¶ A misticall deuise of the spirituall and godly loue betwene Christ the spouse, and the Church or Congregation. Firste made by the wise Prince Salomon, and now newly set forth in verse by Jud Smith. wherunto is annexed certeine other briefe stories. And also a Treatise of Prodigalite, most fit and necessarie for to be read & marked of all estates.
Imprinted at London by Henry Kirckham, and are to be solde at his Shoppe, at the little northe doore of Paules, at the signe of the black Boie.
¶ To the christian Reader Iohn Whatton wisheth all good giftes of vertue.
IN perusing this little volume intituled, A misticall deuise, being requested of my frend therunto, I did fynde such a pleasantnes therin, that my hart reioyced and gaue du signes what pleasure and delight my minde of it conceiued. For surely (gentle Reder) if thou couit to heare anye olde bables, as I may terme them, or stale tales of Chauser, or to learne howe Acteon came by his horned head? If thy mynde be fixed to any such metamorphocall toyes, this booke is not apt nor fit for thy purpose. But if thou art contrary wise bent, to heare, or to reade holsome documentes, as it becometh all Christians, then take this same: For thou shalt fynde it sweeter (as the Prophet sayeth) then the honye [Page] [Page] [...] [Page] or the honye combe. For Salomon had great delite in the makinge of these, to recreat and renyue his spirits, and called them by this name, Canticum Canticorum, whyche is to saye: the song of songes.
Would to God that all our rebald songes were abrogated and cast quit away, and that we would once call to mynde this sweete saying of our Lord God. (O that my people would haue harkened vnto mee.) Therefore let vs followe the good counsail of the Apostle, that is: To cast awaye the workes of darknesse, and put on the Armour of lyght, which lyght is the true worde of the most hiest: as Dauid in his Psalmes writteth. Thy worde is a Lanterne vnto my feete, & a lyght vnto my path. God graunt that we may frame our lyues according to that lyght.
❧ Christ speaketh to the Churche.
❧ A coppie of the Epistle that Ieremye sent vnto the Iewes, which were led away Prisoners by the king of Babilon, wherein he certifyeth them of the thinges which was commaunded him of god.
The commaundements of God our Creator, geuen by Moyses. Exod. xx.
Deut. 6.
These woordes which I comaund thee this day, shalbe in thine hearte, & thou shalt teache them thy chyldren, and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thyne house. &c.
Deut. 12.
No man shall do that whiche seemeth good vnto him selfe, but onelye that whiche God comaundeth, and put nothing to it, nor take any thinge from it. Apo. 2.
Deut. 27.
Cursed are they whiche abydeth not in all that is written in the booke of the lawe, and do not the same.
Psalm. 19.
The lawe of the Lorde is a perfect lawe, it quickeneth the soule. The Testimonie of the Lorde is true, and [Page] geeueth wisedome euen vnto Babes. The statutes of the Lorde are ryght, and reioyceth the heart. The commaundements of the Lorde are pure, and geeueth lyght vnto the eyes.
Esai. 40.
The worde of the Lorde endureth for euer.
The commaundements of Sathan, put in practise dayly by the Pope.
¶ This is also that which God speaketh by his holy Prophet. Zacharias. 11.
I will raise vp a sheparde in the lande, which shall not seeke after the thinges that be lost, nor care for suche as go astraye. He shall not heale the wounded. He shall not norishe the thing that is whole: But he shal eat the fleshe of such as be fatt, and teare their clawes in peeces.
O Idle sheperde that leaueth the flocke, the Sworde shall come vpon his arme, and vpon his right eye, his arme shalbe cleane dryed vp, and hys ryght eye shalbe sore blynded.
¶ The warnyng whiche S. Paule geueth to the Thessalonians, how they should learne to know Antychrist. 2. Thes. 2.
Let no man deceaue you by anye meanes, for the Lorde commeth not, except there come a departing firste, and that, that sinfull man be opened, the sonne of perdicion, whiche is an aduersarie, and exalteth him selfe aboue all that is called God, or that is worshipped. So that he shall sit as God, and shewe him selfe as God.
Imprinted at London by Henry Kirckham, and are to be solde at his Shoppe, at the little northe doore of Paules, at the signe of the black Boie.