A briefe and compendiouse table, in a maner of a concordaunce, openyng the waye to the principall histories of the whole Bible, and the moste cōmon Ar­ticles grounded and comprehended in the newe Testament and olde, in maner as amply as doeth the great concordaū ­ce of the Bible. Gathered and set furth by Henry Bullynger, Leo Iude, Con­rade Pellicane, and by the other Ministers of the churche of Ty­gurie. And nowe first im­printed in Englyshe. D.M.L.

The third boke of the Machabees a booke of the Bible also prynted vnto this boke which was neuer before Translated or prynted in any Englyshe Bible.

The contentes of this booke are conteyned in the next leafe.

¶ A briefe concordaunce vnto the reader in maner as profitable as a great Concordaunce of the Bible.

¶ A trewe and sure Computacion of yeares of all the tymes and yeares from Adam vnto Christe and vnto the yeare of oure Lorde. M.D.L. extrac­ted out of ye holy scripture of the Bible.

¶ All the testimonies of the olde Testament. Whiche Christe Iesus the truwe expositour of the Scripture, and his Apostles, and Euangelistes, by the inspiracion of ye holy ghoost haue repe­ted in the newe Testament.

¶ Testimonies of the newe Testa­ment; which do not iustly agree in wor­des, but in the sence and meanynge of the olde Testament.

¶ The thyrde booke of the Macha­bees a booke of the Bible whiche was neuer before translated or printed in the Englyshe tounge.

To the right noble and vertuouse La­dy. Lady Anne, douchesse of Somerset &c, her moste bounden and dayly Ora­tour Gwalter Lynne wyshed aboun­daunce of all grace and Godlynes wyth a longe and prosperous estate, to Goddis honour and your graces health and salua­cyon.

BEinge credi­bly enformed (moo­ste graciouse Lady) by such as be nygh about your grace, that youre graces chiefe and daylye study is in the holy Byble: I thought I coulde not presente your grace wyth a­ny Iuwell more acceptable and plea­saunt to your grace then suche a bryefe concordaunce. Whereby youre grace myghte wyth more redynes fynde all suche thynges, as you shoulde be desy­rouse [Page] to see. [...]ctuum [...].a.Then as for gold or siluer I am not able to presente vnto your grace but my ruyde laboures and that I do wyth all my herte. When thys lyttle boke therfore came to my hand (beynge wrytten in the hygh Almayne tounge) and I perceiued it to be moost diligent­ly gathered out of the holy Byble and set in suche order that wyth in it lygh­telly as much maye be founde by it, as by a great concordaunce: I ceassed not tyll I had it translated and sett in lyke order in the Englysh tounge, that your grace myghte not be destytute of so ne­cessarye an instrumente in your godlye studie. And that all other whych be stu­dyouse of godly knowledge myghte be the more desyrouse to haue thys lyttle boke and embrace it wyth better wyll (knowynge your graces feruent zeale in the furtherynge of goddis trueth.) I haue (byn as my duitie byndeth me so boulde as to) dedycated vnto your gra­ce for to forther youre grace in youre godly studye, trustinge that your grace according to your a customable gentil­nes will accept my good wyll there in, and then shall I thynke my laboures [Page] well employed & my Paynes well re­compensed.

Nowe leste your grace shoulde be dis­ceyued in any thynge conteyned in this lytle boke: Yt may pleace your grace to vnderstande that the Psalmes from the nynth Psalme forwarde, are euer one fewer in nomber then the same Psal­mes be in the Bybels which be transla­ted and prynted into Englyshe. As for ensample, that Psalm which in this bo­ke is noted .x. is in the Bibles .xi. and so forth to the ende of the Psalmes, accor­dynge to the counte of the Grekes.

It behoueth also, that your grace be admonyshed of thys one other thynge, whych other wyse myght hapely be a great trouble to your grace in the seke­ynge of matthers whych ye shall desy­re to fynde. The letters A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Whych be commonly set in the margyne of euerye chappter of the By­ble, to deuide the chapter into so many partis: Are not set in all Bybles a lyke. So that the thynge that in one boke stā ­deth vpon ,B, or ,C. doeth in an other boke, stande vpon .D. or .E. And thys dyuersytye is growen by the negligen­ce [...] [Page] [...]casyon of many dowbts.

And as tochyng all other thinges ne­cessary to be knowen abowt thys boke. I desyre your grace to take the payn to rede ouer the preface followyng: which the great lernyd men that were the first authors of the boke dyd sett before yt vnto the vnderstandynge of the Redar.

Nowe to speake some thynge of the commoditie and profite that spryngeth of thys boke: I do your grace to vn­derstande that from the fyrste begyn­nynge of learnynge, all learned men haue thought it so necesserie a thynge to the forderaunce of theyr studie, that yf they coulde by no mean [...]s haue the lyke that were some what to theyr mynde: they woulde not stycke to take the pay­nes to drawe oute one for theyr owne studye, (and so dyd the fyrst Authours of thys boke,) whyche doubtlesse they would neuer haue done yf necessitye of the thynge had not dryuen them to it. Mooste necessarye therfore it is for all maner of persons (that do employe any parte of theyr study to the holy scriptu­res) to haue eyther thys or the lyke ta­ble or concordaunce to helpe theyr me­morye [Page] wyth all. Purposly therefore to profite all maner of persons I haue set forth thys lyttle worcke, commytting it to your gracys tuysyon, wyshynge that all men myght be profited thereby and no mann offended. The spiryte of the lyueyng God be all wayes your gracys comforther and guide in all your doingis to the glo­ry of God and your sowls health. So be it.

Your Graeces humble and bounden dayly Orator. Gwalter Lynne

Henry Bul­lynger, Leo Iude, Con­rade Pellicane, and the other ministers of the churche of Tygurie. Sende vnto the Christian reader gretynge.

Dearely beloued bre­thren in Christe Iesu, to thintent that euery man may so much the fru [...]ful­ler vse and occupye this register or table it is to be noted for an introduccion and good vnderstanding, that it serueth principally for three ma­ner of poinctes First it sheweth the hi­stories of the olde and newe Testament, whiche are soone founde, hauinge a re­spect and regarde to the proper names whiche in the histories and actes, which are sought for, chefelye do occurre. As if thou desirest to knowe, where and in what place of the scripture is written ye hystory of innocent Abell, of the righ­teous Abraham, and of the obedient [Page] Isaac, or of the feruent Helias, then se­ [...] the same name euery one by his lettre, and when thou hast founde hym, thou shalt fynde there a trewe introduction to the forsayde historie, howe be it there is to be noted, that the proper names are not euery where wrytten after one sort, but that they haue some difference, for some of them are written in some places with an .H. and in some places without an .H. as Habel or Abel, Elias or Helias Ebron or Hebron, Iericho or Hiericho, And some are in one place written with a .C. as Cain, Cades, Caath, and in an other place with a .K. as Kain, Kades, Caath. Some also are written in one place with an .S. as Sacharias, Side­kia, Sidon, Sorobabell, & in an other place with an .Z. as Zacharias, Zide­chias, Zidon Zorobabel. Therfore gen­till reader if any of suche lyke wordes in the searchyng out of any history do occure, and thy mynde be not satisfyed in one place, or lettre, let it not be tedi­ous vnto the, to resort to the other lettre, as it is afore mencioned.

Secondely dothe this Register also shewe almoost euery persones, certayn [Page] sayenges and places, whereof it maye be gathered, what there dominion office and honoure and deutie or behaueoure is, what she also inespeciall ought to endeuoure her selfe to do and to leaue vndone towardes them, with whome she hath ought to do because of her offi­ce or of her estate. Besydes this certain examples of suche as haue behaued thē selues well or euell, in suche theyr offi­ces, as namely, what they ought, and are bounde to do to there subiectes, how the Byshoppes ought to behaue them selues towardes the churche. Fathers and mothers towardes their chyldren, and howe yuell or well some haue or­dred them selues, in the premysses.

Thyrdely, this register leadeth also to the sentences and places, which may be conducyble & profytable for the trew vnderstandynge and learnynge of the chiefe articles and most common poin­tes of the holy scripture (of the whiche euery faythfull Christian for his con­fessions and Christen names sake ought to haue some knowledge and vnder­standyng) as what is to be knowen by these wordes God, Christ, men, lawe, [Page] synne, &c. And all these thynges haue we [...]eyned in suche wyse, that thou arte not only brought and ledde to the chapi­ter, but also to the letters, whiche are set ought besydes euery chapiter in the margent, to thintent that by the meanes thereof, thou myghtest be eased of much labour and shouldest not nede for one pointe onely to rede ouer the whole cha­piters from the begynnyng to the place whiche thou haste taken in hande, and where as sometyme the whole chapiter from the begynnyng, or els from a let­ter, out to thende, intreateth of one mat­ter and serueth to one purpose, there ha­ue we, for to eschue prolixitie lefte out the letters of the same in stede whereof we haue put and ordeined a * wherby is sygnified that the same chapiter intreateth of the same matter out to the ende, and thus we commende you to GOD.

Gwalter Lynne to the Reader.

GEntill Reader yf that you woll take the paynes, as to reade o­uer the Epystell dedycated to me Lady of Somersetts grace, and the Preface of the Authoures before na­med, there by shall you comme to the ryghte knoweledge and vse of the rea­dynge of thys brefe Concordaunce, God geue vs grace that we maye so reade and vse it to the honoure of hys name and to the profyte of our brethe­ren and neyghboures and oure saluaci­on. Amen.

Dearely beloued bretheren and fryen­des I praye you hartely make you well aquaynted wyth the bokes of the holy Bybell thorouwe muche readynge of them so shall you be much Eased in se­kynge any thynge aboue named in the Prefaces. ij. Timo iij.c.For all scrypture geuen by inspyracyon of God is profytable to teache, to ymproue, to amende, and to insturct in ryghteousnes, that the man of God maye be perfect and prepared vn­to [Page] all good workes.

ij. Petr. i.d.For the scripture came neuer by the wyll of man: But holye men of God spake as they were moued by the holy goost.

Zachar. vij.c.Whyche the Lorde of hoostes sente in hys holy spyryte by the prophetes afore tyme.

A brefe and compendious Register or Ta­ble of the pryncypal Histories, and mooste commune artycles grounded and comprehended in the old and newe testament, vnto the reader, euē maner as ample & proffitable as a great Concordaunce.

  • AAron the sonne of Amram the son of Kahat, the sonne of Leui, Exod. vi.c. was sente into Egypte wyth hys brother Moses, iiij.c.e. v.a. vi.b. Mich. vi.a. was wyth his sonnes annointed priest, Leuit. viii* Nume. iij.b. Deu­tero. xviij.a. Hebre. v.b. After the ordi­naunce, Exod. xxviij* xxix* xl.b, Erec­tid the calfe for the children of Israell, xxxij.a. G [...]udged againste Moses, Nu­mer. xij.a. his rod buddyd. xvij.b. Eccle. [Page] xxv.c. went yearely, but ones into the most holy, Exodi. xxx.b. Leuitic. xvi.g Hebre ix.a. dyed out of the lande of Ca­naan, Numer. xx.b.d. xxxiij.d. Deuter. x.b. xxxij.g. After hym succedid his sonne Eleasar. Numer. xx.d. Is praysed. i. Esd. vij.a. Ecclesi. xlv.b*
  • Abakuc feadith Daniel. Beel. f
  • Abdemelech the Moryan, a speche­man for the prophete Ieremy, Ieremy xxxviij.b. was delyuered from the swerd of the Chaldees. xxxix.c
  • Abdias the gouernar of the house of Ahab. Hydyth the prophetes of the Lord frō the swerd of Iezabel. iij. Re. xviij.a.b
  • Abdo the prophet in Iuda was rente of a lyon. iij. Reg. xiij.e
  • Abdon a iudge in Israel. Iud. xij.c
  • Abed Nego was cast into an hote bur­ning ouē, dan. iij.d was called Asaria. ij.b
  • Abel was slayne of his brother Cayn. Gen. iiij.b. Hebr. xi.a
  • Abelbeth Maacha was besieged of Io­ab. ij. Re. xx.c. was smitten of Benhadad iij. Re. xv.c. Of Tiglat Philesser kynge of Assyria. iiij. Reg. xv.f
  • Abram the sonne of Rehobeam kynge [Page] of Iuda. iij. Reg. xiiij.e. xv.a. ij. Paral. xiij.a. left behynd him Assa. iij. Reg. xv.a Matt. i.a
  • Abiathar the priest escaped from the handes of Saul. i. Reg. xxij.d. and fled to Dauid, to Regyla. xxiij.a. He holdyth wyth Adonia. iij. Reg. i.a. was put from hys priesthode. ij.d. Accordinge to the word. i. Reg. ij.f.g.
  • Abidan, a capytayne of the trybe of Beniamin. Num. i.a
  • Abigail the wyfe of the vngodly Na­bal, a woman of syngular wysedome. i. Reg. xxv.a. became after the death of Nabal, the wyfe of Dauid. xxv.g
  • Abigail the syster of Dauid into whom went Amasa her brother and laye wyth her. ij. Reg. xvij.e
  • Abihu and Nadab, the sonnes of Aa­ron were consumed wyth fyer. Leuit. x.a Num. xxvi.g
  • Abimelech the sonne of Gedeon. Iud. v [...]iij.g. slew .lxx. of hys brethren and peri­shed shamfully. ix.h. ij. Reg. xi.c
  • Abimelech king of Gerar, takyth Sara to be hys wyfe. Gen. xx.a. maketh a couenaunt wyth Abraham. xxi.c.d
  • [Page]Abimelech makyth a conuenaunt with Isaac Gene. xxvi.d
  • Abiram exalteth hym selfe agaynste Moses, Wherfore the earth swalowyth hym vp, Num. xvi* xxvi.b. Deute. xi.a Psal. cv.b
  • Abisag a Sunamite was broughte to kyng Dauid. iij. Reg. i.a. was desyred of Adonia to haue her to hys wyfe. ij.c
  • Abisai the sonne of Zeruha the syster of Dauid, ij. Reg. ij.c. xvi.b. xix.d. xx.b xxiij.d
  • Abiud the son of Sorobabel. Mat. i.b is called Hanania. i. Pe. iij.c
  • ¶ Abstinence, seke in this word fasting.
  • Abner the captyue of Saules hooste maketh Isboseth kyng ouer Israel, ij. x e. ij.b. was disconfyted in the flighte. ij.c lyeth wyth Rizpam, iij.b. maketh a co­uenaunt wyth Dauid, was destroyed of Ioab. iij.*
  • Abra a handmayd of Iudith, Iu. viij.e
  • Abram the sonne of Tharah taketh Sa­rai to his wyfe, Gen. xi.d, he goyth forth of hys natyue country accordinge to the commaundement of God into the lande of Canaan, xij.a. goeth into Egypte. xij.c Cometh agayne oute of Egypte into the [Page] land of Canaan. xiij.a, delyuereth Loth hys brother out of the handes of his ene­myes, xiiij.c. Receyueth the promyse of a sonne. xv.a. xvij.c. xviij.b. Lyeth with A­gar, xvi.a. Receyueth the promyse and token of conuenaunt, and is called Abra­ham. xvij.a. Prayeth for the Sodomites xviij.c.d.e. Isaac is borne vnto him, xxi.a He woulde offer Isaac. xxij.b. Sendeth hys seruaunte to seke a wyfe for Isaac, xxiiij.a. dyeth. xxv.a. Eccl. xliiij.c. Is called the father of manye nacyons, and of all beleuyng. Gen. xvij.a. Isai. li. Mat. iij.a. Luk. xiij.b. xix.a. Ion. viij.d. Rom. iiij.b.c.d. ix.a. Galat. iij.a. Of hym and hys sonnes, reade, Ios. xxiiij.a. Isa. xli.b li.a. Ezec. liij.d. ij. Esdr. ix.b. Mat. viij.b Act. vij.a.b. Hebr. xi.d
  • Absalon the sonne of Dauid. ij. Re. iij.a kylleth hys brother, and fleeth to Thal­mai, xiij.f.g. was called agayne. xiiij.d.e maketh insurreccion agaynst hys father xv.a, Lyeth wyth hys fathers concuby­nes. xvi.d, accordinge to the prophesye, xij.a, was destroyed of Ioab, xviij.a.b.c
  • Achab and Zedechias falle prophetes were burnid. Iere. xxix.d
  • Achā was stoned, Iosu. vij.d. i. Par. ij. a [Page] Of the vally of Achor. vij.d. xv.b. Isay. lxv.b. Ose. ij.b
  • Achior, a capitayne of the Ammony­tes. Iudith. v.a. was geuē into the hands of ye Iewes. vi.a. became a Iew. xiiij.a.b
  • Achis geueth vnto Dauid the cytye Ziklag. i. Reg. xxvij.a
  • Achsa, the daughter of Caleb was ge­uen to be the wyfe, of Athniel. Iosu. xv.d
  • Adam was created. Gen. i.d. He was set in paradise, and the tree of knowledge was forbydden hym. ij.c. was broughte into dysobedyence by the woman, and dryuē out of paradise. iij.b. dyeth. v.a. in­to what calamytye mankynd is broughte thorough hys dysobedyence, Eccle. xl.a.
  • Adonias presumeth to occuppe the kyngdome of hys father Dauyd. iij. Re. i.a. whan he desyered Abysag to be hys wyfe, he was slayne, ij.c.d.e.
  • Adonibeseke was taken prysoner. Iud. i.a.b
  • Adoram receyuer of Dauids trybute. ij. Reg. xx.d. and afterwardes receyuer of Rehabeams trybut, was stoned. iij. Reg. xij.c
  • Adramelech an Idol. iiij. Reg. xvij.f
  • Adramelech, wyth the helpe of hys [Page] brother Sarrezer, slew hys father San­herib. iiij. Reg. xix.g
  • Adultery forbidden, transgressed and punyshed. Gen. xx.a.b. xxvi.b. Exo. xx.c Leui. xviij.a. xx.b. Num. v.b* Deut. v.c xxij.c.d. Iud. xix.a. ij. Reg. xi.a. xij.a.b.c Iob. xxiiij.c. xxxi.a.b. Prouer. v.b.c. vi.c.d. vij* Iere. v.b. Hos. iiij.a. Mich. iij.a Sap. iij.d. Matth. v.c. xiiij.a. xix.b. Ion. viij.a. i. Corin. vi.a.b. i. Thess. iiij.a. Heb. xiij.a. Iaco. iiij.a.
  • Of spyrytuall adultery, Psal. lxxij.d. Esa. liiij.a. lvij.a. Ierem. iij.a. xiij.d. Hos. ij.a. ¶ Seke horedome.
  • Agabus prophesyeth of dearth to come Acto. xi.c. Sayth that Paule shall be ta­ken and delyuered into the handes of the enemyes. xxi.b
  • Agag the king of the Amelechytes was taken of kyng Saul. i. Regum. xv.b. and was hewen in peaces. xv.g. accordynge to the prophesye. Num. xxiiij.b
  • Agar the mayd of Sarah beareth Is­mael, Gen. xvi.d. She is dryuen out with her sonne. xxi.b.
  • The Agarenytes are dryuen oute of theyr lande by the Rubenytes. i. Paral. vi.c
  • [Page]Ay was burned, and her king hanged Ios. viij.f.
  • Alchimus the wicked Iewe obtayned the priesthode by subteltye, i. Mach. vij.a.b. ij. Mach, xiiij.a.b. dyeth of sodayne death. i. Mach. ix.e.
  • Alexander the kinge of the Griekes, after that he had slayne Darius, he parteth the kingdom in to foure partes. i. Mac. i.a. Read Daniel. vij.a. viij.b. xi.a.
  • Alexander the sonne of Antyochus made a confederacyon with Ionathas. i. Mach. x.a. fyghteth with Demetrius. x.e. His hede was smitten of. xi.b.
  • Alexander the coppersmith departeth from the fayth. i. Timot. i.c. Doth moch yuell vnto Paule. ij. Timoth. iiij.b.
  • ✚ Of Almuse and mynistring to the poore.
    • Exod. xxij.c.d. xxiij.b. Leui. xix.c. xxiij.d. xxv.f. Deuter. xv.a.b. xxiiij.d. iij. Reg. xvij.b. ij. Esdr. viij.c. iij. Esdr. ix.e. i. Hest. ix.d. Psalm. xl.a. lxxxi.a. cxi.a. Prouerb. iij.a.b.d. xi.c.d. xiiij.c.d. xv.a. xviij.b. xix.c. xxi.b.d. xxij.a.c. xxviij.d. xxxi.c. Eccle. v.b. xi.a. Esay. v.b.d. lviij.b. Ezechiel. xvi.e. Dan, iiij,d Eccl, iij,d, iiij,a, vij.d. xij [Page] a. xiiij.b. xvii.b. xxix.b. xxxiiij.c.d. xxxv.a Tob. i.a. iiij.b. xii.b. Mat. vi.a. x.e. xix.c xxv.c.d. Luk. vi.c. xi.d. xij.d. xiij.d. xiiij.b xvi.b.c. xix.a. xxi.a. Act. ij.e. vi.a. ix.e. x.a xi.c. xx.e. Rom xij.b. xv.d. i. Corin. xvi.a ij. Corin. viij.a.b. ix* Ephe. iiij.c. i. Io­han. iij.c. Hebre. xiij.c. ¶ Seke of mercy­fulnes.
  • Alpheus, the father of Iames the apostel, Math. x.a. Mark. iij.b. Luke, vi.b. Act. i.b.
  • Aulter.
    • The aulter of the burnt offerynges. Exod. xxvij.a. xxxviij.a. Num. vij.b* ij. Reg. xxiiij.e. iij. Reg. xviij.d. iiij. Regum. xvi.c. ij. Parali. i.a. iiij.a. xv.b. i. Esdre. iij.a. Ezech. xliij.d. i. Mach. iiij.f.g.
    • Of the aulter of incense. Exod. xxx.a.b. xxxvij.d. xl.b.
    • The aulter of the faythful is Christe. Esay. lvi.b. Hebr. xiij.b
  • Amalecke the sonne of Esaus sonne was borne. Gene. xxxvi.b.c. fyghteth a­gaynst Israell. Exod. xvij.c Num. xiiij.f Iud. vi.a. was ouer come. vij* i. Reg. xiiij.g. was rotted out. xv.a.b. according [Page] to the sayeng: Exo. xvij.d. Nume. xxiiij.d Deute. xxviij.c. was ouer come agayue, i. Reg. xxx.d
  • Amasa the sonne of Abigail syster vn­to Dauid. i. Para. ij.a.b. was made cap­tayne of Absalons hoost in the stede of Ioab. ij. Reg. xvij.e. Was made captaine of Dauids hoostes, xix.c. was kylled of Ioab, xx.b. The cause. xix.b
  • Amasias the sonne of Ioas numbreth the people. ij. Par. xxv.a. putteth to death the manquellers of hys father, iiij. Reg. xij.d. xiiij.a, Smyteth ye Edomites. xiiij.b was taken and slayne. xiiij.c. leaueth be­hynde him his sonne kynge Asaria. xv.a Is called Leui, Luk. iij.e
  • Amasias the priest at Bethel complai­neth vpō ye prophet Amos, Amos. vij.b.c Aminadab the sonne of Aram, Mat. i.a leauyth behinde hym his sonne Naheson Num. i.a. vij.b. x.b
  • Ammon the sonne of Loth & his dau­ghter, Gen. xix.g. The Amonites should not be troubled of Israell, Deuter. ij.c. Shall not come in to the temple for euer xxiij.a ij. Esd. xiij.a. They are smytten of Israell. Iud. xi.f. i. Reg. xi.c. ij. Re. viii.b x* xij.f
  • [Page]Agaynst Ammon is prophecyed, Psal. lxxxij* Iere. xlix.a. Ezech. xxi.d. xxv.a Amos. i.c. Zepho. ij.b
  • Amnon the sonne of Dauid defyleth hys syster Thamar ij. Reg. xiij.d. Wherfore he was kylled of hys brother Abso­lon. xiij.f.
  • Amon the sonne of Manasse kynge in Iuda was kylled. iiij. Reg. xxi.d.e. Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosias. xxij.a
  • Amori the sonne of Chanaan. Gen. x.c The Amorites would geue Israel no ly­cence to passe thorough there land. Nu. xxi.c.d. Iud. xi.c.*
  • Amos the prophet was dryuen away Amos. vij.b
  • Amri a wycked king in Israel. iij. Re. xvi.b.c. agaynst Amry. Mich. vi.c
  • Anamelech an Idol of Sepharnaym i. Reg. xvij.f
  • Ananias selleth the feld wyth deceyte Act. v.a
  • Ananias was sente to instruct Paul. Act. ix.b.c
  • Anathoth a cytye of the land of Ben­iamin. Iere. xxxij.b. in the whyche Iere­mye was borne. Iere. i.a. xxix.e. and the [...] [Page] aboue named Antiochus was made king i. Mach. vi.c. went wyth a greate armye into Iury. vi.d. Brake his othe wyth Is­rael. vi.g. was slayne. vij.a. reade. ij. Macha. x
  • Apollo an eloquent man and myghty in the scryptures. act. xviij.c
  • Apollonius a prince of Syria was slayne. i. mach. iij.a. x.g
  • Apostles.
    • The apostles are chosen out of the dis­epples. Luc. vi.b. they are sent to preache the kyngdome of God in Iury. mat. x.* Luc. ix.a. xxiiij.d. they returned agayne. ix.b. They are sent to preache the gospel into all the worlde. math. xxviij.c. marc. xvi.b. Luce. xxiiij.d. Iohan. xv.b.c. xx.c act. i.a. x.e
    • The apostles and prophetes haue had the spyryt of god. Exod. iiij.c. ij. re. xxiij.a Daniel. ix.b. Iohan. xiiij.b. act. i.a. ij.a. iiij.d. xix.a. i. Corin. ij.b. ij. Corint. xiij.a. i. Thessa. iiij.a. ij. Timoth. iij.b. i. Pe. i.b. ij. Petr. i.b.d
    • Christ the great apostle. Hebre. iij.a
  • Appearyng, Vysyons, Sightes or hearynges. [Page]
    • Iosue. v.d. iiij. Reg. vij.b. ij. Macha. iii.d. v.a. x.e. xi.b. iii. Macha. s
  • Arad the king of the Cananites fought against Israell, Nume. xxi.a.
  • Aram whiche is also called Ram, the sonne of Hezron begat Aminadab. Mat. i.a. Luke. iii.b.
  • Aquila a benefactour of Paule. Acto. xviii.a
  • Archelaus reigneth in the stede of hys father, herode, Math. ij.d.
  • Aristarchus a compaignion and pry­son fellowe of Paule. Acto. xix.d. xx.a. xxvij.a. Coloss. iiij.b.
  • Arcke.
    • The Arke of the conuenaunt of God is made. Exo. xxv.b.c. Is caried to Gil­gal. Iosu. iiij.d. From thence to Sylo. xviij.a. From thence into the hooste a­gainst the Phylystians. i. Regum. iiii.a. From thence into the handes of the Phylystyans. i. Regum. iiij.c. From thence into the house of Dagon. v.a. From thence to Bethsemes. vi.*. From thence to Kiriathiarim into the house of Abinadab. vij.a. Frō thence to Mitzpa, vij.b. x.d. From thence to Gilgal. xi.d. From thence to Nobe. xxi.a. Frō thence to Gibeon. i. Para. xxij.e. ij. Paral. i.a. [Page] From thence into the house of Obede­dom. ii. Reg. vi.b. From thence to Zyon vi.c. xv.e.f. i. Paral. xvi* From thence to Ierusalem into her place. iij. Regum viij.a. ij. Para. v*
    • What thyng there was in the Arcke Exod. xvi.f. Deut. x.a. xxxi.f. iii. Regum viii.b. ij. Para. v.b. Heb. ix.a
  • Arpharat the kynge of the Medes was vanquyshed of Nebuchadnezar. Iudyth. i.a.b
  • Arrogancy, ¶ loke in thys word prides.
  • Arsaces kinge of the Persians and Medes goeth forth against Demetrius i. Mach. xiiij.a
  • Arthasastha, kyng of the Persians receyueth letters of complaintes agaynst the Iewes. i. Esdr. iiij.b.c. Wryteth an aun­swere, forbyddeth the buyldynge of the temple. iiij.d. dyd graunt Israel to buyl­de the temple. i. Esd. vij. Sendeth a commaundement thorough out al hys kyng­dome. ij. Hest. iij*
  • Asahel was kylled of Abner. ij. Regum ij.c
  • Asaph a renoumyd Chaunter of Da­uid. i. Para. vij.c. xvij.a
  • Asaria the sonne of Amasia kyng of Iu­da became a Leper. iiij. Regum. xv.a [Page] ij. Para. xxvi.d. Lefte behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iothan. iiij. Regum. xv.g. i. Para. iij.b. Is called Vsia. ij. Para. xvi d. Osia. Math. i.b. Mattha. Luk. iij.e
  • Asaria the prophet was sent to kynge Assa. ij. Para. xv.a
  • Assa came vnder the powre of the Ro­maynes. i. Macha. viij.a
  • In Asia is the word of God preached Act. xix.a
  • Asnath begetteth Ioseph, Ephraim and Manasses. Gene. xli.g. xlvi.c
  • Assa the sonne of Abian, a ryghteouse kyng in Iuda putteth doune the Idolls iij. Reg. xv.a.b. Seketh help by a Syry­an and dyeth. xv.c.d. Left behynde hym hys sonne kynge Iosaphat. i. Paraly. iij.b
  • Assarhaddon after that he had kylled hys father Sanheryb, He was made kynge in hys sted. iiij. Regum. xix.g. E­sa. xxxvij.f. i. Esd. xiiij.a
  • Assur the sonne of Sem the sonne of Noath, and begynner of the kyngdome of Assyria. Gen. x.b. i. Para. i.b. Assur is a rod of goddes wrath. Isa. x.a. against Assur is prophecyed. Num. xxiiij.d. Esa. x.b. xiiij. xvij.d. xxx.e.f. xxxi.b
  • [Page]Athalia the daughter of Isesabel and Ahab, a wycked wyfe of Ioram, kyng in Iuda. iiij. Regum. viii.d. Destroyeth all­most all the royall stocke of Dauid. xi.a Reigneth sixe yeres in Iudea. ij. Paral. xxiij.d. She was also destroyed. iiij. Reg. xi.c.d.
  • Athenobius was sente to Symon. i. Mach. xv.d
  • Athniel taketh to his wyf the doughter of Caleb, his fathers brother. Ios. xv.d was Iudge in Israell. Iud. iij.b.
  • Baal, an Idoll of the Samaritans. iij. Reg. xvi.d.
  • Baals groues are destroyed. Iud. vi.ef. Baals prophetes are slaine. iij. Regū. xviij.e. iiij. Regum. x.c. xxiij.b.
  • Baalzebub, the Idoll of Akaron was asked counsell. iiij. Regū. i.b. Baalzebub. the prince of the deuels. Math. xij.c.
  • Babell was builded. Genes. x.b. was confounded and called Babell. xi.b.
  • The captiuitye of Babilon for lxx. ye­res is prophecyed. Leui. xxvi.e. Deu. iiij.d. xxviij.d.e. iiij. Reg. xx.c. Isai. v.b vij.c Iere. xiij.d.e. xvi.b. xx.a.b. xxv.a.b. Eze. [Page] vij.*. xij.*. xxij.a. Mich. iiij.c. Abac. i.a. Baruc. vi.a. Is fulfilled. iiij. Re. xxiiii.* xxv.*. ij. Par. xxxvi. iij. Esd. i.e.f.
  • The goyng forthe is promised & pro­phecyed. Leuit. xxvi.g. Deut. iiij.e. xxx.a iij. Reg. viij.e. ij. Par. vi.e.g. Esa. xiiij.a. xl.a. xliij.a. xlviij.d. Iere. xi.c. xij.c. xvi.c xxiiij.b. xxv.b. xvi.e. xxix.b. xxx* xxxi.b xxxij.e. xlvi.e. Ezech. xi.c. Dan. ix.a. Ba­ruch. vi.a. Is fulfylled. i. Esdr. i.*. ij.*. iij. Esdr. ij.a. Occasion of the captiuitie. iiij. Reg. xvij.b.c.d
  • Agaynst Babylon. Psalm. cxxxvi.b. Esa. xiij* xiiij.a. xxi.a.b. xlvij* Iere. xxv b.* l.* li.* Baruch. iiij.e. Apoc. xiiij.b xvi.d. xvij* xviij*
  • Bachides a periured Tyrant. i. Mach. vij.b.c. He kylleth Iudam Machabeum, by the commaundement of Demetrius, ix.b.
  • Baena, and Rehob were hanged. ij. Re­gum. iiij.c
  • Baesa a wycked kyng in Israel goeth forth agaynst Assa kyng of Iuda. iij. Re­gum. xv.b.* was rooted oute wyth all hys posteryte. xvi.a. Accordynge to the word of Iehu. xv.f.g
  • Balack the kyng of the Moabites sen­deth [Page] message vnto Bileam, Nume. xxij.a Iosu. xxiiij.b. Read. Iud. xi.e. Mich. vi.a Apoca. ij.c.
  • baptime
    Baptysme, the institucion, vse and sig­nificacyon of baptysme, Mathew. iij* xxviij.c. Mar. xvi.b. Luke. iij.a.b. Ioan. iij.d. Act. i.a. ij* viij.a.b.d. ix.c. x.d.e. xvi b. xviij.a. xix.a. Rom. vi.a. xiij.b. i. Cor. i.b. xij.b. Gal. iii.d. Ephes. iiij.a. v.c. Col. i.b. ij.a.b. Tit. iij.a. i. Pet. iij.c
  • Barake a Iudge in Israell ouercom­meth Sissaram, Iud. iiij.c
  • Bariehu was stryken wyth blyndnes Act. xiij.a
  • Barnabas broughte the moneye for hys lande to the Apostles. Acto. iiij.d bryngeth Paule to the Apostles. ix.d was sente to Antyoche. xi.c. Returneth agayne to Ierusalem. xij.d. was at vary­aunce wyth Paule. xv.e. was seduced, thorough the dyssymulacyon of Peter, Gala. ij.b
  • Barrabas the murtherer is delyue­red. Math. xxvij.c. Luke. xxiij.b.c. Mar. xv.b
  • Barsillai, prouydeth sustynaunce for kyng Dauid. ij. Regū. xvij.e. Accompa­neth wyth the kyng vnto Iordan. xix.e* [Page] Dauyd commaundeth that the chyldren of Barsillai, should be kyndly intreated, iij. Reg. ij.b.
  • Barsillay because he could not shewe the regyster of hys generacyon, he was putt from the priesthode. i. Esd. ij.c. ij. Esd. vii.e
  • Bartimens receiued his sight. Mar. x.e
  • Baruch the sonne of Nerye. Ierem. xxxii.b. wryteth a boke whych was bur­ned. xxxvi* Wryteth another whyche was redde. xlv.a.b. Baruch. i.a
  • Basmath the daughter of Salomon and wyfe to Ahimaas. iii. Reg. iiii.b
  • Bathseba the daughter of Eliam the wyfe of Drias knowen of Dauid and conceyued. ii. Reg. xi.a. the chylde sycke­ned and dyed, xij.c.d. She became Da­uids wyfe, and brought forth Salomon xii.e. i Prra. iii.a. Math. i.a
  • Beel wyth hys temple are destroyed Beel. d
  • Belschazar seeth the hand wryttyng, Danyel. v.a. was slayne, and hys kyng­dome came into the handes of Darpus, v.e
  • Benaias, a Capitaine ouer the Crethytes and Plethytes. ii. Regum [Page] xx.d. A preuy consellour of Dauid. xxiij.d. i. Para. xij d. Afterwarde a capitayne of Salomons. hoost, iij. Regum. ij.f
  • Benhadad the sonne of Tabrimon ke­pith conuenaunt with kyng Asa. iij. Re­gum. xv.c. besegeth Samaria. xx.a. iiij. Reg. vi.f. Lieth sycke and dyeth. viij.b.c
  • Benhadad the sonne of Hasael, be­came kyng of Syria, iiij. Regum. xiij.e. Ruleth ouer Israell. xiij.a
  • Beniamin the sonne of Iacob was borne. Gen. xxv.d
  • Beniamites misvse the wyfe of a Le­uite, Iud. xix.f. They are punyshed. xx.g
  • Berechias, ¶ seke Sealthiel.
  • Besaleel, a counynge worckemayster of the tabernacle. Exod. xxxi.a. xxxv.d
  • Bethsaida, the natyue cyty of Andrew and Philip. Ion. i.e. xij.c. was bewailed Math. xi.d. Luc. x.b. The Bethsaimites were greuously punished. i. Regū. vi.d
  • Bethuel the sonne of Nahas, and fa­ther of Rebecka. Gene. xxij.d
  • Bethulia was beseged of Holofernes Iudyth. vij.a.
  • Byeng, Sellyng.
    • Gen. xxiij.b.c. xxxiij.d. Leuit. xix.c.g [Page] xxv.c.g. Deu. xv.a. xxv.c. ij. Reg. xxiiij.e Eccli. vij.b. xxvi.d. xxvij.a. Prou. xi.a.d xvi.b. xx.b.d. Esa. xxiij.c. lviij.b. Ierem. ix.a. Ezech. xlv.b. Mich. vi.b. Math. vij a. Luc. xiiij.c. i. Cor. vij.d. i. Thessa. iiij.a
  • Bigthan and Theres were hanged, i. Hest. ij.d.
  • Bileam was hyred to curse Israell. Nume. xxij.* xxiij* Teacheth offence, Apocal. ij.c. was slayne. Numer. xxxi.b. Iosu. xiij.c. ij. Petr. ij,c
  • Bilha the handmaide of Rahell, bare Iacobs two sonnes, Dan and Nephta­lim. Gen. xxx.a.b
  • Bishoppes, there auctho­rytye and offyce.
    • Math. xx.c.d. Luke. iiij.b. xxii.b. Ion. x a.b. xxi.c. Act. i.d. vi.a. xi.c. xiiij.d. xx.d Roman. xv.b.d. i. Corin. iij.a. iiij.a. xvi.a ij. Corinth. iij.a. x.b. iiij* vi.a. Ephes. i.c iij.a. Colossen. i.c. i. Timoth. iij.a. iiij.a ij. Timoth. ij.c. Tit. i.b. i. Petr. v.a
  • Blessing, ¶ Loke in Cursyng.
  • Blindnes.
    • God stryketh wyth bodely blyndnes, Gen. xix.c. iiij. Regū. vi.d. ij. Mach. iij.d x.e. Acto. ix.a. xiij.a
    • [Page]The blind receiue there sight. Math. ix.d. xx.d. Marc. viii.c. x.e. Luk. xviij.d Ioan. ix.a
    • Of spirituall blindenes. Deut. xxviij.c. psal. lxviij.b. Isa. vi.b. liiij.b. lix.b. Hos ij.a. Sap. ij.d. Ioan. xij.e. Rom. i.c.d. xi.b. ij. Cor. iiij.a.
  • Bloude sheding, ¶ loke in Manslauter.
  • Bloude ought not to be eaten, Gen. ix a. Leui. iij.c. vij.c.d. xvij.c.d. xix.f. Deu. xij.b.c. xv.c. i. Reg. xiiij.e. Act. xv.c
  • Of the Bloudy flixe was the woman healyd. Math. ix.c.
  • Boos the sonne of Salomon taketh Ruth to hys wyfe. Ruth, iiij.c.
  • Cain the first sonne of man is borne. Gene. iiij.a killeth his brother. Abel. iiij.b. Sap. x.a. i. Ion. iij.b.
  • Caiphas the high prest gyueth coun­sel against Christ. Ioan xi.e. xviij.b. for­biddeth the apostels to preache. Actor. iiij.a.
  • Caleb, the sonne of hezron. i. Par. ij.b a spyer oute of the landes of Chanaan. Nume. xiij.a.d. xiiij.c.d.e. Requireth [Page] and obtaineth the countre of Hebron. Iosu. xiiij.b.c.d. xxi.b. Iud. i.d. i. Para. vij.d. Is called Calubai. i. Para. ij.a.
  • Carefulnesse, Sorowyng
    • Against the carefulnesse of all maner of necessities bothe of body and soule. Exod. xxxiiij.c. Leui. xxv.c. Deut. viij.a. Iob. vij.b. Psal. liiij.c. cxliiij.b.c. Prou. x a. xiij.c. Math. vi.c. x.a.c. xiij.c. xvi.a. Luk. viij.b. xij.c. xiiij.c. xxi.d. i. Cor. vij.d. Philip. iiij.a. i. Petri. v.a. Hebre. xiij.a
    • Sorowe & care.
      Sorow and care is a noyous thyng. Ecclesia. xxx.c. xxxviij.c. i. Mathe. vi.b. Pro. xij.d. xiiij.c. xv.b. xvij.d. ij. Cor. vij.b
  • Cattell.
    Cattell and vnreasonable beastes, ought not to be kept to harde. Genes. xxxiij.c Exod. xxiij.b. Nume. xxij.d.e. Deut. v.b. xiiij.b. xxij.b. Pron. xij.b.
  • Cana a Cytye of Galyle, where as Christ tourned water in to wine. Ioan. ij.a.
  • Chanaan the sonne of Ham was cur­sed. Genes. ix.d. x.a. i. Paral. i.a. Taketh a wyfe and buyldeth hys countre. Gen x.c. Of lande, and prayse of the lande. Deuter. xi.b. Hys lande is promysed. [Page] vnto Abraham and hys sede, Gene. xij.b xiij.d. xv.d. xvij.b. xxvi.a. xxxv.c. Exod. iij.b.d. Leui. xx.d. Deuter. ix.a. Is fulfil­led, Iosue. iij.c. For what cause God hath caste out the Cananites out of there land, Leuit. xviij.d. Deutero. ix.a. xviij.b xx.c. Wherfore he hath destroyed them by a lytle and a lytle, and not at ones, Deute. vij.e. Iud. ij.d. iij.a. Whatsoeuer was not consumed, became trybutary to the kyng of Israell, ij. Paral. viii.b. Of the descryptyon and distribucyon of the land. Gen. x.c. Exo. xxiij.d. Num. xxvi.f xxxiij.f. xxxiiij* Iosue. xiii* xiiii* xv* xvi* xvii* xviij* xix* Ezech. xlvij.c.d.
  • The daughter of the woman of Ca­nanee was delyuered from the deuell. Math. xv.c
  • At Capernaum a citye of Galyle be­ganne Christ to preach. Mat. iiij.b. Luk. iiii.d. Healeth the Captaynes seruaunte, Math. viii.b. Is called hys cytye. ix.a Is bewayled. xi.d. Cephas.
  • Ceremonies of the Iewes.
    • ¶ Seke Petrus.
    • All there Ceremonies and outwarde seruyce of God, are no more but a signi­fycacion, and shadowe of the true and spyry­tual [Page] Exod. xiij.b.c. Nume. xv.d. Deut. xvi.a. Ezech. xx.b. i. Corin. x.a. ij. Cor. ij.c Hebr. vii.c. viii.a. ix.a,b.d. x.a
    • Agaynste the faythlesse Ceremonies, Psal. xlix. Esa. i.b. xliij.d. lxvi.a. Jerem iii.d. vii.a.b.c. xiiii.b. Osee. vi.b. Amos v.d. Mich. vi.b. Mala. i.c. ij.a. Zachar. vii.a. Math. ix.a. Jon. iiii.c. Acto. xiij.d. Roma. viij.a. Ephe. ij.c. Coloss. ij.b.c
  • Chamos the Idoll of the Moabytes Nume. xxi.d. Vnto him doth Salomon buylde a temple, iij. Regū. xi.a. was de­stroyed agayne. iiij. Regum. xxiij.c.
  • Chyldren & Iongefolkes.
    • Of Chyldren, theyr offyce and duety towardes theyr fathers, mothers and su­periours, Gen. iiij.b. ix.d. xxii.a.b. xxvii.a. xxviii.b. xxxvii* Exo. xx.b. xxi.b. Leui xix.a.g. xx.b. xxi.b. Nume. xxx.a. Deute. v.b. xxi.c.d. xxvii.c. Iud. xiiij.a. i. Reg. ij.c.d.e. iii.a.b. viii.a. i. Regum. xviij.a.b. iij. Reg. ij.c. iiij. Reg. ij.e. xij.a. xxi.a. xxij.a. ij. Paral. xxxiiij.a. Eccles. iii.a.b. vi.e vij.b.c. viii.a.b. xxij.a. xxiij.c. xxv.a. xxxij b. Tobie. i.a. iiii.a. xiiii.c. Iob. i.a. viij.a xxxij.a.b. Prou. i.a. iiij.a. vi.c. x.a. xiij.a xv.a.c. xix.d. xx.b.c.d. xxij.b. xxiii.b. [Page] xxviii d. xxx.b. Ierem. xxxv.c. Ezech. xxil a. Mat. iiii.c. v.c. x.e. xv.a. xix.b. Marc. x.b. Luk. ij.g. xviij.b Act. vij.c. xxij.a. Ephes. vi.a. Coloss. iii.c. i. Timoth. v.a. ii. Timo. ii.c. iii.a.b. i. Petr. v.a
  • Chineam goeth wyth Dauid to Ierusalem. ii. Reg. xix.f.g
  • Chonenia, ¶ Seke Iechonia Iehoiakin
  • Crispus the chiefe ruler of the Syna­goge, beleued on ye lord. Act. xviii.a. was baptised wyth Gaius of Paule. i. Co­rinth. i.b
  • Christus Iesus.
    • Christus Ihesus very God and man is promysed of God in the prophetes Genes. iii.c. xij.a. xvij.c.d. xxij.c. xxvi.a xxviii.c. xlix.b. Num. xxiiij.c.d. Deuter. xviij.c. i. Regum. ij.b.g. ij. Regum. vii.b Psalm. ii* xxi* lxxxviii.a. cix.a. cxxxi.b. Esa. vij.c. viii.a. ix.b. xi.a.c. xxviii.c. xl b. xlij.a. xlv.a. xlvi.b. xlix.a.b.c. lij.c. liii* lxij.c. Ierem. xxiii.a.b. xxx.b. xxxiii.c. Ezechie. xvij.d. xxxiiii.d. xxxvii.d. Dan. ix.d.e. Mich. v.a. Agge. ii.d. Zacha. ii.b iii.b. ix.b. Mala. iii.a
  • Christ very God and man was ge­uen and testyfyed. Math. i.a.b. iii.b. viii.d. xi.a. xvi.c. xvii.a. xxii.d. xxvi.f. xxvii.f [Page] Marc. xv.d. Luke. i.c. iii.c* xxii.e. Ioan. i.b.d.e. ii.a. iii.a.c. v.d. vi.g. vii e ix.d. x.a.c.d. xi.c.e. xii.d. xiiii* xv.e xvii.a. xx.d. Romano. i.a. viii.a. ix.a. ii. Corinth v.c. Galat. iiii.a. Phylip. ii.a. Coloss. ii.b. i. Timo. ii.a. Tit. ii.b. Hebr. i a. v.a. i. Ioan. v.c
  • Christ the Image of hys father. Sap. vii.d. ii. Corinth. iiii.a. Collossen. i.v. Hebreo. i.a
  • Christe the lyghte of the gentyles and of all the worlde. Esay. ii.a. ix.a. xlii.a xlix.b. lx.a.d. lxi.d. Math. iiii.b. Luke ii.e. Ioan. i.a. viii.b. ix.a. xii.e.f. Act. xiii e. i. Ioan. i.b. Apoc. xxi.d
  • Christ the heardman or shepeherde of the soule, Esay. xl.b. Ezechy. xxxiiii* xxxvii.d. Mich. v.a. Zacha. xiii.b. Mat. xxvi.c. Ioan. x.a. i. Pet. ii.c. v.a. Hebre. xiii.d
  • Christe the lorde and kynge ouer all kynges and Lordes. Ezechy. xxxvij.d. Dan. xij.a. Psal. ij.a. xxiij.b. Coloss. ij.b i. Timoth. vi.c. Apoc. i.a. xvij.c. xix.c
  • Christ the lambe of God. Esay. liii.b Ioan. i.c. i. Corinth. v.b. Apoca. xiiii.a xvii.c. ¶ Seke kyngdome of Christ
  • [Page]Christ the mediatour, reconcyler and aduocat betwene God and man. Ioan. vi.e.g. x.a. xiiii.a. Acto. iiij.a. Rom. iij.c. v.a. viij.e. Gala. iii.c. v.a.b. Ephe. ij.b.c. Coloss. i.b. i. Timot. ij.a. Hebre. vii.d. viii b. ix.c. xii.d. i. Ioan. ii.a
  • Christe is borne the sonne of Dauid, Math. i* ix.c. xii.c. xv.c. xx.d. xxi.a. xxii.d. Luk. iii.d* xviij.d. Act. xiii.b. Rom. i.a. ii. Timothe. ii.a. Accordyng to the pro­mise. ii. Reg. vii.b. Psal. lxxxviii.a. cxxxi b. Esay. xi.a. Ezechi. xxxiiii.d. Osee. iii.a
  • Christe conceyued by the holy ghoste Math. i.c. Luc. i.b. Esai. vij.c.
  • Christ borne of Mary the vyrgyn. Mat. i.b. ii.c. Luk. ii.a.b. Ioan. i.b. Gal. iiii.a Esai. vii.c. Iere. xxxi.d. Ezech. xliiii.a
  • Christ borne in Bethleem. Math. ii.a Luk. ii.a.b. Ioan. vii.d. Miche. v.a
  • Christe wythoute any spott of synne. Esa. liii.c. Luke. xxiiii.a.b. ii. Corint. v.c i. Petr. ii.c. i. Ion. iii.a. Hebre. v.a. vii.d
  • Christ was cyrcumcysed. Luk. ii.c
  • Christe was baptysed in Iordan. Math. iii.b
  • Christe hath taughte and preached, Math. iiij.b. v* vi* vij*
  • Christ hath done good vnto all the ne [...] dy. [Page] Math. iiij.c. viij* ix.a.c.d
  • Christ was transfigured. Math. xvij.a Luke. ix.d
  • Christ was betrayed, ¶ Seke Iudas.
  • Christe suffered vnder the Heathen, Ponce Pilate, beyng depute. Math. xvi c. xvij.b.d. xx.b.c. xxvi.d. xxvij.a. Marc. viij.d. ix.d. Luke. xvij.c. xviij.d. xxiiij.c Ioan. xviij.d. Actor. viij.d. Roma. viij.d i. Pet. ij.c. Esay. liij* Treno. i.c.d. Za­cha. iij.b
  • Christ was crucyfyed. Math. xxvij.d Marc. xv.c. Luk. xxiii.c. Ioan. xix.b. Act. ij.c. It was prophecyed and signy­fyed before. Num. xxi.b. Math. xx.c. Io­an. iij.b.c.d. viij.c. xij.d. ij. Corint. xiij.a
  • Christ dyed and was buryed. Math. xxvii.c* Marc. xv.d.e. Luke. xxiij.d.e Ion. xix.c.d. Rom. v.a. vi.a. viij.e. i. Co­rin. xv.a. ij. Corin. v.b. i. Thess. v.b. was prophecyed before. Psal. iij.a. Esa. liij.b Dan. ix.e. Math. xvi.c. xx.c
  • Christ descended into hell. Acto. ij.c.d xv.d. Ephes. iiij. i. Petr. iij.d. iiij.a. was prophecied before. Esai. xlij.a. Zach ix.b
  • Christ rose againe the third day from the deade, Math. xxviij.a. Marc. xvi.a Luk. xxiiij.a. Ion. xx.a. Acto. ij.c.d. x. e [Page] xiij.c. xvii.e. Roma. iiij.d. viij.e. xiiij.b. i. Cori. xv.a.b. ij. Timot. ij.a. was prophe­cyed & signyfyed before. Ione. ij.a. Psal iij.a. iiij.b. xv.b. xlviii.c. Math. xij.d. xvi.c. xvij.d. xx.c. Marc. viij.d. ix.d. x.d. Luk xi.d. xviii.d. Ioan. ii.c
  • Christ ascended into heauen. Mar. xvi.c. Luk. xxiiij.d. Ioan. iij.b vi.g. Acto. i.b i. Corin. xv.a. Ephe. i.c. iiij.a. i. Pet. iii.c Hebr. v.a. Psal. lxvij.a.c
  • Christe sitteth on the ryghte hande of God. Mar. xvi.c. Luke. xxii.e. Actu. vii.g. Rom. viii.e. Ephe. i.c. iiii.a Phil. ii.a. Coloss. iii.a. i. Pet. iii.c. Hebr. i.a. ij.b. x.b xii.a. Psal. cix.a
  • Christ shall come agayne to iudge the quycke and the dead, Mat. xvi.b. xxiiii* xxv* Luke. xvii.c.d. xxi.d. Ioan. v.b Acto. i.b. x.e. xvii.e. Rom. ii.b. ii. Corint. v.b. i. Thessa. iiii.c. ii. Thess. i.b. ii. Tim. iiii.a. i. Pet. iiii.a. Heb. ix.d. Apoc. i.a
  • Christians be called all they that be­leue, Actor. xi.c.
  • Churche, Congregatyon and people of God.
    • The churche of the fayethfull is borne through the word of god. Pro. ix.a. Ioan [Page] i.a. iii.a. Rom. viii.b. ix.a. Gala. iii.d. iiii a. Ephe. i.a. Tit. i.a. i. Pet. i.d. i. Ioan. v a. Iacob. i.b
    • The church hathe Christe purchased, and bought wyth hys bloud. Actor. xx.d i. Cor. vi.c. vii.c. Ephe. ii.b. Collo. i.b. i. Pet. i.c. Hebr. ix.b. i. Ioan. i.b. Apoca. i.a v.b. xiiii.a
    • The churches heade is Christ. Ose. i.b i. Cor. xii.b.c. Ephe. i.c. iiii.b. v.c. Colos. i.b. ii.c
    • The churches membres are all maner of men Iewes and Gentyles. Esa. xliii.b Ioan. x.b. i. Cor. xii.b. Ephe. iii.a
    • God dwelleth alwayes wt hys church in proteccyon and defence. Exod. xiii.d xxix.g. Leui. xxvi.b. Num. xxv.d. Deut. vii.d. xxiii.b. xxxi.a. iii. Reg. vi.b. Psa. xc a.b. cxxxi.b. Isa. xliii.a. Iere. xlvi.e. Mat xviij.c. xxviij.c. Ioan. xiiij.b. ij. Cor. vi.c
    • The church is bounde to fynd her mi­nysters. Deute. xij.c. xiiij.c. xvi.b. xxv.a i. Esd. vij.d. Math. x.a. Luk. x.a. Roma. xv.d. i. Cor. ix.a.b. Gal. vi.a. Phil. ij.c. i. Thess. v.b. Hebr. xiij.a
    • The church ought to pray for her prea­chers. Act. iiii.c. xij.a. Ro. xv.d. Ephe. vi c. Phil. i.c. Colo. iiij.a. ij. Thess. iij.a. Heb xiij.c
  • [Page]Cyrcumcysyon of the fleshe is com­maunded, kept, and transgressed. Gene. xvij.b. xxi.a. xxxiiij.d. xxxvi.c.d. Exod. iiij.e. Leui. xij.a. Iosu. v.a.b. Iudith. v.a i. Mach. i.b.e.f. ij. Mach. vi.b. Luke. i.e ij.c. Ioan. vij.b. Act. xv.a.b. xvi.a. Ephe ij.b.
  • Of the circumcysyon of the harte. Deut. x.d. xxx.b. Ierem. iiij.a. vi.b. vij.d ix.d. Act. vij.f. Rom. ij.c. Phili. iij.a. Col­loss. ij.b
  • Claudius Lysias the vpper captayne of Ierusalem, sendeth Paule to Felix the vpper debitie of Cesaria. Acto. xxiij.c.d
  • Cleopatra the doughter of Phtolo­meus was geuen to be the wyfe to Alexanderi. Macha. x.f. was taken from him and geuen to Demetrius. xi.b
  • Clothes, ¶ loke in tearyng of Clothes.
  • Company.
    • Good Company ought we dylygent­ly to seke, and euell company to abhorre. Gene. xix.c. Leui. vij.c. Num. xvi.d. xxv a. Iosu. xxiij.c. ij. Para. xix.a. Iob. xxxi.a Psal. xxv.a.b. xxxvi.a. Prouer. i.a. iiij.b vi.e. xiij.c. xx.c. xxij.b.d. xxiij.a.b. xxiiii.ac. xxix.c. Ecclesiast. iiij.b.c. Ierem. xvi.a [Page] Ecclesi. vi.e. viii.a. ix.c. xij.c. xiij.a.b.c Tobie. i.a. Matth. vij.b. Actor. xix.a. ij. Cor. vi.c. Ephes. v.d. ij. Timoth. iiij.b Apoc. xviii.b
  • Couenaunt.
    • Wyth the vngodly ought the fayeth­full to make no couenaunt. Exod. xxiij.d xxxiiij.b. Deute. vij.a. xx.b. iij. Regū. xx.eg. Is transgressed and punyshed. Iud. i.ef. iii.a. iii. Reg. xx.f.g. ij. Para. xix.a
    • The people maketh a conuenaunte with God. Iosu. xxiiij.e. iiij. Regū. xxiij.a ij. Para. xv.c. xxiij.e. ij. Esd. x.b
    • God maketh couenaunte wyth the people. Gen. xvij.a. Exod. xix.a. Deut. v a. Iere. xxxi.e.f
    • Christ the true and only token of con­uenaunt for the beleuyng, Esa. xlij.a. xlix b. Luke. ij.e
  • Contynuyng in goodnes. Gen. xix.d.e Iob. ij.a. Prouerb. iij.d. xxiij.b. Ezechi. xviij.d. xxxiij.c. Eccli. ij.a. xi.c. xxxiiij.d Math. x.c. xv.c. xxiiii.a. Luk. ix.f. Ioan. viij.f. Act. ij.e. xi.c. xiij.e. xiiij.d. ij. Pet. ij.d. i. Ion. ij.d. Hebr. iij* Apoc. ij.d
  • Correcton and Warninge. [Page]
    • Of brotherly correctyon, warnynge and exhortatyon, Gen. xxxvij.d. Leui. xix d. Psalm. cxl.a. Prou. i.b. ix.a. x.b. xij.a xiij.c. xv.d. xvij.b. xxij.a. xxiiij.d. xxv.b xxvij.a. xxviij.d. xxix.a. Eccle. vij.a. Ose. iiij.a. Eccli. xix.b.c. xx.a. xxi.a. xxxi.d Math. xviij.a. Luk. xvij.a. Gal. ij.b.c. vi a. i. Timo. v.a.c. ij. Timo. ij.c. Hebr. iij.b Iaco. v.c
    • The correction and punishment of the wicked serueth for the feare & warninge of the good. Deuter. xiij.b. xvij.c. xix.d xxi.d. Prouerb. xix.d. xxi.b. Eccli. xxiij.c Act. v.b. i. Timo. v.c
    • The correctour or rebuker muste be vnrebukeable. Math. vij.a. Luke. vi.d. Ioan. viij.a. i. Timoth. iij.a. Tit. i.b
  • Confydence, ¶ loke in this worde hope
  • Cores the kynge of Persia, lycenseth the capytayne of the Israelytes to goo into Iury. ij. Par. xxxvi.d. i. Esdr. i.a. iij. Esd. ij.a. Accordyng to the commaunde­ment of God, Esa. xlv.a. Restoreth vnto them the vessels, whyche Nebuchadne­zar had caryed awaye before. i. Esdr. i.b. v.c. Dan. i.a.
  • Cornelius the Capitayne of Cesarya is conuerted. Act. x.a
  • [Page]Crosse and sufferyng.
    • Crosse and aduersytye happeneth vn­to all true beleuyng. Gene. iiij.a.b. xxvij g. xxxvij.d. ij. Regum. xvi.b.c. Eccli. ij.a Psal. xxxiij.c. Prou. xxiiij.c. Math. x.b* xij.b. xvi.d. xxiiij.a. Mar. xiij.b. Luk. xiiij d. xxi.b. Ioā. xv.b. xvi.a. Act. ix.c. Ga. iiii c. i. Thess. iij.a. ii. Tim. iij.a. i. Pet. iiij.a
    • The crosse is layde of God vpon the beleuynge for theyr welth. ij. Regū. vij.c Iob. v.b. xxxiij.b. Prou. iij.b. Iere. xlvi.e. i. Macha. vi.b.c. i. Cor. xi.d. i. Pet. iiij.c. Hebr. xij.a. Apocal. iij.d
    • Through the crosse cometh a man to the knowledge of the domynyon & eter­nall glorye of God. Exod. i.b. ij. Paral. xxxiij.c.d. Iudith. viij. Prou. vi.c. Math vij.c. Luke. xxiiij.c.d. Ioan. xij.c. Actu. xiiij.d. Roma. viii.b.c. ij. Cor. iiii.b.c. v.a Phil. ii.a. ij. Thess. i* Hebre. ij.b. xij.a
    • The crosse oughte we to beare pacy­ently and ioyfully. Math. v.a. x.e. Ioan. xv.b. xvi.d. Act. v.e. xvi.d. ii. Corint. viij a. Coloss. i.c. Hebreo. x.d. Iacob. i.a.b. i. Petr. iiij.b.c
    • Through the crosse doth God preserue the faythfull, Eccli. xxvii v. Proue. xvij.a. xxvij.c. ij. Thessa. i.a. i. Petr. i.b
    • Comfort in the crosse and sufferynge, [Page] iiij. Reg. xxiiij.c. Iob. v.b.c. Psal. lxxxviij d. Prou. xviij.b. Esaie. xxvi.b.c. Treno. iij.c. Mathe. v.a. Ioan. xv.b. xvi.c.d. i. Cor. x.b. ii. Cor. i.a.b
  • Customes, Maners, and vses of the Hebrues, and whereof certayne of them do springe. Genes. xix.e. xxxij.c. xliij.f Iud. xi.g. Ruth. iiii.b. ii. Paral. xxxv.e
  • [...]ouet­ [...]snes.
    Couetousnes and Nigardnes, Iosu. vij.d. i. Reg. viij.a. xxv.a.b. iij. Reg. xxi.a iiij. Reg. v.d.e. Psal. xxxvij.b. Prou. i.b xi.d. xij.d. xv.b.c.d. xxviij.b.d. xxx.b Eccle. ii.d. iiii.b. v.b. vi.a. Esay. v.b. lvi c. Iere. vi.b. viij.b. Amos. viii.a. Miche. vi.b.c. Osee. ix.a.b. Abacuc. ii.b.Ecclli. xiiii.a. xxix.c.d. xxxi.a.b. xl.c. Tob. v.d ij. Mach. iiii.h. x.d. Math. vi.c. xxvi.b.e. xxvii.a. Mar. viii.e. Luk. xii.b.c. Ioan. xii.a. Act. v.a. viii.b. xxiiii.c. i. Cor. vi.b. Ephe. v.a. Phil. iiii.b. Coloss. iii.a. i. Ti­mo. vi.b. Tit. i.b. Hebr. xiii.a
  • [...]ounsel
    Counsaylyng, In doubtefull matters ought we to aske counsayll of God hys worde and prophetes. Gen. xxv.c. Exo. xviii.c. Leui. xxiiii.c. Nume. ix.a.b. xv.d xxvii.b. Deut. i.c. xvii.b.c. xxi.a. Iosu. ix c. Iud. i.a. xviii.b. xx.c.d. xxi.a. i. Regū. x.d. xxiii.a.b.c. xxx.d. ii. Regum. ii.a. v.c [Page] d. xxi.a. iii. Regum. xiiii a. xxii.a.b. iiii. Reg. iii.b.c. viii.b. xxii.c. ii. Paral. xviii a.b. xxxiii.d. Psal. cxviii.c. Prouer. iii.a Esa. viii.d. ix.b. xxv.a. xlv.b. xxx.a. iere. xxxvii.a.b. xlii.a. Ezec. xiiii.a.b. Zacha. vii.a. Eccli. viii.c. ix.c. xxxvii.a. xlv.d Tob. iiii.c. Luk. xvi.d
  • By the deade, sorcerers and false pro­phetes oughte wee not to seke councell, Leui. xix.g. xx.a. Deut. xviii.a.b. i. Reg. xxviii.a.b. iii. Reg. xxii.a. iiii. Regū. i.ab. iii.b. ii. Par. xviii.a. Esa. viii.d. Dani. ii.a. iiii.a. v.a
  • God breaketh wicked consailes, Gen xi.b. xxxvii.d. l.c. Num. xxii.*. ii. Regū. xv.*. xvii b. ii. Esdr. iiii.b.c. i. Hest. vii.b. iii. Mach. iii.s. Iob. v.b. Psal. ii.a. xx b. xxxii.b. Esa. vii.b. xix.a. Math. xxvii.g Act. v.c. ix.d. xxiii.b.c. xxvii.e
  • Cursing and blessynge, Gene. iii.c.d viij.a. ix.d. xxiiij.g. xxvij.a. xlviij.c.d Num. v.c. Deu. xi.d. xxvij.b. Iosu. viij.g Iud. ix.c. i. Regū. xvij.f. ij. Regū. ij.a. iij.f xvi.b. iiij. Regū. ij.e. ij. Esd. v.b. Prouer. xxvi.a. Iere. xxix.d. xxxi.d. xiviij.d. xlix b. Zach. viii
  • Cusan Rysathaim kyng of Syrya ruleth ouer Israell, the space of eyghte yeres, Iud. iij.a
  • [Page]Dagon an Idoll of the Philystynes, i. Reg. v.a. i. Macha. x.i.
  • Damaris heareth Paule, and bele­ueth. Act. xvij.e
  • Damascus the head Citie of the Sy­rians was wonne of Thiglat pylnesser iiij. Regū. xvi.b. Agaynste Damascus is prophecyed. Esay. viij.a. xvij.a. Iere. xlix d. Amos. i.a
  • Dames, ¶ loke in thys worde hell
  • Damnatyon, ¶ loke in thys word hell
  • Dan the sonne of Iacob, Gene. xxx.a the trybe of Dan, seketh an heritage for them selues. Iosue. xviij.a. They fyghte agaynste Lesen, & conquered them. xix.d
  • Danyel is called Belschazar. Dany. i.b. expoundeth dreames. ij.c. iiij.a.b.c.d. was caste into the burnynge furnace. iij.d. Was ordeyned the gouernour of the whole kyngdome of Babel. vi.a. was caste into the lyons denne. vi.c. Beell. e. delyuered Susanna. Sus. g.h
  • Darius the sonne of Ahasuerus, Da­nye. ix.a. Taketh in the kyngedome Ba­bel. v.e. Suffered an vngodlye blasphe­mous [Page] acte to goo forth. vi.b. Maketh a great feast. iij. Esd. iij.a
  • Daryus reneweth the commaunde­ment of Cores. i. Esd. vi.a
  • Darius was slayne of Alexander of Macedonia. i. Mach. i.a
  • Dathan and Abyron rose vp agaynst Moses, Num. xvi* Deut. xi.a.
  • Dauid the sonne of Isay (whyche is called Iesse Math. i.) was of Samuell annoynted kyng. i. Regum. xvi.c. Slewe a lyon, beare, and Golyath. xvij.e.f. maketh a bounde wyth Ionathas. xviij.a. xx.b.c.d. xxiij.d. Eateth the shewe­breades. xxi.b. Fayneth hym self madde before kynge Achys. xxi.d. Flyeth wyth hys father and mother to Mizpa. xxij.a Cutteth a pece of Saules garmente. xxiiij.a. Sendeth to Nabail. xxv.a. Ta­keth away Saules speare. xxvi.b. Fly­eth to Achys the kynge of Gath. xxvii.a was crowned at Hebron ouer Iuda. ij Regum. ij.a. Curseth Ioab. iij.f. Toke the strong hold of Zyon, and was an­noynted ouer all Israell, v.a.b. i. Para. xij.a. xiij.e. After the worde of Ionathas [Page] i. Reg. xxiij.c. and of Saul. xxiiij.d. Com­mytieth adultery and murdre, ij. Reg. xi* Repenteth. xij.c. Flieth from his sonne Absalon. xv.c. He was letted to go to the battel. xviij.a was restored to hys kyng­dome agayne. xix.c. Enclosed hys tenne concubynes. xx.a. Offereth the water vnto the Lorde, xxiij.c. Noumbreth the peo­ple. xxiiij.a. Byeth the thresshynge floore of Araphna. xxiiij.e. Prepareth for the house of the lorde. i. Para. xxiij.a. Ordeyneth offycers. i. Para. xxiiij* xxv* xxvi* xxvij* xxviij* Leaueth behynde hym hys sonne kyng [...] Salomon. iij Regū. i.e Dyeth and is buryed. ij.b. Is praysed. Eccli. xlvii.a
  • Daye of Domine.
    • Of the lastdaye and the iudgemente of God, whyche Christ shall kepe at the ende of the world. Psalm. xvi.b. xlix.a Esay. ij.b.c. xiii.a.b.c. xxvii.a. lxvi.c. Iere. xxx.d. Dan. vii.b. Zepho. i.a. Ma­lac. iii.d. Mat. xii.d. xiii.e.f. xvi.d. xxiiii* xxv c.d. Marc. xiii* Luke. xvii.c.d Acto. i.b. iii.c. xvii.e. Rom. ii.a.b. i. Co­rin. xv* ii. Cor. v.b. i. Thessa. iiii.c. v.a ii. Thess. i.b. ii.a. Tit. ii.b. ii. Petr. iii.b [Page] Hebr. ix.d. Iude. i.c. Apoc. i.a. xx.d
  • Debora goeth with Rebecca to Isaac, Gene. xxiiii.g. Dieth. xxxv.b
  • Debora a prophetesse whyche iudged Israell, Iud. iiii.a
  • Debyr is taken. Iosue. x.g. Iud. i.c
  • Delila the concubine of Samson, be­trayeth hym to the Phylystyans, Iudi. xvi.*
  • Demetrius the sonne of Seleucus ruleth tyrannyously. i. Macha. vii.a. ma­keth a confederatyon wyth Ionathas, x a. Brake conuenaunt wyth hym. xi.g
  • Demetryus the syluersmyth exalteth hym selfe agaynst Paule. Acto. xix.c
  • Death and Dyeng.
    • Death is the punyshmente of synne, Gene. ii.c. iii.d. Rom. v.b.c. vi.c. i. Co­rinth. xv.c. Ephes. ii.a. Col. ii.b. i. Timo v.a. Iaco. i.b
    • Death, also daye and tyme is appoynted for all men. Deute. xxxi.d. Iosu. xxiii d. i. Regum. xxvi.b. Iob. xiiii.a. Psalm. lxxxviii.f. Eccle. iii.a. viii.a. Eccli. xvii a. xli.a. Ioan. vii.c. viii.b. Roma. v.b. vi c. Hebr. ix.d
    • The houre of death is vnknowne and [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] hydden. Eccli. ix.c. Math. xxiiij.d. Luke xij.d. i. Thess. v.a. ij. Thess. ij.a. Iac. iiij.b
    • Of the bewaylyng and buryal of the deade. Genes. v.c. xxiij* xxv.b. xxxv.e xxxvij.f. xlvij.g. xlix.e. l.a. Leui. x.b. xix.f Num. xix.c. xx.d. Deute. xiiij.a. xxviij.c i. Regum. xv.g. xvi.a. xxv.a. xxxi.c. ij. Regum. i.b. ij.a. iij.f. x.a. xii.d.e. xiiij.a xix.a. xxi.c.d. iij. Regum. xiij.f.g. iiij. Regum. xxij.d. iiij. Esdr. ij.c. Eccli. xxij.b. xxxviij.c. Tobi. i.d. iiij.a. i. Machabe. xij.f. xiij.c. Iob. i.a. Iere. xxxiiij.a. Mat. ix.c. Luk. vii.b. Act. viii a. ix.e,f
    • The dead are raysed. i. Reg. xvij.c. iiij. Re. iiij.e. xiij.e. Mat. ix.c. xxvij.f. Mar. v c. Lu. vij.b. viij.f. Ioā. xi.e. Act. ix.f. xx.b
    • The corporal death of the faythful is a sleape, Deu. xxxi.d. Mat. ix.c. Ioan. xi.b Act. vij.g. xiii.d. i. Cor. xi.d. i. Thes. iiij.a
    • The euerlastyng death of all the world hath Christe ouercomme by hys death, Esa. xxv.b. Ose. xiij.c. Ro. vi.b. i. Cor. xv.f. ij. Tim. i.b. Heb. ij.c. Apoc. xxi.b
    • Of them that haue kylled themselues. Iud. vi.g. i. Reg. xxxi.a. ij. Regum. xvij.d iij. Reg. xvi.a.b. ij. Machab. x.b.c. xiiij.f Mat. xxvij.a. Act. xvi.d
  • Deser­uinge of our wor­kes.
    Deseruyng of or worckes, Deu. ix.a.b [Page] Math. xv.a. xix.c. xx.a.b. xxv.a. Luk. xiij.c. xvii.b. Ioan. xiiij.a. xv.a. Roma. iii.c. iiij.a. viij.a. ix.b. xi.a. Gala. ij.c. v.a. Titum. iij.a.
  • Desyres and lustes of the fleshe
    • The desyre is forbidden, transgressed and punished. Exod. xx.c. Nume. xi.g. xxi.a.b. Iosue. vij.d. Eccli. xviij.d. xli.c. Iob. xxxi.a. Prou. vi.c. xiij.c. Math. v.c Mar. iiij.b. Ro. vij.b. xiij.b. i. Cor. x.a
  • Dina the daughter of Iacob. Genes. xxx.c. was rauyshed of Sichem. xxxiiij.a Dyonisius of Athene beleued. Act. xvij.e
  • Dissimulacyon, ¶ loke in the worde Ipocrisie, ¶ loke also in this word flesh
  • Dyuorcement.
    • Letter of diuorcement. Deut. xxiiij.a. Malach. ii.c. Math. iii.d. xix.a.b. Marc x.a. Luk. xvi.c.
  • Dyuell.
    • The dyuell is the father. Lorde prince, king, and God of the whole world, and of all vngodly people. Math. iiii.b. Iob. xli.c. Ioan. viii.d. xii.d. xiiii.c. xvi.a. ii. Corr. iiii.a. Ephe. ii.a. vi.b.
    • [Page]The dyuell studyeth wythout ceasyng for the hynderaunce and destructyon of men. Gene. iii.a.b. Zachar. iii.a. Math. iiii.a.b. viii.d. xiii.c. Luk. viii.b. xiii.a.b xxii.c. ii. Corin. iiii.a. xi.b. Ephes. vi.b.c i. Thessa. ii.c. i. Pet. v.b. Apoca. ii.b
    • The dyuels power is of God. iij. Re­gum. xxij.d. ij. Paral. xviij.c. Iob. i.b.c ij.a.b. Mat. viij.d. Marc. v.a.b. Ephes. ij.a. Col. i.b. ij. Tymo. ij.c
    • Of the losing of hys power thorough Christ. Genes. iij.c. i. Regum. xvij* Iob xxvi.b. Esa. ix.a. xiiij.b. xxvij.a. lij.a. Za­char. iij.a. Mathew. xij.c. Luke. x.b. xi.c Ioan. xij.d. Coloss. i.b. ij.b. ij. Tymot. i.b i. Ioan. iij.b. Hebr. ij.c. Apoc. xij.c. xx.a
    • The dyuels are dryuen out. Mat. viij b.d. ix.d. xij.c. xvij.c. Luke. iiij.d. viij.a.d ix.d. x.b. xiij.a. Act. v.b. viij.a. xvi.c
    • The dyuels haue knowledge of God Math. viij.d. Mar. i.c. iij.b. v.a. Luk. iiij d.e. viij.d. Acto. xix.b. Iac. ij.c
  • Doctryne and preceptes of men.
    • The doctrine and tradytyons of men as farre as they are kepte and taken as necessary to saluatyon, are reiected and [Page] condempned, Exod. xxiij.b. Deute. iiij.a xij.d. xiij.a. Iosu. i.b. Psal. xi.a. Pro. v.a xxx.a. Esa. viij.d. xxix.c. Ierem. ij.b. xxiij c.d. Zach. v.a. Mat. vij.b. xv.a. xvi.a.b xvij.a. xxiiij.a. xxviij.c. Mark. vij.a.b Luk. xvi.d. Ioh. xiij.b. Actu. xv.b. xx.d Rom. xvi.b. i. Corinth. vij.c. Ephe. iiij.a Phil. iij.a. Colloss. ij* i. Timo. i.a. iiij.a vi.a. ij. Timo. i.d. ij.b.c. iij.b. Titū. i.c. i Ioh. ij.c.d. iij.b. ij. Ioh. i.b. Heb. xiij.b
  • Doeg the seruaunt of Saul betrayed the priest Abimelech, i. Reg. xxij.b.c. kylleth the priestes of the lord. xxij.d
  • Dorcas was raised vp from death, Act. ix.e.f
  • Dreames.
    • By dreames and visions doth God worke wyth the faythfull. Gene. xx.a xxviij.c. xxxi.d. xxxvij.a.b. xl.b. xli.a xlvi.a. Num. xij.a. Iud. vij.c.d.e. i. Reg. iij.a.b.c. xxviij.a. ij. Reg. vij.a. iij. Regū. iij.a.b.c. Iob. vij.b. xxxiij.b. Dan. ij.a ij. Hest. i.a. ij. Mach. xv.b.c. Math. i.b ij.b.c. Act. xvi.b
    • Dreames that do leade from God ought not to be regarded, Deute. xiij.a Ecclles. v.a. Ierem. xxiij.c. xxvij.b [Page] xxix.b. Eccli. xxxiiii.a.b. Math. xxvij.b
  • Dropsye is healed. Luc. xiiii.a
  • Dronkenes & superfluitie.
    • Gen. iii.b. ix.d. xix.f.g. xxv.d. Leui. x.c. ij. Reg. xi.b. xiij.f. iii. Reg. xvi.a. iii. Esdr. iii.c.d. Prouer. xx.a. xxi.b. xxii* xxxi a. Isay. v.b.c. xxviij.b. Ezech. xvi.e Dan. v.a. Osee. iiii.b. Abac. ij.c. Eccli. xix.a. xxiii.a. xxxi.b.c.d. xxxvij.d. Iu­dith. xiii.a. i. Macha. xvi.c. Luce. xxi.d Rom. xiii.b. i. Cor. v.b. vi.b. Galat. v.c Ephesios. v.b. Hebreo. xij.c. ¶ Seke fastyng.
  • Drusilla, the debites wyfe hearde the preachynge of Paule. Actorum. xxiiii.c
  • Easter feast.
    • Of the institution and vse of the feast of Easter: Exod. xij* xiii.b. xxiii b. xxxiiii.c. Leuit. xxiii.a.b. Nume. ix. ab. xxviii.c. Deutero. xvi.a.b. Iosu. v.c iiii. Regum. xxiii.e. ij. Para. xxx.a.c xxxv.a. i. Esdr. vi.d. iii. Esdr. i.b. vij.c Ezech. xlv.c. Math. xxvi.b. Mark. xiiii b. Luc. xxij.a.
    • [Page]The true pascall Lambe is Christ Isay. liii.b. Ioh. i.c. i. Cor. v.b. i. Pet. i.c Apoc. xiiii.a. xiii.b
  • Ebron was buylded, Nume. xiii.b was woune, Iosu. x.f. xv.c. was geuen to the Leuites. xxi.b. i. Para. vii.d. Is called Kyriath Arba, Iosue. xxi.b
  • Edome the brother of Iacob and the sonne of Isaac, is called Esau, Gene. xxv.c. The Edomites denye the Israelites passage thorough there land, Nume. xx.b.c. They are smytten and become tributaries to the house of Is­raell, ij. Regum. viii.c. Fall awaye from Israell and make them a kyng of theyr owne, iiij. Regum. viii.c. Are sore beaten of Iuda, xiiii.b. ij. Paraly. xxv.b. They fyghte agaynst Iuda, xxviii.c
  • Agaynst Edome is prophecyed, Nume. xxiiij.d. Psalm. Cxxxvi.b. Esay. xxi.b. xxxiiij.a. Ierem. xlix.b. Treno. iiii.d. Ezechy. xxv.b.c. xxxij.f. xxxv* xxxvi.a. Amos. i.c. Abd. i* ¶ Seke Esau.
  • Egbathanis is described, Iudith. i.a
  • Egipt is sore plaged, Exo. vij* viij* ix* x* xi* according to the word. iij.a [Page] The captyuitye of Egypt is prophecy­ed, Gene. xv.c. Begynneth. Exod. i.b.c Act vij.c. The goyng forth and delyue­raunce of Israel is promised, Gen. xv.d xl.a. xlviij.d. l.d. Exo. iij.d. vi.a Is ful­fylled, and they go forth wyth vi.M. men. xij.f.g. xiij* xiiij* Nume. xxxiij.a Deu.. xvi.a. Ose. xiij.a
  • The people are affectioned agayne towards Egipt. Exod. xiiij.c. xvi.a. xvij a. Nume. xi.a. xiiij.a. xx.a. Agaynst E­gipt is prophecyed. Esa. xviij* xix* xx* Ierem. xliij.b. xliiij.e. xlvi* Ezec. xxix* xxx* xxxi* xxxij* iiij. Esd. xv.b
  • The deliueraunce out of Egipte, as the greatest benefyte is often remem­bred, Exod. xx.a. Leuit. xxij.d. xxvi.b Deut. iiij.f. v.a. vij.b. viij.c. xvi.b. Iud. ij.a. vi.b. i. Reg. x.d. iiij. Regum. xvij.b Miche. vi.a. xiij.a
  • Egipt was wonne of the kyng of Babel, iiij. Reg. xxiiij.b. Ierem. xlvi.a
  • The Egiptians went forth agaynst Iudas. ii. Para. xij.a
  • Egipt was assaulted wyth warre of Antiochus. i. Macha. i.b.
  • Into Egypt dyd Christ flee before Herode. Matt. ij.c
  • [Page]Eglon the cytye was wonne. Ios. x.f
  • Eglon the kyng of the Moabites, ru­led ouer Israel .xviij. yeares, and was slayne. Iud. iij.b*
  • Ehud a iudge in Israel. Iud. iij.b.* Elam the sonne of Sem. Gen. x.c. A­gaynst the Elamites, Esa. xij.c. Ierem. xlix.f. Ezech. xxxij.d. Dan. viij.a
  • Eldad and Modad prophecye in the campe, Num. xi.f
  • Elders, ¶ Loke in this worde Father
  • Eleazar the sonne of Aaron. Exod. vi d. xxviij.a. Diuideth and distributeth wyth Iosua, the lande of Chanaan, Io­sue. xiiij.a. According to the commande­ment of God, Num. xxxiiij.c. was an­nointed priest. Leu. viij.c. was after the death of hys father made hygh prieste, Num. xx.d. Deut. x.b. Dyed and was buryed, Iosu. xxiiij.f. After him was hygh priest hys sonne Pinehas. Exod. vi.d
  • Eleazar the sonne of Saura kylleth the Elephant, and was destroyed, i. Mach. vi.f
  • Eleasar wythdraweth hym selfe from the dissembling of euyll. ij. Mach. vi.c.d
  • Eli the priest of Sylo. i. Reg. i.a. his [Page] chylderen are reproued, ij.c d Dyed, iiii.d
  • Eliab the capitayne of the trybe of Sabulon, Nume. i.a
  • Eliakim the sonne of Iosias was kyng in Iuda, and called Iehoiakim, iiij Reg. xxiij.g ¶ Seke Ieoiakim
  • Eliakim the sonne of Helkia was stewarde of the house of kynge Ezechi­as in the steade of Sobna, iiii. Reg. xviii c, Esay. xxij.c
  • Elias was nouryshed and fedd of rauens, iij. Reg. xvij.a. Rayseth a dead bodye to lyfe, xvij.c. Kylleth Baals priestes, xviii.e. Fled from Isebel, xix.a was sent to Damascus, for to annoynt Hasael kynge ouer Syria, xix.c. was sent to Ahab. xxi.c. Bringeth the fyer vpon the Capitaynes wyth theyr fyf­tyes, iiii. Regum i.c. Was taken vp thorowe the whorlewynde into hea­uen, ij.c. Was sene in the transfigura­cyon of Christ, Math. xvij.a. Luce. ix.d
  • Elasaph, a Capytayne of the Gadi­tes, Num. i.a
  • Eliasib the hygh prieste buyldeth the gate of Ierusalem, ij. Esdr. iij.a xii.a
  • [Page]Elieser the sonne of Moses, Exod. xviija. i. Para. xxiiij.b. was circumcysed, Exod. iiij.e
  • Elimas the sorcerer became blynde, Act. xiii.a
  • Elimelech the husbande of Naemi, Ruth, i.a
  • Elisa, is annoynted for a prophet, iii. Regum. xix.d. Accordynge to the commaundement, xix.c. Goeth tho­rough Iordan, iiii. Regum ij.c. Ma­keth the water swete, ij.e. Raysed the dead chyld to lyfe, iiii.d. Clensed Nae­man of hys leprosy, v.c. Stryketh the Syrians wyth blyndnes, vi.d. Prophe­cyeth plenteousnes of victuale, vij.a Sykeneth and dyed, xiij.c.d
  • Elisama an Hedman of the trybe of Ephraim, Nume. i.a
  • Elizabeth the wyfe of Zachary con­ceyueth in her age, Luc. i.b. Bryugeth forth John the Baptist, i.e
  • Elisur an Hedeman of the trybe of the Rubenites, Num. i.a
  • Ella, a kyng in Israell is slayne, iii. Regum. xvi.a
  • Elon, a Iudge in Israel, Iud. xij.c
  • Eloth was buylded, iiij. Reg. xiiii.d [Page] Came into the handes of the Syrians xvi.a
  • Eneas is made whole, Act. ix.e
  • Enemies.
    • Vnto oure enemies ought we to do good. ¶ Seke Loue
    • Not to despise the enemie, i. Reg. xiiij b. xvij.f. ij. Reg. xxi.e. iij. Regū. xx* iiij. Reg. xiiij.b
    • Not sodenly to trust a man that is reconcyled, i. Regū. xxiiij.d. xxvi.d. ij. Reg. iij.e. i. Macha. xij.e
  • Enui and hatred.
    • Gen. xxvi.b. xxvij.g. xxx.a. xxxvij.ab. Exod. i.b. xx.c. Leuit. xix.d. Nume. xij a. xxxv.c.d. Deut. xix.c. i. Regū. xviiij.ab. Sap. ij.d. Eccli. xiiij.a. xxviij.a.b Prouerb. x.b. Ezech. xxv.c. Dan. vi.a Amos. i.a. Luc. xv.d. Ioh. xij.a. Galat. v.b.
  • Epaphara, a true and a faithfull my­nister of Christ. Coloss. i.a
  • Epaphroditus a felow souldiar of Paule, Philip. ij.c
  • Ephesus receyueth the preachyng of Paule. Act. xix.a
  • Ephraim the sonne of Ioseph. Gen. [Page] xli.g. was receyued of Iacob hys gran­desyre for hys sonne, xlviij.a
  • The Ephraites receyue the inheri­taunce, Iosu. xvi* Ryse vp agaynst Iephtah. Iud. xij.a.b. By Ephraim are vnderstanded the tenne tribes of Israel, Esa. vij.a.b. ix.c.d. Ose. v*
  • Ephron because that they denyed to Iuda the passage, they were spoiled and beaten downe to the grounde. i. Ma­cha. v.c. ii. Mach. xii.e
  • Erastus the treasurer of the cytye of Corinth. Rom. xvi.c. ij. Tim. iiij.c. was sente wyth Tymothee to Macedonia Act. xix.c
  • Esaias the sonne of Amos. Esay. i.a Is called and sent. vi.b. xlix.a
  • Esau the sonne of Isaac is borne, Gen. xxv.c. Sellith hys fyrst byrth ry­ght. xxv.d. Heb. xij.c. was begyled of hys brother Iacob. xxvij.a.b.c.d. Ta­keth to hys wyfe the daughter of Is­mael. xxviij.b. xxxvi.a. Goeth forth to mete Iacob wyth foure hundreth men, xxxij.a. Sheweth fauor to hys brother Iacob. xxxiij.a. To fyghte agaynst E­sau. Was forbidden to Israel, Deu. ij.a ¶ Seke Edom.
  • [Page]Esdra, the scribe goeth forth of Ba­bylon, i. Esdr. vij.a, Separateth the strange wyues from Israel, ix* x* Readeth the boke of the law, ii. Esd. viii a. iii. Esdr. ix.d, Is called Iozadack, i. Paral. vii.a
  • Euilmerodach was after the death of hys father Nabuchadnezar, kyng of Babel, iiij. Regum, xxv.d, Ierem. lij.e
  • Eupator the sonne of the vngodlye Antiochus, ij. Macha. x.b
  • Eutychos the yong man was raysed from death, Act. xx.b
  • Excommunication of the Faythfull.
    • The faythfull ought to excommuny­cate and exclude all those that teache or lyue amisse, Prouer. xxij.b, iii. Mach. f. Math. xviii.b, Rom. xvi.b, i. Corinth. v* ij. Corinth. ii.a,b. ii. Thessa. iii* i. Timo. i.c. vi.a, ij. Timoth. ij.b.c. iij.a Tit. iii.b, ii. ioh. i.b ¶ Seke Felowshyp or couenauntes or appoyntement
    • Of the excommunicatyon of the Pharyses, Iohn, ix. cd. xi.f. xii.f xvi.a
  • [Page]Prohibition of Eyes.
    • Gen. iij.b. vi.a. xxxiiij.a. xxxix.b. ij. Reg. xi.a. xiij.a. Eccli. ix.a.b. xxv.d. xlij.b
  • Ezechias the sonne of wycked Ahab, a ryghteous kyng in Iuda, iiii. Regum xvi.d, Breaketh the brasen Serpent, xviij.a, Rebelleth agaynst the kyng of Assyria, xviij.b, Sendeth to the Pro­phet Esaye, xix.a. Esay. xxxvii.a, Lyeth sycke vnto death, iiii. Regū, xx.a, Esay. xxxviii.a, Sheweth vnto the Babylo­nyans the treasure, and was punyshed, iiij. Regū, xx.bc, Esay. xxxix.a, Is pray­sed, Eccli. xlviii.c
  • Ezechiel was wyth other pryso­ners caried to Babylon, Ezech. i.a, was called and sent, Ezech. ij.a. Is praysed, Eccli. xlix.d
  • Fayth.
    • Fayth, Of the powre strength and operatyon of the true and lyuely fayth, Math. ix.a.cd. xxi.c. Mark. xvi.b, Luk xviii.d. Iohn, i.a, iii.bc.e vi.d, vij.d, viii b, xi.c, xiiij.b, xx.d, Act. iii.b, x.e, xv.b, xvi.d, Rom. i.b, iii.b, Gala, iii.b. Ephe. ij.a. Hebre. xi.b
    • [Page]Fayth and the true knowledge of the worde and worck of God doeth onelye Iustyfye vs, Gene. xv.b. Esay. liij.c Marke. xvi.b. Luk. i.d. viij.f. xxiij.d. Ioan. v.c. xvij.a. Act. xiij.d. xvi.b. Roma. iij b. iiij.a.d. v.a. x.b. Phil. iij.b. i. Pet. ij.a. Heb. iiij.a
    • The faythfull are delyuered by God from the generall destruction of the vn­godly world, Gen. vi.b.c.d. vij.a. xix.c Exod. viij.e. ix.a.b.f. x.e. xi.b. Nume. xvi.c.d.f. Ierem. xxxix.c. Dan. vi.d. ij. Pet. ij.b
    • Also God regardeth the fayth of the gentyles, Iere. xxxix.c. Math. viij.a.b. xv.c. Luke. vij.a. x.d. xvij.b. Ioan. iiij.f Act. x.a
    • Of the punyshment of vnbelefe, Gene, xix.c.d. Nume. xi.e. xiiij.a.b. xx b. Deut. ix.b. iiij. Regū. vij* Eccli. ij.b Baruch. i.d. Psal. lxxvij.c. Math. viij.c xiiij.d. xvij.c. Marke. xvi.b. Luce. i.b. xxiiij.c. Ioh. iij.c.e. vi.a. viij.b. xij.f. xx b. Roma. xi.c
  • Fastyng and abstinence.
    • Exhortation to trew fastyng, that is to measurable abstynence and sobryete, [Page] Ioel. ij.c. Eccli. xxxi.b.c.d. xxxvij.d Math. vi.b. Luke. xxi.d. Romano. xiij.b i. Corin. vij.a. ij. Corin. vi.a. Ephes. v.b. i. Thessal. v.a. Titū. ij.a. i. Petr. i.c. v.b ¶ Seke dronkennes
    • Agaynst the fastyng of the vngodly or vnfaythfull. Esay. i.b. lviij.a. Iere­my. xiiij.b. Zach. vij.a. Eccli. xxxiiij.d
    • Examples of fastyng, Exod. xxiiij.d xxxiiij.d. Iud. xx.d. i. Regū. vij.b. xxxi.c ij. Reg. iij.g. xij.d. ij. Para. xx.a. i. Esdr. viij.c. ij. Esdr. i.a. i. Hest. iiij.a. Psalm. xxxiiii.b. Ierem. xxxvi.b. Dan. x.a. Io­nas. iij.a. Iudith. iiij.b. viij.a. Tob. iij.b Mat. iiij.a. ix.b. Luk. ij.f. v.e. Acto. x.d xiij.a. xiiij.d
  • Father mother and Elders.
    • Of the office and aucthorytye of fa­ther and mother towards theyr chyl­dren. Gen. xviij.c. xxi.c. xxiiij.a. xxv.a xxxiiij.a.g. Exo. x.a. xij.d. xiij.b.c. xxi.b Leui. xix.f. Num. xxx.a. Deut. iiii.b. vi b.d. xi.c. xxi.d. xxij.b.c. xxxii.g. Iosue. iiij.d. i. Reg. ij.e. iii.c. xii.e. iii. Regū. i.a ii.a. Iob. i.a. xxxii.b. Psalm. lxxvii.a Prouer. i.a. iii.a. v.b. xi.b. xiii.c. xvi.d [Page] xix.c, xx.a,d, xxii a,b, xxiij.b, xxvii.c, xxix.b, Eccle. xii.a, Ezech. xxij.a, Sap. iiij.b, Eccli. iiii.e, vij.c, viii.a, xvi.d, xx.ad, xxv.a,b, xxvi.b, xxx.a,b, xxxiii.c, xlij.b Tob. i.b, iiij* Sus. a, i. Mach. ij.f,g, ij. Macha. vi.c,d,e, Math. x.e, Acto. x.e Ephe. vi.a, Coloss. iij.c, ij. Timoth. iij.b Tit. ij.a
  • Fauour, ¶ Loke in thys worde grace.
  • Feastes of the Iewes.
    • Of the feast of easter, & Seke easter feast
    • Of the feaste of Whytsontyde, or feaste of weakes, Exodus. xxiij.b xxxiiii.c, Nume. xxviii.d, Deuter. xvi,b Ioh. v.a, Act. ij.a, xx.b
    • Of the feast of blowyng of hornes or of troumpettes, Leui. xxiij.d, Num. xxix a, ij. Par. v.a
    • Of the feast of humblyng or the recon­cylying, Leu. xvi.g, xxiii.e. Numer. xxix a,b
    • Of the feast of bowes or the feaste of tabernacles, Exod. xxiij.b, Leuit. xxiij f,g, Nume. xxix.bcde. Deuteron. xvi c. xxxi.c, i. Esdr. iii.a, ii. Esdr, viii.c,d [Page] iij. Esd. v.e, ij. Machab. i.b, x.b. Iohn. vij.a
    • Of the feast of the Saboth, ¶ Seke Saboth
    • Of the feast of the new moone, Nu­me. xxviij.b, i. Regum. xx.a. Ezechiel. xiv.c
    • Agaynst the feastes of the Iewes, Esay. i.b. lxvi,a, Amos. v.d, viij.d, Ma­lach. ij.a
  • Felix a debyte of Iury, Acto. xxiij.d xxiiij*
  • Feruentnes, ¶ Loke in thys worde angre.
  • Festus a deputy of Iury, Act. xxiiij.c xxv* xxvi* xxvij
  • Fyrstlynges.
    • All the fyrst borne of Egypt is slayn Exod. xi.b. xij.e. All the fyrste borne is sanctyfyed to God, Exod. xiij.a, xxij.d xxxiiij.c. Leuit. xxvii.d. Numer. iij.b viij.c, Deutero. xv.c. i. Regum. i.d. Luce. ij.d.
    • Of the ryght and libertye or fredome of the fyrste borne, Gene. xxv.d. xlix.a Deut. xxi.c. ij. Para. xxi.a
    • [Page]The fyrst borne be reiected, Gene. xlviij.c. xlix.a Rom. ix.b
    • Of the fyrstlinges of the fruetes. Exo. xxiij.c. xxxiiij.c.d. Leui. xxiij.b. Nume. xviij.c. Deut. xviij.a. xxvi.a.b. ij. Para. xxxi.b. ij. Esd. x.c.b. Prou. iij.b
  • Fleshe.
    • The Fleshe wyth hys lustes and de­syres must be crucyfyed of vs, subdued and kylled. Eccli. xviij.d. Romano. vi.b. viij.b. xiij.b. Gala. v.c. Ephe. iiij.c v.a. Col. iij.a. Tit. ij.b. i. Petr. ii.a. iii.ab. Heb. xii.a ¶ Seke also in thys word desyre.
  • Feare.
    • God must be feared onely and had before our eyes, and all thynges in hym Gen. xxii.c. xxxi.g. Exod. i.c. xx.c. Deu­tero. iiii.b. vi.a.c.d. x.c.d. xiii.a. Iosue. xxiiij.c. Iud. vi.b. iiij. Regū. xvii.g. ii. Para. xx.c. Iob. i.b. xxviii.c. Psal. xxvi a. xxxii.b. xxxiii.a.b. Cx.b. Cxi.a. Cxxvii.a. Prouerb. ii.a. iii.a. ix.b. xiiii.ad. xv.b. xvi.a. xxii.a. xxiiii.c. Eccle. xii c. Esay. viii.c. xli.b. xliii.a. li.c. Ierem. x.a. xxxii.e. Eccli. i.b.c.d. ii.a.c. x.c. xv a. xxv.b. xxxii.c. xxxiii.a. xxxiiii.b.c. xl.d [Page] Math. x.d. Luc. xij.a. i. Pet. ij.b. iij.b
    • Of the profyt fruct and prayse of the feare of God. Psalm. Cii.c. Cxxiiii.c Cxxvij* Prou. x.d. xiiii.d. xix.d. xxij.a
    • God stryketh wyth feare, fayntnesse and dread, Gen. xxxv.b. Exod. xxiij.d Leui. xxvi.f. Deut. ij.d. xi.d. xxviij.a,g Iosu. ij.b. x.b. Ind. iiii.c, vij.f, i. Reg. vij c, iiii. Regum. vii.b, i. Para. xv.c. ij. Pa­ra. xiiii.d. xvij.b, xx.e,. Psal. ix.c. Esay. xxvii.d. Iere. xlix.f. Iudith. xiiii.c, xv.a ij. Macha. iij.d. iij. Mach. s
  • For [...]akyng or Leauyng.
    • Gen. xij.a, xxij.a.b. Deut. xxxiii.a. iii Regum. xix.d. iiij. Esd. xvi.e, ij. Macha. vi.c.d. Math. iiij.c, v.d. x.e. xvi.d. xix.c Mar. x.b. Luk. ix.c. xiiii.d. xvii,d, Ioh. xij.c. Phil. iij.a
  • Forgeuing.
    • Our neyghbours that synne agaynst vs ought we to forgeue, Eccli. xxviii.a Math. v.b. vi.b, xviij.c.d, Luce. xvii.a Ephes. iiij.c, v.a, Coloss. iii.b
  • Free Wyll, and vilenes of mans powre.
    • Gen. vi.a. viij.d, Num. v.d, xiiij.f, xxij.f
    • [Page]Deute. viij.d, i. Regum. ij.b. ix. Psalm. xxxij.b. xxxvi.d, Cxxvi.a. Prou. x.c. xvi v. xix.c. xx.d. xxi.a, xxvij.a. Ieremy. x.d xvij.c. xxiiij.b. xxxi.c.d. Trenorum. v.c Ezech. xxxvi.e. Michee. xiij.c, Math. vi d, Luke. xiii.c. Iohan. iii.a, vi.e,g, xv.a Actu. xvi.a. Rom. vi.b. vij.c, viij.a, ix.b xi.d, i. Cor. xij.a. ij. Cor. iij.a. Ephes. ij.a Phil. i.d, ii.a,b, Titum, iii.a. i. Petri. i.a Hebr. xiii.d
  • Free cityes of the Iewes.
    • Exod. xxi.b, Num. xxxv.b,c,d, Deu. iiij.g, xix.a,b, Iosu. xx* iij. Regum. i.g ij.e
  • Frendes.
    • Of true and false frendes, Deutero. xiij b. xxxiij.b, ij. Regum. iij.e, xiij.b, xv d. xx.b. Psalm, liiij.b Prouerb. xiiij.c xviij.c. xxvij.b.c, Ierem. ix.a. xij.c. xli.a Dan. xi.d. Miche. vij.a. Eccli. vi.a.b,c ix.b. xij.b. xxij.d.e. xxxvii.a. Math. x.e
  • Gaal exalteth hym self agaynst Aby­melech, Iud. ix d,e,f
  • Gavelus came wyth Raphael to the [Page] feast of Tobias. Tob. ix.b
  • Gyftes receyuyng.
    • Gene. xiiii.d, Exodus, xviij.d. xxiij.a Deut. xvij.a, xxvij.c, i. Regum. viij.a, xij a. iij. Regum. xiij b. iiii. Reg. v.d. Psalm xiiij.a, Prouerb. xv.d. xvij.d. Esay. i.c. v c, Ezech. xiij.d. xxij.b. Eccli. viij.a xx.d Acto. xx.e
  • Gabriell appeareth to the prophet Daniell, Dan. viij.c. ix.d. To the priest Zacharia, Luc. i.a, To the vyrgyn Ma­ry, Luc. i.b
  • Gad the sonne of Iacob of Lea, Ge­ne. xxx.b. xxxv.e
  • The Gaddytes receyue theyr parte of inheritaunce, Num. xxxii* Deute. iij b. Iosue. xiij.d
  • Gad the prophet warneth Dauid, that he should not abyde in the lande of the Moabites, i Regum. xxij.a, Shew­eth vnto Dauid the indignation of god, ij. Reg. xxiiii.c,d
  • Gaius was baptysed, i. Cor i.b, was taken prysoner, Act. xix.d. Accōpanyeth Paule into Asia, xx.a, Lodgeth Paule & the whole congregatyon, Rom. xvi.c
  • Galilea receyueth Christ, Ioh. iiij.e, in [Page] Galilea begynneth the preachynge of Christ, Math. iiii.b
  • Gallion a debyte of Achaia, Acto. xviij.b
  • Gamaliel a good doctour of the Lawe, Acto. v.e. xxij.a
  • Gamaliel, a capitayne of the Manas­sites, Num. i.a
  • Gaser destroyed of Pharao, and ge­uen vnto hys daughter for a present was buylded, iij. Regum, ix.c,d
  • Gehasi the seruaunt of Elisa, iiii. Re­gum. iiii.b. was stryken wyth leprosy, v.c
  • The Gergesites beseche Ihesus to departe out of theyr coastes. Math. viij.c
  • Gerson the sonne of Leui, Num. iij.c of the offyce of the Gersonites. iij.d, iiij.d
  • Gerson the sonne of Moses, Exod. xviii.a, i. Para. xxiiij.b, was cyrcumcy­sed, Exod. ij.d
  • Gentyles.
    • Of the callynge of the Gentyles, Gen. xlix.b. Num. xxiiii.c,d. Deut. xxxij f. ij. Regum, xxij.f,g, iii. Regum, viii. f [Page] Psalm. ij.b. xxi.d. lxvij.d. lxxi.b.c. lxxxv b. lxxxvi.a. Esay. ij.a, xi.b, xviii.b, xix.de, xxv.b, xxvij.c, xxix.d, xxxv* xli.d xliii.a,b, xlv.b, xlix* li.a, liiij* lv* lvi a,b, lx.a,b, lxv.a. lxvi.c,d, Iere. ix.d. xii c. xvi.c. Ose. i* Ioel. ij.f. Miche. iiii.a Zepho. iii.b. Zachary. ij.b, viij.d, ix.a Math. ij.a,b, viij.b, xxi.d,e. xxij.a,b Ioh. x.a,b, Acto. viii.c.d, x* i. Cor. xij.b Ephe. ij.b
    • The rytes, Customes and doynges of the Gentiles ought not to be folowed Leuit. xviij.a, xx.d
  • The Gibeonites saue theyr lyues by subtylytye, Iosue. ix.a,b,c. they are be­syeged, x.a, For theyr sakes are the son­nes of Saul hanged, ij. Regū. xxi.a.b.c
  • Gedeon a Capitayne and Iudge in Israel, Iud. vi. vij. viij*
  • Gillgall a pytchyng place of the chyldren of Israell, Iosue. iiii.d. In Gil­gal was the people circumcysed, and the passeouer kept. v.a,b,c. Goeth oute from thence to delyuer the Gibeonites, x.b, Returneth agayne, x.g
  • Grace and favoure.
    • Grace and fauoure before men [Page] cometh from God, Exod. iij.e. xi.a. xij.c iiii. Regū. xxv.d, ii. Esd. ij.a,b, Psal. Cv f, Ierem. xl.a, Dan. i.b
  • Godolias would not beleue the war­nyng, therfore was he slayne, iiij. Regū xxv. Ierem. xli.a
  • Goliath the Philistine fyghteth a­gaynst Israel, i. Reg. xvi.a, was slayne, xvi.f,g
  • Gomorra, ¶ Seke Sodome
  • God.
    • God is an onely essencyall, besides whom there is none other, Exodus. iij.c Deut. iiii.e,f, vi.b, vij.b, x.d, xxx.b. xxxij f, ij. Regum. vij.d, iij. Regum. viij.h xviij.e, i. Para. xviij.c, Sap. xij.c. Esay. xxxvij.c. xliij.b. xliiij.b,d, xlv* xlvi.b lv.a, Ose. xiij.a, Mark. xij.c. Iohn. xvij a, i Corinth. xij.a. Galat. iij.c. Ephe. iiij a, i. Timoth. ij.a
    • The Godlye trynytie sygnyfyed and declared, Gene. i.d, xviij.a. Exod. iij.a,cd, iiii.a. Psalmus. xxxij.a. Esay. vi.a. xxxiiii.c. xlviii.d. lxi.a. Math. iii.b. x.c xvij.a. xxviii.c. Luke. iiii.b. John. iii.e. xiiii.b.c. xv.c. xvi.a
    • God is an euerlastyng God, hauyng [Page] neuer begynnynge nor endynge, Genes. xxi.d. Exodus. xv.c. Iob. xxxvi.d. Esay. iiii.a xliii.b. xliiii.b. xlviii.c. lvij.c. Dan vii.b. Rom. xvi.c. Hebr. i.b. Apoca. i.a.b xxi.a xxij.c
    • God is allmyghtye, and nothynge is vnpossyble vnto hym. Gen. xvij.a. xviii b. xxxv.b. xliii.c. xlviii.a. Numer. xi.e. i. Regū. xiiii.a. ij. Para. xiiii.c. Sap. xi.d. Iob. xlii.a. Esa. xl.b. xlvi.b. l.a. lvi.a. Ierem. xxxij.d. Zachar. viii.a. Math. xix.d Mark. ix.c. x.c. xiiii.d. Luce. i.c. xviii.c Ephe. iij.c. Apoc. xvi.b.c
    • God worketh, ordereth, prouydeth, ordeyneth, iudgeth and ruleth all thyn­ges, accordyng to hys good wyll and pleasure. Gene. xlv.a. l.c. Deuter. viii.d i. Regum. ix* Sap. xii.c. Tobie. vij.b Iob. ix.a. xij.b. Psal. Cij.c. Cxiij.c.b. Cxxvi.a. Prou. x.c. xvi.a.b. xix.c. xx.d. xxi a.d. Eccle. iij.b. Esa. xxvi.b. xlv.b. Ie­rem. x.d. xxvij.a. Dan. ij.c. iiij.b. Math. vi.d. x.d. xi.e. Luc. xij.d Iohn. v.b. Ro­man. ix.b. ij. Cor. iij.a. Phil. ij.b. Hebre. iij.d. Apoc. iiii.b
    • God knoweth, heareth, seeth all thinges Exod. iij.e. Deut. xxxi.e. i. Regum. ij.a.b xvi.b. i. Paraly. xxix.c. ij. Paraly. xvi.b [Page] Iob. xxviii.c. xxxi.a, xlij.a. Psalm. vij.b xxxvij.b. Prouerb. v.c. xv.a.b. xxiiii.b Esay. xxix.c. xl.d. xlv.a. xlviij.a. Ierem. i.a. vij.a. xvij.b. xxiij.d. xxxij.c. Ezech. x ia. Eccli. xvi.c. xvij.b. xxiij.d. xxxix.d Math. vi.a. xxi.a. Mark. ij.a. xiiij.b Luk. xxij.a. Iohn. i.e. vij.c. viij.b. xiij.c xxi.c. Acto. xv.b. Roma. viij.d. i. Thess. ij.a. i. Iohn. iij.c. Hebr. iiii.c. Apoca. ij.d
    • God and whatsoeuer is Godly can not be knowen by the powre & strength of manns wytt, and wythoute reuela­cyon. Exodus. xxxiii.d. iij. Regum. iij.a Iob. xxxij.b. Psalm. xciij.b. Cxviij* Cxlij.b. Esay. xxij.d. liiij.c. Ieremy. xxxiiij.b. Mathe. xi.e. xiij.b. xvi.c. Luk. viij.b. x.c. xxiiij.d. Iohn. i.a. iij.a. vi.e.g. viii.d. xiiii.a.b. xvij.a. Acto. xvi.b. Ro­ma. i.b. xi.d. i. Corinth. ij.* Galat. i.b. i. Iohn. ij.c.d. Apocal. iij.b
    • God is the Lord and maker of hea­uen and earth. Gene. i.a. Exodus. xx.b i. Paral. xxx.b. Eccli. xviij.a. Psalm. lxxxviij.b. Esay. xxxvij.c. xlij.a. xliiij.e xlv.b. Math. xi.e. Iohan. i.a. Acto. iiij.c. xiiij.c. xvij.d. i. Corinth. viii.a. Ephes. iij.b. Coloss. i.b. Heb. i.b. iij.a
    • God is vnmeasurable and incom­prehensible [Page] in all places, iii. Regum. viii d. ij. Para. ij.b. vi.d, Iob. xi.a, Psalm Cxxxviij.a,b, Isay. vi.a, lxvi.a, Ierem. xxiij.d. Amos, ix.a. Sap. i.a, Acto. vii.f
    • God promyseth and affyrmeth hym selfe to be the God, that is the sauyour and comforter of Israel, and of all them that call vpon hym, Genesis. xvij.a,b, Exodus. vi.a, xx.a, xxix.g, Leuit. xxvi.b Psalm. xvii.a, xlix.a, Isay. xxx.a, Iere. xxxi.f, xxxij.e, Ezech. xxxvij.d, Ioh. xx.b
    • God is the father of all beleuers, Deut. xxxii.a. Psalm. Cii.b, Prouer. i.a Ierem. iii.a,d, Malach. i.a, Math. vi.b xviij.b, xxiii.a, i. Corinth. viij.a, ij. Cori. i.a, Ephes. iii.a.c, iiii.a, ij. Thesse. ij.b
    • God doeth good to all the worlde of hys mere mercy, and for hys names sake, that is, for hys owne sake, Deuter. iiii.f. vii.a,b, i. Regum. xij.d, iiii. Regum xix.f, Psalmus. xxij.a, lxxviii.b, Cv.a, Cxlii.a, Isay. xliii.d, xlviii.b, Ezech. xx b, xxxvi.d, Ephe. i.a
    • God is faythfull a [...]d true, Exodus, xxxiiii.a, Numer. xxiii.c. Deutero. vij.b xxxii.a, i. Regum. xv.f. Isay. xlix.b, Ioh. iij.e, viij.c. Rom. iij.a. i. Corinth. i.a, x.b ij. Thessa. iij.a, ij. Timot. ij.b. Titum, i.a [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] i. Iohn, i.b, v.c, Hebr. x.c
    • Of Gods mercyfulmes, pacience, loue, wysedome and word, ¶ Seke eue­ry of them in hys place,
  • Gods seruice.
    • Of the trewe Goddes seruice, and Goddes acceptable workes, Exod. xix a. xx.a,b,c, xxiij.c,d, Deute. v.a,b,c, x.c Iosue. xxij.a.b, i. Regum, xv.e, Psal. ij b. xxxix.b, xlix.b, Prouerb. iij.a,b, xiiij.d xxi.a, Isay. i.c, lviij.b, Jere. xxij.a. Ezec. xviij.a. Osee. ij. vi.b, Mich. vi.b, Zach. vij.b, viij.c, Math. v.c,d,e, Luk. i.f, iii.b, Iohn. xij.c. Roman. xij* xiii* xiii.c Philip. iii.a. Iacob, i.c
    • True Goddes seruice or worshyp­pyng requyreth the hart and the wyll, Deut, v.d, vi.b, x.c, xi.b, xxvi.d, xxviii.e xxx,a.b,c, Iosue. xxii,b, i. Regum, xii.d Eccli. vij.d, Isay. xxix.c, lxiiii.a. Math. xv.a. xxii.c, Iohn. iiij.c
    • God ought onely to be worshypped and serued, Deuteronom. vi.c. i. Re­gum, vii.a, Danyel. iii.c, Mathe. iiii.b Luke. iiii.a
    • Of false Goddes seruyce, ¶ Seke Idolatrye.
  • [Page]Good thinking and good intent.
    • Leuit. x.a, Num xv.d, Deuter. iiij.a xii.a, xxix.c, i. Regū. xv.b, ij. Reg. vi.b, Prou. xii.c, xiiii.b, xxi.a, Esa. v.c. vii.c xiiii.b, xvi.c, lv.b,c, Mathe. iij.b, xvi,d Mar. viii.e, Ioh. xii.a. xiii.a. Galat. ij.b
  • Good workes.
    • What are good workes. ¶ Seke Goddes seruice
    • God counted the workes to be done to hym selfe, whyche are done to oure neyghboure, Whether they be good or euell, i. Regum. viij.b. Esay. xxxvii.d Zach. ii.b, Mathe. xxv.d, Acto. ix.a, i. Corinth. viii.b
  • Gospell.
    • That is of the comfortable and gra­cious predication of Christ, Gene. iii.c Esay. liii* lv.a. lxi.a, Mathe. i.c, xi.c xxviii.c, Mark. xvi.b, Luk. ii.b, xxiiii,d Iohn. iij.c, vi.b, viii.b, x.a, xii.f, Roma. i.b, iii.b,c, viii.a, i. Corinth. i.c, xv.a, ii Corinth. v.c, Galata. i.a,b, Ephes. i.b i. Timoth. i.c, ij. Timoth. i.b. ij.a
  • [Page]Hadad the Edomite an aduersary to Salomon, iij. Regum. xic,d
  • Hadadeser the kynge of Zoba was smytten, ij. Regum. viij.a
  • Ham the sonne of Noah. Gene. v.d ix.c, was cursed. ix.d.
  • Haman after that he was exalted be­came a mortal enemy to the Iewes, i. Hest. iij* Was hanged, vij.v. In lyke maner hys tenne sonnes, ix.b
  • Hanam was sent to Assa kyng of Iu­da, ij. Paral. xvi b, Item to Baesa kyng of Israel, iij. Regum. xv.f
  • Hanania the sonne of Sorobabel, ¶ Seke Sorobabell.
  • Hananias prophecyeth agaynst Ie­remye, Ierem. xxviij.a
  • Hanna beareth the prophet Samuel i. Regum. i.c
  • Hanna the prophetesse prayseth the lorde God. Luk. ij.f
  • Hannas the hygh priest sent Ihesus to Capphas. Iohn. xviij.c
  • Hanoch was taken awaye of God, Gen. v.c
  • Hanum, kynge of the Ammonytes [Page] doeth vylaynously entreate the messen­gers of Dauid, ij. Regum. x.b
  • Haram the brother of Abraham and the father of Loth. Gene. xi.d
  • Hasael seruaunt to Benhadad kynge of Syria was made kynge ouer Syria iiij. Regum. viij.b.c. accordynge to the commaundement. iij. Reg. xix.c. Smot Israel in all theyr landes and coastes. x f. xij.d. xiij.a. As it was prophecyed, iiij. Regum. viij.b.c. Dyed, xiij.e
  • Hasor the head cytye was taken and burned, Iosue. xi.b.c
  • Hatred. ¶ Loke in thys worde Enuye.
  • Hearyng ¶ Loke in thys word Ap­pairynges.
  • Heliodoms the stewarde of Seleu­cus would cary awaye the treasure of the temple, ij. Macha. iij.b.c.d
  • Helcana the father of Samuel. i. Re­gum. i.a
  • Hell and damnatyon.
    • Whyche after thys tyme is prepa­red for the dyuell and all wycked per­sons, Sap. v* Iob. x.c. xxxvi.b. Esay. xxiiij.c. xxx.f. lxvi.d. Dan. vij.b. Math. [Page] iii.b, v.c, vi.b. viii.b.d, xiii.f, xviii.a, xxii.b,d, xxiii.d, xxv.c,d, Marke. ix.e Luk. iii.c, xvi,c,d, Hebreo. x.c, Iude. i.b ij. Pet. ij.b. Apoc. xix.d. xx.c
  • Hemor was slayne of Symeon and Leui, Gene. xxxiiii.d
  • Hermon mayster of the Olyphantes of kyng Philopatar, iii. Mach. m
  • Herode the Asculonite kylleth the in­nocent chylderen and dyeth, Mathew ij.c,d
  • Herodes Antipater the sonne of He­rode Tretrach in Galilee, Luke. iii.a kylleth Ihon Baptiste, Mathe. xiiii.a made frendshyppe wyth Pylate, Luke, xxiii.b. Actu. iiii.c
  • Herode the sonne of Aristobulus kil­led Iames and toke Peter, Acto. xii.a Dyed, xii.d
  • Herodias the daughter of Aristobu­lus, Breaketh wedlocke wyth her hus­bands brother. Math. xiiii.a
  • Harte of man.
    • The hart of man is vncleane & euyll of nature, ¶ Seke ryghteousnes
    • The harte is made holye and powre thorough Christe, Psalm. l.a, Iohn. xiii [Page] b, xv.a, xvij.c, Acto. xv.b, i. Corinth. vi b, Ephe. v.c, i. Petr. i.d, i. Iohn. i.b, iii a. Hebreos, i.a, ix.c, x.a,b, xiij.b
    • God regardeth the harte and the wyll, and not bare wordes and workes Gene. iiii.a. xxii.c. Exod. xxv.a, xxxv.a Deute. xix.a.b, Esay. xxix. Ezech. xxxiii f, Mathe. xv.a, Marke. xij.d, Luke. xxi.a, ii. Corinth. viii.b
  • Hesrom the sonne of Peretes. Gene. xlvi.b, Mathew. i.a, Leaueth behynde hym Arain, and is called Iephimne, i. Para. iiii.b
  • Hester was maryed vnto kynge A­suerus, i. Hest. ij* Sauyth the lyues of the Iewes, viii.a,b
  • Heua was made of the mannes ribbe Gen. ij.d. Tasted the forbydden fruyte iij.b. was called Heua. iij.d
  • Helkias fyndeth the boke of the law iiii. Regum. xxii.b. ij. Para. xxxiiij.c
  • The heauēly kingdome.
    • Heauen and saluatyon is prepared after thys tyme fett all the angels of Goddes elect, ¶ Seke Saluatyon
  • Himeneus a falle Apostel of Christe ij. Timoth. ij.b
  • [Page]Hiram the kynge of Tyrus sendeth word to kynge Dauid, ij. Regum. v.c. And to kyng Salomon, iij. Regum. v.b
  • Hiram a connynge worckeman in brasse. iij. Regum. vij.b
  • Hebab the sonne of Reguell and bro­ther in law to Moses. Numer. x.d. hys chyldren dwelled vnder Iuda, Iud. i.d Whom kyng Saul fauoured, i. Regum, xv.b
  • Honor.
    • Temporall honor and powre oughte we to eschue. Num. xvi.a. Iud. ix.a.d.e. i. Regum. x.e. ij. Regum. xv.a. iij. Regū. i.a. ij. Paral. xx.c. i. Hest. iij.a. Eccli. ix.b. x.d. xi.a. Ierem. ix.d. Math. vi.a. viij a. ix.d. xvij.b. xx.c.d. Mark. i.d. v,e. vij.d. viij.c. ix.a. x.d.e. Luk. xxij.b. Iohn. vi.b. viii.e. xij.f. Acto. x.c. Gala. vi.a. Phi­lip. ij.a. i. Thessa. ij.a
    • Goddes honor and prayse ought to be sought in all thynges. Iosue. vij.c Mathe. vi.b. Iohn. ix.c. xvij.a. Acto. iij.d. xij.d. i. Corinth. vi.c. x.d. Philip. i.c. Titum. ij.b
  • Hope, trust, & confydence.
    • The hope of the faythfull must not [Page] be directed vpon any temporall thynge, but onely vpon God and hys eternall worde, Gene. xxvi.a, Iud. vij.a,b, i. Re­gum, iiii.a, xvij.f. xxii.a, iii. Regum, xx.e i. Para. xx.c, xxv.a,b, xxxij.b, ij. Paraly. xvi.b, xx.c,d, Sapi. iii.a,b, Eccli. ij.a,b xiiii.b, xxxij.c. xxxiiii.b, Judith. ix.c, i. Macha. iii.b, viij.c, Psalm. ix.b, xiii.a xxi.a.b, xxx.a, xxxix.a, lxi* lxvi.a, lxx.a xc.a, Cxiii.b,c, Cxli.a, Cxlv.a,b, Pro­uerb. iii.a, xviii.b, xxii.c, xxviii.d, xxx.a Esayas. xxvi.a, xxix.c, xxx.a,c, xxxi.a. xxxvi.a, xl.d. Ieremy. ij.e. vij.a, ix.a.d xvij.b, xxij.d, xxxix.c. Tren. iij.c. Ezech. xxix.a, Osee. xij.a, Miche. vij.a,b, Na­hum. i.a. Mathe. x.e. xij.b, Romano. v.a viij.c, ij. Corinthio. v.a, Collossen. i.c, i. Thessa. i.a. i. Timot. i.a. vi.d. i. Petr. i.c Heb. iii.a
    • The hope of the vngodlye and all wheresoeuer they trust vnto, is decey­uable, vnstable and corruptyble, iiij. Re­gum. xviij.d. Sapi. v.c, Eccli. v.a. i. Ma­cha. ij.g. Iob. viii.a,b, xiiij.c. xx.a. Pro­uer. x.d, xi.a.c. xxv.c. Esayas. xxviii.c,d xxx.a.b, lvij.b. Ierem. ix.d, xvij.b
  • Holofernes the Capitayne of Nabu­chodoneser was sent out agaynst Israel [Page] Iudith. ij.a. Blasphemyth God. vi.a. Beseged Bethulya. vij.a. Was behe­ded wyth hys owne sworde. xiij.a. Hys hedde was sett vpon the walles of the cytye. xiiij.a. All the hoste of the Assyryans fled. xv.a.
  • Hulda a prophetysse in Iuda. iiij. Reg xxij.c.
  • Whordome.
    • Horedome, and other vnclennes is forbydden commytted and punyshed. Genesys. vi.a. xix.b.c.f.g. xxxiiij.*. xxxviij.d.e. Exody. xxii.c. Leuytycy. xviij.*. xix.f. xx.b.c. xxi.b. Numery. xxv.a.b. Deuteronomy. xxij.b.c.d. xxiij.c. Iudycum. xix.a. i. Regum. ij.c. Ecclesiasticy. xxiii.e. xxv.a. Toby. iiij.b Prouerby. ij.b.c. v.*. vii.b. xxij.b. xxiij.c. xxix.a. Ecclesyastes. vii.d. Ezechy. xxii.a.b. Actuum. xv.c. Romano. i.c.d. i. Corynthy. v.a. vi.b.c x.a, Ephesy. v.a. Collossen. iij.a. i. Thessalony. iiij.a. i. Tymoth. i.b. Hebre. xiij.a.
    • Of Spyrytuall whoredome whyche is Idolatrye, Exody. xxxiiij.c. Deuter. xxxi.d, Iudycum. ij.c. viij.f. Esaye. i.c lvij.a. Ieremy, iij.a. Ezech. vi.b. xvi.b. [Page] c.d, Oseas. i.a. ij.a. iiij.c. Apoc. xviij.a.
  • Hospytalyty keping for ye poore and straungers.
    • Esay. lviij.b. Matheus. xxv.c. Luk. xiiij.b, Roma. xij.b, i, Tymot. iij.a, i, Petry. iiij.b, iij. Ioannys. i.a.b. Hebreo xiij.a, Iacob. i.c.
    • Examples of Hospytalytyes. Genes. xviij.a. xix.a. xxiiij.d. Iudycum, xiij.c. xix.a.e, iij, Regum. xvij.b.c, iiij, Regum iiij.b.c.d. Iob. i.a. xxxi.b. Tobye. ij.a. Luk. x.d. xix.a. Actuū. xvi.b. xxviij.a.b
    • Of vnhospytalytye. Deute. xxiiij.a. Iudycum. viij.b. xix.e. i. Regum. xxv.bc. Isay. xvi.a.b. Sapien. xix.c.d.
  • Humilytye & vmlenesse.
    • Trewe humylytye and despysynge of hym selffe dothe God regarde. Genes. xviij.d. xxix.f. xli.f. Exody. iij.b. iiij.c. Iudycum. vi.e. i. Regum. i.*. ij.a.b. vij.b.c ij, Reg. vi.d.e. ij. Par. xij,a.b. xxxij e. xxxiij.c. xxxiiij.e. Psal. xxxiij.c. Prou. xi.a. xvi.c. xviij.b. xxij.a. xxv.a. xxix.c Esai. xxxvij.a. lvij.a. lxvi.a Iere. i.a. Ionas. iij.a. Eccli. iij.c. vij.b. xi.a. xxxv.b. Iudith. iiij.b.c. ix.c. Math. iij.b. v.a. [Page] viij.a. xi.e. xv.c. xviij.a. xx.d. xxi.a. xxiij a,b, Mark. ix.d. x.e, Luk. i.d, ix.e. xiiii.ab. xv.c. xviii.b. xxij.b. Ioan. xiij.a. Acto. x.c. Roma. xi.c, xii.c. i. Corinth. iiij.b. xv a. Philip. ii.a. Coloss. iii.b. i. Petr. v.a Iaco. i.b. iiii.b, Hebre. xi.d. Apoca. iiij.b xix.b
  • Husai a faythfull frende of Dauid, sheweth the deuyces of Absalon. ij. Re­gum. xv.g. xvij.a,b
  • Iabes in Gilead was destroyed of Israell. Iud. xxi.b. They are besyeged, i. Regū. xi.a. They shewe mercy vpon Saul and hys sonnes. xxxi.c
  • Iabin the kynge of the Cananites bryngeth Israell vnder hys handes, Iud. iiij.a. was humbled, iiii.d
  • Iacob the sonne of Isaac is borne, Gene. xxv.c. Byeth of hys brother E­sau his fyrst byrthryght, xxv.d. Stealeth from Esau the blessyng. xxvii.a, Goeth to Laban. xxviii.a. Seeth the ladder and maketh a nowe, xxviij.c.d. Serueth La­ban for hys two daughters. xxix.d, Re­tourneth agayne into hys owne countre xxxi.c. Wrestleth wyth the angell of [Page] God. xxxij.b. Is called Israel, xxxij.e xxxv.b. iij. Regum. xviii.d, Sendeth hys sonnes into Egypt. xlij.a. Goeth wyth all hys familye and houshold, that is wyth lxvi. soules into Egypte, xlvi* Deut. xix.d. Taketh the sonnes of Io­seph for hys owne chylderen, xlviii.a.b Blesseth hys twelue sonnes and dyeth xlix.a. Was buryed by hys fathers in Chanaan, l.a.b. Accordynge to the pro­myse. xlvij.g. and accordyng to the commaundement, xlix.e. Is praysed. Eccli. xliiii.d, ¶ Seke Israel
  • Iames the sonne of Zebedee is cal­led, Mathe. iiij.c. was kylled, Acto. xij.a
  • Iahell smott a nayle thorough the tēples of ye Haed of Sissara, Iud. iiii.d
  • Iair a iudge in Israel, Iud. x.a
  • Iairus daughter was raysed from death, Mark. v.e. Luke. viij.e.f
  • Ioannes and Iambres two false prophetes of Pharao. ij. Timoth. iij.a
  • Iaschub the sonne of Esaye the pro­phet, Esay. vij.b
  • Iason the brother of Onias labou­red to be hye pryeste, ij. Machabe. iiii.b was slayne. ij. Macha. v.a.b
  • Iason was assaulted, because he lod­ged [Page] Paule and the other brethren. Act. xvii.a.b.
  • Ibzan a Iudg in Israell. Iud. xii.c.
  • Icabod the sonne of pineas was born i. Regum. iiij.d.
  • Idelnes and Slouth­fulnesse.
    • ij. Regum. xi.*. Prouerby. vi.a. x.a.d. xij.b. xiij.a. xviij. xix. xx.a.b. xxi.d. xxiiij.d. xxvi.b. xxviij. Ezec. xvi.c. Eccli xxxi.c. xxxiij.d. Roma. xij.b.
  • Idolles and Images.
    • Idolles and Images are forbydden. Exody. xx.a.d. xxxiiij.c. Leuiticy. xix.a xxv.g. Deuteronomy. iiij.c.d. v.a. xvij.a. xxvii.b. Isay. xliiii.b.c.d. Ezech. xiiii a.b. Osee. viii.a. xiii.a. Actuum. xv.c.
    • Idolls & Images ought to be destroy­ed. Gene. xxxv.a. Exody. xxiii.c. xxxiiii b. Nume. xxxiii.f. Deute. vii.a.e. xii.a. i, Reg. vii a. Isay. xxx.d. Ezeche. xxii a.
    • Idolles and Images are set vp. Exo. xxxii.a. Deu. ix.c. Iudic. ix.c. Iudi. viii g. xvii.b. iii. Reg. xii.d. xiiii.d.e. iiii. Reg xvii.f. xxi.a.b. ii. Parali. xxv.c. xxviii.a. Dany. iii.a. Osee. xiij.a. i. Machab. i.e.
    • [Page]Idols and Images are taken awaye and destroyed. Exody. xxxii.e, Deute ix.d. Iud. vi.e.f. x.d. i. Regum. vii.a.b. iii, Regum, xv.b. iiii, Regum. x.d.e, xi,d xviii.a. xxiii.*, i, Paraly. xv.a, ii. Paral xiiii.a. xv.b.d. xvii.a. xxiii.e. xxix.c. xxxi a. xxxiii.b. xxxiiii.a. i. Mach. v.f. xiii.f. xiiii. Of worshipping and seruice of I­dols. ¶ Seke Idolatrye.
  • Idolatrye, and seruynge of Idols.
    • Idolatrye is forbydden, transgre­ssed and punyshed. Exody. xx.a. xxii,c. xxiii.c.d. xxxii.b.f. Leuytycū, x.a. Numery. xxv.a.f. Deuteronomy. iiii.cd. v.b. vi.c. vii.d. viii.d. xic. xii d. xiii.*. xvii.a.b. xxix.c,d, xxx.d. Iosu. xxii.c.d xxiii.b.d. xxiiii.c.d.e, Iudicum, ii.*, iii a.b. iiii.a. vi.a. viii.g. x.b. xiii.a, iii, Reg ix.b. xi.a.b.f. xiii.a. xiiii.b.d. iiii, Regū. xvii.b.c. xvi.b.c. xxi,*. xxiii,b, ii, Para; vii.d. xii.a, xxiiii.d, xxv.c. xxviii.a. xxix a,b, xxxiii,a.b.c. xxxiiii.e, Psal. xcvi.a. Isay. i.d. ii.b.c. Iere. v.c.d. vii.b. xvii.a xix.a.b. Treno. i.a.b. Ezech. vi.a. xxiii,e.d. Osee. iiii.b.c. Mychee. i.b.c. Abac. ii.c. Zephon. i.a. ii. Hester. v.b. [Page] Acto. xv.c. Roma. i.c. i. Corinth. vi.b. x.a. Gala. v.c. Col. iij.a. v. i. Ioan. v.i.
  • Iebusi the sonne of Chanaā. Gen. x.c Dwelleth vnder Iuda. Iosue. xv.g. Iudi. i.d. Iebus was called Ierusa­lem. Iosu. xv.b. Iudic. xix.c. i. Paraly. xij.a.
  • Israell could not conquere the Iebu­sites. Iud. i.d. They are ouercome of Dauid. ij. Regū. v.b.
  • Iechonias the sonne of Iosias sonne kinge of Iuda was taken prisoner. iiij. Reg. xxiiij.b. according to the prophecy Iere. xxij.d. Is called Chonenias. Iere xxij.d.
  • Iehoiakim or Ioakim before called Eliakin ye sonne of Iosias became king in Iuda. iiij. Regū. xxiij.g. iij. Esd. i.d. Burneth the boke of Ieremias sermōs. Iere. xxxvi.c. Is called Melchi. Luc. iij.d. Dyed. iiij. Reg. xxiiii.a.b. After him succeded his sonne Iehoiakim. iiij Reg. xxiiij.b.
  • Iehoiakin the sonne of Iehoiakim be­came kynge in Iuda. iiij. Reg. xxiiij.b. was caryed in to Babylon. xxiiij.c.d. was delyuered out of prison and exal­ted. xxv.d. Is called Nery. Luc. iij.d. [Page] Is called Chonia, Ieremias. xxij.d, and Iechonias. xxxvij.a. After him was kinge hys fathers brother Mathonia, iiij. Regū. xxiiij.d.
  • Iehu the sonne of Hanani the prophet rebuketh kinge Iosaphat. ij. Para. xix.a. was sent to Baesau kinge of Israell. iij, Regum. xv.f.g, was slayne of hym xvi.a.
  • Iehu the sonne of Iosaphat the sonne of Nimsy was a noyntheth kynge o­uer Israell to roote oute the house of Ahan, iiij. Reg. ix.a.b, according to the cōmaundement, iij. Reg. xix.c, destroy­eth Iesabell, iiij. Reg. ix.e, destroieth the lxx. chyldren of Ahab. x.a, killeth the brethern of Ahasia kinge of Iuda. x.c, kylleth the priestes of Baal, x.d.e, Dy­ed, x.f.
  • Iephthah, a hoeres sonne and Iudge in Israell, Iud. xi.*. xij.a.b, is praysed, Hebre. xi.e.
  • Iephonne the father of Caleb and sonne of Hesrom, i. Paralypomen. iiij.b.
  • Ieremye the prophet was borne at Anatot, Ieremy. xxix.e, was called and sent. i.a, was persecuted. xviij [Page] b.c. xx.a. xxvi.b. xxxiij.a. xxxvij c. xxxviij a.b. Founde fauoure in the sighte of Nebuchadnezar. xxxix.b.c, was set at lybertie. xl.a. Lamented kynge Iosi­as, ij. Paraly. xxxv.e.
  • Ierycho was ouercome and burned Iosue. vi.c, Is buylded agayne. iij. Regum. xvi.d, Is called the cytye of palme trees, Deut. xxxiiij.a. ij. Para xxviij.c.
  • Ierobeam the sonne of Naboth. ser­uaunte to Salomon became enemye to Israell. iij, Regum. xi.e. ij. Paral. xiij.a. Was made kynge ouer the ten­ne tribes. iij. Regum. xij.c. Accor­dynge to the worde of Ahyas. xi.e. Reareth vp the calues and false godes seruyce. xij,d.e. Thys dede is re­proued and condemned. iij. Regum xiiij.c. xv.e.f. xvi.c. iiij. Regum. i.a. iij.a. x.e.f. xiij.a.b.c. xiiij.d. xv.b.d.e. xvij.d. xxiij.d. Hys hande wytthered. iij. Regum. xiij.a. was made whole. xiij.b. Dyed xiiij.d. Hys seede was rooted oute. xv.e. Accordynge to the woorde. xiiij.c. Agaynsts Ierobo­am. Amos. vij.b.
  • Ierobeam ye sonne of Ioas was made [Page] kynge in Israel. iiij. Regū. xiij.c. xiiij.d dyed. xiiij.e.
  • Ierusalem was wonne of Iuda. Iud. i.b. Was chosed of God for an haby­tacyon. iij. Regum. viij.*. ij. Paraly. vi.a. vij.c. Is called Iebus. ¶ Se­ke Iebus. Is called Salem. Psalm. lxxv.a
  • Agaynste Ierusalem and the Inhaby­tans therof. iiij. Regum. xxi.c. xxiij.f. Esay. ij.b. iij.a. iiij a. v.a.c.d. viij.b. xxij.a.b. xxix.a.b. xxxiiij.b.c. lxv.a. Ieremy. iiij.a.b. vii.* xiij* xvii.e. xix a.b. xxi.a. xxiij.f. xxv.b. xxxii.a.d. xxxiiij.a. xxxviij.a. xxxix.b. Ezechy. iij.d iiij.*. v* x.a. xv.*. xxi.a. xxii.* xxiii.* Zepho. iii.a.
  • What kyndredes of Iacob. dwelled at Ierusalem. i. Paraly. x.a. ij. Esdre. xi.a.
  • Ierusalem was beseged of the kynges of Syrya and Israell. iiij. Regum. xvi.a. Of Nabugodonozor. iiij. Regum. xxiiij.c. xxv.a. Burned and destroyed. xxv.b. Was buylded agayne. ij. Esdre. iij.*. vi.d.
  • That Ierusalem shoulde be destroy­ed by the Romaynes. Danyell. ix. [Page] Zacha. xiiij.a. Math. xxiiij.a. Luk. xiij.d, xix.d. xx.b. xxi.a. Ioan. xi.e
  • Of the spyrytual Ierusalem, whyche is the congregatyon of God. Psalm Cxxi.a. Esa. xxxiij.b.c, liiij.b. lxv.c.d Ezechie. xvi.d. Tobie. xiij.c. Baruch. v a.b. Galat. iiij.c. Heb. xi.b. xij.c.d. Apo­ca. iij.c. xxi.a
  • Iesse the father of Dauid. Math. i.a. Is called Isay. i. Regum. xvi*. Is cal­led Nabus. ij. Regū. xvij.d. i. Para. ij.a
  • Iesus the sonne of Iosedeck was hygh priest, Agge. i.c. ij,a, Eccli. xlix.c
  • Iethro a priest in Midean. Exod. ij.c became brother in lawe to Moses, ij.d iij.a. Cometh vnto Moses in the wyl­dernesse, xviij.a, Geueth a fayethfull and godly councell, xviij.c. Is called Reguel, Exod. ij.c,d
  • Ietzear the father of Korah the rebel­lar, Num. xvi.a, Is called Aminadab, i. Paral. vij.b
  • Images ¶ Loke in thys word Idoll
  • Innocency.
    • Euery man ought to defend hys In­nocency, and to cleare hym selfe of false suspectyons, Iosu. xxij.c. i. Regum, i.b [Page] iij. Regum. xviij.b. Ierem. xxxvij.c. Io­an. viij.e. Act. ij.b. vi. vij.a. xxviij.c
    • No man is Innocent in the syghte of God, ¶ Seke ryghteousnes.
  • Insurrectyon, ¶ Loke in thys worde Sedityon
  • Ioab the sonne of Zeruia, ij. Regū. ij b. kylleth Abner. iij.e, Reconcyleth Ab­salon thorough the wyse woman of Thekoa, xiiij* kylled Amasa, xx.b was also kylled hym selfe, iij. Regum ij.e, accordyng to the byddyng of Da­uid, ij.a
  • Ioachim a hygh priest Iudith. xv.b
  • Ioahas the sonne of Iehu kynge in Israell, iiij. Regum. x.e, xiij.a
  • Ioahas the sonne of Iosias was de­posed from hys kyngdome, and caryed into Egypt, where he dyed, iiij. Regum xxiij.g. The captiuite is signyfied to hym before, Ezechy. xix.a. Is called Iohanna, i. Paral. iij.b. After hym was kyng Eliachim hys brother, iiij. Regū xxiij.g
  • Ioanna the wyfe of Chusa foloweth Christ, Luk. xviij.a
  • Iohannes the sonne of Mathathias and brother of Iudas Machabeus [Page] was slayne, i, Mach, ix.d.
  • Iohānes the baptyst the sonne of Za­charye, Luc. i.e. Preacheth and bapty­seth, Mat, iii,a. Sendeth his dyscyples to christ, xi.a. was headed. xiiij,a.
  • Iohannes is Helyas, Mat. xi,b.
  • Iohannes the sonne of Zebedei was called, Mathey, iiij,c. Was specyallye loued of Chryste, xiii.c. xix.c, xx,a, xxi,a,d, Wrytheth the thynge, Whyche he hadde sene. Iohannis. xix,d, xxi,d, i. Iohn, i,a,
  • Iohannes Marcus goeth wyth Paule and Barnabas. Actuum, xii,d, Departeth from them. xiij.b. For hys sake they fell at varyaunce, xv,e.
  • Ioas the sonne of Ahasya was onely saued in the destruccyon of all the kyn­ges sede. iiij, Regum. xi,a. was crow­ned kyng in Iuda, xi,b. Was destroy­ed of hys seruauntes, xii,d. After hym was kyng hys sonne Amasya, i, Para. iij,b. ij. Paraly. xxiiij,e,
  • Ioas the sonne of Ioahas kynge in Israell. iiij, Regum xiii,b. Fyghteth a­gaynst Amasia, brake doune the walles of the cyty, spoyled the temple and di­ed. xiiij,c.
  • [Page]Iochebed ye mother of Aaron & Moi­ses. Exod, vi,c, Num, xxvi,g. Saueth Moyses lyfe. Exod, ij,a.
  • Ioell a wecked sonne of Samuell. i, Reg, viii,a. is called Seni, i, Par, vii,b.
  • Ionadab the sonne of Rechab was ta­ken in to the charret of Iehu. iiii, Regū x,c.
  • Ioiada the pryeste putt Athalya to death. iiij, Regum, xi,a,b,c. dyed, i, Para xxiiij,c.
  • Ionas prophecieth. iiii. Regum. xiiii,c. Was caste in to the sea. Ionas, i,c, was swalowed vp of ye fishe. ij,a. Mat, xii.d.
  • Ionathas the sonne of Saull smyt­teth the Phylystyans. i. Regum, xiij,a. xiiii,a.b. was troughe ye people delyue­red oute of the handes of Saull. xiiii,g. Maketh a confederatyon wyth Da­ued. xviii.a. xx.b. xxiii.d, Was slayne xxxi,a.
  • Ionathas the sonne of Matathyas a capitaine of the Iewes. i. Machabeo. ix.c. Maketh a bounde wyth Deme­tryus. x.a.b,f,g. Was taken prysoner, xii.f. Hys sonnes are taken prysoners. xiii.c.
  • [Page]Ioram the sonne of Iosaphat kynge of Iuda, iij. Regū. xxij.g. kylleth syre of hys brethren. ij. Paraly. xxi.a.b, dyed iiij. Regum. viij.d, ij. Paral. xxi.d
  • Ioram a kyng in Israell, iiij. Regū. i.b. iij.a. Goeth forth against Hasael king of Syria. viij.d. Whan he was woun­ded of the Syrians, he returned to be healed in Iesraell, ix.c. Dyed. ix.e
  • Iordan standeth styl, Iosu. i.d. Psal. Cxiij.a
  • Iosaphat the sonne of Assa was kyng in Iuda, iij. Regum. xxij.g. Sendeth forth teachers into all the cytyes of Iu­da, ij. Paraly. xvij.b. Ioyneth himselfe wyth wycked kynge Ahab, xviij.a Wherfore he was rebuked of the pro­phetes, xix.a. Ioyneth hym selfe wyth Ahasia. xx.f. Dyeth. xxi.a, After hym succedeth hys sonne kyng Joram, i. Paraly. iij.b.
  • Ioseph the sonne of Iacob is borne, Gene. xxx.d. hath dreames. xxxvij.a,b, was sold of hys brethren to the Ismae­lytes, xxxvij.e, Psal. Ciiij.c. was falsly accused and imprysoned. Gen. xxxix.d,e, Is delyuered oute of pryson. xli.b was made ruler ouer all Egypte. xli.f, [Page] Toke to his wyfe ye daughter of Puty­phar. xli.f. Dyscloseth hym selfe to his brethern. lxv.a, Dyeth. l.d. Hys boe­nes are caryed oute of Egypte, Exody, xiij.d, Are buryed in Sychem. Iosue, xxiiii.f.
  • Ioseph the Husbande of the vyrgen Marye, Mathey. i,b. Flyeth in to E­gypte. ii.c.
  • Ioseph called Barsabas selleth the fyelde, Actuum. iiii.d. Was appoynted wyth Mathie, i,d.
  • Iosyas the sonne of Amon a ryghte­ous kynge in Iuda, iiij, Regum, xxi,e, xxij,*. Hys byrthe was prophecyed, iij, Regum, xiij,a, He readeth the boke of the Lawe, iiij, Reg, xxiij,a. kepeth ye passeouer, iiij, Regū, xxiij,e. Is slayne and Dieth, xxiij,f. he is hartely be wayled, ij. Par, xxxv,e. after him succedeth hys sonne kynge Ioahas, iiii, Regum, xxiij,f,g.
  • Iosua fyghteth agaynste Amelech, Exody, xvij,c,d, He was sente forthe to spye oute the lande of Cha­naan. Numery, xiij,a, Magnyfyeth vnto the people the Lande of Chanaan, xiiii,a, Was ordeyned far to beare [Page] the rule in the stede of Moyses. xxvij,d Deuter. iij,d. xxxi,a.b,d, Iosue, i,a,b. Sendeth forth spyes, ij,a. Goeth tho­roughe Iordane. iij,d, Reareth vp twelue stonnes in Gilgall. iiij, a,b. The Angell of God appeareth vnto hym, v,d. Geueth the curse and bly­ssynge, viij,g. Goeth forth of Gilgall to delyuer the Gybeonytes, x,b, Re­tourneth agayne to Gilgall after that he hadde delyuered them. x,g. Smy­teth. xxxi. kynges, xii,* Receyueth his inherytaunce. xix,d. Dyeth. xxiiij,f. Iud, ij,b.
  • Iotham ruleth for Asarpa ouer Iuda iiii, Regū, xv.a. After his death was he made kinge. xv.a.
  • Iothan the sonne at Ierubaall dyd onlye escape and was not beheaded amonge all hys brethern. Iud. ix, a, Spake a­gaynste the Sychemytes, cursed and fledde. ix.b,c. The curse was fulfylled, ix,h.
  • Ipocrysye and dissimula­tion.
    • Regū, xv.e.*. xviij.*. ij. Regū. xxv.b. iiii. Regū. i.b,c. Sapyen. i.a, Eccli. i.d, [Page] xix.d. xxxii.c. ij, Machabeo, vi.d. Iob viij,b. xiij,b. xv,c.d. xx,*. xxvij.a. xxxvi b. Prouerbyo xxx.b. Esay. xxix.c, lviij,a. Ieremy. ij.e. ix.a. Ezeche, xxxiij.f, Malachy. iii,c, Mathey. ij,b.c, vi,a,b. vij.a,b, xv,a, xvi..a, xxij,d. xxiij,*, xxiiii d, Marke, vii,a. Luke, xi,d,e, xij,a,f, xviij,b, Actuum, v,a, viii,b. xiij,a [...] Roman. ij.*. Galat. ij,b. i, Tymo. iiij,a i. Petri, ij,a.
  • Isaac is promised. Gen. xv,a. xvii.c, xviij.b. Is borne, xxi,a. Is offred. xxij.*. Taketh Rebecca to hys wyffe. xxiiii,f. maketh conuenaunte with Abimelech xxvi.d. sendeth Esau forth a hunting xxvij.a. dieth. xxxv.e.
  • Isaschar the sonne of Iacob of Lea Gen. xxx.c.
  • Isay the father of Dauid. i. Reg. xvi.*. xvii.b. xx.d.e. ij. Regum. xxiij.a. Ruth. iiij.a. Is called Iesse. Mathe. i.a.
  • Isboseth was kynge in Israell two yeares. ij. Reg. ij,b, He was kylled for the pleyser of Dauid. iiij.b.
  • Iesabell a wycked woman the wyffe of wycked Ahab. iii. Regum. xvi,d. [Page] xxi.a,b, destroyeth the prophetes of the lorde, xviii.a,b, Threateneth the death of the prophett. Elia, xix,a. She was tourne in peaces of dogges. iiij, Regum ix,g. accordyng to the worde. iij, Regū, xxi,d.
  • Ismaell the sonne of Abraham of A­gar is borne Gene. xvi,d. Dieth, xxv,b
  • Ismaell the sonne of Nethanya kyl­leth Godolias, and many other Iewes Iere, xli,a,b.
  • Israell was he called whyche before was Iacob. ¶ Seke Iacob. Israell is the peculyar people of God, Exody, iii b. v,a. vi,a. xix,a. Leuytycū. xx,d. Deu, iiii,c. vii,a. ix,e. x,c. xiiii,a. xxvi,d. xxxii b. i, Regum, x,a. xii,d. ij, Regum, vii,d iii, Regum, viii,h. Esaye, xix,e. xliii,a. Ieremye, xiii,b. Ecclesyastycy. xvii,b. The tenne tribes of Israell seperat thē selues from the house of Dauid. iii, Reg xii,a,b,c. Accordynge to the worde of Ahyas the prophet, xi,e. They are ca­ryed in to Assyrya. iiii, Regum. xv.f. xvii.a. ¶ Seke Babell Accordynge to the prophecye, Deuterono. iiii,d. Ma­ny oute of Israell went after the Leuy­tes to Ierusalem. ii, Para, xi,b. against [Page] the ten tribes. ¶ Seke Samaria. Chri­ste the trewe Israell. Esai, xlix,a.
  • Ithay a trustye frende of Dauyd ii, Regum, xv,d,e. was chosen for a ca­pitayne, xviii,a.
  • Ithamar the sonne of Aaron, Exod, xxxviii,c. was annoynted prieste Leuy. viii,c.
  • Iuball the father of all suche as han­dell harpes and orgaynes Gene, iiii,d.
  • Iudas the sonne of Iacob was borne Gene, xxix,f. Lyeth vnknowen to hym wyth Thamar hys doughter in lawe, xxxviii,d. Becommyth suretye for hys brother Beniamyn, xliii,b. The rule and powre be longeth to Iuda, xlix,a,b Deuteronomy, xxxiii,a. Iud, i,a. ii, Reg vii,c. i, Paralypo. vi.a. Agaynste Iuda and Ierusalem. ¶ Seke Ierusalem.
  • That they people of the Iewes shall be conuerted to Chryste before the laste daye. Deuteronomy iiii.c. Ieremye. xxxi.a.b.c. Ezech. xxxvii.d. Iohn. x.b. Roma. xi.c.d.
  • Iudas Machabeus was chosen to be the heade of his brethern. i. Machab ii.g. Fyghted manlye. iii. iiii. v.*. vii.f. ii. Machabeo. viii.a.*. x.c.*. xi.b.c. xii [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] xiij. xiiij. xv. Was slayne. i. Macha. ix.b
  • Iudas Iscarioth was chosen to be an Apostell of Chryste. Mathe. x.a. Agreeth wyth the pharyseis. Luc. xxij,a. Betrayed Chryste our Lord. Math. xxvi.b.e. Mark, xiiij.e, Ioh. xviij.a. Accordynge to the prophecye. Psalm. xl.b, liiii,b. Cviii.a. Ioan. vi.g. xij.a. xiii.c. Repenteth an hangeth hym selffe. Mathe. xxvii.a. Actuum. i.c.
  • Iudas of Galylee was scattered a brode wyth all hys adherentes. Actuū. v.e.
  • Iudas and Sylas are sente wyth Paule and Barnabas to Antioche. Act xv.c.d.
  • Iudith a riche and a godly widow of Bethulia. Iudith. viij.a. Slaieth Holo­fernes. xiii.a.b. dyeth. xvi.a.
  • Iulyus entreated Paule courteouslye Act. xxvij.a.
  • Iudges
    • Of the offyce and authorytye of Iud­ges. Exody. xviii.c,d, xxi.*. xxii,*. xxiij.*. Leuyt. xix.d. xxiiij.c.d. Deut. i.b.c. xvii.*. xviii.c. xxv.a. xxvij.c
    • Iosue. vij.d. i. Regum. viij.a. xii.a. [Page] .ij. Paraly. xix.b, Eccli. iiii.b. x.a. xlii.a Psalm. lxxxi.*. Prouerb. xviij.a.b. xxiiij.c. xxviij.c. Esay. v.c. x.a. Ieremy. v.e. Luk. xviii.a. xxiii.a.b.c. Ioan. vij.b. viij.b. Iacob. ij.a. ¶ Seke of the hyer powre, Iudgement.
    • Iudges in Israel haue ruled .CCCC.l. yeres. Act. xiij.b.
    • God is Iudge of all the world, and recompenseth euerye man accordynge to hys waye and deseruynge goode or yuell. Genes. xviii.c. Deuter. x.d. Iob. xxxiiij.b. Psalm. vii.b.c. xciii.a. Esay. xi.a. Eccli. xxxv.b. Mathe. xvi.d. xxv.c.d. Roma. ij.a. ij. Tymoth. iiij.b. Heb. xii.d.
  • Iudgment
    • Agaynste peruerse Iudgment. Eccli. xi.a. Mathe. vii.a. xii.a. Luk. vi.d. vij.d. Ioh. vij.b. ix.b. Actuum. xxviij.a Roma. ij.a. xiiij.a.b. i. Cor. iiii.a. i. Tim v.c. Iacob. iiij.b.
    • Before Iudgmente muste go experi­ence. Gene. iii.b. xi.b. xviij.c. Exody. iii b. xxiij.a. Deu. xiii.b. xvij b. xix.d. Ios. vij.d. xxij.c. Iud. xx.a.b. Pro. xviij.b. i. Mach. vij.a. Eccli. xi.a. Susanna. g.
    • [Page]Iudgmente of the doctryne standeth by the faythfull. Deuteronomy. xiii.a. Iob. xxxiiii.a. Iudyth. viii.e. Mathe. vii.b. Iohn. x.b. i. Corynt. xiiii.d. Col ii.b. i. Thess. v.c. i. Ioh. iiii.a.
    • The iudgmente of the deade is wyth owte mediacian of the inuented Pur­gatory, to death or els to lyfe. Mar. xvi.b. Luke. xvi.d. xxiii.d. Iohn. iii.e, v,c, vi,f.
    • The worlde shall be iudged of the saynctes, Sap, v,a, Math, xix,d. i, Cor vi.a. Iud. i.c.
  • Kahat the sonne of Leuy. Num, iij,e, of the offyce of the kahatytes, iii,d,e. iiij a,b.
  • Kegyla is beseged of the philistynes & delyuered by Dauyd, i. Regum, xxiii,a
  • The keper of the pryson at Philipus was conuerted. Actu, xvi,d,e.
  • Ketura the wife of Abraham after the death of Sara. Gene. xxv.a.
  • Keyes
    • The keyes an authorytye of the chur­che are promised Mathey. xvi,c. They are gyuen. Iohn. xx.c. They are vsed. [Page] Math. xviii.b. Acto. ij.d. ¶ Seke curse
  • Kyryatharba ¶ Seke Hebron.
  • Kys the father of Saull the fyrst king of Israel. i. Regum. ix.a. ij. Regum. xxi.d. Actuum. xiii.b.
  • Korah Dathan and abyron rebell a­gaynste Moyses. Nume. xvi,a,b. they are punyshed, xvi.e.
  • Kyndnes ¶ Loke in thys worde loue
  • Kynges and prynces.
    • Of kynges and theyr offyce and au­thorytye, Deuterono. xvij.c,d. i. Regū viij.*. iij. Regum. ij, [...] x.b. ij, Paralyp, ix.a. xix,b,c, Sapy. vi,* ix,* xi,a. Eccli x,a. Iob xxxiiij.c. Psalm. C,*. Prouer xiiij,d. xvi,d. xix. xx.b,d, xxiiij. xxv,a. xxviij,c. xxix.b xxxi,a Ieremy. xxij,a.
  • Kingdome of Chryste and of God.
    • Of ye euerlastynge, spyrytuall and inwarde kyngdome of God Genes, xlix,b. Numery. xxiiij.c. i. Regum. ij.b. vii.bc, i, Paraly. xviii.b. xxix.a.b. Psalm. ij.a. ix.b. xxi.d. xliiii.b. lxxi.a. Cix.a. Cxliiii.b. Esay. ix.b. xi.*. xxxij.c. xl.b. xlii.a. Ieremy. xxiij.a.b. xxxiii.* Ezech [Page] xxxiiij,b. xxxvii.d. Dan. ij.g iiij.e. vij.cd.e. ix.d.e. Ose. iij.a. Mich. iiii a.b. v.a Zach. ix.b. Matt. xiij.* Luk. i.c. xij.c.d xxij.b. xxiij.a. Ioh. vi.b. xii.b.d. xviij.d.c. i. Timoth. i.c. Hebre. i.b. ij.b.
  • Laban receyueth and lodgeth the ser­uaunt of Abraham. Gene, xxiiij,d, Hy­reth Iacob to be hys seruaunte. xxix.c,d. Foloweth after him, vij, dayes iour­ney. xxxi.d.
  • Labour.
    • Labour and tra [...]ell is layde vpon all men. Gene, iij,b. Exod. xx,b. xxxiiij,c. Deut, v,b. Toby, ij,d. Psal. Lxxviij.a Prouer, vi,a. x,a, xiiij,a. Ioh, xxi,a. Act xviij.a. xx,e. i, Cor, iiii,b. Ephe, iiii,c, i, Thess, ij,b, iiij,b. ij, Thess, iij,a,b.
    • The labourer is worthy of hys hyre Leuyt. xix,c. Deute. xxiiij.c, xxv,a. Eccli, vij,c. xxxiiii,d. Tob, iiij,c. Iere. xxii.b. Malac, iii,a. Luk. x,a. i, Corin. ix,a,b. Iacob. v,a.
    • Laboure maketh not ryche, but the blessynge of God. Gene. iij,b. xxvi,a.b xxx,d,e. Deut. viij,d. Eccli, xi,b. Iob xlii,c. Prouerb, x,a.
    • [Page]Of profyte, and the prayse of tillage and the laboure of our handes. Prouer. xij,b. xiij,a.c, xiiii,c xxiiii,d, xxviij,c.
  • Lachis was wonne, Iosue. x.f. Was gorgyouslye buylded agayne. ij, Par, xi,a.
  • Lais was assaulted of [...]anytes wō ne, builded, and called d [...]. Iud, xviij,g Is called Lesem. Iosue, [...],d.
  • Lamech the first that [...] two wiues Gen, iiii,c.
  • Law.
    • The fyrste Lawe and c [...]maunde­ment is gyuen, Gen, ij,c, I [...] [...]ansgres­sed, iij,a,b.
    • The Lawe of the tenne commaun­demēts of God was geuen vnto Moyses. Exody, xx,a,b,c. Deuter. v,a,b,c. The tables of the Lawe are geuen. Exode, xxxi,d. Deuter, v,c. They are caste and broken in peaces. Exody, xxxij,e. Deute, ix,c. Other ta­bles are gyuen, Exody. xxxiiij,d. Deut, x,a.
    • Of the nature, offyce, and workinge [Page] of the lawe, Rom. iii,b, iiij.c, v,c, vij,ab. Galath. iij,c. i. Timot. i.b, Hebreos vij,b,c,
    • The law of God can not be fullfylled wyth owte the spyryte of god. Deute. v.d. Psalm, Cxviij,c, Luce. xviij.c, Act xv,b, Rom, viij,a.
    • Chryst came to fulfyl the lawe Math v.b.
    • Of the punyshmente and rewarde of them that kepe or transgresse the Lawe of God ¶ Seke obedyence.
    • The transgressoures of the Lawe are cursed, Genesis, [...],c,d, Deuteronomy xxvii,c, xxviij,b, Ieremy, xi,a, Danyell ix.b. Galat, iij.b.
    • All transgressyons are forgyuen tho­rough Chryst ¶ Seke synne.
    • The Ceremonyalle Lawe is abro­gate and abolyshed by Christe. Math. xi.b. Mark. xv.d. Actuum. xiij.d. xv.b Romanorum. vi.b. vii.a. viij.a. Galat. xij.b, iiij.a. Ephe. ij.c. Coloss. ij.b. i. Petr i.c. Hebr. viij.a.
    • The Lawe is reade. Deuteronomy i.a. xxxi.b.c. Iosu. viij.g. iiij. Reg. xxiii a. ij. Esdre. viij.a. ix.a. iii. Esdre. ix.d. ij. Mach. viii.b.
    • [Page]The onely newe and greateste Lawe of the Chrystyans. is loue. Math. v.c. vii.a. xxij.d. Ioh. xiij.b. Romanorū. xiii b. Galat. v.b. vi.a. i. Tymot. i.a.
    • Of the vanity of mens lawes ¶ Seke doctryne.
  • Lazarus lyeth before the rychmans gate. Luce. xvi.c.d.
  • Lazarus was raysed frō death. Ioh. xi e. was persecuted. of the Iewes. xij.b.
  • Lea was wedded to the patriarche Iacob. Genesis. xxix.d. Beareth hym chyldren. xxx.c.
  • Leauynge. ¶ Loke in thys worde forsakynge.
  • Lebbeus with ye surre name Taddeus a discyple of Chryst. Math. x.a. Is called Iudas the sonne of Iacob. Luke. vi.b.
  • Layenge on of handes.
    • Genesys. xlviij.c. Exod. xxix.b. Leui. i.a. iij.a Num. xxvii.d. Marck. x.b. Act vi.a. viij,b. xiij.a. xix.a. i. Timo. iiii.b. v c. ij. Timo. i.b.
  • The lyfe and cōuersation of the faythfull. [Page]
    • The lyffe of the faythfull muste be ordeyned after God, and conforma­ble vnto the lyffe and doctryne of Chri­ste. Genesys. xvij,a. Exody, xx,b. Leuyty, xi,f. xix,a. xx,a.d. xxi,b. Mathe, v,e. xi,e. Luk, vi,d. Ioan, xij,c. xiij.b. xv.b. xxi,c. Roma. vi.a. viij,d. xiij,d. xv.a. Ephesy. ij,b. iiii,a.c. v.a.b, Phylyp. i,d. ij,a.b. Colloss. ij,a. iij,a.b. i. Thess, iiij,a. Titū, ij,b, iii,b. i. Petr, i,c, ij,*. iii,c. iiij,a. i. Ioan. i.b. ij,a. Hebr xii,a.
    • Of the vanytye and vnstablenes of mans lyffe. Gene. iii,d. ij, Regum, xiiii,b. i, Paraly. xxx,c. Iob, iii,c. vij,a. viij,a. ix,c,d. xiij,c. xiiii,a. Psalm, xxxviij.a lxxxix,a.b. Cij.b. Cxliii.a. Ecclesiastes ij,d. iii,b. vii,a. Esay. xl.a. Sapyensye, ij,b. v.b. Eccli. xiiij,b. xviii,a,b, xl.a,b. Tobye. iiij,c. Luk, xii,b, Ephe, v,b. i. Petr. i.d. Iacob. i.b. iiij,b. Hebr, xiii.b.
    • Of the lyffe euerlastynge ¶ Seke saluacyon.
  • Leprosy.
    • Leprosy, howe that maye be knowen. Leui. xiii.*. xiiij.*.
    • [Page]God punysheth wyth Leprosye Exody, iiii,b. Numery. xii,b. iiij, Regū, v,a.e. xv.a. ij. Paralyppo, xxvi.c.d.
    • Leprosy is clensed. Exod, iiij.b. Num xii,b. iiii. Regum. v.c. Mathe, viii,a. Luc. xvii.b.
    • Of the secluding of the lepers. Leuit. xiii.g. Num. iii.a. iiii. Reg. xv.a.
  • Letter of ye dyuorcement.
    • Deut. xxiiii.a. Mala. ii.c. Math. iii.d xix.a.b, Mark. x.a. Luk. xvi.c
  • Leui and Leuites
    • Leuy was borne. Gen. xxix.f. was kylleth with his brother Symeon of ye Sichemytes. xxxiiii.d. punishement for the deed. xlix.a.
    • Of the dwellynges possessyons and mayntenaunce of the Leuytes. Leuyty x.d. xxv.e. Numery. xviii.d.e. xxxv.a.b. Deuter. x.b. xii.b.c. xiiii.c. xviii.a. xxvi.a. Iosu. xiii.b.d. xviii.a. xxi.*. ii Par. xxi.a.b. ii. Esd. x.c.d. xiii.b. Exech xlviii.b. Eccli. vii.d.
    • Of the offyce and deutye of the Le­uytes, Numery. i.g. iii.*. iiii.a. viii.*. [Page] xviii.a.d. Deuteronom. x,b. Iosu. iii.b. i, Para. vij.b.c,d. x.b.*. ij. Para. xix.c. Ezech. xliiij.b.
    • The leuytes are taken of God for al the fyrste borne of the chyldren of Is­raell. Nume. iij.b.c,f. viij,b
    • The leuytes punyshe the yuell of the golden calfe. Exod. xxxij.f.
    • The leuytes are dryuen oute of Isra­ell. ij. Para. xi,b.
  • Lybna was wonne. Iosu. x,e. Falleth away from Iuda. iiij. Regum, viij,d, was assaulted of the Assyryans. xix.b.
  • Libertye of the beleuyng
    • Ioh. viij.c. Roma. vi.b. viij.a.b. i. Cor. vi.c. viij.*. ix.a.c. x.c.d, ij. Corynt. iij.c. Galat. ij.a. iiij.a. v.a.b. Col. ij.c. Tytū. i c. i. Pet i.c. ij.b. ij. Pet. ij.d.
  • Lydya the seller of the purple beleueth in the lorde. Actu. xvi.b.
  • Lordes ladyes masters & dames.
    • Theyr offyce and authorytye to wor­des theyr seruauntes and maydens and theyr famylye. Exody. xxi.a,b,c. Leuyt xix.c. xxv.f. Deu. v.b.c. xv.b.c. xxiiij.c. [Page] Iob. xxxi.b. Prouer. xxix,c. Iere. xxxiiij b.c. Eccli. vij.c. xxxiij.d. xlij.a. Ephe. vi a. Colloss. iij.c.
  • Loue and kyndnes.
    • Of the feruente Loue of God to­wardes hys beleuynge. Exody. xx.a. xxxiij.b. Deutero. iiij.d. vi.c. vij.b. Iosu xxiiij.e. Ecclesy. iiij.b. Prouerb. viij.b. Ieremy. xxxi.a. Ioh. iij,c. x.a. xiij.a.b. xv.a. xvi.d. Rom. v.a. Gal. ij.c. Ephe. ij c. v.a. i. Ioh. iiij.b.
    • We muste loue God aboue all thynges. Genesys. xxij.a.b. Exody. xx.a. Deutero. iij.b. v.b. vi.b. x.c. xi.a.b.c. xxx.b. Iosue. xxij.a. Ecclesy. vij.d. xxxiiij.c. xlvij.b. Mathe. x.e. xxij.d. Marke. xij.c. Luke. vij.e. x.c. Ioh, xxi.c. Roma. v.a. viij.d.e. Corynth. xvi.c. i. Ioh. iiij.c.
    • Of brotherlye loue. Genesis. xij.a. Leuyty. xix.e. Deuter. vi.b. xxij.a. i. Regum. xviij.a. Eccli. xxv.a. Psalm Cxxxij.a. Prouerby. x.b. Mathe. vij.a. xix.c. xxij.d. Ioh. xiij.b.d. xv,b. Roma. xij.b. xiij.b. i. Corynthy. xiij.*, Galat. v.b. Ephe. iiij.b. v.a. Phylypp. ij.a. Colloss. iij.b. i. Thessal. iiij. [Page] b, i Timo. i.a. i Petr. iiij,b. i. Iohn, iii,c. iiij,b, Hebr. xiij,a.
    • We muste also Loue our enemyes Exody. xxiij,a. i, Regum. xxiiij,a,b. xxvi,a. xxx,b, ij, Regum. xix,d, iiij, Reg vi,e. Iob. xxxi,c. Prouer, xxv,d. Math v,e. Luk, vi,c.d. xxiij,c. Actuum. vij,g. Rom, xij,c.
  • Lyenge.
    • Gene. iij,a. xxxvij,d. xxxix,d. Leui, xix c. ij. Regum, ia.b. xvi.a. iiij, Regū, v,e. Sap, i,b, Eccli, vij,b, xx,c.d. xxv.a. xxvi a. Pro, vi,b. xij,d. Ose. iiij,a. Ioh, viij,d Act, v,a.b. Ephe, iiij.c. Col. iij.a. ¶ Se­ke wytnesse.
  • Lysyas the capitayne of Antiochus host, i, Mach, iij,d, maketh a Couenaūt with ye Iewes, vi,g. was taken prisoner and by the commaundement of deme­trius slaine, vij,a.
  • Lottes & casting of lottes.
    • Leuit. xvi,b, Num, xvij,*. xxvi,f. xxxiij f, Iosu. vij.c. xviij.b. i, Regum, x,d, xiiij b.f. ij, Para. xxv,a. ij, Esd, xi,a. Pro. xvi d. xviij,c. Ezec. xxi,c. Ione. i.b. Act. i,d.
  • Lot was deliuered out of Sodome [Page] Gene. xix,c.d. ij, Petry, ij,b. Hys wyffe became a pyllar of salte. Genes. xix,e, Luk, xvij,d. Laye wyth hys two daug­ters. Genes, xix,f,g.
  • Luke the Euangelist a phisicion. Coll iiij,b. dwelleth and walketh with paule Act, xvi,b. ij. Timo, iiij,b.
  • Lucifer falleth from heauen. Esa, xiiij b. Luk, x,b. Apoc, xij,c.
  • Lunaticke was healed, Math, xvij,b,c, Mark, ix,b, Luk, ix,d.
  • Luste [...]s ¶ Loke in this worde desyres.
  • Lus called Bethell, Gene, xxviij,d
  • Maacha the daughter of Thalmay the kinge of Gessur, was mother of Absalon, ij, Reg. iij.a.
  • Macedonia maketh a destribucion for the poore at Ierusalem. Roma, xv.d. ij. Corynth. viij.a, ix,a.
  • Paule was called to Macedonia. Act xvi.b.
  • Maecha the daughter of Abisalom & mother of Abiam the kynge of Iuda iij. Regum, xv,a. Is called mychaya. ij. Par. xiij.a.
  • Magdalene losed from seuen diuels [Page] foloweth Chryst, Luke. viij,a. Stan­deth by the crosse of the Lorde. Ioh xix,c. Christ appeareth vnto her. Mar. xvi.b. i, Corint, xv,a.
  • Makeda was wonne, Iosue, x,e.
  • Malchus eare was cut of by Peter Iohn. xviij,a.
  • Maydens. ¶ Loke in thys word seruauntes.
  • Manna the breade from heauen.
    • Exod, xvi,* Nume. xi,b. Deut. viiij,a Iosu. v,c. Sap, xvi,d. Psalm. lxxvij,b, Iohn, vi.d.
  • Manasse ye first sonne of Ioseph is borne. Gen. xli,g. xlviij,c.
  • Manasse a wicked sonne of the good Ezechyas fyrste a wycked, after­wardes a good king in Iuda iiij Reg, xxi,a,b. ij, Par, xxxij,f, xxxiij,a, Iere, xv a, Was caryed prysoner to Babell. Repented and was restored agayne to his kyngdome, ij, Paraly, xxxiij,a.b,c. lefte behynde hym Amon. iiij, Reg. xxi,b, Math. i.b. Is called her. Luk, iii,d.
  • [Page]Man.
    • Of the offyce and authorytye of the man towardes the woman, Gene, ij,d, iij,d. xxxix,d. Nume, iii,a,b. v,b,c. xxx,b,c. Deut. xxii,a,b,c. xxiiij a. Eccli, vii c. ix,a. xxv,d. xxvi,a. Prou, v,b,c. xviij c. xxxi,b. Eccles, ix,b. Malach. ij.b.c. i. Corynth. vij,*, xi,a,b. Ephes. v,c. Colloss, iij,c. Tytum, ij,a, i, Petr. iij,a.
  • Manslaughter murther & bleudshedyng.
    • Gen. iiij,*. ix,a, xxxvij,d. Exo, ii,b. xx b,c, xxij,a. Leuyt. xxiiij,d. Nume, xxiiij,d. xxxv,b,*. Deuter, v,c. xix,a,c. xxi,a xxvij,c. Josu, xx,a,b. Iudyc. ix,a. i, Reg xviij,d. ij, Regum, iiij,b,c. iij, Regum, ij a,e. iiij, Regū, iiii,c, xiiij.a. xxi,e. Eccli. xxxiiij,d. Prouerb, vi,b. xxii,a. xxviij,c. Tren, iiij,c. Ezeche. xi,a,b. xxij.a. xxiiij,a. Osee, iiij,a. Abacuck, ij,b. Mathe, v.c. xix,c. xxiij,e. xxvi,e. Ioan, viij,d. Rom xiij,b. Galat. v.c. i, Ioh. iii,b. Apocalip xiii.b.
    • Manners, ¶ Loke in thys worde co­stomes.
  • Masters, ¶ Loke in thys worde Lordes.
  • Mardachay the bringar vp of Hester [Page] was caryed in to Babylon. i, Hester, ij,a.b. Bewayleth the destruccyon of the Iewes, iiij,a. Was exalted of the kynge Assuerus, vi,c. Came agayne to Ierusalem, i, Esdre, ij,a. ij, Esdre. vij.b.
  • Mary receiueth the salutacion of the Angell Luke, i.b.c. Wysyteth Ely­zabeth and prayfeth God. i.c.d. Goeth wyth Ioseph to Betleem to the tax­ynge. ij.a Goeth wyth Ioseph into E­gypte. Mathe. ij.c. Retourneth agayne from thence vnto the Lande of Israell ij.d. Fyndeth Chriyste in the Temple. ij.g.
  • Mary annoynted the fete of the lord Math. xxvi.a. Luke. vij.d.e. Iohn. xi.a. xii.a.
  • Martha lodgeth the lorde. Luk. x.d. hath a stronge faythe. Iohn. xi.c.
  • Mathan Baals priest was slaine. iiij. Reg. xi.d. ij. Par. xxiij.e.
  • Mathania the father of Iehoyakym, was kynge in Iuda. iiij. Regum. xxiiij.d. Is called Zedechia. i. Paraly. iij.b Leauyth behinde hym hys sonne Seal­thiel. iij.c.
  • Matathias the prieste had a Zele to­gots [Page] lawe. i. Mach. ij.c. Fyghteth valyantly. ij,e. Exhorteth his sonnes to the kepynge of the Lawes of God. ij.f.g.
  • Matrymonye or we­deloke.
    • Gene. i.b. ij.d. iij,c.d. viij,c. ix,a, xxi,b. xxiiij,a. xxviij,a. xxix.d. Leuyty. xviij,*. Deute. vij.a. xij,d. xxiij,a. Iosue. xxiij c. Iud. iij.a. xiiij.a,b,c, i. Esdre. ix,a. ij, Esdre. xiij,e. i, Hester, ij,d. Prouer. xviij c. Malach, ij,c, Eccli, xxv,a. xl,d. Toby vi,d. vij,c. Math. viij,b. xix,a. xxij,c, Luk, xiiij,c, Ioan. ij,a. i. Cor, vij,*. ix,a i. Tymothe, iij,a. Tytum, i,b. Hebre, xiij.a. ¶ Seke Letter of dyuorcement.
  • Of the spyrytuall maryage betwene God and the faythfull,
    • Canty, *. Esay, l,a. liiij,a. lxij.a. Iere. xxxi,d. Ezeche, xvi,b. Osee, ij,c. Math ix,b, xxij,a, xxv,a. Marke, ij,b. Luke, v e. Ioan, iij,d. ij, Corynth, xi.a. Apoc. xix b. xxi.a.
  • Mathewe the publycane was called [Page] Math, ix,e, x,a. Is called Leuy ye sonne of Alpheus, Mark, ij,b, Luk, v,d.
  • Matthyas was chosen for an Apostel Act, i,a.
  • Meat.
    • Of meates whyche God for badde the Iewes, Exody, xxi,c, xxij,d, Leui, iij c. vij,c. xi,a. xvij,c.d. xix,b, xxij,d, Deu, xij.b,c. xiiij,a.b. i. Regū, xiiij,e. Ezeche xliiij,d.
    • Of the lybertye of meate, Gene, i.d. iij,d. ix,a. Mathe. xv,b. Luk, x,a. Actuū x,b. xv,c. Roma, xiiij,*. i, Corynth. viij*. x,c. Coll, ij.c. Tytum. i.c. Hebr. xiii.b
    • Meate and dryncke oughte to be re­ceyued wyth thankes geuynge, Leuyt, xxiij,c. Deuter, viij,b. i. Regum, ix,b, Mathe, xiiij,c. xv,d. xxvi,c. Mark, viij,a. Luk, ix,b. Ioan, vi,a. Actuum, xvii,d i,Corynth, x,c. i, Tymo, iiij.a.
    • The hōgery oughte to be fedde. Deu. xxiii.a. Iud, viij,b. i. Regum, xxi.a. xxv,b.c. ij. Regum. xvi.a. Esay. lviij.b. E­zech. xviij.a. Math. xxv.c
  • Medes take in the kyngdome of Ba­bell. Dany. v.e.
  • Melchysedecke a pryeste and kynge [Page] of Salem. Gene. xiiij.d. Hebre. vii.a.
  • Menahen a kyng in Israel. iiii. Regū xv.c.
  • Menelaus a traytoure of hys coun­tre became hyghe pryeste by vyolence. ij. Mochabeo. iiii.e. dyed shamdfullye. xiij.a.b.
  • Man.
    • Man is created after the Image of God. Gen. i.d. ij.b. v.a. ix.a. Sapyen. ij d. Eccli. xvij.a. Job. x.a. Psalm. Cxviij.k. Iacob. iij.b.
    • Man is cursed. Gene. iij.d. Is bles­sed agayne in Christ. Gene. xii.a xxij.c. Galath. iij.b.
    • Of the regeneracyon of man. Math. xviii.a. Ioan. i.a. iij.a.b. iiij.b. vij.d, i. Corynth. iiij.c. Gala. iiij.b. Ephe. iiii.c. Colloss. iij.a. i. Petr. ij.a. Iacob. i.b.
    • Man is dust and earth. Gene. ij.b. iij d. xviij.d. Eccli. xvij.a. xl.b. Iob. iiij.b. x.a. xxxiiii.b. Psal. lxxvij.d. Cij.b. Cxlv a. Esay. xl.a.
  • Mekenes and Reste.
    • Nume. xij.a. Iosue. vij.c.d. i. Regum. xxv.*. iii. Regum. xij.b. Eccli. i.d. Pro xv.a. Math. v.a. xi.e. Gala. vi.a. Ephe [Page] iiii,a.
  • Mephiboseth the sonne of Ionathas ij. Regum. iiii,a. Founde fauor at the hande of Dauid. ix.*. Was falselye accused to Dauyd. xvi,a. He was fa­uored in the destruccion of the chyldren of Saull. xxi.b. Is called Merybaall, i. Paraly. ix,c.
  • Mephyboseth the sonne of Saul was hanged. ij, Regū. xxi,b.
  • Mercyfulnes and pytye.
    • Of the mercyfullnes and goodnes of God towardes the faythefull. Gene xviij,d.e. Exody. vi.a. ix,f, xi,b. xx.a. xxxiiij,a. Numery, xx,a. Deutero, iiii,e, v,a.b, vii,b, x,d. xxviii,a. xxx,a. xxxii,a. ii, Regum, vii,c. xii,c. xxiiii,c. iij, Regum, viij,c. iiii, Regum, xx,a. ij, Esdre, ix,b. iiii, Esdre, ij,d. vij,f. Sapy xi,d. Eccli. ii.b. iij,b. xvii,c, xviii,b, Psalm, xxxi,a. xxxv,a. lxxxv,a. Cij,*. Cxxxv,*. Cxliiii,a. Esay, xxx,c. liiii,a,b, lv,b. Ieremy, xii,c. xviij.a. xxxviii,a,d. Ezeche, xviii,e. xxxiii.c. Osee, ii,c. Iohell, ii,c. Ionas, iiii,a, Mathe. xi,e, xviii,c. Luke, i.d, vi,d, xv,c,d. xxiii,d, Roma, xi,a,d. ij, Corynthy, [Page] i,a. Ephe. ij.a. i. Timoth. i.b.c.
    • Of the mercyfullnes of the fayth­full towardes theyr neyghboure, and the rewarde therof, i, Regum. xv.b. ij. Paralyp. xxviij.b.c. Psalm, xl,a. Cxi a. Prouerb. iii.a. xiiii.c, xix.c. xxv.d. Esay. lviij.b. Osee. vi.b. Myche. vi.b. Zacha, vii.b, Eccli. iii.d. xxviii.a xxxv,a,c. Math, v,a. ix,b. x,e. xviii,c, xxv.b.c. Mark, ix,e. Luk, vi,d, x,d. Rom, xij,c. Gala. vi,b. Coll, iii,b. i. Timo. v,a. ¶ Seke almes.
    • Of vnmercyfullnes and the punyshement therof, Exody. i,c. Deute. xxiii.a. Iud. viii.b. i, Regum. xxv,a.b. Eccli, xij,a. Iob, xx,b. Prouer. xxi,b. Isay, lvij a. Amos, i,b. Math, xviij,d. xxv.d. Luk xvi,c.d, Iacob, ii,b.
  • Merary the sonne of Leuy. Nume iii,c. Of the offyce of the Merarytes. iii.e, iiii,e▪
  • Merob the daughter of Saull. i. Reg, xiiii,g. was promised Dauid to be hys wiffe. i, Regū, xviii.d.
  • Mesach ¶ Seke missael.
  • Mesulla ¶ Seke Sorobabel
  • Mychas mother maketh an Ephod [Page] of syluer Iud. xvij.b. He hyreth a Le­uyte xvij.c. The Ephod and the Leuyte were caryed away from hym. xviij.d.*
  • Mycha the sonne of Mephyboseth. ij. Reg. ix.c.
  • Micha prophecyeth agaynst .CCCC false prophetes. iii. Regū. xxij.b.c.d. is called Mychaya. ij. Para. xviij.d.
  • Mychael fyghteth wyth the Angels Dan. x.b. xij.a Iude. i.b. Apoc. xij.c.
  • Mychael the daughter of Saul was wedded to king Dauid. i. Regum. xviii e. Accordynge to the promyse. xvii.c.d. Saued hys lyfe. xix.c. Was ca­ryed awaye from hym, and gyuen to Paltyel. xxv.g. Was delyuered vnto [...]ym agayne. ij. Regum. iii.c. mocketh hym. vi.e.
  • Mydyan the sonne of Abraham. Gene xxv.a. God byddyth to vex the Mydy­anytes. Nume. xxv.c. The Mydyany­tes wyth theyr kynge are slayne. xxxi. ab. They rule ouer Israel. Iudic. vi.a. They are smytten. vii.*.
  • Mynystrynge to the poore. ¶. Seke Almes.
  • Myryam the syester of Aaron prayseth the lord. Exod. xv.c. was stryken wyth [Page] leprosye Num. xii.*. Deut. xxiiii.b. dyeth. Num. xx.a.
  • Myssaell was caste into a hote bur­nynge fornace. Danyel. iii.d. Is called Mesach. i.b
  • Moab the sonne of Lott of hys eldeste daughter. Gene. xix.g.
  • The Moabytes shoulde not be vexed Deut. ii.b. Become tributaryes to the house of Iuda & Israel. ii. Regum. viii.a. They fall a way from Israell. iiii. Reg. i.a. iii.a. They fall in to the lande of Israell. xiii.e. They shal not come in to the temple of God for euer. Deuter. xxv.a. ii. Esdre. xiii.a. Agaynste Moab is prophecyed. Numeri. xxi.d.e. xxiiii.c. Psal. lix.b. Cvii,b. Esa. xv.*. xvi.* xxv b. Ieremy. xlviij.a. Ezechye. xxv.b. Amos. ii.a. Zephon. ij.b.
  • Moloch an Idoll. Leuy. xviii.c. xx.a. Actuū. vii.e. Is called Mylcon. iii. Reg xi.a. Malchom Amos. v.d. Mone ¶ Seke Sunne.
  • Moyses was borne of Leuy. Exo. ij.a vi.c. Act. vii.c. Slewe the Egypcyan & fled into Midian. Exody. ii.b. To [...]e Ziphora the Midianite to hys wyffe. ij.c.d Became a iudge sent to Pharao into E­gypte. iii.b.*. v.a. vi.b. vij.b.c.d. viii. [Page] a,b,c.e. ix.a,c. x.a. Went in to E­gypte wyth wyffe and chylde, iiii,d. Prayeth for Pharao, viii,c,f. ix.f.g. x,g. Prayeth for the people, xiiij,d. xvii b.c. xxxii,c.d.g. Numery. xi.a. xiiij,b.c, xxi.b. Deuter, ix,c,d,e, Receiueth the fyrste tables, Exody, xxxi,d. Receyueth the seconde. xxxiiii,d, Israell coulde not beholde hys face. Exody. xxxiiii,d. ij. Corynth. iij.a. Sente out spyes. Num xiii.a. Testyfyeth hys callynge. xvi,d,e. Seeth the lande of promyssyon and dyeth. xx.b. xxvij.c. Deuter. xxxiiii.a.b. Appeareth in ye transfiguration of chri­ste. Math. xvii.a. Luk. ix.d.
  • Mother ¶ Seke in this worde father
  • Naball the vnthankfull man was fauoured for hys wyues sake. i. Regū xxv.d.e.
  • Naboth was stoned because he de­nyed the kynge hys vyneyarde, iij. Reg xxi.a.
  • Nadab and Abyhu are consumed tho­roughe the fyer Leuyt. x.a. xvi.a. Num iij.a. xxxvi.g.
  • Nadab a king, in Israel, iij. Reg. xiiij,c. [Page] was destroied. xv.e.
  • Naeman the Capytayne of the hoost of the kynge of Syrya was clensed from hys leprosye. iiij, Regum. v.c. Luk. iiij.c.
  • Naemy, the wyffe of Elymelech Ruth. i.a.
  • Nahas the father of Abygayll the sy­ster of Dauyd. ij. Regum. xvij.e. ¶ Se­ke Iesse.
  • Nahas kynge of the Amonytes fygh­teth against Iabes, i. Reg. xi.a. dyeth. ij. Regum. x.a.
  • Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab prince and capitain of the tribe of Iuda. Num i.a. ij.a. vij.b.
  • Nahor the grand sir of Abrahā. Gene xi.c.d.
  • Nahum preachet againste Nynyue. Nahum. i.*. ij.*. iij.*.
  • Nathan the sonne of Dauyd. ij. Regūb.c. Is called Mathatan. Luke. iii.e.
  • Nathan the prophet is sent to kynge Dauid. ij. Reg. vij.a. xii.a.
  • Nathanaell was seene of Chry­ste. Iohn. i.e. Chryste appeareth vnto hym. xxi.a.
  • [Page]Nabuchodonozer a myghtye kynge of Babel receiueth powre ouer al king­domes. Ieremy. xxvij,a, Conquereth ye lande of Egypte. iiij, Regum. xxiiij.b, Iere. xlvi,a. Goeth forth agaynste Ie­rusalem, iiij. Regum, xxiiij,a,b. xxv,a. Ieremy. xxxix,a. Accordynge to the prophecye. Esay, vij,c,d. Ieremy, xxv,b, xxxij,d.
  • Erecteth the golden Image. Dan. iij,a. Dwelleth seuen yeares amonge the wilde beastes. iiii.c. He is be wayled in mockage. Esay. xiiij.a.b. He is also cal­led Nebucadrezar. Iere. xxv.b
  • Nebusar Adan the stewarde of Nabu­chodonozer caryeth Iuda to Babylon. iiij. Regum. xxv.b. Iere. xxxix.b.c. lij.b.
  • Necho kynge of Egypt. iiij. Reg, xxiij f. ij. Par. xxxvi.a.
  • Neemyas butteler to Arthasastha. ij Esd. ij,a. Is sent into Iury. ij.b. Accor­dynge to hys prayer. i.*. Is called Hathyrsatha. viij.a.
  • Nehusthan ¶ eke serpent.
  • Nethaneel Capytayne of the trybe of Isachar. Numery. i.a.
  • Nycanor captayne of Lysyas hooste i. Machab. iij.e. And chefe captayne of [Page] Demetry, vij,d. Threateneth to burne the temple. vij,e. Was slayne. vij,f. ij. Machab, xv,d.
  • Nicodemus a secrete disciple of christ Iohn, iij,a. vij,e, xix,d.
  • Nygardnes. ¶ Loke in thys worde Couetousnes.
  • Nimrod a mighty hunter. Gen. x.b. Niniue was builded of Assur. Gene. x b. Repenteth of her synnes. Ionas. iij.a shal Iudge the blinde Iues. Math, xij,d. Of the destruction of Niniue. Nahū i.*. ij.*. iij.*. Zephonyas. ij.c. Toby, xiiij,b.
  • Noah the sonne of Lamech. Gene. v,b, Apreacher of godlye ryghteousnes. ij Petr. ij,b. Buyldeth the Arke. Gene, vi b,c,d. entreth in to the arke. vij,a. goeth oute of the arke. viij.c. Receiued the cō ­uenaunt of mercy and the signe, ix,b,c,
  • Nobe was wonne, and man and best their in slayne. i, Reg. xxij,d.
  • Obed ye sonne of Boos of Ruth. Ruth iiij.d. Math, i,a.
  • Obedience.
    • God and hys worde muste be obeyed [Page] before all thynges, Item, the profyte and rewarde of the same. Genesys. xij.a. xvij.b.d. xxij.a.b.c. xxvi.a. Exody. i.e xv.d. xix.a. xx.a. xxiij.c.d. Leuyty. xx.d. xxvi.a.b. Deutre. iiij.f. vij.*. xi.b.c.d. xiij.a. xvij.c. xviij.c. xxiiij.b. xxvij.b. xxviij.a.b. Iosu. xxij.a. i. Regū. xij.c. xv.e. iiij. Regum. x.e. ij. Paralyp. vij.d. Prouerby. i,a.c. xv.d. Eccl [...]es. iiij.c. Isay. xlviij.d. lv.a. Ieremy. vij.c. xi.a. xvij.e. xxxv.*. Dan. iij.c. Osee. xiij.a. Eccli. xxxv.a. ij. Mach. vij.e. Math. iiij c. vij.c. viij.c. ix.e. xv.a. xvij.a. xxiij.a. Luke. v.a. x.b. Iohn. ij.a. Act. iiij.b. v.d Roman. xvi.b. Philyp. ij.a.b. i. Thessa. iiij.a. v.b.
    • Of disobedyence and her punyshe­mente. Genes, iij,c,d. xix,d,e. Leuyty. x,a. xxvi.b,*, Numery, xiiij,d,f, xvi,e, xx,d, Deutero, xi,c,d, xvij,c. xviij,c,d, xxvij,c. xxviij,b,*, i, Regum, xij,c, xiij,c xv,f. xxviij,d. ij, Regum, vi,b, iij, Regū xi,b, xiij,d,e. xiiij,d. xx,f. ij, Paral, vij,d xxvi,c,d, Esay, xxiiij,a, Ieremy, xi,a,b xiij,b. xvij,e. xxvi,a. xxxv,*. Ionas, ij,a Math, xiiij,d. xvij,c, Act. vij,e. Roma, ij a. Gal. iij,b.
  • Og king of Basan was slaine. Num [Page] .xxi,e. Deut. iij, a, xxxi,a.
  • On the sonne of Poseth exalteth hym self against Moyses. Num. xvi, a,
  • To Onesiphorus doth Paule wishe mercy. ij, Timo, i,c.
  • Onyas the chyef prieste offereth for Helyodorus. ij, Machabe. iij,e. Was slayne, iiij,f.
  • Offence and the punyshe­ment thereof.
    • That we shoulde not offende oure neyghboure, nether wyth doctryne nor wyth ouer Lyuynge. Leuyty, iiii,a. Num, xxxi,c, ij, Regum, xii,c. i, Esd, viij c. Prouer, xxviij,b. ij, Mach, vi,d. Mat xij,a. xvij,d. xviij,a. Marke, ix,e, Luke, xvij,a. Rom, xiiij,a.b. i, Cor, viij,*. x,d.c ij, Corrin, vi,a. Ephe, iiij,c. i, Thess. v,
    • What soeuer doth offēd vs ought we to auoyde. Exody, xxxiiij,b. Deut, vij,ad, xiij,*. Math. v,d. xvi,d. Mark, ix.c. Roma,. xvi.b.
  • Offeringe.
    • We muste offer to God onely. Exod xxij,c, Leuit, xvii,a,b,c.
    • All offerynges or sacryfyces muste be [Page] wythoute blemishe, Leui, i.a. iij.a. xxij.c. Nume. xxviij,a.d. Deut. xv.a.c. xvij.a. Eccli, xxxv.b. Ezech. xliij.e. Maluch i.b.c.
    • Acceptable sacrifices are kyndled from heauen. Genes, iiij,a. viij,d. xv,d. Leuyt, ix,d. Iud, vi.d. xiij.d. iii. Regum xviij.e. i. Para. xxij.e. ij, Paral. vij.a. ij. Mach. i.d.e. ij.b.
    • Of the dayly sacrifice. Exody, xxix,g Leuyt. vi.a. Num, xxviij.a. i. Esdre. iij.a What must be offered euery tyme and euery feast day. Num. xxviij.*.xxix.*.
    • The feastes of sacryfice were kepte wyth Ioy. Gene. xxxi.g. Exody. xviij.b xxxij.a.b. Numery. xxv a. Deut. xij.*. xxvii.a. i. Regum. i.a. ix.b.*. xvi.a. ij. Regum. xv.c. iij. Regum. i.b. iij.c, i. Para. xxx.e.
    • Of the sacryfyce of children. Genesis xxij.b. Leuyt. xviij c. xx.a. Deut. xij.d. Iud. xi.g. iiij. Regum. iij.a. xvi,a. xvij.c. ij. Paral. xxviij.a. Psalm. Cv.e. Esay. lvij.a. Ieremy. xix.a. Ezeche. xvi.c. xx.d. xxiij.e.
    • Of the sacrifice of the vngodly. Gen iiij.a. i. Regum xv.e. i. Esdre. i.e. Psalm xxxix.b. xlix.a. l.l. Prouer. xv.a. xxi.a. d [Page] Eccle. iiij.c. Esay. i.b. xliii.d. lxi.b. lxvi.a. Ieremy. vi.c. vij.c. xiiij.b. Ose. v.a. vi.b. viij.b. ix.a. Amos. v.d. Myche. vi,b. Mala. i.b.c. Eccli. xxxiiij.c. Math. ix b. Mark. xij.c. Hebr. x.a.b.
    • Of the trew spirituall and acceptable sacrifices to God. Psalm. iiij.b. xxvi.b xxxix.b. xlix.a.b. l.a.b. Cxv.b. Prouerb xxi.a. Esay. lvi.b. Ieremy. vij.c. Osee. vi.b. Mich. vi.b. Eccli. xxxv.a. Math. v.c. ix.b. xij.a. Roma. xij.a. Phylyp. iiij.c. Hebr. xiij.c.
    • Christ the trewe and perfect sacryfyce of the faythfull. Gene. xxij.b,c. Esay, liij,c, Iohn. xvij,c. ij. Cor, v,c. Ephes, v,a,c. i, Iohn. ij,a. iiij,b, Hebr. i, a, v,b, ix,d, x,b.
  • Oreb and Seb are taken and headed. Iud. vij,g, Esa, x,d.
  • Osea became king in Israell. iiij, Reg xv.f. Was wyth the people caryed into Assiria. xvij, a
  • Osias the priest taketh Achior in hys house, Iudy. vi,d. Appointed the mercy of God a tyme, vij,e.
  • Othes and swerynge.
    • By straunge goddes oughte we not [Page] to swere, but onlye by the hyest God and hys name. Exody. xxij,b. xxiij,b. Deuter, vi,c. x,d. Iosue. xxiii,b. iij, Regum, xix,a. Psalm. xiiij,a. lxij,b. Esay, xix,d. xlv.c. lxv.c. Ieremy, iiij.a.b. v.a,b, vi,a, xij,c, Zephonye, i,a, Mathe, v,d, xxiii,c, Hebreos, vi,c.
    • The goodmen also haue sworne by the name of God. Genesis. xiiij,d. xxi,c,d, xxiiij,a. xxxi.g. xlvij,g. Iosue, ij,c. ix c. i, Esdre, x,b. Iob, xxvij,a. Rom. i,a. ij, Corinth, ij,a, xi,d, Galat, i.c.
    • God swearith by him selffe, Gen. xxij c. Exo, xxxij,c. Num. xiiij,c,d. Esa, xiiij b. xlv,c, xlix,c. liiij,b, Ieremy, xxij,a. li,c Amos, vi,b. Hebr, vi,b.
    • Agaynst the false and lyght swearing Exod, xx,b, Leuit, v,a.b,c. xix,c. xxiiij.c Osee, iiii,a. Zacha, viij,c. Malac, iii,a, iiii,a. Eccli, xxiij,b.c. xxvii,c. Mathe, v,d. Iaco, v,c,
    • Of periury and vntrueth. Exody, viij b.c,f, ix,f,g. Leuit, v,e. i, Regum, xix,b iii, Regum, viij,e, ij, Paralyp, xxxvi,b, i, Machab, vi,g. vij,b.c, xi,g. xiii,b,c,d Machab. iiij,f. xij,a. Zach, v,a. Mathe xxvi,g.
    • [Page]Of diuers fashyons of othes, Gene, xxij,c. xxiiij.a. xlij, v, xlvij,g. iij. Reg, xix a. Iudyth. i,c. Iere, xxiij,c
  • Pacience.
    • God is pacyent and longe sufferynge Genes, vi,a, Exody, xxxiiij,a, Numery, xiiij,c. Psalm, lxxxv,c, Cij,a, Cxliiij.a. Eccle. viij.b. Esay, xxx,c, Ionas, iiij,a. Nahū, i,a. Sap, x,d. xv,a. Matt, xviij,c Rom, ij.a. i, Timo, i,c. ij, Petr, iij,b.
    • Of Pacyence of the beleuynge in all maner of trouble and tribulacion. Gen xij,a.b. ij. Regum, xvi,b, Iob, i,c. ij,b. vii, a, Prouerb, iij,b. xiiij,d. xv,a. xvi.d. xxv,c. iiij, Esdr, x,b. Eccli. i.d. ii,a. v.a xviii,b. Tobye, ii,c. ii, Machabe. vi,c. Mathe. v,e. Roma v,a. xii,b. xv,a. ii. Corynth, vi,a. Galat. v,c. Ephes, iiii,a, i, Thessa, v,b. ii, Thess i,a.b. i, Tymot vi.c, ij, Timo, ij,a,b. i, Pet. i,a.b, ij,c, iij b,c, iiij,a. ij. Petr, i.b. Hebr, x,d, xi,f. xij,a. Iacob. v,b.
    • Of vnpacyentnes and the puny­shemente thereof, Exody, xiiij,c, xv,d. xvi.a.b. xxvij.a. Numery, xi.a.b, xiiii, [Page] a,b, xxi,a. Iob, iij,a. Prouer, xij,c. Eccli ij,b.
  • Pardon.
    • Pardon and remission of sinnes is onlye done by Christ. ¶ Seke synne.
  • Pagyell capytayne of the asserytes Num. i.a.
  • Passhur the pryeste, smyteth Ieremy and casteth hym in pryson. Ieremye xx.a.b.
  • Paule a Iewe of the trybe of Benia­min. Roma, xi,a. Philyp, iij,a. Borne and broughte vp at Tharsus. Act, xxij,a. Persecuteth the Chrystyans. Act, ix a. Gal, i,b. i, Tymo, i,b. Is wonderful­ly, conuerted. Act, ix,a. Paule a teacher of the Gentyles. Roma, xi,b. xv,b. Gal ij,a,b. i, Tyme, ij.a. ij, Tymo, i,b. Prea­chet at Antyochya. Act. xiij,b,c,d, At I­conium. xiiij.a. At Lystrys, xiiij,b,c. At Thessalonych. xviij,a At Berhea, xvij,b At Athens, xvij,d,e. At Corynth, xviij,a. Wythstandynge Peter in hys face. Galat, ij,b,c. Was called to Macedo­nia. Actuum. xvi,b, was taken prysoner xxi,d. was caryed to Cesaria. xxiij,c,d. was caryed to Rome. xxvij,*, xxviij,*
  • [Page]Paule hath not bene charcheable to enemy man. Actorum, xx,e. ij, Cor, xi,b xij,b, i. Thess, ij,b. ij. Thess, iij,a. Is cal­led Saule. Actuum, vij,g. ix,a. xiij,a.
  • Peace & Quietnesse.
    • Of ontwarde and temporall peace, Gene, xiij,a,b. xxvi,c. xlv.d. Leuit, xxvi a. Nume. vi,d. xi.e. iiij, Regum, xviij,c. Psalm, Cxxxij,a. Cxlvij,a. Prouer. vi,b. xvij.a. xviij.c. xx.a. Ieremy, xxix,b. Eccli. viij,a. x.d. xxv,a. xxviij,b.c. Mat v,a.c. xij.c. Mark. ix.e. Luk. i.f. Iohn. xvij,c. Actuum, ix.d. Roma. xij,c. xv.a. i. Cor. i.b. iij.a. xiiij.e. ij. Corynth. xi.a. xiii,b. Ephe. iiij.a. Philyp, ij.a. ij. Timo ij.*. i Petr. iij.b. Hebre. xij,c. Iaco. iij.c.
    • Of the inwarde peace whyche is be­twene God and the beleuynge. Esay, ij a. ix,b. xi.b. lxvi.c. Ose. ij.c. Mich. iiij.a Zach. ix.b. Luk. ij.b. xxiiij.c. John. xiiij c. xvi.d. xx.c. Actuum. x.d. Roma. v.a. Ephe. ij.c. Phylip. iiij.a.
  • Phakeh the sonne of Remalia after that he hadde killed Pekahia became kynge ouer Israell, iiij, Regum. xv.e.f. warreth against Ahas. Esa. vij.a. Smitteth in Iuda hondret and twenty thou­sand men. ij. xxviij.a. Para. Kv. Pha [Page] Phakenah the sonne of menahē was made king in Israell. iiij, Regū. xv,d,e.
  • The Persyās cōquere the kingdome of Babell. Dan, v,e, Accordynge to the prophecye. Esay. xxi.a. Ieremy, l,a,b,g.h. li,b,e.
  • Respect of persons.
    • Agaynste the Respecte of persones, Exody, xxij,a. Leuyty, xix,d. Deuter. ic, x,d, i, Regum, xvi,b. ij, Parlyp, xix,b. Sap. vi.b. Eccli, xxxv,b. Iob, xxxiiij,b. Prouer. xviii,a. xxiiij,c. xxviij,c. Mat xxii,b. Act, x,d. Rom, ij,b. x.b. Gal. ii.a. Ephe, vi.a. Col, iij,c. i. Petr, i,c.
  • People of God ¶ Seke in this word Churche.
  • Peter is called. Mathe. iiii.c. Con­fesseth Chryste. xvi.c. Denyed Chryste and repenteth. xxvi.g. Healeth the crea­ple. Actuum, iij,a. Paule doth wyth­stande hym, Gallat. ij,b. Was caste into pryson, Actuum. xij,a. Preachet and speaketh, Actuum, i,c. ij,b.c.d. iij,b. iiii.a. x.d. Is called Simon, Math, iiij,c. x,a. Iohn, xx,a. Is called Ce­phas. Ioan. i.d. i. Corynth. i. v. iij.c. ix.a Gallat. ij.b. Is called Symon the [Page] sonne of Ionas. Mathe. xvi.c. Iohn. xxi.
  • Petye ¶ Seke thys worde Mercy­fullnes.
  • Takynge of pledges.
    • Exod. xxij.d. Deu. xxiiij.b,c. Iob, xxij a. xxiiij,a. Prouer, xx,c.
  • Pharao was plaged for Sara Abra­hams wyffe. Gene, xij,d.
  • Pharao hadde dreames, Genesis. xli,a. The dreames are expounded. xli.d.e. Pharao vseth vyolence and crueltye towardes Israell and oppresseth them. wyth harde seruytude. Exody. i.b.
  • * Is drowned wyth all hys hooste xiiij.e.f.
  • Pharaos daughter was wedded to kynge Salomon. iij. Regum, iij.a.
  • Pharao Necho toke kynge Ioahas. iiij, Reg, xxiii,g. Lost by the king of As­siria. xxiiij.b.
  • The Pharysee and the Publycane praye in the Temple. Luke. xviii.a.b.
  • The pharisee biddeth Christe to diner Luk. vij.d.
  • The Pharyseys are sore rebuked.
  • [Page]Math. iij,a. vij.b. xvi.a. xxiij.* . Iohn. viij.d. Act. vij.g. xxiij.a. Philip. iij.a.
  • Phygelus & Hermogenes depart frō Paule. ij. Tymot. i.c.
  • Philip was chosen. Act. vi.a. prea­chet at Samaria. viij.a. Baptyseth the chaumberlayne. viij.d, Lodgeth Paule xxi,b.
  • Philippe was called in to the nōbre of the disciples. Iohn. i.e. Became an a­postell of Christe. Math. x.a. Desyreth to see the father. Ioan. xiiij.a.
  • The Phylystians persecute Israell. Iud. iij.a. x.b. xv.b. i. Regum. iiij.*. v.* vi.*. vij.*. xiij.b. xvij.*. xxiij.a. xxviij.a xxix.a. xxxi.a. ij. Regum. v.c.d. xxi.d.c. The Philistyans are smytten. Iud. iij.d. i. Regum. vij.c. xiij.a. xiiij.b.c.d, xvij.f.g. xviij.g. xix.b. xxiij.a. ij. Regum. v.d viij.a. iiij. Regum. xviij.b. Agaynste the Philistyans. Esay. xiiij.e. Ieremy. xlvij a.b. Ezech. xxv.c. Amos. i.b. Zeph. ij.a. Zach. ix.a.
  • Phylopater presumed to go in to the temple. iij. Mach. a. was punyshed, iij. Machab. e.
  • Pylate and Herod are made frēdes. Luk. xxiij.a. Condemneth the innocent
  • [Page]Chryste to death. Mathe, xxvij.c. Iohn xix.b.
  • Pynehas the sonne of Eleazar. Exod vi.d. Reconcyleth the lorde wyth hys Zeale and gelousye, and receyueth the euerlastynge preste hode. Nume. xxv.b.c. Iosu. xxij.c. Iudyc. xx.d. Eccli. xlv.c. Psalm. Cv.d. Malach. ij.a.
  • Pynehas the sonne of Hely. i. Regum i.a. was destroyed because of hys syn­nes. iiij.c.
  • Phanell were punyshed of Gydeon because the had denyed hym the breade Iud. viij.b.c.d.
  • The poore & there cōfort.
    • Deut. x.d. i. Regū. ij.b. Eccli. xi.b. xiij.a. xxv.a. Prouerb. xv.b.c. xxi.c. xxij.a.c. xxviij.a. Esay. xxv.a. lxvi.a. Mathe. v.a. viij.c. Mark. x.b. Luk. ix.f. xvi.c.d
  • Powres
    • Of the institution, ryghte, offyce and authorytye of the ordynary powres & Regentes. Gene. ix.a. Exod. i.b.*. v.* xviij.c.d. xxi.c. Leuyt. xxiiij.c.d. Nume. xi.d.e. xxv.a. xxvij.c.d. Deut. i.b.c, xvja. xix.d. Iosu. i.b. Iud. ij.b.c. i. Regum. x.d. iij. Regū. iij.b. ij. Para. xix.b.c. Iob [Page] xxix.*. xxxiiij.d. Psal, lxxxi.* . Pro. viij b. xi..b. xij.d. xvi.b. xx.b. xxviij.b.d. xxix a.b. xxxi.a, Eccle. x,a, Esa. i,c,d. iij.a. x a, lij.a. Iere. v,e. xxij.a. xxvij,* . Ezeche, xxij,a,b. xlv.b. Dan, ij.c. Osee. xiij,b. Mich, iij,a. Sap, i,a, vi,a.b. Eccli, vij,a x.a,c. xvij,b. xxix c. xxxij.a. Mat. xxij,bc. xxvi.e. Luke, xx,c. Iohn. iii,d. xix.a, i. Cor, xv,c. Rom. xii,b. xiii.a. i. Pet. ii.b, Hebr. xiii.c. ¶ Seke king and Iudges.
  • Prayer.
    • To whome, howe, when, where and what we ought to pray, cry & call. Num xi,d.e. Deut, iiii.a. Iud, x,c,d i, Regū, i, [...]. ij. Regum xxii,a.b. iii. Regum. iii,b Esay, lxv,d. Amos, vii.a. Eccli. xviii,c xxxv.b. Toby, iii,b. Iudyth, iiii,c, Mat vi,a,b, vii,a. xviii,c. xx,c, xxi,b. xxiii,b, xxvi,d. Marke, xi,c. xiii,d. Luke, xi,a,b xviii,d. xxii,c. Iohn, iiii,c. ix,d. xiiii,b, xv,a, xvi,c. xvij. Actu, i,b. ii,e. iiii,c.d x,a. xiiii,c, Romano, viii,d, xii,b, i,Cor xiiii,b.c. Ephes, vi. Collossen. iiii.a. i. Thessall. v.b i. Tymothe. ii.a. i. Petr. iii.b i. Iohn. v.b. Hebred, xiii.a. Iacob i.a. iiii.a. v.c. Apocalyp. xix.b. xxii.b.
    • [Page]God heareth the callynge cryeng & prayer of the poore, myserable, wret­ched, nedy & oppressed of all beleuers. Genesis. xvi.c. xxi.c. Exody. ii,d. iii.b. vi.a. xxii.c.d. Deuter. iiii a. xv.b. i. Regum. vii.b.c. ix.c. xii.c. ii. Regum. xxii.a.b. iii. Regum. xiii.b. xvii.c. xviii.a. iiii, Regum. xiii.a. xx.a. ii. Paralyp. xxxii.d. xxxiii.c. iiii. Esdre. xv.b. Iudith iii.b. iiii.a.b.c. Eccli. iiii.a. xxi.a. xxxv.b. xlviij.c. Psal. iii.a. iiii.a. ix.b. xvii.a xxi.c. xlix.b, liiii.b.c. lxxxv.a. Cxvii.a Cxliiii.c. Esay. xxx.c. lv.b. Ieremye. xxix.c. Ionas. ii.a. Zacha. xiii.b.
    • The prayer and callynge of some God wyll not heare. Deuter. i.f. xxxi.d Iudycum. x.c. i. Regum. viii.a Eccli. xxxiiii.d. Psalm. xvii.d. Prouerby. i.c. xv.d. xxi.b. xxviii.b. Esay. i.b. Ieremy ii.d. vii.b. xi.b.c. xiiii.b. xv.a. Ezechell, viii.c. xiiii.c.d. Miche. iii.a. Zacha. vii.b. Hebr. xii.c.
    • Maners of prayenge of the saync­tes. Genesys. xxxii.b. Exody. xxxii.c.d. Numery. xiiii.b.c. Deuteronomy. ix.e. iii. Regum. viii.b.*. iiii. Regum. xx.a. ii. Paralyp. vi.c.*. xiiii.c. xx.a.b. i Esdre. ix.b.*. ij. Esdre. i.* . Sapy. ix,* . [Page] Eccli. xxiij.a. xxxvi.a.b. li.a. Baruch. i.b.e. ij.b.*. iij.a.b. Toby. iij.a. xiij.a. Iu­dith. ix.a. xvi.a.b.c. ij. Hester. v.*. Esay xxxiij.a. xxxvij.c. lxiiij.*. Ieremy. xxvij b.c. xxxij.c. Tren. v.*. Danyell. ix.a. bc. Ionas. ij.*
  • Preceptes ¶ Seke in doctrine.
  • Pride Arrogancy and presumptuousnes.
    • Pryde is fordidden, transgressed and punyshed. Gene. iij.d. xi.a.b. Exody. v a. xiiij.f. i. Regum. xvij.*. iiij. Regum. xviij.d.*. xix.g. Eccli. x.a.b.c. xxiij.a. xxv,a. Tob. iiij.b. Iudyth. ix.e. xiii.*. ij Mach. ix.a.b. Iob. xvij.b. xxij.c. Proue vi.b. xi.a. xiii.b. xv.c. xvi.a.c. xviij.b. xxv.a. xxix.c. Esay. iij.c.d. ix.c. x.b. xiiij.b. Ierem. xlviij.d. xlix.c. Ezech. xxviij.a xxxi.b. Dan. iiij.c,d. v.e. Abd. i.a. Ma­lachy. ij.b. Luk. i.d. x.b. xiiij.a.b. xviij.b xxij.b. Actuū. xij.d. Rom. xi.c. ij. Tim. iij.a. i. Petr. v.a.
  • Priestes.
    • Of the offyce and dewtye of the prye­stes of the lawe. Exody. xxix.g. xxx.a. Leuyty. x.a.b.c. xxi.*. xxij.*. xxiiij.a.
    • [Page]Num, iij,b. iiij,a.b, x,a. xviij,a,b, Deut xxi,a. i, Regum, ij,f.g, i, Paraly, vij,c, ij Paraly, xxvi,c. Ezec, xliiii,c,d. Hebre v,b, x,b.
    • Of the dewe entreataynynge and ap­pertinaunces of the priestes and theyr chyldren, Exody, xxix,e. Leuit, ij,a.b,c v,c. vi,b.d, vij,a,d. x,d, xxiiii,b, Nume iij,g. v, a,b. xviij,b.c,e. Deut, xviij,a. i Regum, ij,f, iiij, Regum, xij,c. i, Paraly vij,d. ij, Para. xxxi,b. ij, Esd, x,d, Eccli, xlv,e.
    • Of apparell deckyng and anoynting of pryestes, Exo, xxviii* xxix,a, xxxix a. xl.b, Leuyt, viij,a,b.
    • Of wycked pryestes and theyr puni­shementes, Nume, xvi* i. Regū, ij,e,* iij,c. xxij,d. iij, Regū, ij,d. Esa, iij,e. Iere ij,b, viij,b. Osee, iiij,a.b, v* Mala, i* ij.a,b, i, Mach, vij,a,b,c,
    • Of the priesthode of the faithful, Exo xix,a. Psalm, Cxxxi,a. Esay, lxi,a. lxvi d, Iere, xxxiij,d. Osee, iiij,b, Rom, xij,a i, Pet, ij,a. Apoc, i,a, v,b.
    • Christ the trew and euerlastyng prie­ste. i, Regū, ii,g. Psal, Lix, a, Iere, xxxiij c,d. Zach, vi,b. Heb, ij.c. iij,a. v* vi.c vij,c,d. viij* ix,b,c.d, x,b.
  • [Page]Prysoners.
    • The prysoners oughte we to con­forte, Genesys. xiiij.c, i, Regum, xxx.b Toby, i,c. Ieremye. xxxi,c. Mathe, xxv c, Actuum, xij,a, ij, Tymoth, i,c, Hebre xiij,a.
  • Prophetes,
    • Of the offyce of the prophetes and preachers. i, Regum, xij,d. Esay, lviii,a lxi,a, Ieremye, i,a, Ezeche, iii,a,b,c xxxiij,a,b, Actuū, iii,c,d: ¶ Zeke By­shoppe.
    • Of false Seducynge prophetes and theyr punyshemente, also they oughte not to be hearde, Deut, xiii,a, xviii,d xxxiii,d, iii, Regum, xiii.c,d, xviii,e xxii,a,b, iiii, Regum, x,c, ij, Esdre, x,b Prouerby, xxviii,b, Esaye, xxij,c,d, xxviii,b, lvi,c, Ieremy, xiiii,b.c, xxiii,* xxvii,b, xxviii* xxix,b,d,e, Ezeche xiii* xiiii,b, xxii,c, xxxiiii,a,b,c, Amos vii,b, Myche, iii,b, Zachary, xiii,a Mathe, vii,b, xxiiii,a, Luke, xii,a Actuum, xx,d, i,Corynth, v.a, Phylyp iij,a, Colloss, ij,b, i, Tymo, iiij,a, ij, Petr ii* i, Iohn, iiii,a.
    • The greate prophet and reacher Chri­ste [Page] is promysed, Deut, xviij,c, Is geue [...] and testyfyed, Math, iii,b, xiii,g, Luke vii,b, Iohn, iiii,c, vi,b.
  • Ptolomeus was assaulted of Anty ochus. i. Machabeo, i.b. maketh frend­shyp with Alexander the son of Autyo­chus. x.f. warreth against Alexander & dyeth. xi,a.b.
  • Ptolomeus Macer killeth him self, ii Mach, x,b,c.
  • Publius lodgeth Paule, Act, xxviii,a Phull the kinge of Assiria went forth against Israel, iiij, Regū, xv,d.
  • Questyons.
    • Vnprofytable and foolyshe questy­ons oughte to be auoyded. Genesys, iii a,b, Prouerb, xxv,d, Eccle, vii,b. Eccli iii,c, Math, xxiiii,a, Iohn, xxi,d, Roma xii,a, Act, i,a, i, Timo, i,a, vi,a, ij, Timo ii* Titū, iii,b.
  • Quyene.
    • The Quyene of Arabya commeth to Salomon, iij, Regū, x,a. ij. Paral, ix, a, Math, xij,d, Luk, xi.c.
  • [Page]Ouyetnes: ¶ Loke in thys worde peace,
  • Rabba is beseged. ij. Reg. xi,a, i, Par xxi,a. Is wonne. ij. Regū. xij.f.
  • Rabsakeh a capitayne of Sennaherib iiij. Reg. xviij.c. Esa. xxxvi* xxxij.a.b
  • Rachell kepeth the shepe of her fa­ther. Genes. xxix.b. was gyuen to wiffe vnto Iacob. xxix.e. Stealeth her fathers Images. xxxi.c. Dyeth in the birthe of Bemamin. xxxv.d.
  • Raguell the brother in lawe of Tobi­as. Tobie. vij.a.
  • Rahab the hostesse of Iericho lodgeth the messengers of Iosua, Iosu. ij.a. Iac. ij.c. Was delyuered wyth all her kynd­red. Iosu. vi.c.d. was maried vnto Sal­mon. i. Para. ij.a. Math. i.a. Her fayth is magnyfyed, Hebr. xi.c.
  • Ram ¶ Seke Aram.
  • Raphaell the Angell of Bod a physy­cyou and lodeseman of Tobyas, Toby v.b. vi* xij.c.
  • Razis a stedfast Iewe killeth him self ij. Mach. xiiij.f.g.
  • Rebeka the daughter of Bethuel. Gen xxij.d. was wedded vnto Isaac. xxiiij.f
  • [Page]Bringeth forth two twines. xxv.c.
  • Rebellyon: ¶ Loke in thys worde sedycyon.
  • Rehab the father of Ionadab the frende of Iehu kynge of Israel. iiij. Reg. x.c
  • The Rechabites be obedient to there father. Iere. xxxv.a.
  • Reguell ¶ Seke Iethro.
  • Rehabeam the sonne Salomon was made kynge in Iuda, iij. Regū. xij.a.
  • From him fall the tenne tribes of Is­raell. xij.b.c. God forbadde hym to go forth agaynst the tenne tribes, ij. Paral xi.a. Was assaulted with warre of Si­sake kyng of Egypt. xij.a.b. Dyed. iij Reg. xiiij.e. Is called Roboam. Math i.a. Lefte behynde him Abiam. iij. Reg. xv.a.
  • Remission ¶ Seke Pardon.
  • Resurrection of the deade
    • Of the generall resurrectyon and the elaryfyenge of the fleshe. Exody. iij.a. Iob. xiiij.a.b. xix.d. xxxi.d. Esay. xxvi.c lxvi.c. Ezech. xxxvij.a.b. Dan. iij.e. xij a. Ionas. ij.a. Zepho. iij.b. iiij. Esrde. ij c. xiiij.d. Sap. ij.a.b. ij. Mach. vij.b.c.d Mathe. xxij.c.d. Luk. xx.d. Iohn. v.b. c [Page] vi,e, xi,c,d. Actuum, xxiiii,b i,Corynth xv* ij, Corynth, iiii,c, v* Colloss, iij,a Phil, iij,c, iiij.a. i, Thess, iiij,b,c, ij, Tim ij,a, Apoc, xx,d.
  • Respecte: ¶ Loke in thys worde persons.
  • Ryche.
    • Howe the Ryche of thys worlde oughte to kepe and behaue them selues towardes the powre, Leuyty, xxv,f. Deut, viii,c, xv,a,b, Eccli, iiij,a, vij,d xi.b. xxix,b, xxxi,a, Iob, xxxi,b, Psalm lxi.b, Prouerb, xiiii,d. xvii,a, xix,c, xxi a, xxij,a, xxviii,d, xxx,a, Eccle, xi,a, Esa xxiij,c, Mathe, vi,c, xix,c. Luke, xiiij,b, xvi* xviij,c, Actuū, ij,e, iiij,d, i, Timot vi,d.
    • Of vanytye and contempte of Ry­ches and that we maye not truste in them. Psalm, xxxviii,a, xlviij* li,b, Prouerbyor. x.a, xi.a.d. xv.b. xxij.b, xxiij,a, xxviij,b, xxx,a, Eccles, v,bc, vi,a. Esay. ij,b, Ieremy, xvii,a,b, xxij b,c, Ezeche, vij,d, Zephony, i,c, Eccli v,a.b, x,b, xi,c,d, xiiij,a, xvij,a, xxxi,a Mathe. ix.c. xiii.c. xix.c.d. Luke, viii,b xij.b. i. Timo. vi.b. Iac. i.b.
    • Of and agaynste the wycked and [Page] vngodlye Ryche. men. i, Regum. xxv,a Iob. xx.b.c. xxiiii* Proue. xxij.e. xxviij b.c.d. Eccli. vi.a. Esay. v.b. xxxij.b.c Ieremy. xv.c. Amos. vi.a. viii.a. Abac ij.b. Luk. vi.c. xvi.c.d. Iaco. v.a. ¶ Se­ke of couetousnes.
  • Reson an aduersarye to Israell. iij Regum. xij d.
  • Rezyn king of Sirya went forth with the kynge of Israell agaynste Iuda. iiii Reg. xvi.a. Esay. vii.a. Was destroied iiij. Regū. xvi,b.
  • Ryghteousnes.
    • Ryghteouse and with owte synne is noman before God, Genesys. vi.b. viii d. Exody. xxxiiii.a, Numery. xiiii.c. iij. Regū. viii.g. ij. Paralyp. vi.f, Iob. iiij b. ix.a.c.d. xxv.a. Psalm. xiij,a. l.a. lij.a Cxlij.a. Prouerby, xx.b. Eccles. vij.c. Esaye. lxiiij.a. Ieremye. ij.c.d. xxx.b Myche. vij.a. Nahum. i,a. iij, Esdre liij.c. iiij. Esdre. viii.d. Sapyen. xij.b. Eccli. vij.a. Mathe. vi.b. Luk. xvij.a.b Gal iij.d. Ephe. ij.a. i. Iohn. i.b. ¶ Se­ke synne.
    • Chryste is our ryghteousnes and ius­tyfycacyon before God throughe grace [Page] and fayth. Gene. xv.b. Esay. xlv,c. liij b.c. Iere. xxiii.a.b. xxxiii.c. Dan. ix.d Abac. ii.a. Zach. ix.b. Actuū. x.e. xiii.d Rom. i.b. iii.b.c. v.a.c. x.a.b. i. Cor. i.d Gal. ii.c. iii.b. v.a. Philip. iii.b. Titum iii.a. i. Petr. iii.c.
    • Agaynste the Righteousnes of ye Law Math. v.b. Rom. ii.b. x.a. Philip. iii.b Titū. iij.a. Hebr. ix.b. Apoc. iii.c.
  • Ritzpa Sauls concubyne was defy­led of Abnex. ii. Regū. iij.a. Kepyth: the bodyes of them that were hanged. xxi.c
  • Rodochus a traytoure. ij, Machabe xiii.d.
  • The Romaynes make a conuenaunt wyth the Iewes. i. Macha. viii.b.c.d. xij.a. xiiij.b.c. Of the praise of the Ro­mains. viij.a.b.
  • Rest ¶ Seke mekenes.
  • That the Romains shal destroy Ieru salem and the temple. Numery. xxiiii.d Esa. v d. vi.b. Dan. ix.e. xi.d.e. Luke. xix.d. Iohn. xi.e.
  • Ruben the fyrste sonne of Iacob was borne. Gen. xxix.f. Defyleth the bedde of hys father. xxxv.e. Therfore lost he his first byrth right, xlix.a. i. Para, vi.a Desireth to deliuer his brother Ioseph, [Page] xxxvij.d.e.f. Becommeth suertie to hys father for Beniamin. xlij.e. The Rube­nytes are fyrste sett in theyr [...]. Nume xxxij* Deut. iij.b. xxix.b. Iosue. i.c. xiij c. They are also for other yuells smyt­ten. iiij. Regum. x.f. and dryuen oute of theyr lande and caryed away. xv.f. Ac­cordynge to the prophecye. Gen. xlix.a They reare vp an aulter. Iosu xxii.c* They fyghte agaynste the Hagarenes i. Par. vi.c.
  • Ruth a Moabytesse. Ruth. i.a. Beca­me the wiffe of Boos and mother of O bed. Ruth. iiii.b.*. i. Par. ij.a. Mat. i.a
  • Repentaunce.
    • To trewe repentaunce conuersyons & amendement is promysed grace and remyssyō. Deut. iiij.e. xxx.a. xxxi,a. ij Par vij.c. xxx.b. Iob. xi.b. xxij.c. Prouerby xxviij.b. Esay. i.c. xxx.d. lv.b. Ieremy iij,e. xviij.a. xxix,c. xxxi.c.d. Ezechiel iij,c, xvi,f, xviij.c.e. xxxiij.c. Ose. xiiij.a Iohell. ii.c. Ionas, iij,b. Zachary. i, a Actuum. iij.c.
    • Examples of trewe repentaunce. Iud x.d. ij. Regum. xij.c. xxiiij.b,c. ij. Paral xij.a.b. xxxiij,c. Iona. iij* Iudith. iiij. b [Page] Mathe. xxvi.g. Luke. vii.d.e. xv.c. xvij d. xix.a. xxij.e. xxiij.d. Actuum. ij.d.
    • Examples of false repentaunce. Gen. iiij.b. xxvij.f. Exody. viij,b ix.f.g. x.e Iosue. vii.d. Iud. i.b. i. Regum. xv.f.g xxiiij.d. iij. Regum. xiii.b. xxi.d. Sapi. v.a. i. Machab. vi.b. ii. Machab. ix.b.c Mathe. xxvii.a. Actuum. viii.b.c. Hebr xij.c.
  • Sabothe.
    • Genesys. ij,a. Exody. xvi.e. xx.b. xxiij b. xxxi.c.d. xxxiiij.c. xxxv.a. Leuyty. xix a. xxiij.a.c. xxv.a. Numer. xv.d. xxviij.b Deut. v.b.c. Esa. lvi.a.b. lviij.c. lxvi.d Iere. xvij.d.e. Ezec. xx.b. xxij.a. ij. Esdr xiii.c.d. i. Machab. i.e. ij.d.e. ij. Macha xv.a. Math: xij.a.b. Mark. ij.c. iij.a. vi a. Luk iiij.b.c.d. vi.a. xiij.b. xiiij.a. Ioh v.a. vij.b. ix.b. Actuum. xiij.b.c.e. xv.c xviij.a. xx.b. Galat. iiij.a.b. Colloss. ij.c Heb. iiij.a.b.
  • The Saducees deny the resurretty­on of the deade. Mathe. xxij.c. Actuum iiij.a. xxiij.a. Luke. xx.d. Marcke. xij.b.
  • Sacharyas was made kynge in Isra­el. iiij. Regum. xv.b.
  • [Page]Sallum the sonne of Iabes, after that he hadde slayne Zacharye, became kyng in Israel and was also slayne, iiij Regum. xv.b.c.
  • Sallum the sonne of Iosia king in In da, i. Para. iij.b.
  • Salmanazar wente fyrste agaynste Samarya, and caryed Israell wyth theyr kynge Osea in to Assyrya, iiij Regum. xvii.a. Secondarely. xviii.b. i Esd. iiij.a.
  • Salmon the sonne of Nahasson be­gat Boas of Rahab. i. Paralypo. ij.a. Math. i.a.
  • Salome the mother of Iohn and Ia­mēs the sonnes of Zebedee. Marke. xv e, xvi.a. ¶ Seke Zebedee.
  • Salomon the sonne of Dauyd, hys byrth and name is promysed. ij. Regū vii.b. i. Paralypoine. xxiij.b. Is burne and put vnder the hande of Nathan. ij. Regum. v.c. xii.e. Was annoynted kynge ouer Israell. iij. Regum. i.e. God appeareth vnto hym at Gybeon of whome he desyreth wysedome. iij.a.b. ij. Paralypome. i.b. Parteth the two women. iij.c. Of hys offycers glo­rious house kepyng & wysedome. iiij.* [Page] ij. Paralyp. ix.a. Maketh a bonde with Hiram kyng of Tyrus. iij. Regum. v.c Buyldeth the tēple ¶ Seke temple. Ge neth vnto hyram twenty cities. iij. Reg ix.c. To hym commyth the quyene of Saba. x.a. Buyldeth an hye place for Chamos. xi.a. Maketh the Chananites trybutarys. ij. Paralyp. viij.b. was an­noynted kynge the seconde tyme. i. Par xxx.d. iij, Regum, xi.g. Lefte behynde hymhys sonne kyng Rehoboam, xiiij.d
  • Saluacyon and euerla­stynge lyffe.
    • Saluacyon is obtayued thoroughe fayth and the gracyous election of god Esay, xxv,b, Math. xx,c, xxv,c, Mark x.d. John. iij.b.c.e. v.b. xx.d. Actuum. ii [...].b. xvi.d. Roma. i.b. x.a. Ephe. i.b ij.a. i. Thess. v.b. ii. Thess. ij.b. ij. Timo i.b. Titū. i.a. iii.a. i. Petr. i.b. Heb. v.c.
    • Of the Joyfull & gloryous state and condycyon of them that be saued. iiii Esdie. ij.f. Sapyen. iij.b. v.a. Esay. xxv b. xxx.e. xlix.c. lx.* lxiiij.a. Jeremy. xxxi a.b.c, Danie, xij.a. Math. xiij.c. xix.d xxv* Marke. xij.c. Luke. ix.d. xvi.c xxij.b. Iohn. xvi.c. xvii.a. Roma. viij. d [Page] i. Cor. ij.a. xv.e. ij. Cor. xii.a. ii. Tymo, iiii.b. i. Petr. i.a.b. v.a. Hebr. x.d. xiii.d Iac. i.b. Apoc. ii* iij* xxi.a.b. xxij* ¶ Seke heauen.
  • Samaria afterwardes a heade citie af the tenn tribes of Israell was buyl­ded. iij. Regum. xvi.c. was beseged of the Syryans. xx.a. Agayne beseged of the Syryans. iiij. Regum vi.f. Was be seged of the kynge of Assyryaus vnto the thyrde yeare wonne and caryed a­way. xvij.a.
  • Against Samaria is prophecied. Esai viij.a.b. ix.c. Ezechie. xxiij* Rose. viij* xiij* Amos. iii.c. Mich. i.b.
  • Samarya woulde not receyue the worde of God Luke. ix.f. Receyued the worde of God. Acto. viij.a.
  • The Samarytayne sheweth pitie vpō the wounded man. Luk. x.d
  • The woman of Samarya commo­neth wyth Chryste by the wells syde. Iohn. iiij.a.
  • Samgar a Iudge in Israel smyteth syx hundreth Phylystyans. Iudycum iii.d.
  • Samuell was borne. i. Regum. i.c Was brought to the Lord in Sylot. i.d
  • [Page]Was called. iii.a.b. Calleth the people to Mytzpa and prayeth for them. vii a.b. Maketh hys sonnes Iudges, viii.a Declareth hys innocencye. xij.a. Kyl­leth Agag. xv.g. dyeth. xxv.a.
  • Saneballat the lyeutenaunte of Samarya. Hyndreth the buyldynge of the Temple. ii. Esdre. iiii.a. vi.*.
  • Sanheryb kynge of Assyryans wente agaynste the cytyes of Iuda and ouer­came them. iiii. Regum. xviii.c. ii. Para xxxij.a. Blasphemeth God Esay. xxxvi* Was destroyed. iiii. Regum. xix.g Esay. xxxvii.f. Accordynge to the wor­de. x.e. xxxi.b. xxxiii.a. xxxvi.*.
  • Sanctuary of the Ie­wes.
    • The Sanctuary and all the prepa­racyon of the Mosaycall Goddes ser­uyce is made. Exody. xxxvi.*. xxxvii*. xxxviii.a.b.c. Accordynge to the commaundemente of God. Exody. xxv* xxvi.*. xxvii.*. Is reared vp. xl.*. Was sanctyfyed. Leuytycū. viii.b.
  • Saphyra lyeth the holy gooste, Actuū v.a.b.
  • [Page]Sara the daughter of Raguell was maryed vnto Tobye. Tobye. vij.b.c.
  • Saray the wyfe of Abraham. Genes. xi.d. Was called Sarah. xxiii.c. Was carryed to Adymelech. xx.a. Dyed. xxiii.a.
  • Sarrezer ¶ Seke Adramelech.
  • Saull borne of the trybe of Benia­myn seketh the Asses. i. Regum. ix.a Was of Samuell annoynted kynge ouer Israell. x.a. xi.d. Actuum. xiii.b Accordynge to the commaundemente. i. Regum. ix.c. Smytteth the Ammo­nytes. xi.c. Offereth burnte offerynges xiii.b. Was dysobedyente to the voyce of God. xv.a.b. Was thruste oute of the kyngdome, xiii.c. xv.e.f. xxviii.d Was possessed of an yuell spyret. xvi c. xviii.c. xix.b. Persecuteth Dauyd xviii.c.*. xix.b.*. xxiii.b.c. Kylleth the pryestes. of the Lorde. xxij.c. Sea­keth councell by the deade. xxviii.b killed hym selffe. xxxi.a. Was buryed. xxxi.c. Hys sonnes are hanged. ii. Regū xxi.b.
  • Saule kepeth the clothes. Actuū vij.g ¶ Seke paule.
  • [Page]Sceua the hye pryeste hys sonnes con­iured the diuels Act. xix. v.
  • Serpent.
    • The Brasen serpēt was erected. Num xxi.b. Was taken away and called Nehustan. iiii. Regum. xviii.a. what it did sygnyfye, Iohn, iij.b.
  • Schlumyell a Capytayne of the Sy­meonytes. Num. ia.
  • Scrypture of Goddes Worde.
    • Of the begynnynge, credence, and v­se of holy scrypture, Exo, xvij,d. xxxiiij d. Deut, iiij.a. xvij,d. xxxi,b.c. Iosu, i.b Esay. viii d. xxx.b. Ieremy, xxx,a. xxxvi a. Mathe. iiij.a. v.b. xxij.c. Luke. iiij.a.b xvi.d. Iohn. v.d. x.d. xx.d. Actuum. xv a. xvij.b. Roma. i.a. iiij.d. v.d. xv.a. i Corynth. ix.b. x.b. xv.b. ii. Thessal. ii.b ij. Tymo. iij.b. ij. Petry. i.c.d. iij.a. Heb iiij.a. Apoc. i.d.
  • Sealthyell the sonne of Iechonyas. i Paralypo, iii.c. Is called Sealthyell. Math. i.b.
  • Seba and Dreb were slayne, Iudy vij.g.
  • [Page]Sebath and Zalmuna both kinges of the Mydyanytes. Iudy. viij.b.
  • Seba the rebell was headed. ij, Regū xx.d.
  • Seben a ¶ Seke Sobna.
  • Sebull became debytye of Sychem. Iud, ix,e,f.
  • Sedytyon Insurrectyon and rebellyon and theyre punyshemente.
    • Numery, xvi,f,g, xx,a. Iud. ix,d.e,f xij,a,b. ij, Regum, xx* iij, Regum, i,a i, Hester, ii,d. Actuum, v,e. xix,c, xxiij b,c.
  • Sellyng ¶ Seke Byeng.
  • Semaya the prophet was sent to Rehoboam. iii. Regum, xij,d, ij, Paralip, xi a. xij,a,b.
  • Semeas the false prophet was puny­shed. Iere. xxix,e.
  • Serah goeth forth with a great hosta­gainst. Judā. ij. Para. xiiij,c.
  • Sergyus Paulus desyreth of Paule to heare ye word of god. Act. xiii.a.
  • Seruauntes & Maidens. [Page]
    • Genes. xvi.a.b. xxiiij.*, xxx,d, xxxi,a. xxxix,a.b, Exod, xxi,a,b, iiij, Regum, v,d,e, Eccli, x,d, xxv,b, Prouerb x.d, xiiii d, xvij,a, xix,b, xxix,c, Luk, xij,d,e, i Cor vij,c. Ephe, vi,a. Colloss, iij.c, i, Timot vi,a. Titū, ij,b, i, Petr, ij,c.
  • Sichem the sonne of Hemor defyleth dyna, Gene, xxxiiij,a, Was punyshyd, xxxiiij,d.
  • Sichem was destroied, Iud, ix,f. was builded againe, iij, Reg, xij,d, Is called Sichar, Iohn, iiij,a.
  • Sightes ¶ Seke this word apperings
  • Signes,
    • Wonderfull signes are done to ye in­tēt that therby the almightines Veritie Righteousnes & goodnes and bounti­fulnes of god maye be knowne, Exody iiij,a,b, vij,c. xvi.c. Iosue. iij.c.d. iij. Regum. xiij.a. xvij.c. xviij,e, xx,b,e, iiij Reg, v,d, xx,b, Math, viij,c, ix, a, xiiij,d,
    • Of true signes or tokens of assuraūce Gen, xiiij,b,c, xxiiij,b,c, Exo, xxxi,c Ios ij,c, i, Reg, ij,g, x,a, ij, Reg, v,d, iiij, Reg xix,f, Esa, xxxviij,b, Tob, v,a, Luk, ij,b
    • Of tokens of remembraunce. Exody. xij,a,b, Numery, xv,d, xvi,e,f, xvij,b,d, Josue, iiij,a,b.
  • [Page]Sihon kinge of the Amorites woulde not suffer Israel to go through his coū ­tre. Num, xxi,c, Deu, ii,e,f, Was smit­ten and ouercome. Num. xxi.d.
  • Silas was sent wt Paul to Antiochia Act. xv.c. Goeth wyth Paule, xv,e, xvi*, Abideth at Philippis, xvij,c, Cometh to Corenth, ij, Corinth, i,c.
  • Sikenes.
    • Bodely Siknes ts often times a puni­shement for synne, Exody, xv,d, Leuyt xxvi,b, Numer, xij,*, Deut, vij,c, xxviij c,f,g, ij, Regum, xxiiij,c, iiij, Regum, v,e ij, Paral, xxi,d, Iohn, v,b.
    • The sycke ought we to viset, and to comforte, Gen. xlviii.a. iiii. Reg, viij,d xiij,c, iiij, Esdre, ij,c, Eccli, vij,d, xxxviij b, Iob, ij,c, Psalm, xl,a, Eccles, vii,a, Mathe, xxv,c,d, Iohn, xi,a, xij,c, ij, Corynth, i,a.
    • Howe the sycke haue behaued them selues in theyr syckenes and departing oute of thys lyfe, Genesys, xlix,*, l,d, Deuter, xxxi,a,b, Iosue, xxiij,*, i, Regū xij,*, iii, Regum, ij,a,b, ij, Paraly, xxxij e, Toby, iiij,*, Esay, xxxviij,a, i, Mach ij,f,g,
  • [Page]Sylo At Sylo was the Arke of ye Lor­de. Iosue. xviij.a. Iud. xviij.g. xx.c. i Regum, i,a, iiij,a. At Sylo was kepte a day of all Israell because of the Rube­nytes. Iosue, xxij,c,
  • Sylo was destroyed, i, Regum, iiij,* Iere. vij.b. xxvi,a.
  • Syluanus a Byshoppe of Corynth. ij Corynth. i.c.
  • Symey curseth kynge Dauyd. ij Regum, xvi,b,c, Fyndeth fauoure at ye hande of Dauyd, xix,c, Was slayne at the cōmaundement of Dauid, in, Regū ij,b,d.
  • Symeon was borne, Genesys, xxix f, He killeth wyth the helpe of Leuy the Sychemptes. xxxiiij,d. Wherfore they were reproued of theyr father. xlix.a Was lefte for a pledge in Egypte. xlij,c.
  • Symeon taketh Christe in his armes Luk, ij,d,e.
  • Symon of Bethania lodgeth the Lor­de. Mathe, xxvi,a, Marke, xiiij,a. Luke vij.d, Iohn, xij,a.
  • Symon a forcerer was a cursed. Act viij.a.b,c.
  • Symon the brother of Iudas Ma­chabeus [Page] was made capitaine of the Iewes. i, Machabe, xiii,a, xiiij,a,b, Was slayne wyth hys two sonnes, xvi,c, Reade, i, Machab, ij,g. v,b,c, x,g. ij, Mach, xiiij,c.
  • Symon the Beuiamyte betrayed the treasure of the temple, ij, Machabe. iij,a, iiij,a.
  • Symon of Syren beareth the Crosse after Christ. Mathe, xxvij,d, Mark, xv c, Luk, xxiij,c.
  • Simry with ye Moabites was killed Num. xxv,b,c.
  • Simry the king of Israel burned him selfe, iij, Regum, xvi,a,b.
  • Samson was borne, Iudicum, xiij,b Accordynge to the promise, xiij,a, Ma­ryeth at Thamnath & teareth a Lyon, xiiij,a,b. Dexeth the Philystyans, xv,ab. Was destroyed, xvi,g.
  • The Sephyters betraed kyng Dauid i, Reg, xxiii,d, xxvi,a.
  • Syphra and Pua two godlye Myd­wyues, Exod, i,c.
  • Syrpa ruleth ouer Israell, Iud, iii,ab. Was smytten and subdued vnto Dauyd, ii, Regum, viij,a,b,c, Helpeth the Ammonytes against Dauid. x,b. They [Page] are smiten in the flyghie, x,c,b, They go forth against Israel. in, Regum, xx,a They are swytten, xx,c, They go forth against Israell, xx,d, They are smitten xx,e, They syghte agaynste Israell, iiij Regum, vi,b, They are smytten wyth blyndnes and caryed to Samarya, vi d,e, They go forth agaynste Israell. vi,t. They flee beynge feared of God vij.b. They go forth agaynste Israell xiij,a,b, They come vnder the hande of Assur, iiij Regum, xvi,b, Agaynste Sy­rya is prophecyed, Esay, xvij.a. Ierem xlix,d, Amos, i,a.
  • Sysake the kynge of Egypte carry­eth awaye the treasures of the temple and of the kynge. iii, Regum, xiiij,e, ij Par, xij.b.
  • Sissera a general captaine of Iabius hoost. Iud, iiii,a. Was destroyed, iiii,d.
  • Slothfullnes ¶ Seke Idelnes.
  • So a kinge in Egipte. iiij, Reg, xvij,a
  • Sobna ye traitour was deposed from hys offyce, Esay, xxij,c. Is called Seke na. iiij. Reg. xviij.c.
  • Sodome and Gomorrhe are assual­ted, Genesys, iiij,a, They are subuer­ted, xix,e. According to ye worde, xviij,c
  • [Page]The cause, Ezech, xvi,e.
  • Sorobabell the sonne of Salathiell ij, Esdre, xij,a. Mathe, i,b. Luke, iij,d Renueth the temple of the Lorde, i. Esd iij.*. iij. Esdre. v.e. Eccli. xlix.b.c. Is called Berechias. ij. Esd. vi.d. This be­gat Abiud. Math. i.b.
  • Sorowing ¶ Seke Carefulnes.
  • Sosipater a faythfull companion of Paule, Actuū, xx.a.
  • Softhenes the chefe ruler of the sina­goge was slaine. Act. xviij.b.
  • Spyryte of God or holy Ghooste.
    • The spyryte of God is promysed Esay, xliiij.a. Ezech. xi.b. xxxvi.e. xxxix e. Iohell. ij.f. Mathe. iii.b. Iohn. vij.d xiiii.b,c. xv.c. xvi.a. Is sent. Actuum, ii.a.
    • The spyryte of God teachet and assu­reth the hartes. Exody. iiij.c. Psalm. xxxi.b. Esay. liiij.c. Mathe. x.c. Marke xiij.b. Luke. xii.b. xxi.b. Iohn. vi.e. xiiij a.c. xv.b. xvi.b.c. Roma. viij.b.d. ij. Corynthy. i.c. v.a. Ephes. i.b. iiij.c. i. Iohn. ij.d.
    • The Spirites must be proued wether [Page] they be of God or not. Iudyth. viij,e i,Corynth, xiiij,d. i, Thess, v,c, i. Iohn, iiii.a.
  • Stephanus was chosen, Actuum, vi,a, Was accused, vi.b, Answered, vii,* Was stoned, vii,g.
  • Straungers.
    • To straungers oughte we to do good Gene. xviij.a. Exod. xxij.d. xxiij.a. Leuy xix,g. xxiij.d, Num, xv,b. Deu, x,d. xiiij c, xxiiij,c,d, xxvi,c. Ezech, xxij,d, xlvij,d Zach. vij,b.
    • Straungers and pylgrymes are we in thys worlde, Genesys, xv,c, xlvij.b i, Paraly, xxx,c. Psal, xxxviij, Cxvii,cg, ij, Corynth, v, ii. Phi, iij,c. i, Petr, ij,b Heb, xi,c.
  • Stedfastnes boldnes and hardynes of the fayth­full.
    • i, Regum. xiii,c, xvij,d,*. ij. Regum, xij.b. iii. Regum, xviij.a.b. iiij. Regum, iij.c. Sap. v.a. Iudyth. xiii.a.b. i. Mach i,f. ij, Mach. vi.b,c.d. vij.*, iij. Macha f, Dan. iij,c, Math. xiiij.a. Act. iiij.a.b. i Thess. i.b,
  • [Page]Subiectes.
    • Of the offyce and dewtye of the sub­iectes and the common people towar­des theyr superioures and magystrates Exod. x.f. xxij.d. Num. xvi* Ios, i.c. ij Esdre. v.c. Baruch. i.c. Prouerb. xiii.b xx.a. xxiiij.c. xxv.a. Eccles. viij.a. x.c. Iere, xxix,b. Math. xvij.d. xxij.b.c. Luk xx.c. Rom. xiij.a. i. Thess. v.b. i. Tymo, ij.a. Titum. iij.a. i. Petr. ij.b. Heb. xiij.c Iude. i.b.
  • Suchoth because they denyed vyctu­all to Gideon, were sore punished. Iud viij.b.c.d.
  • The Sunamytes by purchase of E­lisa beareth a sonne. iiij. Regum. iiij.b.
  • Superfluytee: ¶ Seke drounkenes.
  • Supper of Christe.
    • Of the Instytutiō, vse and signyfica­tion of the supper of Christ. Math. xxvi c. Mark. xiiij.c. Luk. xxij.b. Iohn. vi.d*. Actuum. ij.e. i. Corinth. x.b.c. xi.c.
  • Sonne and Monne are made. Genes i.b. Stode still. Iosu. x.c. The shadowe of the sonne goeth backeward. iiij. Reg xx.b. Esa. xxxviij.b. Loseth her shining Math. xxvij.e. Mark, xv.d. Luk. xxiij.d
  • [Page]Swearyuge ¶ Seke Othees.
  • Synne.
    • Of the begynnyng and of springe of synne. Gen. ij.c. iij.a.b.c. Rom. v.b. xiiij c. i. Corint. xv.c.
    • Synne is annexed to all men by na­turall bearth. Genesys. vi.b. Iob. xiiij a. xv.b. Psalm. xiii.a. l.a. Cxv.a. Proue xxii.b. Esay. xliii.d. liii.d. lxiiii.a. Rom iij.*. v.a. ¶ Seke Ryghteousnes.
    • God can onlye remytt synne. Exody xxxiiij.a. Psalm. xviii.b. xxxi.a. Cij.b. Esaye. xliij.b. xliiii.d. liij.*. Ieremye. xxxi.f. xxxiij.b. Mich. vii.c. Math. ix.a Mark. ij.a. Luk. v.c. vij.c.
    • Synne is forgyuen and remitted thoroughe Chryste. Esaye liij.*. Dany ix.d. Mathe. i.c. ix.a. xi.e. xx.d. xxvi c. Marke. ij.a. Luke. xxiiij.d. Ioannes. i.c. Actuum. iiii.a. x.d.e. xiii.d. Romanor iiii.d. v.a. i. Corynthy. vi.b. xv.a. ii. Corynth. v.c. Gallat. i.a. Colloss. i.b. ij.b. i. Tymothe. i.c. Tytum. ij.b. i. Pet. i.c. ii.c. iii.c. iiij.a. i. Iohn. i.b ii.b. iii.a. Hebres. i.a. ix.b.c. Apocalyp i.a.
    • Of the sinne in the holy ghoost. Math [Page] xii.c. Marke. iii.b. Luke. xi.b. xij.a. i, Iohn. v.c. Hebr. vi.a.
    • Of synnes whyche crye to God for vengeaunce. Genesys. iiii.b. xviii,c. Exody. xxii.c.d. Eccli. xxxv.b. Iacob v.a.
    • Sinnes committed againste vs ought we to remit ¶ Seke Forgyuynge.
    • For the sinne of one or of a fewe, are manye punyshed and plaged. Genesys iii.*. Numery. xvi.c. Iosu. vii.a. Iudic. xix.f. ii. Reg. xxiiij.*.
  • Takynge ¶ Seke Pledges.
  • Tearynge of Clothes.
    • Genesys. xxxvij.e.f. xliiii.b Iosue. vij.a Iud. xi.f. i, Regum. iiii.c. ii. Regum. xiij d. i. Hester. iiii.a. i. Mach. ij.a. iij.f. iiij.e Esay. xxxvij.f. Iohell. ij.c.
    • We oughte to Clothe the naked. iiij. Regum. ij.c. Esay. lviii.b. Math. xxv.c Actuum. ix.f.
    • Agaynste the excesse af apparell. Gen iii.d. Eccli. xi.a. Act. xij.d.
  • Temple.
    • When, howe longe, and in whatt [Page] maner ye temple was buylded. iij. Reg vi*. vij.*. ij. Paralip. iij.*. iiij.*. Pro­myse of the buyldynge. ij, Regum. vij.c. Was buylded by ye helpe of the gentiles. iij. Regum, v.*. Was sauctyfyed iij. Regum. viij.*. ij. Paral. vij. v. Was vnhalowed through Ahas. ij. Paralyp xxviij.d. Was halowed agayn through Ezechyas. xxix.*. Was vnhalowed & halowed agayne thoroughe Manasse. xxxiij.b.c. Was brent. iiij. Regum. xxv.b. Accordynge to that whyche was a­forsayde. ij. Paralyp. vij.d. Was buyl­ded agayne. i. Esde. i.*. iij.*. iiij.* v.*. vi.a.b. Was spoyled and burned. i. Mach. i.c.d. Was vnhalowed. i.e.f. Was puryfyed and halowed. iiij.d.* ij. Machab. x.a. Was destroyed euen to the grounde and brent accordynge to that whyche was aforsayde. Mahte. xxiiij.a. Marke. xiii.a. Luke. xix.d. xxi.a Actuum. vij.f. Agaynste the temple is prophecyed. Leuyt. xxvi.e. iij. Regum. ix.b. iiij. Regum. xxi.c. ij. Paralyp. vij.d. Psalm. lxxiij.a. Esay. lxvi.a. Ieremy vij.a.b. xxvi.a.c. Amos. ix.a. Mych. iij.b. Zach. xi.a.
    • Of the spyrytuall temple and house of god. [Page] of god. ij. Regsi. vij.c. Prouer. ix.a. Ag­geus. ij.b. Math. vij.c. xvi.c. Iohn. ij.c. i. Corinth. iij.b. vi.c. ij. Cor. vi.c. Ephe. ij c. i. Timothe. iij.b. i. Petr. ij.a. Hebr. iij. ¶ Seke churche.
  • Temptacion.
    • God ought not to be temptyd. Exod xiiij.c. xvij.a. Deut. vi.c. Iudyth. viij.b. Math. iiij.a. i. Corinth. x.a.
    • God proueth hys electe that he maye preserue them. Genesi. xxij.a. Exod. xv d. xvi.a. xx.c. Deu. viij.a. xiii.a. Iudye. ij.d iij.a. ij. Paralyp. xxxij.f. Iob. i.b. Eccles. iij.b. Esay. xxx.d. Zacha. xiij.b Sap. iij.a. Eccli. ij.a. xxvij.b. Toby. ij.c Romano. v.a. ij. Petr. ij.b. Iacob. i.a.
  • Thertullus the Orator accuseth Paule. Act. xxiiij.a.
  • Thankfullnes.
    • We oughte to be thankfull for the goodnes and benefites shewed vnto vs of God and man, and haue them in re­membraunce, neuer forgettynge them. Gene. iiij.a. viij.d. xiiij.d . xxiij.*. xxiiij.f. xxvi.c. Exod. xv.a. Leuy. xxv.a. Num xv.b. xxxi.h. Deut. iiij.b. vi.b.c. viij.b.c. Iud. v.a. i. Regū. xiiij.e. xxxi.c. ij. Reg [Page] x.a. xix.f. iij. Regum. ij.a. i. Paralyp. xxx.b.c, ij. Paralyp. xv.b. xx.e. i. Hester. vi.*. Eccli. vii.c. xxxii.b. xxxv.a. Tob. ix.a. xij,a.b. i. Mach, iiij.c. v.e. ij. Mach iij.e. Math. xi.e. Marke. v.b. Luk. xviii d. Iohn. xi.e. Roma. vi.b. ii. Corin. vi.a Ephesy. v.b. Phylippen. iiii.a. Colloss ii.a. iij.b. i. Thess. v.c. ii. Thess. i.a. i. Timo, iiij,a.
    • Of vnthankfullnes and the puny­shemente therof: ¶ Seke the Let­ther. D
  • Thabyta was raysed vp from death Actuū. ix.e,f.
  • Thaddeus ¶ Seke Lebbeus.
  • Thalmai king of Gesur. ii. Reg. xiij.g
  • Thamar conceyued of Iuda. Her brother in Lawe. Genesys. xxxviij.d. Bringeth forth Peretz. and Sarah. xxxviii.e. xlvi.b.
  • Thamar was defyleth of Ammon herbrother. ij. Regum. xiij.d.
  • Thamar the daughter of Absalon. ij Regū. xiiij.d.
  • Thara the father of Abraham. Genes xi.d.
  • Thebetz was beseged and wonne. Iudic, ix.g.
  • [Page]Theft or stelynge.
    • Theft is forbidden, transgressed and punyshed, Genesys. xxxi,c. Exody. xx.c. xxi.b. xxij.a. Leuytyc. xix.c. Numery v.a. Deuter. v.c. xxiiii.b. Iosue. vij.a. Toby. ij.d. Prouerby. vi.d. Osee. iiii.a ij, Machab. xij.e. Math. xix.c. Iohn. xij a. i. Corint. vi.b.
  • The woman of Thekoa a Merueylouse wise woman stepte before Daued. ii Regū. xiiii.a.
  • Theudas because his matter was not of God peryshed. Act. v.e.
  • Thibui a kynge in Israell. iii. Regū. xvi.c.
  • Thiglat Philesser went forth against Israell and caried a parte of them into Assyrya. iiii. Regū. xv.f.
  • Thola a Iudge in Israell. Iudic. x.a.
  • Thomas Dydymus woulde go with Christ vnto death. Iohn. xi.b. Was vn­faithfull. xx.c.d.
  • Timotheus was slaine. ii. Mach. x.f.
  • Tymothy was circumcised, & went wyth Paule. Actuum. xvi.a. Was sent of Paule into Macedonya. xix.c.
  • [Page]Tyme.
    • Oportunytye of the tyme muste be vsed in all thynges. Eccli. xx.a. xxxij.a. Prouerb. x.a. Eccles. iij.a. viij.a. Rom xij.b.
  • Tythes and thentes.
    • Of tythes and the vse of them. Gene xiiij.d. xxviij.d. Leuy xxvij.d.e. Nume. xviij.d.e. Deut. xii.a.c.d. xiiij.c. xxvi.c. i. Regum viij.c. ij. Para. xxxi.b. ij. Esdr x.d. Eccli. vij.d. Heb. vij.a.
  • Tytus the gentell, coulde not be suffered of Paule to be cyrcumcysed. Gal. ii.a. Was made Byshop of Cre­ta. Titū. i.a.
  • Tobye a Ryghteouse man. Toby. i.a. Wared blynde. ij.c. Receyued hys syght agayne. xi.c.
  • Tonnges.
    • Of yuel tonges ought we to bewarre Leuy. xix.d. Deut. xxij.c. Iob. v,c. Psal li.a. Cxxxix.a.b. Cxl.a. Prouerb. iiij.c x.c. xi.b. xij.b.c. xv.a. xvi.c.d. xvij.d. xviij*. xx.c. xxi.d. xxvi.c. xxx.a. Eccles v.a. Sapi. i.b. Eccli. v.b. vij.b. ix.c. x.c. xi.a.b. xiiij.a. xix.c. xxij.e. xxiij.b.c. xxv. [Page] xxviij*, xxxij,a.b. i. Corint, xv,d, i, Petr ij,a. Iacob, i,b, iij,a,b, iiij,b.
    • In good trewe, profytable and honest communicacion ought the faythfull to be occupyed. Exody. xxii.d. Eccli, vij,d Psalm, xiiii,*, Prouerb, xiii,a, xxiiij,d xxv,b, xxix,c, Eccles, v,a, Mathe, v,d xij,d, Ephes, iiij,c, v,a, Colloss, iij,a, i, Petr, iij,b.
  • Treason.
    • Of Treason and the punyshement of the same. Gen. xxxvij,e. Iud, i,e, i, Reg xxiij,d, Esay, xxij,c, ii, Machab, iij,a, iiij e, x,d, xiii,d, Math, xxvi,b,e.
  • Triumphe ¶ Seke victorye.
  • Trust ¶ Seke hope.
  • Triphon a souldiour af Alexandry, i
  • Machab. xi,e. Betrayed Iudas, xij,e,f
  • Was periured an Simon. xiii.b,c. Murthered Antyochus the sonne of Alexander. xiii.d.
  • Vasthy despyseth the kynges wordes whrefore she was deuorced from hym i. Hest. i,b,c.
  • Vengeaunce. [Page]
    • The vengeaunce and recompensing is the Lordes and hys mynysters the higher powres, wherefore she is forbidden to all men. Genesys. xv.c. Leuytye xix.d. Deuteron. xxxij,e. Eccli. xxviij.a Iudyth, viij,d, Psalm. vij.a. ix.b. xciij.a Prouerby. xvij.b. xx.c. xxiiij.d. xxviij.d Esaye. xliiij.b. xlviij,d, xlix.b. liiij.a Ezeche. xxv.b.c. Nahum. i.a. Mathe. v e. Luke . ix.f. xviij.a. Roma. xii.c. Galla v.b. Ephes. iiij.a. i. Thess. iiij.b. v.b. ij Tymo. iiij.b. i. Pet. iij.b. Heb. x.d. ¶ Seke Forgyuyng.
  • Vyctorye and tryunphe.
    • All vyctorye commeth, onlye from God. Genesys. xiiij,d. Exody. xvij.c. Deuter. vij.d. Iosue. xi.b. Iudycum. vij a. i. Regum xiiij.a. xvij.f. ij. Parali. xiiij c. xvi.b. xxiiij.e. xxv b. Psalm. Cxvij.b. Prouer. xxi.d. Iudith. ix.c. iiij, Esd, i.c.
    • Fewe obtaine the victorye agaynste many, Gene, xiiij,c, Iud, vij,a,b, Iosue xi,a,b, i, Reg, xiiij,a,b, ij, Par, xiij,c, xiiij c,d, xxiiij,e, i, Machab, iij,b,c.
    • After the vyctorye obtayned is Ioy and tryumphe kepte. Numery, xxi,b. Iudycum, xi,f, i, Regum, xviij,b, ij, [Page] Machab, iij,a.
  • Vilenes ¶ Seke humilitye and Free will.
  • Visions ¶ Seke oppearinges
  • The vngodlye.
    • The thoughtes, or Imaginacions, of words, and workes, of the vngodlye a­gainst the ryghteouse, Sap, ij* Psal, ix d,e, x* xi* xiij* Prouer, iiij,b.
    • The prosperytee and welfare of the vngodlye causeth the faythfull to mer­uayle, Iob, xxi,a.b, Psalm, lxxij.a. Eccles, vij.c. Ierem, xii,a, Abakuk. i,c.
    • Vpon the wyched or vngodlye co­meth the myscheyfe and destruccyon whyche he prepared for the ryghteous i, Regum, xvij,f, xxxi,b, i, Hester, vij,b. Psalm, vij,b, ix,c, xxxiiij,b, xxxvi,b, Prouerby. xxvi.c. Eccles. x.a. Isaye, xxxiij,a, Ieremye, xlviij, Dany. iij,d, vi e. Eccli. xxvij.e. Iudyth. xiij.a. Beell. g Apoc. xviij.b.
    • Vnto the vngodlye happeneth that which he feareth Iob. vi.b. Prouer. i.c x.c. Esay. lxvi.a.
    • Of the sodayne punyshement and de­structyon whyche shall fall vpon the [Page] wycked and vngodlye. Gene. vij,d, xiiij c, xix,e, xxxiiii,d. Exod, xiiij,f, Leuit. x,a Numer, xi,g. xvi,e. Iosue, x,b, xi,b, Iud iiij,d, vij,d.e,f, viij,c. xvi.g. i. Regum, xxx,d, ij, Regum, xiij, l, iij, Regum, xvi,a i,f, xx,b,c, Iob, iiij,a. v,a, viij,b, xv,c, xviij* xx* xxvii,b,c, xxxvi,b, Psalm, ib, xxxvi* Prouerb, i,c, vi,b, x,c, xij,a Esay, v,c, xlvij,b, Ieremy, xv,b, Dany v,e, i, Machab, ij,g, iiij,a, Mathe, xxiiij d, Luk, xij,b,e, xvi,c,d, xvij,c,d, i, Thess v,a.
  • Vowes.
    • Gene. xxviij,d, Leuit, xxvij,a, Numer vi* xxi,a, xxx* Deut, xxiij.d, i, Regum i,b, ij, Regum, xv,b, i, Paralyp, iiij,a,b Psalm, lxxv,b, Eccles, v,a, Baruch, vi e, Actu, xviij,b, xxi,c.
    • Of vngodly vowes. Iud, xi,f, i Regū xxv,d,e,f, Math, xiiij,a, Actuum, xxiij,b
  • Vses ¶ Seke Customes.
  • Vnmercifullnes ¶ Seke Mercyfull­nes.
  • Vnthankfullnes and the punyshemente therof.
    • Gene. xxxi,a, xl,b,c, Exody, i.b, Deut [Page] xxxij, a,b,c, Iud, ij,a, vi,b, viii,g, xij,a, i Regū, x,a,d, xij,b, xxv,a,b, ij, Regū, xiiij e, ij, Para, xxiiij,d, Prouerb, xvij.b. Esa i,a, v,a, Ieremy, ij,a, Ezech, xvi* Ose. x,a, xiij,a,b, Myche, vi,a, Sapi, xvi,e, i Mach, xvi,b,c, Math, xi.d, Luk, xvij,b Iohn, xi,c, Rom, i,c, ij, Timo, iij,a.
  • Vrias receyueth the letter of Dauid ij, Reg, xi,c.
  • Vrias prophecyeth againste Ierusalē wherfore Iehoakim caused hym to be putt o death, Iere, xxvi,e.
  • Vrias Ahabs prieste buildeth the aul­ter, iiij, Reg, xvi,b,c, Esa, xvij,c.
  • Vryell a pryncipall Angell of God, iiij, Esd, iiij,a, v,c.
  • Vsa touched the arke of God and dy­ed, ij, Reg, vi,b, i, Para. xiiij,b.
  • Vsia a kynge in Inda fought agaynst ye Phylistians, in censing became lepe­rous, and Died. ij, Par, xxvi,c.d. Is called Asarias, iiij, Regum, xv,a, And Ose as, Math, i,b.
  • Vsury and superfluitye.
    • Exod, xxij,c, Leuyt, xxv,f, Deut, xv.a xxiij,c, ij, Esd, v,a,b, Psal, xiiij,a, Prou xx [...],b, xxviij,b, Ieremye, xv,b, Ezeche. [Page] xviij.a.b. xxij.b. Luk. vi.d. xix.a.
  • Warning ¶ Seke Correction.
  • Warres
    • Warres are the punishement of sinne Leuy. xxvi.d. Deut. xxviij.d.e.f. Iudy ij.c.d. iij.a.b. iiij.a. vi.a. x.b. xiij.a Esay v.d. Iere. v.c.
    • Howe the faythfull haue kepte thē selfes in tyme of warre. Exody. xvij.c.d. i. Regum. xvij.c.*. ij. Paralypo. xij a.b. xiiij.c.d. xviij.*. xx.a. xxxij.a.b. Iudyth. viij.b.*. i. Machabeor. iij.b.c. iiij.a.b. vij.e.f. ii. Machabeor. viij.c.d.
    • For what cause and occasyon the faythfull haue begonne warres. Genes xiiij.c. Iudyc. xix.g. xx.*. Iosue. x.a.b. i Reg. xxx.a.b.
    • God fyghteth alwayes for hys and teachet them also to fyghte. Exody xiiij.c. Deuteron. i.e. iij.d. i. Regum. xvij,d. ij, Paralypo. xx.c. Psalm. xvij.d. Cxliij.a. Esaye. xxx.c. ¶ Seke vyc­torye.
    • Against the vngodlye warres. Proue i.a. ¶ Seke Murther.
  • [Page]Wattchynge.
    • We oughte allwayes to Wattche and to loke for the commynge of the Lorde. Mathe. xxiiii.d. xxv.a. xxvi.d. Marke. xiij.d. Luke . xij.d. xxi.d. Roma xiii.b. Ephe. vi.c. Colloss. iiij.a. i. Thess v.a. i. Petr. iiij.b. v.b. Apocalyps. iij.a. xvi.c.
  • Witnes.
    • Of trewe and false wytnesse. Exod xx.c. xxiij.a. Numery. xxxv.e. Deuter. v.c. xvii.b. xix.c.d. iij. Regū. xxi.b. Psal xxvi.c. xxxiiij.b. Prouer. vi.b. xiiij.a. xix a.b. xxi.d. xxiiij.d. xxv.c. Sus. e.*. Math xviij.b. xix.c. xxvi.f. xxviij.b.c. Marke x.b. Act. vi.b. ij. Cor. xiij.a. i. Timot. v.c Heb. x.c. ¶ Seke lyeng.
  • Wedloke: ¶ Seke Matrimonye.
  • Wyttche crafte.
    • Exody. vii.b. viii.d. xxii.c. Leuytyc. xix g. xx.a.d. Numery. xxiij.d. Deute. xviij b. i. Regum. xxviij.*. iiij. Regum. xvii.c xxi.a. Iob. iij.a. Esaye. ii.b. xliiij.e. xlvij c. Ieremye. x.a. Danyel. ii.a.b. Mych v.c. Mathe. iij.a. Eccli. xxxiiij.a. Actuū. viij.a. xiij.a. xvi.c. xix.b. Gal. v.c. Apoc xviij.f. xxi.b.
  • [Page]Wyues.
    • Of the offyce and dutye of the wyffe towardes the husband. Genes. ij.d. iij.c Numery. xxx.b.c. Deut. xxij.a. i. Hester i.b.* Tob. x.c. Prouer. xi.c. xij.a. Esa. iij.c.d. i. Cor. vij* xi.a.b. xiiij.e. Ephes v.c. Colloss. iij.c. i. Timo. ij.b. iij.b. v. ab. Titū. ij.a. i. Pet. iij.a.
  • Wisdome
    • Of the begining and propertie praise and commodytye of godlye wysdome. Deut. iiij.a. xxix.b. Iob. xxviij.b.c. xxxij b. Psalm. xviij.a. ij* iij* iiij* v* vi* viij* ix.a. xxiiij.a.b. Eccles. vij.b. ix.b Ieremy. viij.b. Sapi. vi.a. vij.a.b. ix* x* Eccli. i.* iiij.b.c. xix.c. xxi.b.c. xxiiij* xxxix.a. Luk. xxi.b. Rom. xi.d. i. Cor. i.c.d. ij.a.b. iij.c. Col. ij.a. Iac. i.a. iij.c.
    • Of mans wisdome. Exod. i.b. Proue iij.a. xiiij.b. Eccles. i.c. Esay. v.c. xxv.c Iere. li.c. Mathe. xi.e. Roma. i.c. xij.c. i Cor. i.c. iij.c. Iaco. iij.c.
  • Wyll
    • We must referre owre wyll to the wyll of God. i. Regum. iij.d. ij. Regum x.c. xv.e. i. Machabe. iij.g. Mathe. vi. b [Page] xxvi.d. Mark. xiiij.d. Luk. xxij.c. Actuū xviij.c. xxi.b. Hebr. vi.a. Iac. iiij.b. ¶ Seke forsakynge and leauynge.
    • The wyll and intent counteth God for the dede. Genes. xx.a.b.c. ij. Regum xi.c. xij.b. iij. Reg. xxi.c. ¶ Seke harte.
  • Wydowes.
    • To the widowes ought we to good Exody. xxij.c. Deuter. xvi.c. xxiiij.c.d. xxvi.c. xxvij.c. ij. Esdre. ij.c. Eccli. iiij.b Iudith. xvi.d. Iob. xxiiij.a. xxxi.b. Esay i.c. Ieremy. xxij.a. Zach. vij.b. Malach iii.a. Mathe. xxiij.b. i. Timothe. v.a.b Iacob. i.c.
  • Worde of God.
    • The worde of God ought we alwais to haue before our eyes. Deut. iiij.a. vi.b.c. xi.c. Nume. xv.d. Psalm. i.a. Prou iij.a. iiij.a.c. vi.c. vij.a.
    • Frō the word of God ought we not to shrynke. Deuter. iiij.a. v.d. xvij.c.d xxviij.b. Iosue. i.b. xxiij.b. Prouer. iiij.c Esay. xxx.c.
    • The worde of God must not only be hearde and spoken, but also wyth harte beleuid and kepte. Deuter. v.a.d. vi.a xxxi.c. Esay. xxix.c. Ezech. xxxiij.f. Mat [Page] v.c. vij.c. xv.a. xxviij.c. Luke. vi.c. xi.c. xii.c. Iohn. xiij.b. Heb. iiij.a. Iac. i.c.
    • Of the despysynge of godes worde and the punyshemente of the same. iii. Regum, xiii.a. iiij. Regum. xvii.c.d. ii Paralyp. xxx.b.c. xxxvi.c. Prouerb. i. bc. xxviij.b. Esay. xxviii.c. xxx.b.e. lxv.b lxvja. Ieremye. ij.b. v.c.d. vij.b. xvi.b. xix.* xxv.a. Ezech. xxxiij.f. Mathe. x.b xi,d. xx.a. Luk. x.b. Actuū. xiii.e. xviij.a Roma. i.c.d. ij. Thess. ij.b. Hebreor. ij.a. ¶ Seke Obedyence.
    • To the worde of God oughte nothing to be added nor ought to be taken from. Deut. iiij.a. xij.d. xxviij.b. Proue. xxx.a Gal. iij.c. Apoc. xxij.d.
    • The worde of god endureth for euer Numery. xxiii.c. Tobye. xiiij.b. Psalm. xxxij.b. Cxvi.a. Cxviij.m. Esa. xl.a. xli.b. li,b. liiij.b. Math. v.b. xxiiii.c. Mark xiij.d. Luk, xvi,c. xxi.d. i. Pet. i.d.
  • Wrathe.
    • Of wrath and what yuell therof enseuth. Genesys. iiij.a. Iob. v.a. Prouer xij.c. xiiij.d. xv.c. xvij.d. xix.b. xxvij.a. xxix.c. Eccles. vii.c. Eccli. xxv.c. xxviij a.b. xxx.c. Mathe. v.c. Luk. iiij.d. Gall [Page] v.c. Ephes. iiij.c. Colloss. iij.a. Tytum i.b. Iacob. i.b.
  • The furyous and wylfull oughte we to flee. Genesis. xxvij.g. Iosue. ij.c. Prouer. xxij.d. xxix.c. Esay. iij.a. Eccli viij.c. Math. ij.c.
  • Zacharyas the sonne of Ieroboam be came kynge in Israell. iiii. Regum xiiij.e. xv.b.
  • Zacharye the sonne of Ioiada or Barachye was stoned. ij. Para. xxiiij.d Math. xxiij.e.
  • Zacharie the father of Iohn the Bap­tist. Luk. i.a.
  • Zacharye prophecyed in the tyme of Darius. Zacha. i.a.
  • Zacheus lodgeth Chryste our Lorde Luk. xix.a.
  • Zadocke the sonne of Abiathar beca­me hir priest. iij. Reg. ij.f.
  • Zalmuna and Seba the kynges of the Medyanytes are taken. Iudycum viij.b.c.d.e.
  • Zeale ¶ Seke Augre.
  • Zebedeus the father of Iames and Iohn .Mathe. iiij.c. Bys wyffe Salome [Page] prayeth for her sonnes vnto the Lorde xx.c.
  • Zedechyas a false prophet of Ahab iii. Regū. xxij.b. ij. Paral. xviii.b. Was burned. Iere. xxix.d.
  • Zolaphrades daughters requyre the inherytaunce. Numery. xxvij.a. xxxvi.a Iosue xv.d. xvij.a.
  • Zeruya the daughter of Isay and sy­ster to Dauid she bare Abisa. Ioab and Asahell. ij, Reg. ij,c, 1, Par. ij.a.
  • Ziba the seruaunt of Saul was ordei­ned to be ouer fear to Mephiboseth. ij. Regum ix,c, To hym was gyuen all ye goodes of hys Lorde, xvi,a. Goeth forth against king Dauyd. xix,d.
  • Zidekia the brother of Iehoiakin was made king in Iuda. iiij, Regum. xxiiij.d Ieremy, xxxvii,a. Flied was taken and caried to Babell. iiii. Reg, xxv.a. Iere xxxix.a.b. lij.a. Accordynge as it was sayde vnto hym before, Ierem. xxvij.b. xxxvij.c. Ezech, xij.a.b.c. xvij.c. xxi.c.d xxxij,a.
  • Zygklag was geuen to kynge Da­uyd. i. Regum. xxvii.a. Was sett on fire of the Amalechytes. xxx.a.
  • [Page]Zipora was maried vnto Moses. Exo ij,d. Circumcised her sonne. iiij.e.

¶ A Trewe and sure Computacion of yeres of all the tymes & yeares from Adam vnto Christe and vnto the yere of our Lorde, M.D.L. extracted out of the holy scrypture of the By­bell.

A Somme of the tymes and yeares.

  • i. FRom Adam vnto the floude of Noah are .M.vi.C.lvi. yeres.
  • ii. From the floude vntyll the departure of Abraham out of Calde are CCC.lxiii. yeares .x. dayes.
  • iii. From the departynge of Abraham vntyll the goynge forth of the Chyl­deren of Israell oute of Egypte are CCCC.xxx. yeares.
  • iiij. From the goynge forth of Israell oute of Egypte vntyll the fyrste temple or the fourthe yeare of Salomon are CCCC.lxxx. yeares.
  • v. From the temple vnto the Babilo­nicall captiuitye are .CCCC.xix. yeres and .vi. Moneths.
  • vi. From the Babylonycall Captiuitye vnto the buyldynge agayne of the cy­tye of Ierusalem, are .Cxliii. yeares.
  • vij. From thens vntyll Ihesus Chryste are .CCCC.lxxxiij. yeares

The profe of the forsayde somme of yeares.

i. From Adam vnto ye flou­de are .M.vj.C.lvj. yeres.

  • Adam old C.xxx. yeres begat Seth. Genes. v.
  • Seth olde. Cv. yeares begat Enos. Genes. v.
  • Enos olde. xc. yeares begat Cainan Genes. v
  • Cainan old. lxx yeres begat Malalehel Genes. v
  • Malalehel old. lxv. yeres begat Iared Genes. v.
  • Iared old. Clxij. yeres begat Enoch Genes. v.
  • Enoch old. lxv. yeres begat Mathusalem. Genes. v.
  • Mathusalem old. Clxxxvij. yeres be­gat Lamech. Genes. v.d.
  • Lamech old. Clxxxij. yeres begat Noe Genes. v.d
  • Noe was old at the floude. vi.C. ye­res. Genes. vij.b

Somme Amonteth M.vj.Clvi. yeares.

ij. From the floude vnto the goyng furth of Abraham [Page] frō vr are .CCC.lxiij. ye­res .x. dayes. The floudde continued one yere, x. dai­es as appeireth Genes. viij after the computacyon of the dayes.

  • Two yeres after the floude, Sem the sonne of Noe begat Arphaxath. Gen. xi Arphaxat old .xxxv. yeres begat Sale Genes. xi.
  • Sale old .xxx. yeares begat Heber. Genes. xi.
  • Heber old .xxxiiij yeres begat Phalech Genes. xi.
  • Phalech old .xxx. yeares begat Reu. Genes. xi.
  • Reu, old .xxxij. yeares begat Saruch Genes. xi.
  • Saruch old .xxx. yeres begat Nachor Genes. xi.
  • Nachor old .xxix. yeres begat Thare Genes. xi.
  • Thare old .lxx. yeres begat Abram. Genes. xi.
  • Abraham old .lxx. yeres went from. Vr Genes. xi.

Summe Amounteth .CCClxiij. yeares .x. dayes.

iij. From the goynge forth of Abraham out of Chal­dea vntil the goyng furth of Israell oute of Egypte are .CCCC.xxx. yeres.

  • Fyue yeares was Abraham at Cha­ram.
  • In the .lxxv. yeare went he frō thence Genes. xij.
  • In the .xxv. yeare of hys goynge furth, that is the .C. yeare of hys age dyd he begett Isaac. Genes. xvij.
  • Isaac olde .lx. yeares begat Iacob. Genes. xxv.
  • When Iacob went in to Egypte, he was old .Cxxx. yeares. Genes. xlvii.
  • So there remayneth .CCx. yeares that Israell was in Egypte.
  • From thys are substracted. lxxx. ye­res. For so olde was Moyses, when he dyd lead Israel. Actuum. vij.

The odde. Cxxx. yeares betwen ye father & grand ser of Moses [Page] namely Amram & Chath so that Chath beynge olde .lxvii. yeares. Begat Am­ram the father of Moyses, and Amram olde lxv. yeares. Begat Moyses whych in the .lxxx. yeare of his age ledd Israel out of Egypte.

Thus are .CCCCxxx. yea­res founde whereof is wryt­ten. Exody. xij. And Gal. iij.

ijii. From the goynge furthe of Israell oute of Egypte vnto the .iiij. yeare of Sa­lomō are .iiij.C.lxxx. yeres

  • Moyses ruled in the desert .xl. yeares Deut. i.
  • Iosue and Othonyell .xl. yeares. Iud. iij.
  • Aioth .lxxx. yeares Iud. iij.
  • Delbora .xl. yeres Iud. viij.
  • Gedeon .xl. yaeres Iud. viij.
  • Abimelech .iij. yeres Iud. ix.
  • Thola .xxiij. yaeres. Iud. x.
  • Iair .xxij. yeares. Iud. x.

After thys they were wythoute an heade vntyll.

  • [Page]Iephtae .xviij. yeares. Iud. x.
  • Iephtae .vi. yeares. Iud. xij.
  • Abessan .vij. yeres. Iud. xij.
  • Elou .x. yeares Iud. xij
  • Abdon .viij. yeres Iud. xij
  • Samson .xx. yeres Iud. xvi
  • Hely was Iudge and prieste .xl. yeres i. Regum. iiij. i. Samuell. iiii.
  • Samuell and Saull ruled .xl. yeares Actuum. xiij.
  • Dauyd was kynge .xl. yeares. ij. Regum. v.
  • Salomon beganne to buylde the tem­ple in the .iiij. yeare of hys raygne. iij. Regum. vi.

Thus is the somme founde of .CCCClxxx. yeares wich also is sommed. iij. Regū. vj.

v. From thence vnto ye Ba­bilonical captiue are .iiijCxix. yeares .vj. moneths.

  • Solomon ruled yet .xxxvi. yeares. iij Regum. xi.
  • Roboam .xvij. yeres i. Par. xij
  • Abia .iij. yeres. i. Par. xiij
  • [Page]Asa .xli. yeares. iij. Reg. xv.
  • Iosaphat .xxv. yeres iij. Reg. xxii.
  • Ioram .viij. yeares. ij. Paral. xxi.
  • Ochosias .i. yeare. iiij. Reg. viij.
  • Athalia Quene .vij. yeres iiij. Reg. xi
  • Ioas .xl. yeares. iiij. Reg. xij.
  • Amasias .xxix. yeres iiij. Reg xiiij
  • Ozias .lij. yeares iiij. Reg. xv.
  • Ioatham .xvi. yeres iiij. Reg. xv.
  • Achas .xvi. yeares iiij. Reg. xvi
  • Ezechias .xxix. yeres iiij. Reg. xviij.
  • Manasses .lv. yeares iiij. Reg. xxi.
  • Amon .ij. yeares. iiij. Reg. xxi.
  • Iosias .xxxi. yeres. iiij. Reg. xxij.
  • Ioachas .iij. moneths iiij. Reg. xxiij
  • Ioakim Eliachim .xi. yeres iiij. Reg. xxiij.
  • Ioachin Iechonyas .iij. Moneths. iiij Regū. xxiiij.
  • And at the caryeng awaye begynneth the Captiuitie of Babylon and not first after .xi. yeares vnder Zedechia when the cytye and the temple was destroyed and brent whyche appeareth out of the i. Chapt. of Mathe. and out of the .xxiiij and .xxv. Chapt. of Ieremy.

Somme Amounteth .iiij.C. [Page] xix. yeares and vi. Moneths

vi. From ye captiuitie of Ba­bylon to the buyldinge a­gayne of the cytye Ieru­salem are .Cxliij. yeares.

  • The captiuitye continewed .lxx. yeres Iere. xxv
  • In the fyrste yaere of Cyrus were the prisoners set at Lybertye. i. Esd. i.
  • In the secounde yeare began they to buylde the temple. i. Esd. ij.
  • In. xlvi. yeres dyd they builde it Iohn ij. that is ye vi. yere of Darius. i. Esd. vi
  • In the .xx. yere of Darius was Ne­hemyas set at Lybertye Nehem. ij. and went to buyld the cytye.
  • In the .xxxij. yere of Darius was the cytye finished. Nehe. v. Ther are in al.
  • From the temple buylded agayne xxvi. yeares.

Somme Amounteth .Cxliij. yeares.

vij. From the cytye buylded agayne vnto Chryste are [Page] CCCClxxxiij. yeares.

  • Danielis. ix. it is written. From the going forth of the worde that Ierusalē is made agayne (whiche is as muche to saye) From the tyme that Ierusalem is builded agayne vnto Messias the Lord there are .lxvij. wekes.
  • One weke is here .vij. yeres. Leui. xxv Thus make .lxvij. yere wekes .CCCClxxxiij. yeares.
  • And so many yeares are there from ye xxxij. yere. of Darius vntyl the .xlij. ye­re of Augustus in the whiche Chryste was borne.
  • From Adam vnto Chryst are noum­bred. iij.M.ix.C.lxxiiij. yeares .vi. mo­neths .x. dayes.
  • The noumbre of yeres from the nati­uitie of Christ vnto ye yere of our Lord God. M.D.L. is sure ynoughe.

Thus are there counpted frō the beginninge of the worlde vntil the yeare of our Lorde M.v.C.L. v.M.v.C.xxiiij yeres .vj. moneths and .x. dayes,


All the testi­monyes of the olde Testamente. Whyche Chryste Iesus the true expositour of the Scrypture, and his Apostles and Euangelis­tes by the inspiratyon of the holy Ghoost haue repeted in the newe Testamente.

Christe saith. Iohn. v. Serche the Scriptures, for they testifye of me.

To the Reader.

HIre haue ye all the testy­monies and wytnesses of the olde Testamēt, which are repeted and rehersed in the newe, to thintent that all men maye perceyue, howe and after what sorte our Lord Iesus Christ the true expounder of the Scriptures, and his Apostles and Euangelistes by the motion of the holy Goost haue re­peted and rehersed the same, and that we maye also learne to vse them in lyke maner, whyche God graunt vs to oure soules helth. Amen.

The nombre which stan­deth in the begynnynge of the lyne, sig­nyfyeth the chapyter of the boke of the olde Testament, whiche standeth afore in a lyne alone: and ye last sheweth were men shall fynde it in the newe Tes­tament.

Genesis. i.d.
  • GOd made them man and wo­man. Matt. xix.a. Marke. x.a.
  • ij.a. God dyd reste the seuenth daye from all hys workes. Heb. iiij.b.
  • ij.b. The fyrste man Adam was made a lyuynge soule. i. Corin. xv.f.
  • ij.d. A man shall leaue father and mo­ther, and cleaue vnto hys wyfe. Matt xix.a. Marke. x.a. Ephes. v.g. and .i. Corinnt. vi.d.
  • ij.d. They twayne shall be one fleshe. Mat. xix.a. Mark. x.a. i. Corint. vi.d. Ephe. v.g.
  • xij.a. Come out of thy contree, & from thy kynred. Act. vij.a.
  • xij.a. In thy sede shall all the kynredes of the earth be blessed. Actuum. iij.a Galat. iij.b.
  • xv.b. So shall thy sede be, euen as the starres of heauen, and as the lande of the sea. Rom. iiij.c.
  • xv.b. Abrahā beleued God, and it was counted vnto hym for ryghteousnes Roma. iiij.a. Galat. iij.a. Iacob. ij.d.
  • xv.c. Thy sede shall be a straunger in a straunge lande. Act. vii.a.
  • [Page]xvij.a. I haue made the a father to ma­ny nations. Rom. iiij.c.
  • xviij.b. Aboute thys tyme wyll I come and Sara shal haue a sonne. Rom ix.b
  • xxi.b. Put awaye the bonde woman & her sonne. Galat. iiij.d.
  • xxi.b. In Isaac shall thy sede be called. Rom. ix.b.
  • xxii.c. Surely I wil blesse the and mul­tiplie the indede. Heb. vi.c.
  • xxij.d. In the shall all nacyons be bles­sed. Galat. iij.b. Actuū. iij.d.
  • xxv.c. The elder shall serue the yonger Rom. ix.c.
  • iii.b. I am the God of abrahā, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. Mathe. xxii.c. Marke. xij.c. Luke. xx.f.
  • ix.d. Euen for thys same purpose haue I stered the vp, to shew my power on the. Rom. ix.d.
  • xij.g. Ye shall not breake a bone of hym Iohn. xix.f.
  • xiij,c. Euery man that fyrste openeth the matryx shalbe called holy to the Lorde. Luk. ij.d.
  • xvi.d. He that gathered much hadde neuer [Page] ye more aboundaunce, and he that gathered littel hadde neuer thelesse. ij (Math. v.d. Corinth. viij.c.
  • xx.c. Thou shalt not cōmitt aduoutry.
  • xx.c. Thou shalt not cōmitte aduoutry, thou shalt not kil: Thou shalt not steal thou shalt not beare false witnes againste thy neighbour. Thou shalt not de­syre. Rom. xiii.c.
  • xx.c. Thou shalt not luste. Rom. vij.b.
  • xx.c. Thou shalt not kyll. Mathe. v.c Luk. xviij.d.
  • xx.c. Honour thy father & mother. Matt xv.a. Mark. vij.b. Ephes. vi.a.
  • xxi.c. He that curseth father or mother, shal sustre death. Mat. xv.a. Mar. vij.b xxi.c. An eye for an eye, a tothe for a toth. Math. v.f,
  • xxij.d. Thou shalt not curse ye rueler of thy people. Act. xxiij.a.
  • xxiiij.e. This is the bloude of the Testament whiche God hath appointed vnto you. Heb. ix.c.
  • xxv.g. Take hede that thou make al thinges according to ye patrone shewed vnto ye vpō ye mounte. Heb viij b, Act vij f xxxij.a. Make vs goddes to go before vs. Act. vii.e.
  • xxxiij.d. I will shew mercy to whome I [Page] will shewe mercy. Rom. ix.c
  • xxxiiij.d. Not as Moyses, whyche put a vayle ouer hys face. ij. Corint. iij.c.
  • xi.g. Be, ye holy. for I am holy. i. Petr i.c.
  • xix.a. The man which doth the thinges of the lawe shall lyue therin. Rom. x b. Gal iij.b.
  • xix.d. Thou shalt not forswearethy self Mat. v.e.
  • xix.c. Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as the selfe. Math. xxij.d. Marke. xij.c Rom. xij.d. Gal. v.c. Iacob, ij.b.
  • xix.d. Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as the selfe. Math. v.g.
  • xx.b. He that curseth father or mother shall suffre. death. Math. xv.a.
  • xxiiij,d, An eye for an eye. Math. v.f.
  • xxvi.b. I wyll dwell amonge them and walke among them. ij. Cor. vi.d.
  • ix.b. Ye shall not breake a bone of hym Iohn. xix.f.
  • iiij.d. Oure God is a consuminge fyre Hebre. xij.g.
  • v.b. Thou shalt not luste, Rom. vij.c. [Page] xiij.c.
  • v. Thou shalt not kyll. Mat. v.c. Luke xviij.d.
  • v.b. Thou shalt not committ adultery Matt. v.d. Luk. xviij.d
  • v.b. Thou shalt not steale. Luk. xviij.d Rom. xiij.c.
  • v.b. Thou shalt beare no false wytnes agaynste thy neyghbour. Luke. xviij Rom. xiij.c.
  • v.b. Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother Math. xv.a. Marke. vij.b Ephes. vi.a.
  • vi.a. Heare Israell, the Lorde God is one only Lorde. Marke. xij.c.
  • vi.a. Thou shalt loue thy Lorde thy God, wyth all thyneharte, wyth all thy soule. and with all thy minde. Mat xxij.d. Mark. xij.c. Luk. x.c.
  • vi.c. x.d. Thou shalt worshyppe the Lorde thy God, and hym onely shalt thou serue. Mat. iiij.b. Luk. iiij.b.
  • vi.c. Thou shalt not tempte the Lord thy God. Mat. iiij.b. Luk. iiij.b.
  • viij.a. Man shall not lyue by breade o­nely, Mat. iiij.a. Luk. iiij.a.
  • x.d. God loketh on no mans person. Gal. ii.b.
  • xviij.c. A prophete shall the Lorde [Page] your God raise vp vnto you, euen of your bretherē. Act. iij.d. vij.c.
  • xix.d. In the mouth of two or thre wit­nesses shal euery thinge stande. ij. Cor xiij.a Mat. xviij.b. Iohn. viij.c.
  • xix.d. An eye for an eye, a tothe for a toth. Math. v.f.
  • xxi.d. Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree. Gala. iij.b.
  • xxv.b. Thou shalt not not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth oute ye corne. i. Cor. ix.a. i. Timoth. v.c.
  • xxv.b. Yf a man dye hauynge no chyl­dren, Math. xxij.c. Mark. xij.b. Luk. xx.e.
  • xxvij.d. Cursed is euery man that con­tinueth not in all thynges whiche are wryten in the boke of the lawe. Galat iij.b.
  • xxx.c. Who shall ascende into heauen Rom. x.b.
  • xxx.c. The word is nye the, euen in thy mouthe and in thyne harte. Roman. x.b.
  • xxxii.c. I wyll prouoke you for to en­uy, by them that are no people, Roma x.d.
  • [Page]xxxij,e. Vengeaūce is myne and I will rewarde. Roma. xij.d.
  • i.a. I wyl not fayle the, nether forsake the. Hebre. xiii.a.
Regum. ij.
  • vij.c. I wyll be hys father, and he shall be my sonne. Heb. i.b.
Regum. iij.
  • xix.b. Lorde they haue kylled thy pro­phetes, and dygged downe thyne aul­ters. Rom. xi.a.
  • xix.b. I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousande men. Rom. xi.a.
  • v.c. He compasseth the wyse in theyr craftynes. i. Corinth. iij.d.
  • ij.a. Why dyd the people rage. Actuū iiij.e.
  • ij.b. Thou arte my sonne, thys same daye begate I the. Actuū. xiij.e. Hebre i.b. v.b.
  • ii.c. Thou shalt rule them wyth a rodde of yron. Apoc. ij.g. xix.c.
  • [Page]iiij.b. Be angry, but synne not. Ephess. iiij.f.
  • v.c. There throte is an open sepulchre Rom. iij.b.
  • vi.c. Departe fro me ye workers of in­iquitie. Mat. vij.d. xxv.d. Luk. xiij.f.
  • viij.b. Of the mouth of babes and suc­kelynges thou hast ordeyued prayse Mat. xxi.b.
  • viij.c. What is mā that thou art minde full of him. Heb. ij.a
  • viij.c. He hath put all thynges vnder hys fete. i. Cor. xv.d.
  • ix.c. Whose mouthes are full of cur­synges and bitternes. Rom. iij.c.
  • xiij.a. There is none ryghteous, no not one there is none that vnderstandeth. Rom. iij.b.
  • xiij.b. There fete are swyfte to sheade bloude. Rom. iij.c.
  • xv.c. I haue God alwayes before me, for he is on my ryght hande that I shoulde not be moued. Act. ij.d.
  • xv.d. Thou wilt not suffre thy holy to see corruption. Act. ij.e. xiij.c.
  • xvii.a. I wyll put my truste in hym. Heb. ij.c.
  • xvii.g. For thys cause I wyll prayse [Page] the amonge the gentiles. Roma. xv.b xviij.a. Theyr sounde went out into all landes, and theyr wordes into the en­des of the earth. Rom. x.d.
  • xxi.a. My God, My God, why haste thou forsaken me. Math. xxvij.e. Mark xv.a.
  • xxi.c. They dyuyded my garmentes a­mong them. Mar. xxvij.d. Iohn. xix.c xxij.c I wil declare thy name vnto my bretheren. Hebr. ij.c.
  • xxiij, a, The earth is the Lordes and al that therin is. i. Cor. x.f.
  • xxiiij.c. They hated me without a cause Iohn. xv.d.
  • xxx.a. Into thy hādes I commende my spryte. Luk. xxiii.f.
  • xxxi.a. Blessed are they whose vnrigh­teousnesses are forgeuen. Rom. iiij.a.
  • xxxiij.c. What man is he that lusteth to lyue and woulde faine se good dayes? i. Pet. iij.b.
  • xxxix.b. Sacrifice and offerynges thou wouldest not haue. Heb. x.b.
  • xl.c. He that eateth breade with me hath lifte vp hys hele agaynste me. Iohn xiii,b.
  • xliij.d. For thy sake are we killed al day [Page] longe. Rom. viij.g.
  • xliiij.b. God thy seate shall be for euer and euer. Heb. i.c.
  • l.a. That thou mightest be iustified in thy wordes. Rom. iij.a.
  • liiij.d. Cast all your care vpon the Lord i. Pet. v.b.
  • lxi.d. Euery man shall receyue hys re­warde. i. Cor. iij.b.
  • lxvij.d. He is gone vp on hye, and hath led captiuite captiue. Ephess. iiij.b.
  • lxviij.b. The zeale of thy house hath E­uen eaten me. Iohn. ij.d.
  • lxviij.b. The rebukes of them that rebuked the fell on me, Rom. xv.a.
  • lxviij.c. Let theyr table be made a snare Rom. xi.b.
  • lxviij.c. His habitaciō be voyde. Act. i.d
  • lxviij.c. Whan I was thyrstye they gaue me vynegre to drynke. Ioannes. xix.f.
  • lxxvij.a. I wyll open my mouthe in a parable. Math. xiij.e.
  • lxxvij.c. He gaue them breade from heauen. Iohn. vi.d.
  • lxxxi.b. I sayde ye are goddes. Iohn. x.g.
  • lxxxviij.d. I haue founde Dauid the [Page] sonne of Iesse. Act. xi ij.d.
  • xc.c, He hath geuē hys angelles charge ouer the. Math. iiij.a. Luk, iiij.b.
  • xciij.b. The Lord knoweth the though­tes of the wyse that they be vayne. i Cor. iij.d.
  • xciiij.d. As I haue sworne in my wrath Heb. iiij.a.
  • xciiij.c. Thys daye yf ye heare his voy­ce be not harde herted. Hebr. iiij.b.
  • xcvi.b. All the Angelles of God shall worshippe him. Hebr. i.c.
  • Ci.d. Thou Lorde in the begynninge hast layde the foundacion of the earth Hebr. i.c.
  • Ciij.a. He maketh hys angels spretes. Hebr. i.c.
  • Cviij.b. And hys byshoyryke let ano­ther take. Act. i.d.
  • Cix.a. The Lorde sayde vnto my Lord Mathe. xxij.d. Luke. xx.g. Actuum. ij.f.
  • Cix.a. Sit on my ryghte hande. Hebre i.d.
  • Cix.a. Tyll I make thyne enemyes thy foote stoole. Hebreor. i.d. i. Corynth. xv.d.
  • C.ix.b. Thou arte a pryeste for euer. [Page] Heb. v.b. vij.c.
  • C.ix.b. The Lorde did sware & wil not repente. Heb. vij. [...].
  • C.xi.b. He hath sparsed abroade and geuen to the pore. ij. Cor. ix.c.
  • C.xv.a. I beleued and therfore haue I spoken. ij. Cor. iiij.c.
  • C.xv.a. Euery man is a liar. Rom. iij.a
  • C.xvi.a. Prayse the Lorde al ye genti­les, and laude hym all nacyons, Rom xv.c.
  • C.xvij.a. The Lorde is my helper, I wil not feare what man doth vnto me Heb. xiii.a.
  • C.xvij.d. The stone whyche the buyl­ders refused the same is made a cor­ner stone. Mat. xxi.d Mark. xij.a. Act iiij.b. i. Pet. ij.b.
  • C.xvij.d. Hosanna to the sonne of Da­uid. Math. xxi.b.
  • C.xxxi.c. Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate. Act. ij.e. xiii.d.
  • C.xxxix.a. Adders poysō is vnder their lippes. Rom. iij.b.
  • iii.a. Be not wyse in your owne conceit Rom. xii.d.
  • [Page]iij.b. My sonne despyse not the chaste­nyng of the Lord, neither faynte whā thou arte rebuked of him. Heb. xij.b.
  • iij.b. Whome the Lorde loueth hym he chasteneth and yet delyteth in him,e­uen as a father in his owne sōne. Hebr xij.b. Apoc. iij.d.
  • x.b. Loue couereth the multitude of sin­nes. i. Pet. iiij.b.
  • xvij.c. Se that none recompence euyll for euyll. Thess. v.d. i. Pet. iij.b.
  • xx.c. He that curseth father or mother. Math. xv.a. Mark. vij.b.
  • xxv.c. Yf thine enemy honger fede him Roma. xij.c.
  • xxvi.b. Euen as the dogge tourneth a­gain to his owne vomite. &c. ij Pet ij d
  • i.c. Except the Lord of Sabaoth hadde left vs sede, we had ben made as Zo­doma, and hadde ben lykened to Go­morra. Rom ix.d.
  • v.d. A certayne man planted a vineiard Mat. xxi.b. Luk. xx.b. Mark. xij.a.
  • vi.a. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. Apoc iiij.c.
  • vi.c. Wyth the eares ye shal heare, and [Page] shall not vnderstand. Mat. xiij.b. Mat iiij.b. Luk. viij.b. Act. xviij.f. Iohn. xij f. Rom. xi.b.
  • vij.c. Beholde a maide shalbe with childe. Math. i.d.
  • viij.d. Behold here am I & the children wiche God hath geuen me. Heb. ij.d.
  • ix.a. The lande of Sabulon and Neptalim, sawe a great light. Mat. iiij.c.
  • x.c. Though the children of Israel be as the sande of the sea. Rom. ix.f.
  • xi a. That wicked shal be vttered who­me the Lord shal cousume by the spy­rite of his mouth. ij. Thess. ij.c,
  • xi.c. There shalbe the roote of Iesse. Rom. xv.c. Act. xiij.d.
  • xxi.c. Babilon is fallen, that great citye Apoc. xiiij.b.
  • xxij.d. Let vs eate and drinke, for to morowe we shal dye. i. Cor. xv.e.
  • xxij.f. This saith he that is holy & true whyche hath the keye of Dauid. Apo iij.b.
  • xxv.c. And God shal wipe awaie al teares from theyr eyes. Apoc. vij.d. xxi.b
  • xxviij.c. With other tonges, & wyth o­ther lyppes wyll I speake vnto thys people. i. Cor. xiiij.d.
  • [Page]xxviij.b. Behold I put in Syon an hea­de corner stone. Rom. ix.g. i. Petr. ij.b Act. iiij.b
  • xxix.d. This peole honoureth me with their lippes. Matt. xv.a. Mark. vij.b.
  • xxix.e. I wil destroie the wisedome of ye wise, and will cast awaye the vnder­standinge of the prudente. i. Corynth. i.c
  • xxxiij.c. Where is ths wyse? Where is the scrybe? where is the sercher of this worlde. i. Cor. i.c.
  • xl.a. The voyce of a cryer in wylder­nes, prepare the Lordes waye. Math iij.a. Marke. i.a. Luke. iij.a. Ioannes. i.c.
  • xl.b. All fleshe is as grasse. i. Petr. i.d. Iaco. i.d.
  • xl.d. Who knoweth the mynde of the Lorde? or who shall informe hym? i. Cor. ij.d.
  • xl.d. Who hath knowen the mynde of ye Lord? or who was his conseillour? Rom. xi.d.
  • xli.b. xliiij.a. I am the first and the last. Apo. i.d. xxij.c.
  • xlij.a. Beholde my chylde, whome I haue chosen. Mat. xij.b.
  • [Page]xliij.c. Beholde I make all thinges ne­we. Apoc. xxi.b. ij. Cor. v.d.
  • xlv.d. As truely as I lyue sayth ye Lord all knees shal bowe to me. Romano. xiiij.b.
  • xlv.b. Shall the worke saye to the wor­ke man (why hast thou made me on this fashion? Rom. ix.d.
  • xlix.b. I haue made the a light to the gē tiles. Act xiij.g.
  • xlix.c. I haue hearde the in a tyme ac­cepted, and in the daye of saluacion haue I succoured the. ij. Cor. vi.a.
  • xlix.e. They shall honger no more, ney­ther thyrst? Apoc. vij.d.
  • l.c. Then spat they in hys face. Mathe xxvi.g.
  • lij.b. Howe beautyfull are the fete of them that brynge glad tydynges of peace. Rom. x.e.
  • lij.d. Come oute from amonge them and separate your selues. ij. Corynth. vi.d.
  • lij.a. The name of God is euyll spoken of amonge the Gentyles thoroughe you. Rom. ij.c. Ezeche. xxxvi.d.
  • lij,c. Th whome he was not spoken of [Page] they shall see him. Rom. xv.c.
  • liij.a. Lorde who shall beleue oure say­enges. Rom. x.c. Iohn. xij.f.
  • liij.b. He toke vpō him oure infirmities. Math. viij.b.
  • liij.c. He was led like a shepe to be slain Act. viij.f.
  • liij.d. He was counted amonge the wycked Mark. xv.c. Luk. xxij.d.
  • liij.e. Which did no synne, neyther was there guyle founde in hys mouth. i. Petr. ij.d. i. Iohn. iij.a.
  • liij.e. Whyche hys owne selfe bare our synnes in hys body. i. Petr, ij.d.
  • liiij.b. Reioyce thou baren, that bearest no children. Gala. iiij.d.
  • liiij.c. And they shal al be taught of god Iohn. vi.e.
  • lv.a. And let him that is a thyrste come and let who soeuer wil take of the water of lyfe frely. Apoc. xxij.d.
  • lv.b. The holy promyses made to Da­uid, I wyll geue them faithfully vnto you. Actuū. xiij.e.
  • vi.b. My house shalbe called the house of praier. Mat. xxi.b. Mark. xi.c. Luk xix.g.
  • lvi.b. Destruction and wretchednes are [Page] theyr wayes, Rom. iij.c.
  • lix.c, Take to you the shelde of fayth. Ephes. vi.c. i. Thess. v.b.
  • lix.d. There shall come oute of Sion he that doth delyuer, and shall tourne a­waye the vngodlynes of Iacob. Rom xi.d.
  • lx.c. And the gates of it shal not be shut by daye. Apoc. xxi.g.
  • lxi.a. The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me. Luk. iiij.e.
  • lxij.d. Tell ye the doughter of Sion, be­holde thy kynge cōmeth. Math. xxi.a
  • lxiiij.b. The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not hearde. i. Cor. ij.b.
  • lxv.a. I am founde of them that fought me not. Rom. x.d.
  • lxv.a. All daye longe haue I stretched forth my hādes vnto a people that be­leneth not. Rom. x.d.
  • lxv.a. I sawe a newe heauen and newe earth. ij. Pet. iij,c. Apac. xxi.a.
  • lxvi.a. Heauen is my seate, and earth is my fotestole. Act. vij.f.
  • lxvi. Where theyr worme dyeth not & the fyre neuer goeth oute. Mark. ix.g.
  • lx.d. And the cytye hath no nede of the sonne, neither of ye moone. Apoc. xxi.d [Page] [...].d. And there shalbe no nyghte there. Apoc. xxij.a.
  • vij.b. But ye haue made it a denne of theues. Mathe. xxi.b. Marke. xi.c. Luk xix.g.
  • ix.g. He that reioyceth, let hym reioyce in the Lorde. i. Cor. i.d. ij. Cor. x.d.
  • x.a. Who shall not feare the o Lorde. Apoc. xv.b.
  • xvij.d. I am he whiche serchet the rey­nes and hertes. Apo. ij.f.
  • xxxi.d. In rama was a voyce hearde. Mathe. ii.d.
  • xxxi.a I will be a father vnto you & ye shalbe vnto me sonnes. ij. Cor. vi.d.
  • xxxi.e. Beholde the dayes wyll come (sayth the Lorde) and I wyll fynyshe vpon the house of Israel and vpon the house of Iuda a newe Testamente. Hebr. viij.c.
  • xxxi.f. Thys is the Testamente that I wil make vnto them after those daies (saith the Lorde) I will put my lawes in their hartes. Heb. x.c.
  • li.a. Graet Babilon is fallē. Apo xviij a
  • [Page]iij.a. Take ye boke & eate it vp. Apo. x.d
  • xx.b. The man whyche doth the thyn­ges of the lawe shal lyue therin. Rom x.b.
  • xxxij.b. The sonne shalbe darkened, and the moone shall not geue her lyghte. Math. xxiiij.c.
  • xxxvi.e. The name of God is euyl spo­ken of amonge the Gentyles through you. Rom. ij.c.
  • ix.g. When ye shall se the Abhomyna­cyon that betokeneth desolacyon, spo­kē of by Daniell ye prophete, standing in the holy place. Math. xxiiij.b. Mark xiij.b. Luk. xxi.d.
  • i.d. And it shal come to passe in the pla­ce where it was saide vnto thē, ye are not my people: that there shall be cal­led the chylderen of the lyuynge God Rom. ix.e.
  • ij,d. I wyll call them my people which were not my people. Roman. ix.c. i. Petr. ij.b.
  • vi.c. I haue pleasure in mercy and not in offering. Math. ix.b. xij.a.
  • [Page]x.b. Then shall they begynne to saye to the mountaynes, fal on vs, and to the hilles, couer vs. Luk. xxiij.d.
  • xi.a. Oute of Egypte haue I called my sonne. Mat. ij.c.
  • xiij.d. Death is consumed into vyctory i. Cor. xv.g.
  • ij.g. It shall be in the laste dayes (sayth God) of my sprete I wyll powre oute vpon all fleshe. Act. ij.c.
  • ij.g. Who soeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shalbe safe. Rom. x.c.
  • v.g. Gaue to me sacrifices and meate offerynges by the space of .xl. yeares in the wildernesse? Act. vij.e.
  • vi.a. Wo be to you that are ryche. Luk vi.d.
  • ix.c. After this wil I retourne, and will buylde agayne the tabernacle of Da­uid. Act. xv.c.
  • ij.a. As Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the wales belly. Math. xij c. Luk. xi.d.
  • [Page]iij.b. They amended at the preachinge of Ionas. Mat. xij.d. Luk. xi.e.
  • v.a. And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iury, arte not the least concernynge ye princes of Iuda. Math. ij.a.
  • vij.b. I am come to set a mā at variaūce agaynste his father, and the daughter agaynste her mother. Math. x.d. Luk xij.g.
  • ij.b. Yet ones more wyl I shake not the earth onely, but also heauē. Hebr. xij.g
  • i.b. Beholde ye despysers and wonder, & peryshe ye: for I do a worke in your dayes, whyche ye shall not beleue, yf a man would declare it you. Act. xiij.f
  • ij.a. The iuste shall lyue by fayth. Rom i.c, Galat iij.b.
  • i.d. Howe beautiful are the fete of them whiche bringe glad tidinges of peace. Rom. x.c.
  • [Page]viij.c. Euery mā speake trueth vnto his neighbour. Ephe. iiij.d.
  • ix.b. Beholde thy kinge cōmeth. Math xxi.a. Iohn. xij.b.
  • xi.c. And they toke. xxx. syluer plates Mat. xxvii.a.
  • xij.c. They shal loke on hym whome they pearsed. Iohn. xix.g.
  • xiij.c. I wyl smyte the shepe herde. Mat xxvi.c. Mark. xiiij.b.
  • i.a. Iacob I loued, but Esau I hated. Rom. ix.c.
  • iij.a. Beholde I sende mine Angel. Mat xi.b. Mark. i.a. Luke. vij.d. Iohn. i.c.
  • iij.b. Thys is Helias whiche shoulde come. Math. xi.b.
  • iij.b. Why saye the scribes that Helias must first come. Mat xvij.b Mar ixb
  • iij.b. To tourne ye hartes of the fathers to the children. Luk. i.b.
The ende of the first Table.

¶ These testimonyes followynge of ye newe Testament do not iustly agree in words but in the sence & meaning of the olde Testa­ment.

Genesis. i.a.
  • THoroughe fayth we vnderstand that the worlde was ordeined by ye word of God. Hebr. xi.a.
  • i.a. The heauens were a great whyle a go, and the earth that was in the wa­ter appeared vp oute of the water by the word of God. ij. Pet. iij.b.
  • i.d. He hath done al thinges well. Mark vij.d.
  • i.d Adam was fyrst formed, & then E­ua. i. Timo. ij.c.
  • ij.d. The man is not of the woman but the woman of the man i. Corinth. xi.a
  • iij.a. The serpent begyled Eue thorou­ghe hys sutteltie. ij. Corinth. xi.a.
  • [Page]iij.b. Adam was not deceaued but the woman was deceaued. i. Timoth. ij.d
  • iiij.a By fayth Abell offered vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice then Cayn Heb. xi.a.
  • iiij.b. Frō the bloude of ye ryghteous Abel. Math. xxiij.e.
  • iiij.b. Not as Cayn whyche was of the wycked. i. Iohn. iij.b.
  • liij.b. Wo be vnto them, for they haue folowed the waye of Cayn. Iude. d.
  • v.c. By faith was Enoch translated that he should not see death. Heb. xi.b
  • vi.c. When the longe sufferyng of God abode exceding paciently in the daies of Noe, whyle the Arke was a prepa­ringe. i. Pet. iij.d.
  • vi.c. By faith Noe honored God, after that he was warned of thinges that were not sene. Heb. xi.b.
  • vij.a. Saued Noe the eyghte preacher of ryghteousnes. ij. Petr. ij.b.
  • vij.b. For as in the dayes before the floude, they dyd eate and drynke, ma­ry and were maried euen vnto the day that Noe entred into the shyppe. &c. Math. xxiiij.d.
  • ix.a. All that laye hande on the sworde, [Page] shall peryshe with the swearde. Mat. xxvi.e. Apoc. xiij.c.
  • xij.a. By fayth Abraham, when he was called obeyed, to go oute. Hebreos xi.b.
  • xiiij.d. Thys Melchisedech kynge of Salem whyche beynge prieste of the moost hye God. Hebre. vij.a.
  • xvi.d. Abraham had a sonne by a bonde mayde. Gala. iiij.c.
  • xvij.b. He receyued the signe of circum­cision as a seale of the ryghteousnes whyche is by fayth. Romo. iiij.b. Act vij.a.
  • xviij.a. Thorough faith Sara receyued strenght to be with chylde. Hebr. xi.c.
  • xviij.b. Euen as Sara obeied Abraham and called him Lord. i. Petri. iij.a.
  • xix.b. He tourned the cities of Sodome and Gomorre in to ashes. ij. Petr. ij.b.
  • xix.e. Euen as Sodome and Gomorre, and the cities aboute them. Iude. c
  • xix.e. Remēbre Lottes wife. Luk. xvij g
  • xix.e. As it chaūsed in the daies of Lot.
  • They ate, they dranke. &c. And euen ye same day that Lot went out of Zodo­me, it raygned fyre & brimstone frō heauen. [Page] Luk. xvij.f.
  • xxi.a. Abraham had a sonne by the free woman. Galat. iiij.c.
  • xxij.a. In faith Abrahā offered vp Isaac when he was tempted. Hebre. xi.d.
  • xxij.c. Euen as he promysed to oure fa­thers, Abraham and to his seede fore­uer. Luk. i.c.
  • xxv.c. Rebecca was wyth chylde by o­ne, I meane by our father Isaac. Rom ix.b.
  • xxv.d. Noman be vncleane as Esau, which for one breakefast. &c. Heb. xij.d
  • xxvij.d. In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob & Esau. Hebre. xi.d.
  • xlviij.c. By fayth Iacob whan he was a dienge, blessed bothe the sonnes of Ioseph. Hebr. xi.d.
  • xlix.b Of whome moyses in the Lawe did writte. Iohn. i.g.
  • l.d. By fayth Ioseph whan he dyed re­membred the departynge of the chyl­dren of Israel: and gaue commaunde­ment of hys bones. Heb. xi.e.
  • ij.a. By fayth Moyses when he was borne was hyd thre Monethes of [Page] his father and mother. Heb. xi.e.
  • ij.b. By fayth Moises whan he was great refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter. Heb. xi.e.
  • ij.b. And whan he sawe one of them su­ffre wornge, he defended him. Actuū. vij.c.
  • iij.a. And whan fourty yeares were ex­pired there appeared to him in the wildernes of mounte Syna an Angell of the Lorde. Act. vij.d.
  • xij.d. Thoroughe fayth he ordeined the easter lambe, and ye effusion of bloude Heb. xi.e.
  • xiiij.e. They were all baptysed vnder Moyses in the cloude. i. Cor. x.a,
  • xiiij.e. By fayth they passed thoroughe the read see. Heb. xi.e.
  • xvi.c. Your fathers did eate Manna in the wildernes. Iohn. vi.e.
  • xvi.d. He gaue them breade from hea­uen to eate. Iohn. vi.d.
  • xvi.d. They did all eate of one spiritual meate. i. Cor. x.a.
  • xvij.b. They dranke of that spyrytuall rocke that folowed them. i. Cor. x.a.
  • xix.b. If a beaste had touched the moū tayne it must haue ben stoned. Hebre. [Page] xxij.e.
  • xix.c. An holy nacyon, and a peculiar people i. Pet. ij.b.
  • xx.b. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayn. Mat. v.c.
  • xx.c. Thou shalt not kil. Math. xix.c.
  • xx.e. For ye are not come vnto ye moūte that can be touched. Heb. xij.e.
  • xxiiij.c. When all the commaundementes were redde of Moises vnto al the people. Heb. ix.e.
  • xxvi.a. xxxvi.a There was a fore tabernacle made. Hebr. ix.a.
  • xxxij.b. Be not worshippers of Images i. Cor. x.b.
  • xij.a. On the Saboth daye ye circumcise a man. Iohn. vij.c.
  • xij.a. Whan the eighte daye was come Luk. ij.d.
  • xij.a. Whan the tyme of theyr purificacyon (after the lawe of Moyses) was come. Luk. ij.d.
  • xij.c. To offer (as it is sayd in the lawe of the Lorde. Luk. ij.d.
  • xiiij.a. Offer the gyfte that Moises commaunded, in wytnes to thē. Mat viij a [Page] viij.a. Mark. i.d. Luk. v.c.
  • xvi.d. The whole multitude of the peo­ple were wythonte in prayer. Luke. i.a.
  • xvi.e. Yf the bloud of oxen and of Go­ates. Hebr. ix.d.
  • xix.c. Be not accepters of personnes. Iacob. ij.e.
  • xix.d. Yf thy brother trespace agaynste the forgeue hym. Mathe. xviij.b. Luk xvij.a.
  • xx.a. Moyses in the Lawe commaun­ded vs that suche shoulde be stoued. Iohn. viij.a.
  • viij.c. Euery man that fyrste openeth ye Matryx shalbe called holy to the Lord Luk. ij.d.
  • ix.d. Oure fathers were all vnder a cloude. i. Corin. x a.
  • xi.b. He gaue them breade from heauen to eate. Iohn. vi.d.
  • xij [...]b. Euen as was Moyses in all hys house. Heb. iij.a.
  • xiiij.f. The carcases of the chyldren of Israell were ouerthrowen in the de­serte. Hebre. iij.d.
  • [Page]xiiij.f. Murmure not as some of them▪ did. i. Corint. x.b.
  • xvi.a. They peryshe in the treason of Core. Iude. d.
  • xix.a. The bodyes of those beastes who­se bloude is brought into ye holy place by the hye prye [...]te to pourge synne. Hebre. xiij.b.
  • xx.b. They dranke of the spyrytuall rocke whyche followed them. i. Co­rin. x.a
  • xxi.b. Let vs not tempte Christ as some i. Corinth. x.b.
  • xxi.e. As Moyses lyfte vp the serpente in the wildernes. Iohn. iij.b.
  • xxij.d. The tame and domine beast speakinge with mannes voice forbade the foolyshenes of Balam. ij. Petr. ij.c.
  • xxij.d. Geuen to the erroure of Balam for lukers sake. Iude. d. ij. Petr. ij.c.
  • xxiiij.c. Balam taught in balake to put oceasion of synne before the children of Israel. Apoc. ij.d.
  • xxv.b. Neyther let vs committe forni­cation, as some of them cōmitted for­nicacion. i. Corint. x.b.
  • xxvi.g. For they shalbe ouer throwen in the wildernes. i. Corynth. x.a
  • [Page]xviij.a. The priestes in the temple brea­ke the Saboth daye. Mat. xij.a.
  • i.e. xvi.d. Yf ye regarde one person more then another ye committe synne. Iaco. ij.a.b.
  • v.b. Thou shalt not sweare. Matt. v.c.
  • x.d. There is no parcialite with God. Rom. ij.b. Act. x.e. Collos. iij.c. Ephess vi.b. i. Pet. i.c.
  • xvij.b. He that despiseth Moises Lawe, dyeth without mercy. Heb. x.e.
  • xviij.a. Do ye not vnderstand that they whyche wayte at the aulter are partakers wyth the aulter. i. Corinthe. ix.b.
  • xxiiij.a. Whosoeuer putteth a waye his wyfe, let him geue her a testimonyall also of the deuorcement. Mathe. v.c. xix.a. Marke. x.a.
  • ij.a. Lyke wyse also was Rahab. Iacob ij.d.
  • vi.d. By fayth the walles of Ierico fell downe. Heb. xi.f.
  • vi.d. By fayth the harlot Raab perys­hed not wyth the vnbeleuers. Hebre. xi.f.
The first boke of the kynges.
  • [Page]xxi.b. Haue ye not redde what Dauyd dyd whan he was an hongered. Matt xij.a. Mark. ij.d. Luk. vi.a.
The thyrde boke of the kynges.
  • ij.b. Let me frely speake vnto you of the Patriarke Dauid, for he is both dead and buried. Act. ij.e. xiij.e.
  • x.a. The quene of the south came from ye vttermost parties of the worlde to heare the wisedome of Salomon. Mat xij.d. Luk. xi.d.
  • xvij.a. In the dayes of Helyas heuen was shut. Luk. iiij.d.
  • xvij.a. Helyas was a man mortal euen as we are. Iacob. v.d.
The fourth boke of the kynges.
  • iiij.d. Salute noman by the waye. Luke x.a.
  • v.d. Many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete. Luke. iiij.e.
The first boke of the Cro­nycles.
  • [Page]xxiij.b. No man taketh honour vnto him selfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron. Hebre. v.b.
  • i.d. We broughte nothinge into the worlde. i. Timot. vi.b.
  • v.c. Happie is the man that endureth in temptacion. Iacob. i.b.
  • xxxiiij.b. God is not parciall Act. x.e.
  • xl.c. The sonne of man goeth as it is wrytten of hym. Math. xxvi.b. Mark xiiij.b. Luk, xxij.b.
  • Cxxxi. Dauid desyred that he myghte fynde a tabernacle for the God of Ia­cob. Actu. vij.f.
  • xi.d. The righteous shall scacely be sa­ued. i. Pet. iiij.d.
  • xvij.d. Let euery man be swyfte to hear and slowe to speake. Iacob. i.c.
  • xx,b. Yf we saye that we haue no synne &c. i. Iohn. i.c.
  • [Page]xxiiij.c. Be not parcial. Iacob. i.c.
  • xxv.a. When thou arte bidden, go and sitte in the lowest rowme. Luk. xiiij.c.
  • viij.c. Beholde thys shalbe the fall and resurrectiō of many in Israel. Luk. ij.e
  • xiij.b. In those dayes after the tribula­cion shall the sunne be darkened. Mat xxiiij.c. Mark. xiii.c. Luk. xxi.e.
  • xli.b. He helped Israell his seruaunte. Luk. i.e.
  • liiij.a. Happy are the baren, and the wombes that neuer bare. Luk. xxiij.d
  • lviij.b. I was an hongred and ye gaue me no meate. Math. xxv.c.
  • lxiij.a. And he was clothed with a ves­ture dipt in bloude. Apoca. xix.b.
  • ij.d. There was a certayne housholder which planted a vyneyarde. Mat. xxid. Mark. xij.a. Luk. xx.b.
  • xviij.a. Shal the worke saie to the work man. Rom. ix.d.
  • iij.e. And when the thousand yeares are expired. Apoc. xx.c.
  • [Page]xij.f. Where is the promise of his com­mynge. ij. Pet. iij.b.
  • xviij.b. I was an hongered and ye gaue me meate, Mat. xxv.c.
  • vi.c. The nombre was thousande thousandes. Apoc. v.d.
  • xij.c. The Angell whych I sawe stande Apoc. x.b.
  • iij.c. The sonne shalbe darkened, and ye moone shall not geue her lyght. Matt xxiiij.c. Mark. xiij.c. Luk. xxi.e.
  • ij.c. Here haue we no continuynge citye Heb. xiij.c.
  • iiij.c. He shal raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer. Luk. i.c.

The thyrde boke of the Machabees not founde in the Hebrew canons but translated out of the Greke in to Latyn, and taken in the steede of one of the bookes of holy Scripture, worthy to be reade of all godly men, neuer before this set forth in the Engleshe tounge.

The content of this boke.

HEre in is declared the fearfull punyshemente of the Blasphe­mous tyranny of Ptolomeus. Item what myschefe he dyd after­wardes enterpryse againste the Iewes, whiche God neuertheles dyd gracyou­sly wythstand and brought it to a good ende, therby sygnyfyeng vnto vs, that [Page] the hartes of Kinges and Princes and of all men are in hys hande. Prouerb. xxi.a. iiij. Regum. i.c.d. ij. Hester. vi.b. And that noman shallbe confounded that putteth hys thrust and confidence in hym. Esaye. xlix.e. xxviij.c. lvii.b. Psal. xxv.a. xxxi.a. xxxvij c. lxxi.a. Ro­man. ix.d. v.a. &c.

chapter 1 Zurich part A Dan. xi b. WHen Philopater had vn­derstande by thoos that were comen agayne that Antiochus had taken frō hym suche holdes as he had, he raysed all hys army aswell fote men as horsemen, and taking with him his sister Arsinoe, he ranne out euen af­fare as the countries of Raphia, that were borderynge vpon hym, where Antiochus host camped. And one Theodotus, thynkynge to brynge the matter to passe by craftye traines, when he hadde taken the strongest men of armys, that were put vnto hym by Ptolomeus, in the night he gat him to Ptolomeus tent to kyll hym vnwares, and so make an end of the battel. But Dositheus called the sonne of Drimilius a Iewe borne, and afterwardes forsakyng the Lawe, [Page] and tourned from hys fathers ordinaū ces, whiche was hired for the purpose, put in hys steede in the tente an other poore man, which chaunsed to be slayn for him. And as they fought fearcely together. But Antiochus moare. Arsinoe went diligently about her men, wering pitifully, her heare about her shuldars, and desyred them, that they would healpe her valiauntly, promisinge to gy [...] vnto euery of there wiues and children, yf the had the vyctory two poundes of golde. Thys is chaunsed that there enemies were ouer thrownen, and many taken. Then whan he hadde thus dysa­pointed there traines, he went about ye cities that were next, and thought to cō fort them wyth wordes, whiche when he had done, he gaue 3. Ma­cha. h. gyftes vnto ther churches, and conforted the subiectes hartes. part B And when the Iewes had sent the elders of there counsailours to Philopater to salute hym, berynge gyftes and to shewe there, for the thyngs that he hadde done, it fortuned that he hadd a greater desyre to go to theym assone as might be. So he came to Ierusalem and dyd sacrifice to the moste myghtye God, and whē he had done, he dyd to ye [Page] place as was conuenient. Mathe. xxiiij.a. Luk. xxi a. Mar. xii a. And after when he was come in, he wondred to see the costly worcke, and meruelynge at the fine buyldynge of the temple, he desyred to go also into the innar taber­nacle that was holiest of all. But when they denyed hym sayenge it was not leafull, no not to eny that were borne there, to go in, not so much as for ye priestes them selues saue only for the chea­ffe byshopExo. xxx b. Leui. xvi g. Heb. ix.a, & that but onse in the yere onlye, yet woulde he not betourned one wyth. And when they reade vnto him ye law, yet would he not cease, but said he mult nedes go in. And al though this honor was denied vnto thē, yet ye it ought not to be so vnto him, & axed thē, why no mā yet stopped him frō going in to eny tēples. And whē one had made answere vnaduisedlye, yt they did well because they did not, but this quoth he, shall be done & let the cause what so eny the lyst, he would in whither they would or not. part C Zurich part B ij. Mach iij.c. And when the pryestes hadde fallen wt there faces vpō the ground and were in all there vestimentes, and prayed vnto the highest god, to helpe them in the­re moste nede, and that he woulde put [Page] awaye his strenght that threatened to hurt them, & had filled the temple with cryeng and weapinge, the rest that we­re in the cytye beyng greatly amased, & not knowyng what hadde happened, came out as fast as they could. Vir­gens that were in the chaumbers, & wo­men in child bed ran forth, casting dust vpon there heddes and filling the streat with morning and lamentacion. And the banners that they had a lytle before prepared to go meat hym, forgettynge the maner that be came them, they bare them about the cytye and forsakynge ye young infantes, bothe mothers & mer­ses ran wanderinge about the streates, some one waye, some another into the hyghe temple, and beynge gathered together, striued diuersly agaynste those thynges whyche he wyckedly wente a­boute. part D Besides this the cityzens moued wyth bouldnes, woulde not suffer hym to rushe in, and accomplesh hys purpo­se but toke them to there weapons, and wyth great cryes redy to suffer death, they styrred vp a great busynes in that place, but yet remoued back by the priestes and seniores, they came agayne to [...] [Page] earth, part B ij Par vi a. &. vij.c hast chosē this city, and hast halowed thys place to honor the in all though that thou hast nede of nothing, and haste made it goodly to be sene to thyne owne prayse & glory of thy great and riall name. For the loue also of the house of Israell thou haste promysed that when we haue arred, wherby troubles shoulde come vpon vs yf we come in to thys place to praie that thou wilt heare our praiers. And verely thou art faythfull and full of trouth. And by cause thou hast often holpen our forfa­thers, Read Iudicum ye whole boke ouer whē they haue byne oppressed wyth trouble. And hast delyuered them out of great perels, & now also beholde (O holy kinge) that we for our many & great sinnes be pressed and in our enemies subiectiō, faule doune in or misery for lack of strenght, and that thys stouber­ne and vnclene person goeth aboute to defyle thy holy place, whych is dedicat here in the earth to thy holy name (for o­ther wyse thy house is in heauen a pla­ce yt nomā can come vnto) I saye be­thou cause of thyne awne good wyll yt hast gyuen thys glory to thy people in dedicatynge thys place vnto the, laye [Page] not to our charg ye vnclenlinesse of thees men nor correct vs for the vnhalowing of yt thees wicked persons may not bost in there mindes and a vaunce with the­re tounges that they haue destroied our holy tēple, as they do treade vnder foot all other temples that thou hatest, put out our sinnes & strypke awaie our faw­tes and nowe shewe thy mercye. Lett vs haue thy mercye shortelye and ma­ke the monthes of them that be fallen and broken prayse the and geue vs pea­ce. Then he that seeth all thynges, and God of al the most holiest, hearing the­re lawful prayer driuynge hym hether and thether, whyche was puffed vp by vyolence and great stoubernes, euen as the wynd doth the read, dyd so scourge hym, that now he laie vpon the ground meate for nothynge losed in all the partes of the body and iustly wrapped in punyshemente was not able to speake one worde. Wherfore hys frendes and gard that kept hys body, beholdynge hys sodeyn punyshemente, where wyth he was oppressed fearynge also least he woulde dye. Sryken wyth great feare, they droue hym out. And after when he was come again to him selfe, al though [Page] he was punyshed, yet repented he no­thinge, but went hys wayes, and trea­tened them sore, so when he was comē agayne in to Egypt, as we! by hys ow­ne encrease in myschefe, as by his other fealowes, iij. Mach a. yt holpe hym whyche were past all goodnes, not only he gaue hym selfe to innumerable lustes, but waxed so made to speake yuell euery where, & many of hys frendes, knowyng the kinges mynde, part D folowed hys wyll also, and whan the kynge hadde determyned to put to open shame the nacion of the Ie­wes, he caused to be ingrauen wyth let­ters in a towre, that he hadde in hys palace, that noman whyche would not do sacrifice, shoulde entre in to the temples of the Egyptyans, and that all the Ie­wes there goodes beyng seased, should be brought to slauerye, to the whyche thyng, yf eny agayne sayde that they should dye, and yf eny woulde be come seruauntes, that they should be brēte in the bodyes wyth the marck of an yuy leaf, for yt was Bacchus bage. And such as would do so, he woulde they should in ioye thys lawe, and not dye. But by cause he woulde seme not to be angry [Page] with all he wrot vnder nethe yt yf eny a­mong them, that were in solomen holy orders, hadde rather to dwell amonge them, that then they shoulde be takē for cytyzens, as well as the Alexandrians. Zurich part F So some in the cyte, whiche hated the degrees of the Relygyon in the cytye, yelded them selfes, as thoughe they should gett great glorye, by accompa­nynge wyth the kynge. But many that were of ualyant courage would not go from there godlynes. But redemynge there lyues for mony, went boldly to de­lyuer them selfes because, they woulde not be come seruauntes hauynge good hope to haue helpe and thoos that fell from them, then abhorred them, and toke them for enemyes of there nacyon and shot them for hauynge eny thing to do wyth them.

chapter 3 part A VWhen he vnderstod thees thinges, that wicked mā was so angry that not onlye he shewed hys angre at Alexandrya, but waxed a greauous enemye to all them that dwelt in other partes of the coun­trye, and commaunded all to be gathe­red [Page] to gether assone as myghte be, and to be kylled. Whyle thees thynges were a doynge agaynste the Iewes there went a great fame that now those mē, which entended to do hurt, hadde occacion gi­uen them, they woulde so do, to let the lawes that they myghte not be kepte a­mongest them. Zurich part G But the Iewes kept styl there fidelytye, and loue towarde the kyng, but by cause the wourshiped god and liued after his lawes, they shut out some from amongest them and sent thē awaye, wherfore they apperyd to some to be enemyes, when they lyuynge wel and iustly, they were worthy to be commended of all men. As for the good de­des that were spoken of in euerye place of that naciō, ye straungers set naughte bye. But in the communicacyons they reproued the dissension in their maners and wourshippinges, sayeng, that they and nether the kynge, nor the powres, but that they were enemyes and clene agaynste the common profettes. And it were no small thynges, that thees mē founde fawt at. But the grecyans that were in the cytye wronged in nothyng perceyuynge this soden tumult against [Page] thees men, and that people came haste­ly runnynge to gether, seyng they were not able to helpe because all was ruled by tyranny, were greatly angry and cō forted them and loked for a chaunge, & that thys hasty factyon could not indu­re. part B Theyr neyghbours also and frendes and such as bargeyned wyth them, cal­lynge some men pryuelie, promysed thē there helpe, and all that they could ma­ke. But he waxen prowde by this pros­peryty, and not consyderyng the power of the greatest God, but thynckynge ye he shoulde haue al wayes hys purpose, wrott this epystel agaynst the Iewes. Kynge Ptolomens Philopater to the capitaine and sodiers in Egypt where­soeuer the be sendith health and greting As forme I am in good health, and my maters are wel and in good state. Zurich part H iij. Mach a. Af­ter we hadde taken oure iourney into Asya as you know, and that we hadde redy souccours gyuen vnto vs of the go­des & thorough our strenghte, we had finyshed our ioyrney euen al, we would desyre, we thought not by vyolence of armyes, but to entyse by gentelnes and much humanyt ye, the people that dwel [Page] in Celosyrya and Phenicya and to provoke them wyth our benefytes, and af­ter we had sene many cities and chur­ches, we were moued to go vp to Ieru­salem to honor the temple of those mis­cheuous persons, part C whyche wyll euer be made. And they in wordes shewed thē selfes glad of our comming, but in dede were falsly minded, when we desyred to go in to ther holyest place & to adour­ne it with excellēt & goodly gyftes, then moued after the old pryde, would not let vs come in, not knowinge our pour, and the humanyty, that we shewe vnto all men. And sheweynge there hatfull harte vnto vs, as though ther were no­ne but they, they woulde admytte no Lawfull offer, for the stubbornes that they bare agaynste kynges, and glory in the benefactors, we moued with the madenes, and that after our victory we were come agayne into Egypte, vsyng gentelnes towarde all nacyons, dyd as it became vs, and by proclamacion de­clarynge to forget in thys matter all ye iniuries of ther kindred, as wel for ther fealoshyp, as for that in the beginning thorow simplicitye, we committed to ye [Page] infinite busines, we enterprised to chaū ­ge there estate, and made them cityzens of Alexandrya, iij Mach c. and receiued thē to be partakers of the perpetual pryesthode, Yet they taking the thynge otherwyse, and refusynge thys our goodnes, euen of a certayne natural euyll hart, alwayes redy to euyll, dyd not onlye shaum­fully refuse and despyse our citie, but al so in wordes and dedes, fewe of them beare vs good wyll, trustynge alwayes that shortly we shal come to a shamfull death. part D Zurich part I Wherfore coniecturynge suere­ly, that they are, all the means the can yuell mindyd toward vs, and forseyng that they should not sodenly rayse a tu­multe, and that we should haue at our backes thees wicked traitours and cru­ell enemyes, we thought goode to gyue you in commaundemente, that as sone as the epystell shall be delyuered vnto you, that euen the same daye, those that be in wryttynge, with there wyues and chyldren, fast bounde in yron chaynes wyth much vexacyon be sent vnto vs, to theyre great calamitye, and shamful slaughter, and as it is meate for enemyes. For as sone as we shall haue punis­hed [Page] thees, we thinke one matters shal afterwardes stand sure and in good con­dycyon. And yf eny man from the hy­ghest to the lowest, defēd eny Iewe yea and if it be but a sucking chylde, let him with al his household be moost shaum­fully tormented, and he that wyll bring eny of theyr names besydes that he shal haue all the goodes of the condempned person, he shal haue also of the kynges gyfte two thousande grootes of syluer, and a garland of libertye. And in what place so euer a Iewe shal be found to be receyued, let it be roasted with fier, and for euer be made vnmete for eny man to dwell in, and thys was the copye of hys epystell.

chapter 4 part A AND wheter so euer thys proclamacion was brought the people made common feas­tes wyth great ioy and gladnes, the old maleyce yt was hardened in there myn­des, now when they hadde lycense, she­wing it selfe forth. But the Iewes were in great mournyng, and lamentably cō ­plained gronynge in ther hartes and bewaylynge that sentence of death was [Page] thys sodenly gyuen agaynste thē, what offyce or citie, or what place inhabited, what hye wayes was not full of ther waylynge and mournyng, for they wer sent awaye by so bitter and cruell a sē ­tence of the cheyfe offycers in the citye, that for the straunge kynde of punysh­mentes, sōme of there enemyes, settinge before ther eyes the myseryes that may happen to all men and remembryng in theyr mynde the incertayne chaunge of thys lyffe, they dyd bewayle theyr py­tyfull sendynge awaye. Zurich part K For there were led a great sort of olde men with graye heddes, and there legges croked for a­ge, whyche were threatened and rebu­ked & made go fast whether they would or no. part B And the maydens that were late­ly maryed, in steade of pleasure hadde mournynge, and there heare that was embawmed, was now all dostyed, and the sang mournyng songes in steade of Ioyfull ballades, and all to vexed with straunge women, they were bound and pocked to gether euen tyll the came to shyppynge. There husbandes also ha­uynge halters about there neckes in steade of garlantes, being in there yong [Page] and floryshynge yeares, in the stede of myrth and quyetnes pasted the reste of there maryage dayes in mornyng, and sawe death before there feete. And they were caryed awaye lyke wylde beastes, and drawen wyth chaynes, some were bounde to toppes of shippes by the neck and other were fetered so that they coulde not be vndone, and tables set o­uer there heddes by cause they shoulde not see, all the whyle the sayled. part C When they hadde thus ledde them to shyppe, whē the iorney was done as the kinge commaunded, he hadde he shoulde be set in the tentes, in ye great roume wher horses that is before the cytye do run­ne, for an example of punyshemente to all men that came in to the cytye, and that go out in to the countrye, nether wyllynge them to be among the men in hys armye, nor yet with in the compas­se of hys walles. Zurich part L When this was done and that he heard saye that certeyne of ther nacyon was gone pryuelye out of the cytye, and dyd often bewayle thys shamfull mysery of there bretheren, be­ynge angrye, he commaunded them al­so to be handled after the same maner [Page] that the other were, there punyshement nothynge to be diminyshed, and that al there kyndred by name shoulde be at­taynted. For he sayde that he woulde not take any of them in to paynful ser­uyce, but that in one day he would slay them al with such punyshment as hath not bene dyuysed. So they were procla­mid traytours most bytterlye, and the sessyons was kept continewally from the rysynge of the sonne to the goinge downe and yet was it not xl. daies. part D iij. Ma­cha. v. In the meane tyme the kyng full of greate and continewal ioy, kept feastes before all the Images, hys mynde farre from the trouth and wyth a wycked mouth praysyng dōme thynges whych coulde nether speake nor helpe, and agaynst al reason blaspheming the God of night, and after that, when the scrybes hadde shewed the kinge, that they were able to punyshe the Iewes no lengar for the great multytude of them, for many of them was scatered abrode in the con­trey, some yet at whome and some in o­ther places so that it was a thynge im­possyble to do for all the offycers in E­gypte, the kynge threatened them sore, [Page] as though they had binne hyred to help them for gyftes. Yet so it fortuned that they persuaded hym shewyng euydent­ly that they lacked both paper and pennes to serue thē, And thys was the plaine worcke of hys prouydence, whych did sende helpe to the Iewes from hea­uen.

chapter 5 part A Zurich part M THen after he had sent for Hermon master of hys Ele­phantes beyng full of great and vnpleasable anger i. Mach vi.d. Iose­phus againste Appyon in hys secoūd bo­ke. so commaunded yt the next daye there shoulde be gyuen to hys elephantes great quantytye of fra­grant scence with much wine to drinck that when the hadde myghtely droun­ken they myghte be broughte in starcke madde to kyll the Iewes. And when he had commaunded thees thynges, cal­lynge together hys frends and ye cheife of hys armye which were cruelly min­ded agaynste the Iewes, he gat hym to hys feast. But Hermā the master of his elephantes did his commaundementes handsomly, and his seruauntes came a­bout euenyng and bounde the sely sou­les handes, and dyd all thynges that [Page] was to be done amongest them, thync­kynge aboute twilyghte to kyll all the whole nacyon. Nowe the Iewes semed to the Gentiles to be destytude of souc­coure bycause they were so hard bound wyth banndes, but all they wyth one voyce wyth teares called vpon the om­nipotent Lord, and there mercifull God and father which was aboue al powre. Desyryng hym to tourne awaye thys wycked deuyse taken against them, and that by hys royall commyng, he would take there fete out of thys desteuye. part B And thus they prayed toward heauen conti­newallye. But Hermon whyche hadde filled thoos cruel elephātes with drinc­ke ynough & frankenscense, came ear­ly in the mornynge to the court to tell ye king of it. Zurich part N But that goodly worckman­shyp of day and nyght, made from the begynyng of the worlde, and whych is sent of him, that gyueth lardgly vnto al that he wyll, was partly sent vnto the kyng, for i. Regū. xxvi.b. he was fast in slepe & was much deceaued of hys cruell purpose, & frustrat of his angry iudgment. So the Iewes when they had passed the tyme, that was appoynted, they praysed there [Page] holy God, and prayed vnto him agayn that he woulde shewe vnto the prowde Gentyles, the strengt of hys myghtye hand. Now whē it was halfe an howre almost past tenne of the clocke, hys ser­uaunt seing that many ware come that he had sent for, he came and waked the kynge, and thold hym, the slepe yet scāt out of hys eyes, that dynner tyme pas­sed awaye, and thold hym of the men yt were cōme. And the kyng remembring, he went where they were and commaū ded thē yt were come to dynner to sytt ryght agaynst him, and so doing, he ex­horted them to eate and to ma­ke mery al the diner while. And as they fell in long talkynge, the kynge sent for Hermon, and axed shortly, why the Ie­wes wer suffered a lyue that day. And when he had shewed that he had done hys cōmaundement that night, and his frendes had borne wytnes to the same, more cruell then Phalaris, well quoth he, let them thynck that I slepe so longe to daye, but thow wythout tarieng, pre­pare men & the elephantes agaynste to morowe euen after the same facyon to kyll thees Iewes cruelly. When all they yt were there were glad had prai­sed [Page] thys commaundemente of the kyn­ges euerye man wente whome to hys owne house, where they bestowed the night, not so much in slepe, but to deuise as it was thought, al maner of meanes howe to mock thees selye soules. Zurich part O So as soune as ye cock cruw erly in ye morning Hermō begā to dryue thees armed beas­tes in a great walking place, & al ye peo­ple thorow out of ye city, came to see this pitifull sight loking euer when it should be daye. But the Iewes all that whyle almost deade, wyth weapinge prayers and wofull sounges holding vp there handes to heauen, prayed allmyghtye God, that he would helpe them shortly agayne. And or euer it was daye, when the kynge receyued hys frendes, Her­mon stode and called them out, and de­clared vnto them that it was the kyn­ges minde, which thing when the kyng heard, marueling at this cruel sight, as a man that hadde forget all, axed what was the cause, why he did such thinges so dylygently. part D But thys was the migh­ty worcke of God that ruleth all, Deute. [...]xviij.c. Iob xij c Mic iij b Rom. i c whyche made hym forget all thynges thought vpon before. And when Her­mon [Page] sayde. Bothe all thy frendes, beas­tes, and men of armys, O kyng, are re­dye after thy pleasure, the king was for thees sayenges, very sore angrye, that he hadde loste the remembraunce of all thees thynges, Iob. v.b thorough the prouy­dence of God, loking shortly and with great threateninges, saide. As many as be here that hath chyldren, or that bee borne of free parentes, that haue giuen vnto this cruel beastes this much meat let them be serued as the innocente Ie­wes should haue byne, whiche haue ex­cellently declared theyr sure & perfecte faythfullnes both to me and myne aun­cytours all though noman for fauor, that they haue byne broughte vp wyth vs and done seruyce, was euer depcy­ued of hys lyffe for them. Zurich part P Thus Her­mon had sore checkes vnloked for, and was maruelously abbashed and affrai­ed, and euery one of hys frendes went there waye wyth heauy cheire, and sent away thoos that were cōme, euery man to do hys owne busynes. And when the Iewes knewe what the king had sayd, the praysed the myghtye Lorde, Dan. xij a. king of kynges, of whome they hadde gott [Page] thys healpe. i. Timot vi.c. Apo. xvij c. &. xix.c And when the kinge after his old coustome had prepared a feaste and exhorted them to be mery, callyng Hermon vnto hym wyth greate threa­tes, he sayde. Thou wretche how ofte shall I commande the to do any thyng, Let me se yf now at the last thou canste prepare the elephantes to kyll the Ie­wes. Then his kynsfolkes that sat with hym meruelyng at the inconstantnes of his mynde, sayd, thees wordes. O king how long wylt thou tēpt vs, as though we were mad, whyche now commaun­dest them to be slayne the thyrde tyme, and chaunged again in doing the thing, breakest that ye yu hast apponted. Verely the cytye for thys cause is in a greate romublyng, and many come to gether, threatenynge that they wyll go awaye. Wherfor the king full of madnes, euen in all poyntes lycke an other Phalaris, not regardinge the chaungynge of his minde toward the sauing of the Iewis, sware styfly, that he woulde kyll them with out deleye, and that they shoulde be all to troden with the fete and knees of the beastes. And that after he would go in to Iewry and there wyth swerde [Page] and fyre wast it all, and the holy place also of the Iewys, iij. Mac a. that he might not come into, and burne al them that there dyd offer sacrifice. Then hys frendes and kinsfolke, when they were gone ap­poynted for the armye the most conue­niēt places of the citie to be surely kept. Zurich part Q And the master of the elephauntes, had broughte hys beastes euen almoste to madnes wyth swete drynckes tempe­red wyth franckensence, and decked fearefully to loke to. And now aboute the mornynge the cytye beynge reple­nished with innumerable people, about the place where horses be coursed, one went vnto the kinge, mouynge hym to come to thys syght. Then he wyth an angry and cruell minde, came out with al his mighty elephantes with a fearce mynd desyrynge to see the lamentable destruction of the aforsayd selie soules. And when the Iewes sawe aboute the gate the dust that the elephantes made in there commynge oute and the hooste that folowed in harnes, and of the dust of the peoples fete, and heard the horri­ble noyse, thynckynge it to be the laste moment of there lyffe, and the ende of [Page] there mysery that they loked for, tour­ning them selues to mournynge, eche embraced & ayssed an other, and toke there kynsfolke about there neckes the father the sonnes, and the mothers the daughters, and some put the infantes to there brestes to suck there last. And remembrynge of the help that they had before from heauen, wyth one consent, they fell flatt to the grounde, takynge there children from there pappies, And wythe one voyce cryed alowde, making there prayers to almyghtye God, that he woulde come and helpe them that were nowe comme to deathes doore.

chapter 6 part A ANd one Eleazarus a noble man, one of the Priestes of that countrey a very aged man, & vertuous all his lyfe with other sadde men about hym, callynge vpon the ho­ly God prayed thus. O myghtie kyng, and most hyest almyghtye God, which mercyfully gouernest all thynges that thou hast made locke vpon the seade of Abraham, and the chyldren of thy holy Iacob. The chosen people consecrated vnto the beyng straungers in an other [Page] lande and that shall be slayne vniustely Exo. xiiij f. Psalm. lxxxiij Cv. Cvi Esa. xi c. Sap. x.d O father. Thou destroyest Pharao hauing many chariottes, sometyme the kyng of the Egiptians, puffed vp with cruell stubbernes & bostinges of tongue thou drownest hym & his proude hooste in the sea, and with thy lyght of mercy dydest shyne vpō the Israellites Zurich part R Esaye. xxxvij.f. iiii. Reg. xix.g. Tob. i.d ii. Mach xv.d. Thou O Lord ouer truwest Senacherib kinge of the Assirians being proude for his in­numerable sorte of men, whiche had subdewed vnto his powere all the whole lande, and was lift vp against the holy citie, speakyng cruell and proude wor­des, shewyng openly vnto the gentiles the power. part B Dan. iij d Thou sauest those thy trie frendes in Babylon, whiche with good there gaue there liues to the fyre, becau­se they woulde not worship vayne thin­ges, and didest cast downe vnto the burning forne is, & sauest them vnhurt euen the very heares of their heddes, turning the flāme vpō all their enemies. Dani. vi d. Thou broughtest Daniel false into lyght out of the denne, whiche by false accusaciōs thorow enuy was cast vnder the earth to the Lions to be deuoured of wylde beastes. Ionas. ij.a. And didest bryng agayne Io­nas [Page] safe vnto his frendes, when he had bene sore troubled in the wales belly, that was brede in the sea, o father. Now also O mercifull beholder of all thyn­ges tary not, but shewe thy selfe vnto the people of Israell as shortely as may be, that it is vniustly and cruelly hande led of the vngracious and wicked gen­tils. And if our liuyng bewaxen naught by dwellyng in a straunge contrey, take vs out of our enemies handes, O lorde, and destroye vs by what death thou wilt least they that thincke vayne thyn­ges, reioyse vaynely of those mens de­struction, whom thou hast loued and sayde. No not there owne God hath de­liuered them, wherefore thou that arte strongest and myghtest O eternall, God, looke vpon vs nowe, and haue mercy vpon vs, which by the myght of wicked men, be taken out of our lyfe as though we were traitours. Make ye gentiles to wonder at thy myghty power, & vse thy strength to the healthe of the kynred of Iacob. All these yong infan­tes besech the here of. part C And ther fathers also with teares, let it be sene to all gentils, O Lorde, ye thou helpest vs, & that [Page] thou hast not turned thy face from vs, Deuter. xxviij. but that thou haste not forgotten vs, no not in our enemies lande, O lorde do euen so. Zurich part S When Eleazarus had made an ende of his prayers thus, the kyng & all his great company was come with his beastes to ye horse coursyng place, whi­che when the Iewes sawe, they made a great shotte to heauen in somuche that all the walles sounded therof, euen that the people wept sore. Then ye glorious, omnipotent and trewe God shewynge his holy face, opened his iiij. Reg vi. ij. Mac. iij.d. &. x e. xi.b. Ioseph agaynst Appyon ij. boke. heauenly gattes, from whence there came two Aun­gels terryble to loke vpon, whome dyd also saue the Iewes. They let there ene­mies army and fylled them with feare & trouble, and bounde them with such fet­ters that they myght not stirre. Then trembled the kinges body, and began to forgette his prefull boldenes, Dan. iij d. the bea­stes also tourned against the men that were in harnes and trode them vnder the fete and kylled them. Prouer xvi.a. So the kyng turned his anger into pitie, & to bewaile those thinges that he had donne before. For whē he hard the crye, after that saw them all troden to death wepyng, and [Page] angerly rebuking his frēdes. part D Ye abuse ye king quod he, & passe al tirātes in cruel­tie, ye go about to take spirite & lyfe frō men, which haue done for you, deuising proude thynges that be not for the profit of my realme. Who hath sent hether & vnworthely put out of there houses the­se men, whiche kepte the holdes of oure realme faithfully. Who hath so cruelly punished those men, whiche euen from the beginning, hath bene aboue all na­cions mooste louing vnto vs. Zurich part T Lose the boundes that they vniustly be bounde with all, I saye lose them, and let them go safe for there good dedes that they haue done before, let go the chyldren of the omnipotent and lyuyng God which from the time of our auncetours to this daye hath kepte the state of our realme vntroubled. And those wordes spake he and they incontinent being losed when they had escaped death, praysed the ho­ly God their sauiour. part E Then afterwar­des the kyng commyng agayne into the citie, he called vnto hym his stewarde, & commaunded wine and other thynges, that partayne to a feaste to be geuen vn­to them by the space of seuen dayes, and [Page] decreed that in the same, ye they thought they shoulde haue suffered death, euen there they shoulde make mery. Then that whiche before were incoraged and lyke to dye, yea goyng to the death, in stede of cruell and bitter death, kepinge an holsome feast, being full of gladnes, poynted out with there stoles, the place that the were appoynted to be slayne in and buried, [...]alm. [...]x.a. And leuyng there song of lamentacion, beganne a newe, praysing there sauiour and meruelous God, and puttyng awaye all mournyng and we­ping, daunsed to shewe the gladnes. Li­kewyse also the kyng kepyng a greate feaste gaue great prayses to God in heauen, for the health that he had geuen vn­to them vnloked for. part F Zurich part V And they that be­fore appointed them to be kylled and deuoured of byrdes and appointed them to the sworde, wer shamed and for there hot boldnes were kylled with dishone­stie. [...]eph a [...]nste [...]ion [...]oke. So the Iewes as we haue sayd ge­uyng them selues to daunsyng and fea­styng, were full of ioy and synging, and made a lawe of these thynges, to al that came after, of there being in this straū ­ge contrey and appoynted the foresayed [Page] dayes of there myrtes to be kept, not to bybbe and bowle in for glottony, but for the health that was geuen vnto them by God, and afterwardes they went vnto the kyng, and desyred that they myght go home to there owne houses. iij. Mac. l. But there discription was kept from the .xxv. daye of Pacho, vnto the .iiij. daie of Epiph. xl. dayes long, and to de­stroye them they laboured from the first daye of Epiph vnto the .vij. of the same, that is thre dayes, in the which the lord of all shewyng his mercy wonderfully, saued them all without harme, and they kept feastes, the kyng geuyng them all thynges there vnto euen to the .xiiij. daye, in the whiche they went, desyryng yt they might go home. And whē ye king had praysed them, he wrote this epistell that foloweth, declaryng the greate ve­hemency of his mynde.

chapter 7 part A Zurich part X THe kynge Ptolomie Philopater, to all hys rulers that be thourough Egipte, and all that beare eny offyce, sendyth grea­tynge and health for we and oure chil­dren be in health. After that the greate [Page] God had sent vs good speede euen we our selfe would wysh some of our fren­des thorow there waywardnes made often instant labour vnto vs, and per­suaded vs to call to gether the Iewes that were vnder our subiection & cru­elly to punyshe them as traytours, for they sayde we should neuer be in quiet, because of the hate that they bare a­gainst all men tyll we had so done. And after that they had sore vexed them and brought them hether bounde as slaues or rather as theues and murtherers, with out all enquirye oure pledynge of the cause, they woulde haue kylled them more cruell then the Scythyans. But we rebukyng them sharply for it, according to our gentylnes toward all men, and after we had much worcke to saue them a lyue by oure fauoure, and when we knewe for a suretye that the heauenlye God defendid the Iewes, and that in euery poynt he holpe them, as the father hys chyldren, part B and that al­so we dyd consider the good wil which they bere vnto vs, as they haue to oure auncitours, we haue iustly quyte them from all fautes what so euer was laide [Page] agaynst them and haue commaunded euerye man in euerye place that they shoulde be suffred to go to there owne, and that no man shoulde hurt them, or cast them in the teath wyth any thynge that they haue suffered, for ye shall vn­derstand, that yf we iiij Reg xix.d. Iere xxx c. ij a. x d Zac ij.b Mathe. xxv.d. Act. ix.a haue done eny hurt, agayeste them malycyouslye or by any meanes haue made them sadde, that we shall haue agaynste vs, not a man but the hye God rular of all pow­re to be reuenged of thees deedes in eue­ry point alwayes and neuer hable to­be auoydyd. Fare ye well. Zurich part Y Yet when they had receyued thys epystell, they made not hast straight waies to go the­re wayes, but they desyred this thynge also of the kynge, that whosoeuer of the Iewes nacion had violatet ye holy God or willingly iij. Ma f. broken hys lawes, that they myghte be punyshed of them as they hadde deseruyd, sayeng, part C that they whyche had transgressed goddes lawe for there bellye sake, woulde neuer be faythfull to the kynges commaunde­ment. He thyncking them to say trewe, praysed them and gaue them powre to kyll thorowe all hys kyngdome those [Page] that had broke the lawe of God, and that they shuolde not seke for eny pow­re of the kynge. Then they as reason was, thanckinge the kynge, the priestes and all the people wyth them cryeng. Alleluya, went away wyth ioy, and as thei went killed euery one of the nacion that was naught for example to other and in dede that daye, they killed aboue thre hundreth men, and were verie ioy­yuos as they kylled them. But thoos that stacke to God to death, hauing the ful fruet of there health, they went out of the cytye crowned wyth verye swete flowers of all sortes wyth cryeng and gladnes, giuing praise to the holy God of there fathers ye sauiour of Israel. part D Zurich part Z And when they were come to Ptolomeus. Rodophoros, so called after the nature of the place where a nauye taryed for them, they kepte a feaste there by there hole consentes. vij. dayes, the kyng ge­uyng vnto them gladly all thynges ne­cessary to there iouruey, tyll they came home. So departyng safe with worthy gratulacions, ther also they purposed to kepe those glad dayes for the tyme of, there being in a strannge lawe, and ma­kyng [Page] and dedicating a pillar of prayer in the place where they feasted, they went their waye safe both by lande and by sea fre and mery. And euery man ca­me home to his house by the kynges cō ­maundement, hauyng greater power a­gainst the enemies with glory and fea­re, then euer they had before, nor they were not let from there goodes by any man, for all men receiued there goodes as they were named in the byll of atten­dure, so that whosoeuer had any thyng of theers, restored it a­gayne, with great feare, the hye God finishyng the matters, to all there healthes. Praised be God the de­lyuerer of Israel worlde with­out ende. Amen.

Hereafter folowe the names of the bo­kes of the olde testament.
  • GEnesis, the boke of the creacion.
  • Exodus, the boke of ye going out
  • Leuiticus, the boke of ye Leuites
  • Numeri, the boke of nombrynge.
  • Deuteronomium, the repetynge of the lawe and of the actes.
  • Iosue.
  • Iudicum, the boke of the Iudges.
  • Ruth.
  • i. Regum, the fyrst boke of the kynges.
  • ij. Regum, the seconde boke of the kyn­ges.
  • iij. Regum, the third boke of the kynges
  • iiij. Regum, the fourth boke of the kyn­ges.
  • i. Paralipomenon, the fyrst boke of the Cronicles.
  • ij. Paralipomenon, the second boke of the Cronicles.
  • i. Esdras. ij. Esdras. iij. Esdras. iiij. Esdras, Tobias, Iudith, Hester, Iob.
  • The Psalter of Dauid.
  • [Page]Prouerbia, the boke of Salomons pro­uerbes.
  • Ecclesiastes, the preacher.
  • Cantica canticorum, the songe of hye songes.
  • Sapientia the boke of wysedome.
  • Ecclesiasticus the booke of Iesus the sonne of Sirach.
  • Esaye, Ieremias.
  • Ezechiel.
  • Daniel.
  • Oseas. Ioel. Amos.
  • Abdias. Ionas. Micheas.
  • Nahum. Abacuck. Sophonias.
  • Aggeus. Zacharias. Malachias.
  • Baruch.
  • The first boke of the Machabees.
  • The second boke of the Machabees.
  • The third boke of the Machabees.
The bokes of the newe Testament.
  • S. Mathewes Gospell.
  • S. Markes Gospell.
  • S. Lukas Gospell.
  • S. Iohannes Gospell.
  • The Actes of the Apostles.
  • The Epistles of S. Paule.
    • To the Romaynes.
    • The first to the Corinthians.
    • The second to the Corinthians.
    • [Page]To the Galathians.
    • To the Ephesians.
    • To the Philippians.
    • To the Colossians.
    • The first to the Thessalonians.
    • The second to the Thessalonians.
    • The first to Timothee.
    • The seconde to Timothee.
    • To Titus.
    • To Philemon.
    • To the Hebrues.
  • The Epistell of S. Iames.
  • The first Epistell of S. Peter.
  • The second Epistel of S. Peter.
  • The first Epistel of S. Iohn.
  • The second Epistle of S. Iohn.
  • The third Epistle of S. Iohn.
  • The Epistle of S. Iudas.
  • Apocalipsis, the reuelaciōs of S. Iohn.

¶ Imprinted at London for Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng on So­mers Keye, by Byllinges gate. In the yere of our Lorde M.D.L.

¶ And they are to be solde in Paules churche yarde, next the great Schole, at the sygne of the sprede Egle.

Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solū

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