The schoole of Vertue, and booke of good Nourture for chyldren, and youth to learne theyr dutie by. Newely perused, corrected, and augmented by the fyrst Auctour. F. S

With a briefe declaracion of the dutie of eche degree.

Anno. 1557.

Dispise not councel, rebuking foly [...]eme it as, nedefull and holy.

¶ Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde at the signe of the Hedgehogge by Wyllyam Seares. ❧

¶ The Auctours name in verdyt.

S SAye well some wyll by this my labour
E Euery man yet Wyll not say the same
A Amonge the good I doubt not fauour
G God them forgeue Forst me blame
E Eche man I wyshe It shall offende
R Reade and then iudge Where faulte is amende.
Face aut Tace.

The schoole of vertue.

FIrst in the mornynge when thou dost awake
To God for his grace thy peticion then make.
This prayer folowynge vse dayly to say
Thy harte lyftynge vp Thus begyn to pray.

¶ The mornynge prayer.

O God from whom al good gifts procede
To thee we repayre in tyme of our nede
That with thy grace thou wouldst vs endue
Vertue to folowe and vyce to exchue:
Heare this our request and graunt our desyre
[Page] O lorde moste humbly we do the requyre.
This day vs detende that we walkynge aryght
May do the thynge acceptable in thy syght.
That as we in yeares And body do growe
So in good vertues we may lykewyse flowe
To thy honour and ioy of our parentes
Learninge to lyue well and kepe thy cōmaundmentes.
In flyinge from all Vice synne and cryme
Applyinge our bookes not losynge our tyme.
May fructifye and go forwarde here in good doynge
In this vale of miserie vnto oure lyuees endynge.
[Page] That after this lyfe here transitory
we may attayne to greater glory.
The Lordes prayer then se thou recyte
So vsynge to do at mornynge and nyght.

¶ Howe to order thy selfe when thou rysest, and in appa­relynge thy body, Capitulo. i.

FLye euer slouthe
and ouer much slepe
In health the body therby thou shalte kepe.
Muche slepe ingendereth diseases and payne
It dulles the the wyt and hurteth the brayne.
[Page] Early in the mornynge thy bed then forsake
Thy rayment put on thy selfe redy make,
To cast vp thy bed It shalbe thy parte
Els may they say that beastly thou art.
So to departe and let the same lye
It is not semynge nor yet manerly
Downe from thy chamber when thou shalte go
Thy parentes salute thou and the famely also
Thy handes se thou washe and thy hed keame
And of thy rayment se torne be no seame
Thy cappe fayre brusht thy hed couer than
[Page] Takynge it of In speakynge to any man.
Cato doth councel thee
thyne elders to reuerence
Declarynge therby thy dutye and obedience.
Thy shyrte coler fast to thy necke knyt
Comely thy rayment loke on thy body syt.
Thy gyrdell about thy wast then fasten
Thy hose fayre rubd thy showes se be cleane.
A napkyn se that thou haue in redines
Thy nose to clense from all fylthynes.
Thy nayles yf nede be se that thou payre
Thyne eares kepe cleane thy teath washe thou fayre.
[Page] If ought about thee chaunce to be torne
Thy frendes therof shewe howe it is worne.
And they wyll newe for thee prouyde
Or the olde mende In tyme beinge spyde.
This done thy setchell and thy bokes take
And to the scole haste see thou make.
But ere thou go with thy selfe forthynke
That thou take with thee pen paper and ynke.
For these are thynges for thy study necessary
Forget not then with thee them to cary.
The souldiar preparynge hym selfe to the fielde
[Page] Leaues not at home his sworde and his shielde.
No more shulde a scoler forget then truly
what he at scole shulde nede to occupy.
These thynges thus had Take strayght thy way
Vnto the schole without any stay.

Howe to behaue thy selfe in going by the streate and in the schoole. ii.

IN goynge by the way and passynge the strete
Thy cappe put of
Salute those ye mete
In geuynge the way
to suche as passe by
It is a poynte of siuilitie.
[Page] And thy way fortune so for to fall
Let it not greue thee thy felowes to call
when to the schole thou shalte resort
This rule note well I do the exhort.
Thy master there beynge Salute with all reuerence
Declarynge thereby thy dutye and obedience.
Thy felowes salute In token of loue
Lest of inhumanitie they shall thee reproue.
Vnto thy place appoynted for to syt
Streight go thou to and thy setchel vnknyt
Thy bokes take out thy lesson then learne
[Page] Huubly thy selfe Behaue and gouerne.
Therein takynge payne with all thyne in dustry
Learnynge to get thy boke well applye
All thynges seme harde when we do begyn
But labour and diligence
yet doth them wyn.
we ought not to recken and coumpt the thyng harde
That bryngeth ioye and pleasure afterwarde
Leaue of then laboure and the lacke rue
Lament and repent when age doth insue.
Deades that deserued Fame and greate prayse
Buried had ben we se in oldedayes.
[Page] If letters had not then brought them to lyght
The truth of suche thynges who coulde nowe resyght
Applye thy minde to learnynge and scyence
For learnynge in nede
wyll be thy défence
Nothinge to science compare we may well
The swetenes wherof all thynges doth excell.
And Cato the wyse this worthy sayinge hath
That man wantinge learnynge is as the image of death.
The rootes of learnynge most bytter we deme
The fruites at last Moste pleasaunt doth seme.
Then labour for learnynge whyle here thou shalt lyue
[Page] The ignoraunt to teache and good example geue.
So shalte thou be thought A membre most worthy
The common welth to serue In ryme of necessitie.
Experience doth teache And shewe to thee playne
That many to honour By learninge attayne.
That were of byrthe But symple and bace
Suche is the goodnes Of Gods speciall grace.
For he that to honour by vertue doth ryse
Is double happy and counted most wyse.
If doubte thou doest Desyre to be toulde
No shame is to learne Beinge neuer so oulde.
[Page] Ignoraunce doth cause Great errors in vs
For wantynge of knowledge Doubts to discusse
Then learne to discerne the good from the yll
And suche as thee warne Bere them good will.
when from the schoole ye shall take your waye
Or orderly then go ye twoo in aray
your selues matchynge So equall as ye may
That men it seynge May well of you saye.
In commendynge this your laudable wayes
whiche must nedes sounde to your great prayse.
Not runnynge on heapes as a swarme of bees
[Page] As at this day Euery man it nowe sees.
Not vsynge but refusynge Suche foolyshe toyes
As commonly are vsed In these dayes of boyes.
As hoopynge and halowynge as in huntynge the foxe
That men it hearynge Deryde them with mockes.
This foolyshnes forsake this folly exchewynge
And learne to followe this order insuynge.
In goynge by the way Neyther talke nor iangle
Gape not nor gase not at euery newe fangle.
But soberly go ye with countinaunce graue
Humblye your selues towarde all men behaue.
[Page] Be free of cappe and full of of curtesye
Greate loue of al men you shall wyn therby
Be lowly and gentyll and of meke moode
Then men con not but of you say good
In passynge the urete Do no man no harme
Vse thou fewe wordes and thy tounge charme.
Then men shal see that grace in the groweth
From whom vertues So aboundantly floweth
when thou arte come where thy parentes do dwell
Thy leaue then takynge Byd thy felowes farewell.
The house then entrynge In thy parence presence
[Page] Humbly salute them with all reuerence.

¶ Howe to behaue thi selfe in ser: uynge the table. Cap. iii

VVhen thy parentes downe to the table shall syt
In place be ready For the purpose moste fyt,
with sober countinaunce Lokynge them in the face
Thy handes holdynge vp this begyn grace.
GEue thankes to God with one accorde
Grace before meate.
For that shall be Set on this borde.
And be not carefull what to eate
To eche thynge lyuynge the Lorde sends meate.
For foode he wyll not Se you peryshe
[Page] But wyll you fede Foster and cheryshe,
Take well in worth what he hath sent
At this tyme be therwith content.
Praysynge God.

¶ So treatablie speakyng as possible thou can

That the heaters therof May thee vnderstan.
Grace beynge sayde Lowe cuesie make thou
Sayinge muche good May it do you.
Of stature then yf thou be able
It shall become thee to serue the table.
In bringynge to it Suche meate as shall nede
[Page] For thy parence vpon that tyme to fede.
Disshes with measure thou oughtest to fyll
Els mayste thou happen thy seruyce to spyll.
On theyr apparell Or els on the cloth
whiche for to doe wolde moue them to wroth.
Spare trenchers with napkyns haue in redynes
To serue afterwarde If there come any gesse.
Be circumspect [...] see nothynge do want [...]
Of necessary thynges that there be no skant.
As breade and drynke se there be plentie
The voyders with bones Ofte se thou emptie.
[Page] At hande be ready If any do call.
To fetche or take vp If ought fortune to fall.
when they haue done then ready make
The table vp fayre In order to take
Fyrste the saulte Se that thou couer
Hauynge by thee Eyther one or other
thynges from thy handes then to conuaye
That from the table thou shalt take awaye.
A voyder vpon the table then haue
The trenchers and napkyns therein to receaue
The croomes with a napkyn together them swepe
[Page] It at the tables ende In a voydex them kepe.
Then before eche man A cleane treanchour lay
The best fyrste seruynge As iudge thou soone may.
Then cheese with fruite On the table set
With Bisketes or Carowayes As you may get.
Wyne to them fyll Els ale or beare
But wyne is metest If any there were.
Then on the table Attende with all diligence
It for to voyde when done haue thy parence
Eche syde of the clothe Do thou tourne in
Foldynge it vp At the hygher ende begin
[Page] A cleane to well then On the table spreade▪
The to well wantynge the cloth take in steade.
The bason and ewer to the table then brynge
In place conuenient theyr pleasure abydynge.
When thou shalt see them redy to washe.
The ewer take vp and be not to rashe.
In powrynge out water More then wyll suffise
The table then voyde that they may ryse.
All thynges thus done forget not thy dutie
Before the table Make thou lowe cursie

¶ Howe to order thy selfe syttynge at the table. Capitulo. iiii.

O Chyldren geue care your duties to learne
Howe at the table you may your selues gouerne.
Presume not to hyghe
Socra. Cato.
I say in no case
In syttynge downe to thy betters geue place.
Suffer eche man Fyrste serued to be
For that is apoynte Of good curtesie.
When they are serued then pause a space
For that is a sygne of nourture and grace.
Saulte with thy knyfe then reache and take
[Page] The breade cut fayre And do not it breake.
Thy spone with pottage to full do not fyll
For fylynge the cloth If thou fortune to spyll.
For rudnes it is thy pottage to sup
Or speake to any his head in the cup.
Thy knyfe se be sharpe to cut fayre thy meate
Thy mouth not to full when thou dost eate.
Not smackynge thy lyppes As comonly do hogges
Nor gnawynge the bones As it were dogges.
Suche rudenes abhorre Suche beastlynes flie
At the table behaue thy selfe manerly.
[Page] Thy fyngers se cleane that thou euer kepe
Hauynge a Napkyn thereon them to wype.
Thy mouth therwith Cleane do thou make
The cup to drynke In hande yf thou take.
Let not thy tongue At the the table walke
And of no matter Neyther reason nor talke.
Temper thy tongue and belly alway
For measure is treasure the prouerbe doth say
And measure in althynges
Is to be vsed
what is without measure Ought to be refused.
For silence kepynge thou shalt not be shent
[Page] where as thy speache May cause thee repent
Bothe speache and silence
I socra.
are commendable
But sylence is metest In achylde at the table.
And Cato doth saye
that in olde and yonge
The fyrste of vertue Is to kepe thy tonge
Pyke not thy teethe at the table syttynge
Nor vse at thy meate Ouer muche spytynge.
this rudnes of youth Is to be abhorde
thy selfe manerly Behaue at the borde.
If occasion of laughter at the table thou se
Beware that thou vse the same moderately.
[Page] Of good maners learne So muche as thou can
It wyll thee preferre when thou art a man
Aristotle the Philosopher this worthy saying writ
That manere in a chylde are more requisit
then playnge on instrumentes and other vayne pleasure
For vertuous maners Is a most precious treasure.
Let not this saynge In no wyse thee offen [...]e
For playnge of instrumentes He both not discommende.
But doth graunt them For a chylde necessary
yet maners muche more see here he doth vary.
Refuse not his councell Nor his wordes dispise
[Page] To vertue and knowledge By them mayste thou ryse.

¶ Howe to order thy selfe in the Churche. Cap. v.

VVhen to the Churche thou shalt repayer
Knelynge or standynge to God make thy prayer.
All worldely matters From thy mynde set apart
Earnestly prayinge to God lyfte vp thy hart.
A contrite harte
Psal. l.
He wyll not dispyse
whiche he doth coumpt A sweete sacrifice.
To hym thy sinnes shewe and confesse
Askynge for them Grace and forgyuenes.
[Page] He is the Phisition that knoweth thy sore.
And can to health A gayne thee restore.
Iames the. i.
Aske then in fayth Not doubtynge to haue
The thynges ye desyre ye shall then receaue.
So they be lawfull Of God to requyre
He wyll the heare and graunt thy desyre.
More mercifull he is then pen can expresse
The aucthor and gener here of all goodnesse.
All ye that laboure
Math. x.
and burdened be
I wyll you refreshe In commynge to me.
These are Chrystes wordes the scripture is playne
[Page] Spoken to all suche as here suffre payne.
Our wylles to his worde then let vs frame
The heauenly habytacion therby we may clame.
In the churche comly thy selfe do behaue
In vsage sober thy countinaunce graue.
whyle you be there taulke of no matter
Nor one with an other whisper nor chatter.
Reuerently thy selfe Order alwaye
when to the Churche thou shalt come to pray
Eche thynge hath his tyme Consyder the place
For that is a token of vertue and grace
[Page] The Lorde doth call it
Luke. xix.
the house of prayer
And not to be vsed As is a fayer.

¶ The fruites of gamynge, ver­tue and learnynge. Capitulo. vi.

O Lytle chylde Eschewe thou euer gaine
For that hath brought Many one to shame.
As dysynge and cardynge And suche other playes
which many vndoeth as we se nowe a dayes.
But yf thou delyght In any earthly thynge
Delyght in knowledge Vertue and learnynge.
For learnynge wyll leade thee to the schoole of vertue
[Page] And vertue wyll teache thee Vice to subdue.
Vice beynge subdued thou canst not but floryshe
Happy is the man that vertue doth norysh.
By knowledge lykewyse thou shalt doubtes discerne
By vertue agayne thy lyfe well gouerne.
These be the frutes By them we do take
Cursed is he then that doth them forsake.
But we erre in wyt In folowynge our wyll
In iudgynge that good which playnly is yll.
Let reason thee rule and not will thee leade
To folowe thy fansie A wronge trace to treade.
[Page] But subdue thy luste and conquer thy wyll
If it shall moue thee to doe that is yll.
For what hurte by game to many doth growe
No wyse man I thynke but doth it well knowe.
Experience doth shewe and make it manifeste
That all good-men can it but deteste.
As strife and debate murder and thefte
whiche amonge christians wolde god were lefte.
with cursynge and bannynge with swearyng and tearyng
That no honest harte can abyde the hearyng.
These be the fruites that of them doth sprynge
[Page] with many more as euill that cometh of gamynge.

¶ How to behaue thy selfe in [...]aul­kynge with any man. Capitulo. vii.

IF a man demaunde a question of thee
In thine aunswere makynge be not to hastie.
waie well his wordes
the case vnderstande
Eare an answere to make thou take in hande.
Els may he iudge in thee little wit
To answere to a thynge and not heare it.
Suffer his tale whole out to be toulde
Then speake thou mayst and not be controulde.
[Page] Low obeisaunce makyng lokinge him in the face
Tretably speaking thy wordes see thou place.
with countinaunce sober thy bodie vprighte
Thy fete iuste to gether thy handes in lyke plight.
Caste not thyne eies on neither syde
when thou arte praised therin take no pryde.
In tellynge thy tale neither langh nor smyle
Such folly forsake thou banish and exyle.
In audible voice thy wordes do thou vtter
Not hie nor lowe but vsynge a measure.
Thy wordes se that thou pronounce plaine
[Page] And thai they spoken Be not in vayne.
In vttryng wherof Kepe thou anorder
Thy matter therby thou shalte much forder.
whiche order yf thou Do not obserue
From the purpose nedes must thou swaru [...]
And hastines of speche wyll cause thee to erre
Or wyll thee teache to stut or stammer.
To stut or stammer is a foule crime
Learne then to leaue it take warnyng in tyme.
How euyll a chylde it doth become
Thy selfe beynge iudge hauinge wisedome.
[Page] And sure it is taken by custome and vre
whyle yonge you be there is helpe and cure.
This generall rule yet take with the
In speakynge to any man Thy head vn couered be.
The common prouerbe remember ye oughte
Better vnfedde then vn taughte.

¶ How to order thy selfe being sente of message. Cap. viii.

IF of message forthe thou be sente
Take hede to the same Geue eare diligente.
Depart not awaye and beyng in doute
[Page] Know wel thy message before thou passe out.
with possible spede then hast thee right sone
If nede shall requirr it so to be done.
After humble obeisaunce the message forth shewe
Thy wordes well placinge in vttringe but fewe.
As shall thy matter serue to declare
Thine answere made then home againe repare.
And to thy master therof make relacion
As then the answere shall geue thee occasion.
Neither adde nor deminish
any thynge to the same
Lest after it proue to thy rebuke and shame.
[Page] But the same vtter so nere as thou can
No faulte they shall fynde to charge thee with than.
In most humble wyse loke done that it be
As shall become beste a seruantes degre.

¶ Againste Anger, Enuie, and malice. Cap. ix.

IF thou be subiecte and to anger thrall
And reason thee rule not nedes must thou fall
Conquer thy wyll
and subdue thy luste
Thy fansy not folowing thy cause though be iuste.
For anger and furie wyll thee so chaunge
[Page] That thy doynges to wise men wyll appeare straunge.
Thine anger and wrath seke then to appeace
For wrath saith Plato Leades shame in a leace.
The hastie man
wantes neuer trouble
His mad moody mynde his care doth double.
And malyce thee moue to reuenge thy cause
Dread euer god and daunger of the lawes.
Do not reuenge though in thy power it be
Forgeue the offender being thine enemie.
He is perfectely pacient we may repute plaine
From wrath and furye
himselfe can retrayne.
[Page] Disdayne nor enuie The state of thy brother
In worde nor dede not hurtyng one another.
Debate and disceate contencion and enuie
Are the chiefe frutes of an euyll bodie.
And Salomon saithe The harte full of enuie
Of him selfe hath no pleasure nor commoditie.

¶ The fruites of charitie, loue, and pacience. Cap. x.

CHaritie seketh not that to her doth belonge
But paciently abydinge sustainynge rather wronge.
Not enuiynge but bearinge with loue and pacience
[Page] So noble is her nature forgeuing all ofence.
And loue doth moue the mynde to mercie
But malice againe doth worke the contrarie.
whiche in the wicked wyll euer beare stroke
Pacience thee teacheth therof to beare the yoke.
where pacience aud loue to gether do dwell
All hate and debate with malice they expell.
Loue constant and faithfull Pithagoras doth call
To be a vertue most principall.
Plato doth speake
almoste in effecte
where loue is not no vertue is perfecte.
[Page] Desire then god to assiste thee with his g [...]
Charitie to vse and pacience to imbrace.
These three folowinge will thee instructe
That to vertues schoole they wyll thee conducte.
And from vertues schoole to eternall blisse
where incessaunt ioie continually is.

¶ Againge the horrible vice of swearynge. Cap. xi.

IN vaine take not the name of god
Swere not at all for feare of his rod.
The house with plagues he threteneth to visit
[Page] where othes are vsed they shall not escape it.
Iuste are his iudgementes and true is his worde
And sharper then is a two edged sworde.
wherfore beware thou his heauy indignacion
And learne to lyue well in thy vocacion.
wherin that god shall thee set or call
Rysinge againe if it fortune to fall.
By prayer and repentance whiche is the onely waie
Christ wolde not the death of a sinner I saye.
But rather he turne From his wickednesse
And so to lyue in vertue and goodnesse.
[Page] what better art thou for this thy swearyng
Blasfamouslye the name of god tearyng.
Prouokynge his yre and kyndlinge his wrath
Thee for to plauge that geuinge the hath.
Knowlage and reason thy selfe for to rule
And for to flee the thynge that is euyl.
Senica doth councell thee all swerynge to refrayne
Although great profite by it thou mighte gaine.
Pericles whose wordes are manifeste and playne
From sweryng admonisheth thee to obstaine.
The lawe of god and commaundement he gaue
[Page] Swearynge amongst v [...] in no wyse wolde hau [...]
The councell of philosoph [...] I haue here expreste
Amongest whom sweryng was vtterly deteste.
Much lesse amongest christians ought it to be vsed
But vtterly of them cleane to be refused.

¶ A gainste the vice of filthy talkynge. Cap. xii.

NO filthy taulke in no wise vse
Thy tonge therby for to abuse.
Of euery idell worde an accumpte we shall tender
All men I woulde this sayinge to remember.
To god for it at the generall daie
[Page] In earnest or sporte we shall speake or saie.
whiche daye to the iuste shalbe most ioyfull
And to the wicked againe as wofull.
As we here doe so shall we receaue
Vnles we repente and mercy of god craue.
If god wyll deale with vs so straight
For thinges that be. of so small waight.
Then haue we cause to feare and dreade
Our lyues lewdly it we haue leade.
Thy tonge take hede thou doe refrayne
From speakyng wordes that are moste vayne.
[Page] Thy wyll and witte to goodnes applie
Thy mynde exercise in vertuous studie.

¶ Againste the vice of lyinge. Capitulo. x. ii.

TO forge to fayne to flater and lye
Requiere diuers collours with wordes fayre and slye.
But the vtteraunce of truthe is so simple and playne
That it nedeth no studie to forge or to fayne.
wherfore saye truth how euer stand the case
So shalte thou fynde more fauour and grace.
Vse truthe and say truth in that thou goest aboute
For tyme of althinges the truthe wyll bringe out
[Page] Shame is the rewarde For lying dewe
Then auoyde shame and vtter wordes trewe.
A lyar by his lying this profet doth get
That whan he saith truth no man wyll him credet.
Then let thy talke with the truth agree
And blamed for it thou shalte neuer bee.
Howe maie a man a lyer ought truste
But doubte his dedes his woordes being vniuste.
In tellyng of truth there longeth no shame
Where vttring of lyes deserueth much blame.
And though a lye from stripes ye once saue
[Page] Thrise for that once it wyll the besceue
Truste then to truth and neither forge nor fayne
And followe these preceptes from liyng do refraine.

¶ A praier to be saide when thou goest to beode.

O Mercifull god heare this our requeste
And graunte vnto vs this nighte quiet reste.
Into thy tuicoin oh lorde do vs take
Our bodies slepynge our myndes yet maie wake.
Forgeue the offences this daye we haue wroughte
Againste thee and our neighbour in worde dede and thoughte
And graunte vs thy grace hense forth to flie sinne
[Page] And that a newe lyfe we ma [...]e nowe beginne
Deliuer and defende vs this night from all euell
And from the daunger of our enemie the diuell
Whiche goeth a boute sekyng his praie
And by his crafte whom we maie betraie.
Assiste vs oh lorde with thy holy sprite
That valiantly against him we maie euer fighte
And winning the victorie maie lifte vp our voice
And in his strength faith fully reioice.
Saying to the lorde be all honour and praise
For his defence bothe now and alwaies.

¶ the dutie of eche degred. brefely declared.

YE princes that the earth rule and gouerne
Seke ye for knowledge doubtes to discerne.
ye iudges geue iudgement according to righte
As may be founde acceptable in the lordes sight.
ye prelates preache purely the worde of our lorde
That your liuings & prechinges in one maie accorde.
ye fathers and mothers so your children instructe
As maye them to grace and uertue conducte.
ye chyldren lykewyse obey your parētes here
In all godlinesse see that ye them feare.
ye maisters do you the thynge that is righte.
Not lokynge what ye may do by mighte.
ye seruauntes applie your busines and arte
Doinge the same in singlenesse of harte.
ye husbandes loue your wyues and with them dwell
All bitternesse set aparte vsing wordes gentell.
ye wynes to your husbandes be obedient alwaie
[Page] For they are your heades and ye bounde to obeie
ye persons and vickers that haue cure and charge
Take hede to the same and [...]ou [...] not at large.
ye men of lawe in no wyse delaie
The cause of the poore but helpe what ye maie
ye that be craftes men vse no disceite
Geuing to all men tale measure and weighte.
ye that be landlordes and haue housen to let
At reasonable rentes do them forth set.
ye merchauntes that vse the trade of merchandise
Vse lawfull wares and reasonable prise.
ye subiectes lyue ye in obedience and awe
Fearyng gods stroke and daunger of the lawe.
ye rych whom god hath goods vnto sente
Releue the poore and helpe the indigente.
ye that are poore with your state be contente
Not hauinge wherwith to lyue competente
ye magestrates the cause of the widdow and fatherles
[Page] Defende againste suche as shall them opresse
All ye that are called to any other office
Execute the same acordinge to iustice
Let eche here so liue in his vocacion
As maie his foule saue and profet his nacion
This graunting god that sitteth on hie
we shall here well lyue and after well die
Famam virtutis m [...]s
Abolire nequit
ꝙ. F. S.

¶ Im printed at London in Paules Churchyearde. By william Seare [...].

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