The warre betwixt Nature and Fortune.
MIne owne best beloued and deare Periander, well mett, long haue I sought the, and fayne would haue founde thée, and glad am to sée thée, swete Periander.
Pandolpho, more hartely welcome then shall appeare by thy cheare, though better be away then haue so slē der entertainment: yet if wishing without hope might encrease my wealth, or sorrow for my want excuse my good meaning, neither should thy paynes bee so coldly rewarded, neither shall my nature bee suspected of nigardize. But shadowes without substance make braū [...]alne fare, and sayinges beare no seales, but deedes be indented.
Ay me therefore & wellaway, and cursed be my miseries most waylfull wight, whose remedy is patience, and thats a pinching payne, whose comfort is death, which neuer will consume mee. Sometimes it approcheth with his manacing torments, but still prolonges my lyfe to augmente my martyrdome: I canne be no worse, and therefore I feare not: I shall be no better, and therefore I hope not. Well Pandolpho, repose thy selfe in this shady brier, a semelie pallace for so dainty Cates, and in steade of musicke to make vs meriment, recounte our driery destinies as becomes our dole.
Good Periander to greue thy self for these trifles, were to preuent me of my purpose, & proue thy self vnkind: for my comming was to lessen thy woes with perswations, and thou sighest as soone as thou seest mee, and to continue our mutuall affection, and thou accountest mee as a straunger. I am of Themistocles [Page 2] his mind that had rather haue a man without mony, then mony without a man. And of Timolites the Graecians, that had rather haue a roote which might hereafter budde and bring forth fruite, then florishing blossomes without a roote, which muste néedes decay and wither.
It is not my belly I make my God, but it is thy good woulde feede and fat me. The Elephant liues by the ayre, the Fishe by the water, and thy Pandolpho semes to reuiue in enioyeing thy presence.
Thou gratest on thy stomacke bycause thou art haplesse, and ratest on Fortune bycause she is spightfull, either slothfully like a sluggard forgetting Philosophie, (a soueraigne medicine for all such maladies) or cowardlye like a recreaunte yeelding Fortune the conqueste, a faynte harted crauyne if her force bee not feared.
With what madding moode art thou distraught (vnfortunate Periander) when as those distresses which the best haue not escaped, thou alone so scornefullye disdaynest, or the griefe of these casualties which are common to al, thou séelye soule doest wreak on thy selfe?
If with Quintus Catulus alwayes wise, but once forlorne, thou haddest rather spille thy life, then liue with shame, it is desperate folly. If with teares thou meanest to moue Fortune to pity, as Iphis would wt mourning his stony harted louer, as she was deafe & would not heare, so Fortune is blinde and cannot see. If thou art loth ye others should be plagued with thy freting pangs, & wilt with Ephigenia offer vp thy selfe, one for all to appease ye Gods, though they were well pleased with her swete Sacrifice, yet they haue not vouchsafed a promise to thee for acceptance of thy seruice.
Belike Periander, (be it spoken by thy fauour) thou hast some ouerwening surmise of thine owne surpassing qualities, and conferring thy conditions with others misdemeanour, canst hardly brooke these sharp calamities: thou either thinkest thy selfe more worthy then any man to be exempted from these shattering stormes, & yt is haughty arrogancy, or els for these brunts that yu art worse then all men, and that is abiect peuishnes, that either the [Page 3] Gods should spare the for thy gifts, & that is selfe loue, or yt they repent them of their former graces, and that is broad blasphemy. Cease these sighes, cheare vp thy spirits, seke meanes of mirth, make end of mone. It is an argumēt of a good man to be afflicted with crosses, but to beare them paciently a type of perfect vertue. Art not thou ashamed Periander, that olde wiues accustomed to pinching, can fast thrée dayes without grudging, That the boies of Sparta may be tried with scourging to knowe their courage, yet neuer tyred with stripes because of smart, Nor ye rascall wrastlers at ye games of Olimpia, offer to withdrawe their heads frō the blocke, or once cry oh at ye stroke of the hatchet for feare of reproch, & yet thou, thou I say, whose wit is famous, whose learning excellent, rather a patterne to follow as thou doest seme to others, then fit to take aduise as I doe deme by thee, should be so simple to be blinded, or so weake to be daunted, or once to be dismayed with these vaine toyes?
Thou art now a stranger from thy natiue soyle, & so was Diogines: to whom when it was scoffingly obiected of one of his enemies, thou art now Diogines an exile from thy country, nay rather (quoth he) my country is an exile from me. Was it not a naturall accident, fatally incident to best Athenians, most vnnaturallye to bee bannished from their thancklesse Citties, whome tenderly they had cherished in all their extremities? much like ye snake that Esope speaketh of, which infected him with poyson yt pampered her in his bosome. Did Marius a Romaine of renowned reputation, yet hotlye pursued to a forren nation, refuse to to craue aid of his séely clientes, whom earst he had saued & sheilded from death? But lauish expences and vntimly brauery, haue worn out your welth, & bred vnsemely beggery, & broching your coyn wtout discretiō, it runnes on ye lees to your vtter destructiō.
Tush man take hart at grace. Was not Cincius a gentleman of large reuenues, so farre miscaried with ouer-lashinge affections, that for stately bower gorgeously trimmed, and sumpteously decked with cloth of Arras, fitte for an Emperour, the gastlye hellishe dungeon muste bee his lodginge, berefte of all sighte and sollace of manne, more fitte for Pluto then Cincius a Gentleman, where bracelettes, and owches, and ringes of Goulde, [Page 4] his amarous ornamentes, muste frée him from fetters and yron chaynes too troublesome Implementes, and so was constrayned by meere necessitye, for stynte of stryfe to sell his patrimonie.
Hard is the choise, and daungerous the chaunce, when either in pining melancholye we muste liue without company, or making league with frendes stande in hazard of trechery. But so swete is the heauenlye sympathye of mindes, and so barbarous sauadgnes to liue in no societie, that we often contracte vs with those we like and trust, and finde them by iust tryall more then villanous traytours. Thy witt was to sharpe not to be courted with frendes, and thy credit to lighte not to be inueigled by deceit. In all these thy bitter plunging perplexities, (Periander) I know there is none more corsiue to thy conscience, then that the swearing protestations of thy fawning frendes shoulde turne to falsed faith of trotheles foes: that those which with dailye solliciting sued for thy frendshippe, neyther dying nor liuing but by the doome of thy sentence, shoulde nowe be so farre from redressing thy distresses, their owne vowed Laelius, that they shunne thy presence like some notorious fellons, to the gaulling of thy harte, and discredit of thy person. But these are no nouelties but to such as be nouices, nor greater wonders to moue admiration, then byrdes which in sommer do build their nestes in England, and in breme frosty winter make other coastes their harborow.
Auncient antiquities canne afford like examples, and it is good to follow our forefathers. Did not Naso crye out with scritching and howling, that waters shoulde giue heate, and fyre make colde, and euery source and euery riuer runne backe to his head, and flowe to his welspringe, and all goe astray with a contrary course, backward, preposterous, and quite against nature? The reason was, because those his familiar companions lincked vnto him by dutiful othes, would neither entreat Caesar to restore him frō banishmēt, nor defeat his enemies of ye pursuite of their pray, nor releue his bare liuing amid the wild barrē Getes, nor visit his poore wyfe and children at home, with the least supplye of their nedefull wantes. When Gisippus is on the hoigh in his pontificalibus, and poore [...]agged Titus lyeth groueling at his [Page 5] gates, how humbly can he begge an almes of his maister, when lofty Gisippus wil not looke a syde? Doues vse no houses but yt be goodly to the vewe, mise haunt no barnes but that be stuffed with the haruest, and no poynt peny no pater noster.
In this matter let me be a mirrour worthy marking: for although I am a man of the meanest making, yet a greate torche may be lighted at a litle candle, and in this thou maist be boulde to behould my aduise, and shewe thy selfe wise, in taking holde of my tackling. I can sitt ye whole day long, & make me spoorte at the spyte of the dizarde muffled Godesse, to see what game shee makes at the grefe of her subiects, this day lyfting them vp to her loftiest throne, & to morrowe throwing thē downe to her lowest foote-stoole, chopping and chaunging from right hande to lefte, giuing him a fanne in his hande ye bore a Scepter before, and laying a yocke on his neck that had a diademe on his head.
I denye the (Fortune) & defie thy frowninges, and dare vaunte with him in Tusculans questions, that I haue vanquisht thy vanityes, and intercluded all thy passages, from the approch of my presence. I am poore, so haue I peeres, I am homly, so am I honest. Marcus Curtius, Attilius Regulus, Valerius Publicola, graue in their practises & praised in their graues, liued vertuously at Rome with small scantling of liuing.
Fie Periander, so proper a man withowten manhood, thy stocke so good and thy stomacke so badd.
Thy parents be dead. Death is naturall, and Gods good pleasure, and the Iem of their Ioy, and greueth it you?
By your folly spendall is your store consumed, and by your God the sendall it may be restored,
Your frends be fledd. In deede you brought them well vp till they were flidge, and therefore no maruaile though they bee flowne: but thrine you, and they will striue for your frendshipp. There be too many frends that make great semblaunce, and this hath learned thee to discerne their dissemblance.
Ah peace Pandulpho, thy memorie breeds my mone, and sight of pre [...] times brings sorrow in. I am more greeued with the reckning of my wrongs, then I can be releued with thy waight of thy reasons. Thy coūcell is Philosophicall, but my [Page 6] folly will not consent, thy physicke is good, but my disease in desperate.
It is no dismall day, no wéeke, no moneth, no one misfalling by chaunce that mangles my mynde, but infinite inconueniences that last all length of time, increasing in nomber as they do in continuance▪ My feares must be fedd tyll lyfe shall faide, & I am constreined to languishe in anguishe.
As for thee, thou art lesse bound to Fortune for proofe of prosperitye, then behoulding to God for thy pacience in aduersitye.
Entice me not with tales to followe fained fancyes, enforce me not to swymme and shoue me on the shelfe. Delaye workes my decaye, or ease me with ayde, or cease to vpbraide.
had he the might that hath the minde, to rescue thee from myserye, thy gaulling wooes should quickly bee appaulde, and s [...]eringe sorrowes turne to suger songes: but staye my figboye for a daye, which once shall dawne with glimmering streaming golden [...]aies, and shedo this cloude of care.
Our fether-footed Phebus, whose glymsing waine wends many a league, to ad fine to his taske, is sore attainte with toyle and swinke, ere he haue paste the heauenlye cope.
First before he take his Iourney, he must waite the houres leasure, who are placed as porters at heauens gates.
The mornyng waye is steepe vpright, so that in coolest of the daye, the steedes haue much a doe to clymbe against the hill.
Amid the Heauens, they girde it out with splayed wynges, and ouer-stripp the Easterne wynds, whose hugye height augments the terrour styll.
The Euening way doth fall plump downe, that Thetis who doth lodge faint Phaeb. within her wyde vaste surges, doth stand in feare, least frō ye heauen he hedlong downe should glide.
Besides all this, the firmament ay whiskes about with sailes swift recourse, and with his rolling driues the starrs their breper course to shift, yet doth Phaeb. kéepe his beaten path, & doth withstand the stoutest brute.
By blynde bywayes, and vgly shapes of monsters must he [Page 7] treade: betwene the dredefull bulls sharpe horns, against ye cruel bow the which ye Aemonion archer drawes, against ye ramping Lyon armde with greedy pawes and tusks, against ye Scorpions venimd clawes, & eke the awry crabs crooked clees he weals his way.
Through all fiue zones directe he must not ride, but out askew a broade by way, that bendeth on the side, conteined within the bonds of three the midmost zones doth ly, which from the Northren beere and Southren pole doth [...]lye, yt is his ready waye: not mounting ouer hy lest he inflame ye heauens, nor drowping ouer low lest he adure the earth, the golden meane is safest: not to the right hand ouermuch leaste he be driuen vpon the wauy sealed snake, nor to much wresting to the least, lest to the Aulter he be pusht that pitcht against it stands.
It is no moment of time yt brings mountaines of treasure, but laboure and leasure, prudence and policy, must do ye déede.
Iupiter in his moode spared not his owne sonne Vulcane, but by ye foote threw him downe from the skyes, wherein ye ayer he tumbbled too & [...] a whole day through, & fell at last with brused bones in Lemnos ile, at which soule clap he caught his haultyng haunch. Iupiters stéedes of heauenly race, did sometime nede the ierke of golden whip.
The smith cooleth his yron to straight it & strenghthen it, & God corrects thée with his rodd, to make thee recke more of his read. Thou hast heard I am sure, how Phenix, Aiax, Vlisses Achilles, Patroclus, Antomddon, all grecian Lords, haue vppon necessity abased them selues without any muttering to execute ye function of sculls, to make ye fire, and broche their meate, yea woorse then this.
It is not with thée, as wt those who haue defect in the principles of nature, whose paines are no boote to obtaine thē blisse, vnlesse some vibootye do happ thē by hazarde. Thou art not now to be made of the masse, but to be cast in ye mould and burnished a new: yu hast exteriour matter and interiour forme, and if thou haddest a lytle pollishing, yu might be published for perfite.
The heauenly bodies ar sooner healed then mans corrupted carcasses, as wounded Mars immediatly was cured by Peon phisition to the Gods, and Hebes her swéete baines.
[Page]Then sith thou hast infusion of celestiall influence, thou maist quickly haue conclusion of these terrene afflaightinges, & God in a tryce can make thee thryce happye.
Those whō vertuous constancie doth controule, saith Horace lib. 3. Odisse 3. are neither remoued with vulgar Rumour, nor greatly fretted with threats of Tyrants: and though that hills and dales should mete, do neuer change their moods. But since that we are heare in this vacation of busines, to imploye our deuoyres to deuoyd our ill plights, I wil recite yt a story to ye purpose, of Melanthus his inditing and his poore posse.
Per. of Melanthus his, our olde playe fellowe, & now only plaining fellowe? gramercye by my honestye good Pandol. we shall now bee ouer pearears of his closets close commentaries, which hee hath kept so obscure from all our scanninges, eyther repining ye others should reape good of his trauailes, or mistrusting his ability & miscōstruing his good qualityes. But I praye you of what or whom is this treatise comprised, or what opportunity had he to compile it? Pand. two daies agoe I receiued his letters of salutations, not forgetting therein thy recommendations, and therewithall he sent vs this present, as a preseruatiue to preuent vs of ioye-wrack. The contentes of his epistle were these, yt he hauing spent his thrifte on that baude Misfortune common to vs three, and hauing cra [...]ed his braine with the abstruce studie of some intricate quirkes, he thought that ye composing of this was a relaxation to his minde, & that it being compassed would be a refection to vs: with this certificate moreouer he gaue me intelligence, yt though it might seme a fiction figured by his imaginatiue conceite, yet it was not framed without allusion to a proper subiect. Herein shalt then see decyphred by the princely gallant nature of forw [...]rd Philotimus, & the pinching galling thwartings of frowarde fortune, and by some pamplets penned to the same effect of the said Philotimus, what bitter debate doth euer abide, betwext good Nature and dame Fortune.
Good [...]an. let vs heare this worke, that will proue vs wise because wee are infortunate, & then perhapps by this wisdome we shall contemne fortune▪
I am pleased.
then I I hope I shalbe eased.
Pandolpho his posie. Sapit qui suflinet,
The warr betwixt Nature and Fortune. The historye of Philotimus.
NOt farr from the confines of the south parte of Italye, abuts a certaine Cittie surnamed Mantua, neyther contemptible for basenes nor desolate for barrennes, but so well fraughte with trafficke for all affaires, and pleasantly situated for the verdure of the ayre, as both the poore by paines may here finde reliefe, and he that is destitute of other delytes, maye yet haue these obiects to refreshe his senses.
The cheefe-taine and gouernour of this Citye Mantua, was a noble yonge gentleman called Cle [...]ritus, who latelye had espoused his long betrothed wyfe, the princelye gallant paragon Lady Castibula, daughter and heire to the Duke of Bononia.
These two imps in their royall ruffe, newelye surprised with vncouth Ioyes, for a longe season and tract of time, during the space of full fiue yeares, with many an imbracing and sporting pastime, ledd such a Lordlye lyfe, as he woulde wishe that can wyshe aright, and you not knowinge it maye possiblye imagine. Of countenaunce and office among their compeares, though rather worthy then willinge to beare any swaye: for competent wealth, of superfluous aboundance, when lesse might haue wrought their setled contentation.
Now, when all thinges were patt for euery purpose, and nothing amisse that might be amended, to the absolute finishinge of a perfite Felicytye, the greatest matter of all, in which the fruite of their laboures, the staffe of their age, [Page 10] the ende of their life were ioyntlye comprised, were all this whyle a wantinge, children I meane, wherein we are as it were regenerated and borne a new, euen budding after death by the springing of our seede, which canonizeth our memorye with euerlusting eternitye, by continuance of their linage, and propagatiō of our petegree. Which one backwarde let amongest other good successes, was as it were aiarring discorde in a swete Diapason, a prickinge nettle in a pleasant nosegaye, a fowle mayme in a faire man. Yet they measured Gods might not by the aptnesse of their age, nor his fatherly prouidence by present occasion but referring his power to his maiestyes pleasure, neuer repined against his iudgmentes, but praied for his mercy.
So in processe, he which maketh an ende where he doth begin, and plentifully blesseth the perseueraunce in tryall, when fulnesse of tyme had expired her date by Gods predestinate appointment, and téeminge at length was nowe vnloked for, which heretofore had so bene longed for, made them on the sodeyne meruailous fertyle, to the accomplishment of their hope, and aduauncement of his glorye. And where before they were punished with sterile frutlesnesse, they now seme ouer-laden with a burdenous charge.
But as all waters runne in to the sea and it no bigger, and all starrs borrowe light of the Sunne and it no dimmer, and all ye Gods doe drinke of Nectar and yet it alwaies ouer floweth: so the n [...]mber of their children amounting to a multitude, whose great expences must nedes be proportionate to the quality of their calling, they were neither impouerished (an extraordinary euent) neither impaired of their welth (a wonderfull consequēt) But as that Emperour, amonge others that were summoned to his hye assemblye of parliament, espieinge an aged gentleman attended with a troupe of worthye blouds in account xxxi. which by all inquysition were founde to be his sonns, and taking their originall from a worshipfull house, could not for their quantity haue sufficient portions allotted vnto them out of their fathers landes to maintaine a credite requisite to their race: as his hart meltinge on them to sée suche an ofspringe in ieoperdye, of beggerye, made them certain conueyances of his crowne reuenues, [Page 11] to vpholde their porte: euen so Gods omnipotencie yelding such an issue, to the great procurement of their parents pleasure, did not any whitt diminishe their former profite, which still was made auneswerable to the charge of their children. These grew vp and prospered in suche likely forwardnesse, being courtlye brought vp to breake them of rudenesse, and clearklye instructed to furnishe them with knowledge, that manners and learninge marchinge with due equipage in the order of their liues, the precysest carper would iudge them in both exquisite, but in whether of both they would rather exceede (such resolute expectation was of rare effecte) that none durste giue his verdit. They were louely and affable to the coursest inferiours, diligent and attentiue to the prescriptions of their rulers, so seruisablye obeysant to their parents behestes, that for rod of correction to controule brainesicke youth, lawfull for parents, and awfull for children, they were mildely nurtured with méeke education, hauing suffitient incitements of their owne inclination.
At whose good disposition I do not greatelye muse, although so good deuotion be lytle in vse: yet is such a blessing worthye to be blazed, where by God both is praysed, and all men are pleased.
Mitio and Demea had but two to looke too, which both were misled with hair-braine lust. A postinge messenger bringing hastye tydinges to Dragoras that his sonns had ouercome at Olimpia, dye Diagoras, dye quoth hee, for thy sonns this daye are both victorious. Such carke they take to tender their yong ones, which are subiecte to euery cross ouerthwart of peruerse fortune, much like him that thought himselfe past perill, when he escaped Scilla, and by and by offended against Caribdis, or him who being flitt from his feuer lurdaines fytt, the next day quaketh with an other qualme: or the dronken besill that is reared from the grownde, and Incontinentlye rusheth into the channell.
These thinges are necessarye briefelye to inferte, whereof a large treatyse were to small auaile, and as greate Indecorum it is to make a longe preamble to a shorte narration, as a war [...]de [Page 11] with an head bygger then his body.
And now (Pandolplio) prepare thy payre of eares to receyue my Historye, distill thy trycklynge teares to bewayle my Tragedye, O let thy hart sweate dropps of bloud to recorde his auentures.
And thou Melpemmone the mournefulst Muse of nyne, if I haue euer daunced to thy dolefull tunes, when the alluringe timpanes of other sportinge Muses coulde not once change my coppie, and shrynd thee for a Saynct in the bottome of my harte, when the seruice I did thee hath turnd me to smart: then deigne to dropp thy heauenly dew, and therewith sprinckle my rudest pensell, not to vaunt of art, for my hart is not so vaine, but to further my pretence in my purposed description, grounded on no gaine, but intending thy glorye.
I requyre no guerdon of the pleasant hedded youthes, whose humour this fits not, nor any rewarde of the comfortlesse wights for whose cause I wryte this, the one I feare me will scarse bestowe readinge, the other is too needye to bestowe any recompence, the toyle shall bee myne, the thancke shall bee thyne, and some profite perhapps shall redoune to others.
Then myghtye Goddesse, if loue haue no leasure to bee troubled with toyes, nor thou no pleasure to meddle with tryffles, yet reiect not the publishinge of his piteous plight, so relygious a Catholycke in thy sacred Cerimonyes, or at least respect the honour of thy portly deitie, which the world shall brute through the brunt of his myserye.
What horrour Pandolpho affrights my cr [...]sed hart? what manner Proaemion is this deuout praier? me thinkes I seme to heare his wofull plaining voyce, me thinkes I sée him teare his curious tressed locks, & féelingly feele the impression of his sorrowes. Ah God, that thou shouldest make man to thine owne similitude, and giue him ouer without thy purueiance.
Warr wing, quoth the huntsman to Bowman his hounde: what Periander, shall the kyndnes to caytyues abate thy courage to God? art thou such a louinge woorme to succourles creatures, to robb God of his due, which thou oughtest not do, and paye them a debte, which thou owest them [Page] not?
Beware of Ioue and lightning, and fly far from them. Though Venus were assistant to Paris his adherentes, yet for contempte of Iunoes demaunde, both Paris was slaine, and Troy was sacked. Midas for faucines against Apollo, was dubbed for a dolte wt a paire of Asses eares. And Phaeton I gesse if he were aliue, would not be to busy with Phaebus his chariott. Purchase not to thy self Lycurgus his scotchlade, who for his rashnes to the Gods gaind a wretched life, and got a painefull death. Vpon the moū teyne of Nisa, Lycurgus aduised the women to doe Bacchus due seruice at his festals, with slips of vines vpon their heades: but he so prickt them forward with his sharpe twible goad, that they let fall their holy crownes, whereat he did reioyce and sport his fill: yea more then this, to disgrace the God himselfe, he thundered out his threats, and caused him to fly to escape his snares: at this offence the Gods did loure, and forthwith did reuenge the same in bereauing Lycu [...]g of his sight for a certaine tyme, and to punish him aright, and fulfill their will at ful, in setting wreakfull date to his wicked life. Iuno boyling with rancorous hate against the remnaunt Troianes, the good soothfast prophet presaging Helenus, exhorteth Lord Aeneas to win her by submission, least he weaue to himself a web of woe, by his dissolute defiance. To disanul ye kings decrée is to be attainted of treasō. For Pythagoras schollers to aske a reason of any one article of his doctrine, was accoūted amongst thē almost heresie, & darest yu impeach Iehoua of fleting inconstācy, not to continue his gracious goodnes, like a treuantlye Poet in framing his fables, that beginneth to lagg in his latter description? or canst thou conuince him of carelesse regarde, lyke the brutishe serpente that killes his broode as soone as it is borne, and brought into lighte? Or goest thou about to attach him of ignoraunce in the misticall workemanshippe of all mankinde, which hath made him more perfectlye then Science canne conceyue, euen after the likenesse of his spottelesse Spirit, and softereth him with foode as the earth doth her plants, when hee deserues to bee copsse and caste into the Fyer: and when hee gaddeth without a guide after whooring inuentions, [Page 14] wandering in a laborinth of his imaginations, when his kinne is vnkind, and frendes do forsake him, and he in cold shiuering is readye to famishe, he fetcheth him home vppon his shoulders, (O carefull shepheard) and penneth him in the folde with his chosen flocke (more carefull then a shephearde.) Shall the pot aske the potter why he fashioneth it so, or the anuile the smith why he striketh it with the hammer, or thou search a reason of Gods seuere punishmente, whose name is in Scripture. I am that I am (so incomprehensible is his maiestie) who renders his reason I will that I will (so vncapable is his wisdome?) If any man haue tasted some extraordinary mercies, it was his frée will, not their deserte: if either the gentleman of whome the history mentions, or thou Periander haue felt his heauie hande, it is your merite, not his desire. I reprehend not thy presumption, but reproue thy despayre: for prosperitie puffeth vp with contempt of God his bounty, and aduersity pulleth downe to distrust his fauour, Therefore Periander.
Peace Pandolpho, stay thy wisdome, thou hast beate ye child till he crieth againe, now giue him dugge, and burne the rodde. I was to bold bycause I was blinde, and who so bolde as blinde bayard? But giue me leaue to recouer this fall, and rashenes no more shall giue me the foyle. Though I was incensed with a too patheticall motion, to vtter that retchlesly, which I nowe repent: yet was I not driuen to hellish desperation, taking Gospel for no Gospell, which promiseth remission. But I will make no apologie for my passed defaulte, least thou thinke it apostacie to persiste in my errour: nowe if it please thée, procéede in the premisses.
The recantation of thy sayinges is a requitall for thy scape, and therefore I procéede.
The sequele of Philotimus his history.
OF all this their ioyfull progeny, their first begotten sonne named Philotimus, did both in feature of body, sharpnesse of wit, and towardnes of mind excell the rest. In so much, that as when Iupiter & Iuno were at contention, whether man or woman were more prone to lechery, they elected Tyresias, by whose [Page 15] arbitriment they would be determined, bycause he had bene both manne and woman: so if there were a controuersie, which of the Gods were moste worthy wonder in their excellente workes, I think none more indifferent to decide the matter, then this yong gentleman: in whose courtly complexions (so swete was Philotimus) and curteous conditions (swete louely Philotimus) the expresse Images of their heauenlye Deities were so liuelye portrayed. And yet if Philotimus shoulde giue his censure, which of their powers he thought most puissant, though he haue felt their mighty operations, and so might iudge: yet doe I weene his best resolution would onely be silence. For as an Vnicorne hauing most strength, doth least knowe it: so he hauing greatest pith, did most pitty himselfe. Notwithstanding that the Gods being corriuals in the framing of him, and neuer one suffering a fellowe cockmate in this ioint labour, they all doing beste wtout comparison it was hard to iudge who did the worst, euen ye worst being placed in the superlatiue degrée. Which his parentes marking, and meruailing at it, thought themselues especially bounde to be carefull on him, lest either nature wanting nurture, it should be mard in making, and so the Gods offended with their willfull negligence: or his good disposition being at libertie, hauing no leader but his owne discretion, they mighte reape lesse pleasure in vewing his good lucke, hauing taken no paynes in his bringing vp. They therefore knowing that a younge colte must be vsed to the bitt before he come to the saddle, that sprigs sprout the better if they be lopped, chuse rather to bee niggardes in pinching him of pence, then procure his nicenes with vaine prodigallitie, rather liking a wan looke that comes of moderate diet, and bewrayes a painfull student, then a fresh ruddy chéeke that is died with Bacchus his buries, and breedes suspition of luste.
Well, the Sunne and the Moone and the seuen starres, and all els that I canne name, according in an vnitie, to adorne with their Trinitie this blessed gentleman, he costed and posted with such light-foote spéede, that coting and bording all his coequalles: with whom he was conuersant, he was ye gaze at which all eyes did spye, the worst repining, the best enuying, all admiring this [Page 15] vncouth straungnes, and knowing the possibilitie of his wealth by discent of inheritaunce, thought the reuenues of his vertues would be inualuable.
His father seing his diligent industry, frendly and frely counterpeyzd with incredible increase, taking him aside on a certain day, brake with him in these tearmes.
Although I am not ignoraunt, that libertie to the subiect to do what he list, doth cause his losenes and the Princes contempt, yt the apprentise made whole factor of his masters Merchaundize without any account, may leaue him in the lashe vnles he be the trustier, and that giuinge the bridle into thy handes, to vse the rayne or ye spur at thine owne pleasure, may be a meanes of thy rashnes and my repentaunce: yet knowing that a horse may be brought to the brooke, but will not drinke except he list, that an Oratour may vse his coulors of Rhetorick, but cannot perswade vnlesse you bee pliable, that vertue is voluntarye without constraint: and hoping besides, that Wit can discerne, and Will wil desire, thy contentation, and my consolation, (which are one in effecte) I am content to do with thée, as Kinge Henry the 8. of that name in England, did with a Bishop of Canterbury, that is, make you commissioner in your owne cause.
Yet with this caueat, yt you deale not with me, as books make mention of S. Beda his boy, who made his blind master preach to stones for a pastime, and so thou trying my gentlenes, abuse it with wantonnes: much like the prelates in Constantines tyme, who countnaunced by his maiestie, as menne of greate dignity, did at lengthe checkmate the Emperours highnes, vsurping his supremacie.
It is ill waking a sleeping dog. There be certain springs in the country of Archadia, whose excessiue colde breaketh all vessells and mettalles, yet the horne of an Asses house kepeth together. In Fraunce, there is a Well of such chilling coldnes, that it wil conuert wood into stone, and yet oftentimes, flakes of flaming fier haue bene sene to issue from it. It is hard for my anger to be incensed against thée, yet may thy stubborne rebellion enkindle my colde choller.
If powdered fish or flesh be soked in salt bryne which is newly [Page 17] made, the brine doth sooner drawe the saltenes out of it, then the fresh water cold: so thy vnwéeldy crookednesse and contemptuous, waiwarde will, maye drawe thee like out of mee in thy he halfe and make regardelesse consideration of thy thriuinge.
It is difficult (Philotimus) to quench my queint loue, vnlesse as a torche that is turned downewarde, thy bounden obedience turne to sirly negligence, and impossible to plucke vp the roots of my care, so long as thou hast a braunch of filiall feare.
Yet misconster not these dreads as misdoubting thy wel doing, but take them as a pledge of thy fatherly duty. For as Stratonicus neuer wente to bed wtout his liuery, (yt is a cup of beare standing by him) not for that he was alwayes thirsted, but alwaies mistrusting least he should thirst: so I giue thée this charge, not as fearfull for thy fall, but I tell it the at large, as carefull of thy standing. But if once, Well I will stay my selfe till occasion be giuen, for though I cast the a bone to bite on, I would not haue the choked. To make shorte haruest to my séede long a sowing, this I haue to say.
Thou knowest it was a time, when the thrée Aethereall Madams quarrelling about the golden ball, chose Paris for their vmpéere, a shepheard then in Ida, to be iudged by his award, wherof ech of them promising a large rewarde, to corrupte his iudgement, and he intending to get the fairest, snatching at the bayte, got nothing but the hooke, and thinking he had got a goodly yong heafer, it was nothing but ye deuill in a cowes hyde, as Richard Farneyeares sonne was once beguiled. Much like, as though Vlisses reioysing in the smoake of his country Ithaca, as a signe of his nere approching, should haue found at his arriuall his country on fyre.
The same Goddesses & their rewardes do I propounde to the, expecting that thy choise will bee charier then his, or if thou aymest at the same marke, come nearer the white.
For true it is & an old said saw, that timely growes the trée ye good cāmock will be, & he that will be an old man long, must bée an old mā soone, & he yt means to be singuler in any kind of trade, must begin betimes to inure himself wt it. Therfore Hercules being [Page 18] younge, consulted with himselfe what course to take, and Cato being olde, learning Musick and Gréeke, wished he had begun in his former yeares.
Now therefore discend into thine owne conscience, and deliberate with thy selfe, to which of these thrée thou meanest to dedicate the springing tide of thy springe time.
Whether the firste of all to Pallas, and to liue at the Vniuersity, there to attaine the profound and sound knowledge of the liberall artes.
Or honour sacred Iuno with solemnizing her mariage, where looking to thy tillage, & the grafting of thy plantes, and tenting ye pruning of thy ouerspreading trées, thou shalt not onely amplify thy possessions, but as ye world goeth now adayes be preferred to promotion: which way if thou canst brooke, I wil prouide such a match, as shall counteruaile ye honour of thy house, and the humour of thy yeares.
Or if none of these will fit thy fancie, wilt thou vow thy self to Venus, and court it a while? where heede must be taken that thou be not to he addy, for there the trod is tickle and ye footesteps slippery, where many a proper youth thinking to rise alofte, is magnified til he looke as high as Lincolne, climbing vp by a ladder & an hempten coard, higher the he would by half a yard from the ground.
It is a propertie common to moste youthes hunting at the inhauncing of credit and iolitye, that if they sée some aduaunced to wealth and estimation, rather by casual then vsual meanes, they thinke by imitation, to gaine the like succession, when gapinge for greedinesse with Aesops Dogge, they scatter the meate they haue in their mouthes, while they scratch for the shadowe which deludes them with shew.
As for Pallas, she is dainty, but not squemish, hard to be found, but easy to be intreated, to be farre fetchte & deare boughte, but that we say is good for Ladies.
This pilgrimage will be werysome, and yet it must be warye. For through many a roring wildernesse, and stony scarry rockes shalt thou make thy voiage, where hips and hawes must be thy pittaunce, thornes and brambles thy pallet and cabinet, the fyre [Page 19] to warme thée, the scortching of the sunne: thy clocke to time thée, the scritching of ye owle: & then thy pleasant prospecte to recreate thy minde, a vast confused Chaos withouten shape or fourme: bellowing and braying shall be thy musick, teene and melancholye thy desired companions, and when nightes darke mantle ouerhailes ye sky, at calme quiet midnight when all things are whust, and nothing now sturring but pale dame Cynthia tugging at her teame to bring the night about, full many a Calcas dreame shall rome in thy head, and Morpheus present the with vgsome sights, where in place of a watch to limit thy rest, either grimme grisly horrour shal breake the of thy sléepe, or a ball in thy hand (which was Alexanders wont) shall awake thée falling from the in ye beginning of thy slumber.
These are thy iourneyes, this is thy soiourning, troublesome & tedious, lothly & yrksome, but now take heede.
For stalking on with redoubled pace, for slowing no time to abandon the place of this abode, suddeinly vnawares on thy right hand, a flowring meade clad with lusty gréene, (wherein standes built a regal portly pallace) presents thine eyes. In this pallace, far from aboue and a lofty vewe, out of a goodly bay window, salutes thy sight the rarest But [...] O Philotimus, now dread and dolour both assaile my hart, I feare the lines that foulers set, lest they ensnare yt in their net. For from thence gazeth out the seldomst swete, that euer nature caste within her mould, with lilly white handes, and armes outstretcht, with Iuory necke, and bared brest, & goldylockes flickering in the ayre, her countenance roseall, embellished with alablaster, intermedled yfere with party coulors: the vertue of her thralling lookes so brauely gloste with glimsing grace, that thou wouldest wishe no other bookes to reade or looke vpon.
To thée she rushfullye addresseth her complainte, the trickling teares bedewe her dented cheekes, with many a sighfull signe she pleades for pitty, & cunningly prates (as she can ye feate) ye teares of truth may once appease her plight, Good Sir respect her piteous plaintes, whom Fortune sierre so sore attaintes, that ah for want of ioy she faintes, (some pitty good master.) And meaning [Page 20] to plant her brinnish plaints within thy tender eares, hark how the strumpet can straine her voice, to delighte with her deceite. [...] (Disdaine me not without desert, nor leaue me not so sodeinly, so do the stony rocks repulse the waues that rush them violently.) Thou standinge at the gaze, (as the Deare they say at the smell of an apple, or rather in a maze, to sée so stout a kite stoupe to thy fist without a lure, thus yu hearing and seing and saying nothing, she will not lose her penny worth for want of good cheaping, but thus againe begins. What trylle the ball againe my Iacke, and be contente to make some play, and I will lulle the on my lappe, with hey be bird now say not nay.
But neuer trust thou these training toyes, and euer restraine thy louing glaunce, treade on the euen path, not once slipte aside, for feare of Had I wist proue a foole.
Thus when with fained tunes she hath chirpt her yelden laies, and perceiues that fauning can force no fancie, she will assay an other way to flap the in the mouth with flimflam floutes, to dash the out of countenaunce, As that for one: It is no fyre that giues no heate, though it appeare neuer so hotte, and they that runne and cannot sweate, are very drye and leane godwot: but since I lende my loue to losse, fancy (saith she) farewell, adue dastarde, a calfe be your comfort, goe maske amonge meacockes, a fig for your reasons.
But run thou on without returne, leaste in striuing against the streame thou haply ouerturne, and if her iestes be ioy to her, let her gibes bewray a giglot.
If thou passe these pikes and chaunce to escape scotfrée, as thou maist if thou will, and must if thou doe well, let not the sequele of thy iourney be directed with securitie, but intend a good end, and be watchfull in thy warde, and sticke to thy tackling prouiding for more stormes. For an ague hath many shiftes of fittes. Iupiter hath more liknesses then one wherein to transfourme his feature, and when he cannot speake to Danae in the forme of a man, he will fall into her skirts as a golden shower, to quench the flame of his affection: so coosoning Lust hath many counterfit [Page 21] crankes, & whē wt Crocadiles teares hardly wrested out, she can not moue thée to ruth, she will make a Metamorphosis of ye deuice, & shaping a new coate of an olde blanket, bleare thine eyes; if she can with stale sale-ware. For listen (my good sonne) againe: vnlooked for, the most dulced melody that mynde may imagine, more delicate to thine eares, then hony to thy mouth, which thou wouldest iudg, I dare saye, to be ye consorts of the nine Muses, surpassing the modulation of Achilles his viole, which he wan at ye ouerthrowe of Aetions kingdome, & farr surmounting ye Philosophers harmony, which they forge in the heauens by a measurable motion, & a iust proportion of nomber. There thou shalt sée a squint eied paramour, gingerly trip it, & minionly minse it, wt dainty disdaine of any mans loue. The fine diuine concubine, soot nice and coye, (screuerence on her peticote,) will scarce looke askaunce, & all this (Philotimus) to bring thee to ye bent of her bow. For women they say do ye which is forbidden them, and fishe bite more eager when ye baite is pulled frō them, and men then are soonest attatched with loue, when women kepe aloofe with disdainfull dalliaunce. But remember thy lecture my good child, & alwayes shun such bitter sweets. Argos naytheles his hundred eyes, was napt with musicke, & brought to hedd with Mercuries pipe, Vlisses would not once giue eare to Calipso, lest as castles that come to parlie do oftentimes yeald, so he giuing eare should be woon to her whinings. Then do yu resist with defiing alarme, that neuer witching wordes thy marble eares doe charme, stop thyne eares and make no tariaunce, trusse vp thy packquet & trudg on thy way. Play with the nettle neuer see nimbly & it will sting thée, touch ye pitch neuer so softly & it will defile thée, & lend but thy listening to her warbling notes, & trust me my sonne, before thou trye it, her chaunting will enchaunt thee.
For harke awhile & I wil decipher to thée these two deludinge trinketters, maugre all their glorious gloss, wherewith they shine so sheene, do but disgrade thē of their robes, and they are the moste vnsauourye creatures, Foe filthes, I lothe to thinke of them, and thou wouldest swound, if once thou dyddest see them, our Curtizanes now adayes, may well bee [Page 22] their children, who séeke to coulour their ilfauoured phisnomies, with painted confections of the apothecaries coyning. Well syr, these two of whom I was speaking, in showe are two, in substance one, and if thou art willing to knowe their names, in one word it is Lust: which what a vice it is among Pallaces apprentises (schollers I meane, whom I cannot but mone) I am sorrye to knowe, and ashamd to acknowledg: but to set thee foreward in thy attempted enterprise, and teach thee sufficient cosmografie to conduct thee in thy voyage, this I will foreshew thee.
The stormiest blastes are ouerbloune, thy suptelest enemies ouerthroune, onely with one thou hast to incounter, which will make a great value of his smale valure, and boast it out with bumbaste bragges, as ready to picke a quarrell without offence, as swift to take his feete for his owne defence, if he be withstood.
Mary if thy hart fall a kneelinge, foredone with fainting, and thy quailing courage crouch to his gentlenes, your Domine miserere will not reprieue you, for presently you perish: he is not of Cneius pompeius his manlyhode, who embracing Mithridates that laye prostrate at his feete, tould him, it was more honour to saue a King, then slaye a keysar: for all his mercye shalt be cruel martyringes, thirsting after bloud, and quenched with death.
A Gorgon like clowne he is to see too, with gourdy gutts, & a graund liricompaunch, made in ye wast like a rowe with calue, a cobler may kepe his shopp in the lower region of his belly: a terrible tartarian bearde he hath, a notable harbour for the crablouse: a boysterous thundering voyce, good to chyde beggers out of a noblemans court: his nose may be a comfort in distres, and a light in darkenes, and serue for a linder boxe to light a candle at in winter, if he cast vp his nose against the sunne with open chapps, by his teeth may be discerned what is a clock perhapps: his garland is twyned of venemous snakes, his attyre made of poysoned vipers, his assaults be furious, his countenaunce ferefull, no ruth, all rage, doth reigne in his kingdome he is comenly called in one tearme, Despaire.
The waye to delaye the heate of his stomack, is this.
[Page 23]Thou remembrest Maroes mention of the Troiane Aeneas, who after the intombing of his father Anchises, desiring to visit him in the Elysian fieldes, got the prophetesse Sybilla to gyde him his waye, and a sorcering golden spraye of Dianas tree in Sycile, for his pasport to Charon the churlish boteman, to ferye him ouer the lake. By these two he [...]ps did he atchiue his appoynted purpose: so if thou canst please thy-lyues, lady Pallas, betimes in the morning saying her seruice, with her grace for a preface at dinner and supper, and square thy life to her direction, she will alowe thee two seruaunts, Diligence, and Hope, to attend vpon thee: the one to add hast to thy busines that thou loyter not in the waye, the other to add spéede to thy skudding pace, that hast make no wast. For at the very sight of thy faithfull Hope, this monster Despaire is vtterly vanquished and vanisheth from his houlde.
After this, thou rowest ouer a drenching gulfe, which will purge thy stomacke of ill humours, and make it more fytt for Pallas her fare, where though thou art tossed with whirlinge tempests, yet as long as diligence is thy loadesman, thou néedest no other Palinure. For at length thy roughe tyde will bringe a safe roade: and then enioye thy ioyes, for thine is the victorye, and let thy siluer song, be so triumphe.
Thus thy stormie showers, haue bread fragraunt flowers, thou hast woon goulde, now weare gould, loc what it is to labour?
Iason aduentured to crosse the seas, and by the meanes of Medea, gained the goulden flece: but if thou doest meane to giue this aduenture, and wilt followe my aduice, my counsayle shall coyne thee no goulden fleece, but a thing more precious, & yet no precious stones, but a thing more worth gould then either of them both.
For loe the royall seate of thy soueraigne Pallas, so well appoynted with all kynde of ordinaunce, and champions in paye to leuy any siege, that shall bee layd against her bulworkes, that neither pollicie by trayns, nor prowes by force, but onely those, which haue deserued it by seruice, & she doth deigne to enterteine [Page 24] can come within her howlde. At the very portall, the first liberall Art, as her functiō requireth, doth kéeepe ye entrance: she examining what profit thou hast prowled by her profession, will admit thee to her house, & so inseueralty, being orderly canuassed a all ye Liberall Siences in their offices, if they finde thée correspondent to the dignyty of ye place, they will all subscribe to thy supplication. Then hast thou accesse to thy princes Dame Pallas, who after the suruew of thy worthy exployts, will crowne thée with a garland of her owne gréene lawrell, then shalt thou weare the wreath of worship, (as Sysamis saith in an epistle to Theotimo) which mauger enuye, and mallyce, and all the spite of fortune, both in lyfe, and after death, shall extoll thy name.
Thus haue I discoursed the whole course thou must take, not vaynly to affright with dreaming illusions, nor to terrifie from learning with displaying the daunger, but that nothing happē vnbethought, without a ready buckler to award the blowe: for store is no sore, vnlesse it be of sores. I haue spent more time in this first argument, because more paines with some expence, & greater pleasure for recompence, are to be found by this thē any of the rest.
Pallas hath plaid her parte, now herken Iunoes pageant.
The world my sonne turnes westward, and begins to decline, & men are more froward then in yeares of yore: the longer it lasts ye lesse while men liue, ye longer it lasts, ye lesse godly men be: the one is Philosophie, ye other Diuinity, both grounded vpon too true experience. Yt is well therefore to make hay while the sunne shines, when winde is at willto hoyse vp saile, to enrich thy selfe in these vnmellowes yeares, yt hereafter taking ease, thy toyling may cease, & thou enioye ye frute of thy handes. Vnlesse thou weaue a web for thine owne wearing, thou shalt haue an harde peniworth to buy it else where. Cloth is so deare, nowadaies (Philotimus) yt cōmenly they haue two faces foe one hoode, otherwise then it was in ye second King Richards time kinge of Britteine, who calling for a paire of hose of the brauest fashion and most sumptuous to put on that day, asked what they cost: one toulde him forty pence, go quoth he, and fetch me a payre of a marcke, wherein thou mayst sée, yt either things were cheper, or mē wiser then they are now.
[Page]Once haue a smattering of the sweete of wealth, and thou wilt neede no persuasion to perseuer in getting. An Emperour of Rome being loth to lose any commodity, that might bee saued, gaue a strayt charge, that euery housholde within the Citie, shoulo saue their vrine, whereof in time he leuied a great some of money: his sonne standing on his pantuffles, and of a more gentlemanlike mynde, then his father (as moste sonns are nowe a dayes) secretlye and vnder correction, admonyshed his Father that it was a derogatynge from his maiestyes highnes, to make a gayne of so vyle excrementes, the verye sent whereof was soe lothsome vnto all men. The Emperour perceyuing his sonns nicetye, stood not to debate the matter with excuses, but incontynentlye fetchynge a bagg of goolde out of his closet, helde it to his sonns nose, and demaunded of him howe he lyked the smell: hee aunswered without pausinge, that it was a verye pleasant smell: then hereafter quoth the Emperour, bee not soe hastye to condem the Lawfull and honest gayne of vrine, whereof this commeth. I amplyfye this example to this allygation, for that I neither woulde haue thee deferr opportunitye to profite thy selfe, nor thinke anye meanes too meane, if they be honest
Poetrye, wee saye, is nothinge else, but an heape of forged fictions, beaten out of the braynes of fantasticall fellowes when their heades were intoxicate, and in deede it is true, the moste bee fables, yet parrable-wyse conteynynge greate misteryes,
Tullye in his booke de Legibus hath these wordes, Phisica ratio haud ineligans inclusa est in impias fabulas, and one commentinge vppon Ouids Metamorphosis, bouldelye affirmeth, that a great parte of the verye scriptures is couertlye handled in these workes, alludinge the Chaos to the worlde made of nothing: the destruction there mencioned to Noye his floud: Deucalion & Perrha yt begott mē & women by castinge stones behinde them, to Noye and his wife, whereof all nations were deducted: Phaebus and Phaceton to God and Lucifer, Acteon that for séeing Diana naked, was deuoured of his doggs to cōcupiscence, who seeing by wisdome how farr he hath digressed, [Page] tortures himselfe with griefe, so yt euery Poeam may well bee moralized to some good meaning, how precise and captious soeuer some of our dimi [...]utiue diuines are yt would not haue thē red.
Now this is it I would inferr, the Poets faine that Plutus the God of riches, when he commeth towards a man is hault & lame, cree-ping on with a wearyed pace like an hault mayemed cripple, but when he goeth from him to haue winges like a bird, scouring a pace till he be out of sight
Then take time while thou hast it, the haucke may checke yt now coms faire to fyst
When Miltiades the Athenian with ten thowsand Greekes, discomfited 600000 of his enemies the Persians, if he had forseene yt his recompence would haue bene repentance, he might haue stauld himselfe with sufficient bootyes, to haue preuented all writs of debte, which were his vtter ruine: but prefering a publicke profite before a priuate benefite, and being but a braūch of his countrye, he was the cause that the whole roote did florish, and he himselfe did wither away: for cast in arrearedge of a certeyne some of monie, he was by his vnkinde, contrimen condemned to perpetuall prison, where dying indurance hee could not be buried, till his sonne toke vppon him to weare his fathers, giues.
It is not the name of gentility will vnbinde the of bondage.
If a man by some misfortune chaunce to be impouerished, alas alas, shalbe his pitye, and the comforte they lende him to appease his cares, thou mightest haue done better if God had made thee wiser, but he that will stumble in the midnoone daye, deserues to breake his shins, and he that will beare to beaten with his own rood, merits to do no better, looke to thy thy selfe, I wishe thee well, and so God be with you
Neither will kinn, nor acquayntaunce helpe to heale necessityes, whose frendships are knitt with a true-tones knot made of siluer copper, & when yt is spent, they spare their frendship.
Ptolomie & Pompey were nowne carer coosins, while both were as ready to requit as require, but when Pompey was put to flight by Iulius Cesar, and driuen to craue ayde of his olde frend Ptolomie, hee had scarce Iacke drummers enterteynement; for Iacke was shut out withouten harme, but Pompey was cut [Page 27] shorter by ye head thē he was, whereof Petolomie making merchandise sould it to Cesar.
Polimnestor was so deare to priam, that in time of warr, when Troie was besieged, he sent his young sonne polidor wt monye for his charges, to be fostered of Polimnestor, yt if Troye should be sakked all the whole house should not be extinct: but (ah the wrecth Polimnestor) when he sée Priams kingdome inuironed on euery side yt no rescue could ridd him frō his enemies claws, he slew polidor for his money & sett priam at naught, whose eyes afterward Hecuba scratched out with indignation, a vengeaunce more iust, then equall to his fact.
Wheefore let neuer trust betraye thee, where treason is shrowded, nor hope not on frends, where happ is vncerteyne.
Thou seest how Stedfastnes doth fly wt winges of often chaūg, a flying birde, but seldome séene, her nature is so straung.
We do not vse to set share in the shore, nor plowe the sea furrowes that yelde no corne: but men vse to till the fertill soyle, that giues that it receiues with vsurie and interest, as Hesiodus saith, claw me and I will claw thée, though that thou Homer were with muses nine for ma [...]s, yet pack pesant from whence thou camst if that thou bringest no pence. Thy ma [...]ster (that must be) Aristotle, I phisicks affirmes ye exnihilo nihil fit, if yu hast nothing, thou shalt haue nothing, & that thou hast shalbe taken from thee
Grafte my sonne, & grace will growe, begin to gett, and thou shalt gaine.
It is Aristotle in his Ethicks, that a good beginning is more then halfe the worke, of one graine coins ye whole eare of corne, if thou hast one vertue saith our ground philosopher, al the rest will easely ensue, hould that thou hast wt good husbandrye, & God will increase it with bounteous plenty. Neither would I haue thée a drone to eate the swete that others sweat for, that yu eate ye hony, and they hould the hyue, they drawe yu driue, small reason by my faith, when gentlemen lacke grots, that plowmen pinch it out for pence & patch their russet coo [...]es. but happely ye vncertentie of welth & riches, shall seeme a good answere to my importunity, for who knoweth not Cresus his substaūce which notwithstanding was imprisoned as a captiue, shackled with [Page 27] boultes, and faine to yeelde his goods into his enemies handes: and who hath not heard of Scylla his magnificence, which tho was consumed with lice, and his money eaten with mothes? the merchaunt loseth more in an houre then he gaineth in 20. yeres.
To this I will make a replication, yt all reioinders of ye defendant shall be barred.
If the state of Fortune be so ticklish builded vpon sande, & subiect to tottering, then with more care ought we to carke for wealth of diuers sorts, yt if one faile, an other may preuaile, and make frends by liberalyty, in state of prosperity, yt may giue vs hospitality, in time of aduersity and therfore not without great cause, did Alexander bestow gifts on his subiectes, though King Philip his father chid him for it, asking if he would be vassall to his seruaunts, with bribing to win fauour, which they ought him by homage.
In my opinyon he red by rote & mard a good lessone for want of good cōstruction, for neither is there any greater signe of clemencie (which onely vertue so much cōmended Pelopidas king of Sparta) neither more vehement exhortation to be painfull vpholders of present honour, or willing suppliers of future wants, thē the abounding of princely bounty.
This was ye which made Pomponius Atticus so plausible amonge ye Romaines, bycause he disbursed his money most franckly, to take away ye wrooting vice vsery, for ye cōmon profits fake: & so gratious among ye noble mē, yt euen those who were at odds, Antonius & Brutus, & all in generall, held him most deare.
Once was ye world in the first golden age, that learning was in price, and vertue estéemed, when Gratianus aduaūced Ausonias ye poet so ye consulship for his poetry, when Cincinnatus was taken frm ye plow for his vertue to be dictator, whē Cato brought Ennius into Italy for his excellencie, whō Scipio Affricanus had in no lesse reputation.
But now we are come to the last age, which as Ouid deuide it, is ye 4. and the woorst, squeasye & dogged, & wrought of hard iron.
Without multipling of many words, it is good to be mindfull of ye Goddes Iuno, lest as Cyauippus for abhorring Bacchus his rites, was pūished [Page 28] of Bacchus with excessiue drunkennes, wherein hee discheueled his owne daughter, of whom he was slayne, or as by Diomedes his wounding of Venus, Aegilia his wife was transported into such an insatiable letchery, that any might haue her chastity, who was not chary of his owne, (for all her holy-dayes were feasts of Quicunque vult): so the refusinge of her league that offers such tr [...]atyes of peace, incensing her with contemptuous regard, doe afterward feele ye battery of her anger, which wil be no lesse then shéere beggery: when yu hartely wishest she would raise her siege, & striking a truce renew her former offer.
As for Venus, I will neyther dispraise her who was once my mistrisse: neyther can I commende her without a paire of lying lippes.
But this I say, aspiring heades haue seldome spéede.
Remember the braue gallantes, that haue spente their purses penniles, worne their coates thredbare, and wroughte their bodies to the bones, to purchase aduauncement, and yet haples, & hartles, haue departed to other mansions, good for blockes in the countrie, that were cast chips in the court.
O howe fewe bee there (saithe hee in Tusculans questions) that may hope for Metellus his hap? all may wish, and most shall want.
The Court resembles the image of Diana in Chios, who was wont to be smilingly glad to those that entred into the Temple, and lowringly sad, to such, as went out.
While Con is with whelpe, and cries [...]hink at euery call, they will fawne like a dogge that standes at receite of a trencher, they will smooth the with swete Sir, sooth thy person, and soke thy purse, but when all is gone and nothinge lefte, farewell dagger with dudgin haft: then thou maist go like a dog that hath lost his taile & wander wher thou wilt like a new shorne shéepe, with out more seruice at their commaunds, till thou hast more wooll on thy backe to pay thy next yeares fees.
If a a man should desire an herauld to sift out her pettigrée, and aske of an armourer to blaze her armes, her stock would be found to be the maine sea, wereof she is nothing but the ouerture and of scombe.
[Page 30]Her armes (as Poets tricke them) are the head of Capricorne, for her right honourable style. I will goe as nere it as I canne. A yonge Sainct, and an old Deuill, and all at once: with honye in her mouth, and a sting in her tayle, and that for the nonce: a swete swillings, I would the swine had her: trim tram, neither good for God nor m [...]n: as kind to the as a coosen, and as familiar to all as Tullies Epistles: currant in sound, and counterfeit in stampe: as meeke as a lambe, and as necessary as a mare.
Whether it is better liuing contentedly with thy modicum, augmenting it with industry, or sette all on slee sinke, whether thou shalt haue thine owne or nothinge, iudge you. I commende that sentence, though I hate the traytour that spoke it. (It is better to be king of a mould hil, then to be subiecte to a mountaine.) And therefore saide Alexander, if he had not bene Alexander, he would haue bene Diogines for his contented minde. It is good to be at freedome where one may raunge where he wil, rouse when he will, neyther flattering for promotion, neyther fearing displeasure.
I were ill to be Aristotle de natura animalium, I am so in artificiall in the description of Venus, but Socrates by the reporte of Anthony in the bookes de Cratura, saw he was eloquent inough that could open his mind simply, as I haue done.
A man may liue thrice Nestors yeares, thrice wander out Vlisses race, ere be gaine that by seruice, that sometime hath bene a common pencion, or make a iuste annalogy of credit, with his cost.
I deny not but it were good for younge gentlemen to knowe this by triall, if that were all: it would chaine them at home frō chaunging for new, and better would they déeme it, to sléepe quietly in homelye cabin without gunshot of daunger, then lie like Princes, be serued like Princes, with such imminent daungers, as Tullye bringes example of one in the fifte of his Tusculanes.
But wit bought with the price of woe, is a litle to deare. Better be wise by other mons harmes, then rue your follye by your owne hurt. Beleue him that knowes it bicause he hath tried it, & tells you the truth, bycause he loues you.
[Page 31]A Disciple of ye Philosophers must beleue their principles, how absurd at the first soeuer they seme, neither is he a faithfull Apostle, that will beleue nothing but what he sees, then haue him in one Article of thy beliefe, that hath the in all the peticions of his Pater noster.
Thus thou seest thy fare (my childe) fall too where thou likest, make thy choice where thou wilt, of pretty Venus, pithy Pallas, or princely Iuno.
Such as thou bakest, such shalt thou eat, & such as thou takest, such shalt thou stand too.
If thy fancy haue a combat within yt selfe for the election, yu shalt haue a time to deliberate of it, and after consultatiō deliuer thy mind.
YOunge Philotimus perceiuing his Fathers care, and more then motherly affection towardes him, (which is an opposite contradiction to the vse of fathers) and hauing a surrender of so larg a profer, wherein he might prosecute his conceiued determination, being priuely circumspect in priuate conceit, that neither his father should trippe him in any wild vnweldy attempt, nor he misse of ye cushiō he ment to sit on, made him this answere.
GOod Father, though Aristotle would haue one long a deliberating, and soone to practise, yet you haue no sooner spoken then I am spedde.
To séeke to wade déepe, where the foorbe is shallowe, or to breake downe the hedge, where the way lies open, where none of the first pointes of wisdome, and the very doubte what to doe in a lawfull matter, say our diuines, is a great sinne.
The mistrust in my behauiour you spake on at first, I haue not found in your after spéeches, neither haue I smelt the seuerity of a father, which most children of [...].
By howe much the more m [...]lde you are in your proffer, by so much the more charie will I [...]ee at my [...]holie. The Lion feares the litle crowing cocke, the stronge and sterne Panther quakes at ye presence of an Hi [...]d, He [...]aclides the Philosopher by gentle handling, taught a [...]agon to follow him vp and downe, the haggard by luring is [...] man [...]ed.
[Page 32]Neuer any thinge happened more delightsome to mee, then this your kindnes, hony within, and oyle without, the one toothsome, and both holesome.
Where your curtesie grauntes a priuiledge, I hope custome will graunte a pardon, if I happe not to haue the righte sowe by the eare. In all my election, I appeale from mine owne inuention to your iudgement, willing to be disposed at your good pleasure.
For Venus, I am to young to know her sleightes, and to olde to learne them. If I were a gander, I would neuer chuse a goose of that kind. I loue no beare so old brotcht. Let Beautie shutt vp her shop, and trusse vp all her trash, Luxurie hath stolne her finest stuffe, and left her in the lash. I am content to learne of ye market folks how the market goes, to teach my self, and instruct others, but not to make an occupation of that profession. It is not enfranchised in the same liberties that other sciences are, in which a man after seuen yeares apprentiship shall be made frée, but at the moste in this he is but a iourneyman, where he may worke for his mistris, crucify his carkas, and serue till he sterue, while grasse is a growing.
It is hard when peace hangs in the ballaunce of war, and my safetie, in my louers honestie.
If I bee zealous in affection, and iealous of her faithe, I smoulder away inwardly, without any remedy: If she make me weare hornes and I not perceiue it, I am noddified of her, and pointed at of others: and so, they crowne a cuckold with a combe, and this is their desire.
Then for any office I gette among honest folkes, I may kéepe the geese on the greene, for breaking their teeth with grazing.
I haue red that Attyla king of Pan [...]onia, slew eleuen thowsand Virgines at the siege of Colonia: but a man mighte induce mee, without a Sermon pareneticall for exhortation, that hee might séeke bothe where they were and were not, (as Skoggin did the bare) and presse an army royall of arrand honest women, to scale the sorttesse of modestie with friday fated scoulds, ere he coulde triumph for halfe such a victory in t [...]ise so much space.
[Page]I could neuer forget a riddle that an olde author of mine proposeth in a paire of verses.
This trée is Castanea, from whence take away N, E, A, and there remaines Casta, of which chaste thinges she parson of the parishe maye well tithe the Tenthes to eke forthe his liuinge, and neyther the towne empayred, nor hee enriched by this extortion.
I requeste a fauourable interpretation of my inuectiue (reuerent Sir) without glowing of your eares, with my ouerflowing eloquence.
I am not so crooked in nature, as ye crabbed [...]ld men in Terehee, that thoughte nothinge well done, but that they did themselues: no [...] so eger as the wolfe, to barke at the mo [...]e. I cannot catche: [...]e is to busye, that hath an ore stirring in other mens houses, without leaue on their partes, or [...]ille on hi [...] owne, that correcteth Magnificat, before he can singe T [...]d [...]n, that controles the Court, which is not in his circuits, being neither a courtie [...] by bringing vp, nor a carter by birth, [...]u [...] meane man betwixte them both.
I reprehend not the court in generall, nor cannot deuise to amend the Prince, from whence our wellfare is de [...]ed, and to which, our dueties must all retire, as the riuers to the [...]. But in great houses be vessels as well of tinne as of siluer, wher God buildes a church, the deuill builds a chappell, and euery commoditie hath his discommoditye, saith the sheph [...]s olde frende Mantuan.
The serpent lurkes in the grene grasse, the mothes eat the best garmentes, where Bacchus and Ceres be caterers for the house, Venus will haue her gambalde reuels, where delicate dainties be their diet, as becomes a princes maiestie, & sumptuous robes their garmentes, where pride is a vertue of necessity (as Tullye speaketh of Capitolum, which being made to the most aduauntage, was most beutiful to ye vew, & must nedes be so) [...]her [...]eakīg [Page 43] Venus play the vice to make them sport.
With Iuno I dare not meddle, she is better for my thriuing, and vnfitter for my yeares.
A sword must not be giuen into a childes hand, least he hurte himselfe. He that sets an infant on a greate horse to teach him to ride, may peraduenture saue the charges of a schoolemaster, to teach him his necke verse, and wishe for a surgeaunt, to sette his necke bone.
But with writinge I maye learne to write, with practising of of my tongue become eloquent, & with beginning betimes to gather wealth, quickly grow riche.
Indeed euery thing hath a beginning (as the parasite told his maister, which said he toke his seruaunt for no liar, and now had sound it contrary) and therefore we must worke by lyne and leisure, and not leape ouer the stile, before we come at it. No man I trow, will take vpon him to write a volume, before he can set his letters, neither learn his letters before he be of some yeares. To excercise in Rhetoricke (saith Crassus) before he haue discipline, wil make him ready to speake, and barbarous in speaking, as he bringeth example of himselfe: and to commit wealth to him which yesterday came out of the shell, & yet hath neyther learned by reading, nor vse; how to adde to it, neither by either of both, knowes the swéetenes of it, which woulde make him keepe it, doth much in my minde (vnder correction be it spoken) resemble him, that leaues his gloue by the way, and bids his spaniel bring it after, that is a rude whelpe, and neuer taught to carry.
A ship cannot surely sayle without an helme, nor any fly without naturall winges: which Bladud kinge of England aduenturing to doe by art, brake his necke. So did the men of Gotam tye their rentes in a purse about an hares necke, and bad her carrie it to their Landlord: how well they were serued, I cannot but smile to thinke, neither at that, but at their follies.
Were it not very absurd for one that hath no skill to begin to build an house, and laye the foundation, saying that by building he would learne to build? or for maides being scarse borne, to begin to bride it, and say in so doing they woulde learne to wiue [Page] it? I wis it were, and most absurd.
But indeed to giue any great regarde to wealth at all, more then to expell cold, and sustaine nature, is nothing but vanitye. Alas what praise is it to be couetous of that, which makes no difference of good men from bad, saith he in his Ethickes, and to say truth, rather a note of ill menne. For Plutarch I remember hath these wordes. It is very probable that euery riche man eyther hath bene wicked, or ye heire of a wicked man, which though it be not true, yet the Philosophers wordes do neuer want their weight.
It is good say you, to be stored with diuers sortes, bycause it is constant in nothing but inconstancie.
Of diuers sorts it néedes not, when one may suffice, of diuers sorts it bootes not, when all is vncertaine.
For ye formers proofe, let Marcus Curius serue, a Romane captaine against King Pirrhus and the Samnits, who at the spoyle of any towne, would take no more then he gaue his soldiours, saying he was an euill citezin, that could not liue with that, which satisfied others. When the seruants of the Samnites brought him gold for a present, as he sat séething rapes in an earthen vessell, he refused it, saying, he had rather be Lord of them that owed the goulde, then bée vassaile to the desire of so contemptible pelfe.
For the second, I haue heard this reason alleadged against Aristotle, to proue a terrae motus, that is, an Earthquake, diffused throughout the earth, which he denies. When the parts and the whole (saith mine authour) are all of one qualitie, and the partes doth moue, as all may see, the whole likewise may do the same: but the parts of the earth, and the whole lumpy masse are of one nature in respect of firmnes, therfore &c. and since false fortunne say I, is the gouernesse of of all wealth, if one parte is frayle, it is something like that all is fragile.
Epaminondas was wont to forsake all presents, saying, he would doe that was right without rewards, and for rewards he would doe no wrong.
When the kinges fisher laieth her eggs, the seas are calme till they be hatcht, and then with roring fury carries them all a way [Page 36] the ore is made much on for his hide, the Elephant for his tooth, & so shall I for that, which they would wishe my death for.
He that will be welthy, must conforme himselfe to the fashion of the worlde (saith Plutarch) looke a man in the face, and cut his throat.
Wealth is the haruest of fortunes flattery, which who so meanes to catch, muste bee as it were a glasse wherin others may sée their conditions, much like an ape, that mops and mowes as his maister doth, to make him sport. He must laugh whē they laugh, so shall he be merie, sweare that they aunswere, and thats a good figboy. If with Caligula one speake like a foole in ye senate house, he muste saye with Domitian, that his eloquence sheweth him to haue laien with the moone.
The cunning Fowler is cloathed with feathers, the craftye Raunger in a Deeres skinne, Alcibiades was at Athenes a Scholler, at Lacedemonia a Hunter, at Tisapherne a carpet Knight.
But trust me, to gaine all the wine of Calidon, ye fishes of Hircany, the dainties of Media, I meane not to make my selfe an open president, for proufe of these matters.
For as well maye he stande still, whom the Deuill driues, as hee leaue of, that once assayes to gather wealth, as you your selfe for-warned.
Sore eies may not vewe the light without a scarfe, nor ye credit of cormorauntes shew it selfe without their coyne.
He that bestowes rewards to insinuate himself into frendship, is like Bath-kepers asse, that brought his master fewell home to make fires, and he himself liued with smell of the smoake.
Those second sort of liberall men (as Aristotle tearmes them) whom you feede with giftes, gape for them by custome, as they doe for their die [...], willing to picke a quarrell, if they be not continued, & readye to caste you of, if you stande néede to them.
If you your self (deare father) woulde disclaime in this case, or giue it ouer by non-suite, and on other atturneye reteyned in your roome, I could find him sport by my litle Philosophye, if I were disposed to play with his nose, or cast pearles before swine in steed of brasse.
[Page 37]he might tricke his speech with a few superficiall colours, but all his statly style were not woorth a strawe, & his wiels wayed in right ballaunce, his witt would be found to want waight. It is ill deluing for money quoth phalareus lest one digg so low till he grub vp the deuill, gapers for gudgeons are soone choked: one said to Alcmeon, ye way to increase his strength, was to diminish his desire man was made with his face towards heauen, as a token ye heauenly matters should be his meditation, & the eyes of beasts turned downward, to seeke nothing but gourmantize, and meate for their bellies.
The question of mariage is abortiue, & therefore must néeds be a weakeling too timely mariage saith Aristo. in his Pol: filles the common wealth full of dwarfes, and women: and therefore he thinkes it good that men should liue sole, till thirtye seauen yeares, and women till 18.
Homer scares me from these matches, who brings in Iupiter and Iuno euer brawling, the Massagets tould Pompey they lay with their wiues but once a weeke, bycause they would not heare their scowldinges in the daye, nor their pulinges in the night.
If my wyfe were nought, I might wish her longe inough at the deuil eare god would fetch her, and if she were good, I should feare eare she died she would be turned into a fury, as Iphanassa the wyfe of Melampus, was for her bewtye by enuious Iuno: it is more agreeable to my yeares to be termed ser boye, then an honest man.
Among all forts of conceyted fellowes, I reuerence the Essenians, as most cōtinent in pleasures, & contented wt nifles, for they abhor ye company of women, & detest ye possession of gold & siluer. Thus Venus is wanton and euer is wanting, treasure is tickle, and a iuell of ieopardy, mariage marrs all, if it be out of season. I vtterly therefore renounce these two Goddesses and ani content with the losse of a double game, to post it ouer to Pallas: yet at our parting blow, to recōcile my selfe wt méeke intermission, I hartilie wish they be not offended, and to make sure my attonement without feare, I will deale with them, as the Romaines did wt Vulcane: for hauing receiued some hurt of fire, they thought it good to hould a [Page 38] candell before the deuill, and speake him faire while their féete were in his mouth, and giue vnto Vulcan the honour of a God, mary they shut him out of ye citie to bannish him their company, that he came no more there: and if that can please them, I can brooke to call them Goddesses, so they release me of their seruice.
Poore Aglus for his vprightnes in small substaunce, was preferred by Solon before the cuffine Craesus. Agesilaus said, he had rather be king in Sparta, then God in Theseus. One goinge about his busines with an haulter in his hand, chaunced to finde monye which a miser had hid, which money he tooke, and layde downe the haulter in the place: the olde huddle missing his monye at his next visitation, toke the haulter and hanged himselfe, and venus herselfe passing by Eurota, was enforced to begg some ayde of Pallas and vse her launce.
I will not blowe retreate to euery trayne, nor be a scholler and a traytour, as Critias was to Socrates, I haue not so soone cast my Philosophers head, neither haue I bene hitherto bathed in Heraclitius his floode, to be chaunged to a new nature.
In olde time they were forbidden to expound oracles which had any botch in their bodyes, and they which would inuest themselues in an house of religiō, should impart all their goods, & giue them to the needy, I therefore with a curteous couge, hū bly take my leaue of Iuno, and bid Venus adwe with a gentle Vibaccio, nothing dowbting, that as whē Hanibal layde seige to the cittie Casilinum, one mouse was sould for two hundred pence and he that sould the mouse dyed himselfe for hunger: So I for greedines to learning in this hard world giuing ouer my claim of welth all at once (as Antiochus at one push lost all Asia) shall in time feele sorrow and small beare run full neare my hart.
In deede a leane fee befits a lasye clarke, yet maye I well compare Pallas to Amaltheas horne, which yeelds what frute soeuer one desireth, although, as none knewe the vse of Hercules his poysoned arrowes, but Philoctetes, so none knowes the benefite of Pallas, but her faithfull seruaunts.
It is wrytten of Plautus, that spending all he had in plaiers garments, he was brought to such pouerty. yt for liuing hee was faine to serue a baker in turning a Querne, from which when [Page 39] he could bee dismissed he writ comodies. Policrates was so happie, that he sought misfotune by casting a ring he had of inestimable value into the sea, which one finding in a fishes mouth, restored it to Policrates, insomuch that wishing mishap he could not haue it, yet afterward was he hanged by Orontes a persian: notwithstanding I hope that though I renounce my profit, and request in some sort my euill fortune, yet as I shall obteyne what I wish, I meane learning, so I shall misse that I doe not craue, I meane beggerye.
Iustinianus the Emperour descending of so base a stocke that his vncle by ye mothers side was a swynehearde, was aduaunced by Pallas to his immortall dignity.
The laboures I shall support ere I come to the port, doe nothing quaile my kindled courage. Euclides could euery night goe to Socrates at Megaera, mount Athos was made nauigable by zerxes, Cesar made two great bridges in one daye, and who hath not heard of Hercules his laboures, why then should I feare so smal a paines.
In a certeyne battaile betwixt the spiders and the flies, the sielie flies seing them selues ouermatched began to plucke in their hornes, where there generall inciting them, bad them decline their eies from their enemies force, and looke to themselues to saue their liues. Catiline in his conspiracie, encouraged his souldiers with this argument-that they should looke on the standard, the siluer Eagle, which was the ould auncient of their mother Rome, and syght for it. A pleasant praye entiseth many a theefe. A louer of Cassandra who was come to ayde Troy for her sake, seing her hayled and dragged by her golden tresses, inflamd no less then Hercules with Dianiraes shirt, flange in headlong amonge their enemies, neither could be restrayned by any feare of death, till he had rescued her.
Cesar at the riuer Rubrico, dowting of his passage, a younge man sodenlye appearing all in whyte apparrell, snatched a trumpet from a stander by, and leaping into the riuer sounded it, by the which instigation Cesar gaue the aduenture to passe the riuer. The Graecians somewhat couwardly in ye wa [...] against the [Page 40] Medeans, seing the shape of Theseus, as Coronell in the vauntward, were by and by incensed te battaile.
All these iointly, & euery one seuerally, I alledge, to show what heat ye blazing hew of Pallas (which methinkes I sée a farr of) doth bréede in me. Eneas hauing lost Creasa his wife in his escape from Troy, retyred back againe amids ten thousand enemies to séeke her, & when he could not finde her by no pryinge in euery corner, he lifted vp his voyce inuironned on euery side with his foes, & loudlye cried out, Creusa, Creusa, neither euer would leaue ransacking til her ghost appeared to him and tould him she was dead. How often did ye said Eneas forrage vpon his enemie Turnus? how often did Turnus & Eneas trauerse their skirmish for their deare Lauinia? It is a shame to giue ouer saith Seneca whē ye thing sought doth recōpence ye paines. I therefore am purposed with an absolute determination (my duety to you reserued) neuer to tire till I haue found ye holy land, where pallas houlds her imperiall seate, which happy houre when it shall arriue, thē shall I think my selfe in persone glorious, in doctrine wise, in deeds heroicall, vnboweled of griefe, entrailed with vertue, embellished wt a memory surmounting mortality.
The lord Cleocritus hearing this munificall speech compiled by his sonne, with such dexterity in spéech, & pregnancie in with (a right certeine ensigne of a generous hart) was rapt with admiration, and almost captiuate with so ioious an agony, yt he could not couertly conceale it with a guileful dissembling, but at length all repleat with pestring ioyes boulted out these wordes.
A gospell on ye mouth (philotimus) & gods blessing be euer thy protection for as there was no better token of winter, then to see phocion go shod: so there can be no more manifest marke of valiant magnanimity, carefull for him selfe & his countries behofe, then to see youth hang vp ye bitt of wanton tyme, not like ye foolish larke, deceiued with swetnes of ye call: although as the same phocion was he whō Apollo ment was contrary to all ye citye, so this is a contrary guise to ye frequented trade of all gréene yeares.
In déede (philotimus) though I vn [...]oulde the whole far [...]ell of daungers which might seath thy iourney, and teach thee a stopgaliard in the pilgrimage of thy voiage: yet truth it is, as yu of [Page 41] thy selfe art well aduertised in remouinge all offences, whiche might escandalize thy courage. It [...]ares with Pallas, as Suetonius writes of Octauius ye Emperour, yt neuer any ambassadours came in his presence, which at ye first sight were not toucht with feare, and after in communicating did not adore and loue him bycause great was the maiestie, wherewith he did receiue them, and after swete were ye wordes, wherewith he did dispatch them.
Yet if yt wilt not in inconstancy imitate the souldiours of Germanie, whom olde Antiquaries haue regestred to begin their assaults with choller, and continewe the same with fury, and after with requests of collusion, to suffer their sharpe spurrs be blunted, & recalling their intents, fal into a relaps, Thou must follow ye Romaine victorers, who in their triumphant celebrations first visited the temples, embruing ye aultars with fore-vowed sacrifices, before they vndertoke any other solemnities in their triumphs, reuels in their sports, affaires forthe weale publiques. For as it was inacted by the martiall lawes, to be no lesse then the losse of his life, yt entred ye captaines pauilion without his leaue for a warrant: so it will be preiudice to his successe, ye attem [...]s pallas, induced with a toie or emulation, & not inuited by deuotion, first gett her beneuolence with inuocation of hartye praiers, which pallas wil bee so much the more prone to licence (if your tongue be not too laxatiue, & vtter more then your ha [...]t can disgest) by how much ye more oportunitye of time is now conuenient
For as alexius afterward emperour spoke in an oration he had to ye senate, ye sea that now may be spurned, sometime may not be touched, & Coonts that be in season betwixt Christmas & Cādelmas, after ye prefixed date expired may be vagarant where they wil without any mans eating. Notwithstāding philotimus thy aptnes be quadraunt on euery side, as fit as a die, yet yu art not to learne yt a great haruest, must haue a great tillage, ye milke must be brused before it be butter, & lastly as to haue is good happ, so to hould fast is a great vertue otherwise yu maist for a time bleare mens eyes wt a florishing glose, but at ye length whē ye cock shall crowe, & ye day begin to dawne & yu shalt be vrged to publish thy skil, & bring it to light, it wil befall vnto thee as yt did vnto Veturnus Turinus, who being about ye emperour as one in great fauour, had egres a [...]d regres, neither hatch before dore, noe meeke before his snow [...], to intercept his patene accesse: which such as [Page 34] as had any sute to dispatch wt the prince perceiuing, as men ye cast water in the sea, sooner to win the hauē, or as fulsum huswiues greasing the fatt sowe in the tayle to make better bacon, so they bribed him that was abundaunt in all possessions, to haue an ende of their long trauersed suits: he somethinge saucie with his liege the Emperour, bycause gaines were sweete, would now & than step into presence, finding communication of other matters, and comminge out of the chamber, would giue them this and that aunswere, thus and soe I haue said in thy matters, and thus and so was I answered the Emperour hauing intelligence of his vilianye, caused a foster to request him to moue the Emperour in a certeyne case, which he promised nothing niggardly, for such courtesie cost him nothing: but all were serued with one hand, hee as the rest, and the rest as young courtiours: by which witnes Turinus conuinced of his guyle before ye prince, & other his robberies by exact inquisition found out, he cōmaunded him to be fixed aloft vpon a stake, and vnder him to be sett gréene wood & wett strawe, which being sett on fire pestered his nose with a most cruell smoake, that in short space thratled him, a crier with a lowd voyce making proclamation, he that soulde smoake, is smouldered with smoacke.
The morrall of this, is an exhortation to thée, to take paines, not suffising thée with ye show without matter of substaunce.
Hymeraeus ye poete writt against Helen, & not long after recanted: such small persistaunce in thy consaites I would haue thee auoyde, neither as the sunne the nearer it mounts to the pole, ye slower it moues, so thou, when thou art gone some degrees neerer learning, growe more sluggish in thy procedinges.
I would not haue thée merchandize degrees, as some are accustomed now a dayes, but win them by labour, & deserue thē by learning Iulianus ye Emperour buying ye empire of the Pretorians, scarce enioied it a xi monethes, whē he was deraind, & slaine, & his wife and onely daughter put to exile.
Young Philotimus daunted at his fathers so vehemēt exhortatiō, made him with due reuerence this answere.
Too much drought doth shred the leaues, and too much moysture chokes the grasse
If you had giuen me no fore-warning, I had not peraduenture [Page 35] bene so circumspect, & yet to earnest speach doth sometime agarise me. The rude Sythian had rather heare ye neigh of an horse, then Orpheus his harpe, & a vaine foole is he yt had rather haue a pl [...]usible peale of ye populer sorte, deluding them with a counterfeite show, then wt desert to be a king within himself, without this ringing rumour.
If I employ not my indeuour, let me haue ye execution of Draco his law, ye depriued them of life, which would not labour, or be vsed as the drones of Hetruria, which were reputed as vacabonds, they condemned to exile, & their goods to the fiscall.
I do acknoweledg that now or neuer is the time to be wrought to ye rules of litterature. If Mithridates had not spent his primetide in studye, he had not perfectly learned 22. sundrye languages, and there fore was it well prouided amonge the Romaines yt no man should beare office till he were 30 yeares olde, alluding to this principle, that his flowring season conteyned in former yeares, should be reteind in attending good discipline: & this haue I already learnd, that though Arist. will not admitt a yong man to be a scholler of morrall philosophie, because he can hardly represse his extrauagant affections, yet he meanes saith my mayster of yong men in manners & not in yeares.
Well then Philotimus aunswered his father, since this is the determynation of thy Imagination, thou shalt haue a cote cut after thyne owne patterne, & go to thy chosen vniuersity.
But bycause as Laelius saith, if one should be rapt into the third heauen, and haue a reuelation of gods intricate secrets, and had no body to impart thē too, his holy inspiratiō would be conuerted to griefe, neyther can we repose our familiaritye, in any mans companye, so well as his which is like our selues, I not wil only prouide a tutor to ouersee you, but allott you a companion to dryue away tediousnes, yt as Sulpitius and Litonus were woont to studye one thing, play both at one tyme, and mutually tend their aides ech to other: so he to you and you to him, may enterchaungeblye be abettours to your studyes, hoorders of your secrets, and ministers of your pastimes. A gentleman he is of no base bloud, neither discrepant to thee in nature, nor different in yeares, and thy dayly playfellowe Aemelius, of whom beinge [Page] left orphant I am the gardaunt, to bestow as I will.
Philotimus glad of this felowship, bycause of al mē he did most fix his fancy on Aemilius, though liuing together they had many iarrs betwixt them, with bonnet vaild, and knee bowed, gréeted well his fathers purueiaunce.
Of all thinges they ment to haue spéedy dispatch, so that philoti. sent to the countrie to take his leaue of his allies and frendes, Cleocritus had in store against his returne, such a tutor. as Phaenix was to peleus sonne, yt is, an instructer to science, and a mirrour in good life.
Now you shall vnderstand gentlemen, yt as the ripest witts are cōmonly infraunchised in al follies, so philotimus sauns all care of his late protestation, hauing passed the tearme of 16. yeares, was as forward as the best in accōplishing his humour.
For as the vnicorne is so strong, that he is not taken with any might or power of hunters, but for to take him a maid is set ther he shall come, who opening her lap, the vnicorne leaueth all his fearcenes, & laying there on his head falleth asleepe, & so is taken and thirled with dartes of hunters, as though nature had giuen him no armour to defend himselfe withall: so Philotimus whiche was neuer gind with other parturbation, was by tymes and too timely, enthralled with beautie.
This may be a cause of the small a bode in his blisse, the greene blade yt shooteth too earely is soone bitt with a black frost.
There was a gentlewomā by stile, but as I haue heard & partly gesse by her slippery dealinges, giuing no peremptory iudgement but by coniecture, a rare iuewell scraped out of a dunghill, gotten by stealth by the wicked aspect of a beggerly micher, whē her mothers husbād, her father by name, could not sée for hornes growing ouer his eyes. but the fault you will say was not in her, but in her mother, which in shufling the cards shufled in a knaue too many This gentlewomā almost of equall age wt noble philo. her father being deceased, was left in ward with a gentlemā neare neighbour to senior Cleocritus, vpon which occasion philo. sometimes in cōpany with her, & often conferring her feature with his fancie, felt at length such skirmishes of affection, yt he valiantly proued himselfe a carped knihht▪ and as plato speaketh of ye soule which ascending after death vp to the heauēs, & meeting wt natures semblable [Page] to it selfe in all respectes, staies there, & not before: so she seing his posse, correspondēt to her velle, met him iust in ye midway of all his loue, gaue him pat for pat, loue for loue, as longe as he would.
Now sir, Philotimus being comd home, & ready to depart the next morning, sent his page secretlye to his mistris, requesting parly with her before his iourney, ye time he would come, should be when all were at rest, about tenne of the clocke in the nighte. The boy dispatched it roundly, & she graunted it willinglye, yet something nicely, as maydens doe their honestie.
Philotimus asking the boy how he had sped, forsooth quoth he, Daunger yonder kepes the doore, and mistris Modesty the house. I knockt so softly at ye gates, as if they had bene my graūdfathers soule, then comes mistris Antigone with her whispering who is there. I tould her who, and with what arraunde. Assoone as shée had certified hir mistris, she toulde me her mistris woulde haue you come, and in stead of gréene rushes, she would prouide a banquet made of thrée lett is (letters I would saye) w, e, ll, which mente by my construction, that you shoulde be well-come.
Aurelia (for so was this gentlewoman called) made none priuy to this counsaile but her woman Antigone, who immediatly after these newes, prepared by her mistrisse appointment a very delicate banquet, of such drugs as she had in ye house. Philotimus at the time prefined, accompanied with his page, repayred to his castle of health, who being couertlye admitted by Antigone into mistris Aureliaes chamber, found her sadly sitting vpon a bench, with her hande for a pillow to her heauy heade. Philotimus panting for ioye of his close entry into this pallace of pleasure of his mistris residence, and wondering at her powting sadnes, spake in this manner.
All haile my best Aurelia, what meane these dolefull dumpes? Is all as you would, or do you hope for better? and receiuing no aunswere or looke of her againe, my mistris quoth he, is in Archimides his contemplation, studying how to entertaine an vnbidden guest, & stepying forward, softly seazed vpo her arme Aurelia quoth he, what study you on, when you studye of nothing?
[Page 38]She shoaring vp her eyes, as one newly awaked out of a slū ber, what Philotimus quoth she, you are welcome home, I pray God be with yow, I am glad to see you merry, I pray you commend me to all my frendes.
Aurelia said Philotimus, is in a waking womans dreame, shee dreames of cheese, and speakes of chalke, speakes of my presence, and craues my absence. But though I come like ill weather, vnsent for, yet farewell frost is not so soone saide. Her aunswere is like Apollo his Oracle, that may not be assoiled but with doubtfull interpretations, and therefore I will assay to anatomize her meaning. I am as welcome to her, as water into a ship, and if I will be gone, Gods blessing be with me shall-be mine almes.
Nay, stay there Philotimus, (aunswered Aurelia) Iuno turned them that troubled the head of the fountaine into frogges, therefore recall your ignoraunte Paraphrase, neither note so faste in the margent, without better vnderstanding, least for corrupting the text, some penaltie befall you. But seth I meane to bee angry with you, I will shewe yow the cause of all my garboile. Your late compacted iourney, was not so smothered in hugger mugger, but that I had a litle bird, that brought me newes of it: & when I heard it, I was aggreued, as sicke as a chick, but much more was I angry, when being in your mouth, (as Plotina said) you spit me out like a sluttish morsel and being your next neighbour, and of a little acquaintaunce, you woulde not remember all this vacant time, to let me haue notice of your intent, but left me desolate, taking your flight sodeinly, & now when I haue you, you are gone againe by this time:
Alas said Philotimus, the bound must bend, if thou doest but recount the contentes of my goodwill, which I knowe thou hast capitulated in thy memoryall, thou wilte rue the intestine war, which all this while I haue endured in my fancy towardes thee, and the duety towardes my father: at length I am comd to raunsome my selfe from euill suspition, to represent my gratefullnes, and present my seruice to thy good consideration.
Philotimus, I suppose, had the vertue of the herbe Nepenthes in his phisnomy, which could sacke sorrowe, and make his mistrisse [Page 39] as merry as a maide might be, to whom she aunswered in this sort.
If any tongue in the worlde deserue to bee guilded, it is thine Philotimus, for thou canst so portcolize thy faults, that if they be blacke, they are engrayled with blew, and if they be redde, thou makest them white, wherin, as in other properties, so in this yu resemblest the fayre lilie, which being of a scarlet coulor within, is in outward aspect as hory as the snow. But I remit thy crime howsoeuer or whithersoeuer thou wentest, thoughe it were a feritting for other mens conies. One dramme of curtesie with you, maye serue for a whole pounde of discurtesie, I hadde rather be woonne with an apple, then thou shouldest saye I would bee lost with a nutte, a becke of yours, is as good as a Dieugarde.
Philotimus seing his mistrisses melanchilie so soone chewed, & disgested, thus replied. Eyther age or vse hath giuen me mighte to beare your gibes (Aurelia) I cannot wishe you lesse then my soueraigne princesse, you are so mercifull, yet by this that yow say, I can turne my selfe from white to red, from red to whyte, you maye imagine, I am no chaunglinge, like the broode of the Cameleon, who can chaunge himselfe into all coulors, sauing red and white.
I will saie to you, as one said to Fabius Cato, who being a mā litle in stature, was soone angrie, and soone pleased. Since your chimney is so small, you must beware to lay too much wood vpon your fyre, least your chimney be alwayes smoaky. There Aurelia made a Colon, bringing in her parenthesis, which was this. Whereas we haue offended eche other without desert, lette thy Squire Parmenio allotte what iudgement we shall suffer for our passed trespasses, Philotimus was pleased. Parmenio aunswered. I thanke our Ladies sonne, that I am comed to the preferment of a iudge, were I so euer, I might perhaps preuent my destiny, which my fathers last legacy bequeathed vnto me, and my coate armour blazed by the Herauldes, dothe plainlye prognosticate, for thus say they. Two trées rampant, with a trée iacant, and a knaue pendant, in a gréene feild, is the badge of a younger brother.
[Page] Aurelia doth not iudge my conditions by my coate, for then I were to base for this court, but a foxe though he haue not so gawdye a skin as the Leopard, hath more wit then the speckled foole.
Lorde (quoth Aurelia) what a monster arte thou, a man in my eyes, and a foxe in my eares? Parmenio helde on, not hearinge what she said.
If it were the part of a Iudge to respect parcialitie, I shoulde percase remember my maisters Euening brawlinges, and Morning whippinges, which many a time God knowes, poore I doe feele, heare, and vnderstand. But I would you wist, Parmenio hath emulation for trustines, with Anthony the Oratours seruaunt, who being rackte and torturde to giue testimony against his maisters adultery, when he had played faste and louse with a pretty wench, would rather endure to die, then make an Apocalips of his maisters priuities; therefore with warrantize of my vpright dealing, now to the purpose.
For as much as my maister hath offended you (mistris Aurelia) with his vngratefull negligence, and you haue greued my maister with your sinister suspition, wherof the one he hath made auriculer confession, and of the other you are not acquited, I pronounce, that for pour bypartite sinnes, both of you, till to morow morning at six of the clocke, doe penaunce together in a paire of white sheetes.
They both smild at the boyes conceit, and Aurelia not able to vtter one worde for laughing, faintlye foltered out as followeth. O God, O God, O Parmenio, thou doest me so much good I can not abide thée. Alas said he, I hurt you God thanke me, but whē coltes crye wyhye, they are commonlye lustye. I will not kicke quot [...] Aurelia, least I seme to be gauld, but thou art t [...]o h [...]sty for a parish priest, that consummates a mariage, before the banes be asked, and bringes vs to bed, before we be married.
Their banquet was ready, the boord couered, and Parmenio & Antigone stoode in steade of sewer and seruitours. Parmenio seing the night ouertake them, and acquainted with his maisters hamour, who had rather haue bene talkinge with Aurelia, then féeding of these viaundes, made so great hast that he spild a broth on her gowne. Very well said Philotimus, so could I haue done [Page 49] my selfe. Me thinkes you should, said the boy, when I doe it before you. Aurelia smiled at his aunswer, and pacifying his maister, toulde him that since the effecte was so good to make them sport, the cause must deserue no reprehension. Nay, quoth Parmenio, you haue no honestie in your victuals. No, (aunswered Aurelia) frowning at it, howe than? No forsooth quoth the boy, neuer an herb called honesty. Thus they merely past the whyle, the page willing to cheare them with iesting.
But my yong Lady was no Epicure at her meat, still staring in Philotimus his face, & ministring meruailes to her selfe of that, which was no noueltie for her to vew.
Parmenio marking howe she plaid bo-péepe, spoke to his maister in this sort. If mistris Aurelia feede on your phismony song, as she doth this nighte, shee will make you looke with a paire of Lenton cheekes: whether it be for sparinge of her cates or no [...], I know not, but all this nighte she hath neither other sustenaunce nor taste, but such as come from your amorous countenaunce, to her gloting eies.
I haue hearde saie Aurelia, that the nourishmente is alwayes like the body nourished, and if it be so, I hope there is some sympathy betwixt his lookes and my liking.
In-deed that which nourisheth, turneth into the substaūce of that which is nourished, and therefore I doubt not, but anone my maister will find the way into your litle substaunce.
I trow nay, Philotimus will not do so, he is my best child.
When you haue borne him, and brought him foorth, yow may lawfully call him child, and he you mother.
His maister thanked him that he was so diligente a broker for his pleasure.
It is not for disability in you, and that which I say, you must seale, wherin stands the vertue. Princes you know in parliament houses haue their speakers, to declare their pleasures, and case themselues. If you haue a letter of good tidinges, it is no matter what varlet be the carrier, so you know his hand who hath signed it and sent it. mistris Aurelia takes no kepe how great a bragger I be, so you proue your self a valiaunt rider.
had done his deuoire, Aurelia was sufficed, & ye table taken vp, Antig. & Parmen, cabbished together into a bye lobby [Page 49] where they refreshed themselues with the relicks of their reuersion, and Parmenio plaid his reakes, whose shorte colloquy yow shall heare seiunctly.
Nowe mistris Antigone, you haue laboured till yow sweate, and I haue toyled till I am drye, therefore if thou be at leysure, I will be so bolde as drinke to you, if you will giue me leaue.
I am not at leasure to giue the leaue, but take thee thy choice of a thowsand thankes.
I haue a su [...]e to you, but that I feare the repulse, and a whelpe that firste doth misse of his game, doth neuer after proue woorth an haw.
A Butchers curre doth neuer alter his nature, as for water Spanyels, wee haue no neede of them in this place.
If you haue learnd the eight liberall science. I mean edgging. I will sett a spoke to your [...]gge Antigone, but good my wench, [...]ooke wt thine eies, and pitty wi [...]h thine h [...]rt.
O quoth Antigone, I loue the terribly, but it is a chiefe point of art to dissemble art. I loue thée well, but I trust in God thou shalt neuer knowe it. Parmenio seing himself thus ridden, g [...]ue her a loue tap vpon the cnéeke, as though he would haue bette her for mocking him, I will beate the bush quoth hee, and then peraduenture I shall catch the birde: for whips and faire wordes are the best to winne women.
Indeed, thou art more like a stale to deceiue women, then aproper man to winne them by might, yet such battes will scare the foule away.
But there rest they in their meriment till the nexte morning, and returne wee to Philotimus, who is courting his mistris, recording oulde loue without vpbraiding, & requesting a contracte without resistaunce.
Aurelia although shee were not inferiour to him in fancy, yet did she doubt though she were younge, that youth woulde turne with the wind, for that as Tully saith, they loue ardore quodam adolescentulum, and stoode aloofe in denying his suite, insomuch that Philotimus very pensiuely protested she kild him with obstinacie, their conference I haue described dialogue wise.
Hath not she action that kills, and he passion that is kild? [Page 50] How can it then be, that when as he that loues doth worke, and [...]he that is loued suffers, she should kill him?
Nay, rather he that loues suffers, and she workes.
But hath not he frée choice, to loue or not to loue?
He hath.
Then he killes himself that loues.
The woman killes not bycause she is loued, but bycause she loues not againe. For whosoeuer maye saue, and will not, killeth. O Aurelia, be not so sterne to him that hath elected that and none els for his felicitie, lest Nimesis ye goddesse, who wreakes all iniuries with sharp reuengment, take my cause in hand, and plague thée, though she helpe not me.
What wouldest thou haue me say?
But thrée wordes, that as I am thine, so thou art mine for euer.
This is a short song, with a long Epiphonema.
A matter of marriage requires deliberation.
But I haue deliberated too long.
It is Loue, not Wisdome, makes you thinke thus, and Loue is blind.
No, no, my loue sees, for thou doest not seme such a one, bycause I loue thee, but I loue thee, bycause thou arte suche a me.
Thou art not wel acquainted with my manners, if thou [...]addest worne the shooe, thou mightest iudg wher it would hurt [...]hée. Virginitie is a faire thinge. Is it not a better sighte to sée a freshe Rose in the stalke, then withered in a Gentlemans [...]a [...]?
Had you rather haue nothing but flowers in your orcharde, or the flowers falling of, haue your Trées swelle with apples?
But chastitie is a good thinge.
Therefore would I marry a chast maide, and it may be a time we shal liue chast, in the meane time we must learne it: or we cannot attaine to all at the first.
What? get virginity with violating of it?
Yea, why not? Wee learne to abtaine from wyne by [Page 51] drinking litle & litle. If virginity be so laudable, thē it is not lawfull to marry, but say not so Aurelia, least like an vnkind [...]i [...]d, ye defoile thine owne nest, accuse thy mother of dishonesty, and thy selfe of basterdie.
I shall lose my libertie.
Nay, thou shalt be Quene, & I King, and we will gouerne our familie. Is not your mind tied to your bodye, yet woulde it not be loosed, bycause it is there willingly.
Aurelia desirous to shift of this talke, found euery crafty hoal [...] to thrust her head in.
But it may be (quoth she) we shall be barren.
As though you are not so nowe. And it is better to liue, to die, then neuer to liue at all: If we haue ioy, it shall be double, if griefe, thou shalt beate but a part.
Our children may miscarry.
That lieth in vs: for if we be good, they will be good. Tigres are not borne of lambes, nor doues of rauens, nor hadde children of parentes that giue good example.
These thinges are hard.
Bicause they are good, and that is the cause that you are so hard, bycause you are so fayre.
Alas Philotimus, why doe we recken our chickens before they be hatcht, and trouble our selues about these matters, which maye time inough be talked on seuen yeares hence? Wee are too litle, & to yong, for the delightes of marriage.
Tush Aurelia, a shorte sacke hath a wide mouth, & yong kids lether will stretch, and well thou knowest, a woman without a man, is like a ship without a stearne, when I haue left my affection here at home, it wilbe a cause I shall sit at my study, not wandering abroad with wauering wool gathering thoughts. And as the Dromeda, which runneth a hundreth miles or more a day, canne long continue his course and running withowten meate, and after his tedious iourneyes contentes himself with brousing on the date trée, and a few stones thereof: so can I endure pains all these our vnmellowed yeares, in hope to possesse thée as mine hire.
Thou art not like the Crocodile that wantes his tongue. Phil. But I am like him in this, yt I would liue either by water [Page 55] or land fo [...] enioye the. I thinke thou hast the precious stone Sardonix, who hath the propertye to make one lowly and humble in their doinges as thou art. which way lookest thou Aur. not affording me a good countenance? my I read is dough, if ye béest of the nature of the bird Kalader, which when a man hath bene long s [...]ck, if he shall dye turnes a away her face from him, & if he shall escape death, streth her sight vpon him and behouldeth him chearfully?
tell me this, wold you haue me married to a dead man as you are?
The herb panace can reuiue the dead: the touch of the saphyre can rid the diseased of the greuous sore the Carbuncle: Orphens his harp raysed Euridice his wife from death: and your [...]ning I know in this poynt wilbe as currant as neds, so your [...]nsent be not awanting. I giue you the supremasie of my soule vse it as you list.
yea Philotimus the Eagle is called quéene of all other birds, yet she stirth from the litle kinde of swallowe whiche is all black, not daring to fall on her praye till the swallowe fly abroade, and on the contrary, our hollow father the Pope is cleped the seruaunt of seruaunts, yet he ruleth the rost within most parts of Christendome: I now am misteris and you seruaunt, this order wilbe inuerted if wee couenaunt th [...].
Neuerthelesse taking this friuolous talke for firme truth of your loyaltye and knowing that the precious stones Ce [...]idom [...], if you will haue thē vertuous, must be taken out of the swallowes womb before they touche the ground, and that as one fruite of the figtree (which beareth fruite three or four times ayeare) rypeth, another springeth, so thefarest haue must be taken in time, which being grounded vppon long continuaunce, if it some time chaunce to quayle it will springe againe in the same for me, I am contente to yeeld my selfe a vassall to your desire,
Fye pleasure, fye, thou cloyest the withe delyghte. Nowe Priams sone giue plane, thy belens how is stainde, O Troylus weepe no more, faire Coes [...]d thyne is loth [...]ye sowle. Nor Hercules thou haste cause to vaunt for [Page 53] thy swete Omphale, nor Romeo thou hast cause to weepe for Iuliets losse, if euer Amelia had saluted your sight, whose bright eye beams like the precious Carbuncle show so many reflexions, that selfe God Cupid god of loue, hath chosen to be blind, lest proper dart at sight of her should wound his brest. O Gods, and fates, and rowling heauens, can I my loues deare loue forget? God knowes I wish I could requite, but God confound if I forget.
I vsurpe any maistrie ouer thee? nay if thou wilt so farr debase thy selfe as make me thy fellow we will beare the bridle euenly with equall peyz.
Aur Pertinax in beginning of his reigne thinking that the heauens were a mete burden for none but Atlas, nor the imperiall crowne a congruent garland to none but to those of diuine excellencie, defect whereof he bewatled in him selfe, and the surplusage whereof he admired in others, would haue instauled thē Consul Glabrion in ye empire, and haue placed him in the chayce of estate. In whose refusall Glabrion persisting aunswered him thus. Thy humble humility which thou showest pertinax, in the lack of merit of the Empire, maketh thee of deseruing sufficient to be inuested in the Empire.
Neither must I insult ouer thy subiection, but in lieu thereof, giue thee a counterpaine of my hart, neither is it proper to our sex to rule, but a property in yours to proffer seruice, and bycause it should not stinke for stalenes, you leaue it of at daye of your mariage.
A picture portrayed in wax showes as faire as one ingrauen in marble, but continewes not so long, thornes beare to the sight as fair flowers as the geliflower, Christall seemes a precious stone till it come to hammering, and it may be, though I hope better, that this loue of yours is good for a flight, and then casts of her bels,
vse not, as you muse, and good inough. It is no shame to luke a fall, but a shamefull fall to lye long. It grieues me not [...]hat thou vsest obiections, but gauls me to the hart that thou wilt beleeue nothing. I am no master to clock ill meaninge in [...]ire wordes, but thou doest turne me to a manner to loose my [Page 54] tongue for very sorrowe.
Yet will I be as ready to spend my spirits in thy seruice, as am dull to spare my speach in mine owne defence. In hostag [...] whereof, heere take my hart in habit of my hand, to bestowe at your pleasure, but if you will giue it hospitallity in your brest, I will do as much for you in the like matter, she grasping his hand, he offered to kisse her, which she r [...]f [...]sed. It is an euill cold (quoth he) that may not lick his owne fingers.
I may not kisse, or I must kepe my virginity sound for you.
Doth k [...]ssing impaire virginity.
I pray you would you haue me to giue kisses to other men?
No, kepe my kisses for me.
You boare me in hand, that the greatest part of your hart is in my custodye. If you lay lips to lips, it may peraduenture all flitt into me.
Philotimus did not day the matter, but vsed that force which vseth to be welcome to all women, when they make resistaunce as though they would not be ouercomed.
Both parties pleased, many an interchaungable oth they tooke, that sooner Zanthus should recule, sooner Harts should feede in the aire, sooner Eagles flie the doues, then they would part wtth ought but death, whilst any Grashopper should féede on dewe, whilst any Bee should seede on time, whilst any Turtles loue their mates, they woulde not faint in faith, and after death surumours hart should still concomitate corses ghost, and with these words briefely concluded all their mistrust.
When loue is 'cloyed, the royle at grass may run, I seate.
When hoofe is hole, the hackney still is hyred, thou knowest.
When corne is sould the market cleane is done.
The Chapmans dayly neede will stul vpholde the market.
Now nights dark mantle gan to auaile, the day bright star, [Page 53] dan Lucifer icleeped, by office forerunner to Radiant Phebus bedecked the skye, and none but it. Now was the dolinge houre comd, wherein Philotimus must departe, for feare of discryinge.
Howe often did they pray the slyding Night, so linger not a whyle? Howe often did they curse the lyght-some lyefe Aurora, for her quick returne? sayinge that it was casye to knowe the cause of her earelye rysinge, bycause shee laye withe the ould man Tithonus, but if her louer Cephalus myght haue bene her contemporant, shee had not bene so hastye.
Now like the warblinge larke or other ayerye chyrpinge byrd, whiche all the night is tongue tyed, and descants it at sight of dewye morninge, so shee whiche all the night was as dayntye of a woorde, as Democrytus of a tear sunge in the morninge a songe of three parts, her tongue auouchinge permanent constancye, her eyes bemoninge their hastye partinge, her handes beatinge her tender brest, in remembraunce of longe sequestratiō.
She which before seemed to warme her selfe at Philotimus his fire, and learne loue of him, nowe her smoulderinge heate burst out to open flame, she whose conduite semed to be stopped or pipes cut of, now gushed out into seas of tears, those handes that thrust him back before, begriped his handes, imbraced his corps, and bound her fast for ay.
Thy hart I feare me is yet a wielidng, but if thou wilt plant it, as thou hast profest, within my brest, doe not doubt but suche grafts of grace will growe of it against thy returne, that for euery corne thou shalt reape an eere of fifty graines. My good Philotimus, remēber her that cannot forget thee, thinke of her in absence, who will haue thee and thy personage imprinted in presence.
Aurelia, though I were Caluitius f ye orgot the names of his most familiar acquaintance, or more forgetfull then the doterd Messala, who forgot his owne name, yet cannot the remembraunce of the be bloted out. thou shalt be my speculation, my meditation, my familiar with whom I will conferr, my ioy in [Page 57] prosperyty, my solace in aduersity, onely thou and euer thou, my sweetest Aurelia.
There he gaue her a ring, in which was ingraued the precious stone ye Emeraulde, which might make her mind-fal of him, and recreate her sight withe the greene glosse shee in guerdon, bestowed on him an Amatist, whose force was to driue away al euil thoughts, & sharpen his vnderstanding at his booke: when he behelde the Amatist, I thinke, quoth he, the force of this Amatist hath kept you wakinge all this night. for suche operation also do Lapidaries ascribe to it.
Aur. philotimus Shee had not neede to sleepe, that wakes a quicke corse, lest her [...]eame drowsines breede vn [...]othsome dreames, or sodeyne startinge affright her sleapinge, withe prolonginge tyme, daye drewe on apace that of necessitye he must bee gone. He calde his boye and badd him make readye, and claspinge his misteris betwene his armes, withe his head caste downe into her bosome, dolefullye tooke hls frnidlye farewell.
Myne owne Aurelia. whose ioye I was, whose pleasant sweete conceyts are my delyghte, euen the, so must it bee, I bidd adew, and once againe adwe, I dye to part.
The poore gentlewoman not able to wreste out one worde for weepinge (for where the fyre is moste the flame is leaste) At lengthe bespake thyne euer Aurelia, or neuer myne owne, wysheth thee better fare; then I haue at this present, and my selfe greater care, if it were for thy pleasure.
Thus thrice hee tooke his leaue, and touched the chamber dore, and thrice he did returne, and tooke his leave againe, & when he parted, Lord lothe he parted, and sometime stood, and sametime went, and styll loked backe to passed ioyes.
Permenio (quoth hee) howe might I beare this cheeke yet of a prince and not a pawne, and that is my comfort? a thowsande tymes I curse the houre, wherein I went my saynte to se, & eke ten thowsande tymes I blesse the stoure, wherein I saw so fayre a sight as shee now I haue her, but I may not enioy hertell me thy counsayle permenio.
Is this your inuectiue agaynste Venus, and your promisse to Palls, that latelye you made to your father, you woulde serue well in stead of a wethercock, to showe a man in what coost the wynde stands, or els I hope you will proue a good Astronomer at your studye, you are so wetherwise, turninge your tayle into euery wynde.
permenio, thou neither knowest me nor my loue, nor the meaninge of my choyce, Venus is chaunged, then why may not I? Venus is not Venus, my Aurelia is Venus whom I will worship and adore as the primate of all Goddesses. my fathers propose was, whether I woulde leaue all other thinges and wholye consecrate my selfe to the Court where Venus is Metrapolytane and bears the swaye, which then I denyed neyther yet doe repente. For neyther will I abandon pallas, to bee an hunger-staruen slaue of Venus, neyther can I doe Pallas her righte homage, vnlesse my Venus, the golden Aurelia vouchsafe to be my guyde.
Venus might blush if she were not impudent, and Iuno be ashamed but that she is a Queene, to see or heare Aurelia named.
The graces were not gratious: if they wanted Aurelia, neyther beautye woorth praising, if she were away
Tryumph then you Graces, that you haue such a subiecte, and vaunt no more Venus, but glorye in thy Ladye, shee is the Sonne to euerye gallant wight, the reste but twinclynge starrs to wanderers in the nighte, for her Dame Nature howles and weepes bycause the moulde that cast her shape is lost and gone, nor euer can the like be framed againe.
Such a pearle in a blackamoores eare woulde make him whytt. Suche a paragon woulde cause Galen shake hands with Chastytye, such an Alexis would make Coridon go madd. One word and then nomore, she dead, the world were done.
I haue heard that a club bound about with oliue is a good cote armour, bycause a violent weapon is ensigned with a marke of peace: aunswerable to this say I, that a litle infirmity couered with warines is verye tollerable. One in Bizantio, which now is called Constantinople, hauing an vrcheon, who by [Page 59] nature is skilfull of the comming of winds north and south, (for then he chaungeth his denn) would fore-warne his neyghbours of stormes, from what costs they came, so that beinge an ignoraunt soule, for this one thinge, whiche he concealed howe he cam bye, he was reputed halfe a prophet: you haue redd of the simple fellowe, which coulde not beare any thing in his braine, but desirous to be thought wise, bought certeyne slaues boundmen, whereof some coulde say Homers Iliads by hart, some Sophocles, some Euripides, and at dinners and suppers they should rap them out, which made him be thought learned amonge his gestes, who was in troth a playne doult: if you can counterfaite a face and dissemble your late match, (though you can hardlye serue Gad and Mammon but be bewraide) yet you may studye on pallas and practise on Aurelia, and neuer be perceyued.
I remember one askinge Hannibal, what his purpose was to do the next daye, when he remoued camp, had this aunswere, that if the cote on his owne backe knewe his intent, he woulde disrobe himselfe and burne it, and I warrant them, let them keepe them selues from fire and water and horse heeles, and I will keepe them from this secrete, if thou canst be closse,
I? as close as a close stoole.
Fo parmenio, I smell thy lye stinke hither haue not I heard chee sweare an hundred times the falsest lies in ye wrrld? why then shouldest not thou aswell doceyue me as others?
That periury was for mine honesty. and this fidelitie is for my alleageaunce towards you, hope well and haue well.
philotimus at these words tooke truce with care and put on his holy-day looke that he wore on good daies, & apostles euens. he knocked at maister Aemelius his chamber dore, as thoughe him selfe were newly risen: I would haue brought you a light (quoth he, but that I was a fraid τ it would giue no light. why said Aenelius is ye day so farr spent? by that time he was attired, all thinges were ready and breakfast prepared, which done after philotimus, Aenelius and senior Mondoldo, and the rest had taken their leaue of the Lord Cleocritus and lady Castibula and [Page] their children with others in ye house they set forwarde in their iourney.
Here I cannot pretermit to insert the complaynt of the Ladye Castibulā, which [...]hee had concealed before her sonnes face, and closelye in her chamber disballassed her selfe of it as ensueth.
Ah thrice vnfortunate is shee, tha [...] [...]nce anhappie mother, & better it is be to a barren couert barron, then a fertile mother of toward children: the one liues in hope to shake of shame in tyme, the other dyeth in doubt to lose ye fruition of her wombs fruite if the boye should be sicke, which Iesus forefende, can I bee there too comfort him with myne owne brothes, or see what confections his phisitions do minister? or if the youthe wante money, which is youthes woont, can I be readye with a freshe supplye to giue a restoritye to his consumption? No God hee knowes, and that I rue. Bot if I maye haue witt of anye suche matter I shall sende him aungels whiche were no messengers this seauen yeares, who I doubt not but will flye without any winges.
But leaue wee the pensiue mother, whose sonns sure saftye was all her thought, and whose care of her sonne was sometyme comfort to him, not by the cause, but by the effecte.
Philotimus dreaminge on his last nights worke, ryd all the day long heauier then he was accustomed, by a pounde and an haste, and when there was no passage by lande, but they muste imbarke themselues, and launch it out by water, thus did hee leeme to bee conueyde: in shipe fraught with remembraunce of pleasure past, with scaldinge sighes for want of gale, and stedfast hope that was his sayle.
Aemi [...]s asked him how it happened, that he thus was chaunged from a pleasant Phaedrus to a poutinge Cato, and tould him ye his frowling made him look as though he had newly comd out Tro phonius his denn▪ one hearing, said he, ye Enatius was dead, & mā quarellous, ambitious, & ful of garboyle, said, I marueile how he could intend to dye, cōsidering his busines both night & daye, [Page] [...] that I muse how thou foundest time to be [...] when I neuer knew the hitherto to haue one therling thoughte: I cannot deuine what should be the cause, vnlesse you remember some ould quarrell betwixt thee and me. For so it was with them, as it is commonly with brethren that keepe together, them woulde often be brawling about their [...]ting as and [...] kinges. Here Philotimus replyed.
Indeed [...] your [...] wise, you can [...] a thinge assoote as you sée it, see I am as sad as a ꝓ [...]ikful [...] of f [...]the [...]
If millers may compare with waultmen, (A [...]minus) [...] title gnats make collation with great [...]ints [...] that [...]remistocles and Arist [...]des being at continuall debate: while they liued at home in Athens, sente on a time Ambassadours, in their countries affaires, buried their angers in a tertaine [...] the their consentes. The Coceians and M [...]us, [...] noble families of Italica, a cittie in one of the prou [...]te in Spaine, had ouer betwixt there great contention, till warres were waged t [...]ne ye Rompetans and them, and then they vnited them [...] in greate frendship. Whatsoeuer we haue h [...]e a [...] home, wee will nowe, when we shall be [...] in a straunge [...]trie, [...]oa [...] together like neighbours children.
Their tutor and gouernour, seing their could theere, a hearing none of this talke, assign [...] them a qu [...]n whereon to dispute, to driue away the time.
The question was this, whether it went botter to take paines in youth afterward to enioye pleasure, or firste to reueil him in the leaze of libertye, and in age bee pinchte for his former sinnes.
The defence of the first parte was giuen to Plulotimus, of the second to Aemilius, the iudgment & arbitorment to their two pages: Philotimus began as followeth.
I féele my head so far [...] it this da [...] neyther to please my selfe with disputatiō, or [...] we my matter with pith of arguments, that for once I would wishe the property of the fishe M [...]hs, why [...] there go [...]laid to e [...]tare him, retires darkē, and taking his [...] but leapes ouer.
[Page 62]The hoat stomacke of a goose eateth watry meates, and tastes no lawrell, the Peacock when he hath lost his tayle, hideth himselfe for shame, till it grow againe, and I hauing for the time lost my best ornament, I meane some odde foolish crankatiue conceited humour, and burning within, as cold without as a clock, loue neyther this morning to confer with companye, neither to taste any meat, vnlesse sadnes bee the sauce. Notwithstanding knowing that the crying of the bird Fulica in the morning, betokeneth some tempest to ensue, and that the eating of an Hartes flesh in the morninge, augmentes mans life, I will not yeelde to sorrowes summons, lest it be an Argument of my imminent ill fortune, but bee as hartye as I maye, for the procurement of my solace.
And so much the lesse I neede to doubt, by how much the more I am gardayne of the truth. For truth is like a frende which in most cruell encounters of his frendes misfortune, doth then most frendly bewray himself, or like Hidraes heades, which the more they were coped, the more they grewe, although for a time the Sun may be shadowed with a cloude, the Fire may lye raked in ashes, and Truth may be smouldered with malice, or dared with houering Fraude.
My frendly foe Aemilius, I will not vse many wordes to aggrauate much matter, but comprise as muche matter in as fewe wordes compyled, as shall support & proue a sentence to thée, already approued of all.
I once red these words, of the great matron Mesia Phoenicia, in l [...]tters she writ to the sacred Senate, touching her Nephewe Heliogabulus. Many times age doeth bringe forth fruite, where reason did not yelde so much as leaues. But I say, neuer shall eld haue leaues of liues pleasure, where they doe not blossome of the fruit of youthes paines. Rapes & Turnups shall be swete if their seedes be soaken in hony water, before they bee sowen: but crooked benumd age shall wast in woes, where the platforme & foundation of ouergrowen yeares, were not grounded with sowre trauaile.
Vices may vanish, but their effectes cannot perishe, the felon may by hap be dismissed from the rope, but the burnt in his hand [Page 63] must by law shew him guiltye, though distemperate harebraine youth escape sensual surfettinges of wine and women, (whereof Cicero saith that more cast their last gaspe, then dye by course of nature) yet in after processe they beare the badge of beggery, eat the meat of sorrow, sup the water of affliction, suffer hunger as a Lion, seke their pray as a Lion, ramp abroad like a Lion, and fade with famishment, as seldome doth the Lion.
At a feast, the first seruice is of grosser meate, and the delicate eates reserued till the last. When you breake a colte, you firste beate him for, his wildnes, and afterward being weldy do cherish your hobby.
Though labour be lothsome, yet is it wholesome. Rue is most bitter, yet being eaten fasting it cleares the eye-sight. [...] Oliue is not swete, yet a plant of it set, and a yeare or two after an impe of a Rose-tree grafted in it, it will bringe forth a sweete gréene Rose at Christmas. Brimstone & Veruaine are no hony, yet bind them to thine hande or arme, and thou shalte neuer haue the crampe.
It is not with the pleasures of youth, as it is with the Iuniper tree, which will neuer putrify or stinke, and hath his braunches continually grene.
Plinie reporteth, that the byrdes Meropes nourishe their parents in age, as they were nourished of them in their youth. But trust you to your frends, when you haue consumed your flowring tyme in Ryot, and yow shall haue of them exhibition at leaste.
The vertue of the hearbe Alimon is suche, that who so tasteth it, shall not be hungry. Get this, & thou maist p [...]ay as thou listest, nothing needing to doubt sustentation: but I feare me, you shall sooner find the way to seeke your pray in the night, as doth ye bird Hiber, then by your searching get this hearbe.
Aurora men say, is a frend to Muses. In ye morning we see, men take their iourneys, at night to repose themselues. In the spring we graft our fruites, and youthes tender braine is most apte for discipline.
In vear, the husbandmen lop their trées, to the intent that afterward they may growe the better: so let youth cut of his disordinate [Page 64] affections, that afterwards hee may prosper, and florishe more gloriously.
The iuice of Betony doth saue from drunkennes, but then it must be drunken fasting in the morning. Fiue or sixe sage leaues at once, taken in time, doe helpe the gowte, but they must be eaten in the [...]ointing. The darke of a wallnute tree stamped, and laid all night male or water, will make one perbreake, and this must be locken in the morning.
The roote of a fig tree is sower, and the fruite swete. The emmot and the bée beare burdens in Sommer, to the intente that in boary winter they may kepe their houses.
Was at not better for the two twinties Romulus and Remus, to be rast [...] their swa [...] [...]owses, and drenched in the Sea, and by has being found by [...], the Kinges shepheard, and fo [...]hered by Laipa his wife, [...] haue learnd their stocke, & aspire to their kingdome, then like Saturne in his youth to wear the imperiall crowne, & in his age bee [...]eaued of it by his owne sonne Iupiter?
The orle of Tartare taketh of any spot, and the interest of pleasure will repaye all paines and made them quite forgotten.
When your [...]esh is prickle with thornes, washe it in a cloath that is washed in vrine, or with the head of a Lycerd being open the middest, or wi [...] the rootes of nettles braid in salte, and pow may drawe them out: so when thou arte supprised with griefes, eyther thinke that thou art as puissant to beare them, as others that thou hast borne, or that they cannot alwayes endure & laste, or that at length heauen (as the Papistes say) comes by Purgatory, and thou shalt be comforted.
The plowmans toile hath hope that makes him till: Loue hath a sauce that makes his sorrow swete: and euery long Period hath a Comma. Nemo oft (saith Tully) quamuis in rebus turbidis, qui non aliquando animo relaxatur. If thou hast a desire to doe well, thou wilt not start for an Aprill shoure. Hungry dogges eate durtye puddinges, and custome which in continuance remoues all sent of sower, may be a cordiall to a fresh water souliour to stand to his tackle.
[Page]I haue red in good authors, that the Birde Lagopus which is sene in the Alpes, and neuer féedeth but where shee is bred, neyther can be tamed (as Plinie reporteth) being caught bytimes, in space hath bene taught to féede in other places, and by art contriued, hath bene trained to tamenes. The captaine Masmissa neuer vsing himself to weare a bonnet, would winter and sommer lead his army bareheaded.
Those that walke as they will, wallowing in their beastly sē sualitie, perswading themselues that they haue the worlde in a string, are like the ruffian Capaney, who in ye conflicte betwene Eteocles and Polinices, tooke an othe, that though there were a conuocation of all the Gods assembled, and all in complete harnesse ready to their resistaunce, yet Thebes, should sacke, burne, perishe, and lye euen with the grounde, when by and by her was stricke from heauen with Iupiters thunderbotte, and so was my greate bragger for wante of good ridinge, laide vnder foote, or like the sluggardes in Syria, who hauing greate store of yron and Siluer, for slouth to séeke it, haue no gaines of it.
Who would be cloyed with all deliciousnes in the world, and haue feare of ensuing misfortune to be his companion?
In my minde it is better to labour for a time with Castanean, to enhaunce aduauncement, then sweare it out for a trice with Commodus, and wrappe vp his life-warpes woofe with so euill a liste.
I speake of my theame, as Aristides spake of profit. For Themistocles on a time sainge that her had very profitable counsayle for the weale bublick, but such as must be priuately discussed on, not in open audience, the Athenians gaue him Aristides with whom to confer. Themistocles tould him that the nauy of the Lacedemonians which was conueyed to Githeus, might be closelye burnt, which done, the force of the Lacedemonians to be broken, and their hartes discomfited. Aristides returninge with greate expectation to the councell house, aunswered, that Themistocles his counsayle was verye commodious, but withall dishoneste, whereat the Athenians not reputinge that profitable, whiche [Page 62] was not honeste, relected his counsaile not hauinge hearde it.
My sentence is, that the pleasure which is not adiacent to vertue (as no youthfull pleasure almost can bee) is to bee fledde and not followed, rather refusinge her follies, then chusinge her defence.
That other sensitiue, is common to beasts, wherof many excelling men in corporall qualities, as an hare in swiftnes, an Elephant in strength, a cat in seing with her stéeming eies, doe likewise, or at least should conceiue more delyghte pertinent to the body.
How far it is to be auoyded of vs, may be knowne by this, bycause those which bewre ye munificall magnificence in contemning wordly trash, and desire to hente honour for their prize, are noted of rashnes, if for pleasure or credit they stretch their hands further then their sleves will reatch, or lashe more out, then the condition or that whereon they, bestow, and other circumstances doe exacte.
Theophrastus in his book De diuitiis, writing many things wel, is reprehended for praising excessiue pompe and charges in popular gyfts.
Demetrius, Phalaraeus blamed Pericles Prince of Grece, for to [...] muche coste in the entraunce of his buildinges to Minerua.
Quintus Mutius, P. Lentulus, & Syllanus, were subiect to some slaunder, for their glorious gorgeousnes, in the function of their Aed [...]lships.
Neuer was any man heard of long to prosper, which was sotted in voluptuousnes. Alexander Medices king of ye Florentines, was slayne for offering villany to an other mans wife. So was Pasistratus slaine of Harmodius, whose sister he had defiled. And for the same cause Aloysius kinge of the Placentines, Rodericus king of Spain, Appius Claudius, & many others, haue bene deraigned of their potentacies.
The tyrannicall gouernment of Ortagoras and his children at Sicyon, lasted but an hundreth yeares, ye Oligarchie of Cypselidae at Corinth, 74. yeares and thrée monethes, of Hieron & Gelon [Page] at Syracuse eightene yeares.
When there is intestine war betwixt Reason which by nature is crowned with a diademe of regiment, & seditious affections, which ar constituted to obey ye state of Reasō, ye state of thy being cānot long perseuer, as ye vprores twene ye tyrants Gelon & Thrasibulus, and also betwixt Dionysius and Dion, doe well declare, whose tumults caused slaughter to their subiects, & woes to thē selues.
It is not the outwarde munition of a well it need cittie, or the coniunction of compacted houses, that makes a good incorporate common welth: for then shoulde the whole corporation of Peloponnesus, haue bene encompassed with one wall, and some citties there be so great and huge (as Babylon, whereof the thirde part knew not, til two parts of ye city were sacked & captiuated) yt they cannot possibly be reduced to a good comon weale, No more (good Aemilius) is it outwarde sensitiue voluptuousnes, that inuestes a man with the type of true happines, or ennobles his name with any dignitie.
Therefore were the Graecians admonished, and we in them, to conteine their children from vewinge lasciuious pictures, as the pictures of Machaceus & Canace, sonne & daughter of king Acol, which were portrayed doing that foule facte together. Such was Aegistus his ye lechers, as he lay with Cli [...]nestra, such was Alcides his, which subduing Euritus & his country, was so enthrald to his daughter, that he spunne and carded among her Maeonian maides, and such was that of Mars, deflowring the virgin Astyoche, whereof he begat two twinnes and valiaunt captains Alcalaphus and Ialmen.
From reading wanton poems, as how Iupiter ye greatest God tooke vpon him Amphitruo his shape, and lay by deceite wt Alcmena his wife, turnd himselfe into a bull, with cristall hornes & dangling d [...]wlap hanging downe, and defloured Europas, & how he wiled the prety boy Ganimedes from his father, to haue him the subiect of his damnable buggery.
From seing beastly adulterous Commodies, as almost all bée which are extant among vs.
Of suche as Calliphon and Dinomacus, that ioyned this brutish [Page 63] pleasure with honestie, as who shoulde ioyne a man with a beaste. I will not vouchsafe to speake, neyther haue I (as Plato vsed to saie of the Tyraunt Demetrius) any leasure to thinke of them.
Howe muche better were it for vs to doe as M. Seius, which sparing from his owne behoofes, gathered corne in store, wherewith in time of dearth, he relieued the cittie, & got himselfe loue, where before he was enuied: so we to measure our mirthe with a moderation, that in time to come, when others founteynes are exhaust, they may deduct from vs some licour of life, especiallye, when wickednes is maintained with as much trauaile & care, as vprightnes in dealing.
A mirrour whereof may Bargulus be, the thiefe in Illyria, of whose toyle & welth, (speake Theopompus & Vitiatus) ye land porter in Lusitauia, who was so vigilaunt in his affaires, yt the Romaine armies were fayne to retire at his assaults. A thiefe doth nede as desperate a mind to scale an house, as a captaine to sacke his enimies rampier. Dionysius the tyrant, Gorgias the tyraunt, Macrinas ye tyrant, & Catiline ye tirant, if we should cōmend them, & they of themselues giue reason, they would affirme & sweare, that they passed more trauaile, & found themselues in more perill in defending their tyrannies, then Scipio & Cato in conseruing their common welth.
Wherefore to prefer this pleasure in prime, or make it equiualent to ye setled ioyes of age, were to prefer the barke before ye trée, to take the shell and leaue the nutt, to eate the platters and leaue the meat they carry on them.
To report at large all the reasons that might ratify my supposition, were to emptye and drawe drye, drop by drop, the riuer Nilus, or to wade the great riuer of Danubie, bycause they are so so many & so common, that it should be tedious to recite them, & lost time to read them.
The consideration of my proofes, I yelde to our canonicall iudges, and the replye to you. Thou feest howe plaine I haue bene in my decaration, as though Tom troth had bene my father, and Simplicitie my mother. For Truth to tell, a simple naked tale, that in it selfe hath noe diuersitie, but alwayes showes one [Page 64] vndisguised face, & neuer fraught with contrarietye, ne is wont ike deepe deceite to seeke a shrowding sheet, n [...] needs to bee wt proces pricked, and wrap his words in guilfull eloquence.
Aemilius according to his auncient pleasāt manner, aunswered. To be as short, as you were swift, this mynde of myne doth fleet full farr, from that farfetch of thyne: yet so neat haue you bene in trauersing your treatise, that you were able to proue wit in a woodcock.
An horse deserues hay, a sheep fother, and thou a bunch of baies to empaile thy head.
The prouerb goeth, ye Apollo his words and Cato his works are worthy praise, he that heares thy Pytho speake, and will do as I bid him, shall not be so mad (which the scope of thy discourse semes to import) as if he fall in the myre in winter, not struggle to get out, but saye he will staye till sommer, and then the sunne will drye it vp, that he shall not stick fast. Thus takinge him vp with a double gird for haultinge, he fell to arguinge in this sort.
Those that will lose no time from laboring in their youth, saying that the gods will prouide a repose for champerd elde, ar like the Perseans, whom Diodorus reporteth, to contemne houses, calling them Ins, and in building sepulchers to haue spared no cost with follie, I cannot tell, whether the Perseans were more ouer-seene in their first deuising, or the EgiPtians blamefull in directing their aduice to an imitation: who ar [...] recorded to haue mansion houses little better then tipling boothes, & some of them to haue bestowed on the worke men, that ingraued their tombes, xx. thowsand talents in garlick, onions and cheese.
These Caterers for pittaunce which they knowe not who shall eate, resemble the delicious men Sybaritae, who vsed to invite their guests a whole yeare before, that neither the bidder might want tyme to prepare fare, nor the guests want leasure, sumptuouslye so adorne and tricke vp themselues in golde and precious siones, when in the meane time perhaps they were both of them woormes meat, or like those fooles, which moyled all the whole yerre, reioycing in this that they should haue a [Page] feast in the moneth of february, which was called stultorum feriae fooles holyday.
There is a certeyne Italian historie, ye tenor whereof is this: a gentlewomā on amoured of a yong gentlemā, whose garish gledi [...]e perswade a yelding bent of will, sought with good courage to accompany & court her, in place where he might plead with out other iudge then her selfe▪ her neighbour feets, and other vulgar tonges, so tatled of their priuie conuenticles, that her brethren forth with knewe the counsayle, which they were not called to the yong gentleman on a time in quiet well ycought (a queint commoditie as he thought) a lonely with his misteris, her brethren, as the harme of mishap would, tooke him napping as Mos [...] did his mare, I will not saye betwene my ladyes leggs, they with trenchant blades, bolne with ire, lokinge bigg, lyke Marquesses of all beefe, with griefull eine, clinging about him, protested, they would bowle his bellye, if he did not confine his knauery with other bonds: but to this composition they came, that if he would condiscende to lie a whole yeare within an olde rotten hagg (who was more like to consume with canker, then pleasure a gentleman) & do to her as he would to their sister, hee should haue egress and regress with his gentlewoman, and the choyce should be his, with whom he would first begin. When my youth hard this, glad hee was of the one part, but which should be in the first front he knewe not, so shiuering feare flitt too and fro among his flushing vaines.
The Quéene of a compame in a merrie meting of gallants for disporte, hauing this question propounded, gaue resolution, that it was better wisdome to begin wt his misteris. & so he should be sure of his ioy: & be better armed to endure the groning crone, partly cloied with former pleasure, partly with remembraunce of his first customer, & who knowes said she whether hee shall liue a yeare or no.
Nothing in mortality is long permanent▪ of all that I haue heard to be most fortunate in long life [...] prosperite iontly, was Argōtonius king of ye tartessians, who reigned fourescore yeares & liued an hundred & twenty, which god knowes was soone rū. Those yt suppose a man cannot liue youthfully in his flowring m [...]ad, but that in age he shal pen vp his pleasure in repentaunce [Page 67] pounds, ar in ye like erroneus opinion as was Commodus, who hearing that certeine gentlemen vpon the bridg of Tiber, were recounting the vertues of M. Aurelius. & lamenting his deathe, out of hand commaunded them to be hurled ouer the bridg into ye riuer, asserting, yt they coulde not speake well of his father, but that they must speake euill of him, which was his s [...]nne.
As for those, who thinke a man may not be wanton when he is a yongling, because some haue bene so excessiue, as seeking such as Aiulius of Larina, (whose trade was to giue yonge men potions to make them lustye) haue bene daggers to their own throat, or like that prince who for that Quintianus the sonne of a senatour, was detreted of a conspiracie against him, bare such immortall hatred to al the senators, yt whosoeuer named himselfe a senator, was helde for a traitoure, or like Brutus, who that all ye stock of Superbus and the name of Tarquin [...] might be abolished, tooke the gouerment from his fellowe Collatinus Tarquinius, that had bene a partner of his counsaile in expelling ye kinges. The graue Ephori among the Lacedomonians which were as an anticipation to the kinges, that they should vse no oppression or burden the people with impositions, were all ould men.
Natures hye derree hath appointed, that yong lambes should vse their pastaunce on sunny hills when ould sheepe are lyther and lustles.
Sprigging flowers ar in their baine and tender groweth, better for poesies to delight then medicines for diseases.
Therefore saie I with the yong man in Terence, that those ould men haue left many a good lessone behinde them, for want of learning, that would haue a boye by some straunge metamorphosis conuert into an ould grandsire, vsing an aldermans pace before he can wel gange, and speaking at euery word a sentence of eleauen, when he hath scarcely learned his Christ-crosse-rowes.
No man will lend a lock of haye, but for to gaine a-loade, then why shoulde I take paines all my lyfe, and haue no more assuraunce of my promised profite, but peraduenture yea, peraduen nay, & if I chaunce to gett it, bee glad I haue [Page 67] mine owne, much like a twhackinge thresher, or a thumpinge thatcher, who must plye their bones all the daye, & stand at night with cap & knee before their good maister, for their three halfe-peny hyre.
When I haue slipt the flowere that fairest is of hew, when I haue reapt my crop of corne, I can be content you take the stalke, and make aduantage of my chaffe.
Thou saist that the roote of a figtree is sowre, and the fruite sweet▪ therefore do wee vse to eate the fruite, referringe the root to other necessaries.
The custome of feasts is (as you infer for want of other proofes) to begin with grosse fare, and ende with banqueting dishes. I say, the vsers of such a methode, are not so wise as the priest that eate his best plummes first, and let the woorst bee mending.
It was prophesied to Anceus that he should neuer drinke of his planted vineyarde, whiche hee to falsifie, the grapes beinge ripe and prest, got a bowle of wyne in his hand, asking where his coulde prophets were, that made such a blazon of a false supposition: at that very instant, one running into the house, cryed a maine that the vine yarde was like to bee spoyled, which hee to preuēt left his wyne [...] there being slaine verified ye prophesy, whereupon this prouerbiall adage is grounded, many thinges ar betwene the cup and the lip. Lucius was adopted to the Romaine Empire, but before he had power to commaunde in the state of Rome, he was buried in his sepulture.
Pills ywrapt in sugar yeeld no bitter rellishe, one comming late from warminge himselfe, is bettter able to abide astormie morning: to which two similitudes my theame is Homogeneō yt he that hath past his time in iollity, is in better case to match with misery.
The refuser of his meat when he is hungrie, meaninge to take refection another time, deserues no prayse, in meede of his abstenency, but as an enemie to nature, is well worthy to pine.
Such a thinge is pleasure, so glorious in shewe, so noble in name, so effectuall in force, that all thinges, at all tymes in [Page] all exploites worke for her hire, bend at her becke, and quaile in their attempts, if she faile their expectation.
Well doth she resemble the Pole articke, which leadeth ye shipmaister, and she with the Astronomer the way to all other stars, and therefore must be first in euery ones intention, before he begin the pursuite of his ende.
Verely wise were the inhabitantes of a certaine Cittie bordering a little from the prouince of Machai, in the East partes, which are reported to kepe holy day thrée daies a wéeke.
Neither is the drift of my deuise directed to an Apology of elds vnsauery pleasure, which thou fondlye enduest with with a priuiledge of principallitie. Heauie is their happines, vnlesse they be happie bicause they are so perswaded of themselues (as Tully speakes of the Epicures) which lurke all their liues in mourning Tunnes, constituting their felicitie in vaine speculations. How many sporting houres were sorted to the Astronomer C. Gallus, who like the hard old Demea, which neither in the twilighte of day, nor in the edge of any euening, coulde euer be founde idle from his Husbandrie: so neither in the vaile of night, nor ye heat of day would lend himself one laughing minute from dimension of his spheares. Doe not you thinke that if Isocrates his Soule might rise again from death, and enter into an other body, as the Pythagoreans sect surmise (for Pythagoras said that in the Troian warre he was Eupho [...]bus, Pantheus his sonne, slaine by Menelaus, and that in Iunoes charge at Argos hee did see, and knewe the Target which in his lefte hand there he helde, whose Soule dis [...]all [...]s [...] of that body, did enter this in which he now was) that he would redeme his mispent time with pleasure, who at ninety and foure yeares of age writ the Oration Panathenaicus? Muche ioye iwis had Leontinas Gorgias his maister, who in the tracte of an hundred and seauen yeares, neuer fadged in his infinite studies.
The purpose of their conceit, was no pleasaunt contentation, but a pining desire to reach renowne, a vaine toye for so greate toyle.
It is disputed of all the Schoolemen in Philosophy, & of Arist their chieftein, as I haue heard, that nothing is in ye intellectua [...] part which hath not bene conducted thither by ye Senses. Of thi [...] [Page 69] I gather, that your solide pleasure which you doe limitte in the mindes muses is first deriued from the exterior sences, as from their fountaine.
Now you sée how olde ages sences be be-dimmed, in so muche that they haue no tast of their meate and drinke, vnlesse as it is in Zenophons symposion, rorantia et minuta pocula do now & than relieue them, which tast of theirs, is like salt water, which maketh fresh béefe salt, and salt béefe fresh.
Their eies doe looke by a paire of spectacles, like one through a cazement, so that beautie mighte goe a begging for their buying, vnlesse there were some other courts to entertaine our curtizans. When one asked Sophocles whether he did not vse to accompany Venus, no, quoth the oulde dizzard, God forbid, I haue willingly taken my flight from her, as from a shrewde churlish mistris: & Tyresias in his doting daies for varying against Iuno, was strirken blind.
Their eares be closed vp like the serpents with her taile, that neither Naecastron who by his harmony entangled euery one wt his loue, nor Amphion who with melodye gathered stones and trées together, that builte the citty of Thebs: nor Arion who so tickled the very fishes, that a Dolphin hearing his musick, tooke him on his backe, being cast on boord, and brought him safe to the shore: nor all these together coulde make a meace of mirth of all the sadde sires in the worlde. Although I reade that C. Duellus in his age, he that first ouercame Poeni by sea, tooke delight in a fife or pipe at certaine times.
For their smelling, they were yll to be poore mens hogges, in this not far differing from Fismenus non Nasutus, who hauing no smell, was hired for a wager to liue a whole yeare in a paire of Iakes,
Some touch they haue, or els they coulde not bee liuing creatures, yet it is so dull, as maye well geue signification of their blunt wittes.
Thus you sée, that either their pleasure is very sleighte, or els none at all, but onely imaginatiue, like Argiuus his in Horace, who repaired euery day to the Theater, where Comodies & Tragedies were wont to be playd, and though there were none vpon [Page 70] the stage, yet he by imagination made himselfe pastime of no bodies presence.
As Plato in his dispraise of Orators, displaied himselfe for a most eloquent Orator, to ye great credit of Rhetorick: so the most eger inueighers against this liege soueraigne youthly pleasure, ar the strongest vnderproppers of her princely state. C. Fabritius when he was in ambassadge with king Pirrhus, reported he had hearde of Theslalus Cyneas that one in Athens accounting himselfe verye wise referred all thinges to pleasure, as to the vltimate ende: which M. Corius, and T. Coruncanus hearing of him, would often wish that ye Samnits & King Pirrhus might be so perswaded, that giuing themselues to pleasure, they might more easely be ouercome.
If it conuey such inconuenience wt it, as the ouerthrow of townes, and citties, it is better to gorge our selues with the societie of it in the firstlinges of our dayes, when wee haue no charge of importaunce committed vnto vs, then in riper yeares, when our owne credit and country commoditie standes vs more vppon, to haue impediments by her corrupting. For there is no man saith Seneca, but in one part of his age, if he be not intercepted by vnseasonable death, he feles the battery of his perturbations.
Old men are accustomed with great selfe loue, to repeate youthes pleasure, as a recreation to represse sorrowes, and abandon pensiuenes. Louers (saith the Italian Castalio) are solaced with lookinge vp to the chamber windowe, whence of yore they haue séene their desired Saints, and old cramped sires in their stoupe gallant age, when the Medium can not bee a meane to receyue ye obiect, bicause the Organon of their sence is quite perished, they féede and nourish themselues with the recourse of those blooming daies, when in youth red h [...]rring was a king: in this propertie, like Tymon of Athens, which being reuiled abroad for his vnsatiable nature, would at his returne home open his cheste where his old golde laye, and comforting himselfe with the sighte of yt set it at his hart, & cast their wordes at his heeles. Except yu thinkest euery man as slothfull as the ropemaker in Plutoes temple, which let his Asse eat vp his rope as he made it, neuer lookinge behind him.
[Page 71]It is said, that an Orator must begin well & end well, bicause these two parts doe tarry best in the Auditors memorie, though hee enterlace the middest with baser matter, but you quite forgetting the precepts of your owne faculty, winde vp your Oration with a palpable errour, inioyning youth not to read Poems, or gaze on pictures, or bee presente at Comodies, till his steppes be staied with ripe iudgement, and faded follies: when as in very déed, we are taught of the best authors to acquaint vs in our first elementes with such prety sleight toyes, as Aesops Fables, and Hesiodus his, which stir our capacities to a readines, & our manners to a conformitie.
Auaunt therefore with this thy drouping sauadgenes, which thou prescribest youth, as a mediation to felicitie. Wherein thy reioicing is like his, which being on the gallowes with a rope about his neck, bad them haue him commended to all his frendes, and desire them to be glad of his welfare, for he was gone to heauen in an halter.
If the perswasion of these fewe words, haue brought you to a comprimise, I haue said ynough: if not, whole volumes wil not retort your stiffe neck, to bring you to my bent. Though I should weary you and my self, with an huddle of more words, yet could I be no more effectuall, then I haue bene in these. A good Painter shadoweth a great counterfeit in a small roome.
My hope is therefore, that as the riuer Zanthus turned the fléeces of all the shéepe that dranke of it into yellow, of what coulour before soeuer they were, or as Parisatis left of to loue Kinge Artazerxes, when he saw ye beauty of Cyrus: so yu repeating my reasons after the way of a retreat, wilt be conuerted to an other opinion, louing thy selfe well, but the truthe better, resembling Bellerophon, who being entertayned of Praetus when he left A [...] gos for slaying of Bellerus, would not at the entisement of Antea, Praetus his wife, defile his bed, more regarding his honesty then his ease, and thinking it villany, so to counteruaile curtesy, though it were her owne entreaty.
Here be a bundle of reasons quoth Philotimus, gathered on a heape like an vrtchin vnder an apple trée, in which thou hast the propertie of an artificiall liar, I meane a good memory Aemilius, [Page] (for so goes the prouerbe) a good liar must he memoratiue.
Parrhasius painted an erected statyre, and on the top thereof a Partridge, so liuely, that other Partridges pende vp in a cage a litle by it, would often contēd to fly to it, as though it had bene a liue bird, to the great wonder of all men. Vpon which occasion, Pasihasius marking the art of the bird so much to bee meruailed at, that it abated the excellencie of the piller, got licence to take it downe: So may I say, that he which shall heare any one part of thy Gration, wil not on the contrary desire to heare any more, neither neede search any further to find out absurdities.
Trust me Aemilius, I should thinke him that could perswade with these reasons of thine, to be instilled with some of Perseus his iugling Diuinitie, that turned Cepheus into a stone, or him that would be perswaded, to be as foolish as Phineus King of Archadie, who at the prouokement of his seconde wife, put out the eyes of his first wiues children.
I am not so austere as the Stoickes, to depriue a man of all affections. I doe disanull the Lacones, whom Arist. 8, pol. cap. 4. reproues, for bringing vp their children too hardly, with too much paines and trauaill, that made them deuoide of all humanitie, and hardened their hartes with bloud suckyng tyranny. I praise not those labour some and illiberall artes, whom Arist. calles Vanausous & mistharnicas 8. pol. cap. 2. and Tully sordidas & mechanicas. 1. off. wherewith mens bodies are so [...]lde and made filthye. I name none, bycause Satyres and open nippinges of imperfections, which in old time, when Lucilius and his crewe writt, was lawfull in Enterludes and writinges, to the shame of the offenders, and the affrighting of others is abrogated, and they that now a daies are in most authoritie, & beare almoste the greatest countinaunce among vs, scrape vp their wealth, as a Cock doth the corne out of a dunghill, and win their renowne be such occupations, yet there was an auncient law in Rome, that a Miller, a Smith, a Baker, and a point maker, might not be a Senatour, I do not commend the violēt excercises of those champernours who although they are made straūger by their practises (as Quintilian saith) lib. 12 Yet is their naturall growth preuented, abhorring from the likelihood and forme of men.
I like not the custom of ye Carthaginians, by which they wore so many [Page 73] ringes in their chaines, in signe of honour, as they had bene at victorious atchieuements, nor yt of the Scithians, whtch prohibited any one to drinke of their festiuall quaffing cup, that was troled vpon holydayes, but him that had slaine some enemye, Nor that of the men Iberi, whiche prouided so many ensignes to be erected by the sepulchre of the buried, as they had kylled men. The custome I saye of none of all these should be currant in my kyngdome.
For the cruelty of the sword (be it spoken by the patience of all ruffians) is not to be ballaunced with the honour of peace. In deede Sipio wan fame in beating downe citties, but Cato Censorius got immortall memory in reforming the peoples mā ners by his sharpe penalties. Although Pausanias and Lysander enlarged their countrie territories by valure, yet were they not comparable to Lycurgus his lawes, from whence as from an Oracle, the first deuise of their enterprises, and the discipline of their manners were diligently fetched. Neither was M. Scaurus a ciuil magistrate, inferiour in publicke profite, to C. Marius a warlicke captaine, nor Q. Catulus an officer of peace, to Cn. Pompeius a professed souldiour.
I as far dislike barbarousnes in liuing for defect, as pampred wantones for excesse. Therefore thy misunderstanding, is as foolish as his litterall paraphrase, that reading he must pull out his eie if it offended him, when it was a litle bloudshot plucked it out of his head, supposing if he did not so, that he should go to hell fire
Whereas thou reasoneest, that right pleasure consists in externall sences, bycause they are the conueyers, and as it were the carriers of it to the internall partes, thy proofe is as bad as Vlisses hi [...]s in the strife betwixt Aiax & him for Achilles his armour. There [...]e laies claime that not onelye the title of the armour is claimable, but that the prayse of all Achilles his prowesse, is proper to him, bycause by his despatch ye armour was wrought of Vulcane and brought to Achilles, and for that by his wisdome, Achilles was brought to battaile, as who should say, there were a care in the cart or the horse, that should bring the monye and other necessaries from thy father, and that they for the [Page] carriage deserue the thankes of thy maintenaunce.
Thou preachest a goodly spell, to infringe ye interdiction of youth from hearing of plaies, wherein the intent of thy speech, and the euent of thy speede, maye well couple the in a comparison with that witles courtier in Lodouicus his courte, the eleuenth frēch king of that name.
for so it chaunced, that Lodouick being troubled with hurly burlies at home, remoued his court to Burgundie, where by hap in his hunting he fell acquainted with one Conon, a silie clowne of those quarters, to whose house (as great princes take much pleasure in such simple soules) he straying frō his company would often resort and eate rapes. His insurrections appeased in proces, he returned home, Conons wyfe was earnest with her husband (hoping thereby for reward) to present the king with some rapes, in remembraunce of ould acquaintaunce. Conon condtscended, tooke his staffe, and filled his wallet: but being hungrie by the way, eat all his rapes sauing one, which comming to the court, and waiting where the king should passe by, he presented to his maiesti. The noble king acknowledged his old hoast, toke his gift well in worth, and commaūded it to be kept among his best iewels, and him to dine at his owne table, and perceiuinge after dinner that Conon wished to be walkinge homeward to Sislye his wife, he gaue him a thowsand crownes in lieu of his rape.
An odd gentleman about the court, seeing so base a present repaid with so ample recompence, thinking with a shift of a nother gift to obtaine the like gaine in coosning the king, bestowed on him a greate horse of no small valuation, imagininge that if the king requited the rapes with a M. crownes, he should bee inriched with greate possessions. His highnes perceiuing the shaded drift, called a counsell of diuers noble men and gentlemē about him, and seriously consulted with them, as of an importāt matter, what he might bestowe on this curteous gentleman, to make him restitution with amendment▪ One aunswered this, another that, the gentleman held in hope of goulden dales. At length, the king rounded one in his eare, that he should set him the rape which laye faire wrapt vp in a peece of veluet in his [Page] closet which brought, the king gaue it the gentleman, tellings him there was a iewell of a thousand crownes waight, in consideration of his horse: my ioyfull gentleman with knee bent, & hand kissed, and ten thousand humble thankes to his noble lieg Lord, receiued the reward▪ therevpon he departed the presence, longing to vnfould the veluet, where he looked for mounteines of mynes, which as we say, brought foorth nothing else but a sielie dragled mouse, a worthles poore withered rape. Thus he that wyth his craft would needs be an ingrosser of greate merchandise, was himselfe forestalled of his market, deluded of the king, and deryded of the whole court. So Aemilius, thy wordes and good proofs agree together like harpe and harrowe, thou meanest to kill me, and settest a dagger to thyne owne throate. Thou alledgest Esop, and Hesiodus to the confutatton of me, & they turne contrary to thy selfe confusion. I do not gaine-saye, but honest poeams and fables are lightsome and lawful to euery studious youth, and therefore saith Aeschines, and semblably Cicero in his oration for S.R. Amerinus, that such poetrie was fained to frame our fashions. The vertues of which being praised, is a percing dispraise to these bawdy commodies, more noysome to their auditorye then brothel [...] [...]tewes, vnlesse to such, as haue wearied wantonnes with experience, hauing aswell will to leaue the had, as they haue witt to chuse the good.
Thou doest attribute so much to sences, that as Alberna, for wishing all her children might be like in colour to ye crowes (such loue she bore to blacke) brought forth rauens in her pr [...]gnancie, so thou for misusing the heauenly minds delight, & yelding all to sence, art cleane deuoid of all vnderstanding, whiche commeth from the mind, and art led onely by sence, like a brute beast.
But meaning no more at this time to build Castles in the aire, nor wast my wordes to a deafe man, Harpocrates the god of silence, a god to whom I haue euer done ear this, and will do euer my bounden homage, shall conuince thy Comus, the god of intemperancie, of hatefull viciousnes in wordes, and hurtfull loosenes in life.
It makes my harte bleede to see thee so wise to wickednes, fearing [Page 76] thy fall, which I will not deuine, and deuising ye means to feare thée from falling For me to relinquish such apparant euidence and leane to thy bastardly reasons, were to leaue the hal and come to the kitchin.
I promisse you (quoth Aemilius) I doe not doubte but by Euening that wee come to our lodginge, your loftye stomacke nowe haughtie, then hungrie, will be glad to crepe from the hall to the kitchin, and this angrie bleeding with the pearce of my propositions, and with your owne maliciousnes, for the griefe of your ouerthrowe, will be well inoughe staunched with the legge of a Rabbet.
It fareth with me, as it did with the estate of king Onomaus, to whom it was truly prophesied, that duringe the singlenes of of his daughter, he should liue and reigne in triumphant prosperitie, but most vnluckely, as soone as she maried should be depriued of kingdome & life: so I, whiles my arguments were in my owne handes, was by anye mans Iudgement a patron of veritie, but assoone as they were coupled to your constructions, I streightwaie was by your criminal collation, in substaunce superficiall, and in opinion erroneous.
An Oracle pronoūced to Pelias, when he should see one barefooted do rites to his fathers ghost, then he should stād in daūger of death, and I meeting with a naked man shall seeme by his brauing to be ouercome.
Whereas you burden mee with impotencie of sence, I aunswere, that I haue as litle as an other, and as muche as I vse: yet thou louest me well, that takest me vp before I fall, to geue me warning of falling.
Notwithstanding, not to halte before a cripple, nor dissemble with my fayned frende, these thy Argumentes resemble Ladies, which are fitt for sheetes, and good for nothing But the Deuill loues al colliers, & thou selflike reasons of thine owne warping, like the rusticke Shepheard in Maroes Aeglogs, which being in in loue with his lasse Phillis, preferred the chessnut trée before all other, bycause she loued it. My sweeting Phillis chessnuts loues, while Phillis the fine shall loue these nuts, ne Venus myrt shal dare compare, or Phaeb his laurell match these nuts.
[Page 77]Euery coulour became Aristippus well (saith Horace) ye nightingale, neuer wantes Songe, saieth Bacchis in Plautus: neither while you can shape your selfe a shift to shade your knauery, will you euer want proofe for pursuit of this purpose.
Thou arte more dainty in thy phrase, then trusty in thy spéech, and lesse pregnant by pollicie to proue thy folly, then proue with Hostillitie to depraue my meaning. But thy impudent raylings which thou thinkest thy protection, are against thy Inuectiue a sufficient purgation. For a galled Horse neuer wincheth till hee be touched, and a Deare standeth at the bay when he is hard beset, and Menechmus Sosicles then feygned himselfe mad, when hee knewe no other meanes to auoide his harmes. Tullye saith, when the people gaue Gabinius an applaudite vpon the Stage, or else where, he feared least hee had committed some euill, and if thou haddest chirped to my Conclusion, I should haue thought I had not done so well.
I wonder how thou canst assay to shame me with thy railings, and not blame my Tutor, who allotted me my taske. In this me thinks, thou resemblest Aiax his Wife, that losing her Husband in the Shippe called Argos, wished the Firre beames whereof it was made, had neuer bene hewed in the wood Peleius, when as they were not the cause of his Destruction, but the wilde fire throwen into the Shipp: or those that praised one for presenting a Gifte to Diogenes, and mentioned nothinge of Diogenes that merited the gifte, or rather in my Fancie, thou arte moste like Will Summer, which being hurte with anye, thoughe he stoode a Furlonge of him, woulde alwayes strike his nexte fellowe.
The Dogges which were watchers in the Capitoll at Rome, for discrying of Théeues, if they barked at a rightefull occasion, had their ordinary allowance, if they quested in the day time when no filtching could befall, they had their legges broken: the same is inrould of the Géese, which were to giue watchwoord by their gagling: So Philotimus, if thou hast said as thou shouldest, thou art a good goose, if not, I would not haue thy leggs broken, whiche maye stande the in steade ere thou die, to runne from a [Page] skirmishe, but I wishe thy Tongue well mauacled, to geue no cause of such mishap.
The firste parte of thy Treatise hath litle reason, the seconde lesse sence, the third scarse any life at all. Thou increasest in thy grosenes, like Fame in Virgill, which is euer the stronger the further it goeth: or like our holy time of Lent, which (as Cassiodorus recites out of Socrates the ninthe Booke of his Historie) was first but three weekes, and by litle and litle aspired to forty daies. Thy Argumentes are drawne from the disport called Hopenniho, wherin all must say as one saith, & do as he doth, for all thy confirmation is but an an exhortation to frame an imitation to other mens liking.
We must stand at reuersion of others mens iudgement, and like sielie groomes, gather their crummes when they haue done: As who should say, bycause Apollo Cianeius, and Fulgentius, the Bishop of Emv [...]is, neuer eate fleshe, nor drunke wine, therefore euery man must be dieted after this manner: because some of the old Seminary, haue betaken themselues to wilful peuishnes, as foolish Hermits, or Ancresses, and deuoutly spend their times in holy Orizous, therefore forsooth we must doe so. This followes as well as that in Beuis of Hampton: Some lost a nose, and some their lip, and the king of Scots hath a ship.
Art thou ignoraunt (good Philotimus) to howe many misaduentures our learning is obnoxious: and how feble Memorie, the keeper of it, is loste with age, or perished with a knocke? Georgius Trapell. A man very learned, quite forgot in his age, euery iott of his learning, as though it had neuer bene he. The Emperour Claudius so halted in memorie, that talkinge in bed with his Wise, incontinently he woulde become vnmindfull of himselfe, and aske for his Wife why shee came not to bed, and hauing done to death a Noble man, ye day following, made great inquirie for him, as for a trustie Senator, to determine with other of his Counsaile on contriuersies. Thou wouldee presse vs with burdens till our backes be broken, and then we shall lie in bed and be kept warme: imitating the inhabitaunts of the prouince of Carinthia, who hauing any small mistruste against one for Thefte, straightwaies by their Custome carryed him to Ex- [Page 79] to execution, and the third day after, straightly examine all such as can geue euidence in the case, whether he were guiltie or no: If he were, he hanges on the gibbet till he rotte of by peeces, yf he were not, they bury and honour him with solemne obsequies.
But the way to make a Parrat leaue pratinge, and the leaue tatling, is not with talking to you. I will here pitch my pauileons, neither fkirmishing any more with so desperate a dastarde, nor waging battaile againe, though thou dare me with vrging.
Then belike (quoth Philotimus) you are a right noble champion, as glorious as Erastus, that burnt Dianaes Temple, and ran away by the light.
But I am content that thou shalt be the scowld, & haue the last word. I fulfil the Camels humilitie, which then sloupeth & kneleth, when he is charged with a burden.
Now Parmenio, and Clitepho, it restes for you to decide your maisters variannce, with your euen iudgementes without partialitie.
Parmenio stepping forth with as graue a grace, as mighte well become Epidicus, Plautus his parasite, thus bespake.
Maister mine Phlotimus, and Senior Aemilius, your discretions, are sager as I suppose, then to sound the depth of your affectiōs, by light flying wordes, which neither canne sinke, because they wante force, nor sticke in your stomackes, bycause they wante weight.
If wordes should way the will, or speech direct the disposition, Atreus for playing a tyrants part in a Tragedie, might well bee demed a manquailer, and Terence for writing his louinge laies should bee impeached for an Adulterer. Corriualls that combat so brauely in their listes, that neither matcheth other, & both surpasse, may triumph that their valure is counted peareles, & embrace ech other for alliaunce of quallities. Were it meete that Ennius excelling in Epicks, shoulde dispraise Cecilius a Comicall Poet, or despite Pacunius for his wofull Tragedies.
Take heede therefore, and be not quarrelons, strife is soone sowen, but hardly weeded out. Impacable Ate the Goddesse of Sedition, throwen downe from Heauen, had wingrs at will to [Page 80] further her spéede, in dispersing discord, but the thrée Sisters Litae, Ioues high ofspring, that vnited peace, which she had dissolued, were left a loose behind her far out of sight, not able to keepe pace with such a swinger.
The singuler art of M. Aemilius, hath left such a sting of admiration within my breste, that I honour him for learning, whom I loued for maners, and assure me of his rarenes, for whiche I euer hoped. His wordes so well couched, his moderate gesture, his countenaunce correspondent to his fil [...]d Tongue, mighte make him seeme truthfull to those that are fooles, & proue himself wittie to those that are wise.
I thinke it no modesty to prattle further of his praise, or of the credit he hath woonne But to geue plaine specialtie of his curious cunning and augment the prailes of his clerckly worke, I geue Iudgement o [...] his cause, that it is in déede wronge, and seemes in showe Truth by his learned Apologie. If I haue offended him, I haue also commended him, the one hee deserues, & I looke for no thankes, the other I deserue not, and hee will doe me no iniury.
Clitipho whose censure was by course to follow his fellowes, whose iudiciall maiestie hee thought surpassd modestie, began a tale of Iack a naile, which I am afraid you will not tarry till you haue heard.
It was an halt King, and a blind Quéene, and they got a lame sonne, and he would goe to the nine endes of the world to seeke his fortune, & whē he was there, he was there, he met with a pilgrim, God geue you good euen, which is the way to Poclinton, a pokeful of plummes, he clamb vp into a Thistle tree, and cut downe an Hasyll twigge, and broke his heade till it was whole, and when he came home, he was as wise as a Woodcocke.
Here is a drie Tale (quoth Parmenio) laughing hartely at it, and well deserues a water potte: Whats this to the purpose?
Nay quoth Clitipho, it is neuer drye speach, when there followeth slauer so fast downe your lips. My purpose is not so profound, but sence may be pickte to proue you a noddie, nor your [Page 81] foolish laughter so sage as your sentences and yet concordant to so opinionate a fondling. Whether thinkest thou better sporte & more absurd, to see an Asse play on an harpe contrary to his sex, or heare the litle Robbin descant his meane note agreant to his kinde? Thy stately rhetoricke, is such a non sequitur to thy boyish rachalisme, that better I cannot lay ape [...]t thy absurdityes, then by intrusion of this friuolous fable, lesse liked of Parmenio, and more agreable to his personage.
Thy exhortation to those, that knowe twenty for thy one, is as if thou shouldest bring Owles to Athens. By my troath Parmenio, construe it as thou list, I cannot abide to heare the Deuell talke of holydayes, nor the pezant to preach so diuinelye. But you will prattle no more of his praise. To prattle of his praise, is a pretie phrase, and well compilde I wis. Nor of his woon credite. Take hede what you fay, if he haue woon it, why doth he not weare it? For you thinke it no modesty, you might haue said duety, but that you are more in loue with modestie, then modestie with you.
My verdite concerning our maisters, is as wide from yours, as both their cōmēdations ar, be-yond our possibilities. Haddest not thou rather being put to thy choyce that thy maister would giue thee a lease to support thy prime with merriment, then serue seauen yeares in laborious drudgery, and then stande to his pleasure what he would bestow? If thou haddest Parmenio, reuolte from thy resistaunce, if thou haddest not, God sende thee thy choyce.
Permenio not able to disgest this hard meate, and lothe to make broyle or staine his grauity, returned an aunswere in this sorte. That pate of thyne, that can infatuate so well, & make a man sottish if he be but simple, must needs it selfe be well repleat with grosnes. Much like the wels which be in Norwaye, whose licour is so grose, and extreme could, that if wood be cast in them they turne it to yron.
Tell a mare a tale and she will iadishly winch. Lidius curteously bringing bees honye, was for his labour stung of the bées, & I franckly giuing thee my fairest talent, am laughed to scorne of a roperipe rachell.
[Page 82]I haue so far past the bondes of honestly, that if thy vaineglorye bee ioynd to my surquidrie, of an inch it will quicklye extend to an elne Yet had I rather confesse my selfe sorry, for offendinge a foole without a fault, then stand vpon the defence of that, which no man can iustlye finde to be faultye.
As for you Clitipho, your are nothing peuish prowde, an arrogant patch is one, and you an other, if you will not giue ouer your ignominious brawlinges against my modesty, my modestest part I promise you, that for his shamefastnes doth sildōe shew him selfe abroad, will haue an action of the case againste your nose. I will not ride an Asse to death, but thus farewell good nody body.
Their tutor and gouernour partly agreued, yet moued to admiration on euery ones part, more then he would make semblaunce, and fearing the yonge gentlemen would not discontnue their discord, vnlesse his persuations tooke some better order, mutilated their scouldinges, and thus began his counsailes.
Philotimus and Aemilius, since your iudges haue pronounced that both haue done well, and cannot determine whether hath done better, be not angry for the victory, which they will not giue you, but be prest to preserue your gotten credite. I hope that the greate ioy, which your few wordes haue bred mee, shall not faile to further your timely towardnes. It was Democritus his hap walking abroad to take the aire, to mete with protagoras thē a badger, bearing a bundle of stix very curiously compacted, towards the Cittie. Democritus musing how a rude and rurall fellowe, could without any knowledge of Geometrie, vse such art in laing these stickes together, desired him to vnfoulde his fardle, and trie if he could with the like method knit his burden together againe. Protagoras fulfilled his will, and vsed the selfe same art in his second binding, which when Democritus saw, by the promptnes quoth he (my sonne) which I perceiue in this light matter, I see thou art initiated in the foundation of far weightier sciences, and thereupon taking him from his seruitude, and teaching him Geometrie, Protagoras became so excellent as he did: so say I, with premonition you be not proude, [Page 83] though I praise you to your téeth, that the aptnes whiche I sée in this Disputation of pastim [...], giues me courage to conceiue some future felicitie.
For this matter of variaunce, bycause a Kingdome diuided is not long established, and frendes falling out are hardly attoned, be content to claime no interest, but beare the bridle euenly.
Nay said Philotimus, a litle chafed with arguing: It was Solous opinion, that rewardes and punishments were vphoulders of the Citie, and therefore since one must nedes doe best, let your censure of our doinge, geue him rewarde of the best. For an Aristocratia must neuer take place, where the Monarchie may possibly gouerne the whole.
Aemilius as one ex Academica, thinking himselfe able to mantaine any controuersy, and somthinge moued with the indurate stubbornenes of his frend Philotimus, had him proue that, and hent the honour.
Philotimus briefly concluded in this manner, Iupiter hath the dominion ouer all the Gods It is monstruous for one bodye to haue 2. heads: all ye members are ruled by one hart: all the parts of the Ship stand vnder one kéele: cranes follow one crane: the heard hath one shepheard: one bushe faith the Prouerbe, can not harbour two Robin redbrestes: more warres haue beene raised, bycause manye woulde commaunde, then by their disobedience which would not be commanded. What fierce fightes were those betwixt Scilla & Marius, Caesar and Pompey, Augustus & M. Antonius, Galba & Othos, Othos & Bytellus, Bytellus & Vespasianus, Seuerus & Iulianus, Seuerus & Albinius? Tyranie, is worse then vsurping of the péeres, or all the cōmons aduauncing themselues, and therefore a Monarchie is the best.
Aemilius aunswered: The similitude of God may not be drawne to man. Libertie being the greatest gift, that the Gods bestowe vpon men, by what reason shoulde one mans authoritie take away the libertie of so many men? One mans iudgement is soone subdued to euill affectes, as one bucket of water is sooner poisoned, then many seuerall vessells. Though one crane guid al, yet not alwayes one & the selfe same Crane, but now this, now that, [Page 84] the comparison of your Shepheard will not hould. For if the flocke be great, the Shepheards must be many. Againe, the whole flock is of a sociable, agreaunt, and vniforme nature, neuer disdayning his fellow, or Lordinge ouer him, neither féeling the yoke of any gouernment. One Cittie hath bene gouerned manye hundred yeares by a Senate, that ruled more quietly then any King, hauing kinges of many Prouinces vnder it.
Philotimus replied: It is not libertie to liue as we list, but by the lawe and ordinaunce enacted by Nature, some to gouerne, as the most wise and vertuous, some to obey, as lesse excellente in giftes. And bycause it semes hard, that one should rule all, the Gods haue promised to rule the hartes of Kinges and Princes, as Vlysses saith in the second of Homers Iliades. He saith also in the same place: Great fame and high renowne, are thinges deaurate, and of weight, if they be marshalled in a King. As it is easy for one vessell to bee infected: so is it easier to finde one absolute man, then a multitude méete for an entire Empice. Euery one of the Kinges that were subiect to that Senate, ruled his seueral Prouince by himselfe, as well as the Senate did all in one. Lastly, there is one chiefe in euerye Senate, to whome the reste doe some obeysaunce, and in whose sentence they stand and rest.
Here Aemilius sawe himselfe in the lapse, and almost drawne drye of all replies, & weried with perturbaunce of this ciuill dissention, with these or such like wordes yeelded himself.
Whether victorie be an appurtenaunce of a rightful cause, or a subtill conueyaunce of thy sleight matter, hath bleared our eyes, I knowe not: or whether enorme causes doe want solyd matter, or a trewantlike barrister must nedes be pitched ouer the peark, now it boots not: but to cōdiscend to our couenaūt wherwith we are combined, as I graunte me ouercomen in our latter discussion, so I giue thee the Trophees of all our disceptations.
Philotimus, who was euer more couetous to be accounted famous, then willing to heare his land exalted, returned his frendes curtesie in these wordes.
If there bee anye credit in takinge these prayses, whiche I [Page 85] haue receiued, what honour muste bee in the gifte of this credit, which thou hast bestowed? And since you are so willing to depart with al your glory now of a sodeine, I wil not do like ye alehouse clerckes, that deuide the world into foure partes, and take thrée to themselues: for I will not onely make partition of the whole, but binde my selfe gratefull to requite it as I may.
By this time they were come to their lodging, which now they neyther looked for, nor all this while had thought on, where repose they themselues till the next morrow.
The morning following, as they rid parling of such matters as were obuious, Senior Mondaldo, which neuer mispent time vnfruitfully, interrupted their talke with these words.
PHilotimus and Aemilius, sith we haue nothing at this instant, wherewith to bee well occupied, and you were staulled with yester dayes Disputation, I will prescribe you certaine Inductions to be performed at the Vniuersitie, which if you follow, you shall neither repent you of your present attention, nor repine at the prospering of other Gentlemen: and bicause contrary to ordinary, you are grounded in the liberal arts, which is not vsuall to freshmen, when they first come to study, I will set you downe no childishe samplers, as though I mente to impleade you of Ignoraunce, but suche as serue Gentlemen of your estate, and maye beseeme Studentes of a good standing.
First abase not good letters in your imagination: for their art is more behoofull for the gouernement of Gentlemen, then their want is materiall for a priuate Subiect. When Camillus triumphed ouer the Frenchmen the day of his victorye, he wrote these woordes in the Capitoll of Rome: Thou hast bene mother to all Wisemen, & stepdame to all Fooles.
Be studious in your learning, but not sottish in your labours: for moderate paines imploied in due times, increaseth knowledg without bodilye dammage, when intricate endles triuious toylings, plunge the wits, and crucifie the carcas.
Trifle not your times in vaine settes of wordes, but let your greatest trauailes be Philosophicall Institutions: for it is not [Page 86] hard for the Tayler to shape a fitte garment for a straight bodie, but it is impossible for a crooked body to be framd by his art to fit a streight garment. It was one of Socrates his Emblems, that he is eloquent inough, that deliuers his minde plainly.
Amonge all other Artes, forgett not the Mathematikes. for the Etymologie of their name, exhortes you to learne them.
Turne ouer the volumes of auncient histories: for so you being yong without experience, your knowledge shall stretche further then your fathers remembraunce.
Haue a sight in all Languages, though it bee but superficiall: for so you shall be Citizens in all Countreyes, and be able to calculate their condicions and manners: and that which is not specified in some of our Languages, is explaned to the full in an other Tongue.
For preceptes to be eloquent in any one Tongue, I canne assigne you no resolute certeintie: For neither are all Orators taught by one maister, (saith M. Cicero) neyther doe they vse the same wayes and meanes. Sweete were the sauce would please ech kind of tast, straung were the veine that some man thoughte not vaine: yet that which is generally receiued of all, is conuenable for you. First in your entraunce to euery Tongue, reade those Authors which ar sound without blemish, as Caesar, Tully, & Terence, in the Latin tongue: for Liuye & Salust, chiefteynes of Antiquaries, being generallie perfitte touching their whole woorks, but mancate here and there with some scattering faults, are not to be neclected of the Students in Eloquence, but to bee diligently read of those that haue iudgement. Secondarily mark their phrase & Elocution, & then that which is commonly lightly regarded, be painfull to make a swete round number. An example of this number, doth Sturmius point out in the beginning of Tully his Oration for A. Cecinna, the verye firste Sentence, of which, bycause Tully speakes somewhat, and Hermogenes at large, I omit to treatise any thing at all.
Of all other thinges, be charie of your companie. For we commonly say, that like will to like, and gather suspition of ones disposition, by his compéeres. When great Scipio came from the [Page 87] warre of the Poeniens, better accompanied with dastardlye michers, then with valiaunt Captaines, one Oruetus a famous Orator said vnto him: of troth, it is greate shame to thée, and small honour to the Senate, yt thou hast ouercome the wise Affres, and art so wise thy selfe, & of the bloud of the wise Romaines, & wilte be accompanyed with these Fooles. I say vnto thée, that thy wit is in more perill here in Rome, then thy life was in Affrick. The frequenting of P. Mutius his house, made the young Gentleman P. Rutilius, be thought honest in life, & learned in the Lawe. The smal acquaintaunce, which M, Celius in his youth had with Catiline, was after in a controuersy concerning him nere, somthing preiudiciall to the vprightnes of his cause.
Let your companions be at least your coequalls: for yt is comly, insinuating to your betters, if you may without presumption, & affable to inferiours with a sober submission.
Vse the company of your equalls with emulation, bee directed by your betters with imitation, contemne not the basest for any occasion.
Learne wisdome of the auncient, but affect not their grauity: gather wit of the wantons, but detest their corruptions: learne manners at the Court, there are fewe at the Vniuersitie.
These lessons, with a request to print them well in your minds, shall suffice at this time: what bookes you shall reade, & in what order, we wil assigne at our iourneyes end.
Philotimus with a gratious bashfullnes gaue him thankes for his good Lecture, with protestation, that one thinge wherewith hee had comforted him, in sayinge that their procedinges were more forward, then theirs are vsually which come to an Vniuersitie, he either feared was not so, or els much meruailed it should be so. For I haue read said hee, that no man was sufferable to enter Plato his Schoole, vnlesse hee had good knoweledge in the perspections of Geometry, and then I muse why our maisters of Florence, should bee so far ouerseene, to admit eyther Children that be ouer younge for their studies, or ignorant trewants that be too idle to learne, or blockeheaded doultes that haue no capacities.
[Page 88] Senior Mondaldoes aunswere to this, shall be Counsayle, for I thinke it better to rest in the midway, then run my selfe out of breath, & get no goale.
To make recapitulation of all their communication they had by the way, were more troublous to my pen, then now it can in tend, and therefore intermitting all interlacing of many a good discourse nothing vnprofitable, I will bring them now at length to their wished Vniuersitie, where thus muche I can say in the yong Gentlemens behalfe, but in especiall of Philotimus, that in application of his booke, he was as industrious, as if his liuinge had layd on his Learning, and so curious & circumspect in mainteyning of his credit, that he onely was the man, whome all men admired. In all points of learning Philotimus was commended, in all comparisons Philotimus excepted, in all exceptions Philotimus preferred.
His lyfe was more vertuous, then his lyne was noble, and more notorious was his vertue, then the brute of his bloud, and his name better credifed, then his personage acquainted.
In one and the onely thinge that belonges to an Orator, in soueraigntie of stile, & a swete and treatable pronunciation, he exceeded all others of whom I haue read. It is reported of Tullye, that for one sentence brauelye deliuered, all the people at once cast vp their cappes, & gaue a shoute: Then trust me (Gentlemē) I doe thinke, that if Philotimus had liued in those daies, & spoken to that people, that at euery Period they had bene amased.
His manners were milde, and very amiable. For though hee were of a cholerick sanguine complexion, whose operation doth vse to make his Subiecte sodeine: yet he coulde so well refraine his choler, and make exchaunge for cheuisaunce of curtesye, that these Sentences were often rowling in his mouth. Arist. saith, that Those are fools, which cannot be angry at an occasion: But Plato saith, that Those are more fooles, which will be angry with out great occasion. I well beléeue Arist. for he seldome lieth, but I will follow Plato, for he thought it sinne to lye.
His body was decently made, & featlye framed, conteyning an absolute constitution, and conuenience of liniaments: his head [Page 89] not a slope cornered, but roūd & globewise fashioned. His haire auburne or chesten coloure, & so was Hectors: his forehead smooth and vnwrinckled, beautified with comelye eiebrowes, and suche were the browes of Alcibiades, and gallantly garnished with a paire of amiable eies, not hollowe, but delightfully standinge out, cherefull to his frendes, and churlish to his foes, & such saith Heliodorus were the eyes of Theagenes, his cheeks roseall like Phebus rising in the Orientall skie: of stature he was semely, neither dwarfish like a man cut of at legges, nor a lungis like one that standes vpon stiltes, but iust in the middes, wherein consisteth vertue His porte and state of body bolte vpright, his gate framed to comelinesse, not nicely affected, nor curiously counterfayted, as it were plaiers, and disguised masquers, who by a kind of vpstart gate, vnwisely weene to win commendation In communitie of life he was verye jocund, neither to ba [...]latiue withe flattery, nor to whust with morositie, which Arist. 2 of his Ethicks cap. vii. tearmeth the two extremes of curteous humanitye: familiar in communication with gentle mildnes, seasoned with pleasure and a reuerent grauitie: without pratling and tatling, without biting scoffes or vpbraiding taunts, pleasauntlye conceyted and merry with honestie, vsing therein no filthines or ribauldrie: and as he was most far from malapert scurrility, and scenicall gesture, so was he free from sulleyne sterne seuerity, & stoicall indolency.
This for the most part was his behauiour. In tonge he was sylent, in this resembling Cato Vticensis, which neuer spoke but being vrged: in countenaunce sad, and yet not so sullen as M. Crassus, which neuer but once laughed in all his life. Frō company solitary, but for this onely cause, for which Sophocles in age would sequester himselfe vz. to quiet his mind wt vntroblous cō tentation and encrease the gifts of knowledg and learning. And as Hermes Prismegistus saith, that Plotin us the philosopher, made as it were to all ornaments of vertue, choose him a secrete place of rest, where he might be far from humaine conuersation, and bestowe his time in diuine contemplation, free and feareles from all the insultes and counterchecks of fortune, and that hee [Page 90] contemned all titles of honour, and all possessions of riches, accounting that true honour and wealthe, whereby a garnished minde doeth knowe the oryginall of it owne authoritie: euen so was Philotimus affected, that trade did he trauerse, and that mediocritie.
For he often would say, that since no man might enter Dianees Temple at Craeta (where Dedalus hath eternall memorie, for his worthy monuments) vnlesse he went in stripped & naked, it was probable that none were docile Disciples of learning, but such as cast of the care of worldly pompe.
His diot was moderate, his dreames not vaine & reauing, ioyned with idle talke, as commonly theirs are, which aboūd with redde choller, whiche Iuuenal well describes in his 7. booke: With grislye dreadfull Dreames by nyghte their heades are vexte, with gastly visions in their sleepe yelad with vgsom shapes. For of choler are enkindled burning Agues, & phantasticall Imaginations, doting of burninge of Townes & Houses, of murthers, of hurlye burlies, whē the fumositie of the choller striketh into the braine. The continuance of the disturbance of this, is voyded by vomit, sweate. & euacuation by siedge, which may bee done with Radix pontica, and suche thinges as prouoke vrine, as these hearbes: Alkakengie, Sperage, Gardeyn Parsely, Annyseede, Fenellseede, & by the forbearing of all hot, fat, and swete meates, which are very apt to be turned into choller, except reisons, licoras, and by eating such thinges as will quallify the heat of the bloud. Sléepe also must be prouoked by Lactuce, & sallet hearbs, that doe humect the braine, and all the partes of the body, & Venus, anger, vnseasonable labour, long fasting, must bee auoided, and sckanting our selues of victualls.
His Dreames were suche, as after the firste sléepe, the braine not stuffed with fumes, doe presage some newes approching. As Valentinianus dreaming that he saw his wife altered from her merrie glée, & weare a mourning gowne, the next day had it soe brought to passe by his sodeine death. And Augustus his mother dreaminge that shee broughte forth a Starre whiche illustrated the whole earth, had it verified in the Actes of Augustus.
[Page 91]To prosecute the Chronicle of Philotimus, be on a certeine day, hearing a crew of litigious ruffiās, belching out their fuliginous fomentations against him, and insulte with hatefull spite ouer some of his doinges, thinking no body had hearde them, but they among themselues, couertly stood on the other side the wall, and gently and frendly admonished them, as though he had bene one of their owne companions. I beseech you Sirs, speake low, least Philotimus heare, for this is somtime his walk, where he takes the ayre. And arguing on a time on some Sophisticall pointes, with a Gentleman named Papius, who stoode very stiflye to his owne assertion, & ouerheated with chafinge and anger in disputing, condemned Philotimus for an hereticke in Philosophy: then (quoth Philotimus) I appeale to Papius when hee is sober, to debate the dissention. Which meeke aunswere appeased Papius, & reuolted him from his errour.
It was natiue to Aemilius his nature, to counteruaile all iniuries with a contrary counterbuffe, and neuer to die in the debt of his trespassours. Herevpon would Philotimus expostulate wt him. What if an Asse or an Oxe should kick or spurne thée, wouldest thou thinke it manhood to strike againe? But I will aduise thée of a good medicine in such a case. Goe to morrow morning, & knéele the downe beside the great Oke in Siloes wood, and looke whatsoeuer it bids thée doe, that doe, and nothing els. Aemilius thinking that Philotimus meant to worke some enchauntment, went thither to sée his deuise, but when he came there, he heard nothing but aniayerie murmure among the Trées: at his returne home, Philotimus asked him what he heard. Aemilius in a pelting chafe, thinking himself derided, aunswered: I heard asmuch speach, as thou hast honestie, and that is asmuch as an egge hath otemeale. Then quoth Philotimus, say to thy complices as is cō maunded thée, & that thou sayest is nothing at all, and thōu shall neuer damnifye thy selfe with suche effluence of cholericke sominges. He quoth Aemilius, that will know the construction of your meaning, must coniure for it before, or vse suche hearbes as Cynocephalia, which Apion vsed in calling vp ghostes, to know of them where Homer was borne.
[Page 92] Philotimus his frendship & Aemilius his, by this time was perfit, and as one God could not vadoe that which another did, so what either of them auouched, the other would not disanull.
His ioy was most full euery way, till time it pleased God to visit Mantua, and therein his fathers house with a greuous mortalitye and plagne, whereof ten of his brethren and sisters died, so that onelye one sister named Fuluia (besids his father and mother) was suruiuor. Of these newes philotimus heard nothing till the residue were amended, the towne and his fathers house cleare from the plague, when the Lord Cleocritus and the Lady Castibula, meaning to solace their sorrowes with his presence, sent for him home.
About this time was philotimus greatelye troubled in minde, he knew not whye, and the very same night his fathers men came to Florence, he dreamed fearefully. The seruaunts were vnwilling abruptly to shew him these vnwelcom newes, and therefore foretelling Mondaldo and Aemilius, desired them to vse the matter so, as their yong maister might not take it to much to hart. The next day, philotimus rehearsed what fearefull dreames he had, vsing these wordes. If dreames deuine, or heauenly visions be not vaine, and Gods be iust, whom wee may trust, that no errours traine, some luckles hap approcheth.
He feared lest as Sextus was forewarned in his sleepe by a dead man, of the heading of his father, so these apparitions should forhight some drouping daunger
The burning of his right eare stunted him likewise, for yt it is one of ye parts which Saturne an euil planet gouerneth, & so much the rather he was aggrised, for that he had not heard of long time from his father.
Mondaldo heare tooke occasion to checke him for his dreads, discoursinge what calamities the beste had suffered, and howe peaceblye they had borne them, till withe his pholosophicall catechisinges hee had fortyfyed hys mynde agaynste all [Page 93] all the force of Fortune.
At last Mondaldo, after much talke, demaunded this Questiō: whether if he had diuers precious Iewells in a Shippe, whereof two or three Gemmes were of more valuation in his accounte, then all the rest, and the Ship should suffer wracke these onelye saued, he would more lament the losse of his Iewells, or reioice at the safetie of his Gemmes. Philotimus aunswered, yt though a litle griefe daunt a great deale of ioy, as a litle leauen leauens a great trough of dough, yet if his Gemmes were of such woorth as is supposed, they would be a good comfort to so bitter a corsine. Then quoth Mondaldo, reioyce, that in Gods visitation of thy Fathers house, he hath taken to his mercy tenne of thy Brethren & Sisters, and yet of his great mercies hath lefte thee thy Father and Mother, and thy dearest Sister Fuluia.
At these woordes Philotimus scritched out, & as a distraughte Beolemer, vnuisedly raued against all the highe Aethereall powers. O cruell Gods (quoth hee) féede on my frendes, yea féede your gluttie hartes, & ouergorge your gulpinge weasants with my griping smart. In Corses tenne, I tenne times dead, am caried to my Graue.
Here Mondoldo rebuked him, and told him, he knew not with whose folly to counterpeize his frensie, except with Heracleates Dionisius his, who hauing learned of Zeno to be hart-hole in all afflictions, assoone as he felt a litle paine in his reines, bad Discipline adew, & fainted in his sickenes.
Well they directed their Iourney homeward, where after the Lo. Cleocritus, and the Lady Castibula, & M. Philotimus & Fuluia, had in tracte of time asswaged sorrowe, sittinge on a day after Dinner, at the Table with one Telamon his very frend, & other Gentlemen, Cleocritus began to appose Philotimus & Aemilius in their studies, and inquired of them the state of their Vniuersitie, whether yt were, as some boldly would slaunder it, decayed in study, and growen to vnsemely insolencie.
Philotimus aunswered, that it coulde not greatlye bee blamed though it were so, considering the small regard was had of Learning, yet comparing that he had experienced in his time, with [Page 94] that he had heard of others in their time, he thought it was like it selfe at all times: and if there were anye abuses it was not his dutie to tel Schoole tales. Papirius his mother (quoth he) demaū ding of him what was done in the Senate house, he gibingly answered, that Husbandes mighte haue two Wiues, thinking it lawfull to aunswere that with a lye, that was not méete for her to demaund with modestie. Myrmice the maid of Athens, that Minerua loued so well, for displaying the Ploughe that Minerua made in despite of Ceres, was turned into an Emmot. The same Minerua was aggrieued with Aglauros, for seinge her secretes. The Romaines bearing the Minotaure for their ensigne, hidde the hinder deformed parte, and published that whiche resembled a man: and therefore (said hee) if yow be inquisitiue of any crime in Florence, which is rather to bee amended priuatelye, then reprehended publicklye, my aunswere is, Nihil scio, nisi nescio.
Euery one at the Table commended the wittie aunswere of Philotimus, yet Cleocritus willing to be resolued in his question, vrged it to Aemilius, who gaue him this aunswere.
You are not ignorante (Sir) what copie not onelye of zealous preachers, expert lawiers, learned phisitiōs, but also excellēt yōg men in all arts and tongues, do daily flow from our Vniuersitie. Yet this will I say, which neither can bee hid, for that it is commonly knowen, neither should be hid, for that it requireth reformation, that they haue as litle respect of persons, as any Iudges néede haue. For the veriest stunted foole, distorted criple, rudest loobbin, and the hob-hansomest man maye bee for his fée admitted to their societie. In the cooptations to their Fellow [...]hipps, in the Commencements for their degrées, not he that best deserueth, but he that hath best frendes, oftentimes hath the most suffrages.
Indéed this must I néedes say, and sigh when I say yf, that if one beautified with frugalitie of wit, and all manner good habits that can be placed in the Predicament of Qualitie, be eyther poore from the beginning, or by some casualtie be impouerished, he shal not onely be debarred of his preferment, but the least falt [Page 95] he can commit, shall bee imputed to him as a notorious crime, & if in word or looke he offend, it shall be cast in his dish in time of his petition.
For the study of Liberall Artes, it is almoste decayed, and in their place Toyes weare an hoode to couer their nakednes.
For our Preachers, though some be most exquisite in life and doctrine, yet knowe I diuers which are so farre vnable to maintaine a controuersie in the Schooles, that sauing a few Catechismes and short Epitomies, which may furnish them with some Diuinitie out of the Pulpit, I thinke they haue litle more Diuinitie then your Lordships mule. In the face of the world they ar searchers of sinnes, exhorters to punishe sinnes, inueighers against the sparing of sinnes, and yet they themselues in priuate corners, and so forth.
And these I warrant you, will sooner be incumbentes in a good Benefice, then they that better deserue by the frugalitye of their knowledge.
An other sort there is, by whose behauiour, you woulde iudge them Metrapolitans of the whole Realme: so sterne they are in lookes, so Maiesticall in pace, carrying vp their ioltes like hoigh headed malt-horses, so sirlye in woordes, so coy of their cappes, contemning their inferiours with a peazantlie despite, and flattering their betters to get them liuinges.
I thinke they would imitate Daies, Vulcans Priest, who was one of the richest of all Kinge Priams subiectes.
And for their lordly minds, it may be, they take warrant out of Plutarcch. For Plutarch in his Problems supposeth, that hence commeth the doing of our hattes, for that, who in auncient time did Sacrifice to the Gods, helde during the saide Sacrifice their cappes on their heades, when Princes and great personages, to doe fitte honour to the Sacrificatour, vncouered their heades, to the intent it might appeare, they reckoned themselues baser thē the Gods and in respect of their functions, inferior to the priests.
Let their excuse be this, or what they list, but I hold them accursed that offende in the premisses, thoughe I will not accuse them [Page 96] to bringe my selfe into briers.
Peace for shame (quothe Philotimus) what an vnmannerlye Bird art thou to defoile thine owne nest? I can iustifye said Aemilius, all that I haue said, and more, if néede require. But I had better slaunder them trulye, which is no Slaunder indéede, then flatter them falsely as thou doest. Not so saide Philotimus: For Diogines tearmed Slaunder a wild sauage beast, and Flattery but a tame one.
Telamon & other gentlemen at the table were importunate to heare this matter of Flattery and Slaunder canuassed, and therefore Aemilius began as ensueth against Flattery.
¶A contention betwixt Flattery & Slaunder whether is the worse. Aemilius against Flattery.
O Most dissembling crafty vice Flattery, not ocularly to be séene, and yet a palpable coosener. Clisophus one of the traine of Phillip king of Macedonia, bycause his maister sometimes had the gouts and halted, he would limpe with him also as a cō passionate, and when the kinge was well, he was well, finally what passion soeuer pressed the kinge, he expressed the same in imitation. Nicesias, when he sée the bloud of Alexander gushe out, would exclaime. O what noble bloud is this, it is ye bloud of Gods, not of a man. O that gnat which tasteth of this bloud, must far surmount other gnats.
Such an insinuating stinge is Adulation, that Hercules wise and wary, was hood winked with the pleasaunt clawe of Cercopes, and Iupiter incensed with auckward spite against his doughter Pallas and all the Graecian packe, with Thetis her loutinge Flatteries, and humble sticke spéech with touching of his beard, and culling of his necke, & kissing his knées, and teares wrested out with much wringing.
[Page 97]greate men of the world are like great pottes (quoth Diogines) which he they neuer so great, you may carrie them about by the eares. But I would they might say as Pindarus saide, that he had already rewarded the trauaile of Flatterers, bycause he had not made them lyars: or would doe, as Diomedes did to the notable Harper, who promising him a talent for playing, and he demaū ding it, aunswered: I haue already paid yt thy daie. For my eares were but filled with an empty sounde, and I haue tickled thine with a bare promise.
It is good bowing the body to catch others on the hippe (saieth Aristippus for defence of this faulte: who being reprehended for kissinge the kinges feete, when hee solicited a suite, aunswered, I am not worthy blame for stouping, it is long of him that hath his eares in his heeles. See what Flatterie can doe Philotimus, what say you to Slaunder. Philotimus aunswered.
Philotimus his Inuectiue against Slaunder.
THE Slaunderers, haue as many heades as Hydra to inuente wickednes, as manye legges as Tholus to runne to naughtines, as many hands as Typhoeus to put it in practise, fifty mens voices like Stentor the Graecian, to bee the cole carriers of many a loude lye. They are furious Centaures, by formed Scyllaes, huge Cyclopes, fretting Furyes, monstruous Harpies, as cunning in shooting their fiery venemous shaftes, as the men Abantes were in throwing their dartes, as gredy to deuoure mens credites, as the great Bore of Calidon was to depopulate the fruites, which Bore Diana sente thither, bycause Oneus the Kinge of the Countrie, gaue eche yeare of his first fruites in Sacrifice to all the Gods, and not to her.
A Flatterer can insinuate with weightines of sappy woordes, grauitie of Philosophicall Sentences, and oftentimes make the Truth serue his turne: But a Slaunderer, is an vnflidge nestlinge vnable to flye, an vnnaturall abortion borne before his time, an imperfecte Embryon not able to persiste, without supporting [Page 98] of others.
This Enuious Slaunder, kepes her house in drearye, yrksome, dimmy Den, repleate with loathie stinking silth, and frozen ioye could deuoyd of Fire, and Ayre, yet almost chokte with smouldering smoke: & there she sittes fast gnawing on the fleshe of snakes and toades: there slothfullye she walkes with lumpishe leysure like a snayle, her lippes are euer pattering, her chekes are bolne, her face Saturnian swart, her neuer sleping eies do looke askew, her three rowed teeth are fued with filthy dresse, her goumes are waryish blewe, her festred gall hath made her stomacke greene, and all beuenimd is her spirting tongue.
The hellbound neuer lau [...]hes vnlesse at others harmes, her body is as leane as any rakes, she freats at others good successe, as if her selfe were harmde, yet seeking to anoy and worke ristresse to other folke, her selfe she doth destroy.
In night, when sunnie streamy lighte is cladde within Hells blacke mournfull wéede, when none doth sée nor heare (for why? her face she dare not show, nor once auouch her name) she stalks to them abroad, that are themselues moste de [...]elish Hipocrites, & moste suspitious of others demeanour, shee whistles this or that into their patent credulous eares, and forgeth all God wot. If any circumstaunce of where, or when, or whome, may make a probable Argument, she tells it with a grace, and bindes it with an oth. This mandat doth she giue to all her brokers, ye at euery iumpe they steale a yard, and at euery Declaration add as much more, and after this she eft returnes from whence she came, and so God send her to the gallowes.
If any say that it is she from whome this tatling is deduct, she stares and startes abacke, and sweares amaine it is not she. Her throateboll swels with puffed veynes, her heart it sweltes with flaming fury, her eyes gan sparckle fire, there standes about her smeared chappes a lothlie foming froth, she poysoneth all she dealeth withall with this infection. That like the bablinge Eccho, they shall neuer restraine their wambling Tongues, but straine them out when others speake, to carpe and cut of the best part of their meaning: she is more venemous then the slimye Serpente Python, with fiery blaring mouth, and forked wagging Tongue: [Page 99] whose combrous harme did meane to charme Latonaes seede.
Now Aemilius what say you to this slaūder, I doubt not but by this time you thinke your flattery a sainct in respect of this deuill.
This question was left doubtfull Cleocritus and the company rise, accounting this small time after dinner well spent.
The vnkindly loue of Telamon to Castibula his frends wife.
NOw (sir) vnderstand that Mounser Telamon soiourninge [...]nd commoning with the Lord Cleocritus, had suffered his freewill to be witched, and gind with the beautye of Castibula. which though he sawe aduerse to all humanity, yet was the heate of his lust so vnquenchable, that it smouldred reason, and burned with beastlines. He had protracted the disclosure of it hitherto, and perceiued his procrastination to be perilous.
Castibula hauing set sorrowe apart for the death of her children, and relieued almost with her lief ould ioyes, as she walked one daye in her verdurant garden alone, after other ordinarie communication, which he made as it were a portall and preludium to his cause, he boorded her in this sort, yet not in bourde as the consequence giues euidence, but in hard earnest, whiche was the earnest of her death.
O madam the mistris of my hart, I haue a sute, yet am I mute and dare not speake.
if semely it be, speake on and speed, if not, conceale such suts, commaund ought else.
can that vnséemely be, whose graunt doth saue, or whose deniall spills my life.
I would not with to saue my lyfe with wrongfull meanes.
yet giue me leaue to speake, and liberty to liue.
[Page 100] Cast. I geue you both if eyther I can geue. Say on.
I will say on, though loth. For long I mingled bashfull shame with loue, till loue at length surpassed shame. One of the olde Philosophers, Diogines by name, an odde fellowe, and full of quirkes, demaunded on a time of a prodigall youthe an vnreasonable some of money: The youngs man amazed at this impudent begging, asked him what hee meant to craue suche a boone. Truely (quoth Diogines) I see thée so riotous in lashing out thy money, that I thoughte if at this time I had not thy rewarde, thy abilitie would not longe too so decay, that it could not though it woulde, yeelde me succour hereafter, and therefore I mente to begge once for all: Euen so good Lady, though my request may seme unpious in vttering, extrauagant from reason, and to taxe my affections with an vnhonest inclination; yet if your Ladyship afford me not this blisse, ye shortnes of my life wil in few daies to ceme preuent all swetenes of medicinable electuaries. Now good Lady, if by this litle yow can iudge the whole, cut of the course of my sequele proces, with present accomplishment of my briefe demaund. The Cat would licke milke, but she will not wette her féete, and I would faine haue, but I dare not craue all.
I feare I knowe not what, yet ascertaine mee of my doubt.
I néede not at all, thy Deitye hath presaged what it is, and must amende it with thy pardon, if oughte bee amisse. If I should tell thée all my tormentes, which alas I cannot, and thou beleue them, which I feare thou wilt not, thou mightest vaunte that thou haddest the truest Seruaunte in the earthe, and I not doubte but obteine the beste Mistris in the worlde.
Iupiter foreshield these dreaded mischiefes.
It is is not Iupiter, but Venus, that hath hurte me, and must helpe me.
With that Castibula looking wistly vpon him, in furious rage [...]lange hastilye from him. Telamon mistrustinge noe lesse at the firste, and trustinge yet to conclude this wooful [Page 101] Epitasis with a ioyfull Catastrophe, grasped her in the middes wt bothe his armes, appaulde at her displeasure, and scarse able to speake, till comd to himselfe, O Lady (quoth he) what mean you to shun me, more like the franticke foe, whom fell Erichtho hath in chase with manie her twifold turninges, then one more beloued of him you haue in presence, then euer. Andromache was of Hector? The Law forbids to doe a man to die before his cause bee heard. Firste lette mee pleade at the barre of your beautie, and then lette your wil pronounce his Iudgement. Doome after death is rigour without reason. O that you had Cassandraes gift, to deserye all secrets of the hart.
A Rat is soone iudged by her ranck smel, & Hiena bewraied by her counter fayt call.
Bulls bloud of it selfe is contagious and pestilente, but in composition mixte with Eolewortes, is solatarye against an opilation. My bare suile of it selfe bluntlye weighed, semes to auerre against all honestie, but conioyned with the circumstances of my longe smothered loue, and the perill of vtter perishing but ye giue me gale deliuery, it may bee a warning to you to salute yt with a welcome, and not to debarre his reasons of right.
I haue receyued enterteinment at my Lorde your husbandes handes, farre better then by seruice I could demerit, for ye which I denie not mee more indebted, then if it had bene lesse I canne euer discharge. And so receiued Paris of prince Menelaus, when he committed the rape of Helen, I am thancklesse to my Lorde, bycause I am thrall to my Lady, and for that which I owe to his manifold good turnes, my libertie is impaund and imprisond to yow. Thinke not me graceles for laying siege to that fortresse which neuer anye before me durst attempte: but thinke me more feruent then other your vassals, which see your beauty peerlesse, & your vertue inuincible. Dan Phoebus angrye that you excelled him in beautie, could no otherwise haue pretexte to minister his malice, but by casting his beames into your radiant eyes, to dazell the lookes of all the beholders: And this is the cause, that all that vewe thée wishe as I doe, but not able to abyde thy glittering glaunce, close vp their eies for feare of blinding, and geue [Page 102] ouer their desires ouercome with necessitie.
Nowe square my loue with a directe line, whiche with no canuassado wil take ye repulse. It is natures instigation, to make choyce of that, to whome wee are dearest and beste beloued, then giue me (O Lady) O giue me my iustice. And here he pausinge, either in meditation what to say more, or expectation of her pleasure, Castibula aunswered.
Thou lookest I should thank the for thy lawlesse loue, & I looke thou shouldest abate it bycause I am thanckles. Thisbe a Graeciā mayde, beloued of Thermutes an Aegiptian Thiefe, wrote in a letter to a frend of hers, that she had rather be hated of the ciuill Graecian, then he beloued of the rude Barbarian: and without offence be it it spoken (but vnder no correction) I had rather wish the my capitall foeman, then after this sort to haue the my frend.
It fareth not with women, as with Trophonius his den, into which whosoeuer entred, was without respect of persons, rapte with a fury of diuinatiō: but whosoeuer shall like a womā must not be rewarded with a guerdon of ye like. Dost not thou know, that pease sowen in colde grounde turne to tares? That whea [...]e sowen in stony ground turnes to darnell? That there is a kind of Rye, which being caried into Fraunce, chaungeth his graine? Let either the beastlines of the cause, or the frendship of my hushande, or the honeste affection I haue alwayes borne thée, bee a Supersedias to stay thy suite. Goe not about to gette that with thy toyle, which yu canst not but forgo with shamfull foyle. Thou doest not onelye offende in a monstruous crime, but deseruest a a greuous penaltie for excusing thy crime.
Thy suite a Gods name, spiced with the gleames of of thy stailes loue muste mitigate ye odiousnes of thy request. Nay Telamō, the riuer Hypenis descending downe from Scithia, is a water wholesome & sauourie, the whiche after the entraunce of a little salt springe, waxeth so salt and brackishe, that none can drinke of it. Much vertue is blemished with a small spot of vice I haue read in Vitrunius of the riuer Chimera, whose water in taste is very delectable, but parting into two sundrye troughes & channels, the one continueth swete, the other conuertes into bitternes: [Page 103] no otherwise my husband & I as long as we liue in wedlock bandes, shal haue comfort of our frendes, and credit in our countrie, but if I disseuer this swete societie, he shall kepe his honour directed with honestie, and I kindle reproche detected of disloyaltie.
Indéed Mariners commonly sayle by night when other sléepe, for that the winds that come then from the earth, doe calmly fill their sailes: and thou thinkest perhaps that I haue now opportunitie, when my Lord is secure and vnaduised of my fetch. My Lord & spouse hath the vertue of a Diamond, whiche is of power to trie chastitie. But that shall not néede Telamon, for sooner shal my soule to weightles aire ywaste, and time vntwine his date, & azure heauēs stande still, ere I recule one inch from thee (O dearest Cleocritus) I dare compare with the Ladye Sulpitia, whose husband Lentulus Crustellio being banished into Sicilie of the Romaine Triumueri,, & she kepte diligentlie of her mother that shee should not follow, yet that her faith to her husband might not bee violated, tooke vpon her a seruantes apparell, & with two men & two women stole after him from her mother.
Neuer shall it be said, but there is some Ladye in Italie, which will be as quirie in wedlock rites, as ye insulans of Pteleon, who in this point are accoūted most religious. If I should cōmit this abhominatiō, not to be spoken of, I were more cruel thē ye widowes of Lemnos, which killed all their husbands, & manye degrées worse then ye doughters of Danaus, which al (saue Hipormnestra, that spared Lincius) the first night they lay with their new bride-groomes, be reaued them of life. I rather would to shield mine honour, & preuent his shame, like valiaunt Penthisilia, which with her pollar stifly stood in [...]roies defence, so venter life & limme.
It is neither a showe of greate pleasure (thoughe the sweetest poyson pearce the deepest, and faire wordes can soonest deceiue) nor all the tormentes in the world, no though my soule (as once was Prometheus his) were pinchte and gnawne with Vultures strayned talantes, that can reduce me from my constancie.
And canst thou thinke (Telamon) that Cleocritus woulde not [Page 104] with eger moode exulterate this iniurye, whom thou knowest to loue me more then lightlye Aristomenes deigned to defende his domes of price, whom he in wars had wonne, and rather chose to dye in their defence, then fylthye men shoulde foyle theyr chastytye: then woulde Cleocritus do greater thinges then that for spousall loued wife or doest thou weene hee should not knowe it? yes, yes, send sot: canst thou or anye else ent so neere a morsell from him, and hee not feele it? Eratis a sheepehearde sleapinge on the mountaine amiddes his flocke, was slaine by a a male goate iealous of his mate, withe whiche Eratis moste abhominablye and yet verye closelye had subuerted the Lawes of Nature. It is harde to blynde the eyes of him that loues, who not onelye seethe more then all other men, but also hathe the potence whiche noe other hathe, to see in his steepe and in the absence of his louer.
Restrayne therefore these saluaged cogitations, and sith thou fawnest frendship on my Lorde and husband (and not vnworthylye) showe such fidelylye in thy demeanour, as sometime one Alexander did to his frende: who lyinge in naked be [...] with his frends wife, and by his frends graunt, laide a naked sworde betwyxte them to keepe them asunder.
Thy fayre protestations lye prostrate at my feete, any little preuaile. For I neuer liked an affected finenes in an euill face, nor good wordes in so bad a case.
If then canst bringe vnder thy gaddinge appetits, and submite them to the frendshippe yu owest my husbande, Cariclia was not halfe so glad, that her Theagenes ouercame Ormenes in the race at Pithiaes games, a [...] I will reioyce that my husbandes deserts, haue daunted the force of thy illegitymate desyres, and as the same Cariclia, rather purposed to receiue that which is destinied to deathe, then by hauinge Alcamones deceiue Theagenes, so shall these handes firste pull out this tonge, or a braundishe blade firste pearce this harte, ere I foyle my name with so soule a consente.
The birde Charadrius, if one that hath the kinge euill soe [Page 105] her healeth him that is so diseased, but dieth thereof herselfe: and I by this remedy rescuing thee from sorrow, shal exalperate my bane with ten thousand griefs. If my beauty which yu saist is glorious, brede these bickeringes to my greate annoy (as Dionisius and Milesius men famous in the liberall artes, bycause manye prouoked by great report frequented their scholes to learne, for enuie were banished by the Emperour, when he had no occasion to kill them) then do I wishe that either my beautye had beene lesse and my fortune more, or else that my fortune be agreable to my beauty. It was death among the Delphians to steale away a maide, O then what death deseruest thou, so disloyall a wife?
Refraine my company for the time, for it may be that often presence setts a fether to the flight of thy affection, or marrye some gentlewoman conuenient to thy callinge, for so thou shalt not maculate the heroicall vertue continency, and maiste by the suauitie of her societie, forget other formes that are not for you, or if both these mislike your humour, carrie the dust about thee, wherein a male sweating hath wallowed, or annoint thy selfe with the stale of a mule, and this thy loue will turne to hate. Follow any of these prescripts aboue pres [...]ed, and if thou diest for loue, though I could not loue thee whē thou wast aliue, I will honour thee being dead, Neaptolemus slaine at Delphos by Orestes Agamemnons sonne at the altars side, was in adoration of his vertue, and worthy recompence of vnseasonable death, euery fourth yeare in the same cittie duely honoured with a deuout sacrifice. But if thou chaunce to dye at this present, I will not sacrifice to thy soule (which is superstition) but I will praise thy loyalty that loued so well, and curse my hard hap that mought not requit it, and so waile thy obit with dolefull teares and himnes, that if sorrowes can do thee honour, thou shalt pass Neoptolemus.
I humblye thancke your ladyship for your honorable curtosie: I am almost as much behoulding to you, as Boristines Adrians horse was to his maister: for this horse being verye ready foe hunting, that he would staye and make ready as dothe a man, when he vnderstoode the chase coming, and therewithall [Page 106] runing very surely downe the hill, and verye swiftlye vp the hill, Adrian loued him so well that when he was dead, he not onely caused him to be buried with solemnizing his obseq [...]ies with great pomp, but commaunded arich sepulture of marble to be erected for him. Nay madam, better a [...] dogge, then a dead Lion. If in my life I obtaine no remorse my pleasure wilbe little after my death. O madam your counsaile is not currant, you giue me the deuill to drinke, and bids me beware poison, firste kills me, and then bids me fly death. Deny not your abilitye to the indigent and needye, Cannot she that kills willingly saue if she will? yes sure you can as quicke and good; and wilfull will is eke to quicke, to shed my gi [...]les bloude.
But I must lige depriued of you and then go seeke for other booties. No sure, hereof be sure, my life were so vn [...]ure, & though I liue, yet so to liue, were better death endure. When I behould this corps of yours, and your celestiall feature, the windowes of mine eies are glazed with such delight, as ech new face semes full of faults that blazeth in my vewe. Our stately dames in [...]ourt, then years do weare about their neckes, to beautifie themselues: but you whom I dostrue, your pearls do weare closed in your mouth, and smiling showe the same. O Lord what foultringe of my tonge I feele, what sodeine vulnes of my wi [...]t when I begin thy praises. I know the cause. Dame Pallas enuious at thy fame, and full of angrie garboile, hath well forecaste to dash deuice as oft as I indite it. I cannot greatly blame her. for if my Ladies gifts were knowne, Pallas should loose her praise of price.
Were not I than more foolish to abandon thy companye, then the priest Calasiris, which being in loue with Rhodopis, forsooke his countrie gods, his countrie soyle; and frendes; and lands, and all, to auoid the concupiscence that might grow other presence.
A Beare blinded becometh fearrer, and I not seeing thee should waxe more eger. These thy medicines therefore, are as much to the purpose, as that good wiues; who hauing learned of the phisition that her husband must get anappetyte, got him [Page 107] straightwaye an ape and tied it to his bed, thinking that would heale him, or hers who beinge taught to giue her fraude bugloss, gaue him blew glasse that killed him.
If thy husband loued thee not (the contrarye whereof I knowe) this were a reuenge, and if he loue thee, the facte shalbe pardoned. Tertia Aemilia perceiuing her husbande Scipio African to loue one of her handmaides, dissembled the matter, and would not see it, for that shee would not seme to blame her lord of incontinencie▪ yea after her husbands decease, she made her free, and married her to one of her freemen: and thy Lords being of as good a nature, why should he not vse thee same manner? Sweete than, put pleading out of place, and in his roome enstall sweete peace.
Yet if I must réedifye my sute with newe coi [...]ed soothings, & exemplifie you some by whose imitation you shall not onely be pardoned, but also hent fame by this lite deceite, call to minde the Lady Fiametta, who was so earnestlye courted of a noble man, that shee had no vent to voide his sute, but by the inioyninge of this impossibilitye. If he would exhibit her the sight of a gardeine, odoriferous with the smell of all sorts of freshe fragraunt flowers in the moneth of Ianuarie, shee would yeelde him his borne, and for the gage of it, her faith should be the burrowe. The gentleman forechusing the euent of all hard auentures, before the losse of his Lady (like Dioclesian, which would rather die of poison by his owne hands ministred, then he would liue depriued of his Empire) tooke her offer: for performaunce of which, hauing trauerced many a nation to search cunninge & all in vaine, at last met by chaunce with a sorcerer, to whom deploring with vaporous eyes his burdurus taste, and enfeoffing him in a deed of gift in ye one moity of his landes for some remedye, the sorcerer both promised and in short space performed this execution. Fiametta seing that shee looked not for a gardeine in this season with herbes, flowers, ar bours, and euery thinge agreaunte, neither able by couenaunt to defeate the gentlemā, nor willing by loyalty to defile her husbands bed, tould to her spouse the whole matter. The good man her husband pōderinge [Page 108] the gratefull goodwill of the gentleman, reuoluing eft his endles triuious labours, to which the desire of his Ladye did summon him, bad her with expedition returne to her frende, and paye her promise with supplye of his pleasure.
A kingdome is as proper to an heire apparaunt by succession, as a wife to her husband by espousall promise. Yet the Inhabitaunts in the Isle of Nerae which bordereth on ye riuer Nilus, elect their prince not by regard of parentage, but by a reuerent aspect or representation of personage, and by the opinion of his vertue and valure.
Antiochus the sonne of Kinge Seleucus, fallinge in loue withe Stratonica his fathers wife, and his mother in lawe, and very sicke with concealinge it close to him selfe, had by the pollicie of Eristrates the kinges phisition, his disease bewrayed to his father, the immoderate heate of whose passion Seleucus considering with animaduersion and the daunger immiment to the defeature of his desire, frelye forewent his proper interest, and bestowed his wife vpon his sonne. Then let me atteine thy loue, though I susteine it with sorrow, and depart from it afterward with my annoyaunce.
Whereas thou doest comfort me in mockage, with a promised celebration of magnificall funeralls when I am dead, I sweare, that in lieu of a former beneficence, which I hope for at thy hands, I will not onely publishe thy clemencie whiles I liue, but when thy soule shall leaue thy body as is forefined, thy sepulchre shalbe ingrauen with a more glorious epitaph, thē that kinges, which was writ in foure pillars, placed vpon the mounteine Arcadio in the Ile of Cipres, so much renowned of M. Aurelius and of him recited. But if my sighes, and sobs, and throws be sowen in vaine, O then Castibula, without Castibula, that of Castibula houldest nothinge but the outward shape, with a conscience more cruell then Gracchus Valerius his, who for his crueltye was in hatred with all the Romiane empire.
As of serpents teeth, which Iason flunge into the grounde, there sprunge a troupe of sterne souldiours with sword & shield, till time ye earthly brothers twixt themselues to ciuil cōbat fell, [Page 109] and fought yf [...]re a grislye fighte: soe of euerye denyall that you denounce▪ shall a myllyon of cares arise within my breste, that shall neuer cease to worke ciuill warrs twixt my soule and body, till time w [...]th fearce combat the one be dispatched.
Stay nymph, and flye me not. The lambes so flye the wolues, ye Staggs the Lyons so, the doues so from the goshauks flye, and euery creature from his foe.
Its somewhat from the fraughted boughes to plucke the fruite at full, and somewhat from the tender stalke in prime to take the primrose, I am both yong and youthfull yet, vnspotted of beds pleasure, and would to you, O goddesse you, giue vp my firste fruit offeringes.
The agony of my passions are like the biting of a madde do [...]ge, whose rancklinge rage endurethe euen vnto deathe, O Ladye showe thy mercye. One snare maye easelye take two byrds, and one Goddesse vsuallye heareth two mens praiers, sweete Lady showe thy mercy. shee that giues quickly, doubles the gift, giue me quicklye, or else I dye presentlye, good Ladye for thy mercye.
dye Telamon? I praye you of what coulour shall your clothe be died? truste me, if you dye any thinge, I thinke it will be a cote of chaungeable coulor, which I wishe as hartilye as mine owne welfare, and will thanke you for it as for a benefite.
I speake flatlye that thou maist knowe my minde, that thou neither linger in an endeles hope, nor I deceiue thee with painted words. It was enacted by the Lawes and statuts of Rhodes, that none should giue counsaile to destr [...]ssed wights, nor seeme to tender their miserye with piteous words, vnlesse they had some remedies to asswage their calamities, and plaister the misfortunes that deared the patients. Therefore synce my former aduice coulde not worke withe you, I cannot geue you any more consolation, but leaue you where I founde you, to the Gods their compassion. I will not double withe you in driuinge you of withe faire language, when my meaninge is nothinge more then to disappoynte my appoyntment, and so Imitate the waterman, whiche lookethe one waye, and roweth [Page 110] another.
Meruaile not Telamon, that my curtesse propice euer at your praiers, is nowe founde refractarye in rigour, and vnloked for of you. Lucius Clarus consull beinge sente by the senate to the Oracle of Apollo, to demaunde what the Romaines shoulde doe, beseiged of the Frenchmen, withe manye teares and greate offeringes kneelinge fortye dayes vppon his bare knees could get no aunswere of the God. The cause was, as Apollo afterward tould ye Romaine priests, which came of ye same message, that Lucius Clarus was an euill man, and besieched a greate demaunde.
Certes though it be meete that brute beasts be chastised by other brute beasts, and the bitinge of a scorpion with the liuer of a scorpion, and hainous faults with smarting corrections: yet I wil not punish you wt open penaltie, neither publish your secret crimes, if you will bridle your brainsicke iade withe an hartye paenitet.
Greate and abstruce is the misterie of chastity, which who soe violates, deserueth no lesse torment in euery member, then the whole body is able to tollerate.
When a certaine ship, wherein was the diesse Berecyntthia mother of the Gods, arriued at the port of Hosty, it ran vpon the sand, from whence by the space of four dayes, xxx.M. men were not able to remoue it By chaunce came thither one of the virgins vestals named Rhea, who with her girdle tied to the shipp, drew it to the land as easelye as she would haue drawen a thred from the distaffe: so although my beauty, as you tearme it, bee strong to deteine you in your doting moode, yet let the goodnes of my vertuous chastity, withdraw you from your naughtines to a loue of mine honesty
You saye that one snare maye take two birds, and I resaye, that one garment is not meete for many, neither shall one Castibula fit diuers mens lusts.
It were more brutishnes in thee to defloure thy frendes wife, then Clodius his incest was abhomination, which discheueled his owne sister: and as mad an excuse for me to say I made the partner of my priuities, bycause I loued thee, as Ca [...]us Blessius [Page 111] his was, which hauing conspired with Tiberius Gracchus to subuert the common wealth, asked forgiuenes of Lenates and Rutilius the consuls, and Ladius which thē sat in counsaile with them, bycause he made such acount of Tiberius Gracchus, that whatsoeuer he willed him do, he must needs do it, yea though it were to burne ye Capitol. And good cause hath my husbād, which now vseth me as a Lady like the ould Romaines, then to houlde me as a slaue as the Barbariens do their wines.
An husband is to his wife like a spider in the middes of her web. For if any part of the saide copweb be but touched with the poynt of a nedle, foorthwith the spider feeleth it: And if the wiues honesty bee neuer so litle cracked, she shal inggle closelye but he will perceiue it.
Trachinus a merchaunt hauing robbed the Phoenicians of their merchaundise, comming ashore, commaunded his men to buye whole dearies of kine, whole heardes of oxen, and swine, and sheepe, to do sacrifice, and make good cheare, and pay for thē whatsoeuer was asked at the first worde: so it is an easie matter, but most wicked, to bee liberall of that whiche is not mine owne but my husbands.
(Telamon) it befits not a gentleman to bath himselfe in these brothell conceites. One of the Marranes of Italy (for soe were their kings called) for shuttinge vp his gates by night, that he mighte sleepe surelye and take delight withe his concubine, was depriued of his realme. Neroes scholemaister would often saye: though I knewe that Gods would pardon mee, and men knew no misse of me, yet for the villanye of the flesh, I woulde not sinne in the flesh.
There was a law of the Romaines, that nothing should be denied to women with childe of that they asked: and neuer anye woman longed more for that she saw, then I long for reformation in these thy most horrible detestations.
Therefore good Telamon, let reason be intercessor to freewil, to depose these inexpiable perturbations. I cannot declare yt I fele, neither yu fele that I will declare. I am more tormented inwardly at thy sodeine assaults, then those poore creatures were outwardly, which the cruell Alexander Fereas buried quicke, & fastned together face to face: or those among ye Scithians which [Page 112] for any great faulte had the Statute extended vpon them, which commaunded them to bee put in the bellies of Horses or Oxen sowen vp againe, & there rot till they were dead for those which came vnder the rodde of the Tyrant Maxentius, of whom Virgil entreateth.
Faustine the wife of Aurelius louinge a Fencer, coulde not bee brought to hate him by any Apothecaries drugges, till one deuised the Fencer should be closly slaine she not witting, & his bloud giuen her warme to drinke as a potion, which indéed immediatly made her loth him: so if nothing can mitigate your affectiō but my vtter confusion, I rather yéelde to dye, and geue yow a confection of my bloud, then so oppositelye to my foreled life, degenerate from honestie, and derogate from myne honour.
Seneca his wife prosecuted her Husbande with so deare loue, yt after Seneca was slaine, shee did not onelye offer to kill her selfe for his sake, if she had not bene staied, but also after the same mā ner that he was slaine. And let this hastie warninge wreste shee from thy suite, yt I would not onely bee as desperate, if any mischaunce should befall my husband, but if it mighte pleasure him, incurre the like at his commaund therefore desiste.
As it is death to women, to be denied of that they demaund: so is it naturall to them, to dispise the thing is giuen thē vnasked.
Iulius Caesar the Emperour was blamed, bycause (as ye cust [...]m was) he rise not vp curteously to the Senate, that saluted him on their knees. And I might impute it to thée for discurtesy, that thou guerdonest not my kindnes with equiualente clemencie. Yet that yow maye knowe, it is not your beautie alone hath bleared mine eies, but your vertues rather, that haue subdued my affection, and that it may be proofe howe well I loue yow, I promisse neuer hereafter to sollicite this suite, but moderate my selfe according to your mind.
This contented Castibula well, who after this vsed his company many a time, & neuer heard word of former toies.
But wicked Telamon went an other way to work. For wheras he saw Castibula vse him more familiarly thē all other mē, & himselfe [Page 113] in despaire to atchieue his wi h, he after some inter [...]ission of time, indented with 2. cut throat v [...]cabonds for a 1000 crownes, to w [...]ite one night for Cleocritus in 1 litle groue, where hee vsed to walke after supper in summer eueninges, and there slay him, and that they mighte knowe when he was alone, he would giue them inckling of it. All these contriuementes were accomplished out of hande, Cleocritus slaine, the murtherers fled, & neuer heard on, neither who, nor wher they were: great search was made, and Telamon moste busye amonge the reste to examine before the Iustices suspected persons, and those who had bene at any oddes with Cleocritus.
But woe begone Castibula misdéemed the worste, and gessed a troth, that selfe Telamon was accersary to his death. But waiting for a time of reuenge saide litle, onely closetting her selfe in her bed-chamber, vexed her mind & body with x. thowsand cares, and in her racking tormentes sc [...]itche [...] out these woordes.
O day which ay shall me annoy Castibula, alas Castibula, now straine thy howling Him [...]es, let grief be-wraied by grisly laies, surmounting seais [...] Alcyones, and passing Pandions foules, Not Tellus fretting at the Gods to their despite and to our paine, vphurld more v [...]ly monstruous féend (whom syphon men ar wont to call, whose bloudy pawes purgd Citties boundes, and skowring scourged poore sackeles Soules) then is this No man Telamon.
O Father of Heauen, why dost thou throw thy ratling boults in vaine vpon the whistlinge woodds, and wilte not deigne to spend one Brande on this pernitious freake, to wreake thy gawly ire?
My plighte more piteous is, then was Octauiaes earst, whose Sire was slaine, & Mother bere [...]te of breathinge life, of Brother eke depriued was she by Treason not by guilt. And more vnluckye is Castibula, then was vnfortunate Deianira, whose Father was at last decay, Tydeus her brother a poore exiled Squire, Hercules her husband killed by the shirt that Nessus gaue her to make him loue her (as he saide) and Hil her prety boy lefte a poore Orphan.
[Page 114]When slumber sweete in pensiue partes doth reigne, & sleepe in eyes all tired wt teares doth rest, I apprehēd Cleocritus genial face: me thinkes these armes they claspe their wonted phere, me thinkes his foming foes pursue his flighte, and then me thinkes he doth recoyle a backe; and fenceth blasing brondes with naked fistes. O state wherein I stand, O present pining paine. O death, no death, but euer dying griefe. With ease Electra I repeate thy case, whose father slaine, thy brother yet might venge: but nothinge canne reuenge this haggishe deuelishe facte.
But be sure (Cleocritus) that if Portia, Cato his doughter, and Brutus his wife, hir husband being slaine among the Phillipians, when she could not get a knife to kill her selfe, eate hot coales to reaue her of her life: If Turia the wife of Quintus Lucretius put her selfe in deathes hazard for her husbandes sake: that thy Castibula will not bee saide lagge in as bolde attemptes.
These matters a litle ouerblowen, Telamon began to comfort [...] her, and tell great tokens of his good will, and though vnworthy of such successe, yet did he craue Cleocritus his succession: Castibula was very tractable, and consented to contract her selfe, thinking this a trick time to worke her téene.
When the matrimoniall rites were pompously consummated in the open congregation, Castibula (as the Brides are woont) drunke to her husbande, which drinke shee had prouided for the nouce, and brued it of deadlye poyson: both of them hauing drunken, in Propatulo she vnfolded the primordies of his adulterous sollicitinges, assuring them and her self, that the dart that thirld her husband came from his deuice, and this was all the amerciment she could exact. The Lawe of Talio is a good Lawe quoth she) and therefore none can attach me of crueltie. What musings and mazinges there were in the Church, what teares and outcryes, cursing Telamon, and playning Cleocritus & Castibula, I will not recite.
Telamon with heauie cheare repayred home, and immediatly dyed. Castibula returned home, cast her selfe vpon her bed, and [Page 115] calling for the remnaunt of her children, Philotimus and Fuluia, bespake.
Come litle Orphans, and take your last congè of your lost mother. You are a small mease left for so great a familie, & therefore my hope is, that I néede not doubt of your good demeanour after my departure. If yow can agrée about the participation of your goods, and lette your goodwill be interchaungeable, it will bee a blisse to your other banes, but if yow disagre and serue strife, your famelie will be ruinated, your substance dissipated, & yow confounded.
Sevlurus Cheronens [...]s bed-rid, and re [...]y to appeare at the Tribunall of death, hauing liued the reuolution of manye a winter, called his Sonnes, (which were 80 in number, and had euerye one take an arrow & breake it: when they had done, he bad euery one of them take a sheafe of arrowes and breake them, whiche they coulde not doe: Thus yow see (quoth hee) that the coniunction of manye in an vniforme vnitie, cannot with ease bee crushed and suffer wrecke, but euerye one singled by himselfe is easely dissolued. The three Horatij marshalling together in the combat, queld their coūtermarching enemies, but seperated and disioyned, were all one after an other slaine by one of the Curiatii: therefore peace which is the preseruation of all cominalties, and my motherly blessing be with yow both. Lette the ill luck of your parentes, be a patterne to your good life.
Ah Fuluia (for I seau [...] Philotimus to his owne discretion, being a man, and Gods good direction, who I trust will man him) be curteous to all with modestie, and coy of your honestie, but not with disdaine. For many men thinke yow loue them, if yow looke but faire on them, & Pride said olde Briana is the sauce of a foole.
Your father in his life time did not meanely prouide for your marriage, who espoused you here to your frend Aemilius, therefore thanke God of his mercie, obey your husband as your Lord, and onely loue him without countinaunce to other. If any man shall molest you with suche temptations, as latelye the cursed Telamon meant to anticipate mine honour withall, cut him of [Page 116] quickly. For a small disease delayed becommeth desperate, A litle sparke spreading burnes a whole Cittie, and where delay is the trée, daunger is the fruite.
Thus imbracing them both, and kissinge them a 1000. times, and still blubbering on Philotimus his cheekes, with whome shee could not find in her hart to parte, and taking a short farewell of all her other frendes that stoode by, and commending Fuluia to Aemilius, and Philotimus to the counsaile of his Tutor, meaning to make amendes to God with penitencie, for her twifolde murther committed on her selfe and Telamon, praied as followeth.
O Mightie God, most great, most good, that wreakes thy wrath on them that breake thy vowes, forgiue my sinnes. O youre thy precious oyle into my wounded harte, and let the droppes of mercy swage the rigour of my smarte. Thy blessed will I haue despisd, thy lore forlorne, my crooked wil I haue disposed, thy statutes to repeale. But nowe my Lord, my loadstarre bright, my former deedes doe dule my hart, & sorrow doth her selfe submit, to take death for her dowrie: yet not that lasting death (O Lorde) O God preuent that preiudice, though merite say Amen to Hell, yet let thy mercie deigne mee heauen. The humble harte hath daunted the proude mind, eke wisdome hath giuen ignoraunce a fall, and triall hath taught ye follie could not finde, and penitence hath crueltie her subiacent thrall. Thou that didst graunt ye wise king his request, thou that in Sea thy people didst preserue, thou that forgauest the wounding of thy brest, thou that didst saue the Thiefe in state to sterue, wipe out of mind my faultes, and this newe moody facte, and since with faith I flie to thée, and hope by faith to attaine desire, let praiers appease thy righteous ire, and me enioy thy heauenly throne.
Oh God thy name be praised, deare sire I feele thy ghostly cō forte, continue it till I be dead. O Death where is thy stinge? Hell where is thy victorie? My God will not forsake me. O Sauiour blesse my siely babes, and cheare them with thy grace, and sanctifie their hartes, that they may glorifie thy hestes. I die, I die, swete Lord receiue my soule when I am dead.
[Page]Herewithall she yelded breath. Great mourninges were excited in euery corner, and wofull Philotimus swounding thrée or foure times, could scarcely be relieued with life, who in time recouered a litle, compiled these herbycall verses, to bewaile his owne and his sisters piteous plight now left desolate.
Castibula buried, and Philotimus and Fuluia hauing compounded for the diuision of their substaunce, Fuluia was married to Aemilius, and Philotimus hauking after honour, and desirous to liue with Aurelia, who was nowe a maide of honour to the Duchesse of Venice, would mauger the counsaile of Senior Mondaldo, and all his other frendes, in all hast post it to Venice, & there liue a Courtier. And when his former flagge of defiaunce to Venus was obiected to him, hee alleadged the good Emperour Traians example, who studying most painfullye till hee was sixtene yeares of age, then gaue his Booke leaue to lye shutte, and practised himselfe in other excercises: much more lawfully (saide he) may I bee dismissed, who am now full twentie yeares old, or very nere.
He was no sooner arriued at Venice, but he sente for Aurelia, who accompanied with other Gentlewomen, came to him without hunching: at the first meting their sodaine ioy stopped the cō duits of their spéech, but at length Aurelia saluted her swete hart. O frende, O swete and my desired frend, these eies they sée, these handes of mine thée touch, yet scarcely can this mind beleue the same, and scarcely can this brused breste susteine the ioy that is inclosed therein. O gladsome glasse wherein I see my self. Philotimus was earneste with them to take a small pittaunce with him at Supper: Aurelia & the company would nedes comstreyne [Page 118] him to take the paines with them. I will not be daintie (quoth Philotimus) suche Guests as I be plentie, but easely condiscend.
The Supper they passed with merrie glée, and ioined Mercury to Bacchus, yt is, good cōmunication with good cheare, on euery side.
And bycause Philotimus was now to be initiated in the Court, mistris Valeria one of the companye and an auncient seruitour, prefined these preceptes.
Let your apparrell abroad bee robes, though your homelye attire be ragges, be curteous with your hat, though you be currish in your hart, and if the line of your liuing will not reach out, either improue your Landes, and racke your rentes, or court some Lady and coossen her of coine, or flatter your Prince & purloine some good office.
Philotimus aunswered: I wish to clime withouten crime, or not at all: I will not wringe out welth from others, to bringe about mine owne toy will. But you vse me as Clitomachus vsed his Spaniel, who would cast him carrion, to trie his clearnes, as yow geue such counsaile to knowe my honestie.
I had forgot to tell you what graund gretinges were betwixte Parmenio and Antigone, but as I remember these were Antigone her woordes. Old acquaintaunce and new remembrance, welcome to ye Towne with a very vengeaunce.
O Antigone, I can tell you a tale in your eares, will doe you good in your bellie.
Yow Sir? What occupation are you of?
A Brewer, if you will lende mee your fatte: and thus they two varnished their their olde vaine, meaninge neuer to leaue it, while their tongues were sharp inough, and their backs broad inough, to cut with their floutes, and beare eche others frumpes.
Philotimus séemed newlye enchaunted with Aurelia, neyther without good show of reasō. For what colour appeareth by Phaeb his broken beames directly shining vpon the cloudes, or marke ye colour of the morning cloudes before the Sunne doth showe, or [Page 119] or as the cluster & ere the grapes be ripe, with orient purple red are striped here and there such sanguine glowed in her face. In my mind (quoth Philotimus) Grea the chamberer of Helen, was not so happie as thy maid Antigone, that may enioy thy companye.
And at his depature, he brake out into this exclamation. With thée is Phaeb in loue more then he was with the nimphe Leucothoe, on thée alone he fastneth those eies, that hee oweth all the world, sometime more rath he riseth in the East, sometimes hee makes it late before hee goe to reste, and for desire to looke on thée, he doth prolonge the Sommer daies. His lighte sometime doth faile amonge, the fancie of his faultie minde infectes his feble sighte, and makes mens hartes afraid by daunting of his shining.
Parmenio his tongue was very fine and voluble to run ouer his masters whole life this time of vacation from his mistris, wherein he showed her that she onelie had the regally & preheminence of his hart to queme at her pleasure.
Trulie I thanke you alwaies (said Philotimus to him) for your good remembraunce. I thinke thou kepest a notarie of my doinges. Trust me quoth Parmenio, it is smal reason you should kepe a dog, and barke your selfe.
As they were wending to their lodging, Philotimus doting on his mistris, what saist thou, said he, Parmenio, to my choise of Venus? It is not that beggerlie whorish Venus, whom Iupiter begot on Dion, but Venus whose maiestie is engrossed among the gods (as Plato deuides them in his Symposion) O Parmenio, if thou diddest sée with mine eies, and couldest discerne with my iudgement, the inestimable vertues of Aurelia: then seinge wouldest iudge Aurelia to bee pearelesse, and iudging wouldst honour her as thy princesse.
By my troth quoth Parmenio, if I had no better capacitie to conceiue then you, I would cut of my head, and goe a vowing wt my shoulders. Well said Philotimus, it is like to bee a fruitfull yeare when boies be so saucie
Philotimus was in great fauour with Aurelia for the time, & as francke he was as the Princes sonne of Athens, who woulde [Page 120] not enclose his granges, that the fruites thereof mighte lie common to the gathering of the poore, and would neuer walke without a masse of money, to giue to the lame & impotent in ye stretes, and kepte an ordinary table for all suche as had no sustenaunce. But two contrary planets can neuer abide iointly in one house, nor prosperitie and prodigalitie long agrée.
In briefe, aspiring Philotimus sparing no horseflesh, had néede for his spéed, and a gulfe for his port. Neither had he landed wher he leueled, neither could he launch towardes his hauen, when his Argent by a straung kind of Alcumisticall art, was countercoyned to open beggerie, and Dauie debte stoode watching with a mace at the doore, ready to arrest him without bale or mainprise of any frend in the world.
One Cornelius a stale hacking Courtier, who had long fed his fancie on Aureliaes well thewed shape, but hitherto had bare cō mons, for that Philotimus had wiped all the fat from his bearde, gubd Aurelia with golde to make his fare better, and backt Philotimus with rebukes, to ioynt him of his iointer.
Now did Aurelia flie and follow both at once, as euerie waue driues other forth, and it which commeth behinde, both thrusteth and is thrust it selfe: so shee beloued of Philotimus avoideth his demerites, and louing Cornelius pursued his possessions.
Philotimus winding Aurelia to haue munched on this carri [...], & mouze no more on his poore meat, trotted to her lodging once or twise, where she would not be sene, flying the lighte bycause shee had done euill, whereupon he wrote this letter following.
Philotimus to his dearest Aurelia.
WOe worth ye man whose welth consists in wishing, curst be ye wretch who knowes not what to wish him: the one wasts his wind, & rowls a restles stone, ye other spēds his [Page 122] sprites, and quencheth thirst with teares. But if my chaunce be both, as both God knowes it is, then let all mortall wightes resigne to mee their sighes, and damned soules in Hell, reioice to haue scapt my snares. And why I doe complaine, giue eare, & say your mind. I beard of late a tale, too late, and yet too soone, of falshooode in Aurelia, and Treason to Philotimus. Wherein I quickly wished, & yet I knew not which to wish, that ye broker of it had either bene dum, or I the hearer had haply bene deafe.
Is it true Aurelia, that you are reuolted, whose constancie hitherto Brute it selfe hath blushed to blame? Or is it false Aurelia, you haue reuersed your iudgement, to deface flying Fame wt your stedfast faith? The fame is spred, that yow are sped, and chaungd your pasture for better commons: my mistrust is groū ded vpon loue, and may be coniectured by probable surmises.
It was my wil of late to visit thy lodging, wher I foūd ye shrine but not my Sainct: the next day after I came againe, & knockt at the gates till my knockolls were sore, but none would open: yet thinking that gaines would recompense paines in time conuenient (not vnlike Baalls priests, that thought to wake ye stock Baal with vncessant crying) no longe space after I came againe, & then my mistris was a sléeping.
If our long acquaintaunce, the triall of my seruice, the oth taken betwene vs to cōfirme our cōtract, cānot moue you, yet my swete Aurelia, let thy plighted faith by chast Diana, thy couenāt sealed in presence of Iuno, thy vengeaunce denounced to ye breakers of faith, euen by thine owne wordes to the greate God Iupiter, defende the from periury, the greatest impietie, that maye be committed
What is the action thou commencest against me, excepte too great loue? Or wherein did I euer offend thy person, excepte with straining my golden string, I haue stretched it so farre till all is broken? My strongest accusation is a brainsicke prodigalitie, my greatest discredit a few foolish debtes: The one too true an Argument of a good mind, the other a common sicknes which in time may be recured.
[Page]My matching with you shall recouer some credit, and your endowment shall stoppe their mouthes. I know how honourablie they thinke of Aurelia, and when I haue something they will graunt me respite, hoping that the interest of my good husbandry in time will be able to disburse their discharge.
The Birde which findes her nest despoiled of her yonge ones, oft lets her food downe fall, much like my selfe, which frustrate of thy presence am much appauld? O Aurelia, if thine eare bee tied to euery lying tongue, which wisdome forbids, or yu shouldst giue mee ouer in the plaine feilde, which thine honour denies, what a blemishe would it bee to the bruite of thy lignage, or to whom mighte I addresse my greuous complaintes, thou attainted of Treason, but I a captiue catiffe. If it bee knowen that I am defrauded of thée by false suborning wretches, & then to haue nothing, euery one will be snatching glad to get any thinge, and so bring me to worse then nought.
If thy welth be great, it is a gifte worthy such a giuer, if it bee litle, it may bee made more with thy sparinge at home, which is rightly called the greatest tribute, and shal be increased with my labour abroad, which shall be so much the more, by howe much ye lesse my substaūce is slender.
For Gods sake Aurelia, pardon my bluntnes in misdoubting thy loyaltie, and blame flying tongues which bréede thy dishonour, and my vnrest, & neuer hereafter let them be of thy court, which are méeter to be counsellours at the market Crosse. Let vs either confer in spéech wherein I will detect the slaunderous reportes that haue gone of thée, or at the worst fall méetinge in minde, send me thine aunswere for a sure testimonie of thy certeintie, which shall bee as welcome to me, as I was bold with you.
Aurelia to Philotimus, that was once her seruaunt, and is she hopes her frend, sendeth greting.
VVOuld destinie yeld to pittie (my good Philotime) or abilitie counteruaile hartles sorrow, thy griefes might bee relieued, which I cannot but lament, our loues mighte continue, which necessitie dissolues. But friezing colde adawes the frying heate, weake croned eld benumms youthes lusty lims. The pereles beautie of None such Niceus in time is inuested in Thirsites deformitie, and euerie thinge is turned by time. Golde wasted, yet what so solid, credit defaced, yet what more glorious, frendship forgotten, yet nothing so firme, thus eueri tide doth eb in time. Then curse we our chaunces, that we cannot cure our losses, time beckes, and fortune bendes, and euerie surfet forerunnes a fast. Fortune hath her fits of frowninges, endure them Philotime, if she bring better, we ar swéetlie deceiued, now force perforce mixeth hony with gall.
As hard it is for faithfull Philotimus, to doubte of sinceritie in Aureliaes loue, as vneasie for me to moderate affection, without vnspeakable tormentes to my loyall breste. Yet muste I turne my Tippet ere I burne my bones, and lacke inlooked for loue to cloy thy gulping gluttonie, ere I cast my selfe away with bootles attempts, & ad heaps of woes to our ioint decay. The vndoubted certificate of thy longe knowen feruencie, doth giue mee a warrantize to tearme thée my frende, and may giue thee a caueat to proue thy selfe trustie, not séekinge thy preseruatiue with poysoning of me.
If I should giue thée my poore portion, too bad to be boughte, & too much to be begd, and solemnize our childish vnaduised cōtract with a sond celebration of weddinge, perchaunce thou haddest a seruaunt to daunce attendaunce (as the Gods had wretched Vulcane to minister at their Table) but the smallnes of your profit which scarse would be any, would quaise the force of pleasure and sauce it with despite.
[Page 124]Nay Philotimus, had Medea suspected that before, whiche too late experience taughte her, that Iasons voiage had bene vndertaken for the lucre of goodes, not the loue of her goodwill, hee had hopte shorter, and shee had sped better, and Euripides had wanted some matter subiect, to vnderproppe his bloudie stile vpon the mounting Stages. Perseus broughte Andromeda from the blacke Indians, I wis with small welth. And what had the Troian for his Graekish rape? I wis for welth both warre and woe. The worst sort of men, saith Terence his Charinus, be those, which get their profit by others disprofit, & gorge their extorcion by poore mens windefalls. Scylla and Caesar both are noted for Landpyrates, for robbinge Peter to paye Paule, filchinge from others to féede their frends, a verie part of the essence of coosining prodigalitie.
Didst thou neuer read the properties of the pretie Merlin, who holding the Larke all nighte betwene her litle talantes to kepe her warme, assoone as it is morning vnfastens her holde, & lettes her flie, and marking which way she takes her flighte, will not all the day following set winge to that corner? But hast thou not heard of the crooked natured Trochilus, who bréeding in ye mouth of Crocodilus, where hee is nourished, becommeth afterward as they say, the Crocodiles Phisition, I meane Philotimus, vtterlie kills him. The former of these doe all men commend, but the latter they most abhominablie detest.
Alas Philotimus, by what reason should thy eating of grapes, set my téeth on edge, or when thou hast spent thine owne stocke, seeke a new bootie with praing on mine?
The gleade and the Doue doe not match together, the Lion & the Lambe are not coupled together, equalitie must be in marriage, or else it is not conuenable: the yeare is apportioned into euen parcells, Iustice her ballaunce is of equall peize, & the heauens are moued with an vniforme equalitie, ye ship doth whelm or sinke if either side be ouerweied, the right Democritia hath no difference of persons, & the vertuous mean is equally placed betwixt both extreames. Thē Philotimus, since thou art a Gentleman by stile, but a begger by misfortune, & I a poore Gentlewomā yet of sōe liuing, accuse me not of periury, wherin I am sackles, [Page 125] but blame thy mishap, whereof thou art causer.
I pray you be contente to foster your Cuckoes birdes at home, and carrie them not as the Cuckoes vse, to an other birdes nest, to bring forth. Content your self with your owne lot. It is vaine for the Dutchman to wish himselfe an Englishman, or the Thracian an Athenian.
Thou that displeasest thy selfe, how canst thou please me? Indeede Iupiter and Iuno, Venus and Diana, were called to witnes to my oth, and you had both word and oth, and all but hart. Yet the vniuersallest Axiomes haue their cautions, euerie Obligatiō hath his condition, and this I added in mine othe, if you were no chaungling: which condicion being broken, I will not enuie thée as an enemie, yet muste minde as I finde without any faining.
Iuno I hope will dispence with mine oth of loue: for she was euer an enemie to Venus.
Venus I doubt not, will be entreated to forgoe the company of sorie wowers, for shee is painted of the Poets euer laughing, as one that loues no mourning.
Diana I dare say, will not be angrie for forsaking sorrow, for she doth nothing but hunt and sport, and in her meriments falls in loue with Endymion.
Iupiter I am sure, will not thinke that I haue offended, for Homer calls him Anculopetis, for speaking one thing, and thinking an other.
Not much vnlike a childe that hauing hurt himselfe with falling, must haue an other bett that neuer came nere him: so yow by your reckles merit losing my loue, accuse an other of falshood in fellowship, you neither know whom, nor wherefore. This is worse then war knaue quoth Tomkins to his shadow: for he seing his shadowe in the nighte, tooke it for one that came to spoile him, to whom, knauing it, and slauing it, hee gaue many a good bang: but you not yet hauing learned the first point of hauking to holde faste, bitterlie raile you know not on whom, & shall haue amendes I cannot tell when.
You bring store of reasons to inueigle me with subtelty, whereof I will not denie the effectuall force, but opposing to them my [Page 126] continencie, I will crosse me from suche blessinges. For as he is more continent, that amid the daintiest banquet can vse his abstinence, then he that refraines bicause he wantes: so if I can shun thy seducing reasons, I shall thinke my selfe more temperate, thē if thou haddest showen no reason at all, and I forborne thy companie. For euerie of thy reasons I haue an hundred affections. Therefore desiste Philotimus, and spurne no more againste the pricke.
Orion for offring to defloure Phaebe was slaine by a scorpion. Thou art as insatiable in thy kind, as Arist. philoxenus, yt wished himselfe a necke as long as a Crane, to haue his meat long a swallowing.
He that hath serued ten yeares in warre, by the law of Armes may be priuildged from all seruice. And since thou hast plaid the amorous knight so long and so truly, I am now contente to giue thée a discharge.
An Italian Soldiour in Charles the fift his campe, hauing past many offices of credit in Armes, was challenged of a yong Gentleman, a nouice, scarse of two yeares practise, to whom he made this awnswere. When thou haste trod the impression of euerie my steppes, and stied to the seate of my dignitie, and hast combatted with all my perills, I will méete thée in the feilds, otherwise I will not so much embase my selfe, which is as if a Nobleman should fight wt a ruffiā: so Philotimus, when thou hast redeemed thy morgaged landes, and for thy liuing maiest say to me, well ouertaken, I will matche with thée, and not before.
Yet trust me Philotimus, faine would I helpe, but alas I may not. Thy incrementes wilbe my detriments, and thy consumption now is almost past remedie. Cynthia could not call her son Hyppolitus out of Hell, nor Theseus his frende Perithous, nor Aurelia heale her cureles frend. I haue not Venus her skill, that made Phaon of an old man a yongman, nor thou art not a Bacchus to bee twise borne, once of his mother, and once of Iupiters thygh.
If I might haue Alcests lucke, that dying for her husband Admetus was restored to life by Proserpina, I would shewe thée fauour for so litle harme. Yet my good Philotimus, caskes will euer [Page 127] tast of their first licour, and I shal neuer forget our old frendship. And therefore as Antoninus pius when hee coulde not helpe the poore widowes sonne that was condemned to die, wept with her to beare some of her griefe: so though I can doe thée no such good as thou lookest for, I cannot but iointly waile thy woes.
As the fire, the more it is blowen the brighter it flames: so he with disperpled locks, and haire discheueled about his shoulders, set fire to his desire, with an vncessant meditation on his almost irrecuperable mistris, wherewith he aunswered as followeth.
Philotimus sendeth health, which he hath not, to Aurelia his mistresse, & wisheth her the mercie she should haue towardes her seruaunt.
THE skilfull that beholde the picture of Aesculapius, commend not the picture, but the painter, we extoll not so much the taste of our meat, as the Cookes cunning that seasoned it, no man estemeth his coine for the stampe, but for ye right mettall when it commeth to the touche: neither doe I Aurelia, like thine aunsweres, but commende thy wit from whence they came.
You say you cannot boote me, yet do stumps of old loue stick in your stomacke. Indéed well I knowe, that an hand chafed with flowers will after smell of them, when they are gone, and that some cycatrice of auncient beneuolence will remaine, when loue it selfe is perisht and maimed. Whereby it will fare with mee, as it did with Democritus, who goinge about for sorrowe of his sisters mishap to famishe himselfē, was relieued thrée daies with the smell of newe breade: Or as with the Philosopher whome [Page 128] Oribazius saith in his time he knewe to liue awhile by the sent of honie: and I shall liue by the shadowe of thine olde loue, the substaunce whereof is as good meate for ghostes, as may be.
O Aurelia, what equitie is this, to inchaunte me with thy Angelicke glaunces, & now to depriue me of thy presence?
I may welll compare thée to the lake of Bytamin, whereof mē that passe that way, dare not venter the vewe, much lesse aproch the smell, except Eunuches that bee gelded, which feare not to beholde, neither are indaungered by the smell: And he that gloates on thée, excepte such as faine would and cannot (as Pythias saith in Terence) may chaunce either wish his eies were out, or that he had fewer stones by one and an other.
For as at the great earthquake in Antioch, there escaped none sauing one woman and a slaue) that was not hurte or deadlye wounded: so there be fewe beholders of you, that lose not their libertie, except it be restored by your liberalitie. But as the piller which Traian the Emperour erected in the place named Datia, of woonderfull height and bredth all of one stone, was more admirable to men, and did more enoble his person, then if he had composed it of diuers stones: so you making and taking me your onelie mate without euer chopping and chaunging to any other, shall perpetuate the peace of your mind, & win commendation of vnstained constancie.
Now to the canuasse of thy letters, whom I surueyed diligentlie without delighte, & will aunswere spedelie without despaire.
Could it not suffice Achilles to slay Hector, but to dragge and hayle his bodie throughe the duste? Was it not sufficiente for Anthony to loppe Tullye by the necke, vnlesse Anthonyes wife did mangle his bodye, and weare his Tongue in her hatte, to worke his greater obloquie? Was it not inough for thée to vntye our true loues knot with the breache of truce, but to kill mee againe with opprobrious wordes, Si modo qui periit, bis periisse potest? Your learninge I knowe more then your honestye, [Page 129] and that makes me speake Lattin to couer your dishonestie.
Is it thine, not thée, thy gaines not goodwill, that I doe wowe? Lie not Aurelia, when thou knowest the truthe. It is a greate shame, and a greater sinne, and almoste coossen to that pleadelesse faulte that cannot be forgiuen, either here or else where. No Aurelia, it is mine hostes not mine Inne yt I am a guest for. It is the flocke not their wooll, for whose cause I so sadlie syt whuppinge all the day vnder a hill. Indéede lucre is a lure to much dissembling. But though I am néedy, yet am I not gréedie, but well sufficed with a small sise of welth, and my minds musick were well in tune, if thou wouldest but adde one string of thy consent. The relation of my miserie to the misterie of your welth, was to perswade you not to shrinke in the wetting, but like a Kentish cloth that staines with nothinge, stande inuiolated.
Cupid is blind, and sées no riches. Lycurgus the Law-giuer of the Lacedemonians, commaunded those of his Cittie, that they should offer to the Gods, few thinges in number, and not rich in value. In the law which God gaue vnto the Hebrues, he was so limitted in the thinges he demaunded, & so humaine in ye thinges he commaunded, that in order of the sacrifices which they should offer, hee did ordeine that the poore man which coulde not offer a goate, should offer no more but of the haire thereof. The consideration of these gaue me hardines to embolden my courage in this amorous encounter, though I haue no pay to counteruaile ye semblaunce of a Captaine: the same efficacie maye humiliate yow, for wante of better Haruest, to take oates in parte of payment.
Paulus Aemilius vanquishing Perses Kinge of Macedonia, rather desired honour then a quarrie of treasure. Anthonio offering to die before the Emperour that soughte his death, was receyued into former grace. Though I were Iris or Codrus, and thou in potencie might match with Rome, in riches with Tyrus, in beautie with Helia, in opulence with Tarence, yet the repulse of my loue without remorse, will shew thee more cruell then all the beastes in the desertes of Affrica, or those of ye greate India. [Page 130] India. A wayfaring pilgrim taking a thorne out of a Lions foote, meetinge after with him at the games of Olympia, and beinge brought out to wrastle with him would not vse his furious force but with a gratefull recordance acknowledging his curtesy fawned vpon him. It greues me to exhort thée to square thy imitation to a beastes clemencie: then let thy curtesie be a ready remedy to make me ashamed of my vnegall comparison. As Telephus had nothing to cure his hurt, but the launcing of the speare that gaue him his woūd, and as the mind is conceiued with nothinge but the minde: so nothing can counteruaile the value of loue, but an aunswerable conformation of the desired loue.
For which cause, poore vnbegotten wether beaten Qualto, an hobhansom man god wot, & a bow wow to his Lady & mistrisse, seruing a Lady in Italy as a Tom drudge of the pudding house, or a groome to her close stoole, or a seruitour to suche slauerie, asking on a time after the disclosure of his loyaltie, some guerdon requitable in lieu of all his pining thoughtes to win her affections, and pinching paines about her drudgerie, she was contente to imbezle some part of her goods to notifye her larges towardes Qualto. But this, nor anye thinge coulde enforce him to relinquish his suite, sauing the yelding of her battered brest. Wherefore neuer geuing ouer (which Ouid commaundes vs in his Art of louing) as small droppes in time pearce the hard marble: so he with vrgent instaunce in his attempted enterprise, gotte her in armes that had his harte in holde, and like a valiaunte waterman setting his ores, was permitted to row in his mistris boat.
But my loue thou knowest is noe wéede for wantons weare, no fancies freake with knackinge fetches, not like a bowe longe bent yt in proces weakens, but like ye natural motiō of an elemēt which in going gathers strength. Thou telst me of Orion, who for offring to defloure Diana, was killed by a Serpent: wherin thou imitates the Deuill in his alleadging of Scriptures, for he neuer bringes out an whole text, but so much as is for his owne enorm intended purpose: and thou takest the halfe seruing thee, & leaues out the moitie making for me, that vtterlie ouerthrowes [Page 131] thy whole prouince. For though Orion were bereaued of this trā sitorie life, yet that which is more glorious, hee was by imputed eleuation translated into a star.
If as Rams retire to strike harder, soe your loue recule to returne with more vehemencie, I shall thinke, that as ye best vines in Germany growe on harde rockes, so the surest loue inhabites the harte hardliest attoned: and as the praise of a Iudge is not giuen to his scarlet gowne, so your good liking is not framed by your lookinge. Then shall I curse the Eclipse of my waininge Iudgemente, that of late haue iudged your demeanour measured by your fauour, an apishe deformitie in clothe of Goulde, and your ill manner, scarse agreable to so greate a Ladye.
Phoebus I knowe doth not alwaies harpe, sometime he shoots, Triacle doth not euer cure, sometimes it poisoneth, and frendes muste not euer loue, but by intermission, sometimes mislike. Iars of necessitie must be among frendes, but thrice woe bee to them by whom they come.
Ah Aurelia, faine would I singe, but furie makes me fret, and rage hath sworne to séeke reuenge of wronge. In dreade & daunger would I passe betwene the stringe and bow, to haue my will on that birdes bushed cage, that doth incense my care. O that I mighte haue a shoote at one of the Deares in his Parke, if yt were but his Harte, Aurelia, it would suffice me.
I knowe there bee vnderminig easinge droppers, that haue wroughte this estraungment betwene vs. But since the Myll will néedes about, the pinne whereon the Mill doth goe, I will assay to strike it out, and so the Myllne to ouerthrowe.
The mind I haue is of gold to serue thée, but of iron to breake their pride, & if I want armour wherwith to fighte, I wante not a minde to abide death.
Thus thou seest Aurelia, I am not like the stripling Pertinax, who vsed to sell his wood so deare, contentious, and pinching, yt if they gaue him not his first demaund, did rather leaue his wood vnsould, then abate one blancke of his price. For though I suffer [Page 132] a sower repulse, yet am I contente to awaite thy leysure.
Aurelia at the receipte of these letters, was moued wish a meruailous disdaine of Philotimus, who durst be so boulde as threaten her new frend, his letters she aunswered in these wordes.
I Cannot tel Philotimus, whether thou art better to kepe an hould, or to play a prating begger. For thou & thy purpose sticke together like burres, neither though forbid, wilt euer leaue of thy iangling. Thy commendation of my wit enhaunceth no pride. For the Satyres thought poore Martia to surpasse in musicke, Coridon preferred his oten pipe, before Apolloes siluer Harpe, and Poliphem the blinde Giaunt, thoughte sielie Galataea to excede the beautie of Mars his concubine.
Good simple soule, would you picke a quarrell with them, that as you say, would picke a thanke with me? Alas pretie figboy, an hasill twigge in your hande, is an whole haulbarde.
Thou arte better to bee a gunner vnder a Ladies targett, then Lieutenaunt of a pitched fielde. Indéed? And is your barking tongue turnd to biting téeth? you are now fleshed in impudencie. If you be chafed you shal be walked, if you be hot you may be cooled. A yong colt plungeth at the first pricke, as though he felte no grounde, but being chafed a litle, champes on his bridle & stands still.
The more a sore is rubbed and handeled, the lesse it heales: the more busy you are to be a stickler in your owne cause, yt further aloofe am I of: you cannot shift your cards so cleanlie but you ar séene. Doe not tell mee, yt I am a whetstone to set euerie daintie tooth on edge, and so clawe an Asse till you haue rid her.
Phisitions vse a contrarie plaister to those patientes, that will not heale with the rules of phisicke, & I must handle you roughly, whēn faire wordes cannot serue to make a foole faine.
[Page 133]But this I cannot forget, how full of guttes you are, at one blow to kill God haue mercie on his soule. You may if you will, but doe if you dare. Alas good Philotime, thy force of armes bee no force, no harme. Thou art comd of a gentle kind, to gave so wide and not to bite. Indéed you are all hart but head, & that is horns, but if you bee lustie, you may goe louze you. Me thinkes when I heare thee tell of thy valure, I sée ridiculous Bacchus, whome Aristophanes in Canis brings in drunken, marching in Hercules his armour, and saying he would goe downe to see the Tragedies in Hell.
Nay holla squaring Dick, I am no but for euerie boult. Thou doest but chase a shadowe in the sunne when thou followest mee. Though thou sweate bloud, as the Bird Eradius doth in the time of treading, it will sooner bring thée to a bloudy flixe, then to my fauour. I am not so blind, that thou canst make me beleue with a winke, it is midnight at noone day. The birde Osprey is of such whitenes on his brest, that houering ouer the fishpoole, all ye fish turne vp their bellies, and so he taketh his pray. Kepe thy faire promises in thy purse, for with mee they litle preuaile, and lesse perswade.
When the Lyon is olde, all the beastes of the feilde condemne him, and as you are too olde a frend to be good, so your heires bée of age to take your place, expecting your resignation.
Thou art like the Apes called Callitrices, which at the newe of the moone reioice, and at the full and waining be triste and sad. You in the beginning of our loue were verie iocunde, and at our diuorcement vse your tearmes of railing. But though the Dragon cannot abide the Panther, yet all other beastes resort to behold his colours, & smell of his odour, and though the Batte hate the light, yet is the light nothing the worse.
When the Eagle hath two or thrée birdes, she castes out one of them, fearing her selfe not to be able to nourish them, whom the Birde Ossifraga receiueth and bringeth vpp, as thoughe it were her owne. Aeneas lost Libye, yet he found Latium. Traian coulde not liue with Domitian the Emperour, yet flyinge to Nola in Campania, he found Plutarch for his maister, Plotina for [Page 134] his wife, and Nerua for his father, who afterward beinge Emperour, adopted Traian to be his sonne. Comfort thy selfe, there bee more maids then Maukin and though thou lose me, thou mayest finde some other. Coridon shalbe loued else where, though fonde Alexis doe disdaine.
The serpent cannot blame the Hart though he be his enemie, and his bane, bycause it is natures ordinaunce: neither may the Rauen rightlie accuse the litle birde Easalon for breaking of her egges, bycause their discord is sowen of nature. Neither can the Swan looke for frendship of the Eagle, yet neither of both to bee discommended. The fishes Muges abound aboue measure in loue towards their owne kind and sorte, and liste not medle with the fellowship of others. Minerua turned the haires of Medusa whō she hated into adders, yet who doth obiecte it to Minerua for crueltie?
Hast thou not heard of the foolish marriage that the Emperour Heliogabalus made betwixt the image of the Goddesse Pallas and the God Heliogabalus, which beinge consummated to the greate laughter of his enemies, and the griefe of the Romaynes to see their Gods defaced, he made them likewise a bed in the middest of the Temple, where they might sléepe together? Vnder as smal guard and veneration shall our marriage stand, and as litle ioy I feare, should we feele yfere, as did the two vnsensible pictures.
If thou thinkest thy interest bee better in mee, bycause thou hast bene at some cost on me, this I say, yt I neuer ment to proue my selfe a noddy with refusing offred gold, neither am I of such power as the Popes holines, to giue a pardon of thy sinnes, for a fewe Peter-pence. Certeine men brought from Graece to Rome a false will of one Lucius Manutius Basilius, a rich man, the legacies whereof that they mighte more easelye compas, they writ in with them two Noble men of Rome, M. Crassus, and Q. Hortensius both expert ciuill Lawiers, and eloquente Oratours. These two Gentlemen, although they suspected it to bee forged, yet notwithstanding knowing themselues giltles of all faultes in the deuise, were well inough contente to bee parceners of his landes.
[Page 135]It is the lawe of armes in many places, that he which is firste in the skirmish, though he submit himselfe, yet being taken, shall be wounded for his offence. Then neither thinke me tirannous for giuing you the glieke, though you were my first frende, neyther imagine your fortune aduerse, neither vexe your selfe with impacable sorrow. That floure must not grow, that can abyde no cold: you may not warme you by a fire, but you must féele the flame: he that hath his beard most curiously washed in the Barbers shop, wil take no snuffe to haue it cast out into ye opē stréets.
But since sielie manling, thou art so obstinate in straining the faulte to inexorable Aurelia, I will giue thée a specialtie what gard I haue of thée, in shewing thée an electuary against thy loue, which thou being a student oughtest to know better then I, yet arte so busie in bootles busines, going about to gett a Cocke with egge, that thou canst not or wilt not see wood for trees. Reade Cadmus the Milesian, who hath writen a whole booke in the remedies of loue, and that Ouid which hath infected thee with his lasciuiousnes, hath giuen thee a meane to clawe of his itche.
The beast Fiber perceiuing himselfe to be pursued of the hunter, biteth of his stones, which are merueilous good in medicins, and laieth them in the sight of the hunter, knowing by nature yt hee is hunted for the same: so (Philotimus) I can yeelde, if thou wantest money, and a litle may pleasure thee, to let thee haue of my small store, knowing verie well (sauing ye reuerence of your protestation (that it is the coine, and not the woman you séeke after. Or I will deale with thee, as a noble man of Rome somtime did with his auncient manor house. This noble man behoulding the follies of Commodus then Emperour, the tyrannies of Perē nius vicegerent of the Empire, and the spoiles of the common welth, he both sincere in iudgement, & seuere in life, departed frō thence to the countrie of Liguria, to liue in a poore village, where somtimes his father had made his habitacle, & buying that poore cottage, built in ye compas thereof a stately building, permitting the old to remaine in the midst, without addition or diminution thereof: and since I must needs condiscend to your importunate [Page 136] entreatie, you shal haue the title of mine old frend now ruinous, as one of whō I haue ere while smackt the rellish of reposed rest, marrie an other platform I haue laid, wheron I purpose to erect an edefice of some more statelie frenship, in whose brests I mean to situate my mantion house.
It is not for mee Philotimus, to deale with him that can carde more in one night, then I & manye a good huswife can spin all the day. Martia, Letus, & Electus, killing Commodus on the night, cō maunding certaine slaues to bestowe his bodye at their appointmen, wrapt in an olde seron, wherin the ordure of the stable was woont to be carried out, chose an other before day, to the ende the Empire might haue an owner, and they haue defence vnder his protection: & since I haue forlorne thée, blame mee not thoughe I haue elected an other for mine owne safegard: farewell Philotimus, and be aunswered with reason.
Philotimus reading these letters, was nothinge appaulde, but with confidence of recouerie, aunswered as followeth.
THe Leopard pursues his pray leaping and startling, and if he take it not the third or fourth leape, he stinteth for indignation, & goeth backwarde as thoughe hee were ouercome.
Whē the Elephants of king Porus, were a litle wounded by ye soldiours of the greate Alexander with their weapons called Capidae, & were put in feare they were more hurtefull to their own rulers, & casting them down & tearing thē in pieces, ran out of the battaile like shéepe. But I neither mean to be as short as ye Leopard in his hastie huntinges, nor so cowardlie as ye Elephant in his attempted assaults. And yet I cannot but yéeld to you, and pray to your pleasure for a comfortable remorse. The gray mare is ye better horse, especiallie if she be a curtal, it must be as ye woman will, when all is said & done. Though Mars were the God & Bellona but a Goddesse, yet she had the preheminence in all martiall attemptes.
But would any man haue iudged you a backeslider, so soone [Page 137] to haue turned your tongue to your taile, and for continuing of your sensuall pleasure, to haue flitted from an old frend to a new flatterer? As none rould heale Philoctetes poisoned féete, but Machaon, Aesculapius his sonne: so you labour of a disease, that none can heale, but he that will pay for lending of his patiente. It is not my purginge pilles (which, you saye, woulde poule you of all your coine) but Cornelius his swete suppositorye, that must minister you phisicke.
It grieues me lesse Aurelia, that you haue giuen me ouer, then that mine innocencie being knowen, as shortly it will, you shall be noted of lightenes and lewdenes. Whereby it will come to passe, that as the name of Iulia among the Romaines, was an ensigne of a common adultresse strumpet: so the name of Aurelia for thy sake, henceforward shall be detested as a note of fraile inconstancie.
Ay me but cast away, Ah deare Aurelia, my power is too weake to make any warre, and yet I can find no peace, I am not scorcht with any fire, and yet no cold adawes my heate: I cannot die as ye happie dye, to ye ende to liue for euer, but I muste liue, as misers liue, to the end to die for euer.
O that euerie haire of my head were a man for his adherentes sake, who is no good curre, for that he bites behinde, much lesse a whelpe of the princelie Lion, who being chased with houndes or hunters, seeketh no couerte wherein to lurke, but sitteth in the feild where he may be séene, and araieth himself to battaile. I do not leuell by gesse (as thou dost burden me) at him, that doth this villanie, but knowe him, and can name him, in this resembling the Lion, who being vulned, taketh such héede, that hee knoweth who firste smote him, and riseth on the smiter, though hee bee in neuer so great a multitude. If there be any poyson prepared in an house, a partridge pende vp in a cage or coupe, will byte and scratch, and crie out, suche Diuination hath shee by nature, and such haue I by Gods predestination to descry mine enemies traines.
Yet take you héede you leane not to harde on a broken staffe. It may be, it is for small goodwill to thée, but for enuie to mee, yt he busieth himselfe: muche like the Griphon in the Hypeborian [Page 138] hilles, where being bred plentie of gold and precious stones, as ye Smaragde, the Iasper, the Christall, neither hath he vse of thē him selfe, neither suffers them to be taken from thence, as diuers good writers affirm: or the Cameleon, who drawing to the goshaukes, against whom his most might standes, they also flie vnto him, & by this meanes he taketh them, wilfully to be deuoured to other beastes. But as the Linx perceiuing that his vrine doth turne in to a precious stone named Ligurius, and naturallie enuyinge yt should be any vse to mankind, hideth it wiih sand or earth, when he hath pissed, which is ye verie cause yt it sooner hardeneth, & turneth into a stone: So I doe not doubt, [...]ut this labour to put mee out of conceite, may in time after triall of my faithe and his falshood, conuert to my greater grace with thée, & credit with others
You after your scoffing manner put me in the predicament of the Apes Callitrices. Yet those that laugh at me, for triumphing before the victorie, and reckoning my shot before mine hostesse, and thinking I had thy hart before I searched thy reynes, maye déeme thée a light huswife for thy cracked fidelitie. It is no maisterie to deride one in miserie, but it is conuenient to banne the causers of it. Thy vntoothsome tauntes may well compare thee to the sorcering Syrens, who are merrie in tempestes, and heauie in faire weather.
If it be the destinie of him that first wooes you, to bee forlorne, as it was prophesied that hee which firste stepped on the Troian ground, amonge the Graecian host, of neceessitie should be slaine, which was verified in Protesilaus (though he might vaunte that he was slaine by Hector, and I repine to be vndone by a coward) Or if as the monster Sphynx slue all that passed by her to the citie of Thebs, if they could not expound her riddle, so you will be the bale of all that cannot display your sleightes: It may fall out that as Laodamia wastfullie mourned for her Protesilaus, or as when Oedipus had giuen Sphynx a solution, she brake her necke for griefe: so thou maiest wishe ere thou dyest for poore Philotimus, and when thy cautele fetches shalbe laid open, follow Phillis in the end, though far vnlike her in thy life.
[Page 139]Now then recule with reconciled grace (my Alderlieuest Aurelia) a name vnto my soule as swete as balme. The shield of loue, the force of faith, that trustie targe, hath long borne of, and broke the thrustes that mallice at me throwes. Mine onely shield hath long forwarded a sorie man, now quickly lende me yours, or else you doe me wronge. Still are you bounde by faith, though fancie would be frée, still are you fast by othe, though loth to laūe it out. En bon gre take a pouer boy, for I am yet Philotimus. Tenne thousand times a day desire doth liue and dye, faine would I liue to gaine thy loue, or die with griefe to leaue with losse. If Desire thy darling be wayward, lett thy yeelding remorse sing alullibie lullie, if I be in presumption a Giant to sollicite my suite, which am in power a gnat to performe any seruice, yet shal my deuoire doe his endeuour to gratify thy cūrtesie, and worke thy delighte: and know that nettles and egshells are good for somthing, which being burnt together to powder and put in your nose, wil staūch the bloud of wounds or nose. If thou thinkest for my craft I haue a Foxes tongue, or that for my smart I am a thorn in your foote, yet wot you, that a Foxes tongue laide to the sore in thy foote or hand, will vndoubtedly heale it.
Though in your conceite I am knauishly mannered, yet doest thou imagine me apishly witted, and if your fleetinge phantasye thinke me crabbedlie fauoured, a foule ground for your faire coū terfeit, you know, may well agrée. When the feild is Argent, and that which occupieth the feild is Sable, that shield is called fairest in feild. Full oft ye whitest Doues with speckled Culuers tread, and oft we sée the Turtle browne with Popimay doth wed. If you mislike my droupinge pace, with my ragamuffin vesture, one good word of your goodwill, may make me cast my lothsame slouth, and yet renue my lustie liuerie. The Beares whelpes lie blinde in a confused lumpe, till their deare dams doe licke them: the best Pearles haue no showe, till the Lapidaries cleare them: neither can you vse the beste mettald knife, till the Cutler haue glazd it.
Ambages laid aparte, if thou hadst a counterpane of my tyring languor, or how as waxē torch wt sulphur toucht, I burne, I neyther néeded Gracchus his poynaunt eloquence, at whose Oration [Page 140] the whole congregation wepte: nor Symonides his dolefull skill, that inuented the waymenting order of verses tearmed Lyrici, and was excellent in procuring men to teares: nor to be experte in the wofull Elegies, to moue thée to pittie a disconsolate wretch. Who can giue to me a foūtaine made of mone, that I may wéepe as much as is my will, & fouse my sorrow vp in swelling teares? O that I had her loue in linke, that hath my hart in holde. Then woulde shee procure, the Sea seeme calme, the billowes calme, the earth reioice, the ayre to singe, no surge by Sea, no smarte by land I should endure. Plisthenides, thou wert yblest, what cares soeuer did eucroch: For whether windes did tosse thy barke, or surging seas dismaied thy brest, ay thy wedlocke went with thée, with clinching armes thou her embrast. In this thou art happie (Aurelia) that thou canst not sée me, for if thou couldst, yu wouldst die for woe, and most vnhappy that thou wilt not sée me, for now thou shalt liue in ignomie.
Mine heire, whom thou saiest hath outgrowen his minoritie, looking for his fathers inheritaunce, wil neither wish to féele the pursuite of the like paine, by patterne of his pear, neither long to be enfeoffed in suche landes. His forefathers name is Loue, his landes are Losse, a common hire for such an heire.
I am tedious in ye prolonging of my letters, & eftsoones in their reiteration, bycause that as Paracelsus vsed to say, in euerie naturall thing there is aswell fresh oyle, as salte brimstone, which by art may be extracted: so I hope that in thy flintie stomack there is not onely an harbour of crueltie & disdaine, but some deale also of mercifull curtesie, which by my diligence may be deriued to the behoofe of my distres. In the hardest flint may be found some liue lie sparke of fire, the knottiest piece of boxe may be wroughte to a dudgen hafte, and Aristotle saith, that out of the salte sea fome may freshe water be sifted. Then may I hope, that as these apparaunt impossibilities doe naythelesse worke these prefixed efficacies, so out of thy stonye hearte, maye yet flowe suche water, as may wash and purge my yearnfull woundes. Thinke some and some is honest play.
O let not (was) worke all delight, let (is) and (shall) haue part in pay: commaund, & I will slay my self that yours may be ye guilt, [Page 141] but bately bid mee die, and I will die forthwith for ioy, that neuer yet I showed my selfe vngratefull to my mistris. Yet if you will not so, but kepe me still aliue in vexed plighte, for some offence I haue committed, then shew in what, or where, or when, I stumbled in my steppes, when twas my parte to goe vprighte, and as Sceuola when he erred in slaying Porsenna the cruell Tyraunte, and killed his Stewarde for him by a mistake, thrust his hand that did the déed, into the fire for a penaltie, and there consumed it: so ye part or member that hath offended thee, shall to make restauration of my loue, and satisfaction for my fault, dearelie abie his leasings. I can endite no more for teares, & it is no doughtie manlie déede to fende my selfe with teares. Thus then noe more by me, for me, but to thy mercies I appeale.
These letters were deliuered by his page, who had much ado to get the returne of an aunswere. For Aurelia wearie of his wooing, and loth to heare of her dealing, and giuen all to her darling, could not spend one vacant houre out of Cornelius his company, scarse to reade his letters, much lesse to aunswere them. But at ye boyes impudent entreatie, shee vouchsafed forsooth to write these two lines ensuing.
Aurelia once againe to Philotimus.
A Robe whereof many men must weare the liuereies, must be vsed sparinglie, & not all spent on one: And Aurelia that hath more to serue then you, must not trifle all her time in giuing you attendaunce. When I red thy letters in the presence of Cornelius, and made collation of thy qualities with collection of his properties, onely this I had to say. A puttocke set on pearche faste by a Falcons side, will quickly show it selfe a Kite. If this construction be applied to your stomacke, it will be a good confectiō [Page 142] to stint your shameles loue. Farewell. I warne you that I see no more of the bastardlie brood of thy letters, which haue neither head nor foote, nor any good substaunce. Thy reasons bee so colde, that they haue frozen my loue.
Philotimus hauing red his mistris sharpe censure, writ presently without pausinge to his pretie paunce, not so sharplie as shee, but as swiftlie as he could.
IT is a custome of purloining burglairers, to strew pepper in the tract of their steppings, that the bloud hound snuffing it into his nosthrilles, shall not bee able to trace them: so to make me run counter, or giue ouer the chase, you caste mee a fuming fancie, and a flaming fréewill, which whiles I féede on, the game is gone.
There is a Well in Illirica, into which if any thinge be put to coole, or to extinguishe, it smouldringly burns it to verie cinders: There are found certeine stones in a riuer in Pontus, which thē take on fire, when ye wind is greatest, and by how muche ye more they are couered in water, by so muche the fearcer and brighter they burne: & howe it comes to passe I knowe not, but the lesse hope I conceiue of thy liking, the more I desire & craue thy loue. The wallnut trée well bet when his nuts are shaken, beareth more fruit the yeare ensuing: the more you strike iron vpon the stidhy, the harder & tougher ye irō is: It is ye nature of a wild Irish man, yt the worse you vse him, the more seruice he doth you: such & so luckles am I in my cheuisaunee, which hauing féendly foode corsed for loue, & being sourelie rebuked for fawning on thée, am yet as fruitfull in thy loue, as the beaten wallnut trée, as toughe as the iron to beare any blowes, and as mad as the Irishman, to giue loue for lothinges.
For though my wittes be blunted and hoodwinked, ye panicle of my braine damped and discrased, and my spirits surcharged with [Page 143] griefes visitation, yet is my hope ancored on thy qualification, & stoutlie indurate against misaduentures.
When thy pricke me daintie Cornelius, shall bee vacased of his vaine vizarde, and disburdened and disballassed of his hypocriticall apparitions, then shall my poore habit bee anteposed his proude harte, and the simplest diet proue the beste Phisicke.
Aurelia, to electe mee to the callinge of thy moste intimate frends, & reiect me to the number of thy greatest foes, were to call me to the roste, and beate mee with the spitte, to shooe my horse, and pricke him in the quicke. But as the Riuer Lycus swallowed vp by gaping of the ground, a great way thence is in an other channell founde: and as the Brooke Erasine amonge the feildes of Arge, one while sinkes, an other while runnes in ouerflowing measure: and Amasane eke in Sycill land doth sometime rise afloat, and sometime sloppeth vp his spring: so will thy faintinge loue recouer with newe recourse, whose pleasure is at this time to geue thy Hawke tyringe, that hereafter he may bee stronger and sharper at his game.
An Asse liueth by the course of nature 30. yeares, and a shéepe but ten, therefore I doubt not but that cowardlie shéepe, will be soone defeated of his hope, aswell as I sielie Asse was deceiued of my trust.
It were hard dealing, if in payment of a good gub of Golde, of full weight and poise, one poore piece somewhat clipped & lighter then his fellowes, may not be foisted in amonge the rest, & passe in pay for currant coine. Good swete, be nat saunce all pittie, but let ye right of ready wil my lite poore welth excuse. O how you cut me in calling me Kite, muche like as the thunder cutteth the trée. For as that pearceth the bulke, and neuer hurteth the barke, so though you grieue my hart, you hurt not my manners, but if you can cut me no otherwise, your wittes will rust for wante of good vsage, and that you should cut in such a matter, you had néede go sette them to a grindstone. As all Women bee euills, yet necessarie euills: so thoughe the Kite bee a vermine, yet is she a verie necessarye vermine. The Kite canne wéede the worme, [Page 144] can kill the Moulewarpe, can clense the streates, and sauing the Hens poore progenie, none can accuse him of fellonie.
As the snowie mulberie, that bore before white Lillie leaues, hauing her white beires besprinckled with true louer Pyramus his blod, became all purple blacke: euen so thy faire etheria [...]hew be stayned with the guilt of sackles blood, shall loose ye the grace and fauour.
The victor hath his price, when he hath run his, race and so let me. Precious stons are tried to be true if they be rubbed with leade, and chaunge not their hewe, for they neuer receiue any other coloure: and gentlewomens loyaltie is then experimented, when neyther want of welth, nor any frowne of fortune, canne worke loues alienation. You say my letters haue neyther head nor foote: then in deede I graunt, they are none of my broode: for I am sure I haue both, I fele by the weight of my head, whych you haue set with hornes, and by the paine in my feete, which I haue got with runing after you.
Thus trusting that you wyll not take my liuerie from me, before it be halfe worn, nor bereaue me of loue in his best prime, I commit you to the protection of the great God Cupid, who I beseech, euen to direct you in your doings, as he ruleth and gouerneth mee and my hart: for my selfe, I pray nothing else but ye God and Saint Aurelia giue me their blessing.
¶Amor qui prior, eo potior debet esse.
VVHen Aurelia se, that neither ye wile of faire words, nor yt reuile of soule writs, could intrept or let his letters, thē as one reading a riddle, or constring an Embleame, she stood in a mamering what mean to make, or how to thwart ye cost to shū his gūshot. In this deur both daūgeous & doubtful, [Page 125] she ment not to dallye being brought to this baye, nor to delaye iudgement in taking daye, but in fewe woords and those well thewed, to manacle his melancholye and mue vp his looue: wherefore in an abreuiat compendius of this speedie speeche ensuing, she gaue him a generall acquittaunce for all his queint conceits, that his Memoradums and billes of debtes should neuer after be flapt in her mouth.
¶Aureliaes discharge to all the debenters of her coosninge freende Philotimus.
Fooles & little Dogs, are Ladies play fellowes: A sower sallet may long be eaten without satietie: the conclusion these premises is, that I can once againe vouchsafe to make me sport with the nody Philotimus, and aunswere his displeasaunt vntoothsome letters.
Men vsed to drinke the waters of the brooke Anigrus heretofore, but after what the Centaurs vanquished by her Hercules in fight, did therin washe their woundes, it was abhorred: the well of horned Hammon is at midnight passing hot, and at noonetide passing could: So could I haue brooked thee before I see thy good condicions stand on the condicion of welth, whome in the night, yt is in thy scarcity I haue foūd as hot as Hay haruist, whō in the day, yt is, thy prosperity, I haue knowē as could as a Chrismas euening.
You say better late then neuer, and I aunswere, as good neuer as to late. Surcease thy sighes & flattering freaks, they nought preuaile. Bacchus in licknes of a grape beguiled Erigone yt suffered rape. Neptune in a Dolphins shape, enforced Melantho to her shame. Then eft I say, & oft before haue wisht, that thou leaue these crouched vowes and orisons, icrested with triple trechery, for as lickelie is that which Didimus writeth, that if one put wooll in his eares, sheepe will follow him, as that a faire woord wrought one Arts forge, canne seduce me to the sequence of your wishe.
Though I enuie thee now, thou shouldest not vye it with malice. It vsed to be the guise of religious hostyers, to drink wine [Page 146] their fil, & [...]ate while they listed, and to offer the residue in Sacrifice to their Gods, and to picke the meate as nere as they could- and giue the furbished bones in immolation. The Grecians in, tending to gratulate Aiax for his braue encounter with Hector, rosted a bull, and eate him vp, and presented Aiax with hornes and hide: no worse then this will I deale with you.
Hast thou neuer heard how Homer describe Strife, that though it be basely borne yt is take original of a slender cause, yet [...]esteth not til she touch the heauen with her head, still keeping her feete below on the earth, and therefore thou maist surmise my hate to be hotter, and shalt miss of thy purpose if thou lookest for better.
It is wholsome for the, Philotimus, to weare hornes. It is a-tried medicine that if the right side of thy head doo ache, a combe made of the right side of a Rames horne, will helpe it, and if the lefte side ache a combe of the left horne will cure that Megrim.
Thou praiest that God & Saint Aurelia will blesse thee, I adioyne, such a Saint God send thee-Disdaine not I say once againe, that want makes me for sake thée, for outward thinges haue great force, loke of what coulour you would haue your chickins be, paint it on the outside of the egges and they will prooue: and if you will haue Venus her looue, you must mainteine her outward brauerie.
Celmus for clinging most faithfullie to Iupiter, became an Adamant: but by my troth (Philotimus) I neuer meane to incur the like displeasure, for being too faithfull to thee. For thou art neyther swete for smell, nor seemelie for sight.
Thou askest if I do thee right, and I aunswere, noe, worong, short talke to make, thy tyring lūst no loytring lodge can finde within my brest. A Circes, as I am can set thy ship on sand, I vtterly renounce both thee and thine from henceforward for euer more, if thou seekest to exulcerate thy supposed iniurie, as thy gaule is greater then thy guile, so I hope thou wilt brest for verie malice, ere thou matchest me to doo me harme: at one worde farewell fortie pence, too deare of three shillings, I neuer meane to be at more cost with you.
[Page 147]Assoone as Philotimus had read these letters hee waxed pale as any box, a shuddering through him strake, euen like the sea which sodenlye with whissing noyse dooth moue, when with a little blast of winde it is but toucht, with driueling and with vapoured eies, and frying fearce with straingie glead, and lyinge groufe vppon his face he still exclamed vppon Aurelia, he meynt his weeping with his blood, where with in stead of brine they were embrued, in this cureles extasie, he left himselfe one min nuts respite to send this Aurelia fainting farewell.
EVen as the snowish swan dooth singe before she dye, vppon Meanders winding bankes, that sheds his straglinge streames and shears the fruitles sande with wrakfull waues, so singe I nowe not notes of ioye but layes of depe lamēt. I write not, for I thinke my wordes may ought preuaile: For why? I knowe the haughtie Gods at this my purpose spite. But since my welth, my corps, my fame, and spotles mind, are lost by canckred hap, to wast my wordes I recke it litle cost. New loue remaines for thée (but not a new Philotimus) with other troth to be impaund, which thod againe maist breake.
O now I see (Democritus) that vaine were they, and moste ridiculous, which derided thee when thou soughtest for Truth in the bottome of a Well. For well knowest thou, how Truth was disperaged immediatelie after the death of our forefathers, and glad for the auoiding of Falshoods sentinels, to seke some litle corner to shroud it selfe in.
And your assertion (O Laureat Poets) wherein you affirme, ye Mars the God of Discord and sower of all Sedition, was borne of Iuno without the companye of man, semes to mee to beare no small palme. For no offence need be giuen to incense them to ire, they are teastie by nature, and haue disdaine by harte, without ye instructiō of any Schoolemaister. The Bucke is enclosed in the parke, a bridle ruleth the horse, an hooke catcheth the fish, the Woolfe may be tied, the Tyger may be tamed, onelie this is veritable, a Woman is vntamable: no spurre can make her goe, no bridle hold her backe, no courser sit her, finally she wil neuer [Page 148] forget iniurie, nor giue thankes for benfites.
Would God that it were constituted for a law in Italie, which was a custom among the Brackmans, that euerie Woman which entertained more then one suter in all her life, shoulde haue her bodie deuided and distributed equally to all her louers, so should neither sielie suters be lyrched of their due, nor Woomen so oft haue cause to say, full seldome comes the better, they would not seeke further and fare worse, but stay at home and liue in securitie. Yet for thy sake (Aurelia) I had rather waile mine owne wante, then wishe thée that harme, and will rather pray for thy spéedie repentaunce, then curse thy disloialtie that hath spilte all my spéede.
Sir Meleager aduentured to kill a monster for faire Atlantaes sake: but for thy sake I wish, that either Venus had neuer bene bredde, or that I and my swath cloutes had bene drowned in the billowes of Cytharis, from whence shee and her ofspringe is deriued.
On me ye swarth Em [...]es fling the flames you beare: On me (O Hecate) worke thy sorcering tirannies: on me try both your téenes, and for my sake yet spare that wretche Aurelia.
Thou saiest (Aurelia) thou wilte neuer bee at more coste with me. God knowes, thy cost was small, and thy curtesie is lesse, but though it be some pleasure to vnthankfull wightes for to obiecte the good forepassed tournes, yet will I pretermit to shewe howe chargeable thy seruice hath bene to me, & dismisse thee from suche reckoninges. Ah Aurelia, farewell for euer: and I pray God giue thée better speede then thou deseruest, and no worse then I wishe thee.
He receiued no aunswere of these his letters, neither did hee looke for any, but restles flung vp and downe, neither seeking cō forte, nor findinge anie, but in his agonie traced from place to place, muche like to Bacchus Nunnes, or to Cibeles braine-sicke Nymphes in Ida Mounte he ran, resembling those whom [Page 149] Driades and Faunes doe force to flye. But when he saw himselfe busy bootles, nothing to preuaile, he satte him downe, and entred straight to this consultation.
Forget that pranked paramour pert, and let her goe. Forget her Philotimus. Nay, sooner shall the roaring froathie Seas ymatch the loftie Firmament in height, and hellish Plutoes feltered den, with starbright heauen shall sooner coupled bee, and shining lighte with gloomye shades agree, and with the cleare drie day the drearie night conioyne, and smoaking stifling scaldinge fire conuerte to frostie ysicle snowe, ere I forget, whome I haue forgone, ah dearest Aurelia.
And herewithall the teares ranne downe his chéekes apace. He was dailie troubled with this Quotidian, neither eating nor drinking, nor sléeping, but fed I thinke with Aungells food, and by Gods imputation, dispenced for the time from humaines vsuall conuersation. He spent his time sometime studying howe to recouer wealth to win his Lady againe, sometimes composing Epitaphes for his Tombe, thinking he could not long liue, sometime in Meeters to praise his Aurelia, on whom to thinke it did him good, and sometime in complaining the frowardnes of his fates, among the reste these fewe that followe I thought good to insert.
These rimes were made in great agony and anguish. But as euerie hill hath his dale, euerie tide his eb, and euerie tempeste his flawe of faire weather, so had he some intermission of hi [...] sobbinges, though he coulde not haue remission of all his sorrowes. For thus he began to straighten his affectiōs with reasons rule. Though he were in disgrace with Aurelia, and defaced of all his frendes, yet God would either sende remedie, or take him to his mercie. Though his body nothing proportionable to his valure, were not big inough to beat his foe Cornelius, yet did he see that the litle dapper carcasse was the tabernacle of wit, and the louby bones a tipe of a dullard. Though in the ruine of his riches hee were brought to an exigent, and like to be exiled the precincts of his countrey, yet did he reconsolate himselfe with his readinges and experimentes, by which he found that Wit commonly wears a wallet at his backe, when Follies robes be veluets, and to this effect did he frame this pettie Pamphlet, whereof here I make illation.
VVHen we haue past the day in the Sea with perrill, the night of death doth take vs in at the porte of health. For who hath a patterne or a lease of his life, or what Obligation in this case may serue, without the performance of manye a condition? As ofte comes ihe lambe to the market as the elder sheepe, as ofte blastes the bloome as the riper fruite, and Gods [Page 151] ioy in garlands, that be fresh and gréene. Then let youth claime no prerogatiue, where no priuiledge is graunted, but wishe and pray for the comming of his Christ, and watch and warde that he come not vnawares.
I haue alwaies thoughte that the guiltles prisoner with his clogged conscience, lookinge for nothing but his fatal finall sentence at the next gale deliuerie, is not so subiect to the summons of death, as we that are out of circuit of such crimes, & free from the sentence of the bloudie Iudge. This hath euer bene mine opinion, preferring the lingring of a certaine death, before ye lasting of an vncertaine life.
And of all other, the sharpest wit (saith Titleman) hath the shortest life. Bycause heat, which is the cause of quicknes, hauinge preheminence in the temperature of his bodie, doeth eate vp the naturall moisture which is a sustenaunce to it, and so hauing nothinge to féede on, burnes vp the carcasse. The matter of colde haile is thin and warme saith Arist: warme water sooner fréezeth then colde lycoure saith Velcurie. and I auouche that the hottest constitution (which by the way, is most pregnant in wit) is the readiest procurer of cold death. Soone ripe, soone rotten: quickly spent, thats easely gotten: bauin burnes brighte, but it is but a blaze: the flashinge lightening is gone at a gaze: then this is my verdit. As those abortiui which are borne before their time, neuer proue sightlie men: so these forward youthes (and too forward saith M. Askam) neuer proue old men.
If any man appose me in what sort of men I déeme this passing worke of wit, for my cocke, I would chuse the litle dapper Dick, take Robbin Hood who list, let me haue litle Iohn. Be not angrie with me if I speake amisse. Aristotle is my authour, & will aunswere all replies: who makinge a bypartite diuision of all kindes of men in his bookes of Pollicie, giueth the burlie boned boūsers (neither good for man nor woman, vnles it be to lubber-leape them) the orders of seruitude, and to litle timbred fellowes (who want in weight, if you poise them by bodies, but readie in wit, and quicke as a Bée) the gouernment to rule, the one appointing what to doe, like Maister Oiconomus, the goodman of the house, the other taking aime at his maisters mouthe to execute [Page] his pleasure, So that the maisters: [...]ye fattes the horse, thoughe the Groome of the [...]le geue him prouander.
The same Arist. assertes the moste fooles to bee mos [...]e boulde and fierce. Bycause as grosse bloud wherewith he aboundes, increaseth his strength, so it must necessarilie weaken the wit, and make a grossum caput. Contrariwise ye tender bloud, frō whence thin rare spirites do breath (as our Philosophers clepe them) enséebles the body, and kepes it downe, whettes the wit and stunts the stomacke.
Follie aduauncing herselfe in that best book of Erasmus, his Encomion moriae, & bragging her to be the mistris of al noble exploits, will admit none but monsters into her muster: small men are scarse sufficient for a foote garrison to watch the walles, not able to endure one nightes colde, without a well defencing shelter. She leuieth her army of huge boisterous hobs, wel be [...]eming for their vnderstanders to bee the ofspringe of Giauntes, who not onely will couragiously forrige vppon their enemies, but durste and would for their bignes and follie, lay a seconde siedge to the hould of the Gods.
The politicke Prince Agamemnon was of a middle pitche, & widly Vlisses of somwhat lesse stature, whose woords came forth like winter snow, such store he had, as good Antenor describs him in Homer. Those therefore of hot composition, and of mean rate in stature, liuelye, neate, and nimble, doe, as Virgil speaketh of Bées in the fourthe of his Georgickes, within that little corpes of theirs, right noble stomackes beare.
For though they be not so rash and feareles as they of ye other sorte, yet by reading or reason, experience or pollicie, they dare in time doe as much as they, and for the others one matter well compassed with successe, they will bring ten thowsand to happie end, if lucke be aunswerable.
Lycurgus, not one clad with the stuntliest courage of all other, and far beyond Aereithous in strength (I meane that Aereithous that bare the massy club, wherewith he fighting got such praise, that hee christened himselfe by the name of Clubber) slue him [Page 153] tho by sleight, to whom he found himselfe inferiour in force, and Ereuthalion that mightie champion, was slaine by good foresight of the wi [...]e Nestor.
I haue red that in an old smokie authour, which thē I thought worthie noting, and here I meane to insert, and this it is in our vulgar tongue. I haue seldome sene a long man wise, or a lowe man lowlie. Nowe this aspiring haughtines is vsuallye ioyned with an excelling wit, whereof it proceedes. For hauing a sharp capacitie wherein he doth most resemble the Gods, he desireth to be seated in some exalted throne, neare to the Gods and therfore saith one of Alexander, if he had had a quantitie of body, measured out to the qualitie of his minde, with the one hande hee had caught the East, and with the other he had raught the West.
I meane not to make an Inuectiue against goodlie corporall men, of whom for my part I thinke very substancially, nor think not, but that as Aristotle saieth, great heades, if they be not too great, haue the best capacities, so great men, if they be not monsters, haue no want of wit. For Paulus Eginetus, I remember, in his first booke De medicina saith, that a verie litle heade is a certaine signe of a weake iudgement, & want in quantitie of braine: and I suppose, that if their frame and match be euen and equall, Nanes and Dwarfes muste needes be topped with such heades.
I can vse no sharpe aunsweres to excuse my selfe to these huge Polyphems, neither haue I any sound argumentes to polishe the praises of such as be of ye litle reasonable sise: but this I can aledg drawen frō Naturall Philosophie, yt the wittiest sconce hath the greatest inclination to Venerie, wherewith beginning to dallye too soone, though for a season it helpe the grouth, yet doth it preuēt the naturall grouth, and if Apolloes Phisicke be not wouen with Apolloes wit, cuttes of the course of his yeares, before the fates haue halfe runne their date, vnlesse his peragons had the power of Dan Aurora, who prolonged the youth of her frende Tithonus with supply of her moisture. Yet this may be his comfort, that though hee wante Paris his personage, which is common to manie, hee may haue parte of Achilles his prowesse, which hath [Page 415] fellowship with few, and be endewed with Vlisses his wit, which I will not say, is appropriate to himselfe.
The hilles are not fertile, nor the valleyes barren. The Sun in the highest delighteth in the shadowe which is shortest, & nourisheth the Trée, whose roote groweth deepest, not whose toppe springeth loftiest.
Naythelesse, that seasonable aire, and bréeding vp, and worthie race, may quallifie a coward with courage, and portcolize ye pate with pollicie, Aiax Telamon was wont to say, and I assent. And therefore those 9. worthies of the Greekes, who at Hectors challenge to combat with anye one single man, offred themselues to wage battaile, ech of them seuerallie, had not onelie braund boisterous bodies, but well bumbast also with acute pollicie,
I dare not be too vehement against these champions, bycause as they be fooles, so commonly they bee fortunate, whereas the other sorte their co [...]riualls in the former comparison, are God knoweth, more loftie then luckie. Which howe it comes to passe I know not, but that we see ragged walles haue painted clothes, when sound marble is naked: a crooked backe must haue a bumbast dublet, when a streight body weares no suche bolsteringes: that ill woodes grow apace, when good hearbes sproute at ease: and that Nick Noddie hath the lucke, when Welladay Wit liues in lacke.
Bellerophon, whose shape, wit, and mind, were more méete for a demy God, then for a mortlinge, whose semine race, and patrie bréede, foreheld deaurate scepters in Ephyra of Argos Ile, with how manie forraies of enemies was he afronted, and worse thē any driuill assailed with azerd steele, to reaue his life by stealth? What monsters had he ministred to be his combatantes? What veins of lanes enforced to thréede, but that God whome he implored to be his gardaine, renforced him with armipotente and impugnable marte, to bringe the palme away, and proue them dastard parnels? He spending his young yeares with a Kinge in Graece ye hight Proetus, had caught (not cautele of it) in his loue, the Queene Andia, to whose disloialtie bycause he would not cō sent, she bare her husband in hand, that he sought her dishonour, [Page 155] & besought him to reueng it with austeritie of punishment. Proetus woulde not murther him in hugger mugger in his owne house, but forged letters of guile, wherwith he sent Bellerophon to his Father in law King Rheon, the Lycian prince, with this tenure, to reiourne the bearers returne from time to time, and by some occasion to put him to death. Rheon to giue good enterteinment to his sonne in lawes entreatie, inioynes this Bellerophon to slay the dire monster Chimere, a ghastfull thing, and for no man to doe, as he supposde. The heade and brest of him were like a Lyon, the middle like a goat, behind like a Dragon, & his breathinges terrible flames: him, after much tiring toyle, Bellerophon slue. That done the Solymes downe he hackt. Then the King appointed him to trye with manie an Amazon: but stil he was so steeld with hardie heart, that he laid the life of these Amazons in morgage with Pluto, for his fauour at such atttempts. At length, to make a sure ende of him, Rheon prouided an ambushment of the Lycians to set vpon him hard by a fountains side, yet all this packed crue Bellerophon murthered. With these daū gers vndeseruedlye was noble Bellerophon distresse, thoughe at length it pleased the Gods to innoble his innocencie, & the foresaid king to mount his credit.
This story of Bellerophon I thought méete to restore you, being once before recited by Homer, bycause if Pegasus, the flying horse of Fame were aliue againe, he could not bee better busied, then to carry his renowne through the whole world▪ suche store make I of it.
I could make you an inuentory of ten thowsand moe, that deseruing well, were méeded as ill, and fill a Pedlers packe with my rehearsalls, but this may suffice for the drift of my declaration, and inough they say, is as good as a feast.
And for the partie opposite how well fooles can fadge, I néede but relate a short alligation.
The cockscombe Phrixus is said to ride in the Sea vpon a golden Ram: the interpretation of which Embleame is, that hee had all thinges [...]t will that are in the worlde. A doltishe Asse, and sibles straunger, enioyed riche Phenops wealth, the heritage of whose twaine and onelie sonns, Thoon and Zanthus, was intercepted [Page 156] by slaughter. Megeros the noddie had gathered an hutch full of gold, when his elder brother a learned Phtlosopher, was vrged to beg.
The compiling of this small volume, Philotimus thought some comfort to himselfe, and would sometimes reade it to helpe to rid his melancholye. But nowe by Philotimus his fauour, I must borrow a litle leaue to bestowe on his aduersary Cornelius.
I will you to witt, that this Cornelius had bene a longe louer of one Laida, a gallant courtlie Gentlewoman, and one of Aureliaes fellows. This Laida (sauing Aurelia) was compere in heau- to any in the Court, & (sauing braue Aurelia) was fancied of Cornelius more then all other. On the other side, shee by disposition was very lighte, and therefore soone enamoured of his gracious personage, couetous of coigne (as moste women be) and therefore condiscended to depose to all his interrogatories. Finally she see him more then her match in any thing (except a litle pelting wit) and therfore yéelded to be his mate in euerie thing, I except not bed pleasure.
This she did vnder guarde of his oath, which promised that in time conuenient, bridall banes should make amendes for all: but when she see him started from his hartes foredelight, and suche a block as Aurelia laid to stumble at, that neuer thought one straw would lie in her way, she set the hares head to the goose giblings, and Spanyerdlike was as careles as he: marrie she ment not to hurt herselfe with keping her choler close, but sent it wrapt in a scroull to be an eyesore to him.
Laida to Cornelius.
VVEre ye so hot in my sacred seruice, that now you ar fled for holy religiō? Adew sir Duns, a botch on your britch, God keepe you from sickenes, till sores haue consumed you.
When I got you, I gaind a flatterer, when I lost you, I f [...]n a flincher, what haue I gaind, or what haue I lost, iudge you.
[Page 157]I knowe not whether is better to waile my good weale, that I receiued vnwillinglie of a franticke foe, or smile at his sottishnes, imbracing hardhap, which giues him a serpent, and tels him its fishe. Yet can I not chuse but wéepe, with an onion in mine eye, and an apple in my mouth, & better doe I thinke it to wéepe out mine eies, neuer to sée ye like caytiff again, then laugh out my spene at his fickle follie, and hurte my selfe with extremetie of passion.
Hey ho for Lucius, my mind is all on Fabian, Lysiteles is mine onely ioy, Dinarchus want doth make me mone. She is scarcely weather wise, that knows not how vsually the wind doth chaūg, frō East to West, frō North to South: but she is far lesse worldly wise, that stores not a choise for euery chaunge.
He that rides with one girth, may feare to be vnhorst, and shee that féedes on one frende, deserues to liue with leauinges.
I graunt by my folly I was inueigled with deceite, and hope that by patience, I shall be comforted in distres.
The losse of hope abridgeth lamentation, & lighte beliefe hath commonly light loue.
Thou arte more méete for a widowes ioy, which lastes but a moment, then fit to be a maidens phear, whose faith outlastes the heauens in durance.
I haue bene so vndermined and countermined by thy ouerthwart wayes, that Theseus was not more glad of his deliuerye out of the Laborinth, then I reioise to be freed of thy leasing forgeries. When my offence shall come to scanninge, which hath alienated thee so sodeinly from me, thou wilt be found as phantasticall as Nausicles a Merchant in Naucratia, which being in loue with Arsinoe, and often gratulated with her companye, began in processe to loath his Arsinoe, bycause, when shee sunge at his entreaty, her chéekes swelled, and her eyes stared: or like ye Wife, which seeing one behaue himselfe valiantlye in a Tournement, fell in loue with him, but when he put vp his Beauer to take the aire, and the Woman comming apace to see him, perceyued yt was her Husbande, she made a mocke at the matter, and cared not for him.
[Page 158]Pray therfore for thy selfe, and so would I do for thée (although thou not deserue it) but that the Gods would be offended to pray for so wicked a periured reprobate, that the reckoning of thy new hostesse, be not rackt to a more vnreasonable rate, then was Aristippus his the Athenians, which by the mischieuous meanes of his second marriage was banished his countrey, and his goodds confiscate. But like will to like, saith the old prouerb, a flinching foole, to a fléeting flatterer, and this is true, and trusted of olde, ye euer a slouing, slim slam sibi quaerit.
I haue bene more liberall to thee of my maidenlye store, then now I am proude on, & I feare thou arte more prodigall in blabbing it out, then thou hast thanke for: yet good beast, do not boast of thy shamefull gettinge, for I gaue thee that, which then I had not, and thou receiuedst ye, which thou tookst not.
I know what I write, when I indite of thy knauery, & thou canst leuell at my meaninge, by the ayme of thy subteltye.
Surely there hath happened a prodigious wonder in thy loue: for whiles thou louedst me, ther was neither Winter, nor Sommer, nor Spring, nor Haruest. Thou diddest loue me from midday till hye noone.
Yet I nothing meruaile at it. For I neuer knewe Capon yet loue Hen: neither am I ignorant, why your paramour is so passionate ouer you, she doth it not I warrant you, without consideration: for her ship being fraught, she may take a passenger, and her belly being sped, take thée for aduauntage.
I sée (Cornelius) that thou art one of those, that will runne vii. miles to kisse the stake a smock hung on, though thou haste more worke at home, then suche a tinker as thou, canne well botche
I was a threede too course for your spinning, for so you make semblaunce: yet if your wheele had bene stedfast and not casten the bande, my webbe had bene fine inoughe for your slouenlye weare.
Mustard and pepper receyued into the stomacke, hurt nothing at all, but being applied to the outside of the skin, doe blister and inflame. If anye trespas I haue committed against thee, had [Page 159] come from inward malice, thou haddest bene excusable, but being so superficiall, or not at all faultie, yt doth quite condemne thée.
Although the fixed starres shoulde sooner fléete, then I woulde sweare and swerue, yet my reason being at libertie, teacheth patience in aduersitie. The same Ioue whiche giues the Sun his splendent globe, hath giuen the Moone, all as he would, her horned head, yet as the Moone, by how much the more she is distant from the Sunne, by so muche the brighter is illuminated: So, the further I am dissociated from thée, the fitter shall I be to dissolue all follies.
Farewell, and choke of it: for I neuer knew Rouer of any cō tinuance, but at length he rushed against the rocks, and so I trust wilt thou. And as Iuno for spite turning Parrhasis into a Beare, was the cause, that Ioue for amendes, exalted her to bee a neighbour star to the Northren poale: so the inckling of this thy facte, will make my life exact, and estemed among thy betters. I commend mee to thy cogginges, and salute thy ingratitude with an vnhartie gréeting.
Golden loookes are painted hookes. Beware.
These letters were as welcome to Cornelius, as a storme of winde to the moneth of March. For this hee looked and longed for, to be so lightlie forsaken. Immediately hee resente an awnswere, which I imagine was of his writing, and Aureliaes enditing. For when his apparell was of his backe, all his wit was deare of twopence.
Cornelius to Laida.
MY Ladie, swéete Beautie, Sluts whelpe and her darlinge, I g [...]ete you well. I receiued your letters the firste day of my [Page 160] malice, dated the eightenth yeare of the migne of a s [...]ould.
When I had red thy ramping stile, I feared thou wert giddy, or in some franticke extasie, & then I recald my thanckles feare, and hopt that thou wert euen so indéeed.
Thou art like Menechmus Subreptus his wife, who thinking an other had bene her husband for their like resemblance, falslie burdened him with her husbands knauerie: and I, bycause I am like my selfe, am slaunderouslye impeached of inconstancie. As the bragging ostentation, of thy accusation, séemes to importe, I now am an other then I was before. For then I was reputed of sufficient honestie, and nowe am descried of much cogging varletrie, so that my good manners are growen out of fashion, and mens good opinion turnd to despaire. If I am not as I was, as yu saiest I am not, but straungely chaunged, I cannot tell how, then praise Cornelius, whose credit is currant, and blame me no whit, for I am not the same.
Thy canckred rancour shewes howe far vnfit thou art to haue a louing spouse, & thy hastie teatishnes, grounded onely on suspicion, bewraies thy starting fancie for euery iealous freake.
Thy husband shall not néede to be Iustice of peace, for his wife will haue a charter to make her Iustice of coram. If he punishe others, and examine them of wronges, thou wilt schoole him, and aske him accountes. I was glad when I see thy vproring brawlinges, that then my being was out of thy reache: else either had I got an odious conquest, in giuing a woman the ouerthrow, or else had suffered a shamefull conflicte, in taking of her the Bastinado. Hast thou not heard of biblinge Phiale, Dianaes Nymph? her in all pointes art thou like.
But could I depart from her, who hath (ah) loued me from the beginning, and who nouer ment but continew to the end? I dare say (Laida) thou louedst me well. Well quoth I? Yea and so well, that thou couldst haue wished with all thy hearte, a paire of pinsons of my hyde: you are a swete nut, the Deuill cracke you.
I had no cause to doubt thy flinching: for whithersoeuer I had gone abroad, I might haue carried thee in my cap.
[Page 161]Thou knowest (Laida) that the lees and dreggs of wine draw alwayes to the bottome: yet if hony bee put into a wine vessell, the lees as ouercomen with the hony, rise vp to the top, and the hony takes their place: euen so, thou, which in foretime hast enioyed the deepest part of my heart, though thou were as soure as lees, assoone as the honnie Aurelia, exhibites herselfe, muste by necessitie brooke to yeeld thy self. Lay the Christall stone against the Sun, and put any thinge nigh it that is combustible, and incontinently it is set on fire: such is the potence of Aureliaes vertue, that whomsoeuer it approcheth, immediatly it inflams him. He that seeth such a game before his eies, and will not lette thee slip, hath small skill in hunting.
As for me, I am not without the stone Tabrices, a stone, whose coulour is consonant to the Christall, which Euax & Aaron, and the old Philosophers say, giueth fauour, eloquence, and honour, to them that vse to beare it about.
Small drinke seemes stronger to one that is fasting, then to one that is full: so Laida, euerye sip of thee seemed to bee sauced with a pound of suger, till I had tasted of Aureliaes banquet, and then it semed to haue neyther tast nor rellish. And no woonder, though thy sweetenes be so soone sowred. For sweete milke, & sweete bloud, and other sweete thinges, are soone altered in concoction, and when the stomacke assayeth to disgest them and can not, then turne they immediately to be sowred: Euen so, thou: But apply this parable to thy selfe, I haue no leysure to intende thée from Aureliaes busines, and any time is loste that is lente a thankles person.
To winde vp all in a short conclusion, this thou haste heard, ye hot wines ingendex colde diseases: and this I tell thee, that my scalding loue is turned to cooling hate.
They aee euill horsed, and worse wiued, that ride on coltes, & marrie younge giglittes: both these I will auoyde as nere as I may.
[Page 162]To auoide all tedious prolixitie, bycause manye more thinges will occur to be spoken on, know you, that Cornelius and Laida, euer after this liued as denounced enemies, sildome meetinge, but he with powting, and she with flowting, incensed manye a knarrie iarre
But poore Philotimus he was tried with alll tribulations, hee was abused of euerie refuce rascall. Cornelius and Aurelia to excuse themselues, accused him of trecheries, of coosenage, of euerye villanie that may be named, which the rather was beleeued, bycause he now was fallen to pouertie, and so constrayned to liue hardly. His creditors were most of them suche, as had wasted ye reuenewes of his landes, and nowe were moste importunate for the discharge of his debtes. Philotimus did often sende Cornelius his daring challenge (though his strength were far inferiour) to meete him in any conuenient place, which the coward would not be brought to doe.
Thus loaded with more griefe, then can be borne with Geometry (whereon the bodie of man doeth hange) and sendinge out more sighes, then can be numbred by Ciphers, or tolde by Arithmeticke (wherein mans Soule consistes) the poore forlorne Gentleman entred his chamber, where shutting the doore, hee closelie with himselfe debated his distres in this sort.
Ah Philotimus, thou wretched wighte Philotimus, that canst neither liue with credit, nor die with honour, cursed be the houre wherein thou wast got, a clowde dim that day wherin thou wast borne, damned be the parentes that broughte thee to lighte, and whelmd be the World with fire and brimstone, that with rebellious insurrections, and inordinate commotions, all & euery one haue conspired my decay.
Am I that Philotimus, whose bare worde was wonte to bee of more weight, then ten thousand poundes of some mans money, and now am cald in question of pettie shameles coosenage, which (O Lord) thou knowest howe much I abhorre? Am I that Philotimus, whom all my frendes haue ye best floure in their garlād, and nowe am caste out for a rotten stinking weede, trode vnder foote of euerie passenger? O Lord saue my credit from shipwrack, and bringe it to safe harbour, where taken as a wrecke of ye Sea [Page 163] by way of escheate, in time it may be knowen howe vnspotted it is. Thou haste all mens hartes in thy handes to dispose at thy pleasure, forget my transgressions, mortifie my affections, and renewe their good opinions, who nowe despaire of mee.
What is becomd of him, that sometime was the Gem of all ye Iewells in Athens, then praised of all, to incourage him to vertue, now prased for of some, to restraine him frō vice? Is hee not now thought a sensuall reprobate, deuorced from all pietie, lulde in securitie, giuen vp of God to his palpable lustes, with the bitt in his téeth to flinge where he list, like an harbourcles vacabond, or a brother of Caine?
My long acquainted frendes, combined to me with egall faith, why fly ye touch, why start ye from me? If I haue taken stande, why cast ye not forth your wonted lures? Or if as yet I bee not well mande, why make yee no labour to reclaime me from haggardnes? Arraigne me at the barre of Seurre iudgement, exaggerate my crimes with amplification, impannell an inqueste of Russet coat Robbins, let Cautle Subteltie be the foreman, & Summum [...]ius the Iudge, and Cuthbert the cutthroat commense his action, what amercement or penaltie canne they assigne mee, or wherein can they say I haue offended, that should alienate anye man from former liking? Indeed I haue wastfully spente (more caytiffe I) the surrender of my fathers landes, and run my selfe into desperate debtes, and now in stéede of blew coates to waite at my table, haue a couple of Sergeants to attend me through ye stretes, that I slip not the collar. But of what sparkles did this heate glow, or from whence did these exspences take their Exordium? to glut mine owne vnsatiable appetites, or to feede the ve [...]ues of foisting mates, who neuer helde out fiste while I had a groate, that they puld it in emptie, and now not onely all of them haue abandoned my companie, but some that haue soaken manie an aungell out of my bagge, if they recken but twoo pence that I borrowed [...]t theirs, are readie to sende out proces to attache my bodie?
True is the Prouerbe, saue a Thiefe from the gallowes and he will be the firste shall doe thee a mischiefe. I haue cloathed [Page 164] these ragamuffins, I haue fed these clammed michers, I haue bene their harbinger, when they had not a caue to couche their cockscombes in. I thought their boulstered names had stuffe to show, ye praise did hight. I raisde a star whereto direct my course, in whose prospect my tackle faild, my compas brake. I threshed for corne, & all is turnd to chaffe.
O that I had either bene Zopyrus, to haue disciphered their falshoode by Phisiognomye, or they had bene suche as Socrates, to haue chaunged their crooked natures by education. I haue red that if Basil be put [...]ouertlie vnderneath the dish where a woman should eate, her queaste stomacke straightway lothes it. O that I had such a vertue to haue staied my frendes falshood. But letters that are made of the powder of Rochalum, can not be red but in cleare water, and those that packe their cogging in a cloake of dissembling, cānot be descried but by a warie forwatch. Adrianus painted grapes so artificially, that birds pecked at them, neither could any descerne them, but with diligent marking. The Hollin tree beareth barke, & berries, the one kills birds, the other féedes them: and such fellowes beare aungells in their faces, and deuils in their deuises, the one enticeth good natures to followe them, ye other entangles them in their deceites.
Bycause I haue digged mine owne ground, till I come at the clay, and now aske some licour at my neighbours Well, they not onelie denie me with a snub, but out of my hearing r [...]ile without cause, and make ladders on my backe for Slaunder to climbe on.
Erect your Trophees (Captaines) you haue got a goodlie conquest, and gained knighthood this day, by bringing a sackles soule into a fooles paradise, as Clytus takinge three or fowre shippes, called himselfe Neptune. When a mans hose be downe, it is easie to kisse him where he sat on Saterday. Your scoffes be out of season, far from the documents of Euangelical Gospellers, which preach both in season and out of season, but taking an holier text then any of you, and affoording a litle more profitable notes.
Hanno with durable paines, taught birdes which he pent in a cage, in time to crie Deus est Hanno, Hanno is a God, & you with [Page 165] craftie forged dealing, haue (ah Craft) made the common sorte extoll you to the skies. Bycause you would cast of the yoake that is laid on your neekes to be the meanes of my ruine, you beare them in hande when you are in corners, that as the Salamander is cause of her owne death, by spirtinge out the fire which doeth nourish her: so I with prodigall expences, not procurd bp any of you, haue ruinated my state, & brought it to this stay: & therefore haue I foultred, bycause I followed not you.
Woe to the Géese that haue the Fox for their priest, ay for the Lambes that are nurst of the Wolfe, in the ditch falls the blind that is led by the blind. It is hard to draw water in a drie soile, or fishe out skill from an emptie ponde. As to bee hearde where eares are none, or Lead to be grauen in Marble stone, so harde it is to heare counsell of you, which may accorde with any good.
Good soules, you haue nothing within, but gutts and garbage, neither hearte, nor liuer, nor any good entrailes. Goe sléepe in a Trunke with Clearchus, catch flies all day with Domitianus, or go to the plough with ye Aracosians. You may sooner be Doctors at Dawes crosse, then Sergeantes of the Quoife, and commense Coridons with your clownish conditions, chen be created Counsellours for your pollicie which is none.
Well, the time which was, wil be (saith Plato) where he speaketh of hi [...] great yeare, and I my selfe hope for a yeare of Iubile. The Sun which falleth in the West with Eclipse of his lighte, riseth in the East with his firy garland: high springes may cease from swelling, but neuer drie away. In the meane time though they speake me as faire, as Iudas did Christ the same nighte that he betraied him, can a Gentlemans courage put vp this iniurie? Shall they spurne and I not kicke? I wil vse meane and maine, sacke their soules, & ransack their dwellinges, and send them vengeaunce with aduauntage, I will assaile to scale their fort, or els will smell of smoake. The bankes will vndermine, if the Sea flow not ouer, and if my furie haue no vent, my hart will cleaue asunder.
Nay, since they say what they liste, they shall heare what they list not. Though I be an Asse, and borne to beare, yet they shall [Page 166] snaffle my tongue to wrappe it vp in silence. Thy tongue Philotimus? A goose gagles, and an hen cackles, and wilt thou gaine the game with tatling?
No, sende them thy gauntlet, challenge the combat, wage battaile, match their mallice, Innocencie beares a shielde to breake their blowes. Pursue the fugitiues, make hauocke of them, haile them by the hairie scalpes vp and downe the stréetes, chop them as small as flesh to pot, let not a parcel of their memory remaine by the remnaunt of their ashes.
O Philotimus, thou hast eaten bulbéefe, and braggest highlie: yu touchest neare, but drawes no bloud. Euery hooked nose is not a conquerour: few curst kine haue long hornes. Where be thy burgonie, thy beauer▪ thy coller, thy corslet, thy powldringes, thy tasies, thy vollie of shot, thy planted ordinaunce, thy casted mounts, with all thy garrison of well araied souldiours? A rustie rapier is no trustie rampier. It is not a sharpe sounde, that proues a full battell. A Caesars mind, and a Codrus might, can neuer agrée.
Tush, thou art like a Thiefe, that thinkes euerye Trée a true-man. Thou maiest aswell be feareles, as he that holds ye wolfe by the eares: new wine will seaech to finde a vent, and wit will walke where will is bent: when the winde is not in a good coast, we must ship our [...]ares and further our course: venter & conquer. Hast thou neuer a knacke in thy so [...]s heade, neuer a shifting shoo of an Irish Hobbie? Canst thou not feigne a hotte mouth, when thou hast a cold maw, sound the trumpet of great frendship, and then begin the skirmishe with a false allarme? If thou canst not compasse thy whole desire, be content with that which may come to passe, flatter for aduauntage, and be not ashamed (quoth Phormio) in Terence. Goe burning sighes vnto their frozen hartes, goe breake the yse with pitties painefull dartes: and when they are within thy reach, giue them the cup of bitter sweete, to pledg their mortall foe.
Then maiest thou chaunt thy chearefull chaunce, but interim, thou chats about mooneshine in the water. Thou shalte assoone make musicke with a puddinge and a capcase, as a currant gloze of this deuice. Climbe the Sunne by the beames, and any thing [Page 167] thou saiest, begin to assay it.
Alas, what helpes the diall the blind, the clock the deafe, or wit him that wantes opportunitie? they hate thée, and shun thée, and will not now heare of thée. Though the Mariner haue cunning to gouerne ye vessel, it lieth not in his skil to calme the Seas. It is inough to point to the strawe where the pad lurkes. The smell of the Radish killes the Serpent, and therefore they auoide it: The smell of burnt Penniriall kils fleas, and therefore they cannot abide it: And they, bycause they know thy craft, wil beware of thy traines. Onions and Garlicke sowen neare Roses, though they touch them not, drawe all the grose and sowre moisture into themselues: and thoughe at this time they are not in thy bosome, yet haue they the Art optick to search out thy drifts. They will knowe thy visage by thy vizarde, thy pretended subteltie by thy counterfeit simplicitie.
Well then, sith this is a sauce too sharpe for thy diet, and these be hearbes too strong for thy nose, leaue of this Phrygian melodie that incenseth to battaile, and take the Aeolian harmonie, which appeaseth the tempest ot the troubled mind. Thy taint is past annointing, thy burnt is past balming, no remedie remaines, but death must be surgeon of thy sore. Come death, & throw thy pearcing dart into my panting breste: Death is a porte, whereby we passe to ioy: life is a lake that drowneth all in paine. A chiefe reliefe to conquered men is desperatlie to die. Adew delightes that lulled me asléepe: farewell my ioyes, and dulced bed of rest: swéet were the ioyes that would both like & last: straūg were the state exempt from all distres.
Happie was I (that was a woful word to saine) ah happie was I, that now am most miser. No miser Philotime, wast thou euer in thy life, and that at this time makes the most miserable. The stricken Deare withdrawes himself to die, and so will I. Brutus will first chuse to make a Cutlers shop of his owne bellye, wt his own hands, before he wil fawne for his enemies fauour: Lucrece receiuing a priuate skar, would neuer liue with open scorne: let these be preparatiues to thy spéedie dispatch. Dost thou not remē ber them, that hearing Platoes Phaedon of the soules immortalitie, cast themselues headlong into the Sea, to ridde them of their [Page 168] liues, and enioy the soules pleasure?
Auaunt Satan, thou preuailest not. Though thou set me vpō a pinacle, and offer all the kingdomes that are in the world, thou loosest thy labour: my God will defend me from this extremetie. Shall I pull downe this bodely building, that his Fatherly prouidence hath erected to his owne similitude? No (saith Plato) & he after Plato, in his booke entituled Scipioes dreame, A prisoner committed to warde by commaundement, may not shake of his shackles when he liste, nor come out of prison but by authoritie. Sith his Godhead hath bestowed this corporal mancion on a sinfull wretch, and framed me likewise after his caracter, I will not dissolue it as though I mislikt it, but continew his goodnes with thanksgeuing.
Aristotle ouercharging his fantasie, with too subtle a search beyond his wittes reach, did himselfe to die, to his own condēnatiō & hinderaunce of vs▪ Iudas & Saul may terrify and edify, iudging themselues by their owne censures, and warning vs all to feare, but with faith. No violence is permanent, and Opinion is sometime of impossibilities: the one may perswade vs that the other slakes griefe, but the other deceiuing with deluding contrariety, shortly returnes to his former recourse. The corruption of one, is the generation of an another. Our miserie in mortallitie, which is but momentany, bee it dispossest without Gods appointment, newly begets, and renewes a fresh, a neuer parting paines in the life to come.
Then let inward spirite better outward spéech (as Alcibiades speakes of Socrates in Platoes symposium:) there meaning to commende his maister Socrates, hee compares him to Syleni, as they sat in the Ingrauers shops: for without they were ingraued with pipes and instrumentes, but being ript and opened, they had the Images of Gods. Vlisses could forbeare his maides choakinge checkes for a certaine proofe of suspected probabilities: Etrascus louing thirtie yeares, could not atchieue his harts desired choise, yet at ye end, found reward of his mistris. Achilles for a time fair Brysīs did forgo, & yet they met again, thē think yu maist do so: the Lord may restore thée to former state, thē first seke his kingdom, [Page 169] and all shall be ministred. If he haue giuen thée a bill of diuorcement, neuer to ioine issue with welth nor pleasure, he requires no more seruice but praier for patience, and constancie in this seruice, till thy Audit day in heauen.
It may be, he hath brought thée trom bench to barre, to pleade for thy safetie with care and sobrietie, least being exalted to sit on the bench, thou haddest iudged thy self with dissolute haughtines. As ye yongman Tuscus, by Petrarches report, seing his feature, as it were a lawnd for beawties bloudhounds there to draw, which was perillous for his credit, and daungerous for their safetie, thinking rather to make griefe of his gaine, thē that should hurt any which could helpe none, all to gashed his face with voluntary knockes, to deforme himselfe, and defraude them.
Far therfore be that from me, which Epiucrus thinketh in Tullies bookes of the nature of the Gods, that nothinge is gouerned by the prouidence of God, bycause saith he, those yt be immortall, take no pains, but being idle and vacant, trouble not themselues with any manner medling. No, not a leafe falles to the ground without Gods good leaue. Therefore let euerie parte either in Commodie or Tragedie be willingly plaied, as he shall assigne.
Ah doting Dido, sie pholishe Phillis, vnfortunate Camma, misborne Medea, more cruell then Atropos, to vntwine your fatall threedes. What mente ye to disinherit your lawfull tenauntes for tearme of naturalll life (your bodies I meane) more easelie disioynde, then knitt together, as Cato saieth in Tullies Oldage? Though euery one of you had siluer féete, as Philostratus in Heroicis reportes of Thetydes in these woordes Guropes a thetis: Though you had suche grace in your eies, as Homer reportes of Iuno: Though you had Ioues haire, which hee speakes on in his first Ilias: or braue Achilles his, when Pallas comming downe from Heauen at Iunoes requeste, pulde him backwarde by the golden haire, which Homer calles Zanthen comen. Yet if a man should make Epigrams on your best vertues, your praises would bee as meane, as Euphorbus his the Troians▪ which Homer did giue him when he was a dying, in whome he bewailed nothinge but [Page 170] his faire ruffe of haire.
Well then, though I am loth to vnloade my deeringe cares to my dearest frendes, and bewray all my wantes whereof I am ashamed, yet it is vertues lore to seeke meanes to liue, and war [...]e ventering shal giue the onset. I will write to Aemilius, our aū ciēt frendship is yet but memorable, and my good welfare to him is estimable, he is my best frend, & my best belouing brother, and therefore I know he will giue me assistaunce.
Then taking pen in hand, in which for feare ye ynke did seme to fréeze, for that he blusht, and was abasht to begge, he wrtt to his brother of all his distresses, contriuing his Arguments into these two heades: That for the indissoluble bond of their sacred sworn frendship, and naturall regard of their neare alliaunce, hee hopte without pausing he would send him purueyaunce, and renewe ye state of his passed life with the imparture of his newe reliefe.
His page Parmenio, which neuer departed from him, was the carrier of these letters, and for want of an horse poasted on foote. M. Aemilius was agast at the tenure of these letters, and halfe & more ashamed to reteine such a guest, and so far he was from ayding his ill apaide brother, that he charged Fuluia his Wife, and Philotimus his onely sister, not to meddle with Philotimus.
Nay (quoth he) the Crow that hath no care of her owne birdes, will not tender the nestlinges of blackebirdes: the Bée that cā not féede of the swéete of the honysuckle, will hardly make honye of the iuice of the Thistle: hee that seeth not his blemishes in a Christall glasse, will not blot them out by looking in blacke marble: when hemp will not spring in a fertile ground neuer tilled, it wil not grow and flourish in a dried heath: since he could not kéepe pace, when his legges were lithe and léenie, and his horse & footecloth at his commaund, how can he outrun his fellows, whē his limmes are all lamed, though you lend him a crutch to leane vpon? His aunswere he returned in this order.
Aemilius to the luckles Philotimus.
POore soule Philotimus, God sende thée more wit then thou vsest in begging, & to bag better almes, then thou gettest by bragging: but he that spendes all, deserues the like blanke, & a prowde hearted begger, hath sildome proued better. Whilest you studie on the starres with loftie lookes, & scale the skies with taratant tearms, you stumble at a straw for want of good footing, and diue in the ditche, where I feare you sticke faste. Had you craued my helpe with humiliate submission, it had caused your health, and medcined your moning: But you entreate me not, as I am your better, but charge mee with duetie, bycause I am your brother. It followes aswell of our fraternitie, that I disburse money to acquit you of debt, as that Arthemioes nurses son should succéede in the Argiues kingdome, bicause he suckt ye same milk that Arthemio did, who deceased intestate without an heire apparaunt. Neither consanguinitie of brotherhood, nor aunciety of acquaintaunce, shall seduce me from my caueates, or reduce me to your cautels. For frendship hath no forme, when his matter is perished (which is honestie) and brothers haue fréewil, not custome to constreyne them. By the same steppes you came to beggerie, returne till you come to your mineral of riches, & when you amend, I will chaung my mind. Farewell.
These were tidinges vnbethought on of Philotimus, no sooner heard, but taken to heart. Yet though his best ioint were [...]rased, he would not for choller deface his other mēbers: though his likliest graft did beare no fruit, he did not condemne & contemne all his plants: though in the fairest goblet he had found poyson, hee would not refuse to drinke in a meaner peece: imitating Hylus [Page 172] ye Persian, who defrauded of his Lordships, by his nearest frends, vsed the meanes of alians to obteine a kingdome.
Philotimus then hauing recordation of an olde companion of his in the Court, who frendlie had professed much, and was proficient in nothing (as occasion gaue proofe) thoughte, that since there was one ace lefte that mighte doe him good (though he had mist of that cast, which might haue wonne the game without cō tradiction) to trie the dice, which neuer were constant, and consequently with confidence setting pen to paper, writte these fewe lines.
Philotimus to his frend Erogazus.
GOod frend Erogazus, health to thy person, and wealth to thy frendes. O Erogazus, I now must write thée woonders, and craue thée for my Sanctuary. My plentie hath bred me pouertie: my faire and sunnie downye day, hath all beburnt my hewe: my strength hath giuen mee a fall, muche like Narcissus fate, whose too muche beautie was a baite, to catche him in the brooke. My wealth was wearie of his welfare, and neuer deignde to wowe that Ladie Wit, till Woe entistte it neither to despise nor spite her hestes. I am nowe more vncouthly transmuted, from my auncient state, then hee who with looking on Mineruaes naked side, did loose his shape, and was transformed to a Beast.
The blind Poliphemus did not more mournfully and wastfully crie vnto his loued faire Calatea, then I a poore blind forlorne Gentleman both of frendes and affection, doe with dole and despaire, call till I cough, but without an aunswere, to my Ladye Aurelia.
Aurelia (deare frend) hath forsaken Philotimus. But why? God knows, not I, excepte it be for this, to make me a patterne to my péers, of fortunes frailnes & beauties lightnes, and herself a sampler to light huswiues, of loue for liuing, & inconstancie in loue.
My creditors were not so readie to lende mee money, as they are vnreasonable for a sodaine dischardge: in this resemblinge the Epycures stomackes, who hauinge a greate Seruice [Page 173] brought to the table at once, would not eat any meat but hauing euerie [...] brought seuerallye by it selfe, like inglun [...]ous corm [...]rauntes gu [...]d vp all: so they in my time of haruest would [...]k me no co [...]e, but in the depth of winter, will needes haue a crop.
My landes are morgaged, my demanes leased, my apparell pawnd, nothing wanting in me to the accomplishment of all miserie, but that I weare no giues, with which they thinke to gin me: for my chamber is a prison, and I pend vp in it, out of which I dare not looke, least some euill eie looke on me.
My solace in this agonie is too sorrowfull to recite, & my pleasures want a name, vnlesse Paine bee their nickname. My Lute lies mute, my Cytharin sadde, my Virginalls (whose quauering notes Aurelia oft hath caused) being bereft of her that was a virgin sainct as they thought, are iarring out of tune. If Thales (who with musicke cured the sicke of the plague) or Zenocrates (who with melodie helped franticke lunatickes) should make me harmonie, I should rather thinke the Gods had sent me this ioy for my further paines, then take delighte of their laies with my discordant eares: so oft haue the Gods deluded me with doatinge, so disturbed is my minde with disordinate carkinge.
In this extremetie, I craue thy helpe to appease my creditors, and ease my paines: and though my abilitie be skant to counteruaile your cost, yet inconstant fortune will once batter for better, and then a gratefull mind shall requite with double guerdon. I am not ignorant, how litle thou owest me, nor so impudent to demaund ought of duetie: yet must I commit an inconuenience, to preuent a mischiefe, and for auncient beneuolence, craue your benificence. Few woordes may suffice a willing minde, and one sillable is too much for an vnwilling miser. Farewell (good Erogasus) on whom onelie I cast the ancker of my care. I expecte thy spéedie aunswere, and hope for present helpe.
What entertainment these letters of entreatie had, you maye iudge by Erogazus his awnswere, which followeth.
Erogazus to Philotimus.
THe malignant nature of thy entice maladie, doth notify the daunger of thy disease, and warnes vs to decline his perillous contagions. The infected of the plague, doe naturally couet to contaminate others: the Drone depriued of his winges, doth seeke to clippe the Bées of theirs: when the Rauen féeles herselfe draw neare to death, she kils her yongones to leade the daunce: & I suppo [...]e (Philotimus) thou thinkst it a comfort in thy miserie, to haue a companion in extremitie.
If one trea [...] bar-footed on the bird Drymus, forthwith his skin commeth of, and his legges swell, and they also that handle him which is hurt, lose their skin: the christall waues that beates against the muddie rocke, doe purge the rocke, but do pollute thē selues with filth. Alphenor offring to rescue Phedimus and Tantalus ystrick with pearcing shaft yfere, and lying groueling on ye ground, was gride himselfe through bulcke, with dint of deadlye dart: your part must be minsed by these comparisons, & your festered wounds you wish me swadle vp, must seeke another surgeon, or remaine without remedie.
Though the Riuer Peneon run in the Lake Titaresis, yet is it neuer mi [...]ed with it: though for olde acquaintaunce sake I can take paines to sée you brought to the gallowes, I meane to be no partner of your ha [...]ter.
As the Colt will not be brideled, so the Asse must be spurred: as no rule could raine you, whiles you were in your huffe: so skant must tame you, when you are in your néede.
To beg, is no way to get my frendship. If you wil kepe frends, you must put in practise this old delectorie. Giue, take, seeke, all things, few things, nothing, els you may put your flock in ye common, but it shal [...] hardly find a shepheard, & seeke for an almes, but find Gods seath For proofe whereof, bicause you shal beleue me, I my selfe wilbe as prouident to kepe my right, as you were nothing wise to demaund without reason. Farewell good Philotimus, I haue not for you.
[Page 175]When Pilotimus, had red these letters, ah wretch (quoth hee) that hast no end of thy goods, nor beginning of goodnes, no cause to spende thy money on thy selfe, nor honestie to lende it to thy frendes, that haddest rather reserue thy coyne to a néedeles vse, then deserue well of others, with parting from a pennie: the mothes eate thy money, the wormes wroot thée out, and vtter decay be both your destinies. Now when he sée no truth, neither in louer, nor brother, nor frende, deuided as it were into choller and griefe, he writ this Pamphlet following.
Mihi crede, credendum nemini.
HE whose truste hath wrought him treason, which treason causeles, hath brought him miserie, warns all good natures to beware by his folly, & giues thē this pamphlet for a frendly caueat.
Vouchsafe to reade it, though you ride him that made it, and if (as I wishe) it be to your benefit, (which shal be my comfort) let it not misse to be my bale, which is my custome.
Rifle it to the bottome, though it be but a trifle, fooles bables may serue to make wisemen sport: search it to the sinews, & trie out his entrails, though his stature be smal, his heart may be big: leaue what you like not, & beleue what you list, you haue scope to scape harmles: It is my theames bidding to be dainty in chusing, respect or reiect to your priuate contentmentes.
Thus vnder protectiō of your frendly beneuolence, & vndoubted ascertaunce of willing attention, I will proue my purpose manifestly, by discoursing dispersedly, through al or the most creatures extant in the world, & least I incur that idiots fault, which intending to write ye life of Priamus, began many degrées of with his great graūdfathers predecessor, and so spent his pith ere he came to his purpose, to auoide the like, & néedles superfluitie, I begin as followeth.
BE sure to those to whom you plight troth, but be slow to trust any wt reposed confidence: for he yt makes breach of his passed protestation, is far worse then Pythius the deceitful Siluersmith of Syracusa: and he that trustes too far, though vpon some tryall, is like the foolish Beara [...]d, which hauing tamde his Beare, will thrust his hand into his iaws, or venter so far within his gripes, that sometimes he is vrged to crie for helpe
ARct seemes the knot, & indissoluble ye bond of mutuall goodwill twixt ye parent & the child. Yet Tullia Tarquins daughter for couetize of the empire, not onely berefte her father of life, [Page 178] but in spite made her couch to be drawen ore his body, and with her trampling Iades brused his corpes. Seruius Tullus was molested of his children: Zan [...]ppus persecuted his Father Pericles: Oedipus was imprisoned of Eteocles and Polinices: Bassianus sought the death of his father Seuerus.
Although Aristotle say S. Ethicke [...], that Loue descendes rather th [...]n ascendes, that parents loue children more then they requite it, [...]et doth not this loue alwayes indiuidually concomitate and follow parentes. Iustinus the abridger of Trogus Pompeius writeth, that the wife of Demetrius for desire she had to reigne, betrayeth one of her sonnes, who was an obstacle to her enterprise, and by that horrible facte dismissing all motherly affection, when another sonne of hers named Grippus had recouered his fathers dominions, she, as though she had bene imbased by this conquest, attempted to embrew her handes in the bloud of him, although it happened most diametrically opposite: for offering him a cup of deadly poison, when he came thirstie from exercise, he of duetiful curtesie desired her to begin, and vrged her so far, that hee founde but great proofes of her intended purpose, wherewith the Quéene being ouercome, poisoned herselfe with the potion which she had prouided for her sonne. Phaenix deflowred a damosell, whom his father Amintor kept in cube, and did affectionat, for which cause, his sire thundering bitter curses, inuoking the fell condemned furies, bequeathinge to his hire the hatefull harmes of Hell, and wishing such a sonne might neuer be sire, or beget babes to be his nephewes, whom he might cherishe in his bosome, he fled from his fathers malediction, and left the hope of all his welth in Hellade, where then Amintor raigned. Meleager, when the turretts of his natiue Cittie Calidon were battered by crewes of Cu [...]et land, could not, hauing taken a litle displeasure, either be cal [...]ed with the Lordes faire offers, or be entreated with the Cleargies prayers, or be induced by his Fathers beseechinges kneeling on his knées, to saue the Cittie, till time, paste time almost, not for their socour sake, but of his owne disposition, the toy tooke him in the head.
If that were lawe nowe, which was lawfull in Sophocles his time, for children to disposesse their doating parentes, we should [Page 177] finde, I doubt not, no small multitude, that with Sophocles his sonnes, would goe about to proue their fathers fooles, that they might enioy their landes and goods. I cannot forget here to insert the condemnation of these children reluctant to nature, by ye char [...]e pietie of the storke to their dams, who relieue them in age with foode, of whom in youth they receyued satiate sustentation: & the godlie duetie of a poore woman, who (as Valerius writeth) hauing her mother deliuered by the Praetor vnto the Iayler to be executed in the prison as a malefactour, and a straight mandate giuen, that none should visit her (sauing that her daughter by the gentlenes of the Iayler, got leaue to come to her, who notwithstanding was narrowlie searched that she brought no foode, bycause he purposed to kill her with famine) a great while aslaked her mothers hunger with the milke of her brestes: the Iayler merueyling how she liued so long, at length perceiued the honest guile, and reporting the straung fact to the Counsel, procured her pardon.
When the broode of the Pellycane waxeth hore & haughty, they violently smite their dams, and gréeuously wound them. Nero made a funerall corse of his naturall mother, and this Tiger Nero, a straung begotten swaine, was preferred by Claudius to the Imperiall throne, before his owne sonne Britannick.
BRethren descending from the same loynes, hauing copulation of neare consanguinitie, should not, me thinketh, degenerate from kindnes, and turne natiue Loue to defiant Hostilitie. It were straung in these dayes, to see their natures peruerted, but that it hath bene so among our forefathers: yet it was no woonder in their golden daies, for so it hath bene from ye worldes first foundation.
Petosiris the Iunior sonne of Calasiris, Priest at Memphis, by guyle ment to defraude his elder brother Thyamis of the succession of his Fathers Priesthood, for the which they sought a combat, or at least should haue fought, if Petosiris his héeles had not serued him better, then both his handes and heart were able to doe. The Empire of Rome being left in euen moytie, to the two brethren Bassianus and Geta, Bassinus to the intente to haue the [Page 179] sole regiment, fraudulentlie butchered his brother Geta. Abimilech slewe thréescore of his brethren that he might raigne alone, when onelie Ionathas by Gods prouision, scapte the sckowring.
Record the quarrells of Marcus and Lucius, Titus and Domitian, Tyberius and Germanicus, Numitor and Amulius, Saturne & Titan, who vpon the point of commaundement & gouernment were not as though they had bene brethren, but mainteined wars as most cruell enimies.
Ouid saith in the first of his Metamorphosis, that the violence of the boisterous winds (which brothers are by kind) are so turmoilous and so cruell, that euerie one is pent pur partiewise in sundrie place: and therefore to the gray Morning, and to the realme of Nabathie, and Persis, and other landes far vnderneath the morning starre, did Eutus take his flight: the setting of the Sun, and shutting in of nighte, belong to Zephyr, that braies his balming breath: the blastes of blustering Boreas raigne in Scithia, and in other landes vnder Charlsis wayne: to Auster is appendaunt all the Sotherne coast, who beareth showers and mists continually in his mouth.
FEw Husbandes marrie wiues, vnlesse misled with lust, but with some foretriall of their honest manners, and none there bee after longe time of marriage, but hauinge founde them honest, trust their demeanour: yet giue eare what I wil tell you. When Hidaspes Kinge of Ethiopia had bene married to Persina the terme of ten yeares, who in all this space had not conceiued, and was knowen honest from all other, at length with great ioy she was pregnant by him: in the acte of which generation, Persina looking on the white picture of Andromada naked, brought forth (contrary to ye Aethiopian colour, a child very faire & of singuler beautie: the mother vewing this woonder in her child, & fearing her husband would suspect ye wrong, yt such a coloured child could not be of his getting, to auoid ignomie, was driuen to this shifte: She laid the yong one forth in a certaine priuate place, exposing her to the vnstable state of fortune, placing her Fascia by her, to declare what she was, and store of riche Iewells, that the finder [Page 180] might foster her: all this done, that the Kinge might not see her, Persina told the kinge that his daughter was dead: see here, how litle Persina credited her husbandes disposition, who neuer had shewed her any vnkindnes, neither could she in herselfe find any cause, that might offend him.
I haue hard of a certaine married wife, who at certaine moones would feigne herself mad, that vnder that pretence she might doe what she list, & accompany whomsoeuer best pleased her humour, her name was Paephaca. Arsace the great kinges sister of Persia, marrying Oroondates a noble Gentleman, and the kinges deputed Lieutenaunt at Memphis, of howe many far inferiour to her calling, was she enamoured? First of Thyamis, after of Theagines, and of others many mo. This Arsace was accustomed to say that, which most women prasume vpon, that in her greatest trespasses, Oroondates would bee pacified with one flattering welcome, or the least teare wrunge out of her eyes.
Who was more méeke then M. Aurelius, yet who ouermatched with two deceitfuller queans? If a woman hold an opinion, who can draw her from it? warne her of her fault, she will not beleue you: giue her counsell, shee will not take it: If you looke at an other, then is she iealous: if you loue her, then she disdaines you: threatē her anone she complaineth: flatter her, she waxeth proud: reioice not in hir, then ar you surly: if you forbeare her, it maketh her bold: and if she be chastened, she turnes to a Serpent: finally a woman will neuer forget iniurie, nor giue thanks for any good déed. Though Claudius were a cruell kinge, Hanniball a méeke king, Alexander a valiaunt kinge, Phillip a wise kinge, yet was Claudius cooled with his wife Agrippina, Hannibal kindled with his Thamira, Alexander his courage abated with Rosane, & Phillips wisdome sotted with Olympias.
Yet Cecilius Balbus saieth, that one obiecting to a Gentleman named Damelius, that hee had a stinking breath, and hee chiding with his wife for not telling him of it before, truelye (quoth his wife) so would I haue done, but yt I thought all mens breaths had smelt in ye sort, & therfore it is like she neuer ioined mouth to any man, [Page 181] and yet it is red, that the wiues of certaine Lacedemonians (who were taken by the Spartanes, and imprisoned) comming into prison to them, chaunged apparell, & by that cloake intruded themselues into daunger, and sent out their husbands in habit of women, muffled as though they had wepte for their distressed Husbandes.
Homer saith, that Iuno the wife of Ioue, Neptune his brother, and Pallas his daughter, had conspired to binde his handes, and throw him downe the Heauens, had not Thetis descending, caused Briareus, called Aegeon, the hundred handed Giaunt, climbe vp, who fearcely there resiaunt in their sighte, did so agaste both Seaishe God, and all their route, that Ioue did scape this bickering.
THere is some regard of one kinsman to an other, more then of an aliaunt, or a transmarine straunger: yet would I wish you, to vse your kinsfolks, as on should vse a faire staff made of réede, which he may carrie in his hande, to feare his enemies, but if he leane to it or vse it, it snaps in sunder. If you chaunce to prosper, your kinsfolkes will vse your countenaunce for their credit, and others will fouourably and gently entreate you (as it was a custome in Rome, none to be put to Iustice, but firste the auncient bookes should be searched, to se if any of his predecessors had done seruice to Rome, whereby the captiue should merite to haue pardon of life: whereupon Marius Consul triumphing of Iugurtha King of the Numidians, and Bochus King of Mauritane, who fauoured and aided Iugurtha, Iugurtha was beheaded in prison, and Bochus saued, bycause the graundfather of Bochus had made learned Orations before the Senate, and profited the common welth with his wise sentences) but if your welfare impair, then your good kinsfolkes renounce your kinred, least you diminish the copie of their countenaunce. As Antiochus being banished his countrie, comforted onelie with his poore daughter, fellow in his banishment, & after hauing his houses broken downe with an earthquake, and his doughter slaine all in one day, and hearing that an old frend of his was come to the towne, to whom he would ease himself in bewailing his estate, came to him, welcomd [Page 182] him, and began his plaining mone. The other knowing him very well, but seing he could reape no greate reputation by his acquaintaunce, asked him what he was, Antiochus tolde, and wondered he had forgotten, thinking it had bene long of the macerating of his body, which was mishapen with sorrow: truelye quoth the other, I knowe one Antiochus well, a Noble man in Rome, and my especiall frend, but as for this fellowe, I perceiue he is a counterfeit, and therewith commaunded him to be voided his lodging. This is like Gentlemen in our daies, who will hee cozins to all of any port or great report in the whole shire, though their gransires dog scarse leapt ouer their grandames hatch, but if a poore man be in the second degrée, he is not in the catalogue of their genealogie. Tlepoleme Alcides son, slewe his fathers frend Lycimnion, to whom also he was allied in loue, for which fact he fled his countrie.
FRendship which hath bene, or should bee the Sun of all the world, which should giue life and light to all good mindes, is now endarkened, or quite extinguished.
Aeneas loosing his frend Deicoon, quickly forgot him, and got a newe one. Q. Curtius writeth, that Alexander at his returne from Babylon, renewing his accustomed feasting, and inuited by Thessalus his phisition to a banquet, was poisoned by him: but ye truth is, that there was treason wrought against him, ye chiefe of which conspiracie, was his frend of frendes, Antipater. It is hard to find Senecaes Arthesius, who hauing two frendes, whereof the one was poore, & yet for shamefastnes dissembling his néede, priuelie put a bag of monie vnder his pillow, that his frende might rather finde that hee wanted, with ioy of good hap, then through his good nature being ashamd to aske, should wante that hee needed through his default.
I Néede not admonishe you to giue no credence to Loues wil [...]s, whom neither law with feare, nor wisdome with discretion, cā restraine.
Agorastocles in Plautus not knowing howe to compasse his louer, had counsaile to eircuument Lycus that kept her in this maner: [Page 183] to send Colibiscus his bai [...]iffe to him, who feigning himselfe to be in loue with her, should giue Lycus a great summe of mony to bee shut vp with her in a chamber, to haue his pleasure: therewhile Agorastocles should enquire at Lycus his house for his seruaunt, and thus he assured himselfe, that Lycus knowing no seruaunt he had but his parasite, whom he supposed he ment, would deny him: then the impastor Agorastocles [...]a [...]king hie house, and finding his seruant and his money in Lycus the house, should haue him and his whole house confiscate to him, & by this means should be Lord of his loue.
How loose Loue is, and howe briefly expired, the sequele shall giue specialtie. When Iris the common messinger and purseuāt of Ioue came to Helen, in her loued sister in laws faire Laodices shape, & brought her word how it was pacted that Menelaus and Paris should s [...]int ye strife, & were buskling to battaile, Helēs mind was sped of her first spouse, & countrie towne, & alienated quite from her louer Paris: & when Venus had in a trice with a slenting sleight shifted out trick Paris in a mislie aire from the camp, and brought Helen to comfort him at his chamber, she bedlemlike began to raue. O would to God my husbands hap had bene to daūt thy vaunting hoighes, thou wontest to vaunt he durst not méete thée in the face, but thou wouldest eate him at a gobbe, which now hast showed a paire of leaden heeles: assay his force no more if thou beest wise, least yt it doe thee ill apay.
What fumish brawles, & pettish tetishnes were betwixt Areitho king of Arna, & his pretie bulchion and louing fuds, ye fayre glassy eyed Philomedusa, for whose loue not long sith, but euen ye day before the bridall, he would néedes dye the louing death, and bequeath his body to the [...]irie feast.
As far in loue as Achilles was with Brisis, he could be content in her absence to make sport betwixt a paire of sheetes with his swete hart Diomed, the kings doughter of Lesbos, cleped Phorbe, & this knewe the comicall beldam Misis in Terence his Andria, that lustie crustie loytring loue, as extinct vapoures soone remoues, who gossoping with Lesbia her frende, flattered her in this sorte: It is euen (Lesbia) as thou sayest, few true to women shalt thou finde. It is a Prouerbe in Englande that the men of Tiuidal [Page 184] horderers on ye english midle marches, haue likers, lemmōs, and lyerbies.
THe Gods themselues will nowe and than dispence with deceite, and retaile a fallacie to suche as they can and liste delude.
Iupiter meaning to giue Agamemnon an ouerthrow, sente the God of dreames to him in his sléepe in olde sage Nestors shape, (whose perswasions he had euer in price) & subornd him to giue ye Troians battaile, vnder protection of Iupiter his warrante: the prince obeyed ye vision, but had effect quite contrary, for hee & his garrison were both foyled.
The greene eyed Goddesse with her cokesing words, set Pindarus a gog to infringe the compacte ystricke betwene his confederates & the Pelasgians. Apollo to front Aeneas from death, ridded him out of the battaile, & to abuse the armie, erected his portrayture in his wonted station amonge his soldiers as though it had bene he, about which the knights of Graece & Troians both, yt one sort spending their trauails to defend it, the other bending their mights to defeate a senceles thing of life) made many a widdowe and fatherlesse childe: wrangling cracking Mars did sweare full stoutlie in aide of grekish crews, but the selfe same day he periuredly deard them.
Neither are the heauenly bodyes lind with such minds, as we imagine, nor their strength so rath as surpasseth all puissance of million legies, & not to be thirlde with any thwart. For admit ye all the Gods & Goddesses descending from the earth, coulde not haile Iupiter from heauen with a golden chaine fastened to him (which he insulted of himself) yet Ephala & Otus the sons of great Oloeus, bound God Mars and imprisoned him ye space of 13. moneths, where he had consumed with setters and stinking, had not Euribaea their mother in law besought Mercurius in his behalfe, who stole him a way closelie in a braide.
Iuno her brest wt triple headed shearing shaft was hurt by Hercules. Pluto sable God of vaste infernall Tartarum, did giue the hand of selfe same man, a badge of his bloud in Pilie soyle among the murthered carcasses, of which wounde hee was healed by [Page 185] Paean phis [...]ion of the Gods.
POrtending Sothsaings of gospelling Augures, to whom ye Ethnickes were tributorie in deuotion, were superstitious collusions to supplant the credulous, and more authorized by custome, then alowed for commoditie.
When ye Graecians were in suspence, whether to march on to giue onset of battaile, at that same stoure, drad flakes of lightning fire were darted down from heauen, which falling at their right handes, were, said Nestor (and true he said) accounted certain diuinations of prosperous lucke: yet for all that, their lucke was at that time, to loose both man, moyle, and machins belonging to warre. These presagings be as true, as yt, which ye schoolmaisters of Padua taught, that in the instant wherein you shall see a Cuckow, not hauing seene anie that yeare before, you shall finde an haire vnder your right foote, if you stand still, & remoue not whē you sée her: if this haire be blacke, you shall haue euill lucke that yeare,, if white, good lucke, if gray, indifferent lucke.
Vnreasonable therfore are their assertions, which say, to heare an Heron crie when thou goest on Imbacie, is a signe of spéeding (and yet this they ground on a place in the tenth of Homers Iliades:) and theirs which say, to see a blacke Swine before the Sun rise, is a signe of euill lucke that present day (& this hath his originall from a prouerb of Empodocles.
Then recke not of the Augures, ne yet of ghostly prophesiers. Eunomus prophesie was estemed a touchstone of truth, yet could he not discusse to fly his fate, and scape the fiste of fierce Achilles. Euridomant a prophet not prophane, but iudged a right interpreter by deuine infusion, could not cast his sonns vnluckie fate, Polidus and Abantes his, whom Diomede cut in péeces.
Indéed it was Calchas his cunning, or rather good chaunce, not so much by sanctimonie of prophesie, but as I thinke, in flatterie of the potentates, to hit the truth in vnfoulding a secrete hidde: whē the Graekes were in Aulis a towne of Beocie, sacrificing to Iupiter vnder a gréene beach trée, growing vpon a liuelie spring, an [Page 186] hideous Dragon crepte from the Aultars foote, with painted scales like the scarlet grape (which créeping vp to the lopiest and tallest part of the Tree, where he found 8. yong peping sparrows in the leaues, which hee rauend vp, deuouring the dam also, while she lamented her yongones) by and by was enrolde in another shape, and of a monstruous Serpent became a stonie rocke: the Graekes amased at this, Calchas calculated, that as the Dragon had deuoured these 9. litle ones, so in 9. years space should they be tired with the proud perucke & pranke Troians, and as the dragon was insensuated, so in the tenth yeare, Saturnus heire would giue them for their hire, the Troian squadrons, and their batled Cittie should goe to sacke and pillage, and as he saide, his saying theed.
AStronomy is a perfect skill. But as Aristotle saith in the 6. of his Ethickes, that Prudens who is the absolutest politicke man, though he be genarally perfite, may stumble in particularities: so the best Astronomers that euer I red, tel most palpable grose absurdities.
Ptolomeus saieth, that hee that is borne, when the Lorde of the 7. House is in the third or ninth degree, and anye euill planet behold him, will sodeinlie die, by falling from some building, or else will die of somthing, that shall fall vpon him.
THe sugrest tranquillitie is soonest transitory: who séekes to mount aboue the mouing skies, their ruine growes, where most they reach to rise: who whilom sat in chaire of high renowne, adowne are headlong hurld to bottomles miserie.
Sardanapalus king of Assiria, one of the richest Monarchies in the world, amid his pompous eleuated royalties, was miserably slaine by one Arbactus: conuenable to this, Cyrus king of Persia, which aswell by meanes of other victories that he had obteyned, as also, that he had subdued Craesus king of Lydia, was waxed of all others most rich and renowned, when he had reigned ful thirtie yeares, was himselfe discomfited, and beheaded by Tamyris Quéene of Scythia.
[Page 187]After Brutus and Cassius the manquailers of Caesar, were, as Plutarth giues specialtie: exiled by Octauian & M. Antonius, they for restauration conspired against their iniurours, and pitched a field Of the faction of these seminaries was M. Varro, a Gentleman of greate honour and fame, who with the other coniurates and adherentes, was likewise discomfited: he then seeing ye daū ger which he was opposed too, incontinently disrobed himselfe of his owne apparell, taking another habit, who by this transmutation being reputed for a common soldiour, was among other captiues soulde for a vile price to one Barbulas a Romayne Knight. A good while after this, one knowing him discouered him to Barbulas, which without semblaunce to Varro that hee knewe anye thinge, priuatelie procured pardon of Octauian, who franckly enfraunchised him againe, and from that time forth held him in the number of his frendes. After this, Anthonie and Octauian falling out to be capital enemies, Barbulas leaned to Anthonie, and with him was ouerrun in the feild by Octauian, at which euent, dreading the furious wrath of Octauian, hee vsed for his owne safetie, the aboue remembred pollicie of Varro, that is to wit, he did on him the coate of a poore soldiour: Thus M. Varro, for that he had not long seene him, as also for that hee had chaunged his apparell, among other captiues vnknowne bought him for a bōd man, but after short time remembring him againe, practised with Octauian, that hee wan him pardon of his prince, and eftsoones possest him of his wonted libertie. So that Barbulas which firste was good Lord and maister, was now at the checke of his vnderlout vassaille: and Varro, which before was a bounden villaine, had now prerogatiue of his awfull maister: which two contrary casuall chaunces, giues vs a certaine certificate how frayle and fragile the loftiest fortune is, and how shortly her smiling lasteth and endureth, in so much that as Philemon, beholding an asse eat figges from of a table, brake into such an extreame laughter, yt hee dyed with laughing: or as Philistione a poet comicall, and Denis the tyraunt of Siracusa, with surpassing ioy made sodayne chaunge of life: so wee, not onelie when wee séeme most firmely seated in immutable prosperitie, are sodeinlye beraught of our vnstable happines, but often with the surplusage of aboundant [Page 187] pleasure, as we swine afloat in middest of blisse, do sinke & drench in depth of bale.
The Thebanes banquetting with merry, glee all carelesse, full of chat, had dole of death delt amonge them.
In Baldach a cittie in Armenia the lesse, which lyeth toward the South, there is a prince resident called Calipho, which is amōg the Moores chiefe gouernour, the king of the Tartars called Alan, hearing that the Calipho which then reigned, was meruellous rich, inuaded the cittie, & tooke it by force, being in it one hundred thowsand horsemen, besides infinite number of footmen, & there he found a great Towre full of gold, siluer and precious stones: Alan appauled at this sight, said vnto Calipho. I much meruaile of thy auarice, that diddest not giue parte of thy greate treasure, to maintaine valiant men against me, knowing I was thy mortall enemye: and perceiuing hee could make no aunswere, well quoth he, bycause thou louest treasure so well, I will thou shalte haue thy fill of it, and caused him to bee sparred faste in the same tower, where hee liued fowre daies, and died miserably for hunger. Prester Iohn warring a long time with Bur, without anye aduauntage of him, sente him 7. yonge Gentlemen to his Court, shewing, as though they departed from Prester Iohn in greate displeasure, and offered themselues to serue the Kinge Bur, who reteyned them as squires and pages in his Court: after 2 years, hauinge groate confidence in them, the Kinge ridinge abroad for his pleasure, tooke the 7. Gentlemen with him, who being the distance of a mile from his Castell, and perceyuing they had opportunitie to execute their purpose, carried him to Piester Iohn, who made him Shepheard two yeares, and afterwards sent him to his Castle with horses and men as a Shepheard.
Niobe, whose father was Tantalus, her mother a sister of the Pleiades, & she the Lady of Phrigia lande and Cadmus palla [...]e, bewtifull in her body, and endewed with seauen sons, & seauen daughters (in somuch, that shee repined Latona shoulde haue the honour of the Altar, and not shee) was barrenned of her twise seauen issue, and shee with sorrowe chaunged into a s [...]one, where vppon the Mountayne toppe in Phrigia Lande [Page 188] she weepeth still in stone, and from ye stone the drearie teares doe droppe.
Might I therefore be so bolde as giue them counsaile, who are heaued vp to the type of dignity, I would wish them often to parlie & practise that, which Cecilius Balbus in his Philosophers toyes, writeth of Agathocles kinge of Sicilia, whose discent being base, would say of himselfe,
REpose not too much affiaunce in monumentes of histories, neither settle your confidence in a bare hearsay, vnlesse your reading be experimented with expresse proofes, and your rumour be raysed from a sure ground.
Auerrois a man in most mens iudgments, whose aduise is worthie to be aduaunced, and whose testimonie is to be taken, reporteth, thot he beheld a poore infortunate patient being beheaded, walke hither and thither in the sight of all the people: which can not be, bycause by heading, the veines are sundered (the onely organes and sole instrumentes of motion in all liuing creatures.) It is also written of Dyonisius Areopagita, that his head being stricken of, he went from the place of execution one full league or more. Noe, it is not with them, as with the adders tayle, whiche being stricke of will skippe vp and downe, like the adder it selfe: and farre are they vnlike Philomelaes tongue, which being cutte of, wrigled vp and downe a longe season, as though it had liued.
In the time of Romulus, were séene in the fyrmament, as is written, two Suns at midnoone, which cannot be (their original being naturall, as it is reputed to be.) For as the crowne or garland, which is séene vnder the Sun, and is called of the Meteorologians, Halon, is a waterish round clowde, vpon which the Sun beames beating, represente the same showe, so a smooth & equall waterish clowde placed by the side of the Sunne, receyueth his beames like a glasse, and expresseth the Idoll of it in the same [Page 189] fashion: This clowde must not be too neare, for then the Sunne disperseth it: nor too far of, for the the beames will be too feble to bee reflected: but in a competent distaunce: neyther can yt bee at noone day, for the heate will soone dissolue it.
A litle before Galba, Otho, & Vitellius striued for the Romayne Empire, there appeared thrée Suns, which were after thought to be supernaturall prognostications of consequent contentions, but such diuiners were scarse good naturall Philosophers.
For those miraculous wonders, which are in scripture to glorifie Gods name, and found in old Annaleis for the confirmation of the efficacie of Christes passion, I muste and will dispence with my incredulous nature to beleue them.
For the first, all meruailes that God wrought by the handes of Moses and other his seruauntes, of going through the Sea drie, of striking water out of a Rocke, of Manna sent euerie morning, of the Suns course stayed in the Firmament, & many such like.
For the second, that for example, which Eutropius writeth, that at the instant of the birth of Christ, brake vp a springe of oyle in an Inne of Rome, which ran by the space of one whole day. Cammester sayeth in his history, that at the dedicating of a temple to ye Goddesse Peace, Apollo gaue oracle, yt til a virgin bare a son it should stand, which they thought would neuer be, and therefore yt for euer it should persist. This Temple saith he, at the deliuerie of the Virgin of our redéemer, fell and seuered eche péece from other. Eusebius writeth to Theodorus, that a Ship sayling by ye Isle Paraxis, a great dreadfull voice admonished a pilot of ye ship, that passing by the gulfe Laguna, hee should giue notice that the great God Pan, (who I thinke, was some captaine maister deuil) was dead. He fearing to doe this legacion or Imbacie, was forced neuerthelesse by the staying of the ship (which at his arriuall there arested, and would no further) to mount vp into the pompe or hinder part of the ship, where he did his embassadge as loude as he could: which wordes vttered, such dolerous lamentatious, and terrible cries were heard, as if Lapithauri & Centauri should howle together with a diuerse deformed bellowing, as huge a [Page 190] noyse, as when high Ioue did let his thunder fly vpon the adder-footed rowte, that battered heauen with hundred handes apéece, the dint whereof the aierie toys of high Olympus brake. Then to conclude, in generaall this I say. The aged man is like the barren soyle, a woman is a réede that wagges with euery winde, no trust is to be found in tender yeares, the surety of all ages is vnfound. Most women be euills (I might haue said Deuils) yet deuils without hornes, for these they vse to place in secret corners. And most men, but here will I stay with an abrupt Aposiopasis.
Here I confesse I haue writ somwhat plainly, thinking, that as when curious Euperices & his fellowe, could not agrée about the curing of Crysippus kinge of Trinacria, it was enacted that they should not mingle or compound medicines, but minister thē simply as they were: so it is most requisite for redressing these impieties, to correct the worlds Elenchs plainly & sincerely, & not with doubling to bolster his errours. But as Pisistrato the tyrant vsed to say, that Damonidas the philosopher could perswade him any thing, & therefore would neuer permit him to speake in his hearing: Or as Isocrates writes to Phillip, yt if he were in presence to pronounce his own oration, he would not doubt of his wished successe: so (curteous Gentlemen, who shall deigne to reade this treatise) if I were in place with you, to make manifestatiō of all the disloyall trecheries which I my selfe haue susteyned (and you may conceiue by implication) you would neither iudge me a miscreant for my mistrust, nor exhort me to a reprisell of my former credulitie. But as the Graeks contending after ye death of Ipocras & Chrysippus the philosopher, to whether of their doctrines they should rather cleaue as most canonicall, at length were so indifferent that they allowed neither of both: so you shall doe best, if you neither beleue too confidently, nor faithlesly distrust, but be equall intercoursers betwixt both extremities.
[Page 191]AFter the compiling of this patchie pamphlet, which in my conceite was not all the finest web, bycause libertie of affection, not learning and iudgment, laide the loome, he tossinge vp and downe his incurable misfortunes, recalde to memorie his antifrend Cornelius, the originall of them all, to whom he sent this consequent challenge, experimenting if as yet he had got a courage.
Philotimus to the wretched dastard Cornelius.
IF I knewe thy worthy stile, and the dignitie of thy house, I would not steale thy title, nor conceale thy honour. But thy publicke desertes conioyned with the intricate doggednes of nature, would appose the skilfullest Oedipus in their description, and doe parlie me a pardon if I be grauelled.
Thou wilt vaunt perhaps that thou art a gentleman by bloud, and I will graunt (the worse my hap) that thou arte a bloudie Gentleman. And yet (varlet) if thou wert but a man, thou wouldest neuer haue endured so many manacinges, but once ere now in so eger challenges, haue taken courage to enter the combat. A man said I? Yes sure, you are as honest a man, as any is in the cardes if the Kinges were out: and as manly a champion, as the Comicall Thraso, who rather thought to feare men with looking big, then meddle with thē for feare of hurt.
Though thou hast iniured me, and periured my mistrisse, yet yt thou maist know, that a worme frod on will turne rgaine, & that the chips of the trée, which thou wouldst hew downe, may flye in thy face, I dare thée to the feild, and sende thée my gauntlet for a gage of reuenge: appointe the place, and bring none but thy self, & as I am a Gentleman I promisse to méete thee, my selfe single alone, though I graūt me as simple as any one: then shalt yu trie, though Aurelia haue my hart in pawne which I cannot redeme, [Page 192] that notwithstanding I haue a gall which shall gaule the to the reynes, and a bodye to beare thy blowes, and deare thy bones. Farewell patch and coward, ond as spedely as thou darest, proue thy selfe a Capteine.
THese letters in Cornelius his absence, were deliuered to one of his seruauntes, and by this meanes came to Auraliaes reading, who, had not Cornelius vnbewares showen himself, would to stay this suite, haue returnd a writ of non est inuentus, but since it happened otherwise, that all minght cotton well, this was her rescript in Cornelius his behalf. For as I earst said, he was a gentleman that had great store of small knowledge, one belike conceyued in ignoraunce, and begotten when his father was a litle scared.
Cornelius to the glorious soldiour Philotimus.
O Preclare stratagems, and your erected Trophees, you florish faire, but fight at leisure: you make as couragious a challeng, as if you were Laelius Atticus Dentatus, who was an hundreth and twentie times in battaile, vnto which hee wente alwayes with such courage of minde, and force of bodie, that hee seemed to presume of victorie: but though thou art the prowdest that euer I heard brag, yet art thou not the most prouedst that euer I delt with, though thou art one of those groyling gruntes (which Perseus speaketh of in his fifth Satyre) whose cholericke garboyle pipkius full of purging drugges, can neither quench nor quell, & one of that ruffianlike number, that will dragge the Deuill out of Hell for thirtene pence, yet your puffing and snuffing will be well inough snaffled, your choller will be coold & your ire relent.
No féete shall be my fence, nor feare your kilkow chat: though [Page 193] Buten were brag, yet Dares was his match: though Dares were frolicke, yet he found his fellowes: though Teucer with his bow made hauocke in hacking the Troian knights and coronels, yet Hector at length with his heaued codgill, paide him home with heaue and how: the yonker Antilocuus butchered Ecepholus, but for his hire Agenor sente a Iauelin to his bared breste, and laide him loubring on ye ground: Dyodorus his soule was sent to Plutoes Courte by Pirus, Thracian prince, hee strake his legge with mightie pibble, and burst ech veine and corde. But what ensued? Thoas could not blin, but slitt Lord Pirus paunch with téeninge sword, & many a soldier moe in his reueng were dold with deadly swoune, the purple gore whereof did flow as hilly springs are wont to spread.
As Stenhelus, frend to Diomede, was neuer from his back to aid him at néede: so if thou by traines or tretcherie (for I defye thy manhoode) shalte doe me a mischiefe, I haue both frends and seruauntes too, the worst whereof will cracke your crowne.
Thinkest thou, I will so far debase my self, as to debate a quarrell with thée by dinte of sword? In faith Sir no. The greyhound sente to Greate Alexander by the kinge of Albania, hauinge an Hart, a Bore, and a Beare, brought to him, lay still wagging his tayle, not vouchsafing to looke on thē, but hauing a Lion brought leapt at him and strangled him, and seing a great Eliphant, seemed to reioice at the bignes of him, and after two or thrée questings rowsing himselfe, slue him.
But thy father thou wilt say, was a ndble man, and therefore thou my equall: admit thy fathers honour, and aduerte what I will say, if an Asse were borne of Pegasus, being an Asse what cause hath he to compare with any horse? If you loue discorde so well, beware you accord not to wear an hempton cord. For after a collar comes an haulter.
The winsing kickenest Iade that will not abide to be shod, if you put but a lile round f [...]intstone in one of his eares, and then holde ye eare hard, is very quiet, and if you put in eyther eare one, you shall haue him as milde as a shéepe: so if a man should but whisper in your eare, and tell you he would méete you in suche a [Page 194] place, you would singe, I feare me, a palinodie.
Let Pluto send thee peace of mind, and stay thy moodie manacings, and as in yeares and welth thou wantst of me, so yéeld thy nauale forces. Gainst him its best to fight and animate thy mind whose pith thou canst withstand and mate his might: remember well my wordes, and tender their performaunce.
Vlisses wished to haue forehayde the Lycians Prince Sarpadon, but Gods they would reserue that fact for some more worthy champion:
You straine no curtesie to call me knaue, as one that hath a déepe insight in a knaue, and thinke no scorne to call me patch: I giue you to vnderstand, that your patches clothes be worne, and the ragges sticke in your téeth. Desist Philotimus, for it will not bee thy lucke to resist Cornelius. When thou arte wiser in thy challenges, and fitter to fight, I will be readier to aunswere thē, and not disdaine the victorie.
It grieued Philotimus to the heart, that he could not hurt Cornelius by neither wile nor weapon, and this hee though not the least addition to the heape of his miseries. But he quoth Philotimus, that will néedes be a shéepe, cannot greatly grudge to be bitten with a Fox, and since the coward dare not manfullye méete me in the feild, let him thinke it no villanie though I catch him by a traine. But as the water floweth, when it is at lowest eb: so one Archaretos who had often sought for Philotimus his frendship in his prosperitie, and still was set at nought of the coy Philotimus, til time of aduersitie, was now a soueraigne solace to all his stéering sorrowes.
This Gentleman Archaretos keping in the countrie, hearde of Philotimus his hard haps, and howe his creditors on the one side ment perpetually to imprison him, and his enemies on the other to dispatch him out of the way, and nowe this he thouhht a verie conuenient time to showe his loyaltie to Philotimus, of [Page 195] whose recouerie he had good hope. Wherefore finding a meanes at his owne charges for Philotimus to auoide these daungers, he writ to him this epistle.
¶ Archaretos to Senior Philotimus.
THe recordation of that amitie wherewith I once affected thée, when thou not regardedst it, & the consideration of true loues propertie, which is not to relente for any vnkindnes, moues me in thy miserie to animate thee with comforte, and to proffer thee such aide as my abilitie can affoord. The vine which we sée growes about the elme, wil not wither and leaue to grow when the elme doth die, but after the elmes decaying keepes his growth as before, and with clasping about it embraceth his elme. Certes, the fine golde conserueth his quallities in the quicke furnace.
It maye bee, that as the Rauen-leaueth her yongeones for thrée daies, till she see whether their colour be congruent to hers: so thou laidest aloofe for time of tryall, which mighte bee a touchstone to trie my promis: howsoeuer the matter was, whether disdaine tooke delight in dalliaunce, or procrastination was for som purpose, let that slip: in thore daies I wearied thee with my wel-willing, and yet I am not tired to procure thy wellfare.
I professe to thy person (Pilotimus) that as I haue euer bene enemie to none, so haue I only frend to one. When I hard of thy ruinous destinies, I could not hold my handes from shaking, nor my lunges from sighing, nor mine eies from weping, so that I thought, as it is the greatest nigardize of all nigardizes, when a man may doe much and will doe litle, so it is the greatest infortune of all infortunes, when a man may doe litle and would doe much.
It is indeed impossible to make sinewes of bloud, of veynes to make bones, of a craggie rocke a plaine way, and to geue absolute [Page 196] counsaile in a case without c [...]ntrolment: so that I cannot tel whether is more dolorous to me, thy vnhappie heauines almost past propitiation, or my debilitie and impotencie, insufficient to helpe thée.
Augustus dreamed on a night how he was warned by Phillip his phisition, that he should be killed in his pauilion, wherevpon he auoyded, and in very déede the nexte day after, the soldiers of Brutus entering his tentes, stabbed many holes with their puncheons in his couch, thinking he had bene there. Before the battaile against the Phillippians, a certaine soldiour thought in his sléepe that Iulius Caesar bad him tell Octauius, he should fight the luckier, if he carried something about him that Iulius had worne whiles hee was heade gouernour: Octauius vnderstanding this, got the ringe wherewith he vsed to seale letters, and the same he wore, and ouercame his enemies. These presidentes endoctrine great matters. He that hath bene brought vp with flesh, cannot feede on bones: and you whose burgeyning and springing tyme hath bene nousled among the wisest in Italy, wil think your gold soone chaunged to copper, to bee shored and propped vp with my Paradoxes.
Notwithstanding here thou séest the two regall Emperoures directed by their seruantes, and so dyrected, as they had cause to thanke the Gods for their mercifull prouision, and to rewarde their seruantes for their luckie perswasions. So it is Philotimus, if thou wilte take a little paines at my entreatye and for thyne owne ease, I would haue the come the tenth of this moneth to ye house of one Carnus, in a litle village named Merio, distant from the Citie about thrée leagues, there I will méete thée, and tell thée suche traynes, as by inquisition I haue founde to bee layde for thée. We will confer by what meanes thou maiest shun them, which is onely by flying. Howe and when that flight must bee, I will then showe thee, and furnishe thee with such money as may relieue thy necessity. Returne mee an aunswere by this bearer what then wilt doe. In the meane time the Gods of their goodnes geue thee that thou desirest, and then haue I all, I doe desire.
[Page 197] Philotimus without pawsing resent him these wordes.
Philotimus to his most faythfull frend Archaretos.
NEuer was trauaile more toothsome to thee, nor legacye sente with quicker ambassage, then the deliuery of thy letters was consolation to me, which shall bee accomplished with acceleration.
If thou haddest seene which thou sawest not, what sorrowes I susteynd, then shouldest thou know, which thou knowst not what solaces surprise me.
My spirite was betwixt the Anuile and hammer, readie to be throwen into Vulcans flames, and thou haste swaged my rages greater then the furies of Bacchus his priests, & conducted my esperaunce to a restfull paradise.
Bycause I cannot thanke thee as I thinke of thee, take (Archaretos) the whole Alphabet of letters, and coyne suche thankes by their coagmentation, as possibly thou canst by the ayde tf thy eloquence. Then think, that faine I would vtter those in words, and doe mutter much greater in secrete thought.
Doubt not (Archareios) but I wil come to the place of appointment, & if my lasie leggs were ioyntles, and for that should deny to make this voiage, my hearte would repute and holde them for rebells, and substitute my handes to be their vicegerentes.
In the meane season, I meete thee in minde, and greete thy person with ten thowsand salutations, whiche, bycause they are neyther so many as thou deseruest, nor so hartelye written as I doe wishe them, I leaue space of paper for the to write more, making a signe where I cannot singe. Farewell Archaretos, whose bountie hath quayled my disquiet. And as Possidonius saieth of the rainbow, yt it is a glasse wherin we may see the Sun, bicause in it are his beames refracted, by whose reflection more manifest [Page 198] apparition of his clearenes is séene, so those that haue not earst knowen thee shall vew thy magnificence in mee, and with ferlye himnes herrie thy praises.
NOw Sir, Philotimus began to recounte Archaretos his letters, & to take account of his passed life, howe he should deserue his passing goodwill: hee pondered what might bee the cause of the renuing of his goodwill, which hee thought had bene obsolete and abolished. I muse quoth he, yet know not, I meuaile, yet cannot coniecture. He was guilty of former contempt, in regard of Archaretos, and fearfull of present guile, to rewarde his proud haughtines: he did well know his méeknes in maners, yet did he feare least he mocked his miseries: he had proued his true meaning in the effect of his dealinges, yet doubted least his perswasions were a mean to deceiue him: he had experienced his frendly affectiō, yet did expect that Archaretos being expert of his pouertie, would be procurde by this allurement to repay his peuishnes. Alas (quoth he thus quoting these surmises) will hee worke me this despite, because I haue despised him? he may if he will, but the valure of his might is nothing the more. The streyuing of a gnat is not swallowing of a cammell: an action got in law by a false inquest, is no lawfull commense, nor lawdable cō queste: it is easie to striue with him that sitts in the stockes, and small manhood of a capteine to breake ye skull of a dead man: laugh not when other mens houses be on fire, least the glaring sparkles light on thine owne. Pentheus for mocking an olde blinde father [Page 199] had a cold prophesie verisied on him. I haue heard, yt the hardest blocke commeth soonest to a knocke, & that the common est flowter as one without escapes, may be a cunning skogin in his own conceit, but shall become a common scoffe to all that knowe him. But I am impudente in coniecting the worste, bycause I nowe am impotent, and haue reiected his goodwil. Though honour harborow yt vs but for on houre, yet homely honestie will kéepe her old nest: though my currishnes be a signe that hee should delude me, yet his constancie hath sined to perpetuitie of loue. Howe can it be that he should seeke meanes to bereaue mee of breath, who studieth to strengthen and lengthen my life? No no, his frendship is firme, & my affection shal be reciprocal: he endeuoreth to broch a better tap to make my beare go better downe, & therfore I wil not say nay, but assay to drinke, apply me to his pleasure, and be correspondent to his counsaile. Vpon this confidence of Archaretos his fidelitie, Philotimus at the day prefixed repaired to ye foresaid place: what their méeting communication & the drift of their conference was, I wil giue you notice by their mutual colloquy, which I haue enterlaced dialogue wise.
PHilotimus, my wished frend, and welcomde guest, how dost thou?
O Archaretos my sauiour, ill to all, and worst to my selfe: all the world is otemeale, and my poke left at home. I will not say to to thee as the olde begger man saide to his dame, God sende you your health as longe as I liue, but I wish that his life may be set on a long last, whose loue hath eased the wrenching of my heart, and that his prosperitie may neuer quaile, whose comfort, as a cullisse, preserueth my weale.
Deare Archaretos, forget and forgeue my passed ingratitude: for then for want of yeares & good discretion I could not discerne my frendes (as whelpes cannot see till they bee nine dayes olde) [Page 200] and nowe for shame I coulde eate mine owne eares (as Aiax after the slaughter perpetrated in his madnes) at the recouerie of his wits killed himselfe.
Philotimus, quoth Archaretos, ingrate men men indéed deserue hate, yet would I bee loth to minister you cumber for a medicine of comfort, or followe your hresident of former mallice, since I mean to giue you preceptes of new goodwill. Thy hot choller I perceiue is turnd to cold coals, and the remnaunt of the ashes vtterlie dispersed: though therefore I cannot appease thy paines with pleasure, yet will I please thee if I can with my presente parlie, and though I cannot effectually furnishe thy wantes, yet will I most faithfully further thy wish.
Alas (good Philotimus) my feare did euer deuine this hap, though my well wishing impugned my presagings. But a man shal hardly be deceiued, where his heart doth fully aduertise him. For neither did Silla erre in that whiche hee prophesied of Iulius Caesar, neither Ptololomeus faile, in that he foredeemed of Alcibiades: bicause the one depriued Rome of her libertie, & the other depraued the glorie of Graece.
The Romaines puissance could not be infringed or brought to expuguation, either by the Carthagenians or the Frenchmen, the Huns or the Epirotes, the Sabines, the Samnites, or the Etrurians, but by reckles pride, and licentious liuing, it was remunerated with vtter ruine. I speake it to this purpose (Philotimus) bicause if thou haddest bene as warie in thy life, as thou art wise in thy learning, or as frugall in expences, as thou waste frolicke in thy sportes, thy state had bene firme, thou haddest néeded no frendes, and all then too Well, had not now turned to Woe.
But no man is borne without a blemishe, and the Gods themselues had their imbecilities. Saturne was peuishe, Iupiter adulterous, Apollo wanton, and Titan enuious: Alexander was furious, Archidamus ambitious, Demetrius vicious, Hannibal periured, Traian a wine bibber, and Homer a vaine talker. Then (my good Philotimus) since as I hope thou art penitent for preter ouersights [...], be not dismaied in thy selfe, nor despaire in thy fortune.
[Page 201]But first of all I straightlie inhibit you for your better thriuing, neuer once to enterteine one thoughte of Aurelia. Mamea was prowde, Medaea cruell, Martia contumacious, Poplia vnchaste, Myrrha malicious, Domitia rashe: Assiria complayned of her scandale Semyramis, Armenia of Pincia, Graece of Helen, Germany of Vxodonea, Rome of Agrippina, Spayne of Hecuba: but all these iointlie with euerie their seuerall faults, may not compare with thy compéere Aurelia, of whose wickednes thy testimonie is a perfect proofe.
Muse not Philotimus, that I dehorte thee from loue, and perswade thee to libertie: for I haue red more in Hossienus that instructeth to giue counsaile, then in Ouid that learneth to be enamoured: and more shalt thou profit in following a Stoycke, then in practising the toies of coy Dorcatius.
Philotimus aunswered. My dearest Arcaaretos as I had rather pledge thee in water then anye other in wine, so one sillable of thine shall more perswade mee, then the sage sentences of anye other. The woordes of the Philosopher Theomastes, did more preuaile with some of the Graeciaus, then the huge armies of king Phillip, and more effectuall (good Archaretos) are thy gentle exhortations, then the threatening tormentes of any calamities.
But alas this haste thou hearde, and I haue tryed it, that the cruell beast Loue, doth suffer herselfe to be taken wt a threed, but will not be thrust away wt a percing launce. In this case I remit you to Hermogenes, to Tesiphontes, and to Plutarch, who haue spent much time in writing of Loues remedies, and yet at length haue bene vrged to say and confesse, that it is a more incurable disease in the mind, then the goute or plague is in the bodie. Let Ouid say what him pleaseth, Nigidius what he dreameth, Samocratius what he thinketh, but in fine, they shall finde it harder to get a salue for this sore, then for the Alcumistes by their art and creticke daies, to find the Philosophers stone & the Quintiscence of nature. Nay (Archaretos) these thrée vsurping phisitions, died persecuted and banished from their natiue countrie, not for the offences they cōmitted in Rome, but for the loues they attempted in Capua.
[Page 202]Oh how many times did Hercules desire to bee deliuered from his loue Mithridata, Menelaus from Dorrha, Pirrhus from Helena, Alcibiades from Sabina, and M. Antonius from Cleopatra, whom they would neuer not onely forsake, but with them or for them yeelded to death? Good counsell and affection agre like iron and clay, which by no meanes can be brought to sticke together,
Though I were as light of foote as an Hinde, as swift as Polite, Priams son, or as spéedie as the coursers of Eumelus, yet could I neuer leape ouer suche a blocke as is Loue, or ouerrun suche a mate as is Affection, or kepe pace with that precise iniunction, ye prohibites all fancies.
But yet me thinketh that a deniall to any of thy requests must needes be a prescription to my honestie. And therfore since thou art no otherwise to me then Solon was to the Athenians, Lycurgus to the Lacedemonians, Asclepius to the Rhodians, Numa Pō pilius to the Romaynes, and Phoroneus to the Aegiptians, impera & impetra apud me, demaund and commaund, and I will obey.
Archaretos made replication in this maner. Indeed (Philotimus) Lactantius Firmianus saith, that the common wealth of the Sicyonians endured longer then either that of the Graekes or of ye Aegiptians, or the Lacedemonians, or the Romaynes, bycause in seuen hundreth and fortie yeares, they neuer made new lawes, nor brake their olde ones, so that constancie in good matters is euer commendable.
But he that continueth his suite to her, that flyeth faster from him then the hare from the horne, is much like one of the Mirundins (who at Peleus his praiers were turned again to men) which was so enamoured of the Suns brightnes, that incessantlye hee perseuerd in trauaile and labour, meaning to meete it at the end of the world, there to embrace it and enioy his pleasure.
Thou art now to leaue the confines of thy country, and with a spéedie perigrination, and diligent inuestigation, to seeke a mantion in some other soyle, and therefore thy heart muste be on thy halfpenye, and thy minde deuorced from the contemplation of Aurelia. And yet thou must be of a bon couragio: for no place is [Page 203] a banishment to vertue saith A Milo: I haue no place of abode, said Socrates, but am a citezin of the worlde: whithersoeuer thy pilgrimage shall conducte thée, we are all in the compasse of one heauen, protected with the prouidence of one God, and once shall be vnited with one consolidation.
So neare neighboures are wee all, that euen our Antipodes whose dwelling is opposite to vs, are daily traded too for erchaūg of traffique. Alezander wept, that there were no more earthes for him to conquer but this litle one: Alas saieth Scipio Affricanus, how base a thinge is populer glorye, which is comprised in ye earthes limitation.
I cannot tel (Philotimus) what place is best for thée to soiourne in, bycause thou art furnished for any kind of seruice, neither can I allot thée any residence, bycause like a snayle I haue euer kept my home: but search and find, and if thou wilt vouchsafe to lette me know of thy staying, I will not be slacke to ayd thée with necessaries. Let no imaginary conceit of thy great paines appaule or dismaye thée, for when thou arte once inured with them, thou shalt find small difference betwixt thy good laboures, and the daly sports of the greatest potentates. Arsaciades his pastime king of the Bactrians, was to knit nets: Artaxarxes his, to spin: Arthabanus his king of the Huns, to arme for rattes: and Viantus his, king of the Lydians, to fish for frogges: vaine pleasures God wot, and far from right contentation.
Philotimus bespake. O Archaretos, no durance of daunger can affright me. For her sake (whom from henceforward I will not once remember) I [...]urst vndertake Orestes his voiage, that follothe Nymphes into Hell: or Hercules his enterprise, that for his frendes cause brake the gates of Hell, and bound the Giant Aetna, and the triple headed dog Cerberus, and entered combat with the triple-bodied Pluto. But nowe farewell deare Countrie, adew gallant courtiers, farewell swete Aurelia for euermore. I will accomplishe thy pleasure Archaretos, and seeke an harbour for my self in some forrein nation, wher I shal neuer once heare of these, ah forefined miseries.
From 5 yeares to 5. the Samnits did solemnize their Lustra, from 4. to 4. the Graekes did celebrate their Olympiades, from 7. to 7. ye [Page 205] Aegiptians did renue the Temple of Iris: from ten to ten the Romaines visited their God Apollo at Delphos: but I am for euer abandoned my countrie, whose ioyes these eyes shall neuer renew. The teares trickled downe Archaretos his chéekes, & Philotimus his spéeche was interrupted with extremitie of griefe. At length Archaretos recomforted him, hasting him forward to his iourney for feare of preuentions, hee appointed him well with gold and iewells, such as might well pay his charges till time of better prouision.
Alas good Philotimus, (saide Archaretos) these are not thy garnished garmentes, thy cloth of tinsell and gold, thy braceletts & chaines, & thy newe fashioned nouelties.
Well (quoth Philotimus) though I cannot go with the fashion, yet doe I followe the fashion: for in yeares of yore, before pride was in prime, when the purse was riche and the apparell poore, this was the guise. Here they gaue ech other the Bazelos manus, whose dolorous departure (Gentlemen) pardon me though I describe it not, bicause I want an heart to attempt it, and words to vtter it. Yet I will not forget to recounte you certaine verses, which Philotimus writ immediately before his voiage, and Archaretos afterward found in the chamber wher they communed, and these they were.
Philotimus, tooke his iourney towardes the borders of Graece, inquiring warily as he wente, what were the affaires of euery Iland, & what were the conditions & enterteinment of the segniors of those territories, meaning, as occasion should serue, to imploy himselfe in some conuenient seruice. I neede not recite to you the pensiuenes of this pilgrimage, when as he truly thought that whatsoeuer was about him, was a circumference of daūger, and he himselfe a center of calamitie. But this knowe, that hee was afflicted with those casualties which commonly are wont to befal to all infortunate straungers, when they trauaile in forrein nations without any protection: that is, to be spoyled of his money, to be infected with diseases, and tossed from poste to piller, like an esp [...]al or runnagate. When he was robbed of that litle substaunce which he had, destitute of frendes and acquaintaunce, ashamed te beg, and detesting to steale, hee was vrged to relieue his gréedy hunger with the wild fruites of the wildernes, and to take vp his lodging in some secrete caue or vault, or amid some shrowding shrubs, or vnder some trée.
As Heliodorus Aethiopicus reportes, that in Aegipt a litle frō the riuer of Nylus, there inhabited certaine heardmen, whiche expelled all the righte owners of the soile, & liued themselues with rauine and theuedome: so Philotimus was nowe hit into a place, [Page 206] which a crewe of like companions had longe haunted, vsurping those quarters sole to themselues. The gardeine & Roy of these fellows, was one Toxilus, who with his lieges hauing one night raunged abroad for their pray, at their returnement to cabbin in a caue which siely Philotimus had fore-possessed.
Toxilus entering the caue, and finding him lye groning, beating his brest, with sobs and throwes, & dismayde almost amazde at this sight started aback, and churlishly asked him what wight he was.
Philotimus aunswered: a wight scarse worthy naming, whose woes can none expresse, & at Toxilus his importunitie disclosed himselfe. The thiefe thought this a fitt occasion to encrease their crewe with so méete a copes mate, and hereupon vnfoulded the whole packe of his conspiratoures and their intentes, with these perswasions to entice him.
The prince of Syracusa sacked the Temple of Proserpina at Locris, and spoyling her treasure made a mockage at his thefte. Thyamis a noble mans sonne defeated of his priesthoode, became a captaine of theuish heardmē, such good fellows as we: Paris was an arraunt thiefe both of women & of welth: It was the lawe of Armes among the Ethiopians, and whether it be there yet, or els where at this day, I know not, that the soldiour might take all, or whatsoeuer it pleased him, of that he found about his prisoner whom he caught: The Persian king did neuer goe abroad with open face, but with some lawne or silkin scarfe, muche like this vale of mine: Aegeon spronge of Gods their race, doeth scoure the Seas, and soules the trafficke of the trading merchauntes: Haste thou not hearde this precepte of Lycurgus, where the Lyons skin will not serue, sow the Foxes to it, that is to interprete it, where honest force will not auaile, vse fraude and falshood, & set conscience to sale. We are honest inough my frende, as far as our wealth will serue, and are no worse then they that borrowe money, but that wee giue no obligations when to pay it againe, what saiest thou man?
Philotimus looking wistly on him, with a deepe sigh aunswered.
I cannot testify in wordes, how much I detest thy wayes, nor [Page 207] verefy that for good, which thou inuertest for guile: ech queachye groue, ech craggie cliffe with sedge and loftie oysiers, & this same sprinting spring thats courbo about with pebble stones, inueighs against your facte.
Hoorde in minde that story, and store well that horrour, which Iupiter at his procuration, and secrete visitation of the earth, extended vpon the ingluuious rauenour Lycaon.
When Ioue came downe from heauen, and had entred the harbourles house of late th' Archadian king, suche time as twilighte on the earth began to bringe dim darkenes, he gaue a signe that God was commen, whereat Lycaon made a sport, and scoffingly said, he ment by open proofe to sée what wight of weight he was.
Besides he cut the throate of one that lay in hostage with him, which was an Epyrote, wherof he part did rost, and part did slew, which whē it came to boord, forthwith with dire reuēging flame Ioue ouerthrew the house vpon the ownees head: who seing this, appauld with feare, slipt out of doores into the wilde and desert wooddes, where all alone endeuoring (but in vaine) to make his moane, he fell a howling, wherewithall for dery rage he ran out of his wits, still setting bloud abroch, and practising his wonted luste of slaughter on poore and lielie cattaile.
His garmentes turnde to shaggye haire, his armes to rugged pawes, his skin is hoarie gray, his shape turnd to a wolues, his lookes still grim with glaring eies, his cruell hearte still showes it selfe in outward shape.
Thus was one house destroied quite.
Nor he alone shall bee condemned by rigorous doome, but for such like, did Ioue (as Naso saieth) summon all the Gods to his court of parliament, which then he kept in princely pallace amid the Heauens: A Pallace gorgeous in apparaunt sight, on stately pillers builded high of yellow burnisht golde, beset wt sparkling carcbuncles: ye roofe was framde of yuory, ye siluer twisolde doo [...]es did caste a radiant light: And there a perfect plat of all the world [Page 209] did Vulcan draw, of surges that embrace the earth with winding waues & of the surefast centrie ground, & of ye whéeling heauen it selfe: there firye foming Ioue in purple robes and roial throne of Emerauldes fresh and grene did sit, the Chrisolites & gems wherof did geue a shéere and shining light.
Seest thou not yen milke white pathe that crosse the welkin wendes? (wee commonly call it Galactaea) yen is the stréete that to the Courte of whome I speake, doth leade. Euen yonder thundering Ioue remaines, and yonder did he call his Court, and yonder did he sweare by Stix, leaning vpō his thrée-tind mace (when dreadfully he shooke his bushie lockes, wherewith hee made both Sea and land, and Heauen it selfe to quake) that all the ympes of suche like spitefull Carnes, as this Lycaon was, that francke their flesh on that they filch, and gulpe vp bloud for beare, should smart of Lycaons whip, or worse perhaps: For Lycaon yu knowest, was coosin germaine to high Ioue. O what a wickednes it is to cram the maw with maw of man (as Cyclopes wont to do.)
I take you for no Christians, and therefore I vse to Ethnicks the authoritie of Ethnickes, which notwithstanding were not so irreligious as you, to make honesty arbitrary, and in their choise whether they should vse it or no. Libeus was honoured of the Sycilians, Ceres of the Rhods, Diana of the Ephesians, Belus of y• Palestines, Delphos of the Argiues, Iuno of the Numydians, Venus of the Thebanes, and Berecinthia of the Thebans: Which Gods were so deuoutly worshipped of their country nations both with daily oratories and rich offeringes, that all men had this Plerophotiā and full perswasion, that ech worde from their God was deemed an oracle, and euery offence to their God, a corsiue to their conscience.
Those that deale with fortune, must entreate her, not force her, not get wealth by stealth, for that wil not prosper, but labour honestly for it, for so it will thriue. The Augusts are said to begin in Caius, and the Caesars to ende in Nero: which giues vs to vnderstand, that of vertue ensueth all good thinges behoofull, and by vice doe decay all former prosperities.
Ah sirrha quoth Toxilus, now I remember the saying of the [Page 208] pleasant Philosopher Mimns, Qui cum lasso samilico loquitur r [...]xa [...] quarit, He that helpes a begger out of the ditch shalbe stung with his lyce. But I perceiue a wrangling tongue is the best language thou hast. Yet Toxilus and his company aggrizd at these words, neither able to reply against them, nor willing to applye them to their amending, left him as they found him: what became of thē, I neither am very certaine, neither néede you to doubt knowing their demeanour.
Philotimus thanked God, that he had deliuered him from those temptations, and prayed to his mercy, ouer to safeconduct him from such suggestiōs. But as decayed Vear renues her vert grene leaues, and as the naked Serpent recouers his scalie finnes, and euerye wasted thinge doth weare to former state: so Philotimus began to make reiteration of his sorrowes, neuer hauinge respite but for a greater spite ensuing, nor ceasing to sighe but for encreasing his sobs. When Io was transmute of Ioue into an Hefars forme (to bleare Ioues spouses eies, yt she mighte deeme, no dame he had defloured, but onely that a beaste was pasturing in the feild (she rued this bestiall chaunge of hers with dankishe feare, and by and by assaying to complaine, shee lowed out, which did her so affray, that oft she started at her noise: vnto her father Inachs bankes shee did repaire apace, where ofte the lithie Nymph had played her iocundary reakes: now when shee looked in the streame and saw her horned head, she was agast and from herselfe would all in hast haue fled, and when she thought to lift her handes vnto her head for helpe, she saw she had no handes at all: in steade of costlye couch and deare bought downe, she satte a nightes vpon the ground, and on such grounds, whereas sometime was not so much as grasse, and oftentimes she was compelled to drinke on muddie oasye pits, and for her food on croppes of trées and bitter wéedes to brouze: euen such, and much alike was the life of Philotimus. His sound reboundes into the wood, and thus he mournes.
Ye greedie gripes, forbeare to tire on Titius growing-hearte: O Tantal, that indeuorest to drinke the shuning water, & Danaus daughters, that seeke to fill your tubs that haue no brinkes, and Ixion, that dost draw in that incessāt wheele, and Sisyphus with [Page 210] thy rowling restles stone, waile ye no more, worke yee no more, your taskes and sorrowes euery ech one are fallen vnto my lot. O God, alas.
O Maiaes sonne, Cyllemus sweete, and nephewe vnto Atlas, who with thy charming rod and pipe, bringst thinges asléepe, & fetchest soules from Hell, asswage my woes, assist my brain with rest, and driue away those terrours wherewith my minde is tortured. And as the drinkers of the Riuer Salmacis, or of the lake of Aethiop, doe quite forgoe their memorie: or as Melampus Amithaons son, deliuered kinge Praetus his daughters by his charmes and hearbes, from being mad: so thou vouchsafe this gratious boone, and yéeld no such recourse of thoughtfull passed state, (vnto my woes a nourishment) but let it now surcease and ende, and woes decay with famishment.
In Pallene there is a people, the which by diuinge thrise three times in Triton lake, become all fethered, and take vppon them the shape of birdes. Faire Phaetuse and Lampetie the daughters of the Sun and Clymen, bewraying salt brine teares, and still be wayling brothers death, were ouergrowen with slender barke, and turnd to trées (of which saide trées in guard of their goodwill and mone, flow gummie teares that Amber men doe call, which hardened with the Sunne, and falling from the boughes into the brooke, doe serueas thinges of price to decke our Ladies wrests, and weare about their neckes) so rather then I spende my dayes in spitefusl dole, conuert me good Mercurie, to some Tree or stone, that may doe the seruice, or Aurelia some vse.
Now brighte Hyperion was in middes of skie, and searde the feild with fierie rayes, so that for very languishing heate Philotimus was constreynd to seeke a shade.
Not verie far of, there was a valley thicke with Pineapple & Cipresse trees, that armed were with prickes, and in the furthest end thereof, there was a pleasaunt boure vaulted with the leauy trees: by nature it was wal [...] with flint and pommy halfe about, and on the righte side of the same a liuelye springe with christall streame full freshly flowed out, whereof the vpper brimme was grene with grasse and matted hearbes.
[Page 211]Here did Philotimus, that swet and swelted almost, reste himselfe to refreshe his weakned limmes, and here he gan afreshe to repeat his miserie, which he could neuer repel from his recording memorie.
Into this valley had an olde Shepheard (whose name was Laurus) forced with heate, brought his flocke, and hee sitttinge vnder a pineapple tree, was reading on an old motheaten booke.
The shepheard hearing a lamentable sounde, traced the voice till he had started Philotimus, whom he found sitting vnder a Cipresse trée, leaning on his lefte hande, sometimes beatinge his héeles against the ground, sometimes knocking his head against the Trée, sometime heauing his displaied handes to heauen, calling for mercie and reuenge, the one to pacifie his mood, the other a meede for his enemies crueltie. When his rage was asswaged, and he had fed his fill vpon this estasie, Laurus something more emboldened then before, geuing him a tap on his shoulder with his sheepehooke, saluted him after this manner.
My Sonne, God speede thy studie, and breede thy quiet, augment thy patience, or lessen thy penaunce: and if thy griefe maye be tolde, and my rudenes accepted, bewray it to me, I will betray thée to none: credit mee a straunger (good yongman) I will bee as true to thee as the begger to his dishe. What haste thou trespassed against thy selfe, thus to tormente thee without cause or reason? Declare (good Sonne) and doubte not: conference is conuenable to subdewe direfull melancholie, and difference of talke makes diuersitie in thought. A slender poale canne supporte a large vine, and my sleighte abilitie maye assiste thy debilitie. Open to me thy state, and hope to be bestad. A shepheards scrippe is stuffed erewhile with better fare then bacon: a graish weede doeth vaile sometimes a gayer witte then veluet: a gray goose weare becoms a wearied minde, but doeth not proue a goosish sot benummed man: an hoarie heade doth hoorde both sores and salues for euerie crased minde. Nowe of fellowship saye, [Page 212] and vnfolde thy dismall dristresses as wee sit in this cooly shade.
Philotimus seing his frendly talke, countnaunced by a reuerēt aspect of grauitie, saluted him after this forme.
Haile worthy shepheard what ere thou arte, of greater woorth then Laure I thinke, if Laure himselfe did heare. But since you are importune to heare my importable destinies, I will neyther be captious to misconstrue your good meaning, neither ingrateful to deny a kind demaund, yt one an argument of a peuish mind, the other a consequent of a peruerse iudgment: then my case standeth thus.
If pleasures be in painfulnes, if ioyes accord with carefulnes, if mirth may be in miserie, if banishment bee libertie, then am I most pleasant, most ioifull, most merie, most frée: but ay lady mercy, I am quite the contrary.
I am a captiue clapt in chaines of care, lapt in the lawes of lethall loue, & as the dogge all onely for the taste doth gnawe the bone: so forth I drawe this irked life with fancies vaine repaste. My corsiues comfort is but this, that as a siedged forte with forrein force, for want of ayde must yéelde at laste: so this my corps thus courst with cares, for want of ease shall quickly fade.
I haue frendes (or had frendes) whom if good nature had taught to goe vpright, when they learned to hault of wayward will, I had not bene a president of mischiefe, nor néeded present counsell, I had bene better aduised, then now to néede aduertisement, my winged desire had not bene clogged with despaire, neyther had I had this clue of care to worke my warpe vpon.
My fame had not fayled, nor my fortune quayled, nor this bloom of my blame, bred of the séede of their shame. My Courtiers stéede had not bene turned to a Colliers cut, nor passed welth to present wante: I had not bene expelled from mine owne countrie, nor here exposed to the wrecke of fortune.
Not to make a profound parable of a plaine brobleme, nor to be nyce in concealing that, which all the world doth know, I will disclose some part of my follies, which haue bene the close procurers of my fall.
[Page 213]I loued a Lasse (alas why did I so?) which made full manye a swearing promisse, that I should bee the platforme, where shee would plante her gooodwill, and the onelye ground where shee would graft her grace. But as I was a sottish Asse to beleeue a faithles trull: so she made me an horned Ox to harnish my loue.
Why (quoth the shepheard, meaning to driue him out of his dumpes) it is a pointe of a good gardener to plante in the highest ground, and therefore did she choose thy head to graft her slips in.
Good shepheard (quoth Philotimus) be not too gamesome in so heauie a case: for play is turned to earnest, where game maketh losse, and these merie conceites make but cholericke melancholy. marmalet is no meat for mowers, nor pleasure a pastime for distressed men: if thou liste to heare my state, listen a while to the tenure of my talke.
I was once a pleasant moate in my mistrisses eye, whiles I had a beame in mlne owne not to discerne her dealinges: she thē had a golden tongue (as Berosius had for his eloquence) when my purse was so prowde, that the lyning was siluer: I then see her louely when my candle burnt bright, and now stinke in her nosthrils like loathlie snuffe, when my light is extinct. When my wealth was first broched, I was sweete to her taste, but since it came to the dregs, she shuns me like poyson. When the hony dew of gold did droppe vpon her fingers, and fortune flowed with full streame, then was I worthye to be maister of her barge, but ah nowe. Yet I wish her longe prosperitie, and my present death.
Truely (quoth the shepheard) and for thy sake (though I haue as litle acquaintaunce with thée, as thou haste credit with her) I wish with all my heart, she were with Charles the fourth Emperour of that name. Yet I request not thy death before his time: for I hope thou shalt eat of the goose that shall tread on her graue. But I perceiue thou art no good Grammarian, that preferr est ye feminine gender to the masculine, and thy mistrisses loue before thine owne safetie. Mee thinkes her goodwill that will not bee warmed at any fire, should quickly aslake thy feruente affection, [Page 214] and since I could not support her lacke, I would learne of reason to suppresse my loue.
Shepheard, said Philotimus, in this she is qualifyed like Satyrus, who embracing fire was not scortched, neither can my smoldering heat enkindle any warmth in her.
Laurus replied.
Thou séest (my sonne) shee is a star that will not come within the compasse of thy Sphear, and therefore beate not thy braines about this bootles Astronomy. The sweete trée Ebenus is good & pliable in his proper nature, but being cut or hewen, turneth to a stone. When her téeth doth loose the knot yt her tongue tyed, thou art enlarged and at libertie, as thou wert before this bond. Naytheles, I would not haue thée misconstrue my words, for it is not my purpose to miscontent thy mind: & indéed I censure of thee, ye honour should rather eternish thee for thy martial hardines, then that thou shouldest doe her homage for her pranked haughtines, & I doe rather perswade me, that thou deseruest a better thē she, then I can brooke to heare thee commend suche a retrograde dissembler. These sighinges in her absence can small deale profit thée, whose instance in her presence could not preuaile. Therfore tender thy state and forget her.
Philotimus looking vpon him, neither backward nor forward, but like ye picture of the sielie man Dulius, pitifully God knows, and verie wistlie, sighed out these wordes.
O father shepheard, whiles thou endeuorest to staunch a veine in my liner, thou lettest me bloud in the very heart: thou cuttest the grasse, whereof I meant to make my hay, which though it now be a common for others to graze in, yet I loue it the better, bycause it might haue bene my frehold. She is ye braūch, the roote, and the tree, she is my head, my bodie, & my soule, the firste A. of my crosrow, and the last letter of my learning, without her I am not, she is all in all, and all in euerie parte. O Aurelia, deare Aurelia, What (shepheard) doest thou thinke my minde a rowle of ware to receiue the impression of inhumaine disloialtie?
I know Bucephalus cānot be bridled without Alexhnders cōsent, nor the Crocodile, tied to a Tree without Caesars enforcement, [Page 215] nor Aurelia be cōyed by any perswasions but her Cornelius his: Yet if I were able, I had rather giue thee a wedge of Golde to make a locke for thy lips, then thy tongue should be a pickelocke to open the least part of her euil dealings, whose wished welfare is sacred to me, and whose subtle practises shall be secret to thee.
If I had Gyges his facultie, to goe vnseene into my country, it were ynough for me but to vew her.
I confesse that by her meanes I am a scorne to the beste, and a scum of the worst, I expect no good by her, but suspect a propagation of my misfortunes: yet nowe to forsake her after my longe loue, were to buy fish and giue it to the dogges, and to take thy barren counsaile in these affaires, were as if a calfe should sucke a bull. O shepheard, muche water passeth besides the mill that the milner seeth not, and much hath happened within the compas of thy experience, whereof thou tookest litle keepe. I will commend the for a cunning shepheard when I know thy skill, & will thanke thee for thy curtesie, but not take thee for a counsalour.
The good shepheard quietly aunswered. My good child, bicause I doe see thee so vncapable of good counsaile, in steade of a Rose to yeelde a swete sauour, I was a thorne in thy nose to stirre the vp to sence, I spoke sharplie, but ment fatherly. Be yet of good cheare (my sonne) behind the doore standes the wall, and Tyme holdes the glasse of thy good fortune. But in the meane season, I doe so much the more lament thy casualties, for that thou and I haue bene birdes of one feather, payed tribute to one Caesar, & bene fellowe soldiours in the same legar: so that hee which hath my misaduentures, and is enthralled with thy presente state, maye vie the paire for sorrowe, whatsoeuer the stake be.
Notwithstanding, though thou whose state was once extolled, arte nowe controuled of checkmate spite, and diuested from thy throne, despaire not tho as a miscreaunt, nor destruste thy possibilitye. Ofte haue I seene as vnluckye a Burrowe harboure a Connye: Ofte haue I knowen, as vnskillfull [Page 218] as great humilitie, as I vnaduisedly sollicite my suite. So it is my good seruaunt, that my prouident care to preserue my state, & thy sober discretion in all thy dealings, induce me to thanke thée for thy trustie pollicie, and to craue thée for my phear and lawful husband. Yet I beséech thee impute not this to lust (for such perturbations are placed in my preterpect tense, but refer it to the vertue of thy good demeanour, which hath a force attractiue, to drawe all heartes to it. What saiest thou man? If my breach of maners haue staind my art of wooing, then bee thou a mannerly maid for me, and say nay and take it.
I aunswered her in these or the like wordes.
My good mistris, your meritorious charitie hath so long relieued me, and your present curtesies offer mee suche kindnes, that for ye one you may challeng me to be your vassal, & with the other you haue stricke mee into a maze. Wherefore I aske forgiuenes on my knées, if I do not accomplish your reasonable commaund, and whiles I liue I will punishe my vntowardly minde, that is not submissiue to your good meaning.
Yet this I will tell you, which perhaps you haue heard: when the Moone which is ye lowest planet, is in coniunction with Saturne which is the highest planet, there can no good natiuitie issue from them: when Winter marries Summer, write it vp for a woonder, and when an old grift in a yonge plante fructifies good fruite, ye yeare will pippins be preseruatiue from ye plague: The greenenes of my youth, and the grauitie of your yeares, are discordes in descante, and therefore can they neuer make good musicke. I am meeter for your seruaunt then your soueraigne, and you fitter form y mistris then to be my fellowe. If I were phā tasticall (good mistris) your clemencie and good nature coulde withdraw loue from other obiectes, and allure it to your selfe: but I haue vowed singlenes and wilbe true votarie, for what cause, God and my conscience best knowes.
At this time we brake of, she telling me, that shee doubted not but I would be better aduised, and I aunswering, that I wished I could satisfie her expectation. Manye colloquies had wee about these matters after this, but her earnest instaunce wrought but my resistaūce, and my waiwardnes, her goodwill. At length with [Page 219] much adoe, and many entreatings, I got leaue to be manumitted of her seruice with her good liking.
Her reward at my departure was very bountifull, and though my abilitie were too slender to make requital, yet was my gratefull hearte not vnwilling to bee thankfull..
Then in the progreffe of my trauaile, my meditation was, what course of life to take. And since my lignage was obscure, & my parentage but base, I would néedes haue enterprised some exploite, with the atchieuement of which, I might haue bene to my posteritie an originall of true gentilitie. Amongst the rest, the soldiours profession I most honoured, and though I had bene trayned vp in learning, and neuer seene a lined campe, yet did I thinke that my reading with a litle experience, would affoord me such knowledge as would suffice a soldiour. Machaon and Podali [...]e the sonnes of Coronis, two excellent doctors in phisicke, were Coronels of the Tricenses, Ithomenienses, and Occaliens, that came to Troy with thrise ten sayle. Could not I then for a néede, marshall the battaylons and phalanges of footemen, and raunge the soldiours with good disposition? place the chariots in ye front, the choise footemen in the rereward, and the weake ones in the middest? O braue, when bloudie trumpe to battaile soundes, and lustie neighing horse bestirres him on the ground.
But when I looked backe to see my selfe and the feblenes of my sielye carcasse, alas poore man (quoth I) thou arte more like to fight with a Crane, as Homer in the third of his Iliades saieth that the Pygmyes doe, then attayne by thy valure to anye notable conquest: surcease from this deuise I wishe. Nay, Diana in her trayninge chase delightes, Minerua in her chattering armes doeth march, Apollo in his siluer-sounding cordes disportes, yet none of these are my content. The fragrant fieldes, the rurall lawnes, where Zephyrus inspires the fruitfull earth, and doeth attire eache bushe with budde and bloomie braunch, where the purple Colum [...]ine, and the oriente cowsloppe, the [Page 220] daffadillie and the pretie lillie, the dazie and the violet, do may in aray, shalbe my pallace and my paradise.
After all my consultations had bene accomptant to my reason, this was the foote of my determination. I met with an olde auncient shepheard, with whose tranquillitie of life (being seiunged from all humaine troubles) I was much delighted. Him I endeuored to serue, and after his decease, the small flocke which hee kept in his life, was mine by his bequest after his decease. The residue of my life haue I ledde euer since in this vocation, where at my pleasure I could studie good authours, & be contemplatiue when I list, and my mansion house is yonder litle cottage, which thou seest stand amid the trées. My name as thou rightly gessedst at the first, is Laurus. Now, if thou canst either brooke my kinde of life, or accept the néedines of my cheare, I wil either make thée a companion in my callinge as longe as I liue, or geue thee whiles thou listest, suche entertainment as I canne.
Philotimus his humour was frankly fedde with this discourse of the shepheard. Laurus (quoth he) I gratulate thy presence, and am glad to sée thée, much haue I heard of thée which now I will not repeate, and I thinke my selfe happie that I haue met with thée But as for thy life, I rather admire it then meane to imitate it. For a candle put vnder a bushell, is light in vaine, and a talēt hid, is to small purpose. If thou canst giue me knowledge of anie Court nere at hande, or any nobleman that wil vouchsafe me his seruice, I shall thinke my self much beholden to thée. Truly quoth the shepheard, in good time: for not manye leagues from hence, doeth soiourne a famous and vertuous Gentleman, the prince of this prouince: whose peaceable pollicie and diuine gouernment, I cannot rightly match, but with that most renowned regiment of the worthye Queene ELIZABETH, nowe Queene of England, whose royall excellencie,
Ah Laurus (quoth Philotimus) there holde, least in talking of Elizabeths maiestie, thou beest ouerwhelmed with her glorie.
Her vertues muste bee adored with sincere contemplation, but cannot be recensed without abridging of her praises. If thou shouldest magnifie her highnes with the eloquence of Tully, and [Page 221] euerie of these hilles, wherwith thou art enuironed, should Eccho forth ten thowsand voices, thy wordes would be wasted in ye prologue of her praises, & the Ecchoes die for ioy to heare her name expressed. There is no vacum of her fame in rerum natura, all the world ringes of it.
Well then (quoth Laurus) although I am not imbued with an autorchye of facultie, to praise her as I would: yet doe I not want a true lieges loyaltie, to pray for her maiestie with an interminate deuotion. And since the prince of whome I speake, is in the Positiue degree of her Superlatiue, thou shalt not nede to doubt of his wisdome in deciphering thy good qualities, nor of his clemencie to vouchsafe the seruice.
To morrow next there is sollem hunting in the parke here adioyning, at which sport the prince wil be present: and to morrow the Moone is in coniunction with Iupiter, at which time I haue red, yt it is prosperous to sollicit any suite to a nobleman. There by mine aduise thou shalt exhibit thy complaint in some prety piteous premeditated oration.
O (quoth Philotimus) shall I an vncouth straunger, so abruptly present my selfe to a mightie prince? so I should rather seeme to checkmate modestie, then challenge meede.
Tush dastard (replied the shepheard) auaunt despaire: craue in hope, and haue in ha [...], oft hast thou heard it, and nowe shalt thou trie it, that fortune most vsually fauoures the venterous.
That night Philotimus lodged with Laurus, and the morning following all yelad in grene, semblable to his griefs which were euer fresh and grene, he paced forward to the parke, where after a delicate banquet, whereto the prince was inuited in a coolye pauished arbour, after the game, Philotimus in due time prostituting himselfe before his feete, and makinge as though hee had some straung newes to vtter, thereby to moue his attention, deliuered this speech ensuing
If I were as shamfast (renowned prince) as modestie perswades my yong grene yeares, or if your honour did strike such an horrour to my fainting heart, as is wonte to be common in humble suites, and partly thought cōmendable in such abiected creatures [Page 222] as my sielie selfe, where now I féele the scant of skill to bewray my wailfull case, & thereunto to moue your mercifull remorse, it would also force a want of will, amyd your weightie affaires to vse this careles babling, (whereof God knows you can but make full course account) to take warie héede, and not to enterprise by rusticke spéech, so foolish hardye bolde attempt, to awake my wits and lull my tongue asléepe.
But alas (my Lord) sharpe miserie learnes bold pollicie, better sollicite a kinge, then alwayes liue a begger. The cowardlye champion hembd in with listes doth often conquer, he, on whom pouerty hath so incroched, that scarse he can moue him out of his standing, but pinching neede doeth catch him by the backe, must of necessitie strayne curtesie with modestie.
Yet I sée my ambition aboue my condicion, and a Pharisies desire passe a Publicanes desert, and can it preuaile with haulting héele to striue to hoppe against the hill? Can the sluggish snayle with creeping pace euer reache the Castles tower? Will the lustie Ship with top and top gallant, all fléeting away with flanta galanta, vaile bonnet to the boate so farre vnderneath her, so tost through her weakenes with euerie tempest? O happie I if this may be: and it pleaseth swete Hope to sende foorth an Eccho and tell mee It may be. The mounting kite doeth sometimes seaze on homelie pray, Phoebus for all his heauenly throne vouch safes to lende his comfortable lighte, aswell to the valleys as to the mountaines. Then to my matter. And bycause my colours shall not fade or soyle, I will painte out my selfe with the oyle of Truth.
I am a Gentleman borne in Italy, descended from the lignage of a noble house: in my infancie and primetide of my youth, I was addicted to good letters, and trayned vp in Florence in the studie of the sciences: and after that by my parentes decease I was inuested in their inheritaunce, I followed the Court, & did attend vpon the Dukes grace of Venice.
And Hinc illae lachrimae, frō thēce came these miseries. For there, not being vrged with any impositions of the Duke, but inclined to prodigallitie of mine owne wastfull nature, I made dilapidations [Page 223] of all my parentes reuenues, and quite consumed all my possessions: then being ashamed in my néedie beggerie, to staye any longer in my countrie, and partly afraied of my gréedie creditors, least they should extende the rigour of their extremitie, I abandoned my natiue soyle, séeking good fortune where I could finde her: and as Cadmus directed this iourney that way towardes which his staffe fell: so I made my voiage thither, whither it pleased God and destinie to guide me. Now (most puissant Prince) if my secrete instincte of diuination doe not deceiue me. I hope vnder your fauourable protection, here to house my selfe in a safe harbour. Surmise not I moste humblie beseech your maiestie, that I come as a sentinall within your dominion, neyther suspect me of any trecherie, that maye bee preiudice to your personage. For if by this faire pretence I intend any other thing then to doe your highnes moste duetifull seruice, and partlye to renue my decayed state by your royall bountie, then I wishe and pray, that presently in your presence, the Gods moste miraculously worke my confusion. Not muche I owe to manie, and litle more I owe to some, but moste of all, and all it selfe, shall I owe to your highnes, if you vouchsafe me your most regall seruice. I am not harnished with a complete faculty in al misteries, to execute any function with facilitie, but (be it spoken without offence to any of your subiectes) imploye me at your pleasure abroad or at home, and if my daily diligence be inferiour to anye mans, (although my might be much like hers whose wealth was but a mite) then let me loose my due reward, and dye the death of a villanous traytour. Thus loth any longer to trouble your highnes with my bablatiue eloquence [...], and to keepe my selfe in suspence of your wished aunswere, I surcease my prating, praying God to preserue you, and expecting the resolution of your maiesties determination.
The noble Prince seemed to take delight in his spéech, which God knowes was framed with small studie, and taking him by the hande made him stande vp, speaking as followeth.
Wee sée (my frende) that in the shallowest water is hidde
I haue also red which thou addest not, that if they see not within seauen dayes after, they are blind for euer: & thou knowest how long I haue borne my crosses: yet I professe to thée Pandolpho, that I was neuer better comforted with a cullisse in my sickenes, then my mind was cheared with this storie of Philotimus. And therefore I beseeche thee, commend me hartelie to the swete selfe of good Melanthus, and tell him, that if I might enioy his company together with thine, I should be restored to half my former happines.
I will (good Periander) and now that I know thy mind, we will not long be absent from thee. In the meane time good night my swete frende, and as thou canst comfort thy selfe, and I will pray for both our prosperities.
Ten thousand good nights my good Pandolpho, and so many thankes for this present curtesie, & so many wishes for thy next company.