OF THE REDEMP­TION OF MANKIND THREE BOOKES: Wherein the controuersie of the vni­uersalitie of Redemption and grace by Christ, and of his death for all men, is largely handled.

HEREVNTO IS ANNEXED A TREA­tise of Gods Predestination in one booke.

Written in Latin by IACOB KIMEDONCIVS D. and professor of Diuinitie at Heidelberge, and translated into English by HVGH INCE Preacher of the word of God.




TO THE RIGHT HO­NORABLE SIR THOMAS EGERTON KNIGHT, LORD Keeper of the Great Seale of Eng­land, and one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Councell.

HAuing finished the translation of this volume, (Right Honorable) I was in doubt whether I might safely send it forth as a matter that would, as it ought to be imbraced & fauored of eueryone into whose hands it should come: or to offer it to the view of some honorable person, and to commend it to his fauourable protection, and in his name to publish it. If I had resolued vpon the first way, as I doubt not but it should haue found many friends, euen all the louers of the trueth, that would gladly haue accepted it: so I know it should haue had many aduersaries among vs in this land, as it hath had in o­ther countries alreadie, and commeth now abroad in our owne tongue, from thence greatly reproched, and withstood with a spitefull enemie, albeit to his shamefull foyle, and dis­grace in the end. And therefore I thought it best to follow mine author, as he offereth the knowledge and custodie of the trueth, which he here maintaineth vnto a high and mightie Prince: so I am bold to offer my translation of so worthie a worke, vnto your honorable protection and defence, against [Page] euill tongues and erronious spirits. The cause that is handled here is Gods; the ground that it hath, is the trueth of his holy word; the witnesse and testimonie thereof, is the vniforme consent of the Church of Christ, beleeuing and confessing the same; the matter hereof is the redemption of our soules, the comfort of our consciences, the stay of our faith, and the anchor of our hope. If the certaintie of these things (right Honourable) be called in question, and taken from vs that are mortall men, what ioy can we haue in any thing, that here for a time wee enioy? What hope can wee haue of a better life, when this fraile one shall be taken from vs, and wee all shall be called to giue our account? But as Satan the enemie of our saluation, hath alwaies heretofore sowed tares among the wheate, and corrupted the sinceritie of the trueth with er­rors and lyes, and that vnder a faire pretence: so at this day, when he could not effect his purpose so farre as he desired, by the late and lamentable strife that he hath raised among vs, (though thereby he hath quenched the zeale of many, and made them fall from their first loue) hath euen now in our Church, as he hath done in others, raised a doubt, and bro [...]hed a controuersie in the maine grounds of our Religion and faith, to wit, in the doctrine of mans Redemption by the death of Christ, and of Gods eternall predestination. Where­in as he doth not greatly preuaile, because the gouernours of our Church and the consent of all that bee godly and learned for the most part, therein are against him: so, that hee may proceede no further in time to come, and that the mindes of men may bee setled in the trueth of their saluation, I haue thought it my dutie to the Church of God, to testifie my loue of the trueth, and my vnfained care of the knowledge of the fame among vs, and continuance thereof in our posteritie, by taking paines to translate into our vulgar tongue these bookes. Herein you shall plainly see, that albeit the death of Christ the sonne of God, as touching the greatnes of the price, be sufficient for the redemption of whole mankinde in the world, yea if there were many worlds of them, as An­selme saith: yet the proprietie of redemption belongeth to [Page] those that are not the vessels of the deuill, but the members of Christ by faith, and the grace of regeneration: the rest, who liue without faith and regeneration not belonging to this redemption from sinne and death: Or, which is all one, you shall see it proued by infallible testimonies of Scripture, by generall consent of antiquitie, and of new writers, and by substantiall arguments, that redemption from sinnes, righ­teousnes and saluation are benefits proper to the Church, and not common to all and euery one, elect and reprobate, beleeuer and vnbeleeuer, to the saued and damned. You shall plainly see (I say) that the Sauiour promised to the world, and preached of alwaies in the Church, by the mouth of all the holy prophets and Apostles, is appoynted by the fa­ther to be a propitiation through faith in his blood in all, and vpon all that beleeue onely: and that this benefite of the re­storing and redemption of mankinde, albeit it be proper and peculiar to the Church, as touching the efficacie of it, yet it is vniuersall altogether in that sense, wherein we beleeue and confesse the holy Church of Christ to be vniuersall. Against this trueth the aduersarie fighteth eagerly and impudent­ly with bitter reproches and lyes, grieuous blasphemies, flat contrarieties, grosse absurdities, peruerting the naturall sense of the sacred Scripture, and abusing the ancient writers. But all these his weapons wins him not the victory, for either they be blunt and cannot hurt our cause, or else the edge of them is turned against himselfe: and his owne masters in whom he glorieth, Luther, Brentius, and the rest, whose disciple and fol­lower he would faine be, leaue him in his bad cause, nay are brought in plainely, reprouing and condemning his opinion as erronious, and speaking for the trueth on our side. Nay further it is here flatly auouched, that the olde Pelagian he­resie and impietie, which Augustine long agoe confuted, and the Church of God then condemned, is the father of the birth, and beginning of our aduersaries opinion.

As for the treatise of Predestination annexed hereto, it serueth specially for the fuller euidence and greater certain­tie of those things that are handled in the former bookes con­cerning [Page] the vniuersalitie of grace and redemption. For the remnants of the Pelagians of old, and at this day, affirming none at all to bee excepted from the redemption of Christs blood, and in respect of God maintaining eternall life to bee prepared for all, are therefore fallen to the extolling of such grace, because they would in no case confesse, that God ac­cording to the purpose & coūsel of his own will, in his secret iudgement but manifest worke, maketh one vessell to honor, and another to dishonour: nor will assent hereto, that the number of the predestinate can neither be increased nor di­minished. Both which points are fully handled, and plainly proued against them in this booke.

Praefat. ad Rom. Luther saith notably: Ex praedestinationis sententia sola pendere omnia, qui accepturi sint verbum, qui non: qui credi­turi, quinon: qui liberandi à peccato, qui occaecandi: quidam­nandi, qui iustificandi. That is, Ʋpon the onely sentence of pre­destination all things depend, who shall receiue the word, who not: who shall beleeue, who not: who shall be freed from sinne, who blinded therein: who shall be damned, who saued. There­fore seeing God saueth some men, and condemneth others, and that willingly, (for nothing can bee done if he be simply vnwilling, and against it) we must of necessitie confesse, that both are done according to Gods purpose, and that eternall. For there is nothing temporall in God, otherwise he should be mutable. And this is nothing els, than that God hath cho­sen some, and reiected others from euerlasting.

Touching the certaine number of the predestinate, Augu­stine saith truly:De Cor. & gra. cap. 13 & 7. Praedestinatorum in regnum Dei ita certus est munerus, &c. that is, The number of them that are prede­stinate vnto the kingdome of God is so certaine, that nothing can be added to them, nor any thing of them diminished. And againe, Electorum si quisquam perit fallitur Deus, & vitio humano vincitur, &c. that is, If any of the elect perisheth, God is deceiued, and ouercome of mans sinne: but none of them pe­risheth, because God is not deceiued, nor ouercome of any thing. This treatise also teacheth, that a man may be certaine of his election & saluation, & by what meanes he may know it: [Page] what we are to iudge of the election of others: how necessa­rie and profitable this doctrine is, to know Gods mercie and iustice, and his free grace against all Pelagians and Semipe­lagians, and to teach vs humilitie, patience in aduersitie, loue towards God, and an earnest studie of all good works. This is briefly the summe of these bookes, which I haue translated for the benefit and helpe of the common sort, that vnderstand them not in the Latin tongue, that by reading and vnderstanding hereof they that erre, may returne againe to the trueth and imbrace it hereafter the better; they that doubt, may be fully resolued hereby; and they that haue held this doctrine as the trueth of God in time past, may be con­firmed therein, and incouraged to professe it to their liues end.

Now these my labours I present to the view of your Ho­nour, crauing pardon for my boldnes, and the protection and defence of these mysteries of the Gospel of Christ, I com­mend vnto your Honor, assuring my selfe, that as the great and mightie Christian Princes of the world account it an ho­nour vnto them to be, and to be called defenders of the true faith of Christ, by whom they raigne: so your Honour will gladly and willingly receiue the protection of this his trueth, who hath not onely aduanced you to so high a place of dig­nitie in this Common-wealth, but hath also giuen you an heart to feare him, to minister true iudgement, and to pro­mote the Gospel by furnishing this Church with learned and able Ministers, and that freely in this corrupt age when all things are set to sale. The great good report that generally is giuen of your Honor in euery place for these things, of all persons, but especially of Ministers and Schollers, as it draw­eth the hearts and affections of men vnto you in all dutie, & causeth many a hearty praier to be made to God for your life & continuance in weldoing: so among other, it hath moued mee though the meanest of all, oftentimes to blesse God for you, & to reioyce in your behalfe, & that so much the rather, because it hath pleased God out of Chesshire my natiue soile, to aduance one to so high a place and authority, and to make [Page] him so famous for weldoing, as he hath done your Honour. Goe on still (good my Lord) in that good course that you haue begun: honour the Lord with your authoritie, and he will yet more honour you: keepe a good conscience in all things, and the remembrance thereof shall be your ioy. Bona conscientia (saith Bernard) afficit gaudio viuentem, consolatur morientem, eternum (que) durat: that is, A good conscience glad­deth a man in his life, comforteth him in his death, and indu­reth for euer. And after your Honour hath serued your time according to the counsell of God, and shall be ready to bee called before that great Master of the Rolles and records of all the world, you shall with the Apostle say to your endles comfort: Certamen praeclarum decertaui, cursum consum­maui, sidem seruaui: quid superest, reposita est mihi iustitiae corona. I haue fought a good fight, I haue finished my course, I haue kept the faith: from henceforth there is laid vp for me a crowne of righteousnes.

Thus ceasing any further to interrupt your Honour from your weighty affaires, which I know be many, I humbly with all dutifulnes take my leaue, praying God long to preserue your Honour in health, to make you zealous of his glorie, constant in all weldoing to the furtherance of his Gospell, faithfull to her Maiestie, carefull of Iustice, profitable to the whole Realme, prosperous in all your waies, and com­fortable to your owne soule, that at length you may sleepe in peace, and make a ioyfull account, Amen. Grensteed in Essex. Octob. 31. 1598.

Your Honors most humble at com­mandement in the Lord: HVGH INCE.

TO THE MOST EX­CELLENT AND RENOW­MED PRINCE, AND LORD, THE LORD Frederike the fourth, Count Palatine on the Rhene, Duke of Bauarie, of the sacred Romane Empire, chiefe Sewer and Elector, his most gracious Lorde and Prince.

MOST noble Prince Elector, and gracious Lorde, many things are required in a good Prince, beeing Gods Vicar among men: among o­ther, wisedome, which containeth the knowledge of diuine and hu­mane things, is a singular beau­tifying of him, and a passing good defence. Hereupon Platoes iudge­ment was that Common weales should then be happy, when ei­ther Princes studied philosophy, or els Philosophers ruled Com­mon weales. And to vse a grauer witnesse,Wisd. 6. the multitude of wise men is the safetie of the worlde, and a prudent king is the stay of the people, saith the wise man. For which cause also Sa­lomon Dauids sonne, the wisest king of mortal men, when in his tender yeres he had receiued the gouernment of the kingdome, hauing choise offered him of God to aske what he would, craued onely wisedome.In Alcibiades Plato also reporteth what was the custome of the Persians in bringing vp the eldest sonnes of their kings, that were to succeede in the kingdome, and how they aquainted them frō their tender yeres with the study of wisedome and vertue, to the intent they might gouerne the kingdome at length with ho­nour. [Page] After this sort it was. At their age of foureteene yeeres the kings schoolemasters (as they were called) being foure chosen out of all the Persians, the wisest man, the iustest, the most temporate, & the valiantest mā, did vndertake the charge of them. The first taught them the worship of the gods, and kingly instructions. The second aduised thē to affect & fauour the trueth in their whole life. The third that they would not be ouercome with any desire, but accustome themselues to liue like freemen, & in very deed kings, ruling themselues aboue al things, & not seruing any desires. The fourth made thē stoute, least through feare they should commit any thing not besee­ming their dignitie, and become seruants. This instructiō of one that should be a Prince florished amōg the Persians. And sure­ly they rightly iudged, that he ought to be trained vp in the pre­cepts of wisedome, that is, of religion, and of the kingdome: but that being ignorant of Gods trueth, they imbraced a false reli­gion through the magical instruction of Zoroaster. An instru­ction not vnlike, albeit euery way farre better, as being taken out of the cleerest fountaines of heauenly wisedome, hath hap­pened vnto your Highnesse, most gracious Prince. Neither haue the praiers of Salomon been wanting, both of your High­nesse, (which from your childhood hauing taken delight in the knowledge of profitable and good things, hath beene earnest in dayly prayers with God, and is vncessantly instant, desiring to be indued by him with an vnderstanding heart:) and also of all good men, who publikely and priuately haue most regarded that thing, and not without cause. And how much hath been effected thereby, manifest experiments doe testifie, and such as shall be with thankefull hearts made knowne to posteritie to the honour of God. First because that noble Prince and Lord, the Lord Iohn Casimire, Tutor, and a second parent as it were, to your Highnes, being lately taken out of this life, your flourishing age, and already ripe to gouernment, and your iudgement riper than your age, (most excellent Frederike) haue afforded vs a re­fuge and solace in so hard a case. Then, because after you had taken vpon you the gouernment of most large Dominions, wee [...]oyfully haue seene such trials of your great vertue, and such [Page] foundations haue beene layd of good gouernment, although in a lamentable and wicked time, that it hath lifted vp the mindes of all men vnto a singular good expectation. Goe on forwarde therefore in this minde and vertue (most noble prince Elector,) be strong in the Lord and in his mightie power, remember the Lordes exhortation in old time to Ioshua: I will bee with thee, as I was with Moses. I will not leaue thee, nor forsake thee. Be of good comfort that thou mayest doe according to the Law. Let not the booke of the Lawe depart from thy mouth. Then thou shalt deale wisely and prosperously in all things. In like maner also the holy man Dauid (as we read) diligently ex­horted his sonne Salomon, 1. Kings. 2. when being as yet a child hee was now consecrated to raigne. The Lorde God, who taketh away,Dan. 2. and appointeth Princes, and from whom commeth wisedome and fortitude, endue your highnes more and more with vertue from aboue.

But most noble prince Elector, and gracious Lorde, seeing these foure bookes of the Redemption of mankinde, and Gods Predestination being written by me a yeere agoe, should nowe come abroad vnder the authoritie of your gouernment, I thought that this my duety should be acceptable to your High­nes, if I should intitle and offer them most humbly vnto you: and that in respect of that thankefulnesse, whereunto I am many wayes bound to your Highnes. I know well inough, that I am not able this way to make a full recompence, yet freely to pro­fesse the same is the propertie of a thankefull person. Further because in these and the like Ecclesiasticall controuersies, that arise from restles wits, it is meete that Princes especially should haue the knowledge and custodie of the trueth, to the intent that malicious detractors and deprauers may doe the lesse hurt to Christian religion. At this day we are slandered of malicious men with a new crime that is fained against vs, as though wee should deny that Christ died for al men. An impudent reproach. For according to the Scriptures we also confesse the same, but we denie, that thereupon it followeth that all mankinde with­out exceptiō of any one, are by the death of Christ indeed iusti­fied, saued, and restored into the bosome of grace, hauing recei­ued [Page] the pardon of their sinnes, whether they beleeue or no. This is a deuise of man, and therefore to be refused, if wee will retaine the consent of the Prophets and Apostles,Acts 10. Ioh. 3. to wit, that euery one that beleeueth in Christ Iesu, receiueth remission of sinnes through his name, the wrath of God abiding vpon the vnbe­leeuers.

Now the doctrine of Predestination, according to which God saueth in mercie some of the damnable lumpe of mankind, and in iustice punisheth others for their sinnes, being in the same lumpe vtterly forsaken, is of it selfe plaine, if we desire ra­ther to follow the direction of Gods spirit, than the consequen­ces of foolish reason. But reason being troubled with the depth of Gods grace and his iudgement, leaueth here nothing vn­assayd, as we may see by the example of the Pelagians old and newe: the first Augustine of old time soundly confuted, and Lu­ther the latter.De ser. arb. & alibi. Therefore let those men that would be counted Lutherans, looke to it, how they doe agree in iudgement both a­gainst Luther, & the truth it selfe also with the Pelagians But I make an end, praying God, that vnder your Highnes the stu­dies of peace, learning and pietie, may alwayes florish. Amen. At Heidelberge the 12. of March. 1592.

Your Highnesse most humbly bounden IACOBVS KIMEDONCIVS, D.

A table of certaine places of Scrip­ture expounded in these Bookes.

  • GEn. 3. The seede of the woman, &c. 100
  • I will put enmitie &c. 101
  • Gen. 12. & 22. In thy seede shall all nations &c. 105.201
  • Leuit. 16. Of the Scape Goate. 107
  • Deut. 7. God hath chosen thee to be a people. 283
  • Esay 53. He hath laid the iniquities of vs all &c. 103. 202
  • Esay 62. Tell the daughter of Sion. 205
  • Ierem. 23. In his dayes Israel shall be saued. 204
  • Ierem. 31. I will make a couenant with the house of Israel, &c. 203
  • Ezech. 18. I will not the death of a sinner &c. 335
  • Osea 13. Thy destruction is of thy selfe. 334
  • Zach. 2. Reioyce O daughter Sion. 204
  • Zach. 3. I will take away the iniquitie of that land. 105
  • Zach. 9. Thy king commeth vnto thee. 204
  • Psalm. 2. I will giue thee the heathen for &c. 106
  • Wisd. 1. God made not death. 334
  • Ecclesiasticus 33. As one day excelleth another. 285
  • Matth. 1. He shall saue his people. 180
  • Matth. 7. I neuer knew you. 210
  • Matth. 18. Of these little ones that beleeue in me. 166
  • The parable of the debter. 126
  • Matth. 26. Which is shed for many. 181
  • Luk. 1. He hath redeemed his people. 182
  • Luk. 2. I tell you of great ioy. 183
  • A light to lighten the Gentiles. 184
  • Luk. 11. Of the strong man armed. 103
  • Luk. 24. The Gospell must be preached, &c. 95
  • [Page] Ioh. 1. He lighteneth euery man that commeth. 42
  • Of his fulnes we all receiue.
  • Behold the Lambe of God that taketh, &c. 76
  • Ioh. 3. So God loued the world. 74
  • The wrath of God abideth, &c. 184
  • Ioh. 3. & 12. I came to saue the world. 79
  • Ioh. 6. I will giue my flesh for the life. 77
  • My father giueth you a heauenly bread. 78
  • Ioh. 10. I lay downe my life for my sheepe. 185
  • Ioh. 11. That he might gather the sonnes of God. 186
  • Ioh. 12. When I am lifted vp I will draw. 187
  • Ioh. 15. That a man should lay downe his life for his friends. 187
  • If I had not come, they had had no sinne. 175
  • Ioh. 17. I pray not for the world. 188
  • For them I sanctifie my selfe. 190
  • Thou hast giuen me power ouer all flesh. 70
  • None of them is lost but the lost childe. 71
  • Act. 5. To giue remission of sinnes to Israel. 199
  • Act. 10. To him giue all the prophets witnesse. 199
  • Act. 20. God hath redeemed his Church with his owne blood. 9
  • Rom. 2. Whosoeuer sinned without the Law. 175
  • Rom. 3. The righteousnes of God vpon all that beleeue. 191
  • Rom. 5. He died for his enemies. 188
  • Vers. 19. Through the obedience of one &c. 8
  • Vers. 18. The benefit redounded to all men, to the iustification of life. 63
  • Rom. 8. He gaue him for vs all. 58 192
  • Rom. 9. The place of predestination is discussed. 286
  • The elder shall serue the younger. 291
  • Iacob I haue loued, Esau I haue hated. 293
  • O man who art thou &c. 313
  • Rom. 11. He hath not cast away his people whom he foreknew. 297
  • Of the Iewes cut off through vnbeleefe. 125
  • That he might haue mercy vpon all. 69
  • [Page] Rom. 14. Destroy not him with meate, for whom Christ died. 116
  • Rom. 14. According to the things he hath done in the body. 282
  • Rom. 16. The Gospell declared to all nations. 96
  • 1. Cor. 3. If any destroy the temple of God. 116
  • 1. Cor. 8. Thy brother shall perish for whom Christ died. 117
  • 1. Cor. 12. He worketh all in all. 42
  • 1. Cor. 15. All shall be quickened. 66
  • 2. Cor. 5. Reconciling the world. 79
  • One died for all. 56
  • Galath. 3. When ye began in the spirit. 122
  • Galath. 5. Stand in the libertie. 124
  • Ye are fallen from grace. 122
  • Ephe. 1. As he chose vs in him. 297
  • All things are restored in Christ. 66
  • Ephe. 5. He gaue himselfe for his Church. 194
  • Col. 1. I fulfill the afflictions of Christ. 12
  • He hath reconciled all things in heauen. 66. 67
  • He hath deliuered vs from the power of darknes. 195
  • Ye that were sometime strangers. 195
  • If ye continue stable in the hope. 69
  • 1. Tim. 1. & 4. Of such as fall from faith. 109
  • 1. Tim. 2. He will haue all men to be saued. 51. 53. 54
  • He gaue himselfe for all. 56
  • 1. Tim. 4. He is the Sauiour of all specially of the faithfull. 196
  • 2. Tim. 2. If any man purge himselfe. 306
  • Tit. 3. The grace of God hath appeared to all men. 96
  • Heb. 2. All things subiect to Christ. 59
  • He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified. 60
  • He tasted death for all. 61
  • Heb. 5. He is made the author of saluation to all that obey him. 196
  • Heb. 6. It is impossible for them that were once inlightened to be renued by repentance. 113
  • [Page] Heb. 9. Of Redemption of sins vnder the former Testament. 2
  • If the blood of goates &c. 197
  • That the Called might receiue &c. 197
  • He tooke away the sinnes of many. 198
  • Heb. 10. Seeing therefore brethren we receiue libertie. 115
  • 1. Pet. 1. Elect according to foreknowledge. 308
  • Reuealed for the beleeuers. 199
  • 1. Pet. 2. Whereunto they were appointed. 122
  • 2. Pet. 1. He is blinde and hath forgotten. 119
  • 2. Pet. 1. Make your election sure. 307
  • 2. Pet. 2. They deny the Lord that bought them. 117
  • Of such as returne to filthines. 117
  • 2. Pet. 3. He will haue none to perish. 261
  • 1. Ioh. 1. The blood of Christ clenseth vs. 199
  • 1. Ioh. 2. We haue Christ our aduocate. 80
  • For the sinnes of the whole world. 80
  • They were not of vs. 111. 333
  • 1. Ioh. 3. That he might destroy the workes of the deuill. 212
  • 1. Ioh. 5. They that beleeue not make God a lyar. 127
  • Apoc. 1. He hath washed vs from our sinnes. 200
  • Apoc. 5. He hath redeemed vs to God. 200


The first Booke.

CHAP. I. Wherein is shewed the summe and diuision of this doctrine.

THE mysterie of the Redemption of mankinde by the onely begotten Son of God our Lord Iesus Christ, the Apostles faithfullie and most sincerelie haue testified at large,The summe of the Catholike saith, and con­fession of the redemption of man. first by liuely voyce, and then by writings both to the Iewes and Gentiles: to wit, that the eternall word,Rom. 15.8.9. (which is the eternall Sonne of God) to confirme the promises made to the fathers, and that the Gentiles should glorifie God for his mercie, in the last daies, when the fulnes of time was come,Galath. 4.4. took vpon him the true nature of man, of the Virgin Mary his mother, by the operation of the holy Ghost; and in the forme of a seruant,Phil. 2 7. was obedient to his father vnto the death, euen the death of the Crosse, that by his precious blood,1. Pet. 1.19. as of a Lambe vndefi­led and without spot, he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie, and purifie vs a peculiar people vnto himself,Tit. 2.14. zealous of good workes. The same Apostles haue also witnessed, that to the end we may be partakers of this redemption, a true faith in [Page 2] Christ is required of vs, whereby as it were by a hand, we may apprehend him, and apply him with all his merits and bene­fits vnto our selues.

This is the Catholike faith and confession, which the Apo­stles taught, the Martyrs confirmed, and the faithfull as yet do keepe. For so the holie Apostle Paul describing this whole mysterie in few but cleere words saith:Rom. 3.23, 24, 25, 26. All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freely by his grace thorow the redemption which is in Christ Iesu; whom God hath set forth to bee a reconciliation thorow faith in his blood, to declare his righteousnes by the forgiuenes of the sinnes past, that he might be iust, and a iustifier of him which is of the faith of Iesu. And the Author to the Hebrewes writeth on this maner:Heb. 9.11. to 16 But Christ comming a high priest of good things to come, by his owne blood entred once into the holy place, and ob­tained eternall redemption. For if the blood of buls and goates sanctifieth the vncleane to the purifying of the flesh; how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spot to God, purge your consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God? Therefore he is the Mediatour of the New Testament, that through death which was for the redemption of the transgressions, which were vnder the former Testament, they which were called, might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance. Where, by the way is to be considered, that (by sins past) in the saying of the Apostle to the Romanes, are properly vnderstood the sinnes com­mitted vnder the old Testament, which could not be purged with the blood of goates and calues, but the righteous did expect a better oblation,Heb. 10.14. which should consecrate for euer those that are sanctified.Acts 15.11. Whereupon Peter also said: By the grace of our Lord Iesu Christ wee beleeue to be saued as well as our fathers.

But this whole place of redemption is large, and worthie of great cōsideration: to wit: 1. Whence, 2. By whom, 3. How, 4. When, 5. For what cause, 6. Whereto, and 7. Who are redee­med. All these truly haue a profitable and necessarie consi­deration, and bee euery where taught in the Scriptures. Of [Page 3] these propounded questions the sixe former wee will brieflie touch: but the seuenth and last, for which cause chieflie wee vndertake this labour, wee will more fully and largely ex­pound, as the Lord shall permit.

CHAP. II. Whence we are redeemed.

THerefore as touching this question: Whence we are re­deemed, the holy Scriptures sufficiently teach vs,Our redemptiō is not corporal, but spirituall and eternall from Satan, sin and death. that the redemption, whereof we speake, is not temporall from some corporall bondage or tyrannie, such as the redemption was of Israel from Egypt, from the house of bondage, and the hand of Pharao by Moses: and after from the hand of the Canaanits, and Midianits, and other their enemies by Ge­deon and other Iudges, and specially from the most grieuous 70. yeares captiuitie in Babylon, by Cyrus the king and Mo­narch of Persia: but this redemption is spirituall and eternal, shadowed of old by those corporall deliuerances: to wit, from the power of darknes, and the slauerie of sinne & death,Coloss. 1.13. Heb. 2.14. and of him who had the power of death, that is, the deuill. And these be the enemies and haters, whereof Zacharie the father of Iohn Baptist maketh mention in his song, greatly extolling this redemption: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, Luk. 1.68. to 76. for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised vp a horne of saluation for vs in the house of Dauid his seruant, as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets, that hee would saue vs from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate vs: that being deliuered from the hand of our enemies, wee might serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our life. And albeit this benefit of spirituall and eternall redemption is vsually contemned of carnall men, who sauour nothing but the things of the flesh, and to whom the slauerie of sinne and the world is so sweet, as Satan the God of this world hath blinded their minds: yet such is the greatnes, and so inestimable is the dignitie there­of, that they who haue rightly tasted the redemptiō of Christ, [Page 4] whereby libertie to captiues, saluation to them that perished, and life to the dead is repaired, do easily vnderstand that euen the riches, kingdomes, and pleasures of the whole world are to bee esteemed as nothing in comparison of it. For what doth it profit a man,Matth. 16. if he gaine the whole world, and lose his owne soule? or what recompence shall a man giue for his soule?

CHAP. III. By whom this redemption came.

Our redeemer is Christ true God and man holy and righ­teous. 1. Tim. 2.5.6.BVt now the Redeemer, who hath deliuered vs from the slauerie of sinne, death, and the power of Satan, is none o­ther, then the Mediatour of God and men, our Lord Iesus Christ, true God, and true man, like vnto vs in all things ex­cept sinne. For there is one God, and one Mediatour also of God and men, the man Christ Iesus, who gaue himselfe a price of redemption for all, as the Apostle saith. And to the Romanes chap. 3.Rom. 3.24. he teacheth that wee are iustified through the redemption wrought in Christ Iesu. And elsewhere the same Apostle affirmeth,1. Cor. 1.30. that Christ is made vnto vs of God wisedome, righteousnes, sanctification, and redemption, that as it is written: He that reioyceth, let him reioyce in the Lord. Iohn, who from the breast of the Lord had receiued hidden mysteries,1. Ioh. 2.1.2. likewise testifieth: If any man sinne, wee haue an aduocate with God, Iesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sinnes: and not for ours onely, but also for the sinnes of the whole world. But euery where such te­stimonies meete vs in the diuine Scriptures.Eph. 2.20. 1. Cor. 3.11. Acts 4.12. For Iesus Christ is the foundation of the Scripture, of the Prophets and Apo­stles: neither is there saluation in any other, nor any other name giuen vnder heauen among men, whereby wee must be saued. Whereupon their error is worthily to bee detested, who not contented with the onely and perfect redeemer Christ, seek part of their redemption and saluation elsewhere, in themselues, or in the Saints: where as yet the holiest men, [Page 5] vnlesse the grace of Christ had saued and redeemed them, could neuer haue been able to satisfie, no not for themselues. Therfore also Iohn, (as Augustine well considered) said not:Augustine. If any sinne, ye haue an aduocate: nor said: ye haue me, ye haue not Christ: but both named Christ, and not himselfe, and also said: we haue, and not, ye haue. He would rather put him­selfe in the number of sinners, that he might haue Christ his aduocate, then put himselfe aduocate in Christs stead, and be found among the proud that be condemned. Brethren (saith he) we haue Iesus Christ the righteous an aduocate with the father, and he is the attonement of our sinnes. Hitherto Au­gustine, tractatu primo in 1. Epist. Ioh.

CHAP. IIII. Of the maner of the redemption finished.

NOw the maner of our redemption by Christ,The maner, is his abasing of himselfe to the death of the crosse, and to the shedding of his blood. Phil. 2.7. being a mysterie altogether and wonderfull, but wholly agree­ing to the iustice and trueth of God, the Scripture setteth downe on this wise: to wit, that the eternall Sonne of God for vs and our saluation a based himselfe, taking the forme of a seruant, being made like vnto men, and found in shape as a man: and submitting himselfe became obedient vnto the death, euen the death of the crosse, that by his passion, and death and shedding of his most sacred blood, as by the onely propitiatorie sacrifice, he might redeeme our body and soule from eternall damnation, and purchase for vs the grace of God, righteousnes and eternall life. For this cause saith the A­postle. 1. Cor. 6. Ye are not your owne, 1. Cor. 6.20. ye are bought with a price, be net the seruants of men. But with what price? S. Pe­ter answereth: not with siluer and gold, 1. Pet. 1.18.19. or other transitorie things, (which nothing at all profit vs to the eternall redemp­tion of our soules) but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lambe without spot, who did no sin, neither was any guile found in his mouth: and who bare our sinnes in his bodie on the tree: 1. Pet. 3.18. and suffered the iust for the vniust, that he might bring vs vn­to [Page 6] God, being dead in the flesh, but quickned in the spirit. Which opinion these sayings also confirme:Ephes. 6.2. Ephes. 1.7. He gaue himselfe for vs an oblation and sacrifice of a sweete sauour to God. In him we haue redemption through his blood, Tit. 2.14. euen the remission of sinnes of his rich grace. He gaue himselfe for vs, to redeeme vs from all sinne, and to purge vs a peculiar people vnto himselfe, zea­lous of good works. Heb. 9.14. Also: By the eternall spirit he offered him­selfe to God without fault, that wee being purged from dead workes, should serue the liuing God. And in the same chapter: Once in the end of the world hath he been made manifest by the sacrifice of himselfe to put away sinne. Vers. 26. And many other things pertaining to this point, doth the Apostle in that place exactly debate: as, that he gathereth from the proprietie and nature of a Testament, that Christ must needes dye, because the death of the Testator is required, that the Testament may be ratified. And confirming the same from the rite of the old Testament, he addeth, that that was not dedicated with­out blood, and that all things almost according to the Law were purified with blood: and that the paternes of heauenly things were purged with the blood of sacrifices: but the hea­uenly things themselues required a better sacrifice and a better blood, namely the same, whereof Christ himselfe, pur­posing forthwith to fulfill the New Testament, witnessed: This is my blood of the New Testament, Matth. 26. which is shed for ma­ny for remission of sinnes. Likewise his beloued disciple saith: The blood of the Sonne of GOD clenseth vs from all sinne. 1. Ioh. 1.7. But now wee speake of the meanes of redemption accom­plished in the first comming of Christ. For there is another to be performed in his second comming, whereof is spoken Luk. 21. Lift vp your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh. And Paul speaketh of the same, Rom. 8.23. and 1. Cor. 1.30. This shall be as the fulfilling and consummation of the former: for now wee are saued in hope, but not as yet in deede, as the Apostle writeth, Rom. 8.24.

CHAP. V. The answering or taking away of certaine Questions about the maner or meanes of redemption.

BVt there is a question in this place;1. question. Why he must needs redeeme vs by a price, & not take vs out of Satans po­wer by force, who did vn­iustly hold vs captiues. what neede was there of the paiment of a price by the Sonne of God, that wee might be redeemed, who were the slaues of Satan? for it see­meth more conuenient, that he, who is violently and vniustly detained of another, bee taken away from him by a superiour power, euen without any price. And the deuill had vniustly inuaded vs. I answere, this price was not paied to the deuill, but to God, who had power ouer vs to condemne vs, and had made vs subiect to the power of the deuill by his iust iudgement. For as touching the deuill, he vniustly possessed man: but man in the meane while was iustly made subiect as a slaue to Satan through his owne sinne, and the righteous iudgement of God. Therefore Christ satisfied God, and re­conciled vs, offering himselfe vnto him by his eternall spirit,Heb. 9. and so now the kingdome of Satan is necessarily destroyed, concerning vs that be reconciled to God, whom by our sins we had offended. Notwithstanding, Ambrose lib. 9. epist. 77. writeth that the price of our deliuerance by the blood of our Lord Iesu, was paied vnto him, to whom we were sold by our sinnes, that is, to the deuill. But that is a very hard saying. For whereas it was not lawfull to offer sacrifice, but vnto God a­lone, how much more ought this peculiar sacrifice to be offe­red to none, but to God alone, which the eternall high priest offered vpon the Altar of the crosse, by the sacrifice of his flesh and effusion of his blood, and which onely is the propi­tiation for the sinnes of the world?

Further it is a question;2. question. Why his death is a price suffi­cient for re­demption. from whence that dignitie of the passion and death of Christ ariseth, that it is a price sufficient for the redemption of mankind? There be many causes con­curring to that effect.

I.Cause 1. His willing o­bedience. The willing obedience of the Sonne to the death of the crosse, Phil. 2.8. for the passion of Christ had not been satis­factorie, [Page 8] vnlesse it had been voluntarie. Hereof the Apostle, Rom. 5. saith: As by the disobedience of one, many are made sinners: so by the obedience of one, many are made righteous. And he speaketh (as Theophilact well expoundeth) of the o­bedience of Christs death: by which obedience, death being destroyed, wee are deliuered from the damnation of death. And for this cause, the Euangelists with one consent descri­bing the historie of Christs passion, haue diligently noted ma­ny circumstances, which declare that he suffered willingly. For hee was offered,Esay. 53.10. because hee was willing, as Esay saith, chap. 53.

2 II. The death and whole humiliation of Christ was not onely voluntarie,His innocency. 1. Pet. 2. 2. Cor. 5.21. but also he suffered death when he was al­together innocent, as a man who had committed no sinne, and in whose mouth there was found no guile. For such an high priest became vs,Heb. 7.26. as was godly, innocent, vndefiled, se­parated from sinners, who had no neede to offer first for his owne sinnes, and then for the sinnes of the people. Therefore because the iust suffered for the vniust,1. Pet. 3. his blood, as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot, is worthily counted precious to worke our redemption: as it is in Peter 1. Epist. 1.

Augustine largely vrgeth this cause in his 13. booke of the Trinitie, chap. 14. He died (saith he) who alone was free from the debt of death. Therefore it was iust, that debters should be let goe free, beleeuing in him, who died without any debt. The same man, chap. 15. The blood of Christ, because it was his, who had no sinne, at all, was shed for the remission of our sinnes. And in the chapter following: The deuill held our sinnes, and for them worthily bound vs in death: he who had none of his owne, discharged them, and was by him vnworthily drawne vn­to death. Also Pope Leo saith very cleerely: The band of death drawne together by the sinne of one, was loosed by the death of one, who alone owed nothing vnto death.

3 His personall dignity, in that he was both God and man.III. The third cause, which is greatest of all, the death of Christ was not a meere mans death, although innocent and iust: but it was his death, who is both true God and man in one and the same person. And this exceeding great dignitie [Page 9] of this person, is the cause that this price of his blood & death, although it was temporall, (if the continuance of it be respe­cted) yet it is of infinit force to saue them for euer, who come vnto God by it. Which the Author to the Hebrewes, chap. 9. teacheth, saying: If the blood of buls and goates and the ashes of a yong heifer, sprinkling the vncleane, do sanctifie to the pu­ritie of the flesh: how much more doth the blood of Christ, who offered himselfe by the eternall spirit without blame to God, purge your consciences from dead workes, to serue the liuing God? And Acts chap. 20. Paul is witnesse: that God by his owne blood redeemed his Church. Not that the deitie hath flesh or blood, (for God is a spirit) but that person which suf­fered death for vs, is both God and man: and so this blood is, and is truly called the blood of God, whose excellencie ther­fore and dignitie is exceeding great.

To these this is annexed, that beside his power diuine,His Lordship ouer vs, and his neerenes in blood vnto vs. and 4 abundantly sufficient to deliuer, our commō Redeemer had also the full and perfect right of redemption, both because he is Lord of all, & also because he is neere vnto vs in blood. For by the right of Lordship, it is meete that the seruant bee redeemed of the master, and the subiect of his prince: and by the right of kindred the father doth well redeeme the sonne, one brother another, and one kinsman another. And hither may be referred, that which we reade, Leuit. 25.25. to be spe­cially ordained touching the right of neerenes of kindred.

Thirdly also this hath been a question,3. question. Why must we be redeemed by his death rather than by some other meanes. as touching the meanes of redemption, whether the deliuerance of vs could not possibly haue been by some other meanes, then by the death of the Sonne of God? Wee answere with Augustine, lib. 13. de trinit. that another way was possible to God, vnto whose power all things are subiect: but this was the meetest way and most fit with God to heale our miserie. Or, as Tho­mas, part. 3. quaest. 46. decideth this doubt, we do distinguish betweene possible or impossible simply, and that which is af­ter a sort. To speake simply and absolutely, it was possible to God to deliuer man by another meanes, then by the death of Christ, because nothing is impossible with God. Luk. 1.37. [Page 10] 1 But after a sort,Because no o­ther was pos­sible. or by supposition of Gods foreknowledge and fore appointment it was impossible, as ye Lords words do plainly shew, Matth. 26. Father, if this cup cannot passe away, vnles I drinke of it, thy will be done. Whereupon Hilary saith: Therefore the cup cannot passe, vnles he drinke it, because we cannot be restored but by his passion, because of the decree of 2 Gods will. Moreouer, it is plaine that that way is most fit with God and meetest to cure our miserie,Because this way was most iust with God which God vsed through the passion of his Sonne. For it was a iust thing, that for the sinnes of mankinde, the iudgement of God should be satisfied thorow punishmēt, and that the same nature which 3 had sinned, should also giue a recompence for sin. Further, it was agreeable to the trueth and goodnes of God:Most agreeable to his truth. Gen. 2.17. to the trueth, because a threatning had gone before: What day so euer thou shalt eate of the tree of knowledge of good and euill, thou shalt die the death: and it was promised, and euer by continuall testimonies shewed, and by diuers ceremonies shadowed, that the sonne of God, borne of a woman, should dye for vs, and so should confirme the new couenant by his 4 blood.To his good­nes and mercy. And to the goodnes of God it agreeth, because see­ing man of himselfe could not satisfie for sinnes, God of his exceeding great mercie gaue vnto him a satisfier, euen his only begotten sonne. Whereupon it was said of Christ him­self,Iohn 3. Rom. 5. Ioh. 3. So God loued the world, that he gaue his sonne, &c. And Paul: God doth set out his loue towards vs, that when we were as yet sinners, Christ died for vs. And truly this was a to­ken of a farre more abounding mercie, that he did not spare his owne sonne for vs, then if he had remitted our sins with­out satisfaction:Ephes. 2. so that wee may worthily now say with the same Apostle: God who is rich in mercie, because of his great loue, wherewith he hath loued vs, euen when we were dead tho­row our offences, hath quickned vs together through Christ, by whose grace we are saued.

5 This was most expedient to money to loue God againBesides, that way of deliuerance was most expedient for our saluation. For so we know by the greatest experiment of all, how much God loueth vs, and we are prouoked to loue God againe.

[Page 11]Then, an example is giuen vnto vs of obedience, loue, hu­militie,1 sufferings, and glorie, which when all miseries are o­uercome, we doe expect, as Peter saith, 1. Epist. 2. Christ suffe­red for vs, and left vs an example that wee should follow his 2 steps. Likewise Paul, Phil. 2.5. and 2. Cor. 8.9. and elsewhere,To suffer af­flictions for his sake. propounding the example of Christ, exhorteth vs to the du­ties of loue and other vertues. Further, because we are redee­med by the death of the Sonne of God,To keepe our selues from sinne. 1. Cor. 6. A notable saying. and washed from our 3 sinnes in his blood, a greater necessitie lieth vpon vs,To keep our selue: from sinne. 1. Cor. 6. A notable say­ing. that we should keepe our selues to God vndefiled in bodie and soule, as the Apostle saith: Ye are bought with a price, therefore glo­rifie God in your bodie and spirit, which are Gods. And thus much of the meanes of redemption, a mysterie altogether wonderfull and vnspeakeable, which the Author of Medita­tions in Augustine chapter 7. excellently setteth out in these words: O state of wonderfull reformation, A notable sa­ying. and disposition of vnspeakeable mysterie: the vniust sinneth, and the iust is pu­nished; the guiltie transgresseth, and the innocent is beaten; the vngodly offendeth, and the godly is condemned; what the euill deserued, the good doth endure; what the seruant hath done the master doth pay; what man doth commit, God doth suffer and abide. This is a heauenly medicine, O good Iesu, this is the preseruatiue of thy loue.

CHAP. VI. The vse of the former doctrine for the confutation of certaine errors.

BY the doctrine alreadie expounded,Heretikes de­nying Christ to be true man, are confuted by the former doctrine. Leo epist. 85, & 97. those men are confu­ted which haue denied the trueth of mans substance in Christ, as Eutyches, Apollianaris, Manichaeus, Marcion, and other old Heretikes, and at this day certaine Anabaptists, who haue wallowed in the vngodly errors of old Heretikes. Pope Leo vrging these men saith: Let them speake, with what sa­crifice they are reconciled, let them speake, with what blood they are redeemed: who is he that hath giuen himselfe an ob­lation [Page 12] to God, So are the po­pish merits of Saints, & these pa [...]ker of par­dons the upon brought in, wherby Christs merits are pro­phaned. and a sacrifice of a sweete sauour? Furthermore by this same doctrine the Papists are refelled, who ioyne the sufferings of the Saints to the passions of Christ, and thereof haue confusedly made their fained treasure of pardons. Nei­ther are they ashamed to boast of the superfluitie of merits, and humane satisfactions, that the Saints haue suffered more then they ought for their sinnes: and heaping one error vpon another, haue fained that this their superabundance pertai­neth not only to the quick, but also to the dead in purgatorie. This is a meere mockerie of Satan, and a prophanation of the blood of Christ, as Pope Leo notably sheweth in the forena­med Epistles against the Papists of these times: whose words are these:A notable say­ing of Pope Leo against the merito­rious suffrings of Saints. Albeit (saith he) the death of many Saints hath been precious in the sight of God, yet the slaying of no guiltles per­son hath been the propitiation of the world. The righteous haue receiued, they haue not giuen crownes: and from the fortitude of the faithfull examples of patience haue sprong and not gifts of righteousnes. For there were peculiar deaths in euery one: neither hath any man by his end paied the debt of another, see­ing among the sonnes of men there hath been one alone our Lord Iesus Christ, in whom all are crucified, all are dead, all are buried, and all are also raised vp againe. And before Leo, Pope Gaius of the countrie of Dalmatia being in that Sea a­bout the yeare of our Lord 284. wrote the same thing ele­gantly vnto Bishop Felix, the doctrine of which ancient Bi­shops I would to God the Romane Church had kept inuio­lablie.

A saying of Augustine to the same end.Vpon the same point Augustine writeth in his 84. treatise vpon Iohn: Albeit we brethren die one for another, yet the blood of no martyr is shed for the remission of sinnes, which Christ did for vs, and bestowed it not vpon vs, that wee should imitate it, but that we should be thankefull for it. The trifling Pardoners, or more truly sacrilegious deceiuers, obiect the words of the Apostle to the Colossians:Colos. 1.24. Scripture abu­sed by popish pardoners. I reioyce in those things which I suffer for you, and I fulfill the rest of the affli­ctions of Christ in my flesh for his bodie, which is the Church. But the true sense of that place they might haue learned euen [Page 13] of Aquinas, who part. 3. of his Summae quaest. 48. artic. penult. disputing, that only Christ is our redemption, obiecteth this place, and thus expoundeth it: The sufferings of the Saints profit the Church, not by way of redemption, but by way of ex­ample and exhortation: according to that, 2. Cor. 1. Whether we be afflicted, it is for your exhortation and saluation. Which is very well, sauing that for exhortation a man may better translate the Greeke word, Consolation. [...]. And in that the affli­ctions of the Saints are called the rest of the afflictiōs of Christ, he doth not meane, that the passion of Christ was vnperfect, (farre off be such blasphemie) but therefore that is spoken, because Christ suffereth daily as yet in his members, but to a farre diuerse end and after another maner. But those men are not ashamed (such is their wickednesse) to bragge of the su­perabundance, as I said, of humane merits and satisfactions,Our sufferings are not meri­torious. Rom. 8.18. which redoundeth to the quicke and dead. What? doth not the Scripture plainly testifie, that the things which wee suffer in this present life, are not equall to the glorie that shall bee shewed in the sonnes of God? What, that none can redeeme his brother, nor giue the price of his raunsome to God. For the redemption of the soule is precious,Psalm. 49.8.9. as the Psalmist sing­eth. Vpon which place Basil in his gloses noteth,Basils sayings thereof wor­thie remem­brance. that the whole world is not the price of a soule. And tom. 1. vpon the same Psalme, saith: Man hath no abilitie at all to offer a re­conciliation to God for a sinner, because he himselfe is guiltie of sinne. For all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God; and are iustified freely by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu. Therefore no man can giue his owne appeasement, and the price of his soule to God; neither ought to seeke his brother to redeeme him, but one, who surpasseth our nature, that is, not man only, but the man God, Iesus Christ, who alone is able to giue himselfe to be a reconciliation to God for vs all. These things he.

Therefore all men must hope in him alone,We must then rest vpō Christ alone for re­demption, pro­pitiation, and saluation. who onely is the Mediatour of God and man, the redemption, propitia­tion, and saluation of all men. Let our heart say vnto him: I will loue thee O Lord my strength, my rocke, my tower, my de­liuerer, [Page 14] my shield, and the horne of my saluation. I will trust in thee, and I shall neuer be ashamed. Hauing an high priest (saith the Apostle to the Hebrewes) which is mercifull, Chap. 2. & 4. and faithfull in things concerning God, to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people, euen Iesus the sonne of God, let vs goe with confi­dence to the throne of grace, that we may obtaine mercie. Let vs goe in a true heart and certaine perswasion of faith, Chap. hauing libertie to enter into the Sanctuarie, by the blood of Iesu by the new and liuing way which he hath prepared for vs, through the vaile, that is, his flesh. There is no cause, there is no cause I say, why we should doubt to goe by him vnto God. If wee haue committed grieuous things, we haue found a worthie Phisition, wee receiue the soueraigne medicine of his grace. And not that onely, but also we trust, that he which hath not spared his owne sonne,Rom. 8.32. but giuen him for vs all, will also with him bestow vpon vs all things.

CHAP. VII. Of the time of the Redemption purchased.

IT followeth, that we consider diligently of the time also of this redemption purchased for vs by Christ. And it is mani­fest by the historie of the Gospell, that our Lord and Redee­mer, our King and high Priest Iesus Christ came into the world,Christ was borne in the 42. yere of Au­gustus, Anno mundi 3963. made of the seede of Dauid after the flesh, in the 42. yeare of the raigne of Octauius Augustus, which was the yeare of the world 3963. after Funccius supputation. Yet I am not ignorant, that others disagree from that account, cer­taine of the olde Latines and Greekes ascending vp to the 5000. yeare, but by a plaine error in account, which riseth from the difference betweene the Hebrew copies and the Greeke Septuaginte. But to proceede in my purpose, the Lord from the time of his comming and appearing in the flesh, sustained all his whole life both in bodie and soule, the wrath of God against the sinne of all mankinde: but speci­ally in his end,1. Pet. 2.24. when he bare our sinnes in his bodie vpon the [Page 15] tree,Coloss. 2.14. and tooke out of the way the hand-writing of death that was against vs, nailing it on the crosse. And it is recorded, that this was done in the 34. yere of the incarnation of Christ,He suffered death in the 18. yere of Ti­berius, being 34. yeres old: or as Epiphanius saith, 32. yeres, and 74. daies, on the 12. day of the Calends of Aprill, that is, 21. of March. and in the 18. of the raigne of Tiberius Caesar. Yet Epipha­nius contra Alogos haeres. 51. will haue all the yeres of Christs presence in the flesh from his birth to his passion, (which he writeth was done the day before the 13. of the Calends of Aprill) to be only 32. and 74. daies, differing one yeare from the former opinion. And the same man diligently refuteth the naughtie supputation of others, who misunderstanding that prophesie of Esai, chap. 61: that I may preach the accep­table yeare of the Lord, thought, that the Lord, after he had fi­nished only one yeares ministerie after his baptisme by Iohn, suffered death in the full thirtith yeare of his age. In which opinion was Seuerus Sulpitius, who noteth that our Lord was crucified when the two twinnes Fusius and Rebellius were Consuls. And their Consulship fell in the 31. yeare of Christ, as Epiphanius witnesteth.

But now to omit the curious searching out of these things, least any should marueile, that Christ after so many thousand yeares, should bee made manifest at the length vnder Tibe­rius, as it were in the euening of the world,Heb. 9. and (as the Scrip­ture speaketh) in the end of the world to abolish sinne by the offering of himselfe: wee must thinke, that it happened not so by chance or fortune, but by the eternall counsell and prouidence of God,Wised. 81. & 11.17. which (as the Wiseman saith) reacheth mightily from one ende to another, and disposeth all things pleasantly, and ordereth all things in number, weight and measure. Hereupon saith Peter,1. Epist. 2. Christs com­ming into the world after so many thou­sand yeares, was appoynted so from al eter­nitie in Gods counsell, as the Scripture tea­cheth vs. that the Lambe (by whose precious blood we are redeemed) was made manifest in the last times for our sakes, being foreordained before the foun­dations of the world were layd. And by the witnes of Paul, Gal. 4. God sent his sonne made of a woman, after the fulnes of time was come. And he meaneth the time of the incarna­tion of the Sonne, and of our redemption by him, which was before appointed of his heauenly father, which thing the si­militude vsed in that place doth declare. For he had said that [Page 16] the heire being an infant is vnder tutors vnto the time ap­pointed of the father. So, Ephes. 1. he mentioneth the fulnes of times, for the restoring of all things by Christ.

And that we may more certainly vnderstand, that this time of the restoring of all things was by God from all eternitie appointed, the same was by diuine inspiration plainly fore­told by the mouth of the holie Prophets,1. Epist. 1. who (as Peter tea­cheth) foretold of the grace that should come to vs, search­ing when, and at what instant, that foreshewing spirit of Christ that was in them, should declare the passions that should happen to Christ, and the glorie that should follow. Vnto whom it was reueiled, that not to themselues but vnto vs they should minister those things. We haue examples in the prophesie of Iacob, Gen. 49. and of the 70. weekes in Da­niel, chap. 9. And euery where the Prophets, when they fore­tell of the kingdome of Christ, haue made mention of the last daies.

A question. Why came he in the old age of the world, and not in the beginning af­ter the fall? Acts 1.7.But some man may aske, why in the old age, and almost end of the world hath God sent his sonne to be a Redeemer, and not rather straightwaies after the fall of mankinde? Al­though it be not our part, curiously to enquire into the coun­sell of GOD, and it is sufficient to answere curious wits, as Christ answered his disciples, It is not for you to know the time or seasons, which the father hath put in his owne power: yet there are reasons of some account alleadged by learned men,Thom. part. 3. quaest. 1. art. 5. of the redemption or sending of the Sonne of God so long deferred.

1 First it was expedient, that the greatnes of mans disease and corruption should more and more be felt,Foure causes why Christs birth was so long deferred. and made ma­nifest, not by the examples of one age onely, but of many. Therefore God left man first in the state of nature, that hee might know the strength or infirmitie rather of his nature: after, when it decaied, he receiued the Law, which being gi­uen, the disease increased, through the fault not of the Law, but of nature: that so his weakenes being knowne, he might crie vnto the Phisition, and seeke for the helpe of grace.

2 Secondly, the Law and the Prophets, the figures and legall [Page 17] shadowes, and promises of Christ to come, ought to haue their course also: and the greater the Iudge or Lord is, that was to come, the longer rew of cryers or heralds ought to go before, as the glosse saith vpon that to the Galathians, chap. 4. When the fulnes of time came.

Thirdly, it is agreeable to order, that that which is vnper­fect 3 and naturall, should be first, and then that which is spiri­tuall, 1. Cor. 15. Therefore the states of nature and of the law, as being more vnperfect, haue well gone before the state of grace, and that by a iust distance of time.

Fourthly, that way the godly were exercised in faith, and 4 in the expectation of the redemption to come, which when they had beheld a farre off through faith, they dyed, not ob­taining the promises, as farre foorth as the exhibiting of the Messiah did not fall out in their times. Hereupon the author to the Hebrewes setteth out their faith and long sufferance with notable praises, and propoundeth them vnto vs for imi­tation. Heb. 11. and 7. vers. 12.

Augustine disputing against Porphyrie of the time of Chri­stian religion, in his booke de sex paganorum quaestionibus, writeth: that Christ did then come, when he knew that men would beleeue. But the enemies of grace wresting this speech,Tom. 7. fol. 1228. 1243. 1269. caused Augustine to correct it, partly by interpretation, part­ly by calling it in againe.

CHAP. VIII. The question of the redemption of the old fathers is handled, and a double opinion about the same is confuted.

BVt hereupon another question ariseth concerning the fa­thers, who dyed before the birth of Christ, whether re­demption appertained also to them?The error of the Marcionits and Manichees The Marcionites and their like, to wit, the Manichees of old time denied it, who held, that no man was saued before the 15. yeare of Tiberius, as Epiphanius reporteth.Epiph. de hae­res. Manich. Whom that most filthie Seruetus followed, and many other of the sect of the Anabaptists, who [Page 18] foolishly say,Tertul. lib 4. contra. Marci. vltra medium. that the Israelites no otherwise thē as a heard of swine, were satted of the Lord in the land of Canaan, with­out any hope of heauenly immortalitie. But this monstrous error is easily refuted by many places of the Scripture, from which wee will onely choose a few. Certainly the author to the Hebrewes tieth together a long rew of the olde fathers,Heb. 11. who pleased God before Christ was exhibited to the world, and were made heires of that righteousnes which is of faith.Gen. 17. What meaneth that forme of the couenant: I will be thy God, and the God of thy seede? Exod. 3. Matth. 22. and that which was said: I am the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob? do they not shew that they were partakers of grace, whereof Christ is the onely foundation? Whereto also tendeth that notable saying of the Lord, Ioh. 8. Abraham desired to see my daie, and he saw it, and reioyced. Neither is any kingdome promi­sed vnto vs in the Gospell, then that wherein wee should sit with Abraham,Matth. 8. Isaac and Iacob, and all the elect of God that come from East and West. But those fathers dyed before the comming of Christ in the flesh. What then? They had in the meane while the promise of Christ to come, the ground of their hope and confidence. Neither doth the force of the death of Christ extend it selfe vnto our times only, but to the fathers also, euen from the beginning of the world. For Iesus Christ yesterday, Heb. 13. to day, and for euer is the same, as the Apostle saith, Heb. 13.8. Hee meaneth that Christ was not onely in times past; as touching his diuinitie, as it is said of him else­where: Before Abraham was, I am: but such as he is now, such was he of olde, and now is, and shall remaine for euer, mercifully to saue and defend his owne. In which sense also the place, Apoc. 13.8. is truly read, of the lambe slaine before the foundations of the world were laid, to wit, as touching the counsell of God and the perpetuall vertue of this sacri­fice: [...] as also among the old writers Ambrose taketh that say­ing vpon the 5. to the Romanes. Yet I denie not but the Greeke text in that place may thus also be construed: Whose names are not writtē from before the foundations of the world, &c. because of the very like place, Apoc. 17.8. We conclude [Page 19] therefore with Augustine,August. de na [...]. & gra. cap. 44. that the same faith healed the righ­teous of olde time, which healeth vs, euen the faith of Iesu Christ the Mediatour of God and men, the faith of his blood, the faith of his crosse. And in another place he saith:Lib. 1. de pecca. merit. & re­miss. cap. 11. The on­ly grace of the Sauiour destroyeth the kingdome of death in e­uery one, which grace wrought also in the old Saints, whosoe­uer, before Christs comming in the flesh, leaned vpon his hel­ping grace, and not vpon the letter of the law, which comman­deth onely, and helpeth nothing.

Yet here is not to be omitted,Of the fathers Limbus. that many doe so extend the benefit of redemption vnto the old righteous men, that they notwithstanding denie that any one entered into the king­dome of heauen before the death of Christ, whereby they vnderstand, that the gate of heauen was at the length ope­ned. And if a man aske; whither then were the soules of the godly in old time receiued? they answere: into Hell, that is forsooth Limbus patrum. Hereupon the booke de Ecclesia­sticis dogmat. which is fathered vpon Augustine, chap. 78. and 79. defineth thus: Before the passion of the Lord all the soules of the Saints were kept in hell vnder the debt of Adams transgression, vntill through the vndeserued death of the Lord they were deliuered from that seruile condition: but after his ascension into heauen, all the soules of the Saints departing out of the bodie, goe vnto Christ, as the soules of sinners vnto hell. And Hierome vpon Ecclesiast. chap. 3. writeth: that before the comming of Christ all went to hell to bee held in darknes: and heauenly things were shut vp, vntil Christ with the theefe vnlocked the dores of Paradise. Basill also mentioneth this opinion vpon the 48. Psalme, and many other of the old wri­ters. And this is almost the common opinion of the Schoole­men, who adde this declaration, that the holy fathers suffered in hell no punishment of sense, but only punishment of losse, to wit, exclusion from the life of glorie. And the cause of this detaining of the fathers in hell, they make to bee the guil­tines of all mans nature through originall sinne, which none of the Saints faith or righteousnesse was able to re­moue, but it should bee remoued at length by the price of [Page 20] the blood of Christ. Thomas part. 3. quaest. 42. artic. 5.

But this deuise of Limbus patrum, though it hath manie founders, yet it is nothing but a fained thing. For there is but one way to loose vs from the guiltines of euery sinne, as well actuall as originall:1. Ioh. 1. because the blood of Christ doth wash vs from all sin, saith S. Iohn. Not then from originall only: as Paul also generally speaketh to Titus:Tit. 2. He gaue himselfe to redeeme vs from all sinne or iniquitie. Neither doth Thomas denie it in the place before cited,part. 3. q. 49. art. 5. Cath. archiepis. lib. Romae edit [...] cum priuil. pap. 1552. which is to be noted against the horrible blasphemie of Catharinus, and such like Papists, who affirme that the passion of Christ doth purge onely ori­ginall sinne, and those actuall sinnes which are committed of a man before Baptisme: but all other sinnes which follow, are not now to be purged by that sacrifice, but by the Masse. Certainly Thomas writeth flatly: that by the passion of Christ we are deliuered, not onely from the common sinne of all mans nature, both as touching the offence, and also the guiltines of the offence, he paying a price for vs: but also from the proper sinnes of euery one of vs, who communicate with his passion through faith, charitie and the sacrament of faith.

part. 3. q. 52. art. 5. Reasons a­gainst the old fathers being in Limbo, or Hell.But the holy fathers (as the same Thomas confesseth) in old time while they liued, were freed from the guiltines of the pu­nishment of actuall sinnes through faith in Christ. Therefore by the same faith they were also freed from the guiltines of the punishment of originall sinne of necessitie: or els if they 1 were detained in hell, being excluded from glorie, and suffe­red the punishment of losse (as they speake) for originall sin, it must be alike confessed also that they were punished with the paine of sense for their actuall sinnes.

2 Further: Who reueiled vnto them that originall sinne in hell is punished only with the paine of losse, and not of sense, that is to say, with the exclusion onely from the life of glorie without feeling of any sorrow?

3 Beside this, we reade Luk. 16. that poore Lazarus was ca­ried by Angels into Abrahās bosome, where he had ioy, and that the rich man in hell lifting vp his eyes saw Lazarus a farre off: and also that Abraham said: Betweene vs and you there [Page 21] is a great gulfe firmely set. It is absurd, as Augustine noteth, ad Euod. Epist. 99. that only two, Abraham and Lazarus were then in that memorable bosome of rest. If (saith he) there were more then two there, who dare say, that the Patriarches and Prophets were not there? From hence thus I reason: The Patriarches and Prophets and the rest that were righte­ous in old time, were receiued into Abrahams bosome: ther­fore not into hell. The consequence is proued, because hell in the Scripture is no where taken in good part. But that bo­some of Abraham is vsed in good part, as the habitation of a memorable and certaine secret rest. Therefore we must not beleeue that that bosome was some part of hell. This reason is wholly Augustines vnto Euodius. And the same he pro­ueth by the words of our highest teacher saying, that Abra­ham said: Between vs and you there is set a great gulfe: wher­of sufficiently appeareth (saith Augustine) that the bosome of so great felicitie, is not any part or member as it were of hell.

He addeth also this proofe: If the Scripture (saith he) had 4 said, that Christ being dead came into that bosome of Abra­ham, not naming hell and the sorowes thereof, no man durst haue affirmed that therefore he descended into hell.

Now let the reader consider,The Schoole­mens fained deuises of foure hels. whether these reasons drawne by Augustine out of the Scripture, deserue more credite then the trifling words of the Schoolmen, who haue deuised foure hels, that is, the hell of the damned, Purgatorie, and the two Limboes, one for Infants, the other where the holie fathers were before Christ: which last they make a part of hell con­trary to the reasons brought out of Augustine.

Hereunto may bee added, that a man may see the deuisers 5 of Limbus patrum to be much troubled in assigning the deli­uerance of the godly soules out of that prison. For sometime they attribute it to the passion of Christ, whereby he loosed the guiltines of the punishment of originall sinne, wherein the fathers (as they thinke) were detained in hell, and opened the gate of the kingdome of heauen. Sometime they teach that it was needful for the soule of Christ to descend into the [Page 22] hell of the fathers, that it might absolue there all the Saints, who were bound with originall sinne, where they almost make Christs descension penall vnto him, as Aquinas part. 3. quaest. 52. art. 1. teacheth, that it was meete for Christ to des­cend into hell, because he came to beare our punishment, and that was (saith he) not onely the death of the bodie,Bonau. dist. 22. quaest. 6. lib. 3. Gabr. ead. q. artic. 3. Thom. part. 3. q. 52. & 57. but also descension in hell. Sometime againe they decree ma­sterlike, that, albeit those soules were made blessed in Christs descension, and so heauen was straightway set open vnto thē, as touching the reward of blisse: yet it was not open as tou­ching the place, till Christ ascending into heauen, took them together with him.

But why dissent they from the old writers, whose opinion they would seeme to follow? for Hierome (as wee cited) would haue heauen onely shut vp,A doubt pro­pounded to the schoolmen to be resolued. till Christ with the theefe vnlocked the gates of paradise. Further, if they would seeme very skilfull in heauenly secrets, let them shew vs, where then did the soules of the Saints abide all that space of 40. daies betweene the resurrection and ascension of the Lord? For being loosed from the band of original sinne, wherewith they were tied in hell, they could not bee detained there any lon­ger, but with their iniurie, and the iniurie of Christs blood, through whom libertie to enter into the Sanctuarie was ob­tained, and yet (as they wil haue it) they were not in heauen. Where then wandred they? The same may bee obiected of the soules of the godly, as many as slept in the said space of 40. dayes.

CHAP. IX. Of the impulsiue cause of mans redemption.

BVt to speake of other things, this also commeth to be con­sidered, for what cause the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ tooke vpon him the redemption of man? But the que­stion now is not of the finall cause, whereof wee will speake something in the next chapter, but of the impulsiue cause, as [Page 23] they call it, that is to say: what moued him, that he being the workman and Lord, would for his works sake,Two causes moued Christ to redeeme vs: 1. His loue to vs.2. His obediēce to his father. taking vpon him the nature of it, humble himselfe vnto the most base and shamefull death of the crosse for vs and our saluation? The answere is readie and plaine, that it was done of our Sauiour to shew his loue towards vs, and his willing obedience to­wards his father.

Of the loue of the Sonne towards vs in the whole worke of his humiliation, Paul speaketh both elsewhere,Of the first. and also to the Phil. 2. where he exhorteth to the loue of our neighbour, that no man should seeke his owne, but the things of others, and confirmeth his exhortation by the example of Christ, commanding, that the same affection be in vs, which was in Christ Iesu, who when hee was in the forme of God, abased himselfe for our sake, of his meere loue towards vs, as the A­postle there exhorteth vs to follow him.Of the second. And of his obedi­ence towards his father, Christ himselfe witnesseth, Ioh. 5. I seeke not my will, but his that sent me, euen the fathers. And more cleerely, chap. 6. I came downe from heauen, to doe not my will, but the fathers will who sent me, that whatsoeuer hee hath giuen me, I should lose none, but should raise it vp at the last day.

And that it pleased the father to saue vs by the offering vp of his Sonne, it commeth wholly from his diuine fauour,Nothing mo­ued the father to send his son to saue vs, but his meere loue and mercie to mankinde. loue and goodnesse towards mankinde, as the Lord witnesseth, Ioh. 3. So God loued the world, that he gaue his Sonne. Where­vpon Paul also saith, Rom. 5. God setteth out his loue towards vs, that when we were sinners, Christ died for vs. And Ephes. 2. God who is rich in mercie, of his great loue, wherewith he loued vs, euen when wee were dead in sinnes, quickened vs through Christ. And most cleerely of all to Titus chap. 3. The goodnes and loue of God our Sauiour towards men appeared, and saued vs, not by the righteous workes which wee had done, but by his mercie. The sayings of the Prophets consent hereto:Esay. 54.7. In a mo­ment of my wrath I haue hid for a while my face from thee: in euerlasting mercie I haue compassion on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer. I, euen I am he, Esay. 43.12. who doth blot out thine offences [Page 24] for mine owne sake, and I will not remember thy sins. He saith, for mine owne sake: that is, not for your sake, but for my holie name, as it is expounded Ezech. 36. Neither doth that tend to any other end, which Esay. chap. 9. prophesying of the in­carnation of the Sunne, and of the redemption of the Church by him from the yoke of sinne and death, concludeth the whole matter with this notable sentence in the ende: The zeale of the Lord of hostes shall bring this thing to passe: as if he should say; I foretell of great things, but they be true, and the almightie father enflamed with eternall loue, and min­ding to saue them, to whom he hath promised the kingdome of heauen,A double vse of the loue of God & Christ towards vs. will bring this thing to passe. See also what Mo­ses Deuter. 7. speaketh of the cause of the redemption of the people of Israel from Egypt, which was a type of this eter­nall deliuerance.

The first vse.Further, the vse of this consideration is, that wee should humble our selues vnfainedly before God, and that hee that reioyceth, should reioyce in the Lord, and not in his workes or own worthines. For the opposition of the mercie of God, and of the righteousnes of workes, is to be obserued and vr­ged alway in the matter or cause of saluation: as Paul did oppose these things:Tit. 3.5. Not by the workes of righteousnes which we had done, but by his mercie he saued vs. And the same An­tithesis is repeated, 2. Tim. 1. vers. 9. and Dan. 9. vers. 18.

The second.The second vse is, that wee also pondring in our minde the deeper sea (as Damascene speaketh) of Gods loue towards vs,Damas. lib. 3. cap. 1. orth. fid. should loue God againe, and that not in word nor tongue onely, but in deede and trueth, as he hath loued vs, and giuen his life for vs, 1. Ioh. 3. And chap. 4. ioyning both vses together in excellent words, thus he writeth: Hereby the loue of God is made manifest vnto vs, that he sent his owne Sonne into the world, that wee might liue thorow him. In this is loue, not that we loued him, but that he loued vs, and sent his Sonne to be the propitiation for our sinnes. And straightway addeth: Beloued, if God so loued vs, wee ought also to loue one another. And a little before the end: We loue him, because he loued vs first. If any man shall say, I loue God, & hateth his brother, he is a lyar.

[Page 25]But seeing by the death of Christ we are reconciled vnto God, as saith the Apostle, Ephes. 2.An obiection. He hath reconciled vs to God thorow his crosse, slaying enemitie by it: How God did both loue man and hate him. it seemeth to dis­agree with that we haue said: that through the loue of God he was deliuered to death for vs. For if we were before loued of God, to what end is reconciliation? If any say, reconcilia­tion was needfull in respect of vs, that we might cease to bee at enemitie with God, and among our selues, the Iewes with the Gentiles, and Gentiles with Iewes:Ephes. 2. Colos. 1. he neither saith no­thing, nor speaketh all, by the witnesse of Paul. For first of all, it was the part of the reconciler to pacifie the wrath of God against vs for sinnes, and to make him fauourable and gra­tious vnto vs. How then can it stand, that God preuented this reconciliation of his free fauour and loue, in giuing his sonne vnto vs? The reason is thus made:

  • The same thing is not the cause and the effect.
  • But the loue of God is the effect of reconciliation.
  • Therefore it is not the cause of it.

Answere. But the maior is true in respect of one and the same thing. But the loue of God is the effect of reconciliation, not sim­ply, as though then at the length he began to loue vs, but re­spectiuely, as farre forth as reconciliation by the blood of his sonne remoueth sinne, whereby wee were made enemies of God and children of his wrath: according to that saying, Sap. 14. The wicked and his wickednesse are alike hated of God. And Psal. 5. Thou hast hated all that worke iniquitie. And Esay crieth:Esay 59. Our iniquities haue made a separation betweene our God and vs, and our sinnes are the cause that he hideth away his face from vs, and heareth vs not. This whole matter Au­gustine notably expoundeth in his 110. treatise vpon Iohn: After a wonderfull and diuine maner (saith he) God loued vs, Augustines answere. God hateth sin in vs, but lo­ueth his work. when he did hate vs. For he hated vs, as we were such as he had not made vs, that is for sinnes: And because (saith he) our ini­quitie had not altogether destroyed his worke, he knew in euery one of vs, both to hate what we had done, and also to loue what he himselfe had made: and this may be vnderstood in all men according to the saying: Sap. 11. Thou hast hated nothing that thou [Page 26] hast made. For in that which he hateth, there is somewhat also that he loueth. For he hateth and misliketh the fault, which swarueth from the patterne as it were of his workma [...]ship, yet he loueth that which is his owne, euen in such as are corrupted.

Furthermore, seeing hee hateth nothing of those things which he hath made, peculiarly (as Augustine there teacheth) he loueth the members of his onely sonne.But specially he loueth vs as we are members of his sonne. For how (saith he) should he not loue the members of his sonne, who loueth his sonne? for there is no other cause of louing his members, but because he loueth him. Therefore he loueth vs because we are his mēbers whom he loueth: and that we might be this thing, for this cause he loued vs, before wee were. For he began not to loue vs, since we were reconciled to him by the blood of his son: but before the world was made he loued vs, that with his onely begotten we might also be his sonnes, before we were any thing at all. Therefore that we are reconciled to God by the death of his son, let it not so be receiued, nor so be vnderstood, as though therefore the sonne hath reconciled vs, that now he might be­gin to loue whom hee had hated, as one enemie is reconciled to another: but wee are reconciled to him that already loueth vs, with whom for sinnes wee were at enemitie: and yet it is most truly said vnto him, Thou hast hated all that worke ini­quitie. Marke this. Hitherto Augustine. The summe of all is, that see­ing GOD hath loued vs as his worke, but especiallie as the members of his Sonne before the foundations of the world were laid, he of his meere and free loue being moued, gaue vs his Sonne, that being redeemed by his grace from sinne, (whereby wee were put away from the presence and fruition of God) we might bee made heires of eternall life. Bernard, Serm. 20. of the 9. verse of the Psalme, He that dwel­leth, &c. very well saith: Christ according to the time died for the wicked: but in respect of predestination he died for his brethren and friends.

CHAP. X. Of the finall cause of redemption.

THere followeth that question, whereunto are we redee­med? wherein the question now is concerning the end of our redemption. And the end is two-fold: to wit,Two ends of redemption. the glorie of God, and our saluation. The former end the Apostle extol­leth, Ephes. 1. where hee saith:The first end is Gods glorie. that God hath chosen vs in Christ, before the foundations of the world were laid, & hath foreordained to adopt vs for his sonnes through the same Ie­sus Christ in himselfe, according to the good pleasure of his owne will, to the praise of his glorious grace, whereby he hath made vs acceptable in that his beloued, in whom wee haue redemption through his blood, euen the forgiuenes of sins. In which words he not only teacheth, that ye end of the eternall and free election of God, is the praise of his glorious and rich grace: but also sheweth, that the redemption of vs by Christ is subordinate vnto the same end.Prou. 16. For God hath made all things for himselfe, euen the wicked against the euill day: that both the benefit of their healing who are deliuered, and also the iudgement of damnation in the deserued punishment of such as perish, should further his glorie.

Wherefore wee are here warned,Coloss. 1. that with Paul wee giue thankes without ceasing vnto the father, who hath made vs meete to be partakers of the portion of the Saints in light, and hath deliuered vs from the power of darknes, and hath trans­lated vs into the kingdome of his beloued sonne, in whom wee haue redemption through his blood, &c.1. Pet. 2. As Peter also admonisheth vs of our dutie in this point, that wee should preach the vertues of him, who hath called vs out of darknes into his marueilous light. It is well knowne what Moses, and the children of Israel did, when the sea yeelded a readie pas­sage for all his people to goe through: how being protected by Gods hand, and beholding that wonderfull redemption,Exod. 15. Sap. 19. they leaped like lambes, and sung his praise: Thou O Lord art [Page 28] our deliuerer, thou art our strength. But what speake I of the old people and of the old song? we haue a new song, the song of the Lambe, let vs, standing vpon the glassie sea of this world, and hauing the harps of God, sing it vncessantly with the vniuersall Church;Apoc. 5. & 15. to him that sitteth vpon the throne, and to the Lambe: because hee was slaine, and hath redee­med vs vnto God by his blood, out of euery tribe and lan­guage, people and nation, and hath made vs vnto our God kings and priests, and we shall raigne vpon the earth.

The song of the vniuersall Church in the honour of Christ.To thee O Sonne of God, the louer of mortal men, O good Lord, O pacifier, O rich Sauiour, and a king in deed, the crea­tor and maker of all things, the word and wisedome of the father, the light and brightnes of the father, the power, arme, and right hand of the father, to thee be blessing, and honour and glorie, and strength for euer and euer. Thou hast redee­med vs, being captiues; and seruing sinne, thou hast deliue­red vs by thine owne death. Thou hast giuen vs the adoption of sonnes. Thou becamest poore, that by thy pouertie thou mightest enrich vs. Thou hast freely giuen vs the kingdome of heauen. Thou hast fashioned vs a new, in darknes hast in­lightened vs, and being dead men thou hast quickened vs: thou vnloosedst the sorrowes of death, and brakest the gates of brasse, and doores of iron, and hast broken in peeces the yoke of sinners.

Eccle. 15.And because praise is vncomely in the mouth of fooles, and this wonderfull and altogether diuine redemption is to be published of vs, not so much in words as in deedes them­selues, goe to, let vs so be affected, let vs so frame our life, ma­ners, actions, counsels, and all our affaires, that wee bee not found foullie vnthankfull to our common Redeemer, (to whose glorie wee ought wholly to bee consecrated) and no­thing better, yea euery way worse then those obstinate Iewes, through whom the name of God was euil spoken of among the Gentiles, as it is written. But let that sharpe reproofe of Moses neuer goe out of our mindes in the song in Deutero­nomie:Chap. 32.6. Will ye giue this recompence vnto the Lord, O yee foolish and vnwise people? Is not he thy father who oweth and [Page 29] possesseth thee? hath not hee made and prepared thee?

The second end of redemption is our saluation,The 2. end is our saluation, which contai­neth many be­nefits. which comprehendeth many and sundrie benefits, albeit knit toge­ther in one and the same band, as these especially: Iustifica­tion, which consisteth in the free remission of sinnes: Sancti­fication, and newnes of life: Consolation, yea reioycing in 1 aduersitie vnder the hope of the glorie of God: and lastly,2 Entrance into the eternall kingdome of our God and Sauiour 3 Iesu Christ, and euerlasting ioyes in life eternall.4

These so many and so great benefits of God, are purcha­sed for vs by the abundant grace of the death of Christ, as the sayings of the Scriptures doe shew: Rom. 3. We are iustified freely by the redemption made in Christ Iesu, whom God set forth to be a reconciliation thorow faith in his blood by the re­mission of sinnes. And chap. 5. When wee were as yet sinners, Christ died for vs. Therefore being iustified by his blood, wee shall be saued now much more from wrath by him. For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne, much more being reconciled, we shall be saued by his life. And a little after: Neither that alone, but also wee reioyce in God through our Lord Iesu Christ, by whom wee haue now ob­tained reconciliation. Againe, If death raigned by one offence, much more those, who doe receiue that abundant grace & gift of righteousnes, shall raigne in life. To Titus chap. 2. He gaue himselfe for vs to redeeme vs from all sinne, and to purge vs a peculiar people for himselfe, zealous of good workes. Peter also ioyneth these things together, 1. Epist. chap. 2. when he saith: that our Lord bore our sinnes in his bodie vpon the tree, that we being dead to sinnes, might liue to righteousnes.

Of these things there ought to bee a daily consideration,1 The true vse of the former ends, if they be well weighed. Ephes. 1. that we may vnderstand the greatnes of the gift of Christ, and giue him thanks without ceasing, weighing with ourselues, what is the breadth and length and depth (as Paul speaketh) of the grace of God, and what is the hope of his calling, and the riches of his glorie in his Saints. Further, the daily medi­tation 2 hereof is profitable and necessarie, partly to nourish in vs faith and hope, and partly to stirre vp and strengthen in [Page 30] vs more and more newnes of life. Hauing (saith the Apostle, Heb. 10.) libertie to enter into the holie place by the blood of Iesu, and hauing an high priest, who is ruler ouer the house of God, let vs come with a true heart, and a sure perswasion of faith, and let vs hold the confession of hope without wauering. And as touching the framing of our life, we are commanded to walke worthie of the Lord,Colos. 1. who, when wee were the ser­uants of sinne to death, hath deliuered vs from sinne, and made vs seruants of righteousnesse. Hereupon are those ex­hortations of Paul:Rom. 6. Let not sinne raigne in your mortall body: and giue not your members weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto sinne, but giue your selues vnto God, as such as are aliue from the dead, and your members weapōs of righteousnes vnto God. Againe, As you haue giuen your members seruants to vn­cleannes, and iniquitie for iniquitie: so now giue your mem­bers seruants of righteousnesse vnto holinesse. Certainly see­ing we are the freemen of Christ, we ought to liue vnto him, who hath redeemed vs,Tit. 2. and would haue vs his peculiar peo­ple and followers of good workes: neither ought we as for­getfull of our Redeemer, retyre vnto the campes of Satan and the world, our enemies, and submit againe our bodies and soules vnto the yoke of our old bōdage, frō whence we were redeemed with the blood of the Sonne of God. O mad men, O vile traytors, and the wickeddest of all mortall men, who so greatly reproch a Christian name, nay Christ the Redee­mer, and doe little lesse then tread the blood of the couenant vnder their feete.

CHAP. XI. WHO BE REDEEMED BY CHRIST. The controuersie of the question propounded is rehearsed, and briefly expounded.

For whom Christ died.THese things being declared, let vs come to the question, reserued to the last place: Who they be, whom Christ the [Page 31] Mediatour of God and men, redeemed by his death: or, for whom he died? And this matter shall be more largely hand­led, then the former questions, (as farre as the Lord shall as­sist vs) for their sakes that are desirous to learne, and for the defence of the truth of the Gospell: seeing not long agoe by occasion of the Conference at Mompelgart, the matter hath growne into a grieuous contention,Huberus. and a certaine man in­flamed with anger, and seeming to be mad, hath too too bit­terly and reprochfully in his writings, which he hath spersed abroad both in Latine and Dutch, blowne the same with the fanne of contention: as though there had not been before discords and strifes more then enough in this our corrupt age in the Church of Christ, with often and most grieuous offen­ces of the weake. He ouerwhelmeth such as dissent from him with all kinde of reproches, and railing words, as come into his mouth:The shamefull reproches and slanders of Huber against vs, & the truth. That they come neere to Mahometisme and Pa­ganisme: That they maintaine Satanicall blasphemie, are franticke, desire to extinguish the name of Christ, and that they are hereunto inclined to driue away Christ, first out of the hearts, then out of the Scripture, and lastly out of the Church it selfe. And hee termeth them seducers, Pharisees, Scribes, a subtill, poysoned, and false sort of men: and grie­uously abuseth innocent persons with other hard words, as often as pleaseth him, according to that his passing christian zeale towards the Church of God: supposing by his brasen forehead (as I thinke) to get himselfe credit with the reader, to thinke it written truly, what he should write impudently: forgetting altogether the admonition of the Apostle:2. Tim. 2.24. The dutie of a Diuine. That the seruant of the Lord must not be contentious, but gentle to­wards all, apt to teach, forbearing euill men, with meekenes in­structing those that are contrary minded. This is the dutie of a Diuine. As for reproches, railing speeches, mockes, biting taunts, ill reports, back-biting, and all other doggish elo­quence, let scoffers and iesters take them to themselues.In 2. cap. 2. ep, ad Timot. A notable speech of Am­brose against contention. Con­ference, (saith Ambrose) and not contention ought to be among the seruants of God. For strife must needes wring out some­thing, nay many things, which are spoken against conscience, so [Page 32] so that inwardly he looseth in his minde, when outwardly he go­eth away with the victorie. For no man suffereth himselfe to be ouercome, although hee know the things to be true which hee heareth. Therefore let vs speake of the thing itselfe. For to railing words and reproches he will answere who hath said: Vengeance is mine, Deut. 32. Rom. 12. I will repay: vnto whom for Christs sake, who hath pardoned vs our sinnes, wee heartily pray, that hee would forgiue our aduersaries those grieuous wrongs they doe vnto vs, that he would take away discord, and plant loue and peace in the truth among the Churches, that with one mouth wee may glorifie God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ, and receiue one another, as Christ hath receiued vs to the glorie of God. Rom. 15.

Therefore comparing matter with matter, and cause with cause,The state of the controuer­sie. Huberus Thes. 1. let vs begin at the state of the controuersie. The que­stion is: Whether Christ suffered for the redemption of all, or not? Here straightway those men crie out, that the Caluinists (so they call vs for the hatred of the truth) raging against the passion of the Lord Iesus Christ, doe openly denie that hee died for the sins of the whole world.Compend. Thes. 1. and his Dutch booke in the preface. Againe, that the Cal­uinists both dissemblingly and plainly denie, that Christ suf­fered and died for all men.

But in the very entrance (as it is said) they run on ground, fastning vpon vs a false opinion, against which afterwards they perpetually fight. For we willingly acknowledge these maner of speeches:1. Iohn 2. 1. Tim. 2. That Christ is made the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world, and hath giuen himselfe the price of redemption for all men. For who can denie that, which the Scripture would haue to bee expressed in so many words? But the question is of the meaning of the words. For as hee shall not escape the note of impudencie, who shall denie what the Scripture expresseth: so wee are to take heede, least, not vnderstanding what is written, we should thinke there is some repugnance in the Scripture. For the same Canonicall Scripture, which saith, that Christ died for all, and so maketh redemption after a sort common to all, doth restraine in o­ther places the proprietie of redemption vnto the Church. [Page 33] The words of Paul are, Ephes. 5. Christ loued his Church, and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it, and present it glorious vnto himselfe. And in the same place, Christ is the head of the Church and the Sauiour of the bodie. And 1. Tim. 4. He is cal­led the Sauiour of all men, but specially of the faithfull. Also Heb. 9. For this cause he is the Mediatour of the new coue­nant, that through death which came for the redemption of transgressions, the called might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance. Of which called also that is rightly taken, which is read in the end of the same chapter: Christ was once offe­red, to take away the sinnes of many. What? doth not Christ in his solemne intercession pray for his owne expressely, and not for the world? I pray not for the world, Ioh. 17. (saith he) but for them whom thou hast giuen me. Now the intercession and sa­crifice of Christ for vs, be inseparable parts of his priesthood. Other testimonies of this sort I conceale, which shall be pro­duced in their place.

Therefore seeing the holy Scripture here, as elsewhere, re­quireth not contentious disputers, but vnderstanding rea­ders, the ancient fathers for the explication of these,Of the distin­ction of suffi­ciencie and ef­ficiencie. Aquinas. haue vsed the distinction of Sufficiencie and Efficiencie. Thomas Aqui­nas the best schooleman, who florished 300. yeares agoe, vpon the 5. chapter of the Apocalyps writeth of this matter thus: Of the passion of the Lord (saith he) we speake after two sorts: either according to sufficiencie, and so his passion redee­med all. For it is sufficient to redeeme and saue all, Of the mea­ning of the sufficiencie of Christs death. although there had been many worlds, as Anselme saith lib. 2. cur Deus homo, cap. 14. Or according to efficiencie, and so all are not re­deemed by his passion, because all cleaue not vnto the redee­mer, and therefore all haue not the efficacie of redemption. The same man, part. 3. summae quaest. 1. artic. 3. when he had said that Christ came to blot out all sinnes, expounding him­selfe, he addeth these words: Not that the sinnes of all men are blotted out, which is through the fault of men, who cleaue not to Christ: but because he exhibited that which was sufficient to haue abolished all sins. Whereunto also may be referred the things which he writeth, quaest. 49. art. 1.3.5. Christ hath de­liuered [Page 34] vs (saith he) as his members from sinnes, and his pas­sion hath his effect in them, who are incorporated into him, as the members into the bodie, and so are partakers of his pas­sion. But such as are not ioyned vnto the passion of Christ, can not receiue the effect thereof.

But let vs heare others also more ancient then Thomas. Innocentius 3.Innocentius 3. Pope of Rome Anno Dom. 1200. repeating the same distinction, lib. 2. de officio Missae. cap. 41. saith: The blood of Christ was shed for those only that are predestinated, as touching efficiencie: but for all men as touching sufficiencie. For the shedding of that righteous blood was so rich in price, that if the vniuersalitie of captiues would beleeue in their re­deemer, the tyrannicall bands of sinne and Satan could with­hold none, because as the Apostle saith, where sinne abounded, there grace did superabound. This later whole sentence is Pope Leos, Epist. 83. and 97. which seeing Innocentius al­leadgeth,Leo. he sheweth apparantly, that Leo was of the same minde. Vnto these, that is not much vnlike, which Basil wri­teth in Psal. 48.Basill. Man cannot giue a propitiation for himselfe to God: yet one worthie price was found out for all men, euen the blood of our Lord Iesus Christ, which he shed for vs all. And that he speaketh of the sufficiencie and dignitie of the price, it appeareth by the words themselues, and by that which he faith elsewhere very oftē respecting the effect, that the blood of Christ was shed not for all men without exception, but for many,Chrysost. Theoph. that is, for the beleeuers. Chrysostome also and Theophilact who abridged him, acknowledge the same di­stinction, as we shall see.

Augustine.Moreouer, Augustine the chiefest of the ancient sound writers, doth not onely acknowledge that distiction, but al­so doth expound it largely, Tom. 7. answering vnto Articles that were falsely fathered vpon him, whereof the first was, that he was reported to maintaine, that our Lord Iesus Christ suffered not for the redemption of all men. But he distinguish­eth after this maner: As touching the greatnes and might of the price, (saith he) and as touching the onely cause of man­kind, the blood of Christ is the redemption of the whole world, [Page 35] and so all are well said to bee redeemed. Yet because all are not pulled out of captiuitie, and many are not redeemed, the pro­prietie of redemption without doubt belongeth to them, out of whom the prince of this world is cast forth, and now are not the members of the deuill, but of Christ, whose death was not be­stowed for mankind, that euen they should appertaine vnto the redemption of it, who should not bee regenerated: but so, that what was done by one example for all, should be magnified in e­uery one by one sacrament giuen vnto them. This is as much as if he had sayd: As touching the sufficiencie of the price, the redemption belongeth to all: but as touching the effect, it belongeth not to all, but to the members only of Christ. And anone he setteth out the matter by a similitude, saying:Augustines si­militude. The cup of immortalitie, which is made of our infirmitie and the di­uine power, hath power in it selfe to profit all: but if it bee not drunke, it doth no good.

The new writers also allow this distinction as vsuall, very ancient, and profitable, & in this poynt diligently to be retai­ned. Stapulensis vpō the 5. to ye Romanes,Stapulensis si­militude. declaring the mat­ter by a similitude, saith: As light is able to driue away infinit darknes, albeit the eyes of all are not inlightened: so Christ hath in himselfe the redemption of all, The new wri­ters allow the distinction of sufficiency, and efficiency. not sufficient for vs on­ly, but to redeeme innumerable worlds also, albeit all, through their owne peruersenes, are not made partakers thereof. Nei­ther otherwise doth Caluin, Beza, Grineus, and other Diuines of our confession, who are hatefully spoken of by our aduer­saries, as though simply & without al distinction they should auouch, that Christ died not for all. Which to be falsely layd to their charge, he shall confesse, whosoeuer shall weigh the places of the authors, of whom now we haue spoken: Caluin. in 1. Ioh. 2. Beza in 2. Cor. 5.15. and often in the second part of his answer to the Acts of the Conference at Mompelgart, fol. 217. & 221. Gryneus in Thesauro the fium, class. 1 thes. 13. Tossan. thes. 31. in disput. de loco Pauli 1. Cor. 15.22. Zanch. lib. 2. Miscel pa. 312. & Pet. Mart. loco de praedest. ad Rom. 9. In these places the forenamed writers, as many other writers of our side in their bookes doe retaine with one accord the [Page 36] common distinction of Sufficiencie, and Efficiencie, not to be refused doubtles in this disputation. Onely let the termes, sufficiently, and efficiently, bee rightly and truly vnderstood. Sufficiently, Sufficiently. that is, by Augustines interpretation, as touching the greatnes of the price, or as Thomas sheweth, as farre forth as hee exhibited that, which was sufficient to take away all sinnes.Effectually. Efficiently, or as others speake, effectually, let it bee vn­derstood in respect of the effect, which is found in the onely members of Christ, all the rest being without redemption, who liue without faith and regeneration, as Augustine also hath learnedly left in writing.

The opinion of our aduer­saries.But this is the opinion of our aduersaries, that Christ with­out any difference died for the sinnes of all men, and that all the sinnes of all men are satisfied and clensed by sacrifice, not onely sufficiently, but also effectually. Which thus they doe declare, that our heauenly father hath instituted and ordained in very deede a reconciliation with all and euery man, with­out any respect of faith or vnbeleefe. But in them it abideth effectuall, who by faith receiue that reconciliation with God ratified by Christ his sacrifice: and in those, who refuse it by vnbeleefe,The aduersa­ries simile. it is abolished and taken away, no otherwise then if a common bath were erected for many sick persons, wher­in all in very deed are restored to health, and some of thē by intemperance do lose againe their former health, which con­tinueth in others which liue soberly. Which similitude truly much differeth in sense, from those which Augustine and Stapulensis vsed before.

Furthermore, they professe and write plainly that Christ suffered, was crucified, dead, and hath satisfied no lesse for the sinnes of all which alreadie are damned, and hereafter to bee damned, then for the sinnes of Peter, Paul, and of all the Saints: that is to say, that Christ not onely gaue that which was sufficient to haue taken away the sinnes of all men: but also that in very deede the sinnes no lesse of the damned,Marke this strange doc­trine. and such as shal be damned, then of those that are saued, and shal bee saued, are washed away in his blood. And they auouch, that it commeth to passe, that neuerthelesse the former sort [Page 37] are condemned, not for their sinnes, for they are indeed clen­sed by Christ, but for vnbeleefe alone, whereby they destroy againe, and make vneffectuall that reconciliation, which was made and done for them.

This was the opinion of Iacob Andreas in the Conference at Mompelgart, which Huberus thes. 19. setteth downe in this maner: to wit, That Christ suffered and died not for some men only, but for al the posteritie of Adam, none, (and to speake it most plainly) none at all excepted out of the whole vniuersa­litie of mankinde, whether he receiue to himselfe saluation by faith, and continue in saluation obtained, or els through vnbe­leefe refuse saluation wrought for him, and therefore perish a­gaine for euer. We see that he boldly auoucheth that indiffe­rently all and euery one, beleeuers and vnbeleeuers haue ob­tained in very deede saluation in Christ, but that some in be­leeuing continue in saluation receiued, others are depriued againe of the same by not beleeuing. The same man in com­pendio thes. 10. saith: Wee boldly affirme, that Christ by his death hath mercie vpon all men in very deed and in truth, and gaue himself a sacrifice for sins, no lesse for euery infidell then for euery faithfull man, to wit, that he may deliuer from death, the deuill, and hell, all men whosoeuer they be: he meaneth in very deede and in truth, (as wee vse to speake) and not suffi­ciently onely. And that nothing may be obscure, he maintai­neth that the worke of saluation by Christ belongeth to all sinners, and that such as by Adā haue sinned,thes. 49. haue righteous­nes by Christ imputed vnto them: and that all iudgement,thes. 60. and wrath of God is taken away and abolished from all men in very deede and properlie:thes. 65. and that all are truly and vn­doubtedly together deliuered by the death of Christ from all sinne and condemnation, and whole mankinde receiued in deede into the fauour and bosome of the father:thes. 168. and that all doe belong to the communion of saluation, and kingdome of grace: lastly,thes. 270. that all reprobates and elect are alike saued by Christ, whether they beleeue, or not: and other like things altogether raw, new and strange, doe meete vs here and there dispersedly in reading him.

[Page 38]Vnto this opinion as new and vnheard of, and many waies erronious (as it shall appeare) we cannot subscribe: but fol­lowing the old distinction wee affirme, that Christ surely ex­hibited that which was sufficient to haue taken away all sins, and so they are taken away,Our opinion of the death of Christ for all men. and that all are redeemed, as tou­ching the sufficiencie or greatnes and power of the price, as Augustine expoundeth. But as touching efficiencie, we say that by the death of Christ, the sinnes onely of the elect are blotted out, who beleeue in him, and sticke vnto him as the members to the head:Christ effectually died for the elect and faith­full onely, pro­ued. but such as are not incorporated into Christ, cannot receiue the effect of his passion. For as the Lord saith: God so loued the world, that he gaue his sonne that euery one that beleeueth in him should not perish, but haue e­ternall life. He that beleeueth is not condemned: but he that beleeueth not, is condemned alreadie, Ioh. 3. Which in that place Iohn Baptist confirming, testifieth: He that beleeueth in the Sonne, hath eternall life: but he that beleeueth not in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. And in this sense, and not absolutely and without restraint, is it to be taken, as oft as it is read in our writers, that Christ suf­fered not for all: to wit in respect of the effect of his passion, which belongeth to such as are to bee saued, and not to them that shall be damned; to the faithfull, and not to Infidels. And so Beza also declareth himself Colloq. Mompelg. pa. 217. And there is nothing in him, which is not in so many words, and in the same sense written by the old writers.

Neither are cauillers to be regarded, which say: what need is there to say,Huberus thes. 1154. that Christ is a price sufficient for the whole world? why bewitch ye men with these termes? I answere, this is no bewitching, but the ancient and right explication of this controuersie against them, that loue to bewitch the world with new opinions.Huber. comp. thes. 5. & 6. But (say they) the word sufficiently taken in that signification wherein sacred antiquitie tooke it, we refuse not, but rather approue it. But our Caluinists (say they) deuising a wrong and doubtfull signification of the word, doe deceiue the simpler sort. For this they meane, that Christs death is so mightie, that if he would helpe all men [Page 39] by the same, he could easily doe it.thes. 1152. But if they would vse the word of sufficiencie in another signification, as when we say against the Papists, that the death of Christ is sufficient for al men, that is, needeth no helpe of mans works to redeeme vs: or els also in this sense, when we say, that Christs death is suf­ficient for all, whether men beleeue and be saued, or beleeue not, and perish: yet that Christ hath satisfied for al, we would not refuse the vse of this terme in such a signification.

But I thinke it is plaine enough by the things which are re­cited before, how antiquitie hath vsed those termes of suffi­ciencie and efficiencie, neither that wee change any thing in the sense, or deceiue any by doubtfull signification. In the meane while the thing it selfe proueth, that the simpler sort are here beguiled by our aduersarie, who when hee would seeme to allow the terme of sufficiencie in that sense, where­in antiquitie accepted it, yet he deuiseth of his own head sig­nifications altogether vnknowne vnto antiquitie, in his pro­pounded opposition: otherwise we defend also against the Papists, that the merit of Christ needeth no helpe of mans workes: neither deny we, that he hath satisfied for al whether they bee saued or perish, to wit, as touching the sufficiencie and greatnes of the price so mighty and rich for redemption, that if the vniuersalitie of captiues would beleeue in him, the bands of the deuill should hold back none.

CHAP. XII. Another maner of vniuersall redemption.

THis also we affirme, that albeit not all,All, taken for all that bee Christs, and of his Church. as many as are borne of Adam, are by the death of Christ effectually borne againe, redeemed and iustified: rightly neuerthelesse it may be said, that Christ died for all, euen in respect of the effect of his death, iustification, regeneration, and such like benefits: not that they redound to all and euery man, but to all who are Christs, as the Apostle saith: If God be for vs, Rom. 8. who can be against vs? who also spared not his owne sonne, but gaue [Page 40] him for vs all. Who be those all, in whose mouth that saying is, and faith in their hearts, If God be for vs, who can be against vs? Truly they whom he foreknew and predestinated, whom he also calleth, iustifieth & glorifieth, the elect of God, whose is saluation and eternall life, whom no creature can separate from the loue of God in Christ, as there it is said: Who shall lay any crimes against the elect of God? The author of the bookes de vocat. gentium, a man surely very learned, and elo­quent,Prosper Aq. whether he were Ambrose, or rather Prosper of Aqui­taine, lib. 1. cap. 3. writeth notably in this sort: Therefore (saith he) the people of God haue their fulnes, and albeit a great part of men either reiect, or neglect the grace of the Sauiour: yet in the elect, and soreknowne, which are seuered from the genera­litie of all, there is a certaine speciall vniuersalitie, that out of the whole world, the whole world seemeth to bee set at libertie, and out of all men, all men seeme to be receiued. Where let vs note a doubt,A three-fold vniuersalitie. nay a three-fold vniuersalitie: namely, the ge­neralitie of all men: then the generalitie of the elect who are saued: and on the other side, the vniuersalitie of the repro­bates, who perish. Of these as well elect as reprobates, (as the same author well obserueth) the diuine stile doth so order his speech,Lib. 2. cap. 1. that both those things, which are spoken of one part of men, seeme to appertaine to all: and also, whereas there bee some who perish, and some who are saued, yet nei­ther part is without the name of all men, the portion of rebels bearing the losse of their saluation, and the dignitie of the faithfull obtaining the account of fulnes.

But the matter shall bee made more cleere by examples. When the Lord saith, Ioh. 12. When I shall be lifted vp from the earth, All, taken for all the elect on­ly. I will draw all things, (or after another reading) all men vnto me: doth not the conuersion of all men seeme to be promised? and yet many thousands to this day do serue the deuill and the world. But rightly wee vnderstand with Au­gustine,Aug. tract. 53. all, that is, all men predestinate to saluation, of all whom none shall perish. So that which is written in the Pro­phets:Esay. 54.13. Esay. 31.34. Ioh. 6. All shall be taught of God: and, all shall know me from the least vnto the greatest: are alike true, of the men of Gods [Page 41] kingdome, according to the limitation of Augustine,Athanasius. Tract. 26. See also Athanasius of these three sayings now alleaged, in Euang. de pass. & cruce Domini. What, when it is said:Esay 65. All flesh shall come into my sight, and worship in Ierusalem, saith the Lord. Or els that:Ioel. 2. And in the last daies it shall come to passe, that I will powre out of my spirit vpon all flesh. Or this: The Lord vpholdeth all that fall, Psal. 145.14. and lifteth vp all that are bowed downe. Are not these so vttered, as though no man were seuered from this gift of God? Of this sort are these say­ings also: Vntill wee all grow into the vnitie of faith, Ephes. 4. 2. Cor. 5. and knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new: Matth. 26. Drinke ye all of this, &c. Are these things spoken of the vnbeleeuers al­so, and such as be notoriously wicked?

Of the vniuersalitie of the vngodly the sacred Scriptures speake in like maner,All, taken for all the wicked only. as Philip. 2. All seeke their owne. Ioh. 3. No man receiueth his testimonie. If no man, to what purpose came he from heauen? Therefore none of a certaine sort, be­cause there is a certain people prepared for the wrath of God, to be damned with the deuils: none of this sort receiueth the testimonie of Christ, saith August. Tract. 14. Many other examples the author of the calling of the Gentiles bringeth. By all which is plainly shewed, that All men are very often in the Scriptures named for a part of men: the discerning of whom notwithstanding, the Scripture soone openeth, that the vnderstanding of the reader may be caried from the ge­nerall terme vnto that part which is to be vnderstood. Here­vpon Logicians giue a rule of restrayning an vniuersall note or signe vnto the subiect matter, according to the rule:A rule in Lo­gike. Talia sunt praedicata, qualia permittuntur esse à suis subiectis: that is, Such are the things that are vttered, as they are permitted to be by their subiect matter. Which precept hath not onelie place in this case of elect and reprobates, beleeuers and vn­beleeuers, but also elsewhere very often, as when it is sayd: All things are pure to the pure: All things are lawfull for me, &c.

CHAP. XIII. Some other waies of the vniuersalitie of redemption.

All that are re­deemed, are re­deemed by Christ.MOreouer we affirme, that by the vse of the Scripture and godly antiquitie, it is rightly sayd, that Christ died for all, and that all are redeemed and saued by his death: by a fit distribution (as they say) that is, so farre forth as all, who are redeemed and saued, haue redemption and saluation in none other but in Christ by his blood.Cyr. de lap. ho­minis. For all redemption (as Cyrill speaketh) is in Christ, and through him commeth euery good gift. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 5. Epist. 28. In this sense those sayings of the Apostle: All are quic­kened and iustified in Christ, Augustine euery where expoun­deth, as we shall see at large hereafter: Because (saith he) as all men who die, die not but in Adā: so all men, who are quickened, shall be quickened in none other but in Christ. And in this ve­ry kinde of speech the same man, de pec. merit. & remiss. lib. 1. cap. 25. expoundeth that saying in Iohn, chap. 1. He inlighte­neth euery man that commeth into the world. Therefore (saith he) is this spoken, because no man is inlightened, but by that light of the truth. I know that Theophilact and some other referre that saying to the light of reason, as of the inward eye: of which exposition also Augustine maketh mention. But this is enough for vs (seeing the other way also the words of the Euangelist may be well taken) to haue shewed the vse of this maner of speaking. We haue a more manifest example, 1. Cor. 12. He worketh all in all. Where we haue neede of a double restraint: All, that is, he worketh all powers & gifts whatsoeuer in whomsoeuer. For hee giueth all to no man, much lesse all to all men: but whatsoeuer grace or spirituall power is in any whomsoeuer, is from him. Philip. in paruis logical. bringeth an example out of the 1. of Iohn: Of his fulnes all we haue receiued: and he warneth, that it bee taken exclusiuely: for the vniuersall signe is drawne to a certaine kinde, and there is signified the shutting out of others. As many of vs as haue receiued grace, all of vs haue receiued it [Page 43] from Christ alone. As if we should say ofAugustines similitudes de nat. & grat. cap. 41. one schoolema­ster in a citie, This man teacheth all here letters: or of some oneDe pec. mer. lib. 1. 28. midwife in a citie: She receiueth all: or as wee may say,Contr. Iuli. lib. 6. cap. 12. Christ iustifi­eth all, in what sense. Ad Bonif. lib. 1. cap. 7. & alibi. All enter into the house by one gate. There all and such like are well spoken: yet we may not vnderstand all men, but such as learne letters, and such as bee borne in that citie, or els enter into the same house. In like maner Christ iusti­fieth all men, as farre forth as none is iustified but by him. And this Augustine diligently vrgeth against the Pelagians, who thought that not all, but many are deliuered by Christ: for they would haue some to be saued also without Christ, by na­ture, and freewill and the law, whether naturall, or giuen by Moses, although in the meane while they would confesse that the way of saluation by Christ is more readie and com­modious.

According to this sense Hilarie also writeth Comment. in Matth. Canon. 7. All the saluation of the Gentiles is of faith, Hilarie. and the life of al is in the precepts of the Lord. Ambrose. But Ambrose somewhat more cleerely lib. 9. Epist. 71. saith: The Lord Ie­sus comming, hath pardoned all men their sinne, which no man could auoide, and hath taken away the sinne of the whole world, as Iohn testifieth. Therefore let no man reioyce in workes, be­cause none shall be iustified by his deedes: but he that is iust, hath a free gift because after washing he is iustified. Therefore it is faith (saith he) which deliuereth through the blood of Christ Iesus. He saith expressely that Christ hath pardoned all their sinne: but expounding himselfe, he meaneth not that al and euery one in very deed are deliuered by Christs blood, without respect of faith or infidelitie, (for he doth manifestly restraine the proprietie of redemption vnto the beleeuers) but this he meaneth, that they who are deliuered from sinne, are deliuered by the free gift of Christ, and not by their workes.

Of the later new writers Wolfgangus Musculus in his common places expoundeth it in this very sense,Musculus. that the re­demption of Iesu Christ is well called vniuersall, because no man is, nor can be redeemed without it; because there is sal­uation [Page 44] in none other,Act. 4. nor any other name vnder heauen gi­uen to men, whereby wee may be saued. The same man al­leadgeth this reason also of vniuersall redemption, to wit, be­cause it is prepared for all, and all are called vnto it, that is, as he himselfe titulo de remiss. peccatorum quaest. 2. expoundeth: because, albeit the grace of redemption doth not happen to all, yet it is preached to all, and set forth, and all are indiffe­rently inuited vnto it: as in the Gospell the royall mariage was prepared for all,Matth. 22. and all were bidden, although not all a­like, were made partakers of the mariage: because the ma­riage was in deede made readie for all, but they which were called were not worthie: for many are called, but few chosen. As touching therefore externall vocation, Christ with all his benefits is set forth vnto all, with this annexed thereto, that all beleeue in him:Mark. 16. and as the Lord commanded, the Gospell is preached to euery creature, and repentance and remission of sinnes is preached in his name among all nations,Luk. 24. Ioh. 3. that who­soeuer beleeueth in the Sonne, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. By this precept there is no difference made of any nations,De vocat. gent. lib 2. cap. 1. or any men. Vnto all men is the Gospell of the crosse of Christ sent, who hath excepted no man, hath sepa­rated no man because of his stocke or condition, saying: Preach the Gospell to euery creature: he that beleeueth and is baptized, shall be saued: but he that beleeueth not, shall be damned. Hereupon the Lord in the Gospell cryeth: Come vnto me all ye that are wearie, Matth. 11. and I wil refresh you. In which words one thing is commanded, and another thing is promi­sed. Let vs doe what hee commandeth, let vs goe all to the Lord, and follow him, so we shall haue what he hath promi­sed. For he casteth not foorth, but receiueth and refresheth such as come vnto him. In the meane while who shal come, and who shall not come, he doth know of whom the Sonne witnesseth:Ioh. 6.44. No man commeth vnto me, except the father draw him, as it is written in the Prophets: They shall be all taught of God. Whosoeuer therfore hath heard of the father, and hath learned, commeth vnto me. For men (as Augustine discusseth that place) preach outwardly, and beate into the eares the [Page 45] sound of words, and so men doe heare of men. But that they vnderstand, it is giuen inwardly, it shineth inwardly, it is re­uealed inwardly by him who giueth increase. Aug. tract. 26. in Ioh. & pluribus tract. 3. in 1. Ioh. And Prosper lib. 2. cap. 9. de vocat. gent. saith: They who come, are directed by the helpe of God: they who come not, resist through their owne obsti­nacie.

Lastly, learned interpreters do admonish,All, taken for all sorts or kinds. and the examples of phrases in the Scriptures confirme, that the particle All, often times ought to bee expounded not for a thing simplie vniuersall, but indefinite: so that All doth note whatsoeuer, and rather All kinds or sorts, then all particulars of euerie kinde. So Augustine tract. 53. in Ioh expounding that saying: I will draw all vnto me, when I am exalted: By all (saith he) all the predestinate vnto saluation, may be rightly vnderstood, of all whom nothing shall perish. Or certainly (saith he) all, that is, all kinds of men, whether in all tongues, or in all ages, or in all degrees of men, and whatsoeuer other thing can be spoken according to the innumerable differences, whereby (ex­cepting onely sinnes) men doe differ among themselues: from the highest vnto the lowest, from the king vnto the beggar, I will draw all vnto me. This maner of speech he at large tea­cheth Enchir. ad Laurent. cap. 103. and de Correp. & gratia cap. 14. In both places hee bringeth this:Luk. 11.42. Ye tithe mint and rew, and all herbes. For (saith he) the Pharisees did not tithe all strange herbes of all strangers through all lands: but by all herbes, wee must vnderstand all kind of herbes. And many places agreeable to this kinde of speech doe meete vs in the Scriptures:Matth. 4.23. and 10.1. as that Christ and his Apostles healed all sicknes and disease in the people: and all that were possessed with the deuill. Act. 10.38. And that all foure footed beasts and creeping things were shewed to Peter in the sheete that was let downe from hea­uen. Act. 10.12. Act. 20.27. and 21.2. Ephes. 3.9. And that Paul shewed to the Ephesians all the counsell of God: That he taught all the Iewes euery where not to cir­cumcise their sonnes: and which is more, that he hath made cleere to all men &c. and that wee are commanded to shew all gentlenes to all men, that is, to whomsoeuer.Tit. 3.2. Infinite [Page 46] such like places there be, which euery where meet them that search the holie Scriptures. What is more harsh and inconue­nient, then for a man to vrge precisely the vniuersall particle in such places? And that no man should marueile at this our speech, let a man weigh these kind of speeches also: All Iu­dea went out to Iohn Baptist, Mark. 5. Matth. 10. Ioh. 16. 2. Tim. 1. and all were baptized in Iordan. Ye shall be hated of all men for my name. All that shall kill you, shall thinke they serue God. All in Asia are turned from Paul. Here the meaning is not, that all the Iewes none excepted came to Iohn, and were baptized of him: but many euerie where out of all Iewrie. And vnles the same figures Synecdo­che be applied to other sayings, monstrous and strange in­terpretations will arise. Those we shall auoide by obseruing the maner of the Scripture, whereof August. epist. 59. saith: It is the maner of the Scripture to speake so of a part, as of the whole: which custome of diuine Scripture spersed vsuallie throughout all the bodie of the doctrine of it, whosoeuer shall diligently marke, shall plainly vnderstand many things, which seeme to be contrarie one to another.

What should be then the cause, that a man should not ac­cording to the vsuall custome of the Scriptures, here also ex­pound the vniuersall note (All) after the like maner? to wit, that Christ died for all, that is, (speaking of the efficacie of re­demption) for whomsoeuer? that rightly and without any hainous offence it bee referred, not so well to euery one, as vnto all sorts of men, of whom without doubt the vniuersa­litie of the elect doth consist. But of the whole matter by set­ting downe a new principle, it seemeth we must more dili­gently intreate.


CHAP. I. A transition vnto the examination of the arguments of the Aduersarie, and the distribution of them into certaine rankes or orders.

THose things being briefelie laied open, which we thought good first to handle touching the summe of the controuersie: let vs now goe to examine the arguments particular­ly, whereupon the Aduersarie re­steth for the defence of his opinion: afterward also we will confirme our opinion by fit testimonies and reasons of the sacred Scriptures.

Therefore that Christ dyed for all Adams posteritie, not one at all excepted of the whole vniuersalitie of mankinde, and so truely, that he hath satisfied for the sinnes of all effici­ently (as they say) and not sufficiently onely, and that all, whether they doe beleeue or not beleeue, or neuer will be­leeue, are equallie by the death of Christ from sinne and dam­nation redeemed, restored into the bosome of grace, iustified, quickened, and lastly saued, they indeuour to proue and con­uince by a threefold order or ranke of reasons.

The first order containeth those reasons, wherein vniuer­salitie 1 is expresselie set downe.

[Page 48] 2 The second produceth such arguments, as speake ex­presselie of reprobates, and testifieth (if we beleeue them) that Christ died no lesse effectuallie for them, then for Peter, Paul, and euery Saint.

3 The third ranke hath wonderfull (as they say) absurdities, which they would make to follow of the contrarie opinion.

The Champion of this conflict trusting to this triple ranke, dealeth no more modestlie, nor lesse boasteth himselfe, and singeth the triumph before the victorie, then euen that fierce Goliath,1. Sam 17. 2. Paral. [...]2. 1. [...]eg. 20. arrogant and stout by reason of his sworde, speare and shield: or that proud Sanherib, or glorious Benhadad trusting in their horses and chariots to the reproach of Israel. For he boasteth boldly, that all attempt is in vaine of ouer­throwing those rankes,Comp. thes. 14. vnles first they that assaie it, doe ac­cuse and conuince the scripture of falsehoode. But oh sirtha of good fellowship, [...]. sing not your triumph before the victo­rie: and as it is set downe in the sacred Scriptures: Let not him, that putteth on his armor, boast, as he that putteth it off, as we learne that Ahab long agoe wisely answered Benha­dad.1. Reg. 20.21. The Scripture with vs is of vndoubted credit, and con­stant authoritie. But the question is not of the trueth of the Scriptures, which who so beleeueth not, is a Pagan and no Christian: but of the trueth of mans opinion, which too bold­ly truely thou doest defend vnder pretence of Gods word, as we shall see. Wherefore we nothing regarde as well thine armies as thy triumphs.

CHAP. II. VNTO THE ARGVMENTS OF THE FIRST ORDER. A generall answer to testimonies of the death of Christ for all.

THe first order or ranke, (as farre as I obserue) consisteth in a fourefold kinde of testimonies, as a foureparted res­cuing [Page 49] armie of souldiers: for the places of Scripture of the olde and new Testament are brought, wherein either Christ 1 is said to die for all; or the fruite of his death seemeth to be 2 extended to all without exception: or mention of the world 3 is made in the matter of saluation: or lastlie the gospell is 4 said to appertaine vnto all. Of all these we will speake in order.

First of all, as touching the testimonies of the death of Christ for all, we graunt also after a sort, that Christ suffered and died for all men, as many as haue been, are, and shall be. What then? Shall it thereof follow, that all and euery one, whether they beleeue, or not beleeue, are in very deede recon­ciled, iustified, quickened, renewed, saued, and that all iudge­ment and wrath of God is truely and properlie taken away in all men, and that all together are set free from all sinne and condemnation vndoubtedly, and receiued as sonnes into the fauour and bosome of God? This thing this stout defender maintaineth in these very words in his Theses: but we denie, and vtterly denie these consequences. For yt they may be ad­mitted, this of necessitie must be the Maior of the Syllogisme:

For whomsoeuer Christ suffered and dyed,The opinion of the aduersa­rie drawne into a syllogisme. they vndoub­tedly are freed from all sinne and condemnation, and are in deede made partakers of saluation, reconciliation, iustifica­tion, regeneration and other benefits purchased by Christs death, without any respect of faith and vnbeliefe.

The assumption followeth: Christ is dead for all, There­fore, &c.

Answere. But the Maior taken so absolutely is most false, and full of reproach euery way against all the trueth of Christian religi­on, and the very passion and death of the sonne of God. But it is true conditionally, that they for whom he died be parta­kers of the rehearsed benefits, if they beleeue in Christ and obey him. For it is impossible, that a man should please God,Heb. 11. who is without faith. And Christ plainely maketh such a dif­ference: As Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernes, Ioh. 3. so must the sonne of man be lift vp, that euery one that beleeueth, should haue euerlasting life. And straight waies: So God lo­ued [Page 50] the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish, but haue eternal life. Againe in the same place: For God sent not his sonne into the world to condemne the world, but that the world by him might be saued: He that beleeueth, is not condemned: but he that beleeueth not, is condemned alreadie. And about the end of the chapter Iohn Baptist saith: He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath life: but he that beleeueth not in the Sonne, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Neither doth Paul acknowledge any to be iustified by the redemption of Christ,Rom. 3. but such as beleeue. All (saith he) haue sinned, and are depriued of the glorie of God, and are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Iesu, whō God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood. This answere vseth Theophilact vpon Heb. 2.Theoph. whom Ansel­mus there seemeth to follow. His words are these: He tasted death not for the faithfull only, but for the whole world. For al­beit all are not saued in very deed, yet he Peregit quod suâ intererat. wrought that which was his part to do. See how it doth not follow, that, if Christ died for all, all are straightway saued, which is the diuinitie of Huberus, thes. 270. Vpon the 9. chapter to the Hebr. the same interpreter hath left it thus written: He hath taken away the sinnes of many. Why said he of many, and not of all? Because all mortall men haue not beleeued. The death of Christ sure­ly was equiualent to the perdition of all, that is, was of value sufficient that all should not perish, and it was paied for the sal­uation of all, and Quantum in eo fuit. as much as lay in him he died for all: yet he tooke not away the sinnes of all; because they that resist him, make the death of Christ altogether vnprofitable vnto them­selues. These things he.

Stapulensis.The foresaid answere Stapulensis (an interpreter among the late writers not to bee despised) confirmeth, vpon the 2. chapter to the Hebr. in these words: Christ truly suffered for all men, and his death is of value for the redemption of all: but then his death hath freed vs from the feare of death, and from the feare of bondage hath restored vs into the libertie of life, when wee follow him willingly. And vpon the 10. chapter he [Page 51] writeth: that by the oblation of Christ there is a most full sa­tisfaction for all the sinnes of the world, which haue been, are, and shall be: but their sins are remitted, who comming vnto Christ doe aske grace, which he vouchsafed to obtaine of the father for them: but their sins are not pardoned, who refuse his grace, and contemne the vniuersal fountaine of the washing away of sinnes, not knowing, or being vnwilling to purge themselues in him.

And Brentius doth so declare it,Brentius. Catechis. artic. de remiss. peccat. We are iustified (saith he) by the meere mercie of God, only for the redemption, wherwith Christ hath redeemed man­kind from sinnes, and for that reconciliation which he hath ob­tained, and not for any merit of man. But this benefit of God we receiue not but through faith by the preaching of the Gos­pell. For albeit Christ hath redeemed mankinde from sinnes and reconciled with God, yet this benefit had nothing profited man­kinde, if it were not preached vnto them by the Gospell. And the Gospell requireth faith, and is to be receiued by faith. He that beleeueth not shall be condemned; and he that beleeueth shall be saued. Wherefore remission of sins purchased by Christ, and preached in the Gospell, is receiued of vs and applied vnto vs no otherwise then by faith. Huber. thes. 19. Hereunto the assertion is con­trarie, that all haue receiued reconciliation and saluation, whether they beleeue or not beleeue.

CHAP. III. Peculiar answers vnto those sayings of the Scripture, which affirme that Christ died for all.

THe former generall answere is plaine and sound and may suffice alone: yet we think good particularly to examine the sayings of the holie Scriptures touching the death of Christ for all.

The first place then let this be in this order, 1. Tim. 2.4, 5, 6.The first place 1. Tim. 2. God will that all should be saued, and come to the knowledge of the truth: for there is one God, and one Mediatour of God and [Page 52] men, the man Christ Iesus, who hath giuen himselfe a raun­some for all. Here they first vrge the words, that God will that all be saued: whereof they will haue gathered, that therefore once all men, none excepted, are in deede saued by the re­dēption of Christ, without any respect of faith, or vnbeliefe, although many afterward lose againe, through vnbeleefe, saluation that was obtained. But the Apostle entreateth of that saluation which is by faith, as Theophilact well expoun­deth, and the matter it selfe sheweth: and not of a certaine vniuersall saluation of beleeuers and vnbeleeuers. Further, the Apostle knitteth saluation and the knowledge of the truth together, as things most neerely ioyned between them­selues. He will (saith he) that all men be saued, and come to the knowledge of the truth. After the like maner therfore let them inferre, that all men also, none excepted, come to the know­ledge of the truth, that is, to faith, and by consequence to e­ternall life, which consisteth in the knowledge of God and Christ. Thus the argument is fully answered.

Yet as touching the minde of Paul, the place needeth in­terpretation, as Ambrose also admonisheth. For if God (who verily is Almightie, and doth whatsoeuer he will, in heauen and earth) will haue all men to be saued, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, why is not his will fulfilled? Neither say, as the Pelagians vsed to except, (as Augustine witnesseth) that therefore this will of God is not fulfilled, because men will not. For no free will doth withstand God being willing to saue, as he teacheth de correp. & grat. cap. 14. for so to will or not to will, is in the power of the willer or niller, that it hin­dereth not Gods will, nor ouercommeth his power. For he himselfe doth the things that he willeth, concerning those men who doe not his will: seeing euen of the very willes of men, he doth what he will. Therefore many waies surely that Apostolicall and diuine sentence may rightly be vnderstood, that the very beginning of our faith shake not, wherein wee professe that wee beleeue in God the father almightie, Of which waies we will recite one or two.

First, albeit none but the elect come to saluation, and that [Page 53] effectually called by the holy Ghost,The first ex­position of 1. Tim. 2.4. by that vocation which is according to the purpose of God: yet God by his word calleth al to beleeue, and to conuert, that they may be saued, and not iudge themselues vnworthie of the kingdome of God. For this is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God, that all heare the Sonne, repent, and beleeue the Gospel vnto saluation. As also Ezechiel testifieth, chap. 18.EZec. 18. &. 37 Why will ye die O house of Israel? Turne from all your iniquities be­cause I will not the death of a sinner: Turne, and ye shall liue. And chap. 33. As I liue, saith the Lord, I will not the death of the wicked, but that he turne from his way and liue. For God reioyceth not in the destruction of such as perish,Wised. 1. Act. 17. neither approueth an vnfaithfull and vnrepentant heart: but (as Paul testifieth) warneth all men to repent. But why this gift of grace, to wit, conuersion, (without which none can be saued) is not bestowed vpon all by him, who would haue all to bee saued, it must be referred to the hidden iudgements of Gods iustice. For who hath knowne the minde of the Lord? or who first gaue to him, that he should recompence him? This exposition Luther alloweth de seruo arbit. handling the place of Ezech. chap. 18.Luther. In that saying (saith he) I will not the death of a sinner, we see no other thing handled, then that the grace of God is preached and offered in the world, which they only re­ceiue, in whom the law hath already wrought his dutie, that is, the knowledge of sinne. The rest contemne mercie promised in that saying. But why some are touched by the law, and others are not touched, so that they receiue, these refuse grace offered, it is another question, and is not handled here by Ezechiel, who speaketh of the preached and offered mercie of God, and not of that hidden and reuerend will of God, ordaining in his coun­sell, whom and what maner of men he will haue to bee capable and partakers of the mercie preached and offered. Which will is not to be sought after, but with reuerence to be honoured, as the secret of Gods maiestie, reserued to himselfe alone, and for­bidden vs. And anone after: God doth many things which he doth not shew vnto vs by his word: and he willeth many things also, which in his word he sheweth not that he willeth. So he [Page 54] will not the death of a sinner, to wit, in his word: but he willeth it by that his vnsearchable will. But we must respect his word, and leaue his vnsearchable will. Againe, comparing this pre­sent place of the Apostle with the place of the Prophet, hee addeth: If thou speake of God preached vnto vs, he will that all men should be saued, while he commeth to all in the word of saluation, and it is the fault of our will which doth not ad­mit him, as it is said, Matth 23: How oft would I gather thy children, and thou wouldest not? But why the diuine maiestie doth not take away this fault of our will or change it in all, see­ing it is not in the power of man: or why he imputeth that vn­to him, seeing man cannot want it, it is not lawfull to enquire, and though thou shouldest seeke after it, yet thou shalt neuer finde it. These things so largely I am not ashamed to produce out of Luther, because of our aduersaries.

The second ex­position of 1. Tim 2.4. Augustine.Secondly, this may be the sense, and so Augustine Euchir. ad Laur. cap. 103. expoundeth: He will that all men be saued: that is, all kinde of men, seuered by what differences soeuer, kings, priuate men, noble, high and low, learned, vnlearned, wise, foolish, rich, poore, males, females, children and infants, in all ages, in all professions, and if there bee any other diffe­rences among men. And this exposition agreeth throughly with the purpose of Paul. For thus he reasoneth: Whom God would haue to bee saued, for their saluation the Church ought to pray. But God would haue all, that is, whomsoeuer to bee saued, without difference of nation, sexe, age, order, and dig­nitie: Therefore for all, that is, whomsoeuer, euen for kings, and other kinds of men, faithfull and vnfaithfull the Church ought to pray. Thus rightly is that expounded, which he saith, that we must pray for all men. For if wee should pray for all simply, and without exception of any one, in vaine had Iohn said, There is a sinne to death, I say not for that that thou shoul­dest pray. 1. Ioh. 5.

Augustine.Elsewhere Augustine expoundeth these words, (he will that all be saued) saying: that all the predestinate may bee vnderstood by them, because all sorts of men bee in them, saith he, de correp. & grat. cap. 14. But of those words enough: [Page 55] which if the aduersaries continue to abuse, let them also call to minde the exposition of Heerbrandus,Heerbrand. Bidenbac. Osiander. Disput. de praedest. th. 93. and of Bidenbacchius and Osiander, Respons. ad asser­tiones Iesuitarum Dilingensium: where they also allow the receiued distinction of the Schoolemen of the double will of God, which their Schmidlinus afterward endeuoured to confute: and they interprete the words of Paul with Augu­stine, to wit, that he speaketh not of euery person of men, but of all the orders of men: or, not of euery singular one of all sorts, but of the sorts of euery one. Further, that which is an other reason of the aduersaries out of that place of the A­postle, they captiously catch at, in that he saith: one Media­tour of God and men: that is, all men whomsoeuer that come from Adam, say they: because also by the name of God, is vnderstood whatsoeuer is in God. But this is a meere shift. Paul speaketh indefinitly, that Christ is the Mediatour of God and men: he addeth not all: and if he had added it, the same restraint should take place, wherof was spoken before. For it is the part of a Mediatour,Ambrose. (as Ambrose obserueth in his exposition vpon the 1. of Timothie) to bee an vmpire be­tweene him who hath sinned, and him against whom the sin is committed, that this party may pardon, and that man may hereafter abide in the faith of God: which thing certainly Christ did not take vpon him for the reprobate world, for whom he vouchsafed no not so much as to pray vnto the fa­ther, Ioh. 17. Of which place also Cyrill discoursing,Cyril. in Ioh. lib. 11. cap. 19. plainly testifieth, that Christ is the Mediatour and high Priest not of the world but of his owne, and that vnto them alone is attri­buted rightly the benefit of the Mediatour.

But see the mans wit.Huber. thes. [...]3. By the word (God) is vnderstoode doubtles whatsoeuer is in God: therefore also by men, ought to be meant whatsoeuer is borne of Adam. I denie the con­sequence: they bee onely loose broomes, and cords made of sand, hanging no more together, then if I should say: God hath made a couenant with man of grace and eternall life: therfore as by the word (God) is meant whatsoeuer belongeth to God, therfore by men also ought to be meant all men that [Page 56] be, or shall be euery where, & so al shall be eternally saued. By this kinde of reasoning, or rather trifling, many things most absurd may be gathered. Betweene God and the seede of A­braham there was a couenant of Circumcision. Now if a man vnderstood it of whatsoeuer seede Abraham should haue, because by the word God, may bee meant whatsoeuer belongeth to God, as well women as men should haue been circumcised in Israel. What is more foolish? But what shall we say to that which followeth,1. Tim. 2. Who gaue himselfe a raun­some for all? The answere is plaine by the things that haue been spoken before. For he truly gaue himselfe a price of re­demption sufficient for all, none excepted at all of the whole vniuersalitie of men: but because the vnbeleeuers do not ap­plie redemption to themselues, the wrath of God abideth on them.Note how Christ may be said to giue himselfe a price for all. Also, he gaue himself the price of reconciliation for all that belong to the vniuersalitie of the elect, and to his owne bodie. Again, for al indefinitly, that is, for whomsoeuer Iewes and Gentiles, high and low, masters and seruants, as it hath been often already said. Vnto which opinion also Theophi­lact inclineth.

The [...]. place of the aduersarie examined, out of 2. Cor. 5.15, 16, 17.Another place is 2. Cor. 5.15. If one died for all, surely all are dead: and he died for all, that they which liue, should here­after not liue to themselues, but to him who died for them and rose againe. Therefore wee hereafter know no man after the flesh. If wee haue knowne Christ after the flesh, yet now know we him so no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, let him be a new creature. Old things are passed, behold all things are become new. Here it is twise said, that Christ died for all. Well? who denieth it? we say so too: but the doubt is of the sense. Our aduersarie saith, that Christ effectually died for all, so that the heauenly father in very deede hath receiued in­to grace all mankinde, and euery one is passed from death to life, from sinne to righteousnes, from oldnes to newnes: but Paul saith not so: nay he manifestly impugneth the words of Paul. For in the words following, he defineth reconcilia­tion by this, that God doth not impute sinnes, and, that wee be made the righteousnes of God in Christ. And this is done [Page 57] by faith. For, that sinnes bee not imputed,Rom. 4.5. &c. and that faith is imputed for righteousnes, Paul vseth for one and the same thing, neither will he haue any other righteousnes of God to be meant, but that which is by the faith of Iesu Christ in all,Rom. 3.2 [...]. and vpon all that beleeue, and not vpon all simplie, whether they beleeue or not.

What meaneth that saying of the ministers of reconcilia­tion in this very chapter, doth it not euince the same thing? We being embassadors in the name of Christ, Acts 3.29. doe pray you in his steede, that ye would be reconciled to God. Which what other thing is it, then, repent and turne ye, that your sinnes may be done away, and so ye shall in deede be partakers of the pur­chased reconciliation? Further, it is new and vnheard of,Huber. thes. 90. that euery man is made a new creature through Christ: seeing the Apostle writeth so expresselie, If any man be in Christ, (that is, hath admitted the faith of Christ, and beleeueth in him, as Hierome, Theophylacte, and other ancient writers obserue) he is a new creature. And Augustine saith:Contr. faust. lib. 11. cap. 8. Therefore euery new creature, that is, the renewed people by faith in Christ, hath now cause to hope in him. Therefore such as are, and remaine without Christ, neither are, nor euer were new creatures: and whereas Paul saith, We know no man hence forth after the flesh: the meaning is not, that euery one is renewed by the benefit of Christ, as the aduersarie wresteth the saying: but this he meaneth, that all not regenerate be to him, as though they were not yet borne, that he respecteth or praiseth no carnall thing in any man, but approueth him, who is made a new creature by the faith of Christ, that he may liue henceforth to him, and not to the world. Augustine and Theophylacte re­straine that word (no man) to the beleeuers, in sense some­what diuerse from that we now spake of. Hereof it is mani­fest, that the opinion of the vniuersall redemption and renew­ing of all, beleeuers and vnbeleeuers, is cleane contrary to the words of the Apostle.

Goe to then, thou wilt say; How saith hee that Christ died for all? I answer, because the benefit of Christ is sufficient of it selfe to saue all, although it haue effect in those onely, who [Page 58] cleaue vnto Christ as members vnto the head by the holy Ghost.August. Theophylact. Augustine in the place before cited, and Theophylact in his comment. respecting efficiencie, restraine the generall terme according to the custome of the scripture vnto the faithfull, for euen they alone are dead to sinne, and liue to Christ, who died and rose for them. And Augustine bringeth the place, Ephes. 2. Confirming this opinion, where the Apo­stle saith: When we were dead because of sinnes, he hath quicke­ned vs together with Christ, by whose grace ye are saued, and hath raised vs, and placed vs together in heauen, that he might shew in the ages to come, the exceeding riches of his grace to­wards vs: for ye are saued by grace thorow faith, and ye are the worke of God created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes.

The 3. place. Rom. 8.31, 32.Thirdly, the place Rom. 8. is obiected: If God be for vs, who can be against vs? Who spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all, &c. But here nothing is proued concerning the generalitie of men simplie, but of the vniuersality of the faith­full and elect, seeing the generall terme All, is restrained vn­to such; as when the same Apostle writeth of Abraham, that he is the father of vs all, Rom. 4. Gal. 4. and of that high Ierusalem, that it is the mother of vs all, verilie he would not haue it vnderstoode of all men, but of all the faithfull. The same restraint is here, for vs all: and many things concurre, if we consider what go­eth before, and what followeth, which most plainely con­firme this opinion. Certainely these are the words of belee­uers, and such as insult ouer the world, which they ouercome by faith: If God be for vs, who can be against vs? How shall hee not bestow vpon vs all things, who hath not spared his owne sonne for vs? Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ? In all things we are more then conquerors thorow him that loued vs. Againe, Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? August. It is God, who iustifieth. Hereupon Augustine de correp, & grat. cap. 7. writeth, that this is a saying concerning the kingdome of the elect: If God be with vs, who can be a­gainst vs? and the rest that follow. But it is obiected, that Paul speaketh to all, to whom he wrote his epistle, among whom there were some not elected, but to be cut off with [Page 59] the vnbeleeuers. That is likely to be true, but it is meete, and right according to the nature of charitie, that Paul should iudge of all the sonnes of the Church at Rome and elsewhere, (so long as the contrarie did not appeare) as of the beloued and elect of God, as he witnesseth of himselfe, Phil. 1.7 and 1. Thess. 1.4. The sayings euen now cited are examples there­of, Gal. 4.26. Rom. 4.16. and 8.18.

Fourthly it is said, Hebr. 2.8,The 4. place of aduersary. Hebr. 2.8. to 17. 9 &c. Thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feete. And in that he put all things vn­der him he omitted nothing that is not subiect vnto him. But now as yet we see not all things subiect vnto him, but we see Ie­sus crowned with glorie and honour, who was made for a little while inferior to the Angels for the suffering of death, that by the benefit of God he might taste of death for all. For it was meete that he, (for whom are all these things, and by whom are all things,) should by bringing many sonnes vnto glorie, conse­crate the prince of their saluation thorough afflictions. For both he that sanctifieth, and they that are sanctified, are all of one. For which cause he was not ashamed to call them brethe­ren: saying, I will declare thy name vnto my bretheren: in the middest of the Church will I sing praise vnto thee. And againe, I will trust in him. And againe, Beholde I and the children, whom God hath giuen me. Because therefore the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also was made partaker of the same, that by death he might abolish him who had the power of death, that is, the deuill, and might deliuer as many as tho­rough feare of death, were all their life subiect vnto bondage. For verely he tooke not vpon him the Angels, but the seede of Abraham. Thes. 168. Out of these words Huberus frameth certaine ar­guments, which let the reader iudge and weigh with me. First thus he inferreth: All things are subiect vnto Christ 1 without exception, therefore also the reprobates, and by conse­quence they ought also to belong to the communion of salua­tion, and the kingdome of grace.

I answer, that all things are subiect vnto Christ,1. Cor. 15. [...]. 26. & 55. but not vnto the communion of Saluation: otherwise the diuell also with his Angels, sinne, death and hell it selfe should be recei­ued [Page 60] vnto the fellowship of saluation and grace, according to the minde of this disputer. But all things are subiect vnto him, because he hath rule ouer all, is Lord of all whether they be beleeuers or vnbeleeuers; of these to death, of the other to life, as Faber Stapulensis hath well written vpon this place. To that that he writeth, that the reprobates are subiect vnto Christ, as their Sauiour, that is, that they might bee saued, wee will then consent, when he hath taught, that al things are sub­iect vnto Christ for saluation, euen sheepe and oxen and the very deuils. Truly all things are subiect vnto Christ the Sa­uiour;Matth. 28. but not as to a Sauiour to saue them, but as to him who hath receiued all power in heauen and earth.

2 Secondly, he vrgeth the words, that he that sanctifieth, and they that are sanctified are said to be all of one, that is, partakers of one and the same nature: whereof he inferreth, that Christ suffered (vnderstand alwaies effectually) for the whole na­ture of mankinde, and as many as are partakers of the same. But here there is no consequence at all. And he boldly wri­teth, that this is so cleere, as nothing can bee more cleere. Trifles. For the Apostle saith not, that Christ sanctifieth all who are partakers with him of the same humane nature: nei­ther can this bee gathered of his words, vnles a man altoge­ther vnskilfull of Logicke, should think that that affirmatiue, he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified, are all of one, may simply bee conuerted. More rightly the writer of the cal­ling of the Gentiles, in the last booke, first chapter, saith: Na­ture being euill and miserable in all men before reconciliation, is not made righteous in all, and among such as should perish there is a difference made in some part thereof, by him who came to seeke and saue that which was lost.

3 Thirdly, he thus reasoneth: Christ hath abolished him, who had the power of death, the deuill. Ergo, by dying he hath pul­led all and euery one out of his power. I answere, that the deuill is destroyed by the death of Christ vnto the faithfull,Coloss. 1.13. vnto whom all the assault of Satan is in vaine and of none effect, vntill the God of peace doe at length vtterly tread him vnder their feete.Rom. 16. Ioh. 3. But the wrath of God abideth vpon the vnbelee­uers, [Page 61] and consequently the power of Satan, who is as a cer­taine executioner of Gods wrath to punish. In the meane while we confesse with Leo, that the death of Christ is so rich in value, that if the vniuersalitie of captiues should beleeue in Christ, no bands of Satan could hold them. Obiection. [...]. But thus the de­uill shall not bee abolished, while his power remaineth ouer very many. I answer, that it is a fallacie à dicto secundū quid, that is, from a saying spoken in part. For as we rightly say, that Christ doth abolish and take away sinnes, that is, the workes of the deuill, by iustifying and gouerning his owne (albeit in the meane while sinne ceaseth not to raigne in very many): so the deuill is worthily said to bee abolished by the death of Christ,Ephes. 2.2. 2. Tim. 2.26. although his power continueth towards the children of disobedience. Let other places be compared, wherein the Greeke word is extant, as 1. Corint. 1.28. Romanes 6.6. and 2. Tim. 1.10.

Fourthly, they be the expresse words of the Apostle: That 4 Christ tasted death for all, that he might set them at libertie, as many as were all their life subiect vnto bondage. To this we answere: if this saying be meant of the efficacie of Christs death, the vniuersall particle doth not comprehend all men and euery one: but all who are sanctified, as here and some­what after the Apostle himselfe declareth. For when he had made mention of death which he tasted for all, straightwaies he annexeth a declaration of the sonnes of God, as it were painting out a certaine companie or armie of them, before whom (being to be brought from the kingdome of that hel­lish Pharao into the true land of promise, and the glorie of the heauenly kingdome) goeth cheerfully that first begotten sonne of God, the prince and author of their saluation, who died for them all and rose againe, and being crowned with glorie and honour, carieth before them his crosse as it were for a standard, and prepareth and fortifieth the way for thē. And a little after: They that are sanctified, (saith he) and hee that sanctifieth, are all of one. Where by those that are sancti­fied, he noteth such as are appointed to the saluation of their soules, and must be brought vnto glory, as he had said before. [Page 62] In these surely the efficacie of Christs death is extant, and not in those who are not sanctified: as after also in the 10. chapter he saith, that Christ by one offering hath made perfect for e­uer them that are sanctified. And these bee they of whom Christ himselfe speaketh, Ioh. 17. Father I sanctifie, that is, of­fer my self for thē, that they may be also sanctified through the truth: to wit, they who are giuen to the sonne by the father, and are his people, as the Apostle also saith, vers. 17. of this chapter to the Hebrewes: Christ was in all things made like to his brethren, that he might be mercifull, and a faithfull high Priest in the things of GOD, to satisfie for the sinnes of the people.

And as for that which is mentioned of deliuerance from bondage and the horror of death by the death of Christ, wee may finde this effect also in the godly, who being armed a­gainst corporall and spirituall death,Ioh. 5.24. with the death of Christ as with a remedie against all euill, haue passed from death to life. And so Brentius himselfe in Expli. Catech. expresseth this saying, page 164. Christ (saith he) hath abolished death by his death, not, that we should not die bodily, but that the bo­dily death should not bee the destruction of him who beleeueth in Christ: for he is preserued in death to eternall life. Albeit as touching this later member, wee are to know, that the text may be indefinitly read, as the old translation hath it, and af­ter that Luther in the Dutch: that he might deliuer them, who through feare of death were all their life subiect to bondage. For the Grecians, as Stephanus in his Thesaurus warneth, doe take [...] often for [...], that is, as many, as for who. And thus much of this kinde of testimonies, which say, that Christ our Lord died for all, with the answers also added to the reasons gathered out of the circumstances of those testimonies. Such places follow, wherein the fruite of Christs death and passion seemeth to be extended to all without exception.


HEre first the words of the Apostle are obiected compa­ring the fall of Adam and the redemption by Christ to­gether, Rom. 5.18. where among other things hee writeth,Huber. thes. 48. The first place of the aduersa­rie out of Rom. 5.18. alleadged to proue that the fruite of Christs death belongs to all. that as by one offence guiltines came vpon all men to condem­nation: so by one iustification the benefit of Christ redoundeth vnto all men to the iustification of life. Both there is all men, and here also all: therefore as many as perished in Adam, are iustified by Christ. Neither is it any matter, say they, that it followeth straightway, that many are made righteous by the obedience of one: for by many is not vnderstood some onely, but all, because in like maner it is sayd, that in Adam many are made sinners. I answere:The answer twofold. They do not plainly proue by this testimonie the thing that they would, though this were granted (as we with Augustine doe willingly graunt it) that those many ought to be taken for all. For the answere is two­fold. First Augustine very often entreating of these words,1 constantly expoundeth that all are iustified in Christ, not that all are meant to bee iustified by Christ, who are borne sinners of Adam: but because all who are iustified, cannot otherwise bee iustified than by him, euen as all who die, doe die in Adam. August. de nat. & grat. cap. 40.Augustine. contra Iulianum lib. 6. cap. 12. De peccatorum meritis lib. 1. cap. 28. Epist. 57. In Enchir. cap. 51.

Further, in that hee saith, all and all, it appertaineth vnto 2 the multitude of both parts: and so there is a iustification of all through Christ, to wit, of all those who belong vnto Christs posteritie by spirituall regeneration. This exposition Hierome approueth in Comment. and among the Schoole­men Thomas Aquinas Exposit. ad Romanos. Hierome. Thomas Aq. Whom if the disputers at Tubinge little regard, let them beware, least they reproue their friend and Colledge Heerbrand of a false ex­position. For so he Disput. de iustific. thes. 148. expounding the antithesis of the first and second Adam, saith: Both haue [Page 64] merited something for their owne. All taken not generally, but for the multi­tude of both sides, that is, of Adam and Christ. Adam, sinne and death for such as are borne of him. Christ, righteousnes and life for those that beleeue in him. And the grace of Christ hath a­bounded aboue sinne, because Christ hath obtained for vs the forgiuenes not of one sin onely, but of all together, as the words of the Apostle testifie. These things he, godly and soundly. But it is most false, and farre from the minde of Paul, that, to whomsoeuer sinne is ascribed, to them also righteousnesse should be imputed by the Apostle. For the Apostle speaketh expressely not of any righteousnesse, which afterward againe may be made ineffectuall, and that such as haue obtained it, may neuerthelesse after bee damned foreuer: but he entrea­teth of that righteousnes, which whosoeuer haue, shal raigne for euer. For he saith: If by one offence death raigned through one, much more they, that receiue that exceeding grace and gift of righteousnes, shall raigne in life through one. Where­vpon also he calleth it the iustification of life. But not all as many as died in Adam, shall raigne in an heauenly life. Ergo, neither all simply do receiue the gift of righteousnes through Christ. This Hierome weighed, saying: When he saith all are iustified, he speaketh not generally, but meaneth the multitude of each side. Otherwise if all men be found iustified in Christ, as in Adam they are condemned, there shall be none beside to be punished.

Obiection. But, thou wilt say, if more perished in Adam, than are sa­ued in Christ, his grace shall be weaker than Adams sinne, which is against the Apostle in that comparison.Answere. I denie the consequence: because the greatnes and the power of grace aboue sinne, ought not to bee esteemed according to the multitude of those that are cōdemned in Adam, and of those that are iustified and glorified in Christ: for so grace should be equall onely and nothing at all stronger then sinne, yea euen if they should be made righteous in Christ, as many as are borne sinners in Adam. But now the grace of the Sauiour is infinitly mightier then the sin of the first man, and can doe so much more, as God can doe more then man. But in these things consisteth that largenes of grace aboue sinne.

[Page 65]Sinne brought forth death: Grace, righteousnes and life:1 for it is easier to destroy and condemne innumerable,How grace a­boundeth a­boue sinne. then to quicken and saue one: seeing no not all men gathered in one, could effect this, but the other, the offence of Adam onely, could bring to passe.

In Adam all of vs are wrapped vnto condemnation by 2 one only offence: but Christ doth deliuer his not only from that one originall sinne, but also from all actuall sinnes. Nei­ther is there any righteousnes beside Christ, as there bee some sinnes beside the sinne of Adam,Augustine. saith August. de peccat. me­rit. lib. 1. cap. 15. And how mightie is this gift, which innume­rable sinnes cannot withstand? And this the Apostle special­ly respecteth, commending the abundance of grace aboue sinne. For he saith: Not as the offence, so is also the free gift of God: for guiltines entered in vpon one offence vnto condem­nation, but the gift that God bestoweth, is giuen vpon many of­fences to iustification. And after another maner declaring the abundance of grace, he straightway addeth: For if by one offence death raigned through one, much more they, who re­ceiue that exceeding grace & gift of righteousnes, shal raigne in life by one Iesus Christ. As if he should say, if sinne be so ef­fectuall to death, how much more grace to life, nay to a king­dome in an heauenly life? Which comparison truly is weak­ned, and grace is now ouercome of sinne, if it bee a certaine thing, that they also haue receiued that exceeding grace and gift of righteousnes, who shall be with the deuils for euer tor­mented. In these things therefore the largenes of the grace of Christ, and his dominion is properly seene, and not in the comparison according to number, of those who perish, and who are saued.

To these it may bee added, that it falleth out not through 3 the penurie of redemption, or some insufficiencie of grace and obediēce of Christ, that many are not saued, but through their owne vnbeleefe. For the effusion of that righteous blood (as before we related out of Leo) is so rich in price, that if the whole number of captiues would beleeue in Christ, no chaines of Sathan could hold them.

[Page 66] The 2. place of the aduersarie out of 1. Cor. 15 21, 22.A like place is brought out of 1. Corin. 15.21.22. By man came death, and by man came the resurrection of the dead: be­cause as in Adam all die, so in Christ all shall bee made aliue. Therefore all, none excepted, are redeemed and once saued by the death of Christ.

I answere, that this argument is easily dissolued, and hath not so much as a shew of truth: because Paul doth not speak of that quickening which is alreadie made in the crosse of Christ, but of that which shall be at the last day. And that quickening is meant, according to sound interpreters, either of the common resurrection of some to life, and of others to condemnation: or els (which is better liked of) of the bles­sednes and glorie of the godly. If the first sense be allowed, no argument can thence bee drawne for the vniuersall re­demption and saluation of all men. If the later, it is certaine, that that quickening shall not bee of all men simply, but of all the elect onely.August. ep. 28. Augustine vnderstandeth quickening in that place in the later sense, and sheweth that therefore it is said both there all and here all, because as all who die, die not but in Adam, so all who shall be quickened, shall not be quickened but in Christ.Ambrose. Ambrose in Comment. referreth that word all vnto the vniuersalitie of the elect. As death (saith he) held all who came of Adam, so also Christ purcha­sed life for all, who bee of his bodie. To whom also Hierome subscribeth in the exposition of this place. Yea this is appa­rantly the declaration of Paul himselfe, who when hee had said, that all shall be quickened in Christ, immediatly added these words: but euery one in his owne order: the first fruits is Christ, then such as are Christs at his comming. Therefore he speaketh of the quickening of all those that belong to Christ.

The 3. place of the aduersarie Ephes. 1.10.A third place is alleadged out of the first chapter to the Ephesians, where it is read: that it was the good purpose of the father to renew, or to restore all things in Christ, both which are in heauen and which are in earth. Which very sentence Paul repeateth and more fully vrgeth to the Colos. chap. 1.19.20. saying:Colos. 1.19, 20. This was the good pleasure of the father, that in Christ [Page 67] all fulnes should dwell, and that he might reconcile to himselfe all things in heauen and earth, making peace by that blood of his crosse. And the Apostle applying that generall doctrine to the Colossians, who had now admitted the faith of Christ, he further saith:Vers. 21. to 25. Therefore you being in times past strangers and enemies, hauing your mindes set on euill workes, hath he now recōciled in that bodie of his flesh, through death, that he might present you holie and blameles and without fault before him­selfe: if ye continue grounded and rooted in faith and be not moued from the hope of the Gospell, (which ye haue heard) which hath been preached vnto euery creature vnder heauen: whereof I Paul am a minister, reioycing now of those things which I suffer for you, and fulfilling likewise the remnants of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodie, which is the Church. The aduersarie vrgeth the generall note, all things: because all things are reconciled and restored, that there is nothing at all omitted among men, which is not reconciled and restored by the death of Christ. But he cutteth his throate with his owne sword. For if wee must sticke to vniuersalitie without any restraint, why doth he restraine the generall note to mankind alone, and expoundeth all things, that is, all men? Before those words of the reconciliation of all, went that say­ing: All things which are in heauen and earth were made by Christ; and all things consist in him; and that he was before all things: and hath the rule ouer all things. Why doth hee now goe from that vniuersalitie of all things repeated so of­ten in so few words, and expoundeth it of the humane na­ture alone, that all things are said to be reconciled by Christ? Doth he confesse at the length that the generall particle doth now and then require a limitation according to the circum­stance of the place and matter, whereof is entreated?

But as touching the sense of this place, of the restoring and reconciliation of all things by Christ, many men haue spoken diuers things of this matter: yet none of the old interpreters, that I know, tooke the words of the Apostle in that sense, wherein they are produced by the aduersarie. But three expo­sitions of any moment are brought foorth, to omit other of [Page 68] lesse account. The first is, that the whole creature simplie needed the remedie of the death of Christ: men truly, that sinne and death being destroyed, they might obtain through faith euerlasting saluation: and Angels, that by the repayring of men, and the coniunction of earthly things with heauenly, they may fully reioyce: lastly, the Elements and the visible creature for the deliuerie of it selfe from destruction and cor­ruption:Rom. 8. for the very creature it selfe also (as Paul witnesseth) shall be freed from the bondage of corruption, into the li­bertie of the glorie of the sonnes of God. This exposition is Theodorites in Comment. ad Eph. 1. Col. 1. & Heb. 2.

Other expound it of Angels and men. Hereupon August. Ench ad Laur. c. 62. In Christ (saith he) the things in heauen are restored, when the full of Angels is recompenced out of mē. And the things in earth are repaired, when men themselues, who were predestinated vnto eternal life, are renued from their old corruption. And in the same place expounding the words to the Colos. 1. How (saith he) are heauenly things pacified, but in vs, that is, in agreeing with vs? For earthly things were separated from heauenly for the contrarietie of life, as Hie­rome hath noted vpon that place.

Thirdly, by those things which are in heauen other vnder­stand the soules of the Saints,Heb. 12.23. which be now in the kingdome of heauen: and by earthly things, the elect who as yet are pilgrimes in the banishment of this present life, as Anselme expoundeth in so many words. Rightly truly. For Paul saith not that peace was made betweene heauenlie and earthlie things, betweene Angels and men: but that God had recon­ciled to himselfe, both the things which are in heauen, and which are in earth. And that so it ought to bee construed, the Greeke text doth proue, albeit others construe it with the verbe that is translated, making peace. Further, the applica­tion which is added, (Therefore vs truly hath he now reconci­led, who were in times past strangers and enemies) doth suffi­ciently declare, that the proprietie of reconciliatiō belongeth to the faithfull: and that the vnbeleeuers, as long as they bee such are void of reconciliation, and enemies of God.

[Page 69]But the aduersarie,The 4 place. Colos. 1.23. that he may leaue no stone (as they say) vnmoued, would faine establish his opinion of the vniuersa­litie of reconciliation by this also,Thes. 101. that Paul exhorteth all the Colossians to continue stable in the hope of the Gospell, and so signifieth, that they also are reconciled, who fall away or may fall away from hope and faith. I answere: seeing wee are to iudge charitably of others, such are counted and rec­koned for faithfull and elect, and therefore reconciled and heires of righteousnesse and eternall life, whosoeuer professe with vs the faith of Christ: but then they be truly that, which they are called, if they continue in that, for which they are so called. But if they haue not perseuerance, they are not truly so called, as Augustine writeth de Correp. & grat. cap. 9. But of this more at large afterward in the arguments of the second ranke or order.

The aduersarie also warneth vs, to marke well in the words of the Apostle ad Col. 1. that he not onely said, that the Gos­pell was preached to all the Colossians, but the hope of the Gospel. And yet it is in the text, neither be ye moued away from the hope of the Gospell, which ye haue heard. Therefore it is a marueilous attention of the man, who bids vs marke here that which is not found at all in the text, neither if it were found, could make any thing for the matter.Heb. 2.2. Luk. 11.28. Hieron. in com­ment. For the hope of the Gospell pertaineth not to the hearers, but to the belee­uers: and as Hierome saith: they that liue contrary to the Gospell, cannot expect the hope of the Gospell. That thing rather ought here to bee marked, that Paul sheweth that the Colossians are reconciled to God no otherwise, but as men alreadie conuerted and beleeuing. You which in times past (saith he) were strangers, hath he now reconciled. For in these words there is a manifest contrarietie of their double state, to wit, of faith and infidelitie. Before being strangers and ene­mies, now they were reconciled in that bodie of the flesh of Christ. Where then is that generall reconciliation euen of those that beleeue not, nor euer will beleeue?

In the Conference at Mompelgart is also cited the place to the Rom. chap. 11. God hath shut vp all vnder vnbeleefe, The 5. place of the aduersarie. Rom. 11.32. that [Page 70] he might haue mercie vpon all. But the speech there is of two people, Iewes and Gentiles, whom striuing together it plea­seth God by course to bring vnto faith: to wit, that as the stubbornnes of the Iewes gaue occasion of the conuersion of the Gentiles: so the Iewes afterward prouoked with emula­tion of the mercie bestowed vpon the Gentiles, will them­selues also beleeue in Christ, and so all shall be partakers of Gods mercie, that is, both the people of the Iewes and Gen­tiles. Wee cannot referre this to particular persons in both people, seeing it is without all doubt, that faith and repen­tance, which Paul noteth out here vnder the word mercie, belongeth not to all and euery one.

The 6. place. Ioh. 17.2.One place of this order remaineth, Ioh. 17. Thou hast (saith Christ) giuen me power ouer all flesh, that whatsoeuer thou hast giuen me, Thes. 161. I may giue vnto them eternall life. Hence Huberus inferreth, that there is nothing more certaine, then that God is reconciled to al. Nay, nothing more vncertaine. Let a syllogisme bee made, and the false conclusion will straightway appeare. For the maior is false taken vniuersal­lie, as it ought to bee taken: that, ouer whomsoeuer Christ hath power giuen him, they are reconciled to God. For he hath power giuen him ouer oxen, asses, and all creatures in heauen and earth, euen ouer the deuils also. But what if we stay only in mankinde? after this sort: What men soeuer are giuen of the father to Christ, they be therefore giuen, that he might giue them eternall life. Now all men are giuen of the father to Christ, because he hath giuen him power ouer all flesh, to wit humane: Therefore al men are therefore giuen vnto him, that hee might giue them eternall life. I deny the minor, in that sense as here and elsewhere often that maner of speech is taken, to bee giuen to Christ. For proofe I an­swere, it is another thing, that power is said to bee giuen ouer al flesh to Christ, than that al men are giuen to him. Which things because they bee confounded of this disputer, let vs heare Augustine in Ioh. tract. 111.Augustine. Who are they, whom hee saith are giuen him of his father? are they not they, of whom elsewhere it is said: No man commeth vnto me, vnlesse the [Page 71] father who sent me, draw him? They are then those, whom he hath receiued of the father, whō he also chose out of the world, that now they may not be of the world: and yet they are also the world, beleeuing and knowing that Christ was sent of God the father. For so be saith, Thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh, that is all men, that all that thou hast giuen him, he might giue vnto them eternall life. Where he sheweth, that he hath recei­ued power ouer all men, to deliuer whom he will, and condemne whom he will: but that those are giuen vnto him, to all whom he may giue eternall life. For so he saith, that all that thou hast giuen him, he may giue vnto them eternall life. Therfore they are not giuen vnto him, to whom he will not giue eternall life, although he hath power ouer them also, who hath power giuen him ouer all flesh. These things, saith he, being the best appro­ued of the old writers. And surely the words of the text are so plaine, that it is a manifest error and more then an error, that all are indifferently giuen to Christ. For the truth saith: I haue made knowne thy name vnto the men that thou gauest me out of the world. I pray for them, I pray not for the world, Ioh. 17. but for them whome thou hast giuen mee. Holy father, saue them whom thou hast giuen me, that they may be one as we are. Father I will that they whom thou hast giuen me, may bee with me where I am. Whatsoeuer the father giueth me shall come vnto me: and this is the will of him that sent me, that whatsoe­uer he hath giuen me, I should lose nothing but should raise it vp at the last day. Who, but one that is willingly blinde, doth not see here, that the Lord by that speech would distinguish his owne, from such as bee not his, and those that shall be sa­ued, from such as shall be damned? Neither is that any hin­derance to this, which is obiected of the sonne of perdition: Whom thou hast giuen me I haue kept, and none of them is lost, but that lost sonne, that the Scripture may be fulfilled. For that is rightly taken of the election vnto the Apostleship, and so also Augustine sheweth tract. 106. Therefore here the phrase is taken in another sense, as there is also a third sense found, and that most generall: All things are giuen to the sonne of the father. Ioh. 3. Matth. 11.

CHAP. V. An examination of places wherein there is mention made of the World in this matter.

I Proceede to testimonies wherein mention is made of the World in the Scriptures in the matter of saluation: which likewise by the aduersaries are drawne for the confirmation of the error of the vniuersalitie of grace, in regard of particu­lar persons in mankinde.Ioh. 3. & 1. & 6. & 3. & 12. 2. Cor. 5.19. Such as these bee: So God loued the world. Behold the lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world. The bread which I will giue is my flesh, which I will giue for the life of the world. I came not to condemne the world, but that I might saue it. Ioh. 4.42. and 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Ioh. 2.2. And, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself. He is also called the Sauiour of the world, and the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world. In these and such like places, wheresoeuer the world is spoken of, whereupon God hath bestowed his grace, they maintaine that the word cannot otherwise bee taken, then indifferently for all men beleeuers and vnbeleeuers. For of many signifi­cations of the World, they acknowledge onely three chiefe, wherein they say the rest may easily be included: as, that the word World is taken for the frame and vniuersall compasse of heauen and earth: then for the common multitude of all men good and bad: lastly, for that part of men which com­prehendeth the reprobates and vnbeleeuers. Of these signifi­cations the first and the third agree not with those places. It remaineth then that all those places bee taken in the second signification.

I answere, that the reckoning was insufficient in the ma­ior. For as the world in the holie Scriptures is taken for the re­probates and vnbeleeuers only: so also it is often vsed for the elect and faithfull dispersed throughout the whole world. There be many plaine testimonies to proue this. Ioh. 14.31. he ioyneth both those significations together in those words of Christ: The prince of this world commeth and hath nothing [Page 73] in me: but that the world may know that I loue the father, and that I doe as the father hath commanded, rise let vs goe hence. Of this world also is that, Ioh. 17.21. that the world may know that thou hast sent me. Which is that world, which shal know Christ and beleeue in him, but that which is discerned from the world of reprobates? For of these about the end of the same chapter he speaketh: Righteous father, Vers. 25. the world doth not know thee, but I know thee, and these haue knowne that thou hast sent me, and I haue manifested thy name vnto them, and will manifest it: to wit, vnto them of whom hee had spoken, that the world may beleeue that I am sent of thee. So Rom. 4. the promise is said to bee made to Abraham, that he should be the heire of the world, that is, the father of all beleeuers cir­cumcised and vncircumcised, as Paul himself declareth. And chap. 11. he saith, that the fall of the Iewes is the riches of the world, and the casting away of them, the reconciliation of the world, that is, of the Gentiles, to whom he saith, saluation hap­pened by the ruine of the Iewes, that they might bee prouo­ked to follow them. Where wee see the word world also re­strained for them that appertain vnto that fulnes of the Gen­tiles, which is appointed to come into the roome of ye Iewes. Therefore it is idle and impudent wrangling to say:Huber. thes. 143 where be we able to finde and plainly shew in the whole Scripture, that the world is taken onely for a certaine kinde of men, whom God hath chosen to be saued?

But goe to, let vs annexe to these the testimonies of Au­gustine, the very chiefe of the old Diuines,Augustine. and most practised in such questions against the Pelagians. He, tract. in Ioh. 110. vpon that saying: that the world may beleeue, The word world attribu­ted sometime to the repro­bates onely, sometime to the elect, and faithfull onely. writeth after this sort: Behold he that said, I pray not for the world, doth pray for the world, that it may beleeue, because there is a world, whereof is written: that wee may not bee condemned with the world. For this world he praieth not, for he knoweth whereto it is predestinated. And there is a world, whereof it is written: The sonne of man came not to condemne the world, but that the world by him may be saued. Whereupon the Apostle also saith: God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe: [Page 74] for this world he prayeth, saying: That the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me. The same man in the next tract saith: Who are those whom he saith are giuen him of his father? They be those whom he receiued of the father, and whom he himself chose out of the world that they might not be of the world: and yet they themselues are the beleeuing and knowing world, that Christ was sent of God the father, that so the world may be de­liuered from the world, and that the world which is reconciled to God, may not bee damned with the world that is enemie to God. And about the end of the same Tract vpon that saying: The world doth not know thee, he saith, The world surely which is predestinated to damnation, by desert doth not know: but the world which he reconcileth to himselfe through Christ, doth know not of desert but of grace. Againe, tract. 53. Euill men are called the world, because they bee scattered through the whole earth: and good men also are called the world, because they likewise bee dispersed through the whole earth. Where­vpon the Apostle saith: God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe. And in this sense in the same place hee ex­poundeth the saying: Now is the iudgement of this world, to wit, the iudgement not of damnation, but of separation, whereby it shall come to passe, that farre and wide sins shall bee pardoned, and thousand thousands shall be deliuered through faith from the power and rule of the deuill, and re­conciled vnto God.

Ambrose.Likewise Ambrose saith in Psal. 118. serm. 12. The whole world is truly in the Church, wherein there is not the Iew only, nor Grecian, Barbarian, Scythian, bond or free, but we are all one in Christ Iesu. By these sayings it appeareth that it is a ve­ry rotten foundation, that the word (world) wheresoeuer it is expressed in the Scripture in the matter of grace, doth note out an vniuersalitie of all mankinde, none at all excepted.

The first place. Ioh. 3. World taken for mankinde indefinitly.Now let vs consider the places by themselues seuerally. As touching the words, Ioh. 3.16. So God loued the world, we say that by the name of world, mankinde indefinitly is meant, as Christ saith, Ioh. 17. I pray not for the world, that is, for the reprobates, but onely for them whom the father gaue vnto [Page 75] him, and should beleeue in him.Rom, 8. Paul also to the Romanes declareth, that the loue of God in Christ is so great, that the beloued of God are made vnconquerable, against things present, and to come, and against all the temptations of the world: which thing certainly cannot be spoken of all men. Therefore that loue belongs not to all, albeit generally God hateth nothing of those things hee hath made, as wee haue seene before.

But goe to, let vs answere the contrary reasons, whereby they endeuour to proue, that the word world, which is verie doubtfull in the Scripture, is here necessarily taken for the whole masse of mankinde, altogether say they, as it is taken Rom. 5. By one man sinne came into the world, and death by sinne. D. Iacob Andreas Colloq. Mompel. appealeth vnto the iudgement and one consent of all writers and interpreters old and new. Great rashnes certainly, which to suppresse, I will produce one of many, euen Rupertus Tuitiensis, who flo­rished about 400. yeres ago. He in Comment. in Ioh. where­in he diligently vseth to follow Augustine, thus writeth vpon this present place: We take the world surely which God loued, World, for the elect and faith­full, before and since Christ. for mankinde that is, quicke and dead: dead truly, who expec­ted through faith Christ to come: aliue, who either of Iewes or Gentiles should beleeue in him. For so he saith without diffe­rence of Iew or Gentile vniuersally, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish, but haue eternall life. In the iudge­ment of Augustine this exposition is confirmed by the sen­tence immediatly added of Christ, when he saith: for God sent not his sonne into the world to condemne the world, but that the world may be saued. It is the same world doubtlesse which the father loued, and which Christ came to saue. And that world for whose saluation Christ came,Tract. 110. as Augustine witnesseth (as wee cited before) be the elect and beleeuers. Hearken Huber, and cease to be angrie, if this interpretation please vs also: or els if thou canst disproue it, remember that thou must contend with reasons, and not with railings, to finde out the trueth. But haue ye any reason? D. Iacobus bringeth for a reason, that Christ addeth in the same place: [Page 76] This is the iudgement, Coll. Momp. that light is come into the world, and the world loued darknes more then it. Here the word world, saith he, cannot be vnderstood of the elect onely, but special­ly of those who are reiected and damned. But he negligent­ly alleadged the text: for it hath, men loued darknes. There is no mention of world.Thes. 119. Huberus proofe is nothing sounder. Christ (saith he) diuideth the world into two sorts: into such as receiue, and such as withstand the light, or of beleeuers and vnbeleeuers. Therfore to both sorts of men did God send his sonne. I answere, the Antecedent is denied. Among men truly some beleeue, others doe not: some loue the light, o­thers hate it: but that Christ diuideth that world, whereof he had said, (So God loued the world) into two kindes, it cannot be proued out of the text. Thus it appeareth that there is no argument here out of the word world. Further, albeit it shuld bee graunted, that by world there, is meant al men, it would not yet follow, that Christ and his benefits doe therefore be­long to all, whether they beleeue or not, seeing they are ex­pressely restrained vnto the vniuersalitie of the beleeuers, while it is added: that whosoeuer beleeueth, should not perish, but haue eternall life. What can be more cleere?

The 2. place. Ioh. 1.As touching the place, Ioh. 1.29. Behold the lambe of God that taketh away the sinne of the world: we willingly graunt, that the sacrificing of this Lambe is sufficient for all the sins of all men: but as touching the effect, Christ taketh away sinnes from such as confesse them, and beleeue, as Iohn him­selfe witnesseth, 1. Epist. 1. If we confesse our sinnes, he is faith­full and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes, and to clense vs from all iniquitie. Againe, If wee walke in light, as he is the light, wee haue fellowship with him, and the blood of Christ purgeth vs from all sinne. He calleth it sinne in the singular number, for any kinde of iniquitie. And where he saith (of the world) he draweth the efficacie of this sacrifice indifferently vnto the redemption of Gentiles and Iewes, least the Iewes should thinke that the redeemer was sent to them alone. Hereupon the Saints in that song of the Lambe doe sing, Apoc. 5 9. Thou wast slaine, and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood, out [Page 77] of euery tribe and language, people and nation, and hast made vs to our God kings and priests, and wee shall raigne vpon the earth.

As touching the words of Christ, Ioh. 6.51.The 3 place. Ioh. 6. The bread which I will g [...]ue is my flesh, which I will giue for the life of the world: out of that whole Sermon it is cleerer than the noone day, that not euery one is made partaker in very deede of this spirituall & eternall life, and also of that true heauenly bread, but such as by faith come vnto him, and eating his flesh and drinking his blood, are incorporated into him, as they bee, whom the father hath giuen to the sonne. For the truth saith: Verely I say vnto you, vnlesse ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man, and drinke his blood, ye shall haue no life in you. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath euerlasting life. For my flesh is meate in deede. As the liuing father hath sent mee, and I liue by the father: so also hee that eateth mee doth liue by me. Than which words what can bee spoken more cleere, for the confirmation of our opinion, to wit, that the effect of this sacrifice, whereby Christ offered himselfe to the father, as a sweet smelling fauour for the life of the world, be­longeth not vnto all without respect of faith or vnbeleefe, but vnto them who are incorporated into Christ to be partakers of the spirit?Tract. 26. For participation (saith Augustine) whereby we eate him, is the cause that we liue through Christ. Neither can a man liue by the spirit of Christ, vnlesse he be of his bodie, as my bodie liueth by my spirit, and thy bodie by thine.

How is then Christ the life of the world? 2. Obiections. for he witnesseth that he giueth life vnto the world, and that he will giue him­selfe 1 for the life of the world. Further, Christ sayd vnto all 2 to whom he preached: My father doth giue you true bread from heauen, and yet many of them afterward went away from him. Therefore that bread of life belongeth to al alike,Hub. thes. 125. to backsliders, and continuers; to the saued, and the dam­ned.

Answere to the first. To the first obiection I say, Rom. 4. as the Apostle writeth of Abra­ham, that by promise he was made the heare of the world, that is, the father of all the faithfull: so that much more Christ is 1 [Page 78] rightly termed the life of the world, as farre forth as he be­stoweth eternall life vpon the sonnes of Abraham dispersed through the world. 2 Secondly, he is also the life of the world, taking now the world for all men, who are, haue been, and shall be, as farre forth as no one man of all mortall men can haue life but by him albeit notwithstanding not all in verie deede are quickened. For there is not in any other saluation or life,Acts 4. neither is there any other name vnder heauen, which is giuen among men, whereby we must be saued. 3 Thirdly, he did that which lay in him, offering such a sacrifice, which was sufficient to haue taken away the destruction of all, and to haue restored life to all: but that the vnbeleeuers receiue not life, they are in fault by refusing Christ, as Theophilact vpon this very place, and vpon the 9. to the Hebrewes teach­eth. 4 The same man noteth, that the life of the world may be also vnderstood for the generall resurrection, that hee gaue himselfe for the life of the world, as faire foorth as his death hath procured a generall resurrection to all mankinde. But this seemeth to be too much forced.

Answer to the second obie∣ction. Vnto the later obiection: The father giueth you heauenly bread: I answere that it may be expounded two waies: He giueth you that is, he offereth you, (for Christ was in the midst of them) it remaineth that you would receiue it: or rather that the word (you) bee taken concerning the bodie of the people indefinitly, and not of euery person among the peo­ple, after such a like phrase altogether, and opposition in the matter it selfe,Matth 3. Luk. 3. as is in the saying of Iohn Baptist: I truly bap­tise you with water: but there commeth one who is stronger then I, he shall baptise with the holie Ghost and fire. Which thing Iohn (as Luke saith) spake vnto all, euen to the Phari­sees and Saduces, as it is in the other Euangelist. Yet who here, but one that is too too ignorant and impudent, will maintaine by the word (you) that all were baptised of Christ with the spirit and fire, as many as had heard that word from Iohn? But he that wil simply vnderstand it, the sense is plaine, to wit, that Iohn, as a minister of the outward work, did bap­tise with water: but Christ as the Lord did giue the spirit. [Page 79] For the force of Baptisme is of God alone, and not of the mi­nister, saith Ambrose Epist. 217. So the sense of this place is, that it belongeth not to Moses, but to God to giue that true bread from heauen: that Moses as a seruant in the house of God gaue them Manna, corporall foode, and the figure of that spiritual, which God giueth, and not man. Whereupon it is also called by Christ the bread of God. Augustine also giueth this sense, and the words require it, and it is confir­med with that, which in the same chapter Christ saith: La­bour for the meate which abideth vnto eternall life, which the sonne of man will giue vnto you, to wit, if you shall beleeue in me. For seeing this meate abideth vnto eternall life, it apper­taines not vnto the damned, who shall hunger and thirst for euer.

Touching the sayings: I came not to iudge the world, The 4. and 5. places out of Ioh. 3. and 12. 2. Cor. 5.19. but to saue it. Also, God was in Christ, reconciling the world vnto himself, it appeareth plainly by the testimonies of Augustine before alleadged, that they be rightly meant of the beleeuers through the whole world. For, that sinnes may not be impu­ted vnto vs, but that we may bee made the righteousnesse of God in Christ (as this reconciliation of the world is descri­bed of Paul) a true faith in Christ is required:Rom. 3. & 4. Ioh. 3. but vpon the vnbeleeuers the wrath of God abideth. So of that wee say: Christ is the Sauiour of the world, it doth not follow, that all and euery one in mankind, whether they beleeue or not, are therefore redeemed from all sinne and condemnation, and made partakers of saluation in Christ:Matth. 1. but the Lord Iesus sa­ueth his people from their sinnes, that is, all who hope in him. And because they bee dispersed through the world,In what sense Christ is the life, light, and sauiour of the world. for this and other causes before declared, he is worthily tearmed as the life of the world, so also the Sauiour of the world. As also he is called the light of the world, yet all without difference are not pulled out of darknes by him. In the meane while, because all beleeuers in him haue the light of eternall life, and no man can attaine to any light of grace but by him, this praise rightly belongeth vnto him:A comparison of the Sunne. euen as the visible Sunne is the light of the world, and of right is said to lighten [Page 80] the world euery day, albeit in the meane while so many things in the world are still without light, either because they be not capable of it, or because abiding in darknes, they come not to the light that they may enioy it.

The 6. place. 1. Ioh. 2.The words out of Iohn 1. Epist. chap. 2.2. as yet remaine. Little children, if any man sinne, we haue an aduocate with the father, and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours onely, Thes. 1 [...]1. but also of the whole world. Here Huberus is beyond measure puffed vp, that this place is notable and vnanswer­able. It is so altogether, but not in that sense, for which hee so stoutly striueth. And he saith, that if wee can bring one place out of the Scriptures, that Christ is a propitiation for some men onely, that is, for the beleeuers, then he will assent vn­to vs.

But the answer is two-fold. If men like to vnderstand the place of Sufficiencie, wee willingly graunt, that the blood of Christ is sufficient to appease God for the sinnes of all men, so that there was no neede of another expiation or sacrifice for the cleansing and saluation of all, so that all could and would applie to themselues by faith that satisfaction. And so of the new writers Illyricus also, whom our aduersaries vse greatly to aduance, declareth in his glosse. What if thou maist see Iacob Andree himselfe Coll. Mompel. pag. 514 & 546. to come to that point at the length? yet beside the mat­ter altogether: for he was to proue, that Christ not only suf­ficiently, but also effectually hath satisfied for the sinnes of al, none at all excepted. This when hee had taken in hand to proue by this present testimonie, & was at a set in the myre, (as the prouerbe is) hee fled vnto the vulgar saying of the Schoolemen, that Christ died for the sinnes of all men suffi­ciently, although not efficiently. Singular dexteritie of a pro­found disputer doubtles.

This then being graunted of the sufficiencie and power of this propitiation, I say according to the propounded distin­ction, that in very deed notwithstanding, the blood of Christ doth profit the faithfull vnto the appeasing of Gods wrath, and not the vnfaithful: as it is plainly written, Rom. 3.24.25. [Page 91] We are iustified freely by the redemption made in Christ Iesu, whom God set foorth to bee a propitiation through faith in his blood. And Iohn himselfe, 1. Ioh. 1. If we walke in light (saith he) we haue fellowship with God, and the blood of Christ pur­geth vs from all sinne. Apoc. 5.9. After which sort also the Church out of euery tribe and tongue is described of him, as vnto which the proprietie of redemption by the blood of the Lambe slaine doth appertaine. Doest thou not see Huber, that Christ effectiuely (whereof the question is betweene vs) is the pro­pitiation of the beleeuers, and not of vnbeleeuers?

And the words of Iohn doe well agree vnto this vniuersa­litie of the beleeuers: He is the propitiation for our sinnes, and not for ours onely, (to wit who now beleeue) but also for the sinnes of the whole world, that is, of the beleeuers now, and of such as shall beleeue hereafter in his name vnto the end of the world. As also Christ the high priest of our profession, (whose words Iohn seemeth to haue followed of purpose) in his last most feruent prayer,Ioh. 17. prayed his father not onely for the beleeuers then, but also for them who afterward should beleeue,Tract. 110. whom also (as wee obserued before out of Augu­stine) he in the same place calleth the world, when he saith: that the world may beleeue that thou hast sent me.

And of this very world of beleeuers out of all nations and of all times, that is,The world of beleeuers is the Church throughout the world. of the Church throughout the whole world, Augustine expoundeth this very place of Iohn, Tract. 1. & Epist. 48. in these words: The whole world is set in euill, because of the tares which are through the whole world. And Christ is the propitiation of our sinnes, and not onely of ours, but of the whole world, because of the wheate which is through the whole world. And more fully, Tract. 87. in Ioh. The vniuersall Church (saith he) is most commonly called by the name of the world: euen as that is, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himselfe. And that, The sonne of man came not to iudge the world, but to saue the world. And Iohn in his Epistle saith: We haue an Aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the iust, and he is the propitiation of our sinnes: and not of ours onely, but of the whole world. The whole world therefore is the [Page 92] Church, and the world of perdition doth hate the world of re­demption. These things Augustine.

Cyrill also vpon Iohn, lib. 11. cap. 19. reconciling the words of Christ, I pray not for the world, with the saying of Iohn, writeth after this sort: Iohn seemeth to differ from our Sa­uiour. For our Sauiour refuseth here to pray for the world but Iohn affirmeth, that he is a propitiation and aduocate not for our sinnes only, but for the whole world. But S. Iohn, because he was a Iew, least the Lord should seeme to be an aduocate with his father for the Iewes onely, and not also for other Gentiles, which being called, doe obey, necessarily added (for the whole world.) But the Lord Iesus separating his owne from such as are not his, saith, for them onely who keepe my words and re­ceiue my yoke, doe I pray. For whose Mediatour and high priest he is, to them onely he attributeth worthily the benefit of me­diation. These things Cyrill.

In like maner the author of the calling of the Gentiles, lib. 2. cap. 1. expoundeth the saying of Iohn no otherwise but of the fulnes of the faithfull, whereof there is accounted a certaine speciall vniuersalitie, that out of the whole world, the whole world seemeth to be deliuered, and out of al men, all men seeme to be taken: and that according to the vse of the Scriptures, naming for a part of the earth, all the earth; and for a part of the world, all the whole world; and for a part of men, all men, as plentifully the same man sheweth lib. 1. cap. 3. Further, the Church of Smyrna in the Epistle of the life of Polycarpus (which Eusebius reciteth) speaking of Christ saith,Euseb. hist. eccl. lib. 4. c. 15. that he suffered for the saluation of the whole world of them that are to bee saued. Coll. Momp. pag. 546. Hereupon againe the great rashnes of Iacob Andreas appeareth, who boldly affir­meth, that this is most certaine and vndoubted of, among all truly godly & sincere teachers, that the words of Iohn ought to be vnderstood of all men, none excepted. By these men which I haue produced, being without controuersie godlie and sincere teachers of the Church, it appeareth that it is most false.

But Iohn set downe the vniuersall particle, of the whole [Page 93] world. As though that world of good men had not his vni­uersalitie. Certainly the same Apostle feared not to say, the whole world lieth in euill, that is,1. Ioh. 5.19. because of the tares which are through the whole world. And in the Gospell after Iohn the Pharisees say: Ye see that wee profit nothing, Iohn 12.19. behold the world goeth after him. Where so old an interpreter as Non­nus the Greeke Paraphrast, and Luthers Dutch translation reade with the vniuersall particle, the whole world followeth him. Shall we say, as these men doe, that all men none excep­ted, followed Christ? What were more foolish? So Matth. 8.34. The whole citie went out to meete Christ. And Luk. 7.29. The whole people and publicans iustified God. The Kings of the whole world were gathered by vncleane spirits to fight. Apoc. 16.14. and 13. there, The whole earth followed the beast. This vsuall kinde of speaking in the Scriptures, interpreters commonly doe imitate. So Augustine Tract. 4. in Ioh. wri­teth: that the whole world is Christian, Marke this. and the whole world is wicked because through the whole world there be vngodly, and through the whole world there be godly. The same man in Psal. 22. vpon those words: In the great Church will I con­fesse vnto thee: the great Church is the whole world, and for this whole world, that is, for the Church dispersed euery where, he saith that the blood of Christ was shed, and it was wholy re­deemed, and not onely Aphrica, as the Donatists did shut vp the Church in a part of Aphrica.

I omit others, and returne to the examples of the Scrip­ture, adding this vnto the former, that in Luke 2. it is read, that there went out an edict from Augustus Caesar, that the whole world should be taxed. Seeing here diuers nations be­ing associated through the author tie of the onely Romane Empire, haue the name of the whole world; what maruell is it, that the fulnes of the Gentiles, being called vnto the vnitie of the faith and the body of Christ, doth obtaine the account of the whole world?De vocat. gent. lib. 2. cap. 6. For Christian grace is not contented to haue those limits that Rome had, but it hath alreadie subdued many people vnto the scepter of the crosse of Christ, whom Rome by his weapons brought not vnder subiection. Wher­fore [Page 94] the vniuersall terme nothing hurteth the exposition be­fore alleadged: as neither doth that preiudice it, which Hu­ber writeth,Thes. 135. of an argument from the generall to the speciall, or from the speciall to indiuiduaes or singulars. Certainly from the generalitie of the faithfull,Marke this. the argument procee­deth to thee & to me: that if any man sinneth and beleeueth in Christ, there is an attonement purchased for him through faith in the blood of Christ And these things thus farre of the testimonies, wherein mention is made of the world in the matter of grace.

CHAP. VI. Answers vnto the sayings of the Scripture touching the vniuersalitie of the preaching of the Gospell.

THere bee also other places of the Scripture cited, which teach that the Gospell belongeth to all: as, that which Paul, Rom. 16. testifieth: that that mysterie was kept secret from al eternitie, and was declared in his time to all nations by the decree of the eternall God. And Colos. 1. of the same my­sterie hid from the world and the former ages, he saith: that it was then reuealed by God to his Saints, to whom hee would make knowne, what are the riches of this glorie among the Gentiles. Of the same sort also is that which is alleadged out of Acts. 17. The times of this ignorance God regarded not, but now it is preached to all men euery where, that they repent. And to Tit. 2. The grace of God which bringeth saluation to all men hath appeared. Againe Luk. 24. Thus it is written, and thus ought Christ to suffer, and that repentance and remission of sins must be preached in his name among all nations. Such places as these are brought, not so much to proue an vniuersall re­demption of all men, as many as come of Adam: as to hurt, and with cauils to shift off the doctrine of Gods predestina­tion, which in many places is taught in the word of God, and so fortified with euident testimonies, as that it may bee pres­sed, it cannot bee oppressed. But of predestination wee haue [Page 95] purposed to speake in another place, wee will not here vndis­creetly mingle things together. Yet three things I will briefly giue admonition of.

First, as I said, because the Gospell is preached to all,Three admo­nitions wor­thie obserua­tion. it can 1 not be gathered thereof that redemption and righteousnesse and other riches of the grace of Christ therefore belong to all by proprietie and fruition: but the riches of the Gospell are properly theirs who obey the Gospell. For they are called blessed of Christ, who heare the word of God and obserue it.Luk. 11. But in whom the word of the Gospel is not mixed with faith, hearing doth not profit them,Heb. 4. as is fully shewed in the epistle to the Hebrewes, by the example of the old people.

Secondly, I say that it is foolish and false,The 2 admo­nition. Hub. thes. 104. & 107. which these men 2 meane, that the Gospell of saluation doth precisely belong to all and euery one, and that the riches of the grace of Christ bee equally exhibited to euery man among all nations, no man excepted at least, as touching externall preaching. They proue it, because the Apostle witnesseth,Colos. 1. Rom. 16. Luk. 24. that the mysterie of the Gospell had been alreadie preached in his time among al nations, and declared to euery creature vnder heauen Also because Christ commanded that repentance and remission of sinnes should be preached in his name among all nations. In these places they would haue meant (by all nations) euery one in all nations (which is a very marueilous glosse.)

I answere, that by comparing of the like phrases,(All nations) is not taken in Scripture for euery one in all nations. and by the thing it selfe, the falshood of that glosse, as too grosse and intolerable, is easily confuted. We reade 1. Paral. 14. the last verse, that the fame of Dauid went out into all the earth, and that the feare of him was vpon all people. And Psal. 118. he there complaineth, that all nations compassed him. Also we reade, that all nations were subiect to Nebuchadnezzar to serue him, Iere. 27. vers. 7. and that his dominion was in eue­ry place, and ouer all men and beasts, Dan. 2.38. As also those sayings are: Ye shall be hated of all nations, Matth. 10. Teach ye all nations and baptise them, Matth. 28. He suffered all nations to walke in their owne waies. Act. 14. And of Paul, Rom. 1.5. that the Apostleship was giuen vnto him for the o­bedience [Page 96] of the faith among all nations. In like maner of the whore of Babylon, Apoc. 18.3. and 23. that all nations haue drunke of the wine of her fornication, and that all nations were seduced with her witchcraft. What monstrous absurdi­ties will arise, if in these and such like places by all nations, should be vnderstood euery one in all nations?

Obiection. The matter it selfe also many waies is against this exposi­tion, whereby they would haue all nations to bee taken for euery one of all nations. For the Apostle saith, that alreadie in his time the Gospell was declared vnto all nations. For it is most certaine,Very many na­tions long af­ter the Apostles time, and in their time, ne­uer heard of the Gospell. that long after the Apostles times, there were innumerable nations, among whom the Gospell was not as yet preached: much lesse, that while the Apostles liued, it was preached to euery one of all nations. Augustine witnes­seth Epist. 80. that there were innumerable barberous na­tions in Aphrica: to say nothing of so many other nations vnder heauen, lately conuerted to the faith of Christ. But Paul saith, that the Gospell in his time was preached to all nations and to euery creature vnder heauen. That is true, but in that kinde of speaking, wherein the former places in the holy Scriptures are vttered, and wherein all Iudea is said to go out vnto Iohn, and was baptised of him. As also Hierome ex­poundeth the saying of Paul, that he taught all men in all wis­dome, that is, the Iewes and Gentiles. For he were mad that would think, that the Apostle taught the doctrine of the Gos­pell to euery one euery where.

But as for that, that the grace of God which bringeth sal­uation is said to haue shined to all men: it is very well ex­pounded of Hierome in Comment. to be said to all men, be­cause no condition is excepted: neither is there any diffe­rence of bond and free, Grecian, Barbarian, circumcised, vn­circumcised: but wee are all one in Christ, and all of vs are called vnto the kingdome of God, to be reconciled after we haue sinned, not for our merits, but through the grace of our Sauiour.

1 God neuer sent the preaching of the Gospell to all and euery one euery where. Reasons.And that it may also more appeare, that God doth not vouchsafe all and euery one the externall preaching of the [Page 97] Gospell, what shall wee say of so many thousand children, who daily die and haue died hitherto, before they had the vse of reason, or els at the least, before they heard any thing at all of the grace of the Gospel? What? that among men growne and of iudgement and discretion there be innumerable in all 2 ages, to whom the light of the Gospell doth not shine, but are suffred to remaine in darknes by the iust iudgement of God? Of which thing let the reader peruse Augustine ad Euodium Epist. 99.

Further, if it were very true, that now in the time of grace, the gift of hearing the Gospell were equally exhibited to e­uery one among all nations: what shall we say of the former ages, in the times of ignorance, wherein all nations were suf­fered to walke in their owne waies? Surely God left not him­selfe without witnesse among the Gentiles,Acts. 14.16. by doing them good, and giuing them from heauen raine and fruitfull sea­sons, filling mens hearts with foode and gladnesse, which all, continually preached the clemencie of the free giuer. Not­withstanding the Apostle affirmeth, that the mysterie,Colos. 1. Rom. 16. where­of wee speake, was kept secret in the ages and generations that are past. And of old the mercie of the Lord, which is not wanting in any generation, was set out vnto all nations by the testimonies of nature: but the doctrine of the Law and Prophets directed none but the house of Iacob, and some few other who laboured to haue part in the calling of the Gentiles, which should come at the length.

The third thing that seemeth worthie of consideration here, is this,The 3. admo­nition. The word is preached alike, but all profit not thereby, and they that doe, haue not the like mea­sure of grace. Ioh. 5. that albeit by the ministers of the word and of the grace of God, the one truth and the same grace is preached to all, and the same exhortation is vsed: yet the like fruit follow­eth not in all. For some profit by the hearing of the Gospell, others doe not, nay they be hardened: and all that profit, at­taine not to the same measure of increase. Whence com­meth so great vnlikenes, but from the vnequall grace of the caller? No man commeth vnto me, (saith the Lord) vnles the father draw him. Euery one that hath heard and learned of the father, commeth to mee. And if all that haue heard and [Page 98] learned of the father,The Lord must be our teacher, or els we cannot learne. come, we gather with Augustine, de prae­dest. sanct. cap. 8. that euery one truly who doth not come, hath neither heard nor learned of the father. For this schoole (as the same man notably saith) is farre off from the senses of the flesh, wherein the father is heard and teacheth, that men may come to the sonne. There is also the sonne himselfe, be­cause he is his word, through which he so teacheth, neither dealeth he with the eare of the flesh, but of the heart.

1. Cor. 3. He onely must giue encrease, or else all is in vaine.But we heare also the Apostle saying: Wee are Gods hus­bandrie, and Gods building. And, Paul planteth, Apollo wate­reth: but neither he that planteth, nor he that watereth, is any thing, but God who giueth the increase. From him is the begin­ning, the progresse, and the accomplishment of euery good worke,Phil. 1. & 2. He must begin to build vs, and he must finish the worke. as the Apostle saith: He that hath begun in you this good worke, will make it perfect vnto the day of Christ Iesu. And againe, It is God who worketh in you to will and to do. And least peraduenture a man should aske, why are these speciall benefits of grace giuen to some, and denied to others: he ad­deth in the same place,Gods good pleasure is the cause that some haue grace giuen them, others haue not. that he doth so of his good pleasure. To which sentence the words also Colos. 1. doe manifestly giue testimonie, where Paul saith: that the mysterie kept se­cret from all ages, is now reuealed vnto his Saints, to whom it pleased God to make it knowne. As if he should say, that no not at this present is this mysterie made manifest to all and eue­ry one, but vnto the Saints of God, that is to the Apostles, and to such who by their meanes haue beleeued. And least thou should aske, why it hath been, and is reueiled daily to his Saints, and not to the rest, he addeth straightwaies: to whom he pleased: as Theodorite and Theophilact haue well consi­dered in the exposition of this place.

By all these things it is very plaine, that the workes and gifts of the diuine grace are neuer bestowed alike vpon all,A threefold calling. but differ very greatly. For wee see a three-fold calling. One ge­nerall 1 of all, by the voyce of nature, which neuer ceaseth: an 2 other speciall, by the voyce of the Gospell, which also alreadie is made common to all, since the Gospell is preached in the 3 New Testament to euery nation: and thirdly, whereby the [Page 99] elect are called, whereof it is said:Rom. [...]. Whom he hath predestina­ted, them also he called, not verely with that calling, (saith Au­gustine, De perseu. sanct. lib. 1. cap. 16.) whereof it is said: Ma­ny are called few are chosen: but with that, whereunto whoso­euer belong, they are taught of God. Neither can any one say: I haue beleeued, that so I may be called, because the mer­cie of God preuenting him, he is so called, that he might be­leeue: and none of these perisheth. For whatsoeuer the father hath giuen me, (saith the sonne) commeth vnto me, and I will lose none of them.

Of this varietie of the grace and gifts of God, soundly and plenteously intreateth the author of the bookes of the calling of the Gentiles, whose words among other are these, lib. 2. cap. 3. The height of the rich wisedome and knowledge of God, (whose iudgements are vnsearchable, and his waies past fin­ding out) hath alwaies so tempered mercie and iudgement, that by the most secret will of his eternall counsell, he will not haue the same and like measure of his gifts to bee in all throughout all generations, and among all men. For he hath after one ma­ner benefited those, whom he thought meete to know him by the testimonies of heauen and earth: and another way those, for whom he would prouide not only by the seruice of the elements, but also by the doctrine of the Law, the oracles of the Prophets, the signes of miracles, and the workes of the Angels. But what should be the cause, or the reasons of these differences vnder the same grace, while the Scripture is silent, who shall speake, saith he? Let men with patience and quiet mindes be ignorant of a secret so farre from the thought of man, wherein the knowledge of Paul the Apostle passeth from disputing to wondring. Let a fuller handling of this argument concerning calling (which whether it worke in euery man, or people, and among men generally, is appointed from aboue, and greatly to bee consi­dered) be fetched from the same author, who was a man (as the verie matter sheweth, and Erasmus in his preface iudg­eth) diligently exercised in the sacred Scriptures, and of a sound and sharpe wit.

CHAP. VII. Testimonies of the old Testament are examined.

LEt vs proceede to the places of the olde Testament. First, the promise is cited Gen. 3.Gen. 3. The seede of the woman shall breake the serpents head. This promise is to be taken, saith this disputer, of whole mankind, and of the whole repayring of the whole kind.Thes. 33. But this disputer is farre wide, extending the blessing, which is proper to the Church, vnto strangers: for the sonne of the virgin,The breaking of the Serpents head by Christ is proper to his members. Iesus Christ, is promised, who should destroy the workes of the diuell, and hee being conquered, should set his Christians at liberty from his power, to raigne for euer with himselfe, in the inheritance of the Saints. Here­upon saith Paul, Rom. 16. v. 20. The God of peace shall treade Satan vnder your feete shortly. Where he restraineth without question the victorie against Satan vnto the faithful, of whom also,Colos. 1. Col. 1. he saith, He hath made vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, and hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenes, and translated vs into the king­dome of his deare sonne, to wit, through faith: without which (saith Ambrose) there is no going out of hell, Ambrose in epist. ad Col. or out the power of darkenes, wherein we were held captiue of the diuell. More­ouer, that reparation and victorie against Satan, as it is pro­mised, respecteth not onely the merite, but also the efficacie of Christ, whereby he maintaineth and preserueth in the con­flicts of this life, the saluation which he purchased for vs, and strengtheneth vs against the diuell, the world, and our owne flesh, with the vertue of his spirit, vntill at length we obtaine full victorie.De pass. & cru­ce Domini. For it is the worke of our Sauiour (saith Athana­sius) not onely to deliuer vs from bondage, but to destroy the author thereof, least he growing strong, doe supplant vs, and make voide the conquest of the deliuerer. And now experience and Scripture teach it to be farre off from al the sonnes of A­dam,1. Thes. 3.3 and 5.23. to be after this sorte victors ouer Satan: but that victo­rie [Page 101] God bestoweth vpon his Saints. And also by those words in Moses, I will put enemitie betweene thee and the woman, The reprobate [...] are excluded from the pro­mise. betweene thy seede and her seede, the reprobates are manifest­ly excluded from the promise: for they are ioyned to the di­uell, who is the head and father of reprobates: and against this kingdome of Satan, that is, against the diuell and his members, victory is promised to the Church through Christ, for in the seede of the woman, altogether as in the seede of Abraham, the sonnes of the promise are accounted, Rom. 9.8. and 4.16.

But let vs see the pretie reasons of the Aduersarie. First,The aduera­ries reasons to proue repro­bates to be de­liuered from Satan by Christ. he 1 will haue this place to be vnderstoode of the whole repay­ring of whole mankinde, because not onely a part of the bo­die of the diuell, but his head should be broken. A fine rea­son, as though the head also were not a part of the bodie. Se­condly, because the head of the diuell was to bee broken through Christ, we must needes vnderstand, that so the diuell 2 is troden down, that he doth not exercise the power of death any longer against them for whom he is destroyed. But this hath place onely in them, who are the members of Christ. He bringeth also for declaration those sayings:Ioh. 12. 1. Ioh. 3. Heb. 2. Colos. 2. Luk. 11. Matth. 12. that the prince of this world is cast forth: that the sonne of God came to destroy the workes of the diuell: that by death he hath destroyed the diuell: that the diuell and all his power was triumphed ouer. Also, that he comming vpon the pallace of the strong armed man, ouercame him, and tooke away all his armour, and diuided his spoyles. From these he laboureth to inferre, that not any one is excepted, who hath been brought vnder the power of the diuell, whom Christ hath not deliuered from him, or else to whom the head of the diuell is not broken. These words be talke, but not weighty reasons. For so Augustine discour­sing of those things very exactly saith, Tract. 53.The deuill is ouercome and destroyed for the faithfull onely, and in them. in Ioh. The deuill possessed mankind, and held them guiltie of punishments by the handwriting of sinnes: he bare rule in the hearts of vn­beleeuers. But by the faith of Christ through his blood which was shed for the remission of sinnes, thousands of beleeuers are set free from the power of the deuill. This thing he called iudg­ment, [Page 102] separation, and expulsion of the deuill from his redeemed ones. The same man a little after: God foresaw what he knew, that after his passion and glorifying, many people through out the world should beleeue, in whose hearts the deuill was, whom when they renounce through faith, he is cast forth, to wit, out of the harts of the faithfull. The Master of sentences follow­ing Augustine in like maner, expoundeth those places, lib. 3. dist. 19.

Therefore they are the beleeuers, out of whom he is cast out. In these he is abolished, ouercome, and conquered, and his workes are destroyed:Ephe 2. but in the vnbeleeuers, in whom the prince of this world as yet is effectuall, he ceaseth not to exercise a lamentable triumph,1. Ioh. 5. 2. Tim. 2. vntill they also through faith, which is our victorie, get out of the snare of the deuill, of whō they are held captiues. And this the words of Iohn do plain­ly confirme.1. Ioh. 3. For if he who committeth sinne, be of the de­uill; and hee who is borne of God, sinneth not: surely the workes of the deuill are in very deede destroyed in none but in the regenerate.

Obiections. 1. Cor 1 [...].But if Satan be abolished and conquered, he is once and for all men together destroyed. Answere. Not so. For euen the last e­nemie, death, shall be destroyed, and there shall be that most famous triumph of the last day ouer Satan: yet how great shall their number bee, ouer whom death, and he that hath the power of death, the deuill, shall for euer raigne? Neuer­thelesse, all things then shall truly bee subiect vnto Christ, (witnesse the Apostle) as euen now all things are subiect vn­to him after a sort.All things are subdued vnder Christ and ye [...] Satan [...] in the repro­bates. Contrarily how vnskilfully doth Huberus except, yt al things cannot be said to be subiect vnto Christ, if the greatest part of Satans kingdom be not ouerthrowne by him. Yea the whole kingdome of Satan shall be destroyed by him, specially at the last day: but for that cause there is no neede, that Christ should adopt all none excepted into his kingdome of grace and glorie.Reprobates and Satan are vnder his po­wer to be dam­ned. In the meane while all repro­bates with the deuill and his angels are and shall be for euer put vnder the Lords feete, and hee shall take vengeance on them in vnquenchable fire, as vpon subiects that are rebel­lious [Page 103] against his kingdome of power. For they know,The kingdom of God is takē many waies. who haue read the Scriptures, and ancient interpreters of them, that the kingdome of God is one thing, which is called the 1 kingdome of grace: and the kingdome of glorie is another 2 thing: and there is also that, which is commonly called the 3 kingdome of power,Psal. 145. wherein the vngodly euery one with the deuils are comprehended. But the faithfull be that king­dome of grace, which is here vnto the end of the world, albeit not from hence, because we are strangers in the world, and it hath the tares mingled with it vnto the haruest, saith Augu­stine tract. 115. in Ioh.

As touching the parable of the strong armed man,Luk. 11. albeit I denie not, that he may be said to be cast euē out of the world, as farre forth as after the passion of Christ, people through the whole world beleeued, as before Augustine declared: yet he is not described as altogether cast out of the house, that is, the world, but as bound rather therein. Neither be al his armour, all men: but it is [...]. complete harnesse in Greeke, out of the which Satan is so stripped by that strong man that came vp­on him, that without his becke he cannot so much as moue himselfe. And whereas the vncleane spirit is said to returne into him from whom he went out, that commeth to passe, because many renounce the deuill more in tongue, then in heart, and in a true faith, and vnder the cloke of religion they are secretly euill: whom it is no maruell that we see to fall a­gaine, and that their last end is worse then their beginning. See Augustine in Psal. 48.

There is another place, Esay. 53.Esay. 53. We all as sheepe haue gone astray, and euery one hath turned aside into his owne way, and the Lord hath laid the iniquities of vs all vpon him. Therefore the sinnes of all men, whether they beleeue, or not beleeue, are satisfied & purged in very deed by the sacrifice of Christ. Vnto the antecedent is answered, that the words of the text may bee taken as the voice of the faithfull, the Prophet in his owne and in the person of such as are like him speaking, of vs all: as in Paul also Abraham is called the father of vs all, Rom. 4. Gal. 4. and Ierusalem the mother of vs all. Certainly Augustine de pecca­sorum [Page 104] merit. & remiss. lib. 1.The true mea­ning of vs all in the words of Esay. 53. cap. 27. writeth thus: It is the voice of all the members of Christ: wee all as sheepe haue gone astray, and he was giuen for our sinnes. Likewise S. Peter ap­plieth this place of the Prophet vnto the faithfull, saying, 1. Epist. 2. Ye were as sheepe going astray: but ye are returned vnto the pastor and bishop of your soules. And certainly that confession, We all haue gone astray like sheepe, is not the pro­pertie of men that perseuere and abide in sinnes: to say no­thing, that it is spoken in the time past, we haue gone astray, as of men conuerted alreadie vnto the shepheard of their soules

And it is a very childish cauill, that the aduersarie would haue the words not to be spoken of the vniuersalitie onely of the faithfull, because the hearers of Esay were not all faithfull. For this was no let, but the Prophet in those words might ex­presse the benefit of grace, which belongeth vnto the vniuer­salitie of the faithfull. What shall wee say of Paul? had he onely the faithfull about him, or is he heard or read at this day of the elect onely? And yet nothing fearing such cap­tious wresting, he writeth as of the faithfull and elect: the fa­ther of vs all, the mother of vs all.

Secondly, though we graunt that the iniquities of all men were laid vpon Christ; we denie the consequence, that ther­fore by the sacrifice of Christ the sinnes of all be in very deed clensed, and that all are iustified, and receiued into grace. For to the entent that the sacrifice and merit of Christ may profit vs to righteousnes and grace before God, we neede applica­tion by faith.Rom [...]. Heb. 11. For being iustified by faith we haue peace towards God: and without faith it is impossible to please God. Here­vpon it is added in Esay: My righteous seruant by the know­ledge of him shall iustifie many, and he shall beare their ini­quities. Albeit therefore he hath borne the sinnes of all by sufficiencie: yet properly they bee accounted his redeemed ones, in whom the true knowledge or faith of Christ shi­neth. But of this place more in the next booke follow­ing.

There is obiected besides, that which the Lorde saith, [Page 105] Zach. 3. I will take away the iniquities of this earth or land in one day. But it may bee vnderstoode of Iudea, that being at one with his people, he will at length deliuer them from the vexations and molestations of their enemies, which hitherto they haue indured, while God was angrie with their sinnes. Which exposition that restraint which is added, confirmeth, (of this earth) Further, if we like better to expound it of the whole earth there will be the same sense, which was before in the sayings of the redemption and attonement of the world.Apoc. 13. Certainely Apoc. 13. It is read, that the whole earth fol­lowed the beast. Yet it cannot bee thence inferred, that all and euery man in the whole world haue fallen from God, and that Christ hath not had his Church remayning among mankind.

Further,Huber. th. 179. Gen. 12. & 23. there is brought forth the promise made to Abra­ham, Gen 12. and 23. In thy seede all the Nations of the earth shall bee blessed. Where the aduersarie will haue that blessed seede to be meant of all men without exception. This that he may wrest out, he expoundeth (all Nations) euery one of all Nations. But whether should we beleeue? Huber, or Paul the Apostle of Iesu Christ? Therefore of faith is the inheri­tance (saith Paul, Rom. 4.) that it may be sure to the whole seede not to that only, which is of the Law, All Nations taken for the faithfull in all Countries. but also to that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of vs all, as it is written: I haue made thee a father of many nations. And Rom. 9. Not they that are the sonnes of the flesh, are the sonnes of God, but the children of promise are counted for the seede. And the same sense he at large repeateth, Gal. 3. The Scripture foreseeing, that God would iustifie the Nations through faith, preached the Gospell before to Abraham, saying: In thee shall all Nations be blessed. Therefore they which are of faith, are blessed with faithfull Abraham. What either ignorance then or malice is it, to gainesay so plainely the exposition of the Apostle, and shamefullie to reuile them as enemies of that blessed seede, who (by seede) doe vnderstand with Paul the faithfull euery where of all Nations and countries? Paul then is an enemie of that seede. Fie vpon that, Augustine is an ene­mie, [Page 106] tract. 1. in primam Ioh. Ambrose in Luc. lib. 3. and the whole companie of the fathers.

But (by all nations) euery one of all nations doe follow vniuersally. This glosse doth not alwaies, but most often de­ceiue. Beside the examples aboue alleadged, let these also here be considered. Psal. 22. All the ends of the earth shall re­member and turne to the Lord, and all the families of the na­tions shall bow themselues before thee. And Psal. 72. All kings shall bow to thee, all nations shall serue thee. And Psal. 86. All nations shall come and worship thee O Lord, and shall glorifie thy name. August & Ba­sil. com in Psal. These prophesies, as Augustine and Basill inter­prete them, are fulfilled in the conuersion of the Gentiles, while of all Gentiles some doe receiue the brightnes of di­uine knowledge.

Esay. 2.So in Esay it is foretold, that in the last daies all nations shall come to the mountaine of the Lord, and that the people shall walke in his law. Where againe Basill reiecting this their filthie glosse, admonisheth, (which thing the very matter also proclaimeth) that it is not to bee taken of the whole number in the land of the liuing, or of all men, whom euery nation euery where comprehendeth.

Hence now there appeareth plainly an answer also to the saying,Thes. 181. Psal. 2. Aske of me and I will giue thee the nations for thy inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession. Therefore (saith Huber) the adoption of all nations to bee Christs inheritance is promised. I graunt, but not of al men, whom euery nation containeth. For the doctrine of the A­postle,Lib. 1. de ser­mone Domini in monte. saith Augustine, termeth that to be adoption, whereby we are called into an eternall inheritance, that wee may bee coheires with Christ: and with God being as sonnes, may enioy eternall life, being reformed through the acknowled­ging of him vnto the image of God.What adop­tion is. Aug. in Psal. 2. But this belongeth not to all. Whereupon (as the same father expoundeth) the mea­ning is: Aske of me, to wit, that the nations may be coupled to the name of Christians, and so redeemed from death, and may be possessed of God: and I will giue thee the nations to bee thine inheritance, whom thou maist possesse vnto their salua­tion, [Page 107] that they may bring forth spiritual fruites vnto thee. Nei­ther doth the holy Ghost himselfe otherwise expound it by the mouth of Dauid, Psal. 22. All the ends of the earth shall remember, and turne to the Lord, and al the families of the na­tions shall bow themselues before thee. For by faith and repen­tance, all nations vnto the ends of the earth are made the in­heritance, and peculiar people of God,Psalm. 7 [...]. Esay 19. which was the pecu­liar dignitie of Israel in old time. In respect of which grace it was also promised to Abraham, that he should be the heire of the world. Notwithstanding it is true as touching domi­nion, that all are subiect vnto Christ, not onely all men, but also all things els in heauen and earth.

That which is lastly alleadged of the scape goate, Leu. 16.Leuit. 16. (that as all the sinnes of the children of Israel were put vpon that goate, to bee caried into the wildernesse: so also Christ bore all the sinnes of the people and tooke them away) con­firmeth our opinion, and not the aduersaries. For not the sins of all men, but of Israel onely, were laid vpon the goate: so Christ hath taken away the sinnes of Christian people, who, as the Apostle witnesseth, is the Israel of God,Gal. 6. prefigured by that carnall Israel.

And these things of the first ranke of arguments. Where now the indifferent reader may iudge, whether the reproches sticke vpon vs, or vpon the aduersarie, wherewith he would defame vs: as though forsooth wee must needes correct,Thes. 188. a­mend, polish, cut away, and abuse the speech of the holie Ghost throughout the Gospell. Trifles.


CHAP. VIII. Wherein generall solutions or answers are contained.

HItherto answere hath been made vnto generall spee­ches. The second classe or ranke followeth, wherein [Page 108] the aduersarie purposeth to proue peculiarly, that the repro­bates (or as he speaketh in his Compend. thes the vnbeleeuers) are equally redeemed of Christ,Thes. 23. as they are, who through faith are made partakers of saluation in Christ.Three generall obseruations. But before we seuerally weigh the places of Scripture, which in this rank are 1 produced, generally it is to be noted, that all those places are particular of some reprobates onely, and such as for a time haue been mingled with the good in the Church, and coun­ted in the number of beleeuers, so long as the contrarie ap­peared not in them.Of particulars, an vniuersall conclusion doth not fol­lowe. And of Particulars, when either both, or one of the propositions is such, it is euident, that an vniuersall conclusion doth not follow, as this is of the aduersarie: that all reprobates and vnbeleeuers, no lesse then the elect and tru­ly faithfull, haue redemption and remission of sins in Christ. To proue this, he had need of other arguments through this whole classe.

2 Further, seeing all those places intreate of them, who are numbred with the beleeuers and sanctified in Christ, and af­terward vnmindfull of their calling slide into grieuous falles: or els also fall away altogether from the truth, hee taketh a preposterous course, who thence seeketh to maintaine, that redemption doth vniuersally belong as well to infidels as to true beleeuers. For the proofes which are brought, describe the benefit of Christ in respect of faith, and applie it to them, who were numbred with the Church of God,Rom. 1. Ephe. 1. Col. 1. And in the beginning of other Epi­stles of the A­postle. the faithful and Saints in Christ, beloued and elect of God, because of their externall profession of faith and repentance, and the wash­ing of sacred Baptisme which they had receiued. For of such the Church iudgeth charitably, leauing in the meane while secret things vnto God the searcher of the harts, who know­eth his owne, and can discerne betweene them that are fro­ward, and vpright in heart.

3 Thirdly, it is to be marked, that they that so fall, are either elect or reprobate.Of the fals and perseuerance of the elect. For the very elect and true beleeuers doe often fall into sins against their cōscience, and greatly swarue from the right way; as Dauid and Peter: yet they erre not fi­nally, but are recouered, and brought backe into the way be­fore [Page 109] they die, and hauing their iniquitie pardoned them, (which was committed) perseuerance vnto the end is impu­ted vnto them: as Augustine largely teacheth,Aug de cor & grat cap. 7. 2. Tim, 2. de correptione & gratia cap. 7. For the foundation of God is sure, hauing this seale: The Lord knoweth who are his. And as the Lord himselfe saith in the Gospell,Matth. 23. It cannot be that the elect should be deceiued, to wit, finally. For if any of these perish, God is deceiued, and ouercome of mans sinne. But he is neuer decei­ued, or ouercome of any thing: Therefore of his elect none perisheth. Neither that onely,2 Thes 3. Tit. 1. but euen true beleeuers (seeing all men haue not a liuely faith in Christ, but the elect) are kept by the power of God vnto saluation through faith,1. Pet. 1. Ier. 32.39, 40. as Peter testifieth. And this is the meaning of the promises: I wil giue vnto them one heart, and one way, and I will make an euerla­sting couenant with them, & I will put my feare in their harts, that they may not depart from me. Also, I will plant them in their land: Amos 9.15. neither shall they bee any more rooted out of their land, saith the Lord. Who are these but the faithfull, planted in the courts of the Lord and ingrafted into Christ by a true faith? And by the testimonie of Iohn, He that is borne of God, sinneth not, because the seede of God abideth in him: 1. Iohn 3. 1. Pet. 1. nei­ther can he sinne, because he is borne of God. For wee are not borne againe of mortall, but of immortall seede by the word of the liuing God who abideth for euer. Hub [...] thes. 29. 1. Tim. 1 & 4. Objection. Which thing seeing it is so, that word being once by regenerating faith apprehended, and receiued into the hart, abideth for euer, and can no more fall away as Luther hath well obserued vpon that place.

Answere. As for that which is obiected, Faith for the doctrine of faith. Aduers. Anthrop. morph. cap. 9. that some fall away from the faith, and make shipwracke of it, wee must vnderstand, that faith is often taken for the doctrine of faith. And so many doe fall from faith, going backe from the doctrine which they did professe, & also cleauing vnto doctrines of deuils, while they would seeme to follow Christ, as Chrysostome and Theophylact expound those places, and Cyrill of Alexandria also hath it, that Hymeneus and Alexander made shipwrack concerning faith, because they said, that the resurrection was past alreadie. To this end serueth the answere, that an histo­ricall [Page 110] faith is one thing,Diuerse signi­fications of faith. Credere Deo, credere Deum, credere in Deū. Aug de Tempo­re Serm. 181. and a iustifying and sauing faith is an other thing: or, that it is one thing credere Deo, and another thing, credere Deum, and another thing credere in Deum: that is, to beleeue God, to beleeue that he is God, and to be­leeue in God. To beleeue God, is to beleeue that the things bee true which he speaketh, which many euill men can doe. And to beleeue that he is God, euen the deuils may. But to beleeue in God, they onely know who loue him, and who are Christians not onely in name, but also in deedes and life. For faith without loue, is the deuils faith & vaine: but with loue, it is the faith of a Christian. And this faith of a Christian set­led in the foundation, suffereth no man to perish, as Augu­stine writeth, which thing a certaine glosse also of Luthers vpon the 7.De fide & ope­ribus, cap. 18. of Matth. confirmeth in these words: That faith which is effectuall by workes, purifieth the heart, and such ver­tue standeth vnmoueable against all the force of windes, and the power of hell, because it is grounded vpon the rocke Christ. Otherwise is the state of those, that haue an historicall, de­uillish, and dead faith onely, and therefore counterfeite and not true, because it is not liuely: notwithstanding it may bee called true, as touching true notions or knowledge, and a­greeable to diuine reuelations.

These things as touching the perseuerance of the elect and truly beleeuers, Heerbrandus Disputatione Tubingensi de e­lectione, plainly confirmeth, which I here produce, that these new disputers (who now out of the same schoole sow con­trarie opinions) may be lesse angrie with vs. For thus it hath determined: that those who are predestinated to life, do not fall away finally: and that such are they, who vnderstand them­selues to be ingrafted into Christ by a true faith. And whereas many doe fall away, who are in writing recorded to haue had faith, that they had onely a temporarie faith, without true rege­neration of the heart. These things saith he, in the foresaid dis­putation, thes. 40.45. & 47.

Of the fall of reprobates that were in the Church.Now, as touching the other part, concerning reprobates, who for a time haue a place in the Church among the sonnes of God, that rule is well to bee marked in the second chapter [Page 111] of the first of Iohn, verse 19. They went out from vs, Tract. 3. in epist. Io. but they were not of vs: for if they had been of vs they had surely con­tinued with vs. He speaketh of them (as Augustine doth no­tably set foorth this place) who by chance going out, returne not againe: who also when they are within, are not of vs,How repro­bates are called beleeuers and partakers of redemption. Rom. 1. 1. Cor. 1. Ephe. 1. Col. 1. Phil. 1.7. nor as members are within the bodie of Christ, but as euill hu­mours, sith that his bodie is as yet in curing, and the health of it shall not be perfect, till the resurrection of the dead. In the meane time because such persons are not manifest vnto men, they are plainly called beleeuers, conuerted, iustified, sancti­fied, redeemed, disciples and members of Christ, temples and the sonnes of God, yea the elect of God: plainly (I say) they haue these termes, whom we see to professe with vs the same faith and Christian conuersation, albeit in the meane while they be not oftentimes that in very deede, which they are cal­led, before him, who discerneth the intents and thoughts of the heart,Hebr. 4. Ambrose. and vnto whose eyes all things are knowne and manifest. Ambrose lib. 1. Com. in Luc. cap. 1. saith very well: Not euery one who is iust before men, is iust before God. Men see one way, God seeth another: men in the face, God in the heart, euen he is the iudge of the minde and the fact. Therefore it is perfect praise to be iust before God. And this very thing doth Augustine largely teach,Augustine. de correp. & grat. cap. 7. & 9. and citeth hither the saying of Christ: If ye shall abide in my word, ye shall be truly my disciples. For al that giue their names to Christ, are vsually called his disciples and Christians of Christ, by reason of their profession: but they be in deed that, which they be called, who abide in his word. As the Apostle also saith, We are the house of Christ, Hebr. 2. if we hold that confidence and hope (wherof we reioyce) sure vnto the end. And anon, We are made partakers of Christ, if wee hold sure vnto the end that beginning, whereby we are sustained: If not, we are called be­fore men partakers of Christ, of his household, sonnes and heires of God, citizens of the Saints, redeemed and beleeuers, but wee are not the same truly before the Lord, who will say in time to come: I neuer knew you, Matth. 7. depart from mee yee that work [...] iniquitie. Tertull. Tertullian de praescrip. haeret. in the beginning [Page 112] saith:An excellent saying. No man is wise, no man is faithfull, no man is great but a Christian, and no man is a Christian, but he that continueth vnto the end. Thou as a man knowest euery one outwardly, thou iudgest as thou seest: and thou seest, as farre as thou hast eyes. But the eyes of the Lord are high. Man looketh into the face, God into the heart, and therefore the Lord knoweth who are his, Chrysostome. &c Chrysostome also notably in 7 Matth. saith: The raine of false doctrine doth not corrupt the Church which Christ hath founded, nor the blasts of the deuill driue it away, nor the force of violent floods doth moue it. All that are called christi­ans are not such indeede. Aug. in Ps. 48. Neither is it hereto contrarie (saith he) that many doe fall from the Church. For not all who are called Christians, are Christs: but the Lorde knoweth who are his. For many wearing the cloake of a Chri­stian name (as Augustine speaketh) vnder the couer of reli­gion are secretly euill, hauing the name of Christ in their lips, but not in their hearts, of whom it is said: This people honou­reth me with their lips, but their heart is farre from me. Lu­ther also in Psal. 2. vpon those words,Luther. I haue set my king vpon Sion, my holy hill, putteth difference betweene generall and speciall holines.Holines gene­rall and special. That is generall, when some Church consisting of good and bad is wont to bee called holie: but that is speciall, whereby the true beleeuers truly and in very deede are sancti­fied before God, through the holy Ghost, whereas the rest are named holie, and counted Saints, only before men, by profession, and the vse of the Sacraments. And in his booke de seruo ar­bit. cap. 61. he maketh difference betweene the iudgement of Charitie and faith.Charitie and faith iudge di­uerselie of a man. The iudgement, or (as he speaketh) the rule of charitie calleth euery one that is baptized, holy; because charitie beleeueth all things, and presumeth good of our neigh­bours: but by the canon or rule of faith he is not holie, (saith he) vnles he be declared to be such a one by a diuine iudge­ment.

CHAP. IX. Certaine sayings of the Scripture are examined touch­ing the redemption of reprobates.

THese things thus forewarned in stead of a generall an­swere; now let vs runne in order through the testimonies of this classe or ranke. The first is cited out of Heb. 6.The 1. place for the redempti­on of repro­bates. It can not be, that they who haue been once inlightned, and haue ta­sted of the heauenly gift, and haue been partakers of the holie Ghost, if they fall away, that they should be renued againe vnto repentance, crucifying againe to themselues the sonne of God, and exposing him to ignominie. They that here be described, are partakers of redemption, and yet reprobates. A particular conclusion followeth in the third figure: Therefore some re­probates are redeemed.

I answere. First the aduersarie should haue proued an v­niuersall conclusion, and not a particular, as it hath bin said. Secondly vnto the minor I say: they that fall away after illu­mination receiued,A grieuous fall proues not a man to be a Reprobate. are not forthwith to bee iudged repro­bates, and to bee excluded from grace, with Montanus and Nouatus. For euen the elect fall sometime grieuously, but they are lifted vp againe of the Lord. And in that the Apostle seemeth to take away hope of pardon from such as fall away, omitting other expositions, Chrysostome Theodorite,Some of the olde writers vnderstand by renewing, Heb. 6 a second baptizing. Theo­phylact in their Commentaries, and Epiphanius haeret. 59. Augustine in fine exposit. ad Rom. Ambrose lib. 2. de poenit. cap. 2. and other ancient writers with great consent, and not vnfitly vnderstand the place, that the reiteration of Bap­tisme, and not the medicine of repentance is taken out of the Church: least the Iewes should thinke, that sacred Baptisme is like to the Iewish washings, which are vsed much and of­ten. But as once Christ died, and death hath no more power ouer him: so wee are once baptized into the death of Christ, by the lauer of regeneration, and renewing of the spirit, and it is impossible for vs, if wee fall, to bee by it renewed againe [Page 114] vnto repentance. Which thing if a man attempt, hee cruci­fieth againe, and contemneth Christ, as much as lieth in him.

Further, vnto the maior: Albeit I willingly graunt, that the Apostle speaketh of such as bee redeemed, or els as though they were redeemed,Two proofes of the aduer­sarie for re­demption of reprobates. according to the foreshewed difference of the elect and reprobates: yet the proofes brought in of 1 the aduersarie haue no force. The former of them is, that il­lumination and participation of the holy Ghost be fruites of redemption: and they that be partakers of the fruites of re­demption, are partakers of very redemption also.

Answere. I answere: Paul Colos. 1. and elswhere defineth redemp­tion to be the forgiuenes of sinnes:Redemption is forgiuenes of sinnes. but that sinnes bee for­giuen a man, and therefore that he is iust before God, & heire of eternall life, cannot hereof straightwaies be gathered, be­cause he is inlightened with the knowledge of the truth, or hath receiued some other gifts of the holy Ghost:The bad haue many gifts common with the good. for there be many gifts of the spirit common to good and bad. Mat. 7.22. and 1. Cor. 12.3.

2 The later proofe of Huber is this: That which is done a­gaine, must needes be done once alreadie: but they that pe­rish, crucifie the sonne of God againe to themselues: Ergo, he was crucified for them alreadie before, to wit, to their profit and redemption.

Answere. But this sophisme is patched together of meere fallacies, compositionis & dictionis, and concludeth more then was in the premisses.Marke this ex­position of crucifying a­gaine to them­selues, &c. In the minor the word (againe) must not be construed with (to themselues) but with the word (crucifie) as it is one word in Greeke [...] Wherefore it onely followeth, if he bee crucified againe, that Christ hath been once alreadie crucified. Then, seeing men cannot at their pleasure crucifie the sonne of GOD indeede, it is added in stead of correction, that to themselues, that is, as much as in them lieth they crucifie him againe: and the sense will bee impious altogether, if a man expound that word (to them­selues) that is, for their owne profit and redemption they cru­cifie Christ againe, as it is taken in the conclusion.

[Page 115]Another place is Heb. 10. Seeing therefore brethren, The 2. place. wee haue libertie to enter into the holie place by the blood of Iesu, let vs goe with a true heart and confidence. For if we shall sinne willingly after the knowledge of the trueth receiued, there re­maineth no sacrifice for sins. And a little after: Of how grea­ter punishment, thinke ye, shall he be thought worthie, who shall tread vnder his feet the sonne of God, and shall count the blood of the couenant, wherewith he was sanctified, a prophane thing, and shall despite the spirit of grace? This place Huber simplie vnderstandeth of reprobates: but they are not straightwaies to be counted for reprobates, and to bee barred of all hope of pardon with the Nouatians, who after the knowledge of the trueth, wittingly and willingly peraduenture fall. And in that it is said, that there remaineth vnto them no sacrifice for sins, but an expectation of iudgement, of this there is diuersi­tie of opinions. I take it as most simple,An exposition of the words: there is no more sacrifice for sin. &c. that there be no more sacrifices for sinne, as of old vnder the shadowes of the Law: that Christ was once offered, to take away the sinnes of ma­ny, and will not come againe to die for sins the second time, but to iudgement; for their saluation doubtles that looke for him, but for their punishment that sinne, specially that sinne willingly after they haue receiued the knowledge of the truth. Vnderstand notwithstanding conditionally, to wit, vnles they repent, as Theophylact well expoundeth, and the vse of the Scriptures requireth. 1. Corin. 6.9. Apoc. 22.15. Iere. 18.7. Certainly I easily graunt,We must take euery one in the Church for a brother, and redeemed for his profes­sion sake, till the contrarie appeare. that these of whom the Apostle intreateth, are to bee placed in the number of the re­deemed, vpon the foundation before set downe, to wit, as farre forth as they professing the same faith and conuersation with vs, we are bound to account them for our brethren, for the household and heires of God, and for such as are sancti­fied by the blood of Christ, vntill happily they bee made knowne not to bee of vs. All these things certainly the text plainly sheweth to bee spoken of the Apostle, in respect of faith which a man seemeth to haue, and not of vnbeleefe, much lesse of reprobation.

The third place is 1. Cor. 3. Ye are the temple of God, The 3. place 1. Cor. 3. and [Page 116] the spirit of God dwelleth in you. Jf any destroy the temple of God, him will God destroy. That he shuld speake here of repro­bates (as Huber thinketh) it is vnlikely: for he speaketh of the Church, which he had called Gods building, and now calleth it Gods temple, as elsewhere this spirituall building and ha­bitation of the liuing God is at large described.Ephes. 2.21. 1. Pet. 2.5. As for the threatning, it belongeth to the authors of schismes, who through meere ambition, by factions distracted and propha­ned the Church of Corinth, which God had cōsecrated to be a temple for himselfe. The like place commeth againe, chap­ter 6. Know yee not that your bodie is the temple of the holie Ghost, who is in you? There speaking to each beleeuer, he cal­leth them the temples of the holy Ghost, as also the members of Christ, saying: Know ye not that your bodies are the mem­bers of Christ? that thereby they might with greater care a­uoide all pollutions of the flesh.True members of Christ can neuer finally fall away, yet they may sinne grieuouslie. Psalm 37.24. Iohn 10. Rom. 11.29. 2 Cor. 4.9. But hereupon it doth not fol­low, that some being truly the members of Christ, and the temples of the holy Ghost, shal perish foreuer. It cōmeth to passe surely, that such fearefully somtime defile thēselues, but not finally. An exāple hereof is the repentance of Dauid: and the promises beare witnes: If the righteous falleth, he is not cast away, because the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand. No man shall take my sheep out of my hand. And in Paul, The gifts and calling of God are without repentance. We are cast downe, but we perish not, What mem­bers may pe­rish. saith Paul. But that they perish in their sins, who were accounted the members of Christ, and the temples of God, it is no new thing: but if they had been of the true members of the Church, they had doubtles continued with vs,1. Iohn 3. as Iohn saith. For there bee sonnes of God (saith Augu­stine) who are not as yet such vnto vs:De Correp. & grat. ca. 9. A notable say­ing. and there be some a­gaine, who for the grace which they haue receiued for a time, are called of vs the sonnes of God, but yet are not such with God. And as the sons, so also the temples of God, and mem­bers of Christ, are to be accounted.

The 4. place. Rom. 14. 1. Cor. 8.The same answere serueth vnto the sayings: Destroy not him with thy meate for whom Christ died: neither destroy the worke of God for meate sake. Also, Shall thy weake brother pe­rish [Page 117] through thy knowledge, for whom Christ died? As touch­ing the elect we graunt, that the true beleeuers,How a weake brother may be said to pe­rish and be destroyed. Rom. 14.5. How Repro­bates falling from the truth and perishing, are said to be redeemed. but weake in faith, are very often grieuously shaken with offences, yea de­stroyed and lost, as touching the authors of offences, through whom there is no let but they should perish. Yet the Lord is able to establish them, and also will establish them, though they bee inconstant and wauer. But a [...] touching the repro­bates, falling away from the trueth for offences and other cau­ses, and vtterly perishing, they are called, redeemed, & iusti­fied by the death of Christ, as farre forth as in the iudgement of the Church, they obtaine for a time a place among the iu­stified and redeemed of Christ, as I haue often said alreadie.

In like sort is that to bee vnderstood, which 2. Pet. 2.The 5. place. 2. Pet. 2. How the Lord hath bought Reprobates. 1. Pet. 1. Acts 20. wee reade of false prophets that perish, that they denie the Lord who bought them. Doubtles the Lord is said to buy them, as farre forth as they are numbred for a time among the faithfull, whom he hath redeemed not with siluer and golde, but with his precious blood. For out of the Church it selfe shall arise rauening wolues, not sparing the flocke, and speaking per­uerse things to draw disciples after thē. But what saith Iohn? They went out from vs, but they were not of vs: for verely they had continued with vs if they had been of vs. Further,How they are said to denie him yt bought them. this is rightly referred to the boasting of the false prophets, that him in very deede they denie, whom they call their Lord and re­deemer: and bragge of libertie, when in trueth they bee the seruants of corruption and sinne, as Peter himselfe declareth, and the Epistle of Iude confirmeth. For these seducers secret­ly crept in, are thus there described, that they turne the grace of our God into wantonnes, and denie God the onely Lord and our Lord Iesus Christ. But let vs also consider the words that follow: for Peter addeth:2. Pet. 2.20, 21, 22. If they who haue escaped the filthi­nes of the world through the knowledge of the Lord & Sauiour Iesu Christ, be afterwards againe intangled therein, and bee o­uercome, their last condition is worse then the former, and it were better for them not to haue knowne the way of righteous­nes, then after the knowledge of it to goe backe, as the dogge to his vomite. Out of these words the aduersarie indeuoureth to [Page 118] collect, that many indued with true faith and conuersion, and therefore by his death and blood washed, and iustified, doe perish for euer. I answer as afore, that here properly the question is not, whether some indued with true faith and conuersion, doe so fall backe, that they perish: but this the aduersarie was to proue, that the reprobates vniuersally no lesse then the elect, and all vnbeleeuers no lesse then the faith­ful, are made partakers of redemption in Christ. Which thing cannot bee concluded out of the Apostles words, seeing he speaketh not but of them, who through the knowledge of Christ had escaped the pollutions of the world, which Hu­ber himselfe will haue to bee referred to their faith and con­uersion.

Secondly, as touching those who falling rise not againe, I denie, that such were truly washed in the death and blood of Christ, and iustified, or were indued with a true and liuely faith in Christ. For the contrary hath been aboue shewed out of the doctrine of Peter, and other seruants of Christ. Nei­ther saith Peter here,Peters words expounded. It had bin better for them neuer to haue had true faith, or els to haue obtained righteousnes then after­ward to fall backe from true faith and righteousnes: but hee onely saith: It had been better not to haue knowne the way of righteousnes, then after the knowledge of it to goe backe from the holy doctrine taught them. Marke this touching back-sliders. And we denie not, that many who had cast away corrupt opinions of God, and of matters belonging to religion, and had imbraced the trueth, doe af­terward fall away from true doctrine to old, or els new er­rors, and by this meanes slide backe from faith, that is, from the doctrine of faith.De fide & ope­rib. ca. 25. See also in Psal. 48 We confesse also that many, who (as Augustine weigheth this place) either by fained promises, or externall reformation of maners had forsaken the filthines of the world, to wit, adulterie, fornication, vncleannes, wan­tonnes, idolatrie, witchcraft, drunkennes, bankettings, and the like, doe inthrall themselues againe vnto the same, & liue in all filthines, and so runne into a more grieuous iudgement, then if they had neuer knowne the way of righteousnes. But they who doe after some sort or other auoide the filthines of [Page 119] the world, are not straightwaies to bee accounted washed in the blood of Christ, and iustified before God. For so, as ma­ny as among the Heathens haue liued honestly, or forsaking the filthines of their former life, haue begun to be sober, shuld be also accounted for men washed and iustified in the blood of Christ.

Neither be the things which Huber inferreth, of any force: they had escaped filthines through the knowledge of Christ, and are said to haue knowne the way of righteousnes, and the holie commandement, that is, the holy doctrine of the Gospell is said to haue been deliuered vnto them. Therefore they had true faith in Christ giuen them. As though the faith of Christians were nothing els, than the bare knowledge of Christ, or of the way of righteousnes and of the holy commandement. Obiection. Surely the very deuils haue a knowledge of Christ, and that greater then men. But they are insnared againe: therefore they were once set feee and at libertie. Answere. I graunt in part: they were escaped from their former errors, and their outward wicked conuersation, wherein while they are againe intang­led, they be polluted a fresh, and like dogges eate againe their vomite, which they had alreadie cast vp, after that sort doubt­les, as hath been spoken, to wit, either by fained promise, or els truly (as Peter saith) while laying aside their wonted er­rors and maners, they bee honest for a time,2. Pet. 2.18. not walking a­ny longer in wantonnes, lusts, drunkennes, surfettings, ban­kettings, and abominable idolatries, or running any longer with prodigall persons vnto the same excesse of riot, as Pe­ter saith, 1 Pet. 4. But not all, in whom there is seene some re­formation of maners, haue purified mindes through the spi­rit and faith vnfained, with loue voide of dissimulation from a good conscience and a pure heart.

There be cited also the words of Peter,The 6. place 2. Pet. 1. 2. Pet. 1. where he speaketh of him who professeth faith, but hath not workes, that he is blinde, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sinnes. Therefore false christians and hypocrites, who perish at the length, were sometime clensed and iustified from their sinnes, no lesse then they, whose faith by good workes is [Page 120] effectuall and abideth. The answere hereunto is the same that was before: It must bee vnderstood according to the vsage of the Scriptures,The [...]. exposi­t [...]ons of Peters words, [...], is said to haue been clensed from his olde sinnes. Acts 2 [...]. [...]6. Augustine. which call them Saints, iustified, and clen­sed from sinnes, as many as are baptized into Christ, and in­grafted into his Church. Because the Church ought to take them for such, according to the iudgement of charitie, albeit before God oftentimes they bee not such. Further, the sense may bee this, that such haue forgotten their baptisme, which is a certaine visible sanctification, and purgation from sins, according to that saying: be baptized and wash away thy sins. But as Augustine very well maketh difference betweene vi­sible and inuisible sanctification,Visible and in­visible sancti­fications. Man by visible Sacraments through his ministerie doth sanctifie, but the Lord by inuisible grace through the holy Ghost, wherein lieth the whole fruite of the visible Sacraments: and some men haue inuisible san­ctification, and it doth them good without visible Sacraments: but visible sanctification which happeneth by visible Sacra­ments, a man may haue without the inuisible, but it can doe him no good. For visible baptisme without inuisible sanctifica­tion did nothing profit Simon Magus. These things Augustine super Leuit. lib. 3. quaest. 84. whereunto Luther also consen­teth vpon the second Psalme.

But it is too absurd and foolish, that the aduersarie labou­reth to wrest to his purpose also that notable description of the grace of God towards the faithfull in the beginning of the chapter in Peter. Peter (saith hee) testifieth, that they may be damned, who haue alreadie obtained faith and salua­tion, and all things belonging to godlines. But what if this be denied him, how will he proue it? Because (saith he) he obiecteth vnto them blindnes.The true me­thod and sense of Peters words. 2. Pet. [...].3 to verse 12. But (good sir) it is plaine to euery one by the text, that that vpbraiding pertaineth not to true beleeuers, whose faith is effectuall by loue, but vnto false Christians: who hereby, that they shew not their faith by works, doe sufficiently declare, that they are not indued with true faith, but are blind and see nothing. Certainly it is plaine deceit, willingly to confound together those two most di­uers sorts of men, which Peter purposely seuereth, and not to [Page 121] regard what agreeth fitly to either. First vnto those that are truly conuerted, and indued with a liuely faith in Christ, be­longeth that setting out of grace; that the diuine power hath giuen vnto them all things belonging to life and godlines; that they are called to glorie and vertue; that they haue obtained great and precious promises, and are made partakers of the di­uine nature, being escaped out of corruption in the world. These things are spoken of them, who had obtained like precious faith with Peter and his like, which surely cannot be spoken of them, who haue only an historicall and dead faith, that is, the faith of deuils and not of Christians. Secondly, by way of exhortation he carefully seuereth a liuely and a dead faith: that they who haue a liuely faith, doe shew it by workes, and by adding to faith vertue, to vertue knowledge, to knowledge temperance, long suffering, godlines & loue, are not found idle and vnfruitfull in the knowledge of Iesu Christ. Contrarily he pronounceth them blinde, and such as see nothing, but haue forgotten their purging from their old sinnes, who haue not good workes. Where now by Anti­thesis he directeth his stile against hypocrites and false Chri­stians:Iames 1. and 2. who (as Iames painteth them out) are hearers onely of the word and not doers, deceiuing themselues, and sedu­cing their owne hearts. And albeit they seeme religious, yet their religion is meere vanitie, and their faith dead. But what is this to the true beleeuers? are they therefore in dan­ger of damnation, because hypocrites perish in their vani­tie? Nay it is so farre off, that the Apostle should teach that the true beleeuers are damned, that contrariwise hee wit­nesseth, that such as bee fruitfull in the knowledge of the Lord, doe more and more confirme their vocation and e­lection, and that it shall come to passe, that they shall ne­uer fall, but haue a plentifull entrance into the kingdome of heauen.

That whcih is beside obiected out of 1. Pet. 2. that the reprobates also were laid vpon the corner stone Christ,The 7. place 1. Pet. 2. we simply deny, as being farre from Peters words, who writeth of the disobedient Iewes, who were offended at Christ, that [Page 122] they were Ad hoc positos esse, non dicit, impositos Chri­sto. The 8. place Gal. 3. & 5. ordayned to this, he doth not say, that they were laid vpon Christ.

Out of the Epistle to the Galathians, two places also are cited: as that, chap. 3. Paul warneth the Galathians: Are ye so mad, that when ye haue begun in the spirite, ye would now end in the flesh? Haue ye suffered so many things in vaine? Also chap. 5. Therefore stand in the libertie, wherewith Christ hath made vs free, and be not intangled againe in the yoke of bondage. Behold I Paul say vnto you, if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing: ye are made voide of Christ; as many as are iustified by the law, are fallen from grace. Of these words it seemeth to follow, that they may be reproba­ted, who haue been redeemed and set at libertie by Christ, and who were truely iustified and regenerated, and ingraffed into Christ as liuely members.

1 Expos. epist. ad Gal.First I answere, that it is not manifest that the Galathians fell away finally: nay in the iudgement of Augustine, they had not yet fallen, or yeelded to the seducers, but were waue­ring, and did not fall away. But yet not to contend about that, whereabout I see interpreters disagree, this is certaine, that if they were already caried away with the error of the false Apostles,Cap. 5.10. yet they erred not finally, according to the say­ing of the Apostle, J am perswaded of you in the Lord, that ye will not be otherwise minded. Whereupon also hee saith not flatly, ye haue suffered so many things in vaine, but by way of correction addeth, (which thing Huber of purpose concea­leth) if yet in vaine, signifying, that he is perswaded of better things, and such as accompanie the saluation of the Galathi­ans, although he speake very sharpely to reproue them. Question. Why then doth he so intreate them, as men, that be in the extreame danger of saluation? Answere. Because those horrible euils which those seducers labour to insnare them in, were greater than could be vttered, and that sharpenes was good for the Gala­thians to keepe them in the doctrine of faith, by the conside­ration of destruction.

2 Secondly the consequence of the propounded argument is denied, which Huber would faine seeme to proue three [Page 123] waies. 1 First because some beginning in the spirite, doe ende in the flesh: The Syllogisme will be thus:

  • They that begin in the spirite, are iustified and redeemed.
  • But some beginning in the spirite, are reprobated, because after they haue begun in the spirite, they end in the flesh.
  • Therfore some of the number of reprobates were iustified and redeemed,

Here the Maior taken vniuersally is denied, therefore the conclusion is of pure particulars. The Maior is true onely of such as haue the spirit of iustification and regeneration. But God doth not suffer those who haue so begun in the spirit, to end in the flesh,Phil. 1. but he maketh perfect in them his own good worke vnto the day of Christ Iesu. Notwithstanding many begin in the spirit,How many begin in the spirit. as far forth as they professe the doctrine of the spirit, or of the Gospell, touching free iustification by Christ, or else haue receiued also some spirituall gifts: who, whiles they returne not from their errors repugnant to the Gospell, whereinto they fell or otherwise by their vnthanke­fulnes are depriued of those gifts of the spirit, are said to bee perfected in the flesh, whereas they began in the spirite.

His second proofe leaneth on the saying: Haue ye suffered 2 so many things in vaine? But the Maior is false, vniuersallie taken, namely this: That whosoeuer suffer for the Gospell in vaine, they are reprobates, hauing once receiued the grace of iustification.1. Cor. 13. For it may be (as the Apostle witnesseth) that they, who haue not charitie, and therefore neither true faith and iustification, may yet suffer aduersitie, but all in vaine.

Thirdly thus he proueth it. As many as be of ye works of the 3 Law or would be iustified by works, are subiect to the curse. But some redeemed from the curse of the Law, do fal againe into the Pharisaicall error of the righteousnes of workes. Therefore some once redeemed, are againe insnared in the curse. Here the answere vnto the minor is manifest: that they who are truely made partakers of redemption by faith, doe not erre that way finally. But such as abide in that error of the righteousnes of workes, whether they haue knowne at a­ny time the trueth of the Gospell or no, it cannot be proued, [Page 124] that they were euer truly redeemed from the curse. For this redemption belongeth to them onely, who by true faith in Christ are the seede of Abraham, and are heires according to the promise, as is largely taught. Gal. 3.

The 9. place Gal. 5.As touching the place Gal. 5. Stand ye in the libertie, wher­with Christ hath freed vs, the aduersarie collecteth, that men once deliuered by the blood and death of Christ, may againe lose that libertie, while they abide not in it, but are intangled againe with the yoke of bondage, and so make Christ vn­profitable vnto them, and fall from grace.

I answer, the text hath not, stand ye in the libertie where­with Christ hath freed you, as Huber depraueth it: but where­with he hath freed vs. And the opposition of the sonnes of the bondwoman and of the free, of the beleeuers and wor­kers, namely, who standing to set vp their own righteousnes, are not made partakers of the righteousnes of Christ, doth manifestly shew, that this deliuerance by Christ belongeth not to all without exception, beleeuers and vnbeleeuers: but he that beleeueth in Christ hath that libertie, and doth not lose it finally, because it is eternall. For Christian libertie (as Luther also vpon this place warneth) is such a gift,Luther of Christian li­bertie. whereby in stead of sinne and death, we haue righteousnes and eternall life, and haue God for euer mercifull and fauourable through Christ.Many fal from Christian libertie, but diuersly. We confesse neuertheles, that many stand not in the 1 libertie, wherwith Christ hath freed vs. First, because euen the elect and true beleeuers are often tempted, and intangled in errors repugnant to the foundation, but (as it hath been of­ten 2 said) not finally. Secondly, because many professing faith and Christian libertie, and so farre forth hauing place for a while among Christs freemen, are againe to the losse of their saluation intangled with the bondage of the Law and mans traditions, yea of the world and the deuill. And both of these make Christ of none effect vnto themselues, and fall from grace and consolation: these absolutely and perpetu­ally the other so long onely as vntill they repent.

The same answere serueth to other two places, name­ly concerning the Iewes, being as certaine branches broken [Page 125] off from the Oliue tree,The 10. and 11 places. Rom. 11. Iohn 15. and concerning the Gentiles who should be cut off vnles they continue in the bountifulnes of God. And, my father taketh away euery branch that beareth not fruite in me: and euery one that beareth fruite he purgeth, that it may bring forth more fruite. Except a man shall abide in me, he is cast forth and withereth, and men gather them, and cast them into the fire. Iere. 11. Esay. 25. Matth. 21. The simple meaning of these words is, that not all, who by outward vocation are among the peo­ple of God, (that greene and fat oliue tree and elect vine) and so are accounted among the branches of Christ, shall be sa­ued: many such haue been long ago cut off, and shall be cut off hereafter for vnthankfulnes.Hipocrites for a time flourish as greene bran­ches, but at length are cut off. For there are many hypo­crites partakers euen after a sort of grace, albeit not vnto iu­stification: who because in shew for a time they florish and are greene, but in rendring fruite deceiue the hope of the husbandman, and haue faith in their lips more then in heart, at length are cast away.

But that it happeneth to some of the elect and truly godlie to bee so cut off,The Elect are neuer cut off, nor cast away, proued by three reasons. it is not onely not proued by these testimo­nies, but also the contrarie is therein plainly set downe. First, who were the Iewes whom God reiected? vnbeleeuers, not obeying the Gospell being ignorant of the righteousnesse of God and seeking to establish their owne righteousnesse, and to whom was giuen of God the spirit of slumber, in his iust iudgement, and eyes that they should not see, and eares that they should not heare,Rom. 10. & 11.8. as the Apostle describeth those repro­bates. But discerning the elect and godly from them, he saith: God hath not cast away his people, whom he foreknew. Againe,Verse 2 & 7. Israel attained not that which he sought for: but the elect haue attained it: the rest haue been hardened. But they were reie­cted for vnbeleefe: who denieth it? But by the iust iudge­ment of God they came not vnto faith, because they were not of his elect. For who will say, euen the veriest foole of all (saith Augustine) that the malitious Iewes, who haue peri­shed in their hatred, and who being of that nation enemies to Christ as yet doe perish, that they are elect and beloued?

Secondly, Paul doth not so much speake vnto euery one of [Page 126] the elect of the Gentiles, as in common vnto the whole body of such as were cōuerted, among whom many were in name onely faithfull and members of Christ, when he threatneth them with the example of the vnbeleeuing Iewes. Albeit though it were graunted that the Apostle directeth his aduise to euery elect and faithfull one, yet nothing is thereupon effe­cted, because he speaketh by supposition, that they shall bee cut off, [...]. Iohn 2. [...]9. vnlesse they shall continue in the goodnes of God. But the elect doe continue, and that they may continue, and may more and more answer vnto their calling, and not receiue the grace of God in vaine, to that very end serue those spurres of exhortations and threatnings profitable vnto them, to put a­way the securitie of the flesh, wherewith we daily wrestle.

3 Thirdly, Christ Ioh. 15 plainly setteth down the difference of the two kinde of branches, fruitfull and vnfruitfull: of the truly godly, and of hypocrites hauing a shew onely of god­lines, who neuertheles are for their externall profession iud­ged to be in the vine. And of these the Lord saith, that euery branch not bearing fruit in him, shall be taken away and bur­ned. Who are those, but such as haue faith without workes, that is,A Syllogisme. a dead faith? But of the branches that beare fruite hee saith, that the father will purge euery branch that beareth fruite, that it may bring more fruite. Vnder this proposition now let vs set downe the assumption: But all true belee­uers, in whom faith is effectuall by loue, and florisheth by purging the hearts and purifying the soules, are fruitfull bran­ches. Ergo, the father will daily more and more purge them: so farre off is it, that they shall be cut off.

The 12. place Matth 13. The parable of the debter expounded.The parable also of the debter, Matth. 18. seemeth to con­firme, that redemption, that is, remission of sinnes is made voide in some persons. For he that had his debt forgiuen him, was for his crueltie towards his fellow seruant, deliuered to the tormenters, till he should pay the whole debt.

I answere, that so great an agreement is not graunted to a similitude in disputing, that it may be applied in euery respect vnto the thing, whereto it is to bee vsed. Otherwise a simili­tude were not a similitude, but the thing it selfe. The minde [Page 127] and scope of Christ is to bee considered, who meant not to teach, whether sinnes once remitted, were retained or not: but he sheweth, it is required that wee forgiue our brethren their offences, if wee would obtaine the pardon of our offen­ces at Gods hands. Whereupon Christ also concludeth that parable thus: So also my heauenly father shall doe vnto you, vnles ye forgiue euery one his brother from the heart their of­fences: that is, as Christ himselfe Matth. 6. largely teacheth: If we shall forgiue men their offences, our heauenly father will al­so forgiue vs: but if we forgiue not, neither will the father for­giue vs.

But whether sinnes forgiuen bee retained, wee may reade the opinion of the Schoolemen, 4. sent. dist. 22. & part. 3. Thom. quaest. 88. As there we may see,Whether sins once pardo­ned be againe retayned. Rom. 8. they dispute the matter very doubtfully and confusedly: but there be farre more plai­ner testimonies of the sacred Scriptures: Whom he hath pre­destinated, them he hath called: whom he called, them he hath also iustified: whom he hath iustified, them he hath also glori­fied. I will remember their sinnes no more, saith the Lord. Iere. 31. Esay 44. & 38. Mica. 7. That he also blotteth out as a clowde their sinnes, to whom he is mer­cifull, and casteth them behinde his backe, yea into the bottome of the sea. These speeches doe sufficiently shew,What sinnes God once for­giueth, he e­uer forgiueth. that when God pardoneth sinnes, he so pardoneth, that he for euer for­getteth them, and bringeth them as it were into smoke, and to nothing: and therefore what sinnes he forgiueth, he doth foreuer forgiue.

But Huber is twise foolish, (that I say not after his maner,Thes. 270. mad) who out of the said parable would faine haue it to bee meant, that the sinnes of all alike are pardoned and that the reprobates are as well saued by Christ, as any other whom­soeuer. Doth he not see the contrary in that seruant? that re­mission of sinnes belongeth not to all, but to them who con­fesse their sins, and in humble maner craue pardon for them, being readie also from their hearts to pardon their fellow ser­uants?

One only place remaineth, 1. Ioh. 5.The 13. place 2. Iohn 5.10. That they who beleeue not God, make him a lier. Out of which saying this champion [Page 128] collecteth, that the promises of grace and life in Christ doe appertaine to the vnbeleeuers and reprobates also. Contra­ri [...]se Iohn expressely restraineth the promise of life vnto the beleeuers,Ephes. 2. when he saith. He that hath the sonne, hath life. But the vnbeleeuers haue neither the father nor the sonne, but do liue without Christ and God in the world, being strangers from the couenants of promise, and haue no hope as Paul witnesseth Is this it whereby the reprobates, and vnbeleeuers receiue life in the sonne of God, as this trifler saith? And the man very confident in so grosse ignorance, pleaseth himself, and like proud Goliah challengeth all men to shew how the vnbeleeuers as it is in Iohn, (in whose place he setteth the re­probates) doe make God a lier, if they receiue not life in his sonne? As though here I know not what sharpnes of wit were requisite.

They that beleeue not God, make him a lier,

But such as beleeue not the Gospell, beleeue not God.

Ergo, they make him a lier.

The maior is euident. The minor is proued by the text, be­cause the Gospell is the testimonie of God concerning his sonne, that beleeuers in him may haue eternall life. They therefore who either are touched with no care of saluation, or else seeke the same without Christ,How a man maketh God a lyar. or some other way, are incredulous vnto the Gospell, beleeue not God himselfe, and therefore, as much as in them lieth, they make him a lier: as contrariwise such as receiue his testimonie, do as it were sub­scribe with their hands and seales that God is true.Iohn 3. Obiection, But (saist thou) to whom the benefits of the Gospel, redemption, righ­teousnes, and life eternall do not belong, they are not bound to beleeue the Gospell:Thes. 266. & 484. nay they make God true in not be­leeuing, in kicking against it, and in blaspheming it: (for so this vile spirit speaketh) But vnto the reprobates the benefits of the Gospell belong not by our supposition: Therfore they are not bound to beleeue.Answere. Yea Mary this is an argument vn­answerable.The benefits of the Gospell belong not to reprobates, as they doe en [...]y them, but as they are inui­ted to them [...]y the Gospell preached. But I distinguish the minor: Albeit the benefits of the Gospell belong not by fruition to the reprobates and vnbeleeuers whomsoeuer, as farre forth as they are such, and [Page 129] that through their owne fault: yet they belong vnto them by inuitation, so farre forth as all alike without difference of elect and rebrobates are commanded to repent and beleeue the Gospell with an vniuersal promise: Whosoeuer beleeueth shall haue euerlasting life. And this is enough for this present pur­pose.

Very well saith Luther (whom alone these fellowes ad­mire in other things, but here doe extreamely contemne) in in his preface to the Romanes:Luther. Vpon the onely sentence of pre­destination depend all things: who shall receiue the word, and who not: who shall beleeue, and who not: who shall be deliuered from sinne, and who blinded: who shall be damned, and who iu­stified. Notwithstanding he aduiseth that curious persons be bridled, who before they learne Christ and the vertue of his crosse, doe search into the depth of predestination. But thou (saith he) learne the knowledge of Christ wrestle daily with thy flesh by faith, and then thou shalt perceiue how full predestina­tion is of consolation. And euery where he teacheth,In Gen. cap. 26. & 43. Item des [...]ar­bit. & in Psal. 5 that wee must iudge of God and of his wil and good pleasure towards vs, not by that which goeth before, but by that which com­meth after and is the later (as we speake): we must execute what God commandeth: we must behold the sonne incar­nate, and simplie rest in his reuealed word, according to that in the third of Ecclesiasticus:Vers. 21. Seeke not thou the things that bee too high for thee, nor search into them that be aboue thy reach: but such things as be commanded thee of God, me­ditate religiously vpon them: for the eye of the bodie are not needfull for the vnderstanding of secret mysteries.



LEt vs come now to the third Classe, which containeth absurdities so absurdly heaped together, as nothing is [Page 130] more absurd. For if the originall of these absurdities be con­sidered, they spring not from our doctrine, but frō the braine of a malitious person, impudently assailing the trueth, and of a wicked desire to brabble and slander, babbleth foolishlie what he pleaseth, according to the rule: Accuse thou falsely with boldnes, alwaies something taketh fast hold. And the ve­ry handling is a meere Chaos, and a confused heape, brea­thing out nothing but babling and impudencie. It euery where floweth with so many digressions, repetitions, and cuckow songs, and as though he had no propounded marke: he catcheth at one thing after another: so that to him that readeth these things, that thing will befall, which happened long agoe to a king of the Lacedemonians, who, when hee had heard an Embassador making an oration on a time ve­ry long but confusedly, answered briefly and pithily: J haue forgotten the first things, Huber. in Comp. Thes. I vnderstand not the last. But it is well done, that this slanderer (who in his booke is carried with a desire to contend I know not whither) doth in or­der rehearse (that it maybe certaine what he meaneth) those strange absurdities, which he saith doe necessarily follow of the doctrine of Caluin (as hee calleth it) touching the re­demption of mankinde, (for hereof is the question). And these they be:

1. That all Christian religion and faith is called into que­stion.

2. That the face of the Scripture is such, that it is made more like to the most lying Alcaron, then to the truth of the eternall God.

3. That the Catholike and true Church is condemned, which hath beleeued and alwaies with one mouth confessed, that Christ died for all men.

4. That men are driuen to desperation, when no man can haue any certaintie of his saluation: for that our consolation and Diuinitie consisteth of pure particulars.

5. That the whole preaching of the Gospell is abrogated.

6. That the Sacraments are taken away.

7. That God is accused of deceit and lying.

[Page 131]8. That Christ is accused as a deliuerer of God and men.

9. That this also followeth, specially if the doctrine of Pre­destination also (as our men iudge of it) bee considered, that God is worthily accused (which God forbid) of crueltie, of re­ioycing at other mens euils, of iniustice, and in a word of the vilest sinnes.

Oh villanies most worthie to be detested of al men! Who is not astonied and greatly abashed at such hainous false accusations? But let vs heare how he proueth these his ab­surdities, and relying vpon the truth,3. Esra. 4. (then which nothing is more strong) let vs defend our selues against the bitings of this Sycophant.

CHAP. XI. An Apologie or answere to the first and second accusation.

FIrst therefore he laieth to our charge, and accuseth our opinion of vniuersall redemption, that thereby doubtles all Christian religion and faith is called into question. Why so? we require of thee Huber the proofe of so great a crime, seeing that no man shall be innocent, if it bee sufficient to accuse onely.

If any Article (saiest thou) bee approued in Scripture,Thes. 4 [...]8. and in the rest fol­lowing. and bee throughout euery side of the leafe taught and plainly declared, it is this truly, that Christ died for the whole world, no man excepted. Therefore to denie this Article, is nothing else, then to charge the whole Scripture with falsehood. For if no credit bee giuen to these things indited so soundly and largely by the holy Ghost, and containing the summe of the whole Gospell, what shall be attributed to the whole Scripture?

I answere. The antecedent is denied, to wit,The confutati­on of the first accusation. that the doc­trine of vniuersall redemption, as Huber interpreteth it, is the doctrine of the holy Ghost, as though all sinnes were alike by the death of Christ, forgiuen to all men, beleeuers, and vn­beleeuers, [Page 132] receiuers and contemners. For as we haue seene a­boue, this cannot be plainely shewed by the heape of testi­monies which are brought: but this is the testimonie of all the prophets and Apostles with one consent, and the summe of the Gospell,Acts 10.43. that whosoeuer beleeueth in Iesus of Naza­reth, shall receiue remission of sinnes through his name. And hereafter also when we shall come to the proofe of our true opinion, we will at large make it plaine, what the Scriptures teach vs of this present controuersie. Wherefore it is the Gos­pell of men, and not of Christ, that euery one whether he doe beleeue or not, doth receiue remission of sins through his name. Therefore let those men lay aside this boasting of Scripture, who so plainely contradict the foundation of the Scripture, and let them take heede, least their owne foote be snared in the gin they haue layed. For if they are to be said to stirre vp warre against the Scripture, and to ouerturne religion and Christian faith, who gainesay the summe of the whole Gos­pell, what reckoning shall the Christian world make of these men?

The confutati­on of the se­cond.The second accusation ringeth of nothing but Mahume­tisme, Paganisme, Iudaisme, by the same lying spirit, where­by the Iewes raging against Christ, cast in his teeth Samari­tanisme, and (that I may so speake) Satanisme. Whereupon also, seeing the seruant is not aboue his Lord, nor the Disciple aboue his Maister, we nothing regarde this reproach, as o­ther innumerable. And that the vanitie of it may appeare, all the colour of blame lieth in this: In the Alcoran God thus speaketh to the Turkes, Disciples of Mahomet: If we would, we could giue a good and sure way of saluation to euery nation: [...]es. 2.76. but now our word is established, that Hell may be filled with the society of Diuels and men. Therefore it is the doctrine of Ma­homet, that surely God is able to saue all people, nations, and men, but he will not: and that for this cause, because he hath from eternitie and vnchangeablie decreed to declare his iu­stice in the damnation of diuels and reprobate men. But al­beit this slander doth not much pertaine to this present pur­pose, and therefore may bee omitted, (for the controuersie [Page 133] now is of Redemption, not of Predestination, which the ad­uersarie euery where mingleth, by that dexteritie of method, whereby he thrusteth this accusation into the second classe, whereas it should belong to the third,) yet that all men may know this shameles person, I say, that it is a meere cauill and babling. For as in the writings of Heathens,Whatsoeuer the Turkes and heathens teach & hold is not therefore to be condemned as [...]loni­ous and wic­ked: for they teach many things agree­ing with the trueth of Chri­stian religion so also in the religions of the Gentiles, Turkes and others, as also of here­tikes, a man may finde many things agreeing with the trueth of Christian Religion. Which things are so farre off from ma­king Christian faith to be in any part suspected, or disabled in any poynt; that on the contrarie they establish and strength­en the same. Otherwise all things, wherein there is found such consent, ought to be blotted out of Christian Religion, as er­ronious, false, foolish, Turkish, and heathenish. As for exam­ple, the Turkish religion acknowledgeth one God, Almigh­tie, creator of heauen and earth: also it teacheth, that Christ the sonne of Marie was sent of God, whose precepts euery seruant of the Gospell in iudging ought to follow, and such like. Therefore let Huber denie, that there is one God, let him denie him to be Almightie, let him denie him to be the Cre­ator of all, let him denie Christ to be the sonne of Marie, let him denie him to be sent of God, let him denie his precepts to be kept of Christians and such like things, least hee seeme to haue some thing in common with the Turkes: Lastly, let him goe on his head, because the Turkes goe a foote. And if this be ridiculous, it is more than Turkish furie and madnes, to condemne this proposition as Turkish:A true & god­ly proposition, though the Turkes teach the same in effect. That God is able surely to saue all men, but he will not, because he hath otherwise from euerlasting decreed. What the Alcoron teacheth of this, or not teacheth, we nothing passe, who haue not learned to draw the truth out of the stinking puddles of men, but out of the cleere fountaines of Israel, and we doe stand onely vnto the iudgement of the diuine Scriptures. And they teach vs, that God hath mercy vpon whom hee will,Exod. 33. and hardeneth whom he will, and that he hath raised vp Pharao,Rom. 9. and by his example generally vessels of wrath conioyned vnto destruc­tion, and doth daily raise vp, that in them he may shew his [Page 134] power and wrath: as contrariwise he hath prepared vessels of mercie vnto glory, that he might make knowne the riches of his glorie. What, that the Iudge at the last day shall say vn­to them, that shall be at his left hand: Goe ye cursed into euer­lasting fire, Matth. 25. prepared for the diuell and his Angels? Doe these things obscurely testifie, if we would rather follow the iudge­ment of the spirit, than of the flesh, that albeit God is able to saue all, yet he will saue some surely of the damnable masse of mankind, and damne others, according to the eternall counsell of his will?

A Dilemma, prouing that some are sa­ued, and others damned, and that by the will of God.Further, seeing it is without all doubt, that some shall be saued, and some damned: it must needes be done, either with or against the will of God. Not against his will, for so he should not be omnipotent: therefore with his will, and be­cause he willeth it, therefore from euerlasting he willeth it: vnles we would thinke, that God doth any thing by chance, or rashly, or else that some new thing falleth into his presci­ence and will.Aug. Ench [...]r. ad Laur. cap. 103. Augustine confirmeth this reason. We are by no meanes to beleeue, (saith he) that the Almightie God would haue any thing done, which is not done: because without any alteration or change, he hath done, whatsoeuer he would in hea­uen and earth, Psalm. 115.4. as the truth declareth: and therefore certaine­ly he would not doe, whatsoeuer he hath not done. The same man saith:De cor. & grat. cap. 14. No free will resisteth God, when he is willing to saue; for so to will and to be vnwilling, is in the power of the willer or niller, A notable say­ing. that it hindreth not the diuine will, nor doth ouercome his power. For concerning those men, who doe the things that God willeth not, he himselfe doth what he will.

Luther.Luther also in praefat. ad Rom. plainely writeth, That all things depend of predestination, who shall beleeue, who not, who shall be saued, who damned. And addeth that, which I leaue to be diligently obserued of the aduersaries: that the sentence is stable, and the necessitie immoueable of predestination, that it cannot be changed nor ouerthrowne of any creature. But chiefely in his booke, de seruo Arbitrio, he confesseth it at large; that the saluation of some, and the damnation of o­thers, doe wholy arise from hence, that God will haue some [Page 135] saued, and others damned, according to that saying of Paul. He hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will he harde­neth. And as touching the reprobates, he expressely writeth, chap. 161. That God of his owne meere will forsaketh, harde­neth, and damneth men. And addeth manifestly, that this is it, that greatly offendeth common sense and reason, as though God were delighted with the paines and torments of miserable persons. Also chap. 168. he saith: that the loue of God is eternall and immutable, and also the hatred of God toward mē euerlasting, before the world was made. And many such sayings doth that booke containe: as, that by his secret and fearefull will, God ordaineth whom and what manner of men he will haue to be partakers of mercy that is preached and offered: that the will of his maiestie reiecteth and leaueth some of purpose, that they may perish: that such as be forsaken or hardened by that secret will of his maiestie, doe not receiue God willing, speaking, dooing, and offering himselfe; againe that willinglie he hardeneth by that vnsearcheable will, &c. And that admonition of his, is very godly: In such things it is not our parts to search out the cause of Gods will, but to reue­rence, loue, and adore it, restraining the rashnes of reason: see­ing Christ also, Matth. 11. bringeth no other cause, why the Gospell is hid from the wise, and reuealed vnto little ones, than the good pleasure of the father. This doctrine of Luther, O Huber, sauoreth more certainely of the spirite of God, than those prophesies which thou hast drawne out of him, and doest wish to be fastened vnto all the dores of the Temple, and to be written in all mens hearts. Why then doe ye not admit it into all your Churches, and without contention en­graue it in your owne and other mens mindes? If yee shall doe it, it is well: but if yee continue to finde faulte with it in vs, and after your wonted boldnes by your wicked stile and tongue, banish it as Turkish, or else opening the dore to Tur­cisme, and other vnspeakeable mischiefe, I aduise you, consi­der in time, whether you will cast downe the authoritie of Luther, in the aduauncing whereof, euen vnto heauen you haue hitherto so greatly laboured.

CHAP. XII. Vnto the third accusation.

FVrthermore it is an impudent speech, that the Catholike and true Church is condemned of vs, which hath beleeued, and alwaies with one mouth confessed, that Christ died for all men. The Catholike Church hath euer beleeued that Christ di­ed for all men that beleeue in him, and not otherwise. Iohn 3. Acts 10. Heb. 11. We also confesse, that Christ died for all men. For who can denie that without distinction, which diuers times is ex­pressely set downe in the sacred Scriptures? But hereof is the question, whether all beleeuers and vnbeleeuers together, be from all sinne and condemnation, by the death of Christ, set free, iustified, and receiued into grace of the father, as sonnes and heires? It is most false, that the Catholike Church hath beleeued that with one consent: yea rather it hath alwaies beleeued this, and alwaies confessed it with one mouth, that faith is required, (without which it is impossible to please God) to the intent we may obtaine remission of sinnes, by the merite of Christ. But what antiquitie hath thought of this present controuersie, it is apparant by those things which be­fore we haue here and there alleaged out of the writings of the ancient fathers,Testimonies of the aduersarie answered. and it shall be shewed most plentifullie, when we shall come to the confirmation of our opinion. Now this shall suffice, if we shall answere briefely vnto the testimonies produced by the aduersarie.

1 In the beginning is produced the saying of Cyrill: That the vnbeleeuer is already iudged, Hub [...]th 539 Cyril. in Io. lib. 2. cap. [...]3. because he, by contemning the giuer of freedome from damnation, doth giue sentence of dam­nation against himselfe. What is this to the matter? Or else who denieth that vnbeleeuers refuse the author of saluation, while they beleeue not in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God, and therefore that condemnation and the wrath of God doe abide vpon them?

2 The words of Athanasius are somewhat more fit to the matter.Athanasius in Euang. de pass. & cru. Chri. The misteries (saith he) of the Hebrewes say, that the place of Caluerie is the sepulcher of Adam. If the matter [Page 137] be so, I wonder at the nature and propertie of that place. For it was meet that the Lord should suffer in that place, whē he min­ded to restore the first Adam, that his sinne being put away, he might abolish it from his whole kinde. And a little before those words he saith: The Lord was sacrificed, that by the blood of his offering hee might set all at libertie. Which saying I maruell the aduersarie omitted, if he himselfe read Athana­sius. But he vnderstood this either of sufficiencie, as we shall by and by heare that other fathers would haue such sayings of theirs to be taken:Synecdoche, is when part is vnderstoode by the whole, or the whole by part. Prosper. or els he spake by the figure Synecdoche of the vniuersalitie of the faithfull, who are out of al mankind conuerted. For according to the declaration of Prosper, lib. 2. cap. 1. de vocat. gent. neither part, I meane of good men and euill, of such as shall bee saued and damned, is without the name of all men: The part of such as rebell hauing the losse of saluatiō, but the dignitie of the faithfull obtaining the account of fulnes. And to that end citeth he the saying, 1. Ioh. 2.2. He is the propitiation for our sinnes: and not for ours only, but for the sinnes of the whole world. And lib. 1. cap. 3.The whole is set downe for a part in the Scripture, in the phrases, All men, the whole world, &c. the same writer from sundrie sayings of the Scripture concludeth on this wise: Therefore the people of God haue their fulnes: and albeit a great part of men doe either refuse, or neglect the grace of the Sauiour: yet in the elect and foreknowne, and in such as are seuered from the generalitie of all, there is a certain special vniuersalitie, so that out of the whole world, the whole world is deliuered, and out of all men, all men seeme to be taken: as also when the speech is of the vngodly, the diuine stile doth so order his maner of speaking, that the things which are spoken of some part, may seeme to appertaine to all men. Rom. 10.18. 1. Iohn 5.19. Mar. 1.5. Iohn. 3.32. and 8.2. And this very thing he sheweth plainly in that place by sundrie testimonies, that euen all the earth is named for a part of the earth, and the whole world for a part of the world, and all men for a part of mē. And so Ambrose vpon 3. to the Romanes expoundeth that saying: All haue gone astray. For (quoth he) because he saith all, he meaneth not the whole people altogether, but that part of the people, wherein all euill men are contained. And he brin­geth that which is in Ieremie,Iere. 26. All rose vp against the Prophet [Page 138] of the Lord to kill him. And it followeth, that all the people would not permit them. Of which example saith Ambrose thus: Therefore by those all hee meaneth such as were euill, and by these all, the good. For alwaies there be two people in one multitude.

But that we may not doubt of the minde of Athanasius, in the very same oration he describeth the grace of redemption thus: That Christ was made man and died, that wee mortall men might bee quickened, and may no longer endure the king­dome of death: that therefore he was crucified that he might take vpon him the curse, and that we might possesse the blessing. If this be vnderstood of al men without exception, there shal be none any more, ouerwhom death and hell shall haue do­minion. Furthermore, Athanasius in the same place often repeateth the said Synecdoche, as that he saith: that the deuill being cast out of hell, all his captiues are deliuered by the power of Christ: which thing he straightwaies expoundeth of the vniuersalitie of the Saints, who are with Adam set free. Like­wise he saith, that the deuill hath lost al his spoyles, and is made poorer then Irus: but hee speaketh of such as are conuerted, who in euery place are translated from the power of Satan into the kingdome of Christ. After the same maner certain­ly he saith, that the knowledge of God came to all men, and into all places: that all men tread the deuill vnder their feete: that all doe vnder the conduct of Christ laugh him to scorne: that all his subtile shifts are marred, and all the wisedome of the Grecians is become foolish, because the death of the Sauiour hath brought the world into libertie, and hath giuen cause, that the Gentiles should glorifie God, while the Iewes continue blinded in the knowledge of Christ. These things manifestly shew, how Athanasius iudged, that Christ died to put away sinne from all mankind, according to that Ioh. 12. which he also citeth: When I shall be lifted vp, I will draw all things vnto me.

The 3. [...]estimo­nie of the ad­uersarie. Chrysost. in 1. ad Tim. hom. 7.Besides there is cited Chrysostome, where he saith, that Christ also hung vpon the crosse for the Gentiles and vnbelee­uers. I answere: He saith not this onely but more also, that [Page 139] Christ died for all, for beleeuers and vnbeleeuers, Hom. 17. in Epist. ad Heb. vpon that of the Apostle, he was offered that he might take away the sinnes of many. But he declareth him­selfe, that such sayings are to bee taken as touching the suffici­encie or greatnes of the price, and not as touching the effect: for so he teacheth that the sinnes of many onely and not of all, to wit, of the beleeuers, and not of vnbeleeuers are taken a­way by the oblation of Christ. His words are these: Why is he said to be offered to take away the sinnes of many, and not of all? Because all beleeue not. He died surely as much as lay in him, for all, that is, his death is of such moment, as is the perdi­tion of all. Theophylact the abridger of Chrysostome, expres­sed the same distinction ad Heb. 2. & 9. and mentioneth that Basil also did so distinguish. Whereupon also Chrysostome Hom. 39. in 1. ad Cor. vpon that saying of the Apostle, that all shall be quickened in Christ, plainly denieth, that that can bee meant of the the righteousnes of all men, as though whosoe­uer were made sinners in Adam, haue the free gift of righte­ousnes in Christ. Of these things it is cleere, to what opinion Chrysostome, Theophylact, Basill, and other fathers doe leane.

In alleadging Augustine,The 4. testi­monie. Augustine. I know not whether I may blame craftines or grossenes in the aduersarie. Augustine intituleth a booke, Of articles falsely laid to his charge: whereof the first article was, that he was falsely charged, (as wee are also falsely by such as enuie vs at this day) as if he should teach, that our Lord Iesus Christ suffered not for the redemption of all men. Therefore (saist thou) by Augustines iudgement it is a false and prophane opinion, that Christ suffered not for the redemption of all.

But Huber by a sophisticall or deceitfull cunning passeth by those things, which Augustine there largely writeth for the declaration of this article. For he also vsing the distinctiō before alleadged out of Chrysostome, saith: Quod ad magni­tudinem & potentiam pretij, &c. that is, As touching the greatnes and power of the price, and as much as concerneth the onely cause of mankinde, the blood of Christ is the redemption [Page 140] of the whole world; and so all are rightly said to bee redeemed: but whereas they are voide of redemption, who passe through this world without the faith of Christ, and without the Sacra­ment of regeneration, doubtles the proprietie of redemption be­longeth to them, out of whom the prince of this world is cast forth, and are now not the vessels of the deuill, but the members of Christ: whose death was not bestowed for mankind, that they also, who were not to be regenerated, should belong vnto his re­demption. For the cup of immortalitie, which is made of our infirmitie, and the diuine vertue, hath surely in it selfe that it can profit all: but if it bee not drunke, it doth no good. These things he.

The 5. testi­monie. Maximus.As for the saying of Maximus in Augustine, serm. 128. de tempore: We reade in the Scriptures, that the saluation of whole mankinde is redeemed by the blood of the Sauiour, and the safetie of the whole world is euerlasting. Those words may bee expounded as touching the greatnes and power of the price, being so rich, that if all would beleeue in Christ, the chaines of Satan should hold none, but all should enioy eter­nall safetie. But the right meaning is, that the author there speaketh of the generality of the beleeuers through the whole world, which thing he shal cōfesse, whosoeuer shall consider his drift & scope.See also Am­brose in Lu. 23. de cassa prodit. poenit. For this he meaneth that the world is like a potters field bought with the price of the Lords blood for strangers, that is (saith he) for Christians, who are exiles in the whole world, that they that haue not possession in the world, may possesse a whole Sauiour. Therfore that redemp­tion belongeth nothing to the vnbeleeuers, being the sonnes and possessors of the world. And this is the constant doctrine of the fathers, as at large shall bee shewed in the booke fol­lowing.

The 6. testi­monie. Cypr. de ablut. pe [...]um. Aug. ser [...]. in mon­ [...]e. lib 1. Chrysost. hom. [...]. & 20.But concerning them, who after faith receiued returne vnto their vomite againe, it is little auailable, how we vnder­stand certaine sayings of the fathers, wherein they are read to attribute to such persons the grace of pardon, and clensing from sinnes, adoption and such like. For this is not the state of the controuersie, whether they that haue once obtained by [Page 141] faith remission of sinnes, doe chance to fall from that grace or no: but whether all, beleeuers and vnbeleeuers haue once receiued the grace of that pardon, and clensing from sinnes, or no? Those very sayings of the fathers approue the nega­tiue part which we defend, because they speake of such as are conuerted and baptized, and to these onely they giue it, that they are set free from sinnes, and made the sonnes of God. But how some afterward lose this grace, and returne to their vomit, wee haue aboue fully declared: to wit, that so farre as they are numbred with the Church, they bee accounted, and ought to bee accounted in the iudgement of charitie, for re­conciled and the sonnes of God, although with God often­times they bee not such,Serm. domin. in monte lib. 1. as Augustine very well hath witnes­sed. Whereupon also he ioyneth these together: to bee made partaker of the spirit of grace, whereby wee are reconciled to God, and to hold the societie of the holy brotherhood: Aug. in Leuit. whereas in the meane while many hypocrites euery where creepe in­to that societie, hauing with Simon Magus visible sanctifica­tion onely, and wanting the inuisible.

Furthermore, touching the new writers,The 7. testi­monie. (who because of certaine phrases are drawne to the defence of this error) wee are not greatly troubled, because we follow not the preiudi­cate opinion of this or that Doctor, but the trueth it selfe.Answers to the sayings of the new writers, ci­ted by the ad­uersarie. Yet for their sakes that are desirous of the trueth, we think it good to giue some aduise.

Bullinger, Gualter, Musculus and others are cited, and the confessions of one or two Churches in Heluetia, out of whō these and the like kinde of sayings are diligently drawne: to wit, that Christ, as Bulling. ser. 2. de Natiuit. Chri. much as is in him is a Sauiour to all, and came to saue all: The same vp­on 1. Iohn 1. that he pleased God by sacrifice for all the sinnes of all times: Cat. ch. minore Eccl. Tigur. that his passion ought to satisfie for the sin of all men, and that the whole world is quickened by the same: Mus [...]. in locis de remiss. p. q. 2. that the grace of remission of sinnes is appointed for all mor­tall men, and such like.

Vnto these I answere, that howsoeuer, and in what sense soeuer those writers vttered these and the like kind of spee­ches, it is certaine that they were not of the aduersaries opi­nion, [Page 142] that effectually and in very deed all, without exception of any one, and without any difference of beleeuers and vn­beleeuers, are receiued into grace, and made partakers of re­mission of sinnes, righteousnes and saluation in Christ. Of which thing that we may not doubt at al in the Miscellanies of D. Ierome Zanchie of godly memorie,Zanchius. there is the iudge­ment extant of the Church and schoole of Tigur, touching certaine Theses of the said Zanchie, which at that time were hatefully pursued of certaine that moued the same mischiefe that Huber doth.

The promises of the free mercie of God, and of sure and e­ternall saluation, (saith Zanchie in his 13. proposition) albeit they be propounded vniuersally to all, and are so to be preached, yet vnto the elect onely in very deede they doe belong. And straight after in 14. proposition: Wherefore when Paul saith, God will haue all men to be saued: if a man restraine that word (all men) to the elect in any order of men whatsoeuer they be: also if a man interprete that saying 1. Ioh. 2. Christ is the pro­pitiation of the whole world, for the elect dispersed, or to be dis­persed hereafter through the whole world, he doth not depraue the Scripture.

Of the vniuer­salitie of the promise of grace.What do those lights of the Heluetian Church, Bullinger, Gualther, Wolfius, Marty, Simler, Lauater and the rest say to these things? They doe not onely assent that the promises touching the free mercie of God, and sure and eternall salua­tion, doe belong vnto the elect onely, but also they confirme it with this reason: That the promises are hidden things for faith, and can no otherwise be perceiued then by faith: & ther­fore they belong onely vnto them, who are adorned with faith by God. Certainly (say they) the promises of this kinde are to be preached vnto all, because the ministers of the word know not such as are elect according to purpose, and they haue a flock consisting of reprobates and elect: but they are made effectuall by the power of Gods spirit in them onely, who are of the num­ber of the elect.

Afterward touching the other proposition, that is, this whole controuersie, they make a pure and cleere confession, [Page 143] publishing it with a lowd voice in these words:The vniuersali­tie of the elect, in the worde All men, by the opinion of new writers. We truly are of the same iudgement, and cannot reiect with a good consciēce that exposition, which also we acknowledge to be agreeable to the text, and not once alleadged by Augustine, a father most worthie praise of all, for which interpretation he was ne­uer of any man condemned of heresie.

In the same place they subscribe also to Zanchies opi­nion, that true faith is giuen once onely to the elect, The elect per­seuer in faith. and that the elect once indued with true faith, and ingrafted into Christ by the holy Ghost, cannot altogether lose faith shake off the holy Ghost, and wholly fall frō Christ, and that because of the pro­mise of God, and the prayer of Christ. Notwithstanding that true faith and the spirit is as it were a sleepe and languisheth in the Saints, when they fall, but is not altogether taken a­way: otherwise the seede of God should not remaine in them, as it is said 1. Ioh. 3.

Behold Huber the sentence of so many worthie men (whom thou hast gotten for thy defendors) consenting a­gainst thee? Therefore there is no cause, that thou shouldest seeke after craftie wresting of words, and make wiles to in­trap men through some phrases of theirs, whose iudgement is so plainly knowne. Yet least thou shouldest chaunce to doubt of these things,Zuinglius. take but the aduise of Huldrich Zuing­lius onely, the ornament of thy Heluetia, and the brightnes of all kinde of learning, Annot. in Euang. & epist. Pauli, per Leonem Iudae editis. There be many such kinde of speaking, vsed afterward in like maner of his successors:Annot. ad Heb. In Ioh. 6. In Ioh. 12. That the son of God tooke flesh, that he might be made a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world: that his flesh was giuen for the life and redemption of the whole world: and that he died for all, that he might quicken all by himselfe, In Ioh. 17. and by his death giue life to the vniuersall world: that Christ came to saue all, and to giue eternall life to all, &c. That man surely vseth thus to speake, but in a farre other sense, than thou huntest for such kinde of speakings in his schollers and successors. For expounding himselfe he expressely writeth:In Matth. 15. Whereas Christs death is the remedie and plaister of our diseases and wounds, yet that many [Page 144] feele not the efficacie thereof, In Ioh. 3. namely such as doe not acknow­ledge their sinnes. Also, that he was sent to forgiue sinnes to all repentant sinners, and to communicate eternall life: that he is the life and saluation of the godly, the life of beleeuers and such like. In Ioh. 6. & praefat in histo. de pass. In epist. ad Rom. 3. In Ioh. 12. And yet he taketh away the sins of the whole world, and giueth life to all, both because no sinnes in the world are forgiuen, but by and for the onely reconciler Christ Iesus: and also, because he is an vniuersall Sauiour, to wit, not onely of the Iewes, but of the Gentiles also, that they that haue the fruition of Christ his oblation, may for euer goe to God through him, and may haue by faith through Christ the blotting out of all their sinnes: as more at large a man may see in the same wri­ter, tom. 1. expostul. ad Fridolium. Attend and weigh O Hu­ber, and cease to abuse the testimonies of thine Helue­tians.

The 8. testimo­nie. Musculus.The same thing I say of Musculus, whose iudgement who so looketh into, I know very well he will marueile at Hubers wit, and at his desire and captious kinde of speaking to per­uert all things.De remiss. pecc. q. 2. Thes. 586. These are his words: That the grace of re­mission of sinnes is appointed for all mortall men. This Huber catching at greedily, setteth it in his booke in great letters: but malitiously altogether pulled away from the words fol­lowing, wherein lieth the meaning of that saying: to wit, that the grace of remission of sinnes is appointed for all mortall men, as farre forth as the Gospel is to be preached to euery creature, and the mercie of God to be set forth to all. And so Musculus vnderstandeth the sayings:Ioh. 3. 1. Ioh. 2. So God loued the world. Christ is the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole world: not that re­mission of sinnes by the grace of God befalleth to all, without difference of beleeuers and vnbeleeuers: which is the opinion of the aduersarie, and not of Musculus. Nay thus he testifieth openly: If we consider them, who by the grace of God obtaine remission of their sinnes, as of the elect: so of these also there is a small number in respect of the reprobates, whose sins he saith are for euer retained. Let the same man also be weighed, lo­co de Redemp. where he saith: Wee know that all men are not made partakers of this redemption. Againe saith he: Men [Page 145] reprobate and desperatly wicked receiue not redemption. The contrary hereof Huber with full mouth auoucheth, that all by Christ are made partakers of redemption: that all receiue it, but that the reprobates hauing once receiued it doe lose it a­gaine.

Neuerthelesse,Three reasons of Musculus, why redempti­on is vniuersall. according to the reasons assigned of Mus­culus, this redemption is rightly termed vniuersall. 1. Be­cause it commeth not to passe by the defect of grace, that many doe perish, but by the defect of faith, seeing grace is 1 prepared for all, to wit, that do not refuse it,Matth. 22. as all things were readie for the marriage. 2. Because all are called vnto it.2 3. Because so it is appointed for all, that no man without it 3 is of can be redeemed. Where now he doth vnderstand this appointing otherwise than before: yet rightly, because albeit many are not redeemed nor iustified, yet all by Christ are re­deemed and iustified, because no man is redeemed but by him. Of all which things it plainly appeareth, that Musculus, as well as others, is against the aduersarie, and nothing at all on his side.

That which he citeth out of Hemingius his Syntagma,The 9. testi­monie. Hemingius. or Treatise, hath some colour, to wit, that Christ came not for to redeeme onely certaine selected out of mankinde, but that that grace is vniuersall, as touching the fatherly will of God. But albeit Hemingius hath thus written, because he otherwise vnderstandeth the doctrine of Predestination: yet he greatly dissenteth from the deuise of the aduersaries, that all, belee­uers and vnbeleeuers without doubt, properly and in verie deede by receiuing remission of sinnes, are receiued into the bosome of grace, iustified and saued by the death of Christ. Contrariwise Hemingius Thes. 28. testifieth, (which These Huber craftily hid, when he alleadged the 27.) that as touch­ing the euent, the grace of redemption belongeth to a few onely, because few beleeue, and bring forth the fruites of repentance. For hee acknowledgeth and often times repeateth, that albeit the Gospell offer the benefits of Christ to all men of what nation and condition soeuer they be,De promiss. reparat. yet they are recei­ued by faith alone, and so iustification and saluation are free­ly [Page 146] giuen to him that beleeueth.De Euangelio. And cleerely he saith, That the condition of faith is required, that the benefit may be ap­plied, that is remission of sinnes: and the condition of perseue­rance, that it may be retayned, being receiued. For which thing these men say, that all haue once receiued the benefit, that the beleeuers abide in the same, being receiued, and the vnbeleeuers doe lose it againe.

The 10. testi­monie. Catackis pala­tin.I come vnto that which is obiected out of the Catechisme of our Churches, quest. 37. where the words of the Cate­chisme haue, that Christ sustained in bodie and soule, the wrath of God against the sinnes of all mankinde. But the exposition is all one with the place of Athanasius before, where was the like speech. Certainely the effect of the death of Christ is not in all, beleeuers, and vnbeleeuers indifferently; but as our Catechisme out of the word of God teacheth, quest. 30. They that imbrace by a true faith, Iesus to be a perfect sauiour, doe possesse all things which are requisite to saluation. Againe, quest. 20. to the demaunde, Whether then saluation be giuen by Christ to all men, who perished in Adam? It is plainely an­swered: Not to all men, but to them onely, who are ingrafted into him by a true faith, and imbrace his benefits. If thou canst (Huber) reconcile this with thy opinion, (which is full of er­ror) to wit, that all who perished in Adam are receiued into grace by Christ, iustified, quickened, and restored to saluati­on. See also in the Catechisme, quest. &c. in all which places, no other participation of Christ and his bene­fits is set downe than by a true faith, hypocrites and vnbelee­uers being excluded. But of these things enough. Let the ad­uersarie now goe, and maintaine his error by the testimo­nies of olde and new writers, whereby he is most manifest­ly confuted.

CHAP. XIII. Vnto the fourth accusation.

Huber. pa. 20, [...]7. 312.THe fourth absurditie obiected vnto vs followeth: That men are driuen to desperation, and that no man can haue [Page 147] any certaintie of his saluation. This malitious and false crime he tosseth too and fro. The summe and effect tendeth to this, that all the assurance and comfort of saluation according to our opinion leaneth vpon meere particulars, whereof no­thing followeth, after this sorte:

  • Some men are in fauour with God, and shall be saued.
  • I am a man.
  • Therefore I am in fauour with God, and shall be saued.

As though we were so foolish and vnwise, that we haue not learned better out of the word of God to comfort our selues and others. For as there is of those which shall be damned, so there is of such as shall be for euer saued, a certaine vniuersa­litie in the Scriptures: neither can any man that is in his right wits denie, that some shall be receiued, others refused: some shall be saued, others shall perish in the last day:Math. 24.25. the former reioycing for euer in the fathers kingdome prepared for them before the foundations of the world, and these contrariwise suffering eternall torments in vnquencheable fire, prepared for the diuell and his angels.

And albeit God knoweth them that be ordained by him to eternall life, or else not ordained, and all things (that I may vse the words of Luther) are set down in Predestination,Prefat. ad Rom. who shall be saued, who damned: yet we must not goe vnto e­lection without the word, and speculatiuely,In Gen. 26. (as he speaketh) least we fall headlong into desperation or contempt: but we must iudge of election, a posteritie, that is by that which fol­loweth it as they say, that is, by faith,The vniuersali­tie of the pro­mise of grace. and by other fruites of e­lection, arising vnto the very cause it selfe. Hence come those most sweete promises made vnto the beleeuers, vniuersall surely: Come vnto me all ye that labour, I will refresh you. Matth. 11. Ioh. 3. Ioh. 6. Who­soeuer beleeueth in the sonne shall not perish. This is the will of the father, that all that beleeue in the sonne, should haue eter­nall life. Hereunto beare all the prophets witnesse, that all that beleeue in him, receiue remission of sinnes through his name. Acts 10. & 13 19. By him whosoeuer beleeueth is iustified. The righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesu Christ, in all, and vpon all that beleeue. Rom. 3. & 9. Whosoeuer beleeeueth in him, shall not be confounded. For there [Page 148] is one Lord of all, rich towards all that call vpon him: for who­soeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord, shall be saued.

The promise requireth faith.And often elsewhere, after this sort is the promise of salua­tion and eternall life (made vnto the beleeuers) repeated. For the promise requireth faith, and in respect of the belee­uers, it is vniuersall, as Ambrose also well expoundeth it, lib. 1. de poenit. ca. 10.Ambrose. He that hath faith, hath eternall life, he is not excluded from pardon: whosoeuer beleeueth, shall not perish. When he saith, whosoeuer, no man is excluded, no man excepted. All, saith he, that is, of what state soeuer, of what fall soeuer, if he beleeueth, let him not be afraide of perishing.

Now out of this vniuersall ground, this is the argument, wherewith we ouercome the world, the diuell, sinne, death, and hell:

A Syllogisme, shewing how a man ought to applie to himselfe the generall pro­mise.
  • ‘Whosoeuer shall beleeue in Christ, shall be saued by his grace, and not be ashamed for euer.’
  • The faithfull person assumeth; ‘I beleeue Lord.’
  • The conclusion followeth: ‘Therefore I shall be saued by the grace of God, and not be ashamed for euer.’

The maior of the Syllogisme is plaine by the promises pro­duced before. He that beleeueth, hath in himselfe the proofe of the minor:The beleeuer knoweth him­selfe to haue faith, and how. for he certainely knoweth himselfe to beleeue, his owne minde so telling him, and his ready and vnfayned studie of new obedience witnessing the same; whereupon faith is knowne, as the tree by the fruites. For as Iohn saith, 1. Epist. 2. By this we are sure we know him, if we keepe his commaundements. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commaundements, is a lyar, and the trueth is not in him. Hereupon also Augustine hath left it in writing, that euery one most certainely seeth his faith, if he haue the same. Which saying of his,Luther in Galat. 4. cap. Luther also alloweth as right and godly. Yea the Apostle himselfe prescribeth this rule, 2. Cor. 13. Proue your selues, whether you be in faith, examine your selues. Wherein he sufficiently declareth, that such as be ingraffed into Christ by a true faith, may haue the knowledge therof in themselues.

Marke this.But if Satan, as if he is a lyar and murtherer from the be­ginning, dare denie vnto thee that thou beleeuest, yeelde not [Page 149] vnto him whosoeuer thou art, O man, who throughly percei­uest the tokens of faith in thy selfe, but contrariwise goe most boldlie, and say vnto him: Goe behinde me Satan, Matth. 16. 2. Tim. 1. for thou sa­uourest not the things which are of God; I know whome I haue beleeued, and I am perswaded, 1. Thess 5. that he is able to keepe that which I haue committed vnto him, against that day. He is faithfull who hath called me, who also will effect it. A weake faith ought not to cast a man downe. Neither is there any cause why thou shouldst bee troubled, and cast downe in minde for the imperfection of faith, and for those contrary motions, feare, doubtings, heauines, and manifolde temptations, wherewith we daily fight, as long as we carrie about this bodie of death. For we know him, who hath said: Beholde my seruant, whom I haue chosen, my beloued, Esay. 24. Matth 12. he shall not breake a brused reede, and smoking flaxe hee shall not quench, till he bring forth iudgement vnto victorie. Matth. 14.31. & 16▪ 8. How of­ten hath the Lord testified by notable examples in the Gos­pell towards his disciples, and others greatly weake in faith, how he doth not cast off, but with great loue and lenitie, re­ceiue and cherish such as are weake in faith, and daily maketh them more stronger? Faith therefore although it be faint,Rom. 14.3. so long as it is true and sincere, shall not fayle of his effect. One­ly let him, who feeleth himselfe to doubte, exercise his faith,If thou doubt, doe this. and wrestle against doubting: let him say with the father of the child, that had the dumbe spirit: I beleeue Lord, Mark. 9. Luk. 17. helpe mine vnbelefe, and let him pray with the Apostles: Lord increase our faith.

Is this to driue men to desperation? Is this to reason from pure particulars? And what other consolation I pray you may be brought, whereby a man may be made certaine of his saluation, to wit, that he is iust before God, and heire of e­ternall life? Certainely if we haue no other ground of com­fort, than that such as shall bee saued and damned, the elect and reprobates are all alike redeemed by Christ, we shall fall headlong into desperation. Therefore madde and foolish he must needes be, that thus concludeth:

They that are saued and damned,The weake and wofull comfort that ariseth from the redempti­on of all and euery one without ex­ception. are all alike redeemed by Christ:

[Page 150]Ergo, it will come to passe, that I shall not perish, but haue euerlasting life.

Therefore it appeareth, that that vniuersalitie of men re­deemed, no one at all excepted, which the aduersarie so greatly talketh of, is not the proper ground of Christian con­solation: but we must come to faith, which putteth difference betweene those that shall be saued and damned. For by faith we receiue the merite of Christ, and applie it to our selues, and therefore he that beleeueth in the sonne, hath eternall life: but he that beleeueth not in the sonne,Iob. 3. shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. And hitherto at the length is the aduersarie brought, will he, nill he, to the intent he may assigne some thing certaine of the certaintie of saluation. We (saith he,The aduersarie himselfe con­fesseth the truth. Thes. 534.) Doe knowe that saluation is certaine, vndoubted, and constant, and we say that it pertaineth vnto them, who by faith abide in Christ, and we say, that they shall a­bide in faith, who suffer not the word of vniuersall grace vpon all, The faithfull shall continue. Luke 22. Ioh. 17. to be taken frō themselues. We also say the same thing, and further say, that they shall perseuer in the word and assurance of grace, who are once ingrafted into Christ, by a true and liuelie faith, he praying for them, and giuing them this freely, that their faith shall not fayle. For this foundation being once remoued of the perseuerance of true beleeuers: what certain­ty can any man haue of the grace of God in time to come, and therefore of his saluation? What, that the vniuersalitie of the promise, which they so greatly vrge, must then needes fall.Flat contraries. For these are flat contrarie, that all beleeuers are saued, and that some beleeuers doe fall away and perish. But if saluati­on pertaine to them, (as it doth) which by faith abide in Christ, what shall we say of vnbeleeuers: they are excluded. Therefore let him looke to it,Huber. Thes. 266. & sequent. who auoucheth that they are a­like saued by Christ, as well as any other, and that the promi­ses of grace and life, belong to them also.

Obiection. But grace is vniuersall. Answere. I answer, grace must be preached to euery creature:Mark. 16. but the enioying of it, abideth with the v­niuersalitie of the beleeuers, wherein there is no difference of Iewe or Gentile,Rom. 3. maister or seruant, male or female, but the [Page 151] righteousnes of God, is in all, and vpon all that beleeue. But they that beleeue not, shall not see life,Iob. 3. but the wrath of God abideth on them. And this is enough, that thou maiest safely, and oughtest to beleeue, that Christ dyed for thee and thy saluation because we are commaunded all to repent and be­leeue the Gospell, hauing this promise added, that he that be­leeueth and is baptized, shall be saued, he that beleeueth not, shall be damned.

The aduersarie cauilleth,Huber. thes. 83. that it is not sufficient for vs to say, that we must beleeue, that Christ profiteth all men, who beleeue in him: for straightwaies is asked, what shall I be­leeue? What is promised vnto me, before I beleeue? What? Thou hast the rule of faith, the Apostles Creede, and doest thou not know what thou oughtest to beleeue? And as tou­ching the promise, it is true, that vnles a promise goe before, faith cannot follow, seeing faith commeth by hearing the promise. I say therefore, that the grace of God, saluation, and eternall life in Christ, are promised to a man, not as yet belee­uing, but conditionally, if he shall beleeue.Luther. Here Luther in Gen. 48. If thou beleeuest thou hast; if thou wilt not beleeue, thou shalt haue nothing. For so much thou hast, as thou doest beleeue. If thou beleeuest, now thou canst doe, and possessest all things: but if thou doest not beleeue, thou hast nothing.

CHAP. XIIII. A discussing of the fift absurditie.

FVrthermore, the first absurditie raised vp by this contenti­ous quareller, is this, that by the deniall of vniuersall re­demption as he vnderstandeth it, that is, by the not graunting of the vniuersalitie of grace and saluation by Christ in all, and vpon all, without any difference of faith or vnbeleefe, elect or reprobates, there followeth the abrogation of the whole mini­sterie of the Gospell, because no man can know (if we credite him) what must be preached to any man. Is it euen so? But we see Christ and his Apostles, (from whom we must draw [Page 152] the patterne of sound doctrine,What must be preached, to whom, and how. Ioh. 9 41. Luk 14 47. Act. 2.38. & 10.43.) to follow this way of tea­ching, that they reproue all of sinne, they exhorte all to repen­tance and faith, they lift vp consciences afflicted with the fee­ling of sinne, and terrified with the feare of iudgement, by the promises of the Gospell; contrariewise they affray with the Lawe, secure persons, and briefly, they open to the belee­uers,Rom. 1.2.3. and shut to the vnbeleeuers, the kingdome of God. These authors if wee will imitate, (and wee must bee thereto willing) we shall know,What is to di­uide the word aright. what, to whome, and how we must preach, and making choyce betweene careles persons, and them that are pricked in their hearts, we shall preach grace and remission of sinnes vnto them, who acknowledge them­selues to haue sinnes, and doe desire to be deliuered from them: but vnto them, who securely goe on in sinnes, we shall propound the Lawe, that by the curse they may be terrified, and brought by this meanes vnto the feare of God. This is to diuide the worde of God rightly, that God may bee ac­knowledged both mercifull vnto them that confesse their sinnes, and beleeue in his sonne, and also angrie with careles persons, and so euery one may learne to feare God, and to leane vpon his mercie, which he hath declared in the sending of his sonne. This difference not obserued, it commeth to passe, that they, who were to bee comforted by the Gospell, are crucified by the Lawe, and they who were to bee terrified by the Lawe,Tom. 2. fol. 123. & tom. 4. fol. 104. are hardened by the Gospell: as Luther doth ve­ry well aduise vs of all these things, in Gen. 18. and vpon that saying of Matthew, chap. 9. Be of good comfort, sonne, thy sins are forgiuen thee. Where also among other things he noteth, that Christ offered the Gospell to the man afflicted with the palsey, but reproued the Pharisees for blasphemers and wic­ked men. Why (saith he) thinke ye euill? He doth not say to the man sicke of the palsey, why doest thou thinke euill? Nor to the Pharisees, Be of good comfort, &c. most rightly cutting the word of God.

Not our opini­on, but our ad­uersaries di­sturbeth the order of prea­ching aright.Here now let it bee considered, whether doctrine distur­beth this order: Ours, whereby out of the commaundement of God all are commanded to repent and beleeue, and to all [Page 153] and euery beleeuer is preached forgiuenes of their sins from God for the merits of Christ, as often as by a true faith they imbrace the promise of the Gospell: but contrariwise to all vnbeleeuers and hypocrites is denounced, that the wrath of God and eternall condemnation doe so long abide vpon them, as they continue to be such men? Or els the doctrine of Huber rather,Thes. 60. who being caried away in the chariot of con­tention through vaine paradoxes, preacheth to all men, as well to secure as to the afflicted, as well to vnbeleeuers as to beleeuers, that all iudgement and wrath of God is in verie deede truly and properly taken away and remoued? who vndoubtedly auoucheth that all men together are freed from all sinne,Thes. 65. and that whole mankinde in very deede without ex­ception of any one, is receiued into the grace and bosome of the father by the death of his sonne. Who also affirmeth, that righteousnes and the worke of saluation by Christ per­taineth to all them that were lost in Adam:Thes. 46. and defendeth with as great contention and impudencie as his wit and stile will yeeld him,Thes. 270. that al reprobates as well as any other whom­soeuer are saued by him. Wherefore let him rather acknow­ledge his owne fault, then so boldly blame other men.

He obiecteth: If the grace of God pertaine not to all, Obiection. Thes. 475. & sequent. with what mouth & with what forehead dare the minister and prea­cher of reconciliation in publishing the Gospell, call all and e­uery one to the grace of God? Jf he inuite all promise to all, ex­hort all to repentance, he shal lie: because grace belongeth not to all by this supposition: and vnto whom the promise & grace doe not belong, they also neither ought, nor can possiblie be­leeue.

Answere. I answere,that in this argument diuers things are mingled together: the commandement of repentance, that is, the in­uitation to conuersion and faith: and the promise of grace. Therefore a distinction is needfull.The comman­demēt of faith and repentance bindeth all. Mar. 1. As touching the precept of conuersion and faith, that bindeth all men simplie, accor­ding to the saying: Repent ye and beleeue. Wherefore no lye shall here bee committed, if the minister of the word inuite all men to faith, exhort and stirre vp all to repentance. But [Page 145] the promises of grace,But the promi­ses of grace be­long to the be­leeuers onely. 2. Thess. 3. Acts 13. wherein is offered mercie, peace, sal­uation, honour, glorie, life and immortalitie: these (speaking of men growne) are receiued no otherwise than by faith, and faith all men haue not, but whom God of his singular mercie vouchsafeth that diuine gift. Further, the aduersarie himselfe, whether he will or not, must confesse (as before also we men­tioned) that saluation pertaineth vnto them,Thes. 534. who by faith a­bide in Christ. Therefore it doth not belong to the vnbelee­uers and so to all: no truly, vnles a man would call againe the fable of Origene,Origens fable that all men at length shall be saued. Wher­fore here the Antecedent is denied, that the minister of the Gospell promiseth to all, and preacheth the couenant of recon­ciliation to all, as though all were comprehended alike in the couenant. Zach 1.3. Ezech. 18.21. Esay 1.17. Acts 2.38. & 8.22. For to speake simply, he promiseth to the beleeuers onely, and to such as repent. But to the vnbeleeuers and hy­pocrites he denounceth wrath, because the wicked hath no peace, saith the Lord: neither is any thing promised vnto them but conditionally, to wit, if they turne, and beleeue with all their heart.The promise is made vnto the wicked condi­tionally. And this condition God alone performeth in whom it pleaseth him, seeing both faith and repentance bee his meere gift.

And in this sense it is rightly said, that the promises ought to be preached and propounded vnto all, beleeuers and vn­beleeuers: as farre as the ministers office stretcheth, that they should disperse the word of faith and saluation indifferently and publikely into the eares of all, and setting forth the mer­cie of God in Christ, (who is the sacrifice for the sinnes of the world) they should call whomsoeuer, to imbrace the gift of grace, and should inuite whomsoeuer they finde, as it were to the mariage of the king.

Matth. 22.And it is an vngodly speech, that all ought not to beleeue, because the promise and saluation pertaineth not to all. Nay, because saluation is proper to the faithfull onely, and death and condemnation to the vnfaithfull: therefore ought all to repent and beleeue the Gospell, that they perish not with the world, but may haue eternall life. Neither doth it any thing hinder this generall inuitation, that it is certaine, that many [Page 155] euer haue been and shall be contemners of grace offered: seeing as the Apostle saith, faith belongeth not to all: 2. Thes. 3. Matth. 22. Marke this. and as Christ witnesseth; many are called, and few are chosen. For the cōmandement of the king is enough and largely enough for the seruants that are the inuiters: Go ye, Luk. 14. Mark. 16. and say ye to them that are bidden, Come, for all things are readie. Call ye vnto the mariage whomsoeuer ye finde. Againe, Preach ye vnto e­uery creature. Vnto this commandement must the faithfull preacher of righteousnes yeeld obedience, whether he be re­ceiued, or reiected, or els for the same endure any temporall aduersitie. As also they who bee called, must without delay obey their calling, howsoeuer many obey not, because they haue also a commandement greater then any shifting or re­fusall that they can make: Come ye beleeue, repent: Psal. 95. Heb. 3. To day if ye will heare his voice, harden not your hearts, as your fathers did in the desert.

Let Augustine be read touching this point against Cres­conius Gram. lib. 1. cap. 5. &▪ 6. where by diuerse testimonies of Scripture he expressely sheweth,The trueth must be prea­ched to men, though they will not heare it. Matth. 10. that the trueth ought to be preached euen to them that will not heare. The Lord saith in the Gospell: When ye enter in, say, Peace be to this house: if they bee worthie that bee therein, your peace shall rest vpon them: if not, it shall returne to you againe. Did he certifie them, that they, to whom they should preach that peace, would receiue it? Yet he gaue them to vnderstand, that peace must be preached without delay, euen to such as would not admit the same. The Apostle also charged his Timothie,1. Tim. 4. that he should not bee slothfull in preaching for mens sakes, to whom the preaching of the trueth is vnpleasant: I charge thee before God, and Christ Iesu: Preach the word, be instant in season and out of season, rebuke, exhort, improue. Therefore a faithfull workman will preach to such as are willing in sea­son, and to such as refuse out of season. Christ also how many things spake he in the face of the Iewes, Pharisees, Saduces, such as not onely would not beleeue, but also greatly speake against him and persecute him? And he knew surely, saith Augustine, (because hee knew all things) that these things [Page 156] would nothing profit them to their saluation: but by his ex­ample peraduenture strengthened vs,Eze. 2. & 3. who cannot know be­fore, the future faith or vnfaithfulnes of men. Beside, we reade that the Prophets were sent to men so disobedient, that God himselfe foretold the Prophets whom he sent, that they to whom he sent them, would not obey their words. So Eze­chiel was sent with ye word of God, to striue with the Iewes, that would disobey, dissent, and speake against. In lik maner Ieremy,Iere. 1.19. & 7.27. to whom it was said: Thou shalt speake all these words vnto them, yet they will not heare thee, and thou shalt call them, but they will not answer thee.

Obiection. If any man aske, for what cause, for what good, with what fruite, or effect are deafe men spoken vnto: albeit the com­mandement of God bee sufficient, against which it is a hai­nous offence to dispute, yet other things also may be allead­ged for an answer. Answere. Foure reasons why the word is preached to reprobates, be­side Gods cō ­mandement to doe it, be­fore set down.

1. As long as men liue in this world, reprobates and elect are ioyned together, and cannot be discerned by the iudge­ment of man: and therefore it is meete, that the trueth bee preached indifferently to all, least because of reprobates the elect be defrauded, who will take profit by the preaching of the word. Hereupon also Augustine de Correp. & grat. 15. & 16. Seeing wee know not who belongeth to the number of them that be predestinate, and who belongeth not, we ought to be so touched with the affection of charitie, that we should be willing that all may be saued.

2. By this meanes is cleerely shewed the miserable blind­nes and great corruption of lost man, and in very deede that appeareth true which Paul saith,1. Cor. 2. that the naturall man per­ceiueth not the things that be of the spirit of God, that they be foolishnes vnto him, and that he is not able truly to know them.

3. The godly while they behold others left in vnbeleefe, vnto whom notwithstanding the doctrine is common, doe acknowledge so much the more the mercie of God towards themselues, whereby they turne and are saued. To this end the Lord said:Ioh. 6. No man commeth vnto me except the father [Page 157] draw him, as it is written in the Prophets: They shall bee all taught of God. Whosoeuer therefore hath heard and learned of the father commeth vnto me. Also,Matth. 13. To you it is giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen: but not vnto them, but in them is the prophecie fulfilled, that they hearing heare not: to wit, hearing with the sense of the body, heare not with the assent of the heart, as Augustine expoundeth. But why some haue eares to heare, and others not, that is, why it is gi­uen to some of the father to come vnto the sonne, and to o­thers it is not giuen; who knoweth the minde of the Lord? who hath been of his counsell? or who art thou O man, that reasonest with God? saith Augustine de bono perseuerantiae lib. 2. cap. 14.

4. The vngodlie are made vnexcusable in hearing the word of God, that they cannot pretend ignorance, seeing they performe not so much as outward things, which they bee able to doe, as it is said in Ezechiel:Eze. 2. Whether they will heare, or leaue off, speake thou vnto them, and they shall know, that there hath been a Prophet among them. And Christ saith:Ioh. 15.2 [...]. If I had not come and spoken, they should haue no sinne: but now they haue no excuse. And elsewhere he saith,Matth. 24. that the Gospell of the kingdome must bee preached in all the earth for a witnes vnto all nations. As also he foretold his Apostles,Matth. 10. that they should bee brought before rulers and kings, for a witnes to them and to the Gentiles: that is, to their reproofe and condemnation, who beleeue not, as Theophylact inter­preteth both places. I will adde hereunto, because of the ad­uersarie, (who findeth great fault with this vse of the word) the testimonies both of Augustine and also of Luther. Au­gustine tract. 81. in Ioh. saith: They that contemne or els de­ride and impugne the commandements of God, vnto them the words of Christ shall not be a benefit, but a testimonie against them. And de praedest. sanct. cap. 9. he writeth, that the salua­tion of religion, from the beginning of the increase of mankind vnto the end, is preached to some for a reward, to some for iudg­ment. Also de Correp. & grat. cap. 13. Correction is to bee vsed towards all as a medicine, albeit the health of the sicke person [Page 158] be vncertaine: that if hee who is corrected, pertaine to the number of the predestinate, the correction may bee vnto him a holesome medicine: but if he pertaine not, it may be a penall torment.

Luther, Tom. 3. in 3. cap. Io [...]lis: The Gospell is preached (saith he) to all men: and though all doe not greatly beleeue the word, yet it is preached as wel to the vngodly as to the god­ly: to these it is the power of God to saluation, to the other to iudgement. See also lib. 1. sentent. dist. 47. about the end of the distinction.

Hub thes. 300. The first cauill of the aduer­sarie.But let vs heare Huber. First it is a lie, that is fained vpon our side, that the reprobates are called to no other end, but to be hardened, and made without excuse: for many ends are alreadie rendred. He citeth Beza Responsione altera ad Colloq. Mompel. fol. 149. & 95. Item 96. but the exclusiue is ill fained vpon our men, and often repeated of Huber, but it is not found in Beza.Thes. 477. Then (as he is practised in cauilling) he excepteth, that to preach faith and repentance to such as shall not beleeue, (as being by the iust iudgement of God not predestinated vnto faith) is as absurd, as if a man should preach repentance to the very deuils. But there is very great vnlikenes betweene men reprobate, and those reprobate spi­rits, albeit in this they agree, that eternall fire remaineth for both. For the elect and reprobates of men are in this life mingled together, neither can we know who shall beleeue, who not: beside the other things we spake of, speciallie the commandement of God, whereby the Gospell is ordained for euery humane creature.

2 Further, he cauilleth: If the hearing of the word turne to the reprobates vnto their greater iudgement,Thes. 478. that they are in worse case then the deuils, who from the Gospell preached bring no such iudgement vpon themselues. Answere. This is a false ar­gument, taken from that which is spoken in part. To speake simply, the deuils are more vnhappie, because they be worse and wickedder:Ephes. 6. whereupon by Paul they are called spiritual wickednes. In the meane while it nothing hindereth repro­bate men to be in worse condition in part, that is, to be guil­tie [Page 159] of iudgement for some cause, wherein the deuils are not guiltie: as for example, for the contempt of the word prea­ched vnto them, and for the vnworthy receiuing of the Lords Supper: because vnworthie receiuers eate and drinke their owne damnation. But this hath no place in deuils, albeit ne­uertheles as enemies of all righteousnes and order appointed of God, and so also as contemners of the word and Sacra­ments after their maner, they shal not escape the iudgement of God.

Thirdly, he cauilleth impudently: If the matter so stand,Thes. [...]04. it 3 shall bee better neuer to goe to the word: for if they must wholly perish and burne, the lesse they doe heare that they may despise, the lesse they shall be beaten.

Be silent cruell tongue and lippes that speake iniquitie. What resteth O Huber, but by the like reason thou maist conclude; seeing many in the Supper of the Lord eate and drinke iudgement to themselues, that it shall be also better for vs to abstaine from it? But that all men may vnderstand such like sophistrie; on both sides this onely followeth, to wit, that it is better not to come to the Supper of the Lord, then to come vnworthily: also, not to heare the word of God, then not to receiue it being heard: or els to reiect and tread it vnder our feete after wee haue receiued it: but such as bee blessed haue kept the meane. For because both they that knowing his will and yet doe not the same, and also they that are ignorant of it, shall be beaten (specially if it bee affected ignorance, disdaining to heare the word of God being offe­red:) it is our parts both to heare and to keepe the word of God, and so to prepare our selues,Luk. 11. that wee may worthily re­ceiue the Sacraments. So surely we shall best prouide for our selues, and not if we iudge our selues vnworthily of the king­dome of God, by refusing his word and Sacraments.

Fourthly, that the aduersarie may here also proue to the rea­der 4 the scoffing wherein hee excelleth, (if yet it may or ought to bee approued of any man of sound iudgement) he mala­pertly saith,Thes. 489. that the Caluinian ministers are the hangmen of the reprobates, who draw them vnto exquisite torments that [Page 160] were from euerlasting condemned, and doe hew them in peeces, if that bee true that they heare the word of God vnto condemnation.

What then? In what reckoning will he haue the Prophet Esay to bee, to whom it was said, when he saw the glorie of God:Esay 6. Goe, make fat the heart of this people, and shut their eies. Which place surely of the Prophet is repeated not rashly in the New Testament sixe times of the blinding of the Iewes. Shall we therefore with a Huberian scoffe call either the Pro­phet or Christ Iesus, (whose glorie then Esay saw) hangmen? Farre be this malapertnes from a Christian heart.2. Cor. 2. But rather, by the witnes of the Apostle we are the sweet sauour of Christ to God, both in them that perish, and in those that are saued: to the one the sauour of death to death, but to the other the fa­uour of life to life, yet alwaies to God the sweete sauour of Christ in both respects.

Lastly it must be noted, that it maketh no matter here, whe­ther it so come to passe either by the foreappointment, or by the foreknowledge onely of God, that the preaching of the Gospell vnto the reprobates turneth vnto their iudgement. For both the foreknowledge and also the foreappointment of God is vnfallible. Wherefore seeing the aduersarie cannot denie (at the least) foreknowledge in God, for their more grieuous condemnation, who will not obey the word, the cauils already alleadged must of necessitie fall vpon his owne head. And of these enough.

CHAP. XV. To the sixt absurditie.

I Proceed to that which was obiected of the Sacraments: to wit,Thes. 37. The 6. absur­ditie, that Bap­tisme is taken away. That the Sacraments are taken away, vnlesse with hand and foote (as they say) we bee of Hubers opinion touching the vniuersalitie of redemption. Of Baptisme he giueth this rea­son, that no certaine grace and saluation is promised to the baptized. His argument will be thus:

[Page 161]By whose opinion no certaine grace and saluation is set forth vnto such as are baptized, by their opinion Baptisme is taken away.

But by their opinion who think that by the death of Christ all men are sufficiently, but not effectually redeemed, (so as al and euery one haue remission of sinnes, and are receiued into the grace of God, iustified and saued, whether they beleeue or not) by the opinion of these I say, no certaine grace and saluation is propounded to such as are baptized.

Ergo, by their opinion Baptisme is taken away. Vnles the argument bee thus framed, I see not how any thing can bee concluded to the purpose.

But the minor is denied. Huber surely thes. 1019. sendeth vs vnto the things which hee hath from his 386. thes. vnto the 431. but if those be looked into and examined, it will ap­peare, that nothing is there contained, sauing an extrauagant and idle heape of certaine questions ilfauouredly tumbled together concerning Baptisme. But without such long cir­cumstances, O Huber, this thou shouldest proue, that, vpon the setting downe of the contradictorie of thine opinion of the generalitie of redemption, there would follow the ouer­throw of Baptisme, and that therefore, because no certaine grace and saluation can then bee promised to them that bee baptized. This, this shew if thou canst, omitting thy manifold digressions, whereby thou vsest miserably to intangle thy reader, and turne him away from the point.

Surely as for vs,The principall vse of Bap­tisme. wee haue learned out of the diuine Scrip­tures, and do constantly teach, that the vse of sacred Baptisme tendeth to this end and that principally, that it may seale and confirme vnto vs the promise of grace and eternall life. For take away the promise of grace from baptisme, and thou shalt take away the nature of a Sacrament, because accor­ding to the vsuall definition of Augustine:Augustine d [...]fition of it. A Sacrament is a visible forme of inuisible grace. Hereupon are those promi­ses: He that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued, Mar. 16. And in the words of Peter, Act. 2. Repent ye and be baptized [Page 162] euery one of you in the name of Iesu Christ for the remission of sinnes, and ye shall receiue the gift of the holy Ghost. Also, 1. Pet. 3. Baptisme saueth vs. And Tit. 3. Of his mercie he sa­ued vs through the lauer of regeneration, and the renewing of the holy Ghost, and such like, which are read in the Scriptures of the vertue of Baptisme. Which things Basill in his exhorta­tion to Baptisme wittily seemeth to comprehend. Baptisme (saith he) is the releasing of captiues and debt, the death of sinne, the renuing of the mind, the shining garment, the way of heauen, the getting of the kingdome of heauen, and the grace of adoption. For holy Baptisme is the seale of so many things to the faithfull,Rom. 4. as the Apostle speaketh of Circumci­sion, that it was giuen to Abraham for a seale of the righte­ousnes of faith, teaching, that Circumcision was not giuen for righteousnes, but for a seale of righteousnes, which is by faith. And I say, (to the faithfull) because neither the word nor Baptisme promiseth any thing to, or profiteth the vngod­ly and vnbeleeuers. For it is a word of promise: He that be­leeueth and is baptized, Vnbeleeuers are not parta­kers of ye grace of Baptisme, although they be Baptized. shall be saued: but he that beleeueth not shall be damned, whether he be baptized or not. And E­phes. 5. wee reade that the Church is sanctified of Christ the bridegrome, and washed in the fountaine of water in the word. Why in the word? Because euen in the water the word cleanseth, and not the water it selfe, as Augustine Tract. 80. vpon Iohn expoundeth. And the same man addeth: Whence commeth so great force of water, that it toucheth the bodie, and washeth the heart, but by the word which doth it? and that not because it is spoken, but because it is beleeued. The same man vpon the 77. Psalme, writeth thus of the Iewes: Whereas the Sacraments were common to all, grace was not common, which is the vertue of the Sacraments. So now also the lauer of regeneration is common to all that are baptized, but grace it selfe, whereby the members of Christ with their head are re­generated, is not common to all. Againe, lib. 5. cont. Donatist. cap. 24. he saith▪ that Baptisme may be without the spirit: and that some of those that are baptized doe put on Christ while [Page 163] they are receiuing of the Sacrament: others by continuing in holines of life: That is common to good and euill, and this is proper to the good and godly.

And truely it is in the schooles receiued and allowed,Many testimo­nies, prouing that Baptisme doth profit the beleeuer onely. that such as come without faith and fainedly, receiue the Sacra­ment, and not the thing, by the example of Simon Magus, of whom Augustine vpon Leuiticus, quaest. 84. witnesseth that visible Baptisme did him no good, because he had not the in­uisible.

Hitherto let Luthers sayings be referred,Luth. in Gen. 17 that baptisme is erected for a signe of righteousnes to all that beleeue in Christ. That the vertue of Baptisme consisteth in the vse or faith of him that receiueth it. Also,De Cap. Basil. in 3. Ioel. that holie Baptisme is the foun­taine of saluation whereof they that drinke, that is, In Gen. 48. beleeue the promise added, doe neuer thirst. And that he generally else­where pronounceth: that the Sacrament worketh not grace without faith, and hee taxeth the dreame of the papists, that Baptisme profiteth thee, and iustifieth thee, whether thou be­leeuest or not.

Neither saith Brentius otherwise,Brentius. explicat. Catechis. de Baptis. where among other things he writeth, that Baptisme is a seale, whereby Christ publikely confirmeth, that he deli­uereth and giueth those speciall heauenly good things, that are promised in the Gospell, to him that beleeueth. Againe, that Baptisme is a royall vnction, the Sacrament confirming and publishing that thing, which a man before had receiued by faith: for man is not then first receiued into the Lords tui­tion, seeing before he was receiued by faith: but then his ad­mission is first confirmed by an externall signe. And hand­ling that promise, He that beleeueth, &c. plainely saith thus: Baptisme, as it profiteth much, if in faith it be redeemed, so it doth no good, if it be without faith: and he maketh mention of an example out of the tripartite History, lib. 11. cap. 14. of a certaine Iewe▪ a craftie fellow, who would often receiue Baptisme, not for that he beleeued in Christ, but that by this meanes hee might get money of Christians: who albeit hee was Baptized, yet was not truely made a Christian by his [Page 164] Baptisme. The same Brentius vpon Iohn, fol. 119. expressely writeth, that not euery one that is Baptized, is regenerated: for faith must be required, not to the perfection of the Sacra­ment, but to the profite of the receiuer.

Chytraeus.Likewise Dauid Chytreus, Tract. de bapt. printed at Wit­tenberge 1580. saith, That ministers doe Baptize with wa­ter, pronounce the word, and giue water, but Christ Baptiseth with the holy Ghost, and regenerateth the beleeuers. Againe, many being washed in water, and not bringing to Baptisme true faith, are Baptized not with the inspiration of the holy Ghost, but with water onely, as Simon Magus.

Ia. Andr. Col. Momp pa. 486. & thes. 6 [...]. & 30.These things largely set downe, doe shew to whom be­longeth the promise of grace in Baptisme, against the error, and more than a dreame of certaine men; to wit, that rege­neration is giuen to all in Baptisme, beleeuers, and vnbelee­uers: and that if an vnbeleeuing hypocrite be Baptized, he is not onely outwardly Baptized in water, but inwardly also by the holy spirit, yea euen Simon Magus no lesse then others receiued grace in Baptisme. This doubtles is to administer Baptisme, not for a Sacrament of Christ, but for Christ him­selfe, as the Apologie of the Confession of Wittenberge ca­steth in the papists teeth, who say the same thing, that these men doe, to wit, that remission of sinnes is wrought by Bap­tisme, by the very vertue of the Sacrament, and Gods pro­mise, and not onely by faith. Let the papists then haue the victorie, and the confession of the Duke of Wittenberge will lie in the dust, being ouerthrowne by the very men that ought to defend it.

Obiection of infants faith.But what shall we say of infants Baptized? Cannot Bap­tisme saue them without faith?

I answer. Although we haue some men in our time, who thinke that euen infants beleeue, and would haue all men so to thinke: yet the contrarie opinion of Augustine, and other olde writers is more sincere and safe.Augustine. For thus Augustine vp­on Iohn tract. 80.Infants cannot beleeue. saith, This word of faith, onely is of force in the Church, that euen neuer so little clenseth the infant, by the Church beleeuing, offering, blessing and touching it, [Page 165] though the infant cannot beleeue with the hart to righteous­nes, and with the mouth confesse to saluation. Likewise in his fourth booke of Baptisme, chapter 24. hee saith: Infants through want of age can neither beleeue with the heart to righteousnes, nor with the mouth confesse to saluation. See also his 23. epistle to Bonifacius, and Iustine Martyr, que­stion 56. Barnard also alloweth the same opinion, Epist. 77. Infants because their age hindred them, cannot haue faith.

The reason is plaine,And why they cannot. for faith presupposeth knowledge of those things that are to be beleeued. And that little children do know diuine things, who as yet vnderstand not humaine, if wee would by words declare, saith Saint Augustine, also Epist. 57. we must be afraide, least we be thought to doe in­iurie to our very senses, seeing that by speaking we endeuour to perswade a thing, where the euidence of the trueth is grea­ter than all the strength and force of speech.

Moreouer, they that maintaine the faith of little children,The contrary opinions of Brentius and Andr, tou­ching the faith of infants, doe not a little disagree in opinions, some thinking that faith is giuen them in Baptisme, and others before Baptisme. Of the later opinion is Brentius, Explicat. Catechis. where hee maketh this argument: God acknowledgeth none truely in the number of his people, vnles he doe beleeue; and maketh his assumption of infants: The infants of Gods people in olde time, were part of Gods people, euen before they were circumcised, and therefore our infants now also pertaine to the people of God, euen before they be Baptized, according to the promise made to Abraham, Gen. 17. I will be thy God, and God of thy seede after thee.

Contrariwise Iacob Andree, Brentius his successor defen­deth the former opinion, Colloq. Mompel. fol. 458. Before in­fants (saith he) be Baptized, I cannot affirme that they doe beleeue, because faith is giuen vnto them in Baptisme. And streight after: Infants Baptized haue the grace of adoption freely giuen them with faith and the holy Ghost. Likewise, Luther in 17. Gen. (albeit in his booke of praying, he seeme to thinke otherwise) hath left it written, that the children of the Israelites had this blessing, that on the eight daye, faith [Page 166] was giuen them, and they were made the people of God: which thing he would haue in like manner vnderstoode of the Children of Christians in their Baptisme.

And this opinion surely is driuen to a great straight, be­cause of infants in olde time that dyed before the eyght day, when they should be circumcised, and depart this life daily as yet without Baptisme, being depriued of it, not of any con­tempt, but of necessitie, whom yet they both doe rather rec­kon in the number of such as be saued, seeing the couenant of God is not transgressed or made frustrate.Luth. in 17. Gē. Col. Momp. pag. 496. But after their opinion, no man, be he a childe or a man growne, can bee sa­ued without faith. It followeth therefore, seeing such also are saued, that faith is giuen to many infants euery where, euen before their Baptisme: which thing Iacob Andree denied that he could auouch. The same thing may be obiected of young girles among the Iewes, who because they were the seede of Abraham; were not excluded from the righteousnes of Abraham, but obtained it by faith, according to Luther in the forecited place, euen in their infancie.

Wherefore the opinion of the faith of infants is more easi­ly affirmed than defended.D. Heerbrand. Defens. cont. Gottard. Cano­nicum. Hereupon Doctor Heerbrand doth thus mitigate Luthers opinion, that hee, (when hee saith that infants haue faith or doe beleeue) hath not this meaning, that they doe vnderstand, or feele the motions of faith, but that so their error is reiected, who imagine infants Baptized to please God, and to be saued, without any action of the holy Ghost. If this onely they meane, who thinke that infants be­leeue, I fully agree with them. But because it is to be feared, how many of them will acknowledge that interpretation, I doubt not in the meane while to iudge and speake with an­cient writers, that infants doe not beleeue. Which simplicity of olde writers hath been also allowed of new writers, Mus­culus, Martyr, and other most learned and painefull diuines, as their writings testifie.

Obiection. Aug. quaest. E­uang. li. 1. ca. 24.Neither doe the words of Matth. chap. 18. hinder the same. Who so offendeth one of these little ones, that beleeue in me: for that Augustine, Theophilact, Hilarius and others, rather [Page 167] vnderstand of the humble, and children in malice and not in age.Why we must account in faults among the people of God. We confesse neuertheles that our infants are rightly ac­counted in the bodie of the faithfull, that is, among the peo­ple of God, both for the promise of the couenant, and also af­ter their baptisme for the sacrament of entrance into true religion, and of faith, as Augustine thinketh in his 23. E­pistle.

Obiection. But if infants haue no faith, how are they made partakers of the grace of Baptisme and saluation? For who so belee­ueth not shall be condemned. With the heart man beleeueth to righteousnes: and without faith it is impossible to please God. Mar. 16. Rom. 10. Heb. 11.

Answere. I answere, that there is one consideration of infants, ano­ther of men growne. Such sayings, as are in the sacred Scrip­tures vttered of the necessitie of faith, confession, hope, loue, mortification of the flesh & such like vnto saluatiō, appertain not to infants, but to men growne, that by reason of age are capable of such things. By the neglect of this distinction many errors will necessarily ensue, as Augustine lib. de hae­resib. proueth by the Hierachites: and Barnard ad Hugonem Epist. 77. and also Hom. 66. vpon the Canticles, by another sect of that time dispersed throughout France. As touching the infants of Christians, it is sufficient that they be compre­hended in the promise of the couenant. For albeit adoption to bee the sonnes of God proceedeth not from the carnall birth, (according to which the children of the faithfull are no lesse the sonnes of wrath than the children of the vnfaithfull, conceiued and borne in sinne, as others be:) yet such is the bountie of Gods grace, that infants borne of Christian pa­rents are reckoned in the number of Gods people, euen as in old time the infants were of Abrahams posteritie, accor­ding to the promise: I will be thy God, and of thy seede after thee. And Matth. 19. the Lord saith, Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come vnto me: Why we bap­tise the infants of Christians, and not of Turkes. for to such belongeth the kingdome of heauen. And for this cause in signe of Gods co­uenant we baptize the children of Christians: and doe not baptize the children of Turkes, vnles they bee alreadie able [Page 168] to giue an answere of their faith. And if our infants being preuented by death cannot be baptized, we follow the rule of Barnard ad Hugonem Epist. 77.Barnards say­ing of infants dying before Baptisme. Not a depriuing or want of baptisme, but the contempt of it doth condemne one. Here Au­gustine is ouer rigorous: but beside that the schoolemen haue commonly somewhat misliked his rigor, placing such children in a Limbo by themselues voide of all torment: o­ther also of great name in the middest of papistrie, Gerson, Cardinal Caietane, Biel, and other, haue approued of a more fauourable opinion touching the saluation of such. But of these I will speake no more.

The cauill of the Lords Sup­per answered.The cauill concerning the Supper of the Lord is yet vn­touched, which the aduersarie in his alike foolish babling al­so complaineth, that it shall be taken away, if the vniuersali­tie of redemption bee denied, such as hee maintaineth. But how O Huber? Truly I finde from thy Thes. 437. whither thou sendest backe thy reader, many things after thy maner, that is to say, impudently and bitterly fained, and little ap­pertaining to the proofe of this false accusation set downe: sauing, that at length thou seemest to haue a purpose to rea­son after this sort: (for thou art so intangled in thy absurdities, that here and elsewhere often it cannot easily bee perceiued what thy meaning is.Thes. 450. & sequent.) Onely they for whom Christ effectu­ally died, ought to come to the Supper by our opinion, as thou saist. But whether Christ died for vs effectually, it is vn­knowne to euery one. Therefore none at all shall know who ought to bee the Lords guest, and so the Supper of the Lord shall be at once taken away from all men.

1 O trifler. For first to bring it to an absurditie, one of the propositions must be the Hypothesis, or the very opinion of the aduersarie which is oppugned, which here is not done. For the question is about this: Whether Christ died effectu­ally for all men? He saith it: We denie it.

2 Secondly vnto the Maior: In our Churches, while the Sup­per is to be administred, it is not the maner, (if thou know it not) to say that they ought to come for whom Christ died,Thes. 450. and the rest to keep away, as thou triflest: but this is said, that [Page 169] wee may celebrate the Supper of the Lord to our good and comfort: before all things it is required, that first wee proue ourselues,Wee must proue ourselues before we come to the Lords Supper, and how. euery one considering with himselfe his sinnes and accursednes: and trying his heart, whether he beleeue the promise of grace and remission of sins for the merit of Christ alone, and whether by new obedience he purpose from his heart to shew himselfe thankfull vnto God. For such guests doth the table of the Lord require: as for hypocrites and such as goe on still in wickednes, they must abstaine from this meate, which Christ hath ordained & prepared for his faith­full, least they make their condemnation so much the more grieuous.

Thirdly, the Minor of the argument is false: for he that 3 hath knowledge knoweth himselfe to beleeue, as before hath been shewed. And whosoeuer beleeueth,A man may know himselfe to haue faith, and so to haue Christ. Luk. 22. Matth. 26. is partaker of the merits of the death and humiliation of our Lord Iesus Christ, as he saith: this is my body which is giuen for you: and this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, as Luke hath, or as Matthew saith: which is shed for many for remission of sinnes. Why saith he, for many? Because al­beit the blood of Christ be shed for all as touching sufficien­cie: yet it was shed for the regenerate onely as touching effi­ciencie, as I shewed before out of Innocentius. Whereupon Basil saith: All of vs as many as do beleeue, Exhortat. Baptis. are redeemed from sinnes by the grace of God, which is through his onely begotten sonne our Lord Iesus Christ, who said: This is my blood, the blood of the New Testament which is shed for many, for the remission of sinnes: which exposition he twise repeateth in his Sermon following of Baptisme: for many, that is for all beleeuers, the blood of Christ was shed.

CHAP. XVI. An answere to the residue of the Absurdities.

HVber goeth on, and that he may maintaine any way his opinion, he obiecteth also other absurdities, so horrible, [Page 170] that a godly minde cannot but tremble in thinking of them: as,Hubers blas­phemies. that God is accused of fraud and lying. Of fraud, in that he saith one thing, and thinketh another. Of lying, in that by word he offereth and commandeth to receiue things, which in the meane while by his irreuocable iudgement he forbid­deth to receiue. Also that Christ by his passion hath mocked God and men: and that the mightie and holy Lord of hosts is worthily accused of crueltie, iniustice, reioycing at mens harmes and of other great euils, agreeing rather to a most cruell tyrant then to God. For such and so many words doth his rude and shameles mouth vtter often, or rather roreth out. But these be the sleights of the aduersarie, issuing out of the same forge, that his other lyes and slanders doe, too too presumptuous truly. But because those obiections and mocks (excepting only the last saue one) respect not so fitly the do­ctrine of Redemption, as of Predestination, (which treatises Huber here and there without order confoundeth) and are long agoe largely confuted by Doctor Luther in his booke of seruile freewill, I will not suffer my selfe in refuting them to be carried beside the matter I haue in hand. One or two places onely of Luther I will alleadge for their sakes, who de­pend vpon that mans authoritie, that they may vnderstand that the doctrine of Luther is wounded through our sides. He therefore in his answere to the place of Ezech. 18.Luther de seruo arbit. cap. 107. & seq. J will not the death of a sinner, confirmeth the receiued distinction of a double will in God, which truly was wont to bee so di­stinguished for our capacitie And one will, he one while cal­leth secret, fearefull, and vnsearchable, other while the most reuerend secret of Gods maiestie, sometime the hidden God: but the other will,A double will in God. he calleth one while the reuealed will, o­ther while the word preached, sometime God preached and worshipped:How God willeth and willeth not the death of a sin­ner. Eze. ca. 18. and proceedeth after this sort: God doth many things, which he hath not shewed vs in his word: and he wil­leth many things, which in his word he doth not shew that he willeth. So he will not the death of a sinner in his word, that is, in his will reuealed in his word: but he willeth it by his vnsearchable will. Therefore it is well said: If God will [Page 171] not the death of a sinner, wee must impute it to our will that we perish: well, I say, if it bee vnderstood of God preached. For he willeth that all men be saued, while he commeth vnto all by the word of saluation: and it is the fault of the will, which doth not admit God, as Matth. 25. it is said, How often would I gather thy chickens, and thou wouldest not? But why Gods maiestie taketh not away this fault of our wil, or chan­geth it in all, or why he doth impute it vnto man, seeing he cannot want it, we may not inquire, and if thou wouldest in­quire, yet thou shalt neuer finde it, as Paul Rom. 9. saith: Who art thou then that reasonest with God? Againe, it is sufficient, saith Luther, to know that God so willeth, and this will it is meete we should reuerence, loue and adore, restraining the rashnes of our reason. Here Luther sufficiently sheweth that it pertaineth to his reuealed will, that God willeth the con­uersion and saluation of all: and to his hidden will, that he neither giueth nor purposeth to giue conuersion and salua­tion to all, but to whom he will according to his meere good pleasure. Neither are these cōtrarie one to another,The hid and reuealed will are not contra­dictorie, there­fore no suspi­tion of fraude or lying in God. as though God spake one thing and thought another, when we say that he willeth, that is, commandeth that all repent and beleeue the Gospell to saluation, and yet that he will not worke in all men faith and repentance. Euen children may perceiue, that here is no contradiction, because of the diuers signification of the word will.

The same man cap. 160.God is not vn­iust, or one that reioyceth at mans miserie. This surely offendeth common sense and naturall reason, that God of his meere will forsa­keth, hardeneth, and damneth men, as though he; who is said to be of so great mercie and goodnes, delighted in the great and eternall paines and torments of miserable persons. This seemeth wicked, cruell, and intolerable to imagine of God. But here the most mercifull God ought to be honoured and reuerenced, and wee must referre freely some thing vnto his diuine wisedome, that he may bee beleeued to be iust,A notable say­ing. where he seemeth to vs to bee vniust. For if such were his iustice, as might be iudged by mans capacitie to bee iust, it should not be altogether diuine, and should differ nothing from humane [Page 172] iustice. But seeing God is true, and one, wholly incompre­hensible, and inaccessible by mans reason, it is meete, yea ne­cessarie, that his iustice also be incomprehensible, &c. There­fore what peruersenes is this, that wee should destroy the iu­stice and iudgement of God? These and many other such things hath Luther against such as contend with their ma­ker.Esay. 45.

Brentius in 1. Sam. 2. v. 25.Brentius also vpon those words touching Elies sonnes, They heard not the voyce of their father, because the Lord would slay them, subscribeth vnto this doctrine, and conclu­deth this whole question in these words. Therefore that they may be punished according to the worthines of their deserts, the Lord by his secret power brought it to passe, that they should not repent at their fathers admonition, and should pe­rish:God is not the author, but re­uenger of sin, punishing sins with sins. he surely working inwardly, what by word he forbid­deth outwardly, and his power inwardly hindring that which by his manifest will he outwardly commanded to bee done. And this is not to be the author or cause of wickednes, but it is to inflict iust punishment for the same. But how it com­meth to passe, that the Lord by his secret power worketh in­wardly, or hindreth that which he forbiddeth or comman­deth outwardly in his manifest word, it is a higher point then that mans capacitie can finde out. These things Brentius.

Obiection. And whereas it is further obiected, that vnles by the death of Christ all, faithfull and vnfaithfull be forgiuen, and in very deed and properly be restored to grace and saluation, Christ is charged to haue deluded God and men by a false passion; it is a vaine and vnsauourie deuise.Com. thes. 37. For there is a flat beg­ging of the question in the antecedent, seeing the aduersarie thus reasoneth: Christ himselfe confesseth that he died not for a few onely, but for the whole world, to wit, for all man­kinde. Wherefore if it was the counsell of his father, that he should die for the elect onely, Christ hath mocked God first, and then men, holding them in suspense with so great hope, as though he died for all. Where (I beseech) doth the Lord confesse, that he effectually died or would die for all? or that he would that all should haue the effect of his death, to wit, [Page 173] reconciliation, righteousnes & saluation, none at al excepted of the whole vniuersalitie of mākind, whether they imbrace by faith the Sauiour, or by vnbeleefe refuse him? Christ wit­nesseth the contrary, Ioh. 17. I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou hast giuen me. It is a wonder if he hath pa­cified the iudgement and wrath of his father for them, for whom he surely did not vouchsafe to pray. And in the same chapter: For them I sanctifie my selfe, that they also may bee sanctified. Therefore for whom he praied, for them also he offered himselfe a sacrifice to redeeme them effectually from sinne and death, and to sanctifie them for euer, and so con­trariwise.

CHAP. XVII. Of this, that only vnbeleefe condemneth, and not other sinnes: but whosoeuer is condemned, for only vnbeleefe he is condemned.

ALL these things being made plaine, Hubers opinion is now spoyled, and his threefold ranke scattered here and there, whereto he in vaine trusting and furnished more with number then with strength of arguments, hath bid this battel vnto the trueth. But yet before we make an end of this point, wherein we haue taken in hand the confutation of a new and erronious doctrine of Redemption, we must not omit what these new Sectaries teach of the cause of damnation: to wit, how it commeth to passe, that whereas they auouch that by the passion of Christ all without exception are discharged from the iudgement and wrath of God,Marke this doctrine of the aduersaries, How all are not eternally saued, that yet were redee­med and saued by Christs death, as they say. and receiued into the fauour and bosome of God, and that the reprobates as well as the elect are saued, yet all are not saued for euer. This therefore is the cause, say they, because some abide by faith in saluation receiued, others through vnbeleef refuse, contemne and cast away saluation gottē for them, and so by neglecting and despising their saluation, make themselues reprobates, and therefore onely are damned, because they despise grace, [Page 174] and through incredulitie doe binde themselues againe in the guiltines of all sinnes. These things are in so many words ex­tant in Hubers Thes. And also in his Thes. 187. he writeth, that such as beleeue not, tread vnder foote their redemption, and propitiation for their sinnes, shaking from them through vnbeleefe, and so their vnbe [...]eefe is vnto them the onely cause of damnation.

In like sort Iacob Andree Col. Mompel. pag. 548. saith, that men are not therefore damned, because they haue sinned, but because they will not by faith imbrace Iesu Christ, who suffe­red, was crucified and died no lesse for the sinnes of the dam­ned, than for the sinnes of Peter, Paul, and all the Saints: no­ting there these words in the margent: onely vnbeleefe dam­neth men.

What we like in the aduersa­ries doctrine.As touching this doctrine, it is confessed, if any man truly beleeue in Christ, the sinnes of all the world are not able to cast him downe into hell: and contrarily, if a man haue not faith, he shall be damned, albeit the righteousnes of all the world were his owne.Mar. 16. For he that beleeueth shall be saued: he that beleeueth not shall be damned, saith that faithfull and true witnesse.De verb. Dom. sec. Ioh. serm. 60. & enar. Ps. 109. And Augustine writeth, that onely the sinne of vn­beleefe shutteth the doore against all other sinnes, that they are not released by the grace of God, as by beleeuing all sins are remitted.

What we mis­like iustly. The first faulte or error against the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets.Yet two things in the said opinion doe iustly displease vs. One is, that whereas this opinion is forced to acknowledge that the saluation of Gods kingdome happeneth not but by faith, yet it dare auouch, that there is remission of sinnes, free­dome from the iudgement and wrath of God, and power of the deuill, yea and saluation it selfe without faith. For it will haue all these things to come to all men indifferently by Christs death, whether they beleeue or not, otherwise than all Prophets and Apostles doe testifie,Acts 10. that he that beleeueth in Christ, through his name receiueth the remission of sinnes, the wrath of God abiding vpon the vnbeleeuers.Ioh. 3. This is a farre other opinion, than if a man should say (as Huber doth) that all together are set free from all sinne, and all iudgement [Page 175] and wrath of God is taken away and blotted out in all men, yea in vnbeleeuers: onely through vnbeleefe they be againe bound with the guiltines of their sinnes, and doe fall againe vnder the wrath of God.Serm. 60. Augustine saith well in the foreci­ted place, The medicine of all the wounds of the soule, and the onely propitiation for the sinnes of men, is to beleeue in Christ, and by faith we are borne of God, and made the sonnes of God, as it is written: to them that beleeue in his name, he hath giuen power to become the sonnes of God.

The other thing which is worthily reproued in the allead­ged opinion, is this,The second fault or error confuted by foure reasons. that it precisely setteth downe the con­tempt or lothing of the grace of the Gospell through vnbe­leefe, to bee the cause of damnation. For first this opinion 1 presupposeth the offering of the grace of the Gospell, in re­spect of all and euery one who euer haue been, are, or shall be: which how vaine it is, is taught by many testimonies of the Scriptures: Act. Eph. 2.12. Psal. 147.19.20. Besides looke what wee haue spoken in the sixt chapter of this booke.

Secondly, the Apostle saying: They that haue sinned with­out 2 the law, shall perish also without the law: and they that haue sinned in the law, shall be damned by the law; doth not onelie grant, that the Gentiles for the most part wanted the know­ledge of the law written, much more the knowledge of the promises of the grace of the Gospell published by Moses and the Prophets: but also alleadgeth the reason of the iust dam­nation of the Gentiles from the breach of the law of nature, making no mention of the contemned grace of the Gospell.

Thirdly, what shall we say of so many millions of infants 3 without the Church, who haue bin preuented by death from the beginning of the world, and are daily preuented, before they can heare the least tittle of the grace of the Gospel? what contempt is there of grace? what lothing of saluation?

Fourthly, the Lord in the Gospell saith:Ioh. 15. If I had not come 4 and spoken vnto them, they should not haue had sinne: but now they haue nothing to cloake their sinnes withall. Augustine [Page 176] tract. 89.Augustines iudgement of this question. aduiseth vs to vnderstand this place not of euery sinne, but of the great sinne of vnbeleefe: and mouing the question, whether they vnto whom Christ commeth not, nor speaketh vnto them, haue excuse for their sinne? answereth; not truly for euery one of their sinnes, but for this sinne, that they haue not beleeued in Christ, they haue a plaine excuse, and they cannot therefore auoide damnation, according to the saying: Whosoeuer haue sinned without the law, shall also perish without the law: and whosoeuer haue sinned in the law, shall be iudged by the law. And such he saith are they, who when they heare contemne, or else gainsaying resist, or with hatred pursuing them by whom they heare. Also Epist. 99. ad Euod. speaking of such as are in hell, according to his owne and the common opinion of others, maketh difference be­tween such as here would not beleeue the Gospell preached, & those that haue not here contemned (saith he) that which they would not heare, and are cast into hel without any guil­tines of the contempt of the Gospell. The like he writeth in his booke of nature and grace, lib. 4. If with these sayings of ancient fathers we compare the phrases of new Sectaries, we shall see a flat contrarietie. And let these be spoken for con­futation of those things, so much as the state of our purpose seemed to require.

THE THIRD BOOKE OF CHRISTIAN REDEMPTION, CON­SISTING IN CONFIRMATION: Or a demonstration of the true opinion, who be partakers of Redemption.

CHAP. I. The proposition and partition.

NOw we are come to the confirma­tion of true doctrine. And that is,The summe of our opinion touching mans redemp­tion by the death of Christ. that albeit the death of the sonne of God our Lorde Iesu Christ, as touching the greatnes of the price, be the redemption of whole man­kinde, none excepted: yet the pro­prietie of redemption belongeth to those, who are not now the vessels of the deuils, but the members of Christ, by faith and the grace of regeneration: the rest, who liue without faith and regeneration, not belonging to this redemption from sinne and death.Tit 1. And because faith and regeneration per­taine not to all but to the elect, it is truly also auouched that redemption belongs to them and not to the reprobates. This opinion we purposing to proue, will vse also a threefold ranke or order of proofes.

The first shall be of certaine testimonies of Scripture, out of the old and new Testament, wherein spiritual redemption purchased by Christ is restrained to the Church: which cer­tainly [Page 178] is not the vniuersalitie of whole mankinde, but a cer­taine companie of mankinde, chosen to eternall life out of e­uery tribe, language, nation and people.

In the second ranke wee will produce diuerse arguments, drawne from the analogie of faith, or the apostolicall and ca­tholike rule of faith, whereunto euery Ecclesiasticall exposi­tion, and decision of whatsoeuer controuersies of saith ought to be agreeable.

Lastly, the third ranke shall haue testimonies of godly an­tiquitie, whereby it shall more cleerly than the light appeare, that nothing is here taught or produced of vs, that all the best and worthiest writers of old haue not with great consent taught according to the Scriptures.

CHAP. II. Certaine places of the new Testament, with an admonition concerning Hubers maner of disputation.

VVE begin the more willingly our purposed confir­mation from the expresse testimonies of Scripture, 1 because the aduersarie doubted not to blab it out,Thes. 627. The admo­nition tou­ching Hu­bers maner of disputing. as though we had no word of our opinion in the Scriptures, and went 2 about to draw and expresse it from consequences only. And that thou maist the more marueile (Christian reader) at the negligence and follie of the man in so great a matter, it ap­peareth that while he was writing and daily meditating of this controuersie, yet he was long in this opinion, (to wit, till being admonished by the positions of Doctor Tossan, hee saw he had neede of an appendix) as if all the proofe of our opinion would come to this Enthymeme: There is an eter­nall predestination of God, wherin he hath decreed in Christ to haue mercie vpon some vnto saluation, and not vpon o­thers: 3 Ergo, Christ died not for all. With which error after­ward being carried away, & his chariot regarding no bridle, he raiseth vp a great dust to darken the trueth of the doctrine 4 of predestination: and that not onely in place altogether vn­fit, [Page 179] and by very straunge expositions: but also by an error so 5 full of words, that for one page of places of Scripture cited by M. Pareus touching Predestination, he groweth into a 100. pages, and 350. Theses or positions. In which whole dispu­tation 6 it is his continuall sleight, vnfaithfully and with a craf­tie head to propound the arguments of our side concerning Predestination, (for herein he onely sticketh, as I said, whereas he ought to handle redemption) and in stead of answers hee singeth euery where his cuckowes song, de repetitione prin­cipij, 7 which the schooles of Logicke vse not to call repetition, but petition, that is, the begging of a thing as granted, which is the chiefe point in controuersie. It is a part of the same,8 nay of grosser ignorance, that in his appendix to D. Tossans reasons, he wonderfully pleaseth himselfe in his other cuc­kowes song, I deny the consequent: We alwaies deny the con­sequent. O miserable disputer, as bad a Logitian as he is a Diuine! He doth not yet vnderstand, that we must neuer an­swer an Enthymeme by denying the consequent, but either by distinguishing or deniall of the antecedent, or els by de­nying the consequence. For it is as foolish a thing if a man would denie the consequent in an Enthymeme, as if one be­ing about to answere a Syllogisme, should denie the conclu­sion. By which kinde of solutions any thing might most ea­sily be answered by any one, but that Logicke is against it.

But omitting these things, let vs produce a few testimo­nies of many out of the Scripture to declare our purpose,The state of the question. that redemption from sinnes, righteousnes and saluation are bene­fits proper vnto the Church, and not common to all, whether they beleeue or not, as the new opinion would haue it. This is the state of the question properly, which must be diligently marked. For we also grant that Christ died for all: but wee denie that therefore all are made partakers of the benefits of Christs death without respect of faith or vnbeleefe, or els which is all one, wee denie that Christ died for all effectually,How Christs death may be effectuall to any. the cause of the want of that efficacie being considered not in Christ but in men themselues. For to make the death of Christ effectuall vnto vs for redemption, his merit is not on­ly [Page 180] needfull, but also the application and receiuing of the same, which is done by an vnfained faith.

Matth. 1. The 1. testi­monie, pro­uing redemp­tion to be pro­per to the Church.The first testimonie therefore we haue in Matthew in the words of the Angell to Ioseph: Thou shalt call his name Ie­sus: for he shall saue his people from their sinnes. Here we see redemption peculiarly attributed to the people of Christ. And the people of Christ be his Church of all places and a­ges. Therefore redemption is peculiar to the Church, and yet vniuersall, after that sort as we confesse the Church to bee v­niuersall.

Thes 1059. All men be not the people of God proued by three rea­sons.Huber crieth out, and (such is his Diuinitie) saith, that by the people of Christ is meant the whole ofspring of Adam, and saith that al are truly called to the kingdome of God, that they may be his people.

But the contrary is easily proued. First by the name of the 1 people of God the Scripture vseth not to comprehend al men, but a certaine companie onely, among whom God is ac­knowledged and called vpon, and whom hee likewise ac­knowledgeth for his owne, and to whom belong the coue­nants and promises,Leuit. 26. as the Lord saith: I wil walke among you, and I will be your God, Iere. 31. 2. Cor. 6. Ose. 1. & 2. and you shall be my people. And I will be your God, and you shal be my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lord almightie. As also he saith in Oseah: I will call a people my people, which was not mine, and her beloued, who was not beloued: and it shall come to passe in the place, where it was said vnto them: Ye are not my people, there they shall be called the sonnes of the liuing God. All which places Paul to the Romanes expoundeth of the calling of the Gentiles:Rom. 9. who whereas they had bin in times past alients from the common wealth of Israel, and strangers from the couenants of pro­mise, hauing no hope, and being without God in the world; afterward obtained the adoption of grace in the kingdome of Christ.Tit. 3. So vnto Titus wee reade, that Christ purged a pe­culiar people to himselfe, zealous of good workes: whom Peter also calleth a people whom God claimeth as his own,1. Pet. 2. a holy nation, a royall priesthood. What insolencie then is it, to imagine that all men be the people of God? This is no­thing [Page 181] els than to ioyne faithful with vnfaithfull, righteousnes with vnrighteousnes, light with darkenes, Christ with Belial, the temple of God with images, and to mingle sacred things with prophane.

Secondly if all should bee the people of Christ, it should 2 not onely follow, that all must be also called Christians, but also (as Origene fained) all should be saued and haue eternall life seeing saluation which Christ bestoweth vpon his people, includeth eternall life as the chiefe fulfilling thereof.

Thirdly Theophylact vpon the same place thus writeth:3 He (saith he) shall saue his people not onely of the Iewes, but also of the Gentiles, who shall beleeue and not doubt to bee made his people.

Luther also in Gen. 31.Luther. at large testifieth that all men are not the people of God, but such as hee liketh of and accept­eth, and cannot be taken out of his hands. But let Huber giue care vnto his Brentius especially,Brentius. who writeth thus in the ex­position of his Catechisme. Tell vs (saith he) to whom Iesus is Iesus, that is, a sauiour from their sinnes. The Euangelist saith: He shall saue his people. He saueth not Aliants but his people. They be Aliants, whosoeuer beleeue not in him, whether they be Iewes or Gentiles. And they be his whether they be Iewes or Gentiles, as many as doe acknowledge and imbrace him by faith. Wherefore of what nation soeuer thou be, if thou be­leeue the Gospel of Christ, thou art made by faith a member of his people, and Iesus is in very deede made Iesus vnto thee. These things he: another of whose sayings also shall be cited hereafter in the seuenth Chapter. Nowe let the Tubingers see, whether they will condemne Brentius heere or Huber rather of an error.

A second testimonie we haue in the same Euangelist cha. 26. When hee had taken the cup, hee gaue it to them saying, The 2. testi­mony. Matt. 26. Drink ye all of this. For this is the blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many for remission of sinnes. I surely knowe that some of the auncient writers respecting sufficiencie doe expound for many, that is, that his blood was shed for al, see­ing euen all are many. But the sense rather agreeth, by keep­ing [Page 182] the vsuall signification of Many, (Many) distin­guisheth be­tweene belee­uers and vnbe­leeuers. vnto the difference be­tweene the beleeuers and vnbleeuers: of whom they receiu­ing forgiuenes of sinnes are redeemed by the grace of Christ, and these are as yet voyd of redemptiō, as we before shewed Basils often exposition. And the Commentaries vpon Marke which are ascribed vnto Hierome, haue expressely, that the blood of the new Testament is said to be shed for many, because it doth not make cleane all: or els that there bee in the very Church some, whome no sacrifice doth make cleane; much more then out of the Church. What that among the newe writers Brentius in his Catechisme doth no otherwise ex­pound it? Christ (saith he) when he said of his blood, which is shed for you, he addeth this also for Many: to signifie that it was shed not onely for the Iewes, but also for the Gentiles, of whom his Church was to bee gathered. And by that place and exposition he taketh here in hand to proue our very mat­ter in hand, to wit, that Christ by his death hath made satis­faction for the sinnes of his, that they may haue remission of them, and may be accounted iust before God, and made the flesh and blood of Christ, and adopted into the sonnes and heires of God: and that these benefites appertaine to the vni­uersall Church and not to strangers, for the same contrariety of,Luth. de capt. Babyl. His owne and Strangers is here of force, which before was obserued out of Brentius. Further Luther waighing this ve­ry place saith: for you and for many said he, that is, who receiue and beleeue the promise of the testator, for faith here maketh heires.

The 3. testi­monie.The third place is in Zacharias song Luke 1. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath lifted vp a horne of saluation in the house of Dauid his seruant, as he spake by the mouth of the holy Prophets, that we should be saued from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate vs; that being delivered from them, we should serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnes before him all 1 the dayes of our life. First euen here we see the redemption of Christ peculiarly attributed to ye people of God, who be the faithfull people or the true Israelites out of euery people and [Page 183] nation as Theophylact witnesseth. Secondly that he mentio­neth 2 the horne of saluation in the house of Dauid, he respect­eth the prophesie in the 132. Psalme, for there the grace of Christ the king and conquerour is onely promised to the saints and poore in spirite, but nothing but destruction and confusion is proclamed to his enemies; as the blessed Virgin witnesseth in her song. He hath put downe the mightie from their seate, and hath exalted the humble, he hath filled the hun­gry with good things, and the rich hee hath sent emptie away. Thirdly it is not onely the end but also a part of the redempti­on 3 which Zacharie magnifieth, to serue God in holinesse and true righteousnesse, For hee saith that God by othe promised to Abraham that he would giue vnto vs, that we should serue him without feare being deliuered from our enemies. But it tis very plaine, that very many serue not God, but their belly and the world rather. Therefore that spirituall redemption by Christ was not promised or wrought for all indifferently. Fourthly he saith: He that proceedeth from an high hath visi­ted 4 vs, that he may appeare to thē that sit in darkenes & in the shadow of death, to direct our feet into the way of peace. But not euery one euery where is conuerted from darkenes to light, and their feete directed into the way of peace, that is, of righ­teousnesse.

The fourth place is Luke 2.The 4. testi­monie. Luke 2. Feare ye not saith the Angel to the sheepheards: for behold I bring you tydings of great ioy, that shalbe to al people, to wit that vnto you is borne this day a sauiour who is Christ the Lord. This was the first preaching of the Gospell touching the birth of the Sauiour of the world. And the thing it selfe proclaimeth that the incarnation of the Lord neither was nor is ioyfull no not to all the Iewes, much lesse to all other through the whole world. As Matthew re­porteth of Herode, that he and all Ierusalem were troubled at the enquiry of the wise men concerning the king of the Iewes that was borne. But this ioy, and therefore the matter of it, that is, Christ with his whole humiliation and merite, is theirs who properly be the people of God, for all the Iewes are not the people of God, much lesse all men, but the faithful [Page 184] collected of all Iewes and Gentiles, as Theophylact and Za­chary Chrysopolit, haue obserued in this place.

The 5. testi­monie.Let the fifth place be the prophesie of Simeon in the same chapter Mine eies haue seene the saluation which thou hast prepared in the eyes of all people: A light for the reuelation of the Gentiles, and for the glory of thy people Israel. As Christ is an inlightner, so also he is a Sauiour of all. But it is false that all men without exception of any bee actually and in very deed inlightened by Christ,Ioh. 11. hauing the eyes of their minde o­pened, and receiuing the knowledge of the trueth. Therefore in like maner it is false, yt all alike, not one excepted, be truely and in very deed saued by Christ. But this is true, that the wit­nesse of Iesu the onely Sauiour of all went out into all lands, & hath bin preached to all people vnto the ends of the world, and as yet is preached for the gathering together and sauing of the dispersed sonnes of God. To these things that also a­greeth, which further is spoken of that childe by Simeon. Be­hold this child is set for the fall and rising againe of many in Israel. Simeon had not spoken this if euery one should rise through his benefite from death to life, from sinne to righte­ousnesse.

The 6. testi­monie.The sixte place is the terrible and plaine saying of Saint Iohn Baptist than whom there is none that is borne of a wo­man greater:Ioh. 3. He that beleeueth in the sonne hath eternal life, but he that beleeueth not in the sonne shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. There is an emphasis in the word abideth: He saith not that all iudgement and wrath of God is in very deed taken away from all without exception, beleeuers and vnbeleeuers, and that the wrath of God return­eth onely through vnbeliefe vpon them that beleeue not: but the wrath of God abideth (saith he) vpon the vnbeleeuer. Au­gustine vrgeth this emphasis tract. 14. in Ioh. Hee saith not, the wrath of God commeth vpon him, but abideth vpon him. And what is this wrath of God? which all mortall men haue with them in their birth, Ephes. 2. which the first Adam had, wher­of the Apostle speaketh wee are all the sonnes of wrath by na­ture, as well as other. As the Authour also de vocat. gentium. [Page 185] lib. 1. ca. 5. alledgeth this saying: whether he be Iewe (saith he) or Gentile, before he be iustified by faith, he is shut vp vnder sinne, and if hee continue in vnbeliefe the wrath of God abi­deth on him: euen that which was brought in by Adams sin, whereof the Apostle speaketh: wee were also the sonnes of wrath as well as other. It is therefore false that the wrath of God is vniuersally taken away, and that all whether they be­leeue or not be receiued into the lap of grace: but this grace is theirs, who beleeue in Christ, who hath brought the grace of God and taken away his wrath.

The seuenth place is the tenth of Iohn,The 7. testi­monie. Ioh. 10. where that good shepheard saith: I lay downe my life for my sheepe: my sheepe heare my voice, and I know them and they follow me, and I giue vnto them eternall life, neither shall they perish for euer, nei­ther shall any man take them out of mine hand. Here it ap­peareth, that howsoeuer Christ after a sort dyed for all, yet specially he dyed for such as shall be saued, because he dyed for his sheepe. Hubers exception,Thes. 1069. that all men are made the sheepe, heritage and people of God, is easilie from the text confuted, for these are proper to Christs sheepe,Christs sheepe. to heare and know his voice to follow him, to flee from a stranger, to obtaine eternall life, not to perish for euer, and not possibly to be pluckt out of the hand of Christ their shepheard Seeing the greatest part of men want these markes, it is most false, that all be the sheepe of Christ, and the flocke of Gods pasture.Thes. 1070. And the proofe is most foolish: they are acknowledged for sheepe, who were dispersed, torne and deuoured of euill pastors and beasts of the field, being seduced and destroyed, Ierem. 23. Ezech. 34. Therefore all men whosoeuer bee the sheepe of Christ. For both Ieremie and Ezechiel speake onely of the Iewish people, who at that time were distinguished from the Gentiles, as the peculiar flocke and heritage of the Lorde,The Scripture speaketh two waies of Christs sheepe, by vocation and by Prede­stination. so that those places plainely proue the contrarie.

And it is to bee marked, that the Scripture speaketh two manner of waies of the sheepe of God, according to Vocati­on, and according to Predestination. According to Vocation they be called sheepe, whosoeuer pertaine outwardly to the [Page 186] account of Gods people, or to the Church: but according to the foreknowledge and predestination of God, very many are sheepe that bee without, very many are wolues that bee within, and very many sheepe are within, and very many wolues are without, as Augustine saith. For many that now are riotous, shall become chaste, and many that now blas­pheme Christ, shall beleeue in him. And contrariwise many now praise him, who will hereafter blaspheme him; and ma­ny will be fornicators, who now are chaste. For they be not of his sheepe, if wee speake of the predestinate. These things saith he tract. 46. in Euang. Ioh. And all these things are con­firmed in Iere. 23. where taxing the pastors, who had de­stroyed and dispersed the Lords sheep, he addeth a promise of sauing a residue of the sheepe. And this residue bee the e­lect, as Paul expoundeth, Rom. 9.27. and 11.2.5. Likewise in Ezechiel 34. the Lord promiseth in Christ the pastor that true Dauid, a sure and certaine saluation vnto his sheepe. Yet because many being outwardly sheepe, are inwardly goates and wolues, he saith, that he will iudge betweene sheepe and sheepe, betweene rammes and goates, that hee may require the lost sheepe, bring backe the abiect, binde vp the broken, and destroy the fat and hurtfull.

The 8. testimo­nie.The 8 place is Ioh. 11. where, after he had rehearsed the pro­phesie of Caiphas the high priest: It is expedient for vs that one die for the people, and not that the whole nation should pe­rish; the Euangelist addeth, that he said not that of himselfe, but being the high priest that yeare hee prophesied, that it should come to passe, that Iesus should die for the nation: and not for that nation onely, but that he might also gather in one the sonnes of God dispersed abroad. From hence also it is cleere, that Christ specially dyed for the elect of all nations euery where, who from the East to West are gathered into the vnitie of faith and the spirit, that with Abraham, Isaac and Ia­cob they may sit downe in the kingdome of heauen. And of these dispersed sonnes of God vnder another similitude, yet in the same sense spake Christ,Ioh. 10. chap. 10. I haue other sheep al­so which are not of this folde, them also must I bring: for they [Page 187] shall heare my voyce, and there shall be one folde and one shep­heard. And Augustine tract. 49. in Iohannem, admonisheth that these things are spoken according to predestination: for by vocation they were neither his sheepe nor the sonnes of God, who as yet had not beleeued, but afterward did be­leeue. And as the same man elsewhere writeth,Serm. 50. de verbis Domini in Io. they were predestinate, and not yet gathered: and he knew them who had predestinated them, he knew thē who came by his blood to redeeme them. Notably saith Tuitiensis Com. in Ioh. Iesus Christ died for the nation, and not only for the nation of Abra­ham, but for all the predestinate from the beginning of the world, being the sonnes of God dispersed into the foure coasts of the world, and which must now be gathered euen to the last elected one out of the lumpe of mankinde. Let the aduersaries aske the aduise also of their friend Illyricus writing vpon S. Iohn.

The 9. place is Ioh. 12.The 9. testi­monie. Ioh. 12. Now is the iudgement of this world come, now the prince of this world shall be cast forth: and I, when I shall bee lifted vp, will draw all men vnto me. This he said, signifying what death he should dye. All vnto whom the efficacie of redemption by the lifting vp of Christ vpon the crosse doth appertaine,A Syllogisme. must needes bee drawne or con­uerted vnto him, that he may be their head, and they his mē ­bers. But by drawing of grace, the vniuersalitie of the elect, and not of men, is drawne: for experience is against the v­niuersalitie of men: but he saith all, that is, all the predestinate vnto saluation, or all sorts of men, out of whom there is a cer­taine special vniuersality of the elect accounted, as Augustine tract. 52. in Ioh. and Prosper de vocat. gent. lib. 1. cap. 3. ex­pound this saying. Wherefore the efficacie of redemption is proper to the vniuersalitie of the elect.

The 10. place is Ioh. 15.The 10. testi­monie. Ioh. 15. No man hath greater loue than this, that one should lay downe his life for his friends. Ye shall be my friends, if ye doe what I command you. I will call you no more seruants, because the seruant knoweth not what his ma­ster doth: but I haue called you friends, because I haue made knowne vnto you all things which I haue heard of the father. [Page 188] If Christ specially died for his friends, (as the trueth is) then he died not alike, and as well for the damned, as for Peter, Paul, and other his friends: for all are not friends, but some bee friends, some seruants. Vnto this that is not contrarie, which is said Rom. 5. that Christ died for vs while wee were e­nemies. Serm 10. de Psal. qui habi­tat, &c. For according to Barnards distinction, Christ accor­ding to the time dyed for wicked ones and enemies: but accor­ding to predestination for his brethren and friends.

The 11. testi­monie. Ioh. 17.The 11. place is Ioh. 17. where the Apostle and high Priest of our confession in his solemne prayer, which a little before his death he offered to his father, saith, I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou gauest me: for they are thine. That the world is taken for the reprobates, the contrarietie of the elect doth shew, whom the father gaue to Christ: neither could D. Iacobus Andree denie this.Pag. 545. Col. Mompel. But for whom Christ would not so much as pray, how shall we say that he died for them according to his owne purpose? or how should the death of Christ profit them for redemption and sanctificatiō? Surely the sacrifice of the Mediatour doth profit none,Thes. 9.28. but whom his intercession doth also profit. Huber excepteth, that Christ refuseth not to pray for the world generally, but specially: which thing Luthers glosse declareth and confir­meth, I pray not for the world: that is, I pray not that thou wouldest approue the attempts and workes of the world and vnbeleeuers.

I answere readily from the contrarietie in the very text. As farre forth as the Lord prayeth for his, so farre forth, and in the same respect he prayeth not for that world of reprobates: but for his hee prayeth that they may be saued.Tract. 107. in Ioh. Therefore so farre forth he prayeth not for the reprobates. Let vs heare what Augustine saith: I pray not for the world, but for them that thou gauest me. By the world he would haue meant such as liue according to the lusts of the world, and are not in that state of grace, A double world. that they bee chosen by it out of the world. The same man, tract. 110. There is a world of such as are to bee damned, whereof it is written, Least we should be damned with the world. For this world he doth not pray: for he knoweth well [Page 189] whereto it is predestinate. And there is a world of such as shall be saued, as it is written: That the world may be saued by him whereof the Apostle also speaketh: God was in Christ reconci­ling the world to himselfe. For this world he prayeth, that it may beleeue, and by faith be reconciled vnto God. Thus farre Augustine.

Wherefore there is no cause that Huber should write,Thes 927. that our side faineth a false interpretation of this place. He faineth that obiecteth such things: euen as this also is a meere de­uise, that all men indifferently are giuen of the father to the sonne, that he may giue them life.Thes. 1077. & 163. All power surely not onely of humane flesh, but also of all creatures in heauen and earth is giuen to the sonne: but it is another thing that wee are gi­uen him, that hee may saue vs. For if all had been giuen to Christ, he had prayed for all: for he prayed for all that his fa­ther had giuen him. But now for certaine men, whom hee calleth the world, he prayed not. Further, he giueth eternal life to all that were giuen him. For so he saith: that to as many as thou gauest him, he might giue eternall life. Tract. 111. Therefore with Augustine we inferre by contraposition, that they were not giuen him, to whom he will not giue eternall life: albeit hee who hath power giuen him ouer all flesh hath power giuen him ouer thē also. In the same place: Who are they (saith he) whom he saith are giuen him of his father? Be they not they, of whom he saith in another place, No man commeth vnto me, ex­cept the father who sent me, draw him? They bee they whom he receiued of the father, whom he chose out of the world, that now they may not be of the world, as he is not of the world: and yet they be euen the beleeuing world, and that which knoweth that Christ was sent of God the father. Againe,Tract. 107. The world for which he prayeth not, he would haue to be taken for those that are not in that state of grace, that they may bee chosen out of the world: but for these whom his father gaue him he saith, he prayeth: for hereby that the father had giuen them alreadie vnto him, it commeth to passe, that they pertaine not vnto that world for which he doth not pray.

Hereupon Cyrill also saith:Lib. 11. cap. 19. in Ioh. Saint Iohn because he was a [Page 190] Iew, least the Lord should seeme to be an aduocate with the fa­ther for the Iewes onely, and not for other nations also, who be­ing called did obey, said of necessitie, that he was a propitiation for the whole world. But the Lord Iesus separating his owne from them that are not his, saith: I pray for them onely that keepe my words, and haue receiued my yoke. For whose Media­tour and high Priest he is, to them onely he worthily attribu­teth the benefit of mediation.

So this testimonie standeth firme against what cauils soe­uer,Com. vpon this place. whereof Rupertus speaketh notably: Woe to the reioy­cing world, while Christ the onely begotten sonne of God prai­eth for his owne, that is, dyeth, and vpon the altar of the crosse offereth himselfe a sacrifice: because J pray for them (sayth he) whom thou gauest me, and not for the world. For the world is here taken for the louers of the world, so contrary to them for whom Christ crucified praieth, as the Aegyptians were be­fore God from the children of Israel, who marked their posts with the sacred blood of the Lambe. Woe therefore to such a world, because what Christ the true Lambe of God praied, pro­fiteth them nothing, that with their king the prince of darknes the deuill, they may quickly sinke into hell, while they only whom the father gaue to the sonne, doe by his crosse and blood escape.

The 12. testi­monie. Verse 19. of the 17. chap. of Iohn.Twelfthly, wee adde what the Lord in his prayer to his fa­ther there expresseth: for them I sanctifie my selfe, that they may be sanctified in the trueth.

They onely for whom Christ sanctified, that is, offered himselfe a sacrifice, are by his offering sanctified in the truth: but he sanctified himselfe onely for the elect, of whom signi­ficantly he speaketh to discerne them from the world: For them I sanctifie my self, doubtles meaning his that were giuen him of his father, and for whom he prayed the father. There­fore the elect onely are in the trueth sanctified by Christs ob­lation. Whereupon Paul calles all beleeuers Saints euery where, (whom charitie commands to account for elect) be­cause they be sanctified in the blood of Christ.

CHAP. III. Testimonies out of Pauls Epistles.

FVrthermore, Paul the Apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, and a worthy preacher of the grace of Christ, for the pub­lishing among the Gentiles of the vnsearchable riches of Christ, and reuealing vnto all men, what is the communion of the mysterie that was hid from all ages: doth also euery where teach, that the grace of redemption pertaineth not to the vnbeleeuers, but to the faithfull, who now are not the ves­sels of the deuill, but the members of Iesu Christ.

That of many testimonies wee may onely alleadge a few,The 1. place. Rom. 3. he thus writeth to the Romanes, chap. 3. But now the righte­ousnes of God is made manifest without the law, hauing witnes of the law and the Prophets, to wit, the righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesu Christ, in all and vpon all that beleeue. For there is no difference. For all haue sinned, and are destitute of the glorie of God, and are iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Iesu: whom God hath set forth to bee a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousnes through the remission of sinnes.

The Apostles iudgement is, that all mortall men simplie are vnder sinne, and haue neede of the glorie of God: but he ascribeth not righteousnes to euery one that sinneth, as our aduersaries opinion is.Hub. thes. 45. For he expressely defineth the righte­ousnes of God to come through faith in Iesu Christ, and more plainly addeth, that wee are iustified freely by the re­demption wrought by Christ, and that he is set forth vnto vs of the father to be a propitiation, but through faith.

Hereupon the author of the Commentarie in Hierome vp­on this place saith:Ierome. Christ is in a readines set before the eyes of men to bee a propitiator, that he that will bee redeemed may come. Brentius. Brentius also (whom I cite very often because of the aduersaries) weighing this place writeth very truly, that it is manifest that Christ our redemption and propitiation, is not [Page 192] receiued nor appropriated vnto vs but by faith. And therefore that there is no other instrument beside faith, to receiue the benefits of God and of his sonne which we must enioy. And seeing Christ and his benefit are not receiued but by faith, it remaineth that wee are not iustified but by faith, that is, made acceptable to God, acquitted from sinnes, and repu­ted iust before God. These things he explicatione Catechis. of iustification.

Therefore by what right or wrong is this propitiation ex­tended to all, and bee all said to be freed from all sinne and condemnation, and in very deede receiued into the lap of grace, that is, iustified, whether they beleeue or beleeue not. This is not Gods righteousnes, but fained by men of a reprobate minde, to the reproach of the Gospell preached of the Apostles, and confirmed by the witnes of the Law and the Prophets.

Righteousnes in all and vpon al that beleeue.Moreouer, reiecting that fained vniuersalitie, the Apostle establisheth the true vniuersalitie of righteousnes and grace in all and vpon all that beleeue: that is, as Theophylact inter­preteth, such a righteousnes, whereby God maketh vs righ­teous, commeth vnto all men by faith, and all Iewes as well as Gentiles bringing faith are made righteous. For there is no difference; neither is he the God of the Iewes onely, but also of the Gentiles: for it is one God that iustifieth circum­cision of faith, & vncircumcision through faith. For there is neither Iew nor Gentile, Gal. 3. bond nor free, male nor female: but we are all one in Christ, all the sonnes of God, and heires according to promise through faith in Christ Iesus.

The 2. place Rom. 8.In the same Epistle to the Rom. there is another notable & famous place, chap. 8. What shall we say then? If God be for vs, who can be against vs? who hath not spared his owne sonne, but giuen him for vs all: how shall he not also with him giue vs all things?

Vs all taken for the church, proued by the Scripture, and by Augustine.He saith not barely for all, but for vs all with limitation, as that limitation also is elsewhere taken in the sacred Scrip­ture, Rom. 4. Abraham is the father of vs all. So Ierusalem that is aboue, is called the mother of vs all Gal. 4. & 1. Cor. 12. [Page 193] the Apostle saith, that by one spirit we all bee baptized into one bodie, whether we bee Iewes or Gentiles, bond or free, and are all made to drinke into one spirit. Also in the foreci­ted place to the Galathians, ye are all one in Christ Iesu. Ad Laur. ca. 61. Doubtles this is the voyce of the Church, If God be for vs, who can be against vs? This Augustine obserueth, saying: The Church that is among men (which he speaketh to make a difference of the Church which is among the holy Angels and powers of God) is redeemed from all sinne by the blood of the Mediatour, who is without sinne, and it is the voyce of the same: If God be for vs, who can be against vs?The voice of the Church. who spa­red not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all. This saying elsewhere he confirmeth two maner of waies from the text,Tract. 45. in Io. by the precedents and the consequents. For there goeth be­fore, Whom he foreknew, them he also predestinated: whom he predestinated, them he called &c. Of whom also it follow­eth: Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? It is God who iustifieth, &c. What is then, He gaue him for vs all? To which vs? To the foreknowne, to the predestinate, to the iu­stified, and glorified. The Lord knoweth who bee his, they bee sheepe. Sometime they know not themselues, but the shep­heard knoweth them, saith Augustine in the place allea­ged.

Besides, that Christ for whom he died, (according to pur­pose and efficacie) for them also he is an aduocate, ceasing not to make intercession, yt the grace of the fathers reconci­liation may more and more be bestowed vpon them, and (to vse the words of Ambrose) he saueth them being the ware that his blood hath bought. For how can he condemne him,Ambr. lib. 1. [...] Iac. cap. 6. whom he hath redeemed from death? for whom he offered himself: whose life he knoweth to be the reward of his death?Marke this. Shall he not say, what profit is in my blood, if I damne him whom I haue saued? Wherefore the Apostle:Rom. 8. Who is he that shall condemne? It is Christ who is dead, nay who is also raised againe: who also is at the right hand of God, who also prayeth for vs. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ? Shall oppression? shall anguish? shall persecution? shall famine? or [Page 194] nakednes? or danger, or sword? Nay in all these wee are more than conquerors, De vocat. gent. lib. 1. cap. vlt. through him who hath loued vs, &c. So the loue of Christ maketh them vnconquerable and vnsepa­rable, that is, perseuerers vnto the very end: for what is else to perseuere, then not to be ouercome in tentation? Wherefore they that perseuere vnto the end and bee saued, be doubtles the beloued and redeemed of God.

The 3. place Ephes. 5.Thirdly, we reade to the Ephesians, That Christ is the head of the Church, and the sauiour of the body: that he loued his Church, and exposed himselfe for it, to sanctifie it, clensing it in the lauer of water by the word, that he may make it for him­selfe glorious: that is, not hauing wrinckle or spot, or any such thing, but that it may be holy and blameles.

Three proofes out of the Text for our opinion. Ephes. [...].Many things here come together for the proofe of our o­pinion. 1 First, Christ is called the head of the Church, and that not according to creation and preheminence onely, as he is the head of euery creature, but after a peculiar maner, as the Church is his bodie, and the fulnes of him who filleth all in all. As therefore such as be members of the bodie, and not such as are without the bodie, are quickened of the head: so wee who are members of his bodie, of his flesh, and of his bones, draw peculiarly from Christ spirit and life.

2 Secondly, the same is the Sauiour of his bodie. For no man euer hated his owne flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, as Christ also doth his Church. This is rehearsed as a document of his singular loue to his Church, which thing should not so well accord, if as touching the grace of redemption, there were no difference betweene the Church and the world, be­tweene the spouse of Christ, and the spouse of the deuill: but all alike should bee saued by Christ, as these new disputers hold.

Amb. thes. 270.Thirdly, it is expressely added; that Christ loued the 3 Church, and exposed himselfe for it, to sanctifie it, & to make it glorious vnto himselfe, without wrinkle or spot, holy and blameles. The Apostle giueth to the Church the preroga­tiue of so great grace; I meane redemption, sanctification, glorification: neither doe redemption and sanctification [Page 195] more agree to the common vile company of men without the Church, than glorification doeth.

To the Collossians also there is a very excellent place,The 4. place. Cap. 1. cha. 1. We giue thankes to the Father who hath made vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saintes in light, and hath deliuered vs from the power of darknesse, and translated vs into the kingdome of his beloued sonne, in whom wee haue redempti­on, that is, the remission of sinnes. Foure things proper to the faithfull. Foure things here be pub­lished, as properly belonging to the faithfull. 1. The inheri­tance of the Saints in light. 2. Deliuerance from the power of darkenesse 3. Translation into the kingdome of Gods sonne, and 4. Redemption. If these be proper to the faithfull, as they be, (for this description of grace is wholly applied to the faith­full) the vnbeleeuers haue no part in them.Ambrose. And thus Am­brose expoundeth them, whose words are these, vpon the E­pistle to the Collossians. Being deliuered from the state of darkenes, that is plucked out of hel, wherein we were held by the deuill, as well through our owne sinne, as through the sinne of an­other, we are translated through faith into the heauenly king­dome of Gods sonne. For without the faith of Christ, Hub. Thes. 4 [...]. and 41. there is no going out of hell. Therefore these new Sectaries are deceiued and doe deceiue, contending that there is not one excepted, who is vnder the power of the deuill, whom Christ hath not deliuered from the power of the deuill, and hath not receiued into his kingdome.

Moreouer hitherto tendeth that which is written in the same chapter to the Collossians in these wordes:Col. 1. The 5. place Therefore you who were in time past strangers and enemies, hauing your minds set in euill workes, hath hee now reconciled in that body of his flesh through death, that hee might make you holy and blameles before him, if ye continue grounded and firme in faith. Here is an exposition of a double state of vnbeliefe and faith: and the state of vnbeliefe by the doctrine of the Apostle hath estranging of the minde from God and enemitie with him, but the state of faith hath reconciliation and sanctification. For significantly he saith: Nowe surely he hath reconciled, to wit, since ye beleeued in Christ.

[Page 196] The 6 place. 1. Tim. 4.In the 1. to Timothie. chap. 4. the Apostle writeth, that God is the Sauiour of all men, yet especially of the faithfull. Which saying being very short and of great force, wipeth a­way this whole controuersie, whereof wee intreate, if it bee considered with a calme regard. For in saying, who is the sa­uiour of all men, he confirmeth the generall goodnes of God vp­on all. For hee suffereth his sunne to arise vpon the bad and good,Matt. 5. Act. 17. and in him we are, we liue, and are moued. This surely is a certaine common saluation to all men, yea and to beasts: as it is said in the psalme. 36. Thou O Lord wilt saue men and beastes. August tract. 34 in. Io. For by whome men is preserued, by him also is the beastes. Neither must we be ashamed to thinke this of God, yea, wee must so conceiue and trust so, and take heede that we thinke not otherwise. He that saueth vs, hee saueth our horse, our sheep, yea to come to the least things, our henne. But by adding specialitie of the faithfull, hee sheweth that there is a part of mankind, which through faith inspired from God is aduanced by speciall benefits to high and eternal fe­licitie. Hereupon also in the former Psalme it is read. The sons of men doe trust in the shadow of thy wings. They shall be satis­fied with the fatnes of thy house, & thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy delights. For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light we shall see light. Bring forth thy mercie for them that knowe thee, and thy righteousnes for such as bee vp­right in heart. Therefore they receiue this speciall saluation, who trust in him, they doe not receiue it who doe despaire. The iust receiue it, the vniust and such as know not God re­ceiue it not.

The 7. place. Heb. 5.In the Epistle to the Hebrewes (which also of many olde writers is attributed to Paul,) wee haue these testimonies a­mong other. Chapter 5. Albeit he was the sonne yet by those things that he suffered, he learned obedience and being conse­crate, (to wit, by afflictions as it is sayd ca. 2.) he is made the au­thour of eternall saluation to all that obey him. Therefore this saluation was not brought to such as be obstinate,Saluation by Christ is Eter­nall not tem­porall and short, as the aduersarie see­meth to make it. and refuse the grace of Christ through vnbeliefe. And seeing that salua­tion purchased by Christ is not temporary and short, as that [Page 197] which was wont to be brought to men being in great dan­ger in warre, but Eternall, how shall it be sayd to belong to such as shall be damned, whose portion shall be in the lake of vnquenchable fire?

So in the 9.The 8. place. cap. 9. Chapter there is mention made of eternall re­demption: By his owne blood (saith the Apostle) he once entred into the holy place, and hath obtained eternall redemption. Eternall re­demption. And redemption is called eternall, both because it shal be effectu­all foreuer; and also for that the cause of eternall good things is theirs, who be partakers of the same. The contrary of both might bee found in the greater part of men, if redemption were common to beleeuers and vnbeleeuers, to such as shall be saued, and damned.

Hitherto also let the wordes be referred,The 9. place. which follow in the same place: If the blood of Bulles and Goats, and the ashes of a yong Heifer sprinckling the vncleane doe sanctifie and purge the flesh: how much more shall the blood of Christ, who by the eternal spirit offered himselfe without spot to God, purge your consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God? Redemption is described by this,Redemption described. that it purgeth our consci­ences from dead workes to serue the liuing God. But that purging of consciences and seruing of God is proper to the faithfull. For by faith the hearts are purified,Acts 15. Rom. 6. and being freed from sinne are made seruantes of righteousnesse through the same faith.

And a litle after:The 10. place Therfore for that cause is he the Mediator of the new couenant that through death which came for the redemption of transgressions the Called might receiue the pro­mise of the eternall inheritance. Who are those Called, The Called who they be Prosper. li. cap. 3. to whō belong the couenant, redemption, and inheritance? He that wrote the booke of the calling of the Gentiles answe­reth for me. Because (saith hee) some are iustified by faith, others are hardened in their impiety, the beleeuers are discer­ned from vnbeleeuers by the name of the Called: and such as be voyd of faith, they are shewed to bee without this calling, albeit they heare the Gospell. And he citeth the place 1. Cor. 1. we preach Christ crucified, to the Iewes an offence, and to [Page 198] the Gentiles, foolishines: but to the Called, as well Iewes as Gentiles, we preach him, the power and wisedome of God. Of these Called not onely of the Iewes but also of the Gen­tiles,The 11. place. see more Ro. 9.23. and cap. 8.28. and in the rest. Neither must we here omit that which we read writtē about the end of the 9. chapter to the Hebrewes. Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many. Many. Christo. Theophy. By these Many, he now mea­neth those Called, whereof he spake before. And so Chryso­stome and Theophylact expound. Why said he of Mary, and not of All? Sai valuit vt omnes serua­ventur. because all doe not beleeue. The death of Christ was equiualent to the perdition of all, that is, was of sufficient f [...]r [...]e and price to haue saued all, and yet it doth not take away the sinnes of all: because such as resist him, make his death al­together vnprofitable vnto them selues. Theophylact also ma­keth mention of Basil to be of the same mind, some of whose sayings I haue before alledged vpon the place of Matth. 26. But Aquinas of al men most clearely vpon this place writeth:Aquinas. He saith to take away the sinnes of many and not of all because the death of Christ, albeit it bee sufficient for all yet it is not effectuall but in the respect of such as shall bee saued. For all are not subiect vnto him through faith and good workes. Lastly what can be spoken more briefly and forceably for the deci­ding of this whole controuersie,The 12. place. Heb. 11. than that of the Apostle, He­brewes 11.Hub. Thes. 6 [...]. and 1001. without faith it is impossible to prayse God. Either this is not true, or els it is false that they say often, that all alke beleeuers and vnbeleeuers are freed from all sinne and con­demnation, and receiued into the fauour and grace of our heauenly father, which thing, what is it els, than that al please God without respect of faith and infidelitie.

CHAP. IIII. Testimonies out of other Scriptures of the New Testament.

The 1. placeFOr the greater confirmation of this point, we will adde al­so certaine other sayings of other bookes of the New Te­stament. [Page 199] In the Actes chapter 5. Peter,Acts 5. and the whole Col­ledge of the Apostles with one accord testifie these wordes: The God of our fathers raysed vp Iesus, and being exalted by his right hand, made him a prince and sauiour to giue repen­tance to Israel, and remission of sinnes. Repentance and remission of sinnes be iust parables, and therefore they that haue the one, haue the other, and they be Israel. Repentance and re­mission of sinnes are ioyned together by an in separable knot. Wherefore it is as foolish a thing to affirme that remission of sinnes is giuen by Christ to all men indifferently, as if a man should auouch that he giueth repentance to all. What mea­neth that, that the prerogatiue of both those benefites is be­stowed vpon Israel? Vpon what Israel? They that bee called of the Iewes and Gentiles according to promise, they bee the true Israel, saith Augustime,Aug. cap. 59. Gal. 6. whereof also the Apostle speak­eth: And vpon the Israel of God.

Secondly it is the voice of Peter,The 2. place Acts 10. and the testimonie of all Prophets agreeing together, that euery one that beleeueth in Iesu Christ, receiueth remission of sinnes through his name. Vnto this Propheticall and Apostolicall consent (which con­teineth the summe of the Gospel of Christ,) is the false van­gelicall commentarie of the aduersaries cleane contrary, that all simply without respect of faith or vnbeliefe receiue remission of sinnes through the name of Christ.

Further the same Apostle 1. Epistle. 1.The 3. place 1. Pet. 1. when hee speak­eth of redemption by the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot, hee saith that hee was foreordained before the foundations of the world were laid,Christ was foreordained and exhibited to the world for the belee­uers sake. and was made manifest for the beleeuers sake. Expressely he declareth, that Christ was exhibited to the world a Sauiour for the beleeuers. Therefore for the same persons in like ma­ner he properly died, and rose againe: not because they belee­ued already, but that they might beleeue,Iohn 20. and beleeuing might haue eternall life through his name.

Iohn also 1. Epistle 1. consenteth hereto.The 4. place 1. Ioh. 1. Three things to be obserued in Saint Iohns words. If wee walke in light, as God is light, we haue communion with him, and the blood of Iesu Christ purgeth vs from all sinne. If we say, we haue no sinne, we deceiue our selues, and the trueth is not in vs. If we confesse our sinnes, he is iust and faithfull to forgiue vs our sins, [Page 200] 1 and to purge vs from all iniquitie. 1. Communion with God belongs not to all. Therefore neither the grace of God: for where the grace of God is, there is also the communion of 2 him. 2. The clensing of sinnes by the blood of Christ, is 3 theirs who walke in light. 3. Remission of sinnes, which is propitiation it selfe, (as Iohn witnesseth) presupposeth con­fession of sinnes, which seeing it is not in al, propitiation doth not belong to all.

The 5. place Apoc. 1.I come to the Reuelation of Iohn, in whose very entrance we reade that redemption is declared and consecrated with these golden words: Iesus Christ that faithfull witnesse, and first begotten of the dead, hath loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes through his blood, and hath made vs kings and priests to God and his father. They that be redeemed are kings & priests to God, and such onely the faithfull be. To whom redemption belongs, they are kings and priest to God the father: but it belongs to the be­leeuers, and not to the vnbeleeuers, witnesse Peter 1. Pet. 2. Ye are a chosen stocke, a royall Priesthood, a holy nation, a people whom God hath purchased to himselfe as his owne, that ye might shew forth his vertues, who hath called you out of dark­nes into his marueilous light. Therefore the vnbeleeuers are voide of redemption.

Lib. 1. coment. in Apoc.Rupertus Tuitiensis saith very well. Therefore he hath wa­shed vs, that is, all his Church, from our sinnes. For he hath not only washed them, who now were beleeuers, or had bin, but also who should beleeue: and these surely hee washed not them actually, but in power: because they could not be washed who were not yet borne, or else had not yet belee­ued, but he gaue them power to be washed.

The 6. place Apoc. 5.The like place meeteth vs Apoc. 5. where the 24. Elders, and the foure beasts sing a new song vnto the Lambe, saying: Thou art worthie to receiue the booke, and to open the seales thereof: because thou wast slaine, & hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood, The Catholike Church, ment by the 24. El­ders, and foure beasts in the Apoc. out of euery tribe, language, people and nation, and hast made vs kings and priests to our God, and we shall raigne vpon the earth. Here by the 24. Elders and 4. beasts is meant the vniuersall Church of men, called Catholike, as partly wee may see by the words, out of euery tribe, language, people and [Page 201] nation, and partly by the scope of the whole chapter. For a threefold companie or armie is in that chapter brought in to blesse and praise the Lambe. The first company is the whole Church of men represented as I said, by the Elders and beasts. The second is the blessed Angels. The third is the creatures besides in heauen, vpon the earth and vnder the earth.Marke this rea­son. Here­vpon thus I reason: This new song, Thou wast slaine and hast redeemed vs, is proper to the Church, which is gathered out of all mankinde: (for in the two testimonies which follow, of the multitude of Angels and of euery creature, that forme is of purpose not obserued) therefore the only Church of men is redeemed by the blood of Christ. This is Ruperts argument vpon this very place.

Other things also concurre with this, as that the redeemed by the blood of Christ are made to their God kings & priests, whereof we spake a little before. Also that they shall raigne vpon the earth, that is, the land of the liuing, as of olde, when the Canaanites and Amorites were cast out for their sinnes, the Israelites raigned in the land of promise. But this raigne in the true land of promise, wee know all shall not haue, but the elect onely, to whom the sonne of man will say, when he commeth in his glorie: Come ye blessed, Matth. 25. possesse the kingdome prepared for you before the foundations of the world.

CHAP. V. Testimonies out of the Law and Prophets.

NOw also the bookes of the old Testament are full of te­stimonies concerning the grace of our Sauiour proper to the beleeuers, and so farre foorth vniuersall, as he hath his owne, who feare him and worke righteousnes in euery nation and Tribe.

Hitherto first of all tendeth the promise made to Abraham and his seede,The 1. place Gen 12. & 22, Gen. 12. and 22. In thy seede all nations of the earth, shall be blessed.

A Syllogisme.
  • It is certaine, that they be counted strangers from the bles­sing [Page 202] of Abraham, who are not the seed of Abraham.
  • But ma­ny among mankind, and namely the vnbeleeuers, are not the seede of Abraham:
  • Therfore they are strangers from the bles­sing of Abraham.

The Minor Paul very often proueth. For manifestly Ro. 9. he teacheth, that al the posteritie of Abraham are not accoun­ted in this seede, much lesse all the whole ofspring of Adam, but onely the sonnes of promise.Rom. 4. And in the fourth chapter of the same Epistle, he referreth this whole seede to the belee­uers of the Iewes and Gentiles. His words are: Therefore is the inheritance by faith, that it may be sure to the whole seede. that is, not onely to that which is of the law, but also to that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of vs all: to wit, the father of all the beleeuers being vncircumcised, and the father of Circumcision, that is, to them who are not onely circumcised, but who also walk in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham,Gal. 3. which he had being vncircumcised. Likewise Gal. 3. he declareth, that they who are of faith, are blessed with faithfull Abraham: because the Scripture fore­seeing, that God would iustifie the Gentiles through faith, preached before hand the Gospell to Abraham, saying: In thee shall all nations be blessed. Whereupon also in that place he saith to the faithfull: All ye are one in Christ Iesu: and if ye be be Christs, Vers. 14. then are ye Abrahams seede, and heires accor­ding to promise. See also the 14. verse of the same chapter.

Esay 53. The 2. place.Among the Prophets, Esay chap. 53. (wherein he so eui­dently setteth out not onely the vse of the Lords passion, but the historie also, that he seemeth rather to be an Euangelist than a Prophet) confirmeth the same thing saying:Vs all in the Prophet, taken for the faithful onely, proued by the text. We all like sheepe haue erred, euery one hath declined after his owne way: and the Lord hath laid vpon him the iniquitie of vs all. It is spoken with limitation, as concerning the vniuersalitie of the faithfull, after that kinde of phrase, wherein Abraham is called the father of vs all, and Ierusalem which is aboue, the mother of vs all, that is, of the beleeuers. And that we may nothing doubt at all, the Prophet addeth: he was smitten for the transgression of my people. Againe, My righteous seruant [Page 203] shall by the knowledge of himselfe iustifie many, and he shall beare their sinnes. And aboue: he hath borne the sinnes of ma­ny. He expressely testifieth that the fruit of the Lords passion, to wit, righteousnes and redemption, belongeth not to all in­differently, but to many, that is to the beleeuers.Pet. Gal. de ar­can. Ca [...]l. [...]e­rit. lib. 8. ca. [...]4. Euen as also Petrus Galatinus hath very well written vpon those words of Esay: Albeit (saith he) the passion of Christ ought to be suf­ficient to blot out the sinnes of all, yet it will not blot out all mens sinnes, but theirs onely who should beleeue in him, and repent. For that cause he saith: And he shall beare the sinnes of many. Luther also vpon that saying:Luther. in Is. 53. My righteous seruant by the knowledge of himselfe, &c. defineth Christian righte­ousnes to be nothing els, than to know Christ, and this onely to be the way of our deliuerance from death and sinnes: and that this knowledge doth free vs, and that there is no other comfort. Therefore it is an error, to claime for al men simply freedome from sinne and death.

The same thing plainly appeareth by the forme of the new couenant, Ier. 31. and Heb. 8. Behold the daies shal come, The 3. place Ierem. 31. saith the Lord, when I will make a new couenāt with the house of Israel, and with the house of Iuda, not according to the co­uenant that I made with their fathers when I brought them out of the land of Aegypt: but this is the couenant which I will strike with the house of Israel after those daies, saith the Lord: I will put my lawes in their minde, and in their heart will I write them, and I will bee their God, and they shall be my people. Neither shall euery one teach his neighbour, saying: know the Lord: for al shal know me from the least to the grea­test among them, and I will be merciful to their iniquities, and will remember their sinnes no more.

Hence wee see, that remission of sinnes which is wrought by the death of the Mediatour, is the benefit of the new coue­nant. Whereupon it followeth,The benefits of the coue­nant belong to the sonnes of the couenant. that it appertaineth to the sonnes onely of the couenant. But how that all are not the sonnes of the couenant, first from hence it is plaine, that these promises: I will put my lawes in their mindes: I will bee their God, and they shall be my people: they shall all know me; agree [Page 204] not simply vnto all men. Then because it is flatly sayd, that this couenant is made with the house of Israel, and with the house of Iuda: which thing must be vnderstood of the Church of the Iewes and Gentiles, that true Iuda and Israel, whereof the Apostle also speaketh,Gal. 3. Ye are all one in Christ Iesu: and because ye are Christs, ye are Abrahams seede, and heires by promise.

Ier. 23. & 33. The 4. place.The like promise we haue Iere. 23. and 33. Behold the daies shall come, saith the Lord, that I will raise vp to Dauid a righ­teous branch, and a king shall raigne, in whose daies Israel shal be saued, and Iuda shall dwell boldly. We see here also the re­demption of the Messiah peculiarly attributed to his people: because,Luk. 1. as the Angell Gabriel testifieth, he raigneth ouer the house of Iacob, that is, the Church, and of his raigne and his peace there shall be no end.

Euery where also in the Prophets, when they foretell of the comming of the Redeemer, and of saluation to be wrought by him, the word of promise is peculiarly directed vnto the Church vnder the name of Sion,Zach. 2. The 5. place. as Zachar. 2. Reioyce and be glad O daughter Sion: for I will come and dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord: and many nations shall be gathered toge­ther in that day, and they shall be my people, and I will dwell in the midst of thee: and the Lord shall possesse Iuda his portion in the holy land, and shall choose as yet Ierusalem. That this must bee vnderstoode of the Church collected from euery place, the things that we reade 2. Cor. 6. ver. 16. and Apoc. 21. vers. 2. will not suffer vs to doubt at all.

Zach. 6. The 6. place.And in the 9. chapter of the same Prophet it is said: Reioyce greatly O daughter Sion, shout for ioy O daughter Ierusalem: Behold thy king cōmeth vnto thee, who is iust, a Sauiour poore, [...]iding vpon an asse, and he shall speake peace to the Gentiles, and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the flood to the ends of the earth. Ephes. 2. For the Catholike Church of Christ is dispersed through the whole world: which Christ, as Paul witnesseth, is our peace, and hath made both (Iewes and Gentiles) one, abolishing enmitie through his flesh, that he might make one man of two in himselfe, and hath reconci­led [Page 207] both in one bodie vnto God by his crosse, slaying enmitie by it, and comming, hath preached peace both to them that were farre off, and to them that were neere.

Agreeable to this is the word of promise, Esay. 62.Esay 62. Behold the Lord proclaimeth vnto the vtmost parts of the earth: Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold thy saluation shall come, behold his reward is with him, and his worke is before him, and they shall call them a holy people, the redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called a citie sought for, and not forsaken. What was this citie but the high Ierusalem, which is the mother of vs all? for it is written: Reioyce thou barren that bearest not: Gal 4. breake forth and crie thou that trauellest not for the desolate woman hath more children, than she that hath an husband. After which sort also the citie of God, the spirituall Sion and Ierusalem with her sonnes dispersed among all nations, is gloriously described in the 87. Psalme. And these bee they of whom speaketh this propheticall word here: They shall call them a holy people, the redeemed of the Lord. Wherefore see­ing the prerogatiue of so great dignitie is proper to the sons of the Church, and the household of God, it is iniuriously ex­tended to those that are without.

But that we may not go farre, it is certaine,Acts 10. as Peter shew­eth, that all the Prophets doe witnesse, that whosoeuer be­leeueth in him, receiueth remission of sinnes through his name. And as Paul affirmeth: the righteousnesse of God is approued by the testimonie of the Law and the Prophets,Rom. 3. the righteousnesse of God I say in all, and vpon all that beleeue.Col. 1. Now the righteousnesse of God, and remission of sinnes, is redemption it selfe, Colos. 1. Wherefore by the one consent of all the Prophets, redemption is proper to the beleeuers, and nothing at all belongeth to the vnbeleeuers.

CHAP. VI. The same thing is proued by some types of the old Testament.

I Will onely annexe certaine typicall or shadowed things of the old Testament, wherein now long agoe the very same thing hath been declared.The redempti­on of Israel out of Egypt and Babel. And first it is manifest enough, that the redemption of the people of Israel out of Egypt, and after out of the captiuitie of Babel, were as certaine shadowes and figures of this true redemption and grace gotten by Christ, as here and there wee may see in the Prophets.Tuitiens. hath this similitude vpon Ioh. 17. Therefore looke how much difference there is betweene the Egyptians perishing with their prince, and the children of Israel mar­king their doore posts with the sacred blood of the Lambe and so escaping: so much differeth the world of the vnbe­leeuers from the world or people of the faithfull: that with their king the prince of darknes the deuill, they may sooner be drowned in the bottome of hell, than that the redemption by Christ that true Lambe of God, should do them any good at all.Esay 43.3. Also as the redeemer of Israel tooke his seruant Iacob, and the seede of Abraham, and brought them out of Babel into the land of the forefathers, giuing the Egyptians, the E­thiopians and other wicked people as it were the price for the redemption of the people of God:Ier. 30. v. 11.23 so the Lord is with his Church to saue it, while the storme abideth still vpon the head of the vngodly.

The brasen serpent. Num 21.Againe, in the desert the brasen Serpent lifted vp by Mo­ses at the commandement of God, was the onely remedie a­gainst the fierie serpents that whosoeuer should looke vpon it should not die but liue: and that not for the thing seene, but for God the sauiour of all, whose word did heale, as the Wiseman saith.Sap. 16.7. As therefore they that were stung of Ser­pents then, did not liue, vnles they looked vpon the signe of health: so the crosse of Christ is redemption and life to such as beleeue in him, but not to vnbeleeuers. And this is it that [Page 207] Christ auoucheth of himselfe, Ioh. 3. As Moses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse, so must the sonne of man be lift vp, that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish, but haue e­ternall life.

Moreouer,Exod [...]1. The [...] in the yeare of Iubilie. among the Iewes there was a general freedome of all seruants in the yeare of Iubilee, as farre forth as the law of libertie gaue leaue to all Hebrewes. But as then, they that willingly continued in bondage felt not the force of offred libertie: so they feele not the efficacie of Christs redemptiō, who abide addicted vnto the world.Lib. 1. Ep. 1. Ambrose rehearsing this figure, saith excellently: He that is a true freeman, a true Hebrew, is wholly Gods all that he hath is libertie: hee hath nothing of his, who refuseth libertie, saying: I loue my ma­ster, his wife and children, I will not be free.

Hitherto tendeth the scape goate,The scape goate. Leuit. 16. vpon whose head the high Priest euery yeare vsed to lay the curse of all the iniqui­ties of the children of Israel, and all their sinnes and trespas­ses, and so sent him out into the wildernes, and he bore all the sinnes of the people of Israel.

If this was a figure of Christ to come, and of the attone­ment that he should make, (as truly it was) we must needes confesse, that Christ properly maketh satisfaction for the sins of his people, as the goate was properly appointed for the people of God, the children of Israel to make an attonement for all their iniquities. For this cause also Heb. 2.Heb. 2. he is called mercifull and a faithfull high priest to appease Gods wrath for the sins of the people. And in the 13. chapter,Cap. 13. the Apostle respecting the whole legall sacrifice, saith: And Iesus suffered without the gate, to sanctifie the people by his blood: so that we that are his people, may boldly say: he hath borne our sinnes in his body vpon the tree, and with his stripes wee are healed. 1. Pet. 2.

Concluding therefore the first ranke of our arguments,The summe of all that hath been said, and it is worthie to be obserued. we affirme, beleeue and confesse, that the Sauiour promised to the world, the Christ of God, preached alwaies in the Church by the mouth of all the holy Prophets and Apostles, is ap­pointed by the father to be a propitiation through faith in his [Page 208] blood, in all and vpon all that beleeue: and that this benefite of the restoring and redemption of mankinde, albeit it bee proper and peculiar to the Church, as touching the efficacie of it, yet it is vniuersall, altogether in that sense, wherein wee beleeue and confesse the holy Church of Christ to bee vni­uersall.

CHAP. VII. Of the second order of proofes.

The first rea­son drawne from the defi­nition of re­demption.IN this ranke we will vse reasons drawne from the analogie of faith: and first I reason from the definition:

Iustification belongeth to the beleeuers, and not to vn­beleeues.

But Redemption is the same that Iustification is.

Therefore Redemption belongeth to beleeuers, and not to vnbeleeuers.

The Assumption is proued out of Paul, Ephesians 1. Col. 1. where he defineth redemption to be remission of sinnes. In another place, to wit, Rom. 4. he will haue the iustification of a man before God to consist in the forgiuenes of sinnes, al­leaging that of the Psalme.Psal 32. Blessed are they, whose iniquities are forgiuen, and whose sinnes are couered. The Maior or first proposition, is the doctrine of the Apostle largely hand­led and proued Rom. 3, 4, and 5. chapters, and Gal. 2. and 3. chapters, to wit, that man is iustified by faith in Christ Iesus. To which doctrine nothing is more contrary, than to ima­gine iustification to be so generall and largely spreading, as condemnation is generall in all and vpon all men simply. Thouching the words Ro. 5. we haue answered before least any should thinke that they may be obiected to maintaine so generall a iustification,Ambroses ex­position of (all men) Rom. 5. which also Ambrose vpon that place openly reiecteth, and expoundeth, that grace aboundeth vp­on all men to the iustification of life, as touching the beleeuers, of whom there is a certaine proper vniuersalitie subiect to Christ, and partaker of his grace no lesse than the vniuersa­lity [Page 209] of mankind draweth from Adam sinne and death.

The second argument.The 2. reason. There is no remission of sinnes out of the Church.

Therefore neither redemption, which Paul (as I said,) de­fineth to be remission of sinnes.

The Antecedent Augustine proueth saying:In 1. Epist. Io. tract. vlt. Where there is remission of sinnes, there is the Church. And from thence in the same place hee gathereth against the Donatists, who shut vp the Church in a part of Africa: that the Church of Christ is scattered through the whole world, because remissi­on of sinnes in the new Testament is despersed through all nations, beginning at Hierusalem.What is the Catholike Church. For this is the Catholike Church, that is, the people of God throughout all nations, accounting and reckening all the saints withal, that were be­fore the birth of Christ, who yet were knit to the same body, whereof he is the head, while they beleeued in him, who was preached of before;Cap. 3. de cate. Ru [...]i [...]bus. as the same Augustine writeth in another place.

Here the same illation is of force: If redemption be so vni­uersall, that (as our aduersaries suppose) all are truely and vn­doubtedly deliuered from all sinne and condemnation, all then of necessitie are, or haue beene sometime the Church. Than which thing what is more absurd?Hub. thes. 65. Iohn 15. Iohn 4. Ephes. 2. Matt. 16. Iohn 10. For such as bee sele­cted out of the world are the Church, being borne of God, and built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, and vpon the rocke: and being the sheepe of Christ heare his voyce. Therefore the world, and the Church in the world doe differ: as Brentius doth well aduise vs in his Catechisme, expounding the Article: I beleeue the holy Church. There are some (saith hee) that thinke, that the whole world, or all men in the world bee the people of God,The whole world is not the Church, yet among all men in the world God hath his peo­ple. and the Lordes Church: but this Article of our faith doeth teach vs, that the whole world is not the Church, nor all mē the elect people of God, but that among al men in the world God hath his peo­ple, scattered abroad in respect of their outward cōuersation, but gathered together by the same Gospel in one faith. And as the whole world is not the Church of God: so neither is [Page 210] any whole citie or towne, but in cities and townes God hath his Church.Thes. 1001.1059. &c. & 4 [...]. &c. These things saith he, with whom how well Hu­ber agreeth, (otherwise a follower of Brentius his opinion,) let him looke vnto it. For he is litle or nothing at all from a­uouching all men to be Gods elect, his people and kingdom, and therefore his Church. For in this life the kingdome of Christ and the kingdome of heauen is the Church,Aug. li. 20. cap. 9. de ciuit. Dei. as Au­gustine largely teacheth.

The 3. reasonThe third argument: The redeemed are knowen, and doe please God, at the least in respect of the time and state of re­demption. But to those that shalbe damned the Lord openly professeth, saying Mat. 7. I neuer knew you, depart from me, all ye that worke iniquitie. Chrysost. in Matt. He saith plainely, Neuer. But we must vnderstand (as Christome aduiseth vs) that the Lord know­eth not such, not that he is altogether ignorant of them, who knoweth all mē, but that he knoweth them not to be his, nor loueth them, as the Lord is said to know, that is, to loue and approue the way of the righteous. Psalme 2. Therefore such as shal be damned are not of the number of them that Christ hath redeemed.

The 4. reasonThe fourth argument is agreeable to the former: They that haue not the spirite of Christ are none of his. Ro. 8. But most haue not the spirit of Christ. For if all men should haue the spirit of God dwelling in them, the bodies of all mortall men should also be quickened by the same spirite, that raised vp Christ from the dead. Besides this, as Christ saith in the Gos­pel, the world cannot receiue that spirite of trueth, because it knoweth him not, nor seeth him. Hereupon it followeth, that most men are not Christ, and by consequence, neither Christ nor his benefites are theirs.

The 5. reasonThe fifth argument, from the adiunct of redemption, or the thing that is neerely knit vnto it whose aduocate Christ is, their only propitiation is he; But he is not the aduocate of the vnbeleeuers and reprobates, but of the faithfull and elect; therefore also he is not to them a propitiation, but to the faithfull and elect.

The reason of the Maior is, because it is the office of one [Page 211] and the same high Priest both to pray and to sacrifice for the people:The office of the high Priest. and both are required to obtaine for vs the fauour and grace of God. Whereupon also Iohn 1. Epistle 2. ioyn­ing these together maketh him our propitiator, whom he cal­leth our aduocate. As also a man may see them ioyned toge­ther, Ro. 8, 34 And that Christ is onely for them an aduocate, who beleeue or shall beleeue, and in a word for his elect, hee himselfe hath not dissembled it. Iohn 17. I pray not for the world: but for them whom thou hast giuen me. Which place wee haue before largely expounded. And if hee did not then pray for the world, hee doeth not pray for it now, but onely for the elect. The same thing is very cleare. Rom. 8. Who shall accuse the elect of God? It is God who iust [...]fieth, Who shall con­demne? It is Christ who died, and rose againe and sitteth at the right hand of the father, and maketh intercession for vs: that is for the elect of whom onely he speaketh in that text. Neither doth Iohn speake of any other 1. Epistle 2. Litle children if a­ny man sin, we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation of our sinnes. And the authour of the Epistle to the Hebrewes chapter 7. Because he hath an euerlasting Priesthood he is able altogether to saue those, that come vnto God by him, he seeing euer liueth to make intercession for them, to wit, for those that come vnto God by him. In like sort the authour of the 62. sermon in Ambrose vpon the saying of Saint Iohn obserueth, that Christ is an ad­uocate vnto Christians, and a iudge altogether to Iewes and other infidels. Origene also vpon Leuiticus. For them onely doeth the high Priest Christ our aduocate and propiti­ator pray, that be the Lords inheritance, that waite for him without, that depart not from the temple, but giue them­selues to fasting and prayer.

The sixt argument from the things that follow redemp­tion, as are, the adoption and inheritance.The 6. reason

Where redemption is, there is adoption and inheritance:Adoption and inheritance, follow re­demption. But all are not sonnes and heires to wit, the heires of God and coheires with Christ.

Therefore neither are all redeemed.

[Page 212]The Minor is proued out of Paul, who accounteth them the sonnes of God, that are led by the spirit of God, and doe mortifie the actions of the body by the spirit: to say nothing now of so many places of Scripture, that attribute adoption as proper to the beleeuers. Iohn 1 As many as receiued him, to them bee gaue this power or dignitie to be the sonnes of God,Ambro. in 5. Rom. euen to them that beleeue in his name. See also 1. Iohn 3.1. Hereupon Ambrose also writeth vpon the 5. to the Romans. Such of vs as beleeue Christ to bee the sonne of God, are adopted of God for sonnes. For he could not bestow any more vpon the beleeuers, than that they might be called the sonnes of God, while the vnbeleeuers are forsaken. For we are called the sonnes of God, but they not worthy to be called seruants. And Epistle 74. Hee closeth vp his whole argument very briefly saying: Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is libertie: where is no libertie, there no grace, where no grace, there no adoption: where no adoption; there is no succession. But where faith is, there is libertie, adoption, and inheritance.

The 7. reason The Maior.The seuenth argument from another consequent, that is, from sanctification and conuersion. Whosoeuer are redeem­ed, are also sanctified conuerted and regenerated, according to the promise: A deliuerer shall come out of Sion, and shall turne away iniquities from Iacob: and this is my couenant with them, Sanctification and conuersi­on necessarily follow re­demption. when I shall take away their sinnes saith the Lord. Which place out of the 59. of Isaie, Paul Rom. 11. applieth to the con­uersion of Israel, and from thence sheweth that conuersion is ioyned with deliuerance or redemption. Whereto also per­taineth the saying of Iohn 1. Epistle 3. Hee that committeth sinne is of the deuill: but for this cause was the sonne of God re­uealed, that he might destroy the workes of the deuill. Whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not. He speaketh of practising righte­ousnes, as whereby the sonnes of God were discerned from the sons of the deuill: such as sinne are of the deuill: such as do righteousnesse are of God thorow Christ, who destroyeh in vs the workes of the deuill, not onely by forgiuing sinnes, but also by renewing our corrupt nature to doe the workes of righteous­nes. The circumstance of the words and the scope do teach [Page 213] this exposition, and Augustine confirmeth it in Hypognostic [...] lib. 3. where withal he alleageth that which is written Heb. 9. that the blood of Christ, who by his eternall spirit offered him­selfe to God, doth purge our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God. See also in Zacharies song Luk. 1. vers. 74. Tit. 2. vers. 14. 1. Cor. 1. vers. 30. Eph. 5.26. Act. 5. ver. 31.74. Tit. 2. vers. 14. 1. Cor. 1. vers. 30. Eph. 5.26. Act. 5. ver. 31. in Peters words, and in his 1. Epistle. 2. ver. 24. but most plen­tifully of all Rom. 6. and 7. chapters. All which places with­out gainsaying doe witnesse, that the sanctification or reno­uation of a man to practise righteousnes and good workes, are necessarily ioyned with the gift of redemption.

Here now let vs set downe the assumption,The Minor, which the holy Scripture and experience doe plainly and sufficiently con­uince, that not all men bee endued with the spirit of sancti­fication for their conuersion, and renewing of their life. It is proued. Because this sanctification is not without the free giuing of the holy spirit: but the world cannot receiue that spirit, Ioh. 14. Further, this gift consisteth herein,1. Pet. 2. Rom. 8. & 7. Luk. 1. that being dead to sinnes wee should liue to righteousnesse, and should serue God in his sight with holines and righteousnesse all the daies of our life. And is this giuen to all men? nay it proper­ly belongeth to the sonnes of promise, and of the new coue­nant, as the Lord saith: I will put my lawes in their minds, and in their hearts will I write them, and all shall know me: Iere. 31. Heb. 8. and I will be mercifull to their sinnes, and their iniquities will I re­member no more. Also, I will giue you a new heart and a new spirit within you: and I will take away your stonie heart, Eze. 36. & will giue you a fleshy heart, and I will make you to walke in my pre­cepts, and to keepe my iudgements: and ye shall bee my people, and I will be your God.

Which things seeing they be thus, we conclude also,The conclusiō. that redemption belongeth not to all men, but to the children of the promise onely.

Now the aduersary two maner of waies runneth a ground about this argument:Hub. thes. 1089 first in that be laboureth to wrest san­ctification indifferently vnto the whole progenie of men, and yet alleageth no fit testimonie of Scripture to proue it, [Page 214] which as we haue seene plainly declareth the contrarie.Thes. 1096. Se­condly, in that he either craftily depraueth the force of the ar­gumēt, or els doth not vnderstand it, to wit, as though frō the coherence of the double benefit of redēption and sanctifica­tion we reasoned thus: God requireth sanctification of his redeemed ones: therefore the greatest part is not redeemed, because it doth not practise godlines. But our reasoning is not drawne from our dutie, but from Gods benefit, promi­sing that he will giue to the redeemed a new heart, and a new spirit, and so will cause them to walke in his waies, by putting and writing them in their mindes; not with inke, but with the spirit of the liuing God; not in stony tables, but in the tables of the heart.

The 8. reason.The 8. Argument neerely agreeth with the seuenth: In the redeemed ones the will also is redeemed by Iesu Christ,The will is re­deemed and set free in all those that be redee­med. o­therwise the best thing in man was not redeemed. There­fore by graunting the redemption of all, faithfull and Infidels, it should follow that the will also in all is redeemed and hea­led: and so free will should bee established in all whomsoe­uer: whereas yet they that are ignorant of Christ, and beleeue not in him, doe serue sinne, and are not able to will, or goe a­bout any thing that is good: as Luther hath notably proued in his booke de seruo arbitrio.

The 9. reason.The 9. Argument from another consequent, which is bles­sednes and eternall life.

Eternall life E [...]lessed­ [...]s to low [...]ose that be redeemed ef­fectually.Whosoeuer are effectually redeemed, shall not perish, but shall haue eternall life.

But the vnbeleeuers doe perish: for hee that beleeueth not shall be damned.

Therefore the vnbeleeuers are not effectually redeemed.

The Maior is fully proued by these sayings: Being iustified by his blood, we shall now much more bee saued from wrath by him. For if when we were enemies, wee were reconciled to God by the death of his sonne, much more now shal we be saued by his life. Rom. 5. And chap. 8. Whom he iustifieth, them also he glorifieth. Againe, If God be for vs, who is against vs? euen he that hath not spared his own sonne, but giuen him for vs all, [Page 215] how shall he not with him giue vs all things? Who shall accuse the elect of God? It is God that iustifieth. Who shall condemne? It is Christ who is dead: yea rather who is also risen againe, and maketh intercession for vs.

Paul is manifestly of this iudgement, that they shall neuer be damned, for whom Christ dyed, rose againe, and maketh intercession.

Notably saith Ambrose:Ambr. de Iacob & vita beata. lib. 1. cap 6. He that hath giuen vs the author of all, excepteth nothing. There is nothing then that we may feare can possibly be denied vs; there is nothing wherein we ought to bee doubtfull of the continuance of Gods bounti­fulnes, whose plentie hath been of so long continuance,An excellent saying, and of great comfort to a penitent heart, if it be oft remem­bred. and alwaies ready, so yt first he would predestinate, then he would call, and whom he would call, them he would iustifie & glo­rifie. Can he possibly forsake them whom he hath pursued with his so many and great benefits? But there is feare, least the Iudge be too seuere. Consider what iudge thou hast, to wit, Christ. Can he condemne thee whom he hath redeemed from death, for whom he hath offered himselfe, whose life he knoweth is the reward of his death? Will he not say:Aug. de Trinit. lib. 13. cap. 16. What profit is in my blood, if I condemne him whom I my selfe haue saued? See also if ye please, Augustine confirming this very argument.

Hereupon it riseth, that some vnder pretence of vniuersall redemption haue thought that all at length shall be saued. Of which mad error Caluin vpon 1. Ioh 2. Bucer in the Acts of the Conference had at Argentine with Melchior Hofman,A booke pub­lished in the dutch tongue at Argent. 1553. doe make mention, and also Wolfgange Musculus in the place concerning the redemption of mankinde, warning vs to take heede, least vnderstanding amisse the vniuersalitie of redemption, we say with frantike men, that no man is dam­ned, and perisheth for euer. These our men with whom we deale deny that thing truly: but what auaileth it to denie it, seeing neuerthelesse they stifly maintaine that principle, from whence that error springeth?

They except, that the redeemed doe not perish, vnles they cast away, and tread vnder foote redemption once receiued. [Page 216] But contrariwise the testimonies of Scripture euen now al­leaged, doe teach, that such as are effectually redeemed, and alreadie iustified by the gift of God, shall certainly haue life and heauenly glorie, and cannot possibly by any meanes be pluckt away from the loue of God towards them in Christ Iesu. And as for some examples and places to the contrary, they haue been sufficiently answered in the second booke be­fore.

If all sinner be blotted out and sati [...]fied, then vnbe [...]iefe is blotted, and it shall not condemne vs.Furthermore, how agree these things together, that all the sinnes of all men are satisfied for, and in very deede blotted out, and yet that the greater part of men are damned for vn­beliefe? For if all sinnes are forgiuen all men, then vnbeliefe also is forgiuen. How then shall it damne any man? Thus it euer abideth vnmoueable, that all at length shall be saued, if all men together bee effectually made partakers of redemp­tion.

The 10. reason.The tenth argument is drawne from the causes of redemp­tion, two whereof are the principall efficient causes: one far­ther off,The causes of redemption. to wit, the grace of God giuing his sonne vnto vs: the other most neere vs: the sonne himselfe, finishing the worke of redemption in the nature of man which hee tooke vpon him. The materiall cause is the passion and death of the righ­teous for the vnrighteous. The instrumentall efficient cause 1 is likewise two-fold, to wit, 1. The word of grace that offe­reth Christ vnto vs with his benefits, (and serueth to stirre vp faith in vs: for faith is by hearing▪ and hearing by the word of 2 God): 2. And faith it selfe, wherewith as it were a hand wee receiue grace offered, and are made partakers thereof. Here­vpon the Apostle Rom. 3. saith: We haue all sinned but we are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption made in Iesu Christ, whom God hath set foorth to bee a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes. Where we see among other causes of redemption, faith required, as the instrument wherewith wee may applie vnto vs redemp­tion gotten for vs by his blood, and may become partakers thereof to the blotting out of our sinnes. Therefore the vn­beleeuers haue nothing to doe with redemption and propi­tiation. [Page 217] And that the necessitie of faith may the more ap­peare in euery matter of saluation,Faith, how ne­cessarie to sal­uation. the Apostle Heb. 11. ex­pressely testifieth, that it is impossible without faith to please God, producing for this point most notable examples of an­tiquitie, who are shewed to please God through faith, and to haue obtained righteousnes, which is according to faith.

Notably saith Augustine in Euang. Ioh. serm. 60. The me­dicine for all wounds, The great ne­cessitie and profit of faith. and the onely attonement for the sinnes of men, is to beleeue in Christ. Neither can any man at all bee clensed either from originall sinne, or the sinnes which he hath done, vnles by faith he be vnited, and ioyned to his bodie. For they that beleeue in him are the sonnes of God: because they are borne of God by the grace of adoption, which is in the faith of our Lord Iesu Christ: for in beleeuing we are made the sons of God, as it is written: He hath giuen them prerogatiue to be made the sonnes of God, while they beleeue in him. And serm. 181. de temp Faith is the ground of all good things, Aug. de temp. ser. 181. and the beginning of mans saluation: without this none can bee of the number of Gods sonnes, and without it in this world nei­ther doth man attaine the grace of iustification, nor hereafter shall possesse eternall life: and whoso walketh not by faith shall not come to see God.

In these testimonies of the Scriptures, and our Elders ac­cording to the Scriptures, if wee meane to stand, (and wee ought to rest therein) away with the deuise of the righteous­nes of all men, and the operation of saluation in all,Hub. thes. 49. & 65. and the receiuing of all men into grace, and their purging from sins, whether they beleeue or not.

The aduersaries doe except, that they thinke not that the merit of Christ is applied without faith, or that any man without it can be made partaker of the fatherly will of God.Thes. 72. & 1112 I answere, therefore they bee manifestly contrary to them­selues, that say such things,The aduersa­ries contrarie to themselues. Thes. 65.270.168. and yet stifly maintaine that all men none excepted, faithfull and vnfaithfull before and after Christs birth, are set free by the blood of Christ truly and vn­doubtedly from all sinne and condemnation, and are recei­ued into the grace and fauour of God: that all alike are sa­ued, [Page 218] iustified and quickened: that all pertaine to the com­munion of saluation, and the kingdome of grace, and such like. For if no man can be partaker of the grace of God, righ­teousnes, life and saluation in Christ, vnles he applie those good things to himselfe, and the application cannot be but by faith, how belong those things to all vnfaithfull as well as faithfull?

The 11. reason The Maior.The 11. Argument from another consequent. Redemp­tion is such a benefit, whereby of seruants of sinne wee are made the sonnes of God; of children of wrath, the children of grace; of strangers and vnknowne, we are made a royall and priestly stock, as it is written Apoc. 1. and 5. He hath lo­ued vs, and redeemed vs to God by his blood, and hath made vs to our God kings and priests, and wee shall raigne vpon the earth.

The Minor.But vnto the Church properly belongeth this dignitie, to be a chosen stocke, a royall priesthood, a holy nation, witnes Peter, 1. Epist. 2. which also the words out of the Reuelation chap. 5 now cited doe confirme, where the voice and confes­sion of the Church is, Thou hast made vs to our God kings and priests.

The conclu­sion.Therefore it followeth, that the proprietie of redemption is in the possession of the Church.

The 12. reason. From the vse of the Sacra­ments.The 12. argument from the vse of the Sacraments. Vnto whom nothing is sealed in he vse of the Sacraments, vnto them the promise of grace in the word belongeth not. For the nature of the promise is all one both in the audible and visible word.

But in the Sacraments, Baptisme and the Lordes Supper, nothing is sealed to such as be aliants from Gods couenant, and vnbeleeuers. Therefore neither doeth the promise of grace in the word belong vnto them. For the proofe of the assumption, let the things be considered, that we haue of that matter spoken before in the Confutation.

The 13. reasonThe 13. and last argument. If all men wholy bee receiued into the grace and fauour of God by the death and grace of the Sauiour,Hub. Thes. 157. & 536. so that no man shall euer perish now after his [Page 219] redemption, vnles he despise the grace of God,Hub. thes. 157. & 136. Marke this reason agaynst the aduersarie. and through vnbeliefe shake off and forsake his redemption: It will follow, that all the children of al Thalmudists, Mahumetists, Turks, Tartarians, and such as feed on mens flesh called Anthropo­phagi and such like, as long as they want the vse of reason, and therefore actuall sinne, and be not yet subiect to the con­tempt of grace, are in the state of saluation, and dying in that age of what nation soeuer they be, in the Church or out of it, are eternally saued: which thing is manifestly and Anabap­tisticall dotage of those men (I say) that follow the pauilions of Mennon,Mennon. Theod Phil. Hofman. and Theodorike Philip vp and downe the Low Countries, which they haue drawen vnto them from the sinke as it seemeth of Melchior Hofman. For Theodore Phil­lippi is of this opinion, and plainely writeth,Lib. de baptis­mo. Because Christ the Lambe of God hath taken away the sinnes of the world by his death and blood, that no man can be damned for the sinne of Adam: and therefore that the kingdome of heauen belongeth to all children indifferently, & that al are innocents and repu­ted without sinne before God, seeing no sinne beside Adams can be imputed vnto them: and that the same is satisfied and taken away vniuersally by the death of Christ, so that infantes for Adams transgression cannot be iudged or condemned. And the Pelagians also (as Augustine witnesseth) laboured to bring some such thing in, to wit,August. lib. 2. de nuptijs & concup. cap. 33. that litle children are inno­cent, and without all guiltines, after that Christ had died for them.

But the Scripture teacheth vs to put here a difference be­tweene the infants of Gods people,Infants of the faithfull differ from others. and the infants of vngod­ly nations, and reiected of God. And the infantes truely of Gods people,Gen. 17. 1. cor. 7. Math. 19. (albeit as the rest by their carnall natiuitie they bee borne vnder sinne and wrath.) haue a promise that they belong to the number of Gods people, and of the Saints, and so to the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen. More argu­ments I will not here alledge,A doubt: whē redemption beginnes in vs. for by those which haue beene brought, our purpose I trust is more than sufficiently decla­red. Onely one doubt remaineth: If the beleeuers onely are to be accounted for the redeemed of Christ, doeth therefore [Page 120] their redemption begin, when they begin to beleeue? Answere. I an­swere:The redemption of the Church by Christ, may diuers­ly 1 be considered.Tit. 1. 1. Tim. 1. First in respect of Gods purpose and prede­stination, according to which grace is giuen vs in Christ Iesu before the world. 2 Secondly in respect of the merite and sa­tisfaction perfourmed of Christ,Foure waies redemption is to be conside­red. Comment in Apoc. 1. when vpon the altar of the crosse hee tooke away enmities and reconciled the whole Church of Iewes and Gentiles to God in one body through the crosse, as Paul testifieth Ephesians 2. Then surely as Ru­pertus writeth, he redeemed and washed in his blood from their sinnes, not onely these men that now are beleeuers, or had beleeued, but also those that should beleeue in time to come as farre foorth as hee gaue them power to be washed. For he washed them not then actually but in power. For they could not in very deed be washed, who were not yet borne, or els as yet had not beleeued. 3 Thirdly redemption is consi­dered, as farre foorth as we are made partakers of it by faith, whose force and necessitie is so great for reconciliation be­fore and after the worke of redemption performed in the flesh of Christ, that as it hindred not the olde fathers (which beleeued) from their deliuerance, in that Christ had not as yet suffered: so now it nothing profiteth the vnbeleeuers for their deliuerance, that Christ long agoe (the iust for the vniust) was deliuered to death. 4 Lastly redemption is considered as farre forth as we enioy full and perfect redemption for euer, all our enemies being vtterly destroyed, and euen death it selfe, which is of the Apostle called the last enemie: of which re­demption Christ witnesseth Luke 21.28. and Paul Ro. 8.23. But of this enough.



TO these things hitherto alleadged out of the Scripture, (whereunto as to the anchor and prop of our faith wee must flye in all things,At [...]s. in Synopsi. that we may be in safetie) the testimo­nies of antiquitie seeme now needfull to bee brought in, to this end that the trueth may more and more cleerly appeare by that consent, and the mouthes of the aduersaries may bee stopped, who reasoning and debating I know not what vn­godly nouelties, endeuour to reproue vs, as though wee spake some new thing,Tom. 10. de verb. apost. ser. 14. as Augustine of old complained of his and the Churches aduersaries. For a man may see them grow to such craking, if not ignorance, that they boldly complaine that our opinion of this controuersie was neuer heard in any time among that people,Hub. thes. 18. where the name of Christ hath been preached: that what they auouch, leaneth vpon the consent of all Christianitie, forsooth:Thes. 19. for that the Catholike and true Church hath alwaies beleeued, and with one mouth euer confessed, that Christ died for all men, vnderstand effectually,Compend. thes. 27. (whereof the question is betweene vs and our aduersaries.) As touching this new opinion,Thes. 503. & 1097 & lib. germ. fol. 8. vnheard of before in the eares of Christians, (if it be lawfull to beleeue it) it brake forth a­bout sixe yeares a goe, namely in a Conference held at Mom­pelgard, in the yeare of our Lord 1586.

O miserable ignorance of antiquitie, ioyned with maruei­lous licentiousnes and malice! and very true is that which is commonly said, Ignorance is rash and bold.

First, with what face doth he accuse of noueltie a doctrine so grounded in the Propheticall and Apostolicall Scriptures, that is, in the canon of the trueth, that whosoeuer rusheth a­gainst this oke, against this inuincible wall, he is broken all to [Page 222] peeces himselfe. We say nothing but such things which the Prophets and Moses,Act. 10.23. & 26.18. Euangelists and Apostles haue testified with one accord, to wit, that euery one that beleeueth in the name of Christ, and not the vnbeleeuers, receiueth remission of sinnes, and inheritance among them that are sanctified. If this doctrine be slandered of noueltie by them, that be them­selues the authors and fauourers of new opinions, wee must beare it with Paul,Act. 17. whose doctrine also we reade in the Acts seemed new to the Athenians, that were ignorāt of the truth, and drowned in Idolatrie.The consent of all antiquitie on our side. Further, that the vanitie of this fable may more appeare, goe too indifferent readers, bring hither your eyes and eares, and weigh with me the agreeing con­sent of antiquitie.

Testimonies:These be the words of the Church of Smyrna, in the epistle 1 of the martyrdome of Polycarpus their Bishop,The church of Smyrna. which is reci­ted of Eusebius Hist. Eccles. lib. 4. cap. 15. Christ suffered for the saluation of the whole world of them that shall bee saued: therefore he must bee worshipped and adored as the sonne of God: but the martyrs must as disciples and followers of the Lord be worthily loued for their inseparable good will toward their king and master, and not bee worshipped. To what pur­pose is it that the world of them that shall be saued, is speciallie expressed, if as touching effect, Christ suffered alike for all the damned, and those that shall bee damned, as for Peter, Paul, and all them that are saued, or shall be saued?

2 Iustine the holy martyr of Christ, of the same time and age with Polycarpus,Iustine martyr. and in the same heate of persecution crow­ned with martyrdome by M. Aurel. Antoninus, and Lucius Commodus Ver. Emper. in the booke of the trueth of Chri­stian religion, saith: Christ is made an oblation for all sinners, that are willing to turne and repent. And in the same booke, beyond the middest: Our Christ suffered and was crucified, he lay not vnder the curse of the law, but shewed cleerely, that he onely would deliuer them that would not fall away from his land: that is, all the faithfull. And as the blood of the Passeo­uer deliuered them that were saued in Egypt so the blood of Christ shall deliuer them that beleeue from death. And in this [Page 223] sense in the same place anone he addeth: that saluation hap­pened to mankinde by the blood of Christ, to wit, as farre forth as all beleeuers throughout the world are freed from death by him: but not as though all men without difference of faithfull and vnfaithfull were translated from sinne to righte­ousnes, from death to life and saluation by him, as our aduer­saries dreame.

The same man about the end of the same booke, denieth that sinnes are forgiuen to impenitent, vncleane, foolish and desperate persons, alleadging the example of Dauid, whose sinne was then forgiuen when he repented. Againe, in the beginning of the booke almost, he witnesseth that such as repent are clensed through the blood of Christ by faith, who died for the same cause.

Ireneus saith, The word of God incarnate was hanged on the 3 tree, that he might briefly comprise all things in himselfe: I, Ireneus. lib. 5. (saith he) when I shall be lifted vp from the earth, will draw all things, or all men vnto mee. This he sayd signifying what death he should dye. Christ in his passion hanging on the crosse, alone saueth all men, that doe not depart from the land of pro­mise, that is, the faithfull continuing in grace to the end. The same writer, lib. 4. cap. 37. saith: We are saued, as Rahab the harlot by the faith of the scarlet signe, (that is, by the passion and blood of Christ through faith.) They that make no account of this signe of scarlet, like Pharisees haue no part in the king­dome of heauen. And lib. 2. cap. 39. he saith: Christ came to saue all men by himselfe: all I say, that by him are borne again in God, infants, children, boyes, yong men and old men.

Origene vpon Leuit. The high Priest and aduocate Christ 4 praieth for them onely that be the Lords portion, Origene. who waite for him without, who depart not from the temple, where they giue themselues to fasting and praier.

Againe, Ireneus lib. 4. cap. 24. Christ hath brought libertie to them, that lawfully, readily, and heartily serue him: and brought eternall perdition to such as contemne and rebell a­gainst God, cutting them off from life. 5

Ambrose de fide ad Gratianum Augustum lib. 4. cap. 1.Ambrose. If [Page 224] thou beleeuest not, Christ came not downe for thee, he suffered not for thee. The same man vpon 1. Cor. 15. As Adam sin­ning found death, and all that come of him die: so Christ not sinning, and hereby ouercomming death, hath purchased life for all that are of his body. The same restraint he vseth vpon the saying Rom. 5. that the righteousnes of one redoundeth vpon all men to the iustification of life: The righteousnes (saith he) of Christ onely iustifieth all beleeuers, and by his obedience ma­ny, and not all are made righteous. Neither saith he this one­ly, but also he expressely reiecteth the deuise of the aduer­saries of so generall a iustification, as condemnation is ge­nerall.

Hub. thes. 49.The same writer vpon the 8. of Luke saith: Albeit Christ died for all, yet for vs specially he suffered, because he suffered for his Church. How specially for the Church and yet for al? but because the fruites of his passion, reconciliation, libertie, adoption, inheritance pertaine properly to the Church.

Hereupon Epist. 20. the same father saith: Christ is good meate for all, faith is good meate, mercie is sweete meate, grace is pleasant meate, the spirit of God is good meate, forgiuenes of sinnes is good meate. But the people of the Church eate these meates.

And more cleerely in 73. Epist. After that the fulnes of time came, and Christ is come, wee are not now seruants but freemen if we beleeue in Christ. Where faith is, there is liber­tie. For the seruant is vnder feare, but a freeman is of faith: where libertie is, there is grace, there is the inheritance. But where is no libertie, there is no grace; where no grace, no adop­tion; where no adoption, there is no succession.

Also in his first Epistle, when he had said before that Christ came downe to be the redeemer of al, to take away the sinnes of all, and had abased himselfe to bring liberty to all, and had taken flesh vpon him, to purchase by his death resurrection for all, he addeth these words: He that is (saith he) a true freeman, a true Hebrew, is wholly Gods, whatsoeuer he hath is libertie, he hath nothing of his, that for the loue of the world re­fuseth libertie.

[Page 225]So elsewhere he teacheth, thatLib. 2. C [...]p. [...]. de Cain & A­bel. redemption belongeth to them that repent, and cleaue vnto Gods commandements: thatApol. Dauid. remission of sinne is through faith:De Sal. ca. vit. and that by the grace of faith washing from offences is obtained:Serm. 15. in 118. Psalm. that the crosse of the Lord is life to beleeuers, and destruction to vn­beleeuers. And in another place: TheSerm. 21. ibid. crosse (saith he) is shame to him that is vnfaithfull: but to the faithfull person it is grace, to the faithfull it is redemption, to the faithfull it is resurrection.

And all these things he setteth out in another place by a notable similitude of light.A similitude of the light. For Christ is the light of the world, sufficient truly to inlighten and conuert all men, yet not actually and in very deede driuing away all darknes: but as he saith himselfe, I am the light of the world, that no man that commeth vnto me, may abide in darknes.

Ambrose his words are these:Serm. 19. in 118. Psalm. Although he that was borne of the Virgin for all both good and bad, haue a large power in all and vpon all, as he maketh his Sunne to rise vpon the good and euill: yet hee fauoureth him that commeth neere vnto him. For as he that shutteth the windowes, excludeth frō himselfe the brightnes of the Sunne: so he that is turned from the Sunne of righteousnes, cannot behold the brightnes ther­of. He walketh in darknes, and in the light of all men hee is the cause of blindnes to himselfe. Open therefore thine eyes to see the Sunne of righteousnes arising vnto thee. If a man shut the doores of his house, is the fault in the Sunne that it doth not shine into his house?

Out of Augustine, the chiefe of the soundest writers, among 6 other testimonies these we haue. Tom. 7.Augustine. ad articul. falso im­pos. Vnto the first article, which was, that Christ suffered not for the redemption of all men, he giueth his iudgement of the whole controuersie, distinguishing after this sort: As touching the greatnes and weight of the price, and as touching the onely cause of mankinde, the blood of Christ is the redemp­tion of the whole world. But they that passe through this life without the faith of Christ, and without the sacrament of re­generation, are voide of redemption. Seeing therefore by rea­son [Page 226] of the one nature and cause of all men, which the Lord took vpon himselfe in trueth, all may bee rightly called redeemed: yet seeing all are not plucked out of captiuitie, the proprietie of redemption doubtles is theirs, out of whom the prince of this world is cast, and they be now not the wasse [...]s of the deuill, but the members of Iesu Christ. Whose death was not so bestowed for mankinde, that they who shall not bee borne againe, should be­long to the redemption thereof: but so, that what was done by one example for all, might by one sacrament be celebrated in e­uery one. Augustines si­mile of the cup. For the cup of immortalitie, which was made of our infirmitie, and the diuine power (meaning Christs death) hath truly in it selfe to profit all men: but if it be not drunke, it doth not profit.

Against Faustus the Manichean, lib. 11. cap. 7. Of those men for whom Christ died and rose againe, and who now liue not to themselues but to him, that is, the people that bee renewed by faith, that hee may haue in the meane while in hope, what may bee accomplished afterward in very deede: none of those men (saith he) hee knew any more after the flesh. Here hee taketh them that are renewed by faith and shal be saued, to be all one with those for whom Christ died and rose againe.

Lib. 13. cap. 15.In his booke of the Trinitie, he denieth that any of them whom Christ redeemed by his bloodshed, be drawne of the deuill (as men intangled in the snares of sinne) vnto the de­struction of the second and eternall death: and affirmeth that such die the death of the flesh onely, and not of the spi­rit. And most plainly remoueth from redemption such as shall be damned & addeth straightwaies in expresse words: that such as were foreknowne, predestinate and elected before the foundation of the world, pertaine to the grace of Christ, and that Christ died for them.

The same man vpon 21. Psalme, writeth: That Christ suf­fered for the Church, and that the great Church is the whole world, for which he shed his blood. And by and by confuting the Donatists including the Church within Africa, he saith: What saiest thou to me O Heretike? Is he not the price of all [Page 227] the world? Was onely Africa redeemed? Thou dare not say, A notable say­ing of August. the whole world was redeemed, but it is perished. What inuader hath Christ suffered to destroy his goods? Behold Christ died, his blood was shed: behold our redeemer, behold our price. What hath he bought? All the ends of the earth shall be con­verted to the Lord, and all nations shall worship before him. Behold the Church which I shew: behold what Christ hath bought: behold what he hath redeemed: behold for whom he gaue his blood.

So in his Enchiridion to Laurentius chap. 61. he saith, that the Church which is among men, is redeemed from all sinne, by the blood of the Mediator, that is without sinne: and it is the voyce thereof: If God be for vs, who is against vs? Who also spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all. And in the next chapter: The Apostle saith that all things in heauen and earth, are epaired in Christ, for in him are restored the things that bee in heauen, when that that was decayed in the angels from thence, was recompensed of men: But things in earth are repaired, when men themselues who are predestinate to eternall life are renewed from the oldnesse of corruption. The same man chapter 30 witnesseth, that God promised freedome and the kingdome of heauen to a part of mankinde, that is, to the e­lect. Againe, in his 13. Booke of the Trinitie chapter 12. and the rest, when hee had sayed, that by the remission of sinnes men are plucked away from the deuill through the gratious reconciliation of God: straightway he sheweth at large, that not all men are set free from the power of the deuil, but all the faithfull and the predestinate: that all men beeing carnally borne of Adam, are through him alone held vnder the pow­er of the deuill, yet through Christ alone, none but they all are set free, that be regenerated by spirituall grace. In the same booke chapter 18. he saith,The Christian kinde. That he that ouercame the first A­dam, and held mankinde captiue, was ouercome of the second A­dam, and lost the Christian kinde which was out of Mankinde set free from the sinne of man through him who had no sinne, though he was of our kinde. The same in his 53. treatise vpon Saint Iohn saith: The deuill therefore possessed mankinde, and [Page 228] held them guiltie of punishment through the hand writing of sinnes: But by the faith of Christ, which was ratified by his death and resurrection, through his blood, which was shed for the remission of sinnes, thousands of beleeuers are deliuered from the deuill, An argument. and are coupled to the body of Christ. In all these places there is this or the like argument.

What kinde of freedome redemption is.Redemption is a freedome from the power of the deuill, and such a freedome, as whereby it commeth to passe, that the deuill cannot draw any of these with him to the destruction of eternall death through the snares of sinnes, whom Christ hath redemed with his blood.

But all men haue not freedome from the power of the deuill.

Therefore almen are not redeemed: but as freedome so re­demption is proper to the beleeuers and predestinate, accor­ding to Augustine and the trueth of this point.

The world that is precesti­nate to life, Christ came to saue, but not the world predestinate to damnation.Hitherto belongeth that which in the fore mentioned treatise, as also in the 110. and 111. Treatises, the same wri­ter constantly expoundeth the world, that Christ came to saue and reconcile to God, of the good, and such as bee predestinate to eternall life, being dispersed throughout the whole world: that this world of an enemie is made a friend: but that the worlde that is predestinate to damnation abideth an enimie: neither of this world must it be vnderstood, that God was in Christ recon­ciling the world to himselfe. So in the 48. Treatise vpon the saying, ye beleeue not, for ye are not of my sheepe, he saith, This he spake because he saw them predestinate to eternall destructi­on, and not prepared by the price of his blood to eternall life. And a litle after, he is assured of the number of his sheepe, be­cause hee knoweth what hee gaue for them. And elsewhere. Whom God redeemed by the blood of the Mediator, he maketh for euer after good. De corrept. & gra. cap. 11. But these bee testimonies inough out of Augustine. For who can rehearse euery thing hee writeth of this matter?

7 Hieromie.Furthermore the Commentaries vpon Marke ascribed to Hieromie, expresly say, that the blood of the newe Testa­ment is sayd to be shed for Many, because it doth not cleanse [Page 229] all: that there is euen in the Church some whom no sacrifice clenseth. As Remigius also (as Thomas citeth him Cate. au­rea) vpon this very place warneth vs to obserue, that hee saith not for few, or for all, but for Many, my blood shal be shed, because he came not to redeeme our nation onely, but Many of all Nations.

Hilarius in Matthew cap. 7.Hilarie The saluation of the Gentiles 8 (saith he) is wholly of faith, and in the Lordes commandements is the life of all men. He saith not the reprobates and vnbelee­uers are as well saued by Christ as any other, as these newe sectaries thinke good to speake.

Chrysostome homil 39. vpon 1.Chrisost. Cor. expounding the 9 words of the Apostle touching the quickening of all men by Christ, denieth that it is to be vnderstood of the righteousnes of all men, as though whosoeuer are made sinners in Adam, are made righteous in Christ:Hub. thes. 49. & 53. which yet our aduersaries would haue. The same maner homil. 17. vpon the Hebrewes confirmeth the distinction, that Christ died for all as touching Sufficiencie, and not for all as touching Efficiencie. His words are these: Why is hee said to be offered to take away the sinnes of Many and not of all because all beleeue not. He died for all, as much as in him lay, that his death is of that waight, as is the perdition of all, and it is of force enough that no man might perish.

His arbidger Theophylact vseth the same distinction in 10 2. and 9. ad Heb. and vpon the saying, Iohn 6.Theophylact the bread which I giue, is my flesh: which I will giue for the life of the world: where he writeth, albeit all haue not receiued sanctification and a spirituall life: yet Christ may bee vnderstood to die for the satisfaction of all, as touching the vertue of his death.

Of the same opinion is Basil, as Theophylact sheweth in 11 9. ad Heb. for thus hee writeth: All of vs that beleeue, Basil Exhort. ad baptis. how many soeuer we be, are redeemed by the grace of God from sins through his onely sonne: who said, this is my blood, euen the blood of the new Testament, which is shed for many for the re­mission of sinnes. The exposition is also twise repeated in the next sermon of Baptisme: for Many, that is the beleeuers, was [Page 230] the blood of Christ shed. Notwithstāding in respect of the suffi­ciencie of his merite, it is true that elswhere he saith in Psalme 48. For all men wholly was there one onely worthie price found, euen the blood of our Lord Iesus Christ, which he shed for vs al.

12 Cyrill.Cyrill in Io. li. 11. ca. 19. reconciling that shew of repug­nancie that is between the words of Christ, I pray not for the world, and the wordes of Iohn: He is the propitiation of the whole world, consenteth to our opinion after this sort. Saint Iohn (saith he,) because he was a Iewe, least the Lord should seeme to be with his father an aduocate for the Iewes onely, cessarily hath added that hee is the propitiation of the whole world, that is, saith he, for all who are called, and through faith attaine to righteousnes and sanctification. But the Lord Ie­sus separating his owne from such as be none of his, for them saith he, onely doe I pray, who keepe my words and receiue my yoke. For whose mediator and high Priest he is, to them onely not without cause doth he attribute the benefite of me­ditation.2. Cor. 5. In the same place he doth alleage for that matter the saying of Paul: God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himselfe, that is, saith he, Christ as the Mediator, receauing all that come to God by faith, and offering himselfe to the fa­ther, reconcileth the world to God.

13 But let vs returne to the Latine writers among whom Prosper of Aquitaine answering the Articles of the French men,Prosper. chap. 9. plainely approueth this phrase or maner of speaking: that Christ died onely for them that shall be saued: which our aduersaries slander as blasphemous and Saracenicall. His wordes are these: Therefore although our Sauiour be rightly said to be crucified for the redemption of the whole worlde, because he truely tooke mans nature vpon him,Marke, Augustine be­fore meant this (by the common cause. and because of the common perdition in the first man: yet he may be said to be crucified for them onely, whom his death did profite: for the Euangelist Iohn saith, cap. 11. that Iesus should die for the nation, and not onely that nation, but also to gather in one the sonnes of God. The same writer, or whosoeuer hee was that wrote the Booke Of the Calling of the Gentiles, de­nieth that the saying of the Apostle Ephe. 1.Lib. 1. cap. 3. Of the reconcili­ation [Page 231] of all in Christ, is thus to be vnderstood, as though none ought to be thought to bee not reconciled. And a litle after he setteth downe a rule, which like to the North starre in all their controuersie is to bee regarded, to wit, that in the elect, and foreknowen,A rule well to be marked. and in those that be separated from the ge­nerality of all men, there is to be considered a certaine speciall vniuersalitie, and fulnesse of the people of God, so that out of the whole world the whole world seemeth to be set free, and out of all men, all men may seeme to bee taken. For most of­ten in the Scriptures, all the earth is named for a part of the earth, the whole world for a part of the world,Lib. 2. cap. [...]. and al men for a part of men. Vnto which rule afterward he squareth the words of Iohn: Hee is the propitiation for the sinnes of the whole worlde, and he expoundeth them of the fulnesse of the faith­ful, and not of the generalitie of al men, as our aduersaries do.

Furthermore Primasius Comment. ad Heb. 2. vpon the say­ing, he tasted death for all, compriseth the whole matter. His 14 words are, whereas he saith, that Christ, tasted of death for all, Primasius. some Doctors take the sense thus absolutely that it said for al, for whom he tasted, that is for the elect predestinated to eternal life. Behold a restraint vnto the vniuersalitie of the elect. But he goeth on: But some take it so generally, that he is said to die for all, albeit all are not saued. For albeit not all beleeue, yet he did that which was his part to doe. And he alleageth Prospers similitude, which Augustine also vseth before Prosper, of the cup of immortalitie, which finally hath in it selfe, that it can profit all, although it profiteth none in very deede, but those that drinke thereof. So also Christ (saith he) as much as was in him, died for all, although his passion profiteth none, but those onely who beleeue in him.

Worthy also to be remembred here is that that is set down, lib. 1. cap. vlt. de vocat. gent. The same nature in all men be­ing euill, in all being miserable before reconciliation, is not made righteous in all, and it is discerned in some part there­of from them that perish, by him that came to seeke and to saue that which was lost.

Pope Leo Serm. 7. mensis, writeth:Pope Lee. The shedding of the 15 [Page 232] blood of the iust for the vniust was so mightie a priuiledge, so rich a price, that if the whole number of captiues should be­leeue in the redeemer, no tyrannous bands could detaine them.

16 Gregorie the great, Hom. 2. in Ezechiel: For the life of the elect, Gregorie. the Lord of life gaue himselfe euen to death.

17 Beda.Beda vpon that in the Gospell, The sonne of man came to giue his life a redemption for many: He saith not for all, but for many: that is, those that will beleeue. So Origene and Hierome Com. in Matth. expound the same things.

18 Bernard.Moreouer, Bernard Serm. 10. of the 9. verse of the Psalme, He that dwelleth, &c. Christ (saith he) according to the time surely died for the vngodly: but according to predestination he died for his brethren and friends. Of this number they that shall be damned are not, to whom it shall be said: I neuer knew you.

19 Rupert. lib. 12. comment in Io.To these may be added those sayings, which vnto the pla­ces of Apoc. 1. and 5. wee before haue produced out of Ru­pertus Tuitiensis, who liued in Bernards time: whose saying also this is; Woe to the reioycing world, when Christ the on­ly begotten sonne of God prayeth for his, that is, dieth, and offereth himselfe a sacrifice vpon the altar of the crosse, be­cause I pray for them whom thou gauest me, and not for the world. By the world are the louers of the world here meant, so diuerse from them, for whom Christ crucified prayeth, as the Egyptians were before God from the children of Israel, who marked their posts with the sacred blood of the Lamb. Woe therefore to such a world, because what Christ the true Lambe of God prayeth for, doth them no good at all, they onely escaping by his crosse and blood, whom the father gaue to the sonne. These things he.

Of all which sayings now it is more cleere then the light, that the opinion which wee maintaine, is not new and vn­heard of: but receiued in all ages among the people of God, and plentifully proued by the testimonies, iudgements and expositions of the best writers. Wherefore let the aduersa­ries learne to deale more modestly, and not straightwaies [Page 233] condemne as vnheard of among the people of God, and Sa­racenicall, what they see disagree perchance from their opi­nion: or els, if they goe on as they haue begun, all shall know with what vnderstanding and conscience these kind of dis­puters too too confident and censorious, are occupied in reading of the fathers.

I am not ignorant, that sometime it is read in the fathers, that Christ came for the redemption of all: that he descended for all, to forgiue all their sinnes, and to giue libertie to all, and such like. Such speeches as these they vnderstand,Marke this well. as we may see by their owne interpretations alreadie alleadged, not as touching the effect of the Lords incarnation and passion in al men. But first as touching the sufficiencie, greatnes and dig­nitie 1 of the price and merite of Christ. Secondly, as touching 2 the common cause of mankinde. Thirdly, respecting also 3 the efficacie of the merits of Christ, they are wont to vse those kinde of speeches, as the Scripture vseth to doe, because of the vniuersalitie of the faithfull, and the fulnes of Gods people, as we more at large shewed in the second booke, the 12. chapter. Also because by all men they will haue to bee v­sually 4 meant all sorts of men. Hereupon Ambrose Serm. 55. saith: The Lord did hang vpon the crosse, that he might deli­uer all kinde of men from the shipwracke of the world. And Serm. 53. When he had said that Christ by rising againe ob­tained resurrection for all, by and by he expoundeth himselfe of all Christians, and such as be the members of Christ. So de fuga seculi cap. 3. Christ (saith he) doth infuse himselfe into all men by his spirit and the fulnes of his Godhead. For wee all haue receiued of his fulnes, that we might know his most excel­lent loue. Which all? Not all Christians? And elsewhere de his qui initiantur cap. 4. In the poole of Ierusalem one was cu­red euery yeare, now all are healed, or certainly one Christian people alone. Infinite such sayings are in the writings of the fathers, and in the common speech of men.

CHAP. IX. Testimonies of the Schoolemen, and other new Diuines.

BVt that wee may throughly bring to an end the report of our witnesses, let vs proceed to the Schoolmē, as they cal them, who also haue spread abroad the doctrine which in this point they receiued from their forefathers.

Pet. Lomb lib. 3 distinct. 18.Peter Lombard called the Master of Sentences, speaketh of his own & others opinion, that Christ merited for his mem­bers redemption from the deuill and sinne, and the opening of the kingdom of heauen, that his fierie sword being taken away, they may boldly enter thereinto. In the same distinction about the end: He deserued for vs by the suffering of death and pas­sion the entrance into Paradise, and redemption from sinne and the deuill. For he by dying was made the sacrifice of our deliue­rie. But restraining this whole benefit of redemption vnto those that be Christs, a little after he addeth: If Adams pride was the ruine of all, much more was the humilitie of Christ, wherby he tasted of death, able to open the gate of the kingdome of heauen for all his owne, after he had fulfilled the decree of God. The same man in his next distinction: We are said to be iustified by the death of Christ, because we are iustified by faith in his death: and as in old time such as looked vpon the brasen Serpent lifted vp vpon the pole, were healed of the bitings of Serpents: so if we looke vpon him by a true faith, who did hang vpon the crosse for vs, we are loosed from the bands of the deuil, that is, from sinnes. And in other words at large in the same place he teacheth, that deliuerance from the deuill belongs to them that beleeue in Christ.

Innocent 3 lib. 2. de offic. missae. cap. 41.Innocentius 3. maketh this distinction [...] that the blood of Christ was shed for the predestinate onely, as touching efficien­cie, but for all men as touching sufficiencie: and he bringeth the words of Leo before by vs recited. And there is nothing more common among the Schoolmen then this distinction. [Page 235] Hereupon Thomas in 1. Tim. 2. saith:Thomas. Christ is the propitiation for our sinnes: for some effectually, but for all sufficiently, be­cause the price of his blood is sufficient to saue all, but it hath not effect but in the elect, because of an impediment. And more cleerely vpon 5. Apoc. he saith: We speake of the Lords passion two maner of waies. Either according to sufficiencie, and so his passion redeemed all: for it is sufficient to redeeme and saue all, although there were more worlds, as Anselme saith, lib. 2. Cur Deus &c. homo. cap. 14. Or according to efficiencie, and so not all are redeemed by his passion, because all cleaue not to the redeemer, and therefore not all haue the efficacie of re­demption. The same man saith:Idem summ. de veritate materia 26. quaest. 7. The merit of Christ as touch­ing sufficiencie is alike to all, but not as touching efficiencie: which happeneth partly through freewill, partly through Gods election, by the which the effect of Christs merits is bestowed vpon some of mercie, but it is withdrawne from others by the iust iudgement of God.

Against the Gentiles, lib. 4. cap. 55. he alleageth this cause of the foresaid distinction betweene sufficiencie and efficien­cie. The death of Christ (saith he) is as a certaine vniuersall cause of saluation, as the sinne of the first man was as it were the vniuersall cause of damnation. But the vniuersall cause must be applied to euery one particularly, that he may receiue the effect of the vniuersal cause. The effect of the sin of our first parents commeth to euery one by our fleshly birth. But the ef­fect of the death of Christ commeth to euery one by spiritual re­generation, whereby man is after a sort ioyned vnto Christ, and incorporated vnto him. Other testimonies of this author we haue before alleaged.

Petrus Galatinus a most learned man,Pet. Galatin. de arcam. Cath. verit. lib. 8. cap. 14. following the same distinction writeth after this sort: Albeit the passion of Christ ought to be sufficient to blot out the sinnes of all men: yet it will not blot out the sinnes of all, but theirs onely who shall beleeue in him, and repent. Therefore saith the Prophet; he bare the sinnes of many.

Also Stapulensis:Stapul. in 5. Ro. Christ hath truly in himselfe the redemp­tion of all, sufficient not onely for vs, but to redeeme innume­rable [Page 236] worlds beside: but not al are partakers therof because of their owne peruersnes: as the light of it selfe is able to driue away the darkenes of all men, albeit not all mens eies be inligh­tened.

Among our Diuines Martyr, Caluin, Zanchie, and others, admit and follow the same distinction, as wee haue largely noted in the 1. booke chap. 11. Likewise in the 2. booke cha. 12. we haue prooued I thinke sufficiently that the most fa­mous and best learned Diuines of Heluetia, Zuinglius, Mus­culus, Bullinger, Gualther, Wolfius, Simlerus, Lauaterus and others, are in very deede of the same opinion that we defend touching the vniuersality of grace.

Luther. tom. 3. in Isa. 53.To these also let vs adioyne Luther. So great (saith he) is the righteousnesse of Christ, that it is able to iustifie infinite worlds: and Christ offereth his righteousnesse to all men, but all that beleeue in him doe obtaine it, according to that, He that beleeueth and is baptised, shall be saued. Others abide vnder sinne and wrath. And in the same place: Christian righteous­nes (saith he) is not receiued, vnles Christ be knowen before. A­gaine, Christian righteousnesse touching the substance is no­thing els, then the knowledge of Christ, that is, faith wherewith Christ is apprehended in the hart, that he hath giuen himselfe a ransome for vs and for our sinnes, as Paul saith, 1: Tim. 2. The word surely offereth and preacheth Christ to all, as the sacrifice for our sinnes: but vnlesse the holy Ghost inlighten the hearts, no man can giue assent vnto this word. And we assent, when we apprehend the promise, that in Christ is the blessing of Na­tions, and this is the glorie of a Christian to know, that it is his righteousnes to beleeue in Christ. The same man (as we haue seene aboue) expoundeth those sayings farre otherwise then our aduersaries doe, to wit, God will haue all men to be saued: I wil not the death of a sinner, whereupon being naughtily vn­derstood leaneth the opinion of our aduersaries: hee vnder­standeth them of God will reuealed in his word, which he dis­cerneth from that hidden will whereat man must trembl, wher­vpon alone (he saith) all things doe depend, namely who shall receiue the word, and who not: who shall be deliuered from [Page 273] sinne, and who shall be blinded: who shall be damned, and who shalbe iustified.

Neither doeth Brentius teach otherwise of the vniuersality of Christian redemption:Brentius exp. Catech. Ar [...]. de rem. pecc. quaest. quàm laté paceat. namely that all sinnes are pardoned all men for Christes sake, whosoeuer they be, Iewes or Gen­tiles, kings or priuate men, free men or bond, so that they come to the Church of Christ, and beleeue in him. For who­soeuer (saith hee) beleeueth in Christ and is baptized in his name, receiueth remission of sinnes, and the right into the heauenly inheritance. And by name hee often saith, that this benefite is not receiued but by faith, &c. Briefly, by this mans iudgement, forgiuenes of sinnes, receiuing into fauour, & into the number of the saints, adoption also, & the right of the heauenly inheritance, (in al which points we vnderstand that redemptiō consisteth, are the proper gifts of the Church of the saints, and of true beleeuers, & stretcheth far & wide as the Church of Christ doth: and they are neuertheles rightly said to belong to all, as far forth as no man of what degree or condition soeuer, is hindred frō them, so that he doe beleeue.

Whereunto belongeth also that exposition, whereof wee before made mention in Matth. 1. To whom is Iesus a Ie­sus, that is a Sauiour from their sinnes? the Euanglist saith, he shall saue his people. He doth not saue strangers, but his owne people. They be strangers, as many as beleeue not in him: and they are his owne, as many as acknowledge and imbrace him by faith, be they Iewes or Gentiles &c. Let the disputers of Tu­binge if they can, make these things agree with the deuise of their braine, that all wholly, whether they come to Christ by faith, or no, are freed from all sinne and condemnation, receiued into grace, iustified, quickened, Huber. thes. 1059. and accounted in the number of Saints: and that all, no one excepted, are that people of Christ, whereof it is said: he shall saue his people from their sinnes.

But let them heare another of their friendes also openly pronouncing, that Christ died for all men, Ilirie. in Io. 12. ver. 52. in ver. 31. because by him not onely the Iewes, but also the elect of God whersoeuer ought to be saued, who from the East and West are gathered to Abra­ham their father. Againe, the merite of Christ, saith he, is found [Page 238] to surmount exceedingly in the iudgement of God the sinnes of the whole world, and so Christ, and all his members (not the members and vessels of Satan) are pronounced righteous. And he addeth, that therefore chiefly Christs victorie against Sa­tan was referred to the time of his death, because then by the merite of his death, was that treasure of victories obtained, which otherwise is distributed to the beleeuers in all times. And by and by: here is the difference betweene the power and the act, or the purchase and the application, or the right and the possession. In the Merite, and purchase of the right, or in pow­er, Satan was at that time of his passion cast out of all men, and so out of the whole world: but in application, or acte, onely of the beleeuers is he cast out at all times.

Let that distinction of power and act, or of sufficiency and efficiencie bee well obserued, as this authour doeth fully ex­plaine himselfe, when vpon the wordes of Iohn 1. Epistle 2. hee writeth the chiefe point of the cause of the aduersaries in these wordes: when hee saith, for our sinnes, hee meaneth the beleeuers, whom the passion of Christ doth in very deed pro­fite. In that he addeth, of the whole world, he vnderstandeth it of the power, because the benefites and merite of Christ lye o­pen for all, and all may be saued fully by his satisfaction, (so excellent, sufficient and precious is his merite,) if they vouch­safe to lay hold vpon it by faith.

It would be very long to reckon vp euery thing: yet it may not be let passe,The Synode held at Arger­tine against [...] Hofman an Anabaptist, and Pelagian Heritike. that I meane to say now, concerning the Sy­node held at Argentine. Anno D. 1533. There a disputation being appointed with one Melchior Hofman an Anabapti­sticall and Palagian deceauer, among other his errors, this al­so was condemned, that he maintained, that all be elected, and all redeemed by Christ, altogether as Huber will haue not onely redemption, and the merite of Christ, but also election in him, to bee indifferently common to all men after the fall. But contrariwise that Synode out of the word of God pro­nounced: that God after he had foreknowen from euerlasting, that mankinde by the fall of our first parents, would he subiect to eternall death, of meere mercie, before the world was made, [Page 239] chose, foreknew and predestinated vnto himselfe to eternall life some out of mankind, letting passe the rest: & that the death of Christ was for the sins of these men a propitiation. Therfore that neither election, nor redemption of Christ is common to al men, as Hofman dreamed to entangle wretched consciences and to corrupt sound doctrine. But that therefore the merit of Christ is said and preached to be common to the whole world because after Christs glorification, not onely the Iewes, but all other nations must bee made partakers thereof, to wit, as many of them as be elected. And in this sense the sayd Synod doth expound the testimonies of Scripture obiected by Hofman:Gen. 12. 1. cor. 15. Io. 12. 1. Tim. 2. 1. Io. 2. Io. 1. In thy seede all nations shall be blessed: As in Adam all dye, so in Christ all are quickened: When I shall be lifted vp, I will draw all vnto me: God wil haue al men to be saued, & to come to the knowledge of the trueth. Also, Iesus Christ is the at­tonement for the sinnes of the whole world: The Lambe taking away the sinnes of the world, and such like. For wee must not thinke, that where these words be, all men, all the world, the whole world, that there straightwaies all men, no one excep­ted, must bee vnderstood: for such phrases haue not euery where one and the same signification.

He that desireth to know these things more throughly, let him reade Hieronymus Zanchius of godly memorie, my re­uerend teacher, whom for honour and reuerence sake which I owe him, I name, lib. 3. miscell pag 79. and specially the Acts of the disputation of Hofman by Martin Bucer, which hee published in his owne, and his associates name, printed at Argentine by Matthias Appiarius, Anno 1533. And this whole doctrine, which M. Bucer defendeth in disputation a­gainst Hofman, the whole Senate of Argentine approued as sound, and would haue it faithfully taught and preached in that citie, suffering no man to speake any thing against that doctrine, or to slāder it, either opēly or in corners, much lesse to withdraw others from it, as the little book testifieth, which is intituled, Ordinatio & ceremonia pro ministris Ecclesiae Argentinensis &c. A. ij. pag. ij.

Which things seeing they stand thus, with what forehead, [Page 240] with what shame, dare the aduersarie openly write, that our opinion of Redemption was neuer heard of among the peo­ple of God, vntill the time of the Conference at Mompel­gard? O whorish audacitie of falsely accusing, and witnesse of extreame ignorance, if not of malice!

CHAP. X. Wherein the originall and predecessors of our aduer­saries opinion are laid open.

BVt truly he that speaketh what he will, shall heare what he would not, as the old prouerbe is. Seeing therefore hi­therto it hath been shewed, that the opinion which we main­taine, is plentifully taught in the word of God, and hath been receiued in the Church in all times, and faithfully euen vnto our daies continued, I neither can, nor ought I to ouerpasse and leaue out here on the contrary part the discouerie of the originall of our aduersaries opinion.The Pelagian heresie is the father of the aduersaries doctrine. Tom. 7. apud. August. I auouch therefore and professe, that it hath not the spirit of God, or the worthie say­ings thereof, vnderstood in their naturall sense: but the spirit of Pelagian impietie to be the father of the birth and begin­ning of it. Which thing that I seeme not to vtter without mine author, Prosper of Aquitane, in his Epistle to Augu­stine, of the reliques of the Pelagian heresie, among other er­rors of that naughtines,The doctrine of the Pelagi­ans. concerning grace, freewill and pre­destination, assigneth this also, namely, that they would af­firme, that our Lord Christ died for whole mankinde, and that no man at all is excepted from the redemption of his blood, al­though he should leade his whole life in all impietie, (that is, al­though he continue in infidelitie, & be damned) because the sacramēt of Gods mercie belongeth to all men, (that is, the pro­mise of grace as now men speak.) Therfore in respect of God, that life eternall is prepared for all: but in respect of freewill, that it is laid hold on by them, that shall willingly and of their owne accord beleeue in God. And he addeth: That they are fallen to the extolling of such grace, because they would auoide to confesse, that God according to the purpose and counsell of [Page 241] his owne will, in his secret iudgement, but in his manifest work maketh one vessell to honour, and another to dishonour: nei­ther would giue their assent, that the predestinate number of the elect can neither be increased, nor diminished.

These things hee; euidently surely and in liuely colours not so much setting out the reliques of Pelagian heresie in that age, as painting Pelagianisme in our aduersaries in this our time.Hofman. Now that wretch Hofman in the memorie of our fathers, (of whom lately I spake) what was hee, but a monster of Pelagian filthie dregges, and of other here­sies? And him doth Huber so resemble, in respect of our matter in hand, as one egge is not more like to another. For he auouched that all be elected, all redeemed by Christ, without exception of any one. Both which Huber thes. 1001. pleaseth to set downe thus: That all men after Adams fall were in Christ elected, and receiued into grace because of the blessed seede, in whom the sinnes of all men were to be satisfied. And not so onely, but also that he may follow him through­ly, hee commeth foorth furnished with the same places of Scripture, and testimonies naughtily wrested, as Hofman did cloke his error withall, as we haue before briefly shewed.

Moreouer,Pacuuius. in this our age one Parcuuius manifestly pro­fessing Pelagian impietie, not onely maintaineth, that Christ is alike as the creator, so the redeemer of all and euery one, and that all are borne in the state of saluation and grace, and therefore happie, so that they doe not bring vnto themselues destruction through vnbeleefe: that election also and grace is generall, &c. but also he plainly professeth and boasteth, that the Diuines of Wittenberge, the successors of Luther, (but greatly reuolting from Luthers doctrine in this point) doe consent with him in the substance of the matter. But let them take to themselues all Pacuuians, and Hofmans, and Pelagians old and new: wee haue the Prophets and Apo­stles of the Lord for our authors, and the one agreeing con­sent of the best approued writers whosoeuer in all ages.

This is (Christian reader) the true, simple and sound, and modest exposition without bitternes and railing, of the do­ctrine [Page 242] of the redemption of mankinde by Christ, who is set forth vnto vs of the father, to bee a propitiator and aduocate through faith, for the pardon of our sinnes in his blood: which the Prophets haue so deliuered, the Apostles haue preached, and the holy men of God haue confirmed. Let vs therefore hold it also, and abide therein constantly, omit­ting oppositions of knowledge falsely so called, and strife of wordes, whereupon ariseth enuie, strife, euill speaking, naughtie surmisings, wicked practises of men of corrupt mindes, and voide of trueth who count gaine to be godlines. And specially seeing without faith it is impossible to please God, let vs labour to goe to the throne of grace with a true heart and perswasion of faith, that wee may obtaine mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede: and also by the light of a true faith in Christ Iesu, let vs so frame our whole life, alwaies euery one of vs doing and meditating this, that we may bee found acceptable to our common redeemer, (to whose glorie we ought wholly to bee consecrated) with holines and righteousnes before him all the daies of our life. To him bee honour, and glorie, and blessing, for euer and euer, Amen.


CHAP. I. The preface and diuision of the doctrine in hand.

THE disputation of Predestination is of it selfe weightie and difficult, and by reason of the curiositie and boldnes of mans wit, it is besides not a little intri­cate and very dangerous, while mans reason thrusting it selfe into the secrets of Gods iudgements and wisedome, ei­ther seeketh into things forbidden, or contemneth and scor­neth those things he vnderstandeth not, yea cannot surely perceiue: because they be foolishnes vnto him, and are (as the Apostle saith) spiritually discerned.1. Cor. 1. For who hath known the minde of the Lord, that he might instruct him? But we haue the minde of Christ, who being in the bosome of his e­ternall father, hath gratiously reuealed vnto vs in his worde, all the counsell of God, as much as concerneth vs to know in this point, as in other things to our saluation.

Therefore following this rule of trueth and righteousnes, and nothing fearing the ill report of detractors, through the helpe of God,Wisd. 7.16. in whose hand both wee and also our words are, we will consider of Predestination:

1. What is predestination.

2. What be the causes of it,

[Page 244]3. What the effects.

4. Whether it be vnfallible and vnchangeable.

5. Whether and how we may bee certaine of our prede­stination to eternall life.

6. And lastly we will speake somewhat of the vse of this doctrine, against those men, who thinke, that albeit the things were true that we teach, yet they ought not to bee disclosed, but buried in silence, as being against edification. And the consideration of all these things, shall be profitable both for other vses, which shal be shewed in their places, and also for the greater certaintie of those things, that hitherto wee haue declared concerning the vniuersalitie of grace and redemp­tion. For the remnants of the Pelagians of old, as also at this day, affirming none at al to be excepted from the redemption of Christs blood, and in respect of God, maintaining eternall life to be prepared for al, are therfore fallen to the extolling of such grace; because they would auoide to confesse, that God according to the purpose and counsell of his owne will, in his secret iudgement, but manifest worke, maketh one vessell to honour, another to dishonour; nor would assent hereto, that the number of them that be predestinate, can neither be increased, nor diminished.

CHAP. II. What is predestination: where are shewed sundrie definitions of the name and the thing, and a comparison of certaine words vsed in this matter, and being almost of one and the same signification.

FIrst of all, the Latin word that signifieth to predestinate, from whence commeth predestination, Acts 4.28. Rom. 8.29. Ephe. 5. the Grecians call [...], from hence commeth [...]. And [...] is to de­termine, to decree, to ordaine a thing before a man do it. For [...] noteth a terme and end, and beside, the maner and rule, and as it were, the prescript whereby actions are moderated in order: and [...] also is taken of the Grecians for to ordaine [Page 245] and destinate. So destinare with the Latines signifieth to designe, decree, appoint, as in Caesar: the things being not done, which he had destinated (that is decreed) to doe. And Ci­cero in his Offices of Damon and Pythias Pythagoreans: when Dionysius had destinated to one of them the day of his death, and he that was appointed to die, had required &c. And lib. 1. de diuinat. he saith: The Gods are beneficiall to mankind, and know what things are ordained and appointed by them, that is, destinated, [...], as Bude witnesseth, page 710. But because the things that God hath appointed and designed with himself,Acts 15. he hath appointed and ordained from euerlasting, (for all his workes are knowne vnto him from e­ternitie) that word [...], when it is spoken of God, [...]. signi­fieth nothing els then to appoint from before the foundations of the world, or before the world. As also the Apostle expressely saith, 1. Cor. 2. We speake that hidden wisedome, [...], that is, which God hath from eternitie decreed, or destinated to reueale to our glorie.

Therefore if the Grammaticall signification of the word be considered,The 1. signifi­cation and vse of the word predestination. this word predestination may be extended ge­nerally to all things, that are, and are done in the world, and it hath this definition, to bee the eternall decree of God, tou­ching the gouernment of all things, which we vse to call the diuine prouidence. For nothing commeth to passe rashly or by chance, but all things fall out by the fatherly counsell and will of God: so that not so much as a little sparrow surely can light on the ground without him.Mat. 10. Hereupon saith Da­niel, he doth according to his owne wil in the host of heauen, Dan. 4. and in the inhabitants of the earth, neither is there any man that may say vnto him, what doest thou? And Wisedome saith,Wisd. 12. There is no other God beside thee, who takest care of all things, and seeing thou art iust, thou doest iustly gouerne all things. And out of al doubt, seeing al things are ruled after the wil of God, he doth all things according to the eternall purpose of his will. For whatsoeuer hee willeth, he willeth from euerla­sting.

So of predestination most generally writeth Damascene, [Page 246] and Anselme also.Dan lib. 2. Orthodox [...]. fi [...]. cap. 30. Ansel. lib. de conc. praesci. & praedest. The author also of the little worke con­cerning Gods predestination in Augustine pag. 1296. fol­lowing the same generalitie of the word, feareth not to say, that God hath predestinated, that the heauen should turne round about, but the earth should in stead of the center be vn­moueable, while the heauen runneth round about it: and that the Sunne and Moone should rule the day and night, and that the night and day should succeede each the other in certaine times. The like is the saying of Ambrose, that the day of iudge­ment shall be in a time predestinated. Among the late wri­ters Philip Melanchthon spake after the same maner of pre­destination in the former places: Lastly (saith he) the diuine predestination taketh away libertie from man: for all things come to passe according to Gods predestination, both externall workes and also internall thoughts, in all creatures. There is one place onely in the holy Scriptures Act. 4. which seemeth may be after a sort applied to that signification: Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentils and people of Israel, assembled together against thy holy childe Iesus, to doe whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell hath [...]. predestinated to be done. Where­fore omitting also this most generall signification, writers commonly more strictly doe speake and iudge of predesti­nation.

The 2. sig­fication.Secondly therefore predestination is wont to be conside­red of some men, as farre foorth as in generall it respecteth reasonable creatures, that are to be saued or damned, to wit, Angels and men. For it is manifest that some Angels bee e­lect, some reprobates. 1. Tim. 5.21. and Matth. 25.41. where eternall fire is said to bee prepared for the deuill and his an­gels, to wit, reprobate spirits, euen from the foundations of the world, as is expressely spoken in the same place of the kingdome prepared for the elect. And predestination after this sort is nothing els, than the foreordaining of a reasonable creature, either to saluation or to destruction eternall. To be predestinated, Thom. Aqui. writeth Thomas part. 1. quaest. 23. art. 1. as well agreeth to angels as to men, albeit they were neuer miserable. For it is not materiall in respect of predestination, whether [Page 247] one be predestinated vnto eternall life from the state of mise­rie or no: as it mattereth not in respect of making one white, whether he that is whited, were blacke pale, or red.

Thirdly, in speaking of the predestination of men onely,The 3. signifi­cation and the vse of the word. there hath been also a double vse of that word. For one while the word predestination, is applied vnto both, elect and re­probates, and as wel these as the other are called predestinate: but these, that they may bee vessels of wrath prepared for de­struction: the other, that they may be vessels of mercie prepa­red by God to glory.

So Augustine manifestly vseth the word predestination, August. Enchir ad Laur. cap. 100. when he saith, That God as highly good, doth well vse euen the wicked to their damnation, whom he hath iustly predestinated to punishment: and to their saluation, whom mercifully he hath predestinated to grace. The same man, tract. 110. in Ioh. There is a world of those that shall be damned, whereof it is written; Least we should be condemned with the world. For this world Christ prayeth not: for he is not ignorant, whether it is prede­stinated, to wit, to suffer eternall torments with the deuill, as the same man writeth elsewhere.

But especially Fulgentius to Monimus lib. 1.Aug. de Ciuit. dei. lib. 15. cap. 3 at large in­treateth of a double predestination, one of the good to glory, the other of the wicked to paine.Fulgent. Whereupon in the begin­ning of the second booke, he thus defineth predestination: Gods predestination (saith he) is nothing els, than the prepara­tion of his workes, which in his eternall disposition, he foreknew to doe either in mercie or in iustice: that is, predestination is the eternall decree of God whereby he hath purposed to saue some out of mankinde of meere grace through Christ, and to reiect others from the same grace in his righteous iudge­ment, and for their sinnes to damne them for euer. Thus pre­destination shall comprehend both election and reproba­tion.

But sometime the name of predestination is vsed for ele­ction onely, whereunto on the contrary,The 4. signifi­tion and vse of the word. reprobation is op­posed. And thus the Scripture euery where almost speaketh of predestination. Whom he foreknew, saith the Apostle, Ro. 8. [Page 248] the same he predestinated: whom he predestinated, them he called: and whom he hath called, them he hath iustified: whom he hath iustified, them hath he glorified. And he addeth, Who shall lay any crime to the charge of Gods elect? Where he ex­pressely nameth them elect, whom hee had called predesti­nate. The same Apostle Ephes. 1. He hath chosen vs in him, before the foundations of the world were laid, and hath prede­stinated vs, that hee might adopt vs to bee his sonnes by Christ Iesus in himselfe.

De predest. Sanct. cap. 10.Augustine also for the most part speaketh of predestination in this sense, taking it for the eternall & free election of God, which sometime for difference sake he calleth predestination which is in good, and the predestination of Saints. But most of­ten and euery where almost, when he speaketh of election and the elect, he mentioneth simply the predestinate and pre­destination. And in the schoole Diuines also, (albeit vnder the same name of predestination, they intreate both of ele­ction of the saued, and also of the reprobation of the dam­ned) yet scarse may a man finde the words, predestination, and predestinate otherwise vsed than for election and the e­lect. And taking the word after this maner (which is most v­suall, as I haue said) wee will with Augustine define predesti­nation to bee a preparation of grace. De predest. Sanct. cap. 10. Predestinati­on of the Saints what it is. For, this (saith he) is the onely difference betweene grace and predestination, that pre­destination is the preparation of grace: but grace is now the gift it selfe. Wherefore also de fide ad Pet. Diacon. cap. 35. he defineth predestination to bee the preparation of a free gift. And by grace he vnderstandeth as well future glorie, as al the benefits of God in this present life, whereby as by meanes, the predestinate or elect are directed and lead vnto that end. Hereupon cap. 14. de bono perseuer. he thus defineth it: Pre­destination of the Saints is nothing els, than the prescience, and preparation of Gods benefits, whereby as many as are deli­uered, are most certainly deliuered, the rest being left in the masse of perdition by the iust iudgement of God. To the same end is it, that elswhere he interpreteth predestination to be a purpose of shewing mercie: according to the saying, I wil haue [Page 249] mercie, on whom I will haue mercie: and I will haue compassion, E [...]xod 3 [...] Rom. 9. on whom I will haue compassion.

Moreouer, this predestination of the Saints, is in the Scrip­tures of God for the most part called Election.Election diuersly taken in Scripture, Many are called, but few are elect, saith the Lord, Matth. 20. And Paul, Ephe. 1. testifieth of the election of the faithfull in Christ be­fore the foundations of the world were laid. Yet wee must not be ignorant, that there be diuers elections of God, wher­of the sacred Scriptures make mention. For some are for the 1 execution of some certaine office, Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall: namely, the office of a King, Priest, Prophet, or Apostle. So Aaron was approued to be the elect priest of God by the mi­racle of the rod that budded.Num. 17.5. Deut. 21.5. So his posteritie who had the Priesthood in Israel, are called the elect of the Lord. Like­wise Saul in respect of the kingdome is called the elect of the Lord. Besides,1. Sam. 10, 24, 2. Sam. 21.6. 1. Sam. 16. of the sonnes of Isai none but Dauid was e­lect of the Lord to the kingdome. We reade also in the Gos­pell, that it was said of the Apostles:Io. 6. Haue not I chosen you twelue, and one of you is a deuill? Whereof also see Luk. 6.13. Act. 1.2.

Further, Gods election is taken for election to saluation,2 and that two maner of waies, either that which was from e­uerlasting, or els that which is made in time, which floweth from the former, lying hid in the minde of God, and is the ef­fect and execution therof, to wit, when a man is now actual­ly chosen out of the world and ingrafted into Christ, and re­generated to eternall life. Of such Christ speaketh, Ioh. 15. Ye are not of the world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. De praedest. sanct. cap. 17▪ Of this double election thus saith Augustine: Wee are elected before the creation of the world by predestination, wherein God foreknew his future workes: but we are elected out of the world by vocation, wher­by God fulfilleth that that he hath predestinated.

There is beside, this vse also of the word, that they are cal­led 3 Elect in generall, whosoeuer by outward calling belong to the people of God. So Deut. 4. vers. 37. and 7. vers. 6. and 14. vers. 2. all Israel is said to haue been chosen of the Lord, [Page 236] namely to be a holie people, and peculiar to the Lord their God, out of all people in the whole world. As also in Peter they are called elect, whosoeuer are called to the bodie of the Church, and are counted faithfull. And 1. Cor. 1. saith the A­postle Paul: Ye see your calling bretheren, that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mightie, not many noble are cal­led but God hath chosen the foolish and base things in the world. Where we see, that they that be called to the societie of the Church, and the chosen or elect are taken for one and the same. For as Augustine, de correp. & grat. cap. 7. & 9. saith: Who will denie them to bee elect, that beleeue and are baptized? They are plainely called elect, but of them that know not what they shall be, and not of God, who knoweth them. For there be sonnes of God, who are not yet such to vs, and are al­ready to God: and againe, there be some, that are called of vs the sonnes of God, for some temporall grace receiued, and yet are not to God such, of whom Iohn speaketh: they went out from vs, but they were not of vs. For if they had been of vs, verely they had continued with vs. The same thing Ambrose also confirmeth vpon the 8. chapter to the Romans, and the Apostle himselfe, while in the 11. chapter of that epistle, hee maketh difference betweene the people of God so in gene­rall called, in respect of vocation, and profession: and be­tweene the remnant in the common assemblie, and as it were bodie of that people, which remnant is saued accor­ding to the election of grace, and the rest doe perish.

And of that election of such as shall bee saued, and haue beene predestinate vnto eternall life from all eternitie, do we nowe intreate. And it is in very deed all one with the pre­destination of Saints, as I haue said, but that in some respect it differeth.How predestination and election differ. For Predestination noteth an eternall & firme pur­pose in God, of bestowing grace & glory vpon whom he wil: but Election addeth something, namely, as farre forth as hee willeth eternall life to some before others, seeing he reproba­teth some,Thom. 1. quest. 23. art. 4. as Thomas very well, and after him other schoole men haue obserued. It is also called Loue, according to that Romans 9. Iacob I haue loued, but Esau haue I hated. God [Page 251] surely loueth all men. For he loueth all things that bee,Election is called Loue. and abhorreth nothing that he hath made, and hath mercie vpon all, and spareth all, as it is in the 11. of Wisedome.Degrees of loue. But there be degrees of loue. For he loueth some, as his creatures, others, as members of his sonne, as Augustine at large sheweth. Tra. 110. in Ioh. And very fitly Thomas in the foresaid place, Art. 3. God loueth all men yea all creatures, as farre foorth as he wil­leth any good to all. Yet hee willeth not euery good thing to all. How he is [...] to haue. Therefore in as much as to some men hee willeth not this good thing, which is eternall life, hee is sayd to hate and reprobate them. How Gods election and loue di [...]er. And Art 4. he assigneth a difference betweene the ele­ction, & the loue of God, which differ only in reason, and in God are really one and the same. The predestination of some to eternall saluation, (saith he) presupposeth, that God willeth their saluation, and thereunto appertaineth election and loue: Loue truely in respect that he willeth vnto them this benefite of eternall saluation. For to loue is to will some good to one. But e­lection in respect that be willeth this good to same aboue others, seeing he reprobateth some. These things saith he, in that place and repeateth the same distinction vpon the 9. to the Rom. vpon the saying, Iacob haue I loued. Therefore if hee would saue all, it should be called Purpose, and Predestination and Loue, but not Election.

But this also we must marke with Augustine,De bono per. s [...]uer. cap. 18. that election or predestination which is in good, is sometime signified also by the name of prescience, or foreknowledge, as saith the Apostle. Rom 8. Whom he foreknewe, Prescience. the same he hath prede­stinated, that they should be made conformable to the image of his sonne, and chap. 11. God hath not cast away his people whom he foreknewe, that is, whom he predestinated, which thing the circumstance of the text sheweth: for he speaketh of the remnants of the Iewes, which were saued according to the election of grace, the rest perishing. Of whom also in the same place he addeth, that Israel obtained not the thing he sought for, but the elect haue obtained it, and the rest were hardened. After the same sorte, the old fathers also seeme to haue taken prescience for predestination, as Augustine there [Page 252] witnesseth. Whereof hee bringeth this reason, because this word may both be more easilie vnderstoode, and also it is not repugnant, yea it is consonant vnto the trueth, that is taught of the predestination of grace. Yet as much as concerneth the proprietie of these words, to foreknowe, is more generall than to predestinate: How fore­knowledge and predesti­nation differ. for predestination can­not bee without foreknowledge: but foreknowledge may bee without predestination; for by predestination God foreknew the things that he would doe: but he may foreknow the things that he doeth not, as all sinnes whatsoeuer. For al­beit there be some things, that are so sins, as that they be also punishments of sinnes, whereupon it is said: he gaue them vp into a reprobate sense, Rom. 1.28. to doe those things that are not conueni­ent: yet there it is not sinne in God, but his iudgement, as Au­gustine largely teacheth these things in his booke of the pre­destination of Saints, the tenth chapter. Origene, (expoun­ding that saying of Paul, whom he foreknew, them he also pre­destinated to bee made conformable to the image of his sonne, saith not amisse, that prescience cannot be taken for naked and simple knowledge, seeing God comprehendeth the vngodly also in his prescience, whom yet he doth not predestinate to be made conformable to the image of his sonne. He saith therefore, that that knowledge signifieth affection and loue, wherewith God embraceth some,2. Tim. 2. as Paul saith to Timothie, The Lord knoweth who be his.

Foreknowne.And whereas in schoole diuinitie by the foreknowne, the re­probates commonly are meant, it is an abuse of the worde a­gainst the vse of the Scriptures, which is wont to call the e­lect, (as it hath been said) predestinate and foreknowne, and not reprobates, that are neere the curse, like the ground that bringeth forth thornes and thistles.

Reprobation.And reprobation, as the schoolemen define it, is the fore­knowledge of the iniquitie of some, and the preparation of their damnation:Lib. 1. dist. 4. that is, reprobation is an eternall will in God, in his iust iudgement not to haue mercy vpon some of mankinde, after that with others they should fall into sinne and damnation, but to reiect them from the communion of [Page 253] saluation in Christ, and to cast them into the punishments that are due for sinne.

That this definition may be more easilie vnderstoode,Aug. al Sim­plice. lib. 1. [...].2. De con [...]e [...] & gr. ca 7. [...]pist. item 105. Con [...]d as epist. Pelag. lib 2 cap. 7. & passim alibi. we must consider, that all of vs are wrapped in one and the same masse of damnation and offence, and all belong to one mix­ture of sinners and vngodly, if the grace of God be set a side. From that masse of perdition, whom God separateth by his grace and predestination, they be elect, and such as shall be saued according to the purpose of God. But whom he lea­ueth by his iust iudgement in that damnable masse, they be they whom we call reprobates and to be damned. And vnto the damned is rendred their deserued punishment; but vpon such as are set at liberty, is bestowed an vndeserued grace, that neither these should complaine that they are vnworthie, nor these should boast themselues to be worthie: but that he that is set free should learne of him that is not freed, that he should also be punished, but that grace hath relieued him.

CHAP. III. A confirmation of the former things, to wit, that some are elec­ted, some reprobated of God from euerlasting, against the error of certaine men that say, that all men are elected in Christ.

IT cannot be denied,The 1. argu­ment. that God doth all things with a deter­mined and certaine counsell, and that from euerlasting: because there is nothing temporall in God: otherwise hee should be mutable, as the author of the calling of the Gen­tiles, lib. 2. cap 10. hath truely written. In God there is no ac­cident, motion, or new will, or temporall counsell: neither is his minde altered with the inequalitie of mutable things, but he comprehendeth all times and temporall things together, with an euerlasting and stedfast regarde. Therefore because God, and that willingly, saueth some men, and damneth others, (for nothing can be done if hee bee simplie vnwilling, and a­gainst [Page 254] it) we must of necessitie confesse, that both are done according to Gods eternall purpose. And this is nothing els, than that God hath chosen some, and reiected others from euerlasting.

The 2. argu­ment.Augustines argument drawne from grace to predestinati­on, is not vnlike:

To whom God giueth his giftes freely, I meane, faith, good workes, perseuerance in faith and loue, and such like, he foreknew also that he would giue them freely, and in his foreknowledge he hath disposed them from all eternitie.

But those gifts freely giuen, are bestowed by him vpon some, and are not bestowed vpon others.

Therefore hee foreknew from eternitie, and in his presci­ence disposed also to bestowe them vpon some, and not to bestowe them vpon others. And this is the very poynt that we defend: namely, that God hath predestinated some vnto grace before others.De bono per­seuer. cap. 19. These be Augustines words: They (saith he) that so knowe, that God giueth faith, confession, obedience, perseuerance, Cap. 17. &c. that they are not ignorant, that he foreknew, that he would giue, and could not be ignorant to whom he would giue, doubtles they knowe predestination: for to dispose his fu­ture workes in his foreknowledge, which cannot be deceiued and changed, is no other thing at all but predestination. And anon, speaking of the grace of faith and perseuerance vnto the end, against certaine Semipelagians of those times, saith: Doe they say, that happely neither those things are predestina­ted? Therefore they are not giuen of God, or else he knew not that he would giue them. But if they be giuen, and he fore­knew, that he would giue them, doubtles hee did predestinate them. In the same place, chap. 2. The Church praieth, that the vnbeleeuers may beleeue, and beleeuing may perseuer. God then conuerteth to faith, and he giueth perseuerance vnto the end. This God foreknew should come to passe. This is the pre­destination of Saints, whom he elected in Christ, before the creation of the world, that they should bee holie and without spot, &c.

The 3. argu­ment.Thirdly, there is a strong argument from the word Electi­on; [Page 255] either that there is no election, or else, if there be any e­lection to eternall life, it belongeth to some onely, and not to all. For if eternall life were prepared, or destinated for all, in respect of God, it should surely be termed his purpose, pre­destination and loue, but not election, according to the diffe­rence of these words before set downe.

Furthermore consider I pray thee, christian reader,The 4. argu­ment. Thes. 1127. to what end the contrarie opinion tendeth. Huber saith, that all are elected, and alike beloued of the father in Christ, and ap­poynted to eternall life. Yet seeing it is certaine, that not all are saued,Thes. 735. he annexeth another speciall election to this gene­rall, which is speciall, not in respect of God, (as though hee tooke peculiar counsell for some men) but in respect of men themselues, who should applie vniuersal grace to themselues,Thes. 7 [...]6. for that God did elect with the condition of faith, that they that beleeue in Christ, should be saued, and such as beleeued not, should bee damned.Marke here to what ende this opinion tendeth. What other thing must wee hence collect, than that God determined nothing at all with him­selfe, to giue faith to some, and not to giue it to others, neither that he giueth it to some peculiarly: but that he hath left it in mens power to beleeue the Gospell or not to beleeue? For if he giue faith to some, surely he tooke peculiar counsell con­cerning them, and let the rest passe. But if he giue not faith peculiarly to some, the grace of God whereby we are saued, is ouerthrowne, and let the Pelagians carrie away the victory. Further, they that imagine so of election, as hath been saide, (confessing in word, Gods election) doe in very deede, take a­way all election: for if it were so, God should not choose vs, but wee him, by receiuing his offered grace, and we should be as it were the potters and formers of Gods election. Also, we shuld be so elected, because we beleeue,Marke this well. Epist. 105. Testimonies of the new Testament prouing electi­on and repro­bation. wheras on ye con­trarie, we are elected that we might beleeue. For electiō surely doth not finde, but make men faithfull, as Augustine testifieth.

But least we should seeme to leane onely vpon reasons, we haue many, and those very notable testimonies in the sa­cred Scriptures, to proue both the election and reprobation of some men: as God from euerlasting would either haue [Page 256] mercy, or not haue mercie vpon them. Christ, Matthew. 11. I thanke thee O father, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast reuealed them to babes: Euen so father, because it so pleased thee, Matth. 13. To you it is giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen: but to them it is not giuen: but the prophesie of Esay is fulfilled in them: ye shall heare with your eares, and not vnderstand, and in seeing ye shall see, and not perceiue, Matth. 20. To sit on my right hand, and on my left, shall be giuen to them, for whom it is prepared of my father. And chap. 22. Many are called, but few are chosen. Therefore all are not elect, to whom the Gos­pell is preached: much lesse, to whome it is not preached, of whom there is at this day an infinite number,Acts 14. and hath been, especially in olde time, When all the Gentiles were suffered to walke in their owne waies. Matth. 24. Except those daies should be shortened, all flesh should perish, but for the elect sake they shall be shortered. In the same place: False Christs, and false prophets shall rise, and shall doe signes and miracles, so that they should deceiue, if it were possible, euen the elect. If all men therefore were elected, no man could be seduced or pe­rish, against which thing in the same place it is said, of two in the field, that the one should be receiued, the other forsaken, Matth. 25. The sonne of man shall place his sheepe on his right hand, but the goates on the left, and shall say to them on the right hand: Come ye blessed of my father, possesse the kingdome prepared for you, before the foundations of the world were laide: But to them that shall bee on the left hand, hee shall say: Depart ye cursed into the fire, that is prepared for the diuell and his angels: Iohn 10. The Lord said vnto the Iewes, continuing in their obstinacie: Ye beleeue not, for yee are not of my sheepe. My sheepe heare my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I giue vnto them eternall life, neither shall they perish for euer, and no man shall take them out of my hand, Iohn 17. The Lord separating his own from such [...] be not his, saith: I pray not for the world, O father, but for them whom thou hast giuen me: and these he saith are lo­u [...]d of his father, and that he doth manifest his name vnto [Page 257] them, and that they are sanctified and kept vnto eternall life. None of which things belongeth to that world for which he doth not pray. Therefore there is a plaine difference set downe betweene the elect and reprobates. Hereupon Au­gustine, tract. 107. He would haue the world, for which hee praieth not, to be taken for them, that be not in that [...]e of grace, that they may he chosen out of the world▪ But he praieth for them whom his father gaue him. For hereby, in that his fa­ther gaue them vnto him, it came to passe, that they pertained not to that world: for which he praieth not, to wit the world of such as shall be damned, as the same man testifieth, tract. 110. For which (he saith) he praieth not, because he is not ignorant, whereunto it is predestinate. In the same 17. chapter of Iohn, Iudas is said to perish, as the sonne of perdition; the rest con­tinued with Christ in his temptations, and perished not, as being elect, and giuen him of the father, that he might giue them eternall life.In what sense Iudas is said [...]o b [...] giuē Christ of his father. And whereas Iudas also is reckoned a­mong them, whom the father had giuen to the sonne: either it is spoken according to the opinion of men, as some thinke: or else it is to be taken, in respect onely of the Apostleship, as Augustine expoundeth it, Tract. 106. Further, whereas Luke writeth, Acts 13. That as many as were ordained to eternall life, beleeued: hee leaueth no place for doubting, but some men are, others are not foreordained or predestinated vn­to life.

But what doth Paul, a chosen instrument,Pauls epistle. that was wrapt vp into paradise, and heard words that could not be vttered? How often doth hee inculcate the truth of predestination? Rom. 8. he saith: whom he foreknew, them he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his sonne. And whom he pre­destinated them hee also called, and whom he called, them hee iustified, and whom he iustified, them he also glorified. Further what conteine the 9, 10, 11. chapters following, but a moste cleare exposition of this present doctrine of the election of some, and the reprobation of others, according to the eternal purpose of God? That we may take a few things onely out of the Apostles disputation, chapter 9. concerning the twins, [Page 258] Iacob and Esay, cōceiued both at one time, he saith, while the children were yet vnborne, whē they had done neither good nor euill, that the purpose of God might stand, which is according to his election not of workes, but of the caller, it was said to Rebec­ca: the elder shall serue the yonger. And he citeth the place of Malachie: Iacob haue I loued, Esay haue I hated. And by and by, alleaging a testimony, and the example of Pharao out of Moses, hee concludeth in these wordes: Therefore, he hath mercy on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. Again, Hath not the potter power ouer the cla [...]e, to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour, another to dishonour? And straight way addeth, concerning vessels of wrath prepared vnto de­struction, and concerning vessels [...]f mercie, which he saith are prepared of God vnto glorie. In the 11 chapter he testifieth that God hath alwayes in the multitude of them that perish, some remnants of such as shal be saued according to election of grace: of whome also hee saith: The elect haue obtayned, the rest were hardened, as it is written: God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber, eies that they should not see, and eares that they should not heare.

Notable also is the place, Eph. 1. Blessed be God, who hath blessed vs with euery spirituall blessing in heauen, in Christ Ie­sus: as he elected vs in him, before the foundations of the world were laid, that we shuld be holy, & blameles before him thorow loue: predestinating vs to be his adopted sonnes through Christ Iesus in himselfe, according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of his glorious grace, &c. To the Philippians. 2. It is God that worketh in vs to will and to performe according to his good pleasure, his verely, and not thine, as wee saw euen now in the words to the Ephes. In the latter to the Thess. 2. To them that perish, and are punished with the efficacie of deceite, that they might beleeue lyes, the Apostle opposeth the beloued and electe of God, who of his grace (for which hee giueth there thanks to God) are called by the Gospell, to obtaine the glorie of our Lord Iesu Christ. Of this same vocation and election he speaketh 2. to Tim. 1. God hath called vs with a holy calling, not for our workes, but of his purpose and grace, which was giuen [Page 252] vs in Christ Iesu before all worlds: and is made manifest now through the appearing of Iesu Christ. And chap. 2. of the same epistle he saith: The foundatiō of God is sure, hauing this seale: The Lord knoweth who are his. But in a great house, there are not onely vessels of gold, and siluer, but also of wood and earth, and some to honour, some to dishonour.

Apoc. 13. and 17. it is said of the beast, that all the inhabi­tants of the earth, whose names are not written in the books of life from the foundations of the world, should worship, and haue it in high estimation. The reprobates and such as perish are expressed in many words, against whome the elect are oppo­sed, whose names are written in the booke of life before the creation of the world, and whom Gods mercie doth so de­fend, that they cannot be seduced, at the least, finally. Iude al­so in his epistle testifieth, that seducers were of old ordained or forewritten to this condemnation: which the Glosse and Aqui­nas (least any man should blame our men to bee the makers of such Glosses) do expound, that they were from euerlasting in the fore knowledge of God foreseen for this iudgement of present reprobation, that they should waxe vile themselues, and cast others into vncleanenes.

In the bookes of the old Testament we read the same doc­trine to be taught, for the Lord saith to Moses,Testimonies of the olde Te­stament. Exod. 33. I will haue mercie, on whom I will haue mercie, and I will haue com­passion, on whom I will haue compassion. And of Pharao the Scripture saith, Exod. 9. for this cause haue I raised thee vp, to shew in thee my power, and that my name might be declared in all the earth. Other such testimonies are mencioned in the disputation of Pauls epistle to the Romans. Whereunto adde that which is Prouerbs 16. God made all things for his owne sake, euen the vngodly against the euill day. And 1. Sam. 2. it is said of Elies sonnes, that they would not heare the voice of their father, because the Lord would slaie them. Again, 2. Chron. 25 vers. 16. the prophet saith to king Amasia: I knowe that God hath purposed to destroie thee, because thou hast not obeyed my worde.

By these and the like sentences of the sacred scriptures all [Page 260] men perceiue, that loue the truth more than contention, that election comprehendeth not whole mankind, but that some among them are elected to saluation, others are reiected from the same according to the eternal counsell and good pleasure of God. The same men also vnderstand, that the definition of predestination, which is brought of some men, is insufficient, as though predestination of the Saints, or election were no­thing else than the decree of God, touching the maner of ob­tayning saluation through Christ: and reprobation were no other thing, than his decree of the dāning of vnbeeleuers, and such as abide without Christ. There is no doubte, but God hath so decreed and keepeth these things: but the proofes and testimonies alledged do further strongly prooue, that God hath also decreed, to whom he will giue, or not giue faith, whereby wee are ingrafted into Christ for saluation, in him and through him.

CHAP. IIII. A confutation of certaine obiections.

BVt what say the aduersaries to these things? God, say they, would haue all men to bee saued, 1. Tim. 2. [...] ob­iection. and to come to the know­ledge of the truth. Therefore on Gods part eternall life is pre­pared for all men, neither doth anie perish, because God will not bestow any grace vpon him, but because he hath refused grace receiued. In this opinion were those remnants of Pela­gians in Prosper, of whom hee writeth in his epistle to Au­gustine.

Answere. I answere, the Apostle saith not, that he would saue al, but he willeth all to be saued, namely, by inuiting all men to sal­uation,How God would haue all men to be saued. and the knowledge of the truth: and also by appro­uing of the conuersion of all. But he wil not effectually worke in all and euery one, that they may beleeue and be saued. For if he willed this, his will should be altogether fulfilled, and no man should be damned. But now he hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will, hee hardeneth, and in his counsell hath [Page 261] appoynted whom and what maner of men he will haue to be partakers of mercie preached and offered vnto them, as in these verie same words,Cap. 107. Luther in ser. arbit. beateth into our heads: where this and the like places, I will not the death of a sinner: Ierusalem how often would I gather, Enchir. a [...]dur. cap. 103. &c. expoundeth after the same maner. Augustine also teacheth that the saying of the Apostle is rightly so to be vnderstood: he willeth that all men bee saued, that is, all kind of men, howsoeuer differing, kings, princes, rich, poore, base, &c. Cap. 117. The same man elsewhere expoundeth; he willeth all men to be saued, that all the prede­stinate be meant, because all kind of men bee in them. But of this place wee haue more largelie dealt aboue in the second booke and third chapter.

Obiection. A place not vnlike to this there is, 2. Pet. 3. The Lord is not slacke of his promises, as some count slacknes: but he is patient toward vs, not willing that any should perish, but that al should come to repentance. If hee willeth none to perish, it is false, that in his eternall counsell hee hath decreed, and therefore willeth, that some, yea very many should perish. Againe, if he willeth all to repent, it shall be false that God wil not, that all by repentance should be brought to Christ, and liue.

In these Huber wonderfully delighteth himselfe,Hub. thes. 94. & sequent. but all in vaine, so long as that of the Psalmist standeth, Our God is in heauen, he doth whatsoeuer he will: and that of the Apostle, on whom he will he hath mercie, and whom he will he hardeneth.

But least we should seeme to set one Scripture against an other, to reconcile them wee must know,The meaning of Peters words that the saying of Peter is not without cause expounded by learned men of the vniuersalitie of the elect, not onely because the like restraint is very often in the like phrases of the sacred Scriptures, but also because the matter it selfe seemeth here to require it. For what? is the end of the world deferred for the reprobates sake, and not rather for Gods elect sake?In 1. Tim. 2. When they shall be­leeue (saith Ambrose) that are predestinate vnto eternal life, the resurrection shall come. Which thing how truly it is spo­ken, the answere testifieth in the Apocalyps, chap. 6. vers. 11. Yet if we stand in the generalitie of all men, the sense will be [Page 262] that,Thom. Com. in hunc locum, & aed Rom. 2. which Thomas and others doe assigne, that hee willeth not that any should perish by his signified will, (as they speak) as farre forth as hee inuiteth all men to repentance by pre­cepts, threatnings, rewards, and also by his patience and long sufferance, as it is written: Doest thou despise the riches of his mercie and long sufferance? Doest thou not know, that the bountifulnes of God draweth thee to repentance? But this is the question, whether faith and repentance bee not the gifts of God, which he giueth to some, and not to others, and that according to the vnsearchable counsell of his owne will? This certainly is more cleere, than that it can be denied of a­ny one that is not a Pelagian.How God wil­leth all to re­pent. Therefore it is well said, That God willeth all men to repent, that is, he calleth and inuiteth all to repentance: but he effecteth it not in all, neither doth he will it surely because he hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth.

Luth. de ser. arb. Cap. 109. A distinction of Gods will.After this sort Luther also distinguisheth: He will not the death of a sinner, to wit, in his word: for in the word of salua­tion he commeth to all: but he willeth it in his vnsearchable will. And at large there sheweth the difference between the secret and published will of God: not that properly there is a diuerse will in God, but the speech of his will is diuerse, because this name is diuersly taken. The published or reuealed will of God is, whatsoeuer from the beginning of the world, either by God himselfe immediatly, or by his ministers, hath been offe­red to men by precepts, exhortations, menacings, and benefits. But his hidden will is that secret will in God concerning the euent of things: that is, whom, and what men endued with faith by speciall grace, he will haue to be partakers of mercie when it is preached and offered.

Brentius.Brentius also followed this same distinction in 1. Sam. 2. discussing the place of the sonnes of Eli: and expli. Catechis. vpon the petition, Thy will be done.

This let the indifferent reader obserue against the outcries of some, who, though they would be heard as the right issue of Luther and Brentius, yet by cauils and sophistications they labour to make odious this distinction receiued, and [Page 263] grounded in the word of God. For as it is written,2. Tim. 2. 2. Pet. 3. 1. Thess. 5. Matth. 23. that he wil that all men be saued: and, that he is patient toward vs, being vnwilling that any should perish, but to come to repentance: and that our sanctification is the will of God. Also, how often would I gather thy children, and thou wouldest not? Esay 46.10. Psalm. 115.3. Rom 9.18, 19. So wee haue heard and read in the diuine Scriptures: My counsell shall stand, saith the Lord, and I will fulfill my will. Whatsoe­uer the Lord would, that he did. He hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. Also, Who shall resist his will?

In which places and the like, there will be great contrarie­tie, vnlesse a distinction be vsed, according to which,Marke this distinction. we may vnderstand that something is done against the will of God, that is, against his commandement and prohibition, which yet is not done beside, and contrary to that will, which is he himselfe. For great are the workes of the Lord, and his will is perfect towards all, so that it is not done beside his will, that yet is done contrary to his will: because it could not be done, if he would not suffer it, and truly he doth not suffer it against his will but willingly, neither being good himselfe would he suffer euill to be done, vnles being almightie he were able out of euill to make that which is good, as August. saith ad Laur. ca. 100. See also lib. 1. Sentent. dist. 45. and in the other that follow,Voluntas bene­placiti, & signi. where the Master largely speaketh of the double will of God, his good pleasure, and reuealed will, as the Schoolemen call them. If any thinke good, let him also peruse Chrysostome, Hom. 18. ad Heb.

Secondly it is obiected,The 2. Obiec­tion. that the promise of grace is vni­uersall, and therefore that none is reiected from grace, or re­probated in respect of God.

Answere. I answere, The first way how the pro­mises of grace be vniuersall. the promise of grace is vniuersall in respect of the beleeuers, as farre forth doubtles, as no man of what na­tion or condition soeuer is excluded from saluation, so that he beleeue truly in Christ. Contrariwise, vnbeleeuers of what nation or condition soeuer, are expressely shut out from the fruite of the promises, according to the sayings:Mark. 16. He that be­leeueth and is baptized, shall be saued, &c. Euery one that be­leeueth [Page 264] in the sonne, Ioh. 3. Ioh 6. Acts 13. Rom. 3. shall not perish. This is the will of the father, that whosoeuer beleeueth in the sonne, should haue eter­nall life. In him whosoeuer beleeueth is iustified. The righte­ousnes of God in all and vpon all that beleeue, for there is no difference. And oftentimes after this sort is repeated the pro­mise of life and saluation made to euery beleeuer, the vnbe­leeuers on the contrary being excluded. For the promise re­quireth faith, which because it belongeth not to all, but to the elect, as Paul witnesseth, therfore the efficacie of the pro­mises remaineth doubtles with the elect, as the Apostle also teacheth to the Romanes:Rom. 9. That the promises of God pertaine to the true Israelites, to the spirituall seede, that is elected of God, not of workes, but through the grace of the caller. Yet here we are to bee admonished,Note this well. that, albeit the promise bee proper to the beleeuers and the elect, as touching efficacie, yet it must be preached indifferently in the eares of all, faith­full, and Infidels, elect and reprobates.

The 2. way.And in this sense also we grant, that the promises are vni­uersall, to wit, in respect of externall preaching, because the minister of the word cannot or ought not to discerne the e­lect from reprobates.Rom. 11. In the meane while not all attaine vn­to the grace that is preached and offered to all, but the elect obtaine it, and the rest doe not, and so (to vse Luthers words) all things depend vpon predestination, &c.

The third ob­iection.The third obiection. Whosoeuer appertain to the Church, are called elect. But to the Church pertaine as well the bad as the good.Hub. thes. 751. 752. Ergo, the bad as well as the good are elected, none at all omitted.

Answere. But this obiection is faultie in two points. 1 First, it is the vse of the Scriptures to call them elect, whosoeuer belong to the account of the Church: but not all therefore are elected of God to eternal life according to his purpose. For many are elect to vs in the iudgement of charitie, and are not to God, and contrariwise, according to the diuerse signification of the word set downe before.

2 Secondly, there is more in the conclusion, than in the pre­misses. For the consequence is of no force: within the com­passe [Page 265] of the Church and of the elect, there be as well euill as good (in the sense aforesaid:) Therefore all men are elected. This is all one as if a man should say: In the Church of Christ there bee good and euill: also, in this or that citie, namely Heidelberge, Tubing, or any other, there be good and euill: Therefore the Christian Church, or this or that citie compre­hendeth all men, none excepted. A fine consequence, as though indefinitly good men and euill, and all men were e­quiualent and of like force, one as the other.

The fourth obiection:The fourth obiection. It appertaineth to iustice distribu­tiue, that vnequall things be not giuen to such as bee equall: Therefore God, seeing he is most iust, doth not chuse one, and refuse another, out of the masse or lump of perdition, where­in all of vs being considered, are alike and equall.

I answere: The antecedent hath place in those things, that are distributed of desert, and not in those things that a man distributeth of his owne accord and freely, where, as he will, and to whom he will, he may giue more or lesse without in­iustice, so long as he withdraweth from no man his due.A Simile. As for example, if thou hast two debters, and doest forgiue the debt to one, and not to the other, to that man thou truly art mercifull, and yet to this man thou art not vniust.

Augustine vsing this very similitude, saith notably:De praedest. & gra. cap. 3. Where­as God freely bestoweth vndeserued mercie on some that are conuerted by a free vocation, it must not bee referred to the in­iustice of the dispenser, but to the most mercifull goodnesse of the giuer. Dare the debter charge his creditor with vniust dealing, if he shall require his debt of him, while he forgiueth another? If therefore it bee so in the bargaines of men, who may breake out into so great madnes of a prophane speech, to charge God of iniustice, if he shall giue freely to one vndeser­ued grace, and to render to another deserued punishment?

This is the same obiection in words onely changed.Another like obiection. Who so giueth vnequall things to them that are equall, is an accep­ter of persons: Therefore seeing in the lumpe of perdition all of vs being considered are equall, vnlesse God equally and after one and the same maner deale towards all, he shall be [Page 266] an accepter of persons.Acception of persons, and e­lection differ. But acception of persons is one thing, and exception or electiō of men with God is another thing. For what? those manifold differences of men, that some are seene to bee princes, other subiects; some noble, other base; some rich, other poore; some are borne wittie, other slow of heart and foolish: and lasty, that some men excell others in so many and great things, whence arise they, but from the Lord?Ecclesiast. 33. Heare the Wiseman: Why doth one day passe another, seeing all the light of the daies of the yere proceedeth from the Sunne? By the Lords iudgement they be distinguished, and he hath disposed the alteration of times and solemne feasts. He hath extolled and sanctified some daies, and others he hath put for worke daies. In like maner all men are of the ground, and Adam was made of the earth, but the Lord hath distinguished them by great knowledge, and made their waies diuerse. Some of them he blesseth and exalteth, and maketh neere to himselfe: but other he holdeth accursed, and abaseth them. Behold how God manifold waies preferreth some before others among mankinde. For, saith the Wiseman, as the clay is in the potters hand, to order it at his pleasure: so men are in the hand of God their creator, to whom seuerally he rendereth as it liketh him best. [...]ther de seruo arbit. cap. 143. Therefore acception of persons, as that which is not in­cident vnto God, wholly differeth from election, or the choise of some before others, which specially agreeth to God, and so agreeth, that if we spoyle him of the power and wisedome of chusing, we shall transforme him into the Idoll of fortune, by whose power all things should at all aduentures be done.

Acception of persons what it is.But acception of persons, as the ancient writers learnedlie expound, is there rightly said to be, where he that iudgeth, lea­uing the desert of the cause, whereof hee giueth iudgement, fauoureth one against another, finding something in the per­son that is worthie of honour or mercie.Aug. cont. dua [...] epistolas. P [...]lag. lib. 20. cap. 7. Primasius in 9. ad Rom. But if a man haue two debters, and would forgiue one his debt, and require it of the other: he giueth freely to whom he will, but he defrau­deth no man, neither can it bee called acception of persons, because there is no iniustice. Otherwise to them that are of small vnderstanding, it will seeme to bee acception of per­sons, [Page 267] where the Lord of the vineyard made his labourers e­quall in wages, among whom there was so much difference in labour. But what did he answer concerning this (as it were) acception of persons to such as murmured? Friend, Matth. 20 I do thee no wrong. Take that is thine and depart: I will giue euen to this last, as vnto thee. Is it not lawfull for me to doe what I will with mine owne? Is thine eye euill, because I am good? Doubtles here is all iustice: this is my will, to thee (saith he) I haue paid thy reward, to this man I haue freely giuen, I haue not taken any thing from thee to giue to him, neither haue diminished or denied that which I did owe. As therefore here there is no acception of persons, because one man is so freely honoured, that another is not defrauded of his due: so when one man according to Gods purpose is called, and another is not cal­led, to him that is called a free benefite is giuen, and to him that is not called, his deserued punishment is rendred, because all are guiltie through one man.

Fiftly, the aduersaries cauill,The fift ob­iection. that by our position God shal be said to create the greater part of mankinde for eternall de­struction. This was also obiected to Augustine, as wee may see Tom. 7. ad Art. sibi falso impos. art. 3.

Answere. We answer therfore in Augustines words: Augustine. That God sure­ly is the creator of all men, but that no man is therefore crea­ted that he shuld perish, because there is one cause of our birth, and another of perishing. For that men be borne, it is a benefit, but that they perish, it is the fault of him that transgressed. For in Adam, in whom the nature of all men was first formed, all men sinned, and are bound in the same sentence wherein he was. He is therefore too vngodly and vnlearned (saith he) that discerneth not the fault of nature from the author of nature, from whom it is altogether farre off, whatsoeuer is to be con­demned in euery one. For he createth them to be men, and with­draweth not his worke from multiplying the successions of ge­nerations: purposing according to the counsell of his owne good pleasure to frame againe in many, what he himself hath made, and to punish in many, what he hath not made. Whereunto al­so that tendeth, that he writeth, Epist. 105. ad Sixt. presbyt. Al­beit [Page 268] God make vessels of wrath vnto perdition, to declare his wrath, and to manifest his power, whereby he well vseth the e­uill: and to make knowne the riches of his glorie towards the vessels of mercie, which he maketh to honour: yet he himselfe knew how to condemne, and not to make iniquitie in the same vessels of wrath, (made for the merit of the lampe vnto deser­ued shame) that is, in men created for the benefit surely of na­ture, but destinate to punishment because of their sinnes. These things Augustine.

Reprobates are created for the good of nature and appoynted to be punished for sinne, to Gods glorie, and the salua­tion of the E­lect. De praedest. & gra. c. 6.Therefore they that shall be damned, are created for the good of nature, and are appointed to punishment, and dam­ned for sinnes, and that not as though it were to this last end, that is, that they might bee for euer tormented, but both for the saluation of the elect, and also especially for the glorie of God, according to the threefold maner briefly assigned of Augustine in the words of the Apostle. Of which matter else­where also he hath left it written, that God vseth the perdition of some to the saluation of others, and would haue the destru­ction of such as shall perish, to be an argument of saluation to thē that he hath predestinate to be vessels of mercie. Also, Why is not grace giuen to all? De bono perse­uer. cap. 8. I answere, because God is a righteous Iudge, therefore both freely grace is giuen of him, and also by his iust iudgement against others, it is declared, that grace hel­peth them to whom it is giuen, and so God commendeth more freely his grace in the vessels of mercie.

How God could elect, or reprobate men from euerla­sting, seeing then they were not.Lastly, if it trouble any man, how God from euerlasting hath elected or reprobated them that as yet were not; let him consider, that to God all things are present, for he com­prehendeth with an eternall and stedfull view all times and temporarie things together. Therfore before he would make vs, he foreknew vs, and in his foreknowledge, when as yet he had not made vs, he chose vs before the creatiō of the world. Within the world we were made, and before the world wee were elected: for he foreknew vs in his prescience vnchange­ably abiding, whom hee in his time would create after his i­mage and likenes, and whom falling through his permission from that dignitie into the pit of sinne and death, he would [Page 269] either deliuer through the vndeserued bountie of his mercie, or els condemne through deserued and true iudgement.

CHAP. V. Of the causes of predestination.

ANd these things of the first question. Let vs come to the second,The materiall cause, be men, and the things that God hath decreed for them. wherein the causes of predestination are deman­ded. And the materiall cause surely men themselues are, and those things that God decreed to doe for the predestinate: as are, grace, faith, good workes, and perseuerance in goodnes, &c. in this present life, and glorie in respect of the elect; and punishment in respect of the reprobates in the life to come. Further, the definitions before alleaged doe shew the forme.The finall cause. The finall cause also both of election and reprobation is of Paul not obscurely declared, when Rom. 9. he testifieth, that God would shew his wrath, and make knowne his power in the vessels of wrath formed to destruction: but in the vessels prepared for mercie, he would make knowne the riches of his glorie. Whereunto tendeth that also of Pharao: To this end haue I stirred thee vp, that I might declare my power, and that my name may be knowne in all the earth. And of the elect Ephes. 1. he saith: He hath predestinated vs to be adopted for sonnes, to the praise of his glorious grace.

Briefly, the last end of election and reprobation is the glorie of God, as the Wiseman teacheth, Prou. 16. He hath made all things for himselfe, euen the wicked against the euill day. But he would make manifest specially his mercie in the saluation of the elect,De bono per­seuer. cap. 12. and his wrath in the punishment of the rest: and yet his goodnes and iustice in all. Because as Augu­stine witnesseth, It is good when due debt is rendered, and it is iust, The chiefe question is of the impulsiue cause of electi­on and repro­bation. when debt is without any mans hinderance freelie for­giuen.

But the question chiefly in controuersie is of the impulsiue cause of election and reprobation, (which is referred to the kind of efficient causes:) whether any cause can be assigned, [Page 270] which might moue God to chuse and refuse? To the vnder­standing of which question wee must distinguish. For the question may be taken either generally,Two questi­ons. The first gene­rall, why he e­elected some, and reiected others? why he hath elected some, and reiected others? or particularly, of the election and reprobation of euery one, why he hath elected these men and reprobated those? As for example why he hath elected Iacob before Esau, Moses before Pharao, Peter before Iudas? And of the first question, wee must render a reason from the things, that before haue been spoken of the end of predestination. For the end, either is considered, as it is in the things them­selues, and as it followeth the action, and so it is properly cal­led an end: or els as being comprehended in the minde and desire, it moueth the doer, and so it is counted the impulsiue cause. Therefore seeing in them that shall be saued God hath set downe the manifestation of his mercy to be the last cause,The manife­statiō of Gods mercie and iu­stice is the im­pulsiue cause. and in thē that shalbe damned, ye manifestation of his iustice: and the end, as far forth as it moueth to doing, is to be takē for the efficient cause, therefore this manifestation both of mercie and iustice, that is of the goodnes and glory of God, is after a sort the efficient cause both of electiō & reprobatiō of some.

The second particular, why this man be­fore that? No reason but the onely will of God, can be giuen, why this man is elected, and that man is reprobated, shewed by two similitudes.But why he hath elected these men, and reprobated those, wee can alledge no other reason thereof than the meere, most free, and most gratious will and good pleasure of God. As surely in the vniuersalitie of things, there may be a reason as­signed why God in the beginning created one part of the first matter (being in it selfe wholly of one forme) vnder the forme of fire, another parte vnder the forme of earth, namely, that so there might be a diuersitie of kinds in things naturall: But why this part hath this forme, & that hath another forme, it must necessarily depend doubtles vpon the simple will of the creator. So also, (to vse another similitude from artificiall things,) if a man should gather many like and equall stones together, and purpose to build with them, a reason may easily be rendred in respect of the end, why he setteth some stones in the top and some in the bottome. To wit, because it is re­quisit to the perfection of the house, that there be both a foun­dation hauing stones belowe, and a top or ridge of the wall, hauing stones aboue. But why among equall stones he layeth [Page 271] these in the toppe, and those in the bottome, there is no other reason, but because it so pleaseth the workeman. So wee must confesse also that the case is here alike, and the Apostle ex­pressely teacheth; He hath mercy on whom he will and whom be wil he hardeneth. And to the Eph. saith,Cap. 1. that we are prede­stinated of him, according to the good pleasure of his will. No­tably also the sonne of Sirach saith chap. 33. (whom I menci­oned before:) Why doth one daie excell another, seeing all the light of daies proceedeth from the sunne? By the Lords iudge­ment they be distinguished, and he hath disposed the alteration of times, and feasts. Hee hath aduanced and consecrated some daies, and other he hath put in the common order. Likewise all men come of the earth, and Adam was created of it, but the Lord hath put a difference among them through his manifold knowledge, and made their waies diuerse. He hath prospered, aduanced, blessed some, and made them neere vnto him; but others he holdeth accursed, and pulleth them downe. As claie is in the potters hand, so men are in the hand of God their crea­tor, to whom seuerally hee rendreth according to his owne iudgement.

These things are plaine and euident. Yet because the mat­ter is harde, and handled to and fro in sundrie disputations of sound diuines and heretikes, wee must entreate of it more at large.

CHAP. 6. Diuerse opinions are brought touching the cause of election and reprobation.

ANd first of all Origene,Origenes, his error of the forebeing of soules, and of the cause of predestination. in his books [...] that are full of errors, following the fables of the heathen philoso­phers, Plato, and Pythagoras dreamed, that God in the be­ginning created onely spiritual creatures, and those all equal: and that afterward there followed a diuersitie and inequality of creatures, according to the diuersity of merites. For that some of these spirituall creatures through loue did cleaue to [Page 272] God more or lesse and according hereunto, that there bee distinct orders of Angels: but that other some turned from God, and sinned more or lesse and according hereunto ob­tained diuerse states and sunke downe into noble, or vnnoble bodies, as bee the heauenly bodies, and the bodies of deuils and men &c.The first opi­nion. So he fained, that God before the creation of the world chose some to bee adopted in Christ, and appointed others to perpetuall paines, according to the good or euill workes of the soules that were created together, and were in the heauenly Ierusalem euen before the making of the world.

Hier. in 1. ca. ad [...]ob. & q. 10. ad Hedib. Aug. [...]ont. 2. epist. Pelag. lib. 2. c. 6.Ierome, Augustine, Aquinas and others make mention of this fable. But this foolish and vngodly dotage is now long a­goe worthily hissed out of dores, because whatsoeuer it bab­leth of the forebeing of soules, and of their merites before the bodies, and of the diuersitie that followed, is contary to the Apostles saying concerning Iacob and Esau: That, when the children were not yet borne, it was said, The elder shall serue the yonger, that the purpose of God which is according to electi­on, not of workes, but of the caller, might remaine stedfast. Whereunto also pertaineth that,Iob. 38 4.7. that is read in Iob. Where wast thou, when I founded the earth, when the bright starres praised me, and all the sonnes of God shouted for ioy? If Orige­nes tale were true, Iob might haue answered: I was reioy­cing among those sonnes of God. Further (as Hierome also vrgeth) hee that saith, that the soules were elected for their holynes, contradicteth the Apostle, testifying that we are e­lected hereunto, that we should bee holie and without fault before God and not because wee were such Thomas,Ephes. 1. against the Gentils, Lib. 2. cap. 44. largely confuteth that error.

The errors of the Pelagians.The Pelagians followed, who sprung vp in the daies of Augustine, when now hee was a Bishop. These men con­tended, that men by the strength of nature, or free will alone, was able to keepe and fulfill the commaundements of the Lord, euen without grace, yet more hardly, than if the helpe of grace should come. And not that onely, but also heaping vp one impiety vpon another and raging against grace, did auoch that the grace of God was giuen according to mens [Page 273] merites. By which vnthankefull speech against God, and al­together iniurious vnto his free benefites, (whereby wee are deliuered) they did in very deede take away grace: because if of merites, it is not now of grace.

But as for the cause of election and reprobation,The 2. opini­on, that works foreseene are the cause of predestination, confuted. Rom. 11. they referred it to good or euill workes foreseene: that euery one was predestinated of God, either to life or to death, as he had foreknowne, that hee would liue either well or ill. But con­trarily Paul testifieth, that election is of grace. If it be of grace, now not of workes, otherwise grace were not grace. But if of works, now not of grace, otherwise workes were not workes.

Moreouer it sufficiently appeareth that good works them­selues are the effect of election, therefore they cannot be the cause of it: because one & the same thing cannot be the cause and the effect of it selfe. For as the Apostle teacheth, we were chosen not because we were, but hereunto, that we should be ho­ly, and without fault before God through loue. Good works be effects of grace. Ephe 1. Phil. 2. And it is he that worketh in vs to will, and to perfourme, according to his good pleasure. Grace therefore belongeth to the caller, but good workes belgoneth consequently to him that receiueth grace, not that they should bring forth grace, but by grace, should be brought forth.A similitude of a wheele. For the wheele doth not therefore runne well, that it may be round, but because it is round. So no man therefore worketh well, that he may receiue grace but because hee receiueth it: therefore God did not foresee the good works of any man, but such as he already determi­ned with himselfe to giue him.

But the Catholike faith being long agoe defended against the Pelagians,Epist. eius. ad Aug. tom. 7. The errors of the Semipela­gians. The 3. opiniō, of foreseene faith. See Hilaries said Epistle, & Prospers also to Aug. Tom. 7. & their error being ouerthrowen by the sound Byshops, specially by Augustine, a notable defender of the faith, (as hee is worthily praysed of Hilarie) certaine other sprung vp worthy and famous men in all studie of vertues, sauing that the spirite of Pelagian impiety deceiued them, and therefore called Semipelagians. These mens declaration and profession was, that all men sinned in Adams sinne, and that none are saued by their workes, but by the grace of God through regeneration: yet notwithstanding that euery [Page 274] man hath so much of naturall grace left, that he may attaine vnto that sauing grace by the helpe of the first grace, if he wil. Therefore in respect of God, that eternall life is prepared for all, but in respect of free will, that it is apprehended of them, that shall beleeue in God, willingly as of themselues, and shall receiue the helpe of grace by the merite of faith. Or els to speake more plainely: They did defend against the Pela­gians, that a man is not able of himselfe to rise againe, and to worke wel, yet they supposed that euery one had in him a wil to rise againe, which seeketh only after the phisition, but can do nothing of it selfe: and they said that no mans nature was so extinguished or depraued, that it ought not, or was not a­ble to be willing to be healed: and therefore that they obtai­ned both increase of faith, and also the whole effect of their holinesse, by that merite whereby they haue beene willing, and haue beleeued that they may be healed of their disease, when the occasion of obtaining saluatiō is preached to them that are cast down, and can neuer rise vp againe in their own strength. Neuerthelesse they consented herein, that no man had sufficient power of himselfe, euen to begin a work, much lesse to bring it to perfection. For they distinguished between works and faith, whereof they would haue, if not the increase, yet the beginning albeit slender to consist in the power of man, that the beginning of saluation may bee beleeued to a­rise from him that is saued and not from him that saueth, and that the will of a man should bee thought to procure for it selfe the helpe of Gods grace, and not that grace should bee thought to subiect the will vnto it. And this position being layd,Marke these errors of the Semipelagi­ans. that all men haue a wil in them, where­by they may either contemne or imbrace saluation of­fered, they thought that the reason of such as are elected or reiected is soone giuen to wit, that God before the creation of the world foreknew who would beleeue, or who would a­bide or not abide in that faith, that after should be holpen by his grace: and according to this prescience that hee either chose such as would beleeue, or els reprobated such as would not beleeue, or at the least whom hee foreknewe that they [Page 275] would not perseuere.Predestination defined by the Semipelagian at first. Whereupon predestination was no o­ther thing with these men, than Gods purpose of electing such as would beleeue in time to come.

This was the opinion of the Semipelagians of these weightie articles, namely, of free will, of grace, and predesti­nation. And Augustine himselfe was of the same opinion in the beginning before he was a Bishop, as it appeareth in his booke of expositions vpon the epistle to the Romans, and in Hilaries epistle to Augustine. His words are,Augustine was a Semipelagi­an at first. (which also those remnants of the Pelagian prauitie, obiected to be their opinion) that God in his foreknowledge did elect them that would beleeue, and condemne vnbeleeuers, neither choosing the one for their works, nor damning the other for their works, but granting to their faith to doe well, and hardening the impietie of others to doe euill. And againe, God surely in his prescience chooseth not any mans works, which he freely giueth: but yet he chooseth faith in his prescience, that whom he foreknew would beleeue, him he hath chosen, &c. These things said Augustine at that time.

In like maner many other learned mē erred, being not ac­quainted with the Pelagian heresie, that was not as yet sprung vp, and being careles without an enemie,De doctr. Christ. lib. 3. cap. 33. as else where Au­gustine speaketh of Ticonius. Hereupon also the Commen­taries vpon the Romans, that are read in the Tomes of Hie­rome haue it written, that Iacob and Esau before they were borne, were separated before God, by the merite of faith. Also, I will haue mercie vpon him, So was Ie­rome, Chryso­stome, and E­rasmus. Dial. 3. infint. whom I foreknew was able to de­serue mercie. And Hierome himselfe to Hedibia, quaest. 10. seemeth to incline thereto, saying, that not men themselues, but their wills were elected. Albeit Hierome was of a better iudgement in his writings against the Pelagians, wherein he speaketh very honorably of Augustine, and testifieth that he resteth himselfe in his disputations against the Pelagians. But Chrysostome in his exposition vpon the ninth to the Ro­mans, plainely writeth, that God, as he foresaw euery one to be worthie or vnworthie of his grace, so either elected, or reiec­ted them.

[Page 276] In D [...]tribe, & Hyperaspiste.Among the new writers Erasmus maintaineth the same opinion. Neither do they seeme to be far from the same, who write in these manie words, that faith is the cause of election, and yet they will not be Pelagians.Coll. [...]omp. fol. 5 [...]8. Let them bee then Semi­pelagians. Such also is that, that another of the same stampe writeth,Huber. thes. 786. & sequen. That God foreknowing from euerlasting, who would receiue grace and continue, and who not, put this supposition or condition vnder his election, that whosoeuer beleeue in Christ, should be saued. What I pray, differeth this opinion from the definition of the Semipelagians, saying, that Predestination or election is the purpose of electing those that would beleeue? Or els,Note. if they think that herein they are farre from them, be­cause they acknowledge that faith is the worke not of na­ture, but of the holy Ghost, doe they not perceiue, that they tye the knot faster, and not loose it? For this is the question, why a liuely and constant faith to saluation is from God in­spired into some, and not into others? But to the point. Whe­ther the foreknowledge of workes or of faith bee set downe to be the cause of election, it is an error vnsufferable. For eui­dently we are taught in the sacred Scriptures, that not onely good workes,Grace alone is the cause of faith and good works. but also faith it selfe, (from whence all righ­teousnes beginneth) and euen the beginning of faith, and the will or desire to beleeue, are of meere grace, and not as of vs. As it is written, What hast thou that thou hast not receiued? If thou hast receiued, why dost thou boast, as though thou hadst not receiued? Againe Without maye can doe nothing, saith the trueth.1. Cor. 4. Ioh. 15. Phil. 1. And plainly Paul to the Philip. To you (saith he) it is giuen not onely to beleeue in Christ, but also to suffer for his sake.

How Augu­stine recanted his former er­ror.By these and the like testimonies of diuine Scripture Au­gustine being conuicted, freely acknowledged his error in this point, and retracted it, de praedest. sanct cap. 3 & passimeo libro. Ad Simplicianum, Sancti Ambrosij successorem apud Mediol. lib. 1. quaest. 2. contra 2. Epist. Pelag. lib. 2. cap. 8. Re­tract lib. 1.Aug. de bono perseu. cap. 12. cap. 23. & lib. 2. cap. 1. For it is incident to man to fall, and to erre, but wittingly and willingly to continue in error, is deuillish: neither ought any man to bee so vniust or [Page 277] enuious, that either he will not profit himselfe, or els hinder others that are desirous to profit.

Fourthly,The fourth o­pinion, that the foreseene abuse of free will to infide­litie and other euill works is the cause of re­probation, confuted by Augustine. other confesse that the cause of election to eter­nall life, is in God alone, namely, his grace and good plea­sure: but they suppose no lesse than the former writers, that the cause of reprobation is in men themselues, to wit, the foreseene abuse of freewill to infidelitie and other euil works. For they be afraid, least any iniquitie should bee with God, if some bee said to bee reiected of him without all respect of workes. Therefore that they may maintaine his iustice for­sooth, they write that as many as bee reprobated, are repro­bated for finall sinne foreseene. Among the Schoolemen, Scotus and his disciples follow this opinion.Scotus. Hereupon some of that same leauen haue defined reprobation to be the eter­nall foreknowledge of the euill vse of freewill,Thomas Ar­gentinus, his de­finition of re­probation. Lib. 1. q. 2. by reason whereof God hath decreed to depriue some man of his grace in this present life, and to punish him in the life to come with euerlasting paine. But as Augustine ad Simpl. rightly iudgeth, If we should graunt that reprobation dependeth of e­uill workes foreseene, it should altogether follow on the contra­rie, that election also ariseth of good workes foreseene. Which if it be true, it is false that it is not of workes.

Fiftly therefore, and that is the true opinion,The fift opini­on, soundest and best. as foreseene workes or faith of such as shall be saued, are not the cause of their election: so neither is the vnbeleefe or other sinnes foreseene of them that shall bee damned, the cause of their reprobation: but that they are in Christ of meere mercie e­lected, and these are iustly from the same mercie reiected, according to the purpose of Gods will, which as it is most free, so most iust, and the very rule of all equitie and iu­stice.

CHAP. VII. A demonstration of election freely arising oft h [...] meere good pleasure of God.

FOr the defence of this trueth and the larger confutation of the contrarie opinions, there be sundry arguments and testimonies of the Scriptures, and those most cleere and eui­dent, from whence we will onely produce some.

The 1. reason.1. The cause is not later than the effect.

But workes and faith in vs, and the very will and desire to beleeue, and what good vse soeuer of freewill in vs, bee later than election. For all these things are temporall, whereas e­lection is eternall, according to the sayings: He elected vs before the creation of the world. Ephe. 1. Matth. 25. 2. Tim. 1. Come ye blessed of my father, possesse the kingdome prepared for you, before the foundations of the world were laid. He hath called vs with an holy calling according to his purpose and grace, which is giuen vs in Christ Iesu before the world. Obiection. If they except, that our workes, not as done, but as to be done, and foreseene of God, are alike eter­nall: Answere. we answere, that God foresaw no good worke or will in vs, which he decreed not to effect in vs, and which in pre­destinating, he prepared not for vs, as it is said to the Ephes. 2. We are his worke created in Christ Iesu vnto good works, which God hath prepared, that we should walke in them. And chap. 1. of the same Epistle: He hath chosen vs before the foundations of the world, that wee should be holy, and without blame before him. From whence we vnderstand, seeing in that we are pre­destinate of God to life, it commeth to passe, that wee doe good workes and beleeue: so euen the foreknowledge of fu­ture faith in vs, and of those good things which we shall doe, is later then election, at the least in order.

reason. The 2. 2. To the same end it commeth, if we should argue thus: Good workes, likewise faith, and what vse soeuer of freewill to worke or to beleeue, or els to thinke of any goodnes, flow from the meere grace of God, as the effects of Gods electiō, [Page 279] as at large after shall be shewed. Therefore neither as done, neither as to be done, and foreseene of God, can these things be considered, as the causes of election. For nothing can bee both the cause and effect, in respect of the same thing.Ad Simpl. lib. 1. Workes (saith Augustine) do not beget grace, but are begotten of grace. Two fine si­militudes. The fire warmeth not that it may be hot, but because it is hot. Neither doth the wheele therefore runne well, that it may bee round, but because it is round. So no man therefore worketh well, that he may receiue grace, but because he hath recei­ued it.

3.The 3. reason. If our foreseene good workes were the cause of prede­stination to eternall saluation, they should bee the cause also of our calling and iustification. The later is false. Therefore also the first.

The Maior is proued by the rule: That which is the cause of a cause, is also the cause of the thing caused (as they speake) that is, of the effect. But predestination is the cause of voca­tion and iustification, as the Apostle saith:Rom. 8. Whom he predesti­nated them he called: whom he called, them he iustified: whom he iustified them also he glorified.

The Minor also is most easily proued,2. Tim. 1. seeing the holie Ghost expressely testifieth that we are saued of God, and cal­led with an holy calling, not according to our workes, but accor­ding to his purpose and grace giuen vs in Christ Iesu before the world. Likewise Paul in his Epistles to the Romanes and Galathians most largely discourseth of iustification euery way freely bestowed. He requireth faith surely as the meane, whereby we applie righteousnes and saluation offered to vs in the Gospell: but not as of our selues, for it is the gift of God. And therfore if euen the foreknowledge of faith,Ephes. 2.8. as from vs, be set downe to be the cause of election, it will follow, that neither iustification is euery way free. Otherwise it standeth firme, that we are iustified by faith, as by a meane, yet faith is not on the other side the cause of predestination. For as A­quinas teacheth well,In summo & expos. ad Rom. if the effects of predestination bee com­pared among themselues, there is no let, but one may bee the cause of another: that is, the precedent of the consequent. So [Page 280] vocation by the word,Rom. 10. is the cause of faith, because faith is by hearing: faith is the cause of iustification: iustification of good workes, and of glorie in a heauenly life. Yet notwith­standing the same effects of predestination considered, nei­ther seuerally nor ioyntly, can bee the beginning of predesti­nation, seeing the same thing cannot be the cause and the ef­fect.

The 4. reason.4. In the whole worke of saluation this especially is regar­ded, that all humane boasting bee excluded, that as it is writ­ten: Let him that reioyceth, reioyce in the Lord. For who sepa­rateth thee from other? What hast thou that thou hast not re­ceiued? and if thou hast receiued, why dost thou boast as though thou hadst not receiued? Which saying S. Cyprian vsed to follow, saying: We must glorie in nothing, because nothing is ours.

But not all humane boasting should bee excluded, vnlesse election, which is the beginning and foundation of salua­tion, should depend vpon the free goodwill and purpose of God, without respect of any one qualitie. As for example, if God should be said to offer like grace vnto all,Marke this well. and to call al, and it should be beleeued to consist in the will of man to o­bey his calling: then surely the obedient person seuereth himselfe from the disobedient, and the faithfull man from the vngodly, neither can it bee said vnto him, Why doest thou boast? who hath separated thee? what hast thou that thou hast not receiued? For a proud person may say against ano­ther, my faith, my righteousnesse, the good vsing of my free­will, or any other thing.

The 5. reason.5. Election should bee weake and very vncertaine, and therefore our saluation, if it should depend on the purpose of our will. For the vnstable will of man bendeth hither and thither, like a reede shaken with the winde. On the contrary, election standeth firme and vnmoueable in the good plea­sure, purpose, and gratious will of God towards vs in Christ Iesu, as the Apostle at large sheweth, Rom. 8. saying: Ʋnto them that loue God, all things worke together for good, that is, to them that are called of his purpose. For whom he foreknew, [Page 281] them he predestinated, to be made conformable to the image of his sonne. And whom he predestinated, them he also called, iu­stified, and glorified. And anone: Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ? shall oppression? or anguish? or persecution? or famine? or nakednes? or the sword? Yea in all these things we are more then conquerors, through him that loued vs. I am perswaded, that neither death, nor life, nor any other creature, is able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesu. Therefore seeing we are men, let vs not leane vpon our infirmitie, but let vs commit our faith, hope, life and salua­tion to the stronger, rather than to the weaker; to God, ra­ther than our selues, professing (as the trueth is) that all things depend vpon his purpose.

6. Hitherto is to be referred euen the example of our Me­diatour himselfe, and our head Iesu,The 6. reason. which Augustine cannot sufficiently commend.De predest. sanct. cap. 15. & de bon. per­seu. cap. 24. 1. He was conceaued of the holie Ghost, borne of the virgin Mary, by a singular conception and generation, and without all sinne. 2. His humane, that is, our nature in Christ was vnited with the Diuine in the vni­tie of person: the word, as Augustine speaketh, singularly as­suming it, and extolling it into the only sonne of God, so that he that assumed, and the thing he assumed, is one person in Trinitie. Which aduancing of mans nature is so great and so high, that he could not aduance it higher, as the deitie it selfe could not abase it selfe lower for our sakes, than in that it re­ceiued the nature of man with his infirmitie vnto the very death of the crosse.

But all these things mans nature in Christ singularly re­ceiued, that is, our nature through none of our merits, but of the onely grace of God. Therefore we also are predestinated vnto eternall life, not through our workes, but through the purpose and grace of God predestinating vs. For there is one and the same reason of the head and the members: but this is the difference, that he alone is predestinate to bee our head, we being many are predestinate to bee his members. And therefore in the head is the fountaine of grace, and from [Page 282] thence according to the measure of euery one he spreadeth abroad himselfe throughout all his members.

The 7. reason from infants dying.7. All this way whereby wee defend free predestination from the purpose of God, is greatly cōfirmed by the example of children: by which alone all the force of gainsayers, and of those that maintaine mans merits, of necessitie is ouer­throwne. The argument is this. Our little children dying e­uen in their infancie, haue the promise of the kingdome of heauen. Therefore they are predestinate vnto the kingdome, and that either of workes, or of grace: not of workes, because in so yong yeares workes haue no place, nor any foreknow­ledge surely of workes. For the things that neither bee, nor shall be, cannot be said to be foreknowne, vnlesse it bee, that they shall not bee: Therefore of grace, and by consequence the predestination of others also is the like, as of the purpose of God, and not of workes.

The shift of the Semipela­gians.The Pelagians held within these straites, knew not how, or on what side to escape. Yet afterward the Semipelagians deuising a hole to get out, by a new kinde of absurditie con­tended, that infants were predestinate to life or to death for the merits they would doe if they had liued. This deuise not so craftie, as rash and foolish, Augustine diligently and very well confuteth, both elsewhere, and also lib. de bono per­seuer. cap. 12. & 13. Among other things he opposeth the saying of the Apostle, Rom. 14. We shall all stand before the tribunal seate of Christ, that euery one may render an account, according to the things he hath done in his body, whether good or euill: that is, according to the things he hath done, in the time that he was in the bodie. For otherwise the soule alone doth many things, and not by the body, or any member of the body, pertaining neuerthelesse to punishment or reward. And he said, hath done, he added not, or els shall doe. Where­vpon also Sap. 4. we reade of the iust man, that is by vntimely death withdrawne from the vncertaintie of temptations: He was taken away, least malice should change his vnderstanding. Thus the argument standeth sure, from the example of in­fants, [Page 283] that what we cannot denie in them touching the pre­destination of grace, wee ought to confesse and maintaine it in men of ripe yeares also: for there is one and the same ma­ner of the predestination of all men.

CHAP. VIII. The same point is proued by testimonies of the sacred Scriptures.

BVt let vs come to more manifest proofes.Deut. 7.6 7, 8. The onely grace of God, is the cause of Election. Moses saith to the children of Israel: Thou art a holy people to the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath elected thee to be vnto him a peculiar people of all people, that are vpon the face of the earth. We heare the election of Israel, of the cause whereof he straightway addeth: Not because you were more then all people, did the Lord loue you, and chuse you, for you were fewer then any people: but because the Lord loued you, and would keepe the oth that he made to your fathers, he hath brought you out with a mightie hand. Behold the free purpose of God is the cause of this election. The same man,Deut. 8.17. chap. 8. Beware least thou say in thy heart, my strength, and the power of my hand hath got me these riches, but remember the Lord thy God because he giueth thee power, that hee may confirme the couenant he sware to thy fathers. Chap. 9. And chap. 9.4.5. Say not in thine heart, when the Lord hath cast out these nations before thee: for my righteousnesse, the Lord hath brought me in to possesse this land, and for the impietie of these nations the Lord hath thrust them out before thee: Not for thy righteousnesse and the vprightnes of thy heart, doest thou go in to possesse their land, albeit for the vnrighteousnesse of these nations the Lord thy God will expell them before thee: but that the Lord may confirme his word promised to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob. Neither is it sufficient with Moses to say, that the inheritance of that land was graunted to the people of Israel not for their merits, vnles he should adde; Know thou, that the Lord not for thy righteousnesse giueth thee that good land [Page 284] to possesse for an inheritance, because thou art a people of a hard necke. Whereby he declared them vnworthie of euery good thing.

Behold therefore the most ancient doctrine of grace, and election according to grace, confirmed by the voice of the holy Ghost in the verie beginnings of the people of Israel. For clearely in one and the same place of Scripture doth the Pro­phet shew the goodnes and seuerity of God, saying: Not for the righteousnes of this people, but through the grace onely of God taking pitie on them, is the inheritance of the Land giuen vnto them: but the nations are driuen out of the same Land for their vnrighteousnes. Yet because vnrighteousnes belongeth as well to the Israelites, as to the Cananites, and Amorites, it appeareth so much the more plainely, that God saw no good­nes in them, why he should aduance that nation aboue all o­ther nations.Eze. 16. And Ezechiel excellently describeth, that the Lorde of meere mercie had a respect to that people from the beginning, as vnto a yong maide naked, defiled, and polluted in euery part. And how often I praie, did they tempt the Lord in the desert?Psalm. 95. 1. Cor. 10. Acts 7. how often did he saue them from his mercy, and his couenant sake? when did they not resist the holy Ghost? Therefore it is manifest, that God chose whom he would of meere grace.

Obiection. But there Moses speaketh of the temporall election of the Israelites, that they should be the people of God, and of tem­porall benefites following that election, as were, their deliue­rance out of Egipt, their bringing into the Land of Cana­an, &c.

Answere. I answere: first, that that temporall election included also 1 the eternall:Temporall e­lection inclu­deth eternall. albeit not as touching the whole body of that people, yet as touching some in that body. For in the assem­bly of them that be called, alwaies there bee some elect, that 2 shall haue giuen them eternall life. And specially of that peo­ple doth the Apostle confirme it,From the type to the trueth, the conse­quence is good. Rom. 11. Secondly, from the deliuerance out of Egipt, and the bringing into the Land of Canaan, the consequence is good, as from the types vnto the thing signified, that God doth giue freely and of meere loue [Page 285] redemption also from sin and eternall life, to whom hee will, and would from euerlasting.

3 Thirdly here a generall reason is very strong;If we cannot merite tempo­rall things, much lesse e­ternall. If these ex­ternall things depended vpon no merites of the Israelites, but on the onelie purpose of God shewing mercie, much more on the same doth the electiō vnto the inheritance of the king­dome of heauē depend. That place also in Ecclesiasticus 33. is not to be contemned, (although that book is not of like au­thority with the canonicall Scriptures:Of this booke Aug. ad. Simpl. lib. 1. q.) As one day excelles another by the iudgement of the Lorde, so by his manifolde knowledge men are distinguished, and aduanced, or cast downe. Because as claie is in the hand of the potter, which he handleth at his pleasure, so men are in the hand of God their creator, to euery one of whom he rendreth as pleaseth him. As good is con­trary to euil, and life to death so is the godly man opposite to the sinner, and be sinner to the godly. So in al the workes of the most highest thou maiest see, two things, whereof one is contrary to the other.

1. We are here admonished, that all men are equall and alike by nature and beginning: as by nature the dayes are a­like: also the vessels are like one another, being made of the same claie, as touching their matter and originall. We also all of vs are of the same claie, or of one and the same lumpe: for we all do draw our beginning from the earth. Thereof came Adam, the first that was created, and of Adam we all. Neither haue all mortall men the same originall onely, but also the same condition of byrth; because all of vs are in sin borne of Adam, seeing he fell a waie from his first creation.

2. We are taught in the foresaid words, that whatsoeuer and what maner soeuer differences there be among mē, they come from God, who aduaunceth some, and abaseth others, blessing some, and cursing others.

3. There is no other cause of this difference alledged, but the disposition, will, wisedome, and iudgement of the most lightest: who seeing he is the creator of all things, he obtayn­eth the chiefest and vncontroulable soueraignetie ouer all his [Page 286] owne workes, much more than the potter, that maketh of the same claie, whatsoeuer pleaseth him.

I proceede vnto Paul, who as a learned scribe in the king­dome of heauen bringeth out of his treasure new things and old to the confirmation of this doctrine. He in the 9. chapter to the Rom. willing to take away the offence arising of the vnbeliefe of the Iewes,The scope of the ninth chap­ter to the Romanes. wherewith in that age the minds of many mē were greatly tempted, as though Gods word either should fayle, and the promise be made frustrate, or else Iesus of Nazareth should not be the Sauiour promised of God, (for one of these twaine seemed to follow because the couenants, seruice of God, and promises belonged to the Israelites) at large sheweth, that the elect onely, to wit, the sonnes of the promise, and not of the flesh indifferently from among the Iewes and Gentils, are the true seed of Abraham, and the true Israelites, to whom the promised blessing and saluation in Christ do appertaine. And so the Apostle entreth into the am­ple and profound doctrine of predestination: wherein, (that wee may speake of the matter now in hand, omitting other thing) he plainely teacheth, as touching the cause of predesti­nation, that God considering that he is most free, electeth whome hee will of meere grace, and reprobateth whom hee will, in the iust, albeit secret counsell of his owne will.

Iacob 8. Esau.1. He teacheth this by the example of Iacob and Esau, of whom the one was prefered before the other, by the meere fauour of God: because when as they were both equall in all things, being conceaued of one copulation, ye children as yet vnborne, whē they had done neither good nor euill, an oracle was giuen vnto their mother Rebecca: The elder shall serue the yonger. Therefore election is not of workes, but of grace. And in vaine shall a man flee here, vnto the cauill of fore­seeing of some good in Iacob: because Paul would remoue all difference from those two bretheren, that wee might throughly vnderstand them to bee alike in respect of them­selues.

2. The Apostle expresselie bringeth backe the cause of the difference betweene Iacob and Esau, and by their exam­ple [Page 287] in generall between the elect & reprobates, vnto the pur­pose and good pleasure of God, whereby surely hee elected, and reiected whom he would, and because he so would.Rom. 9.11. For this purpose of God is according to his election.

3. The Apostle to make it more plaine addeth: Not of workes but of the caller. Which wordes some conster with that that goeth before, that it may be a description of election free and not of works; other referre them to the verbe follow­ing. [...], it was said: which reading Augustine followeth ad Laur. cap. 98. whatsoeuer it be, it appeareth that election and vocation, which is the effect thereof is of grace, and [...]ot of workes. And simply hee remooueth whatsoeuer respect of workes, so that without anie merites of good or euill workes, God loueth one and hateth the other. For if he would that the future either good workes of the one, or the euill workes of the other, which God foresaw, should be meant, he would not say, not of workes: but he would say of future workes, and thus hee would haue answered that question: as Augustine noteth Enchir. ad Laur. cap. 98. and ad Simplic. lib. 1. quaest. [...].

4. That prophetical speech tēdeth hereunto; Iacob I haue loued and Esau I haue hated. Therefore Gods election discer­neth betweene the elect and reprobates. And that consisteth herein, saith Iohn, not that we loued him, but that he loued vs. 1. Ioh. 4. Neither is this anie obstacle, that we knowe, that God loueth all his workes and hateth not anie thing that he hath made: because, as it is said also before, there be degrees of the loue of God: and because he willeth not to all men this benefit which is eternall life, therefore it is said, that he loueth some,Wisd 11. and ha­teth some.

5. The same thing appeareth by his preuention: Is there vnrighteousnes then with God? For this question should haue no place at all, vnles it were the Apostles meaning, that elec­tion surely is not of anie workes done, or to be done, but of the alone good pleasure of God.Aug. ad [...]aw [...] cap. 38. For if anie man be elected or reprobated of God as he foresa [...], that a man would vse well [...] or ill his free wil, humaine reason it selfe wil confesse, that this [Page 288] is most equall. But because it heareth where all things be a­like, that yet God according to his owne will chooseth one, and refuseth another, and so to them that are equall, giueth vnequall things, from hence ariseth that raging of mans rea­son, against the righteousnes of God.

6. Vnles it were thus, the Apostle answering the obiec­tion alleaged, would not reiect it with indignation, saying, God forbid, but thus he would or might answer the question, that God destinating euery one to punishment or rewarde, according to his merits, at the least foreseene, cannot bee thought vniust. This had been a most plaine and easie defence of Gods iustice.

7. He vseth a farre other answere, whereby hee seemeth not so much to dissolue, as to binde fast and confirme the question, when he saith; He said to Moses, I will haue mercy, on whom I wil haue mercie, and I will haue compassion, on whom I will haue compassion. By which sentence we are taught, that God, (albeit in a generall speech he withdraweth his mercie from none) yet according to a certaine manner of mercie, he hath appoynted to haue mercie vpon some, and not vpon o­thers, and that therefore, because it so pleaseth him: for so, when we would signifie a certaine free power, we are wont to say, I will doe, that I will doe.

8. From whence also the Apostle thus out of that oracle inferreth: Therefore it is not in him that runneth, nor in him that willeth, but in God that sheweth mercie. But if the be­ginning of saluation were of ourselues, as they imagine, that auouch that election commeth of our good workes, or good will foreseene, then surely it were in him that willeth, and in him that runneth, contrarie to the Apostles saying. Neither is it any thing worth, that some Semipelagian may say, that grace helpeth, the will being weake, to accomplish that which is good, yet prone thereunto, and therefore it is saide, It is not in the willer, nor runner, but in God shewing mercie, as though it were saide: The onely will of man is not sufficient, if there be not also the mercie of God: for we answere with Augu­stine, [Page 289] if,Enchir. ad Laur. cap. 32. & ad Simpl. lib. 1. because the onely will of man doth not accomplish saluation, it is well saide, It is not in man that willeth, but in God shewing mercie: euen on the other side, (if the mercie of God alone doth not accomplish it) it should be well said, It is not in God shewing mercie, but in man that willeth: which godly eares cannot abide. It remaineth then, that for this cause it is said, it is not in man that willeth and runneth,An excellent saying. that the whole may bee giuen to God, who both prepareth mans good will that is to be holpen, and doth helpe it being prepa­red. For as it is written: His mercie preuenteth vs, and his mercie followeth vs. It preuenteth vs being vnwilling, that we may be willing, it followeth vs being willing, that we may not will in vaine.

9. The Apostle concluding vpon both, that is, vpon mer­cie and iudgement, saith:Aug. ad Laur. cap. 99. Therefore he hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. He hath mercy doubt­les of his great goodnes, and he hardeneth through no vniu­stice: because on whom there is no mercie shewed to him, there is no vniustice, but iudgement done. But why both, (mercy and iudgement I meane) doth deliuer, or not deliuer this man, rather than another, it is attributed to Gods will, which alone separateth such as shall be deliuered, from them that shall not be deliuered, seeing the common cause doth wrap all men in the lumpe of perdition.

10. It maketh for our cause, what the Apostle bringeth of the potter, and the diuersitie of vessels:The Potter. for the potter not considering the deserte of the clay, at his owne pleasure one­ly, of the same clay, formeth vessels of all sorts to honor and dishonor. Therefore much more, God is to be said to follow not the merits of men, but his owne will onely, in choosing and reprobating, and yet with the safetie of his iustice, where­of hereafter. Notably saith the Wiseman:Ecclesiastic. 33. As clay is in the hand of the potter, which he handleth at his pleasure; so men be in the hand of God their creator, to euery one of whom he rendereth according to his owne iudgement or will. In like ma­ner the Apostle: Hath not the potter power ouer the clay, to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honor, and another to dis­honor? [Page 209] And he annexeth concerning both vessels, of wrath and mercie: that those are made for destruction, these are pre­pared of God for glorie. But if God, when he electeth or re­iecteth should respect workes, that power were nothing, and any potter could doe more then God.

Vessels of wrath.And although in the contrarietie of the vessels of two sorts it be not in expresse words set downe, by whom the vessels of wrath are said to be made vnto destruction: yet the simili­tude of the Apostle easily taketh away that doubt. For the potter of the same clay maketh at his pleasure vessels to ho­nour and dishonour. Wherefore either this similitude of the potter will not aptly serue, or else we shall frankly confesse, that both vessels are prepared of God, and appointed to their vses,Lib. 2. de nupt▪ & concup. ad Vuler. cap 16. according to his purpose. Hereupon Augustine plaine­ly saith: Are not the vessels of wrath vnder the deuill? but be­cause they are vnder the deuill, doth any other make them, than he, that maketh the vessels of mercie, or els doeth he make them of some other, The vessels of wrath are vnder the deuill, yet God made them for himselfe and he doeth vse them to good purpose. and not of the same lumpe. Neither yet doth God make vessels for the deuill, but for himselfe, as he that knoweth to vse them to his righteous and good workes, euen as hee him­selfe vseth the deuil. The same man, Ad Simpl. lib. 1. q. 2. Of the number of the vngodly, whome God doeth not iustifie, hee maketh vessels to dishonour, neither doeth God hate in them that he himselfe made, in his creation or ordinance, to wit, as they are men, and as they are vessels: but yet in that he maketh them vessels of perdition, he maketh them to some vse, that the vessels which are made to honour, may profite by their ordained punishments. What it is to be a vessel of wrath. Epistle 105. And in the same place addeth, that it is the work of the diuine ordinance, that of the conspersion of the vngodly are made vessels of perdition for to be a vessel of wrath, (as else­where he expoundeth) is for a man to be for his sinnes appoin­ted to punishment, who was created for the God of nature. Ther­fore who may doubt that it pertaineth to Gods ordination?Ad Mo [...]num. Marke this whereunto [...]e [...]se [...]s of wrath are made, So Fulgentius sayth: Whereunto God predestinated the vessels of wrath, thereunto he made them, that is, saith he, to destruction and not to sinnes. Let those whom this speech offendeth, marke these things concerning the vessels of wrath prepared [Page 291] of God for destruction. But therefore it offendeth them, be­cause they vnderstand it amisse, as though it were concer­ning sin it selfe and not as touching the punishment for sin. In which sense we also confesse that God doth not make ves­sels of wrath but find them rather.

CHAP. IX. Answeres to certaine exceptions.

THese things might suffice for this place for the defence of Gods free election, whereby out of mankinde freely, and according to his owne power, he chooseth some to eter­nall life, and passeth by others without any respect, either of worthines or vnworthines of workes in the men themselues. But because a deceitfull minde, that flieth the trueth and yet cannot auoid it, seeketh many craftie shiftes, and wayes to escape, we must answere to certaine exceptions, before wee proceed to other proofes out of other places of the Scriptures.

Erasmus in his booke that hee made of freewill,The excepti­ons of Era­smus against the former doctrine, by peruerting the places of Gen. 25. & Mal. touching Iacob and Esau. (against which Luther sharpely opposed himselfe) seeing the disputa­tion of the Apostle concerning Iacob and Esau to stand a­gainst him, excepted, that the Oracle of God Gensis 25. The elder shal seure the yonger, pertaineth not vnto the saluatiō of a man, but vnto a temporarie thing: and that God is able of his own free will to appoint, that a man should become a ser­uant, and poore, will he, nill he, and yet be not reiected from eternall saluation. And with the same purpose hee wresteth that place of Malachie, that Paul alleaged, Iacob I haue loued, and Esau I haue hated: that the Prophet doeth not seeme to speake of that hatred, whereby a man is damned for euer, but of a temporary affliction only of Esau his posterity, that their countrey should be wasted, without hope of repairing. But hereto tende these exceptions, as though Paul vnfaithfully (which God forbid) cited the scriptures, or els produced those things for testimonies, that could make little to his pur­pose. As Erasmus was not ashamed to referre to this place [Page 292] that,A [...]ll speech of Hierome. which Hieronyme elsewhere too proudly surely, and vn­christianly, yea, prophanely writeth, that in Paul those things disagree, which are not repugnant in their places. Which thing if it be true, the Apostle abused the simplicity of the vn­skilfull, as wicked Prophyrie reprocheth him.

Answere. But to the point. 1 First it is answered by granting that al­beit propheticall testimonies should speake onely of corpo­rall things which is not true:The elder shall s [...]rue the youn­ger. yet that could nothing at all hurt Pauls purpose or ours. For the weight of the argument lyeth herein, that Iacob through the onely grace of the caller attained to that place, whither Esau did not attaine, neither came it to passe by the merites of the one or the other, that the one should be preferred before the other, and should bee deputed to Lordship or seruitude, to loue or hatred.

Here it maketh no great matter whether wee vnderstand the wordes of the oracle concerning spirituall Lordship and seruitude, or corporall. Which thing in like maner is of force touching loue and hatred. If we please to vnderstand the say­ing concerning temporal Lordship and seruitude, as far forth as the Idumeans, who were to come of Esau, were in subie­ction in the time of Dauid and Salomon: albeit that sense and meaning bee very slender, yet the argument will bee strong from the lesser after this sort:Argumentum à [...]inori. If it came to passe not for the merites of the one or other: that the posteritie of Iacob had dominion ouer the posteritie of Esau, but because it so plea­sed God: how much more ought wee esteeme the calling of some before others vnto true Lordship, and a heauenly king­dome by the onely grace of the caller, and not by workes?

Secondly it is euidently prooued out of the very text, that the Prophet in that saying: The elder shall serue the yonger, speaketh not of temporall things onely. For thus stands the Oracle Gen. 25. Two people shal be diuided out of thy wombe, and one people shall ouercome the other, and the elder shall serue the yonger. Here manifestly two people are discerned: ye one is receiued into the grace of God, although it be the yonger, that it may be Gods people, as it was prooued by the euent it selfe: the other is repelled from that grace. But to be taken [Page 293] for the people of God, or not to bee taken, pertaineth not to temporall good or euill things onely, but to all things. For our God is not onely the God of temporall things, but of all things:Psalm. 144. The true mea­ning of the prophesie of Iacob and Esau. whereupon the Psalmographe praiseth that people to bee happy, to whom the Lord is God. And that is the mea­ning of the prophecie, that the posteritie of Iacob, and not of Esau was chosen of the Lord, wherein his Church should be, and the true worship of God his worde, blessing, promise of Christ, his spirit, and eternall kingdome: which thing also the Scripture afterwardes more largely confirmeth, where it de­scribeth how Iacob is blessed,The blessing of Iacob. and that he receiueth both the promises and the kingdome: for hitherto tendeth Isaaks bles­sing pronounced vpon Iacob, Gen 27. not that the holy Pa­triarche would include the hope of his sonne in the worlde, which he himselfe contemning, waited for a better countrey, to wit, a heauenly: but that hee might testifie towardes him the fauour of God in all things, and might make him that prince, and head ouer a holy and an elect people.

All which things Paul briefly declareth, sending vs to Mo­ses that handleth these things more fully: so that we may say, that the testimonies which Paul citeth, doe disagree more strongly in their places, than in Paul.

To the same end pertaineth the saying of Malachie, which Paul ioyning with the former, sufficiently testifieth that one meaning is to be sought for in both. He saith therefore: Iacob I haue loued, but Esau I haue hated. Wherein is signified,Iacob I haue loued. that God of his free loue hath so seuered Iacob from Esau, that in his posteritie the Church should be conserued and continued: and that God also made knowne his loue towards the Israe­lites, by giuing them that good land, and by the restoring of the people into the same out of the captiuitie of Babilon, when no such thing happened to Esaus posteritie. Let those things be compared with these, which Moses Deut. 7.6. incul­cateth of the election and loue of Israel. And whereas we say that Iacobs seede was chosen to be the Church, the Idume­ans and other nations reiected from that dignitie; it must be vnderstood for the time of the old Testament, and that in­definitely [Page 294] definitely as of the body of ye people, & not of euery one that should come of Esaus posterity or of other nations.Thes. 644. & sequent. Which thing while Huber obserueth not, hee faulteth here fouly in wresting certaine sayings of Beza, as though no man, but one carnally comming of Iacob, could be saued in olde time, or as yet may. What shamefull dealing is this? what plea­sure of falsly accusing a man? Why doth he not faine the same thing in Paul?Acts 14.16. Ephes. 2. For he saith, that the Gentiles were strangers from the couenants of promise, hauing no hope, and being with­out God and Christ. But both these answeres already brought are Luthers confuting Erasmus, so that it is maruell that any Lutherans shuld be found, who rather than they would yeeld to the trueth, would seeke after Erasmus his shiftes & meanes to escape, and would not rest themselues in Luthers sounde answeres for the trueth. He surely, whom wee mentioned e­uen now heates himselfe and laboureth, how he migh shewe that Iacobs dominion, loue, & blessing pertaine to corporall and temporall things, and not to spiritual and eternall, which thing by Luthers iudgement is not true.

Hubers excep­tions.The same person vrgeth this also, (to the intent wee may seeme not onely to match but to surpasse the industrie of E­rasmus in seeking shiftes to escape,) that Iacob and Esau are not opposed as two singular persons, but that the posteritie of these twaine collectiue are noted. Neither that onely, but also by the name of Esau he comprehendeth all nations, and thus expoundeth:Thes. 6 35. & [...]. I haue hated Esau, that is, the Gentiles, I haue loued Iacob, that is, the Iewes: that the sense may be, that free and iust will of God the Israelites in olde time were be­loued and chosen to be the people of God, the Gentiles be­ing ouerpassed and left out: as on the contrary, in the time of the new Testament the Gentiles were elected to this end and the Iewes reiected. Whereof hee laboureth to inferre, that Paul doeth not entreate of precise election or reprobation to life or death eternall.

Answere. I answere: Concerning the antecedent, we easily graunt, that vnder the name of Iacob and Esau, the posteritie of both is to be vnderstoode neither doe our writers dissemble it so [Page 295] that there was no neede for the aduersarie almost in 50. pro­positions to set himselfe on worke about this, that is not in question. But granting that, we deny the consequence. For this is the Apostles meaning, and hitherto he aymeth, that for all the vnbelief and abiection of the greater part of the Iewes, God doth not cast away his people, whom he foreknew, but saueth them according to the election of grace, as chap. 11. Rom. in plaine words that distinction is expressed.A double elec­tion of Israel. So he considereth a double election of Israel: one generall and ex­ternall, wherby the whole carnall Israel being separated from other people,Generall. was consecrated to bee the peculiar people of God: of which election we reade Deut. 7. and elsewhere of­ten. For he vouchsafed all the Israelites alike the same testi­monies of his grace, to wit, his word and Sacraments. The o­ther a speciall and secret election, included in the generall:Speciall. when God of his meere grace according to the hidden coun­sell of his will chuseth for himselfe, and reserueth to saluation whom pleaseth him, out of the number of the children of Is­rael, that was as the sand of the sea. These things are plaine by the order of Pauls discourse, and by the distinction set downe in the beginning, to wit, of the children of the flesh, and of the promise. For all (saith he) that be of our father Israel, are not Israelites, neither are all therefore sonnes, because they are the seede of Abraham, but in Isaac shall thy seede be called: that is, they that are the children of the flesh, are not the children of God: but they that are the sonnes of promise, are counted for the seede. He calleth them the children of the flesh,The sonnes of the flesh. that come of Abraham according to the succession of the flesh, who had already an excellent prerogatiue aboue other people & tribes for the grace of the couenant among that people.Children of promise. But hee calleth them the children of promise, who were freely giuen to Abraham by promise and faith, in whom a farre more ex­cellent dignitie and grace of God did raigne and florish. And such truly are of the Iewes and Gentiles: but now we speake peculiarly of the Iewes.

Obiection. But this spirituall election seemeth cannot bee proued by testimonies touching the generall election of Israel, and the [Page 296] generall reiection of the Ismaelites, Idumeans, and other na­tions.

Answere. 1 Answere. It may truly, albeit not the same way, so that we may without any difference take the one for the other. But thus proceedeth the Apostles reason: Seeing by a free pro­mise Isaac was preferred before Ismael, and Iacob before E­sau, that from them a chosen issue of Abraham might flow, and Gods Church in the earth: and that Ismael & Esau might seuerally haue their nation also, but a stranger frō the Church: It is no marueile if God out of Israel chuse vnto himselfe at his pleasure such as he thought good to saue. Answere. 2 Againe some answere, albeit the propheticall testimonies be properly to bee vnderstood of the posteritie of Iacob and Esau after the foresaid maner: yet it is not amisse, if in the very persons also of Iacob and Esau, as in the heads of this double posteritie, wee say, that an example of particular both election and also reprobation was set forth. Certainly Augustine a writer of an exquisite iudgement, and greatly busied in this matter, thinketh that Esau was reiected from the grace of saluation, whereunto Iacob was elected. His words are: Esau had not the mercie, Ad Simpl. lib. 1. through which Iacob was made good, that he also by it might be good. And by and by: This mercie was with­drawne from Esau, (saith he) that he should not so bee called, that he should bee inspired with faith in his calling, and belee­uing might worke well. What? doth not the author to the He­brewes very confidently seeme to censure Esau? But it is no­thing materiall scrupulously to search out whether hee were saued or perished, seeing the trueth of predestination euen without this may be defended.

CHAP. X. Other proofes of free election.

THese things being thus set downe to auoide the subtile arguing of the aduersaries, let vs proceede to other te­stimonies of the Scriptures, wherein is proued the free ele­ction [Page 297] of such as shall be saued according to the most free wil of the chuser.

Rom. 11. there is a most manifest place. The Apostle saith:The 1. place, Rom. 11. That God did not cast away his people, whom he foreknew: that is, predestinated: for difference sake from the carnall Israel, which also was the people of God by outward calling. For that absurditie seemed to follow, if the Iewes should bee cast away for vnbeleefe, that God seemed to renounce his owne people. Here Paul distinguisheth betweene the people of God called, A foreknowne people. and elected (or as he himselfe calleth them) fore­knowne: meaning the knowledge which is ioyned with ap­probation, according to which they are called foreknowne, whom God receiueth, & whom he hath separated as his own to be saued from other multitudes of men. Otherwise if the phrase should bee meant of bare knowledge, that restraint were in vaine, seeing euen such as shall be damned cannot a­uoide the knowledge of God. And that hee might shew whom he calleth foreknowne, he added, by the example of the times of Elias, that among the vnbeleeuing and obstinate people there was a reseruation made according to election. And by and by hee saith: Israel obtained not that which hee sought for: but the election obtained it, and the rest were har­dened. Therefore in this election and in that reseruation, which is made by the election of grace, hee would haue a people to be meant, whom therfore God had not cast away, because he foreknew them,De bono perse­uer. cap. 18. as Augustine at large expoun­deth. But what saith he further of that election? what cause thereof doth he assigne, beside the meere grace of the chuser? For he saith: So at this time also there is a reseruation made according to the electiō of grace, that is, free election, after the Hebrew phrase. And if it be of grace, it is not now of workes: els grace is no grace: if of works, it is not now of grace, els worke were no worke. Nothing could bee spoken more roundly to exclude all respect of workes in men.

There followeth now a notable place to the Ephe. 1. Bles­sed be God the father of our Lord Iesu Christ, The 2. place. Ephes. 1. who hath blessed vs with euery blessing in the heauens in Christ, as he chose vs [Page 298] in him before the foundations of the world were laid, that wee should be holy and without fault before him through loue. Who hath predestinated vs to be adopted for sonnes through Christ Iesu in himselfe, according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of his glorious grace, whereby he hath freely accep­ted vs in that his beloued.

1 First of all it is manifest, that nothing can be set downe as the cause of predestination, that is, the effect of predestina­tion, no not surely as it is in the foreknowledge of God. But Paul witnesseth, that whatsoeuer will or good worke is in man, is the effect of predestination. For hee chose vs not, be­cause either we were, or would in time to come be holie, but that we should be holy and without spot before him. There­fore no good thing in man, although it should bee meant as it is in the foreknowledge of God, can be the cause of pre­destination, or election to life eternall.

2 Beside this argument, which is the principall out of this place, there be others also. Let the second argument then be from thence, that the Apostle testifieth that we are elected in Christ. They that are chosen in Christ, are chosen doubtles not of their works, or for any respect of their worthines pro­perly. For so they should be said to be elected in themselues, and not in Christ.

3 Thirdly, we are elected being not as yet borne, yea before the creation of ye world, whē we had done neither any good nor euill. Neither can that shift haue any place, touching the foreseeing of some good in vs, because, as I also aboue mentioned, and the precedent words of the Apostle did con­firme; no good could be foreseene in vs, but what was pre­pared of God by the grace of predestination.

4 Fourthly, the last end of our election is the acknowledging, and setting forth of the glorious grace of God, by which he doth freely make vs acceptable vnto himselfe in that his be­loued. But this end God could not obtaine, vnlesse election were euery way free. For wittily and truly saith Augustine: It is not grace any way, A fine saying. if it bee not freely bestowed euerie way.

[Page 299]Fiftly, Paul expressely assigneth the cause of our predesti­nation, when he saith: He hath predestinated vs according to his good pleasure: he doth not say, according to ye purpose of our will, as though God did respect our future good works, or the consent of our will vnto his offered grace, or else the good vse of our freewill, or such like thing in ourselues. The Greeke words are very significant,Why God chu­seth this man, and not that▪ [...]. Wherefore to such as aske the question, why hath God chosen these men, and not those, the answere is most true and good: because it so pleased him. As Christ alleadgeth no o­ther cause of the Gospell hid from the wise, and reuealed to babes, but the good pleasure of the father. And surely if we diligently consider in the Scriptures, what things are taught of the cause of predestination, we shall see them come for the most part to these heads: namely, To the good pleasure and will of God, which two words are ioyned together, Eph. 1. To his purpose, that is, according to election, Ro. 9. To his power al­so, as the Apostle saith, Hath not the potter power? Lastly, vn­to the mercie and loue of God: when he saith, It is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth, but in God shewing mer­cie. And, Iacob I haue loued, but Esau I haue hated. But con­cerning workes done, or to bee done, the Scripture speaketh not a word in this matter, but alwaies to exclude them, as from vocation and iustification, so also from election.

Furthermore, hitherto tendeth that which the Lord saith,The 3. place. Ioh. 15. Ioh. 15. Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you. And we had chosen him, if according to our faith, or good will, ele­ction had bin. If we should be chosen of God, saith Augustine,De praedest. sanct. cap. [...]3. because he foresaw that we would beleeue, and not that he him­selfe would make vs faithfull, doubtles we our selues should first chuse him by beleeuing in him, that wee might deserue to bee chosen of him. He taketh away this altogether, who saith: Ye haue not chosen me, but I you.

CHAP. XI. Of the cause of reprobation.

IT sufficiently then appeareth by so many proofes alleaged, that God elected his Saints in Christ vnto eternall life, not for any workes, or through foreseeing of their faith: but ac­cording to the purpose of his own will, of meere grace, which doth not finde, Aug. hom. in Io. 38 & epist. 106 but make them to be elected, as the ancient say­ing is. And albeit wee seeme with the same labour not ob­scurely to haue touched, what must bee held concerning the cause of reprobation: yet to make the matter more cleere, wee thinke good seuerally to declare,The cause of reprobation, is the will and good pleasure of God, and not foreseene vnbeleefe, or sinnes. that the cause of repro­bation consisteth not in the future vnbeleefe of the repro­bates, or other sinnes, which God foresaw, but in the will of God himselfe, chusing whom he pleaseth, and reprobating whom hee pleaseth, by his will, which is surely remote from our senses, yet most right, and to bee adored rather than cu­riously searched into.

The 1. reason. Rom. 8. Ephes. 2.For if sinnes were the cause of reprobation, wee had all been reprobates: seeing all of vs are vnder sinne, the children of wrath and eternall death, that such election should adopt, as abdication doth refuse. And albeit the grace of the Me­diatour bee offered vs in the Gospell, yet it is Gods gift, that we begin to haue faith, and doe hold it vnto the end. For what hast thou that thou hast not receiued? 1. Cor. 4. Why then is this mer­cie withdrawne from the reprobates,Marke this. Aug. ad Simpl. lib. 1. that faith is not inspired into them? Is it, because they will not? No. For so on the contrary the elect should therefore beleeue, because they are willing: and so God should not giue them faith but they by being willing should bestow it on themselues, and should haue some thing that they had not receiued.

The 2. reason.Further, if wee should consider reprobation to slow from vnbeleefe, or from malice foreseene, it wil necessarily follow, that election dependeth on faith or workes foreseene. This reason is Augustines, but that he speaketh particularly of Ia­cob [Page 301] and Esau: If (saith he) we graunt, Aug. ad Simpl. lib. 1. that Esau was not ha­ted but for the desert of vnrighteousnes, it followeth that Iacob was loued for the merit of righteousnes. Againe, If because God foresaw the future euill workes of Esau, therefore he pre­destinated him to serue his yonger brother: euen God prede­stinated Iacob therefore, that his elder brother should serue him, because he foresaw his future good workes.

Paul doth alike speake of both:The 3. reason. While the children were yet vnborne, when they had done neither good nor euill, that the purpose of God might stand sure according to election, not of workes but of the caller it was said: The elder shall serue the yonger. These words Augustine weighing, expressely wri­teth in the foresaid place: that Esau was reiected for no de­sert because both he was vnborne, and also had done nothing, no not in the foreknowledge of his future euill will: because so Iacob also had been approued by the foreknowledge of his fu­ture good will, and in vaine it should bee said, Not of workes. The same things he writeth ad Laur. cap. 98.

The obiection that the Apostle moueth:The 4. reason. Rom. 9. Is there there­fore vnrighteousnes with God? and the answere to that obie­ction, and also the parable of the potter, of his owne power and will making vessels to honour, and vessels to dishonour, fully confirme our opinion: that as wee can assigne no o­ther reason of the election of the one, so of the reiection of the other, but because it so pleaseth God, for the manifesta­tion of his mercie or iudgement.

Hereunto may be added the case of innumerable children without the Church, who are preuented with death,The 5. reason. before they haue the iudgement of reason, and cannot bee iustly re­proued for the neglect of helping grace. If such as dissent from vs be asked concerning these, whether they thinke that none of them doe perish, they dare not I suppose denie: If they perish, they are reckoned among those whom God hath reiected: yet he could foresee in them no contempt of grace, seeing they should not haue it, yea he foreknew rather that they should not contemne grace.

Neither doth that deuice any thing helpe them, that God [Page 302] saw what they would doe if they had recouered. For God in punishing and pardoning respecteth not what any man would doe, but what good or euill he hath done in his body. Thus it is manifest, that the reprobation of the vngodly, no lesse than the election of the Saints dependeth vpon the on­ly will of God, and not vpon the foreseene good or euill wils of men.

Neither is it materiall, that some persons defame this do­ctrine by this or that name, and endeuour to make it odious. It is the doctrine of the Scriptures, and defended by Augu­stine constantly as we see,Augustine and many other writers, auouch and maintaine this doctrine of reprobatiō. according to the Scriptures. As al­so by Hilarie, Prosper, Primasius, and others, who long agoe well perceiued the naughtines of the Pelagian spirit. Pros­pers words out of his epistle to Augustine of the remnants of Pelagian heresie, are: That according to Gods purpose before the world, there was made a difference betweene them that were to bee elected, and reiected, and that some were created vessels of honor, and others vessels of dishonor, according to the good pleasure of the creator. And againe he saith: that God according to the purpose and counsell of his owne will, in his secret iudgement, but yet in a manifest worke, made one vessell to honour, another to dishonour: whereas no man is iustified but by grace, and no man is borne but in sinne. And this (saith he) they of necessitie graunt that confesse that all good merits are preuented by grace, and by it haue this free gift, that they might be.

Lib. 1. dist. 4 [...]. Thom. part. 1. q. 23. & in 9. ad Rom.Neither is the doctrine any other of the Master of Senten­ces, as they call him: for he saith, He chose whom it pleased him, of his free mercie, not because they would be faithfull, but that they might be faithfull. So also he reprobated whom he would, not for future merits, which he foresaw, yet in most vpright trueth, and beyond our vnderstanding. The same o­pinion Thomas Aquinas, and other Schoolemen of no ob­scure account doe follow, and doe confirme it with strong reasons.

Looke also Luthers iudgement in his booke of seruile will, where, vpon the place of Malachie hee boldlie writeth these [Page 303] wordes: Eternall and vnchangeable is the loue of God, Luther. de ser­uo arbis. eternall is the hatred of God towards men, before the world was made, not onely before the merite and worke of frewill. And he mani­festly reiecteth it as a fained thing, that God should bee said to hate them while they were yet vnborne because hee foreknewe, that they would commit things worthy of hatred. Rom. 11. Neither is this anie hindrance, saith he, because we reade that the Iews for the merits of their vnbeliefe were cut off from the oliue tree, and that the Gentiles were graffed in by faith. We knowe that men by faith are ingraffed, and by infidelity cut off, and that they are to be exhorted to beleene leaest they be cut off. The very poynt of the contro­uersie of pre­destination. But we dispute not what followeth beleeuers or vnbeleeuers, but by what merite, by what helpe doe men attaine to faith, whereby they are ingraffed, or to vnbelief whereby they are cut off. This merite Paul describing vnto vs teacheth, that by no worke of ours, but by the onely loue & hatred of God it commeth to passe. All these words are Luthers.

The same man afterward vpon the similitude of the potter and claie, answering the cauill, that this potter (as Erasmus in his Diatribe did interperet) maketh a vessell, to dishonour through precedent merits, as he reiected the Iewes for vnbe­liefe, and receiued the Gentils for their faith: If God (saith he,) do thus, why murmure they, and find themselues grieued? why saie they, wherefore doth he complaine? who shall resist his will? Marke this wel what neede had Paul to represse them? further, where is the power that the potter hath to do what he will, if being subiect to merites and lawes, he is not suffered to doe what he will? for the respect of merites fighteth with the power and libertie to doe what he will, &c.

Therefore what vnreasonable dealing is it? and what enuie against the truth, to cast in our teeth Caluinisme, because we auouch, that neither the righteousnes nor maliciousnes of men, but the secret will of God is the cause why grace pluck­eth some out of the common destruction, whereunto we are all subiect by nature, and doth not plucke others? If this be Caluinisme, what shall be done to Luther, to saie nothing of the auncient writers?

[Page 304]Yet it is to be obserued, that we doe not maintaine, as our aduersaries spitefully doe imagine of vs:The slaunders of Hub. thes. 350. Zanch de nat. De [...]fol 669. Visi. admon. Neost. pag. 113. Bez. resp. 2. ad Col. Momp. fol. 223. That no man is con­demned for sinnes or vnbeliefe as the foregoing cause. We teach the contrary, and our men with one consent haue al­waies taught, that God taketh punishment of none, and no man shalbe damned of him, but for sin. For punishment hath no place but in respect of sin.

Moreouer this is also true: That as God damneth not anie but sinners, and such as deserue damnation for sins, so also he hath not decreed to damne anie but for sin. For whatsoeuer God doth in his time, also he determined frō euerlasting to do after the very same way, as it is done. Therefore because he damneth the reprobates, and wil damne them for sins, doubt­les he also decreed from euerlasting to damne them for sins. And from hence againe the deprauing of our doctrine by the aduersaries appeareth, when they faine that wee teach, that God without respect of sin, Note. God decreed to condemne none but for sinne. of his sole and absolute will, hath ap­pointed some men to damnation. Yea Gods decree is of the condemnation of sinners onely, and that for sins.

But seeing wee bee all sinners, and worthy of damnation, why God hath predestinated these men to bestowe vpon them freely glory, and hath predestinated others to bee puni­shed in his iust iudgement for sins, hereof wee haue no cause to alleage, beside the alone, and that free and iust wil of God. Th [...] very thing is meant by the distinction that some make,The decree of predestination, and the execu­tion of that decree. betweene the decree of predestination, whereof there is no cause but the will of God, and the execution of the decree, the cause whereof be the sins of such as shal be damned. From the meaning of which distinction, that which Thomas writeth, doth not disagree:Expos in 9. ad Rom. That the prescience of sinnes may be called some reason of reprobation in respect of the punishment, which is prepared for the reprobates, to wit in as much as God purpo­seth to punish the wicked for sins, which they haue of th [...]selues and not of God. Ec [...]us in Chry­sopass. And according to Richard, (as Eckius repor­teth.) The merites of men are the reason of reprobation, in Quantum ad connotatum. re­spect of that which is notorious, which is temporall bardening, and future damnation: but (saith he) there is no reason, to wit, [Page 305] in man, of the preordination vnto that damnation.

Caluin respecting the same thing,Comment in [...]. ad Rom. graunteth that the next cause of reprobation is, that wee are all accursed in Adam, by natiue corruption, which is dispersed throughout all mankind, which is sufficient vnto damnation. As Esau (saith hee,) was worthily reiected, because naturally hee was the child of wrath: yet Paul auoucheth that without respect of anie fault or vice, his condition was worse than his brothers, that we may learne to rest in the naked and simple good pleasure of God. What neede many wordes? whom God hath reprobated, therefore he hath reprobated because he would. But he hath reprobated, that is, foreordained to inflict iust punishment for sinne. As Augu­stine also is rightly vnderstood when he saith,Cont. duas epist. Pela. li. 1. c. 20. that God maketh some vessels of wrath according to merite, (for naturally we are all the children of wrath) & others vessels of mercie according to grace.

CHAP. XII. A confutation of certaine obiections against the expoun­ded doctrine of the cause of Election and Reprobation.

BVt the greatnes of the question which wee handle, trou­bleth the senses of men that too proudly reason of the wil of God: whereby it commeth to passe, that many obiect ma­nie things against this height of the diuine mercy and iudge­ment, whereby, when there is no diuersity nor difference of merites among men themselues, one is predestinated, that he might be seuered and chosen out of the masse of perdition, and be made a vessell for honor, and another is reprobated, to be a vessell for dishonor.

First the very name of Election seemeth to be against it. For Obiection. 1 Election specially is made in respect of some qualitie, whereby one excelleth or seemeth to excell another. So wee are went in chusing to prefere faire things before ill fauoured, sit things before vnfit, and more profitable things before such as bee lesse [Page 306] profitable. Therefore it seemeth that we must say, that God also respected something in the elect, for which cause hee preferred them before others. Esay 55. Answere. Answere: The thoughts of God are not as the thoughts of men, neither his waies as our waies, saith the Lord. Wee men are wont to chuse after the aforesaid maner:Election and loue in God, is faire otherwise than in men. but election and loue are farre otherwise in God than in men. For the will of man is moued to loue by beholding of some good in the thing loued & in respect of some good (as it is said) true, or els in appearance, it prefereth ye thing it chuseth before another, and counteth it deare. But the will of God is the cause of al goodnes in the creature: and therefore God lo­ueth man not for any good thing that he can chuse in him,What it is to loue. but rather because he loueth him, therfore in chusing he preferreth him before others: to wit, by willing that good to him, which hee willeth not to another. For to loue is to will good to a man.

Obiection. 2 Secondly the Apostle saith, 2. Timothie 2. In a great house there be not onely vessels of gold and siluer, but also of wood and earth: and some surely to honour, others to dishonour. If there­fore a man shall purge himselfe from these things hee hall bee a vessell for honour, sanctified and fit for the Lords vse &c. Therefore that we may bee vessels for honour or dishonor, e­lect or reprobates, it dependeth on our selues,

Answere. But doubtles, they that abuse this place, must needes first with Sophysters and the enemies of grace also maintaine, that the clensing of a man consisteth in the strength of free will. For as long as it is the benefite of grace, it abideth to be the effect of election, (whereby vessels for honour are made) and by no meanes can be the cause of it. Further the conse­quence is denied, because in that place he handleth not the cause of predestination, as Ro. 9. but onely a marke is taught, whereby we may know the elect and the Saints: which is a sincere and constant confession of Gods name, The true sense of the Apo­stles words be­fore. and a studie of righteousnes: For the Apostle preuenteth the offence that might arise of the Apostacy of Hymeneus, and Philetus, men of great worth as they had been estemed, and sheweth to the comfort of the faithfull, that the elect cannot perish, but that they bee knowne to God, and not to vs, vnlesse it be by [Page 307] the effects, and by that that followeth, (as wee speake) accor­ding to the rule; Let euery one that calleth vpon the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie. Therefore it is our part to per­seuer in a true confession, to imbrace righteousnes, and not to ioyne with the teachers of errors, and other wicked men, that we may be, that is, in very deede may testifie, that wee are the vessels of honour.

We are commanded, 2. Peter 1.The 3. obie­ction. to make our calling and election sure to wit, by good workes, as some Greeke and La­tine copies haue it added, and the sense of it selfe requireth it. The argument will be such as this is:

  • That is the cause of election, whereby it is made strong and sure.
  • But election is made sure by good workes.
  • Therefore good workes are the cause of Election.

Answere. It is answered, in respect of God, election is firme in it selfe, or in the purpose of God the chuser:2. Tim. 2. Rom. 9. because as the Apostle witnesseth, the foundation of God standeth sure, and his purpose according to electiō abideth not of works, but of the caller. But in respect of vs, election is made sure by good works, as by the effects. For, because we be elected, that we may be holy and blamelesse, not without cause is holinesse of life accounted the triall and declaration of election.

And this is the meaning of Peters wordes. From whence an answere is apparant vnto the first proposition of the argu­ment by a distinction: By what thing election is made sure, to wit, in respect of God, that thing is the cause of election. But by our good workes election is made sure not in respect of God but of vs, as by the effect and the signe, as it is sayd. So faith, so iustificatiō, so the inheritance of eternal life are made sure vnto vs, by the ready and vnfained study of good works. Neither yet are good workes therefore the cause of faith, and iustification, but the effects of them, and a signe of eternal life freely to be giuen by and for Christ. And generally, whatso­euer confirmeth another thing, ought not foorthwith to bee counted the cause of it.

obie∣on. The 4. We are expresly said, to bee elected according to the fore­knowledge [Page 308] of God the father. 1. Peter 1. Answere. Well: but not accor­ding to the foreknowledge of our faith, or of workes, or of a­ny thing inherent in vs. But God who knoweth all things from euerlasting,Acts 15. when as yet wee were not, chose vs accor­ding to his foreknowledge, whereby hee knoweth all his fu­ture workes, and hath disposed them from eternitie.

ob∣iection. The fift We are elected in Christ, saith the Apostle, Eph. 1. Therfore we are not elected by any absolute decree, or mercie of God, but limited and described in Christ. Answere. I answere, there is de­ceite in the worde absolute. The decree of election how farre ab­solute or not. The decree and mercie of God, according to which hee chuseth some out of mankind that shal certainely be deliuered, may be called absolute, as touch­ing the cause, as farre foorth as nothing inherent in the elect themselues, can be the cause of either the decree or mercie: (a­gainst which the opinion of the Pelagians and Semipelagi­ans, did set the foreseeing of workes, or of faith also, or vnbe­liefe:) but in the respect of the meanes, whereby he appoin­ted to saue the elect in mercie, that mercie is wholly limited in Christ the Mediator, by whom God decreed to saue, who­soeuer are saued.To be chosen in Christ, what it is. Therefore the meaning is: He hath chosen vs in Christ, not as being in him, or would be afterward as of ourselues, but that we might be in him, and by him might be saued. And so Paul himselfe expoundeth: He hath predesti­nated vs, that he might adopt vs for sonnes thorow Christ Iesu, and that according to the good pleasure of his will. And this very thing is also in force concerning reprobation: that God neither destroyeth nor hath purposed to destroy the repro­bates by absolute iustice, to wit, without their desart: but whom he destroyeth, he destroyeth, and hath purposed from euerlasting to destroy for sinnes.

The sixt ob­iection. That which is the cause of iustification, the same is of Ele­ction: and that which is the cause of damnation, is of reprobati­on: But the cause of iustification is faith concurring with the mercie of God and apprehending it: and the cause of damnati­on is vnbeliefe despising the grace of God offered in Christ, and other sinnes, Therefore &c. Answere. I answere: there is a fault in the Maior. They that be iustified be elected surely, so that wee [Page 309] may in iudging by that which is later, determine, that doubtlesse they are elected, who by faith lay hold vpon the mercie promised for Christes sake, and doe not cast away that confidence vnto the end. But it neither ought nor can be granted that the next cause of iustification and election is one and the same (such as faith is in the matter of iustificati­on.) For iustification is the effect of election, as euen saith it selfe, whereby wee are iustified, according to the saying: Whom he hath predestinated, them hee hath called, Rom. 8. Acts 13. whom hee hath called, them also hee iustified. Againe, As many as were foreordained to eternall life, beleeued. And now it is manifest, that the cause of the cause, that is, election, is also the cause of the effect, or the thing caused, (as they doe say,) to wit, of iusti­fication, but not contrariwise: because one & the same thing should be the cause of it selfe. Wherefore the very effects of election may be so ordered, that one is the cause of another, as faith of iustification, iustification of glorification: but no effect of election can be considered as the cause thereof; and by consequent faith, seeing it is the effect of election, cannot be thought to be the cause of it as well as of iustification.The effect of Reprobation is Gods forsa­king after which follow vnbeliefe and other sinnes. The 7. obie­ction. The same wee may iudge of vnbeliefe and other sinnes which al­beit properly they are not to be called the effects of reproba­tion, yet the effect thereof is Gods forsaking, after which vn­beliefe and other sinnes doe follow.

This whole answere is confirmed by those things, which before in the 11. chapter are recited out of Luther concer­ning the Iewes, that were through vnbeliefe cut from the O­liue tree, and the Gentiles grafted in the same by faith.

The seuenth obiection is like vnto this. We must iudge of Predestinatiō neither by reason, nor by the law, but by the Gos­pel: But the Gospel witnesseth that the beleeuers are receiued in to grace, & saued, and thereby are elect: & on the contrary, that vnbeleeuers and such as continue in sinnes are damned, and thereby reprobates. Election therefore and reprobation depend on faith or vnbeliefe of men. Answere. But there is more in the conclu­sion. For the Minor affirmeth nothing of the cause of pre­destination, but sheweth only this, that by the marke of faith [Page 310] or finall vnbeliefe, the elect or reprobates are discerned. Whereupon this only followeth, that we must iudge also ac­cording to this testimonie of the Gospel, who bee elected, who reiected. In the meane while the Gospel doeth not de­nie, but manifestly affirmeth, that faith, obedience, perseue­rance, are the free giftes of God, and are giuen, or not giuen of him, to whom it pleaseth God according to his good plea­sure: Mat. 11. vers. 25 and 13.11. Iohn 6. vers. 44.45. and 65. and 10 vers. 26. Ephe. 1.8.15. and the rest. 2. Tim. 1.9. Heb. 8.10. Ier. 31. &c. Hence in iudging according to the Gospel,

A Syllogisme prouing by the Gospel, that God hath decreed to saue some and forsake others, onely of his good pleasure and will.
  • we shall gather (as the Gospell teacheth a) man to bee saued or not saued: so God hath appointed from euerlasting to saue or not to saue him.
  • But the Gospel not onely teacheth that a man is saued by faith, and doeth perish through vnbe­liefe, but also teacheth that euen faith and other benefites, by which as by meanes man commeth to saluation, are giuen to some and not giuen to others of God, euen as pleaseth him.
  • Therefore euen faith and such kinde of benefites vnto saluation, God hath decreed from euerlasting to giue to some men, and not to giue to others, euen as it pleased him.

CHAP. XIII. A wicked eye without cause suspecteth God of vniustice.

Obiection. THat obiection now followeth, which arising from the rashnes, (that I may not say, the impietie) of humaine reason, greatly troubleth the mindes of the simple. And that is, that the wicked eye of mans wit suspecteth God of ini­quitie, if without any merites of good or euill men, he chuse one,The reasons of the obie­ction. and refuse another of his meere will, for it seemeth vn­iust in distributions, if wee distribute vnequally to them that be equall. But men, if we set aside the difference of merits, are equall. Therefore if without difference of merites, God doth vnequally distribute, chusing one, and refusing another, it seemeth that there is vnrighteousnes with him. Further how [Page 311] shall we defende the righteousnes of God, if of his meere will he hath predestinated so many thousands of men, not moued with any merite or worke of theirs, vnto eternall torments. This seemeth vniust, cruell, and intollerable to iudge of God, and herewith so many and great men in so many ages haue been offended, and who would not be offended, saith Luther,De ser. arbit. Answere to the first reason of the obiecti­on. when he had largely answered this very obiection. Concer­ning inequalitie, already before I haue answered, that it ap­pertaineth to iustice, in those things that be distributed of du­ty, that vnequall things be not distributed to them that be e­quall: but not in those things, which a man of his owne ac­cord and of fauour distributeth without any iniurie of ano­ther. As that householder reproued them that murmured: Friend, I doe thee no wrong, take that thine is, and goe thy way. I will giue to this last, as vnto thee. May I not doe what I will with mine owne? Is thine eye euill because I am good? Let them therefore learne to restraine that wicked eye, who mur­mur against God as vniust, and an acceptor of persons.

Obiection. But say they, it is an vniust thing, that in one and the same euill cause one man is deliuered, and another punished, be­cause it is a iust thing that both be punished. Answere. Yea both are iust, whether the creditor require his debte, or forgiue his debter, so it be without defrauding any man: but it is vniust onely, to require that which is not due.August. epist. 105. Therefore Let vs (as Augustine godly aduiseth vs) giue thankes to our Sauiour, see­ing that we see not that rendred vnto vs, that we knowe, in the damnation of thē that are like vs, to haue bin also due vnto vs. Neither let vs be vnthankefull, De bono perse­uer. cap. 8. that our mercifull God (ac­cording to his good pleasure, to the praise of his glorious grace) hath freed so many from so deserued destruction, that if hee should deliuer none from thence yet he should not be vniust.

Answer to the second reason. Further, as for the multitude of such as perish, I answere, that neither in respect of them is there any vnrighteousnes in God. For on whom there is no mercie shewed, Enchirid. ad Laur. cap. 99. them God iudg­eth, he dealeth not vniustly with them. And as vndeserued grace is giuen to such as are freed: so no other but due punish­ment is rendred to them that are damned, that neither they [Page 312] can boast themselues to bee worthie, nor these complaine that they are vnworthie. Epist. 105. For because the whole lumpe is worthily condemned, iustice rendereth due dishonour, and grace bestow­eth due honour, not through the prerogatiue of desert, nor by necessitie of destinie, nor by rash fortune, but through the depth of the riches of the wisedome and knowledge of God. De bono perseu. cap. 8. epist. 106. If there­fore Gods goodnes bee vnderstood in forgiuing debt, and his e­quitie in requiring it, there is no way iniquitie found in God. He commendeth mercie that is set free, and he that is punished blameth not iudgement.

Do praedest. & grat. cap. vlt.I will say somewhat more with Augustine. If mankinde, that at the first was created of nothing, should be borne without the due originall of death and sinne, & yet the omnipotent crea­tor would for euer condemne some of them to destruction: who could say to the Almightie Creator, why hast thou done thus? For he that freely gaue them their being, when they were not, had power to appoint to what end they should be. Neither could the rest say, why should Gods will vary, all mens merits being a­like? because the potter hath power of the clay. But now seeing iust punishment is rendered to such as shall be damned, and vn­deserued grace is bestowed vpon such as bee saued; what man forgetting mans condition, may discusse the secrets of Gods minde?

Obiection. But some man will say: Why will he in the same matter punish me rather then him, or free him rather than me? Answere. I answere, that it is in Gods will, and not in ours, as it is not in their will that bee debters, but in his to whom a debt is due, that he either requireth,Ad Simpl. lib. 1. q. 2. or forgiueth the debt. Hereupon Augustine: In Adam we all die, and we are one lumpe of sin, owing punishment to the diuine and high iustice, which whe­ther it bee exacted or pardoned, there is no vnrighteousnesse. And it is an arrogant part in debters to iudge, of whom it is to be required, and to whom it is to bee remitted. It belongeth to God to require it of whom it pleaseth him, and to forgiue it to whom it pleaseth him, who doth not require that which is not due, neither forgiueth that which is none of his. The same wri­ter elsewhere:Epist. 105. Why God doth thus to one man, and otherwise [Page 313] to another, his waies are vnsearchable, and his iudgements past finding out: the great depth whereof we ought rather to reuerence, than curiously to search out, that wee may escape a dangerous downfall.

Therefore repressing the impudencie of this question, let vs say with the Apostle:Rom. 11. O the depth of the wisedome and knowledge of God, how vnsearchable are his iudgements, How the mouthes of wicked men must be stop­ped about this doctrine. and his waies past finding out? Also: O man, who art thou that rea­sonest with God? Doth the pot say to the potter, why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power ouer the clay? Nei­ther let it grieue vs thus to stop the mouthes of exclaimers. For if they be not ashamed to gainsay not vs, but Paul; why should it irke vs to tell them this againe and againe, that the Apostle hath said?De verbis Apost. serm. 20. Augustine notably following the Apostle saith: Thou man, expectest from me an answere, and I am a man. Therefore let vs both heare him that saith: O man who art thou? Better is faithfull ignorance, than vndiscreet know­ledge. Seeke for deserts, thou shalt finde nothing but punish­ment. O height. Peter denieth the theefe beleeueth. Marke this no­table saying. O the depth. Seekest thou a reason? I will bee abashed at the depth. Reason thou, I will marueile. Dispute thou, I will beleeue. I see the depth, I cannot reach to the bottome. Paul rested because he found a thing to marueile at. He calleth them iudgements vnsearchable and art thou come to seeke them out? Againe,Serm. 254. de Temp. I confesse the counsell of God as a man, I cannot declare it. For with the Apostle Paul I know how to be astonied: O the depth of his wisedome and knowledge. To vs belong consideration ad­miration trembling & exclamation, because we cannot pearce into them: but vnto him what? glory for euer and euer, whe­ther it be concerning the vessels for honour, or vessels for disho­nour.

And in this place wee must bee admonished, that in the things that haue been spoken,Ad [...]an [...]. ca. 99. there is great reason rendered against certaine foolish men (whom the forenamed author often nippeth) who thinke, that the Apostle failed in his an­swere, and through want of rendering a reason repressed the boldnes of the gainsaier. For we are called backe to the con­sideration [Page 314] of our capacitie, in briefe words surely, but such as bring great weight by aggrauating of names, when he saith: O man, who art thou that reasonest with God? man is opposed to God, and the clay to the potter. Likewise in that with trembling he crieth out: O the depth, how vnsearchable are the iudgements of God, hee sufficiently declareth, that these workes of God may be secret, but cannot be vniust: because they bee his iudgements, who is iust, and iudgeth the world, and whose wil is so the chiefest rule of iustice,Gods iustice vnlike to mans that what thing soeuer he willeth, and doth, must therefore bee counted iust, because he doth it. For it is not lawfull to dispute of the di­uine iustice according to mans iustice, or rather mans pride, that hath the name of iustice.De seruo arbit. circa finem. For as Luther notably pro­ueth: If Gods iustice were such, as could bee iudged to bee iust by mans capacitie, it were not diuine, and it should nothing differ from mans iustice. Further, seeing God is wholly incom­prehensible, and inaccessable by mans reason, (for what is man compared to God? what is our power, knowledge, substance, and all that we haue to God?) it is meete, yea necessarie, that his iustice also be incomprehensible.

De praedest. & gra. cap. 2.Wherefore Augustine not without cause saith: Who is so mad, or rather, who is such a blasphemer to say that wee must dispute of the iustice of God by the rule of mans iustice? which doubtles is an enemie to Gods iustice, Wee must iudge soberly and reuerently of the workes of God. and is vniust. It is mani­fest, that euery thing that is howsoeuer iust, floweth from him who is most iust. Who then shall he bee, that hangeth the wise­dome of God (that abideth vnchangeable, createth gouerneth, and preserueth all things that bee) vpon the pleasure of mans wisedome? We must not therefore reason as vaine man thin­keth best, of that maiestie of the diuine wisedome. God must be adored, Lib. 2. contra Marc. and not iudged, saith Tertullian, sharply reprouing the controllers of the Deitie: saying, Thus God ought not to be vsed, and so rather he ought to be. But the foolish things of God are wiser than men. And then especially is he great, when to man he is small: and most iust, when to man he is vniust, saith he.

But say they, all these things are true, and sufficient to de­fend [Page 315] the iustice of Gods election and reprobation,The aduersa­ries defend Gods iustice in election and reprobation by presupposing of mans fall. if we con­sider how God dealeth with vs by presupposing the fall of mankinde. For whereas wee were all inthralled to eternall damnation, he can bee charged with no vniustice for deliue­ring some from thence mercifully, and punishing others iust­ly, as pleaseth him, because he may haue mercie on whom he will, and at his pleasure punish whom he will.How the flesh concludeth thereof to ex­cuse it selfe. But without the wil of God we had not fallen into that corruption, wher­into Adam caried all his posteritie headlong with himselfe. Why then is hee yet angrie? why doth he lay to mens fault, and punish in them those things, that he hath necessarily im­posed vpon them by his owne ordinance? For who may re­sist his will? Thus flesh concludeth, to excuse itselfe, and to lay the fault in God. And it is no marueile, for when Adam was corrupted, after whose image wee are borne, he did the same thing in Paradise. But faith and the spirit iudge farre o­therwise.

1. We may here retort againe that of the Apostle: O man, The iudge­ment of faith and the spirite, who art thou that reasonest with God? Doth the pot say to the potter, why hast thou made me thus?

2. All Christians confesse, that for the fall of our first pa­rents in Paradise, sinne and death not onely temporal, but al­so much more eternall, haue iustly runne ouer all men. And against the prophanenes of the wicked, the Lord himselfe will maintaine sufficiently his owne iustice by making them to condemne themselues.Rom. 9. Why contend we then of his vn­iustice, seeing his iustice is confessed?

3. Man doubtles fell through his own fault, and not Gods.The distincti­on of will and permission. Which thing some going about to expound, flie vnto the di­stinction of will and permission: as though mankinde fell in Adam, God barely onely permitting it, and not after any sort also willing it, without whose will yet, not so much as a spar­row falleth vpon the ground. The very word of permission I doe not reiect, which the Scripture also vseth:Matth. 10. but I find fault with the expounding of it: because God permitteth not vn­willing but willing, whatsoeuer he permitteth. After another maner therefore, and that true and sound, doth Augustine [Page 316] shew,De Correp. & gra. cap. 11. how man fell through his owne fault, and not Gods: to wit, God, who made all things very good, had giuen man a good will,How Adam fell through his owne fault, and not Gods. wherein he had made him righteous, and after his owne image: hee had giuen him also a helpe, whereby hee might continue in that image, if hee would. And that hee might bee willing or vnwilling hereto, he left it in his owne power. Therefore the cause was in man himselfe, and in the deuill, that he was made worse. In the deuill, because he per­swaded: in man, because he with a free will consented, and so through freewill forsaking God, hee found the iust iudge­ment of God, that with his whole posteritie, which as yet be­ing in his loynes wholly had sinned, he should bee dam­ned.

Why God suf­fered Adam to fall. Enchir. cap. 37. De Correp, & gra. cap. 18.And whereas it was not giuen vnto him, to continue in that vpright and faultles state, doubtles therefore it was not giuen, because God would not: iudging it to be a better thing to doe good out of euill, than to permit no euill to be, as Augu­stine saith. Which thing in another place notably expoun­ding, he writeth: Wee profitably confesse, what we rightly be­leeue, that God, and the Lord of all things, who created all things exceeding good, and foreknew that euill would arise out of good, and knew that it more appertained to his almightie goodnes, euen out of euill to doe good, than not to suffer euill to bee; had so ordained the life of Angels and men, that therein he would shew first, what their freewill was able to do, and then what the benefit of his grace, and the iudgement of his iustice could bring to passe. Of this thing see also Tertullian lib. 2. contra Marcio. & 2. Sent. distinct. 23. why God suffered man to be tempted, knowing that he would fall. And lib. 1. dist. 45. it is learnedly declared, how and how farre forth Gods per­mission must be referred to his will, according to that of Au­gustine:Enchir. cap. 95. M [...]ke how God willeth good and euill things, Nothing is done, vnles the Almightie would haue it to be done, either by suffering it to bee done, or by doing it him­selfe. Where hee includeth all good and euill things that are done, but with this difference, that he bee vnderstood to will euill, by suffering it to bee done: and to will good, by doing it himselfe. For he suffereth doubtles not vnwilling, but willing, [Page 317] as the same Augustine saith. And de praedest. & gra. cap. 15.Enchir. ad [...]. cap. 100. he saith, that all things are either done, the Lord assisting, or els permitted, the Lord forsaking them, that yet we may know, Nothing is done against the Lords will, and why. that nothing at all is done against the Lords will. Certainly if any thing be done, that God simply and euery way will not haue done, or els if that be not done, that he willeth to be done, the very beginning of our faith is in hazard, wherein we confesse that we beleeue in God almightie, and some God is brought in out of Epicurus his schoole.Psalm. 105 For our God doth in heauen and earth whatsoeuer pleaseth him.

Luther of this whole matter speaketh thus:Lib. de ser. ar­bit. cap. 152. To them that inquire why he permitted Adam to fall, when he was able to saue him, it is said; It is God, of whose will there is no cause nor reason. See how hee includeth permission vnder his will. Whereupon also chap. 197. he writeth: Whether God suffer, or els incline a man, that suffering or inclining commeth not to passe, but by Gods will because the will of man cannot auoide the worke of almightie God.

CHAP. XIIII. Of the effects of Election.

HEreafter now we must intreate of the effects both of e­lection and also of reprobation. And because the pre­destination of Saints, which we call election,Election what it is. is a preparation of grace, that is, of glorie hereafter, and of benefits in this world, whereby as by meanes the elect are lead to the glorie appointed for them: both, the end, and the meanes,The effects of it be the ende and meanes. The ende double. Rom 9.23. Ephes. 1.7. The meanes be al benefits, and they be of two sorts. be effects of election. By the end we meane saluation and the glorie of the elect. For in respect of them, that is the end of election, albeit in respect of God there is another, and higher, to wit, the demonstration of his rich grace in the vessels of mercie to his glorie. As for the meanes that bee subordinate to this end, they be all benefits whatsoeuer, whereby whosoeuer are deliuered, are most certainly set at libertie, as Augustine saith, de bono perseu. cap. 14. And these be of two sorts altogether: [Page 318] some are necessary to the common saluation of all,Some necessa­ry to the com­mon saluation of all men and infants. Some peculiar to men onely. men gro­wen and infants: as for example, the merit of Christ, iustifi­cation, and regeneration by the holy Ghost. Some do follow men growen onely, through the want of discretion of good and euill in children, as is the knowledge of Christ, a true confidence in him, the studie of good workes, perseuerance in temptations, and such like.

Foure princi­pall effects of election.And although there bee many and sundry effects of ele­ction: yet such as bee more speciall whereunto other com­monly are reduced be foure: to wit, Christ as the Media­tour 1 and high Priest, with the whole worke of his humilia­tion 2 3 and glorie: then vocation effectuall vnto Christ iusti­fication 4 also, and glorification. Hereof commeth that truly golden chaine of the Apostle,Rom. 8. that whom God hath predesti­nated, them he calleth: and whom he calleth (vnderstand that calling that is according to Gods purpose) them also he iusti­fieth: and whom he iustifieth, them he also glorifieth. And of Christ without whom no man can be saued he straightway addeth: What then shall we say to these things? If God bee for vs, who can be against vs▪ who hath not spared his owne sonne, but giuen him for vs all. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect? Who is he that can condemne? It is Christ, who is dead yea who is risen againe; who is at the right hand of God, who maketh also requests for vs.

The 1. effect of election, Christ.That we may therefore speake something of these begin­ning at the Mediatour and head of the elect, our Lord Iesu Christ: he surely is the onely foundation of our coniunction with God, and therefore of all our blessednes: for wee had not been capable of so great glorie, whereunto wee are ele­cted, vnles our heauenly father turning his eyes from our vn­worthines vpon Christ, had made vs acceptable vnto him­selfe in that his beloued. Therefore Paul witnesseth, that wee were elected in Christ before the foundations of the world were laid: Ephes. 1. that is, (as himselfe interpreteth) that wee were predesti­nate to bee adopted for sonnes, and to obtaine other heauenly good things by and for Christ. In which sense also he writeth to Timothie:2. Tim. 1. that grace was giuen vs in Christ Iesu before [Page 319] the worlds: [...]s if he should say, that God from eternitie de­creed to giue vs grace, whereby wee are saued, but in Christ, the fountaine of grace.

Thus then let vs determine and iudge of a certaintie, that God (when hee minded to haue mercie vpon some, that he might make knowne the riches of his glorie towards the vessels of mercie, and had neede also of a fit Mediatour here­unto, who might by his death and satisfaction pacifie the wrath of God, and procure for them righteousnesse and life that was lost, and might defend and maintaine saluation ob­tained) ordained by his eternall and very fatherly counsell, that his sonne (of like substance and eternitie with the fa­ther) in the fulnes of time assuming truely mans nature, should dye for our sinnes, and rising againe from the dead, should raigne at the right hand of God, & make intercession for vs. So Christ, as he is the Mediatour, is the first and prin­cipall effect of Gods predestination,1. Pet. 1. from whom all other things flow: as Peter also testifieth of that immaculate and vndefiled Lambe, (by whose precious blood we are redee­med) that he was made manifest in the last times for the faith­ful sake, being fore ordained before the foundations of the world were laid. Notably Augustine:De praedest. sanct. cap. 15. He being one was pre­destinated to be our head: we being many, were predestinate to be his members.

Hereby also appeareth,The proper cause of Christs sen­ding and suf­fering, was the saluation of th [...] elect onely. that ye proper cause of the sending and suffring of the son of God, was the saluation of the elect, and therfore as touching the purpose of God, & the effect of the sending and suffring of Christ, that he was properly sent, and suffered onely for the elect. For vnlesse hee had been ordained a Mediatour for the elect, there was no cause why he should come in the flesh, much lesse, why he should ex­pose himselfe to the most shamefull death of all.

An other effect of election as wee said is vocation, Vocation, the second effect of election. Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 1. where­by the predestination of a man now beginneth to be fulfilled and made manifest. For whom hee hath predestinated, he cal­leth, saith Paul. And elsewhere: He hath called vs with an ho­ly calling, not according to our works, but according to his owne [Page 320] purpose & grace, Vocation two­folde. which was giuen vs in Christ before the world. Where he plainely setteth downe vocation to be the effect of the giuing of grace from euerlasting, that is, of predestination. But that it may be vnderstood, what & what maner of calling that is, we must distinguish between external & internall cal­ling.Externall vo­cation twofold Naturall. Psalm. 19. Again the externall is there natural or else supernaturall. That is to bee vnderstood of the former, which the Psalmist singeth: The heauens declare the glorie of God, and the firma­ment sheweth his handy worke. There is neither speech nor lan­guage, Rom. 2. where their voice is not heard. And Paul writeth to the Romanes: that the inuisible things of God, to wit, both his e­ternall power, and also deity, are perceiued by the creation of the world, Acts 14. to this end that men may be made without excuse. And elsewhere: he left not himselfe without witnesse, by doing good, and giuing from heauen fruitfull seasons.

This testimonie of nature neuer ceaseth to declare the goodnes and power of the Lorde, but by perpetual preaching sheweth the maiestie of the maker of it.Supernaturall. Yet because our eares are deafe at the voice of nature, so that we do not heare pro­fitablie the things wee be admonished of; [...]he doctrine of the law and the Gospell hath been added, [...]nd ministers of the word and grace haue been instituted, by whom in season and out of season faith and repentance are preached (as it falleth out,) to all, elect and reprobates: seeing they are mingled one with another, and cannot, nor ought to bee seuered by the iudgement of men:Matth 22. The Lord speaketh of this calling, that manie are called, but few are chosen. For all obey not the Gos­pell,Esay 53. & 65. Rom. 10. The inward calling. that heare it. For Esay saith: Lord who hath beleeed our word? all the daie long I haue stretched forth my hands to a rebellious and gaine saying people. Therefore the inward and effectuall calling vnto Christ, remaineth, which is proper to the elect,To whom it belongeth. Rom. 8. which Paul termeth a calling according to the pur­pose of God. We know, (saith he) that to such as loue God, all things worke for the best euen to such, as be called according to 1 his purpose. And this calling is nothing else than a certaine di­uine inspiration of grace,What it is. whereby a man is mooued to assent vnto, and obey the Gospell, that is, to beleeue and repent. And [Page 321] this vocation is made partly by the word,How it is done partly and princi­pally 2 by the inspiration of the holy Ghost, who inwardly in­lighteneth and moueth the hartes. Neither be al called at one 3 time, but some at the first houre,When men are thus called. Matth. [...]0. August. de prae­dest. sanc. cap. 3. some at the eleuenth houre of the day, as it pleaseth God to dispense in them his grace. The description propounded, Augustine confirmeth, where he largely handleth this matter. That vocation (saith he) accor­ding to the purpose of God, belongeth not to all that be called, Cap. 16. but to the elect onely. These God calleth, to make them mem­bers of his sonne, not by that calling, whereby they were called, that refused to come to the mariage, but by that calling where­by a beleeuer is made. Vnto which calling who so appertaine, Cap. [...]. they be all taught of God, and none of them can saie: I haue be­leeued, that I might bee thus called: for the mercy of God hath preuented him, whereby hee is so called, that he might beleeue. For all that bee taught of God, come to the sonne, because they haue heard and learned of the father. This schoole is farre re­moued from the vnderstanding of the flesh, wherein the father is heard, and teacheth, that men may come to the sonne: neither dealeth he with the care of the flesh, but of the heart.

Hereupon surely, when the Gospell is preached,Ibid. Aug. Marke this. some be­leeue not, yea gainesay it. For they that beleeue the preacher outwadly speaking, within heare of the father and learne: but they that beleeue not, outwardly heare, but within do not heare nor learne, that is, it is giuē to them to beleeue, Ioh. 6. and is not giuen to the other: because no man (saith he) commeth vnto me vn­lesse the father, that sent mee, drawe him. Which thing after­ward is spoken more plainely. No man commeth vnto me, To be drawne what it is. ex­cept it be giuen him of the father. Therefore to be drawen of the father to Christ, as also to heare and learne of the father, that a man may come to Christ, is nothing els than to receaue a gift of the father, whereby he may beleeue in Christ. These are the wordes of Augustine the chiefe of the soundest fathers.

But here we must beware of a fouresould error:Foure errors. The first of the Pelagians. first of the Pelagians, whereby they aduauncing themselues against grace, and setting their face against heauen, said: that a man hath such strength, that as of himselfe he is able to beleeue, and [Page 322] to worke well so that the will of God be preached, Aug. ad Quod vuli Deum, haer. 88. Faith and re­pentance are wrought in men by God. Ioh. 6. and hereto only he is holpen of God by the law & the doctrine of the Gospel, that he may learne what things he ought to do & hope for. So accor­ding to their opinion, that should only be the calling of God, which is outwardly made by the word. As though hee did discerne such as heare the Gospell from such as beare not, and not rather the beleeuers frō such as beleeue not, who said: No man commeth vnto me, vnlesse it bee giuen him of the father. And in many places the Scripture teacheth, that faith and conuersion, & what good worke soeuer we haue, flowe from God.Lament. 5. Turne vs vnto thee O Lord and we shall be turned, saith Ieremie.Ierem. 31. Eze. 36. And it is promised in the Prophetes, that the time shall come, when God will write his law in their heartes, and giue them a newe hart, a fleshy hart and take away their stony: that he will put a new spirit and the feare of him in their hartes, and make vs to walke in his precepts. In the Gospell also the Lord speaking of the fruit of righteousnes, testifieth, that we be able to do nothing without him. Ioh. 15. Again, ye haue not chosen me, but I haue chosen you and I haue appointed you to bring forth fruite, and that your fruite should remaine. 1. Cor. 4. And Paul saith: what hast thou▪ that thou hast not receiued? If thou hast receiued, why doest thou boast, as though thou hadst not receiued? And ex­pressely the same man affirmeth that repentance is the gift of God.2. Tim. 2. Gal. 5. Ephes 5. As he also reckoneth faith, and all good workes to be the fruits of the spirit. He testifieth also that we are created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes, which God hath prepared that we should be exercised in them. Ephes. 1. And to take away all doubt, he plainely writeth, that we are elected before the foundations of the world were laid, that we should be holy and blameles. Therefore also the Church praieth, both for Infidels and such as resist the doctrine of the Gospell, that they may be conuer­ted vnto God: & also for the faithfull, that they may grow in saith, and perseuer therein. For the things that he hath com­manded to be done, would not be requested of God, except it were his free gifte, that they were done.

The 2. error of the Semipela­gians.Other men, albeit they confesse that good works and faith also, according to the growth of it, bee of God, yet they will [Page 323] haue the beginning of faith to come of vs: as if faith were not giuen vs of God, but onely increased of him in vs, by the me­rit of our beliefe, or of our good wil: and so the good will of a man should bee the cause of Gods grace, and not grace the cause of our will.

This opinion Prosper and Hilarie attribute to the Semipe­lagians,Epist. ad Aug. Tom. 7. or the reliques (as they cal them) of the Pelagian he­resie. And Augustine himselfe was sometime in this error, as when he saith: I hat we beleeue, it is ours; but that we do good, Expos. ad Rom. it is his, who giues to the faithfull the holie Ghost. And a little after. To beleeue, and to be willing is ours, but to giue to the be­leeuers, and willers power to worke well by the holy Ghost, that is Gods. But he acknowledged afterward this error,Lib. 1. cap. 23. & passim lib. de praedest. sanct. and amen­ded it in his retractions, and elsewhere, where he sheweth at large, that not onely faith increased, but also begunne in vs, is Gods gift, the grace of the caller preuenting our wil, that we may be willing, according to the sayings: who first gaue to him, & he shal recompence him? because of him, Rom. 1 [...]. Paul 1. and through him, and in him are all things. To you it is giuen not onely to be­leeue in him, but also to suffer for his sake. He saith simplie: to beleeue, & not more perfectly to beleeue. Rom. 12. Like as yt is to the Ro. God hath distributed to euery one a measure of faith. Also to the Ephe. Yee are saued by grace through faith, Ephes. 2. and this is not of your selues, it is the gift of God: that is euē that which I said through faith, is not of our selues, but is the gift of God. The same Apostle saith: we are not fit to thinke any thing, 2. Cor. 3. as of our selues, then not so much as to beleeue, because to beleeue is nothing els, than to thinke with assente.To beleeue what it is, Also chap. 4. of the 1. Epistle: What h [...]st thou that thou hast not receiued? and if thou hast receiued, why doest thou brag, Phil. 2. as though thou hadst not receiued? Expressely also it is said of the will▪ that God wor­keth in vs, both to will and to performe of his good will his doubtles, and not ours. Therefore it remaineth firme, that the will is preuented of God, and that from him it is in [...]led in­to vs, that we doe beleeue.

Obiection. But thou wilt say, Gods giftes are giuen to such as pray, and prayer presupposeth faith. Therefore man of himselfe [Page 324] bringeth faith, at the least the beginning of it, that he may be capable of grace and the giftes of God. Answere. But the Maior is particular, seeing God giueth some things euen to them that pray not, as the beginning of faith: other things, no other­wise than by prayer. And thus Augustine answereth this doubt, chap. 16. de bono perseu. & alijs locis.

The 2. error, of the Papists works of pre­paration.Thirdly, there be inuented of certaine men, works I know not what, morally good, whereby a man before faith and re­pentance prepareth himselfe to grace, yea, deserueth grace de congruo of conueniencie, as they speake. And that would they prooue by the example of Cornelius, who was endued with the knowledge of Christ, while the Lorde respected his prayers and almes. By these mens opinion that wicked sen­tence is maintained,Aug. de praedest. sanct. cap 2. & con. 2. ep. Pelag. lib. 1. cap. 19. which Pelagius himselfe in his episco­pall iudgement in Palestine condemned, albeit with an hy­pocriticall heart, to wit, that the grace of God is giuen accor­ding to our deserts. Beside, when the Apostle saith: who hath seuered thee? What hast thou that thou hast not receiued? by these mens opinion I may say: my worke doeth seuer me, my endeuour, Ephe 2. Heb. 11. and merite. What? that the scripture teacheth that we are all dead in offences & sinnes before faith, & that with­out this it is impossible that we or our workes should please God. Tell me I pray, what good will had Paul, and not ra­ther a great wicked wil, that breathing forth slaughter, went forward destroying Christians in the horrible blindenesse of his minde? By what merites of his will, by what prepara­tion of works did God conuert him from these euils to faith? In like maner how many enemies of Christ dayly are drawen of a suddaine by the secert grace of God to Christ? Lastly the Apostle cryeth:Tit. 3. Not through the works of righteousnes, which wee haue done, but according to his mercie he hath saued vs. Wherefore away with such preparations, whereby men are supposed to dispose themselues for grace, that they may be ingrafted into Christ.De praede. sanct. cap. 6. Augustine plainely reciteth this er­ror, reprouing the common talke of men, saying, This or that man therefore deserued to beleeue, because hee was good, before he beleeued. As for the example of Cornelius he there [Page 325] answereth, that hee was not wholly void of faith.The faith of Cornelius. For how should he call vpon him, in whom he did not beleeue? How were his praiers and almes without faith acceptable before God? yet afterward by Peters ministery he beleeued in Christ that now hee might knowe the sonne of God incarnate, and might receiue the sacrament of regeneration.

The last error about vocation, whereof wee speake,The 4. error, making effe­ctuall calling to be in mans power and will. is the error of certaine men that extenuate the effecacie of it, as though the effect thereof were in the power of a man, that if he will not, God should call in vaine. Yea if a man will not, and goeth on to resist grace that is offered him, it is most cer­taine, that he is not as yet partaker of this calling.Ioh. 6. For Christ witnesseth that this calling is most effectual: Euery one that hath heard & learned of the father, commeth vnto me. De praedest. sanct. cap. 8. They that heare and learne of God, do come, but they that come not whē they are called, haue neither heard nor lear­ned of God. Which wordes Augustine considering, saith, If euery one that hath heard of the father, and hath learned, commeth, truely euery one, that doeth not come, hath neither heard nor learned. For if he had heard and learned, he would come. For not any one hath heard and learned that commeth not: but euery one (as saith the trueth) who hath heard and learned, commeth. This grace therefore which of the diuine bountifulnes is secretly giuē to the hearts of men, is refused of no hard heart: For therefore it is giuen that the hardnes of the heart might first of all be ta­ken away, according to the saying: I will take from you a sto­nie heart, and giue you a fleshly. Looke vpon the same Au­gustine ad Simpl. li. 1. quaest. 2. The effect of Gods mercie (saith he) cannot be in mans power that he should in vaine shew mer­cy if man will not: Mans will cannot resist Gods call, nor make his mercie in vaine. because if he please to haue mercie on thē that resist him, he is able so to call them, as they may most fitly be mooued and may vnderstand, and so followe him. For albeit he calleth many, yet he hath mercy on them, whom he so calleth, as it is fittest for thē to be called, that they may follow, neither hath hee mercie on any in vaine. Therefore they are elected, who are so called, that they refuse not him that calleth them: the rest, are not elected, because they doe not followe, although they be called. The same doctrine of the efficacie of this cal­ling Luther notably confirmeth lib. de serm. arbit. cap. 45.

Question. Therefore when the question is often asked, why, when many heare the same word, all of them are not so called that they obey their calling: Answere. it is not fitly answered of some, be­cause they will not. For if the faithfull therefore beleeue, because they are willing, God hath not giuen them faith, but by their willingnes they haue giuen it to themselues.Some obey their calling because God maketh them willing. Aug cant. dua [...] epist. Pelag. cap. 19. No man surely can beleeue, but hee is willing thereto; for howe should a man beleeue against his will? But hee maketh him willing of an vnwiller, who when hee dra [...]eth vs, wee come to Christ. Therefore the elect are sundri wayes drawen to bee willing, by him who knoweth inwardly to worke in the very hearts of men not that men should beleeue against their will (which cannot be, but that of vnwilling persons they might be made willing.

Question 2 Aug. de praedest. sa [...]nct. cap. 8. & 9.But why doeth he not so draw all? Answere. Because he hath mercy on whom he will, and hardeneth whom he will by his most iust iudgemēt, doubtles, because there is no vniustice in God. For who so beleueth, that by one man all are iustly condem­ned, he vnderstandeth, that God shal not be iustly blamed, al­beit he deliuer not one from thence: and therefore that it is his great grace, that many are deliuered, and let them acknow­ledge in them that are not redeemed, what was due to them­selues: that they that reioice, may reioice, not in their owne merites, which they see equall to them that are damned, but in the Lord. Question 3 And why he draweth this man & doth not draw that, his iudgements are vnsearchable and his wayes past fin­ding out. Therefore be vnwilling to iudge of this thing, if thou wilt not erre, saith Augustine in a place vpon Saint Iohn.

CHAP. XV. Other effects of election, i. Iustification and glo­fication: where also is intreated of the perseuerance of the Elect.

The 3. effect of election. Iustification.BVt of vocation inough. I come to the third principall ef­fect of election, to wit, Iustification. For by the testimo­nie [Page 327] of Paul, Whom hee calleth, them hee also iustifieth. And how necessary this benefite is to the elect for the obtaining of their appointed ende of life and heauenly glory, it is mani­fest to euery one. For seeing we are all vnder sinne, and for sinne are guiltie of wrath, and eternall damnation; we cannot see the kingdome of heauen, vnles we be absolued from sins,What it is to be iustified. and accounted iust before God, by the free forgiuenesse of them. And this is nothing els, than to bee iustified as the word is here taken. So Paul Rom. 4. defineth iustification, by the imputation of righteonsnesse: And this he teacheth to consist in the forgiuenes of sinnes, alleaging hereunto the te­stimonie of Dauid, Psalme 32. Blessed are they whose iniqui­ties are forgiuen, and whose sinnes are couered. Blessed is the man, to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne. Iustification diuersly taken in Scripture. Otherwise diuers­ly the word Iustification is taken in the scriptures. For one while it signifieth the acknowledging and declaring of one 1 to be good and righteous, that is, such a one in deed: as that God is said to bee iustified in his sayings: Psal. 58. Luke 6. vers. 29. & 39. And Luke sheweth that the people, when they heard Christ, iustified God. And Christ saith, that wisedome is iustified of her children. Ano­ther while it signifieth to be endued with inherent righteous­nes, by the infusion of new qualities, and by good workes. As Apoc. 22. it is written: He that hurteth, let him hurt as yet, and he that is iust, let him bee iustified as yet. Thirdly, by the proprietie of the Hebrewe tongue, the iudiciall signification as I may say of the word is most vsuall in the sacred Scrip­tures, namely, that to be iustified, is to be absolued from guilti­nes, the word being taken relatiuely, & not noting any quali­tie. So it is vsed Prouerb 17. vers. 15. Isa. 5.23▪ And this sig­nification agreeth with our businesse in hand, seeing the question is of the iustification of a sinfull man before God. Certainely therefore are we iustified of him, when wee, that are in our selues guilty of hell before the iudgement seate of God, are neuerthelesse by his grace discharged from all guil­tines, so that the aduersarie cannot any more condemne: see­ing he reputeth vs freely iust through redemption in Christ Iesu, by faith in his blood, and not of workes.

[Page 328] To him that is iustified, the holy Ghost is giuen to renue his heart, and to stirre him vp to good worksAnd albeit in the iustification of a wicked man, the holie Ghost is withall freely giuen, to renew the heart, and to infuse new qualities, wherby we are stirred vp to the studie of good workes: yet by this newnes, the guiltines of former sinnes is not blotted out, neither are we accepted then for our workes; but it is needfull, that first we be accepted, that our works be­ing vnperfect and defiled, may be able to please him. But to handle these things more specially, it is not now materiall. Furthermore this must bee obserued, that the Apostle teach­eth,Iustification proper to the elect. that this gift of free iustification ariseth of predestination, and he maketh it proper to the elect, after they haue bin par­takers of a diuine vocation. For he saith: Whom he hath prede­stinate, he hath called: and whom he hath called, them he hath also iustified. He saith not (as the spirit of error imagineth) that all, reprobates as well as elect, called, and not called, how many soeuer are of Adam borne sinners, are iustified also in Christ, and receiued into grace, being freed from all sin, and the iudgement of God. And that no doubt may remaine, ex­plaining himselfe, Paul addeth: What shall we say then to these things? If God be for vs, who can be against vs? who spared not his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all. Who shall accuse the e­lect of God? It is God that iustifieth, who shall condemne? to wit, Gods elect. It is Christ who is dead, yea who is also risen a­gaine. We heare of the elect, that iustification is theirs: that Christ for all them was deliuered to death. Their opinion also is withall re [...]elled, that say, that some euen of the number of the reprobates are iustified, but that reconciliation is in them made frustrate. Augustine better agreeth with the meaning of the Apostles saying:Contra Iulian. lib. 5. cap. 3. Those that are not in the number of the predestinate, God brings none of them to sauing and spirituall repentance, whereby a man is reconciled to God in Christ. The like words are in the same author in Soliloquijs, cap. 28.

The fourth ef­fect of electi­on, glorifica­tion.The fourth effect of predestination of the elect followeth, to wit, glorification. For whom he calleth and iustifieth, them he also glorifieth, saith the Apostle. For he vseth verbes of the preter tense for the present tense, according to the Hebrewes [Page 329] maner of speaking. And glorification signifieth the kingdome of the Saints in the heauenly life and withall comprehendeth or presupposeth the gift of perseuerance vnto the end, where­of it is said: He that continueth to the end, shall be saued. Matth. 10. Like hereto are the promises, Ioh. 6. Whatsoeuer the father giueth me, commeth vnto me: and him that commeth vnto me, I will not cast forth. And straightway: This is the will of him that sent me; that whatsoeuer he hath giuen me, thereof I should lose nothing, but that I should raise it vp in the last day. A­gaine, No man commeth vnto me, except the father draw him. And I will raise him vp at the last day. The demonstration is plaine:

Whosoeuer by the drawing of the father commeth vnto Christ, he shall be raised vp by him vnto the resurrection of life.

But all come, who are giuen to Christ, that is, are prede­stinate in him.

Therefore all they shall be raised vp by him vnto the resur­rection of life, that is, they shall be glorified.

And this perseuerance, which I mentioned, is,Perseuerance of the Saints what it is. Rom. 8.35. not to be o­uercome with tēptations, and (as Paul describeth it at large) neither by oppression, nor anguish, nor any other creature to bee separated from the loue of God, but in all things to bee more than a conqueror, through him that hath loued vs. And this is to be noted in this place concerning that great benefit of perseuerance, both that all the elect haue it: and also that they haue it not of themselues, but from another, to wit, from the bountifulnes of Gods grace. As for the former, the testi­monies are plaine. Matth. 24.24. Rom. 8.35. Also 2. Tim. 2.The elect haue it. Matth. 10. The foundation of God standeth sure. Furthermore, when the holy Ghost testifieth that saluation is laid vp for such as per­seuere, and the crowne of life for them that ouercome:Apoc. 2. 2. Tim. 4.8.1 [...]. Ioh. 17. Luk. 22. Aug. de Cor. & gra. cap. 8. they necessarily perseuere, that are elected to raigne with Christ. Thirdly, Christ vniuersally praied for his elect, and was heard, no lesse than it is read that hee praied for Peter, that his faith should not faile. Wherein what did he els pray for, but that he might haue in faith a most free, strong, vnconquerable, [Page 330] and perseuering will? Seeing therefore Christ praieth for the elect, that their faith faile not, it shall continue doubtles vnto the end, neither shall the end of this life finde it otherwise than abiding:Aug. de Cor. & gr. cap. 11. & 12 It is Gods gift, proued by three reasons. as by Peters example Augustine gathereth.

And now that perseuerance is Gods gift, both the feeling 1 of our owne infirmitie, and the multitude of temptations, wherewith daily wee haue to fight in this present wicked age against the deuill, the world, and our owne flesh, compell vs to confesse. Who can bee safe among so many wiles, and swords of the deuill, vnlesse he bee sustained by the hand of God?

2 Aug. de bono pers. cap. 2.Secondly, the testimonies hereof are most euident in the writings of the Prophets and Euangelists. Ierem. 32. saith the Lord, I will put my feare in their hearts, that they may not de­part from me. Which thing what is it else, than, such and so great the feare of me shall bee, that I will put in their hearts, that they shall cleaue vnto me continually? Hos. 2. I will mar­rie thee vnto my selfe for euer in righteousnesse and faith &c. And hee hath married all the true beleeuers vnto himselfe. Ioh. 10. I giue to my sheepe eternall life, neither shall they perish for euer, and no man shall take them out of my hand. My father who gaue them me, is greater than all. Phil. 1. He that hath be­gun in you a good worke, will accomplish it vnto the end.

Thirdly, all the Saints aske perseuerance of God in praier, and in the whole Lords praier almost, when the Saints vse it, no other thing welneere is vnderstood to be requested than perseuerance, specially when we say, Leade vs not into temp­tation, but deliuer vs from euill. And perseuerance should be in vaine desired of God, if hee gaue it not. For it is a meere mockerie, to aske that of God that thou thinkest he doth not giue, but that it is without his gift in the power of man. This is Augustines reason, de bono perseu. cap. 2.

3 It is obiected against perseuerance, that by the witnesse of the sacred Scriptures and experience,Against perse­uerance, the first obiection. 2. Tim. 1. & 4. many fall away from the faith and make shipwrack thereof. Thus they reason: All beleeuers are elect, because as Paul saith, faith is proper to the elect. But some beleeuers doe fall away. Therefore some elect [Page 333] doe fall away. Answere. I answere: What belee­uers fall away. the first proposition is onely true of a iustifying and sauing faith. And that being setled on the foundation, suffereth no man to perish. But many fall away from an historicall and temporary faith, as we call it: while that after they haue imbraced the Gospell, they fall away a­gaine, and cleane to the doctrines of deuils vnder the pre­tence of Christian profession. Thus Chrysostome and Theo­phylact doe expound the testimonies of Paul.

A replie. But,the Scripture calleth such Apostataes the elect of God before their fall. Ephes. 1.4. 1. Pet. 1.1. and 2.9.

This instance is answered by obseruing the doubtfull sig­nification of the word, whereof I gaue warning at the first: to wit,Elect taken two waies. that by elect sometime strictly are meant such as bee foreordained to eternall life: sometime generally, whosoe­uer belong by outward calling to the people of God. For who can denie them to be elect, whom we see professe with vs the same faith and christian conuersion? They bee plainly called and counted elect in the iudgement of charitie, De Cor. & gr. cap 7. of those that know not what they shall be, saith Augustine, and not of him that knoweth them to be without perseuerance, which lea­deth the elect to a blessed life. Hereupon Iohn one of the number of the predestinate, who had sucked this secret out of the Lords breast, pronounceth of such:1. Ioh. 2. They went out from vs, but they were not of vs: for if they had been of vs, they had surely continued. What is this I pray you, they were not of vs? were not both created of God? both borne of Adam? were not both called, and become members of the Church by re­ceiuing of the Sacraments? These things are true, and in re­spect of all these, they were of vs.De bono pers. cap. 3. Why some fall away. Yet in respect of another difference they were not of vs, because they were not called according to the purpose of God: they were not in Christ e­lected before the creation of the world: they had not obtai­ned an inheritance in him:Why back­sliders are a­mong the godly, they were not predestinate ac­cording to the purpose of him who worketh all things. For if they had bin in this state, they had bin of them, and with­out doubt had continued with them. But therefore God mix­eth in the number of his Saints some that be not true Saints, [Page 332] nor shall continue, [...] Cor. 10. least we should be secure. For securitie is not expedient in the temptation of this life for the elect: but he that seemeth to stand let him beware lest he fall.

Further, vnto the assumption of the reason we answer, that euen the true beleeuers and godly,The faithfull and elect fall sometime grie­uously, but they [...]e again. and consequently the e­lect grieuously sometime fall from their profession and Chri­stian life. But partly their faith in their change i [...] rather in a deepe sleepe, than quenched wholly by such falles: partly it is repaired before they die, and the sin which they had com­mitted being forgiuen, perseuerance vnto the end is impu­ted vnto them, as the examples of Dauid and Peter declare. And this is it that the Psalmist singeth:Psalm 37. The righteous if he fall, shall not bee beaten downe, because the Lord vpholdeth his hand.

Obiection 2 For her, familiar exhortations out of the holy Scriptures are obiected, which carrie with them a kinde of threatning, such as these:Apoc. 3. 1. Cor. 10. Holde that thou hast, least another take thy crowne. He that seemeth to stand, let him take heede least he fall. Rom. 11. Art thou ingrafted into the people of God? feare, for if thou continue not, thou shalt also be cut off. These and such like seeme to leaue doubtfully the perseuerance of them, to whō they bee spoken. And they be spoken to all, euen to the elect and godly.

Answere. Two causes why ye church is to take heede least it fall.I answere, that such exhortations are vsuall in the sacred Scriptures, both 1 because in the assemblie of them that be cal­led there be many that shall not perseuere: and also, 2 because it pleaseth God to stirre vp and strengthen his elect to perse­uerance by such helpes against the securitie of the flesh. But here I will stand no longer, because afterwards we shall en­treate more hereof in the immutabilitie of election.

CHAP. XVI. Of the effects of Reprobation.

BVt as the effect of election is not only that grace, where­by wee are here iustified, and furthered to liue well and [Page 333] continue in goodnes, but also whereby we shall be hereafter glorified: So also the effect of Gods reprobation, whereby from euerlasting he by not electing hath reprobated some,Two effects of reprobation, forsaking or hardening to this life, and damnation in the [...]e to come. Lib. 1. ad Mo­ni [...]um, cir [...]a. f [...]m. is considered in two respects: the first, what cleaueth vnto the reprobates in this life: the other, what shall follow and ouer­take them in the world to come. And these are, eternall dam­nation and forsaking, which is also called hardening, and blin­ding, where with the iust God reuengeth the vniust. Hereupon saith Pulgentius: Destruction is well rendered of God vnto e­uill men, who now are iustly forsaken, and hereafter shall be iustly tormented. For in such men God beginneth his iudge­ment by desertion or forsaking them, and perfectly endeth it by tormenting them.

But let vs heare what the Scriptures witnesse of them. Matth. 25. is manifestly shewed,Matth. 25 that God hath not only pre­pared a kingdome, where the good shall reioyce, but also e­ternall fire, where the euill shall be tormented. For he will say to the good, Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from euerlasting: and to the wicked, Goe ye cursed into eternall fire, which is prepared for the deuill and his angels. And chap. 10. of Matth.Chap. 10. Feare not them that kill the bodie, but cannot kill the soule: but rather feare him, who is able to destroy the bodie and soule in hell. 2. Pet. 2.2. Pet. 2. The Lord knoweth to deliuer the godly out of temptation, and to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement to be punished. If there­fore the damnation of hell be the worke of God, he hath also foreknowne, that is predestinated from euerlasting them,Fulgent. lib. 1. & 2. ad Mo [...]. vp­on whom he will inflict the same. For his predestination is the preparation of his workes, which in his eternall decree he did foreknow that he would either in mercie or iustice bring to passe.

Apoc. 20.Apoc. 20. The bookes were opened and iudgement was gi­uen of euery one according to their workes, and he that was not found written in the booke of life, was cast into the lake of fire. What, that the reprobates are called vessels of wrath and prepared for destruction? For to bee a vessell of wrath, as Au­gustine expoundeth, is,Epist. 10 [...]. for a man to be appointed to be punished [Page 334] for sinnes, What a vessell of wrath is. who was created for the benefit of nature. And Ful­gentius saith: Hereunto God formed the vessels of wrath, whereunto he predestinated them, that is, not to sinne, but to de­struction for sinne. Therefore the destruction of them that pe­rish, is the worke of God reprobating them, and therefore it is the effect of reprobation.

Obiection 1 But thou wilt say: Perdition is to bee ascribed to them­selues that perish, as Hos. 13. saith: Thy perdition is of thy self O Israel, but onely in me is thy helpe.

Answere. That is true, speaking of the fault and not of the punish­ment. For they that are damned haue in themselues the fault deseruing damnation, but it is his part to punish, that iudgeth the world, who can tell how to condemne iniquitie, but not to doe it. And this is the meaning of the Prophet, that God doth not punish but for sins, which men haue of themselues: as for deliuerance from sinne it commeth from him freely, Obiection 2 and not for any workes. As Paul also saith: The reward of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesu Christ our Lord.

Those sayings also are wont to bee obiected: God made not death. Wisd 1. &. 2. Eze. 18. Through the enuie of the deuill death came into the world. Againe, I will not the death of him that dieth, &c.

But here with a deafe eare wee must not forget, what else­where wee reade,Eccles. 11. Wisd 16. Deut. 32. that death and life, good and euill come of God. Which shew of contrarietie to take away, we must vn­derstand, that death as well as life may bee vnderstood not two only, but also three maner of waies. For in the first man God created both the soule and flesh also immortall. But while man sinned,Three deaths, of the soule, bodie, and hel. the soule dyed, and that death of the soule, to wit sinne, is the beginning and cause of another double death, corporall and infernall. The sacred Scriptures call it the first and second death. Therfore God made not the death of the soule, because he made not sinne: but the deuill is the author of it by suggesting of sinne: and by consequence he is the author also of the other kindes of death, which arise from sinne, to wit, in respect of the vehement stirring vp of it, and not that he hath power to punish as God hath. Augustine [Page 335] distinctly saith:Cont. Iulian. lib. 7. cap. 7. The deuill, the deceiuer of man is the cause of death, which God inflicted, not as the first author, but as the pu­nisher of sinne.

Some vnderstand the place of the Prophet Ezechiel of that death of the soule, as Fulgentius:I will not the death of a sin­ner. others referre it to the pu­nishment of sinne, vsing the distinction of the will of God, hidden and reuealed. So Luther de ser. arbit. cap. 109. He will not the death of a sinner, to wit, by his word, while by the word of saluation he commeth to all, and so he will haue all men to bee saued. But he willeth the same by his vnsearchable will Which will (saith he in the same booke chap. 107.) is not to be sear­ched into, but with reuerence to be a [...]ored, as the highest secret of Gods maiestie. Againe, He will not the death of him that dieth simply, and as it bringeth destruction, but as it is a punish­ment: for the Lord delighteth not in the perdition of the liuing, Wis [...]. 1.13. as it is written. But he is the punisher of sinners.

Now as touching the matter of forsaking, blinding,Of forsaking, hardening, and blinding. Rom. 9. & 11. and hardening, I will produce a few testimonies of many. Wee reade in the sacred Scriptures: He hath mercie on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth. The elect haue obtained it, but the rest were hardened, as it is written: God hath giuen them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, & cares that they should not heare. See the prophesie of Esay 29. vers. 10. and chap. 6. Goe and say to the children of Israel: In hea­ring ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand: and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceiue: harden the hearts of this people, and make their heires heauie, and smeere ouer their eyes, least they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and vn­derstand with their hearts, and so bee conuerted, and I should heale them. Which prophesie S. Iohn alleadging, affirmeth,Ioh. 12. that the Iewes beleeued not in the Lord, albeit they had seene many signes, neither that they could beleeue, because he had blinded their eyes, and hardened their hearts. To the same vn­beleeuing Iewes the Lord said:Ioh 10. Ye doe not beleeue, for ye are not of my sheepe. My sheepe heare my voyce, and I know them, and they follow me. Againe to his disciples:Matth. 13. To you (saith he) it is giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen: but [Page 336] to others it is not giuen: therefore in parables I speake vnto them.

Neither came it to passe without cause, that in so many hundred yeares before the comming of Christ,Acts 14. no light of sa­uing doctrine was reuealed to the Gentiles: but as Paul wit­nesseth, the liuing God that made heauen and earth, passing ouer the former ages, suffered all nations to walke in their owne waies, vntill the comming of the time of grace he was found of them, that sought him not. And in Israel that was fulfilled that the Prophet saith:Esay 65. All the day long I haue stret­ched out my hands vnto a rebellious and gainsaying people.

By these things it is euident, that they that were not ordai­ned to life, are also reiected from the grace of faith and con­uersion, and are left in their owne obstinacie: while they ei­ther bee depriued of the meanes to heare the word, or else if they doe heare it, are not so called, as that they are become fit to follow it. Wee speake now of totall blinding (as I may so call it) which hath ioyned with it finall impenitencie: and not of euery particular one, which happeneth to the prede­stinate also, whom God now and then before and after their conuersion suffereth to fall into sins, yet so, as all things worke vnto their saluation.

The vse of these things is, that wee may vnderstand what great thankes are to bee giuen to God for his mercie,Aug. ad Simpl. lib. 1. q. 2. The vse of all. who sheweth in the punishment of some, what he freely bestow­eth vpon others.

CHAP. XVII. How God is said to harden and blinde.

IT remaineth now that we consider, how blinding and har­dening of the vngodly is attributed vnto God. For vnlesse this be rightly vnderstood, God shall seeme to bee accused of iniustice, and contrariwise sinners excused, according to the saying: Why is hee yet angrie? for who shall resist his will? [Page 337] Some, to auoide these rockes, doe expound,Diuerse opini­ons of Gods hardening a man. that God harde­neth by permitting onely, and all seeme not to take this per­mission after one sort: some referre it to the long suffering, and lenitie of God, so that he is said to harden when he doth not forthwith chasten sinners: and to haue mercie, when by and by he inuiteth them to repentance by afflictions. Others say, that permission here is the priuation of grace, so that to harden is all one with, not to soften by grace.

The former exposition is referred of Erasmus to Origene and Hierome.Collat. de lib. arbit. De ser. arbit. ca. 139. & seq. But it is confuted by Luther by most strong reasons. For that ouermuch libertie of interpreting, tendeth to confound all things by a new and vnheard of Grammer: as when God saith, I will harde the heart of Pharao, The first opi­nion confuted as false. change­ing the persons, a man should take it, Pharao hardeneth him selfe by my lenitie. God hardeneth our heart, that is, wee har­den our selues, while God deferreth punishment. So, that God sheweth mercie, doth not signifie, to giue grace, to for­giue sinnes, to iustifie, or to deliuer from euils: but contrarily it signifieth to punish, and to chastise. This is nothing else than of mercie to make wrath, of wrath mercie, by an alto­gether crosse kinde of speech. And if then God bee said to harden, when hee doth good, and forbeareth; and to haue mercie, when he afflicteth and chastiseth, then God shall not bee said to haue hardened Pharao, but contrariwise to haue had mercie on him. For what omitted hee in afflicting, cha­stening, and calling Pharao to repentance? These and many other things, saith Luther in that place.

Augustine also reproueth Iulian the Pelagian of an error for this,Lib. 5. cap. 3. that he thought that hardening pertained onely vnto Gods patience, and not to his power, as God did not harden, but by shewing his patient goodnesse, when euils bee done. What is it (saith he) that we daily say: Leade vs not into temp­ration? but that we bee not deliuered ouer vnto our lusts? Doe we happely aske this of God, that his goodnes be not patient to­wards vs? What man in his right wits so meaneth? Because so wee should not call for his mercie, but rather prouoke his anger.

[Page 338] The second o­pinion better, but vnperfect.Their iudgement is somwhat fuller, who albeit they also make mention of permission in this matter, yet they take har­dening for the withdrawing and depriuing of grace. And this is it that is read in Augustine:De pr [...]l. & gra [...]ca. 4. Epist. 1 [...]5.