❧ A Treatise of the way to life, deui­ded into three partes.

The first part sheweth howe, by sinne wee haue deserued Gods curse.

The seconde parte sheweth me, howe wee are freed from the curse, and the law satisfied.

The thirde part teacheth vs, what duetyes and thankefulnesse we owe to the Lorde, for this be­nefite of our redemp­tion.

❧ Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson.

¶ The first part shew­eth our miserie, and how by sinne we haue deserued Gods curse, and eternall damnation.

Q TO whom doest thou professe thy selfe to belong?

A To the liuing GodGen. 1.1. Act. 14.15. ma­ker of heauen & earth: whoseEphe. 2.10. workmanship I am, for that hee hath made and created me.

Q. Wherefore hath God created thee?

A. That I might serue toEphe. 1.4.5. his glorie, by doing his will inEphe. 4.24. righte­ousnesse and holinesse all my life.

Q. Did God then create man that he could doe his will?

A. Yea verily, for he created manGen. 1.27. to the likenesse of his owne image, in trueCol. 3.10. Ephes. 4.24. holinesse and righteousnesse.

Q. Canst thou then of thy selfe doe his will, and keepe his lawe?

A. Nothing lesse, for inRom. 5.18. Adam we [Page] are all fallen from the state of innocen­cie, andEphes. 2.3. are by nature the children of wrath,Rom. 3.23. and voyde of all grace,Rom. 6.20. & ser­uants of sinne.

Q. What is sinne?

A. It is the breach1. Iohn. 3.4. or transgression of Gods lawe.

Q. What is the reward of sinne?

A. EternalRom. 6.23. Mat. 25.41.46. death and damnation both of body and soule.

Q. How commest thou to the know­ledge of sinne?

A. ByRom. 3.20. & Rom. 7.7. the lawe of God whiche I finde my selfe not able to performe, & therefore am guiltie of death.

Q. What is the lawe of God?

A. It is a rule of perfect obedience,1. The. 4.1.3 teaching vs howe to walke & please God, conteyned in the ten commaunde­ments.

Q. Rehearse them.

Exod. 22. A. God spake and said: I am the Lord thy God, &c.

Q. What meaneth this Preface: I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the lande of Egipt, out of the house of bondage.

A. I note first, that God setteth down his authoritie before his law saying: I am the Lord, mouing vs to feare him alone: secondly, adding thy God, hee geueth foorth most louing promises of his mercies concerning this life, and the life to come, to moue vs to loue him alone, and trust onely in him: thirdly, repeating his benefites, he addeth mat­ter of faith and thankfulnesse.

Q. How is this lawe deuided?

A. Int [...] Mat. 22.37 39. Luke 1.75 1. Table. two principall heades,2. Tables. or tables.

Q. What is conteyned in the first table?

A. Luke 1.75. Mat. 22.37. Ephe. 4.24. Holinesse, or the true woorship of God, commonly called our duetie to God, conteyned in the first foure com­maundements.

Q. What teacheth the first com­maundement: Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me.

A. It teacheth vs to honourDeut. 6.4. God alone, that is to worship him withDeut. 10.12 20. feare, to beleeue in him, and call vppon him through faith, and testifie ourDeut. 6.5. Marc. 11.30. loue toward him with thankesgiuing, ha­uing [Page] ourLuke 10.27. soule, hearte, minde, and thoughtes, consecrate vnto God, and forbiddeth vs toDeut. heare false teachers, or to regard sorcerers, witches, or anie such.

Q. What teacheth the 2. comman­dement, Thou shalte not make to thy, &c.

A. It teacheth vs that wee shoulde not liken God toLeuit. 26.1. any creature what­soeuer, nor woorship him in any simili­tude, neither after our o [...]e phantazie, or by good intentes, not grounded on his worde, but onelyIohn 4.23. in spirite and trueth, after the trueDeut. 12.32. rule of his worde.

Q. What teacheth the third com­maundement, Thou shalt not take the name, &c?

A. It forbiddeth vs toIer. 5.7. sweare be any creature whatsoeuer, or by Gods nameLeuit. 19.12 falsely orEccle. 19.1. rashly, but inIere. 4.2. truth, iudgement, and iustice, with allDeu. 4.8.58 reuerence of his name, and chargeth vs with the care1. Cor. 10.31. Col. 3.17. of gods glorie in hea­ring, speaking & thinking of his worde & works, and in all our doings.

Q. What teacheth the fourth com­maundement: Remember thou keepe holy the Sabboth, &c?

A. We are taught toAct. 20.7. assemble to heare Gods worde, and vse his sacramentes withRom. 4.11. faith andMat. 3.2.6 repentaunce, and to pray to him also toEsay 56.2 & 58.13. rest from sinne, and our owne wayes, to profite in true mor­tification and sanctificationExod. 31.13 whiche God worketh in his Saintes.

Q. It seemeth then that these foure preceptes teache the true seruice due to God, now tell me what is taught in the second table?The 2. Table.

A. The second table teacheth vsLuke 1.75 Mat. 22.39 Ephe. 4.24 righteousnesse, or our duetie to men in the Lorde, conteyning the sixe last com­maundements.

Q. What learne we in the first cō ­mandement: Honour thy Father, &c?

A. We learne to feare, loue,Leuit. 19.3 and o­bey our Parentes,Exod. 22.28 Princes,Rom. 13.1.2 Gouer­nours, teachers,1. Thes. 5.12 Pastours, Maisters andLeui. 19.32 Elders, and all our betters. Fi­nally, it teacheth all superiors to be as fathers to their inferiours, & the inferi­ours to obey in the Lord.

Q. What teacheth the sixt commande­ment, Thou shalt doe no murther, &c?

A. It teacheth vs to shun al occasiō of discord, in thought, deed, and worde, all quarrelling, fighting,Leuit. 19.17 18. 1. Iohn 3.15 hatred, or de­sire of reuengement, and teacheth to doMat, 5.43.44. good to all men, euen to our ene­mies.

Q. What teacheth the seuenth com­maundement: Thou shalt not com­mit adultry?

A. It forbiddeth allEphe. 5.3. fornication,Leuit. 18.12 vnorderly, and wanton lusts,Ephe. 5.4. talkes & songs, proudDeut. 11.12 apparrell, lechery, drun­kennesse, excesse andEzec. 16.49 idlenesse. Final­ly, all occasions leading to vncleannes, & requireth all sobernesse, chastity, and temperancie.

Q. What teacheth the eight: Thou shalt not steale, &c?

A. It forbiddeth allExod. 25.14 17. deceite,Ier. 8.10.15 co­uetousnesse &1. Thes. 4.6. iniury in any dealing, & in all callinges, and commaundeth all true &Leui. 19.13. iust dealing in iudgement, mea­sure, & weight, & teacheth euerye man to bee content with his estateEphes. 4.28. and to helpe others.

Q. What teacheth the nienth com­maundement: Thou shalte not beare false &c?

A. It forbiddeth allExod. 23.1. Psal. 15.3. hearing, andLeui. 19.16. speaking of slaunders and vntruthes against our neighbours, all flattering, lying, vpbrayding, and dissembling, and chargeth vs with the care of the good name of our neighbour, and charitablie to witnesse the truth to the establishing of loue.

Q. What teacheth the tenth com­maundement: Thou shalte not couet thy, &c?

A. It teacheth yt not only a consent to the desires of euill, is sinne, but the motion of sinne it selfe is against GodsRom. 8.7. & 7.7. Gal. 5.17. lawe, and bewrayeth our concupis­cence, and conuinceth vs of the breach of the lawe.

Q. Sith then that wee cannot ob­serue the law, to what vse serueth it?

A. To sheweGal. 3.19 man his weake­nesse, toRom. 3.20 & 7.7. accuse and condemne man, and maketh the faithfull toGal. 3.24 flee to Christ, and acknowledge the free grace of God to bee the onely cause of their [Page] health, it increaseth the knowledge of Gods wil in them,Gal. 2.16.19 humbleth the flesh, and stirreth vp the spirite toHeb. 8.10.11 obediēce by Gods spirite, whiche maketh the lawePsal. 19.17 profitable & sweete to the faith­full.

The second part teaching how we are freed from the curse, and the law sa­tisfied.

Q. BY what meanes then is the law satisfied, and this curse answe­red for vs?

A. God of his infiniteIoh. 3.16 loue, in theGal. 4.4.6 fulnesse of time, sent his sonne made of a woman, and subiect to the law, and redeemed vs from the slauerye of it,2. Cor. 5.19 reconciling vs to God by not im­puting our sinnes vnto vs, and so wasRom. 8.3.4 2. Cor. 5.21 made sinne for vs, that we in him might be righteous before GOD, and soGal. 3.13 freed from this curse, and the law sa­tisfied.

Q. It seemeth then that we obtayne [Page] not righteousnesse by the law.

A. No verily, butGal. 2.16. & 3.11.12. by fayth in Iesus Christ,Gen. 15.6 Rom. 4.13.16 in whom our faith is counted for righteousnesse.

Q. What is faith then?

A: It is a certaineEphe. 4.13. 1. Ioh. 5.23 knowledge & sureMar. 11.22 perswasion of the free good will of God towardes vs in Christ,Heb. 8.10 sealed in our hearts by his spirite.

Q. How come we by faith?

A. ByIoh. 17.8.20 Rom. 10.17 hearing the worde of God preached.

Q. Haue we faith then by bare hea­ring of the word?

A. No, but it is theIoh. 6.44 Ephe. 6.23. & 2.8. Phil. 2.13 woorke of Gods spirite in vs.

Q. Is faith then needfull?

A. Yea,Mar. 16.16 Iohn. 8.24 for without faith we cannot be saued.

Q. What profit then haue wee by faith?

A. Wee areRom. 3.23. & 5.1. iustified thereby &Iohn 1.12. Gal. 3.26. made the sonnes of God.

Q. Rehearse the summe of this thy faith?

A. I beleeue in God the Father al­mightie. &c?

Q. What is the briefe summe of all this?

A. I learne foure thinges: first that GodGen. 1.1 Ephe. 4.6 Deut. 32.58 Mat. 2.10. the father is creatour and preser­uer of al things in heauen & earth. Se­condly, that God the sonneIoh. 3.16.17 Gal. 4.5. 1. Ioh. 2.12 is redee­mer of the world. Thirdly, that God2. Thes. 2.13 1. Pet. 1.2. the holy Ghost is the sanctifier of his people. Fourthly, that by this meanes GOD hathEphe. 5.26 purchased to himselfe a Churche, and made it holy to serue his glory in life

Q. Are there three Gods that thou namest, God the father, God the sonne, and God the holy Ghost?

A. No verily, butEphe. 4.6 one onely eter­nall God, in one essence and being, yetMat. 4.16.17. & 28.19 1. Iohn 5.7 distinguished in three persons, because of their seuerall operations, effects and properties.

1. part.Q. Why is the first person in tri­nitie called father?

A. Because hee hathGen. 1.1. created all things, andIoh. 20.17. 1. Iohn 3.1. adopted the faithfull to be his children in Christ.

Q. Why is he sayde to be almigh­tie?

A. Because his power is ouer all thinges, and ruleth them all byIer. 10.13. He. 1.3. & 11.3 2. Pet. 3.5.6 his word.

Q. Why is he called maker of hea­uen and earth?

A. Not onely because he made hea­uen and earth, and all thinges in them, but also because heeEsay. 40.26. Ier. 10.12.13 ordereth, andEsay 42.5. preserueth them all by his prouidence.

Q. What followeth in the second article,2. part. and in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord?

A. Here beginneth the history of our redemption, wrought by the second per­son in trinity, God the sonne.

Q. What signifieth this worde Ie­sus?

A. It signifiethMat. 1.21 a Sauiour.

Q. VVhy is Christ called a Sa­uiour?

A. Because heeMat. 1.21 saueth his people from all their sinnes.

Q. What doeth this worde Christ signifie?

A. It signifieth annoynted, and is so called because hee was annoynted withPsal. 45.7 Ioh. 3.34. the holy Ghost, to bee theLuke. 1.32 king, [Page] Psal. 110.4 Heb. 4.14. priest andLuke 24.10 Heb. 1.2 prophet to GOD his fa­ther.

Q. What is his kingdom?

A. It is spirituall andIohn 18.36 heauenly, wherby he gouerneth his church by his word and spirite, andCol. 1.13 Heb. 2.14 triumpheth ouer Satans kingdom inCol. 1.22 Heb. 1.3 1 Pet. 2.24 his owne person for vs.

Q. What profite haue we by his kingdome?

A. We haueLuke 1.71.74. Rom. 8.2.15 libertie of consci­ence, regeneration,Ephe. 6.16 Apoc. 12.11 strength and vic­torie against Satan, death, hell and sin, and finally, are madeEphe. 4.7.8. partakers of Christ his graces and spirituall trea­sures.

Q. Why is he called a priest?

A. Because he was theHeb. 2.17 & 9.11.12 true high priest, to offer his own bodie a sacrifice for our sinnes.

Q. What doth his priesthoode pro­fite vs?

A. It assureth vs that he is ourRom. 8.24 Heb. 7.25 mediatour, to reconcile vs to God, and satisfie for our sins, & toRom. 5.2 Ephe. 2.18 make an en­try for vs, to comeRom. 8.15 before our God with boldnes, to pray to him, &Heb 13.15 1. Pet 2.5 offer [Page] spirituall sacrifices.

Q. Why is he called a Prophet?Esay 55.4 Heb. 1.1.

A. Because he is the full inter­preter of his Fathers will vnto vs.

Q. VVhat profiteth it vs to be­leeue this?

A. Much verily: for hereby our faith is stayed on theIohn 3.33.34 Heb. 1.2. & 2 3 doctrine of Christ, so that we looke for no other doctrine or reuelations then his gospell thoughGal. 1.8. reuealed from heauen by an An­gell.

Q. Sith thou callest Christ the on­ly sonne of GOD, howe is it that the faithfull are also the sonnes of God?

A. Christ is onely the sonneIohn 1.18. & 3.16. of God by nature,Gal. 4.5.6. Ephe. 1.5 the faithfull by grace & adoption in Christ.

Q. Why is he called our Lord?

A. Because he is theEphe. 1.22. & 4.15. Col. 1.18 onely head of his Church, andApoc. 17.14. ruler of men and Angels, and we are assured of his de­fence.

Q. What teacheth the 3. Article: whiche was conceiued by the holye Ghost, borne of the Virgin Mary?

A. It teacheth that as Christ wasRom. 9.5 Col. 2.9. perfect God, so hee was also perfectMat. 5.25. manGal. 4.4. borne of a woman, yet by a ho­lye seede, that hee mayHeb. 2.11. sanctifye o­thers.

Q. Was it needfull that he must be both God and man?

A. Yea, or els he could not be a Sa­uiour for man, for theGal. 2.9. godhead dwelt in him bodily, that so inHeb. 2.14. our nature, he might by death destroy the power of Sathan and sinne, andGal. 3.13. beare our curse.

Q. What profite haue we by his manhood?

A. Christ therein discharged vsHe. 2.14.17 of his fathers anger, and in taking our nature,Iohn 1.16. Ephe. 2.5.6. parteth to vs his graces.

Q. VVhat learnest thou in the fourth article: He suffered vnder Pon­tius Pilate, was crucifyed, dead, and bu­ried: hee descended into hell.

A. We learne what anguish of death Christ the1. Pet. 3.18. iust suffered on the crosse for vs that are vniust, that we might be healed1. Pet. 2.24. by his stripes.

Q. Wherefore did Christ thus [Page] suffer and die?

A. For ourRom. 4.2.6 sinnes.

Q. What profite haue wee by his death?

A. TheEphe. 1.7 forgiuenesse of our sins, theRom. 6.5 mortification of our flesh, andCol. 1.20 the appeasing of Gods wrath.

Q. What meaneth his descending into hell?

A. Euen this, that for a timeEsay 53.3.5 he felt his fathers wrath, and theAct. 2.24 dolours of eternall death in hisMat. 26.38 42 Luke 22.43. Heb. 5.7 soule and consci­ence here on earth, that hee might bee a redeemer as well of the soule as of the bodie.

Q. What teacheth the fifte Arti­cle: the third day he rose againe from the dead?

A. It teacheth that ChristCol. 2.15 Heb. 2.14 1. Cor. 15.57 ouercame death, and brake the kingdome of Sa­than for vs.

Q. What vse haue we of his resur­rection?

A. Wee haueRom. 9.25 iustification, a1. Cor. 15.20.22 gage of our immortality, andRom. 6.4 newnes of life.

Q. How art thou assured that thou [Page] art in Christ, and hast part in his death and resurrection indeede?

A. By this, thatRom. 8.9 2. Cor. 5.5 1. Iohn 4.13 God hath geuen me of his spirit, whichRo. 8.10.11 subdueth sinne in me, and soRom. 8.13. & 6.6 mortifieth my fleshe, bringing mee in hatred with sinne and Sathan, and for that I feeleRom. 6.4 sancti­fication, and a new life to be begunne in me by his resurrection, which certifieth my conscience, that I am in Christ, and so of God.

Q. It should seeme then, whosoeuer tast not at all of true1. Ioh. 3.3.6 mortification, and newnesse of life, howsoeuer otherwise boasting of the mercies of God, of Chri­stes death, and forgiuenesse of sinnes by him, yet hath hee no part in the re­demption of Christ?

A. It is very true, for asRom. 4.25 Christ dyed for our sinnes, and rose againe for our righteousnes, so he restoreth strēgth to the faithfullRom. 6.6.18 [...]. Pet. 2.24. to subdue sinne in some measure, and to walke in a new life and righteousnes here on earth.

Q. Nowe tell me what followeth in the sixt article: Hee ascended into heauen, and sitteth on the right hande [Page] of God &c?

A. We learne that Christ hauing accomplished, all that was needefull for our saluation, went intoMar. 16.19 Act. 1.9 heauen with his body, andHeb. 10.12 stayeth there til he come to iudgement.

Q. Hath Christ then cleane forsa­ken his Church?

A. No, but is present with hisMat. 28.20 Iohn 14.16.17 in spirite, to the ende of the world.

Q. What meaneth the sitting at the right hand?

A. The right hand is taken for the power of God, noting that Christ hath allMat. 28.18 Iohn 17.2 Phil. 2.9 Heb 1.3.5 power of his father, both of things in heauen and earth.

Q. What profite commeth to vs by his ascension?

A. Heauen isEphe. 2.6 open to the faithful, which our sinnes had shut vp, and we are assured thatRom. 8.34 he is our mediatour, and by this meanesIohn 7.39. & 16.7 the holy Ghost is giuē to the faithfull,

Q. What teacheth the seuenth ar­ticle: From thence hee shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead?

A. Wee learne that2. Cor. 15 10. Apoc. 20.12 all men, both good and bad shal appeare before the tri­bunal seate of Christ.

Q. Haue we any comfort or profite by this?

A. Yea, for it is happy that he which hath saued vs, shall iudge vs, for he shall come to acquite &Col. 3.4 glorifie the faithful, but to iudge and condemne the2. The. 1.8 10 vnbe­leeuers and disobedient.

3. part. Q. What teacheth the 8. article: I beleeue in the holy Ghost?

A. This article teacheth that the thirde person in Trinitye, GODIohn 6.63 & 14.26. & 16 13 the holy Ghost maketh all this profi­table to the faithfull, and1. Pet. 1.2 2. Thes. 2.13 sanctifi­eth andIohn 3.6.8 regenerateth them to bee newe creatures, and a holy Church vn­to God.

4. part. Q. What followeth in the 9. arti­cle: the holy Catholike Churche, the communion of Saints?

A. This concerneth the fourth poynt of our faith, assuring vs thatPsal. 125.1 GOD hath his Church on earth al­wayes.

Q. What signifieth this woorde [Page] Catholike?

A. It signifieth vniuersall, noting that Christs ChurchMat. 8.11 Iohn 10.16 is dispersed in all places, & yet butCol. 1.18.24 Ephe. 4.15.16 one body of one head which is Christ.

Q. Why is added the communion of Saintes?

A. To shew the1. Iohn 1.3 felowship which ye faithfull haue with Christ, and with themselues in ye Ephes. 4.3 13 vnitie of faith, and one mind, teaching vsAct. 4.32 to cōmunicate our graces one to another.

Q. What are the true markes of ye visible Church?

A. The sincereRom. 10.14 15 preaching of the worde, ye true ministringAct. 20.7 of ye Sacra­ments,Gen. 12.8 Psal. 65.1 Psal. 18.4.4 prayer, & discipline, according to the word.

Q. Can there be no Church where any of those doe want?

A. Yes indeede: although ble­mished, for the woorde preached, and Sacramentes truelye ministred, shewe that there is a Churche, for they are a token of Gods face andAct. 10.33 Heb. 4.12.13 presence, and the printes of theEzek. 43.7 soles of his feete.

Q. It shoulde seeme then that the Romish Church is not the true Church, hauing neither the word sincerely prea­ched, nor the Sacramentes perfect, nei­ther in substance nor forme, and their dis­cipline cleane besides the word.

A. It is very true, neither can the familie of loue be the true Church, refu­sing the vocall worde, vocall prayer, ba­nishing the Sacraments, and true dis­cipline.

Q. Shewe mee the meaning of the tenth article: the remission of sinnes?

A. It assureth vs of thePsal. 32.1.2 Ephe. 1.7 free for­giuenesse of all the sinnes of the be­leeuers, both of the fault and punish­ment.

Q. Doe we not merite forgiuenesse of any one sinne by workes?

A. No certainely: but ChristAct. 13.38.39 a­lone is the full satisfactionTit. 2.14 1. Iohn 1.7 for all our sinnes.

Q. Are not works then needful, sith they doe not merite?

A. Yes, nothing more, first, to te­stifie ourCol. 3.17 thankfulnesse and1. Iohn 5.2 loue to [Page] God, & toTit. 3.8 Iam. 2.18 proue our faith: secondly, to1 Pet. 2.12 giue good example to men: thirdly, toMat. 5.18 1. Cor. 10.31 glorifie God. Fourthly, to assure our conscience that we are the sonnes of God.

Q. What teacheth the eleuenth article: the resurrection of the bo­die?

A. We are assured that theIob. 19.25 bodies of the faithfull shall rise to behold God, andPhil. 3.21 shall be made like to the glorious bodie of Christ, and their soules imme­diately after this lifeEccle. 12.7 2. Cor. 5.6.7 returne to God.

Q. Doe noe the wicked rise al­so?

A. Yes verily, both theAct. 24.15 iust and vniust, the iust to life, and the wicked to death and iudgement.Iohn 5.29

Q. What vnderstandest thou in the eleuenth article: the life euerlasting?

A. I vnderstand, that after this re­surrection there is no more chāge, but ye faithfullIohn 3 36 shall liue with Christ for e­uer in ioy, the wicked shall be without ChristMat. 25.46. in eternall payne.

Q. Then all this teacheth vs that the obedience of the law is onely perfor­med [Page] by Christ, in whom we are freelye iustified through faith, wrought by Gods spirite, whiche geueth vs the true knowledge of GOD and his mercies in Christ, in whome onely wee please God, and our obedience is accep­table.

A. It is euen so.

The thirde parte tea­cheth vs what dueties and thanke­fulnes, we owe to the Lord for this be­nefite of our redemption.

Q. By what meanes is this faith & obedience nourished or increased in vs?

A. ByRom. 10.17 Gal. 3.2 hearing of ye word of God, by the trueRom. 4.11 vse of the Sacraments, &Rom. 8.15 & 10.14 by prayer, by which meanes also wee testifie our faith and obedience, & glorify GOD.

Q. Doe these of themselues nourishe our faith?

A. No, but onelyRom. 8.6 [...] Cor. 3.18 Gods spirit ma­keth [Page] them effectuall vnto vs.

Q. Howe is our faith nourished by the woorde?

A. By diligentRom. 10.17 hearing, reading, meditation, conference,Act. 20 32 He. 10.24.25 exhortation, & application of the worde, assuring vs of the truth therof, and of Gods promises,Iam. 1.21 submitting our selues wholly to the same, that it may beRom. 1.16 a worde of power vnto saluation in vs.

Q. What is a Sacrament?

A. It is an outwardGen. 17.11 Rom. 4.11 seale ioy­ned vnto the word which visibly repre­senteth vnto vs spiritual things, & assu­reth our faith of Gods promises decla­red in his worde.

Q. How many Sacramentes are there?

A. Two: Baptisme, and the supper of the Lorde.

Q. How doth Baptisme profite or nourish our fayth?

A. First, by assuring vs that wee areRom. 6.3 1. Cor. 12.13 Gal. 3.27. one with Christ. Secondly, that we areIohn 3.3.5 begotten againeCol. 2.11 from sinne, in­to a new life. Thirdly, by being a pledgTit. 3.5 of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes, for [Page] as the water cleanseth the body, so our soules by the1. Pet. 3.21. blood of Christ are pur­ged from sinne.

Q. What profite hath our faith by the Lords supper?

A. Euen this, that as outwardely we1. Cor. 10.16 & 12.26 receiue the bread and wine to nou­rish our bodies, so inwardly we receiue Christ by faith, euen as our own, whoseCol. 1.14.22 body and blood cleanseth vs from sin and nourisheth vs to eternall life.

Q. Doe we receiue the very bodye and blood of Christ reallye in the bread?

A. Nothing lesse, but onelyIohn 6.63 spi­ritually by faith.

Q. Howe shall wee receiue this Sacrament woorthily or profitably?

A. When wee come with faith & repentaunce.

Q. How shall we knowe that wee come with faith?

A. First, if we acknowledging our owne pouertie and wants, confesse the mercies of God1. Cor. 11.24 with thankesgiuing: secondly, when we assure our selues of theMat. 26.28 forgiuenesse of our sinnes by the [Page] death and sacrifice of Christ onely.

Q. How shal we know yt we come with repentance?

A. First, if we1. Cor. 11.28 examine our harts, and are truelyPsal. 32.5.6 grieued for our sinnes,Mat. 3.6 confessing them before God: secondly, when weMat. 3.8 walke in a new life, that is, in holines to God, and true loue to our neighbour,Mat. 5.23 24 reconciling our selues one to another, andMat. 6.14 15 Col. 3.13 forgiuing, that we may be forgiuen.

Q. What differeth Baptisme frō the Lordes supper, sith they both betokē the remission of sinnes?

A. Baptisme grafteth vs into Christ by regeneration in hope of remission of sinnes, the supper nourisheth vs,1. Cor. 12.13. beyng grafted to feele the power of the death and resurrection of Christ dayly strēg­thening our faith into a new life.

Q. What is prayer, whiche is the third meanes to increase our faith?

A. It is to aske all good thinges of God by faith, and to giue him thanks for all things receiued.

Q. How doth prayer nourish faith, when it is rather an effect or exercise of [Page] faith?

A. It nourisheth it when wee ha­uing asked, doe also obtayne, and so our faith is strengthened and comforted, but it is an effect of faith, because where faith is,Rom. 10.14 there followeth prayer & than­kesgiuing.

Q. What is required in true prayer?

A.Eccles. 5.1 1. Tim. 2.8 A pure affection to GOD and his worde, aGen. 32.10 Luke. 18.13 true feeling of our owne vnworthines, wants & sins, asureIam 1.6 Mat. 7.7. faith in the fauour and promises of God, and to aske all thingsRom. 8.28 according to his will.

Q. Are we thus prepared to prayer of our selues?

A. No, but GodsRom. 8.15 26 Gal. 4.6 spirite onelie teacheth vs to pray faithfully, &Heb. 11.6 with­out faith prayer, is not acceptable.

Q. Rehearse the Lords prayer?

A. Our father which art in heauen. &c.

Mat. 6. Q. What meaneth these words: Our father which art in heauen?

A. Herein God assureth vs, first of his fatherly loue to bolden vs to prayer: se­condly, adding (in heauen) hee assureth [Page] vs of his great power, and lifteth our heartes to seeke him in heauen.

Q. What require we in the first pe­tition: Halowed be thy name?

A. We pray for grace, yt wee may glorifie God in his word and workes, & in all our doinges, and that his name may appeare glorious euen as it is, all vngodlines being defaced.

Q. What aske we in the 2. petition: Thy kingdome come?

A. We pray yt God would by his word &Ephe. 3.1 [...] spirite, gouerne & increase ye number of his elect, & yt 1. Cor. 15.24.25 Satans kingdom may be vtterly confounded.

Q. What aske we in the 3. peticion: Thy wil be done in earth as it is in hea­uen?

A. We pray that we may obediēt­ly resigne our willes to Gods will, yt he wouldPsal. 51.10 11 create newe heartes and af­fections in vs by his spirite, and wee pray for the grace of1. Thes. 4.3 sanctification, that as thePsal. 103.20 Angels in heauen doe wil­lingly please God in all motions, so we may study to1. Thes. 4. [...] please him on earth.

Q. What aske we in the 4. peticiō: [Page] Geue vs this day our daily bread?

A. We pray that God willProu. 10.22 Deut. 28.10 12 blesse all thinges that he hath lent vs on earth, and to teach vs toPsal 145.15 16 Mat. 4.4 wayte on his pro­uidence in all estates of life, that he wil cause all things to serue our necessities, and the furthering of vs in our callingsLeuit. 26.20 26.34 Ezech. 4.16. & 5.16 without whose blessing they al perish and want their vses and effects.

Q. What aske we in the 5. peticiō: Forgiue vs our trespasses, as wee for­giue them that trespasse against vs?

A. We heere call on God for the quiet estate of our owne conscience, and forIer. 31.33 1. King. 8.33.36 the forgiuenesse of our sinnes, to be confirmed in vs by this, that weMat. 6.15 Luke 11.4 are willing to forgiue others, and we pray also that we may haue pacience toMat. 5.23 Col. 3.13 for­beare and forgiue others offending vs.

Q. What aske wee in the 6. pet. Leade vs not into temptation, but de­liuer vs from euill?

A. We pray that God woulde geue vs his spirite to increase our faith, that we may1. Cor. 10.13 ouercome the motions and temptations of sinne in vs, that sinne [Page] Rom. 6.12 may not reigne with vs vnto death, but that we may be freed from it more and more,Rom. 6.18 and set at libertie to serue righteousnesse.

Q. Doth God lead into temptati­on, that we pray he would not leade vs into temptation?

A. God dothIam. 1.13 not tempt to sinne, but he is saide to leade into temptation, when heEsay 63.17 withholdeth his graces from men, or giueth them ouerRom. 1.24 26.28 to a repro­bate sense, orExo. 9.16 Rom. 9.18 hardeneth their heart,Psal. 81.12 Esay 29.10 by leauing them to themselues, but GodPsal. 125.5 Heb. 3.13 stayeth his children from this extremi­tie, whiche else are ready to runne to all sinne, and therefore needfull to pray that God would not leade vs into temp­tation.

Q. What meaneth this which fol­loweth, For thine is the kingdome, the power and glorie, for euer and euer?

A. It is a confirming of our faith in the power of God, to teach vs that all come of God his goodnes, and not of our selues, and therefore that all should redound to1. Cor. 10 31. his glorie by ourPsal. 50.14 & 102.18 thankes­giuing, which is theHeb. 13.15.16 onely seruice that [Page] pleaseth God.

Q. Now tel me briefly the summe of al this which thou hast sayd?

A. First, we learned by the law, yt we al haue cast off the image of God, whervnto we were created, & are become by nature sinners, children of wrath, deser­uing Gods curse, & damnation through our transgressions.

Secondly, we learne that ye meanes which answered this curse, and tooke a­way damnation from the faithfull, was the onely death and sacrifice of Christ, who by his spirite daylie restoreth the i­mage of God in the faithfull, and wor­keth faith, and obedience in them.

Thirdly, we learned that by the prac­tise of faith & obedience we should glo­rifie God in his word, Sacramentes, & by prayer, by making all our life a thankesgiuing and prayse vnto God for all his benefits in Christ. Which grace God for his Christes sake graunt to me and all his people. Amen.

B. A.

A briefe and short prayer conteyning the summe and effect of this Ca­techisme.

O Eternall God and most mercifull father, we thy poore seruaunts doe humbly acknowledge before thy presēce our manifold & grieuous sinnes, where­by we haue broken thy most holy lawe, and haue iustly deserued thy curse, and eternall death and damnation: yea, and these our sinnes haue growen vp with vs from our cradle, we being conceiued and borne in sinne and iniquitie, and we dayly haue procured thy wrath against vs by neglecting thy wil, and following our owne corrupt wayes. So that we can finde no cause in our selues to pro­cure thy sauour, but are forced to flee out of our selues, & to betake our selues wholly vnto thy fatherly clemencie. Wherefor [...] (most gracious father) sith in thy heauenly wisedome, and eternall coūcel, thou shall fore appoynted thy sonn Iesus Christ to be our only mediator, in whō we may boldly come before thee, & by whose death & cleansing sacrifice, it [Page] hath pleased thee to satisfie thine owne iustice in pardoning the sinnes of thy childrē, & turning away thy displeasure from them, wee most humbly beseeche thee in ye tēder bowels of Iesus Christ, to forgiue vs all our sinnes, and burie them in the death and obedience of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ, & we most h [...]rtily thanke thee (most louing father) for our election, creation, preser [...]ation, espe­cially for our redemption wrought by the death and bloodshedding of Iesus Christ & for all thy aboundant mercies and graces, so plentifully bestowed vp­pon vs in him and for him. Also we be­seech thee (deare father) to giue vs thy good spirit to worke a liuely faith in vs, whereby the benefite of the death & resurrection of Christ, may bee applyed vnto vs, and become effectuall in vs, yt we may haue a true sight and feeling of our sinnes, and such a godly sorowe for them, as may bring foorth [...] repen­taunce vnto saluation not to be repēted of: so that we may mortifie our sins, especially, our seuerall sinnes, yt haue most preuayled against vs. [...] that we [Page] may liue in all holy obediēce, and a new life before thee on earth, that so we may haue comforte to our consciences both that we are thy children, and also that we shall rise to eternall life in the re­surrection of the iust.

Furthermore, (O heauēly father, sith thou hast giuen vs thy word to teach vs all thinges needfull to saluation, & to in­struct vs in thy wayes, we humbly pray thee incline our harts to imbrace & prac­tise the same, make vs truely thankfull, for such gracious & soueraigne meanes of our saluatiō, as thou hast offered vs, & giue vs grace to vse thy worde, Sacra­ments & prayer, reuerently, & with faith & repētance, as true exercises & testimo­nies of our faith, & obedience: so that we may increase in all godlinesse & righte­ousnes before thee al ye daies of our life, graūt these & al other thy graces need­full for vs & for thy whole church, we be­seech thee for Iesus Christ his sake, in whose name we pray together with thy whole church, & for thy church as he hath taught vs saying. O our Father &c.

O Lord increase our faith. Amen

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