¶ A breife recan­tacion of maystres Missa, And howe she accuseth the flouthfuinesse of her Chapleyns, with her lamentable departyng vnto her Father the Pope. 1.5 4.8.

‘¶ Euery tre that my heauenly Father hath not planted shall be plucked vp by the rotes.’Mathew the.xv.

¶ The preface to the reader.

BE thou not moued gen­ryll Reader bycause that I haue not obserued ye due order of a Recantacion, for it is not onely a recantacion, but also an accusacion or complaynte of the flouthfulnes of her Chaplaynes that haue so longe tyme orsceyued her, and borne her in hande that she had al her powre of the scripture, and now in tyme of nede neuer one of them will stande to the proufe of it, but lette it passe as though they hat neuer ben cō ­sentynge to the same as thou mayste more playnly perce yue in readynge the booke.

Fare well the.i. of Iune.
By me. I. M.

BE it knowen vnto all men, that I maistres Missa a woman of no­table fame, haueregned aboue.iii.C.yeares. And haue ben estemed all that tyme as a goddes, whiche coulde delyuer soules from hell and purgatorye. The which beynge now truely tryed and duely ap­proued by the scripture to be contrarye, I am constrayned and also inforsed, to resorte hyther at this present tyme for to Becanté, reuoke, & vtterly to denye all the foresayd powre and authoryte. To thentente that the people maye leaue all suche vayne hope, and blynde trusle as they haue hadde in me. It is not vnknowne gentyll audyence that it hath ben thought, yea and faythfully beleaued that I descended from christe and his discyples, and is thought so styll vnto many. But I shall (god wyl­lynge) or I make an ende, so opyn the matter, that they shall know from [Page]Whēs I came & for what cause I was created. And bycause ye my chapleyns wolde nedes haue me to be ye supper of the lorde, and nowe wyll not stande to the proufe of it. I shall also shew howe farre I dyffer from the true supper of the lorde and wyll playnely proue that I haue none affynite at all therwith. Notwithstādyng, I haue both taught and faythfully beleued the same myselfe by the false parswasion of my crafty chaleyns, whiche continually kept me blynde with Hoc est enim corpus meum. And for the more suraunce anorned and decked me with parthes and p [...]es of the Gospell and Hystell, Wherwith they myght also blynd the people, inso moche that I thought my selfe chack­mate with god almyghty, and euen as good as the second parson in trinate. Whiche false and hlynd [...] exrour I vt­terly forsake and deny here before you all. Cornfessyug that I haue none such power nor aurthoryte neyther from [Page]God nor his disciples. Nor had no be­gynyuge of them. For truly I had my begyunyng of my father the pope who the begate me of dame Auaritia. And I had also many goodlye Chyldren by hym and his cardinalles, as missa y [...] de [...]uneris, missa propluuia, masse de­nomine Iesu, missa desancta trimtate and also one called masse of Scala celt whiche was of more powre and vertue then all the rest, for as my Chapleyns sayd she wolde not stycke to Scale the walles of heuen, that they were not takyn inquirlye whom she brought, ney­ther was there any condempned in to hell ye she coulde not fetche out of theyr frendes were able to purchase her, the which I canfesse is but a tantesye and dreme of theyr owne inuētiō. For yfany suche powre had ben graunted bu [...] to me or to my doughter, then had the bloud of Christ ben shed in vayne. And moreouer they wolde make Christe a very fuit to come downe from the heye [Page]throne of god his father, [...]r to be whypped scourged, yea and suffer moste: uell death, to saue mannes soule from hell: and yf it myght be bought for a lytell money. But truely neyther I, nor my doughters, haue any such poure to fetch any soule from hell. Yea I feare me ra­ther lest we haue sent the usandes thy­ther. But yf we haue, they belyke to be there a good whyle or euer we fetche them out. Nether dyd my father beget me for any suche purpose, for this cause onelye was I created that by me they myght maynteyne theyr honoure. And that by the meanes of me they myghte increase theyr ryches, and fyiltheyr co­fers, and by me syr Ihon̄ lacklatyne that coulde do nothynge but mumble vp matens, synge a masse was had in asmoche reputacion as a ryght honest and wellerned man. And heare I do cō fesse that I haue ben a very pyckpurse yea and worse then a pickpurse, for I haue ben euen a stronge thefe and a [Page]robber of all nacions. I spared nether kynge ne prynce tyche ne poore, but I and my doughters, with my brother dirige wolde haue a sayeng with them and in this poynte onely I folowed the Scripture, in that I had no respect of parsons so that they broughte money, but yf they broughte none they were lyke to go vniustyfyed home, For the [...]che thyng I repente me nowe. But (as I haue promysed) I wyll [...]owe in fewe wordes declare how far I oyffer from the true supper of the Lorde in so moch that you shal well perceyue that I haue none affinite therwith we rede in the scrypture. Luke xxij. That christ the nyghte he was betrayed as he sat at supper with the .xij. Toke bread and gaue thankes gaue it to his eiscypies sayinge, take, eate, this is my body whiche is gyuen for you, but we do not rede in all the scripture that euer he or any of his disciples put on any such masking geare and went vp to an alter and lyf­ted [Page]it ouer his heade. It foloweth in the text after they had supped lykwyse he toke the cup and gaue thankes and gaue it to his disciples, sayinge drynke et this all you, this is the cuppe of the newe Testamente in my bloude which shall be shet for you, but were not t [...]e that be dronke of all, and [...] them with the empty cup Marke well rowe gentle au [...]ence I own this gears doth a [...]e. Christ gaven to his disciples as he sat at supper with thē, but my chap [...]ey [...]s gette them a good wave of to an a [...]ter, and eate it vp alone Christe toke the cup and gaue it to his disciples, but my thapleyns wyll let no body touche the cup, but them selues. Neyther wyll they gyue any man drynke with them. Christe gaue it at supper, but my chap­leyus take it to theyr breakfast. Thus maye you se good audience ye Christes institution and theyr ordynaunce, do not onely disagre, but also the one doth playnlye repoungne ag [...] the other, [Page]nether can it be any other wyse, seyng that the one came of god, & the other but of man. Wherfore the one must nedes haue anende, the other mustindure for euer, accordynge to this sayinge of christe. Heauen and earth shall peryshe but my worde shall endure for euer. But nowe my chapleyus percepuynge that they can nod longer mayntayne me with stoute and steborne wordes. They begyn to be ashamed of my na­me & call me a sacrifyse, which ought to be offred vp for ye people, alas good foles, do you yet thynbe to blynde men as ye haue done. No no it is perceaued well ynough ye Christ offred hym ones for al. And you shal not nede to be ashamed of me for I wyll departe vnto my father the Pope from whense I came. Wherfore I gyue you warnyng euery one to prouyde for hymselfe aswell as he can, you maye reade that S. Paule wroughte for his lyuyng and yet prea­thed the wordesyncerely, and gaue all [Page]men warnynge to be the folowers of hym as he was the folower of Christe, be not you ashamed therfore to worke for your lyuyng whiche cannot preach nor wyll take no paynes therin. And thāke your owne pryde and slou [...]hful­nes therof for I asure you there is very fewe whiche wyll be sory for your mys­chaunce.

But yet by my trueth it greueth me for olde aquaintans to here my [...]haplayns go vp & downe wepyng, and waylynge and bytterly lamentyng this my departynge. Alas laye they all wyll to the dyuell, oure confession is almost gone, and our masse wyl away, it was neuer other lyke sens it was laufull for euery Iacke scrapscall to rede the Byble and testamente. Then we myghte besure that all wolde to nought and that oure crafte wol [...]e be perceyued. Au [...]ngence of them allsaye they for nowe we that can not preach, must he fayne to worke for our lyuyng, alas syr sarth one wyll [Page]it not be a straunge syght to se a priest handell a spade, mat [...]ke, shouyll, dung forke, or any such vyle thynges: which was wont to handell a gylten chalys a fayre masse booke a payre of syluer sences and such pratye thynges. Well I can not remedy it: Ther is no faulte that they can layein me for I gaue thē warnynge longe ago and tolde them that I must begone. Wherfore nowe I take my leaue at you all. Fare well gentyll audyence: and I pray you bere me wytnee that I haue here ernestlye reucket & vtterly denyed all my powre and aucthoryte. Confessynge that it was but a false iuencion of my father, and his successors for lukets sake Fare well my chaplaynes all. I pray you let me not escape out of your memorye. Fare well olde frende fryday, and haue me commendyd vnto your brother sa­terdaye. Fare well gentyll Iacke of lent, for I thynke you be not readye to go with me. Adue good ymber dayes [Page]and commende me to youre cosyn [...] she [...]dans daye for I thinke I shall ouer take our frende [...]gation dayes. Fare well golden copes & go [...]gious vestemē tes, for Iean carye none of you with me, bycause I go on fote, commends me I pray you, to my trusty seruaūtes the exesse, the cruer, the santus bell, the great belles in the stepyll wt theyr ro­pes, also haue me cōmended to ye masse b [...]ke the manuell, with ye procesioners Cōmende me also to my trusty seruaū ­tes, the chales the corprace, whiche ne­uer dysceaued me. And haue me cōmended to all the rest as well as thoughe I reher­sed them by name.

by me maistres Missa the oldest doughter vnto the Pope

God saue the Kynge.

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