To the most Honourable Assembly of Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Parliament.
The humble Petition of the Aduenturers in the Ship called the Pearle.

HVmbly shewing: That Shee departed out of the Port of London in Nouember 1611. and returned two yeeres after laden with goods, to the value of Vpon the 26. of Nouember 1613. before the goods came to London, Morris, one of the Aduenturers, was sent for before diuers of the Lords of his Maiesties Councell, Who deliuered that the Spanish Embassador had made a great Complaint to his Maiestie, that the Pearle had beene in the East Indies, and rob'd the King of Spaines Subiects, desiring therefore that the goods might be sequestred into his Maiesties Custodie (as indifferent betweene the Embassador, and the Aduenturers, vntill the point of Piracie was tryed.

Morris answered he neuer was Pirate,Heerein the Peti­tioner was debar­red of the benefit of the Law, as he conceiues. but a Merchant, and had paid the King many Thousands for Custome and Impost; and yet if he were, the Law of England was, that giuing securitie, he was to possesse the goods vntill the Law had tryed the Title; but this would not be granted. But their Lordships ordered that the goods should be put into Ware-houses (the weights and contents first taken by Morris) vnder three locks, whereof his Maiesty had one key committed to Sir Lionel Cranfield and Sir Arthur Ingram; the Embassador another key;The key of the Ware-house Mor­ris had, yet the locks were broken open, the goods carried away, and sold without his priuitie. and Morris a third key: and if by Law they appertained to him, God forbid (said the Earle of Northampton) but they should haue them.

Afterwards the cause was brought into the Admirall Court, and in Aprill 1614. after seuerall daies of hearing of the same, before Sir Daniel Donn, knight; and Doctor Treuor doctors of the Laws, chiefe Iudges of the said Court (in the presence of Master Manning Proctor for the Embassador, and Francis Fowler Sollicitor for his Lordship, and of Iames Ireland Proctor for Morris) It was vpon the 21. of the said Month of Aprill ordered, that the goods so sequestred, should be prized, and sold by the publique Officers of his Maiesties Exchequer, or by any other that were able at the full value with all Celeritie that might be, and the moneis arising thereof to be sequestred, and safe kept in the hands of Sir Lionel Cranfield, and Sir Arthur Ingram Knights, they giuing fit caution to pay the moneis to the true proprietors.

But vpon the 23. of the said Month of Aprill 1614. Sir Arthur Ingram came before the said Iudges,Of these goods, to the value of 2600. li. were de­liuered to the Spanish Embas­sador, who was to giue securitie to pay them to the Proprietors, if the suggestion of the Piracie made by his Lordship was acquitted, but yet they neither haue the money, nor the securitie. and alto­gether refused, both for himselfe, and Sir Lionel Cranfield, to giue any caution for the said moneis, as they had or­dered them to doe: Whereupon the Iudges the same day ordered, that the said goods should be by Sir Lionel Cran­field and Sir Arthur Ingram, prized, and sold to such as would giue most for the same; And that the moneis thereof accruing, should be deposited in safe keeping in his Maiesties Receipt at Westminster, for whom right had.

That in Aprill 1615. the said cause receiued finall hearing before the Right Honourable Sir Iulius Casar, Knight; Sir Daniel Donn, Knight, chiefe Iudge of the Admirall Court; Sir Iohn Crooke, Knight; and diuers others his Ma­iesties Iudges of the Admiraltie of England: where the point of Piracie was legally acquitted, and discharged by Proclamation.

Since which, they haue often attended the Lord Embassador of Spain, that as he was the Author of this their mis­fortune, so he would be pleased to get them restitutiō of their said goods, or the moneis they were sold for, with such damages as they haue sustained for want thereof:That after the Piracy acquitted, so much of the goods as came to 2800. li. or there­abouts, were sold, and the moneis disposed of with­out their consents. from whom, they haue receiued many faire and hopefull answers, and in truth neuer went from his Lordship vnsatisfied with strong assurance to effect their request within some short time after: And in these hopes they haue spent many Moneths, but yet no reliefe thereby, but they, their Wiues and Children still suffred to languish in great miserie; besides diuers others to whom they are indebted, are also like to be vndone, for that the Petitioners are not able to giue them satisfaction, by reason their goods are kept from them as aforesaid.

That they haue likewise diuers other waies endeuoured to haue restitution of their goods, or the true value there­of, but neuer could obtaine the same, nor certainely vnderstand how they haue beene disposed.

THerefore the humble Suite of the Complainants is, That this Honourable House will be pleased to take into their considerations these Points following, as well for the reliefe of the Complainants, in restitution of their goods, or the true value, with such further damages, as they haue sustained for want thereof, as for the generall good of the People.

Whether the goods were sold to the full value, and according to the true intent of the Order in the Admirall Court.

Whether the moneis they were sold for, were deposited in his Maiesties Receipt at Westminster, or what is became of them.

And whether it be not a iust grieuance to the Common-wealth, That vpon complaint, and suggestion of Piracie by any Forraigne Princes Minister, the Subiects, by strong hand, and powerfull proceedings, should be kept from their goods, and the moneis they were sold for, after the Point of Piracie legally cleared, and acquitted by Pro­clamation, as the Complainants haue beene euer since Aprill 1615.

And if these, or any of them shall in the high Wisedome of this Honourable Court be found to be grieuances▪

Then, the Complainants humbly pray, that they may be relieued therein, as the Iustice of their cause shall require.

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