An exhortation vnto prayer, thoughte mete by the kinges ma­iestie, and his clergy, to be read to the people in euery church afore pro­cessyons.

Also a Letanie with suffrages to be said or song in the tyme of the said pro­cessyons.

[coat of arms or blazon]

FORASMVCHE as prayer is the veray true meane ordeyned of al­mightie god, and taught vs playn­ly in his holy word, wherby not onely we may, but also by gods holy cōmandement be bounden to haue a recourse and a refuge for helpe and ayde of almightie god our heauenly father, not onely in all our necessities, and tribulations of this world, but also vniuersally in all our affai­res and businesses, what soeuer shalbe fall vnto vs, orels what soeuer thing we shall enterprise or take in hand. And forasmuch also as our father in heauen, of his mere mercie and infinite [Page] goodnes, hath bounden him self by his owne free promise, and certified vs of the same, by his owne sonne, our onely sauiour and lorde CHRIST IESV, in his gospel, that what soeuer we shall aske of him, we shall haue it, so that we aske such thinges, and in suche sorte, as we ought to doo. For these causes good christian people, beynge thus grounded vpon the sure foun­dation of goddis holie & blessed word, which can not deceiue vs, We are here at this time gathe­red togither, to make our comon prayer to our heauenly father. But nowe good christian peo­ple that by the true vse of praier we may obteine and enioye his gratious promise of aidé, com­forte [Page] and consolation, in al our affayres and necessities, two thinges, concerning prayer, are specially to be learned. The first is, to knowe, for what thynges we ought to make our request and petition in our praier. The second is, in what wise we shuld make our prayer, in suche sorte as it may be acceptably hearde, and graciously graunted of our heauenly father.

¶ As for the first, we ought in­stantly to aske of our heauenly father, his holy and blessid spi­rite, godly wisedome, faith, cha­ritie, and to feare and dreade him, and that his holy name in al thingis, and euery where tho­rough al the hole world may be glorified, that his kyngedome [Page] maye come vnto vs, that is to saye, that here he may reigne in vs, by the faith of his welbelo­ued sonne our sauiour IESV CHRIST, and after this lyfe also to reigne in vs, and ouer vs euerlastingly in glorye.

We ought to pray, that his bles­sed wyl may be fulfylled here in this world emōges vs his mortall creatures, as it is of his immortall angels, and of al the holy company of the heauenly spirites. We muste pray for our dayly breade, that is, for our ne­cessary fode and sustenāce bothe of body and soule. Of body, as meate, drinke, and necessary ap­paraile, peace, helthe, and what soeuer god knoweth to be neces­sary for the behofe and conser­uation [Page] of the same, that we may do to our lorde god true seruice therwith, euery man in his state and vocation, wherevnto god hath called hym. Of the soule, as the word of god, and the true knowledge of the same, the true conseruation of our heauenlye fathers holy and blessid cōman­dementis, the liuely bread of the blessed body of our sauiour Ie­su Christe, the holy and sacrate cuppe of the precious and bles­sed bludde, whiche was shed for vs vpon the Crosse, to purchase vs pardon and forgyuenes of our synnes. Furthermore we must pray for the forgiuenes of our synnes, that our heauenly father wyll be mercyfull vnto vs, and forgyue vs our synnes [Page] bothe many and great, wherby we offende againste his infinite goodnes, as we do forgiue the offences of them that offend vs. whiche, howe great so euer they appere vnto vs, yet in compari­son of the offences that we do a­gainst god, they be bothe small and fewe. We muste pray, that oure heauenly father suffre vs not to be ledde into temptation, for without his continuall aide and protection, we are but weke and soone ouerthrowen. Our gostely ennemy is stronge, vio­lent, fierse, subtyll, and exceding cruell. And therfore we muste cōtinually pray, with all instāce that in al his assaultes we may be deliuered by the mighty hāde of our heauenly father, from al [Page] euyll. Fynally, and before all thing, as saint Paule exhorteth vs in the fyrst epistle to Timo­the, Let vs make our prayers, and supplycations, rendrynge and gyuyng of thankes for all men, and namely for kynges, princis, and al other set in chief dignitie and high roumes, that by theyr godly gouernāce, their true faithfull and diligent exe­cution of iustice and equitie vn to all their subiectes, our hea­uenly father may be gloryfied, the common welth may be daily promoted and increased, and that we al, that are theyr subie­ctes, may liue in peace and qui­etnes, with al godlines and vertue, and our christen princis & heades in vnitie and concorde [Page] emonges them selfes, euer cal­lyng vppon theyr heauenly fa­ther, whiche is the king of all kynges, and the lorde of all lor­des, which shall iudge without respecte of persone, accordynge to euery mās doing or workes, at whose hande the weake shall take no wronge, nor the mygh­ty may not by any power escape his iuste iudgement. That our princes I say, thus calling vp­pon theyr heauenly father for grace, maye euer in all their af­faires be directed and gouerned by the holie spirite of god, and bothe rule, and be ruled, by his holy feare, to their owne endles ioye, comforte, and consolation, and to theyr owne euerlastyng saluation, thorough our saui­our [Page] Iesus Christ.

AND here specially let vs pray for our moste dere and so­ueraigne lorde the Kynges ma­iesty, who dothe not onely study and care dayly and hourely for our prosperitie and wealth, but also spareth not, to spende his substance and treasure, yea re­dye at all tymes to endaunger hym self for the tender loue and fatherly zeale, that he bereth to­warde this his realme, and the subiectes of the same. Who at this present tyme hath taken v­pon hym the great and dange­rous affayres of warre. Lette vs praye, that it may please al­myghty god, lorde of hostes, in whose handes is onely wealthe and victorie, mercifully to assyst [Page] him, sending his holy angell, to be his succour, keper, & defen­der frō all his aduersaries, and from all euyls. Let vs pray for our bretherne, that bende them selfes to batail for goddis cause and our defence, that god maye grant them prosperous successe, to our comfort, and the increase of his glory. Let vs praye for our selfes that remain at home, that almyghty god defende vs from synne, sickenes, derth, and all other aduersyties of bodye and soule.

The seconde thynge to be ler­ned, concernynge praier, is to know, howe we shal make true prayer, so that it may be graci­ousely harde, and mercyfully graunted of oure heauenly fa­ther. [Page] Fyrst of al we must, vpon consideration of our heauenly fathers mercy and goodnes to­wardes vs, and of his euerla­styng trueth, and free promyse made vnto vs in his owne holy worde, conceyue a full affiance hoope and trust: and that without waueryng or doubtfull mi­strustyng, eyther in his trueth, his goodnes, or in his almigh­tie power, certainely assuring our selfe, that both of his omnipotencie, he may do what soeuer shall please his goodnes, and also for his infinite goodnes, and fatherlye affection towarde vs, that he woll both here and graunt al our lauful and godly requestes, after that measure, sort, and degree, as he of his in­finite [Page] and incomprehensible wis­dome knoweth the thynge to be moost mete, moost conuenient, and behofeful both for his own glorye and honour, and for the profit, behoufe, and commoditie of vs his children.

Furthermore also it is neces­sarily requyred to that, that our prayer may be acceptable vnto our heuenly father, to haue cha­ritie, and brotherly loue betwixt neighbour and neighbour, and towarde all our euen christen. So CHRISTE him selfe tea­cheth vs, sayinge, whan you stande to praye, forgyue, if you haue any dyspleasure agaynste any personne: that your father, whiche is in heauen, maye for­giue you. It is a true saying [Page] that saint Augustine sayeth: There is no good fruicte, no good deede, no good woorke, whiche springeth not out of the roote of charitie. And saincte Paule teacheth plainely, that where as charitie lacketh, no­thyng can auayle vs.

And moreouer we must in our prayer, be ware of vayne glory and prayse of man, outwardly shewing a great pretence of ho­lynes, and being vayne of true godlynes inwardly, onely to haue the commendation of men before the world. for if we so do, we shall lose the reward and be­nefit of our prayer, as our saui­our CHRIST saieth his owne selfe. We must take hede also, that we thincke not the vertue [Page] of prayer, to consiste in multi­plying of many wordes with­out faythe and godly deuotion, thynckyng as the heathen doth, that for our many wordes or moche speking, we shalbe herde of our heauenly father. Who so euer doth thinke so, he shall de­ceyue him selfe. for god doth not regarde neither the swete sound of our voice, nor the great num ber of our woordes, but the er­nest feruentnes and true fayth­ful deuotion of our hartes. Fy­nally we muste beware in our praier of that common pestilent infection, and venemefull poy­son of all good prayer, that is to say, when our mouthe pray­eth, and our hartes praye not. Of the whiche the prophete E­saie [Page] complayneth sore. And our sauyour in saynte Mathewes gospel rebuketh the pharisees, for the same, saying thus: O hi­pocrites, Esaie the prophet pro­phected well vppon you, when he sayde thus: This people dra­weth nighe me with theyr lyp­pes, but their hartes are farre from me, that is to saye, they speake with their tongue and lippes, the wordes of praier, but in theyr harte, they mynde no thyng lesse then they speake, as that the goodnes of the prayer stode in the outwarde speking onely of the woorde, and not in the inwarde, true and faythfull request of the harte. And to the intent therfore your hartes and lyppes maye god together in [Page] praier, it is verye conuenient, and moche acceptable to god, that you shuld vse your priuate prayer in your mother tongue, that you vnderstandyng what you aske of god, may more er­nestly & feruētly desyre the same your hartes & myndes agreing to your mouthe and woordes. Wherfore let vs eschewe (good people) in our prayers, al the a­fore rehersed vices, for elles we shall not obteine our petitions, and requestes, but contrarye wyse we shall hyghly displease god and greuously offende him. Therfore good Chrystian bre­therne, seynge we are come to­gyther to praye, let vs do it ac­cordyng to our bounden duetie, and as it ought to be done. Let [Page] vs truly praye with a faithfull harte, and a sure affiaunce of our heauenly fathers infinite mercy, grace, and goodnes? let vs make our prayers, beyng in loue and charitie with all and euery one of our neighbours, e­uer hauing in our herte an er­nest request and desyre of those godly benefyttes, which are ap­pointed in goddes worde, that we shulde pray for, and yet not prescribing vnto god, either the tyme, place, measure, or degree of his gracious benefittes, but holly committing our selues to his blessed wil and pleasure, re­ceyuyng in good woorthe, and with thankes giuinge, what so euer, and when so euer, it shall please his gracious goodnes, [Page] to bestowe his gracious gyftes vpon vs. Let vs also fournishe and beautifie this our prayer, that it may plese god the better, and delite the eares of our hea­uenlie father, with fasting and holsome abstinence, not onely from all delicious liuing in vo­luptuouse fare, and from all ex­cesses of meate and drinke, but also to chastyse and kylle the synfull lustes of the bodye, to make it bowe and redy to obey, vnto the spirituall mocions of the holye gooste. Let vs also furnish it with almes dede, and with the woorkes of mercie and charite. For praier is good and acceptable vnto god, when it is accompanied with almose de­des, & with the workes of mercy, [Page] as the holy man Thobye sayth, with the whiche, and vsyng the vertues afore rehersed, and also eschewyng dyligently the fore­sayde vices, our prayers shalbe of muche price and value, as was the prayers of Hely, Da­nyel, & Moyses, before our hea­uenly father, and that for our sauiour Jesus Chrystes sake, whiche hathe redemed vs with his preciouse bloude, and hathe signed & sealed vs vp to euer­lasting life. To whom both now and euer, with his father and the holy goost, be glorie and honour without ende.


AS THESE holye prayers and suf­frages folowynge, are sette furthe of most godly zeale for edifying and stir­ring of deuotion of al true faythfull christen hartes: so it is thought conueniente in this cōmune prayer of procession to haue it set furthe and vsed in the vulgar tungue, for stirringe the people to more deuotion: and it shalbe euery christen mās part, reuerntly to vse the same, to the honour and glory of al­mighty god, and the profit of their own sou­les. And such among the people, as haue vo­kes, and can reade, may reade them quietely and softly to them selfe, and suche as can not reade, let them quietly & attentifely gyue au­dience in tyme of the said prayers, hauynge their mindes erect to almighty god, & deuout­ly praying in theyr hartes, the same petitions which do entre in at their eares, so that with one sounde of the hart, and one accord, God may be glorified in his churche.

And it is to be remembred, that that whi­che is printed in blacke letters, is to be sayde or songe of the priest with an audible voice, that is to say, so loude and so playnly, that it maye well be vnderstande of the hearers: And that which is in the redde, is to be answered of the quiere sobrely and deuoutely.

[Page] O GOD, the father of heauen, haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners.

O god, the father of heauen, haue mercy vppon vs myserable synners.

O god, the son, redemer of the world, haue mercy vpon vs mi­serable sinners.

O god, the son, redemer of the world, haue mercie vpon vs mi­serable sinners.

O god, the holy goost, proce­ding from the father and the son, haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners.

O god, the holy ghoste, proce­dyng from the father and the son, haue mercie vppon vs miserable synners.

O holye, blessed, and glorious [Page] trinitie, one God, haue mercy vpon vs miserable sinners,

O holy, blessed, and glorious trinitie, one god, haue mercy vp­pon vs myserable synners.

Saint Mary, mother of god our sauiour Iesu Christe, Pray for vs.

All holy aungels and archan­gels, & all holy orders of bles­sed spirites, Pray for vs.

All holy patriarkes, and pro­phetes, apostels, martyrs, con­fessours, and virgins, and all the blessed company of heauen, Pray for vs.

Remembre not lorde, our of­fences, nor the offences of our forefathers, neyther take thou vengeance of our sinnes, spare vs good lord, spare thy people, [Page] whom thou haste redemed with thy most precious bloud, and be not angrye with vs for euer. Spare vs good lorde.

From all euyll and mischief, from sinne, from the craftis and assautes of the deuyll, from thy wrathe, and from euerlastynge dānation, Good lord delyuer vs.

From blyndnes of hart, from pryde, vaynglory, and hypocri­sy, frome enuy, hatred, and ma­lice, and all vncharitablenes, Good lorde deliuer vs.

From fornication, & al deadly synne, and from all the deceites of the worlde, the flesshe, and the deuil, Good lorde deliuer vs.

From lightnyng and tempest, frome plage, pestilence, and fa­mine, frome battayle and mur­der, [Page] and frome sodayne deathe, Good lorde deliuer vs.

From all sedition and priuey conspiracy, from the tyranny of the byshop of Rome, and all his detestable enormities, from all false doctrine and heresy, from hardnes of hart and contempte of thy word and cōmandement, Good lorde delyuer vs.

By the mystery of thy holy in­carnation, by thy holy natiuitie & circuncision, by thy baptisme, fastyng, and temptation, Good lorde delyuer vs.

By thyne agonie and bluddy sweat, by thy crosse and passion, by thy precious deathe and bu­riall, by thy glorious resurrec­tion and ascension, by the com­myng of the holy goste, [Page] Good lorde deliuer vs.

In all time of our tribulation, in all tyme of our wealthe, in the houre of deth, in the day of iugement, Good lord delyuer vs.

¶ We synners doo beseche the to heare vs, O lorde god, and that it may plese the to rule and gouerne thy holy churche vny­uersall in the right way. We be­seche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may plese the to kepe HENRY the. VIII. thy seruant & our kyng and gouernour, We beseche the to here vs good lord.

That it may please the to rule his hart in thy faithe, feare, and hole, that he may euer haue af­fiance in the, and euer seeke thy honour and glory, We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

[Page] That it maye please the to be his defendour and keeper, gy­uyng hym the victorye ouer all his ennemies, We beseche the to here vs good lorde.

That it may please the to kepe our noble quene CATHERINE in thy feare and loue, gyuynge her increase of all godlynes, ho­nour, and children, We beseche the to here vs good lorde.

That it may plese the to kepe and defende our noble prynce EDVVARD, and al the kynges maiesties chyldren, We beseche the to here vs good lorde.

That it may please the to illu­minate all bishoppes pastours and minysters of the churche, with true knowlege and vnder­standyng of thy word, and that [Page] both by theyr preaching and ly­uyng, they may set it forthe and shew it accordingly, We beseche the to here vs good lorde.

That it maye please the to en­due the lordes of the counsaile, and al the nobilitie, with grace, wysedom, & vnderstandyng, We beseche the to here vs good lord.

That it maye plese the to blesse and keepe the magistrates, gy­uyng them grace to execute iu­stice, and to maynteyne truthe, We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may plese the to blesse and kepe all thy people, We be­seche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may please the to gyue to all nations vnitie peace and concorde [Page] we beseche ye to here vs good lord.

That it may please the to giue vs an harte, to loue and dreade the, and diligently to lyue after thy cōmandementes, We besech the to heare vs good lord.

That it may please the to giue all thy people increase of grace, to here mekely thy word, and to receyue it with pure affection, and to bring forthe the fruites of the spirite, We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may plese the to bring into the way of truthe, all suche as haue erred & ar deceiued, we beseche the to here vs good lord.

That it maye please the to strengthen suche as do stande, and to comforte and helpe the weake harted, and toraise vp [Page] them that fall, and fynally to beate downe Satan vnder our fete. We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may please the, to suc­cour helpe and comfort all that be in daunger necessitie and tri­bulation, We beseche the to here vs good lorde.

That it may please the to pre­serue all that trauaile by lande or by water, all women labou­ryng of chyld, all sycke persons and yong children, and to shew thy pitie vpon al prisoners and captiues, We beseche the to here vs good lord.

That it maye please the to de­fend & prouide for the fatherles children and wydowes, and all that be desolate & oppressed, we [Page] beseche the to here vs good lord.

That it maye plese the to haue mercy vpon all men. We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it maye please the to for­giue our enemies, persecutours and sclanderours, and to turne their hertes, We beseche the to heare vs good lorde.

That it may please ye to giue to our vse the kindly fruites of the erthe, so as in due tyme we maye enioy them: & to preserue thē. We be seche the to here vs good lord.

That it may please the to giue vs true repentance, to forgyue vs all our sinnes, negligences and ignorances, and to endue vs with the grace of thy holy spirite, to amende our lyues ac­cording to thy holy word, We be­seche [Page] the to here vs good lorde.

Sonne of god, we beseche the to heare vs.

Sonne of god, we beseche the to heare vs.

O lambe of god, that takest a­waye the synnes of the worlde, Graunt vs thy peace.

O lambe of god, that takest a­way the synnes of the worlde. Haue mercy vpon vs.

O Christ, heare vs.

O Christ he are vs.

Lorde haue mercy vpon vs.

Christe haue mercy vpon vs.

Lorde haue mercy vpon vs.

Our father whiche arte in hea­uen. with the residue of the Pater noster.

And suffer vs not to be ledde into temptation.

But delyuer vs from euyll. Amen.

[Page] The versicle.

lorde, deale not with vs af­ter our synnes.

The answere.

Neyther rewarde vs after our iniquities.

Let vs pray.

O GOD, mercyfull father, that dispisest not the sigh­ing of a contrite harte, nor the desyre of suche as be sorowfull, mercifully assiste our prayers, that we make before the in all our troubles and aduersities, when so euer they oppresse vs.

And graciousely heare vs, that those euyls, which the craft and subtiltie of the deuyll or manne worketh against vs, be brought to nought, and by the prouidere of thy goodnes, they may be di­spersed, [Page] that we thy seruauntes, being hurt by no persecutions, maye euermore gyue thankes vnto the, in thy holye churche, through Iesu Christ our lorde.

O lord, arise, helpe vs, and deli­uer vs for thy honour.

O god, we haue hearde with our cares, & our fathers haue de clarid vnto vs the noble workis that thou diddest in their daies, and in tholde time before them.

O lord, arise, helpe vs, and deli­uer vs for thy names sake.

O lory to the father, the sonne, and to the holy goste, as it hath ben from the beginning, is, and shalbe euer world without end. Amen.

From our enemies defend vs, O Christe.

[Page] Graciousely looke vppon oure afflictions.

Pitifully beholde the dolour of our harte.

Mercyfully forgyue the synnes of thy people.

Fauourably with mercy heare our prayers.

O sonne of Dauid haue mercy vppon vs.

Both nowe and euer vouche­saufe to here vs Christ.

Graciousely here vs, O Christ, Graciousely heare vs, O lorde Christe.

The versicle.

O lorde, let thy mercie be she­wed vpon vs.

The answere.

As we do put our truste in the.

[Page] Let vs pray.

WE humbly beseche the, O father, mercifully to loke vpon our infirmities, & for the glorie of thy name sake tourne from vs all those euilles, that we moost rightuously haue de­serued. Graunt this o lord god, for our mediatour and aduo­cate Jesu Christes sake. Amen.

O God, whose nature & pro­pertie is euer to haue mer­cy, and to forgyue, receyue our humble petition, & though we be tied and bounde with the chaine of our synnes: yet lette the pitifulnes of thy great mer­cye leuse vs, for the honour of Jesus Christes sake, ourmedia­tour and aduocate. Amen.

[Page] ALMIGHTY and euer ly­uynge god, whyche onely workest great meruailes, sende downe vpon our bysshops and curates, and al congregations, commytted to their charge, the healthfull spirite of thy grace, and that they may truely please the: powre vpon them the con­tynuall dewe of thy blessynge. Graunte this (O lorde) for the honour of our aduocate & me­diatour Jesu Christe. Amen.

WE beseche the, O lorde, to shewe vpon vs thyne exceding great mercy, which no tongue can woorthily expresse, and that it may please the to de­liuer vs from al our sinnes, and also from the paynes, that we [Page] haue for them deserued. Graunt this, o lord, thorough our medi­atour & aduocate Jesu Christ. Amen.

GRAVNT, we beseeche the, O almyghty god, that we, in our trouble put our hole confidence vpon thy mercy, that we may against al aduersitie be de­fended vnder thy protection. Grant this, O lord god, for our mediatour and aduocate Jesu Christis sake. Amen.

ALMIGHTY god, whiche A prayer of Ch­sostome. haste gyuen vs grace at this time with one accorde, to make our cōmune supplicatiōs vnto the, and dost promise, that whan two or thre be gathered in [Page] thy name, thou wilt graūt their requestes: fulfyll nowe, O lord, the desires and petitions of thy seruantes, as may be most expe­dient for them, graūting vs in this worlde knowledge of thy trueth, and in the world to come lyfe euerlasty ng. Amen.

IMPRINTED at London in Plete­strete, by Thomas Berthelet printer to the kinges highnes, the. XXVII. day of May, the yere of our Lorde. M. D. XLIIII.

Cum priuilegio ad imprimen­dum solum.

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