Anglo-Saxon poetic records
1. Genesis
Krapp, 1931 1-87; Krapp, G.P., The Junius Manuscript, ASPR 1 (New York).Us is riht micel ðæt we rodera weard,
wereda wuldorcining, wordum herigen,
modum lufien! He is mægna sped,
heafod ealra heahgesceafta,
frea ælmihtig. Næs him fruma æfre,
or geworden, ne nu ende cymþ
ecean drihtnes, ac he bið a rice
ofer heofenstolas. Heagum þrymmum
soðfæst and swiðfeorm
sweglbosmas heold,
þa wæron gesette wide and side
þurh geweald godes wuldres bearnum,
gasta weardum. Hæfdon gleam and dream,
and heora ordfruman, engla þreatas,
beorhte blisse. Wæs heora blæd micel!
þegnas þrymfæste þeoden heredon,
sægdon lustum lof, heora liffrean
demdon, drihtenes dugeþum wæron
swiðe gesælige. Synna ne cuþon,
firena fremman, ac hie on friðe lifdon,
ece mid heora aldor. Elles ne ongunnon
ræran on roderum nymþe riht and soþ,
ærðon engla weard for oferhygde
dwæl on gedwilde. Noldan dreogan leng
heora selfra ræd, ac hie of siblufan
godes ahwurfon. Hæfdon gielp micel
þæt hie wið drihtne dælan meahton
wuldorfæstan wic werodes þrymme,
sid and swegltorht. Him þær sar gelamp,
æfst and oferhygd, and þæs engles mod
þe þone unræd ongan ærest fremman,
wefan and weccean, þa he worde cwæð,
niþes ofþyrsted, þæt he on norðdæle
ham and heahsetl heofena rices
agan wolde. þa wearð yrre god
and þam werode wrað þe he ær wurðode
wlite and wuldre. Sceop þam werlogan
wræclicne ham weorce to leane,
helleheafas, hearde niðas.
Heht þæt witehus wræcna bidan,
deop, dreama leas, drihten ure,
gasta weardas, þa he hit geare wiste,
synnihte beseald, susle geinnod,
geondfolen fyre and færcyle,
rece and reade lege. Heht þa geond þæt rædlease hof
weaxan witebrogan. Hæfdon hie wrohtgeteme
grimme wið god gesomnod; him þæs grim lean becom!
Cwædon þæt heo rice, reðemode,
agan woldan, and swa eaðe meahtan.
Him seo wen geleah, siððan waldend his,
heofona heahcining, honda arærde,
hehste wið þam herge. Ne mihton hygelease,
mæne wið metode, mægyn bryttigan,
ac him se mæra mod getwæfde,
bælc forbigde. þa he gebolgen wearð,
besloh synsceaþan sigore and gewealde,
dome and dugeðe, and dreame benam
his feond, friðo and gefean ealle,
torhte tire, and his torn gewræc
on gesacum swiðe selfes mihtum
strengum stiepe. Hæfde styrne mod,
gegremed grymme, grap on wraðe
faum folmum, and him on fæðm gebræc
yrre on mode; æðele bescyrede
his wiðerbrecan wuldorgestealdum.
Sceof þa and scyrede scyppend ure
oferhidig cyn engla of heofnum,
wærleas werod. Waldend sende
laðwendne here on langne sið,
geomre gastas; wæs him gylp forod,
beot forborsten, and forbiged þrym,
wlite gewemmed. Heo on wrace syððan
seomodon swearte, siðe ne þorfton
hlude hlihhan, ac heo helltregum
werige wunodon and wean cuðon,
sar and sorge, susl þrowedon
þystrum beþeahte, þearl æfterlean
þæs þe heo ongunnon wið gode winnan.
þa wæs soð swa ær sibb on heofnum,
fægre freoþoþeawas, frea eallum leof,
þeoden his þegnum; þrymmas weoxon
duguða mid drihtne, dreamhæbbendra.
Wæron þa gesome, þa þe swegl buað,
wuldres eðel. Wroht wæs asprungen,
oht mid englum and orlegnið,
siððan herewosan heofon ofgæfon,
leohte belorene. Him on laste setl,
wuldorspedum welig, wide stodan
gifum growende on godes rice,
beorht and geblædfæst, buendra leas,
siððan wræcstowe werige gastas
under hearmlocan heane geforan.
þa þeahtode þeoden ure
modgeþonce, hu he þa mæran gesceaft,
eðelstaðolas eft gesette,
swegltorhtan seld, selran werode,
þa hie gielpsceaþan ofgifen hæfdon,
heah on heofenum. Forþam halig god
under roderas feng, ricum mihtum,
wolde þæt him eorðe and uproder
and sid wæter
geseted wurde
woruldgesceafte on wraðra gield,
þara þe forhealdene of hleo sende.
Ne wæs her þa giet nymþe heolstersceado
wiht geworden, ac þes wida grund
stod deop and dim, drihtne fremde,
idel and unnyt. On þone eagum wlat
stiðfrihþ cining, and þa stowe beheold,
dreama lease, geseah deorc gesweorc
semian sinnihte sweart under roderum,
wonn and weste, oðþæt þeos woruldgesceaft
þurh word gewearð wuldorcyninges.
Her ærest gesceop ece drihten,
helm eallwihta, heofon and eorðan,
rodor arærde, and þis rume land
gestaþelode strangum mihtum,
frea ælmihtig. Folde wæs þa gyta
græs ungrene; garsecg þeahte
sweart synnihte, side and wide,
wonne węgas. þa wæs wuldortorht
heofonweardes gast ofer holm boren
miclum spedum. Metod engla heht,
lifes brytta, leoht forð cuman
ofer rumne grund. Raþe wæs gefylled
heahcininges hæs; him wæs halig leoht
ofer westenne, swa se wyrhta bebead.
þa gesundrode sigora waldend
ofer laguflode leoht wið þeostrum,
sceade wið sciman. Sceop þa bam naman,
lifes brytta. Leoht wæs ærest
þurh drihtnes word dæg genemned,
wlitebeorhte gesceaft. Wel licode
frean æt frymðe forþbæro tid,
dæg æresta; geseah deorc sceado
sweart swiðrian geond sidne grund.
þa seo tid gewat ofer timber sceacan
middangeardes, metod æfter sceaf
scirum sciman, scippend ure,
æfen ærest. Him arn on last,
þrang þystre genip, þam þe se þeoden self
sceop nihte naman. Nergend ure
hie gesundrode; siððan æfre
drugon and dydon drihtnes willan,
ece ofer eorðan. ða com oðer dæg,
leoht æfter þeostrum. Heht þa lifes weard
on mereflode middum weorðan
hyhtlic heofontimber. Holmas dælde
waldend ure and geworhte þa
roderas fæsten; þæt se rica ahof
up from eorðan þurh his agen word,
frea ælmihtig.
Flod wæs adæled
under heahrodore halgum mihtum,
wæter of wætrum, þam þe wuniað gyt
under fæstenne folca hrofes.
þa com ofer foldan fus siðian
mære mergen þridda. Næron metode ða gyta
widlond ne wegas nytte, ac stod bewrigen fæste
folde mid flode. Frea engla heht
þurh his word wesan wæter gemæne,
þa nu under roderum heora ryne healdað,
stowe gestefnde. ða stod hraðe
holm under heofonum, swa se halga bebead,
sid ætsomne, ða gesundrod wæs
lago wið lande. Geseah þa lifes weard
drige stowe, dugoða hyrde,
wide æteowde, þa se wuldorcyning
eorðan nemde. Gesette yðum heora
onrihtne ryne, rumum flode,
and gefetero/
Ne þuhte þa gerysne rodora wearde,
þæt Adam leng ana wære
neorxnawonges, niwre gesceafte,
hyrde and healdend. Forþon him heahcyning,
frea ælmihtig fultum tiode;
wif aweahte and þa wraðe sealde,
lifes leohtfruma, leofum rince.
He þæt andweorc of Adames
lice aleoðode, and him listum ateah
rib of sidan. He wæs reste fæst,
and softe swæf, sar ne wiste,
earfoða dæl, ne þær ænig com
blod of benne, ac him brego engla
of lice ateah liodende ban,
wer unwundod, of þam worhte god
freolice fæmnan. Feorh in gedyde,
ece saula. Heo wæron englum gelice,
þa wæs Eue, Adames bryd,
gaste gegearwod. Hie on geogoðe bu
wlitebeorht wæron on woruld cenned
meotodes mihtum. Man ne cuðon
don ne dreogan, ac him drihtnes wæs
bam on breostum byrnende lufu.
þa gebletsode bliðheort cyning,
metod alwihta, monna cynnes
ða forman twa, fæder and moder,
wif and wæpned. He þa worde cwæð:
"Temað nu and wexað, tudre fyllað
eorðan ælgrene, incre cynne,
sunum and dohtrum. Inc sceal sealt wæter
wunian on gewealde and eall worulde gesceaft.
Brucað blæddaga and brimhlæste
and heofonfugla. Inc is halig feoh
and wilde deor on geweald geseald,
and lifigende, ða ðe land tredað,
feorheaceno cynn, ða ðe flod wecceð
geond hronrade. Inc hyrað eall."
þa sceawode scyppend ure
his weorca wlite and his wæstma blæd,
niwra gesceafta. Neorxnawong stod
god and gastlic, gifena gefylled
fremum forðweardum. Fægere leohte
þæt liðe land lago yrnende,
wylleburne. Nalles wolcnu ða giet
ofer rumne grund regnas bæron,
wann mid winde, hwæðre wæstmum stod
folde gefrætwod. Heoldon forðryne
eastreamas heora æðele feower
of þam niwan neorxnawonge.
þa wæron adælede drihtnes mihtum
ealle of anum, þa he þas eorðan gesceop,
wætre wlitebeorhtum, and on woruld sende.
anne hatað ylde, eorðbuende,
Fison folcweras;
se foldan dæl
brade bebugeð beorhtum streamum
Hebeleac utan. On þære eðyltyrf
niððas findað nean and feorran
gold and gymcynn, gumþeoda bearn,
ða selestan, þæs þe us secgað bec.
þonne seo æftre Ethiopia
land and liodgeard beligeð uton,
ginne rice, þære is Geon noma.
þridda is Tigris, seo wið þeodscipe,
ea inflede, Assirię belið.
Swilce is seo feorðe, þa nu geond folc monig
weras Eufraten wide nemnað.
"ac niotað inc þæs oðres ealles, forlætað þone ænne beam,
wariað inc wið þone wæstm. Ne wyrð inc wilna gæd."
Hnigon þa mid heafdum heofoncyninge
georne togenes and sædon ealles þanc,
lista and þara lara. He let heo þæt land buan,
hwærf him þa to heofenum halig drihten,
stiðferhð cyning. Stod his handgeweorc
somod on sande, nyston sorga wiht
to begrornianne, butan heo godes willan
lengest læsten. Heo wæron leof gode
ðenden heo his halige word healdan woldon.
Hæfde se alwalda engelcynna
þurh handmægen, halig drihten,
tene getrimede, þæm he getruwode wel
þæt hie his giongorscipe fyligan wolden,
wyrcean his willan, forþon he him gewit forgeaf
and mid his handum gesceop, halig drihten.
Gesett hæfde he hie swa gesæliglice, ænne hæfde he swa swiðne geworhtne,
swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte, he let hine swa micles wealdan,
hehstne to him on heofona rice, hæfde he hine swa hwitne geworhtne,
swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum þæt him com from weroda drihtne,
gelic wæs he þam leohtum steorrum. Lof sceolde he drihtnes wyrcean,
dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum, and sceolde his drihtne þancian
þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan.
Ac he awende hit him to wyrsan þinge, ongan him winn up ahebban
wið þone hehstan heofnes waldend, þe siteð on þam halgan stole.
Deore wæs he drihtne urum; ne mihte him bedyrned weorðan
þæt his engyl ongan ofermod wesan,
ahof hine wið his hearran, sohte hetespræce,
gylpword ongean, nolde gode þeowian,
cwæð þæt his lic wære leoht and scene,
hwit and hiowbeorht. Ne meahte he æt his hige findan
þæt he gode wolde geongerdome,
þeodne þeowian. þuhte him sylfum
þæt he mægyn and cræft maran hæfde
þonne se halga god habban mihte
folcgestælna. Feala worda gespæc
se engel ofermodes. þohte þurh his anes cræft
hu he him strenglicran stol geworhte,
heahran on heofonum; cwæð þæt hine his hige speone
þæt he west and norð wyrcean ongunne,
trymede getimbro; cwæð him tweo þuhte
þæt he gode wolde geongra weorðan.
"Hwæt sceal ic winnan?" cwæð he. "Nis me wihtæ þearf
hearran to habbanne. Ic mæg mid handum swa fela
wundra gewyrcean. Ic hæbbe geweald micel
to gyrwanne godlecran stol,
hearran on heofne. Hwy sceal ic æfter his hyldo ðeowian,
bugan him swilces geongordomes? Ic mæg wesan god swa he.
Bigstandað me strange geneatas, þa ne willað me æt þam striðe geswican,
hæleþas heardmode. Hie habbað me to hearran gecorene,
rofe rincas; mid swilcum mæg man ræd geþencean,
fon mid swilcum folcgesteallan. Frynd synd hie mine georne,
holde on hyra hygesceaftum. Ic mæg hyra hearra wesan,
rædan on þis rice. Swa me þæt riht ne þinceð,
þæt ic oleccan awiht þurfe
gode æfter gode ænegum. Ne wille ic leng his geongra wurþan."
þa hit se allwalda eall gehyrde,
þæt his engyl ongan ofermede micel
ahebban wið his hearran and spræc healic word
dollice wið drihten sinne, sceolde he þa dæd ongyldan,
worc þæs gewinnes gedælan, and sceolde his wite habban,
ealra morðra mæst. Swa deð monna gehwilc
þe wið his waldend winnan ongynneð
mid mane wið þone mæran drihten. þa wearð se mihtiga gebolgen,
hehsta heofones waldend, wearp hine of þan hean stole.
Hete hæfde he æt his hearran gewunnen, hyldo hæfde his ferlorene,
gram wearð him se goda on his mode. Forþon he sceolde grund gesecean
heardes hellewites, þæs þe he wann wið heofnes waldend.
Acwæð hine þa fram his hyldo and hine on helle wearp,
on þa deopan dala, þær he to deofle wearð,
se feond mid his geferum eallum. Feollon þa ufon of heofnum
þurhlonge swa þreo niht and dagas,
þa englas of heofnum on helle, and heo ealle forsceop
drihten to deoflum. Forþon heo his dæd and word
noldon weorðian, forþon he heo on wyrse leoht
under eorðan neoðan, ællmihtig god,
sette sigelease on þa sweartan helle.
þær hæbbað heo on æfyn ungemet lange,
ealra feonda gehwilc, fyr edneowe,
þonne cymð on uhtan easterne wind,
forst fyrnum cald. Symble fyr oððe gar,
sum heard geswinc
habban sceoldon.
Worhte man hit him to wite, (hyra woruld wæs gehwyrfed),
forman siðe, fylde helle
mid þam andsacum. Heoldon englas forð
heofonrices hehðe, þe ær godes hyldo gelæston.
Lagon þa oðre fynd on þam fyre, þe ær swa feala hæfdon
gewinnes wið heora waldend. Wite þoliað,
hatne heaðowelm helle tomiddes,
brand and brade ligas, swilce eac þa biteran recas,
þrosm and þystro, forþon hie þegnscipe
godes forgymdon. Hie hyra gal beswac,
engles oferhygd, noldon alwaldan
word weorþian, hæfdon wite micel,
wæron þa befeallene fyre to botme
on þa hatan hell þurh hygeleaste
and þurh ofermetto, sohton oþer land,
þæt wæs leohtes leas and wæs liges full,
fyres fær micel. Fynd ongeaton
þæt hie hæfdon gewrixled wita unrim
þurh heora miclan mod and þurh miht godes
and þurh ofermetto ealra swiðost.
þa spræc se ofermoda cyning, þe ær wæs engla scynost,
hwitost on heofne and his hearran leof,
drihtne dyre, oð hie to dole wurdon,
þæt him for galscipe god sylfa wearð
mihtig on mode yrre. Wearp hine on þæt morðer innan,
niðer on þæt niobedd, and sceop him naman siððan,
cwæð se hehsta hatan sceolde
Satan siððan, het hine þære sweartan helle
grundes gyman, nalles wið god winnan.
Satan maðelode, sorgiende spræc,
se ðe helle forð healdan sceolde,
gieman þæs grundes. Wæs ær godes engel,
hwit on heofne, oð hine his hyge forspeon
and his ofermetto ealra swiðost,
þæt he ne wolde wereda drihtnes
word wurðian. Weoll him on innan
hyge ymb his heortan, hat wæs him utan
wraðlic wite. He þa worde cwæð:
"Is þæs ænga styde ungelic swiðe
þam oðrum ham
þe we ær cuðon,
hean on heofonrice, þe me min hearra onlag,
þeah we hine for þam alwaldan agan ne moston,
romigan ures rices. Næfð he þeah riht gedon
þæt he us hæfð befælled fyre to botme,
helle þære hatan, heofonrice benumen;
hafað hit gemearcod mid moncynne
to gesettanne. þæt me is sorga mæst,
þæt Adam sceal, þe wæs of eorðan geworht,
minne stronglican stol behealdan,
wesan him on wynne, and we þis wite þolien,
hearm on þisse helle. Wa la, ahte ic minra handa geweald
and moste ane tid ute weorðan,
wesan ane winterstunde, þonne ic mid þys werode–
Ac licgað me ymbe irenbenda,
rideð racentan sal. Ic eom rices leas;
habbað me swa hearde helle clommas
fæste befangen. Her is fyr micel,
ufan and neoðone. Ic a ne geseah
laðran landscipe. Lig ne aswamað,
hat ofer helle. Me habbað hringa gespong,
sliðhearda sal siðes amyrred,
afyrred me min feðe; fet synt gebundene,
handa gehæfte. Synt þissa heldora
wegas forworhte, swa ic mid wihte ne mæg
of þissum lioðobendum. Licgað me ymbe
heardes irenes hate geslægene
grindlas greate. Mid þy me god hafað
gehæfted be þam healse, swa ic wat he minne hige cuðe;
and þæt wiste eac weroda drihten,
þæt sceolde unc Adame yfele gewurðan
ymb þæt heofonrice, þær ic ahte minra handa geweald.
Ac ðoliaþ we nu þrea on helle, (þæt syndon þystro and hæto),
grimme, grundlease. Hafað us god sylfa
forswapen on þas sweartan mistas; swa he us ne mæg ænige synne gestælan,
þæt we him on þam lande lað gefremedon, he hæfð us þeah þæs leohtes bescyrede,
beworpen on ealra wita mæste. Ne magon we þæs wrace gefremman,
geleanian him mid laðes wihte þæt he us hafað þæs leohtes bescyrede.
He hæfð nu gemearcod anne middangeard, þær he hæfð mon geworhtne
æfter his onlicnesse. Mid þam he wile eft gesettan
heofona rice mid hluttrum saulum. We þæs sculon hycgan georne,
þæt we on Adame, gif we æfre mægen,
and on his eafrum swa some, andan gebetan,
onwendan him þær willan sines, gif we hit mægen wihte aþencan.
Ne gelyfe ic me nu þæs leohtes furðor þæs þe he him þenceð lange niotan,
þæs eades mid his engla cræfte. Ne magon we þæt on aldre gewinnan,
þæt we mihtiges godes mod onwæcen. Uton oðwendan hit nu monna bearnum,
þæt heofonrice, nu we hit habban ne moton, gedon þæt hie his hyldo forlæten,
þæt hie þæt onwendon þæt he mid his worde bebead. þonne weorð he him wrað on mode,
ahwet hie from his hyldo. þonne sculon hie þas helle secan
and þas grimman grundas. þonne moton we hie us to giongrum habban,
fira bearn on þissum fæstum clomme. Onginnað nu ymb þa fyrde þencean!
Gif ic ænegum þægne þeodenmadmas
geara forgeafe, þenden we on þan godan rice
gesælige sæton and hæfdon ure setla geweald,
þonne he me na on leofran tid leanum ne meahte
mine gife gyldan, gif his gien wolde
minra þegna hwilc geþafa wurðan,
þæt he up heonon ute mihte
cuman þurh þas clustro, and hæfde cræft mid him
þæt he mid feðerhoman fleogan meahte,
windan on wolcne, þær geworht stondað
Adam and Eue on eorðrice
mid welan bewunden, and we synd aworpene hider
on þas deopan dalo. Nu hie drihtne synt
wurðran micle, and moton him þone welan agan
þe we on heofonrice habban sceoldon,
rice mid rihte; is se ræd gescyred
monna cynne. þæt me is on minum mode swa sar,
on minum hyge hreoweð, þæt hie heofonrice
agan to aldre. Gif hit eower ænig mæge
gewendan mid wihte þæt hie word godes
lare forlæten, sona hie him þe laðran beoð.
Gif hie brecað his gebodscipe, þonne he him abolgen wurðeþ;
siððan bið him se wela onwended and wyrð him wite gegarwod,
sum heard hearmscearu. Hycgað his ealle,
hu ge hi beswicen! Siððan ic me sefte mæg
restan on þyssum racentum, gif him þæt rice losað.
Se þe þæt gelæsteð, him bið lean gearo
æfter to aldre, þæs we her inne magon
on þyssum fyre forð fremena gewinnan.
Sittan læte ic hine wið me sylfne, swa hwa swa þæt secgan cymeð
on þas hatan helle, þæt hie heofoncyninges
unwurðlice wordum and dædum
Angan hine þa gyrwan godes andsaca,
fus on frætwum, (hæfde fæcne hyge),
hæleðhelm on heafod asette and þone full hearde geband,
spenn mid spangum; wiste him spræca fela,
wora worda. Wand him up þanon,
hwearf him þurh þa helldora, (hæfde hyge strangne),
leolc on lyfte laþwendemod,
swang þæt fyr on twa feondes cræfte;
wolde dearnunga drihtnes geongran,
mid mandædum men beswican,
forlædan and forlæran, þæt hie wurdon lað gode.
He þa geferde þurh feondes cræft
oððæt he Adam on eorðrice,
godes handgesceaft, gearone funde,
wislice geworht, and his wif somed,
freo fægroste, swa hie fela cuðon
godes gegearwigean, þa him to gingran self
metod mancynnes mearcode selfa.
And him bi twegin beamas stodon
þa wæron utan ofætes gehlædene,
gewered mid wæstme, swa hie waldend god,
heah heofoncyning handum gesette,
þæt þær yldo bearn moste on ceosan
godes and yfeles, gumena æghwilc,
welan and wawan. Næs se wæstm gelic!
Oðer wæs swa wynlic, wlitig and scene,
liðe and lofsum, þæt wæs lifes beam;
moste on ecnisse æfter lybban,
wesan on worulde, se þæs wæstmes onbat,
swa him æfter þy yldo ne derede,
ne suht sware, ac moste symle wesan
lungre on lustum and his lif agan,
hyldo heofoncyninges her on worulde,
habban him to wæron witode geþingþo
on þone hean heofon, þonne he heonon wende.
þonne wæs se oðer eallenga sweart,
dim and þystre; þæt wæs deaðes beam,
se bær bitres fela. Sceolde bu witan
ylda æghwilc yfles and godes
gewand on þisse worulde. Sceolde on wite a
mid swate and mid sorgum siððan libban,
swa hwa swa gebyrgde þæs on þam beame geweox.
Sceolde hine yldo beniman ellendæda,
dreamas and drihtscipes, and him beon deað scyred.
Lytle hwile sceolde he his lifes niotan,
secan þonne landa sweartost on fyre.
Sceolde feondum þeowian, þær is ealra frecna mæste
leodum to langre hwile. þæt wiste se laða georne,
dyrne deofles boda þe wið drihten wann.
Wearp hine þa on wyrmes lic and wand him þa ymbutan
þone deaðes beam þurh deofles cræft,
genam þær þæs ofætes and wende hine eft þanon
þær he wiste handgeweorc heofoncyninges.
Ongon hine þa frinan forman worde
se laða mid ligenum: "Langað þe awuht,
Adam, up to gode? Ic eom on his ærende hider
feorran gefered, ne þæt nu fyrn ne wæs
þæt ic wið hine sylfne sæt. þa het he me on þysne sið faran,
het þæt þu þisses ofætes æte, cwæð þæt þin abal and cræft
and þin modsefa mara wurde,
and þin lichoma leohtra micle,
þin gesceapu scenran, cwæð þæt þe æniges sceattes ðearf
ne wurde on worulde. Nu þu willan hæfst,
hyldo geworhte heofoncyninges,
to þance geþenod þinum hearran,
hæfst þe wið drihten dyrne geworhtne. Ic gehyrde hine þine dæd and word
lofian on his leohte and ymb þin lif sprecan.
Swa þu læstan scealt þæt on þis land hider
his bodan bringað. Brade synd on worulde
grene geardas, and god siteð
on þam hehstan heofna rice,
ufan alwalda. Nele þa earfeðu
sylfa habban þæt he on þysne sið fare,
gumena drihten, ac he his gingran sent
to þinre spræce. Nu he þe mid spellum het
listas læran. Læste þu georne
his ambyhto, nim þe þis ofæt on hand,
bit his and byrige. þe weorð on þinum breostum rum,
wæstm þy wlitegra. þe sende waldend god,
þin hearra þas helpe of heofonrice."
Adam maðelode þær he on eorðan stod,
selfsceafte guma: "þonne ic sigedrihten,
mihtigne god, mæðlan gehyrde
strangre stemne, and me her stondan het,
his bebodu healdan, and me þas bryd forgeaf,
wlitesciene wif, and me warnian het
þæt ic on þone deaðes beam bedroren ne wurde,
beswicen to swiðe, he cwæð þæt þa sweartan helle
healdan sceolde se ðe bi his heortan wuht
laðes gelæde. Nat þeah þu mid ligenum fare
þurh dyrne geþanc þe þu drihtnes eart
boda of heofnum. Hwæt, ic þinra bysna ne mæg,
worda ne wisna wuht oncnawan,
siðes ne sagona. Ic wat hwæt he me self bebead,
nergend user, þa ic hine nehst geseah;
he het me his word weorðian and wel healdan,
læstan his lare. þu gelic ne bist
ænegum his engla þe ic ær geseah,
ne þu me oðiewdest ænig tacen
þe he me þurh treowe to onsende,
min hearra þurh hyldo. þy ic þe hyran ne cann,
ac þu meaht þe forð faran. Ic hæbbe me fæstne geleafan
up to þam ælmihtegan gode þe me mid his earmum worhte,
her mid handum sinum. He mæg me of his hean rice
geofian mid goda gehwilcum, þeah he his gingran ne sende."
Wende hine wraðmod þær he þæt wif geseah
on eorðrice Euan stondan,
sceone gesceapene, cwæð þæt sceaðena mæst
eallum heora eaforum æfter siððan
wurde on worulde: "Ic wat, inc waldend god
abolgen wyrð, swa ic him þisne bodscipe
selfa secge, þonne ic of þys siðe cume
ofer langne weg, þæt git ne læstan wel
hwilc ærende swa he easten hider
on þysne sið sendeð. Nu sceal he sylf faran
to incre andsware; ne mæg his ærende
his boda beodan; þy ic wat þæt he inc abolgen wyrð,
mihtig on mode. Gif þu þeah minum wilt,
wif willende, wordum hyran,
þu meaht his þonne rume ræd geþencan.
Gehyge on þinum breostum þæt þu inc bam twam meaht
wite bewarigan, swa ic þe wisie.
æt þisses ofetes! þonne wurðað þin eagan swa leoht
þæt þu meaht swa wide ofer woruld ealle
geseon siððan, and selfes stol
herran þines, and habban his hyldo forð.
Meaht þu Adame eft gestyran,
gif þu his willan hæfst and he þinum wordum getrywð.
Gif þu him to soðe sægst hwylce þu selfa hæfst
bisne on breostum, þæs þu gebod godes
lare læstes, he þone laðan strið,
yfel andwyrde an forlæteð
on breostcofan, swa wit him bu tu
an sped sprecað. Span þu hine georne
þæt he þine lare læste, þy læs gyt lað gode,
incrum waldende, weorðan þyrfen.
Gif þu þæt angin fremest, idesa seo betste,
forhele ic incrum herran þæt me hearmes swa fela
Adam gespræc, eargra worda.
Tyhð me untryowða, cwyð þæt ic seo teonum georn,
gramum ambyhtsecg, nales godes engel.
Ac ic cann ealle swa geare engla gebyrdo,
heah heofona gehlidu; wæs seo hwil þæs lang
þæt ic geornlice gode þegnode
þurh holdne hyge, herran minum,
drihtne selfum; ne eom ic deofle gelic."
Lædde hie swa mid ligenum and mid listum speon
idese on þæt unriht, oðþæt hire on innan ongan
weallan wyrmes geþeaht, (hæfde hire wacran hige
metod gemearcod), þæt heo hire mod ongan
lætan æfter þam larum; forþon heo æt þam laðan onfeng
ofer drihtnes word deaðes beames
weorcsumne wæstm. Ne wearð wyrse dæd
monnum gemearcod! þæt is micel wundor
þæt hit ece god æfre wolde
þeoden þolian, þæt wurde þegn swa monig
forlædd be þam lygenum þe for þam larum com.
Heo þa þæs ofætes æt, alwaldan bræc
word and willan. þa meahte heo wide geseon
þurh þæs laðan læn þe hie mid ligenum beswac,
dearnenga bedrog, þe hire for his dædum com,
þæt hire þuhte hwitre heofon and eorðe,
and eall þeos woruld wlitigre, and geweorc godes
micel and mihtig, þeah heo hit þurh monnes geþeaht
ne sceawode; ac se sceaða georne
swicode ymb þa sawle þe hire ær þa siene onlah,
þæt heo swa wide wlitan meahte
ofer heofonrice. þa se forhatena spræc
þurh feondscipe (nalles he hie freme lærde):
"þu meaht nu þe self geseon, swa ic hit þe secgan ne þearf,
Eue seo gode, þæt þe is ungelic
wlite and wæstmas, siððan þu minum wordum getruwodest,
læstes mine lare. Nu scineð þe leoht fore
glædlic ongean þæt ic from gode brohte
hwit of heofonum; nu þu his hrinan meaht.
Sæge Adame hwilce þu gesihðe hæfst
þurh minne cime cræfta. Gif giet þurh cuscne siodo
læst mina lara, þonne gife ic him þæs leohtes genog
þæs ic þe swa godes gegired hæbbe.
Ne wite ic him þa womcwidas, þeah he his wyrðe ne sie
to alætanne; þæs fela he me laðes spræc."
Swa hire eaforan sculon æfter lybban:
þonne hie lað gedoð, hie sculon lufe wyrcean,
betan heora hearran hearmcwyde ond habban his hyldo forð.
þa gieng to Adame idesa scenost,
wifa wlitegost þe on woruld come,
forþon heo wæs handgeweorc heofoncyninges,
þeah heo þa dearnenga fordon wurde,
forlæd mid ligenum, þæt hie lað gode
þurh þæs wraðan geþanc weorðan sceolden,
þurh þæs deofles searo dom forlætan,
hierran hyldo, hefonrices þolian
monige hwile. Bið þam men full wa
þe hine ne warnað þonne he his geweald hafað!
Sum heo hire on handum bær, sum hire æt heortan læg,
æppel unsælga, þone hire ær forbead
drihtna drihten, deaðbeames ofet,
and þæt word acwæð wuldres aldor,
þæt þæt micle morð menn ne þorfton
þegnas þolian, ac he þeoda gehwam
hefonrice forgeaf, halig drihten,
widbradne welan, gif hie þone wæstm an
lætan wolden þe þæt laðe treow
on his bogum bær, bitre gefylled;
þæt wæs deaðes beam þe him drihten forbead.
Forlec hie þa mid ligenum se wæs lað gode,
on hete heofoncyninges, and hyge Euan,
wifes wac geþoht, þæt heo ongan his wordum truwian,
læstan his lare, and geleafan nom
þæt he þa bysene from gode brungen hæfde
þe he hire swa wærlice wordum sægde,
iewde hire tacen and treowa gehet,
his holdne hyge. þa heo to hire hearran spræc:
"Adam, frea min, þis ofet is swa swete,
bliðe on breostum, and þes boda sciene,
godes engel god, ic on his gearwan geseo
þæt he is ærendsecg uncres hearran,
hefoncyninges. His hyldo is unc betere
to gewinnanne þonne his wiðermedo.
Gif þu him heodæg wuht hearmes gespręce,
he forgifð hit þeah, gif wit him geongordom
læstan willað. Hwæt scal þe swa laðlic strið
wið þines hearran bodan? Unc is his hyldo þearf;
he mæg unc ærendian to þam alwaldan,
heofoncyninge. Ic mæg heonon geseon
hwær he sylf siteð, (þæt is suð and east),
welan bewunden, se ðas woruld gesceop;
geseo ic him his englas ymbe hweorfan
mid feðerhaman, ealra folca mæst,
wereda wynsumast. Hwa meahte me swelc gewit gifan,
gif hit gegnunga god ne onsende,
heofones waldend? Gehyran mæg ic rume
and swa wide geseon on woruld ealle
ofer þas sidan gesceaft, ic mæg swegles gamen
gehyran on heofnum. Wearð me on hige leohte
utan and innan, siðþan ic þæs ofætes onbat.
Nu hæbbe ic his her on handa, herra se goda;
gife ic hit þe georne. Ic gelyfe þæt hit from gode come,
broht from his bysene, þæs me þes boda sægde
wærum wordum. Hit nis wuhte gelic
elles on eorðan, buton swa þes ar sægeð,
þæt hit gegnunga from gode come."
Hio spræc him þicce to and speon hine ealne dæg
on þa dimman dæd þæt hie drihtnes heora
willan bræcon. Stod se wraða boda,
legde him lustas on and mid listum speon,
fylgde him frecne; wæs se feond full neah
þe on þa frecnan fyrd gefaren hæfde
ofer langne weg; leode hogode
on þæt micle morð men forweorpan,
forlæran and forlædan, þæt hie læn godes,
ælmihtiges gife an forleten,
heofenrices geweald. Hwæt, se hellsceaða
gearwe wiste þæt hie godes yrre
habban sceoldon and hellgeþwing,
þone nearwan nið niede onfon,
siððan hie gebod godes forbrocen hæfdon,
þa he forlærde mid ligenwordum
to þam unræde idese sciene,
wifa wlitegost, þæt heo on his willan spræc,
wæs him on helpe handweorc godes
to forlæranne.
Heo spræc ða to Adame idesa sceonost
ful þiclice, oð þam þegne ongan
his hige hweorfan, þæt he þam gehate getruwode
þe him þæt wif wordum sægde.
Heo dyde hit þeah þurh holdne hyge, nyste þæt þær hearma swa fela,
fyrenearfeða, fylgean sceolde
monna cynne, þæs heo on mod genam
þæt heo þæs laðan bodan larum hyrde,
ac wende þæt heo hyldo heofoncyninges
worhte mid þam wordum þe heo þam were swelce
tacen oðiewde and treowe gehet,
oðþæt Adame innan breostum
his hyge hwyrfde and his heorte ongann
wendan to hire willan. He æt þam wife onfeng
helle and hinnsið, þeah hit nære haten swa,
ac hit ofetes noman agan sceolde;
hit wæs þeah deaðes swefn and deofles gespon,
hell and hinnsið and hæleða forlor,
menniscra morð, þæt hie to mete dædon,
ofet unfæle. Swa hit him on innan com,
hran æt heortan, hloh þa and plegode
boda bitre gehugod, sægde begra þanc
hearran sinum: "Nu hæbbe ic þine hyldo me
witode geworhte, and þinne willan gelæst
to ful monegum dæge. Men synt forlædde,
Adam and Eue. Him is unhyldo
waldendes witod, nu hie wordcwyde his,
lare forleton. Forþon hie leng ne magon
healdan heofonrice, ac hie to helle sculon
on þone sweartan sið. Swa þu his sorge ne þearft
beran on þinum breostum, þær þu gebunden ligst,
murnan on mode, þæt her men bun
þone hean heofon, þeah wit hearmas nu,
þreaweorc þoliað, and þystre land,
and þurh þin micle mod monig forleton
on heofonrice heahgetimbro,
godlice geardas. Unc wearð god yrre
forþon wit him noldon on heofonrice
hnigan mid heafdum halgum drihtne
þurh geongordom; ac unc gegenge ne wæs
þæt wit him on þegnscipe þeowian wolden.
Forþon unc waldend wearð wrað on mode,
on hyge hearde, and us on helle bedraf,
on þæt fyr fylde folca mæste,
and mid handum his eft on heofonrice
rihte rodorstolas and þæt rice forgeaf
monna cynne. Mæg þin mod wesan
bliðe on breostum, forþon her synt bu tu gedon:
ge þæt hæleða bearn
heofonrice sculon
leode forlætan and on þæt lig to þe
hate hweorfan, eac is hearm gode,
modsorg gemacod. Swa hwæt swa wit her morðres þoliað,
hit is nu Adame eall forgolden
mid hearran hete and mid hæleða forlore,
monnum mid morðes cwealme. Forþon is min mod gehæled,
hyge ymb heortan gerume, ealle synt uncre hearmas gewrecene
laðes þæt wit lange þoledon. Nu wille ic eft þam lige near,
Satan ic þær secan wille; he is on þære sweartan helle
hæft mid hringa gesponne." Hwearf him eft niðer
boda bitresta; sceolde he þa bradan ligas
secan helle gehliðo, þær his hearra læg
simon gesæled. Sorgedon ba twa,
Adam and Eue, and him oft betuh
gnornword gengdon; godes him ondredon,
heora herran hete, heofoncyninges nið
swiðe onsæton; selfe forstodon
his word onwended. þæt wif gnornode,
hof hreowigmod, (hæfde hyldo godes,
lare forlæten), þa heo þæt leoht geseah
ellor scriðan þæt hire þurh untreowa
tacen iewde se him þone teonan geræd,
þæt hie helle nið habban sceoldon,
hynða unrim; forþam him higesorga
burnon on breostum. Hwilum to gebede feollon
sinhiwan somed, and sigedrihten
godne gretton and god nemdon,
heofones waldend, and hine bædon
þæt hie his hearmsceare habban mosten,
georne fulgangan, þa hie godes hæfdon
bodscipe abrocen. Bare hie gesawon
heora lichaman; næfdon on þam lande þa giet
sælða gesetena, ne hie sorge wiht
weorces wiston, ac hie wel meahton
libban on þam lande, gif hie wolden lare godes
forweard fremman. þa hie fela spræcon
sorhworda somed, sinhiwan twa.
Adam gemælde and to Euan spræc:
"Hwæt, þu Eue, hæfst yfele gemearcod
uncer sylfra sið. Gesyhst þu nu þa sweartan helle
grædige and gifre. Nu þu hie grimman meaht
heonane gehyran. Nis heofonrice
gelic þam lige, ac þis is landa betst,
þæt wit þurh uncres hearran þanc habban moston,
þær þu þam ne hierde þe unc þisne hearm geræd,
þæt wit waldendes word forbræcon,
heofoncyninges. Nu wit hreowige magon
sorgian for þis siðe. Forþon he unc self bebead
þæt wit unc wite warian sceolden,
hearma mæstne. Nu slit me hunger and þurst
bitre on breostum, þæs wit begra ær
wæron orsorge on ealle tid.
Hu sculon wit nu libban oððe on þys lande wesan,
gif her wind cymð, westan oððe eastan,
suðan oððe norðan? Gesweorc up færeð,
cymeð hægles scur hefone getenge,
færeð forst on gemang, se byð fyrnum ceald.
Hwilum of heofnum hate scineð,
blicð þeos beorhte sunne, and wit her baru standað,
unwered wædo. Nys unc wuht beforan
to scursceade, ne sceattes wiht
to mete gemearcod, ac unc is mihtig god,
waldend wraðmod. To hwon sculon wit weorðan nu?
Nu me mæg hreowan þæt ic bæd heofnes god,
waldend þone godan, þæt he þe her worhte to me
of liðum minum, nu þu me forlæred hæfst
on mines herran hete. Swa me nu hreowan mæg
æfre to aldre þæt ic þe minum eagum geseah."
ða spræc Eue eft, idesa scienost,
wifa wlitegost; hie wæs geweorc godes,
þeah heo þa on deofles cræft bedroren wurde:
"þu meaht hit me witan, wine min Adam,
wordum þinum; hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg
on þinum hyge hreowan þonne hit me æt heortan deð."
Hire þa Adam andswarode:
"Gif ic waldendes willan cuðe,
hwæt ic his to hearmsceare habban sceolde,
ne gesawe þu no sniomor, þeah me on sæ wadan
hete heofones god heonone nu þa,
on flod faran, nære he firnum þæs deop,
merestream þæs micel, þæt his o min mod getweode,
ac ic to þam grunde genge, gif ic godes meahte
willan gewyrcean. Nis me on worulde niod
æniges þegnscipes, nu ic mines þeodnes hafa
hyldo forworhte, þæt ic hie habban ne mæg.
Ac wit þus baru ne magon bu tu ætsomne
wesan to wuhte. Uton gan on þysne weald innan,
on þisses holtes hleo." Hwurfon hie ba twa,
togengdon gnorngende on þone grenan weald,
sæton onsundran, bidan selfes gesceapu
heofoncyninges, þa hie þa habban ne moston
þe him ær forgeaf ælmihtig god.
þa hie heora lichoman leafum beþeahton,
weredon mid ðy wealde, wæda ne hæfdon;
ac hie on gebed feollon bu tu ætsomne
morgena gehwilce, bædon mihtigne
þæt hie ne forgeate god ælmihtig,
and him gewisade waldend se goda,
hu hie on þam leohte forð libban sceolden.
þa com feran frea ælmihtig
ofer midne dæg, mære þeoden,
on neorxnawang neode sine;
wolde neosian nergend usser,
bilwit fæder, hwæt his bearn dyde;
wiste forworhte
þam he ær wlite sealde.
Gewitan him þa gangan geomermode
under beamsceade blæde bereafod,
hyddon hie on heolstre, þa hie halig word
drihtnes gehyrdon, and ondredon him.
þa sona ongann swegles aldor
weard ahsian woruldgesceafta,
het him recene to rice þeoden
his sunu gangan. Him þa sylfa oncwæð,
hean hleoðrade hrægles þearfa:
"Ic wreo me her wæda leasne,
liffrea min, leafum þecce.
Scyldfull mine sceaðen is me sare,
frecne on ferhðe; ne dear nu forð gan
for ðe andweardne. Ic eom eall eall nacod."
Him ða ædre god andswarede:
"Saga me þæt, sunu min, for hwon secest ðu
sceade sceomiende? þu sceonde æt me
furðum ne anfenge, ac gefean eallum.
For hwon wast þu wean and wrihst sceome,
gesyhst sorge, and þin sylf þecest
lic mid leafum, sagast lifceare
hean hygegeomor, þæt þe sie hrægles þearf,
nymþe ðu æppel ænne byrgde
of ðam wudubeame þe ic þe wordum forbead?"
Him þa Adam eft andswarode:
"Me ða blæda on hand bryd gesealde,
freolucu fæmne, freadrihten min,
ðe ic þe on teonan geþah. Nu ic þæs tacen wege
sweotol on me selfum. Wat ic sorga ðy ma."
ða ðæs Euan frægn ælmihtig god:
"Hwæt druge þu, dohtor, dugeþa genohra,
niwra gesceafta neorxnawanges,
growendra gifa, þa þu gitsiende
on beam gripe, blæda name
on treowes telgum, and me on teonan
æte þa unfreme, Adame sealdest
wæstme þa inc wæron wordum minum
fæste forbodene?" Him þa freolecu mæg,
ides æwiscmod andswarode:
"Me nædre beswac and me neodlice
to forsceape scyhte and to scyldfrece,
fah wyrm þurh fægir word, oðþæt ic fracoðlice
feondræs gefremede, fæhðe geworhte,
and þa reafode, swa hit riht ne wæs,
beam on bearwe and þa blæda æt."
þa nædran sceop nergend usser,
frea ælmihtig fagum wyrme
wide siðas and þa worde cwæð:
"þu scealt wideferhð
werig þinum
breostum bearm tredan
bradre eorðan,
faran feðeleas, þenden þe feorh wunað,
gast on innan. þu scealt greot etan
þine lifdagas. Swa þu laðlice
wrohte onstealdest, þe þæt wif feoð,
hatað under heofnum and þin heafod tredeð
fah mid fotum sinum. þu scealt fiersna sætan
tohtan niwre; tuddor bið gemæne
incrum orlegnið a þenden standeð
woruld under wolcnum. Nu þu wast and canst,
lað leodsceaða,
hu þu lifian scealt."
ða to Euan god yrringa spræc:
"Wend þe from wynne! þu scealt wæpnedmen
wesan on gewealde, mid weres egsan
hearde genearwad, hean þrowian
þinra dæda gedwild, deaðes bidan,
and þurh wop and heaf on woruld cennan
þurh sar micel sunu and dohtor."
Abead eac Adame ece drihten,
lifes leohtfruma, lað ærende:
"þu scealt oðerne eðel secean,
wynleasran wic, and on wræc hweorfan
nacod niedwædla, neorxnawanges
dugeðum bedæled; þe is gedal witod
lices and sawle. Hwæt, þu laðlice
wrohte onstealdest; forþon þu winnan scealt
and on eorðan þe þine andlifne
selfa geræcan, wegan swatig hleor,
þinne hlaf etan, þenden þu her leofast,
oðþæt þe to heortan hearde gripeð
adl unliðe þe þu on æple ær
selfa forswulge; forþon þu sweltan scealt."
Hwæt, we nu gehyrað hwær us hearmstafas
wraðe onwocan and woruldyrmðo.
Hie þa wuldres weard wædum gyrede,
scyppend usser; het heora sceome þeccan
frea frumhrægle; het hie from hweorfan
neorxnawange on nearore lif.
Him on laste beleac liðsa and wynna
hihtfulne ham halig engel
be frean hæse fyrene sweorde;
ne mæg þær inwitfull ænig geferan
womscyldig mon, ac se weard hafað
miht and strengðo, se þæt mære lif
dugeðum deore drihtne healdeð.
No hwæðre ælmihtig ealra wolde
Adame and Euan arna ofteon,
fæder æt frymðe, þeah þe hie him from swice,
ac he him to frofre let hwæðere forð wesan
hyrstedne hrof halgum tunglum
and him grundwelan ginne sealde;
het þam sinhiwum sæs and eorðan
tuddorteondra teohha gehwilcre
to woruldnytte wæstmas fedan.
Gesæton þa æfter synne sorgfulre land,
eard and eðyl unspedigran
fremena gehwilcre þonne se frumstol wæs
þe hie æfter dæde of adrifen wurdon.
Ongunnon hie þa be godes hæse
bearn astrienan, swa him metod bebead.
Adames and Euan aforan wæron
freolicu twa frumbearn cenned,
Cain and Abel. Us cyðað bec,
hu þa dædfruman dugeþa stryndon,
welan and wiste, willgebroðor.
Oðer his to eorðan elnes tilode,
se wæs ærboren; oðer æhte heold
fæder on fultum, oðþæt forð gewat
dægrimes worn. Hie þa drihtne lac
begen brohton. Brego engla beseah
on Abeles gield eagum sinum,
cyning eallwihta, Caines ne wolde
tiber sceawian. þæt wæs torn were
hefig æt heortan. Hygewælm asteah
beorne on breostum, blatende nið,
yrre for æfstum. He þa unræden
folmum gefremede, freomæg ofsloh,
broðor sinne, and his blod ageat,
Cain Abeles. Cwealmdreore swealh
þæs middangeard, monnes swate.
æfter wælswenge wea wæs aræred,
tregena tuddor. Of ðam twige siððan
ludon laðwende leng swa swiðor
reðe wæstme. Ræhton wide
geond werþeoda wrohtes telgan,
hrinon hearmtanas hearde and sare
drihta bearnum, (doð gieta swa),
of þam brad blado bealwa gehwilces
sprytan ongunnon. We þæt spell magon,
wælgrimme wyrd, wope cwiðan,
nales holunge; ac us hearde sceod
freolecu fæmne þurh forman gylt
þe wið metod æfre men gefremeden,
eorðbuende, siððan Adam wearð
of godes muðe gaste eacen.
ða worde frægn wuldres aldor
Cain, hwær Abel eorðan wære.
Him ða se cystleasa cwealmes wyrhta
ædre æfter þon andswarode:
"Ne can ic Abeles or ne fore,
hleomæges sið, ne ic hyrde wæs
broðer mines." Him þa brego engla,
godspedig gast gean þingade:
"Hwæt, befealdest þu folmum þinum
wraðum on wælbedd
wærfæstne rinc,
broðor þinne, and his blod to me
cleopað and cigeð. þu þæs cwealmes scealt
wite winnan and on wræc hweorfan,
awyrged to widan aldre. Ne seleð þe wæstmas eorðe
wlitige to woruldnytte, ac heo wældreore swealh
halge of handum þinum; forþon heo þe hroðra oftihð,
glæmes grene folde. þu scealt geomor hweorfan,
arleas of earde þinum, swa þu Abele wurde
to feorhbanan; forþon þu flema scealt
widlast wrecan, winemagum lað."
Him þa ædre Cain andswarode:
"Ne þearf ic ænigre are wenan
on woruldrice, ac ic forworht hæbbe,
heofona heahcyning, hyldo þine,
lufan and freode; forþon ic lastas sceal
wean on wenum wide lecgan,
hwonne me gemitte manscyldigne,
se me feor oððe neah fæhðe gemonige,
broðorcwealmes. Ic his blod ageat,
dreor on eorðan. þu to dæge þissum
ademest me fram duguðe and adrifest from
earde minum. Me to aldorbanan
weorðeð wraðra sum. Ic awyrged sceal,
þeoden, of gesyhðe þinre hweorfan."
Him þa selfa oncwæð sigora drihten:
"Ne þearft ðu þe ondrædan deaðes brogan,
feorhcwealm nu giet, þeah þu from scyle
freomagum feor fah gewitan.
Gif þe monna hwelc mundum sinum
aldre beneoteð, hine on cymeð
æfter þære synne seofonfeald wracu,
wite æfter weorce." Hine waldend on,
tirfæst metod, tacen sette,
freoðobeacen frea, þy læs hine feonda hwilc
mid guðþræce gretan dorste
feorran oððe nean. Heht þa from hweorfan
meder and magum manscyldigne,
cnosle sinum. Him þa Cain gewat
gongan geomormod gode of gesyhðe,
wineleas wrecca, and him þa wic geceas
eastlandum on, eðelstowe
fædergeardum feor, þær him freolecu mæg,
ides æfter æðelum eaforan fedde.
Se æresta wæs Enos haten,
frumbearn Caines. Siððan fæsten ongon
mid þam cneomagum ceastre timbran;
þæt wæs under wolcnum weallfæstenna
ærest ealra þara þe æðelingas,
sweordberende, settan heton.
þanon his eaforan ærest wocan,
bearn from bryde, on þam burhstede.
Se yldesta wæs Iared haten,
sunu Enoses. Siððan wocan,
þa þæs cynnes cneowrim icton,
mægburg Caines. Malalehel wæs
æfter Iarede yrfes hyrde
fæder on laste, oðþæt he forð gewat.
Siððan Mathusal magum dælde,
bearn æfter bearne broðrum sinum
æðelinga gestreon, oðþæt aldorgedal
frod fyrndagum fremman sceolde,
lif oflætan. Lameh onfeng
æfter fæder dæge fletgestealdum,
botlgestreonum. Him bryda twa,
idesa on eðle eaforan feddon,
Ada and Sella; þara anum wæs
Iabal noma, se þurh gleawne geþanc
herbuendra hearpan ærest
handum sinum hlyn awehte,
swinsigende sweg, sunu Lamehes.
Swylce on ðære mægðe maga wæs haten
on þa ilcan tid Tubalcain,
se þurh snytro sped smiðcræftega wæs,
and þurh modes gemynd monna ærest,
sunu Lamehes, sulhgeweorces
fruma wæs ofer foldan, siððan folca bearn
æres cuðon and isernes,
burhsittende, brucan wide.
þa his wifum twæm wordum sægde
Lameh seolfa, leofum gebeddum,
Adan and Sellan unarlic spel:
"Ic on morðor ofsloh minra sumne
hyldemaga; honda gewemde
on Caines cwealme mine,
fylde mid folmum fæder Enoses,
ordbanan Abeles, eorðan sealde
wældreor weres. Wat ic gearwe
þæt þam lichryre on last cymeð
soðcyninges seofonfeald wracu,
micel æfter mane. Min sceal swiðor
mid grimme gryre golden wurðan
fyll and feorhcwealm, þonne ic forð scio."
þa wearð Adame on Abeles gyld
eafora on eðle oþer feded,
soðfæst sunu, þam wæs Seth noma.
Se wæs eadig and his yldrum ðah
freolic to frofre, fæder and meder,
Adames and Euan, wæs Abeles gield
on woruldrice. þa word acwæð
ord moncynnes: "Me ece sunu
sealde selfa sigora waldend,
lifes aldor on leofes stæl,
þæs þe Cain ofsloh, and me cearsorge
mid þys magotimbre of mode asceaf
þeoden usser. Him þæs þanc sie!"
Adam hæfde, þa he eft ongan
him to eðelstæfe
oðres strienan
bearnes be bryde, beorn ellenrof,
[XXX] and [C] þisses lifes,
wintra on worulde. Us gewritu secgað
þæt her eahtahund iecte siððan
mægðum and mæcgum mægburg sine
Adam on eorðan; ealra hæfde
nigenhund wintra
and [XXX] eac, þa he þas woruld
þurh gastgedal ofgyfan sceolde.
Him on laste Seth
leod weardode,
eafora æfter yldrum; eþelstol heold
and wif begeat. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundteontig þa he furðum ongan
his mægburge men geicean
sunum and dohtrum.
Sethes eafora
se yldesta wæs Enos haten;
se nemde god niðþa bearna
ærest ealra, siððan Adam stop
on grene græs gaste geweorðad.
Seth wæs gesælig; siððan strynde
seofon winter her suna and dohtra
ond eahtahund. Ealra hæfde
[XII] and nigonhund, þa seo tid gewearð
þæt he friðgedal fremman sceolde.
Him æfter heold, þa he of worulde gewat,
Enos yrfe, siððan eorðe swealh
sædberendes Sethes lice.
He wæs leof gode and lifde her
wintra hundnigontig ær he be wife her
þurh gebedscipe bearn astrynde;
him þa cenned wearð Cainan ærest
eafora on eðle. Siððan eahtahund
and fiftyno on friðo drihtnes
gleawferhð hæleð geogoðe strynde,
suna and dohtra; swealt, þa he hæfde,
frod fyrnwita, [V] and nigonhund.
þære cneorisse wæs
Cainan siððan
æfter Enose aldordema,
weard and wisa. Wintra hæfde
efne hundseofontig ær him sunu woce.
þa wearð on eðle eafora feded,
mago Cainanes, Malalehel wæs haten.
Siððan eahtahund æðelinga rim
and feowertig eac feorum geicte
Enoses sunu. Ealra nigonhund
wintra hæfde þa he woruld ofgeaf
and tyne eac, þa his tiddæge
under rodera rum rim wæs gefylled.
Him on laste heold land and yrfe
Malalehel siððan missera worn.
Se frumgara fif and sixtig
wintra hæfde þa he be wife ongann
bearna strynan. Him bryd sunu
meowle to monnum brohte. Se maga wæs
on his mægðe, mine gefræge,
guma on geogoðe, Iared haten.
Lifde siððan and lissa breac
Malalehel lange, mondreama her,
woruldgestreona. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundnigontig, þa he forð gewat,
and eahtahund; eaforan læfde
land and leodweard. Longe siððan
Geared gumum gold brittade.
Se eorl wæs æðele, æfæst hæleð,
and se frumgar his freomagum leof.
Fif and hundteontig on fyore lifde
wintra gebidenra on woruldrice
and syxtig eac þa seo sæl gewearð
þæt his wif sunu on woruld brohte;
se eafora wæs Enoc haten,
freolic frumbearn. Fæder her þa gyt
his cynnes forð cneorim icte,
eaforan eahtahund; ealra hæfde
[V] and syxtig, þa he forð gewat,
and nigonhund eac nihtgerimes,
wine frod wintres, þa he þas woruld ofgeaf
ond Geared þa gleawum læfde
land and leodweard, leofum rince.
Enoch siððan ealdordom ahof,
freoðosped folces wisa, nalles feallan let
dom and drihtscipe,
þenden he hyrde wæs heafodmaga.
Breac blæddaga, bearna strynde
þreohund wintra. Him wæs þeoden hold,
rodera waldend. Se rinc heonon
on lichoman lisse sohte,
drihtnes duguðe, nales deaðe swealt
middangeardes, swa her men doþ,
geonge and ealde, þonne him god heora
æhta and ætwist eorðan gestreona
on genimeð and heora aldor somed,
ac he cwic gewat mid cyning engla
of þyssum lænan life feran
on þam gearwum þe his gast onfeng
ær hine to monnum modor brohte.
He þam yldestan eaforan læfde
folc, frumbearne; [V] and syxtig
wintra hæfde þa he woruld ofgeaf,
and eac [III] hund. þrage siððan
Mathusal heold maga yrfe,
se on lichoman lengest þissa
worulddreama breac. Worn gestrynde
ær his swyltdæge suna and dohtra;
hæfde frod hæle, þa he from sceolde
niþþum hweorfan, nigonhund wintra
and hundseofontig to. Sunu æfter heold,
Lamech leodgeard, lange siððan
woruld bryttade. Wintra hæfde
twa and hundteontig þa seo tid gewearð
þæt se eorl ongan æðele cennan,
sunu and dohtor. Siððan lifde
fif and hundnigontig, frea moniges breac
wintra under wolcnum, werodes aldor,
and [V] hund eac; heold þæt folc teala,
bearna strynde, him byras wocan,
eaforan and idesa. He þone yldestan
Noę nemde, se niððum ær
land bryttade siððan Lamech gewat.
Hæfde æðelinga aldorwisa
[V] hund wintra þa he furðum ongan
bearna strynan, þæs þe bec cweðaþ.
Sem wæs haten sunu Noes,
se yldesta, oðer Cham,
þridda Iafeth. þeoda tymdon
rume under roderum, rim miclade
monna mægðe geond middangeard
sunum and dohtrum. ða giet wæs Sethes cynn,
leofes leodfruman on lufan swiðe
drihtne dyre and domeadig,
oðþæt bearn godes bryda ongunnon
on Caines cynne secan,
wergum folce, and him þær wif curon
ofer metodes est monna eaforan,
scyldfulra mægð scyne and fægere.
þa reordade rodora waldend
wrað moncynne and þa worde cwæð:
"Ne syndon me on ferhðe freo from gewitene
cneorisn Caines, ac me þæt cynn hafað
sare abolgen. Nu me Sethes bearn
torn niwiað and him to nimað
mægeð to gemæccum minra feonda;
þær wifa wlite onwod grome,
idesa ansien, and ece feond
folcdriht wera, þa ær on friðe wæron."
Siððan hundtwelftig geteled rime
wintra on worulde wræce bisgodon
fæge þeoda, hwonne frea wolde
on wærlogan wite settan
and on deað slean dædum scyldige
gigantmæcgas, gode unleofe,
micle mansceaðan, metode laðe.
þa geseah selfa sigoro waldend
hwæt wæs monna manes on eorðan
and þæt hie wæron womma ðriste,
inwitfulle. He þæt unfægere
wera cneorissum gewrecan þohte,
forgripan gumcynne grimme and sare,
heardum mihtum. Hreaw hine swiðe
þæt he folcmægþa fruman aweahte,
æðelinga ord, þa he Adam sceop,
cwæð þæt he wolde for wera synnum
eall aæðan þæt on eorðan wæs,
forleosan lica gehwilc þara þe lifes gast
fæðmum þeahte. Eall þæt frea wolde
on ðære toweardan tide acwellan
þe þa nealæhte niðða bearnum.
Noe wæs god, nergende leof,
swiðe gesælig, sunu Lameches,
domfæst and gedefe. Drihten wiste
þæt þæs æðelinges ellen dohte
breostgehygdum; forðon him brego sægde,
halig æt hleoðre, helm allwihta,
hwæt he fah werum fremman wolde;
geseah unrihte eorðan fulle,
side sælwongas synnum gehladene,
widlum gewemde. þa waldend spræc,
nergend usser, and to Noe cwæð:
"Ic wille mid flode folc acwellan
and cynna gehwilc cucra wuhta,
þara þe lyft and flod lædað and fedað,
feoh and fuglas. þu scealt frið habban
mid sunum þinum, ðonne sweart wæter,
wonne wælstreamas werodum swelgað,
sceaðum scyldfullum. Ongyn þe scip wyrcan,
merehus micel. On þam þu monegum scealt
reste geryman, and rihte setl
ælcum æfter agenum eorðan tudre.
Gescype scylfan on scipes bosme.
þu þæt fær gewyrc fiftiges wid,
ðrittiges heah
and þreohund lang
elngemeta, and wið yða gewyrc
gefeg fæste. þær sceal fæsl wesan
cwiclifigendra cynna gehwilces
on þæt wudufæsten wocor gelæded
eorðan tudres; earc sceal þy mare."
Noe fremede
swa hine nergend heht,
hyrde þam halgan heofoncyninge,
ongan ofostlice þæt hof wyrcan,
micle merecieste. Magum sægde
þæt wæs þrealic þing þeodum toweard,
reðe wite. Hie ne rohton þæs!
Geseah þa ymb wintra worn wærfæst metod
geofonhusa mæst gearo hlifigean,
innan and utan eorðan lime
gefæstnod wið flode, fær Noes,
þy selestan. þæt is syndrig cynn;
symle bið þy heardra þe hit hreoh wæter,
swearte sæstreamas swiðor beatað.
ða to Noe cwæð nergend usser:
"Ic þe þæs mine, monna leofost,
wære gesylle, þæt þu weg nimest
and feora fæsl þe þu ferian scealt
geond deop wæter dægrimes worn
on lides bosme. Læd, swa ic þe hate,
under earce bord eaforan þine,
frumgaran þry, and eower feower wif.
Ond þu seofone genim on þæt sundreced
tudra gehwilces geteled rimes,
þara þe to mete mannum lifige,
and þara oðerra
ælces twa.
Swilce þu of eallum eorðan wæstmum
wiste under wægbord werodum gelæde,
þam þe mid sceolon mereflod nesan.
Fed freolice feora wocre
oð ic þære lafe lagosiða eft
reorde under roderum ryman wille.
Gewit þu nu mid hiwum on þæt hof gangan,
gasta werode. Ic þe godne wat,
fæsthydigne; þu eart freoðo wyrðe,
ara mid eaforum. Ic on andwlitan
nu ofor seofon niht sigan læte
wællregn ufan widre eorðan.
Feowertig daga fæhðe ic wille
on weras stælan and mid wægþreate
æhta and agend eall acwellan
þa beutan beoð earce bordum
þonne sweart racu stigan onginneð."
Him þa Noe gewat, swa hine nergend het,
under earce bord eaforan lædan,
weras on wægþæl and heora wif somed;
and eall þæt to fæsle frea ælmihtig
habban wolde under hrof gefor
to heora ætgifan, swa him ælmihtig
weroda drihten þurh his word abead.
Him on hoh beleac heofonrices weard
merehuses muð mundum sinum,
sigora waldend, and segnade
earce innan agenum spedum
nergend usser. Noe hæfde,
sunu Lameches, syxhund wintra
þa he mid bearnum under bord gestah,
gleaw mid geogoðe, be godes hæse,
dugeðum dyrum. Drihten sende
regn from roderum and eac rume let
willeburnan on woruld þringan
of ædra gehwære, egorstreamas
swearte swogan. Sæs up stigon
ofer stæðweallas. Strang wæs and reðe
se ðe wætrum weold; wreah and þeahte
manfæhðu bearn middangeardes
wonnan wæge, wera eðelland;
hof hergode, hygeteonan wræc
metod on monnum. Mere swiðe grap
on fæge folc feowertig daga,
nihta oðer swilc. Nið wæs reðe,
wællgrim werum; wuldorcyninges
yða wræcon arleasra feorh
of flæschoman. Flod ealle wreah,
hreoh under heofonum hea beorgas
geond sidne grund and on sund ahof
earce from eorðan and þa æðelo mid,
þa segnade selfa drihten,
scyppend usser, þa he þæt scip beleac.
Siððan wide rad wolcnum under
ofer holmes hrincg hof seleste,
for mid fearme. Fære ne moston
wægliðendum wætres brogan
hæste hrinon, ac hie halig god
ferede and nerede. Fiftena stod
deop ofer dunum se drenceflod
monnes elna; þæt is mæro wyrd!
þam æt niehstan wæs nan to gedale,
nymþe heof wæs ahafen on þa hean lyft,
þa se egorhere eorðan tuddor
eall acwealde, buton þæt earce bord
heold heofona frea, þa hine halig god
ece upp forlet
streamum stigan, stiðferhð cyning.
þa gemunde god mereliðende,
sigora waldend sunu Lameches
and ealle þa wocre þe he wið wætre beleac,
lifes leohtfruma, on lides bosme.
Gelædde þa wigend weroda drihten
worde ofer widland. Willflod ongan
lytligan eft. Lago ebbade,
sweart under swegle. Hæfde soð metod
eaforum egstream eft gecyrred,
torhtne ryne, regn gestilled.
For famig scip [L] and [C]
nihta under roderum, siððan nægledbord,
fær seleste, flod up ahof,
oðþæt rimgetæl reðre þrage
daga forð gewat. ða on dunum gesæt
heah mid hlæste holmærna mæst,
earc Noes, þe Armenia
hatene syndon. þær se halga bad,
sunu Lameches, soðra gehata
lange þrage, hwonne him lifes weard
frea ælmihtig frecenra siða
reste ageafe,
þæra he rume dreah
þa hine on sunde geond sidne grund
wonne yða wide bæron.
Holm wæs heononweard; hæleð langode,
wægliðende, swilce wif heora,
hwonne hie of nearwe ofer nægledbord
ofer streamstaðe stæppan mosten
and of enge ut æhta lædan.
þa fandode forðweard scipes,
hwæðer sincende sæflod þa gyt
wære under wolcnum. Let þa ymb worn daga
þæs þe heah hlioðo horde onfengon
and æðelum eac eorðan tudres
sunu Lameches sweartne fleogan
hrefn ofer heahflod of huse ut.
Noe tealde þæt he on neod hine,
gif he on þære lade land ne funde,
ofer sid wæter secan wolde
on wægþele. Eft him seo wen geleah,
ac se feonde gespearn fleotende hreaw;
salwigfeðera secan nolde.
He þa ymb seofon niht sweartum hrefne
of earce forlet æfter fleogan
ofer heah wæter haswe culufran
on fandunga hwæðer famig sæ
deop þa gyta dæl ænigne
grenre eorðan ofgifen hæfde.
Heo wide hire willan sohte
and rume fleah. Nohweðere reste fand,
þæt heo for flode fotum ne meahte
land gespornan ne on leaf treowes
steppan for streamum, ac wæron steap hleoðo
bewrigen mid wætrum. Gewat se wilda fugel
on æfenne earce secan
ofer wonne wæg, werig sigan,
hungri to handa halgum rince.
ða wæs culufre eft of cofan sended
ymb wucan wilde. Seo wide fleah
oðþæt heo rumgal restestowe
fægere funde and þa fotum stop
on beam hyre; gefeah bliðemod
þæs þe heo gesittan
swiðe werig
on treowes telgum torhtum moste.
Heo feðera onsceoc, gewat fleogan eft
mid lacum hire, liðend brohte
elebeames twig an to handa,
grene blædæ. þa ongeat hraðe
flotmonna frea þæt wæs frofor cumen,
earfoðsiða bot. þa gyt se eadega wer
ymb wucan þriddan wilde culufran
ane sende. Seo eft ne com
to lide fleogan, ac heo land begeat,
grene bearwas; nolde gladu æfre
under salwed bord syððan ætywan
on þellfæstenne, þa hire þearf ne wæs.
þa to Noe spræc nergend usser,
heofonrices weard, halgan reorde:
"þe is eðelstol eft gerymed,
lisse on lande, lagosiða rest
fæger on foldan. Gewit on freðo gangan
ut of earce, and on eorðan bearm
of þam hean hofe hiwan læd þu
and ealle þa wocre þe ic wægþrea on
liðe nerede þenden lago hæfde
þrymme geþeahtne
þriddan eðyl."
He fremede swa and frean hyrde,
stah ofer streamweall, swa him seo stefn bebead,
lustum miclum, and alædde þa
of wægþele wraðra lafe.
þa Noe ongan nergende lac
rædfæst reðran, and recene genam
on eallum dæl æhtum sinum,
ðam ðe him to dugeðum drihten sealde,
gleaw to þam gielde, and þa gode selfum
torhtmod hæle tiber onsægde,
cyninge engla. Huru cuð dyde
nergend usser, þa he Noe
gebletsade and his bearn somed,
þæt he þæt gyld on þanc agifen hæfde
and on geogoðhade godum dædum
ær geearnod
þæt him ealra wæs
ara este ælmihtig god,
domfæst dugeþa. þa gyt drihten cwæð,
wuldris aldor word to Noe:
"Tymað nu and tiedrað, tires brucað,
mid gefean fryðo; fyllað eorðan,
eall geiceað. Eow is eðelstol
and holmes hlæst and heofonfuglas
and wildu deor on geweald geseald,
eorðe ælgrene and eacen feoh.
Næfre ge mid blode beodgereordu
unarlice eowre þicgeað,
besmiten mid synne sawldreore.
ælc hine selfa ærest begrindeð
gastes dugeðum
þæra þe mid gares orde
oðrum aldor oðþringeð. Ne ðearf he þy edleane gefeon
modgeþance, ac ic monnes feorh
to slagan sece
swiðor micle,
and to broðor banan, þæs þe blodgyte,
wællfyll weres wæpnum gespedeð,
morð mid mundum. Monn wæs to godes
anlicnesse ærest gesceapen.
ælc hafað magwlite metodes and engla
þara þe healdan wile halige þeawas.
Weaxað and wridað, wilna brucað,
ara on eorðan; æðelum fyllað
eowre fromcynne foldan sceatas,
teamum and tudre. Ic eow treowa þæs
mine selle, þæt ic on middangeard
næfre egorhere eft gelæde,
wæter ofer widland. Ge on wolcnum þæs
oft and gelome andgiettacen
magon sceawigan, þonne ic scurbogan
minne iewe, þæt ic monnum þas
wære gelæste, þenden woruld standeð."
ða wæs se snotra sunu Lamehes
of fere acumen flode on laste
mid his eaforum þrim, yrfes hyrde
(and heora feower wif;
nemde wæron Percoba, Olla,
Olliua, Olliuani),
wærfæst metode, wætra lafe.
Hæleð hygerofe hatene wæron,
suna Noes Sem and Cham,
Iafeð þridda. From þam gumrincum
folc geludon and gefylled wearð
eall þes middangeard monna bearnum.
ða Noe ongan niwan stefne
mid hleomagum ham staðelian
and to eorðan him ætes tilian;
won and worhte, wingeard sette,
seow sæda fela, sohte georne
þa him wlitebeorhte wæstmas brohte,
geartorhte gife, grene folde.
ða þæt geeode, þæt se eadega wer
on his wicum wearð wine druncen,
swæf symbelwerig, and him selfa sceaf
reaf of lice. Swa gerysne ne wæs,
læg þa limnacod. He lyt ongeat
þæt him on his inne
swa earme gelamp,
þa him on hreðre heafodswima
on þæs halgan hofe heortan clypte.
Swiðe on slæpe sefa nearwode
þæt he ne mihte on gemynd drepen
hine handum self mid hrægle wryon
and sceome þeccan, swa gesceapu wæron
werum and wifum, siððan wuldres þegn
ussum fæder and meder fyrene sweorde
on laste beleac lifes eðel.
þa com ærest Cam in siðian,
eafora Noes, þær his aldor læg,
ferhðe forstolen. þær he freondlice
on his agenum fæder are ne wolde
gesceawian, ne þa sceonde huru
hleomagum helan, ac he hlihende
broðrum sægde, hu se beorn hine
reste on recede. Hie þa raðe stopon,
heora andwlitan in bewrigenum
under loðum listum, þæt hie leofum men
geoce gefremede; gode wæron begen,
Sem and Iafeð. ða of slæpe onbrægd
sunu Lamehes, and þa sona ongeat
þæt him cynegodum Cham ne wolde,
þa him wæs are þearf, ænige cyðan
hyldo and treowa. þæt þam halgan wæs
sar on mode, ongan þa his selfes bearn
wordum wyrgean, cwæð, he wesan sceolde
hean under heofnum, hleomaga þeow,
Cham on eorþan; him þa cwyde syððan
and his fromcynne frecne scodon.
þa nyttade Noe siððan
mid sunum sinum sidan rices
ðreohund wintra þisses lifes,
freomen æfter flode, and fiftig eac, þa he forð gewat.
Siððan his eaforan ead bryttedon,
bearna stryndon; him wæs beorht wela.
þa wearð Iafeðe geogoð afeded,
hyhtlic heorðwerod heafodmaga,
sunu and dohtra. He wæs selfa til,
heold a rice, eðeldreamas,
blæd mid bearnum, oðþæt breosta hord,
gast ellorfus gangan sceolde
to godes dome. Geomor siððan
fæder flettgesteald freondum dælde,
swæsum and gesibbum, sunu Iafeðes;
þæs teames wæs tuddor gefylled
unlytel dæl eorðan gesceafta.
Swilce Chames suno cende wurdon,
eaforan on eðle; þa yldestan
Chus and Chanan
hatene wæron,
ful freolice feorh, frumbearn Chames.
Chus wæs æðelum heafodwisa,
wilna brytta and worulddugeða
broðrum sinum, botlgestreona,
fæder on laste, siððan forð gewat
Cham of lice, þa him cwealm gesceod.
Se magoræswa mægðe sinre
domas sægde, oðþæt his dogora wæs
rim aurnen. þa se rinc ageaf
eorðcunde ead, sohte oðer lif,
fæder Nebroðes. Frumbearn siððan
eafora Chuses yrfestole weold,
widmære wer,
swa us gewritu secgeað,
þæt he moncynnes mæste hæfde
on þam mældagum mægen and strengo.
Se wæs Babylones bregorices fruma,
ærest æðelinga; eðelðrym onhof,
rymde and rærde. Reord wæs þa gieta
eorðbuendum an gemæne.
Swilce of Cames cneorisse woc
wermægða fela; of þam widfolce
cneorim micel cenned wæron.
þa wearð Seme suna and dohtra
on woruldrice worn afeded,
freora bearna, ær ðon frod cure
wintrum wælreste werodes aldor.
On þære mægðe wæron men tile,
þara an wæs Eber haten,
eafora Semes; of þam eorle woc
unrim þeoda, þa nu æðelingas,
ealle eorðbuend, Ebrei hatað.
Gewiton him þa eastan æhta lædan,
feoh and feorme. Folc wæs anmod;
rofe rincas sohton rumre land,
oðþæt hie becomon corðrum miclum,
folc ferende, þær hie fæstlice
æðelinga bearn, eard genamon.
Gesetton þa Sennar sidne and widne
leoda ræswan; leofum mannum
heora geardagum grene wongas,
fægre foldan, him forðwearde
on ðære dægtide duguðe wæron,
wilna gehwilces weaxende sped.
ða þær mon mænig be his mægwine,
æðeling anmod, oðerne bæd
þæs hie him to mærðe, ær seo mengeo eft
geond foldan bearm
tofaran sceolde,
leoda mægðe on landsocne
burh geworhte and to beacne torr
up arærde to rodortunglum.
þæs þe hie gesohton Sennera feld,
swa þa foremeahtige folces ræswan,
þa yldestan oft and gelome
liðsum gewunedon; larum sohton
weras to weorce and to wrohtscipe,
oðþæt for wlence and for wonhygdum
cyðdon cræft heora, ceastre worhton
and to heofnum up hlædræ rærdon,
strengum stepton
stænenne weall
ofer monna gemet, mærða georne,
hæleð mid honda. þa com halig god
wera cneorissa weorc sceawigan,
beorna burhfæsten, and þæt beacen somed,
þe to roderum up ræran ongunnon
Adames eaforan, and þæs unrædes
stiðferhð cyning steore gefremede,
þa he reðemod reorde gesette
eorðbuendum ungelice,
þæt hie þære spæce sped ne ahton.
þa hie gemitton mihtum spedge,
teoche æt torre, getalum myclum,
weorces wisan, ne þær wermægða
ænig wiste hwæt oðer cwæð.
Ne meahte hie gewurðan weall stænenne
up forð timbran, ac hie earmlice
heapum tohlocon, hleoðrum gedælde;
wæs oðerre
æghwilc worden
mægburh fremde, siððan metod tobræd
þurh his mihta sped monna spræce.
Toforan þa on feower wegas
æðelinga bearn ungeþeode
on landsocne. Him on laste bu
stiðlic stantorr and seo steape burh
samod samworht on Sennar stod.
Weox þa under wolcnum and wriðade
mægburh Semes, oðþæt mon awoc
on þære cneorisse, cynebearna rim,
þancolmod wer, þeawum hydig.
Wurdon þam æðelinge eaforan acende,
in Babilone bearn afeded
freolicu tu, and þa frumgaran,
hæleð higerofe, hatene wæron
Abraham and Aaron; þam eorlum wæs
frea engla bam
freond and aldor.
ða wearð Aarone eafora feded,
leoflic on life, ðam wæs Loth noma.
ða magorincas metode geþungon,
Abraham and Loth, unforcuðlice,
swa him from yldrum æðelu wæron
on woruldrice; forðon hie wide nu
dugeðum demað
þa þæs mæles wæs mearc agongen
þæt him Abraham idese brohte,
wif to hame, þær he wic ahte,
fæger and freolic. Seo fæmne wæs
Sarra haten, þæs þe us secgeað bec.
Hie þa wintra fela woruld bryttedon,
sinc ætsomne, sibbe heoldon
geara mengeo. Nohwæðre gifeðe wearð
Abrahame þa gyt þæt him yrfeweard
wlitebeorht ides on woruld brohte,
Sarra Abrahame, suna and dohtra.
Gewat him þa mid cnosle ofer Caldea folc
feran mid feorme fæder Abrahames;
snotor mid gesibbum secean wolde
Cananea land. Hine cneowmægas,
metode gecorene mid siðedon
of þære eðeltyrf, Abraham and Loth.
Him þa cynegode on Carran
æðelinga bearn eard genamon,
weras mid wifum. On þam wicum his
fæder Abrahames feorh gesealde,
wærfæst hæle; wintra hæfde
twa hundteontig, geteled rime,
and fife eac, þa he forð gewat
misserum frod metodsceaft seon.
ða se halga spræc, heofonrices weard,
to Abrahame, ece drihten:
"Gewit þu nu feran and þine fare lædan,
ceapas to cnosle.
Carran ofgif,
fæder eðelstol. Far, swa ic þe hate,
monna leofost, and þu minum wel
larum hyre, and þæt land gesec
þe ic þe ælgrene ywan wille,
brade foldan. þu gebletsad scealt
on mundbyrde minre lifigan.
Gif ðe ænig eorðbuendra
mid wean greteð, ic hine wergðo on
mine sette and modhete,
longsumne nið; lisse selle,
wilna wæstme þam þe wurðiað.
þurh þe eorðbuende ealle onfoð,
folcbearn freoðo and freondscipe,
blisse minre and bletsunge
on woruldrice. Wriðende sceal
mægðe þinre monrim wesan
swiðe under swegle sunum and dohtrum,
oðþæt fromcyme folde weorðeð,
þeodlond monig þine gefylled."
Him þa Abraham gewat æhte lædan
of Egipta eðelmearce,
gumcystum god, golde and seolfre
swiðfeorm and gesælig, swa him sigora weard,
waldend usser þurh his word abead,
ceapas from Carran; sohton Cananea
lond and leodgeard. þa com leof gode
on þa eðelturf idesa lædan,
swæse gebeddan and his suhtrian
wif on willan. Wintra hæfde
fif and hundseofontig ða he faran sceolde,
Carran ofgifan and cneowmagas.
Him þa feran gewat fæder ælmihtiges
lare gemyndig land sceawian
geond þa folcsceare be frean hæse
Abraham wide, oðþæt ellenrof
to Sicem com siðe spedig,
cynne Cananeis. þa hine cyning engla
Abrahame iewde selfa,
domfæst wereda and drihten cwæð:
"þis is seo eorðe þe ic ælgrene
tudre þinum torhte wille
wæstmum gewlo on geweald don,
rume rice." þa se rinc gode
wibed worhte and þa waldende
lifes leohtfruman lac onsægde
gasta helme. Him þa gyt gewat
Abraham eastan eagum wlitan
on landa cyst, (lisse gemunde
heofonweardes gehat, þa him þurh halig word
sigora selfcyning soð gecyðde),
oðþæt drihtweras duguþum geforan
þær is botlwela Bethlem haten.
Beorn bliðemod and his broðor sunu
forð oferforan folcmæro land
eastan mid æhtum, æfæste men
weallsteapan hleoðu, and him þa wic curon
þær him wlitebeorhte wongas geþuhton.
Abraham þa oðere siðe
wibed worhte. He þær wordum god
torhtum cigde, tiber onsægde
his liffrean, (him þæs lean ageaf
nalles hneawlice
þurh his hand metend),
on þam gledstyde gumcystum til.
ðær ræsbora þrage siððan
wicum wunode and wilna breac,
beorn mid bryde, oðþæt brohþrea
Cananea wearð cynne getenge,
hunger se hearda, hamsittendum,
wælgrim werum. Him þa wishydig
Abraham gewat on Egypte,
drihtne gecoren, drohtað secan,
fleah wærfæst wean; wæs þæt wite to strang.
Abraham maðelode, geseah Egypta
hornsele hwite and hea byrig
beorhte blican; ongan þa his bryd frea,
wishydig wer, wordum læran:
"Siððan Egypte eagum moton
on þinne wlite wlitan wlance monige,
þonne æðelinga eorlas wenað,
mæg ælfscieno, þæt þu min sie
beorht gebedda, þe wile beorna sum
him geagnian. Ic me onegan mæg
þæt me wraðra sum wæpnes ecge
for freondmynde feore beneote.
Saga þu, Sarra, þæt þu sie sweostor min,
lices mæge, þonne þe leodweras
fremde fricgen hwæt sie freondlufu
ellðeodigra uncer twega,
feorren cumenra. þu him fæste hel
soðan spræce; swa þu minum scealt
feore gebeorgan, gif me freoðo drihten
on woruldrice, waldend usser,
an ælmihtig, swa he ær dyde,
lengran lifes. Se us þas lade sceop,
þæt we on Egiptum are sceolde
fremena friclan and us fremu secan."
þa com ellenrof eorl siðian,
Abraham mid æhtum on Egypte,
þær him folcweras fremde wæron,
wine uncuðe. Wordum spræcon
ymb þæs wifes wlite wlonce monige,
dugeðum dealle; him drihtlicu mæg,
on wlite modgum mænegum ðuhte,
cyninges þegnum. Hie þæt cuð dydon
heora folcfrean
þæt fægerro lyt
for æðelinge
idesa sunnon,
ac hie Sarran swiðor micle,
wynsumne wlite wordum heredon,
oðþæt he lædan heht leoflic wif to
his selfes sele. Sinces brytta,
æðelinga helm heht Abrahame
duguðum stepan. Hwæðere drihten wearð,
frea Faraone fah and yrre
for wifmyne; þæs wraðe ongeald
hearde mid hiwum hægstealdra wyn.
Ongæt hwæðere gumena aldor
hwæt him waldend wræc witeswingum;
heht him Abraham to egesum geðreadne
brego Egipto, and his bryd ageaf,
wif to gewealde; heht him wine ceosan,
ellor æðelingas, oðre dugeðe.
Abead þa þeodcyning þegnum sinum,
ombihtscealcum, þæt hie hine arlice
ealles onsundne eft gebrohten
of þære folcsceare, þæt he on friðe wære.
ða Abraham æhte lædde
of Egypta eðelmearce;
hie ellenrofe idese feredon,
bryd and begas, þæt hie to Bethlem
on cuðe wic ceapas læddon,
eadge eorðwelan oðre siðe,
wif on willan and heora woruldgestreon.
Ongunnon him þa bytlian and heora burh ræran,
and sele settan, salo niwian.
Weras on wonge wibed setton
neah þam þe Abraham æror rærde
his waldende þa westan com.
þær se eadga eft ecan drihtnes
niwan stefne noman weorðade;
tilmodig eorl tiber onsægde
þeodne engla, þancode swiðe
lifes leohtfruman lisse and ara.
Wunedon on þam wicum, hæfdon wilna geniht
Abraham and Loth. Ead bryttedon,
oðþæt hie on þam lande ne meahton leng somed
blædes brucan and heora begra þær
æhte habban, ac sceoldon arfæste,
þa rincas þy rumor secan
ellor eðelseld. Oft wæron teonan
wærfæstra wera weredum gemæne,
heardum hearmplega. þa se halga ongan
ara gemyndig Abraham sprecan
fægre to Lothe: "Ic eom fædera þin
sibgebyrdum, þu min suhterga.
Ne sceolon unc betweonan teonan weaxan,
wroht wriðian– ne þæt wille god!
Ac wit synt gemagas; unc gemæne ne sceal
elles awiht, nymþe eall tela
lufu langsumu. Nu þu, Loth, geþenc,
þæt unc modige ymb mearce sittað,
þeoda þrymfæste þegnum and gesiððum,
folc Cananea and Feretia,
rofum rincum. Ne willað rumor unc
landriht heora; forðon wit lædan sculon,
teon of þisse stowe, and unc staðolwangas
rumor secan. Ic ræd sprece,
bearn Arones, begra uncer,
soðne secge. Ic þe selfes dom
life, leofa. Leorna þe seolfa
and geþancmeta þine mode
on hwilce healfe þu wille hwyrft don,
cyrran mid ceape, nu ic þe cyst abead."
Him þa Loth gewat land sceawigan
be Iordane, grene eorðan.
Seo wæs wætrum weaht and wæstmum þeaht,
lagostreamum leoht, and gelic godes
oðþæt nergend god
for wera synnum wylme gesealde
Sodoman and Gomorran, sweartan lige.
Him þa eard geceas and eðelsetl
sunu Arones on Sodoma byrig;
æhte sine
beagas from Bethlem and botlgestreon,
welan, wunden gold. Wunode siððan
be Iordane geara mænego.
þær folcstede fægre wæron,
men arlease, metode laðe.
Wæron Sodomisc cynn synnum þriste,
dædum gedwolene; drugon heora selfra
ecne unræd. æfre ne wolde
þam leodþeawum
Loth onfon,
ac he þære mægðe monwisan fleah,
þeah þe he on þam lande lifian sceolde,
facen and fyrene, and hine fægre heold,
þeawfæst and geþyldig on þam þeodscipe,
emne þon gelicost, lara gemyndig,
þe he ne cuðe hwæt þa cynn dydon.
Abraham wunode eðeleardum
Cananea forð. Hine cyning engla,
metod moncynnes mundbyrde heold,
wilna wæstmum and worulddugeðum,
lufum and lissum; forþon his lof secgað
wide under wolcnum wera cneorisse,
foldwonga bearn. He frean hyrde
estum on eðle, ðenden he eardes breac,
halig and higefrod; næfre hleowlora
æt edwihtan æfre weorðeð
feorhberendra forht and acol,
mon for metode, þe him æfter a
þurh gemynda sped
mode and dædum,
worde and gewitte, wise þance,
oð his ealdorgedal oleccan wile.
ða ic aldor gefrægn Elamitarna
fromne folctogan, fyrd gebeodan,
Orlahomar; him Ambrafel
of Sennar side worulde
for on fultum. Gewiton hie feower þa
þeodcyningas þrymme micle
secan suð ðanon Sodoman and Gomorran.
þa wæs guðhergum be Iordane
wera eðelland wide geondsended,
folde feondum. Sceolde forht monig
blachleor ides bifiende gan
on fremdes fæðm; feollon wergend
bryda and beaga, bennum seoce.
Him þa togeanes mid guðþræce
fife foran folccyningas
sweotum suðon, woldon Sodome burh
wraðum werian; þa wintra [XII]
norðmonnum ær niede sceoldon
gombon gieldan and gafol sellan,
oðþæt þa leode leng ne woldon
Elamitarna aldor swiðan
folcgestreonum, ac him from swicon.
Foron þa tosomne (francan wæron hlude),
wraðe wælherigas. Sang se wanna fugel
under deoreðsceaftum, deawigfeðera,
hræs on wenan. Hæleð onetton
on mægencorðrum, modum þryðge,
oðþæt folcgetrume gefaren hæfdon
sid tosomne suðan and norðan,
helmum þeahte. þær wæs heard plega,
wælgara wrixl, wigcyrm micel,
hlud hildesweg. Handum brugdon
hæleð of scæðum hringmæled sweord,
ecgum dihtig. þær wæs eaðfynde
eorle orlegceap, se ðe ær ne wæs
niðes genihtsum. Norðmen wæron
suðfolcum swice; wurdon Sodomware
and Gomorre, goldes bryttan,
æt þæm lindcrodan leofum bedrorene,
fyrdgesteallum. Gewiton feorh heora
fram þam folcstyde fleame nergan,
secgum ofslegene; him on swaðe feollon
æðelinga bearn, ecgum ofþegde,
willgesiððas. Hæfde wigsigor
Elamitarna ordes wisa,
weold wælstowe. Gewat seo wæpna laf
fæsten secan. Fynd gold strudon,
ahyðdan þa mid herge hordburh wera,
Sodoman and Gomorran, þa sæl ageald,
mære ceastra. Mægð siðedon,
fæmnan and wuduwan, freondum beslægene,
from hleowstole. Hettend læddon
ut mid æhtum Abrahames mæg
of Sodoma byrig. We þæt soð magon
secgan furður, hwelc siððan wearð
æfter þæm gehnæste herewulfa sið,
þara þe læddon Loth and leoda god,
suðmonna sinc, sigore gulpon.
Him þa secg hraðe gewat siðian,
an gara laf, se ða guðe genæs,
Abraham secan. Se þæt orlegweorc
þam Ebriscan eorle gecyðde,
forslegen swiðe Sodoma folc,
leoda duguðe and Lothes sið.
þa þæt inwitspell Abraham sægde
freondum sinum; bæd him fultumes
wærfæst hæleð willgeðoftan,
Aner and Manre, Escol þriddan,
cwæð þæt him wære weorce on mode,
sorga sarost, þæt his suhtriga
þeownyd þolode; bæd him þræcrofe
þa rincas þæs ræd ahicgan,
þæt his hyldemæg
ahreded wurde,
beorn mid bryde. Him þa broðor þry
æt spræce þære spedum miclum
hældon hygesorge heardum wordum,
ellenrofe, and Abrahame
treowa sealdon, þæt hie his torn mid him
gewræcon on wraðum, oððe on wæl feollan.
þa se halga heht his heorðwerod
wæpna onfon. He þær wigena fand,
æscberendra, [XVIII]
and [CCC] eac
þara þe he wiste þæt meahte wel æghwylc
on fyrd wegan fealwe linde.
Him þa Abraham gewat and þa eorlas þry
þe him ær treowe sealdon mid heora folcgetrume;
wolde his mæg huru,
Loth alynnan of laðscipe.
Rincas wæron rofe, randas wægon
forð fromlice on foldwege.
Hildewulfas herewicum neh
gefaren hæfdon. þa he his frumgaran,
wishydig wer, wordum sægde,
þares afera, him wæs þearf micel
þæt hie on twa healfe
grimme guðgemot gystum eowdon
heardne handplegan; cwæð þæt him se halga,
ece drihten,
eaðe mihte
æt þam spereniðe spede lænan.
þa ic neðan gefrægn under nihtscuwan
hæleð to hilde. Hlyn wearð on wicum
scylda and sceafta, sceotendra fyll,
guðflana gegrind; gripon unfægre
under sceat werum scearpe garas,
and feonda feorh feollon ðicce,
þær hlihende huðe feredon
secgas and gesiððas. Sigor eft ahwearf
of norðmonna niðgeteone,
æsctir wera. Abraham sealde
wig to wedde, nalles wunden gold,
for his suhtrigan, sloh and fylde
feond on fitte. Him on fultum grap
heofonrices weard. Hergas wurdon
feower on fleame, folccyningas,
leode ræswan. Him on laste stod
hihtlic heorðwerod, and hæleð lagon,
on swaðe sæton, þa þe Sodoma
and Gomorra golde berofan,
bestrudon stigwitum. Him þæt stiðe geald
fædera Lothes. Fleonde wæron
Elamitarna aldorduguðe
dome bedrorene, oðþæt hie Domasco
unfeor wæron. Gewat him Abraham ða
on þa wigrode wiðertrod seon
laðra monna. Loth wæs ahreded,
eorl mid æhtum, idesa hwurfon,
wif on willan. Wide gesawon
freora feorhbanan fuglas slitan
on ecgwale. Abraham ferede
suðmonna eft sinc and bryda,
æðelinga bearn, oðle nior,
mægeð heora magum. Næfre mon ealra
lifigendra her lytle werede
þon wurðlicor wigsið ateah,
þara þe wið swa miclum mægne geræsde.
þa wæs suð þanon Sodoma folce
guðspell wegen, hwelc gromra wearð
feonda fromlad. Gewat him frea leoda,
eorlum bedroren, Abraham secan,
freonda feasceaft. Him ferede mid
Solomia sinces hyrde;
þæt wæs se mæra Melchisedec,
leoda bisceop. Se mid lacum com
fyrdrinca fruman fægre gretan,
Abraham arlice, and him on sette
godes bletsunge, and swa gyddode:
"Wæs ðu gewurðod on wera rime
for þæs eagum þe ðe æsca tir
æt guðe forgeaf! þæt is god selfa,
se ðe hettendra herga þrymmas
on geweald gebræc, and þe wæpnum læt
rancstræte forð rume wyrcan,
huðe ahreddan and hæleð fyllan.
On swaðe sæton; ne meahton siðwerod
guðe spowan, ac hie god flymde,
se ðe æt feohtan mid frumgarum
wið ofermægnes egsan sceolde
handum sinum, and halegu treow,
seo þu wið rodora weard rihte healdest."
Him þa se beorn bletsunga lean
þurh hand ageaf, and þæs hereteames
ealles teoðan sceat Abraham sealde
godes bisceope. þa spræc guðcyning,
Sodoma aldor, secgum befylled,
to Abrahame (him wæs ara þearf).
"Forgif me mennen minra leoda,
þe þu ahreddest herges cræftum
wera wælclommum! Hafa þe wunden gold
þæt ær agen wæs ussum folce,
feoh and frætwa! Læt me freo lædan
eft on eðel æðelinga bearn,
on weste wic wif and cnihtas,
earme wydewan! Eaforan syndon deade,
folcgesiðas, nymðe fea ane,
þe me mid sceoldon mearce healdan."
Him þa Abraham andswarode
ædre for eorlum, elne gewurðod,
dome and sigore, drihtlice spræc:
"Ic þe gehate, hæleða waldend,
for þam halgan, þe heofona is
and þisse eorðan agendfrea,
wordum minum, nis woruldfeoh,
þe ic me agan wille,
sceat ne scilling, þæs ic on sceotendum,
þeoden mæra, þines ahredde,
æðelinga helm, þy læs þu eft cweðe
þæt ic wurde, willgesteallum,
eadig on eorðan ærgestreonum
Sodoma rices; ac þu selfa most heonon
huðe lædan, þe ic þe æt hilde gesloh,
ealle buton dæle þissa drihtwera,
Aneres and Mamres and Escoles.
Nelle ic þa rincas rihte benæman,
ac hie me fulleodon æt æscþræce,
fuhton þe æfter frofre. Gewit þu ferian nu
ham hyrsted gold and healsmægeð,
leoda idesa. þu þe laðra ne þearft
hæleða hildþræce hwile onsittan,
norðmanna wig;
ac nefuglas
under beorhhleoþum
blodige sittað,
þeodherga wæle
þicce gefylled."
Gewat him þa se healdend ham siðian
mid þy hereteame þe him se halga forgeaf,
Ebrea leod arna gemyndig.
þa gen Abrahame eowde selfa
heofona heahcyning halige spræce,
trymede tilmodigne and him to reordode:
"Meda syndon micla þina! Ne læt þu þe þin mod asealcan,
wærfæst willan mines! Ne þearft þu þe wiht ondrædan,
þenden þu mine lare læstest, ac ic þe lifigende her
wið weana gehwam wreo and scylde
folmum minum; ne þearft þu forht wesan."
Abraham þa andswarode,
dædrof drihtne sinum, frægn hine dægrime frod:
"Hwæt gifest þu me, gasta waldend,
freomanna to frofre, nu ic þus feasceaft eom?
Ne þearf ic yrfestol eaforan bytlian
ænegum minra, ac me æfter sculon
mine woruldmagas welan bryttian.
Ne sealdest þu me sunu; forðon mec sorg dreceð
on sefan swiðe. Ic sylf ne mæg
ræd ahycgan. Gæð gerefa min
fægen freobearnum; fæste mynteð
ingeþancum þæt me æfter sie
eaforan sine yrfeweardas.
Geseoð þæt me of bryde bearn ne wocon."
Him þa ædre god andswarode:
"Næfre gerefan rædað þine
eafora yrfe, ac þin agen bearn
frætwa healdeð, þonne þin flæsc ligeð.
Sceawa heofon,
and hyrste gerim,
rodores tungel, þa nu rume heora
wuldorfæstne wlite wide dælað
ofer brad brymu beorhte scinan.
Swilc bið mægburge
menigo þinre
folcbearnum frome. Ne læt þu þin ferhð wesan
sorgum asæled. Gien þe sunu weorðeð,
bearn of bryde þurh gebyrd cumen,
se ðe æfter bið yrfes hyrde,
gode mære. Ne geomra þu!
Ic eom se waldend se þe for wintra fela
of Caldea ceastre alædde,
feowera sumne, gehet þe folcstede
wide to gewealde. Ic þe wære nu,
mago Ebrea, mine selle,
þæt sceal fromcynne folde þine,
sidland manig, geseted wurðan,
eorðan sceatas oð Eufraten,
and from Egypta eðelmearce
swa mid niðas
swa Nilus sceadeð
and eft Wendelsæ
wide rice.
Eall þæt sculon agan eaforan þine,
þeodlanda gehwilc, swa þa þreo wæter
steape stanbyrig streamum bewindað,
famige flodas folcmægða byht."
þa wæs Sarran sar on mode,
þæt him Abrahame ænig ne wearð
þurh gebedscipe bearn gemæne,
freolic to frofre. Ongann þa ferhðcearig
to were sinum wordum mæðlan:
"Me þæs forwyrnde waldend heofona,
þæt ic mægburge moste þinre
rim miclian roderum under
eaforum þinum. Nu ic eom orwena
þæt unc se
æfre weorðe
gifeðe ætgædere. Ic eom geomorfrod!
Drihten min, do swa ic þe bidde!
Her is fæmne, freolecu mæg,
ides Egyptisc, an on gewealde.
Hat þe þa recene reste gestigan,
and afanda hwæðer frea wille
ænigne þe yrfewearda
on woruld lætan þurh þæt wif cuman."
þa se eadega wer idese larum
geðafode, heht him þeowmennen
on bedd gan bryde larum.
Hire mod astah þa heo wæs magotimbre
be Abrahame eacen worden.
Ongan æfþancum agendfrean
halsfæst herian, higeþryðe wæg,
wæs laðwendo, lustum ne wolde
þeowdom þolian, ac heo þriste ongan
wið Sarran swiðe winnan.
þa ic þæt wif gefrægn wordum cyðan
hire mandrihtne modes sorge,
sarferhð sægde and swiðe cwæð:
"Ne fremest þu gerysnu and riht wið me.
þafodest þu gena þæt me þeowmennen,
siððan Agar ðe, idese laste,
beddreste gestah, swa ic bena wæs,
drehte dogora gehwam
dædum and wordum
unarlice. þæt Agar sceal ongieldan,
gif ic mot for þe mine wealdan,
Abraham leofa. þæs sie ælmihtig,
drihtna drihten, dema mid unc twih."
Hire þa ædre andswarode
wishidig wer wordum sinum:
"Ne forlæte ic þe, þenden wit lifiað bu,
arna lease, ac þu þin agen most
mennen ateon, swa þin mod freoð."
ða wearð unbliðe Abrahames cwen,
hire worcþeowe wrað on mode,
heard and hreðe, higeteonan spræc
fræcne on fæmnan. Heo þa fleon gewat
þrea and þeowdom; þolian ne wolde
yfel and ondlean, þæs ðe ær dyde
to Sarran, ac heo on sið gewat
westen secan. þær hie wuldres þegn,
engel drihtnes an gemitte
geomormode, se hie georne frægn:
"Hwider fundast þu, feasceaft ides,
siðas dreogan? þec Sarre ah."
Heo him ædre andswarode:
"Ic fleah wean, wana wilna gehwilces,
hlæfdigan hete, hean of wicum,
tregan and teonan. Nu sceal tearighleor
on westenne witodes bidan,
hwonne of heortan hunger oððe wulf
sawle and sorge somed abregde."
Hire þa se engel andswarode:
"Ne ceara þu feor heonon fleame dælan
somwist incre, ac þu sece eft,
earna þe ara, eaðmod ongin
dreogan æfter dugeðum, wes drihtenhold.
þu scealt, Agar, Abrahame sunu
on woruld bringan. Ic þe wordum nu
minum secge, þæt se magorinc sceal
mid yldum wesan Ismahel haten.
Se bið unhyre, orlæggifre,
and wiðerbreca wera cneorissum,
magum sinum; hine monige on
wraðe winnað mid wæpenþræce.
Of þam frumgaran
folc awæcniað,
þeod unmæte. Gewit þu þinne eft
waldend secan; wuna þæm þe agon!"
Heo þa ædre gewat engles larum
hire hlafordum, swa se halga bebead,
godes ærendgast, gleawan spræce.
þa wearð Abrahame Ismael geboren,
efne þa he on worulde wintra hæfde
[VI] and [LXXX]. Sunu weox and ðah,
swa se engel ær þurh his agen word,
fæle freoðoscealc, fæmnan sægde.
þa se ðeoden ymb [XIII] gear,
ece drihten, wið Abrahame spræc:
"Leofa, swa ic þe lære, læst uncre wel
treowrædenne! Ic þe on tida gehwone
duguðum stepe. Wes þu dædum from
willan mines! Ic þa wære forð
soðe gelæste, þe ic þe sealde geo
frofre to wedde, þæs þin ferhð bemearn.
þu scealt halgian hired þinne.
Sete sigores tacn soð on gehwilcne
wæpnedcynnes, gif þu wille on me
hlaford habban oððe holdne freond
þinum fromcynne. Ic þæs folces beo
hyrde and healdend, gif ge hyrað me
breostgehygdum and bebodu willað
min fullian. Sceal monna gehwilc
þære cneorisse cildisc wesan
wæpnedcynnes, þæs þe on woruld cymð,
ymb seofon niht sigores tacne
geagnod me, oððe of eorðan
þurh feondscipe feor adæled,
adrifen from duguðum. Doð swa ic hate!
Ic eow treowige, gif ge þæt tacen gegaþ
soðgeleafan. þu scealt sunu agan,
bearn be bryde þinre, þone sculon burhsittende
ealle Isaac hatan. Ne þearf þe þæs eaforan sceomigan,
ac ic þam magorince mine sylle
godcunde gife gastes mihtum,
freondsped fremum. He onfon sceal
blisse minre and bletsunge,
lufan and lisse. Of þam leodfruman
brad folc cumað, bregowearda fela
rofe arisað, rices hyrdas,
woruldcyningas wide mære."
Abraham ða ofestum legde
hleor on eorðan, and mid hucse bewand
þa hleoðorcwydas on hige sinum,
modgeðance. He þæs mældæges
self ne wende þæt him Sarra,
bryd blondenfeax bringan meahte
on woruld sunu; wiste gearwe
þæt þæt wif huru wintra hæfde
efne [C], geteled rimes.
He þa metode oncwæð missarum frod:
"Lifge Ismael larum swilce,
þeoden, þinum, and þe þanc wege,
heardrædne hyge, heortan strange,
to dreoganne dæges and nihtes
wordum and dædum willan þinne."
Him þa fægere frea ælmihtig,
ece drihten, andswarode:
"þe sceal wintrum frod on woruld bringan
Sarra sunu, soð forð gan
wyrd æfter þissum wordgemearcum.
Ic Ismael estum wille
bletsian nu, swa þu bena eart
þinum frumbearne, þæt feorhdaga
on woruldrice worn gebide,
tanum tudre. þu þæs tiða beo!
Hwæðre ic Isace, eaforan þinum,
geongum bearne, þam þe gen nis
on woruld cumen, willa spedum
dugeða gehwilcre on dagum wille
swiðor stepan and him soðe to
modes wære mine gelæstan,
halige higetreowa, and him hold wesan."
Abraham fremede swa him se eca bebead,
sette friðotacen be frean hæse
on his selfes sunu, heht þæt segn wegan
heah gehwilcne, þe his hina wæs
wæpnedcynnes, wære gemyndig,
gleaw on mode, ða him god sealde
soðe treowa, and þa seolf onfeng
torhtum tacne. A his tir metod,
domfæst cyning, dugeðum iecte
on woruldrice; he him þæs worhte to,
siððan he on fære furðum meahte
his waldendes willan fremman.
þa þæt wif ahloh wereda drihtnes
nalles glædlice, ac heo gearum frod
þone hleoðorcwyde husce belegde
on sefan swiðe. Soð ne gelyfde,
þæt þære spræce sped folgode.
þa þæt gehyrde heofona waldend,
þæt on bure ahof bryd Abrahames
hihtleasne hleahtor, þa cwæð halig god:
"Ne wile Sarran soð gelyfan
wordum minum. Sceal seo wyrd swa þeah
forð steallian swa ic þe æt frymðe gehet.
Soð ic þe secge, on þas sylfan tid
of idese bið eafora wæcned.
þonne ic þas ilcan oðre siðe
wic gesece, þe beoð wordgehat
min gelæsted. þu on magan wlitest,
þin agen bearn, Abraham leofa!"
Gewiton him þa ædre ellorfuse
æfter þære spræce spedum feran
of þam hleoðorstede, halige gastas,
lastas legdon, (him wæs Lothes mæg
sylfa on gesiððe), oðþæt hie on Sodoman,
weallsteape burg, wlitan meahton.
Gesawon ofer since salo hlifian,
reced ofer readum golde. Ongan þa rodera waldend,
arfæst wið Abraham sprecan, sægde him unlytel spell:
"Ic on þisse byrig bearhtm gehyre,
synnigra cyrm swiðe hludne,
ealogalra gylp, yfele spræce
werod under weallum habban; forþon wærlogona sint,
folces firena hefige. Ic wille fandigan nu,
mago Ebrea, hwæt þa men don,
gif hie swa swiðe synna fremmað
þeawum and geþancum, swa hie on þweorh sprecað
facen and inwit; þæt sceal fyr wrecan,
swefyl and sweart lig sare and grimme,
hat and hæste hæðnum folce."
Weras basnedon
wean under weallum, and heora wif somed.
Duguðum wlance drihtne guldon
god mid gnyrne, oðþæt gasta helm,
lifes leohtfruma leng ne wolde
torn þrowigean, ac him to sende
stiðmod cyning strange twegen
aras sine, þa on æfentid
siðe gesohton Sodoma ceastre.
Hie þa æt burhgeate beorn gemitton
sylfne sittan sunu Arones,
þæt þam gleawan were geonge þuhton
men for his eagum. Aras þa metodes þeow
gastum togeanes, gretan eode
cuman cuðlice, cynna gemunde
riht and gerisno, and þam rincum bead
nihtfeormunge. Him þa nergendes
æðele ærendracan
"Hafa arna þanc, þara þe þu unc bude!
Wit be þisse stræte stille þencað
sæles bidan, siððan sunnan eft
forð to morgen metod up forlæt."
þa to fotum Loth
þam giestum hnah, and him georne bead
reste and gereorda and his recedes hleow
and þegnunge. Hie on þanc curon
æðelinges est, eodon sona,
swa him se Ebrisca eorl wisade,
in undor edoras. þær him se æðela geaf,
gleawferhð hæle, giestliðnysse
fægre on flette, oðþæt forð gewat
æfenscima. þa com æfter niht
on last dæge. Lagustreamas wreah,
þrym mid þystro þisses lifes,
sæs and sidland. Comon Sodomware,
geonge and ealde, gode unleofe
corðrum miclum cuman acsian,
þæt hie behæfdon herges mægne
Loth mid giestum. Heton lædan ut
of þam hean hofe halige aras,
weras to gewealde, wordum cwædon
þæt mid þam hæleðum hæman wolden
unscomlice, arna ne gymden.
þa aras hraðe, se ðe oft ræd ongeat,
Loth on recede, eode lungre ut,
spræc þa ofer ealle æðelinga gedriht
sunu Arones, snytra gemyndig:
"Her syndon inne unwemme twa
dohtor mine. Doð, swa ic eow bidde
(ne can þara idesa owðer gieta
þurh gebedscipe beorna neawest)
and geswicað þære synne. Ic eow sylle þa,
ær ge sceonde wið gesceapu fremmen,
ungifre yfel ylda bearnum.
Onfoð þæm fæmnum, lætað frið agon
gistas mine, þa ic for gode wille
gemundbyrdan, gif ic mot, for eow."
Him þa seo mænigeo þurh gemæne word,
arlease cyn, andswarode:
"þis þinceð gerisne and riht micel,
þæt þu ðe aferige of þisse folcsceare.
þu þas werðeode wræccan laste
freonda feasceaft feorran gesohtest,
wineþearfende. Wilt ðu, gif þu most,
wesan usser her aldordema,
leodum lareow?" þa ic on Lothe gefrægn
hæðne heremæcgas handum gripan,
faum folmum. Him fylston wel
gystas sine, and hine of gromra þa,
cuman arfæste, clommum abrugdon
in under edoras, and þa ofstlice
anra gehwilcum ymbstandendra
folces Sodoma fæste forsæton
heafodsiena. Wearð eal here sona
burhwarena blind. Abrecan ne meahton
reðemode reced æfter gistum,
swa hie fundedon, ac þær frome wæron
godes spellbodan. Hæfde gistmægen
stiðe strengeo, styrnde swiðe
werode mid wite. Spræcon wordum þa
fæle freoðoscealcas fægre to Lothe:
"Gif þu sunu age oððe swæsne mæg,
oððe on þissum folcum freond ænigne
eac þissum idesum þe we her on wlitað,
alæde of þysse leodbyrig, þa ðe leofe sien,
ofestum miclum, and þin ealdor nere,
þy læs þu forweorðe mid þyssum wærlogan.
Unc hit waldend heht for wera synnum
Sodoma and Gomorra sweartan lige,
fyre gesyllan and þas folc slean,
cynn on ceastrum mid cwealmþrea
and his torn wrecan. þære tide is
neah geþrungen. Gewit þu nergean þin
feorh foldwege. þe is frea milde."
Him þa ædre Loth andswarode:
"Ne mæg ic mid idesum aldornere mine
swa feor heonon feðegange
siðe gesecan. Git me sibblufan
and freondscipe fægre cyðað,
treowe and hyldo tiðiað me.
Ic wat hea burh her ane neah,
lytle ceastre. Lyfað me þær
are and reste, þæt we aldornere
on Sigor up secan moten.
Gif git þæt fæsten fyre willað
steape forstandan, on þære stowe we
gesunde magon sæles bidan,
feorh generigan." Him þa freondlice
englas arfæste andswaredon:
"þu scealt þære bene, nu þu ymb þa burh sprycest,
tiða weorðan. Teng recene to
þam fæstenne; wit þe friðe healdað
and mundbyrde. Ne moton wyt
on wærlogum wrecan torn godes,
swebban synnig cynn, ær ðon þu on Sægor þin
bearn gelæde and bryd somed."
þa onette Abrahames mæg
to þam fæstenne. Feðe ne sparode
eorl mid idesum, ac he ofstum forð
lastas legde, oðþæt he gelædde
bryd mid bearnum under burhlocan
in Sægor his. þa sunne up,
folca friðcandel, furðum eode,
þa ic sendan gefrægn swegles aldor
swefl of heofnum and sweartne lig
werum to wite, weallende fyr,
þæs hie on ærdagum drihten tyndon
lange þrage. Him þæs lean forgeald
gasta waldend! Grap heahþrea
on hæðencynn. Hlynn wearð on ceastrum,
cirm arleasra cwealmes on ore,
laðan cynnes. Lig eall fornam
þæt he grenes fond goldburgum in,
swylce þær ymbutan unlytel dæl
sidre foldan geondsended wæs
bryne and brogan. Bearwas wurdon
to axan and to yslan, eorðan wæstma,
efne swa wide swa ða witelac
reðe geræhton rum land wera.
Strudende fyr steapes and geapes,
swogende leg, forswealh eall geador
þæt on Sodoma byrig secgas ahton
and on Gomorra. Eall þæt god spilde,
frea mid þy folce. þa þæt fyrgebræc,
leoda lifgedal, Lothes gehyrde
bryd on burgum, under bæc beseah
wið þæs wælfylles. Us gewritu secgað
þæt heo on sealtstanes sona wurde
anlicnesse. æfre siððan
se monlica (þæt is mære spell)
stille wunode, þær hie strang begeat
wite, þæs heo wordum wuldres þegna
hyran ne wolde. Nu sceal heard and steap
on þam wicum wyrde bidan,
drihtnes domes, hwonne dogora rim,
woruld gewite. þæt is wundra sum,
þara ðe geworhte wuldres aldor.
Him þa Abraham gewat ana gangan
mid ærdæge þæt he eft gestod
þær wordum ær wið his waldend spræc
frod frumgara. He geseah from foldan up
wide fleogan wælgrimne rec.
Hie þæs wlenco onwod and wingedrync
þæt hie firendæda to frece wurdon,
synna þriste, soð ofergeaton,
drihtnes domas, and hwa him dugeða forgeaf,
blæd on burgum. Forþon him brego engla
wylmhatne lig to wræce sende.
Waldend usser gemunde wærfæst þa
Abraham arlice, swa he oft dyde
leofne mannan. Loth generede,
mæg þæs oðres, þa seo mænegeo forwearð.
Ne dorste þa dædrof hæle
for frean egesan on þam fæstenne
leng eardigean, ac him Loth gewat
of byrig gangan and his bearn somed
wælstowe fyrr wic sceawian,
oðþæt hie be hliðe heare dune
eorðscræf fundon. þær se eadega Loth
wærfæst wunode, waldende leof,
dægrimes worn and his dohtor twa.
Hie dydon swa; druncnum eode
seo yldre to ær on reste
heora bega fæder. Ne wiste blondenfeax
hwonne him fæmnan to bryde him bu wæron,
on ferhðcofan fæste genearwod
mode and gemynde, þæt he mægða sið
wine druncen gewitan ne meahte.
Idesa wurdon eacne, eaforan brohtan
willgesweostor on woruld sunu
heora ealdan fæder. þara æðelinga
modor oðerne Moab nemde,
Lothes dohter, seo on life wæs
wintrum yldre. Us gewritu secgeað,
godcunde bec, þæt seo gingre
hire agen bearn Ammon hete.
Of þam frumgarum
folces unrim,
þrymfæste twa þeoda awocon.
Oðre þara mægða Moabitare
eorðbuende ealle hatað,
widmære cynn, oðre weras nemnað,
æðelinga bearn, Ammonitare.
Gewat him þa mid bryde broðor Arones
under Abimelech æhte lædan
mid his hiwum. Hæleðum sægde
þæt Sarra his sweostor wære,
Abraham wordum (bearh his aldre),
þy he wiste gearwe þæt he winemaga,
on folce lyt freonda hæfde.
þa se þeoden his þegnas sende,
heht hie bringan to him selfum.
þa wæs ellþeodig oðre siðe
wif Abrahames
from were læded
on fremdes fæðm. Him þær fylste þa
ece drihten, swa he oft dyde,
nergend usser. Com nihtes self,
þær se waldend læg wine druncen.
Ongan þa soðcyning þurh swefn sprecan
to þam æðelinge and him yrre hweop:
"þu Abrahames idese gename,
bryde æt beorne. þe abregdan sceal
for þære dæde deað of breostum
sawle þine." Him symbelwerig
sinces brytta þurh slæp oncwæð:
"Hwæt, þu æfre, engla þeoden,
þurh þin yrre wilt aldre lætan,
heah beheowan,
þæne þe her leofað
rihtum þeawum, bið on ræde fæst,
modgeþance, and him miltse
to þe seceð? Me sægde ær
þæt wif hire wordum selfa
unfricgendum, þæt heo Abrahames
sweostor wære. Næbbe ic synne wið hie,
facna ænig gefremed gena."
Him þa ædre eft ece drihten,
soðfæst metod, þurh þæt swefn oncwæð:
"Agif Abrahame idese sine,
wif to gewealde, gif þu on worulde leng,
æðelinga helm, aldres recce.
He is god and gleaw, mæg self wið
god sprecan,
geseon sweglcyning. þu sweltan scealt
mid feo and mid feorme, gif ðu þam frumgaran
bryde wyrnest. He abiddan mæg,
gif he ofstum me
ærendu wile
þeawfæst and geþyldig þin abeodan,
þæt ic þe lissa lifigendum giet
on dagum læte duguþa brucan
sinces gesundne." þa slæpe tobrægd
forht folces weard. Heht him fetigean to
gesprecan sine, spedum sægde
eorlum Abimeleh, egesan geðread,
waldendes word. Weras him ondredon
for þære dæde drihtnes handa
sweng æfter swefne. Heht sylf cyning
him þa Abraham to ofstum miclum.
þa reordode rice þeoden:
"Mago Ebrea, þæs þu me wylle
wordum secgean, hu geworhte ic þæt,
siððan þu usic under, Abraham, þine
on þas eðelturf æhta læddest,
þæt þu me þus swiðe searo renodest?
þu ellþeodig usic woldest
on þisse folcsceare facne besyrwan,
synnum besmitan, sægdest wordum
þæt Sarra þin sweostor wære,
lices mæge, woldest laðlice
þurh þæt wif on me wrohte alecgean,
ormæte yfel. We þe arlice
gefeormedon, and þe freondlice
on þisse werþeode wic getæhton,
land to lissum. þu us leanast nu,
unfreondlice fremena þancast!"
Abraham þa andswarode:
"Ne dyde ic for facne ne for feondscipe
ne for wihte þæs ic þe wean uðe.
Ac ic me, gumena baldor, guðbordes sweng
leodmagum feor lare gebearh,
siððan me se halga of hyrde frean,
mines fæder fyrn alædde.
Ic fela siððan folca gesohte,
wina uncuðra, and þis wif mid me,
freonda feasceaft. Ic þæs færes a
on wenum sæt hwonne me wraðra sum
ellþeodigne aldre beheowe,
se ðe him þas idese eft agan wolde.
Forðon ic wigsmiðum wordum sægde
þæt Sarra min sweostor wære
æghwær eorðan þær wit earda leas
mid wealandum winnan sceoldon.
Ic þæt ilce dreah on þisse eðyltyrf,
siððan ic þina, þeoden mæra,
mundbyrde geceas. Ne wæs me on mode cuð,
hwæðer on þyssum folce frean ælmihtiges
egesa wære, þa ic her ærest com.
Forþon ic þegnum þinum dyrnde
and sylfum þe swiðost micle
soðan spræce, þæt me Sarra
bryde laste beddreste gestah."
þa ongan Abimæleh Abraham swiðan
woruldgestreonum and him his wif ageaf.
Sealde him to bote, þæs þe he his bryd genam,
gangende feoh and glæd seolfor
and weorcþeos.
Spræc þa wordum eac
to Abrahame æðelinga helm:
"wuna mid usic and þe wic geceos
on þissum lande þær þe leofost sie,
eðelstowe, þe ic agan sceal.
Wes us fæle freond, we ðe feoh syllað!"
Cwæð þa eft raðe oðre worde
to Sarran sinces brytta:
"Ne þearf ðe on edwit Abraham settan,
ðin freadrihten, þæt þu flettpaðas,
mæg ælfscieno, mine træde,
ac him hygeteonan hwitan seolfre
deope bete. Ne ceara incit duguða
of ðisse eðyltyrf ellor secan,
winas uncuðe, ac wuniað her."
Abraham fremede swa hine his aldor heht,
onfeng freondscipe be frean hæse,
lufum and lissum. He wæs leof gode.
Forðon he sibbe gesælig dreah
and his scippende under sceade gefor,
hleowfeðrum þeaht, her þenden lifde.
þa gien wæs yrre god Abimelehe
for þære synne þe he wið Sarrai
and wið Abrahame ær gefremede,
þa he gedælde him deore twa,
wif and wæpned. He þæs weorc gehleat,
frecne wite. Ne meahton freo ne þeowe
heora bregoweardas bearnum ecan
monrim mægeð, ac him þæt metod forstod,
oðþæt se halga his hlaforde
Abraham ongan
arna biddan
ecne drihten. Him engla helm
getigðode, tuddorsped onleac
folccyninge freora and þeowra,
wera and wifa; let weaxan eft
heora rimgetel rodora waldend,
ead and æhta. ælmihtig wearð
milde on mode, moncynnes weard,
Abimeleche, swa hine Abraham bæd.
þa com feran frea ælmihtig
to Sarrai, swa he self gecwæð,
waldend usser, hæfde wordbeot
leofum gelæsted, lifes aldor
eaforan and idese. Abrahame woc
bearn of bryde, þone brego engla,
ær ðy magotudre modor wære
eacen be eorle, Isaac nemde.
Hine Abraham on
mid his agene hand
beacen sette, swa him bebead metod,
wuldortorht ymb wucan, þæs þe hine on woruld
to moncynne modor brohte.
Cniht weox and þag, swa him cynde wæron
æðele from yldrum. Abraham hæfde
wintra hundteontig
þa him wif sunu
on þanc gebær. He þæs ðrage bad,
siððan him ærest þurh his agen word
þone dægwillan drihten bodode.
þa seo wyrd gewearð þæt þæt wif geseah
for Abrahame Ismael plegan,
ðær hie æt swæsendum sæton bu tu,
halig on hige, and heora hiwan eall,
druncon and drymdon. þa cwæð drihtlecu mæg,
bryd to beorne: "Forgif me, beaga weard,
min swæs frea, hat siðian
Agar ellor and Ismael
lædan mid hie! Ne beoð we leng somed
willum minum, gif ic wealdan mot.
Næfre Ismael wið Isace,
wið min agen bearn yrfe dæleð
on laste þe, þonne þu of lice
aldor asendest." þa wæs Abrahame
weorce on mode þæt he on wræc drife
his selfes sunu, þa com soð metod
freom on fultum, wiste ferhð guman
cearum on clommum. Cyning engla spræc
to Abrahame, ece drihten:
"Læt þe aslupan sorge of breostum,
modgewinnan, and mægeð hire,
bryde þinre! Hat bu tu aweg
Agar feran and Ismael,
cniht of cyððe! Ic his cynn gedo
brad and bresne bearna tudre,
wæstmum spedig, swa ic þe wordum gehet."
þa se wer hyrde his waldende,
draf of wicum dreorigmod tu,
idese of earde and his agen bearn.
"Sweotol is and gesene þæt þe soð metod
on gesiððe is, swegles aldor,
se ðe sigor seleð
snytru mihtum
and þin mod trymeð,
godcundum gifum. Forðon ðe giena speow,
þæs þu wið freond oððe feond fremman ongunne
wordum oððe dædum. Waldend scufeð,
frea on forðwegas folmum sinum
willan þinne. þæt is wide cuð
burhsittendum. Ic þe bidde nu,
wine Ebrea, wordum minum,
þæt þu tilmodig treowa selle,
wæra þina, þæt þu wille me
wesan fæle freond fremena to leane,
þara þe ic to duguðum ðe gedon hæbbe,
siððan ðu feasceaft feorran come
on þas werþeode wræccan laste.
Gyld me mid hyldo, þæt ic þe hneaw ne wæs
landes and lissa. Wes þissum leodum nu
and mægburge minre arfæst,
gif þe alwalda, ure drihten,
scirian wille, se ðe gesceapu healdeð,
þæt þu randwigum rumor mote
on ðisse folcsceare frætwa dælan,
modigra gestreon, mearce settan."
ða Abraham Abimelehe
wære sealde þæt he wolde swa.
Siððan wæs se eadega eafora þares
in Filistea folce eardfæst,
leod Ebrea lange þrage,
feasceaft mid fremdum. Him frea engla
wic getæhte
þæt weras hatað
burhsittende Bersabea lond.
ðær se halga heahsteap reced,
burh timbrede and bearo sette,
weobedd worhte, and his waldende
on þam glædstede gild onsægde,
lac geneahe, þam þe lif forgeaf,
gesæliglic swegle under.
þa þæs rinces se rica ongan
cyning costigan, cunnode georne
hwilc þæs æðelinges ellen wære,
stiðum wordum spræc him stefne to:
"Gewit þu ofestlice, Abraham, feran,
lastas lecgan and þe læde mid
þin agen bearn. þu scealt Isaac me
onsecgan, sunu ðinne, sylf to tibre.
Siððan þu gestigest steape dune,
hrincg þæs hean landes, þe ic þe heonon getæce,
up þinum agnum fotum, þær þu scealt ad gegærwan,
bælfyr bearne þinum, and blotan sylf
sunu mid sweordes ecge, and þonne sweartan lige
leofes lic forbærnan and me lac bebeodan."
Ne forsæt he þy siðe, ac sona ongann
fysan to fore. Him wæs frean engla
word ondrysne and his waldend leof.
þa se eadga Abraham sine
nihtreste ofgeaf. Nalles nergendes
hæse wiðhogode, ac hine se halga wer
gyrde grægan sweorde, cyðde þæt him gasta weardes
egesa on breostum wunode. Ongan þa his esolas bætan
gamolferhð goldes brytta, heht hine geonge twegen
men mid siðian. Mæg wæs his agen þridda
and he feorða sylf. þa he fus gewat
from his agenum hofe Isaac lædan,
bearn unweaxen, swa him bebead metod.
Efste þa swiðe and onette
forð foldwege, swa him frea tæhte
wegas ofer westen, oðþæt wuldortorht,
dæges þriddan up ofer deop wæter
ord aræmde. þa se eadega wer
geseah hlifigan hea dune
swa him sægde ær swegles aldor.
ða Abraham spræc to his ombihtum:
"Rincas mine, restað incit
her on þissum wicum. Wit eft cumað,
siððan wit ærende uncer twega
gastcyninge agifen habbað."
Gewat him þa se æðeling and his agen sunu
to þæs gemearces þe him metod tæhte,
wadan ofer wealdas. Wudu bær sunu,
fæder fyr and sweord. ða þæs fricgean ongann
wer wintrum geong wordum Abraham:
"Wit her fyr and sweord, frea min, habbað;
hwær is þæt tiber, þæt þu torht gode
to þam brynegielde bringan þencest?"
Abraham maðelode (hæfde on an gehogod
þæt he gedæde
swa hine drihten het):
"Him þæt soðcyning sylfa findeð,
moncynnes weard, swa him gemet þinceð."
Gestah þa stiðhydig steape dune
up mid his eaforan, swa him se eca bebead,
þæt he on hrofe gestod hean landes
on þære stowe
þe him se stranga to,
wærfæst metod wordum tæhte.
Ongan þa ad hladan, æled weccan,
and gefeterode fet and honda
bearne sinum and þa on bæl ahof
Isaac geongne, and þa ædre gegrap
sweord be gehiltum, wolde his sunu cwellan
folmum sinum, fyre scencan
mæges dreore. þa metodes ðegn,
ufan engla sum, Abraham hlude
stefne cygde. He stille gebad
ares spræce and þam engle oncwæð.
Him þa ofstum to ufan of roderum
wuldorgast godes wordum mælde:
"Abraham leofa, ne sleah þin agen bearn,
ac þu cwicne abregd cniht of ade,
eaforan þinne! Him an wuldres god!
Mago Ebrea, þu medum scealt
þurh þæs halgan hand, heofoncyninges,
soðum sigorleanum selfa onfon,
ginfæstum gifum. þe wile gasta weard
lissum gyldan þæt þe wæs leofre his
sibb and hyldo þonne þin sylfes bearn."
Ad stod onæled. Hæfde Abrahame
metod moncynnes, mæge Lothes,
breost geblissad, þa he him his bearn forgeaf,
Isaac cwicne. ða se eadega bewlat,
rinc ofer exle, and him þær rom geseah
unfeor þanon ænne standan,
broðor Arones, brembrum fæstne.
þone Abraham genam and hine on ad ahof
ofestum miclum for his agen bearn.
Abrægd þa mid þy bille, brynegield onhread,
reccendne weg rommes blode,
onbleot þæt lac gode, sægde leana þanc
and ealra þara sælða
þe he him sið and ær,
gifena drihten, forgifen hæfde.
2. Exodus
Krapp, 1931 90-107; Krapp, G.P., The Junius Manuscript, ASPR 1 (New York).Hwæt! We feor and neah gefrigen habað
ofer middangeard Moyses domas,
wræclico wordriht, wera cneorissum,–
in uprodor eadigra gehwam
æfter bealusiðe bote lifes,
lifigendra gehwam langsumne ræd,–
hæleðum secgan. Gehyre se ðe wille!
þone on westenne
weroda drihten,
soðfæst cyning, mid his sylfes miht
gewyrðode, and him wundra fela,
ece alwalda, in æht forgeaf.
He wæs leof gode, leoda aldor,
horsc and hreðergleaw, herges wisa,
freom folctoga. Faraones cyn,
godes andsacan, gyrdwite band,
þær him gesealde sigora waldend,
modgum magoræswan, his maga feorh,
onwist eðles, Abrahames sunum.
Heah wæs þæt handlean and him hold frea,
gesealde wæpna geweald wið wraðra gryre,
ofercom mid þy campe cneomaga fela,
feonda folcriht. ða wæs forma sið
þæt hine weroda god wordum nægde,
þær he him gesægde soðwundra fela,
hu þas woruld worhte witig drihten,
eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor,
gesette sigerice, and his sylfes naman,
ðone yldo bearn ær ne cuðon,
frod fædera cyn, þeah hie fela wiston.
Hæfde he þa geswiðed soðum cræftum
and gewurðodne werodes aldor,
Faraones feond, on forðwegas.
þa wæs ingere ealdum witum
deaðe gedrenced drihtfolca mæst;
hordwearda hryre heaf wæs geniwad,
swæfon seledreamas, since berofene.
Hæfde mansceaðan æt middere niht
frecne gefylled, frumbearna fela,
abrocene burhweardas. Bana wide scrað,
lað leodhata, land drysmyde
deadra hræwum, dugoð forð gewat,
wop wæs wide, worulddreama lyt.
Wæron hleahtorsmiðum handa belocene,
alyfed laðsið leode gretan;
folc ferende,
feond wæs bereafod,
hergas on helle.
Heofung þider becom,
druron deofolgyld. Dæg wæs mære
ofer middangeard þa seo mengeo for.
Swa þæs fæsten dreah fela missera,
ealdwerige, Egypta folc,
þæs þe hie wideferð wyrnan þohton
Moyses magum, gif hie metod lete,
on langne lust leofes siðes.
Fyrd wæs gefysed, from se ðe lædde,
modig magoræswa, mægburh heora.
Oferfor he mid þy folce fæstena worn,
land and leodweard laðra manna,
enge anpaðas, uncuð gelad,
oðþæt hie on Guðmyrce gearwe bæron,
(wæron land heora lyfthelme beþeaht),
mearchofu morheald. Moyses ofer þa,
fela meoringa, fyrde gelædde.
Heht þa ymb twa niht
tirfæste hæleð,
siððan hie feondum oðfaren hæfdon,
ymbwicigean werodes bearhtme
mid ælfere æthanes byrig,
mægnes mæste mearclandum on.
Nearwe genyddon on norðwegas,
wiston him be suðan Sigelwara land,
forbærned burhhleoðu, brune leode,
hatum heofoncolum. þær halig god
wið færbryne folc gescylde,
bælce oferbrædde byrnendne heofon,
halgan nette hatwendne lyft.
Hæfde wederwolcen widum fæðmum
eorðan and uprodor efne gedæled,
lædde leodwerod, ligfyr adranc,
hate heofontorht. Hæleð wafedon,
drihta gedrymost.
Dægsceades hleo
wand ofer wolcnum; hæfde witig god
sunnan siðfæt
segle ofertolden,
swa þa mæstrapas men ne cuðon,
ne ða seglrode geseon meahton,
eorðbuende ealle cræfte,
hu afæstnod wæs feldhusa mæst,
siððan he mid wuldre geweorðode
þeodenholde. þa wæs þridda wic
folce to frofre. Fyrd eall geseah
hu þær hlifedon halige seglas,
lyftwundor leoht; leode ongeton,
dugoð Israhela, þæt þær drihten cwom
weroda drihten, wicsteal metan.
Him beforan foran fyr and wolcen
in beorhtrodor, beamas twegen,
þara æghwæðer efngedælde
heahþegnunga haliges gastes,
deormodra sið dagum and nihtum.
þa ic on morgen gefrægn modes rofan
hebban herebyman hludan stefnum,
wuldres woman. Werod eall aras,
modigra mægen, swa him Moyses bebead,
mære magoræswa, metodes folce,
fus fyrdgetrum. Forð gesawon
lifes latþeow lifweg metan;
swegl siðe weold, sæmen æfter
foron flodwege. Folc wæs on salum,
hlud herges cyrm. Heofonbeacen astah
æfena gehwam, oðer wundor,
syllic æfter sunnan setlrade beheold,
ofer leodwerum lige scinan,
byrnende beam. Blace stodon
ofer sceotendum scire leoman;
scinon scyldhreoðan,
sceado swiðredon,
neowle nihtscuwan neah ne mihton
heolstor ahydan; heofoncandel barn.
Niwe nihtweard nyde sceolde
wician ofer weredum, þy læs him westengryre,
har hæðbroga, holmegum wederum
on ferclamme ferhð getwæfde.
Hæfde foregenga fyrene loccas,
blace beamas; bellegsan hweop
in þam hereþreate, hatan lige,
þæt he on westenne werod forbærnde,
nymðe hie modhwate Moyses hyrde.
Scean scir werod, scyldas lixton,
gesawon randwigan rihte stræte,
segn ofer sweoton, oðþæt sæfæsten
landes æt ende
leodmægne forstod,
fus on forðweg. Fyrdwic aras;
wyrpton hie werige, wiste genægdon
modige meteþegnas, hyra mægen beton.
Bræddon æfter beorgum, siððan byme sang,
flotan feldhusum. þa wæs feorðe wic,
randwigena ræst, be þan readan sæ.
ðær on fyrd hyra færspell becwom,
oht inlende. Egsan stodan,
wælgryre weroda; wræcmon gebad
laðne lastweard, se ðe him lange ær
eðelleasum onnied gescraf,
wean witum fæst. Wære ne gymdon,
ðeah þe se yldra cyning ær ge/
þa wearð yrfeweard ingefolca,
manna æfter maðmum, þæt he swa miceles geðah.
Ealles þæs forgeton siððan grame wurdon
Egypta cyn
ymbe antwig;
ða heo his mægwinum morðor fremedon,
wroht berenedon, wære fræton.
Wæron heaðowylmas heortan getenge,
mihtmod wera; manum treowum
woldon hie þæt feorhlean facne gyldan,
þætte hie þæt dægweorc dreore gebohte,
Moyses leode, þær him mihtig god
on ðam spildsiðe spede forgefe.
þa him eorla mod ortrywe wearð
siððan hie gesawon of suðwegum
fyrd Faraonis forð ongangan,
oferholt wegan, eored lixan,
(garas trymedon, guð hwearfode,
blicon bordhreoðan, byman sungon),
þufas þunian, þeod mearc tredan,
on hwæl
Hreopon herefugolas, hilde grædige,
deawigfeðere ofer drihtneum,
wonn wælceasega. Wulfas sungon
atol æfenleoð ætes on wenan,
carleasan deor, cwyldrof beodan
on laðra last leodmægnes fyl.
Hreopon mearcweardas middum nihtum,
fleah fæge gast, folc wæs gehæged.
Hwilum of þam werode wlance þegnas
mæton milpaðas meara bogum.
Him þær segncyning wið þone segn foran,
manna þengel, mearcþreate rad;
guðweard gumena grimhelm gespeon,
cyning cinberge, (cumbol lixton),
wiges on wenum, wælhlencan sceoc,
het his hereciste healdan georne
fæst fyrdgetrum. Freond onsegon
laðum eagan landmanna cyme.
Ymb hine wægon wigend unforhte,
hare heorowulfas
hilde gretton,
þurstige þræcwiges, þeodenholde.
Hæfde him alesen leoda dugeðe
tireadigra twa þusendo,
þæt wæron cyningas and cneowmagas,
on þæt eade riht, æðelum deore.
Forðon anra gehwilc ut alædde
wæpnedcynnes, wigan æghwilcne
þara þe he on ðam fyrste findan mihte.
Wæron ingemen ealle ætgædere,
cyningas on corðre. Cuð oft gebad
horn on heape to hwæs hægstealdmen,
guðþreat gumena, gearwe bæron.
Swa þær eorp werod, ecan læddon,
lað æfter laðum, leodmægnes worn,
þusendmælum; þider wæron fuse.
Hæfdon hie gemynted to þam mægenheapum
to þam ærdæge Israhela cynn
billum abreotan on hyra broðorgyld.
Forþon wæs in wicum wop up ahafen,
atol æfenleoð, egesan stodon,
weredon wælnet, þa se woma cwom.
Flugon frecne spel, feond wæs anmod,
werud wæs wigblac, oðþæt wlance forsceaf
mihtig engel, se ða menigeo beheold,
þæt þær gelaðe mid him leng ne mihton
geseon tosomne; sið wæs gedæled.
Hæfde nydfara nihtlangne fyrst,
þeah ðe him on healfa gehwam hettend seomedon,
mægen oððe merestream; nahton maran hwyrft.
Wæron orwenan eðelrihtes,
sæton æfter beorgum in blacum reafum,
wean on wenum; wæccende bad
eall seo sibgedriht somod ætgædere
maran mægenes, oð Moyses bebead
eorlas on uhttid ærnum bemum
folc somnigean, frecan arisan,
habban heora hlencan, hycgan on ellen,
beran beorht searo, beacnum cigean
sweot sande near. Snelle gemundon
weardas wigleoð, werod wæs gefysed,
brudon ofer burgum, (byman gehyrdon),
flotan feldhusum, fyrd wæs on ofste.
Siððan hie getealdon wið þam teonhete
on þam forðherge feðan twelfe
moderofra; mægen wæs onhrered.
Wæs on anra gehwam æðelan cynnes
alesen under lindum leoda duguðe
on folcgetæl fiftig cista;
hæfde cista gehwilc cuðes werodes
garberendra, guðfremmendra,
[X] hund geteled, tireadigra.
þæt wæs wiglic werod;
wace ne gretton
in þæt rincgetæl ræswan herges,
þa þe for geoguðe gyt ne mihton
under bordhreoðan breostnet wera
wið flane feond folmum werigean,
ne him bealubenne gebiden hæfdon
ofer linde lærig, licwunde swor,
gylpplegan gares. Gamele ne moston,
hare heaðorincas, hilde onþeon,
gif him modheapum mægen swiðrade,
ac hie be wæstmum
on wig curon,
hu in leodscipe læstan wolde
mod mid aran, eac þan mægnes cræft,
garbeames feng.
þa wæs handrofra here ætgædere,
fus forðwegas. Fana up gerad,
beama beorhtost;
bidon ealle þa gen
hwonne siðboda sæstreamum neah
leoht ofer lindum lyftedoras bræc.
Ahleop þa for hæleðum hildecalla,
bald beohata, bord up ahof,
heht þa folctogan fyrde gestillan,
þenden modiges meðel monige gehyrdon.
Wolde reordigean rices hyrde
ofer hereciste halgan stefne,
werodes wisa wurðmyndum spræc:
"Ne beoð ge þy forhtran, þeah þe Faraon brohte
sweordwigendra side hergas,
eorla unrim! Him eallum wile
mihtig drihten þurh mine hand
to dæge þissum dædlean gyfan,
þæt hie lifigende leng ne moton
ægnian mid yrmðum Israhela cyn.
Ne willað eow andrædan deade feðan,
fæge ferhðlocan, fyrst is æt ende
lænes lifes. Eow is lar godes
abroden of breostum. Ic on beteran ræd,
þæt ge gewurðien wuldres aldor,
and eow liffrean lissa bidde,
sigora gesynto, þær ge siðien.
þis is se ecea Abrahames god,
frumsceafta frea, se ðas fyrd wereð,
modig and mægenrof, mid þære miclan hand."
Hof ða for hergum hlude stefne
lifigendra leod, þa he to leodum spræc:
"Hwæt, ge nu eagum to on lociað,
folca leofost, færwundra sum,
hu ic sylfa sloh and þeos swiðre hand
grene tacne garsecges deop.
Yð up færeð, ofstum wyrceð
wæter wealfæsten. Wegas syndon dryge,
haswe herestræta, holm gerymed,
ealde staðolas, þa ic ær ne gefrægn
ofer middangeard men geferan,
fage feldas, þa forð heonon
in ece tid
yðe þeahton,
sælde sægrundas. Suðwind fornam
bæðweges blæst,
brim is areafod,
sand sæcir spaw. Ic wat soð gere
þæt eow mihtig god miltse gecyðde,
eorlas ærglade. Ofest is selost
þæt ge of feonda fæðme weorðen,
nu se agend up arærde
reade streamas in randgebeorh.
Syndon þa foreweallas fægre gestepte,
wrætlicu wægfaru, oð wolcna hrof."
æfter þam wordum werod eall aras,
modigra mægen. Mere stille bad.
Hofon herecyste hwite linde,
segnas on sande. Sæweall astah,
uplang gestod wið Israhelum
andægne fyrst. Wæs seo eorla gedriht
anes modes,
fæstum fæðmum freoðowære heold.
Nalles hige gehyrdon haliges lare,
siððan leofes leoþ læste near
sweg swiðrode and sances bland.
þa þæt feorðe cyn fyrmest eode,
wod on wægstream, wigan on heape,
ofer grenne grund, Iudisc feða
on orette
on uncuð gelad
for his mægwinum. Swa him mihtig god
þæs dægweorces deop lean forgeald,
siððan him gesælde sigorworca hreð,
þæt he ealdordom agan sceolde
ofer cynericu, cneowmaga blæd.
Hæfdon him to segne, þa hie on sund stigon,
ofer bordhreoðan beacen aræred
in þam garheape, gyldenne leon,
drihtfolca mæst, deora cenost.
Be þam herewisan hynðo ne woldon
be him lifigendum lange þolian,
þonne hie to guðe garwudu rærdon
ðeoda ænigre.
þracu wæs on ore,
heard handplega, hægsteald modige
wæpna wælslihtes, wigend unforhte,
bilswaðu blodige, beadumægnes ræs,
grimhelma gegrind, þær Iudas for.
æfter þære fyrde flota modgade,
Rubenes sunu. Randas bæron
sæwicingas ofer sealtne mersc,
manna menio; micel angetrum
eode unforht. He his ealdordom
synnum aswefede, þæt he siðor for
on leofes last. Him on leodsceare
frumbearnes riht freobroðor oðþah,
ead and æðelo; he wæs gearu swa þeah.
þær forð æfter him folca þryðum
sunu Simeones sweotum comon;
þridde þeodmægen (þufas wundon
ofer garfare) guðcyste onþrang
deawig sceaftum. Dægwoma becwom
ofer garsecge, godes beacna sum,
morgen mæretorht; mægen forð gewat.
þa þær folcmægen for æfter oðrum,
isernhergum. An wisode
mægenþrymmum mæst, þy he mære wearð,
on forðwegas folc æfter wolcnum,
cynn æfter cynne. Cuðe æghwilc
mægburga riht, swa him Moises bead,
eorla æðelo. Him wæs an fæder,
leof leodfruma, landriht geþah,
frod on ferhðe, freomagum leof.
Cende cneowsibbe cenra manna
heahfædera sum, halige þeode,
Israela cyn, onriht godes,
swa þæt orþancum ealde reccað
þa þe mægburge mæst gefrunon,
frumcyn feora, fæderæðelo gehwæs.
Niwe flodas Noe oferlað,
þrymfæst þeoden, mid his þrim sunum,
þone deopestan
þara ðe gewurde on woruldrice.
Hæfde him on hreðre halige treowa;
forþon he gelædde ofer lagustreamas
maðmhorda mæst, mine gefræge.
On feorhgebeorh foldan hæfde
eallum eorðcynne ece lafe,
frumcneow gehwæs, fæder and moder
tuddorteondra, geteled rime
mismicelra þonne men cunnon,
snottor sæleoda. Eac þon sæda gehwilc
on bearm scipes beornas feredon,
þara þe under heofonum hæleð bryttigað.
Swa þæt wise men wordum secgað
þæt from Noe nigoða wære
fæder Abrahames on folctale.
þæt is se Abraham se him engla god
naman niwan asceop; eac þon neah and feor
halige heapas in gehyld bebead,
werþeoda geweald; he on wræce lifde.
Siððan he gelædde leofost feora
haliges hæsum; heahlond stigon
sibgemagas, on Seone beorh.
Wære hie þær fundon, wuldor gesawon,
halige heahtreowe, swa hæleð gefrunon.
þær eft se snottra sunu Dauides,
wuldorfæst cyning, witgan larum
getimbrede tempel gode,
alh haligne, eorðcyninga
se wisesta on woruldrice,
heahst and haligost, hæleðum gefrægost,
mæst and mærost, þara þe manna bearn,
fira æfter foldan, folmum geworhte.
To þam meðelstede magan gelædde
Abraham Isaac. Adfyr onbran;
fyrst ferhðbana no þy fægenra wæs.
Wolde þone lastweard lige gesyllan,
in bælblyse beorna selost,
his swæsne sunu to sigetibre,
angan ofer eorðan yrfelafe,
feores frofre, ða he swa forð gebad,
leodum to lafe, langsumne hiht.
He þæt gecyðde, þa he þone cniht genam
fæste mid folmum, folccuð geteag
ealde lafe, (ecg grymetode),
þæt he him lifdagas leofran ne wisse
þonne he hyrde heofoncyninge.
Up aræmde
se eorl wolde slean eaferan sinne
ecgum reodan
magan mid mece, gif hine metod lete.
Ne wolde him beorht fæder bearn ætniman,
halig tiber, ac mid handa befeng.
þa him styran cwom stefn of heofonum,
wuldres hleoðor, word æfter spræc:
"Ne sleh þu, Abraham, þin agen bearn,
sunu mid sweorde! Soð is gecyðed,
nu þin cunnode cyning alwihta,
þæt þu wið waldend wære heolde,
fæste treowe, seo þe freoðo sceal
in lifdagum lengest weorðan,
awa to aldre unswiciendo.
Hu þearf mannes sunu maran treowe?
Ne behwylfan mæg heofon and eorðe
his wuldres word, widdra and siddra
þonne befæðman mæge foldan sceattas,
eorðan ymbhwyrft and uprodor,
garsecges gin and þeos geomre lyft.
He að swereð, engla þeoden,
wyrda waldend and wereda god,
soðfæst sigora, þurh his sylfes lif,
þæt þines cynnes and cneowmaga,
randwiggendra, rim ne cunnon,
yldo ofer eorðan, ealle cræfte
to gesecgenne soðum wordum,
nymðe hwylc þæs snottor in sefan weorðe
þæt he ana mæge ealle geriman
stanas on eorðan, steorran on heofonum,
sæbeorga sand, sealte yða;
ac hie gesittað be sæm tweonum
oð Egipte incaðeode
land Cananea, leode þine,
freobearn fæder, folca selost."
Folc wæs afæred, flodegsa becwom
gastas geomre, geofon deaðe hweop.
Wæron beorhhliðu blode bestemed,
holm heolfre spaw, hream wæs on yðum,
wæter wæpna ful, wælmist astah.
Wæron Egypte eft oncyrde,
flugon forhtigende, fær ongeton,
woldon herebleaðe hamas findan,
gylp wearð gnornra. Him ongen genap
atol yða gewealc, ne ðær ænig becwom
herges to hame, ac behindan beleac
wyrd mid wæge. þær ær wegas lagon,
mere modgode, mægen wæs adrenced.
Streamas stodon, storm up gewat
heah to heofonum, herewopa mæst.
Laðe cyrmdon, (lyft up geswearc),
fægum stæfnum, flod blod gewod.
Randbyrig wæron rofene, rodor swipode
meredeaða mæst, modige swulton,
cyningas on corðre, cyre swiðrode
sæs æt ende. Wigbord scinon
heah ofer hæleðum, holmweall astah,
merestream modig. Mægen wæs on cwealme
fæste gefeterod, forðganges weg
searwum æsæled, sand basnodon,
witodre fyrde, hwonne waðema stream,
sincalda sæ, sealtum yðum
æflastum gewuna ece staðulas,
nacud nydboda, neosan come,
fah feðegast, se ðe feondum geneop.
Wæs seo hæwene lyft heolfre geblanden,
brim berstende blodegesan hweop,
sæmanna sið, oðþæt soð metod
þurh Moyses hand modge rymde,
wide wæðde, wælfæðmum sweop.
Flod famgode, fæge crungon,
lagu land gefeol, lyft wæs onhrered,
wicon weallfæsten, wægas burston,
multon meretorras, þa se mihtiga sloh
mid halige hand, heofonrices weard,
on werbeamas. Wlance ðeode
ne mihton forhabban helpendra pað,
merestreames mod, ac he manegum gesceod
gyllende gryre. Garsecg wedde,
up ateah, on sleap. Egesan stodon,
weollon wælbenna. Witrod gefeol
heah of heofonum handweorc godes,
famigbosma flodwearde sloh,
unhleowan wæg, alde mece,
þæt ðy deaðdrepe drihte swæfon,
synfullra sweot. Sawlum lunnon
fæste befarene, flodblac here,
siððan hie on bugon
brun yppinge,
modewæga mæst. Mægen eall gedreas
ða gedrencte
dugoð Egypta,
Faraon mid his folcum. He onfond hraðe,
siððan grund gestah godes andsaca,
þæt wæs mihtigra mereflodes weard;
wolde heorufæðmum
hilde gesceadan,
yrre and egesfull. Egyptum wearð
þæs dægweorces deop lean gesceod,
forðam þæs heriges ham eft ne com
ealles ungrundes ænig to lafe,
þætte sið heora
secgan moste,
bodigean æfter burgum bealospella mæst,
hordwearda hryre, hæleða cwenum,
ac þa mægenþreatas meredeað geswealh,
spelbodan eac. Se ðe sped ahte,
ageat gylp wera. Hie wið god wunnon!
þanon Israhelum ece rædas
on merehwearfe
Moyses sægde,
heahþungen wer, halige spræce,
deop ærende.
Dægword nemnað
swa gyt werðeode, on gewritum findað
doma gehwilcne, þara ðe him drihten bebead
on þam siðfate soðum wordum,
gif onlucan wile lifes wealhstod,
beorht in breostum, banhuses weard,
ginfæsten god gastes cægon.
Run bið gerecenod, ræd forð gæð,
hafað wislicu word on fæðme,
wile meagollice modum tæcan
þæt we gesne ne syn godes þeodscipes,
metodes miltsa. He us ma onlyhð,
nu us boceras beteran secgað
lengran lifwynna. þis is læne dream,
wommum awyrged, wreccum alyfed,
earmra anbid. Eðellease
þysne gystsele gihðum healdað,
murnað on mode, manhus witon
fæst under foldan, þær bið fyr and wyrm,
open ece scræf. Yfela gehwylces
swa nu regnþeofas rice dælað,
yldo oððe ærdeað. Eftwyrd cymð,
mægenþrymma mæst ofer middangeard,
dæg dædum fah. Drihten sylfa
on þam meðelstede manegum demeð,
þonne he soðfæstra sawla lædeð,
eadige gastas, on uprodor,
þær is leoht and lif, eac þon lissa blæd;
dugoð on dreame drihten herigað,
weroda wuldorcyning, to widan feore.
Swa reordode ræda gemyndig
manna mildost, mihtum swiðed,
hludan stefne; here stille bad
witodes willan, wundor ongeton,
modiges muðhæl; he to mænegum spræc:
"Micel is þeos menigeo, mægenwisa trum,
fullesta mæst, se ðas fare lædeð;
hafað us on Cananea cyn gelyfed
burh and beagas, brade rice;
wile nu gelæstan þæt he lange gehet
mid aðsware, engla drihten,
in fyrndagum fæderyncynne,
gif ge gehealdað halige lare,
þæt ge feonda gehwone forð ofergangað,
gesittað sigerice be sæm tweonum,
beorselas beorna. Bið eower blæd micel!"
æfter þam wordum werod wæs on salum,
sungon sigebyman, (segnas stodon),
on fægerne sweg; folc wæs on lande,
hæfde wuldres beam werud gelæded,
halige heapas, on hild godes.
Life gefegon
þa hie oðlæded hæfdon
feorh of feonda dome, þeah ðe hie hit frecne geneðdon,
weras under wætera hrofas. Gesawon hie þær weallas standan,
ealle him brimu blodige þuhton, þurh þa heora beadosearo wægon.
Hreðdon hildespelle, siððan hie þam herge wiðforon;
hofon hereþreatas hlude stefne,
for þam dædweorce drihten heredon,
weras wuldres sang; wif on oðrum,
folcsweota mæst, fyrdleoð golan
aclum stefnum, eallwundra fela.
þa wæs eðfynde Afrisc meowle
on geofones staðe golde geweorðod.
Handa hofon halswurðunge,
bliðe wæron, bote gesawon,
heddon herereafes, hæft wæs onsæled.
Ongunnon sælafe segnum dælan
on yðlafe, ealde madmas,
reaf and randas. Heo on riht sceodon
gold and godweb, Iosepes gestreon,
wera wuldorgesteald. Werigend lagon
on deaðstede, drihtfolca mæst.
3. Daniel
Krapp, 1931 111-32; Krapp, G.P., The Junius Manuscript, ASPR 1 (New York).Gefrægn ic Hebreos eadge lifgean
in Hierusalem, goldhord dælan,
cyningdom habban, swa him gecynde wæs,
siððan þurh metodes mægen on Moyses hand
wearð wig gifen, wigena mænieo,
and hie of Egyptum ut aforon,
mægene micle. þæt wæs modig cyn!
þenden hie þy rice rædan moston,
burgum wealdan, wæs him beorht wela.
þenden þæt folc mid him hiera fæder wære
healdan woldon, wæs him hyrde god,
heofonrices weard, halig drihten,
wuldres waldend. Se ðam werude geaf
mod and mihte, metod alwihta,
þæt hie oft fela folca feore gesceodon,
heriges helmum, þara þe him hold ne wæs,
oðþæt hie wlenco anwod æt winþege
deofoldædum, druncne geðohtas.
þa hie æcræftas ane forleton,
metodes mægenscipe, swa no man scyle
his gastes lufan wið gode dælan.
þa geseah ic þa gedriht in gedwolan hweorfan,
Israhela cyn unriht don,
wommas wyrcean. þæt wæs weorc gode!
Oft he þam leodum
to lare sende,
heofonrices weard, halige gastas,
þa þam werude wisdom budon.
Hie þære snytro soð gelyfdon
lytle hwile, oðþæt hie langung beswac
eorðan dreamas eces rædes,
þæt hie æt siðestan sylfe forleton
drihtnes domas, curon deofles cræft.
þa wearð reðemod rices ðeoden,
unhold þeodum
þam þe æhte geaf.
Wisde him æt frymðe, ða ðe on fruman ær ðon
wæron mancynnes metode dyrust,
dugoða dyrust, drihtne leofost;
to þære hean byrig,
eorlum elðeodigum, on eðelland
þær Salem stod searwum afæstnod,
weallum geweorðod. To þæs witgan foron,
Caldea cyn, to ceastre forð,
þær Israela æhta wæron,
bewrigene mid weorcum; to þam þæt werod gefor,
mægenþreat mære, manbealwes georn.
Awehte þone wælnið wera aldorfrea,
Babilones brego, on his burhstede,
Nabochodonossor, þurh niðhete,
þæt he secan ongan sefan gehygdum
hu he Israelum eaðost meahte
þurh gromra gang guman oðþringan.
Gesamnode þa suðan and norðan
wælhreow werod, and west foran
herige hæðencyninga to þære hean byrig.
Israela eðelweardas
hæfdon lufan, lifwelan, þenden hie let metod.
þa ic eðan gefrægn ealdfeonda cyn
winburh wera. þa wigan ne gelyfdon,
bereafodon þa receda wuldor readan golde,
since and seolfre, Salomones templ.
Gestrudan gestreona under stanhliðum,
swilc eall swa þa eorlas agan sceoldon,
oðþæt hie burga gehwone abrocen hæfdon,
þara þe þam folce to friðe stodon.
Gehlodon him to huðe hordwearda gestreon,
feoh and frætwa, swilc þær funden wæs,
and þa mid þam æhtum eft siðedon,
and gelæddon eac on langne sið
Israela cyn, on eastwegas
to Babilonia, beorna unrim,
under hand hæleð hæðenum deman.
Nabochodonossor him on nyd dyde
Israela bearn
ofer ealle lufen,
wæpna lafe to weorcþeowum.
Onsende þa sinra þegna
worn þæs werudes
west toferan,
þæt him þara leoda
land geheolde,
eðne eðel, æfter Ebreum.
Het þa secan sine gerefan
geond Israela earme lafe,
hwilc þære geogoðe gleawost wære
boca bebodes, þe þær brungen wæs.
Wolde þæt þa cnihtas cræft leornedon,
þæt him snytro on sefan secgan mihte,
nales ðy þe he þæt moste oððe gemunan wolde
þæt he þara gifena gode þancode
þe him þær to duguðe drihten scyrede.
þa hie þær fundon
þry freagleawe
æðele cnihtas and æfæste,
ginge and gode in godsæde;
an wæs Annanias, oðer Azarias,
þridda Misael, metode gecorene.
þa þry comon to þeodne foran,
hearde and higeþancle, þær se hæðena sæt,
cyning corðres georn, in Caldea byrig.
þa hie þam wlancan wisdom sceoldon,
weras Ebrea, wordum cyðan,
higecræft heane, þurh halig mod,
þa se beorn bebead, Babilone weard,
swiðmod cyning, sinum þegnum,
þæt þa frumgaras be feore dæde,
þæt þam gengum þrym gad ne wære
wiste ne wæde in woruldlife.
þa wæs breme Babilone weard,
mære and modig ofer middangeard,
egesful ylda bearnum. No he æ fremede,
ac in oferhygde æghwæs lifde.
þa þam folctogan on frumslæpe,
siððan to reste gehwearf rice þeoden,
com on sefan hwurfan swefnes woma,
hu woruld wære wundrum geteod,
ungelic yldum oð edsceafte.
Wearð him on slæpe soð gecyðed,
þætte rices gehwæs reðe sceolde gelimpan,
eorðan dreamas, ende wurðan.
þa onwoc wulfheort, se ær wingal swæf,
Babilone weard. Næs him bliðe hige,
ac him sorh astah, swefnes woma.
No he gemunde þæt him meted wæs.
Het þa tosomne sinra leoda
þa wiccungdom widost bæron,
frægn þa ða mænigeo hwæt hine gemætte,
þenden reordberend reste wunode.
Wearð he on þam egesan acol worden,
þa he ne wisse word ne angin
swefnes sines; het him secgan þeah.
þa him unbliðe andswaredon
deofolwitgan (næs him dom gearu
to asecganne swefen cyninge):
"Hu magon we swa dygle, drihten, ahicgan
on sefan þinne, hu ðe swefnede,
oððe wyrda gesceaft wisdom bude,
gif þu his ærest ne meaht or areccan?"
þa him unbliðe andswarode
wulfheort cyning, witgum sinum:
"Næron ge swa eacne ofer ealle men
modgeþances swa ge me sægdon,
and þæt gecwædon, þæt ge cuðon
mine aldorlege, swa me æfter wearð,
oððe ic furðor findan sceolde.
Nu ge mætinge mine ne cunnon,
þa þe me for werode wisdom berað.
Ge sweltað deaðe, nymþe ic dom wite
soðan swefnes, þæs min sefa myndgað."
Ne meahte þa seo mænigeo on þam meðelstede
þurh witigdom wihte aþencean
ne ahicgan, þa hit forhæfed gewearð
þætte hie sædon swefn cyninge,
wyrda gerynu, oðþæt witga cwom,
Daniel to dome, se wæs drihtne gecoren,
snotor and soðfæst, in þæt seld gangan.
Se wæs ordfruma earmre lafe
þære þe þam hæðenan hyran sceolde.
Him god sealde gife of heofnum
þurh hleoðorcwyde haliges gastes,
þæt him engel godes eall asægde
swa his mandrihten gemæted wearð.
ða eode Daniel, þa dæg lyhte,
swefen reccan sinum frean,
sægde him wislice wereda gesceafte,
þætte sona ongeat swiðmod cyning
ord and ende þæs þe him ywed wæs.
ða hæfde Daniel dom micelne,
blæd in Babilonia mid bocerum,
siððan he gesæde swefen cyninge,
þæt he ær for fyrenum onfon ne meahte,
Babilonie weard, in his breostlocan.
No hwæðere þæt Daniel gedon mihte
þæt he wolde metodes mihte gelyfan,
ac he wyrcan ongan
weoh on felda
þam þe deormode Diran heton,
se wæs on ðære ðeode ðe swa hatte,
bresne Babilonige. þære burge weard
anne manlican ofer metodes est,
gyld of golde, gumum arærde,
for þam þe gleaw ne wæs, gumrices weard,
reðe and rædleas, riht [...]
þa wearð hæleða hlyst þa hleoðor cwom
byman stefne ofer burhware.
þa hie for þam cumble on cneowum sæton,
onhnigon to þam herige hæðne þeode,
wurðedon wihgyld, ne wiston wræstran ræd,
efndon unrihtdom, swa hyra aldor dyde,
mane gemenged, mode gefrecnod.
Fremde folcmægen, swa hyra frea ærest,
unræd efnde, (him þæs æfter becwom
yfel endelean), unriht dyde.
þær þry wæron on þæs þeodnes byrig,
eorlas Israela, þæt hie a noldon
hyra þeodnes dom þafigan onginnan,
þæt hie to þam beacne gebedu rærde,
ðeah ðe ðær on herige byman sungon.
ða wæron æðelum god
Abrahames bearn,
wæron wærfæste, wiston drihten
ecne uppe,
Cnihtas cynegode cuð gedydon,
þæt hie him þæt gold to gode noldon
habban ne healdan, ac þone hean cyning,
gasta hyrde, ðe him gife sealde.
Oft hie to bote balde gecwædon
þæt hie þæs wiges wihte ne rohton,
ne hie to þam gebede mihte gebædon
hæðen heriges wisa, þæt hie þider hweorfan wolden,
guman to þam gyldnan gylde, þe he him to gode geteode.
þegnas þeodne sægdon þæt hie þære geþeahte wæron,
hæftas hearan, in þisse hean byrig,
þa þis hegan ne willað, ne þysne wig wurðigean,
þe ðu þe to wuldre
wundrum teodest.
ða him bolgenmod Babilone weard
yrre andswarode, eorlum onmælde
grimme þam gingum, and geocre oncwæð,
þæt hie gegnunga gyldan sceolde
oððe þrowigean þreanied micel,
frecne fyres wylm, nymðe hie friðes wolde
wilnian to þam wyrrestan, weras Ebrea,
guman to þam golde, þe he him to gode teode.
Noldon þeah þa hyssas hyran larum
in hige hæðnum. Hogedon georne
þæt æ godes ealle gelæste,
and ne awacodon wereda drihtne,
ne þan mæ gehwurfe
in hæðendom,
ne hie to facne freoðo wilnedan,
þeah þe him se bitera deað geboden wære.
þa wearð yrre anmod cyning, het he ofn onhætan
to cwale cnihta feorum forðam þe hie his cræftas onsocon.
þa he wæs gegleded, swa he grimmost mihte,
frecne fyres lige, þa he þyder folc samnode,
and gebindan het, Babilone weard,
grim and gealhmod, godes spelbodan.
Het þa his scealcas scufan þa hyssas
in bælblyse, beornas geonge.
Gearo wæs se him geoce gefremede; þeah þe hie swa grome nydde
in fæðm fyres lige, hwæðere heora feorh generede
mihtig metodes weard. Swa þæt mænige gefrunon,
halige him þær help geteode, sende him of hean rodore
god, gumena weard, gast þone halgan.
Engel in þone ofn innan becwom þær hie þæt aglac drugon,
freobearn fæðmum beþeahte under þam fyrenan hrofe.
Ne mihte þeah heora wlite gewemman owiht
wylm þæs wæfran liges, þa hie se waldend nerede.
Hreohmod wæs se hæðena þeoden, het hie hraðe bærnan.
æled wæs ungescead micel. þa wæs se ofen onhæted,
isen eall ðurhgleded. Hine ðær esnas mænige
wurpon wudu on innan, swa him wæs on wordum gedemed;
bæron brandas on bryne blacan fyres,
(wolde wulfheort cyning wall onsteallan,
iserne ymb æfæste), oðþæt up gewat
lig ofer leofum and þurh lust gesloh
micle mare þonne gemet wære.
ða se lig gewand on laðe men,
hæðne of halgum. Hyssas wæron
bliðemode, burnon scealcas
ymb ofn utan, alet gehwearf
teonfullum on teso. ðær to geseah
Babilone brego.
Bliðe wæron
eorlas Ebrea, ofestum heredon
drihten on dreame, dydon swa hie cuðon
ofne on innan, aldre generede.
Guman glædmode god wurðedon,
under þæs fæðme þe geflymed wearð
frecne fyres hæto. Freobearn wurdon
alæten liges gange, ne hie him þær lað gedydon.
Næs him se sweg to sorge ðon ma þe sunnan scima,
ne se bryne beot mæcgum
þe in þam beote wæron,
ac þæt fyr fyr scyde to ðam þe ða scylde worhton,
hwearf on þa hæðenan hæftas fram þam halgan cnihton,
werigra wlite minsode, þa ðe ðy worce gefægon.
Geseah ða swiðmod cyning, ða he his sefan ontreowde,
wundor on wite agangen; him þæt wræclic þuhte.
Hyssas hale hwurfon in þam hatan ofne,
ealle æfæste ðry; him eac þær wæs
an on gesyhðe, engel ælmihtiges.
Him þær on
owiht ne derede,
ac wæs þær inne ealles gelicost
efne þonne on sumera sunne scineð,
and deaw dryge
on dæge weorðeð,
winde geondsawen. þæt wæs wuldres god
þe hie generede wið þam niðhete.
ða Azarias ingeþancum
hleoðrade halig þurh hatne lig,
dreag dæda georn, drihten herede,
wer womma leas, and þa word acwæð:
"Metod alwihta, hwæt! þu eart mihtum swið
niðas to nergenne. Is þin nama mære,
wlitig and wuldorfæst ofer werðeode.
Siendon þine domas in daga gehwam
soðe and geswiðde and gesigefæste,
swa þu eac sylfa eart.
Syndon þine willan on woruldspedum
rihte and gerume, rodora waldend.
Geoca user georne nu, gasta scyppend,
and þurh hyldo help, halig drihten,
nu we þec for þreaum and for ðeonydum
and for eaðmedum arna biddað,
lige belegde. We ðæs lifgende
worhton on worulde, eac ðon wom dyde
user yldran; for oferhygdum
bræcon bebodo
had oferhogedon halgan lifes.
Siendon we towrecene geond widne grund,
heapum tohworfene, hyldelease;
is user lif geond landa fela
fracoð and gefræge folca manegum,
þa usic bewræcon to þæs wyrrestan
eorðcyninga æhta gewealde,
on hæft heorugrimra, and we nu hæðenra
þeowned þoliað. þæs þe þanc sie,
wereda wuldorcyning, þæt þu us þas wrace teodest.
Ne forlet þu usic ane, ece drihten,
for ðam miltsum ðe ðec men hligað,
and for ðam treowum þe þu, tirum fæst,
niða nergend, genumen hæfdest
to Abrahame and to Isaace
and to Iacobe, gasta scyppend.
þu him þæt gehete þurh hleoðorcwyde,
þæt þu hyra frumcyn in fyrndagum
ican wolde, þætte æfter him
on cneorissum cenned wurde,
and seo mænigeo mære wære,
had to hebbanne swa heofonsteorran
bebugað bradne hwyrft,
sæfaroða sand, geond sealtne wæg
eare gryndeð, þæt his unrim a
in wintra worn wurðan sceolde.
Fyl nu frumspræce, ðeah heora fea lifigen!
Wlitiga þinne wordcwyde and þin wuldor on us!
Gecyð cræft and miht þæt þa Caldeas
and folca fela gefrigen habbað,
ða þe under heofenum hæðene lifigeað,
and þæt þu ana eart ece drihten,
weroda waldend, woruldgesceafta,
sigora settend, soðfæst metod!"
Swa se halga wer hergende wæs
metodes miltse and his mihta sped
rehte þurh reorde. ða of roderum wæs
engel ælbeorht ufan onsended,
wlitescyne wer on his wuldorhaman,
se him cwom to frofre and to feorhnere
mid lufan and mid lisse. Se ðone lig tosceaf,
halig and heofonbeorht, hatan fyres,
tosweop hine and toswende þurh þa swiðan miht,
ligges leoman, þæt hyra lice ne wæs
owiht geegled, ac he on andan sloh
fyr on feondas for fyrendædum.
þa wæs on þam ofne, þær se engel becwom,
windig and wynsum, wedere gelicost
þonne hit on sumeres tid sended weorðeð
dropena drearung on dæges hwile,
wearmlic wolcna scur. Swylc bið wedera cyst,
swylc wæs on þam fyre frean mihtum
halgum to helpe. Wearð se hata lig
todrifen and todwæsced þær þa dædhwatan
geond þone ofen eodon, and se engel mid,
feorh nerigende, se ðær feorða wæs,
Annanias and Azarias
and Misael. þær þa modhwatan
þry on geðancum ðeoden heredon,
bædon bletsian bearn Israela
eall landgesceaft ecne drihten,
ðeoda waldend. Swa hie þry cwædon,
modum horsce, þurh gemæne word:
"ðe gebletsige, bylywit fæder,
woruldcræfta wlite and weorca gehwilc!
Heofonas and englas, and hluttor wæter,
þa ðe ofer roderum on rihtne gesceaft
wuniað in wuldre, ða þec wurðiað!
And þec, ælmihtig, ealle gesceafte,
rodorbeorhtan tunglu, þa þe ryne healdað,
sunna and mona, sundor anra gehwilc
herige in hade! And heofonsteorran,
deaw and deor scur, ða ðec domige!
And þec, mihtig god, gastas lofige!
Byrnende fyr and beorht sumor
nergend hergað! Niht somod and dæg,
and þec landa gehwilc, leoht and þeostro,
herige on hade, somod hat and ceald!
And þec, frea mihtig, forstas and snawas,
winterbiter weder and wolcenfaru,
lofige on lyfte! And þec ligetu,
blace, berhtmhwate, þa þec bletsige!
Eall eorðan grund, ece drihten,
hyllas and hrusan and hea beorgas,
sealte sæwægas, soðfæst metod,
eastream yða and upcyme,
wætersprync wylla, ða ðec wurðiað!
Hwalas ðec herigað, and hefonfugolas,
lyftlacende, þa ðe lagostreamas,
wæterscipe wecgað! And wildu deor
and neata gehwilc naman bletsie!
And manna bearn modum lufiað,
and þec Israela, æhta scyppend,
herigað in hade, herran sinne!
And þec haligra heortan cræftas,
soðfæstra gehwæs sawle and gastas,
lofiað liffrean, lean sellende
eallum eadmodum, ece drihten!
Annanias ðec and Adzarias
and Misael metod domige
breostgeðancum! We þec bletsiað,
frea folca gehwæs, fæder ælmihtig,
soð sunu metodes, sawla nergend,
hæleða helpend, and þec, halig gast,
wurðiað in wuldre, witig drihten!
We ðec herigað, halig drihten,
and gebedum bremað! þu gebletsad eart,
gewurðad wideferhð
ofer worulde hrof,
heahcyning heofones, halgum mihtum,
lifes leohtfruma, ofer landa gehwilc!"
ða þæt ehtode
ealdor þeode,
Nabochodonossor, wið þam nehstum
folcgesiðum: "þæt eower fela geseah,
þeode mine, þæt we þry sendon,
geboden to bæle in byrnende
fyres leoman. Nu ic þær feower men
geseo to soðe, nales me sefa leogeð."
ða cwæð se ðe wæs cyninges ræswa,
wis and wordgleaw: "þæt is wundra sum
þæt we ðær eagum on lociað.
Geðenc, ðeoden min, þine gerysna!
Ongyt georne hwa þa gyfe sealde
gingum gædelingum! Hie god herigað,
anne ecne, and ealles him
be naman gehwam on neod sprecað,
þanciað þrymmes þristum wordum,
cweðað he sie ana ælmihtig god,
witig wuldorcyning, worlde and heofona.
Aban þu þa beornas, brego Caldea,
ut of ofne. Nis hit owihtes god
þæt hie sien on þam laðe leng þonne þu þurfe."
Het þa se cyning to him cnihtas gangan.
Hyssas hearde hyrdon lare,
cyrdon cynegode swa hie gecyðde wæron,
hwurfon hæleð geonge to þam hæðenan foran.
Wæron þa bende forburnene þe him on banum lagon,
laðsearo leoda cyninges, and hyra lice geborgen.
Næs hyra wlite gewemmed, ne nænig wroht on hrægle,
ne feax fyre beswæled, ac hie on friðe drihtnes
of ðam grimman gryre glade treddedon,
gleawmode guman, on gastes hyld.
ða gewat se engel up secan him ece dreamas
on heanne hrof heofona rices,
heh þegn and hold halgum metode.
Hæfde on þam wundre gewurðod ðe þa gewyrhto ahton.
Hyssas heredon drihten for þam hæðenan folce,
septon hie soðcwidum and him sædon fela
soðra tacna, oðþæt he sylfa gelyfde
þæt se wære mihta waldend se ðe hie of ðam mirce generede.
Gebead þa se bræsna Babilone weard
swiðmod sinum leodum, þæt se wære his aldre scyldig,
se ðæs onsoce þætte soð wære
mære mihta waldend, se hie of þam morðre alysde.
Agæf him þa his leoda lafe þe þær gelædde wæron
æht ealdfeondum, þæt hie are hæfdon.
Wæs heora blæd in Babilone, siððan hie þone bryne fandedon,
dom wearð æfter duguðe gecyðed, siððan hie drihtne gehyrdon.
Wæron hyra rædas rice, siððan hie rodera waldend,
halig heofonrices weard, wið þone hearm gescylde.
þa ic secan gefrægn soðum wordum,
siððan he wundor onget,
Babilone weard, þurh fyres bryne,
hu þa hyssas þry hatan ofnes,
færgryre fyres, oferfaren hæfdon.
Wylm þurhwodon, swa him wiht ne sceod
grim gleda nið,
godes spelbodan,
frecnan fyres, ac him frið drihtnes
wið þæs egesan gryre aldor gescylde.
ða se ðeoden ongan geðinges wyrcan;
het þa tosomne sine leode,
and þa on þam meðle ofer menigo bebead
wyrd gewordene and wundor godes,
þætte on þam cnihtum gecyðed wæs:
"Onhicgað nu halige mihte,
wise wundor godes! We gesawon
þæt he wið cwealme gebearh cnihtum on ofne,
lacende lig, þam þe his lof bæron;
forþam he is ana ece drihten,
dema ælmihtig, se ðe him dom forgeaf,
spowende sped, þam þe his spel berað.
Forðon witigað þurh wundor monig
halgum gastum þe his hyld curon.
Cuð is þæt me Daniel dyglan swefnes
soð gesæde, þæt ær swiðe oðstod
manegum on mode minra leoda,
forþam ælmihtig eacenne gast
in sefan sende, snyttro cræftas."
Swa wordum spræc werodes ræswa,
Babilone weard, siððan he beacen onget,
swutol tacen godes. No þy sel dyde,
ac þam æðelinge oferhygd gesceod,
wearð him hyrra hyge and on heortan geðanc
mara on modsefan þonne gemet wære,
oðþæt hine mid nyde nyðor asette
metod ælmihtig, swa he manegum deð
þara þe þurh oferhyd up astigeð.
þa him wearð on slæpe swefen ætywed,
Nabochodonossor; him þæt neh gewearð.
þuhte him þæt on foldan fægre stode
wudubeam wlitig, se wæs wyrtum fæst,
beorht on blædum. Næs he bearwe gelic,
ac he hlifode
to heofontunglum,
swilce he oferfæðmde foldan sceatas,
ealne middangeard, oð merestreamas,
twigum and telgum. ðær he to geseah,
þuhte him þæt se wudubeam wilddeor scylde,
ane æte eallum heolde,
swylce fuglas eac heora feorhnere
on þæs beames bledum name.
ðuhte him þæt engel ufan of roderum
stigan cwome and stefne abead,
torhtan reorde. Het þæt treow ceorfan
and þa wildan deor on weg fleon,
swylce eac þa fugolas, þonne his fyll come.
Het þonne besnædan seolfes blædum,
twigum and telgum, and þeh tacen wesan,
wunian wyrtruman
þæs wudubeames
eorðan fæstne, oðþæt eft cyme
grene bleda, þonne god sylle.
Het eac gebindan beam þone miclan
ærenum clammum and isernum,
and gesæledne in susl don,
þæt his mod wite þæt migtigra
wite wealdeð þonne he him wið mæge.
þa of slæpe onwoc, (swefn wæs æt ende),
eorðlic æðeling, him þæs egesa stod,
gryre fram ðam gaste ðe þyder god sende.
Het þa tosomne sine leode,
folctogan feran, frægn ofer ealle
swiðmod cyning hwæt þæt swefen bude,
nalles þy he wende þæt hie hit wiston,
ac he cunnode hu hie cweðan woldon.
ða wæs to ðam dome Daniel haten,
godes spelboda. Him wæs gæst geseald,
halig of heofonum, se his hyge trymede.
On þam drihtenweard deopne wisse
sefan sidne geþanc and snytro cræft,
wisne wordcwide.
Oft he wundor manig,
metodes mihta, for men ætbær.
þa he secgan ongan swefnes woman,
heahheort and hæðen heriges wisa,
ealne þone egesan þe him eowed wæs.
Bæd hine areccan hwæt seo run bude,
hofe haligu word and in hige funde
to gesecganne soðum wordum
hwæt se beam bude þe he blican geseah,
and him witgode wyrda geþingu.
He ða swigode, hwæðere soð ongeat,
Daniel æt þam dome, þæt his drihten wæs,
gumena aldor, wið god scyldig.
Wandode se wisa, hwæðre he worde cwæð,
æcræftig ar, to þam æðelinge:
"þæt is, weredes weard, wundor unlytel,
þæt þu gesawe þurh swefen cuman,
heofonheane beam and þa halgan word,
yrre and egeslicu, þa se engel cwæð,
þæt þæt treow sceolde, telgum besnæded,
foran afeallan, þæt ær fæste stod,
and þonne mid deorum dreamleas beon,
westen wunian, and his wyrtruman
foldan befolen, fyrstmearc wesan
stille on staðole, swa seo stefn gecwæð,
ymb seofon tida sæde eft onfon.
Swa þin blæd lið. Swa se beam geweox,
heah to heofonum, swa þu hæleðum eart
ana eallum eorðbuendum
weard and wisa. Nis þe wiðerbreca,
man on moldan, nymðe metod ana.
Se ðec aceorfeð of cyningdome,
and ðec wineleasne on wræc sendeð,
and þonne onhweorfeð heortan þine,
þæt þu ne gemyndgast
æfter mandreame,
ne gewittes wast butan wildeora þeaw,
ac þu lifgende lange þrage
heorta hlypum geond holt wunast.
Ne bið þec mælmete nymþe mores græs,
ne rest witod, ac þec regna scur
weceð and wreceð swa wildu deor,
oðþæt þu ymb seofon winter soð gelyfest,
þæt sie an metod eallum mannum,
reccend and rice, se on roderum is.
Is me swa þeah willa þæt se wyrtruma
stille wæs on staðole, swa seo stefn gecwæð,
and ymbe seofan tide sæde onfenge.
Swa þin rice restende bið,
anwalh for eorlum, oðþæt þu eft cymst.
Gehyge þu, frea min, fæstlicne ræd.
Syle ælmyssan, wes earmra hleo,
þinga for ðeodne, ær ðam seo þrah cyme
þæt he þec aworpe of woruldrice.
Oft metod alæt monige ðeode
wyrcan bote, þonne hie woldon sylfe,
fyrene fæstan, ær him fær godes
þurh egesan gryre aldre gesceode."
No þæs fela Daniel to his drihtne gespræc
soðra worda þurh snytro cræft,
þæt þæs a se rica reccan wolde,
middangeardes weard, ac his mod astah,
heah fram heortan; he þæs hearde ongeald.
Ongan ða gyddigan þurh gylp micel
Caldea cyning þa he ceastergeweorc,
Babilone burh, on his blæde geseah,
Sennera feld sidne bewindan,
heah hlifigan; þæt se heretyma
werede geworhte þurh wundor micel,
wearð ða anhydig ofer ealle men,
swiðmod in sefan, for ðære sundorgife
þe him god sealde, gumena rice,
world to gewealde in wera life:
"ðu eart seo micle and min seo mære burh
þe ic geworhte to wurðmyndum,
rume rice. Ic reste on þe,
eard and eðel, agan wille."
ða for ðam gylpe gumena drihten
forfangen wearð and on fleam gewat,
ana on oferhyd ofer ealle men.
Swa wod wera on gewindagum
geocrostne sið in godes wite,
ðara þe eft lifigende leode begete,
Nabochodonossor, siððan him nið godes,
hreð of heofonum, hete gesceode.
Seofon winter samod susl þrowode,
wildeora westen, winburge cyning.
ða se earfoðmæcg up locode,
wilddeora gewita, þurh wolcna gang.
Gemunde þa on mode þæt metod wære,
heofona heahcyning, hæleða bearnum
ana ece gast. þa he eft onhwearf
wodan gewittes, þær þe he ær wide bær
herewosan hige, heortan getenge.
þa his gast ahwearf in godes gemynd,
mod to mannum, siððan he metod onget.
Gewat þa earmsceapen eft siðian,
nacod nydgenga, nið geðafian,
wundorlic wræcca and wæda leas,
mætra on modgeðanc, to mancynne,
ðonne gumena weard in gylpe wæs.
Stod middangeard æfter mandrihtne,
eard and eðel æfter þam æðelinge,
seofon winter samod, swa no swiðrode
rice under roderum oðþæt se ræswa com.
þa wæs eft geseted in aldordom
Babilone weard, hæfde beteran ðeaw,
leohtran geleafan in liffruman,
þætte god sealde gumena gehwilcum
welan swa wite, swa he wolde sylf.
Ne lengde þa leoda aldor
witegena wordcwyde, ac he wide bead
metodes mihte þær he meld ahte,
siðfæt sægde sinum leodum,
wide waðe þe he mid wilddeorum ateah,
oðþæt him frean godes in gast becwom
rædfæst sefa, ða he to roderum beseah.
Wyrd wæs geworden, wundor gecyðed,
swefn geseðed, susl awunnen,
dom gedemed, swa ær Daniel cwæð,
þæt se folctoga findan sceolde
earfoðsiðas for his ofermedlan.
Swa he ofstlice godspellode
metodes mihtum for mancynne,
siððan in Babilone burhsittendum
lange hwile lare sægde,
Daniel domas. Siððan deora gesið,
wildra wærgenga, of waðe cwom,
Nabochodonossor of niðwracum,
siððan weardode wide rice,
heold hæleða gestreon and þa hean burh,
frod, foremihtig folca ræswa,
Caldea cyning, oðþæt him cwelm gesceod,
swa him ofer eorðan andsaca ne wæs
gumena ænig oðþæt him god wolde
þurh hryre hreddan hea rice.
Siððan þær his aferan ead bryttedon,
welan, wunden gold, in þære widan byrig,
ealhstede eorla, unwaclice,
heah hordmægen, þa hyra hlaford læg.
ða in ðære ðeode awoc his þæt þridde cneow.
Wæs Baldazar burga aldor,
weold wera rices, oðþæt him wlenco gesceod,
oferhyd egle. ða wæs endedæg
ðæs ðe Caldeas cyningdom ahton.
ða metod onlah Medum and Persum
ymb lytel fæc,
let Babilone blæd swiðrian,
þone þa hæleð healdan sceoldon.
Wiste he ealdormen in unrihtum,
ða ðe ðy rice rædan sceoldon.
ða þæt gehogode hamsittende,
Meda aldor, þæt ær man ne ongan,
þæt he Babilone abrecan wolde,
alhstede eorla, þær æðelingas
under wealla hleo welan brytnedon.
þæt wæs þara fæstna folcum cuðost,
mæst and mærost þara þe men bun,
Babilon burga, oðþæt Baldazar
þurh gylp grome godes frasade.
Sæton him æt wine wealle belocene,
ne onegdon na orlegra nið,
þeah ðe feonda folc feran cwome
herega gerædum to þære heahbyrig
þæt hie Babilone abrecan mihton.
Gesæt þa to symble siðestan dæge
Caldea cyning mid cneomagum,
þær medugal wearð mægenes wisa.
Het þam æðelum beran Israela gestreon,
huslfatu halegu, on hand werum,
þa ær Caldeas mid cyneðrymme,
cempan in ceastre, clæne genamon,
gold in Gerusalem, ða hie Iudea
blæd forbræcon billa ecgum,
and þurh hleoðorcyme, herige genamon
beorhte frætwe. ða hie tempel strudon,
Salomanes seld, swiðe gulpon.
ða wearð bliðemod burga aldor,
gealp gramlice gode on andan,
cwæð þæt his hergas hyrran wæron
and mihtigran mannum to friðe
þonne Israela ece drihten.
Him þæt tacen wearð þær he to starude,
egeslic for eorlum innan healle,
þæt he for leodum ligeword gecwæð,
þa þær in egesan engel drihtnes
let his hand cuman in þæt hea seld,
wrat þa in wage worda gerynu,
baswe bocstafas, burhsittendum.
ða wearð folctoga forht on mode,
acul for þam egesan. Geseah he engles hand
in sele writan Sennera wite.
þæt gyddedon gumena mænigeo,
hæleð in healle, hwæt seo hand write
to þam beacne burhsittendum.
Werede comon on þæt wundor seon.
Sohton þa swiðe in sefan gehydum,
hwæt seo hand write haliges gastes.
Ne mihton arædan runcræftige men
engles ærendbec, æðelinga cyn,
oðþæt Daniel com, drihtne gecoren,
snotor and soðfæst, in þæt seld gangan.
ðam wæs on gaste godes cræft micel,
to þam ic georne gefrægn gyfum ceapian
burhge weardas þæt he him bocstafas
arædde and arehte, hwæt seo run bude.
Him æcræftig andswarode,
godes spelboda, gleaw geðances:
"No ic wið feohsceattum ofer folc bere
drihtnes domas, ne ðe dugeðe can,
ac þe unceapunga orlæg secge,
worda gerynu, þa þu wendan ne miht.
þu for anmedlan in æht bere
huslfatu halegu, on hand werum.
On þam ge deoflu drincan ongunnon,
ða ær Israela in æ hæfdon
æt godes earce, oðþæt hie gylp beswac,
windruncen gewit, swa þe wurðan sceal.
No þæt þin aldor æfre wolde
godes goldfatu in gylp beran,
ne ðy hraðor hremde, ðeah ðe here brohte
Israela gestreon in his æhte geweald,
ac þæt oftor gecwæð aldor ðeoda
soðum wordum ofer sin mægen,
siððan him wuldres weard wundor gecyðde,
þæt he wære ana ealra gesceafta
drihten and waldend, se him dom forgeaf,
unscyndne blæd eorðan rices,
and þu lignest nu þæt sie lifgende,
se ofer deoflum dugeþum wealdeð."
4. Christ and Satan
Krapp, 1931 135-58; Krapp, G.P., The Junius Manuscript, ASPR 1 (New York).þæt wearð underne eorðbuendum,
þæt meotod hæfde miht and strengðo
ða he gefestnade foldan sceatas.
Seolfa he gesette sunnan and monan,
stanas and eorðan, stream ut on sæ,
wæter and wolcn, ðurh his wundra miht.
Deopne ymblyt
clene ymbhaldeð
meotod on mihtum, and alne middangeard.
He selfa mæg sæ geondwlitan,
grundas in geofene, godes agen bearn,
and he ariman mæg rægnas scuran,
dropena gehwelcne. Daga enderim
seolua he gesette þurh his soðan miht.
Swa se wyrhta þurh his wuldres gast
serede and sette on six dagum
eorðan dæles, up on heofonum,
and heanne holm. Hwa is þæt ðe cunne
orðonc clene nymðe ece god?
Dreamas he gedelde, duguðe and geþeode,
Adam ærest, and þæt æðele cyn,
engla ordfruman, þæt þe eft forwarð.
ðuhte him on mode þæt hit mihte swa,
þæt hie weron seolfe swegles brytan,
wuldres waldend. Him ðær wirse gelamp,
ða heo in helle ham staðeledon,
an æfter oðrum, in þæt atole scref,
þær heo brynewelme bidan sceolden
saran sorge, nales swegles leoht
habban in heofnum heahgetimbrad,
ac gedufan sceolun in ðone deopan wælm
niðær undęr nessas in ðone neowlan grund,
gredige and gifre. God ana wat
hu he þæt scyldige werud forscrifen hęfde!
Cleopað ðonne se alda ut of helle,
wriceð wordcwedas weregan reorde,
eisegan stefne: "Hwær com engla ðrym,
þe we on heofnum habban sceoldan?
þis is ðeostræ ham, ðearle gebunden
fæstum fyrclommum; flor is on welme
attre onæled. Nis nu ende feor
þæt we sceolun ætsomne susel þrowian,
wean and wergu, nalles wuldres blæd
habban in heofnum, hehselda wyn.
Hwæt, we for dryhtene iu dreamas hefdon,
song on swegle selrum tidum,
þær nu ymb ðone æcan æðele stondað,
heleð ymb hehseld, herigað drihten
wordum and wercum, and ic in wite sceal
bidan in bendum, and me bættran ham
for oferhygdum æfre ne wene."
ða him andsweradan atole gastas,
swarte and synfulle, susle begnornende:
"þu us gelærdæst ðurh lyge ðinne
þæt we helende heran ne scealdon.
ðuhte þe anum þæt ðu ahtest alles gewald,
heofnes and eorþan, wære halig god,
scypend seolfa. Nu earttu sceaðana sum,
in fyrlocan feste gebunden.
Wendes ðu ðurh wuldor ðæt þu woruld ahtest,
alra onwald, and we englas mid ðec.
Atol is þin onseon! Habbað we alle swa
for ðinum leasungum lyðre gefered.
Segdest us to soðe þæt ðin sunu wære
meotod moncynnes; hafustu nu mare susel!"
Swa firenfulle facnum wordum
heora aldorðægn
on reordadon,
on cearum cwidum. Crist heo afirde,
dreamum bedelde. Hæfdan dryhtnes liht
for oferhygdum ufan forleton,
hæfdon hym to hyhte helle floras,
beornende bealo. Blace hworfon
scinnan forscepene, sceaðan hwearfedon,
earme æglecan, geond þæt atole scref,
for ðam anmedlan þe hie ær drugon.
Eft reordade oðre siðe
feonda aldor. Wæs þa forht agen,
seoððan he ðes wites worn gefelde.
He spearcade, ðonne he spreocan ongan
fyre and atre; ne bið swelc fæger dream
ðonne he in witum
wordum indraf:
"Ic wæs iu in heofnum halig ængel,
dryhtene deore; hefde me dream mid gode,
micelne for meotode, and ðeos menego swa some.
þa ic in mode minum hogade
þæt ic wolde towerpan
wuldres leoman,
bearn helendes, agan me burga gewald
eall to æhte, and ðeos earme heap
þe ic hebbe to helle ham geledde.
Wene þæt tacen sutol
þa ic aseald wes on wærgðu,
niðer under nessas in ðone neowlan grund.
Nu ic eow hebbe to hæftum ham gefærde
alle of earde. Nis her eadiges tir,
wloncra winsele, ne worulde dream,
ne ængla ðreat, ne we upheofon
agan moten. Is ðes atola ham
fyre onæled. Ic eom fah wið god.
æce æt helle duru dracan eardigað,
hate on reðre; heo us helpan ne magon.
Is ðæs walica ham wites afylled;
nagan we ðæs heolstres þæt we us gehydan mægon
in ðissum neowlan genipe. Hær is nedran swæg,
wyrmas gewunade. Is ðis wites clom
feste gebunden. Feond seondon reðe,
dimme and deorce. Ne her dæg lyhteð
for scedes sciman, sceppendes leoht.
Iu ahte ic gewald ealles wuldres,
ær ic moste in ðeossum atolan æðele gebidan
hwæt me drihten god deman wille,
fagum on flora. Nu ic feran com
deofla menego to ðissum dimman ham.
Ac ic sceal on flyge and on flyhte ðragum
earda neosan, and eower ma,
þe ðes oferhydes ord onstaldon.
Ne ðurfon we ðes wenan, þæt us wuldorcyning
æfre wille eard alefan,
æðel to æhte, swa he ær dyde,
ecne onwald; ah him alles gewald,
wuldres and wita, waldendes sunu.
Forðon ic sceal hean and earm hweorfan ðy widor,
wadan wræclastas, wuldre benemed,
duguðum bedeled, nænigne dream agan
uppe mid ænglum, þes ðe ic ær gecwæð
þæt ic wære seolfa swægles brytta,
wihta wealdend. Ac hit me wyrse gelomp!"
Swa se werega gast wordum sæde
his earfoðo ealle ætsomne,
fah in fyrnum, (fyrleoma stod
geond þæt atole scræf attre geblonden):
"Ic eom limwæstmum þæt ic gelutian ne mæg
on þyssum sidan sele, synnum forwundod.
Hwæt, her hat and ceald hwilum mencgað;
hwilum ic gehere hellescealcas,
gnornende cynn, grundas mænan,
niðer under næssum; hwilum nacode men
winnað ymb wyrmas. Is þes windiga sele
eall inneweard atole gefylled.
Ne mot ic hihtlicran hames brucan,
burga ne bolda, ne on þa beorhtan gescæft
ne mot ic æfre ma eagum starian.
Is me nu wyrsa þæt ic wuldres leoht
uppe mid englum æfre cuðe,
song on swegle, þær sunu meotodes
habbað eadige bearn ealle ymbfangen
seolfa mid sange. Ne ic þam sawlum ne mot
ænigum sceððan,
butan þam anum þe he agan nyle;
þa ic mot to hæftum ham geferian,
bringan to bolde in þone biteran grund.
Ealle we syndon ungelice
þonne þe we iu in heofonum hæfdon ærror
wlite and weorðmynt. Ful oft wuldres sweg
brohton to bearme bearn hælendes,
þær we ymb hine utan ealle hofan,
leomu ymb leofne, lofsonga word,
drihtne sædon. Nu ic eom dædum fah,
gewundod mid wommum; sceal nu þysne wites clom
beoran beornende in bæce minum,
hat on helle, hyhtwillan leas."
þa gyt feola cwiðde firna herde,
atol æglæca, ut of helle,
witum werig. Word spearcum fleah
attre gelicost, þonne he ut þorhdraf:
"Eala drihtenes þrym! Eala duguða helm!
Eala meotodes miht! Eala middaneard!
Eala dæg leohta! Eala dream godes!
Eala engla þreat! Eala upheofen!
Eala þæt ic eam ealles leas ecan dreames,
þæt ic mid handum ne mæg heofon geræcan,
ne mid eagum ne mot up locian,
ne huru mid earum ne sceal æfre geheran
þære byrhtestan beman stefne!
ðæs ic wolde of selde sunu meotodes,
drihten adrifan, and agan me þæs dreames gewald,
wuldres and wynne, me þær wyrse gelamp
þonne ic to hihte agan moste.
Nu ic eom asceaden fram þære sciran driht,
alæded fram leohte in þone laðan ham.
Ne mæg ic þæt gehicgan hu ic in ðæm becwom,
in þis neowle genip,
niðsynnum fah,
aworpen of worulde. Wat ic nu þa
þæt bið alles leas
ęcan dreamas
se ðe heofencyninge heran ne þenceð,
meotode cweman. Ic þæt morðer sceal,
wean and witu and wrace dreogan,
goda bedæled, iudædum fah,
þæs ðe ic geþohte adrifan drihten of selde,
weoroda waldend; sceal nu wreclastas
settan sorhgcearig,
siðas wide."
Hwearf þa to helle þa he gehened wæs,
godes andsaca; dydon his gingran swa,
gifre and grædige, þa hig god bedraf
in þæt hate hof þam is hel nama.
Forþan sceal gehycgan hæleða æghwylc
þæt he ne abælige bearn waldendes.
Læte him to bysne hu þa blacan feond
for oferhygdum ealle forwurdon.
Neoman us to wynne weoroda drihten,
uppe ecne gefean, engla waldend.
He þæt gecydde þæt he mægencræft hæfde,
mihta miccle, þa he þa mænego adraf,
hæftas of ðæm hean selde. Gemunan we þone halgan drihten,
ecne in wuldre mid alra gescefta ealdre;
ceosan us eard in wuldre mid ealra cyninga cyninge,
se is Crist genemned;
beoran on breostum bliðe geþohtas,
sibbe and snytero; gemunan soð and riht,
þonne we to hehselde hnigan þencað,
and þone anwaldan ara biddan.
þonne behofað se ðe her wunað
weorulde wynnum þæt him wlite scine
þonne he oðer lif eft geseceð,
fægere land þonne þeos folde seo;
is þær wlitig and wynsum, wæstmas scinað,
beorhte ofer burgum. þær is brade lond,
hyhtlicra ham in heofonrice,
Criste gecwemra. Uta cerran þider
þær he sylfa sit, sigora waldend,
drihten hælend, in ðæm deoran ham,
and ymb þæt hehsetl hwite standað
engla feðan and eadigra,
halige heofenþreatas herigað drihten
wordum and weorcum. Heora wlite scineð
geond ealra worulda woruld mid wuldorcyninge.
ða get ic furðor gefregen
feond ondetan;
wæs him eall ful strang wom and witu; hæfdon wuldorcyning
for oferhigdum anforlæten;
cwædon eft hraðe oðre worde:
"Nu is gesene þæt we syngodon
uppe on earde. Sceolon nu æfre þæs
dreogan domlease gewinn drihtnes mihtum.
Hwæt, we in wuldres wlite wunian moston
þær we halgan gode heran woldon,
and him sang ymb seld secgan sceoldon
þusendmælum. þa we þær wæron,
wunodon on wynnum, geherdon wuldres sweg,
beman stefne. Byrhtword aras
engla ordfruma, and to þæm æþelan
hnigan him sanctas; sigetorht aras
ece drihten, ofer us gestod
and gebletsode bilewitne heap
dogra gehwilcne, and his se deora sunu,
gasta scyppend. God seolfa wæs
eallum andfeng þe ðær up becom,
and hine on eorðan ær gelefde.
þa ðæs ofþuhte þæt se þeoden wæs
strang and stiðmod. Ongan ic þa steppan forð
ana wið englum, and to him eallum spræc:
'Ic can eow læran langsumne ræd,
gif ge willað minre mihte gelefan.
Uta oferhycgan helm þone micclan,
weroda waldend, agan us þis wuldres leoht,
eall to æhte. þis is idel gylp
þæt we ær drugon ealle hwile.'
ða gewearð usic þæt we woldon swa
drihten adrifan of þam deoran ham,
cyning of cestre. Cuð is wide
þæt wreclastas wunian moton,
grimme grundas. God seolfa him
rice haldeð. He is ana cyning,
þe us eorre gewearð, ece drihten,
meotod mihtum swið. Sceal nu þeos menego her
licgan on leahtrum, sume on lyft scacan,
fleogan ofer foldan; fyr bið ymbutan
on æghwylcum, þæh he uppe seo.
Ne mot he þam sawlum þe ðær secað up,
eadige of eorþan æfre gehrinan,
ah ic be hondum mot hæþenre sceale
gripan to grunde, godes andsacan.
Sume sceolon hweorfan geond hæleða land
and unsibbe oft onstyrian
monna mægðum geond middaneard.
Ic her geþolian sceal þinga æghwylces,
bitres niðæs
beala gnornian,
sic and sorhful, þæs ic seolfa weold,
þonne ic on heofonum ham staðelode,
hwæðer us se eca æfre wille
on heofona rice ham alefan,
eðel to æhte, swa he ær dyde."
Swa gnornedon godes andsacan,
hate on helle. Him wæs hælend god
wrað geworden for womcwidum.
Forþon mæg gehycgan, se ðe his heorte deah,
þæt he him afirre frecne geþohtas,
laðe leahtras, lifigendra gehwylc.
Gemunan symle on mode meotodes strengðo;
gearwian us togenes grene stræte
up to englum, þær is se ælmihtiga god.
And us befæðman wile freobearn godes,
gif we þæt on eorðan ær geþencað,
and us to þam halgan helpe gelefað.
þonne he us no forlæteð, ah lif syleð
uppe mid englum, eadigne dream.
Tæceð us se torhta trumlicne ham,
beorhte burhweallas. Beorhte scinað
gesælige sawle, sorgum bedælde,
þær heo æfre forð wunian moten
cestre and cynestol. Uton cyþan þæt!
Deman we on eorðan, ærror lifigend,
onlucan mid listum locen waldendes,
ongeotan gastlice! Us ongean cumað
þusend engla, gif þider moton,
and þæt on eorðan ær gewyrcað.
Forþon se bið eadig se ðe æfre wile
man oferhycgen, meotode cweman,
synne adwæscan. Swa he sylfa cwæð:
"Soðfæste men, sunnan gelice,
fægre gefrætewod in heora fæder rice
scinað in sceldbyrig." þær heo sceppend seolf
friðe befæðmeð, fæder mancynnes,
ahefeð holdlice in heofones leoht,
þær heo mid wuldorcyninge wunian moton
awa to aldre,
agan dreama dream mid drihtne gode,
a to worulde a buton ende.
Eala hwæt! Se awyrgda wraðe geþohte
þæt he heofencyninge heran ne wolde,
fæder frefergendum. Flor attre weol,
hat under hæftum;
hreopan deofla,
wide geond windsele
wean cwanedon,
man and morður. Wæs seo menego þær
swylce onæled; wæs þæt eall full strong,
þonne wæs heora aldor, þe ðær ærest com
forð on feþan, fæste gebunden
fyre and lige. þæt wæs fæstlic þreat;
ec sceoldon his þegnas þær gewunian
atolan eðles, nalles up þanon
geheran in heofonum haligne dream,
þær heo oft fægerne folgað hæfdon
uppe mid englum. Wæron þa alles þæs
goda lease, ah nymþe gryndes ad
wunian ne moten and þone werigan sele
þær is wom and wop wide gehered,
and gristbitungc
and gnornungc mecga.
Nabbað he to hyhte nymþe cyle and fyr,
wean and witu and wyrma þreat,
dracan and næddran and þone dimman ham.
Forðon mihte geheran, se ðe æt hylle wæs
twelf milum neh, þæt ðær wæs toða geheaw,
hlude and geomre. Godes andsacan
hweorfan geond helle hate onæled
ufan and utan (him wæs æghwær wa),
witum werige, wuldres bescyrede,
dreamum bedælde. Heofon deop gehygd,
þa heo on heofonum ham staðelodon,
þæt hie woldon benæman nergendne Crist
rodera rices, ah he on riht geheold
hired heofona and þæt halige seld.
Nis nænig swa snotor ne swa cræftig,
ne þæs swa gleaw, nymþe god seolfa,
þæt asecgan mæge swegles leoman,
hu scima þær scineð ymbutan
meotodes mihte, geond þæt mære cynn,
þær habbað englas eadigne dream,
sanctas singað (þæt is se seolfa) for god.
þonne beoð þa eadigan þe of eorðan cumað,
bringað to bearme blostman stences,
wyrte wynsume (þæt synd word godes),
þonne hie befæðmeð fæder mancynnes,
and hie gesegnað mid his swiðran hond,
lædeð to lihte, þær hi lif agon
a to aldre, uplicne ham,
byrhtne burhstyde. Blæd bið æghwæm
þæm ðe hælende heran þenceð,
and wel is þam ðe þæt wyrcan mot.
Wæs þæt encgelcyn ær genemned,
Lucifer haten, leohtberende,
on geardagum in godes rice.
þa he in wuldre wrohte onstalde
þæt he oferhyda agan wolde.
þa Satanus swearte geþohte
þæt he wolde on heofonum hehseld wyrcan
uppe mid þam ecan. þæt wæs ealdor heora,
yfeles ordfruma. Him þæt eft gehreaw,
þa he to helle hnigan sceolde,
and his hired mid hine, in hynðo geglidan,
nergendes nið, and no seoððan
þæt hi mosten in þone ecan andwlitan seon
buton ende. þa him egsa becom,
dyne for deman, þa he duru in helle
bræc and begde. Blis wearð monnum
þa hi hælendes heafod gesawon.
þonne wæs þam atolan þe we ær nemdon
þa wæron mid egsan ealle afyrhte,
wide geond windsele wordum mændon:
"þis is stronglic, nu þes storm becom,
þegen mid þreate, þeoden engla.
Him beforan fereð fægere leoht
þonne we æfre ær eagum gesawon,
buton þa we mid englum uppe wæron.
Wile nu ure witu þurh his wuldres cræft
eall toweorpan. Nu ðes egsa com,
dyne for drihtne, sceal þes dreorga heap
ungeara nu atol þrowian.
Hit is se seolfa sunu waldendes,
engla drihten. Wile uppe heonan
sawla lædan, and we seoððan a
þæs yrreweorces henðo geþoliað."
Hwearf þa to helle hæleða bearnum,
meotod þurh mihte; wolde manna rim,
fela þusenda, forð gelædan
up to eðle. þa com engla sweg,
dyne on dægred; hæfde drihten seolf
feond oferfohten. Wæs seo fæhðe þa gyt
open on uhtan, þa se egsa becom.
Let þa up faran eadige sawle,
Adames cyn,
ac ne moste Efe þa gyt
wlitan in wuldre ær heo wordum cwæð:
"Ic þe æne abealh, ece drihten,
þa wit Adam twa eaples þigdon
þurh næddran nið, swa wit na ne sceoldon.
Gelærde unc se atola, se ðe æfre nu
beorneð on bendum, þæt wit blæd ahton,
haligne ham, heofon to gewalde.
þa wit ðæs awærgdan wordum gelyfdon,
namon mid handum on þam halgan treo
beorhte blæda; unc þæs bitere forgeald
þa wit in þis hate scræf hweorfan sceoldon,
and wintra rim wunian seoððan,
þusenda feolo, þearle onæled.
Nu ic þe halsige, heofenrices weard,
for þan hirede þe ðu hider læddest,
engla þreatas, þæt ic up heonon
mæge and mote mid minre mægðe.
And ymb þreo niht com þegen hælendes
ham to helle; is nu hæftum strong,
witum werig, swylce him wuldorcyning
for onmædlan eorre geworden.
Segdest us to soðe þætte seolfa god
wolde helwarum ham gelihtan.
Aras þa anra gehwylc, and wið earm gesæt,
hleonade wið handa. þeah hylle gryre
egeslic þuhte, wæron ealle þæs
fægen in firnum þæt freodrihten
wolde him to helpe helle gesecan."
Ræhte þa mid handum to heofencyninge,
bæd meotod miltse þurh Marian had:
"Hwæt, þu fram minre dohtor, drihten, onwoce
in middangeard mannum to helpe.
Nu is gesene þæt ðu eart sylfa god
and ece ordfruma ealra gesceafta."
Let þa up faran ece drihten;
wuldre hæfde wites clomma
feondum oðfæsted, and heo furðor sceaf
in þæt neowle genip, nearwe gebeged,
þær nu Satanus swearte þingað,
earm aglæca, and þa atolan mid him,
witum werige. Nalles wuldres leoht
habban moton, ah in helle grund,
ne hi edcerres æfre moton
wenan seoððan. Him wæs drihten god
wrað geworden, sealde him wites clom,
atole to æhte, and egsan gryre,
dimne and deorcne deaðes scuwan,
hatne helle grund,
þæt, la, wæs fæger, þæt se feða com
up to earde, and se eca mid him,
meotod mancynnes in þa mæran burh!
Hofon hine mid him handum halige
witigan up to eðle, Abrahames cynn.
Hæfde þa drihten seolf deað oferwunnen,
feond geflemed; þæt in fyrndagum
witegan sædon þæt he swa wolde.
þis wæs on uhtan eall geworden,
ær dægrede, þæt se dyne becom,
hlud of heofonum, þa he helle duru
forbræc and forbegde; ban weornodon
þa hie swa leohtne leoman gesawon.
Gesæt þa mid þære fyrde frumbearn godes,
sæde soðcwidum: "Snotre gastas,
ic eow þurh mine mihte geworhte,
Adam ærest and þæt æðele wif.
þa hie begeton on godes willan
feowertig bearna, þæt forð þonon
on middangeard menio onwocon,
and wintra feola wunian moston,
eorlas on eðle, oððæt eft gelamp
þæt hie
afyrde eft feond in firenum;
fah is æghwær.
Ic on neorxnawonge niwe asette
treow mid telgum, þæt ða tanas up
æpla bæron, and git æton þa
beorhtan blæda, swa inc se balewa het,
handþegen helle. Hæfdon forþon hatne grund,
þæs git ofergymdon hælendes word,
æten þa egsan. Wæs se atola beforan,
se inc bam forgeaf balewe geþohtas.
þa me gereaw þæt min handgeweorc
þæs carcernes clom ðrowade.
Næs ða monna gemet, ne mægen engla,
ne witegena weorc, ne wera snytero,
þæt eow mihte helpan, nimðe hælend god,
se þæt wite ær to wrece gesette.
Ferde to foldan þurh fæmnan had
ufan from eðle, and on eorþan gebad
tintregan fela
and teonan micelne.
Me seredon ymb secgas monige
dæges and nihtes, hu heo me deaðes cwealm,
rices rædboran, hrefnan mihten.
þa wæs þæs mæles mearc agangen
þæt on worulde wæs wintra gerimes
þreo and þritig geara ær ic þrowode.
Gemunde ic ðæs mænego
þam minnan ham
lange þæs ðe ic of hæftum ham gelædde
up to earde, þæt heo agan sceolon
drihtnes domas and duguðe þrym;
wuniað in wynnum, habbað wuldres blæd
þusendmælum. Ic eow þingade
þa me on beame beornas sticedon,
garum on galgum. Heow se giunga þær,
and ic eft up becom ece dreamas
to haligum drihtne."
Swa wuldres weard wordum sæde,
meotod moncynnes ær on morgen
þæs þe drihten god of deaðe aras.
Næs nan þæs stronglic
stan gefæstnod,
þeah he wære mid irne eall ymbfangen,
þæt mihte þam miclan mægne wiðhabban,
ah he ut eode, engla drihten,
on þæm fæstenne, and gefatian het
englas eallbeorhte andleofan gingran,
and huru secgan het Simon Petre
þæt he moste in Galileam god sceawian,
ecne and trumne, swa he ær dyde.
þa ic gongan gefregn gingran ætsomne
ealle to Galileam; hæfdon gastes bled,
ongeton haligne godes sunu
swa heo gesegon hwær sunu meotodes
þa on upp gestod, ece drihten,
god in Galileam. To ðæs gingran þider
ealle urnon, þær se eca wæs.
Feollon on foldan, and to fotum hnigon;
þanceden þeodne þæt hit þus gelomp
þæt hi sceawodon scyppend engla.
þa sona spræc Simon Petrus:
"Eart þu þis, drihten, dome gewurðad?
We ðe gesawon æt sumum cyrre,
þec gelegdon on laðne bend
hæþene mid hondum; him þæt gehreowan mæg
þonne heo endestæf eft gesceawiað."
Sume hie ne mihton
mode oncnawan
þæt wæs se deora (Didimus wæs haten)
ær he mid hondum hælend genom
sylfne be sidan þær he his swat forlet;
feollon to foldan fulwihtes bæðe.
Fæger wæs þæt ongin þæt freodrihten
geþrowode, þeoden ure.
He on beame astah and his blod ageat,
god on galgan, þurh his gastes mægen.
Forþon men sceolon mæla gehwylce
secgan drihtne þanc dædum and weorcum,
þæs ðe he us of hæftum ham gelædde
up to eðle, þær we agan sceolon
drihtnes domas,
and we in wynnum wunian moton.
Us is wuldres leoht
torht ontyned, þam ðe teala þenceð.
þa wæs on eorðan ece drihten
feowertig daga folgad folcum,
gecyðed mancynne, ær he in þa mæran gesceaft,
burhleoda fruma, bringan wolde
haligne gast to heofonrice.
Astah up on heofonum engla scyppend,
weoroda waldend. þa com wolcna sweg,
halig of heofonum. Mid wæs hond godes,
onfeng freodrihten, and hine forð lædde
to þam halgan ham heofna ealdor.
Him ymbflugon engla þreatas
þusendmælum. þa hit þus gelomp,
þa gyt nergende Crist
gecwæð þæt he þæs
ymb tene niht twelf apostolas
mid his gastes gife, gingran geswiðde.
Hæfde þa gesette sawla unrim
god lifigende. þa wæs Iudas of,
se ðe ær on tifre torhtne gesalde,
drihten hælend; him seo dæd ne geþeah,
þæs he bebohte bearn wealdendes
on seolfres sinc; him þæt swearte forgeald
earm æglæca innon helle.
Siteð nu on þa swiðran hond sunu his fæderes;
dæleð dogra gehwæm drihten weoroda
help and hælo hæleþa bearnum
geond middangeard. þæt is monegum cuð
þæt he ana is ealra gescefta
wyrhta and waldend þurh his wuldres cræft.
Siteð him on heofnum halig encgel,
waldend mid witegum. Hafað wuldres bearn
his seolfes seld swegl betolden.
Leaðað us þider to leohte þurh his læcedom,
þær we moton seolfe sittan mid drihtne,
uppe mid englum, habban þæt ilce leoht,
þær his hired nu halig eardað,
wunað in wynnum, þær is wuldres bled
torht ontyned. Uton teala hycgan
þæt we hælende heran georne,
Criste cweman. þær is cuðre lif
þonne we on eorðan mægen æfre gestreonan.
Hafað nu geþingod to us þeoden mæra,
ælmihtig god,
on domdæge drihten seolfa.
Hateð hehenglas hluddre stefne
beman blawan ofer burga geseotu
geond foldan sceatas.
þonne of þisse moldan men onwecnað;
deade of duste arisað þurh drihtnes miht.
þæt bið daga lengust, and dinna mæst
hlud gehered, þonne hælend cymeð,
waldend mid wolcnum in þas woruld færeð.
Wile þonne gesceadan
wlitige and unclæne
on twa healfe, tile and yfle.
Him þa soðfæstan on þa swiðran hond
mid rodera weard reste gestigað.
þonne beoð bliðe þa in burh moton
gongan in godes rice,
and heo gesenað mid his swiðran hond
cynincg alwihta, cleopað ofer ealle:
"Ge sind wilcuman! Gað in wuldres leoht
to heofona rice, þær ge habbað
a to aldre ece reste."
þonne stondað þa forworhtan, þa ðe firnedon;
beoð beofigende hwonne him bearn godes
deman wille þurh his dæda sped.
Wenað þæt heo moten to þære mæran byrig
up to englum swa oðre dydon,
ac him bið reordende
ece drihten, ofer ealle gecwæð:
"Astigað nu, awyrgde, in þæt witehus
ofostum miclum. Nu ic eow ne con."
Sona æfter þæm wordum werige gastas,
helle hæftas, hwyrftum scriþað
þusendmælum, and þider leaðað
in þæt sceaðena scræf, scufað to grunde
in þæt nearwe nið, and no seoððan
þæt hie up þonan æfre moton,
ah þær geþolian sceolon earmlic wite,
clom and carcern, and þone caldan grund
deopne adreogan and deofles spellunge,
hu hie him on edwit oft asettað
swarte suslbonan, stæleð feondas
fæhðe and firne, þær ðe hie freodrihten,
ecne anwaldan, oft forgeaton,
þone þe hie him to hihte habban sceoldon.
Uton, la, geþencan geond þas worulde,
þæt we hælende heran onginnen!
Georne þurh godes gife gemunan gastes bled,
hu eadige þær uppe sittað
selfe mid swegle,
sunu hælendes!
þær is geat gylden gimmum gefrætewod,
wynnum bewunden, þæm þe in wuldres leoht
gongan moten to godes rice,
and ymb þa weallas wlitige scinað
engla gastas and eadige sawla,
þa ðe heonon ferað.
þær martiras meotode cwemað,
and herigað hehfæder halgum stefnum,
cyning in cestre. Cweþað ealle þus:
"þu eart hæleða helm and heofendema,
engla ordfruma, and eorðan tudor
to þissum eadigan ham."
Swa wuldres weard wordum herigað
þegnas ymb þeoden, þær is þrym micel,
sang æt selde, is sylf cyning,
ealra aldor, in ðære ecan gesceft.
þæt is se drihten, seðe deað for us
geþrowode, þeoden engla.
Swylce he fæste feowertig daga,
metod mancynnes, þurh his mildsa sped.
þa gewearð þone weregan, þe ær aworpen wæs
of heofonum þæt he in helle gedeaf,
þa costode cyning alwihta.
Brohte him to bearme brade stanas,
bæd him for hungre hlafas wyrcan–
"gif þu swa micle mihte hæbbe."
þa him andswarode ece drihten:
"Wendest þu, awyrgda, þæt awriten nære,
nymþe me ænne
ac geseted hafast, sigores agend,
lifigendum liht, lean butan ende,
on heofenrice, halige dreamas."
þa he mid hondum genom
atol þurh edwit, and on esle ahof,
herm bealowes gast, and on beorh astah,
asette on dune drihten hælend:
"Loca nu ful wide ofer londbuende.
Ic þe geselle
on þines seolfes
folc and foldan. Foh hider to me
burh and breotone bold to gewealde,
rodora rices, gif þu seo riht cyning
engla and monna, swa ðu ær myntest."
þa him andswarode ece drihten:
"Gewit þu, awyrgda, in þæt witescræf,
Satanus seolf; þe is susl weotod
gearo togegnes, nalles godes rice.
Ah ic þe hate þurh þa hehstan miht
þæt ðu hellwarum hyht ne abeode,
ah þu him secgan miht sorga mæste,
þæt ðu gemettes meotod alwihta,
cyning moncynnes. Cer ðe on bæcling!
Wite þu eac, awyrgda, hu wid and sid
helheoðo dreorig, and mid hondum amet.
Grip wið þæs grundes; gang þonne swa
oððæt þu þone ymbhwyrft alne cunne,
and ærest amet ufan to grunde,
and hu sid seo
se swarta eðm.
Wast þu þonne þe geornor þæt þu wið god wunne,
seoððan þu þonne hafast handum ametene
hu heh and deop hell inneweard seo,
grim græfhus. Gong ricene to,
ær twa seondon tida agongene,
þæt ðu merced hus ameten hæbbe."
þa þam werigan wearð wracu getenge.
Satan seolua ran and on susle gefeol,
earm æglęce. Hwilum mid folmum mæt
wean and witu. Hwilum se wonna læg
læhte wið þes laþan. Hwilum he licgan geseah
hæftas in hylle. Hwilum hream astag,
ðonne he on þone atolan eagum gesawun.
Hæfdon gewunnon godes andsacan
blac bealowes gast, þæt he on botme stod.
þa him þuhte þæt þanon wære
to helleduru hund þusenda
mila gemearcodes, swa hine se mihtiga het
þæt þurh sinne cræft susle amæte.
ða he gemunde þæt he on grunde stod.
Locade leas wiht geond þæt laðe scræf,
atol mid egum, oððæt egsan gryre
deofla mænego þonne up astag.
Wordum in witum ongunnon þa werigan gastas
reordian and cweðan:
"La, þus beo nu on yfele! Noldæs ær teala!"
[Finit Liber II. Amen].
5. Andreas
Krapp, 1932a 3-51; Krapp, G.P., The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).Hwæt! We gefrunan on fyrndagum
twelfe under tunglum tireadige hæleð,
þeodnes þegnas. No hira þrym alæg
þonne cumbol hneotan,
syððan hie gedældon, swa him dryhten sylf,
heofona heahcyning,
hlyt getæhte.
þæt wæron mære men ofer eorðan,
frome folctogan ond fyrdhwate,
rofe rincas, þonne rond ond hand
on herefelda helm ealgodon,
on meotudwange. Wæs hira Matheus sum,
se mid Iudeum ongan godspell ærest
wordum writan wundorcræfte.
þam halig god hlyt geteode
ut on þæt igland þær ænig þa git
ellþeodigra eðles ne mihte
blædes brucan. Oft him bonena hand
on herefelda hearde gesceode.
Eal wæs þæt mearcland morðre bewunden,
feondes facne, folcstede gumena,
hæleða eðel. Næs þær hlafes wist
werum on þam wonge, ne wæteres drync
to bruconne, ah hie blod ond fel,
fira flæschoman, feorrancumenra,
ðegon geond þa þeode. Swelc wæs þeaw hira
þæt hie æghwylcne ellðeodigra
dydan him to mose meteþearfendum,
þara þe þæt ealand utan sohte.
Swylc wæs þæs folces freoðoleas tacen,
unlædra eafoð, þæt hie eagena gesihð,
hettend heorogrimme,
agetton gealgmode gara ordum.
Syððan him geblendan
bitere tosomne,
dryas þurh dwolcræft, drync unheorne,
se onwende gewit, wera ingeþanc,
heortan on hreðre, (hyge wæs oncyrred),
þæt hie ne murndan æfter mandreame,
hæleþ heorogrædige, ac hie hig ond gærs
for meteleaste meðe gedrehte.
þa wæs Matheus to þære mæran byrig
cumen in þa ceastre. þær wæs cirm micel
geond Mermedonia, manfulra hloð,
fordenera gedræg, syþþan deofles þegnas
geascodon æðelinges sið.
Eodon him þa togenes, garum gehyrsted,
lungre under linde, (nalas late wæron),
eorre æscberend, to þam orlege.
Hie þam halgan þær handa gebundon
ond fæstnodon feondes cræfte,
hæleð hellfuse, ond his heafdes segl
abreoton mid billes ecge. Hwæðre he in breostum þa git
herede in heortan heofonrices weard,
þeah ðe he atres drync atulne onfenge.
Eadig ond onmod, he mid elne forð
wyrðode wordum wuldres aldor,
heofonrices weard, halgan stefne,
of carcerne. Him wæs Cristes lof
on fyrhðlocan fæste bewunden.
He þa wepende weregum tearum
his sigedryhten sargan reorde
grette, gumena brego, geomran stefne,
weoruda wilgeofan, ond þus wordum cwæð:
"Hu me elþeodige inwitwrasne
searonet seowað! A ic symles wæs
on wega gehwam willan þines
georn on mode; nu ðurh geohða sceal
dæde fremman swa þa dumban neat.
þu ana canst ealra gehygdo,
meotud mancynnes, mod in hreðre.
Gif þin willa sie, wuldres aldor,
þæt me wærlogan wæpna ecgum,
sweordum, aswebban, ic beo sona gearu
to adreoganne þæt ðu, drihten min,
engla eadgifa, eðelleasum,
dugeða dædfruma, deman wille.
Forgif me to are, ælmihtig god,
leoht on þissum life, þy læs ic lungre scyle,
ablended in burgum, æfter billhete
þurh hearmcwide heorugrædigra,
laðra leodsceaðena, leng þrowian
edwitspræce. Ic to anum þe,
middangeardes weard, mod staþolige,
fæste fyrhðlufan, ond þe, fæder engla,
beorht blædgifa, biddan wille
ðæt ðu me ne gescyrige mid scyldhetum,
werigum wrohtsmiðum, on þone wyrrestan,
dugoða demend, deað ofer eorðan."
æfter þyssum wordum com wuldres tacen
halig of heofenum, swylce hadre segl
to þam carcerne. þær gecyðed wearð
þæt halig god helpe gefremede,
ða wearð gehyred heofoncyninges stefn
wrætlic under wolcnum, wordhleoðres sweg
mæres þeodnes. He his maguþegne
under hearmlocan hælo ond frofre
beadurofum abead beorhtan stefne:
"Ic þe, Matheus, mine sylle
sybbe under swegle. Ne beo ðu on sefan to forht,
ne on mode ne murn. Ic þe mid wunige
ond þe alyse of þyssum leoðubendum,
ond ealle þa menigo þe þe mid wuniað
on nearonedum. þe is neorxnawang,
blæda beorhtost, boldwela fægrost,
hama hyhtlicost, halegum mihtum
torht ontyned. þær ðu tyres most,
to widan feore willan brucan.
Geþola þeoda þrea! Nis seo þrah micel
þæt þe wærlogan witebendum,
synnige ðurh searocræft, swencan motan.
Ic þe Andreas ædre onsende
to hleo ond to hroðre in þas hæðenan burg.
He ðe alyseð of þyssum leodhete.
Is to þære tide tælmet hwile
emne mid soðe seofon ond twentig
nihtgerimes, þæt ðu of nede most,
sorgum geswenced, sigore gewyrðod,
hweorfan of henðum in gehyld godes."
Gewat him þa se halga helm ælwihta,
engla scyppend, to þam uplican
eðelrice. He is on riht cyning,
staðolfæst styrend, in stowa gehwam.
ða wæs Matheus miclum onbryrded
niwan stefne. Nihthelm toglad,
lungre leorde. Leoht æfter com,
dægredwoma. Duguð samnade,
hæðne hildfrecan, heapum þrungon,
(guðsearo gullon, garas hrysedon),
bolgenmode, under bordhreoðan.
Woldon cunnian hwæðer cwice lifdon
þa þe on carcerne clommum fæste
hleoleasan wic hwile wunedon,
hwylcne hie to æte ærest mihton
æfter fyrstmearce feores berædan.
Hæfdon hie on rune ond on rimcræfte
awriten, wælgrædige, wera endestæf,
hwænne hie to mose meteþearfendum
on þære werþeode weorðan sceoldon.
Cirmdon caldheorte, (corðor oðrum getang),
reðe ræsboran. Rihtes ne gimdon,
meotudes mildse. Oft hira mod onwod
under dimscuan deofles larum,
þonne hie unlædra
eafeðum gelyfdon.
Hie ða gemetton modes glawne,
haligne hæle, under heolstorlocan
bidan beadurofne
þæs him beorht cyning,
engla ordfruma, unnan wolde.
ða wæs first agan frumrædenne
þinggemearces butan þrim nihtum,
swa hit wælwulfas awriten hæfdon
þæt hie banhringas abrecan þohton,
lungre tolysan lic ond sawle,
ond þonne todælan duguðe ond geogoðe,
werum to wiste ond to wilþege,
fæges flæschoman. Feorh ne bemurndan,
grædige guðrincas, hu þæs gastes sið
æfter swyltcwale geseted wurde.
Swa hie symble ymb þritig þing gehedon
nihtgerimes; wæs him neod micel
þæt hie tobrugdon blodigum ceaflum
fira flæschoman him to foddorþege.
þa wæs gemyndig, se ðe middangeard
gestaðelode strangum mihtum,
hu he in ellþeodigum yrmðum wunode,
belocen leoðubendum, þe oft his lufan adreg
for Ebreum ond Israhelum;
swylce he Iudea galdorcræftum
wiðstod stranglice. þa sio stefn gewearð
gehered of heofenum, þær se halga wer
in Achaia, Andreas, wæs,
(leode lærde on lifes weg),
þa him cirebaldum cininga wuldor,
meotud mancynnes, modhord onleac,
weoruda drihten, ond þus wordum cwæð:
"ðu scealt feran ond frið lædan,
siðe gesecan, þær sylfætan
eard weardigað, eðel healdaþ
morðorcræftum. Swa is þære menigo þeaw
þæt hie uncuðra ængum ne willað
on þam folcstede feores geunnan
syþþan manfulle on Mermedonia
onfindaþ feasceaftne. þær sceall feorhgedal,
earmlic ylda cwealm, æfter wyrþan.
ðær ic seomian wat þinne sigebroðor
mid þam burgwarum bendum fæstne.
Nu bið fore þreo niht þæt he on þære þeode sceal
fore hæðenra handgewinne
þurh gares gripe gast onsendan,
ellorfusne, butan ðu ær cyme."
ædre him Andreas agef andsware:
"Hu mæg ic, dryhten min, ofer deop gelad
fore gefremman on feorne weg
swa hrædlice, heofona scyppend,
wuldres waldend, swa ðu worde becwist?
ðæt mæg engel þin eað geferan,
halig of heofenum con him holma begang,
sealte sæstreamas
ond swanrade,
waroðfaruða gewinn ond wæterbrogan,
wegas ofer widland. Ne synt me winas cuðe,
eorlas elþeodige, ne þær æniges wat
hæleða gehygdo, ne me herestræta
ofer cald wæter cuðe sindon."
Him ða ondswarude ece dryhten:
"Eala, Andreas, þæt ðu a woldest
þæs siðfætes sæne weorþan!
Nis þæt uneaðe eallwealdan gode
to gefremmanne on foldwege,
ðæt sio ceaster hider on þas cneorisse
under swegles gang aseted wyrðe,
breogostol breme, mid þam burgwarum,
gif hit worde becwið wuldres agend.
Ne meaht ðu þæs siðfætes sæne weorðan,
ne on gewitte to wac, gif ðu wel þencest
wið þinne waldend wære gehealdan,
treowe tacen. Beo ðu on tid gearu;
ne mæg þæs ærendes ylding wyrðan.
ðu scealt þa fore geferan ond þin feorh beran
in gramra gripe, ðær þe guðgewinn
þurh hæðenra hildewoman,
beorna beaducræft, geboden wyrðeð.
Scealtu æninga mid ærdæge,
emne to morgene, æt meres ende
ceol gestigan ond on cald wæter
brecan ofer bæðweg. Hafa bletsunge
ofer middangeard mine, þær ðu fere!"
Gewat him þa se halga healdend ond wealdend,
upengla fruma, eðel secan,
middangeardes weard, þone mæran ham,
þær soðfæstra sawla moton
æfter lices hryre lifes brucan.
þa wæs ærende æðelum cempan
aboden in burgum, ne wæs him bleað hyge,
ah he wæs anræd ellenweorces,
heard ond higerof, nalas hildlata,
gearo, guðe fram, to godes campe.
Gewat him þa on uhtan mid ærdæge
ofer sandhleoðu to sæs faruðe,
þriste on geþance, ond his þegnas mid,
gangan on greote. Garsecg hlynede,
beoton brimstreamas. Se beorn wæs on hyhte,
syðþan he on waruðe widfæðme scip
modig gemette. þa com morgentorht
beacna beorhtost ofer breomo sneowan,
halig of heolstre. Heofoncandel blac
ofer lagoflodas. He ðær lidweardas,
þrymlice þry þegnas gemette,
modiglice menn, on merebate
sittan siðfrome, swylce hie ofer sæ comon.
þæt wæs drihten sylf, dugeða wealdend,
ece ælmihtig, mid his englum twam.
Wæron hie on gescirplan scipferendum,
eorlas onlice ealiðendum,
þonne hie on flodes fæðm ofer feorne weg
on cald wæter ceolum lacað.
Hie ða gegrette, se ðe on greote stod,
fus on faroðe,
fægn reordade:
"Hwanon comon ge ceolum liðan,
macræftige menn, on mereþissan,
ane ægflotan? Hwanon eagorstream
ofer yða gewealc eowic brohte?"
Him ða ondswarode ælmihti god,
swa þæt ne wiste, se ðe þæs wordes bad,
hwæt se manna wæs meðelhegendra,
þe he þær on waroðe wiðþingode:
"We of Marmedonia mægðe syndon
feorran geferede. Us mid flode bær
on hranrade heahstefn naca,
snellic sæmearh, snude bewunden,
oðþæt we þissa leoda land gesohton,
wære bewrecene, swa us wind fordraf."
Him þa Andreas eaðmod oncwæð:
"Wolde ic þe biddan, þeh ic þe beaga lyt,
sincweorðunga, syllan meahte,
þæt ðu us gebrohte brante ceole,
hea hornscipe, ofer hwæles eðel
on þære mægðe. Bið ðe meorð wið god,
þæt ðu us on lade liðe weorðe."
Eft him ondswarode æðelinga helm
of yðlide, engla scippend:
"Ne magon þær gewunian widferende,
ne þær elþeodige eardes brucað,
ah in þære ceastre cwealm þrowiað,
þa ðe feorran þyder feorh gelædaþ,
ond þu wilnast nu ofer widne mere
þæt ðu on þa fægðe þine feore spilde."
Him þa Andreas agef ondsware:
"Usic lust hweteð on þa leodmearce,
mycel modes hiht, to þære mæran byrig,
þeoden leofesta, gif ðu us þine wilt
on merefaroðe miltse gecyðan."
Him ondswarode engla þeoden,
neregend fira, of nacan stefne:
"We ðe estlice mid us willað
ferigan freolice ofer fisces bæð
efne to þam lande þær þe lust myneð
to gesecanne, syððan ge eowre
gafulrædenne agifen habbað,
sceattas gescrifene, swa eow scipweardas,
aras ofer yðbord, unnan willað."
Him þa ofstlice Andreas wið,
wineþearfende, wordum mælde:
"Næbbe ic fæted gold ne feohgestreon,
welan ne wiste ne wira gespann,
landes ne locenra beaga, þæt ic þe mæge lust ahwettan,
willan in worulde, swa ðu worde becwist."
Him þa beorna breogo, þær he on bolcan sæt,
ofer waroða geweorp wiðþingode:
"Hu gewearð þe þæs, wine leofesta,
ðæt ðu sæbeorgas secan woldes,
merestreama gemet, maðmum bedæled,
ofer cald cleofu ceoles neosan?
Nafast þe to frofre on faroðstræte
hlafes wiste ne hlutterne
drync to dugoðe. Is se drohtað strang
þam þe lagolade lange cunnaþ."
ða him Andreas ðurh ondsware,
wis on gewitte, wordhord onleac:
"Ne gedafenað þe, nu þe dryhten geaf
welan ond wiste ond woruldspede,
ðæt ðu ondsware mid oferhygdum,
sece sarcwide. Selre bið æghwam
þæt he eaðmedum ellorfusne
oncnawe cuðlice, swa þæt Crist bebead,
þeoden þrymfæst. We his þegnas synd
gecoren to cempum. He is cyning on riht,
wealdend ond wyrhta wuldorþrymmes,
an ece god eallra gesceafta,
swa he ealle befehð anes cræfte,
hefon ond eorðan, halgum mihtum,
sigora selost. He ðæt sylfa cwæð,
fæder folca gehwæs, ond us feran het
geond ginne grund gasta streonan:
'Farað nu geond ealle eorðan sceatas
emne swa wide swa wæter bebugeð,
oððe stedewangas stræte gelicgaþ.
Bodiað æfter burgum beorhtne geleafan
ofer foldan fæðm. Ic eow freoðo healde.
Ne ðurfan ge on þa fore frætwe lædan,
gold ne seolfor. Ic eow goda gehwæs
on eowerne agenne dom est ahwette.'
Nu ðu seolfa miht sið userne
gehyran hygeþancol. Ic sceal hraðe cunnan
hwæt ðu us to duguðum
gedon wille."
Him þa ondswarode
ece dryhten:
"Gif ge syndon þegnas þæs þe þrym ahof
ofer middangeard, swa ge me secgaþ,
ond ge geheoldon þæt eow se halga bead,
þonne ic eow mid gefean ferian wille
ofer brimstreamas, swa ge benan sint."
þa in ceol stigon collenfyrhðe,
ellenrofe, æghwylcum wearð
on merefaroðe mod geblissod.
ða ofer yða geswing Andreas ongann
mereliðendum miltsa biddan
wuldres aldor, ond þus wordum cwæð:
"Forgife þe dryhten domweorðunga,
willan in worulde ond in wuldre blæd,
meotud manncynnes, swa ðu me hafast
on þyssum siðfæte sybbe gecyðed!"
Gesæt him þa se halga
helmwearde neah,
æðele be æðelum. æfre ic ne hyrde
þon cymlicor ceol gehladenne
heahgestreonum. Hæleð in sæton,
þeodnas þrymfulle, þegnas wlitige.
ða reordode rice þeoden,
ece ælmihtig, heht his engel gan,
mærne maguþegn, ond mete syllan,
frefran feasceafte
ofer flodes wylm,
þæt hie þe eað mihton ofer yða geþring
drohtaþ adreogan. þa gedrefed wearð,
onhrered hwælmere. Hornfisc plegode,
glad geond garsecg, ond se græga mæw
wælgifre wand. Wedercandel swearc,
windas weoxon, wægas grundon,
streamas styredon, strengas gurron,
wædo gewætte. Wæteregsa stod
þreata þryðum. þegnas wurdon
acolmode. ænig ne wende
þæt he lifgende land begete,
þara þe mid Andreas on eagorstream
ceol gesohte. Næs him cuð þa gyt
hwa þam sæflotan sund wisode.
Him þa se halga on holmwege
ofer argeblond, Andreas þa git,
þegn þeodenhold, þanc gesægde,
ricum ræsboran, þa he gereordod wæs:
"ðe þissa swæsenda soðfæst meotud,
lifes leohtfruma, lean forgilde,
weoruda waldend, ond þe wist gife,
heofonlicne hlaf, swa ðu hyldo wið me
ofer firigendstream freode gecyðdest!
Nu synt geþreade þegnas mine,
geonge guðrincas. Garsecg hlymmeð,
geofon geotende. Grund is onhrered,
deope gedrefed,
duguð is geswenced,
modigra mægen myclum gebysgod."
Him of helman oncwæð hæleða scyppend:
"Læt nu geferian flotan userne,
lid to lande ofer lagufæsten,
ond þonne gebidan beornas þine,
aras on earde, hwænne ðu eft cyme."
Edre him þa eorlas agefan ondsware,
þegnas þrohthearde, þafigan ne woldon
ðæt hie forleton æt lides stefnan
leofne lareow ond him land curon:
"Hwider hweorfað we hlafordlease,
geomormode, gode orfeorme,
synnum wunde, gif we swicað þe?
We bioð laðe on landa gehwam,
folcum fracoðe, þonne fira bearn,
ellenrofe, æht besittaþ,
hwylc hira selost symle gelæste
hlaforde æt hilde, þonne hand ond rond
on beaduwange billum forgrunden
æt niðplegan nearu þrowedon."
þa reordade rice þeoden,
wærfæst cining, word stunde ahof:
"Gif ðu þegn sie þrymsittendes,
wuldorcyninges, swa ðu worde becwist,
rece þa gerynu, hu he reordberend
lærde under lyfte. Lang is þes siðfæt
ofer fealuwne flod; frefra þine
mæcgas on mode. Mycel is nu gena
lad ofer lagustream, land swiðe feorr
to gesecanne.
Sund is geblonden,
grund wið greote. God eaðe mæg
heaðoliðendum helpe gefremman."
Ongan þa gleawlice gingran sine,
wuldorspedige weras wordum trymman:
"Ge þæt gehogodon, þa ge on holm stigon,
þæt ge on fara folc feorh gelæddon,
ond for dryhtnes lufan deað þrowodon,
on ælmyrcna eðelrice
sawle gesealdon. Ic þæt sylfa wat,
þæt us gescyldeð scyppend engla,
weoruda dryhten. Wæteregesa sceal,
geðyd ond geðreatod þurh þryðcining,
lagu lacende, liðra wyrðan.
Swa gesælde iu, þæt we on sæbate
ofer waruðgewinn wæda cunnedan,
faroðridende. Frecne þuhton
egle ealada. Eagorstreamas
beoton bordstæðu, brim oft oncwæð,
yð oðerre. Hwilum upp astod
of brimes bosme on bates fæðm
egesa ofer yðlid. ælmihtig þær,
meotud mancynnes, on mereþyssan
beorht basnode. Beornas wurdon
forhte on mode, friðes wilnedon,
miltsa to mærum. þa seo menigo ongan
clypian on ceole, cyning sona aras,
engla eadgifa, yðum stilde,
wæteres wælmum. Windas þreade,
sæ sessade, smylte wurdon
merestreama gemeotu. ða ure mod ahloh
syððan we gesegon under swegles gang
windas ond wægas ond wæterbrogan
forhte gewordne for frean egesan.
Forþan ic eow to soðe secgan wille,
þæt næfre forlæteð lifgende god
eorl on eorðan, gif his ellen deah."
Swa hleoðrode halig cempa,
ðeawum geþancul. þegnas lærde
eadig oreta, eorlas trymede,
oððæt hie semninga slæp ofereode,
meðe be mæste. Mere sweoðerade,
yða ongin eft oncyrde,
hreoh holmþracu. þa þam halgan wearð
æfter gryrehwile gast geblissod.
Ongan ða reordigan rædum snottor,
wis on gewitte, wordlocan onspeonn:
"Næfre ic sælidan selran mette,
macræftigran, þæs ðe me þynceð,
rowend rofran, rædsnotterran,
wordes wisran. Ic wille þe,
eorl unforcuð, anre nu gena
bene biddan, þeah ic þe beaga lyt,
sincweorðunga, syllan mihte,
fætedsinces. Wolde ic freondscipe,
þeoden þrymfæst,
þinne, gif ic mehte,
begitan godne. þæs ðu gife hleotest,
haligne hyht on heofonþrymme,
gif ðu lidwerigum larna þinra
este wyrðest. Wolde ic anes to ðe,
cynerof hæleð, cræftes neosan,
ðæt ðu me getæhte, nu þe tir cyning
ond miht forgef, manna scyppend,
hu ðu wægflotan wære bestemdon,
sæhengeste, sund wisige.
Ic wæs on gifeðe iu ond nu þa
syxtyne siðum on sæbate,
mere hrerendum mundum freorig,
eagorstreamas, (is ðys ane ma),
swa ic æfre ne geseah ænigne mann,
þryðbearn hæleða, þe gelicne,
steoran ofer stæfnan. Streamwelm hwileð,
beateþ brimstæðo. Is þes bat ful scrid,
færeð famigheals, fugole gelicost
glideð on geofone. Ic georne wat
þæt ic æfre ne geseah ofer yðlade
on sæleodan syllicran cræft.
Is þon geliccost swa he on landsceare
stille stande, þær hine storm ne mæg,
wind awecgan, ne wæterflodas
brecan brondstæfne, hwæðere on brim snoweð
snel under segle. ðu eart seolfa geong,
wigendra hleo, nalas wintrum frod,
hafast þe on fyrhðe, faroðlacende,
eorles ondsware. æghwylces canst
worda for worulde wislic andgit."
Him ondswarode ece dryhten:
"Oft þæt gesæleð, þæt we on sælade,
scipum under scealcum, þonne sceor cymeð,
brecað ofer bæðweg, brimhengestum.
Hwilum us on yðum earfoðlice
gesæleð on sæwe, þeh we sið nesan,
frecne geferan. Flodwylm ne mæg
manna ænigne ofer meotudes est
lungre gelettan: ah him lifes geweald,
se ðe brimu bindeð, brune yða
ðyð ond þreatað. He þeodum sceal
racian mid rihte, se ðe rodor ahof
ond gefæstnode folmum sinum,
worhte ond wreðede, wuldras fylde
beorhtne boldwelan, swa gebledsod wearð
engla eðel þurh his anes miht.
Forþan is gesyne, soð orgete,
cuð oncnawen, þæt ðu cyninges eart
þegen geþungen, þrymsittendes,
forþan þe sona sæholm oncneow,
garsecges begang, þæt ðu gife hæfdes
haliges gastes. Hærn eft onwand,
aryða geblond. Egesa gestilde,
widfæðme wæg. Wædu swæðorodon
seoðþan hie ongeton þæt ðe god hæfde
wære bewunden, se ðe wuldres blæd
gestaðolade strangum mihtum."
þa hleoðrade halgan stefne
cempa collenferhð, cyning wyrðude,
wuldres waldend, ond þus wordum cwæð:
"Wes ðu gebledsod, brego mancynnes,
dryhten hælend! A þin dom lyfað!
Ge neh ge feor is þin nama halig,
wuldre gewlitegad ofer werþeoda,
miltsum gemærsod. Nænig manna is
under heofonhwealfe, hæleða cynnes,
ðætte areccan mæg oððe rim wite
hu ðrymlice, þeoda baldor,
gasta geocend, þine gife dælest.
Huru is gesyne, sawla nergend,
þæt ðu þissum hysse hold gewurde
ond hine geongne geofum wyrðodest,
wis on gewitte ond wordcwidum.
Ic æt efenealdum æfre ne mette
on modsefan maran snyttro."
Him ða of ceole oncwæð cyninga wuldor,
frægn fromlice fruma ond ende:
"Saga, þances gleaw þegn, gif ðu cunne,
hu ðæt gewurde be werum tweonum,
þæt ða arleasan inwidþancum,
Iudea cynn wið godes bearne
ahof hearmcwide. Hæleð unsælige
no ðær gelyfdon in hira liffruman,
grome gealgmode, þæt he god wære,
þeah ðe he wundra feala weorodum gecyðde,
sweotulra ond gesynra. Synnige ne mihton
oncnawan þæt cynebearn, se ðe acenned wearð
to hleo ond to hroðre hæleða cynne,
eallum eorðwarum. æþelinge weox
word ond wisdom, ah he þara wundra a,
domagende, dæl nænigne
frætre þeode beforan cyðde."
Him ða Andreas agef andsware:
"Hu mihte þæt gewyrðan in werþeode,
þæt ðu ne gehyrde hælendes miht,
gumena leofost, hu he his gif cyðde
geond woruld wide, wealdendes bearn?
Sealde he dumbum gesprec, deafe gehyrdon,
healtum ond hreofum hyge blissode,
ða þe limseoce lange wæron,
werige, wanhale, witum gebundene,
æfter burhstedum blinde gesegon.
Swa he on grundwæge gumena cynnes
manige missenlice men of deaðe
worde awehte. Swylce he eac wundra feala
cynerof cyðde þurh his cræftes miht.
He gehalgode for heremægene
win of wætere ond wendan het,
beornum to blisse, on þa beteran gecynd.
Swylce he afedde of fixum twam
ond of fif hlafum fira cynnes
fif ðusendo. Feðan sæton,
reonigmode, reste gefegon,
werige æfter waðe, wiste þegon,
menn on moldan, swa him gemedost wæs.
Nu ðu miht gehyran, hyse leofesta,
hu us wuldres weard wordum ond dædum
lufode in life, ond þurh lare speon
to þam fægeran gefean, þær freo moton,
eadige mid englum, eard weardigan,
þa ðe æfter deaðe dryhten secað."
ða gen weges weard wordhord onleac,
beorn ofer bolcan, beald reordade:
"Miht ðu me gesecgan, þæt ic soð wite,
hwæðer wealdend þin wundor on eorðan,
þa he gefremede nalas feam siðum,
folcum to frofre beforan cyðde,
þær bisceopas ond boceras
ond ealdormenn æht besæton,
mæðelhægende? Me þæt þinceð,
ðæt hie for æfstum inwit syredon
þurh deopne gedwolan. Deofles larum
hæleð hynfuse hyrdon to georne,
wraðum wærlogan. Hie seo wyrd beswac,
forleolc ond forlærde. Nu hie lungre sceolon,
werige mid werigum, wræce þrowian,
biterne bryne on banan fæðme."
Him ða Andreas agef ondsware:
"Secge ic ðe to soðe ðæt he swiðe oft
beforan fremede folces ræswum
wundor æfter wundre on wera gesiehðe,
swylce deogollice dryhten gumena
folcræd fremede, swa he to friðe hogode."
Him ondswarode æðelinga helm:
"Miht ðu, wis hæleð, wordum gesecgan,
maga mode rof, mægen þa he cyðde,
deormod on digle, ða mid dryhten oft,
rodera rædend, rune besæton?"
Him þa Andreas ondsware agef:
"Hwæt frinest ðu me, frea leofesta,
wordum wrætlicum, ond þe wyrda gehwære
þurh snyttra cræft soð oncnawest?"
ða git him wæges weard wiðþingode:
"Ne frine ic ðe for tæle ne ðurh teoncwide
on hranrade, ac min hige blissað,
wynnum wridað, þurh þine wordlæðe,
æðelum ecne. Ne eom ic ana ðæt,
ac manna gehwam mod bið on hyhte,
fyrhð afrefred, þam þe feor oððe neah
on mode geman hu se maga fremede,
godbearn on grundum. Gastas hweorfon,
sohton siðfrome swegles dreamas,
engla eðel þurh þa æðelan miht."
Edre him Andreas agef ondsware:
"Nu ic on þe sylfum soð oncnawe,
wisdomes gewit, wundorcræfte
sigesped geseald, (snyttrum bloweð,
beorhtre blisse, breost innanweard),
nu ic þe sylfum secgan wille
oor ond ende, swa ic þæs æðelinges
word ond wisdom on wera gemote
þurh his sylfes muð symle gehyrde.
Oft gesamnodon side herigeas,
folc unmæte, to frean dome,
þær hie hyrcnodon haliges lare.
ðonne eft gewat æðelinga helm,
beorht blædgifa, in bold oðer,
ðær him togenes, god herigende,
to ðam meðelstede manige comon,
snottre selerædend. Symble gefegon,
beornas bliðheorte, burhweardes cyme.
Swa gesælde iu þæt se sigedema
ferde, frea mihtig. Næs þær folces ma
on siðfate, sinra leoda,
nemne ellefne orettmæcgas,
geteled tireadige. He wæs twelfta sylf.
þa we becomon to þam cynestole,
þær getimbred wæs tempel dryhtnes,
heah ond horngeap, hæleðum gefrege,
wuldre gewlitegod. Huscworde ongan
þurh inwitðanc ealdorsacerd
herme hyspan, hordlocan onspeon,
wroht webbade. He on gewitte oncneow
þæt we soðfæstes swaðe folgodon,
læston larcwide. He lungre ahof
woðe wiðerhydig wean onblonden:
'Hwæt, ge syndon earme ofer ealle menn!
Wadað widlastas, weorn geferað
earfoðsiða, ellþeodiges nu
butan leodrihte larum hyrað,
eadiges orhlytte æðeling cyðað,
secgað soðlice þæt mid suna meotudes
drohtigen dæghwæmlice. þæt is duguðum cuð
hwanon þam ordfruman æðelu onwocon.
He wæs afeded on þysse folcsceare,
cildgeong acenned mid his cneomagum.
þus syndon haten hamsittende,
fæder ond modur, þæs we gefrægen habbað
þurh modgemynd, Maria ond Ioseph.
Syndon him on æðelum oðere twegen
beornas geborene, broðorsybbum,
suna Iosephes, Simon ond Iacob.'
Swa hleoðrodon hæleða ræswan,
dugoð domgeorne, dyrnan þohton
meotudes mihte. Man eft gehwearf,
yfel endeleas, þær hit ær aras.
þa se þeoden gewat þegna heape
fram þam meðelstede mihtum geswiðed,
dugeða dryhten, secan digol land.
He þurh wundra feala on þam westenne
cræfta gecyðde þæt he wæs cyning on riht
ofer middangeard, mægene geswiðed,
waldend ond wyrhta wuldorþrymmes,
an ece god eallra gesceafta.
Swylce he oðerra unrim cyðde
wundorworca on wera gesyhðe.
Syþþan eft gewat oðre siðe
getrume mycle, þæt he in temple gestod,
wuldres aldor. Wordhleoðor astag
geond heahræced. Haliges lare
synnige ne swulgon, þeah he soðra swa feala
tacna gecyðde, þær hie to segon.
Swylce he wrætlice wundor agræfene,
anlicnesse engla sinra
geseh, sigora frea, on seles wage,
on twa healfe torhte gefrætwed,
wlitige geworhte. He worde cwæð:
'ðis is anlicnes engelcynna
þæs bremestan
þe mid þam burgwarum
in þære ceastre is. [Cheruphim et Seraphim]
þa on swegeldreamum syndon nemned.
Fore onsyne ecan dryhtnes
standað stiðferðe, stefnum herigað,
halgum hleoðrum, heofoncyninges þrym,
meotudes mundbyrd. Her amearcod is
haligra hiw, þurh handmægen
awriten on wealle wuldres þegnas.'
þa gen worde cwæð weoruda dryhten,
heofonhalig gast, fore þam heremægene:
'Nu ic bebeode beacen ætywan,
wundor geweorðan on wera gemange,
ðæt þeos onlicnes eorðan sece,
wlitig of wage, ond word sprece,
secge soðcwidum, (þy sceolon gelyfan
eorlas on cyððe), hwæt min æðelo sien.'
Ne dorste þa forhylman hælendes bebod
wundor fore weorodum, ac of wealle ahleop,
frod fyrngeweorc, þæt he on foldan stod,
stan fram stane. Stefn æfter cwom,
hlud þurh heardne, hleoðor dynede,
wordum wemde. Wrætlic þuhte
stiðhycgendum stanes ongin.
Septe sacerdas sweotolum tacnum,
witig werede ond worde cwæð:
'Ge synd unlæde, earmra geþohta
searowum beswicene, oððe sel nyton,
mode gemyrde. Ge mon cigað
godes ece bearn,
þone þe grund ond sund,
heofon ond eorðan ond hreo wægas,
salte sæstreamas ond swegl uppe
amearcode mundum sinum.
þis is se ilca ealwalda god
ðone on fyrndagum fæderas cuðon.
He Abrahame ond Isace
ond Iocobe gife bryttode,
welum weorðode, wordum sægde
ærest Habrahame æðeles geþingu,
þæt of his cynne cenned sceolde
weorðan wuldres god. Is seo wyrd mid eow
open, orgete, magan eagum nu
geseon sigores god, swegles agend.'
æfter þyssum wordum weorud hlosnode
geond þæt side sel, (swigodon ealle),
ða ða yldestan eft ongunnon
secgan synfulle, (soð ne oncneowan),
þæt hit drycræftum gedon wære,
scingelacum, þæt se scyna stan
mælde for mannum. Man wridode
geond beorna breost, brandhata nið
weoll on gewitte, weorm blædum fag,
attor ælfæle. þær orcnawe wearð
þurh teoncwide tweogende mod,
mæcga misgehygd morðre bewunden.
ða se þeoden bebead þryðweorc faran,
stan on stræte of stedewange,
ond forð gan foldweg tredan,
grene grundas, godes ærendu
larum lædan on þa leodmearce
to Channaneum, cyninges worde
beodan Habrahame mid his eaforum twæm
of eorðscræfe ærest fremman,
lætan landreste, leoðo gadrigean,
gaste onfon ond geogoðhade,
edniwinga andweard cuman,
frode fyrnweotan, folce gecyðan,
hwylcne hie god mihtum ongiten hæfdon.
Gewat he þa feran, swa him frea mihtig,
scyppend wera, gescrifen hæfde,
ofer mearcpaðu, þæt he on Mambre becom
beorhte blican, swa him bebead meotud,
þær þa lichoman lange þrage,
heahfædera hra, beheled wæron.
Het þa ofstlice up astandan
Habraham ond Isaac, æðeling þriddan
Iacob of greote to godes geþinge,
sneome of slæpe þæm fæstan. Het hie to þam siðe gyrwan,
faran to frean dome. Sceoldon hie þam folce gecyðan
hwa æt frumsceafte furðum teode
eorðan eallgrene ond upheofon,
hwær se wealdend wære þe þæt weorc staðolade.
Ne dorston þa gelettan leng owihte
wuldorcyninges word. Geweotan ða ða witigan þry
modige mearcland tredan. Forlætan moldern wunigean
open eorðscræfu, woldon hie ædre gecyðan
frumweorca fæder. þa þæt folc gewearð
egesan geaclod, þær þa æðelingas
wordum weorðodon wuldres aldor.
Hie ða ricene het rices hyrde
to eadwelan oþre siðe
secan mid sybbe swegles dreamas,
ond þæs to widan feore willum neotan.
Nu ðu miht gehyran, hyse leofesta,
hu he wundra worn wordum cyðde,
swa þeah ne gelyfdon larum sinum
modblinde menn. Ic wat manig nu gyt
mycel mære spell ðe se maga fremede,
rodera rædend, ða ðu aræfnan ne miht,
hreðre behabban, hygeþances gleaw."
þus Andreas ondlangne dæg
herede hleoðorcwidum haliges lare,
oððæt hine semninga slæp ofereode
on hronrade heofoncyninge neh.
ða gelædan het lifes brytta
ofer yða geþræc englas sine,
fæðmum ferigean on fæder wære
leofne mid lissum ofer lagufæsten,
oððæt sæwerige slæp ofereode.
þurh lyftgelac on land becwom
to þære ceastre þe him cining engla
ða þa aras siðigean,
eadige on upweg, eðles neosan.
Leton þone halgan be herestræte
swefan on sybbe under swegles hleo,
bliðne bidan burhwealle neh,
his niðhetum, nihtlangne fyrst,
oðþæt dryhten forlet dægcandelle
scire scinan. Sceadu sweðerodon,
wonn under wolcnum. þa com wederes blæst,
hador heofonleoma, ofer hofu blican.
Onwoc þa wiges heard, (wang sceawode),
fore burggeatum. Beorgas steape,
hleoðu hlifodon, ymbe harne stan
tigelfagan trafu, torras stodon,
windige weallas. þa se wisa oncneow
þæt he Marmedonia mægðe hæfde
siðe gesohte, swa him sylf bebead,
þa he him fore gescraf, fæder mancynnes.
Geseh he þa on greote gingran sine,
beornas beadurofe, biryhte him
swefan on slæpe. He sona ongann
wigend weccean, ond worde cwæð:
"Ic eow secgan mæg soð orgete,
þæt us gystrandæge on geofones stream
ofer arwelan æðeling ferede.
In þam ceole wæs cyninga wuldor,
waldend werðeode. Ic his word oncneow,
þeh he his mægwlite bemiðen hæfde."
Him þa æðelingas ondsweorodon,
geonge gencwidum, gastgerynum:
"We ðe, Andreas, eaðe gecyðað
sið userne, þæt ðu sylfa miht
ongitan gleawlice gastgehygdum.
Us sæwerige slæp ofereode.
þa comon earnas ofer yða wylm
faran on flyhte, feðerum hremige,
us ofslæpendum sawle abrugdon,
mid gefean feredon flyhte on lyfte,
brehtmum bliðe, beorhte ond liðe.
Lissum lufodon ond in lofe wunedon,
þær wæs singal sang ond swegles gong,
wlitig weoroda heap ond wuldres þreat.
Utan ymbe æðelne englas stodon,
þegnas ymb þeoden, þusendmælum,
heredon on hehðo halgan stefne
dryhtna dryhten. Dream wæs on hyhte.
We ðær heahfæderas halige oncneowon
ond martyra mægen unlytel,
sungon sigedryhtne soðfæstlic lof,
dugoð domgeorne. þær wæs Dauid mid,
eadig oretta, Essages sunu,
for Crist cumen, cining Israhela.
Swylce we gesegon for suna meotudes,
æðelum ecne, eowic standan,
twelfe getealde, tireadige hæleð.
Eow þegnodon þrymsittende,
halige heahenglas. ðam bið hæleða well
þe þara blissa brucan moton.
þær wæs wuldres wynn, wigendra þrym,
æðelic onginn, næs þær ænigum gewinn.
þam bið wræcsið witod, wite geopenad,
þe þara gefeana sceal fremde weorðan,
hean hwearfian, þonne heonon gangaþ."
þa wæs modsefa myclum geblissod
haliges on hreðre, syðþan hleoðorcwide
gingran gehyrdon, þæt hie god wolde
onmunan swa mycles ofer menn ealle,
ond þæt word gecwæð wigendra hleo:
"Nu ic, god dryhten, ongiten hæbbe
þæt ðu on faroðstræte feor ne wære,
cyninga wuldur, þa ic on ceol gestah,
ðeh ic on yðfare, engla þeoden,
gasta geocend, ongitan ne cuðe.
Weorð me nu milde, meotud ælmihtig,
bliðe, beorht cyning! Ic on brimstreame
spræc worda worn, wat æfter nu
hwa me wyrðmyndum on wudubate
ferede ofer flodas. þæt is frofre gast
hæleða cynne. þær is help gearu,
milts æt mærum, manna gehwylcum,
sigorsped geseald, þam þe seceð to him."
ða him fore eagum onsyne wearð
æðeling oðywed in þa ilcan tid,
cining cwicera gehwæs, þurh cnihtes had.
þa he worde cwæð, wuldres aldor:
"Wes ðu, Andreas, hal, mid þas willgedryht,
ferðgefeonde! Ic þe friðe healde,
þæt þe ne moton mangeniðlan,
grame grynsmiðas, gaste gesceððan."
Feoll þa to foldan, frioðo wilnode
wordum wis hæleð, winedryhten frægn:
"Hu geworhte ic þæt, waldend fira,
synnig wið seolfne, sawla nergend,
þæt ic þe swa godne ongitan ne meahte
on wægfære, þær ic worda gespræc
minra for meotude ma þonne ic sceolde?"
Him andswarode ealwalda god:
"No ðu swa swiðe synne gefremedest
swa ðu in Achaia ondsæc dydest,
ðæt ðu on feorwegas feran ne cuðe
ne in þa ceastre becuman mehte,
þing gehegan þreora nihta
fyrstgemearces, swa ic þe feran het
ofer wega gewinn. Wast nu þe gearwor
þæt ic eaðe mæg anra gehwylcne
fremman ond fyrþran freonda minra
on landa gehwylc, þær me leofost bið.
Aris nu hrædlice, ræd ædre ongit,
beorn gebledsod, swa þe beorht fæder
geweorðað wuldorgifum to widan aldre,
cræfte ond mihte. ðu in þa ceastre gong
under burglocan, þær þin broðor is.
Wat ic Matheus þurh mænra hand
hrinen heorudolgum,
searonettum beseted. þu hine secan scealt,
leofne alysan of laðra hete,
ond eal þæt mancynn þe him mid wunige,
elþeodigra inwitwrasnum,
bealuwe gebundene. Him sceal bot hraðe
weorþan in worulde ond in wuldre lean,
swa ic him sylfum ær secgende wæs.
Nu ðu, Andreas, scealt edre geneðan
in gramra gripe. Is þe guð weotod,
heardum heoruswengum scel þin hra dæled
wundum weorðan, wættre geliccost
faran flode blod. Hie þin feorh ne magon
deaðe gedælan, þeh ðu drype ðolie,
synnigra slege. ðu þæt sar aber;
ne læt þe ahweorfan hæðenra þrym,
grim gargewinn, þæt ðu gode swice,
dryhtne þinum. Wes a domes georn;
læt ðe on gemyndum hu þæt manegum wearð
fira gefrege geond feala landa,
þæt me bysmredon bennum fæstne
weras wansælige. Wordum tyrgdon,
slogon ond swungon, synnige ne mihton
þurh sarcwide soð gecyðan.
þa ic mid Iudeum gealgan þehte,
(rod wæs aræred), þær rinca sum
of minre sidan swat ut forlet,
dreor to foldan. Ic adreah feala
yrmþa ofer eorðan. Wolde ic eow on ðon
þurh bliðne hige bysne onstellan,
swa on ellþeode ywed wyrðeð.
Manige syndon in þysse mæran byrig
þara þe ðu gehweorfest to heofonleohte
þurh minne naman, þeah hie morðres feala
in fyrndagum gefremed habban."
Gewat him þa se halga heofonas secan,
eallra cyninga cining, þone clænan ham,
eaðmedum upp, þær is ar gelang
fira gehwylcum, þam þe hie findan cann.
ða wæs gemyndig modgeþyldig,
beorn beaduwe heard, eode in burh hraðe,
anræd oretta, elne gefyrðred,
maga mode rof, meotude getreowe,
stop on stræte, (stig wisode),
swa him nænig gumena ongitan ne mihte,
synfulra geseon. Hæfde sigora weard
on þam wangstede wære betolden
leofne leodfruman mid lofe sinum.
Hæfde þa se æðeling in geþrungen,
Cristes cempa, carcerne neh.
Geseh he hæðenra hloð ætgædere,
fore hlindura hyrdas standan,
seofone ætsomne. Ealle swylt fornam,
druron domlease. Deaðræs forfeng
hæleð heorodreorige. ða se halga gebæd
bilwytne fæder, breostgehygdum
herede on hehðo heofoncyninges þrym,
godes dryhtendom. Duru sona onarn
þurh handhrine
haliges gastes,
ond þær in eode, elnes gemyndig,
hæle hildedeor. Hæðene swæfon,
dreore druncne, deaðwang rudon.
Geseh he Matheus in þam morðorcofan,
hæleð higerofne under heolstorlocan,
secgan dryhtne lof, domweorðinga
engla ðeodne. He ðær ana sæt
geohðum geomor in þam gnornhofe.
Geseh þa under swegle swæsne geferan,
halig haligne. Hyht wæs geniwad.
Aras þa togenes, gode þancade
þæs ðe hie onsunde æfre moston
geseon under sunnan. Syb wæs gemæne
bam þam gebroðrum, blis edniwe.
æghwæðer oðerne earme beþehte,
cyston hie ond clypton. Criste wæron begen
leofe on mode. Hie leoht ymbscan
halig ond heofontorht. Hreðor innan wæs
wynnum awelled. þa worde ongan
ærest Andreas æðelne geferan
on clustorcleofan mid cwide sinum
gretan godfyrhtne, sæde him guðgeðingu,
feohtan fara monna: "Nu is þis folc on luste,
hæleð hyder on
gewyrht eardes neosan."
æfter þyssum wordum wuldres þegnas,
begen þa gebroðor, to gebede hyldon,
sendon hira bene fore bearn godes.
Swylce se halga in þam hearmlocan
his god grette
ond him geoce bæd,
hælend helpe, ær þan hra crunge
fore hæðenra hildeþrymme,
ond þa gelædde of leoðobendum
fram þam fæstenne on frið dryhtnes
tu ond hundteontig geteled rime,
swylce feowertig,
generede fram niðe, (þær he nænigne forlet
under burglocan bennum fæstne),
ond þær wifa þa gyt, weorodes to eacan,
anes wana þe fiftig
forhte gefreoðode. Fægen wæron siðes,
lungre leordan, nalas leng bidon
in þam gnornhofe guðgeþingo.
Gewat þa Matheus menigo lædan
on gehyld godes, swa him se halga bebead.
Weorod on wilsið wolcnum beþehte,
þe læs him scyldhatan scyððan comon
mid earhfare, ealdgeniðlan.
þær þa modigan mid him mæðel gehedan,
treowgeþoftan, ær hie on tu hweorfan.
ægðer þara eorla oðrum trymede
heofonrices hyht, helle witu
wordum werede. Swa ða wigend mid him,
hæleð higerofe, halgum stefnum
cempan coste cyning weorðadon,
wyrda waldend, þæs wuldres ne bið
æfre mid eldum ende befangen.
Gewat him þa Andreas inn on ceastre
glædmod gangan, to þæs ðe he gramra gemot,
fara folcmægen, gefrægen hæfde,
oððæt he gemette be mearcpaðe
standan stræte neah stapul ærenne.
Gesæt him þa be healfe, hæfde hluttre lufan,
ece upgemynd engla blisse;
þanon basnode under burhlocan
hwæt him guðweorca gifeðe wurde.
þa gesamnedon side herigeas,
folces frumgaras. To þam fæstenne
wærleasra werod wæpnum comon,
hæðne hildfrecan, to þæs þa hæftas ær
under hlinscuwan hearm þrowedon.
Wendan ond woldon wiðerhycgende
þæt hie on elþeodigum æt geworhton,
weotude wiste. Him seo wen gelah,
syððan mid corðre carcernes duru
eorre æscberend opene fundon,
onhliden hamera geweorc, hyrdas deade.
Hie þa unhyðige eft gecyrdon,
luste belorene, laðspell beran,
sægdon þam folce þæt ðær feorrcundra,
ellreordigra, ænigne to lafe
in carcerne cwicne ne
ah þær heorodreorige hyrdas lagan,
gæsne on greote, gaste berofene,
fægra flæschaman. þa wearð forht manig
for þam færspelle folces ræswa,
hean, hygegeomor, hungres on wenum,
blates beodgastes. Nyston beteran ræd,
þonne hie þa belidenan
him to lifnere
deade gefeormedon. Duruþegnum wearð
in ane tid eallum ætsomne
þurh heard gelac hildbedd styred.
ða ic lungre gefrægn leode tosomne
burgwaru bannan. Beornas comon,
wiggendra þreat, wicgum gengan,
on mearum modige, mæðelhegende,
æscum dealle. þa wæs eall geador
to þam þingstede þeod gesamnod.
Leton him þa betweonum taan wisian
hwylcne hira ærest oðrum sceolde
to foddurþege feores ongyldan;
hluton hellcræftum, hæðengildum
teledon betwinum. ða se tan gehwearf
efne ofer ænne ealdgesiða,
se wæs uðweota eorla dugoðe,
heriges on ore. Hraðe siððan wearð
fetorwrasnum fæst, feores orwena.
Cleopode þa collenferhð cearegan reorde,
cwæð he his sylfes sunu syllan wolde
on æhtgeweald, eaforan geongne,
lifes to lisse. Hie ða lac hraðe
þegon to þance. þeod wæs oflysted,
metes modgeomre, næs him to maðme wynn,
hyht to hordgestreonum. Hungre wæron
þearle geþreatod, swa se ðeodsceaða
reow ricsode. þa wæs rinc manig,
guðfrec guma, ymb þæs geongan feorh
breostum onbryrded. To þam beadulace
wæs þæt weatacen wide gefrege,
geond þa burh bodad beorne manegum,
þæt hie þæs cnihtes cwealm corðre gesohton,
duguðe ond eogoðe, dæl onfengon
lifes to leofne. Hie lungre to þæs,
hæðene herigweardas, here samnodan
ceastrewarena. Cyrm upp astah
ða se geonga ongann geomran stefne,
gehæfted for herige, hearmleoð galan,
freonda feasceaft, friðes wilnian.
Ne mihte earmsceapen are findan,
freoðe æt þam folce, þe him feores wolde,
ealdres geunnan. Hæfdon æglæcan
sæcce gesohte. Sceolde sweordes ecg,
scerp ond scurheard, of sceaðan folme,
fyrmælum fag, feorh acsigan.
ða þæt Andrea earmlic þuhte,
þeodbealo þearlic to geðolianne,
þæt he swa unscyldig ealdre sceolde
lungre linnan. Wæs se leodhete
ond þrohtheard. þrymman sceocan,
modige maguþegnas, morðres on luste,
woldon æninga, ellenrofe,
on þam hysebeorðre heafolan gescenan,
garum agetan. Hine god forstod,
halig of hehðo, hæðenum folce.
Het wæpen wera wexe gelicost
on þam orlege eall formeltan,
þy læs scyldhatan
sceððan mihton,
egle ondsacan, ecga þryðum.
Swa wearð alysed of leodhete,
geong of gyrne. Gode ealles þanc,
dryhtna dryhtne, þæs ðe he dom gifeð
gumena gehwylcum, þara þe geoce to him
seceð mid snytrum. þær bið symle gearu
freod unhwilen, þam þe hie findan cann.
þa wæs wop hæfen in wera burgum,
hlud heriges cyrm. Hreopon friccan,
mændon meteleaste, meðe stodon,
hungre gehæfte. Hornsalu wunedon,
weste winræced, welan ne benohton
beornas to brucanne on þa bitran tid,
gesæton searuþancle sundor to rune
ermðu eahtigan. Næs him to eðle wynn.
Fregn þa gelome freca oðerne:
"Ne hele se ðe hæbbe holde lare,
on sefan snyttro! Nu is sæl cumen,
þrea ormæte, is nu þearf mycel
þæt we wisfæstra wordum hyran."
þa for þære dugoðe deoful ætywde,
wann ond wliteleas, hæfde weriges hiw.
Ongan þa meldigan morþres brytta,
hellehinca, þone halgan wer
wiðerhycgende, ond þæt word gecwæð:
"Her is gefered ofer feorne weg
æðelinga sum innan ceastre,
ellþeodigra, þone ic Andreas
nemnan herde. He eow neon gesceod
ða he aferede of fæstenne
manncynnes ma þonne gemet wære.
Nu ge magon eaðe oncyðdæda
wrecan on gewyrhtum. Lætað wæpnes spor
iren ecgheard,
ealdorgeard sceoran,
fæges feorhhord. Gað fromlice
þæt ge wiðerfeohtend wiges gehnægan."
Him þa Andreas agef ondsware:
"Hwæt, ðu þristlice þeode lærest,
bældest to beadowe! Wæst þe bæles cwealm,
hatne in helle, ond þu here fysest,
feðan to gefeohte. Eart ðu fag wið god,
dugoða demend. Hwæt, ðu deofles stræl,
icest þine yrmðo. ðe se ælmihtiga
heanne gehnægde, ond on heolstor besceaf,
þær þe cyninga cining clamme belegde,
ond þe syððan a
Satan nemdon,
ða ðe dryhtnes a deman cuðon."
ða gyt se wiðermeda wordum lærde
folc to gefeohte, feondes cræfte:
"Nu ge gehyrað hæleða gewinnan,
se ðyssum herige mæst hearma gefremede.
ðæt is Andreas, se me on fliteð
wordum wrætlicum for wera menigo."
ða wæs beacen boden burhsittendum.
Ahleopon hildfrome heriges brehtme
ond to weallgeatum wigend þrungon,
cene under cumblum, corðre mycle
to ðam orlege, ordum ond bordum.
þa worde cwæð weoroda dryhten,
meotud mihtum swið sægde his magoþegne:
"Scealt ðu, Andreas, ellen fremman!
Ne mið ðu for menigo, ah þinne modsefan
staðola wið strangum! Nis seo stund latu
þæt þe wælreowe witum belecgaþ,
cealdan clommum. Cyð þe sylfne,
herd hige þinne, heortan staðola,
þæt hie min on ðe mægen oncnawan.
Ne magon hie ond ne moton ofer mine est
þinne lichoman, lehtrum scyldige,
deaðe gedælan, ðeah ðu drype þolige,
mirce manslaga. Ic þe mid wunige."
æfter þam wordum com werod unmæte,
lyswe larsmeoðas, mid lindgecrode,
bolgenmode; bæron ut hræðe
ond þam halgan þær handa gebundon.
Siþþan geypped wæs æðelinga wynn,
ond hie andweardne eagum meahton
gesion sigerofne, þær wæs sec manig
on þam welwange wiges oflysted
leoda duguðe. Lyt sorgodon
hwylc him þæt edlean æfter wurde.
Heton þa lædan ofer landsceare,
ðragmælum teon, torngeniðlan,
swa hie hit frecnost findan meahton.
Drogon deormodne
æfter dunscræfum,
ymb stanhleoðo,
efne swa wide swa wegas to lagon,
enta ærgeweorc, innan burgum,
stræte stanfage. Storm upp aras
æfter ceasterhofum, cirm unlytel
hæðnes heriges. Wæs þæs halgan lic
sarbennum soden, swate bestemed,
banhus abrocen. Blod yðum weoll,
hatan heolfre. Hæfde him on innan
ellen untweonde, wæs þæt æðele mod
asundrad fram synnum, þeah he sares swa feala
deopum dolgslegum dreogan sceolde.
Swa wæs ealne dæg oððæt æfen com
sigetorht swungen. Sar eft gewod
ymb þæs beornes breost, oðþæt beorht gewat
sunne swegeltorht to sete glidan.
Læddan þa leode laðne gewinnan
to carcerne. He wæs Criste swa þeah
leof on mode. Him wæs leoht sefa
halig heortan neh, hige untyddre.
þa se halga wæs under heolstorscuwan,
eorl ellenheard, ondlange niht
searoþancum beseted. Snaw eorðan band
wintergeworpum. Weder coledon
heardum hægelscurum, swylce hrim ond forst,
hare hildstapan, hæleða eðel
lucon, leoda gesetu. Land wæron freorig
cealdum cylegicelum, clang wæteres þrym
ofer eastreamas, is brycgade
blæce brimrade. Bliðheort wunode
eorl unforcuð, elnes gemyndig,
þrist ond þrohtheard in þreanedum
wintercealdan niht. No on gewitte blon,
acol for þy egesan, þæs þe he ær ongann,
þæt he a domlicost dryhten herede,
weorðade wordum, oððæt wuldres gim
heofontorht onhlad. ða com hæleða þreat
to ðære dimman ding, duguð unlytel,
wadan wælgifre weorodes brehtme.
Heton ut hræðe æðeling lædan
in wraðra geweald, wærfæstne hæleð.
ða wæs eft swa ær ondlangne dæg
swungen sarslegum. Swat yðum weoll
þurh bancofan, blodlifrum swealg,
hatan heolfre. Hra weorces ne sann,
wundum werig. þa cwom wopes hring
þurh þæs beornes breost, blat ut faran,
weoll waðuman stream, ond he worde cwæð:
"Geseoh nu, dryhten god, drohtað minne,
weoruda willgeofa! þu wæst ond const
anra gehwylces earfeðsiðas.
Ic gelyfe to ðe, min liffruma,
þæt ðu mildheort me for þinum mægenspedum,
nerigend fira, næfre wille,
ece ælmihtig, anforlætan,
swa ic þæt gefremme, þenden feorh leofað,
min on moldan, þæt ic, meotud, þinum
larum leofwendum lyt geswice.
þu eart gescyldend
wið sceaðan wæpnum,
ece eadfruma, eallum þinum;
ne læt nu bysmrian banan manncynnes,
facnes frumbearn, þurh feondes cræft
leahtrum belecgan þa þin lof berað."
ða ðær ætywde se atola gast,
wrað wærloga. Wigend lærde
for þam heremægene helle dioful
awerged in witum, ond þæt word gecwæð:
"Sleað synnigne ofer seolfes muð,
folces gewinnan! Nu to feala reordaþ."
þa wæs orlege eft onhrered,
niwan stefne. Nið upp aras
oþðæt sunne gewat to sete glidan
under niflan næs. Niht helmade,
brunwann oferbræd beorgas steape,
ond se halga wæs to hofe læded,
deor ond domgeorn, in þæt dimme ræced;
sceal þonne in neadcofan nihtlangne fyrst
wærfæst wunian wic unsyfre.
þa com seofona sum to sele geongan,
atol æglæca yfela gemyndig,
morðres manfrea myrce gescyrded,
deoful deaðreow duguðum bereafod,
ongan þa þam halgan hospword sprecan:
"Hwæt hogodest ðu, Andreas, hidercyme þinne
on wraðra geweald? Hwæt is wuldor þin,
þe ðu oferhigdum upp arærdest,
þa ðu goda ussa
gild gehnægdest?
Hafast nu þe anum eall getihhad
land ond leode, swa dyde lareow þin.
Cyneþrym ahof, þam wæs Crist nama,
ofer middangeard, þynden hit meahte swa.
þone Herodes ealdre besnyðede,
forcom æt campe cyning Iudea,
rices berædde, ond hine rode befealg,
þæt he on gealgan his gast onsende.
Swa ic nu bebeode bearnum minum,
þegnum þryðfullum, ðæt hie ðe hnægen,
gingran æt guðe. Lætað gares ord,
earh ættre gemæl, in gedufan
in fæges ferð. Gað fromlice,
ðæt ge guðfrecan gylp forbegan."
Hie wæron reowe, ræsdon on sona
gifrum grapum. Hine god forstod,
staðulfæst steorend, þurh his strangan miht.
Syððan hie oncneowon Cristes rode
on his mægwlite, mære tacen,
wurdon hie ða acle on þam onfenge,
forhte, afærde, ond on fleam numen.
Ongan eft swa ær ealdgeniðla,
helle hæftling, hearmleoð galan:
"Hwæt wearð eow swa rofum, rincas mine,
lindgesteallan, þæt eow swa lyt gespeow?"
agef ondsware,
fah fyrnsceaþa, ond his fæder oncwæð:
"Ne magan we him lungre lað ætfæstan,
swilt þurh searwe. Ga þe sylfa to!
þær þu gegninga guðe findest,
frecne feohtan, gif ðu furður dearst
to þam anhagan aldre geneðan.
We ðe magon eaðe, eorla leofost,
æt þam secgplegan selre gelæran;
ær ðu gegninga guðe fremme,
wiges woman, weald, hu ðe sæle
æt þam gegnslege. Utan gangan eft,
þæt we bysmrigen bendum fæstne,
oðwitan him his wræcsið. Habbað word gearu
wið þam æglæcan eall getrahtod!"
þa hleoðrade hludan stefne,
witum bewæled, ond þæt word gecwæð:
"þu þe, Andreas, aclæccræftum
lange feredes! Hwæt, ðu leoda feala
forleolce ond forlærdest! Nu leng ne miht
gewealdan þy weorce. þe synd witu þæs grim
weotud be gewyrhtum. þu scealt werigmod,
hean, hroðra leas, hearm þrowigan,
sare swyltcwale. Secgas mine
to þam guðplegan gearwe sindon,
þa þe æninga ellenweorcum
unfyrn faca feorh ætþringan.
Hwylc is þæs mihtig ofer middangeard,
þæt he þe alyse of leoðubendum,
manna cynnes, ofer mine est?"
Him þa Andreas agef ondsware:
"Hwæt, me eaðe ælmihtig god,
niða neregend, se ðe in niedum iu
gefæstnode fyrnum clommum!
þær ðu syððan a, susle gebunden,
in wræc wunne, wuldres blunne,
syððan ðu forhogedes heofoncyninges word.
þær wæs yfles or, ende næfre
þines wræces weorðeð. ðu scealt widan feorh
ecan þine yrmðu. þe bið a symble
of dæge on dæg drohtaþ strengra."
ða wearð on fleame se ðe ða fæhðo iu
wið god geara grimme gefremede.
Com þa on uhtan mid ærdæge
hæðenra hloð haliges neosan
leoda weorude. Heton lædan ut
þrohtheardne þegn þriddan siðe,
woldon aninga ellenrofes
mod gemyltan. Hit ne mihte swa!
ða wæs niowinga nið onhrered,
heard ond hetegrim. Wæs se halga wer
sare geswungen, searwum gebunden,
dolgbennum þurhdrifen, ðendon dæg lihte.
Ongan þa geomormod to gode cleopian,
heard of hæfte, halgan stefne
weop werigferð, ond þæt word gecwæð:
"Næfre ic geferde mid frean willan
under heofonhwealfe heardran drohtnoð,
þær ic dryhtnes æ deman sceolde.
Sint me leoðu tolocen, lic sare gebrocen,
banhus blodfag, benne weallað,
seonodolg swatige. Hwæt, ðu sigora weard,
dryhten hælend, on dæges tide
mid Iudeum geomor wurde
ða ðu of gealgan, god lifigende,
fyrnweorca frea, to fæder cleopodest,
cininga wuldor, ond cwæde ðus:
'Ic ðe, fæder engla, frignan wille,
lifes leohtfruma, hwæt forlætest ðu me?'
Ond ic nu þry dagas þolian sceolde
wælgrim witu. Bidde ic, weoroda god,
þæt ic gast minne agifan mote,
sawla symbelgifa, on þines sylfes hand.
ðu ðæt gehete þurh þin halig word,
þa ðu us twelfe trymman ongunne,
þæt us heterofra hild ne gesceode,
ne lices dæl lungre oððeoded,
ne synu ne ban on swaðe lagon,
ne loc of heafde to forlore wurde,
gif we þine lare læstan woldon.
Nu sint sionwe toslopen, is min swat adropen,
licgað æfter lande loccas todrifene,
fex on foldan. Is me feorhgedal
leofre mycle þonne þeos lifcearo."
Him þa stefn oncwæð, stiðhycgendum,
wuldorcyninges word hloðrode:
"Ne wep þone wræcsið, wine leofesta,
nis þe to frecne. Ic þe friðe healde,
minre mundbyrde mægene besette.
Me is miht ofer eall,
sigorsped geseald. Soð þæt gecyðeð
mænig æt meðle on þam myclan dæge,
þæt ðæt geweorðeð, þæt ðeos wlitige gesceaft,
heofon ond eorðe, hreosaþ togadore,
ær awæged sie worda ænig
þe ic þurh minne muð meðlan onginne.
Geseoh nu seolfes swæðe, swa þin swat aget
þurh bangebrec blodige stige,
lices lælan. No þe laðes ma
þurh daroða gedrep gedon motan,
þa þe heardra mæst hearma gefremedan."
þa on last beseah leoflic cempa
æfter wordcwidum wuldorcyninges.
Geseh he geblowene bearwas standan
blædum gehrodene, swa he ær his blod aget.
ða worde cwæð wigendra hleo:
"Sie ðe ðanc ond lof, þeoda waldend,
to widan feore wuldor on heofonum,
ðæs ðu me on sare, sigedryhten min,
ellþeodigne, an ne forlæte."
Swa se dædfruma dryhten herede
halgan stefne oððæt hador sægl
wuldortorht gewat under waðu scriðan.
þa þa folctogan feorðan siðe,
egle ondsacan, æðeling læddon
to þam carcerne, woldon cræfta gehygd,
magorædendes mod oncyrran
on þære deorcan niht. þa com dryhten god
in þæt hlinræced, hæleða wuldor,
ond þa wine synne wordum grette
ond frofre gecwæð, fæder manncynnes,
lifes lareow, heht his lichoman
hales brucan: "Ne scealt ðu in henðum a leng
sar þrowian."
Aras þa mægene rof, sægde meotude þanc,
hal of hæfte heardra wita.
Næs him gewemmed wlite, ne wloh of hrægle
lungre alysed, ne loc of heafde,
ne ban gebrocen, ne blodig wund
lice gelenge, ne laðes dæl,
þurh dolgslege dreore bestemed,
ac wæs eft swa ær þurh þa æðelan miht
lof lædende, ond on his lice trum.
Hwæt, ic hwile nu haliges lare,
leoðgiddinga, lof þæs þe worhte,
wordum wemde, wyrd undyrne
ofer min gemet. Mycel is to secganne,
langsum leornung, þæt he in life adreag,
eall æfter orde. þæt scell æglæwra
mann on moldan þonne ic me tælige
findan on ferðe, þæt fram fruman cunne
eall þa earfeðo þe he mid elne adreah,
grimra guða. Hwæðre git sceolon
lytlum sticcum leoðworda dæl
furður reccan. þæt is fyrnsægen,
hu he weorna feala wita geðolode,
heardra hilda, in þære hæðenan byrig.
He be wealle geseah wundrum fæste
under sælwage
sweras unlytle,
stapulas standan, storme bedrifene,
eald enta geweorc. He wið anne þæra,
mihtig ond modrof, mæðel gehede,
wis, wundrum gleaw, word stunde ahof:
"Geher ðu, marmanstan, meotudes rædum,
fore þæs onsyne ealle gesceafte
forhte geweorðað, þonne hie fæder geseoð
heofonas ond eorðan herigea mæste
on middangeard mancynn secan.
Læt nu of þinum staþole streamas weallan,
ea inflede, nu ðe ælmihtig
hateð, heofona cyning, þæt ðu hrædlice
on þis fræte folc forð onsende
wæter widrynig to wera cwealme,
geofon geotende. Hwæt, ðu golde eart,
sincgife, sylla! On ðe sylf cyning
wrat, wuldres god, wordum cyðde
recene geryno, ond ryhte æ
getacnode on tyn wordum,
meotud mihtum swið. Moyse sealde,
swa hit soðfæste syðþan heoldon,
modige magoþegnas, magas sine,
godfyrhte guman,
Iosua ond Tobias.
Nu ðu miht gecnawan þæt þe cyning engla
gefrætwode furður mycle
giofum geardagum þonne eall gimma cynn.
þurh his halige hæs þu scealt hræðe cyðan
gif ðu his ondgitan ænige hæbbe."
Næs þa wordlatu wihte þon mare
þæt se stan togan. Stream ut aweoll,
fleow ofer foldan. Famige walcan
mid ærdæge eorðan þehton,
myclade mereflod. Meoduscerwen wearð
æfter symbeldæge, slæpe tobrugdon
searuhæbbende. Sund grunde onfeng,
deope gedrefed. Duguð wearð afyrhted
þurh þæs flodes fær. Fæge swulton,
geonge on geofene guðræs fornam
þurh sealtne
weg. þæt wæs sorgbyrþen,
biter beorþegu. Byrlas ne gældon,
ombehtþegnas. þær wæs ælcum genog
fram dæges orde drync sona gearu.
Weox wæteres þrym. Weras cwanedon,
ealde æscberend. Wæs him ut myne
fleon fealone stream, woldon feore beorgan,
to dunscræfum drohtað secan,
eorðan ondwist. Him þæt engel forstod,
se ða burh oferbrægd blacan lige,
hatan heaðowælme. Hreoh wæs þær inne
beatende brim. Ne mihte beorna hloð
of þam fæstenne fleame spowan.
Wægas weoxon,
wadu hlynsodon,
flugon fyrgnastas, flod yðum weoll.
ðær wæs yðfynde innan burgum
geomorgidd wrecen. Gehðo mændan
forhtferð manig, fusleoð golon.
Egeslic æled eagsyne wearð,
heardlic hereteam, hleoðor gryrelic.
þurh lyftgelac leges blæstas
weallas ymbwurpon, wæter mycladon.
þær wæs wop wera wide gehyred,
earmlic ylda gedræg. þa þær an ongann,
feasceaft hæleð, folc gadorigean,
hean, hygegeomor, heofende spræc:
"Nu ge magon sylfe soð gecnawan,
þæt we mid unrihte ellþeodigne
on carcerne clommum belegdon,
witebendum. Us seo wyrd scyðeð,
heard ond hetegrim. þæt is her swa cuð,
is hit mycle selre, þæs þe ic soð talige,
þæt we hine alysan of leoðobendum,
ealle anmode, (ofost is selost),
ond us þone halgan helpe biddan,
geoce ond frofre. Us bið gearu sona
sybb æfter sorge, gif we secaþ to him."
þa þær Andrea orgete wearð
on fyrhðlocan folces gebæro,
þær wæs modigra
mægen forbeged,
wigendra þrym. Wæter fæðmedon,
fleow firgendstream, flod wæs on luste,
oþþæt breost oferstag, brim weallende,
eorlum oð exle. þa se æðeling het
streamfare stillan, stormas restan
ymbe stanhleoðu. Stop ut hræðe
cene collenferð, carcern ageaf,
gleawmod, gode leof. Him wæs gearu sona
þurh streamræce stræt gerymed.
Smeolt wæs se sigewang, symble wæs dryge
folde fram flode, swa his fot gestop.
Wurdon burgware bliðe on mode,
ferhðgefeonde. þa wæs forð cumen
geoc æfter gyrne.
Geofon swaðrode
þurh haliges hæs, hlyst yst forgeaf,
brimrad gebad. þa se beorg tohlad,
eorðscræf egeslic, ond þær in forlet
flod fæðmian, fealewe wægas,
geotende gegrind grund eall forswealg.
Nalas he þær yðe ane bisencte,
ach þæs weorodes eac ða wyrrestan,
faa folcsceaðan, feowertyne
gewiton mid þy wæge in forwyrd sceacan
under eorþan grund. þa wearð acolmod,
forhtferð manig folces on laste.
Wendan hie wifa
ond wera cwealmes,
þearlra geþinga ðrage hnagran,
syððan mane faa, morðorscyldige,
guðgelacan under grund hruron.
Hie ða anmode ealle cwædon:
"Nu is gesyne ðæt þe soð meotud,
cyning eallwihta, cræftum wealdeð,
se ðisne ar hider onsende
þeodum to helpe. Is nu þearf mycel
þæt we gumcystum georne hyran."
þa se halga ongann hæleð blissigean,
wigendra þreat wordum retan:
"Ne beoð ge to forhte, þeh þe fell curen
synnigra cynn. Swylt þrowode,
witu be gewyrhtum. Eow is wuldres leoht
torht ontyned, gif ge teala hycgað."
Sende þa his bene fore bearn godes,
bæd haligne helpe gefremman
gumena geogoðe, þe on geofene ær
þurh flodes fæðm feorh gesealdon,
ðæt þa gastas, gode orfeorme,
in wita forwyrd, wuldre bescyrede,
in feonda geweald gefered ne wurdan.
þa ðæt ærende ealwealdan gode
æfter hleoðorcwidum haliges gastes
wæs on þanc sprecen, ðeoda ræswan.
Het þa onsunde ealle arisan,
geonge of greote, þa ær geofon cwealde.
þa þær ofostlice upp astodon
manige on meðle, mine gefrege,
eaforan unweaxne, ða wæs eall eador
leoðolic ond gastlic, þeah hie lungre ær
þurh flodes fær feorh aleton.
Onfengon fulwihte ond freoðuwære,
wuldres wedde witum aspedde,
mundbyrd meotudes. þa se modiga het,
cyninges cræftiga, ciricean getimbran,
gerwan godes tempel, þær sio geogoð aras
þurh fæder fulwiht ond se flod onsprang.
þa gesamnodon secga þreate
weras geond þa winburg wide ond side,
eorlas anmode, ond hira idesa mid,
cwædon holdlice hyran woldon,
onfon fromlice fullwihtes bæð
dryhtne to willan, ond diofolgild,
ealde eolhstedas, anforlætan.
þa wæs mid þy folce fulwiht hæfen,
æðele mid eorlum, ond æ godes
riht aræred, ræd on lande
mid þam ceasterwarum, cirice gehalgod.
þær se ar godes anne gesette,
wisfæstne wer, wordes gleawne,
in þære beorhtan byrig bisceop þam leodum,
ond gehalgode fore þam heremægene
þurh apostolhad, Platan nemned,
þeodum on þearfe, ond þriste bebead
þæt hie his lare læston georne,
feorhræd fremedon. Sægde his fusne hige,
þæt he þa goldburg ofgifan wolde,
secga seledream ond sincgestreon,
beorht beagselu, ond him brimþisan
æt sæs faroðe
secan wolde.
þæt wæs þam weorode
weorc to geþoligenne,
þæt hie se leodfruma leng ne wolde
wihte gewunian. þa him wuldres god
on þam siðfæte sylfum ætywde,
ond þæt word gecwæð, weoruda dryhten:
"folc of firenum?
Is him fus hyge
gað geomriende, geohðo mænað
weras wif samod. Hira wop becom,
murnende mod
fore sneowan.
Ne scealt ðu þæt eowde anforlætan
on swa niowan gefean, ah him naman minne
on ferðlocan fæste getimbre.
Wuna in þære winbyrig, wigendra hleo,
salu sinchroden, seofon nihta fyrst.
Syððan ðu mid mildse minre ferest."
þa eft gewat oðre siðe
modig, mægene rof, Marmedonia
ceastre secan. Cristenra weox
word ond wisdom, syððan wuldres þegn,
æþelcyninges ar, eagum sawon.
Lærde þa þa leode on geleafan weg,
trymede torhtlice, tireadigra
wenede to wuldre weorod unmæte,
to þam halgan ham heofona rices,
þær fæder ond sunu ond frofre gast
in þrinnesse þrymme wealdeð
in woruld worulda wuldorgestealda.
Swylce se halga herigeas þreade,
deofulgild todraf ond gedwolan fylde.
þæt wæs Satane sar to geþolienne,
mycel modes sorg, þæt he ða menigeo geseah
hweorfan higebliðe fram helltrafum
þurh Andreas este lare
to fægeran gefean, þær næfre feondes ne bið,
gastes gramhydiges, gang on lande.
þa wæron gefylde æfter frean dome
dagas on rime, swa him dryhten bebead,
þæt he þa wederburg wunian sceolde.
Ongan hine þa fysan ond to flote gyrwan,
blissum hremig, wolde on brimþisan
Achaie oðre siðe
sylfa gesecan, þær he sawulgedal,
beaducwealm gebad. þæt þam banan ne wearð
hleahtre behworfen, ah in helle ceafl
sið asette, ond syððan no,
fah, freonda leas, frofre benohte.
ða ic lædan gefrægn leoda weorode
leofne lareow to lides stefnan,
mæcgas modgeomre. þær manegum wæs
hat æt heortan hyge weallende.
Hie ða gebrohton æt brimes næsse
on wægþele wigan unslawne.
Stodon him ða on ofre æfter reotan
þendon hie on yðum æðelinga wunn
ofer seolhpaðu geseon mihton,
ond þa weorðedon wuldres agend,
cleopodon on corðre, ond cwædon þus:
"An is ece god eallra gesceafta!
Is his miht ond his æht ofer middangeard
breme gebledsod, ond his blæd ofer eall
in heofonþrymme halgum scineð,
wlitige on wuldre to widan ealdre,
ece mid englum. þæt is æðele cyning!"
6. The Fates of the Apostles
Krapp, 1932a 51-4; Krapp, G.P., The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).Hwæt! Ic þysne sang siðgeomor fand
on seocum sefan, samnode wide
hu þa æðelingas ellen cyðdon,
torhte ond tireadige. Twelfe wæron,
dædum domfæste, dryhtne gecorene,
leofe on life. Lof wide sprang,
miht ond mærðo, ofer middangeard,
þeodnes þegna, þrym unlytel.
Halgan heape hlyt wisode
þær hie dryhtnes æ deman sceoldon,
reccan fore rincum. Sume on Romebyrig,
frame, fyrdhwate, feorh ofgefon
þurg Nerones
nearwe searwe,
Petrus ond Paulus. Is se apostolhad
wide geweorðod ofer werþeoda!
Swylce Andreas in Achagia
for Egias aldre geneðde.
Ne þreodode he fore þrymme ðeodcyninges,
æniges on eorðan, ac him ece geceas
langsumre lif, leoht unhwilen,
syþþan hildeheard, heriges byrhtme,
æfter guðplegan gealgan þehte.
Hwæt, we eac gehyrdon be Iohanne
æglæawe menn æðelo reccan!
Se manna wæs, mine gefrege,
þurh cneorisse Criste leofast
on weres hade, syððan wuldres cyning,
engla ordfruma, eorðan sohte
þurh fæmnan hrif, fæder manncynnes.
He in Effessia ealle þrage
leode lærde, þanon lifes weg
siðe gesohte, swegle dreamas,
beorhtne boldwelan. Næs his broðor læt,
siðes sæne, ac ðurh sweordes bite
mid Iudeum Iacob sceolde
fore Herode ealdre gedælan,
feorh wið flæsce. Philipus wæs
mid Asseum, þanon ece lif
þurh rode cwealm ricene gesohte,
syððan on galgan in Gearapolim
ahangen wæs hildecorðre.
Huru, wide wearð wurd undyrne
þæt to Indeum aldre gelædde
beaducræftig beorn, Bartholameus!
þone heht Astrias in Albano,
hæðen ond hygeblind, heafde beneotan,
forþan he ða hæðengild hyran ne wolde,
wig weorðian. Him wæs wuldres dream,
lifwela leofra þonne þas leasan godu.
Swylce Thomas eac þriste geneðde
on Indea oðre dælas,
þær manegum wearð mod onlihted,
hige onhyrded, þurh his halig word.
Syððan collenferð cyninges broðor
awehte for weorodum, wundorcræfte,
þurh dryhtnes miht, þæt he of deaðe aras,
geong ond guðhwæt, ond him wæs Gad nama,
ond ða þæm folce feorg gesealde,
sin æt sæcce. Sweordræs fornam
þurh hæðene hand, þær se halga gecrang,
wund for weorudum, þonon wuldres leoht
sawle gesohte sigores to leane.
Hwæt, we þæt gehyrdon þurg halige bec,
þæt mid Sigelwarum soð yppe wearð,
dryhtlic dom godes! Dæges or onwoc,
leohtes geleafan, land wæs gefælsod
þurh Matheus mære lare.
þone het Irtacus ðurh yrne hyge,
wælreow cyning, wæpnum aswebban.
Hyrde we þæt Iacob in Ierusalem
fore sacerdum swilt þrowode.
ðurg stenges sweng stiðmod gecrang,
eadig for æfestum. Hafað nu ece lif
mid wuldorcining, wiges to leane.
Næron ða twegen tohtan sæne,
lindgelaces, land Persea
sohton siðfrome, Simon ond Thaddeus,
beornas beadorofe! Him wearð bam samod
an endedæg. æðele sceoldon
ðurh wæpenhete weorc þrowigan,
sigelean secan, ond þone soðan gefean,
dream æfter deaðe, þa gedæled wearð
lif wið lice, ond þas lænan gestreon,
idle æhtwelan,
ealle forhogodan.
ðus ða æðelingas ende gesealdon,
[XII] tilmodige. Tir unbræcne
wegan on gewitte wuldres þegnas.
Nu ic þonne bidde beorn se ðe lufige
þysses giddes begang þæt he geomrum me
þone halgan heap helpe bidde,
friðes ond fultomes. Hu, ic freonda beþearf
liðra on lade, þonne ic sceal langne ham,
eardwic uncuð, ana gesecan,
lætan me on laste lic, eorðan dæl,
wælreaf wunigean weormum to hroðre.
Her mæg findan
foreþances gleaw,
se ðe hine lysteð leoðgiddunga,
hwa þas fitte fegde.
F þær on ende standeþ,
eorlas þæs on eorðan brucaþ. Ne moton hie awa ætsomne,
W sceal gedreosan,
U on eðle, æfter tohreosan
læne lices frætewa, efne swa L toglideð.
cræftes neosað
nihtes nearowe, on him
cyninges þeodom. Nu ðu cunnon miht
wordum wæs werum oncyðig.
Sie þæs gemyndig,
ðe lufige
þisses galdres begang, þæt he geoce me
frofre fricle. Ic sceall feor heonan,
an elles forð,
eardes neosan,
sið asettan, nat ic sylfa hwær,
þisse worulde. Wic sindon uncuð,
eard ond eðel, swa bið ælcum menn
nemþe he godcundes gastes bruce.
Ah utu we þe geornor to gode cleopigan,
sendan usse bene on þa beorhtan gesceaft,
þæt we þæs botles brucan motan,
hames in hehðo, þær is hihta mæst,
þær cyning engla clænum gildeð
lean unhwilen. Nu a his lof standeð,
mycel ond mære, ond his miht seomaþ,
ece ond edgiong, ofer ealle gesceaft.
7. Soul and Body
Krapp, 1932a 54-9; Krapp, G.P., The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).Huru, ðæs behofað hæleða æghwylc
þæt he his sawle sið
sylfa geþence,
hu þæt bið deoplic þonne se deað cymeð,
asyndreð þa sybbe þe ær samod wæron,
lic ond sawle! Lang bið syððan
þæt se gast nimeð æt gode sylfum
swa wite swa wuldor, swa him on worulde ær
efne þæt eorðfæt ær geworhte.
Sceal se gast cuman geohðum hremig,
symble ymbe seofon niht sawle findan
þone lichoman þe hie ær lange wæg,
þreo hund wintra, butan ær þeodcyning,
ælmihtig god, ende worulde
wyrcan wille, weoruda dryhten.
Cleopað þonne swa cearful cealdan reorde,
spreceð grimlice se gast to þam duste:
"Hwæt, druh ðu dreorega, to hwan drehtest ðu me,
eorðan fulnes eal forwisnad,
lames gelicnes! Lyt ðu gemundest
to hwan þinre sawle þing siðþan wurde,
syððan of lichoman læded wære!
Hwæt, wite ðu me, weriga! Hwæt, ðu huru wyrma gyfl
lyt geþohtest, þa ðu lustgryrum eallum
ful geeodest, hu ðu on eorðan scealt
wyrmum to wiste! Hwæt, ðu on worulde ær
lyt geþohtest hu þis is þus lang hider!
Hwæt, þe la engel ufan of roderum
sawle onsende þurh his sylfes hand,
meotod ælmihtig, of his mægenþrymme,
ond þe gebohte blode þy halgan,
ond þu me mid þy heardan hungre gebunde
ond gehæftnedest helle witum!
Eardode ic þe on innan. Ne meahte ic ðe of cuman,
flæsce befangen, ond me fyrenlustas
þine geþrungon. þæt me þuhte ful oft
þæt hit wære [XXX] þusend wintra
to þinum deaðdæge. A ic uncres gedales onbad
earfoðlice. Nis nu huru se ende to god!
Wære þu þe wiste wlanc ond wines sæd,
þrymful þunedest, ond ic ofþyrsted wæs
godes lichoman, gastes drynces.
Forðan þu ne hogodest her on life,
syððan ic ðe on worulde wunian sceolde,
þæt ðu wære þurh flæsc ond þurh fyrenlustas
strange gestryned ond gestaðolod þurh me,
ond ic wæs gast on ðe fram gode sended.
Næfre ðu me wið swa heardum helle witum
ne generedest þurh þinra nieda lust.
Scealt ðu minra gesynta sceame þrowian
on ðam myclan dæge þonne eall manna cynn
se ancenneda
ealle gesamnað.
Ne eart ðu þon leofra nænigum lifigendra
men to gemæccan, ne meder ne fæder
ne nænigum gesybban, þonne se swearta hrefen,
syððan ic ana of ðe ut siðode
þurh þæs sylfes hand þe ic ær onsended wæs.
Ne magon þe nu heonon adon hyrsta þa readan
ne gold ne seolfor ne þinra goda nan,
ne þinre bryde beag ne þin boldwela,
ne nan þara goda þe ðu iu ahtest,
ac her sceolon onbidan ban bereafod,
besliten synum, ond þe þin sawl sceal
minum unwillum
oft gesecan,
wemman þe mid wordum, swa ðu worhtest to me.
Eart ðu nu dumb ond deaf, ne synt þine dreamas awiht.
Sceal ic ðe nihtes swa þeah nede gesecan,
synnum gesargod, ond eft sona fram þe
hweorfan on hancred, þonne halige men
lifiendum gode lofsang doð,
secan þa hamas þe ðu me her scrife,
ond þa arleasan eardungstowe,
ond þe sculon her moldwyrmas manige ceowan,
slitan sarlice swearte wihta,
gifre ond grædige. Ne synt þine æhta awihte
þe ðu her on moldan mannum eowdest.
Forðan þe wære selre swiðe mycle
þonne þe wæron ealle eorðan speda,
(butan þu hie gedælde dryhtne sylfum),
þær ðu wurde æt frymðe fugel oððe fisc on sæ,
oððe on eorðan neat ætes tilode,
feldgangende feoh butan snyttro,
oððe on westenne
wildra deora
þæt wyrreste, þær swa god wolde,
ge þeah ðu wære
wyrma cynna
þæt grimmeste, þær swa god wolde,
þonne ðu æfre on moldan man gewurde
oððe æfre fulwihte onfon sceolde.
þonne ðu for unc bæm andwyrdan scealt
on ðam miclan dæge, þonne mannum beoð
wunda onwrigene, þa ðe on worulde ær
fyrenfulle men fyrn geworhton,
ðonne wyle dryhten sylf dæda gehyran
hæleða gehwylces, heofena scippend,
æt ealra manna gehwæs muðes reorde
wunde wiðerlean. Ac hwæt wylt ðu þær
on þam domdæge dryhtne secgan?
þonne ne bið nan na to þæs lytel lið on lime aweaxen,
þæt ðu ne scyle for anra gehwylcum onsundrum
riht agildan, þonne reðe bið
dryhten æt þam dome. Ac hwæt do wyt unc?
Sculon wit þonne eft ætsomne siððan brucan
swylcra yrmða, swa ðu unc her ær scrife!"
Fyrnað þus þæt flæschord, sceall þonne feran onweg,
secan hellegrund, nallæs heofondreamas,
dædum gedrefed.
Ligeð dust þær hit wæs,
ne mæg him ondsware ænige gehatan,
geomrum gaste, geoce oððe frofre.
Bið þæt heafod tohliden, handa toliðode,
geaglas toginene, goman toslitene,
sina beoð asocene, swyra becowen,
fingras tohrorene.
Rib reafiað reðe wyrmas,
beoð hira tungan totogenne on tyn healfa
hungregum to frofre; forþan hie ne magon huxlicum
wordum wrixlian wið þone werian gast.
Gifer hatte se wyrm, þe þa eaglas beoð
nædle scearpran. Se genydde to
ærest eallra on þam eorðscræfe,
þæt he þa tungan totyhð ond þa teð þurhsmyhð
ond þa eagan þurheteð ufan on þæt heafod
ond to ætwelan oðrum gerymeð,
wyrmum to wiste, þonne þæt werie
lic acolod bið þæt he lange ær
werede mid wædum. Bið þonne wyrma gifel,
æt on eorþan. þæt mæg æghwylcum
men to gemynde, modsnotra gehwam!
ðonne bið hyhtlicre þæt sio halige sawl
færeð to ðam flæsce, frofre bewunden.
Bið þæt ærende eadiglicre
funden on ferhðe. Mid gefean seceð
lustum þæt lamfæt þæt hie ær lange wæg.
þonne þa gastas gode word sprecað,
snottre, sigefæste, ond þus soðlice
þone lichoman lustum gretaþ:
"Wine leofesta,
ðe wyrmas gyt
gifre gretaþ, nu is þin gast cumen,
fægere gefrætewod, of mines fæder rice,
arum bewunden. Eala, min dryhten,
þær ic þe moste mid me lædan,
þæt wyt englas ealle gesawon,
heofona wuldor, swylc swa ðu me ær her scrife!
Fæstest ðu on foldan ond gefyldest me
godes lichoman, gastes drynces.
Wære ðu on wædle, sealdest me wilna geniht.
Forðan ðu ne þearft sceamian, þonne sceadene beoþ
þa synfullan ond þa soðfæstan
on þam mæran dæge, þæs ðu me geafe,
ne ðe hreowan þearf her on life
ealles swa mycles swa ðu me sealdest
on gemotstede manna ond engla.
Bygdest ðu þe for hæleðum ond ahofe me on ecne dream.
Forþan me a langaþ, leofost manna,
on minum hige hearde, þæs þe ic þe on þyssum hynðum wat
wyrmum to wiste, ac þæt wolde god,
þæt þu æfre þus laðlic legerbed cure.
Wolde ic þe ðonne secgan þæt ðu ne sorgode,
forðan wyt bioð gegæderode æt godes dome.
Moton wyt þonne ætsomne syþan brucan
ond unc on heofonum heahþungene beon.
Ne þurfon wyt beon cearie æt cyme dryhtnes,
ne þære andsware yfele habban
sorge in hreðre, ac wyt sylfe magon
æt ðam dome þær dædum agilpan,
hwylce earnunga uncre wæron.
Wat ic þæt þu wære on woruldrice
geþungen þrymlice þysses"
8. Homiletic Fragment I
Krapp, 1932a 59-60; Krapp, G.P., The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).
sorh cymeð
manig ond mislic in manna dream.
Eorl oðerne mid æfþancum
ond mid teonwordum tæleð behindan,
spreceð fægere beforan, ond þæt facen swa þeah
hafað in his heortan, hord unclæne.
Byð þonne þæs wommes gewita weoruda dryhten.
Forðan se witiga cwæð:
"Ne syle ðu me ætsomne mid þam synfullum
in wita forwyrd, weoruda dryhten,
ne me on life forleos mid þam ligewyrhtum,
þam þe ful smeðe spræce habbað,
ond in gastcofan grimme geþohtas,
gehatað holdlice, swa hyra hyht ne gæð,
wære mid welerum." Wea bið in mode,
siofa synnum fah, sare geblonden,
gefylled mid facne, þeah he fæger word
utan ætywe. ænlice beoð,
swa ða beon berað buta ætsomne
arlicne anleofan, ond ætterne tægel
hafað on hindan, hunig on muðe,
wynsume wist. Hwilum wundiaþ
sare mid stinge, þonne se sæl cymeð.
Swa bioð gelice þa leasan men,
þa ðe mid tungan treowa gehataþ
fægerum wordum, facenlice þencaþ,
þonne hie æt nehstan nearwe beswicaþ,
hafað on gehatum hunigsmæccas,
smeðne sybcwide, ond in siofan innan
þurh deofles cræft dyrne wunde.
Swa is nu þes middangeard mane geblonden,
wanað ond weaxeð. Wacað se ealda,
dweleð ond drefeð dæges ond nihtes
miltse mid mane, mægene getryweð,
ehteð æfestra, inwit saweð,
nið mid geneahe. Nænig oðerne
freoð in fyrhðe nimþe feara hwylc,
þæt he soðlice sybbe healde,
gastlice lufe, swa him god bebead.
Forþan eallunga hyht geceoseð,
woruld wynsume, se ðe wis ne bið,
snottor, searocræftig sawle rædes.
Uton to þam beteran, nu we bot cunnon,
hycgan ond hyhtan, þæt we heofones leoht
uppe mid englum agan moton
gastum to geoce, þonne god wile
eorðan lifes ende gewyrcan!
9. Dream of the Rood
Krapp, 1932a 61-5; Krapp, G.P., The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).Hwæt! Ic swefna cyst secgan wylle,
hwæt me gemætte to midre nihte,
syðþan reordberend reste wunedon!
þuhte me þæt ic gesawe syllicre treow
on lyft lædan, leohte bewunden,
beama beorhtost. Eall þæt beacen wæs
begoten mid golde. Gimmas stodon
fægere æt foldan sceatum, swylce þær fife wæron
uppe on þam eaxlegespanne. Beheoldon þær engel dryhtnes ealle,
fægere þurh forðgesceaft. Ne wæs ðær huru fracodes gealga,
ac hine þær beheoldon halige gastas,
men ofer moldan, ond eall þeos mære gesceaft.
Syllic wæs se sigebeam, ond ic synnum fah,
forwunded mid wommum. Geseah ic wuldres treow,
wædum geweorðode, wynnum scinan,
gegyred mid golde; gimmas hæfdon
bewrigene weorðlice
wealdendes treow.
Hwæðre ic þurh þæt gold ongytan meahte
earmra ærgewin, þæt hit ærest ongan
swætan on þa swiðran healfe. Eall ic wæs mid sorgum gedrefed,
forht ic wæs for þære fægran gesyhðe. Geseah ic þæt fuse beacen
wendan wædum ond bleom; hwilum hit wæs mid wætan bestemed,
beswyled mid swates gange, hwilum mid since gegyrwed.
Hwæðre ic þær licgende lange hwile
beheold hreowcearig hælendes treow,
oððæt ic gehyrde þæt hit hleoðrode.
Ongan þa word sprecan wudu selesta:
"þæt wæs geara iu, (ic þæt gyta geman),
þæt ic wæs aheawen holtes on ende,
astyred of stefne minum. Genaman me ðær strange feondas,
geworhton him þær to wæfersyne, heton me heora wergas hebban.
Bæron me ðær beornas on eaxlum, oððæt hie me on beorg asetton,
gefæstnodon me þær feondas genoge. Geseah ic þa frean mancynnes
efstan elne mycle þæt he me wolde on gestigan.
þær ic þa ne dorste ofer dryhtnes word
bugan oððe berstan, þa ic bifian geseah
eorðan sceatas. Ealle ic mihte
feondas gefyllan, hwæðre ic fæste stod.
Ongyrede hine þa geong hæleð, (þæt wæs god ælmihtig),
strang ond stiðmod. Gestah he on gealgan heanne,
modig on manigra gesyhðe, þa he wolde mancyn lysan.
Bifode ic þa me se beorn ymbclypte. Ne dorste ic hwæðre bugan to eorðan,
feallan to foldan sceatum, ac ic sceolde fæste standan.
Rod wæs ic aræred. Ahof ic ricne cyning,
heofona hlaford, hyldan me ne dorste.
þurhdrifan hi me mid deorcan næglum. On me syndon þa dolg gesiene,
opene inwidhlemmas. Ne dorste ic hira nænigum sceððan.
Bysmeredon hie unc butu ætgædere. Eall ic wæs mid blode bestemed,
begoten of þæs guman sidan, siððan he hæfde his gast onsended.
Feala ic on þam beorge gebiden hæbbe
wraðra wyrda. Geseah ic weruda god
þearle þenian. þystro hæfdon
bewrigen mid wolcnum wealdendes hræw,
scirne sciman, sceadu forðeode,
wann under wolcnum. Weop eal gesceaft,
cwiðdon cyninges fyll. Crist wæs on rode.
Hwæðere þær fuse feorran cwoman
to þam æðelinge. Ic þæt eall beheold.
Sare ic wæs mid sorgum gedrefed, hnag ic hwæðre þam secgum to handa,
eaðmod elne mycle. Genamon hie þær ælmihtigne god,
ahofon hine of ðam hefian wite. Forleton me þa hilderincas
standan steame bedrifenne; eall ic wæs mid strælum forwundod.
Aledon hie ðær limwerigne, gestodon him æt his lices heafdum,
beheoldon hie ðær heofenes dryhten, ond he hine ðær hwile reste,
meðe æfter ðam miclan gewinne. Ongunnon him þa moldern wyrcan
beornas on banan gesyhðe; curfon hie ðæt of beorhtan stane,
gesetton hie ðæron sigora wealdend. Ongunnon him þa sorhleoð galan
earme on þa æfentide, þa hie woldon eft siðian,
meðe fram þam mæran þeodne. Reste he ðær mæte weorode.
Hwæðere we ðær greotende
gode hwile
stodon on staðole, syððan stefn up gewat
hilderinca. Hræw colode,
fæger feorgbold. þa us man fyllan ongan
ealle to eorðan. þæt wæs egeslic wyrd!
Bedealf us man on deopan seaþe. Hwæðre me þær dryhtnes þegnas,
freondas gefrunon,
ond gyredon me golde ond seolfre.
Nu ðu miht gehyran, hæleð min se leofa,
þæt ic bealuwara weorc gebiden hæbbe,
sarra sorga. Is nu sæl cumen
þæt me weorðiað wide ond side
menn ofer moldan, ond eall þeos mære gesceaft,
gebiddaþ him to þyssum beacne. On me bearn godes
þrowode hwile. Forþan ic þrymfæst nu
hlifige under heofenum, ond ic hælan mæg
æghwylcne anra, þara þe him bið egesa to me.
Iu ic wæs geworden wita heardost,
leodum laðost, ærþan ic him lifes weg
rihtne gerymde, reordberendum.
Hwæt, me þa geweorðode wuldres ealdor
ofer holmwudu, heofonrices weard!
Swylce swa he his modor eac, Marian sylfe,
ælmihtig god for ealle menn
geweorðode ofer eall wifa cynn.
Nu ic þe hate, hæleð min se leofa,
þæt ðu þas gesyhðe secge mannum,
onwreoh wordum þæt hit is wuldres beam,
se ðe ælmihtig god on þrowode
for mancynnes manegum synnum
ond Adomes ealdgewyrhtum.
Deað he þær byrigde, hwæðere eft dryhten aras
mid his miclan mihte mannum to helpe.
He ða on heofenas astag. Hider eft fundaþ
on þysne middangeard mancynn secan
on domdæge dryhten sylfa,
ælmihtig god, ond his englas mid,
þæt he þonne wile deman, se ah domes geweald,
anra gehwylcum swa he him ærur her
on þyssum lænum life geearnaþ.
Ne mæg þær ænig unforht wesan
for þam worde þe se wealdend cwyð.
Frineð he for þære mænige hwær se man sie,
se ðe for dryhtnes naman deaðes wolde
biteres onbyrigan, swa he ær on ðam beame dyde.
Ac hie þonne forhtiað, ond fea þencaþ
hwæt hie to Criste cweðan onginnen.
Ne þearf ðær þonne ænig
anforht wesan
þe him ær in breostum bereð beacna selest,
ac ðurh ða rode sceal rice gesecan
of eorðwege æghwylc sawl,
seo þe mid wealdende wunian þenceð."
Gebæd ic me þa to þan beame bliðe mode,
elne mycle, þær ic ana wæs
mæte werede. Wæs modsefa
afysed on forðwege, feala ealra gebad
langunghwila. Is me nu lifes hyht
þæt ic þone sigebeam secan mote
ana oftor þonne ealle men,
well weorþian. Me is willa to ðam
mycel on mode, ond min mundbyrd is
geriht to þære rode. Nah ic ricra feala
freonda on foldan, ac hie forð heonon
gewiton of worulde dreamum, sohton him wuldres cyning,
lifiaþ nu on heofenum mid heahfædere,
wuniaþ on wuldre, ond ic wene me
daga gehwylce hwænne me dryhtnes rod,
þe ic her on eorðan ær sceawode,
on þysson lænan life gefetige
ond me þonne gebringe þær is blis mycel,
dream on heofonum, þær is dryhtnes folc
geseted to symle, þær is singal blis,
ond me þonne asette þær ic syþþan mot
wunian on wuldre, well mid þam halgum
dreames brucan. Si me dryhten freond,
se ðe her on eorþan ær þrowode
on þam gealgtreowe for guman synnum.
He us onlysde ond us lif forgeaf,
heofonlicne ham. Hiht wæs geniwad
mid bledum ond mid blisse þam þe þær bryne þolodan.
Se sunu wæs sigorfæst on þam siðfate,
mihtig ond spedig, þa he mid manigeo com,
gasta weorode, on godes rice,
anwealda ælmihtig, englum to blisse
ond eallum ðam halgum þam þe on heofonum ær
wunedon on wuldre, þa heora wealdend cwom,
ælmihtig god, þær his eðel wæs.
10. Elene
Krapp 1932a, 66-102; Krapp 1932a, The Vercelli Book, ASPR 2 (New York).þa wæs agangen geara hwyrftum
tu hund ond þreo geteled rimes,
swylce [XXX] eac, þinggemearces,
wintra for worulde, þæs þe wealdend god
acenned wearð, cyninga wuldor,
in middangeard þurh mennisc heo,
soðfæstra leoht. þa wæs syxte gear
Constantines caserdomes,
þæt he Romwara in rice wearð
ahæfen, hildfruma, to hereteman.
Wæs se leodhwata lindgeborga
eorlum arfæst.
æðelinges weox
rice under roderum. He wæs riht cyning,
guðweard gumena. Hine god trymede
mærðum ond mihtum, þæt he manegum wearð
geond middangeard mannum to hroðer,
werþeodum to wræce, syððan wæpen ahof
wið hetendum. Him wæs hild boden,
wiges woma. Werod samnodan
Huna leode ond Hreðgotan,
foron fyrdhwate Francan ond Hugas.
Wæron hwate weras,
gearwe to guðe. Garas lixtan,
wriðene wælhlencan. Wordum ond bordum
hofon herecombol. þa wæron heardingas
sweotole gesamnod ond eal sib geador.
For folca gedryht. Fyrdleoð agol
wulf on wealde, wælrune ne mað.
Urigfeðera earn sang ahof,
laðum on laste. Lungre scynde
ofer burg enta beaduþreata mæst,
hergum to hilde, swylce Huna cyning
ymbsittendra awer meahte
abannan to beadwe burgwigendra.
For fyrda mæst. Feðan trymedon
eoredcestum, þæt on ælfylce
deareðlacende on Danubie,
stærcedfyrhðe, stæðe wicedon
ymb þæs wæteres wylm. Werodes breahtme
woldon Romwara rice geþringan,
hergum ahyðan. þær wearð Huna cyme
cuð ceasterwarum. þa se casere heht
ongean gramum guðgelæcan
under earhfære ofstum myclum
bannan to beadwe, beran ut þræce
rincas under roderum. Wæron Romware,
secgas sigerofe, sona gegearwod
wæpnum to wigge, þeah hie werod læsse
hæfdon to hilde
þonne Huna cining;
ridon ymb rofne, þonne rand dynede,
campwudu clynede, cyning þreate for,
herge to hilde. Hrefen uppe gol,
wan ond wælfel. Werod wæs on tyhte.
Hleopon hornboran, hreopan friccan,
mearh moldan træd. Mægen samnode,
cafe to cease. Cyning wæs afyrhted,
egsan geaclad, siððan elþeodige,
Huna ond Hreða here sceawede,
ðæt he on Romwara rices ende
ymb þæs wæteres stæð werod samnode,
mægen unrime. Modsorge wæg
Romwara cyning, rices ne wende
for werodleste, hæfde wigena to lyt,
eaxlgestealna wið ofermægene,
hrora to hilde. Here wicode,
eorlas ymb æðeling, egstreame neah
on neaweste nihtlangne fyrst,
þæs þe hie feonda gefær fyrmest gesægon.
þa wearð on slæpe sylfum ætywed
þam casere, þær he on corðre swæf,
sigerofum gesegen swefnes woma.
þuhte him wlitescyne on weres hade
hwit ond hiwbeorht hæleða nathwylc
geywed ænlicra þonne he ær oððe sið
gesege under swegle. He of slæpe onbrægd,
eofurcumble beþeaht. Him se ar hraðe,
wlitig wuldres boda, wið þingode
ond be naman nemde, (nihthelm toglad):
"Constantinus, heht þe cyning engla,
wyrda wealdend, wære beodan,
duguða dryhten. Ne ondræd þu ðe,
ðeah þe elþeodige egesan hwopan,
heardre hilde. þu to heofenum beseoh
on wuldres weard, þær ðu wraðe findest,
sigores tacen." He wæs sona gearu
þurh þæs halgan hæs, hreðerlocan onspeon,
up locade, swa him se ar abead,
fæle friðowebba. Geseah he frætwum beorht
wliti wuldres treo ofer wolcna hrof,
golde geglenged, (gimmas lixtan);
wæs se blaca beam bocstafum awriten,
beorhte ond leohte: "Mid þys beacne ðu
on þam frecnan fære feond oferswiðesð,
geletest lað werod." þa þæt leoht gewat,
up siðode, ond se ar somed,
on clænra gemang. Cyning wæs þy bliðra
ond þe sorgleasra, secga aldor,
on fyrhðsefan, þurh þa fægeran gesyhð.
Heht þa onlice æðelinga hleo,
beorna beaggifa, swa he þæt beacen geseah,
heria hildfruma, þæt him on heofonum ær
geiewed wearð, ofstum myclum,
Constantinus, Cristes rode,
tireadig cyning, tacen gewyrcan.
Heht þa on uhtan mid ærdæge
wigend wreccan, ond wæpenþræce
hebban heorucumbul, ond þæt halige treo
him beforan ferian on feonda gemang,
beran beacen godes. Byman sungon
hlude for hergum. Hrefn weorces gefeah,
urigfeðra, earn sið beheold,
wælhreowra wig. Wulf sang ahof,
holtes gehleða. Hildegesa stod.
þær wæs borda gebrec ond beorna geþrec,
heard handgeswing ond herga gring,
syððan heo earhfære ærest metton.
On þæt fæge folc flana scuras,
garas ofer geolorand on gramra gemang,
hetend heorugrimme, hildenædran,
þurh fingra geweald forð onsendan.
Stopon stiðhidige, stundum wræcon,
bræcon bordhreðan, bil in dufan,
þrungon þræchearde. þa wæs þuf hafen,
segn for sweotum, sigeleoð galen.
Gylden grima, garas lixtan
on herefelda. Hæðene grungon,
feollon friðelease. Flugon instæpes
Huna leode, swa þæt halige treo
aræran heht Romwara cyning,
heaðofremmende. Wurdon heardingas
wide towrecene. Sume wig fornam.
Sume unsofte aldor generedon
on þam heresiðe. Sume healfcwice
flugon on fæsten ond feore burgon
æfter stanclifum, stede weardedon
ymb Danubie. Sume drenc fornam
on lagostreame lifes æt ende.
ða wæs modigra mægen on luste,
ehton elþeoda oð þæt æfen forð
fram dæges orde. Daroðæsc flugon,
hildenædran. Heap wæs gescyrded,
laðra lindwered. Lythwon becwom
Huna herges ham eft þanon.
þa wæs gesyne þæt sige forgeaf
Constantino cyning ælmihtig
æt þam dægweorce, domweorðunga,
rice under roderum, þurh his rode treo.
Gewat þa heriga helm ham eft þanon,
huðe hremig, (hild wæs gesceaden),
wigge geweorðod. Com þa wigena hleo
þegna þreate
beadurof cyning burga neosan.
Heht þa wigena weard þa wisestan
snude to sionoðe, þa þe snyttro cræft
þurh fyrngewrito gefrigen hæfdon,
heoldon higeþancum hæleða rædas.
ða þæs fricggan ongan folces aldor,
sigerof cyning, ofer sid weorod,
wære þær ænig yldra oððe gingra
þe him to soðe secggan meahte,
galdrum cyðan, hwæt se god wære,
boldes brytta, "þe þis his beacen wæs
þe me swa leoht oðywde ond mine leode generede,
tacna torhtost, ond me tir forgeaf,
wigsped wið wraðum, þurh þæt wlitige treo."
Hio him ondsware ænige ne meahton
agifan togenes, ne ful geare cuðon
sweotole gesecggan be þam sigebeacne.
þa þa wisestan wordum cwædon
for þam heremægene þæt hit heofoncyninges
tacen wære, ond þæs tweo nære.
þa þæt gefrugnon þa þurh fulwihte
lærde wæron, (him wæs leoht sefa,
ferhð gefeonde, þeah hira fea wæron),
ðæt hie for þam casere cyðan moston
godspelles gife, hu se gasta helm,
in þrynesse þrymme geweorðad,
acenned wearð, cyninga wuldor,
ond hu on galgan wearð godes agen bearn
ahangen for hergum heardum witum.
Alysde leoda bearn of locan deofla,
geomre gastas, ond him gife sealde
þurh þa ilcan gesceaft þe him geywed wearð
sylfum on gesyhðe, sigores tacen,
wið þeoda þræce. Ond hu ðy þriddan dæge
of byrgenne beorna wuldor
of deaðe aras, dryhten ealra
hæleða cynnes, ond to heofonum astah.
ðus gleawlice gastgerynum
sægdon sigerofum, swa fram Siluestre
lærde wæron. æt þam se leodfruma
fulwihte onfeng ond þæt forð geheold
on his dagana tid, dryhtne to willan.
ða wæs on sælum sinces brytta,
niðheard cyning. Wæs him niwe gefea
befolen in fyrhðe, wæs him frofra mæst
ond hyhta nihst heofonrices weard.
Ongan þa dryhtnes æ dæges ond nihtes
þurh gastes gife georne cyðan,
ond hine soðlice sylfne getengde
goldwine gumena in godes þeowdom,
æscrof, unslaw. þa se æðeling fand,
leodgebyrga, þurh larsmiðas,
guðheard, garþrist, on godes bocum
hwær ahangen wæs heriges beorhtme
on rode treo rodora waldend
æfstum þurh inwit, swa se ealda feond
forlærde ligesearwum, leode fortyhte,
Iudea cyn, þæt hie god sylfne
ahengon, herga fruman. þæs hie in hynðum sculon
to widan feore wergðu dreogan!
þa wæs Cristes lof þam casere
on firhðsefan, forð gemyndig
ymb þæt mære treo, ond þa his modor het
feran foldwege folca þreate
to Iudeum, georne secan
wigena þreate hwær se wuldres beam,
halig under hrusan, hyded wære,
æðelcyninges rod. Elene ne wolde
þæs siðfates sæne weorðan,
ne ðæs wilgifan word gehyrwan,
hiere sylfre suna, ac wæs sona gearu,
wif on willsið, swa hire weoruda helm,
byrnwiggendra, beboden hæfde.
Ongan þa ofstlice eorla mengu
to flote fysan. Fearoðhengestas
ymb geofenes stæð gearwe stodon,
sælde sæmearas, sunde getenge.
ða wæs orcnæwe idese siðfæt,
siððan wæges helm werode gesohte.
þær wlanc manig æt Wendelsæ
on stæðe stodon. Stundum wræcon
ofer mearcpaðu, mægen æfter oðrum,
ond þa gehlodon hildesercum,
bordum ond ordum, byrnwigendum,
werum ond wifum, wæghengestas.
Leton þa ofer fifelwæg famige scriðan
bronte brimþisan. Bord oft onfeng
ofer earhgeblond yða swengas;
sæ swinsade. Ne hyrde ic sið ne ær
on egstreame idese lædan,
on merestræte, mægen fægerre.
þær meahte gesion, se ðone sið beheold,
brecan ofer bæðweg, brimwudu snyrgan
under swellingum, sæmearh plegean,
wadan wægflotan. Wigan wæron bliðe,
collenferhðe, cwen siðes gefeah,
syþþan to hyðe hringedstefnan
ofer lagofæsten geliden hæfdon
on Creca land. Ceolas leton
æt sæfearoðe, sande bewrecene,
ald yðhofu, oncrum fæste
on brime bidan beorna geþinges,
hwonne heo sio guðcwen gumena þreate
ofer eastwegas eft gesohte.
ðær wæs on eorle eðgesyne
brogden byrne ond bill gecost,
geatolic guðscrud, grimhelm manig,
ænlic eoforcumbul. Wæron æscwigan,
secggas ymb sigecwen, siðes gefysde.
Fyrdrincas frome foron on luste
on Creca land, caseres bodan,
hilderincas, hyrstum gewerede.
þær wæs gesyne sincgim locen
on þam hereþreate, hlafordes gifu.
Wæs seo eadhreðige Elene gemyndig,
þriste on geþance, þeodnes willan
georn on mode þæt hio Iudeas
ofer herefeldas heape gecoste
lindwigendra land gesohte,
secga þreate. Swa hit siððan gelamp
ymb lytel fæc þæt ðæt leodmægen,
guðrofe hæleþ to Hierusalem
cwomon in þa ceastre corðra mæste,
eorlas æscrofe, mid þa æðelan cwen.
Heht ða gebeodan burgsittendum
þam snoterestum side ond wide
geond Iudeas, gumena gehwylcum,
meðelhegende, on gemot cuman,
þa ðe deoplicost dryhtnes geryno
þurh rihte æ reccan cuðon.
ða wæs gesamnod of sidwegum
mægen unlytel, þa ðe Moyses æ
reccan cuðon. þær on rime wæs
þreo [M] þæra leoda
alesen to lare. Ongan þa leoflic wif
weras Ebrea wordum negan:
"Ic þæt gearolice ongiten hæbbe
þurg witgena wordgeryno
on godes bocum þæt ge geardagum
wyrðe wæron wuldorcyninge,
dryhtne dyre ond dædhwæte.
Hwæt, ge ealle snyttro unwislice,
wraðe wiðweorpon, þa ge wergdon þane
þe eow of wergðe þurh his wuldres miht,
fram ligcwale, lysan þohte,
of hæftnede. Ge mid horu speowdon
on þæs ondwlitan þe eow eagena leoht,
fram blindnesse bote gefremede
edniowunga þurh þæt æðele spald,
ond fram unclænum oft generede
deofla gastum. Ge to deaþe þone
deman ongunnon, se ðe of deaðe sylf
woruld awehte on wera corþre
in þæt ærre lif eowres cynnes.
Swa ge modblinde mengan ongunnon
lige wið soðe, leoht wið þystrum,
æfst wið are, inwitþancum
wroht webbedan. Eow seo wergðu forðan
sceðþeð scyldfullum. Ge þa sciran miht
deman ongunnon, ond gedweolan lifdon,
þeostrum geþancum, oð þysne dæg.
Gangaþ nu snude, snyttro geþencaþ,
weras wisfæste, wordes cræftige,
þa ðe eowre æ æðelum cræftige
on ferhðsefan fyrmest hæbben,
þa me soðlice secgan cunnon,
ondsware cyðan for eowic forð
tacna gehwylces þe ic him to sece."
Eodan þa on geruman
eorlas æcleawe, egesan geþreade,
gehðum geomre,
georne sohton
þa wisestan wordgeryno,
þæt hio þære cwene oncweðan meahton
swa tiles swa trages, swa hio him to sohte.
Hio þa on þreate [M] manna
fundon ferhðgleawra, þa þe fyrngemynd
mid Iudeum gearwast cuðon.
þrungon þa on þreate þær on þrymme bad
in cynestole caseres mæg,
geatolic guðcwen golde gehyrsted.
Elene maþelode ond for eorlum spræc:
"Gehyrað, higegleawe, halige rune,
word ond wisdom. Hwæt, ge witgena
lare onfengon, hu se liffruma
in cildes had cenned wurde,
mihta wealdend. Be þam Moyses sang,
ond þæt word gecwæð weard Israhela:
'Eow acenned bið cniht on degle,
mihtum mære, swa þæs modor ne bið
wæstmum geeacnod þurh weres frige.'
Be ðam Dauid cyning dryhtleoð agol,
frod fyrnweota, fæder Salomones,
ond þæt word gecwæþ wigona baldor:
'Ic frumþa god fore sceawode,
sigora dryhten. He on gesyhðe wæs,
mægena wealdend, min on þa swiðran,
þrymmes hyrde. þanon ic ne wende
æfre to aldre onsion mine.'
Swa hit eft be eow Essaias,
witga for weorodum, wordum mælde,
deophycggende þurh dryhtnes gast:
'Ic up ahof eaforan gingne
ond bearn cende, þam ic blæd forgeaf,
halige higefrofre, ac hie hyrwdon me,
feodon þurh feondscipe, nahton foreþances,
wisdomes gewitt; ond þa weregan neat,
þe man daga gehwam drifeð ond þirsceð,
ongitaþ hira goddend, nales gnyrnwræcum
feogað frynd hiera þe him fodder gifað,
ond me Israhela æfre ne woldon
folc oncnawan, þeah ic feala for him
æfter woruldstundum wundra gefremede.'
Hwæt, we þæt gehyrdon þurh halige bec
þæt eow dryhten geaf dom unscyndne,
meotod mihta sped, Moyse sægde
hu ge heofoncyninge hyran sceoldon,
lare læstan. Eow þæs lungre aþreat,
ond ge þam ryhte wiðroten hæfdon,
onscunedon þone sciran scippend eallra,
dryhtna dryhten, ond gedwolan fylgdon
ofer riht godes. Nu ge raþe gangaþ
ond findaþ gen þa þe fyrngewritu
þurh snyttro cræft selest cunnen,
æriht eower, þæt me ondsware
þurh sidne sefan secgan cunnen."
Eodan ða mid mengo modcwanige,
collenferhðe, swa him sio cwen bead.
Fundon þa [D] forþsnottera
alesen leodmæga, þa ðe leornungcræft
þurh modgemynd mæste hæfdon,
on sefan snyttro. Heo to salore eft
ymb lytel fæc laðode wæron,
ceastre weardas. Hio sio cwen ongan
wordum genegan, (wlat ofer ealle):
"Oft ge dyslice dæd gefremedon,
werge wræcmæcggas, ond gewritu herwdon,
fædera lare, næfre furður þonne nu,
ða ge blindnesse bote forsegon,
ond ge wiðsocon soðe ond rihte,
þæt in Bethleme bearn wealdendes,
cyning anboren, cenned wære,
æðelinga ord. þeah ge þa æ cuðon,
witgena word, ge ne woldon þa,
synwyrcende, soð oncnawan."
Hie þa anmode ondsweredon:
"Hwæt, we Ebreisce æ leornedon,
þa on fyrndagum fæderas cuðon
æt godes earce, ne we geare cunnon
þurh hwæt ðu ðus hearde, hlæfdige, us
eorre wurde. We ðæt æbylgð nyton
þe we gefremedon on þysse folcscere,
þeodenbealwa, wið þec æfre."
Elene maðelade ond for eorlum spræc,
undearninga ides reordode
hlude for herigum: "Ge nu hraðe gangað,
sundor asecaþ þa ðe snyttro mid eow,
mægn ond modcræft, mæste hæbben,
þæt me þinga gehwylc þriste gecyðan,
untraglice, þe ic him to sece."
Eodon þa fram rune, swa him sio rice cwen,
bald in burgum, beboden hæfde,
geomormode, georne smeadon,
sohton searoþancum, hwæt sio syn wære
þe hie on þam folce gefremed hæfdon
wið þam casere, þe him sio cwen wite.
þa þær for eorlum an reordode,
gidda gearosnotor, (ðam wæs Iudas nama,
wordes cræftig): "Ic wat geare
þæt hio wile secan be ðam sigebeame
on ðam þrowode þeoda waldend,
eallra gnyrna leas, godes agen bearn,
þone orscyldne
eofota gehwylces
þurh hete hengon on heanne beam
in fyrndagum fæderas usse.
þæt wæs þrealic geþoht! Nu is þearf mycel
þæt we fæstlice ferhð staðelien,
þæt we ðæs morðres meldan ne weorðen
hwær þæt halige trio beheled wurde
æfter wigþræce, þy læs toworpen sien
frod fyrngewritu ond þa fæderlican
lare forleten. Ne bið lang ofer ðæt
þæt Israhela æðelu moten
ofer middangeard ma ricsian,
æcræft eorla, gif ðis yppe bið,
swa þa þæt ilce gio min yldra fæder
sigerof sægde, (þam wæs Sachius nama),
frod fyrnwiota, fæder minum,
wende hine of worulde ond þæt word gecwæð:
'Gif þe þæt gelimpe on lifdagum
þæt ðu gehyre ymb þæt halige treo
frode frignan, ond geflitu ræran
be ðam sigebeame on þam soðcyning
ahangen wæs, heofonrices weard,
eallre sybbe bearn, þonne þu snude gecyð,
min swæs sunu, ær þec swylt nime.
Ne mæg æfre ofer þæt Ebrea þeod
rædþeahtende rice healdan,
duguðum wealdan, ac þara dom leofað
ond hira dryhtscipe,
in woruld weorulda willum gefylled,
ðe þone ahangnan cyning heriaþ ond lofiað.'
þa ic fromlice fæder minum,
ealdum æwitan, ageaf ondsware:
'Hu wolde þæt geweorðan on woruldrice
þæt on þone halgan handa sendan
to feorhlege fæderas usse
þurh wrað gewitt, gif hie wiston ær
þæt he Crist wære, cyning on roderum,
soð sunu meotudes, sawla nergend?'
ða me yldra min ageaf ondsware,
frod on fyrhðe fæder reordode:
'Ongit, guma ginga, godes heahmægen,
nergendes naman. Se is niða gehwam
unasecgendlic, þone sylf ne mæg
on moldwege man aspyrigean.
Næfre ic þa geþeahte þe þeos þeod ongan
secan wolde, ac ic symle mec
asced þara scylda, nales sceame worhte
gaste minum. Ic him georne oft
þæs unrihtes ondsæc fremede,
þonne uðweotan æht bisæton,
on sefan sohton hu hie sunu meotudes
ahengon, helm wera, hlaford eallra
engla ond elda, æðelust bearna.
Ne meahton hie swa disige deað oðfæstan,
weras wonsælige, swa hie wendon ær,
sarum settan, þeah he sume hwile
on galgan his gast onsende,
sigebearn godes. þa siððan wæs
of rode ahæfen rodera wealdend,
eallra þrymma þrym, þreo niht siððan
in byrgenne bidende wæs
under þeosterlocan, ond þa þy þriddan dæg
ealles leohtes leoht lifgende aras,
ðeoden engla, ond his þegnum hine,
soð sigora frea, seolfne geywde,
beorht on blæde. þonne broðor þin
onfeng æfter fyrste fulwihtes bæð,
leohtne geleafan. þa for lufan dryhtnes
Stephanus wæs stanum worpod;
ne geald he yfel yfele, ac his ealdfeondum
þingode þrohtherd, bæd þrymcyning
þæt he him þa weadæd to wræce ne sette,
þæt hie for æfstum unscyldigne,
synna leasne, Sawles larum
feore beræddon, swa he þurh feondscipe
to cwale monige Cristes folces
demde to deaþe. Swa þeah him dryhten eft
miltse gefremede, þæt he manegum wearð
folca to frofre, syððan him frymða god,
niða nergend, naman oncyrde,
ond he syððan wæs sanctus Paulus
be naman haten, ond him nænig wæs
ælærendra oðer betera
under swegles hleo syðþan æfre,
þara þe wif oððe wer on woruld cendan,
þeah he Stephanus stanum hehte
abreotan on beorge, broðor þinne.
Nu ðu meaht gehyran, hæleð min se leofa,
hu arfæst is ealles wealdend,
þeah we æbylgð wið hine oft gewyrcen,
synna wunde, gif we sona eft
þara bealudæda bote gefremmaþ
ond þæs unrihtes eft geswicaþ.
Forðan ic soðlice ond min swæs fæder
syðþan gelyfdon
þæt geþrowade eallra þrymma god,
lifes lattiow, laðlic wite
for oferþearfe ilda cynnes.
Forðan ic þe lære þurh leoðorune,
hyse leofesta, þæt ðu hospcwide,
æfst ne eofulsæc æfre ne fremme,
grimne geagncwide, wið godes bearne.
þonne ðu geearnast þæt þe bið ece lif,
selust sigeleana, seald in heofonum.'
ðus mec fæder min on fyrndagum
unweaxenne wordum lærde,
septe soðcwidum, (þam wæs Symon nama),
guma gehðum frod. Nu ge geare cunnon
hwæt eow þæs on sefan selest þince
to gecyðanne, gif ðeos cwen usic
frigneð ymb ðæt treo, nu ge fyrhðsefan
ond modgeþanc minne cunnon."
Him þa togenes þa gleawestan
on wera þreate wordum mældon:
"Næfre we hyrdon hæleð ænigne
on þysse þeode, butan þec nu ða,
þegn oðerne þyslic cyðan
ymb swa dygle wyrd. Do swa þe þynce,
fyrngidda frod, gif ðu frugnen sie
on wera corðre. Wisdomes beðearf,
worda wærlicra ond witan snyttro,
se ðære æðelan sceal ondwyrde agifan
for þyslicne þreat on meþle."
Weoxan word cwidum, weras þeahtedon
on healfa gehwær, sume hyder, sume þyder,
þrydedon ond þohton. þa cwom þegna heap
to þam heremeðle. Hreopon friccan,
caseres bodan: "Eow þeos cwen laþaþ,
secgas to salore, þæt ge seonoðdomas
rihte reccen. Is eow rædes þearf
on meðelstede, modes snyttro."
Heo wæron gearwe, geomormode
leodgebyrgean, þa hie laðod wæron
þurh heard gebann; to hofe eodon,
cyðdon cræftes miht. þa sio cwen ongan
weras Ebresce wordum negan,
fricggan fyrhðwerige ymb fyrngewritu,
hu on worulde ær
witgan sungon,
gasthalige guman, be godes bearne,
hwær se þeoden geþrowade,
soð sunu meotudes, for sawla lufan.
Heo wæron stearce, stane heardran,
noldon þæt geryne rihte cyðan,
ne hire andsware ænige secgan,
torngeniðlan, þæs hio him to sohte,
ac hio worda gehwæs wiðersæc fremedon,
fæste on fyrhðe, þæt heo frignan ongan,
cwædon þæt hio on aldre owiht swylces
ne ær ne sið æfre hyrdon.
Elene maþelade ond him yrre oncwæð:
"Ic eow to soðe secgan wille,
ond þæs in life lige ne wyrðeð,
gif ge þissum lease leng gefylgað
mid fæcne gefice, þe me fore standaþ,
þæt eow in beorge bæl fornimeð,
hattost heaðowelma, ond eower hra bryttað,
lacende lig, þæt eow sceal þæt leas
apundrad weorðan to woruldgedale.
Ne magon ge ða word geseðan þe ge hwile nu on unriht
wrigon under womma sceatum, ne magon ge þa wyrd bemiðan,
bedyrnan þa deopan mihte." ða wurdon hie deaðes on wenan,
ades ond endelifes, ond þær þa ænne betæhton
giddum gearusnottorne, (þam wæs Iudas nama
cenned for cneomagum), þone hie þære cwene agefon,
sægdon hine sundorwisne: "He þe mæg soð gecyðan,
onwreon wyrda geryno, swa ðu hine wordum frignest,
æriht from orde
oð ende forð.
He is for eorðan æðeles cynnes,
wordcræftes wis ond witgan sunu,
bald on meðle; him gebyrde is
þæt he gencwidas gleawe hæbbe,
cræft in breostum. He gecyðeð þe
for wera mengo wisdomes gife
þurh þa myclan miht, swa þin mod lufaþ."
Hio on sybbe forlet secan gehwylcne
agenne eard, ond þone ænne genam,
Iudas to gisle, ond þa georne bæd
þæt he be ðære rode riht getæhte
þe ær in legere wæs lange bedyrned,
ond hine seolfne sundor acigde.
Elene maþelode to þam anhagan,
tireadig cwen: "þe synt tu gearu,
swa lif swa deað, swa þe leofre bið
to geceosanne. Cyð ricene nu
hwæt ðu þæs to þinge þafian wille."
Iudas hire ongen þingode (ne meahte he þa gehðu bebugan,
oncyrran rex geniðlan; he wæs on þære cwene gewealdum):
"Hu mæg þæm geweorðan þe on westenne
meðe ond meteleas morland trydeð,
hungre gehæfted, ond him hlaf ond stan
on gesihðe bu
samod geweorðað,
streac ond hnesce, þæt he þone stan nime
wið hungres hleo, hlafes ne gime,
gewende to wædle, ond þa wiste wiðsæce,
beteran wiðhyccge, þonne he bega beneah?"
Him þa seo eadige ondwyrde ageaf
Elene for eorlum undearnunga:
"Gif ðu in heofonrice habban wille
eard mid englum ond on eorðan lif,
sigorlean in swegle, saga ricene me
hwær seo rod wunige radorcyninges,
halig under hrusan, þe ge hwile nu
þurh morðres man mannum dyrndun."
Iudas maðelade, (him wæs geomor sefa,
hat æt heortan, ond gehwæðres wa,
ge he heofonrices
hyht swa mode
ond þis ondwearde anforlete,
rice under roderum, ge he ða rode ne tæhte):
"Hu mæg ic þæt findan þæt swa fyrn gewearð
wintra gangum? Is nu worn sceacen,
[CC] oððe ma geteled rime.
Ic ne mæg areccan, nu ic þæt rim ne can.
Is nu feala siðþan forðgewitenra
frodra ond godra þe us fore wæron,
gleawra gumena. Ic on geogoðe wearð
on siðdagum syððan acenned,
cnihtgeong hæleð. Ic ne can þæt ic nat,
findan on fyrhðe þæt swa fyrn gewearð."
Elene maðelade him on ondsware:
"Hu is þæt geworden on þysse werþeode
þæt ge swa monigfeald on gemynd witon,
alra tacna gehwylc swa Troiana
þurh gefeoht fremedon? þæt wæs fyr
open ealdgewin, þonne þeos æðele gewyrd,
geara gongum. Ge þæt geare cunnon
edre gereccan, hwæt þær eallra wæs
on manrime morðorslehtes,
dareðlacendra deadra gefeallen
under bordhagan. Ge þa byrgenna
under stanhleoðum, ond þa stowe swa some,
ond þa wintergerim on gewritu setton."
Iudas maðelade, gnornsorge wæg:
"We þæs hereweorces, hlæfdige min,
for nydþearfe nean myndgiaþ,
ond þa wiggþræce on gewritu setton,
þeoda gebæru, ond þis næfre
þurh æniges mannes muð gehyrdon
hæleðum cyðan, butan her nu ða."
Him seo æðele cwen ageaf ondsware:
"Wiðsæcest ðu to swiðe soðe ond rihte
ymb þæt lifes treow, ond nu lytle ær
sægdest soðlice be þam sigebeame
leodum þinum, ond nu on lige cyrrest."
Iudas hire ongen þingode, cwæð þæt he þæt on gehðu gespræce
ond on tweon swiðost, wende him trage hnagre.
Him oncwæð hraðe caseres mæg:
"Hwæt, we ðæt hyrdon þurh halige bec
hæleðum cyðan þæt ahangen wæs
on Caluarie cyninges freobearn,
godes gastsunu. þu scealt geagninga
wisdom onwreon, swa gewritu secgaþ,
æfter stedewange hwær seo stow sie
Caluarie, ær þec cwealm nime,
swilt for synnum, þæt ic hie syððan mæge
geclænsian Criste to willan,
hæleðum to helpe, þæt me halig god
gefylle, frea mihtig, feores ingeþanc,
weoruda wuldorgeofa, willan minne,
gasta geocend." Hire Iudas oncwæð
stiðhycgende: "Ic þa stowe ne can,
ne þæs wanges wiht ne þa wisan cann."
Elene maðelode þurh eorne hyge:
"Ic þæt geswerige þurh sunu meotodes,
þone ahangnan god, þæt ðu hungre scealt
for cneomagum cwylmed weorðan,
butan þu forlæte þa leasunga
ond me sweotollice soð gecyðe."
Heht þa swa cwicne corðre lædan,
scufan scyldigne (scealcas ne gældon)
in drygne seað, þær he duguða leas
siomode in sorgum [VII] nihta fyrst
under hearmlocan hungre geþreatod,
clommum beclungen, ond þa cleopigan ongan
sarum besylced on þone seofeðan dæg,
meðe ond meteleas, (mægen wæs geswiðrod):
"Ic eow healsie þurh heofona god
þæt ge me of ðyssum earfeðum up forlæten,
heanne fram hungres geniðlan. Ic þæt halige treo
lustum cyðe, nu ic hit leng ne mæg
helan for hungre. Is þes hæft to ðan strang,
þreanyd þæs þearl ond þes þroht to ðæs heard
dogorrimum. Ic adreogan ne mæg,
ne leng helan be ðam lifes treo,
þeah ic ær mid dysige þurhdrifen wære
ond ðæt soð to late seolf gecneowe."
þa ðæt gehyrde sio þær hæleðum scead,
beornes gebæro, hio bebead hraðe
þæt hine man of nearwe ond of nydcleofan,
fram þam engan hofe, up forlete.
Hie ðæt ofstlice efnedon sona,
ond hine mid arum up gelæddon
of carcerne, swa him seo cwen bebead.
Stopon þa to þære stowe stiðhycgende
on þa dune up ðe dryhten ær
ahangen wæs, heofonrices weard,
godbearn on galgan, ond hwæðre geare nyste,
hungre gehyned, hwær sio halige rod,
þurh feondes searu foldan getyned,
lange legere fæst leodum dyrne
wunode wælreste. Word stunde ahof
elnes oncyðig, ond on Ebrisc spræc:
"Dryhten hælend, þu ðe ahst doma geweald,
ond þu geworhtest þurh þines wuldres miht
heofon ond eorðan ond holmþræce,
sæs sidne fæðm, samod ealle gesceaft,
ond þu amæte mundum þinum
ealne ymbhwyrft ond uprador,
ond þu sylf sitest, sigora waldend,
ofer þam æðelestan engelcynne,
þe geond lyft farað leohte bewundene,
mycle mægenþrymme. Ne mæg þær manna gecynd
of eorðwegum up geferan
in lichoman mid þa leohtan gedryht,
wuldres aras. þu geworhtest þa
ond to þegnunge þinre gesettest,
halig ond heofonlic. þara on hade sint
in sindreame syx genemned,
þa ymbsealde synt mid syxum eac
fiðrum gefrætwad, fægere scinaþ.
þara sint [IIII] þe on flihte a
þa þegnunge þrymme beweotigaþ
fore onsyne eces deman,
singallice singaþ in wuldre
hædrum stefnum heofoncininges lof,
woða wlitegaste, ond þas word cweðaþ
clænum stefnum, (þam is ceruphin nama):
'Halig is se halga heahengla god,
weoroda wealdend! Is ðæs wuldres ful
heofun ond eorðe ond eall heahmægen,
tire getacnod.' Syndon tu on þam,
sigorcynn on swegle, þe man seraphin
be naman hateð. He sceal neorxnawang
ond lifes treo legene sweorde
halig healdan. Heardecg cwacaþ,
beofaþ brogdenmæl, ond bleom wrixleð
grapum gryrefæst. þæs ðu, god dryhten,
wealdest widan fyrhð, ond þu womfulle
scyldwyrcende sceaðan of radorum
awurpe wonhydige. þa sio werge sceolu
under heolstorhofu hreosan sceolde
in wita forwyrd, þær hie in wylme nu
dreogaþ deaðcwale in dracan fæðme,
þeostrum forþylmed. He þinum wiðsoc
aldordome. þæs he in ermðum sceal,
ealra fula ful, fah þrowian,
þeowned þolian. þær he þin ne mæg
word aweorpan, is in witum fæst,
ealre synne fruma, susle gebunden.
Gif þin willa sie, wealdend engla,
þæt ricsie se ðe on rode wæs,
ond þurh Marian in middangeard
acenned wearð in cildes had,
þeoden engla, (gif he þin nære
sunu synna leas, næfre he soðra swa feala
in woruldrice wundra gefremede
dogorgerimum; no ðu of deaðe hine
swa þrymlice, þeoda wealdend,
aweahte for weorodum, gif he in wuldre þin
þurh ða beorhtan bearn ne wære),
gedo nu, fæder engla, forð beacen þin.
Swa ðu gehyrdest þone halgan wer
Moyses on meðle, þa ðu, mihta god,
geywdest þam eorle on þa æðelan tid
under beorhhliðe ban Iosephes,
swa ic þe, weroda wyn, gif hit sie willa þin,
þurg þæt beorhte gesceap biddan wille
þæt me þæt goldhord, gasta scyppend,
geopenie, þæt yldum wæs
lange behyded. Forlæt nu, lifes fruma,
of ðam wangstede wynsumne up
under radores ryne rec astigan
lyftlacende. Ic gelyfe þe sel
ond þy fæstlicor ferhð staðelige,
hyht untweondne, on þone ahangnan Crist,
þæt he sie soðlice sawla nergend,
ece ælmihtig, Israhela cining,
walde widan ferhð wuldres on heofenum,
a butan ende ecra gestealda."
ða of ðære stowe steam up aras
swylce rec under radorum. þær aræred wearð
beornes breostsefa. He mid bæm handum,
eadig ond ægleaw, upweard plegade.
Iudas maþelode, gleaw in geþance:
"Nu ic þurh soð hafu seolf gecnawen
on heardum hige þæt ðu hælend eart
middangeardes. Sie ðe, mægena god,
þrymsittendum þanc butan ende,
þæs ðu me swa meðum ond swa manweorcum
þurh þin wuldor inwrige wyrda geryno.
Nu ic þe, bearn godes, biddan wille,
weoroda willgifa, nu ic wat þæt ðu eart
gecyðed ond acenned allra cyninga þrym,
þæt ðu ma ne sie minra gylta,
þara þe ic gefremede nalles feam siðum,
metud, gemyndig. Læt mec, mihta god,
on rimtale rices þines
mid haligra hlyte wunigan
in þære beorhtan byrig, þær is broðor min
geweorðod in wuldre, þæs he wære wið þec,
Stephanus, heold, þeah he stangreopum
worpod wære. He hafað wigges lean,
blæd butan blinne. Sint in bocum his
wundor þa he worhte on gewritum cyðed."
Ongan þa wilfægen æfter þam wuldres treo,
elnes anhydig, eorðan delfan
under turfhagan, þæt he on [XX]
fotmælum feor funde behelede,
under neolum niðer næsse gehydde
in þeostorcofan. He ðær [III] mette
in þam reonian hofe roda ætsomne,
greote begrauene, swa hio geardagum
arleasra sceolu eorðan beþeahton,
Iudea cynn. Hie wið godes bearne
nið ahofun, swa hie no sceoldon,
þær hie leahtra fruman larum ne hyrdon.
þa wæs modgemynd myclum geblissod,
hige onhyrded, þurh þæt halige treo,
inbryrded breostsefa, syððan beacen geseh,
halig under hrusan. He mid handum befeng
wuldres wynbeam, ond mid weorode ahof
of foldgræfe. Feðegestas
eodon, æðelingas, in on þa ceastre.
Asetton þa on gesyhðe sigebeamas [III]
eorlas anhydige fore Elenan cneo,
collenferhðe. Cwen weorces gefeah
on ferhðsefan, ond þa frignan ongan
on hwylcum þara beama bearn wealdendes,
hæleða hyhtgifa, hangen wære:
"Hwæt, we þæt hyrdon þurh halige bec
tacnum cyðan, þæt twegen mid him
geþrowedon, ond he wæs þridda sylf
on rode treo. Rodor eal geswearc
on þa sliðan tid. Saga, gif ðu cunne,
on hwylcre þyssa þreora þeoden engla
geþrowode, þrymmes hyrde."
Ne meahte hire Iudas, ne ful gere wiste,
sweotole gecyþan be ðam sigebeame,
on hwylcne se hælend ahafen wære,
sigebearn godes, ær he asettan heht
on þone middel þære mæran byrig
beamas mid bearhtme, ond gebidan þær
oððæt him gecyðde cyning ælmihtig
wundor for weorodum be ðam wuldres treo.
Gesæton sigerofe, sang ahofon,
rædþeahtende, ymb þa roda þreo
oð þa nigoðan tid, hæfdon neowne gefean
mærðum gemeted. þa þær menigo cwom,
folc unlytel, ond gefærenne man
brohton on bære beorna þreate
on neaweste, (wæs þa nigoðe tid),
gingne gastleasne. þa ðær Iudas wæs
on modsefan miclum geblissod.
Heht þa asettan sawlleasne,
life belidenes lic on eorðan,
unlifgendes, ond up ahof
rihtes wemend þara roda twa
fyrhðgleaw on fæðme ofer þæt fæge hus,
deophycgende. Hit wæs dead swa ær,
lic legere fæst. Leomu colodon
þreanedum beþeaht. þa sio þridde wæs
ahafen halig. Hra wæs on anbide
oððæt him uppan æðelinges wæs
rod aræred, rodorcyninges beam,
sigebeacen soð. He sona aras
gaste gegearwod, geador bu samod
lic ond sawl. þær wæs lof hafen
fæger mid þy folce. Fæder weorðodon,
ond þone soðan sunu wealdendes
wordum heredon. Sie him wuldor ond þanc
a butan ende eallra gesceafta!
ða wæs þam folce on ferhðsefan,
ingemynde, swa him a scyle,
wundor þa þe worhte weoroda dryhten
to feorhnere fira cynne,
lifes lattiow. þa þær ligesynnig
on lyft astah lacende feond.
Ongan þa hleoðrian helledeofol,
eatol æclæca, yfela gemyndig:
"Hwæt is þis, la, manna, þe minne eft
þurh fyrngeflit folgaþ wyrdeð,
iceð ealdne nið, æhta strudeð?
þis is singal sacu. Sawla ne moton
manfremmende in minum leng
æhtum wunigan. Nu cwom elþeodig,
þone ic ær on firenum fæstne talde,
hafað mec bereafod rihta gehwylces,
feohgestreona. Nis ðæt fæger sið.
Feala me se hælend hearma gefremede,
niða nearolicra, se ðe in Nazareð
afeded wæs. Syððan furþum weox
of cildhade, symle cirde to him
æhte mine. Ne mot ænige nu
rihte spowan. Is his rice brad
ofer middangeard. Min is geswiðrod
ræd under roderum. Ic þa rode ne þearf
hleahtre herigean. Hwæt, se hælend me
in þam engan ham oft getynde,
geomrum to sorge! Ic þurh Iudas ær
hyhtful gewearð, ond nu gehyned eom,
goda geasne, þurh Iudas eft,
fah ond freondleas. Gen ic findan can
þurh wrohtstafas wiðercyr siððan
of ðam wearhtreafum, ic awecce wið ðe
oðerne cyning, se ehteð þin,
ond he forlæteð lare þine
ond manþeawum minum folgaþ,
ond þec þonne sendeð in þa sweartestan
ond þa wyrrestan witebrogan,
þæt ðu, sarum forsoht, wiðsæcest fæste
þone ahangnan cyning, þam ðu hyrdest ær."
Him ða gleawhydig Iudas oncwæð,
hæleð hildedeor, (him wæs halig gast
befolen fæste, fyrhat lufu,
weallende gewitt þurh witgan snyttro),
ond þæt word gecwæð, wisdomes ful:
"Ne þearft ðu swa swiðe, synna gemyndig,
sar niwigan ond sæce ræran,
morðres manfrea, þæt þe se mihtiga cyning
in neolnesse nyðer bescufeð,
synwyrcende, in susla grund
domes leasne, se ðe deadra feala
worde awehte. Wite ðu þe gearwor
þæt ðu unsnyttrum anforlete
leohta beorhtost ond lufan dryhtnes,
þone fægran gefean, ond on fyrbæðe
suslum beþrungen syððan wunodest,
ade onæled, ond þær awa scealt,
wiðerhycgende, wergðu dreogan,
yrmðu butan ende." Elene gehyrde
hu se feond ond se freond geflitu rærdon,
tireadig ond trag, on twa halfa,
synnig ond gesælig. Sefa wæs þe glædra
þæs þe heo gehyrde þone hellesceaþan
oferswiðedne, synna bryttan,
ond þa wundrade ymb þæs weres snyttro,
hu he swa geleafful on swa lytlum fæce
ond swa uncyðig æfre wurde,
gleawnesse þurhgoten. Gode þancode,
wuldorcyninge, þæs hire se willa gelamp
þurh bearn godes bega gehwæðres,
ge æt þære gesyhðe þæs sigebeames,
ge ðæs geleafan þe hio swa leohte oncneow,
wuldorfæste gife in þæs weres breostum.
ða wæs gefrege in þære folcsceare,
geond þa werþeode wide læded,
mære morgenspel manigum on andan
þara þe dryhtnes æ dyrnan woldon,
boden æfter burgum, swa brimo fæðmeð,
in ceastra gehwære, þæt Cristes rod,
fyrn foldan begræfen, funden wære,
selest sigebeacna þara þe sið oððe ær
halig under heofenum ahafen wurde,
ond wæs Iudeum gnornsorga mæst,
werum wansæligum, wyrda laðost,
þær hie hit for worulde wendan meahton,
cristenra gefean. ða sio cwen bebead
ofer eorlmægen aras fysan
ricene to rade. Sceoldon Romwarena
ofer heanne holm hlaford secean
ond þam wiggende wilspella mæst
seolfum gesecgan,
þæt ðæt sigorbeacen
þurh meotodes est meted wære,
funden in foldan, þæt ær feala mæla
behyded wæs halgum to teonan,
cristenum folce. þa ðam cininge wearð
þurh þa mæran word mod geblissod,
ferhð gefeonde. Næs þa fricgendra
under goldhoman gad in burgum,
feorran geferede. Wæs him frofra mæst
geworden in worlde æt ðam willspelle,
hlihende hyge, þe him hereræswan
ofer eastwegas, aras brohton,
hu gesundne sið ofer swonrade
secgas mid sigecwen
aseted hæfdon
on Creca land. Hie se casere heht
ofstum myclum eft gearwian
sylfe to siðe. Secgas ne gældon
syððan andsware edre gehyrdon,
æðelinges word. Heht he Elenan hæl
abeodan beadurofre, gif hie brim nesen
ond gesundne sið settan mosten,
hæleð hwætmode, to þære halgan byrig.
Heht hire þa aras eac gebeodan
Constantinus þæt hio cirican þær
on þam beorhhliðe begra rædum
getimbrede, tempel dryhtnes
on Caluarie Criste to willan,
hæleðum to helpe, þær sio halige rod
gemeted wæs, mærost beama
þara þe gefrugnen foldbuende
on eorðwege. Hio geefnde swa,
siððan winemagas westan brohton
ofer lagufæsten leofspell manig.
ða seo cwen bebead cræftum getyde
sundor asecean þa selestan,
þa þe wrætlicost wyrcan cuðon
stangefogum, on þam stedewange
girwan godes tempel, swa hire gasta weard
reord of roderum. Heo þa rode heht
golde beweorcean ond gimcynnum,
mid þam æðelestum eorcnanstanum
besettan searocræftum ond þa in seolfren fæt
locum belucan. þær þæt lifes treo,
selest sigebeama, siððan wunode
æðelum anbręce. þær bið a gearu
wraðu wannhalum wita gehwylces,
sæce ond sorge. Hie sona þær
þurh þa halgan gesceaft helpe findaþ,
godcunde gife. Swylce Iudas onfeng
æfter fyrstmearce fulwihtes bæð,
ond geclænsod wearð Criste getrywe,
lifwearde leof. His geleafa wearð
fæst on ferhðe, siððan frofre gast
wic gewunode in þæs weres breostum,
bylde to bote. He þæt betere geceas,
wuldres wynne, ond þam wyrsan wiðsoc,
deofulgildum, ond gedwolan fylde,
unrihte æ. Him wearð ece rex,
meotud milde, god, mihta wealdend.
þa wæs gefulwad se ðe ær feala tida
leoht gearu
inbryrded breostsefa on þæt betere lif,
gewended to wuldre. Huru, wyrd gescreaf
þæt he swa geleaffull ond swa leof gode
in worldrice weorðan sceolde,
Criste gecweme. þæt gecyðed wearð,
siððan Elene heht Eusebium
on rædgeþeaht, Rome bisceop,
gefetian on fultum, forðsnoterne,
hæleða gerædum to þære halgan byrig,
þæt he gesette on sacerdhad
in Ierusalem Iudas þam folce
to bisceope burgum on innan,
þurh gastes gife to godes temple
cræftum gecorene, ond hine Cyriacus
þurh snyttro geþeaht syððan nemde
niwan stefne. Nama wæs gecyrred
beornes in burgum on þæt betere forð,
æ hælendes. þa gen Elenan wæs
mod gemynde ymb þa mæran wyrd,
geneahhe for þam næglum þe ðæs nergendes
fet þurhwodon ond his folme swa some,
mid þam on rode wæs rodera wealdend
gefæstnod, frea mihtig. Be ðam frignan ongan
cristenra cwen, Cyriacus bæd
þæt hire þa gina gastes mihtum
ymb wundorwyrd willan gefylde,
onwrige wuldorgifum, ond þæt word acwæð
to þam bisceope, bald reordode:
"þu me, eorla hleo, þone æðelan beam,
rode rodera cininges
ryhte getæhtesð,
on þa ahangen wæs hæðenum folmum
gasta geocend, godes agen bearn,
nerigend fira. Mec þæra nægla gen
on fyrhðsefan fyrwet myngaþ.
Wolde ic þæt ðu funde þa ðe in foldan gen
deope bedolfen dierne sindon,
heolstre behyded. A min hige sorgað,
reonig reoteð, ond geresteð no
ærþan me gefylle fæder ælmihtig,
wereda wealdend, willan minne,
niða nergend, þurh þara nægla cyme,
halig of hiehða. Nu ðu hrædlice
eallum eaðmedum, ar selesta,
þine bene onsend in ða beorhtan gesceaft,
on wuldres wyn. Bide wigena þrym
þæt þe gecyðe, cyning ælmihtig,
hord under hrusan þæt gehyded gen,
duguðum dyrne, deogol bideð."
þa se halga ongan hyge staðolian,
breostum onbryrded, bisceop þæs folces.
Glædmod eode gumena þreate
god hergendra, ond þa geornlice
Cyriacus on Caluarię
hleor onhylde, hygerune ne mað,
gastes mihtum to gode cleopode
eallum eaðmedum, bæd him engla weard
geopenigean uncuðe wyrd,
niwan on nearwe, hwær he þara nægla swiðost
on þam wangstede wenan þorfte.
Leort ða tacen forð, þær hie to sægon,
fæder, frofre gast, ðurh fyres bleo
up eðigean þær þa æðelestan
hæleða gerædum hydde wæron
þurh nearusearwe, næglas on eorðan.
ða cwom semninga sunnan beorhtra
lacende lig. Leode gesawon
hira willgifan wundor cyðan,
ða ðær of heolstre, swylce heofonsteorran
oððe goldgimmas, grunde getenge,
næglas of nearwe neoðan scinende
leohte lixton. Leode gefægon,
weorud willhreðig, sægdon wuldor gode
ealle anmode, þeah hie ær wæron
þurh deofles spild in gedwolan lange,
acyrred fram Criste. Hie cwædon þus:
"Nu we seolfe geseoð sigores tacen,
soðwundor godes, þeah we wiðsocun ær
mid leasingum. Nu is in leoht cymen,
onwrigen, wyrda bigang. Wuldor þæs age
on heannesse heofonrices god!"
ða wæs geblissod se ðe to bote gehwearf
þurh bearn godes, bisceop þara leoda,
niwan stefne. He þam
næglum onfeng,
egesan geaclod, ond þære arwyrðan
cwene brohte. Hæfde Ciriacus
eall gefylled, swa him seo æðele bebead,
wifes willan. þa wæs wopes hring,
hat heafodwylm ofer hleor goten,
(nalles for torne tearas feollon
ofer wira gespon), wuldres gefylled
cwene willa. Heo on cneow sette
leohte geleafan, lac weorðode,
blissum hremig, þe hire brungen wæs
gnyrna to geoce. Gode þancode,
sigora dryhtne, þæs þe hio soð gecneow
ondweardlice þæt wæs oft bodod
feor ær beforan fram fruman worulde,
folcum to frofre. Heo gefylled wæs
wisdomes gife, ond þa wic beheold
halig heofonlic gast, hreðer weardode,
æðelne innoð, swa hie ælmihtig
sigebearn godes sioððan freoðode.
Ongan þa geornlice gastgerynum
on sefan secean soðfæstnesse
weg to wuldre. Huru, weroda god
gefullæste, fæder on roderum,
cining ælmihtig, þæt seo cwen begeat
willan in worulde. Wæs se witedom
þurh fyrnwitan beforan sungen
eall æfter orde, swa hit eft gelamp
ðinga gehwylces. þeodcwen ongan
þurh gastes gife georne secan
nearwe geneahhe, to hwan hio þa næglas selost
ond deorlicost gedon meahte,
dugoðum to hroðer, hwæt þæs wære dryhtnes willa.
Heht ða gefetigean forðsnotterne
ricene to rune, þone þe rædgeþeaht
þurh gleawe miht georne cuðe,
frodne on ferhðe, ond hine frignan ongan
hwæt him þæs on sefan selost þuhte
to gelæstenne, ond his lare geceas
þurh þeodscipe. He hire þriste oncwæð:
"þæt is gedafenlic þæt ðu dryhtnes word
on hyge healde, halige rune,
cwen seleste, ond þæs cininges bebod
georne begange, nu þe god sealde
sawle sigesped ond snyttro cræft,
nerigend fira. þu ðas næglas hat
þam æðelestan eorðcyninga
burgagendra on his bridels don,
meare to midlum. þæt manigum sceall
geond middangeard mære weorðan,
þonne æt sæcce mid þy oferswiðan mæge
feonda gehwylcne, þonne fyrdhwate
on twa healfe tohtan secaþ,
sweordgeniðlan, þær hie ymb sige
wrað wið wraðum. He ah æt wigge sped,
sigor æt sæcce, ond sybbe gehwær,
æt gefeohte frið, se ðe foran lædeð
bridels on blancan, þonne beadurofe
æt garþræce, guman gecoste,
berað bord ond ord. þis bið beorna gehwam
wið æglæce unoferswiðed
wæpen æt wigge. Be ðam se witga sang,
snottor searuþancum, (sefa deop gewod,
wisdomes gewitt), he þæt word gecwæð:
'Cuþ þæt gewyrðeð þæt þæs cyninges sceal
mearh under modegum midlum geweorðod,
bridelshringum. Bið þæt beacen gode
halig nemned, ond se hwæteadig,
wigge weorðod, se þæt wicg byrð.'"
þa þæt ofstlice eall gelæste
Elene for eorlum. æðelinges heht,
beorna beaggifan, bridels frætwan,
hire selfre suna sende to lace
ofer geofenes stream gife unscynde.
Heht þa tosomne þa heo seleste
mid Iudeum gumena wiste,
hæleða cynnes, to þære halgan byrig
cuman in þa ceastre. þa seo cwen ongan
læran leofra heap þæt hie lufan dryhtnes,
ond sybbe swa same sylfra betweonum,
freondræddenne, fæste gelæston
leahtorlease in hira lifes tid,
ond þæs latteowes larum hyrdon,
cristenum þeawum, þe him Cyriacus
bude, boca gleaw. Wæs se bissceophad
fægere befæsted. Oft him feorran to
laman, limseoce, lefe cwomon,
healte, heorudreorige, hreofe ond blinde,
heane, hygegeomre, symle hælo þær
æt þam bisceope, bote fundon
ece to aldre. ða gen him Elene forgeaf
sincweorðunga, þa hio wæs siðes fus
eft to eðle, ond þa eallum bebead
on þam gumrice god hergendum,
werum ond wifum, þæt hie weorðeden
mode ond mægene þone mæran dæg,
heortan gehigdum, in ðam sio halige rod
gemeted wæs, mærost beama
þara þe of eorðan up aweoxe,
geloden under leafum. Wæs þa lencten agan
butan [VI] nihtum ær sumeres cyme
on Maias kalend. Sie þara manna gehwam
behliden helle duru, heofones ontyned,
ece geopenad engla rice,
dream unhwilen, ond hira dæl scired
mid Marian, þe on gemynd nime
þære deorestan dægweorðunga
rode under roderum, þa se ricesta
ealles oferwealdend earme beþeahte. [Finit].
þus ic frod ond fus þurh þæt fæcne hus
wordcræftum wæf ond wundrum læs,
þragum þreodude ond geþanc reodode
nihtes nearwe. Nysse ic gearwe
be ðære rode riht ær me rumran geþeaht
þurh ða mæran miht on modes þeaht
wisdom onwreah. Ic wæs weorcum fah,
synnum asæled, sorgum gewæled,
bitrum gebunden,
bisgum beþrungen,
ær me lare onlag þurh leohtne had
gamelum to geoce, gife unscynde
mægencyning amæt ond on gemynd begeat,
torht ontynde, tidum gerymde,
bancofan onband, breostlocan onwand,
leoðucræft onleac. þæs ic lustum breac,
willum in worlde. Ic þæs wuldres treowes
oft, nales æne, hæfde ingemynd
ær ic þæt wundor onwrigen hæfde
ymb þone beorhtan beam, swa ic on bocum fand,
wyrda gangum, on gewritum cyðan
be ðam sigebeacne. A wæs secg oð ðæt
cnyssed cearwelmum,
C drusende,
þeah he in medohealle maðmas þege,
æplede gold.
Y gnornode
N gefera, nearusorge dreah,
enge rune, þær him E fore
milpaðas mæt, modig þrægde
wirum gewlenced.
W is geswiðrad,
gomen æfter gearum, geogoð is gecyrred,
ald onmedla.
U wæs geara
geogoðhades glæm. Nu synt geardagas
æfter fyrstmearce forð gewitene,
lifwynne geliden, swa L toglideð,
flodas gefysde.
F æghwam bið
læne under lyfte; landes frætwe
gewitaþ under wolcnum winde geliccost,
þonne he for hæleðum hlud astigeð,
wæðeð be wolcnum, wedende færeð
ond eft semninga swige gewyrðeð,
in nedcleofan nearwe geheaðrod,
þream forþrycced.
Swa a þeos world eall gewiteð,
ond eac swa some þe hire on wurdon
atydrede, tionleg nimeð,
ðonne dryhten sylf dom geseceð
engla weorude. Sceall æghwylc ðær
reordberendra riht gehyran
dæda gehwylcra þurh þæs deman muð,
ond worda swa same wed gesyllan,
eallra unsnyttro ær gesprecenra,
þristra geþonca. þonne on þreo dæleð
in fyres feng folc anra gehwylc,
þara þe gewurdon on widan feore
ofer sidne grund. Soðfæste bioð
yfemest in þam ade, eadigra gedryht,
duguð domgeorne, swa hie adreogan magon
ond butan earfeðum eaðe geþolian,
modigra mægen. Him gemetgaþ eall
ældes leoma, swa him eðost bið,
sylfum geseftost. Synfulle beoð,
mane gemengde, in ðam midle þread,
hæleð higegeomre, in hatne wylm,
þrosme beþehte. Bið se þridda dæl,
awyrgede womsceaðan, in þæs wylmes grund,
lease leodhatan, lige befæsted
þurh ærgewyrht, arleasra sceolu,
in gleda gripe. Gode no syððan
of ðam morðorhofe in gemynd cumað,
wuldorcyninge, ac hie worpene beoð
of ðam heaðuwylme in hellegrund,
torngeniðlan. Bið þam twam dælum
ungelice. Moton engla frean
geseon, sigora god. Hie asodene beoð,
asundrod fram synnum, swa smæte gold
þæt in wylme bið womma gehwylces
þurh ofnes fyr eall geclænsod,
amered ond gemylted. Swa bið þara manna ælc
ascyred ond asceaden scylda gehwylcre,
deopra firena, þurh þæs domes fyr.
Moton þonne siðþan sybbe brucan,
eces eadwelan. Him bið engla weard
milde ond bliðe, þæs ðe hie mana gehwylc
forsawon, synna weorc, ond to suna metudes
wordum cleopodon. Forðan hie nu on wlite scinaþ
englum gelice, yrfes brucaþ
wuldorcyninges to widan feore.
11. Christ
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 3-49; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
ðu eart se weallstan þe ða wyrhtan iu
wiðwurpon to weorce. Wel þe geriseð
þæt þu heafod sie healle mærre,
ond gesomnige side weallas
fæste gefoge, flint unbræcne,
þæt geond eorðb/ /g eall eagna gesihþe
wundrien to worlde wuldres ealdor.
Gesweotula nu þurh searocræft þin sylfes weorc,
soðfæst, sigorbeorht, ond sona forlęt
weall wið wealle. Nu is þam weorce þearf
þæt se cræftga cume ond se cyning sylfa,
ond þonne gebete, nu gebrosnad is,
hus under hrofe. He þæt hra gescop,
leomo læmena; nu sceal liffrea
þone wergan heap wraþum ahreddan,
earme from egsan, swa he oft dyde.
Eala þu reccend ond þu riht cyning,
se þe locan healdeð, lif ontyneð,
eadga/ upwegas, oþrum forwyrneð
wlitigan wilsiþes, gif his weorc ne deag.
Huru we for þearfe þas word sprecað,
ond m/ /giað þone þe mon gescop
þæt he ne /ete/ /ceose weorðan
cearfulra þing, þe we in carcerne
sittað sorgende, sunnan wenað,
hwonne us liffrea leoht ontyne,
weorðe ussum mode to mundboran,
ond þæt tydre gewitt tire bewinde,
gedo usic þæs wyrðe, þe he to wuldre forlet,
þa we heanlice hweorfan sceoldan
to þis enge lond, eðle bescyrede.
Forþon secgan mæg, se ðe soð spriceð,
þæt he ahredde, þa forhwyrfed wæs,
frumcyn fira. Wæs seo fæmne geong,
mægð manes leas, þe he him to meder geceas;
þæt wæs geworden butan weres frigum,
þæt þurh bearnes gebyrd bryd eacen wearð.
Nænig efenlic þam, ær ne siþþan,
in worlde gewearð wifes gearnung;
þæt degol wæs, dryhtnes geryne.
Eal giofu gæstlic grundsceat geondspreot;
þær wisna fela wearð inlihted
lare longsume þurh lifes fruman
þe ær under hoðman biholen lægon,
witgena woðsong, þa se waldend cwom,
se þe reorda gehwæs ryne gemiclað
ðara þe geneahhe noman scyppendes
þurh horscne had hergan willað.
Eala sibbe gesihð, sancta Hierusalem,
cynestola cyst, Cristes burglond,
engla eþelstol, ond þa ane in þe
saule soðfæstra simle gerestað,
wuldrum hremge. Næfre wommes tacn
in þam eardgearde eawed weorþeð,
ac þe firina gehwylc feor abugeð,
wærgðo ond gewinnes. Bist to wuldre full
halgan hyhtes, swa þu gehaten eart.
Sioh nu sylfa þe geond þas sidan gesceaft,
swylce rodores hrof rume geondwlitan
ymb healfa gehwone, hu þec heofones cyning
siðe geseceð, ond sylf cymeð,
nimeð eard in þe, swa hit ær gefyrn
witgan wisfæste wordum sægdon,
cyðdon Cristes gebyrd, cwædon þe to frofre,
burga betlicast. Nu is þæt bearn cymen,
awæcned to wyrpe weorcum Ebrea,
bringeð blisse þe, benda onlyseð
niþum genedde. Nearoþearfe conn,
hu se earma sceal are gebidan.
Eala wifa wynn geond wuldres þrym,
fæmne freolicast ofer ealne foldan sceat
þæs þe æfre sundbuend secgan hyrdon,
arece us þæt geryne þæt þe of roderum cwom,
hu þu eacnunge æfre onfenge
bearnes þurh gebyrde, ond þone gebedscipe
æfter monwisan mod ne cuðes.
Ne we soðlice swylc ne gefrugnan
in ærdagum æfre gelimpan,
þæt ðu in sundurgiefe swylce befenge,
ne we þære wyrde wenan þurfon
toweard in tide. Huru treow in þe
weorðlicu wunade, nu þu wuldres þrym
bosme gebære, ond no gebrosnad wearð
mægðhad se micla. Swa eal manna bearn
sorgum sawað, swa eft ripað,
cennað to cwealme. Cwæð sio eadge mæg
symle sigores full, sancta Maria:
"Hwæt is þeos wundrung þe ge wafiað,
ond geomrende gehþum mænað,
sunu Solimę
somod his dohtor?
Fricgað þurh fyrwet hu ic fæmnan had,
mund minne geheold, ond eac modor gewearð
mære meotudes suna. Forþan þæt monnum nis
cuð geryne, ac Crist onwrah
in Dauides dyrre mægan
þæt is Euan scyld eal forpynded,
wærgða aworpen, ond gewuldrad is
se heanra had. Hyht is onfangen
þæt nu bletsung mot bæm gemæne,
werum ond wifum, a to worulde forð
in þam uplican engla dreame
mid soðfæder symle wunian."
Eala earendel, engla beorhtast,
ofer middangeard monnum sended,
ond soðfæsta sunnan leoma,
torht ofer tunglas, þu tida gehwane
of sylfum þe symle inlihtes!
Swa þu, god of gode gearo acenned,
sunu soþan fæder, swegles in wuldre
butan anginne æfre wære,
swa þec nu for þearfum þin agen geweorc
bideð þurh byldo, þæt þu þa beorhtan us
sunnan onsende, ond þe sylf cyme
þæt ðu inleohte þa þe longe ær,
þrosme beþeahte ond in þeostrum her,
sæton sinneahtes; synnum bifealdne
deorc deaþes sceadu dreogan sceoldan.
Nu we hyhtfulle hælo gelyfað
þurh þæt word godes weorodum brungen,
þe on frymðe wæs fæder ælmihtigum
efenece mid god, ond nu eft gewearð
flæsc firena leas, þæt seo fæmne gebær
geomrum to geoce. God wæs mid us
gesewen butan synnum; somod eardedon
mihtig meotudes bearn ond se monnes sunu
geþwære on þeode. We þæs þonc magon
secgan sigedryhtne symle bi gewyrhtum,
þæs þe he hine sylfne us sendan wolde.
Eala gæsta god, hu þu gleawlice
mid noman ryhte nemned wære
Emmanuhel, swa hit engel gecwæð
ærest on Ebresc! þæt is eft gereht,
rume bi gerynum: "Nu is rodera weard,
god sylfa mid us." Swa þæt gomele gefyrn
ealra cyninga cyning ond þone clænan eac
sacerd soðlice sægdon toweard,
swa se mæra iu, Melchisedech,
gleaw in gæste godþrym onwrah
eces alwaldan. Se wæs æ bringend,
lara lædend, þam longe his
hyhtan hidercyme, swa him gehaten wæs,
þætte sunu meotudes sylfa wolde
gefælsian foldan mægðe,
swylce grundas eac gæstes mægne
siþe gesecan. Nu hie softe þæs
bidon in bendum hwonne bearn godes
cwome to cearigum. Forþon cwædon swa,
suslum geslæhte: "Nu þu sylfa cum,
heofones heahcyning. Bring us hælolif,
werigum witeþeowum, wope forcymenum,
bitrum brynetearum. Is seo bot gelong
eal æt þe anum
[...] oferþearfum.
Hæftas hygegeomre hider /es;
ne læt þe behindan, þonne þu heonan cyrre,
mænigo þus micle, ac þu miltse on us
gecyð cynelice, Crist nergende,
wuldres æþeling, ne læt awyrgde ofer us
onwald agan. Læf us ecne gefean
wuldres þines, þæt þec weorðien,
weoroda wuldorcyning, þa þu geworhtes ær
hondum þinum. þu in heannissum
wunast wideferh mid waldend fæder."
"Eala Ioseph min, Iacobes bearn,
mæg Dauides, mæran cyninges,
nu þu freode scealt fæste gedælan,
alætan lufan mine!" "Ic lungre eam
deope gedrefed, dome bereafod,
forðon ic worn for þe worde hæbbe
sidra sorga ond sarcwida,
hearmes gehyred, ond me hosp sprecað,
tornworda fela. Ic tearas sceal
geotan geomormod. God eaþe mæg
gehælan hygesorge heortan minre,
afrefran feasceaftne. Eala fæmne geong,
mægð Maria!" Hwæt bemurnest ðu,
cleopast cearigende? Ne ic culpan in þe,
incan ænigne, æfre onfunde,
womma geworhtra, ond þu þa word spricest
swa þu sylfa sie synna gehwylcre
firena gefylled." Ic to fela hæbbe
þæs byrdscypes bealwa onfongen!
Hu mæg ic ladigan laþan spræce,
oþþe ondsware ænige findan
wraþum towiþere? Is þæt wide cuð
þæt ic of þam torhtan temple dryhtnes
onfeng freolice fæmnan clæne,
womma lease, ond nu gehwyrfed is
þurh nathwylces. Me nawþer deag,
secge ne swige. Gif ic soð sprece,
þonne sceal Dauides dohtor sweltan,
stanum astyrfed. Gen strengre is
þæt ic morþor hele; scyle manswara,
laþ leoda gehwam lifgan siþþan,
fracoð in folcum." þa seo fæmne onwrah
ryhtgeryno, ond þus reordade:
"Soð ic secge þurh sunu meotudes,
gæsta geocend, þæt ic gen ne conn
þurh gemæcscipe monnes ower,
ænges on eorðan, ac me eaden wearð,
geongre in geardum, þæt me Gabrihel,
heofones heagengel, hælo gebodade.
Sægde soðlice þæt me swegles gæst
leoman onlyhte, sceolde ic lifes þrym
geberan, beorhtne sunu, bearn eacen godes,
torhtes tirfruman. Nu ic his tempel eam
gefremed butan facne, in me frofre gæst
geeardode. Nu þu ealle forlæt
sare sorgceare. Saga ecne þonc
mærum meotodes sunu þæt ic his modor gewearð,
fæmne forð seþeah, ond þu fæder cweden
woruldcund bi wene; sceolde witedom
in him sylfum beon soðe gefylled."
Eala þu soða ond þu sibsuma
ealra cyninga cyning, Crist ælmihtig,
hu þu ær wære eallum geworden
worulde þrymmum mid þinne wuldorfæder
cild acenned þurh his cræft ond meaht!
Nis ænig nu eorl under lyfte,
secg searoþoncol, to þæs swiðe gleaw
þe þæt asecgan mæge sundbuendum,
areccan mid ryhte, hu þe rodera weard
æt frymðe genom him to freobearne.
þæt wæs þara þinga þe her þeoda cynn
gefrugnen mid folcum æt fruman ærest
geworden under wolcnum, þæt witig god,
lifes ordfruma, leoht ond þystro
gedælde dryhtlice, ond him wæs domes geweald,
ond þa wisan abead weoroda ealdor:
"Nu sie geworden forþ a to widan feore
leoht, lixende gefea, lifgendra gehwam
þe in cneorissum cende weorðen."
Ond þa sona gelomp, þa hit swa sceolde,
leoma leohtade leoda mægþum,
torht mid tunglum, æfter þon tida bigong.
Sylfa sette þæt þu sunu wære
efeneardigende mid þinne engan frean
ærþon oht þisses æfre gewurde.
þu eart seo snyttro þe þas sidan gesceaft
mid þi waldende worhtes ealle.
Forþon nis ænig þæs horsc, ne þæs hygecræftig,
þe þin fromcyn mæge fira bearnum
sweotule geseþan. Cum, nu, sigores weard,
meotod moncynnes, ond þine miltse her
arfæst ywe! Us is eallum neod
þæt we þin medrencynn motan cunnan,
ryhtgeryno, nu we areccan ne mægon
þæt fædrencynn fier owihte.
þu þisne middangeard milde geblissa
þurh ðinne hercyme, hælende Crist,
ond þa gyldnan geatu, þe in geardagum
ful longe ær bilocen stodan,
heofona heahfrea, hat ontynan,
ond usic þonne gesece þurh þin sylfes gong
eaðmod to eorþan. Us is þinra arna þearf!
Hafað se awyrgda wulf tostenced,
deor dædscua, dryhten, þin eowde,
wide towrecene. þæt ðu, waldend, ær
blode gebohtes, þæt se bealofulla
hyneð heardlice, ond him on hæft nimeð
ofer usse nioda lust. Forþon we, nergend, þe
biddað geornlice breostgehygdum
þæt þu hrædlice helpe gefremme
wergum wreccan, þæt se wites bona
in helle grund hean gedreose,
ond þin hondgeweorc, hæleþa scyppend,
mote arisan ond on ryht cuman
to þam upcundan æþelan rice,
þonan us ær þurh synlust se swearta gæst
forteah ond fortylde, þæt we, tires wone,
a butan ende sculon ermþu dreogan,
butan þu usic þon ofostlicor, ece dryhten,
æt þam leodsceaþan, lifgende god,
helm alwihta, hreddan wille.
Eala þu mæra middangeardes
seo clæneste cwen ofer eorþan
þara þe gewurde to widan feore,
hu þec mid ryhte ealle reordberend
hatað ond secgað, hæleð geond foldan,
bliþe mode, þæt þu bryd sie
þæs selestan swegles bryttan.
Swylce þa hyhstan on heofonum eac,
Cristes þegnas, cweþað ond singað
þæt þu sie hlæfdige halgum meahtum
wuldorweorudes, ond worldcundra
hada under heofonum, ond helwara.
Forþon þu þæt ana ealra monna
geþohtest þrymlice, þristhycgende,
þæt þu þinne mægðhad meotude brohtes,
sealdes butan synnum. Nan swylc ne cwom
ænig oþer ofer ealle men,
bryd beaga hroden, þe þa beorhtan lac
to heofonhame hlutre mode
siþþan sende. Forðon heht sigores fruma
his heahbodan hider gefleogan
of his mægenþrymme ond þe meahta sped
snude cyðan, þæt þu sunu dryhtnes
þurh clæne gebyrd cennan sceolde
monnum to miltse, ond þe, Maria, forð
efne unwemme a gehealdan.
Eac we þæt gefrugnon, þæt gefyrn bi þe
soðfæst sægde sum woðbora
in ealddagum, Esaias,
þæt he wære gelæded þæt he lifes gesteald
in þam ecan ham eal sceawode.
Wlat þa swa wisfæst
witga geond þeodland
oþþæt he gestarode þær gestaþelad wæs
æþelic ingong. Eal wæs gebunden
deoran since duru ormæte,
wundurclommum bewriþen. Wende swiðe
þæt ænig elda æfre ne meahte
swa fæstlice forescyttelsas
on ecnesse o inhebban,
oþþe ðæs ceasterhlides clustor onlucan,
ær him godes engel þurh glædne geþonc
þa wisan onwrah ond þæt word acwæð:
"Ic þe mæg secgan þæt soð gewearð
þæt ðas gyldnan gatu giet sume siþe
god sylf wile gæstes mægne
gefælsian, fæder ælmihtig,
ond þurh þa fæstan locu foldan neosan,
ond hio þonne æfter him ece stondað
simle singales swa beclysed
þæt nænig oþer, nymðe nergend god,
hy æfre ma eft onluceð."
Nu þæt is gefylled þæt se froda þa
mid eagum þær on wlatade.
þu eart þæt wealldor, þurh þe waldend frea
æne on þas eorðan ut siðade,
ond efne swa þec gemette, meahtum gehrodene,
clæne ond gecorene, Crist ælmihtig.
Swa ðe æfter him engla þeoden
eft unmæle ælces þinges
lioþucægan bileac, lifes brytta.
Iowa us nu þa are þe se engel þe,
godes spelboda, Gabriel brohte.
Huru þæs biddað burgsittende
þæt ðu þa frofre folcum cyðe,
þinre sylfre sunu. Siþþan we motan
anmodlice ealle hyhtan,
nu we on þæt bearn foran breostum stariað.
Geþinga us nu þristum wordum
þæt he us ne læte leng owihte
in þisse deaðdene gedwolan hyran,
ac þæt he usic geferge in fæder rice,
þær we sorglease siþþan motan
wunigan in wuldre mid weoroda god.
Eala þu halga heofona dryhten,
þu mid fæder þinne gefyrn wære
efenwesende in þam æþelan ham.
Næs ænig þa giet engel geworden,
ne þæs miclan mægenþrymmes nan
ðe in roderum up rice biwitigað,
þeodnes þryðgesteald ond his þegnunga,
þa þu ærest wære mid þone ecan frean
sylf settende þas sidan gesceaft,
brade brytengrundas. Bæm inc is gemæne
heahgæst hleofæst. We þe, hælend Crist,
þurh eaðmedu ealle biddað
þæt þu gehyre hæfta stefne,
þinra niedþiowa, nergende god,
hu we sind geswencte þurh ure sylfra gewill.
Habbað wræcmæcgas wergan gæstas,
hetlen helsceaþa, hearde genyrwad,
gebunden bealorapum. Is seo bot gelong
eall æt þe anum, ece dryhten.
Hreowcearigum help, þæt þin hidercyme
afrefre feasceafte, þeah we fæhþo wið þec
þurh firena lust gefremed hæbben.
Ara nu onbehtum ond usse yrmþa geþenc,
hu we tealtrigað tydran mode,
hwearfiað heanlice. Cym nu, hæleþa cyning,
ne lata to lange. Us is lissa þearf,
þæt þu us ahredde ond us hælogiefe
soðfæst sylle, þæt we siþþan forð
þa sellan þing symle moten
geþeon on þeode, þinne willan.
Eala seo wlitige, weorðmynda full,
heah ond halig, heofoncund þrynes,
brade geblissad geond brytenwongas
þa mid ryhte sculon reordberende,
earme eorðware ealle mægene
hergan healice, nu us hælend god
wærfæst onwrah þæt we hine witan moton.
Forþon hy, dædhwæte, dome geswiðde,
þæt soðfæste seraphinnes cynn,
uppe mid englum a bremende,
unaþreotendum þrymmum singað
ful healice hludan stefne,
fægre feor ond neah. Habbaþ folgoþa
cyst mid cyninge. Him þæt Crist forgeaf,
þæt hy motan his ætwiste eagum brucan
simle singales, swegle gehyrste,
weorðian waldend wide ond side,
ond mid hyra fiþrum frean ælmihtges
onsyne weardiað, ecan dryhtnes,
ond ymb þeodenstol þringað georne
hwylc hyra nehst mæge ussum nergende
flihte lacan friðgeardum in.
Lofiað leoflicne ond in leohte him
þa word cweþað, ond wuldriað
æþelne ordfruman ealra gesceafta:
"Halig eart þu, halig, heahengla brego,
soð sigores frea, simle þu bist halig,
dryhtna dryhten! A þin dom wunað
eorðlic mid ældum in ælce tid
wide geweorþad. þu eart weoroda god,
forþon þu gefyldest foldan ond rodoras,
wigendra hleo, wuldres þines,
helm alwihta. Sie þe in heannessum
ece hælo, ond in eorþan lof,
beorht mid beornum. þu gebletsad leofa,
þe in dryhtnes noman dugeþum cwome
heanum to hroþre. þe in heahþum sie
a butan ende ece herenis."
Eala hwæt, þæt is wræclic wrixl in wera life,
þætte moncynnes milde scyppend
onfeng æt fæmnan flæsc unwemme,
ond sio weres friga
wiht ne cuþe,
ne þurh sæd ne cwom sigores agend
monnes ofer moldan; ac þæt wæs ma cræft
þonne hit eorðbuend ealle cuþan
þurh geryne, hu he, rodera þrim,
heofona heahfrea, helpe gefremede
monna cynne þurh his modor hrif.
Ond swa forðgongende folca nergend
his forgifnesse gumum to helpe
dæleð dogra gehwam, dryhten weoroda.
Forþon we hine domhwate dædum ond wordum
hergen holdlice. þæt is healic ræd
monna gehwylcum þe gemynd hafað,
þæt he symle oftost ond inlocast
ond geornlicost god weorþige.
He him þære lisse lean forgildeð,
se gehalgoda hælend sylfa,
efne in þam eðle þær he ær ne cwom,
in lifgendra londes wynne,
þær he gesælig siþþan eardað,
ealne widan feorh wunað butan ende. Amen.
Nu ðu geornlice gæstgerynum,
mon se mæra, modcræfte sec
þurh sefan snyttro, þæt þu soð wite
hu þæt geeode, þa se ælmihtiga
acenned wearð þurh clænne had,
siþþan he Marian, mægða weolman,
mærre meowlan, mundheals geceas,
þæt þær in hwitum hræglum gewerede
englas ne oðeowdun, þa se æþeling cwom,
beorn in Betlem. Bodan wæron gearwe
þa þurh hleoþorcwide hyrdum cyðdon,
sægdon soðne gefean, þætte sunu wære
in middangeard meotudes acenned,
in Betleme. Hwæþre in bocum ne cwið
þæt hy in hwitum þær hræglum oðywden
in þa æþelan tid, swa hie eft dydon
ða se brega mæra to Bethania,
þeoden þrymfæst, his þegna gedryht
gelaðade, leof weorud. Hy þæs lareowes
on þam wildæge word ne gehyrwdon,
hyra sincgiefan. Sona wæron gearwe,
hæleð mid hlaford, to þære halgan byrg,
þær him tacna fela tires brytta
onwrah, wuldres helm, wordgerynum,
ærþon up stige ancenned sunu,
efenece bearn, agnum fæder,
þæs ymb feowertig þe he of foldan ær
from deaðe aras, dagena rimes.
Hæfde þa gefylled, swa ær biforan sungon,
witgena word geond woruld innan
þurh his þrowinga. þegnas heredon,
lufedun leofwendum lifes agend,
fæder frumsceafta. He him fægre þæs
leofum gesiþum lean æfter geaf,
ond þæt word acwæð waldend engla,
gefysed, frea mihtig, to fæder rice:
"Gefeoð ge on ferððe! Næfre ic from hweorfe,
ac ic lufan symle læste wið eowic,
ond eow meaht giefe ond mid wunige,
awo to ealdre, þæt eow æfre ne bið
þurh gife mine godes onsien.
Farað nu geond ealne yrmenne grund,
geond widwegas, weoredum cyðað,
bodiað ond bremað beorhtne geleafan,
ond fulwiað folc under roderum.
Hweorfað to hæþnum, hergas breotaþ,
fyllað ond feogað, feondscype dwæscað,
sibbe sawað on sefan manna
þurh meahta sped. Ic eow mid wunige,
forð on frofre, ond eow friðe healde
strengðu staþolfæstre on stowa gehware."
ða wearð semninga sweg on lyfte
hlud gehyred. Heofonengla þreat,
weorud wlitescyne, wuldres aras,
cwomun on corðre. Cyning ure gewat
þurh þæs temples hrof þær hy to segun,
þa þe leofes þa gen last weardedun
on þam þingstede, þegnas gecorene.
Gesegon hi on heahþu hlaford stigan,
godbearn of grundum. Him wæs geomor sefa
hat æt heortan, hyge murnende,
þæs þe hi swa leofne leng ne mostun
geseon under swegle. Song ahofun
aras ufancunde, æþeling heredun,
lofedun liffruman, leohte gefegun
þe of þæs hælendes heafelan lixte.
Gesegon hy ælbeorhte englas twegen
fægre ymb þæt frumbearn frætwum blican,
cyninga wuldor. Cleopedon of heahþu
wordum wrætlicum ofer wera mengu
beorhtan reorde: "Hwæt bidað ge,
Galilesce guman on hwearfte?
Nu ge sweotule geseoð soðne dryhten
on swegl faran; sigores agend
wile up heonan eard gestigan,
æþelinga ord, mid þas engla gedryht,
ealra folca fruma, fæder eþelstoll.
We mid þyslice þreate willað
ofer heofona gehlidu hlaford fergan
to þære beorhtan byrg mid þas bliðan gedryht,
ealra sigebearna þæt seleste
ond æþeleste, þe ge her on stariað
ond in frofre geseoð frætwum blican.
Wile eft swa þeah eorðan mægðe
sylfa gesecan side herge,
ond þonne gedeman dæda gehwylce
þara ðe gefremedon folc under roderum."
ða wæs wuldres weard wolcnum bifongen,
heahengla cyning, ofer hrofas upp,
haligra helm. Hyht wæs geniwad,
blis in burgum, þurh þæs beornes cyme.
Gesæt sigehremig on þa swiþran hand
ece eadfruma agnum fæder.
Gewitan him þa gongan to Hierusalem
hæleð hygerofe, in þa halgan burg,
geomormode, þonan hy god nyhst
up stigende eagum segun,
hyra wilgifan. þær wæs wopes hring,
torne bitolden; wæs seo treowlufu
hat æt heortan,
hreðer innan weoll,
beorn breostsefa. Bidon ealle þær
þegnas þrymfulle þeodnes gehata
in þære torhtan byrig tyn niht þa gen,
swa him sylf bibead swegles agend,
ærþon up stige ealles waldend
on heofona gehyld. Hwite cwoman
eorla eadgiefan englas togeanes.
ðæt is wel cweden, swa gewritu secgað,
þæt him albeorhte englas togeanes
in þa halgan tid heapum cwoman,
sigan on swegle. þa wæs symbla mæst
geworden in wuldre. Wel þæt gedafenað
þæt to þære blisse, beorhte gewerede,
in þæs þeodnes burg þegnas cwoman,
weorud wlitescyne. Gesegon wilcuman
on heahsetle heofones waldend,
folca feorhgiefan, frætwum ealles waldend
middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes.
"Hafað nu se halga helle bireafod
ealles þæs gafoles þe hi geardagum
in þæt orlege unryhte swealg.
Nu sind forcumene ond in cwicsusle
gehynde ond gehæfte, in helle grund
duguþum bidæled, deofla cempan.
Ne meahtan wiþerbrogan wige spowan,
wæpna wyrpum, siþþan wuldres cyning,
heofonrices helm, hilde gefremede
wiþ his ealdfeondum anes meahtum,
þær he of hæfte ahlod huþa mæste
of feonda byrig, folces unrim,
þisne ilcan þreat þe ge her on stariað.
Wile nu gesecan sawla nergend
gæsta giefstol, godes agen bearn,
æfter guðplegan. Nu ge geare cunnon
hwæt se hlaford is se þisne here lædeð,
nu ge fromlice freondum togeanes
gongað glædmode. Geatu, ontynað!
Wile in to eow ealles waldend,
cyning on ceastre, corðre ne lytle,
fyrnweorca fruma, folc gelædan
in dreama dream, ðe he on deoflum genom
þurh his sylfes sygor. Sib sceal gemæne
englum ond ældum a forð heonan
wesan wideferh. Wær is ætsomne
godes ond monna, gæsthalig treow,
lufu, lifes hyht, ond ealles leohtes gefea."
Hwæt, we nu gehyrdan hu þæt hælubearn
þurh his hydercyme hals eft forgeaf,
gefreode ond gefreoþade folc under wolcnum,
mære meotudes sunu, þæt nu monna gehwylc
cwic þendan her wunað, geceosan mot
swa helle hienþu swa heofones mærþu,
swa þæt leohte leoht swa ða laþan niht,
swa þrymmes þræce swa þystra wræce,
swa mid dryhten dream swa mid deoflum hream,
swa wite mid wraþum swa wuldor mid arum,
swa lif swa deað, swa him leofre bið
to gefremmanne, þenden flæsc ond gæst
wuniað in worulde. Wuldor þæs age
þrynysse þrym, þonc butan ende!
ðæt is þæs wyrðe þætte werþeode
secgen dryhtne þonc duguða gehwylcre
þe us sið ond ær simle gefremede
þurh monigfealdra mægna geryno.
He us æt giefeð ond æhta sped,
welan ofer widlond, ond weder liþe
under swegles hleo. Sunne ond mona,
æþelast tungla eallum scinað,
heofoncondelle, hæleþum on eorðan.
Dreoseð deaw ond ren, duguðe weccaþ
to feorhnere fira cynne,
iecað eorðwelan. þæs we ealles sculon
secgan þonc ond lof þeodne ussum,
ond huru þære hælo þe he us to hyhte forgeaf,
ða he þa yrmpðu eft oncyrde
æt his upstige þe we ær drugon,
ond geþingade þeodbuendum
wið fæder swæsne fæhþa mæste,
cyning anboren. Cwide eft onhwearf
saulum to sibbe, se þe ær sungen wæs
þurh yrne hyge ældum to sorge:
"Ic þec ofer eorðan geworhte, on þære þu scealt yrmþum lifgan,
wunian in gewinne ond wræce dreogan,
feondum to hroþor fusleoð galan,
ond to þære ilcan scealt eft geweorþan,
wyrmum aweallen, þonan wites fyr
of þære eorðan scealt eft gesecan."
Hwæt, us þis se æþeling yðre gefremede
þa he leomum onfeng ond lichoman,
monnes magutudre! Siþþan meotodes sunu
engla eþel up gestigan
wolde, weoroda god, us se willa bicwom
heanum to helpe on þa halgan tid.
Bi þon giedd awræc Iob, swa he cuðe,
herede helm wera, hælend lofede,
ond mid siblufan sunu waldendes
freonoman cende, ond hine fugel nemde,
þone Iudeas ongietan ne meahtan
in ðære godcundan gæstes strengðu.
Wæs þæs fugles flyht feondum on eorþan
dyrne ond degol, þam þe deorc gewit
hæfdon on hreþre, heortan stænne.
Noldan hi þa torhtan tacen oncnawan
þe him beforan fremede freobearn godes,
monig mislicu, geond middangeard.
Swa se fæla fugel flyges cunnode;
hwilum engla eard up gesohte,
modig meahtum strang, þone maran ham,
hwilum he to eorþan eft gestylde,
þurh gæstes giefe grundsceat sohte,
wende to worulde. Bi þon se witga song:
"He wæs upp hafen engla fæðmum
in his þa miclan meahta spede,
heah ond halig, ofer heofona þrym."
Ne meahtan þa þæs fugles flyht gecnawan
þe þæs upstiges ondsæc fremedon,
ond þæt ne gelyfdon, þætte liffruma
in monnes hiw ofer mægna þrym,
halig from hrusan, ahafen wurde.
ða us geweorðade se þas world gescop,
godes gæstsunu, ond us giefe sealde,
uppe mid englum ece staþelas,
ond eac monigfealde modes snyttru
seow ond sette geond sefan monna.
Sumum wordlaþe wise sendeð
on his modes gemynd þurh his muþes gæst,
æðele ondgiet. Se mæg eal fela
singan ond secgan þam bið snyttru cræft
bifolen on ferðe. Sum mæg fingrum wel
hlude fore hæleþum hearpan stirgan,
gleobeam gretan. Sum mæg godcunde
reccan ryhte æ. Sum mæg ryne tungla
secgan, side gesceaft. Sum mæg searolice
wordcwide writan. Sumum wiges sped
giefeð æt guþe, þonne gargetrum
ofer scildhreadan sceotend sendað,
flacor flangeweorc. Sum mæg fromlice
ofer sealtne sæ sundwudu drifan,
hreran holmþræce. Sum mæg heanne beam
stælgne gestigan. Sum mæg styled sweord,
wæpen gewyrcan. Sum con wonga bigong,
wegas widgielle. Swa se waldend us,
godbearn on grundum, his giefe bryttað.
Nyle he ængum anum ealle gesyllan
gæstes snyttru, þy læs him gielp sceþþe
þurh his anes cræft ofer oþre forð.
ðus god meahtig geofum unhneawum,
cyning alwihta, cræftum weorðaþ
eorþan tuddor; swylce eadgum blæd
seleð on swegle, sibbe ræreþ
ece to ealdre engla ond monna;
swa he his weorc weorþað. Bi þon se witga cwæð
þæt ahæfen wæren halge gimmas,
hædre heofontungol, healice upp,
sunne ond mona. Hwæt sindan þa
gimmas swa scyne buton god sylfa?
He is se soðfæsta sunnan leoma,
englum ond eorðwarum æþele scima.
Ofer middangeard mona lixeð,
gæstlic tungol, swa seo godes circe
þurh gesomninga soðes ond ryhtes
beorhte bliceð. Swa hit on bocum cwiþ,
siþþan of grundum godbearn astag,
cyning clænra gehwæs, þa seo circe her
æfyllendra eahtnysse bad
under hæþenra hyrda gewealdum.
þær ða synsceaðan soþes ne giemdon,
gæstes þearfe, ac hi godes tempel
bræcan ond bærndon, blodgyte worhtan,
feodan ond fyldon. Hwæþre forð bicwom
þurh gæstes giefe godes þegna blæd
æfter upstige ecan dryhtnes.
Bi þon Salomon song, sunu Dauiþes,
giedda gearosnottor gæstgerynum,
waldend werþeoda, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Cuð þæt geweorðeð, þætte cyning engla,
meotud meahtum swið, munt gestylleð,
gehleapeð hea dune, hyllas ond cnollas
bewrið mid his wuldre, woruld alyseð,
ealle eorðbuend, þurh þone æþelan styll."
Wæs se forma hlyp þa he on fæmnan astag,
mægeð unmæle, ond þær mennisc hiw
onfeng butan firenum þæt to frofre gewearð
eallum eorðwarum. Wæs se oþer stiell
bearnes gebyrda, þa he in binne wæs
in cildes hiw claþum bewunden,
ealra þrymma þrym. Wæs se þridda hlyp,
rodorcyninges ræs, þa he on rode astag,
fæder, frofre gæst. Wæs se feorða stiell
in byrgenne, þa he þone beam ofgeaf,
foldærne fæst. Wæs se fifta hlyp
þa he hellwarena
heap forbygde
in cwicsusle, cyning inne gebond,
feonda foresprecan, fyrnum teagum,
gromhydigne, þær he gen ligeð
in carcerne clommum gefæstnad,
synnum gesæled. Wæs se siexta hlyp,
haliges hyhtplega, þa he to heofonum astag
on his ealdcyððe. þa wæs engla þreat
on þa halgan tid hleahtre bliþe
wynnum geworden. Gesawan wuldres þrym,
æþelinga ord, eðles neosan,
beorhtra bolda. þa wearð burgwarum
eadgum ece gefea æþelinges plega.
þus her on grundum godes ece bearn
ofer heahhleoþu hlypum stylde,
modig æfter muntum. Swa we men sculon
heortan gehygdum hlypum styllan
of mægne in mægen, mærþum tilgan
þæt we to þam hyhstan hrofe gestigan
halgum weorcum, þær is hyht ond blis,
geþungen þegnweorud. Is us þearf micel
þæt we mid heortan hælo secen,
þær we mid gæste georne gelyfað
þæt þæt hælobearn heonan up stige
mid usse lichoman, lifgende god.
Forþon we a sculon idle lustas,
synwunde forseon, ond þæs sellran gefeon.
Habbað we us to frofre fæder on roderum
ælmeahtigne. He his aras þonan,
halig of heahðu, hider onsendeð,
þa us gescildaþ wið sceþþendra
eglum earhfarum, þi læs unholdan
wunde gewyrcen, þonne wrohtbora
in folc godes forð onsendeð
of his brægdbogan biterne stræl.
Forþon we fæste sculon wið þam færscyte
symle wærlice wearde healdan,
þy læs se attres ord in gebuge,
biter bordgelac, under banlocan,
feonda færsearo. þæt bið frecne wund,
blatast benna. Utan us beorgan þa,
þenden we on eorðan eard weardien;
utan us to fæder freoþa wilnian,
biddan bearn godes ond þone bliðan gæst
þæt he us gescilde wið sceaþan wæpnum,
laþra lygesearwum, se us lif forgeaf,
leomu, lic ond gæst. Si him lof symle
þurh woruld worulda, wuldor on heofnum.
Ne þearf him ondrædan deofla strælas
ænig on eorðan ælda cynnes,
gromra garfare, gif hine god scildeþ,
duguða dryhten. Is þam dome neah
þæt we gelice sceolon leanum hleotan,
swa we widefeorh weorcum hlodun
geond sidne grund. Us secgað bec
hu æt ærestan eadmod astag
in middangeard mægna goldhord,
in fæmnan fæðm freobearn godes,
halig of heahþu. Huru ic wene me
ond eac ondræde dom ðy reþran,
ðonne eft cymeð engla þeoden,
þe ic ne heold teala þæt me hælend min
on bocum bibead. Ic þæs brogan sceal
geseon synwræce, þæs þe ic soð talge,
þær monig beoð on gemot læded
fore onsyne eces deman.
þonne C cwacað, gehyreð cyning mæðlan,
rodera ryhtend, sprecan reþe word
þam þe him ær in worulde wace hyrdon,
þendan Y ond N
yþast meahtan
frofre findan. þær sceal forht monig
on þam wongstede werig bidan
hwæt him æfter dædum deman wille
wraþra wita. Biþ se W scæcen
eorþan frætwa.
U wæs longe
L flodum bilocen, lifwynna dæl,
F on foldan. þonne frætwe sculon
byrnan on bæle; blac rasetteð
recen reada leg, reþe scriþeð
geond woruld wide. Wongas hreosað,
burgstede berstað. Brond bið on tyhte,
æleð ealdgestreon unmurnlice,
gæsta gifrast, þæt geo guman heoldan,
þenden him on eorþan onmedla wæs.
Forþon ic leofra gehwone læran wille
þæt he ne agæle gæstes þearfe,
ne on gylp geote, þenden god wille
þæt he her in worulde wunian mote,
somed siþian sawel in lice,
in þam gæsthofe. Scyle gumena gehwylc
on his geardagum georne biþencan
þæt us milde bicwom meahta waldend
æt ærestan þurh þæs engles word.
Bið nu eorneste þonne eft cymeð,
reðe ond ryhtwis. Rodor bið onhrered,
ond þas miclan gemetu middangeardes
beofiað þonne. Beorht cyning leanað
þæs þe hy on eorþan eargum dædum
lifdon leahtrum fa. þæs hi longe sculon
ferðwerige onfon in fyrbaðe,
wælmum biwrecene, wraþlic ondlean,
þonne mægna cyning on gemot cymeð,
þrymma mæste. þeodegsa bið
hlud gehyred bi heofonwoman,
cwaniendra cirm, cerge reotað
fore onsyne eces deman,
þa þe hyra weorcum wace truwiað.
ðær biþ oðywed egsa mara
þonne from frumgesceape gefrægen wurde
æfre on eorðan. þær bið æghwylcum
synwyrcendra on þa snudan tid
leofra micle þonne eall þeos læne gesceaft,
þær he hine sylfne on þam sigeþreate
behydan mæge, þonne herga fruma,
æþelinga ord, eallum demeð,
leofum ge laðum, lean æfter ryhte,
þeoda gehwylcre. Is us þearf micel
þæt we gæstes wlite ær þam gryrebrogan
on þas gæsnan tid georne biþencen.
Nu is þon gelicost swa we on laguflode
ofer cald wæter ceolum liðan
geond sidne sæ, sundhengestum,
flodwudu fergen. Is þæt frecne stream
yða ofermæta þe we her on lacað
geond þas wacan woruld, windge holmas
ofer deop gelad. Wæs se drohtað strong
ærþon we to londe geliden hæfdon
ofer hreone hrycg. þa us help bicwom,
þæt us to hælo hyþe gelædde,
godes gæstsunu, ond us giefe sealde
þæt we oncnawan magun ofer ceoles bord
hwær we sælan sceolon sundhengestas,
ealde yðmearas, ancrum fæste.
Utan us to þære hyðe hyht staþelian,
ða us gerymde rodera waldend,
halge on heahþu, þa he heofonum astag.
ðonne mid fere foldbuende
se micla dæg meahtan dryhtnes
æt midre niht mægne bihlæmeð,
scire gesceafte, swa oft sceaða fæcne,
þeof þristlice, þe on þystre fareð,
on sweartre niht, sorglease hæleð
semninga forfehð slæpe gebundne,
eorlas ungearwe yfles genægeð.
Swa on Syne beorg somod up cymeð
mægenfolc micel, meotude getrywe,
beorht ond bliþe. Him weorþeð blæd gifen!
þonne from feowerum foldan sceatum,
þam ytemestum eorþan rices,
englas ælbeorhte on efen blawað
byman on brehtme. Beofað middangeard,
hruse under hæleþum. Hlydað tosomne,
trume ond torhte, wið tungla gong,
singað ond swinsiaþ suþan ond norþan,
eastan ond westan, ofer ealle gesceaft.
Weccað of deaðe dryhtgumena bearn,
eall monna cynn, to meotudsceafte
egeslic of þære ealdan moldan, hatað hy upp astandan
sneome of slæpe þy fæstan. þær mon mæg sorgende folc
gehyran hygegeomor, hearde gefysed,
cearum cwiþende cwicra gewyrhtu,
forhte afærde. þæt bið foretacna mæst
þara þe ær oþþe sið æfre gewurde
monnum oþywed, þær gemengde beoð
onhælo gelac engla ond deofla,
beorhtra ond blacra. Weorþeð bega cyme,
hwitra ond sweartra, swa him is ham sceapen
ungelice, englum ond deoflum.
þonne semninga on Syne beorg
suþaneastan sunnan leoma
cymeð of scyppende scynan leohtor
þonne hit men mægen modum ahycgan,
beorhte blican, þonne bearn godes
þurh heofona gehleodu hider oðyweð.
Cymeð wundorlic Cristes onsyn,
æþelcyninges wlite, eastan fram roderum,
on sefan swete sinum folce,
biter bealofullum, gebleod wundrum,
eadgum ond earmum ungelice.
He bið þam godum glædmod on gesihþe,
wlitig, wynsumlic, weorude þam halgan,
on gefean fæger, freond ond leoftæl,
lufsum ond liþe leofum monnum
to sceawianne þone scynan wlite,
weðne mid willum, waldendes cyme,
mægencyninges, þam þe him on mode ær
wordum ond weorcum wel gecwemdun.
He bið þam yflum egeslic ond grimlic
to geseonne, synnegum monnum,
þam þær mid firenum cumað, forð forworhte.
þæt mæg wites to wearninga þam þe hafað wisne geþoht,
þæt se him eallunga owiht ne ondrædeð,
se for ðære onsyne egsan ne weorþeð
forht on ferðe, þonne he frean gesihð
ealra gesceafta ondweardne faran
mid mægenwundrum mongum to þinge,
ond him on healfa gehwone
heofonengla þreat
ymbutan farað, ælbeorhtra scolu,
hergas haligra, heapum geneahhe.
Dyneð deop gesceaft, ond fore dryhtne færeð
wælmfyra mæst ofer widne grund.
Hlemmeð hata leg, heofonas berstað,
trume ond torhte, tungol ofhreosað.
þonne weorþeð sunne sweart gewended
on blodes hiw, seo ðe beorhte scan
ofer ærworuld ælda bearnum;
mona þæt sylfe, þe ær moncynne
nihtes lyhte, niþer gehreoseð
ond steorran swa some stredað of heofone,
þurh ða strongan lyft stormum abeatne.
Wile ælmihtig mid his engla gedryht,
mægencyninga meotod, on gemot cuman,
þrymfæst þeoden. Bið þær his þegna eac
hreþeadig heap. Halge sawle
mid hyra frean farað, þonne folca weard
þurh egsan þrea eorðan mægðe
sylfa geseceð. Weorþeð geond sidne grund
hlud gehyred heofonbyman stefn,
ond on seofon healfa swogað windas,
blawað brecende bearhtma mæste,
weccað ond woniað woruld mid storme,
fyllað mid fere
foldan gesceafte.
ðonne heard gebrec, hlud, unmæte,
swar ond swiðlic, swegdynna mæst,
ældum egeslic, eawed weorþeð.
þær mægen werge monna cynnes
wornum hweorfað on widne leg,
þa þær cwice meteð cwelmende fyr,
sume up, sume niþer, ældes fulle.
þonne bið untweo þæt þær Adames
cyn, cearena full, cwiþeð gesargad,
nales fore lytlum, leode geomre,
ac fore þam mæstan mægenearfeþum,
ðonne eall þreo on efen nimeð
won fyres wælm wide tosomne,
se swearta lig, sæs mid hyra fiscum,
eorþan mid hire beorgum, ond upheofon
torhtne mid his tunglum. Teonleg somod
þryþum bærneð þreo eal on an
grimme togædre. Grornað gesargad
eal middangeard on þa mæran tid.
Swa se gifra gæst grundas geondseceð;
hiþende leg heahgetimbro
fylleð on foldwong fyres egsan,
widmære blæst woruld mid ealle,
hat, heorogifre. Hreosað geneahhe
tobrocene burgweallas. Beorgas gemeltað
ond heahcleofu,
þa wið holme ær
fæste wið flodum foldan sceldun,
stið ond stæðfæst, staþelas wið wæge,
wætre windendum. þonne wihta gehwylce,
deora ond fugla, deaðleg nimeð,
færeð æfter foldan fyrswearta leg,
weallende wiga. Swa ær wæter fleowan,
flodas afysde, þonne on fyrbaðe
swelað sæfiscas; sundes getwæfde
wægdeora gehwylc werig swelteð,
byrneþ wæter swa weax. þær bið wundra ma
þonne hit ænig on mode mæge aþencan,
hu þæt gestun ond se storm ond seo stronge lyft
brecað brade gesceaft. Beornas gretað,
wepað wanende wergum stefnum,
heane, hygegeomre, hreowum gedreahte.
Seoþeð swearta leg synne on fordonum,
ond goldfrætwe gleda forswelgað,
eall ærgestreon eþelcyninga.
ðær bið cirm ond cearu, ond cwicra gewin,
gehreow ond hlud wop bi heofonwoman,
earmlic ælda gedreag. þonan ænig ne mæg,
firendædum fah, frið gewinnan,
legbryne losian londes ower,
ac þæt fyr nimeð þurh foldan gehwæt,
græfeð grimlice, georne aseceð
innan ond utan eorðan sceatas,
oþþæt eall hafað ældes leoma
woruldwidles wom wælme forbærned.
ðonne mihtig god on þone mæran beorg
mid þy mæstan mægenþrymme cymeð,
heofonengla cyning, halig scineð,
wuldorlic ofer weredum, waldende god,
ond hine ymbutan æþelduguð betast,
halge herefeðan, hlutre blicað,
eadig engla gedryht. Ingeþoncum
forhte beofiað fore fæder egsan.
Forþon nis ænig wundor hu him woruldmonna
seo unclæne gecynd, cearum sorgende,
hearde ondrede, ðonne sio halge gecynd,
hwit ond heofonbeorht, heagengla mægen,
for ðære onsyne beoð egsan afyrhte,
bidað beofiende beorhte gesceafte
dryhtnes domes. Daga egeslicast
weorþeð in worulde, þonne wuldorcyning
þurh þrym þreað þeoda gehwylce,
hateð arisan reordberende
of foldgrafum, folc anra gehwylc,
cuman to gemote moncynnes gehwone.
þonne eall hraðe Adames cynn
onfehð flæsce, weorþeð foldræste
eardes æt ende. Sceal þonne anra gehwylc
fore Cristes cyme cwic arisan,
leoðum onfon ond lichoman,
edgeong wesan. Hafað eall on him
þæs þe he on foldan in fyrndagum,
godes oþþe gales, on his gæste gehlod,
geara gongum, hafað ætgædre bu,
lic ond sawle. Sceal on leoht cuman
sinra weorca wlite ond worda gemynd
ond heortan gehygd fore heofona cyning.
ðonne biþ geyced ond geedniwad
moncyn þurh meotud. Micel ariseð
dryhtfolc to dome, siþþan deaþes bend
toleseð liffruma. Lyft bið onbærned,
hreosað heofonsteorran, hyþað wide
gifre glede, gæstas hweorfað
on ecne eard. Opene weorþað
ofer middangeard monna dæde.
Ne magun hord weras, heortan geþohtas,
fore waldende wihte bemiþan.
Ne sindon him dæda dyrne, ac þær bið dryhtne cuð
on þam miclan dæge, hu monna gehwylc
ær earnode eces lifes,
ond eall ondweard þæt hi ær oþþe sið
worhtun in worulde. Ne bið þær wiht forholen
monna gehygda, ac se mæra dæg
hreþerlocena hord, heortan geþohtas,
ealle ætyweð. ær sceal geþencan
gæstes þearfe, se þe gode mynteð
bringan beorhtne wlite, þonne bryne costað,
hat, heorugifre, hu gehealdne sind
sawle wið synnum fore sigedeman.
ðonne sio byman stefen ond se beorhta segn,
ond þæt hate fyr ond seo hea duguð,
ond se engla þrym ond se egsan þrea,
ond se hearda dæg ond seo hea rod,
ryht aræred rices to beacne,
folcdryht wera biforan bonnað,
sawla gehwylce þara þe sið oþþe ær
on lichoman leoþum onfengen.
ðonne weoroda mæst fore waldende,
ece ond edgeong, ondweard gæð
neode ond nyde, bi noman gehatne,
berað breosta hord fore bearn godes,
feores frætwe. Wile fæder eahtan
hu gesunde suna sawle bringen
of þam eðle þe hi on lifdon.
ðonne beoð bealde þa þe beorhtne wlite
meotude bringað. Bið hyra meaht ond gefea
swiðe gesæliglic sawlum to gielde,
wuldorlean weorca. Wel is þam þe motun
on þa grimman tid gode lician.
þær him sylfe geseoð sorga mæste,
synfa men, sarigferðe.
Ne bið him to are þæt þær fore ellþeodum
usses dryhtnes rod ondweard stondeð,
beacna beorhtast, blode bistemed,
heofoncyninges hlutran dreore,
biseon mid swate þæt ofer side gesceaft
scire scineð. Sceadu beoð bidyrned
þær se leohta beam leodum byrhteð.
þæt þeah to teonum
geteod weorþeð,
þeodum to þrea, þam þe þonc gode
womwyrcende wita ne cuþun,
þæs he on þone halgan beam ahongen wæs
fore moncynnes manforwyrhtu,
þær he leoflice lifes ceapode,
þeoden moncynne, on þam dæge,
mid þy weorðe, þe no wom dyde
his lichoma leahtra firena,
mid þy usic alysde. þæs he eftlean wile
þurh eorneste ealles gemonian,
ðonne sio reade rod ofer ealle
swegle scineð on þære sunnan gyld.
On þa forhtlice firenum fordone,
swearte synwyrcend, sorgum wlitað,
geseoð him to bealwe þæt him betst bicwom,
þær hy hit to gode ongietan woldan.
Ond eac þa ealdan wunde ond þa openan dolg
on hyra dryhtne geseoð dreorigferðe,
swa him mid næglum þurhdrifan niðhycgende
þa hwitan honda ond þa halgan fet,
ond of his sidan swa some swat forletan,
þær blod ond wæter bu tu ætsomne
ut bicwoman fore eagna gesyhð,
rinnan fore rincum, þa he on rode wæs.
Eall þis magon him sylfe geseon þonne,
open, orgete, þæt he for ælda lufan,
firenfremmendra, fela þrowade.
Magun leoda bearn leohte oncnawan
hu hine lygnedon lease on geþoncum,
hysptun hearmcwidum, ond on his hleor somod
hyra spatl speowdon. Spræcon him edwit,
ond on þone eadgan ondwlitan swa some
helfuse men hondum slogun,
folmum areahtum ond fystum eac,
ond ymb his heafod heardne gebigdon
beag þyrnenne, blinde on geþoncum,
dysge ond gedwealde. Gesegun þa dumban gesceaft,
eorðan ealgrene ond uprodor,
forhte gefelan frean þrowinga,
ond mid cearum cwiðdun, þeah hi cwice næron,
þa hyra scyppend sceaþan onfengon
syngum hondum. Sunne wearð adwæsced,
þream aþrysmed; þa sio þeod geseah
in Hierusalem godwebba cyst
þæt ær ðam halgan huse sceolde
to weorþunga weorud sceawian;
ufan eall forbærst þæt hit on eorþan læg
on twam styccum. þæs temples segl,
wundorbleom geworht to wlite þæs huses,
sylf slat on tu, swylce hit seaxes ecg
scearp þurhwode. Scire burstan
muras ond stanas monge æfter foldan,
ond seo eorðe eac, egsan myrde,
beofode on bearhtme, ond se brada sæ
cyðde cræftes meaht ond of clomme bræc
up yrringa on eorþan fæðm,
ge on stede scynum steorran forleton
hyra swæsne wlite. On þa sylfan tid
heofon hluttre ongeat hwa hine healice
torhtne getremede tungolgimmum;
forþon he his bodan sende, þa wæs geboren ærest
gesceafta scircyning. Hwæt, eac scyldge men
gesegon to soðe, þy sylfan dæge
þe on þrowade, þeodwundor micel,
þætte eorðe ageaf þa hyre on lægun.
Eft lifgende up astodan
þa þe heo ær fæste bifen hæfde,
deade bibyrgde, þe dryhtnes bibod
heoldon on hreþre. Hell eac ongeat,
scyldwreccende, þæt se scyppend cwom,
waldende god, þa heo þæt weorud ageaf,
hloþe of ðam hatan hreþre. Hyge wearð mongum blissad,
sawlum sorge toglidene. Hwæt, eac sæ cyðde
hwa hine gesette on sidne grund,
tirmeahtig cyning; forþon he hine tredne him
ongean gyrede, þonne god wolde
ofer sine yðe gan. Eahstream ne dorste
his frean fet flode bisencan,
ge eac beamas onbudon hwa hy mid bledum sceop,
monge, nales fea, ða mihtig god
on hira anne gestag þær he earfeþu
geþolade fore þearfe þeodbuendra,
laðlicne deað leodum to helpe.
ða wearð beam monig blodigum tearum
birunnen under rindum, reade ond þicce;
sæp wearð to swate. þæt asecgan ne magun
foldbuende þurh frod gewit,
hu fela þa onfundun þa gefelan ne magun
dryhtnes þrowinga, deade gesceafte.
þa þe æþelast sind eorðan gecynda,
ond heofones eac heahgetimbro,
eall fore þam anum unrot gewearð,
forhtafongen. þeah hi ferðgewit
of hyra æþelum ænig ne cuþen,
wendon swa þeah wundrum, þa hyra waldend for
of lichoman. Leode ne cuþon,
modblinde men meotud oncnawan,
flintum heardran, þæt hi frea nerede
fram hellcwale halgum meahtum,
alwalda god. þæt æt ærestan
foreþoncle men from fruman worulde
þurh wis gewit, witgan dryhtnes,
halge higegleawe, hæleþum sægdon,
oft, nales æne, ymb þæt æþele bearn,
ðæt se earcnanstan eallum sceolde
to hleo ond to hroþer hæleþa cynne
weorðan in worulde, wuldres agend,
eades ordfruma, þurh þa æþelan cwenn.
Hwæs weneð se þe mid gewitte nyle
gemunan þa mildan meotudes lare,
ond eal ða earfeðu þe he fore ældum adreag,
forþon þe he wolde þæt we wuldres eard
in ecnesse agan mosten?
Swa þam bið grorne on þam grimman dæge
domes þæs miclan, þam þe dryhtnes sceal,
deaðfirenum forden, dolg sceawian,
wunde ond wite. On werigum sefan
geseoð sorga mæste, hu se sylfa cyning
mid sine lichoman lysde of firenum
þurh milde mod, þæt hy mostun manweorca
tome lifgan, ond tires blæd
ecne agan. Hy þæs eðles þonc
hyra waldende wita ne cuþon;
forþon þær to teonum þa tacen geseoð
orgeatu on gode, ungesælge,
þonne Crist siteð on his cynestole,
on heahsetle, heofonmægna god,
fæder ælmihtig. Folca gehwylcum
scyppend scinende scrifeð bi gewyrhtum,
eall æfter ryhte rodera waldend.
ðonne beoð gesomnad on þa swiþran hond
þa clænan folc, Criste sylfum
gecorene bi cystum, þa ær sinne cwide georne
lustum læstun on hyra lifdagum,
ond þær womsceaþan on þone wyrsan dæl
fore scyppende scyrede weorþað,
hateð him gewitan on þa winstran hond,
sigora soðcyning, synfulra weorud.
þær hy arasade reotað ond beofiað
fore frean forhte, swa fule swa gæt,
unsyfre folc, arna ne wenað.
ðonne bið gæsta dom fore gode sceaden
wera cneorissum, swa hi geworhtun ær,
þær bið on eadgum eðgesyne
þreo tacen somod, þæs þe hi hyra þeodnes wel
wordum ond weorcum willan heoldon.
An is ærest orgeate þær
þæt hy fore leodum leohte blicaþ,
blæde ond byrhte ofer burga gesetu.
Him on scinað ærgewyrhtu,
on sylfra gehwam sunnan beorhtran.
Oþer is to eacan ondgete swa some,
þæt hy him in wuldre witon waldendes giefe,
ond on seoð, eagum to wynne,
þæt hi on heofonrice
hlutre dreamas
eadge mid englum agan motun.
ðonne bið þridde, hu on þystra bealo
þæt gesælige weorud gesihð þæt fordone
sar þrowian, synna to wite,
weallendne lig, ond wyrma slite
bitrum ceaflum, byrnendra scole.
Of þam him aweaxeð wynsum gefea,
þonne hi þæt yfel geseoð oðre dreogan,
þæt hy þurh miltse meotudes genæson.
ðonne hi þy geornor gode þonciað
blædes ond blissa þe hy bu geseoð,
þæt he hy generede from niðcwale
ond eac forgeaf ece dreamas;
bið him hel bilocen, heofonrice agiefen.
Swa sceal gewrixled þam þe ær wel heoldon
þurh modlufan meotudes willan.
ðonne bið þam oþrum ungelice
willa geworden. Magon weana to fela
geseon on him selfum, synne genoge
atolearfoða ær gedenra.
þær him sorgendum sar oðclifeð,
þroht þeodbealu, on þreo healfa.
An is þara þæt hy him yrmþa to fela,
grim helle fyr, gearo to wite
ondweard seoð, on þam hi awo sculon,
wræc winnende, wærgðu dreogan.
þonne is him oþer earfeþu swa some
scyldgum to sconde, þæt hi þær scoma mæste
dreogað fordone. On him dryhten gesihð
nales feara sum firenbealu laðlic,
ond þæt ællbeorhte eac sceawiað
heofonengla here, ond hæleþa bearn,
ealle eorðbuend ond atol deofol,
mircne mægencræft, manwomma gehwone
magun þurh þa lichoman, leahtra firene,
geseon on þam sawlum. Beoð þa syngan flæsc
scandum þurhwaden swa þæt scire glæs,
þæt mon yþæst mæg eall þurhwlitan.
ðonne bið þæt þridde þearfendum sorg,
cwiþende cearo, þæt hy on þa clænan seoð,
hu hi fore goddædum glade blissiað,
þa hy, unsælge, ær forhogdun
to donne þonne him dagas læstun;
ond be hyra weorcum wepende sar
þæt hi ær freolice fremedon unryht.
Geseoð hi þa betran blæde scinan;
ne bið him hyra yrmðu an to wite,
ac þara oþerra ead to sorgum,
þæs þe hy swa fægre gefean
on fyrndagum
ond swa ænlice anforletun,
þurh leaslice lices wynne,
earges flæschoman idelne lust.
þær hi ascamode, scondum gedreahte,
swiciað on swiman; synbyrþenne,
firenweorc berað, on þæt þa folc seoð.
Wære him þonne betre þæt hy bealodæde,
ælces unryhtes, ær gescomeden
fore anum men, eargra weorca,
godes bodan sægdon þæt hi to gyrne wiston
firendæda on him. Ne mæg þurh þæt flæsc se scrift
geseon on þære sawle, hwæþer him mon soð þe lyge
sagað on hine sylfne, þonne he þa synne bigæð.
Mæg mon swa þeah gelacnigan leahtra gehwylcne,
yfel unclæne, gif he hit anum gesegð,
ond nænig bihelan mæg on þam heardan dæge
wom unbeted, ðær hit þa weorud geseoð.
Eala, þær we nu magon wraþe firene
geseon on ussum sawlum, synna wunde,
mid lichoman leahtra gehygdu,
eagum unclæne ingeþoncas!
Ne þæt ænig mæg oþrum gesecgan
mid hu micle elne æghwylc wille
þurh ealle list lifes tiligan,
feores forhtlice, forð aðolian,
synrust þwean ond hine sylfne þrean,
ond þæt wom ærran wunde hælan,
þone lytlan fyrst þe her lifes sy,
þæt he mæge fore eagum eorðbuendra
unscomiende eðles mid monnum
brucan bysmerleas, þendan bu somod
lic ond sawle lifgan mote.
Nu we sceolon georne gleawlice þurhseon
usse hreþercofan heortan eagum,
innan uncyste. We mid þam oðrum ne magun,
heafodgimmum, hygeþonces ferð
eagum þurhwlitan ænge þinga,
hwæþer him yfel þe god under wunige,
þæt he on þa grimman tid gode licie,
þonne he ofer weoruda gehwylc wuldre scineð
of his heahsetle hlutran lege.
þær he fore englum ond fore elþeodum
to þam eadgestum ærest mæðleð,
ond him swæslice sibbe gehateð,
heofona heahcyning; halgan reorde
frefreð he fægre ond him friþ beodeð,
hateð hy gesunde ond gesenade
on eþel faran engla dreames,
ond þæs to widan feore willum neotan:
"Onfoð nu mid freondum mines fæder rice
þæt eow wæs ær woruldum wynlice gearo,
blæd mid blissum, beorht eðles wlite,
hwonne ge þa lifwelan mid þam leofstum,
swase swegldreamas, geseon mosten.
Ge þæs earnedon þa ge earme men,
woruldþearfende, willum onfengun
on mildum sefan. ðonne hy him þurh minne noman
eaðmode to eow arna bædun,
þonne ge hyra hulpon ond him hleoð gefon,
hingrendum hlaf ond hrægl nacedum;
ond þa þe on sare seoce lagun,
æfdon unsofte, adle gebundne,
to þam ge holdlice hyge staþeladon
mid modes myne. Eall ge þæt me dydon,
ðonne ge hy mid sibbum sohtun, ond hyra sefan trymedon
forð on frofre. þæs ge fægre sceolon
lean mid leofum lange brucan."
Onginneð þonne to þam yflum ungelice
wordum mæðlan þe him bið on þa wynstran hond,
þurh egsan þrea, alwalda god.
Ne þurfon hi þonne to meotude miltse gewenan,
lifes ne lissa, ac þær lean cumað
werum bi gewyrhtum worda ond dæda,
reordberendum; sceolon þone ryhtan dom
anne geæfnan, egsan fulne.
Bið þær seo miccle milts afyrred
þeodbuendum, on þam dæge,
þæs ælmihtigan, þonne he yrringa
on þæt fræte folc firene stæleð
laþum wordum, hateð hyra lifes riht
ondweard ywan
þæt he him ær forgeaf
syngum to sælum. Onginneð sylf cweðan,
swa he to anum sprece, ond hwæþre ealle mæneð,
firensynnig folc, frea ælmihtig:
"Hwæt, ic þec mon minum hondum
ærest geworhte, ond þe ondgiet sealde.
Of lame ic þe leoþo gesette, geaf ic ðe lifgendne gæst,
arode þe ofer ealle gesceafte, gedyde ic þæt þu onsyn hæfdest,
mægwlite me gelicne. Geaf ic þe eac meahta sped,
welan ofer widlonda gehwylc, nysses þu wean ænigne dæl,
ðystra þæt þu þolian sceolde. þu þæs þonc ne wisses.
þa ic ðe swa scienne gesceapen hæfde,
wynlicne geworht, ond þe welan forgyfen
þæt ðu mostes wealdan worulde gesceaftum,
ða ic þe on þa fægran foldan gesette
to neotenne neorxnawonges
beorhtne blædwelan, bleom scinende,
ða þu lifes word læstan noldes,
ac min bibod bræce be þines bonan worde.
Fæcnum feonde furþor hyrdes,
sceþþendum scaþan, þonne þinum scyppende.
Nu ic ða ealdan race anforlæte,
hu þu æt ærestan yfle gehogdes,
firenweorcum forlure þæt ic ðe to fremum sealde.
þa ic þe goda swa fela forgiefen hæfde
ond þe on þam eallum eades to lyt
mode þuhte, gif þu meahte sped
efenmicle gode agan ne moste,
ða þu of þan gefean fremde wurde,
feondum to willan feor aworpen.
Neorxnawonges wlite nyde sceoldes
agiefan geomormod, gæsta eþel,
earg ond unrot, eallum bidæled
dugeþum ond dreamum, ond þa bidrifen wurde
on þas þeostran weoruld, þær þu þolades siþþan
mægenearfeþu micle stunde,
sar ond swar gewin ond sweartne deað,
ond æfter hingonge
hreosan sceoldes
hean in helle, helpendra leas.
ða mec ongon hreowan þæt min hondgeweorc
on feonda geweald feran sceolde,
moncynnes tuddor mancwealm seon,
sceolde uncuðne eard cunnian,
sare siþas. þa ic sylf gestag,
maga in modor, þeah wæs hyre mægdenhad
æghwæs onwalg. Wearð ic ana geboren
folcum to frofre. Mec mon folmum biwond,
biþeahte mid þearfan wædum, ond mec þa on þeostre alegde
biwundenne mid wonnum claþum. Hwæt, ic þæt for worulde geþolade!
Lytel þuhte ic leoda bearnum, læg ic on heardum stane,
cildgeong on crybbe. Mid þy ic þe wolde cwealm afyrran,
hat helle bealu, þæt þu moste halig scinan
eadig on þam ecan life, forðon ic þæt earfeþe wonn.
Næs me for mode, ac ic on magugeoguðe
yrmþu geæfnde, arleas licsar,
þæt ic þurh þa wære þe gelic,
ond þu meahte minum weorþan
mægwlite gelic, mane bidæled.
Ond fore monna lufan min þrowade
heafod hearmslege; hleor geþolade,
oft ondlata, arleasra spatl,
of muðe onfeng, manfremmendra.
Swylce hi me geblendon bittre tosomne
unswetne drync ecedes ond geallan.
ðonne ic fore folce onfeng feonda geniðlan,
fylgdon me mid firenum, fæhþe ne rohtun,
ond mid sweopum slogun. Ic þæt sar for ðe
þurh eaðmedu eall geþolade,
hosp ond heardcwide. þa hi hwæsne beag
ymb min heafod heardne gebygdon,
þream biþrycton, se wæs of þornum geworht.
ða ic wæs ahongen on heanne beam,
rode gefæstnad, ða hi ricene mid spere
of minre sidan swat ut guton,
dreor to foldan, þæt þu of deofles þurh þæt
nydgewalde genered wurde.
ða ic, womma leas, wite þolade,
yfel earfeþu, oþþæt ic anne forlet
of minum lichoman lifgendne gæst.
Geseoð nu þa feorhdolg þe ge gefremedun ær
on minum folmum ond on fotum swa some,
þurh þa ic hongade hearde gefæstnad;
meaht her eac geseon orgete nu gen
on minre sidan swatge wunde.
Hu þær wæs unefen racu unc gemæne!
Ic onfeng þin sar þæt þu moste gesælig
mines eþelrices eadig neotan,
ond þe mine deaðe deore gebohte
þæt longe lif þæt þu on leohte siþþan,
wlitig, womma leas, wunian mostes.
Læg min flæschoma in foldan bigrafen,
niþre gehyded, se ðe nængum scod,
in byrgenne, þæt þu meahte beorhte uppe
on roderum wesan, rice mid englum.
For hwon forlete þu lif þæt scyne
þæt ic þe for lufan mid mine lichoman
heanum to helpe hold gecypte?
Wurde þu þæs gewitleas þæt þu waldende
þinre alysnesse þonc ne wisses?
Ne ascige ic nu owiht bi þam bitran
deaðe minum þe ic adreag fore þe,
ac forgield me þin lif, þæs þe ic iu þe min
þurh woruldwite weorð gesealde;
ðæs lifes ic manige þe þu mid leahtrum hafast
ofslegen synlice sylfum to sconde.
For hwan þu þæt selegescot þæt ic me swæs on þe
gehalgode, hus to wynne,
þurh firenlustas, fule synne,
unsyfre bismite sylfes willum?
Ge þu þone lichoman þe ic alysde me
feondum of fæðme, ond þa him firene forbead,
scyldwyrcende scondum gewemdest.
For hwon ahenge þu mec hefgor on þinra honda rode
þonne iu hongade? Hwæt, me þeos heardra þynceð!
Nu is swærra mid mec þinra synna rod
þe ic unwillum on beom gefæstnad,
þonne seo oþer wæs þe ic ær gestag,
willum minum, þa mec þin wea swiþast
æt heortan gehreaw, þa ic þec from helle ateah,
þær þu hit wolde sylfa siþþan gehealdan.
Ic wæs on worulde wædla þæt ðu wurde welig in heofonum,
earm ic wæs on eðle þinum þæt þu wurde eadig on minum.
þa ðu þæs ealles ænigne þonc
þinum nergende nysses on mode.
Bibead ic eow þæt ge broþor mine
in woruldrice wel aretten
of þam æhtum þe ic eow on eorðan geaf,
earmra hulpen. Earge ge þæt læstun,
þearfum forwyrndon þæt hi under eowrum þæce mosten
in gebugan, ond him æghwæs oftugon,
þurh heardne hyge, hrægles nacedum,
moses meteleasum. þeah hy him þurh minne noman
werge, wonhale, wætan bædan,
drynces gedreahte, duguþa lease,
þurste geþegede, ge him þriste oftugon.
Sarge ge ne sohton, ne him swæslic word
frofre gespræcon, þæt hy þy freoran hyge
mode gefengen. Eall ge þæt me dydan,
to hynþum heofoncyninge. þæs ge sceolon hearde adreogan
wite to widan ealdre, wræc mid deoflum geþolian."
ðonne þær ofer ealle egeslicne cwide
sylf sigora weard, sares fulne,
ofer þæt fæge folc forð forlæteð,
cwið to þara synfulra sawla feþan:
"Farað nu, awyrgde, willum biscyrede
engla dreames, on ece fir
þæt wæs Satane ond his gesiþum mid,
deofle gegearwad ond þære deorcan scole,
hat ond heorogrim. On þæt ge hreosan sceolan!"
Ne magon hi þonne gehynan heofoncyninges bibod,
rædum birofene. Sceolon raþe feallan
on grimne grund þa ær wiþ gode wunnon.
Bið þonne rices weard reþe ond meahtig,
yrre ond egesful. Ondweard ne mæg
on þissum foldwege feond gebidan.
Swapeð sigemece mid þære swiðran hond
þæt on þæt deope dæl deofol gefeallað
in sweartne leg, synfulra here
under foldan sceat, fæge gæstas
on wraþra wic, womfulra scolu
werge to forwyrde on witehus,
deaðsele deofles. Nales dryhtnes gemynd
siþþan gesecað, synne ne aspringað,
þær hi leahtrum fa, lege gebundne,
swylt þrowiað. Bið him synwracu
ondweard undyrne; þæt is ece cwealm.
Ne mæg þæt hate dæl of heoloðcynne
in sinnehte synne forbærnan
to widan feore, wom of þære sawle,
ac þær se deopa seað dreorge fedeð,
grundleas giemeð gæsta on þeostre,
æleð hy mid þy ealdan lige, ond mid þy egsan forste,
wraþum wyrmum ond mid wita fela,
frecnum feorhgomum, folcum scendeð.
þæt we magon eahtan ond on an cweþan,
soðe secgan, þæt se sawle weard,
lifes wisdom, forloren hæbbe,
se þe nu ne giemeð hwæþer his gæst sie
earm þe eadig, þær he ece sceal
æfter hingonge hamfæst wesan.
Ne bisorgað he synne to fremman,
wonhydig mon, ne he wihte hafað
hreowe on mode þæt him halig gæst
losige þurh leahtras on þas lænan tid.
ðonne mansceaða fore meotude forht,
deorc on þam dome standeð, ond deaðe fah,
wommum awyrged, bið se wærloga
fyres afylled. Feores unwyrðe,
egsan geþread, ondweard gode
won ond wliteleas hafað werges bleo,
facentacen feores. ðonne firena bearn
tearum geotað, þonne þæs tid ne biþ,
synne cwiþað; ac hy to sið doð
gæstum helpe, ðonne þæs giman nele
weoruda waldend, hu þa womsceaþan
hyra ealdgestreon on þa openan tid
sare greten. Ne biþ þæt sorga tid
leodum alyfed, þæt þær læcedom
findan mote, se þe nu his feore nyle
hælo strynan þenden her leofað.
Ne bið þær ængum godum gnorn ætywed,
ne nængum yflum wel, ac þær æghwæþer
anfealde gewyrht ondweard wigeð.
Forðon sceal onettan, se þe agan wile
lif æt meotude, þenden him leoht ond gæst
somodfæst seon. He his sawle wlite
georne bigonge on godes willan,
ond wær weorðe worda ond dæda,
þeawa ond geþonca, þenden him þeos woruld,
sceadum scriþende, scinan mote,
þæt he ne forleose on þas lænan tid
his dreames blæd ond his dagena rim,
ond his weorces wlite ond wuldres lean,
þætte heofones cyning on þa halgan tid
soðfæst syleð to sigorleanum
þam þe him on gæstum georne hyrað.
þonne heofon ond hel hæleþa bearnum,
fira feorum, fylde weorþeð.
Grundas swelgað godes ondsacan,
lacende leg laðwende men,
þreað þeodsceaþan, ond no þonan læteð
on gefean faran to feorhnere,
ac se bryne bindeð
bidfæstne here,
feoð firena bearn. Frecne me þinceð
þæt þas gæstberend giman nellað,
men on mode, þonne man fremmað,
hwæt him se waldend to wrace gesette,
laþum leodum. þonne lif ond deað
sawlum swelgað. Bið susla hus
open ond oðeawed, aðlogum ongean,
ðæt sceolon fyllan firengeorne men
sweartum sawlum. þonne synna to
scyldigra scolu ascyred weorþeð
heane from halgum on hearmcwale.
ðær sceolan þeofas ond þeodsceaþan,
lease ond forlegene, lifes ne wenan,
ond mansworan
morþorlean seon,
heard ond heorogrim. þonne hel nimeð
wærleasra weorud, ond hi waldend giefeð
feondum in forwyrd; fa þrowiað
ealdorbealu egeslic. Earm bið se þe wile
firenum gewyrcan, þæt he fah scyle
from his scyppende ascyred weorðan
æt domdæge to deaðe niþer,
under helle cinn in þæt hate fyr,
under liges locan, þær hy leomu ræcað
to bindenne ond to bærnenne
ond to swingenne synna to wite.
ðonne halig gæst helle biluceð,
morþerhusa mæst, þurh meaht godes,
fyres fulle, ond feonda here,
cyninges worde. Se biþ cwealma mæst
deofla ond monna! þæt is dreamleas hus,
ðær ænig ne mæg
ower losian
caldan clommum. Hy bræcon cyninges word,
beorht boca bibod; forþon hy abidan sceolon
in sinnehte, sar endeleas,
firendædum fa, forð þrowian,
ða þe her forhogdun
heofonrices þrym.
þonne þa gecorenan fore Crist berað
beorhte frætwe. Hyra blæd leofað
æt domdæge, agan dream mid gode
liþes lifes, þæs þe alyfed biþ
haligra gehwam on heofonrice.
ðæt is se eþel þe no geendad weorþeð,
ac þær symle forð synna lease
dream weardiað, dryhten lofiað,
leofne lifes weard, leohte biwundne,
sibbum bisweðede, sorgum biwerede,
dreamum gedyrde, dryhtne gelyfde.
Awo to ealdre engla gemanan
brucað mid blisse, beorhte mid lisse,
freogað folces weard. Fæder ealra geweald
hafað ond healdeð haligra weorud.
ðær is engla song, eadigra blis,
þær is seo dyre dryhtnes onsien
eallum þam gesælgum sunnan leohtra.
ðær is leofra lufu, lif butan endedeaðe,
glæd gumena weorud, gioguð butan ylde,
heofonduguða þrym, hælu butan sare,
ryhtfremmendum ræst butan gewinne,
domeadigra dæg butan þeostrum,
beorht blædes full, blis butan sorgum,
frið freondum bitweon forð butan æfestum,
gesælgum on swegle, sib butan niþe
halgum on gemonge. Nis þær hungor ne þurst,
slæp ne swar leger, ne sunnan bryne,
ne cyle ne cearo, ac þær cyninges giefe
awo brucað eadigra gedryht,
weoruda wlitescynast, wuldres mid dryhten.
12. Guthlac
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 49-88; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Se bið gefeana fægrast þonne hy æt frymðe gemetað,
engel ond seo eadge sawl! Ofgiefeþ hio þas eorþan wynne,
forlæteð þas lænan dreamas, ond hio wiþ þam lice gedæleð.
ðonne cwið se engel, (hafað yldran had),
greteð gæst oþerne, abeodeð him godes ærende:
"Nu þu most feran þider þu fundadest
longe ond gelome. Ic þec lædan sceal.
Wegas þe sindon weþe, ond wuldres leoht
torht ontyned. Eart nu tidfara
to þam halgan ham." þær næfre hreow cymeð,
edergong fore yrmþum, ac þær biþ engla dream,
sib ond gesælignes, ond sawla ræst,
ond þær a to feore gefeon motun,
dryman mid dryhten, þa þe his domas her
æfnað on eorþan. He him ece lean
healdeð on heofonum, þær se hyhsta
ealra cyninga cyning ceastrum wealdeð.
ðæt sind þa getimbru þe no tydriað,
ne þam fore yrmþum þe þær in wuniað
lif aspringeð, ac him bið lenge hu sel;
geoguþe brucað ond godes miltsa.
þider soðfæstra sawla motun
cuman æfter cwealme, þa þe her Cristes æ
lærað ond læstað, ond his lof rærað;
oferwinnað þa awyrgdan gæstas, bigytað him wuldres ræste,
hwider sceal þæs monnes mod astigan,
ær oþþe æfter, þonne he his ænne her
gæst bigonge, þæt se gode mote,
womma clæne, in geweald cuman.
Monge sindon geond middangeard
hadas under heofonum, þa þe in haligra
rim arisað. We þæs ryht magun
æt æghwylcum anra gehyran,
gif we halig bebodu healdan willað;
mæg nu snottor guma sæle brucan
godra tida, ond his gæste forð
weges willian. Woruld is onhrered,
colaþ Cristes lufu, sindan costinga
geond middangeard monge arisene,
swa þæt geara iu godes spelbodan
wordum sægdon ond þurh witedom
eal anemdon, swa hit nu gongeð.
Ealdað eorþan blæd æþela gehwylcre
ond of wlite wendað wæstma gecyndu;
bið seo siþre tid sæda gehwylces
mætrę in mægne. Forþon se mon ne þearf
to þisse worulde wyrpe gehycgan,
þæt he us fægran gefean bringe
ofer þa niþas þe we nu dreogað,
ærþon endien ealle gesceafte
ða he gesette on siex dagum,
ða nu under heofonum hadas cennað,
micle ond mæte. Is þes middangeard
dalum gedæled. Dryhten sceawað
hwær þa eardien þe his æ healden;
gesihð he þa domas dogra gehwylce
wonian ond wendan of woruldryhte
ða he gesette þurh his sylfes word.
He fela findeð, fea beoð gecorene.
Sume him þæs hades hlisan willað
wegan on wordum ond þa weorc ne doð.
Bið him eorðwela ofer þæt ece lif
hyhta hyhst, se gehwylcum sceal
foldbuendra fremde geweorþan.
Forþon hy nu hyrwað haligra mod,
ða þe him to heofonum hyge staþeliað,
witon þæt se eðel
ece bideð
ealra þære mengu þe geond middangeard
dryhtne þeowiað ond þæs deoran ham
wilniað bi gewyrhtum. Swa þas woruldgestreon
on þa mæran god
bimutad weorþað,
ðonne þæt gegyrnað þa þe him godes egsa
hleonaþ ofer heafdum. Hy þy hyhstan beoð
þrymme geþreade, þisses lifes
þurh bibodu brucað ond þæs betran forð
wyscað ond wenaþ. Wuldres bycgað,
sellað ælmessan, earme frefrað,
beoð rummode ryhtra gestreona,
lufiað mid lacum þa þe læs agun,
dæghwam dryhtne þeowiaþ. He hyra dæde sceawað.
Sume þa wuniað on westennum,
secað ond gesittað sylfra willum
hamas on heolstrum. Hy ðæs heofoncundan
boldes bidað. Oft him brogan to
laðne gelædeð, se þe him lifes ofonn,
eaweð him egsan, hwilum idel wuldor,
brægdwis bona hafað bega cræft,
eahteð anbuendra. Fore him englas stondað,
gearwe mid gæsta wæpnum, beoþ hyra geoca gemyndge,
healdað haligra feorh, witon hyra hyht mid dryhten.
þæt synd þa gecostan cempan þa þam cyninge þeowað,
se næfre þa lean alegeð þam þe his lufan adreogeð.
Magun we nu nemnan þæt us neah gewearð
þurh haligne had gecyþed,
hu Guðlac his in godes willan
mod gerehte, man eall forseah,
eorðlic æþelu, upp gemunde
ham in heofonum. Him wæs hyht to þam,
siþþan hine inlyhte se þe lifes weg
gæstum gearwað, ond him giefe sealde
engelcunde, þæt he ana ongan
beorgseþel bugan, ond his blæd gode
þurh eaðmedu ealne gesealde,
ðone þe he on geoguðe bigan sceolde
worulde wynnum. Hine weard biheold
halig of heofonum, se þæt hluttre mod
in þæs gæstes god georne trymede.
Hwæt, we hyrdon oft þæt se halga wer
in þa ærestan ældu gelufade
frecnessa fela! Fyrst wæs swa þeana
in godes dome, hwonne Guðlace
on his ondgietan engel sealde
þæt him sweðraden synna lustas.
Tid wæs toweard; hine twegen ymb
weardas wacedon, þa gewin drugon,
engel dryhtnes ond se atela gæst.
Nalæs hy him gelice lare bæron
in his modes gemynd mongum tidum.
Oþer him þas eorþan ealle sægde
læne under lyfte, ond þa longan god
herede on heofonum, þær haligra
sawla gesittað in sigorwuldre
dryhtnes dreamas; he him dæda lean
georne gieldeð, þam þe his giefe willað
þicgan to þonce ond him þas woruld
uttor lætan þonne þæt ece lif.
Oþer hyne scyhte, þæt he sceaðena gemot
nihtes sohte ond þurh neþinge
wunne æfter worulde, swa doð wræcmæcgas
þa þe ne bimurnað monnes feore
þæs þe him to honda huþe gelædeð,
butan hy þy reafe rædan motan.
Swa hy hine trymedon on twa healfa
oþþæt þæs gewinnes weoroda dryhten
on þæs engles dom ende gereahte.
Feond wæs geflymed; siþ þam frofre gæst
in Guðlaces geoce gewunade,
lufade hine ond lærde lenge hu geornor,
þæt him leofedan londes wynne,
bold on beorhge. Oft þær broga cwom
egeslic ond uncuð, ealdfeonda nið,
searocræftum swiþ; hy him sylf hyra
onsyn ywdon, ond þær ær fela
setla gesæton. þonan sið tugon
wide waðe, wuldre byscyrede,
lyftlacende. Wæs seo londes stow
bimiþen fore monnum, oþþæt meotud onwrah
beorg on bearwe, þa se bytla cwom
se þær haligne ham arærde,
nales þy he giemde þurh gitsunga
lænes lifwelan, ac þæt lond gode
fægre gefreoþode, siþþan feond oferwon
Cristes cempa. He gecostad wearð
in gemyndigra monna tidum,
ðara þe nu gena þurh gæstlicu
wundor hine weorðiað ond his wisdomes
hlisan healdað, þæt se halga þeow
elne geeode, þa he ana gesæt
dygle stowe. ðær he dryhtnes lof
reahte ond rærde; oft þurh reorde abead,
þam þe þrowera þeawas lufedon,
godes ærendu, þa him gæst onwrah
lifes snyttru, þæt he his lichoman
wynna forwyrnde ond woruldblissa,
seftra setla ond symbeldaga,
swylce eac idelra eagena wynna,
gierelan gielplices. Him wæs godes egsa
mara in gemyndum þonne he menniscum
þrymme æfter þonce þegan wolde.
God wæs Guðlac! He in gæste bær
heofoncundne hyht, hælu geræhte
ecan lifes. Him wæs engel neah,
fæle freoðuweard, þam þe feara sum
mearclond gesæt. þær he mongum wearð
bysen on Brytene, siþþan biorg gestah
eadig oretta, ondwiges heard.
Gyrede hine georne mid gæstlicum
wæpnum wong bletsade,
him to ætstælle ærest arærde
Cristes rode, þær se cempa oferwon
frecnessa fela. Frome wurdun monge
godes þrowera; we þæs Guðlaces
deorwyrðne dæl dryhtne cennað.
He him sige sealde ond snyttrucræft,
mundbyrd meahta, þonne mengu cwom
feonda færscytum fæhðe ræran.
Ne meahton hy æfeste anforlætan,
ac to Guðlaces gæste gelæddun
frasunga fela. Him wæs fultum neah,
engel hine elne trymede, þonne hy him yrre hweopan,
frecne fyres wylme. Stodan him on feðehwearfum,
cwædon þæt he on þam beorge byrnan sceolde
ond his lichoman lig forswelgan,
þæt his earfeþu eal gelumpe
modcearu mægum, gif he monna dream
of þam orlege eft ne wolde
sylfa gesecan, ond his sibbe ryht
mid moncynne maran cræfte
willum bewitigan, lætan wræce stille.
Swa him yrsade, se for ealle spræc
feonda mengu. No þy forhtra wæs
Guðlaces gæst, ac him god sealde
ellen wiþ þam egsan þæt þæs ealdfeondes
scyldigra scolu scome þrowedon;
wæron teonsmiðas tornes fulle,
cwædon þæt him Guðlac eac gode sylfum
earfeþa mæst ana gefremede,
siþþan he for wlence on westenne
beorgas bræce, þær hy bidinge,
earme ondsacan, æror mostun
æfter tintergum tidum brucan,
ðonne hy of waþum werge cwoman
restan ryneþragum, rowe gefegon;
wæs him seo gelyfed þurh lytel fæc.
Stod seo dygle stow dryhtne in gemyndum
idel ond æmen, eþelriehte feor,
bad bisæce betran hyrdes.
To þon ealdfeondas ondan noman,
swa hi singales sorge dreogað.
Ne motun hi on eorþan eardes brucan,
ne hy lyft swefeð in leoma ræstum,
ac hy hleolease hama þoliað,
in cearum cwiþað, cwealmes wiscað,
willen þæt him dryhten þurh deaðes cwealm
to hyra earfeða ende geryme.
Ne mostun hy Guðlaces gæste sceþþan,
ne þurh sarslege sawle gedælan
wið lichoman, ac hy ligesearwum
ahofun hearmstafas, hleahtor alegdon,
sorge seofedon, þa hi swiðra oferstag
weard on wonge. Sceoldon wræcmæcgas
ofgiefan gnornende grene beorgas.
Hwæþre hy þa gena, godes ondsacan,
sægdon sarstafum, swiþe geheton,
þæt he deaþa gedal dreogan sceolde,
gif he leng bide laþran gemotes,
hwonne hy mid mengu maran cwome,
þa þe for his life lyt sorgedon.
Guðlac him ongean þingode, cwæð þæt hy gielpan ne þorftan
dædum wið dryhtnes meahtum. "þeah þe ge me deað gehaten,
mec wile wið þam niþum genergan se þe eowrum nydum wealdeð.
An is ælmihtig god, se mec mæg eaðe gescyldan;
he min feorg freoþað. Ic eow fela wille
soþa gesecgan. Mæg ic þis setl on eow
butan earfeðum ana geðringan.
Ne eam ic swa fealog, swa ic eow fore stonde,
monna weorudes, ac me mara dæl
in godcundum gæstgerynum
wunað ond weaxeð, se me wraþe healdeð.
Ic me anum her eaðe getimbre
hus ond hleonað; me on heofonum sind
lare gelonge. Mec þæs lyt tweoþ
þæt me engel to ealle gelædeð
spowende sped spreca ond dæda.
Gewitað nu, awyrgde, werigmode,
from þissum earde þe ge her on stondað,
fleoð on feorweg. Ic me frið wille
æt gode gegyrnan; ne sceal min gæst mid eow
gedwolan dreogan, ac mec dryhtnes hond
mundað mid mægne. Her sceal min wesan
eorðlic eþel, nales eower leng."
ða wearð breahtm hæfen. Beorg ymbstodan
hwearfum wræcmæcgas. Woð up astag,
cearfulra cirm. Cleopedon monige,
feonda foresprecan, firenum gulpon:
"Oft we ofersegon bi sæm tweonum
þeoda þeawas, þræce modigra,
þara þe in gelimpe life weoldon.
No we oferhygdu anes monnes
geond middangeard maran fundon.
ðu þæt gehatest þæt ðu ham on us
gegan wille,
eart godes yrming.
Bi hwon scealt þu lifgan, þeah þu lond age?
Ne þec mon hider mose fedeð;
beoð þe hungor ond þurst hearde gewinnan,
gif þu gewitest swa wilde deor
ana from eþele. Nis þæt onginn wiht!
Geswic þisses setles! Ne mæg þec sellan ræd
mon gelæran þonne þeos mengu eall.
We þe beoð holde gif ðu us hyran wilt,
oþþe þec ungearo eft gesecað
maran mægne, þæt þe mon ne þearf
hondum hrinan, ne þin hra feallan
wæpna wundum. We þas wic magun
fotum afyllan; folc in ðriceð
meara þreatum ond monfarum.
Beoð þa gebolgne, þa þec breodwiað,
tredað þec ond tergað, ond hyra torn wrecað,
toberað þec blodgum lastum; gif þu ure bidan þencest,
we þec niþa genægað. Ongin þe generes wilnian,
far þær ðu freonda wene, gif ðu þines feores recce."
Gearo wæs Guðlac, hine god fremede
on ondsware ond on elne strong.
Ne wond he for worde, ac his wiþerbreocum
sorge gesægde, cuðe him soð genog:
"Wid is þes westen, wræcsetla fela,
eardas onhæle earmra gæsta.
Sindon wærlogan þe þa wic bugað.
þeah ge þa ealle ut abanne,
ond eow eac gewyrce widor sæce,
ge her ateoð in þa tornwræce
sigeleasne sið. No ic eow sweord ongean
mid gebolgne hond oðberan þence,
worulde wæpen, ne sceal þes wong gode
þurh blodgyte gebuen weorðan,
ac ic minum Criste cweman þence
leofran lace. Nu ic þis lond gestag,
fela ge me earda þurh idel word
aboden habbað. Nis min breostsefa
forht ne fæge, ac me friðe healdeð
ofer monna cyn se þe mægna gehwæs
weorcum wealdeð. Nis me wiht æt eow
leofes gelong, ne ge me laþes wiht
gedon motun. Ic eom dryhtnes þeow,
he mec þurh engel oft afrefreð.
Forðon mec longeþas lyt gegretað,
sorge sealdun, nu mec sawelcund
hyrde bihealdeð. Is min hyht mid god,
ne ic me eorðwelan owiht sinne,
ne me mid mode micles gyrne,
ac me dogra gehwam dryhten sendeð
þurh monnes hond mine þearfe."
Swa modgade, se wið mongum stod,
awreðed weorðlice wuldres cempa
engla mægne. Gewat eal þonan
feonda mengu. Ne wæs se fyrst micel
þe hi Guðlace forgiefan þohtan.
He wæs on elne ond on eaðmedum,
bad on beorge, (wæs him botles neod),
forlet longeþas lænra dreama.
No he hine wið monna miltse gedælde,
ac gesynta bæd sawla gehwylcre,
þonne he to eorðan on þam anade
hleor onhylde. Him of heofonum wearð
onbryrded breostsefa bliðe gæste.
Oft eahtade, (wæs him engel neah),
hu þisse worulde wynna þorfte
mid his lichoman læsast brucan.
No him fore egsan earmra gæsta
treow getweode, ne he tid forsæt
þæs þe he for his dryhtne dreogan sceolde,
þæt hine æreste elne binoman
slæpa sluman oþþe sæne mod.
Swa sceal oretta a in his mode
gode compian, ond his gæst beran
oft on ondan þam þe eahtan wile
sawla gehwylcre þær he gesælan mæg.
Symle hy Guðlac in godes willan
fromne fundon, þonne flygereowe
þurh nihta genipu neosan cwoman,
þa þe onhæle eardas weredon,
hwæþre him þæs wonges wyn sweðrade;
woldun þæt him to mode fore monlufan
sorg gesohte, þæt he siþ tuge
eft to eþle. Ne wæs þæt ongin swylc,
ðonne hine engel on þam anade
geornast grette ond him giefe sealde,
þæt hine ne meahte meotudes willan
longað gelettan, ac he on þæs lareowes
wære gewunade. Oft worde bicwæð:
"Huru, þæs bihofað, se ðe him halig gæst
wisað on willan ond his weorc trymað,
laþað hine liþum wordum, gehateð him lifes ręste,
þæt he þæs latteowes larum hyre,
ne lete him ealdfeond eft oncyrran
mod from his meotude. Hu sceal min cuman
gæst to geoce, nemne ic gode sylle
hyrsumne hige, þæt him heortan geþonc
[...] ær oþþe sið ende geweorðe,
þæt ge mec to wundre węgan motun.
Ne mæg min lichoma wið þas lænan gesceaft
deað gedælan, ac he gedreosan sceal,
swa þeos eorðe eall þe ic her on stonde.
ðeah ge minne flæschoman
fyres wylme
forgripen gromhydge gifran lege,
næfre ge mec of þissum wordum onwendað þendan mec min gewit gelæsteð.
þeah þe ge hine sarum forsæcen, ne motan ge mine sawle gretan,
ac ge on betran gebringað. Forðan ic gebidan wille
þæs þe me min dryhten demeð. Nis me þæs deaþes sorg.
ðeah min ban ond blod bu tu geweorþen
eorþan to eacan, min se eca dæl
in gefean fareð, þær he fægran
botles bruceð. Nis þisses beorges setl
meodumre ne mara þonne hit men duge
se þe in þrowingum þeodnes willan
dæghwam dreogeð. Ne sceal se dryhtnes þeow
in his modsefan mare gelufian
eorþan æhtwelan þonne his anes gemet,
þæt he his lichoman lade hæbbe."
ða wæs eft swa ær ealdfeonda nið,
wroht onwylled;
woð oþer
ne lythwon leoðode, þonne in lyft astag
ceargesta cirm. Symle Cristes lof
in Guðlaces godum mode
weox ond wunade, ond hine weoruda god
freoðade on foldan, swa he feora gehwylc
healdeð in hælo, þær se hyra gæst
þihð in þeawum. He wæs þeara sum;
ne won he æfter worulde, ac he in wuldre ahof
modes wynne. Hwylc wæs mara þonne se?
An oretta ussum tidum
cempa gecyðeð þæt him Crist fore
woruldlicra ma wundra gecyðde.
He hine scilde wið sceðþendra
eglum onfengum earmra gæsta;
wæron hy reowe to ræsanne
gifrum grapum. No god wolde
þæt seo sawl þæs sar þrowade
in lichoman, lyfde seþeana
þæt hy him mid hondum hrinan mosten,
ond þæt frið wið hy gefreoþad wære.
Hy hine þa hofun on þa hean lyft,
sealdon him meahte ofer monna cynn,
þæt he fore eagum eall sceawode
under haligra hyrda gewealdum
in mynsterum monna gebæru,
þara þe hyra lifes þurh lust brucan,
idlum æhtum ond oferwlencum,
gierelum gielplicum, swa bið geoguðe þeaw,
þær þæs ealdres egsa ne styreð.
No þær þa feondas gefeon þorfton,
ac þæs blædes hraðe gebrocen hæfdon
þe him alyfed wæs lytle hwile,
þæt hy his lichoman leng ne mostan
witum wælan; ne him wiht gescod
þæs þe hy him to teonan þurhtogen hæfdon.
Læddun hine þa of lyfte to þam leofestan
earde on eorðan, þæt he eft gestag
beorg on bearwe. Bonan gnornedon,
mændon murnende
þæt hy monnes bearn
þream oferþunge, ond swa þearfendlic
him to earfeðum ana cwome,
gif hy him ne meahte maran sarum
gyldan gyrnwræce. Guðlac sette
hyht in heofonas, hælu getreowde,
hæfde feonda feng feore gedyged.
Wæs seo æreste earmra gæsta
costung ofercumen. Cempa wunade
bliþe on beorge, wæs his blæd mid god.
ðuhte him on mode þæt se moncynnes
eadig wære se þe his anum her
feore gefreoðade, þæt him feondes hond
æt þam ytmestan ende ne scode,
þonne him se dryhtnes dom wisade
to þam nyhstan nydgedale.
Hwæþre him þa gena gyrna gemyndge
edwitsprecan ermþu geheton
tornum teoncwidum. Treow wæs gecyþed,
þætte Guðlace god leanode
ellen mid arum, þæt he ana gewon.
Him se werga gæst wordum sægde:
"No we þe þus swiðe swencan þorftan,
þær þu fromlice freonda larum
hyran wolde, þa þu hean ond earm
on þis orlege ærest cwome,
ða þu gehete þæt þec halig gæst
wið earfeþum eaðe gescilde,
for þam myrcelse þe þec monnes hond
from þinre onsyne æþelum ahwyrfde.
In þam mægwlite monge lifgað,
gyltum forgiefene; nales gode þigað,
ac hy lichoman fore lufan cwemað
wista wynnum. Swa ge weorðmyndu
in dolum dreame dryhtne gieldað.
Fela ge fore monnum miþað þæs þe ge in mode gehycgað;
ne beoð eowre dæda dyrne, þeah þe ge hy in dygle gefremme.
We þec in lyft gelæddun, oftugon þe londes wynna,
woldun þu þe sylfa gesawe þæt we þec soð onstældun.
Ealles þu þæs wite awunne; forþon þu hit onwendan ne meahtes."
ða wæs agongen þæt him god wolde
æfter þrowinga þonc gegyldan
þæt he martyrhad mode gelufade,
sealde him snyttru on sefan gehygdum,
mægenfæste gemynd. He wið mongum stod
ealdfeonda, elne gebylded,
sægde him to sorge þæt hy sigelease
þone grenan wong ofgiefan sceoldan:
"Ge sind forscadene, on eow scyld siteð!
Ne cunnon ge dryhten duguþe biddan,
ne mid eaðmedum are secan,
þeah þe eow alyfde lytle hwile,
þæt ge min onwald agan mosten;
ne ge þæt geþyldum þicgan woldan,
ac mec yrringa up gelæddon,
þæt ic of lyfte londa getimbru
geseon meahte. Wæs me swegles leoht
torht ontyned, þeah ic torn druge.
Setton me in edwit þæt ic eaðe forbær
rume regulas ond reþe mod
geongra monna in godes templum;
woldan þy gehyrwan haligra lof,
sohtun þa sæmran, ond þa sellan no
demdan æfter dædum. Ne beoð þa dyrne swa þeah.
Ic eow soð siþþon
secgan wille.
God scop geoguðe ond gumena dream;
ne magun þa æfteryld in þam ærestan
blæde geberan, ac hy blissiað
worulde wynnum, oððæt wintra rim
gegæð in þa geoguðe, þæt se gæst lufað
onsyn ond ætwist yldran hades,
ðe gemete monige geond middangeard
þeowiað in þeawum. þeodum ywaþ
wisdom weras, wlencu forleosað,
siððan geoguðe geað gæst aflihð.
þæt ge ne scirað, ac ge scyldigra
synne secgað, soþfæstra no
mod ond monþeaw mæran willað.
Gefeoð in firenum, frofre ne wenað,
þæt ge wræcsiða wyrpe gebiden.
Oft ge in gestalum stondað; þæs cymeð steor of heofonum.
Me þonne sige sendeð se usic semon mæg,
se þe lifa gehwæs lengu wealdeð."
Swa hleoþrade halig cempa;
wæs se martyre from moncynnes
synnum asundrad. Sceolde he sares þa gen
dæl adreogan, ðeah þe dryhten his
witum weolde. Hwæt, þæt wundra sum
monnum þuhte, þæt he ma wolde
afrum onfengum earme gæstas
hrinan leton, ond þæt hwæþre gelomp!
Wæs þæt gen mara, þæt he middangeard
sylfa gesohte, ond his swat ageat
on bonena hond; ahte bega geweald,
lifes ond deaðes, þa he lustum dreag
eaðmod on eorðan ehtendra nið.
Forþon is nu arlic þæt we æfæstra
dæde demen, secgen dryhtne lof
ealra þara bisena þe us bec fore
þurh his wundra geweorc wisdom cyþað.
Geofu wæs mid Guðlac in godcundum
mægne gemeted. Micel is to secgan
eall æfter orde, þæt he on elne adreag:
ðone foregengan fæder ælmihtig
wið onhælum ealdorgewinnum
sylfa gesette, þær his sawl wearð
clæne ond gecostad. Cuð is wide
geond middangeard þæt his mod geþah
in godes willan; is þæs gen fela
to secgenne, þæs þe he sylfa adreag
under nyðgista nearwum clommum.
He þa sar forseah, a þære sawle wel
þæs mundboran þe þæt mod geheold,
þæt him ne getweode treow in breostum,
ne him gnornunga gæste scodun,
ac se hearda hyge halig wunade,
oþþæt he þa bysgu oferbiden hæfde.
þrea wæron þearle, þegnas grimme,
ealle hy þam feore fyl gehehton.
No hy hine to deaðe
deman moston,
synna hyrdas, ac seo sawul bad
in lichoman leofran tide.
Georne hy ongeaton þæt hyne god wolde
nergan wið niþum ond hyra nydwræce
deope deman. Swa dryhten mæg,
ana ælmihtig, eadigra gehwone
wið earfeþum eaðe gescildan.
Hwæðre hine gebrohton bolgenmode,
wraðe wræcmæcgas, wuldres cempan,
halig husulbearn, æt heldore,
þær firenfulra fæge gæstas
æfter swyltcwale secan onginnað
ingong ærest in þæt atule hus,
niþer under næssas neole grundas.
Hy hine bregdon, budon orlege,
egsan ond ondan arleaslice,
frecne fore, swa bið feonda þeaw,
þonne hy soðfæstra sawle willað
synnum beswican ond searocræftum.
Ongunnon gromheorte godes orettan
in sefan swencan, swiþe geheton
þæt he in þone grimman gryre gongan sceolde,
hweorfan gehyned to helwarum,
ond þær in bendum bryne þrowian.
Woldun hy geteon mid torncwidum
earme aglæcan in orwennysse,
meotudes cempan. Hit ne meahte swa!
Cwædon cearfulle, Criste laðe,
to Guðlace mid grimnysse:
"Ne eart ðu gedefe, ne dryhtnes þeow
clæne gecostad, ne cempa god,
wordum ond weorcum wel gecyþed,
halig in heortan. Nu þu in helle scealt
deope gedufan, nales dryhtnes leoht
habban in heofonum, heahgetimbru,
seld on swegle, forþon þu synna to fela,
facna gefremedes in flæschoman.
We þe nu willað womma gehwylces
lean forgieldan, þær þe laþast bið
in ðam grimmestan gæstgewinne."
Him se eadga wer ondswarode,
Guðlac in gæste mid godes mægne:
"Doð efne swa, gif eow dryhten Crist,
lifes leohtfruma lyfan wylle,
weoruda waldend, þæt ge his wergengan
in þone laðan leg lædan motan.
þæt is in gewealdum wuldorcyninges,
se eow gehynde ond in hæft bidraf
under nearone clom, nergende Crist.
Eom ic eaðmod his ombiehthera,
þeow geþyldig. Ic geþafian sceal
æghwær ealles his anne dom,
ond him geornlice gæstgemyndum
wille wideferh wesan underþyded,
hyran holdlice minum hælende
þeawum ond geþyncðum, ond him þoncian
ealra þara giefena þe god gescop
englum ærest ond eorðwarum;
ond ic bletsige bliðe mode
lifes leohtfruman, ond him lof singe
þurh gedefne dom dæges ond nihtes,
herge in heortan heofonrices weard.
þæt eow æfre ne bið ufan alyfed
leohtes lissum, þæt ge lof moten
dryhtne secgan, ac ge deaðe sceolon
weallendne wean wope besingan,
heaf in helle, nales herenisse
halge habban heofoncyninges.
Ic þone deman in dagum minum
wille weorþian wordum ond dædum,
lufian in life, swa is lar ond ar
to spowendre spræce gelæded,
þam þe in his weorcum willan ræfnað.
Sindon ge wærlogan, swa ge in wræcsiðe
longe lifdon, lege bisencte,
swearte beswicene, swegle benumene,
dreame bidrorene, deaðe bifolene,
firenum bifongne, feores orwenan,
þæt ge blindnesse bote fundon.
Ge þa fægran gesceaft in fyrndagum,
gæstlicne goddream, gearo forsegon,
þa ge wiðhogdun
halgum dryhtne.
Ne mostun ge a wunian in wyndagum,
ac mid scome scyldum scofene wurdon
fore oferhygdum in ece fyr,
ðær ge sceolon dreogan deað ond þystro,
wop to widan ealdre; næfre ge þæs wyrpe gebidað.
Ond ic þæt gelyfe in liffruman,
ecne onwealdan ealra gesceafta,
þæt he mec for miltsum ond mægenspedum,
niðða nergend, næfre wille
þurh ellenweorc anforlætan,
þam ic longe in lichoman
ond in minum gæste gode campode
þurh monigfealdra mægna gerynu.
Forðon ic getrywe in þone torhtestan
þrynesse þrym, se geþeahtingum
hafað in hondum heofon ond eorðan,
þæt ge mec mid niþum næfre motan
tornmode teon in tintergu,
mine myrðran ond mansceaþan,
swearte sigelease. Eom ic soðlice
leohte geleafan ond mid lufan dryhtnes
fægre gefylled in minum feorhlocan,
breostum inbryrded to þam betran ham,
leomum inlyhted to þam leofestan
ecan earde, þær is eþellond
fæger ond gefealic in fæder wuldre,
ðær eow næfre fore nergende
leohtes leoma ne lifes hyht
in godes rice agiefen weorþeð,
for þam oferhygdum þe eow in mod astag
þurh idel gylp ealles to swiðe.
Wendun ge ond woldun, wiþerhycgende,
þæt ge scyppende sceoldan gelice
wesan in wuldre. Eow þær wyrs gelomp,
ða eow se waldend wraðe bisencte
in þæt swearte susl, þær eow siððan wæs
ad inæled attre geblonden,
þurh deopne dom dream afyrred,
engla gemana. Swa nu awa sceal
wesan wideferh, þæt ge wærnysse
brynewylm hæbben, nales bletsunga.
Ne þurfun ge wenan, wuldre biscyrede,
þæt ge mec synfulle mid searocræftum
under scæd sconde scufan motan,
ne in bælblæsan bregdon on hinder
in helle hus, þær eow is ham sceapen,
sweart sinnehte, sacu butan ende,
grim gæstcwalu. þær ge gnornende
deað sceolon dreogan, ond ic dreama wyn
agan mid englum in þam uplican
rodera rice, þær is ryht cyning,
help ond hælu hæleþa cynne,
duguð ond drohtað." ða cwom dryhtnes ar,
halig of heofonum, se þurh hleoþor abead
ufancundne ege earmum gæstum;
het eft hraðe unscyldigne
of þam wræcsiðe wuldres cempan
lædan limhalne, þæt se leofesta
gæst gegearwad in godes wære
on gefean ferde. ða wearð feonda þreat
acol for ðam egsan. Ofermæcga spræc,
dyre dryhtnes þegn, dæghluttre scan.
Hæfde Guðlaces gæst in gewealdum
modig mundbora, meahtum spedig,
þeostra þegnas
þreaniedlum bond,
nyd onsette ond geneahhe bibead:
"Ne sy him banes bryce ne blodig wund,
lices læla ne laþes wiht,
þæs þe ge him to dare gedon motan,
ac ge hine gesundne asettaþ þær ge hine sylfne genoman.
He sceal þy wonge wealdan, ne magon ge him þa wic forstondan.
Ic eom se dema, se mec dryhten heht
snude gesecgan, þæt ge him sara gehwylc
hondum gehælde, ond him hearsume
on his sylfes dom siþþan wæron.
Ne sceal ic mine onsyn fore eowere
mengu miþan. Ic eom meotudes þegn.
Eom ic þara twelfa sum þe he getreoweste
under monnes hiw mode gelufade.
He mec of heofonum hider onsende,
geseah þæt ge on eorðan fore æfstum
on his wergengan wite legdon.
Is þæt min broþor, mec his bysgu gehreaw.
Ic þæt gefremme, þær se freond wunað
on þære socne, þe ic þa sibbe wið hine
healdan wille, nu ic his helpan mot,
þæt ge min onsynn oft sceawiað.
Nu ic his geneahhe neosan wille;
sceal ic his word ond his weorc in gewitnesse
dryhtne lædon. He his dæde conn."
ða wæs Guðlaces gæst geblissad,
siþþan Bartholomeus aboden hæfde
godes ærendu. Gearwe stodun
hæftas hearsume, þa þæs halgan word
lyt oferleordun. Ongon þa leofne sið
dragan domeadig dryhtnes cempa
to þam onwillan eorðan dæle.
Hy hine bæron ond him bryce heoldon,
hofon hine hondum ond him hryre burgun.
Wæron hyra gongas under godes egsan
smeþe ond gesefte. Sigehreðig cwom
bytla to þam beorge. Hine bletsadon
monge mægwlitas, meaglum reordum,
treofugla tuddor, tacnum cyðdon
eadges eftcyme. Oft he him æte heold,
þonne hy him hungrige ymb hond flugon
grædum gifre, geoce gefegon.
Swa þæt milde mod wið moncynnes
dreamum gedælde, dryhtne þeowde,
genom him to wildeorum wynne, siþþan he þas woruld forhogde.
Smolt wæs se sigewong ond sele niwe,
fæger fugla reord, folde geblowen;
geacas gear budon. Guþlac moste
eadig ond onmod eardes brucan.
Stod se grena wong in godes wære;
hæfde se heorde, se þe of heofonum cwom,
feondas afyrde. Hwylc wæs fægerra
willa geworden in wera life,
þara þe yldran usse gemunde,
oþþe we selfe siþþan cuþen?
Hwæt we þissa wundra gewitan sindon!
Eall þas geeodon in ussera
tida timan. Forþon þæs tweogan ne þearf
ænig ofer eorðan ælda cynnes,
ac swilc god wyrceð gæsta lifes
to trumnaþe, þy læs þa tydran mod
þa gewitnesse wendan þurfe,
þonne hy in gesihþe soþes brucað.
Swa se ælmihtiga ealle gesceafte
lufað under lyfte in lichoman,
monna mægðe geond middangeard.
Wile se waldend þæt we wisdom a
snyttrum swelgen, þæt his soð fore us
on his giefena gyld genge weorðe,
ða he us to are ond to ondgiete
syleð ond sendeð, sawlum rymeð
liþe lifwegas leohte geræhte.
Nis þæt huru læsast þæt seo lufu cyþeð,
þonne heo in monnes mode getimbreð
gæstcunde gife, swa he Guðlaces
dagas ond dæde þurh his dom ahof.
Wæs se fruma fæstlic feondum on ondan,
geseted wið synnum, þær he siþþan lyt
wære gewonade, oft his word gode
þurh eaðmedu up onsende,
let his ben cuman in þa beorhtan gesceaft,
þoncade þeodne þæs þe he in þrowingum
bidan moste, hwonne him betre lif
þurh godes willan agyfen wurde.
Swa wæs Guðlaces gæst gelæded
engla fæðmum in uprodor,
fore onsyne eces deman
læddon leoflice. Him wæs lean geseald,
setl on swegle, þær he symle mot
awo to ealdre eardfæst wesan,
bliðe bidan. Is him bearn godes
milde mundbora, meahtig dryhten,
halig hyrde, heofonrices weard.
Swa soðfæstra sawla motun
in ecne geard up gestigan
rodera rice, þa þe ræfnað her
wordum ond weorcum wuldorcyninges
lare longsume, on hyra lifes tid
earniað on eorðan ecan lifes,
hames in heahþu. þæt beoð husulweras,
cempan gecorene, Criste leofe,
berað in breostum beorhtne geleafan,
haligne hyht, heortan clæne
weorðiað waldend, habbað wisne geþoht,
fusne on forðweg to fæder eðle,
gearwaþ gæstes hus, ond mid gleawnesse
feond oferfeohtað ond firenlustas
forberað in breostum, broþorsibbe
georne bigongað, in godes willan
swencað hi sylfe, sawle frætwað
halgum gehygdum, heofoncyninges bibod
fremmað on foldan. Fæsten lufiað,
beorgað him bealoniþ ond gebedu secað,
swincað wið synnum, healdað soð ond ryht.
Him þæt ne hreoweð æfter hingonge,
ðonne hy hweorfað in þa halgan burg,
gongað gegnunga to Hierusalem,
þær hi to worulde wynnum motun
godes onsyne georne bihealdan,
sibbe ond gesihðe, þær heo soð wunað,
wlitig, wuldorfæst,
ealne widan ferh
on lifgendra londes wynne.
ðæt is wide cuð wera cneorissum,
folcum gefræge, þætte frymþa god
þone ærestan ælda cynnes
of þære clænestan, cyning ælmihtig,
foldan geworhte. ða wæs fruma niwe
ęlda tudres, onstæl wynlic,
fæger ond gefealic. Fæder wæs acenned
Adam ærest þurh est godes
on neorxnawong, þær him nænges wæs
willan onsyn, ne welan brosnung,
ne lifes lyre ne lices hryre,
ne dreames dryre ne deaðes cyme,
ac he on þam lande lifgan moste
ealra leahtra leas, longe neotan
niwra gefeana. þær he no þorfte
lifes ne lissa in þam leohtan ham
þurh ælda tid ende gebidan,
ac æfter fyrste to þam færestan
heofonrices gefean hweorfan mostan,
leomu lic somud ond lifes gæst,
ond þær siþþan a in sindreamum
to widan feore wunian mostun
dryhtne on gesihðe, butan deaðe forð,
gif hy halges word healdan woldun
beorht in breostum, ond his bebodu læstan,
æfnan on eðle. Hy to ær aþreat
þæt hy waldendes willan læsten,
ac his wif genom wyrmes larum
blede forbodene, ond of beame ahneop
wæstm biweredne ofer word godes,
wuldorcyninges, ond hyre were sealde
þurh deofles searo deaðberende gyfl
þæt ða sinhiwan to swylte geteah.
Siþþan se eþel uðgenge wearð
Adame ond Euan, eardwica cyst
beorht oðbroden, ond hyra bearnum swa,
eaferum æfter, þa hy on uncyððu,
scomum scudende, scofene wurdon
on gewinworuld. Weorces onguldon,
deopra firena, þurh deaðes cwealm,
þe hy unsnyttrum ær gefremedon.
þære synwræce siþþan sceoldon
mægð ond mæcgas morþres ongyldon,
godscyldge gyrn þurh gæstgedal,
deopra firena. Deað in geþrong
fira cynne, feond rixade
geond middangeard. Nænig monna wæs
of þam sigetudre siþþan æfre
godes willan þæs georn, ne gynnwised,
þæt he bibugan mæge þone bitran drync
þone Eue fyrn Adame geaf,
byrelade bryd geong; þæt him bam gescod
in þam deoran ham. Deað ricsade
ofer foldbuend, þeah þe fela wære
gæsthaligra, þær hi godes willan
on mislicum monna gebihþum
æfter stedewonga
stowum fremedon;
sume ær, sume sið, sume in urra
æfter tælmearce tida gemyndum
sigorlean sohtun. Us secgað bec
hu Guðlac wearð þurh godes willan
eadig on Engle. He him ece geceas
meaht ond mundbyrd. Mære wurdon
his wundra geweorc wide ond side,
breme æfter burgum geond Bryten innan,
hu he monge oft þurh meaht godes
gehælde hygegeomre hefigra wita,
þe hine unsofte, adle gebundne,
sarge gesohtun of siðwegum,
freorigmode. Symle frofre þær
æt þam godes cempan gearwe fundon,
helpe ond hælo. Nænig hæleþa is
þe areccan mæge oþþe rim wite
ealra þara wundra þe he in worulde her
þurh dryhtnes giefe dugeþum gefremede.
Oft to þam wicum weorude cwomun
deofla deaðmægen duguþa byscyrede
hloþum þringan, þær se halga þeow
elnes anhydig eard weardade.
þær hy mislice mongum reordum
on þam westenne woðe hofun
hludne herecirm, hiwes binotene,
dreamum bidrorene. Dryhtnes cempa,
from folctoga, feonda þreatum
wiðstod stronglice. Næs seo stund latu
earmra gæsta, ne þæt onbid long,
þæt þa wrohtsmiðas wop ahofun,
hreopun hreðlease, hleoþrum brugdon.
Hwilum wedende swa wilde deor
cirmdon on corðre, hwilum cyrdon eft
minne mansceaþan on mennisc hiw
breahtma mæste, hwilum brugdon eft
awyrgde wærlogan on wyrmes bleo,
earme adloman attre spiowdon.
Symle hy Guðlac gearene fundon,
þonces gleawne. He geþyldum bad,
þeah him feonda hloð feorhcwealm bude.
Hwilum him to honda hungre geþreatad
fleag fugla cyn, þær hy feorhnere
witude fundon ond hine weorðedon
meaglum stefnum. Hwilum mennisce
aras eaðmedum eft neosedon,
ond þær siðfrome on þam sigewonge
æt þam halgan þeowan
helpe gemetton,
ferðþes frofre. Nænig forþum wæs,
þæt he æwiscmod eft siðade,
hean, hyhta leas, ac se halga wer
ælda gehwylces þurh þa æþelan meaht,
þe hine seoslige sohtun on ðearfe,
hæleð hygegeomre, hælde bu tu
lic ond sawle, þenden lifes weard,
ece ælmihtig, unnan wolde
þæt he blædes her brucan moste,
worulde lifes. Wæs gewinnes þa
yrmþa for eorðan endedogor
þurh nydgedal neah geþrungen,
siþþan he on westenne wiceard geceas,
fiftynu gear, þa wæs frofre gæst
eadgum æbodan ufan onsended,
halig of heahþu. Hreþer innan born,
afysed on forðsið. Him færinga
adl in gewod. He on elne swa þeah
ungeblyged bad beorhtra gehata
bliþe in burgum. Wæs þam bancofan
æfter nihtglome neah geþrungen,
breosthord onboren. Wæs se bliþa gæst
fus on forðweg. Nolde fæder engla
in þisse wonsælgan worulde life
leahtra leasne longfyrst ofer þæt
wunian leton, þe him on weorcum her
on his dagena tid dædum gecwemde
elne unslawe. ða se ælmihtiga
let his hond cuman þær se halga þeow,
deormod on degle domeadig bad,
heard ond hygerof. Hyht wæs geniwad,
blis in breostum. Wæs se bancofa
adle onæled, inbendum fæst,
lichord onlocen. Leomu hefegedon,
sarum gesohte. He þæt soð gecneow
þæt hine ælmihtig ufan neosade,
meotud fore miltsum. He his modsefan
wið þam færhagan fæste trymede
feonda gewinna. Næs he forht seþeah,
ne seo adlþracu
egle on mode,
ne deaðgedal, ac him dryhtnes lof
born in breostum, brondhat lufu
sigorfæst in sefan, seo him sara gehwylc
symle forswiðde. Næs him sorgcearu
on þas lænan tid, þeah his lic ond gæst
hyra somwiste, sinhiwan tu,
deore gedælden. Dagas forð scridun,
nihthelma genipu. Wæs neah seo tid
þæt he fyrngewyrht fyllan sceolde
þurh deaðes cyme, domes hleotan,
efne þæs ilcan þe usse yldran fyrn
frecne onfengon, swa him biforan worhton
þa ærestan ælda cynnes.
ða wæs Guðlace on þa geocran tid
mægen gemeðgad, mod swiþe heard,
elnes anhydig. Wæs seo adl þearl,
hat ond heorogrim. Hreþer innan weol,
born banloca. Bryþen wæs ongunnen
þætte Adame Eue gebyrmde
æt fruman worulde. Feond byrlade
ærest þære idese, ond heo Adame,
hyre swæsum were, siþþan scencte
bittor bædeweg. þæs þa byre siþþan
grimme onguldon gafulrædenne
þurh ærgewyrht, þætte ænig ne wæs
fyra cynnes from fruman siððan
mon on moldan, þætte meahte him
gebeorgan ond bibugan þone bleatan drync,
deopan deaðweges, ac him duru sylfa
on þa sliðnan tid sona ontyneð,
ingong geopenað. Ne mæg ænig þam
flæsce bifongen feore wiðstondan,
ricra ne heanra, ac hine ræseð on
gifrum grapum. Swa wæs Guðlace
enge anhoga ætryhte þa
æfter nihtscuan neah geþyded,
wiga wælgifre. Hine wunade mid
an ombehtþegn, se hine æghwylce
daga neosade. Ongan ða deophydig,
gleawmod gongan to godes temple,
þær he eþelbodan inne wiste,
þone leofestan lareow gecorenne,
ond þa in eode eadgum to spræce,
wolde hyrcnigan halges lara,
mildes meþelcwida. Fonde þa his mondryhten
adlwerigne; him ðæt in gefeol
hefig æt heortan. Hygesorge wæg,
micle modceare. Ongan ða his magu frignan:
"Hu gewearð þe þus, winedryhten min,
fæder, freonda hleo, ferð gebysgad,
nearwe genęged? Ic næfre þe,
þeoden leofesta, þyslicne ær
gemette þus meðne. Meaht þu meðelcwidum
worda gewealdan? Is me on wene geþuht,
þæt þe untrymnes adle gongum
on þisse nyhstan niht bysgade,
sarbennum gesoht. þæt me sorgna is
hatost on hreþre, ær þu hyge minne
ferð afrefre. Wast þu, freodryhten,
hu þeos adle scyle ende gesettan?"
Him þa sið oncwæð, sona ne meahte
oroð up geteon; wæs him in bogen
bittor bancoþa. Beald reordade
eadig on elne, ondcwis ageaf:
"Ic wille secgan þæt me sar gehran,
wærc in gewod in ðisse wonnan niht,
lichord onleac. Leomu hefegiað,
sarum gesohte. Sceal þis sawelhus,
fæge flæschoma, foldærne biþeaht,
leomu lames geþacan, legerbedde fæst
wunian wælræste. Wiga nealæceð,
unlæt laces. Ne bið þæs lengra swice
sawelgedales þonne seofon niht
fyrstgemearces, þæt min feorh heonan
on þisse eahteþan ende geseceð
dæg scriþende. þonne dogor beoð
on moldwege min forð scriþen,
sorg gesweðrad, ond ic siþþan mot
fore meotudes cneowum meorda hleotan,
gingra geafena, ond godes lomber
in sindreamum siþþan awo
forð folgian; is nu fus ðider
gæst siþes georn. Nu þu gearwe const
leoma lifgedal; long is þis onbid
worulde lifes." ða wæs wop ond heaf,
geongum geocor sefa, geomrende hyge,
siþþan he gehyrde þæt se halga wæs
forðsiþes fus. He þæs færspelles
fore his mondryhtne modsorge wæg,
hefige æt heortan. Hreþer innan swearc,
hyge hreowcearig, þæs þe his hlaford geseah
ellorfusne. He þæs onbæru
habban ne meahte, ac he hate let
torn þoliende tearas geotan,
weallan wægdropan. Wyrd ne meahte
in fægum leng feorg gehealdan,
deore frætwe, þonne him gedemed wæs.
Ongeat gæsta halig geomormodes
drusendne hyge. Ongan þa duguþa hleo,
glædmod gode leof, geongran retan,
wine leofestan wordum negan:
"Ne beo þu unrot, ðeah þeos adl me
innan æle. Nis me earfeðe
to geþolianne þeodnes willan,
dryhtnes mines, ne ic þæs deaðes hafu
on þas seocnan tid sorge on mode,
ne ic me herehloðe helle þegna
swiðe onsitte, ne mæg synne on me
facnes frumbearn fyrene gestælan,
lices leahtor, ac in lige sceolon
sorgwylmum soden sar wanian,
wræcsið wepan, wilna biscirede
in þam deaðsele duguða gehwylcre,
lufena ond lissa. Min þæt leofe bearn,
ne beo þu on sefan to seoc. Ic eom siþes fus
upeard niman
edleana georn
in þam ecan gefean, ærgewyrhtum
geseon sigora frean, min þæt swæse bearn.
Nis me wracu ne gewin, þæt ic wuldres god
sece swegelcyning, þær is sib ond blis,
domfæstra dream, dryhten ondweard,
þam ic georne gæstgerynum,
in þas dreorgan tid dædum cwemde,
mode ond mægne. Ic þa meorde wat
leahtorlease, lean unhwilen,
halig on heahþu. þær min hyht myneð
to gesecenne, sawul fundað
of licfate to þam longan gefean
in eadwelan. Nis þes eþel me
ne sar ne sorg. Ic me sylfum wat
æfter lices hryre lean unhwilen."
ða se wuldormaga worda gestilde,
rof runwita; wæs him ræste neod,
reonigmodum. Rodor swamode
ofer niðða bearn, nihtrim scridon,
deorc ofer dugeðum. þa se dæg bicwom
on þam se lifgenda in lichoman,
ece ælmihtig ærist gefremede,
dryhten mid dreame, ða he of deaðe aras
onwald of eorðan in þa eastortid,
ealra þrymma þrym, ðreata mæstne
to heofonum ahof, ða he from helle astag.
Swa se eadga wer in þa æþelan tid
on þone beorhtan dæg blissum hremig,
milde ond gemetfæst, mægen unsofte
elne geæfnde. Aras ða eorla wynn,
heard hygesnottor, swa he hraþost meahte,
meðe for ðam miclan bysgum. Ongon þa his mod staþelian
leohte geleafan, lac onsægde
deophycgende dryhtne to willan
gæstgerynum in godes temple,
ond his þegne ongon, swa þam þeodne geras,
þurh gæstes giefe godspel bodian,
secgan sigortacnum, ond his sefan trymman
wundrum to wuldre in þa wlitigan gesceaft
to eadwelan, swa he ær ne sið
æfre to ealdre oðre swylce
on þas lænan tid lare gehyrde,
ne swa deoplice dryhtnes geryne
þurh menniscne muð areccan
on sidum sefan. Him wæs soþra geþuht
þæt hit ufancundes engles wære
of swegldreamum, swiþor micle
mægenþegnes word, þonne æniges monnes lar,
wera ofer eorðan. Him þæt wundra mæst
gesewen þuhte, þæt swylc snyttrucræft
ænges hæleða her hreþer weardade,
dryhta bearna, wæs þæs deoplic eall
word ond wisdom, ond þæs weres stihtung,
mod ond mægencræft, þe him meotud engla,
gæsta geocend forgiefen hæfde.
Wæron feowere ða forð gewitene
dagas on rime, þæs se dryhtnes þegn
on elne bad, adle gebysgad,
sarum geswenced. Ne he sorge wæg
geocorne sefan gæstgedales,
dreorigne hyge. Deað nealæcte,
stop stalgongum, strong ond hreðe
sohte sawelhus. Com se seofeða dæg
ældum ondweard, þæs þe him in gesonc,
hat, heortan neah,
flacor flanþracu, feorhhord onleac,
searocægum gesoht. Ongon ða snottor hæle,
ar, onbehtþegn, æþeles neosan
to þam halgan hofe, fond þa hlingendne
fusne on forðsiþ frean unwenne,
gæsthaligne in godes temple
soden sarwylmum. Wæs þa sihste tid
on midne dæg, wæs his mondryhtne
endedogor ætryhte þa.
Nearwum genæged nydcostingum,
awrecen wælpilum, wlo ne meahte
oroð up geteon, ellenspræce
hleoþor ahebban. Ongon ða hygegeomor,
freorig ond ferðwerig, fusne gretan,
meðne modglædne, bæd hine þurh mihta scyppend,
gif he his wordcwida wealdan meahte,
spræce ahebban, þæt him on spellum gecyðde,
onwrige worda gongum, hu he his wisna truwade,
drohtes on ðære dimman adle, ærðon hine deað onsægde.
Him se eadga wer ageaf ondsware,
leof mon leofum, þeah he late meahte,
eorl ellenheard, oreþe gebredan:
"Min þæt swæse bearn, nis nu swiþe feor
þam ytemestan endedogor
nydgedales, þæt ðu þa nyhstan scealt
in woruldlife worda minra,
næfre leana biloren, lare gehyran,
noht longe ofer þis. Læst ealle well
wære ond winescype, word þa wit spræcon,
leofast manna." "Næfre ic lufan sibbe,
þeoden, æt þearfe þine forlæte
asanian!" "Beo þu on sið gearu,
siþþan lic ond leomu ond þes lifes gæst
asundrien somwist hyra
þurh feorggedal.
Fys æfter þon
þæt þu gesecge sweostor minre,
þære leofestan, on longne weg
to þam fægran gefean forðsið minne,
on ecne eard, ond hyre eac gecyð
wordum minum, þæt ic me warnade
hyre onsyne ealle þrage
in woruldlife, for ðy ic wilnode
þæt wit unc eft in þam ecan gefean
on sweglwuldre geseon mostun
fore onsyne eces deman
leahtra lease. þær sceal lufu uncer
wærfæst wunian, þær wit wilna a
in ðære beorhtan byrig brucan motun,
eades mid englum. ðu hyre eac saga
þæt heo þis banfæt beorge bifæste,
lame biluce, lic orsawle
in þeostorcofan, þær hit þrage sceal
in sondhofe siþþan wunian."
ða wearð modgeþanc miclum gebisgad,
þream forþrycced, þurh þæs þeodnes word,
ombehtþegne, þa he ædre oncneow
frean feorhgedal, þæt hit feor ne wæs,
endedogor. Ongon þa ofostlice
to his winedryhtne wordum mæðlan:
"Ic þec halsige, hæleþa leofost
gumena cynnes, þurh gæsta weard,
þæt þu hygesorge heortan minre
geeþe, eorla wyn. Nis þe ende feor,
þæs þe ic on galdrum ongieten hæbbe.
Oft mec geomor sefa gehþa gemanode,
hat æt heortan, hyge gnornende
nihtes nearwe, ond ic næfre þe,
fæder, frofor min, frignan dorste.
Symle ic gehyrde, þonne heofones gim,
wyncondel wera, west onhylde,
sweglbeorht sunne setlgonges fus
on æfentid, oþerne mid þec,
þegn æt geþeahte. Ic þæs þeodnes word,
ares uncuþes oft neosendes,
dægwoman bitweon ond þære deorcan niht,
meþelcwide mæcges, ond on morgne swa,
ongeat geomormod, gæstes spræce,
gleawes in geardum. Huru, ic giet ne wat,
ær þu me, frea min, furþor cyðe
þurh cwide þinne, hwonan his cyme sindon."
ða se eadga wer ageaf ondsware
leofum æfter longre hwile, swa he late meahte,
elnes oncyðig, oreþe gewealdan:
"Hwæt, þu me, wine min, wordum nægest,
fusne frignest, þæs þe ic furþum ær
æfre on ealdre ængum ne wolde
monna ofer moldan melda weorðan,
þegne on þeode, butan þe nu ða,
þy læs þæt wundredan weras ond idesa,
ond on geað gutan, gieddum mænden
bi me lifgendum. Huru, ic nolde sylf
þurh gielpcwide gæstes mines
frofre gelettan, ne fæder mines
æfre geæfnan, æbylg godes.
Symle me onsende sigedryhten min,
folca feorhgiefa, siþþan ic furþum ongon
on þone æfteran anseld bugan
geargemearces, gæst haligne,
engel ufancundne, se mec efna gehwam,
meahtig meotudes þegn, ond on morgne eft,
sigorfæst gesohte, ond me sara gehwylc
gehælde hygesorge, ond me in hreþre bileac
wuldres wilboda wisdomes giefe
micle monigfealdran þonne ænig mon wite
in life her, þe me alyfed nis
to gecyþenne cwicra ængum
on foldwege fira cynnes,
þæt me ne meahte monna ænig
bideaglian hwæt he dearninga
on hyge hogde heortan geþoncum,
siþþan he me fore eagum onsyne wearð.
A ic on mode mað monna gehwylcne
þeodnes þrymcyme oð þisne dæg.
Leofast monna, nu ic for lufan þinre,
ond geferscype þæt wit fyrn mid unc
longe læstan, nelle ic lætan þe
æfre unrotne æfter ealdorlege
meðne modseocne minre geweorðan,
soden sorgwælmum. A ic sibbe wiþ þe
healdan wille. Nu of hreþerlocan
to þam soþan gefean sawel fundað.
Nis seo tid latu, tydrað þis banfæt,
greothord gnornað, gæst hine fyseð
on ecne geard, utsiþes georn
on sellan gesetu. Nu ic swiðe eom
weorce gewergad." ða to þam wage gesag,
heafelan onhylde, hyrde þa gena
ellen on innan. Oroð stundum teah
mægne modig, him of muðe cwom
swecca swetast. Swylce on sumeres tid
stincað on stowum staþelum fæste
wynnum æfter wongum wyrta geblowene,
hunigflowende, swa þæs halgan wæs
ondlongne dæg oþ æfen forð
oroð up hlæden. þa se æþela glæm
setlgong sohte, swearc norðrodor
won under wolcnum, woruld miste oferteah,
þystrum biþeahte, þrong niht ofer tiht
londes frætwa. ða cwom leohta mæst,
halig of heofonum hædre scinan,
beorhte ofer burgsalu. Bad se þe sceolde
eadig on elne endedogor,
awrecen wælstrælum. Wuldres scima,
æþele ymb æþelne, ondlonge niht
scan scirwered. Scadu sweþredon,
tolysed under lyfte. Wæs se leohta glæm
ymb þæt halge hus, heofonlic condel,
from æfenglome oþþæt eastan cwom
ofer deop gelad dægredwoma,
wedertacen wearm. Aras se wuldormago,
eadig elnes gemyndig, spræc to his onbehtþegne,
torht to his treowum gesiþe: "Tid is þæt þu fere,
ond þa ærendu eal biþence,
ofestum læde, swa ic þe ær bibead,
lac to leofre. Nu of lice is,
goddreama georn, gæst swiðe fus."
Ahof þa his honda, husle gereorded,
eaðmod þy æþelan gyfle, swylce he his eagan ontynde,
halge heafdes gimmas, biseah þa to heofona rice,
glædmod to geofona leanum, ond þa his gæst onsende
weorcum wlitigne in wuldres dream.
ða wæs Guðlaces gæst gelæded
eadig on upweg. Englas feredun
to þam longan gefean, lic colode,
belifd under lyfte. ða þær leoht ascan,
beama beorhtast. Eal þæt beacen wæs
ymb þæt halge hus, heofonlic leoma,
from foldan up swylce fyren tor
ryht aræred oð rodera hrof,
gesewen under swegle, sunnan beorhtra,
æþeltungla wlite. Engla þreatas
sigeleoð sungon, sweg wæs on lyfte
gehyred under heofonum, haligra dream.
Swa se burgstede wæs blissum gefylled,
swetum stencum ond sweglwundrum,
eadges yrfestol, engla hleoðres,
eal innanweard. þær wæs ænlicra
ond wynsumra þonne hit in worulde mæge
stefn areccan, hu se stenc ond se sweg,
heofonlic hleoþor ond se halga song,
gehyred wæs, heahþrym godes,
breahtem æfter breahtme. Beofode þæt ealond,
foldwong onþrong. ða afyrhted wearð
ar, elnes biloren, gewat þa ofestlice
beorn unhyðig, þæt he bat gestag,
wæghengest wræc, wæterþisa for,
snel under sorgum. Swegl hate scan,
blac ofer burgsalo. Brimwudu scynde,
leoht, lade fus. Lagumearg snyrede,
gehlæsted to hyðe, þæt se hærnflota
æfter sundplegan sondlond gespearn,
grond wið greote. Gnornsorge wæg
hate æt heortan, hyge geomurne,
meðne modsefan, se þe his mondryhten,
life bilidenne, last weardian
wiste, wine leofne. Him þæs wopes hring
torne gemonade. Teagor yðum weol,
hate hleordropan, ond on hreþre wæg
micle modceare. He þære mægeð sceolde
lace gelædan laðspel to soð.
Cwom þa freorigferð þær seo fæmne wæs,
wuldres wynmæg. He þa wyrd ne mað,
fæges forðsið. Fusleoð agol
wineþearfende, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Ellen biþ selast þam þe oftost sceal
dreogan dryhtenbealu, deope behycgan
þroht þeodengedal, þonne seo þrag cymeð,
wefen wyrdstafum. þæt wat se þe sceal
aswæman sarigferð, wat his sincgiefan
holdne biheledne. He sceal hean þonan
geomor hweorfan. þam bið gomenes wana
ðe þa earfeða oftost dreogeð
on sargum sefan. Huru, ic swiðe ne þearf
hinsiþ behlehhan. Is hlaford min,
beorna bealdor, ond broþor þin,
se selesta bi sæm tweonum
þara þe we on Engle æfre gefrunen
acennedne þurh cildes had
gumena cynnes, to godes dome,
werigra wraþu, worulddreamum of,
winemæga wyn, in wuldres þrym,
gewiten, winiga hleo, wica neosan
eardes on upweg. Nu se eorðan dæl,
banhus abrocen burgum in innan
wunað wælræste, ond se wuldres dæl
of licfæte in leoht godes
sigorlean sohte, ond þe secgan het
þæt git a mosten in þam ecan gefean
mid þa sibgedryht somudeard niman,
weorca wuldorlean, willum neotan
blædes ond blissa. Eac þe abeodan het
sigedryhten min, þa he wæs siþes fus,
þæt þu his lichoman, leofast mægða,
eorðan biðeahte. Nu þu ædre const
siðfæt minne. Ic sceal sarigferð,
heanmod hweorfan, hyge drusendne."
13. Azarias
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 88-94; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Him þa Azarias ingeþoncum
hleoþrede halig þurh hatne lig,
dreag dædum georn, dryhten herede,
wis in weorcum, ond þas word acwæð:
"Meotud allwihta, þu eart meahtum swið
niþas to nerganne. Is þin noma mære,
wlitig ond wuldorfæst ofer werþeode.
Sindon þine domas on dæda gehwam
soðe geswiðde ond gesigefæste,
eac þine willan in woruldspedum
ryhte mid ræde. Rodera waldend,
geoca us georne, gæsta scyppend,
ond þurh hyldo help, halig dryhten,
nu we þec for þearfum ond for þreanydum
ond fore eaðmedum arena biddaþ,
lege bilegde. We þæs lifgende
worhton in worulde, eac þon wom dydon
yldran usse, in oferhygdum
þin bibodu bræcon burgsittende,
had oferhogedon halgan lifes.
Wurdon we towrecene geond widne grund,
heapum tohworfne, hylda lease;
wæs ure lif geond londa fela
fracuð ond gefræge foldbuendum.
Nu þu usic bewræce in þas wyrrestan
eorðcyninges æhtgewealda,
in hæft heorogrimmes, sceolon we þær hæþenra
to Abrahame ond to Isace
ond Iacobe, gæsta scyppend.
þu him gehete þurh hleoþorcwidas
þæt þu hyra fromcynn on fyrndagum
ycan wolde, þæt hit æfter him
on cyneryce cenned wurde,
yced on eorþan, þæt swa unrime,
had to hebban, swa heofonsteorran
bugað bradne hwearft oð brimflodas,
swa waroþa sond ymb sealt wæter,
yþe geond eargrund, þæt swa unrime
ymb wintra hwearft weorðan sceolde.
Fyl nu þa frumspræce, þeah þe user fea lifgen,
wlitega þine wordcwidas ond ðin wuldor us.
Gecyð cræft ond meaht, nu þec Caldeas
ond eac fela folca gefregen habban
þæt þu ana eart ece dryhten,
sigerof settend ond soð meotod,
wuldres waldend ond woruldsceafta."
Swa se halga wer hergende wæs
meotudes miltse, ond his modsefan
rehte þurh reorde. ða of roderum wearð
engel ælbeorhta ufon onsended,
wlitescyne wer in his wuldorhoman,
cwom him þa to are ond to ealdornere
þurh lufan ond þurh lisse. Se þone lig tosceaf,
halig ond heofonbeorht, hatan fyres,
þæt se bittra bryne beorgan sceolde
for þæs engles ege æfæstum þrim.
Tosweop ond toswengde þurh swiðes meaht
liges leoman, swa hyra lice ne scod,
ac wæs in þam ofne, þa se engel cwom,
windig ond wynsum, wedere onlicust,
þonne on sumeres tid sended weorþeð
dropena dreorung mid dæges hwile.
Se wæs in þam fire for frean meahtum
halgum to helpe. Wearð se hata lig
todrifen ond todwæsced, þær þa dædhwatan
þry mid geþoncum þeoden heredon,
bædon bletsian
bearn in worulde
ealle gesceafte ecne dryhten,
þeoda waldend. Swa hi þry cwædon,
modum horsce, þurh gemæne word:
"Bletsige þec, bilwit fæder,
woruldsceafta wuldor ond weorca gehwylc,
heofonas ond englas ond hluttor wæter,
ond eal mægen eorþan gesceafta.
Bletsige þec, soðfæst cyning, sunne ond mona,
leohte leoman, lifgende god,
hædre ond hlutre ond heofondreame
wæstem weorðian. Ful oft þu, wuldorcyning,
þurh lyft lætest leodum to freme
mildne morgenren. Monig sceal siþþan
wyrt onwæcnan, eac þon wudubearwas
tanum tydrað. Trymmað eorðwelan,
hleoð ond hluttrað. Næfre hlisan ah
meotud þan maran þonne he wið monna bearn
wyrceð weldædum. Wis bið se þe con
ongytan þone geocend, þe us eall good syleð
þe we habbað þenden we her beoð,
ond us milde meotod mare gehateð,
gif we geearniað, elne willað,
ðonne feran sceal þurh frean hæse
sundor anra gehwæs sawl of lice.
Ond þec, god dryhten, gæstas hergen,
byrnende fyr ond beorht sumor,
wearme wederdagas, waldend manna,
frean on ferðe. Fremest eorðwelan
þurh monigne had, milde dryhten,
ond þec dæg ond niht, domfæst cyning,
lofigen ond lufigen, [lux et tenebre],
þe þas werþeoda weardum healdað.
Deop dryhtnes bibod drugon hi þæt longe.
Ond þec, Crist cyning, ceolas weorðian,
fæder, forst ond snaw, folca waldend,
winterbitera weder ond wolcna genipu,
ond þec liexende ligetta hergen,
blace, breahtumhwate, brytenrices weard,
dyrne dryhten. A þin dom sy
god ond genge. þu þæs geornlice
wyrcest, wuldorcyning. Wæstmum herge,
bletsien bledum, ond þin blæd wese
a forð ece, ælmihtig god.
Wesað ond weaxað ealle werþeode,
lifgað bi þam lissum þe us se leofa cyning,
ece dryhten, ær gesette
sinum bearnum to brice, bremen dryhten.
Ond þec, halga god, hea duna
geond middangeard miltsum hergen,
fæger folde ond fæder rice.
Forðon waldend scop wudige moras,
lofe leanige leohtes hyrde.
Bletsige þec, soðfæst cyning, sæs ond wætra
hea holmas, haligne dryhten,
domlice deop wæter; ond dryhtnes bibod
geofonfloda gehwylc georne bihealdeð,
þonne merestreamas meotudes ræswum
wæter onwealcað. Witon ealdgecynd
þæt ær gescop ece dryhten
lagufloda bigong, leohtes hyrde,
on þam wuniað widferende
siðe on sunde seldlicra fela.
Bletsien þec þa ealle, ece dryhten,
þurh þinne willan,
wuldorfæst cyning,
ond þec ealle æsprynge, ece dryhten,
heanne hergen. Ful oft þu hluttor lætest
wæter wynlico to woruldhyhte
of clife clænum. þæt us se cyning gescop
monnum to miltse ond to mægeneacan.
Bletsien þec, bilwit fæder,
fiscas ond fuglas, felameahtigne,
ealle þa þe onhrerað hreo wægas
on þam bradan brime, bremen dryhten,
hergen haligne, ond heofonfuglas,
þa þe lacende geond lyft farað.
Bletsien þec, dryhten, deor ond nyten.
Meotud monna bearn miltsum hergen
ond ecne god, Israhela cynn.
Bletsien þe þine sacerdas,
soðfæst cyning,
milde mæsseras mærne dryhten,
ond þine þeowas, ðeoda hyrde,
swylce haligra hluttre saule,
ond, ece god, eaðmodheorte.
Nu þec Ananias ond Azarias
ond Misahel, meotud, miltsum hergað.
Nu we geonge þry god bletsiað,
felameahtigne fæder in heofonum,
þone soðan sunu ond þone sigefæstan gæst.
Forþon us onsende sigora waldend
engel to are, se þe us bearg
fyr ond feondas, ond mid fiþrum bewreah
wið brynebrogan." Breahtmum hwurfun
ymb þæt hate hus hæðne leode,
ða þæt ongeaton godes ondsacan
þæt hi ne meahtan, ne meotod wolde,
acwellan cnyhta æ, ac hy Crist scilde.
Hwearf þa to healle, swa he hraþost meahte,
eorl acolmod, þæt he ofer his ealdre gestod.
Abead þa for þære duguðe deop ærende,
haligra gehyld, (hlyst wæs þær inne),
gromhydig guma: "þæt ic geare wiste,
þæt we [III] hæfdon, þeoda wisa,
geonge cniehtas, for gæstlufan
gebunden to bæle in byrnendes
fyres leoman. Nu ic þær [IIII] men
seo to soðe, nales me sylfa gerad.
Hweorfað nu æfter heorðe, nængum hat sceþeð,
ofnes æled, ac him is engel mid,
hafað beorhtne blæd; ne mæg him bryne sceþþan
wlitigne wuldorhoman." ða þam wordum swealg
brego Caldea, gewat þa to þam bryne gongan
anhydig eorl, þæt he ofer þam ade gestod.
Het þa of þam lige lifgende bearn
Nabocodonossor near ætgongan.
Ne forhogodon þæt þa halgan, siþþan hi hwætmode
woruldcyninges weorn gehyrdon,
ac eodon of þam fyre, feorh unwemme,
wuldre gewlitegad, swa hyra wædum ne scod
gifre gleda nið, ac hi mid gæstlufan
synne geswencton ond gesigefæston,
modum gleawe, in monþeawum,
þurh foreþoncas fyr gedygdon.
14. The Phoenix
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 94-113; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hæbbe ic gefrugnen þætte is feor heonan
eastdælum on æþelast londa,
firum gefræge. Nis se foldan sceat
ofer middangeard mongum gefere
folcagendra, ac he afyrred is
þurh meotudes meaht manfremmendum.
Wlitig is se wong eall, wynnum geblissad
mid þam fægrestum foldan stencum.
ænlic is þæt iglond, æþele se wyrhta,
modig, meahtum spedig, se þa moldan gesette.
ðær bið oft open eadgum togeanes
onhliden hleoþra wyn, heofonrices duru.
þæt is wynsum wong, wealdas grene,
rume under roderum. Ne mæg þær ren ne snaw,
ne forstes fnæst, ne fyres blæst,
ne hægles hryre, ne hrimes dryre,
ne sunnan hætu, ne sincaldu,
ne wearm weder, ne winterscur
wihte gewyrdan, ac se wong seomað
eadig ond onsund. Is þæt æþele lond
blostmum geblowen. Beorgas þær ne muntas
steape ne stondað, ne stanclifu
heah hlifiað, swa her mid us,
ne dene ne dalu ne dunscrafu,
hlæwas ne hlincas, ne þær hleonað oo
unsmeþes wiht, ac se æþela feld
wridað under wolcnum, wynnum geblowen.
Is þæt torhte lond twelfum herra,
folde fæðmrimes, swa us gefreogum gleawe
witgan þurh wisdom on gewritum cyþað,
þonne ænig þara beorga þe her beorhte mid us
hea hlifiað under heofontunglum.
Smylte is se sigewong; sunbearo lixeð,
wuduholt wynlic. Wæstmas ne dreosað,
beorhte blede, ac þa beamas a
grene stondað, swa him god bibead.
Wintres ond sumeres wudu bið gelice
bledum gehongen; næfre brosniað
leaf under lyfte, ne him lig sceþeð
æfre to ealdre, ærþon edwenden
worulde geweorðe. Swa iu wætres þrym
ealne middangeard mereflod þeahte,
eorþan ymbhwyrft, þa se æþela wong,
æghwæs onsund, wið yðfare
gehealden stod hreora wæga,
eadig, unwemme, þurh est godes;
bideð swa geblowen oð bæles cyme,
dryhtnes domes, þonne deaðræced,
hæleþa heolstorcofan, onhliden weorþað.
Nis þær on þam londe laðgeniðla,
ne wop ne wracu, weatacen nan,
yldu ne yrmðu ne se enga deað,
ne lifes lyre, ne laþes cyme,
ne synn ne sacu ne sarwracu,
ne wædle gewin, ne welan onsyn,
ne sorg ne slæp ne swar leger,
ne wintergeweorp, ne wedra gebregd,
hreoh under heofonum, ne se hearda forst,
caldum cylegicelum, cnyseð ænigne.
þær ne hægl ne hrim hreosað to foldan,
ne windig wolcen, ne þær wæter fealleþ,
lyfte gebysgad, ac þær lagustreamas,
wundrum wrætlice, wyllan onspringað
fægrum flodwylmum. Foldan leccaþ
wæter wynsumu of þæs wuda midle;
þa monþa gehwam of þære moldan tyrf
brimcald brecað, bearo ealne geondfarað,
þragum þrymlice. Is þæt þeodnes gebod,
þætte twelf siþum þæt tirfæste
lond geondlace lagufloda wynn.
Sindon þa bearwas bledum gehongne,
wlitigum wæstmum, þær no waniað o,
halge under heofonum, holtes frætwe.
Ne feallað þær on foldan fealwe blostman,
wudubeama wlite, ac þær wrætlice
on þam treowum symle telgan gehladene,
ofett edniwe, in ealle tid
on þam græswonge grene stondaþ,
gehroden hyhtlice haliges meahtum,
beorhtast bearwa. No gebrocen weorþeð
holt on hiwe, þær se halga stenc
wunaþ geond wynlond; þæt onwended ne bið
æfre to ealdre, ærþon endige
frod fyrngeweorc se hit on frymþe gescop.
ðone wudu weardaþ wundrum fæger
fugel feþrum strong, se is fenix haten.
þær se anhaga eard bihealdeþ,
deormod drohtað; næfre him deaþ sceþeð
on þam willwonge, þenden woruld stondeþ.
Se sceal þære sunnan sið behealdan
ond ongean cuman godes condelle,
glædum gimme, georne bewitigan,
hwonne up cyme æþelast tungla
ofer yðmere estan lixan,
fæder fyrngeweorc frætwum blican,
torht tacen godes. Tungol beoþ ahyded,
gewiten under waþeman westdælas on,
bideglad on dægred, ond seo deorce niht
won gewiteð; þonne waþum strong
fugel feþrum wlonc on firgenstream
under lyft, ofer lagu locað georne,
hwonne up cyme eastan glidan
ofer sidne sæ swegles leoma.
Swa se æþela fugel æt þam æspringe
wlitigfæst wunað wyllestreamas,
þær se tireadga twelf siþum hine
bibaþað in þam burnan ær þæs beacnes cyme,
sweglcondelle, ond symle swa oft
of þam wilsuman wyllgespryngum
brimcald beorgeð æt baða gehwylcum.
Siþþan hine sylfne æfter sundplegan
heahmod hefeð on heanne beam,
þonan yþast mæg on eastwegum
sið bihealdan, hwonne swegles tapur
ofer holmþræce
hædre blice,
leohtes leoma. Lond beoð gefrætwad,
woruld gewlitegad, siþþan wuldres gim
ofer geofones gong grund gescineþ
geond middangeard, mærost tungla.
Sona swa seo sunne sealte streamas
hea oferhlifað, swa se haswa fugel
beorht of þæs bearwes beame gewiteð,
fareð feþrum snell flyhte on lyfte,
swinsað ond singeð swegle togeanes.
ðonne bið swa fæger fugles gebæru,
onbryrded breostsefa, blissum hremig;
wrixleð woðcræfte wundorlicor
beorhtan reorde, þonne æfre byre monnes
hyrde under heofonum, siþþan heahcyning,
wuldres wyrhta, woruld staþelode,
heofon ond eorþan. Biþ þæs hleoðres sweg
eallum songcræftum swetra ond wlitigra
ond wynsumra wrenca gehwylcum.
Ne magon þam breahtme byman ne hornas,
ne hearpan hlyn, ne hæleþa stefn
ænges on eorþan, ne organan,
sweghleoþres geswin, ne swanes feðre,
ne ænig þara dreama þe dryhten gescop
gumum to gliwe in þas geomran woruld.
Singeð swa ond swinsað sælum geblissad,
oþþæt seo sunne on suðrodor
sæged weorþeð. þonne swiað he
ond hlyst gefeð, heafde onbrygdeð,
þrist, þonces gleaw, ond þriwa ascæceð
feþre flyhthwate; fugol bið geswiged.
Symle he twelf siþum tida gemearcað
dæges ond nihtes. Swa gedemed is
bearwes bigengan, þæt he þær brucan mot
wonges mid willum, ond welan neotan,
lifes ond lissa, londes frætwa,
oþþæt he þusende þisses lifes,
wudubearwes weard, wintra gebideþ.
ðonne bið gehefgad haswigfeðra,
gomol, gearum frod,
grene eorðan
aflyhð, fugla wyn, foldan geblowene,
ond þonne geseceð side rice
middangeardes, þær no men bugað
eard ond eþel. þær he ealdordom
onfehð foremihtig ofer fugla cynn,
geþungen on þeode, ond þrage mid him
westen weardað. þonne waþum strong
west gewiteð wintrum gebysgad
fleogan feþrum snel. Fuglas þringað
utan ymbe æþelne; æghwylc wille
wesan þegn ond þeow þeodne mærum,
oþþæt hy gesecað Syrwara lond
corðra mæste. Him se clæna þær
oðscufeð scearplice, þæt he in scade weardað,
on wudubearwe, weste stowe,
biholene ond bihydde hæleþa monegum.
ðær he heanne beam on holtwuda
wunað ond weardað, wyrtum fæstne
under heofunhrofe, þone hatað men
Fenix on foldan, of þæs fugles noman.
Hafað þam treowe forgiefen tirmeahtig cyning,
meotud moncynnes, mine gefræge,
þæt se ana is ealra beama
on eorðwege uplædendra
beorhtast geblowen; ne mæg him bitres wiht
scyldum sceððan, ac gescylded a
wunað ungewyrded, þenden woruld stondeð.
ðonne wind ligeð, weder bið fæger,
hluttor heofones gim halig scineð,
beoð wolcen towegen, wætra þryþe
stille stondað, biþ storma gehwylc
aswefed under swegle, suþan bliceð
wedercondel wearm, weorodum lyhteð,
ðonne on þam telgum timbran onginneð,
nest gearwian. Bið him neod micel
þæt he þa yldu ofestum mote
þurh gewittes wylm wendan to life,
feorg geong onfon. þonne feor ond neah
þa swetestan somnað ond gædrað
wyrta wynsume ond wudubleda
to þam eardstede, æþelstenca gehwone,
wyrta wynsumra, þe wuldorcyning,
fæder frymða gehwæs, ofer foldan gescop
to indryhtum ælda cynne,
swetes under swegle. þær he sylf biereð
in þæt treow innan torhte frætwe;
þær se wilda fugel in þam westenne
ofer heanne beam hus getimbreð,
wlitig ond wynsum, ond gewicað þær
sylf in þam solere, ond ymbseteð utan
in þam leafsceade lic ond feþre
on healfa gehware halgum stencum
ond þam æþelestum eorþan bledum.
Siteð siþes fus. þonne swegles gim
on sumeres tid, sunne hatost,
ofer sceadu scineð ond gesceapu dreogeð,
woruld geondwliteð, þonne weorðeð his
hus onhæted þurh hador swegl.
Wyrta wearmiað, willsele stymeð
swetum swæccum, þonne on swole byrneð
þurh fyres feng fugel mid neste.
Bæl bið onæled. þonne brond þeceð
heorodreorges hus, hreoh onetteð,
fealo lig feormað ond fenix byrneð,
fyrngearum frod. þonne fyr þigeð
lænne lichoman; lif bið on siðe,
fæges feorhhord, þonne flæsc ond ban
adleg æleð. Hwæþre him eft cymeð
æfter fyrstmearce feorh edniwe,
siþþan þa yslan eft onginnað
æfter ligþræce lucan togædre,
geclungne to cleowenne. þonne clæne bið
beorhtast nesta, bæle forgrunden
heaþorofes hof; hra bið acolad,
banfæt gebrocen, ond se bryne sweþrað.
þonne of þam ade æples gelicnes
on þære ascan bið eft gemeted,
of þam weaxeð wyrm, wundrum fæger,
swylce he of ægerum ut alæde,
scir of scylle. þonne on sceade weaxeð,
þæt he ærest bið swylce earnes brid,
fæger fugeltimber; ðonne furþor gin
wridað on wynnum, þæt he bið wæstmum gelic
ealdum earne, and æfter þon
feþrum gefrætwad, swylc he æt frymðe wæs,
beorht geblowen. þonne bræd weorþeð
eal edniwe eft acenned,
synnum asundrad, sumes onlice
swa mon to ondleofne eorðan wæstmas
on hærfeste ham gelædeð,
wiste wynsume, ær wintres cyme,
on rypes timan, þy læs hi renes scur
awyrde under wolcnum; þær hi wraðe metað,
fodorþege gefean, þonne forst ond snaw
mid ofermægne eorþan þeccað
wintergewædum. Of þam wæstmum sceal
eorla eadwela
eft alædan
þurh cornes gecynd, þe ær clæne bið
sæd onsawen. þonne sunnan glæm
on lenctenne, lifes tacen,
weceð woruldgestreon, þæt þa wæstmas beoð
þurh agne gecynd eft acende,
foldan frætwe. Swa se fugel weorþeð,
gomel æfter gearum, geong edniwe,
flæsce bifongen. No he foddor þigeð,
mete on moldan, nemne meledeawes
dæl gebyrge, se dreoseð oft
æt middre nihte; bi þon se modga his
feorh afedeð, oþþæt fyrngesetu,
agenne eard, eft geseceð.
þonne bið aweaxen wyrtum in gemonge
fugel feþrum deal; feorh bið niwe,
geong, geofona ful, þonne he of greote his
lic leoþucræftig, þæt ær lig fornom,
somnað, swoles lafe, searwum gegædrað
ban gebrosnad, æfter bælþræce,
ond þonne gebringeð ban ond yslan,
ades lafe, eft ætsomne,
ond þonne þæt wælreaf wyrtum biteldeð,
fægre gefrætwed. ðonne afysed bið
agenne eard eft to secan.
þonne fotum ymbfehð fyres lafe,
clam biclyppeð, ond his cyþþu eft,
sunbeorht gesetu, seceð on wynnum,
eadig eþellond. Eall bið geniwad
feorh ond feþerhoma, swa he æt frymþe wæs,
þa hine ærest god on þone æþelan wong
sigorfæst sette. He his sylfes þær
ban gebringeð, þa ær brondes wylm
on beorhstede bæle forþylmde,
ascan to eacan. þonne eal geador
bebyrgeð beaducræftig ban ond yslan
on þam ealonde. Bið him edniwe
þære sunnan segn, þonne swegles leoht,
gimma gladost, ofer garsecg up,
æþeltungla wyn, eastan lixeð.
Is se fugel fæger forweard hiwe,
bleobrygdum fag ymb þa breost foran.
Is him þæt heafod hindan grene,
wrætlice wrixled, wurman geblonden.
þonne is se finta fægre gedæled,
sum brun, sum basu, sum blacum splottum
searolice beseted. Sindon þa fiþru
hwit hindanweard, ond se hals grene
nioþoweard ond ufeweard, ond þæt nebb lixeð
swa glæs oþþe gim, geaflas scyne
innan ond utan. Is seo eaggebyrd
stearc ond hiwe stane gelicast,
gladum gimme, þonne in goldfate
smiþa orþoncum biseted weorþeð.
Is ymb þone sweoran, swylce sunnan hring,
beaga beorhtast
brogden feðrum.
Wrætlic is seo womb neoþan, wundrum fæger,
scir ond scyne. Is se scyld ufan
frætwum gefeged ofer þæs fugles bæc.
Sindon þa scancan scyllum biweaxen,
fealwe fotas. Se fugel is on hiwe
æghwæs ænlic, onlicost pean,
wynnum geweaxen, þæs gewritu secgað.
Nis he hinderweard, ne hygegælsa,
swar ne swongor, swa sume fuglas,
þa þe late þurh lyft lacað fiþrum,
ac he is snel ond swift ond swiþe leoht,
wlitig ond wynsum, wuldre gemearcad.
Ece is se æþeling se þe him þæt ead gefeð!
þonne he gewiteð wongas secan,
his ealdne eard, of þisse eþeltyrf.
Swa se fugel fleogeð, folcum oðeaweð
mongum monna geond middangeard,
þonne somniað
suþan ond norþan,
eastan ond westan, eoredciestum,
farað feorran ond nean folca þryþum
þær hi sceawiaþ scyppendes giefe
fægre on þam fugle, swa him æt fruman sette
sigora soðcyning sellicran gecynd,
frætwe fægerran
ofer fugla cyn.
ðonne wundriað weras ofer eorþan
wlite ond wæstma, ond gewritum cyþað,
mundum mearciað on marmstane,
hwonne se dæg ond seo tid dryhtum geeawe
frætwe flyhthwates. ðonne fugla cynn
on healfa gehwone heapum þringað,
sigað sidwegum, songe lofiað,
mærað modigne meaglum reordum,
ond swa þone halgan hringe beteldað
flyhte on lyfte; fenix biþ on middum,
þreatum biþrungen. þeoda wlitað,
wundrum wafiað, hu seo wilgedryht
wildne weorþiað, worn æfter oþrum,
cræftum cyþað ond for cyning mærað
leofne leodfruman, lædað mid wynnum
æþelne to earde, oþþæt se anhoga
oðfleogeð, feþrum snel, þæt him gefylgan ne mæg
drymendra gedryht, þonne duguða wyn
of þisse eorþan tyrf eþel seceð.
Swa se gesæliga æfter swylthwile
his ealdcyðþe eft geneosað,
fægre foldan. Fugelas cyrrað
from þam guðfrecan geomormode
eft to earde. þonne se æþeling bið
giong in geardum. God ana wat,
cyning ælmihtig, hu his gecynde bið,
wifhades þe weres; þæt ne wat ænig
monna cynnes, butan meotod ana,
hu þa wisan sind wundorlice,
fæger fyrngesceap, ymb þæs fugles gebyrd.
þær se eadga mot eardes neotan,
wyllestreama wuduholtum in,
wunian in wonge, oþþæt wintra bið
þusend urnen. þonne him weorþeð
ende lifes; hine ad þeceð
þurh æledfyr. Hwæþre eft cymeð
aweaht wrætlice wundrum to life.
Forþon he drusende deað ne bisorgað,
sare swyltcwale, þe him symle wat
æfter ligþræce lif edniwe,
feorh æfter fylle, þonne fromlice
þurh briddes had gebreadad weorðeð
eft of ascan, edgeong weseð
under swegles hleo. Bið him self gehwæðer
sunu ond swæs fæder, ond symle eac
eft yrfeweard ealdre lafe.
Forgeaf him se meahta moncynnes fruma
þæt he swa wrætlice weorþan sceolde
eft þæt ilce þæt he ær þon wæs,
feþrum bifongen, þeah hine fyr nime.
Swa þæt ece lif eadigra gehwylc
æfter sarwræce sylf geceoseð
þurh deorcne deað, þæt he dryhtnes mot
æfter geardagum geofona neotan
on sindreamum, ond siþþan a
wunian in wuldre
weorca to leane.
þisses fugles gecynd fela gelices
bi þam gecornum Cristes þegnum
beacnað in burgum, hu hi beorhtne gefean
þurh fæder fultum on þas frecnan tid
healdaþ under heofonum, ond him heanne blæd
in þam uplican eðle gestrynaþ.
Habbaþ we geascad þæt se ælmihtiga
worhte wer ond wif þurh his wundra sped,
ond hi þa gesette on þone selestan
foldan sceata, þone fira bearn
nemnað neorxnawong, þær him nænges wæs
eades onsyn, þenden eces word,
halges hleoþorcwide, healdan woldan
on þam niwan gefean. þær him niþ gescod,
ealdfeondes æfest, se him æt gebead,
beames blede, þæt hi bu þegun
æppel unrædum ofer est godes,
byrgdon forbodene. þær him bitter wearð
yrmþu æfter æte ond hyra eaferum swa,
sarlic symbel sunum ond dohtrum.
Wurdon teonlice toþas idge
ageald æfter gylte. Hæfdon godes yrre,
bittre bealosorge. þæs þa byre siþþan
gyrne onguldon, þe hi þæt gyfl þegun
ofer eces word. Forþon hy eðles wyn
geomormode ofgiefan sceoldon
þurh nædran niþ, þa heo nearwe biswac
yldran usse in ærdagum
þurh fæcne ferð, þæt hi feor þonan
in þas deaðdene drohtað sohton,
sorgfulran gesetu. Him wearð selle lif
heolstre bihyded, ond se halga wong
þurh feondes searo fæste bityned
wintra mengu, oþþæt wuldorcyning
þurh his hidercyme halgum togeanes,
moncynnes gefea, meþra frefrend,
ond se anga hyht, eft ontynde.
Is þon gelicast, þæs þe us leorneras
wordum secgað, ond writu cyþað,
þisses fugles gefær, þonne frod ofgiefeð
eard ond eþel, ond geealdad bið.
Gewiteð werigmod, wintrum gebysgad,
þær he holtes hleo heah gemeteð,
in þam he getimbreð tanum ond wyrtum
þam æþelestum eardwic niwe,
nest on bearwe. Bið him neod micel
þæt he feorhgeong eft onfon mote
þurh liges blæst lif æfter deaþe,
edgeong wesan, ond his ealdcyðþu,
sunbeorht gesetu, secan mote
æfter fyrbaðe. Swa ða foregengan,
yldran usse, anforleton
þone wlitigan wong ond wuldres setl,
leoflic on laste, tugon longne sið
in hearmra hond, þær him hettende,
earme aglæcan, oft gescodan.
Wæron hwæþre monge, þa þe meotude wel
gehyrdun under heofonum halgum ðeawum,
dædum domlicum, þæt him dryhten wearð,
heofona heahcyning, hold on mode.
ðæt is se hea beam in þam halge nu
wic weardiað, þær him wihte ne mæg
ealdfeonda nan atre sceþþan,
facnes tacne, on þas frecnan tid.
þær him nest wyrceð wið niþa gehwam
dædum domlicum dryhtnes cempa,
þonne he ælmessan earmum dæleð,
dugeþa leasum, ond him dryhten gecygð,
fæder on fultum, forð onetteð,
lænan lifes leahtras dwæsceþ,
mirce mandæde, healdeð meotudes æ
beald in breostum, ond gebedu seceð
clænum gehygdum, ond his cneo bigeð
æþele to eorþan, flyhð yfla gehwylc,
grimme gieltas, for godes egsan,
glædmod gyrneð þæt he godra mæst
dæda gefremme; þam biþ dryhten scyld
in siþa gehwane, sigora waldend,
weoruda wilgiefa. þis þa wyrta sind,
wæstma blede, þa se wilda fugel
somnað under swegle side ond wide
to his wicstowe, þær he wundrum fæst
wið niþa gehwam nest gewyrceð.
Swa nu in þam wicum willan fremmað
mode ond mægne meotudes cempan,
mærða tilgað; þæs him meorde wile
ece ælmihtig eadge forgildan.
Beoð him of þam wyrtum wic gestaþelad
in wuldres byrig weorca to leane,
þæs þe hi geheoldan halge lare
hate æt heortan, hige weallende
dæges ond nihtes dryhten lufiað,
leohte geleafan leofne ceosað
ofer woruldwelan; ne biþ him wynne hyht
þæt hy þis læne lif long gewunien.
þus eadig eorl ecan dreames,
heofona hames mid heahcyning
earnað on elne, oþþæt ende cymeð
dogorrimes, þonne deað nimeð,
wiga wælgifre, wæpnum geþryþed,
ealdor anra gehwæs, ond in eorþan fæðm
snude sendeð
sawlum binumene
læne lichoman, þær hi longe beoð
oð fyres cyme foldan biþeahte.
ðonne monge beoð on gemot læded
fyra cynnes; wile fæder engla,
sigora soðcyning, seonoþ gehegan,
duguða dryhten, deman mid ryhte.
þonne æriste ealle gefremmaþ
men on moldan, swa se mihtiga cyning
beodeð, brego engla, byman stefne
ofer sidne grund, sawla nergend.
Bið se deorca deað dryhtnes meahtum
eadgum geendad. æðele hweorfað,
þreatum þringað, þonne þeos woruld,
scyldwyrcende, in scome byrneð,
ade onæled. Weorþeð anra gehwylc
forht on ferþþe, þonne fyr briceð
læne londwelan, lig eal þigeð
eorðan æhtgestreon, æpplede gold
gifre forgripeð, grædig swelgeð
londes frætwe. þonne on leoht cymeð
ældum þisses in þa openan tid
fæger ond gefealic fugles tacen,
þonne anwald eal up astelleð
of byrgenum, ban gegædrað,
leomu lic somod, ond lifes gæst,
fore Cristes cneo. Cyning þrymlice
of his heahsetle halgum scineð,
wlitig wuldres gim. Wel biþ þam þe mot
in þa geomran tid gode lician.
ðær þa lichoman, leahtra clæne,
gongað glædmode, gæstas hweorfað
in banfatu, þonne bryne stigeð
heah to heofonum. Hat bið monegum
egeslic æled, þonne anra gehwylc,
soðfæst ge synnig, sawel mid lice,
from moldgrafum seceð meotudes dom,
forhtafæred. Fyr bið on tihte,
æleð uncyste. þær þa eadgan beoð
æfter wræchwile weorcum bifongen,
agnum dædum. þæt þa æþelan sind
wyrta wynsume, mid þam se wilda fugel
his sylfes nest biseteð utan,
þæt hit færinga fyre byrneð,
forsweleð under sunnan, ond he sylfa mid,
ond þonne æfter lige lif eft onfehð
edniwinga. Swa bið anra gehwylc
flæsce bifongen fira cynnes,
ænlic ond edgeong, se þe his agnum her
willum gewyrceð þæt him wuldorcyning
meahtig æt þam mæþle milde geweorþeð.
þonne hleoþriað halge gæstas,
sawla soðfæste, song ahebbað,
clæne ond gecorene, hergað cyninges þrym,
stefn æfter stefne, stigað to wuldre
wlitige gewyrtad mid hyra weldædum.
Beoð þonne amerede monna gæstas,
beorhte abywde þurh bryne fyres.
Ne wene þæs ænig ælda cynnes
þæt ic lygewordum leoð somnige,
write woðcræfte. Gehyrað witedom
Iobes gieddinga. þurh gæstes blæd
breostum onbryrded, beald reordade,
wuldre geweorðad; he þæt word gecwæð:
"Ic þæt ne forhycge heortan geþoncum,
þæt ic in minum neste neobed ceose,
hæle hrawerig, gewite hean þonan
on longne sið, lame bitolden,
geomor gudæda, in greotes fæðm,
ond þonne æfter deaþe þurh dryhtnes giefe
swa se fugel fenix feorh edniwe
æfter æriste agan mote,
dreamas mid dryhten, þær seo deore scolu
leofne lofiað. Ic þæs lifes ne mæg
æfre to ealdre ende gebidan,
leohtes ond lissa. þeah min lic scyle
on moldærne molsnad weorþan
wyrmum to willan, swa þeah weoruda god
æfter swylthwile sawle alyseð
ond in wuldor aweceð. Me þæs wen næfre
forbirsteð in breostum, ðe ic in brego engla
forðweardne gefean fæste hæbbe."
ðus frod guma on fyrndagum
gieddade gleawmod, godes spelboda,
ymb his æriste in ece lif,
þæt we þy geornor ongietan meahten
tirfæst tacen þæt se torhta fugel
þurh bryne beacnað. Bana lafe,
ascan ond yslan, ealle gesomnað
æfter ligbryne, lædeþ siþþan
fugel on fotum to frean geardum,
sunnan togeanes. þær hi siþþan forð
wuniað wintra fela, wæstmum geniwad,
ealles edgiong, þær ænig ne mæg
in þam leodscype læþþum hwopan.
Swa nu æfter deaðe þurh dryhtnes miht
somod siþiaþ sawla mid lice,
fægre gefrætwed, fugle gelicast,
in eadwelum æþelum stencum,
þær seo soþfæste sunne lihteð
wlitig ofer weoredum in wuldres byrig.
ðonne soðfæstum sawlum scineð
heah ofer hrofas hælende Crist.
Him folgiað fuglas scyne,
beorhte gebredade, blissum hremige,
in þam gladan ham, gæstas gecorene,
ece to ealdre. þær him yfle ne mæg
fah feond gemah facne sceþþan,
ac þær lifgað a leohte werede,
swa se fugel fenix, in freoþu dryhtnes,
wlitige in wuldre. Weorc anra gehwæs
beorhte bliceð in þam bliþan ham
fore onsyne ecan dryhtnes,
symle in sibbe, sunnan gelice.
þær se beorhta beag, brogden wundrum
eorcnanstanum, eadigra gehwam
hlifað ofer heafde. Heafelan lixað,
þrymme biþeahte. ðeodnes cynegold
soðfæstra gehwone sellic glengeð
leohte in life, þær se longa gefea,
ece ond edgeong, æfre ne sweþrað,
ac hy in wlite wuniað, wuldre bitolden
fægrum frætwum, mid fæder engla.
Ne bið him on þam wicum wiht to sorge,
wroht ne weþel ne gewindagas,
hungor se hata ne se hearda þurst,
yrmþu ne yldo. Him se æþela cyning
forgifeð goda gehwylc. þær gæsta gedryht
hælend hergað ond heofoncyninges
meahte mærsiað, singað metude lof.
Swinsað sibgedryht swega mæste
hædre ymb þæt halge heahseld godes,
bliþe bletsiað bregu selestan
eadge mid englum, efenhleoþre þus:
"Sib si þe, soð god, ond snyttrucræft,
ond þe þonc sy þrymsittendum
geongra gyfena, goda gehwylces.
Micel, unmæte mægnes strengðu,
heah ond halig! Heofonas sindon
fægre gefylled, fæder ælmihtig,
ealra þrymma þrym, þines wuldres,
uppe mid englum ond on eorðan somod.
Gefreoþa usic, frymþa scyppend! þu eart fæder ælmihtig
in heannesse, heofuna waldend."
ðus reordiað ryhtfremmende,
manes amerede, in þære mæran byrig;
cyneþrym cyþað, caseres lof
singað on swegle soðfæstra gedryht,
þam anum is ece weorðmynd
forð butan ende. Næs his frymð æfre,
eades ongyn. þeah he on eorþan her
þurh cildes had cenned wære
in middangeard, hwæþre his meahta sped
heah ofer heofonum halig wunade,
dom unbryce. þeah he deaþes cwealm
on rode treow ræfnan sceolde,
þearlic wite, he þy þriddan dæge
æfter lices hryre lif eft onfeng
þurh fæder fultum. Swa fenix beacnað,
geong in geardum, godbearnes meaht,
þonne he of ascan eft onwæcneð
in lifes lif, leomum geþungen.
Swa se hælend us
helpe gefremede
þurh his lices gedal, lif butan ende,
swa se fugel swetum his fiþru tu
ond wynsumum wyrtum gefylleð,
fægrum foldwæstmum, þonne afysed bið.
þæt sindon þa word, swa us gewritu secgað,
hleoþor haligra, þe him to heofonum bið,
to þam mildan gode, mod afysed
in dreama dream, þær hi dryhtne to giefe
worda ond weorca wynsumne stenc
in þa mæran gesceaft meotude bringað,
in þæt leohte lif. Sy him lof symle
þurh woruld worulda, ond wuldres blæd,
ar ond onwald, in þam uplican
rodera rice. He is on ryht cyning
middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes,
wuldre biwunden in þære wlitigan byrig.
Hafað us alyfed [lucis auctor]
þæt we motun her [merueri],
goddædum begietan [gaudia in celo],
þær we motun
[maxima regna]
secan ond gesittan [sedibus altis],
lifgan in lisse [lucis et pacis],
agan eardinga
[almæ letitię],
brucan blæddaga, [blandem et mitem]
geseon sigora frean [sine fine],
ond him lof singan [laude perenne],
eadge mid englum. [Alleluia].
15. Juliana
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 113-33; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hwæt! We ðæt hyrdon hæleð eahtian,
deman dædhwate, þætte in dagum gelamp
Maximianes, se geond middangeard,
arleas cyning, eahtnysse ahof,
cwealde cristne men, circan fylde,
geat on græswong
hæþen hildfruma, haligra blod,
ryhtfremmendra. Wæs his rice brad,
wid ond weorðlic ofer werþeode,
lytesna ofer ealne yrmenne grund.
Foron æfter burgum, swa he biboden hæfde,
þegnas þryðfulle.
Oft hi þræce rærdon,
dædum gedwolene, þa þe dryhtnes æ
feodon þurh firencræft. Feondscype rærdon,
hofon hæþengield, halge cwelmdon,
breotun boccræftge,
bærndon gecorene,
gæston godes cempan gare ond lige.
Sum wæs æhtwelig æþeles cynnes
rice gerefa. Rondburgum weold,
eard weardade oftast symle
in þære ceastre Commedia,
heold hordgestreon. Oft he hæþengield
ofer word godes, weoh gesohte
neode geneahhe. Wæs him noma cenned
Heliseus, hæfde ealdordom
micelne ond mærne. ða his mod ongon
fæmnan lufian, (hine fyrwet bræc),
Iulianan. Hio in gæste bær
halge treowe, hogde georne
þæt hire mægðhad mana gehwylces
fore Cristes lufan clæne geheolde.
ða wæs sio fæmne mid hyre fæder willan
welegum biweddad; wyrd ne ful cuþe,
freondrædenne hu heo from hogde,
geong on gæste. Hire wæs godes egsa
mara in gemyndum, þonne eall þæt maþþumgesteald
þe in þæs æþelinges æhtum wunade.
þa wæs se weliga
þæra wifgifta,
goldspedig guma, georn on mode,
þæt him mon fromlicast fæmnan gegyrede,
bryd to bolde. Heo þæs beornes lufan
fæste wiðhogde, þeah þe feohgestreon
under hordlocan, hyrsta unrim
æhte ofer eorþan. Heo þæt eal forseah,
ond þæt word acwæð on wera mengu:
"Ic þe mæg gesecgan þæt þu þec sylfne ne þearft
swiþor swencan. Gif þu soðne god
lufast ond gelyfest, ond his lof rærest,
ongietest gæsta hleo, ic beo gearo sona
unwaclice willan þines.
Swylce ic þe secge, gif þu to sæmran gode
þurh deofolgield dæde biþencest,
hætsð hæþenweoh, ne meaht þu habban mec,
ne geþreatian þe to gesingan.
Næfre þu þæs swiðlic sar gegearwast
þurh hæstne nið heardra wita,
þæt þu mec onwende worda þissa."
ða se æþeling wearð yrre gebolgen,
firendædum fah, gehyrde þære fæmnan word,
het ða gefetigan ferend snelle,
hreoh ond hygeblind, haligre fæder,
recene to rune. Reord up astag,
siþþan hy togædre garas hlændon,
hildeþremman. Hæðne wæron begen
synnum seoce, sweor ond aþum.
ða reordode rices hyrde
wið þære fæmnan fæder frecne mode,
daraðhæbbende: "Me þin dohtor hafað
geywed orwyrðu. Heo me on an sagað
þæt heo mæglufan minre ne gyme,
freondrædenne. Me þa fraceðu sind
on modsefan mæste weorce,
þæt heo mec swa torne tæle gerahte
fore þissum folce, het me fremdne god,
ofer þa oþre þe we ær cuþon,
welum weorþian, wordum lofian,
on hyge hergan, oþþe hi nabban."
Geswearc þa swiðferð
sweor æfter worde,
þære fæmnan fæder, ferðlocan onspeon:
"Ic þæt geswerge þurh soð godu,
swa ic are æt him æfre finde,
oþþe, þeoden, æt þe þine hyldu
winburgum in, gif þas word sind soþ,
monna leofast, þe þu me sagast,
þæt ic hy ne sparige, ac on spild giefe,
þeoden mæra, þe to gewealde.
Dem þu hi to deaþe, gif þe gedafen þince,
swa to life læt, swa þe leofre sy."
Eode þa fromlice fæmnan to spræce,
anræd ond yreþweorg, yrre gebolgen,
þær he glædmode
geonge wiste
wic weardian. He þa worde cwæð:
"ðu eart dohtor min seo dyreste
ond seo sweteste in sefan minum,
ange for eorþan, minra eagna leoht,
Iuliana! þu on geaþe hafast
þurh þin orlegu unbiþyrfe
ofer witena dom wisan gefongen.
Wiðsæcest þu to swiþe sylfre rædes
þinum brydguman, se is betra þonne þu,
æþelra for eorþan, æhtspedigra
feohgestreona. He is to freonde god.
Forþon is þæs wyrþe, þæt þu þæs weres frige,
ece eadlufan, an ne forlæte."
Him þa seo eadge ageaf ondsware,
Iuliana (hio to gode hæfde
freondrædenne fæste gestaþelad):
"Næfre ic þæs þeodnes þafian wille
mægrædenne, nemne he mægna god
geornor bigonge þonne he gen dyde,
lufige mid lacum þone þe leoht gescop,
heofon ond eorðan ond holma bigong,
eodera ymbhwyrft. Ne mæg he elles mec
bringan to bolde. He þa brydlufan
sceal to oþerre æhtgestealdum
idese secan; nafað he ænige her."
Hyre þa þurh yrre ageaf ondsware
fæder feondlice, nales frætwe onheht:
"Ic þæt gefremme, gif min feorh leofað
gif þu unrædes ær ne geswicest,
ond þu fremdu godu forð bigongest
ond þa forlætest þe us leofran sind,
þe þissum folce to freme stondað,
þæt þu ungeara ealdre scyldig
þurh deora gripe deaþe sweltest,
gif þu geþafian nelt þingrædenne,
modges gemanan. Micel is þæt ongin
ond þreaniedlic
þinre gelican,
þæt þu forhycge hlaford urne."
Him þa seo eadge ageaf ondsware,
gleaw ond gode leof, Iuliana:
"Ic þe to soðe secgan wille,
bi me lifgendre nelle ic lyge fremman.
Næfre ic me ondræde domas þine,
ne me weorce sind witebrogan,
hildewoman, þe þu hæstlice
manfremmende to me beotast,
ne þu næfre gedest þurh gedwolan þinne
þæt þu mec acyrre from Cristes lofe."
ða wæs ellenwod, yrre ond reþe,
frecne ond ferðgrim, fæder wið dehter.
Het hi þa swingan, susle þreagan,
witum wægan, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Onwend þec in gewitte, ond þa word oncyr
þe þu unsnyttrum ær gespræce,
þa þu goda ussa gield forhogdest."
Him seo unforhte ageaf ondsware
þurh gæstgehygd, Iuliana:
"Næfre þu gelærest þæt ic leasingum,
dumbum ond deafum deofolgieldum,
gæsta geniðlum gaful onhate,
þam wyrrestum wites þegnum,
ac ic weorðige wuldres ealdor
middangeardes ond mægenþrymmes,
ond him anum to eal biþence,
þæt he mundbora min geweorþe,
helpend ond hælend wið hellsceaþum."
Hy þa þurh yrre Affricanus,
fæder fæmnan ageaf on feonda geweald
Heliseo. He in æringe
gelædan het æfter leohtes cyme
to his domsetle. Duguð wafade
on þære fæmnan wlite, folc eal geador.
Hy þa se æðeling ærest grette,
hire brydguma, bliþum wordum:
"Min se swetesta sunnan scima,
Iuliana! Hwæt, þu glæm hafast,
ginfæste giefe, geoguðhades blæd!
Gif þu godum ussum gen gecwemest,
ond þe to swa mildum mundbyrd secest,
hyldo to halgum, beoð þe ahylded fram
wraþe geworhtra wita unrim,
grimra gyrna, þe þe gegearwad sind,
gif þu onsecgan nelt soþum gieldum."
Him seo æþele mæg ageaf ondsware:
"Næfre þu geþreatast þinum beotum,
ne wita þæs fela wraðra gegearwast,
þæt ic þeodscype þinne lufie,
buton þu forlæte þa leasinga,
weohweorðinga, ond wuldres god
ongyte gleawlice, gæsta scyppend,
meotud moncynnes, in þæs meahtum sind
a butan ende ealle gesceafta."
ða for þam folce frecne mode
beotwordum spræc, bealg hine swiþe
folcagende, ond þa fæmnan het
þurh niðwræce nacode þennan,
ond mid sweopum swingan synna lease.
Ahlog þa se hererinc, hospwordum spræc:
"þis is ealdordom uncres gewynnes
on fruman gefongen! Gen ic feores þe
unnan wille, þeah þu ær fela
unwærlicra worda gespræce,
onsoce to swiðe þæt þu soð godu
lufian wolde. þe þa lean sceolan
wiþerhycgendre, witebrogan,
æfter weorþan, butan þu ær wiþ hi
geþingige, ond him þoncwyrþe
æfter leahtorcwidum lac onsecge,
sibbe gesette. Læt þa sace restan,
lað leodgewin. Gif þu leng ofer þis
þurh þin dolwillen gedwolan fylgest,
þonne ic nyde sceal niþa gebæded
on þære grimmestan godscyld wrecan,
torne teoncwide, þe þu tælnissum
wiþ þa selestan sacan ongunne,
ond þa mildestan þara þe men witen,
þe þes leodscype mid him longe bieode."
Him þæt æþele mod unforht oncwæð:
"Ne ondræde ic me domas þine,
awyrged womsceaða, ne þinra wita bealo.
Hæbbe ic me to hyhte heofonrices weard,
mildne mundboran, mægna waldend,
se mec gescyldeð wið þinum scinlace
of gromra gripe, þe þu to godum tiohhast.
ða sind geasne goda gehwylces,
idle, orfeorme, unbiþyrfe,
ne þær freme meteð
fira ænig
soðe sibbe, þeah þe sece to him
freondrædenne. He ne findeð þær
duguþe mid deoflum. Ic to dryhtne min
mod staþelige, se ofer mægna gehwylc
waldeð wideferh, wuldres agend,
sigora gehwylces. þæt is soð cyning."
ða þam folctogan fracuðlic þuhte
þæt he ne meahte mod oncyrran,
fæmnan foreþonc. He bi feaxe het
ahon ond ahebban on heanne beam,
þær seo sunsciene slege þrowade,
sace singrimme, siex tida dæges,
ond he ædre het eft asettan,
laðgeniðla, ond gelædan bibead
to carcerne. Hyre wæs Cristes lof
in ferðlocan fæste biwunden,
milde modsefan, mægen unbrice.
ða wæs mid clustre carcernes duru
behliden, homra geweorc. Halig þær inne
wærfæst wunade. Symle heo wuldorcyning
herede æt heortan, heofonrices god,
in þam nydclafan, nergend fira,
heolstre bihelmad. Hyre wæs halig gæst
singal gesið. ða cwom semninga
in þæt hlinræced hæleða gewinna,
yfeles ondwis. Hæfde engles hiw,
gleaw gyrnstafa gæstgeniðla,
helle hæftling, to þære halgan spræc:
"Hwæt dreogest þu, seo dyreste
ond seo weorþeste wuldorcyninge,
dryhtne ussum? ðe þes dema hafað
þa wyrrestan witu gegearwad,
sar endeleas, gif þu onsecgan nelt,
gleawhycgende, ond his godum cweman.
Wes þu on ofeste, swa he þec ut heonan
lædan hate, þæt þu lac hraþe
onsecge sigortifre, ær þec swylt nime,
deað fore duguðe. þy þu þæs deman scealt,
eadhreðig mæg, yrre gedygan."
Frægn þa fromlice, seo þe forht ne wæs,
Criste gecweme, hwonan his cyme wære.
Hyre se wræcmæcga wið þingade:
"Ic eom engel godes ufan siþende,
þegn geþungen, ond to þe sended,
halig of heahþu. þe sind heardlicu,
wundrum wælgrim, witu geteohhad
to gringwræce. Het þe god beodan,
bearn waldendes, þæt þe burge þa."
ða wæs seo fæmne for þam færspelle
egsan geaclad, þe hyre se aglæca,
wuldres wiþerbreca, wordum sægde.
Ongan þa fæstlice ferð staþelian,
geong grondorleas, to gode
"Nu ic þec, beorna hleo, biddan wille
ece ælmihtig, þurh þæt æþele gesceap
þe þu, fæder engla, æt fruman settest,
þæt þu me ne læte of lofe hweorfan
þinre eadgife, swa me þes ar bodað
frecne færspel, þe me fore stondeð.
Swa ic þe, bilwitne, biddan wille
þæt þu me gecyðe, cyninga wuldor,
þrymmes hyrde, hwæt þes þegn sy,
lyftlacende, þe mec læreð from þe
on stearcne weg." Hyre stefn oncwæð
wlitig of wolcnum, word hleoþrade:
"Forfoh þone frætgan ond fæste geheald,
oþþæt he his siðfæt secge mid ryhte,
ealne from orde, hwæt his æþelu syn."
ða wæs þære fæmnan ferð geblissad,
domeadigre. Heo þæt deofol genom
[...] "ealra cyninga cyning to cwale syllan.
ða gen ic gecræfte þæt se cempa ongon
waldend wundian, weorud to segon
þæt þær blod ond wæter bu tu ætgædre
eorþan sohtun. ða gen ic Herode
in hyge bisweop
þæt he Iohannes bibead
heafde biheawan, ða se halga wer
þære wiflufan wordum styrde,
unryhtre æ. Eac ic gelærde
Simon searoþoncum þæt he sacan ongon
wiþ þa gecorenan Cristes þegnas,
ond þa halgan weras hospe gerahte
þurh deopne gedwolan, sægde hy dryas wæron.
Neþde ic nearobregdum þær ic Neron bisweac,
þæt he acwellan het Cristes þegnas,
Petrus ond Paulus. Pilatus ær
on rode aheng rodera waldend,
meotud meahtigne minum larum.
Swylce ic Egias eac gelærde
þæt he unsnytrum Andreas het
ahon haligne on heanne beam,
þæt he of galgan his gæst onsende
in wuldres wlite. þus ic wraþra fela
mid minum broþrum bealwa gefremede,
sweartra synna, þe ic asecgan ne mæg,
rume areccan, ne gerim witan,
heardra heteþonca." Him seo halge oncwæð
þurh gæstes giefe, Iuliana:
"þu scealt furþor gen, feond moncynnes,
siþfæt secgan, hwa þec sende to me."
Hyre se aglæca ageaf ondsware,
forhtafongen, friþes orwena:
"Hwæt, mec min fæder on þas fore to þe,
hellwarena cyning, hider onsende
of þam engan ham, se is yfla gehwæs
in þam grornhofe geornfulra þonne ic.
þonne he usic sendeð þæt we soðfæstra
þurh misgedwield mod oncyrren,
ahwyrfen from halor, we beoð hygegeomre,
forhte on ferðþe. Ne biþ us frea milde,
egesful ealdor, gif we yfles noht
gedon habbaþ; ne durran we siþþan
for his onsyne ower geferan.
þonne he onsendeð geond sidne grund
þegnas of þystrum, hateð þræce ræran,
gif we gemette sin on moldwege,
oþþe feor oþþe neah fundne weorþen,
þæt hi usic binden ond in bælwylme
suslum swingen. Gif soðfæstra
þurh myrrelsan mod ne oðcyrreð,
haligra hyge, we þa heardestan
ond þa wyrrestan witu geþoliað
þurh sarslege. Nu þu sylfa meaht
on sefan þinum soð gecnawan,
þæt ic þisse noþe wæs nyde gebæded,
þragmælum geþread, þæt ic þe sohte."
þa gen seo halge ongon hæleþa gewinnan,
wrohtes wyrhtan, wordum frignan,
fyrnsynna fruman: "þu me furþor scealt
secgan, sawla feond, hu þu soðfæstum
þurh synna slide swiþast sceþþe,
facne bifongen." Hyre se feond oncwæð,
wræcca wærleas, wordum mælde:
"Ic þe, ead mæg, yfla gehwylces
or gecyðe oð ende forð
þara þe ic gefremede, nalæs feam siðum,
synna wundum, þæt þu þy sweotolicor
sylf gecnawe þæt þis is soð, nales leas.
Ic þæt wende ond witod tealde
þriste geþoncge, þæt ic þe meahte
butan earfeþum anes cræfte
ahwyrfan from halor, þæt þu heofoncyninge
wiðsoce, sigora frean, ond to sæmran gebuge,
onsægde synna fruman. þus ic soðfæstum
þurh mislic bleo mod oncyrre.
þær ic hine finde ferð staþelian
to godes willan, ic beo gearo sona
þæt ic him monigfealde modes gælsan
ongean bere grimra geþonca,
dyrnra gedwilda, þurh gedwolena rim.
Ic him geswete synna lustas,
mæne modlufan, þæt he minum hraþe,
leahtrum gelenge, larum hyreð.
Ic hine þæs swiþe synnum onæle
þæt he byrnende from gebede swiceð,
stepeð stronglice, staþolfæst ne mæg
fore leahtra lufan lenge gewunian
in gebedstowe. Swa ic brogan to
laðne gelæde þam þe ic lifes ofonn,
leohtes geleafan, ond he larum wile
þurh modes myne minum hyran,
synne fremman, he siþþan sceal
godra gumcysta geasne hweorfan.
Gif ic ænigne ellenrofne
gemete modigne metodes cempan
wið flanþræce, nele feor þonan
bugan from beaduwe, ac he bord ongean
hefeð hygesnottor, haligne scyld,
gæstlic guðreaf, nele gode swican,
ac he beald in gebede bidsteal gifeð
fæste on feðan, ic sceal feor þonan
heanmod hweorfan, hroþra bidæled,
in gleda gripe, gehðu mænan,
þæt ic ne meahte mægnes cræfte
guðe wiðgongan, ac ic geomor sceal
secan oþerne ellenleasran,
under cumbolhagan, cempan sænran,
þe ic onbryrdan mæge beorman mine,
agælan æt guþe. þeah he godes hwæt
onginne gæstlice, ic beo gearo sona,
þæt ic ingehygd eal geondwlite,
hu gefæstnad sy ferð innanweard,
wiðsteall geworht. Ic þæs wealles geat
ontyne þurh teonan; bið se torr þyrel,
ingong geopenad, þonne ic ærest him
þurh eargfare in onsende
in breostsefan bitre geþoncas
þurh mislice modes willan,
þæt him sylfum selle þynceð
leahtras to fremman ofer lof godes,
lices lustas. Ic beo lareow georn
þæt he monþeawum minum lifge
acyrred cuðlice from Cristes æ,
mod gemyrred me to gewealde
in synna seað. Ic þære sawle ma
geornor gyme ymb þæs gæstes forwyrd
þonne þæs lichoman, se þe on legre sceal
weorðan in worulde wyrme to hroþor,
bifolen in foldan." ða gien seo fæmne spræc:
"Saga, earmsceapen, unclæne gæst,
hu þu þec geþyde, þystra stihtend,
on clænra gemong? þu wið Criste geo
wærleas wunne ond gewin tuge,
hogdes wiþ halgum. þe wearð helle seað
niþer gedolfen, þær þu nydbysig
fore oferhygdum eard gesohtes.
Wende ic þæt þu þy wærra weorþan sceolde
wið soðfæstum swylces gemotes
ond þy unbealdra, þe þe oft wiðstod
þurh wuldorcyning willan þines."
Hyre þa se werga wið þingade,
earm aglæca: "þu me ærest saga,
hu þu gedyrstig þurh deop gehygd
wurde þus wigþrist ofer eall wifa cyn,
þæt þu mec þus fæste fetrum gebunde,
æghwæs orwigne. þu in ecne god,
þrymsittendne, þinne getreowdes,
meotud moncynnes, swa ic in minne fæder,
hellwarena cyning, hyht staþelie.
þonne ic beom onsended wið soðfæstum,
þæt ic in manweorcum mod oncyrre,
hyge from halor, me hwilum biþ
forwyrned þurh wiþersteall willan mines,
hyhtes æt halgum, swa me her gelamp
sorg on siþe. Ic þæt sylf gecneow
to late micles, sceal nu lange ofer þis,
scyldwyrcende, scame þrowian.
Forþon ic þec halsige þurh þæs hyhstan meaht,
rodorcyninges giefe, se þe on rode treo
geþrowade, þrymmes ealdor,
þæt þu miltsige me þearfendum,
þæt unsælig eall ne forweorþe,
þeah ic þec gedyrstig ond þus dolwillen
siþe gesohte, þær ic swiþe me
þyslicre ær þrage ne wende."
ða seo wlitescyne wuldres condel
to þam wærlogan wordum mælde:
"þu scealt ondettan
yfeldæda ma,
hean helle gæst, ær þu heonan mote,
hwæt þu to teonan þurhtogen hæbbe
micelra manweorca manna tudre
deorcum gedwildum." Hyre þæt deofol oncwæð:
"Nu ic þæt gehyre þurh þinne hleoþorcwide,
þæt ic nyde sceal niþa gebæded
mod meldian, swa þu me beodest,
þreaned þolian. Is þeos þrag ful strong,
þreat ormæte. Ic sceal þinga gehwylc
þolian ond þafian on þinne dom,
womdæda onwreon,
þe ic wideferg
sweartra gesyrede.
Oft ic syne ofteah,
ablende bealoþoncum beorna unrim
monna cynnes, misthelme forbrægd
þurh attres ord eagna leoman
sweartum scurum, ond ic sumra fet
forbræc bealosearwum, sume in bryne sende,
in liges locan, þæt him lasta wearð
siþast gesyne. Eac ic sume gedyde
þæt him banlocan blode spiowedan,
þæt hi færinga feorh aleton
þurh ædra wylm. Sume on yðfare
wurdon on wege
wætrum bisencte,
on mereflode, minum cræftum
under reone stream. Sume ic rode bifealh,
þæt hi hyra dreorge on hean galgan
lif aletan. Sume ic larum geteah,
to geflite fremede, þæt hy færinga
ealde æfþoncan edniwedan,
beore druncne. Ic him byrlade
wroht of wege, þæt hi in winsele
þurh sweordgripe sawle forletan
of flæschoman fæge scyndan,
sarum gesohte. Sume, þa ic funde
butan godes tacne, gymelease,
þa ic bealdlice
þurh mislic cwealm minum hondum
searoþoncum slog. Ic asecgan ne mæg,
þeah ic gesitte sumerlongne dæg,
eal þa earfeþu þe ic ær ond siþ
gefremede to facne, siþþan furþum wæs
rodor aræred ond ryne tungla,
folde gefæstnad ond þa forman men,
Adam ond Aeue, þam ic ealdor oðþrong,
ond hy gelærde þæt hi lufan dryhtnes,
ece eadgiefe anforleton,
beorhtne boldwelan, þæt him bæm gewearð
yrmþu to ealdre, ond hyra eaferum swa,
mircast manweorca. Hwæt sceal ic ma riman
yfel endeleas? Ic eall gebær,
wraþe wrohtas geond werþeode,
þa þe gewurdun
widan feore
from fruman worulde fira cynne,
eorlum on eorþan. Ne wæs ænig þara
þæt me þus þriste, swa þu nu þa,
halig mid hondum, hrinan dorste,
næs ænig þæs modig mon ofer eorþan
þurh halge meaht, heahfædra nan
ne witgena. þeah þe him weoruda god
onwrige, wuldres cyning, wisdomes gæst,
giefe unmæte, hwæþre ic gong to þam
agan moste. Næs ænig þara
þæt mec þus bealdlice bennum bilegde,
þream forþrycte, ær þu nu þa
þa miclan meaht
mine oferswiðdest,
fæste forfenge, þe me fæder sealde,
feond moncynnes, þa he mec feran het,
þeoden of þystrum, þæt ic þe sceolde
synne swetan. þær mec sorg bicwom,
hefig hondgewinn. Ic bihlyhhan ne þearf
æfter sarwræce siðfæt þisne
magum in gemonge, þonne ic mine sceal
agiefan gnorncearig gafulrædenne
in þam reongan ham." ða se gerefa het,
gealgmod guma, Iulianan
of þam engan hofe ut gelædan
on hyge halge hæþnum to spræce
to his domsetle. Heo þæt deofol teah,
breostum inbryrded, bendum fæstne,
halig hæþenne. Ongan þa hreowcearig
siðfæt seofian, sar cwanian,
wyrd wanian, wordum mælde:
"Ic þec halsige, hlæfdige min,
Iuliana, fore godes sibbum,
þæt þu furþur me fraceþu ne wyrce,
edwit for eorlum, þonne þu ær dydest,
þa þu oferswiþdest þone snotrestan
under hlinscuan
helwarena cyning
in feonda byrig; þæt is fæder user,
morþres manfrea. Hwæt, þu mec þreades
þurh sarslege! Ic to soþe wat
þæt ic ær ne sið ænig ne mette
in woruldrice
wif þe gelic,
þristran geþohtes ne þweorhtimbran
mægþa cynnes. Is on me sweotul
þæt þu unscamge æghwæs wurde
on ferþe frod." ða hine seo fæmne forlet
æfter þræchwile þystra neosan
in sweartne grund, sawla gewinnan,
on wita forwyrd. Wiste he þi gearwor,
manes melda, magum to secgan,
susles þegnum, hu him on siðe gelomp.
"georne ær
heredon on heahþu ond his halig word,
sægdon soðlice þæt he sigora gehwæs
ofer ealle gesceaft ana weolde,
ecra eadgiefa." ða cwom engel godes
frætwum blican ond þæt fyr tosceaf,
gefreode ond gefreoðade facnes clæne,
leahtra lease, ond þone lig towearp,
heorogiferne, þær seo halie stod,
mægþa bealdor, on þam midle gesund.
þæt þam weligan wæs weorc to þolianne,
þær he hit for worulde wendan meahte,
sohte synnum fah, hu he sarlicast
þurh þa wyrrestan witu meahte
feorhcwale findan. Næs se feond to læt,
se hine gelærde þæt he læmen fæt
biwyrcan het wundorcræfte,
wiges womum, ond wudubeamum,
holte bihlænan. ða se hearda bibead
þæt mon þæt lamfæt leades gefylde,
ond þa onbærnan het bælfira mæst,
ad onælan, se wæs æghwonan
ymbboren mid brondum. Bæð hate weol.
Het þa ofestlice yrre gebolgen
leahtra lease in þæs leades wylm
scufan butan scyldum. þa toscaden wearð
lig tolysed. Lead wide sprong,
hat, heorogifre.
Hæleð wurdon acle
arasad for þy ræse. þær on rime forborn
þurh þæs fires fnæst fif ond hundseofontig
hæðnes herges. ða gen sio halge stod
ungewemde wlite. Næs hyre wloh ne hrægl,
ne feax ne fel fyre gemæled,
ne lic ne leoþu. Heo in lige stod
æghwæs onsund, sægde ealles þonc
dryhtna dryhtne. þa se dema wearð
hreoh ond hygegrim, ongon his hrægl teran,
swylce he grennade ond gristbitade,
wedde on gewitte swa wilde deor,
grymetade gealgmod ond his godu tælde,
þæs þe hy ne meahtun
mægne wiþstondan
wifes willan. Wæs seo wuldres mæg
anræd ond unforht, eafoða gemyndig,
dryhtnes willan. þa se dema het
aswebban sorgcearig þurh sweordbite
on hyge halge, heafde bineotan
Criste gecorene. Hine se cwealm ne þeah,
siþþan he þone fintan furþor cuþe.
ða wearð þære halgan hyht geniwad
ond þæs mægdnes mod miclum geblissad,
siþþan heo gehyrde hæleð eahtian
inwitrune, þæt hyre endestæf
of gewindagum weorþan sceolde,
lif alysed. Het þa leahtra ful
clæne ond gecorene to cwale lædan,
synna lease. ða cwom semninga
hean helle gæst, hearmleoð agol,
earm ond unlæd, þone heo ær gebond
awyrgedne ond mid witum swong,
cleopade þa for corþre, ceargealdra full:
"Gyldað nu mid gyrne, þæt heo goda ussa
meaht forhogde, ond mec swiþast
geminsade, þæt ic to meldan wearð.
Lætað hy laþra leana hleotan
þurh wæpnes spor, wrecað ealdne nið,
synne gesohte. Ic þa sorge gemon,
hu ic bendum fæst bisga unrim
on anre niht earfeða dreag,
yfel ormætu." þa seo eadge biseah
ongean gramum,
gehyrde heo hearm galan helle deofol.
Feond moncynnes ongon þa on fleam sceacan,
wita neosan, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Wa me forworhtum! Nu is wen micel
þæt heo mec eft wille earmne gehynan
yflum yrmþum, swa heo mec ær dyde."
ða wæs gelæded londmearce neah
ond to þære stowe þær hi stearcferþe
þurh cumbolhete cwellan þohtun.
Ongon heo þa læran ond to lofe trymman
folc of firenum ond him frofre gehet,
weg to wuldre, ond þæt word acwęð:
"Gemunað wigena wyn ond wuldres þrym,
haligra hyht, heofonengla god.
He is þæs wyrðe, þæt hine werþeode
ond eal engla cynn up on roderum
hergen, heahmægen, þær is help gelong
ece to ealdre, þam þe agan sceal.
Forþon ic, leof weorud, læran wille,
æfremmende, þæt ge eower hus
gefæstnige, þy læs hit ferblædum
windas toweorpan. Weal sceal þy trumra
strong wiþstondan storma scurum,
leahtra gehygdum. Ge mid lufan sibbe,
leohte geleafan, to þam lifgendan
stane stiðhydge staþol fæstniað,
soðe treowe ond sibbe mid eow
healdað æt heortan, halge rune
þurh modes myne. þonne eow miltse giefeð
fæder ælmihtig, þær ge frofre agun
æt mægna gode, mæste þearfe
æfter sorgstafum. Forþon ge sylfe neton
utgong heonan, ende lifes.
Wærlic me þinceð þæt ge wæccende
wið hettendra hildewoman
wearde healden, þy læs eow wiþerfeohtend
weges forwyrnen to wuldres byrig.
Biddað bearn godes þæt me brego engla,
meotud moncynnes, milde geweorþe,
sigora sellend. Sibb sy mid eowic,
symle soþ lufu." ða hyre sawl wearð
alæded of lice to þam langan gefean
þurh sweordslege. þa se synscaþa
to scipe sceohmod sceaþena þreate
Heliseus ehstream sohte,
leolc ofer laguflod longe hwile
on swonrade. Swylt ealle fornom
secga hloþe ond hine sylfne mid,
ærþon hy to lande geliden hæfdon,
þurh þearlic þrea. þær [XXX] wæs
ond feowere eac feores onsohte
þurh wæges wylm wigena cynnes,
heane mid hlaford, hroþra bidæled,
hyhta lease helle sohton.
Ne þorftan þa þegnas in þam þystran ham,
seo geneatscolu in þam neolan scræfe,
to þam frumgare
witedra wenan, þæt hy in winsele
ofer beorsetle
beagas þegon,
æpplede gold. Ungelice wæs
læded lofsongum lic haligre
micle mægne to moldgræfe,
þæt hy hit gebrohton burgum in innan,
sidfolc micel. þær siððan wæs
geara gongum godes lof hafen
þrymme micle oþ þisne dæg
mid þeodscipe. Is me þearf micel
þæt seo halge me helpe gefremme,
þonne me gedælað deorast ealra,
sibbe toslitað sinhiwan tu,
micle modlufan. Min sceal of lice
sawul on siðfæt, nat ic sylfa hwider,
eardes uncyðgu; of sceal ic þissum,
secan oþerne ærgewyrhtum,
gongan iudædum. Geomor hweorfeð
Y ond N. Cyning biþ reþe,
sigora syllend, þonne synnum fah
W ond U
acle bidað
hwæt him æfter dædum deman wille
lifes to leane.
F beofað,
seomað sorgcearig. Sar eal gemon,
synna wunde, þe ic siþ oþþe ær
geworhte in worulde. þæt ic wopig sceal
tearum mænan. Wæs an tid to læt
þæt ic yfeldæda ær gescomede,
þenden gæst ond lic geador siþedan
onsund on earde. þonne arna biþearf,
þæt me seo halge wið þone hyhstan cyning
geþingige. Mec þæs þearf monaþ,
micel modes sorg. Bidde ic monna gehwone
gumena cynnes, þe þis gied wræce,
þæt he mec neodful bi noman minum
gemyne modig, ond meotud bidde
þæt me heofona helm helpe gefremme,
meahta waldend, on þam miclan dæge,
fæder, frofre gæst, in þa frecnan tid,
dæda demend, ond se deora sunu,
þonne seo þrynis þrymsittende
in annesse ælda cynne
þurh þa sciran gesceaft scrifeð bi gewyrhtum
meorde monna gehwam. Forgif us, mægna god,
þæt we þine onsyne, æþelinga wyn,
milde gemeten on þa mæran tid.
16. The Wanderer
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 134-7; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Oft him anhaga are gebideð,
metudes miltse, þeah þe he modcearig
geond lagulade longe sceolde
hreran mid hondum hrimcealde sæ,
wadan wræclastas. Wyrd bið ful aręd!
Swa cwæð eardstapa, earfeþa gemyndig,
wraþra wælsleahta, winemæga hryre:
"Oft ic sceolde ana uhtna gehwylce
mine ceare cwiþan. Nis nu cwicra nan
þe ic him modsefan minne durre
sweotule asecgan. Ic to soþe wat
þæt biþ in eorle indryhten þeaw,
þæt he his ferðlocan fæste binde,
healde his hordcofan, hycge swa he wille.
Ne mæg werig mod wyrde wiðstondan,
ne se hreo hyge helpe gefremman.
Forðon domgeorne dreorigne oft
in hyra breostcofan bindað fæste;
swa ic modsefan minne sceolde,
oft earmcearig, eðle bidæled,
freomægum feor feterum sælan,
siþþan geara iu goldwine minne
hrusan heolstre biwrah, ond ic hean þonan
wod wintercearig ofer waþema gebind,
sohte sele dreorig sinces bryttan,
hwær ic feor oþþe neah findan meahte
þone þe in meoduhealle
min mine wisse,
oþþe mec freondleasne
frefran wolde,
weman mid wynnum. Wat se þe cunnað,
hu sliþen bið sorg to geferan,
þam þe him lyt hafað leofra geholena.
Warað hine wræclast, nales wunden gold,
ferðloca freorig, nalæs foldan blæd.
Gemon he selesecgas ond sincþege,
hu hine on geoguðe his goldwine
wenede to wiste. Wyn eal gedreas!
Forþon wat se þe sceal his winedryhtnes
leofes larcwidum longe forþolian,
ðonne sorg ond slæp somod ætgædre
earmne anhogan oft gebindað.
þinceð him on mode þæt he his mondryhten
clyppe ond cysse, ond on cneo lecge
honda ond heafod, swa he hwilum ær
in geardagum giefstolas breac.
ðonne onwæcneð eft wineleas guma,
gesihð him biforan fealwe wegas,
baþian brimfuglas, brædan feþra,
hreosan hrim ond snaw, hagle gemenged.
þonne beoð þy hefigran heortan benne,
sare æfter swæsne. Sorg bið geniwad,
þonne maga gemynd mod geondhweorfeð;
greteð gliwstafum, georne geondsceawað
secga geseldan. Swimmað eft on weg!
Fleotendra ferð no þær fela bringeð
cuðra cwidegiedda. Cearo bið geniwad
þam þe sendan sceal swiþe geneahhe
ofer waþema gebind werigne sefan.
Forþon ic geþencan ne mæg geond þas woruld
for hwan modsefa
min ne gesweorce,
þonne ic eorla lif eal geondþence,
hu hi færlice flet ofgeafon,
modge maguþegnas. Swa þes middangeard
ealra dogra gehwam dreoseð ond fealleþ,
forþon ne mæg weorþan wis wer, ær he age
wintra dæl in woruldrice. Wita sceal geþyldig,
ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrædwyrde,
ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig,
ne to forht ne to fægen, ne to feohgifre
ne næfre gielpes to georn, ær he geare cunne.
Beorn sceal gebidan, þonne he beot spriceð,
oþþæt collenferð cunne gearwe
hwider hreþra gehygd hweorfan wille.
Ongietan sceal gleaw hæle hu gæstlic bið,
þonne ealre þisse worulde wela weste stondeð,
swa nu missenlice geond þisne middangeard
winde biwaune weallas stondaþ,
hrime bihrorene, hryðge þa ederas.
Woriað þa winsalo, waldend licgað
dreame bidrorene, duguþ eal gecrong,
wlonc bi wealle. Sume wig fornom,
ferede in forðwege, sumne fugel oþbær
ofer heanne holm, sumne se hara wulf
deaðe gedælde, sumne dreorighleor
in eorðscræfe eorl gehydde.
Yþde swa þisne eardgeard ælda scyppend
oþþæt burgwara breahtma lease
eald enta geweorc idlu stodon.
Se þonne þisne wealsteal wise geþohte
ond þis deorce lif deope geondþenceð,
frod in ferðe, feor oft gemon
wælsleahta worn, ond þas word acwið:
"Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago? Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu? Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune! Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym! Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm, swa heo no wære.
Stondeð nu on laste leofre duguþe
weal wundrum heah, wyrmlicum fah.
Eorlas fornoman asca þryþe,
wæpen wælgifru, wyrd seo mære,
ond þas stanhleoþu stormas cnyssað,
hrið hreosende
hrusan bindeð,
wintres woma, þonne won cymeð,
nipeð nihtscua, norþan onsendeð
hreo hæglfare hæleþum on andan.
Eall is earfoðlic eorþan rice,
onwendeð wyrda gesceaft weoruld under heofonum.
Her bið feoh læne, her bið freond læne,
her bið mon læne, her bið mæg læne,
eal þis eorþan gesteal idel weorþeð!"
Swa cwæð snottor on mode, gesæt him sundor æt rune.
Til biþ se þe his treowe gehealdeþ, ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene
beorn of his breostum acyþan, nemþe he ær þa bote cunne,
eorl mid elne gefremman. Wel bið þam þe him are seceð,
frofre to fæder on heofonum, þær us eal seo fæstnung stondeð.
17. The Gifts of Men
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 137-40; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Fela bið on foldan forðgesynra
geongra geofona, þa þa gæstberend
wegað in gewitte, swa her weoruda god,
meotud meahtum swið, monnum dæleð,
syleð sundorgiefe, sendeð wide
agne spede, þara æghwylc mot
dryhtwuniendra dæl onfon.
Ne bið ænig þæs earfoðsælig
mon on moldan, ne þæs medspedig,
lytelhydig, ne þæs læthydig,
þæt hine se argifa ealles biscyrge
modes cræfta oþþe mægendæda,
wis on gewitte oþþe on wordcwidum,
þy læs ormod sy ealra þinga,
þara þe he geworhte in woruldlife,
geofona gehwylcre. Næfre god demeð
þæt ænig eft þæs earm geweorðe.
Nænig eft þæs swiþe þurh snyttrucræft
in þeode þrym þisses lifes
forð gestigeð, þæt him folca weard
þurh his halige giefe hider onsende
wise geþohtas ond woruldcræftas,
under anes meaht ealle forlæte,
þy læs he for wlence wuldorgeofona ful,
mon mode swið of gemete hweorfe
ond þonne forhycge heanspedigran;
ac he gedæleð, se þe ah domes geweald,
missenlice geond þisne middangeard
leoda leoþocræftas londbuendum.
Sumum her ofer eorþan æhta onlihð,
woruldgestreona. Sum bið wonspedig,
heardsælig hæle, biþ hwæþre gleaw
modes cræfta. Sum mægenstrengo
furþor onfehð. Sum freolic bið
wlitig on wæstmum. Sum biþ woðbora,
giedda giffæst. Sum biþ gearuwyrdig.
Sum bið on huntoþe hreðeadigra
deora dræfend. Sum dyre bið
woruldricum men. Sum bið wiges heard,
beadocræftig beorn, þær bord stunað.
Sum in mæðle mæg modsnottera
folcrædenne forð gehycgan,
þær witena biþ worn ætsomne.
Sum mæg wrætlice weorc ahycgan
heahtimbra gehwæs; hond bið gelæred,
wis ond gewealden, swa bið wyrhtan ryht,
sele asettan, con he sidne ræced
fæste gefegan wiþ færdryrum.
Sum mid hondum mæg hearpan gretan,
ah he gleobeames gearobrygda list.
Sum bið rynig, sum ryhtscytte,
sum leoða gleaw, sum on londe snel,
feþespedig. Sum on fealone wæg
stefnan steoreð, streamrade con,
weorudes wisa, ofer widne holm,
þonne særofe snelle mægne
arum bregdað yðborde neah.
Sum bið syndig, sum searocræftig
goldes ond gimma, þonne him gumena weard
hateð him to mærþum maþþum renian.
Sum mæg wæpenþræce, wige to nytte,
modcræftig smið monige gefremman,
þonne he gewyrceð to wera hilde
helm oþþe hupseax oððe heaþubyrnan,
scirne mece oððe scyldes rond,
fæste gefeged
wið flyge gares.
Sum bið arfæst ond ælmesgeorn,
þeawum geþyde. Sum bið þegn gehweorf
on meoduhealle. Sum bið meares gleaw,
wicgcræfta wis. Sum gewealdenmod
þafað in geþylde þæt he þonne sceal.
Sum domas con, þær dryhtguman
ræd eahtiað. Sum bið hrædtæfle.
Sum bið gewittig æt winþege,
beorhyrde god. Sum bið bylda til
ham to hebbanne. Sum bið heretoga,
fyrdwisa from. Sum biþ folcwita.
Sum biþ æt þearfe
þegn mid his þeodne. Sum geþyld hafað,
fæstgongel ferð. Sum bið fugelbona,
hafeces cræftig. Sum bið to horse hwæt.
Sum bið swiðsnel, hafað searolic gomen,
gleodæda gife for gumþegnum,
leoht ond leoþuwac. Sum bið leofwende,
hafað mod ond word monnum geþwære.
Sum her geornlice gæstes þearfe
mode bewindeþ, ond him metudes est
ofer eorðwelan ealne geceoseð.
Sum bið deormod deofles gewinnes,
bið a wið firenum in gefeoht gearo.
Sum cræft hafað circnytta fela,
mæg on lofsongum lifes waldend
hlude hergan, hafað healice
beorhte stefne. Sum bið boca gleaw,
larum leoþufæst. Sum biþ listhendig
to awritanne wordgeryno.
Nis nu ofer eorþan ænig monna
mode þæs cræftig, ne þæs mægeneacen,
þæt hi æfre anum ealle weorþen
gegearwade, þy læs him gilp sceððe,
oþþe fore þære mærþe mod astige,
gif he hafaþ ana ofer ealle men
wlite ond wisdom ond weorca blæd;
ac he missenlice monna cynne
gielpes styreð ond his giefe bryttað,
sumum on cystum, sumum on cræftum,
sumum on wlite, sumum on wige,
sumum he syleð monna milde heortan,
þeawfæstne geþoht, sum biþ þeodne hold.
Swa weorðlice wide tosaweð
dryhten his duguþe. A þęs dom age,
leohtbære lof, se us þis lif giefeð
ond his milde mod monnum cyþeð.
18. Precepts
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 140-43; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).ðus frod fæder freobearn lærde,
modsnottor mon, maga cystum eald,
wordum wisfæstum, þæt he wel þunge:
"Do a þætte duge, deag þin gewyrhtu;
god þe biþ symle goda gehwylces
frea ond fultum, feond þam oþrum
wyrsan gewyrhta. Wene þec þy betran,
efn elne þis a þenden þu lifge.
Fæder ond modor freo þu mid heortan,
maga gehwylcne, gif him sy meotud on lufan.
Wes þu þinum yldrum arfæst symle,
fægerwyrde, ond þe in ferðe læt
þine lareowas leofe in mode,
þa þec geornast to gode trymmen."
Fæder eft his sunu frod gegrette
oþre siþe: "Heald elne þis!
Ne freme firene, ne næfre freonde þinum,
mæge man ne geþafa, þy læs þec meotud oncunne,
þæt þu sy wommes gewita. He þe mid wite gieldeð,
swylce þam oþrum mid eadwelan."
ðriddan syþe þoncsnottor guma
breostgehygdum his bearn lærde:
"Ne gewuna wyrsa, widan feore,
ængum eahta, ac þu þe anne genim
to gesprecan symle spella ond lara
rædhycgende. Sy ymb rice swa hit mæge."
Feorþan siðe fæder eft lærde
modleofne magan, þæt he gemunde þis:
"Ne aswic sundorwine, ac a symle geheald
ryhtum gerisnum. Ræfn elne þis,
þæt þu næfre fæcne weorðe
freonde þinum."
Fiftan siþe fæder eft ongon
breostgeþoncum his bearn læran:
"Druncen beorg þe ond dollic word,
man on mode ond in muþe lyge,
yrre ond æfeste ond idese lufan.
Forðon sceal æwiscmod oft siþian,
se þe gewiteð in wifes lufan,
fremdre meowlan. þær bið a firena wen,
laðlicre scome, long nið wið god,
geotende gielp. Wes þu a giedda wis,
wær wið willan, worda hyrde."
Siextan siþe swæs eft ongon
þurh bliðne geþoht his bearn læran:
"Ongiet georne hwæt sy god oþþe yfel,
ond toscead simle scearpe mode
in sefan þinum ond þe a þæt selle geceos.
A þe bið gedæled; gif þe deah hyge,
wunað wisdom in, ond þu wast geare
ondgit yfles, heald þe elne wið,
feorma þu symle in þinum ferðe god."
Seofeþan siþe his sunu lærde
fæder, frod guma, sægde fela geongum:
"Seldan snottor guma sorgleas blissað,
swylce dol seldon drymeð sorgful
ymb his forðgesceaft, nefne he fæhþe wite.
Wærwyrde sceal wisfæst hæle
breostum hycgan, nales breahtme hlud."
Eahtoþan siþe eald fæder ongon
his mago monian mildum wordum:
"Leorna lare lærgedefe,
wene þec in wisdom, weoruda scyppend
hafa þe to hyhte, haligra gemynd,
ond a soð to syge, þonne þu secge hwæt."
Nigeþan siþe nægde se gomola,
eald uðwita sægde eaforan worn:
"Nis nu fela folca þætte fyrngewritu
healdan wille, ac him hyge brosnað,
ellen colað, idlað þeodscype;
ne habbað wiht for þæt, þeah hi wom don
ofer meotudes bibod. Monig sceal ongieldan
sawelsusles. Ac læt þinne sefan healdan
ond frean domas,
þa þe her on mægðe gehwære men forlætaþ
swiþor asigan, þonne him sy sylfum ryht."
Teoþan siþe tornsorgna ful,
eald eft ongon eaforan læran:
"Snyttra bruceþ þe fore sawle lufan
warnað him wommas worda ond dæda
on sefan symle ond soþ fremeð;
bið him geofona gehwylc gode geyced,
meahtum spedig, þonne he mon flyhð.
Yrre ne læt þe æfre gewealdan,
heah in hreþre, heoroworda grund
wylme bismitan, ac him warnað þæt
on geheortum hyge. Hæle sceal wisfæst
ond gemetlice, modes snottor,
gleaw in gehygdum, georn wisdomes,
swa he wið ælda mæg eades hleotan.
Ne beo þu no to tælende, ne to tweospræce,
ne þe on mode læt men to fracoþe,
ac beo leofwende, leoht on gehygdum
ber breostcofan. Swa þu, min bearn, gemyne
frode fæder lare ond þec a wið firenum geheald."
19. The Seafarer
Krapp and Dobbie 1936, 143-7; Krapp and Dobbie 1936, The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Mæg ic be me sylfum soðgied wrecan,
siþas secgan, hu ic geswincdagum
earfoðhwile oft þrowade,
bitre breostceare gebiden hæbbe,
gecunnad in ceole cearselda fela,
atol yþa gewealc, þær mec oft bigeat
nearo nihtwaco æt nacan stefnan,
þonne he be clifum cnossað. Calde geþrungen
wæron mine fet, forste gebunden,
caldum clommum, þær þa ceare seofedun
hat ymb heortan; hungor innan slat
merewerges mod. þæt se mon ne wat
þe him on foldan fægrost limpeð,
hu ic earmcearig iscealdne sæ
winter wunade wræccan lastum,
winemægum bidroren,
bihongen hrimgicelum; hægl scurum fleag.
þær ic ne gehyrde butan hlimman sæ,
iscaldne wæg. Hwilum ylfete song
dyde ic me to gomene, ganetes hleoþor
ond huilpan sweg fore hleahtor wera,
mæw singende fore medodrince.
Stormas þær stanclifu beotan, þær him stearn oncwæð
isigfeþera; ful oft þæt earn bigeal,
ne ænig hleomæga
feasceaftig ferð
frefran meahte.
Forþon him gelyfeð lyt, se þe ah lifes wyn
gebiden in burgum, bealosiþa hwon,
wlonc ond wingal, hu ic werig oft
in brimlade bidan sceolde.
Nap nihtscua, norþan sniwde,
hrim hrusan bond, hægl feol on eorþan,
corna caldast. Forþon cnyssað nu
heortan geþohtas, þæt ic hean streamas,
sealtyþa gelac sylf cunnige;
monað modes lust mæla gehwylce
ferð to feran, þæt ic feor heonan
elþeodigra eard gesece.
Forþon nis þæs modwlonc mon ofer eorþan,
ne his gifena þæs god, ne in geoguþe to þæs hwæt,
ne in his dædum to þæs deor, ne him his dryhten to þæs hold,
þæt he a his sæfore sorge næbbe,
to hwon hine dryhten gedon wille.
Ne biþ him to hearpan hyge ne to hringþege,
ne to wife wyn ne to worulde hyht,
ne ymbe owiht elles, nefne ymb yða gewealc,
ac a hafað longunge se þe on lagu fundað.
Bearwas blostmum nimað, byrig fægriað,
wongas wlitigað, woruld onetteð;
ealle þa gemoniað modes fusne
sefan to siþe, þam þe swa þenceð
on flodwegas feor gewitan.
Swylce geac monað geomran reorde,
singeð sumeres weard, sorge beodeð
bitter in breosthord. þæt se beorn ne wat,
esteadig secg, hwæt þa sume dreogað
þe þa wræclastas widost lecgað.
Forþon nu min hyge hweorfeð ofer hreþerlocan,
min modsefa mid mereflode
ofer hwæles eþel hweorfeð wide,
eorþan sceatas, cymeð eft to me
gifre ond grædig, gielleð anfloga,
hweteð on hwælweg
hreþer unwearnum
ofer holma gelagu. Forþon me hatran sind
dryhtnes dreamas þonne þis deade lif,
læne on londe. Ic gelyfe no
þæt him eorðwelan ece stondað.
Simle þreora sum þinga gehwylce,
ær his tid aga, to tweon weorþeð;
adl oþþe yldo oþþe ecghete
fægum fromweardum feorh oðþringeð.
Forþon þæt bið eorla gehwam æftercweþendra
lof lifgendra lastworda betst,
þæt he gewyrce, ær he on weg scyle,
fremum on foldan wið feonda niþ,
deorum dædum deofle togeanes,
þæt hine ælda bearn æfter hergen,
ond his lof siþþan lifge mid englum
awa to ealdre, ecan lifes blæd,
dream mid dugeþum. Dagas sind gewitene,
ealle onmedlan eorþan rices;
næron nu cyningas ne caseras
ne goldgiefan swylce iu wæron,
þonne hi mæst mid him mærþa gefremedon
ond on dryhtlicestum dome lifdon.
Gedroren is þeos duguð eal, dreamas sind gewitene,
wuniað þa wacran ond þas woruld healdaþ,
brucað þurh bisgo. Blæd is gehnæged,
eorþan indryhto ealdað ond searað,
swa nu monna gehwylc geond middangeard.
Yldo him on fareð, onsyn blacað,
gomelfeax gnornað, wat his iuwine,
æþelinga bearn, eorþan forgiefene.
Ne mæg him þonne se flæschoma, þonne him þæt feorg losað,
ne swete forswelgan ne sar gefelan,
ne hond onhreran ne mid hyge þencan.
þeah þe græf wille golde stregan
broþor his geborenum, byrgan be deadum,
maþmum mislicum þæt hine mid wille,
ne mæg þære sawle þe biþ synna ful
gold to geoce for godes egsan,
þonne he hit ær hydeð þenden he her leofað.
Micel biþ se meotudes egsa, forþon hi seo molde oncyrreð;
se gestaþelade stiþe grundas,
eorþan sceatas ond uprodor.
Dol biþ se þe him his dryhten ne ondrædeþ; cymeð him se deað unþinged.
Eadig bið se þe eaþmod leofaþ; cymeð him seo ar of heofonum,
meotod him þæt mod gestaþelað, forþon he in his meahte gelyfeð.
Stieran mon sceal strongum mode, ond þæt on staþelum healdan,
ond gewis werum, wisum clæne,
scyle monna gehwylc mid gemete healdan
wiþ leofne ond wið laþne bealo,
þeah þe he hine wille fyres fulne
oþþe on bæle forbærnedne
his geworhtne wine. Wyrd biþ swiþre,
meotud meahtigra þonne ænges monnes gehygd.
Uton we hycgan hwær we ham agen,
ond þonne geþencan hu we þider cumen,
ond we þonne eac tilien, þæt we to moten
in þa ecan eadignesse,
þær is lif gelong in lufan dryhtnes,
hyht in heofonum. þæs sy þam halgan þonc,
þæt he usic geweorþade, wuldres ealdor,
ece dryhten, in ealle tid.
20. Vainglory
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 147-9; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hwæt, me frod wita on fyrndagum
sægde, snottor ar, sundorwundra fela.
Wordhord onwreah
witgan larum
beorn boca gleaw, bodan ærcwide,
þæt ic soðlice siþþan meahte
ongitan bi þam gealdre godes agen bearn,
wilgest on wicum, ond þone wacran swa some,
scyldum bescyredne, on gescead witan.
þæt mæg æghwylc mon eaþe geþencan,
se þe hine ne læteð on þas lænan tid
amyrran his gemyndum modes gælsan
ond on his dægrime
druncen to rice,
þonne monige beoð
wlonce wigsmiþas winburgum in,
sittaþ æt symble, soðgied wrecað,
wordum wrixlað, witan fundiaþ
hwylc æscstede inne in ræcede
mid werum wunige, þonne win hweteð
beornes breostsefan. Breahtem stigeð,
cirm on corþre, cwide scralletaþ
missenlice. Swa beoþ modsefan
dalum gedæled, sindon dryhtguman
ungelice. Sum on oferhygdo
þrymme þringeð, þrinteð him in innan
ungemedemad mod; sindan to monige þæt!
Bið þæt æfþonca eal gefylled
feondes fligepilum, facensearwum;
breodað he ond bælceð, boð his sylfes
swiþor micle þonne se sella mon,
þenceð þæt his wise welhwam þince
eal unforcuþ. Biþ þæs oþer swice,
þonne he þæs facnes fintan sceawað.
Wrenceþ he ond blenceþ, worn geþenceþ
hinderhoca, hygegar leteð,
scurum sceoteþ. He þa scylde ne wat
fæhþe gefremede,
feoþ his betran
eorl fore æfstum, læteð inwitflan
brecan þone burgweal, þe him bebead meotud
þæt he þæt wigsteal wergan sceolde,
siteþ symbelwlonc, searwum læteð
wine gewæged word ut faran,
þræfte þringan þrymme gebyrmed,
æfæstum onæled, oferhygda ful,
niþum nearowrencum. Nu þu cunnan meaht,
gif þu þyslicne þegn gemittest
wunian in wicum, wite þe be þissum
feawum forðspellum þæt þæt biþ feondes bearn
flæsce bifongen, hafað fræte lif,
grundfusne gæst gode orfeormne,
wuldorcyninge. þæt se witga song,
gearowyrdig guma, ond þæt gyd awræc:
"Se þe hine sylfne in þa sliþnan tid
þurh oferhygda up ahlæneð,
ahefeð heahmodne, se sceal hean wesan
æfter neosiþum niþer gebiged,
wunian witum fæst, wyrmum beþrungen.
þæt wæs geara iu in godes rice
þætte mid englum oferhygd astag,
widmære gewin. Wroht ahofan,
heardne heresiþ, heofon widledan,
forsawan hyra sellan, þa hi to swice þohton
ond þrymcyning þeodenstoles
ricne beryfan, swa hit ryht ne wæs,
ond þonne gesettan on hyra sylfra dom
wuldres wynlond. þæt him wige forstod
fæder frumsceafta; wearð him seo feohte to grim.
ðonne bið þam oþrum ungelice
se þe her on eorþan eaðmod leofað,
ond wiþ gesibbra gehwone simle healdeð
freode on folce ond his feond lufað,
þeah þe he him abylgnesse oft gefremede
willum in þisse worulde. Se mot wuldres dream
in haligra hyht heonan astigan
on engla eard. Ne biþ þam oþrum swa,
se þe on ofermedum eargum dædum
leofaþ in leahtrum, ne beoð þa lean gelic
mid wuldorcyning." Wite þe be þissum,
gif þu eaðmodne eorl gemete,
þegn on þeode, þam bið simle
gæst gegæderad godes agen bearn
wilsum in worlde, gif me se witega ne leag.
Forþon we sculon a hycgende hælo rædes
gemunan in mode mæla gehwylcum
þone selestan sigora waldend.
21. Widsith
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 149-53; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Widsið maðolade, wordhord onleac,
se þe monna mæst
mægþa ofer eorþan,
folca geondferde; oft he on flette geþah
mynelicne maþþum.
Him from Myrgingum
æþele onwocon. He mid Ealhhilde,
fælre freoþuwebban, forman siþe
Hreðcyninges ham gesohte
eastan of Ongle, Eormanrices,
wraþes wærlogan. Ongon þa worn sprecan:
"Fela ic monna gefrægn mægþum wealdan!
Sceal þeodna gehwylc þeawum lifgan,
eorl æfter oþrum eðle rædan,
se þe his þeodenstol geþeon wile.
þara wæs Hwala
hwile selast,
ond Alexandreas ealra ricost
monna cynnes, ond he mæst geþah
þara þe ic ofer foldan gefrægen hæbbe.
ætla weold Hunum, Eormanric Gotum,
Becca Baningum, Burgendum Gifica.
Casere weold Creacum ond Cęlic Finnum,
Hagena Holmrygum
ond Heoden Glommum.
Witta weold Swæfum, Wada Hælsingum,
Meaca Myrgingum, Mearchealf Hundingum.
þeodric weold Froncum, þyle Rondingum,
Breoca Brondingum, Billing Wernum.
Oswine weold Eowum ond Ytum Gefwulf,
Fin Folcwalding Fresna cynne.
Sigehere lengest Sædenum weold,
Hnæf Hocingum, Helm Wulfingum,
Wald Woingum, Wod þyringum,
Sæferð Sycgum, Sweom Ongendþeow,
Sceafthere Ymbrum, Sceafa Longbeardum,
Hun Hætwerum ond Holen Wrosnum.
Hringweald wæs haten Herefarena cyning.
Offa weold Ongle, Alewih Denum;
se wæs þara manna modgast ealra,
no hwæþre he ofer Offan eorlscype fremede,
ac Offa geslog ærest monna,
cnihtwesende, cynerica mæst.
Nænig efeneald him eorlscipe maran
on orette. Ane sweorde
merce gemærde wið Myrgingum
bi Fifeldore; heoldon forð siþþan
Engle ond Swæfe, swa hit Offa geslog.
Hroþwulf ond Hroðgar heoldon lengest
sibbe ætsomne suhtorfædran,
siþþan hy forwræcon wicinga cynn
ond Ingeldes ord forbigdan,
forheowan æt Heorote Heaðobeardna þrym.
Swa ic geondferde fela fremdra londa
geond ginne grund. Godes ond yfles
þær ic cunnade cnosle bidæled,
freomægum feor folgade wide.
Forþon ic mæg singan ond secgan spell,
mænan fore mengo in meoduhealle
hu me cynegode cystum dohten.
Ic wæs mid Hunum ond mid Hreðgotum,
mid Sweom ond mid Geatum ond mid Suþdenum.
Mid Wenlum ic wæs ond mid Wærnum ond mid wicingum.
Mid Gefþum ic wæs ond mid Winedum ond mid Gefflegum.
Mid Englum ic wæs ond mid Swæfum ond mid ænenum.
Mid Seaxum ic wæs ond Sycgum ond mid Sweordwerum.
Mid Hronum ic wæs ond mid Deanum ond mid Heaþoreamum.
Mid þyringum ic wæs ond mid þrowendum,
ond mid Burgendum, þær ic beag geþah;
me þær Guðhere forgeaf glædlicne maþþum
songes to leane. Næs þæt sæne cyning!
Mid Froncum ic wæs ond mid Frysum ond mid Frumtingum.
Mid Rugum ic wæs ond mid Glommum ond mid Rumwalum.
Swylce ic wæs on Eatule mid ælfwine,
se hæfde moncynnes, mine gefræge,
leohteste hond lofes to wyrcenne,
heortan unhneaweste hringa gedales,
beorhtra beaga, bearn Eadwines.
Mid Sercingum ic wæs ond mid Seringum;
mid Creacum ic wæs ond mid Finnum ond mid Casere,
se þe winburga geweald ahte,
wiolena ond wilna, ond Wala rices.
Mid Scottum ic wæs ond mid Peohtum ond mid Scridefinnum;
mid Lidwicingum ic wæs ond mid Leonum ond mid Longbeardum,
mid hæðnum ond mid hæleþum ond mid Hundingum.
Mid Israhelum ic wæs ond mid Exsyringum,
mid Ebreum ond mid Indeum ond mid Egyptum.
Mid Moidum ic wæs ond mid Persum ond mid Myrgingum,
ond Mofdingum ond ongend Myrgingum,
ond mid Amothingum. Mid Eastþyringum ic wæs
ond mid Eolum ond mid Istum ond Idumingum.
Ond ic wæs mid Eormanrice ealle þrage,
þær me Gotena cyning gode dohte;
se me beag forgeaf, burgwarena fruma,
on þam siex hund wæs smætes goldes,
gescyred sceatta scillingrime;
þone ic Eadgilse on æht sealde,
minum hleodryhtne, þa ic to ham bicwom,
leofum to leane, þæs þe he me lond forgeaf,
mines fæder eþel, frea Myrginga.
Ond me þa Ealhhild oþerne forgeaf,
dryhtcwen duguþe, dohtor Eadwines.
Hyre lof lengde geond londa fela,
þonne ic be songe secgan sceolde
hwær ic under swegle
selast wisse
goldhrodene cwen giefe bryttian.
ðonne wit Scilling sciran reorde
for uncrum sigedryhtne song ahofan,
hlude bi hearpan hleoþor swinsade,
þonne monige men, modum wlonce,
wordum sprecan, þa þe wel cuþan,
þæt hi næfre song sellan ne hyrdon.
ðonan ic ealne geondhwearf eþel Gotena,
sohte ic a gesiþa
þa selestan;
þæt wæs innweorud Earmanrices.
Heðcan sohte ic ond Beadecan ond Herelingas,
Emercan sohte ic ond Fridlan ond Eastgotan,
frodne ond godne fæder Unwenes.
Seccan sohte ic ond Beccan, Seafolan ond þeodric,
Heaþoric ond Sifecan, Hliþe ond Incgenþeow.
Eadwine sohte ic ond Elsan, ægelmund ond Hungar,
ond þa wloncan gedryht Wiþmyrginga.
Wulfhere sohte ic ond Wyrmhere; ful oft þær wig ne alæg,
þonne Hræda here heardum sweordum
ymb Wistlawudu wergan sceoldon
ealdne eþelstol ætlan leodum.
Rædhere sohte ic ond Rondhere, Rumstan ond Gislhere,
Wiþergield ond Freoþeric, Wudgan ond Haman;
ne wæran þæt gesiþa þa sæmestan,
þeah þe ic hy anihst nemnan sceolde.
Ful oft of þam heape hwinende fleag
giellende gar on grome þeode;
wræccan þær weoldan wundnan golde
werum ond wifum, Wudga ond Hama.
Swa ic þæt symle onfond on þære feringe,
þæt se biþ leofast londbuendum
se þe him god syleð gumena rice
to gehealdenne, þenden he her leofað."
Swa scriþende gesceapum hweorfað
gleomen gumena geond grunda fela,
þearfe secgað, þoncword sprecaþ,
simle suð oþþe norð sumne gemetað
gydda gleawne, geofum unhneawne,
se þe fore duguþe wile dom aræran,
eorlscipe æfnan, oþþæt eal scæceð,
leoht ond lif somod; lof se gewyrceð,
hafað under heofonum heahfæstne dom.
22. The Fortunes of Men
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 154-6; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ful oft þæt gegongeð, mid godes meahtum,
þætte wer ond wif in woruld cennað
bearn mid gebyrdum ond mid bleom gyrwað,
tennaþ ond tætaþ, oþþæt seo tid cymeð,
gegæð gearrimum, þæt þa geongan leomu,
liffæstan leoþu, geloden weorþað.
Fergað swa ond feþað fæder ond modor,
giefað ond gierwaþ. God ana wat
hwæt him weaxendum winter bringað!
Sumum þæt gegongeð on geoguðfeore
þæt se endestæf earfeðmæcgum
wealic weorþeð. Sceal hine wulf etan,
har hæðstapa; hinsiþ þonne
modor bimurneð. Ne bið swylc monnes geweald!
Sumne sceal hungor ahiþan, sumne sceal hreoh fordrifan,
sumne sceal gar agetan, sumne guð abreotan.
Sum sceal leomena leas lifes neotan,
folmum ætfeohtan, sum on feðe lef,
seonobennum seoc, sar cwanian,
murnan meotudgesceaft mode gebysgad.
Sum sceal on holte of hean beame
fiþerleas feallan; bið on flihte seþeah,
laceð on lyfte, oþþæt lengre ne bið
westem wudubeames. þonne he on wyrtruman
sigeð sworcenferð, sawle bireafod,
fealleþ on foldan, feorð biþ on siþe.
Sum sceal on feþe on feorwegas
nyde gongan ond his nest beran,
tredan uriglast elþeodigra,
frecne foldan; ah he feormendra
lyt lifgendra, lað biþ æghwær
fore his wonsceaftum wineleas hæle.
Sum sceal on geapum galgan ridan,
seomian æt swylte, oþþæt sawlhord,
bancofa blodig, abrocen weorþeð.
þær him hrefn nimeþ heafodsyne,
sliteð salwigpad sawelleasne;
noþer he þy facne mæg folmum biwergan,
laþum lyftsceaþan, biþ his lif scæcen,
ond he feleleas, feores orwena,
blac on beame bideð wyrde,
bewegen wælmiste. Bið him werig noma!
Sumne on bæle sceal brond aswencan,
fretan frecne lig
fægne monnan;
þær him lifgedal lungre weorðeð,
read reþe gled; reoteð meowle,
seo hyre bearn gesihð brondas þeccan.
Sumum meces ecg on meodubence
yrrum ealowosan ealdor oþþringeð,
were winsadum; bið ær his worda to hræd.
Sum sceal on beore þurh byreles hond
meodugal mæcga; þonne he gemet ne con
gemearcian his muþe mode sine,
ac sceal ful earmlice ealdre linnan,
dreogan dryhtenbealo dreamum biscyred,
ond hine to sylfcwale secgas nemnað,
mænað mid muþe meodugales gedrinc.
Sum sceal on geoguþe mid godes meahtum
his earfoðsiþ ealne forspildan,
ond on yldo eft eadig weorþan,
wunian wyndagum ond welan þicgan,
maþmas ond meoduful mægburge on,
þæs þe ænig fira mæge
forð gehealdan.
Swa missenlice meahtig dryhten
geond eorþan sceat eallum dæleð,
scyreþ ond scrifeð ond gesceapo healdeð,
sumum eadwelan, sumum earfeþa dæl,
sumum geogoþe glæd, sumum guþe blæd,
gewealdenne wigplegan, sumum wyrp oþþe scyte,
torhtlicne tiir, sumum tæfle cræft,
bleobordes gebregd. Sume boceras
weorþað wisfæste. Sumum wundorgiefe
þurh goldsmiþe gearwad weorþað;
ful oft he gehyrdeð ond gehyrsteð wel,
brytencyninges beorn, ond he him brad syleð
lond to leane. He hit on lust þigeð.
Sum sceal on heape hæleþum cweman,
blissian æt beore bencsittendum;
þær biþ drincendra dream se micla.
Sum sceal mid hearpan æt his hlafordes
fotum sittan, feoh þicgan,
ond a snellice snere wræstan,
lætan scralletan
sceacol, se þe hleapeð,
nægl neomegende; biþ him neod micel.
Sum sceal wildne fugel wloncne atemian,
heafoc on honda, oþþæt seo heoroswealwe
wynsum weorþeð; deþ he wyrplas on,
fedeþ swa on feterum fiþrum dealne,
lepeþ lyftswiftne lytlum gieflum,
oþþæt se wælisca wædum ond dædum
his ætgiefan eaðmod weorþeð
ond to hagostealdes honda gelæred.
Swa wrætlice weoroda nergend
geond middangeard monna cræftas
sceop ond scyrede ond gesceapo ferede
æghwylcum on eorþan eormencynnes.
Forþon him nu ealles þonc æghwa secge,
þæs þe he fore his miltsum monnum scrifeð.
23. Maxims I
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 156-63; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Frige mec frodum wordum! Ne læt þinne ferð onhælne,
degol þæt þu deopost cunne! Nelle ic þe min dyrne gesecgan,
gif þu me þinne hygecræft hylest ond þine heortan geþohtas.
Gleawe men sceolon gieddum wrixlan. God sceal mon ærest hergan
fægre, fæder userne, forþon þe he us æt frymþe geteode
lif ond lænne willan; he usic wile þara leana gemonian.
Meotud sceal in wuldre, mon sceal on eorþan
geong ealdian. God us ece biþ,
ne wendað hine wyrda ne hine wiht dreceþ,
adl ne yldo ælmihtigne;
ne gomelað he in gæste, ac he is gen swa he wæs,
þeoden geþyldig. He us geþonc syleð,
missenlicu mod, monge reorde.
Feorhcynna fela fæþmeþ wide
eglond monig. Eardas rume
meotud arærde for moncynne,
ælmihtig god, efenfela bega
þeoda ond þeawa. þing sceal gehegan
frod wiþ frodne; biþ hyra ferð gelic,
hi a sace semaþ, sibbe gelærað,
þa ær wonsælge awegen habbað.
Ræd sceal mid snyttro, ryht mid wisum,
til sceal mid tilum. Tu beoð gemæccan;
sceal wif ond wer in woruld cennan
bearn mid gebyrdum. Beam sceal on eorðan
leafum liþan, leomu gnornian.
Fus sceal feran, fæge sweltan
ond dogra gehwam ymb gedal sacan
middangeardes. Meotud ana wat
hwær se cwealm cymeþ, þe heonan of cyþþe gewiteþ.
Umbor yceð, þa æradl nimeð;
þy weorþeð on foldan swa fela fira cynnes,
ne sy þæs magutimbres gemet ofer eorþan,
gif hi ne wanige se þas woruld teode.
Dol biþ se þe his dryhten nat, to þæs oft cymeð deað unþinged.
Snotre men sawlum beorgað, healdað hyra soð mid ryhte.
Eadig bið se þe in his eþle geþihð, earm se him his frynd geswicað.
Nefre sceal se him his nest aspringeð,
nyde sceal þrage gebunden.
Bliþe sceal bealoleas heorte. Blind sceal his eagna þolian,
oftigen biþ him torhtre gesihþe. Ne magon hi tunglu bewitian,
swegltorht sunnan ne monan; þæt him biþ sar in his mode,
onge þonne he hit ana wat, ne weneð þæt him þæs edhwyrft cyme.
Waldend him þæt wite teode, se him mæg wyrpe syllan,
hælo of heofodgimme, gif he wat heortan clæne.
Lef mon læces behofað. Læran sceal mon geongne monnan,
trymman ond tyhtan þæt he teala cunne, oþþæt hine mon atemedne hæbbe,
sylle him wist ond wædo, oþþæt hine mon on gewitte alæde.
Ne sceal hine mon cildgeongne forcweþan, ær he hine acyþan mote;
þy sceal on þeode geþeon, þæt he wese þristhycgende.
Styran sceal mon strongum mode. Storm oft holm gebringeþ,
geofen in grimmum sælum; onginnað grome fundian
fealwe on feorran to londe, hwæþer he fæste stonde.
Weallas him wiþre healdað, him biþ wind gemæne.
Swa biþ sæ smilte,
þonne hy wind ne weceð;
swa beoþ þeoda geþwære, þonne hy geþingad habbað,
gesittað him on gesundum þingum, ond þonne mid gesiþum healdaþ
cene men gecynde rice. Cyning biþ anwealdes georn;
lað se þe londes monað, leof se þe mare beodeð.
þrym sceal mid wlenco, þriste mid cenum,
sceolun bu recene beadwe fremman.
Eorl sceal on eos boge,
eorod sceal getrume ridan,
fæste feþa stondan. Fæmne æt hyre bordan geriseð;
widgongel wif word gespringeð, oft hy mon wommum bilihð,
hæleð hy hospe mænað, oft hyre hleor abreoþeð.
Sceomiande man sceal in sceade hweorfan, scir in leohte geriseð.
Hond sceal heofod inwyrcan, hord in streonum bidan,
gifstol gegierwed stondan, hwonne hine guman gedælen.
Gifre biþ se þam golde onfehð, guma þæs on heahsetle geneah;
lean sceal, gif we leogan nellað, þam þe us þas lisse geteode.
Forst sceal freosan, fyr wudu meltan,
eorþe growan, is brycgian,
wæter helm wegan, wundrum lucan
eorþan ciþas. An sceal inbindan
forstes fetre felameahtig god;
winter sceal geweorpan, weder eft cuman,
sumor swegle hat, sund unstille.
Deop deada wæg dyrne bið lengest;
holen sceal inæled, yrfe gedæled
deades monnes. Dom biþ selast.
Cyning sceal mid ceape cwene gebicgan,
bunum ond beagum; bu sceolon ærest
geofum god wesan. Guð sceal in eorle,
wig geweaxan, ond wif geþeon
leof mid hyre leodum, leohtmod wesan,
rune healdan, rumheort beon
mearum ond maþmum, meodorædenne
for gesiðmægen symle æghwær
eodor æþelinga
ærest gegretan,
forman fulle to frean hond
ricene geræcan, ond him ræd witan
boldagendum bæm ætsomne.
Scip sceal genægled, scyld gebunden,
leoht linden bord, leof wilcuma
Frysan wife, þonne flota stondeð;
biþ his ceol cumen ond hyre ceorl to ham,
agen ætgeofa, ond heo hine in laðaþ,
wæsceð his warig hrægl ond him syleþ wæde niwe,
liþ him on londe þæs his lufu bædeð.
Wif sceal wiþ wer wære gehealdan, oft hi mon wommum belihð;
fela bið fæsthydigra, fela bið fyrwetgeornra,
freoð hy fremde monnan, þonne se oþer feor gewiteþ.
Lida biþ longe on siþe; a mon sceal seþeah leofes wenan,
gebidan þæs he gebædan ne mæg. Hwonne him eft gebyre weorðe,
ham cymeð, gif he hal leofað, nefne him holm gestyreð,
mere hafað mundum mægðegsan wyn.
Ceapeadig mon cyningwic þonne
leodon cypeþ, þonne liþan cymeð;
wuda ond wætres nyttað, þonne him biþ wic alyfed,
mete bygeþ, gif he maran þearf, ærþon he to meþe weorþe.
Seoc se biþ þe to seldan ieteð; þeah hine mon on sunnan læde,
ne mæg he be þy wedre wesan, þeah hit sy wearm on sumera,
ofercumen biþ he, ær he acwele, gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede.
Mægen mon sceal mid mete fedan, morþor under eorþan befeolan,
hinder under hrusan, þe hit forhelan þenceð;
ne biþ þæt gedefe deaþ, þonne hit gedyrned weorþeð.
Hean sceal gehnigan,
hadl gesigan,
ryht rogian. Ræd biþ nyttost,
yfel unnyttost, þæt unlæd nimeð.
God bið genge, ond wiþ god lenge.
Hyge sceal gehealden, hond gewealden,
seo sceal in eagan, snyttro in breostum,
þær bið þæs monnes modgeþoncas.
Muþa gehwylc mete þearf, mæl sceolon tidum gongan.
Gold geriseþ on guman sweorde,
sellic sigesceorp, sinc on cwene,
god scop gumum, garniþ werum,
wig towiþre wicfreoþa healdan.
Scyld sceal cempan, sceaft reafere,
sceal bryde beag, bec leornere,
husl halgum men, hæþnum synne.
Woden worhte weos, wuldor alwalda,
rume roderas; þæt is rice god,
sylf soðcyning, sawla nergend,
se us eal forgeaf þæt we on lifgaþ,
ond eft æt þam ende eallum wealdeð
monna cynne. þæt is meotud sylfa.
Ræd sceal mon secgan, rune writan,
leoþ gesingan,
lofes gearnian,
dom areccan, dæges onettan.
Til mon tiles ond tomes meares,
cuþes ond gecostes ond calcrondes;
nænig fira to fela gestryneð.
Wel mon sceal wine healdan on wega gehwylcum;
oft mon fereð feor bi tune, þær him wat freond unwiotodne.
Wineleas, wonsælig mon genimeð him wulfas to geferan,
felafæcne deor. Ful oft hine se gefera sliteð;
gryre sceal for greggum, græf deadum men;
hungre heofeð, nales þæt heafe bewindeð,
ne huru wæl wepeð wulf se græga,
morþorcwealm mæcga, ac hit a mare wille.
Wræd sceal wunden, wracu heardum men.
Boga sceal stræle, sceal bam gelic
mon to gemæccan. Maþþum oþres weorð,
gold mon sceal gifan. Mæg god syllan
eadgum æhte ond eft niman.
Sele sceal stondan, sylf ealdian.
Licgende beam læsest groweð.
Treo sceolon brædan ond treow weaxan,
sio geond bilwitra breost ariseð.
Wærleas mon ond wonhydig,
ætrenmod ond ungetreow,
þæs ne gymeð god.
Fela sceop meotud þæs þe fyrn gewearð, het siþþan swa forð wesan.
Wæra gehwylcum wislicu word gerisað,
gleomen gied ond guman snyttro.
Swa monige beoþ men ofer eorþan, swa beoþ modgeþoncas;
ælc him hafað sundorsefan.
Longað þonne þy læs þe him con leoþa worn,
oþþe mid hondum con hearpan gretan;
hafaþ him his gliwes giefe, þe him god sealde.
Earm biþ se þe sceal ana lifgan,
wineleas wunian hafaþ him wyrd geteod;
betre him wære þæt he broþor ahte, begen hi anes monnes,
eorles eaforan wæran, gif hi sceoldan eofor onginnan
oþþe begen beran; biþ þæt sliþhende deor.
A scyle þa rincas gerædan lædan
ond him ætsomne swefan;
næfre hy mon tomælde,
ær hy deað todæle.
Hy twegen sceolon tæfle ymbsittan, þenden him hyra torn toglide,
forgietan þara geocran gesceafta, habban him gomen on borde;
idle hond æmetlan geneah tæfles monnes, þonne teoselum weorpeð.
Seldan in sidum ceole, nefne he under segle yrne,
werig scealc wiþ winde roweþ; ful oft mon wearnum tihð
eargne, þæt he elne forleose, drugað his ar on borde.
Lot sceal mid lyswe, list mid gedefum;
þy weorþeð se stan forstolen.
Oft hy wordum toweorpað,
ær hy bacum tobreden;
geara is hwær aræd.
Wearð fæhþo fyra cynne, siþþan furþum swealg
eorðe Abeles blode. Næs þæt andæge nið,
of þam wrohtdropan wide gesprungon,
micel mon ældum, monegum þeodum
bealoblonden niþ. Slog his broðor swæsne
Cain, þone cwealm nerede; cuþ wæs wide siþþan,
þæt ece nið ældum scod, swa aþolwarum.
Drugon wæpna gewin wide geond eorþan,
ahogodan ond ahyrdon heoro sliþendne.
Gearo sceal guðbord, gar on sceafte,
ecg on sweorde ond ord spere,
hyge heardum men. Helm sceal cenum,
ond a þæs heanan hyge hord unginnost.
24. The Order of the World
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 163-6; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wilt þu, fus hæle, fremdne monnan,
wisne woðboran wordum gretan,
fricgan felageongne ymb forðgesceaft,
biddan þe gesecge sidra gesceafta
cræftas cyndelice cwichrerende,
þa þe dogra gehwam þurh dom godes
bringe wundra fela wera cneorissum!
Is þara anra gehwam orgeate tacen,
þam þurh wisdom woruld ealle con
behabban on hreþre, hycgende mon,
þæt geara iu, gliwes cræfte,
mid gieddingum guman oft wrecan,
rincas rædfæste; cuþon ryht sprecan,
þæt a fricgende fira cynnes
ond secgende searoruna gespon
a gemyndge mæst monna wiston.
Forþon scyle ascian, se þe on elne leofað,
deophydig mon, dygelra gesceafta,
bewritan in gewitte wordhordes cræft,
fæstnian ferðsefan, þencan forð teala;
ne sceal þæs aþreotan þegn modigne,
þæt he wislice woruld fulgonge.
Leorna þas lare. Ic þe lungre sceal
meotudes mægensped maran gesecgan,
þonne þu hygecræftig in hreþre mæge
mode gegripan. Is sin meaht forswiþ.
Nis þæt monnes gemet moldhrerendra,
þæt he mæge in hreþre his heah geweorc
furþor aspyrgan
þonne him frea sylle
to ongietanne godes agen bibod;
ac we sculon þoncian þeodne mærum
awa to ealdre, þæs þe us se eca cyning
on gæste wlite forgiefan wille
þæt we eaðe magon upcund rice
forð gestigan, gif us on ferðe geneah
ond we willað healdan heofoncyninges bibod.
Gehyr nu þis herespel ond þinne hyge gefæstna.
Hwæt, on frymþe gescop fæder ælmihtig,
heah hordes weard, heofon ond eorðan,
sæs sidne grund, sweotule gesceafte,
þa nu in þam þream þurh þeodnes hond
heaþ ond hebbaþ þone halgan blæd.
Forþon eal swa teofanade, se þe teala cuþe,
æghwylc wiþ oþrum; sceoldon eal beran
stiþe stefnbyrd, swa him se steora bibead
missenlice gemetu þurh þa miclan gecynd.
Swa hi to worulde wlite forþ berað
dryhtnes duguþe ond his dæda þrym,
lixende lof in þa longan tid,
fremmaþ fæstlice frean ece word
in þam frumstole þe him frea sette,
hluttor heofones weard, healdað georne
mere gemære; meaht forð tihð
heofoncondelle ond holmas mid,
laþað ond lædeþ lifes agend
in his anes fæþm ealle gesceafta.
Swa him wideferh wuldor stondeþ,
ealra demena þam gedefestan,
þe us þis lif gescop, ond þis leohte beorht
cymeð morgna gehwam ofer misthleoþu
wadan ofer wægas wundrum gegierwed,
ond mid ærdæge eastan snoweð
wlitig ond wynsum wera cneorissum;
lifgendra gehwam leoht forð biereð
bronda beorhtost, ond his brucan mot
æghwylc on eorþan, þe him eagna gesihð
sigora soðcyning syllan wolde.
Gewiteð þonne mid þy wuldre on westrodor
forðmære tungol faran on heape,
oþþæt on æfenne ut garsecges
grundas pæþeð, glom oþer cigð;
niht æfter cymeð, healdeð nydbibod
halgan dryhtnes. Heofontorht swegl
scir gescyndeð in gesceaft godes
under foldan fæþm, farende tungol.
Forþon nænig fira þæs frod leofað
þæt his mæge æspringe þurh his ægne sped witan,
hu geond grund færeð goldtorht sunne
in þæt wonne genip under wætra geþring,
oþþe hwa þęs leohtes londbuende
brucan mote, siþþan heo ofer brim hweorfeð.
Forþon swa teofenede, se þe teala cuþe,
dæg wiþ nihte, deop wið hean,
lyft wið lagustream, lond wiþ wæge,
flod wið flode, fisc wið yþum.
Ne waciað þas geweorc, ac he hi wel healdeð;
stondað stiðlice bestryþed fæste
miclum meahtlocum in þam mægenþrymme
mid þam sy ahefed heofon ond eorþe.
Beoð þonne eadge þa þær in wuniað,
hyhtlic is þæt heorðwerud. þæt is herga mæst,
eadigra unrim, engla þreatas.
Hy geseoð symle hyra sylfra cyning,
eagum on wlitað, habbað æghwæs genoh.
Nis him wihte won, þam þe wuldres cyning
geseoþ in swegle; him is symbel ond dream
ece unhwylen eadgum to frofre.
Forþon scyle mon gehycgan þæt he meotude hyre;
æghwylc ælda bearna forlæte idle lustas,
læne lifes wynne, fundige him to lissa blisse,
forlæte heteniþa gehwone sigan
mid synna fyrnum, fere him to þam sellan rice.
25. The Riming Poem
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 166-9; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Me lifes onlah se þis leoht onwrah,
ond þæt torhte geteoh, tillice onwrah.
Glæd wæs ic gliwum, glenged hiwum,
blissa bleoum, blostma hiwum.
Secgas mec segon, symbel ne alegon,
feohgiefe gefegon; frætwed wægon
wicg ofer wongum wennan gongum,
lisse mid longum leoma gehongum.
þa wæs wæstmum aweaht, world onspreht,
under roderum areaht, rædmægne oferþeaht.
Giestas gengdon, gerscype mengdon,
lisse lengdon, lustum glengdon.
Scrifen scrad glad þurh gescad in brad,
wæs on lagustreame lad, þær me leoþu ne biglad.
Hæfde ic heanne had, ne wæs me in healle gad,
þæt þær rof weord rad. Oft þær rinc gebad,
þæt he in sele sæge sincgewæge,
þegnum geþyhte. þenden wæs me mægen,
horsce mec heredon, hilde generedon,
fægre feredon, feondon biweredon.
Swa mec hyhtgiefu heold, hygedryht befeold,
staþolæhtum steold, stepegongum weold
swylce eorþe ol, ahte ic ealdorstol,
galdorwordum gol.
Gomen sibbe ne ofoll,
ac wæs gefest gear, gellende sner,
wuniendo wær wilbec bescær.
Scealcas wæron scearpe, scyl wæs hearpe,
hlude hlynede, hleoþor dynede,
sweglrad swinsade, swiþe ne minsade.
Burgsele beofode, beorht hlifade,
ellen eacnade, ead beacnade,
freaum frodade, fromum godade,
mod mægnade, mine fægnade,
treow telgade, tir welgade,
blæd blissade,
gold gearwade, gim hwearfade,
sinc searwade, sib nearwade.
From ic wæs in frætwum, freolic in geatwum;
wæs min dream dryhtlic, drohtað hyhtlic.
Foldan ic freoþode, folcum ic leoþode,
lif wæs min longe, leodum in gemonge,
tirum getonge, teala gehonge.
Nu min hreþer is hreoh,
heofsiþum sceoh,
nydbysgum neah; gewiteð nihtes in fleah
se ær in dæge wæs dyre. Scriþeð nu deop in feore
brondhord geblowen, breostum in forgrowen,
flyhtum toflowen. Flah is geblowen
miclum in gemynde; modes gecynde
greteð ungrynde grorn efenpynde,
bealofus byrneð, bittre toyrneð.
Werig winneð, widsið onginneð,
sar ne sinniþ, sorgum cinnið,
blæd his blinnið, blisse linnið,
listum linneð, lustum ne tinneð.
Dreamas swa her gedreosað, dryhtscype gehreosað,
lif her men forleosað, leahtras oft geceosað;
treowþrag is to trag, seo untrume genag,
steapum eatole misþah, ond eal stund genag.
Swa nu world wendeþ, wyrde sendeþ,
ond hetes henteð, hæleþe scyndeð.
Wercyn gewiteð, wælgar sliteð,
flahmah fliteþ, flan mon hwiteð,
borgsorg biteð, bald ald þwiteþ,
wræcfæc wriþað, wraþ að smiteþ,
singryn sidað,
searofearo glideþ,
gromtorn græfeþ, græft hafað,
searohwit solaþ, sumurhat colað,
foldwela fealleð, feondscipe wealleð,
eorðmægen ealdaþ, ellen colað.
Me þæt wyrd gewæf, ond gewyrht forgeaf,
þæt ic grofe græf, ond þæt grimme græf
flean flæsce ne mæg, þonne flanhred dæg
nydgrapum nimeþ, þonne seo neaht becymeð
seo me eðles ofonn
ond mec her eardes onconn.
þonne lichoma ligeð, lima wyrm friteþ,
ac him wenne gewigeð ond þa wist geþygeð,
oþþæt beoþ þa ban an,
ond æt nyhstan nan nefne se neda tan
balawun her gehloten. Ne biþ se hlisa adroren.
ær þæt eadig geþenceð, he hine þe oftor swenceð,
byrgeð him þa bitran synne, hogaþ to þære betran wynne,
gemon morþa lisse,
þær sindon miltsa blisse
hyhtlice in heofona rice. Uton nu halgum gelice
scyldum biscyrede scyndan generede,
wommum biwerede, wuldre generede,
þær moncyn mot for meotude rot
soðne god geseon, ond aa in sibbe gefean.
26. The Panther
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 169-71; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Monge sindon geond middangeard
unrimu cynn, þe we æþelu ne magon
ryhte areccan ne rim witan;
þæs wide sind geond world innan
fugla ond deora foldhrerendra
wornas widsceope, swa wæter bibugeð
þisne beorhtan bosm, brim grymetende,
sealtyþa geswing. We bi sumum hyrdon
wrætlice gecynd wildra secgan
firum freamærne feorlondum on
eard weardian, eðles neotan
æfter dunscrafum. Is þæt deor pandher
bi noman haten, þæs þe niþþa bearn,
wisfæste weras on gewritum cyþað
bi þam anstapan. Se is æghwam freond,
duguða estig, butan dracan anum,
þam he in ealle tid ondwrað leofaþ
þurh yfla gehwylc þe he geæfnan mæg.
ðæt is wrætlic deor, wundrum scyne
hiwa gehwylces; swa hæleð secgað,
gæsthalge guman, þætte Iosephes
tunece wære telga gehwylces
bleom bregdende, þara beorhtra gehwylc
æghwæs ænlicra oþrum lixte
dryhta bearnum, swa þæs deores hiw,
blæc brigda gehwæs, beorhtra ond scynra
wundrum lixeð, þætte wrætlicra
æghwylc oþrum, ænlicra gien
ond fægerra frætwum bliceð,
symle sellicra. He hafað sundorgecynd,
milde, gemetfæst. He is monþwære,
lufsum ond leoftæl, nele laþes wiht
ængum geæfnan butan þam attorsceaþan,
his fyrngeflitan, þe ic ær fore sægde.
Symle fylle fægen, þonne foddor þigeð,
æfter þam gereordum ræste seceð
dygle stowe under dunscrafum;
ðær se þeodwiga
þreonihta fæc
swifeð on swefote, slæpe gebiesgad.
þonne ellenrof up astondeð,
þrymme gewelgad, on þone þriddan dæg,
sneome of slæpe. Sweghleoþor cymeð,
woþa wynsumast þurh þæs wildres muð.
æfter þære stefne stenc ut cymeð
of þam wongstede, wynsumra steam,
swettra ond swiþra swæcca gehwylcum,
wyrta blostmum ond wudubledum,
eallum æþelicra eorþan frætwum.
þonne of ceastrum ond cynestolum
ond of burgsalum beornþreat monig
farað foldwegum folca þryþum,
eoredcystum, ofestum gefysde,
dareðlacende; deor efne swa some
æfter þære stefne on þone stenc farað.
Swa is dryhten god, dreama rædend,
eallum eaðmede oþrum gesceaftum,
duguða gehwylcre, butan dracan anum,
attres ordfruman. þæt is se ealda feond,
þone he gesælde in susla grund,
ond gefetrade fyrnum teagum,
biþeahte þreanydum, ond þy þriddan dæge
of digle aras, þæs þe he deað fore us
þreo niht þolade, þeoden engla,
sigora sellend. þæt wæs swete stenc,
wlitig ond wynsum geond woruld ealle.
Siþþan to þam swicce soðfæste men
on healfa gehwone heapum þrungon
geond ealne ymbhwyrft eorþan sceata.
Swa se snottra gecwæð sanctus Paulus:
"Monigfealde sind geond middangeard
god ungnyðe
þe us to giefe dæleð
ond to feorhnere fæder ælmihtig,
ond se anga hyht ealra gesceafta,
uppe ge niþre." þæt is æþele stenc.
27. The Whale
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 171-4; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Nu ic fitte gen ymb fisca cynn
wille woðcræfte wordum cyþan
þurh modgemynd bi þam miclan hwale.
Se bið unwillum oft gemeted,
frecne ond ferðgrim, fareðlacendum,
niþþa gehwylcum; þam is noma cenned,
fyrnstreama geflotan, Fastitocalon.
Is þæs hiw gelic hreofum stane,
swylce worie bi wædes ofre,
sondbeorgum ymbseald, særyrica mæst,
swa þæt wenaþ wægliþende
þæt hy on ealond sum eagum wliten,
ond þonne gehydað heahstefn scipu
to þam unlonde oncyrrapum,
setlaþ sæmearas sundes æt ende,
ond þonne in þæt eglond up gewitað
collenferþe; ceolas stondað
bi staþe fæste, streame biwunden.
ðonne gewiciað werigferðe,
faroðlacende, frecnes ne wenað,
on þam ealonde æled weccað,
heahfyr ælað; hæleþ beoþ on wynnum,
reonigmode, ræste geliste.
þonne gefeleð facnes cræftig
þæt him þa ferend on fæste wuniaþ,
wic weardiað wedres on luste,
ðonne semninga on sealtne wæg
mid þa noþe niþer gewiteþ
garsecges gæst, grund geseceð,
ond þonne in deaðsele drence bifæsteð
scipu mid scealcum. Swa bið scinna þeaw,
deofla wise, þæt hi drohtende
þurh dyrne meaht duguðe beswicað,
ond on teosu tyhtaþ tilra dæda,
wemað on willan, þæt hy wraþe secen,
frofre to feondum, oþþæt hy fæste ðær
æt þam wærlogan wic geceosað.
þonne þæt gecnaweð of cwicsusle
flah feond gemah, þætte fira gehwylc
hæleþa cynnes on his hringe biþ
fæste gefeged, he him feorgbona
þurh sliþen searo siþþan weorþeð,
wloncum ond heanum, þe his willan her
firenum fremmað, mid þam he færinga,
heoloþhelme biþeaht, helle seceð,
goda geasne, grundleasne wylm
under mistglome, swa se micla hwæl,
se þe bisenceð sæliþende
eorlas ond yðmearas. He hafað oþre gecynd,
wæterþisa wlonc, wrætlicran gien.
þonne hine on holme hungor bysgað
ond þone aglæcan ætes lysteþ,
ðonne se mereweard muð ontyneð,
wide weleras; cymeð wynsum stenc
of his innoþe, þætte oþre þurh þone,
sæfisca cynn, beswicen weorðaþ,
swimmað sundhwate þær se sweta stenc
ut gewiteð. Hi þær in farað
unware weorude, oþþæt se wida ceafl
gefylled bið; þonne færinga
ymbe þa herehuþe hlemmeð togædre
grimme goman. Swa biþ gumena gehwam,
se þe oftost his unwærlice
on þas lænan tid lif bisceawað,
læteð hine beswican þurh swetne stenc,
leasne willan, þæt he biþ leahtrum fah
wið wuldorcyning. Him se awyrgda ongean
æfter hinsiþe helle ontyneð,
þam þe leaslice lices wynne
ofer ferhtgereaht fremedon on unræd.
þonne se fæcna in þam fæstenne
gebroht hafað, bealwes cræftig,
æt þam edwylme þa þe him on cleofiað,
gyltum gehrodene, ond ær georne his
in hira lifdagum larum hyrdon,
þonne he þa grimman goman bihlemmeð
æfter feorhcwale fæste togædre,
helle hlinduru; nagon hwyrft ne swice,
utsiþ æfre, þa þær in cumað,
þon ma þe þa fiscas faraðlacende
of þæs hwæles fenge hweorfan motan.
Forþon is eallinga
dryhtna dryhtne, ond a deoflum wiðsace
wordum ond weorcum, þæt we wuldorcyning
geseon moton. Uton a sibbe to him
on þas hwilnan tid hælu secan,
þæt we mid swa leofne in lofe motan
to widan feore wuldres neotan.
28. The Partridge
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 174; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hyrde ic secgan gen bi sumum fugle
þæt word þe gecwæð wuldres ealdor:
"In swa hwylce tiid swa ge mid treowe to me
on hyge hweorfað, ond ge hellfirena
sweartra geswicað, swa ic symle to eow
mid siblufan sona gecyrre
þurh milde mod. Ge beoð me siþþan
torhte tireadge talade ond rimde,
beorhte gebroþor on bearna stæl."
Uton we þy geornor gode oliccan,
firene feogan, friþes earnian,
duguðe to dryhtne, þenden us dæg scine,
þæt swa æþelne eardwica cyst
in wuldres wlite wunian motan.
29. Soul and Body II
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 174-8; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Huru, ðæs behofaþ hæleþa æghwylc
þæt he his sawle sið sylfa bewitige,
hu þæt bið deoplic þonne se deað cymeð,
asundrað þa sibbe, þa þe ær somud wæron,
lic ond sawle! Long bið siþþan
þæt se gæst nimeð æt gode sylfum
swa wite swa wuldor, swa him in worulde ær
efne þæt eorðfæt ær geworhte.
Sceal se gæst cuman gehþum hremig,
symle ymb seofon niht sawle findan
þone lichoman þe heo ær longe wæg,
þreo hund wintra,
butan ær wyrce ece dryhten,
ælmihtig god, ende worlde.
Cleopað þonne swa cearful caldan reorde,
spriceð grimlice gæst to þam duste:
"Hwæt, drug þu dreorga, to hwon dreahtest þu me,
eorþan fylnes eal forweornast,
lames gelicnes! Lyt þu geþohtes
to won þinre sawle sið siþþan wurde,
siþþan heo of lichoman læded wære!
Hwæt, wite þu me, werga! Hwæt, þu huru wyrma gifl
lyt geþohtes, hu þis is long hider,
ond þe þurh engel ufan of roderum
sawle onsende þurh his sylfes hond,
meotud ælmihtig, of his mægenþrymme,
ond þe þa gebohte blode þy halgan,
ond þu me þy heardan hungre gebunde
ond gehæftnadest helle witum!
Eardode ic þe in innan. No ic þe of meahte,
flæsce bifongen, ond me firenlustas
þine geþrungon. þæt me þuhte ful oft
þæt wære þritig þusend wintra
to þinum deaðdæge. Hwæt, ic uncres gedales bad
earfoðlice. Nis nu se ende to god!
Wære þu þe wiste wlonc ond wines sæd,
þrymful þunedest, ond ic ofþyrsted wæs
godes lichoman, gæstes drinces.
þær þu þonne hogode her on life,
þenden ic þe in worulde wunian sceolde,
þæt þu wære þurh flæsc ond þurh firenlustas
stronge gestyred ond gestaþelad þurh mec,
ond ic wæs gæst on þe from gode sended,
næfre þu me swa heardra helle wita
ned gearwode þurh þinra neoda lust.
Scealt þu nu hwæþre minra gescenta scome þrowian
on þam miclan dæge, þonne monna cynn
se ancenda ealle gegædrað.
Ne eart þu nu þon leofre nængum lifgendra,
menn to gemæccan, ne medder ne fæder,
ne nængum gesibbra, þonne se swearta hrefn,
siþþan ic ana of þe ut siþade
þurh þæs sylfes hond þe ic ær onsended wæs.
Ne magon þe nu heonan adon hyrste þa readan,
ne gold ne sylfor ne þinra goda nan,
ac her sculon abidan ban bireafod,
besliten seonwum, ond þe þin sawl sceal
minum unwillan oft gesecan,
wemman mid wordum, swa þu worhtest to me.
Eart þu dumb ond deaf, ne sindan þine dreamas wiht.
Sceal ic þe nihtes seþeah nyde gesecan,
synnum gesargad, ond eft sona from ðe
hweorfan on honcred, þonne halege menn
gode lifgendum lofsong doð,
secan þa hamas þe þu me ær scrife,
ond þa arleasan eardungstowe,
ond þe sculon moldwyrmas monige ceowan,
seonowum beslitan swearte wihte,
gifre ond grædge. Ne sindon þine geahþe wiht,
þa þu her on moldan monnum eawdest.
Forþon þe wære selle swiþe micle
þonne þe wæran ealle eorþan spede,
(butan þu hy gedælde dryhtne sylfum),
þær þu wurde æt frumsceafte fugel oþþe fisc on sæ,
oððe eorþan neat ætes tiolode,
feldgongende feoh butan snyttro,
ge on westenne wildra deora
þæt grimmeste, þær swa god wolde,
ge þeah þu wære wyrmcynna þæt wyrreste,
þonne þu æfre on moldan mon gewurde,
oþþe æfre fulwihte onfon sceolde.
þonne þu for unc bu ondwyrdan scealt
on þam miclan dæge, þonne eallum monnum beoð
wunde onwrigene, þa þe in worulde ær
firenfulle menn fyrn geworhton,
ðonne wile dryhten sylf dæda gehyran,
æt ealra monna gehwam muþes reorde
wunde wiþerlean. Ac hwæt wilt þu þær
on domdæge dryhtne secgan?
þonne ne bið nænig to þæs lytel lið on lime geweaxen,
þæt þu ne scyle for æghwylc anra onsundran
ryht agieldan, ðonne reþe bið
dryhten æt dome. Ac hwæt do wit unc,
þonne he unc hafað geedbyrded oþre siþe?
Sculon wit þonne ætsomne siþþan brucan
swylcra yrmþa, swa þu unc ær scrife."
Firenaþ þus þæt flæschord, sceal þonne feran on weg,
secan helle grund, nales heofondreamas,
dædum gedrefed. Ligeð dust þær hit wæs,
ne mæg him ondsware ænige secgan,
ne þær edringe ænge gehatan
gæste geomrum, geoce oþþe frofre.
Biþ þæt heafod tohliden, honda tohleoþode,
geaflas toginene, goman toslitene,
seonwe beoð asogene, sweora bicowen;
rib reafiað reþe wyrmas,
drincað hloþum hra, heolfres þurstge.
Bið seo tunge totogen on tyn healfe
hungrum to hroþor. Forþon heo ne mæg horsclice
wordum wrixlan wið þone wergan gæst.
Gifer hatte se wyrm, þam þa geaflas beoð
nædle scearpran. Se geneþeð to
ærest ealra on þam eorðscræfe;
he þa tungan totyhð ond þa toþas þurhsmyhð,
ond to ætwelan oþrum gerymeð,
ond þa eagan þurhiteð ufon on þæt heafod
wyrmum to wiste, þonne biþ þæt werge
lic acolad þæt he longe ær
werede mid wædum. Bið þonne wyrmes giefl,
æt on eorþan. þæt mæg æghwylcum
men to gemyndum modsnotterra.
30. Deor
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 178-9; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Welund him be wurman wræces cunnade,
anhydig eorl earfoþa dreag,
hæfde him to gesiþþe sorge ond longaþ,
wintercealde wræce; wean oft onfond,
siþþan hine Niðhad on nede legde,
swoncre seonobende on syllan monn.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
Beadohilde ne wæs hyre broþra deaþ
on sefan swa sar swa hyre sylfre þing,
þæt heo gearolice ongieten hæfde
þæt heo eacen wæs; æfre ne meahte
þriste geþencan, hu ymb þæt sceolde.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
We þæt Mæðhilde monge gefrugnon
wurdon grundlease Geates frige,
þæt hi seo sorglufu slæp ealle binom.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
ðeodric ahte þritig wintra
Mæringa burg; þæt wæs monegum cuþ.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
We geascodan Eormanrices
wylfenne geþoht; ahte wide folc
Gotena rices. þæt wæs grim cyning.
Sæt secg monig sorgum gebunden,
wean on wenan, wyscte geneahhe
þæt þæs cynerices ofercumen wære.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
Siteð sorgcearig, sælum bidæled,
on sefan sweorceð, sylfum þinceð
þæt sy endeleas
earfoða dæl.
Mæg þonne geþencan, þæt geond þas woruld
witig dryhten wendeþ geneahhe,
eorle monegum are gesceawað,
wislicne blæd, sumum weana dæl.
þæt ic bi me sylfum secgan wille,
þæt ic hwile wæs Heodeninga scop,
dryhtne dyre. Me wæs Deor noma.
Ahte ic fela wintra folgað tilne,
holdne hlaford, oþþæt Heorrenda nu,
leoðcræftig monn londryht geþah,
þæt me eorla hleo ær gesealde.
þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg!
31. Wulf and Eadwacer
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 179-80; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Leodum is minum swylce him mon lac gife;
willað hy hine aþecgan, gif he on þreat cymeð.
Ungelic is us.
Wulf is on iege, ic on oþerre.
Fæst is þæt eglond, fenne biworpen.
Sindon wælreowe weras þær on ige;
willað hy hine aþecgan, gif he on þreat cymeð.
Ungelice is us.
Wulfes ic mines widlastum wenum dogode;
þonne hit wæs renig weder ond ic reotugu sæt,
þonne mec se beaducafa bogum bilegde,
wæs me wyn to þon, wæs me hwæþre eac lað.
Wulf, min Wulf, wena me þine
seoce gedydon, þine seldcymas,
murnende mod, nales meteliste.
Gehyrest þu, Eadwacer? Uncerne earne hwelp
bireð wulf to wuda.
þæt mon eaþe tosliteð þætte næfre gesomnad wæs,
uncer giedd geador.
32. Riddles 1
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 180; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hwylc is hæleþa þæs horsc ond þæs hygecræftig
þæt þæt mæge asecgan, hwa mec on sið wræce,
þonne ic astige strong, stundum reþe,
þrymful þunie, þragum wræce
fere geond foldan, folcsalo bærne,
ræced reafige? Recas stigað,
haswe ofer hrofum. Hlin bið on eorþan,
wælcwealm wera, þonne ic wudu hrere,
bearwas bledhwate, beamas fylle,
holme gehrefed,
heahum meahtum
wrecen on waþe, wide sended;
hæbbe me on hrycge þæt ær hadas wreah
foldbuendra, flæsc ond gæstas,
somod on sunde. Saga hwa mec þecce,
oþþe hu ic hatte, þe þa hlæst bere.
33. Riddles 2
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 180-81; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hwilum ic gewite, swa ne wenaþ men,
under yþa geþræc eorþan secan,
garsecges grund. Gifen biþ gewreged,
fam gewealcen;
hwælmere hlimmeð, hlude grimmeð,
streamas staþu beatað, stundum weorpaþ
on stealc hleoþa stane ond sonde,
ware ond wæge, þonne ic winnende,
holmmægne biþeaht, hrusan styrge,
side sægrundas. Sundhelme ne mæg
losian ær mec læte se þe min latteow bið
on siþa gehwam. Saga, þoncol mon,
hwa mec bregde of brimes fæþmum,
þonne streamas eft stille weorþað,
yþa geþwære, þe mec ær wrugon.
34. Riddles 3
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 181-83; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hwilum mec min frea fæste genearwað,
sendeð þonne under salwonges
bearm þone bradan, ond on bid wriceð,
þrafað on þystrum þrymma sumne,
hæste on enge, þær me heord siteð
hruse on hrycge. Nah ic hwyrftweges
of þam aglace, ac ic eþelstol
hæleþa hrere; hornsalu wagiað,
wera wicstede, weallas beofiað,
steape ofer stiwitum. Stille þynceð
lyft ofer londe ond lagu swige,
oþþæt ic of enge up aþringe,
efne swa mec wisaþ se mec wræde on
æt frumsceafte furþum legde,
bende ond clomme, þæt ic onbugan ne mot
of þæs gewealde þe me wegas tæcneð.
Hwilum ic sceal ufan yþa wregan,
streamas styrgan ond to staþe þywan
flintgrægne flod. Famig winneð
wæg wið wealle, wonn ariseð
dun ofer dype; hyre deorc on last,
eare geblonden, oþer fereð,
þæt hy gemittað mearclonde neah
hea hlincas. þær bið hlud wudu,
brimgiesta breahtm, bidað stille
stealc stanhleoþu streamgewinnes,
hopgehnastes, þonne heah geþring
on cleofu crydeþ. þær bið ceole wen
sliþre sæcce, gif hine sæ byreð
on þa grimman tid, gæsta fulne,
þæt he scyle rice birofen weorþan,
feore bifohten fæmig ridan
yþa hrycgum. þær bið egsa sum
ældum geywed, þara þe ic hyran sceal
strong on stiðweg. Hwa gestilleð þæt?
Hwilum ic þurhræse, þæt me on bæce rideð
won wægfatu, wide toþringe
lagustreama full, hwilum læte eft
slupan tosomne. Se bið swega mæst,
breahtma ofer burgum, ond gebreca hludast,
þonne scearp cymeð sceo wiþ oþrum,
ecg wið ecge; earpan gesceafte
fus ofer folcum fyre swætað,
blacan lige, ond gebrecu ferað
deorc ofer dryhtum
gedyne micle,
farað feohtende, feallan lætað
sweart sumsendu seaw of bosme,
wætan of wombe. Winnende fareð
atol eoredþreat, egsa astigeð,
micel modþrea monna cynne,
brogan on burgum, þonne blace scotiað
scriþende scin scearpum wæpnum.
Dol him ne ondrædeð ða deaðsperu,
swylteð hwæþre, gif him soð meotud
on geryhtu þurh regn ufan
of gestune læteð stræle fleogan,
farende flan. Fea þæt gedygað,
þara þe geræceð rynegiestes wæpen.
Ic þæs orleges or anstelle,
þonne gewite wolcengehnaste
þurh geþræc þringan þrimme micle
ofer byrnan bosm. Biersteð hlude
heah hloðgecrod; þonne hnige eft
under lyfte helm londe near,
ond me on hrycg hlade þæt ic habban sceal,
meahtum gemagnad
mines frean.
Swa ic þrymful þeow þragum winne,
hwilum under eorþan, hwilum yþa sceal
hean underhnigan, hwilum holm ufan
streamas styrge, hwilum stige up,
wolcnfare wrege, wide fere
swift ond swiþfeorm. Saga hwæt ic hatte,
oþþe hwa mec rære, þonne ic restan ne mot,
oþþe hwa mec stæðþe, þonne ic stille beom.
35. Riddles 4
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 183; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic sceal þragbysig þegne minum,
hringum hæfted, hyran georne,
min bed brecan, breahtme cyþan
þæt me halswriþan hlaford sealde.
Oft mec slæpwerigne secg oðþe meowle
gretan eode; ic him gromheortum
winterceald oncweþe. Wearm lim
gebundenne bæg hwilum bersteð;
se þeah biþ on þonce þegne minum,
medwisum men, me þæt sylfe,
þær wiht wite, ond wordum min
on sped mæge spel gesecgan.
36. Riddles 5
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 183-84; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom anhaga iserne wund,
bille gebennad, beadoweorca sæd,
ecgum werig. Oft ic wig seo,
frecne feohtan. Frofre ne wene,
þæt me geoc cyme guðgewinnes,
ær ic mid ældum eal forwurðe,
ac mec hnossiað homera lafe,
heardecg heoroscearp,
hondweorc smiþa,
bitað in burgum; ic abidan sceal
laþran gemotes. Næfre læcecynn
on folcstede findan meahte,
þara þe mid wyrtum wunde gehælde,
ac me ecga dolg eacen weorðað
þurh deaðslege dagum ond nihtum.
37. Riddles 6
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 184; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Mec gesette soð sigora waldend
Crist to compe. Oft ic cwice bærne,
unrimu cyn eorþan getenge,
næte mid niþe, swa ic him no hrine,
þonne mec min frea feohtan hateþ.
Hwilum ic monigra mod arete,
hwilum ic frefre þa ic ær winne on
feorran swiþe; hi þæs felað þeah,
swylce þæs oþres, þonne ic eft hyra
ofer deop gedreag drohtað bete.
38. Riddles 7
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 184-5; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hrægl min swigað, þonne ic hrusan trede,
oþþe þa wic buge, oþþe wado drefe.
Hwilum mec ahebbað ofer hæleþa byht
hyrste mine, ond þeos hea lyft,
ond mec þonne wide wolcna strengu
ofer folc byreð. Frætwe mine
swogað hlude ond swinsiað,
torhte singað, þonne ic getenge ne beom
flode ond foldan, ferende gæst.
39. Riddles 8
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 185; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic þurh muþ sprece mongum reordum,
wrencum singe, wrixle geneahhe
heafodwoþe, hlude cirme,
healde mine wisan, hleoþre ne miþe,
eald æfensceop, eorlum bringe
blisse in burgum, þonne ic bugendre
stefne styrme; stille on wicum
sittað nigende. Saga hwæt ic hatte,
þe swa scirenige sceawendwisan
hlude onhyrge, hæleþum bodige
wilcumena fela woþe minre.
40. Riddles 9
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 185; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Mec on þissum dagum deadne ofgeafun
fæder ond modor; ne wæs me feorh þa gen,
ealdor in innan. þa mec an ongon,
welhold mege, wedum þeccan,
heold ond freoþode, hleosceorpe wrah
swa arlice swa hire agen bearn,
oþþæt ic under sceate, swa min gesceapu wæron,
ungesibbum wearð eacen gæste.
Mec seo friþe mæg fedde siþþan,
oþþæt ic aweox, widdor meahte
siþas asettan. Heo hæfde swæsra þy læs
suna ond dohtra, þy heo swa dyde.
41. Riddles 10
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 185-86; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Neb wæs min on nearwe, ond ic neoþan wætre,
flode underflowen, firgenstreamum
swiþe besuncen, ond on sunde awox
ufan yþum þeaht, anum getenge
liþendum wuda lice mine.
Hæfde feorh cwico, þa ic of fæðmum cwom
brimes ond beames on blacum hrægle;
sume wæron hwite hyrste mine,
þa mec lifgende lyft upp ahof,
wind of wæge, siþþan wide bær
ofer seolhbaþo. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
42. Riddles 11
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 186; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hrægl is min hasofag, hyrste beorhte,
reade ond scire on reafe minum.
Ic dysge dwelle ond dole hwette
unrædsiþas, oþrum styre
nyttre fore. Ic þæs nowiht wat
þæt heo swa gemædde, mode bestolene,
dæde gedwolene, deoraþ mine
won wisan gehwam. Wa him þæs þeawes,
siþþan heah bringað
horda deorast,
gif hi unrædes ær ne geswicaþ.
43. Riddles 12
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 186; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Fotum ic fere, foldan slite,
grene wongas, þenden ic gæst bere.
Gif me feorh losað, fæste binde
swearte Wealas, hwilum sellan men.
Hwilum ic deorum drincan selle
beorne of bosme, hwilum mec bryd triedeð
felawlonc fotum, hwilum feorran broht
wonfeax Wale wegeð ond þyð,
dol druncmennen deorcum nihtum,
wæteð in wætre, wyrmeð hwilum
fægre to fyre; me on fæðme sticaþ
hygegalan hond, hwyrfeð geneahhe,
swifeð me geond sweartne. Saga hwæt ic hatte,
þe ic lifgende lond reafige
ond æfter deaþe dryhtum þeowige.
44. Riddles 13
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 187; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah turf tredan, [X] wæron ealra,
[VI] gebroþor ond hyra sweostor mid;
hæfdon feorg cwico. Fell hongedon
sweotol ond gesyne on seles wæge
anra gehwylces. Ne wæs hyra ængum þy wyrs,
ne siðe þy sarre, þeah hy swa sceoldon
reafe birofene, rodra weardes
meahtum aweahte, muþum slitan
haswe blede. Hrægl bið geniwad
þam þe ær forðcymene frætwe leton
licgan on laste, gewitan lond tredan.
45. Riddles 14
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 187; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs wæpenwiga. Nu mec wlonc þeceð
geong hagostealdmon golde ond sylfore,
woum wirbogum. Hwilum weras cyssað,
hwilum ic to hilde hleoþre bonne
wilgehleþan, hwilum wycg byreþ
mec ofer mearce, hwilum merehengest
fereð ofer flodas frætwum beorhtne,
hwilum mægða sum minne gefylleð
bosm beaghroden; hwilum ic bordum sceal,
heard, heafodleas, behlyþed licgan,
hwilum hongige hyrstum frætwed,
wlitig on wage, þær weras drincað,
freolic fyrdsceorp. Hwilum folcwigan
on wicge wegað, þonne ic winde sceal
sincfag swelgan of sumes bosme;
hwilum ic gereordum rincas laðige
wlonce to wine; hwilum wraþum sceal
stefne minre forstolen hreddan,
flyman feondsceaþan. Frige hwæt ic hatte.
46. Riddles 15
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 188; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hals is min hwit ond heafod fealo,
sidan swa some. Swift ic eom on feþe,
beadowæpen bere. Me on bæce standað
her swylce swe on hleorum. Hlifiað tu
earan ofer eagum. Ordum ic steppe
in grene græs. Me bið gyrn witod,
gif mec onhæle an onfindeð
wælgrim wiga, þær ic wic buge,
bold mid bearnum, ond ic bide þær
mid geoguðcnosle, hwonne gæst cume
to durum minum, him biþ deað witod.
Forþon ic sceal of eðle eaforan mine
forhtmod fergan, fleame nergan,
gif he me æfterweard ealles weorþeð;
hine berað breost. Ic his bidan ne dear,
reþes on geruman, (nele þæt ræd teale),
ac ic sceal fromlice feþemundum
þurh steapne beorg stræte wyrcan.
Eaþe ic mæg freora feorh genergan,
gif ic mægburge mot mine gelædan
on degolne weg þurh dune þyrel
swæse ond gesibbe; ic me siþþan ne þearf
wælhwelpes wig wiht onsittan.
Gif se niðsceaþa nearwe stige
me on swaþe seceþ, ne tosæleþ him
on þam gegnpaþe guþgemotes,
siþþan ic þurh hylles hrof geræce,
ond þurh hest hrino hildepilum
laðgewinnum, þam þe ic longe fleah.
47. Riddles 16
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 188-89; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Oft ic sceal wiþ wæge winnan ond wiþ winde feohtan,
somod wið þam sæcce, þonne ic secan gewite
eorþan yþum þeaht; me biþ se eþel fremde.
Ic beom strong þæs gewinnes, gif ic stille weorþe;
gif me þæs tosæleð, hi beoð swiþran þonne ic,
ond mec slitende sona flymað,
willað oþfergan þæt ic friþian sceal.
Ic him þæt forstonde, gif min steort þolað
ond mec stiþne wiþ stanas moton
fæste gehabban. Frige hwæt ic hatte.
48. Riddles 17
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 189; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom mundbora minre heorde,
eodorwirum fæst, innan gefylled
dryhtgestreona. Dægtidum oft
spæte sperebrogan; sped biþ þy mare
fylle minre.
Frea þæt bihealdeð,
hu me of hrife fleogað hyldepilas.
Hwilum ic sweartum swelgan onginne
brunum beadowæpnum, bitrum ordum,
eglum attorsperum. Is min innað til,
wombhord wlitig, wloncum deore;
men gemunan þæt me þurh muþ fareð.
49. Riddles 18
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 189; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom wunderlicu wiht; ne mæg word sprecan,
mældan for monnum, þeah ic muþ hæbbe,
wide wombe
Ic wæs on ceole ond mines cnosles ma.
50. Riddles 19
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 189-90; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic on
siþe seah
H hygewloncne, heafodbeorhtne,
swiftne ofer sælwong swiþe þrægan.
Hæfde him on hrycge hildeþryþe
nægledne rad
W. Widlast ferede
rynestrong on rade rofne C
H. For wæs þy beorhtre,
swylcra siþfæt. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
51. Riddles 20
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 190-91; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, on gewin sceapen,
frean minum leof, fægre gegyrwed.
Byrne is min bleofag, swylce beorht seomað
wir ymb þone wælgim þe me waldend geaf,
se me widgalum wisað hwilum
sylfum to sace. þonne ic sinc wege
þurh hlutterne dæg, hondweorc smiþa,
gold ofer geardas. Oft ic gæstberend
cwelle compwæpnum. Cyning mec gyrweð
since ond seolfre ond mec on sele weorþað;
ne wyrneð wordlofes, wisan mæneð
mine for mengo, þær hy meodu drincað,
healdeð mec on heaþore, hwilum læteð eft
radwerigne on gerum sceacan,
orlegfromne. Oft ic oþrum scod
frecne æt his freonde; fah eom ic wide,
wæpnum awyrged. Ic me wenan ne þearf
þæt me bearn wræce on bonan feore,
gif me gromra hwylc guþe genægeð;
ne weorþeð sio mægburg gemicledu
eaforan minum þe ic æfter woc,
nymþe ic hlafordleas hweorfan mote
from þam healdende þe me hringas geaf.
Me bið forð witod, gif ic frean hyre,
guþe fremme, swa ic gien dyde
minum þeodne on þonc, þæt ic þolian sceal
bearngestreona. Ic wiþ bryde ne mot
hæmed habban, ac me þæs hyhtplegan
geno wyrneð, se mec geara on
bende legde; forþon ic brucan sceal
on hagostealde hæleþa gestreona.
Oft ic wirum dol wife abelge,
wonie hyre willan; heo me wom spreceð,
floceð hyre folmum, firenaþ mec wordum,
ungod gæleð. Ic ne gyme þæs compes
52. Riddles 21
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 191; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Neb is min niþerweard; neol ic fere
ond be grunde græfe, geonge swa me wisað
har holtes feond, ond hlaford min
woh færeð weard æt steorte,
wrigaþ on wonge, wegeð mec ond þyð,
saweþ on swæð min. Ic snyþige forð,
brungen of bearwe, bunden cræfte,
wegen on wægne, hæbbe wundra fela;
me biþ gongendre grene on healfe
ond min swæð sweotol sweart on oþre.
Me þurh hrycg wrecen hongaþ under
an orþoncpil, oþer on heafde,
fæst ond forðweard. Fealleþ on sidan
þæt ic toþum tere, gif me teala þenaþ
hindeweardre, þæt biþ hlaford min.
53. Riddles 22
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 191-92; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).ætsomne cwom [LX] monna
to wægstæþe wicgum ridan;
hæfdon [XI] eoredmæcgas
fridhengestas, [IIII] sceamas.
Ne meahton magorincas ofer mere feolan,
swa hi fundedon, ac wæs flod to deop,
atol yþa geþræc, ofras hea,
streamas stronge. Ongunnon stigan þa
on wægn weras ond hyra wicg somod
hlodan under hrunge; þa þa hors oðbær
eh ond eorlas, æscum dealle,
ofer wætres byht wægn to lande,
swa hine oxa ne teah ne esna mægen
ne fæthengest, ne on flode swom,
ne be grunde wod gestum under,
ne lagu drefde, ne on lyfte fleag,
ne under bæc cyrde; brohte hwæþre
beornas ofer burnan ond hyra bloncan mid
from stæðe heaum, þæt hy stopan up
on oþerne, ellenrofe,
weras of wæge, ond hyra wicg gesund.
54. Riddles 23
Krapp and Dobbie 1936, 192; Krapp and Dobbie 1936, The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Agof is min noma eft onhwyrfed;
ic eom wrætlic wiht on gewin sceapen.
þonne ic onbuge, ond me of bosme fareð
ætren onga, ic beom eallgearo
þæt ic me þæt feorhbealo feor aswape.
Siþþan me se waldend, se me þæt wite gescop,
leoþo forlæteð, ic beo lengre þonne ær,
oþþæt ic spæte, spilde geblonden,
ealfelo attor þæt ic ær geap.
Ne togongeð þæs gumena hwylcum,
ænigum eaþe þæt ic þær ymb sprice,
gif hine hrineð þæt me of hrife fleogeð,
þæt þone mandrinc mægne geceapaþ,
fullwered fæste feore sine.
Nelle ic unbunden ænigum hyran
nymþe searosæled. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
55. Riddles 24
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 192-93; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, wræsne mine stefne,
hwilum beorce swa hund, hwilum blæte swa gat,
hwilum græde swa gos, hwilum gielle swa hafoc,
hwilum ic onhyrge þone haswan earn,
guðfugles hleoþor, hwilum glidan reorde
muþe gemæne, hwilum mæwes song,
þær ic glado sitte.
G mec nemnað,
swylce æ ond R
O fullesteð,
H ond I. Nu ic haten eom
swa þa siex stafas sweotule becnaþ.
56. Riddles 25
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 193; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, wifum on hyhte,
neahbuendum nyt; nængum sceþþe
burgsittendra, nymþe bonan anum.
Staþol min is steapheah, stonde ic on bedde,
neoþan ruh nathwær. Neþeð hwilum
ful cyrtenu ceorles dohtor,
modwlonc meowle, þæt heo on mec gripeð,
ræseð mec on reodne, reafað min heafod,
fegeð mec on fæsten. Feleþ sona
mines gemotes,
seo þe mec nearwað,
wif wundenlocc. Wæt bið þæt eage.
57. Riddles 26
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 193-94; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Mec feonda sum feore besnyþede,
woruldstrenga binom, wætte siþþan,
dyfde on wætre, dyde eft þonan,
sette on sunnan, þær ic swiþe beleas
herum þam þe ic hæfde. Heard mec siþþan
snað seaxses ecg, sindrum begrunden;
fingras feoldan, ond mec fugles wyn
geond speddropum spyrede geneahhe,
ofer brunne brerd, beamtelge swealg,
streames dæle, stop eft on mec,
siþade sweartlast. Mec siþþan wrah
hæleð hleobordum,
hyde beþenede,
gierede mec mid golde; forþon me gliwedon
wrætlic weorc smiþa, wire bifongen.
Nu þa gereno ond se reada telg
ond þa wuldorgesteald wide mære
dryhtfolca helm, nales dol wite.
Gif min bearn wera brucan willað,
hy beoð þy gesundran ond þy sigefæstran,
heortum þy hwætran ond þy hygebliþran,
ferþe þy frodran, habbaþ freonda þy ma,
swæsra ond gesibbra, soþra ond godra,
tilra ond getreowra, þa hyra tyr ond ead
estum ycað ond hy arstafum
lissum bilecgað ond hi lufan fæþmum
fæste clyppað. Frige hwæt ic hatte,
niþum to nytte. Nama min is mære,
hæleþum gifre ond halig sylf.
58. Riddles 27
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 194; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom weorð werum, wide funden,
brungen of bearwum ond of burghleoþum,
of denum ond of dunum. Dæges mec wægun
feþre on lifte, feredon mid liste
under hrofes hleo. Hæleð mec siþþan
baþedan in bydene. Nu ic eom bindere
ond swingere, sona weorpe
esne to eorþan, hwilum ealdne ceorl.
Sona þæt onfindeð, se þe mec fehð ongean,
ond wið mægenþisan minre genæsteð,
þæt he hrycge sceal hrusan secan,
gif he unrædes ær ne geswiceð,
strengo bistolen, strong on spræce,
mægene binumen; nah his modes geweald,
fota ne folma. Frige hwæt ic hatte,
ðe on eorþan swa esnas binde,
dole æfter dyntum be dæges leohte.
59. Riddles 28
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 194-95; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Biþ foldan dæl fægre gegierwed
mid þy heardestan ond mid þy scearpestan
ond mid þy grymmestan gumena gestreona,
corfen, sworfen, cyrred, þyrred,
bunden, wunden, blæced, wæced,
frætwed, geatwed, feorran læded
to durum dryhta. Dream bið in innan
cwicra wihta, clengeð, lengeð,
þara þe ær lifgende longe hwile
wilna bruceð ond no wið spriceð,
ond þonne æfter deaþe deman onginneð,
meldan mislice. Micel is to hycganne
wisfæstum menn, hwæt seo wiht sy.
60. Riddles 29
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 195; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wiht geseah wundorlice
hornum bitweonum huþe lædan,
lyftfæt leohtlic, listum gegierwed,
huþe to þam ham of þam heresiþe;
walde hyre on þære byrig bur atimbran,
searwum asettan, gif hit swa meahte.
ða cwom wundorlicu wiht ofer wealles hrof,
seo is eallum cuð eorðbuendum,
ahredde þa þa huþe ond to ham bedraf
wreccan ofer willan, gewat hyre west þonan
fæhþum feran, forð onette.
Dust stonc to heofonum, deaw feol on eorþan,
niht forð gewat. Nænig siþþan
wera gewiste þære wihte sið.
61. Riddles 30a
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 195-96; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom legbysig, lace mid winde,
bewunden mid wuldre, wedre gesomnad,
fus forðweges, fyre gebysgad,
bearu blowende, byrnende gled.
Ful oft mec gesiþas sendað æfter hondum,
þæt mec weras ond wif wlonce cyssað.
þonne ic mec onhæbbe, ond hi onhnigaþ to me
monige mid miltse, þær ic monnum sceal
ycan upcyme eadignesse.
62. Riddles 31
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 196; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Is þes middangeard missenlicum
wisum gewlitegad, wrættum gefrætwad.
Ic seah sellic þing singan on ræcede;
wiht wæs nower
werum on gemonge,
sio hæfde wæstum wundorlicran.
wæs neb hyre,
fet ond folme fugele gelice;
no hwæþre fleogan mæg ne fela gongan,
hwæþre feþegeorn fremman onginneð,
gecoren cræftum, cyrreð geneahhe
oft ond gelome eorlum on gemonge,
siteð æt symble, sæles bideþ,
hwonne ær heo cræft hyre cyþan mote
werum on wonge. Ne heo þær wiht þigeð
þæs þe him æt blisse beornas habbað.
Deor domes georn, hio dumb wunað;
hwæþre hyre is on fote fæger hleoþor,
wynlicu woðgiefu. Wrætlic me þinceð,
hu seo wiht mæge wordum lacan
þurh fot neoþan, frætwed hyrstum.
Hafað hyre on halse, þonne hio hord warað,
bær, beagum deall, broþor sine,
mæg mid mægne. Micel is to hycgenne
wisum woðboran, hwæt sio wiht sie.
63. Riddles 32
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 196-97; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Is þes middangeard missenlicum
wisum gewlitegad, wrættum gefrætwad.
Siþum sellic ic seah searo hweorfan,
grindan wið greote, giellende faran.
Næfde sellicu wiht syne ne folme,
exle ne earmas; sceal on anum fet
searoceap swifan, swiþe feran,
faran ofer feldas. Hæfde fela ribba;
muð wæs on middan. Moncynne nyt,
fereð foddurwelan, folcscipe dreogeð,
wist in wigeð, ond werum gieldeð
gaful geara gehwam þæs þe guman brucað,
rice ond heane. Rece, gif þu cunne,
wis worda gleaw, hwæt sio wiht sie.
64. Riddles 33
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 197; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wiht cwom æfter wege wrætlicu liþan,
cymlic from ceole cleopode to londe,
hlinsade hlude;
hleahtor wæs gryrelic,
egesful on earde, ecge wæron scearpe.
Wæs hio hetegrim, hilde to sæne,
biter beadoweorca; bordweallas grof,
heardhiþende. Heterune bond,
sægde searocræftig ymb hyre sylfre gesceaft:
"Is min modor
mægða cynnes
þæs deorestan, þæt is dohtor min
eacen up liden, swa þæt is ældum cuþ,
firum on folce, þæt seo on foldan sceal
on ealra londa gehwam lissum stondan."
65. Riddles 34
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 197; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wiht geseah in wera burgum,
seo þæt feoh fedeð. Hafað fela toþa;
nebb biþ hyre æt nytte, niþerweard gongeð,
hiþeð holdlice ond to ham tyhð,
wæþeð geond weallas, wyrte seceð;
aa heo þa findeð, þa þe fæst ne biþ;
læteð hio þa wlitigan, wyrtum fæste,
stille stondan on staþolwonge,
beorhte blican, blowan ond growan.
66. Riddles 35
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 198; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Mec se wæta wong, wundrum freorig,
of his innaþe ærist cende.
Ne wat ic mec beworhtne wulle flysum,
hærum þurh heahcræft, hygeþoncum min.
Wundene me ne beoð wefle, ne ic wearp hafu,
ne þurh þreata geþræcu þræd me ne hlimmeð,
ne æt me hrutende hrisil scriþeð,
ne mec ohwonan sceal am cnyssan.
Wyrmas mec ne awæfan wyrda cræftum,
þa þe geolo godwebb geatwum frætwað.
Wile mec mon hwæþre seþeah wide ofer eorþan
hatan for hæleþum hyhtlic gewæde.
Saga soðcwidum, searoþoncum gleaw,
wordum wisfæst, hwæt þis gewæde sy.
67. Riddles 36
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 198; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wiht geseah on wege feran,
seo wæs wrætlice wundrum gegierwed.
Hæfde feowere fet under wombe
ond ehtuwe
monn [h w M] wiif [m x l kf wf] hors [qxxs]
ufon on hrycge;
hæfde tu fiþru ond twelf eagan
ond siex heafdu. Saga hwæt hio wære.
For flodwegas; ne wæs þæt na fugul ana,
ac þær wæs æghwylces anra gelicnes
horses ond monnes, hundes ond fugles,
ond eac wifes wlite. þu wast, gif þu const,
to gesecganne, þæt we soð witan,
hu þære wihte wise gonge.
68. Riddles 37
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 198-99; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic þa wihte geseah; womb wæs on hindan
þriþum aþrunten. þegn folgade,
mægenrofa man, ond micel hæfde
gefered þæt hit felde, fleah þurh his eage.
Ne swylteð he symle, þonne syllan sceal
innað þam oþrum, ac him eft cymeð
bot in bosme, blæd biþ aræred;
he sunu wyrceð, bið him sylfa fæder.
69. Riddles 38
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 199; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic þa wiht geseah wæpnedcynnes,
geoguðmyrþe grædig; him on gafol forlet
ferðfriþende feower wellan
scire sceotan, on gesceap þeotan.
Mon maþelade, se þe me gesægde:
"Seo wiht, gif hio gedygeð, duna briceð;
gif he tobirsteð, bindeð cwice."
70. Riddles 39
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 199-200; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Gewritu secgað þæt seo wiht sy
mid moncynne miclum tidum
sweotol ond gesyne. Sundorcræft hafað
maran micle, þonne hit men witen.
Heo wile gesecan sundor æghwylcne
feorhberendra, gewiteð eft feran on weg.
Ne bið hio næfre niht þær oþre,
ac hio sceal wideferh wreccan laste
hamleas hweorfan; no þy heanre biþ.
Ne hafað hio fot ne folme, ne æfre foldan hran,
ne eagena
ægþer twega,
ne muð hafaþ, ne wiþ monnum spræc,
ne gewit hafað, ac gewritu secgað
þæt seo sy earmost ealra wihta,
þara þe æfter gecyndum cenned wære.
Ne hafað hio sawle ne feorh, ac hio siþas sceal
geond þas wundorworuld wide dreogan.
Ne hafaþ hio blod ne ban, hwæþre bearnum wearð
geond þisne middangeard mongum to frofre.
Næfre hio heofonum hran, ne to helle mot,
ac hio sceal wideferh
larum lifgan. Long is to secganne
hu hyre ealdorgesceaft æfter gongeð,
woh wyrda gesceapu; þæt is wrætlic þing
to gesecganne. Soð is æghwylc
þara þe ymb þas wiht wordum becneð;
ne hafað heo ænig lim, leofaþ efne seþeah.
Gif þu mæge reselan recene gesecgan
soþum wordum, saga hwæt hio hatte.
71. Riddles 40
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 200-03; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ece is se scyppend, se þas eorþan nu
wreðstuþum wealdeð
ond þas world healdeð.
Rice is se reccend ond on ryht cyning
ealra anwalda, eorþan ond heofones,
healdeð ond wealdeð, swa he ymb þas utan hweorfeð.
He mec wrætlice worhte æt frymþe,
þa he þisne ymbhwyrft ærest sette,
heht mec wæccende wunian longe,
þæt ic ne slepe siþþan æfre,
ond mec semninga slæp ofergongeþ,
beoð eagan min ofestum betyned.
þisne middangeard meahtig dryhten
mid his onwalde æghwær styreð;
swa ic mid waldendes worde ealne
þisne ymbhwyrft utan ymbclyppe.
Ic eom to þon bleað, þæt mec bealdlice mæg
gearu gongende grima abregan,
ond eofore eom æghwær cenra,
þonne he gebolgen bidsteal giefeð;
ne mæg mec oferswiþan segnberendra
ænig ofer eorþan, nymþe se ana god
se þisne hean heofon healdeþ ond wealdeþ.
Ic eom on stence strengre micle
þonne ricels oþþe rose sy,
on eorþan tyrf
wynlic weaxeð; ic eom wræstre þonne heo.
þeah þe lilie sy leof moncynne,
beorht on blostman, ic eom betre þonne heo;
swylce ic nardes stenc nyde oferswiþe
mid minre swetnesse symle æghwær,
ond ic fulre eom þonne þis fen swearte
þæt her yfle adelan stinceð.
Eal ic under heofones hwearfte recce,
swa me leof fæder lærde æt frymþe,
þæt ic þa mid ryhte reccan moste
þicce ond þynne; þinga gehwylces
onlicnesse æghwær healde.
Hyrre ic eom heofone, hateþ mec heahcyning
his deagol þing dyre bihealdan;
eac ic under eorþan eal sceawige
wom wraðscrafu wraþra gæsta.
Ic eom micle yldra þonne ymbhwyrft þes
oþþe þes middangeard meahte geweorþan,
ond ic giestron wæs geong acenned
mære to monnum þurh minre modor hrif.
Ic eom fægerre frætwum goldes,
þeah hit mon awerge wirum utan;
ic eom wyrslicre þonne þes wudu fula
oððe þis waroð þe her aworpen ligeð.
Ic eorþan eom æghwær brædre,
ond widgielra þonne þes wong grena;
folm mec mæg bifon ond fingras þry
utan eaþe ealle ymbclyppan.
Heardra ic eom ond caldra þonne se hearda forst,
hrim heorugrimma, þonne he to hrusan cymeð;
eom Ulcanus up irnendan
leohtan leoman lege hatra.
Ic eom on goman gena swetra
þonne þu beobread blende mid hunige;
swylce ic eom wraþre þonne wermod sy,
þe her on hyrstum heasewe stondeþ.
Ic mesan mæg meahtelicor
ond efnetan ealdum þyrse,
ond ic gesælig mæg symle lifgan
þeah ic ætes ne sy æfre to feore.
Ic mæg fromlicor fleogan þonne pernex
oþþe earn oþþe hafoc æfre meahte;
nis zefferus, se swifta wind,
þæt swa fromlice mæg feran æghwær;
me is snægl swiftra,
snelra regnwyrm
ond fenyce fore hreþre;
is þæs gores sunu gonge hrædra,
þone we wifel wordum nemnað.
Hefigere ic eom micle þonne se hara stan
oþþe unlytel leades clympre,
leohtre ic eom micle þonne þes lytla wyrm
þe her on flode gæð fotum dryge.
Flinte ic eom heardre þe þis fyr drifeþ
of þissum strongan style heardan,
hnescre ic eom micle halsrefeþre,
seo her on winde wæweð on lyfte.
Ic eorþan eom æghwær brædre
ond widgelra þonne þes wong grena;
ic uttor eaþe
eal ymbwinde,
wrætlice gewefen wundorcræfte.
Nis under me ænig oþer
wiht waldendre on worldlife;
ic eom ufor ealra gesceafta,
þara þe worhte waldend user,
se mec ana mæg ecan meahtum,
geþeon þrymme, þæt ic onþunian ne sceal.
Mara ic eom ond strengra þonne se micla hwæl,
se þe garsecges grund bihealdeð
sweartan syne; ic eom swiþre þonne he,
swylce ic eom on mægene minum læsse
þonne se hondwyrm, se þe hæleþa bearn,
secgas searoþoncle, seaxe delfað.
Ne hafu ic in heafde hwite loccas
wræste gewundne, ac ic eom wide calu;
ne ic breaga ne bruna brucan moste,
ac mec bescyrede scyppend eallum;
nu me wrætlice weaxað on heafde
þæt me on gescyldrum scinan motan
ful wrætlice wundne loccas.
Mara ic eom ond fættra þonne amæsted swin,
bearg bellende,
þe on bocwuda,
won wrotende wynnum lifde
þæt he
72. Riddles 41
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 203; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
þæt is moddor monigra cynna,
þæs selestan, þæs sweartestan,
þæs deorestan þæs þe dryhta bearn
ofer foldan sceat to gefean agen.
Ne magon we her in eorþan owiht lifgan,
nymðe we brucen þæs þa bearn doð.
þæt is to geþencanne þeoda gehwylcum,
wisfæstum werum, hwæt seo wiht sy.
73. Riddles 42
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 203-04; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah wyhte wrætlice twa
undearnunga ute plegan
hæmedlaces; hwitloc anfeng
wlanc under wædum, gif þæs weorces speow,
fæmne fyllo. Ic on flette mæg
þurh runstafas rincum secgan,
þam þe bec witan, bega ætsomne
naman þara wihta. þær sceal Nyd wesan
twega oþer ond se torhta æsc
an an linan, Acas twegen,
Hægelas swa some. Hwylc þæs hordgates
cægan cræfte þa clamme onleac
þe þa rædellan wið rynemenn
hygefæste heold heortan bewrigene
orþoncbendum? Nu is undyrne
werum æt wine hu þa wihte mid us,
heanmode twa, hatne sindon.
74. Riddles 43
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 204; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wat indryhtne æþelum deorne
giest in geardum, þam se grimma ne mæg
hungor sceððan ne se hata þurst,
yldo ne adle. Gif him arlice
esne þenað, se þe agan sceal
on þam siðfate, hy gesunde æt ham
findað witode him wiste ond blisse,
cnosles unrim, care, gif se esne
his hlaforde hyreð yfle,
frean on fore. Ne wile forht wesan
broþor oþrum; him þæt bam sceðeð,
þonne hy from bearme begen hweorfað
anre magan ellorfuse,
moddor ond sweostor. Mon, se þe wille,
cyþe cynewordum hu se cuma hatte,
eðþa se esne, þe ic her ymb sprice.
75. Riddles 44
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 204-05; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wrætlic hongað bi weres þeo,
frean under sceate. Foran is þyrel.
Bið stiþ ond heard, stede hafað godne;
þonne se esne his agen hrægl
ofer cneo hefeð, wile þæt cuþe hol
mid his hangellan heafde gretan
þæt he efenlang ær oft gefylde.
76. Riddles 45
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 205; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic on wincle gefrægn
weaxan nathwæt,
þindan ond þunian, þecene hebban;
on þæt banlease bryd grapode,
hygewlonc hondum, hrægle þeahte
þrindende þing þeodnes dohtor.
77. Riddles 46
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 205; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
Wer sæt æt wine mid his wifum twam
ond his twegen suno ond his twa dohtor,
swase gesweostor, ond hyra suno twegen,
freolico frumbearn; fæder wæs þær inne
þara æþelinga æghwæðres mid,
eam ond nefa. Ealra wæron fife
eorla ond idesa insittendra.
78. Riddles 47
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 205; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Moððe word fræt. Me þæt þuhte
wrætlicu wyrd, þa ic þæt wundor gefrægn,
þæt se wyrm forswealg wera gied sumes,
þeof in þystro, þrymfæstne cwide
ond þæs strangan staþol. Stælgiest ne wæs
wihte þy gleawra, þe he þam wordum swealg.
79. Riddles 48
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 205-06; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic gefrægn for hæleþum hring endean,
torhtne butan tungan, tila þeah he hlude
stefne ne cirmde, strongum wordum.
Sinc for secgum swigende cwæð:
"Gehæle mec, helpend gæsta."
Ryne ongietan readan goldes
guman galdorcwide, gleawe beþencan
hyra hælo to gode, swa se hring gecwæð.
80. Riddles 49
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 206; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wat eardfæstne anne standan,
deafne, dumban, se oft dæges swilgeð
þurh gopes hond gifrum lacum.
Hwilum on þam wicum se wonna þegn,
sweart ond saloneb, sendeð oþre
under goman him golde dyrran,
þa æþelingas oft wilniað,
cyningas ond cwene. Ic þæt cyn nu gen
nemnan ne wille, þe him to nytte swa
ond to dugþum doþ þæt se dumba her,
eorp unwita, ær forswilgeð.
81. Riddles 50
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 206; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wiga is on eorþan wundrum acenned
dryhtum to nytte, of dumbum twam
torht atyhted, þone on teon wigeð
feond his feonde.
Forstrangne oft
wif hine wrið; he him wel hereð,
þeowaþ him geþwære, gif him þegniað
mægeð ond mæcgas mid gemete ryhte,
fedað hine fægre; he him fremum stepeð
life on lissum. Leanað grimme
þam þe hine wloncne weorþan læteð.
82. Riddles 51
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 206; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah wrætlice wuhte feower
samed siþian; swearte wæran lastas,
swaþu swiþe blacu. Swift wæs on fore,
fuglum framra;
on lyfte,
deaf under yþe. Dreag unstille
winnende wiga se him wegas tæcneþ
ofer fæted gold feower eallum.
83. Riddles 52
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 207; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah ræpingas in ræced fergan
under hrof sales hearde twegen,
þa wæron genamnan, nearwum bendum
gefeterade fæste togædre;
þara oþrum wæs an getenge
wonfah Wale, seo weold hyra
bega siþe bendum fæstra.
84. Riddles 53
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 207; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah on bearwe beam hlifian,
tanum torhtne. þæt treow wæs on wynne,
wudu weaxende. Wæter hine ond eorþe
feddan fægre, oþþæt he frod dagum
on oþrum wearð aglachade
deope gedolgod, dumb in bendum,
wriþen ofer wunda, wonnum hyrstum
foran gefrætwed. Nu he fæcnum weg
þurh his heafdes mægen
oþrum rymeð. Oft hy an yste strudon
hord ætgædre; hræd wæs ond unlæt
se æftera, gif se ærra fær
genamnan in nearowe neþan moste.
85. Riddles 54
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 207-08; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Hyse cwom gangan, þær he hie wisse
stondan in wincsele, stop feorran to,
hror hægstealdmon, hof his agen
hrægl hondum up,
hrand under gyrdels
hyre stondendre stiþes nathwæt,
worhte his willan; wagedan buta.
þegn onnette, wæs þragum nyt
tillic esne, teorode hwæþre
æt stunda gehwam strong ær þon hio,
werig þæs weorces. Hyre weaxan ongon
under gyrdelse þæt oft gode men
ferðþum freogað ond mid feo bicgað.
86. Riddles 55
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 208; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah in healle, þær hæleð druncon,
on flet beran feower cynna,
wrætlic wudutreow ond wunden gold,
sinc searobunden, ond seolfres dæl
ond rode tacn, þæs us to roderum up
hlædre rærde, ær he helwara
burg abræce. Ic þæs beames mæg
eaþe for eorlum æþelu secgan;
þær wæs hlin ond acc ond se hearda iw
ond se fealwa holen; frean sindon ealle
nyt ætgædre, naman habbað anne,
wulfheafedtreo, þæt oft wæpen abæd
his mondryhtne, maðm in healle,
goldhilted sweord. Nu me þisses gieddes
ondsware ywe, se hine on mede
wordum secgan hu se wudu hatte.
87. Riddles 56
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 208; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs þær inne þær ic ane geseah
winnende wiht wido bennegean,
holt hweorfende; heaþoglemma feng,
deopra dolga. Daroþas wæron
weo þære wihte, ond se wudu searwum
fæste gebunden. Hyre fota wæs
biidfæst oþer, oþer bisgo dreag,
leolc on lyfte, hwilum londe neah.
Treow wæs getenge þam þær torhtan stod
leafum bihongen. Ic lafe geseah
minum hlaforde, þær hæleð druncon,
þara flana
geweorc, on flet beran.
88. Riddles 57
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 209; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).ðeos lyft byreð lytle wihte
ofer beorghleoþa. þa sind blace swiþe,
swearte salopade. Sanges rope
heapum ferað, hlude cirmað,
tredað bearonæssas, hwilum burgsalo
niþþa bearna. Nemnað hy sylfe.
89. Riddles 58
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 209; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wat anfete ellen dreogan
wiht on wonge. Wide ne fereð,
ne fela rideð, ne fleogan mæg
þurh scirne dæg, ne hie scip fereð,
naca nægledbord; nyt bið hwæþre
hyre mondryhtne
monegum tidum.
Hafað hefigne steort, heafod lytel,
tungan lange, toð nænigne,
isernes dæl; eorðgræf pæþeð.
Wætan ne swelgeþ ne wiht iteþ,
foþres ne gitsað, fereð oft swa þeah
lagoflod on lyfte; life ne gielpeð,
hlafordes gifum, hyreð swa þeana
þeodne sinum. þry sind in naman
ryhte runstafas, þara is Rad foran.
90. Riddles 59
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 209-10; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah in healle hring gyldenne
men sceawian, modum gleawe,
ferþþum frode.
Friþospede bæd
god nergende gæste sinum
se þe wende wriþan; word æfter cwæð
hring on hyrede, hælend nemde
tillfremmendra. Him torhte in gemynd
his dryhtnes naman dumba brohte
ond in eagna gesihð, gif þæs æþelan
goldes tacen ongietan cuþe
dryhtnes dolg, don swa þæs beages
benne cwædon. Ne mæg þære bene
æniges monnes
godes ealdorburg gæst gesecan,
rodera ceastre. Ræde, se þe wille,
hu ðæs wrætlican wunda cwæden
hringes to hæleþum, þa he in healle wæs
wylted ond wended wloncra folmum.
91. The Wife's Lament
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 210-11; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic þis giedd wrece bi me ful geomorre,
minre sylfre sið. Ic þæt secgan mæg,
hwæt ic yrmþa gebad, siþþan ic up weox,
niwes oþþe ealdes, no ma þonne nu.
A ic wite wonn minra wræcsiþa.
ærest min hlaford gewat heonan of leodum
ofer yþa gelac; hæfde ic uhtceare
hwær min leodfruma londes wære.
ða ic me feran gewat folgað secan,
wineleas wręcca, for minre weaþearfe.
Ongunnon þæt þæs monnes magas hycgan
þurh dyrne geþoht, þæt hy todælden unc,
þæt wit gewidost in woruldrice
lifdon laðlicost, ond mec longade.
Het mec hlaford min herheard niman,
ahte ic leofra lyt on þissum londstede,
holdra freonda. Forþon is min hyge geomor,
ða ic me ful gemæcne monnan funde,
heardsæligne, hygegeomorne,
mod miþendne, morþor hycgendne.
Bliþe gebæro ful oft wit beotedan
þæt unc ne gedælde nemne deað ana
owiht elles; eft is þæt onhworfen,
is nu swa hit no wære
freondscipe uncer.
Sceal ic feor ge neah
mines felaleofan fæhðu dreogan.
Heht mec mon wunian on wuda bearwe,
under actreo in þam eorðscræfe.
Eald is þes eorðsele, eal ic eom oflongad,
sindon dena dimme, duna uphea,
bitre burgtunas, brerum beweaxne,
wic wynna leas. Ful oft mec her wraþe begeat
fromsiþ frean. Frynd sind on eorþan,
leofe lifgende, leger weardiað,
þonne ic on uhtan ana gonge
under actreo geond þas eorðscrafu.
þær ic sittan mot sumorlangne dæg,
þær ic wepan mæg mine wræcsiþas,
earfoþa fela; forþon ic æfre ne mæg
þære modceare minre gerestan,
ne ealles þæs longaþes þe mec on þissum life begeat.
A scyle geong mon wesan geomormod,
heard heortan geþoht, swylce habban sceal
bliþe gebæro, eac þon breostceare,
sinsorgna gedreag, sy æt him sylfum gelong
eal his worulde wyn, sy ful wide fah
feorres folclondes, þæt min freond siteð
under stanhliþe storme behrimed,
wine werigmod, wætre beflowen
on dreorsele. Dreogeð se min wine
micle modceare; he gemon to oft
wynlicran wic. Wa bið þam þe sceal
of langoþe leofes abidan.
92. The Judgment Day I
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 212-5; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).ðæt gelimpan sceal, þætte lagu floweð,
flod ofer foldan; feores bið æt ende
anra gehwylcum. Oft mæg se þe wile
in his sylfes sefan soð geþencan.
Hafað him geþinged hider þeoden user
on þam mæstan dæge, mægencyninga hyhst,
wile þonne forbærnan brego moncynnes
lond mid lige. Nis þæt lytulu spræc
to geheganne. Hat bið onæled,
siþþan fyr nimeð foldan sceatas,
byrnende lig beorhte gesceafte;
bið eal þes ginna grund gleda gefylled,
reþra bronda, swa nu rixiað
gromhydge guman, gylpe strynað,
hyra hlaforde gehlæges tilgað,
oþþæt hy beswicað synna weardas,
þæt hi mid þy heape helle secað,
fleogað mid þam feondum. Him biþ fyr ongean,
droflic wite, þær næfre dæg scineð
leohte of lyfte, ac a bilocen stondeð,
siþþan þæs gæstes gryre agiefen weorþeð.
Ufan hit is enge ond hit is innan hat;
nis þæt betlic bold, ac þær is brogna hyhst,
ne noht hyhtlic ham, ac þær is helle grund,
sarlic siðfæt þam þe sibbe ful oft
tomældeð mid his muþe. Ne con he þa mircan gesceaft,
hu hi butan ende ece stondeð
þam þe þær for his synnum onsægd weorþeð,
ond þonne a to ealdre orleg dreogeð.
Hwa is þonne þæs ferðgleaw, oþþe þæs fela cunne,
þæt æfre mæge heofona heahþu gereccan,
swa georne þone godes dæl, swa he gearo stondeð
clænum heortum, þam þe þisne cwide willað
ondrædan þus deopne? Sceal se dæg weorþan
þæt we forð berað firena gehwylce,
þeawas ond geþohtas; þæt bið þearlic gemot,
heardlic heremægen. Hat biþ acolod.
Ne biþ þonne on þisse worulde nymþe wætres sweg
fisces eþel;
ne biþ her ban ne blod, ac sceal bearna gehwylc
mid lice ond mid sawle leanes fricgan
ealles þæs þe we on eorþan ær geworhtan
godes oþþe yfles. Ne mæg nænig gryre mare
geweorþan æfter worulde, ond se bið wide cuð.
Ne tytaþ her tungul, ac biþ tyr scæcen,
eorþan blædas. Forþon ic a wille
leode læran þæt hi lof godes
hergan on heahþu, hyhtum to wuldre
lifgen on geleafan, ond a lufan dryhtnes
wyrcan in þisse worulde, ær þon se wlonca dæg
bodige þurh byman brynehatne leg,
egsan oferþrym. Ne bið nænges eorles tir
leng on þissum life, siþþan leohtes weard
ofer ealne foldan fæþm fyr onsendeð.
Lixeð lyftes mægen, leg onetteð,
blæc byrnende, blodgyte weorþeð
mongum gemeldad, mægencyninges þrea;
beofað eal beorhte gesceaft, brondas lacað
on þam deopan dæge, dyneð upheofon.
þonne weras ond wif woruld alætað,
eorþan yrmþu, seoð þonne on ece gewyrht.
þonne bið gecyþed hwa in clænnisse
lif alifde; him bið lean gearo.
Hyht wæs a in heofonum, siþþan user hælend wæs,
middangeardes meotud, þurh þa mæstan gesceaft
on ful blacne beam bunden fæste
cearian clomme. Crist ealle wat
gode dæde; no þæs gilpan þearf
synfull sawel, þæt hyre sie swegl ongean,
þonne he gehyrweð ful oft halge lare,
brigdeð on bysmer. Ne con he þæs brogan dæl,
yfles ondgiet, ær hit hine on fealleð.
He þæt þonne onfindeð, þonne se fær cymeþ,
geond middangeard
monegum gecyþeð,
þæt he bið on þæt wynstre weorud wyrs gescaden,
þonne he on þa swiþran hond swican mote,
leahtra alysed. Lyt þæt geþenceð,
se þe him wines glæd wilna bruceð,
siteð him symbelgal, siþ ne bemurneð,
hu him æfter þisse worulde weorðan mote.
Wile þonne forgieldan gæsta dryhten
willum æfter þære wyrde, wuldres ealdor,
þam þe his synna nu sare geþenceþ,
modbysgunge micle dreogeð;
him þæt þonne geleanað lifes waldend,
heofona hyrde, æfter heonansiþe
godum dædum, þæs þe he swa geomor wearð,
sarig fore his synnum. Ne sceal se to sæne beon
ne þissa larna to læt, se þe him wile lifgan mid gode,
brucan þæs boldes þe us beorht fæder
gearwað togeanes, gæsta ealdor.
þæt is sigedryhten þe þone sele frætweð,
timbreð torhtlice; to sculon clæne,
womma lease, swa se waldend cwæð,
ealra cyninga cyning. Forþon cwicra gehwylc,
deophydigra, dryhtne hyreð,
þara þe wile heofona heahþu gestigan.
Hwæþre þæt gegongeð, þeah þe hit sy greote beþeaht,
lic mid lame, þæt hit sceal life onfon,
feores æfter foldan. Folc biþ gebonnen,
Adames bearn ealle to spræce;
beoð þonne gegædrad gæst ond bansele,
gesomnad to þam siþe. Soþ þæt wile cyþan,
þonne we us gemittað on þam mæstan dæge,
rincas æt þære rode, secgað þonne ryhta fela,
eal swylce under heofonum gewearð hates ond cealdes,
godes oþþe yfles; georne gehyreð
heofoncyninga hyhst
hæleþa dæde.
Næfre mon þæs hlude horn aþyteð
ne byman ablaweþ, þæt ne sy seo beorhte stefn
ofer ealne middangeard monnum hludre,
waldendes word; wongas beofiað
for þam ærende þæt he to us eallum wat.
Oncweþ nu þisne cwide; cuþ sceal geweorþan
þæt ic gewægan ne mæg wyrd under heofonum,
ac hit þus gelimpan sceal leoda gehwylcum
ofer eall beorht gesetu, byrnende lig.
Siþþan æfter þam lige lif bið gestaþelad,
welan ah in wuldre se nu wel þenceð.
93. Resignation
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 215-18; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Age mec se ælmihta god,
helpe min se halga dryhten! þu gesceope heofon ond eorþan
ond wundor eall, min wundorcyning,
þe þær on sindon, ece dryhten,
micel ond manigfeald. Ic þe, mære god,
mine sawle bebeode ond mines sylfes lic,
ond min word ond min weorc, witig dryhten,
ond eal min leoþo, leohtes hyrde,
ond þa manigfealdan mine geþohtas.
Getacna me, tungla hyrde,
þær selast sy sawle minre
to gemearcenne meotudes willan,
þæt ic þe geþeo þinga gehwylce,
ond on me sylfum, soðfæst cyning,
ræd arære. Regnþeof ne læt
on sceade sceþþan, þeah þe ic scyppendum
wuldorcyninge waccor hyrde,
ricum dryhtne, þonne min ræd wære.
Forgif me to lisse, lifgende god,
bitre bealodæde. Ic þa bote gemon,
cyninga wuldor, cume to, gif ic mot.
Forgif þu me, min frea, fierst ond ondgiet
ond geþyld ond gemynd þinga gehwylces
þara þu me, soþfæst cyning, sendan wylle
to cunnunge. Nu þu const on mec
firendæda fela, feorma mec hwæþre,
meotod, for þinre miltse, þeah þe ic ma fremede
grimra gylta þonne me god lyfde;
hæbbe ic þonne þearfe þæt ic þine seþeah,
halges heofoncyninges, hyldo getilge
leorendum dagum, lif æfter oþrum
geseo ond gesece, þæt me siþþan þær
unne arfæst god ecan dreames,
lif alyfe, þeah þe lætlicor
bette bealodæde þonne bibodu wæron
halgan heofonmægnes. Hwæt, þu me her fela
[...] forgeafe. Gesette minne hyht on þec,
forhte foreþoncas, þæt hio fæstlice
stonde gestaðelad. Onstep minne hige,
gæsta god cyning, in gearone ræd.
Nu ic fundige to þe, fæder moncynnes,
of þisse worulde, nu ic wat þæt ic sceal,
ful unfyr faca; feorma me þonne,
wyrda waldend, in þinne wuldordream,
ond mec geleoran læt, leofra dryhten,
geoca mines gæstes. þonne is gromra to fela
æfestum eaden, hæbbe ic þonne
æt frean frofre, þeah þe ic ær on fyrste lyt
earnode arna. Forlæt mec englas seþeah
geniman on þinne neawest, nergende cyning,
meotud, for þinre miltse. þeah ðe ic mana fela
æfter dogrum dyde, ne læt þu mec næfre deofol seþeah
þin lim lædan on laðne sið,
þy læs hi on þone foreþonc gefeon motan
þy þe hy him sylfum sellan þuhten
englas oferhydige þonne ece Crist.
Gelugon hy him æt þam geleafan; forþon hy longe scul/,
werge wihta, wræce þrowian.
Forstond þu mec ond gestyr him, þonne storm cyme
minum gæste ongegn; geoca þonne,
mihtig dryhten, minre sawle,
gefreoþa hyre ond gefeorma hy, fæder moncynnes,
hædre gehogode, hæl, ece god,
meotod meahtum swiþ. Min is nu þa
sefa synnum fah, ond ic ymb sawle eom
feam siþum forht, þeah þu me fela sealde
arna on þisse eorþan. þe sie ealles þonc
meorda ond miltsa, þara þu me sealdest.
No ðæs earninga ænige wæron mid;
hwæþre ic me ealles þæs ellen wylle
habban ond hlyhhan ond me hyhtan to,
frætwian mec on ferðweg ond fundian
sylf to þam siþe þe ic asettan sceal,
gæst gearwian, ond me þæt eal for gode þolian
bliþe mode, nu ic gebunden eom
fæste in minum ferþe. Huru me frea witeð
sume þara synna þe ic me sylf ne conn
ongietan gleawlice. Gode ic hæbbe
abolgen, brego moncynnes; forþon ic þus bittre wearð
gewitnad for þisse worulde, swa min gewyrhto wæron
micle fore monnum, þæt ic martirdom
deopne adreoge. Ne eom ic dema gleaw,
wis fore weorude; forþon ic þas word spræce
fus on ferþe, swa me on frymðe gelomp
yrmþu ofer eorþan, þæt ic a þolade
geara gehwylce (gode ealles þonc!)
modearfoþa ma þonne on oþrum,
fyrhto in folce; forþon ic afysed eom
earm of minum eþle. Ne mæg þæs anhoga,
leodwynna leas, leng drohtian,
wineleas wræcca, (is him wrað meotud),
gnornað on his geoguþe,
ond him ælce mæle men fullestað,
ycað his yrmþu, ond he þæt eal þolað,
sarcwide secga, ond him bið a sefa geomor,
mod morgenseoc. Ic bi me tylgust
secge þis sarspel ond ymb siþ spræce,
longunge fus, ond on lagu þence,
nat min
hwy ic gebycge bat on sæwe,
fleot on faroðe; nah ic fela goldes
ne huru þæs freondes, þe me gefylste
to þam siðfate, nu ic me sylf ne mæg
fore minum wonæhtum willan adreogan.
Wudu mot him weaxan, wyrde bidan,
tanum lædan; ic for tæle ne mæg
ænigne moncynnes mode gelufian
eorl on eþle. Eala dryhten min,
meahtig mundbora! þæt ic eom mode seoc,
bittre abolgen, is seo bot æt þe
gelong æfter life. Ic on leohte ne mæg
butan earfoþum ænge þinga
feasceaft hæle foldan /unian;
þonne ic me to fremþum freode hæfde,
cyðþu gecwe/ me wæs a cearu symle
lufena to leane, swa ic alifde nu.
Giet biþ þæt selast, þonne mon him sylf ne mæg
wyrd onwendan, þæt he þonne wel þolige.
94. The Descent into Hell
Krapp and Dobbie 1936, 219-23; Krapp and Dobbie 1936, The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ongunnon him on uhtan æþelcunde mægð
gierwan to geonge; wiston gumena gemot
æþelinges lic eorðærne biþeaht.
Woldan werigu wif wope bimænan
æþelinges deað ane hwile,
reonge bereotan. Ræst wæs acolad,
heard wæs hinsið; hæleð wæron modge,
þe hy æt þam beorge
bliðe fundon.
Cwom seo murnende Maria on dægred,
heht hy oþre mid eorles dohtor.
Sohton sarigu tu sigebearn godes
ænne in þæt eorðærn þær hi ær wiston
þæt hine gehyddan hæleð Iudea;
wendan þæt he on þam beorge bidan sceolde,
ana in þære easterniht. Huru þæs oþer þing
wiston þa wifmenn, þa hy on weg cyrdon!
Ac þær cwom on uhtan an engla þreat,
behæfde heapa wyn hælendes burg.
Open wæs þæt eorðærn, æþelinges lic
onfeng feores gæst, folde beofode,
hlogan helwaran; hagosteald onwoc
modig from moldan, mægenþrym aras
sigefæst ond snottor. Sægde Iohannis,
hæleð helwarum, hlyhhende spræc
modig to þære mengo ymb his mæges [...]:
"Hæfde me gehaten hælend user,
þa he me on þisne sið sendan wolde,
þæt he me gesoht/ siex monað,
ealles folces fruma. Nu [...] sceacen.
Wene ic ful swiþe ond witod
[...] to dæge dryhten wille
[...] gesecan, sigebearn godes."
Fysde hine þa to fore frea moncynnes;
wolde heofona helm helle weallas
forbrecan ond forbygan, þære burge þrym
onginnan reafian, reþust ealra cyninga.
Ne rohte he to þære hilde helmberendra,
ne he byrnwigend to þam burggeatum
lædan ne wolde, ac þa locu feollan,
clustor of þam ceastrum; cyning in oþrad,
ealles folces fruma forð onette,
weoruda wuldorgiefa. Wræccan þrungon,
hwylc hyra þæt sygebearn geseon moste,
Adam ond Abraham, Isac ond Iacob,
monig modig eorl, Moyses ond Dauid,
Esaias ond Sacharias,
heahfædra fela, swylce eac hæleþa gemot,
witgena weorod, wifmonna þreat,
fela fæmnena, folces unrim.
Geseah þa Iohannis sigebearn godes
mid þy cyneþrymme cuman to helle,
ongeat þa geomormod godes sylfes sið.
Geseah he helle duru hædre scinan,
þa þe longe ær bilocen wæron,
beþeahte mid þystre; se þegn wæs on wynne.
Abead þa bealdlice burgwarena ord
modig fore þære mengo ond to his mæge spræc
ond þa wilcuman wordum grette:
"þe þæs þonc sie, þeoden user,
þæt þu us/ /ige secan woldest,
nu we on þissum bendum bidan [...]
þonne monige bindeð broþorleasne
wræccan [...]
(he bið wide fah),
ne bið he no þæs nearwe under niðloc/
þæs bitre gebunden under bealuclommum,
þæt he þy yð ne mæge ellen habban,
þonne he his hlafordes hyldo gelyfeð,
þæt hine of þam bendum bicgan wille.
Swa we ealle to þe an gelyfað,
dryhten min se dyra. Ic adreag fela
siþþan þu end to me in siþadest,
þa þu me gesealdest sweord ond byrnan,
helm ond heorosceorp, (a ic þæt heold nu giet),
ond þu me gecyðdest, cyneþrymma wyn,
þæt þu mundbora minum wære.
Eala Gabrihel, hu þu eart gleaw ond scearp,
milde ond gemyndig ond monþwære,
wis on þinum gewitte ond on þinum worde snottor!
þæt þu gecyðdest
þa þu þone cnyht to us
brohtest in Bethlem. Bidan we þæs longe,
setan on sorgum, sibbe oflyste,
wynnum ond wenum, hwonne we word godes
þurh his sylfes muð secgan hyrde.
Eala Maria, hu þu us modigne
cyning acendest, þa þu þæt cild to us
brohtest in Bethlem. We þæs beofiende
under helle dorum
hearde sceoldon
bidan in bendum. Bona weorces gefeah;
wæron ure ealdfind ealle on wynnum
þonne hy gehyrdon hu we hreowen/
/on murnende mægburg usse,
oþþæt [...]
sigedryhten god,
bimengdes/ /gust ealra cyninga.
nu us mon modge þe
ageaf from usse geogoðe. We þurh gifre mod
beswican us sylfe; we þa synne forþon
berað in urum breostum to bonan honda,
sculon eac to ussum feondum freoþo wilnian.
Eala Hierusalem in Iudeum,
hu þu in þære stowe stille gewunadest!
Ne mostan þe geondferan foldbuende
ealle lifgende, þa þe lof singað.
Eala Iordane in Iudeum,
hu þu in þære stowe stille gewunadest!
Nales þu geondflowan foldbuende;
mostan hy þynes wætres wynnum brucan.
Nu ic þe halsie, hælend user,
deope in gedyrstum, (þu eart dryhten Crist),
þæt þu us gemiltsie, monna scyppend.
þu fore monna lufan þinre modor bosm
sylfa gesohtes, sigedryhten god,
nales fore þinre þearfe, þeoda waldend,
ac for þam miltsum þe þu moncynne
oft ætywdest, þonne him wæs are þearf.
þu meaht ymbfon eal folca gesetu,
swylce þu meaht geriman, rice dryhten,
sæs sondgrotu, selast ealra cyninga.
Swylce ic þe halsige, hælend user,
fore /inum cildhade, cyninga selast,
ond fore þære wunde, weoruda dry/
þinum æriste, æþelinga wyn,
ond fore þinre me/ /ian nama,
þa ealle hellwara hergað ond lof/
/lum þe þe ymb stondað,
þa þu þe lete sittan
[...] hond,
þa þu us on þisne wræcsið, weoroda dryhten,
þurh þines sylfes geweald secan woldest,
ond fore Hierusalem in Iudeum,
(sceal seo burg nu þa bidan efne swa þeah,
þeoden leofa, þines eftcymes),
ond for Iordane in Iudeum,
(wit unc in þære burnan baþodan ætgædre).
Oferwurpe þu mid þy wætre, weoruda dryhten,
bliþe mode ealle burgwaran,
swylce git Iohannis in Iordane
mid þy fullwihte fægre onbryrdon
ealne þisne middangeard. Sie þæs symle meotude þonc!"
95. Alms-Giving
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 223; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wel bið þam eorle þe him on innan hafað,
reþehygdig wer, rume heortan;
þæt him biþ for worulde weorðmynda mæst,
ond for ussum dryhtne doma selast.
Efne swa he mid wætre þone weallendan
leg adwæsce, þæt he leng ne mæg
blac byrnende burgum sceððan,
swa he mid ælmessan ealle toscufeð
synna wunde, sawla lacnað.
96. Pharaoh
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 223; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York)."Saga me hwæt þær weorudes wære ealles
on Farones fyrde, þa hy folc godes
þurh feondscipe fylgan ongunn/."
"Nat ic hit be wihte, butan ic wene þus,
þæt þær screoda wære gescyred rime
siex hun/ /a searohæbbendra;
þæt eal fornam yþ/
wraþe wyrde in woruldrice."
97. The Lord's Prayer I
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 223-4; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York)./g fæder, þu þe on heofonum eardast,
geweorðad wuldres dreame. Sy þinum weorcum halgad
noma niþþa bearnum; þu eart nergend wera.
Cyme þin rice wide, ond þin rædfæst willa
aræred under rodores hrofe, eac þon on rumre foldan.
Syle us to dæge domfæstne blæd,
hlaf userne, helpend wera,
þone singalan, soðfæst meotod.
Ne læt usic costunga cnyssan to swiðe,
ac þu us freodom gief, folca waldend,
from yfla gehwam, a to widan feore.
98. Homiletic Fragment II
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 224; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Gefeoh nu on ferðe ond to frofre geþeoh
dryhtne þinum, ond þinne dom arær,
heald hordlocan, hyge fæste bind
mid modsefan. Monig biþ uncuþ
treowgeþofta, teorað hwilum,
waciaþ wordbeot; swa þeos woruld fareð,
scurum scyndeð ond gesceap dreogeð.
An is geleafa, an lifgende,
an is fulwiht, an fæder ece,
an is folces fruma, se þas foldan gesceop,
duguðe ond dreamas. Dom siþþan weox,
þeah þeos læne gesceaft longe stode
heolstre gehyded, helme /edygled,
biþeaht wel treowum, þystre oferfæðmed,
siþþan geong aweox
mægeð modhwatu mid moncynne;
ðær gelicade þa/ /op
in þam hordfate, halgan gæste,
beorht on br/ /e scan,
se wæs ordfruma ealles leohtes.
99. Riddles 30b and 60
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 224-25; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom ligbysig, lace mid winde,
w/ /dre gesomnad,
fus forðweges, fyre gemylted,
bear/ blowende, byrnende gled.
Ful oft mec gesiþas sendað æfter hondum,
þær mec weras ond wif wlonce gecyssað.
þonne ic mec onhæbbe, hi onhnigað to me,
modge miltsum, swa ic mongum sceal
ycan upcyme eadignesse.
100. Riddles 60
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 225; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs be sonde, sæwealle neah,
æt merefaroþe, minum gewunade
frumstaþole fæst; fea ænig wæs
monna cynnes, þæt minne þær
on anæde eard beheolde,
ac mec uhtna gehwam yð sio brune
lagufæðme beleolc. Lyt ic wende
þæt ic ær oþþe sið æfre sceolde
ofer meodubence
muðleas sprecan,
wordum wrixlan. þæt is wundres dæl,
on sefan searolic þam þe swylc ne conn,
hu mec seaxes ord ond seo swiþre hond,
eorles ingeþonc ond ord somod,
þingum geþydan, þæt ic wiþ þe sceolde
for unc anum twam
abeodan bealdlice, swa hit beorna ma
uncre wordcwidas widdor ne mænden.
101. The Husband's Message
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 225-7; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Nu ic onsundran þe secgan wille
[...] treocyn ic tudre aweox;
in mec æld/ sceal ellor londes
settan [...]
sealte streamas
/sse. Ful oft ic on bates
þær mec mondryhten min [...]
ofer heah hofu; eom nu her cumen
on ceolþele, ond nu cunnan scealt
hu þu ymb modlufan
mines frean
on hyge hycge. Ic gehatan dear
þæt þu þær tirfæste treowe findest.
Hwæt, þec þonne biddan het se þisne beam agrof
þæt þu sinchroden sylf gemunde
on gewitlocan wordbeotunga,
þe git on ærdagum oft gespræcon,
þenden git moston on meoduburgum
eard weardigan, an lond bugan,
freondscype fremman. Hine fæhþo adraf
of sigeþeode; heht nu sylfa þe
lustum læran, þæt þu lagu drefde,
siþþan þu gehyrde on hliþes oran
galan geomorne geac on bearwe.
Ne læt þu þec siþþan siþes getwæfan,
lade gelettan lifgendne monn.
Ongin mere secan, mæwes eþel,
onsite sænacan, þæt þu suð heonan
ofer merelade monnan findest,
þær se þeoden is þin on wenum.
Ne mæg him worulde willa gelimpan
mara on gemyndum, þæs þe he me sægde,
þonne inc geunne alwaldend god
[...] ætsomne siþþan motan
secgum ond gesiþum s/
næglede beagas; he genoh hafað
fędan goldes
/d elþeode eþel healde,
fægre foldan
/ra hæleþa, þeah þe her min wine/
nyde gebæded, nacan ut aþrong,
ond on yþa geong
[...] sceolde
faran on flotweg, forðsiþes georn,
mengan merestreamas. Nu se mon hafað
wean oferwunnen; nis him wilna gad,
ne meara ne maðma ne meododreama,
ænges ofer eorþan eorlgestreona,
þeodnes dohtor, gif he þin beneah
ofer eald gebeot incer twega.
Gecyre ic ætsomne
R geador
W ond D
aþe benemnan,
þæt he þa wære ond þa winetreowe
be him lifgendum læstan wolde,
þe git on ærdagum oft gespræconn.
102. The Ruin
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 227-9; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wrætlic is þes wealstan, wyrde gebræcon;
burgstede burston, brosnað enta geweorc.
Hrofas sind gehrorene, hreorge torras,
hrungeat berofen, hrim on lime,
scearde scurbeorge scorene, gedrorene,
ældo undereotone. Eorðgrap hafað
waldend wyrhtan forweorone, geleorene,
heardgripe hrusan, oþ hund cnea
werþeoda gewitan. Oft þæs wag gebad
ræghar ond readfah rice æfter oþrum,
ofstonden under stormum; steap geap gedreas.
Wonað giet se /num geheapen,
fel on
grimme gegrunden
scan heo/
/g orþonc ærsceaft
/g lamrindum beag
mod mo/ /yne swiftne gebrægd
hwætred in hringas, hygerof gebond
weallwalan wirum wundrum togædre.
Beorht wæron burgræced, burnsele monige,
heah horngestreon, heresweg micel,
meodoheall monig
M dreama full,
oþþæt þæt onwende wyrd seo swiþe.
Crungon walo wide, cwoman woldagas,
swylt eall fornom
secgrofra wera;
wurdon hyra wigsteal westen staþolas,
brosnade burgsteall. Betend crungon
hergas to hrusan. Forþon þas hofu dreorgiað,
ond þæs teaforgeapa tigelum sceadeð
hrostbeages hrof. Hryre wong gecrong
gebrocen to beorgum, þær iu beorn monig
glædmod ond goldbeorht gleoma gefrætwed,
wlonc ond wingal wighyrstum scan;
seah on sinc, on sylfor, on searogimmas,
on ead, on æht, on eorcanstan,
on þas beorhtan burg bradan rices.
Stanhofu stodan, stream hate wearp
widan wylme; weal eall befeng
beorhtan bosme, þær þa baþu wæron,
hat on hreþre. þæt wæs hyðelic.
Leton þonne geotan
ofer harne stan hate streamas
/þþæt hringmere hate
þær þa baþu wæron.
þonne is
/re; þæt is cynelic þing,
huse [...]
103. Riddles 61
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 229; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Oft mec fæste bileac freolicu meowle,
ides on earce, hwilum up ateah
folmum sinum ond frean sealde,
holdum þeodne, swa hio haten wæs.
Siðþan me on hreþre heafod sticade,
nioþan upweardne, on nearo fegde.
Gif þæs ondfengan ellen dohte,
mec frætwedne fyllan sceolde
ruwes nathwæt. Ræd hwæt ic mæne.
104. Riddles 62
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 229; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom heard ond scearp,
hingonges strong,
forðsiþes from, frean unforcuð,
wade under wambe ond me weg sylfa
ryhtne geryme. Rinc bið on ofeste,
se mec on þyð æftanweardne,
hæleð mid hrægle; hwilum ut tyhð
of hole hatne, hwilum eft fareð
on nearo nathwær, nydeþ swiþe
suþerne secg. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
105. Riddles 63
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 229-30; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Oft ic secga
seledreame sceal
fægre onþeon, þonne ic eom forð boren
glæd mid golde, þær guman drincað.
Hwilum mec on cofan cysseð muþe
tillic esne, þær wit tu beoþ,
fæðme on folm/ /grum þyð,
wyrceð his willa/ /ð l/
fulre, þonne ic forð cyme
Ne mæg ic þy miþan,
/an on leohte
swylce eac bið sona
/r/ /te getacnad, hwæt me to
/leas rinc, þa unc geryde wæs.
106. Riddles 64
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 230; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah W ond I
ofer wong faran,
beran B
E; bæm wæs on siþþe
hæbbendes hyht
H ond
swylce þryþa dæl,
ond E.
Gefeah F ond æ
fleah ofer EA
S ond P
sylfes þæs folces.
107. Riddles 65
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 230; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Cwico wæs ic, ne cwæð ic wiht, cwele ic efne seþeah.
ær ic wæs, eft ic cwom. æghwa mec reafað,
hafað mec on headre, ond min heafod scireþ,
biteð mec on bær lic, briceð mine wisan.
Monnan ic ne bite, nympþe he me bite;
sindan þara monige þe mec bitað.
108. Riddles 66
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 230-31; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom mare þonne þes middangeard,
læsse þonne hondwyrm, leohtre þonne mona,
swiftre þonne sunne. Sæs me sind ealle
flodas on fæðmum ond þes foldan bearm,
grene wongas. Grundum ic hrine,
helle underhnige, heofonas oferstige,
wuldres eþel, wide ræce
ofer engla eard, eorþan gefylle,
ealne middangeard ond merestreamas
side mid me sylfum. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
109. Riddles 67
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 231; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic on þinge gefrægn þeodcyninges
wrætlice wiht, wordgaldra
[...] snytt/ hio symle deð
fira gehw/
wisdome. Wundor me þæt
nænne muð hafað
fet ne
welan oft sacað,
cwiþeð cy/ wearð
leoda lareow. Forþon nu longe mæg
[...] ealdre ece lifgan
missenlice, þenden menn bugað
eorþan sceatas. Ic þæt oft geseah
golde gegierwed, þær guman druncon,
since ond seolfre. Secge se þe cunne,
wisfæstra hwylc, hwæt seo wiht sy.
110. Riddles 68
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 231; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic þa wiht geseah on weg feran;
heo wæs wrætlice wundrum gegierwed.
111. Riddles 69
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 231; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wundor wearð on wege; wæter wearð to bane.
112. Riddles 70
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 231-32; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wiht is wrætlic þam þe hyre wisan ne conn.
Singeð þurh sidan. Is se sweora woh,
orþoncum geworht; hafaþ eaxle tua
scearp on gescyldrum. His gesceapo dreogeð
þe swa wrætlice be wege stonde
heah ond hleortorht hæleþum to nytte.
113. Riddles 71
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 232; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom rices æht, reade bewæfed,
stið ond steapwong. Staþol wæs iu þa
wyrta wlitetorhtra; nu eom wraþra laf,
fyres ond feole, fæste genearwad,
wire geweorþad. Wepeð hwilum
for minum gripe se þe gold wigeð,
þonne ic yþan sceal /fe,
hringum gehyrsted. Me /i/
/go/ dryhtne min/
/wlite bete.
114. Riddles 72
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 232-33; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs lytel
/te geaf
/pe þe unc gemæne
sweostor min,
fedde mec [...]
oft ic feower teah
swæse broþor, þara onsundran gehwylc
dægtidum me drincan sealde
þurh þyrel þearle. Ic þæh on lust,
oþþæt ic wæs yldra ond þæt an forlet
sweartum hyrde, siþade widdor,
mearcpaþas Walas træd, moras pæðde,
bunden under beame, beag hæfde on healse,
wean on laste weorc þrowade,
earfoða dæl. Oft mec isern scod
sare on sidan; ic swigade,
næfre meldade monna ængum
gif me ordstæpe egle wæron.
115. Riddles 73
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 233-34; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic on wonge aweox,
wunode þær mec feddon
hruse ond heofonwolcn, oþþæt me onhwyrfdon
gearum frodne, þa me grome wurdon,
of þære gecynde þe ic ær cwic beheold,
onwendan mine wisan, wegedon mec of earde,
gedydon þæt ic sceolde wiþ gesceape minum
on bonan willan bugan hwilum.
Nu eom mines frean folme bysigo/
/dlan dæl, gif his ellen deag,
oþþe æfter dome /ri/
/an mæ/ /þa fremman,
wyrcan w/
/ec on þeode utan we/
ond to wrohtstæp/
/eorp, eaxle gegyrde,
ond swiora smæl, sidan fealwe
þonne mec heaþosigel
scir bescineð ond mec [...]
fægre feormað ond on fyrd wigeð
cræfte on hæfte. Cuð is wide
þæt ic þristra sum þeofes cræfte
under hrægnlocan
hwilum eawunga eþelfæsten
forðweard brece, þæt ær frið hæfde.
Feringe from, he fus þonan
wendeð of þam wicum. Wiga se þe mine
wisan cunne, saga hwæt ic hatte.
116. Riddles 74
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 234; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs fæmne geong, feaxhar cwene,
ond ænlic rinc on ane tid;
fleah mid fuglum ond on flode swom,
deaf under yþe dead mid fiscum,
ond on foldan stop, hæfde ferð cwicu.
117. Riddles 75
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 234; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic swiftne geseah on swaþe feran
118. Riddles 76
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 234; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic ane geseah idese sittan.
119. Riddles 77
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 234; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
Sæ mec fedde, sundhelm þeahte,
ond mec yþa wrugon eorþan getenge
feþelease. Oft ic flode ongean
muð ontynde. Nu wile monna sum
min flæsc fretan, felles ne recceð,
siþþan he me of sidan seaxes orde
hyd arypeð, /ec hr/ /þe siþþan
iteð unsodene ea/ /d.
120. Riddles 78
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 234-35; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Oft ic flodas
/s cynn/ minum
/yde me to mos/
swa ic him
ne æt ham gesæt
flote cwealde
þurh orþonc [...]
yþum bewrigene.
121. Riddles 79
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 235; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom æþelinges æht ond willa.
122. Riddles 80
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 235; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom æþelinges eaxlgestealla,
fyrdrinces gefara, frean minum leof,
cyninges geselda. Cwen mec hwilum
hwitloccedu hond on legeð,
eorles dohtor, þeah hio æþelu sy.
Hæbbe me on bosme þæt on bearwe geweox.
Hwilum ic on wloncum wicge ride
herges on ende; heard is min tunge.
Oft ic woðboran wordleana sum
agyfe æfter giedde. Good is min wise
ond ic sylfa salo. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
123. Riddles 81
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 235; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom byledbreost, belcedsweora,
heafod hæbbe ond heane steort,
eagan ond earan ond ænne foot,
hrycg ond heardnebb, hneccan steapne
ond sidan twa, sag on middum,
eard ofer ældum. Aglac dreoge,
þær mec wegeð se þe wudu hrereð,
ond mec stondende streamas beatað,
hægl se hearda, ond hrim þeceð,
/orst /eoseð, ond fealleð snaw
on þyrelwombne, ond ic þæt /ol/
mæ/ wonsceaft mine.
124. Riddles 82
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 236; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wiht is
gongende, greate swilgeð,
fell ne flæsc, fotum gong/
sceal mæla gehwam
125. Riddles 83
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 236; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Frod wæs min fromcynn
biden in burgum, siþþan bæles weard
[...] wera life bewunden,
fyre gefælsad. Nu me fah warað
eorþan broþor, se me ærest wearð
gumena to gyrne. Ic ful gearwe gemon
hwa min fromcynn fruman agette
eall of earde; ic him yfle ne mot,
ac ic hæftnyd
hwilum arære
wide geond wongas. Hæbbe ic wundra fela,
middangeardes mægen unlytel,
ac ic miþan sceal monna gehwylcum
degolfulne dom dyran cræftes,
siðfæt minne. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
126. Riddles 84
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 236-38; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).An wiht is on
wundrum acenned,
hreoh ond reþe, hafað ryne strongne,
grimme grymetað ond be grunde fareð.
Modor is monigra mærra wihta.
Fæger ferende fundað æfre;
neol is nearograp. Nænig oþrum mæg
wlite ond wisan wordum gecyþan,
hu mislic biþ mægen þara cynna,
fyrn forðgesceaft; fæder ealle bewat
or ond ende, swylce an sunu,
mære meotudes bearn, þurh /ed,
ond þæt hyhste mæge/ /es gæ/
dyre cræft/
/onne hy aweorp/
/þe ænig þara
/fter ne mæg
oþer cynn eorþan
þon ær wæs
wlitig ond wynsum,
Biþ sio moddor mægene eacen,
wundrum bewreþed, wistum gehladen,
hordum gehroden, hæleþum dyre.
Mægen bið gemiclad, meaht gesweotlad,
wlite biþ geweorþad wuldornyttingum,
wynsum wuldorgimm wloncum getenge,
clængeorn bið ond cystig, cræfte eacen;
hio biþ eadgum leof, earmum getæse,
freolic, sellic; fromast ond swiþost,
gifrost ond grædgost grundbedd trideþ,
þæs þe under lyfte aloden wurde
ond ælda bearn eagum sawe,
swa þæt wuldor wifeð, worldbearna mægen,
þeah þe ferþum gleaw
mon mode snottor mengo wundra.
Hrusan bið heardra, hæleþum frodra,
geofum bið gearora, gimmum deorra;
worulde wlitigað, wæstmum tydreð,
firene dwæsceð,
oft utan beweorpeð anre þecene,
wundrum gewlitegad, geond werþeode,
þæt wafiað weras ofer eorþan,
þæt magon micle /sceafte.
Biþ stanum bestreþed, stormum
/len /timbred weall,
þrym/ /ed,
hrusan hrineð, h/
oft searwum biþ
deaðe ne feleð,
þeah þe
/du hreren, hrif wundigen,
Hordword onhlid, hæleþum ge/
/wreoh, wordum geopena,
hu mislic sy mægen þara cy/.
127. Riddles 85
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 238; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Nis min sele swige, ne ic sylfa hlud
ymb [...]
unc dryhten scop
siþ ætsomne. Ic eom swiftre þonne he,
þragum strengra, he þreohtigra.
Hwilum ic me reste; he sceal yrnan forð.
Ic him in wunige a þenden ic lifge;
gif wit unc gedælað, me bið deað witod.
128. Riddles 86
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 238; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Wiht cwom gongan þær weras sæton
monige on mæðle, mode snottre;
hæfde an eage ond earan twa,
ond [II] fet, [XII] hund heafda,
hrycg ond wombe ond honda twa,
earmas ond eaxle, anne sweoran
ond sidan twa. Saga hwæt ic hatte.
129. Riddles 87
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 239; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic seah wundorlice wiht; wombe hæfde micle,
þryþum geþrungne. þegn folgade
męgenstrong ond mundrof; micel me þuhte
godlic gumrinc, grap on sona
heofones toþe
bleowe on eage; hio borcade,
wancode willum. Hio wolde seþeah
130. Riddles 88
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 239-40; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic weox þær ic s/
ond sumor mi/
/me wæs min ti/
/d ic on staðol/
/um geong, swa
oft geond /fgeaf,
ac ic uplong stod, þær ic [...]
ond min broþor; begen wæron hearde.
Eard wæs þy weorðra þe wit on stodan,
hyrstum þy hyrra. Ful oft unc holt wrugon,
wudubeama helm wonnum nihtum,
scildon wið scurum; unc gescop meotud.
Nu unc mæran twam magas uncre
sculon æfter cuman, eard oðþringan
gingran broþor. Eom ic gumcynnes
anga ofer eorþan; is min agen bæc
wonn ond wundorlic. Ic on wuda stonde
bordes on ende. Nis min broþor her,
ac ic sceal broþorleas bordes on ende
staþol weardian,
stondan fæste;
ne wat hwær min broþor on wera æhtum
eorþan sceata eardian sceal,
se me ær be healfe heah eardade.
Wit wæron gesome sæcce to fremmanne;
næfre uncer awþer his ellen cyðde,
swa wit þære beadwe begen ne onþungan.
Nu mec unsceafta innan slitað,
wyrdaþ mec be wombe; ic gewendan ne mæg.
æt þam spore findeð sped se þe se/
sawle rædes.
131. Riddles 89
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 240; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).
se wiht,
wombe hæfde
/tne, leþre wæs beg/
/on hindan.
Grette wea/
listum worhte,
hwilum eft
þygan, him þoncade,
siþþan u/
swæsendum swylce þrage.
132. Riddles 91
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 240-41; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Min heafod is homere geþuren,
searopila wund, sworfen feole.
Oft ic begine þæt me ongean sticað,
þonne ic hnitan sceal, hringum gyrded,
hearde wið heardum, hindan þyrel,
forð ascufan þæt mines frean
mod W freoþað middelnihtum.
Hwilum ic under bæc bregde nebbe,
hyrde þæs hordes, þonne min hlaford wile
lafe þicgan þara þe he of life het
wælcræfte awrecan willum sinum.
133. Riddles 92
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 241; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic wæs brunra beot, beam on holte,
freolic feorhbora ond foldan wæstm,
ond wifes sond,
gold on geardum. Nu eom guðwigan
hyhtlic hildewæpen, hringe beg/
/e/ byreð,
134. Riddles 93
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 241-42; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Frea min
/de willum sinum,
heah ond hyht/
/rpne, hwilum
/wilum sohte
frea/ /s wod,
dægrime frod, deo/ /s ,
hwilum stealc hliþo stigan sceolde
up in eþel, hwilum eft gewat
in deop dalu duguþe secan
strong on stæpe, stanwongas grof
hrimighearde, hwilum hara scoc
forst of feaxe. Ic on fusum rad
oþþæt him þone gleawstol
gingra broþor
min agnade ond mec of earde adraf.
Siþþan mec isern innanweardne
brun bennade; blod ut ne com,
heolfor of hreþre, þeah mec heard bite
stiðecg style. No ic þa stunde bemearn,
ne for wunde weop, ne wrecan meahte
on wigan feore wonnsceaft mine,
ac ic aglæca ealle þolige,
þæt /e bord biton. Nu ic blace swelge
wuda ond wætre, w/ /b/ befæðme
þæt mec on fealleð ufan þær ic stonde,
eorpes nathwæt; hæbbe anne fot.
Nu min hord warað hiþende feond,
se þe ær wide bær wulfes gehleþan;
oft me of wombe bewaden fereð,
steppeð on stið bord,
deaþes d/ þonne dægcondel,
/eorc eagum wliteð
ond spe/.
135. Riddles 94
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 242; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Smeþr/ /ad,
hyrre þonne heofon/
glædre þonne sunne,
smeare þonne sealtry/
leofre þonne þis leoht eall, leohtre þon w/
136. Riddles 95
Krapp and Dobbie, 1936 243; Krapp, G.P. and Dobbie, E.V.K., The Exeter Book, ASPR 3 (New York).Ic eom indryhten ond eorlum cuð,
ond reste oft; ricum ond heanum,
folcum gefræge
fere wide,
ond me fremdes ær freondum stondeð
hiþendra hyht, gif ic habban sceal
blæd in burgum oþþe beorhtne god.
Nu snottre men swiþast lufiaþ
midwist mine; ic monigum sceal
wisdom cyþan; no þær word sprecað
ænig ofer eorðan. þeah nu ælda bearn
londbuendra lastas mine
swiþe secað, ic swaþe hwilum
mine bemiþe monna gehwylcum.
137. Beowulf
Dobbie, 1953 3-98; Dobbie, E.V.K., Beowulf and Judith, ASPR 4 (New York).Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scefing
sceaþena þreatum,
monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð
feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah,
oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra
ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan. þæt wæs god cyning!
ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned,
geong in geardum, þone god sende
folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat
þe hie ær drugon
lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf;
Beowulf wæs breme (blæd wide sprang),
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.
Swa sceal geong
gode gewyrcean,
fromum feohgiftum on fæder bearme,
þæt hine on ylde eft gewunigen
wilgesiþas, þonne wig cume,
leode gelæsten; lofdædum sceal
in mægþa gehwære man geþeon.
Him ða Scyld gewat to gescæphwile
felahror feran on frean wære.
Hi hyne þa ætbæron to brimes faroðe,
swæse gesiþas, swa he selfa bæd,
þenden wordum weold wine Scyldinga;
leof landfruma lange ahte.
þær æt hyðe stod hringedstefna,
isig ond utfus, æþelinges fær.
Aledon þa leofne þeoden,
beaga bryttan, on bearm scipes,
mærne be mæste. þær wæs madma fela
of feorwegum, frætwa, gelæded;
ne hyrde ic cymlicor ceol gegyrwan
hildewæpnum ond heaðowædum,
billum ond byrnum; him on bearme læg
madma mænigo, þa him mid scoldon
on flodes æht feor gewitan.
Nalæs hi hine læssan lacum teodan,
þeodgestreonum, þon þa dydon
þe hine æt frumsceafte forð onsendon
ænne ofer yðe umborwesende.
þa gyt hie him asetton segen geldenne
heah ofer heafod, leton holm beran,
geafon on garsecg; him wæs geomor sefa,
murnende mod. Men ne cunnon
secgan to soðe,
hæleð under heofenum, hwa þæm hlæste onfeng.
ða wæs on burgum Beowulf Scyldinga,
leof leodcyning, longe þrage
folcum gefræge (fæder ellor hwearf,
aldor of earde), oþþæt him eft onwoc
heah Healfdene; heold þenden lifde,
gamol ond guðreouw, glæde Scyldingas.
ðæm feower bearn forð gerimed
in worold wocun, weoroda ræswan,
Heorogar ond Hroðgar ond Halga til;
hyrde ic þæt
Onelan cwen,
Heaðoscilfingas healsgebedda.
þa wæs Hroðgare heresped gyfen,
wiges weorðmynd, þæt him his winemagas
georne hyrdon,
oð þæt seo geogoð geweox,
magodriht micel. Him on mod bearn
þæt healreced hatan wolde,
medoærn micel, men gewyrcean
þonne yldo bearn æfre gefrunon,
ond þær on innan eall gedælan
geongum ond ealdum, swylc him god sealde,
buton folcscare ond feorum gumena.
ða ic wide gefrægn weorc gebannan
manigre mægþe geond þisne middangeard,
folcstede frætwan. Him on fyrste gelomp,
ædre mid yldum, þæt hit wearð ealgearo,
healærna mæst; scop him Heort naman
se þe his wordes geweald wide hæfde.
He beot ne aleh, beagas dælde,
sinc æt symle. Sele hlifade,
heah ond horngeap, heaðowylma bad,
laðan liges; ne wæs hit lenge þa gen
þæt se ecghete
æfter wælniðe wæcnan scolde.
ða se ellengæst earfoðlice
þrage geþolode, se þe in þystrum bad,
þæt he dogora gehwam dream gehyrde
hludne in healle; þær wæs hearpan sweg,
swutol sang scopes. Sægde se þe cuþe
frumsceaft fira feorran reccan,
cwæð þæt se ælmihtiga eorðan worhte,
wlitebeorhtne wang, swa wæter bebugeð,
gesette sigehreþig sunnan ond monan
leoman to leohte landbuendum
ond gefrætwade foldan sceatas
leomum ond leafum, lif eac gesceop
cynna gehwylcum þara ðe cwice hwyrfaþ.
Swa ða drihtguman dreamum lifdon
eadiglice, oððæt an ongan
fyrene fremman
feond on helle.
Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten,
mære mearcstapa, se þe moras heold,
fen ond fæsten; fifelcynnes eard
wonsæli wer weardode hwile,
siþðan him scyppend forscrifen hæfde
in Caines cynne. þone cwealm gewræc
ece drihten, þæs þe he Abel slog;
ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac he hine feor forwræc,
metod for þy mane, mancynne fram.
þanon untydras ealle onwocon,
eotenas ond ylfe ond orcneas,
swylce gigantas, þa wið gode wunnon
lange þrage; he him ðæs lean forgeald.
Gewat ða neosian, syþðan niht becom,
hean huses, hu hit Hringdene
æfter beorþege gebun hæfdon.
Fand þa ðær inne æþelinga gedriht
swefan æfter symble; sorge ne cuðon,
wonsceaft wera. Wiht unhælo,
grim ond grædig, gearo sona wæs,
reoc ond reþe, ond on ræste genam
þritig þegna, þanon eft gewat
huðe hremig to ham faran,
mid þære wælfylle wica neosan.
ða wæs on uhtan mid ærdæge
Grendles guðcræft gumum undyrne;
þa wæs æfter wiste wop up ahafen,
micel morgensweg. Mære þeoden,
æþeling ærgod, unbliðe sæt,
þolode ðryðswyð, þegnsorge dreah,
syðþan hie þæs laðan last sceawedon,
wergan gastes; wæs þæt gewin to strang,
lað ond longsum. Næs hit lengra fyrst,
ac ymb ane niht eft gefremede
morðbeala mare ond no mearn fore,
fæhðe ond fyrene; wæs to fæst on þam.
þa wæs eaðfynde þe him elles hwær
gerumlicor ræste sohte,
bed æfter burum, ða him gebeacnod wæs,
gesægd soðlice sweotolan tacne
healðegnes hete; heold hyne syðþan
fyr ond fæstor se þæm feonde ætwand.
Swa rixode ond wið rihte wan,
ana wið eallum, oðþæt idel stod
husa selest. Wæs seo hwil micel;
[XII] wintra tid torn geþolode
wine Scyldinga, weana gehwelcne,
sidra sorga. Forðam secgum wearð,
ylda bearnum, undyrne cuð,
gyddum geomore, þætte Grendel wan
hwile wið Hroþgar, heteniðas wæg,
fyrene ond fæhðe fela missera,
singale sæce, sibbe ne wolde
wið manna hwone mægenes Deniga,
feorhbealo feorran, fea þingian,
ne þær nænig witena wenan þorfte
beorhtre bote to banan folmum,
se æglæca ehtende wæs,
deorc deaþscua, duguþe ond geogoþe,
seomade ond syrede, sinnihte heold
mistige moras; men ne cunnon
hwyder helrunan hwyrftum scriþað.
Swa fela fyrena feond mancynnes,
atol angengea, oft gefremede,
heardra hynða. Heorot eardode,
sincfage sel sweartum nihtum;
no he þone gifstol gretan moste,
maþðum for metode, ne his myne wisse.
þæt wæs wræc micel wine Scyldinga,
modes brecða. Monig oft gesæt
rice to rune; ræd eahtedon
hwæt swiðferhðum selest wære
wið færgryrum to gefremmanne.
Hwilum hie geheton æt hærgtrafum
wigweorþunga, wordum bædon
þæt him gastbona geoce gefremede
wið þeodþreaum. Swylc wæs þeaw hyra,
hæþenra hyht; helle gemundon
in modsefan, metod hie ne cuþon,
dæda demend, ne wiston hie drihten god,
ne hie huru heofena helm herian ne cuþon,
wuldres waldend. Wa bið þæm ðe sceal
þurh sliðne nið sawle bescufan
in fyres fæþm, frofre ne wenan,
wihte gewendan; wel bið þæm þe mot
æfter deaðdæge drihten secean
ond to fæder fæþmum freoðo wilnian.
Swa ða mælceare maga Healfdenes
singala seað, ne mihte snotor hæleð
wean onwendan; wæs þæt gewin to swyð,
laþ ond longsum, þe on ða leode becom,
nydwracu niþgrim, nihtbealwa mæst.
þæt fram ham gefrægn Higelaces þegn,
god mid Geatum, Grendles dæda;
se wæs moncynnes mægenes strengest
on þæm dæge þysses lifes,
æþele ond eacen. Het him yðlidan
godne gegyrwan, cwæð, he guðcyning
ofer swanrade secean wolde,
mærne þeoden, þa him wæs manna þearf.
ðone siðfæt him snotere ceorlas
lythwon logon, þeah he him leof wære;
hwetton higerofne, hæl sceawedon.
Hæfde se goda Geata leoda
cempan gecorone þara þe he cenoste
findan mihte; [XV]na sum
sundwudu sohte; secg wisade,
lagucræftig mon, landgemyrcu.
Fyrst forð gewat. Flota wæs on yðum,
bat under beorge. Beornas gearwe
on stefn stigon; streamas wundon,
sund wið sande; secgas bæron
on bearm nacan beorhte frætwe,
guðsearo geatolic; guman ut scufon,
weras on wilsið, wudu bundenne.
Gewat þa ofer wægholm, winde gefysed,
flota famiheals fugle gelicost,
oðþæt ymb antid oþres dogores
wundenstefna gewaden hæfde
þæt ða liðende land gesawon,
brimclifu blican, beorgas steape,
side sænæssas; þa wæs sund liden,
eoletes æt ende. þanon up hraðe
Wedera leode on wang stigon,
sæwudu sældon (syrcan hrysedon,
guðgewædo), gode þancedon
þæs þe him yþlade eaðe wurdon.
þa of wealle geseah weard Scildinga,
se þe holmclifu healdan scolde,
beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas,
fyrdsearu fuslicu; hine fyrwyt bræc
modgehygdum, hwæt þa men wæron.
Gewat him þa to waroðe wicge ridan
þegn Hroðgares, þrymmum cwehte
mægenwudu mundum, meþelwordum frægn:
"Hwæt syndon ge searohæbbendra,
byrnum werede, þe þus brontne ceol
ofer lagustræte lædan cwomon,
hider ofer holmas? /le wæs
endesæta, ægwearde heold,
þe on land Dena laðra nænig
mid scipherge sceðþan ne meahte.
No her cuðlicor cuman ongunnon
lindhæbbende; ne ge leafnesword
guðfremmendra gearwe ne wisson,
maga gemedu. Næfre ic maran geseah
eorla ofer eorþan ðonne is eower sum,
secg on searwum; nis þæt seldguma,
wæpnum geweorðad,
næfne him his wlite leoge,
ænlic ansyn. Nu ic eower sceal
frumcyn witan, ær ge fyr heonan,
leassceaweras, on land Dena
furþur feran. Nu ge feorbuend,
minne gehyrað
anfealdne geþoht: Ofost is selest
to gecyðanne hwanan eowre cyme syndon."
Him se yldesta ondswarode,
werodes wisa, wordhord onleac:
"We synt gumcynnes Geata leode
ond Higelaces heorðgeneatas.
Wæs min fæder folcum gecyþed,
æþele ordfruma, Ecgþeow haten.
Gebad wintra worn, ær he on weg hwurfe,
gamol of geardum; hine gearwe geman
witena welhwylc wide geond eorþan.
We þurh holdne hige hlaford þinne,
sunu Healfdenes, secean cwomon,
leodgebyrgean; wes þu us larena god.
Habbað we to þæm mæran micel ærende,
Deniga frean, ne sceal þær dyrne sum
wesan, þæs ic wene. þu wast (gif hit is
swa we soþlice secgan hyrdon)
þæt mid Scyldingum sceaðona ic nat hwylc,
deogol dædhata, deorcum nihtum
eaweð þurh egsan uncuðne nið,
hynðu ond hrafyl. Ic þæs Hroðgar mæg
þurh rumne sefan ræd gelæran,
hu he frod ond god feond oferswyðeþ,
gyf him edwendan æfre scolde
bealuwa bisigu, bot eft cuman,
ond þa cearwylmas colran wurðaþ;
oððe a syþðan earfoðþrage,
þreanyd þolað, þenden þær wunað
on heahstede husa selest."
Weard maþelode, ðær on wicge sæt,
ombeht unforht: "æghwæþres sceal
scearp scyldwiga gescad witan,
worda ond worca, se þe wel þenceð.
Ic þæt gehyre, þæt þis is hold weorod
frean Scyldinga. Gewitaþ forð beran
wæpen ond gewædu; ic eow wisige.
Swylce ic maguþegnas mine hate
wið feonda gehwone flotan eowerne,
niwtyrwydne nacan on sande
arum healdan, oþðæt eft byreð
ofer lagustreamas leofne mannan
wudu wundenhals to Wedermearce,
godfremmendra swylcum gifeþe bið
þæt þone hilderæs hal gedigeð."
Gewiton him þa feran. Flota stille bad,
seomode on sale
sidfæþmed scip,
on ancre fæst. Eoforlic scionon
ofer hleorberan gehroden golde,
fah ond fyrheard; ferhwearde heold
guþmod grimmon. Guman onetton,
sigon ætsomne, oþþæt hy sæl timbred,
geatolic ond goldfah, ongyton mihton;
þæt wæs foremærost foldbuendum
receda under roderum, on þæm se rica bad;
lixte se leoma ofer landa fela.
Him þa hildedeor
hof modigra
torht getæhte, þæt hie him to mihton
gegnum gangan; guðbeorna sum
wicg gewende, word æfter cwæð:
"Mæl is me to feran; fæder alwalda
mid arstafum eowic gehealde
siða gesunde. Ic to sæ wille
wið wrað werod wearde healdan."
Stræt wæs stanfah, stig wisode
gumum ætgædere. Guðbyrne scan
heard hondlocen, hringiren scir
song in searwum, þa hie to sele furðum
in hyra gryregeatwum gangan cwomon.
Setton sæmeþe side scyldas,
rondas regnhearde, wið þæs recedes weal,
bugon þa to bence. Byrnan hringdon,
guðsearo gumena; garas stodon,
sæmanna searo, samod ætgædere,
æscholt ufan græg; wæs se irenþreat
wæpnum gewurþad. þa ðær wlonc hæleð
oretmecgas æfter æþelum frægn:
"Hwanon ferigeað ge fætte scyldas,
græge syrcan ond grimhelmas,
heresceafta heap? Ic eom Hroðgares
ar ond ombiht. Ne seah ic elþeodige
þus manige men modiglicran.
Wen ic þæt ge for wlenco, nalles for wræcsiðum,
ac for higeþrymmum Hroðgar sohton."
Him þa ellenrof andswarode,
wlanc Wedera leod, word æfter spræc,
heard under helme: "We synt Higelaces
beodgeneatas; Beowulf is min nama.
Wille ic asecgan sunu Healfdenes,
mærum þeodne, min ærende,
aldre þinum, gif he us geunnan wile
þæt we hine swa godne gretan moton."
Wulfgar maþelode (þæt wæs Wendla leod;
wæs his modsefa manegum gecyðed,
wig ond wisdom): "Ic þæs wine Deniga,
frean Scildinga, frinan wille,
beaga bryttan, swa þu bena eart,
þeoden mærne, ymb þinne sið,
ond þe þa ondsware ædre gecyðan
ðe me se goda agifan þenceð."
Hwearf þa hrædlice þær Hroðgar sæt
eald ond anhar
mid his eorla gedriht;
eode ellenrof, þæt he for eaxlum gestod
Deniga frean; cuþe he duguðe þeaw.
Wulfgar maðelode to his winedrihtne:
"Her syndon geferede, feorran cumene
ofer geofenes begang Geata leode;
þone yldestan oretmecgas
Beowulf nemnað. Hy benan synt
þæt hie, þeoden min, wið þe moton
wordum wrixlan. No ðu him wearne geteoh
ðinra gegncwida, glædman Hroðgar.
Hy on wiggetawum wyrðe þinceað
eorla geæhtlan; huru se aldor deah,
se þæm heaðorincum hider wisade."
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
"Ic hine cuðe cnihtwesende.
Wæs his ealdfæder Ecgþeo haten,
ðæm to ham forgeaf Hreþel Geata
angan dohtor; is his eafora nu
heard her cumen, sohte holdne wine.
ðonne sægdon þæt sæliþende,
þa ðe gifsceattas Geata fyredon
þyder to þance, þæt he [XXX]tiges
manna mægencræft on his mundgripe
heaþorof hæbbe. Hine halig god
for arstafum us onsende,
to Westdenum, þæs ic wen hæbbe,
wið Grendles gryre. Ic þæm godan sceal
for his modþræce madmas beodan.
Beo ðu on ofeste, hat in gan
seon sibbegedriht samod ætgædere;
gesaga him eac wordum þæt hie sint wilcuman
Deniga leodum."
word inne abead:
"Eow het secgan sigedrihten min,
aldor Eastdena, þæt he eower æþelu can,
ond ge him syndon ofer sæwylmas
heardhicgende hider wilcuman.
Nu ge moton gangan in eowrum guðgeatawum
under heregriman Hroðgar geseon;
lætað hildebord her onbidan,
wudu, wælsceaftas, worda geþinges."
Aras þa se rica, ymb hine rinc manig,
þryðlic þegna heap; sume þær bidon,
heaðoreaf heoldon, swa him se hearda bebead.
Snyredon ætsomne, þa secg wisode,
under Heorotes hrof
heard under helme, þæt he on heoðe gestod.
Beowulf maðelode (on him byrne scan,
searonet seowed smiþes orþancum):
"Wæs þu, Hroðgar, hal! Ic eom Higelaces
mæg ond magoðegn; hæbbe ic mærða fela
ongunnen on geogoþe. Me wearð Grendles þing
on minre eþeltyrf undyrne cuð;
secgað sæliðend þæt þæs sele stande,
reced selesta, rinca gehwylcum
idel ond unnyt, siððan æfenleoht
under heofenes hador beholen weorþeð.
þa me þæt gelærdon leode mine
þa selestan, snotere ceorlas,
þeoden Hroðgar, þæt ic þe sohte,
forþan hie mægenes cræft
minne cuþon,
selfe ofersawon, ða ic of searwum cwom,
fah from feondum, þær ic fife geband,
yðde eotena cyn ond on yðum slog
niceras nihtes, nearoþearfe dreah,
wræc Wedera nið (wean ahsodon),
forgrand gramum, ond nu wið Grendel sceal,
wið þam aglæcan, ana gehegan
ðing wið þyrse. Ic þe nu ða,
brego Beorhtdena, biddan wille,
eodor Scyldinga, anre bene,
þæt ðu me ne forwyrne, wigendra hleo,
freowine folca, nu ic þus feorran com,
þæt ic mote ana
ond minra eorla gedryht,
þes hearda heap, Heorot fælsian.
Hæbbe ic eac geahsod þæt se æglæca
for his wonhydum wæpna ne recceð.
Ic þæt þonne forhicge (swa me Higelac sie,
min mondrihten, modes bliðe),
þæt ic sweord bere oþðe sidne scyld,
geolorand to guþe, ac ic mid grape sceal
fon wið feonde ond ymb feorh sacan,
lað wið laþum; ðær gelyfan sceal
dryhtnes dome se þe hine deað nimeð.
Wen ic þæt he wille, gif he wealdan mot,
in þæm guðsele Geotena leode
etan unforhte, swa he oft dyde,
mægen Hreðmanna. Na þu minne þearft
hafalan hydan, ac he me habban wile
dreore fahne, gif mec deað nimeð.
Byreð blodig wæl, byrgean þenceð,
eteð angenga unmurnlice,
mearcað morhopu; no ðu ymb mines ne þearft
lices feorme leng sorgian.
Onsend Higelace, gif mec hild nime,
beaduscruda betst, þæt mine breost wereð,
hrægla selest; þæt is Hrædlan laf,
Welandes geweorc. Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel."
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
gewyrhtum þu, wine min Beowulf,
ond for arstafum usic sohtest.
Gesloh þin fæder fæhðe mæste;
wearþ he Heaþolafe to handbonan
mid Wilfingum; ða hine Wedera cyn
for herebrogan habban ne mihte.
þanon he gesohte Suðdena folc
ofer yða gewealc, Arscyldinga.
ða ic furþum weold folce Deniga
ond on geogoðe heold
ginne rice,
hordburh hæleþa; ða wæs Heregar dead,
min yldra mæg unlifigende,
bearn Healfdenes; se wæs betera ðonne ic.
Siððan þa fæhðe feo þingode;
sende ic Wylfingum ofer wæteres hrycg
ealde madmas; he me aþas swor.
Sorh is me to secganne on sefan minum
gumena ængum hwæt me Grendel hafað
hynðo on Heorote mid his heteþancum,
færniða gefremed. Is min fletwerod,
wigheap gewanod; hie wyrd forsweop
on Grendles gryre. God eaþe mæg
þone dolsceaðan dæda getwæfan.
Ful oft gebeotedon beore druncne
ofer ealowæge oretmecgas
þæt hie in beorsele bidan woldon
Grendles guþe mid gryrum ecga.
ðonne wæs þeos medoheal on morgentid,
drihtsele dreorfah, þonne dæg lixte,
eal bencþelu blode bestymed,
heall heorudreore; ahte ic holdra þy læs,
deorre duguðe, þe þa deað fornam.
Site nu to symle ond onsæl meoto,
sigehreð secgum, swa þin sefa hwette."
þa wæs Geatmæcgum geador ætsomne
on beorsele benc gerymed;
þær swiðferhþe sittan eodon,
þryðum dealle. þegn nytte beheold,
se þe on handa bær hroden ealowæge,
scencte scir wered. Scop hwilum sang
hador on Heorote. þær wæs hæleða dream,
duguð unlytel Dena ond Wedera.
Unferð maþelode, Ecglafes bearn,
þe æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga,
onband beadurune (wæs him Beowulfes sið,
modges merefaran, micel æfþunca,
forþon þe he ne uþe þæt ænig oðer man
æfre mærða þon ma middangeardes
gehedde under heofenum þonne he sylfa):
"Eart þu se Beowulf, se þe wið Brecan wunne,
on sidne sæ ymb sund flite,
ðær git for wlence wada cunnedon
ond for dolgilpe on deop wæter
aldrum neþdon? Ne inc ænig mon,
ne leof ne lað, belean mihte
sorhfullne sið, þa git on sund reon.
þær git eagorstream earmum þehton,
mæton merestræta, mundum brugdon,
glidon ofer garsecg; geofon yþum weol,
wintrys wylmum. Git on wæteres æht
seofon niht swuncon; he þe æt sunde oferflat,
hæfde mare mægen. þa hine on morgentid
on Heaþoræmas
holm up ætbær;
ðonon he gesohte swæsne OE,
leof his leodum, lond Brondinga,
freoðoburh fægere, þær he folc ahte,
burh ond beagas. Beot eal wið þe
sunu Beanstanes soðe gelæste.
ðonne wene ic to þe wyrsan geþingea,
ðeah þu heaðoræsa gehwær dohte,
grimre guðe, gif þu Grendles dearst
nihtlongne fyrst nean bidan."
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Hwæt! þu worn fela, wine min Unferð,
beore druncen ymb Brecan spræce,
sægdest from his siðe. Soð ic talige,
þæt ic merestrengo maran ahte,
earfeþo on yþum, ðonne ænig oþer man.
Wit þæt gecwædon cnihtwesende
ond gebeotedon (wæron begen þa git
on geogoðfeore) þæt wit on garsecg ut
aldrum neðdon, ond þæt geæfndon swa.
Hæfdon swurd nacod, þa wit on sund reon,
heard on handa; wit unc wið hronfixas
werian þohton. No he wiht fram me
flodyþum feor fleotan meahte,
hraþor on holme; no ic fram him wolde.
ða wit ætsomne on sæ wæron
fif nihta fyrst, oþþæt unc flod todraf,
wado weallende, wedera cealdost,
nipende niht, ond norþanwind
heaðogrim ondhwearf; hreo wæron yþa.
Wæs merefixa mod onhrered;
þær me wið laðum licsyrce min,
heard, hondlocen, helpe gefremede,
beadohrægl broden on breostum læg
golde gegyrwed. Me to grunde teah
fah feondscaða, fæste hæfde
grim on grape; hwæþre me gyfeþe wearð
þæt ic aglæcan orde geræhte,
hildebille; heaþoræs fornam
mihtig meredeor þurh mine hand.
Swa mec gelome laðgeteonan
þreatedon þearle. Ic him þenode
deoran sweorde, swa hit gedefe wæs.
Næs hie ðære fylle gefean hæfdon,
manfordædlan, þæt hie me þegon,
symbel ymbsæton sægrunde neah;
ac on mergenne mecum wunde
be yðlafe uppe lægon,
sweordum aswefede, þæt syðþan na
ymb brontne ford brimliðende
lade ne letton. Leoht eastan com,
beorht beacen godes; brimu swaþredon,
þæt ic sænæssas geseon mihte,
windige weallas. Wyrd oft nereð
unfægne eorl, þonne his ellen deah.
Hwæþere me gesælde þæt ic mid sweorde ofsloh
niceras nigene. No ic on niht gefrægn
under heofones hwealf heardran feohtan,
ne on egstreamum earmran mannon;
hwaþere ic fara feng feore gedigde,
siþes werig. ða mec sæ oþbær,
flod æfter faroðe on Finna land,
wadu weallendu. No ic wiht fram þe
swylcra searoniða secgan hyrde,
billa brogan. Breca næfre git
æt heaðolace, ne gehwæþer incer,
swa deorlice dæd gefremede
fagum sweordum (no ic þæs fela gylpe),
þeah ðu þinum broðrum to banan wurde,
heafodmægum; þæs þu in helle scealt
werhðo dreogan, þeah þin wit duge.
Secge ic þe to soðe, sunu Ecglafes,
þæt næfre Grendel swa fela gryra gefremede,
atol æglæca, ealdre þinum,
hynðo on Heorote, gif þin hige wære,
sefa swa searogrim, swa þu self talast.
Ac he hafað onfunden þæt he þa fæhðe ne þearf,
atole ecgþræce eower leode
swiðe onsittan, Sigescyldinga;
nymeð nydbade, nænegum arað
leode Deniga, ac he lust wigeð,
swefeð ond sendeþ, secce ne weneþ
to Gardenum. Ac ic him Geata sceal
eafoð ond ellen ungeara nu,
guþe gebeodan. Gæþ eft se þe mot
to medo modig, siþþan morgenleoht
ofer ylda bearn oþres dogores,
sunne sweglwered suþan scineð."
þa wæs on salum sinces brytta,
gamolfeax ond guðrof; geoce gelyfde
brego Beorhtdena, gehyrde on Beowulfe
folces hyrde fæstrædne geþoht.
ðær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode,
word wæron wynsume. Eode Wealhþeow forð,
cwen Hroðgares, cynna gemyndig,
grette goldhroden guman on healle,
ond þa freolic wif ful gesealde
ærest Eastdena eþelwearde,
bæd hine bliðne æt þære beorþege,
leodum leofne. He on lust geþeah
symbel ond seleful, sigerof kyning.
Ymbeode þa ides Helminga
duguþe ond geogoþe dæl æghwylcne,
sincfato sealde, oþþæt sæl alamp
þæt hio Beowulfe, beaghroden cwen
mode geþungen, medoful ætbær;
grette Geata leod, gode þancode
wisfæst wordum þæs ðe hire se willa gelamp
þæt heo on ænigne eorl gelyfde
fyrena frofre. He þæt ful geþeah,
wælreow wiga, æt Wealhþeon,
ond þa gyddode guþe gefysed;
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,
sæbat gesæt mid minra secga gedriht,
þæt ic anunga eowra leoda
willan geworhte oþðe on wæl crunge,
feondgrapum fæst. Ic gefremman sceal
eorlic ellen, oþðe endedæg
on þisse meoduhealle minne gebidan."
ðam wife þa word wel licodon,
gilpcwide Geates; eode goldhroden
freolicu folccwen to hire frean sittan.
þa wæs eft swa ær inne on healle
þryðword sprecen, ðeod on sælum,
sigefolca sweg, oþþæt semninga
sunu Healfdenes secean wolde
æfenræste; wiste þæm ahlæcan
to þæm heahsele hilde geþinged,
siððan hie sunnan leoht geseon ne meahton,
oþðe nipende niht ofer ealle,
scaduhelma gesceapu scriðan cwoman,
wan under wolcnum. Werod eall aras.
Gegrette þa guma oþerne,
Hroðgar Beowulf, ond him hæl abead,
winærnes geweald, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Næfre ic ænegum men ær alyfde,
siþðan ic hond ond rond hebban mihte,
ðryþærn Dena buton þe nu ða.
Hafa nu ond geheald husa selest,
gemyne mærþo, mægenellen cyð,
waca wið wraþum. Ne bið þe wilna gad,
gif þu þæt ellenweorc aldre gedigest."
ða him Hroþgar gewat mid his hæleþa gedryht,
eodur Scyldinga, ut of healle;
wolde wigfruma Wealhþeo secan,
cwen to gebeddan. Hæfde kyningwuldor
Grendle togeanes, swa guman gefrungon,
seleweard aseted; sundornytte beheold
ymb aldor Dena, eotonweard abead.
Huru Geata leod georne truwode
modgan mægnes, metodes hyldo.
ða he him of dyde isernbyrnan,
helm of hafelan, sealde his hyrsted sweord,
irena cyst, ombihtþegne,
ond gehealdan het hildegeatwe.
Gespræc þa se goda gylpworda sum,
Beowulf Geata, ær he on bed stige:
"No ic me an herewæsmun hnagran talige,
guþgeweorca, þonne Grendel hine;
forþan ic hine sweorde swebban nelle,
aldre beneotan, þeah ic eal mæge.
Nat he þara goda þæt he me ongean slea,
rand geheawe, þeah ðe he rof sie
niþgeweorca; ac wit on niht sculon
secge ofersittan, gif he gesecean dear
wig ofer wæpen, ond siþðan witig god
on swa hwæþere hond, halig dryhten,
mærðo deme, swa him gemet þince."
Hylde hine þa heaþodeor, hleorbolster onfeng
eorles andwlitan, ond hine ymb monig
snellic særinc selereste gebeah.
Nænig heora þohte þæt he þanon scolde
eft eardlufan æfre gesecean,
folc oþðe freoburh, þær he afeded wæs;
ac hie hæfdon gefrunen þæt hie ær to fela micles
in þæm winsele wældeað fornam,
Denigea leode. Ac him dryhten forgeaf
wigspeda gewiofu, Wedera leodum,
frofor ond fultum, þæt hie feond heora
ðurh anes cræft ealle ofercomon,
selfes mihtum. Soð is gecyþed
þæt mihtig god manna cynnes
weold wideferhð. Com on wanre niht
scriðan sceadugenga. Sceotend swæfon,
þa þæt hornreced healdan scoldon,
ealle buton anum. þæt wæs yldum cuþ
þæt hie ne moste, þa metod nolde,
se scynscaþa
under sceadu bregdan;
ac he wæccende wraþum on andan
bad bolgenmod beadwa geþinges.
ða com of more under misthleoþum
Grendel gongan, godes yrre bær;
mynte se manscaða manna cynnes
sumne besyrwan in sele þam hean.
Wod under wolcnum to þæs þe he winreced,
goldsele gumena, gearwost wisse,
fættum fahne. Ne wæs þæt forma sið
þæt he Hroþgares ham gesohte;
næfre he on aldordagum ær ne siþðan
heardran hæle, healðegnas fand.
Com þa to recede rinc siðian,
dreamum bedæled. Duru sona onarn,
fyrbendum fæst, syþðan he hire folmum æthran;
onbræd þa bealohydig, ða he
gebolgen wæs,
recedes muþan. Raþe æfter þon
on fagne flor feond treddode,
eode yrremod; him of eagum stod
ligge gelicost leoht unfæger.
Geseah he in recede rinca manige,
swefan sibbegedriht samod ætgædere,
magorinca heap. þa his mod ahlog;
mynte þæt he gedælde, ærþon dæg cwome,
atol aglæca, anra gehwylces
lif wið lice, þa him alumpen wæs
wistfylle wen. Ne wæs þæt wyrd þa gen
þæt he ma moste manna cynnes
ðicgean ofer þa niht. þryðswyð beheold
mæg Higelaces, hu se manscaða
under færgripum gefaran wolde.
Ne þæt se aglæca yldan þohte,
ac he gefeng hraðe forman siðe
slæpendne rinc, slat unwearnum,
bat banlocan, blod edrum dranc,
synsnædum swealh; sona hæfde
unlyfigendes eal gefeormod,
fet ond folma. Forð near ætstop,
nam þa mid handa higeþihtigne
rinc on ræste, ræhte ongean
feond mid folme; he onfeng hraþe
inwitþancum ond wið earm gesæt.
Sona þæt onfunde fyrena hyrde
þæt he ne mette middangeardes,
eorþan sceata, on elran men
mundgripe maran. He on mode wearð
forht on ferhðe; no þy ær fram meahte.
Hyge wæs him hinfus, wolde on heolster fleon,
secan deofla gedræg; ne wæs his drohtoð þær
swylce he on ealderdagum ær gemette.
Gemunde þa se goda, mæg Higelaces,
æfenspræce, uplang astod
ond him fæste wiðfeng; fingras burston.
Eoten wæs utweard; eorl furþur stop.
Mynte se mæra,
þær he meahte swa,
widre gewindan ond on weg þanon
fleon on fenhopu; wiste his fingra geweald
on grames grapum. þæt wæs geocor sið
þæt se hearmscaþa to Heorute ateah.
Dryhtsele dynede; Denum eallum wearð,
ceasterbuendum, cenra gehwylcum,
eorlum ealuscerwen. Yrre wæron begen,
reþe renweardas. Reced hlynsode.
þa wæs wundor micel þæt se winsele
wiðhæfde heaþodeorum, þæt he on hrusan ne feol,
fæger foldbold; ac he þæs fæste wæs
innan ond utan irenbendum
searoþoncum besmiþod. þær fram sylle abeag
medubenc monig, mine gefræge,
golde geregnad, þær þa graman wunnon.
þæs ne wendon ær witan Scyldinga
þæt hit a mid gemete manna ænig,
betlic ond banfag, tobrecan meahte,
listum tolucan, nymþe liges fæþm
swulge on swaþule. Sweg up astag
niwe geneahhe; Norðdenum stod
atelic egesa, anra gehwylcum
þara þe of wealle wop gehyrdon,
gryreleoð galan godes ondsacan,
sigeleasne sang, sar wanigean
helle hæfton. Heold hine fæste
se þe manna wæs mægene strengest
on þæm dæge þysses lifes.
Nolde eorla hleo ænige þinga
þone cwealmcuman cwicne forlætan,
ne his lifdagas leoda ænigum
nytte tealde. þær genehost brægd
eorl Beowulfes ealde lafe,
wolde freadrihtnes feorh ealgian,
mæres þeodnes, ðær hie meahton swa.
Hie þæt ne wiston, þa hie gewin drugon,
heardhicgende hildemecgas,
ond on healfa gehwone heawan þohton,
sawle secan, þone synscaðan
ænig ofer eorþan irenna cyst,
guðbilla nan, gretan nolde,
ac he sigewæpnum forsworen hæfde,
ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldorgedal
on ðæm dæge þysses lifes
earmlic wurðan, ond se ellorgast
on feonda geweald feor siðian.
ða þæt onfunde se þe fela æror
modes myrðe manna cynne,
fyrene gefremede (he wæs fag wið god),
þæt him se lichoma læstan nolde,
ac hine se modega mæg Hygelaces
hæfde be honda; wæs gehwæþer oðrum
lifigende lað. Licsar gebad
atol æglæca; him on eaxle wearð
syndolh sweotol, seonowe onsprungon,
burston banlocan. Beowulfe wearð
guðhreð gyfeþe; scolde Grendel þonan
feorhseoc fleon under fenhleoðu,
secean wynleas wic; wiste þe geornor
þæt his aldres wæs ende gegongen,
dogera dægrim. Denum eallum wearð
æfter þam wælræse willa gelumpen.
Hæfde þa gefælsod se þe ær feorran com,
snotor ond swyðferhð, sele Hroðgares,
genered wið niðe; nihtweorce gefeh,
ellenmærþum. Hæfde Eastdenum
Geatmecga leod gilp gelæsted,
swylce oncyþðe ealle gebette,
inwidsorge, þe hie ær drugon
ond for þreanydum þolian scoldon,
torn unlytel. þæt wæs tacen sweotol,
syþðan hildedeor hond alegde,
earm ond eaxle (þær wæs eal geador
Grendles grape) under geapne hrof.
ða wæs on morgen mine gefræge
ymb þa gifhealle guðrinc monig;
ferdon folctogan feorran ond nean
geond widwegas wundor sceawian,
laþes lastas. No his lifgedal
sarlic þuhte secga ænegum
þara þe tirleases trode sceawode,
hu he werigmod on weg þanon,
niða ofercumen, on nicera mere
fæge ond geflymed feorhlastas bær.
ðær wæs on blode brim weallende,
atol yða geswing eal gemenged
haton heolfre, heorodreore weol.
Deaðfæge deog, siððan dreama leas
in fenfreoðo feorh alegde,
hæþene sawle; þær him hel onfeng.
þanon eft gewiton ealdgesiðas,
swylce geong manig of gomenwaþe
fram mere modge mearum ridan,
beornas on blancum. ðær wæs Beowulfes
mærðo mæned; monig oft gecwæð
þætte suð ne norð be sæm tweonum
ofer eormengrund oþer nænig
under swegles begong selra nære
rondhæbbendra, rices wyrðra.
Ne hie huru winedrihten wiht ne logon,
glædne Hroðgar, ac þæt wæs god cyning.
Hwilum heaþorofe hleapan leton,
on geflit faran fealwe mearas
ðær him foldwegas fægere þuhton,
cystum cuðe. Hwilum cyninges þegn,
guma gilphlæden, gidda gemyndig,
se ðe ealfela ealdgesegena
worn gemunde, word oþer fand
soðe gebunden; secg eft ongan
sið Beowulfes snyttrum styrian
ond on sped wrecan spel gerade,
wordum wrixlan. Welhwylc gecwæð
þæt he fram Sigemundes
secgan hyrde
ellendædum, uncuþes fela,
Wælsinges gewin, wide siðas,
þara þe gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston,
fæhðe ond fyrena, buton Fitela mid hine,
þonne he swulces hwæt secgan wolde,
eam his nefan, swa hie a wæron
æt niða gehwam nydgesteallan;
hæfdon ealfela eotena cynnes
sweordum gesæged. Sigemunde gesprong
æfter deaðdæge dom unlytel,
syþðan wiges heard wyrm acwealde,
hordes hyrde. He under harne stan,
æþelinges bearn, ana geneðde
frecne dæde, ne wæs him Fitela mid.
Hwæþre him gesælde ðæt þæt swurd þurhwod
wrætlicne wyrm, þæt hit on wealle ætstod,
dryhtlic iren; draca morðre swealt.
Hæfde aglæca elne gegongen
þæt he beahhordes brucan moste
selfes dome; sæbat gehleod,
bær on bearm scipes beorhte frætwa,
Wælses eafera. Wyrm hat gemealt.
Se wæs wreccena wide mærost
ofer werþeode, wigendra hleo,
ellendædum (he þæs ær onðah),
siððan Heremodes hild sweðrode,
eafoð ond ellen. He mid Eotenum wearð
on feonda geweald forð forlacen,
snude forsended. Hine sorhwylmas
lemede to lange; he his leodum wearð,
eallum æþellingum to aldorceare;
swylce oft bemearn ærran mælum
swiðferhþes sið snotor ceorl monig,
se þe him bealwa to bote gelyfde,
þæt þæt ðeodnes bearn geþeon scolde,
fæderæþelum onfon, folc gehealdan,
hord ond hleoburh, hæleþa rice,
OE Scyldinga. He þær eallum wearð,
mæg Higelaces, manna cynne,
freondum gefægra; hine fyren onwod.
Hwilum flitende fealwe stræte
mearum mæton. ða wæs morgenleoht
scofen ond scynded. Eode scealc monig
swiðhicgende to sele þam hean
searowundor seon; swylce self cyning
of brydbure, beahhorda weard,
tryddode tirfæst getrume micle,
cystum gecyþed, ond his cwen mid him
medostigge mæt mægþa hose.
Hroðgar maþelode (he to healle geong,
stod on stapole, geseah steapne hrof,
golde fahne, ond Grendles hond):
"ðisse ansyne alwealdan þanc
lungre gelimpe! Fela ic laþes gebad,
grynna æt Grendle; a mæg god wyrcan
wunder æfter wundre, wuldres hyrde.
ðæt wæs ungeara þæt ic ænigra me
weana ne wende to widan feore
bote gebidan, þonne blode fah
husa selest heorodreorig stod,
wea widscofen witena gehwylcum
ðara þe ne wendon þæt hie wideferhð
leoda landgeweorc laþum beweredon
scuccum ond scinnum. Nu scealc hafað
þurh drihtnes miht dæd gefremede
ðe we ealle ær ne meahton
snyttrum besyrwan. Hwæt, þæt secgan mæg
efne swa hwylc mægþa swa ðone magan cende
æfter gumcynnum, gyf heo gyt lyfað,
þæt hyre ealdmetod este wære
bearngebyrdo. Nu ic, Beowulf, þec,
secg betsta, me for sunu wylle
freogan on ferhþe; heald forð tela
niwe sibbe. Ne bið þe nænigra gad
worolde wilna, þe ic geweald hæbbe.
Ful oft ic for læssan lean teohhode,
hordweorþunge hnahran rince,
sæmran æt sæcce. þu þe self hafast
dædum gefremed þæt þin dom lyfað
awa to aldre. Alwalda þec
gode forgylde, swa he nu gyt dyde!"
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecþeowes:
"We þæt ellenweorc estum miclum,
feohtan fremedon, frecne geneðdon
eafoð uncuþes. Uþe ic swiþor
þæt ðu hine selfne geseon moste,
feond on frætewum fylwerigne.
Ic hine hrædlice heardan clammum
on wælbedde wriþan þohte,
þæt he for mundgripe
minum scolde
licgean lifbysig, butan his lic swice.
Ic hine ne mihte, þa metod nolde,
ganges getwæman, no ic him þæs georne ætfealh,
feorhgeniðlan; wæs to foremihtig
feond on feþe. Hwæþere he his folme forlet
to lifwraþe last weardian,
earm ond eaxle. No þær ænige swa þeah
feasceaft guma frofre gebohte;
no þy leng leofað laðgeteona,
synnum geswenced, ac hyne sar hafað
nearwe befongen,
balwon bendum. ðær abidan sceal
maga mane fah miclan domes,
hu him scir metod scrifan wille."
ða wæs swigra secg, sunu Eclafes,
on gylpspræce guðgeweorca,
siþðan æþelingas eorles cræfte
ofer heanne hrof hand sceawedon,
feondes fingras. Foran æghwylc wæs,
stiðra nægla gehwylc, style gelicost,
hæþenes handsporu
egl, unheoru. æghwylc gecwæð
þæt him heardra nan hrinan wolde
iren ærgod, þæt ðæs ahlæcan
blodge beadufolme onberan wolde.
ða wæs haten hreþe Heort innanweard
folmum gefrætwod. Fela þæra wæs,
wera ond wifa, þe þæt winreced,
gestsele gyredon. Goldfag scinon
web æfter wagum, wundorsiona fela
secga gehwylcum þara þe on swylc starað.
Wæs þæt beorhte bold tobrocen swiðe,
eal inneweard irenbendum fæst,
heorras tohlidene. Hrof ana genæs,
ealles ansund, þe se aglæca,
fyrendædum fag, on fleam gewand,
aldres orwena. No þæt yðe byð
to befleonne, fremme se þe wille,
ac gesecan sceal sawlberendra,
nyde genydde, niþða bearna,
grundbuendra gearwe stowe,
þær his lichoma legerbedde fæst
swefeþ æfter symle. þa wæs sæl ond mæl
þæt to healle gang Healfdenes sunu;
wolde self cyning symbel þicgan.
Ne gefrægen ic þa mægþe maran weorode
ymb hyra sincgyfan sel gebæran.
Bugon þa to bence blædagande,
fylle gefægon; fægere geþægon
medoful manig magas þara
swiðhicgende on sele þam hean,
Hroðgar ond Hroþulf. Heorot innan wæs
freondum afylled; nalles facenstafas
þeodscyldingas þenden fremedon.
Forgeaf þa Beowulfe
bearn Healfdenes
segen gyldenne sigores to leane;
hroden hildecumbor, helm ond byrnan,
mære maðþumsweord manige gesawon
beforan beorn beran. Beowulf geþah
ful on flette; no he þære feohgyfte
for sceotendum
scamigan ðorfte.
Ne gefrægn ic freondlicor feower madmas
golde gegyrede gummanna fela
in ealobence oðrum gesellan.
Ymb þæs helmes hrof heafodbeorge
wirum bewunden
walu utan heold,
þæt him fela laf frecne ne meahton
scurheard sceþðan, þonne scyldfreca
ongean gramum gangan scolde.
Heht ða eorla hleo eahta mearas
fætedhleore on flet teon,
in under eoderas. þara anum stod
sadol searwum fah, since gewurþad;
þæt wæs hildesetl heahcyninges,
ðonne sweorda gelac sunu Healfdenes
efnan wolde. Næfre on ore læg
widcuþes wig, ðonne walu feollon.
Ond ða Beowulfe bega gehwæþres
eodor Ingwina onweald geteah,
wicga ond wæpna, het hine wel brucan.
Swa manlice mære þeoden,
hordweard hæleþa, heaþoræsas geald
mearum ond madmum, swa hy næfre man lyhð,
se þe secgan wile soð æfter rihte.
ða gyt æghwylcum eorla drihten
þara þe mid Beowulfe
brimlade teah
on þære medubence maþðum gesealde,
yrfelafe, ond þone ænne heht
golde forgyldan, þone ðe Grendel ær
mane acwealde, swa he hyra ma wolde,
nefne him witig god wyrd forstode
ond ðæs mannes mod. Metod eallum weold
gumena cynnes, swa he nu git deð.
Forþan bið andgit æghwær selest,
ferhðes foreþanc. Fela sceal gebidan
leofes ond laþes se þe longe her
on ðyssum windagum worolde bruceð.
þær wæs sang ond sweg samod ætgædere
fore Healfdenes hildewisan,
gomenwudu greted, gid oft wrecen,
ðonne healgamen Hroþgares scop
æfter medobence mænan scolde
be Finnes eaferum, ða hie se fær begeat,
hæleð Healfdena, Hnæf Scyldinga,
in Freswæle feallan scolde.
Ne huru Hildeburh herian þorfte
Eotena treowe; unsynnum wearð
beloren leofum æt þam lindplegan,
bearnum ond broðrum; hie on gebyrd hruron,
gare wunde. þæt wæs geomuru ides!
Nalles holinga Hoces dohtor
meotodsceaft bemearn, syþðan morgen com,
ða heo under swegle geseon meahte
morþorbealo maga, þær heo ær mæste heold
worolde wynne. Wig ealle fornam
Finnes þegnas nemne feaum anum,
þæt he ne mehte on þæm meðelstede
wig Hengeste wiht gefeohtan,
ne þa wealafe wige forþringan
þeodnes ðegna; ac hig him geþingo budon,
þæt hie him oðer flet eal gerymdon,
healle ond heahsetl, þæt hie healfre geweald
wið Eotena bearn agan moston,
ond æt feohgyftum Folcwaldan sunu
dogra gehwylce Dene weorþode,
Hengestes heap hringum wenede
efne swa swiðe sincgestreonum
fættan goldes, swa he Fresena cyn
on beorsele byldan wolde.
ða hie getruwedon on twa healfa
fæste frioðuwære. Fin Hengeste
elne, unflitme aðum benemde
þæt he þa wealafe weotena dome
arum heolde, þæt ðær ænig mon
wordum ne worcum wære ne bræce,
ne þurh inwitsearo æfre gemænden
ðeah hie hira beaggyfan banan folgedon
ðeodenlease, þa him swa geþearfod wæs;
gyf þonne Frysna hwylc
frecnan spræce
ðæs morþorhetes myndgiend wære,
þonne hit sweordes ecg
seðan scolde.
Ad wæs geæfned ond icge gold
ahæfen of horde. Herescyldinga
betst beadorinca wæs on bæl gearu.
æt þæm ade wæs eþgesyne
swatfah syrce, swyn ealgylden,
eofer irenheard, æþeling manig
wundum awyrded; sume on wæle crungon.
Het ða Hildeburh æt Hnæfes ade
hire selfre sunu sweoloðe befæstan,
banfatu bærnan ond on bæl don
eame on eaxle. Ides gnornode,
geomrode giddum. Guðrinc astah.
Wand to wolcnum wælfyra mæst,
hlynode for hlawe; hafelan multon,
bengeato burston, ðonne blod ætspranc,
laðbite lices. Lig ealle forswealg,
gæsta gifrost, þara ðe þær guð fornam
bega folces; wæs hira blæd scacen.
Gewiton him ða wigend wica neosian,
freondum befeallen, Frysland geseon,
hamas ond heaburh. Hengest ða gyt
wælfagne winter wunode mid Finne
eal unhlitme. Eard gemunde,
þeah þe he ne meahte on mere drifan
hringedstefnan; holm storme weol,
won wið winde, winter yþe beleac
isgebinde, oþðæt oþer com
gear in geardas, swa nu gyt deð,
þa ðe syngales sele bewitiað,
wuldortorhtan weder. ða wæs winter scacen,
fæger foldan bearm. Fundode wrecca,
gist of geardum; he to gyrnwræce
swiðor þohte þonne to sælade,
gif he torngemot þurhteon mihte
þæt he Eotena bearn inne gemunde.
Swa he ne forwyrnde woroldrædenne,
þonne him Hunlafing hildeleoman,
billa selest, on bearm dyde,
þæs wæron mid Eotenum ecge cuðe.
Swylce ferhðfrecan Fin eft begeat
sweordbealo sliðen æt his selfes ham,
siþðan grimne gripe Guðlaf ond Oslaf
æfter sæsiðe, sorge, mændon,
ætwiton weana dæl; ne meahte wæfre mod
forhabban in hreþre. ða wæs heal roden
feonda feorum, swilce Fin slægen,
cyning on corþre, ond seo cwen numen.
Sceotend Scyldinga to scypon feredon
eal ingesteald eorðcyninges,
swylce hie æt Finnes ham findan meahton
sigla, searogimma. Hie on sælade
drihtlice wif to Denum feredon,
læddon to leodum. Leoð wæs asungen,
gleomannes gyd. Gamen eft astah,
beorhtode bencsweg; byrelas sealdon
win of wunderfatum. þa cwom Wealhþeo forð
gan under gyldnum beage, þær þa godan twegen
sæton suhtergefæderan; þa gyt wæs hiera sib ætgædere,
æghwylc oðrum trywe. Swylce þær Unferþ þyle
æt fotum sæt frean Scyldinga; gehwylc hiora his ferhþe treowde,
þæt he hæfde mod micel, þeah þe he his magum nære
arfæst æt ecga gelacum. Spræc ða ides Scyldinga:
"Onfoh þissum fulle, freodrihten min,
sinces brytta! þu on sælum wes,
goldwine gumena, ond to Geatum spræc
mildum wordum, swa sceal man don.
Beo wið Geatas glæd, geofena gemyndig,
nean ond feorran þu nu hafast.
Me man sægde þæt þu ðe for sunu wolde
hererinc habban. Heorot is gefælsod,
beahsele beorhta; bruc þenden þu mote
manigra medo, ond þinum magum læf
folc ond rice, þonne ðu forð scyle
metodsceaft seon. Ic minne can
glædne Hroþulf, þæt he þa geogoðe wile
arum healdan, gyf þu ær þonne he,
wine Scildinga, worold oflætest;
wene ic þæt he mid gode gyldan wille
uncran eaferan, gif he þæt eal gemon,
hwæt wit to willan ond to worðmyndum
umborwesendum ær arna gefremedon."
Hwearf þa bi bence þær hyre byre wæron,
Hreðric ond Hroðmund, ond hæleþa bearn,
giogoð ætgædere; þær se goda sæt,
Beowulf Geata, be þæm gebroðrum twæm.
Him wæs ful boren ond freondlaþu
wordum bewægned, ond wunden gold
estum geeawed, earmreade twa,
hrægl ond hringas, healsbeaga mæst
þara þe ic on foldan gefrægen hæbbe.
Nænigne ic under swegle selran hyrde
hordmaððum hæleþa, syþðan Hama ætwæg
to þære byrhtan byrig Brosinga mene,
sigle ond sincfæt; searoniðas fleah
Eormenrices, geceas ecne ræd.
þone hring hæfde Higelac Geata,
nefa Swertinges, nyhstan siðe,
siðþan he under segne sinc ealgode,
wælreaf werede; hyne wyrd fornam,
syþðan he for wlenco wean ahsode,
fæhðe to Frysum. He þa frætwe wæg,
eorclanstanas ofer yða ful,
rice þeoden; he under rande gecranc.
Gehwearf þa in Francna fæþm feorh cyninges,
breostgewædu ond se beah somod;
wyrsan wigfrecan wæl reafedon
æfter guðsceare, Geata leode,
hreawic heoldon. Heal swege onfeng.
Wealhðeo maþelode, heo fore þæm werede spræc:
"Bruc ðisses beages, Beowulf leofa,
hyse, mid hæle, ond þisses hrægles neot,
þeodgestreona, ond geþeoh tela,
cen þec mid cræfte ond þyssum cnyhtum wes
lara liðe; ic þe þæs lean geman.
Hafast þu gefered þæt ðe feor ond neah
ealne wideferhþ weras ehtigað,
efne swa side swa sæ bebugeð,
windgeard, weallas. Wes þenden þu lifige,
æþeling, eadig. Ic þe an tela
sincgestreona. Beo þu suna minum
dædum gedefe, dreamhealdende.
Her is æghwylc eorl oþrum getrywe,
modes milde, mandrihtne hold;
þegnas syndon geþwære, þeod ealgearo,
druncne dryhtguman doð swa ic bidde."
Eode þa to setle. þær wæs symbla cyst;
druncon win weras. Wyrd ne cuþon,
geosceaft grimme, swa hit agangen wearð
eorla manegum, syþðan æfen cwom
ond him Hroþgar gewat to hofe sinum,
rice to ræste. Reced weardode
unrim eorla, swa hie oft ær dydon.
Bencþelu beredon; hit geondbræded wearð
beddum ond bolstrum. Beorscealca sum
fus ond fæge fletræste gebeag.
Setton him to heafdon hilderandas,
bordwudu beorhtan; þær on bence wæs
ofer æþelinge yþgesene
heaþosteapa helm, hringed byrne,
þrecwudu þrymlic. Wæs þeaw hyra
þæt hie oft wæron an wig gearwe,
ge æt ham ge on herge, ge gehwæþer þara,
efne swylce mæla swylce hira mandryhtne
þearf gesælde; wæs seo þeod tilu.
Sigon þa to slæpe. Sum sare angeald
æfenræste, swa him ful oft gelamp,
siþðan goldsele Grendel warode,
unriht æfnde, oþþæt ende becwom,
swylt æfter synnum. þæt gesyne wearþ,
widcuþ werum, þætte wrecend þa gyt
lifde æfter laþum, lange þrage,
æfter guðceare. Grendles modor,
ides, aglæcwif, yrmþe gemunde,
se þe wæteregesan wunian scolde,
cealde streamas, siþðan Cain wearð
to ecgbanan angan breþer,
fæderenmæge; he þa fag gewat,
morþre gemearcod, mandream fleon,
westen warode. þanon woc fela
geosceaftgasta; wæs þæra Grendel sum,
heorowearh hetelic, se æt Heorote fand
wæccendne wer wiges bidan.
þær him aglæca ætgræpe wearð;
hwæþre he gemunde mægenes strenge,
gimfæste gife ðe him god sealde,
ond him to anwaldan are gelyfde,
frofre ond fultum; ðy he þone feond ofercwom,
gehnægde helle gast. þa he hean gewat,
dreame bedæled, deaþwic seon,
mancynnes feond, ond his modor þa gyt,
gifre ond galgmod, gegan wolde
sorhfulne sið, sunu deað wrecan.
Com þa to Heorote, ðær Hringdene
geond þæt sæld swæfun. þa ðær sona wearð
edhwyrft eorlum, siþðan inne fealh
Grendles modor. Wæs se gryre læssa
efne swa micle swa bið mægþa cræft,
wiggryre wifes, be wæpnedmen,
þonne heoru bunden, hamere geþuren,
sweord swate fah swin ofer helme
ecgum dyhttig andweard scireð.
þa wæs on healle heardecg togen
sweord ofer setlum, sidrand manig
hafen handa fæst; helm ne gemunde,
byrnan side, þa hine se broga angeat.
Heo wæs on ofste, wolde ut þanon,
feore beorgan, þa heo onfunden wæs.
Hraðe heo æþelinga anne hæfde
fæste befangen, þa heo to fenne gang.
Se wæs Hroþgare hæleþa leofost
on gesiðes had be sæm tweonum,
rice randwiga, þone ðe heo on ræste abreat,
blædfæstne beorn. Næs Beowulf ðær,
ac wæs oþer in ær geteohhod
æfter maþðumgife mærum Geate.
Hream wearð in Heorote; heo under heolfre genam
cuþe folme; cearu wæs geniwod,
geworden in wicun. Ne wæs þæt gewrixle til,
þæt hie on ba healfa bicgan scoldon
freonda feorum. þa wæs frod cyning,
har hilderinc, on hreon mode,
syðþan he aldorþegn unlyfigendne,
þone deorestan deadne wisse.
Hraþe wæs to bure Beowulf fetod,
sigoreadig secg. Samod ærdæge
eode eorla sum, æþele cempa
self mid gesiðum þær se snotera bad,
hwæþer him alwalda
æfre wille
æfter weaspelle wyrpe gefremman.
Gang ða æfter flore fyrdwyrðe man
mid his handscale (healwudu dynede),
þæt he þone wisan wordum nægde
frean Ingwina, frægn gif him wære
æfter neodlaðum
niht getæse.
Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga:
"Ne frin þu æfter sælum! Sorh is geniwod
Denigea leodum. Dead is æschere,
Yrmenlafes yldra broþor,
min runwita ond min rædbora,
eaxlgestealla, ðonne we on orlege
hafelan weredon, þonne hniton feþan,
eoferas cnysedan.
scolde eorl wesan,
æþeling ærgod, swylc æschere wæs!
Wearð him on Heorote to handbanan
wælgæst wæfre; ic ne wat hwæder
atol æse wlanc eftsiðas teah,
fylle gefægnod. Heo þa fæhðe wræc
þe þu gystran niht Grendel cwealdest
þurh hæstne had heardum clammum,
forþan he to lange leode mine
wanode ond wyrde. He æt wige gecrang
ealdres scyldig, ond nu oþer cwom
mihtig manscaða, wolde hyre mæg wrecan,
ge feor hafað fæhðe gestæled
(þæs þe þincean mæg þegne monegum,
se þe æfter sincgyfan on sefan greoteþ),
hreþerbealo hearde; nu seo hand ligeð,
se þe eow welhwylcra wilna dohte.
Ic þæt londbuend, leode mine,
selerædende, secgan hyrde
þæt hie gesawon swylce twegen
micle mearcstapan moras healdan,
ellorgæstas. ðæra oðer wæs,
þæs þe hie gewislicost gewitan meahton,
idese onlicnæs; oðer earmsceapen
on weres wæstmum wræclastas træd,
næfne he wæs mara þonne ænig man oðer;
þone on geardagum Grendel nemdon
foldbuende. No hie fæder cunnon,
hwæþer him ænig wæs ær acenned
dyrnra gasta. Hie dygel lond
warigeað, wulfhleoþu, windige næssas,
frecne fengelad, ðær fyrgenstream
under næssa genipu niþer gewiteð,
flod under foldan. Nis þæt feor heonon
milgemearces þæt se mere standeð;
ofer þæm hongiað hrinde bearwas,
wudu wyrtum fæst wæter oferhelmað.
þær mæg nihta gehwæm niðwundor seon,
fyr on flode. No þæs frod leofað
gumena bearna, þæt þone grund wite;
ðeah þe hæðstapa hundum geswenced,
heorot hornum trum, holtwudu sece,
feorran geflymed, ær he feorh seleð,
aldor on ofre, ær he in wille
hafelan hydan. Nis þæt heoru stow!
þonon yðgeblond up astigeð
won to wolcnum, þonne wind styreþ,
lað gewidru, oðþæt lyft drysmaþ,
roderas reotað. Nu is se ræd gelang
eft æt þe anum. Eard git ne const,
frecne stowe, ðær þu findan miht
felasinnigne secg; sec gif þu dyrre.
Ic þe þa fæhðe feo leanige,
ealdgestreonum, swa ic ær dyde,
wundnum golde, gyf þu on weg cymest."
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Ne sorga, snotor guma; selre bið æghwæm
þæt he his freond wrece, þonne he fela murne.
Ure æghwylc sceal ende gebidan
worolde lifes; wyrce se þe mote
domes ær deaþe; þæt bið drihtguman
unlifgendum æfter selest.
Aris, rices weard, uton raþe feran
Grendles magan gang sceawigan.
Ic hit þe gehate, no he on helm losaþ,
ne on foldan fæþm, ne on fyrgenholt,
ne on gyfenes grund, ga þær he wille.
ðys dogor þu geþyld hafa
weana gehwylces, swa ic þe wene to."
Ahleop ða se gomela, gode þancode,
mihtigan drihtne, þæs se man gespræc.
þa wæs Hroðgare hors gebæted,
wicg wundenfeax. Wisa fengel
geatolic gende; gumfeþa stop
lindhæbbendra. Lastas wæron
æfter waldswaþum wide gesyne,
gang ofer grundas,
heo gegnum for
ofer myrcan mor, magoþegna bær
þone selestan sawolleasne
þara þe mid Hroðgare ham eahtode.
Ofereode þa æþelinga bearn
steap stanhliðo, stige nearwe,
enge anpaðas, uncuð gelad,
neowle næssas, nicorhusa fela.
He feara sum beforan gengde
wisra monna wong sceawian,
oþþæt he færinga fyrgenbeamas
ofer harne stan hleonian funde,
wynleasne wudu; wæter under stod
dreorig ond gedrefed. Denum eallum wæs,
winum Scyldinga, weorce on mode
to geþolianne, ðegne monegum,
oncyð eorla gehwæm, syðþan æscheres
on þam holmclife hafelan metton.
Flod blode weol (folc to sægon),
hatan heolfre. Horn stundum song
fuslic fyrdleoð. Feþa eal gesæt.
Gesawon ða æfter wætere wyrmcynnes fela,
sellice sædracan, sund cunnian,
swylce on næshleoðum nicras licgean,
ða on undernmæl oft bewitigað
sorhfulne sið on seglrade,
wyrmas ond wildeor; hie on weg hruron,
bitere ond gebolgne, bearhtm ongeaton,
guðhorn galan. Sumne Geata leod
of flanbogan feores getwæfde,
yðgewinnes, þæt him on aldre stod
herestræl hearda; he on holme wæs
sundes þe sænra, ðe hyne swylt fornam.
Hræþe wearð on yðum mid eoferspreotum
heorohocyhtum hearde genearwod,
niða genæged, ond on næs togen,
wundorlic wægbora; weras sceawedon
gryrelicne gist. Gyrede hine Beowulf
eorlgewædum, nalles for ealdre mearn.
Scolde herebyrne hondum gebroden,
sid ond searofah, sund cunnian,
seo ðe bancofan beorgan cuþe,
þæt him hildegrap hreþre ne mihte,
eorres inwitfeng, aldre gesceþðan;
ac se hwita helm hafelan werede,
se þe meregrundas mengan scolde,
secan sundgebland since geweorðad,
befongen freawrasnum, swa hine fyrndagum
worhte wæpna smið, wundrum teode,
besette swinlicum, þæt hine syðþan no
brond ne beadomecas bitan ne meahton.
Næs þæt þonne mætost mægenfultuma
þæt him on ðearfe lah ðyle Hroðgares;
wæs þæm hæftmece Hrunting nama.
þæt wæs an foran ealdgestreona;
ecg wæs iren, atertanum fah,
ahyrded heaþoswate; næfre hit æt hilde ne swac
manna ængum þara þe hit mid mundum bewand,
se ðe gryresiðas gegan dorste,
folcstede fara; næs þæt forma sið
þæt hit ellenweorc æfnan scolde.
Huru ne gemunde mago Ecglafes,
eafoþes cræftig, þæt he ær gespræc
wine druncen, þa he þæs wæpnes onlah
selran sweordfrecan. Selfa ne dorste
under yða gewin aldre geneþan,
drihtscype dreogan; þær he dome forleas,
ellenmærðum. Ne wæs þæm oðrum swa,
syðþan he hine to guðe gegyred hæfde.
Beowulf maðelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Geþenc nu, se mæra maga Healfdenes,
snottra fengel, nu ic eom siðes fus,
goldwine gumena, hwæt wit geo spræcon,
gif ic æt þearfe þinre scolde
aldre linnan, þæt ðu me a wære
forðgewitenum on fæder stæle.
Wes þu mundbora minum magoþegnum,
hondgesellum, gif mec hild nime;
swylce þu ða madmas þe þu me sealdest,
Hroðgar leofa, Higelace onsend.
Mæg þonne on þæm golde ongitan Geata dryhten,
geseon sunu Hrædles, þonne he on þæt sinc starað,
þæt ic gumcystum godne funde
beaga bryttan, breac þonne moste.
Ond þu Unferð læt ealde lafe,
wrætlic wægsweord, widcuðne man
heardecg habban; ic me mid Hruntinge
dom gewyrce, oþðe mec deað nimeð."
æfter þæm wordum Wedergeata leod
efste mid elne, nalas ondsware
bidan wolde; brimwylm onfeng
hilderince. ða wæs hwil dæges
ær he þone grundwong ongytan mehte.
Sona þæt onfunde se ðe floda begong
heorogifre beheold hund missera,
grim ond grædig, þæt þær gumena sum
ælwihta eard ufan cunnode.
Grap þa togeanes, guðrinc gefeng
atolan clommum. No þy ær in gescod
halan lice; hring utan ymbbearh,
þæt heo þone fyrdhom ðurhfon ne mihte,
locene leoðosyrcan laþan fingrum.
Bær þa seo brimwylf, þa heo to botme com,
hringa þengel to hofe sinum,
swa he ne mihte, no he þæs modig wæs,
wæpna gewealdan, ac hine wundra þæs fela
swencte on sunde, sædeor monig
hildetuxum heresyrcan bræc,
ehton aglæcan. ða se eorl ongeat
þæt he in niðsele nathwylcum wæs,
þær him nænig wæter wihte ne sceþede,
ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte
færgripe flodes; fyrleoht geseah,
blacne leoman, beorhte scinan.
Ongeat þa se goda grundwyrgenne,
merewif mihtig; mægenræs forgeaf
sweng ne ofteah,
þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol
grædig guðleoð. ða se gist onfand
þæt se beadoleoma bitan nolde,
aldre sceþðan, ac seo ecg geswac
ðeodne æt þearfe; ðolode ær fela
hondgemota, helm oft gescær,
fæges fyrdhrægl; ða wæs forma sið
deorum madme, þæt his dom alæg.
Eft wæs anræd, nalas elnes læt,
mærða gemyndig mæg Hylaces.
Wearp ða wundenmæl
wrættum gebunden
yrre oretta, þæt hit on eorðan læg,
stið ond stylecg; strenge getruwode,
mundgripe mægenes. Swa sceal man don,
þonne he æt guðe gegan þenceð
longsumne lof, na ymb his lif cearað.
Gefeng þa be eaxle (nalas for fæhðe mearn)
Guðgeata leod Grendles modor;
brægd þa beadwe heard, þa he gebolgen wæs,
feorhgeniðlan, þæt heo on flet gebeah.
Heo him eft hraþe
andlean forgeald
grimman grapum ond him togeanes feng;
oferwearp þa werigmod wigena strengest,
feþecempa, þæt he on fylle wearð.
Ofsæt þa þone selegyst ond hyre seax geteah,
brad ond brunecg, wolde hire bearn wrecan,
angan eaferan. Him on eaxle læg
breostnet broden; þæt gebearh feore,
wið ord ond wið ecge ingang forstod.
Hæfde ða forsiðod sunu Ecgþeowes
under gynne grund, Geata cempa,
nemne him heaðobyrne helpe gefremede,
herenet hearde, ond halig god
geweold wigsigor; witig drihten,
rodera rædend, hit on ryht gesced
yðelice, syþðan he eft astod.
Geseah ða on searwum sigeeadig bil,
eald sweord eotenisc, ecgum þyhtig,
wigena weorðmynd; þæt wæs wæpna cyst,
buton hit wæs mare ðonne ænig mon oðer
to beadulace ætberan meahte,
god ond geatolic, giganta geweorc.
He gefeng þa fetelhilt, freca Scyldinga
hreoh ond heorogrim hringmæl gebrægd,
aldres orwena, yrringa sloh,
þæt hire wið halse heard grapode,
banhringas bræc. Bil eal ðurhwod
fægne flæschoman; heo on flet gecrong.
Sweord wæs swatig, secg weorce gefeh.
Lixte se leoma, leoht inne stod,
efne swa of hefene hadre scineð
rodores candel. He æfter recede wlat;
hwearf þa be wealle, wæpen hafenade
heard be hiltum Higelaces ðegn,
yrre ond anræd. Næs seo ecg fracod
hilderince, ac he hraþe wolde
Grendle forgyldan guðræsa fela
ðara þe he geworhte to Westdenum
oftor micle ðonne on ænne sið,
þonne he Hroðgares heorðgeneatas
sloh on sweofote, slæpende fræt
folces Denigea fyftyne men
ond oðer swylc ut offerede,
laðlicu lac. He him þæs lean forgeald,
reþe cempa, to ðæs þe he on ræste geseah
guðwerigne Grendel licgan
aldorleasne, swa him ær gescod
hild æt Heorote. Hra wide sprong,
syþðan he æfter deaðe drepe þrowade,
heorosweng heardne, ond hine þa heafde becearf.
Sona þæt gesawon snottre ceorlas,
þa ðe mid Hroðgare on holm wliton,
þæt wæs yðgeblond eal gemenged,
brim blode fah. Blondenfeaxe,
gomele ymb godne, ongeador spræcon
þæt hig þæs æðelinges eft ne wendon
þæt he sigehreðig secean come
mærne þeoden; þa ðæs monige gewearð
þæt hine seo brimwylf
abroten hæfde.
ða com non dæges. Næs ofgeafon
hwate Scyldingas; gewat him ham þonon
goldwine gumena. Gistas setan
modes seoce ond on mere staredon,
wiston ond ne wendon þæt hie heora winedrihten
selfne gesawon. þa þæt sweord ongan
æfter heaþoswate hildegicelum,
wigbil wanian. þæt wæs wundra sum,
þæt hit eal gemealt ise gelicost,
ðonne forstes bend fæder onlæteð,
onwindeð wælrapas, se geweald hafað
sæla ond mæla; þæt is soð metod.
Ne nom he in þæm wicum, Wedergeata leod,
maðmæhta ma, þeh he þær monige geseah,
buton þone hafelan ond þa hilt somod
since fage. Sweord ær gemealt,
forbarn brodenmæl; wæs þæt blod to þæs hat,
ættren ellorgæst se þær inne swealt.
Sona wæs on sunde se þe ær æt sæcce gebad
wighryre wraðra, wæter up þurhdeaf.
Wæron yðgebland eal gefælsod,
eacne eardas, þa se ellorgast
oflet lifdagas ond þas lænan gesceaft.
Com þa to lande lidmanna helm
swiðmod swymman; sælace gefeah,
mægenbyrþenne þara þe he him mid hæfde.
Eodon him þa togeanes, gode þancodon,
ðryðlic þegna heap, þeodnes gefegon,
þæs þe hi hyne gesundne geseon moston.
ða wæs of þæm hroran helm ond byrne
lungre alysed. Lagu drusade,
wæter under wolcnum, wældreore fag.
Ferdon forð þonon feþelastum
ferhþum fægne, foldweg mæton,
cuþe stræte. Cyningbalde men
from þæm holmclife hafelan bæron
earfoðlice heora æghwæþrum,
felamodigra; feower scoldon
on þæm wælstenge weorcum geferian
to þæm goldsele Grendles heafod,
oþðæt semninga to sele comon
frome fyrdhwate feowertyne
Geata gongan; gumdryhten mid
modig on gemonge meodowongas træd.
ða com in gan ealdor ðegna,
dædcene mon dome gewurþad,
hæle hildedeor, Hroðgar gretan.
þa wæs be feaxe on flet boren
Grendles heafod, þær guman druncon,
egeslic for eorlum ond þære idese mid,
wliteseon wrætlic; weras on sawon.
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Hwæt! we þe þas sælac, sunu Healfdenes,
leod Scyldinga, lustum brohton
tires to tacne, þe þu her to locast.
Ic þæt unsofte ealdre gedigde
wigge under wætere, weorc geneþde
earfoðlice; ætrihte wæs
guð getwæfed, nymðe mec god scylde.
Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge
wiht gewyrcan, þeah þæt wæpen duge;
ac me geuðe ylda waldend
þæt ic on wage geseah wlitig hangian
eald sweord eacen (oftost wisode
winigea leasum), þæt ic ðy wæpne gebræd.
Ofsloh ða æt þære sæcce, þa me sæl ageald,
huses hyrdas. þa þæt hildebil
forbarn brogdenmæl, swa þæt blod gesprang,
hatost heaþoswata. Ic þæt hilt þanan
feondum ætferede, fyrendæda wræc,
deaðcwealm Denigea, swa hit gedefe wæs.
Ic hit þe þonne gehate, þæt þu on Heorote most
sorhleas swefan mid þinra secga gedryht
ond þegna gehwylc þinra leoda,
duguðe ond iogoþe, þæt þu him ondrædan ne þearft,
þeoden Scyldinga, on þa healfe,
aldorbealu eorlum, swa þu ær dydest."
ða wæs gylden hilt gamelum rince,
harum hildfruman, on hand gyfen,
enta ærgeweorc; hit on æht gehwearf
æfter deofla hryre Denigea frean,
wundorsmiþa geweorc, ond þa þas worold ofgeaf
gromheort guma, godes ondsaca,
morðres scyldig, ond his modor eac,
on geweald gehwearf woroldcyninga
ðæm selestan be sæm tweonum
ðara þe on Scedenigge sceattas dælde.
Hroðgar maðelode, hylt sceawode,
ealde lafe, on ðæm wæs or writen
fyrngewinnes, syðþan flod ofsloh,
gifen geotende, giganta cyn
(frecne geferdon); þæt wæs fremde þeod
ecean dryhtne; him þæs endelean
þurh wæteres wylm waldend sealde.
Swa wæs on ðæm scennum sciran goldes
þurh runstafas rihte gemearcod,
geseted ond gesæd hwam þæt sweord geworht,
irena cyst, ærest wære,
wreoþenhilt ond wyrmfah. ða se wisa spræc
sunu Healfdenes (swigedon ealle):
"þæt, la, mæg secgan se þe soð ond riht
fremeð on folce, feor eal gemon,
eald OEweard, þæt ðes eorl wære
geboren betera! Blæd is aræred
geond widwegas, wine min Beowulf,
ðin ofer þeoda gehwylce. Eal þu hit geþyldum healdest,
mægen mid modes snyttrum. Ic þe sceal mine gelæstan
freode, swa wit furðum spræcon. ðu scealt to frofre weorþan
eal langtwidig leodum þinum,
hæleðum to helpe. Ne wearð Heremod swa
eaforum Ecgwelan, Arscyldingum;
ne geweox he him to willan, ac to wælfealle
ond to deaðcwalum Deniga leodum;
breat bolgenmod beodgeneatas,
eaxlgesteallan, oþþæt he ana hwearf,
mære þeoden, mondreamum from.
ðeah þe hine mihtig god mægenes wynnum,
eafeþum stepte, ofer ealle men
forð gefremede, hwæþere him on ferhþe greow
breosthord blodreow. Nallas beagas geaf
Denum æfter dome; dreamleas gebad
þæt he þæs gewinnes weorc þrowade,
leodbealo longsum. ðu þe lær be þon,
gumcyste ongit; ic þis gid be þe
awræc wintrum frod. Wundor is to secganne
hu mihtig god manna cynne
þurh sidne sefan snyttru bryttað,
eard ond eorlscipe; he ah ealra geweald.
Hwilum he on lufan læteð hworfan
monnes modgeþonc mæran cynnes,
seleð him on eþle eorþan wynne
to healdanne, hleoburh wera,
gedeð him swa gewealdene worolde dælas,
side rice, þæt he his selfa ne mæg
for his unsnyttrum ende geþencean.
Wunað he on wiste; no hine wiht dweleð
adl ne yldo, ne him inwitsorh
on sefan sweorceð, ne gesacu ohwær
ecghete eoweð, ac him eal worold
wendeð on willan (he þæt wyrse ne con),
oðþæt him on innan oferhygda dæl
weaxeð ond wridað. þonne se weard swefeð,
sawele hyrde; bið se slæp to fæst,
bisgum gebunden, bona swiðe neah,
se þe of flanbogan fyrenum sceoteð.
þonne bið on hreþre under helm drepen
biteran stræle (him bebeorgan ne con),
wom wundorbebodum wergan gastes;
þinceð him to lytel þæt he lange heold,
gytsað gromhydig, nallas on gylp seleð
fædde beagas, ond he þa forðgesceaft
forgyteð ond forgymeð, þæs þe him ær god sealde,
wuldres waldend, weorðmynda dæl.
Hit on endestæf eft gelimpeð
þæt se lichoma læne gedreoseð,
fæge gefealleð; fehð oþer to,
se þe unmurnlice madmas dæleþ,
eorles ærgestreon, egesan ne gymeð.
Bebeorh þe ðone bealonið, Beowulf leofa,
secg betsta, ond þe þæt selre geceos,
ece rædas; oferhyda ne gym,
mære cempa. Nu is þines mægnes blæd
ane hwile. Eft sona bið
þæt þec adl oððe ecg eafoþes getwæfeð,
oððe fyres feng, oððe flodes wylm,
oððe gripe meces, oððe gares fliht,
oððe atol yldo; oððe eagena bearhtm
forsiteð ond forsworceð; semninga bið
þæt ðec, dryhtguma, deað oferswyðeð.
Swa ic Hringdena hund missera
weold under wolcnum ond hig wigge beleac
manigum mægþa geond þysne middangeard,
æscum ond ecgum, þæt ic me ænigne
under swegles begong gesacan ne tealde.
Hwæt, me þæs on eþle
edwenden cwom,
gyrn æfter gomene, seoþðan Grendel wearð,
ealdgewinna, ingenga min;
ic þære socne singales wæg
modceare micle. þæs sig metode þanc,
ecean dryhtne, þæs ðe ic on aldre gebad
þæt ic on þone hafelan heorodreorigne
ofer ealdgewin eagum starige!
Ga nu to setle, symbelwynne dreoh
wigge weorþad; unc sceal worn fela
maþma gemænra, siþðan morgen bið."
Geat wæs glædmod, geong sona to
setles neosan, swa se snottra heht.
þa wæs eft swa ær ellenrofum
fletsittendum fægere gereorded
niowan stefne. Nihthelm geswearc
deorc ofer dryhtgumum. Duguð eal aras.
Wolde blondenfeax beddes neosan,
gamela Scylding. Geat unigmetes wel,
rofne randwigan, restan lyste;
sona him seleþegn siðes wergum,
feorrancundum, forð wisade,
se for andrysnum ealle beweotede
þegnes þearfe, swylce þy dogore
heaþoliðende habban scoldon.
Reste hine þa rumheort; reced hliuade
geap ond goldfah; gæst inne swæf
oþþæt hrefn blaca heofones wynne
bliðheort bodode. ða com beorht scacan
scaþan onetton,
wæron æþelingas eft to leodum
fuse to farenne; wolde feor þanon
cuma collenferhð ceoles neosan.
Heht þa se hearda Hrunting beran
sunu Ecglafes, heht his sweord niman,
leoflic iren; sægde him þæs leanes þanc,
cwæð, he þone guðwine godne tealde,
wigcræftigne, nales wordum log
meces ecge; þæt wæs modig secg.
Ond þa siðfrome, searwum gearwe
wigend wæron; eode weorð Denum
æþeling to yppan, þær se oþer wæs,
hæle hildedeor Hroðgar grette.
Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:
"Nu we sæliðend secgan wyllað,
feorran cumene, þæt we fundiaþ
Higelac secan. Wæron her tela
willum bewenede; þu us wel dohtest.
Gif ic þonne on eorþan owihte mæg
þinre modlufan maran tilian,
gumena dryhten, ðonne ic gyt dyde,
guðgeweorca, ic beo gearo sona.
Gif ic þæt gefricge ofer floda begang,
þæt þec ymbsittend egesan þywað,
swa þec hetende hwilum dydon,
ic ðe þusenda þegna bringe,
hæleþa to helpe. Ic on Higelac wat,
Geata dryhten, þeah ðe he geong sy,
folces hyrde, þæt he mec fremman wile
wordum ond worcum, þæt ic þe wel herige
ond þe to geoce garholt bere,
mægenes fultum, þær ðe bið manna þearf.
Gif him þonne Hreþric
to hofum Geata
geþingeð, þeodnes bearn, he mæg þær fela
freonda findan; feorcyþðe beoð
selran gesohte þæm þe him selfa deah."
Hroðgar maþelode him on ondsware:
"þe þa wordcwydas wigtig drihten
on sefan sende; ne hyrde ic snotorlicor
on swa geongum feore guman þingian.
þu eart mægenes strang ond on mode frod,
wis wordcwida. Wen ic talige,
gif þæt gegangeð, þæt ðe gar nymeð,
hild heorugrimme, Hreþles eaferan,
adl oþðe iren ealdor ðinne,
folces hyrde, ond þu þin feorh hafast,
þæt þe Sægeatas selran næbben
to geceosenne cyning ænigne,
hordweard hæleþa, gyf þu healdan wylt
maga rice. Me þin modsefa
licað leng swa wel, leofa Beowulf.
Hafast þu gefered þæt þam folcum sceal,
Geata leodum ond Gardenum,
sib gemæne, ond sacu restan,
inwitniþas, þe hie ær drugon,
wesan, þenden ic wealde widan rices,
maþmas gemæne, manig oþerne
godum gegretan ofer ganotes bæð;
sceal hringnaca ofer heafu bringan
lac ond luftacen. Ic þa leode wat
ge wið feond ge wið freond fæste geworhte,
æghwæs untæle ealde wisan."
ða git him eorla hleo inne gesealde,
mago Healfdenes, maþmas [XII];
het hine mid þæm lacum leode swæse
secean on gesyntum, snude eft cuman.
Gecyste þa cyning æþelum god,
þeoden Scyldinga, ðegn betstan
ond be healse genam; hruron him tearas,
blondenfeaxum. Him wæs bega wen,
ealdum infrodum, oþres swiðor,
þæt hie
geseon moston,
modige on meþle.
Wæs him se man to þon leof
þæt he þone breostwylm forberan ne mehte,
ac him on hreþre hygebendum fæst
æfter deorum men dyrne langað
beorn wið blode. Him Beowulf þanan,
guðrinc goldwlanc, græsmoldan træd
since hremig; sægenga bad
agendfrean, se þe on ancre rad.
þa wæs on gange gifu Hroðgares
oft geæhted; þæt wæs an cyning,
æghwæs orleahtre, oþþæt hine yldo benam
mægenes wynnum, se þe oft manegum scod.
Cwom þa to flode felamodigra,
hægstealdra heap, hringnet bæron,
locene leoðosyrcan. Landweard onfand
eftsið eorla, swa he ær dyde;
no he mid hearme of hliðes nosan
gæstas grette, ac him togeanes rad,
cwæð þæt wilcuman Wedera leodum
scaþan scirhame to scipe foron.
þa wæs on sande sægeap naca
hladen herewædum, hringedstefna,
mearum ond maðmum; mæst hlifade
ofer Hroðgares hordgestreonum.
He þæm batwearde bunden golde
swurd gesealde, þæt he syðþan wæs
on meodubence
maþme þy weorþra,
yrfelafe. Gewat him on naca
drefan deop wæter, Dena land ofgeaf.
þa wæs be mæste merehrægla sum,
segl sale fæst; sundwudu þunede.
No þær wegflotan wind ofer yðum
siðes getwæfde; sægenga for,
fleat famigheals forð ofer yðe,
bundenstefna ofer brimstreamas,
þæt hie Geata clifu ongitan meahton,
cuþe næssas. Ceol up geþrang
lyftgeswenced, on lande stod.
Hraþe wæs æt holme hyðweard geara,
se þe ær lange tid leofra manna
fus æt faroðe feor wlatode;
sælde to sande sidfæþme scip,
oncerbendum fæst, þy læs hym yþa ðrym
wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte.
Het þa up beran æþelinga gestreon,
frætwe ond fætgold; næs him feor þanon
to gesecanne sinces bryttan,
Higelac Hreþling, þær æt ham wunað
selfa mid gesiðum sæwealle neah.
Bold wæs betlic, bregorof cyning,
in healle, Hygd swiðe geong,
wis, welþungen, þeah ðe wintra lyt
under burhlocan gebiden hæbbe,
Hæreþes dohtor; næs hio hnah swa þeah,
ne to gneað gifa Geata leodum,
maþmgestreona. Mod þryðo wæg,
fremu folces cwen, firen ondrysne.
Nænig þæt dorste deor geneþan
swæsra gesiða, nefne sinfrea,
þæt hire an dæges eagum starede,
ac him wælbende weotode tealde
handgewriþene; hraþe seoþðan wæs
æfter mundgripe mece geþinged,
þæt hit sceadenmæl scyran moste,
cwealmbealu cyðan. Ne bið swylc cwenlic þeaw
idese to efnanne, þeah ðe hio ænlicu sy,
þætte freoðuwebbe feores onsæce
æfter ligetorne leofne mannan.
Huru þæt onhohsnode
Hemminges mæg;
ealodrincende oðer sædan,
þæt hio leodbealewa læs gefremede,
inwitniða, syððan ærest wearð
gyfen goldhroden geongum cempan,
æðelum diore, syððan hio Offan flet
ofer fealone flod be fæder lare
siðe gesohte; ðær hio syððan well
in gumstole, gode, mære,
lifgesceafta lifigende breac,
hiold heahlufan wið hæleþa brego,
ealles moncynnes mine gefræge
þone selestan bi sæm tweonum,
eormencynnes. Forðam Offa wæs
geofum ond guðum, garcene man,
wide geweorðod, wisdome heold
eðel sinne; þonon Eomer woc
hæleðum to helpe,
Hemminges mæg,
nefa Garmundes, niða cræftig.
Gewat him ða se hearda mid his hondscole
sylf æfter sande sæwong tredan,
wide waroðas. Woruldcandel scan,
sigel suðan fus. Hi sið drugon,
elne geeodon, to ðæs ðe eorla hleo,
bonan Ongenþeoes burgum in innan,
geongne guðcyning godne gefrunon
hringas dælan. Higelace wæs
sið Beowulfes snude gecyðed,
þæt ðær on worðig wigendra hleo,
lindgestealla, lifigende cwom,
heaðolaces hal to hofe gongan.
Hraðe wæs gerymed, swa se rica bebead,
feðegestum flet innanweard.
Gesæt þa wið sylfne se ða sæcce genæs,
mæg wið mæge, syððan mandryhten
þurh hleoðorcwyde holdne gegrette,
meaglum wordum. Meoduscencum hwearf
geond þæt healreced
Hæreðes dohtor,
lufode ða leode, liðwæge bær
hæleðum to handa. Higelac ongan
sinne geseldan in sele þam hean
fægre fricgcean (hyne fyrwet bræc,
hwylce Sægeata siðas wæron):
"Hu lomp eow on lade, leofa Biowulf,
þa ðu færinga feorr gehogodest
sæcce secean ofer sealt wæter,
hilde to Hiorote? Ac ðu Hroðgare
widcuðne wean wihte gebettest,
mærum ðeodne? Ic ðæs modceare
sorhwylmum seað, siðe ne truwode
leofes mannes; ic ðe lange bæd
þæt ðu þone wælgæst wihte ne grette,
lete Suðdene sylfe geweorðan
guðe wið Grendel. Gode ic þanc secge
þæs ðe ic ðe gesundne geseon moste."
Biowulf maðelode, bearn Ecgðioes:
"þæt is undyrne, dryhten Higelac,
micel gemeting, monegum fira,
uncer Grendles
wearð on ðam wange, þær he worna fela
Sigescyldingum sorge gefremede,
yrmðe to aldre. Ic ðæt eall gewræc,
swa begylpan ne þearf Grendeles maga
ænig ofer eorðan uhthlem þone,
se ðe lengest leofað laðan cynnes,
facne bifongen. Ic ðær furðum cwom
to ðam hringsele Hroðgar gretan;
sona me se mæra mago Healfdenes,
syððan he modsefan minne cuðe,
wið his sylfes sunu setl getæhte.
Weorod wæs on wynne; ne seah ic widan feorh
under heofones hwealf healsittendra
medudream maran. Hwilum mæru cwen,
friðusibb folca, flet eall geondhwearf,
bædde byre geonge; oft hio beahwriðan
secge sealde, ær hie to setle geong.
Hwilum for duguðe
dohtor Hroðgares
eorlum on ende ealuwæge bær;
þa ic Freaware fletsittende
nemnan hyrde, þær hio nægled sinc
hæleðum sealde. Sio gehaten is,
geong, goldhroden, gladum suna Frodan;
hafað þæs geworden wine Scyldinga,
rices hyrde, ond þæt ræd talað,
þæt he mid ðy wife wælfæhða dæl,
sæcca gesette. Oft seldan hwær
æfter leodhryre lytle hwile
bongar bugeð, þeah seo bryd duge!
Mæg þæs þonne ofþyncan
ðeodne Heaðobeardna
ond þegna gehwam þara leoda,
þonne he mid fæmnan on flett gæð,
dryhtbearn Dena, duguða biwenede;
on him gladiað gomelra lafe,
heard ond hringmæl
Heaðabeardna gestreon
þenden hie ðam wæpnum wealdan moston,
oððæt hie forlæddan to ðam lindplegan
swæse gesiðas ond hyra sylfra feorh.
þonne cwið æt beore se ðe beah gesyhð,
eald æscwiga, se ðe eall geman,
garcwealm gumena (him bið grim sefa),
onginneð geomormod geongum cempan
þurh hreðra gehygd higes cunnian,
wigbealu weccean, ond þæt word acwyð:
'Meaht ðu, min wine, mece gecnawan
þone þin fæder to gefeohte bær
under heregriman hindeman siðe,
dyre iren, þær hyne Dene slogon,
weoldon wælstowe, syððan Wiðergyld læg,
æfter hæleþa hryre, hwate Scyldungas?
Nu her þara banena byre nathwylces
frætwum hremig on flet gæð,
morðres gylpeð, ond þone maðþum byreð,
þone þe ðu mid rihte rædan sceoldest.'
Manað swa ond myndgað mæla gehwylce
sarum wordum, oððæt sæl cymeð
þæt se fæmnan þegn fore fæder dædum
æfter billes bite blodfag swefeð,
ealdres scyldig; him se oðer þonan
losað lifigende, con him land geare.
þonne bioð abrocene
on ba healfe
aðsweord eorla;
syððan Ingelde
weallað wælniðas, ond him wiflufan
æfter cearwælmum colran weorðað.
þy ic Heaðobeardna
hyldo ne telge,
dryhtsibbe dæl Denum unfæcne,
freondscipe fæstne. Ic sceal forð sprecan
gen ymbe Grendel, þæt ðu geare cunne,
sinces brytta, to hwan syððan wearð
hondræs hæleða. Syððan heofones gim
glad ofer grundas, gæst yrre cwom,
eatol, æfengrom, user neosan,
ðær we gesunde sæl weardodon.
þær wæs Hondscio
hild onsæge,
feorhbealu fægum; he fyrmest læg,
gyrded cempa; him Grendel wearð,
mærum maguþegne
to muðbonan,
leofes mannes lic eall forswealg.
No ðy ær ut ða gen idelhende
bona blodigtoð, bealewa gemyndig,
of ðam goldsele gongan wolde,
ac he mægnes rof min costode,
grapode gearofolm. Glof hangode
sid ond syllic, searobendum fæst;
sio wæs orðoncum eall gegyrwed
deofles cræftum ond dracan fellum.
He mec þær on innan unsynnigne,
dior dædfruma, gedon wolde
manigra sumne; hyt ne mihte swa,
syððan ic on yrre uppriht astod.
To lang ys to reccenne hu ic
ðam leodsceaðan
yfla gehwylces ondlean forgeald;
þær ic, þeoden min, þine leode
weorðode weorcum. He on weg losade,
lytle hwile lifwynna breac;
hwæþre him sio swiðre swaðe weardade
hand on Hiorte, ond he hean ðonan
modes geomor meregrund gefeoll.
Me þone wælræs wine Scildunga
fættan golde fela leanode,
manegum maðmum, syððan mergen com
ond we to symble geseten hæfdon.
þær wæs gidd ond gleo. Gomela Scilding,
felafricgende, feorran rehte;
hwilum hildedeor hearpan wynne,
gomenwudu grette, hwilum gyd awræc
soð ond sarlic, hwilum syllic spell
rehte æfter rihte rumheort cyning.
Hwilum eft ongan, eldo gebunden,
gomel guðwiga gioguðe cwiðan,
hildestrengo; hreðer inne weoll,
þonne he wintrum frod worn gemunde.
Swa we þær inne ondlangne dæg
niode naman, oððæt niht becwom
oðer to yldum. þa wæs eft hraðe
gearo gyrnwræce Grendeles modor,
siðode sorhfull; sunu deað fornam,
wighete Wedra. Wif unhyre
hyre bearn gewræc, beorn acwealde
ellenlice; þær wæs æschere,
frodan fyrnwitan, feorh uðgenge.
Noðer hy hine ne moston, syððan mergen cwom,
deaðwerigne, Denia leode,
bronde forbærnan, ne on bęl hladan
leofne mannan; hio þæt lic ætbær
feondes fæðmum
under firgenstream.
þæt wæs Hroðgare
hreowa tornost
þara þe leodfruman lange begeate.
þa se ðeoden mec ðine life
healsode hreohmod, þæt ic on holma geþring
eorlscipe efnde, ealdre geneðde,
mærðo fremede; he me mede gehet.
Ic ða ðæs wælmes, þe is wide cuð,
grimne gryrelicne grundhyrde fond;
þær unc hwile wæs hand gemæne,
holm heolfre weoll, ond ic heafde becearf
in ðam guðsele
Grendeles modor
eacnum ecgum, unsofte þonan
feorh oðferede. Næs ic fæge þa gyt,
ac me eorla hleo eft gesealde
maðma menigeo, maga Healfdenes.
Swa se ðeodkyning þeawum lyfde.
Nealles ic ðam leanum forloren hæfde,
mægnes mede, ac he me maðmas geaf,
sunu Healfdenes, on minne sylfes dom;
ða ic ðe, beorncyning, bringan wylle,
estum geywan. Gen is eall æt ðe
lissa gelong; ic lyt hafo
heafodmaga nefne, Hygelac, ðec."
Het ða in beran eaforheafodsegn,
heaðosteapne helm, hare byrnan,
guðsweord geatolic, gyd æfter wræc:
"Me ðis hildesceorp Hroðgar sealde,
snotra fengel, sume worde het
þæt ic his ærest ðe est gesægde;
cwæð þæt hyt hæfde Hiorogar cyning,
leod Scyldunga lange hwile;
no ðy ær suna sinum syllan wolde,
hwatum Heorowearde, þeah he him hold wære,
breostgewædu. Bruc ealles well!"
Hyrde ic þæt þam frætwum feower mearas
lungre, gelice, last weardode,
æppelfealuwe; he him est geteah
meara ond maðma. Swa sceal mæg don,
nealles inwitnet oðrum bregdon
dyrnum cræfte, deað renian
hondgesteallan. Hygelace wæs,
niða heardum, nefa swyðe hold,
ond gehwæðer oðrum hroþra gemyndig.
Hyrde ic þæt he ðone healsbeah Hygde gesealde,
wrætlicne wundurmaððum, ðone þe him Wealhðeo geaf,
ðeodnes dohtor, þrio wicg somod
swancor ond sadolbeorht; hyre syððan wæs
æfter beahðege
breost geweorðod.
Swa bealdode bearn Ecgðeowes,
guma guðum cuð, godum dædum,
dreah æfter dome, nealles druncne slog
heorðgeneatas; næs him hreoh sefa,
ac he mancynnes mæste cræfte
ginfæstan gife, þe him god sealde,
heold hildedeor. Hean wæs lange,
swa hyne Geata bearn godne ne tealdon,
ne hyne on medobence micles wyrðne
gedon wolde;
swyðe wendon
þæt he sleac wære,
æðeling unfrom. Edwenden cwom
tireadigum menn torna gehwylces.
Het ða eorla hleo in gefetian,
heaðorof cyning, Hreðles lafe
golde gegyrede; næs mid Geatum ða
sincmaðþum selra on sweordes had;
þæt he on Biowulfes bearm alegde
ond him gesealde seofan þusendo,
bold ond bregostol. Him wæs bam samod
on ðam leodscipe lond gecynde,
eard, eðelriht, oðrum swiðor
side rice þam ðær selra wæs.
Eft þæt geiode ufaran dogrum
hildehlæmmum, syððan Hygelac læg
ond Heardrede
under bordhreoðan to bonan wurdon,
ða hyne gesohtan on sigeþeode
hearde hildefrecan, Heaðoscilfingas,
niða genægdan nefan Hererices,
syððan Beowulfe brade rice
on hand gehwearf; he geheold tela
fiftig wintra (wæs ða frod cyning,
eald eþelweard), oððæt an ongan
deorcum nihtum draca ricsian,
se ðe on heaum hofe hord beweotode,
stanbeorh steapne; stig under læg,
eldum uncuð. þær on innan giong
niða nathwylc,
neh gefeng
hæðnum horde, hond [...],
since fahne. He þæt syððan [...],
he slæpende
þeofes cræfte; þæt sie ðiod onfand,
bufolc beorna, þæt he gebolgen wæs.
Nealles mid gewealdum
wyrmhord abræc
sylfes willum, se ðe him sare gesceod,
ac for þreanedlan
þeow nathwylces
hæleða bearna heteswengeas fleah,
ærnes þearfa, ond ðær inne fealh,
secg synbysig, sona onfunde
þæt þær ðam gyste
gryrebroga stod;
hwæðre earmsceapen
þa hyne se fær begeat.
Sincfæt [...]; þær wæs swylcra fela
in ðam eorðhuse
swa hy on geardagum gumena nathwylc,
eormenlafe æþelan cynnes,
þanchycgende þær gehydde,
deore maðmas. Ealle hie deað fornam
ærran mælum, ond se an ða gen
leoda duguðe, se ðær lengest hwearf,
weard winegeomor, wende þæs ylcan,
þæt he lytel fæc longgestreona
brucan moste. Beorh eallgearo
wunode on wonge wæteryðum neah,
niwe be næsse, nearocræftum fæst.
þær on innan bær eorlgestreona
hringa hyrde
hordwyrðne dæl,
fættan goldes, fea worda cwæð:
"Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne moston,
eorla æhte! Hwæt, hyt ær on ðe
gode begeaton. Guðdeað fornam,
feorhbealo frecne,
fyra gehwylcne
leoda minra,
þara ðe þis lif ofgeaf,
gesawon seledream.
Ic nah hwa sweord wege
oððe feormie
fæted wæge,
dryncfæt deore;
duguð ellor sceoc.
Sceal se hearda helm
hyrsted golde
fætum befeallen; feormynd swefað,
þa ðe beadogriman bywan sceoldon,
ge swylce seo herepad, sio æt hilde gebad
ofer borda gebræc bite irena,
brosnað æfter beorne. Ne mæg byrnan hring
æfter wigfruman wide feran,
hæleðum be healfe. Næs hearpan wyn,
gomen gleobeames, ne god hafoc
geond sæl swingeð, ne se swifta mearh
burhstede beateð. Bealocwealm hafað
fela feorhcynna forð onsended!"
Swa giomormod giohðo mænde
an æfter eallum, unbliðe hwearf
dæges ond nihtes, oððæt deaðes wylm
hran æt heortan. Hordwynne fond
eald uhtsceaða opene standan,
se ðe byrnende biorgas seceð,
nacod niðdraca, nihtes fleogeð
fyre befangen; hyne foldbuend
ondrædað. He gesecean sceall
hrusan, þær he hæðen gold
warað wintrum frod, ne byð him wihte ðy sel.
Swa se ðeodsceaða þreo hund wintra
heold on hrusan
hordærna sum,
eacencræftig, oððæt hyne an abealch
mon on mode; mandryhtne bær
fæted wæge, frioðowære bæd
hlaford sinne. ða wæs hord rasod,
onboren beaga hord, bene getiðad
feasceaftum men. Frea sceawode
fira fyrngeweorc forman siðe.
þa se wyrm onwoc, wroht wæs geniwad;
stonc ða æfter stane, stearcheort onfand
feondes fotlast; he to forð gestop
dyrnan cræfte dracan heafde neah.
Swa mæg unfæge eaðe gedigan
wean ond wræcsið, se ðe waldendes
hyldo gehealdeþ! Hordweard sohte
georne æfter grunde, wolde guman findan,
þone þe him on sweofote sare geteode,
hat ond hreohmod
hlæw oft ymbehwearf
ealne utanweardne, ne ðær ænig mon
on þære westenne; hwæðre wiges gefeh,
beaduwe weorces, hwilum on beorh æthwearf,
sincfæt sohte. He þæt sona onfand
ðæt hæfde gumena sum goldes gefandod,
heahgestreona. Hordweard onbad
earfoðlice oððæt æfen cwom;
wæs ða gebolgen beorges hyrde,
wolde se laða lige forgyldan
drincfæt dyre. þa wæs dæg sceacen
wyrme on willan; no on wealle læg,
bidan wolde, ac mid bæle for,
fyre gefysed. Wæs se fruma egeslic
leodum on lande, swa hyt lungre wearð
on hyra sincgifan sare geendod.
ða se gæst ongan gledum spiwan,
beorht hofu bærnan; bryneleoma stod
eldum on andan. No ðær aht cwices
lað lyftfloga læfan wolde.
Wæs þæs wyrmes wig wide gesyne,
nearofages nið nean ond feorran,
hu se guðsceaða Geata leode
hatode ond hynde; hord eft gesceat,
dryhtsele dyrnne, ær dæges hwile.
Hæfde landwara lige befangen,
bæle ond bronde, beorges getruwode,
wiges ond wealles; him seo wen geleah.
þa wæs Biowulfe broga gecyðed
snude to soðe, þæt his sylfes ham,
bolda selest, brynewylmum mealt,
gifstol Geata. þæt ðam godan wæs
hreow on hreðre, hygesorga mæst;
wende se wisa þæt he wealdende
ofer ealde riht, ecean dryhtne,
bitre gebulge. Breost innan weoll
þeostrum geþoncum, swa him geþywe ne wæs.
Hæfde ligdraca leoda fæsten,
ealond utan, eorðweard ðone
gledum forgrunden; him ðæs guðkyning,
Wedera þioden, wræce leornode.
Heht him þa gewyrcean wigendra hleo
eallirenne, eorla dryhten,
wigbord wrætlic; wisse he gearwe
þæt him holtwudu
helpan ne meahte,
lind wið lige. Sceolde lændaga
æþeling ærgod ende gebidan,
worulde lifes, ond se wyrm somod,
þeah ðe hordwelan heolde lange.
Oferhogode ða hringa fengel
þæt he þone widflogan weorode gesohte,
sidan herge; no he him þa sæcce ondred,
ne him þæs wyrmes wig for wiht dyde,
eafoð ond ellen, forðon he ær fela
nearo neðende niða gedigde,
hildehlemma, syððan he Hroðgares,
sigoreadig secg, sele fælsode
ond æt guðe forgrap Grendeles mægum
laðan cynnes. No þæt læsest wæs
hondgemota, þær mon Hygelac sloh,
syððan Geata cyning guðe ræsum,
freawine folca Freslondum on,
Hreðles eafora hiorodryncum swealt,
bille gebeaten. þonan Biowulf com
sylfes cræfte, sundnytte dreah;
hæfde him on earme
ana [XXX]
hildegeatwa, þa he to holme beag.
Nealles Hetware hremge þorfton
feðewiges, þe him foran ongean
linde bæron; lyt eft becwom
fram þam hildfrecan hames niosan.
Oferswam ða sioleða bigong sunu Ecgðeowes,
earm anhaga, eft to leodum;
þær him Hygd gebead hord ond rice,
beagas ond bregostol, bearne ne truwode
þæt he wið ælfylcum eþelstolas
healdan cuðe, ða wæs Hygelac dead.
No ðy ær feasceafte findan meahton
æt ðam æðelinge ænige ðinga,
þæt he Heardrede hlaford wære
oððe þone cynedom ciosan wolde;
hwæðre he him on folce freondlarum heold,
estum mid are, oððæt he yldra wearð,
Wedergeatum weold. Hyne wræcmæcgas
ofer sæ sohtan, suna Ohteres;
hæfdon hy forhealden helm Scylfinga,
þone selestan sæcyninga
þara ðe in Swiorice sinc brytnade,
mærne þeoden. Him þæt to mearce wearð;
he þær for feorme feorhwunde hleat
sweordes swengum, sunu Hygelaces,
ond him eft gewat Ongenðioes bearn
hames niosan, syððan Heardred læg,
let ðone bregostol Biowulf healdan,
Geatum wealdan. þæt wæs god cyning!
Se ðæs leodhryres lean gemunde
uferan dogrum, Eadgilse wearð
feasceaftum freond, folce gestepte
ofer sæ side sunu Ohteres,
wigum ond wæpnum; he gewræc syððan
cealdum cearsiðum, cyning ealdre bineat.
Swa he niða gehwane genesen hæfde,
sliðra geslyhta, sunu Ecgðiowes,
ellenweorca, oð ðone anne dæg
þe he wið þam wyrme gewegan sceolde.
Gewat þa [XII]a sum torne gebolgen
dryhten Geata dracan sceawian.
Hæfde þa gefrunen hwanan sio fæhð aras,
bealonið biorna; him to bearme cwom
maðþumfæt mære þurh ðæs meldan hond.
Se wæs on ðam ðreate þreotteoða secg,
se ðæs orleges or onstealde,
hæft hygegiomor, sceolde hean ðonon
wong wisian. He ofer willan giong
to ðæs ðe he eorðsele anne wisse,
hlæw under hrusan holmwylme neh,
yðgewinne; se wæs innan full
wrætta ond wira. Weard unhiore,
gearo guðfreca, goldmaðmas heold,
eald under eorðan. Næs þæt yðe ceap
to gegangenne gumena ænigum!
Gesæt ða on næsse niðheard cyning,
þenden hælo abead heorðgeneatum,
goldwine Geata. Him wæs geomor sefa,
wæfre ond wælfus, wyrd ungemete neah,
se ðone gomelan gretan sceolde,
secean sawle hord, sundur gedælan
lif wið lice, no þon lange wæs
feorh æþelinges flæsce bewunden.
Biowulf maþelade, bearn Ecgðeowes:
"Fela ic on giogoðe guðræsa genæs,
orleghwila; ic þæt eall gemon.
Ic wæs syfanwintre, þa mec sinca baldor,
freawine folca, æt minum fæder genam;
heold mec ond hæfde Hreðel cyning,
geaf me sinc ond symbel, sibbe gemunde.
Næs ic him to life laðra owihte,
beorn in burgum, þonne his bearna hwylc,
Herebeald ond Hæðcyn oððe Hygelac min.
Wæs þam yldestan ungedefelice
mæges dædum morþorbed stred,
syððan hyne Hæðcyn of hornbogan,
his freawine, flane geswencte,
miste mercelses ond his mæg ofscet,
broðor oðerne blodigan gare.
þæt wæs feohleas gefeoht, fyrenum gesyngad,
hreðre hygemeðe; sceolde hwæðre swa þeah
æðeling unwrecen ealdres linnan.
Swa bið geomorlic gomelum ceorle
to gebidanne, þæt his byre ride
giong on galgan, þonne he gyd wrece,
sarigne sang, þonne his sunu hangað
hrefne to hroðre, ond he him helpe ne mæg,
eald ond infrod, ænige gefremman.
Symble bið gemyndgad morna gehwylce
eaforan ellorsið; oðres ne gymeð
to gebidanne burgum in innan
yrfeweardas, þonne se an hafað
þurh deaðes nyd dæda gefondad.
Gesyhð sorhcearig on his suna bure
winsele westne, windge reste
reote berofene. Ridend swefað,
hæleð in hoðman; nis þær hearpan sweg,
gomen in geardum, swylce ðær iu wæron.
Gewiteð þonne on sealman, sorhleoð gæleð
an æfter anum; þuhte him eall to rum,
wongas ond wicstede. Swa Wedra helm
æfter Herebealde heortan sorge
weallende wæg. Wihte ne meahte
on ðam feorhbonan fæghðe gebetan;
no ðy ær he þone heaðorinc hatian ne meahte
laðum dædum, þeah him leof ne wæs.
He ða mid þære sorhge, þe him swa sar belamp,
gumdream ofgeaf, godes leoht geceas,
eaferum læfde, swa deð eadig mon,
lond ond leodbyrig, þa he of life gewat.
þa wæs synn ond sacu Sweona ond Geata
ofer wid wæter, wroht gemæne,
herenið hearda, syððan Hreðel swealt,
oððe him Ongenðeowes eaferan wæran
frome, fyrdhwate, freode ne woldon
ofer heafo healdan, ac ymb Hreosnabeorh
eatolne inwitscear oft gefremedon.
þæt mægwine mine gewræcan,
fæhðe ond fyrene, swa hyt gefræge wæs,
þeah ðe oðer his ealdre gebohte,
heardan ceape; Hæðcynne wearð,
Geata dryhtne, guð onsæge.
þa ic on morgne gefrægn mæg oðerne
billes ecgum on bonan stælan,
þær Ongenþeow Eofores niosað.
Guðhelm toglad, gomela Scylfing
hreas hildeblac; hond gemunde
fæhðo genoge, feorhsweng ne ofteah.
Ic him þa maðmas, þe he me sealde,
geald æt guðe, swa me gifeðe wæs,
leohtan sweorde; he me lond forgeaf,
eard, eðelwyn. Næs him ænig þearf
þæt he to Gifðum oððe to Gardenum
oððe in Swiorice secean þurfe
wyrsan wigfrecan, weorðe gecypan.
Symle ic him on feðan beforan wolde,
ana on orde, ond swa to aldre sceall
sæcce fremman, þenden þis sweord þolað,
þæt mec ær ond sið oft gelæste.
Syððan ic for dugeðum Dæghrefne wearð
to handbonan, Huga cempan;
nalles he ða frætwe
breostweorðunge, bringan moste,
ac in compe gecrong cumbles hyrde,
æþeling on elne; ne wæs ecg bona,
ac him hildegrap heortan wylmas,
banhus gebræc. Nu sceall billes ecg,
hond ond heard sweord, ymb hord wigan."
Beowulf maðelode, beotwordum spræc
niehstan siðe: "Ic geneðde fela
guða on geogoðe; gyt ic wylle,
frod folces weard, fæhðe secan,
mærðu fremman, gif mec se mansceaða
of eorðsele ut geseceð."
Gegrette ða gumena gehwylcne,
hwate helmberend, hindeman siðe,
swæse gesiðas: "Nolde ic sweord beran,
wæpen to wyrme, gif ic wiste hu
wið ðam aglæcean elles meahte
gylpe wiðgripan, swa ic gio wið Grendle dyde.
Ac ic ðær heaðufyres hates wene,
oreðes ond attres; forðon ic me on hafu
bord ond byrnan. Nelle ic beorges weard
forfleon fotes trem, ac unc furður sceal
weorðan æt wealle, swa unc wyrd geteoð,
metod manna gehwæs. Ic eom on mode from
þæt ic wið þone guðflogan gylp ofersitte.
Gebide ge on beorge byrnum werede,
secgas on searwum, hwæðer sel mæge
æfter wælræse wunde gedygan
uncer twega. Nis þæt eower sið
ne gemet mannes, nefne min anes,
þæt he wið aglæcean eofoðo dæle,
eorlscype efne. Ic mid elne sceall
gold gegangan, oððe guð nimeð,
feorhbealu frecne, frean eowerne!"
Aras ða bi ronde rof oretta,
heard under helme, hiorosercean bær
under stancleofu, strengo getruwode
anes mannes. Ne bið swylc earges sið!
Geseah ða be wealle se ðe worna fela,
gumcystum god, guða gedigde,
hildehlemma, þonne hnitan feðan,
stondan stanbogan, stream ut þonan
brecan of beorge. Wæs þære burnan wælm
heaðofyrum hat; ne meahte horde neah
unbyrnende ænige hwile
deop gedygan for dracan lege.
Let ða of breostum, ða he gebolgen wæs,
Wedergeata leod word ut faran,
stearcheort styrmde; stefn in becom
heaðotorht hlynnan under harne stan.
Hete wæs onhrered, hordweard oncniow
mannes reorde; næs ðær mara fyrst
freode to friclan. From ærest cwom
oruð aglæcean ut of stane,
hat hildeswat. Hruse dynede.
Biorn under beorge bordrand onswaf
wið ðam gryregieste, Geata dryhten;
ða wæs hringbogan heorte gefysed
sæcce to seceanne. Sweord ær gebræd
god guðcyning, gomele lafe,
ecgum unslaw; æghwæðrum wæs
bealohycgendra broga fram oðrum.
Stiðmod gestod
wið steapne rond
winia bealdor, ða se wyrm gebeah
snude tosomne; he on searwum bad.
Gewat ða byrnende gebogen scriðan,
to gescipe scyndan. Scyld wel gebearg
life ond lice læssan hwile
mærum þeodne þonne his myne sohte,
ðær he þy fyrste, forman dogore
wealdan moste swa him wyrd ne gescraf
hreð æt hilde. Hond up abræd
Geata dryhten, gryrefahne sloh
incgelafe, þæt sio ecg gewac
brun on bane, bat unswiðor
þonne his ðiodcyning þearfe hæfde,
bysigum gebæded. þa wæs beorges weard
æfter heaðuswenge on hreoum mode,
wearp wælfyre; wide sprungon
hildeleoman. Hreðsigora ne gealp
goldwine Geata; guðbill geswac,
nacod æt niðe, swa hyt no sceolde,
iren ærgod. Ne wæs þæt eðe sið,
þæt se mæra maga Ecgðeowes
grundwong þone ofgyfan wolde;
sceolde ofer willan wic eardian
elles hwergen, swa sceal æghwylc mon
alætan lændagas. Næs ða long to ðon
þæt ða aglæcean hy eft gemetton.
Hyrte hyne hordweard (hreðer æðme weoll)
niwan stefne; nearo ðrowode,
fyre befongen, se ðe ær folce weold.
Nealles him on heape
æðelinga bearn, ymbe gestodon
hildecystum, ac hy on holt bugon,
ealdre burgan. Hiora in anum weoll
sefa wið sorgum; sibb æfre ne mæg
wiht onwendan þam ðe wel þenceð.
Wiglaf wæs haten Weoxstanes sunu,
leoflic lindwiga, leod Scylfinga,
mæg ælfheres; geseah his mondryhten
under heregriman hat þrowian.
Gemunde ða ða are þe he him ær forgeaf,
wicstede weligne Wægmundinga,
folcrihta gehwylc, swa his fæder ahte.
Ne mihte ða forhabban; hond rond gefeng,
geolwe linde, gomel swyrd geteah,
þæt wæs mid eldum Eanmundes laf,
suna Ohteres. þam æt sæcce wearð,
wræccan wineleasum,
Weohstan bana
meces ecgum, ond his magum ætbær
brunfagne helm, hringde byrnan,
eald sweord etonisc; þæt him Onela forgeaf,
his gædelinges guðgewædu,
fyrdsearo fuslic, no ymbe ða fæhðe spræc,
þeah ðe he his broðor bearn abredwade.
He frætwe geheold fela missera,
bill ond byrnan, oððæt his byre mihte
eorlscipe efnan swa his ærfæder;
geaf him ða mid Geatum guðgewæda,
æghwæs unrim, þa he of ealdre gewat,
frod on forðweg. þa wæs forma sið
geongan cempan, þæt he guðe ræs
mid his freodryhtne fremman sceolde.
Ne gemealt him se modsefa, ne his mæges laf
gewac æt wige;
þæt se wyrm onfand,
syððan hie togædre gegan hæfdon.
Wiglaf maðelode, wordrihta fela
sægde gesiðum (him wæs sefa geomor):
"Ic ðæt mæl geman, þær we medu þegun,
þonne we geheton
ussum hlaforde
in biorsele, ðe us ðas beagas geaf,
þæt we him ða guðgetawa gyldan woldon
gif him þyslicu þearf gelumpe,
helmas ond heard sweord. ðe he usic on herge geceas
to ðyssum siðfate sylfes willum,
onmunde usic mærða, ond me þas maðmas geaf,
þe he usic garwigend gode tealde,
hwate helmberend, þeah ðe hlaford us
þis ellenweorc ana aðohte
to gefremmanne, folces hyrde,
for ðam he manna mæst mærða gefremede,
dæda dollicra. Nu is se dæg cumen
þæt ure mandryhten mægenes behofað,
godra guðrinca; wutun gongan to,
helpan hildfruman, þenden hyt sy,
gledegesa grim. God wat on mec
þæt me is micle leofre þæt minne lichaman
mid minne goldgyfan gled fæðmie.
Ne þynceð me gerysne þæt we rondas beren
eft to earde, nemne we æror mægen
fane gefyllan, feorh ealgian
Wedra ðeodnes. Ic wat geare
þæt næron ealdgewyrht, þæt he ana scyle
Geata duguðe gnorn þrowian,
gesigan æt sæcce; urum sceal sweord ond helm,
byrne ond beaduscrud, bam gemæne."
Wod þa þurh þone wælrec, wigheafolan bær
frean on fultum, fea worda cwæð:
"Leofa Biowulf, læst eall tela,
swa ðu on geoguðfeore geara gecwæde
þæt ðu ne alæte be ðe lifigendum
dom gedreosan. Scealt nu dædum rof,
æðeling anhydig, ealle mægene
feorh ealgian; ic ðe fullæstu."
æfter ðam wordum wyrm yrre cwom,
atol inwitgæst, oðre siðe
fyrwylmum fah fionda niosian,
laðra manna; ligyðum for.
Born bord wið rond, byrne ne meahte
geongum garwigan geoce gefremman,
ac se maga geonga under his mæges scyld
elne geeode, þa his agen wæs
gledum forgrunden. þa gen guðcyning
mærða gemunde, mægenstrengo sloh
hildebille, þæt hyt on heafolan stod
niþe genyded; Nægling forbærst,
geswac æt sæcce sweord Biowulfes,
gomol ond grægmæl. Him þæt gifeðe ne wæs
þæt him irenna ecge mihton
helpan æt hilde; wæs sio hond to strong,
se ðe meca gehwane, mine gefræge,
swenge ofersohte, þonne he to sæcce bær
wæpen wundrum heard; næs him wihte ðe sel.
þa wæs þeodsceaða þriddan siðe,
frecne fyrdraca, fæhða gemyndig,
ræsde on ðone rofan, þa him rum ageald,
hat ond heaðogrim, heals ealne ymbefeng
biteran banum; he geblodegod wearð
sawuldriore, swat yðum weoll.
ða ic æt þearfe gefrægn
andlongne eorl ellen cyðan,
cræft ond cenðu, swa him gecynde wæs.
Ne hedde he þæs heafolan, ac sio hand gebarn
modiges mannes, þær he his mæges healp,
þæt he þone niðgæst nioðor hwene sloh,
secg on searwum, þæt ðæt sweord gedeaf,
fah ond fæted, þæt ðæt fyr ongon
sweðrian syððan. þa gen sylf cyning
geweold his gewitte, wællseaxe gebræd
biter ond beaduscearp, þæt he on byrnan wæg;
forwrat Wedra helm wyrm on middan.
Feond gefyldan (ferh ellen wræc),
ond hi hyne þa begen abroten hæfdon,
sibæðelingas. Swylc sceolde secg wesan,
þegn æt ðearfe! þæt ðam þeodne wæs
siðast sigehwila sylfes dædum,
worlde geweorces. ða sio wund ongon,
þe him se eorðdraca ær geworhte,
swelan ond swellan; he þæt sona onfand,
þæt him on breostum
bealoniðe weoll
attor on innan. ða se æðeling giong
þæt he bi wealle wishycgende
gesæt on sesse; seah on enta geweorc,
hu ða stanbogan stapulum fæste
ece eorðreced innan healde.
Hyne þa mid handa heorodreorigne,
þeoden mærne, þegn ungemete till
winedryhten his wætere gelafede,
hilde sædne, ond his helm onspeon.
Biowulf maþelode (he ofer benne spræc,
wunde wælbleate; wisse he gearwe
þæt he dæghwila gedrogen hæfde,
eorðan wynne; ða wæs eall sceacen
dogorgerimes, deað ungemete neah):
"Nu ic suna minum syllan wolde
guðgewædu, þær me gifeðe swa
ænig yrfeweard æfter wurde
lice gelenge. Ic ðas leode heold
fiftig wintra; næs se folccyning,
ymbesittendra ænig ðara,
þe mec guðwinum gretan dorste,
egesan ðeon. Ic on earde bad
mælgesceafta, heold min tela,
ne sohte searoniðas, ne me swor fela
aða on unriht. Ic ðæs ealles mæg
feorhbennum seoc gefean habban;
for ðam me witan ne ðearf waldend fira
morðorbealo maga, þonne min sceaceð
lif of lice. Nu ðu lungre geong
hord sceawian under harne stan,
Wiglaf leofa, nu se wyrm ligeð,
swefeð sare wund, since bereafod.
Bio nu on ofoste, þæt ic ærwelan,
goldæht ongite, gearo sceawige
swegle searogimmas, þæt ic ðy seft mæge
æfter maððumwelan min alætan
lif ond leodscipe, þone ic longe heold."
ða ic snude gefrægn sunu Wihstanes
æfter wordcwydum wundum dryhtne
hyran heaðosiocum, hringnet beran,
brogdne beadusercean
under beorges hrof.
Geseah ða sigehreðig, þa he bi sesse geong,
magoþegn modig maððumsigla fealo,
gold glitinian grunde getenge,
wundur on wealle, ond þæs wyrmes denn,
ealdes uhtflogan, orcas stondan,
fyrnmanna fatu feormendlease,
hyrstum behrorene; þær wæs helm monig
eald ond omig, earmbeaga fela
searwum gesæled. Sinc eaðe mæg,
gold on grunde, gumcynnes gehwone
oferhigian, hyde se ðe wylle.
Swylce he siomian geseah segn eallgylden
heah ofer horde, hondwundra mæst,
gelocen leoðocræftum; of ðam leoma stod,
þæt he þone grundwong ongitan meahte,
wræte giondwlitan. Næs ðæs wyrmes þær
onsyn ænig, ac hyne ecg fornam.
ða ic on hlæwe gefrægn hord reafian,
eald enta geweorc, anne mannan,
him on bearm hladon
bunan ond discas
sylfes dome; segn eac genom,
beacna beorhtost. Bill ær gescod
(ecg wæs iren) ealdhlafordes
þam ðara maðma mundbora wæs
longe hwile, ligegesan wæg
hatne for horde, hioroweallende
middelnihtum, oðþæt he morðre swealt.
Ar wæs on ofoste, eftsiðes georn,
frætwum gefyrðred; hyne fyrwet bræc,
hwæðer collenferð cwicne gemette
in ðam wongstede Wedra þeoden
ellensiocne, þær he hine ær forlet.
He ða mid þam maðmum mærne þioden,
dryhten sinne, driorigne fand
ealdres æt ende; he hine eft ongon
wæteres weorpan, oðþæt wordes ord
breosthord þurhbræc.
gomel on giohðe
(gold sceawode):
"Ic ðara frætwa frean ealles ðanc,
wuldurcyninge, wordum secge,
ecum dryhtne, þe ic her on starie,
þæs ðe ic moste minum leodum
ær swyltdæge swylc gestrynan.
Nu ic on maðma hord
mine bebohte
frode feorhlege, fremmað gena
leoda þearfe; ne mæg ic her leng wesan.
Hatað heaðomære hlæw gewyrcean
beorhtne æfter bæle æt brimes nosan;
se scel to gemyndum minum leodum
heah hlifian on Hronesnæsse,
þæt hit sæliðend syððan hatan
Biowulfes biorh, ða ðe brentingas
ofer floda genipu feorran drifað."
Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne
þioden þristhydig, þegne gesealde,
geongum garwigan, goldfahne helm,
beah ond byrnan, het hyne brucan well:
"þu eart endelaf usses cynnes,
Wægmundinga. Ealle wyrd forsweop
mine magas to metodsceafte,
eorlas on elne; ic him æfter sceal."
þæt wæs þam gomelan gingæste word
breostgehygdum, ær he bæl cure,
hate heaðowylmas; him of hreðre gewat
sawol secean soðfæstra dom.
ða wæs gegongen
guman unfrodum
earfoðlice, þæt he on eorðan geseah
þone leofestan lifes æt ende
bleate gebæran. Bona swylce læg,
egeslic eorðdraca ealdre bereafod,
bealwe gebæded. Beahhordum leng
wyrm wohbogen wealdan ne moste,
ac hine irenna ecga fornamon,
hearde, heaðoscearde homera lafe,
þæt se widfloga wundum stille
hreas on hrusan hordærne neah.
Nalles æfter lyfte lacende hwearf
middelnihtum, maðmæhta wlonc
ansyn ywde, ac he eorðan gefeoll
for ðæs hildfruman hondgeweorce.
Huru þæt on lande lyt manna ðah,
mægenagendra, mine gefræge,
þeah ðe he dæda gehwæs dyrstig wære,
þæt he wið attorsceaðan oreðe geræsde,
oððe hringsele hondum styrede,
gif he wæccende weard onfunde
buon on beorge. Biowulfe wearð
dryhtmaðma dæl deaðe forgolden;
hæfde æghwæðer
ende gefered
lænan lifes. Næs ða lang to ðon
þæt ða hildlatan holt ofgefan,
tydre treowlogan tyne ætsomne.
ða ne dorston ær dareðum lacan
on hyra mandryhtnes miclan þearfe,
ac hy scamiende scyldas bæran,
guðgewædu, þær se gomela læg,
wlitan on Wilaf. He gewergad sæt,
feðecempa, frean eaxlum neah,
wehte hyne wætre; him wiht ne speow.
Ne meahte he on eorðan, ðeah he uðe wel,
on ðam frumgare feorh gehealdan,
ne ðæs wealdendes wiht oncirran;
wolde dom godes dædum rædan
gumena gehwylcum, swa he nu gen deð.
þa wæs æt ðam geongan
grim ondswaru
eðbegete þam ðe ær his elne forleas.
Wiglaf maðelode, Weohstanes sunu,
sec, sarigferð (seah on unleofe):
"þæt, la, mæg secgan se ðe wyle soð specan
þæt se mondryhten se eow ða maðmas geaf,
eoredgeatwe, þe ge þær on standað,
þonne he on ealubence oft gesealde
healsittendum helm ond byrnan,
þeoden his þegnum, swylce he þrydlicost
ower feor oððe neah findan meahte,
þæt he genunga guðgewædu
wraðe forwurpe, ða hyne wig beget.
Nealles folccyning fyrdgesteallum
gylpan þorfte; hwæðre him god uðe,
sigora waldend, þæt he hyne sylfne gewræc
ana mid ecge, þa him wæs elnes þearf.
Ic him lifwraðe lytle meahte
ætgifan æt guðe, ond ongan swa þeah
ofer min gemet mæges helpan;
symle wæs þy sæmra, þonne ic sweorde drep
ferhðgeniðlan, fyr unswiðor
weoll of gewitte.
Wergendra to lyt
þrong ymbe þeoden, þa hyne sio þrag becwom.
Nu sceal sincþego ond swyrdgifu,
eall eðelwyn eowrum cynne,
lufen alicgean; londrihtes mot
þære mægburge monna æghwylc
idel hweorfan, syððan æðelingas
feorran gefricgean fleam eowerne,
domleasan dæd. Deað bið sella
eorla gehwylcum þonne edwitlif!"
Heht ða þæt heaðoweorc to hagan biodan
up ofer ecgclif, þær þæt eorlweorod
morgenlongne dæg modgiomor sæt,
bordhæbbende, bega on wenum,
endedogores ond eftcymes
leofes monnes. Lyt swigode
niwra spella se ðe næs gerad,
ac he soðlice sægde ofer ealle:
"Nu is wilgeofa Wedra leoda,
dryhten Geata, deaðbedde fæst,
wunað wælreste wyrmes dædum.
Him on efn ligeð ealdorgewinna
sexbennum seoc; sweorde ne meahte
on ðam aglæcean ænige þinga
wunde gewyrcean. Wiglaf siteð
ofer Biowulfe, byre Wihstanes,
eorl ofer oðrum unlifigendum,
healdeð higemæðum heafodwearde
leofes ond laðes. Nu ys leodum wen
orleghwile, syððan underne
Froncum ond Frysum fyll cyninges
wide weorðeð. Wæs sio wroht scepen
heard wið Hugas, syððan Higelac cwom
faran flotherge on Fresna land,
þær hyne Hetware hilde genægdon,
elne geeodon mid ofermægene,
þæt se byrnwiga bugan sceolde,
feoll on feðan, nalles frætwe geaf
ealdor dugoðe. Us wæs a syððan
Merewioingas milts ungyfeðe.
Ne ic to Sweoðeode sibbe oððe treowe
wihte ne wene, ac wæs wide cuð
þætte Ongenðio ealdre besnyðede
Hæðcen Hreþling wið Hrefnawudu,
þa for onmedlan ærest gesohton
Geata leode Guðscilfingas.
Sona him se froda fæder Ohtheres,
eald ond egesfull,
ondslyht ageaf,
abreot brimwisan, bryd ahredde,
gomela iomeowlan golde berofene,
Onelan modor ond Ohtheres,
ond ða folgode feorhgeniðlan,
oððæt hi oðeodon earfoðlice
in Hrefnesholt hlafordlease.
Besæt ða sinherge sweorda lafe,
wundum werge, wean oft gehet
earmre teohhe ondlonge niht,
cwæð, he on mergenne meces ecgum
getan wolde, sum on galgtreowum
fuglum to gamene. Frofor eft gelamp
sarigmodum somod ærdæge,
syððan hie Hygelaces horn ond byman,
gealdor ongeaton, þa se goda com
leoda dugoðe on last faran.
Wæs sio swatswaðu
Sweona ond Geata,
wælræs weora wide gesyne,
hu ða folc mid him fæhðe towehton.
Gewat him ða se goda mid his gædelingum,
frod, felageomor, fæsten secean,
eorl Ongenþio, ufor oncirde;
hæfde Higelaces hilde gefrunen,
wlonces wigcræft, wiðres ne truwode,
þæt he sæmannum onsacan mihte,
heaðoliðendum hord forstandan,
bearn ond bryde; beah eft þonan
eald under eorðweall. þa wæs æht boden
Sweona leodum, segn Higelaces
freoðowong þone
forð ofereodon,
syððan Hreðlingas to hagan þrungon.
þær wearð Ongenðiow ecgum sweorda,
blondenfexa, on bid wrecen,
þæt se þeodcyning ðafian sceolde
Eafores anne dom. Hyne yrringa
Wulf Wonreding wæpne geræhte,
þæt him for swenge swat ædrum sprong
forð under fexe. Næs he forht swa ðeh,
gomela Scilfing, ac forgeald hraðe
wyrsan wrixle wælhlem þone,
syððan ðeodcyning þyder oncirde.
Ne meahte se snella sunu Wonredes
ealdum ceorle
ondslyht giofan,
ac he him on heafde helm ær gescer,
þæt he blode fah bugan sceolde,
feoll on foldan; næs he fæge þa git,
ac he hyne gewyrpte, þeah ðe him wund hrine.
Let se hearda Higelaces þegn
bradne mece, þa his broðor læg,
eald sweord eotonisc, entiscne helm
brecan ofer bordweal; ða gebeah cyning,
folces hyrde, wæs in feorh dropen.
ða wæron monige þe his mæg wriðon,
ricone arærdon, ða him gerymed wearð
þæt hie wælstowe wealdan moston.
þenden reafode rinc oðerne,
nam on Ongenðio irenbyrnan,
heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod,
hares hyrste Higelace bær.
ðam frætwum feng ond him fægre gehet
leana mid leodum, ond gelæste swa;
geald þone guðræs Geata dryhten,
Hreðles eafora, þa he to ham becom,
Iofore ond Wulfe mid ofermaðmum,
sealde hiora gehwæðrum hund þusenda
landes ond locenra beaga (ne ðorfte him ða lean oðwitan
mon on middangearde),
syððan hie ða mærða geslogon,
ond ða Iofore forgeaf angan dohtor,
hamweorðunge, hyldo to wedde.
þæt ys sio fæhðo ond se feondscipe,
wælnið wera, ðæs ðe ic wen hafo,
þe us seceað to Sweona leoda,
syððan hie gefricgeað frean userne
ealdorleasne, þone ðe ær geheold
wið hettendum hord ond rice
æfter hæleða hryre, hwate Scildingas,
folcred fremede oððe furður gen
eorlscipe efnde.
Nu is ofost betost
þæt we þeodcyning þær sceawian
ond þone gebringan, þe us beagas geaf,
on adfære. Ne scel anes hwæt
meltan mid þam modigan, ac þær is maðma hord,
gold unrime grimme geceapod,
ond nu æt siðestan sylfes feore
beagas gebohte. þa sceall brond fretan,
æled þeccean, nalles eorl wegan
maððum to gemyndum, ne mægð scyne
habban on healse hringweorðunge,
ac sceal geomormod, golde bereafod,
oft nalles æne elland tredan,
nu se herewisa hleahtor alegde,
gamen ond gleodream. Forðon sceall gar wesan
monig, morgenceald, mundum bewunden,
hæfen on handa, nalles hearpan sweg
wigend weccean, ac se wonna hrefn
fus ofer fægum fela reordian,
earne secgan hu him æt æte speow,
þenden he wið wulf wæl reafode."
Swa se secg hwata secggende wæs
laðra spella; he ne leag fela
wyrda ne worda. Weorod eall aras;
eodon unbliðe under Earnanæs,
wollenteare wundur sceawian.
Fundon ða on sande sawulleasne
hlimbed healdan þone þe him hringas geaf
ærran mælum; þa wæs endedæg
godum gegongen, þæt se guðcyning,
Wedra þeoden, wundordeaðe swealt.
ær hi þær gesegan syllicran wiht,
wyrm on wonge wiðerræhtes þær
laðne licgean; wæs se legdraca
grimlic, gryrefah, gledum beswæled.
Se wæs fiftiges fotgemearces
lang on legere, lyftwynne heold
nihtes hwilum, nyðer eft gewat
dennes niosian; wæs ða deaðe fæst,
hæfde eorðscrafa ende genyttod.
Him big stodan bunan ond orcas,
discas lagon ond dyre swyrd,
omige, þurhetone, swa hie wið eorðan fæðm
þusend wintra þær eardodon.
þonne wæs þæt yrfe, eacencræftig,
iumonna gold galdre bewunden,
þæt ðam hringsele hrinan ne moste
gumena ænig, nefne god sylfa,
sigora soðcyning, sealde þam ðe he wolde
(he is manna gehyld) hord openian,
efne swa hwylcum manna swa him gemet ðuhte.
þa wæs gesyne þæt se sið ne ðah
þam ðe unrihte inne gehydde
wræte under wealle. Weard ær ofsloh
feara sumne; þa sio fæhð gewearð
gewrecen wraðlice. Wundur hwar þonne
eorl ellenrof ende gefere
lifgesceafta, þonne leng ne mæg
mon mid his magum
meduseld buan.
Swa wæs Biowulfe, þa he biorges weard
sohte, searoniðas; seolfa ne cuðe
þurh hwæt his worulde gedal weorðan sceolde.
Swa hit oð domes dæg diope benemdon
þeodnas mære, þa ðæt þær dydon,
þæt se secg wære synnum scildig,
hergum geheaðerod, hellbendum fæst,
wommum gewitnad, se ðone wong strude,
næs he goldhwæte gearwor hæfde
agendes est ær gesceawod.
Wiglaf maðelode, Wihstanes sunu:
"Oft sceall eorl monig anes willan
wræc adreogan, swa us geworden is.
Ne meahton we gelæran leofne þeoden,
rices hyrde, ræd ænigne,
þæt he ne grette goldweard þone,
lete hyne licgean þær he longe wæs,
wicum wunian oð woruldende;
heold on heahgesceap. Hord ys gesceawod,
grimme gegongen; wæs þæt gifeðe to swið
þe ðone þeodcyning
þyder ontyhte.
Ic wæs þær inne ond þæt eall geondseh,
recedes geatwa, þa me gerymed wæs,
nealles swæslice sið alyfed
inn under eorðweall. Ic on ofoste gefeng
micle mid mundum mægenbyrðenne
hordgestreona, hider ut ætbær
cyninge minum. Cwico wæs þa gena,
wis ond gewittig; worn eall gespræc
gomol on gehðo ond eowic gretan het,
bæd þæt ge geworhton æfter wines dædum
in bælstede beorh þone hean,
micelne ond mærne, swa he manna wæs
wigend weorðfullost wide geond eorðan,
þenden he burhwelan brucan moste.
Uton nu efstan oðre siðe,
seon ond secean
searogimma geþræc,
wundur under wealle; ic eow wisige,
þæt ge genoge neon sceawiað
beagas ond brad gold. Sie sio bær gearo,
ædre geæfned, þonne we ut cymen,
ond þonne geferian frean userne,
leofne mannan, þær he longe sceal
on ðæs waldendes wære geþolian."
Het ða gebeodan byre Wihstanes,
hæle hildedior, hæleða monegum,
boldagendra, þæt hie bælwudu
feorran feredon, folcagende,
godum togenes: "Nu sceal gled fretan,
weaxan wonna leg wigena strengel,
þone ðe oft gebad isernscure,
þonne stræla storm strengum gebæded
scoc ofer scildweall, sceft nytte heold,
feðergearwum fus flane fulleode."
Huru se snotra sunu Wihstanes
acigde of corðre
cyninges þegnas
syfone tosomne, þa selestan,
eode eahta sum under inwithrof
hilderinca; sum on handa bær
æledleoman, se ðe on orde geong.
Næs ða on hlytme hwa þæt hord strude,
syððan orwearde ænigne dæl
secgas gesegon on sele wunian,
læne licgan; lyt ænig mearn
þæt hi ofostlice
ut geferedon
dyre maðmas. Dracan ec scufun,
wyrm ofer weallclif, leton weg niman,
flod fæðmian frætwa hyrde.
þa wæs wunden gold on wæn hladen,
æghwæs unrim,
æþeling boren,
har hilderinc
to Hronesnæsse.
Him ða gegiredan Geata leode
ad on eorðan unwaclicne,
helmum behongen, hildebordum,
beorhtum byrnum, swa he bena wæs;
alegdon ða tomiddes mærne þeoden
hæleð hiofende, hlaford leofne.
Ongunnon þa on beorge bælfyra mæst
wigend weccan;
wudurec astah,
sweart ofer swioðole, swogende leg
wope bewunden (windblond gelæg),
oðþæt he ða banhus gebrocen hæfde,
hat on hreðre. Higum unrote
modceare mændon, mondryhtnes cwealm;
swylce giomorgyd
Geatisc meowle
song sorgcearig
swiðe geneahhe
þæt hio hyre heofungdagas
hearde ondrede,
wælfylla worn, werudes egesan,
hynðo ond hæftnyd. Heofon rece swealg.
Geworhton ða Wedra leode
hleo on hoe, se wæs heah ond brad,
wide gesyne,
ond betimbredon
on tyn dagum
beadurofes becn, bronda lafe
wealle beworhton, swa hyt weorðlicost
foresnotre men findan mihton.
Hi on beorg dydon beg ond siglu,
eall swylce hyrsta, swylce on horde ær
niðhedige men genumen hæfdon,
forleton eorla gestreon eorðan healdan,
gold on greote, þær hit nu gen lifað
eldum swa unnyt swa hit
æror wæs.
þa ymbe hlæw riodan hildediore,
æþelinga bearn, ealra twelfe,
woldon ceare cwiðan ond kyning mænan,
wordgyd wrecan ond ymb wer sprecan;
eahtodan eorlscipe ond his ellenweorc
duguðum demdon, swa hit gedefe bið
þæt mon his winedryhten wordum herge,
ferhðum freoge, þonne he forð scile
of lichaman
læded weorðan.
Swa begnornodon Geata leode
hlafordes hryre, heorðgeneatas,
cwædon þæt he wære
manna mildust ond monðwærust,
leodum liðost ond lofgeornost.
138. Judith
Dobbie, 1953 99-109; Dobbie, E.V.K., Beowulf and Judith, ASPR 4 (New York).
gifena in ðys ginnan grunde. Heo ðar ða gearwe funde
mundbyrd æt ðam mæran þeodne, þa heo ahte mæste þearfe,
hyldo þæs hehstan deman, þæt he hie wið þæs hehstan brogan
gefriðode, frymða waldend. Hyre ðæs fæder on roderum
torhtmod tiðe gefremede, þe heo ahte trumne geleafan
a to ðam ælmihtigan. Gefrægen ic ða Holofernus
winhatan wyrcean georne ond eallum wundrum þrymlic
girwan up swæsendo. To ðam het se gumena baldor
ealle ða yldestan ðegnas; hie ðæt ofstum miclum
ræfndon, rondwiggende, comon to ðam rican þeodne
feran, folces ræswan. þæt wæs þy feorðan dogore
þæs ðe Iudith hyne, gleaw on geðonce,
ides ælfscinu, ærest gesohte.
Hie ða to ðam symle sittan eodon,
wlance to wingedrince, ealle his weagesiðas,
bealde byrnwiggende. þær wæron bollan steape
boren æfter bencum gelome, swylce eac bunan ond orcas
fulle fletsittendum; hie þæt fæge þegon,
rofe rondwiggende, þeah ðæs se rica ne wende,
egesful eorla dryhten. ða wearð Holofernus,
goldwine gumena, on gytesalum,
hloh ond hlydde, hlynede ond dynede,
þæt mihten fira bearn feorran gehyran
hu se stiðmoda styrmde ond gylede,
modig ond medugal, manode geneahhe
bencsittende þæt hi gebærdon wel.
Swa se inwidda ofer ealne dæg
dryhtguman sine drencte mid wine,
swiðmod sinces brytta, oðþæt hie on swiman lagon,
oferdrencte his duguðe ealle, swylce hie wæron deaðe geslegene,
agotene goda gehwylces. Swa het se gumena aldor
fylgan fletsittendum, oðþæt fira bearnum
nealæhte niht seo þystre. Het ða niða geblonden
þa eadigan mægð ofstum fetigan
to his bedreste beagum gehlæste,
hringum gehrodene. Hie hraðe fremedon,
anbyhtscealcas, swa him heora ealdor bebead,
byrnwigena brego, bearhtme stopon
to ðam gysterne, þær hie Iudithðe
fundon ferhðgleawe, ond ða fromlice
lindwiggende lædan ongunnon
þa torhtan mægð to træfe þam hean,
þær se rica hyne reste on symbel
nihtes inne, nergende lað,
Holofernus. þær wæs eallgylden
fleohnet fæger
ymbe þæs folctogan
bed ahongen, þæt se bealofulla
mihte wlitan þurh, wigena baldor,
on æghwylcne þe ðær inne com
hæleða bearna, ond on hyne nænig
monna cynnes, nymðe se modiga hwæne
niðe rofra him þe near hete
rinca to rune gegangan. Hie ða on reste gebrohton
snude ða snoteran idese; eodon ða stercedferhðe,
hæleð heora hearran cyðan þæt wæs seo halige meowle
gebroht on his burgetelde. þa wearð se brema on mode
bliðe, burga ealdor, þohte ða beorhtan idese
mid widle ond mid womme besmitan. Ne wolde þæt wuldres dema
geðafian, þrymmes hyrde, ac he him þæs ðinges gestyrde,
dryhten, dugeða waldend. Gewat ða se deofulcunda,
galferhð gumena ðreate
bealofull his beddes neosan, þær he sceolde his blæd forleosan
ædre binnan anre nihte; hæfde ða his ende gebidenne
on eorðan unswæslicne, swylcne he ær æfter worhte,
þearlmod ðeoden gumena, þenden he on ðysse worulde
wunode under wolcna hrofe. Gefeol ða wine swa druncen
se rica on his reste middan, swa he nyste ræda nanne
on gewitlocan. Wiggend stopon
ut of ðam inne ofstum miclum,
weras winsade, þe ðone wærlogan,
laðne leodhatan, læddon to bedde
nehstan siðe. þa wæs nergendes
þeowen þrymful, þearle gemyndig
hu heo þone atolan eaðost mihte
ealdre benæman ær se unsyfra,
womfull, onwoce. Genam ða wundenlocc
scyppendes mægð scearpne mece,
scurum heardne, ond of sceaðe abræd
swiðran folme; ongan ða swegles weard
be naman nemnan, nergend ealra
woruldbuendra, ond þæt word acwæð:
"Ic ðe, frymða god ond frofre gæst,
bearn alwaldan, biddan wylle
miltse þinre me þearfendre,
ðrynesse ðrym. þearle ys me nu ða
heorte onhæted ond hige geomor,
swyðe mid sorgum gedrefed. Forgif me, swegles ealdor,
sigor ond soðne geleafan, þæt ic mid þys sweorde mote
geheawan þysne morðres bryttan; geunne me minra gesynta,
þearlmod þeoden gumena. Nahte ic þinre næfre
miltse þon maran þearfe. Gewrec nu, mihtig dryhten,
torhtmod tires brytta, þæt me ys þus torne on mode,
hate on hreðre minum." Hi ða se hehsta dema
ædre mid elne onbryrde, swa he deð anra gehwylcne
herbuendra þe hyne him to helpe seceð
mid ræde ond mid rihte geleafan. þa wearð hyre rume on mode,
haligre hyht geniwod; genam ða þone hæðenan mannan
fæste be feaxe sinum, teah hyne folmum wið hyre weard
bysmerlice, ond þone bealofullan
listum alede, laðne mannan,
swa heo ðæs unlædan eaðost mihte
wel gewealdan. Sloh ða wundenlocc
þone feondsceaðan fagum mece,
heteþoncolne, þæt heo healfne forcearf
þone sweoran him, þæt he on swiman læg,
druncen ond dolhwund. Næs ða dead þa gyt,
ealles orsawle; sloh ða eornoste
ides ellenrof oðre siðe
þone hæðenan hund, þæt him þæt heafod wand
forð on ða flore. Læg se fula leap
gesne beæftan, gæst ellor hwearf
under neowelne næs ond ðær genyðerad wæs,
susle gesæled syððan æfre,
wyrmum bewunden, witum gebunden,
hearde gehæfted in hellebryne
æfter hinsiðe. Ne ðearf he hopian no,
þystrum forðylmed, þæt he ðonan mote
of ðam wyrmsele, ac ðær wunian sceal
awa to aldre butan ende forð
in ðam heolstran ham, hyhtwynna leas.
Hæfde ða gefohten foremærne blæd
Iudith æt guðe, swa hyre god uðe,
swegles ealdor, þe hyre sigores onleah.
þa seo snotere mægð snude gebrohte
þæs herewæðan heafod swa blodig
on ðam fætelse þe hyre foregenga,
blachleor ides, hyra begea nest,
ðeawum geðungen, þyder on lædde,
ond hit þa swa heolfrig hyre on hond ageaf,
higeðoncolre, ham to berenne,
Iudith gingran sinre. Eodon ða gegnum þanonne
þa idesa ba ellenþriste,
oðþæt hie becomon, collenferhðe,
eadhreðige mægð, ut of ðam herige,
þæt hie sweotollice geseon mihten
þære wlitegan byrig weallas blican,
Bethuliam. Hie ða beahhrodene
feðelaste forð onettan,
oð hie glædmode gegan hæfdon
to ðam wealgate. Wiggend sæton,
weras wæccende wearde heoldon
in ðam fæstenne, swa ðam folce ær
Iudith bebead,
searoðoncol mægð, þa heo on sið gewat,
ides ellenrof. Wæs ða eft cumen
leof to leodum, ond ða lungre het
gleawhydig wif gumena sumne
of ðære ginnan byrig hyre togeanes gan,
ond hi ofostlice in forlęton
þurh ðæs wealles geat, ond þæt word acwæð
to ðam sigefolce: "Ic eow secgan mæg
þoncwyrðe þing, þæt ge ne þyrfen leng
murnan on mode. Eow ys metod bliðe,
cyninga wuldor; þæt gecyðed wearð
geond woruld wide, þæt eow ys wuldorblæd
torhtlic toweard ond tir gifeðe
þara læðða þe ge lange drugon."
þa wurdon bliðe burhsittende,
syððan hi gehyrdon hu seo halige spræc
ofer heanne weall. Here wæs on lustum.
Wið þæs fæstengeates folc onette,
weras wif somod, wornum ond heapum,
ðreatum ond ðrymmum þrungon ond urnon
ongean ða þeodnes mægð þusendmælum,
ealde ge geonge. æghwylcum wearð
men on ðære medobyrig mod areted,
syððan hie ongeaton þæt wæs Iudith cumen
eft to eðle, ond ða ofostlice
hie mid eaðmedum in forleton.
þa seo gleawe het, golde gefrætewod,
hyre ðinenne þancolmode
þæs herewæðan heafod onwriðan
ond hyt to behðe blodig ætywan
þam burhleodum, hu hyre æt beaduwe gespeow.
Spræc ða seo æðele to eallum
þam folce:
"Her ge magon sweotole, sigerofe hæleð,
leoda ræswan, on ðæs laðestan
hæðenes heaðorinces heafod starian,
Holofernus unlyfigendes,
þe us monna mæst morðra gefremede,
sarra sorga, ond þæt swyðor gyt
ycan wolde, ac him ne uðe god
lengran lifes, þæt he mid læððum us
eglan moste; ic him ealdor oðþrong
þurh godes fultum. Nu ic gumena gehwæne
þyssa burgleoda biddan wylle,
randwiggendra, þæt ge recene eow
fysan to gefeohte. Syððan frymða god,
arfæst cyning, eastan sende
leohtne leoman, berað linde forð,
bord for breostum ond byrnhomas,
scire helmas in sceaðena gemong,
fyllan folctogan fagum sweordum,
fæge frumgaras. Fynd syndon eowere
gedemed to deaðe, ond ge dom agon,
tir æt tohtan, swa eow getacnod hafað
mihtig dryhten þurh mine hand."
þa wearð snelra werod snude gegearewod,
cenra to campe. Stopon cynerofe
secgas ond gesiðas, bæron sigeþufas,
foron to gefeohte forð on gerihte,
hæleð under helmum, of ðære haligan byrig
on ðæt dægred sylf. Dynedan scildas,
hlude hlummon. þæs se hlanca gefeah
wulf in walde, ond se wanna hrefn,
wælgifre fugel.
Wistan begen
þæt him ða þeodguman þohton tilian
fylle on fægum; ac him fleah on last
earn ætes georn, urigfeðera,
salowigpada sang hildeleoð,
hyrnednebba. Stopon heaðorincas,
beornas to beadowe, bordum beðeahte,
hwealfum lindum, þa ðe hwile ær
elðeodigra edwit þoledon,
hæðenra hosp. Him þæt hearde wearð
æt ðam æscplegan eallum forgolden,
Assyrium, syððan Ebreas
under guðfanum gegan hæfdon
to ðam fyrdwicum. Hie ða fromlice
leton forð fleogan flana scuras,
hildenædran, of hornbogan,
strælas stedehearde; styrmdon hlude
grame guðfrecan, garas sendon
in heardra gemang. Hæleð wæron yrre,
landbuende, laðum cynne,
stopon styrnmode, stercedferhðe,
wrehton unsofte ealdgeniðlan
medowerige; mundum brugdon
scealcas of sceaðum scirmæled swyrd,
ecgum gecoste, slogon eornoste
Assiria oretmæcgas,
niðhycgende, nanne ne sparedon
þæs herefolces, heanne ne ricne,
cwicera manna þe hie ofercuman mihton.
Swa ða magoþegnas on ða morgentid
ehton elðeoda ealle þrage,
oðþæt ongeaton ða ðe grame wæron,
ðæs herefolces heafodweardas,
þæt him swyrdgeswing swiðlic eowdon
weras Ebrisce. Hie wordum þæt
þam yldestan ealdorþegnum
cyðan eodon, wrehton cumbolwigan
ond him forhtlice færspel bodedon,
medowerigum morgencollan,
atolne ecgplegan. þa ic ædre gefrægn
slegefæge hæleð slæpe tobredon
ond wið þæs bealofullan burgeteldes
hwearfum þringan,
Holofernus. Hogedon aninga
hyra hlaforde
hilde bodian,
ærðon ðe him se egesa on ufan sæte,
mægen Ebrea. Mynton ealle
þæt se beorna brego ond seo beorhte mægð
in ðam wlitegan træfe wæron ætsomne,
Iudith seo æðele ond se galmoda,
egesfull ond afor. Næs ðeah eorla nan
þe ðone wiggend aweccan dorste
oððe gecunnian hu ðone cumbolwigan
wið ða halgan mægð hæfde geworden,
metodes meowlan. Mægen nealæhte,
folc Ebrea, fuhton þearle
heardum heoruwæpnum, hæfte guldon
hyra fyrngeflitu, fagum swyrdum,
ealde æfðoncan; Assyria wearð
on ðam dægeweorce dom geswiðrod,
bælc forbiged. Beornas stodon
ymbe hyra þeodnes træf þearle gebylde,
sweorcendferhðe. Hi ða somod ealle
ongunnon cohhetan, cirman hlude
ond gristbitian, gode orfeorme,
mid toðon torn þoligende. þa wæs hyra tires æt ende,
eades ond ellendæda. Hogedon þa eorlas aweccan
hyra winedryhten; him wiht ne speow.
þa wearð sið ond late sum to ðam arod
þara beadorinca, þæt he in þæt burgeteld
niðheard neðde, swa hyne nyd fordraf.
Funde ða on bedde blacne licgan
his goldgifan gæstes gesne,
lifes belidenne. He þa lungre gefeoll
freorig to foldan, ongan his feax teran,
hreoh on mode, ond his hrægl somod,
ond þæt word acwæð to ðam wiggendum
þe ðær unrote ute wæron:
"Her ys geswutelod ure sylfra forwyrd,
toweard getacnod þæt þære tide ys
mid niðum neah geðrungen, þe we sculon nyde losian,
somod æt sæcce forweorðan. Her lið sweorde geheawen,
beheafdod healdend ure." Hi ða hreowigmode
wurpon hyra wæpen of dune, gewitan him werigferhðe
on fleam sceacan. Him mon feaht on last,
mægeneacen folc, oð se mæsta dæl
þæs heriges læg hilde gesæged
on ðam sigewonge, sweordum geheawen,
wulfum to willan ond eac wælgifrum
fuglum to frofre. Flugon ða ðe lyfdon,
laðra lindwerod. Him on laste for
sweot Ebrea sigore geweorðod,
dome gedyrsod; him feng dryhten god
fægre on fultum, frea ælmihtig.
Hi ða fromlice fagum swyrdum,
hæleð higerofe, herpað worhton
þurh laðra gemong, linde heowon,
scildburh scæron. Sceotend wæron
guðe gegremede, guman Ebrisce;
þegnas on ða tid þearle gelyste
gargewinnes. þær on greot gefeoll
se hyhsta dæl heafodgerimes
Assiria ealdorduguðe,
laðan cynnes. Lythwon becom
cwicera to cyððe. Cirdon cynerofe,
wiggend on wiðertrod, wælscel on innan,
reocende hræw. Rum wæs to nimanne
londbuendum on ðam laðestan,
hyra ealdfeondum unlyfigendum
heolfrig herereaf, hyrsta scyne,
bord ond bradswyrd, brune helmas,
dyre madmas. Hæfdon domlice
on ðam folcstede fynd oferwunnen
eðelweardas, ealdhettende
swyrdum aswefede. Hie on swaðe reston,
þa ðe him to life laðost wæron
cwicera cynna. þa seo cneoris eall,
mægða mærost, anes monðes fyrst,
wlanc, wundenlocc, wagon ond læddon
to ðære beorhtan byrig, Bethuliam,
helmas ond hupseax, hare byrnan,
guðsceorp gumena golde gefrætewod,
mærra madma þonne mon ænig
asecgan mæge searoþoncelra;
eal þæt ða ðeodguman þrymme geeodon,
cene under cumblum
on compwige
þurh Iudithe gleawe lare,
mægð modigre. Hi to mede hyre
of ðam siðfate sylfre brohton,
eorlas æscrofe, Holofernes
sweord ond swatigne helm, swylce eac side byrnan
gerenode readum golde, ond eal þæt se rinca baldor
swiðmod sinces ahte oððe sundoryrfes,
beaga ond beorhtra maðma, hi þæt þære beorhtan idese
ageafon gearoþoncolre. Ealles ðæs Iudith sægde
wuldor weroda dryhtne, þe hyre weorðmynde geaf,
mærðe on moldan rice, swylce eac mede on heofonum,
sigorlean in swegles wuldre, þæs þe heo ahte soðne geleafan
to ðam ælmihtigan; huru æt þam ende ne tweode
þæs leanes þe heo lange gyrnde. ðæs sy ðam leofan drihtne
wuldor to widan aldre, þe gesceop wind ond lyfte,
roderas ond rume grundas, swylce eac reðe streamas
ond swegles dreamas, ðurh his sylfes miltse.
139. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 51
fore ænigre egesan næfde,
ne him fultum þær fæstne gelyfde;
ac he on his welan spede wræste getruwode,
and on idel gylp ealra geornost.
Ic þonne swa elebeam up weaxende
on godes huse ece gewene,
and on milde mod mines drihtnes,
and me þæt to worulde wat to helpe.
Ic þe andette awa to feore
on þære worulde ðe þu geworhtest her;
forþan þu eart se gooda, gleaw on gesyhðe,
þe þinne held curan, þara haligra.
140. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 52
On his heortan cwæð unhydig sum,
ungleawlice, þætte god nære;
heo onsceoniendlice syndon gewordene
and heora willan wraðe besmitene.
Næs þa goddoend se þe god wiste,
ne an furðum ealra wære.
þa of heofenum beseah halig drihten
ofer manna bearn, hwæðer his mihta ða
andgyt ænig ealra hæfde,
oððe god wolde georne secan.
Ealle heo on ane idelnesse
symle besegan; þa wæs soð
nan mann
þe god wolde georne wyrcan;
ne an furþum ealra wære.
Ac ge þæs ealle ne magon andgyt habban
þe unrihtes elne wyrceað
and min folc fretað swa fælne hlaf,
ne hio god wyllað georne ciegan;
þær hio forhtigað, frecnes egesan
æniges ne þurfon.
Forþam manna ban mihtig drihten
liste tosceadeð, þa him liciað;
beoð þa gehyrwede
þe forhycggeað god.
Hwylc Israela ece hælu
syleð of Sione nymðe sylfa god,
þonne he his folc fægere alyseð
of hæftnyde, halig drihten?
þonne Iacob byð on glædum sælum
and Israelas ealle bliðe.
141. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 53
On þinum þam haligan naman, gedo me halne, god;
alys me fram laðum þurh þin leofe mægen.
God, min gebed gearuwe gehyre,
and earum onfoh min agen word.
Forþam me fremde oft facne gestodon,
sohtan mine sawle swiðe strange,
and na heom god setton gleawne on gesyhðe.
Efne me þonne god gleawe fultumeð,
is andfengea ece drihten
sawle minre; he me swican ne wile.
Afyr me fæcne yfel feonda minra,
and hi soðfæst toweorp syððan wide.
Ic ðe lustum lace cweme,
and naman þinne
niode swylce
geara andette, forðon ic hine goodne wat.
Forþon þu me alysdest, lifes ealdor,
of earfoðum eallum symble,
ealle mine fynd eagum ofersawe.
142. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 54
Gehyr min gebed, halig drihten,
ne forseoh æfre sariges bene;
beheald me holdlice and gehyr me eac.
Grimme ic eom begangen; forðon ic gnornige
and me forhtige feondes stefne
and fyrenfulra fæcne niðas.
Forðam me on sah unrihtes feala;
wurdon me þa on yrre yfele and hefige.
Ys me on hreðre heah heorte gedrefed
and me fealleð on fyrhtu deaðes.
Egsa me and fyrhtu ealne forcwomon,
and me beþeahton þeostru niðgrim.
Ic þa on mode cwæð, hwa me sealde
to fleogenne fiðeru swa culfran,
and ic þonne ricene reste syððan.
Efne ic feor gewite, fleame dæle,
and on westene wunode lange,
bide þæs beornes þe me bete eft
modes mindom and mægenes hreoh.
Hat nu todælan, drihten usser,
heora geðeode geond þas woruld wide;
forðon ic þær on unriht oft locade,
and wiðercwyda wearn gehyrde;
drugon þæt on burgum dæges and nihtes.
þunie him gewinnes wearn ofer wealles hrof
and heom on midle wese man and inwit
and unsoðfæstnys ealle wealde.
Næfre on his weorþige wea aspringe,
mearce mansceat, man inwides;
forþon gif me min feond fæcne wyrgeð,
ic þæt abere bliðe mode.
þeah þe þa ealle ðe me a feodon,
wordum wyrigen and wearn sprecan,
ic me wið heora hete hyde sneome.
þu eart se man þe me wære
on anmede, and æghwæs cuð
latteow lustum; and wyt gelome eac
æton swetne mete samed ætgædere,
and on godes huse gangan swylce
mid geþeahtunge þine and mine.
Hi ofer cume unþinged deað,
astigon heo on helle heonan lifigende.
Forðam on heora gasthusum is gramlic inwit,
and on hiora midle man inwitstæf.
Ic soðlice to sylfum drihtne
cleopode on corðre, and me cuðlice
gehyrde hælend drihten.
Ic on æfenne, eac on mergenne
and on midne dæg, mægene sæcge
and bodie, þæt þu bliðe me
mine stefne stiðe gehyre.
A ðu symle sawle mine
lustum alyse, laðum wiðferige,
forðon me manige ymb mægene syrewað.
þæt gehyreð god and hi gehyneð eac,
þe ær worulde wæs and nu wunað ece.
Nis him onwendednes on woruldlife,
ne him godes fyrhtu georne ondrædað.
Heo besmitað swylce his sylfes
þa gewitnesse, þær hi woh fremedon;
forðon hi synt on yrre ut adælde,
ne hi sylfe wel geseon æfre,
forðon hit wæs his heortan gehygde neah.
Hi word hira wel gesmyredon
ele anlicast; eft gewurdon
on gescotfeohta scearpe garas.
Sete on drihten þin soð gehygd;
he þe butan fracoðum fedeð syððan.
Ne syleð he soðfæstum syððan to feore
þæt him yþende mod innan hreðre;
ðu arlease ealle gelædest
on soðe forwyrd seaðes deopes.
blodhreowa wer bealuinwites
fæcne gefylled
ne fæger lif
on middum feore gemeteð ahwær;
ic me on minne drihten deorne getreowige.
143. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 55
Miltsa me drihten, forðon me man tredeð,
and me ealne dæg mid unrihte
fynd onfeohtað þurh facensearu.
And me fæcne tredað feondas mine,
doð þæt ealne dæg fram ærmergene.
Forðon monige synd ðe to me feohtað;
wene ic me wraðe to ðe, wuldres drihten.
Ic wealdend god wordum herige,
and on god swylce georne gelyfe,
þæt minre spræce sped folgie
æghwæs ealne dæg; eac ic swylce
on god drihten gearewe gewene;
nis me ege mannes for ahwæðer.
Hwæt, me ealne dæg mine agen word
sylfne socon, swyþe oncuðon,
and wiðer me wæran georne
on yfel heora geðeaht ealle onwende.
On eardiað, þa ðe swa þenceað
þæt heo gehyden hælun mine,
swa min sawl bad þæt ðu swylce heo
for nahwæðer nowiht hæle;
on yrre þu folc eall geðreatast.
Ic nu leofum gode lif min secge,
sette on ðinre gesyhðe sarige tearas,
swa ic ðe on gehate hæfde geneahhige.
þonne on hinderling hweorfað mine
feondas fæcne, ðonne ic me freoðu to ðe
wordum wilnige; ic wat and can,
þæt þu min god gleawe wære.
Ic on god min word georne herige,
and on god swylce georne gelyfe,
and ic ealne dæg ecne drihten
wordum weorðige; ne me wiht an siteð
egesan awiht æniges mannes.
On me synd, mihtig god, þæt ic þe min gehat
on herenesse hyldo gylde;
forþon ðu mine sawle of swyltdeaðes
laþum wiðlæddest, dydest lof stunde,
aweredest mine eagan wraðum tearum
and mine fet fæle beweredest,
þæt ic gearewe gode licode
on lifigendra leohte eallum.
144. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 56
Miltsa min, god, and me milde weorð,
forþon min sawel on þe swyðe getryweð,
and ic on fægerum scuan fiðera ðinra
gewicie, oðþæt gewite forð
and unriht me eall beglide.
Heonan ic cleopige to heahgode
and to wealdendgode, ðe me wel dyde.
He þa of heofenum hider onsende
þe me alysde, laþum wiðferede,
sealde on edwit þe me ær trædan.
Sende mihtig god his milde gehigd
and his soðfæst mod samod ætgædere,
and mine sawle sona alysde
of leon hwelpum reðe gemanan;
wæs ic slæpende sare gedrefed.
Synd me manna bearn mihtigum toðum
wæpenstrælas, þa me wundedon;
wæron hyra tungan getale teonan gehwylcre
and to yfele gehwam ungemet scearpe.
Ahefe þe ofer heofenas, halig drihten;
is wuldur ðin wide and side
ofer ðas eorþan ealle mære.
Fotum heo minum fæcne grine
grame gearwodon, and geornlice
mine sawle swyðe onbigdon.
Hi deopne seað dulfon widne,
þær ic eagum on locade,
and hi on ðone ylcan eft gefeollan.
Gearo is min heorte þæt ic gode cweme;
gearo is min heorte þæt ic gode swylce
sealmas singe, soðword sprece.
Aris, wuldur min, wynpsalterium,
and ic on ærmergene eac arise
and min hearpe herige drihten.
Ic þe on folcum frine drihten
ecne andete, eac geond þeode
sealmas singe swiðe geneahhige.
Forðon þin mildheortnes is mycel wið heofenas,
is ðin soðfæstnes swylce wið wolcnum.
Ahafen þu eart ofer heofenas, halig drihten;
is ofer ealle eorðan swylce
þines wuldres wlite wide and side.
145. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 57
Gif ge soð sprecan symble wyllen,
demað manna bearn domum rihtum.
Eft ge on heortan hogedon inwit,
worhton wraðe; forþan ðæs wite eft
on eowre handa hefige geeode.
Ge firenfulle fremde wurdon,
syððan hi on worlde wæron acende
and heo on life lygeword spæcon.
Yrre heom becume anlic nædran,
ða aspide ylde nemnað;
seo hi deafe deð, dytteð hyre earan,
þæt heo nele gehyran heahgaldor sum
þæt snotre men singað wið attrum.
God heora toðas grame gescæneð,
þa hi on muðe mycle habbað;
tolyseð leona mægen lungre drihten.
Ac hi forweorðan wætere gelicost,
þonne hit yrnende eorðe forswelgeð;
swa his bogan bendeð, oðþæt bitere eft
adl on seteð, swa his geearnuncg byð.
Swa weax melteð, gif hit byð wearmum neah
fyre gefæstnad, swa heo feallað on þæt;
hi sunnan ne geseoð syððan æfre.
ærðon eowre treowu telgum blowe,
wæstmum weaxe, ær him wol becimeð,
þæt heo beoð on yrre ealle forswelgene.
Soðfæst blissað, þonne he sið ongan,
hu þa arleasan ealle forweorðað,
and his handa ðwehð on hæþenra
and þæra fyrenfulra fæcnum blode.
And þonne man cweþeð on his modsefan:
"þis is wæstm wises and goodes,
þe his soðfæst weorc symble læste;"
hi on eorðan god ealle gedemeð.
146. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 58
Ahrede me, halig god, hefiges niðes
feonda minra, ðe me feohtað to;
alys me fram laðum þe me lungre on
risan willað, nymðe þu me ræd geofe.
Genere me fram niþe nahtfremmendra
þe her unrihtes ealle wyrceað,
and me wið blodhreowes weres bealuwe gehæle.
þi nu mine sawle swiþe bysige
feondas mine fæcne ofþryhtun,
and me strange eac stundum ongunnon;
ne me unrihtes on awiht wistan,
ne ic firene eac fremde drihtne.
Gif ic on unriht bearn, ic þæs eft geswac;
on minne geanryne, aris ðu, drihten, nu,
and ðu sylfa gesyhst, þæt ic swa dyde;
þu eart mægena god, mihtig drihten,
and Israela god æghwær æt þearfe.
Beheald holdlice, hu þu hraðe wylle
geneosian niða bearna
ealra ðeoda æghwær landes;
ne þu hweðere on mode milde weorðest
eallum ðe unriht elne wyrceað.
Hi æt æfene eft in gecyrrað,
þonne hy heardne hungor þoliað,
swa hundas ymbgað hwommas ceastre.
Efne hi habbað on muðe milde spræce,
is him on welerum wrað sweord and scearp.
þonne gehyreð hwylc, hwæt hyra hyge seceð?
And ðu hi, drihten, dest deope to bysmre;
nafast þu for awiht ealle þeoda.
Ic mine strengðe on ðe strange gehealde,
forðon þu me god eart geara andfencgea,
and mildheortnes mines drihtnes
me fægere becom, þær me wæs freondes þearf.
Min se goda god, ætyw me þin agen good
for minum feondum, þe me feale syndun;
ne do hy to deadan, þy læs hi dollice
þinre æ geban anforlæton.
Ac þu hi wide todrif þurh þines wordes mægen,
and hi wraðe toweorp, wealdend min drihten.
Ys hyra muðes scyld manworda feala,
ða hi mid welerum wraðe aspræcan;
wærun hi on oferhygde ealle gescende,
þa hi on lige lange feredon;
forðon hi on ende yrre forgripeð
and hi syþþan ne beoð samod ætgædere.
Syððan hi wisslice witon, þætte wealdeð god
ofer middangeard manna cynnes
and ealra eac eorðan gemæru.
Hi on æfenne eft gecyrrað
and heardne eac hungor ðoliað,
swa hundas ymbgað hwommas ceastre.
Efne hi to æte ut gewitað,
þær hi towrecene wide hweorfað;
gif hi fulle ne beoð, fela gnorniað.
Ic þonne ðine strengþu stundum singe
and ðin milde mod morgena gehwylce.
Forðon þu min andfengea
æghwær wære
and ic helpe æt ðe hæfde symble,
þonne me costunge cnysedon geneahhige;
þu eart fultum min, ic ðe fela singe.
Forðon þu me, god, eart geara andfengea
and mildheortnes, mihtig drihten.
147. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 59
þu us todrife, drihten user,
and us towurpe geond werþeoda,
yrre us wurde and eft milde.
Eorðan ðu onhrerdest, ealle gedrefdest;
hæl hyre wunde, nu heo ahrered is.
Feala ðu ætywdest folce ðinum
heardra wisan and hi hraþe æfter
mid wynsume wine drenctest.
þu becnuncge beorhte sealdest
þam þe ege ðinne elne healdað,
þæt hi him gebeorgen bogan and stræle
and wæron alysede leofe þine.
me þin seo swyðre hand symle halne;
gehyr me, halig god. Hwæt, ðu holdlice
on ðinre halignesse her aspræce:
"And ic blissie, ba gedæle
Sicimam et Conuallem, ða samod wæron
on Metiboris mihtum spedige.
Min is Galaad, gleaw Mannases
and Effrem ys æðele strengþu
heafdes mines her on foldan.
Cyninc ys me Iuda cuð;
is me Moab mines hyhtes hwer,
and ic aðenige eac on Idumea,
min gescy sende, and me syððan gedo
Allophilas ealle gewylde."
Hwylc gelædeð me leofran on ceastre
weallum beworhte? Hwa wyle swylce me
in Idumea eac gelædan?
Ac ne eart þu se sylfa god, ðe us swa drife?
Ne ga ðu us on mægene, mihtig drihten.
Syle us nu on earfoðum æðelne fultum,
forðon hælu byð her on eorðan
manna gehwylces mægene idel.
Us sceal mægenes gemet mihtig drihten
soðfæst syllan, and he sona mæg
ure fynd gedon fracoþe to nahte.
148. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 60
Gehyr, halig god, hraþe mine bene,
beheald mine gebed holde mode.
Nu ic of eorðan utgemærum
cleopige to þe, nu me caru beateð
heard æt heortan, help min nu þa;
ahefe me holdlice on halne stan.
þu me gelæddest mid lufan hyhte,
wære me se stranga tor stið wið feondum.
Ic eardige awa to feore
on ðinum selegesceote; þær me softe byð,
þær ic beo fægere beþeaht fiðerum ðinum.
Forðon ðu gehyrdest, halig drihten,
hu min gebed to ðe beorhte eode;
yrfe þu sealdest anra gehwylcum,
se þe naman ðinne þurh neod forhtað.
Dæg byð ofer dæge, þær byð gedefe cynincg;
beoð his winter eac wynnum iced,
oð þone dæg þe he
on drihtnes sceal
on ansyne andweard gangan,
and þær to worlde wunian ece.
Hwylc seceð þæt þe soðfæst byð?
Swa ic naman ðinum neode singe,
þæt ic min gehat her agylde
of dæge on dæg, swa hit gedefe wese.
149. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 61
Ic mine sawle symble wylle
full gleawlice gode underþeodan;
æt him is hælu min her eall gelancg.
Hwæt, he is god min and gearu hælend;
is he fultum min, ic ne forhtige wiht.
ðonne ge mid mane men ongunnon,
ealle ge ða to deadan dædun sona,
swa ge awurpon wah of stofne.
Swa ge mine are ealle þohton
wraðe toweorpan, wide urnon
þurstige muðe; þæne bletsadan
and ðone wyrgedan wraðe mid heortan.
Hwæðere ic me soðe sawle mine
to gode hæfde georne geðeoded;
he minre geðylde þingum wealdeð.
Hwæt, he is god min and gleaw hælend
and fultum is; ne mæg ic hine ahwær befleon.
On gode standeð min gearu hælu
and wuldor min and wyn mycel;
me is halig hyht on hine swylce.
Hycge him halig folc hælu to drihtne;
doð eowre heortan hige hale and clæne,
forðon eow god standeð georne on fultum.
Hwæðere ge, manna bearn, manes unlyt
wyrceað on wægum and woh doð,
and eow beswicað sylfe oftast,
þær ge idel gylp on þam ilcan fremmað.
Nellað ge gewenan welan unrihte
oþþe to reaflace ræda þencean.
þeah þe eow wealan to
wearnum flowen,
nyllan ge eow on heortan þa hige staðelian;
æne ic god spræcan gearuwe gehyrde
and þæt treowe ongeat tidum gemeldad.
Miht is drihtnes ofer middangeard
and him þæs to worlde wuldor stande
and mildheortness, þæt he manna gehwam
æfter his agenum
earnungum demeð,
efne swa he wyrceð on worldlife.
150. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 62
God min, god min, ic þe gearuwe to
æt leohte gehwam lustum wacie.
Min sawl on ðe swyðe þyrsteð
and min flæsc on ðe fæste getreoweð.
On westene and on wege swylce
and on wæterflodum wene ic swiðe,
þæt ic ðe on halgum her ætywe,
þæt ic þin wuldur and mægen wis sceawige.
Ys þin milde mod micele betere
þonne þis læne lif þe we lifiað on;
weleras ðe mine wynnum heriað.
Swa ic ðe on minum life lustum bletsige
and ic on naman þinum neode swylce
mine handa þwea halgum gelome.
Ys sawl min swetes gefylled,
swa seo fætte gelynd, fægeres smeoruwes;
weleras mine wynnum swylce
þinne naman nu ða neode heriað.
Swa ic þin gemynd on modsefan
on minre reste rihte begange,
and on ærmergen on ðe eac gewene,
forðon þu me on fultum fæste gestode.
Ic beo fægere beþeaht fiðerum þinum
and hiht on ðon hæbbe georne,
forðon min sawl on ðe soðe getreoweþ;
me ðin seo swiðre onfencg symble æt ðearfe.
Forðon hi on idel ealle syððan
sohton synlice sawle mine,
and geond eorðscræfu eodon geneahhe;
nu hi wæran geseald under sweordes hand,
syndon fracuðe nu foxes dælas.
Kynincg sceal on drihtne clæne blisse
hluttre habban, and hine heriað eac
ealle þa ðe on hine aðas sweriað;
forþon synt gemyrde muðas ealle
þa unriht sprecað ahwær landes.
151. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 63
Gehyr min gebed, halig drihten,
nu me costunge
cnyssað geneahhe,
and wið egesan yfeles feondes
mine sawle gescyld symle æt þearfe.
þu me oft aweredest wyrigra gemotes
and fram þære menegeo þe man woldon
and unrihte æghwær fremman.
þa heora tungan teoð teonan gehwylce
sweorde efenscearpe and heora swiðne bogan,
and unscyldige mid þy scotian þenceað.
Hi hine samnuncga scearpum strelum
on scotiað, egsan ne habbað,
ac hi mid wraðum wordum trymmað
and sare sprecað: Hwa gesyhð usic?
Swa hi smeagað oft swiðost unriht
and on þam ilcan
eft forweorðað,
þær hi mamriað man and unriht.
Gangeð man manig modig on heortan,
oðþæt hine ahefeð hælend drihten.
Syndon hyra wita scytelum cilda
æghwæs onlicost; ne him awiht þon ma
heora tungan nu teonan on sittað.
Ealle synd gedrefede þe hi on sioð;
sceal him manna gehwylc man ondrædan
and weorc godes wide mærsian
and his weorc ongitan mid wisdome.
Se soðfæsta symble on drihten
blissað baldlice, bote geweneð,
and hine heriað eac heortan clæne.
152. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 64
þe gedafenað, drihten user,
þæt þe man on Sion swyðe herige
and on Hierusalem gylde and gehate.
Gehyr min gebed, halig drihten,
for ðe sceal ælc flæsc forð siðian.
Synfulra word swyþe ofer usic
fræcne foran; þu gefultuma
urum misdædum, mihta wealdend.
He weorðeð eadig, se þe hine ece god
cystum geceoseð and hine clæne hafað,
and on his earduncgstowum eardað syððan.
Ealle we ðin hus ecum godum
fægere fyllað; fæste is þin templ
ece and wræclic awa to feore.
Gehyr us, hælend god, þu eart hyht ealra
þe on ðysse eorðan utan syndon
oþþe feor on sæ foldum wuniað.
þinre mihte sculon muntas hyran,
swylce þu gedrefest deope wælas
þæt byð ormætum yþa hlude
and hi uneaðe mæg ænig aræfnan.
þeoda him ondrædað þinne egesan,
þe eard nymað utan landes;
for þinum wundrum forhte weorðað.
ærmorgenes gancg wið æfentid
ealle þa deman drihten healdeð;
eorðan ðu gefyllest eceum wæstmum,
þæt heo welig weorþeð wera cneorissum.
Beoð godes streamas gode wætere
fæste gefylde, þanan feorhnere
findað foldbuend, swa him fægere oft
gegearewadest, god lifigende.
Wæter yrnende wæstme tyddrað;
mænige on moldan manna cynnes
on cneorisse cende weorðað,
and blissiað, blowað and growað
þurh dropunge deawes and renes.
þonne þu geares hring mid gyfe bletsast
and þine fremsumnesse wylt folcum dælan,
þonne beoð þine feldas fylde mid wæstmum.
þonne on wæstmum weorðað mæsted,
and mid wynngrafe weaxað geswiru.
Hi beoð gegyrede godre wulle,
eowdesceapum; cumað eadilic
wæstm on wangas weorðlic on hwætum;
þonne hi cynlice to ðe cleopiað sona,
and þe þonne lustum lofe þanciað.
153. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 65
Ealle eorðbuend ecne drihten
wordum wislicum wide herian,
and his naman secgeað neode mid sealmum
and him wuldres lof wide syllað.
And gode secgeað, hu his þa goodan weorc
syndon wundorlice wide geond eorðan,
and eac on menigeo mægenes þines
þine feondas þe fæcne leogað.
Geweorðie wuldres ealdor
eall ðeos eorþe, ecne drihten;
and þe singe eac, secge geneahhie,
þæt þin nama is ofer eall niða bearn
se hehsta hæleþa cynnes.
Cumað nu and geseoð, hu cyme weorc
drihten worhte; synt his domas eac
swiþe egeslice ofer eall ylda bearn.
He mæg onwendan wætera ðryðe,
þæt þas deopan sæ drige weorðað,
and þa strangan mæg streamas swylce
gefeterian, þæt þu mid fote miht
on treddian eorðan gelice.
His mægen wealdeð ofer eall manna cyn
on ecnesse awa to feore,
and he ofer ealle þeode eagum wliteð;
þa hine on yrre æghwær gebringað,
ne beoð þa on him sylfum syððan ahafene.
Bletsigen þeoda bliðe mode
ealle eorðbuend ecne drihten
and mid stefne lof strang asecgean.
He mine sawle sette to life,
læteð mine fet laðe hreran.
Ure costade god clæne fyre
soðe dome, swa man seolfor deð,
þonne man hit aseoðeð swyðe mid fyre.
þu us on grame swylce gryne gelæddest,
and us bealuwa fela on bæce standeð;
settest us mænige eac men ofer heafod.
We þuruh fyr farað and þuruh floda þrym,
and ðu us on colnesse clæne gelæddest.
Ic on þin hus halig gange
and þær tidum þe tifer onsecge;
þær ic min gehat mid hyge gylde,
þæt mine weleras ær wise gedældan.
þas ic mid muðe aspræc mine æt þearfe,
þær me costunge cnyssedan geneahhe,
þæt ic ðe on tifrum teala forgulde
ealle þa gehat, þe ic æfre her
mid minum welerum wis todælde.
Gehyrað me and her cumað;
ic eow mid soþe secgean wylle,
gif ge godes egesan georne habbað,
hu mycel he dyde minre sawle.
þuruh his mihte ic muðe cleopige
oþþe mine tungan tidum blissade.
Gif ic me unrihtes oncneow awiht on heortan,
ne wite me þæt,
wealdend drihten.
Forðon me gehyrde hælend drihten,
and minre stefne beheold
strange bene.
Drihten si gebletsad, þe he ne dyde æfre
nymðe he mine bene bealde gehyrde,
ne his milde mod me dyde fremde.
154. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 66
Miltsa us, mihtig drihten, and us on mode eac
gebletsa nu; beorhte leohte
þinne andwlitan, and us on mode weorð
þuruh þine mycelnesse milde and bliðe.
And we þæs on eorðan andgyt habbað,
ure wegas wide geond þas werðeode
on þinre hælo healdan motan.
Folc þe andette; þu eart fæle god,
and þe andetten ealle þeoda.
Hæbbe þæs gefean folca æghwylc
and blissien bealde þeoda,
þæs þe þu hi on rihtum rædum demest
and eorðbuende ealle healdest.
Folc þe andetten fælne drihten
and þe andetten ealle þeoda.
Ge him eorðe syleð æþele wæstme;
gebletsige us bliðe drihten
and user god eac bletsige;
hæbbe his egesan eall eorþan gemæru.
155. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 67
Arise god, ricene weorðe
his feonda gehwylc fæste toworpen;
fleoð his ansyne, þa þe hine feodan ær.
Rece hi gelicast ricene geteoriað;
swa fram fyre weax floweð and mylteð,
swa þa fyrenfullan frecne forweorðað;
habbað soðfæste symbel ece.
Hi ansyne ecean drihtnes
habbað beorhtlice blisse and sibbe.
Singað soðum gode sealmas geneahhige,
and his naman swylce neode heriað;
doð siðfæt þæs seftne and rihtne,
þe he sylfa astah ofer sunnan up,
þam is to naman nemned drihten.
Wesað ge on his gesyhþe symble bliðe,
and on his ansyne wesan ealle gedrefde,
þa þe wydewum syn wraðe æt dome
oþþe steopcildum wesen strange fæderas.
Drihten is on his stowe dema halig,
se þe eardian deð anes modes
and on hiora huse healdeð blisse;
Se þe on his mægenes mihte gelædeð
þæt he þa gehæftan hæleð sniome,
and þa to yrre beoð ealle gecigde
and eardiað on eorðscræfum.
þonne god gangeð for his þæt gleawe folc,
oððe geond westena wide ferað,
þanon eorðe byð eall onhrered.
For ansyne ecean drihtnes
heofenas droppetað; hrusan forhtiað
for Israela godes egesan þrymme.
Wilsumne regn wolcen brincgeð,
and þonne ascadeð god sundoryrfe;
eall þu þa gefremest þurh þine fæste miht.
þine wihte on þam wynnum lifiað;
þu þin swete good sealdest þearfum.
God gifeð gleaw word godspellendum,
syleð him modes mægen se þe is mihtig kynincg
and wlites wealdend; oft weorðlic reaf
on huse men her gedælað.
Gif ge slæpað samod on clero,
fiðeru beoþ culfran fægeres seolfres
and hire bæc scineð beorhtan golde.
þonne hi se heofonlica kynincg her toscadeð,
syþþan hi on Selmon snawe weorðað.
Gebeorh godes bringeð to genihte
wæstme weorðlice and wel þicce.
Forþon ge onfoð fægerum beorge,
þær ge to genihte geniomað wæstme;
se is wealdendgode wel liciendlic,
on þam wið ende eardað drihten.
Wærun godes cræta gegearwedra
tyn þusendo geteled rime,
mænigfeald þusend modblissiendra.
Drihten is on þam dædum spedig;
on heanesse astah, hæftned lædde,
þa on hæftnede hwile micele
lange lifdon, and wæs lacgeofa
ofer middangeard manna bearnum.
Ne magon þær eard niman ungeleafe menn;
wese of dæge on dæg drihten user,
se goda god, georne gebletsad.
Sylle us gesundne siðfæt drihten;
ure hælend god helpe usser
and us æt deaðe eac drihten gehealde.
Hwæðere wealdend god wiðhycgendra
heafdas feonda her gescæneð,
and he tofylleð feaxes scadan
þara þe her on scyldum swærum eodon.
Of Basan, cwæð bealde drihten,
ic me on sæ deopre sniome onwende,
oþþæt þin fot weorðe fæste on blode.
Hundes tungan habbað feondas,
from þam þine gangas wæron gesewene;
wærun godes mines gangas rihte,
soðes kynincges symble on halgum.
þyder ealdormen ofstum coman,
and gegaderade gleowe sungon
on þæra manna midle geongra
on tympanis togenum strengum,
and on ciricean Crist, drihten god
bealde bletsige bearn Israela.
þær Benniamines synt bearn on geogoðe
and ealdormenn eac of Iudan,
þe latteow wæs forð þara leoda,
and ealdras eac of Zabulone
and Neptalim
niode swylce.
Bebeod þinum mægene; þu eart mihtig god;
and þin weorc on us mid wisdome
getryme on þinum temple tidum gehalgod;
þæt ys on Hierusalem, þyder ðe gyfe lædað
of feorwegum foldan kynincgas.
On wuda þu wildeor wordum þreatast
and fearra gemot under folcum;
ne beoð ut fram þe æfre atynde,
þa þe seolfres beoð since gecoste.
Toweorp þu þa ðeoda
156. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 68
Do me halne, god, forþon hreoh wæter
to minum feore inn floweð and gangeð;
eom ic on lame oflegd, hafað lytle sped.
Com ic on sæs hricg, þær me sealt wæter
hreoh and hopig holme besencte.
þær ic werigmod wann and cleopode,
þæt me grame syndan goman hase;
byð me æt þam earon eagon wiðgangen;
hwæðere ic on god minne gearewe gewene.
Hiora is mycle ma þonne ic me hæbbe
on heafde nu hæra feaxes,
þe me earwunga ealle feogeað.
Ofer me syndon þa þe me ehton,
fæstum folmum forð gestrangad
feondas mine, and ic forð agef
unrihtlice þa þe ic ne reafude ær.
þu wast, wuldres god, þæt ic eom unwis hyges,
ne wæren þe bemiðene mine scylde.
Ne sceolon æt me ænige habban
sceame sceandlice þe þines siðes her
ful bealdlice
bidað, drihten.
þu eart mægena god; ne sceal æt me
ænige unare ahwær findan,
þe ðe Israela god ahwær seceað.
Forþon ic edwit for þe oft aræfnade
and me hleorsceame hearde becwoman,
and ic framþe wearð fæderenbroðrum,
wæs unmæge gyst modorcildum.
Forþon me þines huses heard ellenwod
æt ormæte and me eac fela
þinra edwita on gefeollon.
þonne ic minum feore fæsten gesette,
eall hi me þæt on edwit eft oncyrdan.
Gif ic mine gewæda on witehrægl
cyme cyrde, cwædan hi syþþan,
þæt ic him wæfersyn wære eallum.
Me wiðerwearde wæron ealle,
þa him sæton
sundor on portum;
spræcon me wraðe, þa þe win druncon.
Ic þonne min gebed to þe, mihtig drihten,
tidum sende teala liciendlic,
and þu me þonne on mænigeo miltsa þinra
gehyre me hlutre hælu þine.
Alys me of lame, þe læs ic weorþe lange fæst,
and me feondum afyrr, frea ælmihtig;
ado me of deope deorces wæteres,
þe læs me besencen sealte flodas.
Ne me huru forswelge
sęgrundes deop
ne me se seað supe mid muðe.
Gehyr, drihten, me, forþon gedefe is
þin milde mod mannum fremsum,
and for mænigeo miltsa þinra
geseoh on me swylce, drihten.
Ne acyr þu æfre fram þinum cnihte þin clæne gesyhð,
forþan me feondas to feohtað geneahhe;
gehyr me hrædlice and me help freme.
Beheald mine sawle and hi hrædlice
alys and wiðfere laþum feondum.
for þinre ansyne ealle syndon
þe feondas me fæcne wurdon.
Min heorte gebad hearmedwit feala
and yrmðu mænig eac aræfnede;
næfde eorla þæs
ænig sorge;
frefrend ic sohte, findan ic ne mihte.
Hi minne mete
mengdan wið geallan
and þa gedrugadne drenctan mid ecede.
Wese heora beod fore him wended on grine
and on edlean yfel and on æwisce.
Syn hiora eagan eac adimmad,
þæt hi geseon ne magon syþþan awiht;
weorðe heora bæc swylce abeged eac.
Ageot ofer hi þin þæt grame yrre,
and æbylignes eac yrres þines
hi forgripe gramhicgende.
Wese wic heora weste and idel;
ne on heora eðele ne sy þinc oneardiendes.
Forþon hi ealra ehtan ongunnon,
ðe þu him earfoðu ænig geafe,
and me wean ecton
minra wunda sar.
Asete him þa unriht to þe hi geearnedan,
and mid unrihte ær geworhton,
and hi on þin soðfæst weorc syþþan ne gangan.
Syn hi adilgad of gedefra eac
þæra lifigendra leofra bocum;
ne wesen hi mid soðfæstum syþþan awritene.
Ic me sylfa eam sarig þearfa,
and me andwlita onfeng ecean drihtnes,
se me holdlice hælde sona.
Nu ic naman drihtnes neode herige
and hine mid lofsange læde swylce.
Ic þam leofan gode licie swyþor
þonne æðele cealf, þeah þe him upp aga
horn on heafde oððe hearde cleo.
Geseoð þæt and gefeoð, sarie þearfan,
seceað drihten and eower sawl leofað.
Forþam þa þearfendan þriste drihten
gehyreð holdlice; nyle he gehæfte eac
on heora neode na forhycgan.
Herige hine swylce heofen and eorðe,
side sæflodas and þa him syndon on.
Forþon Sione god symble hæleð;
beoð mænige byrig mid Iudeum
eft getimbrade, þær hi eard nimað.
þær hi yrfestol eft gesittað
and hiora eþel begytað esnas drihtenes,
and his naman neode lufiað,
þær eardiað awa to feore.
157. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 69
Wes, drihten god, deore fultum;
beheald, drihten, me, and me hraðe syþþan
gefultuma æt feorhþearfe.
þonne beoð gescende and scame dreogað,
þa þe mine fynd fæcne wæron
and mine sawle sohton mid niðe.
Hi on hinderlincg hweorfað and cyrrað;
ealle hiora scamien, þe me yfel hogedon.
And heora æfstu eac ealle sceamien,
þe me word cwædon: "Weg la, weg la!"
Habban þa mid wynne weorðe blisse,
þa þe secean symble drihten,
and symble cweðen: "Sy þin miht, drihten!"
and þine hælu holde lufigean.
Ic eom wædla and worldþearfa;
gefultuma me, god, frea ælmihtig.
þu me fultum eart fæste, drihten,
eart alysend min; ne lata þu awiht.
158. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 70
Ic on þe, god drihten, gearuwe gewene;
ne weorðe ic on ealdre æfre gescended;
þu me sniome alys þuruh þine þa swiþeran miht.
Ahyld me þin eare to holde mode,
and me lustum alys and me lungre weorð
on god drihten georne þeccend
and on trume stowe,
þæt þu me teala hæle.
Forþon þu me, god, wære geara trymmend,
freoða fultumiend; alys me feondum nu,
and me of folmum afere firenwyrcendra,
þe þine æ efnan nellað;
syndon unrihtes ealle wyrcende.
Forþon þu me eart fæle geþyld fæste, drihten
wære me on geoguðe hyht gleaw æt frymðe.
Ic of modur hrife mundbyrd on þe
þriste hæfde; þu eart þeccend min;
on þe ic singge nu symble and geneahhie.
Ic eom swa forebeacen folce manegum,
and þu me eart fultum strang fæste æt þearfe.
Sy min muð and min mod mægene gefylled,
þæt ic þin lof mæge lustum singan
and wuldur þin wide mærsian
and þe ealne dæg æghwær herian.
Ne aweorp þu me, wuldres ealdor,
þonne me ylde tid on gesige;
þonne me mægen and mod mylte on hreðre,
ne forlæt þu me, lifiende god.
Oft me feala cwædon feondas yfele,
and sætendan sawle minre
and on anre geþeaht eodan togædere.
Cweþað cuðlice: "Wuton cunnian,
hwænne hine god læte swa swa gymeleasne;
þonne we hine forgripen and his geara ehtan;
syþþan he ne hæbbe helpend ænne."
Ne ofgif þu me huru, god ælmihtig;
beseoh þu me, soð god, symble on fultum.
Beoð gedrette, eac gescende,
þa mine sawle ær swyþust tældun;
byð þam scand and sceamu þe me syrwedan yfel.
Ic me symble on god swiðost getreowige,
ofer eall þin lof lengest hihte.
Min muð sægeð þine mægenspede
and þin soðfæst weorc swyþust mæreð,
sægeð þe ealne dæg ece hælu.
Forþon ic ne ongeat grame ceapunga,
ac ic on þine þa myclan mihte gange.
Ic þine soðfæstnesse geman symble, drihten;
þu me ara, god, ærest lærdest
of geoguðhade; nu ic eom gomel wintrum.
A ic wundor þin weorþlic sægde,
and ic þæt wið oryldu awa fremme;
ne forlæt þu me, lifigende god,
Oððæt ic þines earmes eall asecge
stiþe strencðe þisse cneorisse,
eallum þam teohhe, þe nu toweard ys,
þines mihtes þrym, and þæt mære soð,
þæt ðu on heofenum, god, heah geworhtest
wundur wræclicu; nis þe, wuldres cyning,
ænig æfre gelic, ece drihten.
Oft þu me ætywdest earfoðes feala
on costunge cuðra manna,
and me yfela feala oft oncnyssedest;
þonne þu yrre þin eft oncyrdest
and me of neowelnesse eft neoðan alysdest
þysse eorðan, þe we on buiað.
ðær þu þin soðfæst weorc sniome tobræddest,
þonne þu gehwyrfdest and hulpe min,
and me getrymedest þæt ic teala mihte;
forþon ic þe andette, ece drihten,
and þe on sealmfatum singe be hearpan,
Israela god, ece and halig.
Mine weleras gefeoð, wynnum lofiað,
þonne ic þe singe, sigora wealdend,
and min sawl eac, þa þu sylf lysdest.
Swylce min tunge tidum mærde
þin soðfæst weorc; scende wæron ealle
þe me yfel to ær gesohton.
159. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 71
Syle dom þinne, drihten, kyninge;
suna cynincges syle, þæt he soð healde.
Dem þu þin folc deore mid soðe,
heald þine þearfan holde mid dome.
Onfon beorgas eac beorhtre sibbe
on þinum folce fægere blisse
and geswyru eac soþum dædum.
On his soðfæstnesse swylce demeð
on folce fyrhte þearfan,
swylce he þearfena bearn þriste hæleð.
He þa hermcweðend hyneð and bygeð,
se mid sunnan wunað swylce mid monan,
þurh ealra worulda woruld wunað him ece.
He þonne astigeð, swa se stranga ren
fealleð on flys her, and swa fæger dropa
þe on þas eorðan upon dreopað.
On his agenum dagum ypped weorðeþ
syb soðfæstnes swiðe genihtsum,
oþþæt byð ahafen hluttor mona.
He þonne wealdeð wera cneorissum
be sæ tweonum, sidum ricum,
and fram streamracum styreð him eallum
oþ þysse eorðan utgemæru.
Hine Sigelwearas seceað ealle
and his feondas foldan liccigeað.
Cumað of Tharsis tires eadige
and of ealandum utan kynincgas;
þa him eardgyfu æðele bringað
of Arabia, eac of Saba;
ealle him leoda lacum cwemað.
Hine weorðiað worulde kyningas
þa on eorðwege ealle syndan;
ealle þeoda hine weorðiað georne.
Forþon he alyseð lungre þearfan,
þæt him se welega ne mæg wiht onsittan,
and þæne wædlan, þe on worulde næfð
ahwær elles ænigne fultum.
He helpeð þearfan, swylce eac wædlan,
and he þearfigendra sawla gehæleð.
He of mansceatte and of mane eac
sniome hiora sawle softe alysde;
ys his nama for him neode gebyrhted.
He lyfað leodum, him byð lungre seald;
of Arabia gold eorlas lædað;
hine weorþiað wera cneoressa
and hine ealne dæg eac bletsiað.
þonne æðele getrym eorðan weardað,
bið se beorht ahafen ofer beorgas up;
ofer Libanum licgeað his yþa,
and on burgum beoþ blostmum fægere
swa on eorðan heg ute on lande.
þonne byð his nama ofer eall niða bearn
and to widan feore weorðeð gebletsod;
ær sunnan his nama soðfæst standeð,
byð his setl ær swylce þonne mona.
And him byð eorþan cynn eall gebletsad;
ealle hine þeoda þriste heriað.
Wese Israhela ece drihten
and hiora sylfra god symble gebletsad,
se þe wundor mycel wyrceð ana;
si his mihta nama mode gebletsad
on ecnesse awa to worlde.
And þeos eorðe si eall gefylled,
þurh his wuldres miht. Wese swa, wese swa!
160. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 72
Hu god is ece god mid Israhelum,
þam þe mid heortan hycgeað rihte;
me fornean syndon losode nu ða
ealle on foldan fota gangas.
Forþon ic fæstlice fyrenwyrcende
oft elnade; noldun earme mid him
sibbe secean, sohton fyrene.
Forþon hira deaðes byð deorc endestæf,
ne heora wites bið wislic trymnes.
Ne synd hi on miclum manna gewinnum,
and hi mid manna ne beoð mægene beswungene.
Forþon hi oferhygd nam ungemete swyþe,
þurh þæt hira unriht wearð eall untyned.
þanon forð becom fæcne unriht,
swa swa hit of gelynde lungre cwome,
and hi on heortan hogedon and þohton,
hu hi fyrmest facen and unriht
on hean huse hraðost acwædon.
Hwæt, hi on heofon setton hyge hyra muþes,
and hira tungan tugon ofer eorðan.
Forþon min folc hider fægere hweorfeð,
þær hi fulle dagas findað sona.
And þonne cwædon:
"Hu weorðeð þis cuð gode
oþþe þeos gewitness weorðeþ on heagum?"
þi nu fyrenfulle foldan æhta
and þysse worulde welan wynnum namon.
þa ic on mode cwæð minum sona,
þeah þe ic on me ingcan ænne ne wiste,
hu ic mine heortan heolde mid soðe,
and mine handa þwoh, þær ic hete nyste,
and ic wæs ealne dæg eac geswungen,
wæs me leawfinger be leohtne dæg.
Gif ic sylf cwæde and sæcge eac,
swa þe bearn weorðað geboren syþþan,
þa ylcan ic ær foreteode.
Ic þæs wende, þæt ic mid wisdome
full gleawlice ongitan mihte,
hu þis gewinn wolde gangan,
oþþæt ic on his hus halig gange
and ic þa nehstan ongite neode syþþan.
Hwæðere þu him for inwite yfel befæle,
awurpe hi wraðe, þa hi wendan ær,
þæt hi wæron alysde, laðum wiðferede.
Nu syndon hi gewordene wraðe tolysde,
and semninga sneome forwurdon
for unrihte þe hi ær dydon,
swa fram slæpe hwylc swærum arise.
And hi on byrig drihtnes bealde habbað
hiora ansyne, and þu hi eaðe miht
to nawihte forniman sneome.
Ys minre heortan hige hluttor and clæne,
wærun mine ædra ealle tolysde,
and ic to nawihte eom nyde gebiged,
swa ic þæt be owihte ær ne wiste.
Ic eom anlic mid þe anum neate
and ic symble mid þe syþþan hwæðere.
þu mine swyþran hand sylfa gename,
and me mid þinon willan well gelæddest,
and me þa mid wuldres welan gename.
Hwæt mæg me wiðerhabban on heofonrice?
Hwæt wolde ic fram þe wyrcean ofer eorþan?
Me is heorte and flæsc hearde geteorad;
ys me heortan gehygd hyldu drihtnes
and ece dæl awa to worulde.
Forþan þa forweorþað, þe hira wynne to þe
habban noldan, ne heora hyge settan;
huru þu forleosest þa forhealdað þe.
Min is ætfele mihtigum drihtne;
good is swylce, þæt ic on god drihten
minne hiht sette, healde fæste.
And ic eall þin lof eft asecge
Sione dohtrum on hire sylfre durum.
161. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 73
For hwan þu us, ece god, æfre woldest
æt ende fram þe ahwær drifan?
Is þin yrre strang and egesa mycel
ofer þin agen eowde sceapa.
Gemun þin mannweorod, þæt þu, mihtig god,
æt fruman ærest fægere geworhtest.
þu þines yrfes æþele gyrde
sylfa alysdest and Sione byrig,
on þam ilcan þu eard gename;
hefe þu þine handa and hyn hiora oferhygd;
feala wyrgnessa wraðe feondas
þinum þam halgum hefige brohtan;
gylpað gramhydige, þa þin geo ehtan
and on þinra wica wuniað midle.
Settan hiora tacen, soþe ne ongeaton,
swa hi on wege wyrcean sceoldon
wundorbeacen, swa hi on wudu dydan.
Hi mid æxum duru elne curfan,
and mid twyecgum teoledan georne
þæt hi mid adesan ealle towurpan.
þa hi þæt þin fægere hus fyre forbærndan
and on eorðstede eac gewemdan,
þæt þinum naman gewearþ niode cenned.
Cwædan on heortan: "Wutan cuman ealle
and ure magas mid us; wutun þyder gemot habban
and symbeldagas swylce drihtnes
on eorðwege ealle towurpan.
Ne we sweotul tacen us geseoð ænig,
ne we on ænige wisan witegan habbað,
þæt us andgytes ma æfre secgen."
Wilt þu hu lange, wealdend drihten,
edwit þolian yfelum feondum
and naman þinne nu bysmriað
þa wiþerweardan wraþe wið ende?
For hwan awendest þu wuldres ansyne
æfre fram us, eac þa swyðran hand
of þinum sceate sylfa wið ende?
Usser god kynincg, geara þu worhtest,
ær woruld wære, wise hælu
on þisse eorþan efenmidre.
þu on þines mægenes mihte spedum
sæ gesettest, swylce gebræce
þæt dracan heafod deope wætere.
þu þæs myclan dracan mihtum forcome
and his þæt hearde heafod gescændest,
sealdest Siglhearwum syððan to mose.
þu sylfa eac toslite wyllas
and hlynnende hlude streamas
on æthane ealle adrigdest.
þu dæg settest and deorce niht,
swylce þu gesettest sunnan and monan;
ealle þu geworhtest eorðan gemæru,
sumor þu and lencten swylce geworhtest.
Wes þu gemyndig manna bearna,
þæra gesceafta
þe þu gesceope ðe;
fynd ætwitað fæcne drihtne,
unwis folc ne wat þinne wyrðne naman.
Ne syle þu unscyldigra sawla deorum
þe þe andettað earme þearfan;
þara þu on ealdre ne forgit, ece drihten.
Geseoh þu nu sylfa, god, soð is gecyðed,
nu þin gewitnes ys wel gefylled,
hu deorce beoð dagas on eorðan
þam þe unrihtes
æghwær wyrceað.
Ne byð se eadmoda æfre gecyrred,
þeah þe wædla and þearfa he wyle
naman þinne neode herian.
Aris, drihten god, dem þine nu
ealde intingan; eac wes gemyndig,
hu þe unwise edwita fela
þurh ealne dæg oft aspræcon.
Ne forgit huru godra manna
soðra stefna, þa þe seceað þe;
fyll þa oferhydigan, ða ðe feogeað þe,
and eft to þe ealle stigað.
162. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 74
We þe andettað, ecne drihten,
and þe andettað ealle þeoda
and naman þinne neode ciegen.
Ic þin wundur eall wræclic sæcge,
swa ic fæstlicast mæg befon wordum,
and eac soð symble deme.
Eorðe is gemolten and hire eardend mid;
ic þonne hire swyre symble getrymme.
Ic to yflum cwæð oft nalæs seldan:
"Nelle ge unriht ænig fremman
and agyltan, þæt hi ne gulpan þæs.
Ne ahebbað ge to hea eowre hygeþancas,
ne ge wið gode æfre gramword sprecan."
Forþon eastan ne cymeð gumena ænig,
ne of westwegum wera cneorissa,
ne of þissum westum widum morum;
forþon him is dema drihten sylfa.
Sumne he gehyneð, sumne ahefeð sniome;
forþon se wines steap on waldendes handa
fægere gefylled is; þæs onfehð þe he ann.
þonne he of þysum on þæt þonne oncerreð,
nyle he þa dærstan him don unbryce;
forþam sculon ealle drincan synfulle,
þa on þysse foldan fyrene wyrceað;
ic þonne worulde gefean wynnum healde,
and Iacobes gode georne singe.
Ealra fyrenfulra fyhtehornas
ic bealdlice gebrece sniome;
swyþe beoð ahafene
þa soðfæstan.
163. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 75
God wæs geara cuð mid Iudeum,
and his æþele nama mid Israelum.
Is on sibbe his stow soþe behealden,
and he on Sione swylce eardað.
þær he hornbogan hearde gebendeð,
and sweord and sceld æt gescotfeohta.
þu wræclice wundrum onlyhtest
fram þam eceum hider æðelum beorgum;
ealle synt yrre, þa þe unwise
heora heortan hige healdað mid dysige;
hi slæp hiora
swæfun unmurne;
ne þær wiht fundan, þa þe welan sohtan,
þæs þe hi on handum hæfdan godes.
For þinre þrea þriste ongunnon,
Iacobes god, georne slepan,
þa þe on horsum hwilon wæron;
is þin egesa mycel; hwylc mæg æfre þe,
gif þu yrre byst, ahwær wiðstandan?
þonne þu of heofenum dom hider on eorþan
mid gescote sendest, þonne hio swyþe beofað;
ðonne to dome drihten ariseð,
þæt he on eorðan do ealle hale
þe he mildheorte meteð and findeð.
Forþon ðe mannes geþoht mægen andetteð,
and þonne þa lafe lustum þence,
þæt ic þe symbeldæg
sette and gyrwe.
Gehatað nu drihtne, and him hraðe gyldað
eowrum þam godan gode georne;
ealle þe on ymbhwyrfte ahwær syndan,
him gyfe bringen gode and clæne.
To þam egsan sceal æghwylc habban,
þe wera gastum wealdeð and healdeð;
eorðcynincgum se ege standeð.
164. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 76
Ic mid stefne ongann styrman to drihtne,
and he me gehyrde and beheold sona.
Ic on earfoðdæge ecne drihten
sohte mid handum swyþe geneahhe,
and ic on niht for him neode eode;
næs ic on þam siðe beswicen awiht.
And ic swiðe wiðsoc sawle minre
fælre frofre; þa ic fæste god
gemyndgade, þær ic hæfde mæstne hiht.
Swyðe ic begangen wæs and min sylfes gast
wæs hwonlice ormod worden,
wæron eagan mine eac mid wæcceum
werded swyþe; ne spræc ic worda feala.
þa ic ealde dagas eft geþohte,
hæfde me ece gear ealle on mode.
Ic þa mid heortan ongann hycggean nihtes;
wæs min gast on me georne gebysgad.
þa ic sylfa cwæð: "Ic to soðe wat,
nele þis ece god æfre toweorpan
ne us witnian for his weldædum,
oððe wiþ ende æfre to worulde
his milde mod mannum afyrran
on woruldlife wera cneorissum.
Ne byð æfre god ungemyndig,
þæt he miltsige manna cynne,
oþþe on yrre æfre wille
his milde mod mannum dyrnan."
And ic selfa cwæð: "Nu ic sona ongann
þas geunwendnes wenan ærest
þara hean handa haligan drihtnes,
weorca wræclicra worda gemyndig,
þæt he æt fruman wundor fæger geworhte."
þa ic metegian ongan mænigra weorca,
hu ic me on eallum þam eaðust geheolde;
on eallum þinum weorcum ic wæs smeagende,
swylce ic on þinum gehylde sylf begangen.
Ys weruda god on wege halgum;
hwylc is mihtig god butan ure se mæra god?
þu eart ana god, þe æghwylc miht
wundor gewyrcean on woruldlife.
Eft þu þine mihte mænige cyðdest
folcum on foldan; þu wiðferedes eac
Israhela bearn of ægyptum.
Hwæt, þe, wuldres god, wæter sceawedon
and þe gesawon sealte yþa;
forhte wurdan flodas gedrefde,
wæs sweg micel sealtera wætera.
Sealdon weorðlice
wolcnas stefne
þurh þine stræle strange foran;
wæs þunurradstefn strang on hweole.
þonne ligette lixan cwoman,
eall ymbhwyrft eorðan onhrerdan.
Wærun wegas þine on widne sæ
and þine stige ofer strang wæter;
ne bið þær eþe þin spor on to findanne.
Folc þin ðu feredest swa fæle sceap
þurh Moyses mihtige handa
and Aarones ealle gesunde.
165. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 77
Geheald þu, min folc, mine fæste æ;
ahyldað eowre earan, þæt ge holdlice
mines muðes word mihte gehyran.
Ic on anlicnessum ærest ontyne
mines sylfes muð, secggean onginne,
þa on worldricum wæron æt frymðe.
Ealle þa we oncneowan, cuð ongeaton,
and ure fæderas us æror sægdon.
Noldan hi þa swiðe heora synna dyrnan,
ac ylda gehwylc oðrum cyðde.
Sægdon lof symble leofum drihtne
and his þa myclan miht, mænigu wundur,
þa he geworhte wera cneorissum.
He aweahte gewitnesse
on Iacobe goode and strange,
and Israhelum æ gesette.
þa he fæste bebead fæderum ussum,
þæt hi heora bearnum budun and sægdun,
and cinn oðrum cyðden and mærden.
Gif bearn wære geboren þam fæder,
him sceolde se yldra eall gesæcgan,
þæt hi gleawne hiht to gode hæfdan,
and his weorðlicu weorc gemundon,
and godes bebodu georne heoldan.
Ne wesen hi on facne fæderum gelice;
þæt wæs earfoðcynn yrre and reðe;
næfdon heora heortan hige gestaðelod;
nis to wenanne, þætte wolde god
hiora gasta mid him gyman awiht.
Effremes bearn ærest ongunnan
of bogan stræle bitere sendan,
þæs hi on wiges dæge wendon æfter.
Ne heoldan hi halgan drihtnes
gewitnesse, ne his weorca æ
awiht wislice woldan begangan.
Ealra goddæda hi forgiten hæfdon,
and þara wundra, þe he worhte ær,
þara heora yldran on locadan.
He on ægypta agenum lande
him worhte fore wundur mære
and on Campotanea eac mid soðe.
He sæ toslat, sealte yþa
gefæstnade, and hi foran þurh.
Him wisode wolcen unlytel
daga æghwylce, swa hit drihten het,
and him ealle niht oðer beacen
fyres leoma folcnede heold.
He on westene wide ædran
him of stane let, strange burnan.
Of þam wæter cwoman weorude to helpe,
swyþe wynlice wætera þryðe.
þa hi hira firene furþur ehtan,
and hine on yrre eft gebrohtan,
heora heafodweard holdne on lande.
Hi þa on heortan hogedon to niðe,
and geornlice godes costadan,
bædan hiora feorum foddur geafe,
and gramlice be gode spræcan:
"Ac we þæs ne wenað, þæt us witig god
mæge bringan to beod gegearwod
on þisum westene widum and sidum,
þeah þe he of stane streamas lete
wæter on willan wynnum flowan,
Ne we hwæðere wenað, þæt he wihte mæge
mid hlafe þis folc her afedan."
Syþþan þæt gehyrde halig drihten,
he ylde þa gyt and eft gespræc;
wæs gegleded fyr on Iacobe
and his yrre barn on Israhelas,
Forþon þe hi ne woldon wordum drihtnes
lustum gelyfan, lare forhogedon.
Het he þa widan duru wolcen ontynan
hea of heofenum and hider rignan
manna to mose manna cynne,
sealde him heofenes hlaf hider on foldan,
and engla hlaf æton mancynn,
and hwætenne hæfdon to genihte.
And awehte þa windas of heofenum,
Auster ærest and þa Affricum.
Him þa eac feoll ufan flæsc to genihte;
swa sand sæs oððe þiss swearte dust
coman gefiðrade
fugelas swylce.
And on middan þa wic manige feollan
and ymb hiora selegescotu swiðe geneahhe.
Swiðe ætan and sade wurdan,
and hiora lusta lifdan hwile;
næron hi bescyrede sceattes willan.
þa gyt hi on muðe heora mete hæfdon,
þa him on becwom yrre drihtnes
and heora mænige mane swultan,
æðele Israhela eac forwurdan.
In eallum hi þissum ihtan synne,
and noldan his wundrum wel gelyfan.
Hi heora dagena tid
dædun idle
and heora geara gancg eac unnytte.
þonne he hi sare sloh, þonne hi sohton hine,
and ær leohte to him lustum cwoman.
Syððan hi ongeaton, þæt wæs god heora
fæle fultum, freond æt þearfe;
wæs hea god heora alysend,
Hi hine lufedan lease muðe,
ne þæs on heortan hogedan awiht.
Næs him on hreðre heorte clæne,
ne hi on gewitnesse wisne hæfdon,
on hiora fyrhþe fæstne geleafan.
He þonne is mildheort and manðwære
hiora fyrendædum, nolde hi to flymum gedon.
He þa manige fram him mangewyrhtan
yrre awende, eall ne wolde
þurh hatne hyge hæleðum cyþan.
And he gemunde þæt hi wæran moldan and flæsc
gast gangende, næs se geancyr eft.
Hi hine on westenne wordum and dædum
on yrre mod eft gebrohtan,
aweahtan hine on eorðan oft butan wætere.
Oft hi grimlice godes costodan
and Israhela god eac abulgan.
Na gemynd hæfdan, hu his seo mycle hand
on gewindæge werede and ferede.
He ægypti egesan geþywde
mid feala tacna and forebeacna
in Campotaneos; þæt wæs cuð werum.
þær he wæterstreamas wende to blode;
ne meahte wæter drincan wihta ænig.
Sette him heard wite, hundes fleogan,
and hi ætan eac yfle tostan;
hæfdan hi eallunga ut aworpen.
Sealde erucan, yfelan wyrme,
let hiora wyrta wæstme forslitan,
and hiora gram gewinn hæfdan gærshoppan.
Heora wingeardas wraþe hægle
nede fornamon; nænig moste
heora hrorra hrim æpla gedigean.
Sealde heora neat eac swylce hæglum,
and heora æhta ealle fyre.
He æbyligðe on hi bitter and yrre,
sarlic sende oð sawlhord
and þæt wið yfele englas sende.
He him weg worhte wraðan yrres,
ne he heora sawlum deað swiðe ne sparude
and heora neat niðcwealm forswealh.
He þa on þam folce frumbearna gehwylc
on ægiptum eall acwealde
and frumwæstme folce Chames.
þa he his folc genam swa fæle sceap,
lædde geliccast leofe eowde
þurh westenas wegas uncuðe.
And he hi on hihte holdre lædde;
næs him on fyrhtu feondes egsa,
ac ealle þa yþa fornamon.
He hi þa gelædde on leofre byrig
and haligre, ða his hand begeat.
And he manige for him mære þeode
awearp of wicum, sealde him weste land,
þæt hi mid tane getugan rihte.
þa Israelas æhte gesætan
hrores folces, þa hi heanne god
gebysmredan, noldon his bebodu
fæste healdan.
Hi awendan aweg, nalæs wel dydan,
swa heora fæderas beforan heoldan,
and on wiðermede wendan and cyrdan.
oft aweahtan,
þonne hi oferhydig up ahofan,
and him wohgodu worhtan and grofun.
þa þæt gehyrde halig drihten,
he hi forhogode, and hraðe syþþan
Israhela cynn egsan geðyde.
And he þa swa gelome wiðsoc snytruhuse,
wæs his agen hus, þær he eard genam
ær mid mannum, mihtig hæfde.
He hi þa on hæftnyd hean gesealde
and heora fæger folc on feondes hand.
Sealde þa his swæs folc sweorde under ecge,
and his yrfe eac eall forhogode.
Heora geoguðe eac grimme lige
fyr fæðmade; fæmnan ne wæran
geonge begrette, þeah ðe hi grame swultan.
Wæran sacerdas heora sweordum abrotene;
ne þæt heora widwan wepan mostan.
þa wearð aweaht wealdend drihten,
swa he slæpende softe reste
oððe swa weorð man wine druncen.
He þa his feondas sloh and him ætfæste eac
ece edwit awa to feore.
And he georne wiðsoc Iosepes huse,
ne þon ær geceas Effremes cynn,
ac he geceas Iudan him geswæs frumcynn
on Sione byrig, þær him wæs symble leof.
He þa anhornan
ealra gelicast
his halige hus her on eorðan
getimbrade; het ðæt teala syððan
on worldrice wunian ece.
And him ða Dauid geceas, deorne esne,
and genam hine æt eowde ute be sceapum,
fostur feormade; he him onfencg hraðe.
He þonne fedeð folc Iacobes
and Israhela yrfelafe.
And he hi þonne butan facne fedeð syþþan,
and his folmum syþþan
forð lædeð.
166. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 78
Comon on ðin yrfe, ece drihten,
fremde þeode, þa þin fæle hus,
ealh haligne yfele gewemdan.
Settan Hierusalem samod anlicast
swa in æppelbearu ane cytan;
swylce hi setton swylt þinum esnum,
sealdon flæsc heora fuglum to mose,
haligra lic hundum and deorum.
Hi þara bearna blod on byrig leton
swa man gute wæter ymb Hierusalem;
blodige lagan, nahtan byrgendas.
We synd gewordene wera cneorissum
eallum edwitstæf ymbsittendum,
þe us ahwær neah nu ða syndon.
Hu wilt þu, wuldres god, wrað yrre þin
on ende fram us æfre oncyrran?
Is nu onbærned biter þin yrre
on ðinum folce fyre hatre.
Ageot yrre þin on þæt rice
and on cneowmagas þe ne cunnan ðe,
ne naman þinne neode cigeað.
Forþon hi Iacob geara ætan,
and his wicstede westan gelome.
Ne gemune þu to oft, mihta wealdend,
ealdra unrihta þe we oft fremedon,
ac we hraðe begytan hyldo ðine,
forþon we ðearfende þearle syndon.
Gefultuma us, frea ælmihtig,
and alys us, lifigende god;
weorð urum synnum sefte and milde
for naman þinum neode and aare.
þy læs æfre cweðan oðre þeoda,
hæðene herigeas, "Hwær com eower halig god?"
and us þæt on eagum oftust worpen,
þær manna wese mæst ætgædere.
Wrec agen blod esna þinra,
þæt wæs sarlice agoten, þær þu gesawe to;
geonge for ðe gnornendra care
þara þe on feterum fæste wæran.
æfter ðines earmes æðelum mægene
gegang þa deaða bearn þe hi demað nu.
Gyld nu gramhydigum, swa hi geearnedan,
on sceat hiora seofonfealde wrace,
forþon hi edwit on þe ealle hæfdon.
We þin folc wærun and fæle sceap
eowdes þines; we ðe andettað,
and þe to worulde wuldur sæcgeað
and þe on worulda woruld wordum heriað.
167. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 79
þu þe Israela æðelum cynne
reccest and rædest, ðu nu recene beheald,
þu ðe Ioseph swa sceap gramum wiðlæddest.
ðu ðe sylfa nu sittest ofer cherubin,
æteow fore Effraim eac Mannasse
and Beniamin, nu we biddað þe.
Awece þine mihte and mid wuldre cum,
and us hale do her on eorðan.
Gehweorf us, mægena god, and us mildne æteow
þinne andwlitan; ealle we beoð hale.
Eala ðu, mægena god, mære drihten,
hu lange yrsast þu on þines esnes gebed?
Tyhst us and fedest teara hlafe,
and us drincan gifest deorcum tearum
manna gehwylcum on gemet rihtes.
þu us asettest on sarcwide
urum neahmannum; nu we cunnion,
hu us mid fraceðum fynd bysmriað.
Gehweorf us, mægena god, and us mildne æteow
þinne andwlitan; ealle we beoð hale.
þu of ægyptum ut alæddest
wræstne wingeard, wurpe þeode
and þone ylcan ðær eft asettest.
þu him weg beforan worhtest rihtne,
and his wyrtruman wræstne settest,
þanon eorðe wearð eall gefylled.
His se brada scua beorgas þeahte,
and his tanas astigun godes cedderbeam.
Ealle þa telgan ðe him of hlidað,
þu æt sæstreamas sealte gebræddest,
and hi to flodas forð aweaxað.
Forhwan þu towurpe weallfæsten his?
Wealdeð his winbyrig eall þæt on wege færð.
Hine utan of wuda eoferas wrotað,
and wilde deor westað and frettað.
Gehweorf nu, mægena god, milde and spedig
þine ansyne ufan of heofenum;
gewite and beseoh wingeard þisne,
þæt he mid rihte ræde gange,
þæne ðin seo swiðre sette æt frymðe,
and ofer mannes sunu, þe þu his mihte ær
under ðe getrymedest, tires wealdend.
Fyr onbærneð, folm þurhdelfeð;
fram ansyne egsan ðines
ealle þa on ealdre yfele forweorðað.
Si þin seo swiðre hand ofer soðne wer
and ofer mannes sunu; þu his mihta ðe
geagnadest, ealle getrymedest,
weoruda drihten; ne gewitað we fram ðe.
Ac þu us wel cwica, wealdend mihtig;
we naman þinne neode cigeað.
Gehweorf us, mægena
168. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 80
gif þu, Israhel, a wylt elne gehyran.
Gif þu, Israhel, me anum gehyrst,
ne byð god on þe niwe gemeted,
ne þu fremedne god sylfa gebiddest.
Ic eom þin god, ðe geara þe
of ægypta eorþan alædde.
Ontyn þinne muð and ic hine teala fylle;
nele min folc mine stefne æfre gehyran,
ne me Israhel behealdan holde mode.
Ac hi lifian het lustum heortena
swa him leofust wæs, leode þeodum,
æfter hiora willum wynnum miclum.
þær min agen folc, Israhela cynn,
me mid gehygde hyran cuðan,
oþþe on wegas mine woldan gangan,
þonne ic hiora fynd fylde and hynde,
and þæt mycle mægen minra handa
heora ehtendas ealle fornam.
Him fynd godes fæcne leogað;
byð hiora yfele tid awa to feore.
He hi fedde mid fætre lynde,
hwæte and hunige, þæt him halig god
sealde of stane, oþþæt hi sæde wæron.
169. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 81
God mihtig stod godum on gemange,
and he hi on midle mægene tosceadeð.
Hu lange deme ge domas unrihte,
and ge onfoð ansyna synnwyrcendra?
Demað steopcildum domas soðe
and eadmedum eac þæt sylfe,
wædlum and ðearfum wel soðfæstum.
Ge of firenfulra fæcnum handum
þearfan and wædlan þriste alysað.
Ne ongeatan hi ne geara wistan,
ac hi on ðystrum þrage eodan;
ealle abeofedan eorðan staþelas.
Ic ærest cwæð: "Ge synd uppe godu,
ealle uphea, and æðele bearn.
Ge þonne sweltað samod mid mannum,
swa ealdormann an gefealleð."
Aris drihten, nu! Dem eorðware,
forþan þu eart erfeweard ealra ðeoda.
170. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 82
Hwylc is þe gelic, ece drihten?
Ne swiga ðu, ne þe sylfne bewere.
Forþon þine feond fæcne forwurdan,
þa ðe fæste ær feodan, drihten,
and heora heafod wið þe hofan swiðe.
Hi on ðinum folce him facengeswipere
syredan and feredan, and to swice hogedon,
and ehtunga ealle hæfdon,
hu hi þine halgan her yfeladan.
Cwædan cuðlice: "Wutun cuman ealle
and hi towyrpan geond werþeoda,
þæt ne sy gemyndig manna ænig,
hu Israhela naman ænig nemne."
Forþon hi an geþeaht ealle ymbsætan,
and gewitnesse wið þe wise gesettan.
Selegesceotu synd onsægd in Idumea
and Ismæhelita, eac synt Moabes,
Ammon and Ammalech, Agareni,
swylce Gebal and grame manige
fremde þeoda mid eardiendum folce on Tyrum.
Cwom samod mid ðam swylce Assur;
ealle on wegum æghwær syndon
on leodstefnum Loðes bearnum.
Do him nu swa ðu dydest dagum Madiane
and Sisare, swylce Iabin;
ealle þa namon ændor wylle
and Cisone clæne hlimme;
wurdan þa earme eorþan to meohxe.
Sete heora ealdormenn swa ðu Oreb dydest,
Zeb and Zebee and Salmanaa,
and heora ealdrum eallum swylce;
ealle þa on an ær gecwædon,
þæt hi halignesse godes her gesettan.
Sete hi nu, min god, samod anlice
swa se wægnes hweol oþþe windes healm,
and swa færincga fyr wudu byrneð,
oððe swa lig freteð lungre morhæð,
Swa þu hi on yrre ehtest and drefest,
þæt hi on hrernesse hraþe forweorðað.
Gedo þæt hiora ansyn awa sceamige,
þonne hi naman þinne neode seceað.
Ealle beoð georette, eac gescende,
and on weoruldlife weorþað gedrefde,
þonne hi naman þinne neode seceað.
þu ana eart ofer ealle heah
eorðbuende, ece drihten.
171. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 83
Synd me wic þine weorðe and leofe,
mægena drihten; a ic on mode þæs
willum hæfde, þet ic him wunude onn.
Heorte min and flæsc hyhtað georne
on þone lifigendan leofan drihten;
him eac spedlice spearuwa hus begyteð,
and tidlice turtle nistlað,
þær hio afedeð fugelas geonge.
Wærun wigbedu þin, weoruda drihten;
þu eart drihten min and deore cynincg.
Eadige weorðað, þa þe eardiað
on þinum husum, halig drihten,
and þe on worulda woruld, wealdend, heriað.
þæt byð eadig wer, se þe him oðerne
fultum ne seceð nymþe fælne god,
and þæt on heortan hige healdeð fæste,
geseteð him þæt sylfe on ðisse sargan dene,
þær hi teara teonan cnyssað
on þam sylfan stede þe þu him settest her.
Brohte him bletsunge se ðe him beorhte æ
soðe sette; syþþan eodan
of mægene on mægen; þær wæs miht gesawen
on Sionbeorge soðes drihtnes.
Gehyr min gebed, halig drihten,
þu eart mære god, mildum earum,
and Iacobes god se mæra.
Beseoh drihten nu, scyldend usser;
oncnaw onsyne cristes þines.
Betere is micle to gebidanne
anne dæg mid þe þonne oðera
on þeodstefnum þusend mæla.
Ic me þæs wyrce and wel ceose,
þæt ic hean gange on hus godes,
þonne ic on fyrenfulra folce eardige.
Forþon god lufað geornast ealles,
þæt man si mildheort mode soðfæst,
þonne him god gyfeð gyfe and wuldur.
Nele god æfre gode bedælan,
þa ðe heortan gehygd healdað clæne;
þæt bið eadig mann, se þe him ecean godes
to mundbyrde miht gestreoneð.
172. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 84
þu bletsadest, bliðe drihten,
foldan fæle, and afyrdest eac
of Iacobe þa graman hæftned.
Unriht þu forlete eallum þinum folce,
and heora fyrene fæste hæle.
Eall þu þin yrre eðre gedydest,
na ðu ure gyltas egsan gewræce.
Gehweorf us hraðe, hælend drihten,
and þin yrre fram us eac oncyrre,
þæt ðu us ne weorðe wrað on mode.
Ne wrec þu þin yrre wraðe mode
of cynne on cynn and on cneorisse;
gecyr us georne to ðe, Crist ælmihtig,
and ðin folc on ðe gefeo swiðe.
æteow us milde mod, mihtig drihten,
and us þine hæle syle her to genihte.
Syþþan ic gehyre, hwæt me halig god
on minum modsefan mælan wille;
sybbe he his folces seceð geornast,
and swiðust to þam þe hine seceað.
Hwæðere he is mid soðe forswiðe neah
þam þe egsan his elne healdað,
hæleð mid hyldo, and him her syleð
ure eorðan æðele wuldor.
Him gangað ongean gleawe cræftas,
mildheortnesse mod and mihte soð,
and hine sybbe lufu swylce clyppeð.
Up of eorðan cwom æþelast soða,
beseah soðfæstnes samod of heofenum.
Syleð us fremsum god fægere drihten,
þonne us eorðe syleð æðele wæstmas.
Hine soðfæstnes symble foregangeð
and on weg setteð wise gangas.
173. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 85
Ahyld me þin eare, halig drihten;
forðon ic eom wædla, þu me wel gehyr,
and ic sylfa eom sorhfull þearfa.
Geheald mine sawle, forðon ic halig eom;
hæl þinne scealc, forþon ic ðe hihte to.
Miltsa me drihten, þonne ic mægene to ðe
þurh ealne dæg elne cleopade;
do þines scealces sawle bliðe,
forðon ic hi to ðe hebbe genehhige.
Forðon þu eart wynsum, wealdend drihten;
is þin milde mod mycel and genihtsum
eallum þam þe þe elne cigeað.
þu mid earum onfoh, ece drihten,
min agen gebed, and eac beheald,
hu ic stefne to ðe stundum cleopige.
þonne me on dæge deorc earfoðe
carelice cnyssedan, þonne ic cleopode to ðe;
forþon þu me gehyrdest holde mode.
Nis þe goda ænig on gumrice
ahwær efne gelic, ece drihten,
ne ðe weorc magon wyrcean anlic.
Ealle þu geworhtest wera cneorissa,
þa þe weorðiað, wuldres aldor,
and naman drihtnes neode cigeað.
Forðan ðu eart se mycla mihtiga drihten,
þe wundor miht wyrcean ana.
Gelæd, drihten, me on þinne leofne weg,
and ic on þinum soðe syþþan gancge.
Heorte min ahlyhheð, þonne ic ðinne halgan naman
forhtige me on ferhðe, forð andette
mid ealre heortan hyge, þæt þu eart, halig god,
nemned drihten, and we naman þinne
on ecnesse a weorðien.
Ys þin mildheortnes mycel ofer me, drihten,
and þu mine sawle swylce alysdest
of helwarena hinderþeostrum.
God min se leofa, gramhydige me
mid unrihte oft onginnað,
and gesamnincge swiðmihtigra
sohton mine sawle swyþe geneahhe;
ne doð him for awiht egsan drihtnes.
Hwæt, þu eart, min drihten god, dædum mildheort,
þenden geðyldig, þearle soðfæst.
Beseoh nu on me, and me syþþan weorð
milde on mode, mihtig drihten;
geteoh hrore meaht hysse þinum;
do þinre þeowan sunu, drihten, halne.
Do gedefe mid me, drihten, tacen,
and þæt god ongitan, þa me georne ær
fæste feodan, habban forð sceame.
Forþon þu me wære fultum fæste, drihten,
and me frefredest, frea ælmihtig.
174. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 86
Healdað his staðelas halige beorgas;
lufude Sione duru symble drihten
ofer Iacobes wic goode ealle.
Wærun wuldurlice wið þe wel acweðene,
þæt þu si cymast ceastra drihtnes;
eac ic gemyndige þa mæran Raab
and Babilonis begea gehwæðeres.
Efne fremde cynn foran of Tyrum,
folc Sigelwara naman þær fæstne eard.
Modor Sion "man" cwæð ærest,
and hire mære gewearð mann on innan,
and he hi þa hehstan her staðelade.
Drihten þæt on gewritum dema sægde
þam þe frumsprecend folces wæron,
eallum swylce, þe hire on wæron.
Swa ure ealra bliss eardhæbbendra
on anum þe ece standeð.
175. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 87
þu eart me, drihten god, dyre hælend;
ic on dæge to ðe dygle cleopode,
and on niht fore þe neode swylce.
Gange min ingebed on þin gleawe gesihð;
ahyld eare þin and gehyr min gebed.
Forðon is sawl min sares and yfeles
fæste gefylled; is min feorh swylce
to helldore hylded geneahhe.
Wenað þæs sume, þæt ic on wraðne seað
mid fyrenwyrhtum feallan sceolde;
ic eom men gelic mære geworden,
þe mid deadum bið betweox deaðe freo.
Swa gewundade wraðe slæpe
syn þonne geworpene
on widne hlæw,
þær hiora gymynde men ne wænan,
swa hi syn fram þinre handa heane adrifene.
Hi me asetton on seað hinder,
þær wæs deorc þeostru and deaþes scua.
þær me wæs yrre þin on acyþed,
and þu me oferhige on ealle gelæddest.
Feor ðu me dydest freondas cuþe;
settan me symble, þær me unswæsost wæs;
eam ic swære geseald, þær ic ut swican ne mæg.
Eagan me syndon unhale nu
geworden for wædle; ic me to wuldres gode
þuruh ealne dæg elne clypige
and mine handa to þe hebbe and ðenige.
Ne huru wundur wyrceað deade,
oþþe hi listum læceas weccean
and hi andettan þe ealle syþþan.
Ne on ðeostrum ne mæg þances gehygdum
ænig wislicu wundur oncnawan,
oððe þin soðfæstnes si on þam lande
þe ofergytnes on eardige.
Cwist þu, oncnawað hi wundru ðine
on ðam dimmum deorcan ðystrum,
oððe ðine rihtwisnesse recene gemeteð
on ofergyttolnesse manna ænig?
Ic me to ðe, ece drihten,
mid modgehygde mægene clypade,
and min gebed morgena gehwylce
fore sylfne þe soðfæst becume.
Forhwan ðu min gebed æfre woldest,
soð god, wiðsacan, oððe þinre gesihðe me
on þissum ealdre æfre wyrnan?
Wædla ic eom on gewinne, worhte swa on geoguðe;
ahafen ic wæs and gehyned, hwæðere næs gescended.
Oft me þines yrres egsa geðeowde,
and me broga þin bitere gedrefde.
Hi me ealne dæg utan ymbsealdan,
swa wæterflodas wæron ætsomne.
þu me afyrdest frynd þa nehstan
and mine cuðe eac cwicu geyrmdest.
176. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 88
Mildheortnesse þine, mihtig drihten,
ic on ecnesse awa singe;
fram cynne on cynn and on cneorisse
ic þine soðfæstnesse secge geneahhe
on minum muþe manna cynne.
Forþon þa ðu cwæde cuðe worde,
þæt on ecnesse awa wære
þin milde mod micel getimbrad
heah on heofenum hæleða bearnum
and þin soðfestnes symble gearwad.
Ic minum gecorenum cuðe gesette,
hu min gewitnes wolde gangan;
ic Dauide dyrum esne
on aðsware ær benemde,
þæt ic his cynne and cneowmagum
on ecnesse a geworhte
ful sefte seld, þæt hi sæton on.
Heofenas andettað, halig drihten,
hu wundor þin wræclic standeð,
and þa halgan eac hergeað on cyricean
þine soðfæstnesse,
secgeað geneahhige.
Nis under wolcnum, weoroda drihten,
ænig anlic, ne ðe ænig byð
betweox godes bearnum gyt gelicra.
þu bist gewuldrad god, þær bið wisra geðeaht
and haligra heah gemetincg,
micel and egeslic ofer eall manna bearn,
ða ðe on ymbhwyrfte ahwær syndon.
þu eart mægena god, mihtig drihten;
nis þe ealra gelic ahwær on spedum,
is þin soðfæstnes symble æghwær.
þu wide sæs wealdest mihtum;
þu his yþum miht ana gesteoran,
ðonne hi on wæge wind onhrereð.
þu miht oferhydige eaðe mid wunde
heane gehnægean; hafast ðu heah mægen
þines earmes sped wið ealle fynd.
Heofonas þu wealdest, hrusan swylce;
eorðan ymbehwyrft eall þu gesettest.
þu norðdæl and sæ
niode gesceope,
Tabor et Hermon on naman ðinum;
hi mid strencgðe eac upp ahebbað
þinne swiþran earm swylce, drihten.
Wesan hea mihte handa þinre
ahafen ofer hæleðas; halig seo swyðre is,
þines setles dom soð gegearwod.
Mildheortnes and soðfæstnes mægene forgangað
þinne andwlitan; þæt bið eadig folc
þe can naman ðinne neode herigean.
þa on ðinum leohte lifigeað and gangað
þe him ansyn þin ær onlihte,
and on naman þinum neode swylce
beoð ealne dæg eac on blisse
and þine soðfæstnesse symble æghwær.
Forþon þu heora mægenes eart mærost wuldor,
and we þinum weldædum wurdan ahafene.
Us an nimeð ece drihten
and Israhela cyning eac se halga.
þonne ðu ofer ealle undearnunga
þine bearn sprecest and bealde cwyst:
"Ic me on þyssum folce fultum sette
ofermihtigne, þone ic me ær geceas.
Ic me deorne scealc Dauid gemette
and hine halige ele
handum smyrede.
Heo him fultumeð and min fæle earm,
and hine mid mycle mægene geswyðeð.
Ne mæg him ænig facen feond æteglan,
ne unrihtes bearn ænig sceððan.
Of his ansyne ealle ic aceorfe,
þa ðe him feondas fæcne syndon,
and his ehtendas ealle geflyme.
Hine soðfæstnes min samod ætgædere
and mildheortnes min mægene healdeð,
and on naman minum neode swylce
his horn bið ahafen, heane on mihtum.
And ic his swiðran hand settan þence,
þæt he sæstreamum syþþan wealde.
He me him to fælum fæder gecygde:
'Wæs me andfencge, god, ecere hælu.'
And ic þonne frumbearn forð asette
ofer eorðcyningas ealra heahstne.
Ic him to widan feore wille gehealdan
min milde mod and him miht syllan,
mine gewitnesse weorðe and getreowe.
Ic to widan feore wyrce syððan
þin heahsetl hror and weorðlic
swa heofones dagas her mid mannum.
Gif mine bearn nellað mine bebodu efnan
ne mine domas dædum healdan,
Gif hi mine rihtwisnessa fracoðe gewemmað
and hi mine bebodu bliðe ne healdað,
þonne ic heora unriht gewrece egsan gyrde
and hiora synne swinglum forgylde.
Ne ic him mildheortnesse mine wille
fægere afyrran, ac him forð swa þeah
mine soðfæstnesse syllan þence.
Ic æne swor að on halgum,
þæt ic Dauide dæda ne leoge,
þæt on ecnesse his agen cynn
wunað on wicum; bið him weorðlic setl
on minre gesihðe sunnan anlic
and swa mona meahte on heofenum,
þe is ece gewita æhwær getreowe."
þu þonne wiðsoce soþum criste
and hine forhogodest, hwile yldest
and awendest fram him
esnes þines; ealle gewemdest
his halignesse her on eorðan.
Ealle þu his weallas wide todældest,
towurpe fæsten his for folcegsan.
Hine þa towurpon wegferende,
and he on edwit wearð ymbsittendum.
Handa þu ahofe heah ehtendra,
gebrohtest his feondas fæcne on blisse.
Fultum þu him afyrdest fagan sweordes,
nafað æt gefeohte fælne helpend.
þu hine of clænnesse clæne alysdest,
setl his gesettest sorglic on eorðan.
þu his dagena tid deorce gescyrtest
and mid sarlicre sceame onmettest.
Wilt þu hu lange, wealdend drihten,
yrre þin acyðan swa onæled fyr?
Gemune, mære god, hwæt si min lytle sped;
ne huru ðu manna bearn on middangeard
to idelnesse æfre geworhtest.
Hwylc is manna, þæt feores neote,
and hwæþere on ende deað ne gesceawige;
oððe hwylc manna is, þæt his agene
fram helle locum sawle generige?
Hwær is seo ealde nu, ece drihten,
micel mildheortness, þe þu mancynne
and Dauide deope aðe
þurh þines sylfes soð benemdest?
Gemune þinra esna edwitspræce,
þa him fracuðlice fremde þeode
utan ætywað, oðre mægðe.
Cweþað him þæt edwit, ece drihten,
feondas þine, fæste ætwitað
and þæt þinum criste becweþað swiðe.
A sy gebletsad ece drihten
to widan feore. Wese swa, wese swa!
177. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 89
þu eart friðstol us fæste, drihten,
of cynne on cynne and on cneorisse.
ærðon munta gesceaft ofer middangeard
oððe ymbhwyrft eorðan wære
oþþe world wære, þu eart, wuldres god.
Ne ahwyrf þu fram mænn heah eadmedu;
and þu cuðlice cwæde sylfa:
"Ic manna bearnum
mod onwende."
For þinum eagum, ece drihten,
þusend wintra bið þon anlicast,
swa geostran dæg gegan wære;
And swa hi on niht hyrdnesse neode begangað,
ne heora winterrim for wiht ne doð.
Morgen gewiteð swa gemolsnad wyrt;
oðre morgene eft gebloweð
and geefneð swa, oþþæt æfen cymeð,
þonne forwisnað, weorðeð to duste.
Forþon we on þinum yrre ealle forwurdon,
wæron on þinum hathige hearde gedrefde.
þu ure unriht eall asettest,
þær þu sylfa to eagum locadest,
and ure worulde þu eac gestaðelodest
on alihtincge andwlitan þines.
Forþam ðe ure dagas ealle geteorudun,
and we on þinum yrre synt swiðe gewæhte.
Wæran anlicast ure winter
geongewifran, þonne hio geornast bið,
þæt heo afære fleogan on nette;
beoð ure geardagas gnornscendende,
þeah þe heora hundred seo samod ætgædere.
Gif on mihtigum mannum geweorðeð,
þæt hi hundehtatig ylda gebiden,
ealle þe þær ofer beoð æfre getealde
wintra on worulde, þa beoð gewinn and sar.
Us manðwærnes becwom micel ofer ealle
and we on þam gefean forhte gewurdan.
Hwa ðæs soð me cann sæcgean ænig,
hu þines yrres egsa standeð
and seo micle miht? Nis þæt mann ænig
þe þa ariman rihte cunne.
Do us þa þine swiðran hand, drihten, cuðe,
þam þe on snytrum syn swyðe getyde,
and þa heora heortan healdað clæne.
Gehweorf us hwæthwiga, halig drihten;
wes þinum scealcum wel eaðbede.
We synd gefyllede fægere on mergenne
þinre mildheortnesse; þæs we on mode nu
habbað ealle dagas æþele blisse.
We gefeoð swylce for þon fægerum dagum,
on þam þu us to eadmedum ealle gebrohtest,
and for ðam gearum þe we on gesawon yfela feala.
Beseoh on þine scealcas swæsum eagum
and on þin agen weorc, ece drihten,
and heora bearn gerece bliðe mode.
Wese us beorhtnes ofer bliðan drihtnes,
ures þæs godan godes georne ofer ealle;
gerece ure handgeweorc heah ofer usic.
178. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 90
Me eardað æt æþele fultum
þæs hehstan heofonrices weard,
þe me æt wunað awa to feore.
Ic to drihtne cwæð: "þu me dyre eart
fæle fultum; hæbbe ic freond on him,
min se goda god, and ic on ðe geare hycge."
Forðon he me alysde of laðum grine,
huntum unholdum, hearmum worde.
He me mid his gesculdrum sceade beþeahte;
forþon ic under fiðrum fæle hihte.
Hwæt, me soðfæstnes min scylde wið feondum,
ne ðu þe nihtegsan nede ondrædest.
Ne forhtast þu ðe on dæge flan on lyfte,
þæt þe þurhgangan garas on ðeostrum,
oððe on midne dæg mære deoful.
Fealleð þe on þa wynstran wergra þusend,
and eac geteledra tyn þusendo
on þine þa swiðran, and þe ne sceaðeð ænig.
Hwæðere þu ðæs eagan eall sceawadest,
gesege fyrenfulra frecne wite.
þu me eart se hehsta hyht, halig drihten;
þu me friðstol on ðe fæstne settest.
Ne mæg þe ænig yfel egle weorðan,
ne heard sweopu huse þinum
on neaweste nahwær sceþþan.
Forþon he his englum bebead, þæt hi mid earmum þe
on heora handum heoldan georne,
þæt þu wilwega wealdan mostest.
And þe on folmum feredan swylce,
þe læs þu fræcne on stan fote spurne.
þu ofer aspide miht eaðe gangan,
and bealde nu basiliscan tredan,
and leon and dracan liste gebygean.
Forðon he hyhte to me, ic hine hraðe lyse,
niode hine scylde, nu he cuðe naman minne.
He cigde me, and ic hine cuðlice
hold gehyrde, and hine hraðe syþþan
of earfoþum ut alysde.
Ic hine generige and his naman swylce
geond ealle werðeoda,
and him lifdagas lange sylle,
swylce him mine hælu holde ætywe.
179. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 91
God is, þæt man drihtne geara andette
and neodlice his naman asinge,
þone heahestan hæleða cynnes;
And þonne on morgene mægene sæcge,
hu he milde wearð manna cynne,
and his soðe sæcge nihtes.
Hwæt, ic on tyn strengum getogen hæfde,
hu ic þe on psalterio singan mihte
oððe þe mid hearpan hlyste cweman,
forðon þu me on þinum weorcum wisum lufadest;
hihte ic to þinra handa halgum dædum.
Hu micle synt þine mægenweorc, mihtig drihten;
wærun þine geðancas þearle deope.
Wonhydig wer þæs wiht ne cann,
ne þæs andgit hafað ænig dysigra.
þonne forð cumað fyrenfulra ðreat,
heap synnigra hige onlic;
ealle þær ætywað, þa ðe unrihtes
on weoruldlife worhtan geornast,
þæt hi forwordene weorðen syþþan
on worulda woruld and to widan feore.
þu on ecnesse awa, drihten,
heahesta bist, heofonrices weard.
þi nu ðine feond fæcne, drihten,
on eorðwege ealle forweorþað,
and weorðað towrecene wide ealle,
þa þe unrihtes æror worhtan.
þonne anhorna ealra gelicost,
min horn weorðeð ahafen swiðe
and mine yldo beoð
æghwær genihtsum.
And eage þin eac sceawode,
hwær fynd mine fæcne wæran,
and mine wergend wraðe gehyrde
efne þin agen eare swylce.
Se soðfæsta samed anlicast
beorht on blædum bloweð swa palma,
and swa Libanes beorh lideð and groweð.
Settað nu georne on godes huse,
þæt ge on his wicum wel geblowan.
Nu gyt syndan manige manna swylce,
þe hiom yldo gebidan ær to genihte,
and þa mid geþylde þenden sægdan,
Cwædon, þæt wære soðfæst sylfa drihten
and hine unrihtes awyht ne heolde.
180. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 92
Drihten hine gegyrede gode strengðe,
and hine þa mid micle mægene begyrde.
Drihten rixað, dema usser,
and hine mid weorðlice wlite gegyrede.
And þa ymbhwyrft eorþan getrymede,
swa folde stod fæste syþþan.
Gearu is þin setl, and þu, ece god,
ær worulde fruman, wunast butan ende.
Hofan heora stefne streamas, drihten,
hofan and hlynsadan hludan reorde
fram wæterstefnum widra manigra.
Wræclice syndon wægea gangas,
þonne sæstreamas swiðust flowað;
swa is wundorlic wealdend usser
halig drihten on heanessum.
þin gewitnes is weorcum geleafsum,
and mid soðe is swiðe getreowed.
Huse þinum halig gedafenað,
drihten usser, and dagas lange.
181. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 93
þu eart wracena god, and þu miht wrecan swylce,
ana gefreogan æghwylcne mann.
Ahefe þe on ellen, eorþan dema,
gyld oferhydigum, swa hi ær grame worhton.
Hu lange fyrenwyrhtan foldan wealdað
oþþe manwyrhtan morðre gylpað?
Hi oftust sprecað, unnyt sæcgeað
and woh meldiað, wyrceað unriht.
Folc hi þin, drihten, fæcne gehyndan,
and yrfe þin eall forcoman.
ælðeodige men, earme wydewan,
steopcilda feala stundum acwealdon.
Sægdan and cwædan, þæt ne gesawe
drihten æfre, dyde swa he wolde,
ne þæt Iacobes god ongitan cuðe.
Onfindað þæt and ongeotað
þe on folce nu
unwiseste ealra syndon;
dysige hwæthwygu deope þæt oncnawan.
Se ðe ærest ealdum earan worhte,
hu se oferhleoður æfre wurde?
And him eagena gesyhð eallum sealde
and he scearpe ne mæge gesceawian?
And se þe ege healdeð eallum þeodum,
and his þrea ne si þær for awiht,
se þe men læreð micelne wisdom?
God ealle cann guman geðancas
eorðbuendra, forðon hi idle synt.
þæt bið eadig mann, þe þu hine, ece god,
on þinre soðre æ sylfa getyhtest
and hine þeodscipe ðinne lærest
and him yfele dagas ealle gebeorgest,
oðþæt bið frecne seað þam fyrenfullan
deop adolfen deorc and ðystre.
Næfre wiðdrifeð drihten ure
his agen folc, ne his yrfe þon ma
on ealdre wile æfre forlætan.
Hwylc þonne gena gehwyrfed byð,
þæt he on unriht eft ne cyrre;
oððe hwylc nymeð me, þæt ic man fleo
and mid rihtheortum rædes þence?
Hwylc ariseð mid me, þæt ic riht fremme
and wið awyrgedum winne and stande,
þe unrihtes ealle wyrceað?
Nymðe me drihten, dema usser,
gefultumede fægere æt þearfe,
wenincga min sawl sohte helle.
Gif ic þæs sægde, þæt min sylfes fot
ful sarlice asliden wære,
þa me mildheortnes mihtigan drihtnes
gefultumede, þæt ic feorh ahte.
æfter þære menigeo minra sara
þe me ær on ferhðe fæste gestodan,
þa me þine frofre fægere, drihten,
gesibbedan sawle mine.
Ne ætfyligeð þe ahwær facen ne unriht;
ðu gefæstnast facen sares;
hi soðfæste sneome gehæftað
and heora sawle ofslean þenceað,
blod soðfæstra bitere ageotan.
Forðon me is geworden wealdend drihten
to friðstole fæst and gestaðelad;
is me fultum his fæst on drihtne.
þonne him gyldeð god ælmihtig
ealle þa unriht ðe hi geearnedan,
and on heora facne fæste todrifeð
drihten eallmihtig, dema soðfæst.
182. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 94
Cumað nu togædere, wutun cweman gode,
wynnum drihten wealdend herigean,
urum hælende hyldo gebeodan.
Wutun his ansyne ærest secean,
þæt we andettan ure fyrene
and we sealmas him singan mid wynne.
Forðon is se micla god mihtig drihten
and se micla cynincg ofer eall manna godu.
Forðon ne wiðdrifeð drihten usser
his agen folc æfre æt þearfe;
he þas heahbeorgas healdeð swylce.
Eac he sæs wealdeð and he sette þone;
worhte his folme eac foldan drige.
Cumað him fore and cneow bigeað
on ansyne ures drihtnes,
and him wepan fore ðe us worhte ær.
Forðon he is drihten god, dema usser;
wærun we his fæle folc and his fægere sceap,
þa he on his edisce ær afedde.
Gif ge to dæge drihtnes stefne
holde gehyran, næfre ge heortan geþanc
deorce forhyrden drihtnes willan.
Swa on grimnesse fyrn geara dydan
on þam wraðan dæge and on westenne,
þær min ðurh facen fæderas eowre
þisse cneorisse cunnedan georne,
þær hi cunnedan, cuð ongeaton
and min sylfes weorc gesawon mid eagum.
Nu ic feowertig folce þyssum
wintra rimes wunade neah,
aa and symble cwæð and eac swa oncneow,
þæt hi on heortan hyge dysegedan.
Hi wegas mine wihte ne oncneowan,
þæt ic ær on yrre aðe benemde,
gif hi on mine reste ricene eodon.
183. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 95
Singað nu drihtne sangas neowe;
singe þeos eorðe eall eceum drihtne.
Singað nu drihtne, and his soðne naman
bealde bletsiað; beornas sæcgeað
fram dæge to dæge drihtnes hælu.
Secgeað his wuldor geond sigeþeode,
and on eallum folcum his fægere wundor.
He is se mycla god; forþon hine mæn sculon
elne herian; he is egeslic god
ofer ealle godu eorðbuendra.
Syndon ealle hæþenu godu hildedeoful;
heofonas þænne worhte halig drihten.
Ys on þinre gesihðe soð andetnes,
fæger halignes fæste gebletsad
and weorðlic wlite wuldres þines.
Bringað nu drihtne bu ætsomne
wlite and are, wuldor ðridde,
and þæt of hiora eðele don ealle þeode,
þæt hi naman drihtenes neode herigean.
Genimað eow arlice lac and in gangað
on his wictunas; weorðiað drihten
on his þære halgan healle geneahhige.
For his ansyne sceal eorðe beofian;
secgað nu on cynnum and on cneorissum,
þæt from treowe becwom tirfæst rice
drihten ure; dome he syþþan
eorðan ymbhwyrft ealle gesette.
He ferhtlic riht folcum demeð
and on his yrre ealle þeode.
Heofenas blissiað, hrusan swylce
gefeoð fæstlice, and floda þrym;
sealte sæstreamas sælðe habbað.
Habbað feldas eac fægere blisse
and ealle þa þe on him eard weardiað;
wærun wudubearuwas on wyndagum
for andwlitan ecean drihtnes,
forþon he cwom on cyneðrymme,
þæt he þas eorðan ealle demde.
þonne he ymbhwyrft eorðan folca
soðe and rihte syþþan demeð.
184. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 96
Rixað nu mid rihte rice drihten;
is eorðe nu eac on blisse,
and þæs fægerne gefean habbað
ealanda mænig ut on garsæcge.
185. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 97
stundum onginnað
fægnian mid folmum on gefean ælcne;
beorgas blissiað, beacen oncnawað,
for ansyne ecean drihtnes;
forþon he eadig com eorþan to demanne.
He ymbhwyrft eorþan demeð
soðe and rihte, and his syndrig folc
on rihtnesse ræde gebringeð.
186. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 98
Rixað drihten, and he reðe folc
healdeð on yrre ungemete swiðe;
sitteð ofer cherubin, se þe sona mæg
ana eorðware ealle onstyrian.
Drihten is on Sion, dema se mæsta,
heah and mære ofer eall hæleða folc.
We andetað þinum þam ecean naman,
þæt he mid mannum is mycel and egeslic,
halig on helpe hæleþa bearnum,
aare cyninges dom
æghwær lufade.
þu gegearwadest geara ærest,
þæt þu recene, god, rihte beeodest;
þu on Iacobe gode domas
æt fruman worlde fægere settest.
Ahebbað haligne heofena drihten,
usserne god
and his fota sceamul forð weorþiað;
forþon he halig is hæleða bearnum.
Moyses et Aaron
mære gebroðor,
soðe sacerdas, Samuhel ðridda,
þa gode his naman neode cigdan.
Hi cymlice cigdon drihten,
and he hi gehyrde holde mode,
spræc him wordum to þurh wolcnes swyr.
Hi þa gewitnesse wel geheoldon
and his bebodu beorhte efnedan,
þa he him sealde and sylfa bebead.
þu gehyrdest hig, halig drihten,
and him, meahtig god, milde wurde,
and heora æfþancan ealle gewræce.
Hebbað urne god, hælend drihten,
and hine on halgum her weorðiað
mærum beorge; forðon his meahte synt
and halig is heofonrices weard.
187. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 99
Nu ge mycle gefean mihtigum drihtne
eall þeos eorðe elne hyre,
and blisse gode bealde þeowie.
Gangað on ansyne ealle bliðe;
witað wislice þæt he is wealdend god;
he us geworhte and we his syndon.
We his folc syndan and his fæle sceap,
ða he on his edisce ealle afedde;
gað nu on his doru, god andettað,
and hine weorðiað on wictunum
mid lofsangum lustum myclum.
Heriað naman drihtnes, forþon he is niðum swæs;
is þin milde mod ofer manna bearn.
188. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 100
Mildheortnesse and dom mihtigan drihtnes
singe and secge, and soð ongyte
on unwemmum wege, hwænne þu me wylle to.
Ic mid unbealuwe ealre heortan
þurh ðin hus middan halig eode.
Ne sette ic me fore eagum yfele wisan;
ealle ic feode facnes wyrcend,
næs me wyngesið
wiðerweard heorte.
Ic awyrgde fram me wende and cyrde;
nolde ic hiora andgit ænig habban,
þe tælnessa teonan geneahhige
wið heora þam nehstan nið ahofan;
þara ic ehte ealra mid niðe.
Oferhydegum eagum, unsædre heortan,
nolde ic mid þæm men minne mete ðicgean.
Ofer geleaffulle
eagan mine georne sceawedun,
hwær ic tirfæste treowe funde,
þa me symble mid sæton and eodon;
he me holdlice her ðegnade.
Ne eardað on midle mines huses,
þe oferhygd up ahebbe
oþþe unriht cweþan elne wille.
Ic on morgenne ofslea manes wyrhtan
ealle þe unriht elne worhtan
and fyrena fela gefremed habbað;
ealle ic þa of drihtnes drife ceastre.
189. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 101
ðu min gebed,
mære drihten,
gehyr, heofenes weard, and gehlyde min
to ðe becume, þeoda reccend.
Na þu andwlitan æfre þinne
awend fram me, wuldres ealdor;
gif ic geswenced sy, þu swæs to me
þin eare onhyld and me ofestlice
gehyr, heofenes weard, helpys benan.
Forðon dagas mine gedroren syndan
smece gelice, and forspyrcende synd
mine mearhcofan, þæs þe me þinceð,
swylce hi on cocerpannan cocas gehyrstan.
Ic eom hege gelic, þam þe hraðe weornað,
ðonne hit byð amawyn mannes folmum;
is min heorte eac hearde geswenced,
forðon ic ær forgeat, þæt ic etan sceolde
minne swetne hlaf; forðon me is swære stefn
hefig gnorniende heortan getenge,
ætfeolen eac min ban
flæsce minum.
Ic geworden eom pellicane gelic,
se on westene wunað; wat ic eac swiðe geare,
þæt ic genemned eam nihthrefne gelic,
þe on scræfe eardað, and ic spearuwan swa some
gelice gewearð, anlicum fugele.
Hwæt, me ealne dæg
edwitspræce on
mine feondas fæste brohtan,
and ða me heredan; hi me hraþe æfter
full swyþe eft swerigean ongunnon.
Forðon ic anlic ætt æscean hlafe,
and ic minne drinc mengde wið tearum,
For andwlitan yrres þines;
feor þu me ahofe and gehnæctest eft.
Dagas mine gedruran swa se deorca scua,
and ic hege gelic, swa hit hraðe weornað.
þu on ecnysse wunast awa, drihten;
wunað þin gemynd, þenden woruld standeð.
Aris nu, mihtig god, miltsa Sione;
nu is hire helpe heahsæl cumen.
Forþon þæs þancunga
þine scealcas
ambyhtmæcgas ealle hæfdan,
forðon þe þu stiðlice stanum and eorðan
eallum ætgædere ær miltsadest.
Forþon neodlice on naman ðinum
ealle eorðbuend egsan habbað,
and þin wuldor ongitað
Eft timbrade ece drihten
and gesette Sion þurh his sylfes miht,
ðær wæs gesyne his seo soðe sped.
Oft he þearfendra bene ðance gehyrde,
and he ne forhogode heora hold gebed.
ða wislice awriten standað
and on cneoressum cyðed syndan,
þæt he folc gesceop; fægere drihten
herað holdlice hrore geþance.
Forðon he fæstlice forð locade
of his þam hean halgan setle;
drihten geseah of heofenum her on eorðan.
He þa gehyrde heahgnornunge
þæra ðe gebundene
bitere wæron,
and ða bealdlice bearn alysde
þara ðe ofslegene sliþe wæran.
þonne byð on Sione sægd soð nama drihtnes,
and his lof swylce, leoda bearnum,
on Hierusalem gleawast and mærust.
Cumað folc syððan feorran togædere
and ricu eac, þæt hraðe drihtne
ful holdlice hyran syþþan.
He him andwyrdeð eallum sona
on wege worulde, þær his gewis mægen
fæste standeð: "Ic þe feawe dagas
minra mættra mode secge,
þæt þu me meaht on midle minra dagena
sona gecigean, gif þu sylfa wylt."
Earon þines anes gear awa to feore.
æt fruman þu, drihten, geworhtest
eorþan frætwe and upheofen;
þæt is heahgeweorc handa þinra.
Sweotule þa forweorðað and ðu sylf wunast;
eall forwisnað wædum anlice,
and ðu hi onwendest, swa man wrigels deð,
and hi beoð to worulde wended syþþan.
þu þonne byst se ilca, se þu ær wære;
ne beoð winter þin wiht ðe sæmran.
Bearn þinra scealca her bu namon,
and þær eardedan ealle þrage,
and heora sylfra cynn syððan to feore
on worulda woruld well gerehtest.
190. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 102
Bletsa, mine sawle, bliðe drihten,
and eall min inneran his þæne ecean naman.
Bletsige, mine sawle, bealde dryhten,
ne wylt þu ofergeottul æfre weorðan
ealra goda, þe he þe ær dyde.
He þinum mandædum miltsade eallum
and þine adle ealle gehælde.
He alysde þin lif leof of forwyrde,
fylde þinne willan fægere mid gode.
He þe gesigefæste soðre miltse
and ðe mildheorte mode getrymede;
eart þu edneowe earne gelicast
on geogoðe nu gleawe geworden.
Hafast þu milde mod, mihta strange,
drihten, domas
eallum þe deope her
and ful treaflice teonan þolian.
He his wegas dyde wise and cuðe
Moyse þam mæran on mænige tid,
swylce his willan eac werum Israhela.
Mildheort þu eart and mihtig, mode geþyldig,
ece drihten, swa þu a wære;
is þin milde mod mannum cyðed.
Nelle þu oð ende yrre habban,
ne on ecnesse ðe awa belgan.
Na þu be gewyrhtum, wealdend, urum
wommum wyrhtum woldest us don,
ne æfter urum unryhte ahwær gyldan.
Forðon þu æfter heahweorce heofenes þines
mildheortnysse, mihtig drihten,
lustum cyðdest, þam þe lufedan þe.
Swa þas foldan fæðme bewindeð
þes eastrodor and æfter west,
he betweonan þam teonan and unriht
us fram afyrde
æghwær symble.
Swa fæder ðenceð fægere his bearnum
milde weorðan, swa us mihtig god,
þam þe hine lufiað, liðe weorðeð,
forðan he ealle can ure þearfe.
Gemune, mihtig god, þæt we synt moldan and dust;
beoð mannes dagas mawenum hege
æghwær anlice, eorðan blostman,
swa his lifdagas læne syndan.
þonne he gast ofgifeð, syþþan hine gærsbedd sceal
wunian widefyrh, ne him man syððan wat
ahwær elles ænige stowe.
þin mildheortnes, mihtig drihten,
þurh ealra worulda woruld wislic standeð,
deorust and gedefust ofer ealle þa þe ondrædað him.
Swa his soðfæstnyss swylce standeð
ofer þara bearna bearn þe his bebodu healdað,
and þæs gemynde mycle habbað,
þæt heo his wisfæst word wynnum efnan.
On heofenhame halig drihten
his heahsetl hror timbrade,
þanon he eorðricum eallum wealdeð.
Ealle his englas ecne drihten
bletsian bealde, heora bliðne frean,
mægyn and mihta, þa his mære word
habbað and healdað and hyge fremmað.
Bletsian drihten eall his bearna mægen
and his ðegna ðreat, þe þæt þence nu,
þæt hi his willan wyrcean georne.
Eall his agen geweorc ecne drihten
on his agenum stede eac bletsige,
þær him his egsa, anweald, standeð;
bletsige min sawl bliðe drihten.
191. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 103
Bletsa, mine sawle, bliþe drihten;
þu eart, min drihten god, dædum swyþe,
meahtum mære ofer manna bearn.
þu þe weorðlice
gode gegyredest; eart nu gleawlice
swa limwædum leohte gegyrwed.
Heofen þu aðenedest hyde gelice,
þone weardiað ufan wætra ðryðe.
He wolcen eac worhte and sette,
þæt he mihte eaðe upp astigan,
se fotum tredeð fiðru winda.
He his englas deð æðele gastas
and his frome ðegnas fyr byrnende.
He gefæstnude foldan staðelas,
eorðan eardas; ne seo æfre nu
on worulda world weorðeð ahylded.
He nywolnessa neoðan swa swa ryfte
him to gewæde woruhte swylce;
standað ofer mannum muntas on wæterum.
þa him þrea þine þearle ondrædað,
fleoð forhtlice þunres brogan
þinre stefne strangne egsan.
Beorgas and feldas
ba astigað
on þæne stede þe þu gestaðeludest him,
and on ðære stowe standað fæste;
ne magon hi ofer gemære mare gegangan,
þæt hi ðysse eorþan awyht habban.
Oft of denum yrnað deope wyllan,
and of midle munta swylce
wæter awealleð, wide floweð.
Of þam eorðan deor ealle drincað,
bidað assan eac on þurste;
ofer þan heofonfugelas healdað eardas,
sendað of þam stanum stefne mycle.
Beorgas onfoð blædum and wæstmum,
ufan eorðwæstme ealle growað,
swylce of wæstmum weorca þinra
eall eorðan cið ufan byð gefylled.
Swylce þu of foldan fodder neatum
lætest alædan, on þæm hi lif healdað;
wyrta þu geworhtest to wraðe manna.
Eac þu him of eorþan ut alæddest
hlaf to helpe; heortan manna
must and windrinc myclum blissað.
Ele andwlitan eac gescyrpeð
and hlaf trymeð heortan mannes.
Swylce þu gefyllest fægrum blædum
telgum treowwæstme; tydrað ealle,
þa on Libanes
lædað on beorge
cwice cederbeamas, þa ðu cuðlice
sylfa gesettest; on þam swylce nu
mid heora spedum spearwan nystlað.
Uphebbean hus hiora agen is
latteow on lande; oft laðne beorh
on hean muntum heortas wuniað;
erinaces fleoð oft on stanas.
Monan he geworhte on þa mæran tid;
sunne hire setlgang sweotule healdeð.
þystru ðu gesettest on þearle niht,
on þære ealle wildeor wide toeornað.
And leon hwelpas lange swylce
grymetigað gnorne; georne secað,
þæt him grædigum æt god gedeme.
Syþþan up cumeð æðele sunne,
hi of siðum eft gesamniað
and hi on holum hydað hi georne.
Mægenweorc on morgen man onginneð
and þæt geendað on æfynne.
Mycel wærun þine weorc, mihtig drihten,
ealle þa þu mid snyteru sylfa worhtest;
is þeos eorðe eac eall gefylled
þinra gesceafta, scyppend mære.
His is mycel sæ and on gemærum wid,
þær is unrim on ealra cwycra
mycelra and mætra; ofer ðæne mægene oft
scipu scriðende scrinde fleotað.
Dracan þu þysne dædum ðinum
geheowadest, hete syððan
his bysmere brade healdan;
ealle to ðe, ece drihten,
ætes on eorðan eac wilniað.
And him gesomnadum swylce wylle
þine þa halgan hand ontynan,
ealle hi gefyllan fægere gode.
Gif þu þine ansyne fram him æfre awendest,
þonne hi gedrefde deope weorðað,
and him gast weorðeð georne afyrred;
swylce teonlice geteoriað,
on heora agen dust æfter hweorfað.
Onsend þines sylfes gast, sona weorþað
geedniwad, and þu eac scyppest
eorðan ansyne ealle swylce.
Wuldor si wide weruda drihtne
and on worulda woruld wunie syððan,
blissie on his weorcum bealde drihten.
He on ðas eorðan ealle locað,
deð hi for his egsan ealle beofian;
gif he mid his mihte muntas hrineð,
hi ful ricene reocað sona.
Ic on minum life lustum drihtne
singe soðlice and secge eac,
þenden ic wunige on worulddreamum.
Wese him herenes min æt heortan weðe,
ic minne drihten deorne lufige.
And þa fyrenfullan frecne forweorðaþ,
þa on ðysse eorðan synt, ealle sniome,
þæt hio ne wunian on worldlife.
Bletsa, mine sawle, bliðe drihten.
192. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 104
Andetað drihtne and his ecne naman
cegað cymlice, and cwyce secgeað
his wundorweorc ofer ealle werðeode.
Singað him swylce and salletað,
secgað his wundor eall wide mæru.
Hergeað his naman niode swylce;
heorte hygeclæne hlutre blissað
þam þe soðlice secað dryhten.
Secað ge drihten, and ge syððan beoð
teonan gehwylce ful trume æghwær;
secað his ansyne symble georne.
Gemunað ge on mode, hu he mænig wundor
worhte wræclice, wundur unlytel,
and his muþes eac mære domas.
Hwæt, he Abrahames cynn, þe his esne wæs,
geweorðude ofer werþeoda,
and Iacobes bearn, þone he geara geceas.
He is ure drihten dædum spedig;
earun his domas deore and mære
geond þisse eorðan æghwylcne dæl.
He þæs on worulde wearð gemyndig,
þæt he worde gecwæð on gewitnesse,
þæt heo on þusende þæt sceoldan healdan,
þære cneorisse cwyc se þe lifde.
þæt he mid aðsware to Abrahame
and to Isaace eac gesohte,
and gleawlice Iacobe bead,
þæt awa to feore Israheles cyn
his gewitnesse wel geheolde.
And him þa mid soðe sægde cweðende:
"Ic eowrum cynne Khananea land
on agene æht yrfe gesylle."
Næs þæt mære cynn mycel on rime,
ac on þam folce feawe wæran ænige,
oððæt bigengum beornas onwocan;
cynn æfter cynne cende wæran,
oðþæt hio oðer folc egsan geðiwdan.
Ne let he him manna mihte sceððan
and he þearle for him þrea geaf kyningum.
Ne sceolon ge mine þa halgan hrinan ne gretan
ne on mine witigan wergðe settan.
Cwom þa ofer eorðan ermðu and hungor,
wurdon wide menn wædlan hlafes.
He him snoterne beforan sende æryst
ful wisne wer to scealce,
and þa bebohtan bearn Iacobes
Ioseph on geoguðe; þær hine grame æryst
hæfdon to hæfte, oþþæt hine halig god
þurh his worda wisdom ahof.
Sende him soð cyning sweotule are,
alysde hine lungre and hine þam leodum þa
to ealdormen eallum sette.
He sette hine on his huse to hlafwearde,
ealra him his æhta anweald betæhte,
þæt he his ealdormen ealle lærde,
swa he his sylfes mod geseted hæfde,
and þa yldestan ealle lærde,
þæt heo wisdomes word oncneowan.
þær Israhel becwom on Egypta,
and se goda Iacob syþþan
eft eardude eorðan Khanaan.
He þæt eadige folc ehte swyðe,
and hio ofer heora feond fæste getrymede.
Hiora heortan he ongan hwyrfan æryst,
þæt heo his folc feodan swyðe
and his esnum eac inwit fremedan.
þa he him þone mæran Moyses sende,
his sylfes scealc, samod ætgædere
and Aaron eac, þone he ær geceas.
He sette on hi sylfe soðne wisdom
worda and weorca wundortacna
and forebeacna, þæt hio fromlice
cyðdan cneomagum cystum godum,
oðþæt heo geforan folc Khananea.
He hi mid þystrum ongan þrean æt frymþe,
forðon hio word heora wel ne oncneowan.
And heora wæter swylce wende to blode,
on ðam heora fisceas frecne forwurdan.
Sende on heora eorþan ealle swylce
toscean teonlice, þa teolum husum
on cyninga cofum cwyce eardedan.
He sylfa cwæð; sona cwoman
mysci manige, mid wæran gnættas,
fleohcynnes feala flugan on gemæru.
Sette him regnas reþe swylce,
hate of heofenum hagol byrnende,
se lige forgeaf land Egypta.
Syððan forwurdan heora wingeardas
and ficbeamas; furþor ne mihton
blæda bringan ne bearwa treow.
He þa syþþan cwæð; sona cwoman
gangan gærshoppan and grame ceaferas;
ne mihte þa on moldan man geriman,
þe þær on foldan fræton wæstmas.
Syþþan he æfter sloh
æghwylc frumbearn
þe on Egyptum wæs ahwær acenned,
and frumcynnes heora frean swylce.
And his þæt gode folc golde and seolfre
geweorþade and hi wislice
leofe lædde; næs þæra leoda ða
ænig untrum yldra ne gingra.
Wurdon him Egyptas æfter bliðe,
syððan hi on fore folc sceawedan,
forðon him þær egesa angryslic stod.
He hi wolcne bewreah, wraðum ahredde,
het him neode nihta gehwylce
fyrenne beam beforan wisian.
Flæsces hi bædon, fuglas coman,
of garsecge ganetas fleogan,
and hi heofonhlafe halige gefylde.
Het him of stane streamas flowan,
wæter on willan; na him gewættan fot,
þa hi on Iordane gengdan æfter.
Ac he wæs þæra worda wel gemyndig,
halig heofenes weard, þe he hleoðrade
to Abrahame, his agenum hysse.
And his folc lædde fægere on blisse
and his þone gecorenan heap clæne on wynne.
Sealde þam leodum landes anweald
on agene æht oðre þeode
and hi folca gewinn fremdra gesæton.
þær hi heoldan
halige domas
and his soðfæst word swylce georne,
and his æbebod awa to feore.
193. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 105
Ic andette ecum drihtne,
georne ðam gleawan, forðan ic hine godne wat;
forþon he his mildheortnysse mannum cyðde,
on ðysse worulde wis gestandeð.
Hwylc mæg æfre mihta drihtnes
asprecan and aspyrian, oððe spedlice
eall his lofmægen leode gehyran
and his gehyrnesse her oncnawan?
Eadige beoð æghwær, þa ðe a wyllað
soðe domas sylfe efnan,
on ealle tid æghwæs healdan
heora soðfæstnysse symble mid dædum.
Gemune us, drihten, on modsefan
forð hycgende folces þines,
and us mid hælo her geneosa.
And us tidlice teala sceawige,
ceose mid gecorenum, þenden we cwice lifgen,
þæt we mid þinre ðeode þær blissian
and þæt yrfe þin æghwær herige.
We gefyrnedan mid urum fæderum ær,
and we unsoðfæste ealle wæron
and unrihtes æghwær worhtan.
Fæderas ure fæste ne oncneowan
ealle þa wundor þe ðu on Egyptum
worhtest wræclice, wundor unlytel;
næron hi gemyndige miltsa þinra,
þa ðu him on ðære mægðe manige cyðdest.
Hi bysmredan, þa hi on brad wæter
on þone readan sæ randas bæron,
þær ðu hi alysdest, lifes ealdor,
and hi generedest on naman þinum,
þa ðu þine miht mycle cyðdest.
þær ðu readne sæ ricene geðywdest,
and þær wæron þa wareðas drige,
and hi betweonum wætera weallas læddest,
swa hi on westenne wæron on drigum.
Swa hi alysde lifes ealdor
of heora feonda fæcnum handum,
and of feogendra folmum swylce,
and heora feondas flod adrencte,
þæt þæra æfre ne com an spellboda.
Syððan hi his wordon wel gelyfdan
and him lofsangum lustum cwemdan,
and þæs eft hraðe ealle forgeaton,
weorca wræclicra; na hi wel syþþan
his geæhtunge ahwær heoldan.
Hi on westenne wraðe ongunnan
gitsunge began and gramlice
heora godes þær geare costedan.
He him been sniome brohte and sealde,
sende on heora muþas mete to genihte.
Ongunnon hi on þam wicum wraðe swylce
mærne Moyses ma bysmrian
and Aaron mid eac þone halgan.
þa eorðe togaan and eall forswealh
on deope forwyrd Dathanes weorod
and Abirones eall ætgædere.
þær fyr abarn frecne swylce
on heora gemetinge, and þær maansceaðan
þa synfullan sniome forbærnde.
Hi on Choreb swylce cealf ongunnan
him to godgylde georne wyrcean,
onwendan heora wuldor on þæne wyrsan had
hæðenstyrces hig etendes.
Godes hi forgeaton, þe hi of gramra ær
feonda folmum frecne generede,
þe on Egyptum æðele wundur
and on Chananea cymu worhte
and recene wundur on þam readan sæ.
þa hi wolde toweorpan wuldres aldor,
þær heora Moyses mægene ne hulpe;
he þæt folc forstod feonda mægene;
forðon he him his yrre of acyrde,
þæt he hi ne towurpe geond werþeoda.
Ne hi for awyht eorþan cyste
þa selestan geseon woldan,
ne his wordum eac woldan gelyfan;
ac hi granedan and grame spræcan,
noldan his wordum wel gehyran.
He his handa ahof and hi hraðe wolde
on þam westenne wide todrifan
and heora swæs cynn sendan on wid land.
Hi Belphegor bædon are,
æton deadra lac, swa hit gedefe ne wæs.
And hi bysmredon bealde drihten
on heora gemetincge mægene ealle,
and þær healicne on hryre gefremedan.
Hi þæs feondætes Finees awerede,
þa he on þam folce feondgyld gebræc;
he þæs hæl gehleat and helpe fand
of cynna gehwam and on cneorisse.
Eac hi gefremedan oðer bysmer,
þær hi wiðercwyde wæteres hæfdon;
þær Moyses wearð mægene gebysgad
for heora yfelum, swa he oftor wæs,
on his gaste gram; ne mihte him godes willan
mid his welerum wisne getæcean.
Noldan hi toworpan wraðe þeode,
swa him drihten ær dema sægde,
ac hi wið manfullum
mengdan þeode
and leornedan lað weorc gode
and sceuccgyldum swyþe guldan;
him þæt eall gewearð to æswyce.
Ongunnan heora bearn blotan feondum,
sceuccum onsæcgean suna and dohter;
agutan blod swylce bearna feala,
þa unscyldige ealle wærun,
syðþan hi gecuran Chananea god.
þanon eorþe wearð eall mid blode
mane gemenged,
misdædum fah.
Eall hi forheoldan heahweorc godes;
forðan him yrre wearð ece drihten
and he his yrfe eall forhogode.
He hi on handgeweald hæðenum sealde
and heora weoldan, þa him wyrrest ær
on feondscipe fæste gestodon.
Heora costedan cuþe feondas
and under handum hynþe þoledan;
hi alysde oft lifes ealdor.
Hi hine on geþeahte oft abylgdan;
wæron on unrihtum oft gehynde.
Swa he furðum oncneow, þæt heora fynd ehtan,
he heora bene bealde gehyrde.
þonne he his wordgebeot well gemunde;
hreaw hine sona, þonne hi hynþa drugan,
æfter his miltsa menigu godes.
Syððan he him sealde sona miltse,
þær hi on gesawon ealle ætgædere,
þe ehtend him ær gestodan.
Do us hale nu, halig drihten,
and us, se goda god, georne gesamna
of widwegum, þær we wean dreogað,
þæt we þinne naman nede motan
þone halgestan her andettan
and we on lofe þinum lungre weorðan
ofer werðeode wuldre geherede.
Wese Israhela god aa gebletsad
on worulda woruld, wealdend drihten,
and þæt fægere becweðe folca æghwylc;
wese swa, wese swa þurh eall wide ferhð.
194. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 106
Ic andette ecne drihten,
þæne goodan god, forðan ic hine gleawne wat;
is his mildheortnes
mycel to worulde.
Secge þæt nu ða, þæt hi sylfa god
alysde, lifes weard, laðum of handa,
and hi of sidfolcum gesamnade.
Fram uppgange æryst sunnan
oþþæt heo gewiteð on westrodur
and fram sæ norðan swycedan geond westen;
ne meahton ceastre weg cuðne mittan,
þe hi eardunge on genaman.
Hæfde hi hungor and þurst heard gewyrded,
þæt him frecne on feorh aðolude.
And hi þa on þære costunge cleopedan to dryhtne,
and he hi of þam earfeðum eallum alysde.
Hi þa gelædde lifes ealdor,
þær hi on rihtne weg ricene eodan,
oðþæt hi cuðlice on becwoman
to hiora cestre eardungstowe.
Forðon hi mildheortnesse mihtigan drihtnes
ealle andettað, and eac sæcgeað
mycel wundur hys manna bearnum.
Forðon he gesedeð sawle idle,
and þa hungrian her mid godum
fæste gefylleð to feore syþþan,
þa þe her on ðystrum þrage sæton
and on deaðes scuan deorcum lifdan,
bealuwe feterum
on wædle wrace and on iserne.
Forðon hi dydan drihtnes spræce
æghwæs ægype, and his geðeaht swylce
þæs heahstan him hæfdan on bysmer.
Hiora heorte wæs hean on gewinnum
and untrume ealle wæran,
næfdan þa on foldan fultum ænne.
Hi on costunge cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of þam earfoðum eallum alysde.
And he hi of þam þystrum þanon alædde
and of deaðes scuan deorcum generede
and heora bendas towearp bitre sneome.
Forðan hi mildheort mod mihtigan drihtnes
ealle andettan, and eac cweþan
mycel wundur his
ofer manna bearn.
Forðon he æren dor eaðe gescæneð
and iserne steng ana gebigeð.
He hi of unrihtum ealle swylce
þam wraðan wege wis alædeð,
þær hi wæron on woo ær wraðe besmitene.
Hi onhysctan æghwylcne mete,
mode mægen heora, oð unmihte,
þæt hy wið deaða duru drencyde wæran.
þa hi on costunge cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of þam earfoþum eallum alysde.
He him wisfæstlic word onsende,
þurh þæt hi hrædlice hælde wæron
and of heora forwyrde wurdan generede.
Forðon hi nu andettan ecum drihtne,
þæt he milde wearð manna cynne;
mycel ys his wundur ofer manna bearn.
Hi him sculon laces lof lustum bringan,
and his weorc wynsum wide sæcgean.
þa þe sæ seceað, mid scipe liðað,
wyrceað weorc mænig on wæterðryþum.
Hi drihtnes weorc digul gesawon
and his wundra wearn on wætergrundum.
Gif he sylfa cwyð, sona ætstandað
ystige gastas ofer egewylmum,
beoð heora yþa up astigene.
þa to heofenum up heah astigað,
nyþer gefeallað under neowulne grund;
oft þa on yfele eft aþindað.
Gedrefede þa deope syndan,
hearde onhrerede her anlicast,
hu druncen hwylc gedwæs spyrige;
ealle heora snytru beoð yfele forglendred.
Hi on costunge cleopedan to drihtne,
and he hi of earfeðum eallum alysde.
He yste mæg eaðe oncyrran,
þæt him windes hweoðu weorðeð smylte,
and þa yðe eft swygiað,
bliþe weorðað, þa þe brimu weþað.
And he hi on hælo hyþe gelædde,
swa he hira willan wyste fyrmest,
and he hig of earfoðum eallum alysde.
Hi andettan ealle drihtne,
hu he milde wearð manna cynne;
mære synd his wundur ofer manna bearn.
Forðon hine on cyrcean cristenes folces
hean ahebbað, and him hælu and lof
on sotelum soðfæstra secgean to worulde.
He on westenne wynne streamas
soðfæst sette, þær he sarig folc
geðewde þurste þa blissade.
He ða weaxendan wende eorðan
on sealtne mersc for synndædum
þara eardendra, þe hire on lifdan.
Westen he geworhte on widne mere,
and swylce eorðan eac butan wætre
on utgange æþelast burnan.
þær he hungrium ham staðelude,
and þær gesetton swylce ceastre,
þær hi eard namon awa syþþan.
Hi wingeardas wyrcean ongunnon,
sæde seowan, syþþan growan
lungre land heora aloden wæstmum.
þa he bletsade, and hi brade þa
weoxan weorðlice, wide greowan;
næs heora neata nan geyfelad.
Oft hi fea wurdan feondum geswencte
fram þære costunge þe him becwom æfter,
sares and yfeles, þe hi syþþan begeat.
Syððan hi forhogedan halige lare;
hiora ealdormen ealle wæron
sare beswicene, swicedan oftust
and on wegas werige wendan hwilum of.
þær he þearfendra þa miltsude,
and hi of wædle wean alysde,
sette heora staðol sceapum anlice.
Syþþan þæt soðfæste geseoð, sniome æfter
bliðe weorðað, beot geþenceað,
þæt unrihta gehwylc eft oncyrreð
and his sylfes muð symble hemneð.
Hwylc is wisra nu wel snotera,
þe þas mid gehygde healdan cunne,
and milde mod mihtigan drihtnes
full gleawlice ongite syþþan?
195. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 107
Ys min heorte gearu, halig drihten,
gearu is min heorte, þæt ic gode cweme,
sealmas singe soþum drihtne.
Aris nu, wuldur min, þæt ic wynlice
on psalterio þe singan mote,
and ic ðe on hleoðre hearpan swylce
on ærmergen eac gecweme.
Ic þe andette, ece drihten,
on folca gehwam fægrum wordum,
and ic þe on ðeodum on þanc mote
sealmas singan swyþe geneahhe.
Is þin mildheort mod mycel oð heofenas
ahafen healice ofer hæleða bearn;
ys þin soðfæstnes seted oþ wolcen.
Ahafen þu eart ofer heofenas, halig drihten;
is wuldur ðin wide swylce
ofer þas eorðan ealle mære,
and þine þa gecorenan wesan clæne and alysde.
Do me þin swyðre hand swylce halne
and me gehyre, hælynd drihten,
þe on halgum spreceð her on eorðan:
"And ic blissige, bu gedæle,
þa selegesceotu, þa on Sycimam nu
and on Metibor mære standað.
Min is Galaad, gearwe Mannases,
is Effrem his agen broður
efne heah strengðu heafdes mines.
Ic me to cyninge cenne Iudas,
syndan me Moabitingas magas swylce;
ic Idumea ealle cenne
and min gescy þyder sendan þence;
syndan me fremde cynn fæste underþeoded."
Hwylc gelædeð me on lifes byrig
fæste getrymede, þæt ic forð þanon
on Idumea wese eft gelæded?
Hwæt, þu eart se sylfa god, þe us synnige iu
adrife fram dome; ne do þu æfre swa,
þæt þu of urum mægene mod acyrre.
Syle us on earfoðum æþelne fultum;
forþon hælu byð her on eorðan
manna gehwylces mægene idel.
Us sceal mægenes gemet mihtig drihten
soðfæst syllan, and he sona mæg
ure feond gedon fracuþe to nawihte.
196. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 108
Nelle ic lofes þines, lifigende god,
geswigian, þeah þe me synfulra
inwitfulra muðas on ganian.
Hio þa innwit feala ywdan on tungan,
and me wraðra wearn worda spræcon,
fæcne firenlicu, and afuhtan me
ealle earwunga ungemete swyðe.
Hi me wið lufan laþum dædum
torne telnysse
teodan mænige;
ic him a gebæd ungemete georne.
Hi me yfel settan a wið goode
and feounge for minre lufan.
Gesete him synnfulle symble to ealdrum,
stande him on þa swyþeran hand swylce deoful.
Gange of dome gehwam deope gehyned,
and him his gebed hweorfe to fyrenum.
Gewurðe him weste eall his onwunung
and on hys eardungstowe næfre gewurþe
þæt þær on gewunige awiht lifigendes.
Wesan him dagas deorce and dimme and feawe,
and his bisceophad brucan feondas.
Weorðan his agene bearn ealle steopcild
and his wif wyrðe wydewe hreowlic.
Syn his bearn swylce toboren wide,
and he ut weorpe earme þearfan,
þonne hi to his huse hleowes wilnian.
Ealle his æhta unholde fynd
rice reðemann rycene gedæle,
and his feoh onfon fremde handa.
Ne him ahwær wese ænig fultum,
ne his steopcildum stande to helpe.
Gangan ealle his bearn on ece forwyrd,
and on anum cneowe eall gewyrðe
his nama nyhsta nede adilgad.
Eall þæt unriht þe his ealdras ær
manes gefremedan, on gemynd cume
and on ansyne ures drihtnes;
ne adilgode wesan deorce fyrene,
þa his modur ær mane fremede.
Wesan hi wið drihtne dædum swylce,
and hine adilgie dome ealne
of ðysse eorðan awa to feore.
Næs him milde gemynd on modsefan,
and he þearfendra ðriste ehte;
symble þæt on heortan hogode geornust,
hu he mid searuwe swylce acwealde.
He wolde wergðu wyrcean georne,
and hine seo ylce on eft gesette;
nolde he bletsunge biddan ne tilian,
forðon hio him wæs afyrred of ferhðcofan.
He hine gegyrede mid grame wyrgðu,
swa he hine wædum wræstum geteode,
and sio his innað
ywde swylce
wan wætere gelic and wynele,
se þe banes byrst beteð and hæleð.
Wese he hrægle gelic þe her hraðe ealdað,
and gyrdelse,
ðe hine man gelome gyrt.
þis is weorc þara þe oft wraðe me
trage tældan; tyne hine dryhten
þam þe sar sprece sawle minre.
And þu, min drihten god, do me þine nu
mycle mildheortnesse for þinum þam mæran naman,
swa ðu oft þin milde mod manegum cyðdest.
Alys me, lifes weard, forþan ic eom lama þearfa;
is me heorte on hearde gedrefed.
Ic eom scuan gelic swyþe ahylded,
oðlæded godum swa se gærshoppa.
Me synt cneowu swylce cwicu unhale
for fæstenum; is min flæsc swylce
for fægrum ele frecne onwended;
eom ic to edwitstæfe eallum geworden.
Swa hi me gesawon, sona hig wegdan,
hrerdan heora heafod; help min, drihten god,
and me halne gedo, hælynde Crist,
for þinre þære myclan mildheortnysse.
þæt hi soð witan, þæt si þin sylfes hand
and þu þas gedydest, drihten usser.
Weorðan þa awyrgde, wes þu gebletsad;
and þa þe me mid unryhte ænige styrian,
and hi þær sceande sylfe agon;
wese þin esne on þe ungemete bliðe.
Syn ða butan are ealle gegyrede
þe me tælnysse teonan ætfæstan,
and him si abrogden swa of brechrægle
hiora sylfra sceamu swyþust ealra.
Ic on minum muðe mihta drihtnes
ealle andette, and eac swylce
hine on midle manna herige.
He sylfa gestod on ða swyðran hand,
þær he þearfendra þinga teolode;
he mine sawle swylce gehealde
wið ehtendra egsan griman.
197. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 109
hefige gefylleð;
heafod he gebreceð hæleða mæniges
and swa geweorðeð wide geond eorðan.
þa þe on wege weorðað, wætres æt hlimman
deopes ondrincað; beoð þy dædfromran,
and forðon hiora heafod hebbað syþþan.
198. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 110
Ic andytte þe, ece drihten,
mid hyge ealle heortan minre
for gesamnuncge þæra soðfæstra
and on gemetingum mycel drihtnes weorc.
Swylce ic his willan wylle georne
swyþe secean, samed andettan,
hu his mægenþrymnes
mycellic standeð
and his soðfæstnyss wunað symble ece.
He gemynd dyde mærra wundra;
mildheort he is and modig; mihtig drihten
syleð eallum mete þam þe his ege habbað.
And he on worulde wearð gemyndig
his gewitnesse, þe he wel swylce
myhtum miclum
and mærweorcum
fægrum gefylde and to his folce cwæð,
þæt he him wolde yrfe ellþeodigra
on agene æht eall gesyllan.
Ys his handgeweorc hyge soðfæstra,
ryhte domas, þa he ræran wyle;
wærun his bebodu ealle treowfæste,
on ealra weorulda weoruld wurdan soðfæste
and on rihtnysse ræda getrymede.
He alysinge leofum folce
soðe onsende and him swylce bebead,
þæt hi on ecnysse a syððan
his gewitnesse well geheoldan
and his þone halgan naman hæfdan mid egsan.
þæt byð secga gehwam snytru on frymðe,
þæt he godes egesan gleawe healde,
and þæt byð andgit good eallum swylce
þe hine wyllað well wyrcean and healdan.
Herenes drihtnes her sceal wunian,
on worulda woruld wynnum standan.
199. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 111
Eadig byð se wer se þe him ege drihtnes
on ferhðcleofan fæste gestandeð,
and his bebod healdeð bealde mid willan.
He on eorðan byð eadig and spedig,
and his cneorisse byð cyn gebletsad.
Him wuldur and wela wunað æt huse,
byð his soþfæstnys swylce mære,
þenden þysse worulde wunaþ ænig dæl.
Leoht wæs on leodum leofum acyðed,
þam þe on ðystrum þrage lifdan
and hiora heortan heoldan mid rihte;
milde is on mode mihtig dryhten,
and he ys soðfæst symble æt þearfe.
Glæd man gleawhydig, god and mildheort,
seteð soðne dom þurh his sylfes word,
se on ecnysse eadig standeð.
Byð on eceum gemynde æghwylc þæra
þe his soðe and riht symble healdeð,
ne him on hlyste mycelum ondrædeð
awiht on ealdre yfeles syððan.
Byð his heorte gearo hyhte to drihtne
getrymed and getyhted, þæt him teonan ne mæg
fæcne ætfæstan feonda ænig,
ac he ealle forsyhð æghwær georne.
Se þe his æhta ealle tostredeð
and þearfendum þa gedæleð,
his soðfæstnyss wunað symble oð ende;
byð his horn wended her on wuldur.
Swa þæt synfull gesyhð, sona yrsað,
toþum torn þolað, teonum grimetað,
þearle þindeð, oþþæt þonne byð,
þæt fyrenfulra lust fæcne forweorðeð.
200. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 112
Herigean nu cnihtas hælynd drihten,
and naman dryhtnes neode herigan.
Wese nama dryhtnes neode gebletsad
of ðyssan forð awa to worulde.
Fram upgange æryst sunnan
oðþæt heo wende on westrodur
ge sculon dryhtnes naman dædum herigean.
He is ofer ealle ingeþeode
se heahsta hæleða cynnes,
is ofer heofenas eac ahafen his wuldur.
Hwylc ys anlic urum dryhtne,
þam halgan gode, þe on heofonrice
eadig eardað, ofer ealle gesyhð,
þa eadmedu æghwær begangæð
on eorðwege, up on heofenum?
He of eorðan mæg þone unagan
weccan to willan, and of woruftorde
þone þearfendan þriste areccan,
And hine on ealdordom upp asettan
his folces fruman on fæger lif.
Se þe eard seteð unwæstmbærre
on modor hus manigra bearna;
hio ofer hire suna symblað and blissað.
201. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 113
þa ut eode Israheles cynn
and of ægyptum ealle foran
Iacobes hus of gramum folce,
þa elreordige ealle wæron.
þa wæs geworden werude Iudea,
þæt heo hæl gehlutan haliges syþþan;
hæfdan ealdurdom ofer Israhelas,
mihta mære and mycel rice.
Swa heo sæ geseah, he hio sniome fleah,
for him Iordanen gengde on hinder.
Hæfdan þær beorgas bliðe sæle
and rammum þa restan gelice;
wæron geswyru swyðe on blisse,
swa on sceapum beoð sceone lambru.
Hwæt wæs þe, sæ swiþa? Forhwan fluge þu swa?
Oððe þu, Iordanen, for hwi gengdest on bæcling?
Beorgas wæron bliðe, gebærdon swa rammas;
wurdan gesweoru
on seledreame,
swa on sceapum beoð sceone lambru.
For ansyne ecan dryhtnes
þeos eorþe sceal eall abifigan
and for Iacobes gode geara forhtigean.
He wendeð stan on widne mere,
and clifu cyrreð on cwicu swylce
wæteres wellan mid his gewealdendre hand.
Nalæs us, nalæs us, nergend dryhten,
ac we naman þinum neode secgeað
wuldur wide geond woruldricu,
For ðinre þære myclan mildheortnysse
and for þinre soðfæstnysse samed ætgædere,
þy læs þæt æfre cweðan oðre þeode:
"Hwær is heora agen god ahwær nu ða?"
Ys ure se halga god on heofondreame
uppe mid englum, and he eall gedeð,
swa his willa byð, on woruldrice.
þa wæron deofulgild deorce hæþenra
golde and seolfre, þa her geara menn
worhtan wigsmiðas wræste mid folmum.
þa muð habbað, and ne magon hwæþere
wiht hleoðrian ne word sprecan;
beoð onforan eagan, ne magon feor geseon.
Earan habbað swylce and opene nose,
ne magon eþian, awyht gehyran.
Handa hi habbað, ne hio hwæðere magon
gegrapian godes awiht,
and fet habbað, ne magon feala gangan.
Ne cleopigað hi care, þeah þe hi ceolan habban,
ne him hluttur gast on hracan eardað.
Ac heo wæron þam wyrcendum wel gelice
and æghwylcum, þe him on treowað.
Israhela hus ærest on drihten
helpe gehogedan, holdne begeaton
fælne fultum; he hi wið feondum geheold.
Aarones hus eac on dryhten
leofne gelyfdan; he him liðe wearð
and him fultum gestod fæste æt þearfe.
þa ðe a wegen egsan dryhtnes,
hio hyht heora habban on drihten,
he him fultum fæste gestandeð
and him scyldend byð symble æt þearfe.
Weorð þu ure gemyndig, mihtig dryhten,
and þine bletsunge bring ofer us;
þu gebletsudest bearn Israheles,
Aarones hus eac gebletsadest;
þu gebletsadest bliðe mode
ealle þa þe on ðe egsan hæfdan,
mycle and mæte ofer middangeard.
Gemænigfealdige þis mihtig dryhten
ofer eow ealle and ofer agene bearn.
Wesað ge fram gode geara gebletsade,
þam þe heofon worhte, hrusan swylce;
heofonas healdeð halig dryhten,
sealde þas moldan manna bearnum.
Næfre þe, dryhten, deade heriað,
ne ealle þa þe heonan helle seceað.
Ac we lifigende leofne dryhten
balde bletsigað, ne þæs blinnað nu
of ðyssan forð awa to worulde.
202. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 114
Ic lufie þe, leofa drihten,
forþan þu mines gebedes bene gehyrdest.
And þu þin eare to me eadmodlice
hold ahyldest and gehyrdest me,
þa ic þe on dagum minum dyrne cigde.
þar me ymbsealde swylde deaðes,
and me frecne ætfeah fyrhtu helle.
Me costung and sar cnyssedan geneahhe,
þonne ic naman drihtnes nyde cigde.
Eala þu leofa god, alys mine nu
sawle on gesyntum; ic to soþan wat,
þæt þu wære mildheort, mihtig dryhten,
and ure god æghwæs soðfæst;
mihta us þine milde weorðan.
Drihten gehealdeð dome þa lytlan;
ic hean gewearð, he me hraðe lysde.
Gecyr mine sawle clæne on þine
rædæs reste, rice drihten;
þu me wel dydest on woruldlife.
Forþon þu mine sawle sylfa generedyst,
and hig of deopum deaþe gelæddest;
eagan mine wið tearum æghwær geheolde
and fet mine wið færslide;
ic gelicie leofum drihtne
on lifigendra lande nu ða.
203. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 115
Ic þæt gelyfde, forþon ic lyt sprece;
ic eom eadmede ungemete swiðe.
Swylce ic sylfa cwæð, þa me swa ðuhte
on modseofan minum geþancum,
þæt wæron ealle menn ungemete lease.
Hwæt mæg ic to gode gyldan dryhtne
for eallum þam godum þe he me ærur dyde?
Ic her hælu calic
hæbbe befangen,
and naman dryhtnes neode cige.
Beorht ys and fæger beacen dryhtne
on his gesyhðe swylt haligra.
Eala, ic eom þin agen esne, dryhten,
and þin swylce eom scealc ombehte
and þinre þeowan sunu on ðe acenned.
þu me tobræce bendas grimme,
þæt ic þe laces lof lustum secge.
Ic min gehat halgum dryhtne
on his getynum tidum gylde,
þe ymb dryhtnes hus deore syndan,
þær hit eagum folc eall sceawiað,
and on Hierusalem georne midre.
204. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 116
Ealle þeode ecne drihten
mid hygecræfte herigan wordum,
and hine eall folc on efn æðelne herigan.
Forþon his mildheortnyss is mycel ofer us
torhtlice getrymed, til mancynne,
and soðfæstnys swylce dryhtnes
wunað ece
awa to feore.
205. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 117
Ic andette ecum dryhtne
þam godan gode; ic hine gleawne wat;
ys his mildheortnys mycel to worulde.
þæt Israela cwæðan ealle nu ða,
þe he is se goda god, and gearu standeð
his mildheortnys mære to worulde.
Cweðe Aarones hus eac þæt sylfe;
he ys se goda god, and gearu standeð
his mildheortnys
mære to worulde.
Cweðan ealle þæt unforcuðe,
þe him on standeð egsa dryhtnes;
forðon he ys se goda god, and gearu standeð
his mildheortnys
mære on worulde.
Ic on costunge cigde to dryhtne,
and he me gehyrde on heare brædu.
Nu me fultum is fæle dryhten,
nis me ege mannes for ahwæðer.
Nu me fultum ys fæle dryhten,
ic fracuþe forseo feondas mine.
God ys on dryhten georne to þenceanne,
þonne on mannan wese mod to treowianne.
God ys on dryhten georne to hyhtanne,
þonne on ealdormen ahwær to treowianne.
Ealle me ymbsealdon side þeode,
and ic wæs on dryhtnes naman deorum gehæled.
Me ymbstodan strange manige,
and me godes nama on him georne gehælde.
þa hi me ymbsealdon samod anlice
swa beon bitere, oððe þu bærne eac
þornas þyre þicce fyre,
þær me nama dryhtnes neode scylde.
Ic wæs hearde cnyssed and ic me helpe fand,
þæt ic fæste ne feoll, ac ic me frofre begeat,
þa me dryhten onfeng, swa hit gedefe wæs.
Me wæs strengðu strang stiþ on dryhtne
and herenes heah, and he me eac
ys a to worulde worden on hælu.
A byð blisse stefn beorht gehyred
on soðfæstra swæsum muðe.
Dyde gedefe mægen dryhtnes swyðre,
and me seo swyðre swylce drihtnes
ahof hrædlice æt heahþearfe.
Ne swelte ic mid sare, ac ic gesund lifige
and weorc godes wide secge.
Se clænsude, se þe him clæne wæs;
dryhten ælmihtig nolde to deaðe me
on ecnysse æfre gesyllan.
Undoð me sniome duru soðfæstra eac,
þær ic gange inn, gode andette;
soðfæste on þa duru seceað inngang.
Ic þe andette, ece dryhten,
forðon þu me gehyrdest æt heahþearfe
and me þa gewurde wis on hælu.
þone sylfan stan þe hine swyðe ær
wyrhtan awurpan, nu se geworden is
hwommona heagost; halig dryhten
to wealles wraðe wis teofrade;
þæt is urum eagum eall wundorlic.
þis ys se dæg þe hine drihten us
wisfæst geworhte wera cneorissum,
eallum eorðtudrum eadgum to blisse.
Eala þu dryhten god, do me halne;
eala þu dryhten min, do us gesunde.
Gebletsad is, se þe com ofer bearna gehwylc
on dryhtnes naman dædum mærum;
we eow æt godes huse gearwe bletsiað,
nu us drihten god deore onlyhte.
Wutan us to symbeldæge settan georne,
and ðone gelome lustum healdan
oð wigbedes wræste hornas.
þu eart min dryhten god, and ic dædum þe
ecne andette;
þu eart min hælend god, and ic herige ðe.
Ic ðe andette ecne dryhten,
forðon þu me gehyrdest æt heahþearfe,
and þa wurde me wis to hælu.
Eac ic andette eceum dryhtne,
forðon he ys se goda god, and ic ful geare wat,
þæt þin mildheortnyss ys mycel to worulde.
206. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 118
Eadige beoð on wege, þa þe unwemme
on hiora dryhtnes æ deore gangað.
Eadige beoð swylce, þa þe a wyllað
his gewitnesse wise smeagan,
and hine mid ealle
heortan hordcofan helpe biddað.
Ne magon manwyrhtan mægene feran
on his mærne weg, mihtigan drihtnes.
þu þine bebodu bealde hete
ealle eorðbuend elne haldan.
Ic þæs la wisce, þæt wegas mine
on ðinum willan weorþan gereahte,
þæt ic þin agen bebod elne healde.
Ne beo ic þonne on ealdre æfre gescynded,
gif ic on ealle þine bebodu elne locie.
Ic þe andette, ece dryhten,
mid minre heortan holde geþance
on þan þe ic geleornode and gelæstan mæg,
þæt ic þine domas dædum healde.
And ic þine soðfæstnysse swylce mote
on hyge healdan, þæt þu huru me
on ðyssum ealdre ænne ne forlæte.
On hwan mæg se iunga on godne weg
þe rædran ræd gemittan,
þonne he þine wisan word gehealde?
Ic þe mid ealre innancundre
heortan sece; ne þu huru me
fram þinum bebodum feor adrife.
Forðon ic on minre heortan hydde georne,
þæt ic þinre spræce sped gehealde,
þy læs ðe ic gefremme fyrene ænige.
þu eart gebletsud, bliþe dryhten;
lær me mid lufan, hu ic læste well
and ic þine soðfæstnysse sweotule cunne.
Ic on minum welerum wordum secge
ealles þines muðes meahte domas.
And ic on wege swylce wynnum gange,
þær ic ðine gewitnesse wat ful clæne,
swa ic ealra welena willum bruce.
Swa ic on þine soðfæstnysse soðe getreowe,
þæt ic ne weorðe worda þinra
ealra ofergittul awa to feore.
Ic on þinre soðfæstnysse symble meteode,
þæt ic þine wislicu word geheolde.
Gild þinum esne gode dæde;
ic on lifdagum lustum healde
þinra worda waru mid wisdome.
Onwreoh þu mine eagan, þæt ic wel mæge
on þinre æ eall sceawian
wundur wræclicu, þa þu worhtyst ær.
Ic eom on eorðan earm bigenga;
ne do þu me dyrne þine þa deoran bebodu.
þæt sawul min symble wilnað,
þæt ic þin soðfæst word gesund mote
on ealle tid elne healdan.
þu oferhydige ealle þreadest,
þa þu awyrgde wistest gearuwe
and þine bebodu efnan noldan.
Afyr þu fram me facen and edwit,
oððe ic oferhydige awiht wylle;
forðan ic þine gewitnesse wylle secan.
Ac nu ealdormenn ealle ætgædere
sæton on seldum, swyþe spræcon,
and wið me wraðum wordum scirdan;
hwæþere þin esne elnes teolode,
þæt he þine soðe word snotur beeode.
Me wæs þin gewitnys wyrð and getreowe,
and ic hi on mode metegie georne
and me to frofre wat, þæt ic forð heonun
his soðfæstnysse sece georne.
ætfealh min sawul flore geneahhige;
do me æfter þinum wordum wel gecwician.
Ic þe wegas mine wise secge,
and þu me gehyrdest holde mode;
lær me on life, hu ic lengest mæge
þine soðfæstnysse
selest gehealdan.
þu me soðfæstnysse weg swylce getacna,
þæt ic on þinum wundrum me wel begange.
Min sawl aslep, þa me sorh begeat
for langunga; læt me nu þa
on þinum wordum weorðan trumne.
Afyr fram me unryhte wegas,
and me on þinre æ geweorþ ealles milde.
Ic me wise geceas wegas soðfæste;
ne weorðe ic þinra doma gedweled æfre.
Swa ic fæste ætfealh, þæt ic forð heonun
þine gewitnysse wel geheolde;
ne wylt þu me on ealdre æfre gescyndan.
Nu ic on wisne weg worda þinra
reðne rinne, and þu rice nu
mine heortan geheald on hyge brade.
æ þu me sete, ece dryhten,
þæt ic on soðfæste wegas symble gange
and ic þa secan symble mote.
Syle me andgit eac, þæt ic æ þine
smeage mid soðe, swylce healde
on ealre minre heortan holde mode.
Gelæd me on stige, þær ic stæpe mine
on þinum bebodum bryce hæbbe,
forðan ic hy mid soðe symble wolde.
Ahyld mine heortan, þæt ic halige nu
on þine gewitnysse wise gecyrre;
nalæs me gitsung forniman mote.
Gewend þu mine eagan, þy læs ic weorc idel
gese þurh synne, ac me on soðne weg
þinne þone leofan læde cwiculice.
Sete ðinum esne oðer swylce,
þæt he þine spræce sped leornige
and þa on ege þinum ealle healde.
þu me scealt edwitt min of awyrpan,
þæt me to incan ahwær gangeð;
forþon ic eom on þinum domum gedefe glæd.
Efne ic þine bebodu bealde wolde
wis wylle gegan; wene ic swylce,
þæt þu me on rihtes ræd gecwycige.
And me ofer cume, ece dryhten,
þæt milde mod, mære hælu
æfter þinre spræce spowendlice.
And ic andwyrde þam þe me edwitstafas
wordum wrað cweþað, þæt ic gewene on ðe
and on þinum wordum wære hæbbe.
Ne afyr þu me æfre fæle spræce,
þa ic me on muðe mægene hæbbe,
and ic soðfæst word on sylfan healde,
þæt ic on ðinra doma dæde getreowige.
And ic æ þine efne and healde,
and to worulde on ðære wunian mote
and on ecnysse efnan and healdan.
And ic on bealde
brædu gange,
forðan ic þine gewitnysse wel getrymede.
And ic þæt fore cyningum cyðan mote,
þær hig eagum on locian,
hu me þin gewitnyss ys weorð and getreowe,
and on ðam ne beon æfre gescynded.
And ic on þinum bebodum bealde mote
gemetegian swyþe mærne ræd,
forþan ic hi on lufan minre lange hæfde.
And ic mine handa hof gelome,
þær ic þine bebodu bryce lufade,
þa ic mid ðysse þeode þearle begange,
and on ðine soðcwydas symble ic getreowige.
Gemun nu, dryhten, þines wordes,
on þam þu me þinum þeowe hyht gesealdest.
þas ic me on frofre fæste hæbbe
on minum eaðmedum ungemete swyðe,
forðon me þin spræc spedum cwycade.
Oftust ofermodige unriht fremmað,
oþþæt hi on eorðan ealle forweorðað;
ic þinre æ a folgode.
Ic wæs gemyndig mærra doma
þinra geþancol, ðeoden dryhten,
þæt ic on worulde æt ðe wurde afrefred.
Me wearð gemolten mod on hreðre
for fyrenfulra facendædum,
þa hi æ þine anforleton.
Ac me to sange symble hæfde,
hu ic þine soðfæstnysse selest heolde,
þær ic on elelande ahte stowe.
Nede ic þæt gemunde
nihta gehwylcre,
þæt ic naman þinne nemde, dryhten,
and ic æ þine elne heolde.
þas me andweardum ealle gewurdan,
forþon ic þine soðfæstnysse sohte georne.
Me ys on dæle, dryhten user,
cwide cynlice, þæt ic cwic wylle
þine æ healdan elne mycle.
Ic bidde þinre ansyne ungemete georne
mid ealre gehygde heortan minre,
þæt þu me on mode milde weorðe
æfter þinre spræce spowendlice.
Swa ic wegas þine wise þence
to ferenne fotum minum,
þæt ic on þinre gewitnysse wel gefere.
Gearo ic eom symble, nalæs grames modes,
þæt ic betst cunne þine bebodu healdan.
Me fyrenfulra fæcne rapas
ungemet geneahhie oft beclyptan;
næs ic ofergittul, þæt ic æ þine
mid hygecræfte heolde and læste.
Ic æt midre niht mæla gehwylce
ricene arise, and hraðe gange
þær ic ðe andette eall ætgædere,
secge þine domas dædum rihte.
Ic eom dælneomend þe heom ondrædað þe,
and þine halige bebodu healdað georne.
þeos eorðe is eall gefylled
þinre mildheortnesse, mihtig drihten;
þine soðfæstnesse þu me swylce lær.
þu ymb þinne esne æghwær dydest
wel weorðlice; wene ic, drihten,
þæt þu þin word wylle wis gehealdan.
þu me þeodscipe lær þinne tilne
and wisdomes word to genihte,
forðon ic þin bebod þriste gelyfde.
ærþon ic gehened hean gewurde,
ic agylte ungemetum swiðe;
hwæðere ic þine spræce geheold sped on mode.
God þu eart, drihten, and me god swylce
on þinum tile gelær, þæt ic teala cunne
þin soðfæst weorc symble healdan.
Ys nu mænigfeald ofer me man and unriht
oferhydigra; ic nu mid ealre
minre heortan hige hycge swiðe,
þæt ic þin bebod beorht atredde.
Ys heora heorte nu her anlicast
swa meoluc wese mægene gerunnen;
ic æ þine ungemete georne
on modsefan minum healde.
Selre me wæs and seftre, þæt þu sylfa me
heane gehnægdest, and ic hraðe syþþan
þin soðfæst weorc wel leornade.
Me is micle betere, þæt ic bebodu healde,
ðines muðes gemet, þonne mon me geofe
geara ðusende goldes and seolfres.
Handa me ðine holde geworhton
and gehiwedan mid higecræfte;
syle me nu andgyt, þæt ic eall mæge
þine bliðe bebodu beorhte leornian.
þa ðe on feore forhtigað, þa me on fægere geseoð
and blissiað, bu geðenceað,
þæt ic þinum wordum wel getreowde.
Ic þæt, dryhten, ongeat, domas þine
reðe rihtwise, and ðu ricene me
on ðinre soðfæstnesse dydest samed eadmedne.
Wese þin milde mod mihtum geswiðed,
and me to frofre fæste gestande,
swa ðu on þinre spræce sped gehete
þinum agenum esne æt þearfe.
Cumen me ðine miltsa mihtum geswyþede,
and ic lange on þam lifian mote;
forðon me is metegung on modsefan,
hu ic æ þine efnast healde.
Beon þa oferhydegan ealle gescende,
þe me unrihte ahwær gretan;
ic þine bebodu bealde gegange.
Gehweorfen to me, þa þe hyldu to ðe
egsan ahtan, and ealle þa
ðe þine gewitnesse wise cuðan.
Wese heorte min on hige clæne
and ic on þin soðfæst word symble getreowige,
þæt ic on ealdre ne wese æfre gescended.
Min saul gewearð swancur on mode,
þær ic on þinre hælu hogode and sohte,
hu ic on þinum wordum wel getrywade.
Eagan me swylce eac teoredon,
þær on þinre spræce spede eodan;
cwædon cynlice: "Hwa cwicenne me
on ðysum ealdre eft frefrade?"
Ic eom nu geworden werum anlicast,
swa þu on hrime setest hlance cylle;
ne eom ic ofergyttol, þæt ic ealle nu
þine soðfæste weorc smicere healde.
Hwæt synt þinum esne ealra dagena,
þe þu mine ehtend for me ealle gedeme?
Me manwyrhtan manige on spellum
sægdon soðlice; na ic hit swa oncneow,
swa hit þin æ hafað, ece dryhten.
Wærun þine ealle gebann æðele and soðfæst;
min ehtan oft unrihtwyrhtan;
gefultuma me fægere, drihten.
Hio me lytle læs laþe woldan
ðisses eorðweges ende gescrifan;
ic þin gebod þa ne wolde
on þysum ealdre anforlætan.
æfter ðinre þære myclan mildheortnesse
weorð me, mihtig god, milde and bliðe;
and ic gewitnesse wel gehealde
muþes þines, þe þu men lærdest.
On ecnesse awa, drihten,
þin word wunað weorð on heofenum.
And on worulda woruld wunað ece forð
þin soðfæstnes swylce, dryhten.
ðu þas eorðan ealle worhtest,
swa heo nu to worulde wunian ðenceað;
þurh þinra dæda sped dagas her gewuniað,
forðon ðu ealles anweald hafast.
þær me þin æ an ne hulpe,
ðe ic on mode minum hæfde,
þonne ic wende on woruldlife,
þæt ic on minum eadmedum eall forwurde.
Ne mæg ic þæs æfre forgytan on ecnesse,
nymðe ic soð word symble gehealde;
forþon ic cuðlice on ðæm her nu cwicu lifige.
Ic eom þin hold scealc; do ðu halne me,
forðon ic þin soð weorc sece geneahhe.
Me fyrenfulle fæcne seceað,
wyllað me laðe lifes asecean;
ic ðine gewitnesse wat and sohte.
Ic soð geseah and swylce wat,
ealre þysse worulde wurðeð ende;
brad is þin gebann and beorht swyðe.
Hu ic æ þine, ece drihten,
lustum lufode; ic þæt lange dyde,
þæt ic þa on mode metegade georne.
þu me snoterne gedydest swylce ofer mine
feondas on foldan fæcne ealle;
forðon ic beorhtlice þine bebodu læste.
Ofer ealle þa þe me ær lærdon,
ic þæs hæfde andgyt æghwær gleawast,
þæt ic þine gewitnesse wise sohte.
Ic þæt ofer yldran oncneow and þæt a geheold,
þæt ic þine bebodu bliðe geheolde.
Ic minum fotum fæcne siðas
þa wraþan wegas werede georne,
þæt ic þine word mihte wel gehealdan.
Na ic fram þinum domum dædum swicade,
forðon þu me æbebod ærest settest.
Me is on gomum god and swete
þin agen word, ece drihten;
hit is halwende, hunige mycle
and beobreade betere and swetre.
On bebodum ðinum ic me betst oncneow,
þæt ic unrihte wegas ealle ofeode,
forðon þu me æ þine ær gesettest.
þæt is fæle blacern fotum minum,
þæt ic þin word, drihten, wel gehealde,
and þæt ys þæt strange leoht stige minre.
Ic aðas swor and eac hycge,
þæt ic soðne dom symble healde.
And ic eadmedu ungemetum georne
efnan þence; forgif me, ece god,
þæt ic æfter ðinum wordum weorðe bliðe.
Mines muðes me modes willa
on heahsælum hraðe gebringe,
and me þine domas alær, drihten, swylce.
Is sawl min symble on ðinum
holdum handum, ne ic þine þa halgan æ
on ðysum ealdre forgitan æfre þence.
Me firenfulle fæcne gyrene
awriþan wraðe, and ne wolde ic
fram þinum bebodum feor geswican.
Ic me eowde begeat, æðele hæbbe
þine gewitnesse wel getreowe
on ecnesse awa to feore;
þæt byð heahbliss heortan minre.
Ahylde ic mine heortan holde mode,
þæt ic þin soðfæst weorc symble worhte;
forðon ic ðæs ece edlean hæbbe.
And ic synfulle symble feode,
and ic æ þine elne lufade.
þu me fultumian scealt, fæle gestandan
and andfenga æghwær æt ðearfe,
and ic on þin word wel getreowe.
Gewitað fram me, þe awyrgede synt,
þenden ic godes bebodu georne smeage.
Onfoh me freondlice, fæle drihten,
æfter þam þe þu sylfa sægdest and cwæde,
þæt ic sceolde lifigan lange ðrage;
ne gescend me on siðe, nu ic þin swa onbad.
Gefultuma me fæste; ðonne beo ic fægere hal,
and ic þine soðfæstnysse symble þence.
Ealle ðu forhogodest, ða ðe unrihtes
wæran wyrhtan; wat ic gearewe,
þæt heo on unriht ealle þohtan.
Ic oferhylmend ealle getealde,
þa on eorðan her yfele wæron,
forðon ic þine gewitnesse wyrðe lufade.
Gefæstna þinne egsan flæsce minum,
þæt ic me ondræde domas ðine.
Ic soðne dom symble worhte;
ne syle þu me ehtendum æfre minum.
Onfoh þu þinum esne fægere mid gode,
þæt me oferhydige æfre ne motan
hearmcwyddian; hyldo ne gymað.
Hwæt, me eagan mine atule gewurdan,
þær ic on ðinre hælo hyldo sohte
and on þinre spræce sped soðfæste.
Do þinum agenum esne swylce
mycel milde mod, and me mægene eac
þin soðfæst word sylfa lære.
Ic eom esne þin; syle andgit, þæt ic
þine gewitnesse wel leornige.
þis is wynne tid, þæt man eac wel do,
drihten ure; ne læt ðu dole æfre
þin æbebod ahwær toweorpan.
Forðon ic þin bebod beorhte lufode,
ða me georne synd golde deorran,
topazion þæra teala gimma.
Forðon ic eall þin bebod elne healde,
and ic unrihte wegas ealle feoge.
Wundorlic is ðin gewitnes, wealdend dryhten;
forðon heo min sawl smeað and seceð georne.
Worda me þinra wise onleohteð,
beorhtnesse blæcern, and þu bealde sylest
andgit eallum eorðbuendum.
Muð ic ontynde minne wide,
þæt me min oroð ut afæmde,
þær ic ðin bebod efnede mid willan.
Beseoh þu on me, and me syððan hraðe
mære gemiltsa, swa ðu manegum dydest,
þe naman þinne nyde lufedon.
Gerece ðu me swylce, þæt ic on rihtne weg
æfter þinre spræce spedum gange,
þy læs min ænig unriht ahwær wealde.
Ahrede me hearmcwidum heanra manna,
þæt ic ðine bebodu bealde healde.
Do þine ansyne esne þinum
leohte and leofe; lær me syþþan,
hu ic ðin soðfæst word selest gehealde.
Eagan mine gesawon, hu yða gelaac,
wid gang wætera, wundrum gangeð;
swa ðam ilcum byð, þe ær nellað
þinre æ bebod elne healdan.
Drihten is soðfæst; synd his domas eac
reðe mid ræde rihte gecyðde.
Hwæt, ðu soðfæst weorc symble hete
on þinre gewitnesse wel gehealdan;
ealles forgeaton, þa me grame wæron,
worda þinra and me wa dydan.
Me heard ehtnes huses þines
on bearme me gebrohte oft,
ða þin word noldan wel gehealdan,
þa me feondas ær fæste wæron.
Is þin agen spræc innan fyren,
sylf swiþe hat, and symble ða
þin esne her ealle lufade.
Ic wæs on geoguðe, grame me forhogedon;
næs ic ofergittol æfre hwæðere,
þæt ic þin soð weorc symble heolde.
Is þin soðfæstnes symble, drihten,
seo soðfæste, and seo symble bið
on ecnesse awa to feore;
is þin swylce æðelnes
and æ soðfæst.
Me costunga cnysdan geneahhe,
and nearonessa naman gelome;
ac ic þine bebodu efnde and læste,
eac on minum mode hi metegade georne.
Ys me þin gewitnes weorðast and rihtast,
and ða me on ece andgyt hæbbe;
syle me ða to soðe, and ic syþþan lifige.
Ic mid ealle ongann inngehygde
heortan minre hige to drihtne
ceare cleopian; he me cynlice
hraðe gehyrde, hyldo cuðe,
þæt ic his soðfæstnesse sohte geneahhe.
Ic cleopode to ðe; do me cuðlice
halne, heahcyning, heofona wealdend,
hælende Crist; ic þæt hicge nu,
þæt ic ðine bebodu bliðe gehealde.
And ic ðe on ripe forecom, and hraðe swylce
ceare cleopode; þu me cynlice
wel onfencge, wistest gearwe,
þæt ic on ðinum wordum wel getruwade.
þe eagan mine eac forecoman;
on ærmergen ic elne ongann
þine spræce spyrian georne.
Gehyr mine stefne, halig drihten,
æfter ðinre þære myclan mildheortnesse,
and æfter þinum domum do me halne.
Me syndon eahtend ungemete neah aa
and ða synfullan; syndan ealle hi
fram æ þinre unneah gewiten.
Wes me swiðe neah, wuldres drihten;
synt ealle þine wegas wise and cuðe.
Ic gewitnesse wise þine
ongeat gleawlice, þæt þu geara hi
on ecnesse ær staþelodest.
Ac min eaðmedu geseoh
eall ful georne,
genere niode, nu me ned belæg;
forþon ic wolde æ þine elne healdan.
Dem minne dom and me deore alys;
for þinre spræce, do me spedlice
and cuðlice cwicne nu ða.
Wærun fyrenfulle feor fælre hælu;
forðon hi þine soðfæstnesse secean noldan.
Miltsa synt þine, mihtig drihten;
æfter þinum domum do me cwicne.
Ic manige geseah, þe min ehton;
nolde ic cwic æfre swa þeah hwæðere
þine gewitnesse wræste forlætan.
Ic manige geseah men þa þe noldan
heora friðowære fæste healdan,
and ic þand wið þan þe hi teala noldan
þinre spræce sped gehealdan.
Swylce ic sylf geseah, þæt ic þin soð bebod
lustum lufige, leofa drihten;
on þinre mildheortnesse me scealt acwician.
þæt is weorðlic fruma worda þinra,
þæt þær byð soð symble meted,
and on ecnesse awa to feore
ealle þine domas synt dædum geseðde.
Min earwunga
ehtan ongunnon
ealdurmanna gehwylc ungemete swiðe;
wearð me heorte forht, þær ic þin halig word
on þinum egesan ærest æðelu tredde.
Ic blissige bealde mode
ofer ðinre spræce spede þa myclan,
swa se bið bliðe, se þe beorna reaf
manige meteð, þær hit mannum losað.
And ic unrihta gehwylc elne feode
and onhyscte æghwær georne;
wolde ic æ þine elne lufian.
Swa ic þe seofon siþum symble wolde
leofum lustlice
lofsang cweðan
daga æghwylce, forþon ic þine domas wat
on soð fæste smicere gefylde.
þam bið sib mycel þe him þenceð,
þæt hi naman þinne neode lufien;
ne bið him æswic on þon æfre to feore.
Ic þinre hælu bad, halig drihten,
and þine bebodu bealde lufode.
Hafað sawl min soð gehealden
þinre gewitnesse
worda æghwylc,
and ic þa lustum
lufade swiðe.
Heold ic þine bebodu holde mode
and þine gewitnesse wordum trymede;
forðon ealle mine wegas wise syndan
on þinre gesihðe soðe, drihten.
Nu genealæceð neode minum
gebedum bealde, þæt ic bidde nu
on þinre gesihðe symble, drihten;
æfter þinre spræce syle me spedlice,
þæt þu me generige niða gehwylces.
Ingange min ben, ece drihten,
on þinre gesihðe symble æt þearfe;
æfter þinre spræce do spedlice,
ðæt ðu me generige niða gehwylces.
Nu mine weleras ðe wordum belcettað
ymnas elne, gif þu me ærest wylt
þine soðfæstnesse sylfa læran.
Hwæt, tunge min teala foresægde,
hu þinre spræce spede eodan;
wærun eall þin bebodu æghwær rihtwis.
Syn me þine handa on hælu nu,
and þæt domlice gedon weorðe;
forðon ic þine bebodu geceas bealde æt þearfe.
Ic þinre hælu her wilnade,
drihten ælmihtig; do me symble,
þæt ic æ þine elne metige.
Leofað sawl min and þe lustum hereð,
and me þine domas dædum fultumiað.
Ic gedwelede swa þæt dysige scep,
þætte forweorðan wolde huru;
la, sece þinne esne elne, drihten;
forðon ic þinra beboda ne forgeat beorhtra æfre.
207. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 119
Ic me to drihtne deorum cleopode,
þonne me costunga cnysdon geneahhe,
and he me gehyrde holde mode.
Alys mine sawle, lifes drihten,
of þam welerum þe wom cweðen,
and from þære tungan þe teosu wylle.
Hwæt bið þe ealles seald oþþe eced swa
from þære inwitfullan yflan tungan?
Strele beoð scearpe, strange and mihtige,
syððan of gledon wesað gearwe ahyrde.
Wa me þære wyrde, þæt min wynn alæg
and min bigengea gewat bryce on feorweg;
sceal ic eard niman, swa me eðe nis,
mid Cedaringum; nis min cyð þær,
þe mine sawle swiðe beeode.
Mid þam þe hi sibbe swyþost feodan,
ic sibbe mid him soðe hæfde;
þonne ic him spedlice to spræce and hi lærde,
ðonne me earwunga ealle onfuhtan.
208. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 120
Hof ic mine eagan to þam hean beorge,
þær ic fultum fand fælne æt þearfe.
Is min fultum eac fæger æt drihtne,
se ðe heofon worhte, hrusan swylce.
Ne sylle he þinne fot on feondes geweald,
ne hycge to slæpe se ðe healdeð þe.
Efne se on hygde huru ne slæpeð
ne swefeð swyðe, se þe sceal healdan nu
Israela folc utan wið feondum.
Gehealde þe halig drihten,
and þin mundbora
mihtig weorðe
ofer þa swiðran hand symble æt þearfe.
Ne þe sunne on dæge sol ne gebærne
ne þe mona on niht min ne geweorðe,
ac þe gehealde halig drihten
wyð yfela gehwam æghwær georne
and ðine sawle swylce gehealde.
Utgang þinne and ingang ece drihten,
sawla soðcynincg, symble gehealde
of þisson forð awa to worulde.
209. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 121
Ic on ðyssum eom eallum bliðe,
þæt me cuðlice to acweden syndon,
and on godes hus gange syððan.
Wæron fæststealle fotas mine
on þinum cafertunum, þær ure cyðð wæs,
on Hierusalem geara ærest.
Hierusalem, geara ðu wære
swa swa cymlic ceaster getimbred,
þær syndon dælas on sylfre hire.
þær cneorisse cende wæron
cynn æfter cynne; cuðan þa drihten
and on þære gewitnesse wæran Israelas,
þe his naman neode sceoldon
him andetnes æghwær habban.
Oft hi þær on seldon sæton æt domum;
þu eart ðonne dema, Dauides hus,
þæt on heofenum siteþ heah gestaðelod.
Biddað eow bealde beorhtere sibbe,
ða ðe on Hierusalem gode syndan;
and geniht agun, þa þe neode þe
on heora lufun lustum healdað.
Si þe on þinum mægene sib mæst and fyrmest,
and on þinum torrum wese tidum genihtsum.
For mine broðru ic bidde nu,
and mine þa neahstan nemne swylce,
þæt we sibbe on ðe symble habbon.
And ic for mines godes huse georne þingie,
and to minum drihtne deorum sece,
þæt ic god æt him begitan mote.
210. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 122
To þe ic mine eagan hof, ece drihten,
þu þe heofonhamas healdest and wealdest.
Efne mine eagan synt ealra gelicast
þonne esne bið, þonne ondrysnum
his hlaforde hereð and cwemeð.
And swa eagan gað earmre þeowenan,
þonne heo on hire hlæfdigean handa locað,
swa us synt eagan to ðe, ece drihten,
urum þam godan gode; geare lociað,
oþþæt us miltsige mihta wealdend.
Miltsa us nu ða, mihtig drihten,
miltsa us swylce, forþon we manegum synt
forhogednessum hearde gefylde.
And we manegum synd manna wordum
ure sawl swiðe gefylled
mid edwite, oft and geneahhe,
and us oferhydige forseoð oft and gelome.
211. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 123
Nymþe us on wese ece drihten,
cweþað Israhelas ealle nu ða,
nymþe us eardige on awa drihten,
þonne us manfulle menn onginnað;
wen is, þæt hi us lifigende lungre wyllen
sniome forsweolgan, gif hi swa magon.
þonne us ðara manna mod yrsade,
and us wiðerwearde wæron geneahhe;
wen is, þæt hi us woldan wætre gelice
sona gesupan, gif hit swa wolde.
Oft ure sawl swyþe frecne
hlimman gedegde hludes wæteres;
wene ic forþon, þæt heo wel mæge
þæt swyðre mægen, sawel usser,
wæteres wenan ðæs wel gedegean.
Drihten si gebletsad, þe þæt ne dyde æfre,
þæt us on hearde hæftnyd sealde
þam þe us mid toðum toteon woldan.
Wærun ure sawla samod anlice
niþa generede, swa swa neodspearuwa
of grames huntan gryne losige.
Grin bið on sadan grame torænded,
and we synd alysde lifes wyrðe;
we us naman drihtnes neode habbað
on fultume fæstne and strangne,
þæs þe heofon worhte, hrusan swylce.
212. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 124
þa þe on drihten heora dædum getreowað,
hi beoð on Sionbeorge swyþe gelice;
ne mæg hine on ealdre ænig onhreran
þe eardfæst byð on Hierusalem.
Hi synd mundbeorgas micle ymbutan;
haldeð heora ymbhwyrft ece drihten
of ðisson nu awa to worulde.
Næfre forlæteð lifes drihten
firenfulra tan furðor gangan,
þonne he soðfæstra settan wylle.
Ne he soðfæste swylce læteð,
þæt hi to unrihte ahwær willen
handum ræcean, ac he him hraþe gyldeð;
do þu, drihten, wel þam þe gedefe her
hiora heortan riht
healdað mid gode.
þa ðe gearwe beoð to gramum bendum,
eft hi gelædeð ece drihten
mid þæm þe unriht æghwær wyrceað;
sibb si Israhelum symble ofer ealle.
213. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 125
þonne drihten wyle gedon æfter,
þæt he of Sione swære ahweorfe
hæftned hefige, syððan we hraðe weorðað
afrefrede fægere ealle.
Sona beoð gefylde mid gefean syþþan
muðas ure, and we ma sprecað,
beoð ure tungan teala wynsume.
þonne hi geond þeode cweðað þriste;
æghwær hi gemiclade mihtig drihten,
þa he him wundur mid worhte seldlic;
gemicla ðe swylce, mihtig drihten,
þæt þu wundur mid us wyrce mære,
and we bealde on þam bliðe weorðan.
Gehweorf ure hæftned, halig drihten,
swa suðhealde swiþe hlimman.
þa her on tornlicum tearum sawað,
hi eft fægerum gefean sniðað;
gangende and ferende georne wepað
and heora sylfra sæd sniðað æfter.
Cumað þonne mid cumendum cuðe mid blisse
and on heora sceafas berað, swa hi gesamnedon.
214. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 126
Nymþe hus timbrige halig drihten,
on idel gylp oðre winnað
þe þæs huses hrof staðeliað.
Nymðe gehealde eac halig drihten
ceastre mid cynnum, ne mæg hi cynlice
weard gehealdan.
Forhwan ge mid idelnesse ealle arisað,
ærðon leoht cume leoda bearnum?
Arisað nu ricene, and hraðe sittað,
þa ðe sares hlaf swiðe æton.
þonne he slæp syleð swiðe leofum;
þæt is yrfe eac ecean drihtnes
and herde bearn, þa her mannum beoð
of innaðe ærest cende.
Swa seo stræle byð strangum and mihtigum
hrorum on handa heard ascyrped,
swa lyðra bearn lungre gewitað.
þæt bið eadig wer, se ðe a þenceð,
þæt he his lust on ðon leofne gefylle;
ne bið he on ealdre ealre æfre gescended,
þonne he on gaton greteð his grame feondas.
215. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 127
Eadige syndon ealle þe him ecne god
drihten ondrædað, and his gedefne weg
on hyra lifes tid lustum gangað.
þonne þu þines gewinnes wæstme byrgest,
etest oretes, and þu eadig leofast,
and þe wel weorðeð on wynburgum.
Beoð þines wifes welan gelice,
swa on wingearde weaxen berigean,
and on þines huses hwommum genihtsum.
Synd þine bearn swylce samed anlicast,
swa elebeamas æþele weaxen,
ymb þinne beod utan blæda standen.
Efne swa bið gebletsad beorna æghwylc
mann on moldan þe him metodes ege
on his dædum drihten forhtað.
þe of Sionbeorge swylce drihten
bealde bletsige, and þu bruce eac
on Hierusalem goda gehwylces
ealle lange dagas lifes þines.
And þu þinra bearna bearn sceawige,
geseo samed gangan sibb ofer Israhel.
216. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 128
Oft me fuhtan to fynd on geoguðe,
cweðan Israhelas nu eac þæt sylfe;
oft me fuhtan to fynd on geoguþe,
ne mihton hi awiht æt me æfre gewyrcean.
Ofer minum bæce bitere ongunnon
þa firenfullan facen timbrian,
and heora unriht eft gelengdon.
Drihten is soðfæst, and gedeð sniome,
þæt he firenfullra fæcne geðancas
wis toweorpeð; weorðað gescende
and hiora scamiað swiþust ealles,
þa to Sione hete swiðost hæfdon.
Wesen hi hige her gelicast
þam þe on huses þæce heah aweaxeð,
þæt bið forwisnad wraðe sona,
ær hit afohten foldan losige.
Of þam he ne gefylleð folme æfre,
þeah þe he hit mawe micle elne;
ne mid his sceafe ne mæg sceat afyllan,
þeah þe he samnige swiðe georne.
And þæt ne cweðan, þa his cwide weoldan
on ofergeate æghwær hæbben:
"Us gebletsige bealde drihten
and ofer eow wese eac his bletsung;
we eow neodlice on naman drihtnes
swylce bletsiað bliðe mode."
217. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 129
Ic of grundum to þe geomur cleopode;
drihten, drihten, do þu nu ða,
þæt þu mines gebedes bene gehyre.
Wesan þine earan eac gehyrende
and beheldende mid hige swylce
on eall gebedd esnes þines.
Gif þu ure unriht wilt eall behealdan,
drihten, drihten, hwa gedeð æfre,
þæt he þæt geefne eall mid rihte?
Ys seo mildheortnes mid þe, mihta wealdend,
and ic for ðinre æ, ece drihten,
þas oþer eall eaðe aræfnige.
Hwæt, þæt sawl min symble aræfnede,
þæt ic on þinum wordum me wel getreowde;
forðon min sawl on þe symble getreoweð.
Fram þære mæran mergentide
oðþæt æfen cume ylda bearnum,
Israhelas on drihten a getreowen.
Forðon is mildheortnesse miht on drihtne
and he alyseð lustum ealle,
þa ðe hiht on hine habbað fæste.
He Israhelas ealle alyseð
of unrihte
æghwær symble.
218. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 130
Nis min heorte wið þe ahafen, drihten,
ne mine eagan wið þe on oferhygde.
Ne ic on mægene miclum gange
ne wundur ofer me wuniað ænig.
Ac ic mid eaðmedum eall geþafige;
is min sawl on ðon swyþe gefeonde.
Swa man æt meder bið miclum feded,
swa þu minre sawle symble gyldest.
Israhelas on drihten a getreowigen
of ðyssum nu awa to worulde.
219. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 131
Gemune þu, drihten, mærne Dauid
and ealle his mannþwærnesse micle and goode.
Swa ic æt frymðe geswor ferhðe wið drihten
and gehat gehet, he geheold teala
wið Iacobes god þone mæran.
þeah þe ic on mines huses hyld gegange
oþþe selegesceot þænne swæs wese
oððe on min restbedd ricene gestige,
Gif ic minum eagum unne slæpes,
oþþe minum breawum beode hnappunga,
oþþe ic on þunwange þriste gereste,
Oþþæt ic gemete mære stowe
drihtne gecorene, dyre selegesceot
Iacobes gode georne gecweme.
Efne we þas eall on Eufraten
sæcgean gehyrdon, syððan gemitton
forwel manegu on wudufeldum.
We on his selegesceot swylce gangað,
and þære stowe stede ariað
þær his fotas ær fæste gestodan.
Aris on þinre reste recene, drihten;
þu earce eart eallhaligra.
Synd þine sacerdas on soðfæstnesse
gode gegierede, and gleawe nu
þine þa halgan her blissiað.
For þinum agenum esne swylce,
deorum Dauide, þu ne do æfre,
þæt þu andwlitan ut oncyrre
þines þæs halgan her on eorðan.
þæs deopne að drihten aswor
and þone mid soðe swylce getrymede,
þæt he hine for hole ær ne aswore,
gehet Dauide, swa he him dyde syþþan,
þæt he weorðlicne wæstm gesette
þe of his innaðe agenum cwome,
ofer þin heahsetl; gif nu healdað well
þines sylfes bearn soðe treowa
and þa gewitnesse,
þe ic hig wel lære,
þonne hiora suna swylce motan
a þysse worulde wynnum brucan
and on þinum setle sittan geneahhe.
Forðon him Sione geceas sylfa drihten,
and him to earde geceas ærest æt frymðe.
þis is min rest, þe ic recene nu
on worulda woruld wunian þence,
þær ic eard nime, forðon ic hi ær geceas.
His wuduan ic wordum bletsige
and gesegnade, sylle geneahhe
heora hungrium hlaf to fylle.
Ec his sacerdas swylce mid hælu
georne gegyrwe, and gode eac
his þa halgan her habbað blisse.
þær ic Dauides horn deorne bringe,
forð gelæde, fægre gearuwe
byrnende blacern, bere for minum
criste gecorenum, þe ic hine cuðne wat.
Ic his feondas eac facne gegyrwe
mid scame swiðust; ofer hine scir cymeð
minra segnunga soðfæst blostma.
220. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 132
Efne hu glædlic bið and god swylce,
þætte broður on an begen hicgen,
þær hig ænne sculan eard weardian.
Swa unguentum mæg æðele wyrtcynn
heafde healdan hrore stence,
mid þy Aaron his beard oftast smyrede.
Seo niðer astah on his reafæs fnæd
swa æþele deaw on Hermone,
se ofer Sionbeorge sneome astigeð.
Forþon her bebead halig drihten
lifes bletsunga lange to feore
of þisson nu awa to worulde.
221. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 133
Efne bletsien nu bliðe drihten
ealle his agene onbyhtscealcas.
Ge þe on godes huse gearwe standað,
and on cafertunum Cristes huses
ures þæs halgan godes held begangað.
Hebbað neodlice nihta gehwylcere
eowre handa on halig lof
and bletsiað balde drihten.
Ge bletsige bliðe drihten
of Sionbeorge symble æt þearfe,
se þe heofon worhte, hrusan swylce.
222. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 134
Heriað naman drihtenes, neode swylce
herigen hine his scealcas swiðe ealle.
Ge þe on godes huse gleawe standað
and on cafertunum Cristes huses
þæs godan godes gearwe syndan,
Lofiað ge drihten, forþon he lungre is
fæstræd and fremsum fira æghwam;
weorðiað his naman, forþon he wyrðe is.
Forðon him godne geceas Iacob drihten
and on agene æht Israeles cynn.
Ic þæt gearwe ongeat, þæt is god and mycel
drihten ure; forþon him dom standeð
ofer ealle godu eorðbuendra.
Ealle þa þe wolde, worhte drihten
on heofonrice and her on eorðan,
on sidum sæ swylce on eallum,
þær he dyrne wat deorce grundas.
And he fram þysse eorðan ende lædeð
wolcen wræclicu, wind and liget,
and þa to regne recene wyrceð,
þe forð lædeð fægere windas
of his goldhordum godra manegum;
se ægipta sloh æðele frumbearn
æghwylc ealra oð þa nytenu.
He sigetacen sende manegum
forebeacn fæle
folce ægipta,
and þa Pharaones folce gecyðde
and his scealcum samed ætgædere.
Se sloh þeode folc þearle manige,
and eac acwealde cyningas strange.
Wæs Seon efne sum þara kynincga,
and Og kyning, se þe æror wæs
on Basane breme and mære.
Sealde heora eardland eall Israhelum
and heora yrfe eac his folce.
Ys þin nama, drihten, nemned ece,
and þin gemynd, mihtig drihten,
on ealra worulda woruld wynnum standeð.
Forþon his folc demeð fægere drihten,
and he bið on his esnum agenum frefriend.
Beoð deofolgyld dysigra þeoda
gold and seolfur, þe her geotað menn,
and mid heora folmum fægere wyrceað.
þa muð habbað, and ne meldiað wiht,
fægere eagan, ne magon feor geseon.
Earan habbað, ne hi awiht magon
holdes gehyran, þeah ðe him hleoðrige,
and nose habbað, nawiht gestincað.
Handa hi habbað, ne hi hwæðere magon
gegrapian godes awiht;
habbað fet swylce, ne magon feala gangan.
Ne hi on hracan awiht hlude ne cleopiað,
ne him gast warað gomum on muðe.
Synt anlice þæm þe hi ær worhtan,
and ealle þa ðe on hi æfre getreowað.
Hus Israela holdne drihten
bletsien bealde, biddan swylce
þæt Aarones hus ecne drihten
bliðe bletsien; beornas ealle,
þa on lifes hus leof eardiað,
bletsien drihten bliðe mode.
þa þe him ondræden drihtnes egsan,
bletsien drihten beornas ealle;
se drihten is deore gebletsad
of Sion sniome, þe soðfæst ær
on Hierusalem god eardode.
223. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 135
Ic andette ecum drihtne,
forðon he god is, and ic ful gearwe wat,
þæt he to worulde byð wis and mildheort.
Eac ic andette þam þe ece is
ealra godena god, forðon ic hine godne wat.
Andette ic swylce þam þe ealra is
drihtna drihten dædum spedigast,
forðon he god is, and ic gearwe wat,
þæt his mildheortnes is mycel to worulde.
He wundur dyde weorþlic ana.
Se heofon worhte, hæleða andgit.
He eorðan æfter wæter ærest sette.
He leohtfatu leodum ana
micel geworhte manna bearnum,
Sette on miht dæges mære sunnan,
monan and steorran.
He ægyptas sloh and eall heora frumbearn,
And he Israhelas ealle oðlædde
of ægyptum ealle gesunde,
On mihtigre mære handa
and on eallmihte earmes swylce.
He readne sæ recene todælde,
Lædde Israhelas ealle þurh midne.
þær Pharaon gefeol, and his fæge werud
on þam readan sæ recene forwurdan.
He gewealdendlice þuruh westen eft
his þæt leofe folc lædde swylce.
He of stanclife stearce burnan
leodum lædde on leofne þanc.
Swylce he acwealde cyningas mycle.
And he eac ofsloh æðele cyningas,
weras wræclice, þa þe weoruld heoldan.
þær Seon cyning swylt dreorig fornam,
þe Amorrea anweald hæfde,
And Og swylce, þe æror wæs
swyþe breme cyning on Basane.
Sealde heora eorþan on yrfeland,
And þæt yrfe on Israele,
þe his esnas agene wæron.
Forþon ure eaðmedu ece drihten
gemyndgade, and us mycel sealde.
And he us aferede feondum of handa,
þa ðe wraðe wæron ealle.
He eac afedeð
flæscea æghwylc.
Andetað nu ealle þam ecean gode,
þe on heofonum is heah eardiende.
And ge ealra godena gode geara andettað,
forþan his mildheortnes is mycel to worulde.
224. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136
Ofer Babilone bradum streame,
þær we sittað and sare wepað,
þonne we Sion gemunan swiðe georne.
On salig we sarige swiðe gelome
ure organan up ahengan.
Forþon us þær frunon fæcnum wordum,
woh meldedan, ða us on weg læddan:
"Singað us ymnum ealdra sanga
þe ge on Sione sungan geneahhige."
Hu magon we singan sangas drihtne
on þære foldan þe us fremde is?
Gif ic þin, Hierusalem, forgyten hæbbe,
forgyte min seo swyðre symble æt þearfe;
ætfeole min tunge fæste gomum,
gif ic ofergittol þin æfre weorðe,
Gif ic ne forsette þe symble æt frymðe;
ac ic on Hierusalem georne blissie.
Gemune þu, drihten, manigra bearna,
þe on Edom synt eal lifigende,
þonne þu Hierusalem gegodie;
þa nu oft cweðað: "Wutun hi idle gedon,
oðþæt hi heora eard geceosan."
Hwæt, þu eart Babilone bitere ætfæsted
ænge and yfele, hire earm dohter;
eadig byð hwæðere se þe eft gyldeð
þa þu him on ealdre ær forgeafe
and us eallum eac gesealdest.
Eadig byð se þe nimeð and eac seteð
his agen bearn on þone æþelan stan.
225. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 137
Ic þe andette, ecne drihten,
on minre gehygde heortan ealre;
forðon þu ealle mine word earum gehyrdest,
þa ic mid muðe and mid mode cweðe,
and on þinra engla ealra gesihðe
ic þe singe swiðe geneahhige.
Eac ic þin tempel tidum weorðige,
þæt halige hus, holde mode,
and þær þinne naman on neod secge.
Ofer þine þa miclan mildheortnesse
and soðfæstnesse samed ætgædere,
þu þinne þone halgan naman neode gedydest,
ofer us ealle æghwær micelne.
Swa hwylce daga ic þe deorne cige,
gehyr me hwætlice, and me hraðe gedo
micle mine sawle on þines mægenes sped.
Ealle þe andettan eorðan kyningas,
forðon þe hi gehyrdon hlude reorde
þines muðes þa mæran word;
þa on sangum singan drihtne.
Forþon þin
wuldur is wide geond eorðan
micel and mære, ofer middaneard
eart þu healice ahafen, drihten;
þu eadmodra ealra locast
on heofonhame her on eorðan.
þeah þe ic on midle manes gange,
þær me costunga cnysdan geneahhe,
a þu me weredest wraþum feondum
þe me woldan yrre on acyðan;
þu me geræhtest recene mid handa
and me þin swyðre sneome hælde.
Drihten for me dome gylde,
is his mildheortnes mycel on worulde;
ne forseoh æfre, þæt þu sylfa ær
mid þinum handum her geworhtest.
226. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 138
þu min costadest cynnum, drihten,
and me ongeate gleawe mode;
þu min setl swylce oncneowe,
and minne ærist æfter gecyðdest.
And mine geðohtas eac þriste oncneowe,
feorran ongeate fore mine,
and mine gangas gearwe atreddest
and ealle mine wegas wel foresawe,
forþan me inwit næs ahwær on tungan.
Efne þu, drihten, eall oncneowe
þa ærestan, eac þa nehstan;
þu me gehiwadest handa þinre,
me ofer heafod holde gesettest.
Wundorlic is geworden þin wisdom eall,
se is beutan me eac gestrangod;
ne mæg ic him on neode a neah cuman.
Hwider mæg ic fram þinum gaste gangan ahwær,
oþþe þinne andwlitan befleon eorðan dæles?
Gif ic on heofenas up hea astige,
þu me þær on efn andweard sittest;
gif ic on helle gedo hwyrft ænigne,
þu me æt byst efne rihte.
Gif ic mine fiðeru gefo, fleoge ær leohte,
oþþæt ic beutan wese eallum sæwum,
Hwæt, me þin hand þyder ofer holma begang
lædeð lustum, and me lungre eft
þin seo swiðre þær gehendeð.
Ic on mode cwæð minum swylce:
"Wen is, þæt me þystru ðearle forgripen
and me on nihte neode onlihte,
þæt ic minum bleom bregde neahhige."
Ne beoð þeostru deorc butan þinre miht;
þurh þa onlihtest niht, þæt heo byð dæge gelic.
Swa þragum gæð þeostru wið leohte,
forþon þu hi settest swylce, drihten;
canst mine ædre ealle gearuwe,
onfenge me fægere, swa ic furðum wæs
of modur hrife
minre acenned.
Ic þe andette,
ece drihten,
forþon þu mid egesan eart eall gewuldrad,
and þine weorc wæron wræclice swyþe,
þa min saul oncneow sona georne.
Nis min ban wið þe deope behyded,
þæt þu wislice worhtest on diglum,
þeh min lichama lytle ðrage
on niðerdælum eorðan wunige.
Eagan þine gesawon þæt ic ealles wæs
unfrom on ferhþe; eall þæt forð heonan
on þinum wisbocum awriten standeð.
Dagas syndon trymede, swa hi drihten gesceop,
ne mæg ænig on þam awa lifigean;
me synd arwyrðe ealle swiðe,
þe þine frynd wærun fæste, drihten,
is heora ealdordom ungemete swiðe
on cneorissum cuð gestrangod.
Gif ic hi recene nu riman onginne,
hi beoð ofer sandcorn sniome manige;
syþþan ic arise and recene nu gyt
mid þe sylfum eom, gif þu syþþan wylt
þa firenfullan fyllan mid deaðe.
Blodhreowe weras, ge bebugað me,
þe þæt on geþohtum þenceað cweðende:
"Wutun þurh idel searu ealle tiligean,
þæt we heora burh tobrecan moton."
Ealle þa þe feodan þurh facen god,
ic hi feode nu fæste mid niðe,
and ofer þine feondas beo facne gebolgen.
Swa ic hi mid rihte recene feoge,
forþon hi me feondas fæcne wurdan.
Costa min, god, swa hit cyn wese,
and minre heortan gehygd her gesceawa,
þone fælan geþanc; frine me syþþan
and mine stige ongit gestaðelode.
And þu sylfa geseoh, gif ic on swiculne weg
oþþe on unrihte ahwær eode;
gelæd me þonne, lifes ealdor,
þæt ic on ecne weg æghwær gange.
227. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 139
Genere me wið niþe on naman þinum
fram yfelum menn, ece drihten,
and fram þam were, þe wom fremme.
þa ealne dæg inwit and facen
hycgeað on heortan
þurh hearme geþoht,
hi þæt to gefeohte georne gefremed habbað.
And heora tungan torncwidum
neode serwað, swa oft nædran doð,
and him aspidas, ætrene wyrmas,
under welerum is gewunad fæste.
Geheald þu me, drihten, wið heteniðas
and wið firenfulles folmum swylce,
and fram þam mannum þe man fremmen,
alys þu me lungre, lifes ealdur.
þa on hyge þohtan, þæt hi ahyltan me
and minne gang georne swylce,
forhyddan oferhygde me inwitgyrene,
wraðan wealsadan
woldan mine fotas gefæstnian,
settan me swyce, þær ic siþade.
Ic þa to drihtne cwæð: "þu me eart dyre god;
gehyr min gebed, halig drihten,
nu ic stefne to þe styrme hlude."
Drihten, drihten, þu eart gedefe mægen
hælo minre, and þu min heafod scealt
on gefeohtdæge feondum awergean.
Ne alyf þu me æfre ofer lust minne
on fyrenfulra fæcne geðancas,
þa wiðerwearde me wraðe hycgeað;
ne forlæt þu me on lifdagum,
þy læs hi ahafene ofer me hwile weorðen.
Him ymb heafod hefegast gewinna,
þæt hi mid welerum geworht habbað,
him þæt ilce sceal on gesittan.
Eac hi feallað on fyres glede,
and þu hi mid fyre facnes gehnegest,
þæt hi þam yrmðum a ne wiðstanden.
Se getynga wer on teosuspræce,
ne bið se ofer eorþan gereaht ahwær;
unsoðfæstne wer yfel gecnysseð,
oþþe he on eorðan eall forweorðeð.
Ic þæt gearuwe ongeat, þæt gode deð
drihten domas, þe on dagum þyssum
wædlum weorðað, wreceð þearfendra.
Soð is hwæðere, soðfæste nu
þinne naman willað þuruh neod herigean;
scylan eard niman on þinre ansyne,
þa mid ræde her rihte lifigeað.
228. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 140
Ic þe, drihten, to dyrum clypige;
gehyr me hrædlice holdre stefne,
þonne ic bene to þe bidde ceare full.
Sy on þinre gesihþe mines sylfes gebed
ful recene gereht, swa ricels byð,
þonne hit gifre gleda bærnað.
Swylce is ahafenes handa minra,
þonne ic þe æfenlac estum secge.
Sete swæse geheald swylce, drihten,
muðe minum, ne læt man sprecan,
and æþele dor
þæt on welerum wisdom healde.
Ne hyld þu mine heortan,
þæt ic hearme word
þuruh inwitstæf ut forlæte,
and ic lædend wese laðra firena.
Ne ic æfre mid mannum manfremmendum
gemænnesse micle hæbbe,
ne on heora gecorenesse becume æfre.
Ac me soðfæst symble gerecce
and mildheorte mode þreage;
ele synfulra æfre ne mote
heafde minum hrinan ahwær.
Forþon min gebed nu gyt becnum standeð,
þæt him on wisum is wel lycendlice;
syndon hi æt strangum stane forswolgene;
noldan heora deman mine gedefe word
earan gehyran, eft ne mihton.
Swa unefne is eorþe þicce,
syndon þas moras myclum asprotene,
swa ure ban syndon bitere toworpene
be helwarena
Forþon ic, drihten, on þe dædum minum
eagum and mode æghwær gelyfe;
ne ascuf þu fram me sawle mine.
Geheald me wið þare gryne þe me grame setton,
þæt me ne beswice synwyrcende,
þa þe unrihtes æghwær þenceað.
Feallað firenfulle on heora fengnettum;
ic me syndrig eom, oþþæt ic swa fere.
229. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 141
Min stefn to þe styrmeð, drihten,
and ic mid strangere stefne swylce
eam biddende bealde drihten.
Ic mine bene bealde swylce
on his gesihðe symble ageote,
and mine earfeþu ealle full georne
fore him sylfum sæcge geneahhe,
Gif mine grame þenceað gast teorian,
and þu mine stige strange ongeate.
On þyssum grenan wege, þe ic gange on,
me oferhydige æghwær setton
gearwe grine; geara ic sceawade,
geseah on þa swyðran, ne me sylfne þær
ænig mid gode ongitan wolde.
ða me eac frecne fram fleam gedydan,
næs þa þe mine sawle secean wolde,
þa ic to þe, drihten, digle cleopode
and sona cwæð: "þu eart min se soða hiht;
eart þu on lifigendra lande swylce
se gedefa dæl, drihten, æghwær."
Beheald mine sawle, hæleþa wealdend,
forþon ic geeadmeded eom ungemete swiðe.
Alys me fram laþum; hi me lungre synt
ealle ofer me ungemete strange.
Alæd me of carcernes cluse swylce
mine sawle, þæt ic syþþan forð
þinne naman mote neode sæcgean.
Min soðfæste snotere bidað,
oþþæt þu me edlean eft forgylde.
230. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 142
Drihten, min gebed deore gehyre,
and mid earum onfoh ungemetum georne
mine halsunge; heald me syððan
on þinre soðfæstnesse and me on soðe gehyr.
Ne ga þu mid þinum esne in to dome,
forþon on þinre gesihðe ne bið soðfæst ænig
þe on ðisse foldan feorhlif bereð.
Forþon mine sawle swiðe feondas
ealle ehtan ungemete strange,
habbað me gehnæged heanne to eorðan
and min lif swylce gelytlad is.
Hi me on digle deorce stowe
settan sarlice samed anlice,
swa þu worulddeade wrige mid foldan;
is me ænge gast innan hreðres,
and me is heorte on hearde gedrefed.
þonne ic on mode gemyndgade,
hu me ærran dagas oft alumpan,
metegade on mode
ealle þine mæran weorc
and ymbe þine handgeweorc hogode georne.
þonne ic mine handa to þe holde þenede
and mine sawle sette mid mode,
swa eorðan bið ansyn wæteres;
gehyr me hrædlice, hæl me syþþan.
Nu me deope is, drihten leofa,
min sylfes gast swær geworden,
ne awend fram me, wuldres ealdur,
þine ansyne; wese ic earmum gelic
þe on sweartne grund syþþan astigað.
Gedo þæt ic gehyre holde on morgene
þine mildheortnesse, mihtig drihten,
forþon ic hycge to ðe, helpe gelyfe.
Do me wegas wise, þæt ic wite gearwe
on hwylcne ic gange gleawe mode;
nu ic to drihtnes dome wille
mine sawle settan geornast.
Afyrr me, frea drihten, feondum minum;
nu ic helpe to þe holde gelyfe;
lær me, hu ic þinne willan wyrce and fremme,
forþon þu min god eart, þu me god dydest.
Me þin se goda gast gleawe lædde,
þæt ic on rihtne weg reðne ferde;
for naman þines neodweorðunge,
drihten usser, do me halne,
þæt ic on ðinum rihte rædfæst lifige.
And þu of costunge clæne alæddest
sawle mine, þær heo syððan forð
on þinre mildheortnesse mote wunian;
and þu mine feondas fæcne todrife,
and eac forleose laðra gehwylcne
þe mine sawle synne ætfæsten,
forþon ic þin esne eom agen symble.
231. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 143
Drihten is gebletsad, min se deora god,
þe mine handa to hilde teah
and mine fingras to gefeohtanne.
He is mildheortnes min æt þearfe,
frið and fultum, fæst andfengea
and alysend is lifes mines.
Min þu mære eart mihtig scyldend;
ic hiht on ðe hæbbe fæste,
þæt þu me folc mænig fægere underþeoddest.
Hwæt is se manna, mihtig drihten,
þe þu him cuðlice cyþan woldest,
oððe mannes sunu, þæt hit gemet wære,
þæt þu him aht wið æfre hæfdest?
Man byð merwe gesceaft, mihtum idel;
beoð his dagas swylce demde gelice,
swa þu on scimiendre sceade locige.
Ahyld þine heofenas, halig drihten,
onhrin þissum muntum, and hi hraðe reocað.
þine ligetta
leohtað and beorhtað,
and þu hi toweorpest wide æfter;
synd þine strele strange swylce,
and ðu hi gedrefed hafast deope syþþan.
Onsend þine handa of heanessum,
alys me and genere wið lagustreamum
manegum wæterum and wið manfolmum
fremdra bearna and frecenra.
þara muðas sprecað manidel word,
bið hyra seo swiðre symble abysgod,
þæt hi unrihtes
elne tiligeað.
Ic niwlice niwne cantic
þam godan gode gleawne singe
on psalterio, þe him swynsað oft
mid tyn strengum getogen hearpe,
on þære þe ic þe singe swiþe geneahhe.
þu healdest and sylest hælu cyningum;
þu alysdest eac leofne Dauid,
þinne agenne
of þam awyrgedan wraðan sweorde.
Alys me and oðlæd laþum wætrum,
manegum merestreamum, mærum handum,
þa me fremde bearn fæcne syndan.
þara muðas sprecað manidel word,
byð hyra seo swiðre symble abysgad,
þæt hi unrihtes awa tiligean.
þara bearn swylce
bogum æþelum
settum beamum samed anlice,
standað on staðule stiðe wið geoguðe.
Wærun heora dohtru deore gesette
and ymb frætwum utan gegyrede,
efne anlicast æþelum temple.
Heora frumwæstme fulle syndon,
þæt hi rumlice roccettað swiðe,
of þissan on þæt þonne wendað.
Heora sceap wærun swylce tydred
and on siðfatum swiþe genihtsum,
heora oxan eac ungemete fætte.
Ne hreosað hi to hrusan hearde gebiged,
ne þær fernes is folca mænegum,
ne care micle cleopiað on worðum.
Eadig bið þæt folc, oðre hatað,
þe him swa on foldan fægre limpeð;
eadig bið þæt folc þe ælmihtig wile
drihten god dema weorðan.
232. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 144
Ic me heahne god hæbbe to kyninge,
and ic naman þinne neode herige
on ecnesse awa to worulde.
þuruh syndrige dagas symble ic ðe bletsige,
and naman þinne neode herige
on ecnesse awa to worulde.
Mycel is drihten, hine man mægene sceal
holde mode herian swiðe;
nis his micelmodes mægenes ende.
Cneorissa kynn cwidum symble
þin weorc herigen wordum georne,
and þine mihte eac micle sæcgeon.
Mycel mod and strang þines mægenðrymmes
and þine halignesse holdes modes
wise wordum sprecað, weredum secggeað
eall þin wundur wide mære.
And hi mægen swylce mære and egeslic
þinra wundra wislic sæcgen
and þine mægenstrengðu
mærsien wide.
Gemune þines modes þa miclan geniht,
þinre weðnesse wise sæcgenum
roccette and ræd sprece,
and þine soðfæstnesse sæcge geneahhe.
Mildheort is drihten and mannþwære
and geþyldig eac, þearle mildheort.
Swylce eallum is ure drihten
manna cynne milde and bliðe;
syndan his miltsa ofer us mære weorc
eall yldum cuð awa to feore.
Andetten þe, drihten, ealle þine weorc
and þe þine þa halgan her bletsien.
And hi þine mihte manna bearnum
cyþan mid cynnum and mid cneorissum,
þines mægenþrymmes mære wuldur
riht and reðe rices þines.
þæt þu cuð gedydest ofer cneorisse,
þær synd manna bearn manig ætsomne,
and þæt þin miht is ofer middaneard
and þines rices rædfæst wuldur.
Rice is þin, drihten, ræde gefæstnod,
and þu woruldricum wealdest eallum;
is þin anweald eac ofer eorðware
of cynne on cynn and on cneorissum.
Drihten is on wordum dædum getreowe
and on eallum his weorcum wis and halig.
Ahefeð halig god þa ðe hreosað ær,
and he ealle areceð earme gebrocene.
Eagan on þe ealra, drihten,
wisra gewenað wiste to genihte,
and þu him mete sylest mæla gehwylce
and þæs tidlice tid gemearcast.
Onhlidest ðu þine handa and hi hraðe fyllest,
ealra wihta gehwam wis bletsunga.
Soðfæst is drihten on his sylfes wegum
eallum on eorðan, and he æfter þan
on his weorcum is wis and halig.
Neah is drihten niþum eallum
þe hine mid soðe hige seceað and ciegað
and his willan her wyrceað georne
and his ege swylce elne ræfnað;
he heora bene bealde gehyreð
and hi hrædlice gedeð hale sona.
Ealle gehealdeð halig drihten
þe lufan wið hine lustum healdeð,
and he synfulle swylce todrifeð
geond widwegas wearnum ealle.
Sceal lof drihtnes on lust sprecan
min muð mannum mæla gehwylce,
and flæsca gehwylc þurh fæle word
his þone haligan naman her bletsian
on ecnesse awa to feore.
233. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 145
Herige min sawl hælend drihten,
and ic on minum life lustum drihten
herige haligne and holdum gode
sealmas singe, þenden ic sylf lifige.
Nelle ge on ealdurmenn ane getreowian,
ne on manna bearn; nis þær mycel hælu.
Heora gast gangeð, gearwe onwendeð
on þa eorðan þe hi of comon;
of þam sylfan dæge syðþan forweorðað
ealle þa geþohtas þe hi þohtan ær.
þonne bið eadig þe him æror wæs
Iacobes god geara fultumiend,
and ær his hiht on god hæfde fæste,
Se þe heofon worhte, hrusan swylce
and sidne sæ samed ætgædere,
and ealle þa þe him on ahwær syndon.
He his soðfæst word swylce gehealdeð,
and on worulde his wise domas
deð gedefe þe her deorce ær
teonan manige torne geþoledan;
syleð mete swylce þe her murcne ær
hungur heaðugrimne heardne geþoledan.
Wreceð to ræde rice drihten
þara manna bearn þe ær man gebræc,
swylce þa gefetredan fægre drihten
lungre alyseð and him lif geofeð,
and blinde eac bealde drihten
on heora eagum eft onleohteð;
soðfæste drihten swylce lufade.
þa elðeodigan ealle drihten
lustum healdeð, and lif geofeð
weodewum wencelum; he hiom wel onfehð,
fyrenfulra weg frecne toweorpeð.
Rixað mid ræde rice drihten
on ecnesse awa to feore,
and þin, Sione, god symble to worulde.
234. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 146
Heriað drihten, he is heah and good;
singað him sealmas swiðe geneahhe
and hine wlitegum wordum herigeað.
Eft Hierusalem georne drihten
timbreð tidum, and to somnað
þa þe ut gewitan of Israhelum.
Se hæleð eac heortan geðræste
and heora unrotnesse ealle gewriðeð.
He recene mæg riman steorran
and þa neodlice be naman sona
full cuðlice cigean ealle.
Micel is ure mihtig drihten,
and his mægen is micel and mihtum strang;
ne his snytru mæg secgean ænig,
on þyssum ealdre æfre ariman.
Milde mode and manþwære
he onfehð fægere, and fyrenfulle
wið eorðan niþer ealle gehnegeð.
Onginnað ge drihtne geare andettan,
singað gode urum gleawe be hearpan,
Se þe heofen þeceð hadrum wolcnum
and regn þanon recene sendeð
þe þeos eorðe fram æfter groweð.
He of beorgum ut blæde lædeð,
hig to helpe hæleða bearnum,
Se þe mete syleð manegum neatum,
hrefnes briddum, þonne heo hropende
him cigeað to, cuðes æses.
Nafast ðu to manna mægene willan,
ne þe on þinum selegescotum swiðe licað,
þeah þe weras wyrcean wræst on eorðan.
Ac wel licað wuldres drihtne,
þa þe hine him ondrædað dædum and wordum,
and on his milde mod mægene gewenað.
235. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 147
Herige Hierusalem georne drihten,
here þu, Sion, swylce þinne soðne god.
Forþon he getrymede wið teonhete,
þæt þu þine doru mihtest bedon fæste,
and gebletsade bearna æghwylc
þe on innan þe ahwær wæren.
He þine gemæru gemiclade,
þu on utlandum ahtest sibbe,
and þe gesadade mid þy selestan
hwætecynnes holde lynde.
He his spræce hider spowendlice
on þas eorðan ærest sendeð,
and his word yrneð wundrum sniome.
He snaw sendeð samed anlice
swa þu wulle flys wolcnum bringe,
and þone toweorpeð wide swa æscean.
He his cristallum cynnum sendeð
swylc swa hlafgebrece of heofonwolcnum;
for andwlitan celes þær ænig ne mæg
him standan stiðe mode.
He his word sendeð þuruh windes gast;
blaweð beorhtlice, burnan floweð
and to wætere weorðeð sniome.
He his word eac ær mid wisdome
godum Iacobe geara foresægde,
and Israhele eac his domas.
Ne dyde he ahwær swa eldran cynne,
þæt he him his domas digle gecydde.
236. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 148
Heriað ge on heofenum hælend drihten,
heriað hlude on heanessum.
Heriað hine ealle engla ðreatas,
lofige hine swylce eall his leodmægen.
Herigen hine swylce sunna and mona,
æghwylc steorra and þæt æðele leoht.
Heofenas hine heofena herian georne,
and þa wæter swylce ðe ofer wolcnum synt
on heofenhame, herigen drihten.
Forðon he sylfa cwæð, sona wærun
wræclice geworht wætera ðryþe,
and gesceapene wærun, þa he sylfa het.
þa he on ecnesse eall staðelade
and on worulda woruld wolde healdan;
he sette bebod, syþþan heo þæt heoldon.
Herigen dracan swylce drihten of eorðan,
and ealle neowelnessa herian naman drihtnes.
Fyr, forst, hægel and gefeallen snaw,
is and yste, ealra gastas
þe his word willað wyrcean georne,
Muntas and geswyru, micle beamas,
þa þe mæst and wæstm mannum bringað,
and on eallum cedrum
Deor and neat, do þæt sniome;
nifle nædran cynn be naman ealle,
and fugla cynn fiðerum gescyrped,
Eorðcyningas eac ealle swylce
þe folcum her fore wisien
and ealdormen ahwær syndan,
and ealle þe þas eorþan ahwær demeð.
Beon ge, hægestealdas and glade fæmnan,
ealde and geonge ealle ætsamne;
herian naman drihtnes mid neodlofe.
Forþon his anes nama ofer ealle is
ahafen healice hæleða ealra;
is upp ahafen his andetness
heah ofer myclum heofone and eorðan.
He horn hefeð holdes folces,
he lofe leohteð leofe þa halgan;
wese awa frið on Israhela
fælum folce, and hi forð heonan
on his neaweste neode wunian.
237. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 149
Singað samheorte sangas drihtne
and him neowne sang nu ða singað;
wese his herenes on haligra
clænre cyricean
cyðed geneahhe.
Israhelas on hine eac blissien,
and Sione bearn symble hihtan
swiðust ealra.
Herigen his naman neode on ðreatum,
on timpano tidum heriað
and on psalterio singað georne.
Forðon on his folce is fægere drihtne
wel licendlic, and he wynlice
þam manþwærum syleð mære hælu.
þonne on wuldre gefeoð wel þa halgan,
beoð on heora husum bliðe gedreme.
Him on gomum bið godes oft gemynd;
heo þæs wislice wynnum brucað,
and sweord habbaþ swylce on folmum.
Mid þy hi wrecan þenceað wraðum cynnum
and ðrea þearle þeodum eawan.
And hio bindan balde þenceað
cyningas on campum, and cuðlice
heora æðelingas don
on isene bendas,
þæt hio dom on him deopne gecyðan
and þæt mid wuldre awriten stande:
þis is haligra wuldor
her on eorðan.
238. The Paris Psalter: Psalm 150
Heriað on þam halgum his holdne drihten,
heriað hine on his mægenes mære hælu.
Heriað hine swylce on his heahmihtum,
heriað hine æfter mode his mægenþrymmes.
Heriað hine on hleoðre holdre beman
239. The Meters of Boethius: Proem
ðus ælfred us ealdspell reahte,
cyning Westsexna, cræft meldode,
leoðwyrhta list. Him wæs lust micel
ðæt he ðiossum leodum leoð spellode,
monnum myrgen, mislice cwidas,
þy læs ælinge ut adrife
selflicne secg, þonne he swelces lyt
gymð for his gilpe. Ic sceal giet sprecan,
fon on fitte, folccuðne ræd
hæleðum secgean. Hliste se þe wille!
240. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 1
Hit wæs geara iu ðætte Gotan eastan
of Sciððia sceldas læddon,
þreate geþrungon þeodlond monig,
setton suðweardes sigeþeoda twa;
Gotena rice gearmælum weox.
Hæfdan him gecynde cyningas twegen,
Rædgod and Aleric; rice geþungon.
þa wæs ofer Muntgiop monig atyhted
Gota gylpes full, guðe gelysted,
folcgewinnes. Fana hwearfode
scir on sceafte. Sceotend þohton
Italia ealle gegongan,
lindwigende. Hi gelæstan swua
efne from Muntgiop oð þone mæran wearoð
þær Sicilia sæstreamum in,
eglond micel, eðel mærsað.
ða wæs Romana rice gewunnen,
abrocen burga cyst, beadurincum wæs
Rom gerymed. Rædgot and Aleric
foron on ðæt fæsten; fleah casere
mid þam æþelingum ut on Grecas.
Ne meahte þa seo wealaf wige forstandan
Gotan mid guðe; giomonna gestrion
sealdon unwillum eþelweardas,
halige aðas. Wæs gehwæðeres waa.
þeah wæs magorinca mod mid Grecum,
gif hi leodfruman læstan dorsten.
Stod þrage on ðam. þeod wæs gewunnen
wintra mænigo, oðþæt wyrd gescraf
þæt þe ðeodrice þegnas and eorlas
heran sceoldan. Wæs se heretema
Criste gecnoden, cyning selfa onfeng
fulluhtþeawum. Fægnodon ealle
Romwara bearn and him recene to
friðes wilnedon. He him fæste gehet
þæt hy ealdrihta ælces mosten
wyrðe gewunigen on þære welegan byrig,
ðenden god wuolde þæt he Gotena geweald
agan moste. He þæt eall aleag.
Wæs þæm æþelinge Arrianes
gedwola leofre þonne drihtnes æ.
Het Iohannes, godne papan,
heafde beheawon; næs ðæt hærlic dæd.
Eac þam wæs unrim oðres manes
þæt se Gota fremede godra gehwilcum.
ða wæs ricra sum on Rome byrig
ahefen heretoga, hlaforde leof,
þenden cynestole Creacas wioldon.
þæt wæs rihtwis rinc, næs mid Romwarum
sincgeofa sella siððan longe.
He wæs for weorulde wis, weorðmynða georn,
beorn boca gleaw; Boitius
se hæle hatte se þone hlisan geþah.
Wæs him on gemynde mæla gehwilce
yfel and edwit þæt him elðeodge
kyningas cyðdon. Wæs on Greacas hold,
gemunde þara ara and ealdrihta
þe his eldran mid him ahton longe,
lufan and lissa. Angan þa listum ymbe
ðencean þearflice, hu he ðider meahte
Crecas oncerran, þæt se casere eft
anwald ofer hi agan moste.
Sende ærendgewrit ealdhlafordum
degelice, and hi for drihtne bæd
ealdum treowum, ðæt hi æft to him
comen on þa ceastre, lete Greca witan
rædan Romwarum, rihtes wyrðe
lete þone leodscipe. ða þa lare ongeat
ðeodric Amuling, and þone þegn oferfeng,
heht fæstlice folcgesiðas
healdon þone hererinc. Wæs him hreoh sefa,
ege from ðam eorle. He hine inne heht
on carcernes cluster belucan.
þa wæs modsefa miclum gedrefed
Boetius. Breac longe ær
wlencea under wolcnum; he þy wyrs meahte
þolian þa þrage, þa hio swa þearl becom.
Wæs þa ormod eorl, are ne wende,
ne on þam fæstene frofre gemunde,
ac he neowol astreaht niðer of dune
feol on þa flore, fela worda spræc,
forþoht ðearle; ne wende þonan æfre
cuman of ðæm clammum. Cleopode to drihtne
geomran stemne, gyddode þus:
241. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 2
Hwæt, ic lioða fela lustlice geo
sanc on sælum, nu sceal siofigende,
wope gewæged, wreccea giomor,
singan sarcwidas. Me þios siccetung hafað
agæled, ðes geocsa, þæt ic þa ged ne mæg
gefegean swa fægre, þeah ic fela gio þa
sette soðcwida, þonne ic on sælum wæs.
Oft ic nu miscyrre cuðe spræce,
and þeah uncuðre ær hwilum fond.
Me þas woruldsælða welhwæs blindne
on ðis dimme hol dysine forlæddon,
and me þa berypton rædes and frofre
for heora untreowum, þe ic him æfre betst
truwian sceolde. Hi me to wendon
heora bacu bitere, and heora blisse from.
Forhwam wolde ge, weoruldfrynd mine,
secgan oððe singan þæt ic gesællic mon
wære on weorulde? Ne synt þa word soð,
nu þa gesælða ne magon simle gewunigan.
242. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 3
æala, on hu grimmum and hu grundleasum
seaðe swinceð þæt sweorcende mod,
þonne hit þa strongan stormas beatað
weoruldbisgunga, þonne hit winnende
his agen leoht an forlæteð,
and mid uua forgit þone ecan gefean,
ðringð on þa ðiostro ðisse worulde,
sorgum geswenced. Swa is þissum nu
mode gelumpen, nu hit mare ne wat
for gode godes buton gnornunge
fremdre worulde. Him is frofre ðearf.
243. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 4
æala, ðu scippend scirra tungla,
hefones and eorðan! ðu on heahsetle
ecum ricsast, and ðu ealne hræðe
hefon ymbhwearfest, and ðurh ðine halige miht
tunglu genedest þæt hi ðe to herað.
Swylce seo sunne sweartra nihta
ðiostro adwæsceð ðurh ðine meht.
Blacum leohte beorhte steorran
mona gemetgað ðurh ðinra meahta sped,
hwilum eac þa sunnan sines bereafað
beorhtan leohtes, þonne hit gebyrigan mæg
þæt swa geneahsne nede weorðað.
Swelce þone mæran morgensteorran,
þe we oðre naman æfensteorra
nemnan herað, ðu genedest þone
þæt he þære sunnan sið bewitige;
geara gehwelce he gongan sceal
beforan feran. Hwæt, ðu, fæder, wercest
sumurlange dagas swiðe hate,
þæm winterdagum wundrum sceorta
tida getiohhast. ðu þæm treowum selest
suðan and westan, þa ær se swearta storm
norðan and eastan benumen hæfde
leafa gehwelces ðurh þone laðran wind.
Eala hwæt, on eorðan ealla gesceafta
hyrað ðinre hæse, doð on heofonum swa some
mode and mægne, butan men anum,
se wið ðinum willan wyrceð oftost.
Wel la, ðu eca and ðu ælmihtiga,
ealra gesceafta sceppend and reccend,
ara ðinum earmum eorðan tudre,
monna cynne, ðurh ðinra mehta sped.
Hwi ðu, ece god, æfre wolde
þæt sio wyrd on gewill wendan sceolde
yflum monnum ealles swa swiðe?
Hio ful oft dereð unscyldegum.
Sittað yfele men giond eorðricu
on heahsetlum, halige þriccað
under heora fotum; firum uncuð
hwi sio wyrd swa wo wendan sceolde.
Swa sint gehydde her on worulde
geond burga fela beorhte cræftas.
Unrihtwise eallum tidum
habbað on hospe ða þe him sindon
rihtes wisran, rices wyrðran;
bið þæt lease lot lange hwile
bewrigen mid wrencum. Nu on worulde her
monnum ne deriað mane aðas.
Gif ðu nu, waldend, ne wilt wirde steoran,
ac on selfwille sigan lætest,
þonne ic wat þætte wile woruldmen tweogan
geond foldan sceat buton fea ane.
Eala, min dryhten, ðu þe ealle ofersihst
worulde gesceafta, wlit nu on moncyn
mildum eagum, nu hi on monegum her
worulde yðum wynnað and swincað,
earme eorðwaran; ara him nu ða.
244. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 5
ðu meaht be ðære sunnan sweotole geþencean
and be æghwelcum oðrum steorran
þara þe æfter burgum
beorhtost scineð.
Gif him wan fore wolcen hangað,
ne mægen hi swa leohtne leoman ansendan,
ær se þicca mist þynra weorðe.
Swa oft smylte sæ suðerne wind
græge glashlutre grimme gedrefeð,
þonne hie gemengað micla ysta,
onhrerað hronmere; hrioh bið þonne
seo þe ær gladu onsiene wæs.
Swa oft æspringe ut awealleð
of clife harum col and hlutor,
and gereclice rihte floweð,
irneð wið his eardes, oð him on innan felð
muntes mægenstan, and him on middan geligeð,
atrendlod of ðæm torre. He on tu siððan
tosceaden wyrð, scir bið gedrefed,
burna geblonden, broc bið onwended
of his rihtryne, ryðum toflowen.
Swa nu þa þiostro þinre heortan
willað minre leohtan lare wiðstondan
and ðin modgeþonc miclum gedrefan.
Ac gif ðu nu wilnast, þæt ðu wel mæge,
þæt soðe leoht sweotole oncnawan,
leohte geleafan, ðu forlætan scealt
idle ofersælða, unnytne gefean.
þu scealt eac yfelne ege an forlætan,
woruldearfoða, ne most ðu wesan for ðæm
ealles to ormod, ne ðu ðe æfre ne læt
wlenca gewæcan, þe læs þu weorðe for him
mid ofermettum eft gescended,
and to up ahafen for orsorgum
woruldgesælðum, ne eft to waclice
geortreowe æniges godes,
þonne þe for worulde wiðerwearda mæsð
þinga þreage and þu ðe selfum
swiðost onsitte. Forðæm simle bið
se modsefa miclum gebunden
mid gedrefnesse, gif hine dreccean mot
þissa yfla hwæðer, innan swencan.
Forðæm þa twegen tregan teoð tosomne
wið þæt mod foran mistes dwoleman,
þæt hit seo ece ne mot innan geondscinan
sunne for ðæm sweartum mistum, ærðæm hi geswiðrad weorðen.
245. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 6
ða se wisdom eft wordhord onleac,
sang soðcwidas, and þus selfa cwæð:
ðonne sio sunne sweotolost scineð,
hadrost of hefone, hræðe bioð aðistrod
ealle ofir eorðan oðre steorran,
forðæm hiora birhtu ne bið auht
to gesettane wið þære sunnan leoht.
ðonne smolte blæwð suðan and westan
wind under wolcnum. þonne weaxeð hraðe
feldes blostman, fægen þæt hi moton.
Ac se stearca storm, þonne he strong cymð
norðan and eastan, he genimeð hraðe
þære rosan wlite, and eac þa ruman sæ
norðerne yst nede gebædeð,
þæt hio strange geondstyred on staðu beateð.
Eala, þæt on eorðan auht fæstlices
weorces on worulde ne wunað æfre!
246. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 7
ða ongon se wisdom his gewunan fylgan,
gliowordum gol, gyd æfter spelle,
song soðcwida sumne þa geta,
cwæð þæt he ne herde þæt on heane munt
monna ænig meahte asettan
healle hroffæste. Ne þearf eac hæleða nan
wenan þæs weorces, þæt he wisdom mæge
wið ofermetta æfre gemengan.
Herdes þu æfre þætte ænig mon
on sondbeorgas settan meahte
fæste healle? Ne mæg eac fira nan
wisdom timbran þær ðær woruldgitsung
beorg oferbrædeð. Baru sond willað
ren forswelgan; swa deð ricra nu
grundleas gitsung gilpes and æhta,
gedrinceð to dryggum dreosendne welan,
and þeah þæs þearfan ne bið þurst aceled.
Ne mæg hæleþa gehwæm hus on munte
lange gelæstan, forðæm him lungre on
swift wind swapeð. Ne bið sond þon ma
wið micelne ren manna ængum
huses hirde, ac hit hreosan wile,
sigan sond æfter rene. Swa bioð anra gehwæs
monna modsefan miclum awegede,
of hiora stede styrede, þonne hi strong dreceð
wind under wolcnum woruldearfoða,
oþþe hi eft se reða ren onhrereð
sumes ymbhogan, ungemet gemen.
Ac se ðe þa ecan agan wille
soðan gesælða, he sceal swiðe flion
ðisse worulde wlite, wyrce him siððan
his modes hus, þær he mæge findan
eaðmetta stan unigmet fæstne,
grundweal gearone; se toglidan ne þearf,
þeah hit wecge wind woruldearfoða
oððe ymbhogena ormete ren,
forþæm on þære dene drihten selfa
þara eadmetta eardfæst wunigað,
þær se wisdom a wunað on gemyndum.
Forðon orsorg lif ealnig lædað
woruldmen wise buton wendinge.
þonne he eall forsihð eorðlicu good,
and eac þara yfela orsorh wunað,
hopað to þæm ecum þe þær æfter cumað,
hine þonne æghwonan ælmihtig good
singallice simle gehealdeð
anwunigendne his agenum
modes gesælðum þurh metodes gife,
þeah hine se wind woruldearfoða
swiðe swence, and hine singale
gemen gæle, þonne him grimme on
woruldsælða wind wraðe blaweð,
þeah þe hine ealneg se ymbhoga
ðyssa woruldsælða wraðe drecce.
247. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 8
Sona swa se wisdom þas word hæfde
swetole areahte, he þa siððan ongan
singan soðcwidas, and þus selfa cwæð:
Hwæt, sio forme eld foldbuendum
geond eorðan sceat æghwam dohte,
þa þa anra gehwæm on eorðwæstmum
genoh ðuhte. Nis hit nu ða swelc!
Næron þa geond weorulde welige hamas,
ne mislice mettas ne drincas,
ne hi þara hrægla huru ne gemdon
þe nu drihtguman diorost lætað.
Forðæm hiora nænig næs þa gieta,
ne hi ne gesawon sundbuende,
ne ymbutan hi awer ne herdon.
Hwæt, hi firenlusta frece ne wæron,
buton swa hi meahton gemetlicost
ða gecynd began þe him Crist gesceop,
and hi æne on dæge æton symle
on æfentid eorðan wæstmas,
wudes and wyrta, nalles win druncon
scir of steape. Næs þa scealca nan
þe mete oððe drinc mængan cuðe,
wæter wið hunige, ne heora wæda þon ma
sioloce siowian, ne hi siarocræftum
godweb giredon, ne hi gimreced
setton searolice, ac hi simle him
eallum tidum ute slepon
under beamsceade, druncon burnan wæter,
calde wyllan. Nænig cepa ne seah
ofer eargeblond ellendne wearod,
ne huru ymbe sciphergas
scealcas ne herdon,
ne furðum fira nan ymb gefeoht sprecan.
Næs ðeos eorðe besmiten awer þa geta
beornes blode þe hine bill rude,
ne furðum wundne wer weoruldbuende
gesawan under sunnan. Nænig siððan wæs
weorð on weorulde, gif mon his willan ongeat
yfelne mid eldum; he wæs æghwæm lað.
Eala, þær hit wurde oððe wolde god
þæt on eorðan nu ussa tida
geond þas widan weoruld wæren æghwæs
swelce under sunnan. Ac hit is sæmre nu,
þæt ðeos gitsunc hafað gumena gehwelces
mod amerred, þæt he maran ne recð,
ac hit on witte weallende byrnð.
Efne sio gitsung þe nænne grund hafað
swearte swæfeð sumes onlice
efne þam munte þe nu monna bearn
Etne hatað. Se on iglonde
Sicilia swefle byrneð,
þæt mon helle fyr hateð wide,
forþæm hit symle bið sinbyrnende,
and ymbutan hit oðra stowa
blate forbærnð biteran lege.
Eala, hwæt se forma feohgitsere
wære on worulde, se þas wongstedas
grof æfter golde and æfter gimcynnum.
Hwæt, he frecnu gestreon funde mænegum
bewrigen on weorulde, wætere oððe eorðan.
248. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 9
Hwæt, we ealle witon hwelce ærleste
ge neah ge feor Neron worhte,
Romwara cyning, þa his rice wæs
hehst under heofonum, to hryre monegum.
Wælhreowes gewed wæs ful wide cuð,
unrihthæmed, arleasta fela,
man and morðor, misdæda worn,
unrihtwises inwidþoncas.
He het him to gamene geara forbærnan
Romana burig, sio his rices wæs
ealles eðelstol. He for unsnyttrum
wolde fandian gif þæt fyr meahte
lixan swa leohte and swa longe eac,
read rasettan, swa he Romane
secgan geherde þæt on sume tide
Troia burg ofertogen hæfde
lega leohtost, lengest burne
hama under hefonum. Næs þæt herlic dæd,
þæt hine swelces gamenes gilpan lyste,
þa he ne earnade elles wuhte,
buton þæt he wolde ofer werðiode
his anes huru anwald cyðan.
Eac hit gesælde æt sumum cierre
ðæt se ilca het ealle acwellan
þa ricostan Romana witan
and þa æþelestan eorlgebyrdum
þe he on þæm folce gefrigen hæfde,
and on uppan agene broðor
and his modor mid meca ecgum,
billum ofbeatan. He his bryde ofslog
self mid sweorde, and he symle wæs
micle þe bliðra on breostcofan
þonne he swylces morðres
mæst gefremede.
Nalles sorgode hwæðer siððan a
mihtig drihten ametan wolde
wrece be gewyrhtum wohfremmendum,
ac he on ferðe fægn facnes and searuwa
wælriow wunode. Wiold emne swa þeah
ealles þisses mæran middangeardes,
swa swa lyft and lagu land ymbclyppað,
garsecg embegyrt gumena rice,
secgea sitlu, suð, east and west,
oð ða norðmestan næssan on eorðan;
eall þæt Nerone nede oððe lustum,
heaðorinca gehwilc, heran sceolde.
He hæfde him to gamene, þonne he on gylp astag,
hu he eorðcyningas yrmde and cwelmde.
Wenst ðu þæt se anwald eaðe ne meahte
godes ælmihtiges þone gelpscaðan
rice berædan and bereafian
his anwaldes ðurh þa ecan meaht,
oððe him his yfeles elles gestioran?
Eala, gif he wolde, ðæt he wel meahte,
þæt unriht him eaðe forbiodan!
Eawla, þæt se hlaford hefig gioc slepte
sware on þa swyran sinra ðegena,
ealra ðara hæleða þe on his tidum
geond þas lænan worold liban sceoldon.
He on unscyldgum eorla blode
his sweord selede swiðe gelome;
ðær wæs swiðe sweotol, þæt we sædon oft,
þæt se anwald ne deð awiht godes
gif se wel nele þe his geweald hafað.
249. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 10
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 10
Gif nu hæleða hwone hlisan lyste,
unnytne gelp agan wille,
þonne ic hine wolde wordum biddan
þæt he hine æghwonon utan ymbeþohte,
sweotole ymbsawe, suð, east and west,
hu widgil sint wolcnum ymbutan
heofones hwealfe. Higesnotrum mæg
eaðe ðincan þæt þeos eorðe sie
eall for ðæt oðer unigmet lytel;
þeah hio unwisum widgel þince,
on stede stronglic steorleasum men,
þeah mæg þone wisan on gewitlocan
þære gitsunge gelpes scamian,
ðonne hine þæs hlisan heardost lysteð,
and he þeah ne mæg þone tobredan
ofer ðas nearowan nænige ðinga
eorðan sceatas; is ðæt unnet gelp!
Eala, ofermodan, hwi eow a lyste
mid eowrum swiran selfra willum
þæt swære gioc symle underlutan?
Hwy ge ymb ðæt unnet ealnig swincen,
þæt ge þone hlisan habban tiliað
ofer ðioda ma þonne eow þearf sie?
þeah eow nu gesæle þæt eow suð oððe norð
þa ytmestan eorðbuende
on monig ðiodisc miclum herien,
ðeah hwa æðele sie eorlgebyrdum,
welum geweorðad, and on wlencum ðio,
duguðum diore, deað þæs ne scrifeð,
þonne him rum forlæt rodora waldend,
ac he þone welegan wædlum gelice
efnmærne gedeð ælces þinges.
Hwær sint nu þæs wisan Welandes ban,
þæs goldsmiðes, þe wæs geo mærost?
Forþy ic cwæð þæs wisan Welandes ban,
forðy ængum ne mæg eorðbuendra
se cræft losian þe him Crist onlænð.
Ne mæg mon æfre þy eð ænne wræccan
his cræftes beniman, þe mon oncerran mæg
sunnan onswifan, and ðisne swiftan rodor
of his rihtryne rinca ænig.
Hwa wat nu þæs wisan Welandes ban,
on hwelcum hi hlæwa hrusan þeccen?
Hwær is nu se rica Romana wita,
and se aroda, þe we ymb sprecað,
hiora heretoga, se gehaten wæs
mid þæm burgwarum Brutus nemned?
Hwær is eac se wisa and se weorðgeorna
and se fæstræda folces hyrde,
se wæs uðwita ælces ðinges,
cene and cræftig, ðæm wæs Caton nama?
Hi wæron gefyrn forðgewitene;
nat nænig mon hwær hi nu sindon.
Hwæt is hiora here buton se hlisa an?
Se is eac to lytel swelcra lariowa,
forðæm þa magorincas maran wyrðe
wæron on worulde. Ac hit is wyrse nu,
þæt geond þas eorðan æghwær sindon
hiora gelican hwon ymbspræce,
sume openlice ealle forgitene,
þæt hi se hlisa hiwcuðe ne mæg
foremære weras forð gebrengan.
þeah ge nu wenen and wilnigen
þæt ge lange tid libban moten,
hwæt iow æfre þy bet bio oððe þince?
Forðæm þe nane forlet, þeah hit lang ðince,
deað æfter dogorrime, þonne he hæfð drihtnes leafe.
Hwæt þonne hæbbe hæleþa ænig,
guma æt þæm gilpe, gif hine gegripan mot
se eca deað æfter þissum worulde?
250. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 11
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 11
An sceppend is butan ælcum tweon.
Se is eac wealdend woruldgesceafta,
heofones and eorðan and heare sæ
and ealra þara þe ðær in wuniað,
ungesæwenlicra, and eac swa same
ðara ðe we eagum on lociað,
ealra gesceafta. Se is ælmihtig,
þæm oleccað ealle gesceafte
þe þæs ambehtes awuht cunnon,
ge eac swa same þa ðæs auht nyton
þæt hi þæs ðeodnes þeowas sindon.
Se us gesette sido and þeawas,
eallum gesceaftum
singallice sibbe gecynde,
þa þa he wolde, þæt þæt he wolde,
swa lange swa he wolde þæt hit wesan sceolde.
Swa hit eac to worulde sceal wunian forð,
forþæm æfre ne magon þa unstillan
woruldgesceafta weorðan gestilde,
of ðæm ryne onwend ðe him rodera weard
endebyrdes eallum gesette.
Hæfð se alwealda ealle gesceafta
gebæt mid his bridle, hafað butu gedon,
ealle gemanode and eac getogen,
þæt hi ne moten ofer metodes est
æfre gestillan, ne eft eallunga
swiðor stirian, þonne him sigora weard
his gewealdleðer wille onlæten.
He hafað þe bridle butu befangen
heofon and eorðan and eall holma begong.
Swa hæfð geheaðærod hefonrices weard
mid his anwealde ealle gesceafta,
þæt hiora æghwilc wið oðer winð,
and þeah winnende wreðiað fæste,
æghwilc oðer utan ymbclyppeð,
þy læs hi toswifen. Forðæm hi symle sculon
ðone ilcan ryne eft gecyrran
þe æt frymðe fæder getiode,
and swa edniwe eft gewiorðan.
Swa hit nu fagað, frean ealdgeweorc,
þætte winnende wiðerweard gesceaft
fæste sibbe forð anhealdað.
Swa nu fyr and wæter, folde and lagustream,
manigu oðru gesceaft efnswiðe him
giond þas widan worulde winnað betweox him,
and swa þeah magon hiora þegnunga
and geferscipe fæste gehealdan.
Nis hit no þæt an þæt swa eaðe mæg
wiðerweard gesceaft wesan ætgædere
symbel geferan, ac hit is sellicre
þæt hiora ænig ne mæg butan oþrum bion.
Ac sceal wuhta gehwilc wiðerweardes hwæthwugu
habban under heofonum, þæt his hige durre
gemetgian, ær hit to micel weorðe.
Hæfð se ælmihtiga eallum gesceaftum
ðæt gewrixle geset þe nu wunian sceal,
wyrta growan, leaf grenian,
þæt on hærfest eft hrest and wealuwað.
Winter bringeð weder ungemet cald,
swifte windas. Sumor æfter cymeð,
wearm gewideru. Hwæt, þa wonnan niht
mona onlihteð, oððæt monnum dæg
sunne bringeð giond þas sidan gesceaft.
Hæfð se ilca god eorðan and wætere
mearce gesette. Merestream ne dear
ofer eorðan sceat eard gebrædan
fisca cynne butan frean leafe,
ne hio æfre ne mot eorðan þyrscwold
up ofersteppan, ne ða ebban þon ma
foldes mearce oferfaran moton.
þa gesetnessa sigora wealdend,
lifes leohtfruma, læt þenden he wile
geond þas mæran gesceaft mearce healden.
Ac þonne se eca and se ælmihtiga
þa gewealdleðeru wile onlætan
efne þara bridla þe he gebætte mid
his agen weorc eall æt frymðe,
(þæt is wiðerweardnes wuhte gehwelcre
þe we mid þæm bridle becnan tiliað);
gif se ðioden læt þa toslupan,
sona hi forlætað lufan and sibbe,
ðæs geferscipes freondrædenne;
tilaþ anra gehwilc agnes willan,
woruldgesceafta winnað betweox him,
oððæt ðios eorðe eall forweorðeð,
and eac swa same oðra gesceafta
weorðað him selfe siððan to nauhte.
Ac se ilca god, se þæt eall metgað,
se gefehð fela folca tosomne,
and mid freondscipe fæste gegadrað,
gesamnað sinscipas, sibbe gemengeð,
clænlice lufe. Swa se cræftga eac
geferscipas fæste gesamnað,
þæt hi hiora freondscipe forð on symbel
untweofealde treowa gehealdað,
sibbe samrade. Eala, sigora god,
wære þis moncyn miclum gesælig,
gif hiora modsefa meahte weorðan
staðolfæst gereaht þurh þa strongan meaht,
and geendebyrd, swa swa oðra sint
woruldgesceafta. Wære hit, la, þonne
murge mid monnum, gif hit meahte swa.
251. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 12
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 12
Se þe wille wyrcan wæstmbære lond,
atio of ðæm æcere ærest sona
fearn and þornas and fyrsas swa same,
wiod þa þe willað welhwær derian
clænum hwæte, þy læs he ciða leas
licge on ðæm lande. Is leoda gehwæm
ðios oðru bysen efnbehefu,
þæt is, þætte ðynceð þegna gehwelcum
huniges bibread healfe þy swetre,
gif he hwene ær huniges teare
bitres onbyrgeð. Bið eac swa same
monna æghwilc micle þy fægenra
liðes weðres, gif hine lytle ær
stormas gestondað and se stearca wind
norðan and eastan. Nænegum þuhte
dæg on þonce, gif sio dimme niht
ær ofer eldum egesan ne brohte.
Swa þincð anra gehwæm eorðbuendra
sio soðe gesælð symle ðe betere
and þy wynsumre, þe he wita ma,
heardra henða, her adreogeð.
þu meaht eac mycle þy eð on modsefan
soða gesælða sweotolor gecnawan,
and to heora cyððe becuman siððan,
gif þu up atyhsð ærest sona
and ðu awyrtwalast of gewitlocan
leasa gesælða, swa swa londes ceorl
of his æcere lycð yfel weod monig.
Siððan ic ðe secge þæt þu sweotole meaht
soða gesælða sona oncnawan,
and þu æfre ne recst æniges ðinges
ofer þa ane, gif þu hi ealles ongitst.
252. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 13
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 13
Ic wille mid giddum get gecyðan
hu se ælmihtga
ealla gesceafta
bryrð mid his bridlum, begð ðider he wile
mid his anwalde, ge endebyrd
wundorlice wel gemetgað.
Hafað swa geheaðorad heofona wealdend,
utan befangen ealla gesceafta,
geræped mid his racentan, þæt hi aredian ne magon
þæt hi hi æfre him of aslepen;
and þeah wuhta gehwilc wrigað toheald
sidra gesceafta, swiðe onhelded
wið þæs gecyndes þe him cyning engla,
fæder æt frymðe, fæste getiode.
Swa nu þinga gehwilc ðiderweard fundað
sidra gesceafta, buton sumum englum
and moncynne, þara micles to feola
woroldwuniendra winð wið gecynde.
þeah nu on londe leon gemete,
wynsume wiht wel atemede,
hire magister miclum lufige,
and eac ondræde dogora gehwelce,
gif hit æfre gesælð þæt hio æniges
blodes onbyrgeð, ne ðearf beorna nan
wenan þære wyrde þæt hio wel siððan
hire taman healde, ac ic tiohhie
þæt hio ðæs niwan taman nauht ne gehicgge,
ac ðone wildan gewunan wille geþencan
hire eldrena; onginð eorneste
racentan slitan, ryn, grymetigan,
and ærest abit hire agenes
huses hirde, and hraðe siððan
hæleða gehwilcne þe hio gehentan mæg.
Nele hio forlætan libbendes wuht,
neata ne monna, nimð eall þæt hio fint.
Swa doð wudufuglas; þeah hi wel sien,
tela atemede, gif hi on treowum weorðað
holte tomiddes, hræðe bioð forsewene
heora lareowas, þe hi lange ær
tydon and temedon. Hi on treowum wilde
ealdgecynde a forð siððan
willum wuniað, þeah him wolde hwilc
heora lareowa listum beodan
þone ilcan mete þe he hi æror mid
tame getede. Him þa twigu þincað
emne swa merge þæt hi þæs metes ne recð,
ðincð him to ðon wynsum þæt him se weald oncwyð;
þonne hi geherað hleoðrum brægdan
oðre fugelas, hi heora agne
stefne styriað; stunað eal geador
welwynsum sanc, wudu eallum oncwyð.
Swa bið eallum treowum þe him on æðele bið
þæt hit on holte hyhst geweaxe;
þeah ðu hwilcne boh byge wið eorðan,
he bið upweardes, swa ðu an forlætst
widu on willan, went on gecynde.
Swa deð eac sio sunne, þonne hio on sige weorðeð,
ofer midne dæg, merecondel scyfð
on ofdæle, uncuðne weg
nihtes geneðeð, norð eft and east;
eldum oteweð, brencð eorðwarum
morgen meretorhtne. Hio ofer moncyn stihð
a upweardes, oð hio eft cymeð
þær hire yfemesð bið eard gecynde.
Swa swa ælc gesceaft ealle mægene
geond ðas widan woruld wrigað and higað,
ealle mægene eft symle onlyt,
wið his gecyndes cymð to, ðonne hit mæg.
Nis nu ofer eorðan ænegu gesceaft
þe ne wilnie þæt hio wolde cuman
to þam earde þe hio of becom;
þæt is orsorgnes and ecu rest,
þæt is openlice ælmihti god.
Nis nu ofer eorðan ænegu gesceaft
þe ne hwearfige, swa swa hweol deð,
on hire selfre. Forðon hio swa hwearfað,
þæt hio eft cume þær hio æror wæs;
þonne hio ærest sie utan behwerfed,
þonne hio ealles wyrð utan becerred,
hio sceal eft don þæt hio ær dyde,
and eac wesan þæt hio æror wæs.
253. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 14
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 14
Hwæt bið ðæm welegan woruldgitsere
on his mode ðe bet, þeah he micel age
goldes and gimma and gooda gehwæs,
æhta unrim, and him mon erigen scyle
æghwelce dæg æcera ðusend,
ðeah ðes middangeard and þis manna cyn
sy under sunnan suð, west and east
his anwalde eall underðieded?
Ne mot he þara hyrsta hionane lædan
of ðisse worulde wuhte þon mare,
hordgestreona, ðonne he hiðer brohte.
254. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 15
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 15
ðeah hine nu se yfela unrihtwisa
Neron cynincg niwan gescerpte
wlitegum wædum wundorlice,
golde geglengde and gimcynnum,
þeah he wæs on worulde witena gehwelcum
on his lifdagum lað and unweorð,
fierenfull. Hwæt, se feond swa ðeah
his diorlingas duguðum stepte.
Ne mæg ic þeah gehycgan hwy him on hige þorfte
a ðy sæl wesan; þeah hi sume hwile
gecure butan cræftum cyninga dysegast,
næron hy ðy weorðran witena ænegum.
ðeah hine se dysega do to cyninge,
hu mæg þæt gesceadwis scealc gereccan
þæt he him ðy selra sie oððe þince?
255. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 16
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 16
Se þe wille anwald agon, ðonne sceal he ærest tilian
þæt he his selfes on sefan age
anwald innan, þy læs he æfre sie
his unþeawum eall underðyded,
ado of his mode mislicra fela
þara ymbhogona þe him unnet sie,
læte sume hwile siofunga ana
ermða sinra. þeah him eall sie
þes middangeard, swa swa merestreamas
utan belicgað, on æht gifen,
efne swa wide swa swa westmest nu
an iglond ligð ut on garsecg,
þær nængu bið niht on sumera
ne wuhte þon ma on wintra dæg
toteled tidum, þæt is Tile haten;
þeah nu anra hwa ealles wealde
þæs iglandes, and eac þonan
oð Indeas eastewearde;
þeah he nu þæt eall agan mote,
hwy bið his anwald auhte ðy mara,
gif he siððan nah his selfes geweald
ingeðances, and hine eorneste
wel ne bewarenað wordum and dædum
wið ða unþeawas þe we ymb sprecað?
256. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 17
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 17
Hwæt, eorðwaran ealle hæfden,
foldbuende, fruman gelicne;
hi of anum twæm ealle comon,
were and wife, on woruld innan,
and hi eac nu get ealle gelice
on woruld cumað, wlance and heane.
Nis þæt nan wundor, forðæm witan ealle
þæt an god is ealra gesceafta,
frea moncynnes, fæder and scippend.
Se ðære sunnan leoht seleð of heofonum,
monan and þyssum
mærum steorrum.
Se milda
gesceop men on eorðan,
and gesamnade sawle to lice
æt fruman ærest, folc under wolcnum
emnæðele gesceop æghwilcne mon.
Hwy ge þonne æfre ofer oðre men
ofermodigen buton andweorce,
nu ge unæðelne
nænigne metað?
Hwy ge eow for æþelum up ahebben,
nu on þæm mode bið monna gehwilcum
þa rihtæþelo þe ic ðe recce ymb,
nales on ðæm flæsce foldbuendra?
Ac nu æghwilc mon þe mid ealle bið
his unþeawum underðieded,
he forlæt ærest lifes frumsceaft
and his agene æþelo swa selfe,
and eac þone fæder þe hine æt fruman gesceop.
Forðæm hine anæþelað ælmihtig god,
þæt he unæþele a forð þanan
wyrð on weorulde, to wuldre ne cymð.
257. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 18
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 18
Eala ðæt se yfla unrihta gedeð
wraða willa wohhæmetes,
þæt he mid ealle gedræfð anra gehwylces
monna cynnes mod fulneah ðon.
Hwæt, sio wilde beo, þeah wis sie,
anunga sceal eall forweorðan
gif hio yrringa awuht stingeð.
Swa sceal sawla gehwilc siððan losian,
gif se lichoma forlegen weorðeð
unrihthæmede, bute him ær cume
hreow to heortan, ær he hionan wende.
258. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 19
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 19
Eala, þæt is hefig dysig, hygeð ymbe se ðe wile,
and frecenlic fira gehwilcum
þæt ða earman men mid ealle gedwæleð,
of ðæm rihtan wege recene alæded.
Hwæðer ge willen on wuda secan
gold ðæt reade on grenum triowum?
Ic wat swa ðeah þæt hit witena nan
þider ne seceð, forðæm hit þær ne wexð,
ne on wingeardum wlitige gimmas.
Hwy ge nu ne settan on sume dune
fiscnet eowru, þonne eow fon lysteð
leax oððe cyperan? Me gelicost ðincð
þætte ealle witen eorðbuende
þoncolmode ðæt hi þær ne sint.
Hwæþer ge nu willen wæþan mid hundum
on sealtne sæ, þonne eow secan lyst
heorotas and hinda? þu gehicgan meaht
þæt ge willað ða on wuda secan
oftor micle þonne ut on sæ.
Is ðæt wundorlic, þæt we witan ealle,
þæt mon secan sceal be sæwaroðe
and be eaofrum æþele gimmas,
hwite and reade and hiwa gehwæs.
Hwæt, hi eac witon hwær hi eafiscas
secan þurfan, and swylcra fela
weoruldwelena; hi þæt wel doð,
geornfulle men, geara gehwilce.
Ac ðæt is earmlicost ealra þinga
þæt þa dysegan sint on gedwolan wordene,
efne swa blinde þæt hi on breostum ne magon
eaðe gecnawan hwær þa ecan good,
soða gesælða, sindon gehydda.
Forþæm hi æfre ne lyst æfter spyrian,
secan þa gesælða. Wenað samwise
þæt hi on ðis lænan mægen life findan
soða gesælða, þæt is selfa god.
Ic nat hu ic mæge nænige ðinga
ealles swa swiðe on sefan minum
hiora dysig tælan swa hit me don lysteð,
ne ic þe swa sweotole gesecgan ne mæg,
forðæm hi sint earmran and eac dysegran,
ungesæligran, þonne ic þe secgan mæge.
Hi wilniað welan and æhta
and weorðscipes to gewinnanne;
þonne hi habbað þæt hiora hige seceð,
wenað þonne swa gewitlease
ðæt hi þa soðan gesælða hæbben.
259. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 20
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 20
Eala, min drihten, þæt þu eart ælmihtig,
micel, modilic, mærþum gefræge,
and wundorlic witena gehwylcum.
Hwæt, ðu, ece god, ealra gesceafta
wundorlice wel gesceope,
ungesewenlica, and eac swa same
gesewenlicra softe wealdest
scirra gesceafta mid gesceadwisum
mægne and cræfte. þu þysne middangeard
from fruman ærest forð oð ende
tidum totældes, swa hit getæsost wæs,
endebyrdes, þæt hi æghwæðer
ge ær farað ge eft cumað.
þu þe unstilla agna gesceafta
to ðinum willan wislice astyrest,
and þe self wunæst swiðe stille
unanwendendlic a forð simle.
Nis nan mihtigra ne nan mærra
ne geond ealle þa gesceaft efnlica þin,
ne þe ænig nedþearf næs æfre giet
ealra þara weorca þe þu geworht hafast;
ac mid þinum willan þu hit worhtes eall,
and mid anwalde þinum agenum
weorulde geworhtest and wuhta gehwæt,
þeah ðe nænegu nedðearf wære
eallra þara mærþa. Is ðæt micel gecynd
þines goodes, þencð ymb se ðe wile,
forðon hit is eall an ælces þincges,
þu and þæt ðin good. Hit is þin agen,
forðæm hit his utan ne com auht to ðe,
ac ic georne wat þæt ðin goodnes is,
ælmihtig good, eall mid ðe selfum.
Hit is ungelic urum gecynde;
us is utan cymen eall þa we habbað
gooda on grundum from gode selfum.
Næfst þu to ænegum andan genumenne,
forðam þe nan þing nis þin gelica,
ne huru ænig ælcræftigre,
forðæm þu ealgood anes geþeahte
þines geþohtest, and hi þa worhtest.
Næs æror ðe ænegu gesceaft
þe auht oððe nauht auðer worhte,
ac ðu butan bysne, brego moncynnes,
ælmihtig god, eall geworhtest
þing þearle good; eart þe selfa
þæt hehste good. Hwæt, ðu, halig fæder,
æfter þinum willan woruld gesceope,
ðisne middangeard, meahtum þinum,
weorada drihten, swa þu woldest self,
and mid ðinum willan wealdest ealles;
forðæm þu, soða god, selfa dælest
gooda æghwilc. Forðæm þu geara ær
ealla gesceafta ærest gesceope
swiðe gelice, sumes hwæðre þeah
ungelice, nemdest eall swa ðeah
mid ane noman ealle togædre
woruld under wolcnum. Hwæt, þu, wuldres god,
þone anne naman eft todældes,
fæder, on feower; wæs þara folde an
and wæter oðer worulde dæles,
and fyr is þridde and feowerðe lyft;
þæt is eall weoruld eft togædere.
Habbað þeah þa feower frumstol hiora,
æghwilc hiora agenne stede,
þeah anra hwilc wið oðer sie
miclum gemenged, and mid mægne eac
fæder ælmihtiges fæste gebunden
gesiblice softe togædre
mid bebode þine, bilewit fæder,
þætte heora ænig oðres ne dorste
mearce ofergangan for metodes ege;
ac geþweorod sint ðegnas togædre,
cyninges cempan, cele wið hæto,
wæt wið drygum, winnað hwæðre.
Wæter and eorðe wæstmas brengað;
þa sint on gecynde cealda ba twa,
wæter wæt and ceald. Wangas ymbelicgað,
eorðe ælgreno, eac hwæðre ceald.
Lyft is gemenged, forþæm hio on middum wunað;
nis þæt nan wundor þæt hio sie wearm and ceald,
wæt wolcnes tier, winde geblonden,
forðæm hio is on midle, mine gefræge,
fyres and eorðan. Fela monna wat
þætte yfemest is eallra gesceafta
fyr ofer eorðan, folde neoðemest.
Is þæt wundorlic, weroda drihten,
þæt ðu mid geþeahte þinum wyrcest
þæt ðu þæm gesceaftum swa gesceadlice
mearce gesettest, and hi gemengdest eac.
Hwæt, ðu þæm wættere wætum and cealdum
foldan to flore fæste gesettest,
forðæm hit unstille æghwider wolde
wide toscriðan wac and hnesce.
Ne meahte hit on him selfum, soð ic geare wat,
æfre gestandan, ac hit sio eorðe hylt
and swelgeð eac be sumum dæle,
þæt hio siðþan mæg for ðæm sype weorðan
geleht lyftum. Forðæm leaf and gærs
bræd geond Bretene, bloweð and groweð
eldum to are. Eorðe sio cealde
brengð wæstma fela wundorlicra,
forðæm hio mid þæm wætere weorðað geþawened.
Gif þæt nære, þonne hio wære
fordrugod to duste and todrifen siððan
wide mid winde, swa nu weorðað oft
axe giond eorðan eall toblawen.
Ne meahte on ðære eorðan awuht libban,
ne wuhte þon ma wætres brucan,
on eardian ænige cræfte
for cele anum, gif þu, cyning engla,
wið fyre hwæthwugu foldan and lagustream
ne mengdest togædre, and gemetgodest
cele and hæto cræfte þine,
þæt þæt fyr ne mæg foldan and merestream
blate forbærnan, þeah hit wið ba twa sie
fæste gefeged, fæder ealdgeweorc.
Ne þincð me þæt wundur wuhte þe læsse
þæt ðios eorðe mæg and egorstream,
swa ceald gesceaft, cræfta nane
ealles adwæscan þæt þæt him on innan sticað
fyres gefeged mid frean cræfte.
þæt is agen cræft
wætres and eorþan, and on wolcnum eac,
and efne swa same uppe ofer rodere.
þonne is þæs fyres frumstol on riht,
eard ofer eallum oðrum gesceaftum
gesewenlicum geond þisne sidan grund;
þeah hit wið ealla sie eft gemenged
weoruldgesceafta, þeah waldan ne mot
þæt hit ænige eallunga fordo
butan þæs leafe þe us þis lif tiode,
þæt is se eca and se ælmihtga.
Eorðe is hefigre oðrum gesceaftum,
þicre geþuren,
forðæm hio þrage stod
ealra gesceafta under niðemæst,
buton þæm rodere, þe þas ruman gesceaft
æghwylce dæge utan ymbhwyrfeð,
and þeah þære eorðan æfre ne oðrineð,
ne hire on nanre ne mot near þonne on oðre
stowe gestæppan; striceð ymbutan
ufane and neoðane, efenneah gehwæðer.
æghwilc gesceaft þe we ymb sprecað
hæfð his agenne eard onsundran,
bið þeah wið þæm oðrum eac gemenged.
Ne mæg hira ænig butan oðrum bion.
þeah hi unsweotole somod eardien,
swa nu eorðe and wæter earfoðtæcne
unwisra gehwæm wuniað on fyre,
þeah hi sindan
sweotole þæm wisum.
Is þæt fyr swa same fæst on þæm wætre
and on stanum eac stille geheded
earfoðhawe, is hwæðre þær.
Hafað fæder engla fyr gebunden
efne to þon fæste þæt hit fiolan ne mæg
eft æt his eðle, þær þæt oðer fyr
up ofer eall þis eardfæst wunað.
Sona hit forlæteð þas lænan gesceaft,
mid cele ofercumen, gif hit on cyððe gewit,
and þeah wuhta gehwilc wilnað þiderweard
þær his mægðe bið mæst ætgædre.
þu gestaðoladest þurh þa strongan meaht,
weroda wuldorcyning, wundorlice
eorðan swa fæste þæt hio on ænige
healfe ne heldeð; ne mæg hio hider ne þider
sigan þe swiðor þe hio symle dyde.
Hwæt, hi þeah eorðlices auht ne haldeð,
is þeah efneðe up and of dune
to feallanne foldan ðisse,
þæm anlicost þe on æge bið,
gioleca on middan, glideð hwæðre
æg ymbutan. Swa stent eall weoruld
stille on tille, streamas ymbutan,
lagufloda gelac, lyfte and tungla,
and sio scire scell scriðeð ymbutan
dogora gehwilce; dyde lange swa.
Hwæt, þu, ðioda god, ðriefalde on us
sawle gesettest, and hi siððan eac
styrest and stihtest þurh ða strongan meaht,
þæt hire þy læsse on ðæm lytlan ne bið
anum fingre þe hire on eallum bið
þæm lichoman. Forðæm ic lytle ær
sweotole sæde þæt sio sawl wære
þriefald gesceaft þegna gehwilces,
forðæm uðwitan ealle seggað
ðætte an gecynd ælcre saule
irsung sie, oðer wilnung;
is sio ðridde gecynd þæm twæm betere,
sio gesceadwisnes. Nis ðæt scandlic cræft,
forðæm hit nænig hafað neat buton monnum.
Hæfð þa oðra twa unrim wuhta;
hæfð þa wilnunga welhwilc neten
and þa yrsunga eac swa selfe.
Forðy men habbæð geond middangeard
eorðgesceafta ealla oferþungen,
forðæm ðe hi habbað, þæs ðe hi nabbað,
þone ænne cræft þe we ær nemdon.
Sio gesceadwisnes sceal on gehwelcum
þære wilnunge waldan semle,
and irsunge eac swa selfe;
hio sceal mid geþeahte þegnes mode,
mid andgite, ealles waldan.
Hio is þæt mæste mægen monnes saule
and se selesta sundorcræfta.
Hwæt, þu ða saule, sigora waldend,
þeoda þrymcyning, þus gesceope,
þæt hio hwearfode on hire selfre
hire utan ymb, swa swa eal deð
rineswifte rodor,
recene ymbscriðeð
dogora gehwilce drihtnes meahtum
þisne middangeard. Swa deð monnes saul,
hweole gelicost, hwærfeð ymbe hy selfe,
oft smeagende ymb ðas eorðlican
drihtnes gesceafta dagum and nihtum.
Hwilum ymb hi selfe secende smeað,
hwilum eft smeað ymb þone ecan god,
sceppend hire. Scriðende færð,
hweole gelicost, hwærfð ymb hi selfe.
þonne hio ymb hire scyppend mid gescead smeað,
hio bið up ahæfen ofer hi selfe,
ac hio bið eallunga an hire selfre,
þonne hio ymb hi selfe secende smeað;
hio bið swiðe fior hire selfre beneoðan,
þonne hio þæs lænan lufað and wundrað
eorðlicu þing ofer ecne ræd.
Hwæt, þu, ece god, eard forgeafe
saulum on heofonum, selest weorðlica
ginfæsta gifa, god ælmihtig,
be geearnunga anra gehwelcre.
Ealle hi scinað ðurh þa sciran neaht
hadre on heofonum, na hwæðre þeah
ealle efenbeorhte. Hwæt, we oft gesioð
hadrum nihtum þætte heofonsteorran
ealle efenbeorhte æfre ne scinað.
Hwæt, þu, ece god, eac gemengest
þa heofoncundan hider wið eorðan,
saula wið lice; siððan wuniað
þis eorðlice and þæt ece samod,
saul in flæsce. Hwæt, hi simle to ðe
hionan fundiað; forðæm hi hider of ðe
æror comon, sculon eft to ðe.
Sceal se lichama last weardigan
eft on eorðan, forðæm he ær of hire
weox on weorulde. Wunedon ætsomne
efen swa lange swa him lyfed wæs
from þæm ælmihtigan, þe hi æror gio
gesomnade, þæt is soð cining.
Se þas foldan gesceop and hi gefylde þa
swiðe mislicum, mine gefræge,
neata cynnum, nergend user.
He hi siððan asiow sæda monegum
wuda and wyrta weorulde sceatum.
Forgif nu, ece god, urum modum,
þæt hi moten to þe, metod alwuhta,
þurg þas earfoðu up astigan,
and of þisum bysegum, bilewit fæder,
þeoda waldend, to ðe cuman,
and þonne mid openum eagum moten
modes ures, ðurh ðinra mægna sped,
æwelm gesion eallra gooda,
þæt þu eart selfa sigedrihten god,
ge þa eagan hal ures modes,
þæt we hi on ðe selfum siððan moten
afæstnian. Fæder engla, todrif
þone þiccan mist þe þrage nu
wið þa eagan foran usses modes
hangode hwyle, hefig and þystre.
Onliht nu þa eagan usses modes
mid þinum leohte, lifes waldend,
forðæm þu eart sio birhtu, bilewit fæder,
soðes leohtes, and þu selfa eart
sio fæste ræst, fæder ælmihtig,
eallra soðfæstra. Hwæt, þu softe gedest
þæt hi ðe selfne gesion moten.
þu eart eallra þinga, þeoda waldend,
fruma and ende. Hwæt, þu, fæder engla,
eall þing birest eðelice
buton geswince. þu eart selfa weg
and latteow eac lifgendra gehwæs,
and sio wlitige stow þe se weg to ligð,
þe ealle to a fundiað
men of moldan on þa mæran gesceaft.
260. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 21
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 21
Wel la, monna bearn geond middangeard,
friora æghwilc fundie to
þæm ecum gode þe we ymb sprecað,
and to þæm gesælðum þe we secgað ymb.
Se ðe ðonne nu sie nearwe gehefted
mid þisses mæran middangeardes
unnyttre lufe, sece him eft hræðe
fulne friodom, þæt he forð cume
to þæm gesælðum saula rædes.
Forþæm þæt is sio an rest eallra geswinca,
hyhtlicu hyð heaum ceolum
modes usses, meresmylta wic.
þæt is sio an hyð þe æfre bið
æfter þam yðum ura geswinca,
ysta gehwelcre, ealnig smylte.
þæt is sio friðstow and sio frofor an
eallra yrminga æfter þissum
weoruldgeswincum. þæt is wynsum stow
æfter þyssum yrmðum to aganne.
Ac ic georne wat þætte gylden maðm,
sylofren sincstan, searogimma nan,
middangeardes wela modes eagan
æfre ne onlyhtað, auht ne gebetað
hiora scearpnesse to þære sceawunga
soðra gesælða, ac hi swiðor get
monna gehwelces modes eagan
ablendað on breostum, þonne hi hi beorhtran gedon.
Forðæm æghwilc ðing þe on þys andweardan
life licað lænu sindon,
eorðlicu þing a fleondu.
Ac þæt is wundorlic wlite and beorhtnes
þe wuhta gehwæs wlite geberhteð,
and æfter þæm eallum wealdeð.
Nele se waldend ðæt forweorðan scylen
saula usse, ac he hi selfa wile
leoman onlihtan, lifes wealdend.
Gif þonne hæleða hwilc hlutrum eagum
modes sines mæg æfre ofsion
hiofones leohtes hlutre beorhto,
þonne wile he secgan þæt ðære sunnan sie
beorhtnes þiostro beorna gehwylcum
to metanne wið þæt micle leoht
godes ælmihtiges; þæt is gasta gehwæm
ece butan ende eadegum saulum.
261. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 22
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 22
Se þe æfter rihte mid gerece wille
inweardlice æfter spyrian
swa deoplice, þæt hit todrifan ne mæg
monna ænig, ne amerran huru
ænig eorðlic ðincg, he ærest sceal
secan on him selfum þæt he sume hwile
ymbutan hine æror sohte.
Sece þæt siððan on his sefan innan,
and forlæte an, swa he oftost mæge,
ælcne ymbhogan ðy him unnet sie,
and gesamnige, swa he swiðost mæge,
ealle to þæm anum his ingeðonc,
gesecge his mode
þæt hit mæg findan
eall on him innan þæt hit oftost nu
ymbutan hit ealneg seceð,
gooda æghwylc. He ongit siððan
yfel and unnet eal þæt he hæfde
on his incofan æror lange
efne swa sweotole swa he on þa sunnan mæg
eagum andweardum on locian,
and he eac ongit his ingeþonc
leohtre and berhtre þonne se leoma sie
sunnan on sumera, þonne swegles gim,
hador heofontungol, hlutrost scineð.
Forðæm þæs lichoman leahtras and hefignes
and þa unþeawas eallunga ne magon
of mode ation monna ænegum
rihtwisnesse, ðeah nu rinca hwæm
þæs lichoman leahtras and hefignes
and unþeawas oft bysigen
monna modsefan, mæst and swiðost
mid þære yflan oforgiotolnesse;
mid gedwolmiste dreorigne sefan
fortihð mod foran monna gehwelces,
þæt hit swa beorhte ne mot blican and scinan
swa hit wolde, gif hit geweald ahte;
þeah bið sum corn sædes gehealden
symle on ðære saule soðfæstnesse,
þenden gadertang wunað gast on lice.
ðæs sædes corn bið symle aweaht
mid ascunga, eac siððan mid
goodre lare, gif hit growan sceal.
Hu mæg ænig man andsware findan
ðinga æniges, þegen mid gesceade,
þeah hine rinca hwilc rihtwislice
æfter frigne gif he awuht nafað
on his modsefan mycles ne lytles
ne geradscipes?
Nis þeah ænig man þætte ealles swa
þæs geradscipes swa bereafod sie
þæt he andsware ænige ne cunne
findan on ferhðe, gif he frugnen bið.
Forðæm hit is riht spell þæt us reahte gio
ald uðwita, ure Platon;
he cwæð þætte æghwilc ungemyndig
rihtwisnesse hine hræðe sceolde
eft gewendan in to sinum
modes gemynde; he mæg siððan
on his runcofan rihtwisnesse
findan on ferhte fæste gehydde
mid gedræfnesse dogora gehwilce
modes sines mæst and swiðost,
and mid hefinesse his lichoman,
and mid þæm bisgum þe on breostum styreð
mon on mode mæla gehwylce.
262. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 23
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 23
Sie ðæt la on eorðan ælces ðinges
gesælig mon, gif he gesion mæge
þone hlutrestan heofontorhtan stream,
æðelne æwelm ælces goodes,
and of him selfum ðone sweartan mist,
modes þiostro, mæg aweorpan.
We sculon ðeah gita mid godes fylste
ealdum and leasum ðinne ingeðonc
betan bispellum, þæt ðu ðe bet mæge
aredian to rodorum rihte stige
on ðone ecan eard ussa saula.
263. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 24
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 24
Ic hæbbe fiðru fugle swiftran,
mid ðæm ic fleogan mæg feor fram eorðan
ofer heane hrof heofones þisses,
ac ðær ic nu moste mod gefeðran,
ðinne ferðlocan, feðrum minum,
oððæt ðu meahte þisne middangeard,
ælc eorðlic ðing, eallunga forsion.
Meahtes ofer rodorum gereclice
feðerum lacan, feor up ofer
wolcnu windan, wlitan siððan
ufan ofer ealle. Meahtes eac faran
ofer ðæm fyre ðe fela geara
for lange betweox lyfte and rodere,
swa him æt frymðe fæder getiode.
ðu meahtest ðe siððan mid ðære sunnan
faran betweox oðrum tunglum.
Meahtest ðe full recen on ðæm rodere ufan
siððan weorðan, and ðonne samtenges
æt ðæm ælcealdan anum steorran,
se yfmest is eallra tungla,
ðone Saturnus sundbuende
hatað under heofonum; he is se cealda
eallisig tungl, yfemest wandrað
ofer eallum ufan oðrum steorrum.
Siððan ðu ðonne ðone up a hafast
forð oferfarenne, ðu meaht feorsian;
ðonne bist ðu siððan sona ofer uppan
rodere ryneswiftum. Gif ðu on riht færest,
ðe ðone hehstan heofon behindan lætst,
ðonne meaht ðu siððan
soðes leohtes
habban þinne dæl, ðonan an cyning
rume ricsað ofer roderum up
and under swa same eallra gesceafta,
weorulde waldeð. þæt is wis cyning,
þæt is se ðe waldeð giond werðioda
ealra oðra eorðan cyninga,
se mid his bridle
ymbebæted hæfð
ymbhwyrft ealne eorðan and heofones.
He his gewaldleðer wel gemetgað,
se stioreð a þurg ða strongan meaht
ðæm hrædwæne heofones and eorðan.
Se an dema is gestæððig,
unawendendlic, wlitig and mære.
Gif ðu weorðest
on wege rihtum
up to ðæm earde, þæt is æðele stow,
ðeah ðu hi nu geta forgiten hæbbe,
gif ðu æfre eft þær an cymest,
ðonne wilt þu secgan and sona cweðan:
"ðis is eallunga min agen cyð,
eard and eðel. Ic wæs ær hionan
cumen and acenned ðurh ðisses cræftgan meaht.
Nylle ic æfre hionan ut witan,
ac ic symle her softe wille
mid fæder willan fæste stondan."
Gif ðe ðonne æfre eft geweorðeð
þæt ðu wilt oððe most weorolde ðiostro
eft fandian, ðu meaht eaðe gesion
unrihtwise eorðan cyningas
and þa ofermodan oðre rican
ðe þis werige folc wyrst tuciað,
þæt hi symle bioð swiðe earme,
unmehtige ælces ðinges,
emne ða ilcan þe þis earme folc
sume hwile nu swiðost ondrædæð.
264. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 25
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 25
Geher nu an spell be ðæm ofermodum
unrihtwisum eorðan cyningum,
ða her nu manegum and mislicum
wædum wlitebeorhtum wundrum scinað
on heahsetlum, hrofe getenge,
golde gegerede and gimcynnum,
utan ymbestandne mid unrime
ðegna and eorla. þa bioð gehyrste
mid heregeatwum hildetorhtum,
sweordum and fetelum swiðe geglengde,
and þegniað ðrymme micle
ælc oðrum, and hi ealle him
ðonan mid ðy ðrymme þreatiað gehwider
ymbsittenda oðra ðeoda;
and se hlaford ne scrifð, ðe ðæm here waldeð,
freonde ne feonde, feore ne æhtum,
ac he reðigmod ræst on gehwilcne,
wedehunde wuhta gelicost;
bið to up ahæfen inne on mode
for ðæm anwalde þe him anra gehwilc
his tirwina to fultemað.
Gif mon ðonne wolde him awindan of
þæs cynegerelan claða gehwilcne,
and him þonne oftion ðara ðegnunga
and þæs anwaldes ðe he ær hæfde,
ðonne meaht ðu gesion þæt he bið swiðe gelic
sumum ðara gumena þe him geornost nu
mid ðegnungum ðringað ymbeutan;
gif he wyrsa ne bið, ne wene ic his na beteran.
Gif him þonne æfre unmendlinga
weas geberede þæt him wurde oftogen
þrymmes and wæda and þegnunga
and ðæs anwaldes þe we ymbe sprecað,
gif him ænig þara ofhende wyrð,
ic wat þæt him þynceð þæt he þonne sie
becropen on carcern, oððe coðlice
racentan geræped. Ic gereccan mæg
þæt of ungemete ælces ðinges,
wiste and wæda, wingedrinces,
and of swetmettum, swiðost weaxað
þære wrænnesse wodðrag micel;
sio swiðe gedræfð sefan ingehygd
monna gehwelces, þonan mæst cymeð
yfla ofermetta, unnetta saca.
þonne hi gebolgene weorðað, him wyrð on breostum inne
beswungen sefa on hraðre mid ðæm swiðan welme
hatheortnesse, and hreðe siððan
unrotnesse eac geræped,
hearde gehæfted. Him siððan onginð
sum tohopa swiðe leogan
þæs gewinnes wræce; wilnað þæt irre
anes and oðres; him þæt eall gehæt
his recelest, rihtes ne scrifeð.
Ic ðe sæde ær on ðisse selfan bec
þæt sumes goodes sidra gesceafta
anlepra ælc a wilnode
for his agenum ealdgecynde.
Unrihtwise eorðan cyningas
ne magon æfre þurhtion awuht goodes
for ðæm yfle þe ic ðe ær sæde.
Nis ðæt nan wundor, forðæm hi willað hi
þæm unðeawum þe ic ðe ær nemde,
anra gehwelcum, a underðeodan.
Sceal ðonne nede nearwe gebugan
to ðara hlaforda
þe he hine eallunga ær underþiodde.
ðæt is wyrse get, þæt he winnan nyle
wið ðæm anwalde ænige stunde;
þær he wolde a winnan onginnan,
and þonne on ðæm gewinne þurhwunian forð,
þonne næfde he nane scylde,
ðeah he oferwunnen weorðan sceolde.
265. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 26
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 26
Ic þe mæg eaðe ealdum and leasum
spellum andreccan spræce gelice
efne ðisse ilcan þe wit ymb sprecað.
Hit gesælde gio on sume tide
ðæt Aulixes under hæfde
ðæm casere cynericu twa.
He wæs þracia ðioda aldor
and Retie rices hirde.
Wæs his freadrihtnes folccuð nama,
Agamemnon, se ealles weold
Creca rices. Cuð wæs wide
þæt on þa tide Troia gewin
wearð under wolcnum. For wiges heard
Creca drihten campsted secan,
Aulixes mid, an hund scipa
lædde ofer lagustream, sæt longe ðær
tyn winter full.
þa sio tid gelomp
þæt hi ðæt rice geræht hæfdon,
diore gecepte drihten Creca
Troia burg tilum gesiðum.
ða ða Aulixes leafe hæfde,
ðracia cining, þæt he þonan moste,
he let him behindan hyrnde ciolas
nigon and hundnigontig, nænigne þonan
merehengesta ma þonne ænne
ferede on fifelstream, famigbordon,
ðriereðre ceol; þæt bið ðæt mæste
Creciscra scipa. þa wearð ceald weder,
stearc storma gelac; stunede sio brune
yð wið oðre, ut feor adraf
on Wendelsæ wigendra scola
up on þæt igland þær Apolines
dohtor wunode dægrimes worn.
Wæs se Apollinus æðeles cynnes,
Iobes eafora, se wæs gio cyning.
Se licette litlum and miclum
gumena gehwylcum þæt he good wære,
hehst and halgost; swa se hlaford þa
þæt dysige folc on gedwolan lædde,
oððæt him gelyfde leoda unrim,
forðæm he wæs mid rihte rices hirde,
hiora cynecynnes. Cuð is wide
þæt on ða tide þeoda æghwilc
hæfdon heora hlaford for ðone hehstan god,
and weorðodon swa swa wuldres cining,
gif he to ðæm rice wæs on rihte boren.
Wæs þæs Iobes fæder god eac swa he;
Saturnus ðone sundbuende
heton, hæleða bearn. Hæfdon ða mægða
ælcne æfter oðrum for ecne god.
Sceolde eac wesan Apollines
dohtor diorboren, dysiges folces,
gumrinca gyden; cuðe galdra fela,
drifan drycræftas. Hio gedwolan fylgde
manna swiðost manegra þioda,
cyninges dohtor; sio Circe wæs
haten for herigum. Hio ricsode
on ðæm iglonde þe Aulixes,
cining þracia, com ane to
ceole liðan. Cuð wæs sona
eallre þære mænige þe hire mid wunode
æþelinges sið. Hio mid ungemete
lissum lufode liðmonna frean,
and he eac swa same ealle mægne
efne swa swiðe hi on sefan lufode,
þæt he to his earde ænige nyste
modes mynlan ofer mægð giunge;
ac he mid þæm wife wunode siððan,
oððæt him ne meahte monna ænig
ðegna sinra þær mid wesan,
ac hi for ðæm yrmðum eardes lyste;
mynton forlætan leofne hlaford.
ða ongunnon wercan werðeoda spell,
sædon þæt hio sceolde mid hire scinlace
beornas forbredan, and mid balocræftum
wraðum weorpan on wildra lic
cyninges þegnas, cyspan siððan
and mid racentan eac ræpan mænigne.
Sume hi to wulfum wurdon, ne meahton þonne word forðbringan,
ac hio þragmælum ðioton ongunnon.
Sume wæron eaforas, a grymetedon
ðonne hi sares hwæt siofian scioldon.
þa ðe leon wæron ongunnon laðlice
yrrenga ryn a ðonne hi sceoldon
clipian for corðre. Cnihtas wurdon,
ealde ge giunge, ealle forhwerfde
to sumum diore, swelcum he æror
on his lifdagum gelicost wæs,
butan þam cyninge, þe sio cwen lufode.
Nolde þara oþra ænig onbitan
mennisces metes, ac hi ma lufedon
diora drohtað, swa hit gedefe ne wæs.
Næfdon hi mare monnum gelices
eorðbuendum ðonne ingeþonc;
hæfde anra gehwylc his agen mod,
þæt wæs þeah swiðe sorgum gebunden
for ðæm earfoðum þe him on sæton.
Hwæt, ða dysegan men þe ðysum drycræftum
longe gelyfdon, leasum spellum,
wisson hwæðre þæt þæt gewit ne mæg
mod onwendan monna ænig
mid drycræftum, þeah hio gedon meahte
þæt ða lichoman lange þrage
onwend wurdon. Is þæt wundorlic
mægencræft micel moda gehwilces
ofer lichoman lænne and sænne.
Swylcum and swylcum þu meaht sweotole ongitan
þæt ðæs lichoman listas and cræftas
of ðæm mode cumað monna gehwylcum,
anlepra ælc. þu meaht eaðe ongitan
þætte ma dereð monna gehwelcum
modes unðeaw þonne mettrymnes
lænes lichoman. Ne þearf leoda nan
wenan þære wyrde þæt þæt werige flæsc
þæt mod mæge
monna æniges
eallunga to him æfre onwendan,
ac þa unðeawas ælces modes
and þæt ingeþonc ælces monnes
þone lichoman lit þider hit wile.
266. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 27
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 27
Hwy ge æfre scylen unrihtfioungum
eower mod drefan, swa swa mereflodes
yþa hrerað iscalde sæ,
wecggað for winde? Hwy oðwite ge
wyrde eowre þæt hio geweald nafað?
Hwy ge þæs deaðes þe eow drihten gesceop
gebidan ne magon bitres gecyndes,
nu he eow ælce dæg onet toweard?
Ne magon ge gesion þæt he symle spyreð
æfter æghwelcum eorðan tudre,
diorum and fuglum? Deað eac swa same
æfter moncynne geond ðisne middangeard,
egeslic hunta, a bið on waðe;
nyle he ænig swæð æfre forlætan
ær he gehede þæt he hwile ær
æfter spyrede. Is þæt earmlic þing
þæt his gebidan ne magon burgsittende,
ungesælige men; hine ær willað
foran to sciotan, swa swa fugla cyn
oððe wildu dior; þa winnað betwuh,
æghwylc wolde oðer acwellan.
Ac þæt is unriht æghwelcum men
þæt he oðerne inwitþoncum
fioge on færðe, swa swa fugl oððe dior,
ac þæt wære rihtost, þætte rinca gehwylc
oðrum gulde edlean on riht,
weorc be geweorhtum weoruldbuendum
þinga gehwilces, þæt is, þæt he lufige
godra gehwilcne swa he geornost mæge,
mildsige yflum, swa we ær spræcon.
He sceal þone monnan mode lufian,
and his unþeawas ealle hatian
and ofsniðan, swa he swiðost mæge.
267. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 28
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 28
Hwa is on eorðan nu unlærdra
þe ne wundrige wolcna færeldes,
rodres swifto, ryne tunglo,
hu hy ælce dæge utan ymbhwerfeð
eallne middangeard? Hwa is moncynnes
þæt ne wundrie ymb þas wlitegan tungl,
hu hy sume habbað swiðe micle
scyrtran ymbehwerft, sume scriðað leng
utan ymb eall ðis? An þara tungla
woruldmen hatað wænes þisla;
þa habbað scyrtran scriðe and færelt,
ymbhwerft læssan, ðonne oðru tungl,
forðæm hi þære eaxe utan ymbhweorfeð,
þone norðende nean ymbcerreð.
On ðære ilcan eaxe hwerfeð
eall ruma rodor, recene scriðeð,
suðheald swifeð, swift, untiorig.
Hwa is on weorulde þæt ne wafige,
buton þa ane þe hit ær wisson,
þætte mænig tungul maran ymbhwyrft
hafað on heofonum, sume hwile eft
læsse geliðað, þa þe lacað ymb
eaxe ende oððe micle
mare geferað þa hire middre ymbe
þearle þrægeð? þara is gehaten
Saturnus sum, se hæfð ymb þritig
wintergerimes weoruld ymbcirred.
Boetes eac beorhte scineð,
oðer steorra, cymeð efne swa same
on þone ilcan stede eft ymb þritig
geargerimes, ðær he gio ða wæs.
Hwa is weoruldmonna þæt ne wafige,
hu sume steorran oð ða sæ farað
under merestreamas, þæs ðe monnum ðincð?
Swa eac sume wenað þæt sio sunne do,
ac se wena nis wuhte þe soðra.
Ne bið hio on æfen ne on ærmorgen
merestreame þe near ðe on midne dæg,
and þeah monnum þyncð þæt hio on mere gange
under sæ swife, þonne hio on setl glideð.
Hwa is on weorulde þæt ne wundrige
fulles monan, þonne he færinga
wyrð under wolcnum wlites bereafad,
beþeaht mid þiostrum? Hwa þegna ne mæge
eac wafian ælces stiorran,
hwy hi ne scinen scirum wederum
beforan ðære sunnan, swa hi symle doð
middelnihtum wið þone monan foran,
hadrum heofone? Hwæt, nu hæleða fela
swelces and swelces swiðe wundrað,
and ne wundriað þætte wuhta gehwilc,
men and netenu, micelne habbað
and unnetne andan betweoh him,
swiðe singalne. Is þæt sellic þincg,
þæt hi ne wundriað hu hit on wolcnum oft
þearle þunrað, þragmælum eft
anforlæteð, and eac swa same
yð wið lande ealneg winneð,
wind wið wæge. Hwa wundrað þæs
oððe oþres eft, hwi þæt is mæge
weorðan of wætere;
wlitetorht scineð
sunna swegle hat; sona gecerreð
ismere ænlic on his agen gecynd,
weorðeð to wætre. Ne þincð þæt wundor micel
monna ænegum þæt he mægge gesion
dogora gehwilce, ac ðæt dysie folc
þæs hit seldnor gesihð swiðor wundrað,
þeah hit wisra gehwæm wundor ðince
on his modsefan micle læsse.
ealneg wenað
þæt þæt ealdgesceaft æfre ne wære
þæt hi seldon gesioð, ac swiðor giet
weoruldmen wenað þæt hit weas come,
niwan gesælde, gif hiora nængum hwylc
ær ne oðeowde; is þæt earmlic þinc.
Ac gif hiora ænig æfre weorðeð
to ðon firwetgeorn þæt he fela onginð
leornian lista, and him lifes weard
of mode abrit þæt micle dysig
ðæt hit oferwrigen mid wunode lange,
þonne ic wæt geare þæt hi ne wundriað
mæniges þinges þe monnum nu
wæfðo and wunder welhwær þynceð.
268. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 29
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 29
Gif ðu nu wilnige weorulddrihtnes
heane anwald hlutre mode
ongitan giorne, gem almægene
heofones tunglu, hu hi him healdað betwuh
sibbe singale, dydon swa lange.
Swa hi gewenede wuldres aldor
æt frumsceafte þæt sio fyrene ne mot
sunne gesecan snawcealdes weg,
monan gemæro. Hwæt, ða mæran tungl
auðer oðres rene a ne gehrineð
ær þæm þæt oðer of gewiteð.
Ne huru se stiorra gestigan wile
westdæl wolcna, þone wise men
Ursa nemnað; ealle stiorran
sigað æfter sunnan samod mid rodere
under eorðan grund, he ana stent.
Nis þæt nan wundor; he is wundrum fæst,
upende neah eaxe ðæs roderes.
ðonne is an steorra ofer oðre beorht,
cymeð eastan up ær þonne sunne;
þone monna bearn morgenstiorra
hatað under heofonum, forðæm he hæleþum dæg
bodað æfter burgum, brengeð æfter
swegeltorht sunne samad eallum dæg.
Is se forrynel fæger and sciene,
cymeð eastan up ær for sunnan
and eft æfter sunnan on setl glideð,
west under weorulde. Werðioda his
noman onwendað þonne niht cymeð,
hatað hine ealle æfenstiorra.
Se bið þære sunnan swiftra; siððan hi on setl gewitað,
ofirneð þæt æþele tungol, oðþæt he be eastan weorðeð
eldum oðewed ær þonne sunne.
Habbað æðele tungol emne gedæled
dæg and nihte drihtnes meahtum,
sunna and mona, swiðe geþwære,
swa him æt frymþe fæder getiohhode.
Ne þearft þu no wenan þæt ða wlitegan tungl
ðæs þeowdomes aðroten weorðe
ær domes dæge; deð siððan ymbe
moncynnes fruma swa him gemet þinceð,
forðon hi be healfe heofones þisses
on ane ne læt ælmihtig god,
þy læs hi oðra fordyden æþela gesceafta,
ac se eca god ealla gemetgað
sida gesceafta, softa geþwerað.
Hwilum ðæt drige drifð þone wætan,
hwylum he gemengeð, metodes cræfte,
cile wið hæto; hwilum cerreð eft
on uprodor ælbeorhta leg,
leoht on lyfte; ligeð him behindan
hefig hrusan dæl, þeah hit hwilan ær
eorðe sio cealde oninnan hire
heold and hydde haliges meahtum.
Be þæs cyninges gebode cymeð geara gehwæt,
eorðe bringeð æghwylc tudor,
and se hata sumor hæleða bearnum
geara gehwilce giereð and drigeð
geond sidne grund sæd and bleda,
hærfest to honda herbuendum,
ripa receð. Ren æfter þæm
swylce hagal and snaw hrusan leccað
on wintres tid, weder unhiore.
Forðæm eorðe onfehð eallum sædum,
gedeð þæt hi growað geara gehwilce;
on lenctentid leaf up spryttað.
Ac se milda metod monna bearnum
on eorðan fet eall þætte groweð,
wæstmas on weorolde, wel forðbrengeð
hit þonne he wile, heofona waldend,
and eowað eft eorðbuendum,
nimð þonne he wile, nergende god.
And þæt hehste good on heahsetle
siteð self cyning, and þios side gesceaft
þenað and ðiowað. He þonan waldeð
þæm geweltleðrum weoruldgesceafta.
Nis þæt nan wundor; he is weroda god,
cyning and drihten cwucera gehwelces,
æwelm and fruma eallra gesceafta,
wyrhta and sceppend weorulde þisse,
wisdom and æ woruldbuendra.
Ealla gesceafta on his ærendo
hionane he
sendeð, hæt eft cuman.
Gif he swa gestæððig ne staðolade
ealla gesceafta, æghwylc hiora
wraðe tostencte weorðan sceolden,
æghwilc hiora ealle to nauhte
weorðan sceoldon wraðe toslopena,
þeah þa ane lufe ealla gesceafta
heofones and eorðan hæbben gemæne,
þæt hi þiowien swilcum þiodfruman,
and fægniað þæt hiora fæder wealdeð.
Nis þæt nan wundor, forðæm wuhta nan
æfre ne meahte elles wunian,
gif hi eallmægene hiora ordfruman
ne þiowoden, þeodne mærum.
269. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 30
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 30
Omerus wæs east mid Crecum
on ðæm leodscipe leoða cræftgast,
Firgilies freond and lareow,
þæm mæran sceope magistra betst.
Hwæt, se Omerus oft and gelome
þære sunnan wlite swiðe herede,
æðelo cræftas oft and gelome
leoðum and spellum leodum reahte.
Ne mæg hio þeah gescinan, þeah hio sie scir and beorht,
ahwærgen neah ealla gesceafta;
ne furðum þa gesceafta ðe hio gescinan mæg
endemes ne mæg ealla geondlihtan
innan and utan. Ac se ælmihtega
waldend and wyrhta weorulde gesceafta
his agen weorc eall geondwliteð,
endemes þurhsyhð ealla gesceafta.
ðæt is sio soðe sunne mid rihte,
be ðæm we magon singan swylc butan lease.
270. The Meters of Boethius: Meter 31
The Meters of Boethius: Meter 31
Hwæt, ðu meaht ongitan, gif his ðe geman lyst,
þætte mislice manega wuhta
geond eorðan farað ungelice;
habbað blioh and fær, bu ungelice,
and mægwlitas manegra cynna
cuð and uncuð. Creopað and snicað,
eall lichoma eorðan getenge,
nabbað hi æt fiðrum fultum, ne magon hi mid fotum gangan,
eorðan brucan, swa him eaden wæs.
Sume fotum twam foldan peððað,
sume fierfete, sume fleogende
windað under wolcnum. Bið ðeah wuhta gehwylc
onhnigen to hrusan, hnipað of dune,
on weoruld wliteð, wilnað to eorðan,
sume nedþearfe, sume neodfræce.
Man ana gæð metodes gesceafta
mid his andwlitan up on gerihte.
Mid ðy is getacnod þæt his treowa sceal
and his modgeþonc ma up þonne niðer
habban to heofonum, þy læs he his hige wende
niðer swa ðær nyten.
Nis þæt gedafenlic,
þæt se modsefa monna æniges
niðerheald wese and þæt neb upweard!
271. The Battle of Finnsburh
Dobbie, 1942 3-4; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
/nas byrnað?"
Hnæf hleoþrode ða,
heaþogeong cyning:
"Ne ðis ne dagað eastan, ne her draca ne fleogeð,
ne her ðisse healle hornas ne byrnað.
Ac her forþ berað; fugelas singað,
gylleð græghama, guðwudu hlynneð,
scyld scefte oncwyð. Nu scyneð þes mona
waðol under wolcnum. Nu arisað weadæda
ðe ðisne folces nið fremman willað.
Ac onwacnigeað nu, wigend mine,
habbað eowre linda,
hicgeaþ on ellen,
winnað on orde, wesað onmode!"
ða aras mænig goldhladen ðegn, gyrde hine his swurde.
ða to dura eodon drihtlice cempan,
Sigeferð and Eaha, hyra sword getugon,
and æt oþrum durum Ordlaf and Guþlaf,
and Hengest sylf hwearf him on laste.
ða gyt Garulf Guðere styrde
ðæt he swa freolic feorh forman siþe
to ðære healle durum hyrsta ne bære,
nu hyt niþa heard anyman wolde,
ac he frægn ofer eal undearninga,
deormod hæleþ, hwa ða duru heolde.
"Sigeferþ is min nama," cweþ he, "ic eom Secgena leod,
wreccea wide cuð; fæla ic weana gebad,
heardra hilda. ðe is gyt her witod
swæþer ðu sylf to me secean wylle."
ða wæs on healle wælslihta gehlyn;
sceolde cellod
cenum on handa,
banhelm berstan (buruhðelu dynede),
oð æt ðære guðe Garulf gecrang,
ealra ærest eorðbuendra,
Guðlafes sunu, ymbe hyne godra fæla,
hræw. Hræfen wandrode,
sweart and sealobrun. Swurdleoma stod,
swylce eal Finnsburuh fyrenu wære.
Ne gefrægn ic næfre wurþlicor æt wera hilde
sixtig sigebeorna sel gebæran,
ne nefre swetne medo sel forgyldan
ðonne Hnæfe guldan his hægstealdas.
Hig fuhton fif dagas, swa hyra nan ne feol
drihtgesiða, ac hig ða duru heoldon.
ða gewat him wund hæleð on wæg gangan,
sæde þæt his byrne abrocen wære,
heresceorp unhror, and eac wæs his helm ðyrel.
ða hine sona frægn folces hyrde,
hu ða wigend hyra wunda genæson,
oððe hwæþer ðæra hyssa
272. Waldere, Fragment II
Dobbie, 1942 5-6; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
hyrde hyne georne:
"Huru Welande/ worc ne geswiceð
monna ænigum ðara ðe Mimming can
heardne gehealdan. Oft æt hilde gedreas
swatfag and sweordwund
secg æfter oðrum.
ætlan ordwyga, ne læt ðin ellen nu gy/
gedreosan to dæge, dryhtscipe
is se dæg cumen
þæt ðu scealt aninga oðer twega,
lif forleosan oððe l/ /gne dom
agan mid eldum, ælfheres sunu.
Nalles ic ðe, wine min, wordum cide,
ðy ic ðe gesawe æt ðam sweordplegan
ðurh edwitscype æniges monnes
wig forbugan oððe on weal fleon,
lice beorgan, ðeah þe laðra fela
ðinne byrnhomon billum heowun,
ac ðu symle furðor feohtan sohtest,
mæl ofer mearce; ðy ic ðe metod ondred,
þæt ðu to fyrenlice feohtan sohtest
æt ðam ætstealle oðres monnes,
wigrædenne. Weorða ðe selfne
godum dædum, ðenden ðin god recce.
Ne murn ðu for ði mece; ðe wearð maðma cyst
gifeðe to geoce, mid ðy ðu Guðhere scealt
beot forbigan, ðæs ðe he ðas beaduwe ongan
/d unryhte ærest secan.
Forsoc he ðam swurde and ðam syncfatum,
beaga mænigo, nu sceal bega leas
hworfan from ðisse hilde, hlafurd secan
ealdne OE
oððe her ær swefan,
gif he ða"
273. Waldere B
"/ce bæteran
buton ðam anum ðe ic eac hafa
on stanfate stille gehided.
Ic wat þæt hit ðohte ðeodric Widian
selfum onsendon, and eac sinc micel
maðma mid ði mece, monig oðres mid him
golde gegirwan (iulean genam),
þæs ðe hine of nearwum Niðhades mæg,
Welandes bearn, Widia ut forlet;
ðurh fifela gewe/ /ld forð onette."
Waldere mað/ /lode, wiga ellenrof,
hæfde him on handa
guðbilla gripe, gyddode wordum:
"Hwæt! ðu huru wendest, wine Burgenda,
þæt me Hagenan hand hilde gefremede
and getwæmde /ðewigges. Feta, gyf ðu dyrre,
æt ðus heaðuwerigan hare byrnan.
Standeð me her on eaxelum ælfheres laf,
god and geapneb, golde geweorðod,
ealles unscende æðelinges reaf
to habbanne, þonne hand wereð
feorhhord feondum.
Ne bið fah wið me,
þonne [...] unmægas eft ongynnað,
mecum gemetað, swa ge me dydon.
ðeah mæg sige syllan se ðe symle byð
recon and rædfest ryh/ /a gehwilces.
Se ðe him to ðam halgan helpe gelifeð,
to gode gioce, he þær gearo findeð
gif ða earnunga ær geðenceð.
þonne moten wlance welan britnian,
æhtum wealdan, þæt is"
274. The Battle of Maldon
Dobbie, 1942 7-16; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
brocen wurde.
Het þa hyssa hwæne hors forlætan,
feor afysan, and forð gangan,
hicgan to handum and to hige godum.
þa þæt Offan mæg ærest onfunde,
þæt se eorl nolde yrhðo geþolian,
he let him þa of handon leofne fleogan
hafoc wið þæs holtes, and to þære hilde stop;
be þam man mihte oncnawan þæt se cniht nolde
wacian æt þam wige, þa he to wæpnum feng.
Eac him wolde Eadric his ealdre gelæstan,
frean to gefeohte, ongan þa forð beran
gar to guþe. He hæfde god geþanc
þa hwile þe he mid handum healdan mihte
bord and bradswurd; beot he gelæste
þa he ætforan his frean feohtan sceolde.
ða þær Byrhtnoð ongan beornas trymian,
rad and rædde, rincum tæhte
hu hi sceoldon standan and þone stede healdan,
and bæd þæt hyra randas
rihte heoldon
fæste mid folman, and ne forhtedon na.
þa he hæfde þæt folc fægere getrymmed,
he lihte þa mid leodon þær him leofost wæs,
þær he his heorðwerod holdost wiste.
þa stod on stæðe, stiðlice clypode
wicinga ar, wordum mælde,
se on beot abead brimliþendra
ærænde to þam eorle, þær he on ofre stod:
"Me sendon to þe sæmen snelle,
heton ðe secgan þæt þu most sendan raðe
beagas wið gebeorge; and eow betere is
þæt ge þisne garræs mid gafole forgyldon,
þon we swa hearde
hilde dælon.
Ne þurfe we us spillan, gif ge spedaþ to þam;
we willað wið þam golde grið fæstnian.
Gyf þu þat gerædest, þe her ricost eart,
þæt þu þine leoda lysan wille,
syllan sæmannum on hyra sylfra dom
feoh wið freode, and niman frið æt us,
we willaþ mid þam sceattum us to scype gangan,
on flot feran, and eow friþes healdan."
Byrhtnoð maþelode, bord hafenode,
wand wacne æsc, wordum mælde,
yrre and anræd ageaf him andsware:
"Gehyrst þu, sælida, hwæt þis folc segeð?
Hi willað eow to gafole garas syllan,
ættrynne ord and ealde swurd,
þa heregeatu þe eow æt hilde ne deah.
Brimmanna boda, abeod eft ongean,
sege þinum leodum miccle laþre spell,
þæt her stynt unforcuð eorl mid his werode,
þe wile gealgean eþel þysne,
æþelredes eard, ealdres mines,
folc and foldan. Feallan sceolon
hæþene æt hilde. To heanlic me þinceð
þæt ge mid urum sceattum to scype gangon
unbefohtene, nu ge þus feor hider
on urne eard in becomon.
Ne sceole ge swa softe sinc gegangan;
us sceal ord and ecg ær geseman,
grim guðplega, ær we gofol syllon."
Het þa bord beran, beornas gangan,
þæt hi on þam easteðe ealle stodon.
Ne mihte þær for wætere werod to þam oðrum;
þær com flowende flod æfter ebban,
lucon lagustreamas. To lang hit him þuhte,
hwænne hi togædere garas beron.
Hi þær Pantan stream mid prasse bestodon,
Eastseaxena ord and se æschere.
Ne mihte hyra ænig oþrum derian,
buton hwa þurh flanes flyht fyl gename.
Se flod ut gewat; þa flotan stodon gearowe,
wicinga fela, wiges georne.
Het þa hæleða hleo healdan þa bricge
wigan wigheardne, se wæs haten Wulfstan,
cafne mid his cynne, þæt wæs Ceolan sunu,
þe ðone forman man mid his francan ofsceat
þe þær baldlicost on þa bricge stop.
þær stodon mid Wulfstane wigan unforhte,
ælfere and Maccus, modige twegen,
þa noldon æt þam forda fleam gewyrcan,
ac hi fæstlice wið ða fynd weredon,
þa hwile þe hi wæpna wealdan moston.
þa hi þæt ongeaton and georne gesawon
þæt hi þær bricgweardas bitere fundon,
ongunnon lytegian þa laðe gystas,
bædon þæt hi upgang
agan moston,
ofer þone ford faran, feþan lædan.
ða se eorl ongan for his ofermode
alyfan landes to fela laþere ðeode.
Ongan ceallian þa ofer cald wæter
Byrhtelmes bearn (beornas gehlyston):
"Nu eow is gerymed, gað ricene to us,
guman to guþe; god ana wat
hwa þære wælstowe wealdan mote."
Wodon þa wælwulfas (for wætere ne murnon),
wicinga werod,
west ofer Pantan,
ofer scir wæter scyldas wegon,
lidmen to lande linde bæron.
þær ongean gramum gearowe stodon
Byrhtnoð mid beornum; he mid bordum het
wyrcan þone wihagan, and þæt werod healdan
fæste wið feondum. þa wæs feohte neh,
tir æt getohte. Wæs seo tid cumen
þæt þær fæge men feallan sceoldon.
þær wearð hream ahafen, hremmas wundon,
earn æses georn; wæs on eorþan cyrm.
Hi leton þa of folman feolhearde speru,
gegrundene garas fleogan;
bogan wæron bysige, bord ord onfeng.
Biter wæs se beaduræs, beornas feollon
on gehwæðere hand, hyssas lagon.
Wund wearð Wulfmær, wælræste geceas,
Byrhtnoðes mæg; he mid billum wearð,
his swuster sunu, swiðe forheawen.
þær wearð wicingum wiþerlean agyfen.
Gehyrde ic þæt Eadweard anne sloge
swiðe mid his swurde, swenges ne wyrnde,
þæt him æt fotum feoll fæge cempa;
þæs him his ðeoden þanc gesæde,
þam burþene, þa he byre hæfde.
Swa stemnetton stiðhicgende
hysas æt hilde, hogodon georne
hwa þær mid orde ærost mihte
on fægean men feorh gewinnan,
wigan mid wæpnum; wæl feol on eorðan.
Stodon stædefæste; stihte hi Byrhtnoð,
bæd þæt hyssa gehwylc hogode to wige
þe on Denon wolde dom gefeohtan.
Wod þa wiges heard, wæpen up ahof,
bord to gebeorge, and wið þæs beornes stop.
Eode swa anræd eorl to þam ceorle,
ægþer hyra oðrum yfeles hogode.
Sende ða se særinc suþerne gar,
þæt gewundod wearð wigena hlaford;
he sceaf þa mid ðam scylde, þæt se sceaft tobærst,
and þæt spere sprengde, þæt hit sprang ongean.
Gegremod wearð se guðrinc; he mid gare stang
wlancne wicing, þe him þa wunde forgeaf.
Frod wæs se fyrdrinc; he let his francan wadan
þurh ðæs hysses hals, hand wisode
þæt he on þam færsceaðan feorh geræhte.
ða he oþerne ofstlice sceat,
þæt seo byrne tobærst; he wæs on breostum wund
þurh ða hringlocan, him æt heortan stod
ætterne ord. Se eorl wæs þe bliþra,
hloh þa, modi man, sæde metode þanc
ðæs dægweorces þe him drihten forgeaf.
Forlet þa drenga sum daroð of handa,
fleogan of folman, þæt se to forð gewat
þurh ðone æþelan æþelredes þegen.
Him be healfe stod hyse unweaxen,
cniht on gecampe, se full caflice
bræd of þam beorne blodigne gar,
Wulfstanes bearn, Wulfmær se geonga,
forlet forheardne faran eft ongean;
ord in gewod, þæt se on eorþan læg
þe his þeoden ær þearle geræhte.
Eode þa gesyrwed secg to þam eorle;
he wolde þæs beornes beagas gefecgan,
reaf and hringas and gerenod swurd.
þa Byrhtnoð bræd bill of sceðe,
brad and bruneccg, and on þa byrnan sloh.
To raþe hine gelette lidmanna sum,
þa he þæs eorles earm amyrde.
Feoll þa to foldan fealohilte swurd;
ne mihte he gehealdan heardne mece,
wæpnes wealdan. þa gyt þæt word gecwæð
har hilderinc, hyssas bylde,
bæd gangan forð gode geferan;
ne mihte þa on fotum leng fæste gestandan.
He to heofenum wlat:
"Geþancie þe, ðeoda waldend,
ealra þæra wynna þe ic on worulde gebad.
Nu ic ah, milde metod, mæste þearfe
þæt þu minum gaste godes geunne,
þæt min sawul to ðe siðian mote
on þin geweald, þeoden engla,
mid friþe ferian. Ic eom frymdi to þe
þæt hi helsceaðan hynan ne moton."
ða hine heowon hæðene scealcas
and begen þa beornas þe him big stodon,
ælfnoð and Wulmær begen lagon,
ða onemn hyra frean feorh gesealdon.
Hi bugon þa fram beaduwe þe þær beon noldon.
þær wearð Oddan bearn ærest on fleame,
Godric fram guþe, and þone godan forlet
þe him mænigne oft mear gesealde;
he gehleop þone eoh þe ahte his hlaford,
on þam gerædum þe hit riht ne wæs,
and his broðru mid him begen ærndon,
Godwine and Godwig, guþe ne gymdon,
ac wendon fram þam wige and þone wudu sohton,
flugon on þæt fæsten and hyra feore burgon,
and manna ma þonne hit ænig mæð wære,
gyf hi þa geearnunga ealle gemundon
þe he him to duguþe gedon hæfde.
Swa him Offa on dæg ær asæde
on þam meþelstede, þa he gemot hæfde,
þæt þær modiglice
manega spræcon
þe eft æt þearfe
þolian noldon.
þa wearð afeallen þæs folces ealdor,
æþelredes eorl; ealle gesawon
heorðgeneatas þæt hyra heorra læg.
þa ðær wendon forð wlance þegenas,
unearge men efston georne;
hi woldon þa ealle oðer twega,
lif forlætan
oððe leofne gewrecan.
Swa hi bylde forð bearn ælfrices,
wiga wintrum geong, wordum mælde,
ælfwine þa cwæð, he on ellen spræc:
"Gemunan þa mæla þe we oft æt meodo spræcon,
þonne we on bence beot ahofon,
hæleð on healle, ymbe heard gewinn;
nu mæg cunnian hwa cene sy.
Ic wylle mine æþelo eallum gecyþan,
þæt ic wæs on Myrcon miccles cynnes;
wæs min ealda fæder Ealhelm haten,
wis ealdorman, woruldgesælig.
Ne sceolon me on þære þeode þegenas ætwitan
þæt ic of ðisse fyrde feran wille,
eard gesecan, nu min ealdor ligeð
forheawen æt hilde. Me is þæt hearma mæst;
he wæs ægðer min mæg and min hlaford."
þa he forð eode, fæhðe gemunde,
þæt he mid orde anne geræhte
flotan on þam folce, þæt se on foldan læg
forwegen mid his wæpne. Ongan þa winas manian,
frynd and geferan, þæt hi forð eodon.
Offa gemælde, æscholt asceoc:
"Hwæt þu, ælfwine, hafast ealle gemanode
þegenas to þearfe, nu ure þeoden lið,
eorl on eorðan. Us is eallum þearf
þæt ure æghwylc oþerne bylde
wigan to wige, þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge
habban and healdan, heardne mece,
gar and godswurd. Us Godric hæfð,
earh Oddan bearn, ealle beswicene.
Wende þæs formoni man, þa he on meare rad,
on wlancan þam wicge, þæt wære hit ure hlaford;
forþan wearð her on felda folc totwæmed,
scyldburh tobrocen. Abreoðe his angin,
þæt he her swa manigne man aflymde!"
Leofsunu gemælde and his linde ahof,
bord to gebeorge; he þam beorne oncwæð:
"Ic þæt gehate, þæt ic heonon nelle
fleon fotes trym, ac wille furðor gan,
wrecan on gewinne minne winedrihten.
Ne þurfon me embe Sturmere stedefæste hælæð
wordum ætwitan, nu min wine gecranc,
þæt ic hlafordleas ham siðie,
wende fram wige, ac me sceal wæpen niman,
ord and iren." He ful yrre wod,
feaht fæstlice, fleam he forhogode.
Dunnere þa cwæð, daroð acwehte,
unorne ceorl, ofer eall clypode,
bæd þæt beorna gehwylc Byrhtnoð wręce:
"Ne mæg na wandian se þe wrecan þenceð
frean on folce, ne for feore murnan."
þa hi forð eodon, feores hi ne rohton;
ongunnon þa hiredmen heardlice feohtan,
grame garberend, and god bædon
þæt hi moston gewrecan hyra winedrihten
and on hyra feondum fyl gewyrcan.
Him se gysel ongan geornlice fylstan;
he wæs on Norðhymbron heardes cynnes,
Ecglafes bearn, him wæs æscferð nama.
He ne wandode na æt þam wigplegan,
ac he fysde forð flan genehe;
hwilon he on bord sceat, hwilon beorn tæsde,
æfre embe stunde he sealde sume wunde,
þa hwile ðe he wæpna wealdan moste.
þa gyt on orde stod Eadweard se langa,
gearo and geornful, gylpwordum spræc
þæt he nolde fleogan fotmæl landes,
ofer bæc bugan, þa his betera leg.
He bræc þone bordweall and wið þa beornas feaht,
oðþæt he his sincgyfan on þam sæmannum
wurðlice wrec, ær he on wæle lęge.
Swa dyde æþeric, æþele gefera,
fus and forðgeorn, feaht eornoste.
Sibyrhtes broðor and swiðe mænig oþer
clufon cellod bord, cene hi weredon;
bærst bordes lærig, and seo byrne sang
gryreleoða sum. þa æt guðe sloh
Offa þone sælidan, þæt he on eorðan feoll,
and ðær Gaddes mæg grund gesohte.
Raðe wearð æt hilde Offa forheawen;
he hæfde ðeah geforþod þæt he his frean gehet,
swa he beotode ær wið his beahgifan
þæt hi sceoldon begen on burh ridan,
hale to hame, oððe on here crincgan,
on wælstowe wundum sweltan;
he læg ðegenlice ðeodne gehende.
ða wearð borda gebræc. Brimmen wodon,
guðe gegremode; gar oft þurhwod
fæges feorhhus. Forð þa eode Wistan,
þurstanes sunu, wið þas secgas feaht;
he wæs on geþrange
hyra þreora bana,
ær him Wigelines bearn on þam wæle læge.
þær wæs stið gemot; stodon fæste
wigan on gewinne, wigend cruncon,
wundum werige. Wæl feol on eorþan.
Oswold and Eadwold ealle hwile,
begen þa gebroþru, beornas trymedon,
hyra winemagas wordon bædon
þæt hi þær æt ðearfe þolian sceoldon,
unwaclice wæpna neotan.
Byrhtwold maþelode bord hafenode
(se wæs eald geneat), æsc acwehte;
he ful baldlice beornas lærde:
"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre,
mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað.
Her lið ure ealdor eall forheawen,
god on greote. A mæg gnornian
se ðe nu fram þis wigplegan wendan þenceð.
Ic eom frod feores; fram ic ne wille,
ac ic me be healfe minum hlaforde,
be swa leofan men, licgan þence."
Swa hi æþelgares bearn ealle bylde,
Godric to guþe. Oft he gar forlet,
wælspere windan on þa wicingas,
swa he on þam folce fyrmest eode,
heow and hynde,
oðþæt he on hilde gecranc.
Næs þæt na se Godric þe ða guðe forbeah
275. The Battle of Brunanburh
Dobbie, 1942 16-20; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her æþelstan cyning, eorla dryhten,
beorna beahgifa, and his broþor eac,
Eadmund æþeling, ealdorlangne tir
geslogon æt sæcce sweorda ecgum
ymbe Brunanburh. Bordweal clufan,
heowan heaþolinde hamora lafan,
afaran Eadweardes, swa him geæþele wæs
from cneomægum, þæt hi æt campe oft
wiþ laþra gehwæne land ealgodon,
hord and hamas. Hettend crungun,
Sceotta leoda and scipflotan
fæge feollan, feld dænnede
secga swate, siðþan sunne up
on morgentid, mære tungol,
glad ofer grundas, godes condel beorht,
eces drihtnes, oð sio æþele gesceaft
sah to setle. þær læg secg mænig
garum ageted, guma norþerna
ofer scild scoten, swilce Scittisc eac,
werig, wiges sæd. Wesseaxe forð
ondlongne dæg eorodcistum
on last legdun laþum þeodum,
heowan herefleman hindan þearle
mecum mylenscearpan. Myrce ne wyrndon
heardes hondplegan hæleþa nanum
þe mid Anlafe ofer æra gebland
on lides bosme land gesohtun,
fæge to gefeohte. Fife lægun
on þam campstede
cyningas giunge,
sweordum aswefede, swilce seofene eac
eorlas Anlafes, unrim heriges,
flotan and Sceotta. þær geflemed wearð
Norðmanna bregu, nede gebeded,
to lides stefne litle weorode;
cread cnear on flot, cyning ut gewat
on fealene flod, feorh generede.
Swilce þær eac se froda mid fleame com
on his cyþþe norð, Costontinus,
har hilderinc, hreman ne þorfte
mæca gemanan; he wæs his mæga sceard,
freonda gefylled on folcstede,
beslagen æt sæcce, and his sunu forlet
on wælstowe wundun forgrunden,
giungne æt guðe. Gelpan ne þorfte
beorn blandenfeax bilgeslehtes,
eald inwidda, ne Anlaf þy ma;
mid heora herelafum hlehhan ne þorftun
þæt heo beaduweorca beteran wurdun
on campstede
garmittinge, gumena gemotes,
wæpengewrixles, þæs hi on wælfelda
wiþ Eadweardes afaran plegodan.
Gewitan him þa Norþmen nęgledcnearrum,
dreorig daraða laf, on Dinges mere
ofer deop wæter Difelin secan,
eft Iraland, æwiscmode.
Swilce þa gebroþer begen ætsamne,
cyning and æþeling, cyþþe sohton,
Wesseaxena land, wiges hremige.
Letan him behindan hræw bryttian
saluwigpadan, þone sweartan hræfn,
hyrnednebban, and þane hasewanpadan,
earn æftan hwit, æses brucan,
grædigne guðhafoc and þæt græge deor,
wulf on wealde. Ne wearð wæl mare
on þis eiglande
æfre gieta
folces gefylled beforan þissum
sweordes ecgum, þæs þe us secgað bec,
ealde uðwitan, siþþan eastan hider
Engle and Seaxe up becoman,
ofer brad brimu Brytene sohtan,
wlance wigsmiþas,
Wealas ofercoman,
eorlas arhwate eard begeatan.
276. The Capture of the Five Boroughs
Dobbie, 1942 20-21; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her Eadmund cyning, Engla þeoden,
mæcgea mundbora, Myrce geeode,
dyre dædfruma, swa Dor scadeþ,
Hwitanwyllesgeat and Humbra ea,
brada brimstream. Burga fife,
Ligoraceaster and Lincylene
and Snotingaham, swylce Stanford eac
and Deoraby. Dæne wæran æror
under Norðmannum nyde gebegde
on hæþenra hæfteclommum
lange þrage, oþ hie alysde eft
for his weorþscipe wiggendra hleo,
afera Eadweardes, Eadmund cyning.
277. The Coronation of Edgar
Dobbie, 1942 21-2; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her Eadgar wæs, Engla waldend,
corðre miclum
to cyninge gehalgod
on ðære ealdan byrig, Acemannesceastre;
eac hi igbuend oðre worde
beornas Baðan nemnaþ. þær wæs blis micel
on þam eadgan dæge eallum geworden,
þone niða bearn nemnað and cigað
Pentecostenes dæg. þær wæs preosta heap,
micel muneca ðreat, mine gefrege,
gleawra gegaderod. And ða agangen wæs
tyn hund wintra geteled rimes
fram gebyrdtide bremes cyninges,
leohta hyrdes, buton ðær to lafe þa get
wæs wintergeteles, þæs ðe gewritu secgað,
seofon and twentig; swa neah wæs sigora frean
ðusend aurnen, ða þa ðis gelamp.
And him Eadmundes eafora hæfde
nigon and [XX], niðweorca heard,
wintra on worulde,
ða þis geworden wæs,
and þa on ðam [XXX] wæs ðeoden gehalgod.
278. The Death of Edgar
Dobbie, 1942 22-4; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her geendode eorðan dreamas
Eadgar, Engla cyning, ceas him oðer leoht,
wlitig and wynsum, and þis wace forlet,
lif þis læne. Nemnað leoda bearn,
men on moldan, þæne monað gehwær
in ðisse eðeltyrf, þa þe ær wæran
on rimcræfte rihte getogene,
Iulius monoð,
þær se geonga gewat
on þone eahteðan dæg Eadgar of life,
beorna beahgyfa. Feng his bearn syððan
to cynerice, cild unweaxen,
eorla ealdor, þam wæs Eadweard nama.
And him tirfæst hæleð tyn nihtum ær
of Brytene gewat, bisceop se goda,
þurh gecyndne cræft, ðam wæs Cyneweard nama.
ða wæs on Myrceon, mine gefræge,
wide and welhwær waldendes lof
afylled on foldan. Fela wearð todræfed
gleawra godes ðeowa; þæt wæs gnornung micel
þam þe on breostum wæg byrnende lufan
metodes on mode. þa wæs mærða fruma
to swiðe forsewen, sigora waldend,
rodera rædend, þa man his riht tobræc.
And þa wearð eac adræfed deormod hæleð,
Oslac, of earde ofer yða gewealc,
ofer ganotes bæð, gamolfeax hæleð,
wis and wordsnotor, ofer wætera geðring,
ofer hwæles eðel, hama bereafod.
And þa wearð ætywed uppe on roderum
steorra on staðole, þone stiðferhþe,
hæleð higegleawe, hatað wide
cometa be naman, cræftgleawe men,
wise woðboran. Wæs geond werðeode
waldendes wracu wide gefrege,
hungor ofer hrusan; þæt eft heofona weard
gebette, brego engla, geaf eft blisse gehwæm
egbuendra þurh eorðan westm.
279. The Death of Alfred
Dobbie, 1942 24-5; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her com ælfred, se unsceððiga æþeling, æþelrædes
sunu cinges, hider inn and wolde to his meder, þe on Win-
cestre sæt, ac hit him ne geþafode Godwine eorl, ne ec oþre
men þe mycel mihton wealdan, forðan hit hleoðrode þa
swiðe toward Haraldes, þeh hit unriht wære.
Ac Godwine hine þa gelette and hine on hæft sette,
and his geferan he todraf, and sume mislice ofsloh;
sume hi man wið feo sealde, sume hreowlice acwealde,
sume hi man bende, sume hi man blende,
sume hamelode, sume hættode.
Ne wearð dreorlicre dæd gedon on þison earde,
syþþan Dene comon and her frið namon.
Nu is to gelyfenne to ðan leofan gode,
þæt hi blission bliðe mid Criste
þe wæron butan scylde swa earmlice acwealde.
Se æþeling lyfode þa gyt; ælc yfel man him gehet,
oðþæt man gerædde þæt man hine lædde
to Eligbyrig swa gebundenne.
Sona swa he lende, on scype man hine blende,
and hine swa blindne brohte to ðam munecon,
and he þar wunode ða hwile þe he lyfode.
Syððan hine man byrigde, swa him wel gebyrede,
ful wurðlice, swa he wyrðe wæs,
æt þam westende, þam styple ful gehende,
on þam suðportice; seo saul is mid Criste.
280. The Death of Edward
Dobbie, 1942 25-6; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her Eadward kingc, Engla hlaford,
sende soþfæste sawle to Criste
on godes wæra, gast haligne.
He on worulda her wunode þrage
on kyneþrymme, cræftig ræda,
[XXIIII], freolic wealdend,
wintra gerimes, weolan britnode,
and healfe tid, hæleða wealdend,
weold wel geþungen Walum and Scottum
and Bryttum eac, byre æðelredes,
Englum and Sexum, oretmægcum,
swa ymbclyppað cealde brymmas,
þæt eall Eadwarde, æðelum kinge,
hyrdon holdlice hagestealde menn.
Wæs a bliðemod bealuleas kyng,
þeah he lange ær, lande bereafod,
wunode wræclastum wide geond eorðan,
syððan Cnut ofercom kynn æðelredes
and Dena weoldon deore rice
Engla landes [XXVIII]
wintra gerimes, welan brytnodon.
Syððan forð becom freolice in geatwum
kyningc kystum god, clæne and milde,
Eadward se æðela, eðel bewerode,
land and leode, oðþæt lungre becom
deað se bitera, and swa deore genam
æþelne of eorðan; englas feredon
soþfæste sawle innan swegles leoht.
And se froda swa þeah befæste þæt rice
heahþungenum menn, Harolde sylfum,
æþelum eorle, se in ealle tid
hyrde holdlice hærran sinum
wordum and dædum, wihte ne agælde
þæs þe þearf wæs þæs þeodkyninges.
281. Durham
Dobbie, 1942 27; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Is ðeos burch breome geond Breotenrice,
steppa gestaðolad, stanas ymbutan
wundrum gewæxen. Weor ymbeornad,
ea yðum stronge, and ðer inne wunað
feola fisca kyn on floda gemonge.
And ðær gewexen is wudafæstern micel;
wuniad in ðem wycum wilda deor monige,
in deope dalum deora ungerim.
Is in ðere byri eac bearnum gecyðed
ðe arfesta eadig Cudberch
and ðes clene
cyninges heafud,
Osuualdes, Engle leo, and Aidan biscop,
Eadberch and Eadfrið, æðele geferes.
Is ðer inne midd heom
æðelwold biscop
and breoma bocera Beda, and Boisil abbot,
ðe clene Cudberte on gecheðe
lerde lustum, and he his lara wel genom.
Eardiæð æt ðem eadige in in ðem minstre
unarimeda reliquia,
ðær monia wundrum gewurðað, ðes ðe writ seggeð,
midd ðene drihnes wer domes bideð.
282. The Rune Poem
Dobbie, 1942 28-30; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
F byþ frofur fira gehwylcum.
Sceal ðeah manna gehwylc miclun hyt dælan
gif he wile for drihtne domes hleotan.
U byþ anmod and oferhyrned,
felafrecne deor, feohteþ mid hornum,
mære morstapa; þæt is modig wuht.
þ byþ ðearle scearp; ðegna gehwylcum
anfeng ys yfyl, ungemetun reþe
manna gehwylcun ðe him mid resteð.
O byþ ordfruma ælcre spræce,
wisdomes wraþu and witena frofur,
and eorla gehwam eadnys and tohiht.
R byþ on recyde rinca gehwylcum
sefte, and swiþhwæt ðam ðe sitteþ on ufan
meare mægenheardum ofer milpaþas.
C byþ cwicera gehwam cuþ on fyre,
blac and beorhtlic, byrneþ oftust
ðær hi æþelingas inne restaþ.
G gumena byþ gleng and herenys,
wraþu and wyrþscype, and wræcna gehwam
ar and ætwist ðe byþ oþra leas.
Wne bruceþ ðe can weana lyt,
sares and sorge, and him sylfa hæfþ
blæd and blysse and eac byrga geniht.
H byþ hwitust corna; hwyrft hit of heofones lyfte,
wealcaþ hit windes scuras, weorþeþ hit to wætere syððan.
N byþ nearu on breostan, weorþeþ hi ðeah oft niþa bearnum
to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.
I byþ oferceald, ungemetum slidor,
glisnaþ glæshluttur, gimmum gelicust,
flor forste geworuht, fæger ansyne.
J byþ gumena hiht, ðon god læteþ,
halig heofones cyning, hrusan syllan
beorhte bleda beornum and ðearfum.
Z byþ utan unsmeþe treow,
heard, hrusan fæst, hyrde fyres,
wyrtrumun underwreþyd,
wyn on eþle.
P byþ symble plega and hlehter
wlancum ðar wigan sittaþ
on beorsele bliþe ætsomne.
eard hæfþ oftust on fenne,
wexeð on wature, wundaþ grimme,
blode breneð beorna gehwylcne
ðe him ænigne onfeng gedeð.
S semannum symble biþ on hihte,
ðonn hi hine feriaþ ofer fisces beþ,
oþ hi brimhengest bringeþ to lande.
T biþ tacna sum, healdeð trywa wel
wiþ æþelingas, a biþ on færylde,
ofer nihta genipu næfre swiceþ.
B byþ bleda leas, bereþ efne swa ðeah
tanas butan tudder, biþ on telgum wlitig,
heah on helme hrysted fægere,
geloden leafum, lyfte getenge.
E byþ for eorlum æþelinga wyn,
hors hofum wlanc, ðær him hæleþ
welege on wicgum, wrixlaþ spræce,
and biþ unstyllum æfre frofur.
M byþ on myrgþe his magan leof;
sceal þeah anra gehwylc
oðrum swican,
for ðam dryhten wyle dome sine
þæt earme flæsc eorþan betæcan.
L byþ leodum langsum geþuht,
gif hi sculun neþan
on nacan tealtum,
and hi sæyþa swyþe bregaþ,
and se brimhengest bridles ne gymeð.
NG wæs ærest mid Eastdenum
gesewen secgun, oþ he siððan eft
ofer wæg gewat, wæn æfter ran;
ðus heardingas ðone hæle nemdun.
OE byþ oferleof æghwylcum men,
gif he mot ðær rihtes
and gerysena on
brucan on bolde
bleadum oftast.
D byþ drihtnes sond, deore mannum,
mære metodes leoht, myrgþ and tohiht
eadgum and earmum, eallum brice.
A byþ on eorþan elda bearnum
flæsces fodor, fereþ gelome
ofer ganotes bæþ; garsecg fandaþ
hwæþer ac hæbbe æþele treowe.
æ biþ oferheah, eldum dyre,
stiþ on staþule, stede rihte hylt,
ðeah him feohtan on firas monige.
Y byþ æþelinga and eorla gehwæs
wyn and wyrþmynd, byþ on wicge fæger,
fæstlic on færelde,
fyrdgeatewa sum.
IO byþ eafix, and ðeah a bruceþ
fodres on foldan, hafaþ fægerne eard,
wætre beworpen, ðær he wynnum leofaþ.
EA byþ egle eorla gehwylcun,
ðonn fæstlice flæsc onginneþ,
hraw colian, hrusan ceosan
blac to gebeddan; bleda gedreosaþ,
wynna gewitaþ, wera geswicaþ.
283. Solomon and Saturn
Dobbie, 1942 31-48; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Saturnus cwæð:
"Hwæt! Ic iglanda eallra hæbbe
boca onbyrged þurh gebregdstafas,
larcræftas onlocen Libia and Greca,
swylce eac istoriam Indea rices.
Me þa treahteras tala wisedon
on þam micelan bec
M/ /ces heardum.
Swylce ic næfre on eallum þam fyrngewrytum findan ne mihte
soðe samnode. Ic sohte þa git
hwylc wære modes oððe mægenþrymmes,
elnes oððe æhte oððe eorlscipes
se gepalmtwigoda Pater Noster.
Sille ic þe ealle, sunu Dauides,
þeoden Israela, [XXX] punda
smætes goldes and mine suna twelfe,
gif þu mec gebringest þæt ic si gebryrded
ðurh þæs cantices cwyde Cristes linan,
gesemesð mec mid soðe, and ic mec gesund fare,
wende mec on willan on wæteres hrigc
ofer Coferflod Caldeas secan."
Salomon cwæð:
"Unlæde bið on eorþan, unnit lifes,
wesðe wisdomes, weallað swa nieten,
feldgongende feoh butan gewitte,
se þurh ðone cantic ne can Crist geherian.
Worað he windes full, worpað hine deofol
on domdæge, draca egeslice,
bismorlice, of blacere liðran
irenum aplum; ealle beoð aweaxen
of edwittes iða heafdum.
þonne him bið leofre ðonne eall ðeos leohte gesceaft,
gegoten fram ðam grunde goldes and seolfres,
feðersceatum full feohgestreona,
gif he æfre ðæs organes owiht cuðe.
Fracoð he bið ðonne and fremede frean ælmihtigum,
englum ungelic ana hwearfað."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hwa mæg eaðost ealra gesceafta
ða halgan duru heofona rices
torhte ontynan on getælrime?"
Salomon cwæð:
"ðæt gepalmtwigede Pater Noster
heofonas ontyneð, halige geblissað,
metod gemiltsað, morðor gefylleð,
adwæsceð deofles fyr, dryhtnes onæleð.
Swylce ðu miht mid ðy beorhtan gebede blod onhætan,
ðæs deofles dreor, þæt him dropan stigað,
swate geswiðed, seofan intingum,
egesfullicran ðonne seo ærene gripu,
ðonne heo for [XII] fyra tydernessum
ofer gleda gripe gifrust wealleð.
Forðon hafað se cantic ofer ealle Cristes bec
widmærost word; he gewritu læreð,
stefnum steoreð, and him stede healdeð
heofona rices, heregeatewa wigeð."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hulic is se organ ingemyndum
to begonganne ðam ðe his gast wile
meltan wið morðre, mergan of sorge,
asceadan of scyldum? Huru him scippend geaf
wuldorlicne wlite. Mec ðæs on worolde full oft
fyrwit frineð, fus gewiteð,
mod gemengeð. Nænig manna wat,
hæleða under hefenum, hu min hige dreoseð,
bysig æfter bocum; hwilum me bryne stigeð,
hige heortan neah hædre wealleð."
Salomon cwæð:
"Gylden is se godes cwide, gimmum astæned,
hafað sylfren leaf; sundor mæg æghwylc
ðurh gastes gife godspel secgan.
He bið seofan snytro and saule hunig
and modes meolc, mærþa gesælgost.
He mæg ða saule of siennihte
gefeccan under foldan, næfre hie se feond to ðæs niðer
feterum gefæstnað; ðeah he hie mid fiftigum
clusum beclemme, he ðone cræft briceð
and ða orðancas ealle tosliteð.
Hungor he ahieðeð, helle gestrudeð,
wylm toweorpeð, wuldor getimbreð.
He is modigra middangearde,
staðole strengra ðonne ealra stana gripe.
Lamena he is læce, leoht wincendra,
swilce he is deafra duru, dumbra tunge,
scyldigra scyld, scyppendes seld,
flodes ferigend, folces nerigend,
yða yrfeweard, earmra fisca
and wyrma welm, wildeora holt,
on westenne weard, weorðmynta geard.
And se ðe wile geornlice ðone godes cwide
singan soðlice, and hine siemle wile
lufian butan leahtrum, he mæg ðone laðan gæst,
feohtende feond, fleonde gebrengan,
gif ðu him ærest on ufan ierne gebrengest
prologa prima, ðam is P P nama.
Hafað guðmæcga gierde lange,
gyldene gade, and a ðone grymman feond
swiðmod sweopað, and him on swaðe fylgeð
A A ofermægene and hine eac ofslihð.
T T hine teswað and hine on ða tungan sticað,
wræsteð him ðæt woddor and him ða wongan brieceð.
E E hiene yflað, swa he a wile
ealra feonda gehwane fæste gestondan.
ðonne hiene on unðanc R R ieorrenga geseceð,
bocstafa brego, bregdeð sona
feond be ðam feaxe, læteð flint brecan
scines sconcan; he ne besceawað no
his leomona lið, ne bið him læce god.
Wendeð he hiene ðonne under wolcnum, wigsteall seceð,
heolstre behelmed. Huru him bið æt heartan wa,
ðonne he hangiende helle wisceð,
ðæs ęngestan eðelrices.
ðonne hine forcinnað ða cirican getuinnas,
N and
æghwæðer brengeð
sweopan of siðe; sargiað hwile
fremdne flæschoman, feorh ne bemurnað.
ðonne S S cymeð, engla geræswa,
wuldores stæf, wraðne gegripeð
feond be ðam fotum, læteð foreweard hleor
on strangne stan, stregdað toðas
geond helle heap. Hydeð hine æghwylc
æfter sceades sciman; sceaða bið gebisigod,
Satanes ðegn swiðe gestilled.
Swilce hiene Q Q and U V cwealme gehnægað,
frome folctogan, farað him togegnes,
habbað leoht speru, lange sceaftas,
swiðmode sweopan, swenga ne wyrnað,
deorra dynta; him bið ðæt deofol lað.
ðonne hine I
and se yrra C C
guðe begyrdað (geap stæf wigeð
biterne brogan), bigað sona
helle hæftling, ðæt he on hinder gæð.
ðonne hiene F F and M M utan ymbðringað,
scyldigne sceaðan, habbað scearp speru,
atole earhfare, æled lætað
on ðæs feondes feax flana stregdan,
biterne brogan; banan heardlice
grimme ongieldað, ðæs hie oft gilp brecað.
ðonne hine æt niehstan nearwe stilleð
J G se geapa, ðone god sendeð
freondum on fultum, færeð æfter D D
fifmægnum full. Fyr bið se ðridda
stæf stræte neah, stille bideð.
H onetteð, engel hine scierpeð,
Cristes cempan, on cwicum wædum
godes spyrigendes geonges hrægles.
ðonne hine on lyfte lifgetwinnan
under tungla getrumum tuigena ordum,
sweopum seolfrynum, swiðe weallað,
oððæt him ban blicað, bledað ædran;
gartorn geotað gifrum deofle.
Mæg simle se godes cwide gumena gehwylcum
ealra feonda gehwane fleondne gebrengan
ðurh mannes muð, manfulra heap
sweartne geswencan, næfre hie ðæs syllice
bleoum bregdað. æfter bancofan
feðerhoman onfoð, hwilum flotan gripað;
hwilum hie gewendað in wyrmes lic
stronges and sticoles, stingeð nieten,
feldgongende feoh gestrudeð.
Hwilum he on wætere wicg gehnægeð,
hornum geheaweð, oððæt him heortan blod,
famig flodes bæð, foldan geseceð.
Hwilum he gefeterað fæges mannes,
handa gehefegað, ðonne he æt hilde sceall
wið lað werud lifes tiligan;
awriteð he on his wæpne wællnota heap,
bealwe bocstafas, bill forscrifeð,
meces mærðo. Forðon nænig man scile
oft orðances ut abredan
wæpnes ecgge, ðeah ðe him se wlite cweme,
ac symle he sceal singan, ðonne he his sweord geteo,
Pater Noster, and ðæt palmtreow
biddan mid blisse, ðæt him bu gife
feorh and folme, ðonne his feond cyme."
" [...] swice, ær he soð wite,
ðæt ða sienfullan saula sticien
mid hettendum helle tomiddes.
Hateð ðonne heahcining helle betynan,
fyres fulle, and ða feondas mid."
Hæfde ða se snotra sunu Dauides
forcumen and forcyðed Caldea eorl.
Hwæðre was on sælum se ðe of siðe cwom
feorran gefered; næfre ær his ferhð ahlog.
Hwæt! Ic flitan gefrægn on fyrndagum
modgleawe men, middangeardes ræswan,
gewesan ymbe hira wisdom; wyrs deð se ðe liehð
oððe ðæs soðes ansæceð. Saloman was bremra,
ðeah ðe Saturnus
sumra hæfde,
bald breosttoga, boca cæga,
leornenga locan. land eall geondhwearf,
Indea mere, east Corsias,
Persea rice, Palestinion,
Niniuen ceastre and norð Predan,
Meda maððumselas, Marculfes eard,
Saulus rice, swa he suð ligeð
ymbe Geallboe and ymb Geador norð,
Filistina flet, fæsten Creca,
wudu Egipta, wæter Mathea,
cludas Coreffes, Caldea rice,
Creca cræftas, cynn Arabia,
lare Libia, lond Syria,
Pitðinia, Buðanasan,
Pamhpilia, Pores gemære,
Macedonia, Mesopotamie,
Cappadocia, Cristes eðel,
Hieryhco, Galilea,
"oððe ic swigie,
nyttes hycgge, ðeah ic no sprece.
Wat ic ðonne, gif ðu gewitest on Wendelsæ
ofer Coforflod cyððe secean,
ðæt ðu wille gilpan ðæt ðu hæbbe gumena bearn
forcumen and forcyððed. Wat ic ðæt wæron Caldeas
guðe ðæs gielpne and ðæs goldwlonce,
mærða ðæs modige, ðær to ðam moning gelomp
suð ymbe Sanere feld. Sæge me from ðam lande
ðær nænig fyra ne mæg fotum gestæppan."
Saturnus cuæð:
"Se mæra was haten sæliðende
weallende Wulf,
werðeodum cuð
Filistina, freond Nebrondes.
He on ðam felda ofslog [XXV]
dracena on dægred, and hine ða deað offeoll;
forðan ða foldan ne mæg fira ænig,
ðone mercstede, mon gesecan,
fugol gefleogan, ne ðon ma foldan neat.
ðanon atercynn ærest gewurdon
wide onwæcned, ða ðe nu weallende
ðurh attres oroð ingang rymað.
Git his sweord scineð
swiðe gescæned,
and ofer ða byrgenna blicað ða hieltas."
Salomon cwæð:
"Dol bið se ðe gæð on deop wæter,
se ðe sund nafað ne gesegled scip
ne fugles flyht, ne he mid fotum ne mæg
grund geræcan; huru se godes cunnað
full dyslice, dryhtnes meahta."
Saturnus cuæð:
"Ac hwæt is se dumba, se ðe on sumre dene resteð?
Swiðe snyttrað, hafað seofon tungan;
hafað tungena gehwylc [XX] orda,
hafað orda gehwylc engles snytro,
ðara ðe wile anra hwylc uppe bringan,
ðæt ðu ðære gyldnan gesiehst Hierusalem
weallas blican and hiera winrod lixan,
soðfæstra segn. Saga hwæt ic mæne."
Salomon cuæð:
"Bec sindon breme, bodiað geneahhe
weotodne willan ðam ðe wiht hygeð.
Gestrangað hie and gestaðeliað staðolfæstne geðoht,
amyrgað modsefan manna gehwylces
of ðreamedlan ðisses lifes."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Bald bið se ðe onbyregeð boca cræftes;
symle bið ðe wisra ðe hira geweald hafað."
Salomon cuæð:
"Sige hie onsendað soðfæstra gehwam,
hælo hyðe, ðam ðe hie lufað."
Saturnus cwæð:
"An wise is on woroldrice
ymb ða me fyrwet bræc [L] wintra
dæges and niehtes ðurh deop gesceaft;
geomrende gast deð nu gena swa,
ærðon me geunne ece dryhten
ðæt me geseme snoterra monn."
Salomon cwæð:
"Soð is ðæt ðu sagast; seme ic ðe recene
ymb ða wrætlican wiht. Wilt ðu ðæt ic ðe secgge?
An fugel siteð on Filistina
middelgemærum; munt is hine ymbutan,
geap gylden weall. Georne hine healdað
witan Filistina, wenað ðæs ðe naht is,
ðæt hiene him scyle eall ðeod on genæman
wæpna ecggum; hie ðæs wære cunnon,
healdað hine niehta gehwylce norðan and suðan
on twa healfa tu hund wearda.
Se fugel hafað [IIII] heafdu
medumra manna, and he is on middan hwælen;
geowes he hafað fiðeru and griffus fet,
ligeð lonnum fæst, locað unhiere,
swiðe swingeð and his searo hringeð,
gilleð geomorlice and his gyrn sefað,
wylleð hine on ðam wite, wunað unlustum,
singgeð syllice; seldum æfre
his leoma licggað. Longað hine hearde,
ðynceð him ðæt sie ðria [XXX] ðusend wintra
ær he domdæges dynn gehyre.
Nyste hine on ðære foldan fira ænig
eorðan cynnes, ærðon ic hine ana onfand
and hine ða gebendan het ofer brad wæter,
ðæt hine se modega heht Melotes bearn,
Filistina fruma, fæste gebindan,
lonnum belucan wið leodgryre.
ðone fugel hatað feorbuende,
Filistina fruman, uasa mortis."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hwæt is ðæt wundor ðe geond ðas worold færeð,
styrnenga gæð, staðolas beateð,
aweceð wopdropan, winneð oft hider?
Ne mæg hit steorra ne stan ne se steapa gimm,
wæter ne wildeor wihte beswican,
ac him on hand gæð heardes and hnesces,
micles and mætes; him to mose sceall
gegangan geara gehwelce grundbuendra,
lyftfleogendra, laguswemmendra,
ðria ðreoteno ðusendgerimes."
Salomon cuæð:
"Yldo beoð on eorðan æghwæs cræftig;
mid hiðendre hildewræsne,
rumre racenteage, ræceð wide,
langre linan, lisseð eall ðæt heo wile.
Beam heo abreoteð and bebriceð telgum,
astyreð standendne
stefn on siðe,
afilleð hine on foldan; friteð æfter ðam
wildne fugol. Heo oferwigeð wulf,
hio oferbideð stanas, heo oferstigeð style,
hio abiteð iren mid ome, deð usic swa."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwon fealleð se snaw, foldan behydeð,
bewrihð wyrta cið, wæstmas getigeð,
geðyð hie and geðreatað, ðæt hie ðrage beoð
cealde geclungne? Full oft he gecostað eac
wildeora worn, wætum he oferbricgeð,
gebryceð burga geat, baldlice fereð,
"swiðor micle ðonne se swipra nið
se hine gelædeð on ða laðan wic
mid ða fræcnan feonde to willan."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Nieht bið wedera ðiestrost, ned bið wyrda heardost,
sorg bið swarost byrðen, slæp bið deaðe gelicost."
Salomon cwæð:
"Lytle hwile leaf beoð grene;
ðonne hie eft fealewiað, feallað on eorðan
and forweorniað, weorðað to duste.
Swa ðonne gefeallað ða ðe fyrena ær
lange læstað, lifiað him in mane,
hydað heahgestreon, healdað georne
on fæstenne feondum to willan,
and wenað wanhogan ðæt hie wille wuldorcining,
ælmihtig god, ece gehiran."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Sona bið gesiene, siððan flowan mot
yð ofer eall lond, ne wile heo awa ðæs
siðes geswican, sioððan hire se sæl cymeð,
ðæt heo domes dæges dyn gehiere."
Salomon cwæð:
"Wa bið ðonne ðissum modgum monnum, ðam ðe her nu mid mane lengest
lifiað on ðisse lænan gesceafte. Ieo ðæt ðine leode gecyðdon;
wunnon hie wið dryhtnes miehtum, forðon hie ðæt worc ne gedegdon.
Ne sceall ic ðe hwæðre, broðor, abelgan; ðu eart swiðe bittres cynnes,
eorre eormenstrynde. Ne beyrn ðu in ða inwitgecyndo!"
Saturnus cwæð:
"Saga ðu me, Salomon cyning, sunu Dauides,
hwæt beoð ða feowere fægæs rapas?"
Salomon cuæð:
"Gewurdene wyrda,
ðæt beoð ða feowere fæges rapas."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hwa demeð ðonne dryhtne Criste
on domes dæge, ðonne he demeð eallum gesceaftum?"
Salomon cwæð:
"Hwa dear ðonne dryhtne deman, ðe us of duste geworhte,
nergend of niehtes wunde? Ac sæge me hwæt nærende wæron."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwon ne mot seo sunne side gesceafte
scire geondscinan? Forhwam besceadeð heo
muntas and moras and monige ec
weste stowa? Hu geweorðeð ðæt?"
Salomon cuæð:
"Ac forhwam næron eorðwelan
ealle gedæled
leodum gelice? Sum to lyt hafað,
godes grædig; hine god seteð
ðurh geearnunga eadgum to ræste."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwan beoð ða gesiðas somod ætgædre,
wop and hleahtor? Full oft hie weorðgeornra
sælða toslitað; hu gesæleð ðæt?"
Salomon cuæð:
"Unlæde bið and ormod se ðe a wile
geomrian on gihðe; se bið gode fracoðast."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Forhwon ne moton we ðonne ealle mid onmedlan
gegnum gangan in godes rice?"
Salomon cwæð:
"Ne mæg fyres feng ne forstes cile,
snaw ne sunne somod eardian,
aldor geæfnan, ac hira sceal anra gehwylc
onlutan and onliðigan ðe hafað læsse mægn."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwon ðonne leofað se wyrsa leng?
Se wyrsa ne wat in woroldrice
on his mægwinum maran are."
Salomon cwæð:
"Ne mæg mon forildan
ænige hwile
ðone deoran sið, ac he hine adreogan sceall."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hu gegangeð ðæt? Gode oððe yfle,
ðonne hie beoð ðurh ane idese acende,
twegen getwinnas, ne bið hira tir gelic.
Oðer bið unlæde on eorðan, oðer bið eadig,
swiðe leoftæle mid leoda duguðum;
oðer leofað lytle hwile,
swiceð on ðisse sidan gesceafte, and ðonne eft mid sorgum gewiteð.
Fricge ic ðec, hlaford Salomon, hwæðres bið hira folgoð betra?"
Salomon cuæð:
"Modor ne rædeð, ðonne heo magan cenneð,
hu him weorðe geond worold widsið sceapen.
Oft heo to bealwe bearn afedeð,
seolfre to sorge, siððan dreogeð
his earfoðu orlegstunde.
Heo ðæs afran sceall oft and gelome
grimme greotan, ðonne he geong færeð,
hafað wilde mod, werige heortan,
sefan sorgfullne, slideð geneahhe,
werig, wilna leas, wuldres bedæled,
hwilum higegeomor healle weardað,
leofað leodum feor; locað geneahhe
fram ðam unlædan
agen hlaford.
Forðan nah seo modor geweald, ðonne heo magan cenneð,
bearnes blædes, ac sceall on gebyrd faran
an æfter anum; ðæt is eald gesceaft."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwan nele monn him on giogoðe georne gewyrcan
deores dryhtscipes and dædfruman,
wadan on wisdom, winnan æfter snytro?"
Salomon cwæð:
"Hwæt! Him mæg eadig eorl eaðe geceosan
on his modsefan mildne hlaford,
anne æðeling. Ne mæg don unlæde swa."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac forhwam winneð ðis wæter geond woroldrice,
dreogeð deop gesceaft? Ne mot on dæg restan,
neahtes neðyð, cræfte tyð,
cristnað and clænsað cwicra manigo,
wuldre gewlitigað. Ic wihte ne cann
forhwan se stream ne mot stillan neahtes."
"his lifes fæðme. Simle hit bið his lareowum hyrsum;
full oft hit eac ðæs deofles dugoð gehnægeð,
ðær weotena bið worn gesamnod.
ðonne snottrum men snæd oððglideð,
ða he be leohte gesihð, luteð æfter,
gesegnað and gesyfleð and him sylf friteð.
Swilc bið seo an snæd æghwylcum men
selre micle, gif heo gesegnod bið,
to ðycgganne, gif he hit geðencan cann,
ðonne him sie seofon daga symbelgereordu.
Leoht hafað heow and had haliges gastes,
Cristes gecyndo; hit ðæt gecyðeð full oft.
Gif hit unwitan ænige hwile
healdað butan hæftum, hit ðurh hrof wædeð,
bryceð and bærneð boldgetimbru,
seomað steap and geap, stigeð on lenge,
clymmeð on gecyndo, cunnað hwænne mote
fyr on his frumsceaft on fæder geardas,
eft to his eðle, ðanon hit æror cuom.
Hit bið eallenga eorl to gesihðe,
ðam ðe gedælan can dryhtnes ðecelan,
forðon nis nænegu gecynd cuiclifigende,
ne fugel ne fisc ne foldan stan,
ne wæteres wylm ne wudutelga,
ne munt ne mor ne ðes middangeard,
ðæt he forð ne sie fyrenes cynnes."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Full oft ic frode menn fyrn gehyrde
secggan and swerian ymb sume wisan,
hwæðer wære twegra butan tweon strengra,
wyrd ðe warnung, ðonne hie winnað oft
mid hira ðreamedlan, hwæðerne aðreoteð ær.
Ic to soðon wat; sægdon me geara
Filistina witan, ðonne we on geflitum sæton,
bocum tobræddon and on bearm legdon,
meðelcwidas mengdon, moniges fengon,
ðæt nære nænig manna middangeardes
ðæt meahte ðara twega tuion aspyrian."
Salomon cwæð:
"Wyrd bið wended hearde, wealleð swiðe geneahhe;
heo wop weceð, heo wean hladeð,
heo gast scyð, heo ger byreð,
and hwæðre him mæg wissefa wyrda gehwylce
gemetigian, gif he bið modes gleaw
and to his freondum wile fultum secan,
ðeh hwæðre godcundes gæstes brucan."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Ac hwæt witeð us wyrd seo swiðe,
eallra fyrena fruma, fæhðo modor,
weana wyrtwela, wopes heafod,
frumscylda gehwæs fæder and modor,
deaðes dohtor? Ac tohwan drohtað heo mid us?
Hwæt! Hie wile lifigende late aðreotan,
ðæt heo ðurh fyrena geflitu fæhðo ne tydre."
Salomon cwæð:
"Nolde gæd geador in godes rice
eadiges engles and ðæs ofermodan;
oðer his dryhtne hierde, oðer him ongan wyrcan ðurh dierne cræftas
segn and side byrnan, cwæð ðæt he mid his gesiðum wolde
hiðan eall heofona rice and him ðonne on healfum sittan,
tydran him mid ðy teoðan dæle, oððæt he his tornes
ende ðurh insceafte. ða wearð se æðelra
gedrefed ðurh ðæs deofles gehygdo; forlet hine ða of dune gehreosan,
afielde hine ða under foldan sceatas,
heht hine ðær fæste gebindan. ðæt sindon ða usic feohtað on.
Forðon is witena gehwam wopes eaca.
ða ðæt eadig onfand engla dryhten,
ðæt heo leng mid hine lare ne namon,
aweorp hine ða of ðam wuldre and wide todraf,
and him bebead bearn heofonwara
ðæt hie ec scoldon a ðenden hie lifdon
wunian in wylme, wop ðrowian,
heaf under hefonum, and him helle gescop,
wælcealde wic wintre beðeahte,
wæter in sende and wyrmgeardas,
atol deor monig irenum hornum,
blodige earnas and blace nædran,
ðurst and hungor and ðearle gewin,
egna egesan, unrotnesse;
and æghwylc him ðissa earfeða ece stondeð
butan edwende
a ðenden hie lifigað."
Saturnus cwæð:
"Is ðonne on ðisse foldan fira ænig
eorðan cynnes, ðara ðe man age,
ðe deað abæde, ær se dæg cyme
ðæt sie his calendcwide arunnen
and hine mon annunga ut abanne?"
Salomon cwæð:
engel onsendeð
dryhten heofona
se sceall behealdan hu his hyge wille;
grædig growan in godes willan,
murnan metodes ðrym, mid ðy ðe hit dæg bið.
ðonne hine ymbegangað gastas twegen;
oðer bið golde glædra, oðer bið grundum sweartra,
oðer cymeð
ofer ðære stylenan helle;
oðer hine læreð ðæt he lufan healde,
metodes miltse, and his mæga ræd,
oðer hine tyhteð and on tæso læreð,
yweð him and yppeð earmra manna
misgemynda, and ðurh ðæt his mod hweteð,
lædeð hine and læceð and hine geond land spaneð,
oððæt his ege bið, æfðancum full,
ðurh earmra scyld yrre geworden.
Swa ðonne feohteð se feond on feower gecynd,
oððæt he gewendeð on ða wyrsan hand
deofles dædum dæglongne fyrst,
and ðæs willan wyrcð ðe hine on woh spaneð.
Gewiteð ðonne wepende on weg faran
engel to his earde and ðæt eall sagað:
'Ne meahte ic of ðære heortan heardne aðringan
stylenne stan; sticað him tomiddes'"
284. The Menologium
Dobbie, 1942 49-55; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Crist wæs acennyd, cyninga wuldor,
on midne winter, mære þeoden,
ece ælmihtig, on þy eahteoðan dæg
Hælend gehaten, heofonrices weard.
Swa þa sylfan tiid side herigeas,
folc unmæte, habbað foreweard gear,
for þy se kalend us cymeð geþincged
on þam ylcan dæge us to tune,
forma monað; hine folc mycel
Ianuarius gerum heton.
And þæs embe fif niht þætte fulwihttiid
eces drihtnes to us cymeð,
þæne twelfta dæg tireadige,
hæleð heaðurofe, hatað on Brytene,
in foldan her. Swylce emb feower wucan
þætte Solmonað sigeð to tune
butan twam nihtum, swa hit getealdon geo,
Februarius fær, frode gesiþas,
ealde ægleawe. And þæs embe ane niht
þæt we Marian mæssan healdað,
cyninges modor, forþan heo Crist on þam dæge,
bearn wealdendes, brohte to temple.
ðænne þæs emb fif niht þæt afered byð
winter of wicum, and se wigend þa
æfter seofentynum
swylt þrowade
nihtgerimes, nergendes þegen,
Mathias mære, mine gefræge,
þæs þe lencten on tun geliden hæfde,
werum to wicum. Swylce eac is wide cuð
ymb [III] and twa þeodum gewelhwær
his cyme kalend ceorlum and eorlum
(butan þænne bises geboden weorðe
feorðan geare; þænne he furðor cymeð
ufor anre niht us to tune),
hrime gehyrsted hagolscurum færð
geond middangeard Martius reðe,
Hlyda healic. ðænne se halga þæs
emb [XI] niht æþele scynde
Gregorius in godes wære,
breme in Brytene. Swylce Benedictus
embe nigon niht þæs nergend sohte,
heard and higestrang, þæne heriað wel
in gewritum wise, wealdendes þeow
rincas regolfæste. Swylce eac rimcræftige
on þa ylcan tiid emniht healdað,
forðan wealdend god worhte æt frymðe
on þy sylfan dæge sunnan and monan.
Hwæt, ymb feower niht fæder onsende,
þæs þe emnihte eorlas healdað,
heahengel his, se hælo abead
Marian mycle, þæt heo meotod sceolde
cennan, kyninga betst, swa hit gecyðed wearð
geond middangeard; wæs þæt mære wyrd,
folcum gefræge! Swylce emb feower and þreo
nihtgerimes, þætte nergend sent
Aprelis monað, on þam oftust cymð
seo mære tiid mannum to frofre,
drihtnes ærist; þænne dream gerist
wel wide gehwær, swa se witega sang:
"þis is se dæg þæne drihten us
wisfæst worhte, wera cneorissum,
eallum eorðwarum eadigum to blisse."
Ne magon we þa tide be getale healdan
dagena rimes, ne drihtnes stige
on heofenas up, forþan þe hwearfað aa
wisra gewyrdum, ac sceal wintrum frod
on circule cræfte findan
halige dagas. Sculan we hwæðere gyt
martira gemynd ma areccan,
wrecan wordum forð, wisse gesingan,
þæt embe nihgontyne niht and
þæs þe Eastermonað to us cymeð,
þæt man reliquias ræran onginneð,
halige gehyrste; þæt is healic dæg,
bentiid bremu. Swylce in burh raþe
þæs, smicere on gearwum,
wudum and wyrtum cymeð wlitig scriðan
þrymilce on tun, þearfe bringeð
Maius micle geond menigeo gehwær.
Swa þi ylcan dæge æþele geferan,
Philippus and Iacob, feorh agefan,
modige magoþegnas for meotudes lufan.
And þæs embe twa niht þætte tæhte god
Elenan eadigre æþelust beama,
on þam þrowode þeoden engla
for manna lufan, meotud on galgan
be fæder leafe. Swylce ymb fyrst wucan
butan anre niht þætte yldum bringð
sigelbeorhte dagas sumor to tune,
wearme gewyderu. þænne wangas hraðe
blostmum blowað, swylce blis astihð
geond middangeard manigra hada
cwicera cynna, cyninge lof secgað
mænifealdlice, mærne bremað,
ælmihtigne. þæs emb eahta and nigon
dogera rimes þætte drihten nam
in oðer leoht Agustinus,
bliðne on breostum, þæs þe he on Brytene her
eaðmode him eorlas funde
to godes willan, swa him se gleawa bebead
Gregorius. Ne hyrde ic guman a fyrn
ænigne ær æfre bringan
ofer sealtne mere selran lare,
bisceop bremran. Nu on Brytene rest
on Cantwarum cynestole neah,
mynstre mærum. þænne monað bringð
ymb twa and feower
tiida lange
ærra Liða us to tune,
Iunius on geard, on þam gim astihð
on heofenas up hyhst on geare,
tungla torhtust, and of tille agrynt,
to sete sigeð. Wyle syððan leng
grund behealdan and gangan lator
ofer foldan wang fægerust leohta,
woruldgesceafta. þænne wuldres þegn
ymb þreotyne, þeodnes dyrling,
Iohannes in geardagan wearð acenned,
tyn nihtum eac; we þa tiid healdað
on midne sumor mycles on æþelum.
Wide is geweorðod, swa þæt wel gerist,
haligra tid geond hæleða bearn,
Petrus and Paulus. Hwæt, þa apostolas,
þeodenholde, þrowedon on Rome
ofer midne sumor, miccle gewisse,
furðor fif nihtum, folcbealo þrealic,
mærne martyrdom; hæfdon mænige ær
wundra geworhte geond wærþeoda,
swylce hi æfter þam unrim fremedon
swutelra and gesynra þurh sunu meotudes,
ealdorþegnas. þænne ædre cymð
emb twa niht þæs tidlice us
Iulius monað, on þam Iacobus
ymb feower niht feorh gesealde
ond twentigum, trum in breostum,
frod and fæstræd folca lareow,
Zebedes afera. And þæs symle scriþ
ymb seofon niht þæs sumere gebrihted
Weodmonað on tun,
welhwær bringeð
Agustus yrmenþeodum
hlafmæssan dæg. Swa þæs hærfest cymð
ymbe oðer swylc butan anre wanan,
wlitig, wæstmum hladen; wela byð geywed
fægere on foldan. þænne forð gewat
ymb þreo niht þæs þeodne getrywe
þurh martyrdom, mære diacon,
Laurentius, hæfð nu lif wiðþan
mid wuldorfæder weorca to leane.
Swylce þæs ymb fif niht fægerust mægða,
wifa wuldor, sohte weroda god
for suna sibbe, sigefæstne ham
on neorxnawange; hæfde nergend þa
fægere fostorlean fæmnan forgolden
ece to ealdre. þænne ealling byð
ymb tyn niht þæs tiid geweorðad
Bartholomeus in Brytene her,
wyrd welþungen. Swylce eac wide byð
eorlum geypped æþelinges deað
ymb feower niht, se þe fægere iu
mid wætere oferwearp wuldres cynebearn,
wiga weorðlice. Be him wealdend cwæð
þæt nan mærra man geond middangeard
betux wife and were wurde acenned.
Ond þæs ymbe þreo niht geond þeoda feala
þætte Haligmonð, heleþum geþinged,
fereð to folce, swa hit foregleawe,
ealde uþwitan, æror fundan,
Septembres fær, and þy seofoþan dæg
þæt acenned wearð cwena selost,
drihtnes modor. þænne dagena worn
ymbe þreotyne þegn unforcuð,
godspelles gleaw, gast onsende
Matheus his to metodsceafte,
in ecne gefean. þænne ealling cymð
ymb þreo niht þæs þeodum wide
emnihtes dæg, ylda bearnum.
Hwæt, we weorðiað wide geond eorðan
heahengles tiid on hærfeste,
Michaheles, swa þæt menigo wat,
fif nihtum ufor þæs þe folcum byð,
eorlum geywed emnihtes dæg.
And þæs embe twa niht þæt se teoða monð
on folc fereð, frode geþeahte,
October on tun us to genihte,
Winterfylleð, swa hine wide cigað
igbuende Engle and Seaxe,
weras mid wifum. Swylce wigena tiid
ymb twentig þæs twegra healdað
and seofon nihtum samod ætgædere
on anne dæg. We þa æþelingas
fyrn gefrunan þæt hy foremære,
Simon and Iudas, symble wæron,
drihtne dyre; forþon hi dom hlutan,
eadigne upweg. And þæs ofstum bringð
embe feower niht, folce genihtsum,
Blotmonað on tun, beornum to wiste,
Nouembris, niða bearnum
eadignesse, swa nan oðer na deð
monað maran miltse drihtnes.
And þy ylcan dæge ealra we healdað
sancta symbel þara þe sið oððe ær
worhtan in worulde willan drihtnes.
Syþþan wintres dæg wide gangeð
on syx nihtum, sigelbeortne genimð
hærfest mid herige hrimes and snawes,
forste gefeterad, be frean hæse,
þæt us wunian ne moton
wangas grene,
foldan frætuwe. þæs ymb feower niht
þætte Martinus mære geleorde,
wer womma leas wealdend sohte,
upengla weard. þænne embe eahta niht
and feowerum þætte fan gode
besenctun on sægrund sigefæstne wer,
on brime haran, þe iu beorna fela
Clementes oft clypiað to þearfe.
And þæs embe seofon niht, sigedrihtne leof,
æþele Andreas up on roderum
his gast ageaf on godes wære,
fus on forðweg. þænne folcum bringð
morgen to mannum monað to tune,
Decembris drihta bearnum,
ærra Iula. Swylce emb eahta and twelf
nihtgerimes þætte nergend sylf
þristhydigum Thomase forgeaf
wið earfeðum ece rice,
bealdum beornwigan bletsunga his.
þænne emb feower niht þætte fæder engla
his sunu sende on þas sidan gesceaft
folcum to frofre. Nu ge findan magon
haligra tiida
þe man healdan sceal,
swa bebugeð gebod geond Brytenricu
Sexna kyninges on þas sylfan tiid.
285. Maxims II
Dobbie, 1942 55-7; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Cyning sceal rice healdan. Ceastra beoð feorran gesyne,
orðanc enta geweorc, þa þe on þysse eorðan syndon,
wrætlic weallstana geweorc. Wind byð on lyfte swiftust,
þunar byð þragum hludast. þrymmas syndan Cristes myccle,
wyrd byð swiðost. Winter byð cealdost,
lencten hrimigost (he byð lengest ceald),
sumor sunwlitegost (swegel byð hatost),
hærfest hreðeadegost, hæleðum bringeð
geres wæstmas, þa þe him god sendeð.
Soð bið switolost, sinc byð deorost,
gold gumena gehwam, and gomol snoterost,
fyrngearum frod, se þe ær feala gebideð.
Weax bið wundrum clibbor. Wolcnu scriðað.
Geongne æþeling sceolan gode gesiðas
byldan to beaduwe and to beahgife.
Ellen sceal on eorle, ecg sceal wið hellme
hilde gebidan. Hafuc sceal on glofe
wilde gewunian, wulf sceal on bearowe,
earm anhaga, eofor sceal on holte,
toðmægenes trum. Til sceal on eðle
domes wyrcean. Daroð sceal on handa,
gar golde fah. Gim sceal on hringe
standan steap and geap. Stream sceal on yðum
mencgan mereflode. Mæst sceal on ceole,
segelgyrd seomian. Sweord sceal on bearme,
drihtlic isern. Draca sceal on hlæwe,
frod, frætwum wlanc. Fisc sceal on wætere
cynren cennan. Cyning sceal on healle
beagas dælan. Bera sceal on hæðe,
eald and egesfull. Ea of dune sceal
flodgræg feran. Fyrd sceal ætsomne,
tirfæstra getrum. Treow sceal on eorle,
wisdom on were. Wudu sceal on foldan
blædum blowan. Beorh sceal on eorþan
grene standan. God sceal on heofenum,
dæda demend. Duru sceal on healle,
rum recedes muð. Rand sceal on scylde,
fæst fingra gebeorh. Fugel uppe sceal
lacan on lyfte. Leax sceal on wæle
mid sceote scriðan. Scur sceal on heofenum,
winde geblanden, in þas woruld cuman.
þeof sceal gangan þystrum wederum. þyrs sceal on fenne gewunian
ana innan lande. Ides sceal dyrne cræfte,
fæmne hire freond gesecean, gif heo nelle on folce geþeon
þæt hi man beagum gebicge. Brim sceal sealte weallan,
lyfthelm and laguflod ymb ealra landa gehwylc,
flowan firgenstreamas. Feoh sceal on eorðan
tydran and tyman. Tungol sceal on heofenum
beorhte scinan, swa him bebead meotud.
God sceal wið yfele, geogoð sceal wið yldo,
lif sceal wið deaþe, leoht sceal wið þystrum,
fyrd wið fyrde, feond wið oðrum,
lað wið laþe ymb land sacan,
synne stælan. A sceal snotor hycgean
ymb þysse worulde gewinn, wearh hangian,
fægere ongildan þæt he ær facen dyde
manna cynne. Meotod ana wat
hwyder seo sawul sceal syððan hweorfan,
and ealle þa gastas þe for gode hweorfað
æfter deaðdæge, domes bidað
on fæder fæðme. Is seo forðgesceaft
digol and dyrne; drihten ana wat,
nergende fæder. Næni eft cymeð
hider under hrofas, þe þæt her for soð
mannum secge hwylc sy meotodes gesceaft,
sigefolca gesetu, þær he sylfa wunað.
286. A Proverb from Winfrid's Time
Dobbie, 1942 57; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Oft daedlata domę foręldit,
sigisitha gahuem, suuyltit thi ana.
287. The Judgment Day II
Dobbie, 1942 58-67; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Hwæt! Ic ana sæt innan bearwe,
mid helme beþeht, holte tomiddes,
þær þa wæterburnan swegdon and urnon
on middan gehæge, eal swa ic secge.
Eac þær wynwyrta weoxon and bleowon
innon þam gemonge on ænlicum wonge,
and þa wudubeamas wagedon and swegdon
þurh winda gryre; wolcn wæs gehrered,
and min earme mod eal wæs gedrefed.
þa ic færinga, forht and unrot,
þas unhyrlican fers onhefde mid sange,
eall swylce þu cwæde, synna gemunde,
lifes leahtra, and þa langan tid,
þæs dimman cyme deaðes on eorðan.
Ic ondræde me eac dom þone miclan
for mandædum minum on eorðan,
and þæt ece ic eac yrre ondræde me
and synfulra gehwam æt sylfum gode,
and hu mihtig frea eall manna cynn
todæleð and todemeð þurh his dihlan miht.
Ic gemunde eac mærðe drihtnes
and þara haligra on heofonan rice,
swylce earmsceapenra
yfel and witu.
Ic gemunde þis mid me, and ic mearn swiðe,
and ic murcnigende cwæð, mode gedrefed:
"Nu ic eow, æddran, ealle bidde
þæt ge wylspringas wel ontynan,
hate of hleorum, recene to tearum,
þænne ic synful slea swiðe mid fyste,
breost mine beate on gebedstowe,
and minne lichaman lecge on eorðan
and geearnade sar ealle ic gecige.
Ic bidde eow benum nu ða
þæt ge ne wandian wiht for tearum,
ac dreorige hleor dreccað mid wope
and sealtum dropum sona ofergeotaþ,
and geopeniað man ecum drihtne.
Ne þær owiht inne ne belife
on heortscræfe heanra gylta,
þæt hit ne sy dægcuð, þæt þæt dihle wæs,
openum wordum eall abæred,
breostes and tungan and flæsces swa some.
ðis is an hæl earmre sauwle
and þam sorgiendum selest hihta,
þæt he wunda her
wope gecyðe
uplicum læce, se ana mæg
aglidene mod
gode gehælan
and ræplingas recene onbindan,
ne mid swiðran his swyþe nele brysan
wanhydige mod wealdend engla,
ne þone wlacan smocan waces fleaxes
wyle waldend Crist wætere gedwæscan.
Hu ne gesceop þe se scaþa scearplice bysne
þe mid Criste wæs cwylmed on rode,
hu micel forstent and hu mære is
seo soðe hreow synna and gylta?
Se sceaþa wæs on rode scyldig and manful,
mid undædum eall gesymed;
he drihtene swa þeah, deaðe gehende,
his bena bebead breostgehigdum.
He mid lyt wordum ac geleaffullum
his hæle begeat and help recene,
and in gefor þa ænlican geatu
neorxnawonges mid nerigende.
Ic acsige þe, la, earme geþanc,
hwi latast þu swa lange, þæt þu ðe læce ne cyþst,
oððe hwi swigast þu, synnigu tunge,
nu þu forgifnesse hæfst gearugne timan,
nu þe ælmihtig earum atihtum,
heofonrices weard, gehyreð mid lustum?
Ac se dæg cymeð ðonne demeð god
eorðan ymbhwyrft; þu ana scealt
gyldan scad wordum wið scyppend god,
and þam rican frean riht agyldan.
Ic lære þæt þu beo hrædra mid hreowlicum tearum,
and þæt yrre forfoh eces deman.
Hwæt ligst þu on horwe leahtrum afylled,
flæsc, mid synnum? Hwi ne feormast þu
mid teara gyte torne synne?
Hwi ne bidst þu þe beþunga and plaster,
lifes læcedomes æt lifes frean?
Nu þu scealt greotan, tearas geotan,
þa hwile tima sy and tid wopes;
nu is halwende þæt man her wepe
and dædbote do drihtne to willan.
Glæd bið se godes sunu, gif þu gnorn þrowast
and þe sylfum demst for synnum on eorðan,
ne heofenes god henða and gyltas
ofer ænne syþ wrecan wile ænigum men.
Ne scealt þu forhyccan heaf and wopas
and forgifnesse gearugne timan.
Gemyne eac on mode,
hu micel is þæt wite
þe þara earmra byð for ærdædum,
oþþe hu egeslice
and hu andrysne
heahþrymme cyningc her wile deman
anra gehwylcum be ærdædum,
oþþe hwylce forebeacn feran onginnað
and Cristes cyme cyþað on eorðan.
Eall eorðe bifað, eac swa þa duna
dreosað and hreosað,
and beorga hliðu
bugað and myltað,
and se egeslica sweg ungerydre sæ
eall manna mod miclum gedrefeð.
Eal bið eac upheofon
sweart and gesworcen, swiðe geþuxsað,
deorc and dimhiw, and dwolma sweart.
þonne stedelease steorran hreosað,
and seo sunne forswyrcð sona on morgen,
ne se mona næfð nanre mihte wiht,
þæt he þære nihte genipu mæge flecgan.
Eac þonne cumað hider ufon of heofone
deaðbeacnigende tacn, bregað þa earman;
þonne cumað upplice eoredheapas,
stiþmægen astyred, styllað embutan
eal engla werod, ecne behlænað,
ðone mæran metod mihte and þrymme.
Sitt þonne sigelbeorht swegles brytta
on heahsetle, helme beweorðod.
We beoð færinga him beforan brohte,
æghwanum cumene to his ansyne,
þæt gehwylc underfo
dom be his dædum æt drihtne sylfum.
Ic bidde, man, þæt þu gemune hu micel bið se broga
beforan domsetle drihtnes þænne;
stent hergea
heortleas and earh,
amasod and amarod, mihtleas, afæred.
þænne samod becumað of swegles hleo
eall engla werod, ecne ymtrymmað.
þænne bið geban micel, and aboden þider
eal Adames cnosl
þe on foldan wearð
feded æfre
oððe modar gebær to manlican,
oþþe þa þe wæron oððe woldon beon
oþþe towearde geteald wæron awiht.
ðonne eallum beoð ealra gesweotolude
digle geþancas on þære dægtide,
eal þæt seo heorte hearmes geþohte
oððe seo tunge to teonan geclypede
oþþe mannes hand manes gefremede
on þystrum scræfum þinga on eorðan;
eal þæt hwæne sceamode scylda on worulde,
þæt he ænigum men ypte oððe cyðde,
þonne bið eallum open ætsomne,
gelice alyfed þæt man lange hæl.
Ufenan eall þis eac byð gefylled
eal uplic lyft ættrenum lige.
Færð fyr ofer eall, ne byð þær nan foresteal,
ne him man na ne mæg miht forwyrnan;
eal þæt us þincð æmtig eahgemearces
under roderes ryne, readum lige
bið emnes mid þy eal gefylled.
ðonne fyren lig
blaweð and braslað,
read and reaðe, ræsct and efesteð,
hu he synfullum susle gefremme;
ne se wrecenda bryne wile forbugan
oððe ænigum þær are gefremman,
buton he horwum sy her afeormad,
and þonne þider cume, þearle aclænsad.
þonne fela mægða, folca unrim,
heora sinnigan breost swiðlice beatað
forhte mid fyste for fyrenlustum.
þær beoð þearfan and þeodcyningas,
earm and eadig, ealle beoð afæred;
þær hæfð ane lage earm and se welega,
forðon hi habbað ege ealle ætsomne.
ðæt reðe flod ræscet fyre
and biterlice bærnð ða earman saula,
and heora heortan horxlice wyrmas,
synscyldigra, ceorfað and slitað.
Ne mæg þær æni man be agnum gewyrhtum
gedyrstig wesan, deman gehende,
ac ealle þurhyrnð oga ætsomne,
breostgehyda and se bitera wop,
and þær stænt astifad, stane gelicast,
eal arleas heap yfeles on wenan.
Hwæt dest þu, la, flæsc? Hwæt dreogest þu nu?
Hwæt miht þu on þa tid þearfe gewepan?
Wa þe nu, þu þe þeowast
and her glæd leofast on galnysse
and þe mid stiðum astyrest sticelum þæs gælsan!
Hwi ne forhtas þu fyrene egsan,
and þe sylfum ondræd swiðlice witu,
ða deoflum geo drihten geteode,
awyrgedum gastum, weana to leane?
þa oferswiðað sefan and spræce
manna gehwylces for micelnysse.
Nænig spræc mæg beon, spellum areccan
ænegum on eorðan earmlice witu,
fulle stowa fyres on grunde,
þe wæs in grimmum susle on helle.
þær synt to sorge ætsomne gemenged
se þrosma lig and se þrece gicela,
swiðe hat and ceald helle tomiddes.
Hwilum þær eagan ungemetum wepað
for þæs ofnes bryne (eal he is bealuwes full);
hwilum eac þa teþ for miclum cyle manna þær gryrrað.
þis atule gewrixl
earmsceapene men
on worulda woruld wendað þær inne
betwyx forsworcenum sweartum nihtum
and weallendes pices wean and þrosme.
þær nan stefn styreð butan stearcheard
wop and wanung, nawiht elles;
ne bið þær ansyn gesewen ænigre wihte,
butan þara cwelra þe cwylmað ða earman.
Ne bið þær inne aht gemeted
butan lig and cyle and laðlic ful;
hy mid nosan ne magon naht geswæccan
butan unstences
þær beoð þa wanigendan welras gefylde
ligspiwelum bryne laðlices fyres,
and hy wælgrimme wyrmas slitað
and heora ban gnagað brynigum tuxlum.
Ufenon eal þis bið þæt earme breost
mid bitere care breged and swenced,
for hwi fyrngende flæsc on þas frecnan tid
hym selfum swa fela synna geworhte,
þæt hit on cweartern cwylmed wurde,
þær ða atelan synd ecan witu;
þær leohtes ne leoht lytel sperca
earmum ænig, ne þær arfæstnes
ne sib ne hopa ne swige gegladað
ne þara wependra
worn wihte.
Flyhð frofor aweg; ne bið þær fultum nan
þæt wið þa biteran þing gebeorh mæge fremman.
Ne bið þær ansyn gemet ænigre blisse,
þær bið angryslic ege and fyrhtu
and sari mod, swiðlic gristbigtung;
þær bið unrotnes æghwær wælhreow,
adl and yrre and æmelnes,
and þær synnge eac sauwle on lige
on blindum scræfe byrnað and yrnað.
þonne deriende gedwinað heonone
þysse worulde gefean, gewitað mid ealle;
þonne druncennes gedwineð mid wistum,
and hleahter and plega hleapað ætsomne,
and wrænnes eac gewiteð heonone,
and fæsthafolnes feor gewiteð,
uncyst onweg and ælc gælsa
scyldig scyndan
on sceade þonne,
and se earma flyhð uncræftiga slæp
sleac mid sluman slincan on hinder.
ðonne blindum beseah biterum ligum
earme on ende þæt unalyfed is nu;
leofest on life lað bið þænne,
and þæt werige mod wendað þa gyltas
swiðe mid sorgum and mid sargunge.
Eala, se bið gesælig and ofersælig
and on worulda woruld
wihta gesæligost,
se þe mid gesyntum swylce cwyldas
and witu mæg wel forbugon,
and samod bliðe on woruld ealle
his þeodne geþeon, and þonne mot
habban heofonrice; þæt is hihta mæst.
þær niht ne genimð
næfre þeostrum
þæs heofenlican leohtes sciman;
ne cymð þær sorh ne sar ne geswenced yld,
ne þær ænig geswinc æfre gelimpeð,
oððe hunger oþþe þurst oððe heanlic slæp,
ne bið þær fefur ne adl ne færlic cwyld,
nanes liges gebrasl ne se laðlica cyle.
Nis þær unrotnes ne þær æmelnys,
ne hryre ne caru ne hreoh tintrega,
ne bið þær liget ne laðlic storm,
winter ne þunerrad ne wiht cealdes,
ne þær hagulscuras hearde mid snawe,
ne bið þær wædl ne lyre ne deaðes gryre
ne yrmð ne agnes ne ænigu gnornung,
ac þær samod ricxað sib mid spede,
and arfæstnes and ece god,
wuldor and wurðmynt,
swylce lof and lif and leoflic geþwærnes.
Ufenan eal þis ece drihten
him ealra goda gehwylc glædlice ðenað,
þær a andweard ealle weorðaþ
and fehþ and geblyssað
fæder ætsomne,
wuldraþ and wel hylt,
fægere frætuað and freolice lufað
and on heofonsetle hean geregnað.
His sunu bliðe, sigores brytta,
sylð anra gehwam ece mede,
heofonlice hyrsta, þæt is healic gifu,
gemang þam ænlican engla werode
and þæra haligra heapum and þreatum.
þær hy beoð geþeode þeodscipum on gemang
betwyx heahfæderas and halige witegan,
blissiendum modum, byrgum tomiddes,
þær þa ærendracan synd ælmihtiges godes,
and betweoh rosena
reade heapas,
þær symle scinað.
þær þæra hwittra hwyrfð mædenheap,
blostmum behangen,
beorhtost wereda,
þe ealle læt ænlicu godes drut,
seo frowe þe us frean acende,
metod on moldan, meowle seo clæne.
þæt is Maria, mædena selast;
heo let þurh þa scenan scinendan ricu,
gebletsodost ealra, þæs breman fæder,
betweox fæder and sunu, freolicum werede,
and betwyx þære ecan uplicum sibbe
rice rædwitan, rodera weardas.
Hwæt mæg beon heardes her on life,
gif þu wille secgan soð þæm ðe frineð,
wið þam þu mote gemang þam werode
eardian unbleoh on ecnesse,
and on upcundra eadegum setlum
brucan bliðnesse butan ende forð?"
288. The Rewards of Piety
Robinson 1994, 188-92; Robinson 1994, '"The Rewards of Piety": "Two" Old English Poems in Their Manuscript Context,' in The Editing of Old English (Oxford, Cambridge MA), pp. 188-92.Nu lære ic þe swa man leofne sceal.
Gif þu wille þæt blowende rice gestigan,
þænne beo þu eadmod and ælmesgeorn,
wis on wordum, and wæccan lufa
on hyge halgum on þas hwilwendan tid,
bliðe mode, and gebedum filige
oftost symle þær þu ana sy.
Forðan þæt halige gebed and seo hluttre lufu
godes and manna and seo ælmessylen
and se miccla hopa to þinum hælende,
þæt he þine synna adwæscan wylle,
and eac oþera fela
godra weorca glengað and bringað
þa soðfæstan sauwle to reste
on þa uplican eadignesse.
Wyrc þæt þu wyrce, word oððe dæda,
hafa metodes ege on gemang symle;
þæt is witodlice wisdomes ord,
þæt þu þæt ece leoht eal ne forleose.
þeos woruld is æt ende, and we synd wædlan gyt
heofena rices; þæt is hefig byrden.
And þeah þu æfter þinum ende eall gesylle
þæt þu on eorðan ær gestryndes
goda gehwylces, wylle gode cweman,
ne mihtu mid þæm eallum sauwle þine
ut alysan, gif heo inne wyrð
feondum befangen, frofre bedæled,
welena forwyrned; ac þu wuldres god,
ece ælmihtigne, ealninga bidde
þæt he þe ne forlæte laðum to handa,
feondum to frofre, ac þu fleoh þanan,
syle ælmessan oft and gelome
digolice; þæt bið drihtnes lac
gumena gehwylces þe on god gelyfð.
Ceapa þe mid æhtum eces leohtes,
þy læs þu forweorðe, þænne þu hyra geweald nafast
to syllanne. Hit bið swiðe yfel
manna gehwilcum þæt he micel age,
gif he him god ne ondræt
swiðor micle þonne his sylfes gewil.
Warna þe georne wið þære wambe fylle,
forþan heo þa unþeawas ealle gesomnað
þe þære saule swiðost deriað,
þæt is druncennes and dyrnegeligere,
ungemet wilnung ætes and slæpes;
þa man mæg mid fæstenum
and forhæfdnessum heonon adrifan,
and mid cyricsocnum cealdum wederum
eadmodlice ealluncga biddan
heofena drihten þæt he þe hæl gife,
milde mundbora, swa him gemet þince.
And ondræd þu ðe dihle wisan,
nearwe geþancas, þe on niht becumað,
synlustas foroft swiðe fremman
earfoðlice, þy þu earhlice scealt
gyltas þine swiðe bemurnan,
har hilderinc; hefie þe ðincaþ
synna þine. Forþam þu sylf ongyte
þæt þu alætan scealt læne staþelas,
eard and eþel. Uncuð bið þe þænne
tohwan þe þin drihten gedon wille,
þænne þu lengc ne most lifes brucan,
eardes on eþle, swa þu ær dydest,
blissum hremi. Nu þu ðe beorgan scealt,
and wið feonda gehwæne fæste healdan
sauwle þine; a hi winnað
embe þæt
dæges and nihtes ongean drihtnes lif.
þu miht hy gefleman, gif þu filian wilt
larum minum, swa ic lære þe
digollice þæt þu on dægred oft
ymbe þinre sauwle ræd swiðe smeage,
hu þu þæt ece leoht æfre begytan mæge,
siðe gesecan; þu scealt glædlice swiðe swincan
wið þæs uplican eþelrices
dæges and nihtes, þu scealt druncen fleon
and þa oferfylle ealle forlætan.
Gif þu wilt þa upplican eardwic ceosan,
þænne scealt þu hit on eorðan ær geþencan,
and þu þe sylfne swiðe gebindan
and þa unþeawas ealle forlætan
þe þu on þis life ær lufedest and feddest.
289. A Summons to Prayer
þænne gemiltsað þe, N., [mundum qui regit],
ðeoda þrymcyningc [thronum sedentem]
a butan ende
saule þinre
Geunne þe on life [auctor pacis]
sibbe gesælða, [salus mundi],
metod se mæra [magna uirtute],
and se soðfæsta [summi filius]
fo on fultum, [factor cosmi],
se of æþelre wæs [uirginis partu]
clæne acenned [Christus in orbem],
metod þurh Marian, [mundi redemptor],
and þurh þæne halgan gast. [Uoca frequenter]
bide helpes hine, [clemens deus],
se onsended wæs [summo de throno]
and þære clænan [clara uoce]
þa gebyrd bodade
[bona uoluntate]
þæt heo scolde cennan [Christum regem],
ealra cyninga cyningc, [casta uiuendo].
and þu þa soðfæstan [supplex rogo],
fultumes bidde friclo [uirginem almum],
and þær æfter to [omnes sancti]
bliðmod bidde, [beatus et iustus],
þæt hi ealle þe [unica uoce]
þingian to þeodne [thronum regentem],
ęcum drihtne, [alta polorum],
þæt he þine saule, [summus iudex],
onfo freolice, [factor aeternus],
and he gelæde [luce perhennem],
þær eadige [animę sanctę]
rice restað
[regna caelorum].
290. The Lord's Prayer II
Dobbie, 1942 70-74; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).[Pater noster].
þu eart ure fæder, ealles wealdend,
cyninc on wuldre. Forðam we clypiað to þe,
are biddað, nu þu yþost miht
sawle alysan. þu hig sændest ær
þurh þine æþelan hand in to þam flæsce;
ac hwar cymð heo nu,
buton þu, engla god, eft hig alyse,
sawle of synnum þurh þine soðan miht?
[Qui es in celis].
ðu eart on heofonum hiht and frofor,
blissa beorhtost; ealle abugað to þe,
þinra gasta þrym, anre stæfne
clypiað to Criste, cweþað ealle þus:
"Halig eart þu, halig, heofonengla cyningc,
drihten ure, and þine domas synd
rihte and rume,
ræcað efne gehwam,
æghwilcum men agen gewyrhta.
Wel bið ðam þe wyrcð willan þinne!"
[Sanctificetur nomen tuum].
Swa is gehalgod þin heah nama
swiðe mærlice manegum gereordum,
twa and hundseofontig, þæs þe secgað bec,
þæt þu, engla god, ealle gesettest
ælcere þeode þeaw and wisan.
þa wurþiað þin weorc wordum and dædum,
þurh gecynd clypiað and Crist heriað
and þin lof lædað, lifigenda god,
swa þu eart geæþelod geond ealle world.
[Adueniat regnum tuum].
Cum nu and mildsa, mihta waldend,
and us þin rice alyf, rihtwis dema,
earda selost and ece lif,
þar we sibbe and lufe
samod gemetað,
eagena beorhtnysse
and ealle mirhðe,
þar bið gehyred þin halige lof
and þin micele miht, mannum to frofre,
swa þu, engla god, eallum blissast.
[Fiat uoluntas tua].
Gewurðe þin willa, swa þu, waldend, eart
ece geopenod geond ealle world,
and þu þe silf eart soðfæst dema,
rice rædbora, geond rumne grund.
Swa þin heahsetl is heah and mære,
fæger and wurðlic, swa þin fæder worhte,
æþele and ece, þar ðu on sittest
on sinre swiðran healf. þu eart sunu and fæder,
ana ægþer; swa is þin æþele gecynd
micclum gemærsod, and þu monegum helpst,
ealra cyninga þrym, clypast ofer ealle.
Bið þin wuldorword wide gehyred,
þonne þu þine fyrde fægere geblissast,
sylest miht and mund micclum herige,
and þe þanciað þusenda fela,
eal engla þrym, anre stæfne.
[Sicut in celo].
Swa þe on heofonum heahþrymnesse
æþele and ece a þanciað,
clæne and gecorene Cristes þegnas,
singað and biddað soðfæstne god
are and gifnesse ealre þeode;
þonne þu him tiðast, tyreadig cyningc,
swa þu eadmod eart ealre worlde.
Sy þe þanc and lof þinre mildse,
wuldor and willa; þu gewurðod eart
on heofonrice, heah casere,
[Et in terra].
and on eorðan, ealra cyninga
help and heafod, halig læce,
reðe and rihtwis, rumheort hlaford.
þu geæþelodest þe ealle gesceafta,
and tosyndrodest hig siððan on manega,
sealdest ælcre
agene wisan
and a þine mildse ofer manna bearn.
[Panem nostrum cotidianum].
Swa mid sibbe sænst urne hlaf
dæghwamlice duguðe þinre,
rihtlice dælest
mete þinum mannum and him mare gehætst
æfter forðsiðe, þines fæder rice,
þæt wæs on fruman fægere gegearwod,
earda selost and ece lif,
gif we soð and riht symle gelæstað.
[Da nobis hodie].
Syle us to dæg, drihten, þine
mildse and mihta and ure mod gebig,
þanc and þeawas, on þin gewil.
Bewyrc us on heortan haligne gast
fæste on innan, and us fultum sile,
þæt we moton wyrcan willan þinne
and þe betæcan, tyreadig cyningc,
sawle ure on þines silfes hand.
[Et dimitte nobis debita nostra].
Forgif us ure synna, þæt us ne scamige eft,
drihten ure, þonne þu on dome sitst
and ealle men up arisað
þe fram wife and fram were wurdon acænned.
Beoð þa gebrosnodon
ban mid þam flæsce
ealle ansunde eft geworden;
þar we swutollice siððan oncnawað
eal þæt we geworhton on worldrice,
betere and wyrse, þar beoð buta geara.
Ne magon we hit na dyrnan, for ðam þe hit drihten wat,
and þar gewitnesse beoð wuldormicele,
heofonwaru and eorðwaru, helwaru þridde.
þonne bið egsa geond ealle world,
þar man us tyhhað on dæg twegen eardas,
drihtenes are oððe deofles þeowet,
swa hwaðer we geearniað her on life,
þa hwile þe ure mihta mæste wæron.
[Sicut et dimittimus debitoribus nostris].
Ac þonne us alyseð
lifigende god
sawle ure, swa we her forgifað
earmon mannum þe wið us agilt.
[Et ne nos inducas in temtationem].
And na us þu ne læt laðe beswican
on costunga, cwellan and bærnan
sawla ure, þeah we sinna fela
didon for ure disige dæges and nihtes,
idele spræce and unrihte weorc,
þine bodu bræcon. We þe biddað nu,
ælmihtig god, are and gifnesse;
ne læt swa heanlice þin handgeweorc
on endedæge eal forwurðan,
[Set libera nos a malo].
ac alys us of yfele. Ealle we beþurfon
godes gifnesse; we agylt habbað
and swiðe gesingod. We ðe, soðfæstan god,
heriað and lofiað, swa þu, hælend, eart
cynebearn gecydd cwycum and deadum,
æþele and ece ofer ealle þingc.
þu miht on anre hand eaðe befealdan
ealne middaneard. Swilc is mære cyningc.
Sy swa þu silf wilt, soðfæst dema;
we þe, engla god, ealle heriað,
swa þu eart gewurðod a on worlda forð.
291. The Gloria I
Dobbie, 1942 74-7; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).[Gloria.]
Sy þe wuldor and lof wide geopenod
geond ealle þeoda, þanc and wylla,
mægen and mildse and ealles modes lufu,
soðfæstra sib, and ðines sylfes dom
worulde gewlitegod, swa ðu wealdan miht
eall eorðan mægen and uplyfte,
wind and wolcna. Wealdest eall on riht.
[Patri et filio et spiritui sancto.]
þu eart frofra fæder and feorhhyrde,
lifes latteow, leohtes wealdend,
asyndrod fram synnum, swa ðin sunu mære
þurh clæne gecynd, cyning ofer ealle,
beald gebletsod, boca lareow,
heah higefrofer
and halig gast.
[Sicut erat in principio.]
Swa wæs on fruman frea mancynnes
ealre worulde wlite and frofer,
clæne and cræftig. þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, ece god, ana gewrohtest
þurh halige miht heofonas and eorðan,
eardas and uplyft and ealle þing.
þu settest on foldan swyðe feala cynna
and tosyndrodost hig syððon on mænego;
þu gewrohtest, ece god, ealle gesceafta
on syx dagum, and on þone seofoðan þu gerestest.
þa wæs geforðad þin fægere weorc,
and ðu sunnandæg sylf halgodest
and gemærsodest hine manegum to helpe.
þone heahan dæg healdað and freoðiaþ
ealle þa ðe cunnon cristene þeawas,
halige heortlufan and ðæs hehstan gebod;
on drihtnes namon se dæg is gewurðod.
[Et nunc et semper.]
And nu and symble þine soðan weorc
and ðin mycele miht manegum swytelað,
swa þine cræftas heo cyðaþ wide
ofer ealle woruld; ece standeþ
godes handgeweorc, groweð swa ðu hete.
Ealle þe heriað halige dreamas
clænre stefne and cristene bec,
eall middaneard, and we men cweþað
on grunde her: "Gode lof and ðanc,
ece willa, and ðin agen dom!"
[Et in secula seculorum.]
And on worulda woruld wunað and rixað
cyning innan wuldre and his þa gecorenan,
heahþrymnesse haliges gastes,
wlitige englas and wuldorgyfe,
soðe sibbe, sawla þancung,
modes miltse. þær is seo mæste lufu;
haligdomes heofonas syndon
þurh þine ecan word
æghwær fulle,
swa syndon þine mihta ofer middangeard
swutele and gesyne, þæt ðu hy sylf worhtest.
We þæt soðlice secgað ealle:
þurh clæne gecynd þu eart cyning on riht,
clæne and cræftig. þu gecyddest þæt
þa ðu, mihtig god, man geworhtest
and him on dydest oruð and sawul,
sealdest word and gewitt and wæstma gecynd,
cyddest þine cræftas. Swylc is Cristes miht!
292. The Lord's Prayer III
Dobbie, 1942 77-8; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).[Pater noster qui es in cęlis.]
Fæder manncynnes, frofres ic þe bidde,
halig drihten, þu ðe on heofonum eart.
[Sanctificetur nomen tuum.]
þæt sy gehalgod, hygecræftum fæst,
þin nama nu ða, neriende Crist,
in urum ferhðlocan fæste gestaðelod.
[Adueniat regnum tuum.]
Cume nu to mannum, mihta wealdend,
þin rice to us, rihtwis dema,
and ðin geleafa in lifdæge
on urum mode mære þurhwunige.
[Fiat uolontas tua sicut in cęlo et in terra.]
And þin willa mid us weorðe gelæsted
on eardunge eorðan rices,
swa hluttor is in heofonwuldre,
wynnum gewlitegod a to worulde forð.
[Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.]
Syle us nu to dæge, drihten gumena,
heofena heahcyning, hlaf urne,
þone ðu onsendest sawlum to hæle
on middaneard manna cynnes;
þæt is se clæna Crist, drihten god.
[Et dimitte nobis debita nostra.]
Forgyf us, gumena weard, gyltas and synna,
and ure leahtras alet, lices wunda
and mandæda, swa we mildum wið ðe,
ælmihtigum gode, oft abylgeað,
[Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.]
swa swa we forlætað leahtras on eorþan
þam þe wið us oft agyltað,
and him womdæde witan ne þencað
for earnunge ecan lifes.
[Et no nos inducas in temptationem.]
Ne læd þu us to wite in wean sorge
ne in costunge, Crist nerigende,
þy læs we arlease ealra þinra mildsa
þurh feondscipe fremde weorðan.
[Sed libera nos a malo.]
And wið yfele gefreo us eac nu ða
feonda gehwylces; we in ferhðlocan,
þeoden engla, ðanc and wuldor,
soð sigedrihten, secgað georne,
þæs ðe þu us milde mihtum alysdest
fram hæftnyde hellewites.
Weorðe þæt.
293. The Creed
Dobbie, 1942 78-80; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).[Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem.]
ælmihtig fæder up on rodore,
þe ða sciran gesceaft sceope and worhtest
and eorðan wang ealne gesettest,
ic þe ecne god ænne gecenne,
lustum gelyfe. þu eart lifes frea,
engla ordfruma, eorðan wealdend,
and ðu garsecges grundas geworhtest,
and þu
menegu canst mærra tungla.
[Et in Iesum Christum filium eius unicum, dominum nostrum.]
Ic on sunu þinne soðne gelyfe,
hælendne cyning, hider asendne
of ðam uplican engla rice,
þone Gabriel, godes ærendraca,
sanctan Marian sylfre gebodode.
Ides unmæne, heo þæt ærende
onfeng freolice, and ðe fæder sylfne
under breostcofan bearn acende.
Næs ðær gefremmed firen æt giftum,
ac þær halig gast handgyft sealde,
þære fæmnan bosm fylde mid blisse,
and heo cuðlice cende swa mærne
eorðbuendum engla scyppend,
se to frofre gewearð foldbuendum,
and ymbe Bethleem bodedan englas
þæt acenned wæs Crist on eorðan.
[Passus sub Pontio Pilato.]
ða se pontisca Pilatus weold
under Romwarum rices and doma,
þa se deora frea deað þrowade,
on gealgan stah, gumena drihten,
þone geomormod Iosep byrigde,
and he of helle huðe gefette,
of þam suslhofe, sawla manega,
het ða uplicne eþel secan.
[Tertia die resurrexit a mortuis.]
þæs þy ðriddan dæge þeoda wealdend
aras, rices frea,
recene of moldan,
and he [XL] daga folgeras sine
runum arette, and ða his rice began,
þone uplican eðel secan,
cwæð þæt he nolde nænne forlætan
þe him forð ofer þæt fylian wolde
and mid fæstum sefan freode gelæstan.
[Credo in spiritum sanctum.]
Ic haligne gast hihte beluce,
emne swa ecne swa is aðor gecweden,
fæder oððe freobearn, folca gereordum.
Ne synd þæt þreo godas, þriwa genemned,
ac is an god, se ðe ealle hafað
þa þry naman þinga gerynum,
soð and sigefæst ofer side gesceaft,
wereda wuldorgyfa, wlanc and ece.
[Sanctum ęcclesiam catholicam.]
Eac ic gelyfe þæt syn leofe gode
þe þurh ænne geþanc ealdor heriað,
heofona heahcyning her for life,
[Sanctorum communionem.]
and ic gemænscipe mærne getreowe
þinra haligra her for life.
[Remissionem peccatorum.]
Lisse ic gelyfe leahtra gehwylces,
[Carnis resurrectionem.]
and ic þone ærest ealra getreowe,
flæsces on foldan on þa forhtan tid,
[Et uitam ęternam.]
þær ðu ece lif eallum dælest,
swa her manna gehwylc metode gecwemað.
294. Fragment of Psalm 5
[Verba mea auribus percipe, domine; intellege clamorem meum.]
Word þu min onfoh, wuldres ealdor,
and mid earum gehyr, ece drihten.
[Intende uoci orationis mę
ę, rex meus et deus meus.]
Ongyt mine clypunga cuðum gereorde,
beheald min gebed holdum mode;
þu eart min cyning and eac ece god.
[Quoniam ad te orabo: Domine, mane exaudies uocem meam.]
Forðon ic to ðe, ece drihten,
soðum gebidde, and ðu symble gehyr
morgena gehwylce mine stefne.
[Mane adstabo tibi et uidebo, quoniam nos deus uolens iniquitatem tu es.]
Ic þe æt stande ær on morgen
and ðe sylfne geseo; forðon ic to soðe wat
þæt ðu unriht ne wilt ænig, drihten.
295. Fragment of Psalm 19
[Domine, saluum fac regem, et exaudi nos in die qui inuocauerimus te.]
Do, drihten, cyng dædum halne,
and us eac gehyr holdum mode,
swylce we ðe daga, drihten, cigen.
296. Fragment of Psalm 24
[Uias tuas, domine, notas fac mihi, et semitas tuas edoce me.]
Do me wegas þine wise, drihten,
and me ðinra stiga
stapas eac gelær.
[Dirige me in ueritate tua, et doce me, quia tu es deus salutaris meus et te sustinui tota die.]
Gerece me on ræde and me ricene gelær,
þæt ic on þinre soðfæstnysse simble lyfige.
[Reminiscrere miserationum tuarum, domine, et misericordię tuę, quę a seculo sunt.]
Wes ðu gemyndig miltsa þinra,
þe ðu, drihten, dydest syððan dagas wæron,
and ðu wislice þas woruld gesettest.
[Delicta iuuentutis meę, et ignorantias meas ne memineris, domine; secundum magnam misericordiam tuam memor esto mei, deus.]
Ne gemynega þu me minra fyrena
gramra to georne, þe ic geong dyde
and me uncuðe æghwær wæron;
for ðinre þære myclan mildheortnysse
weorð gemyndig min, mihtig drihten.
297. Fragment of Psalm 27
[Saluum fac populum tuum, domine, et benedic hereditati tuę, et rege eos et extolle illos usque in aeternum.]
Hal do þin folc, halig drihten,
and ðin yrfe eac eal gebletsa;
rece þu heo swylce and on riht ahefe,
þæt hi on worulde
wynnum lifigen.
298. Fragment of Psalm 32
[Fiat misericordia tua, domine, super nos, quemadmodum sperauimus in te.]
Wese þin mildheortnys, mihtig drihten,
wel ofer us, swa we wenað on ðe.
299. Fragment of Psalm 34
[Iudica, domine, nocentes me; expugna inpugnantes me.]
Dem, drihten, nu þa me deredon ær,
afeoht swylce þa me fuhtan to.
[Adprehende arma et scutum, et exsurge in adiutorium michi.]
Gegrip gar and scyld, and me georne gestand
on fultume wið feonda gryre.
[Effunde frameam et conclude aduersus eos qui me persecuntur; dic anime mę
ę, Salus tua ego sum.]
Heald me herewæpnum wið unholdum
and wige beluc wraðum feondum
þe min ehtend ealle syndon;
sæge þonne syððan sawle minre
þæt ðu hire on hæle hold gestode.
300. Fragment of Psalm 40
[Ego dixi, Domine, miserere mei; sana animam meam, quia peccaui tibi.]
Ic nu mægene cweðe: "Miltsa me, drihten,
hæl mine sawle, forðon me hreoweð nu
þæt ic firene on ðe fremede geneahhige."
301. Fragment of Psalm 43
[Exsurge, domine, adiuua nos, et libera nos propter nomen tuum.]
Aris, drihten, nu and us ricene do
fælne fultum, and us æt feondum ahrede,
forðon we naman þinne nyde lufiað.
302. Fragment of Psalm 50
Fragment of Psalm 50
[Miserere mei, deus, secundam magnam misericordiam tuam.]
Mildsa me, mihtig drihten, swa ðu manegum dydest,
æfter ðinre þære mycelan mildheortnysse.
[Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis, et omnes iniquitates meas dele.]
Awend þine ansyne a fram minum
fræcnum fyrenum, and nu forð heonon
eall min unriht adwæsc æghwær symle.
[Cor mundum crea in me, deus, et spiritum rectum innoua in uisceribus meis.]
Syle me, halig god, heortan clæne,
and rihtne gast, god, geniwa
on minre gehigde huru, min drihten.
[Ne proicias me a facie tua, et spiritum sanctum tuum ne auferas a me.]
Ne awyrp þu me, wuldres ealdor,
fram ðinre ansyne æfre to feore,
ne huru on weg aber þone halgan gast,
þæt he me færinga fremde wyrðe.
[Redde michi lętitiam salutaris tui, et spiritu principali confirma me.]
Syle me þinre hælu holde blisse,
and me ealdorlice æþele gaste
on ðinne willan getryme, weroda drihten.
303. Fragment of Psalm 53
Fragment of Psalm 53
[Deus, in momine tuo saluum me fac, et in uirtute tua libera me.]
On þinum þam halgan naman, gedo me halne, god;
alys me fram laðum þurh þin leofe mægen.
304. Fragment of Psalm 58
Fragment of Psalm 58
[Eripe me de inimicis meis, deus meus, et ab insurgentibus in me libera me.]
Ahrede me, halig god, hefiges niðes
feonda minra, þe me feohtað to;
alys me fram laðum þe me lungre on
risan willað, nymþe þu me ræd gife.
[Eripe me de operantibus iniquitatem, et de uiris sanguinum salua me.]
Genere me fram niðe nahtfremmendra
þe her unrihtes ealle wyrceað,
and me wið blodhreowes weres bealuwe gehæle.
305. Fragment of Psalm 60
[Sic psalmum dicam nomini tuo, deus, in seculum seculi, ut reddam uota mea de die in diem.]
Swa ic naman þinum neode singe,
þæt ic min gehat her agylde
of dæge on dæg, swa hit gedefe wese.
306. Fragment of Psalm 64
[Exaudi nos, deus salutaris noster, spes omnium finium terre et in mari longe.]
Gehyr us, hælend god, þu eart hiht ealra
þe on ðisse eorðan utan syndon
oððe feor on sæ foldum wuniað.
307. Fragment of Psalm 69
[Deus, in adiutorium meum intende; domine, ad adiuuandum me festina.]
Wes, drihten god, deore fultum;
beheald, drihten, me, and me hraðe syððan
gefultuma æt feorhþearfe.
308. Fragment of Psalm 70
[Repleatur os meum laude tua, ut possim cantare gloriam tuam, tota die magnificentiam tuam.]
Sy min muð and min mod mægne gefylled,
þæt ic þin lof mæge lustum singan
and wuldor ðin wide mærsian
and ðe ealne dæg æghwær herian.
309. Fragment of Psalm 79
[Domine deus uirtutum, conuerte nos et ostende faciem tuam, et salui erimus.]
Gehweorf us, mægna god, and us milde æteow
þinne andwlitan; ealle we beoð hale.
310. Fragment of Psalm 84
[Conuerte nos, deus salutaris noster, et auerte iram tuam a nobis.]
Gehweorf us hraðe, hælend drihten,
and ðin yrre fram us eac oncyrre.
311. Fragment of Psalm 87
[Et ego ad te, domine, clamaui, et mane oratio mea preueniet te.]
Ic me to ðe, ece drihten,
mid modgehygde mægne clypode,
and min gebed morgena gehwylce
fore sylfne ðe soðfæst becume.
312. Fragment of Psalm 89
[Conuertere, domine, aliquantulum, et deprecabilis esto super seruos tuos.]
Gehweorf us hwæthwygu, halig drihten;
wes ðinum scealcum wel eaðbene.
[Respice in seruos tuos et in opera tua, domine, et dirige filios eorum.]
Geseoh þine scealcas swæsum eagum,
and on þin agen weorc, ece drihten,
and heora bearn gerece bliðum mode.
[Et sit splendor domini dei nostri super nos, et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos, et opus manuum nostrarum dirige.]
Wese us beorhtnys ofer bliðan drihtnes,
ures þæs godan godes georne ofer ealle;
gerece ure handgeweorc heah ofer usic.
313. Fragment of Psalm 101
[Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et clamor meus ad te perueniat.]
þu min gebed, mære drihten,
gehyr, heofones weard, and gehlyde min
to ðe becume, þeoda reccend.
314. Fragment of Psalm 102
[Benedic, anima mea, domino, et omnia interiora mea nomen sanctum eius.]
Bletsa, mine sawle, bliðe drihten,
and eall min inneran his þone ecan naman.
[Benedic, anima mea, domino, et noli obliuisci omnes retributiones eius.]
Bletsige, mine sawle, bealde drihten,
ne wilt ðu ofergeotul æfre weorðan
ealra goda þe he ðe ær dyde.
[Qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis, qui sanat omnes languores tuos.]
He þinum mandædum miltsade eallum
and ðine adle ealle gehælde.
[Qui redemit de interitu uitam tuam, qui sanat in bonis desiderium tuum.]
Se alysde þin lif leof of forwyrde,
fylde þinne willan fægere mid gode.
[Qui coronat te in miseratione et misericordia; renouabitur sicut aquile iuuentus tua.]
He ðe gesigefæste soðre mildse
and ðe mildheorte mode getrymede;
eart ðu edniwe earne gelicost
on geoguðe nu gleaw geworden.
315. Fragment of Psalm 118
[Uiuet anima mea et laudabit te, et iudicia tua adiuuabunt me.]
Leofað sawul min and ðe lustum hereð,
and me þine domas dædum fultumiað.
[Erraui sicut ouis que perierat; require seruum tuum, domine, quia mandata tua non sum oblitus.]
Ic gedwelede swa þæt dysige sceap,
þæt ðe forwurðan wolde huru;
la, sec þinne esne elne, drihten,
forðon ic ðinra beboda ne forgeat beorhtra æfre.
316. Fragment of Psalm 121
[Fiat pax in uirtute tua, et abundantia in turribus tuis.]
Sy ðe on ðinum mægne sib mæst and fyrmest,
and on þinum torrum wese tidum genihtsum.
317. Fragment of Psalm 139
[Eripe me, domine, ab homine malo; a uiro iniquo libera me.]
Genere me wið niþe on naman þinum,
fram yfelum men, ece drihten.
318. Fragment of Psalm 140
[Dirigatur, domine, ad te oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo.]
Sy on ðinre gesihðe mines sylfes gebed
full ricene gereht, swa recels bið,
þonne hit gifre gleda bærnað.
319. The Kentish Hymn
Dobbie, 1942 87-8; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Wuton wuldrian weorada dryhten
halgan hlioðorcwidum, hiofenrices weard,
lufian liofwendum, lifęs agend,
and him simle sio sigefęst wuldor
uppe mid ænglum, and on eorðan sibb
gumena gehwilcum goodes willan.
We ðe heriað halgum stefnum
and þe blætsiað,
bilewit fęder,
and ðe þanciað, þioda walden,
ðines weorðlican wuldordreames
and ðinra miclan mægena gerena,
ðe ðu, god dryhten, gastes mæhtum
hafest on gewealdum hiofen and eorðan,
an ece fęder, ælmehtig god.
ðu eart cyninga cyningc cwicera gehwilces,
ðu eart sigefest sunu and soð hęlend
ofer ealle gescęft angla and manna.
ðu, dryhten god, on dreamum wunast
on ðære upplican æðelan ceastre,
frea folca gehwæs, swa ðu æt fruman wære
efeneadig bearn agenum fæder.
ðu eart heofenlic lioht and ðæt halige lamb,
ðe ðu manscilde middangeardes
for þinre arfęstnesse ealle towurpe,
fiond geflæmdest, follc generedes,
blode gebohtest bearn Israela,
ða ðu ahofe ðurh ðæt halige triow
ðinre ðrowunga ðriostre senna,
þæt ðu on hæahsetle heafena rices
sitest sigehræmig on ða swiðran hand
ðinum godfæder, gasta gemyndig.
Mildsa nu, meahtig, manna cynne,
and of leahtrum ales ðine ða liofan gescęft,
and us hale gedo, heleða sceppend,
niða nergend, for ðines naman are.
ðu eart soðlice simle halig,
and ðu eart ana æce dryhten,
and ðu ana bist eallra dema
cwucra ge deadra, Crist nergende,
forðan ðu on ðrymme ricsast and on ðrinesse
and on annesse, ealles waldend,
hiofena heahcyninc, haliges gastes
fegere gefelled in fæder wuldre.
320. Psalm 50
Dobbie, 1942 88-94; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Dauid wæs haten diormod hæleð,
Israela bręga, æðelæ and rice,
cyninga cynost, Criste liofost.
Wæs he under hiofenum hearpera mærost
ðara we an folcum gefrigen hæbben.
Sangere he wæs soðfæstest, swiðe geðancol
to ðingienne þiodum sinum
wið þane mildostan manna sceppend.
Wæs se dryhtnes ðiowa Dauid æt wige
soð sigecempa, searocyne man,
casere creaftig, þonne cumbulgebrec
on gewinndagum weorðan scoldan.
Hwęðere him geiode, swa ful oft gedeð
þætte godferhte gylt gefræmmað
þurh lichaman lene geðohtas.
Gelamp þæt him mon ansende saula neriend,
witgan mid wordum, weorada dominus,
and secgan het, selfum gecyðan
ymb his womdeda waldendes doom,
þæt se fruma wære his feores sceldig,
for ðam þe he Uriam het aldre beneman,
fromne ferdrinc fere beserode,
and him Bezabe brohte to wife
for gitsunga, þe he godes eorre
þurh his selfes weorc sona anfunde.
Him ða ðingode þioda aldor,
Dauid georne, and to dryhtne gebæd,
and his synna hord selfa ontende,
gyltas georne gode andhette,
weoruda dryhtne, and ðus wordum spæc:
[Miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.]
"Miltsa ðu me, meahta walden, nu ðu wast manna geðohtas,
help ðu, hælend min, handgeweorces
þines anes, ælmehtig god,
efter þinre ðære miclan
[Et secundum multitudinem miserationem tuarum dele iniquitatem meam.]
Ond eac efter menio miltsa ðinra,
dryhten weoruda, adilga min unriht
to forgefenesse gaste minum.
[Amplius laua me ab iniustitia mea et a delicta mea munda mæ.]
Aðweah me of sennum, saule fram wammum,
gasta sceppend, geltas geclansa,
þa ðe ic on aldre æfre gefremede
ðurh lichaman leðre geðohtas.
[Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego agnosco et delictum meum coram me est semper.]
Forðan ic unriht min eal oncnawe,
and eac synna gehwær selfum æt eagan,
firendeda geðrec beforan standeð,
scelda scinað; forgef me, sceppen min,
lifes liohtfruma, ðinre lufan blisse.
[Tibi soli peccaui et malum coram te feci ut iustificeris in sermonibus tuis et uincas dum iudicaris.]
Nu ic anum ðe oft syngode,
and yfela feola eac gefræmede,
gelta gramhegdig, ic ðe, gasta breogo,
helende Crist, helpe bidde,
ðæt me forgefene gastes wunde
an forðgesceaft feran mote,
þy ðine wordcwidas weorðan gefelde,
ðæt ðu ne wilnast weora æniges deað;
ac ðu synfulle simle lærdes
ðæt hio cerrende Criste herdon
and hiom lif mid ðe langsum begęton,
swilce ðu æt dome, dryhten, oferswiðdest
ealra synna cynn, saula neriend.
[Ecce enim iniquitatibus.]
Ic on unrihtum eac ðan in synnum
geeacnod wæs. ðu ðæt ana wast,
mæhtig dryhten, hu me modor gebær
in scame and in sceldum; forgef me, sceppend min,
ðæt ic fram ðæm synnum selfa gecerre,
þa ðe mine ældran ær geworhtan
and ic selfa eac sioððan beeode.
[Ecce enim ueritatem.]
Ac ðu, selua god, soð an lufast;
þy ic ðe mid benum biddan wille
lifes and lisse, liohtes aldor,
forðan ðu me uncuðe eac ðan derne
þinre snetera hord selfa ontendes.
[Asperies me ysopo et mundabor.]
ðu me, meahtig god, milde and bliðe
þurh ysopon ealne ahluttra,
þonne ic geclænsod Criste hero,
and eac ofer snawe self scinende
þinre sibbe lufan sona gemete.
[Auditui meo dabis gaudium.]
Ontyn nu, elmehtig, earna hleoðor,
þæt min gehernes hehtful weorðe
on gefean bliðse forðweard to ðe;
ðanne bioð on wenne, waldend, simle
þa gebrocenan ban, bilwit dominus,
ða þe on hænðum ær hwile wæron.
[Auerte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes.]
Ahwerf nu fram synnum, saula neriend,
and fram misdedum minra gylta
þine ansione, ælmeahtig god,
and ðurh miltsunga meahta þinra
ðu unriht min eall adilga.
[Cor mundum crea in me deus et spiritum rectum.]
æc ðu, dryhten Crist, clęne hiortan
in me, mehtig god, modswiðne geðanc
to ðolienne ðinne willan
and to healdenne halige domas,
and ðu rihtne gast, rodera waldend,
in ferðe minum feste geniowa.
[Ne proicias me a facie tuae et spiritum sanctum tuum.]
Ne aweorp ðu me, weoruda dryhten,
fram ansione ealra þinra miltsa,
ne ðane godan fram me gast haligne
aferre, domine, frea ælmeahtig,
þinra arna me eal ne bescerwe.
[Redde mihi letitiam.]
Sæle nu bliðse me, bilewit dominus,
þinre hælo heht, helm alwihta,
and me, lifgende liohtes hiorde,
gaste ðine, god selfa, getreme,
ðæt ic aldorlice a forð sioððan
to ðinum willan weorðan mote.
[Doceam iniquos uias tuas et impii ad te.]
Simle ic ðine weogas wanhogan lærde,
ðæt hio arlease eft gecerdan
to hiora selfra saula hiorde,
god selfa, to ðe gastes mundberd
ðurh sibbe lufan seocan scoldan.
[Libera me de sanguinibus.]
Befreo me an ferðe, fæder mancynnes,
fram blodgete and bealaniðum,
god lifigende, gylta geclansa,
helo and helpend, hiofenrices weard;
ðanne tunge min triowfest blissað
for ðines selfes soðfestnesse.
[Domine labia mea aperies et os meum adnuntiauit.]
Ontyn nu, waldend god, weoloras mine;
swa min muð sioððan mæhte ðine
and lof georne liodum to bliðse,
soð sigedryhten,
secgende wæs.
[Quoniam si uoluisses.]
Ic ðe onsegednesse sona brohte,
weoruda dryhtne, ðer ðu wolde swa,
ða ðu þæt ne lufedest, lifes bretta,
ðæt ic ðe bernelac
brengan moste
deadra neata, dryhtne to willan.
[Sacrificium deo spiritus contribulatus.]
Ac ðe micle ma, mehtig dryhten,
lifiende Crist, liicwerðe bið
se gehnysta gast, hiorte geclansod
and geeadmeded ingeþancum;
ða ðu, ælmæhtig, æfre ne æwest.
[Benigne fact domine in bona uoluntate.]
Gedoo nu fræmsume frofre ðine
to ðinum godan gastes willan,
ðætte Sione dun sigefest weorðe,
and weallas Sion wynfęste getremed,
Hierusolimę, god lifiende.
[Tunc acceptabis sacrificium.]
Swa þu, frea meahtig, anfehst siþðan
liofwende lac lioda þinra,
hælend manna; hio ðæt halige cealf
on wigbed þin willum asettað,
liohtes aldor. Forgef me, lifigende
meotod mancynnes, mæhtig dominus,
ðæt ða sorhfullan saule wunde,
þa ðe ic on ælde
uel on giogeðe
in flæschaman gefręmed hæbbe
leahtra hegeleasra, mid lufan þinre
gastæ forgeofene
glidan mote."
Swæ þingode þiode aldor,
Dauid to dryhtne, deda gemyndig,
þæt hine męhtig god mannum to frofre
ðæs cynedomes, Crist neriende,
waldende god, weorðne munde.
Forðon he gebette balaniða hord
mid eaðmede ingeþance,
ða ðe he on ferðe gefręmed hæfde,
gastes wunde. Forgef us, god mæahtig,
þæt we synna hord simle oferwinnan
and us geearnian æce dreamas
an lifigendra landes wenne.
321. The Gloria II
Dobbie, 1942 94; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Wuldor sy ðe and wurðmynt, wereda drihten,
fæder on foldan, fægere gemæne,
mid sylfan sunu and soðum gaste.
322. A Prayer
Dobbie, 1942 94-6; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).æla, drihten leof! æla, dema god!
Geara me, ece waldend.
Ic wat mine saule synnum forwundod;
gehæl þu hy, heofena drihten,
and gelacna þu hy, lifes ealdor,
forþan ðu eðest miht ealra læca
ðæra þe gewurde side oððe wyde.
æla, frea beorhta, folkes scippend!
Gemilsa þyn mod me to gode,
sile þyne are
þynum earminge.
Se byð earming
þe on eorðan her
dæiges and nihtes deofle campað
and hys willan wyrcð; wa him þære mirigðe,
þonne he ða handlean hafað and sceawað,
bute he þæs yfeles ær geswyce.
Se byð eadig, se þe on eorðan her
dæiges and nyhtes drihtne hyræð
and a hys willan wyrcð; wel hym þæs geweorkes,
ðonne he ða handlean hafað and sceawað,
gyf he ealteawne ende gedreogeð.
æla, leohtes leoht! æla, lyfes wynn!
Getiþa me, tireadig kyning,
þonne ic minre sawle swegles bydde,
ece are. þu eart eaðe, god,
hæfst and waldest
ana ofer ealle eorðan and heofonas
syddra gesceafta. ðu eart soð meotod,
ana ofer ealle eorðbugende,
swilce on heofonum up þu eart hælend god.
Ne mæg þe aherian hæleða ænig;
þeh us gesomnie geond sidne grund,
men ofer moldan, geond ealne middaneard,
ne mage we næfre asæcgan, ne þæt soðe witan,
hu þu æðele eart, ece drihten.
Ne þeah engla werod up on heofenum
snotra tosomne sæcgan ongunnon,
ne magon hy næfre areccean, ne þæt gerim wytan,
hu þu mære eart, mihtig drihten.
Ac is wunder mycel, wealdend engla,
gif þu hit sylfa wast, sigores ealdor,
hu þu mære eart, mihtig and mægenstrang,
ealra kyninga kyning, Crist lifiende,
ealra worulda scippend, wealdend engla,
ealra dugeþa duguð, drihten hælend.
ðu eart se æðela þe on ærdagum
ealra femnena wyn fægere akende
on Bethleem ðære byrig beornum to frofre,
eallum to are ylda bearnum,
þam þe gelyfað on lyfiendne god
and on þæt ece leoht uppe on roderum.
ðyn mægen ys swa mære, mihtig drihten,
swa þæt ænig ne wat eorðbuende
þa deopnesse drihtnes mihta,
ne þæt ænig ne wat engla hades
þa heahnisse heofena kyninges.
Ic þe andette, ælmihtig god,
þæt ic gelyfe on þe, leofa hælend,
þæt þu eart se miccla and se mægenstranga
and se eadmoda ealra goda
and se ece kyning ealra gesceafta,
and ic eom se litla for þe and se lyðra man,
se her syngige swiðe genehhe,
dæges and nihtes do, swa ic ne sceolde,
hwile mid weorce, hwile mid worde,
hwile mid geþohte, þearle scyldi,
inwitniðas oft and gelome.
Ac ic þe halsige nu, heofena drihten,
and gebidde me to þe, bearna selost,
þæt ðu gemilsige me, mihtig drihten,
heofena heahkyning and se halga gast,
and gefylste me, fæder ælmihtig,
þæt ic þinne willan gewyrcean mæge,
ær ic of þysum lænan
lyfe gehweorfe.
Ne forweorn þu me, wuldres drihten,
ac getyþa me, tyreadig kyning,
læt me mid englum up siðian,
sittan on swegle,
herian heofonas god haligum reorde
a butan ende. Amen.
323. Thureth
Dobbie, 1942 97; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Ic eom halgungboc; healde hine dryhten
þe me fægere þus frætewum belegde.
þureð to þance þus het me wyrcean,
to loue and to wurðe, þam þe leoht gesceop.
Gemyndi is he mihta gehwylcre
þæs þe he on foldan gefremian mæg,
and him geþancie þeoda waldend
þæs þe he on gemynde madma manega
wyle gemearcian metode to lace;
and he sceal ęce lean ealle findan
þæs þe he on foldan fremaþ to ryhte.
324. Aldhelm
Dobbie, 1942 97-8; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).þus me gesette [sanctus et iustus]
beorn boca gleaw, [bonus auctor],
Ealdelm, æþele sceop, [etiam fuit
ipselos] on æðele
byscop on Bretene. Biblos ic nu sceal,
[ponus et pondus pleno cum sensu],
geonges geanoðe geomres [iamiamque],
secgan soð, nalles leas, þæt him symle wæs
[euthenia] oftor on fylste,
æne on eðle ec ðon ðe se is
yfel on gesæd. [Etiam nusquam]
ne sceal ladigan [labor quem tenet]
encratea, ac he ealneg sceal
boethia biddan georne
þurh his modes gemind [micro in cosmo],
þæt him drihten gyfe dinams on eorðan,
[fortis factor], þæt he forð simle
325. The Seasons for Fasting
Dobbie, 1942 98-104; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Wæs on ealddagum Israheala folc
þurh Moysen, mærne lareow,
anlyht and gelared, swa hine lifes frea,
heofna heahcyning, her on life
þurh his sylfes word sette for leodum,
rincum to ræde, and him runa gescead
sylfum asæde, hu he þone soþan weg
leofum leodscipe læran sceolde.
þa se leoda fruma larum fyligde
heofena heahcyninges, and þa hæleþ samod,
swa hie on leodscipe lærede wæron;
gyf hie wancule
weorc ongunnon,
heom þæs of heofonum hearm to leane
asende sigora god, and hie sona to him
fryþa wilnodan and þær fundon raþe,
gif hie leohtras heora letan gewyrpan.
Feala is mægena þe sio mære þeod
on þam herescype heold and worhte,
þendan hie lifes frean lufian woldon;
ac him se ende wearð earm and þrealic,
þa hie besyredon sylfne dryhten,
on beam setton and to byrgenne
gedemdon; he þær bedigled wæs,
and þy þryddan dæge þeodum ætywed.
We þæt gehyrdon hæleþa mænige
on bocstafum breman and writan,
þæt hie fæstenu feower heoldon
and þonne offredan unmæne neat,
þæt is lamb oþþe styrc, leofum to tacne
þe for worulde wæs womma bedæled.
Ac arisan ongan rices ealdor
of byrgenne, blæda gefylled,
and mid heofenwarum ham gesohte,
eard mid englum, and us eallum þone
hyht and gehateð, gyf we his willaþ
þurh rihtne sefan rædum fyligan.
Na þær in cumeð atele gefylled,
womme gewesed, ac scal on wyrd sceacan.
Nu we herian sceolan her for life
deorne dædfruman, and him geara gerim
ælmesdædum ure gefyllan,
and on fæstenum, swa se froda iu
Moyses mælde, and we þa mearce sceolan
heoldan higefæste mid Anglum,
swa hie gebrefde us beorn on Rome,
Gregorius, gumena papa.
We þæt forme sceolan fæsten heowan
on þære ærestan
wucan lengtenes,
on þam monþe þe man Martius
geond Romwara rice nemneð,
and þær twelfe sceolan torhtum dihte
runa gerædan in þæs rican hofe,
heofona heahcyninges, herian mid sange,
wlancne weorþian wuldres bryttan.
Ofer þa Eastertid oþer fæsten
ys to bremenne Brytena leodum
mid gelicum lofe, þe gelesen hafað
on þære wucan þe æfter cumeð
þam sunnandæge þe geond sidne wang
Pentecostenes dæg preostas nemnað,
on þam monþe, þæs þe me þinceð,
þe man Iunius gearum nemde.
ðonne is þæt þrydde þinga gehwelces
fæsten on foldan fyra bearnum
dihte gelicum on þam deoran hofe
to brymenne beorhtum sange
on þære wucan þe ærur byð
emnihtes dæge ælda beornum,
on þam monþe, mine gefræge,
þe man September genemneð.
We þæt feorþe sceolen
fæsten gelæstan
on þære wucan þe bið ærur full
dryhtnes gebyrde, and we mid deornum scylan
wordum and weorcum wuldres cyninge
in þa ylcan tid eallum gemynde
þeodne deman þinga gehwylces,
efne swa swa ærran, and þone arwesan
leofne leoda frean lifes biddan.
On þissum fæstenum is se feorþa dæg
and sixta samod
seofoþa getinge
to gelæstanne lifes ealdre
and to bremenne boca gerynum
emb þa nigoþan tyd; nan is on eorþan,
butan hine unhæl an geþreatige,
þe mot, hæt, oþþe wæt ærur þingan,
þæs þe us boca dom þeodlic demeð.
Gif þe þonne secgan suþan cymene
bryttan Franca, þæt þu gebann sceole
her on eorþan ænig healdan,
þæs þe Moyses iu
mælde to leodum,
na þu þæs andfeng æfre gewyrþe,
ac þu þæt sylfe heald þæt þe suþan com
from Romana
rices hyrde,
Gregoriæ, gumena papa.
þus he gesette sylf ond dyhte
þa þenunga, þeodlareow,
fæstendtida; we þam forþ nu gyt
geond Engla land estum filiað.
Swa he æt þæm setle sylfa gedemde,
sancte Petres preostas syþþan
lange lifes tyd leordun þæt sylfe,
þæt þu oþrum ne scealt æfre filian.
Eac we feowertig daga fæsten healden
ær þæm æriste ures dryhtnes,
þæt nu lengtentid leoda nemnað,
and hit ærest ongan eorl se goda,
mære Moyses, ær he on munt styge;
he þæt fæsten heold feowertig daga
and nyhta samod, swa he nahtes anbat
ær he þa deoran æ dryhtnes anfenge.
Him þær gesealde
sylfe dryhten
bremne boca cræft, bæle behlæned,
of his haligan handa gescrifene,
het hine leodum þone leoran and tæcan
elda orþancum
eallum to tacne,
þæt we mid fæstene magon freode gewinnan
and þa deopan dryhtnes gerynu,
þa þe leoran sceolan leoda gehwylce,
gif us þære duguþe hwæt dryhten sylleð.
Eft Helias, eorl se mæra,
him on westene wiste geþigede,
þær him symbelbread somod mid wætere
dryhtnes engla sum dihte togeanes,
and se
gestrangud wearð styþum gyfle
to gefæstenne feowertig daga
and nihta samod, swa he nahtes anbat
ær he on Horeb dun hali ferde.
Uton þæt gerine rihte gehicgan,
þæt se mæra þegen
mihta ne hæfde
to astigenne stæppon on ypplen
ær him þæt symbel wearþ seald fram engle.
We sint on westene wuldres blisse
on þæm ænete ealra gefeana;
nu is helpes tid, halig dryhten,
hu we munt þinne mærne gestygan.
Sint for englas geteald
þa þe dryhtnes word dædum lærað.
We þa andlifene ofstum þycgen
and þone deoran wist, dryhtnes lare;
uton fæstan swa fyrene dædum
on forhæfenesse her for life,
þæt we þæs muntes mægen mærþa gestigan
swa se ealda dyde
Elias iu.
Is to hicganne hu se halga gewat
of þissum wangstede wuldres neosian;
hine fyren scryd feower mærum
wlangum wicgum on weg ferede
on neorxnawong, þær us nergend Crist
gehaten hafað ham mid blisse,
gif we þæt fæsten her fyrena gelæstað
and þone uplican æþel secað.
Nu wæs æt nehstan þæt us nergend Crist,
halig heofenes weord, heolp and lærde.
He hine dyppan let deorum þweale,
fulwihtes bæðe, fyrena bedæled,
and he feowertig daga
eac nihta swa feala nanuht gyltig,
leodum to lare, þæt hie on lengten sceolan
efen feowertig daga fæsten hewan.
Hine costude þær Cristes gewinna
on þæm ænete eald and fræte,
geseah mærne frean mannum gelicne
and þa wenan ongann, wommes gemyndig,
þæt he stræla his stellan mihte
on þam lichoman; næs þæs leahtra nan,
ac on hinder gewat hearmes brytta,
and þær englas hyra ealdor sohtan.
Higesynnig man, gyf þe susla weard
costian durre, þonne he Crist dyde,
wereda wulderfrean, womma leasne,
ne mæg he þæs inne ahwæt scotian
gif he myrcels næfþ manes æt egum,
ac he on hinder scriþ, and þe halig
englas ærfæste æghwær helpað,
gif þu dryhtnes her dædum fylgest.
Hæbbe we nu gemearcod hu þa mæran iu
feowertig daga fæsten hewdon,
and we bebeodað þurh beorn godes
þæt manna gehwilc þe for moldan wunað
ær þam æreste ures dryhtnes
efen feowertig daga fæsten hewe
oþ þa nigoþan tid, and he na bruce
flæsces oþþe fyrna, þæ læs þe he fah wese.
Sceolan sacerdas singan mæssan,
dæghwamlice dryhten biddan
on þam fæstenne þæt he freond wese
folce gynd foldan, and þa fyrna sceolan
þam sacerdan secgan gehwilce
and þa dymnissa
dædum betan
wordes and weorces, wuldres ealdor
þurh ælmesdæde eall gegladian.
þonne is þearf micel þeoda mænium
þæt þa sacerdos
sylfe ne gyltan,
ne on leahtrum hiora ligegen to fæste.
Hwa mæg þyngian þreale hwilcum
wiþ his arwesan, gyf he him ærur hæfð
bitere onbolgen, and þæs bote ne deð,
ac þa æbyligþe ealdere wrohte,
dædum niwað?
Gyf se sacerd hine
sylfne ne cunne
þurh dryhtnes ege dugeþum healdan,
nu þa, folces mann, fyrna ne gyme
þe gehalgod mann her gefremme,
ac þu lare scealt lustum fremman
ryhthicgennde þe he to ræde tæchð,
drince he him þæt drofe
wæter of wege, þæt is wuldres lare.
Ac ic secgan mæg, sorgum hremig,
hu þa sacerdas sace niwiað,
dæghwamlice dryhten gremiað
and mid æfeste
ælcne forlædað
þe him fylian wyle folces manna;
sona hie on mergan mæssan syngað
and forþegide, þurste gebæded,
æfter tæppere teoþ geond stræta.
Hwæt! Hi leaslice leogan ongynnað
and þone tæppere tyhtaþ gelome,
secgaþ þæt he synleas syllan mote
ostran to æte and æþele wyn
emb morgentyd,
þæs þe me þingeð
þæt hund and wulf healdað þa ilcan
wisan on worulde and ne wigliað
hwæne hie to mose fon, mæða bedæled.
Hi þonne sittende sadian aginnað,
sinne semað, syllað gelome,
cweðað goddlife gumena gehwilcum
þæt wines dreng
welhwa mote,
siþþan he mæssan hafað, meþig þicgan,
etan ostran eac and oþerne
fisc of flode
326. Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version
Dobbie, 1942 105; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Nu scylun hergan hefaenricaes uard,
metudæs maecti end his modgidanc,
uerc uuldurfadur, sue he uundra gihuaes,
eci dryctin, or astelidæ.
He aerist scop aelda barnum
heben til hrofe, haleg scepen;
tha middungeard moncynnæs uard,
eci dryctin, æfter tiadæ
firum foldu, frea allmectig.
327. Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version
Dobbie, 1942 106; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Nu sculon herigean heofonrices weard,
meotodes meahte and his modgeþanc,
weorc wuldorfæder, swa he wundra gehwæs,
ece drihten, or onstealde.
He ærest sceop eorðan bearnum
heofon to hrofe, halig scyppend;
þa middangeard moncynnes weard,
ece drihten, æfter teode
firum foldan, frea ælmihtig.
328. Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version
Dobbie, 1942 107; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Fore thaem neidfaerae naenig uuiurthit
thoncsnotturra, than him tharf sie
to ymbhycggannae aer his hiniongae
huaet his gastae godaes aeththa yflaes
aefter deothdaege doemid uueorthae.
329. Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version
Dobbie, 1942 108; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Fore ðaem nedfere nenig wiorðeð
ðonosnottorra ðon him ðearf riae
to ymbhycgenne aer his hinionge
hwet his gastę
godes oððe yfles
ester deaðdege doemed wiorðe.
330. Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version
Dobbie, 1942 108; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).For þam nedfere næni wyrþeþ
þances snotera, þonne him þearf sy
to gehicgenne ær his heonengange
hwæt his gaste godes oþþe yfeles
æfter deaþe heonon demed weorþe.
331. The Leiden Riddle
Dobbie, 1942 109; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Mec se ueta uong, uundrum freorig,
ob his innaðae aerest cændæ.
Ni uaat ic mec biuorthæ uullan fliusum,
herum ðerh hehcraeft, hygiðonc/.
Uundnae me ni biað ueflæ, ni ic uarp hafæ,
ni ðerih ðreatun giðraec
ðret me hlimmith,
ne me hrutendu hrisil scelfath,
ni mec ouana aam sceal cnyssa.
Uyrmas mec ni auefun uyrdi craeftum,
ða ði geolu godueb geatum fraetuath.
Uil mec huethrae suae ðeh uidæ ofaer eorðu
hatan mith hęliðum hyhtlic giuæde;
ni anoegun ic me aerigfaerae egsan brogum,
ðeh ði n/ /n siæ niudlicae ob cocrum.
332. Latin-English Proverbs
Dobbie, 1942 109; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).[Ardor frigesscit, nitor squalescit,
amor abolescit, lux obtenebrescit].
Hat acolað, hwit asolað,
leof alaðaþ, leoht aðystrað.
[Senescunt omnia que ęterna non sunt].
æghwæt forealdað þæs þe ece ne byð.
333. The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care
Dobbie, 1942 110; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).þis ærendgewrit Agustinus
ofer sealtne sæ suðan brohte
iegbuendum, swa hit ær fore
adihtode dryhtnes cempa,
Rome papa. Ryhtspell monig
Gregorius gleawmod gindwod
ðurh sefan snyttro, searoðonca hord.
Forðæm he monncynnes mæst gestriende
rodra wearde, Romwara betest,
monna modwelegost, mærðum gefrægost.
Siððan min on englisc ælfred kyning
awende worda gehwelc, and me his writerum
sende suð and norð, heht him swelcra ma
brengan bi ðære bisene, ðæt he his biscepum
sendan meahte, forðæm hi his sume ðorfton,
ða ðe lædenspræce læste cuðon.
334. The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care
Dobbie, 1942 111; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).ðis is nu se wæterscipe ðe us wereda god
to frofre gehet foldbuendum.
He cwæð ðæt he wolde ðæt on worulde forð
of ðæm innoðum a libbendu
wætru fleowen, ðe wel on hine
gelifden under lyfte. Is hit lytel tweo
ðæt ðæs wæterscipes welsprynge is
on hefonrice, ðæt is halig gæst.
ðonan hine hlodan halge and gecorene,
siððan hine gierdon ða ðe gode herdon
ðurh halga bec hider on eorðan
geond manna mod missenlice.
Sume hine weriað on gewitlocan,
wisdomes stream, welerum gehæftað,
ðæt he on unnyt ut ne tofloweð.
Ac se wæl wunað on weres breostum
ðurh dryhtnes giefe diop and stille.
Sume hine lætað ofer landscare
riðum torinnan; nis ðæt rædlic ðing,
gif swa hlutor wæter, hlud and undiop,
tofloweð æfter feldum oð hit to fenne werð.
Ac hladað iow nu drincan, nu iow dryhten geaf
ðæt iow Gregorius gegiered hafað
to durum iowrum dryhtnes welle.
Fylle nu his fætels, se ðe fæstne hider
kylle brohte, cume eft hræðe.
Gif her ðegna hwelc ðyrelne kylle
brohte to ðys burnan, bete hine georne,
ðy læs he forsceade scirost wætra,
oððe him lifes drync forloren weorðe.
335. The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues
Dobbie, 1942 112-13; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
/e ðe me rædan ðance,
he in me findan mæg, gif hine feola lysteð
gastlices lifes godre biesene,
þæt he ful eaþe mæg upp gestigan
to ðam heofonlican hame, þar byð a hyht and wyn,
blis on burgum, þam þe bearn godes
sielfes hiora eagum geseon motan.
þæt mæg se mon begytan, se þe his modgeðanc
æltowe byþ, and þonne þurh his ingehygd
to þissa haligra helpe geliefeð,
ond hiora bisene fulgað, swa þeos boc sagað.
Me awritan het Wulfstan bisceop,
þeow and þearfa þæs þe alne þrym aof,
and eac walden is
wihta gehwelcre,
an ece god eallra gesceafta.
Bideþ þe se bisceop, se þe ðas boc begeat
þe þu on þinum handum nu hafast and sceawast,
þæt þu him to þeossum halgum helpe bidde,
þe heora gemynd her on gemearcude siendon,
and þæt him god ællmihtig
forgyu/ þa gyltas þe he geo worhte,
and eac resðe mid him, se ðe ah ealles rices geweald,
and eac swa his beahgifan, þe him ðas bysene forgeaf,
þæt is se selesða
sinces brytta,
ælfryd mid Englum, ealra cyninga
þara þe he sið oððe ær fore secgan hyrde,
oððe he iorðcyninga ær ænigne gefrugne.
336. The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Dobbie, 1942 113; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).
Bidde ic eac æghwylcne mann,
brego, rices weard, þe þas boc ræde
and þa bredu befo, fira aldor,
þæt gefyrðrige þone writre wynsum cræfte
þe ðas boc awrat bam handum twam,
þæt he mote manega gyt mundum synum
geendigan, his aldre to willan,
and him þæs geunne se ðe ah ealles geweald,
rodera waldend, þæt he on riht mote
oð his daga ende drihten herigan.
Amen. Geweorþe þæt.
337. The Brussels Cross
Rod is min nama. Geo ic ricne cyning
bær byfigynde, blode bestemed.
þas rode het æþlmær wyrican and Aðelwold hys beroþor
Criste to lofe for ælfrices saule hyra beroþor.
338. For Unfruitful Land
Dobbie, 1942 116-18; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Her ys seo bot, hu ðu meaht þine æceras betan gif hi
nellaþ wel wexan oþþe þær hwilc ungedefe þing on gedon bið
on dry oððe on lyblace. Genim þonne on niht, ær hyt
dagige, feower tyrf on feower healfa þæs landes, and gemearca
hu hy ær stodon. Nim þonne ele and hunig and beorman,
and ælces feos meolc þe on þæm lande sy, and ælces treow-
cynnes dæl þe on þæm lande sy gewexen, butan heardan
beaman, and ælcre namcuþre wyrte dæl, butan glappan anon,
and do þonne haligwæter ðær on, and drype þonne þriwa on
þone staðol þara turfa, and cweþe ðonne ðas word: [Crescite],
wexe, [et multiplicamini], and gemænigfealda, [et replete], and
gefylle, [terre], þas eorðan. [In nomine patris et filii et spiritus
sancti sit benedicti]. And Pater Noster swa oft swa þæt oðer.
And bere siþþan ða turf to circean, and mæssepreost asinge
feower mæssan ofer þan turfon, and wende man þæt grene to
ðan weofode, and siþþan gebringe man þa turf þær hi ær
wæron ær sunnan setlgange. And hæbbe him gæworht of
cwicbeame feower Cristes mælo and awrite on ælcon ende:
Matheus and Marcus, Lucas and Iohannes. Lege þæt
Cristes mæl on þone pyt neoþeweardne, cweðe ðonne: [Crux
Matheus, crux Marcus, crux Lucas, crux sanctus Iohannes].
Nim ðonne þa turf and sete ðær ufon on and cweþe ðonne
nigon siþon þas word, [Crescite], and swa oft Pater Noster,
and wende þe þonne eastweard, and onlut nigon siðon
eadmodlice, and cweð þonne þas word:
Eastweard ic stande, arena ic me bidde,
bidde ic þone mæran domine, bidde ðone miclan drihten,
bidde ic ðone haligan heofonrices weard,
eorðan ic bidde and upheofon
and ða soþan sancta Marian
and heofones meaht and heahreced,
þæt ic mote þis gealdor mid gife drihtnes
toðum ontynan þurh trumne geþanc,
aweccan þas wæstmas us to woruldnytte,
gefyllan þas foldan mid fæste geleafan,
wlitigigan þas wancgturf, swa se witega cwæð
þæt se hæfde are on eorþrice, se þe ælmyssan
dælde domlice drihtnes þances.
Wende þe þonne [III] sunganges, astrece þonne on andlang
and arim þær letanias and cweð þonne: Sanctus, sanctus,
sanctus oþ ende. Sing þonne Benedicite aþenedon earmon
and Magnificat and Pater Noster [III], and bebeod hit Criste
and sancta Marian and þære halgan rode to lofe and to
weorþinga and to are þam þe þæt land age and eallon þam þe
him underðeodde synt. ðonne þæt eall sie gedon, þonne
nime man uncuþ sæd æt ælmesmannum and selle him twa
swylc, swylce man æt him nime, and gegaderie ealle his
sulhgeteogo togædere; borige þonne on þam beame stor and
finol and gehalgode sapan and gehalgod sealt. Nim þonne
þæt sæd, sete on þæs sules bodig, cweð þonne:
Erce, Erce, Erce, eorþan modor,
geunne þe se alwalda, ece drihten,
æcera wexendra and wridendra,
eacniendra and elniendra,
sceafta hehra,
scirra wæstma,
and þæra bradan berewæstma,
and þæra hwitan hwætewæstma,
and ealra eorþan wæstma.
Geunne him ece drihten
and his halige, þe on heofonum synt,
þæt hys yrþ si gefriþod wið ealra feonda gehwæne,
and heo si geborgen wið ealra bealwa gehwylc,
þara lyblaca geond land sawen.
Nu ic bidde ðone waldend, se ðe ðas woruld gesceop,
þæt ne sy nan to þæs cwidol wif ne to þæs cræftig man
þæt awendan ne mæge
word þus gecwedene.
þonne man þa sulh forð drife and þa forman furh onsceote,
cweð þonne:
Hal wes þu, folde, fira modor!
Beo þu growende on godes fæþme,
fodre gefylled firum to nytte.
Nim þonne ælces cynnes melo and abacæ man innewerdre
handa bradnæ hlaf and gecned hine mid meolce and mid
haligwætere and lecge under þa forman furh. Cweþe þonne:
Ful æcer fodres fira cinne,
beorhtblowende, þu gebletsod weorþ
þæs haligan noman þe ðas heofon gesceop
and ðas eorþan þe we on lifiaþ;
se god, se þas grundas geworhte, geunne us growende gife,
þæt us corna gehwylc cume to nytte.
Cweð þonne [III] [Crescite in nomine patris, sit benedicti.
Amen] and Pater Noster þriwa.
339. The Nine Herbs Charm
Dobbie, 1942 119-21; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 150-56; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).Gemyne ðu, mucgwyrt, hwæt þu ameldodest,
hwæt þu renadest æt Regenmelde.
Una þu hattest, yldost wyrta.
ðu miht wið [III] and wið [XXX],
þu miht wiþ attre and wið onflyge,
þu miht wiþ þam laþan ðe geond lond færð.
Ond þu, wegbrade, wyrta modor,
eastan openo, innan mihtigu;
ofer ðe
crætu curran, ofer ðe cwene reodan,
ofer ðe bryde bryodedon, ofer þe fearras fnærdon.
Eallum þu þon wiðstode and wiðstunedest;
swa ðu wiðstonde attre and onflyge
and þæm laðan þe geond lond fereð.
Stune hætte þeos wyrt, heo on stane geweox;
stond heo wið attre, stunað heo wærce.
Stiðe heo hatte, wiðstunað heo attre,
wreceð heo wraðan, weorpeð ut attor.
þis is seo wyrt seo wiþ wyrm gefeaht,
þeos mæg wið attre, heo mæg wið onflyge,
heo mæg wið ðam laþan ðe geond lond fereþ.
Fleoh þu nu, attorlaðe, seo læsse ða maran,
seo mare þa læssan, oððæt him beigra bot sy.
Gemyne þu, mægðe, hwæt þu ameldodest,
hwæt ðu geændadest æt Alorforda;
þæt næfre for gefloge feorh ne gesealde
syþðan him mon mægðan to mete gegyrede.
þis is seo wyrt ðe wergulu hatte;
ðas onsænde seolh ofer sæs hrygc
ondan attres oþres to bote.
ðas [VIIII] magon
wið nygon attrum.
Wyrm com snican, toslat he man;
ða genam Woden [VIIII] wuldortanas,
sloh ða þa næddran, þæt heo on [VIIII] tofleah.
þær geændade æppel and attor,
þæt heo næfre ne wolde on hus bugan.
Fille and finule, felamihtigu twa,
þa wyrte gesceop witig drihten,
halig on heofonum, þa he hongode;
sette and sænde on [VII] worulde
earmum and eadigum eallum to bote.
Stond heo wið wærce, stunað heo wið attre,
seo mæg wið [III] and wið [XXX],
wið feondes hond and wið færbregde,
wið malscrunge
manra wihta.
Nu magon þas [VIIII] wyrta wið nygon wuldorgeflogenum,
wið [VIIII] attrum and wið nygon onflygnum,
wið ðy readan attre, wið ðy runlan attre,
wið ðy hwitan attre, wið ðy wedenan attre,
wið ðy geolwan attre, wið ðy grenan attre,
wið ðy wonnan attre, wið ðy wedenan attre,
wið ðy brunan attre, wið ðy basewan attre,
wið wyrmgeblæd, wið wætergeblæd,
wið þorngeblæd, wið þystelgeblæd,
wið ysgeblæd, wið attorgeblæd,
gif ænig attor cume eastan fleogan
oððe ænig norðan cume
oððe ænig westan ofer werðeode.
Crist stod ofer adle
ængan cundes.
Ic ana wat ea rinnende
þær þa nygon nædran
nean behealdað;
motan ealle weoda nu wyrtum aspringan,
sæs toslupan, eal sealt wæter,
ðonne ic þis attor of ðe geblawe.
Mugcwyrt, wegbrade þe eastan open sy, lombescyrse,
attorlaðan, mageðan, netelan, wudusuræppel, fille and finul,
ealde sapan. Gewyrc ða wyrta to duste, mængc wiþ þa
sapan and wiþ þæs æpples gor. Wyrc slypan of wætere
and of axsan, genim finol, wyl on þære slyppan and beþe mid
æggemongc, þonne he þa sealfe on do, ge ær ge æfter. Sing
þæt galdor on ælcre þara wyrta, [III] ær he hy wyrce and
on þone æppel ealswa; ond singe þon men in þone muð and
in þa earan buta and on ða wunde þæt ilce gealdor, ær he
þa sealfe on do.
340. Against a Dwarf
Dobbie, 1942 121-2; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 160-62; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).Wið dweorh man sceal niman [VII] lytle oflætan, swylce
man mid ofrað, and writan þas naman on ælcre oflætan:
Maximianus, Malchus, Iohannes, Martimianus, Dioni-
sius, Constantinus, Serafion. þænne eft þæt galdor, þæt
her æfter cweð, man sceal singan, ærest on þæt wynstre
eare, þænne on þæt swiðre eare, þænne bufan þæs mannes
moldan. And ga þænne an mædenman to and ho hit on
his sweoran, and do man swa þry dagas; him bið sona sel.
Her com in gangan, in spiderwiht,
hæfde him his haman on handa, cwæð þæt þu his hæncgest wære,
legde þe his teage an sweoran. Ongunnan him of þæm lande liþan;
sona swa hy of þæm lande coman, þa ongunnan him ða liþu colian.
þa com in gangan
dweores sweostar;
þa geændade heo and aðas swor
ðæt næfre þis ðæm adlegan derian ne moste,
ne þæm þe þis galdor begytan mihte,
oððe þe þis galdor ongalan cuþe.
[Amen. Fiað].
341. For a Sudden Stitch
Dobbie, 1942 122-3; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 172-6; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).Wið færstice feferfuige and seo reade netele, ðe þurh
ærn inwyxð, and wegbrade; wyll in buteran.
Hlude wæran hy, la, hlude, ða hy ofer þone hlæw ridan,
wæran anmode, ða hy ofer land ridan.
Scyld ðu ðe nu, þu ðysne nið genesan mote.
Ut, lytel spere, gif her inne sie!
Stod under linde, under leohtum scylde,
þær ða mihtigan wif hyra mægen beræddon
and hy gyllende garas sændan;
ic him oðerne eft wille sændan,
fleogende flane forane togeanes.
Ut, lytel spere, gif hit her inne sy!
Sæt smið, sloh seax lytel,
wundrum swiðe.
Ut, lytel spere, gif her inne sy!
Syx smiðas sætan, wælspera worhtan.
Ut, spere, næs in, spere!
Gif her inne sy
isernes dæl,
hægtessan geweorc, hit sceal gemyltan.
Gif ðu wære on fell scoten oððe wære on flæsc scoten
oððe wære on blod scoten
oððe wære on lið scoten, næfre ne sy ðin lif atæsed;
gif hit wære esa gescot oððe hit wære ylfa gescot
oððe hit wære hægtessan gescot, nu ic wille ðin helpan.
þis ðe to bote esa gescotes, ðis ðe to bote ylfa gescotes,
ðis ðe to bote hægtessan gescotes; ic ðin wille helpan.
Fleoh þær on fyrgenheafde.
Hal westu, helpe ðin drihten!
Nim þonne þæt seax, ado on wætan.
342. For Loss of Cattle
Dobbie, 1942 123; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 182; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).þonne þe mon ærest secge þæt þin ceap sy losod, þonne
cweð þu ærest, ær þu elles hwæt cweþe:
Bæðleem hatte seo buruh þe Crist on acænned wæs,
seo is gemærsod geond ealne middangeard;
swa þyos dæd for monnum mære gewurþe
þurh þa haligan Cristes rode! Amen. Gebide þe þonne
þriwa east and cweþ þonne þriwa: [Crux Christi ab oriente
reducað]. Gebide þe þonne þriwa west and cweð þonne
þriwa: [Crux Christi ab occidente reducat]. Gebide þe
þonne þriwa suð and cweþ þriwa: [Crux Christi ab austro
reducat]. Gebide þonne þriwa norð and cweð þriwa: [Crux
Christi ab aquilone reducað, crux Christi abscondita est et
inuenta est.] Iudeas Crist ahengon, dydon dæda þa
wyrrestan, hælon þæt hy forhelan ne mihtan. Swa þeos
dæd nænige þinga forholen ne wurþe þurh þa haligan
Cristes rode. Amen.
343. For Delayed Birth
Dobbie, 1942 123-4; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York); Grattan and Singer, 1952 188-90; Grattan, J.H.G. and Singer, C., Anglo-Saxon Magic and Medicine, Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum n.s. 3 (London).Se wifman, se hire cild afedan ne mæg, gange to gewitenes
mannes birgenne and stæppe þonne þriwa ofer þa byrgenne
and cweþe þonne þriwa þas word:
þis me to bote þære laþan lætbyrde,
þis me to bote þære swæran swærbyrde,
þis me to bote þære laðan lambyrde.
And þonne þæt wif seo mid bearne and heo to hyre hlaforde
on reste ga, þonne cweþe heo:
Up ic gonge, ofer þe stæppe
mid cwican cilde, nalæs mid cwellendum,
mid fulborenum, nalæs mid fægan.
And þonne seo modor gefele þæt þæt bearn si cwic, ga
þonne to cyrican, and þonne heo toforan þan weofode cume,
cweþe þonne:
Criste, ic sæde, þis gecyþed!
Se wifmon, se hyre bearn afedan ne mæge, genime heo
sylf hyre agenes cildes gebyrgenne dæl, wry æfter þonne on
blace wulle and bebicge to cepemannum and cweþe þonne:
Ic hit bebicge, ge hit bebicgan,
þas sweartan wulle and þysse sorge corn.
Se wifman, se ne mæge bearn afedan, nime þonne anes
bleos cu meoluc on hyre handæ and gesupe þonne mid hyre
muþe and gange þonne to yrnendum wætere and spiwe þær
in þa meolc and hlade þonne mid þære ylcan hand þæs
wæteres muð fulne and forswelge. Cweþe þonne þas word:
Gehwer ferde ic me þone mæran maga þihtan,
mid þysse mæran mete þihtan;
þonne ic me wille habban and ham gan.
þonne heo to þan broce ga, þonne ne beseo heo, no ne eft
þonne heo þanan ga, and þonne ga heo in oþer hus oþer heo
ut ofeode and þær gebyrge metes.
344. For the Water-Elf Disease
Dobbie, 1942 124-5; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Gif mon biþ on wæterælfadle, þonne beoþ him þa hand-
næglas wonne and þa eagan tearige and wile locian niþer.
Do him þis to læcedome: eoforþrote, cassuc, fone nioþo-
weard, eowberge, elehtre, eolone, merscmealwan crop,
fenminte, dile, lilie, attorlaþe, polleie, marubie, docce, ellen,
felterre, wermod, streawbergean leaf, consolde; ofgeot mid
ealaþ, do hæligwæter to, sing þis gealdor ofer þriwa:
Ic benne awrat betest beadowræda,
swa benne ne burnon, ne burston,
ne fundian, ne feologan,
ne hoppettan, ne wund waxsian,
ne dolh diopian; ac him self healde halewæge,
ne ace þe þon ma, þe eorþan on eare ace.
Sing þis manegum siþum: Eorþe þe onbere eallum hire
mihtum and mægenum. þas galdor mon mæg singan on
345. For a Swarm of Bees
Dobbie, 1942 125; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Wið ymbe nim eorþan, oferweorp mid þinre swiþran
handa under þinum swiþran fet, and cwet:
Fo ic under fot, funde ic hit.
Hwæt, eorðe mæg wið ealra wihta gehwilce
and wið andan and wið æminde
and wið þa micelan mannes tungan.
And wiððon forweorp ofer greot, þonne hi swirman, and cweð:
Sitte ge, sigewif, sigað to eorþan!
Næfre ge wilde to wuda fleogan.
Beo ge swa gemindige mines godes,
swa bið manna gehwilc metes and eþeles.
346. For Theft of Cattle
Dobbie, 1942 125-6; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Ne forstolen ne forholen nanuht, þæs ðe ic age, þe ma ðe
mihte Herod urne drihten. Ic geþohte sancte Eadelenan
and ic geþohte Crist on rode ahangen; swa ic þence þis feoh
to findanne, næs to oðfeorrganne, and to witanne, næs to
oðwyrceanne, and to lufianne, næs to oðlædanne.
Garmund, godes ðegen,
find þæt feoh and fere þæt feoh
and hafa þæt feoh and heald þæt feoh
and fere ham þæt feoh.
þæt he næfre næbbe landes, þæt he hit oðlæde,
ne foldan, þæt hit oðferie,
ne husa, þæt he hit oðhealde.
Gif hyt hwa gedo, ne gedige hit him næfre!
Binnan þrym nihtum cunne ic his mihta,
his mægen and his mihta and his mundcræftas.
Eall he weornige, swa syre wudu weornie,
swa breðel seo swa þystel,
se ðe ðis feoh oðfergean þence
oððe ðis orf oðehtian ðence.
347. For Loss of Cattle
Dobbie, 1942 126; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man for-
stolenne. Cwyð ær he ænyg oþer word cweðe:
Bethlem hattæ seo burh ðe Crist on geboren wes,
seo is gemærsod ofer ealne middangeard;
swa ðeos dæd wyrþe for monnum mære,
[per crucem Christi]! And gebide þe ðonne þriwa east and
cweð þriwa: [Crux Christi ab oriente reducat]. And [III]
west and cweð: [Crux Christi ab occidente reducat]. And
[III] suð and cweð: [Crux Christi a meridie reducant]. And
[III] norð and cweð: [Crux Christi abscondita sunt et inuenta
est]. Iudeas Crist ahengon, gedidon him dæda þa wyrstan;
hælon þæt hi forhelan ne mihton. Swa næfre ðeos dæd
forholen ne wyrðe [per crucem Christi].
348. A Journey Charm
Dobbie, 1942 126-8; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Ic me on þisse gyrde beluce and on godes helde bebeode
wið þane sara stice, wið þane sara slege,
wið þane grymma gryre,
wið ðane micela egsa þe bið eghwam lað,
and wið eal þæt lað þe in to land fare.
Sygegealdor ic begale, sigegyrd ic me wege,
wordsige and worcsige. Se me dege;
ne me mere ne gemyrre, ne me maga ne geswence,
ne me næfre minum feore forht ne gewurþe,
ac gehæle me ælmihtig and sunu
and frofre gast,
ealles wuldres
wyrðig dryhten,
swa swa ic gehyrde heofna scyppende.
Abrame and Isace
and swilce men, Moyses and Iacob,
and Dauit and Iosep
and Evan and Annan and Elizabet,
Saharie and ec Marie, modur Cristes,
and eac þæ gebroþru, Petrus and Paulus,
and eac þusend
þinra engla
clipige ic me to are wið eallum feondum.
Hi me ferion and friþion and mine fore nerion,
eal me gehealdon,
me gewealdon,
worces stirende; si me wuldres hyht,
hand ofer heafod, haligra rof,
sigerofra sceolu, soðfæstra engla.
Biddu ealle bliðu mode
þæt me beo Matheus helm, Marcus byrne,
leoht, lifes rof, Lucos min swurd,
scearp and scirecg, scyld Iohannes,
wuldre gewlitegod
wælgar Serafhin.
Forð ic gefare, frind ic gemete,
eall engla blæd, eadiges lare.
Bidde ic nu sigeres god godes miltse,
siðfæt godne, smylte and lihte
waroþum. Windas gefran,
circinde wæter
wið eallum feondum. Freond ic gemete wið,
þæt ic on þæs ælmihtgian
wunian mote,
belocun wið þam laþan, se me lyfes eht,
on engla blæd
and inna halre hand
þa hwile þe ic on þis life wunian mote.
349. Against a Wen
Dobbie, 1942 128; Dobbie, E.V.K., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, ASPR 6 (New York).Wenne, wenne, wenchichenne,
her ne scealt þu timbrien, ne nenne tun habben,
ac þu scealt north eonene to þan nihgan berhge,
þer þu hauest, ermig, enne broþer.
He þe sceal legge leaf et heafde.
Under fot wolues, under ueþer earnes,
under earnes clea, a þu geweornie.
Clinge þu alswa col on heorþe,
scring þu alswa scerne awage,
and weorne alswa weter on anbre.
Swa litel þu gewurþe alswa linsetcorn,
and miccli lesse alswa anes handwurmes hupeban,
and alswa litel þu gewurþe þet þu nawiht gewurþe.