighbour. Set all my [Page 87] sinnes ouer to that reckoning, which thy Sonne Iesus Christ, my Lord, hath made vp for them vpon his Crosse; neuer lay any of them to my charge, but freely forgiue and forget all.
O Lord strike my heart with thy rod, that I may alway be furnished for a true and vnfained repentance; that I may not be blinded in my sinnes, to delight in them, or to think that thou wilt not respect my vntowardnesse; but that I may be weary of them, grieue for them, and by all means possible striue to attaine to [Page 88] a true mortification of the flesh, and so liue holily, and iustly, and soberly in this present world.
O good God, I humbly intreat thee, leaue me not to my selfe, mine owne lusts and desires: but assist mee with thy grace to hearken vnto thee and thy word, & to passe my time in feare and trembling, as an obedient childe of so good a Father.
Blesse me Lord this day, and prosper all that I shall take in hand; let mee haue all my directions from thy will, and the successe from thy mercifull hand. Giue [Page 89] mee a competent stay for the maintenance of this mortall life. Continue may food, and rayment, health, peace and liberty, that I may with a quite minde & thankefull heart passe my time in this vale of miserie, doing good to all men after mine abilitie, without disgrace to my selfe, or harme to any one.
Grant these good things most mercifull God, and all other needefull graces, not onely vnto me, but vnto all thy deere children in the world, to the good of our soules and bodies, for Iesus Christs sake, in whose [Page 90] name I further call vpon thee, as he hath taught vs, in his Gospell, saying, Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
A Prayer for the Euening.
O Eternall GOD, and most mercifull Father, I doe confesse against my selfe that my heart and hands are full of all filthines and sinnes whatsoeuer, and I am altogether vnworthy to speake vnto thee, or to come neere thy presence. Neuerthelesse beeing so much bound vnto thee, as this day past, and all other times of my life doe witnesse, [Page 92] I offer vnto thy holines (by the hands of Iesus Christ my Mediator) my humble dutie of praise and thanksgiuing for my creation, election, redemption, vocation and sanctification, with all other good graces appertaining to this life, or that which is to come. And namely, ô Lord my tongue and lippes shall glorifie thee, sitting aboue the Cherubins, for preseruing me this day past from so many miseries and casualties whereinto I might iustly haue fallen, if thou wouldest haue entred into iudgement with mee. But [Page 93] Lord thou art mercifull & passest by my offences, to winne me by thy long sufferance: I beseech thee make mee thankfull for all thy mercies.
O Lord, pardon and forgiue mee all my sinnes: graunt me euery day more and more the sight and feeling of them, with heartie sorrow and vnfained repentance for the same. Giue mee grace to belieue all the sweet promises that thou hast made vnto mee in Christ Iesus, both for the remission thereof, and the hope of a better life: strengthen me from aboue [Page 94] with thy mighty hand, to walke in euery good way without feare, and to bring forth the fruits of a true & liuely faith in my life and conuersation, all the dayes of my life.
Arme me O Lord with thy grace and holy spirit against all the common corruptions of the world, the temptations of the Diuell, and the allurements of the flesh: and settle my minde to the continuall exercise of deuout prayer, with the hearing of thy sacred word watching for thy comming both publike and priuate.
Continue thy goodnesse [Page 95] towards mee, in prouiding for mee such things as are necessarie for the maintenance of this present life, and blesse the same vnder my hand: that the little which I haue may be increased, and the increase may serue, as well to furnish my necessarie vses, as to minister vnto the necessities of others, according to mine abilitie.
Keepe mee, Lord, this night from all euils, which may happen either vnto my body, or my soule. Extend thy goodnesse toward all those that depend vpon me, or I on them. Giue me [Page 96] quiet sleepe and rest, and when I shall awake, let all my thoughts and cogitations be holy meditations on thee and thy law. Blesse me O Lord, all the nights and dayes of my life, and at the end thereof send me a blessed departure, and afterward a ioyfull resurrection vnto life eternall.
Graunt me these good things most mercifull father, and all other needfull graces, for Iesus Christs sake, in whose name I further call vpon thee, as hee hath taught vs in his Gospell, saying, Our Father, &c.
Short Prayers for Morning and Euening, by I. F. 1581.
A short Prayer for the Morning.
GOD of Light, who hast preserued mee, and brought mee from the darkenesse of this night, shine into my heart this day and euer, by thy [Page 98] blessed and holy spirit, that I may be enlightened, and ledde into all Truth, that I may walke faithfully, as the childe of light before thee, casting away the workes of darknesse, in the place that thou hast set me, doing and performing diligently those things that thou hast required of me, either to the praise of thy name, or to the comfort of my Brethren▪ Graunt this good Lord, I humbly beseech thee, for Iesus Christs sake. Amen.
A short Prayer for the Euening.
I Thanke thee O Father, for thy gracious protection of me this day. I beseech thee keepe me also this night vnder thy wing, that I resting in thee, may finde such comfort and strength both in body and soule, as may enable mee to the performance of my duty. Grant this I humbly beseech thee for Iesus Christs sake my onely sauiour, in whose [Page 100] name I further call vpon thee, as he hath taught vs, in his Gospell, saying, Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
A Prayer to God the Father, as a Preparatiue to the Meditation ensuing.
O Gracious Lord, almightie and euerlasting God, the father of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ; who was borne at Bethlem in great pouerty: Graunt me, I beseech thee, a roome among the wise [Page 102] men of the East, to offer the poore talent of my weake deuotion vnto him all the dayes of my life: euen a true Faith, for pure Gold, the perfume of deuout Praier, for sweet Frankincense, and hearty Sorrow, with bitter Teares of Repentance, for dropping Myrrhe.
And because hee came into this world in such humilitie, yet furnished with such a measure of loue, that hee was content for my sake, to be laden with the burthen of all our infirmities, to carry our sorrowes, to vnder goe a world of [Page 103] iniuries and miseries, and at the last in a shamefull death to offer vp himselfe in Sacrifice to thee for my redemption; vouchsafe me thy Grace, that I may pick vp some Crummes vnder his Table, and gather vp some fruits at the foote of his Crosse, that when I haue seene, what Iudas sould, & the Iewes bought: what Iudas lost, and I haue gained, I may bathe my soule in the purple streame of his most precious blood and then entombe him, & lay him vp in a beleeuing heart, vntill his glorious appearance: So that all [Page 104] the dayes of my life, being washed (as the Apostle saith) being sanctified, and being iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the spirit of my God, I may neuer be without sorrow for my Sinnes, thankfulnes for thy Benefits, feare of thy Iudgements, loue of thy Mercies, nor remembrance of thy presence. Amen.
A Meditation or Prayer vpon the Life, Death, and Passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
O LORD Christ Iesus, Sonne of God, thou holy, mighty, & wonderfull God and Man, who art the life of the liuing, and the death of Death, and therefore both in life [Page 106] and death aduantage: Whose life for my sake, was feebled with naturall infirmities, and death caused by violent sorrowes, & yet thy life milde, and thy death qiuet. I beseech thee giue mee a fleshie heart, to weepe and shedde teares downe my cheekes, if not for thy paines (who didst sweat drops of blood trickling downe to the ground, & afterward dyedst for my sake) yet for my sins, which then bred thy sorrow, and now worke my woe.
Lord, I know that for me, the tempest of thy Fathers anger, and fire of [Page 107] his wrath was stirred and kindled against thee; wherfore now with the wise men of the East, and all the Iewes, I come to seeke thee in the Stable at Bethleem, and in Mount Caluarie. At Bethleem, where the Manger was thy Bed to be borne in: in Mount Caluarie, where the Crosse was thy Bed to dye on. In Bethleem, where a handfull of Straw was the pillow for thy sacred Head to rest on: in Mount Caluary, where a crowne of Thornes and a number of Nailes pierced and fastened both head and body. In Bethleem, [Page 108] where course swadling clothes were thy best Roabes: and in Mount Caluarie, where thou didst hang naked in much miserie. I come to adore thee, to prayse thee, to pray thee, that as in thy life time, thou wast content to be bred, borne & brought vp in manifold infirmities, (to strengthen our frailtie, and to demonstrate the truth of thy Humanitie) and then at thy death, to disarme thy selfe, and to be broken with them, for the discharge of our Captiuitie, & the assurance of our accesse to the Throne of [Page 109] grace. So thou wilt bee pleased as a gracious King to holde out thy golden Scepter of mercy to my fearefull conscience, that I may come neere to looke into thy wounds, to sue for compassion and pardon, & to taste of thy goodnesse, who am a sinnefull wretch, full of corruption and manifold infirmities.
2 O sweet Iesus, how shall I recount the large seuerals of thine innocent passions, from thy poore Natiuity, to thy guiltles death? From thy bloodie sweat and heauie agonie in one [Page 110] garden, to thy strange buriall in another? How can I thinke of thy labours in preaching, thy wearinesse in trauailing, thy watchfulnesse in Praying, thy temptings in fasting, thy teares in pittying, and not confesse more iustly of thee, then Dauid did of his Ionathan, Very kinde hast thou beene vnto mee: thy loue to mee was wonderfull, passing the loue of women?
Was it not inough, euen for loue to mee, to be cloathed with the vaile of flesh, but that thou must be compassed with the shadow of death? Was it not [Page 111] inough to become Earth, Earth, Earth, but thou must become also Woe, Woe, Woe? The God of heauen to become the Sonne of Man! The Lord of life to bee made the childe of death! The Maister to be turned to be a Seruant, and from a Seruant, to be counted a bad Seruant! No proofe brought, and yet scourged without measure: No Inditement found, and yet crucified without mercie! Oh, the beloued of the Lord ran through Bryars of Passions! Oh, the holy Lambe was betrayed, carried away, bound, condemned, [Page 112] consorted with malefactors and Theeues; and, like Ionas, plunged in the maine depth of sorrowes, and swallowed vp of the whale of death! O Lambe of God, that takest away the sinnes of the world, haue mercy vpon mee.
3 O Lord Iesus, it is the ioy of my heart, that thou hast taken and borne all mine infirmities. All, spirituall and corporall: true euidences of thy humanity, but no impediments to thy Charitie. All of Soule, all of Body, and yet neither deformed in fashion, nor [Page 113] distempered in passion, nor tainted with any guilt of sinne. Thy soule heauie to the death, shall bring my soule to life: I should neuer haue beene heartily merry, except thou hadst beene painefully sad, and grieuously sorrowfull. I should neuer haue beene verily satisfied, except thou hadst truely hungred and thirsted. I should neuer haue beene deliuered from feare, and absolutely bold, except thou hadst naturally feared.
O thou euer-glorious God, the consolation of Israell, and the hope of all [Page 114] the ends of the earth, relieue my carefull Conscience, that am sadde, disordered and disturbed in minde for feare of thy iudgements, and because I haue displeased so gracious a God, and louing Father.
Oh, neuer let my soule be ouertaken with feare so farre as to dispaire: nor ouerwhelmed with the Sea of thy wrath, nor apparailed with the suggestions of Sathan: But let it alwayes heare the voyce of thy Blood, speaking better things then the blood of Abell, and crying, not for [Page 115] reuenge, but for pardon, for me, who by my manifold transgressions haue robbed God of his honour, the Church of a member, and my soule of life.
4 Oh man of sorrowes, but mirrour of patience: What a weeke of paynes was this to thee? What a good-Friday was that for mee? What dayes of sorrowes were then one after another to thee? and yet with what patience didst thou passe them ouer? Patient, when Caiaphus so despightfully vsed thee: Patient, when Pilate so vnrighteouslie [Page 116] iudged thee: Patient, when false Iudas so cunningly, and treacherouslie saluted thee, and designed thee to be taken. Againe, patient, when thou didst carry thine owne Crosse: patient, when the Crowne of Thornes drew blood from thy sacred head; and patient, when all others reuiled, reproached, bespitted, scoffed, and abused thee.
Oh thou that so patiently & peaceably, mildely, & meekely, didst carry painefull and pangfull, haynous and heauie sorrowes for mee: I beseech thee, let [Page 117] thy patience discharge my impatiencie, and let thine infirmities which thou didst truely take, and willingly beare with such power & innocency, informe mine ignorance, comfort my sadnesse, kindle my loue, discharge my feare, and moderate my anger. O Lord, grant me patience to beare thy holy wil in all things, and giue me grace in the midst of all troubles, yet to continue in thy feare.
5 When I desire grace, O sweet Iesus, to fulfill thy commandement of Loue [Page 118] and Charitie, which is the end of thy commandement, out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience & of faith vnfained, where shall I take my patterne but from thee, such a louer as is Loue himselfe? for whom didst thou not loue? As for thy Disciples, thou didst loue them as Schollers, and cherish them as children, and stile them thy friends. Thou didst stoope downe to wash their feete, that were not worthy to vntye thy Shooe. Thou diddest restore Peter, that had abiured thee: thou didst saue the Theefe that [Page 119] dyed with thee: thou didst confirme Thomas that douted of thee: thou didst forgiue Iames and Iohn, that asked too much of thee. The bloody persecutors & crucifiers, who did curse and execrate themselues & their children, to doe thee a mischiefe, they, euen they had thine earnest prayers, before thou diddest either dispose of thy Mother, o [...] pray for thy selfe. Yea, that Iudas that betrayed thee and sould thee for thirtie pence (making no price of thee, but taking a base offer) thy holy hands did wash his vncleane feet, and [Page 120] thy sacred lips did touch his prophane mouth.
O thou fountaine of Loue, that doest drench those that loue thee in the streame of thy pleasures, & imbalmest euen thine enemies with the oyle of compassion, and louest Mankinde with an euerlasting loue, so farre, that after they had borne armes against thee, thou didst embrace them in the armes of thy Mercy▪ O thou that didst grieue till thou mightest dye for me: Thou that wouldst be betrayed with a kisse, as it were to meete death in the middle way: [Page 121] Thou that didst reprooue Peter, when hee diswaded thee from it, and didst hasten on Iudas, lest he should be too slacke to bring thee to it. Kindle, ô kindle my desires to thee, inflame my heart with thankfulnesse to thee, inspire my soule with the fire of zealous loue to burne alwayes, and flame vpon the Alter of my hart, that for thy loue to mee, I may euermore loue thee aboue all things, and my neighbour as my selfe.
6 This is the Consummatum est, O sweet Iesus: Thou hast giuen mee that [Page 122] which thou didst not owe mee, and hast forgiuen me that which I did owe thee: Thou wast content to be the By-word of the people, and the curse of the Law, for my sake. Blessed be thy Name; blessed be thy Life; blessed be thy death. For thy death is my birth: thy crowne of Thornes is my garland the scarres of thy body, are the starres of my firmament. Thy gracious wounds are my happie plaisters. Thy bitter Mirrhe refresheth me, thine infirmities strengthen me, thy stripes heale mee, and thy blood clenseth me.
[Page 123] Loe, I haue nothing to take to but what I haue from thee; Therefore Bone Iesu, esto mihi Iesus, O good Iesus make good thy good name Iesus vnto mee, and let thy Passion worke compassion for me, that by thy mercy I may obtaine remission of my sinnes, and by thy merits may obtaine euerlasting saluation in the kingdome of heauen. Amen. Amen.
Supplications OF SAINTS. The Second Part. Paul, and his Company.
Wee kneeled downe and prayed tog [...]ther: the Men, their Wiues, and Children.
This Part contayneth Prayers of an Assembly, for diuers purposes.
A Morning Prayer, for priuate Families.
O Eternall GOD and most mercifull FATHER, which giuest to them that want, comfortest [Page 128] them which suffer, and forgiuest them which repent, wee sinnefull creatures sue vnto thee for grace, hoping in thy mercie, which is ouer all. Keepe vs wee beseech thee, this day, as thou hast kept vs this night past, keepe vs in thy feare, faith and loue. Forgiue vs all our sinnes in the blood of thy Sonne, teach vs to sorrow for them, & separate them from vs, that would separate vs from thee.
O Lord, remoue from our mindes; all ignorance and blindenesse, and make thy word vnto vs, like the starre which led the wisemen [Page 129] to Christ▪ and all thy workes profitable Instruments, to drawe vs vnto thee. Guide vs with thy Spirit, that wee may make conscience of all that wee doe, and neuer make light of any euill, but euen abstaine from all appearance of it. Strengthen our weaknes, & lighten our vnderstanding, that in the brunt of temptations, wee may discerne betweene good & euill, right and wrong.
Giue vs the sacred hunger & thirst after righteousnes, that our first care may be to know thy truth: and let vs so profit in the schoole [Page 130] of Christ, that in sicknes we may finde patience, in prison ioy, in pouerty contentment, & in all things hope.
Prosper (O Lord) our labours, and the workes of our hands, and grant vs to learne something of euery thing, till we come to lodge with thee in the Kingdome of Heauen. Let our louing affections grow one towards another vnfainedly, that we may loue our brethren, and they vs, and pray for them, and they for vs, and both of vs be heard of thee for our selues, and one for another, and thy Sonne for vs all.
[Page 131] Blesse, Lord, the vniuersall Church, with truth, peace, and holy Discipline. Continue thy mercie toward this realme: Preserue our gratious KING, the QVEENES Maiestie, and Prince HENRY their Son, with all their royall Progenie, and whole Familie. Sanctifie the Ministers of the Gospell, the Bishops, and all other that labour in the word and Doctrine. Blesse his Maiesties Councell, and all other in authoritie, with necessary graces. Blesse the places of good learning, the Grammer Schooles, the famous Vniuersities, [Page 132] and the Innes of Court. Blesse this Citie and place wherein we liue: remoue the punishments due for the sinnes thereof: and giue them grace with Niniue to repent in time, lest they be destroyed.
Blesse all our friendes, kinsfolkes, and others, for whom thy will is that wee should pray. Strengthen them that suffer for thy cause, and send them the Comforts of thy Spirit. Comfort them that lye in anguish of conscience for remorse of sinne, and conuert them that goe astray▪ and teach vs by their example [Page 133] to see our owne weakenesse, and to looke better to our wayes. Blesse this Familie with grace and peace, that the rulers, children and seruants thereof, may all know their seuerall duties, & practise the same in thy feare, for Iesus Christ his sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
¶Another for the same vse.
O Lord God, most heauenly and merciful father, though we be vnworthy the least of thy mercies, yet hast thou from time to time made vs partakers of many, for which we praise and magnifie thy holie [Page 135] Name: Beseeching thee to giue vs vnderstanding hearts to feele our euils, and direction from thy spirit, to auoid the same. And as thou hast in great mercy kept vs this night, in the time of darkenes and dangers; so we beseech thee to keepe vs this day, that the Sunne of righteousnes may rule in our hearts, all the darkenesse that lurketh in them may be scattered (to the comfort of our soules) and wee may walke as thy Children in cleare light without daunger. Indue vs with giftes and graces needfull for vs, and grant [Page 136] that with a pure & sincere conscience, wee may vse them, to the benefit of our brethren, & the discharge of our owne duties. Keepe the watch of our tongues, and the doore of our lips, in such sort, that no rash, euill, or vaine word passe thereby; and so rule and gouerne our harts, that we may not thinke any thing but that which shall be to thy glory.
Grant vs thy blessings of health, peace, and maintenance, and thy holy spirit to instruct vs, as well in the wants thereof, as in the lawfull vse of them. In [Page 137] all our Consultations, words, and workes, let vs remember thy presence, that thou seest vs wheresoeuer we doe bestow our selues, and wilt iudge-vs if wee goe astray, and doe amisse. Chase away from vs all rancour and malice, couetousnes, vncharitablenesse, and vnkindnesse, and whatsoeuer is contrary to thy loue, which is to vs ward in Iesus Christ our Lord.
Take from vs all ignorances, and negligences, with the want of iudgement and discretion; and preuent all those things that thou knowest may [Page 138] hinder vs in our Christian calling. Increase our Faith, patience and obedience. Let thy blessing be vpon this whole housholde, to lead vs in thy truth, & protect vs in our wayes, and al those whom thou hast made deere vnto vs, whether they bee present or absent. Be good to our children, seruants, and friends, that liue with vs, that wee may liue together in the seruice of thy Gospell, to grow vp in godly conuersation, and soundnesse of faith. Giue vs grace by thy corrections, to feare thee more carefully, and to sorrow [Page 139] for our sinnes more heartily. O LORD grant these things, and whatsoeuer thy knowest to bee necessary for vs, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
An Euening Prayer for priuate Families.
O Lord God, Father of all that is called Father in Heauen and [Page 141] in earth, wee render thee thankes in all abundance, for thy mercifull preseruation of vs this day, and all the times and daies of our life: that thou hast brought vs safe and sound, through so many dangers, and powred vpon vs (contrary to our deseruings) so many excellent and notable blessings, both Spirituall and corporall. Good Lord (we beseech thee) keep vs euermore from day to day, as thou hast done, and make vs constant in the profession of thy holy name, and the practise of thy law, that neither the violence of [Page 142] man, nor subtiltie of Sathan, be able to make vs to turne away from [...].
LORD turne thy face from our sinnes wherein we haue so delighted, alter our hearts, and wash & cleanse vs from all staines and corruptions, in the blood of thy sonne. For giue vs all that is past, and grant vs the assurance of that forgiuenesse, sealed vp in our consciences by thy holy Spirit. Kindle thy loue so feruently in our hearts, that wee may detest whatsoeuer is against thee and thy word.
Forgiue vs our great contempt, and intollerable [Page 143] barrennesse in good works, our foule vnthankfulnesse, and the abuse of thy graces: and strike our stony hearts, with the rod of thy feare, that we may attaine vnto a due thankfulnes for thy benefits, and a most vnfained and earnest repentance for our sinnes.
O Lord blesse vs all, this night, that after our bodies haue beene refreshed with competent sleepe, we may see the light of the next morning, and arise safe and sound to serue thee in our seuerall vocations. Sanctifie our minds, that by the help of thy mercy, wee may enioy [Page 144] the rest of a quiet conscience. Blesse thy Church and her Ministers: preserue our King, with the Queene his wife, and the noble Prince HENRY: protect the Magistrates of Iustice, & all faithfull people: reare vp the heauy hearted, and turne the chastisements of thy children to their good.
LORD be mercifull vnto them whom thou hast made any way helpfull vnto vs, and blesse euery one of vs in our place, that wee may truely serue thee, feare thy Maiestie, and loue thy authoritie. These things (O Lord) and [Page 145] all other needfull for vs, wee craue at thy hands in the Name, and for the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ, our onely Sauiour and Redeemer, saying, as he hath taught vs, Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
¶Another for the same vse.
O Euer-liuing God, and euer-louing Father, which hast not left vs comfortlesse, but hast giuen vs thy Son for a ransome, thy word for a guide, & reserued a Kingdome [Page 147] for our inheritance in heauen: wee giue thee thankes for these and all other thy most gracious benefits, beseeching thee, that we may haue the grace to make such vse of them, that they may neuer be in vaine to vs. O Lord forgiue vs all our sinnes, and remooue from vs those things which our consciences are afraid of▪ Assure vs of thy gracious pardon, and renew vs by thy holy Spirit, that wee may vnfainedly hate & detest whatsoeuer is displeasing vnto thee. Lord, giue vs a sincere heart to serue thee, [Page 148] and let this be the houre of our conuersion. In all tentations giue vs strength to resist; in all troubles, patience to beate, and constancy to perseuer in our Faith, hope and Patience vnto the end, that the hope of mercy may keepe vs from the horrour of despaire, and the feare of Iustice, for the sinne of presumption.
O good God, order our times in such comfortable sort, that we hauing peace in thee, our bodyes and mindes may be the more able to doe their seuerall offices in our vocations. [Page 149] Instruct vs by thy word, guide vs by thy spirit, mollifie vs by thy grace, humble vs by thy corrections, and winne vs by thy benefits. O Lord, wee beseech thee, let all things worke for the best to them that loue thee. Continue thy fauour and goodnesse vnto vs this night, that wee taking our natural rest, and quietnesse, may through thy protection be all defended from immoderate sleepe, fearefull dreames, and outward violence of our Enemies. Touch our hearts with a desire and longing after, Heauenly [Page 150] things, that whensoeuer it shall please thee to call for vs, wee may be willing to come vnto thee, as Children to their Father, strangers vnto their countrey, and members of thy body vnto the head. Graunt vs (O Lord) these and all other things needefull and meete for vs, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Sauiour and redeemer, Amen.
A Prayer for the Catholique Ch [...]ch, and all the estates thereof.
O Sun of the eternall God, thou sweet Spouse of the CHVRCH, blesse, (wee beseech thee) [Page 152] preserue and keepe thy poore CHVRCH militant here in earth, the blessed company of all faithfull people. Make all Kings and Princes, and the supreame gouernors of euery nation carefull h [...]sing Fathers & nursing Mothers to thy Church. Let all the members thereof be of one minde, and one heart, that there may be such holy cō cord in knowledge of thy truth, and such obedience to their superiours, with brotherly vnity in all matters, as they may neither procure thy scourge, nor the Princes sword against them.
[Page 153] Graunt the Gospell a free passage, and long continuance, and remooue not the Candlesticke for their vnfruitfulnesse or vnthankefulnesse. Put thy principall spirit vpon the Ministers of the Word, the Arch-bishops, Bishops, and Pastors of seuerall congregations, and giue them grace to follow the steps of thy holy Apostles, and blessed Martyres, that being inflamed with true zeale, and furninished with sufficient knowledge, they may be willing & able to labour in season, and out of season, for the feeding of thy flock. Blesse [Page 154] their labours, to the winning of Soules to thee, and blesse them with boldnesse of speech, and innocency of life, that like sworne Souldiers to the crosse of Christ they may liue and dye vnder thy banner. Cast downe the beames of thy heauenly light vpon such publike places as are appointed for the trayning vp of younger yeares, in sound knowledge and commendable qualities; namely, our Vniuersities Oxford & Cambridge, the Innes of Court, and all Grammer Schooles, the seed-plots of the Church. Sanctifie their memories [Page 155] to treasure vp good things, purge their consciences to haue peace in thee, reforme their wils to thy will, and let all their affections be ordered aright, & their Vessels seasoned with the best liquour in the beginning, and so to continue.
Blesse the higher powers of authoritie, make them truely humble in the top of their height, that their heads being lifted vp to honour, their hearts may not be puffed vp nor swell with pride: but so rule their hearts and mindes, that all Kings & Princes may truely serue thee, reuerence and [Page 156] stand in awe of thee, abette & maintaine thy Church and truth, and wisely foresee what is best for the aduancement of thy glory, & the good of the commonwealth. So deale also (O Lord) with all subordinate authorities, & keepe them from factions, treasons, and conspiracies. Let the Iudges be learned and vncorrupt, and the Lawyers men of Conscience, to deale sincerely & vprightly in their businesse, without either feare of greater Personages, or vnlawful fauours to friends, or desire of rewards from any.
[Page 157] Calme the Waues, and quiet the stormes of all persecution, represse the rage and cruelty of all Tyrants, Heathen or Christian. Take away all Antichristian practisers of the Church of Rome, which perswade nothing but the infection of youth, and the subuersion of the State Confound all Heresies and Heretikes, disperse all Schismes & Sects, that there be no iars, nor difference of opinions amongst thy seruants, but that we may be like minded, hauing the same loue, being of one accord, and of one iudgement.
[Page 158] In fine (O Lord) comfort them that are ouerworne with Warre, wasted with exactions, vexed with plagues and sicknesses, consumed with famine, ouerflowne with waters, & scattered with fearefull threatnings from the skies. Conuert the simple, confound the obstinate, gather the dispersed, heale the broken hearted, supply our wants, and amend all that is amisse for thy truth and for thy Names sake, Amen.
¶Another for the same vse.
O Lord God, thou iust Master of the VINEYARD, and louing head of the Church, send thy Spirit into the hearts of all [Page 160] them that preach or professe thy holy Truth: all men religious and secular: yea, men and women, Princes and subiects, rich and poore, euen all the people beleeuing in thy Name, and depending wholy vpon thee. Giue vnto them all, O Lord, one Law, one Baptisme, one Hope, one Spirit, that there may be but one voyce among all that professe the Catholique Faith. Keepe backe the famine of thy Word, and send such labourers into thy Haruest, as be sound in doctrine, faithfull in their worke, and godly [Page 161] in conuersation, in number many, and in power wonderfull.
Open, we beseech thee the hearts and eares of the people, for the receiuing of thy word, that ir may dwell in them plenteously, in all wisedome, and bring forth fruit against all the cares, crosses and courses of this wretched world.
O Lord, thou hast found iniquitie in thy Saints, and the heauens are not cleare in thy sight: Oh then correct vs in thy iudgement, not in thy furie; least wee should be consumed, and brought to nothing. Purge [Page 162] the garden of the Church, and let no Weedes ouergrow the flowers. Suffer neither sinne nor superstition to choake the good growth of faith or manners in thy people: but keepe them from all euill, Heresies, phanaticall opinions, seducing spirits, and deadly contentions. Keepe our neckes from the grieuous yoke of Antichristian bondage, whose religion is rebellion, whose faith is faction, and whose practise is the murthering of soules and bodyes: and represse the furiousnesse of Tyrants, which labour nothing but [Page 163] the spoile of the Church, and to abolish true Doctrine, Prayer, and pure religion. O Lord Iesus, amend all that is amisse, and grant vs thy grace all the dayes of our life, euen for thy truth and for thy Names sake, Amen.
A Prayer for the Kings Maiestie, his royall Issue and Familie.
O Almighty God, king of all kings, the Fountaine, Rule, and stay of all Soueraigntie: wee most humbly thanke thee [Page 165] that thou hast not left vs vnto our selues, to doe what seemeth best in our owne eyes, but hast set ouer vs a Noble, Wise, and gracious King, thy seruant Iames, our supreame head, next vnder thee. Lord make all thy good to goe before him day and night: vphold his Crowne, maintaine his State, giue him continuall peace, long life, and much happines. Endue him with wisedome and vnderstanding, to do such things both in the Church and Common wealth, as may be acceptable in thy sight, profitable to his subiects, and [Page 166] hurtfull to none that loue thy truth. Mercifully heare him in all his petitions, and effectually worke for him in all dangers, in the day of battell, in his greatest consultations, in the time of his recreations, in the plots of Treason, and in the houre of death. Make vs thankfull for all thy preseruations of him, both at home and abroad, in this kingdome, and else where. Blesse, preserue and keepe him, together with his royall Queene, and the noble Prince Henry his sonne, and the rest of all their hopefull Issue, that as [Page 167] they are like Oliue branches, to his comfort, round about his Table, so they may be as the tall & goodly Cedars, for the defence of this kingdome from all euill. Let him still imbrace the truth, and manfully mainetaine it against all treacherous plots, and sinister perswasions: distasting (as he hath alwayes done) both alteration of religion, and toleration of another. Let thy power alwayes goe forth with his armies, and giue them glorious victories. Banish from his Court all priuie foes, forraine and domestical, and keepe him [Page 168] from al sort of dissemblers.
Let not our sinnes (O LORD) prouoke thee to shorten his dayes, and depriue vs of thy good blessings, but conuert vs to thy good will and pleasure, and giue him the crowne of old age, long and long to continue in the wayes of righteousnesse.
O holy Father, giue him such excellent gifts, as be fit the Maiestie which he beareth, that hee may be in faith like Abraham; in courage like Dauid; in wisedome like Salomon; and in hearing good and euill, as an Angell of GOD. Enrich [Page 169] his Counsell and Nobles with wisedome, loyaltie and fortitude; and make his seruants that stand before him in their seuerall places (with all other subiects) as so many lines drawne to one Center, that their hearts being tyed vnto him, they may be alwayes fearefull to offend, willing to obay, and faithfull to accomplish whatsoeuer may stand with thy glory, our Kings honour, and the good of the Common wealth, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord & Sauiour, Amen.
¶Another for the same.
O Almighty GOD, which hast the Kings heart in thy hand, as the riuers of waters, and turnest it whithersoeuer it pleaseth thee: we humbly beseech thee, to keepe thy [Page 171] Vniuersall Church, and our Common-wealth, with peace and prosperitie, in thy worship and Seruice. Giue (O Lord) grace vnto our most Noble King Iames, that hee may loue, honour, feare, and serue thee, & that he may onely put his trust in thee. Indue him with the spirit of wisedome and knowledge, and with all other good gifts & vertues, necessary for his roial function. And especially enflame his heart with an earnest & true zeale, to set forth thy glory, and to make thy will knowne vnto all his Subiects, that they [Page 172] may both with heart and minde obserue and keepe the same: and that both he and al his subordinate Magistrates may indifferently and faithfully minister iudgement and Iustice to all his people.
Wee beseech thee (O Lord) preserue his body in health, his minde in quietnesse, and both in all sincerity and godlinesse; that by his good example, hee may both stop the mouthes of his aduersaries, and winne the hearts of all those that beleeue. Make his dayes (O Lord) as the dayes of Heauen, that hee may raigne [Page 173] many yeeres ouer vs: and wee his Subiects may long liue a peaceable and quiet life, in all godlinesse and honestie, vnder his sacred gouernment.
Graunt vnto him wise and faithfull Councellors, louing and obedient Subiects, dutifull and true seruants. Deliuer him (O Lord) from all Conspiracies, Treasons, and other dangers, and grant him alwayes a glorious victorie ouer all his enemies. Pardon and forgiue him all his sinnes, make him walke all the dayes of his life in the way of thy Commaundements, [Page 174] that he may liue in thy feare, and die in thy fauour, and that in the resurrection of all flesh, hee may receiue a Crowne of righteousnesse, the onely thing which hee doth wish and hope for, through the merites and mercy of Iesus Christ, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer against temptations of the World, Flesh, and the Diuell.
O Most mercifull and MIGHTIE God, the Fortres of the faithfull, rocke of defence, and refuge for all distressed soules, which knowest wee be set in the midst of so [Page 176] great dangers, that without thy help we cannot auoide our ruine: I beseech thee keepe my body and soule from all tentations, and snares of the I iuell, and suffer not my senses to range and wander abroad in matters of pleasure and delight, which are to no purpose good. Lord, take from me that which is deformed by my corrupt nature, and continue that which thy GRACE hath wrought in mee; that hauing thy whole armour fitted vnto mee, I may be able to withstand all assaults of the enemie.
[Page 177] Let mee not be drawne away by sensualitie, and the desires of the flesh, but giue me power to tame this body, that by sobriety moderation and abstinence from superfluous things, I may bring it into such subiection, as I may the better serue thee, and walke in the spirit. Lord, sequester mee from the darkenesse, filthynesse, and deceitfulnesse of this World, that I be not fashioned like therevnto, to follow the multitude: but being changed by the renewing of my minde, I may walke vprightly and godly, looking for the blessed [Page 178] appearing of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ.
O Lord holde backe thy hand in the day of trial, and lead mee no further into temptation, then thou wilt make mee able to beare.
Graunt (O Lord) that I may with strong faith resist Sathan, and by watching, fasting, and Prayer, mortifie the lusts of the flesh, and by continuall meditation of thy holy Law, auoid the foolish vanities, and dangerous pleasures of this world.
Let not knowledge puffe me vp, prosperitie mislead mee, pouerty dismay mee, [Page 189] sicknes turne me to impatiency, nor any lack or want of necessaries for this life, bring me to distrust in thy prouidence, or force me to seeke vnlawfull meanes to winne them. Arme me (O Lord) with thy Spirit, encourage mee with thy presence, and let all thy Children feele the effectual working of thy power which is euer made perfect through weakenesse, euen for Iesus Christes sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer for the Remission of Sinnes, and all things necessary thereto.
O Lord God, in greatnes infinit, in power omnipotent, in counsell wonderful, & in iudgement terrible; although I [Page 181] miserable sinner, haue by thy Iustice truely deserued euerlasting damnation for my horrible sinnes, yet I beseech thee, cast me not away with him that had not on a wedding garment, for I appeale from thy rightfull iustice to thine vnspeakeable mercy, & humbly cast downe my selfe at thy feete, and beseech thee of compassion and pardon.
Beholde Lord, I am a piece of that purchase that cost so deere a price as the blood of thy deare Sonne, my body and soule are the temples of the holy Ghost, the postes whereof are [Page 182] sprinkled with his precious blood, which cryeth for mercie: therefore enter not into the course of iudgement with me, (for there I know I shall bee ouerthrowen) but forbeare, forgiue me, & acquite me, vpon that satisfaction which he hath made for penitent sinners.
O Lord, though the stipend of my sinne be death, and the merit of my transgression eternall perdition, yet is thy mercy aboue all thy iudgements, and thou canst forgiue more then I can offend: wherefore I pray thee, set [Page 183] his Crosse and passion betweene thy iudgements & my soule: looke vpon mee with the eye of mercy and compassion, as thou didst vpon the sinfull woman at the banket, and the Publican in the Temple, whose pardons are registred in thy booke for my Comfort.
O Lord bow downe the height of thy Deity, to behold my vilenesse and miserie (a liuely image of the prodigall sonne) who know no other helpe, but onely thou my most louing Father, whom I haue so highly offended. Powre the oyle of mercy into my defiled [Page 184] and fainting heart: search it, that I may not flatter my selfe, to extenuate my sin; cleanse it, & season it with the Salt of thy grace, to receiue and retaine all goodnesse hereafter. Lord, I thanke thee, for thy patience and long suffering, that thou hast not suddenly (after my desert) taken vengeance on me, but giuen me a longer time of repentance: wherefore (I beseech thee) appease thine anger towards mee now, but loose in me the workes of darknesse, create in me a new heart, and because thou lookest for my amendment [Page 185] that I may haue thy fauour; I beseech thee grant mee thy fauour that I may haue amendment: giue mee grace to repent vnfeinedly, with fasting, weeping, and mourning, and make my faith liuely to beleeue that I am forgiuen in Iesus Christ.
Let not the faults of my forefathers light vpon my head, who haue walked in their sinfull steppes, neither be angry with mee for their sakes; but let the wel-doing of Iesus Christ, who hath shed his blood for mee, succour mee, and procure my pardon.
[Page 186] Forgiue mee all my sinnes of youth and age, negligences and ignorances, thoughts, words, and deedes, and keepe me from presumptuous sinnes. O Lord, looke not vpon the Pharisee, for hee dissembleth: nor vpon the Publicane first, for he saith little for himselfe in outward shew: nor vpon Mary Magdalen onely, for she had but seauen diuels: but looke vpon me, that of sinners am chiefe, worse then either Pharisee, Publicane or Mary, who haue as many sins as hayres vpon my head, and a greater clogge vpon [Page 187] my conscience then any burthen that man hath to beare. O Lord, keepe vnder Sathan, that he compel not my troubled Conscience to despaire, quench all the motions of my minde, striuing against thy diuine pleasure, and restore in me the Image of thy Son, that I may liue in thy feare, dye in thy fauour, rest in thy peace, rise in thy power, & remaine in thy glory, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer for obtaining of Faith, Hope, and Charitie, and all Christian vertues.
O Father of Lights, of whom is euery good giuing, and euery perfect gift, I beseech thee to blesse me [Page 189] with al spiritual blessings in heauenly things in Christ. Increase the little graine of my weake and feeble faith, direct it to the true obiect, the merites of Christ Iesus, and let it not be bare and dead, but effectuall, working by loue. Make mee strong therein, & constant, to giue credite to thy word, without doubting, and pro, tect mee among the diuers & manifold errours, sects, and heresies of this world, that fight against the foundation. Lord let me not be disappointed of my hope which I haue in thee, but make good thy promises [Page 190] vnto mee, and so worke in my heart, that I may haue courage in conflict, patience in trouble, & comfort in al things. Keepe me from insolencie and pride, and graunt mee true humilitie, and lowlinesse of mind, that I be not puffed vp to contemne my brethren, but giue mee that due consideration of mine owne vilenesse and infirmities, that as dust and ashes, I may tremble and stand in awe of thy iudgements, and as a sinfull man, esteeme better of others then my selfe.
O deare Father, when Sathan shall accuse mee, my [Page 191] conscience beare witnesse against mee, the whole world forsake mee, and all things set themselues against me for my sins, then strengthen mee (I beseech thee) in thy faith, that I fall not from thee: inflame my colde heart, with the heauenly affection of vnfained loue, that I may loue thee, (O blessed Trinitie) with all that I haue, aboue all, and my Neighbour as my selfe.
Graunt me a compassionate & charitable minde, to help and succour others to my abilitie, to forbeare and forgiue them, though [Page 192] they be mine enemies. Purge my veines, and suffer not the stinking poison of enuy and wrath to infect my blood: and so moderate my affections that the Sunne goe not downe vpon my wrath, but that I may be satisfied in knowing that vengeance is thine. Giue me grace to follow the examples of all painefull and godly labouring men, in matters of my vocation, & keepe me from the hatefull sinne of sloth and idlenesse, the high-way to beggery. Graunt mee a contented mind against couetousnes, amoderate appetite against [Page 193] gluttony and surfets: and a chast bodie from disordered lust. Comfort mee (O Lord) in all grieuous accidents, and at the point of death, & giue mee grace to fasten all thy confidence in thee, that whereas now I see by Faith onely (as it were in a glasse darkely) I may then see face, to face, the onely thing which I desire and hope for, thorough Iesus Christ, Amen.
A Prayer before the receiuing of the Holy Communion.
O Lord God, mercifull FATHER, which after the sacrament of regeneration hast appointed [Page 195] vs, to receiue oft-soones the blessed Sacrament of thy Supper, for confirmation of our faith: haue mercy vpon mee vile wretch, who for my naturall corruptions, and manifolde transgressions, am not worthy to approach vnto thy Table, or come neere thy house.
Oh gracious God, pardon me, and disdaine not to accept mee into thy fauour, but forgiue mee all my sins that I haue done, said, or thought, in pride, wrath, enuy, gluttony, sloth, couetousnesse, or wantonnesse: giue mee a true and [Page 196] liuely faith, to beleeue thy word, and the promise of my pardon annexed to thy Sacraments.
Inflame mee with loue & charity towards all men, to forgiue and forget, to doe good, to pray for them, that I may follow the steps of my blessed Sauiour. Open the eies of mine vnderstanding and helpe mee to examine my selfe, concerning my knowledge, faith, and repentance. Send mee the hunger and thirst after this righteousnesse: satisfie me with this heauenly foode▪ make me verily partaker of all the benefits of his Passion. [Page 197] Oh deare Lord Iesus, since thou hast suffred so many things for my sake, and hast commanded mee not to dispaire, nor distrust thy goodnesse, graunt mee grace to eate of this bread and drinke of this Cuppe worthily, that I may continually remaine in thy grace and fauour. O Lord GOD, the FATHER, giue mee the full consolation of this misterie and commemoration, that my Faith may be increased, my hope confirmed, my charitie inflamed, my weake conscience comforted, all dangers repelled, and my soule [Page 198] assured of her saluation in the blood of Christ. Let no prophanenesse enter into my heart, so long as I am about this holy action; but giue mee grace to receiue with puritie of heart, and cleannes of soule, with loue dread, and stedfast Faith. Haue mercy vpon mee good Lord, that by vnworthy receiuing, I bee not guilty of his precious body and blood, who came downe from heauen, liued with men, & swam through a red sea of blood in his agonie and passion, to be my Redeemer. Haue mercy vpon the whole Church, [Page 199] and to this purpose haue mercy vpon this place, and this company, that they may serue and please thee in this holy seruice, and all other actions of their life, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
¶Another of the same, before the Communion.
O Almightie God and merciful father, I am a secret sinner; and my heart is a bottomlesse pit of all corruptions: [Page 201] wilfully and foolishly, ignorantly, & obstinately haue I sinned against thee, vnto whose eye all the secrets of my soule lie open: but now I come vnto thee as a sicke man vnto the Physitian, as an vncleane man to the well of mercie & grace, offered in the precious bloodshedding of Iesus Christ, and represented vnto my soule in this blessed Sacrament. Haue mercie vpon mee (O Lord) haue mercie vpon me, and forgiue me all the euill that I am guiltie of: Giue me grace that I may discerne the Lords body, and so reeciue ie in this Sacrament [Page 202] with such chastitie of body, humblenes of minde, thankfulnesse of soule, hearty contrition, dread and reuerence, as is meet for so high a mystery.
O Lord Iesus, it is truely said of thee, that thou didst receiue sinners and eate with them, and I verily belieue that thou art the same still, full of goodnesse and mercie: wherefore I beseech thee, leaue me not to my selfe, reiect mee not from thy table. Come into my heart, and purge me from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit. Enter into my soule, seale and sanctifie [Page 203] mee, both within and without. O Lord be not angry with mee a barren and dry tree, a creature with a face of brasse, and heart of flint: I haue not so many teares as are sufficient to wash thy feete with Mary Magdalen, but thou hast shed as much of thine own blood, as sufficeth to wash away all the sinnes of mee, and all the world: then be not angry with me, ô Lord, but let thy grace supply my wants, let thy mercy pardon my sins, let thy holy spirit prepare my soule, thy merits inrich my pouertie, and thy most precious [Page 204] blood wash away all the spots of my life, that I may worthily receiue this heauenly Sacrament: so that I may be strengthened therby, and throughly filled with the heauenly food of thy body and blood: for the mortification of the olde man, the confirmation of my faith, and the finall saluation of my soule: O Lord heare my prayers, and grant my requests I beseech thee, Amen.
A Prayer after the receiuing of the holy Communion.
O Iesus the Sonne of GOD, my Lord and Sauiour; with all humble and hearty thanks [Page 206] I prayse thee for suffering death vpon the Crosse for my sins, and admitting me a miserable sinner, to the participation of this blessed Sacrament, the memoriall of my redemption. Let me (ô Lord) finde and feele in my heart, the inuisible power of thy heauenly grace, effectually working the transformation of mee into thee, the wonderfull vnion of me with thee; and thy Spirituall habitation and abode in me.
Apply all thy merites and good things vnto my soule. Let me neuer doubt the forgiuenesse of my sins, [Page 207] but euer open the doore of this Sanctuary vnto mee, that I may runne thither in my greatest need, and apprehend thy gracious pardon, ratified by this Seale of thy couenant.
Quicken mee (O Lord) in this life, reuiue & renew mee, that I may disclaime my old conuersation, and be [...]ome a new man Keepe me [...] I slippe not out of this building, nor become as a branch cut off, & good for nothing: but as thou hast seuered mee from the wicked, in calling me to the knowledge of thee▪ so keep mee from all their corruptions.
[Page 208] Giue mee a perfect loue towards thee, that I may not delight in any thing but in thee, nor seeke any other honour but thine.
O Lord Iesus, I meekely beseech thee, let thy holy spirit strengthen me against my frailtie, thy power and strength defend me against worldly troubles & aduersities, thy merites purchase my needfull pardon, and thy blood bee the Medicine for all my sores, euen for thy truth, and for thy Names sake, Amen.
¶Another of the same, after the Communion.
O Iesu CHRIST, the Lambe of GOD, which hast so loued MANKINDE, that thou hast beene contented to become One with him, meate vnto him, and to die for him vpon the Crosse to take away the sinnes, of mee, and many; grant [Page 210] that this my receiuing of this blessed sacrament may be a true testimonie vnto my conscience, that I haue through faith in thee, receiued full remission of all that is past, & am become (as it were) a new creature in thy sight.
O sweete Iesus, which hast vouchsafed mee this honour, to come to thy Table, and feed vpon thee, graunt me grace I beseech thee, so to performe, & fulfill my duty, as this honour which thou hast done mee requireth: linc [...]e mee vnto thee, & giue me power and strength to beleeue thy promises [Page 211] without distrust, and to shew my religion by my good life and conuersation. Assist me with thy grace that I may walke worthy this blessed Sacrament, to loue thee and thy Law vnfeinedly, and vtterly to forsake all vanitie, Idolatry, carnall desires, and all the workes of the deuill.
O Lord God, so moderate and order all mine affections, that I may be ioyned with the brethren together in loue, the bond of peace, and truely fastned vnto thee my head for euer. Stirre vp my minde that I may alwaies consider [Page 212] the bitternes of thy death, the greatnes of thy loue, and neuer forget to bee thankefull vnto thee.
O blessed Lord, preserue and maintaine this ordinance amongst vs, that it may be alwayes a note and badge of our publique profession: and giue vs all one heart, and one minde in the vnitie of the Spirit, for the reuerent and worthy receiuing of the same, whensoeuer we shall come to thy holy Table againe, Amen.
A Prayer for the Fruites of the earth, and other nourishments of this mortall life.
O Eternall GOD' which feedest with thy blessing euery liuing thing: and satiffiest the [Page 214] lawfull desires of thy seruants with good things; we beseech thee make vs to couet those things that be pleasing to thee, let vs finde them easilie, & search them wisely▪ know them truelie, and exercise them effectually, to thy glory, and our saluation. And we pray thee heare vs fauourably, praying earnestly for the fruites of the earth, & the nourishments of this life, that wee may (though vnworthy) be partakers of thy comforts therein. Giue vs, O Lord, this day our daily bread, prepare our ground, and prosper our corne. Blesse the [Page 215] seed time with the first and latter raine, & meete temperature of ayre. Keepe our fruits while they be in the earth, from haile & thunder, from excessiue droughts, and ouermuch raine, from Mildewes, and all noisome wormes.
Send vs a ioyfull haruest, and blesse that which wee shall reape, that for our vnthankefulnesse it waste not away without our releefe▪ Increase our cattell, with all other our prouision, which wee shall carefully labour for. Blesse our Basket, and our store, that we may haue wherewith, as to furnish [Page 216] our selues▪ so to giue some releefe to others. Protect our seruants and workemen, that they may be strong to labour, wise to forecast, and faithfull in their businesse. Keepe our Garners, barnes, and store-houses, from fiery meteors, boysterous winds, theeues, and sudden invndations. Prosper our workes and trauels, whether by sea or land, and blesse and prosper all them that any way labor for any of those things that we shall haue occasion to vse.
Send remedie (ô Lord) for all hardnesse and miserie, [Page 217] turne our dearth into cheapnesse, and our scarcitie into plentie. Open the hearts of rich-men, to whom thou hast giuen much, that they may haue a charitable respect of the poore at all times. Helpe vs (ô Lord) and giue vs such things as wee stand in need of, yet neither of pouertie, nor riches too much but a competent store, and the lawfull vse of things necessary for this life, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
❧ A Prayer for Friends and Benefactors.
O LORD which hast said,Pro. 19. 27 that Hee that giueth vnto the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and looke what hee layeth out, it shall be payd him againe, wee beseech [Page 219] thee, to be gracious and mercifull to all those for whom wee are bound to pray by Nature, by desert, or any other duetie whatsoeuer. Of thy speciall fauour remember all our benefactors and friends aliue, euen all those our parents, kinsfolks, and others which haue brought vs vp, taught, promoted, or any way releeued vs. Blesse them with all blessings, that haue done good, either to our bodies with temporall benefits, or our soules with profitable instructions. Blesse their estates, that in their godly disposition they may haue [Page 220] alwayes wherewith to relieue & comfort others in their discretion. Giue them the consolation of the holy Ghost, to the keeping of Faith & a good conscience. And as they haue shewed mercie vnto vs, and comforted vs, so Lord, helpe and comfort them in their greatest needs, that both they and their Families, may both haue comfort in their estate and condition here, and finde mercy with thy Sonne our Sauiour Iesus at the latter day.
Lord let their almesdeeds and prayers, be alwayes in thy sight, as those of [Page 221] Cornelius, that as they haue beene vnto vs an odour that smelleth sweete, whereby wee haue receiued plentie, & beene filled; so they may be as Sacrifices acceptable and pleasant vnto thee. Vouchsafe vs this grace (ô Lord) that wee be not guilty of any ingratitude towards them, but rather ready, according to our abilities, to recompence them, if neede require.
Let not that which they haue bestowed vpon vs be cast away; but make it fruitfull, and vs worthy of it. Graunt this, O thou GOD, which doest [Page 222] good both to the iust and vniust, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer in time of Warre.
O God, mighty in battel, wee beseech thee, beare not in mind our vile deserts, but of thy [Page 224] mercy pitty thy poore afflicted, endangered, & persecuted Church. Consider and beholde, how they which hate thy Sanctuary are now vp in armes to root vs out for our profession. Therefore (ô Lord) wee pray thee maintaine thine owne cause: Blesse our forces by Sea, and by Land, and grant to the people one heart, one minde, and one strength. Giue vnto the Counsellors and Captaines wisedome and courage, wisely to foresee, and valiantly to defeate the deuises of their enemies. Keepe all the souldiers from [Page 225] treason and treachery, the leaders from wrong plots, the people from tumults, and all of them from the sinnes and enormities that follow the campe.
Strengthen (ô Lord) and hold vp the hands of Moses, and the weapons of the Church, Preces & lachrymas, that our fasting and prayer may be heard, and Israel may haue the victorie. Put Sisera to flight in thy good time, and rather then he returne to doe mischiefe, bring him to his end by an hand vnlooked for. Turne the weapons of him and his followers into their [Page 226] owne bosomes: scatter, breake, and sincke their ships, destroy their armies, and confound their forces. Consider (ô Lord) the end of our enterprises, how wee fight for thy Truth, and either reconcile vs and our enemies by thy Spirit, to worship one God, and hold one Truth, or else abate their pride, and confound their malice, to thy honour and glory, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
Another in time of Warre.
O LORD GOD of Hosts, that hast heretofore sundry times miraculously defended vs, wee [Page 228] beseech thee shew thy selfe in this needfull time: blesse and preserue vs, who haue reposed our trust onely in thee. Blesse our Armies abroad, which are ioyned together for the defence of thy truth; and the safety of our country: sanctifie vs likewise at home to please thee, that whatsoeuer they or wee doe, it may prosper.
Be present and president at all their consultations, and giue thou the casting voice in all determinations. Suggest heroicall motions into the heart of their Leaders▪ banish all heart-burnings and diuisions: and [Page 229] assist them with the spirit of vnitie and concord, that they may striue all one good way. Marke them wiser then their enemies: yea, giue them more experience then the aged, & better intelligence, and more sound aduertisements then their foes. Lord annoint their shields, blesse their swords, hallow and consecrate all their weapons and engines of warre with happy successe to doe thy will.
Blesse the season of the yeare vnto them, and sweeten the close ayre in their multitudes: that neither Sunne nor Moone annoy [Page 230] them, nor alteration of dyer, or place, disable them from their seruice. Command the winds and Sea to fauour them, and let the Land speake peace vnto them. O Lord disappoint the counsels and power of thine enemies, and make a ioyfull peace for thy seruants, through Iesus Christ our onely. Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
❧ A Prayer for Comfort to sicke persons.
O Most, GRACIOVS God and louing father, which giuest health to make vs the [Page 232] better to acknowledge thee and thy liberalitie, & sometimes sendest sicknesse to recall vs thereby, when we haue sinned against thee: wee humbly beseech thee, for this, and all thy seruants thus afflicted, not to enter into a seuere iudgement with him for his life past, but in remembrance of thine owne mercie, to forgiue him his sinnes, and vpon the satisfaction of thy sonne, to acquit him of thy iudgement.
O Lord, grant him a true zeale, and affections agreeable to thy will, that he may rightly receiue the gracious [Page 233] offers of thy great mercy. Qualifie all the troubles which either the grieuousnesse of his sinne remembred, or the bitternes of his pangs susteined, the subtiltie of Sathan, or the feare of death may bring vpon him, and lay no more vpon him ô Lord, then he shall be able to beare. Speake comfortably vnto him, as thou hast done vnto all those that haue sought for their bodily health at thy hands. Dispose and mooue his heart to receiue this fatherly correction▪ and gracious visitation, with the patience of [Page 234] Iob, the faith of Abraham, the courage of Peter, and true submission to thy blessed will, either for life or death: and though that his outward senses, the tongue and voice, be not so quicke as they haue been to praise thee, and pray vnto thee, yet Lord, we beseech thee, stirre vp his heart, in flame and inspire his minde to performe all such things as thou requirest, and may be profitable for the soule in this combate.
Apply, (ô Lord) the holy and wholesome medicines of thy Sonnes Passion, death, and Resurrection, [Page 235] vnto the soule of this poore creature, against the extremitie of feare, faintnesse, doubt, and desperation. Take away the extreamitie of his paine, mitigate his sorrowes, make his bed, wipe all teares from his eyes, and ease his carefull conscience. Comfort him at the houre of his departure: open vnto him the gates of mercie: open thine armes to receiue him into thy fauour, that hee may goe to the graue in peace, being vpholden by thee, in the assurance of a free pardon for all his sinnes, and the hope of a ioyfull Resurrection. [Page 236] In the meane time (ô Lord) settle his spirits, that they doe not wander, or flie out into any vnruly motions. Continue his remembrance, that hee may not forget thee, but dayly and hourely haue thee in mind, which art the anchor of his safety. Keepe his tongue from all vaine and idle talke, his heart from all feares, and protect him safe vnder thy wings. Be mercifull vnto vs, who as feeling members of one body, adore thy holy Name, and implore thy diuine helpe for this thy seruant, and let this example [Page 237] teach vs more humilitie, feare, & reuerence towards thee, now and euer. Heare our prayers▪ ô Lord for Iesus Christ sake, Amen.
¶Another for comfort to the Sicke.
OH LORD God, which both in SICKNES and health, hast appointed vs to pray one for [Page 239] another, promising a blessing in greatest extreamities: we poore sinners present our selues before thy Maiestie, in the behalfe of this thy poore seruant, that lyeth visited vnder thy hand. Good Lord, we beseech thee, seale in his heart by thy holy spirit the forgiuenesse of all his sinnes. Let the sweet feeling and taste of a liuely Faith, distaste all the filthy corruptions that are in him; that his body and soule may be presented pure and vndefiled vnto thee in the blood of thy Sonne.
LORD lay not to his [Page 240] charge what hee hath said or done amisse throughout all the whole course of his life, but reale him vp in hope, speake comfortable vnto his soule, and lead him by thy Spirit vnto the treasures of thy mercy. Take from him the feare and sorrow of death: raise the siedge of his spirituall enemies, that are round about him, and giue him strength against all the assaults of the deuill, that he may haue a perfect victory. Let the knowledge of thee, (which hee hath learned since thou didst call him) stand him now in stead, and [Page 241] relieue his faith; that hee may haue true repentance, and yeelde vnto thee due obedience & harty thanks for whatsoeuer thou shalt doe.
O Lord, giue vnto him a taste of thy glory, and those ioyes which thou hast prepared for him, that in the comfort thereof, hee may fight a good fight, keeping the faith, & when the time of his departure shal come, willingly forsake this present euill world, and liue with thee for euer. Graunt this (O Lord) for IESVS CHRISTS sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
A Prayer before a Man vndertake a Iourney by Sea, or land.
O Lord God, thou Keeper of Israel, who preseruest our going out, and our comming in, into [Page 243] thy handes I commit my selfe, and all that I haue, whether I be at home or abroad. In the Name of him that was wearied in his iourney, and sate downe vpon the Wel, euen Christ Iesus, I beseech thee to direct my paths in this my iourney, as thou didst Iacob in his Voyage too and from Haran, Ionas at Sea, and in the Whales belly, and the children of Israel when they passed ouer Iordan. Graunt mee health, giue me strength and courage, and also refresh mee when I am weary: keepe me from the hands of spoylers, [Page 244] the sleights and deceits of theeues and robbers, from sauage beasts and euil workers Graunt that wheresoeuer I come, I may alwaies find godly men, which may honestly entertaine & curteously entreat mee. Keepe mee from lewde company, that I cast not in my lotte with them, to be partaker of their wickednes: but let me alwayes haue thy feare before mine eyes, to auoid all wandring pathes, knowing that whersoeuer I walk, thou spiest out al my waies.
Shew mee (ô Lord) in the day time thy comfortable Pillar of Cloud, and [Page 245] in the night thy Pillar of fire; that both day and night I may escape the hands of all mine enemies, and they likewise may be afraid to attempt any thing against me, when they shall see thy wonderfull protection of mee. Yet Lord, if thou hast so appointed, that before I returne, I must goe to my long home, and dye in this voyage, I beseech thee, that vpon whatsoeuer this vessell of my body be split, or wheresoeuer this Tabernacle fall, yet my soule may be safe, and arriue at the euerlasting land of Promise, the common [Page 246] Home of the Elect.
Make me partaker of all good prayers, and giue me grace likewise to remember that duetie for all my brethren. Furnish me with necessaries while I shall be abroad, giue mee bread to eate, and clothes to put on▪ and when I shall haue finished my businesse, LORD bring mee home againe, (if it be thy will,) and shew me this fauour, that I may find my friends and fauourers, wife, children and Family, in perfect health at my returne for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
A Prayer in time of present danger, or any other affliction, in bodie or minde.
O Eternall GOD, which shuttest, and no man openeth, and openest & no man shutteth, [Page 248] my humble request vnto thee, is for my selfe, and all such as suffer any crosse or affliction in body or mind, that it would please thee to open such speedy way and meanes, as they may be eased and deliuered from the same.
O Lord, in this affliction, which doth so grieuously pierce my soule, I beseech thee, giue mee grace to acknowledge it thy Fatherly correction for my sinne, that I may learne to be more carefull of my dutie to thee. I thanke thee, that thou hast laid no more vpon me, nor punished me [Page 249] to my confusion: I beseech thee grant mee a more patient minde, and stay thy hand in due time, that I may recouer my strength with comfort in thee. All is thine, and thou art all; to thee therefore doe I flie for succour, because there is no succour but vnder thy wings. The sorrowes of hell doe compasse me round about, the feare of death is before mine eyes: helpe, ô helpe mee; saue me, oh saue me, for thine owne sake, for thy SONNES sake, for thy glories sake, for I am the workemanship of thy hands.
[Page 250] Keepe my senses, vnder, standing and iudgement, and saue mee from euery conceite that tendeth to feare, furie, or distrust in thy mercie. O Lord, aduise and teach mee wisedome and moderation in my griefe, yea, with thy power ouer-rule mee that it be not my ouerthrow.
Of thy mercy, LORD, comfort the appalled consciences of all those that grieue vnder the burthen of their sinnes, fearing the heauinesse of thy wrath for the same Haue mercie vpon all those whose tender affections are too neerely [Page 251] touched with the losse of their companions, children or friends, & let them not take any thing to heart, otherwise then may stand with discretion, reason, and Christian moderation.
Giue thy comforts and consolations vnto all those that by any meanes suffer trouble or torments, for the profession of thy Gospel, of the seruice of their Prince. And if it please thee to detaine some vnder a longer Crosse, for thy greater glory, of their further tryall? yet Lord; let them not be tempted aboue their strength, but [Page 252] arme them with further patience and hope in thee, that so they may perseuere vnto the end. O Lord, weaken the power of Sathan, & the tiranny of his ministers, which eyther by inward tentations or outward violence, haue bred the woe of thy seruants, and ridde thy seruants from all their troubles, that they may sing ioyfull praises vnto thee, through Iesus Christ, Amen.
See the Prayer of one afflicted in Conscience. In Part. [...].
A Prayer in time of plague or other extraordinary sicknesse.
O Lord our GOD, in whose Name standeth [...] help, and who amongst other euils hast promised vs to deliuer thy people from the [Page 254] snare of the hunter, & from the noysome pestilence, we beseech thee, take this thy plague away from vs: and as the stench of our sinnes hath ascended vp into thy nosthrils to prouoke thy wrath against vs in it: so let our humble supplications vpon our knees, come before thee to procure our happy release from it.
Lord, call back thine angel, & cause him to sheath the sword againe. Wee are thy children, and the worke of thy hands: wee are sorry for our sinnes, which are the cause of all this, and [Page 255] wee purpose amendment: wee are but Men, dust and Ashes, wee are not able to beare long, therefore Lord, haue mercy vpon vs, and that soone. God Lord, accept our sorrowes, and send vs comfort, and suffer vs not to perish after so miserable a sort.
We thanke thee, ô Lord that thou hast not left vs altogether comfortles, nor cast vs off without hope, but hast somewhat with drawne thy hand, and spared many hundreds of vs, in comparison of those whom thou slewest a little before: and wee reioyce at this abatement, [Page 256] yet wee stand in awe: wee presume vpon this thy fauour, but with feare and trembling: wee trust it shall be euery day better, yet we are carefull to winne it by pleasing thee. Wherefore, (ô Lord) wee beseech thee blesse vs and all those that depend vpon vs: set thy sauing marke vpon our houses, as thou diddest for the Israelites in Egypt; & giue order to the destroyer that hee hurt vs not. Put thy strength to our medicines: guard our regard which wee haue of our selues: let thy good blessing make the preseruatiues of the Physitians, [Page 257] & ourshifting places for more security, profitable vnto vs.
Giue vs grace (ô Lord) that we trust not too much in outward meanes, but onely in thy mercie, and blessing vpon them. Keepe vs in our downe lying, and vp-rising, and protect vs walking in our vocations. Haue pittie vpon our distressed brethren, comfort the desolate widdowes, and prouide for all fatherlesse children. Gather vs together againe, that by these means are dispersed, & continue thy mercifull worke in diminishing our dead [Page 258] number, till wee may iustly say in confidence & thanks with the Prophet, Wee shall not die but liue, and declare the workes of the Lord. Grant this (O Lord) for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
The ancient Prayer, called, O bountifull IESV.
O BOVNTIFVLL Iesu, ô sweet Iesu: ô IESV, the Sonne of the Virgin Mary, which art full of mercy and truth: ô sweet Iesu, haue pittie vpon mee, according to thy great mercie. [Page 260] O benigne Iesu, by the same precious blood which thou wast content to shed vpon the Altar of the Crosse for vs miserable sinners: I beseech thee, vouchsafe to cast all mine iniquities out of thy sight, and despise not mee who thus humbly beg of thee, crying and calling vpon thy holy Name Iesus. This Name Iesus, is a sweet Name: this Name Iesus is a Name of Saluation: for what is Iesus but a Sauiour?
O good Iesus, which hast created me and redeemed me with thine owne blood, suffer not mee whom thou [Page 261] hast made of nought, to be damned. O good Iesus, let not my wickednesse haue power to destroy me, whom thine Almightie goodnesse hath made. O good IESV, reknowledge that which is thine in mee, and that which is not of thee, take that away from mee. O good Iesus, euen now while the time of mercie is, haue mercie vpon me, and let me not be confounded at the time of thy fearefull iudgement.
O good IESVS, although I vile sinner, by thy streight Iustice, haue deserued to be punished [Page 262] euerlastingly, for my most grieuous sins, yet hauing sure confidence in the truth of thy righteousnesse, I appeale to thine vnspeakeable mercy: I am sure thou wilt haue mercy vpon mee, like a louing Father, and a mercifull Lord.
O good IESVS, what profit is there in my blood, if I descend into the pit of eternall corruption? For surely they that be dead shall not magnifie thee, nor any that goe downe into the place of silence. O most mercifull Iesu haue mercy vpon mee: ô most sweet Iesus deliuer mee. O most [Page 263] holy Iesus, be mercifull vnto me a sinner.
O IESVS, accept mee wretched sinner, among the number of them whom thou hast elected to saluation. O Iesus, the health of all that hope in thee, the life of all that beleeue in thee, haue mercie vpon me. O sweet Iesus, the remission of all my sinnes. O Iesus, the Sonne of the Virgin Mary, powre thy grace into my heart, endue mee with wisedome, charitie, chastitie and humilitie, and in all mine aduersitie, grant me a holy, inuiolable and stedfast patience, that I may [Page 264] perfectly loue thee, and haue my onely delight and affiance in thee, world without end, Amen.
Supplications OF SAINTS. The Third Part. Dauid alone.
With my voyce vnto the Lord did I make my Supplication. I powred out my complaint before him.
This Part containeth Prayers in the names of diuers parties, of seuerall estates: with a forme of generall thanskgiuing.
The righteous shall be had in euerlasting remembrance.
Queene Elizabeths Prayer of Thanksgiuing, for the ouerthrow of the Spanish Nauy, sent to inuade ENGLAND, Anno 1588.
MOst omnipotent Creator Redeemer, and Conseruer. When it seemed most fit time to [Page 268] thy worthy Prouidence to bestow the workmanship of this worlds Globe: with thy rare iugdement, thou didst diuide, into foure singular parts, the forme of all this Mold, which aftertime hath tearmed Elements: all they seruing to continue in orderly Gouernment of all the masse. Which all, when of thy most singular bountie, and neuer yerst seene care, thou hast this yeere made serue for instruments to daunt our foes, and to confound their malice. I most humbly with bowed heart, and bended knees, doe render [Page 269] my humbliest acknowledgments, and lowliest thanks. And not the least; for that the weakest Sexe hath been so fortified by thy strongest helpe, that neither my people need finde lacke by my weaknesse, nor Forreiners tryumph at my ruine: Such hath beene thy vnwonted grace in my DAYES; as though Sathan hath neuer made Holy-day, in practising for my life and state: yet thy mightie hand hath ouerspread both with the shade of thy wings, so that neither hath beene ouerthrowen, nor receiued shame, but abide with blessing, [Page 270] to thy most glory, and their greatest ignominy. For which, Lord, of thy meere goodnesse, graunt vs grace to be hourely thankfull, and euer mindfull. And if it may please thee to pardon my request, giue vs thy continuance in my dayes, of like goodnesse; that my yeares neuer see change of such grace to me, but especially to this my kingdome: which LORD graunt (for thy Sonnes sake) may flourish many ages after my end, Amen.
Queene Elizabeths Prayer for the successe of her Nauie, Anno Domi. 1596.
MOst omnipotent MAKER and GVIDER of all Worlds Masse, that onely searchest and fadomest the bottome of all hearts-conceits, and in them seest the true originall [Page 272] of all actions intended: Thou that by thy foresight doest truely discerne, how no malic of reuenge, nor quittance of iniurie, nor desire of bloodshed, nor greedines of lucre hath bred the resolution of our now set-out Armie, but a heedfull care, and a wary watch, that no neglect of foes, nor ouersuertie of harme, might breed either danger to vs, or glory to them.
These being the grounds, thou that didst inspire the mind, we humbly beseech thee with bended knees, prosper the worke, and with [Page 273] the best fore-windes, speed the Iourney, giue the victorie, and make the returne the aduancement of thy glory, the trump of thy Fame, and suertie of thy Realme, with the least losse of English blood. To these deuout petitions, Lord giue thy blessed graunt, Amen.
Queene Elizabeths Prayer for her Nauie, Anno Dom. 1597.
O GOD, All-maker, Keeper and Guider. Inurement of thy rare seene, vnused, and seeldheard-of goodnes powred in so plentifull sort vpon vs full oft, breeds now this boldnes to craue with bowed knees, and hearts of humilitie, thy large hand of helping-power to assist with [Page 275] wonder our iust cause, not founded on prides motion, nor begun on malice-stock, but as thou best knowest (to whom nought is hid) grounded on iust defence from wrongs, hate, and bloody desire of conquest.
For sithens means thou hast imparted to saue that thou hast giuen, by inioying of such a people, as scornes their blood-shed, where safetie ours is none. Fortifie, deare GOD, such hearts in such sort, as their best part may be worst, that to the truest part meant worst, with least losse to such a Nation as despise [Page 276] their liues for their Countryes good. That all forraine Lands may laud and admire the omnipotencie of thy worke, a fact alone for thee onely to performe. So shal they name be spred for wonders wrought, and the faithfull encouraged to repose in thy vnfellowed grace: and we that minded nought but right, be in chained in thy bonds for perpetuall slauery, and liue & die the sacrificers of our soules, for such obtained fauour. Warrant deare Lord all this with thy command, Amen.
The Housholders Prayers.
O MOST mightie God, mercifull and louing Father, I wretched sinner come vnto thee, in the Name of thy dearely [Page 278] beloued sonne Iesus Christ, my onely Sauiour and Redeemer, and most humbly beseech thee, to be mercifull vnto me, and to cast all my sinnes out of thy sight & remembrance, through the merites of his bloody death and Passion. Powre vpon me (O Lord) thy holy Spirit of wisedome and grace: gouerne and leade mee by thy holy word, that it may be a Lanthorne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my steps. Shew thy mercy vpon me, and so lighten the naturall blindnesse and darknesse of my heart, thorough thy grace, that I may [Page 279] dayly be renewed by the same Spirit and grace: By the which (O Lord) purge the grossenesse of my hearing & vnderstanding, that I may profitably read, heare and vnderstand thy word and heauenly will, beleeue and practise the same in my life and conuersation, and euermore hold fast the blessed hope of eternall life.
Mortifie and kill all vice in me, that my life may expresse my Faith in thee: mercifully heare the humble sute of thy seruant, and grant me thy peace all my daies, graciously pardon all mine infirmities, and defend [Page 280] mee in all dangers of body, goods or name, but most chiefly my soule against all assaults, temptations, accusations, subtile sleights, and baites of that old enemie of mankind Sathan, that roaring Lyon, euer seeking whom hee may deuoure. Fauourably protect and keepe all that thou hast giuen mee, as Wife, Children or Seruants, and aide me (ô Lord) with thy grace, that I may be able to gouerne, nourish, and bring them vp in thy feare and seruice.
Cast a gracious eye vpon mee, and lend mee thy [Page 281] directing hand, that the labour and paines which I am to vndertake this day, may prosper and let all my dealings be iust and true. Blesse, (ô Lord) thy Vniuersall Church, and perfect the worke which thou hast begun amongst vs: Beare out most gracious King Iames, the Queene his wife, their royall Sonne Prince Henry, and all their Children, alwaies in thine owne bosom; and set thine eies alwayes vpon them for good. Let the spirit of knowledge and holinesse remaine in his Ministers. Blesse all his Counsell, with wisedome [Page 282] and discretion; his Nobles with fortitude & courage: his Iudges with iustice and mercie: his Magistrates with diligence and faithfulnesse: his people with feare & obedience, that we may all with one minde, and one mouth, say with the Prophet, He that is mightie hath done great things for vs, and Holy is his Name. Amen.
¶Another of the Housholders.
LEad me (ô Lord) in the way of thy truth and righteousnes: and gouerne all mine actions to thy glory, the good of thy Church, and the discharge of my dutie. Defend and deliuer me from all temptations, from all mine enemies, and from all deceits, and dangers. Kindle my [Page 284] heart and minde with a feruent zeale of thy holy word, that I may vnderstand and know thy will, and walke in thy wayes. Strengthen mee with thy holy spirit, boldly and constantly to professe the honour and seruice of thy holy Name, least at any time through feare of worldy afflictions, I fall from thee.
Giue mee a contented minde with my estate, and such blessings as thou (O LORD) of thy bountifull goodnesse and mercie hast bestowed vpon mee: that I may vse them, & be thankfull for them. Graunt mee [Page 285] patience in all my troubles and afflictions, that I neither grudge at thy fatherly corrections (knowing them to be tokens of thy loue, and instruments of my exercise and tryall) neither seeke reuenge of my wrongs knowing vengeance to bee thine, and that thou wilt reward it in due season.
Keepe my minde from all euill thoughts, my tongue from lewd and vaine speeches, my body and euery member thereof, from all sinfull actions. Let all my loue, my faith, and hope, my delight and confidence only and alwaies be in thee. [Page 286] Open my heart to haue pitty vpon the poore brethren, giue mee the gift of chastitie, that I may possesse my vessell with sanctification and honour, and not in the lust of concupiscence, euen as the Heathen doe, which know not God.
Giue me ô Lord, sorrow for my sinnes, thankfullnes for thy benefites, feare of thy iudgements, and loue of thy mercies, and teach me to bring vp my children and gouerne my seruants, in good order and godly discipline, according to thy holy ordinance: & because by thy grace I am that I [Page 287] am, let thy demaunds, be no greater then thou hast giuen mee grace to performe. O Lord, pardon and forgiue all my sinnes, and grant me grace to liue in thy feare, and die in thy fauour, that I may rise to liue with my Lord Iesus, & euermore dwell with him, in thy most glorious and ioyfull kingdome, the onely thing which I desire and hope for, through the merits and mercie of the same Iesus Christ, thy onely Sonne, and my onely Sauiour and Lord, Amen.
The Wiues Praier for her Husband, in absence, or otherwise.
O Lord God, which hast made euerie marryed Couple one flesh, and hast ordained that they should be of one mind, and one iudgement, and carefull one for another, as members one of another: I beseech thee, leade mee and my husband in the way of thy Truth [Page 289] and Righteousnesse. Gouerne all our actions to thy glory, the good of thy Church, and the discharge of our duties. Defend and deliuer vs, (ô Lord) from all temptations, from all our enemies, and from all deceits and dangers, here, or elsewhere.
Grant my husband being abroad, to prosper in his businesse, & send him a healthfull and happie returne home: that I who without him am sorrowfull in my selfe, and should be a stranger to the world, if he were not, may with him liue in the estate of thine [Page 290] honourable ordinance, in peace and comfort, and alwayes for thy great goodnesse and mercie towards vs, prayse thy most holy Name.
Grant vs both grace, (ô Lord) one to loue & cherish the other, one to be faithfull & dutifull towards the other: and giue vs both the gift of Chastitie and Sobrietie, that both in body and minde, wee may liue a pure life, bring vp our children, and gouerne our seruants with godly Discipline and good order, in and according to thy holy word.
[Page 291] O LORD, pardon and forgiue both of vs all our sinnes, and grant vs both grace to loue; honor, feare, and serue thee all the dayes of this our miserable and sinfull life▪ that in this life wee may haue comfort in that which thou hast giuen vs, and after our death, we may receiue the fruites of that hope which wee haue layde vp in thy mercies, through the merites and mediation of thy Sonne Iesus Christ, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
The VViddowes Prayer.
O Lord God which art neerely touched with a care of the afflicted, and despisest not the Widdow when she powreth out her Prayers before thee, I beseech thee, [Page 293] to haue compassion vpon mee, a poore and desolate Widdow. And whereas the bands of death haue made a separation between me & my husband, who was my head, & the best stay I had in this World, next vnder thee: I beseech thee let me not take this crosse impatiently, but trust in thy goodnesse, that nothing may be able to separate mee from thee, which art mine onely stay, & the ioy of my soule.
Preserue me Lord, from the pawes of rauenous and greedy cormorants, which lye in waite to supplant the weakest, and deuoure our [Page 294] Houses vnder the pretence of godlinesse and colour of right. Grant that in the sight of all Gouernours and Iudges, I may finde fauour and equall dealing in my suites and complaints, against all violence and oppressors. Giue vnto all men willing and ready mindes to doe mee good, and open their hearts, to helpe and pleasure mee in all reasonable demands. Prouide for mee, by ministring cloths and nourishment fit for mine estate; haue pitty vpon me in all my necessities, and stretch out thy hand to deliuer me.
[Page 295] Blesse mee as thou didst that poore Woman of Sarepthah, that that small thing which thou hast giuen mee, may serue to supply the necessarie vses of me & mine Dispose the hearts of my children & seruants to obedience, peace, and holinesse, that I which am the weaker vessell, depriued of him whose countenance should haue kept them in awe, may by thy help, bring them vp in godly Discipline. Giue mee the grace of thy holy Spirit, that at all times, and in all mine afflictions, I may trust in thee, and continue in Prayers [Page 296] and Supplications day and night: not giuen to any qualitie, but such as befitteth a modest matrone, and the hand-maid of the Lord, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Sauiour and Redeemer, Amen.
¶The Prayer of Women with Child.
O Lord GOD, by whose Decree, for the offence of our first Parents, wee beare in our wombs, & bring forth children in paine & sorrow, be mercifull vnto me, that now feele the accomplishment of that sentence in my selfe: and as thou hast vouchsafed me this blessing to conceiue in my wombe, [Page 298] and to nourish that which thou hast wrought, vntill this time; so graunt, that in due time I may see the fruit of my body, safe, sound, and perfect, without blemish or deformitie.
Keepe me (ô Lord) from an vntimely birth: graunt that through Prayer, faith, and patience, I may escape all sudden feares, and vnaduised thoughts. Comfort me when I shall draw neere vnto my hard labour, and when I shall fall into those terrors, horrors and pangs which accompany that houre, shew thy mercie vpon mee and my Babe; that [Page 299] my sinnes may be forgiuen me, and that it may not be punished for my offences. Giue me patience, that I be not too fearefull, and vnruly, but that I may remember what modestie befitteth a woman in those dangers, and repose all my affyance in thee. O Lord, send mee help, and preserue mee that I perish not.
Grant thee (O Lord) safe deliuerance in due time, & make me a ioyfull Mother, when that hour commeth, let not my sinnes so many, be called in question either now, or at that instant, but forget, O LORD, and [Page 300] forgiue them: blesse my poore infant, and lodge it in the vertue of thy couenant, and when thou shalt be pleased to call it into open light, giue me wisedome & strength to bring it vp in thy feare, and (as it were) to trauell againe with it, till it be borne againe vnto a heauenly life, to thy greater glory, and my further ioy, through Iesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.
The Midwifes Prayer.
O LORD GOD, who onely hast power to take all children out of their mothers wombes, and to bring them to the light of this world, I thine vnworthy [Page 302] seruant, whom thou hast deputed to this great Businesse, for the helpe and comfort of many in their extremities, doe most humbly on bended knees, beseech thee, to vouchsafe me thy gracious assistance in the same.
Haue mercy vpon mee, ô Lord, and in all mine actions let me haue thy feare before mine eyes, that I may be carefull, both for rich and poore, to doe good and not hurt, to saue life and not to destroy. Helpe mine infirmities &c imperfections, that I be neither too feareful, nor too violent [Page 301] in doing my dutie: and grant me skill and iudgement happily to finish euery worke that I shall vndertake.
Giue mee, O Lord, an vnderstanding and tender heart, a readie, steedie, and gentle hand, a watchfull eye, and a willing minde. Mercifully looke vpon me, ô Lord, that whensoeuer I shalbe called to doe mine office, either by night or day, to the sicke, or to the sound, I may be defended from all bodily harmes, & preserued from the infection of all contagious diseases by thy gracious fauour. [Page 302] Prosper, ô Lord, the workes of my hands, ô prosper thou my handie worke, that I may doe all things to thy glory; the comfort of all good women, and mine owne credite, through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
A Prayer in time of womens trauell.
O Gracious God, and louing father, of whom the whole familye in heauen and earth is named, wee beseech thee mercifully heare the voyce of all vs thy hand-maydes [Page 304] heere assembled in thy name, for the help of this our Sister in her Agonie now approaching. Lord, looke vpon her in mercie, and mittigate the iudgement which thou hast laid vpon her, and all Women for sin. Giue her courage of heart, and strength of body to beare the pangs of her labour so fearfull and vehement. Sweeten them with the drops of thy mercy, and qualifie them by thy gracious power▪ pardon her offences, and receaue her prayers.
Louing Father, giue her patience and willingnesse [Page 305] to be aduised and ordered by her friends in so great a worke: that shee may remember, that as in iustice thou hast greatly increased her sorrowes and conceptions: so it is thy will to haue a holy seed brought forth into the world, which being sanctified by thy grace, may be consecrate here to such godly seruices, as thou hast appointed, and afterward made partaker of thy glory, in the kingdome of heauen. And therefore (O Lord) we pray thee, blesse her and the fruit of her Wombe, let thy mercie be no lesse shewed in the birth, then in the [Page 306] wonderfull forming and fashioning of that she beareth. Guide all our hands that are about her, and laie to thy helping hand with vs. Giue her an easie, & speedy deliuerance. But if it be thy will to laye any greater weight of thy wrath vpon her acording to thy doome, yet good Lord we beseech thee, let thy holy spirit so comfort her inwardly, with thy promises made to all, and thy goodnes shewed to others, that neither her naturall frailtie, northe temptations of Sathan, nor the extremities of her Throwes cause her to faint. Comfort [Page 307] her, helpe her, finish thy worke in her (ô thou preseruer of mankind) that she being safely deliuered, and her Babe preserued, they may both liue to thy will and pleasure, and wee altogether prayse thy holy Name, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
A Prayer after the deliuerance of women.
O LORD God, by whom all men and women are wonderfully & fearefully made, we giue thee most humble [Page 309] thankes, that in thy iudgement towards this our Sister, thou hast remembred mercie, in giuing her safe deliuerance, together with a comely fruit of her body. Good Lord wee pray thee continue thy great goodnesse towardes her, and keepe her from all further annoyance and dangers of Child-bed. Preserue her day and night, sleeping and waking, that so in her time shee may be restored to her former health and strength, and walke in her vocation according to thy will, with thanksgiuing.
[Page 310] ‘Giue thy blessing to the Infant now borne,Leaue out all this, if the child be not born aliue. that it may in due time increase in wisedome, and stature, and fauour with God and man: that it may be partaker of the sacred Seale of holy Baptisme, & borne anew by the power of thy Spirit, liue a holy and sanctified life in this world, & afterward be made heire of euerlasting life. O Lord, blesse the mother also for the BABES good, that shee may haue strength & meanes to bring it vp to thy glory, and vse all such good endeuours as become a carefull and naturall Mother.’
[Page 311] Lord giue thy grace to all vs, which haue beene eyewitnesses of this thy mercy and goodnesse: and let this and all other thy workes daily put vs in minde to be thankeful vnto thee, for our creation, preseruation, and all other thy good gifts: to call vpon thee, loue and feare thee, walking in thy sight in all sobrietie, chastitie, and godlines, from this day forward for euermore, for IESVS Christs sake, Amen.
¶The Childrens Prayer, in their Parents life time.
O HEAVENLY Father, Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, and all that beleeue in him, [Page 313] endue mee, I beseech thee, with thy holy Spirit, that I may be a babe of thy heauenly Family, regenerate and made a new creature in the same Christ Iesus, my Sauiour. Make mee by all meanes to honour my Parents, after the example of thy Sonne our Sauiour, and not by any means to breed their sorrow & griefe: that when thou shalt see it good to make mee ancient, and blesse mee with children, then I may haue ioy in them, by their obedience and holinesse.
Ioyne, (O Lord) vnto the towardnesse of my Nature [Page 314] the ayde of thy grace, that I be not seduced by false teachers to corruption, either in Faith or manners: but that all my vnderstanding and conceits may tend to the good of my soule, and the bettering of my life.
Restraine (O Lord) the vntamednesse of my youth, which at this time is wont to begin to shew it self: that I neuer passe the limites of thy good pleasure. Keepe me from wandering concupiscence and idlenes, from wicked company & naughtie fellowship.
Forgiue me all the misdemeanors [Page 315] which I haue at any time committed against thee & my parents, and giue mee abilitie and grace to help them in their weakest age, and greatest neede; remembring the paines which my mother endured for mee, and the charges of my father. Make mee obedient vnto them, and all other my betters, teachers and Gouernours: help me in all dangers and necessities, and grant mee thy fauour all the dayes of my life, and thy kingdome at the end, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
Another Prayer of Children.
O LORD GOD, I beseech thee, to lead my Parents in the way of thy Trueth and righteousnes. Gouerne all their actions to thy glory, the good of thy CHVRCH, and the discharge of their duties. Defend and deliuer them from all their enemies, and from all deceits and dangers; that I who am [Page 317] a childe in age, vnderstanding and discretion, may by their godly wisedome, care, and painefulnesse, be brought vp in all godly instructions, nourture, and good order, and so liue and serue thee in righteousnesse and holinesse all my da [...]es.
Grant mee (ô Lord) an obedient and dutifull mind not onely towards my Parents, but all such as it shall please them to make instructors and Rulers ouer mee: that I may submit my selfe to their godly admonitions and gouernment. Incline my heart now in my tender years, to seek for wisedome [Page 318] and good learning with all diligence. Preserue mee from all euill wayes, and lewd companie.
Mortifie (O Lord) the raging lustes, and follies of youthful affections. O Lord pardon and forgiue mee all my sinnes, that I may liue in thy feare, and dye in thy fauour, & so receiue the inheritance of that place, which thou in heauen hast prepared for mee, through Iesus Christ, my onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
The Orphans, or fatherlesse Childes prayer.
O Lord GOD, the succour of all them that are in distresse, and Father of the Fatherlesse: I poore Orphane, by thine [Page 320] appointment depriued of my Parents and chiefest stay in this World, beseech thee to heare my desire, & to set thine eyes vpon mee for good. Haue pitty vpon me (O Lord) and in all perils & necessities stretch out thine helping hand, & deliuer me appoint me faithfull Patrons & Gardians, which will be touched with an earnest care of my wel-fare, that I may be brought vp in thy feare vnto euery good worke.
Giue mee grace to be obedient to those that haue the ouer-sight of mee, to hearken to good counsell, [Page 321] to feare thee, and flye euill company. Grant that I may finde fauour and vpright dealing at the handes of them that haue the ouersight of mee, and before all other Gouernors & Iudges whatsoeuer. Let me not be oppressed by the mightie, nor seduced by the craftie and subtile, but deliuer me from greedie and deuouring cormorants, & dissembling friendes that would make a pray of me.
Let me not run too and fro to seeke my bread, but prouide for mee (O Lord) I pray thee, food and rayment, and so furnish me in [Page 322] this short time of my Pilgrimage, that I may haue a competent liuing. Blesse my studies and endeuours, increase my yeeres and knowledge to sitte alwayes my estate and calling, direct mee with thy Spirit, and blesse mee now and euermore, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
The Schollers Prayer.
O Lord God which hast said, If any man lacke wisedome, let him aske of GOD, (which giueth to all men liberally, and reprocheth no man,) and it shall be giuen [Page 324] him. I beseech thee, breath into my Soule the Spirit of Vnderstanding, that in my childe-hoode, I may learne; and as I grow further into yeares, practise the study of those things only, that are agreeable to thy lawes. Haue mercy vpon me, & lighten mine vnderstanding with the beams of thy diuine wisedom, that I may haue iudgement to make the best choise, witt and capacitie to conceiue, and memorie to retaine & beare away all such good things as I shall either heare or read.
Lord, hew and square the [Page 325] rough table of my heart, prepare it, and make it smooth & fit to receiue into it the impressions of thy diuine grace and wisedome. Graunt that I may carefully seek for the pearls of true knowledge, and obediently submit my selfe to all those that are my teachers, and haue the ouersight of mee. Giue me such a desire to attaine vnto knowledge, that my study through thy working, may be a pleasure vnto me, and that I may not wilfully lose or vainely bestow that precious time, which neuer can be called againe. Poure [Page 326] into mee thy holy Spirit, that all my trauell & paines in study being blessed by thee, I may plentifully reap the fruit of my labours, and be thankfull vnto thee.
O louing Father, be thou my Schoole-maister, to instruct mee, and let all my studies be referred to the right end, that I be neither infected with Heresie, nor partaker of any Sect or Schisme. Lord, when I shall haue attained vnto any measure of knowledge, let it not puffe me vp to stand high in mine owne conceit, or be proude of thy gifts; but let mee be wise vnto [Page 327] sobrietie, and cary my selfe humbly, lowly, and modestly; and so order all my studies & endeauors, good Father, that I may firmely resolue, speedily be, and constantly continue in performing any thing that is agreable to thy will, that so euery thing may serue mee for the furtherance to a godly and vertuous life, & the discharge of a good conscience, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
¶The Souldiers Prayer.
O LORD God of hosts, which teachest my hands to fight, and my fingers to battell, I humbly besech thee, to haue mercy vpon me, that am subiect to so many dangers euery day, [Page 329] that I fall not before mine enemies. Touch my heart, that I may truely feele my sins, and worthily lament them before thy Maiestie: and since I haue vndertaken this seruice, not for any couetousnesse, or reuenge of blood, but in obedience to my Prince, & to defend a righteous cause, suffer me not (I beseech thee) to giue my members as weapons of vnrighteousnesse vnto sin; but to looke carefully vnto my wayes, seeking to discharge my duty towards thee, and to acquit my selfe in all loyaltie towards my Prince.
[Page 330] O Lord, gird mee with strength, and make my way vpright: conduct me with thy hand, encourage mee with the Trumpet of thy Word, arme me with faith and hope to thee-ward, and strengthen mee to the combate. Blesse all our company in our attempts, and suggest vnto vs the best meanes to saue our selues, and defeat the purposes of our enemies. Arme vs with thy grace, that wee may manfully fight in thy quarrell: make our name fearefull to our enemies, and abate their Pride. Range vs within the limites of truth [Page 331] and honesty, that we be not giuen to those vices which accompany the War, vile affections, inordinate motions, and merciles cruelties. Lord, it is nothing with thee to help with many, or with no power: Helpe vs, O Lord our God: for we rest on thee, and in thy Name are wee come against this multitde. O Lord thou art our GOD, let not man preuaile against thee.
Keepe vs (O Lord) from treasons, mutinies, and conspiracies, either against our Prince or Captaines. Lord heare the mournings of all Captiues detained in the hands of their enemies, and [Page 332] worke meanes for their deliuerance: And if it please thee at any time to lay that crosse vpon vs, or otherwise to expose vs to death in the field, then Lord, keepe vs in thy Faith, that wee may liue and die thy Souldiers, fighting the good fight of hope fixed in thee, and dye in thy fauour, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
The Seruants Prayer.
O Lord God, which hast made vs all one in Christ Iesus, whether we be bond or free: I beseech thee, grant me a contented mind that during the time of my [Page 334] bondage, I bee not ashamed of that condition of life, wherein thou hast placed me: Cloath me in the liuery of a true Christian, and grant mee alwayes to beare the minde of an honest man. Giue me grace to obey, and be subiect to mine earthly MASTERS, with all feare; whether they be good and curteous, or froward: and to performe their designes which Crosse not thy Commaundements.
Vouchsafe (O LORD) to send mee an vnderstanding heart, to manage my businesse aright: and make [Page 335] mee faithfull withall, to be circumspect and diligent, to doe all things for the best. Grant mee a single and true heart, without Hypocrisie and dissimulation, that I doe not passe ouer my yeares with an eye-seruice, as a man-pleaser, but iustly and sincerely, that I may in my time procure that Christian libertie and freedom which I serue for.
Lord, blesse my Master in all his affaires and dealings: let him not be subiect to any thoughts of crueltie towards me: Strengthen my body to performe that businesse [Page 336] that I am appointed vnto, and keepe mee from murmuring and grudging against any of my betters, & enuious detracting from the estimation of others.
Especially (ô Lord) keepe mee from euill company, that I be neuer entised to spend wastefully, or embezell any thing committed to my custody, nor hearken vnto the perswasion of any such as wish not well vnto my Lord and Master. Send peace and quietnesse betweene mee and my fellowes, that in loue and kindnesse wee may all with one heart, and one minde, constantly [Page 337] & chearfully ioyne together, to follow our Masters businesse, and serue thee, and after this life become free-men of the new Ierusalem in heauen, in the blessed company of all faithfull people, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
¶Another of the same.
LEad me (ô Lord) I beseech thee, in the way of thy Trueth and righteousnesse. Gouerne all mine actions to thy glory, the good of thy Church, and the discharge of my dutie. Defend and deliuer me, [Page 339] (O Lord) from all temptations, from all mine enemies, and from all deceits and dangers.
Blesse (O Lord) I beseech thee, my Lord, Master, and Mistresse, with all heauenly wisedome, vnderstanding and godlynesse, and with worldly health and happinesse: that I who am their Seruant, may by them and vnder them receiue, not onely the spirituall food of my soule, but also the temporall sustenance of my bodie: doing my seruice not outwardly, as desirous to please men: but with singlenesse of minde from the [Page 340] heart, as fearing thee (O Lord my God) that thereby I may receiue that reward which thou hast promised.
Giue me (ô Lord) an obedient and duti-full mind towards them, that I may submit my selfe to their honest and lawfull commandements, and do them true and faithfull seruice with all humblenesse and patience. Grant me grace (ô Lord) to frame my life according to thy holy word; nourish mutual loue and good wil between me & my fellowes: preserue me from all euill wayes, from lewd [Page 341] company, & from idlenesse. Keepe my minde from euill thoughts, my tongue from lewd & vaine speeches, and my body and euery member thereof from all sinfull actions. Mortifie in mee (O Lord) the raging lusts, and follyes of youthfull affections. O Lord, pardon and forgiue me all my sins, and grant me grace to loue, honour, and serue thee, in holines & righteousnes all my dayes, that I may glorifie thee in this world, and be glorified of thee in the world to come, through Iesus Christ, my onely Lord and Sauiour. Amen.
The Maydes prayer.
BLessed LORD, which in former times hast not despised the low estate of thy Hand-mayds, when they sought vnto thee: vouchsafe to lend thine eares to the heartie desires [Page 343] of mee thy poore seruant. Consider, O Lord, that in the labours both of body and minde, I am the weaker vessel, of lesse capacitie, and more infirmitie: and bestow vpon my youth such competent strength, that I may grow in stature, wisedome and fauour with God and man. As I grow vp in years, so Lord, let me grow vp in grace: Crowne my Virginitie with chaste and religious thoughts, and my body and mind with godly watchfulnesse to waite for thy comming with the wise virgins.
Giue me grace to thinke [Page 341] alwayes that a good Name, and honest reputation, is better then any dowry to a modest Maide. Make my behauiour meeke, my talke sober, my body chast, and keep me from lewd & wanton company, that I partake not with them in the follies of youth Pardon my fore-past vanities, and by the power of thy Spirit enable my weaknesse, to auoyde all euill. Defend me from slanderous and bad tongues, surmising mindes, and wicked temptations, I beseech thee.
O Lord make mee faithfull and trusty, wise and warie [Page 341] in the ordering of such goods, as are committed to my custody by my Master or Mistresse, father or mother. Marry me vnto thee, O Lord, in righteousnes, in iudgement, in mercy and compassion: and if it be thy will hereafter to call mee to the honorable estate of corporal Matrimonie, make me to follow Rachel in loue, Rebecca in wisedom, Sara in faithfulnesse and obedience to my husband, and all other worthy Matrons in modestie and honestie, for Iesus Christs sake, our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
The Prayer of one afflicted in conscience for sinne.
O Most mercifull God, which by the sending of thy Sonne into the world, hast brought to passe, that where sinne abounded, there grace abounded much more. I forlorne wretch disquieted in mind, and afflicted in conscience [Page 347] for feare of thy iudgements vpon my sin, doe with bended knees, and teares vnfeined, a most humble supplyant, beg & craue of thee some succour and reliefe, open, ô open the gates of thy mercy to the greatnes of my miseries: my abiect countenance witnesseth my distressed minde. My spirit is sorrowfull, my heart is heauie, my words are stopt with sighes, and my plants watered with teares: to thee I hold vp my hands, to thee I lift vp my heart, to thee I pray, requiring thee of mercie. O Lord, what shall I desire of thee, that deserue [Page 348] nothing at thy hands? what can I hope for, that am euen heartlesse? Lord if thou hast said, Shall not my soule be auenged on such a one as this, remember thy promise else where, I will haue mercy on him that could finde no mercy, and let it light vpon me: if Sathan presume, God hath forsaken him: thinke vpon the decree for the seed of the Woman, and let the power of thy Sons Passion defeate all the deuises of the deuill against me.
O Lord heare mee speedily, if thou doe not, then I am out of hope; my conscience [Page 349] accuseth me, my memory giues euidence against me, my reason condemneth mee. My spirit is weary of this bondage, and I haue bid my life farewell. My conscience is clogged, when I behold the bloody wounds of my soule: the voyce of ioy and mirth is gone from me: I am deepely plunged in discomfort, I haue neither worth to appease thy wrath, nor patience to endure thy indignation. I pray thee therefore send the comfort of thy holy Spirit into my heart, and strengthen my faith, that I be not swallowed vp with [Page 350] ouer much heauinesse. O Lord let thy Maiestie appeare in thy mercy, forgiue my sinnes, the vnhappy ground of all this woe, and I am recouered of all mine infirmities. Trye not the lawe with mee, lest I come to iudgement: sanctifie all those good means vnto me wherein I seeke reliefe, as Prayer, Conference, Reading, and hearing of thy holy WORD. Moderate and mitigate my vexation, increase Faith, establish hope, graunt patience, and keepe mee from despaire. Take away this Cup from me, if it be thy will: if not, suffer mee not to be tempted [Page 351] aboue my strength.
I haue an humbled and contrite heart (O LORD) looke vpon me: I go mourning all the day long, and am like vnto him that is at the point to die, O Lord, comfort me: thou that wilt not breake a bruised Reed, spare me: thou that delightest not in the death of a sinner, reuiue me: though my heart condemne mee, yet good Lord acquite me, relieue me, release me, say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation. Hearken Lord vnto my Prayer, and grant my requests, for Iesus Christs sake, Amen.
The Sicke-mans Prayer.
O Louing LORD, and most holy Father, I poore wretch thy seruant, feeling in this sickenesse which thou hast layd vpon mee, the punishment of that corruption & transgression that is in mee, and all flesh, doe most willingly submit my selfe to thy holy ordinance to beare this Crosse, and taste of this bitter [Page 353] cup which I haue deserued, and much more: so I may follow thee whither thou art gone.
Therefore (O Lord) since thou hast not yet called me to the Barre of death, but sent thy Heralds to sommon mee to a tryall: I beseech thee, looke on mee with thine eye of mercifull pittie, and helpe me in this day of Visitation. Poure thine oyle of grace into my wounded conscience, purge my defiled soule, forgiue me all my sins: and giue me competent comfort & consolation in this distresse. Let me not dye ere I begin to [Page 354] liue, giue mee time to repent, & occasion to amend. But if thou wilt needs put any more of thy wine of correction into my festred sores, lay no more, (ô Lord) lay no more vpon me, then I shalbe able to beare▪ make good vnto mee that goodnesse, which thou hast granted mee vnder the great Seale of thy promise. Supplie my want, pardon my sinnes & aide me against all temptations, & I am recouered of mine infirmities.
I offer here vnto thee (O Lord) a penitent heart for the time past, and promise through thy grace amendment, [Page 355] if it shall please thee to draw out the thread of my life any longer: yet I neither desire the continuance of this mortalitie, nor a more speedy deliuerance, otherwise then as thou wilt. Lord looke not vpon my merits, for they are either none, or not good: nor vpon my life, for it hath been naught: but looke vpon Christ, thy deare Sonne, who from the Altar of the Crosse cryed vnto thee on my behalfe, and accept his satisfaction for my sinnes.
Arme mee with patience to take vp my Crosse, and follow thee, euen to beare [Page 356] thy visitation willingly: and giue mee strength by faith, to resist the aduersarie in in the brunt of temptations. With my sorrow and paine increase thy grace, that when I am in greatest agony, I may finde comfort, beleeuing, and saying with the holy Prophet.Psal. 73. 26 My flesh faileth, and my heart also, but GOD is the strength of my heart, and my portion for euer. O Lord, if thy decree be gone foorth, as it was to Hezekiah, that I shall dye; and not liue, giue me grace to put in order my things of this world, that I may depart in more peace: and [Page 357] when the pangs of death haue shut vp the eies of my body, and taken away the vse of my tongue (I beseech thee) let the eyes of my soule still behold, and looke vpon thee, so that when I shall leaue my earth to earth, and my body to the graue, thine angels may carie vp my Soule vnto thee, and I be partaker of a ioyfull resurrection, through Iesus CHRIST our LORD Amen.
¶A Prayer to be sayd at the point of death.
O Lord, my time is at hand, my soule is heauy euen vnto death. Looke downe vpon me, poure thine oyle of grace into my heart, pardon my sins, strengthen my Faith, shorten my paines, and driue away Sathan. Helpe mee in this conflict.
[Page 359] Looke vpon thy Christ, hee is my Sauiour and Redeemer. Come LORD Iesus; welcome. Into thy hands I commend my soule: take it (O Lord) take mee, the worke of thine owne hands, and let me die in thy feare, and rise againe in thy fauour, that I may come to thy blisse, for IESVS Christs sake, Amen.
A Generall Thankes-giuing, to be vsed by all men, at all times.
O Blessed LORD and euer-liuing GOD, whose mercy is ouer all thy workes, and of whose fulnesse wee haue all receiued, and Grace for grace: I poore SAMARITANE that haue beene holpen, healed and honoured by thy holy [Page 361] Hand, doe poure foorth my heart vnto thee, that I may neither vngratefully remember thy benifits, nor vngraciously forget thy seuere iudgements, who both in the one and the other, hast beene beyond all measure so gracious vnto mee. I thanke thee, O Lord, for all the externall & internall graces bestowed vpon mee, the Spirituall and corporall, the Caelestiall and terrestriall blessings which I haue receiued.
And in earthly matters, ô Lord, I acknowledge my selfe deeply bounden vnto thee, for my Being, breathing, [Page 362] life, and motion. That thou hast made mee of a more noble nature then the rest of the Creatures, creating mee after thine owne Image, enduing mee with reason, furnishing me with excellent faculties of the minde, and perfect sense.
And I giue thee thankes, O LORD, that thou hast giuen mee a BODIE so sound and so free from great infirmities, and hast set mee in a calling so fit for my condition, and giuen mee such a competent estate. That thou hast preserued mee from so many [Page 363] harmes in such dangerous accidents: as in sicknes, thunder, lightning, plague, pestilence, fire, and water: and from the assaults of theeues and robbers, by Sea and Land, attempted or intended against my bodie, house, or goods; and deliuered mee out of so many troubles and vexations as I haue fallen into.
O Lord, how am I bound vnto thee, that thou hast lent me such kinde friends; and that I liue in such honest reputation among my neighbours: that I haue such libertie of seemly recreation, [Page 364] such quietnesse of life, such opportunitie of well-doing, and thine Angels by thine appointment to protect & safe-gard mee in all my wayes.
These things (O Lord) I enioy, though vnworthy, by thy goodnesse: whereas there be many that haue not found the like fauour at thy hands, Blessed be thy Name therefore. And yet ô Lord, thou hast been much more gracious vnto me: thy Spirituall fauours and thy Caelestial blessings exceed all these. Therefore as I am bound, so, much more I blesse thee, [Page 365] that thou didst elect me before all worlds to glorie: that thou didst worke my redemption by the blood of Christ Iesus in his bitter Passion: that I was borne in the light of the Gospel, to know thee, and through Sanctification in thee, haue had the grace to take vpon mee the profession of the Truth, to abandon all Superstition and Heresie, to doe good vnto any, and to doe any thing that may doe good, either publike or priuate, & in some measure to keepe my selfe vnspotted of the world.
Oh, what shall I giue [Page 366] vnto my Lord, that hath done so great and mightie things for mee? O Lord, I giue thee thanks that thou hast giuen mee such an honourable Calling and vocation of Christianitie, that thou hast incorporated me a member of the Church, giuing me such a gracious portion of Faith, hope, loue, zeale, patience, peace and ioy, the beginnings of Regeneration.
What am I (O Lord) that thou hast granted mee such things? to receiue such profite by the preaching of thy Word, and the Priuiledge of thy blessed [Page 367] Sacraments; to bee washed with thy blood, to sit at thy Table, and to feed on thee the euerlasting Bread?
These I thanke thee for, and for these also; euen for my part which I haue in the Communion of Saints; for the benefit which I haue of their Prayers in the Church militant, the ayde of their counsels, with the pleasure and comfort of their godly examples, for the bettering of my life: that thou hast giuen me a care to vse a good Conscience in dealings in this world, and an earnest desire to continue so still: yea, rather [Page 368] to grow better.
And in fine, I cannot forget (O Lord,) thy mercy of longanimitie and patience towards mee: That thou hast granted mee so long and so large a time of Repentance, and hast vouchsafed mee therein, to haue thy Sonne IESVS Christ, for my Mediatour, by whose intercession my Prayers haue accesse▪ vnto thee, and receiue their happy answeres.
I prayse thee, I glorifie thee, I worship thee, I magnifie thy blessed Name, O Lord, by whose goodnesse I want nothing fitte for a [Page 369] Christian; nor any thing that may fit mee for Heauen: where, I thanke thee, for making so glorious a prouision, and such a gracious preparation for my Soule, and whither I beseech thee to bring me, O my GOD, in thy due time, and in the meane time to continue thy goodnesse vnto mee, for Iesus Christ sake, my onely Sauiour and Redeemer. Amen.
Soli Deo gloria.
A Table of the Prayers in euery Part.
- PRayers for Morning, Noone, and Euening, euery day in the weeke. Fol. 1. &c.
- A Prayer for the Ministers of the Word. 7
- A Prayer to God the Father. 20
- A Prayer to God the Sonne. 32
- A Prayer to God the Holy Ghost. 44
- A short Prayer for Sobrietie. 55
- A short Prayer for Chastitie. 66
- A short Prayer for Patience. 78
- A Prayer for the Morning. 85
- Another Prayer for Euening. 91
- A short Prayer for Morning. 97
- A short Prayer for Euening. 99
- A Preparatiue to the Meditation ensuing. 101
- A meditation and Prayer vpon the Life, death, and passion of Christ. 105
- [Page]TWo Prayers for a priuate Familie in the Morning. 127. 134
- Two Prayers for a priuate Familie in the Euening. 140. 146
- Two Prayers for the Church Catholique, and all the Estates thereof. 151. 159
- Two Prayers for the Kings Maiestie, his Issue and Familie. 164. 170
- A Prayer against temptations of the World, the Flesh, and the Deuill. 175
- A Prayer for Remission of sins, and all things necessarie thereunto. 180
- A Prayer for obtaining of Christian vertues, Faith, Hope, and Charitie. 188
- Two Prayers before the receiuing of the holy Communion. 194. 200
- Two Prayers after the receiuing of the holy Communion. 205. 209.
- A Prayer for the fruits of the earth, and nourishments of this life. 213
- A Prayer for friends and Benefactors. 218
- Two Prayers in time of Warres. 223. 227
- Two Prayers for sicke persons. 231. 238
- A Prayer before one vndertake a iourney. 242
- A Prayer in time of affliction. 247
- A Prayer in time of Plague, or other extraordinary sicknesse. 253
- [Page]The ancient Prayer called O bountifull Iesu, translated according to the Latine Copie, written by the Authour thereof aboue 100. yeeres agone. 259
- QVeene Elizabeths three Prayers. 267. 271. 274
- The Housholders two Prayers. 277. 283
- The Wiues Prayer for her Husband. 288
- The Widdowes Prayer. 292
- The Prayer of Women with childe. 297
- The Mid-vifes Prayer. 301
- A Prayer in the time of women trauell. 303
- A Prayer after the womans deliuerance. 308
- Two Prayers for Children in their Parents life time. 312. 316
- The Fatherles childe, or Orphanes Prayer. 319
- The Schollers Prayer. 323
- The Souldiers Prayer. 328
- Two Prayers for seruants. 333. 338
- The Maydes Prayer. 342
- The Prayer of the afflicted in Conscience for sinne. 346
- The sicke-mans Prayer. 352
- A Prayer to be sayd at the point of death. 358
- A generall Thankes-giuing for all men, and at all times. 360