A most excellent new Ballad, of an olde man and his wife, which in their olde age and misery sought to their owne children for succour, by whom they were disdained & scornfully sent away succourlesse, and how the vengeance of God was iustly shewed vpon them for the same.

To the tune of Prissilla.
IT was an old man, which with his poore wife,
in great distresse did fall:
They were so feeble with age God wot
they could not worke at all
A gallant sonne they had
which liued wealthily
To whom they went with full intent,
to ease their misery
Alack and alas for wo,
Alack and alas for wo.
¶ A hundred miles when they had gone
with many a weary step
at length they saw their sonnes faire house
which made their harts to leape:
They sate them on the greene
their shoes and hose to trim
And put cleane bands about their necke
gainst they should enter in. Alack &c.
¶ Vnto the doore with trembling ioynts
when this olde couple came
The woman with a shaking head
the olde man blind and lame
Ful warily they did knocke
fearing for to offend
at last their senne doth frowningly come, Alack, &c
vnto them in the end.
Good folks qd he what would you haue here
me thinkes you are too bolde
Why get you not home to your country
now you are olde and Lame
With that they both replied
wish sorrow care and griefe
Héere are we come to thee our sonne
for succour and reliefe. Alack, &c.
¶ This is thy father gentle sonne
and I thy louing mother
That brought thee vp most tenderly,
and lou'd thee aboue all other
I bore thée in this wombe
these brestes did nourish thée
And as it chaunst I often daunst
thee on my tender knée. Alack, &c.
And humbly now we doe thée intreat,
my deare and louing sonne
That thou wilt doe for vs in our age
as we for thée haue done
No, no, not so he said
your sute is all in vaine
Tis best for you I tell you true
to get you home againe. Alack &c.
The world is not now as when I was born
all things are growne more deare:
My charge of Children is not smal
as plainely doth appeare
The best that I can doe
will hardly them maintaine:
Therefore I say be packing away,
and get you home againe. alack, &c,
The olde man with his hat in hand
full many a leg did make.
The woman wept and wrong her hands
and prayd him for Christ his sake:
Not so to send them back,
distressed and vndone
But let vs lie in some barne here by
quoth she my louing sonne Alack &c,
¶ By no meenes would he thereto consent,
but sent them soone away,
Nuoth he you know the perill of Lawe
if long time here you stay:
The stockes and whipping poast
will fall vnto your share
Then take you heede and with all spéed
to your country do repaire. Alack, &c.
¶ Away then went this woful olde man,
full sad in heart and minde
With weeping teares his wife did lament
their sonne was so vnkinde.
Thou wicked child quoth they
for this thy cruell deede:
The Lord send thee as little pittie,
when thou dost stand in neede. Alack &c.
¶ His children hearing his father set
his parents thus at nought
In short time after to haue his lands
his death they subtilly wrought
What cause haue we quoth they
more kindnes to expresse
Then he vnto his parents did,
in their great wretchednes Alack, &c.
¶ They murdered him in pittifull sort
they wayde not his intreates:
The more he prayd impassionately
the greater were his threates
Speake not to vs quoth they,
for thou the death shalt die:
and with that word with Dagger & sword
they mangled him monsterously Alack &c.
When they had got his siluer and golde
according to their minde
They buried him in a stinking ditch
where no man could him finde:
But now behold and see
Gods vengeance on them all:
To gaine that gold their couzen came,
and slew them great and small. alack &c.
¶ He came amongst them wt a great club,
in dead time of the night:
Yea two of the sonnes he brained therwith,
and taking of his flight
The murderer taken was,
and suffered for the same:
Deseruedly for their cruelty,
this vengeance vpon them came.
Alack and alas therefore,
Alack and alas therefore.

At London printed for W. B.

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