A new Enterlued for Chyldren to playe, named Iacke Iugeler, both wytte, and very playsent. Newly Imprented.
The Players names.
- Mayster Boungrace
- Dame coye
- Iacke Iugler
- Ienkin careaway
- Ales trype and go
- A galant
- A Gentelwoman
- The vyce
- A Lackey.
- A mayd.
The Prologue.
INterpone tuis interdum gaudia curis
Ut possis animo quemues sufferre laborem
Doo any of you knowe what latine is this
Or ells wold you haue, an expositor [...]m
To declare it in Englyshe, per sensum planiorem
It is b [...]st I speake Englyshe, or ells with in a whylle
I may percace myne owne selfe, with my latin begile.
The two verses, which I rehersid before
I finde writt [...]n, in the boke of Cato the wyse
Emongs good precepts, of lyuing a thousand more
Which to folowe there, he doth all men auise
And they may be Englyshed, breflie in this wyse
Emongs thy carful busines, vse sume time mirth & ioye
That no bodilye worke, thy wyttes breke or noye.
For the mynd (saith he) in serious matters occupied
Yf it haue not sum quiet mirthe, and recreacion
Interchaungeable admixed, must niddes be sone weried
And (as who should saye) tried, through continual operacion
Of labour and busines, without relaxacion
Therfore intermix honest mirthe, in suche wise
That your strēght may be refreshid, & to labours suffis [...]
For as meat and drinke, naturall rest and slepe
For the cons [...]ruacion, and hel [...]h of the bodye
Must niddes be had, soo the mynd and wittes to kepe
Pregnant, freshe industruis, quike and instie
Honest mirthe, and pastime, is requisite and necessarie
For, Quod caret alterna re quie du [...] abile non est
Nothing may endure (saith Ouyd) with out sum rest.
Example, proufe her of in erth is well founde
Manifest open and verie [...] euident
For except the husbandman suffer his grounde
Sum tymes to rest, it wol bere no frute verament
Therfore they lett the filde lye, euerie second yeare
To the end that after rest, it may the better corne beare.
Thus than (as I haue sayed) it is a thyng naturall
And naturallie belonging to all lyuing creatures
And vnto man especiallie, aboue others all
To haue at times cōueniēt pastaūce, mirthe, & pleasurs
So thei be ioyned wt honestie, & keapt wt in due measurs
And the same well allowed not onlye the said Cato
But also ye Pyilosophers, Plutarke, Socrates & Plato
And Cicero Tullius, a man sapient and wyse
willeth the same, in that his fyrst boke
W [...]ich he wrot, and e [...]tytulid, of an honest mans office
Who so is disposid therupon to looke
Wher to def [...]e, and offirme, he boldlie on him tooke
That to here Enterluds, is pastim [...] conuenient
For all maner men, and a thing congruent.
He rekeneth that namelie, as a verie honest disport
And aboue al other thinges, commendeth ye old cōmedie
The hearing of which, may doo the mynd c [...]mfort
For they be replenished with precepts of Philosophie
The conteine mutch wisdome & teache prudēt pollecie
and though thei be al writē of mattiers of non īportaūce
Yet the shew great wit, and mutch pretie conu [...]iaunce.
And in this maner of making, Plautus did [...]xcell
[Page]As recordeth the same Tullius cōmending him bi name
Wherfore this maker deliteth passinglye well
Too folowe his argumentes, and drawe out the same
For to make at seasuns cōu [...]niēt pastims mirth & game
As now he hath dō this matter not worth an oyster shel
Except percace it shall furtune too make you laugh well
And for that purpose onlye this maker did it write
Taking the ground therof out of Plautus first cōmedie
And the fi [...]st scentence of ye same for higher things endite
In no wise he wold, for yet the time is so ques [...]e
That he that speaketh best, is lest thanke worthie
Therfore, sith noting but trifles maye be had
you shal here a thing yt onlie shal make you merie & glad.
And suche a trifling matter as when it shalbe done
Ye may report and saye ye haue hearde nothing at all
Therfore I tell you all, before it be begone
That no man looke to heare of matters substancyall
Nor mattiers of any grauitee either great or small
For this mak [...]r shewed vs that suche maner thinges
Doo neuer well besime litle boyes handelinges.
wherfore yf ye wyl not sowrelie your broues bende
At suche a fantasticall conceite as this
But can be content to heare and see the ende
I woll go shew the Players what your pleasure is
Which to wait vpon you I know bee redie or this
I woll goo sende them hither in too your presence
Desiryng that they may haue quiet audience.
Iake Iugler.
OUr lord of Heuen and swete sainte Ihone
Rest you merye my maist [...]rs euerychone
And I praye to Christ and swete saint Steu [...]n
Send you all many a good euine
And you to syr, and you, and you also
Good euine to you an hundered times & a thousand mo
Now by all thes crosses of fleshe bone and blod
I reckine my chaunce right maruaylus good
Here now to find all this companie
Which in my mynde I wyshed for hartylie
For I haue labored all daye tyll I am werie
And now am disposed too passe the time, and be merie
And I thinke noon of you, but he wolde do the same
For who wol be sad, and nedithe not, is [...]o [...]le to blame
And as for mee, of my mother I haue byn tought
To bee merie when I may, and take no thought
Which leasone, I bare so well awaye
That I vse to make merye oons a daye
And now if all thinges happyn right
You shall see as mad a pastime this night
As you saw this seuen yers? and as propre a ioye
As euer yon saw played of a toye
I am called Iake Iugler, of many an oon
And in faith I woll playe a iugling cast a non
I woll cunger the moull, and god before
Or elles leat me l [...]se my name for euermore
I haue it deuised, and compas [...]ed hou
And what wayes, I woll tell and shew to you
you all know well Maister Boungrace
The gentilman that dwellith here in this place
And Ienkine Carreawaie, his page as cursed a lad
[Page]And as vngracious as euer man had
An vnhappy wage, & as folishe a knaue with al
As any is now, within London wall
This Ienkine and I been fallen at great debate
For a mattier, that fell betwine vs a late
And hitherto of him I could neuer reuenged be
For his maister mantaineth hī, & loueth not me
Albe it the very truth to tell
Nother of thē both, knoweth me not verie well
But against al other boies, the sayd gentle man
Maynteyneth him, all that he can
But I shall set lytle by my wyte
If I do not Ienkine this night requite
Ere I slepe Ienkine shall bee mete
And I trust to cume partlye out of his dete
And whan we mete againe, if this do not suff [...]e
I shall paye Ienkine the residue, in my best wyse
It chaūced me right now in the other end of ye n [...]xt stret
With Ienkine and his mayster, in the face to met
I aboed ther a whylle, playng for to see
At the Buklers, as welbe commed m [...]e
It was not longe tyme, but at the last
Bake cumithe my cos [...]ne Careawaie, homward ful fast
Pricking, Praunsing, and springynge in his short cote
And pleasauntlie synginge, with a mery note
Whyther a waye so fast, tary a whyle sayed oon
I cannot now sayd Ienkine, I must nides bee goon
My maister suppeth herbye, at a gentylmans place
And I must thither feache my dame, maistres boūgrace
But yet er I go, I care not motche
At the bukelers to playe, with thee oon faire toche
To it they went, and played so long
[Page]Tyll Ienkine thought he had wrong
By cokes prceious potstike, I wyll not home this night
Quod he, but as good a stripe oon thie hed lyght
Within halfe an houre, or sume what lese
Ienkine lefte playng, and went to featche his maisteris
But by the waye he met with a Freuteres wyfe
There Ienkine and she fell at suche strife
For snatching of an Apple, that doune he cast
Her basket, and gatherid vp the apples fast [...]
And put them in his sleue, thē came he his waye
By an other lane, as fast as he maye
tyll he came at a corner, by a shoops stall
Where boyes were at Dice, faryng at all
When Careawaie with that good cumpany met
He fell to faryng, withouten let
Forgettyng his message, and so well did he fare
that whan I came [...]ye, he gan swere and stare
And full bitt [...]rlye, began to curse
As oone that had lost, almost all in his purse
For I knowe his olde gise, and condicion
Neuer to leaue, tyll all his mony bee goon
For he hath noo mony, but what he doth stell
And that woll he playe, a waye euery dell [...]
I passed by, and then called vnto my mynd
Sartayde old rekeaninges, that were behynd
Bitwen Ienkine & me, whō partlie to recōpence
I trust by gods grace, [...]re I goo hence
This garments, cape, and all other geare [...]
That now you see, apon me here
I haue doon oon, all lyke vnto his
For the nons, and my purpose is
To make Ienkine, byliue yf I can
[Page]That he is not him selfe, but an other man
For except he hath better loke, than he had
He woll cum hyther, starke staryng mad
Whan he shall cum, I wol handle my captine so
Than he shal not well wot, whether too goo
His Maisteris I know, she w [...]ll him blame
And his Mayster also, wyll doo the same
Because that she, of her supper deceiued is
For I am sure they haue all supped by this
But and if Ienkine, wold hither resort
I trust he and I, should make sum sport
Yf I had sooner spokine, he wold haue sooner been here
For my simithe, I do his voyce heare.
¶ Careawaye.
A syr I may saye, I haue been at a fest
I haue lost .ii. s [...]and syr pence at the [...]est
Mary syr, of this gaynes I nyde make no bost
But the dyuell goo with all, more haue I lost
My name is Careawaie, let all sorow passe
I woll ere too morow night be as rich as euer I was
Or at ye forthest within a day or twaine
Me Maysters purst, shall paye me agayne
Therfor hogh careawaie, now wol I sig [...] hei he [...]
But bi ye lorde now I remembre a nother thing
By my faith Ienkine my Maisteris and thou
At lyke to gree, god knoweth hou
That thou comest not, for her incontinent
To bryng hir to supper, when thou were sent
And now they haue all supped, thou wolt shurlie abye
Except thou imagine, sumpretie and craftye lye
For she is as all other weomen bee
A verie cursed shrew, by the blessid Trinitie.
[Page]And a verye Dyuell, for yf she oons begyne
To fyght, or chyde, in a weke she wol not lyne
And a great pleasure she hath, specyally now of late
To gette poore men, now and then by the pate
For she is an angrye pece of fleshe, and sone displeasyd
Quikely moued, but not lyghtlye appesed
We vse to call her at home, dame Coye
A pretie gingerlie pice, god saue her and saint Loye
As denty and nice, as an halpeny worth of siluer spoons
But vengeable melancolie, in the after noons
She vseth for hir bodylie helth, and safe gard
To chyd daylie oone fite, too supperward
And my Mayster himselfe, is worse then she
If he ons throughlye angeryd bee
And a mayd we haue at home, Aulsoon tripe and goo
Not all London can [...]hewe, such oth [...]r twoo
She simperith, she prankith and getteth with out faylle
As a pecocke that hath spred, and sheweth hir gaye taile
Se minceth, she brideleth, she swimmeth to and fro
She tredith not one here a wrye, she tryppeth like a do
A brode in the strete, going or cumming homward
She quauerith, and ward [...]lith, like one in a galiard
Euerye ioynt in her bodye and euerie part
Oh it is a ioylie wenche to myns and deuyd a fart
She talketh, she chatteth like a Pye all daye
And speaketh like a parat Poppagaye
And that as fine, as a small silken threede
Ye and as high as an Eagle can fle for a neade
But it is a spitfull lying girle, and neuer well
But whan she may sum yll ta [...]l by me tel
She woll I warrant you, a non at the first
Of me immagine, and saye the worst.
[Page]And what soeuer she to my maisteris doth saye
It is writen in the gosspell of the same daye
Therfore I woll here with my selfe deuise
What I may best say, and in what wise
I may excuse this my long taryeng
That she of my negligence may suspect n [...]thyng
For if the faulte of this be found in mee
I may giue my life for halpenis three
Hic cogitab [...]ndo similis sedeat.
Let me [...]lodie this moneth, and I shall not fiend
A b [...]lt [...]r deuise then now is cume to my mynd
Maistries woll I saye, I am bound by my dutie
To see that your womanhod haue no iniurie
For I heare and see, more then you now and then
And your selfe partlie know the want in wyles of men
When wee came yender, there dyd I see
My mayster kisse gentilwomen tow or three
And to come emongs others my thought bysye
He had a myruayllus great phantasye
A non he commaundyd me to run thens for you
To cume supe there if you wold but I wot not how
My hart grudgid mistrusting lest that I being awaye
My maister wold sum light cast playe
Wher vpon maistries, to se the ende
I tarried halfe supper time so god me mende
And besydes that there was such other compainye
As I know your maistrisship setteth nothing by
Gorges daines of the corte and galaunts also
with doctours, and other rufflers mo
At last whan I thought it tyme and seasune
I cam too certifie you as it was reasune
And by the way whome should I mete
[Page]But that most honest Gentilman in the stret
Which the last wike was with you here
And made you a banket, and bouncing cheare
Ah Ienkin ꝙ he good spid how farest thou
Mary wel god yld it you m [...]ster ꝙ I how do you
How dothe thy maisteris is she at home
Ye syr ꝙ I and suppeth all a lone
And but she hath noo maner good chere
I am sure she wold gladlye haue you there
I cannot cum now sayd he I haue busines
But thou shalt carie a tokine from me to thy maistreis
Goo with me too my chaumbre at yone lane end
And I woll a dishe of costerds vnto hyr send
I folowid him, and was bolde by your leaue
To receiue and bring them here in my sleue
But I wold not for all Englond by Ihesu Chryst
That my maister Boungrace herof wyst
Or knew that I should any such geare to you bring
Lest he misdeme vs both in sum worse thyng
Nor shew him nothyng of that I before sayed
For then in dyd syr I am arayed
Yf you doo I may nothing herafter vnto you tell
whether I se mi master doo ill or well
That if you now this counsaile kepe
I wol ease you parchaunce twise in a wike
you may saye you wer sike and your hed did ake
that you lu [...]ed not [...]his night any supper make
Speciallye with out the dores but thought it best
too abyde at home and take your rest
And I wyll to my maister too bryng hym home
For you know he wolbe angrie if he come alone
this most I saye and fa [...]e it so well
[Page]That she shall beleue it euerye dell
Hou saye you frinds, by the armes of Robyn hood
Wol not this excuse be resonable good
To muse for any beeter, great foly it is
For I may make sure reke [...]ning of this
That and if I wold sit sto [...]ing this .vii. yere
I shall not ells find how to saue me all clere
And as you see [...]or the most part our witts be best
When wee be takyne most vnrediest
But I wol not giue for that boye a flye
That hath not al tymes in store one good lye
And cannot set a good face vpon the same
Therfore saint Gorge y• boroue, as it wol let him frame
I woll ieopard a ioynt, be [...] as bee maye
I haue had many lyke chaunces, before this daye
But I promise you I do curstlie feare
For I feel a vengeable burning in my left ere
And it hath byn a saying, of tyme long
That swete mete woll haue soure sauce among
And surelye I shall haue sum ill hape
For my here standith vp vnder my cape
I would knocke but I dare not by our ladye
I feare hanging where vnto no man is hastie
But seing there is no nother remedie
Thus to stand any longer it is but folye.
Hic pulset ostium.
They bee soo farre with in, the cannot heare
¶Iacke Iugler.
Soft thy knoking saucie knaue, what makest thou there
Ienkene Careawaie.
What knaue is that? he speaketh not too me I trowe
And we mete the one of vs is lyke to haue a blowe
[Page]For nowe that I am well chafed, and sumwhat hote
twentye suche could I hewe as small as fleshe to rote
And surelie if I had a knyfe
This knaue should escape hardelye with his lyfe
To teache him to aske of me any more
What I make at my owne maistirs doore
¶Iacke Iugler
But if thou come from that gate thou knaue
I woll fet thee by the swet lookes so god me saue
Ienkine Careawaie
Woll the horesoon fyght in dede by myn honestie
I know no quarell he hath too me
But I wold I were with in the house
And then I wold not set by hym a louse
For I feare and mistrust suche quareling thiues
See how he beginnith to strike vp his fleues
¶Iacke iugler
His arse makith buttens now, and who lustith to feale
Shall find his hart creping out at his heele
Or ells lying hiden in sum corner of his hose
Yf it be not alredie dropped out of his nose
For as I doubt not but you haue hard beforne
A more dastard couerd knaue was neuer borne
Ienkin Careawaie
The diuell set the house a fier, I trowe it is a curste
When a man [...]ath most hast he spedith worst
Yf I bee robed, or slayne, or any harme geate
The fault is in them that dothe not me in lete
And I durst ieoperd, an hunderīd pounde
That sum bauderie might now within be founde
But except sum of them come the soner
I shall knocke suche a peale, that al englond shal wō [...]er
¶Iake iugler
[Page]Knoke at the gate hardelye agayne if thou dare
And seing thou wolt not bye faire words beware
Now fistes, me thinketh yesterdaye .vii. yers past
That four men a sleepe at my fete you cast
And this same day you dyd no maner good
Nor were not washen in warme blod
Ienkin Careawaie
What whorson is this that washith in warme blod
Sum diuell broken loose, out of hell for wood
Four hath he slayne, and now well I see
That it must be my chaunce the fift to bee
But rather then thus shamfullye too be slayne
wold Christ my frends had hanged me being but yers .ii
And yet if I take good hart and be bolde
Percace he wolbe more sobre and coulde
¶Iake iugler
Now handes bestur you about his lyppes and face
And streake out all hi [...] teth without any grace
Gentelma [...] are you disposed to eare any fist mete
Ienkin Careawaye
I haue supped I thanke you syr and lyst not to eate
Geue it to them that are haungrie if you be wyse
¶Iacke iugler.
Yet shall do a man of your d [...]et no harme to suppe twise
This shalbe your Chise, to make your merdigest
For I tell you thes handes weighith of the best
Ienkin Careawaye
I shall neuer escape see how he waghith his handes
¶Iacke iugler
with a stroke they wyll lay a [...] in our ladye b [...]an [...]
And this day yet they haue done no g [...]d at all
Ienkine Car [...]awaye
[Page]Ere yu assaye thē on mee, I praie thee lame thē on ye wal
But speake you all this in earnest, or in game
Yf yo [...] be angrie with me trulye you are to blame
For haue you any iust quarell to mee
¶Iake iugler
Eer thou and I parte that wol I shew thee
Ienkin Careawaye
Or haue I doone you any maner displeasure
¶Iake iugler
Ere thou and I parte thou shalt know, y• maist besure
Ienkin Careawaye
By my faith yf thou be angrie without a cause
You shall haue a mendes made with a cople of straus
By thee I sette what soeuer thou arte
But for thy displeasure I care not a farte
May a man demaund whose seruant you bee
¶Iacke iugler
My maisters seruaunt I am for veritie
Ienkin Careawaye
what busynes haue you at thys place now
Iacke iugler
Nay mary tell me what busynes hast thou
For I am commaunded for to watche & giue diligence
That in my good maister Boungraces absence
Noo misfortune may happen to his house sertayne
Ienkin Careawaye
well now I am cume, you may go hens agayne
And thanke them yt somuch for my maister hath doone
Sewing them yt the seruants of y• house be cume home
For I am of the house, and now in woll I goo
¶Iacke iugler
I cannot tell whether thou be of the house or noo
[Page]But goo no nere, lest I handle thee like a strainger
Thanke no man but thy selfe, if thou be in any daunger
¶Ienkine Careawaye
Marye I defye thee, and planly vnto thee tell
That I am a seruaunt of this house, and here I dwell
Iacke iugler
Now soo god me snache, but thou goo thee waies
Whille thou mayest, for this fortie d [...]yes
I [...]hall make thee not able to goo nor ryde
But in a dungcart or a whilberow liyng on on syde
¶Ienken Careawaie
I am a seruaunt of this house by thes .x. bons
Iacke iugler
Noo more prating but geat thee hens at towns
Ienkin Careawaye
Why my mayster hath sent me home in his message
Iacke iugler
Pike and walke a knaue, here a waye is no passage
¶Ienkin Careawaie
What wilt thou let me from my nowne maistirs house
[...]Iacke iugler
Be tredging, or in faith you [...]ere me a souse
Here my mayster and I haue our habitacion
A [...]d hath continually dwelled in this mansyon
At the least this doos [...]n yers and od
And here wol we end our lyues by the grace of god
¶Ienkin Careawaye
Why then where shall my maister and I dwell
Iacke iugler
At the Dyuell yf you lust, I can not tell
¶Ienken Careawaye
In nomine patris, now this geare doth passe
[Page]For a litel before supper here our house was
And this day in ye morning I wol on a boke swer
That my maister and I both dwelleyd here
¶Iake iugler
Who is thy mayster tell me with out lye
And thine owne name also let me knowe shortlie
For my maysters all, let me haue the blame
Yf this knaue kno his master or his owne name
My maisters name is maister Boungrace
I haue dwelled with him a longe space
And I am ienkin Careawaye his page
¶Iake iugler.
What ye drunkin knaue begin you to rage
Take that, art thou maister Boungracis page
Yf I be not, I haue made a verye good viage
¶Iacke iugler.
Darest thou too my face saye thou art I
I wolde it were true and no lye
For then thou sholdest smart, and I should bet
Where as now I do all the blowes get
¶Iacke iugler
And is maister Boungrace thy maister doest y• [...]hen saye
I woll swere on a booke, he was ons this daye
¶Iacke iugler
And for that thou shalt sum what haue
Beca [...]se thou presumest, like a saucye lying knaue
To saye my maister is thyne? who is thy maister now?
[Page]By my trouthe syr who so euer please you
I am your owne, for you bete me soo
As no man but my mayster sholde doo
Iake iugler
I woll handle thee better if faut be not in fyst
Helpe saue my life maisters for ye passion of christ
Iacke iugler
Why thou lowsy thefe doest thou crye and rare
No fayth I woll not crye one whit more
Saue my lyfe helpe, or I am slaine
Iacke iugler
Ye doest thou make a romeringe yet a gayne
Dyd not I byde the holde thy peace
In faith now I leaue crieng, now I sease helpe, helpe,
¶Iacke iugler
Who is thy maister
Mayster Boungrace
¶Iacke iugler
I woll make the chaung ye song, ere wee pas this place
For he is my maister, and a gaine to see I saye
That I am his ienkin Careawaye
Who art thou now tell me plaine
Noo bodye, but whome please you sertayne
Iacke iugler
Thou saydest euen now thy name was Careawaie
I crye you marcy syr, and forgiuenes praye
I said a mysse because it was soo too daye
And thought it should haue continued alwaies
[Page]Like a fole as I am and a dronken knaue
But in faith syr yee se all the wytte I haue
Therfore I beseche you do me no more blame
But giue me a new maister, and an other name
For it wold greue my hart soo helpe me god
To runne about the stretes like a maisterlis nod
¶Iake iugler
I am he that thou saydest thou were
And maister boungrace is my maister yt dweleth heare
thou art no poynt Careawaye thi witts do thee faylle
Ye mary syr you haue bette them doune into my taylle
But syr myght I be bolde to saye on thyng
Without any bloues, and without any beatynge
¶Iake iugler
Truce for a whyle say one what thy lust
May a man too your honeste by your woord trust
I pray you swere by the masse you woll do me no yll
¶iacke iugler
By my faith I promise pardone thee I woll
What and you kepe no promise. Ia iugler, then vpō ca [...]
I praie god light as much or more as hath on y• to daye
Now dare I speake so mote I thee
Maister boungrace is my maister, and the name of mee
is ienken careaway, iacke iugler. What saiest thou soo
And yf thou wilt strike me, and breake thy promise, doo
And beate on mee, tyll I stinke, and tyll I dye
And yet woll I still saye that I am I
¶iacke iugler
[Page]This bedlem knaue without dought is mad
No by god for all that I am a wyse lad
And can cale to rememberaunce euery thynge
That I dyd this daye, sithe my vprisynge
For went not I wyth my mayster to daye
Erly in the morning to the Tenis playe?
At noone whyle my maister at his dynner sate
Played not I at Dice at the gentylmans gate
Did not I wayte on my maister to supper ward
And I thīke I was not chaūged y• way hōward
Or ells if thou thinke I lye
Aske in the stret of them that I came bye
And sith that I cam hether into your presens
what man lyuing could carye me hens
I remember I was sent to fetche my maisteris
And what I deuised to saue me harmeles
Doo not I speake now is not this my hande
Be not these my feet yt on this ground stand?
Did not this other knaue her knoke me about ye hede?
And beat me tyll I was almost dede?
How may it then bee, that he should bee I?
Or I not my selfe it is a shamfull lye
I woll home to our house, whosoeuer say naye
For surelye my name is ienkin Careawaye
¶Iacke Iugler.
I wol make thee say otherwise ere we depart if we can
¶Ienkin Careawaye
Nay that woll I not in faith for no man
Except thou tell me what I thou hast doone
Euer syth fiue of the cloke this after noon:
Reherse me all that with out anye lye
[Page]And then I woll confesse that thou art I
Iacke iugler
When my maister came to the gentylmās place
He cōmaunded me too rune home a great pace
Too fet thyther my maisteris and by the waye
I dyd a good whyle at the bukelers playe
Then came I by a wife that did costerds sell
And cast downe hir basket fayre and well
And gathered as many as I could gete
And put theim in my sleue here they bee yet
How the diuell should they cume there
For I dyd them all in my owne sleue bere
He l [...]eth not a worde in all this
Nor dothe in any one poynt myse
For ought I se yet betwene erneste and game
I must go sike me a nother name
But thou mightest see al this, tel the rest that is behind
And there I know I shal thee a lyer fynd
Iacke iugler
I ran thence homeward a contrarye waye
And wheth [...]r I stoped there or naye
I could tell if me lusteth a good token
But it may not very well be spoken
Ienkin Careawaye
Noo may I praye thee let no man that here
But tell it me priuelye in mine ere
Iacke iugler
I thou lost all thy mony at dice christ geue it his curse
wel and truelye pycked before out of an other mās p [...]rse
¶Ienken Careawaie
Godes bodye horeson thefe who tolde thee that same
[Page]Sum cunning diuell is with in thee payne of shame
In nomine patris, god and our blessed ladye
Now and euermore saue me from thy cumpanye
¶Iacke iugler
How now art thou Careawaye or not
By the lorde I doubte, but sayest thou nay to that
Iacke iugler.
Ye mary I tell thee care awaye is my name
And by these tene bones myne is the same
Or ells tell me yf I be not hee
What my name frome hensforth shall bee
iacke iugler
By my fayth the same that it was before
Whan I lust too be Careawaye no more
Looke well vpon me, and thou shalt see as now
That I am ienkyne Careawaye and not thou
Looke well a pon me, and by euerye thyng
Thou shalt well know that I make no leasing.
I se it is soo without any doubte
But how the dyuell came it a boute
W [...]o soo in England lokethe on him stedelye
Sall perceiue plainlye that he is I
I haue sene my selfe a thousand times in a glasse
But soo lyke myselfe as he is neuer was
He hath in euerye poynt my clothing & mi geare
My hed, my cape, my shirt and notted heare
And of the same coloure, my yes, nose and lyppes
Muche [...] nea [...]e, feete, leges, and hippes
Of the same statute, and hyght and age
[Page]And is in euery poynt maister Boungrace page
That if he haue a hole in his tayle
He is euen I myne owne selfe without any faile
And yet when I remembre I wot not how
The same mā yt I haue euer bine me thinkith I am now
I know mi maister, & his house, & my fiue witts I haue
Why then should I giue credence to this folishe knaue
That nothing entendith but me delude and mooke
For whom should I feare at my masters gate to knoke
Iacke iugler
Thinkest t [...]ou I haue sayde all this in game
Goo or I shall send the hens in the dyuills name
A voyde thou lousye lurden & precious stinking slaue
that n [...]ther thi name knowest nor canst ani maister haue
wine shakin, pilorye peepours, of lice not wtout a pecke
Hens or by gods precious I shall breake thy necke
¶ Careawaye
Then mayster I besiche you hartylye take the payne
Yf I be found in any place too bringe me to me againe
Now is not this a wonderfull case
That no man should lease him selfe soo in ony place
Haue any of you harde of suche a thyng here to fore
No nor neuer shall I dare saie from hensforth any more
¶Iacke iugler
whyle he museth an iudgeth him selfe apon
I wo [...]l stele a waye for a whyle and let him a loon
Good lorde of heuine, where dyd I my selfe leaue
Or who did me of my name by the waye bereue
For I am sure of this in my mynde
That I dyd in no place leue my selfe byhinde
Yf I had my name played a waye at dyce
[Page]Or had sold my selfe to any man at a pryce
Or had made a fray and had lost it in fyghtyng
Or it had byne stolne from me sleaping
It had byne a matter and I wold haue kept pacience
But it spiteth my hart to haue lost it by suche open negligence
Ah thou horesone drousie drunken sote
Yt were an almes dyde to walke thy cote
And I shrew him that wold for thee be sorye
Too see thee well curryed by and by
And by Chryst if any man wold it doo
I my selfe wold helpe there too
For a man may see thou horesone goose
Thou woldest lyse thyne arse if it were loose
Albeit I wolde neuer the dyde beleue
But that the thing it selfe doth shewe and pryue
There was neuer Ape so lyke vnto an Ape
As he is to me in feature, and shape
But what woll my maister say trow ye
When he shall this geare here and see
Wyl he know me thinke yo [...], when he shal se me
Yf he do not a nother woll as good as he
But where is that other I? whether is he gon
To my mayster by cock [...]s precius passion
Eyther to put me out of my place
Or too accuse me to my maister Boungrace
But I woll after as fast as I can flee
I trust to be there as soone as hee
That yf my mayster be not redye home to come
I woll be here agayne as fast as I can rune
I [...] any wyse to speake with my maysteris
Or ells I shall neuer escape hanging dubtles
Dame Coye
[Page]I shall not suppe this night full wel I see
For as yet noo bodie [...]umithe for to fet me [...]
But good ynough let me alone
I woll bee euen with theim euery chone
I saye nothing, but I thinke sum what I wis
Sum ther bee that shall here of this
Of al vnkind & churlishe husbands this is ye cast
To let ther wyues se [...] at home and fast
While they bee forth and make good cheare
Pastime, and sporte, as now he doth there
But yf I were a wyse woman, as I am a mome
I shold make my selfe as good chere at home
But if he haue thus vnkindlye serued mee
I woll not forget it this monethis three
And if I west ye fault were in him, I pray god I be ded
But he shoulde haue suche a kyrie, ere he went too bed
As he neuer had before in all his lyfe
Nor any man ells haue had of his wy [...]e
I wolde rate him and shake him after such a sorte
As sholde be to him a corrasiue, full lytle to his cumforte
A [...]s trippe and goo
Yf I may be so bolde by your ma [...]sterishps lyeens
As too speake and shew my mynde and sentence
I thinke of this you may the boye thanke
For I know that he playeth you many a lyke pranke
And that wolde you saye, yf you knew as mu [...]ch as wee
That his daylye conuersacion and byhauiore s [...]e
For yf you comm [...]d him to goo speake with sum one
Yt is an houre ere he wolbe gone
Then woll he rune forth, and playe in the strete
And cume a gaine and say that he cannot with him mete
Dame Coye
[Page]Naye, naye, it is his maisters playe
He seruithe me soo almost euerye third daye
But I wolbe euen with him as god geue me ioy
And yet the fault may be [...] in the boye
As vngracious a graft [...] met I thriue
As any goeth on goddes g [...]d a [...]yue
My witte is breched insuche a brake
That I cannot deuise what way is best to take
I was almost as fare as my maister is
But then I begane to remember [...]his
And to cast the worst as on in [...]ere
[...]f he chaunce to see mee and kepe me there
Til he cum him selfe, & speake with mi masteris
Than am I lyke to bee in shrewd dystres
yet were I better thought I to turne hom again
And fyrst speake with her certayne
Cockes bodie yonder she standeth at the dore
Now is it wourse then it was before
Wold christ I could get againe out of hir sight
For I see be her looke she is disposid to fyght
Bi ye lord she hath ther an angrie shrewes lo [...]e
Dame coye
Loe yender cumithe that vnhappye hooke
God saue you maysteris doo you know me well
Dame coye
Cume nere hither vnto mee, and I shall thee tell
Why thou noughtie vyllan is that thy gyse
To gest with thy maisteris in suche wise
take that to begyne with, and god before
when thy maister cumith home thou shalt haue more
[Page]For he told me when he forth wente
That thou shouldest cume bake a gaine inconfinente
To brynge me to supper where he now is
And thou hast plaid by the waie, & thei haue don bi this
But no force I shall thou mayst trust mee
Teache all naughtie knaues to beware by thee
For sothe maisteris yf you knew as much as I
ye woulde not be with me halfe so angrie
For the faulte is neither in mi maister nor in me nor you
But in an other knaue that was here euen now
And his name was ienkin Careawaie
Dame coye
What I see my man is disposid to playe
I wine he be dronken or mad I make god a vou
Nay I haue byn made sobre and tame I now
I was neuer so handelid before in all my lyfe
I would euery man in England had so beat me his wife
I haue forgotten with tousing by the here
What I deuised to say a lytle ere
Dame coye
Haue I lost my supper this night through thi negligēce
Nay then wer I a knaue misteries, sauing your reuerēce
Dame coye
Why I am sure that by this time it is doone
Ye that it is more then an our agone
Dame coye
And was not thou sent-to feache mee theyth [...]r
[Page]Yes and had cume right quiklie hither
But that by the waye I had a gret fall
And my name, body shape legges and all
And meat with one, that from me did it [...]elle
But be god he and I sum bloues dyd deale
I wolde he were now before your gate
For you wold poumile him ioylile about the pate
Dame Coye
Truelye this wage [...]astie is either drunken or mad
Neuer man soffred so mutche wrong as I had
But maisteris I should saye a thinge to you
Tary it wol cum to my remembrence euen now
I must nidd [...]s vse a substanciall premeditacion
For the matter lyeth gretylie me a pon
I besiche your maisterishipe of pardon and forgiuenes
Desyering you to impute it to my simple & rude dul [...]nes
I haue forgotten what I haue thought to haue sayed
And am therof full ill a paied
But whan I lost my selfe I knew verie well
I lost also that I should you tell
Dame Coye
Why thou wrechid villen doest thou me scorne and moke
To make me to these folke a laufyng stocke
Ere thou go out of my handes y• shalt haue sum thynge
And I woll rekine better in the mornynge
And yf you bete mee maysteris a vise you
For I am none of your seruaunts now
That other I is now your page
And I am no long [...]r in your bondage
Dame Coye
[Page]Now walke precious thife get thee out of my syght
And I charge thee cum in my presens no more this night
Get thee hens and wayte on thy maister at ons
¶ Careawaie
Mary syr this is handeling for the noons
I wold I had byn hanged before y• I was lost
I was neuer this canuased and tost
That if my maister on his part also
Handle me as my maisteris and the other I do
I shall surelye be killed bitwine theim thre
And all the diuels in hell shal not saue me
But yet if the other I might haue wt me parte
All this wold neuer greue my harte
Iacke iugler
Hou saye you maisters I pray you tell
Haue not I requited my marchent well
Haue not I handelyd hym after a good sort
Had it not byne pytie to haue lost this sporte
A none his maister on his behalphe
You shall see how he woll handle the calphe
yf he throughlye angered bee
He woll make him smart so mot I thee
I wold not for the price of a new payre of shone
That any parte of this had bynne vndune
But now I haue reu [...]nged my quarell
I woll go do of this myne apparell
And now let Careawaye be Careawaye againe
I haue done with that name now certayne
Exc [...]pt perauenture I shall take the selfe same wede
Sum other tyme agayne for a like cause and nede
Why then darist thou to presume too tell mee
[Page]That I know is no wyse possible for to bee
Now by my truth master I haue told you no lie
And all these folkes knowith as well as I
I had nosooner knoked at the gate
But straight wayes he had me by the pate
Therfore yf you bet me tyll I fart & shyt againe
you shall not cause me for any payne
But I woll affirme as I said before
That when I came nere a nother stode at ye dore.
Why ye naughtye villaine darest yt affirme to me
that which was neuer sene nor hereafter shalbe
That one man may haue too bodies & two faces
And yt one man at on time may be in too plaeis
Tell me drankest thou any where by the waye
I shreue me if I drāke any more thē twise to day
Tyll I met euen now with that other I
And with him I supped and dranke truelye
But as for you yf you gaue me drinke and meat
As oftentymes as you do me beat
I were the best fed page in all this Cytie
But as touchyng that, you haue on me no pitye
And not onlye I but all that do you sarue
For meat and dry [...]ke may rather starue
What you saucye malyp [...]rt knane
Begine you with your maister to prat andraue
your tonge is lyberall and all out of frame
I must niddes coung [...]r it and make it tame
wher is ye other Careawai [...] thou said was here
[Page]Now by my chrystendome syr I wōt nere
Why canst thou fynde no man to moke but mee
¶ Careawaye
I moke you not maister soo mo [...] I thee
Euerye word was trew that I you tolde
Nay I know toyes and pranke of olde
And now thou art not satisfyed nor content
Without regarde of my biddinges and commaūdiment
To ha [...]e plaied by the waie as a leude knowe & negligēt
When I thee on my message home sent
But also woldest willinglye me delude & moke
And make me to all wyse men a laughyng stoke
shewing me suche thinges as in no wise be maie
To ye intent thy leudues mai turne to iest & play
Therfore if yu speake any such thing to me agaīe
I promyse it shalbe vnto thy payne
Loo is not he in myserable ca [...]e
That sarueth suche a maister in any place
that with force wol compel him ye thing to denie
That he knoweth true, and hath sine wt his ye
Was it not troiest thouthine owne shadoe
My shadoo could neuer haue beten me soo
Why by what reason possible may suche a thyng bee
Nay I maruael and wonder at it more than ye
[Page]And at the fyrst it dyd me curstelye mea [...]e
Nor I wold myne owne yes in no wyse belyue
Untyll that other I beate me soo
That he made me beliue it whither i wold or no
And if he had your selfe now within his reache
He wold make you say so too or ells be shite your breach
¶Maister Boungrace
I durst a good mede, and a wager laye
That thou laiest doune and sleppest by the waie
And [...]remidall this that thou haste me tolde
Daye there you lye master if I might be so bold
But we ryse so erlye that yf I hadde
I hadde doone well and a wyse ladde
yet mayster I wolde you vnder stood
T [...]at I haue all wayes byn trusty and good
And flye as fast as a bere in a cage
When so euer you sende me in your message
in faythe as for this that I haue tolde you
I sawe and felte it as waking as I am nowe
For I had noo soner knocked at the gate
But the other I knaue had mee by the pate
A [...]d I durst to you one a boke swere
That he had byn watching for mee there
Longe ere I came hyden in sum pryuye place
E [...]en for the nons too haue me by the face
Maister boungrace
Why then thou speakest not with my wyfe
¶ Careawaye
No that I dyd not mai [...]ter by my lyfe
Untyll that other I was gone
And then my maister [...]s sent me after a no [...]e
[Page]To waight on you home in the dyuelles name
I wene the dyuell neuer so beate his dame
Maister boungrace
And where became that other Careawaye
By myne honestie syr I cannot saye
But I warrant he is now not far hens
He is here amonge this cumpany for .xl. pens
Maister boungrace
Hence at tonce sike and smell him out
I shall rape thee on the lying knanes snought
I woll not bee deludyd with such a glosing lye
Nor giue credens tyll I see it with my oune iye
Trulye good syr by your maistershipps fauoure
I cannot well fynd a knaue by the sauoure
Many here smell strong but none so ranke as he
A stronger sented knaue then he was cannot bee
But syr yf he be happelye founde anone
What a mēds shal I haue for yt you haue me don
Maister boungrace
If he may befound I shall walke his cote
Ye for our ladi sake syr I bisiche you spare hī not
For it is sum false knaue withouten doubt
I had rath [...]r thē .xl. pens we could find him out
For yf a man maye beliue a glase
Euin my verie oune selfe it was.
And here he was but euyn right now
And steped a waye sodenlie I wat not how
Of such a other thīg I haue nether hard ne sene
By our blyssyd lady heauen q [...]ene
Maister boungrace
[Page]Plainelye it was thy shadow that thou didest se
For in faith the other thyng is not possible to be
Yes in good faith syr by your leaue
I know it was I by my apples in my sleue
And speakith as like me as euer you harde
Suche here, such a Cape, such Hose and cote
And in eueri thing as iust as .iiii. pens to a grot
That if he were here you should well see
That you could not discern nor know hī frō me
For thinke you that I do not my selfe knowe
I am not so folishe a knaue I trowe
Let who woll looke him by and by
And he woll depose vpon a boke that he is I
And I dare well say you woll saye the same
For he called hym selfe by my owne name
And tolde me all that I haue done
Sith fyue of the cloke this after none
He could tell when you were to supper sete
you send me home my maisteris to fete
And shewed me al thinges that I dyd by ye waie
What was that
How I dyd at the Bukelers playe
And whā I scaterid a basket of apples frō a [...]al
And gethered them into my sleue all
And how I played after that also
Thou shalt haue by therfore so mote I go
Is that the guise of a trustie page
[Page]To playe when he is sent on his maisters message
Dame coye
Laye on and spare not for the loue of chryst
Ioll his hed to a post, and fauoure your fyste
Now for my sake swete hart spare & fauoure your hand
[...]nd lay him [...] about the rybbes with this wande
Now marcy that I aske of you both twaine
Saue my lyfe and let me not be slayne
I haue had beting ynough for one daye
That a mischife take the other me Careawayne
That if euer he cume to my handes agayne
I wis it shalbe to his payne
But I maruayll greatlye by our lorde Ihesus
How he I escapid, I me beat me thus
And is not he I an vnkind knaue
That woll no more pytie on my selfe haue
Here may you see, euidentlye ywis
That in him me no drope of houestie is
Now a [...]ngaūce light on suche a churles knaue
That no more loue toward my selfe haue
Dame coye
I knew verye wel swite hart & saied right now
That no fault therof should be in you
No truelye good h [...]dfelow, I were then mutch vnkinde
yf you at any tyme should be out of my mynde
Dame Coye
Surelye I haue of you a great treasure
For you do all thinges which may be to my pleasure
I am sory that your chaunce hath now byne so yll
[Page]I wolde gladly byne vnsupped, soe you had your fyll
But goo we in pigesnie that you may suppe
you bane cause now to thanke this same hange vppe
For had not he byne you had faryd very well
Dame Coye
I bequeth him wt a hot vengaunce to the diuell of hell
And hartelye I besiche him that hanged on the rode
That he neuer eate nor drynke, that may do him good
And that he dye a shamefull dethe sauing my cheryte
I pray god send him suche prosperitie
That hath caused me to haue all this busines
But yet syrs you see the charitye of my maistris
She liueth after a wonderfull cheritable facion
For I assure you she is alwayes in this passion
And scacelye on daye throughout the hole yere
She woll wyshe any man better chere
And sum tyme yf she well angred bee
I pray god (woll she saye) y• house may sinke vnder mee
But maysters yf you happen to see that other I
As that you shall it is not verye likelye
Nor I woll not desyre you for him purposelye to looke
For it is an vncomperable vnhappye hooke
And if it be I, you might happin to seeke
And not fynd me out in an hole weeke
For whan I was wonte to rune a waye
I vsed not to cum a gayne in lesse thā a moneth or tway
Houbeit for all this I thinke it be not I
For to shew the matter in dyde trulye
I neuer vse to rune awaye in wynter nor in vere
But all wayes in suche tyme and season of the yere
When honye lyeth in the hiues of Bees
[Page]And all maner frute falleth from the trees
As Apples, Nuttes, Peres, and plummes also
Wherby a boye maye liue a brod a moneth or two
This cast do I vse I woll not with you fayne
Therfore I wonder if he be I sertaine
But and if he be, and you mete me a brod by chaunce
Send me home to my waister with a vengaunce
And shew him if he cume not ere to morowe night
I woll neuer receyue him agayne if I myght
And in the meane time I woll giue him a grote
That woll well and thryftelye walke his cote
For a more vngracious knaue is not euen now
Bytwene this place and Calycow
Nor a more frantike mad knaue in bedelem
Nor a more folle hence to Iherusalem
That if to cume agayne, parcace he shall refuse
I woll continew as I am and let hym choose
And but he cum the soner by our lady bright
He shall lye without the dores all nyght
For I woll shit vp the gate, and get me to bede
For I promisse you I haue a very gydie hede
I nede no supper for this nyght
Nor wolde eate no meat though I myght
And for you also maister I thinke I best
you go to bede, and take your rest
For who of you had byn handelid as I haue ben
wold not be long out of his bede I ween
No more woll I but stele out of s [...]ght
I praye god geue you all good nyght
And send you better hape, and fortune
Thē to lesse your selfe home ward as I haue don
Sumwhat it was sayeth the prouerbe olde
That the Catte winked when here iye was out
That is to say [...] no tale can be tolde
But that sum Englyshe maye be piked therof out
yf so to serche the laten & ground of it men wil go aboute
As thi [...] [...] enterlud yt before you hath bine rehersed
May signifie sum further meaning if it be well serched
Such is the fashyon of the worlde now a dayes
That the symple innosaintes as deluded
And an hundred thousand diuers wayes
By suttle and craftye meanes shamefullie abused.
And by strength force, and violence oft tymes compelled
To beliue and saye the moune is made of a grene c [...]se
Or ells haue great harme, and parcace their life lese
And an olde saying it is, that most tymes myght
Force, strength, power, & colorable subtlete
Do the oppre [...]se, dybare, ouercum and defeate ryght
Though yt cause stand neuer so greatlye against equite
and ye truth therof be knowē for neuer so y it cert [...]ntye
ye & the pore semple innocent yt hath had wrong & in [...]uri
Must cal ye other his good maister for shewing hym such marcye
And as it is daylie syne for fere of ferther disprofite
He must that man his best frende and maister call
Of whome he neuer receiued any maner benefite
And at whose hand he neuer han any good at all
And must graunt, affirme, or denie, what so euer he shall
He must saye the Croue is whight, yf he be so cōmaūded
ye and that he him selfe is into a nother body chaunged
He must aske forgeuenes, where he did not d [...]part
Or ells be in troble, care and meserye with out ende
And he cast in sum arrierage, without [...]y gra [...]e
And that thing he sawe done before his [...] [...]ace
He must by compulsion, sufelie de [...]e
And for feare whether he woll or not [...] tonge [...]
And in euerye faculte, this thing is put in [...]
And is so vniuersall that I nede no one to name
And as I fere is like euermore to endure
For it is in all faculties a coniuryie sports and game
The weker to saie as yt strōger biddeth, or to haue [...]lai [...]
As a cunning sophist woll by argument bring to passe
That the rude shal confesse, and gra [...] himselfe an [...]
And this is ye daylie exoe [...]e, and practise of their scoles
And not emongs them onlie, but also emong all others
The stronger to compell and wake [...]ee [...]e symple foles
To say as they commaund them in all maner matiers
I woll name none particular, but set them all togithers
with out any exception, for I praye you shewe me one
Emonges al in the worlde that vsethe not suche fasion
He that is stronger and more of power and might
Yf he be disposed to reuenge his cau [...]
woll sone pike a quarell be it wronge b [...] right
To the inferior and we [...] for a [...] of straues
And woll agaynst him so extremelie lay the lawes
That he wol put him to the worse, other by false iniurie
Or by some craft and subtelete, or ells by plaine teranie
As you sawe right now, by example playne
An other felowe being a counterfeat page
Brought the gentylmans seruaunt out of his brayne
And made him graunt ye him selfe was fallen in dotag [...]
Bary [...]g him selfe in haud that he dyd rage
And when he could not bryng that to passe by reason
He made him graunt it, and saye by compulsyon
Therfore happy are they that can beware
Into whose handes they fall by any suche chaunce
which if they do, they hardlye escape care
Troble, Miserye, and wofull greuaunce
And thus I make an end, cōmitting you to his gidaū
That made, & redemed vs al, and to you yt be now hert
I praye god graunt, and send many a good newe yere.
¶Imprinted at London in Lothbury by me Wyllyam Copland.